t 2 THE SCEANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6. 394. ONE CENT A Word. Want) of all kinds ttti thut MtttJs) -apt Situations Wanted,whi.h are tnttrtta FEES. VtnUd AMTItT AH VuL ' A ' CATHOLIC Are yu uiiiuiplojed? Will you work ivT SIS per weak- Writ loday. J R OAl, ii Firtli Tal. Chicago, DL WAiiTBD-'WOBK FOR A tiOOD TEAM Will work cheap AJJr.as H A. -ilirti. tJunjnoie, I'a. Fir Sole. fruit SAili'-'u.' m.-kc'Varm. : V and uUMlli .1 M 3HlFFlELD, tfS Monro ave. FOR SALE - ONE NEW YOST TYPE writer, also oat new Abbott cbeck punch tit a bargain. Addre H J , euro Tribune ol flco. t ro SALE OhtAF, (UK WANT OF C3E -T a flut clas freigh. '.-vtoi, ciectm gotor. sbartin?. behinR, utc Apply ut ELK UILDINO, lis anil 12T Franklin .iv-nue, 01 to I. L WILLIAMS, Andrew. 0SiUTE0B"':tCHANlJfc FOR BOH AN ton property A bearing orange grovo rii:reain; in production and value yearly iu M oraiig section in Florida. m F. E. KETTT.ETON, Lake Helen. Florida For Rent. For renta large stre room at 4be Spruoa ,i. . : Inquire at 111 Wyom log a.cuuo OR aENfTHE Turkishes RtSI ilence of the late William W :,i 12.' Jetreison avenue, witn or without barn in tne rear Inquire of H. A Kuapp, Republiean building m FOR RBM'- TWO-SToBY BRICK DUEL ling bwuae; modern luiuroTemsur. 31i F-rett court Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, agent 721 Wwl Lackawauii aveniu): rfO LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS 1 Fai tor allot ttie LunlioJ tent of yard room along rallr oad Apply at 1SI Fraultliu avenue. 'PO RENT -STOHK Sai. OR FURNISHED 1 ball on Green Ridge etreet. Vtrydof-T-1 bit location and on reasonably ti-rms. Apply to F E. NETTLETuN or 0 S. WOODRufF, Htpubll.nl, bnUdtM Htt -state J" fUSS VSEk "Sis 5 le Hst w'QrmNijV aveuue; very dfgirable looation. Anoly G r. REYNOLDS, or WILI.ARIi. WARREN & KNAPP. OV,iJ WILL BUY MODERN NEW 8 ROOM O boute, all tmpruYerneut. term aaty; cor liar Madlion areinie and Deleware tieet. Ap ply HARRY LEBB Vi.WU Vv ILL BUY EK. DK81KAHLE LOT iP corner Madiaon avenue and Delaware ttreet rerun easy Apply harry i.ees. Money to Loan. tl ODD OR J.OO0 .0 LOAN ON FIRST MORT .. gage Addrajj K. THIBl Nz aflice Special Notices. THE ANNUAL isTut'KHt I.LtltS MEL 4 ing of tbe Wcetoii Mill I o , tor be adop tlon of by-law, election of officer, and such other i. , - a may wine beioie tne meet lug Kill be held a: tbe Mist -National batik at eignt ooiook p in , - .-.iruay January itu a. w un ks .n, racrotarv oriifJE SOLDIER IN OCR CIVIL WAR ' 1 containing Frank Lealie a farnoua old picture. Two volumes folio. Every page illustrated. Over VAopago As an edu cator It I unexcelled SoUl on easy monthly payment, both volume delivered complete Address P O Moody. SKI Franklin avenue, MtBt for Northeastern Pennaylvant.i. VJCKANTON WRiNGKR HOBPITAIa 8U i Sptuce (treet, grouud floor 1Uo beat aolid white rubber rollers, one dollar each Woi k guaranteed by tbe oldest and unly ex pert w ringer repairer i-Boran ton Business Personals DANTAffl hih'ilKj u.Si.i iBEAT8T ra-Woraf BOB deieloper l.nown, Blieughl! u, InVigoiates I ... :.. Guaranteed -Sena hUtup fut .....na alhiniar, Dr. H T liliiLB B, U -N Cbkago. Al)lETWTslmEONLYslK ccssful Bust ueveloper known Never rail is... Full eonbdential partlOUlarl ..seated.) tot as tamt Mia, Dr. u T. hi; lie, 'i (Jnlr.cy St., Chicaao GENERAL NEWS OE room Locai Stock Compi- Farmad iu bjieiop Bmttb CdDddo Copper Deposlti. VICTOR KOCH AND P. S, M IN II 6iephen i cr. et PfOvldinc anil Frank P Arnold, Upon Wli05e Farm the Deposits Are Located, Com prise the Other Members of the Company Coal Tiade Is Affected by the Continued Warm Weather -Other NtWk ol Industrial Art'alrs. Ecrauton Wboltaala Maikita. BCBANTUW. Jlitl t. fit Cilia AND PRO bCGS -Dried apple, per lb . 6aTe . Tap orated apple eA9u per lb ; Turkitb uruuaa, 4aS, , Engllth currant, ,m.)-,c , layer raialn, $1 voaU.bu; muiieateli, 91.40a LOO par taoij oafr Valenelaa, :iT. pel lb. BEAM -arronfats..f2.bUa-to perbasbeli medium, $1.80-1 9Q Psa8 Qresn, I1.25aI 80 k ,- bi.m.ki .,.m ts.SOaa oj, lentela, SalOc, per poind. Potato Kg 6oa?Uc. per LuebeL yjiui.i la.,!, per bngbat. bctiBk a:i'c pr lb. CBmaga lOaUJir. par lb. uob F reab. tjbaSdc. pickled, W.VjC : cooler -ii.. atkAia naiui, 10)A larg. 10c i ckiaugd bsma, 10c; Caiiforola bam, 8c.; abcaidar, bitft.. dr; ealted belliei, ';ic tmokad breakfast bacon I8a,j tresh pork loin, yc. , " Wyoming" pork eauaage, lie , Wyoming home made iaa age, 8-pound pall, lurded, 11c, butch er anutage, ec , otir ovo make: f resit pork abouldera. 7Kc : fresh pig' feet. Be. j iiettb pig' bead, 6c, fresh spare rib. Bo. freib l?at lard, Ho., freab kldttd, So. doz ; rough sausage meat, Sc . tongue, shc , placaa, 5c. each; v. bole bogs, 7to. Poke leai at lit. shortcut, 18 Lakb Leaf hi tirn nt u4 ; tabs, VHc-i ib lu-pouod pails, lOo ; in 6-pound palls, j. t-pound pail i..-, par poaad, bsh- Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c. PoOL'tar -Cblakeos. toaioc , tutkers, ioal.tx . ducks l'alSc Flour -Minnesota patent, per banal. 4.4ua4 Co, Otaio aud ludiaua ambar, at U.76; Urabaiu at tU50i ry tlouf, ai o Is BuckWHgAt F lour - i) 00 par cwt. i zii. Mi-c.i, par owt., at (1 ou 0RIN- -Hye, 05a : corn, 4W to 644. i oata, 45c par bushel Rtb BTRaw-Par ton, (Uadd. Hat -Per ton. tldalS. Dr. Woob'g Norway Pine Byri'P w ud for yean a a prescriptioit by a tttc cesBful pbygiciau. It is in all respects tbe best cough medicine made today. Sold by all dealer on a guarantee ot satisfaction. ' SJa Philadelphia Tallow Market. PaiLA-SLPBi.t, Jan 5. - Telle tr is ddll und uucbanged. We quote: Prime city, in hogsheads, 6c. country, pilme,tn barTels.ic. , do. datk.in barrels, 5c, cakes, Ejt;. , grease. Hc. i Spsolmen Caaas. B, H Clifford, Men Caasel, Wis , was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, bi liver was afrected to an aturruiug degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in neh and strength. Three bottles of lec trie Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd. Harrit.burg, HI , had a running sore ou bis leg ot eight years' standing, bleed three bottlet of Electric Bitters and seveu boxes of Buck ten' Ainioa bttlve and bi leg I sound and well. John -bunker, Catatvlia, o , bad live large fever sore on bis leg, doctors said be was incurable. One ho'tle Klectrio Bitters and one box Buckles' Arnica Salve cured him entirely, -old by Mat tbewa Bros. -.'-. Jl " " J. " 1 ". Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St. and Adam!? Ave. Court Hooa. tur All kiudi of Laundry work ggarabteed the be t. Last tumuier when it wat reported that copper ore in pftfi-g rJBtbiltlM had beeu discovered ou thi; fitrxn in South Canaan owned by Frntik P Ar nold, ot this city, says tbe .'nrbonrtule Herald, there were nianv who laughed at tbe idea and claimed that nothini; further would ever b beard of it Mr Arnold, however, bad faith in tbe die covery, and after several unsays of ore ruutjved trotn tbe tract had been iiud.-, decided that the field wouhl yet prove vnluHble, and Ins belief will yet be tul tilled Scranton capitalists have Inter ested themselves in tbe discovery, an I having leariied tii4 results of the tests were satUnsd to invest their money in developing tbe laud an t extracting tbe valuable uiutul They succeeded in t.iruiing a slock company und ure now engaged in purcbaiiug machinery to operate on Mr Arnold's property. Work will be begun iu tbe spring and tbe stockholders are confident that the venture will prove a source of profit to tbo company. Among those who are interested in tbe new mine are Victor Koch, proprietor of the Smrlton House, Stephen Feuner, ot Kenner V i.'lmppell, Froyldsnce. and Flummer B. Frtge. street car contractor, of Scranton. Mr. Arnold is given a large block of stuck in tbe new company for bis land and will receive a royalty on every ton of copper found there. After prolonged etudy or the Wilson bill, tbe Washington Post has come to the conclusion that at a remedy for ex isliug or fancied ills it is decidedly worse than tbe disease. It especially antagonist the income tai and the putting of coal ou the free list. L'oon this latur point the Post treuchautly sayt In theory, free fuel is unassailable. !u practice, it Will be disastrous. To open our seaports to foreign coal at this time is to strike a cruel blow at labor- to complete tbe paralysia of tbe railroad, already dis tressed to tbe last point ot eudurance by the operation ot thu interstate commetoe act aud the experimentation ot doctriu aires The railroads furnish livelihood to millions of our people impoverish tbem aud we precipitate wholesale calamity, 1-reecoalia a beatiful nietapuor where with to tickle the imagination of the work Ingiuan, bnt free coal at the cost of idle uess and (amine is too expensive eveu for the wealthy. There Is such a thing as enrlobing one iu theory and at the same tune destroying him in fact. The states niuushlp that blesses tbe citizeii with a figure of speech but strips biut ot the mean of enjoying realities is like the hos pitality of tbe Barmecide It will make of every laboiing man a Schacabuc What the country wauts i legislation that will start the wlieela or industry aud koep them rolling merrily not legislittiou that will cloc and paralyze them. Better high- priced necessities of life tnd th means of obtuiniug them than visions of 1 topiu in the hovels of tbe starving poor "High priced necessities, ' however, ia another "beautiful metaphor " Tjadera protective tariff pries have declined uutil th purchasing power of a dollar's wage wat greater in 1102 than during any preceding year in tbe past thirty yeart The anthracite coai trade is duller a presmt, according to tua Stockholder, than for many weeks, not only in this section, hut at other points, especially iu New England, w line tbe market is reported a stagnant There is no dt man I and even oft'ert to shade prioes fail to stimulate trade Reportt from Boston indicate a period ut depression for anthracite for tbe next tbret months or longer, unless prices are redueed to cdrifomi to reductions made in otber lines of business Trade is also very timet in the weet, and the stocks ou baud are considered a menace to future prices. Coutiderablo cntting is already in progress, dealers apparently having one end in view - to sell coal, lip to Deo 80 tbe increase in receipts at Chi cago for the year were '3lb,b53 tons via nil rail, but a decrease iu lake coal of t ; i it) tons, thus making a net increase In reoeints of ! -. tons In Phila delphia only a baud - to mouth business is being done, dealers keeping their or ilers well within tbe limit of demand. Prices here, however, have bean fairly well uiainteined.but tbe feeling autong coal men generally is not sanguine for their continuance unless production is kept down to market requirements, It ia slid that tbe trie pla i it not to have clear sailing. Uittatisfitd hold era of second consolidated bonds ur organizing to protect their interestt and to protest against the terms of fered by the director The fact that rixeu cbarget have been reduced Hnd that the itnc-boldera have not been called upon to pay any assessment or bear any part of tbe burden of reor gauization Is tbe chief basit of discon tent. The latter argue that their money has year after year bten 6a ptnded on the property In improve ments, aud that the bondholder have derlted all tbe bsuefit from the Same. Well Informed people, however, be lieve that Drexel, Morgan & Co, would not undertake tbe reorganii. ttion un less previously assured ot' a support of u majority of the bonds n is hardly possible, therefor, that any opposition to the plan will reiult ia better terms to bolder of the second consolidated bonds. Should tbe plan fail bolder of the seconds Would stand to lots 13 per cent, in interest before forolosure pro ceeding could be instituted A nro- ! traded and expensive reorganitttlon would follow, and the rult would tre I uncertain Misc-Lt aneoi.- Jorrnffff: The Beading coal tonnage for the week ended Deo. 30 decreased -T.tiiT tons, mak ing tbe total decrease for the year '.'0,861. An agreement has bean reached bv which the shcr'ff.s attachment on the tolling stock of the New Ebglaud will D lifted, and the nnestlou of a riermaneut I recoiver will go over for tan days in Ordsr ; to allow the disatisfisd parties to come to i an agreement. Twenty out of U twanfv three looms ; at tbe Wilkes-Barre MM M anufactarlitg . company' plant are in operation. Hupusioux contiuu at the Jersey Ceo tral shop!. D. A. Fell, r, road carpenter, wiie oruereu io cut uowu DIS force one half. Fully .'5,000 men have resumed woTt Itl tbe iron nulls of PItttburg this last weak. 1 be wage dispute betweeu soft coal bp eratoraand miner in Western Penalty l vnina is likely to be amicably settled Iu a few days. bo many LehigD Valley car and locomo- Low l.lu-i est. el 1 K m gk du 1?4 ,.4S Vsfc iJ llH IK, ta tt 4!) in ms, IUH ;Hi '.-a Mj 7rt ".le b t-j, tm o.' :iij :U4 Kb i.4-i. itafl lorJl, le.iv4 leulb m 5iE w& m H iflJ Bw m m ut c.'H UU if i bjl. li'l n 41'. 4ii 4jr6 fJj m u-jiji i w, L-it, Mm i iMM 03 IBM 4 a"( k:; irrti UU i.i&s i.vj l-4 IWa 15 la 11L IV . IVkt l'a 14 IV, 1i 44 Itfl I) tu IT 86)2 86)4 :,llt mt iii iav lata mi bXM at $ i IS l "i iO4 '"Tl 14 I3U iji., Blj altj i!l4 tlves have been smashed recently that they are being repaired in the Philadelphia and Boadlag chop in Heading. For seizing account books of tho MIBttl kbolll coal combine, seven Minnesota leg Islatots wore fined 500 each. I (Pint Lieutenant -iduey E. Stuart. United Stales army, bus been relieved from duty at the Bethlehem Iron Com pauy'a works and assigned to duty at the Dt) Pont i Wilmington, Cel., Powder works, hud Lieutenant J. Walker Iiiiuet will succeed him, having been relioVed nt fraukford rtrseual by Lieutenant C. H. Rusghr The No. ,': knitting mill of Warner De Fofest & Co., at Amsterdam, N. V., 1 being put iu readiues io lasumis opera lions pkt week. A full force will be en, "loved, Tbe Bar wick car shops here have received orders whicn burn started tho works in nil departments full handed. Isaac 1. Kice la said to mediia'.e a fight aaiust tionerul Manager Voorbee s reten tion by tbe Reading compauv while he 1 employed silnultaueously by the Lehiglt Valley. John Taylor, ganeral traffic manager of the Lehigh Valley railroad, is r apidly rt covering bis lormer robust health FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Si.ka and odi New toKK, Jan J -Speculation at the ttock exchange opened quiet aud about steady, but subsequently, owing to a hreak iu M.t-o ii, Pacibc, tbe mm ket declined. Missouri Pacific opened at 20f,,ioseto 8IU and then brokrf to 18 The room had u that the creditor of the company iuteuded applying lor a receiver but President Uoiild and Hu. sell Sage, who control the floating debt atnlad positively that tbeie was not a word of truth in the report iSear the close Louisville and Nashville lauwu totl'v, and the market left off about kteady; Total tale were 10",.0U Bhate The loilotvmg complete table showlux Ue day s diivttiath.it in active stocks is supplied and rtvlsed daily by i .r ... it Fuller, ataett biolcii 111 Wyoming .iventie Open Hi h 111 An Col Oil WH Ain Hiigar. "Hu A T. 31 H v ll Jan. rto 4V (.'en. a. J I it's Chic, N v. ta i.U v fall I 'hie. Was U'Jh, d . c , fj St i :iij t'Ol . I! , 111 t l P. Hi ii . L, at W b. 60 V Erie a. R.Vu Lake Shore L 4 N Manhattan Mi I'u'' Nat. Lead K, V 4 N K N. v ueittfa! ,., N V . D 4 w N . full, W.. II B. C, (.o North Pa.- North Pae jrf.... Omaha Pac Mail Heading Koek Islimd R T St. l'atll t.J'.t I ... Texas 4 Pac I'nloll Hae Wabash, of 14 W 1'alwi 4t Mew Vork Produce lHarkct. Nsw Voha, Jan. S.Fi-OUR More ac tive steadier. Whkat Spot'uiarket dull, easier; No. i red. store aud elevator. t,ii",ab,c. aflout, 67HaOSc. : f o b., u:ifl8ef ., ungraded red, f.'atisc; Wo. 1 northern, i-Hc; op tions closed weak at auc. under yester day' No. J red, Jauuary, bb,c.-, February, 8c ; Murcb, QVko.; April, Tu'jc. , May, il'c: Januaiy i'ac. ; Juiy.IBc i August, Tc ; December, 7bc. cons Spots, firm, quiet; No. a. fiwd bl ...... r JRlTJ ajat. I. t . ...... . ....I tSc . low liiixcd, IJ'.c.;' options Close.! steady at aVsc. tinder yesterdHV; Janu ary, iiyc , February, itfje May, 44'. c O-TS- Spots, dull, firm , options quiet, steady, tie, lower; Jannacy, U4c. ; Pebrn ary, 841c; Muy, a69,c. ; No. 9 white, P , h auary. S&a. , jpot price, No. i, HVo.; No. :, vVlnto, 35ic. ; No a Chicago, 35e ; No a, SS'Jc. ; Nb H white. JSWaSlc: mixed wettern, ii 'vaioi, c . white do , 8Ua40Kc-'. white, ttate. DJaSoU c BLkF Dull, steady; family ;uuU Iti.KK HatrtB-Stu'et, H5al5.a5. TiEitCEii Btir Dull j ertra ludia mess, llAaSQ, Col MEAis-Firm, unlet, pickled bel lies, ?h;a7ijc, pickled shoulders, tic; pickled brtms yuyne ; nxiadnt, nominal Labd Moderate demand, tirm, western ateam closed at M W; oily, Jauu ary, 8 .la; Irebiuary, J3.U0, May, il.'J), r, fined, quiet, hrni; continent, W.75; South America, iW.ao; comtranna, OVoH BUTTan (Joifct, weak; state dairy, 17a ate. ; do. creamery, lua.'Jc , western dairy, lOalKc , do. creainery. ItfaWWc ! do. fac tory, iSal'Jc i Elgins, iSaasc.; imltatiou crenmcry, IOKMM10. 1 fOHH laalUc. Cheese Mcaierate demand, unchanged. EGGSDull, unsettled; ice bouse, I8al7e ; limed, 15Jtal8o. , western fresh, lOa'Alc; do. seconds, per case, tl .Oaa ou, southern, Chicago Grain and Provision. SerUNTCN. Jr.h i - Tta following quota trons are supplied and c trected daily by I. a Bar s Puller I took broken Ui Wyemlncave n ue WH-AT j,.n. May July, opening ol4, VW e.s Highest Cj bt-l. -OWttt II tWM ,U Closiug ol M)H cTZ CORN upeiilne SO Mi SO Uiguett itiyi -Oh Lowo.st iitj ik'Uj a! ciotiug ui xt m OATS Ope'ilng -.'iik, UU UM Highest '.'St; 9U lL Lowest Ml iMg A Uloaiki few JJ .'i ronf Opening 1277 mi aikBttt im i.ow t ivto urr Closing I-V5 IJTu LaBu Opening s! TOO Highest tig '.! Lowest m .67 CI ting, ...... TSJ TiT SH In ltib-: opening Hltrl.est Lowest Closing ' a ' v i CUPPIO PRoli Canada Presbyterian, Uuuersigunture ot C BhiCkett Robinson, proprietor i was cured oi utt rexmrrju billioiis DtadaOBa by Umdook blood lilt ters - . . 4ap mi. ;ci ibtr vf Tht Tribuni urny se euro a buok of fiur duel coal -., . Wttkft0H4 tbui act t ca( un laeh burnt uf ftjur uuii N (MM on tilth tun o) I7J ewel Adjusted WatC he a. I KUBf JEWELED '.,01 ADJUtTCO uj'A tekiar It is marVelAtis how thtte tamous Watcbet I afe taking the place ol all othet! where acu rate Hm ll required Railroad men W ill have o., i'u, ie eie. uch-- Watch Works, Cation, Ohio. Every Woman Sortletimc neds tt Fell able monthly regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Aru prompt, tafe ind ctrtalu m retult. 1- aa let in Pt't oarer dlaapawni. genl aayakeiv i;0. feal Madldne Uu Jatfjgtt, U. Sold hr JOHN H. PHELP4 Pharmacist corner wvonlbt avena and BpruCt ttrett Boranton, Pa ,. x.tiaaa " Worth a guinea a box." ; CURE SICK HEADACHE, ! Disordered Uvtr, efe.i They Act - Mauii: on in Viul Kcgulating tbe Secretions, restoring ctg jMCoapWtiili, bflbgUk back the Keen H.tui. ,1 ti.n.nii i.iJ arousn.j t.ltllilie R0--BUD0F HEALTH th iioie pnti-l entt(j ol ttie tiuman iraoie. 1 litse-raetss if M.irmtia h. Yfn-iiteiirid. in all elws,ts eii Ssenrty. kargot S.le In the Wertd. ..'.....J wltb a n.t-t, ; & Solukl Otatlag. tit ill it lit-itiili Prie 'JlK int- k QuK i Ne.v Yoi Dtpu, -ia Caftal ( vo $mm I WtjlHlWwJ XtwaXHw ; GEE. F.L Crane's New Prices FURSI FURS! Indapo maae a wen Man of e.r- "vtM0t!Wa 41 f ftiEGisvtatD. mm nil- i-iit 1 1 HINDOO lusiLut fngiiicxa ink ..-3V& hilt lis iu bo it t KSI Vol DlBd,, f tUlLltif Aitil'Of) P.iiViii, Shr.'i'ltiu NtJhiiy tittii iloiiti etv, . iHUH.'db) putt tii(j, ffii pp igui - ii -i , r hfoi.k.ito.gai.j ,ut miKKiy lut Miicli icttcyiii i.., u Mant.vi id bra ,t . rtirifl CMtl) i dnwdlti a A po'jlt-i P i.oo a kittle Hut tti fft.ito .iui s rtttt-it t ! pBOMJ ' ItiKdoiJ pofl'l vt af)t , i - . i ii 'iv' t rt you nr.' jhi.il r) i-..,ru(c-t liiiut ci. Ua lug lis iiAi' 'i.h.oi'ii.i -t fcl i .. j It vl will ?m,l it bv u.ali v-fiii rwceifji' CAPES 18 INCHES DEEP. French Coney Cap-;, Is inches Astrakhan Cnpeii, Astrakhan Ciipej, Atsrakhun Uapoj, " Dyed (Jposium Cape " Monvov Capes, Monkey Cape, Nat Otter Capes, " N at. Otter I .'apen, " Kriminer " Beaver Capes, " Num.. Capts, ' Seal or Persian Capea " Alaska Seal Capes, Alaska Stal Capes, Mink Capes, " Brawn stai ten Cap " deep. .8 a 06 . t ua . 6 un . a no . a ou . Ii uu . ii. M ai ou . S i 09 U ua . 53 ou 11 1)0 . 'a ou . 4S0O . 50 00 . 50 00 . 10 CAPES 22 INCHES DEEP. iiichse deep i ,. , . i-1. . .. .-i.iiibi,ii ..ape, . . Baltic Sea Capes. r-ieuie ,-eai i .., . i Fren.-l. Coney Capo, Mink Capes, Brown Mai tan Capsa, Monkey Cape, i no If 00 , . on . ti c joiA, . SO 00 ILlltfl P,0.i,H,Bt II. &..AI..I Oriental tl. u , -i Co , . ,i,..,.e. o.e AilOtw.o Ct.Lafc-0, 111,, b.-uui .-.nt.. SOLI ' L. M.nr.jn' H.vo . VVhelesaia and fceuil UfMnrrt ScK.a:17u!i, PA . i.ia c.hii Le.d iiir Drstieiiit ii kj CKLOSilu fer fhi HlSHttT M,t,.n ,,tu....... mmOLlNHALER have to. mfAnnu i j --.-.. tsii ammo) a( A. l-.trai.SU Wilt cure ypu a 1..J;.. ,.., It, , hui,, ei flAf fKVKIIt. af'i imrrtiliaU riiur. a n ttHcietii in p,70kt. Madf Io use on diet rodltaiUu of euld ( uullnued Vtu Eaut, permanent Tare. r.atnraet!ui.aiiarnteej,,rniiiney reruiidnl. Pi-lee, n . n. 'trial rr.e at DruiisiaiN. Itek-lsiereJ lean to nan. i. ii. mma, t8;tB SSS, .l , o s c vm w wi it, r as MFNTHni '""! saient ui.ii safea remeJy tor mtn I nUL allikiiiai-...,E,.,aTui Van td J .rPIl.ES. Pi-lee, eu.alllt,ii nai ia (rljia or oi uuill prepaia adiiiejU-saeuve uALM For salo by Matthew Br.w. and M,,r.au "ETriTi Complexion PrGsarvsd OR. HEBRA'S . Hlghast Ca. Prices Paid for Raw Fur;. Repairing Furs a Specialty. B LANK. BOOKS LANK BOOKS MEMORANDUMS VIOLA CREAM Removes KrsoVleg.Piii.plit. l..e, Male, OlaskhoadtJ Sunburn and Ten, anl Btore tne akl tu lu cilgl nal fieshiieSs, produ&i-g a clear and bedltbv ten- olextou. Sufctilor tofclliueo plepaiatlons and perfectly Uaratlest, At all urtiijgiits.or mailed for 50tt Send lor Circular VIOLA 8KIN 80AP " itawly lacunp-tHM M itu, t .nitiug ataaj .ca-.-ea lot tLu taan, ut wiumui a aval ur iLu l.o.1) Auiiiutelv i,u ata ali atttj na cu.4. at jixfrim, Prtea li Cents. Q. C. BITTNEB A CO., Tei.EDo. O. I i -.u- i.-, .MattboWa Br.,a and Morgan Bio. 1 ..":'. I ! I Office Supplies, ol all kiods Inks and Mucilages l.KALlNl! 11 A K LB. Fine Slationery WlliT, .VTEUM AN ami FRAN M I-IN FOLNTAIN fENS. All Uuatantead Aerate for Ctalord'j Pens and Buck's Flexible ftttbbet ShktnpS, Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers 817 LACKAWANNA AVE. 'Bargain Stores 133 fern Ane. i03 Wyoming Avenue Good at tbe merest fraction of their valrie. Gods for the kitchen. Qooh for Ibe Gardeu. Goods for the workshop. Goods for every day. Thousauis of -argaim LOOK I LOOK! LOOK! Pins, 4 paiu toi Scent Matehes, II boles tot 5 cent. Household An.monla. latge slie, 8 rents. Best Fivneb Blausiug. 4 cent, worth IU i-enrs Host 11,,, bine Oil, 4 cents UI yards Spool Cotton. 10 cents s douu Knlvcj and Forkr. cent to $1 ' Biead Kuit'e It) ctfatt to SU eeiit oJ sheet goud Wrltlnr; Papsr, b cant liigcoa .nvolojes. U cents. Blarklnx Bruauea, lucent up AU kind of Ha.r, 't ooth, Hor anil Clothes Brash. 5uspendirs, 5 ctnts to W cp&t Men s . i. ,n Hjso, gojj heavy gocd.T pair! J cent Men tone-halt Hois, verr heavy, kna goods, a pairs 2i cents. 8 ounce Tacks, 4 paper tor I . 'tut. Hammers, 4, 10, 15, , 81, 35 and TD j nts. Saws, 15, JO, 25, M 35, 40, ii, 50, 7a .tut anl IXJU. Plane, 25 rent to ?J Square. 10 eonts to II. A good list ot lilt. 31 Mj a Larfila. '.'iilsels, all Me, front 15g up. r3ad iron, eheau , Dinner Pails, aa ctr.ta up i Boys' Cloth Hat i 8 caaH; chaap I Mesi'i Hate. SO cent to f 1. 1 Tea Spoon, li for 25 cent tlonple plate j We. aell theo Biioona giving thd bujer the pricilegeof routining them after ouayear a see, it not sattttactory. TheT contain n brae or copper . I Pocket bookf. a, 5. 10. SR, 10 and SOcanti A good Rutoi tor jil folly wai ranted Rsror Strop of all kind. Reuiember the place I3.H Pf NN AVE, 103 WYOMING AVE. K'i'WJI ff ' rm no mii -...rmV-, - Ii rr IV --'l Frctn tht a, 1'. Ti uVUBt, Ktn. t, ISi: The Flour Awards "CSiCJlOO, Oct. '.il - Fhe tirst oHieial auDounueutut of vvorid Fair dl 1.1, .ma- on Hour bat btan uiadu A uiedal tin Leen awardrd by tl Woi Ll'a Fair judge to the flour manu faetured by tbo Washburn, Crosby t'o , iu the trAt Washburn Floui Milla, Miutteapoli 11, a coin uiitt.ee report the tlour strong and pure, and entitles U to rank ns first ..las patent flour for ftti.il y aud bakers' u." MEGARGEL & CONNELL t BOllSStl AUKMTi' SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above branda of flour can be had nt auy .! th followina; merobaotd who will acospt The Tribune n .ot-R txrtlPOil ';,. ou each on hundred round of flour or .10 on each barrel of flour Pert-toil t I Hrlc. Vfaablogton attune, (HM Medal Brand Hyde Park -Carson Utrl Wnnhhurn St. ii. l.t Modal in i ii, l Jowpb A. ltvar,Malu ., . , mi Superlative Brand, green Ridge A L.Speii. r.t)ld Medal Brand. P itB-iore -F p HMee, Medal Brand Qlypaant Jaiam Joidun. KuperlatHe Brand Diiniiioi'e F ll &Uulev Huperlallt'u Brand. Crovidence-Feniier A Ohapnell if Main are Hue. Superlative l.alid;C. J Ullleapie, W. Mm k utreet. (told Sledtil Hrstid. PsckvlUi .l.ait.n Ai KtiMtt, kitperlatWe Uinud. .leTuiyn-C, U, Wlutsr t Co. Kuparalativa i 'ai-boudala.il. S tJlaiL, i4W Medal Brahd. H.ueadale -J N. Foster i- Cu Hold Medui Bfaiid HotMadale- W V Schenck Superlative Brand l alt-iri- 9. G. Finn Sou, il.iid Mislal Biaud tlouldsboio H A Adaui. Mold Medal Brand TJA-nntmii Tohvl.aiina & l.ahigh Lunibe Oa . i!., Id Medal Brand. CLEARANCE SALE Y" E are going to do business in our new store by the middle of this month, and we have concluded to move no goods from our present place of busi ness if we possibly can help it. To ac complish this we, on second day of Jan uary, put figures on all goods in stock that ought to sell them all in one week. Below is a partial list: Highest Qrade Minnesota Patent Flour (in sacks) - $3.99 Highest Qfrade Pastiiy Flour (in sacks), - - . 3.35 Beat Baled Hay, ptf 1 00. - .79 Rutabagas, bushel, .27 Potatoes, bushel, - . - .59 Onions, bushel, - .70 Best Sugar Cured Hams, - .093 Best California Hams, - .08 Best Shoulders, - .08 Beat Bacon, - - - .09 Lard, per pound, - - .07 Lard, 10 pound pails, - - .75 Lard, 5 pound pails, - .40 Lard, 3-pound pails, - - .25 New Orleans Molasses, - .12', Pure Sugar Syrup, . .12', Very Best No. 7 Brooms, - .21 Very Good No. 7 " - - .19 Very Best No. 6 " - .19 Good No. 6 Brooms, - .15 Large Sized Cedar Tubs, - - .89 Medium Sized Cedar Tuba, .69 Small Sized Cedar Tubs, - - . 55 Large Sised Painted Tub3, - .69 Medium Sized Painted Tub3, . . 59 Small Sized Painted Tubs, - . 49 Cedar Pails, - - - . 19 3 hoop Painted Pails, .12 2-hoop Painted Pails, - .10 Large Sised Feather Dusters, - .81 Medium Sized Feather Dusters, ,24 Canned Peaches, 3 pounds, . .09 Canned String Beans, . .05 Canned Asparagus, - - . 12j Canned Pumpkin, 3 pounds, . .05 Preserved Strawberries, imported 3a gallon jar, . . Preserves in large tumblers, - .09 Preserves in 30 pound pails, . 1,80 Preserve.-! in S.pound pails, - .29 Jelly, 30 pound pails, . .79 Fruit Butter, 6 pound pails, . .15 Without going any further, we would (say that all goods will be sold for less than they are worth until closed out. We i - will also have counters, scales, show cases, coffee mill and other fixtures to sell for what they will bring. WW 3?lfttlkiTr,rjTl5S Tbe only oafe, aura anA rtNmmJIAL r LLo. rcs ,AJc fof DR. MOTT'S tSlnrSMOYAI, KUiX. sud tuia no otbari t-T Hi.tt.1 tat nlnmlnr. Pi'i.-.. Al.itii n-i-t.... A buk.ta rin alt tut 1)R MU'l'T'S CHKMlflAL a CMaralnnJ -.i ." tor aala by C. M. H tliUIS, Urujri;Ut, 147 faua .vuu. THE SCRANTON GAS i
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