THE CITY. THE CONDEMNED IN. MOYAMENSTNO' PRISON. Nathaniel West wag convicted in Febrri &J£tiu££X& ter killing Jiiß wlw* Ho was sentenced bnt the death warrant never having bee,!!, signed, hostllliremalns In prison. The olroumstanoes attending the ease are qultcfamillartouS, as ! we were hailed oh Cheat" SB* hhfeet Olle flne-'.aummor’s day by a lody.who .naUl: "Reporter, there Is a murderroand theoor ner." We did not know the lady , bnt regarded her advice, and went aronnd to Merchant street, below Filth, where a terrible scene of.blood met our gaze. .SbsVWest was lying upon the floor dead, -a knife having done the work. Near her was ; her husband in a dying condition, as It was then thought. Sergeant Dougherty, who, for a'number of y ears, has faithfully discharged his dirty In the .Sixth ward. was by the side of West, holding him as a prisoner. The moment we entered the room, .West said, “Ha! here Is a reporter to oator.for the morbid taste of a depraved community.’’ Not re- > yarding his remark, we asked him as to his eondi. Hon, and he said a short time would deoldo his case. The same knife that accomplished the 'deadly work with the wife he used upon himself, and inflicted several severe wounds la the region iof the heart. Although suffering severe agony, he turned on his side, and looking at his wife’s body, said, “Pleas# pull down her dress; I dearly loved her.” Detective Officers Calanan, Carlin, and Geo. H. Smith soon appeared at the soene, and took.pos- Sesslon of the premises. All parties In the house were held there, and those who subsequently came In claiming that as their residence,' were also held In, eußtody. Coroner: Delavah, having an important case In the Upper end of the olty, did not arrive at the soene until a late hour at night. During the Interval West was removed to the Pennsylvania Hospital, in charge of Sergeant Dougherty. When he was brought down stairs, those having him In custody halted for a few minutes,] be cause of bis having a severe fit of coughing. ' He soon, was relieved, and, turning to Sergeant Dougherty,- asked if there was any' blood In hlB expectoration. The sergeant replied to the' negative, whereupon West said, -“My God! oan’t I die The wife was a handsome-Woman, and with her redded the two sisters of West and Beveral lewd women. Many men of note In soelety were In.the habit of visiting the house,’hat when the murder took place they kept away, some of them leaving the olty for fear of being called upon to testiry. Among the occupants was a young girl who had passed a successful examination at the Normal School, and Intended to teacher. The In quest found that the wife came to her death at the hands of’ her husband. West remained at the hos pital until he wss sufficiently recovered to be moved to Moyamenslng Prison. The trial attracted considerable attention, al though the most able lawyers were not engaged in the oause. The yonng gentlemen who defended him did their best, but there was a fair field for the display of the best talent at the bar. The principal witness against West was his eldest Bister, who testified with a bitterness that was Bup posed might be noticed by the jury, but such did not seem to be the case. Upon being aßked by the judge what he had to say why sentence of death should not be pro nounced upon him, Weßt delivered"* well-composed address, whloh was highly complimented by the papers of the day. When removed to the conviot cell at Moyamen sfng Prison he was .chained by the leg, and, as waß the custom at that time, no edged Implements were ‘ allowed him. Dr. Paul B. Goddard ,eoming into office as an inspector' of the prison, ordered that West should be furnished with a knife and fork, and a razor with whloh to shave himself. One of the keepers said to the worthy Doctor, “Suppose he commits suicide?” “That’s his lookout,and not yours," was the rejoinder. So West managed bom that time to live like a civilized man. Ho employed his time in writing poetry, hat having no one to re view and embellish It, when It appeared In print It was rather harsh, hat showed the author possessed a good natural mind. * We visited West a few days Blnce, and found him at work erimptog boots. Not having Seen him for four years, we hardly expected he would know us. In this, however, we were disappointed, as he said, after a moment’s gaze, “You are the fellow that used to bring m° writing paper and pens.’’ He asked abont our Wbereabonts, and why we had not been to see him. -On telling him that for three years and a half we had been'in the army, he' quiekly asked, “ How ls It In the army,?” “It Is pretty rough sometimes,” was the reply. “As rough as It Is here 1” “Tbs; at times It is rougher than here.’’ “Oh, that is. only your idea; you have never hew hero," he re plied, with much earnestness. He expressed but little hope of getting out of, prison, hut said, In this connection, “Miller has been pardoned." A German who was at work In the same room a aid : ■« Yes, that’s so; but he only killed a Dutchman." West laughed heartily at this, and seemed through out the Interview to he in excellent spirits, He asked ns for a newspaper, bnt the rules of the prison forbid ding this, wo had to decline rather reluotantly, we ' must confess. In personal appearance West has nothing to Indicate a malicious temperament. He Ib tall, of Stir complexion,- graceful In' his move ments, and has a very easy and Impressive delivery. Ho was bora in Baltimore, and is by trade a whip maker, being very expert at his profession. There is a great difference of opinion In the' community as to West’s, ease, some persons olalm- Acm#*- -j-tno-ranns thus accumulated. The evl dence at the trial,-however, did not Bhow this, save that of thebne witness, the sister,' It was positively Stated on the. trial that West went home and per suaded his wife to abandon her course of ilk and go live with him In a respectable manner. He offered to forget and forgive all past transgressions. Thu Wife peremptorily refused to go with her husband, whereupon he plunged a dagger into her. The vast Humber of wounds Inflicted upon her body showed that the man was frenzied. He then stabbed him self In three places, as we have said, near the region of the heart. • The sister who testified against West continued to leada loose life, and some months after his eon vlotlon she went to Lieutenant Myers, then on the police three, and demanded a warrant for his arrest. The Lieutenant said, “Why, your brother Is in Moyamenslng Prison, chained by the leg." She said It was not so, and that he had chased her down Ridge avenue with a butcher knife. In ordinary eases the evidence of a lewd woman is not con sidered, unless corroborated, but in this case the re latlonahlpseemcd to outweigh the moral depravity. West has been a good prisoner, and confinement for eight years has mush changed his appearance. Tory many of our best citizens strongly sympa thize with West, and think he has sufficiently ex piated his crime. . We have referred in this article to the release of Miner,' who was convicted of the murder of a Ger man, named Gauker. Miller, was aided In this brutal murder by Wash Eddls. They robbed the German, and then held him under the water In Oohookslnkoreek until he drowned. .Miller fled, and was subsequently arrested In Baltimore by lieutenant John Spear, who had the valuable conn gel of Detective Oalanan in the case. The jury promptly convicted Miller, and he was sentenced to death. Eddls was convicted of murder In the second degree, and sentenced to twelve years in the Eastern Penitentiary, where he still is. Miller, however, walks thS deck of a man-of-war, he having been pardoned. TMs case shows there are some loop-holes In the law. MllH'iKT. UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. The Union League has received authority to re cruit another regiment. The last regiment recruit ed by this organisation was the 213th, and was filled in a very short time. Those who wished to join that regiment and were disappointed on aocohnt of its being filled, will have an opportunity of enlisting tinder as favorable circumstances by joining- this regiment. TO COLORED MEN. Colored men wishing to enter the United States service now have ever; inducement offered to them. Their bonnty, pay, clothing, rations, and relief money are on an equal with the white soldier, and In some oases commissions have been granted to them. By an advertisement, in anothercolumn, It Will be seen that a colored man who-volunteers for one year receives during the year, if married, over Trine hundred dollars/ five hundred of this to oash. How many colored men to this city receive that amount per year at their regular employments! There is no one more Interested to the success of" our cause than the. colored man, and It Is to bo hoped that they will come forward promptly to help the cause of emancipation. DRAFT IN THE TWELFTH WARD. Every effort is now being made by the citizens of the Twelith ward to save themselves from the draft. Committees are busily engaged to gathering funds, but more are wanted. A meeting to consider the ways sad means of increasing the receipts is called tills evening at,the Methodist ohureh on Fifth street, below Oreen. Eminent speakers will detail what Is to be done and suggest ways and means. THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE, DRAFT. The Second ward have sect a committee to Wash f lugton to ask that until the other dlstrlets; are drawn that the men drafted to the First andSoiond districts shall not be compelled to go to the war. The request is only reasonable, and should be con sidered by (he proper authority',, ■ • BECBOITINS. Yesterday warrant's were issued for the payment of the city bounty to M-men, all enlisted for one year. They were credited as follows : First ward, *: Second ward, 3 ; Third ward, 1; Filth ward, 2; Siath ward, T; Eighth ward, 3; Ninth ward, 4; X en^^? ra ’ Eleveß th ward, 6 j Twelfth-ward, 10; Thirteenth .ward, 8; Fourteenth ward, 1; Six teenth ward, 1; Eighteenth ward, 1: Jftoeteenth Ward, 1; Twenty-fourth ward, 2. HnCEUAIIBOOS, THE HTSTEBtOUS CASE. The death of Thomas w. Healey still attracts considerable attention in the community. The Dela ware Statesman gives tu the following additional -facts in the oase: “On Wednesday last CoronerCurryheld an ta nnest on the body of a man named Thomas W. Healey, which was found floating In this river Dela ware, about noon on Tuesday, near the Holy Oak Station, by Clark Olond. Mr. Clark was ont on the river In a small boat, In searoh of drift-wood, when he discovered the body floating on- the water. He brooght It to the shore, and gave Information to the coroner. He repaired to Holy Oak, but, being unable to procure a jury at that place, he took the evidence of Mr. O. and a boy who was to the boat with him, and caused the body to be removed to Wilmington, where an inquest was held on Wednesday morning, and a verdict rendered that he came to his death from causes unknown- On searching the body Of the deceased, papers were found giving the Infor mation that he resided in Philadelphia. The Coro ner sent a despatch to his relatives, and received another In reply, requesting him to keep the body and that MTbrother-ta-law would be down to the n«t train. Hla brother in-law reached this city about tuiM o'clock, and at Ms request Ilf* Wilson noade a poet mortem examination. He found a mark ©w the right eye, indicating that the de * »v*re blow with some kind of * heavy missile. The body was taken to Philadelphia for Interment*. About seventy'dollars J? ofl *£***™* othwpapers 'were fonnd on his person. He leaves a wife and -Jour children to monrn Ms sad ™ ; “ It Je known tbat/Ur. Healey baa a large'amount b* money upon hla person, and it lg tbonehtthat be met wltb ylolenoe and wae thrown overboard. THE HATE ACCIDEHT ON THE BEADIHG BAIL BOAD. Coroner Taylor held an Inquest yesterday after noon In the ease of Mary E MoDade, the girl u years of age, who was killed enlthe evening of the 8d Inst., at Twenty-seventh Btreet and Pennsylvania svenne, hy being, run over by a loeomotlve on the Heading Railroad. Mrs. McDade,the aunt of the child, testified that she resided at Twenty.seventh and Pennsylvania avenue $ the child went oiit unknown to her, she having a sprained ankle. The witness did net eee the aooident, . James Marsh testified that he was a watohman for the Reading Railroad Company, stationed at -Twenty-sixth ami Coates streets; the engine earning east had a dump-oar attached; another engine was going west with a baggage train; heatfi the whistle of the tsars; saw three children going up the track some time before the acoident. W. H. Claire sworn.—l am an engineer, and was on the engine California on Friday evening; on ray returndid not know a ohild was ran over! my at tention was oalled to It the next morning; 1 did not see any children on the track; my light on the loco motive shows twenty foot ahead of me; the speed is four miles an hour atom Seventeenth to .Coates, and six miles from thence to the bridge; If it is a moon light night we ran the same time; but if it iadark we run slower; lam satisfied we were not running faster than regulations. Mr. Mearsbaun sworn.—r was fireman of the en gine, and heard of It the next morning when I was. coming to work; an engine pasted us at the same spot where this eblld was said to have been run over; the engtoe-was running backwards, and was going on Its nsual time; there was a light on the track; the dump oar is only eight feet long; we always ran backwards when tbe englne is reversed. . The jury rendered the following verdlot: That the said Mary E. McDade came to her death from being run over by an engine of the Heading Railroad Company, on Pennsylvaula avenue, near Twenty seventh street, March S, 1865. The evidence elicited the fact that the night dark that the engi neers could not observe any object on the track. - VERDICT nr THE BHIPPEN-STBEET HOMICIDE Coroner Taylor held an inquest yesterday in the oase of Margaret Smith, who was shot on Monday evening, the particulars of wMoh, we gave In The Press on Friday, The following Is the verdict: That the said Margaret Smith came to her death from a gun-shot wound, at No. 683 Shlppen street; said gnu having been discharged at the hands of her usband, Adolphus Smith. The hushand was com mitted. His statement (voluntarily made) was-that the wife attempted to grasp the gun from him, when he took hold of It* for the purpose of going to camp, and that it accidentally exploded. DEATH OF ME. W. H. PAUL, TREASURER OF WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. " -The patrons of the Walnut, and the thsatrloal profession generally, will regret to learn that Mr. w. H. Paul, treasurer of the Walnut-street Theatre, died, yesterday morning, at Us residence In Erie street. He was a native of Massachusetts, and was about 46 years of age. Mr. Paul had travelled over almost the whole civilized world, He was connected with Banvard’s panorama dortogMts exhibition In Europe, and with the Kane panorama.. He was the leaseeora celebratedplaoe ot amusement In London called Egyptian'Hall, and was as widely known as any man connected with the theatrical profession. He leaves a wife and three ohUdren. He was an accomplished gentleman, and possessed the esteem and confidence of all with whom he was brought in contact. YACCINE PHYSICIANS AND COLLECTORS. The following vaoolne physicians and collectors were eleoted yesterday afternoon by the Board of Health: First aistrict-(lsfana 26th wards,) Dr. J. F. Wil liams, physician ; James Hanley, oolleotor. Second district—(2d, 8d and 4th wards,) Dr. E. 0. Dougherty, physician; John Mlllloo, oolleotor. Third district—(6th, 76h and Bth wards.) Dr. J. G. Allen, physician; James Kelly, oolleotor. , Fourth district— (6th, 9th and 10th wards.) Dr. H, St. Olslr Ash, physician; S. T. Ramsey, collector. Fifth district—(llth, 12th, 16th,Sand 17th wards,) Dr. I. H. Conrad, physician; Jonathan Pugh,'col lector. . Sixth dlstrlot—(lBth, 14th, 16th, and 20th wards,) Dr. S. N. Troth; physician; George B, Armbraster, oolleotor. ‘ - Seventh dlstrlct-(18th and 18th wards.) Dr. J. S. Rihl, physician; W. H. Senderllng, oolleotor. ! Eighth dlstrlot—(23d and 26th wards,) Dr.JJ, F. li&mb, physician'; and A. B- Day, collector.' Ninth district—(2lst and'22d wards,) Dr. E. K. Scholl, physician;. no applicant for collector. Tenth district—(24th ward,) Dr. EUsha Crowell, physloian; Hiram Massey, oolleotor. TRIAL TRIP. The splendid new steamship “ The Star of the Union,” belonging to Messrs, E A. Sonder & 06,, will make a trial trip to-day, to Chester. Her length Is 212 feet, width of beam S 3 feet, and depth or hold IS feet, 8 Inches. Her machinery was constructed by the well-known builders, Messrs. Nesffle & Levy, and Is of.a superior order, the diameter of her cylinder being 45 Inches,'' and the length of .stroke 36 inches. She Is commanded by Captain Alonzo Blanchard. Francis L, Hand, the chief engineer, Is a .yonng, but experienced and efficient officer.: The vessel will run from New York to New Orleans regularly. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. On Monday night a young man named Boyles was found in an alley, on Sixth street, above Spruce. He was In an Insensible condition, and In his pocket was an empty bottle labelled “ lauda ntun." It Is supposed he had attempted snloide. He was taken to the hospital. THE DOUBLEDAY COURT MARTIAL. The court met yesterday, but owing to the ab sence of the Judge 'Advocate, adjourned till this morning. FOUNDLING. Yesterday morning a female Infant, two weeks old, was found lying on the door-steps of a dwelling In Germantown. TAVERN LICENSES, The City Commissioners are now holding dally sessions, from 10 o’clock A. M. until 3 o’clock p. M., to hear applications for tavern licenses. FATAL ACCIDENT; . A child, named George Hetrick, residing on the' Wtesahlokon road, above the toll gate, was scalded, so badly yesterday that ho died. ' BALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, ETC. ■ Messrs. Thomas & Sons sold at the Exobange yes terday noon the following stocks and real estate, viz: #lO,OOO bonds Chestnut and 'Walnut-street Railroad Company, 89K per cent...#8,960 00 *3lO sorlp Phoenix Mutual Insurance Company, 72K per cent 224 75 84 shares Cambria-lion Company, *23.60.. 799 00 8 shares West Chester and Philadel phia Railroad, #9 75................ 73 00 ss6oaorip Delaware Mutual Insurance . —VMxrGftyWbß, 88k per cent............. 834 00 100 shares Pennsylvania Middle Coal Field Coal Company, #2.25 225 00 6QO shares Glen OaTbon Company,.... 660 00 1 share Mercantile Library Company. 9 00 Three-story brick dwelling, No. 464 North Fifth street, above Noble street—#4,ooo. Two-story brick dwelling, ciymer street, between Sixth and Seventh streets—s67s.; '• /.. * Tbree-story brick dwelling, No. 752FIoildaatreet— $2,180. Thrre-stery brlisk dwelling, No. 1418 North Fourth ■str#eb=sl,97s. - Two lots, Third street, sonth of Erie, $75—5150. Two lots, do. do. do. sBo—slso. Three, story brick dwelling, No. 841 North Six teenth street—s 2 325. . Small lot on a back street, First ward—sloo. Three-story brink dwelling, No. 416 Diamond street—sl,26o. Three-story brick dwelling, 439 Diamond street— s9oo. ■ ; - Three story brick dwelling, 1835 Stiles street— s96o, ‘ THE COURTS. Bnpreme Court—Present, Woodward, C. J., and Thompson, Strong, and Agaew, Jnatlces. Tie oourt met yesterday to conclude the Books county list, hut no other cases than those heard the previous day being ready, the court adjourned till this morning, when the Philadelphia list will be re sumed. Conrt of Common Pleas—Judges Tbomp sen end AlUsqn. .* , The new trlal motion list was still before the court yesterday. The other civil courts were not to session. Court or Quarter Sessions—Hon. James B. Ludlow Associate Justice. CD. W. O’Brien, Biq.. Prosecuting Attornev. 3 PLASH VOtJHO HAH CONVICTBD. ' The jurytothe case of G. W. Shirley, charged with entering the Continental Hotel with Intent to steal, came into court with a verdiot of guilty. Sen tence deterred. A HAED CASH. A very respectable looking young woman was charged with the larceny of a pooket-Dook, contain ing seventeen dollars. The District Attorney Bub. mltted Ore bill without evidence, saying that the prosecutor had evidently made a mistake, and seemed to be satisfied that ho had done so, as he re fused to come in to court. The young lady was ho norably discharged... BOXBOBOtmttMOSALB, Gotlelb Homan was oharged wlth selling liquor to one George Gulp, being a person of evil and intem perate habits and manners. Marla Onlp testified that the accused was a rum seller, and sells it late at night; George Onlp was her husband, to whom she t ad been married twenty years; of coarse he had been In the habit of drink ing to exoeas; had seen Homan give him liquor when he. was drunk, many times, and drink with him until two o’clock in the morning s it wohld he too muoh trouble tocount how often her husband had been.drunk ;,sho would as leave see him-fall drunk as half drunk, as It did not make any differ ence to her. ■ ■ ‘ • r •' - Emma Gulp testified that she had seen her father getllqnor from Homan when he was drunk; when remonstrated with, Homan always told them to clear out. Hr. Hamilton testified that the accused kept a hotel at Hoxborough: he had never seen Gulp post lively drank In his life, and did not nogleot his busi ness ; had seen Gulp come to Homan’s land com plain 01 difficulties in Mb family. The defence called the following witnesses: Martha Cnlp testified that her brother-in-law, George Gulp, was not a drunkard as she knew of she never had seen him stagger. George Culp, the man referred to, was called to the stand, and burst Into tears. He, said he drank liquor, but never neglected his business. His wife wantedMm to make Ms property over to her, and she would .settle with Homan; he had obtained liquor from Homan when he felt what he had be fore taken. Hr. Evans testified that ke was a man or different hind.of business ;he boarded with Hr.Homan, and he kept a respectable place; witness was la the rag and paper business. In charging the jnry, Judge Ludlow said he sup posed If the sale of adulterated liquors could be stopped, he believed the sessions of this eourt would not oecupy more than three weeks, Instead of two months,, as at present. Verdict not guilty. Ohas. W. Brooke, Esq., who appeared for the defendant In the case, said he, considered Gulp a hen-pecked husband, and did not doubt that he sometimes took a little spirits to keep Ms spirUs up. He disclaimed the idea of Ms being an habitual drunkard. Hr. O’Brien made a very eloquent and pathetic speech In the case, urging a oonvlotlon, WOMBU’S TKOtTBLBS. Mary A. Finney was charged with committing an assault battery on Ann Keelan. The latter testified that the aeensed eamc to her house, and asked what money she owed her, and being told she ought to know, she said Bhe would not pay It, and was ordered out. She then got witness by the hair of the head with her two, hands and knocked ker head against the stove ana mantel piece, ousting It badly. * ' A woman testified that Mrs. Keelan bled by the basin fhll,' and had to have her head tied up before she conld go to the alderman’s office. The defendant called Alderman Balias, who testi fied that Mrs. had not her head tied up, and he did not see any wounos about her. Hr. Finney testified that at the Alderman’s office Hrs. Keelan admitted she shoved the accused sut of the house and threw a' box at her. At the same time the defendant acknowledged that she held the hands of the prosecutrix, because she drew a knife on her. Witnesses were called to prove the good ehaiaoter of accused for peaoe and quietness, ina the bad character of the prosecutrix fin veracity. Jury ’ KBKTBHOE dr A THIS*. cans. Patton was charged with the laroenyof 13,US; and In the second oount of receiving tihe money, knowing It to have been stolen. “ Lieut. Patterson sworn.—l was a recruiting officer for-the V. 8. army In February last; I had on the lTth of February, four or,five thousand dollars s several thousand of it was put In a pigeon hole In the desk; I got up for a moment to apeafc to my sergeant, when the money was taken, while I Was not two feet from It; I put theaooused outside of the railing"myseir, finding him loafing about there; never-recovered a cent of the money. • ' a'. 11. Fox sworn.—l was at Lieut. Pattetson’s r ffice the day of the robbery, and saw Fatton there; as Lieut. Patterson got up to dear the crowd out, this man Fatten readied into the pigeon-hole and took something away; 1 followed him to the ratling, wherehetalhea with several men; Lieut. Patter son soon missed the money, and X looked for Fatten, but he was gone; then was some money In thedask that was not taken; the article taken was from the pigeon-hole. • - <-■ : ■ 1 who. Owens sworn.— l saw Fatton at the recruit ing office that day and the day before; I know he Is the man by his having his fingers 'off; I saw him take the money from the pigeon-hole, and dip It In a newspaper he had; that red-haired mac there was with Fatton both days, and tried to pass the doctor with me: I enlisted, but was cheated eut tef mybounty by wm. Gray'Mulholland. . Geo. DuDgan sworn.- I went Into the OSes seen after, the robbery; eel was going up stalrd I met Patten' running down; hestruok me on the shoulder as he passed; that U the . reason I particularly noticed him: there was a man with him; hear Us size, bnt did not look at all like him. John O’Byrne, Esq., for the defence, oalled the following witnesses: Henry McLaughlin sworn,—l am a laborer; Pat ' ton took me to the recruiting office to have ine en listed ; Patton was outside of the railing when tfla money was taken, but 1 don’t know where he went afterwards; he had'a whip In his hand: ! don’t think he could have taken the money white I was there.. ~, > : - : John Murray sworn.—Patton -was In front of me at the office standing therenll the time: he was not Inside the railing; saw two men Inside the railing. .Cross-examined.—l stayed five; minutes after the ■ rbbbery, bnt Patton went down to the door. \ Theo, Poinsett sworn —Live at 122 Dook street, and work at. Fairmount; after the cry was made that the money was*' taken, a number rushet] down stairs, but Patton remained with a whip In his hand. Cross-examined*—X went there to:enlist a man named Charles Brown, whom I picked Up In the street.' ■' Witnesses were called who testified that Patton drove care on the Market-street Railroad a year ago, but they did not know what he had doneSlnee. Yerdlot guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of one oent, and tonndergoan Imprisonment of one year and eight months in the Eastern Penitentiary. Adjourned, THE POLICE. ? THE GREAT OIL CASE, . To ease the minds ofanumber of persons who have a deep interest In oil property, we may .state that the,investigation la the great oil aase that was to havorakenplaoe before Recorder Eoeu yester day was postponed. Itlsßupposed that success fnl.efforts will be made to amicably settle the affair, and thus keep the Interesting foots from the public eye.' The facts In brief are these: Thirty gentle . men recently purchased thirty acres of land In the oilregion at one thousand dollars jper aore. Eaoh person contributed or held himself-responsible for an; equal share. A committee, of three, was ap pointed to visit the property?and to examine the title. This oommittee, lt : Is alleged, divided the whole amount of thirty aores Into two traots—one containing tbe usual surface Indications of the oleaginous material, while the other part was as bare as the bald head,of a Jersev eagle. The com mittee, ItiS further alleged, conveyed the oily part to an Individual; and allotted the other to the com pany Tbe ;affalr- leaked out,a suit was started, end the sharp practice was cheeked. These are simply the points in brief of an OH speoulatton'that has excited mere or less talk among brokers and oil territory dealers. ■ ' [Before Mr. Alderman Bottler;] FINAL HEARING. John Adams and Adam uralg, a oouple of repnl* slve-looking colored men, arrested a few days since for an alleged larceny,-had a'final hearing yester day afternoon on the charge of robbing the hard ware store of Mr. Norman L. Hart, on Commerce Street. Mr. Levy, the wily deteotlve, recovered at the bouse of Adams,' on Mintzer street, above Seventh, a considerable quantity of goods, consist ing- of carpenters’ rules, braces ana bits, silver plated spoons, Ac; 'Mr. Hart testldad that Adams was In his employj,the goods, here.exhibited, are mine. A number of spoony stolen by Adams, were found In the possesslon of Oralg. Both defendants were committed to answer. (Before’ Hr. Alderman While.} LARCENY. Mary Haggart was arraigned on Monday evening on the charge of the larceny of a piece of meat, valued at $8.50, the property of Mr. James Grll fith, the keeper of a store” On Loenst street above Tenth. The defendant called at the store, knd .while Mrs. Griffith' was waiting npon a easterner, picked up a piece of beef and plaeed It underlher arm and shawl. She was seized byMrs. Griffith and the meat was recovered. The day previous to this transaction the defendant visited the store, and a ham disappeared In a very mysterious manner. The Moused wob committed to answer. ANOTHER LARCENY. ' - Hester Dembywas charged with, thelarceny of a $6 note, one of Unale Sam’s greenbacks, belonging to or In possession of Eliza Bradley.:' It seems that Eliza was exhibiting the note, and It Is alleged the defendant suddenly snatched It from her and ran away. She was committed.' . - THREATS TO SHOOT. William Dawson was arraigned yesterday bh the charge of threatening to shoot Mr. J..G. Smith,the proprietor of an olct-estttellshed public bums# on Delaware avenue, above walnut street,. It seems that, the defendant and a companion -entered the place, and, having Indulged In some refreshments, tendered in payment a bogus fiftyoent currency note that-was refused. Good money was then palu, and, It Is: alleged, the defendant told oomplaluaut to. look out for. himself; that he would' shoot him. For this threat he was arrested. He was committed to default of .$BOO ball, Dawson said that he had been to the country only about eleven months. Several police officers, however, became acquainted with him,to Camden. N. J., prevlous'to that time. Perhaps he Intended to be witty, considering the peculiar position or condition of Jersey.. (Before Hr; Alderman Hutchinson.* 1 DANGEROUS SPOiT. A couple of lads were arrested at' Fairmount Park, yesterday, on the charge of firing a pistol at a target, much to the danger of visitors. The boys were bonnd over to keep the peace. =. Arrival and Sailing or Ocean Steamers v ■ ■ .... TO ARRIY& . : mnra raox vox bai* City of BaUinjore.Llverpool. «.-.New YoTk....«Feb i lS United Kingdom. G1a5g0w....... Hew Y0rk....»Feb,25 Cuba—.—.... .Liverpool—... -New V ork—. -Feb. 26 Hansa--—..-..Southampton-New York —March 1 Washington I—Havre..BewYork..,M4reh 8 d0rateia.......... Southampton New York.-March 8' , TO DEPART. :fflilna—New York..—-.LlTerpool— March 8 Moro Ccstle New York.*—. Havana. March 8 Idinburx -.-New York.-..Liverpool—.Jfcrch II Pennsylvania HawY<*c .Liverpool..; March 11 New York -i. New York- ..; Breraen.-.; March 11 Costa Rica—..... Hew York— AsplnwaU.:. March lS Canada!.. v . - .Boston—;--. Liverpool. -March 15 of • NevrYork. Havana-... Mar ohls ...... Bew Y ork;.—. Asplnwail —March 22 '■ ~ LETTER BAGS il&SI-SteS^soon Brig Bohsrtlna. Mardenhorough....,..Port Spalm soon PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Jos. C. GnDBB. > |d* T Buzbt^ 0 * 8 ’ j Commivtbe op the Month. , MARINE INTELLIGENCES : i PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 7. Eux 8u55...6 16 I Bra Sbtb.,.s 441 Hfag WArnn..!! 33 ARRIVED. t Steamship Saxon, Matthews, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse, Ac, to Henrv Wlnsof S Co. . * . Bark Roaiwke fßt),-Cooksey, from Porto CabeHo 26th,ult. with ration, Ao, Dahett A Sons Left bark White Wing,-Wilkie, tor Philadelphia : brig A B Pat terson. Hooker, fornew York in. a few day*. Brigs Han let, Bareaby, for New Yarkand Maracaibo, from New York, were at Laguayra 19th ult' ; Brig Kureau (Br),-Collies, 25 dayajfrom'Matanza*, with malaises to E C Knight A Co. BrigH Bteyens, Barbour, 2days from Fortress Mon roe; to ballast to B A Bonder A Co. - Brig H Stowers, Stowers, 9 dare from Matanzae, with molaesae toßarrle-AStotosbury—vessel to Warren A '. Brig’ J HDillingham, Kudgett,2o days from Hatanzas, wlthmolazzestoG M O’GaUagha—veszel to. Warren A - * Crowley. Crowley, 12 davsfrom Cards!- nae. wlth sntar and molzMea;* to John Mason A Co.— 'vesstl to J. B. Bazlej & 00, to ' 94ayS from Hclm CsT ' withsatt SchrE G. Willard, Parsons. 10 days from Portland, With mdse to Crowell A Colllos. Schr Rescue, Kelly. S dayß from New Bedford, with mdee for Crowell A Collins. , Bohr North Pacific, Webb, from Fortress Monroe, to ballast to captain. 'W::Ponder.;Himips, 4'days teem Taunton, WitlimdM to,lw«Us & Co. Schr galmou'Washtmrn, Shraaher, 4 days from Taun ton, with mdse to Tw*Uft & Co Beh* Brandywine, Corson, s days from Hew York, with mds« to captain- S«hr W. Bement, Penny, 4 days from New York, with mdsetoD. Goopfli’&Co.' , Bohr J. M, Tucs, Burdge, from Poit Royal, ih ballast to captain. > >; •■ Bear Jobs Boynton, Bud, 11 days from Calais, with platter to GaekiU* Galvin. Bchr s K Hatt, Bawlny, 3 days from Hew York, la ballast to J E Bazley &Go. - to*JM L Bewiejac So* d#T * from kowei.Del.withgraln Bohr Rebecca, Bora, 2 days from Lewes, Del, with grata to Jas L Bewley & Co. , SchrVand.Ua, Morris, J days from Leipiic, Bel, wltb' grain to Jaa L Bewley & Co. fichr 8 I* Citaee, Codner, 2 days from Smyrna. Dal. wltb grain to Jae 1 Bewley & Co. * Schr TP McColley, Dorborough, 1 day front Camden. Bel, wltb corn to Jas Barratt. , . ■ Spur May Flower, gammon., 2 days from Milford, Del, with corn to James Barratt.' • • ■ ‘ bchr Ariadne, Tbomai, 1 day from Smyrna, Bel, wltb corn to Jamee Barratt. Steamer Sot Cbaee (transport). Tattle, 2 days bom. Horebead City, H C.Ju ballaet to IT 8 Quartermaster _ PBLuW.—Barks White Cloud,ln baUast- Klnr Bird, from Liverpool; Queen .of Scot;, from do; brig* Marco Palo.ftomPalemo; Russian, In ballasts atoms,from Bio danelror Onba, from. Matanzaa: Blla Beed’from ?amS“tikmSS “* bti ™i ■ ' CLEARED. Bteatnahlp l C Knlgbt, Gallagher, Hew York. . gilsFrankß AUen, MerrUl, Havana. Brig Herald, Ds.yis» H&Tana - Brl* Foster, Hammond, Hew York. ‘ Brig An rate, Clark. Hew Orleans. Brig San Antonio, Jackson, Port Royal. . Behr H 1/Vankirk, Jefferson, Port Monroe. Schr John Stockham, Babcock, Port Monro a fiehr W B Mann, Weaver, Beaufort Bet r Maggie Weaver, Weaver, City Point, l«hr Jas 8 WatscauLUU*, Fort Monroe. |ehr Mary Bmereon. Smith, Boston. Bchr Hiawatha. Disney, Boston. Behr D 8 Biner, May, Boston. Schr WH Dennis,. Boston. Bohr nightingale, Beehe, Boston. Bchr Amelia, do. Schr George Edwards, Weeks, Providence, Schr Kellie D, Btnoams. Jersey City. - •• B«hi Champion. Kelly, Baltimore. Schr Emily B, Baxter, do Schr Revenue, Gandy. Providence, Steamer-F w Bzune, Foster, Baltimore, Steamer A C Stimers, Knox, Alexandria. i , • WENT TO SEA. . Bhips JJoburg, for Liverpool; Hew England, for Key Wefct; Uncle Joe, for,do; Emerald. fprPort Hoy ah harks John Trucks, for Key West; Victoria, for Por;- ru- Prince: brigs Emms, for Port Spain; Vincent, for Fortrfces Monroe, and 8,(1 .Adams, for Clenfuegoi, went to sea Sunday morning.-“ Reported by George L Cham bers, pilot. MEMCRAUDA. Steamship Canada (Br). Hockley, from Liverpool, via Halifax, 8d inst, at Boston 6th Inst. Feb 21, at U 6LO2N, 10ng15.32 W, passed steamer City of Cork, from Hew Tork for Liverpool; 21th, at 9.15 AM, Ist 48.06 H, long 39.15 W, passed steamer -Africa, from Boston for Liverpool. Steamer Cuba, irom New Tork, arrived at Queenitowm on Saturday morning, Feb Id _ Steamship City of Baltimore (Br), Mirehouse, from Liverpool Mdult. via Queenatowa 23d, at Hew York on Monday, with 434 passengers. Feb 23d r 2.15 P M, off passed? steamship City of Cork, from Hew Toik for Liverpool • " . Ship Enron, McCay, for Ibis port via' Londonderry, entered ont at Liverpool 16!h alt. Sblp Fernvian, Sarient, from Manila l«th Sept, with hemp, at. Hew York on Monday. Sblp Berk.hire.PoBt, from Callao, at Belfast 17th alt. . BMp Pleiades, window, sailed from Gardiff 16th alt, for Bio Janeiro. ■ ' ;; Ship Marcellas, While, for Bio Jambo, sailed from Cardiff 36th nit _ Bhips Unde Joe, Hiehols and Persia, Dome, from Callao for Leith, woreoff Plymouth 17tb alt. , Coffln s Coffin, from MaaJmles. at Deal 17thalt sndpioceeaedfor London. , £hip John-Tacker, Hallett, from' Callao-for Bristol, la King’s Road 17th ult —would rematn 9 or 10 days for water in barin _ ~ Bark Sheffield. Murray, bence for, Antwerp, sailed rom Falmouth 17th ult. • Bark Cordelia Roberts, from Marseilles for Catania, t Bone 14th nit. Bark Florence Chipman, Jones, yaa up at Liverpool Bth nit for this port 26th. , Bchr Salmon washburn, Thrasher, from Taunton for bis port, sailed from Fall Elver 4th last Sears Mary A Bieh, Hardy, and Annie A Rich, Kel gy. hence for Boston, remained at Hewport 4th lust. OEEMETICALLY SEALED MEATS mJI AHDBOUPS. 1.000 doz Sausage Meat. KOBoastßeet 600 ", do Veal, 60© " do Mutton. 1,000 “ do Turkey. 1,000 “ do Chicken,. Hereby W t ffthSEt fsd-tf 10T BanthWATßßgtrem. T?I8H AHD CANNED HEATS. , .MObblaMeesaadJro lMaokewL For^SST**“ m,d M “ U - »Sf>I*RODCH. duSD-Sn, ' u« Worth FROWT HtmL fIOG-WHEEL CLOTHES WRINGER. ggik XTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BTJCHU • A - A - rites health aid yiror to the frame and bloom to , the pfulid oheelr. Debility Is aooorapiftd by iSutr ; alarming symptoms, aid If no treatment is submitted : to, ooaaafnptlon, Insanity or »plle»Uo fits ensa«. THE'PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, ISO. I’'. jssSs^ * TTO^OTASF^^O^SAjBtWAY^fRi^ A- TELLERS. —For fall Information In reference to Sta tions, Distances, and Connections, illustrated by on* hundred Railway Maps. representing the principal Rall -8S&? «“ BgwAT PENNSYLYA.NIA CENTRAL RAIL- A ROAD. CHANGEOF TIME AND DEPOT, The trail« of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Hew Deptbat THIRTIETH and MARKET Sts., Instead ofXieventh and Market here tofore, ■ - J - • ■ - ■ The oan of the Market-street Passenger Railway runend from Pennsrlvania Central Baffroad Depot, at Thirtieth and Market Struts; they also leave Front street every two minutes. oommeneingone hotirprsvt ons to the time of departure of each train, and allow about SO miauteß for a trip. Their cartar* in waiting on the arrival ofi each Train to •onreY pu»«ann into, the «tty k and eonneoUona are made with all roads orotßloff Market street S AT l«*ve Seventh and Market Sts. at 7.46 P. H.a to connect with Pittsbur*and Erf* and at 10.% P.M, with Philadelphia Sprees i Ry M^^,, * ??^ age wiUhereafter fee loeaiedfat Fo. 31 Sonth'weyenth stoeet. Parties deairing baggage takes to the trains* can .have it done’at reasonably rates npon application to him. T “ TBAIKB LEAVE AND ABBIVE AT DEPOT THUS* ZiSATB T MAIL TEAIN—at 8 GO A. M. PAOII ACCOMMODATION, No. I* “ lfi OO “ , FAST LlEE«»«»«»»s*«o.<hhi<<«w. ** IS.OO iM. PA8K888URG*.;...i.....w..*»^.-. w “110 P, M. HABBI&BUBG ACCOMMODATION... “* 2.80 “ LANCASTER ACCOM MODATION.~*. •• 4.00 ■* paoli train,No i.u*,***... « s.m » PITTSBURG.AMD BRIE MAIL.~*~ « 830 “ PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS “ ILW “ • -••• •' A&BIVB. PITTSBURG AND ERIK MAl&.~*~.. •* 6.30 A. M. PHILADBL PH fABX PRESS*, *.~™. ** 7.06 “ PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. “ 8,30 M PABKEBBUEG.~™*™,.e™...~.. «• «.g& *• _ LANCASTER TBAIN.~~*.a~ •• 12 30 P. M, FAST L1NE..................“ 18.60 “ PAOLI ACCOMMODATION* JTO. 2...*. “ 4.40 " MAIL T8A1NJ*..1.......5.......i^. w . “ 6.45 “ HaBBI&BUEQ ACCOMMODATION..,. “ 0.40 “ Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Pittsburg and Erie Mail. leaves daily (except' Saturday), All other Trains daily Cexcept Sunday.) The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for JJ&ggkge, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their respoußibility to One Hundred .Dollars in value. All Batgage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner* unless taken fey spe' e!al contract. For further Information, as to time and connections* see Bills and framed cards, or apply to JOHN F. VAN LEER* , Jn.« Ticket Agent,. at the Depot An Emigrant Train runs daily (except - Sunday > For full information as to fare and accommodations* apply to. FBANCC9.FUNK; fe2C-tf lay DOCS Street* ini» a ARRANGEMENTS OF lOC* A 1004. NEW YORK LINES. 1004. THE OAMDBNAHDAMBOTAHD AMD TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOBK AND WAT PLACES. ‘ rtox WAMTTJT STAMP? WHAJU?. WILL LEAVE AS TOLOWS-VIE: itlAX.^'Omtiwnatthii o.mdi.i*-. _ At 8 A M., via Camden sad Jersey CltjV BoJBiiU S flo AtISH., via Camden and Amboy, O. andA At •ommodaidon....t..Mit«T-mn.n.,i,> 2 26 At2P. M., ylaCamden snd Amboy. 0. snd A Ek- prese. **••*«*..•«••■.*ut«iui. «t*<M***««4*« : t«uM«t 2 26 Afl P. M. • via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion (Freight and Passenger) 1 ff At6P, M.« via Camden and Amboy/ Accommoda- tioa (Inlgkt and PsssiSer)—lst Class Ticket. ..IE Do. do, 3d Class Tioket... 1 80 At 11K P. M. ~yta Camden and Amboy. Accommo- - datlon fPrnkht and Passeuezl—lst Class Ticket, a3B _ ; . D 0.,, _ do. Tr; 3d Class Ticket. ISO *e 01 at7WpfS Rambertrllle, Plemiubm, kor Monnt HoUy, BwahsTUle, Pemberton, and ÜBtown,^.at (A. M.. 2mtd« P.Jt ■ S A. M. and S P. M- Por Palmyra, Riverton, Dslmico, Bcreify, BdMwa ter, Bnrllniton, &C , at c and lljOA M.,12.30, S.So,6,«,ftnd 11}<M! The “» ana 6 F. M. lines ran direct through to Trenton. ~ For Palmyra, Klyenoh, Balance* Beverly, and Bar- Ungton. at ? P. M. wSBB FROM KSBrasrSTON, DEPOT WHai JUUYI Atil.lB A M., via Kenalncwn and Jeruy City, i T ,, |M jit Oo P.' M., rlftHenslttaton and Jeney City, Ex- : _ “■■■***'•**• *- .... .. * ,*. .. * ..... . ..... 3 0* At A4S P M., yla Henslnston and Jersey: City, .For Buffalo, Dnnklrkj Elmlrs. Ithaca, Oweae, Ro chester, Ringhampton, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkes, barre, Scranton, Strondabnrg, Water Gap.. Madch ■ Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, LambertviUe, Flemington, Ac., at .7.18 A H. This Une with the train leaving Raaton for Manch Chunk at 3. SOP. M. .... For Lamhertville at BF.U. on Saturdays onlyl ' I For Bristol, Trenton, An., at 7.18 and HIS A M.. i and.6P. -M. and 12mldnlght , .' ■ For Bolmesbnrz, Tacony, WlMonominc. Bridcsbnrg, , 9 A M./6, *, and JfTM. . Far For NewTork and way LineFleavlng Renslni. ton Depot, take tho cars on Fifth strut, above Wslnnt, half an honr befofe departnre. The oars ran Into the Depot, and on the arrival 1 of each train ran from the D SI& dof B '<ml AS ed each Pkssengers^re gage hnt their -wearingapparel. A 1 baggage over fifty pounds to be pald for extm. The Company limit their. responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per ponnd, and will not be llable-for any amount beyond 8100, sxsept by special-contract.,. _ , ..... - . Graham’s BargageßxmesswlUcaHfor-andffllycr baggage at the Pepots. Ordetß to be left at No. » Wal nS strut. _ _ WILLIAM H. GATZMBR, Agsnt December 2L 1364. LINBS FROM HEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, WJMi MAVBMtOJt THB FOOT OF OODETLATO. BTBBBr, AtU M. anAIP. vla Jersey City and Camden, At 7,10, and 1114 A M,, «p. M. and 13 (Night),yla Jer sey City and Kensington. . From'the foot of Barclay strut at t AM. and IP. M., via Amboy and Camden.'. ' • ■ K. -v. c From Pier No. 1, North rlyer, at 13 M., 4, andS P.M. (freight and passenger), Ambov and Camden, del-tf PHILADELPHIA, AND BALTI MORE i -!. i i TIMS TABLE. Commencing MONO AT. JANUAET IS.IBM, Trains will leave. Depot, corner BROAD Strut and WASHING TON Avenue, as follows: - - Traimat4.oSAM. (Mondays exesptedl,;for Baltimore and Washington, Stopping at Wilmington, ..Perryvllle, Havre de-Grau, Aberdeen, .Perryman’a, ‘, - i «Vay-Mail Train, at 838 A.H. (Sundays excepted!,for shippl r ng i rggu^«\Btat{onB, r >ox|n.ectlng ltam' Train at'l 16 P. M. (Sundays excepted) dir Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester. Wil mington, Elkton, Perryvllle, and Havre-de Orau. ; Bxpress Train at 5.66 P. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Newark, Elkton,. North-East, PerryTille, Havre-4e- Grace, Ferryman’s, snd Magnolia Night Express at 11.16 pTm. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester (only to take BaUimore and Washington passengers). Wilmington, Newark. Elk ton, North-East, FerryyiHe, and Havre-de-Grase, Passengers for FORTBES& MONROS wUI take tho o<l6 As m. tiam. ACCOMMODATION TEAINS Stopping at &u Station* between Fhiladelpklft and Wil mington. v * Leave PhiladelnMa at H A. M., 2.3.30,6.30, and 10 Fatlle Tbe SSO P. M, train connects with Delaware E. E. for Milford and intermediate station*. leave Wilmington at 6.48,6, and 9.30 A.U.,3.30 and 6.80 p. M.' - - • THROUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE/ Leave Chester at 7. 45, 8.43,10.11 A. M., 13.83, 3. U, .4.64, 7.30, and 9.00 P. .H. _ _ SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Tnln at 4.05 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryvllle, Havre-de- Qrace. Aberdeen, Ferryman's, and Magnolia. Bight Express at 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, (for Baltimore and Washington passengers), 7? liming ton, Newark, But ton, North-East, Pernrvule, and Havre-de-GrasO; s Accommodation Train at 10 P.M. for Wilmington and way stations. • • - BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.35 P. M., stopping at Harrs-de- Grace, Perryvllle. and Wilmington. Also stops at But ton and Newark (to take passengers for FhQadelphH and leave passengers from Washington or’ Baltimore), and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington.. • Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6. SOP. M. • FROM BALTIMORE TO PHIL ABBLPHIA. .. LeaveßaUlmore 8.35 A. M , Way Mall; 1.10 P. M., Express; 4.36 P. M. , Way Train; 8.36 P. M-, Express; 9.26 P. it., Express. ■■■ TBAIUS FOB BALTIMORE. Leave Chester at 8.67 A. M., 1.60 and 11.80 F. X. &t 6.14 9.40 A. M., 135, 5,03, KBv 13;ap a*-M, 1 ---.-rA. . * -- ■. ;« , Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached; will leave Wilmington for Perryvllle and Intermediate stations at 7.56 P. M. jal« . H. F.KBNNBY, Snp't 1865. mtwmm 1865. EOAD,—This great line trayerses the Northern and Northwestcounties of Pennsylvania to the elty of Brio, os'Lake Edo.'' . ' . It has been leaned by the PENNSYLNANIA NAIb- BOAD COMPANY, and to operated by them.: Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight .business October 17th, 1884 L A i•, ims or PAaaanaHElTEAnrs atphii.adbiphia. - Leave Westward. — - Mill Tfftin »-*-«« all a ►»!»». »»«*tt*mienttl»t 8. 90 Ft 'Me Look Bayes Accommodation Train.* ~.»~—6.00 A. K. Passenger ears ran through on Hall Train without ebasge both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. , ■ ..' Elegant-Sleeping Cars os Elmira Express Trains both Ways between Fhiladelphlarand Look Hayes, and on Elmira Express Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. „ ' . ' For information respeetlngPassenxer business, apply inter fHIBTIETH and HABKBTSIe.. Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company’s Agents. 8. B. KINOBTON, Jr., eorner THIETBBNTH and LAREZT Streets, Philadelphia., J. W. KBYNOLDS, Brie. ' _ J. H. BUHL. Agent N- 0. B. E.. Baltimore. . i■'» H. H. HOUSTON, * • General Freight Phltodelphla, general Manager. WUllamsport SUHS • WESTCHESTER ■HSHESKin) PBTT.tTiIn.BHTi b.tt_ BOAS, via media: ■ ■ CHANGE OF HOPBB. • On aud after MONDAY, Oct, lfl, 1864, the train* will leaTe /rom. Ssppt corner s THIRTY YIRST andMAKKET Streets (West PhilsdelphJA), it BIS and UA. U.. and at 2, Aid, and 6,SOpTh Rem B.ld, and 10.93 A. K.. andLKasd ..Trains tearing Philadelphia at B.ISA.K. and dlf F. It..and West Chester at 8 16 A. M. and ISOP. M.,«on neet with trains on the Baltimore Oentral Bailroid for Oxford and intermediate points. On Bandars leare Philadelphia at 8.80 A. M., and S F. M. leare West Chester at 8A M. and 4P. M> On Bandars the ears of the West Philadelphia;Pas senger Railroad Company will lease Bleventh.BndTMar ket streets at thirtrminates before the starting time of trains from the Weet Philadelphia Depot, aad wIU he at the Depot to tonrey passengers Into the oltr ceg the antral of each train. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel onlr as Baggage, and In no case will the Companr be re* spomsiblefor an *niqMtexeeedl«JlM. .» oc7 HENRYWO OD.BupcrlntendSnt. HTT—lißHillß 1885 —F H I La* IUUUiBgipHjA in BLMIRA RAILROAD LINE to all points WEST, The direct route for the > _ 40-011 RB9IOHB OP PENNSYLVANIA, -AS* WILLIAMSPORT, BUFFALO, BUBPKNBION isSISaE. . KLHIRAi MIAQABA. FALLS) ? ud allplaces til the W ester naad Northwestern States end the Canadas. ~ TWGTHKOUGH TEAINS Leave Philadelphia end Beading Railroad Begot? TMr teenth and.CaUowhlll streets; [daily, (Bondar* «• ecptedbfor the North aud'West. as follows: Horning B»A M Afternoon Express at 3.30 P. M. Making a direst connection with all lntersestlngroade. FOE THROUGH anr point, andfurther particulars concerning.tho different rentes, apply si the TICKET OFFICE, *145 CHESTNUT Street, under the Philadelphia Bank. 4 “id OTgosite the Ouster* House. N. YAH HORN. Ticket Agent. . JOHH S. HIHBB, General AsestT M Thirteenth andCallowhlll streets. fig— Him WEST JERSEY iISfIBiSBE-SHK EAILBOAS LIN2S. . NKW ARRAN GEM3NT. On and after 2.1088, Trains will leare from WALNUT-STREET PIER as follows: i For CAPE UaT, and all plates sooth of Mill-rill*, at 8 A M andSP M. * For MILLVILLE. BRIDGETON, SALEH, and all In termediate places south of Glasiboro, at 9 A It. and 8 11 SOP. M,, 3andBP-M. -■ RETURNING. leare Cape Mar at 6.30 A Mr and 11.16 A X. ■Leare Mturill*atBA M andSP. M. \ iS?SIS»7£ 7 ii.Sis 1 1.S aaiORH - ; bare Woodbury at 7,8.43, and 10.41 A M., and 141 ' ■ JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY Will attend to all the usual branches of Express Busi ness, recelre. dsUrer, and forward through other re sponsible Express Companies, to all parts ofthe eountrr.. anr article entrnsted tothem. - _■ h> * - * _ J. VAN RENSSELAER, Saperlnteadmit.. , PanoLDBUHiA, JannarrAlB66. la3-tf BBrnsowren BA. BI TAN AND ■kXHHeSkdxlawabi BAY bulbdad. - PHILADELPHIA, TO .BROOKLYN. _ Passenger* for ExpressTralnfor Tnckerton. Bamegat. wat.tStrkot irSERY. Brook PHILADELPHIA AND EKIE BAIL- •' 1 ' GOPARmRSHIPI, ’ ■\rOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNER X’I SHlP.—llie eubßcrlbera hereby give notice that they bare entered into a limited partaerahlp* agreeably to tbe act of Maroh 21,1836 j That the same under which said partnership I* te be conducted is JAMES MoMDbLAN. The general nature of the business to be transacted if the HOUBB*FDRHfBHIISG DEV GOODS BUBINASB, at the 8. W. corner of CHESTNUT and SEVENTQ, Streetb. The names of the general and epectal partner*. Iratk of whom reeide ln the city of Philadeiphia, arel Jafib« McMull&b, general partner, residing at mo. 1134 Cheat nut street, and S. W* Lehman* special partner* residing at ffo. 1718 Arch atreet. ; - - , J - That the amount of capital contributed by rae epe olal partner to the common .atook. is fifteen thousand That the said partnership Is to commence on tiie firit day of February, 1886* and is to teralnateon the thirty- Bis* day »f Jannaiy. 1868. JAMBa moMULIAN, General Partner. S..V7* LEHMAN* r • Special Partner. TIM IT E D PARTNERSHIP.—jWE, J..J the snbsnihhrs, have this day entered lute a Li mited Partnership, agreeably to the act of Asumbly of the Commonwealth of Penasylvasla, passed March 31, A D. 1856, and do hereby certify that (he name of the Arm under w hich ssid partnership la.t<> he eendneted Is BDRLBCT A LAFERT*. end that the general nature of the bnsineu to be oondneted Is the manafsotare of Seek Ties, Scarfs, and Si ocks, and the same will be transacted In the city of Philadelphia. ■' ; : ,l . The names of the General'Partnersof the said Arm axe WILLIAM M. HORLBUT and WILLIAM A. LA VEBTF, both ruidenteof Camdem N. J., aad the Sos clal Partner, is .JOSEPH NICHOLSON, ruldence No. BCB North Sixteenth street, Phlladelphi., State of Pena capital the said JOSEPH NICHOLSON, Special Partner, la Five Thousand Dol- the period at which said Partnership Is to com mence Is the let day of March, one thousand elght haa dred and sixty five, and that It will terminate on the 81st day of Doosmbor, eighteen hundred and slxty-slx <l6W ' ) WILLIAM M. HURLBDT, WILLIAM A LAVERTY,: - General Partners. JOSEPH NICHOLSON, • ' S Special Partner. Phtx.aphi.Pht a, March 1. 1866; ' - mh3 6t« AIOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.—THE il flrm oIF. J. ANSPACH k CO. is this day disseised hy mutual consent. . . JNO. ANSPACH, Jt„ : ' II ANSPACH, • i JAMES ANSPACH. Hahch l, 1666. : COPARTNERSHIP. —The undersigned have this day formed a copartnership under the style, and- firms of ANSPACH % SONS. Philadelphia, and F. J. ANS PACH dc CO., Ashland, Pa., as Miners and Shippers of Coal. - JNO, ANSPACH, J*., CHAB. B. ANSPACH, F. J ANSPACH. . JAMES ABSPAOH - Offloe at No. 3aA WALNCT Bt., after March ID. 1866. - phBl2t* -r,. 1 TW-OTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The Copartnership heretofore exletlng between the • undersigned. Under the firm of OBOKQh W. ÜBS & CO., Is this day dissolTed by mutua l consent OBORGBW. PISS. CHARLKS H. BABBS. Fhiiadslphia, February 28th, JBes. ; ,NOTICE OP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. -The under giffn<4 have this day entered Into a limited partnership, In MeerdahM with the laws of the State of Feaueil yanla. , . The name or firm nnder which the said partnership is to he conducted is J> ITIB, PIBS, & BANES. M „3£en»tareof the bnslness to be transacted Is » j GENERAL WOOL BROKERAOB AND COMMISSION BDSIEBi-8. _The sums .of the Gensrat Partners are Henrr‘o. 2*ri«. residing at Ghelton Hllis, Mostgomerr oonntr, Pa, s George W: Pis*, residing at Germantown, Phila delphia.; Charles S Bane« and Charles H. foolke, both of the city of Philadelphia, . ' The names of the Special Partners are Thomas Mott and Peter 0. Erben, both residing in the city of Phila delphia. The aggregate amount of capital oontribnted hr the Special Partners is One Hundred Thousand Dollara-hrf which Thomas:Moti oontrtbnfea gifty Thousand Dollars in hash, and Peter C. Krhen Jfittr Thonsand Dollars: in cash. ~i The said partnership is to commenoe on the Ist day of MAKCH, IB6S. and is to terminate oa the 31st dar of MAY. 1870. HENUY 0. DAVIS. • GSORiJS W. PISS. cbaklesf. Burn- : CHABLEB M PODtEB, General Partners. r THOMAS MOTT. ___ n. , PiSTJSB OSB BEST, Jl6 South EBON f Street, Special JPartnars. Phil ad A., March’l, 18«. mb3-6| (COPARTNERSHIP.— THE UNDER hare this day associated under the firm of BBWABD 808158 & 00. for the trsnssotion of a OBHBB4H BABKINS. BTOOK, AND EXCHANGE BBSIHEB3. < EDWaRDKOBIN*. HORACE B BSABSOST. - Ho. M SoutkTHIBD Street' Tsbbfabt 28. (e2B lm BtACHINERY JJII IBOff* PENN STEAM ENGINE AND ■“■“■■“•BOIIiEB WOBKB. —MBAFIB S' £BTT. itoiobbU OH MISTS, BOILKB. »1 AKBB3, BLACKSMITHS, and IOCHDKBS, Iftyiii* for many years teen In sucHujfaJ operation,;and-been exclusively engaged In bnildingand repairtng Marine ahdßlver EnglneaTnigh and low preS •tin. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks. Propellers, Ac.» At., t respectfully offer theirserriceft to the folly prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Ha* rlne, Eiyer, and Stationary; ha-ring *efc« of patterns of different arts, are prepared to execute orders with. Qmcx despatch. Every description >of pattern-making giade at toe shortest notice. High and. Low-pressure, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers,>of the best Penn* .ylvanlach&rcoal iron, Forelngs of all sixes and kind., Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions: Boll* Tnrning, Berew-Gu;ting, and all other work connected With the above business. . . i Drawings and specifications for all work done at t&e' establishment free of charge* and work guaranteed, ■ The subscribers have-aiaple'Wfcarf* dock-room for re pairs of boats; where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, block*, falls, Ac., Ac., for raising heavy or light weights -j JACOB 0> SBlYlBi V** LETT, &HACH and PALHBB Streets. t. YAVSBA3S XBBBXOK. WlXtlilAX X. XEKBTOK. _ JOHWB. OOPB. • - COTJTHWABK FOWDBY. K? FIFTH AHD WASHINGTON BTBBSTI, ’ _ PHXLACSLPHIA> ' - MKRKKJK ft SONS, „ IKGIHEBBB AHDMAOHUJISTS, Kaantaatare High and low Pressure Steam Bnglnss, ter land, river, and marine serried. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, ; Cast ings of allkinds, either iron or brass. A Uon-frame Boof* ter Gas Works, Workshops, Ball road Stations, As. Betortg and Gay HaehlnOnr of the latest and most lm- ByeryTdeßmiptionif HHMtioh~»acwtmnrr, raw, -«• Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Fans, Opes Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Bnrfnes,Sa. Sole agents for jRr-Biliienx's Patent Sugar- Boiling lr paratuß, Hesmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspin- Sall * Wolser’s Patent Oentrifngal Sugar-Draining achlne, anlt-tT WM. M. FABER & CO., ' " i ” mow FouNolHf M - BNoiH ? GBNXBAJ. -*la.OHlHHs;rar-AN D ' BOILER' MASERS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PASSENGER STATION. .rf , PITTBBUBGr PENNA , ■"‘• o—, » , Mannfaetnre aU kinds of STEAM ENdINEB, ranibte from three to one hundred mid fifty horse-power, ms for Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Fumaoes, (Ml _Give particular attention to the oonstnietlos of Bn> |rfß ee aiad MacMaery for ollboriiic ahd pnmplnroper** tloas. Mm always aof ready for shipment* SMOlNfifi aad BOIhSBS of eyary deaeilpi> Orders firom all parts of file eonntry solicited and prompUr filled. > jagl-Sm t MAVY DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OP BTKAK EBGINBEBING, Fehrtiarr; 186fi SEALED PROPOSALS will be recelred at this Bn rean until MBBIDI Ah, March 11,1865, for the IRON, kc , described In the.followlng classes; each bid must be made for an entire class, delirered at the respeotire harr Yards. Farmente will be made In the nsual manners delirerr to commence in twentr dare after lotificaUoQ of acceptance of bidi to proceed oontiinially, aad the whole to be deliYered in three months there* after. The contract will he awarded to the lowest re sponsible bidder, the right being reserved of rejecting the lowest hldif It he deemed exorbitant. The usual guarantee will he required, and the con tract will ho dated the day the notice of acceptance Is grog. - | Printed schedules and instructions can be obtained br application to the Bureau. , Proposatsmust he directed to the Chief of the Bureau of Steam Enstneering, and endorsed MProposals for Materials for the Nary..’ ’ that ihej maybe distinguished from other business letters. .' The following are the classes required at the respec tire Nary Yards-. KITTERY.— CIass No. 1-Soller Iron.. 10 .COO pounds best American Flange Iron KITTERY.—CIass No. 2—Sokbil and Mat Iron, 84,000 pounds bast American Bound and Flatiron. KiTTERY. OljAss No. 3 —X Iron. 28,W0.ponnds best American T Iron, OHABLBBTOWN.—OnAes No. I—Copper.1— Copper. . p 6,000 pounds BancaTiD. y 'CHABLmpWIf.H3i.AM No: 8. ( l,6CopoundB 81abZine. ‘- BBOOKLYH.—CIass .No; l—Boiler Iron^'Ac* 725,600 poands best Azneiic&M flange Iron. ~ 42*600 poundcheeV American Sheet Iron. v„ BBUOKLYH—CIass No. 2—Rounds Square, and Fiat • • . • -Iron pounds 'best American. Bound Iron. pounds best American Souare or Flat lion. v BROOKLYN.— Class^o.'S— T Iron, DO, OOOjKumds beat American T iron. . BROOKLYN Ci,ass No. 4- Boiler Rivets. *: 110 i COO Pimßda beet quality Boiler Rivets. WASHINGTON—CIass No. I—lron, Ac, " 66*000 pounds boat Amciicftsi Bound. Sguaie* aud YJat ■ < Iren. 160ton»best Bloom Iron. ' , . WASHINGTON.— CIass No. Pig Iron, .*• - loOton# best American Anthracite Pig iron. 100 tons No. 2 Americ&a.ChaTooai Pig lron. -es WASHINGTON*- Class So. S-Steel. 18, KlO pounds Bound; Square; and Octagon Qast-steeL • - WASHINGTON.— CIass No. 4r-Copper. 200, COO pounds Ingot Copper. ; . ■ WASHINGTON—.CLAftB’*No. 6-Tin, Lead, and Fine, 10,000 pounds Lead, (pigs.) 20.000 pounds Tin, (str&its.) 8,000 pounds Slab Zinc.- . WASHINGTON.— GIass No. 6— Engineers' Stores . ' gross Wood Screws, Spriggs, Sandjaaper, Al cohol, Holassea, Sour Flour. Rosin. Oil Borax, Solder, Brick Wilting WASBINGTON. —Class No 7-WZtfte Pine Lumber. 82,000 feet Whitei Pi*e Lumber of yarlous thickness* areaied on both aides, suitable for making NORFOLK:—CLASs Square, and Flat 268,680 pounds best American Bound, Square* and Flat -.f-. . iron. • NORFOLK. -Cuabs No. J-Pip Iron: 100 iocs hpst American Charcoal Pis Iron. NORFOLK.—CLASS No. 8 -Boiler Rivets. 6,OOOpounds beet quality Boiler Blrets 1.100 pcuude best quality Bmoke-plpe Btrete.- fele-w 4t OFFICB, depot commissary op V SUBSISTENCE, . ASHIXSTOX. D. C.-. March 4, 1886. PROPOSALS fob flour. • B* d cpiicate, are Invited until MARCH llth, 1866, at 12 o’clock M., for furnish ing the Subsistence Department with' THBEE THOUSAND (3,000) BARRELS OF FLOUB. The proposals Will befor what is;known atthls Depot as N oa.Y, 8; and 3, and bids will be entertained for any quantity less than the whole. Bldsmuathe In duplicate, and for each grade oh sepa rate sheets of paper. . The delivery of the Tlour to commence within five cays from the opening of the bids, and in such qa&ntL ties* daily* as the Government may direct; delivered at the Government warehouse in Georgetown, at the pr railroad depot in Washington, D. G. The delivery of all flour awarded, to be completed within twenty days from the opening of the bide Fayment wlll be made in such funds as the Govern ment may have for disbursement. The usual. Government inspection will be made just before thef lour Is received* and none will be accepted which is not fresh ground, and made from wheat ground in the ▼ clnity where manufactured, unless ol a very superior quality. . -7 •• • -r ' : ; The Flour to he delivered in new’ oak barrels, head lined. - , ,An oath ofaUegianee must accompany fhrbid of each bidder who has not the oath on file in this ofllce, and no bid will be entertained from parties who have'previ ously failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present lo reßPohd; . * Government reserves the rlght to reject any bid for any cense. Bids to be addressed to the undersigned* at No. 823 4, G” Street, endorsed * 4 Proposals for flour.** E. S. BRIOGKB. mM-5t Captain O. 8. Y* PROPOSALS FOB BEAD HORSES. OvAxnuxAsnß Ginibal’s Oiiicb, _ _ _ Fikbt Ditisiox. DO.Msrchl, 1866. PROPOSALRwIII At this ofiw until 12 o’clock on Saturday, Mgfch 18,1866, for the pnrehate of gU. horses that may dte killed at the Gleshoro Depot, near Washlnston, D. C., within the BJ*t twelve months succeeding the date of the letting of the contract - ... L ., Tbe horses frtll lm drilrered at a certain designate* ■ pot. to he fixed by the UnltedStatee. , The animals aro to be removed daily, and eonrer el •at enough from lhe llmlts of the depoV toarold aU cnlssnco, cither to th. depot or the residents 1* the Tl : tinliy. * - Payment will he required in Goremment funds, at 'he clou of each month, for all animals delirered up to ■■ rbatoate. • ■ Bonds, with approved securities in tbe sdm of ten thousand {lO.OOOiaollars will be from tne party o whom the contract is awarded. - Bach proposal must Btata the price per animal* living • uil name and post-ofil<» address of mdder, aua l»e as* . n mpaniea by a guarantee* (dgned br two responsible ; ponossand eertined by some united States ofleer or ra< i ponuble .person known to Abie office* and also by the «ath of allegiance* slgued, Mamped» and duly attested. This office reperves the right to reject any or all bids hat may be offered. - » * Proposals .shonid be addressed to the undersigned. D. 0.. and be plainly marked ontheen • slope * 4 Proposals for Dead Horses.’ T mhi m JAMES A. SKIN* / Colonel in charge Pint Bivisicn G. V* G, Q % FROPOBAU. OFFICE of post qtjartekmas- TER. Mo. TUI' MARKET Strait. * : PhUiADULFBIA, March ft 3.865. -BBALBD PROPOSALS wUI be received at this office until noon of MONDAY, March 90, 1865, for tb* laser meet (d orlag the period commencing April 1,1865, and v erdtni December 31,1866), of all deceased soldiers within* the limit* of the Military District of Philadelphia, in cluding- Beverly* Chester,< Chestnut Hill, Gadwalader Barracks. Camp WLllianr Pena, Gamp Discharge. Fort blffila, Otmiatewn, Haddington, StusmU tffoiM, White Bali, and any other Hospital*, Barracks, or Camps that xnay-bs.establlstUKt within said term, . Proposals must include a neat-Pine Coffin, of* otoofched boards, stained; the use of a hearse: a burial placet lettering and setting op at each grave of a be famished by the Government, and all charges bs* cetsary to make the interment ibmpiete. 7 ~ Bo proposals will be received anles properly filled. Sn upon blanks, to be had at this office. i „ The United States reserves the right to' reject all bide deemed objectionable. ALBERT 8 ASHM&AD, mbS-llt Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. ASSISTANT. QUARTERMASTER’S -£»* OFFICE.' ~ i MUI MUBSDAT, Mw0h35,1885, at 11 o’clock M., for ‘‘ANTHRACITE, BTBAMRR GOAL” \ for n periodpf three months, commencing April L 1865, and ending done 30,1866. Ooalto be of the best quality Anthracite, tor the nse of steamers: to weigh 2.110 As, to the ton, and to be enbjeet to inspection. ; The Goal U to be delivered on board * vessels 1& the port* of Philadelphia <sFSsw York, in each Quantities, and at such times as may be required; furnishing, if de manded, seven thousand tons par week. * In c&se of failure to deiirer the coal In sufficient Quan tity, and at theproper time and place the Government reserves the right to make good any deficiency by pur chase at the contractor's risk and expense. The price {which should be eta.ted both injigwres and in s anting) must be given separately for the coaldeU ▼ewd on board of vessels at this port and at Hew York, on the terms and conditions above stated. t Ten per cent will he withheld from the amount of all payment! made, which reservation is not to be paid un til the contract shall have been faliy completed. Pay ments of the remaining ninety per cent. * or-balance one, will be made monthly, when the Department is in funds for that purpose. -’ • . 5 . Bach offer must be accompanied by a written guaran tee, >lss«d bj two or more responsible parties; (their responsibility to be certified by a United States Judge,' Attorney, or Collector.) that the bidder or bidders wul, ' if his or their bid be accepted, enter into written obliga- with good and sufficient sureties, in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, to furnish the proposed sup plies f ... Ho proposition will be considered unless thiderms of this advertisement {a copy of which should dcoompa ny eacA did) are complied-with. Bids will be opened Thursday March 23, 1386. at 12 O clock if, and bidders are requested to be present. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is no bid from a f exulting contractor Will endorsed “Proposals for Goad, I *, and. addressed to the undersigned. By order of Gob Wm. W. McKlm. . Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Depot. GBO, B. OBH2. g»h6-18t •> Oaptain and JIQ, M, PROPOSALS FOB WATER TRANS- A FORTATION. OFfiom »F Water TBAtrspoETATioir, IT. g. A„ No, 874 3. Thieb Stehet, __ Pbii.adbi.phul, Marsh 4,1855. will be received at this OlBct pntil THURSDAY, March IS, 1865, at 12o’clock M. for SL e „ tr ,“ p P? IU JJ O, ‘ by -water or Army Supplies from Philideiphia, Fa., to the various point, on tue Soath «m ooast, and also for transportation of Army Supplies froiutb ose point, to PM'adeiphia. Fa., on the follow ing conditions: f i aseportatien to bo furnished by either sail or steam vessels, .or both (to Alexandria, Ta., and Washington, 11. 0.) by barges or other vessels), Department may repairs it, and bidders stools slate distinctly the price in writing aid figures lot each elate. : The contract will be given for the entire month: of April, 1865. Bidder, will elate the rate par one hundred (100) miles for which they will'transport horses, males, cattle, wagons, carts, ambulance*, bay. and grain; also, the rate per barrel, ton of 2,340 pounds, mid cubic foot, par one hundred (ICO) miles for which they will transport ail other freight; or they may propose rates for the en tire distance from Philadelphia, Pa. . to any point ou the coast, and rates from seme to 'Philadelphia, for the entii e distance, stating from and to what ports. , Transportation to be furnished when required and in case of laiinre on the part of the contractor to furnish the seceaary transportation, the Government to have the right to supply the deficiency andcharge the con tractor the difference of cost, should a higherrate have to be paid. The Government reserves the right to freight inde pendent of the contract, all such vessels as may be own ed by the United States or under charter.- ' Bonds with approved security will* be required ftoa the party to whom the contract may be awarded. Bids will be opened on Thursday, March 18, 1865, at 32 o’clock ML . and bidder* are r»quested to be present. Awards will be mate on Friday, March 17, and the suc cessful bidder notified. The. right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved: as Also the right to reject any vessels which may be deemed umseawerthy. By order of-Colonel WILLIAM W. McKIM, Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Oepot . JOHN S. JBNNimS, mho-lot Oaptain and Assistant Quartermaster, ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER’S ■AA OFFICE, 1 1138GEBaBD Street, FUladnlphla,Pa., Mason 3, 1865. SEALEDPROPOSALS will be received at this office nBtiI;I2o’eI«efcM.,WEDNESDAY, March m&, 1885, for delivtring 1,000 SIX- MULE ARMY WAGONS COMPLETE • At the United States Storehouse. HANOVER- Street WbarVtojbe inspected by an Inspector appointed on the part of the Government. Bids will be received for 25 wagons or more; to be made in conformity with specifications, to be seen at this office. The name of the contractor and date of contraet to be distinctly'marked on each v>ag<-n j - Bidders should state when they will commence their deliveries, the number of wagons they propose, to fur nish each week, tbe price {which should be .written voth inwords and figures}* and conform to the .terms of this advertisement, a copy of which should accom pany each proposal.. Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per-, sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good.and sufficient secu rity for the amount involved, by the United States Dis trict Judge,‘Attorney a ,or Collector, or other public officer. Bide-wiU be opened on Wednesday, March ifith, 1865, and bidders are requested to be present. •: —a The right is reseived’to reject any bid deemeiLunrsa eonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received „ All bids received for the above wagons will be sent to the Quartermaster General for Ms dseUion: ‘ ~ All-proposals to bs made out on the regular forms, Which will be furnished on application at this office. Endorse envelope ' ‘ Proposals for Army Wagons. * * By order of Colonel Wm. W. McEim. Chief Quarter master. GEORQBB. OEMS. roh&nt. , ; • Captalnand A. Q. M. OFFICE CHIEF QUAKTERMASTEB, x ' - CIWCIHSATI. Ohio, Feb. », 1865. FEOPOSiIS are invited by the ttnderaUned, until FSIDAT, March 10,3869, at 12 o’clock M., for forniah iss.Uili Df Mitntßst v ith s : Shy-BipeKeisey, army standard; _ D* B. TJntformdlotlC — dx>r—~ iro dtjH-insr«T4 fr*o oT r cnarsa at the United St&iec In spection Warehouses, in this city, in good, aewpaeh- Tarties offering goods should mate separate proposals for «ftch articis offered,, and mast distinctly state la tbeir bias the quantity they propose to famish, the price {which should, be written both' in word* and Mmgjisof ‘fi* ar3«ie»r«'qaCred'ma“bB seat at the Office of Cloth ingana Equipage in thu city. Samples, when submitted, must be marked and aum . bered tctcorres pond and the parties thereto muitguaranteejlmt the goods'shail be, in every respect, equal to army standard, otherwise the propo sals will not be considered. • A guarantee signed by two responsible persons must accompany each bid* guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to Mmunder Ms<propossl. Bids will be on Friday.-March 10, )865. at-12 o clock af, at *Ms office* and bidders are requested to be present. - s , Awards will be made on Saturday, March life 1885. { reQnlredtll,lt Xh * *° tttrac * will befaUk- Telegrams relating to proposals will-not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals* Contracts, and Bonds may beobtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. _ • • . * - .* - Etidoxw&envelope ‘‘ Fropoeal for [hen insertthe name ofth© article offered”], and addr«w« C. W.MOTOTON, ! Depot Quartermaster. , PROPOSALS FOR_MAmJRB. ' Quartermaster General’s OFFIOB* RSATiin inmTOwW 1011 CITT * ?ebrowyloJl?ss. ; ■ will be received at, this office WB.W. WBDHESDAI, JCJuBGH %186 R al 12 o’clock M., for tl epnrehase of all the .M ANBRjlthat maybe pro* cored from the ; stables and corrals of,, the Glie*boro I)e -pot.uear Wtushington.D. 0.,-within the twelve month* nextsucceedingApril 1, 1865. ' •• > The eucceteful bidder trill be mulredto lave biifae orlwatsmoored at the wharf at Mm Inconstant readinesssto receive the manure which may accumu late- The United States .wprdeliver the manors in the said barges or boats,and, will designate an agent to mea- Bidders most state the price per cnhic yard. An oath of allegiance will be rconlrel from each bidder. i Payment will he required to be made In Qovernment rands at the end of each month for the manure delivered In the barges daring the month. „ ........ Bonds, with approved securities, will baretiulred ao'oooflofiar? aw,rdeii ’ l,l tis ot ten thousand The Department reserves the right to reject any pro posal not deemed advantageous to the United States. .Proposals must he addressed to the undersigned, Washington, D. C., and marked on the envelope "•Pro posals lor Manure. ’’ JaMES A. ERltf, .... Colonel in charge Ist Division, felf-lm ; Q. M. O. O. PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY.— “ Proposal* for furnishing the Medical- Purveying BepartineDfc, In tills city, with STATIONfiBY are re spectfully invited. Msnuiacfcurers ud dealers are requested to Bead sam caSe. ftl ° e “‘ft'iMSKHE**: , __ , Surg’n U. 6. A., Med. Pnrvtyor. Medical Purvey or’e OBce, Washington, D. 0., Kb’y 28.1865 mil* IB COAL. Thomas J. Ob am. Borara J. Hhmphua. ORAM & HRMPHILL,' 4 T>»«anr iißjegon asd Schuylkill coal. Of all siies and of bestijualitles, Carefnlly picked and screened, and invariably at the °®w andTard, Street. l*»Merfh SIXTH Street. «53 North TENTH Street, 1433 BABOLAY Street, or throngh the Post Once, which will he promptly and satisfactorily fUled. - - iilf 8m Esobbeihbr, new coal depot, * NOBLE Street, above Ninth street. l»low^AMh?teUf; rl< o«cc 11» Bonth“Pfo®iii Street. . .. - ocTO-gm ENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAST MAI * or BDPBBIO* to lxhioh. a !S«‘; »»PO‘ l«» CALW)WHnL BLUB BBANBON. C\ O AL.—BUG AB LOAF, BEAVER n # MEADOW, and Siaihg Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill, prepared ex- F^® r T/‘?iS9@ ro «- Depot N. wTsiorner EIGHTH andWlLLOWßtreeta. OEtsla IMSouthSECOND *”»*- , fapfi-tO J. WALTON ft CO. ■jVfARSHAL’S SALE—BY VIRTUE of a. Writ of Sale, bytheHon.JOHN C-ADW ALA DEB, Judge ortho District Court of the United States In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ai miralty. to me dltected. wIU be sold at Pnbll. gale to «wml6 h rfI B SJS e S b S a SS^S , » 1, » ** MICHBSES’B BTORB, Ho. Xdta North FRO ST Street, on MO ND aY March*, 18M, at 120 gotten PHthAimnPHiA; ttsrdg^^ l " J)EAN’S ®B|AT TOBACCO, CIGAR, _ AKD PIPB BTOBE. 1 ■ * BTo. 413 CHESTHUI? Street, Philadelphia. Pa Beau keeps the greatest assortment. Besa keeps ihe neatest tulmt. Jtesn keeps the largest general (took. Ton can *et any kind of Tobacco, Toucan gatany kind of Cigars, Ton can get any kind of Pipes, lon can get any kind of Snuffs. ' TOBACCO 6TOBB, -80. 413 OHEStfIUT Street. Philadelphia, Pa. . a Jron. ean get anything von 8 way of Ping, fine Cnt. and Smoking To* baccos,. ©OBaestic and Havana Cigars, Pipes. Be. l>ean keeps ihe largest general stock of Tobacco. Ci. gna. Pipes, &e , in the United States. Dean", sales are so extensive that he can afford t»sell at about on* -half what otbers-eeU for. Dean sells to the Army of the Potomac. • Bean sells to the Army of the James. Sean sous to the Army of the Tennessee. Dean 's®lls to the Army ofVfche Cumberland- Gunboats all order their Tobacco. Cigars. Plcne. he from BBAH»SmIIo.4I3(>HBSTSUT^SiS‘* Pennsylvania merchaats-aH bay at Oean’a. gew Jersey merehantaaUbay at Dean’*, .Delaware merchants allibny at Bean’s, stores. l I “ T ® r piAi w ' 01-1 *°° 4B at a- dolenllUll ““““l"!®- .■*#*, Mo, 413CHEiTSUTStreet. n 023 tf : Philadelphia. Pa. THS SCIENCE OF MEDICINE •hould stand simple, pure, majestic; having fact ‘ruthalone for ita RAT?Auc Bo . rt ,*sM MBLMBOL o"8, HBBUIHB PBBPA. KATXOBB, established otot Idyears. JONES HO.UBE. Cor. MARKET STRErar and MARKET SQUAB*. ■ - . ; BU.B8l»UBa, Pa. proprietor respaetlnUy returns his sincere thanks J® his mend, for the very liberal patronage bestowed «j^s&^“||S !^n S r o ii«.“ 4 wSS ims * , . Prcwletefc. AFCTIOW SALES. P'URNEBB.BBINLBY, * CO, . ■A Vo. CIS CHBSTHPT apjCßi AAT*B,Btrt*e, SALK O? IMPORTED AHD DOMESTIC DBT GOODS. On-FRIDAY MORSIHG, -f . I • . March M, 1866, 400 packs,** and lota of imported and domestic dry goods ‘ ~ Catalogues, with samples, ready early on morning or sale, ; ■ "PANGOAST WARWOCK, AUQ JL TIOBBKKB, »40 MARKET Street. j XABOI.POSITCsrK BALE 750 LOTS OF AMBBIOAIf ABtTIMPOBTED DBF GO. 08, LUTBM 00003. BUBBOIDABIES HOSBIRY 00008. Ac , *•., br S%THIBMOBirarO, ‘ •' ' • March oth* 1665, commencing at 10 o’clock, comprising a large and''general - assortment of desirable and sea sonable goods. j Included in sale this moraine, v|*s I XUS Eh CAMBEIO HAff XKEEOHIEFB. c l.OCOdoz. ladies 7 % andchildren’s 3 inch hemstiehed linen cambric handkerchiefs, ladies’ and seats’ plain do. Gents’ pare limn shirt fronts, *B. DOMESTICS... - Also lota bleached and: brown mhslins, prtnfs.dress foods, caeeimerea, cettonades, shawls, cloths, Ac. 4 , clothTeg Also an,invoice clothing. Also ladfes’ liei ton waterproof cloaks and circulars. • PA Bis"LACKVEILS, €0 lots ladles’ Paris embroidered and mlpure black lace veils. HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS. Also 800 dozen ladies* and misses’ steel springrioop skirts. „ Also 100 dozen superior quality mechanical whalebone corsets. Also notions, stock goods, wallets* suspenders., spool thread, combs, brashes, bead nets, fto FOR SALE AND TO LEX. Mfor sale—the desirable DWELLING JSI6 Green, With side yard, mud pos session a P! ii Ist. Ten desirable Dwelling S. B. earner of Twenty-first and Green; extra finish Possession soon. *®<“ handsome Dwellings,B. B. corner of Nineteenth and Groen. • ‘Five neat Dwellings east side of Nineteenth street •ontb of Green. Four mat Dwellings month side of Brandywine east of Nineteenth. B. ¥. GLENN, , _ 133 Bontb FOURTH Street. mhd-St or 8. W. Cor, of BBTBBTBBTH and GREEN. m FOR SALE VERY CHEAP— DWELLING, with Bide ,yard. 919 Morgan street. Immediate posfieedott This will be sold a- bargain If dosed within a few daya B. F. GLENN, _ 123 South FOURTH Street, mM 61 or B. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN.' « CAPE IBLAND.—FOR SALE. A double COTTAGE. 40 feet front by 34 foot deep. kitchen back, in a central location, suitable for private or public business, with a large lawn attached, one Sinara from the OeiTan. ‘ Apply to J. W. BLARE, inlig dt« . *3 North s’S'GHTHSureet. m FOR SALE-LARGE FOUNDRY * and MACBISK SHOP in fall operation, with the wortlng stock and tools, patterns, ate. , of erery do soription, necessary for doing a larte and ineeissfnl business, situated on a railroad about twenty miles from Philadelphia. B. F. GLBBH. felS-tf • IH3 South FOURTH Street. m LARGE AM) VALUABLE PRO- SiLK. —Tl* TB2, lareaaßd aomiuo dlonaLOT and BDILDJITG, 80. 308 CttBEKT Street, near thecentie or hTulnew, eontalnlnn 80 feet on Cherry rtrsf 4 ! depth 106 feet, belni 76 feet wld» on Ore rearof the lot, and at that width openinr to a Urea aart-way laadinx to Clerry^ree^ *r« rarely met with. Apply on the premises, MFOR SALE—a HOUSE AND JR lot on a cross street in Germantown, within «E five minutes’ walk of Bailro&d Station. House in coni' piete older, with water and (as Price $3,600. Also, a Farm of sixty acres, on Hill Hail. road, Germantown. apply to JOSEPH KING, Convey sneer, MAIN Street, Germantown. M - w&Bt* «FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER o*er» for eal.htß country teat, -within half a mUa pl Wilminjrton, Delaware, on the Hewport pike, eon tainin* eia-ht acreeof food land, in the centre of which 1« * lartelawn with a line variety of ihade tree*. ma ples, Undene. evergreens, etc, In all over a hnndred fail-frown Uses. The Improvements eonriet ofalarfe and oommodlpni Mansion, hanked on the west by two towere, one of which ia four stories In heifht There are four larre room. on a door, with a hall eleren by forty-two feet. The house has the Imodern improve, mente. A hydraulic ram forces water from a sprinf into the upper story of the tower. There ia also an Iron pump and hydrant under, a covered area at the Utchen door. The ont-bnlldinia consist of a earriafe honae and stable anfioient for four horses and several esniantralao, a hen,, ice, and amoks houses. The •tableau a hydrant in it. Good farden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and frape vine* in fnli bearinc. There are also several varieties of apple.eherry and chestnut trees. Terms aceommodalins. Foesesslon riven at any time. Apply to lilSVl w. QI>ARK, noM-tf 831 Market street, Wilmington, M MFOR SALE—A HANDSOME cot tage, and In perfect repair. 21 feet front by 74 feet deep ; Piazza on front and two aides $ Parlor 18 by SO 5 ceilingl2 feet high. bail 6 feet f wide. .The first fioor contains Parlor, Library, Pining Boom, and Kitchen. Gas throughout the bouse, waver in the kitchen and bath room; situated near the banks of the river Dela ware, In th* upper part of the borough of Bristol* Fa.!; loe*tion perfectly healthy and free from all fevers, Ac. The grounds are in good order well shaded with hand tome evergreens, and’ with a good variety of choice fruit. 1 ___ wl T .K!ft?o^n°-« ris ge* honseand Stabling. F -. ’ Price- £6, OGO - One- half can remain on the property, if desired. Applyat mM-smwSl* m FOB SALE —A VALUABLE A ® FARM of 143 acres,'near Sellersville- on Hie <3l North Pennsylvania Railroad, Bucks county, in good order, with good buildings. Will be sold low if sold soon. B. F. GLBNN,_lsl3'ftoufh FOURTH St. mh4 fit or 8. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. « INDIAN OH BEN LANE—Cfc Very desirable HEfitDEHCB and worthy the-E attention of capitalists, containing FIFTEEN ACHES LAND, With ' ELEGANT SITES FOB BUILDING: coach house', large barn, ice house, &o. Surrounded by large forest trees; and'withinten minutes* walk of Falls Station. fs2s-13t M FOR SALE CHEAP—a VERY SH desirable small .FARM of 28 acres, with mode X rats improvements, on a Railroad 7 mllee fromthe city; about pass daily. B F. GLENN, felS-tf 1533 South FOURTH Street. TO THE PUBLIC. —36,750 ACRES OF A liAAD IH WESTBRH VIKOIHIA, in the Counties of WYOMING AND, TITLE INDISPTJf ABLBS ..Is offered to the public for the price 0f5200,000, or a jaWeoTer ftS per acre, in. shares of SI*(KX) each. pays COAL abounds in ax? eitlent Quality; lEOH, GINBING, TlMBER—such as Black Walnut. Chestnut, Oak, White Wood, and nu merous other kinds, with a largely-increasing market for them—making it a desirable investment independent of the prospect of Oil development, of which, we feel sanguine there is large quantities to be found on the place, from report's that hare been made some time oaek, and from extracts from papers from that section of country in 1861.. ‘ 7here is already subscribed some 133 shares, leaying but 67 shares unsold. Subscription Book at the office of PATTERSON & BOULTON, * N 0.130 WALNUT Street, ieas-lm for tbs present. TO LIE T—FOB SALESROOMS OR light manufacturing purposes, -the upper stories ol building northwestcomerorElGHTH aad MARKET. Apply to the store. . ' £DI7GATIONAio WOODLAND SEMINARY FOR Tirana UDISS, nos. 9 and 10 WOODLAHI THKBACB, West Philad*. Bev. HSMET BBBTM, A. M., Principal. fe24-ffw* WEST GROYE BOARDING SCHOOL, » » far GIELB, at WBBT GBOVB STATIOH, F. end B Centre) Batlroad.TDbeeter County Pa Tbs SUMMER TBftßf of this Institution will com merce on BBCOHD-DAY, the Ist of FIFTH-MONTS next, to continue 20 weeks. The course of Instruction is extenslTS and thorough, and is adapted to all ages. For circulars, Sc., adoiees the Principal, _ THOS-P COWARD. fe27-mtn2m , West Oroya, Pa. “VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY v MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four miles from MEDIA* Fa. Thorough coarse la Mathematics, ClASslcs. Natural Serenes s.and English; practical les sor Bla OIyII hugineering Pupils received at any time, and of ail ages* aad enjoy ths benefits of a borne- Re ftraJo John C. Capp & bos, 23 South Third street; Thoi J. Clayton, Esq , fifth and JPmne streets: ex- Sheriff Kora, .and others. Addrt.sEeT. J. HBSVKT BAB TOg, A. M , VILLAGE GREBH, Penna. nod-6m MElifflAlAf ELECTRICAL OFFICES.' COKNBB BLIYBNTH AND BAGS STftBBTS, _ ALSO, C BEST NUT AMD FORTIETH. Dr. THOS ACiiEflr, very tacoeesfnl ia the treat* meat of all diseases would inform his Meads and the public that die is still benefittiag aad curing many on whooFmediclae has ao effect aad coasldered incurable. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. _WOb DBB*OL DISCOVERT —A phytician in -this office has givea especial atteatioa to these di seases., and found teat we possess a remedy which has cared many, and will restore to their wonted. healttu-hundreds more who are at present suf fering the most excruciating agony. Generally. ; a rfew days Only are seeded-to effect a cute. We would urge no oae to try li $ if yen do not the lose is your own. Those who. follow our require-' meats, and not cured' have nothing to pty. Pa tients txeatsd at their residences when desired. Tettimonials at the offices; hours 9 A M. toff F* Offigg* I s * North Street, i|so, CHUiTNUT and FOR TIETH Street, West Philadelphia. ja!7*3m DB THO 3. ALLEN ■DTJTTERPIELD’S OVERLAND ■A» DESPATCH, Office Ho, 40 South FIFTH Street. A THBOUQH FBEIOHT LIHI baa been established, prepared to recclye all classes of Frelrht ln the princlpsl cities eut of the UasUshnA nyer, and shlpmont OOIOBADO, IDAHO, UTAH, AHD MOST AHA TEKBITOKIBS, upon tkbovob ooktraot Rente Ats Bitisor nimnn, _Thron«hßate* lnslnde ALB OHABOES—BaII wav' Traveler, Commissions on the aoseonffi rlv«, trad upon the Flmlns and irresponsible syit*m of Plains transportation. KS? 4ff lltl, la S e,, t To 3*« Philadelphia, Pitts burg* Chicago. St. Louis, and Budingtos, lowa, are * u * £ This Company assnmea ALB THE BBSFOHSIBXUTY ef Dossea.fianrane, or Overcharges on FrUsht while transit from point of shipment to nlaee of destination. The Hew York officeje in possession of a foil sot of TKACB BOOM, showlnc the date of shlpmentTthe S® Msslislppl rfrer, is reoelved at and •“hpedfrom the Company's Warehouses at Atchison . These hooks srs opon for the irurocHon of «„» condition of their shipments: 01 Mining Men In the Territories ordering J^DVERTISEMENT. SHBOEON GEHEBAIi’B OFFICIt . WAsKEnaton, D. C„ Mascbl, 1885. A’ Board of Medical. Officers, will convene in How TOTl«Hty on the Uth Inst, to examtno such models of arttfioial limbs (legs and arms); andappasatos for treat mentot -ossesof e*secHon,.as marbe pnesented by tba reipectire lLTet tore or proprietor.' ' Those manafacinßera onlpwho sbaUhe recommended byfthe Board-wIH he authorized tofurnlsh limbs or apparatus.. . i ■ ■ *!.?£-. ■< ■ . toaeoare the best artlii dal-llmhs,,Ao., to the mnttlated soldier, all mann- Actnrws most eabrntt their models to this Board In order to receive Its approval and' r, eommani’atloii-ln- S^h^d"ssXXr i:,< ’ I,tll ‘ tprtTiiw * , “ WaU “ InfotinaUon apply to Sorgoon WM A IJSAS* C.B A Medical Director,, Department of the East, Ho. laß BLEICKER Street, Ifeir York City, By order of the Surgeon General: mh6-mwf6t O. S. CRANE, Surgeon U. S imy, TJEWARE of counterfeits, and "BBPBUtdPLBD KSALBBB esdeavorlig to dts pose of their ova aad other prep&r&tio ns,i oa the mm. UtlonattelnedbrHßEMßOlD’B OEBdISk PffigPA- B EVANS & WATSON>B" ~ SAFE - 16 BOTJTH FOtTBTH BTBSBT : 4i i PHILADELPHIA. PAT*^’ i&t* 0f ,m&PSO ?* 8«« alwaye on nSU-ftn* OFFIGB No 1, 407 LIBRARY Street. Philadelphia. - APCTMy SAjLEs, U 83888, tro«. »3» mi »34 MABKEf^ EXTENSIVE gitß OF 3 000 Pi'MTsne. iXI> DOMESTIC COTTOfI AHD WOJLsi' ■ •*. —Weinvite tbs particn ar a , trade to tie Terr large sad desirable ■■■ foreign sad don retie cottoa sad wn„ .* - comprising 8,000 satire packages, to a d,} i cold by eatalonuf for cash, C'omv nei r, O precisely, onThnxeday morning, Harsh 9 ’ 5 I.AISGK ABB IMPORTANT <t*T, s „ p , FApKAfflggOF BET GOOD? 00 Sit ir a thuesbatT 001 " March 9th. st ,10 o'clock, ws will ull k. forossh. on SCMOM of Hr F. H Re",?,V?N .1,009 entire packages of cotton, kroo.en. i O 5 goods,ooinpriMngthe most desirable aiaki" 4 J t .;4 « section. Ope® for examination u th?d^' ri t, j For particulars see ad^rti«p me .. I? if Included la our package sale of ibn.-noo, 1 will be found In part large lines of tbs f 0 Mk | Me anidw, v%*. : °* lo r Cli eases brown and blenched sbeetinsrs Macs brown and bleached drills * Bad *Sirji oases brown and colored corset je iu | '■*3B —eases York, Erewtt. and Fembertoa m caret Kentucky jeans gS ease* Merrimae, Sprague, Amarfm* * ;M and other brands ef prists a ’ cams denims, strips*, tie**, fumitor* „ t* cheeks. urft ““lklrta 1111 ® 4 ker9 " 8 ' “““•««■ 'lofts, j " cases shirting linens, table dama.3? clothe. s»j hi —ceees cotton and rasrino hosiery. .. ; cases Want etc, ’• PSMa U r aJ And many other clams of Imported v goods, to ho peremptorily sold in entire cash, ™ Potktjaj ,» M. ~ .4 THOMAS & SONS, ■- »<*. 139 <u>4 m Boath’mgTß ~ FOURTH SPRING SALE, Karri, a, states o| Charts Willta.“%S h |> 3b. S Jerkins, J. B. Jacobi, w. 8. Skinno. n' O, A ft. P f* l9 i n ■ kirt, J. B Halnjs, Chyles Fox. and oths™, a Estates. By- order of Orphans' Court ana ■ See hardhlila ” .* . _ , FIFTH SPEISTO BALB, 28th Mlrol, # • hra * h 4> ? . If” 6 ! slsssot/es'deocs Brides street; first « «,’'* . other city property. “« n MS-For list of properties to be sold atthaaW, l3, M, IS, and 16of last Tat»d»rs£ Sale Ho 824 Wasbintton Square HODSKHOLD FHKNITWtR * THIS MORNING Bth last, at 16 o'clock, at No-SH Washlertos s,, by catalosoe, the'hoasehold fornltare, la™.? 51 * renitian carpets, eottaae furniture, Ac , Ac. aj ®aj be examined at 8 o’clock on the morale, a;-, SALE OF MT3CKT.L4NKOP3 BOOKS . THIS APMBSOOif, March Bth, atthoattotiou store, miscellaaeoaitu^ ELEGANT BHIT.LIBRARY FHRNITHKI. 1 „ OS THURSDAY MORNING, 1 At the auction store, elegant suit carved oak avi* * lihrsr, fnraitnre. Tiz: hook case, aofa, arm c!ar Mall chairs, 1 small arm chairs. Soath Fourth Street STOBWOB FraigTHßß. large fibk-pruV Safe. FINE CARPEfS 40. ~ „ ON THORSDAY morning; at 8 o’clock, at the Aectioe- Store, superior fnrm I ', s dano forte, large and superior fire-proof safe. ma<U,l Brans * Watson; fine carpets, Ac. I SALE OF ENGLISH AMD AMERICA* BOOJj, j „ . ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON. a March 0, fit the auction store, valuable Bngllgfc te : American hooks. illustrated work*, Ac. ■ Sal* 1123 Fitsw»ter«b*et. W SUPERIOR PURNITU RJB. _ BOOKCaS S, CARPETS, Ac. •- On FRIDAY MORHISG, f * 10th Inst., at lOo’doek, at 1183 F;fci water superior furniture, superior roiewood secfetijjr bi 31 |~- be onthe morula* of j| > CAETAL BOAT BOYLE A KRVSBDY, fc . WILLOW STREET WHARF, W OS FRIDAY MORNUN i, Sfc At 11 o’clock, at the first wb**f abov*WiiW»t rH ,|* the canal boat known a* BOYLK.A KBRYBDY feet long, feet wide, 181 tonnage ms, TMIIiIPFOKD &CO., AUCTIONEER® A 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Street H POSITIVE SALE OF 1 500 CASES BOOTS iSi IP ‘X SHOE 3. tM OH THURSDAY MORNISG, Ip March 9th, commends* at 10 o’clock, we will a-l] * * catalogue, for cash, 1,500 case* hoot*, snoes hro?** balmorali, cavalry hoots, Ac., all prime aud Smt da goods, to which we invite the attention of oarers. * > dy 3. c. McGuire & co.. auction I U EERB, WASHINGTON. D. O. T S^rIfS B FO°IR S^L«T O H P e By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of tte D» Hi trietof Columbia, passed In the cause of SBBSJFFiisP LOWRIE va. DEAfI rnnd WIFE and others. So nSsv' Faulty, I will expose at Public Sate, on THUEsDaI ! l§ lurch 16.1865, at 12 o’clock M., if fair, if no; tte a* fair day thereafter, at the residence of Mr. JOHST.w LEAH, upon tne premtees. the Real Estate of wii* LEVI SHERIFF. Lite of Washington ceoatv. D d V died seized and possessed, containing about 533 urn This property is most elifilhly sitnased, beln? width about four miles of the Capitol and one of Bicmii ®'-; Bridge. Itls well wooded and watered, hasac dance of Ene meadow land, and is admirably for market proposes. The soil Is of aftas eb&ru(fi,M| kind and productive, and easy of cultivation. Ml The improvement consists of two framed hv&fra ings, (one of which Is commooioas.) and all 3*o*lBB .sazy ontbnildincs, and there are snme beautiful ing sites on the premises, commandiiig a foil view rfaß the city* Hi The land wUlhe subdivided Into several small tmtuw plat of which may-be seen at the Auction JAMBS McGnißß A CO., Washington, D. C. ■ Terms of sale aspreveribed by ths Decree; oae-bdag in cash on the day of tale, and the residue in equal bWR stall meats at twelve a&d eighteen months from the of sale,wiih interest, and approved security. ffj Title indisputable. H| Conveyancing and Revenue Stamps at the cost of felpi purchaser. *B. C. STEPHENS, %ustee. M feSAlBt JAS. McGUIBB A 00., Aactiouwt M JUrEDIG AL PUBVEYOR’S OPPICI ■LTX Washutgtof, D. C., Feb. 25,1555 Will be sold at Public Auction, in this city, on EO3 BAT, the 13th day of March next, at ths Medical £ta> _ keeper’s Bepot. corner of T and SIOHTSEET 3 Streo. at 10 o’clock A. M , a quantity of condemned Hosplai Property, conmstlngof Bedding, Gets, Iron Bedaceth Tin Gups. Knives, Forks, Packing Boxes, Bjttl* / Ac., Ac. Successful bidders will be required to remove tit , stores within (6) five days from sale. Termk cash it A Government funds. > G. SUTHEBbaED, feg.|Bt Surgeon and IT. S. A Medical Purveyor fgj "pyORSES 1 HOBBES ! I HORSES 1i! LBTSB GENKRAL’a OFFICE* Feebt Diyibion _ Washington City, February 13,1955. ■ HOBSBS, suitable for the cavalry service, will hS purchased at Giesboro Depot,, is open market, tin April 1,1866. 11 Horseß will be deUvered to Captain L Lowry Kohi, m A. Q. M. , aul he subjected to the usual Govemsieat w '1.4 speetion before being acc/pted. ’ Specifications, as follows: ** Cavalry Horses most b sound in all puticulars. well broken, in fail flesh &si & good eondiUon, from fifteen (15) to sixteen (16) basis M high, from five (5) to xtina (9) years old, and wti li adapted la every way to cavalry purposes. Home b* tween siine (9) and ten GLO) years of age, if still sprightly, and healthy, maybe accepted. Price, one hundmd and seventy'five dollars <ltfS each. Hoars of inspection, from 9A. M. to4F. M. Payment will be made at thi« office. JAMBS A. EKIS, fe!7-tapl Colonel in charge of Ist Diylßloii Q. M. 0- 1 QAYALRT HORSES. Quartbbkastxr’s Department, Corner TWELFTH end GIR aKD btrwt*. . ■ . Phh.apei.phia, Pa., Febraary 16,1386. 'Homes-snit&ble for the cavalry service vnll bepa> chased by the undersigned, in open market, at $lB each. -v Each animal to be subjected to tbs usual Govarnaw inspection before being accepted. . Stones will be delivered to the U. S. inspector *t*a Western Hotel* Market street, between Thirteenth Broad streets^ Bald homes to be sound in all particulars; sot Us than five, nor more than nine yearn old; from 15 wj hands high; fullinfiesh; compactly built; bridle-vi* and of sire sufficient for cavalry purposes. By oxder.of Col. A Biggs, Chief Quartermaster. GEO. JR. OEMS. felfitmhlS \ Captain and IQ. I SHIPPING* .§1 AND FHILADEtS PHI a STEAMSHIP LINK, sailing from M pori onSATURDATS, from first wharf above Pls H§ Street. Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. £| The steamship NORMAN, Gapt. Baker, will aailfrff f- Philadelphia for Boston, on Saturday, March 4, at 1 m M.. and steamship SAXON, Capt. Mattbews, from Sof ton for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4 P. M. , ¥' _These lew and substantial stewnsWpsform a rafcii-’ i> line, calling from each port punctually on Satardaj*- Insurances effected at one-half the premium ch«i*i on the vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send SllpQßeceipt* BiE> J of Lading with their goods. * For Freight or P&ssage'Chaviag fine •ceemmodatiow’- = apply to HUNK? WIbS * t Tn>> 3Ng So"*>* Tixr.AWARE Avenir, v STEAM WEEKLY TO | XUBC vEKPOOL. fenuklnc * QTJBBBSTOFI | tCork Birbor.) Tk. vrdl-knoira summer, o! tk« I Jr, s Mol, Hevr York, »nd PhiUdelpM. Stusuki, CoaP“ tinman Line), «wrrlni tk. D. 8. Maili, «r« IntuiW* — HwAlj- i; CITY OF BaLTIMOBB-. w .BkTCTBDAI. ■■ CtTY OF WASHIHOTOH..m.BkTDBDAY, and evary (n«Mdlni Bttnriay at Mow., fi»m Horth Elv«. ■ KkTBS OF FASBAQI: do to London 85 68 do to London- 2« do to Paris.«. 95 0S do to Puri*—«- *5 do toHambnrc.. BO 00 do toHsmborf.. Paunsfen also forwsnled to Havre, Brsmon. tsrdam, in twerp, At., at egnsUylow raUt. ■■ Fans from Liverpool or One Ist Gab-Si -i 185. ,195. stoorue from Llyanrepl or OMomtown. g Hon who vrieh to srad for ttulr ftlsnds «as ™ .. ,l oISs. toU, * r Worm. H on j .^y a »t ) t^Com^ ■ &»tmh2£ 111 VriDKBT Stmt, PhllMelyti*. - J)ITHRIDGE’B | FATMY M XX FLIHT OLABB KTRA I LAMP CHIMHBYB. g The world-wido mmtotlon whloh tkew fifty per cent heavier than H» ChimneyTthey may be handled withmueh lew 3d The oval shape is an adaptation to theflsJfSJ the Chimney being at all poiate the same diataam tite heat, so thatthe danger oferadcingby nseae» * N material ef which these Chimneyi flMturedis uneqaalledby glass as conductorofheafc;and, it6 combination renders them almost entirely liability to destruction-by the'heat of the the obstsde in the way of the universal OU, found in the unreasonable expense for Cbhp» has been met and removed by tiieintrqdu«ti'>Q« _ DITHRIDGB’S FERE-PROOF CHUTIIBIg The popularity Of these Chimneys has iuda^j-jr persona to makeiue of onr name a^^fi marks, and their reputation has been byjhe worthl«fisneBs of spurious Chimueyt wWr inl Turtles who have been annoyed with CMmneya would do well to call anas** have appointed Mesas. TERRENE & Mo. 10* SttgjnacOMDi Street, Sole Ghixnneyaiu Philadelphia from whom they gtA atoa* * FBBT isl9-a. - WABHIHBTOH Bt., Bttslmrs. Mi SLBEKBR & C(X, ns mhoß sskeeT' ft&NOTACnjKEM, AGffiNTS, AS» . , SAX.ff TOKkT.HRa IN ftMT ANO CIBEM GUSSWIB& H.y® now i, atoro .full uwrtmut of tk« Whitt W% offer U tie lowest nuirk»4 rites . Foinx role afoot* for the SALSM OEBW “" tjU we are prepared to make and work s^ 1 Ada to order. -b * • SORTER, MINERAL, and WINE BOTTLE r Aperi«r color and finish. „, HS - BSIJV Also, DAMP CHIMNEYS, APOTHBCABIES j,. FUEHITDKB, SHOW BOTTLES, BYBiHOE*. “ - f . OPATHIG VIALS, rod Dromtats' 01aawBrB f 8“ T. A. STABS A CO.'B PITTSBOBO 5W®., tcoataotly on hand .t factory priest. *L-—^ MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL gj axe regained by HKLMBOLD’B EXTEA ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers