The Girard: tel iChas Vollairek,Baltlmora C lybeelin. Tiinn, Jacob Gilley. II S A 3. ll Cox , e11i , ' , .' 14 ". y,,,q; 11VMSterensonOhiO , .1 1 luldeMaii• 1 %,..' w , i 1 leo Harrison, n asiilurn y chase. No:: '" ) .,!;,0, ;J 11 Griffith, Baltimore .l 1. , Curran. 'A " yirk A L Cummings, N York ,lot u+ CoseY..,'",',. IT F Bergner, New York j Lee, New ',..' , ,;york Ll, Boner , Boston it Nas.°'",`"',..trash'n \V S Boner, Boston •tyln Van No rte- 4i larko Horace Saunders, Kansas 1 4 A Can.on, •IT• R Simile, Pittsburg rhos. F,, ,,,,, L D Gilbert, Harrisburg J Ii A n drewl i o, Jos Stroud, Downingtown tit , ri,',ili' l 'f;l;;ltimore Miss Si E Huninhrir. Pa ' '1 : r ill'Aliar'''' -}L'El'l'd Jas Shiner. Barthoore At ,/, S, la. St I,uniS J 0 Ferran, saitimore .4-ii,"A,:ho.„ Alex, Ye S Griffith. Mereer, Pa 41 A M. 1.0,1111. D S Haverford A wf, NJ . ili, I. Bs yeriord, N J Jas Thomas, Rich nunot 'l,Mel ibiverford, N J John Smith, ittai•cland 44, al .lohnsion, Penny 31 1,0 A Parsons, N Y ,' 7 .. ~hrlcr, Meehaniesh: IT Hall, Eric, Pa ;!,..,, N Rocket, _Penni ,I S I I Ildebra nd A is, hid I.i It l'idnins, ya ',,s II i:dchra od, roma '.%; i verrill, Roston , :f A Negl , :e & soa• Butler 1 6101 ivr. NI ' --nine 'MSS, 5,141,,.. Boller 1. ti HOUilia.- A I.' Craile."<l r. Batt :1.1. N ragman, wil:iii ',3 . 1 r .1!,?..1:!ii, Cocker. 4 / p Mee. New York ,hie!l.ii 7 , ILy-kei. Oill %I; McVey, Boston !??, 'l , at , , , m, Ciorinnatt 111 51: ,,,,,,,,,i. 1,:,,,i0n t I lois Br Dunn, St Louis `•I B : srrer U 'i N Il' here. Pittsburg A :., Ilnuabergh,:::.A A T Johnston, Milford ilex Gray. Jr, A zikesb Thos Armstrong, Ohio ii C Pennypaeke r.Rieli'd it Garet% Richmond A Ila make r. litehmond lapt .1 Van Antwerp, N J • . 4 , 1 , 1 maJTV. A.l' Edw Carpenter, Balt l't *rhos Woo trod A I" John 11 Markley, Nl7 ,c• 13 Anderson, N Y Mrs S Rodgers,_N T . '"%! 11 II iekon, {S'a ' sh sh Beni F Miller, Balt „, Nieliinntld, St Joseph Pit Jones, Bait 'Lli liilaiman, st Joseph, It W Kroginan, Va I ,il;aaer. St Joseph kminiond, momo.d ii ii 0 1, r' it • Eril. , Ti DI Ilronitiebl. Itielim , d i. - 11 % T ,Vlali N idon Frank . _r . T ., " 4' ',.; ':' tamslplton i ; 1 ;1.. i-. New York T S . u e o [7 in ' s, ' lllzoras , 15' Ile 0 EVeY, Harrisb u rg ET ,, ,ym, re, New York CI, 0 icon, Harrisburg 3 , I ' l l e & wife, Ohio D Fitter, Mobile, Ate %;tr, - 'll ie Bogen, Ohio Mrs Filler & 3chu,MObile .'„ ,„ ,i Bartlett, USA GS Young, Pottsville ,'"'''i endue, 11 S N Mrs S Young & child, Pa 'i,,t 4 ,. lhoinson, N Y Copt G B Mageris &I, Miss j:j , 1i ittILIS, Wash IV NI Bailey, Vicksburg' es Union. Jas Hughes B Meadow A Sewers, N ew York E C Mellor. Bucks Co J B MeKillip B P Bose, Lockport Ti Land I Geo HendersonN Y' York ESimons, New E Barton, Delaware Jas TT Sutton, Delaware ' J C Taylor, Mass Hugh Wilson, Penns IT d Potter 1V A McCoy, II S A Richard Peterson II S A Chas Miller, U S A. John S Booher, ii S A J IT Scott T G Tomlinson, Edgmont Job Babbit,Galesburg,lll The Stat i A 3. ver , 1., Boston 10,0 t bulth 1: 6 eav, Trenton. 1 J %Hien, - Iloilo?. E ASIL " 61"‘ki{I:1,)r 1 !"I' t Vli l lf(11 11 1 ,SP„NYli iC D l Ti e , Nea , York II 3illestnirg A „ . ',P.;‘,.: ; „ tiowningtin 16 n nn. Oil City niy, , ollade, Del ftirmo, j, Wilm,Del nion. G W Allen, U . * A W G Hoover, Ohio John Shay, New York A D Laidey S Walker, Memphis W W Campbell J Cortright, Penna John Woodside. Philo J S Houghton:Mita B G Blanchard, N Jersey W n Frease, Napoleon,o B M Krause, Anent OWn James Stevens. N York Charles A. Mercer F lilcesc, New York • The Phlla 'ton N York anis, Plymouth ones, _olthy hgol. N Jersey let . ' Washington Penna ,33031 in her. New York rooky N Jersey rittsWg I Man C (la, Pa 3 - , l'en3la renna ger, Allentown mereial. D Cady, Rome. N Y The Co "vers S: son, Pa Zan.. West Chester Pottsville J Brook, Jr. Penns. IJ Leedom, Prima tC C Pugh, Pe atm M B Shan tz,Sartg Springs B F Shantz,Sartg Springs J B Strawbridge, Chester Ma:redlth. Chester so C B Reynolds, Clarion co Thos C Cole, Cincinnati J F Kemper, New York IA AleClain D 'Price. Chester co II Mitchell, New York T C Thomas. New York II Atwood, N I;iclor. Chester co fltesder CO ler, Franklin co e eks.lsiew York ark, Pottstown rant., Bedford, Po iles, Jr, NI Y derson, Lane CO :E/y. Penna. Troo Chester co , ou:Trentou tiebi, Peanut a. Parkersburg nee ey &tient: John Snyder, rhilada T Johnson, Cumberland R Nieltelson. N J A Evoul, New Jersey ,joseph Stops, 23th YV `2,Sth V John Loring, Virginia C O'conor, Philada 'Chas Kay, New York Thos Cummings, N Y J C Nicodeums 4 .lgth P V Jos H Chatten,'N J The Rap) \ ‘ 1.; hkerdine. Al limey ~,.,-. Atlantic. City :, ~ .. rt,on. Allah City , r t.i... Atiantie, City 1 , ,--i 1 erkis, Athill City 1 ~. ji Vvrkis.Atlan City ii.. l' Verkis. Atian City 1: . A Irrlii,..,ttlan City l oath. Cheltenham .-. 11 1 ,..m.ur. Bunks en .. Ilordine. i'lli la 1 ~., Sutton. Pittsburg . :..,1' Dubs, Annapolis The Bald Eagle. • ElVeaver, Lebanon IT Crowley, Carbon co ',AS. Carbon en. Pa 11) Vanhorn, Carbon co -, . Itarlb. 13 S A d; YOltllg' o 4kinson, Pynna leapt J3f linghes, Pa ',O V %Marls, L o A :P Sone. Wilkesbarre C. freed A wf. Pe :S Sims, Wilkesbarre Trrizrr• Rh:W..4 ..P C I tuber i• ..rteioin_ rent rerlv "L H Sassaman, Easton I liera. Cherryrillt; IQ Basta, Baltimore C all 1 The Black Bear. Beavr nettdolti RSnydur, Bea Meadow t r lM oiro,e,ltuaearlow PECIA_I. NOTICES. j'ARES Trrow MATTING OR LIGIIT GROUND are not made by Bed and Furniture Casten ati Porcelain or Wooden Wheels. A - variety of cFe and other kinds for sale by TRUMAN & No. 835 (Eight Thirty-fire) MARKET 'Get. Mow Ninth. It POtgET FRUIT KNIVES, WITH STEELING iliades. for sale at the Hardware Store of & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight *arty-live) AIZIET Street, below 17: to th. It OrETHING COOL ROll THE 110 T WEATEDIEB. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. ten sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. on Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. •es Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Lusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Just the thing to Keep Cool In. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Kip. a splendid assortment of Seasonable Cloth of every variety, for sale by PERRY & CO., No. 303 CHESTNUT Street, above Third, toira CLIBSTNET St. (Granville Stokes' old stand.) E. Corner of SgirgleTH and MAREILT Ste. (Jones.) Buy Yorm BATRINq RoBRs FOR LADIES, admen, and m Children ' at SLOAN'S, SOB MAR_ Treet. and at Ids Store, Cape Island, New J/ 22- ar ITCH. (WaßAToies) LT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. El cure the Itch in forty-eight hours. Also cures Rheum. 'Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions kin. Price, 50 cents. By sending 60 cents to & POTTER, BOSTON, Mass., will be for- MOl free by mail. For sale by all Druggists. )IS-01 PITRY'S MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION: A,ltta. or lliothpatch (also called Liverspot,) r . 3 .1 . 7nig0. or Freckles, are often very annoying, to ladies of light complexion, for the Awed spots show more plainly on the face of a than of a brunette; but they greatly MP the '-:: ,, ,felther, and any preparation that will ef :Ally remove them, without injuring the texture use of the akin is certainly a desideratum. Dr. ?EERY, who has made diseases of the skin a .nity, has discovered a remedy for these disco ::mis which Is at once prompt, infallible, and :ohsale in Philadelphia by JOHNSTON, Hoi.- 'A'Av, k cOWDEN, 23 North. SIXTH Street, ' Y ivrOTT & CO., 232 North SECOND Street. ?'Pared only by B. C. PERRY, Dermatologist, 45 BOND Street, New York, and for sale by li N27bts. Price, $2 per bottle. Call for 'EItIIV'S MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION. , rinforlnation address Dr. B. C. PER • 49 BOND street, NEW YORK. je7-wfm3n/ Ani Du I HATE DYE I IiELOR'S HALE DYE le the best In the 1. 1 • 'Me only true and perfect Dye—harmless, autaueous, and reliable; produces a splendid rt.; or Natural Brown; remedies the effects of Dyes, and frequently restores the original r• Sol , l by all Druggists. The genuine is signed A. B ATCHELOR, 51. itAlteldLY Street, New k, jag-mwf-ly I A iturf (EA AND DYSRNTERY.—A_ sure ' 04 7 +or 015 worst case of acute or chronic Diar aarinrsentery is Dr. STRICKLAND'S ANTI h. ,1 :1:A MIXTURE; thousands have been cured "T Government uses it In the hospitals. It " 1 01 many of our soldiers after all other means ! 1 : in fact, we have enough proof of the edicacy ,e 4 valuable preparation of astringents, an u,t-4. stimulants, and carminatives, to advise 'De of our readers to get a bottle and have it s . , lineSs, and to those who suffer. try it directly. Druggists everywhere. Ask for Dr. &rick s Anti -Cholera Mixture. jy3-mwf-Sin l it MOST REFITTED. AND. INTELLIGENT us,. Jared's Email de Paris to remove F ree -444 black worm specks, and the discolora ",hhed by salt air; and they fully endorse It qouag a soft, white, and delleatily trans- L 1 Sold by all Druggists, Perfumers, A N.ohrs, and Dealers in Toilet Goods. Orders a,i booed be addressed to JARED & RENE, 'Sophia jylS-mwstf AT BARrarAt's Musßum, NEls , • hi! of our SAFES was severely tested in Ore.. and preserved its contents in good .'"" certificate Of the owners in another .5. MARVIN & CO., 721 CHESTNUT Street, (Masonic Hall.) A AVIN'S SAFE TRIIIMPHANT.—IM . O tani:Hon of property, Nr.w YORA, July 14,1865. MAnvin & eo.—Gentienten: In reply to updries as to how your Safe stood the great loch consumed Esenecr,• - m um ,. and the en kek of adjoining Mnidlngs, we would say that .ilng in it was preserved in perfect order, al , good as new. The Safe gives good eV!- tilt great heat for several hours. When Is rebuilt we shall want another, as, after O•st, we shall have none but your patent. th. truly, WILLETTS & SICITMORE, a .Nos. 155 and 157 FUL'roN Street. ssonatent of MAltyllc b Patent Fire and P-proof SAFES always on hand. MAltYiti 1 21 CI - MST:MUT Street. iy2o-Bt `OT FORA DAY, RUT FOR ALL BITTSRS, to that which 3, goo 1. r vithOOt PLANT.aTtON BITTERS IR the is , he armed mho hath hie 4 ttarre united against Disease is he who always has bt PLANTATION Blli set in the house. "duat td besTer than cure." NTArum IHYrsne win prevent and cure flys t rrisgo, Headache, Heartburn, and all V. M.s nendent, and Unhappy feelings. Re -164,, 'Aw ate e': prepare for W ar." .1 1 you are wen, or feel the•nrst Unpleasant bths of s earraching slekness, take PLANTA. 71 .• y are a sure preventive and cure , s,seb le zuktl aerangcmcnts. 312341 :NbALL'S AM BOLINIC.--Have you tried e leol' approve of It. Of course the re i.niand for this excellentreration for los been solely created byte in pa erits; for, Hee used, it is not likely to be abandoned. 41 4 Procure it of any respectable Druggist. I PRICES RzyucED. WARAMAKE J & BROWN, Popular lap- Clothing AG - House, Air OAR HALL, S. E. COI. BIM and Market DIED. ANDREWS. — At La Crosse, Wisconsin, on Bth day, the 20th inst., John H. Andrews, late of Darby, wiaware county, in the 72d year of his age. Fu neral to take place from Friends' Meeting House, Lathy. this afternoon, at 2 o'clock. TRITMAN.—On Seventh-day afternoon, Seventh mooch. 72d, Llewellyn Truman, in his 33d year, youngest son of Joseph H. and the late Sarah S. Truman. His friends, and. those of the family. are Invited to attend the ' funeral, from his father's residence, 841 Callowhill street, on Fourth-day afternoOn, Seventh month, 20111, at 4 o'clock. Interment}t Friends' Fair Hill liround. CAIRNS.—On the 22d instant. Mr. Archibald Cairns, in the 37th vear of his ace. The relatives' and friends of the family, also the Commeia Mark Lodge, Nu. 91, A. Y. M., ajd the Richmond Lodge, No. =a. A. Y. M., are te spectrally invited to attend his funeral, front his late residence, colimmia aventic and American street, on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with out further notieet to proceed to the Monuinent Cemetery. +ow TROIiTMAN.—On Friday evening, the list inst., Jelin -Hamilton Troutman, in the 5•2 d year of his agc• , The relatives and male friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from his late resi dence. No. 121$ Filbert:street, olt 'Monday. the 24th, at 4 o'clock P. H., to procee'd,to Woodlands Ceme tery. • • • - ERGITSON.—At 'Williamsport, Penna.. on the 72d instant, Mary infant theaghter'of Mary and the late loimisey C. VergUgoll.' IiAttICINS.- 4 3n Thursdav itfternden, 2" I .' 4 Rebecca, wife of Ambrose Harkins, in the Sad year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from her husband's residence, No. 42 Smith Fourth street, on Sunday afternoon, at F. o'clock. ROSS.—On Thursday, 2Gth inst., of congestion of the lungs, Mary 8., wife of Hon: John Ross, Chief of the Cherokee Nation. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the re sidence of her husband, No. 713 South 'Washington Square, on Monday., 24th inst. at 12 H. To pro ceed by the 2P. M. train to Wilmington, mington Del., for interment In the Drandywme Cemetery. 'Carriages will be at the depot 011 the arrival of the cars. ANDREWS.—At LaCrosse, _Wisconsin, on Fifth day. the 20th instant, John 11 Andrews, late of Darby, Delaware county, in the ld year of Ills B" PEARSON. — On the Nth inst., Sarah Pearson, in the 89th year of her age. Her relatives and friends are resiiectfulty invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, No. 144 North Seventh street, on Second day morning next, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Pair Hill. rrs MISTER.—Athis residence, in Germantown, on the 2341 inst., Charles J. Wister,! in the 84th year of his age. Weekly Report of Interments. HEALTH OFFICE, ;July 21, 1865. Deaths and Interments in the city of Philadelphia, from the 15th to the MI of July, 1865. ti ri I 94. X .9... i, ... G CAUSES OF DEATH. •;..•.• 0 ,CADSES OF DEATH. 2% 0 ~ .7 7 '7.7 , 1 . . ~, i - Abscess 3 3 Fever, Typhoid.... 10 3 Asphyxia.— ....... 1 Fracture of Spine.. 2 Apoplexy 4 Shull .. 1 Burns and Scalds.. 2 Hemorrhage.....,. 3 Calmer 2 4, Bowels 1 1 ,4 -- Breast 1 Haelnatiasis...... 1. Casualties .... 2 2 Hooping Cough.... 7 Croup 5 Inflannuarn Brain 7 CougestiOn Brain.. 3 6 " Heart.. 1 Crampc 2 4, LaryuX 1 Cholera 1 1 " Lungs . 5 4, In fantum.. 75 44 Perii , m 1 • Morbus - .... 3 SSG Bow 4 5 ConSillnprn Lungs 41 7 Intemperance 1 Convalmsns........ 124 Inanition 8 Diphtheria.— ..... 3 Jaundice 1 Diarrhma 12 6 Mania-a-Pau 3 Dropsy 3 1 - Marasmus " Abdominal. 2 Measles 2 " Brain 8 Murder 1 " chest_ 1 2 Neuralgia of Heart 2 . " Heart 1 Old Age 12 Disease of Brain... 2 1 Palsy 6 Heart .. 6 3 Poisoning .... ...... 1 " Spine... 1 Pyemla 1 " Liver... 1 Sore Mouth 1 Drowned ..., 3 4 Softening ofßrain. 2 Dysentery 9 24)Small Pox .... 4 Debility. • 9 14 I Still Born 12 Effusion on Brain. 1 Teething 2 Fever, Brain 1 Tumors 1 . Scarlet.....l l lo llnknOWll 8 Typhus ... . I SI 2 Total 174 1 291 OF THE ABOVE TILEILE WERE— Under 1 year 162 From 40 to 50 -26 From Ito 2 44 " 50 to 60 26 2to 5 90 " 60 to 70 18 sto 10 26 " 70 to 80 21 ', 10 to 15 6 " 80 to 90 8 " 15 to 20 13 " 30 to 100 2 , 20 to SO 33 " 11)0 to HO 0 " 30 to 40 40 Total 405 wAnDB. WARDS. WARDS. First ward 291Tentb.,, 4 Nineteenth....3l Second.— 20 Eleventh 7 Twentieth ....27 Third —.15 Twelfth?.., ....16 Twenty-first. 5 Fourth.... 25 Thirteenth .... 7 Twenty-secbl.l6 Fifth • 19 Fourteenth —l4 Twenty-third . 1 Sixth - 7 Fifteenth 19 Twenty-fourth 49 Seventh , 25 Sixteenth. .... .....9 Twenty-fifth-.. 9 Eighth.— ..... 14 Twenty-sixtx.l3 Ninth—.. ..... 12 Eighteenth .. 441 Unknown ..... 22 Total 465 Deduet deaths front the country .-,,, Net deaths in the city 443 NATMTY—United States, 365; Foreign. 62,• Un known, 38: from the.Alinshouse, 17; POOple of Uolor, 27: from the Country, 22. Males, 230, Females, 235; Boys, 146; Girls, 145. Deaths and Interments of Soldiers, 10. The number of deaths, compared with the corres ponding - week of 1864, and of last week, was as fol lows: Week ending July 23, 1864, was 391. Week ending July 15, 1865, was 453. By OrliCir of the. Board of Health, - , GEO. E. CHAMBERS. Registrar. BLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES.- Just received,-a case of Black English Grena dines, at 40 cents a yard. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, • 918 CGESTNIa Street.. eine price. prices in plain figures. myls BLACK CEALY DE LAINE.-JUST openedi one Case of plain black Chaly de Lainea, It ST% Cents a Tard. BESSON & SON, Mourning Stor es 918 CHESTNUT Street. One price. Prices in plain figures. myl.s 100 PURE WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS. EYRE & LANDELL. 100 PIECES MOSQUITO BADS, WHITES, BLUES, GREENS &o. EYRE ,tIANDELL. Lafin LOW WHITE QUILTS, FOR u HOTELS. IHHENsE OTS OF CHEAP TOWELS. • M2841] EYRE & LANDELL. ilgr" RICHMOND BRANCH OF THE UNION PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, (SEVENTH AND NINTH STREETS.) This branch is now open, and the CARE RUN REGULARLY BETWEEN RICHMOND AND THE BALTIMORE RAILROAD Leaving the Company's Depot, Thompson and Norris streets,thence by Thompson to Marlborough and. Belgrade into Master street, ti_p the latter to Franklin, thence by Franklin and Seventh streets to. Ellsworth street, and thence to the Baltimore Depot. Returning via Christian to Ninth street, up Ninthto Spring Garden street, thence to Seventh Street, np The latter to Oxford street, along Oxford to Fourth street, up Fourth street to Susquehanna avenue, along the latter and Emerald street to York street, and on this to the d qpot=passing in their up and down trips the depots of the PHILADELPHIA., 'ILMINGTON and BALTIMORE, GERMAN TOWN and NO'RRISTOWN, and NORTH PENN SYLVANIA RAILROADS. Passengers on the line of this branch will be car ried to the NAVY YARD or FAIRMOUNT PARK: by transfer tickets, furnished by the conductors on the payment of a single thee. The hest es Vg leave the Company's Depot,Thomp con and Norris streets; at 4% o'clock to the morn ing, and the last car leaves the . Baltimore Railroad Depot at 12 o'clock at night. The cars of this brunch will carry at night a GREEN light, and those of the Fairmount branch a RED - jy24-6t THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, INCOPORATED BY THE STATE OF FENN- SYLVANIA, 3D MO., 22D, 1865 Insures Lives, Allows Interest on Bey°. sits, and Grants Annuities. CAPITAL, 8150,000. DIRECTORS SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, JEREMIAH HACKER, JOSHUA IL MORRIS, RICHARD WOOD, RICHARD CADBURY, HENRY HAINES, T. WISTAR BROWN, WM. C. LONGSTRETH, COFFIN., SAJVIIUEL R. SHIPLEY, PRESIDENT ROWLAND BARRY, ACTUARY TEMPORARY OFFICE, No. 247 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BASEMENT. jy2s-tutlisly (DIVIDEND NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, No. 524 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, July 22. IH. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable at their Office, on and after the 31st inst., clear of State taxes. The Transfer Books will close on the 25th, at 3 I'. M., and open On the Ist of August. jy24-6i THOS. R. SEARLE, Secretary. WIVOTIC E.—NORTH PENNSYL. VANIA RAILROAD. Passenger and freight trains will me as usual on this road, on and after this date, July :nd. For hours, &c., see advertisement in another column - . ELLIS CLARK, jy22-2t General Agent. ggr" THE QUARTERLY SESSION OF THE GRAND DIVISION. SONS OF TEM PERANCE of Pennsylvania win be held at AL LENTOWN, Lehigh Co., on WEDNESDAY, July 26, 1.565, at 9 o'clock. A. M. Ticket for the Excursion .9o—good from the 25th to tile 28th. Cars leave Thlrd and Thompson, Tuesday, at 5.15 F. M.; Wed nesday, at 7.80 A. M. In iTik-tus 3t. JOS. W. MARTIN, G. S. iIgrOFFICE MANDAN MINING COM. PANY, No. 324 WALNUT Street. riIILADELPHIA, July 18, 1865. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Stock of the Mandan Mining Company ou - which Instalments are due and unpaid - is hereby declared forfeited, and - rill be sold at_puldic auction on MONDAY the 21st day of AUGUST, 1865, at 12 o'clock noon, at the. olDie of the Secretary of the corporation, according to the charter and by-laws, unless previously re deemed. By order of the Directors. B. A. 'HOOPES, iYI9-taii2l Secretary and Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE PHILADEL PHIA. GAS WORKS, Jura' 11, 1885. The price of Coke has been reduced to Ten Cents per bushel. Orders received at the Works or Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. JOS. MANUEL, i712-12t Chief Engineer. OFFICE GIRAB,D , MINING CO2N. 111=a 7 PANT, N 0,321 WALNUT Street, July /Bth, 1145. NOTICE 18 hereby given that all Stock of the GIRARD MINING COMPANY, on which instal ments are due and unpaid, is hereby declared for feited, and will be sold at Public . Auction on SA TURDAY, the 19th day of August, BM, at 12 o'clock noon, at the °lnce of the Secretary of the Corpora tion, according to the Charter and By-Laws, unless preriouslrCtleemed. By order of the Directors. li. A. HOOPES, jyl9taul9 • Secretary and Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA, JU LY writ, 1865.—A special Meeting of the Stockholders of the NATIONAL OIL AND MINING- COMPA NY will be held. on TUESDAY EVENING, the 25th inst., at 8 o'clock, for the purpose or filling a vacancy caused by a resignation ) and other business of Importance. OFFICE, 154. South FOURTH St. A. H. STRU s T e li er E e ts, i, 5-3/5-smar DIVIDEND.—THE BOARD OF MANAGERS of the , TWELFTH-STREET NARKRT COMPANY have this day declared a dl.. vidend of 3 per cent. clear .of all taxes, payable on and after the 2inll instant, at 'No. ao South SE VENTH Street. JOSEPH PAXSON, Treasurer, PHILAIMLPIIIA Jul 15 1955. j - 31.9.6t. OFFILIE OF THE GILFILLAN OIL COMPANY OP FRNNSYLVANIA. — The annual meeting or the Stockholders of the Gilfillan On Company or r.u.syl t la will be held at their Office. 409 IVALE (ST' Sireet, on WEDNESDAY. the 9th of AUGUST, at 3 o , cloci;P. M. AU election for officers and directors will be held. J. C. I TTY suER, _jylBtau9 Secretary and rearer. ' WAN AY & BROWN, igiV" OFFICE PENNA. CENTRAL COAL AND OIL CO., N. E.. Corner THIRD and DOCK Streets, second story. PHILADIDLPHIA, July 14, MIS. TO DELINQUENT STOCKHOLDER:I.—Notice is hereby even that unless the assessment of twon e.Att per share Culled for by resolution of Novembrir, 1669, is paid on or before Augu st, a su ffloort, number of shares to pay the n said aSSeSS nsent, at necessary and incidental exanse be soidi at this Office, at public sale, at c1uck,12..0 on that day. By order of the Board. jyls-ISt . . ADAM WARTHMAN, Treasurer. ligr OFFICE " BIC/ WHITELY CREEK OIL C 0.," NO. 528 WALNUT Street, Room M. 9, PKILADIMPHIA, Jriky 10, 1865. Subscribers to the capital stock of the " BIG NOMT ELY CREEK OIL C 0.," who have dot paid their last Instalment, and taken oat their eertifl bates, are 'hereby notified that If not attended to 'within thirty days from date their stock be for felted. By order of the Board,_ jyll-12t* J. LiciVrs rHILLTM President. MILITARY. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, sole-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; good tiny', excellent accommodations, light and ea sy dales. For ail further information inquire at the Recruit ing. Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, infilndelphia, between A. N. and 3P. M. every day, except Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, Captain and Recruiting Officer. CURTAIN GOODS. • I . E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, HAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF CACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND MGM DESIGNS, AT REDUCED EA.T.E§ PINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BARS, WITH PATENT trIASERELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, READY FOR USE WINDOW SHADES, OF TEE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. -tt SUMMER RESORTS. ATLANTIC _ _ • . . CITY.-" THE CLAREN DON" is open for the reception of Boarders. jy24..towfbn DR. JAMES JENKINS, Proprietor. SUMMER RESORT. AMERICAN HOTEL, MAUCH MUNE, LE TZ, PENNSYLVANIA. R L OBE. LOA FA x KNTZ, 5r —ro prietors. TERMS-12 per day, and from *KM to sl2per week Mauch Chunk, from its romantic location, pure mountain air, and accessibility from every point, presents rare attractions to pleasure-seekers and summer sojourners. It was the cradle of the coal business in tile - United States, and is now the cen tre or the great anthracite coal trade of the Lehigh region. Hemnied in on every side by abrupt moun tains, between which meanders the beautiful Le high, it presents scenes the most picturesque and romantic, which call forth the admiration of all lovers of the beautiful in Nature. jy2o-Bts RURAL HOTEL, PRANKLIN,_ VE.N ANGO COUNTY, PA JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor. This well-known and popular House has just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double its former capacity. It Is pleasantly sltuatedill the centre of the Town, with ready access by Rail and Stage to all points In the OIL REGION, and its accommodations for Guests fully equal to those of first-class Hotels in any part of the country. It has been the aim of the Prorietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes he has succeeded. .Iy4-em DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR THE SUMMER.—Some One Rooms, unexpectedly vacated, can be had at the Chestuut-Grove House, Media on reasonable terms. Apply to Miss BLACK HEAD, at the Grove House. jylB-6t5 SEA BATHING-CAPE MAY_,_ CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hall 18 now receiving visitor. Price Der week, $l6; cliidren and servants half-price. je3o-2m AARON GARRETSON, Proprietor. THE ALHAMBRA, AT ATLANTIC CITY, Is now open for the reception of visitors. je2B-lm' R. B. LEEDS, Proprietor LIGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. . NEAREST HOUSE TO THE SIYEE. This well-known home lo now open for the reeep. tion of boarders. JONAH WOOTTON, je24-1m Proprietor. 'UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, is now open for the reception of visitors. Trains leave on Saturday af ternoon, at four o'elock, from Vine-street wharf— returning Monday' morning early.—June 10, 1865. wharf— =j BENJ. A. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor. PHR A.T A MT. SPRINGS.-THIS delightful and romantic 'watering place, beauti fully situated in the healthiest section of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to be the "garden spot" of Pennsylvania, will open for the accommodation of guests on the 15th of June. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Penn sylvania or Reading Railroad, and daily from Balti more and New Yerk, For particulars address the Proprietor, Jel-2m J. W. FREDERICK, MARSHAL'S. SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTU of a writ of sale, by the Eton. JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty., to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on MONDAY, August 7, 1865, at 12 o'clock M., at CALLOW HILL Street wharf, the stern-wheel. steamboat " COTTON PLANT." She was built at. Philadelphia, or iron, is or very light draught of Water. Engines and boilers in good order. Also, at the seine time and place, the steam pro peller "FISHER," built in North Carolina Is nearly new, about 110 tons burthen in good order, and well calculated for the river towing trade. - Also, at the same time and place, the steam barge " EGYPT MILLS." . - . Also, at the same time and place, the HULL of a new vessel, built anti captured at the Halifax Navy Yard North Carolina., planked Inside. and out to the plank shear, deck frame in, no deck laid; is in tended for a propeller of about tons burthen. WILLIAM MILLWARD 'United States Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. riluatnaLr.m.a, July 22,'1885. jy22-6t MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bid der, for cash, at MICHENER'S STORE. No. 142 North FRONT' Street, on TUESDAY. August 8,1865, 12 o'clock M., thirty-nine bales of COTTON, Sea Island and Upland, cargo of au unknown vessel; also, fifty-nine bales of Sea Island and Upland Cot ton, cargo of steamboat COTTON PLANT. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal, E. D. of Penna. PHILADELPHIA, July H., 1865. jy24-et PHOTOGRAPHS.-PARTIESOR IN d.string them, can have Photographs taken in superior style. of Churcheis, Public mai-- lags, and Residences, by application to B. F. REI MR, 624 ARCH Street. PORTRAITS. -STRIKING LIKE NESSES, artistic and life-like in coloring, pro nounced the best likenesses made. Sec specimens. It. F. REIMER'S Life-size Photographs in oil co lor, 624 ARCH Street. O NLY $1.50 FOR FINELY-EXECII TED. naturally-colored Life-tike PICTIMES. See specimens and obtain at REIMER'S Colored Photograph Gallery, SECOND St., above* FISHER'S SELF-SEALING FRUIT -IL CANS. • • Every housekeeper in the city and country should use this excellent Can. It is the most con venient and reliable Cau in use, and gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. th u s c l amp i ng sealed in an instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping a tin cap over and around the opening, and pressing it paper ring of cemented paper. The cement Dress- welts bythe heat of the fruit , and as the ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealin is per fect. The cap is unfastened by unhook ing ng the spring sad running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can at J. McM ITRTRIES', SOS SPRING GARDEN Street Jyl3-Imit Philadelphia. COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from one to five feet wide; Pauline, Bolting Sall Twine, &c. JOHN W. EVOSIA.N & CO., noa-tf No. 103 JONES' Alley. WRITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES —A new French COSMetie for beautifying and preserving the complexion• It is the most wonder ful compound of the age• There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in its compo sition, It being composed entirely of pure Virgin. Wax; hence the extraordinary qualities for pre serving the skin, making It soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Prices, 30 and SO cents. Prepared only by HUNT & CO., PertanterS, 41 South EIOHTH Street, two doors above Chest nut, and iaa South SEVENTH Street, above Wal nut. jy2l-3in MCCANDLESS & SXITH MALT VINEGAR FACTORS BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stock of MALT and WHITE WINE VINEGAR—a new article of manufacture in this country, made by the celebrated English process, and used exclusively for Pickling in urope. All sales warranted free from impurities and chemicals. Orders filled promptly to all parts of the country. AGENTS. L. E. CAMBLOS, No. /13 Walnut street, Phila delphia. PITT .& WHITE, No. 4 Exchange Place, Bal. timbre. CHRISTIAN LEE & CO., Richmond, Va. E. W. GOULD & CO., Newbern, N. C. jel9-3m E D. F. MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTINO AGENT, MEMPHIS, TENN. The Civil Courts of this District are now In prao- Heal operation. Having practiced at the Memphis bar for ten (10) years, my acquaintance with the business community greatly facintatea In the speedy collection of claims. Jy4-6m E. D. F. I.SORGAN. .1012, 15-HORSE POWER ENGINES, 4 Boring_ Toole, Platiers a Lathes, Punching and Drilling Idachivea, 011-we Tubing. For sale idy RATHAWAvy t LEACH, & STEARNS, jy7.lm 417 ARCH Street, Philadetphla. SALT AFLO A T.-50,000 BUSHELS Coarse White Dry Marsala Salt, afloat, suitable for packing provisions, for sale in lots by JAMES OAKES Ohl Salt House, jyls-12t 49 LONG WHARF ; BOSTON, Mass. CARPET CHAINS, YARNS, AND WlCKS.—Large involeesust received and for sale to dealers, at lowest market rates. , ,110WE,BUSTON, & CO., .14 , 11-tr 157 mid 159 North TFITED fitrnet. OBE= GZIgAA.I4 CLOTRiti . G. HOUSE, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA., MONDAY. .TULY 24. 1865. UNITED STATES By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Securities, offers to the PUblle the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent. interest per an num, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of July IS, 1855, and are payable three years from that date in cur rency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome prenilum, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from State, County, and hfunteipai taxation, which adds/rota one to three per cent. more to their value, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons Attatched to each note, width may be Out off and Sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7-30 percent, amount!! to One cent per day on a $5O note. Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten cents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The notes of this Third Series are precisely simi lar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties al ready sold, except that the clovernment reserves to itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at ft per cent. instead of 7 8-10ths in currency. Subscri bers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made in the Conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest. The payment In gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie - payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest in gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize prlees as that purchases made with six per cent. In gold 'Mudd be fully equal to those made with seven-and three-tenths per cent. in eurrene.y. This is now offered by the Government, and its superior advantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OP THE PEOPLE. Leas than $220,000,000 nt tlie Loan authorized by Congress are now in the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty dais, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uni formly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Pri vate Bankers throughout the country have general ly agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscri bers will select their own agents, In whom theyhave confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive or ders. NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES OP ISO 4, BOUGHT AT A PREMIUM BY G. A. it-t.nrivz Sr, Co., 62 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 7 3-10 LOAN FOR BALE. jylemw4t N O MEDICINES GIVEN. DR_ 3_ DODGE WARREN, OF LEXINOTON AVENUE, NEW YORK, CHRONIC I) I S EA.S Concert Hall, Philadelphia, WITHOUT MONEY AND WITHOUT PRICE, From WEDNESDAY, July 28th, till August 28th, inclusive. AIN taken Parlors at 917 Chestnut Street, where those who are able and willing to pay may come from His last public operations were at Verandah Hall, St. Louis, MO., and at Mechanics' institute Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, operating on no less than MAO persons, with a degree of success unprecedented in the annals of Medical History. NO MEDICINES GIVEN. NO SURGICAL OPERATIONS PERFORMED. CHRONIC DISEASES CURED. ACUTE PAIN INSTANTLY RELIEVED. HEALS ENTIRELY BY THE TOUCH. So many thousands are already acquainted with my mode of operating, it seems necessary only to say that by this method an equilibrium of the vital powers is at once established, and an equalization of the circulation maintainedg thus Nature is ena bled to throw off the effete matters which generate and foster disease, and health at once ensues. From one to five minutes are required for the most inveterate cases of any curable Chronic Disease. In many instances a single operation of one minute is suniclent. in rare instances of exceedingly obsti nate character, a second or even a third operation may be required. No exception to Fractures, Dia locotions, Curvature of the Spine, or Suppurating Tumors. The diseases which yield meet readily to the cura tive agency of this method, as practiced by me, are Dyspepsia Constipation, Asthma, AnginaPectoris ; Chlorosis, Loss of Voice,ltheumatism,Rheumatio Gout; Liver Disease, Diseases of the inary Pas sages, Irritable Bladder, Headache, Nervous irrita tion of 'the Brain, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Diseases of the Heart, Eruptive Diseases, Convulsions, Hyste ria Neuralgia, Thrush, Congestion of Spleen. Irri tation of Stomach, Diseases of Kidneys, Ulceration and Displacement of the Womb, Morbid Appetite, Wakefulness, General Debility, Nervous Depres sion, Difficult Breathing with pain in the Lungs. raralysis, cOnsumption, and General. Dropsy are the most slow and uncertain with this treatment. Patients afflicted with these have rarely been re stored. They are, however, always benefited. Deafness, when dependent upon destruction of tympanum, and Amaurosis, dependant upon paraly sis of optic nerve, incurable. For testimonials of cure, or other information, see circulars, which will be sent to any address upon application. My charges are in proportion to property—never exorbitant in any case. IN NO CASE IS A CURE GUARANTEED. jy2o-SV• GA R.D . FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the balance of my large stock Of Tie 1/000rtinent 1 complete GEO. J. HENKELS, le2l-2m 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street GE R.ItA.N TOWN TELEGRAPH. I Every family who possesses a garden or a farm, or desires the choicest and best literary reading, should have this paper. Terms, $2.50. it MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, &c. —2,500 bbls. Mass. NOB. 1 2, and 3 Mackerel, late-caught flat 881,, in assorted packages. 2,1X00 blits. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Hali fax Herring, 2,500 boxes Lubec, sealed, No. I Herring. 150 bbls. New Mess Shad.' 250 boxes Herkliner-county Cheese, &c. In store and for sale by MURPHY & KOONS, Jal9-tf No. 1148 NORTH WHARVES. HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND SOUPS. • , 1,000 SaUsage . Meat, • 600 44 Bean Deer. 600 44 do Veal. 600 44 do Mutton. 1,000 do Turkey. 1,000 44 do Chicken. 3,000 " assorted Soups, in 12, 2% lb. cans. For sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, fee,tf 107 South WATER Street. HAVANA CIGARS.-A GOOD VA RIETY constantly In store and bond, at low est cash rates_ 8. FUOIIET & SONS, Iny24-6m* No, 216 South FRONT Street. 'UNITED STATES INTERNAL ...,RE VENUE, Ist District, Pennsylvania. NOTICE is hereby given that the annual lists of 18a, containing the Assessments upon the Incomes of 1864, and Licenses expiring May Ist, 1866, as well as Enumerated Articles, will be open at this office during the space of - fifteen days, from and after this date, and that during the said time I will receive appeals and determine relative to any erroneous or exceed:re valuation, 'Welk etpiw: mug be in writing- WASHINGTON KEITH, Assessor, No. 4313 i WALNUT Street. July 15. 1865. j 15-sinwfit S. E. COR. SIXTH AND HAUNT STREETS. I_ t- 7.30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $230,000,000. 11. S. S-20 SIX PER CENT. THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AOBNT, PHILADELPHIA PRACTICAL PHYSICIAN WILL PUBLICLY REAL THE MOIL FREE OF CHARGE, From 9 to 11 o'clock A. M., 2 till 6 P. M. Each Day FURNITURE, At very low prices, until SEPTEMBER Ist. HOURS AT HOME : FOR AUGUST, Published This flay, CONTAINS TILE OPENING OHArTBIsS or GEOFFREY THE LOLLAItD, a new aer7al by Frances Eastwood, with an Illustration by TIIO4. NAST. . THE GIRDLE ROUND THE EARTH, by S. S. Co nant, with an outline Telegraphic Hap. SOCIAL ASPECTS OF THE THIRTY YEAR' WAR. by ARCIIIRSIWY FISHERAMES, by pr. (Mott. NAPOLEON. A MYTH' by J. P. Thompson, D. D. THE ROMANCE OE TRUTH. THE OUTSIDE OF ROOKS, by Prof. IMSOn. cATHARINE OF GENOA, by Dr, F. D. Hunting ton. ST. ANTHONY OF EGYPT, by Dr. Philip MIMI% DR. IIUBBARD 'WINSLOW, by Ray Palmer, H.D. THE DUSSELDORF AC A.DEAIY. SI HAT SERMONS TOSUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACH EFS,. by Rey. O. S. Robinson. LIFE OF CICERO, by Prof. Noah Porter. OLD JOHN THE CARPENTER, by Dr. Peck. And seVeral other articles and poems. TEEM a-4,1 a year. Single numbers 30 cents. For five suliscriptiOlie ($l5). six copies will be sent. To clubs of ten or 11101 T, each $2.50. C. SCRIBNER lt 00., 3.24 GRAND STREET, N. Y T. B. PUGH, PHILADELPHIA AGENT, S. W. COB SIXTH AND CHESTNUT, NEAP MISCEELLANEOUS AND LATE J. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. VILLAS AND COTTAGES. By C. Vans, Ar chitect. THE SQITIBOB PAPERS. By John Introit - Ix. BEATRICE. By Julia Kavanagh. NAS'OLEON'SLIPROF JULIUL CIESAR. STRANGER'S GUIDE IN PHILADELPHIA. Revised. BAXLEY'S WHAT I SAW ON THE COAST OF AMERICA., With Illustrations. Good assortment of Juveniles on hand. New and Standard Books, for sale by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, jy2o No. 25 South SIXTH Street. A NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR of the "Schonberg Cotta Family." MARY; THE HAIMMAID OF THE LORD. 12me. ALSO, BY. THE SAME AUTHOR, THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAMILY. 12mo. THE EARLY DAWN. 12mo. DIARY OF MRS. KITTY TREVYLAN. 12mo. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENT; or Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Contain ing all the Sermons by the eminent pulpit orators of those cities, and the Orations of Bancroft and Bishop Simpson. 12mo. For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. & A. Martten.) jell 606 CHESTNUT Street. TYPE POUNDERS. COLLINS & McLEESTER'S NORTH AMERICAN TYPE, STEREOTYPE, AND ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY Printers' Furnishing Warehouse, No. MS JAYNE STREET, PHILADELPHIA TYPE WARRANTED to be equal to any made IN TILE 'WORLD. Old type taken in exchange for new at Is cents per pound if delivered to us tree of charge. Sir Every article necessary for a Printing Office constantly on hand. Agents for Roe's, Adams', Gordon's, Taylor's, Foster's, Degener's, and Wells' Presses. Agents for Mather's celebrated Colored Inks. Our beautiful new Newspaper faces are shown in .'Tlin PREM.' jy7-1m t 3 WU WO I N l4. .'‘ : LTaEi 1;q1VVI O NMINING, COMPANI C ES OAL, AND OTHER EW . We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. TEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS , PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO., MANS /WOE MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. se2l-tf 432 CHESTNUT Street EDIJCATIONAL. NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUNG MEN to enter upon a course of study at BRY ANT, STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Commercial College. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets Call or send for a Circular. jyffl-2t. 11QUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH a-V ACADEMY. 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which will be established in SEP TEMBER NEXT, is destined to rival the best schools of this country and of England, in its sys tem of Instruction and discipline, and in the full ness of its classical and mathematical course. . . . . Thosepre i varing for college will be fitted to take e high sten in their clues and to graduate with honor. It will be the special Olin also to prepare young men for business or professional life. Circa tars, with full information, can be had at 1.224 Chest nut street. EDW. CLARENCE SMITH,A. M.. Principal. E REFERENCES.—CaIeb Cope, sq., Hon. Win. D. Kelley, Don. Jos. Allison, Alexander Whilldin, Esq., Thomas Potter, Esq.,A. H. Franciscus, Esq., H. Y. M. Birkinbine, Esq. myls-mwc4rie RETURNED AND DISABLED SOL DIERS will end the reiidlest means of honora ble and lucrative employment in a good Commercial Education. A full preparation for business can be acquired at little expense, and in a shortperiod of time, at BRYANT, STRATTON,& BANNISTER'S National Commercial College, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. A liberal deduction will be made in all cases wor thy of such consideration. jy22-dt WOODLAND SEMINARY.- NOS. 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West Plii ladelphia.—A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Location healthy, airy, and attrao- 'Me. Fall Session commences Sept. R. For Circulars apply to jy2l-2m 5 REV. HENRY REEVES, Principal. PPHILADELPHIA • COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets (for merly at 1530 Arch street.) Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D. Principal. Circulars at 1228 and 1339 Chestnut street. Or address I'. O. Box MI. jylo-Im. COAL. BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.—Genuine Eagle Vein COAL, equal, if not superior, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, , *8; Large Nut, V. Try it. You will be sure to be pleased. Mike, 1.21. South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 1419 C.ALLOWITILL Street, above Broad. jy22-3m ELLIS BRANSON. COAL FOR LOW-DOWN GRATES.- ..." The subscribers having been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the sale of the celebrated LEWIS VEIN COAL of the DUNCAN COAL COMPANY'S Minin, now offer it for sale to the citizens of Phila delphiag. This Coal is a deep Red Ash, and is espe cially adapted to the new style of LOW-DOWN GRATES, the ashes being heavy do not lly about the room ; it is a FREE-BURNING COAL, and superior to any other Red Ash in the market. We also invite attention to our stink of LOCUST IfIGUNTAIN, EAGLE VEIN, and RAINBOW COAL. REPPLIER, O'DONNELL, Co., 329 WALNUT Street, N. W. corner BROAD and SPRUCE Streets, And S. W. corner BROAD and RACE Streets. .Iyl7-mwtl3tv KNOWLE S' LEHIGH, HICKORY, and visic COAL at reduced prices. Office and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW she. Jr4-113/* COAL. -GYM: H. CURTIS & CO., V LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL YARD, 1413 CALLOWIIILL Street. jylo-Itn. ei 0A L .—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER N-) MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal., and best Locus t Moun tutu, from Sebuyikilhprepared expressly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner IiTGIITH and WILLOW Streets. Office ,_No. 11.2 S. SECOND Street. lapb-tr) J. WALTON & CO. PERSONAL. TO ALL WHOM IT.MAY CONCERN, From this date, JULY 21st, 1865, W. H. Duf field teases to be an agent for our firm. ATKINS BROTHERS, W. H. DUFFIELD, Agent. PHILADA., July 21, 1865. Jy22-3t. T HEREBY CAUTION ALL PERSONS from harboring or trusting SARAH W. HOPPER on my account, as I will pay no debts of her con tracting. 03 , 21-30.3 WM. W. HOPPER. • LOST AND FOUND. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT -LA applicathjil will be made to the Franklin Fire Insurance Company, Of Philadelphia, fur the re, newel of their policy, No. 18025, for 000. on a dwelling house south side of Diamond street, 39 feet east of Fifth street, Philadelphia, the same having been lost or destroyed. JOSHUA L. KNIGHT, Owner, ELIZABETH H. RHOADS, Assignee as collateral to ground rent, Per JOEL EVAIM. PIDLADF,LPIIIA, ills mouth 21, 1895. 33.28-31* LEGAL. NOTICE IN PARTITION.—Notice is hereby given that a writ in partition in which Edwin Dyer Is plaintiff, arid Anthony &Moder and Mary E. schoder his wife, Thomas 13. Jacques, Samueldi. Jacques, Isaac S. Jacques, of Samuel C. Jacques, Ellis Lewis, Robert G. White, and James Lowrey are defendants, has issued out of the Court of 11onnnon Pleas of 'flogs. county, Penn syivania, bearing teste the eighth day of. July, A.D. 1865, returnable On 11111 last .81011alty of August then next, asking partition among - the aforesaid, parties of the following-describedpiece or parcel of land situate in Bless township, Toga county, and State of Pennsylvania, and described as follows: begin ning at a beech and running thence by lands of Samuel Wallis south 40;4 degrees west 200 perches to; a beech; thence south 49;4 degrees east 174 perches to a post: thence north 40;4 degrees east 119 perches to a birch: thence north 2314 degrees west 186 perches to a hemlock; thence north OM degrees west six perches to the place of beginning; containing 165 acres and allowimee, more or less, with the appur tenances surveyed in _pursuance or warrant No. 613, granted to Jeremiah Rees. Which said writ is now in my hands, all of which the aforesald defendants are itereily root teed to take notice. LEItOY- TABER., Sheriff. Wellsboro, July-19. 1865. jy!:4-6t IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEDPMA. Estate of ANDREW ZELL, dceeased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, seWc, and udiunt the amount of ANDREW ZELL anti' i.EDIVEL ZELL. Executors of ANDREW ZELL, deceased, :and to make distribution of the hidallet in the bands of the Accountants, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his ap poitment, at his °Mee, rear 11r No. 111- South SEVENTII Street, on WEDNESDAY, August '2, 1865, at 4 o'clock P. M._ iy2l-fnindil. CHAS. H. DOWNING, Jr., And' r. &WERLEY CORSETS.-JUST BE CCITed from Paris, a fresh Importation of the tontine, Robert Wesley Corsets. Ladies eau be suited with airy sized. Also, SKIRTS .of the latest styles, at Mrs. STEELE'S, TENTH Street, below Chestnut, nod at No. 252 South ELEVENTti Street. above Spruce. jy2l-30_ FOR ALBANY AND TROY, - N.Y. I VIA. DELAWARE AND RA:3- MAI CANAL. — The Barge GORDON GRANT, IL Sipperley, Master, is now loading at first wharf be low Spruce street. for the above points, and will leave on WEDNESDAY EVENING. For freight, which will be taken on ressontible terms, apply to D. L. FLANAGAN, Agent, 304 South DELAWARE Avenue. TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, By the Pierre or Packages AT AND UNDFA MARKET RATES. JAN. R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT ST. • (WiIoLESALE ROOMS, lIP STAIRS.) .1115-1 m COMMISSION HOUSES. HAZARD & HUTCHINSON, AGENTS FOR TIIE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, 112 CHESTNUT._ STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 HEADE STREET, NEW YORK. Jet?-em RETAIL DRY. GOODS. NEW BLACK AND WHITE GOODS EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 S. SECOND STREET, WILL. OPEN THIS MORNING, A CASE OF DOUBLE-WIDTH BLACK AND WHITE ALL-WOOL PLAIDS, AT 13 CENTS A YARD CLOSING OUT 1 CLOSING OUT I CLOSING OUT GREAT SAICGrAIDITS IN SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. CHEAP BLACK SILKS. Black Silks, with Lustre. • Black Silks, without Lustre. Black Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Colored Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Silk Grenadines at reduced prices. 75e. Bilk Grenadines reduced to 450. slSilk Grenadines reduced to 65c. Handsome Silk Grenadines reduced to 8730., $l, $1.25. New Styles Cambric Lawns, 3130., 500. New Styles Jaconet Lawns, 50e., 623ic,, 650. New Styles Organdy Lawns, 40c., 05c., 700. New Styles Fine Linen Lawfis, ezge., 750. Dress Goode, of every description, at low prices. SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. Plain, Plaid, and Striped White Swiss and Or gandies. Plain, Plaid, and Striped Nainsooks and CambricS. White Puffed and Tucked Muslim. H. STEEL 8.1 SON, .131-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. pLAIN BUFF, PINK, AND BLUE PERCALLES or French Chintzes. Plain buff, pink, and blue Jaconets. Pure white - Mietiand Shawls. White Shirred Muslins. Plaid and Stripe Nalnsooks. Plain Nainsooks, Swiss Muslins. Cambries, &c. Fine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape Poplins for travelling dresses. Single and double widthplain De LaMes. EDWIN BALL & CO., 26 South SECOND Street. N.B.—Summer Dress Goods closing out regard less of cost. .IeZO-tf COOPER & CONARD, NIX= AND MAREET, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks Coatings. Tailors? Linings, Of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Fatally Linens, selling, gold, at 30c. Gauze, Domet, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Detainee, 55 and 65 cents. • Extra tine black Mohair Alpaa fa. Lupins n 6--4 black Wool Detainee, $l. Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped ' finest Cambric. and L laedneu i puffed Muslin., Phple, &e. White Barege and other thin Shawls. Mk Samples and Summer Dusters. je7-tf VIGURED BILK GRENADINES, of the best qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds, lie to $1.50. Travelling Dress Goods, in every variety. New Dress Goods, in great variety. Handsome Chene Silks 50. VERY. CHEAP BLACK gyE SILKS, suitable for Dresses, mantles, and sa_cmxes. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. Merrimac, Sprague, and Pacific Prints, 25e. 10-4 Waltham and Peperlll bleached Sheetings, H. STEEL & SON, myB-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. MERCHANT' TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW IN STORE A COMPLETE ASSOETMENT OF mh2-tf SPRING GOODS. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty in their 'Mime& Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAN. J. W. SCOTT eic CO.,_ GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, NO. 814 CHESTNUT Street, jal-1y tour , doors below the Continental. 1 1 (11 bl s eolJ J.l. II Ilk Ct"LIT11.1) I 600 REFRIVERMITSR,EET. 600 WATER GOOLERS,_ FREEZERS. GAS-STOVES, FOR SUMMER COOKING. je1641 GRIFFITH & PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH. GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fami lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c., &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, zny24-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS: ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Street'', PHILADELPHIA, WIIOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLANS. MANITIPACTURBUS Or WHITE 'LEAD AND ZINO PAINTS, PUTTY, &C. AGENTS POR THE CELEBRATED FRENISII ZINC PAINTS_ Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. 03,4-3 m BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. HANCE, 729 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPIDA, Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stock of ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, in various sized packages, of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, at a liberal di scoudt to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. myll-3mlp REMOVALS. REMOVAL.—GEO. W. WATSON & CO. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOSI TORY to their old place, No. 12/10 CHESTNUT Street (under Concert Hall,) where they will keep a stoek of Carriages of their own make, and will re ceive orders for every description of niet•ciass work. JUNE 7, 1665. je7-Sm COPARTNERSHIPS. C 0 PARTNERS HIP.-EDWARD TROTH has this day associated with himself HENRY D. NELL. and will continue the Cloth Jobbin.. Business at No. 118 North THIRD Street, under the arm-name of TROTH t NELL. PIIILADELPIIIA. July 11111, 1865. Jy22-6t. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The copartnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the name of WAR NER, MISKEY, & 3IERRILL (Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, &c.,) was dissolved b3r mutual con sent on the Ist day of Februar, A. D., by the withdrawal of REDWOOD F. VARNER. The business of the late firm will be settled at 718 CHESTNUT Street by the new firm of MISKEY, MERRILL, & THAC.h.ARA. REDWOOD F. WARNER, WM. F. MISERY, W. THA 0. b OKA . MERA. ILL, B. JULY 13, 1862. - PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The interest of RED. Wool) F. 'WARNER, in the itrm of WARNER, MISERY, &MERRILL, having been purchased by the undersigned (the remaining partners), they Will continue the business as heretofore, at No. 71S CHESTNUT Street, and No. 402 RACE Street. WM. P.'MISKEY 'B. W THACKAILL 'O. R. - MERRILL, r/TILADBLPHIA, July 13, 1885. jyl4-10t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-T E Undersigned have this day entered into a CO. partnership under the name and title of BRUNER, `MANN, & CO., for the transaction of the GENE RAL LUMBER BUSINESS, at 1908 MARKET St. A. BRUNER Sit., D. C. WANN A. BRUNER,VB. PnILADILLP/lIA, Julys, 180 THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN connection with an old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior ad• vantages. yll-3m• CABINET FUR NITURE. MOORE & CAMPION, 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the decline is the market In the price of their Furniture. Purchasers will wean ',Ali and examine our Ma. Irtylo-iy* AT REASONABLE ruzcza. WANTS IATANTED—IN A DOMSR.TIC CON- Y IdlBBiON House. (Woollen,)la tiALtsscoi, who has Lad experience. Address " Poat-offlre. 1724-2 t. WANTED-A SITUATION AS Tit A . SALESMAN, for a responsible Cloth lirtustt•. has a large arqualatance with the country merehants in tii State, also in the West. fttlsfactory reference ; Ives as to plv.rwtter. &C. Add ri,K. A". two (in ys. `` P. Prom °gine, It. WANTED-SITUATION AS SALES- I/ Al A Ai a Ivo/imp:llde Wholesale Notrio and Trimming s , arc; has a large mogua hammer, with the mom/ ry merchants in this State and the W , it.. t isrletory refe pollee ;.riveit as to character . I :7e. Ad dress, for two days, " A. .P.,'' Press °lik:. it* WANTED, 131 A GENTLEMAN OF business experlance—A. situation as Sales man in a Wholesale Jima., dry goods or wvonarieti proferred. Address "Salesman," Box 2119, ville. yv 2,lts WANTED -IN A CLOTH HOUSE, V an experienced Entry Clerk 1 i,ne having some knowledge of book-keeping preferte6. Ad , lrrs. in own band-writing, stating salary, " Clork, , • box 1036,1'. O. 13,22-20 WANTED -IN A CASH DRY GOODS Jobbing liouov, two arBt-tdasa SALICSMVIN, for city mot near trade. Address Box 2507 rnlla delplna Post-ofßoo. jy2l-3t. IV - AN TED-A GOOD RELIABLE V BOOK-KEEPER, ht a Dry Goods Commis sion House. Address, in hand-writing of appli cant, Box MO Philadelphia Post Oinec. jr2l-et WANTE D-A PARTNER, WITH T from $lO,OOO to $15,000, to take an interest in a Commission business now earning $6,000 per annum, and which can be greatly Increased. A gentleman of education, and one having a taste for the Shipping trade preferred. Address, with real name and addre;sa, " Mer entor,,, °flit% of this paper. Jiria-at* WANTED-AT $175 PER MONTH, V Returned and Disabled Officers and Soldiers, Teachers ' Ladies, and energetic young men Co CANVASS for our great national work, 'rThe Life, Times, and Public - Services of Abraham Lincoln." By Dr. L. P. Brockett. We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BItOS., & CO., SIXTH and MINOR Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. Jyti-Im* AN OFFICER WHO SERVED UNDER General Sheridan during his entire campaign through Virginia Is desirous or tinning employment in some genteel business, either as salesman or in some similar capacity. Any person disposed to ap preciate his past services will please address "She ridan," Box 1458, Post-Office. jy2l-6t. AGENTS WANTED, FOR THE MOST -LA- complete, authentic, and reliable Life of Lin coln published. Address JONES BROS. CO., Phi ladelphia, Pa. jyet-pn&W,tt A N INTEREST WILL BE GIVEN IN AN a respectable Manufacturing Business to a suitable person who can invest $5, - 000 for one or two years. Address, with name and reference, "Manu facturer," this Office. jy2l-Bt. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr. J. G. Hol land. No comment is necessary% the author's repu tation is a writer is fully established. Experienced canvassers know why It sells., Address, for terms, MORRIS BARNARD, Elk View, jyl9-1.2t. Chester county, Penna. CANVASSERS WANTED-FOR (every city and town in the Uniteil States, for a new religions work, now in mess, entitled "The Inner Life; or, The Joys of My Father's House. By a Wayfaring Man." This book Is recommended in the highest terms of praise by the late ion. Theo dore Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey: the Rev. Bishop M. Simpson, D. D., of the M. E. Church: the Rev. I. S. Henson, of the Baptist Church; the Rev. Charles P. Krauth, D, D., of the Lutheran Church; the Rev. Ifingston Goddard. D. D., of the Protestant Episcopal Church: the Rev. J. H. A. Bomberger, D. D., of the German Reformed Church, and many other eminent Ministers of Christ. It will be a handsome I2mo. vol., printed on tinted paper. Persons wishing to canvass for this book can have copies sent them by mail, free, on receipt of the price; $1.50, in. United States currency. All orders for this book must be addressed to CLINTON G. JY72-st* Post-oince Box oak Philadelphia. STORE WANTED.-A STORE Salesroom wanted, suitable for woollen goO I L I Y, Chestnut street, below Fourth. Bank, or Strawberry streets preferred. A good second story would an swer. Address " Woolens," Press office. jy2l-3t. 870 A MONtH.-I WANT AGENTS everywhere at $7O a mouth, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES, the best selllne_ ever offered. .Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. GARET, Biddeford. Maine. mylo-d&W3nt 810 N A MONTH.-AGENTS WANT. it , ED everywhere to introduce the Improved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the Collntry_which is licensed by Graver & Baker, Wheeler & Howe Singer 44 Co., and Bachelder. All other Machines now sold (hr less than forty dollars each are Infringements, and the seller and user are liable to fine and imprisonment. 'Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars Maine.ree. Address SHAW 86 CLARK., Biddeford, myie-d&WSta WANTED—A MODERN HOUSE, with double front, in an eligible location— Green, Wallace, or Mount Vernon streets, west of Broad street, preferred. LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers, 13 , 22-61* 103 b REACH Street, above Le:titre} at. FOR SALE AND TO LET. GERMANTOWN.-WANTED TO Rent, about 15th,9th Month, a DWELLING, in Germantown. Ren not to exceed troo. Address Philadelphia Post-oillce, Box 1053. jr24-3t. ft FOR SALE-THE THREE-STORY Miabrick inessue6 . e (No. 41m, and lot of ground, on the north side Of. Lombard street, 16 feet front by loaded?, ton 20-feet street, on which therejis erected a 2;t" story brick building, Apply to SAML. L CLEMENT, jy24-6t 226 South THIRD Street. Mfg TO HOTEL KEEPERS AND OTHERS.—TO RENT, NATIONAL HOTEL, in RACE Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, having ample accommodations for such business, containing forty-eight rooms, haying been put in eoraptete repair. For terms, apply to • THOMAS MARTIN, Real Estate, Agent s jy22-3t. Northwest eor, FOTJETIt & FINE S REAL RSTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. 07000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. eOOO,OOO WORTH FOR SALE. ,000_,_000 WORTH FOR SALE. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE: RUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY GATALOGITEj aw. O. N EW MONTHLY . CATALOGUE, JUST_QUT. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. CONTAINS 70 PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. CONTAINS 70 PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. CONTAINS 70 PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE that MIL LBWS Monthly Catalogue is the greatest produc tion of the age to parties Interested in the purchase of city or suburban properties. No person wishing to -purchase should fall to get a copy. Sent free of charge to any address in the United States. GEORGE C. MILLER, Practical Heal Estate Operator (for the last2Oyears), jrn-elf 155 North SIXTH Street. trA FOR SALE—SEVERAL DESIRA- MaBLE DWELLINGS on BRANDYWINE Street, west of Twentieth and Twenty-first; sonic will pay ten per cent. investment. No. 1311 North TWELFTH; in good order; pos session soon. East side of SIXTH. north of Vine. 1921 COATES. Also, many others, in various localities. B. F. GLENN, 123 S. FOURTH Street, and jy22 S. W. me. SEVENTEENTH and GREE. te FOR SALE—BARGAIN, POSI JIM TlVELY—Splendid large first-class DWELL ING, on SPRUCE Street, west of Seventeenth; Lot 22 feet front; fifteen rooms; only 417,500; easy terms, and immediate possession. MILLER, 155 North SIXTH Street. jy2l-3t if 111 $lOO BONUS WILL BE PAID FOR a modern-built TAVELLIXO, possession be fore let of September rent about GOO per yeat.. Weetern part of the citypreferred. Addrese "IV," Office of the North Amerman. jy2l.-6t. VOR SALE-A LARGE MANITFAC -1- TURING BUSINESS, central locality; estab lished over thirty-live years; doing a good busi ness; and paying handsomely. Address "Strictly Confidential," Press office, iris-et* et a A VALUABLE PROPERTY IN A ma business neighborhood, 86 feet front by 152. Improvements three-story brick, two-story iu the rear. Also a double two-story frame. This pro perty can be improved to bring a handsome in come. Inquire on the premises, 1733 GERMAN TOWN Road, before 10.4. M. • jy2B.6t* AT PRIVATE BALE-A FARM of 120 acres, near the Carnersville Normal School, Bucks county, Pa., suitable for grazing; 10 acres of wood; improvements middling; plenty or water. Crops and stock may all be had together, with immediate possession, if desired. Call on the subscriber, near Bull's Island Station, on the Belvidere Railroad, and a conveyance will be furnished, free of charge, to view the premises. Address Lumberville - P. O. Bucks county, Pa. JOHN E. BENDEREONE, Real Estate Agent. j3.2.4-3t. et FOR SALE—A VERY SUPE RIOR.Am FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT,in Cecil county+, Maryland. The property contains 156 acres, and the Improvements arc of the most ample and commodious sort. - - . - - The grounds, as to the farm, garden and orchard, are in tine condition, abounding In fruits and vege tables in various varieties, the agricultural yield being very tine and abundant. The situation is remarkably beautiful, high and healthy. with commanding views of the river and bay, and the shooting and fishing are unsurpassed. For details - of further descriptien , ltbfiNßOTll apply to J. D. , jy2l-St 436 WALNUT Street. dig VALUABLE FARMS AT PRI-is FATE SALE.—Two very desirable Farms,..aa. situate near Milton, Northumberland county, Pa.; are ofibred at private sale by a widow lady, who in tends to move to Mg West. Farm No. 1 lies within a mile of the town, and contains 114 fierce of the beet kind of river bottom land, bordering on the West Branch of the Susquehanna, and is in a high state of cultivation. The soil is very rich, and yields largely every variety of cereals and vegetables that can be raised in the State. The improvements comprise a large two-story brick mansion-house, a neat and commodious tenant-house, and a substantial bank barn, with suitable outhouses, all in good repair. The farm contains a flue orchard of tile choicest va rieties of fruit trees, and a vineyard of young, thrifty, and well-selected grapevilleS. A new wire ferry crosses the river at the farm; charter extdii iliVe for four miles up and down, will be sold with it, the receipts of which amount to from $lOO to $l4O per, week. Farm No. 2 adjOins the borough of Milton, and contains 132 acres, 8 acres of which are woodland, the remainder arable land, in a state of good culti vation. The surface of the farm is undulating, tile soil- rich, and the pasturage luxuriant, being well adapted and formerly used - for dairy purposes. The improvements consist of an elegant brick mansion house, having every modern convenience, supplied with gas from the. town, and with excellent water from a cement-lined and filtered cistern, contain ing upwards of 50 hogsheads or water; a large bauk barn and outhouses, and is stone tenant-house, in which there is a flowing artesian well. This house is located on a lot of ground lying between the West Branch Canal andlthe Philadelphia and Erie Rail road; was formerly a distillery, and could be con veiled into one of The best breweries in the State. It will be sold separately 1 fdesired. Parties wishing to purchase, can obtain any fur ther Information by addressin JOHN MeOLEERY, Attorney -at-Law, jyls-12t Milton, Northumberland 00,, Pa. FOB SALE-THIRTEEN ACRES :a.b... - of LAND, beautifully located ott Pasavunk Itoad, near Broad street. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 323 WALNUT Street. jy2l-3t• ak FOR SALE, AND PART EX -a- CHANGE FOR OIL wrooKS,Bullaln g Lots, Timber Land. and H. few Improved Farms. ABIL I " 11AM BECLITEL, No. 30S WALNUT 5t.,R001 11 . 16 . .1311-a? FOR SALE—VALUABLE RUILDIN, a,. a LOTS, large and small, in West Philadelphi Germantown, II and the central tarte 01 this city. li• F. 4-11;E ' N ' 33,22-tf 123 South FOUTltrit Street. _ F 0 RL EL:kfdifrH -STREET, NEAR FILBERT.—The heave . Good Will, mitt excellent Fixtures or one of the laygest dry-goods stores on the street. .Iy2l-3tlr 15, N orth RIX= Street. 00ARDING'. CAPE ISLAND. -A FEW BOARDERS taken at the PIELLADELPIRA. HOUSE ta 'private family. jr22-3t* AY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS D piNNERS, at No. 094 South wASHINGIVON So DEPARTMENT FOX CUSTOM PTOBIL AUCTION SALES. AUCTION NOTICE. URGE HD IMPORTANT MN oygRNMENT PROPERTY. SAMUEL C. COOK, AUCTIONEER. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, August Si, 10%, AT HALF-PAST TEN O'CLOCK, No. 124 South Front St., abet* Waiting.. WILL IM SOLD. for account of the Medical BUreau, tr. B..A..,Mhis following Merchandise, mostly in bales and Orient* packages, entirely new and in good order 50,000 pair Blankets. 93,006 yards Linen Sheeting, 81,52936 " Bed Sacking. 22,003 M " Linen Pillow Casing, 34,0519 i `• Colored Cotton Check. 155,753 S " Mosquito Netting. 21,000 " Huck Towelling. 13,932 " Shirting Muslin. 7,000 " Window Shade Muslin. 5,000 " Muslin. 3,19 6 X " 3lual i n Sheering. 1,& 52 " Cheek Pillow Ticking, 20,000 pair Drawers. 20,000 " Socks. 10,000 Shirts. 2,000 Blanket Wrappers. 1,000 Counterpanes. we Thor MxttrenneS. 5,000 Pillow Cases, Cotton check. 10,000 Pillow Ticka 50,000 Sheets, ALSO, 100 hales, containing 5,000 pair Blankets, nearly new, In good order. Can he examined with catalogues three days pee. visas to sale. . 1 13 , 1 1 5 3,1, 20, 24, 27, 31; au 1,2, 3,4, 5,7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, AUCTION NOTICE IMPORTANT UNITED STATES SALE. Drugs, Medicines, Instruments, &to BRANDIES AND WINES. Samuel C. Cook, Auctioneer. ON FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, uns, AT HALF-PART TEN O'CLOCK, At 121 South Front Sto above Webtkette WILL BE SOLD, For account of the Medical. Bureau U. S. A., large assortment of Drugs,Medicines, Ac., In bulk and put up In army style at United States Labo ratory, Philadelphia, all In good order being above the amount required by the Medical bepartMent s comprising: 35,06 tbs. Ex. Beef: 45,1X11 doz. Quinine Pills. 5,0(10 oz. Snip. Quinine. 20,011 doz. Opium Pills. MOO lbs. Rochelle Salts. 15,000 yds. Isin. Plaster. 10,000 " Adhesive do. 3,000 " Oiled Silk. 3,000 " Oiled Muslin. 2.000 " Perch. cPh. 20001135. Maguosis. 5400 " Epsom &tits. 000 " Essential oils., 250 doz. Olire 011. 50,000 lbs. Cont'(' Milk. 10,000 " Acids, 858'd. 12,000 gals, Alcohol, 2,20011 A. bum Arabic. 4,000 " Ammonia. 1,000 " Chain. Mowers. 1,000 " F. S. Arsenic. 1,000" Assatkettda. 500`" Belladona. 100 " .13001111. 2,000 " Camphor. " Cautharldes. 1,000 " Capsicum, pd. 1,500 Catechism. 1,200 " White. Wax. 1,000 " Calasaya Bark, 650 " Chloroform. 200 " 0,100 " Copxibm. 500 " Creosote. 550 Cubobs, 23.000 " Med. Ext. ass - . 1 5,000 " Prep. Iron, ussd 1,800 "Calomel. 1,000 " Mercury. SOO " 1,000 l• Ipecac. 1.000 ` rlaxseed.. 300 gals. Olive Oil 1,250 lbs. Po - W(1 Opium. 1,200 " Hyd. Potash. 2,000 "j o 1 Teu. 20,000 dor. thunpli. Pilla. 12,000 " Cathartic Pills. 1,500 lbs. Blearb. Potash. 2,500 " Syrup Squills. 2,000 Patent Lint. 2,000 pieces Binding. 1,000 Towels. 3,000 Susp. Bandages. T2O lbs. Rhubarb. Nutmegs, cloves, Pepper, Cocoa, Mustard, Cina. anon, Sal SOda, BMW). Soda, Oxide. Miss., Castile Soap, Saltpetre, Cuppieg. aio.agea, Surgsonil' Nee dies, Scissors, Syringes, and Litters, f wino, SW 1311ANDIES AND WILNIMS. 2,000 gals. Pure Brandy. 800 doz. Red Wino. 2000 doz. do. do. I 800 " Sherry Wine. Samples will be arranged, with catalogues, three days precious to ems. jy2l,tau4 MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE P WASHINGTON, D. C., anly 24, 184. Will be sold at public auction in thin city, at 101 o'clock, A. M., oh MONDAY, the seventh day of' August, 1851, a large quantity of Condemned Hospi tal Furniture and. Bedding, consisting of 217 Bedside Tables, 278 Cots, 1788 Tin Plates, 466 HuskMattrasses. 781 Tin Cups, t 4038 Blankets !. 833 Wooden Buckets, /38 0 Il e d sa dd 294 Leather Buckets, NM Sheets r 1 , 8 2 C 0 11 1 1 18 9 1.1 Cliairg, 5000 Boxes , , t,..;/ Large Tin Boilers, aul Flour ' Barrele, 2 Galvanized Ovens, 10,413 Bottles, 1094 Iron Bedsteads, 991 Litters. Besides Stoves ! Cauldrons Tin Pans, Coffee Pots, Knives Forks, Spoons, Candlesticks, and a quantity of old Lead, Copper, and Tinware. Successful bidders will be required to remove the stores within five (5) days from date of sale. Terms cash, in Government funds. C. SIITIIMIL AND, jy94-180 Surgeon U. S. A. and Medical Purveyor. NEW CHESTNVY-STREET THU: TRE—CiIEsTNUT Street, itliove Twelfth. THE ONLY THEATRICAL FERFORNANOE TY. SECOND WEEK OF THE NEW IRISH DRAMA. MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, July 24th and 25th, Wilt be presented for the 7th and Bth thnet the new Irish Drama, by Dion 13oucteNilt and "g• Douse, stylkl ARRAN NA POGUE; OR THE WICKLOW WEDDING Which, during the past week, has achieved a grant,' success. It wlll be presented with all the new and magnificent scenery, wonderful mechanical effects. original and brilliant music, costly wardrobe, cor rect appointments, and a CAST OF THE UTMOST ABILITY. - The Centrifugal leans constantly in motion, ren der the Theatre delighirully cool at all times. ice waterprovided In abundatiee, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, July 2961,1 • SECOND GRAND FAMILY MATINEE OF THE SUMMER SEASON, When ARRAH NA POGUE will he performed. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCS STREET THEATRE. SECOND WEEK. SECOND WEEK. DOOLEY'S MINSTRELS. AN ENTIRE NEW DILL. TRAGEDY, COMEDY; FARCE, BURLESQUE ' SONG DANCE. . . ALL TILE STARS AP PEAR' EACH EVENING* PRONOUNCED BY OVERWHELMING AUDI ENCES THE WORLD'S BEST. - jy2l4t FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEA— AL TEE, WALNUT Street, above Eighth, WILL OPEN FOR THE SEASON On SATURDAY EVENING July 188 L Grand Ballots, new Dramas, farce®, Jru bril— liant combination of distingfilthtd artists , ji244t FAIRMOUNT WATER -WORKS, (WIRE BRIDGE.) AFTERNOON CONCERTS EVERY DAY, From 4 to 7 o'clock_. by HASSLER'S GRAND MILITARY BAND. Programmes of Music issued daily. The Arch, Vine, and CallowhiMatreet care ran dl. Tact to the place. jrl2-13t ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST. NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. till 6 P. M. Benjamin West's great picture Of CHRIST REJECTED atilt on Exhibition. lel9 EXCURSIONS. MflgiM CAPE MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD, FROM FOOT OF WALNUT STREET, AT 8.30 A. N., rip m AND IMMO% D. 2.30 P. M., lA . BUNGEE. Due at 846 L. EXPRESS. DU at 7.46 P. *iv 4.30 P. K, Fare, H 3.00. Servants, $9.00. EXCURSION TICKETS, ,[l.OO. Coupon Ticket*. to be used by one person only, 10 for $213,00. Istird e lr ad Station24llll%ltaken yo and lroO& t"- Freight daily from Sandford's Wharf, below Spruce street. Returning_Tralne leave CAPE MAX at 5.80 A. /11.. 1 Mail• B A. M., Express; 6 P. M., Aecomihadatlois: 8.0) A. M., Freight. J, VAN WENN - MAZE, Burt. PHILADBLIMIA, July 6,1886, .lYe•t9el ; =;. tvilcat4 CATAWISSA. RAIL- AD COMP N Y.—Tor Tourists and Travellers—Excursion Season fit Lake Ontario, ;Saguenay River, The Thousand Islands, ;Portland, The Rapids of St. Law- White Mountains, venue - River, Saratoga Springs. Montreal, &e., &e- Onebee, &e., Tickets for the nboVe Eltrim ,l "" , r h tlioi lm ' v t 6 ' been so long and favorably be"ml to (du pine piddle, by various route. to Niagara Font, for sale at the . CATAWISSA ELMIR MLA! LROAD TICKET or vill begiven. N. VAN. DORN, Passenger Agent, 14v2he5reefiluEliSiTalrgobtriiielt. "Hierrhil3deirhia Bank, 426 cur,sTriuT Street. _ • m•• , m .,, ,min ommt. l •o 6 -1 CAMDEN AND AT. LANTIC RAILROAD. inii...m..1.--'----111MMtIR ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. On and after SATURDAY, July let, Jaw, ylvia , trains do Cy to Atlantic City. and one oft Sunami. TRAINS LEAVE VINE-STREET FERRY ' se follows: special Excursion GAO A. IL Mail Train 7.90 A. IL Freight, with Passenger Cur attached,.,. 8.15 A. 85., Express (through in two hours) 2.00 I'. It., Atlantic Accommodation 9.15 P. 11, RETURNING . , LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation 5.47 A. IL Express (thfOligh in two hours) 7.09 A. M. Freight. with Passenger Car attached...,ll.47 A. MI Mail Train 9.45 r, JII: , Special EXenrsiOn 5.15 P. ]t. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN, Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 740 A. N. Returning Atlantic , Aant at 4.95 P, It. Fare to s2. Round...trip Tickets, good only for the day and train on which they are Issued,. . -, JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. . ' ' Leave Vine-street Ferry at ' 5.20 P. lit.. ; Leave Jackgm at g, 28 A.. ME., EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINI3, Leave Vine-street Ferry at 10.11 A, M. and 1.15 P. M.. Leave Haddonfield at 11.45 A. M. and 2.45 P. IL. N. B.—Freight must be delivered at Coopers Point before 0 - o'clock P.M. to insure Neal:dun down the next day. JOHN G. BRYANT, je2S-tf Agent. alum EXCURSIONS TO LONG BRANCEL—Trainafor Lung Brom will leave Cooper'a Polak 0/±. daily (iSuudnya exi*Ot6ll,l LS MOWN.. attare, E t. Excursion Tickets, good foe three days, Z train on fisturdsom at 4.80 P. M. Returning, Mit. at Camden at 8.10 A. M. Monday. Je26-2m L. B. cola, Moat, QsMdod. . . 300 " Castor 01.14 2,500 lbs. Sugar Lead - . 3,800 " Cream Tartar. 2,500 " Clio. Potash. 1,000 " nor. Borax. 1,000 lbs. Powd , d Elm 25,000 Bandages.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers