jggp IWKUFTH WAJRD. THE DRAFT IS UPON VS. Meeting this (Wednesday) Evening, BTH OfBTJiHT, AI 7» O’CLOCK, METHODIST CHCBCH, • .FIFTH STREET, BBLOW GEBBS. 'Out Reernlttng Committee need Funds, and it now Wemains with the elltiens of the Ward to ear whether (they are to ceae* their exertions. k.As yet not more than OKS THIRD of the enrolled Swtirene have subscribed to tbs fund, and a VERY >i»DLD BtTUBBR OF THE EXEMPTS bays shown by ttelrcmduet that they fosl aw Interest In the welfare ►of the Ward. SETKtT THOCBASS DOLLIES, If paid in at onus, will place us beyond danger, and amount should be paid to night. , PROFESSOR SAUNDERS, COL, WM. B, MANN, P> AHD OTHBEB, WILL ADDSES3 TBB MgSTIJfO, A plan wtH be proponed toy which all subscribers to fund will be famished with a Substitute if drafted. [BN OF TAB TWELFTH WARD, to*nl«ht decides question whether uur Quota shall be Ailed by n leers orConsaripls Fail not to attend the Meeting, order of the Committee. OBAS. M. WAQNBB, President as H CoyifHLL, Secretary. U OFFICE OF THE FULTON COAX. COMPANY, Bo 407 LI RRafiY Street. PHJLAT ELPHI4, March 6. ft meeting of the efco«Jk holders of the FOLPOh COAL 11*A NY, Held this day, the following resolutions *t<l»pied: ’so ived. That tlae-act of Assembly approved the 14th of F»b<u*ry, A. D ISOS, autnorizUg *n increase la Capital Stock of the Company be and the same tb* is accepted, and that noike of each acceptance !ven to the Governor of the Commonwealth »y the Ident ana secretary of the Company, solved, That twelve Thoaeand Shares of the edit* •> Capital htotk authorised to b* ortated and indued lid act of Assembly* be distributed at par (Five its ptr Bh»re) amoai each of the stockholders « names shall be registered on the Wits of the .any on the 16th day t-f March. A D 1S T 5 as «k*H i before that day*, at 8 o’clock P. AJ , agree in wri t<» take aod pay for their pro rata proportion of t iwe'Tß tbonsaod shares of stock Bald distribution e wade by the Directors on thelQtadayof Mwah, 1». 1866, and payment for the same to be made, ia ili, on the 20th day of March, 1866 And should de ll* in meb payment b* made by au7 stockholder, the ire* allotted to such defaultingstockholder may be felted by (he directors, and sola by them for account ibe Company, at snob price at or above par as they y dt-f ta proper. ]f Soivtd. That notice of the proceedings of this meet be given to the stockholders, as far as may be prac« hie, by circulars, and also by publication in tiro > fi*-wtpaperaof the city of Philadelphia. at a meeting of the Directors of the Company, the seme day, it w&e tsoived, That for tbe purpose of making the dittri* ioo of tbe additional shares of toe acock of the Com * ij among tbe fitoelholders*.4he traosfer boobs shall c.ostd on the 15th lost., at 3 o'clock P. ML t and re is eloped until the 21bt lost . at 10 o'clock A. M. ) accordance with the above resolutions, subscnp- ■ received at the office of the Compaav o th* stock bolder a, for their proportion of the stack tdistributed. F FRstSY, Pretldent C Hoi.ue, Secretary and Treasurer« mbB-7b AT A BfBKTISe OF THE TWHSfi TILTH WABD.heid MABOH 6th. it wai uoaai isly **<»!««£, Tb&ttMa meeting-approve of tn* memorial aened to Provost Marshal Pry, to atittaorrze a Coca itee tn relent from tbtnamei of ihos* drah.d (in*, ift Rhotjld tabepUoe). those who have paid P WSBTY- V£ dollars. by striking their name; from the list, ia <*sd of tbofe 'Wfio may be last drafted. Resolved. That the twenty-five dollars subscriptions * received until farther notice The Committee will sit *t the following places every renir gto receive subscripitoej: _ _ let Precinct, William ft. Weckmly, IT. B. comer snlh snd Poplar.. _ _ . Id. G. G. Shock, School Hone., Sighth and Thorny X J. B. Springer, School House, Eighth and Thomp b. ffffl H. Thompson Beading Boom, S. W. cor* t Eleventh end Guard avenue Ith. Jaa. Barry, Beadle g Boqm S W. cor. Bleventh d Girard avennc. • ■ - ' Ith. Jaa. W. Packer, Hardware Store, Girard ranas. 7th. J Q. Adilr, 111® Master street. Bth. John J. Money 16 6 Master street, tn* Joe. Vodges, Wm. Shield**, JRidge arenue and aeteentb street. „ _ _ . , . Ith. F. Bartley, S. 1. eoraer Twenty sesond and irawocd streets. _ _ . _ th. Wm B. Thomas* Humane Bngine House. Thir« thadd Oxford street*. ■ aa . WM. 6. HALL, President ‘EKf Be«et»rr >BFFKRSON MEDICAL COM 808. —The Anwna.l Conimeo cement will b 4 held at L FUKD HaLliou FBIDIY next, 18th inat., 3oel. Tie eb&rce to the graduates by Jrrof. iBT. Thepnb^ -----COM—. - —. ,Q, 613 OHSSTHOT Streat, PMladelpbia Pirn Anan’in i, Marsh 6, 1865. iis hereby given that the Commission for tbs it of tbs Cut Bounty are now prepares to reseise fast the slaiiaa of all new recruits under the pro of existing Ordinances. - _ ' yoluntsen.f^Twofea^!wig »»W|» -Warrant for Volunteers for Three Tears trill receive a Warrant for SIX HUHDBBD DOLI.ABS. liey are also prepared to receive applications from, a to award to, all eltlzene who shall be drafted for one isr’i serrise, a»4 shall thereupon be dal r aseeptedfoi lltary duty, or (ball tarnish substitutes, certificates ' warrants for ttaa mm of _ '"■OITB HDBDBI© BOLLABB. in Gath, besides OasMouiha City Wwrauts, credited to it; Aop'yto any of oar Committes*, irf Pnaklla', Office. Hatiocal Hill. t's Military Hall* Third, below Green, the ball l wad Goatee streets, or at Marshal Lehman's Third street* above spruce.' . Citizens of the Ward meet EVERY RIGHT, at /all BECOJSD and Stre-te AU versons wlted to attend. T. W. MtfMJHMEMT, Pfe‘t g, Tabj, Secretary and Treasurer. 'tano- ot* SIXTH WABD.-TOLHNTKEIIS sod all latuesM vUI-plaud tHa bjAw that lO w prepared ifid determined to rarnlsn ailJw» ho Government reqnire* of a«, and that wowffi pay the City Bounty in eash-andinaddUion to O&E HUKDBBB BOLLABB WABD \er of the Bounty Committee, tnus-iot AKOTUEB eHASD M*BS MEET IHO ol rtfpillßHpS OF TEMPERANCE will , and Rev. Jeremiah Pa*torfield- Grand Chaplain >e Grand Division, feOBB of Aa excel* Choir has hoes eniftged- for the ocwion- .who Binv ''Father, Como Homei" aad other choice nlttes of tie Grand q MAGUIGA.Ni 2t# ' Secretary. A MKETISO 01-' THE STOCK HOLDERS of the BOBNfSS SPBIHS AND 18 OBBEK OIL COMP*** will Le le'd at the )«BT’a Office, Ko 311 WaTjSTJT Street, flr-t floor, bnildtcg, ok THDBSDAI, Maroh 18. 1855, at >p, M., to elect Directors make Or- Laare, &c. -'f tift Corr>'” J eon- JO 20), A* 'tV?™, B*' 8 *' FBIIABnLPHIA. March ft, 1818. ,BOft« Of DlM«t 2 . of .biß COMPiST h«| *ila i,c)&ro(i their third diTldend of fyo PSK eBHf., •TWESM CBSTB PKB SHAM oat of the get age of the Company, free of State taxes,- Ratable id after the 20th lnat., at their new offlce, Ho. 11l >k?fer Uranafer win close on the 14th, at their pre tfflee, and open on the 2J»t lnahajt at thetr,new .PB*v __x IDQHiv _. -iOB IS STBRIB. . That all Stock in this Company, on which the of Two Dollars per Shave, called August 19, asd due September IP, 1804, ie not pald, ic for* i by said default, and that according to the Charter uw.uws of the Company it will be sold at Public Hob on*HoßBD AYfltli Haroh, 1855. at 12 M , at Offl» of tko Swtetat, of tko Company. Mo. 4543 "■IIT Street. .Pkiladelpkia, naleei patdonor bo day. By Board ofDsreetor* Marcia TOE TO PBOPBIBIOKS OP HOTELS, BB3TAU- S, and others engaged la or desirous oT lelltaz htu, Vinous, or Malt Llauora by less measure ,e Quart: . . Commissioners will sit to hoar aphltesinte for e at their Office, Ho. 11 STATE-HOUSE BOW {up for tbs sereral Wards, on the, following dare, n the haunt of ten andthree o'clock: and Twenty-sixth Wards—On Monday, 6th of ' and Third Wardi-On Tuesday, 7th of March. L and fifth Wards-Oa Wednesday, Bth of and Seventh Wards—On Thursday, 9th of and Ninth Wards—On Friday, 10th of March, and Eleventh Wards—On Monday, 13th of end Thirteenth Wards—On Tneeday, 14th of anth and Fiiteantli Warda-On Wadaaadar,lSUi «ntli and BaTentwnUi Warda-On Thnraday.Mtk tenth and Slsttseatli Waida — Friday, 17ch teth and Twenty first WardB-~oa Monday* 3Qth ty-eecond and Twenty third Wardc—OaTuet- Twenty* fifth Ward a—On Wedaen ' of March. I‘ITTSBITKG, FORT W4ISB, *H» cSbSwVt compaby. officbof SCKBTARY, PiTTßßtraq, Fa , Feb M IMS. Annual meeting of tbe Stock and Bondholder* or anpany, for the Election at jo»lne«» a* may come betM*'*' 7‘H ’S'htfgo teney lathe city of Beer York, trill b« cloaed 'day of March, at IP. Hj and remain doted '•hdajrof Marc 1 - *’ fcKCOJSP^STOKT^FKOBTitQOai - Urcuiam can be procured upon application at ' of the Company. maa-iifr SEW BUILDING iSSMUTOSj —A stated meeting of >ba Board OliJJJS'if'Rnj HOBBBI MOB KIS6 01LOI S « ASSOC iATI OS aa held OB WBD 8 BSD AIB VAN 15 <».HarehSt 0, o'clock. at the Hall* northeast eorn*r I&BSJ3T BtrecU- to receive the SBpii*d t fiff§*is l l »T on ih« Stock And LOAS THB ®OS3t in ths rarjr. ifew eaheciiptione to the Stock will aieo be •* 4 * J. 8. - rHraADBLPHIA, Tel) J5.18M. ITICE TO STOCKHOLDERS-—The. Annual llreotoreof thin Company will be held on HOHDAY. !th day of March. IBM. at the Office of,tto*W«W; aaB booth THIBD Street The polle will be open ,10 o'clock A. M. nntll 0 o'clock F M. chare or eharea transferred within cinty aayaPlC * the election trill entitle the holder or holder* 'eyote. ' BDMOJfJJ ' 3. OS’ nun .. /at tha fifth. --—.s of tlMGoara* .{.a'(i and sTATisfiOiii a-ssooutmi* or |%OMD «OFH Of PaH«BrLVAUU OB a. to COJTcBKf HALL. Ua I T. QKBBlTFlBbl), the ealebratad Blaolt HW» xar- * 18«, JAMIESON OH COMPANY. One-fifth of the Capital Stock Re- FAB VALVE OF SHARES, flO. SUBSCRIPTION FBIOE FOB FULL-PAID STOCK, #3.50, DIBBOTOKB, JAMES BUCHANiN, I BOBEBT CLARK-SOtf, H. B. LI&DRSMAB, I MAXWELL KOWLASrDi h. B. MYEBS. No. 226 Sontta TBIBD Street, Philndo, " 'a l The property of this Company in situated In Veaanio county, Pennsylvania, It embraces the following Tory superior Oil tracts: l. Sixty-seven acre*, in fee simple, on the west bank of th» Aliegheuy river, la Tionert* »o wnahip, about a mile above the borough of Tlonesta This tract contain* the widest and most promising poittoa of the Jamieson Flats, which la the moat producilve portion of the river OU territory within many miles. JCt has a frontage on tteriver of one-eighth of a mile, and extends bach from the same about three-fourths of a mile, enclosing the bed of a small stream called Jamieson’* run. Near Ip the half ofthistract Pi flat,and adapted 4 for boring. 4 It lies in immediate proximity to several wets now prod a citg. 'Within a few feet of the boundary line a welt is now flowing. There are also three wells os adjoining properties which are pumping, the most celebrated of which, the Sowers welt, is within a few rods. Jamieson’s mu forms a broad and level valley on this tract, which U regarded by Oil operators as most favorable for Oil. Tits quality of the Oil produced on the adjoining lands is very superior, being used by the workmen for lubriea ting their engines; it is at present worth about $l5 per barrel at the wells. The successful operations on the Jamieson Hats have given value, as OU property, not only to the immediate neighborhood, but to the vast body of lands oii the Tiohesta creek. The Company’a la&O is well wooded, and they will, therefore, be saved the great expense of fuel. 2. One and three-quarter acres, In fee simple, on Oil Cteek, on tfce Fleming farm. This land Is directly on. the bank of OU Greek, with larse flowing wells in close proximity; a one hundred barrel well is on the adjoin ing territory. The Noble well is within two miles This tract Is perfectly flat, and of immense value, being in tbehcart of the best OU prodnciogterrltory in the world. 8. A perpetual lease of three one acre lot*, on the great flats just below Titusville; it tm on these flats that OU was first discovered. This lease Is subject to a royalty of one-fourth of the Oil. The Compant t- propose to proceed with the greatest diligence in the development of their lands , and desire to give their stock intrinsic and permanent value. Further information wilt be cheerfully famtishedat the Office of the Company, No W&Q' South THIRD Street, where Subscriptions will be ree*tved at_Two Dollars and a Half for each Share of full paid Stock. inn Bunns, No. I*l Sonth TBIBD Street. where books arenow oven. / ; |ggp- XHi CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. QAPITAXj ....81*000,000, 5HA8E5.....«»......«.«-aOO,OOO, FAB VALU8................w...00. SUBSCRIPTION FBIOE. ■..—.. m . ■,a. 80. The prelent and prospeeUys yalne of the stock of this Company may be Inferred from the fact that It own* a fee simple Interest in 4T3 (four hnndred and seyenty three) acres of the rlchest-tested oU territory inVenanio county, belleyed by the most experienced oil men In that retlon to be sapable of prodnclnt a net annual ln some to the Company of one and a half million dollars, orthree times the entire cost of the stock, which would be eciolyalent to twenty’dye per sent, a month on Its subscription price, or' one hundred and fifty Her cent. per. annum on Ue par va lut. The following la a description of the Company’s pro perty: One-fourth fee simple interest in the celebrated ••Hooter ” Form, situate on the Allegheny river, about two and one-half mile* below Iranilin, con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) acre*, With 383 rode (or over one mile)front on the Allegheny riTer, on whieh there-are now twelve leases, eaeh ten rode eanare.and from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the foe, from whieh they get all the oil. On this farm there are now ten wells In operation, producing an average of ten barrels per day, and several others are about being tubed. There are also on It 187 (eighty, seven) more lots surveyed, and more than Hfty applications are now standing to lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners. Out of the twelve wells on this Farm e lewtn are now paving handsomely; a faet which snflloiently demon strates the great rtohness and reliability of the terri tory. JOHN OIVEW, PBltn* H SHH.TOW, THOMAS DICKoOM, Olty Ccmmlesloners. OIL COMPANIES. CAPITAL $500,000. 50,000 SHARES. served for WORKING CAPITAL. PRESIDENT, JAMES BUCHANAN, TREASURES, ROBERT CLARKSON. i ' ' segbetaby. SAMUEL P. BABCOCK. OFFICE*OP THB COMPANY. OF PENNSYLVANIA. PRESIDENT, VANCE STEW ART, « KSBOBR OOTOTT, FA. TBUSUBEBi E. O. JAMES, . OI PHTLADBIiFHIA* SBCBBTABY, J. L. DARLINGTON, WEST OHRSTin, PJU DIRECTORS, VANCE STEWART, Mercer csimtF, P*. JOHN B. LEONARD, Wert Charter, Pa. 9. O. FORNEY. Wartdmton, 9. 0. HENRY 9. COOKE, WuMncton, D. a BIMOB CAMERON, Harrleburf, Fa. GEORGE O. SVANS, PUladalphla. JAKES DUFFY. Marietta. LbbmhMim.. Fa Ia the entire fee simple Interest In 181 (on hundred and eighty-one) urea, situate on the Allegheny river, near ly oppoalte the “Hoover ” F*rm, »nd a Uttle nearer Franklin, atthemouthof Mill Run, having a front of 96 rode on He Allegheny river, and one mile on both sides of Hill Bun, with ample boring etLrfeee for ant hundred wells, or bote of tan rod* sonar*. This treat I*knownaethe “Stewart Tarn.” and la elearofaU leasee or incumbrances of any kind,. There la now in operation a any-barrel well (beside sevetal smaller ones) on the Cochran Perm, whleh ad joins this on the south. In fact, the "Stewart” Farm Is surrounded with good-paring well*, and within a short time a single lease of 80 rod* front, on the imme diate opposite aide of the river, sold for <166,000 (on* hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars.) On thia leu* a good well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the territory of the "Stewart” Farm, which is believed to tie equally u good a* the "Hoov er,” there are om it a three-story Grist Mill, with line water-power, a good farm-house, and other buildings, hat will be of nte to the company. The durability of this immediate oil section Is illus trated by the hot that some of the wells on the “ Hoov er” Farm have been pumping for over (our year*, with out any material diminution in' their yield, while the oil here produced, from its greater convenience for transportstlonaudsuperior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barred more than the oil at Oil Creek. The officers of He Company fed Instilled In present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous management, the above lands can he mad* to yield for the benefit of the stockholders in a comparatively short time: - THE “STEWAST FABM.” There is room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods stun, all of which can be leased immediately for one h.ini,. on. free of all expense to the Company. Bstimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells, although there le room for three hundred) et the very moderate average of fen barrels each, would make a Daily product 0f..«, «—— 1,000 hhls. Outer this the Company’s share would be. 60S bids. Value of dally yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (it is now selling at <lB.6o.)——™-“—<6,000 00 Allowing three hundred working day* to the year, this would make the Compa ny’s annual net receipts, from the Stew art Farm alone . - 2,600,000 00 Allowing the same estimates for the “ 'Hoov- er ” Farm, in whleh the Company own* one-fourth in fee of the land interest, the , annual nst receipts from the latter would - , he— »■■*,* 816,000 00 Making the annual receipts from both Farms— 1,876.000 00 Deducting from this amount the sum of <376,000 for contingencies, would leave t sfet%mual Income of the Company.—. — <1,600,000 00 ALL THBSB LOTS CAM BIIMMIDIATBLF LEASED, U it 1> deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the Oil, with covenants binding lessees to sink wells, with an possible diligence, to the depth cf 000 or more feet. A FEW PLAIH WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Ton are not asked to subscribe to this Stock with tha expectation of immediately receiving large dividends. but the basis on which the Company rerts, it is be- Ueved, will make your investment not only safe, but, proepeetively, of enormous value. notwithstanding,at ths present prices of oil,the Oom osny e annual receipts (without any further develop ment) would ho forty thousand dollars, ox eight par •ent. on the cost of the stock* , „ The President, MrJßiewart, Is one of the *©■* ***•»- eal and experienced oil operators in the State< *»d Us residence near the Company's property , and general oversight of its management is the best guarantee Hat noefiort* Will b* spared to make the investment pro * Abdications tor a large proportion of the stock have already been made, bnt none wUI be recelvedntttU tte books of the Company are regularly opened for that limited amount of the stock will be sold at "bo issued full paid, without further SJJBSbBimOH WW be openft* a few day*, on and after January U. IBM, a» the office of ' e. g. JAMES, Treasurer, Mo. 101 WALMPT Brest, Philada. BASK OF SOBTH AMEBIC*, OB2T ;iir y.W. onand THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1865. OIL COMPASIES. PEOPLB'S EQUITABI-E Oil* COMPANY HAVIBO SERB TAKES. the enbecrtbete are notified It sail and MAKE PAYMENT to ibe Treasurer, on or before FIFTH DAT (mradir, BEST. ettgitbsSlhelr names WELIx BE CANCELLED from thtflist. SAMUEL TOWH9*BfD. ■ Tfflfisfffflf Her. 39 Bonth BBCONO Btreet. ausr basin oil MXfIXJFQ COMPABT OF PITT3BUBO. (UFEFAh 81! 1 0C85 : «.M,M4.,.HiM>,.M..».M.«td150 J OO0 J v ln *50.005 Shares ofOlf* DOLLAR Bach. 950.000 of which is set aside for working capital. Only a limited number of sharer to be sold. OFPIGSRB. PBBHDBXT, WM. MoOIiTGKSON. liberty street, PitUmrgi JOBS P &RAM4R, Cashier, first National Bank, Allegheny. B-' B> BfcrBLBQT. Of Hcßtroy, JUickson. fir Co., W ood Street, Pittsburg. , TBEABMTtBJEt, R A. GKuROB, Gmbier Farmers’ Oeecstt national Bank, Piti*- burg. SECRETARY, J4BTBB MOOOTCHEOF, Liberty street, 'Pittsburg. XBRNBBXB MoJUNKIN, .Butler, P*. Sen,* JOHN Ms» BTTNLA.P, Lancaaterp-Pa, OTTERIETRNDSIfT, TBOMAd B. GLARE, Oil City, Fa. The property U located entirely la Venango scanty, Pennsylvania. ABD COHSIBIB-OF First. 194 acres choice terafcory in fee Purple on Hickory*Creek, commencing about 275 rod* ton its mouth, on the Allegheny rive*? and extending along either side of the creek a distance of 230 rods,vfitaking a water front entire of fiCOrods, or room at least for SX) wells. The developments nowdwing made inrthls lo cality, combined with the late strikes on Pit Hole Gieekr, and other tributaries oftoe river, show and establish eoncltifeivelj the fact that time and J&bor are the only neceteary requisites to the obtaining of large paying wells on this territory. The land is subject to two leases of one-half acre each, the Company receiving one-half theoil, and being at do-expense. Second. One-quarter lease-hold lots Nos. 43*04 49, ALLEGBEHT PETBOLEUH COMP AUK On the /dlegheny river, about one-fourth mile above Horse Creek and about thirty rods from a well now said to be producing 40 barrels of oU per day. These lots join front, each £ rods on the liver and extend back some SO rode—making a frontage of 15 rods. TWO WEEDS 1 * Axe going down on this property, one of which is nearly completed, being about some 400 feet. The in dications are that this will be a well* as-already several fins Yeins or oU haw b««n struck. LEASE. TWENTY TSARS, Royalty, tbree-tightbeof tkeoil. ■“ Third. S'l6ths lease-hold in lot No. 39, SPBINGPIBLD PETROLEUM COMPANY On Cherry Run. about three -quart ers -of a mile above tbe kt £eed’’well, and but a-•noH distance from, the ‘•Auburn,” ••Yankee,” and other good wells- There is room oil tbe property for three wens, one of which is new being vigotously prosecuted. Thirty days,, it is confidently belived, will make this well ready for test ing. as the machinery and everything, connected, with it is of tbe first order. Lease, 20 y ears; Royalty, oae hali of the oil Fourth. The entire lease-hold of lot H 6.14,. ST. NICHOLAS OIL COMPANY, On Cherry Bun. On this property there is room for four wells, one of which is now being sunk. As this lease is located near tbe famous Beed. Baker, and.Oro cery Wells, producing rej-peetiwaly 100, and. 200. barrels, there Is scarcely a doubt of abundant sucpess. Tbe record ot Cherry Run chronicles no failure In this favorite locality. Lease, 20years; Royalty, htif the 01l bubscrlptl* u Book for a limited nomber of the above shares now open at the offica of r RcCCTCHEOS: A COLLIES, 5845 and 04* Eorth FRONT Street. PHELAPBLpgIA.IPeb. 27, 1865. mht-6t FETROIBUM. THE NEW YORK AND, LIVERPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY. OBOANIZSD UHEBR THE . KIHIHO ABD MAKUFAOTUBIHG LAWS OF TBE STATE OF HEW TOBK. CAPITAL) ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDBED THOUSAND SHAKES, <lO PER SHARE. SOT LIABLE TO ASSESS -.-V— —— ■ " r -/~ . GOYBEHMEMT BOMBS AMS SECURITIES TAKER IK FATHER? FOR STOCK. OFFICES: Ho. a* EMPIRE BTJILDIMG, Mo. 71 BBOaDWAF, MEW FORK. Post Office apskesb. Box Ho. 6368, Maw Toss. OFFIOIKS. Hon. BARIEL S. BIGKIMSOM, President. : WM. T. PHIPPS. Vice Pre-ldent, ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary.' H. J. BtTRTIS. Mining Superintendent,TltnCYllle,Pa. ATLAMTICBAMK.M6.M3 Broadway, M.T., Treasury. The wells of the Company are now producing oil. Payment for stock may be made in drafts, registered note,, or.Gnvernment bonds end securities, which bonds and securities will be taken at their market value. Remittances may be addressed to the Company, P. O. Box 80. 6888, Mew Fork City, or to Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the Mew Fork aed Liverpool Petroleum Company,'Mo. I«Broadway. Mow gorkCltr." Prospectus sent to any address on application, oon talnlng a full and clear account of the operations of this MOST 6CCOES6FDL PETROLEUM COMPANY. mhlSm ' INBUJRAWC*. LIFE INSTIBANCE TRUST COMPANY, Walnut Street, S. E. Corner of Fourth. INCOME FOR THE TEAR 1864, §357,800. LOSSES PAID DURING THE TEAR AMOUNTING TO §85,000. Insurances made upon, the Total Abstinence Sates, the lowest la the world. Also upon JOIST STOCK Sates, which aie over 90 per oeat, lower than Mutual Bates. Or MUTUAL BATES, upon which aUITIBBED has been made of PIFTY PBK CBHT. On Policies in force January Ist, 1855. THE TEK-YBAE WOIfcFOEFBITUBI PLAJST, by which a person insured can make all his payment in ten yean, and dees not forfeit, and can at any time tease paying and obtain a paid-up policy for twite or thrice the amount paid to the Company, ABBSIS. $lOO,OOO U. B. 6-90 bonds 40,000 City of Philadelphia 6*. new - 80,100 U. B. Certificates of Indebtedness* 85,000 Allegheny county bonds «.*...**** 16,000 U 8 Loan of 1881™-*........... 10,(00 Wyoming Talley Ganal bonds *tam of Tonnes ee b0nd5.......... 10,COO Philadelphia and Erie Railroad bonds.-***--. 10,000 Pittsburg, Port Wayne, and OM cago bonds. 0,000 Beading Railroad Ist mortgage, bonds... ..... .M***,m 6, 500 City of Pittsburg and other bonds 1,000 shares Poena. Railroad stock. 460 shares Corn Exchange national 22*sbar«s ConsolidationHattona! B’b 107 shares Partners* Rational Bank of SeB4ttg 142 ahares Williamsport Water Com pany M** MU ~.M»M*H< »« » IM . 1&2 shares cmeriean Life Insurance and Trust Company... Mortgagee, Real Ket&te, Ground Santa* &c.. 207,278 S 6 Loans on collateral amply secured.,... ►♦*,* 112,755 li Premium notes secured by policies •~~ 114,889 62 Cash in hands o t agents secured by bonds.. * 26,601 70 Cash on : deposit with O. 8. Treasurer, at 6 percent 60,000 00 Cash on hand aud in banks....* 50,331 57 Accrued interest, and rents due, Jan. !*»+•«* 10,454 71 THE AMEBICAS IS A HOMS COMPAQ. Its TRUSTEES, are well-known citizens In our midst, entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander TPMJIdiB, J. Bdiar Thomson, George Nugent. Bon. dame* Pollock, Albert 0. Roberts, P. B. Mangle, ' fcamnei Work, HXX. WHI SA3&UEI. WOKK, Vloe President. JOHH 8. WILSOH, Bec’y and Treasurer, ’’ JOBS C. TABJKB, Oeneral Agent, Ho. *Ol3 QHBSH BTKIET. feM-fmwet yrAB&UAKBB • BBOWW, DTR»OTOSB, ; WKi McGCTCHkOBf, Liberty street, Pittsburg. • Dr. L R SI’ABOT, Pittsburg. JOHN Mv ORtiiWfORH, Nbw Castle, Pa. $391,136 BO $966,461 79 William J. Howard. Samuel C. Bodlna, John Alkman. • Hesry K. Bennett, Bon. Joseph Allison, Isaac Haalaburat. US, President. MILITARY. «. THE GRAND NATIONAL GUARD, Major (tenera! Hsncock’s Ist Army Corps of Veterans. 30,000 VETERANS WANTED. TEE PATRIOTIC EXCITEEERf OR THE IRCKSASR. The Corps to He Recruiter to its mnm Kumtier, THKBIKHBY BBIOAMt TniiTi'teS ATTACHED TO THIS CORPS. . let Army Corp* of Veterans fertile G4.LLAIW GEtfEKAL HaSGOCK, to iorm. a part of the G&ASO aaTIO&AL GUaBD, to proteot, the .ionitntioas of oW country, to vindicate toe honor, no war and glcty as emhUmlsed la the “OLJ> IX aG, 1 ' and fight for and sustain i* against ail enemies, rorelf a < r have ocenoied a considerable share of pobMc attention lor some time past It is gratifying to announce to the public at large, thaVio far my efforts h»ve been crowned with success. The noble ra poaae of the Veterans jefltoUiiifinitecredit oathairpatriotUni Their wiUtD*ne«e to be in at the death of the most UU mo ns and «i useless rebellion that ever shooked el men- Uon and Christianity trill make a brilliant page in the history of oar coon tty, and endear their names to pos terity. " BOOSTIKS AND PAY. Sinew my first general actyeTfltement, the bounties of fered by the eonstUatud aatbo?itiaa of Philadelphia have been Increased as follows; * The net p*y of a Yciteian Volunteer In Haacosk’s Corjw is, vfcs; , For cttejrear Government Bountysloo City of Philadelphiaßoanty-.... 400 Monthly pay from Ohitod btates Oorernment, $l6 per month.. Ml Cfothisiraeecunt yearfv... 42 Ward Bounty *5 CityßelSW' lor Funtlieo of Voluatoers, $S per ■ month..w. 71 . _Total.~. sl,m The net pay of'Veteran Yrtnnteers for two years in Hancock Corye is. yli: . Ooyemzneßt Bounty.*mm $OOO City'of Philadelphia Bounty* 000 Monthly pay from Dinted Bute* aoternSaent, $l9 per moothM**.. SSr t. Clothing account, 1 $43 per 84 '•Ward Bounty, (average) ’ $O. •>City relief for family. $5 per mojr)h , ~«. *♦♦*. ... ♦ 1«4 i Total.— ’i The net pay of a-Yetorsn Volnntecf'foPthlreoyean in : Hanccck’e Corps kr^-ri*: Government Bounty* * «•» ....... —« $6OO City Of Philadelphia Bounty*...—6)o Monthly pay from United State* Govern meat.- $l6 Oer month... -•*«. 078 (Bothlnaaoeonnt, sfltper)rear.»^»«—l26 Wfcrd Bounty, (avewfcey—2s City relief for families s6?per month— 316 Total—ssMs EBPBESEUWAfTTVB BfiOaUITS.* Letitbe distinctly twderetood that any amt; exempt front draft, or woman or youDg.lady d@sirou9‘of> beiojf. represented in th* army can do. so. upon payiftgte the undersigned the sura of stoi *nd a handsome efrttfioate 1 commemorative of the event wilt be given to- thepenoi* thus represented. Of t&te earn $26 will be .pais to the* recruit* and $26 wDI be reiained to defray the extrSor. dinaty expense* for advertising and blU' print icgitafdent to raisirg troops. Let every man and wo man in theBtate, wbo a*iir*» to be represented s in the aimy/.eome forward an&m&ke this investment for tho ptupcae of tanks of the arayf- THB BIBHBT BBIGABX. The Brigade of three reaiamnte, named in honor of'tfeat gallantGtero whose name lives in history, will be at* tachedtotle Ist Army Corps. It is. the intention ofihs* patriottogentJeiten interested in psrfeetint this orga nization to present each member with a handsome testi monial ata memento of tho*oeoa»ion of his ra-enllettng especially in the Brisede. The Beereiting and Mastering Offias, for the present, is at the northwest coroer of FIFtfB and r&UHH Streets, Fifth ward. DlsbirMug Office, northeast cor ner of SIXTH and MIUOH Streets.. The headaaarters of the men. after having been mastered Into the service, ar«- at Kkhmond Hill. s9* Other recruiting offites will be opened In differ ent, parts of the city ana State as" soon as the arrange* meats caabe perfected BBSJiMTJF FBA9KLIK, Exeentivoef the BeernlUngObmmHtse and Chief of mhB 6t , ~ pateotive iiepattmentof Pnllada*. tTQ’SEEN OF COLOR! HIGHEST BOUNTLE-J EVER PAID. BOUNTY POB »SK YEAR, #5OO PAID WHEW MUSTERED IN. Too. are sow offered SABY&PAY! SAME BOUWTT [ SAMEiEEMEF MONEY t And will be treated In EVERY BBSPSQTthe same as white soMters, Great care it exercised in the .election of your officer.. A. soon eg mastered yon will oe sent to CAMP WILLIAM BSfIR. bountifully located at Chelton Hill., one of the beet regulated camp, in the; country, where every attention is paid to the comfort ofthomen. • ' A Volunteer will receive for one. year RIGHT HDV DKED and THIRTY-FOCE DO4LARS(tB34>, BX CLUbTYH OFi CITY RELIEF FOSS FAMILY OF SJ». Over 3SOQ ofwbioh hAcen. leave with his family, or invest in gold-bearing bonde. COI.OBED'IMBff THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY COHS SO IiWABB 1: fio, sot hesitate and remain at home to, fill Inferior positions, when the.oppprt mlty ts offered yon to volunteer as BOLOIES3 OF TEft. BE PDBLIO,jBnd to prove -yourself worthy to be a CITI zm OF THE BBrDBJUIO. . CALIt ANB BEGEIVB YOBS FULL BODSTY. KOBT. K. OORSON, mb7-6t HYADQtTAKTKBS 1310 CHB3TNUT Street. RUT AIL. OKI HOURS. JO¥YIH’S GLOYEB. r" JDBT BKCBTVBB, j A FRESH INVOICE -«MBiwc®sraa ! jo KID GLOVES. THO& W. EVANS * 00., 618- and 890 CHESTNUT ST. T ADIEB’ SPRING CLOAKS. JLi “ Opening daily, new Cloaks. French Cioth Cloaks. American Cloth Cloaks, Watei-proof Cloaks. In addition to a tows stock of ready-made foment** we make to order Cloaks of newest cut, ana encase them to fit and please. Largo stock of CLO iKffiG CLLTBB. at wholesale or retail. Ladles «»n select their good a and order of as. certain tob«»eU salted and with despatch. CtOOFSK &CO TARO, g 8 tr S X corner HISTH and MABBBT Sts Stylish clothing—ready made and made to order, at _ “ GSaNVILLB STOKES 1 OLD STAND. No 609 CHESiNUTStreet, ah a-re Sixth. fSICBS SEASONABLE, mh7-5t SKIRT FOR 1805. THE GEBATB6T IHVBNTIOH OF THB AGE Ilf HOOP SKIRTS. J. w. BBA BLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX BLLIP TIO (or doable) SPBIH6I SKIST. •WESTB’, BBADLBT & CABY Gate J. I. & J. O. West). SOLB PBOPBIBTOBB and MANBFAOTDBBB3, 07 CHAMBERS and 79 and 81 BEAUX Sheets, Hew Tork. THIS IHYENTIOH oonsists of Duplex (or two) Xl liptio Steel SPKluaa. .Ingeniously bbaidrd TKiHTUY and piauLT together, edge to kixir, snaainc the touohest, most FLEXIBLE, BLABTIO. and. PORASLE SPEIEO ever used. They seldom bexd or break. like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful Shape twice ee loho as any other skirt. THE wokderfvl PLEXisiLiir and great comfort and pleabure to any Lady wearing the duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced paittenlarlT in all erowded Assemblies, OpbrAb. Carriages, Bailboab Cars. Church Pews, armchairs for Prokekade and House Dress, as the Skirt cart be POURED when in nse to ocou pi & small place as easily at a Silk or Muslim Dress. A LABI haying enjoyed the pleasure. comfort, and great convenience of wearies the Duplex Elliptic Steel SPBUra ekirt for a bisque bai wUI never ar.er ward willingly dispenee with their nse, For chilbrek. Hisses, and xopko Labies they are superior to ail 01 Th1t are the hast ohalitt in everypirt, laid unqnes tionably (be liohtest. most besirablb, 'coxportablb and ecohomical Skirt ersr made. FOB SALE in all first class Stokhs in this city, and throughout the Uhiied States, Havana be Cuba,. Mexico, Sooth America, aodthe Wkt Ibbies BS-IHQUIBE FOB THE DUPLEX ELLIPPIO SKIBT. mh3-lm So HOPKINB’ ROD HOOP-SKIBT MAHUFACTOBY, Ho. u ~' l p 6HSABCH. Wholesale and retail. The mist complete M.ortment to the city. Those of “ onr own make’ got- Un up expiewdyfor firet-clas* retail trade, ana for iym* metry;finishTdarabllity, andcheapnesshaveaoeqo*l Intbemarket. fiprinrauortmaninoer«tdr. *«®lm PROPOSALS WILL BE RBOEIVED ST. MICHAEL’S OHUROH, KENSINGTON, For the erection of the Towers, and making other Im provements and repair., nntil the Slat BAT 07 MARCH. The plans may be seen, and a copy of the Snaclioa tiona obtained. at the Office of the Architect, EDWIN 7. DURANO. Isa.. Ho .51 North SIXTH Street. The Committee reserve the right of accepting each Proposals as they judge heat for the interest of the Church. , ... »nB*3t CAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY k? at LAW AND CONVBTaNCEEj „ PE AN KLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PBNNA* date of Philadelphia.) BKFSBS TO CharlesE. Lex, Esq., I JameaH-LitttejßM., B. p. Knight A Co., IE &W. O. Biddle & Co.. W. Bf. Yeaton & Co. fell-Sm QAMUEL L. TAT LOR, 0 No. 483 WALBUT Street, Philadelphia. • aTTOBSBY AT LAW aHD COMHIS3IOHBB FOB ALL THE STATES, , Exe.pt Connecticut, Hew Tork, Illinois. Nevada, Oregon, and Texas foM-maly* WILLIAM H. WAYNE, T r Late Dir eouut Clerk Bank of Forth America, ' STOCK and BILL BROKKtt, 80. 16 BASK Shoot. Loans, Stocks, die., purchased and sold at the Phila delphia Stock Board. Money procured on collaterals. Promissory notes negotiated, &c., ac. mao-toi ?TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT A and unsafe remedies for unpleasant and dance* rons diseases. Use EXTEACT BOOHU and IMFEOVBD BOSK WASH. - ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON JU bTItUTIOBB.'of both sexes, nse HBLMBOLD’E EXTBAOT BUCHU. It win give brisk and energeUt feelings and enable yen to deep well- PURE OLD BOURBON WHISKY. A Fifty Gaees at <1 Twenty Barrels PUBS OLD BHUBBOH WBJSKVf-r soloby _ X P. MIDDLE COH, SK- FBOHTgt. POTTON AND FLAX SAIL DXJOB and GAHVAB, of all nombon and bnnda. : font. Awning,' Trunk, and Wagon-ooTar Duck. Also, Pant Hannfa«nnn' Dtlor Felti, iiom 1 to S loot wido i Paulina. Balling. Ball Twine, An . JOB* W. IVBBMAJT * 00.. Wo. 101 JOW Allow. H/TOBGAK, ORB, & 00., STEAM »»• iW- GIHS BUXLDKBB, Iron Founder#, and i General Machinists end BoilsirKßlcers. No. 13*19 OjU/W)y- HIIiL Street, Philadelphia. fe»-tf TOBHCA T. OWKM, ATTORNEY V COUSBLLOK AT LAW, AMD gpLIOITON 01 ounl , Offlee, Ml f Street. BMW loerteenihgt., Weihlnaton. B. A. t 4«S3'*m rr<HE GLOBT OF MAN IS STRENGTH. A —Therefore, the nenrone ud dabltltfttad »loald Immediately use gBLMBOLD'S BXTItaOT 800 BP QJtEAX OWXSAh OIiOTHIKG HOUSE, u. s. I,OA.JV» By authority of thr Beeretuy of Uis Treasury', tb» undersifued has assumed the Qenoral SabseriMiiOß Aftnoy for the sale of United Statee Treasury Motes bearing eevtu and three-teathg per cent. Interest per annum, known as the Tk.oe Kotea are issued nndordate of Anmiit W.IBM. and' are payable three year, from that time, in cur rency, or ure convertible at the bptlon of the holler into Yheee Bond, are now worth apremlnm of sine per eent, inelndict fold lntereet from ffOTomber, which make, the actnhl 1 profit eh the .7-80 Lean, at enmnt rated, Inelndlu ihthreat, ahont ten per cent, per u shm, heaidee it* exemption from State and municipal taxation, which adtie from one to three per cent, more, accordlhc to the rate levied on other property. The interest Is payable ternl-annually by eonpono attaehed to each note, whlah maybe eat off and sold to any hank or banker. The Interest amounts to - One eent per day off a #5O aot*. Two cents per day on a *lOO note. Ten seats per day onhfiSOO note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar par day on a SS,OOO note. Mother of all the denominations named will he prompt -iy tarnished upon raelpt of subscriptions. This Is now offered by the Government, and it la confidently expected that its superior advantage will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE. PEOPLE. , :i Less thacMOO,ooo,ooo remaln nnoold, whish will pro bably ho disposed of within the next sixty or ninety days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as assunlformly been the cue on closing the subscriptions ofother Loans. In order thit citiMns of every town and section of tho Mhntry may oe afforded facilities fhrtaklnc the Loam the national Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the seeurtry have fenenUyafreed to re~ 'eelve sabssriptlons at par. Subscriber* will select their own .gents, in whom they have confidonM, and who only are to bo responsible for the delivery of the notes lor which they resolve ordem. No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 7.30. A.IIAMS 'Ac LEVIS, BANKERS AND BROKERS. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND STOCKS BOUGHT, SOLD, AND NEGOTIATED. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND-SOLD. Special attention given to OIL STOCKS. mh4-3m XBWAUD BOBIHB. HOBAOg E, PBAESOS. gDW. ROBINS & . GO,, pgpOK AND EXCHANGE*; BROKERS, NO. 47 SOUTH 1 HERD STREBT, ' . PHILADELPHIA. AU'KnrpsoF BANK NOTES. GOLD, SILVER, STGOEB, BONDS. ••■V AND GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLD, Collections nude on all parts of the country. Deposits received, subject to sight draft, and interest allowed. . • ■. fe2B-Sm SAME PENSION!’ Second . ' NATIONAL'-BA-POEC, Of PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, - (LATE IBOJT CITT TBBST COMPACT.) CAPITAL. $300,000. BANKEBS’ ABB MEBCHANTB’ COLLECTIONS promptly Attended to os the most tayorable ternu. 8. E. WABNER,. President. 1 JOHN B. PATTEESON. CasMei. rjglLimSL. BANKERS AND BROKERS, DEALBBS IN GOVBBNHBNT BBOOBITIEB G«KB- 10-40 bonds, HENRY A. JHIBISjIBB SOWS, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT BBCORITIBS, No. 44 PINE Street, NEW TOBK. In Tlew of the protpeet of PEACE and* FaLLIB GOLD, holder, of Gold Bondi will do well to detaeh the Coupon*end realize the interest at .resent rates for Geld. Fifties residing out of the city wishing to eaah their Coupons can forward them by express, and we will re tarn the Gold or lta raise in greenbacks, aa desired. ■ fe!2 30t ■■■-.' CHAMOBS *MOBX. AHEX BINSOK. «. QHABLES EMORY & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, So. 15 South Third street, ' pHIL AI>BLPEIAe All kinds of uncurrent funds and Gold and Bilter boufhtand sold, and Collection* made. Particular attention given to the purchase and sale of Government,State, and other Stock* and Loans on com mUslon. ao3o 6m g S. LEECH & COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, ; WO. 14 FAKQ.UHAR BXJIMJUf&S, tWALMDT BT., BELOW THERDI," ... FEOAonrau. Gold, Gofernment Bends. Oil rad Miscellaneous (tofts, bonght and sold on Commission at the Board of Broker, Dealers in Foreign Exchange. Letters of sref dlt leaned on London, Puis. Antwerp, As. 3a19 im gFECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO the purchase and sale of OIL STOCKS. BUITB, BANDOIiPS & CO.. 16 Synth THIBB Street. feW-lin TREABURY department, office A OF THE COMPTBOLLBB OF THB ' WAsmuaTON, January 86. iB6O Whereas, By satisfactory eyidense preeented to the nndereicnad. It hae been nade to appear thaA THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANE OF PHILADELPHIA, In the city of Philadelphia. In the, county of PhHadel ■phia. and State of Pennsylvania, hue been duly orga* aiz«d under and assorting to the requirements of the Aet of Congress entitled * * An not tor rarorfde a national Currency, secured by a pledge of United State* bonds, ud to provide for the circulation and red? 13 thereof, ,T approved June 3,1864, and hae complied with all the provUione of said act reuuired to bo eomplirt with before commencing the business of banking under B *Kow, therefore, I, HUGH MoCULLOCH, Comp in the city of Philadelphia, In the .county of Philadel phia, rad State ef PennsylTrala, U rathorlsed to com menee the business of banking under the act aforesaid. S ‘taoUer“of ol s£i hand'andseaTof oßoethls tweity febflOfc Comptrollerol ths Curreney. Hit STOCKS, TJ. S. LOANS, &0., V BOUGHT AMD SOLD OH COMMISSION, Bt OSOKGB J. BOYD. Broktr, 80. 18 South THIRD Stmt. Tjffmm AND LIQUORS; . RELINQUISHING THE BUBHTESB. BELLING OFF AT COST, FOE GASH, WINES, LIQUORB, and BEGARS. . Of every description. ALSO, Barrel,,*.. COFPEE, WOEM for tuoaiog Alcohol. GOFFBB KETTLBi ■ ■ . - tiyv LIJJJandIBON PIPE* dm&gs&iwto? W *#~,*s* and Btie»t». 4 . - g* fa7 ■ CHARLES DONOGHUE HAS RE \J motes Ms offlca for ths sals of Stoun-nlari SUGARS sod STBUPS to No. 107 CHESTNUT Street, ptes’of varlons trades aid Maids, in store, aid for sale at groatly redtteed prteea. Terms ossb. mh7-ot* INSTRUMENTS TO ASSIST THE A BEAMING-Also FEE and POOKBT KNIVES, RAZORS SCISSORS, *O, of_th« flneit ilialttr, at MABBIBA’S, 115 Sonth TENTH Street, botev cbcßtnat. ’ ■ nXI-t.* , CHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RB- O , STf,OREI>;Ny HELMGOLD ffl EXTRACT BUQgg,: I •. *.;i . - B, S.OOB, SIXTB AMD MABKBX BTBESTS. vmircuii. SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. U. S. M 9 SIX FEB CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET JAT 400 OK B. SUBSCRIPTION ABBR, PHILADELPHIA. 5-20; NO. 305 CHESTNUT' STREET, All kinds of 7-SO U. 8- NOTEB FORSAKE, uTSUMS TO BUI* DAVIES BROTHERS, JMB BOOK BTSBBT, SAXtliT* AUCTION NOTICE. QJREAT SALE OF DRY GO\ODB. MB. F. M, REAZOB AND OTHERS JOHN B. MTERS & CO,, Auctioneers, ON THURSDAY, MARCH, 9, 3,000 ENTIRE PACKAGES COTTON, WOOLEN, LINEN DRY GOODS, COMPRISING THB MOST DE9IEHSMS NAESS BYBB OFFERED AT AUCTION Included In the sale will be foundllargo lines of BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. BROWN AND BLEACHED DRILLS. BROWN AND OOL'D CORSET JEANS. TORE, EVERETT, AND PEMBERTON COTTON ABES. KENTUCKY JEANS. MEREIMAO, SPRAGUE, AMERICAN, AUOSKEAG, and other brands of PRINTS. DENIMS, STRIPES, AND TICKS. FURNITURE AND> APRON CHECKS. WOOLEN SHIRTINGS AND FLANNELS.' SACKINGS. LINEN BURLAPS; LINEN DUCKS AND DRILLS. COAT CANVAS ANIPWOOL BAGGINGS. SPANISH LINENS; SHIRTING LINENS. TABLE CLOTHS. TABLE DAMASK. COLORED CAMBRICS; PATENT THREAD. COTTON’AND MERINO HOSIERY. SATINETS' AND CLOTHS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, and many other olswsoa of Imported and Domestic Goods, to be sold in en tire packages. The above offering is one of the largest ever made in this country, and well worthy the attention of the trade. ~ Goods open for examination, with cataloguer, on day previous’to sale. mh7-3t 10-40. WANTED A COAL YARD, OR » * part of a Yard Address “H.- W. Y.,” this of fice. _ • lt« WANTED—A SITUATION, BY A ’* youngman, a* Assistant Book-Keeper In a whole salehoure. Beet of city reference given. Address “W, H. D,” Press office. mfaB-Bt* • WANTED—A YOUTH, FROM 16 TO TV 17 years of ago, to leara the Retail Drag Busi ness. apply to 80. 9*l SPRUCE St:, Phlla WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN, A T 7 Situation, as SALESMAN in a Betait Dry Goode Store. Hae had six year* experience* aod eau come wellrecommended. Address “Walter,’' jnh7 2t* ~~ ~ Press office. WA NT E D—AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN in a Wholesale Grocery Hoaw. A good salary will be paid. Address “M. W.T.. n Press Office. mh?.3t« WANTS D—BY A DISCHARGED SOLDIER, a Situation as Clerk or Book-keeper. Has bad considerable experience, and cau give good references Would be willing to go to the “OllBe gions” in the service of a Company. AddretsVG. W. &.,•* Press Office- . mh7 2t* WANTED—A COMPETENT BOOK *" KBBPER, in a Wholesale Notion Stoss. Address Box 944 Phlla- P. O- ' mhB3t» WANTED-AT $l5O PER MONTH "» A reliable Canvasser in every town and eounty. for the NURSE AND SPY, the most interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the ad van tares of a woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scout, and Spy* giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Wehave Afent*clearingsl6oper month.which we will prove to any doubting applicant .Send for circulars. Address "JUNSb, ugos., * 00., 000 GHtSTNUD Street, Philadelphia. * ’ - mh? lm* A YOUNG MAN WANTS A SITUA TION in a Wholesale House as Assistant Book keeper. Highest reference given. Address “GL W. M..," Press office. mh7 ft* A MARKET-STREET DRY GOODS House will take two Lads to learn-the business. Those Jiving with their parents preferred. Address Box 2e(S Pest Ofice. mM-St* ■ROARD, AND THE USE OF A PIANO, D WASIJSDin a crifc.e family for a young LADY. please address **-J. BnelU J * Poet Office. It*- 1 BUSINESS WANTED—IN THE WAY of writing. or accounts Collections made In city now nauamgTiayera store. Iholo and time to attend to the above Business on reason* able terms. Apply at 587 OOMMBKOK Bt. mhB mmsSt Employment house, fob Housekeepers, Seamstresses, Chambermaids, Wait ers, Ifurses. Cooks, lanadreMos, and jeneral twrije work, white and-coiored. SO3I LOCUST St. feSO-lm TC'MPI.O:I MENT HOUSE FOR ■IJ Clerks, Book-keepers, Salesmen, Packers, Porters,- Watchmen, Coachmen. Drivers, Conductors,Bar- tend ers, Waiters, Farm hands, Gardeners, &o. Employers suited at short notice. 802 and 804 LOCUST Street, feao-lm PARTIES WHO DESIRE TO JOIN J- la tbs buiehuo of a 'weU-locstted tract of OIL XiAßD,cn Biast Sandy Greek. Venango county, Pena* sy Wania.can have aa opportunity of doing ao by calling at the office of the aubacriber. - • JOHIT M, POKBEOY, 80* SomthPOUftTH Street. SALESMAN WANTED IN A WHOLE KJ BALK BOTIOH HOtISS. —One cau Influence a Bear Pennsylvania trade* Address* oiiiidontialy, with real name and reference, “Fancy Goods." Press Office.- ■ mW-Ct* ® WANTED TO BENT—A OOM- FpBTABhE HODBB, «onth,of Market and west of Hinth streets* *E. CARPENTBa & BOH. lt» ■ 843 South THiBP Street. JR WANTED TO BUY—A HOUSE JBL with, modem improvemtnte, from $7,000 to $0,030, Posseißlon May 1, 1865. mW-Bi* AA&reaa Press Office, J. B. B.** MW ANTED TO RENT, BY APRIL Ist, a modern DWELLING}, situated above Arch atreetaed west of -Broad, Rent abbot 9400 Address Box 1987. Post Office mhli-im* ® WANTED TO RENT—BEFORE tie first of April, & DWELLING, wttb tie modern improvements, witb 8 to IS . rooms. Bonus of $35. Address **H.,’* 303 Market street, felO-lm* DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. A SMITH, WBOHUJB Brng, Faint, and Glass Sealers, Proprietors of tie Pennsylf aaia Paint and Color Works, BEST WHITE LEAD, BEST ZINC, Unsurpassed for Whiteness, Fine Gloss, Durability, _ Firmness, and Evenness of Surface. PUBS LIBERTY LBAD—Wai ranted to, cover more surface for same weifit tian any other. TKT 11, AND YOU WILL KAV® NO OTHER! PITRE LIBERTY ZINO, Selected Zinc, groandln Beftsed Linseed Oil,uneiiaaled in Quality, always the «ame. - PURE LIBERTY ZINC. Warranted to do more and better work at a given cost Store and I3T Horth THIRD Street, jnb7-sm* ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., H. E. Corner of FOURTH and Bft.CE Streets, PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IK FOBEIOM AHD DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. KAtTOTACTDREBB OF white mad ajed zinc paihts, rum, *e. Aamraa fob *hb ojobbbatbb FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealer, and eonenmera cnpplied at feii.gM very low pbiobs ion cash. "REMOVAL.— JOHN H. WILLIAMS & Xli CO, hare removed from Ho. S» to Ho. 840 CHBSTJUJT Street, lately occupied by Meesra. W* McKee * Co. CHABLES Fi HABSLTINB ias EIMOTID from Mo. 23$ to 840 CHESTNUT BTBBET. . COPABTJTBBBH fP NOTICE. Mr. CHABLBS F. HaSBLTIHN beeomei aPartoiiia oar Pirn from this date. w JNO. H WILLIAMS 4k CO. Philadelphia, February 15.1865. feltuim* X~-|n,r~L MALCOLM MACNEILL’S TJS SBfcTACLB BTOEB.Hfo. 310 Soatt FIFTH Street, Bpruf*. phiEadelphii.. (Hasses refitted to Balt-all &g«B v and all manner of repairing sarefully and promptly attended to. mnS-Sm —» NO PAIN IN EXTRACTING fltfficßTMTH.—Hltrons Oxide 8«» admin titered; beaotlftd*ttdßatmal»tTleof . ' TiSSTH INSERTED. SB. G. s' Mnscrs, 731 BFRUOB Street. BSfi. FIRE AND T HIE F-PROOF IHHIgAFK MANUFAGTOKY. Lar<o and small Bafst JepfcoßStantly on band by J. HASSBBFOKT, «« VlflK Street, Fhiledalphla. f033-Imlf* tfTjm ESTEY’B COTTAGE ORGANS Bot only UNBXOB LLKD, bnt GHBQUALLBD to parity of Tom and Power, deelgced aspacl&Uy for Ohturobes and School!, bat found to be eaadUy ■wall. adapted to the Parlor and Diawlny Boom. 80. IS BortiIiKVBNTH Btre«t ' Also* a complete auortmont of tba Perfect Uelodeon constantly onbabd. feal-Sm T7OR NON-RETENTION OR INCON- Jl TIBENCfc of urine, Irritation, Inflammation or ulceration of the bladder or kidneys, disowns of tba prostate glands, stone in the bladder, c&icalus, gra vel or brlck> dust deposit, and all diseases of tbe blad der. kidneys and dropsical swellings, use HELM- BoLt>’«FI.CIO BXTBACTBBCHTJ. t ; T\TITRATE OP SODA—SOO BAGS JTJST reived. “-ggaasft. fetflffi* T&ST£FUZi AJXD OZkbXHZS& WILL SELL, THBOUQH FOB BASH, WANTS. Majrafcetiizers of PUKE LIBERTY LEM), than any othfei. GET THE BIST! PHILADELPHIA. v roll SALE AMP TO LET. St ton BALE OR EXOHAKQE FOR J““Cliy WniranU, a iplendkt »*w. tnln raoaed BOUoE, will) All the modem A44rau “Thomas,” Pre*B office, mhJ ji* J| FOR BALE-SUPERIOR REBl *■ S£VCE situated At the corner of BPSOOS and JtT BIPAS; Lot« by ISO fert. - „Ai«, three, story Brick Dwelling, Vo. 817 Sooth HIBIH Street, »4,500. THiai> e *s*«» t<iry B,i,k ' 619 Soatk CTSTB^et'lW^^o 1 *"■ M ° l> UOS M ’ ROBERT MAG GREGOR, 1* 41D WaLNOT Si. M VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE g§ —Beauti/uily situated in BURLINGTON G COUNTY. Newjertey; containing Two Hundred Koran of food Grain, Grass, and Fruit-growing Uni For oar ticoiare fcpply at or addrwi No, a»8 douth FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, between 10 a o'clock, m fa7-3‘* m FOB SALE—TWO ADJOINING JBiHOUfES on CHESTNUT Street, above Fifteenth Lot 40 fet front and 120 feet deep Terms easy. Apply to JOWST G JOHNSON. phg-St* 70S WALNUT dtrosfc. Mto bent, with immediate possession, tis pleasant suburban DWELLING on the west side of FOR ri • FIRST Street, above Hose ton, convenient to Arch-fit re* t and other railways, with Carriage fhed and large Garden. Shrubbery, Fralt, Merry, and Vegetable. Farlor, Dining, and other rooms and Kitchen* on first Soot. Four Chambers, Bath Room, frith hot and cold wafer, and store roonu on second floor end attics. Gas throughout. Keys at Bowler's Grocery, Arch street Railway, near Forty first street • CltT m VINEYARD FARM AND JR SB CODhTET SBA.T OE 74 ACttKS.-I'or »»l«; J -0.8 of the Ccest Vineyard. 1. Moatromery aonnty, at the 19 mile atoaeoa Bethlehem Pike, conatatla, of 1.930 Vine*. 2 eels of Baildihga. flna young orchard The vine alone will pay over the latereat on U* inrantment. For particular. apply to „„„„„ „ VOBHAV H. STBFBVS. Oorryeranaer, It* 109 Borth BIZTg Street. Mfor sale—a VERY DESI-m EkBLB OOOSTRT RESIDE SCE. eitnated oo U toe north side of COTTAGE Lane, about'six hundred feet east of DuF’s Hue, Germanto irn. and'bat ail the modern improvements— Uas, Beater. Range, and Sot and Cold Water, Bath Room. Ac It is beautifully situated, and! has ail the conveniences o f a cltv resi dence, with Stable and ample room for three Hors as. Apply W* M. LEVICK, m hB wfmft* 331 North SlKTHStreet. « FOR SALE, AT CHESTNUT BILL, a plearer tl y - located PROPERTY, on 3T the summit of the bill, within three minutes’ walkot the depot; lot containing IK acres, wich house, barn, plenty of shade and fruit trees, shrubbery. St c For particulars, address Box 2708, Philadelphia PaeS Office. mhB 3t r m Public sale of nursery JC STOCK, tore* miles from BURLINGTON, on tee Burlington and Jfoiißt'llolly Railroad, The sabtoriber,- about to relinquish the Nursery business, will sail at public sale all bis stock of 6BADE, ORNAMENTAL AND FRUIT TREES, commenting on Third-day, TUESDAY, 14th of third month (March) next, at 10 o'clock A. M * and continue from day to day until ail are eo d GEORGS B. DEACON, jnahB-4fc „ Hear Burlington, Sow Jersey, JJ TALHABIiE S£ILL. FEOFEBTF FOB SALE. By order of the Court of Probate for the District of Norwich, directing ms to sell at Pabllc or Private Sale he property belonging to the assigned estate of the • chelsea manufacturing comp ant, X wGI sell at Public A notion, on the premises in t he-village of Greenville, Norwich, on WEDNESDAY, March 29m, 1865, at 11 o’clock A M.« (anises previously sold' at pri vate sale), all the valuable property belonging to said estate, consisting in part of— A Paper Mill and Machinery* Tools, Cisterns, dupli cate Gearing, Segments. Pulleys, &e., with 11.500 Spin dle Water Power. The capacity of said Mill is about 12,- 100 pounds paper per day. Counting-room, Storehouse, Repair Shop, one Store, seven D weldng Hotmail, several lots of land, one Spring for supplying the Mill with froth water. > , ‘ Copies of Inventory wilL be famished on application to the undersigned.. The. sale will be made without re serve. Possession of the property will bs given on the Ist day of May, it being leased up to that time. Terms of payment made known at the time of sale, or on applies:ion to the uudereigaed- JAME 3 8. CAREW, Trustee Chelsea Manufacturing Company. Norwich, Conn., March4th, 1665. mhB lBt* A VALUABLE OIL TRACT. ■1 Eighty Acres, in fee simple, FOB SALE situated on Beunyhoff Creek, Venango county, of which the greater pari is boring ground. It is immediately adja cent, among others, to property of— . ■ The “Merchants* ’* Oil Company. The “Rkpitblioav" do. The **6HBBXAir' v do. * The “Merchr* * do. The “Buchahah"- do. The “Atlas'* do. The “Miiruo" do. The “MofiLHßxf'’ do. The “KOTAL PBTROLBtrIf ,, do* The “CentralPetroleum*'do. The “Shaffer Farm” and "Hibbatd Bobb&t Farm. It is necessarily but a short distance from The **CoavBTTB 1 ’ Weil The “Maple Shads” WelL , The “Noblb” WeU. The “Reed” Well The “Egbert” Well. The “Turtle' * WelL The * Keystone Well. t The *‘Jersey. ” and other prominent Wells, and from The Wash HoClikzock Farm, so quaintly described as follows: “ There is one Farm on Oil Creek, of about eighty acres, which to worth and cannot he bought for twen ty- five millions of doll*rs. The Jersey, the Coquette,' the Maple Bhade, and several other Sowing and pump ins weals aib in this tract. When I visited that locality, a tow days ago, the tanks of the Coquette were full and running,over, losing twelve thousand five hundred dol lars per day. - “That little si* inch hole in the ground- the Co quette—is worth, any day, five millions of dollars, and old sot cost ton thousand to the owners. It was only struck some six w<ekß ago.”—Petroleum Recorder, . fan 25. A first- class Company, about organizing, desiring a prime tract, should promptly avail themselves of the opportunity to tecure this. By sub-dividing it into lots of one acre each, and leasing them, reservic g half the oil, in a comparatively abort time enough revenue might bs obtained from orb well alone to pay for it. The proceeds from the other leases would enable any company to pay splendid divi dends. . - . ciTfon of thls eighty acre tract, half or wfij’ttfhoie’ of which will be sold in/e« simple, with, unquestionable title. - To secure it* address at once, or apply to ... DUNCAN M. MITOHSEON, Real Estate Office, N. B. eor. FOURTH and WALfIIUTSm.. Phila E®*" Brokers securing a purchaser -will be allowed the usual commissions, on consummation, of sale, IIL QH. LANDS NEAR SUGAR CKJ3EK TO BE LEASED. THE TARE FARM OIL COMFAHI offer leases on their territory of Fifty Acres onPatchell*s Run, within a short distance from the sew weLLs on Sugar Greek, to parties willing to make immediate de velopments. Plans and drafts of the property can be seen at the office of the Company, No. 4131}/ WaJjNUT Street, be tween the hoars of 9 and S. Proposals will be received, and terms mode known at the office, by " J FEED’S £»I8T, Secretary and Treasa^er, mhB fit No. *3I H WALNUT Street. f\IL TERRITORY. V/ The undersigned is authorized to sell a limited number of original shares at $5OO each, Jna property of I*CGU acres of land* containing Petro leum* la the treat valley of the Kanawha Oil Belt, Western Virginia This tract of laud also abounds with veins of Coal and Ship Timber of the largest size -and best Quality* and Is within a short distance from the Great Kanawha river, which Is navigable at all times. This tract ofland adjoins the property of the Yuletn Oil Company and several other oil companies wh*ch are no win progress of developing the same. All infor mation can ba obtained at the offl ae of _ . OsORGB N. TOWNSEND&CO., No. 133)4 South FOURTH Street* Phila, OIL STOCK FOR GROUND RENTS V Am) MORTGAGES. It is (proposed to trade stock of a first class oil com* pany in Pennsylvania, to the amount of ' THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, for good well-secured ground rente and mortgages. 3 The stock is good, and now pays a dividend of S3CO per month on said amount* and will soon do better Here is a chance which is iarel? offered, whereby owners of ground rents and mortgages can double their revenue. This stock it is fully believed will be worth double the above valuation in less than 6 months, and also will pay greater dividends. Address “ Box 2£6, Post Office, It* Philadelphia.” OIL LANDS. ' V A TRACT OF SUPERIOR OIL LAN© for sale at a bargain. Inquire of ‘‘Petroleum,” a! Merchants’ Hotel. . mhB- 3t* TO OIL COMPANIES ABOUT OR GANIZING -Valuable Oil Tract, 40 or 80 Acres In fee simple, for sale, surrounded by Oil Companies, and bat a short distance from the “Coquette,” “Maple fchade, ” “ Jersey, * * and other first rate wells. As this le the only property in this choice locality known tob* lor sale, to secure it immediate application is necessary Address nr apply to DUNCAN if. MI'PCHSSON. Real Estate Office, Northeast comer of FOURTH and WaL NUT Streets*. Philadelphia. Brokers securing a pur chaser will be allowed half the usual commissions on consummation of sale. For farther particulars apply as above. . • . It A N “INQUIRER” ROUTE FOR SALE, in the northwestern part of the city. Call this week at It* 1430 PARRISH Street. ATTENTION, CAPITALISTS!—OIL xA LANDd FOR SaLß.*-Two very superior tracts of OIL LAN DS, one of ninety six acres, the other of eighty acres, both in the valley of Pit hole Creek and nearly opposite the town of Fluper, to the east. These Lauds lie in direct lines between the best flow ing wells on Oil Creek and Cherry Run and the great United States Well bn Pit-hole Creek. Thefirst comprises the whole of OaidweU’s Basin.and adjoins the celebrated Shaw Farm. The second comprises a large part of the great Central Bavin* and* by the beßt j udges of Oil Land, is considered Address, until the Bth instant, j, M. ROBERTS, Burlington* N J., After that date* ... mbfiSt* Titusville, Pa. F)R SALE—4O ACRES OF GOOD OIL LADD, within & short aidtanoo of valuable well. J. B. HUurOKD, It* 1816 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. •DETAIL DJSUG STORE FOR SALE.— ■A** One of .the best.paying stores in the city will be offered for sue for one week from data. Annual sales between $5.0(0 and $6,0C0. Proprietor is going to West ern Virginia. _ Address, with real name, "0.W.,” Press Office. Cash price, >3/000. mh7-21* STORES, CITY AND OOUN ■*-' TBt; for eale and wanted at all pH* mMlm* V. M DIIKEOH. 43* W.LHOT Street. For sale —an old-esta hllßhod MAkDFACTEJKIKG BDSISS3S, Whole s»l» aod Ketail, In ancoaaafnl operation. Sales over $lOO,OOO per ansnui, and ir oraadn* Beet location in Phi'adelphia; Address “Bleecker," Press office, mho- St* ' to R(IA —FOR SALE—A MORT ■—*UVU. GAGE of this amount, on city proper ty, worth between two and three tunes the amount B. CaBPSNTBR & SOM, mhS-Bl* ■ , 3*3 south THIRD Street. ffl>9 077 in AND. f 2,060 GG.— » /•i* Ground Rents of these amounts* * rS’eale by ‘ “* oTIpESTER & SOB, ili lSt* • »4a South THIRD Street 1 V7Q ACRES OF HEAVY PINE JU / / TIMBER LANDS, in the vicinity of the Oil Regiofec,for sale "low by DRURY & CO., 138 South SIXTH Street. fe24»l2t* Ot ONION SETS.—2SO BUSHELS -A-of choice'White andTellow Onion Sets, nowin etora end for ealo in qusntitier to rait. at the lowest market price. KOBEBT BHieT, Sk„ Bos 033 and OJS4 MABKBT Street, mhS Above Ninth. A* HAY, STRAW, AND FODDER itonmKS, PLOUGHS. HAEEOWS, CDMIVA TOES, SKhD-SOWEBS, and ail other Farmlnx Impie menu, at reaeonabie prices. T ROBERT BUIBT. Jb • Hoe. 933 and 93* MaBKST Street. jnhB Above Ninth, Ok' EXTRA EARLY PEAS—2OO BUSH iCeisnowin etore of the floMt quality, aad for sale at a reaeonabie price J !I 2Sl R w.®!rS‘'sifiit mljB Mea 933 and 934 «***«Streep TJRICKS I BRICKB !! BRICKS !!! D of all klide. on band «d fnr eale I £‘ t tia^, a o c UELMBOLD’S extract of SAR XX saPAHIUa cleenM. end anram ineUle the vigor ofhealth. into toe eyetem. and ,nrcee out the humors that make dlgaeg; ; nAED PHOTOGRAPHS, 12 FOR $1.25. l/_i»r.nooini«b» ff this style now beta* made by nnrMifß eKODBD street above Green, bol.able for Jeetth. ihioc for the time.- _»♦_ iX HB&SON&BLE PKIOHB. ABTOSEMEWT*. OF MU3IO. mpoOTiKT Awaroggcucanf. OH AND DBAMATXO AND MUSICAL matinee. HOVELTT] ATTRACTION! AHUSKIfBTT! WISHSS9AT AFTKKaoON, M4ROH I*. The Committee of 4t«DM«iHBat reupsctrnllT w i,. n to announce to ibe public that they have ■«»«*ndsd haT yond ressonaldeeaCoeetatienata tbsir efforts to nr«*«iae an entertainmest of an extraewdioary chantcUr ui that nothing but public fitvor t* »f wanting to the perfoimance a comrJete *** For the present the Committee have the honor to will »p«arlii rolcs aoleisai wlOi a ,<«trto,utlaUw *ta«>« aad aeceplabiljty; UIMC*iiOLIS£ Tli» fawrß. Butilik hbu Dcmaa. Hia. HBHKIETTB BBHBMBj „ ■ TfiedtouugnisheSGinlatzieft. Mi6BHELM WSBTBM ?fc.^t.B.»,a.l«alA rt W. Mrs. AIrBXINA FISHER BAI% if , , ~ The popul arFnUadelphia Acteaas. ». PBTHE jhateae'Cbaraatar later. Mr. J. B. „ Mi Hr. JOHH B. JfoDOITODQB. „ Tie Pleaslnif ani ?«sat:l» irrtrt. Mr, WIM.IAH H ATWOOD, tHls first appearance in this cooftfyh Moarienr TAJJu M The PopuJar Tenor. Ur: N. K. RICHARDSON. * The Favorite Spader and Blocntionist, Arrasgemente are tn progress to obtain the services of other eminent artists, the result*#f which will be duly announced. Mr WM. S. FREDERICKS, . MV iFM. A MOORE. Dr. W. P CU'NJCINGTON. v CHAS&SS R. DoD^ORnL and other Philadelphia favoriteer, vrkoas names will bo aeded to the list m future acnouuoeaeh ts. The following.well known-ladies ai*d .gentlemsn will S lso appear: (rs. k. N THATBR, OWBN’MARL OWE, Mist ANNIE GRAHAM,- W.a.WM\B, MI»C JErFfiBSON, - Mr. C^AIG, Miss LIZZIE PRICE,- Mr. GREEN, Mrs. MABLOWB. Mr. TaTLgS. Mrs- GRIFFITHS, Mr. CpANDESTON, Miss GARDhRB, Mr: Kpi aS: F. JfJUSNMAM, STUART R' Bi-ON, Mr. STSELE, JAMES CARDEN. Mr. MARBLE. *G. EL GRIFFITHS;- m _ from the ARCH-bTREVT COMPANY -by FSmiKion & Mrs. JOHN DREW. Kin G. CAPPSLL, LEWIS BkWBR, MissA9NIB WaRD. FRANK MORDaUNV Mrs CBaPMAN, WALTER LfcNNOX, Min CLARA RhED, J; T. WARD,'. Miss LIZZIE COO PER, W. A CSA c* JfeAM, Miss AGNAS ViCBB, J. V. DAILI*, Mrs. s. a baker, o. bo id, LITTLE KATIE BAKER, ‘J.- B SVER3, From the Chestnut-»trdet Theatre Conyany, by ssr missionof W. E. SINN, ifcq? Mrs. CHARLES HENRI, J. A HERWB, . Mrs. E F. REACH. W® H OaILST. Mrs. G C GERMAN, H. L BASGoKBK, Min LUCT CUTLER, CSARLBB HEN® U Mrs T. WORRELL. P. A ANDERSON, B. L. TILTOk, T. A CRESS, 8. J. R. BARTS, t Mr. RS SO. From toe Walnut-street Theatre Company, My per mUalon. of Mra. M. A. Garrettson. THE NEW YORK FRENCH COMPARE wLlappe»rina * NEW MUSICAI. BCRLESQCS, Aparody on Verei’s lan great work, “LA FOBZA DEL DSBTINO,” which has achieved a great success in New York, Hut east will embrace the following artists: Meedamvs SOPHIE LARWgT, LOUf4E KARS HR STS PHAHI, BBROeOH. ALIKB DELAaGS. IfATflALl* DUMAS, and BLANCHE. M-ssieurs PAUL JUIGNBT, HIPPOLTTE, LFGER. ALBERT LaUHET. CBOL, KOGARD, JOHRDjJI ROUSSEAU, CONSTANT, and CgaRLKS. THE GRAND ORCHESTRA * will consist of FIFTY PIECES, selected from the Mb street, Walnut, and Chestnut-street Orchesrras, and in cluding FIVE EMINENT SOLOISTS. who will execute several favorite solos A NSW GRAND OVERTURE, composed and-arranged expreselr for the occssfow try CHARGES R. DOD WORTH, who will wield the baton during the perforaanea; This overture will introduce a Grand Cnoros e£ ONE HUNDRED YUIC^. Additions to the above will be made from day to day by the Committee. If anyomiseioas are made to. shit Bets, the Committee should be apprised o; toe fact at once Reserved seats, 31; to be had only at the Proprmzmn* Office, No. 112 South Fourth street, third story. Admission. 60 cents. Entrance on Locust stre&t. . No tickets for sale at the Academy. HE* «Y R. HELLIER, S acre tary and Treasurer. Particulars In future announcement* nhB wfrsSt KTEW CHEBTNUT-ST. THEATRE, Al CHESTNUT SrBBSr, ABOVE WEDHEfiDAI ABB THURSO aY EVENINGS, March Bth and 9th. I>AST.WSBE Orths Young, Beautifol. and Accomplished MIBA HELEN WESTERN, WUI npo gtt^ec& b A Uve evening. U The performance will commence with the Grand uni tary Drama In 3 act*. ' THE FRENCH SPY, Malhilde, ) * ■ • * Henri St. Alma, } MISS HELEN WESTERN. Barnet, ) to conclude with th* admired Drama in 3 acts, styled DON GSSA& DE BAZAN. Don Caesar..—-~*..Helen Veaten. MONDAY EVENING, March 19, will be produced LAURA KEENE’S New Local Prize Drama, TUB WORKMEN OF PHILADELPHIA, OR-THH CURSE OF DRINK. PEI DAY. BENEFIT OF HELEN - SATtJBDAY AFTERNOON. March 11. Thirty-fonrifc. Grand Family Maiia.ee, when that picture of Lem* ieiasaLlfe,. _ • » THE OCTOROON, Will he presented, introducing the Philadelphia Pavorii e. MRS. SOPHIE GIHBSR KUHN, In her vivid portraiture of THE OCrOBOON GIRL ZOK. TMrd Sight of th«Vre&t (Faatie Artiifc, — MBS. F. wl LaNDBR, fonnerlyMisstlATSNPOftT, WEDNESDAY BVMHHO, Hare* 8. 1865* THB LADY OF LYONS. Pauline**-. ——.-Mrs F. W. Iwin After which. JOHN WOFP3. FBIDaY, BENEFIT OF MBS LANDER. STREET THEATRE. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Hatch S, The celebrated Comedian* Hr. J. S. GLARES, In the great sensational Drama of _ THE STREETS OF PHILADELPHIA. With new Scenery, new and appropriate Music, and. new Machinery. fcmkingPicturea of Every* day Home-Life. TOM BADGER ...;.~.Mr J. 8. CLARES Doors open at 7; curtain rises at half past 7. A MERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, LECTURE BY GEORGE FRaNCIs TRAIN* ix aid of th» LADIES* FIRST UNION ASSOCIATION, POK TBEff BBFBFIT OF THB WIDOWS AND ORPHANS OF SOLDIKRE Who have died ia defence of their country, and of di&charged and disabled soldiers, On TUESDAY SVESING, March 14. Ticket* 35 cents. Reiervcd Seam 00 cents. For cal* atT. B. Pugh’s, corner of. Sixth and Chestnut streets & Gould’s Music Store, corner of Seventh and Chestnnfr streets: Continental Hottl;'Booma of the Association. 537 North Eighth street; Handel & HaydnHaU, and U. the poor on the evening ot the Lecture. mh7.tr fJREAT AMERICAN CIRCUS. vx WALHTTT S fABET, ABOVE EIGHTH. Messks GARDINEE & HEMMINGS. Proprietoci. SXTRAORDfSTART ATTRACTION. The celebrated PONY RACES wiii be intredueed. during the present v«k, and the entire star.troupe trill appear in rich and entertaining scenes Mr. SAM LONG, comic clown and singer; Mr. 1. BIV-RRSw aw Pete Jenkins: Mr. J. MADIGAO, in a double somer sault; Mr. RiCSaBD HEHMING3, on the tight-rone; M. LE JSTTBB HURT, the daring bareoack rider; Mias & GaRDINEB, the graceful equestrienne; Me. LES TER. the wonderful and agile posturer, wall perform during the week. Admission, £0 cents first tier; 25 e*nt* second tier. Evening commence at 740 o’clock- Per formance on Weduesoay and Saturday afternoons com,- mencing at %H o’clock- Parties desiring the oircoa for benefits may make application at the ticket office, mhe-if ' MUSICAL FUND HALL. AYJL MAD LLE BE EATOW AND MB. WSHLL THE fc ECO BID GRAND CONCERT of the renowned Russian Violoncellist. MAD’LLB HELENE DB KaTOW, and the highly successful Piano Forte Virtuoso aauL Composer. MR. JAMBS M. WEHLX, will take place on FRIDAY EVEN IS®. March 10. Mr. Wehli wQI perform for the first time in Philadel phia his celebrated Fantasia op airs from Meyaroesr’a Grand Opera* LES HUGUENOTS, pronounced by feha Paris and Lorn on critics to be the- chtf> d’auvre of piano- forte compositions- Mad'lle Helene de Eatow will perform, for the fins time * Prelude de Bach,” by Gounod, wltixths accom paniment of Piano and Harmonium. Miss LAURA HARRIS, ibe young American Prlnw Donnar and Sig. FOpTLiCOHr, Dasio, wili assist Musical directors and Conductors, Sig. BOS and S. BEBRENB. Admiseion 10 cents: Reserved Beats $l, which- can be iiecnredat J S. Gould’BMusicBtore,cojnmeaclng Wed nesday* MarchB at 9A. M. Chickeiing’ sGkand Piano will he used on the occasion. mfeS-St S MORGAN SMITH • Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he will give an Entertainment of tiBLSCr RSaIE INGS AND at COST iBRP HALL, OR FRIDAY E f&NING. March 10, D 65, Commencing at ft o’clock. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Tickets of Admission, 30 cents. Reserved Seats* 50 eta. For sale at J. E Gould’s* Seventh and Ghestnutstreeteg Ashme&d & Evan’s, Chestnut below Eighth, PROGRAMME. Part Fiest. —lat Selections from Shakspeare’ehm* Eorieal play of “ King Henrv Till ” (Act III.), Id. •* Barbara Frietchie. ” J. G. Whittier. 3d. Seiectioix—■ “Cowper’aTask.” (Part of BookH.) Part Second —lst. “Drifting.” Thomas Buchanan Read.. 2d. Selections from Shskspeare’s tragedy of '’“Hamlet.” 3d. **Zhe Swond Louisiana. Georg* H. Boker. mhS 2t^ ORCHESTRA.-PUBLIC vj REHEARSALS every SATURDAY at 3K- o'do* P. H., at MUSICAL FUND HaLL. Single Tickets, fft cents. Six Tickets, $1; to be had at Goutd-’e, Andre’s* and Meyer’s Music Stem* and at the Hail. no 7 tf THE ACADEMY. OF FINE AJtTS* A CHESTNUT Street* above Tenth, is OPEN DA (LI forvlßitora, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. je7s INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND A Exhibition every at ftKP M Ad miationTEN CENT A Store Ko 11 South EIGHTH; St. * BfIrCATIOML. pRITTENDEN’S COMMERCIAL, COL- V LEGE. No 63V CHESTNUT Street, cirntr of Se venth. Practical instruction in Book-keeping in It* different bmnohes. Penmanship, plain and ornamental. , CommercialCaicuiations, Commercial Law* *«. Era dents lnetiucted separately. No vacations mbS-St* BOABDEie. 'PURHISHED'aND .UKFtrBNISHKi A BOOKS, wlih BOABDfSO. in } prirata nrihr. Beference required. Address **«. H.*- ** offic*. * aftS-gs* A HANDSOME SEOOND-STOBY J-L. FRONT BOOM to lot, with. Board, in * .•JVS*I** 1 ** family* Inquire at HOG VI3SJ3 Street. mh<3fc» ja* or PICE WATEB TRANS SI&POBTATIOH £j|^ lwnnKD arre«t. geo»ay,. Vessels wanted to transport Coal to Southern Pot ■aatjnxaiMUMt, p^j^sf4fs»S®SjS Street. ; : ill h BL GARDEN & CO., NOS. 800 AND U. 60!S MARKET street, ManeftctarersirfM* -Wlokeele &eWe?«Si.jriLT!<, CAPS, TORS. GOOBB- *RWFICIA.Ij FLOWERS. KTQBIB*. *» *c. The largest and most complete stock, and o» best terms. Couidry Merchants and the Trade plied _ r.sf;>!SjSgg& fs2o-«B fOFATHIG ESTABLISH. __ tfi A. B. 6TBVBHB. one of toe KM* DISCOYjKBSRS of a netr system of treatiegdUewe AFP WCaTroXTS, and WgJ haa%e&fo very successful at PBgff SfttTASB (**_ )ari three Tears, has resnored hie- Offlee to 1638 VI«K Street, one door below^eTenteeDjh. AU persons desiring refercmcea, orany P**itetfa» trlih retard to his special mode of treatment, wul pleas* call or sen* for a pamphlet , .. GonauLtation or advice gratultoos. TUB WORTH OP A. PORTRAIT COX -1 jj, |*g faithfulness to the ortfIaU BBIBEB'S lift] M? MUTtlomlTtcciiriW Qillffi, Ba* strwt ——? OEFAKTSUBtrr rOB OUSttll* WOES*
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