THE CITY. FOUTICAt ISI'IDELm. tediin toy fleoire William Cnrtia. Last evening Oonoert Hall was well filled by an appreciate audience, assembled to listen to a left. bore on Political Infidelity, by Mr. Geo. W. Ourtls, 0 f Harper's Weekly. This was the first appearance of Mr. Curtis in this olty slnoe the attempt of sym pathisers with Blavery to mob him, In 1880. The torture, whioh was purely a political one, shows how the times have changed In those four years. Mr. Curtis said, in htt lecture, in those four years we have lived fifty. Mr. Oartlß was Introduced to the audlrace by Mr; James Chambers. He began his lecture by saying that the oloud ot darkness and doubt was being dls- Srttocl; and hope, which- had been almost blasted with delay, was now being gloriously reallted. But It would be of no üb«, however successful our ef forts. If we were false to our principles and guilty of political infidelity. The speaker then related a number Ol inttanoea wherein .the American people had been political Infidels to the professed rights of free speech and free press. A grand jury in Ala bama indicted a publisher In New York, and sent a raoulsttlon to that State lor him to have him tried to Alabama for publishing a matter whioh they be lleved to be to opposition to their interests. Phila delphia had vindicated these rights upon one Oft caston through its Chief Magistrate, who had Mood up anf said, on a certain occasion when a person got up to speak to the people, that he wished 8 the man wdfald not speak, but If he Insisted upon so doing the law would support him. she name of Alexander Henry shall always be remembered with respect. Onr present national troubles and the civil war now upon us result not from any radical defect In the organisation of our Government or the faction of the demooratio prin ciple, butlroin onr own unfaithfulness to onr pro fessed principles. This was our political Infidelity. The lecturer Bhowed this to be truß chiefly by citing our LiStOrv in reJcrence to the security of •absolute freedom of speech, which, he maintained, we hml never insisted on or guaranteed In this country. The right of frto epeeoh had been tamely surren dered Tor forty years by politioians and people to reference to slavery} henoe our humiliation and onr difficulties. John O. Calhoun was the original apostle of the arlstooratlc Idea to this coun try, and the father of Secession. There are two Americas as there are two England S—one democra tic, the other arlstooratlo—contending for the mas tery, and here now It has eome to the wager of blood and bßttle between the two. Calhoun perceived that tree discussion would be fatal to his schemes and-the continuance of Southern slaveholding do mination ! so he said, “ yon shall not debate the sia - very Question.” Our great men, and the public ge nerally, submissively accepted tblß Insolent dlota tion, and we bowed down at the feet of tbe arfsco- Static element. We have in this way given Eng land good aanse for her mean opinion of us. Fo relgnora were justified In assuming our weak ness and pusillanimity when they saw us he sitating and doubting at the beginning of this rebellion whether the nation had a right to coerce a rebellious State; in other-words, whether we had a right to exist as a nation. Wo wore ourselves to blame, lor we had been political infidels to our own toltb. In tbe city of Now York, at a private meet ing, held to December, 1881, one of the Representa tives to Congress, not Fernando Wood, gravely prft posed that the terms of the southern leaders should he accepted to advance, whatever they might bej and a rich merchant arose and said: “ Oh, gentle men, what beautiful sentiments these are 1 let us all be followers of the Prlnoe or Peace.” He owned a line of packets to Savannah. Another mer chant arose and said: “ The South owes me a million, but I will gladly lose every cent to the world to save tbat Union under which I have grown rich ” 'that man came to this country from Scot land without a cent In his poobet,and grow rich: but those were not the sentiments of the majority of the citizens of New York. If that olty had voted on the Montgomery Constitution four ye,rs ago,lt would have swallowed| It, bones and all, as a boa , constrictor swallows an ox. Calhounhad said: “I will pnt this gag Into your mouths, and you shan’t gay a word about slavery.” That was what led this great 'North Into questioning Itself on the policy It should pursue to regard to the rebellion and the slavery question. Pub lic opinion as to the right or the National Govern ment to defend its own life was unsound, and it was j»t to be wondered at that foreigners believed that we bad grown so corrupt tbat ournational ruin was a foregone oonotoslon. The South has been attempt ing an impossible experiment. It has been trying to establish an aristocracy that should govern a free demooratio government. The North has also been attempting an lmposslole experiment, to per petuate human slavery to afreorepublic. We must all be Dee and democratic or all aristocrats and slaves. We have been guilty of political infidelity in onr dealings with foreign nations. Our foreign ministers met at Catena and plotted piracy and plunder of a Power with whom wo were at peaoe. The reward the American people gave the ohief conspirator for the crime of the Os', end manifesto was the position of President of the United States. We should remember, wben we pour out ourjndlg nation against our offending neighbors, that we ourselves are not guiltless. They have been our enemies throughout all this struggle. They hate ns: but we owe them confession and ourselves re pentance. This political infidelity still exists. The fast political campaign showed this. A great party attempted to surrender the Government into the hands of those who seek Its overthrow, and Robert C.-Wlnthrop, and others like him, stood up In the olty of Naw York and charged lhe rebellion on the defenders of free, speech and American liberty. We have betrayed our own principles, and yet no man can be an American without being of neoosslty an Abolitionist, and no word Is more despised by the majority of the American people than that. They are lanatios j of course they are 1 So was Columbus and Martin Luther, Shadrach, Meshaob, and Abednego. Fanatics 1 what Is Sherman 1 Is Wall street a fanatic 1 And it yet sends to a fanatic a Christmas gift of $60,000, which win not be forgotten as long as there Is a navy and a Mobile bay in Ame rica. From this time forth we should have one aim in view—to-achieve onr own liberty, and the liberty of this nation. The two great fanatics of this oountry are John C. Calhoun and John Brown, and every man or woman to this ooun try Is following after the one or the other. One dies to bis bed, honored by his oountry and wept by a nation. The other dies on the gallows, and, tenderly lifting a child of the despised race, beneath the winter’s sun sinks to his rest. W.hoSe soul is marching on 1 It haß been fire fight ing fire, and by God’s grace the fire of heaven is be ing triumphant over the fire of hell. We seem to have cur feet upon slavery. We don’t know what It will he to-morrow. We must seise It by the throat and drag it down, or it will drag down the nation. We are unable to give the space to our columns Hurt this leoture merits. The audience were delight ed, and gave expression to their feelings by frequent outbursts of applause. mSUXIAHEOUS. BUSINESS VIEW OF PHILADELPHIA. The attention and patronage of the pnblle are solicited to a large advertising chart entitled as above. ‘‘The Business View” *lll bo hung op In conspicuous places at hotels, depots, and other pub llo places in this city, and alßo In several prominent towns on all the principal railroads leading oat of It, and on the boats; under his personal supervision. Its permanency will make it the best and cheapest advertising medium ever offered to the business men of Phuadelphlß, and the opportunity is suoh as will not be offered to them again for a long time. Three hundred copies will be Issued gratis, gotten up In an attractive manner, each ohart (31 x 41) being embellished with a fine steel engraving of the map of Philadelphia, forthe benefit of strangers and pathfinders. Mr. Bowes Is a regular card printer, and has every facility for printing any oard In the most satisfactory manner. He has alwaysgiven en tire satisfaction to his numerous patrons. The chart will be printed on fine cloth paper, the most sub* stantial-material, and also finely varnished, just like geographical maps. Great painß will be tatcen to make It durable, and also to post It favorably for observation. It will be famished, with map sticks and rings, gratis. Mr. Bowes Is a deaf mate, and communicates his business by the use of his pen. He Is a gentleman of enterprise, and deserves en couragement.: equal bights convention. Bast evening, In pursuanoe of a call Issued by the Executive Committee of the State Equal Bights League of the Colored People of Pennsylvania, a meeting assembled In Franklin Hall forthe purpose of making arrangements for the representation of Philadelphia In the Equal Bights Convention to b© held In Harrisburg February Bth. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Charles B. Colly, who proposed for president Dr. James Mod. Orummill, supported by a number of vice pre sidents. Messrs. 3. C. White, Jr., C. B. Colly, J, W. Purnell, J, tv. Cassey, and T. Fauset were elected secretaries. In accordance with a resolution presented by Mr. J. O. Bus till, the city was divided Into b!x districts, and committees appointed by the Chair to superin tend the details of effecting representation In their respective districts. The meeting wsts eloquently addressed by Bev. Theo Doughty Miller, David B. Bowser, Isaiah C. Wear, and others. COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT. The Commencement of the Eclectic College took place yesterday afternoon, at Concert Hall. The college building is looated on Ninth street, below Locust. The whole number of students is 125. On the occasion of the Commencement, yesterday afternoon, there was a large attendance of ladles, and the degree was conferred upon the following named graduates: D. S. Pratt. Penna., L, A. Daniels, Ohio, O. P. Mabove, Maryland, O. D. Styles, Penna., M. Tnlloon, Illinois, John D. Young, Mass , F. W Sheppard, Penna., J. L. Kilgore, Delaware, E. Md., J. Stokely. Ohio, J. D. West, Delaware Q. A. Tucker, Mass., H. A. Beoord, Penna., N. J. Taylor, N. York, E. S. Stuard, Penna-, IWm. Hill, Indiana, John D. Wheeler, Pa., ' H. a. Summers, O. W., L. J. Bradford, Penna., B. F. Wiley, Indiana, H. A. Tucker, Penna., ‘Peter Summers, N. Y., J. B. Borland, Penna., ,F. O. Bell, Maryland, Bufusß. Weaver, Pa., .W. O. Boney, Penna., H. B. Shatford, Md., D. K. Maloney, Illinois. Morris Bally; Vermont, I MURDEROUS OUTRAGE. About half-past one o’olook, yesterday morning, three men kicked In the back door of noose No. 132$ Wood street, and oommenced abasing same R women of doubtfal repute, who happened to re, Four young men, named Win. Mercer, Henry Schwartz, James Johnson, and Peter Kelly, whb happened to be present, interfered to defend the.remaiee. The intruders immediately flourished knives and stabbed tbeour defenders of the women. Mercer was cat severely in the Abdomen. A ter rific fight ensued. Felloe officers reaoht d the house, and as they entered through the back doorway, the assailants escaped through the front doorway. Mer cer was taken to the hospital. The other three men were not much Injured. APPOINTMENTS BY THE TAX RECEIVER. Mr. Chas. O’Neill, the Becelverof Taxes, enter ed fully upon the discharge of his official dnttes on the 23d Inst. Chief elerk. Kobt H. Beatty; search Clerk, Joshua P. Nutwll; assistant search alerks, Koht. O’Neill and Jos. P. Keich; receiving clerks, Geo. W. Briggs, Geo. P. Kern, Joon M. Harman, Bichard Peitz, Mannel Phillips, E. P. Mlehener, Absalom Taylor, H. Osoar Boberta, Samuel Bray, Ohas. P. Shinn, Edw. T. Wood, John A. McDow ell, Obas. L. West; messenger, John Kurtz. THE BABTWICK PARK. The Eastwlok Skating Park, near Gray’s Ferry, Is one of the most successful of,the skating parks recently established. Its management Is In the bands of a gentleman of tact and ‘ energy, who is determined to make It a complete success. It has been vinltetLby thousands of people, among whom are the most refined of our population. The 106 will, doubtless, he in good condition to-day, when we may expect to see a vast attendance. A band or music will be present, and a pleasant time may be anticipated. ACCIDENT. Henry Young, employed in a warehouse at St. John and CallowhiU streets, fell through a hatch way, on Monday evening, and was severely Injured. Be was conveyed to his residence. THE COURTS. gapreme Court at Nisi Prims—Judge Tbompson. hmtootiok to bbstSaih tub consummation or THE HAY 6 OOAX. OOKTUAOT BKVUSBD—THB GAB WOBKH HOT A DhPAHTMEHT OJT THE CITY GO YBBHHHHT. Yesterday Judie Thompson delivered an opinion on the application fr.r ah injunction, a> foil, ws: Hacker & Steiner vn. The Oily of Philadelphia, Thos, S. Stewari, snd William B. ttajs lu Equity. It ll unite apparent lome that HI <efus« ,o injotßthe defendant.- no eonouslnjury Is likely <o occur, even if the con race u ith Hr. H-ye sben d be consammaied, the preponderance of evidence be nr that the proposed contrac. Is favorable, both m'regards price per ton for sss cos! and tbe quality of th- rae.e Ths question In volved it. really raiher oneol p. w«r than of Immediate con rqnence, aithooga,, it may be come so It '6 whither a c-nt’ act f.,r ,he etipply of coal for the <?a» Works nmetbe after advertisementsonlr, or may he made an the trustees may deem best, and Be the exit!- nciee of the worke may demand , 'n view or the acteof effiembly of 1804 and the tStb o' Hay, 1858, The tttk lection of the act of US4 does contemplate the estnblif hmeot by ordinance d-pa -tmental’rognta tions and the appointment of elwk.-and assistants la those indicated tn It, and by oihet Jawe-viz: taw, tpllee, FU<u.ce, Surveys. Bealti. Water.. Gas. Fixe, SePoor, The City Property, and The Public Orountta. 0 What extent a Gae Bepartine«tasa portiinof tie HMSgpd ttwkstity ww noceeeary at the time or might btcozna fo, 1 do' njfc kcow. Sat ifc is pja+tbl®. that it iiiijfcht exist wit! out soy necessary equate *l »n with. tae (peration* in ita .roanuf-cture. Many pnb vs tasipi wrre toba euppUetf, and iVjgnlateu* and extend* q, an 1 the time and Shcre *as, perbapN, enon <b in tb®*® consideration^ to make provision for a Gas Department. .. ' : I am far from feeling ciear.especialiT a™* caaesof the Western Saving Fund Society ▼«. The 7 Casey. 17fi and 185, decided after an interval ofjhree veajrs. tiiat from th& trusts annexed to the Gad Works themselves, that it ever could have been intended that they were to come under the mnnclpal control and man* atement or the city ,or that they are any partofit* po lineal machinery. Indeed, if I understand these deci sions, the very opposite Is affirmed, that the city is only interested in their operations as a private owner* aaa that she is a cestui qus trust like other private ownwre. If this he the trae meaning of these decisions the de partment 1 ’ of gas cannot apply to operating the works, or interfering in their operations hut means something else, if indeed any such department was, in fact, estab lished by the ordinance of 1866. . ... 1 do not therefore arrive at the concltu ion desired ** clearly as to.instify me In say leg that the act of 1858 mt&nsa *’department’ l which heloigs in no.way to the city as an arm of the mi> aieipalfeovernment Law, finance, highways ai d the like are all implements or instruments of government,bot making gas aad selling It to the cuy as well as to otters, altbomm the city is deeply interested in it, has assumed a owing to the charted of lhe g?s works,as a trustee for toe loau ho'dtrt ,to the same extent.&t least of greater independ ence of the city than other political or mnniclpai do paitnents It docs not seem that the City Councils ev**r provided by ordinance fur the advertisement claimed heie; at least, I have not been able to find any such ordinance, and this is some evidence of their interpretation of the mean ing of the act. Although it is_said_ to be a rule in equity that want of certainty as to the law is no reason tor withholding jtlief on an application fora preliminary injunction, because a chancellor Is pre sumed alwaysto have an opinionon the lawpl the case presented; yet, notwithstanding this, an injunction is an act of discretion or grace, and if it be uncertain whether greater evils would ensue, from withholding or granting it, no chancellor will grant it* lam strong ly impressed that the Gas Works are not a department in the technical sense of the act of 1856. and this is the only sense in which the word is to he understood .m this case. Without positively determining that now, and for the reason sufgeafced, that I am not certain on which side Che greatest evil would come to grant or re fute the injunction, I must decline to grant it and await the answer and pleadings. . Ih&veno doubt but that thecityor any other loan holder can, at any time, interfere to prevent abases in the contract system, and that a chancellor would, if favoritism resulting In injurj were show n, r®qujra ad* vertisementsfor general supplies of coal. Hut the ap plication here is hot sustained on that ground, for the testimony preponderates io showing the proposed con tract tohe a favorable one, and prudent at the present, at least, Bor do 1 think any case remains of the alle gation of complicity between one of the trustees and the proposed contractor, to procure the contract to be im nroDeriv made. It is dlbtmeily darned, and ie oth.Br wi*5disproved. I also have great doubts about the status of the complainants. They claim no interestor equity, but as taxpayers. They are not loan-holders. They have not shown how these taxes are to be in creased, if tbe contract be consummated- There is a possibility that at some time they might, be, but their interest is both contingent and remote. I cannot dis cu*s the bill, however, at this stage, for this reason, nor do I refn&e the ir junction on this ground, but think it worth being suggested to the complainants them selves, in view of future proceedings. . Injunction re fused. District Court-Judge Hare. James 0. Finn vs Q C. Brown. Before reported. Verdict forplaintiff, $3,433.24. _ ' . Charles Heilner vs. Alexander McGarvey., A. feigned issue to test the ownership of certain property taken in execution by the Sheriff, but which was clatoed by plait tiff. Verdict for plaintiff. Boyer for plaintiff; Cas* sidy and Pierce Archer, Jr. , for defendant , Lewis Kensil v«. John J. Hungerford. Anaetlon to recover ex amount alleged lobe dee defendant byplatop tiff upon settlement of a partnership account. Jar, oat. Histrict Court-Judge Stroud. Edward 0. Yocum, hr his guardian, James Jexxer, vs, Dtniel Tront. An action of ejectment to recover POBseseion of a hoc# and lot in Willow streefi’ahove Thirteenth. Defendant Is the tenant under a Mr. Batch er. who claims title and has possession under a deed from Mrs. locnm, mother of plaintiff,'conveyance of the property having been made -t > her of the same after she became a widow, and by her to the present owner, whom it is now sought to eject. Mrs Yocum denies that she ever executed the deed or sold the pro perty, and alleges that her signature to the same is a forgery The property washer hn,band’s before his death, though no deed had been made to him, and snch being the case 11 le contended for plain Iff that, a; heir-at-law. it belonged to him, ad the only son and that even If his mother executed the deed it would be noil and vole ae to him, and could not affect his rights. On trial. Goforth and Bicock for plaintiff; W. L. Hirst and Jnvenal lor defendant. Court of Quarter Sessions—Hon. Joseph Allison. But two eases wore tried in this court yesterday. Xavier Frick was charged with having committed an assault and battery, with intent to kill Cornelius Sira line, and also with carrying concealed deadly weapons; and Stialine was, in turn, charged by Frick with as sault and battery. Being cross bills, and the facte being the same, they were trifcd together. ..... Onbehall of SiraUne It was testified by himself that on the day after election Frick, without any provoca tion whatever, approached him in the ne ghborhood of Eleventh and Oxford streets, and inflicted two blows upon his person with the sharp edge of a hand-saw—one upoS the head and the second upon the arm, the latter causing a severe wound. Straliae also said that Frick then drew a pistol and threatened to shoot him. Other witnesses testified to the fact that, on the day in ques tion, they had seen Frick wifch'a hand-saw and a pistol in his possession, and one of them said that he heard Prick Bay that fee had struck prosecutor with a eaw f and it that would not do he would ehoot him. Qnbehalf of Frick it was shown that on the previous day, the day of election, Stralino and othors had a diffi culty with Frick at the polls about political matters, that they attacked and threatened to kill him, and that it was only through the Interposition of parties present that they were prevented from ieflietingnpon him great personal violence at that time . It was also proven tnat on the day of the alleged assault and battery Frick was first attacked by StraUne and hi* friends, who threw stones at and knocked him down, and tnai it was only in self-defence, and when lie was in danger of receiving great bodily barm that be used the saw and threatened to use the pistol- Jury out G. Kemak for Straiine; Lennox, Ohas. Shaw, Geo, Sedley, and Ed win M Croll, charged with the larceny or $1,200, the property of Ed. N. Sattexwhite, 1116 Citron street, were acquitted. The Court then adjourned. THE POLIOB [Before Hr. Alderman Battler. 3 ALLEGED HOTEL THIEF. A man, giving the name of George W. Shirley, was arxaigntd at the Central Station yesterday afternoon on the charge of robbing some of the boarders at the Continental Hotel. Officer Yorhets, employed at the hotelstestified that he amstedihedefondant m parlor G, between 7 and 8 o’clock in the mornieg He had been watching the parlor ever since several robberies had been committed theie. In case of an extra rush of boarders at night cots are erected in the parlor, for the temporary repose of the travellers, and upon several occasions recently the defendant slept there; and one morning several gold and silver watches .and $43 in money disappeared. Officer Voxhees stationed himself in the parlor, butthedefendantavoided.the place, pro* bablv because of his presence WT Ashman, of 702 JSorth Third street, staid at the Continental Hotel, on Saturday night last, in room 80. 326. On Sunday morning, a little before 8 o’clock, he heard axustilus among some paper; upon springing up in bed, he observed defendant there, who rushed out and locked the door-after him, the key being-on the outside; he loss $3O. Witness gave*the alarm, but being locked in tbe room, the fellow escaped. *-* , The defendant said that he was a grocer, from Louis ville, Ky.; that he arrived in Philadelphia on Novem ber 27, and stopped three days at the American Hotel; and since that rime resided with a friend near the Schuyl kill Arsenal; he went to the Continental laßt evening, where he met a friend, named John Adams, a steam boatman, living at Chicago; he and Adams were to gether, and they separatedtkt 927 Chestnut street, to meet again at a later hour; he proceeded to the hotel yester day morningin search of his friend. The defendant was committed in default of $2,600 to await another hearing to-morrow. BELLING LIQUOR ON SUNDAY. Henry Brew was arraigned on ihe charge of selling Hanoi at his place* Math and Biliott, on Sunday. Mr. Howard, who resides on Millef street, above Eleventh, testified that he and two police officers went to Brew’s place on Sunday and obtained something to drink. How ard drank porter and the ttroofficers whisky or some other kind of splrltou* liquor. The defendant was bound over in the sum of SI,QCO to answer. [Before Mr. Alderman While. 3 ALLEGED LARCENY. Annie Miller, otherwise known as Stovepipe Annie, keeps a drinking place on Water-street, aoayaDoek. She and her husband, J R Miller, were arraigned j esterday on the charge of the laTceny of $2O. the pro perty of a sailor named James Barns.' The sailor ttsti fied that on Monday night he was at the house occupied by defendants. Be called for something to ddnk seve ral times. On each occasion she called in her husband and then invited all hands to^drink. The sailor put a five-dollar noteonthe counter each time he c&Ued for drinks, and thus he found himself minus twenty dol lars in a short space of time. The accused and her hus band were bound oyer in the sum of $l,OOO to answer. [Before Mr. Alderman Allen. 3 SHOOTING CASE. John Gallagher, of the Twenty-fourth ward, was arraigned yesterday, on the charge of shooting at the conductor of one of the cars on the Market-fit. road. It seems he wss put off tee car for disorderly conduct, aud fired several -shots at the conductor. .A revolver, with two loads in it was found in his possession, The ac cused was committed to answer. [Bofcre Mr. Aid. Toland. 3 ARREST Oi? ALLEGED ROBBERS. Wm.H. Mil-ward * Geo. M Smith, and James-Buckley, were arraigned yesterday on the charge of breaking Into the counting-house of Messrs. Malone & Taylor, lumber merchants, at Delaware avenue and Noble st. Officer Labsady, on going past the place, observed the men in there, fie entered. Two escaped, and the other one was arrested. A hunch of skeleton keys, thirty in number, were found on the flobr. A coat and hatchet found in the possession of one of the p my belonged to Messrs. Malone & Taylor. The prisoner arrested bn the spot gave such information to the officer as to lead to the arrest of the others. The parties were committed. EXTREME INHUMANITY. Rebecca Reed, residing at 543 north Third street, was arraigned before the same magistrate on the charge of cruelty to & coloredUsousd girl, twelve years old. The evidence in this presents an array of startling faca. It seems that some time since the Guardians of the Poor bound this little girl out to Mrs Reed The child has bad a hard time or it The neighborhood has often been thrown into excitement by tne loud sorieka and screams nf the girl. Zt is alleged that Mrs Reed was in the habit of beating her most unmerci fully with a cowhide, and at other times with a broom* handle.' The back of this badly-treated girl was scarred in a most terrible manner. Some of her wouncs were not yet healed* She was dragged about the room, punched, kicked, thumped, and her flesh was made to quiver under the stroke of the cow skin at early hours In the morning and at the deep.lone hour of midnight. On Monday night, the atmosphere being keenly cold, the little girl was stripped stark asked and made go into the yard to wash some sloth ing. She came very near freezing to death. To save herself from death, the child, naked as she was, got out of theyaid, and begged of a neighbor for * * pity sake to take her in, that she was freezing. ” The half-frozen create* e was admitted and wrapped in a Bbawl. Yesterday morning word waisentto the 'Guardians of the Poor of tbe circumstances of the case, and the arrect of Mrs Reed was ordtred. Tbe police officers and neighbors testified as to the above facts. The defendant was required to enter bail in the sum of $BOO to answer at court, bhe sent for a number of her neighbors te enter bail for her, but they refused to comply. - LETTER BAGS, AT TBS XBSOBABTB’ BXOHANOB, FHILADBLPHIA Brig Anna, Morrow******—.........*.St. Thomas, soon. Brig Herald, Davis Havana, soon. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE, Jas. R- Campbell, > Sake. W. Db Coubsby, > Committee op the Month. Jab. O. Hasp, ) MARINE INTEIAIfiEBiCE. POBTOF PHILADELPHIA, Jan 84.18 CS BCKHiexa 7 07 I Sun SbtB...« 531 Hlng Wxran..l2 ai arrived. Steamship John Gibson. Bowes* 36 hours from New Tori, with mdße to Wm Taylor & uo. Was detained 13 hours off Sandy Hook in a dome fogr. Reports the Bay and River Delaware entirely clear of ice. Steamship Saxon, esatihews, 60 hours from Boston* with mdse to Henry Winsor * Co. __ _ , Bark O £ MaUhy r Bray, 14 days from New Orleans, with empty bhls to Workman at Co. _CLEAkEI), Bark G W Horton, Packard, Manzanilla. Bask Eyeniide, Park, Tortogas. Bark AC Adams, Perkins, Key West. Bark Alex McNeill, Small, 8 WPass. Brig Mj stic, Berry, Trinidad de Cuba. Brig M T EHsworth (Br), Mcßride, Mat IEZiS, gcir M M MeriitDan, Fox, New Fork. _ t-ckr Eliza Francis, Bogart, Boston. Sekr M A Magee, Ayers, Newborn. MZUOBABBi. Steamship Nova Scotian, for Liverpool, tailed from Portland 2Utinst Ship John F-raser, Galloway, from Card iff for Austra lia. wax spoken 29ih Nov. lat IS, lon SOW. Brig Timothy Field, Patterson, hence via Newbury port, at Portland 20th inst. Her mainsail took Are tame evening, and was coaßumed. _ _ ~ . Scfcrs Beno, Lambert, and Fanny Ke&ttag, Bich, hence at Boston 22d inst. _ • • . . .. , Brin Fannie, ashore on Bace Point, has bee a entirely discharged. The cargo from, between deck-»is in hdr condition: that frc m the hold is hadly damaged. The ycssel will he a total wreck. *«***,«• tm* Schr Independence. Daggett, arrived afc Holmes Hole 20th inst. with SB bbds mousses from the wreck of bark Albion Lincoln, ashore off Naßh&wina. Tae A ute full of wati r, and the wreckers can only work on the cargo at low tide. She has been stripped t-f'eauc and listing, and should the weather continue moderate tae largest part of her cargo remaining will b» waved. i. ao ™ bbo ™ e - lIUIELLBIIBUn UimVUIUKIXB. TABLE TOPS, <So.. (So.. No. 933. c&Mtnut street, PHILADELPHIA.' (F&VTOBX, tBBVS «XD lUBIM. THE PRESS— WEDNESDAY, JANUARY.>S% : fduncui. GO., B-A-TST KE3O&S, 84 SOUTH THIRD STREET, SEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN COLD, FOREION EXCHANGE, UNITED STATES BONDS, QUARTERMASTERS' TOUCHERS, - ■ UNOUBKENT MONET. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND BOLD AS BOARD OF BROKERS. iaUlm JTOTJRTH NATIONAL BANE OF PHILADELPHIA, , No. vaa ABOH STREET. DBBIOKATBD SBPOBITAST OP THU PWITan BTATBS. 7 3-lOths TREASURY NOTES, Convertible at Maturity Into 6-BO BONDS. Thl. Bank ii new MWared to flumlah U«M Note* Ib ■mail or large quantities, and of *ll denomination*. They present the advantage ever any other Loan ef the Government el being converted at maturity into the popular S-W Loan. The lntereet is payable semi, annually in February and Angnat, A COMMISSION ALLOWKD ON SALKS of 99.000 and upwards. SAMUEL J. MAO MULLEN. d*3o-lm OABHIKB. 0E HAVKN & BROTHER, BANKERS. REMOVED TO SO. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET. , iflt-la ■ ; JJ S. LEECH & COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, NO, 1« FAEQ.UHAR BUILDINGS, (WALHUT ST., BELOW THIRD), Gold, Government Bonds, Oil and Miscellaneous Stocks, bonght and sold oil Commission at the Board of Brokers. Dealers in ForeignKxohange. Lett, rs of cre dit iisntd on London, Faria, Antwerp. Ae. ja!7 Sm THOS. CAUTWBI.L. _ & CO., \J BAHKEBB, Wo. 43 Booth THIKS Stwot. STOCKS AHIT LOAWS BOUGHT AHD BOLD OH COMMIBBIOH AT TUB REGULAR BOARD OP BROKERS. UHCURREHT BANE. Ac., BOUGHT OOLLBOTIOHB MADE and INTEREST ALLOWED OH DBPOBIT. iaH lm*- JJARPER, DTJRNBY, & CO., BANBESEtS, STOCK AND EXCHANOE BKOKEBS. Rartlcalat atUatlon paid to porehnw and ul* of Oil fflflflft, ' ftft SOUTH THIRD STREET. rHILASBUPHIA. Ssnamrosß. —Ureacel & Co. • Philadelphia ? J. J 5, JMuh tia, Precldeat Southwark Bank. noTlB-8a ggAMT.M BICOKTo lAIiEZ. BKKBOV*'IB. QHARLBS SHORT & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Mo. 15 South Third Street, rraMDUPHiA. ■<- All kind* of an*turent load* and Hold and BUtm MUfhtaad soldi tad Collection* made; Particular attention given to the pur«ha*e sad Ml* >t Government. State, and other Stocks andLoan* on MBuniidoa ■ ao!8-8m GBOBOB W. HBWBS. BDWXB MILLBR. JOB. 1. HOOBTOU, JJJCWES, HILLER, & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ' HO. SO SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ! DEALERS IH . ~~- Gkivenunent Securities, Speele, TJncurrent Money, City warrants, Ac. STOCKS BOUGHT AHD SOLD OH COMHISSIOH AT , THE.REGULAK BOARD OR BROKERS. jalO-Im * ■ l WEB T P HIL AD E L PHI A TRUST ii COMPANY, 80. 3038MARKBT Streol, opposite the New Paesanger Depot of the Pennsylvania Rail road, is now open for the transaction of a regular Bank ing business. Deposits received. Collections made, and Discounts k ranted. Pour per- cent, interest paid on Special deposits. T. K. PETERS ON, President. Dißßcrons. J. K. Lee. | John Craig. Jas. M. Clerker, John O’ Byrne, 1. B. Ferree, B. P. Ferree, D. W. Bradley. jQ.’W. Montgomery a. W. Hancock, John L. Frailey, 18. P. Fiailsy, A. Wartham. jaSOfmwlt* INSURANCE. TiELAWARB MUTUAL SAFETY 1' INSTJRANCB COMPANY. INCORPORATED BT THE LBOISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1833. i OFFICE S. B. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS,) '. -- CARGO, > To all parts of the world. FREIGHT. ) INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, hy River, Canal, Lake, and Land Carriage, ' to all parts of the Union. FIRBINSURANCBS, On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &«. ASSBTS OF THB COMPAHT, November 1,1864 - sloo,oooUnited StatesFivePerCent.Loan, , 7l.slOO,oQO 00 111,000 “ Six “ “ ’Bl. US 215 00 76,000 “ Six ■ “ s*2os 76,662 66 ICO,COO State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. Loan 93,666 00 64,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent • L0an......v5... ™,*,.65,840 00 123,060 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cfc. Loan 12*>620 37 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort> - gage Six Per Cent. Bonds—**.... —22,000 06 60,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad Second Mort gage Six Per Cent. 80nd563,26000 15,000300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company,, principal and interest guaranteed by the city of Phiiadel . phia*—........ .*•»-* 16,300 00 6,500130 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Bail road Company**-. 9,100 00 6,000100 Shares Btock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company—* 8,050 00 60,000 United States Treasury Certificates of _ . Indebtedness«— 48.425 00 90,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Ct, Loan* 12,000 00 28,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply ... secured* 128,700 00 $868,260 Par, C05t5342,100 60. Marketvalue.sB67,627 87 Beal fcrtate * * * 86,000 00 BiUs receivable for insurances made. 118,830 43 Balances due at fancies.—Premi ums on Marine Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts due the , Company.... .**.—*•*••-•*•>• 28,793 24 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and otherComp&nles, $4,263. BsU mated va1ue.......... •2,22000 Cash on deposit with United States Government,subject to ten days 1 catt. .....100,000 00 Gashin Banks 68,154 93 Cs.h in Drawer *_fL%B.«9!lffl DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hand. Samuel E. Stokes, JohnC Davis,. • J. F. Peniston, KdmtEd A. Sondes, Henry 81**% Theophiloß Paulding, William G Boulton, John R, Penrose, ‘ Edward Darlington. James Trane air, ' H. Jones Brooke, Henry C. Dailett, Jr., Jacob P Jones, " James C. Hand, James B McFarland, William C. Ludwig, Joshua P. Byre. Joseph H. Seal, Spencer Mcllv »ine, , - • Georgs G, Leiper, John B. Semple, Pittshnr Hush Craig, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg Robert Bniton, THOMAS C..HAND, President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LYLBUBN, Secretary. , - delS-ly THB RELIANCE IRSURAHCE COM- I pant OF PHILADELPHIA. incorporated in 184 L OFFICE No. 308 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, $300,000. Insure* against lon 01 damage by FIBS Houses. Stores, and other Buildings, limited or perpetual: and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town or Country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTSD AND PAID. ASSBTS, $400,008 71. - Invested in the following Securities, jta: First Hortgageson City Pro party, well secured $108,600*00 United States Government Loans**— —-*♦■** 241,000 01 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans.. 6O»QOQ 06 Pennsylvanias3,ooo,ooo 6 per cent. Loan.... 16,006 00 Pennsylvania' Railroad Bonds, first and as- ■ cond Mortgages— .—.*—.**••**■•*»**■**-*— 35,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s * . ■ oer cent. Loan*—•«-•*♦-** —.*•—«»• —■ • 6,060 00 Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Com- , # _pany*s6per cent; Loan .—•*••.•—•*•** 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cant, mert- . gage bonds*— —.*♦** 4,600 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock.-*** 1.060 0> Mechanics’ Bank Stock* a...™****;* .4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock—** 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock-.. SBQ 00 Reliance Insurance Company of rhiladel phla’cStock***—■***•*.*•*♦*•"—►♦******• I*ooo 01 Accrued Interest..—.—. —— * —.. »*— 0,466 4i Cash In bank and onhand**———-—«»** a i * 8400,068 71 Worth it present market rattle-■ 1X4,393 71 DIRECTORS. Clem Tinsley, Bern. W. Ttufley, Wb. KTThompson, Marshall Hill, William Mower, Charles Boland, Samuel Blspham, KobertToiana, H. L. Carton, J. Johnson Brown. Robert Steen, Thomas H. Moore. WUliam Sterenson, Thomas G. Hilo, Secreta: Philaimlpbia, Becemhei UIBB raSURAHCK EXCLUSIVELY. r -THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANT. Incorporated 1829. CHARTER PERPETUAL, No. 810 WALNUT Strwt, opposite Independent, ’Company, favorably known to th» immunity lor nearly forty yean, eontinuea tolnmro againet Loai or Damage by Fire, on PubUo or Prlvam BuUdinge, either permanenUy orfor n lindted Mm,.. Aiiio, on Pur eiturm ttoeka Good*, or M«reh*adi« ganerally, on together with a large Suirdui Fund, la invested in the moet earefol manner, wUeh euablee them to oserto the insured an undoubted seeurlty in the eas. ofloee. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Pattereon. j Daniel Smith, Jr.; Alexander Benson, I John Deweox. leaaeHaslehnret. mrnmae Smith. Thoma* Roblne. qllw „ tm e M ' JONATHANFATTERSON, RMdHfc WOUAXO. WOWBH. 08«8*wr- MEW PUB NEW VOLUME BE,AL AND.IDEA.L, “Mr. Jfontgl»irmay be .congratulated on his achieve* meat ’ *~PhiT<tda ~North American and, U. S. Gazette, “He tea pact* and a good poet. Y. Christian Yfmee. - • ••’-• •'lUal and Meal shove a graceful pen and skilfnl mastery ofthe translation art. 1 *— 2*.Y, Evening PqsL “Deserves the high commendation which, it has re ceived. We observe facility and vigor of versification and strength of thouaht. ,f —Philadelphia American Literary Gazette' “Its chaste, classical, and thoughtful poems are marked by intellectual and scholarly York Observer. ■ „ “Represents taste and genius. Some of the poems are admirable for eaab and spirit. l ’--Itosfon Daily Advertiser. ■ 5 . “Characterized by taste and fancy, and more than ordinary merit. ’’—JV, J\ Evangelist. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by H * V. IfiTPOLISr, PttbliAtr, 13»3 CHfiSTRCr Street, PhUada. ja23-mw2t TUST PUBLISHED—BY LOUIS V JIBIEEj. 13553 CHESTNUT Street. GOLDBU TBBaSUBY OF PIAHO LYBICS. This coHeotioa will be welcomed warmly by all loyers oftgcod rntzsie It comprises the following pieces, which are by the first masters, each a perfect gem, short and not difficult. - ' This collection will be the best school for the acquire ment of the firtt class music, and the performance with lute and expression. (Will be continued.) „ _ -■ No. 1. JlPenseroao. —e.. »..& Heller....B9cents. No. 2 Slumber Song* ..^Schumann —40 no. S. Confidence.... .*.20 No. 4 C0n501ati0n.............. Mendelssohn... .20 No. 6. Spring Morning ..~.~....~fLHeHer....20 No. 6. Impromptu Etude. S. Heller...-33 No. 7. Canzonetta—*--* • S. HtUer»*-t*2Q No. a Andante Celebre Beethoven....3s No. 9. Funeral March.. ..8. He11er....20 No. 10 Bluett— S. Heller....!*} Ho.ll. Andantino. ..«.*••**«* S. Heller...-20 ja23-mwfSt* • • XTEW CHROMOLITHOGRAPHS AND COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS.— Justimported. a new andwell-selected assortment of CHROMOLITHO GBAPES, after paintings bj the most celebrated But lisb artists. The collection is now very complete, and deserving the attention of all lovers of th« fine arte. . A small lot of PHOTOGRAPHS, from, the most cele brated pictures hv Meisoniar, Merle, Lsjeune. Bridoux. and other French artists, exquisitely colored, after the original paintings. These of art, reproducing perfectly tie originals; and colored wit r the greatest care anadelity. mnsrhe^entiyheiPPmomhßd^ English and French Books and Engravings, ;'a 3g. St Hat South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut THE %£j& .L ATES T B O OKS, MEW ENGLAND FARM HOUSE. The Autobiography of a Hew Borland Pattm»Hoase. By N. H. Chamberlain. A poetical romance orßEueual merit in character drawing. ,1.76. THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL. A second edition of this new volume of poeme. By Orpheus C. Kerr, with a portrait. Price ,1.60. TOGETHER. By the Author of “Nepenthe.” A story excellent in plot and execution. Price $1.60. CAROLINE MAY’S POEMS. “A collection of poems, which, from their intrinsic merits, will win. a choice 011*619 of readers. * Price $1.59. FimASBUrHiA. RE ADY IN A ,FB W DAYS BALLADS By the author of “ Barbara’s History. ’ ’ THB BNOBLAOE BALL A poetical satire. RAILROAD AND INSURANCE ALMANAC. . OARLBTON, Publisher. Jald-swtf ...... , NEW YORK. J. K. Caldwell. KTEW BOOKS! HEW BOOKS! hr History of the Planting, and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles. By Dr. Augustus Neauder. Reflected Light. Illustrations of the Redeemer's Faithfulness in the Happy death-bed Experience of *" Tbe*Dawn of Heaven. or the Prinoiples.of the Heaven ly Lite applied to the Earthly. By the late Joseph A. CbUdren in Paradise. By Bey. Fred. H. Wines. Yellnm doth: gilt edges. , Melbourne House. By. the-author of Wide, Wide World. 2 vols.; cloth - ■ - ■•. _. . . The Death and Burial of Poor Cock Robin: from orl glnal designs, by H. L Stephens. Price 76 cento. A Frog he Would a-Wooing go. From original de signs, by H. L. Stephens. rffte 76oente. For sale by JAMES S. OLAXTON. Successor to WM. S 4i ALFRED MARKIN, “S 606 CHESTNUT Street, BOOKS 1 HEW BOOKS 1! Justrecelvedh^^j;. ' (Hazard’s old stand), ' ' Ho. 734 CHESTNUT Street, AUTUMN LEAVES. By Samuel Jackson Gardner. MATTIE; A STRAY: A new novel; paper cover. HUGE MILLER’S ESSAYS. CSaTSAU FRISRAC; 08, HOME SCENES IHT FRANCE. By Olive Logan, authoress of “Photo *rl£ilif holy refreshment. Edited by the Bev F D. Huntingdon. D. D. "WET DAIS AT EDGEWOOD, Jk Marvel’s last hook. HOUSE AND HOME PAPER* By Mrs Stowe, COUSIN ALICE. A Memoir of Alice B. Haven. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A HEW ENGLAND FARM SOUSE. A Book by N. H. Chamberlain. STUDIES FOR'STORIES. Jean Ingelew’s new hook. KITTY TJfEVYLYAN’S DIARY. Bj the author .of “ Schonherg-Cotta Family. O jall-tf ‘‘ ON TO CHARLESTON JUST VJ on t, Bong and Chorus—Words and Music are perfectly beautiful.. Price SB_cento._Pahll;lied at MARSH'S Mnric Store. 1103 CHESTNUT Bt. jaTO-St TTEY TO HEAYEN; OR, THE OB JY LEBBATEt) Sermon on “THE 'ROCK UPON WHICH ‘THE CHURCH’ SPLIT,” by RevS.M., LANDIS, M. D. Jnet out. Price 10 cents, or 12 for $L A WINCH, Sole Agent. .V „ Also, foreale at Stores and Dr. Landis’ Medical Office, 1313 CHESTNUT-Street:. ; ■ jal9-lm» MISCELL'AJSiEQUS AND LAW «A- BOOES-The best aid rarest collection In Phila delphia. —Hallowell’s Shakspeare, fifteen hundred dol lars, and other Books, equallj scarce, far sale at 410 CHESTNUT Street. •- jaa-Sm ... JOHN CAMPBELL. TO TEACHERS.—A COMPLETE SET A of PELTON’B OUTLINE MAPS, In perfect order, for sale cheap. Apply at jaM-2t*. 3034= BRANDYWINE Street. T7LCOUTION TAU9HT 41*D STAM MEBING CUBED. —PHILIP LAWRENOE, Pro fessor of Elocution, 9OJL9XOCOST Street. From \he Right Rev. Bishop Pdtte?: Mr. Lawrence ’8 sr stem seem s tome free from some grievous faults which have marked the teaching of many elocutionist#, and to have 'some excellencies of a high order. As a worthy and laborious jwup, I oordlaUy wish him encceaß. Cj.2d-3t*3 ALPAZO POTTER. THE PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OP A DESIGN FOB WOMEN, southeast corner of FIL BBKT Street and PENN Square, (west of Broad.) will commence Ms sessions for 1865 on the first of February, A large number of Imported casta are added to the Drawing Department and Museum. A limited number of students can Only betaken, as our room, are nearly fall. Terms are very low. For dlrculMs, apply at the School-house.• , , , , Jal9-12t T. W. BRAIDWOOD, Principal. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— » MILITARY BOABBING SCHOOL, four mllM Rom MEDIA. Pa. Thorough course in Mathematic. ClassicpTNatursl Sciences, and English; practical lea sons in Civil Engineering. Pupils received at any time, and of all ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Be fers to John C. Capo A 80n,23 South Thlrdstreet; Thos. J. Clayton, Esq., Fifth and Prune streets: ex-Sherll Kern, ani others. Address Bev. J. HBBVBY BAB TON; A. M., TILLAGE GREEN, Pean’a. noS-fim HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. ‘*T OCHIEL JLJ , (Late Herr’s Hotel*) ? Corner of THIRD and MARKET Streets, HARRISBURG, Pa'. The attention of the travelling public is moat reßpect fully called, to this old established stand, which for the put five months has been closed to'trade; and during that time has been thoroughly remodeled, repaired, and newly furnished throughout, until it now possesses all the conveniences pertaining to a first class hotel, which are in any manner calculated to insure the perfect com fort of its guestß. \ '•"* ■> t Its situation alone would recommend it as a stopping place,beingonly two audahaMsquares from thfe depots; near enough to prove convenient, sumcientiy distant to avoid the annoyance of railroad noise and bustle. The-furniture is entirely new, rooms large and well ventilated, Üble supplied wit h every luxury the market can affoid, while asto-fche management, it is trusted to th e judgment of a discriminating public to decide. The Proprietor, having determined to make the cha racter and reputation of Ihe-bouse the ecf,;without •regard to cost, hopes to merit the patronage ttndfavora- We ogniOß ol those who doßU^jto^theltato jftor -im . Proprietor. TONES HOUSE, v dor. MARKET STREETand MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, Pa. ' , The Proprietor respectfully returnshis sincere thank! to hi, friend, for the Terr liberal patronage bestowed to tie House since under hie management, and would respectfully solicit» sontlnuance ofthe same. . del&Slo SO. H. MAMH. Proprietor. DUTTBBFIELD'S OVERLAND XI DESPATCH, . 6 Office, 8. W. corner BIXTHand CHESTNUT Street!. . A-THBOUCH FBNiaHT LINB,* he, been established, prepared to receive all rime, ol Freight In the principal cities east of the Mississippi river, and to COLORADO, IDAHO, UTA‘H, bpojt THBonas oosteact rates lit bit,Stop nXDnra. Through Bates include ALL CHARGES— Hallway, Transfer, Storage,aud Foi warding Commission, on the Missouri river, and transportation upon the Plains , thus ei aiding tiie Shipper to obtain a THROUGH GOM TRACT for Me freight for a distance of OYER THREE THOUSAND MILES, and relieving him from allrespon sibllities and anxieties incident to the past disorganised and irresponsible system of Plains transportation. . Our Agents inNew York, Boston; Philadelphia, Pltt»- - bnrg, Chicago, St. Louis, and Burlington, lowa, an prepared at all • seasons to receive and ship at the LOWEST THROUGH TARIFFJSATBB. Tnis Company assumes ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY of Losses, Damages, or Overcharges on Freight while In tran sit from point of shipment to place of destination. The New York office is in possession df a fall set ol TRACS BOOKS, showing the date of shipment, the time it passe, the Mississippi river,. Is received at and •hippedfrom the Company’s Warehouse, lat Atchison (Kansas), the character ofthet rains movtogYpon the Plains, the date It passes Fort Kramer, arrivesat Den ver, Is received at destination, and the apparent condi tion of the Wares along the entire route.'; ; AW If Damages or Losses occur, Shippers are notiaed In time to duplicate any important portion of the snip* B &e books are open for the Inspection of.ourcus tomers at all times, aud parties shtepiqg by this Line will be kept informed by correspondence of the exact condition of their shipments. _ , v Merchants &nd Mowing Men in tub Tenitorief oratiui Goods, elionld he particular to givs instructions to mark cases “YiaBUTTBRFIEI D’B OVRRL AJD DBBFATOH, Atchison, Kansas, 1! and have them shipped under the tnatruetiena of our Agent atl point of shipment Letters of Inquiry addressed to our office at ATCHI SON, Kansas ;No. IVESEY Street, Astor House. New York; or Southwest corner of SIXTH mid CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, will be jpromnttT and rellahly answered. D.A.BUTTERTIMD,Proprietor. A.W SPALDING, General Agent, New York. „ WM. H. MOORE, Agent. PhUadelpbla. delS-tf *1,201,6M0) TXEWARE THE NORTHEASTER ! XX BROWNE’S PATENT METALLICWEATHER STRIPS and WINDOW BANDS totally exclude COLD, WIND, RAIN, and DUST from doom and,windows. They stop the rattling of sashes, save one half the fuel, and are warranted for five years. 3B South FIFTH Street,, * BCle AgentforPecnsylvanla. Local Agents wanted throughout the State. jalS-lm* a TIKQLBY. Frasldwit. UIBH. - I LOCATIONS. BY AN AMERICAN POET. BY JOHB W. MONTCLAIR. Os*elegantToliisel2ma. Price *L 35. OPINIONS OF THU PRESB. EDUCATIONAL. ■PISH AND CANNED MEATS. A coo bWi Mesa and Mo. l Maokerri. a,OOO cases canned Meats, Lobsters, &c. ■ UGlo&teSt MACKEREL, herring; SHAD, &C. JXI -8.000 bbls. Mass. Nos. L .8, and S MaekareL iate-caught fat fish, in assorted packages. B,ooobbU. NewEsstport,Forfaneffay.andHallfal H jfMolexes Lubes, Staled, and No. 1 Herring. 160 bblt new Meta Shad.. „ ; £ ' 800 boxes Herkimer county CffiseratfiM. l4 ffiKOON^ 1 000 S P RIN G HORB J-HORBEE iyUUU (new mid fsney styles), goora-nesk Sleds. IxprsisCarts, dm., * euSTON, U( and INP North THIRD Btrrat OKATEB, BKATES, SKATES . O A foil usortmant of SKATBB and BKATB STRAW , "“ u “ WTlewpr ‘^. ■OO An* Ml COMMBK<!B Btr«t. QHOVELB AND SPiDEK" ~ iwta SoHS Itcf tSS aVffl COPAK' TVJOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THA.T Oftputawship heretofore existing between CHAB. i. OBDM and AbBXAHDEB M. THOMFSOH. trading asCHAS. 1, OEOM&Co., isthiaday dissolved ty mutual consent. All business of the firm will be settled by ALBXAH EER M THOMPSOS. who will continue the business at Ho. 146 Hoith FOOETH Street. _ 'THTEHSHIPB. GHAS. L. OEUM. _ . AtiEX. M. THOMPSON* Pgii.APHi.yHiA> Jan 88,1865. ja24-3fc* pOPABTKERSHIP.—THE SUBBCBI- J-f BEEB haying purobaeed the Gold Chain Making EstabUsbment of BTAGY B. OPBYKJB, he Is fchia d» admitted to a partnership in our firm* and wUL give hi* personal to this department The manufac tare of Go * a Chain, Thimbles* and Fine Jewelry will be continued under the firm of «. 080. W; BIMOBTS* BSO., &00, George W. Simons, Feteicß; Simons, Btactß; C PDYKE. Thomas Haddock, Jr. PhUadtlpMa, Jan. ?3» 1665, xtotice or dissolution.— the <!'* United Partnership existing between the under signed, under iheJLrm of MATTHIAS M. SfABPLB, ex pires this day by its own limitation. The business will be settled by SUTTHIAS M. MAEPLB, at Ho. 53 North THIRD Street, H. M. MABPLR, General Partner. GEORGS GORDON, jpeoial Partner. Philadelphia, See. 31,1864. FOTIGK OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The subscribers herebv give notice that their have entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the several laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partners hips. Tint the name of the firm under which said partner ship is to he conducted is tf. M BfAKPLS. That the general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the HOSIERY AND FANCY LEX GOODS BUSINESS . • That the names of the general and special partner, botbr*of whom reside in the city of Philadelphia, we MATTHIAS H. MARFLB, General Partner, residing at Ho 1220 COATES Street, and JACOB KCEGEL. Special Partner, residing at So. 527 North SIXTH Street. That the amount of the capital contributed by the special partner to the • common stock is fifty thousand dollars in cash. . That the said Partnership is to commence on the sixth' day of January, A..D. 1860, and la to terminate on the thirty-first dfcy of December, A. D. 1866. K. H HABPLB, General Partner, JACOB RIEGSL, Special Partner. ]»7o«w4t -DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— X/ The subscribers, heretofore trading under the firm of BUSTIX9G * JOFSS, hay* this da j dissolved part nership by mutual consent BAML. A. JOKE?. THOMAS BASHES. PKK.ADSI.PHIA, Dm. SI, IBM. /COPARTNERSHIP. —THB TJNDBR- V* SIOBED has;* thie day formed a oopartnerehip finder the style and firm of JOB KS, BAKNBS, & CO. , and will •ontinue the business of the late firm of Beatific A Jonee at the old stand. Ho. aB B WHAavBJ oAßii, A* JUajKi THOB. BAKNBS, 8. LEHMAN SMITH. Philadelphia, Dm. SI, ISM. jaB-la THE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAY -L associated with himself Wit H. H. HUGHES, and will continue the Pry Goods Commission Business, at Ho. »18 CHESTNUT Btraat, Tinder the firm of DUN CAN A CO. . W. T. H. DOHCABf. i PginADßUgiA. Jannary2. 1885. I*3 lm WE HAVE THIS DAY ADMITTED T i into Copartnership with ns W. H. LOTS, for the transaction of a General Bankti g and Exchange Busi ness. Name and style of firm centimes the same 0. A. BAHM A GO. Philadelphia, Jan. 23,1885. ‘ jaM-St* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—DAVIS PEARSON, and EMANUEL under the Anns of Davis Pearson & Co . at Philadelphia, and Bast and Pearson, atAshland, SchnyJktU connty. Pa , have this day associated with them SOBSBT H. LIND SAT, of Philadelphia, and KOBBBT TAYLOR, of New York, In tbo business of mining and. shipping of coal. The style of the Ateob will remain as heretofore, me »y« DAVIS FBABBON A CO., bast & fbabson. Philadelphia, January 3,1866. ja2o-6t THE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAY A associated with himself MYBRS P KTBAUS. and will continue the W HOLESALE HOSIERY, NOTIONS, AND VARIETY BUSINESS, at No. 39 North THIRD Street, under the firm of WBXIj & ST.KAIJSB. WM. 8. WKIL. Philadelphia, Jan. 1,1865. . ja23 XQt* OF DISSOLUTION. The limited pirt»er«Mp ariettas between theuadM- Blgned, aider the firm of BUKSEL, WIEST* 4k KEVIN* expire* tbix d&y by its owa limitation. a* DAVID B. BRVIN, HENRY 8. FIBTBR, - JOBIAH BISGEL, General Partners. PETER SIEGER, WM. S. BAIRD, Special Partners. Philadelphia, Dec. 31. IBM. NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The snbscribers hereby give notice that they have entered Into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the several laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. ; Thal the name of the" Arm under which said partner ship is to he conducted Is JOS. BIBGBL AMS. FIS* That the general nature of the business Intended to be transacted is tbe Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods. r That the names of the general and special partners, all ol whom reside in the city of Philadelphia, are Josi ah Rieiel, general partner, residing at the Bald Eagle Hotel, No. HA North Third street; Henry S. Plater, general partner, residing at said Bald Eagle Hotd; Al fred Byerly, general partner, residing at No. 1321 Arch street; William E. Albright, general-partner, residing at No. 1607 Wallace street; Samuel OF. Scott, general partner, residing at No. 2033 Vlne street: Jacob .Blegel, special partner, redding at No. 627 North Sixth streets and Peter Sieger, special partner, residing at No. 717 North Biffhth sliiot That the aggie gate amount of the capital contributed by the special partnera to the common stock is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, of which One Hundred Thousand Dollars In cash have been contri buted by Jacob Biegel, special partner, Thou ' sand Dollars in cssh have been contributed by Peter St flmt B t?usaFd ’partnership ls to commence on the second day of January, A. D. 18M, and is to terminate on the thirty-first da, of MUM HENRY S FISTBB, ALFBBD BYERLY. WM. B. ALBRIGHT, SAM’L G. SCOTT, General Partners. JACOB RIBOEL, PETER SIEGER, Special Partners, Philadelphia, January 2,1866. )a3-fiw con. Thomas J. Oeam. rtRAM & HEMPHILL, V/ DKALBBBIM LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, Of all sizes and of best qualities. Carefully picked and screened, and Invariably at the lowest cash prices. Office and Yard, WILLOW, below FIFTEENTH Street. AS- Orders canbe left at 146 North SIXTH Street, 683 North TENTH Street, 1433 BARCLAY Street, or through the Post Office, which will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. ' jalf, 3m, Escbbeiher, new coal depot, • NOBLE Street, above Ninth street, ■ ■ ' Constantly on hind cuperioi qualities of Lehish and Schuylkill Coal, telectta expressly for family purpose*, at the lowest market prices. Wharf Twenty-third street, below Arch street. Office 119 South FOURTH Street, - ■ • oc2Q-6m PURE LEHIGH COAL.—HOUSE- A KEEPERS osu rely on getting a pure article atS.K comer FRONT and POPLAR. J. W. HAMPTON. jalS-lm* ; 1 _ riOAL, COAL, COAL, V H. GUITERMAN& CO.’S COAL, the best in the city. For sale at the is west cash prices. MANTUA COAL YARD, corner THIRTY-FIFTH Street and PENNSY YANIA BaUroad. CialO-lm*] W. D. HESTON. Genuine eagle vein coal, EQUAL, IF HOT SUPBBIOB TO LEHIGH. A Mai will secure your custom. En and Store sties, §lO per ton; Large Nut, $9 Offlce 131 South FOUBTH beet, below Chestnut. Depot Ul9 GALLOWHILL Street, above Broad :se!4-$m nOAL.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVKB MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal.and beat Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill, prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot Iff. W. corner EIGHTH And WILLOW Streets. Office Ho. llffi South SECOND Street rapS-tG J. WALTON & CO. KEDICIL. ELECTBICAL INSTITUTE. 154 North ELEVENTH; below Baee street —Dr. THO MAS ALLEN] Tory successful to the cure of almost every Kind of disease, Invitee all to call at his Of flee, and see that bis treat meat is free from Bhocks. 43- CONVULSIONS. —A discovery has been made which seldom falls in the cure of Epilepsy or Fits of any other kind. Any S knowledge of • this practice can enter at any time for full instruc tions. Cards aud Tsstimouialß at the Office. Hours 9A,M.toG p. M. Consultations free. Dr. THOS ALLS®, Electrician, . jal7-3m IS* M. ELEVENTH Bt.. below Bace. T?LBCTROPATHIC ESTABLISH XJ MBNT»for the core of diseases incurable with me* dicine, by 3)r. A. H. STEVENS. one of the discoverer! •of an enure new system of ELECTRICAL PKAGTIOB* at 1418 South PENN SQUABS. 4®-Please call, or send for a pamphlet and learn par ticulars. 1 No ehargefor consultation. 4®* Physicians; and others desiring Instruction ea» enter for a full course any time after MONDAY, Janu ary 2d, 1865. Any member of the class just finished mayrcTiew without any charge. ja2 tf . TOHN C. BAKER & CO.’S COD LIVER v OIL —THE TBUE AND QBNUINS-Unsurpaased ii quality and effects—beinc the SWEETEST AND BEST PEEP ABED. In Coughs, Golds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Gout, Inei* pient Consumption, and all Scrofalour'Complaints, U oftentimes produces Immediate and certain effects whea other remedies have beentaken with little or no benefit Bold by all Druggists In the city, and by the proprle* tor. No TIB MARKET Street- aull-tuthaga _ PATENT XX FLINT GLASS BX TEA. HEAVY LAMP CHIMKBXS. The World-Wide reputation which, these Chimneys have acqniredis due to their acknowledged superiority over all others. This superiority is derived from throe sources: ■ 1 Ist. Beingflftyper cent, heavier than the common Chimney, they may be handled with much less care. 2d- The oval shape is an adaptation to. the flat dame, the Chimney being at ail points the same distance from., the heat, so that the danger of cracking by unequal ex pansion is atoided Sd. The material of which thete Chimneys aie manu factured ie unequalled by any other glass as a rapid conductor of heat; and, practically, it is found that the combi cation renders them, almost entirely .free from liability to destruction bribe heat of the flame. Hence the obstacle in the way of the universal use of Carbon Oil, found in the unreasonable expense for Chimneys, has been met and removed by the infrod action of DITHBIDGB’S FIBEPBOOF CHIMNEYS. The popularity of there Chimneys has inducedjome unprincipled persons to make use of our name aud trade marks, and their reputation has been partially impaired by the worthlessness of spurious Chimneys scud as oars. Parties who have been annoyed with the cracking of seme izlass Chimneys would do well to call and try the X We apwlnted Meaere. FKRKINB * DRYDEN, mo. loa South BBOOND Street, Sole Agents for opr Chimney B in Philadelphia, from whom they can boob tained in any anantity, at manufacturer's prices, with the addition ol fieight. B D. DITHBrDGR, " POET PITT GLASS WORKS, WASHIBGTOH St, Pittsburg, Feuna. TMSAJTS GRB AT TOBACCO, CIGAB, MJ AHD PIPHSTOM. Mo. *l3. CHSSTiITFT Street, PhSadelphla, Pa. - Dean keep* she greatest wietr.- Dew keeps the largest general stoek. Youcw getwyHna of Tohaseo, ionc fl»«l 1 SiliMkqoOOTOKi. Ho. *l3 GHBSTHUT Street, Philadelphia. Pa. -When yon go to Dsw’s Ton cut get anythlM Ton . want In the way .of Plug, Pine Omt and BmokingTobas eoea. Domestic and Havana Cigars, Pipe*. fcc., Dean keeps the largest jener§ rtoek of Tobaeeo, Cigars, Pipes, 4te., in the united statefl. Dean’s Bales are so extensile that.heew afford to sell at about one-half what others wll for. Dean sells to the Army of thePotomae, Bean. »ell 6 to the Army of the JsnfL of theTenneMe*.^ Dew sells to the Army of the Cumberland.. _ Gunboats ail order their Tobacco. aa, from DBAH’S. Ho. 413 OHffiXHWf Street ! Pennsylranla merchants all buy at Dew s. Hew Jersey merchantsaU buy si Deans, Delaware merehwts all buy at Dean s.. . k As thei can always get just what they went, and a* a mnch lower price than they can “i iitSa do- AOt haye to pick up their ioobi « aaosen uni* *3fobo* ordered are guaranteed tojrtYe»tiBfc*tto»e HABIKZT FURNITURE. VJ MOOEB & CAMPION. 861 South SECOND Street. *** prepared to follow thedeeUne in fee market in the Koffi furniture. Purchasers will please call and I oox etoek. _ , **“ qpaetkrm Fnas ' for the immediate delivery at tte H»MV«-me »fo«^e»d a SL r &°terT.tSr,»-vl«: S 000 vVason Tongoeß. ironed. All of the above-described to be of the heat qh» ■ad subject to tie inspection of an inspector appotn*e« on the Suet of the Government. ' A Bidders will state price, both-in writing and figarea, E Sf ontonffifvr£» maybe had on application at this office, otherwise lh two respoMlhle per sons, whose sign at ores mustbe appended to the gua rantee, and certified to as being-good curity lor the amount by the States District Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other pablie officer; otherwise the hid will not b* considered. - The right is reserved to reject all bid h dee me dujo M gh. Bids from defaulting contractors, and **“» *s#*!&£!* fully comply with the requirements of this advertise ment, will not be considered. oilftril ,- «7“d« «f Colonel Hex man Chief sg£‘" °gt' Captain and A. Q A. OUA.RTIIRMABTEB’ b depart- W MEHT. ooraer TWELFTH and GIBEEB Streets, » “ , PHIXAPKErPHiA. J&U. 21, 1855. SEALED PROPOSALS will be thisoffiee until 12 o'clock M. MOJSDAY.January 30th,l8g, for the Immediate delivery at the united Slates Storehouse. BANOVBB Street wharf, of , _ 260 »*Wheeling Pattern, per sample and specifications to be seen at the Storehouse. Bidders Trill state price, both In writing and figuies, how many unbalances they can deliver, and the short est time they can deliver them i%_ _ . •„ The Ambulances to be inspected by an Inspector, ap pointed on tbepart of the Government. All proposals must be made out on printed blanks. Which may be had on application at this office; other- by two responsible per sons,whose signatures must be appendedto the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved by the United States District Judge, Attorney or Collecior. or other public officer; otherwise the bid will not be considered. , . The right is reserved to reject ail bids deemed too fide from defaulting contractors, and those that do not Jnlly comply with the requirements of this adver tisement, will not be considered. ' __ rt „ Q By order of Col. HEEMAJf BIGGS, ■ • Chief Quartermaster. GBO. B ORMB, Captain and A, Q. M- OUABTEBMABTBR’S DEPART WIMEHT, Comer TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, PHILA»BLFHTA, Jan. 31, 1866. SEALED PROPOSALS wUI be received at this-office until 12 o’clock M. on THURSDAY. January 26,13*4, for the immediate delivery at the United States Store house, HANOVER- street Wharf, properly packed-and ready for transportation, of the following described Quartermasters’ Stores, viz.: 1,000 Head Halters, I t CCG Halter Chains. SO pairs Baines. ' 300 Gurry Combs. 600 pounds Cut Nalls, 12d. BCO do. do. do., W/ 1,600 do. do. do., 40d -600 do. Horseshoe Nails, No, 8 300 do. do. do.. No, 7. 2,000 do. Horse Shoes, assorted sixes. 1,000 do. Hound Iron, assorted. 600 do. Strap do., do. 600 do. Bar d9<» do. SCO do. Nailroddo., - do. 300 do. Barsess Leather. All of the above described., to be of the best quality* and subject to the* inspection of an Inspector appointed 'on the part of the Government. Bidders will state price, to include boxes and deli very, both in writing and figures, the quantity bid for, and the time of delivery stated, and no schedule prices will be reoeived. . __ All samples to be sent to the Government Ware house. Hanover-street Wharf. An proposals must’be made out on printed blanks. Which may be had on application at this office, other wise they will be rejected. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons; whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved, toy the United Stator District Judge, Attorn* y, or Collector, or other public officer, otherwise the hid will net he considered. ~ Theright is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors; and, those that do not fully comply trim the requirements of this adver tisement, will not be considered. . ' By order of Colonel Herman Btow* H. 8. Quartermaster. GEO. B. 03818, jaNWSt Captain and A. oTk. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE U. S. ABUT, Ho. »0 SOUTH Street, „ „ „„ Baltimore, Md. , Jam 20,1886. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duvlicatetWiU. he received atthis office until 32 M. on THuRbDAx, January 26th, 1665, for furnishing the United States Subsistence Da* partment.deliveredAn Baltimore. 3CA., with — 6,000 BfeLS. FRESH GfiOUSD EXTRA FLOUR, of grades Nos. l and 2. The Flour must be fresh Sound and brands stated, Both heads to be lly he ad-lined. Flat-hooped and machine made barrels will positively be rejected. To be delivered within fifteen days from date of award. 60,000 POUNDS PRIME WHITE BEANS (60 pounds to . the bushel), well seasoned and dry; packed in good, strong barrels, fully head-lined. To be delivered within ton days from data of award. 4,OOOPOUNDS CAREFULLY SELECTED TEA, lu original packages; H Green, H Souchong, H Oolong Packages to be well strapped with green hickory straps, and in perfect order. Cargo and chop marks to be stated on the pro* posals. Each sample must be marked in full with the name of the party offering, the cargo and chop marks, price and quantity offered. Bidders are requested to offer not more than two samples of eaci kind«of Tea. To be delivered in twenty days from date of contract. 6GOBBLS FRESH- GROUND WHITE OB YELLOW COEN MEAL (which to be stated), packed in good, strong, dean barrels, Jully head-lined. To be delivered as called for. , , Separate proposals, in duplicate, must be made for each article and bidders may propose for the whole or any part of each- Proposals must be made on blank forms, furnished at this office. The certificate attacked to the proposal must be signed by two respon sible parties. , Express charges on samples must be prepaid, or the proposals will not be conßiaered. Each bid must have a printed copy of this advertisement pasted at Us head, an* most be specific in complying with all its terms., , Proposals must not be enclosed with the earn plea, but be delivered separate, and endorsed “Proposals for Subsistence Stores. 1 * In all cases not specially excepted, the delivery must be made at the time specified. In ease of failure, the United SiaWfe reserves tk aright of purchase elsewhere to make up tie deficiency, charging the advance paid over contract price to theparty failing to deliver. All stores will be carefully inspected and compared with the retained samples. Return* of weights, signed by a regular public weigher, must be furnished when ever required. _ ... , Contractors are expected to hold their goods without expense to the United fetates until required for ship* scent. ~ Payments to be made in such funds as may be fur nished by the united States. _ Each person, or every member of afirm offering a pro. petal,must accompany it by an oath of allegiance to the united States Government, If he has not already filed one in this office. In addition thereto a certificate will be required Betting forth that the articles offered the Go vernment under the above advertisement either belong to the party bidding, or axe to be purchased or received by them of loyal citizens, for delivery to the United States Government. Bids must be legible, and the numbers must be writ ten, as well as expressed by figures * All bids not complying strictly with the terms of this advertisement will be rejected. J. H. GILMAN, ja23 4t , ... Captain and O. 8., U. S. A. A RMY SUPPLIES. il CLOTHING BUREAU, QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE. Washington, January 12,1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at the Office of Army Clothing.and Equipage, Philadelphia, until 12 o’clockM., on WEDNESDAY, 26th Inst., for famish ing, by contract, at the Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage, Philadelphia, viz.: Sack Coats, lined, army standard. Sack Coats, unlined, do. Blankets, India-rubber, for infantry, army standard. Knapsacks, complete, do. Hatchets. s do. Uniform Hate, - do. Hat Cords and Tassels, do. Camp Kettles, do. Mess Pans, do. Shelter Tents, s „ . do. ; Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee. and certiJU d to as bring good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, by i some public func tionary of the United States. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this adver tisement, will not be considered. Blank forms for proposals, embracing the terms of the guaiaaiee required in each bid, can be had on applica tion at this omce, and none others which do hot em brace this guarantee will-be considered, nor will any proposal be coneicered which does not strictly conform to the requirements therein staled. • - , Bidders will state the quantity they to fur nish, how soon they can commence, and the quantity they can deliver weekly. j . The right is reserved by the United States to reject any part, or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed best for the interest of the service. Awards will be subject to the approval of the Quar termaster General of the army. Samples can be seen at thisoffice. and proposals must be endorsed 4 * Proposals for Army Supplies,” stating on the envelope the particular articleJnd for. HERMAN BIGGS, jalS-llt Colonel Quartsrmaster’s Department. Eobeet J. Hemphill. ELLIS BBAUSON TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS POE THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHtLADEL MAjaY ANN BLAIR ys. JOSEPH BLAIR. September Twin, ISM No. 83 In Dlvoicb. Sib: Tala notice of rale granted on yon to show cause wfcy a divorce “a vinculo matrimonii” should not be decreed, Returnable SATURDAY, February 4th, 1865 Personal service having failed. on account of your absence. To JOSEPH BLAIR. _ "WILLIAMB. HARR A, ja2S- m\?4t* Attorney for Libellant, TESTATE OF JOHN PRICE, LATE OF -AJ PHILADELPHIA, Deceased. —All persons indebted to said Estate are to make payment without delay, and those baying claims against the same to pre sent them, properly authenticated, for settlement, to the undersigned, at Stow No. MARKET Street, Philadelphia. RISK J PBICB, Woodbnry.H. J., JOHN S. BROWN,Boy lestown. Pa , de2B-W*t* Administrators. Ff THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOB THE CITY AND CONST! OFVPHILADBL PHIA. ' Estate of JACOB Y. BISHOP, Lunatic, deceased. -The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust Che account of ABB AH AM V. ZAME, Esq., committee of said lunatic, and to report discrloution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appoint ment, on TUISDAY, January 31. 1885, at 8 o’clock P. M , at the WetheiUl House, No. 605 SANSOM Street, In the city of Philadelphia - ‘ _____ GEOBGE T. DBISB, Auditor. ja2o-fmwfit* COUNTY, ss.— JL«j At an Orphans 1 Court, held at Potts villa, in and for said county. on the seventh of December, 1891. be fore the Hon JAMES ESTON, president, and BBNJA MIN HEILRBB and JACOB KLINE, Bean., associate ■"in the matter of the partition of the Estate of ANSEL ARNOLD, late of thecifcy of Philadelphia, deceased: And now? December ¥, 1861, the Court here confirm the said return and inquisition of the Sheriff, and di rect notice to all of the said heirs (to he published aa hereinbefore directed aa to the bolding of the Inquisi tion) to come into Court and accept of the said Beal Estate at the appraised value thereof, on the first MONDAY of March next, or show .cause why the same should not be sold by the Administrators of the said And "it appearing to the Court that PHILIP ARNOLD, one of the tald heirs, died since the commencement of these proceedings, leaving issue Joseph, Lena, fanny, Flora, Lizzie, Julia, andPhiHp Arnold, the Court order them to be made pai dee to the said proceedings. And it further appearing to the said Court that fcfce said above named children of FHILIt* ARNOLD, deceased, are L minors, and that Mayer. Levi, Edwin Levi, and Joseph Levi, children of Sarah Levi, deceased, and Isabella Dettiebach, Leon, Julia, Flora, and Abraham Dettte bach, children of Pauline Dettlebach, deceased, and are also minors, the Court here appoint MaBCUR CADFF -11 Aft* of the city of Philadelphia, a friend of the fami lies, to be guardian at litem, for all of the said, minor children, in the said proceedings named. ■ . A w By the Court. A. DOHRHAN, ja4rW«t , . Clerk. WESTE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. f v —A xtevr French Cosmetic for beautifying and pre serving tiie complexion. It is the most wonderfal com pound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, mag nesia, bismuth, nor tale In its composition. It being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the ex traordinary qualities forpreserving the sHn, maklnxlt toft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, thehomely handsome,the handsome more beautiful, and the moat beautiful divine. Prices SO and 60 cents, Prepared only bv jSDftT & CO., Perfumers, 41 South BIGHTH Street, two doors above. Chestnut, andl33 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. BOLAND, ■*- HahnfaetaTer of every-YariatT of LOOEUB - and PICTURE FRAMES, and dealer in EUROPEAN ANDAMERIOJN ENGRAVINGS. PHOTOGRAPH OVAL FRAMES, In ereat variety. deSB-Im* No. RSI North NINTH et- nbov. Race. m B EVANS & WATSON’S BB salamander safes.,. STORK, IS BOOTH FOBRra STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A larie rariety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always a, hand. « DENTISTRY. DR, BASSET CHOlnwrU ARTIFICIAL TEETH on Gold, SUw! Vulcanite, from *6 to *4O. Teeth filled, 60 Mnjaafl npwarde. Repairin*. Beforeneea. Ojfioe, *4* NUTT* Sweet. beiow Locow. noI7-Ki. HORSEMEN, TAKE NOTICE t -DR JAk. MoOOART, Veterinary Bar.eon, dolphin- > - jail-St* >BJJLS. LEftAL. FOB SAMS AfITD TO WET. 20^000 COAL LANDS FOB SALE. The undereiined, by virtue of deed oftrast. are au thored to' sell »t private sale about TWENTY THOU BAUD ACRES OY COAL LAUDS, known as the "Had. son Coal Banks. ’ ’ eltnated in FslasKi, Wnjae, an* Whitley Counties, IK THE STATE OF KENTUCKY, and upon THE CtMBEBIASD MIVEB. Many of these lands me below the obstruction* to the navlfetion of the Cumberland River. and hare been Buwee.fully mine A and the Cori shipped to UashYOle and other markets on the Lower Cumberland and Ohio The •strata worked are four fort and elx Inches, of superior Bltumlnoee Coal, whieb abound lnlnexhaustl ble quantities. Persona within* to make investments in that region of rich and inexhaustible mineral wealth of Iron. Coal, and Oil, are requested to inspect for them selves. Propositions for sale will he entertained until 10th May, 1864. Any information in regard to these lands mar he had by inquiries of th« undersigned, at COHBRBBT, Pulaski County, Ky., or by application to K. L. VAN WINKLE. Secretary of the State of Ken tucky, YRANKFORT. Ky. w. WOODCOCK,. W. M. NEWELL,S js»Bt • fYIL LANDS. V NEAR 900 ACRES IN A BODY On a celebrated creek IN VENANGO COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA. ' PRICE, SIOOOGO. M „ BAYLIB A THOMAS. Real Estate and Stock Brokers, No. 50 North FIFTH Street, Bhila. ja2Wst ATT. LANDS FOR SALE—I2S ACRES V/ (more or less) on the ALLEGHENY River, dlrect lroppostte lideont, and adjoining the property of the Economics, whose four wells have been producing 500 barrels per week for the last four years. Theland is well adapted for the boring of wells* it haring a large river frontage. Apply_ immediately for terms to 809 and 811 CHESTNUTJtiget. • 4 jaSl*6t G. J. HE6TKELS, Trustee. QIL fERRITORY FOB SALE, IN VENANGO COUNTY, PA., Tiro-mile Bon, & sorehead Bon, Bithole Creak, Bullion Run, and Big Scrub Grass- Apply to BAYLTB & THOM 18, 80. SO Worth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, January 19,1865 CjaS) 6t] Up Stairs. « EXECUTORS’ SALE OF REAL ESTATE. WILL BE SOLD OS MOB DAT, FEBRUARY l»h, MBS, OKIHB PKEMtBBS, Situate near the Philadelphia and Seeding Railroad depot, in the borough of Bridgeport, Montgomery + county. The following described property, late of Edward Magee* deceased: ■ Mo. 1. A lot of ground fronting on Second attest about S 3 feet and on the railroad 82 feet, depth about 238 feet, haying erected thereon a frmne stable and shop. 80. 2. A lot about 76 feet front on Second street and 74 feet on the railroad, depth, about 200 feet. The im provements are a large and commodious stone- store and dwelling house two stories high, fronting on Second street, 20 by 32 feet, with a well of good water and pump near the door. Adjoining and extending along the west side of the lot is a row of four tenements two* stories hith, and extending to the railioad front and on the east side of ti e lot and railroad front is a large brick house three*stories Mgb, 22 by SO feet. _ ... 80. S. A lot, adjoining 80. % fronting on second street 167 feet and on the railroad i6Q feet, depth 184 feet on the west and 128 feet on the east, planted with valuable fruit and ehade trees and grape vines, containing an area of 9111*16 square perches. The last two lots will be sold either separate or toge ther. This property is well worth the attention of Capi talists and manufacturers, being sitoate between tie Philadelphia and Reading Railroad and the Schuylkill Canal. Persons wishing to purchase are requested to call and view thepremiies, which will be shown by Mr. HURST, living near the same, or for further information address tie subscribers: E T, DEACON. FalrviUe. Qhester county, or R. M. MAGEE, 80. £5 S. TESTS Street, Philadelphia, Sale to commence'at one o’clock on said day, when conditions will be made known by jaSl-srrSt* m FOR BALE-VALUABLE BUSI -HBSSS PROPERTY— Bos. 819,* 819 X, and 831, FILBERT Street, with stable •on tie rear, covering a lot 60 by 160 feet, with two particalari in- of tie Estate of Wm. Logan, 80. 16 Bank* St. TO LET—From tie Ist of Apru next, the property. 80. 909 MARKET Street, belonging to the same estate. ja23-12t MFOR BERT—A VERY DESIRA BLE Country STORE STAND, In Chester county. Fa., whei e a good paying business is being done. Per sons desiring to engage in tie business would, do well to consider my offer and send for particulars. Address “Merchant,” Box Bo 2011, ja2o-6t* _ Philada. F. O. M NORTH BROAD STREET.—FOR SALE—A superior Brownstone DWELLING, of extra flm-b and most complete arrancemeut. with food lot. Possession soon. B. Tf. GLENN. jaM-tf M 3 South FOURTH Street. Mfor sale—three small Brick Houses on TWENTT-SECOffD Street, be tween Race and Cherry street*. Tenth ward, with three Bouses in the rear—FITCH Street. This property is rented to good tenants, and pays S per cent, clear. Part of the money may remain on mortgage. Lot 61 feet front by 90 Apply at jagQ 6t* 80. 4K> South FOURTH Street. Mfor bale—two or three first-class HOUSES, with all the modem improve ments, on tie south side of ARCH Street, west of HTNB TEF.NTH. Also, several Erst eIass'HODSSS in FORTY SECOND, between Locust and Spruce. Inquire of J D JOBES, TWENTY-FIRST St., three doors above Chestnut. ja!4-18t* eFOR SALE—A WELL-BUILT four tier, BKiCR UWBtiLInS SGuhh, 8 W. comer SPRING GARDES andTHIRTERNtHSte. Guila ble for a physician or for a store. I-U-PRIGB. ja!3-12t» 61* CHBSTNUT Street, m FOB SALK OR TO LET—A HUM- Jober of convenient new DWELLINGS* with modern improvements* on North Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thir teenth stieets. Apply to TAYLOW JACKSON, 614: CHISTNUT Street, or at nol2-Sm 1868 North TWELFTH Srreet. m LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO JBsaiPEETT FOB SALE.--Tile very large and commo dious LOT and BUILDING, No. 308 CHERRY Street, sear thecenire of business, containing6o feet os Cfcerry street* depth 106 feet, being 76 ftet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large cart-war leading to Cherry (street. Its advantages of SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met with. . Apply on the premises. selz-um* Mfok sale,—the subscriber offers for sale his country seat* within half a mile of Wilmington. Delaware, on the Newport pike, con taining eight acres of good land, in the centre of which is a lane lawn with a fine variety of shade trees* ma ples, lindens, evergreens, etc., in all over a hundred rail* grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flashed on the west by two towers, ope of which is four storiesJLn height There are four large fdoms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. The if>use has th? 'modern improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces vf&te? ftoin a spring into the upper story of the tower. There te aiso an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area a. the kitchen door. The oni-buildings consist of a carriage house and stable sufficient for four horses and several carriages; also, a hen* Ira, and smoke houses. The stable has a hydrant in it. . „ . » - Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines in full bearing. There are also several varieties of apple* cherry and chestnut trees. Terms accommoda ing. Possession given at any time. Apply to LEVI G. GLARE, n024-tf 831 Market street* Wilmington, BeL MFOR BALE—THE ARKWRIGHT COTTON FACTO BY, at Manayunk, -with all the neceae&ry machinery for the manufacture of cotton mods, in complete running order * ... - 3. r. GLENN, ja&tf 123 South FOURTH Street. M WATER POWER FOR BALE The Saw Mill Property, situate in Harrison Town ship, Gloucester County, N, J., 2% miles from Hardin ville Station, West Jersey Railroad. A tract ei to the Mill are 100 acreß of Land, 20 acres of good Track Land, with Pond. Swamp, &c,, with a large two-story frame House and Kitchen. The water power is good, being supported by two one fed by springs, the other from Simpktn*s Mill. The mill, has eleven feet head and fall, and now running. The above property is worth the attention of parties desirous of engaging In the mill or manufacturing busi ness. • Apply to STACT BUZBY, afcthe MlLLjOrto CORNELIUS M. NEWKIRK, * Upper Pittsgrove, ja2l-6t* Salem county* N- J. Mvaluabl MILLL PROPERTY, HI BBSIDEFOE* AND 10 ACRES OP LAND FOR-E Si LB, IN BUCKS COUNT*, PENNA. This property is situated on Knowles’ Greek, at its junction with the Delaware River near Browneburg* three miles from New Hope, and ten miles above Tren ton, N. J. The mills consist of a two-and-a-half-story Stone Griri-mil}, with two run of French Burr Stones, all in complete order; Saw-mill and Plaster-mill ad joining*each capable of doing a large amount of busi ness. The dwelling is a new two Story Frame Cottage House, with four toons on the first floor. Are on the second, and four on the third* well arranged, and well built; a Barn, Carriage houie and other buildings; eight or ten acres of easiiy cultivated and productive Land* well fenced, and planted with fruit and orua me»t*l frees, The above described property is one of the handsome spots on the Delaware River where any one might spend their time pleasantly and profitably. ’Tie convenient to Bohool* store, and post office, and churches of different denominations, and will be sold cheap Apply to B J SMITH & CO.* jad£tf * Real Estate Agents* NBWToWH* Penna. 4ft B. J. SMITH & 1 GO., REAL ffk JHt ESTATE AGENTS. Newton, Buck a county, Fa .offer for sale in Bucks county and vicinity; over 60 FARMS of from 10 to 200 acres; most of them are highly improved and remunerative farms, with fruit, water, good bullrings, and well located- The early attention of buyers is directed to them. Letters of in* quiry answered. ja2j-tf ®ON'E MORE CHARGE—A A SPLENDID FARM. —Will be sold at PublicUT Sale,'on the premises, on SEVENTH-DAY (Saturday), the 28ch of January, 1866, at l o’clock P. M., all that valuable FARM situated *nd lying on the Street road, in Warminster township, Bucks county* Fa * one-half mile from York road turnpikes 2K miles from Hatbo rough, 6 from Poyiestown, and 18 from Philadelphia, at joining lands of A. Danenbower, Elizabeth Morgan, and others, containing NINETY-FOUR AGRBS, more or lees, of LAND, 4 acres of heavy timber, and the balance under culture and in a high state of cultivation, divided into nine enclosures by post fence. -The im provements, which have all been erected within eight yean, consul of a three-story modern-style STONE HOUSE, with four rooms and a hall on the first floor, six on the second, and four on the third, with a kitchen and wash house adjoining, and cellar underneath; a large frame BARB* stone' stable,.high,- with bridge house, overshoot, and large hay house adjoining; wagon house, corn cribs, wood house, ice house, spring house, hogpens, andbenery; and water wells at the house and barn, spring near tbe house, and a ■mall stream of water pairing through the premises. # The buildings are handsomely located on a knoll or eminence, command ing a view of the premises and surrounding country, and are well planned and arranged, and built of the best material and workmanship. The property is situ ated in an excellent neighborhood, convenient to churches of nearly all denominations, stores, post of fice* and other conveniences. It hasonitan Apple Or chard of over 250 trees, a part of which are just begin ning to btar, Pluma.jCherries. Grapes, and other fruit, and we consider it a Farm embracing at once more ad-, vantages than is seldom offered to purchasers of Farms, and should claim the attention of every one who has even the prospect of buy ing, fbrit is the opinion of many that land is at this time the be»t investment for and the cheapest of anything offered to the public. The owner* who lives on tbe property, is about to engage in other business, and will cheerfully show the term to those wlehlhgto view itjurevlou, to the day of Bale, and the soheoxihers 'will anßwer. by tester or otherwise, any questions concerning it, and he at the sale at the hour Bitted, give the terms, and sell it to too highest bidder. BJ. SMITH* CO. Agents for A K DICKSON, w _, w ., , . _ n JOS. S. BIiY, Auctioneer. Nswrou ar, Ist mo., 10. ja2S-Sfc a FOB SALE—AH ELEGANT JS Country Sea', with, about 200 acre, of Land, in -2E. Bnchs ctmnty. Ba m PrioA «0,000. Bor partioalars. 7GS., kossbli ' ALLEN. S. E corner FOURTH and. WALBOT. : Ja24-St* m FOR BALE—SEVEN ACREB OF D,corner of OLD YORK Hoad and WARDEN’S L^n S,'^.4 Pl>lyt ?, „ WM.RO3SBLL ALLEN, ]t>24-St* 8. E. corner FuTJKTHaad WaLNPT. TBON WORKS FOR SALE.— THE J- UNION WORKS COMPANY'S PROPERTY at St John, N. 8., in comoleie working order, including their houses, mills, shops* sheds, machinery, &c * fee., together with the valuable'wharf property ioiinmg the front on Bt, John Harbor. ..The great advantages and privileges Which these Work* possess for cairting on and extending their pro fitable business offer great inducements for investment. For description and schedule of property, together SON, ft CO.. Auctioneers and R'&l Estate-Brokers* jall-wfm 76 No. TT CBDAB'6fcre»V»ftN York, at 10 o'clock, by cataloged f„r£ Frt uur y , sss&s»" -»•«eke**sv> , jeans. fl * aQ d C34* » (f «a«Bl»ancaslsr andTivertfttr, . " a '-'h 140cates Androscoggin, l e *i s ?r,? at! * 1 ** jeans. «woa, ai .j 85 eases apron and fnrnitare chert. * 70 cases Lancaster and Rd.nflt! ■" ICS case. M and 4-4 wSvml’j*! l ®' 07 cases 9-4, ic.4, and 11-4 blebM , „ Mprttt. and Onion bn > Iw 80 cases Peoperell. Janes’ Steam mi. ft-■ i. , br’Wn eheetings “"-'-ti 90 bales 4 4 PatapfcoT® Howard . "*■'* gOTth, Park, Lancaster f*, CO bales |>rowndriils. 45 bales lickings 86 cases Madder prints. SSSSSSSJ£ ftawn,tol “ .Mr. BEAZOB desires to call thet>»M= tte Trade to this sale, as it will c jirabie.makes of STAPLE COTTOva-i' 3 ,* be the largist offering. with one es,4>.i’"*. isj'J in this country. ** r’-os, --. *? The Goods are allinorder sod or s »uat ‘ l 4i ' ftSSS: CABH ~ W “ ,U>, “ «w«i ««£*•*» FIRST LARGE SPRING SALE OF 1 BOOTS. SHOES, BROGANS. AKM'*^ r '- r £' - TRLLIHG BAGS, *c. AKM ‘ Go..j‘ r ;.-« ON TUESDAY MORSicr ' ** Feb. 7th. at 10 o’clock, will ha »of/\ on four months’ ciedit. aboat lt, ‘ ’itilv, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, he" and fresh assortmec of seasonable r •' * a Eastern manufacture. Will be enen fw’ 'it with citalogne. on morning of sale Si^ F4SS2&FL.* wAßwock^ir- A TIONEBBB, »40 MARKET Sirs* * BALE €F AMERICAN AND IMPORTED STOCK OF GOODS. Ac . by C-* ****B. _ __ __ THIS morning * Jan. 26, 1866, commencing at 10 o'cu, About COO lots seasonable and denir-tbic» • BLACK ALPACAS * * ? Alec, on Wednesday ntomiar. leo rior qimiity link alpacas and 6ne hi af ,S !T jw. CODSTIHG-HOfISE o£k\ ~ . THIS M<IRKIPO, 5 At 10 o’clock precisely. S large <oqV;.,. , „ ... tacks. " 2 ‘ ' •*!* 2S cases leather-headed carnet trek. Albo, THIS MOBHISO, _6ooUdlw* sew- shape, white, gray, aad English etraw hossets. ■ •,(„ M THOMAS & BOSS, ' • Him. 13V and 141 South FOCBTBfa„ SALES OF STOCKS 188 real tm™ At the EXCHANGE, erery TUESDAY PS 1 , boob. ' 151 dat oBd i o^the^toda| , preT»M , to 7 eMh I » 4 "]^|ife THOESDAY. 45r Particular atteßttoß giyea to Sau« « Eeeideucea, &o. " 8 * Sale at Nos 139 and 141 Sooth Fourth ; SBPBBIOB FtTBNITTJBB. FIEE-PBOCif sivrSv. BOBS, PIAHO FOKTBS. CHABDSUMT’iS' CAKPETS, So. lS5 ' HU OH THUBSDAY MOBKrSo A 1 9 o'clock, at tbe auction store, superior fn„u. flre proof safes, (by Evans A Watson,) for ter, superior high case dock. chaadeUin* !*• Brussels and other carpets, Ac. U 9K * hi Bale at the Auction Store LATHES TOOLS. Ac OK THUESDAY MORNING Lathes, lathe-heads* vises, shafting sal k*i tools, Ac. “*«t» SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. OK THURSDAY AFTERNOON, Jan. £6, at the auction store, miace a library. Sale for Account of the United BUtt« GUNB, WROUGHT AND CAST IRON, STBBL Rm BRUSHES, GIRTHS, Ac. SU ' OB FRIDAY MOBBING, January 27. 1865, at 11 o'clock, at the 0.1 Bridesbnrg, Pa., the following condemned orStU stores: 25 32-pounder iron guns, trunions broken of. pounds; 1124-pounder iron guns, 6i568 poandi-lai pounder iron guns, 45,430 pounds; 18-inch OolniaS! 8,466 pounds; 8 6 pounder iron guns, 2.410 posads- i inch iron guns, 920 pounds; 1,773 muskets. b*okm* wrought iron, 2.147 musket barrels, broken op, ig*j£ keioon barrels, broken up, 1 lot of parts for mmS 22,347 pounds; 1 lot of parte for muskeu steeLl! pounds; 1 lot cast iron scrap, 14,022 poaadg^ii wrought iron scrap. 3,665 pounds; 1-517 carb bit;, * pairs spurs; 133 watering bit5;12,345 bro-she-andp;*- 1, Sw girths. ** ' B. T. DEACON, B. M. MAGEE, Executors. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, TAPESTRY CAREER k- OK MONDAY MORNING, 30th inst.. at 10 o’clock, at Ko. 1836 WaU&ce itmUt catalogue, the cuperior household and kitchen far/, tore, fine tapestry carpets, china and glass wire, kt May be examined at 8 o'clock on the Bale, PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIOHBB& A 5565 MARKET and 5»2 COMMERCE Btretfi FIRST SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOE a FOR m SPRING OF 1855. OK THURSDAY MORNING. February 2* commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, n will sell, by catalogue, for cash, 1,506 cases prat boots, shoes, brogans, balmorals, cavalry ban, Ac.. Ac., comprising a general assortment of is. class goods* to which the early attention of barer* it invtled. WM. M. FABER & CO., T 1 STEAM- ENGINE BUILDESS, IRON FOUNDERS. GENERAL MACHINISTS* AND BOILER MAKES, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PASSENGER BTATIOJT, PITTSBURG, PENNA. Manufacture alLkiads of STEAM ENGINES, ttngiaf from three to one hundred and fifty horse power, ui suited for Grist Mills, Saw Mills* Blast Faroe*, OH Wells, Ac., Ac. Give particular attention to the construction of &• Sines and Machinery for oil boring and pcnisiEjopenk tions. Have always on hand, finished asd reiij for shipment, ENGINES and BOILERS of ewdsKife* tion. Orders from all parts of the country solteMud promptly filled. jalS-Sa J. VAUeHAK MBERICK. WILLIAM M. M2KUCC. _ _ Jpanr jr. cops. COIJTBWARK FOUNDRY, P FIFTH AND WASHINGTON FEBSSR, PHItAb&tPHIA HKBEIbR A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, „ , . Manufacture High and Low Pressure StessifioiijM* for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, are,;6to* ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron- frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, lift* road Stations, Ac. „ , t . . . Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and awti* proved construction. __ . . v- Every description of Plantation Machinery, sceha Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, 'Vacuum, r’&ng. Ora Steam Trains, Defecators,Filters, Pamplng Bngimh Sole agents for N. RiLieux’s Patent Soisr paratus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspi* wall A Wolsey’s Patent Centxifugai Sc?ar-Drainht Machine. ' anll-tf Rfe PENN STEAM ENGINE AND ffiSMSteBOII.KB WORKS. —JSSAFtB S LBH, PRACTICAL AHD THEORETICAL ESGIhSBRAMb CBIMBTB, BOILER-MAKERS, -BLACKSMITHS, Bj FOtTETDERS, I aving for many years bees ia Boejeara operation, and been exclusively engaged ia fcTulainiu* repairing Marine and River Engines, nish sad lowe* sure. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, ftopelters ie-.k. respectfully offer their services to the pabuc.iui bait folly prepared to contract for engines of all sizes,a*- rine, River, and Stationary; baying sets of patterns* different sizes, are prepared to execute orders vu quick despatch. Every description of made at the shortest notice. High and Low-p»w& Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Bouere, of beet P*a* sylvAhla charcoal iron, Forgings of all sues and raft Iron and Brass Castings, of all teaenptio&s; JWJ Turning, Serew-On tang, and ail other work coaw* with the above business. , „ .. wa4l ,ii Drawings and specifications for all doae^S 1 establishment free of charge, and work aTP - n lfy;* The subscribers have ample wharf-dock ?oomi*2 pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect B*wj* ** are provided with shears, blocks, falli, ««.»»«•> ** ra ul W rleayT«Utf l tw«lgkt». Jl(soßC mJ!S JOHN P. LEVI, BEACH and PALMSK SttffL MORGAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM » GIHB BUILDERS, Iron Bonaders. and fßg Machinist* and Boiler Makars. No. 1319 CiB"J HILL Street, Philadelphia. Sale 1896 Wallace Street 9EA€HraXS¥ MB 180.% SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PBIUIH& SBBBK FHU. BTBAHBHIF LIJIB, tsiiiM frm*S »ort on SATURDAYS, from flxrt wtarf *°o™ Bteaet, FMladolpMa, and Lons Wiarf. Bo«?«on* The steamship Capt Matthere. wiHoBfS PMladelphia far Boston on Saturday. Jaa .Lg X, M., and steamship JSOBMA3* Capt ajgY® Boston for Philadelphia. on thesame da; sX 4r. *• These new and substantial steamships Una, Moling from eashport prmetn&Uy on satu?i»" Inzcranw* effeetod at one-half tise preimoßL*^ oniheYessel*. IreUita Uk»a at fldrratM. Shipper* an reQueated to so’iut Hii? of Laima wltk their goods. For MUit or futtn applTto ’ HBHBYTOSS, S J^a. jnESJ-if * *3» Aroflw 'tffsgfc. STEAM SHETBBFOOB, toaeMiil»tS? E (Cork Harbor.) Th«well-lmowß bteamfosJcw*> r pool, Hew York, mad JL^W» tQuaaa Mae), carxylnithe U. S. Kah«. *r« mMO •ail&Sfollows: c.nnTsnAT JSS & BDHSBUBG ..a... £L* lt CITS OF BALTIMOBB. g and STory nuieMdlac Saturday at Scan, Ftarabl* In IS & ItSbnr*.: 90 M do S* Fararaxan also forwarded to EaTro- r 1 KWS* «%d» - * tickets here at these rates. CMfff’’ For further Srdomattoa aggr at jg. rest w; YOBK COASTWISE Vffi£JS?jnESs2&i" of “““ftrlsßAT, thbbsbat. a®» SAW g &j from tt. Sew York, from Pier 11, Hortk river, . S ?i?W>t, wM«k will be la the most earefel manner, I*e£Te 1 * e £ Te . greatest despatch, *SBk FHKENOLO^ICAIvE^^I^' "Ik. nrliip'Bß^rpMßßSli^^ iniFACTORY, MA-EKET Siree , jaß^* A Teat*- jfjTTI ESTEY’S "cottage oboanS Met oMy b»‘ of Tim* ui Poorer. dj*'* n '4 iifcL *od Sdhooli, lrat foroj ” iomtimtly og hind -«a7NEwriAK 0S - BUFBKIOB MBW TOEK K ASOS,d °. ( fOT,aleMf G. profemlon. «w imeitod to gjSStli rtramente, which "®J£?viS «lc I* ' jS[j led d«*eo of poenUritT tis ratnjj: , . ? roa«gSf Whererer ..^twroifc for. <. e. the strength of “}?_a«*tsso ?KS* their Piano* Jn«>ire?»»j>l 8 nut-* w 4»“sj annulled teetiiMn&l* Ztt3«" >'«■»*M * -ss^ liSk.iSSsssa^ FIFIK Street,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers