2 THE 8CRANTQN TRIBUNE MOXT) AY MORNING, JANUARY 8. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wantaof alt kinds rtial that muWi, tOf Otpt MNaUmi Il'i((i'i(,irin7i tire inserted Wanted. W''antku WOltK FOB A UOOD TEAM, win work cheap. Address h. a. BMITH. Dutmiore, Pa. U ' ANTliD-sV SITUATION MY A MAB nwl BM, u(,'-1 'Jl! Ha a fair education andean give tliu !j : of refironcs lu reitar.l to character Han had experience an clerk jp store, us farmer utid M scIiojI teacher, AO d'i'as N. N., Tribune offlcs. TtANTED-YOUNQ UD DB81RM A I V p siiiun lu olllue as t00frpUr and typewriter. Will work fur thl tftpnao th would gain Would prefer a place that In a tew weeks would leceive miluiy. AddrMfl A. ft, Trlbuna otflo, VFAXTED TWii MTKONil, StiUKK AND ?V mduHtriuua nMB who understand llT" try btHineas and the. care uf borss NO otuersneed apply. Jain J. N sail, 881 Oak lord court. For Sale. ioit Sal! "SJXorb farm! stock f and utensils. J. at. BHEFF1EU), !W Monroe avo. poK BALK -OKB NEW VOBT TYl'K J writer, iiIho me new Abbott check punch, tt a bargain. Addicts H. J., car Tribune of fice. "UK BALK OBXAP, FOR want OF UBE, V a flrtt class 1'ivighl elovutor, electric inutor. -Iinftinp'. beltinir. etc Apply at "ELK" bl'ILDINO, l." and IJ7 Franklin avenue, ur toL L WILLIAMS, Architect. 1,'OK SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR sot A.N tun property -A bearing oraaga Bro' -' . i .' '.!.. lu production U'l value yeurly In the orunK si'ctlun in Florida. Addrcs F. E. NiTTLETOK, Lake Helen, Fiorina Kor Kent. TX)B RENT APRIL I THE ROOMS NOW 1 ooeupled by the Tel phooe Exobauiro, ".'. I. -ickuwciiiia avenue. Apply at th" offlce of Lehlirh Suit Mining Co., Thiril Nutluiial Haul; building i- B. ami E i '. Fuller. "I 'OR KENT A LARUE STOttE Rl()JI AT V 41 Spruce street Inquire at 111 Wyom ing avenue. LHrtt RENT THE KURN18HED RbBL r draw uf the late William W Mum, 147 .leflcraon avenue. with or without bum In the rear Inquire of H. a Knapp, Republican bulidlng, I. 'olt KENT twu-stukY BRICK DWEL I lin honss; modern improvement 81". Forest . ourt Apply to MAURICE COLLIN silent. 7SI Went Lackawuiina uvenue. M1 LET FOB A TERM 6V YEARS -I Part or all of three hundred feet of yard roi.ui along railroad, Apply at IMO Frauklm avdnuo. M'o RKNT-STOBB BniflU OB FURNIBHED 1 ball on Qreeu Rldeje street Very desira- II. i location and on reasonable terucj. Apply t..F K. NBTTLBTOH orC. B, WOODRUFF, h. pul.lc ,-m l-iilldinn. Ken Estate. 1n$BjXCh- sTSu LrTiTot'sE.'wiS io avenue; very dcsii.tbU location. Aoply F. REYNOLDS, or W1LLAKD, WARiiEN & ENACT. J.ii.i WILL BUY MODERN NEW 8-ROOM O iiouse, ail improTements; terms easy; eat iter Madieou avenue and Dtluvvare street. Ap ply HARBY LEES m,m will buy very desirable lot O corner Madllou avenue and Delaware street- Terms easy. Apply BARRY LEES. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Isaac L, Klcc Meets with a Severe Selback Id Philadelphia Courts, Special Notices. THIRD NATIONAL HANK. SCflANTON, Die. 'A i-.IJ. M'llL ANNUAL MEET1NU HI-' THE 1 stockholders of thi-i bank for the election vl directors, and auih other DUSlMM us may Come before It. will l held at the btttkittg i .', T-- Jan WM, The pulls will be open from i p. lu. to 4 p. in 1IENUV BELIN, JR., Bec'y, V' 0T1CE OF ELECTION -THE A.VnTaL meeting uf the siiai -cholders of the First National Hank, Bcranton, Fa. tor the election ef directors fur the enuuiuK year, u 111 be held at the banking liuuse on Tuesda, Jan V, lsW. Tolls w. 11 be opened tron J until t o'clo, k, f in. ISA AT POST, Cashier. rpHE ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS MEET 1 lug- of tho Weston Mill Co , for Uie udop tiou of b) laws. slectloU of ottleen. and su. h itber business as inuy collie before the meet' lug. will be held st the Fust National lumk at ewkt o clock p. lu., Saturday. January Loth, isttl A. W DICK SON, Secretary 'AN 4, b'.M -ON AND AFjjtBTHIS DATE l 1 will nav no debt- iiulew contracted by myself. JARE1) J. POSTBNS, IU'1 Soutn Nineteenth St., Philadelphia. "'HE SOLDIER IN 01 R (T IL WAIt," 1 coiitaiuinit Frank Leslie's famous old war pictures. Two volumes folio. Every page illustrate,: Over Mil uuges As an odu CatOT It is unexcolled. Sold on easy monthly payments, both volumes delivered coUiplct,. Address 1'. o Moodv. Frauklm avenue, aifent lur Noi tlieastern I'ennsjrh nla. CORAM TON WKINUKR HOSPITAL, 310 kJ Spruce street, gTOttnd floor. The best solid white rubber rollers, ono dollar each. Work guaranteed by the oldett and only ex pert wringer repati-er in Scrantuii. 'i Legal. 1 STATE OF WILLIAM MATTHEWS JTj late of thu eltv of Scran toh, county of Lackawanna, and State of Pennsylvania, it, ceased. Lett, rs testamentary upon the above named estate having been granted t the undersigned i,il persona bavin? claims or demands against the said estate will prtSMMttMUl lor payment and all those indebted thereto will please make Immediate payment to M RY H MATTHEWS. RICHARD J. MATTHEWS, CHARLES H MATTHEWS, Executors. Bcranton, Pa. W1LLARD, WARREN ENAPP, Atturn.-ys. New York Produce Mmk-f. w York. Jan. 0. Flour Market Btendy, fair demand. Wheat Dull, firmer; No. 9 red, store nnd elevator, OJJic; f. o.b., MafiOc.; No. 8 red, 65tt66ic.: No. 1 northern, Tiic; op ttnns advancod, 6aJic. on firmer cables, better west and local covering, fell on realizing, closed steady ! , over yesterday, with tradiue; dull; No. Sired, January, ti"!c. ; Febrnnry, 08s(c. ; March, fitlJic: May, Tic: June Titc. ; July, TUJic; December, "8c). t.'uitN Doll, steady No. 2, 42XC vator; IMO.) No. a, liytYi No. ii white, 411c; options dull, firm, a!sjC. hiKher on in m. r cAbles; January, 43H"-i February. 48.0. t May, 45c. oats Dull, steady; options neglocted, U' "hanged; January, 84c; February, Mc; May, Sic. ; spot pricer, No. S!, a4 4c. ; No. 1 white, S,Wc; No. 2 Cbicaao. Boc; No 3, SSWft) No. 8 white, 88!c.; mixed western, 85a8")t'c. ; white do., Ma4011c.; white, state. inwOVjc. liKi.i. - uuiet, steady; fauillv, IllaKl; ex tra mess, (hsB.Cll. bKKF IIaub Dull, (ISalS.25. TlERCl-n Itar- Inactive; city.'extra lu COI Meats-Ciuli t, linn; pickled bel lUs, n lbs., ,i...;'-4, . pickletf shoulders, 6. , pickled limns Va9c ; middles, nominal. Lard tiuiet eaay; western steam, H.:sr asked; citv, option, January, $8.15; February, I8.U0; May, I7.U0; refined, quiet: cuutinent, S.T5; tiouth Amnrion, .i ,. compound, )CaU2S. 1'ouK- yoletl steady, mes , tl8.5al4.M. liUlTEli (julet, unchanged. Cheese Firm, ijuiet; stnte large, Ma l ,c ; fancy, llaii -,... do. Mnnll. ll" ISIa.; part skims, 4alUc: full skims, 'la'ic. Eogb (Juiet, steady; ice house, Issue; limed, llijalfic.; woetern fresh, ISaMc.j do. seconds, per case, tl.20s2.5U; southern, All Free. Those who have used Dr. Kiwi's New Iliscovery know its value, and those who have uot, havo now tbo opportunity to try It Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and got a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H. E. Huckl ft CaV, Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, Free, as well as a copy of Ouide to Health and ilouohold Instructor, Free. All of Which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthews Bios. Drugstore. -- For Rheumatism. Lumbago. Neuralgia, Cramp and Colic mere isnoremody supnr iur to the genuine Dr. Thomas'Electric Oil. PETITION FOR STAY IS DENIED His Counsel Wanted the Annual Elec tion of Officers, Which Takes Place Today, Postponed for Thirty Days, but Judge Thayer Didn't Look, at It in a Friendly Light Meeting of Anthracite Operators Called tor Wednesday -Other Lato Develop ments of Various Kinds. Silas W. Pettit, of Philadelplni. and Nathan HI j nr, ofNawYotk. re presenting stuck hoUWs of th Read Inif railroad who are friendly to Isaac L. Rice Saturday mornina prosnted a petition in the Philadelphia court of common pleas asking for an order to postpoue the annual election of the company from today till such time as Mr. Rice nnd his friends, who ono week ngo obtained access to the Read ing stock list, cau consult with the stockholders. The petitioners thiuk an i xtension of thirty days would give them infBotsnt time iu whica to en deavor to secure proxies for Mr, Rice's election to the presidency. Judge Thayer, Arnold and Wilson heard ar gument upon the application, Samuel Dickson and TnODI&l Hart, jr., repre senting the Reading compauy. Judge Thayer refused to grunt the injunct ion. It will probably he new to most of our readers that Scrauton, in the very heart of the anthracite region, with culm banks surrounding it on every side and domestic sizas of tho crushed diamonds pnrchasible ut a snni'a prior, last year consumed f, 980 tons of soft coal. Hut, theu, it burned 432,100 tons of anthracite, which con stitutes its atonement. Reading burned 881,944 tons of anthracite to 119,999 tons of bituminous, and the consumption of other cities is shown In the followiug Interesting table Tons Tons City. Anthracite. BitnmlnoUS, New York 3,;im0k1 l,h.-3,43(l (Jnioago I444,8M 8,891,008 Philadelphia 3.WS.0W til", 1 S7 Brooklyn 1,800,000 300,000 St. Louis 88,868 2, 1 J5,ct0l Huston 1,948.001 .Vl-Ll-.tf llaltiniore 414,928 8M,88B San Francisco 89.800 815 012 Oinoinnati iw.em 1,080,948 Cleveland 117,13; 924, Buftiilo 888,688 1,032.711 NewOrleaus 12,107 II5,2J Pittsburg 2.2U4 88il)88 Washington 481,088 4r.,o:o Milwaukee 4iri 171 888,088 Allegheny 1,891 100,674 Syracuse 1 7t. S'J I 84,837 Itochflster 860,8$) 119,687 Jersey t.'itv 834,888 188,6119 Newark 410.918 188,118 St. Paul WlBTfi 171,80 Providence 340.il II 185,988 Atlanta 1.889 808,884 Denver 10,118 800,841 i'aterson 202,'.".KJ 24.25y Nashville 981,800 WlltttlUKtOU 1A0I4 J-'-,;l .Memphis 43 179, ORG Dayton 4,808 f 17.314 Louisville 1,981 880,396 Kansas 'itv 5S.853 886,607 Omaha 61,879 844.857 Indialiaiiolis ... 11,890 277.27s Trent on 14!..r.:,4 188,840 Toledo. H.V-S3 158,988 New lluveu 98,948 170,859 Following is the statement of ship ments of utithraciteciml i approximated) for week ending Dec. 3d, 1893. as com pared with the corresponding period lust year: Heirions. Deo :. IteJ.:. Dec, 31, U83 Wyoming... 424.WW 8SU.3WI Inc. 34.788 Lehiiru . Ili070 I88,n Dee. 3,167 BehuylklU... muv 980,167 Inc 2.4is Totals 737.S15 711.451 8,619 Totals year, 48,081,080 41,316,821 I,is7,7ja On Wednesday next a meeting of the Antlirscite Coal Operators' association will be held in New York to discuss measures for the batter protection of the circular price. The open winter has caused less of a demand for coal than wus expected and n ntimbtr of the operators are cutting prices. It is the hope of the member of this association to devise an CQQitsbls means of inet ing the situation without sacrificing the harmony which h.is prevailed hith erto among its membership. Philadelphia, Jan. 7. Tho annual report of the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad company and tbl Puila delphia nnd Reading Coal and Iron company for the year ending Nov. 80, 1898, which will be prosented at tho annual meeting of the stockholder tomorrow, was given out for publica tion tonight. Tne statement of the operations of the railroad company tor tbo year 1893 shows that tho gross earnings were $'24,155,895.83; the total working expenses, uot in cluding rentals, interest, etc. were $10,582, 183. 88, thus leaving the net earnings $7, 153,700. 11 From this is to he deducted $2,907. 025.01 for rmtal - of leased roads and ciimls, and 5,978,864 80 for Interest, thus show ing a loss for the year of IjbOb.tili;) 00. For the year 1892 the ren .rt showed a profit of !09O,780.01, thus leaving the increase lu loss tor this year, us com- psred with 1892, $1,597,479 01. The statement of the operations of the coal company foi 1893 shows that the gross earnings were 24,580. sua, HI; the total working expensvs. not inoluuing rent als. Interest, etc.. were $22,482,072 84 tbnslenving thenetearningsjfor iheyear U1.104 10,1.00. I' rom this is to he de ducted interest charges of $1.2119.:: 1 1 89, thus leaving the loss fot the year $193 , 019.32. For tho year 1892 the loss for mining operation was 8318.103.79. thus leaving a decrease in loss for the year as comnared with 1802 of $117, 514 40. The' total deficit for both cotn tianios for the year 1893 is thus $802. 342.92. The profit for the year 1892 is given as $077,022 29, thus showing a loss tor 1893 as compared With 1892 of $1.4711,00.. 21. Ap pended to t lie comparative state ment of the operations of t he companies lor the years 1892 nnd 1893 is an ex haustive statement by the receiver of the various trunactions and business of the company for the year. It is stated that if the system -of bookkeeping in vogue during the presidency of Mr. McLeod had been used this year the report would how a surplus over fixed charge of $880,1(11) 98 Instead :of the deficit of $802,343 92.An explanation of the various causes that, led up to the bankruptcy of the company and the ap pointment of receivers is given at length, the efforts of the receiver to pay the most pressing liabilities and to increase the earning ca pacity of the property. For vari ous reasons tbeir efforts ware unsuccessful and during the first five months of the receivership tin-re was increase of cash liabilities of $1,102,- 030. For the four months from July 1 to November 3U the decrease in excess of current liabilities has been $1,101, 194.25, and the decrease for the whole term of the receivership has beeu $59, 1(1 1 25. Hi NOB DjDOBTBUb NoTlis: ( ne day recently a big gon dola car con taining twenty tons of coal was run into a switch iu Allentown. Some person un known chalked the following on the stile: "Phis coal for the poor," aud the car was soon empty. Uovoruur McCorkle, Democrat, of West Virginia, expresses tho views of muuy when, in opposing the free coal clause in the Wilson bill he says; ''If the spirit of Democracy is for free trade, then treat all alike; if uot, have some system about the levying of revenuo duties." An examination of the 20 iuch thick coal vein leceutly discovered near Areola, Montgomery county, has convinced John and Daniel it. Hoylo und others interested iu the "litid" that it is a rich vein with millions of tons of coal in it, aud well worth working. A good many Philadelpblan affect to be lieve Isaac L Bice has President Harris, of the Heading, on the run." Over 20D eniH of coal were carried over the New York, New Haven uml Hartford railroad iu a week, owing to terms made with the I,eliiKh Valley road in regard to extending its trail over the former line. According to the Willces-barru Times, tho coal companies In Foster township have ell refused to pny the extra levy of oue mil! rond tax to pay the indebtedness of tho supervisors of 1HD2. What thu out come will he no one seoms to know, hut it is likely that suit will be eutured for the recovery of the same. The burning culm bank at Coloraiiie, near Hnzletoti, which attracted so many visitors last winter, auil eudaugered tho inino at the time, Is still burning furiously Two now steam shovels have been pur chased by the conipitjy, which will be used iu removing theb.iiulug bank. Johu Walker, of C'arboudale, has bean appointed superintendent of tho Hillside t'. ;:1 and Iron company's .Muyliuld muchiue shop, Charles 8. l.ee, general passenger agent, has appointed Charles U, 1'arker eastern traveling agent for the company with beado,tinrterH in New York. He lias also appointed K. H. Htokes traveling passenger agent with headquarters in Chicago. financial and commercial Stacks and Ponds The following complete (able shotting the day's Buetttatlone hi active stocks is supplied niul revised daily by l.allar & fuller, stick brokers. 121 Wyoming evcattOt Open- Huh Low ctos llig. et, tst. lug. Am. Cot. Oil Am. Sugar. WW T7Ji M, Sl4 A. T. i S. t Ill 121, 12 I2n Can. So. Ill CM 49 Cen. N. J 114)4 llte-v 11414 115 Chic. & N. W W!4 limis 1IU4 I00W C 11. At if V6t-4 7, 7fi 701 Chi.- tins U-Ji, till, 2W SSM 0.,0.,C. St. L... 88 DSN UJ 3MJ col , Hock Vl VT D. A H ISiH, H4 13 j D , L. 4S W lilt Itl3l 1 I08M D. & 0 P 8414 98 94X S44 Krie 14 H 14 14 O. E. IV.. JIMi tyi : 844 Lake Shore . .1UIU U9H I31U OM L - tf 421, 41'i 42 11 101, m w 1 Mstiliattati. 199 Miss lJac If's Nat Lea J 20 N V A- M E.. N. i Central N Y . U. a W N Y , s. ,v w U 8. 0. Co North Hac North Pac, pf 1 I iinaha :M Pac. .Mall Reading MM Hock Islund Clt, R, T.. St. I'aul Ii74 T..C. .VI ISM Texas I'ac- Union Hae lfi Wabash, pr ils W Luiou StN VJ,l4 199t U8I4 21b! 11I4 21 2'.'!, 8S SSM llH lo.'i ll KH fits U7S4 iji lift ii4 S(i til cv; Is is s Wl :w am IVU SSM 67 ' .M?s m m hi IW4 H's H'H (Si ftl'-i U lie. Chicaco Orain BCKAXTOil, Jan. 9 tionsare supplied auJ Bar -V i'ullci -;tock bro nue. WHEAT Op Ming Hlk'heSt Lowest.,.. Closing CORN. Opening Highest ,,,, I -owes. Closing. . OATS. Opening. . Highest,.. Lowest. . .. CI. flng. ., PORK. Opening.. Highest..., Low st.... Closing LAUD. Opening . . llltthest. . . , Low Kt CI slmr Bfl RT Opimliig. . Highest I ,ovesl ( 'losing. . . ,nd Proviilons. Tie foUoWine (plots e rrect 'd daily by La' kers,121 Wyoiuuitf a,e Kills .lull. 01 114 S1S Sia BSM m eo Hi m mi )'2.-d 8JI9 12.2 l.-ti.', 7,u 1 17 047 47 017 May. CO1', trr2 StM e;is mi, SB 81 'j xi i 804 Wfj 12:2 I97S 12ti7 1970 7M 7S7 tt'.T 4.',7 b',2 0 V. 1 1 1 ; v . STM est 0-.. 9H4 ISJM w mi M 99U 99M Fcrantou WboUsala Markets. Pchartoji. Jan. fi FnniTS and I'ro DUCB uried apples, per lb., 6a7c.: evap orated apples, tiaVc. per lb.; Turkitn prunes, 4-mc'x-.. ; Euglish currauts, 8uSS4C; iayer raisins, Sl.90ak.nU'. muscatels, 41. 40a 1.50 per box; new Vulenclas, .iv,r per lb. Pkansi Marrowfats, 43. OOa'i.Oo per bushel; medinnu. si.mtai.oo. l'BAS dreen, Sl.li5al.30 per bushel ;splll, M .WJ.i.i; leutela, UalOc per poaud. I'OTATor.s (l.1a70c- per bnsheL OxtOXS (ISa70c per bushel. Li'TiBit SSaSde, per lb. l.ux:sx loal'ic. per lb. Horf Freb. kwHSkl pickled, 90'. c: coolers. lOlfallO. Mbatb naiiis, tOJe.: large. 10c; skinned hams, luc; Cullforuia batus, be.; ehouiilarn. ; dry salted bellies, 9J40.; smoked breakfast bacon. 12s.; fresh pork loins, U'c; "Wyoming" port sausage, lie.; Wyoming home made sau sage. 3-pound pnll, larded, He; butch ers' sausage, bHc our own make; fresh pork shoiildeis, 7)40.1 fresh pigs' feet, K.) fresh pigs' beads, So.; fresh spare ribs, 3c; fresh leaf lard, 11c : fresh kidneys, 8c. dor.; rough sausage meat, B0.i tongue. '.; plncXs, Cccacb; whole hogs, 1)40. Pobk Mess at 117; shortcut. 818 Laud Leaf iu tiers at u,e.; in tubs, '.v,e.; in 10-pound palls, IOJfO.1 In 6-poutid pails, Wc; k-pouud palls. 10. per pound. llxsr Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c. Poultry Cblektna. ioal0o.; turkeys, 13altlc; ducks. lkalBa I-'louk Minnesota patent, per barrel S4.40a4.Ut); Ohio and Indiana amber, at S9.73; Urabam at fa. 50; rye hour, at 88.8a, BucKWHttA-r FLoon-89.00 per owt. Fasn-Mlxed, per owt., at SI. (to. (iRAin-Rre, CSs 1010, 40 toSUe.i oats, S0a4Sc. per bushel. It tb tint aw Per ton, fllalo. IlAY-Per ton. SlOeia Philadelphia Tallow Starkst. PniLAPKLi'iilA, Jan. 1;. Tallow was quiet and steady. Prices were: Prime city, in hogs heads, 5c.: country, prime, in hogs bend 5c. do. dirk, iu barrels, 4'.c. cakes, bo. ; grease, 44o. - Henry Schornhala foiemau Henry Ki ng Packing Co., St. Joseph, Mo. uses Dr. Thomas Eeleetria oil with his men for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, etc. It is the best. Ann aiilieci 49tf f 7'Ae 7Vibnns mug ic Ctuv n book of folic ami roal coupons north jS'.i din thin nave CO on MM barrel uf flour aud !, runts on each ton of coal. Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. (O CUT HuDSK log All. All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed the best, What is Cnstoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription lor latitats and Cbildren. It contains neither Opiuut, Morphino nor other Nurcotlc substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Irop3, Soothing Syrups, anil Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yeas' use by Millions of Mothers. Casstoria destroys Worms and allaya fevcrishness. Cantorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. Cnstoria relieves tcctliiiig troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cn.-i toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is uu excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children." Ihi U. C. Ono OOP, Lowell, Mass. " Oastoi ia Is tho host ruiuedy for children of which 1 BO acquainted. 1 hopo the day Is not far distant u hen mothers wlllconslder the real Interest of their ehildreu, and use Castoria in stead 01 the vorlousquack nostrums which are 1 .'.,; their loved oues, by forcing opium, morphine, Boothlng syrup aud other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby Sending Uitiu to premature graves " IlS. I. F. KlNCBCLOK, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted tochlldren thai I recommend It assupuriortoany prescription known to me." H. A. Ancnin, M. O., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians lu the chiljren'd depart 11.. i.t have spokuu highly of their expuri ence in their outside practice with Castoria, aud although we only have among out medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are freo to coufess that the menu of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Unitip nosrirsL asd DiBeiMsssr, boston, Mass Ailin V. Suits, fret.. The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City. o - hi' , e. ; ' ii j w A l I 7, ri.iiiii i f , f I t-J 11 J SVew the If. V. Tribune, Kor. 1, JSW. The Flour Awards "Chicauu, Oct. bl.-Fhe first official announcement of World's Fair di ploiuns on Hour has been made. A inedal has been awarded by the World's Fair judgei to the Hour uinnti factured by tho W.whburn, Crosby Co , in the great Washburu Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong and pure, nnd entitles it to rank as lir3t-class patsnt tljur for fumily and bakers' uss." MEGARGEL & CONNELL VIIOI.t-. - I K AflKNT-f. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brand? of flour can be had nt nny of the following merchants, who will nccopt Th TRIBUNE FLOUR COUPON of '.'3 on each one hundred roundi of Hour cr 50 on e;ich barrel of flour. Fcranton-f P. Priea. Waslilngtoti svubu.i, Oold Uedal Brand, Byde Park Carson t I'avie, Wa-hbnrn st- Hold Medal Brand; Joseph A Hears, Main avenue. Superlative Brand. Qreen UUlu A I..Speiicr.(tolil Medal brand. Dnnmore V.P. Price. Gold Uedal Brand. Olyphant Jane Jordan, superlative Bund Duuniore I'. 1 Manley Superlative Brand, l'lovldencc l-'enuer it Chappcll N Main live nue, Bnperlatite Brand;' . Ullh.spie, W. Market street, (.,ld Misl il Brand. Krlser, t '. Superlative Superalattr I Peckvllle Shaffer Brand I Jermyn 0, U, Winters i I Brand f.'arlMiidalo - B. S Clark, Cold Medal Brand. 1 lluuosdale-.l N. Foster , Co. Hold Medal I Brand. i Honesdalo W.P, Schenek, superlative Brand 1 altoil S K. Hun A Son, Hold Medal Brand tOUldboro 8. A. Adams. Hold Medal Brand 'robyhiiniia Tobvhanna LehiKh Luiubu I Co., Gold Medal Brand, U Z Z 1.J E THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE BASV WHKN YOU KNOW HOW maoo ix PAIZKfl wiM. nr. oktuiiu ti-:i to tiiosk uoinu thk POZZliE IN rill SHORTK8T BPACR OF TIM 10. FOK s i i BY AM. NEWS OOMPANIES, STATIONERS AND AT TOY HTOKES, OH SENT TO ANY ADDRESS I' PON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS. BIT COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO.. 112 AND lit SOUTH BUTAW STREET. BALTIMORE. Ml). RESTORE sf5) W Si --.'rtJiMU sk mvsmvm vigor i ' H Wigs liHffl rTiivr rturriTirr Will bitn you op lu a vk Bold with WltmsN JejtejMlgJXBLjfill'AkaN i KK lo cere Mr?.:ns Oil. Hit;, l.os ots.n.ul Powti in . ill., i iti, SllBMlSMllBftTllTSiBfluTll 1 I II I I ' I'll Inn I I I I If u.ul.l'ti'.i. tu, h trouble. I.-, id I. CouSliniptlon oi InsBnlty, tl.tsipei bos by uimiI.6 WhI.,i :,. Willi i.r ti. oratl w Bi vitltan i-nii.iiKr to oino or .Vmdtti. ntuT a.Ui.m fJkAL MtlllC'lNH OO.. LUfuUud,Ut,lo. Itefoi. Aha Aim PS. For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Are. and Sprue St., Scruntou, Pa. CLEARANCE SALE are going to do business in our new store by the middle of this month, and we have concluded to move no goods from our present place of busi ness if we possibly can help it. To ac complish this we, on second day of Jan uary, put figures on all goods in stock that ought to sell them all in one week. Below is a partial list: Highest Grade Minnesota Patent Flour (in sacks) - $3.99 Highest Grade Pastry Flour (in sack3), - - 3.35 Best Baled Hay, per 100, - .79 Rutabagas, bushel, - .27 Potatoes, bushel, - - - .59 Onions, bushel, - - .70 Best Sugar Cured Hams, - .09 4 Best California Hams, - - .08 Best Shoulders, - - .08 Best Bacon, - - - .09 Lard, per pound, - - .07 Lard, 10 pound pails, - - .75 Lard, 5-pound pails, - - .40 Lard, "3-pound pails, - - .25 New Orleans Molasses, - - . 12 Pure Sugar Syrup, - - .12' . Very Bsst No. 7 Brooms, - - .21 Very Good No. 7 ' - - .19 Very Best No. 6 " - - .19 Good No. 6 Brooms, - .15 Large Sized Cedar Tubs, - .89 Medium Sized Cedar Tubs, - .09 Small Sized Cedar Tubs, - . . 55 Large Sized Painted Tub3, . .69 Medium Sized Painted Tubs, . .59 Small Sized Painted Tubs, . .49 Cedar Pails, - - - . 19 3-hoop Painted Pails, - .12 2-hoop Painted Pails, . .10 Large Sized Feather Dusters, . .81 Medium Sized Feather Dusters, .24 Canned Peaches, 3 pounds, - .09 Canned String Beans, . .05 Canned Asparagus, . - .12'; Canned Pumpkin, 3 pounds, . .05 Preserved Strawberries, imported 39 gallon jar, - - ' Preserves in large tumblers, Preserves in 30 pound pails, Preserves in 5. pound pails, Jelly. 30-pound pails, Fruit Butter, 6-pound pails, Without going any further, we would say that all goods will be sold for less than they are worth until closed out. We will also have counters, scales, show cases, coffee mill and other fixtures to sell for what they will bring. .09 1.80 .29 .79 .15 RESTORED MANHOOD DR. MOTT'S M K KKINK PILLS ; TliecreiurcmeJ? for nervous prostration unit all iiertoasdiwisws of i In eiieruu e oiuurii or elitier nei. mien Kervoua frustration. UII- MSntiil Worry.sscesjlve iibo ot Tobacco or opium , tililcli lead to Cuu nituptluti stid luaanlty. Wlih swy Aordsrite slvoawrinmsuw uiituo to euro orrtumt tliu uiouej gqjg at 01.00 per but, I boxes THE SCRANTON Btl UliU AN1 AtTklK USI.NU I'm .Sals by S), M. UAltUll, Druggist, Ml fanu Avvnuc CASH STORE
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