Jack Fiiost’s Picttiqijs. *f THE BARB 07 TOWflft KAlt. Jeok Froet he 1b an artist rare* And on my window pane Ee has designed tome piotnree fair. Though briefly to remain. The only tint he needs to nee Is pure transparent white, Through which the morning's lustre shows' With soft and broken light. His fav’rlte subjects seem to bs Designs of frnlt and fl ewers. Or tangled clumps of bosh and tree. In lonely Bonthern bowers. Hot there on yot dor pane I view A bridge whose arched hrava A dashing stream, of silver hue, Bot rough and foamy ware. And here, again. Jack's skill to try. Is seen a building tall. That In Its grace and majesty Sesemblei Tower Hall. " Bnt dread not that that Hell so fair Will vanish, like the frost. • So long as well-made garments there Sell at snob trill lug cost t Winter Stock /telling at greatly Btdwsei Prices— Special Inducements offered to purchasers of Knx’a, YOUTHS’, or Boys’ OvanooATS. TOWS* HALIh no, SIS MAKKET Stmt. BBNNBTT & 00. WBXk Lungs, Coughs, now so Pbeva bSNT, daring the extreme cold weather, an cured Is a snrptlalngly short time by Dr. SWAYNE'S COM POUND SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY,” the old stan dard remedy, at all limes safe and reliable. Price $l. six bottles for *O. Prepared only by ' DB. BWAYNB * SON, It 330 North SIXTH Street. Hair Dye ! Hair Dye ! BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE is the beet In the world.. The only true and perfect Dye—harmless, instautsne ’ one, and reliable t produces a splendid Blaek or Natural Brown; remedies the 111 effests of Bad Dyea, and fre quently restores the original eolor. Sold by all Drug rlsts. The genuine is sighed W. A. BATCHELOR. 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. jaS-mwfrly Ladirb Keceiye Instruction in Book keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Mercantile Forme, *o„ and Business Writing, In O’DONNELL'S Book keeping Institute, TENTH and CHESTNUT. ja9l 6t* Tbussbs, Brace AND MBCHANIOAL Sup ports, ol approved conotmotlon, and light ffnisb, ad jutted with judtment, at 0. H. NEEDLES', corner of TWELFTH and RACE Streets, (Ladies' Department, conducted by Ladtea. on Twelfth Street, first doer balow Saco.) An extensive variety of Supporters, Belts. Braces, Elastic Stockings, Syringes, Nursery Articles, *«. jal9-30t Tetteb, Itch, all Eruptions. DB. SWATHE'S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT. No.ease So obstinate, or long standing, It will not cure In a short time. All binds of Tetter are permanently cored. -Army Itch, which is so prevalent, it never faUe to cure. Salt Rbenm, Barber’s Itch, Ac., Eruptions covering the whole lUrface of Ihe body, old Ulcere of manyyears' itandlng. that put at dtflsnoeevery other mode of treatment, yield to the healing properties of this great Vegetable Salve Prepared only by Dr. SWAYNBA SON, 330 North SIXTH Street. It OEOJias Btbok & Oo,’s ASS 3 MASON A HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS.. * PIANO Oyer 000 each of these line CABINET FORTES. Inst uments have been sold ORGANS PIANO by Mr. O , and the demand CABINET TOHTEB. Is ettt’L, oily increasing. ORGANS PIANO For aalo only by OABINST FORTES. - J. E GOULD, ORGANS PIANO SEVEN t Hand CHESTNUT ate. CABINET FORTES. nol>-tf ORGANS, Oybbcoatb from $l4 to $55. Overcoats. OVERCOATS FROM #l4 to #SS. OVERCOATS. “ •» V u •< IS «g OTBBOOATS FROM $l4 to $5O. OYBBCOATS. *• •» *i «* - u „ OYBBCOATS FROM #l4 to #O5. OVERCOATS. WANAMAKBR A BROWN, oax Hall, S. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. #S- Young Men’s Suits and elegant variety of th» beet class Clothing at REASONABLE PRICES. Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest Premium 1 0 i! K - 8 T I TC H SBWTNO MACHINES. THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEBT AND BEBT. Salssrooms, 70* CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh GBOBGB—PABYIN. —At the residence of the bride's bother, January 24, 1865, by Rev. Curtis F Turner, B , eT - Dsnlel Georgs, of the Philadelphia Conference, to dhs Hattie L-, daughter of the late James B. Farvtn, if Cedarrille, Cumberland eounty, N. J. * DIED. EI CHARDSON.~Of scarlet fever, on the S I ins? , Lfura Rlehardecji, daughter of Joseph P. aadEUiaH. Slohardson, ageu a years. The relatives and friends of the faculty ate resp-et icHt invited to at eul the funeral, from the residence if her parents, No. 13NS South Fourth street, on riisirs iay afternoon, at 3 o’clock. Interment at Union Geraa ery Vault. *» STBEETEB. —A fc h*r residence in Hulraevillo, On the , Ann F. Streeter, relict of Elias Streeter, in Ifc* 66th jeer of her are. : The funeral will take place from her late residence *n Thursday January '26cb, at 10 o clock A, M. Her hlatlve* and friends are requested to attend * [ hr.. —On the 33d inat.* Joshua Lain •off, Sr, I £®e friends and relatives of the family, also members M the Chrjßtsl Fount Lodge, the National Bacamp meat, I. O, of O, F., also the members of Calunbia Sose Company, and surviving members of 71st Cali fornia Segment, P. V , are respectfully Invited to at tend Ms funeral, from his late residence, 1250 Bagla lireet, below Thompson, (above kleventb), on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o’cl< ck. To proceed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. **** i JOHEB —Onthe23d Inst., Jane W. Jones, daughter >f the late Joel Woolman, in her fifth year. The relatives and friends of the family are respect- Tslly invited to attfnd her funeral, from the residence if Charles Jones, Coulter street, south of Green. Ger cantown, on Fifth day afternoon, the 26th Inst., at iftlf past two o’clock, w ithout furth« notice. ** EAUGHBB —On Sunday, the 22d Inst, at half past >ur o’clock P, M , after a long and painful Ulnesi, rMeh she bore with Christian fortitude, Hosanna, the ♦loved wife of Silas J> Baugher. in the 86th year of ter age. Bet Faith exalt ser j oyful voioe. And now in triumph sing; O Grave, where is thy victory* And where. O Death, thy sting? The relatives and friends of the family are respect’ illy invited to attend her funeral, from the residence ‘ her husband* No, 671 East Cumberland street, on mrsday, the 26th lust, at 1 o’clock. Funeral to pro id to Cedar Hill. *** sTBOUD.-At Princeton, If. X. en the 22d last., ary B. Stroud, in the 66th year other age. The funeral will take place from the residence of her to. Dr. Wo. D. Stroud. 1102 Arch street* on Fifth day, >e 26th, at 11 o’clock A M. *** [LACK ALPACAS.—A NEW STOO] of Alpacas and Glossy Mohairs, from 62&e. to I yaid. BESSON & SON, MonratnKjSwwe. 18-tf No. 918 CHESTBOT Strwt (Umm ELIZABETH COLLARS.- 1 A few more eozaaffwldeEsTiereO-IIMB, josfcr. vvsd, Also* saw title Faaey Orape Collars BEfcSOJ? & SON, ftC** grata g Store. No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. «6.-° ABD JS? m lB6fi 100 Hoaey*Comb Qailts. 9100 Colored Counterpanes, 1,000 Qnilts for Hospitals. \e stock of Blankets, Towels. ire., fte. SIRS ft I*4SOBIili« FOURTH and ARCH Street*. NOTICES. NOTICE. SPECIAL MEETING OF TUB STOGKHOLDB! OP THB M’OLINTOOKVILIiE BTEOLETJM 0O M P AIT 17111 ba held at tha FICB OF THE COMPACT, Ho. *ll WALNUT B 1 ON THURSDAY, FBB’Y 16, UM, 12 o’oloolc H., to GOHFIBM A SIX! a portion at their Land, made by tho Board of tors January 23, IS6S, B j order of the Board, soars OF TEKPEKUIOE-m GBAUD MANS MBBTiSG, tob«b«ldTO MOl /W (Thorfdar) E7EBINQ, at (10N0EST HAU taer the auspices of tie Grand Division, wU.* can hiee at 7K o'clock prtcisely. Addressee wiU be di »ed by Key. F. 8. Henson, Bev. J, 8 Willis, an • T. De Witt Talraage. interspersed with staging t vocalists. Members of she Grand Dirlslc ilappearin retalia, and occupy seat* on tn« pla Ss ?• ?• Dennison will preside. Tt fply tlekets for this meeting i* entirely exh*uste< *f order of the Executive Committee on public mea JOHfif 0. MAGCIGAH, Chairman. THE STATE EQUAi,HIUM COHyBHTIOir.—The following are the eot ttees appointed at the meeting held an Toped; thing, Jinnery H, to superintend the detaile or e hug represents -ion la their respective districts hei imeretedj; TBTH DIBTBIOT—BBOK EIVBB TO BIVEB, 880 OALLOWBIX.It TO BFROOB BTBBBTB. •r, P. D. Hiller. Joe. Johaeoa, rm. Slareae, Henry Minton, tmael Durham, Thomas J Doner, *»• D Douglass, John W. Price, nomas H, Davie, Wm Thomas, eaty Jones, George Prise, o eison Q.rdon, Bath 7 ! Lane, >nn Augnsta, Abram Jnhison. ommlttee. meet at PEAEL-BTSPEr BAPTIS 1 clone of the prayer meeting on MIDA' fa duTbiot—wbst pbom tbkth, abb soot. OF BPEUOH. 4V. 3, B. Bee?#* JaoietOoiiy, ’ laurtoe Halo, oia W. Page, K,W. Parnell, M. Green, ftssnsu* Wat 829 iUHIPEH Etr< [ TH CWTSIOT—3-ABT 01 SPBI P. N. JttcUk, Jeremiah Aaher, Alfred S. Caseay, D. D. Tamer, J. B. Trauir, Charles B. colly, ■ George Golnes. feet. >* TBRTHj ARB SOUTH 0 tUOH. Joehua Brown. KUaia Watar, Samuel William*. Wm. BUay, Bobers Adger, Bobart AUea* Joseph Boyer, Jne. G Dntton, Oolaeln* V. (latto. i liBAGBB* 717 XiOtfBAK **?. Win. Moore. 7m, D Rotten, ■Htleton Hubert* Hiown* obert fl. Jones. £o. H. HujrW ».H. BlfeyT' fcphen Smith Joseph 0. Bnstm, *e«t at OFPtOS? of the it. FRIDAY BVRtUWG. niBBT DiaTaici Manei Morris, Davie, Jr., “ioTniaty !?• Pleasant,, "H® K. Priaoe, r Pleasants, |*or*e Pleasant,, IrFSS'JUHS will meat al W.BBBAT EVENING 26t meeting to-morrow e SHOOS!) DIBTIIIOT, TV. Biaolr, SS I "!K? Gray. RrrßSS} •* *J»« *>o«ee ofCHAHLES H. BOBGB® below Looaat, PBIDAY BVSNIitt *HIBD DI6TEIOT, HOBTIt OB OiLLOWHTLL. Kedmon Bancet, figr* msssr {•S». aa?r •S*? Moves Davis* JohnHUokias. ’ vV K-&°>f,%, Msn s!V B !‘‘ s! SHIED Streal '« BVxaiao, at V 4 o'clock. ja» t, yjtAmcro&D. Wm. 8. Walker, P H Br.ke, Robert Callahan, Oharleß Whittaker, Wm. Watson, J B. Myers, , Davis Jackson, it BKTBKL CHURCH, 01 itk last., at the close of fchi evening. 'B6T PHILADBLPgiA., Caleb Wooiyard, Ellas Fell, Samuel Parker, Perryßoblnßtm, Philip Bartha Amos, Emanuel Mart ten. CHAS, X, DOBQLASB, Seoretary pro, tea. NOTICES. HOUSE, PBIUOBb « fl _r* yQi<iiBGTA>B ’ s Opyrcß. Jan. 24. 186 ft. oSfJwSJSa? I'*"' 1 '*"' wV^TBOHiS^oU^ 0 ' CIBCULAB TO CO&BCTORS of COBTOMB , Bxkcotivh Makbiox, mv„, ■ Wasswoww Cirr, Jan 20, 1863. te»&%» R oL 1 & baei *>«*<»«**• ABBAHAM LINCOLN. r»iii‘ PC * nT - !1 ? r ®. dke« ei to refuge elearancas torthe exportationofAny tLlifnrtherorder.. ' _ W. P. FESBENDEN. 11 - Secretary of the Treasury, IST^fA.!WARD IST THE „P. HiFT -r-A? gowned meetinx of the Ea t»AT d xvxSiw# ‘Wf Ward will he held on THUBB - Eyanlflg. 26th Inst., at School House, north aIW MOUNT YESSOS Street, west of Twenty first, A7M o’clock. At the meeting last Friday evening' but 28 persons were present, and the object of the Commit tee defeated, NOTICE IS NOW GIVEN that unless the cmaens come forward at once and Bhowby their presence and contributions their desire to eßO&ne a draft* no farther effort will be made by the Committee? ffi SMSliStto aJffirtly aM&yf jaSM-M Secretary ExwnH^Co^&a. KKp' WOTICB.—THE AHSUAIi MEET. offeulwifsrßiS na 1 ifM .t a».j5? ll J 18 .? 114 . 0 ? TUESDAY, February, DELAW’ARa P - M * <“ tie office, So. 1* north fb? 6 wiTO , ““election will talc, plan 1 tJb I.anaxor.,. to serve for the easninc ytar. j*23-12t WM. w. HARKNBSf. Pec^tary. Kgr* «»«» EXCSASBE ASSOCUTIOS. — The Annual Msetln* of the COEN EX- Rv>N?Jf! Afc T SOCIA ' I ’.JP S . wiU ™ held on TUESDAY J?^^'l. Jsn ,SS r, 3i J at M , Te “, <> dock. The annual report willhe read, and an election held for officers to eerre for the enenlne year. r, - . JOSEPH S. FBBOT, Secretary. Philapbiphta, Jen. 31, 1863. ja2s 0t KST“ KOTICE.- THE SEU-ANNUAL Examteatlon for the admission of Pn pile to the UOBAIAD SCHOOL will com* menes onMOADAY. the 80-h lust., at 9 o’clock A. M., School.-BnUdlnß In SKEGEAOT 6treet, helotr The candidates mnet he fonrteon years of axe, and’ have been pnpils of the Pablic Schools at least one year Jhe order of examination will beasfoltows: Monday, Jan, 30th-Deflnlt!ens and Constltation of unitea Slates. Jan. Sist—Grammar and Parsing. Wednesday* Feb Ist-History of United States. A«thmelf7* 2d-Orthography and Practical Friday, Feb. 3d—Mensuration. O. W. FETTER. Principal. »»AFX.-CITIZEMB* hhTEEH AGENCY.—We beg leave to call tha attention 2lj* those woo ars enrolled and liable to military duty, and also that c ass of per tons who are not liable to draft (ladies, and gentle men oxer forty- five years), to our agency for procuring sub stt ttfffl land volunteer representatives. Persons should attend to this important matter at once, as the draft has been fixed forthelSih' of ‘Febroery next. We are doing a strieily legitimate business; we are furnishing men not liable to the draft as substitutes and repmentauves, as low, if uot at lower prices, than any oiber agtney in Philadelphia. The law allows us to .put/uhstitutes lu the Navy or Marine Corps, to be credited to any district in the State where the principal resides. To facilitate business,' if persons living in or oufcof the city, who are enrolled, will furnish us with a certifi cate of their enrolment from the Provost Marshal of their district, they can. have substitutes sworn into either branch of this service, which willfully exempt them from draft. ' ' Befsrence can he given to ladies and gentlemen in J“S XiZi&tZiSP- J"? taT ® d S Be tnaiaoss in this line, and also in the following countiee: Chester, Delaware! Montgomery, Berks, Backs, SthnylkUl, and Korth arrptnn. "v «• B■-Churches and Oluhs famished at the fewest possible prices. Liberal arrangements made with rownsnip committees to fill quotas G*ll or address McNALLT, PAXSOW. & CO , „ 411CHESMIUT Street, or Box 2077 Philadelphia Po3t Office, OFFICE OF SLIPPERY ROCK pbtroleum oil company. Ho. aaa wad LL> P El rest (Room 5. third niorr). The annual meeting of the Stockholder of tie above company will be held on TUESDAY, 7th Febraary.lB66, ?'• 2 £■ M . when aa election for Seven Directors to serve for the Phaning year will take olaae. jaS5 wfnfit* GKO, E. PEDDLE,'Secretary. ISip OFFICE OF Oil EAT EASTERS RWKOiI company, Ho. 336 WALNUT btreet, Boom 5, Third Floor. *?«•*»*<* Stockholders will be held oa TP J'SDAY* Fabtuary 7* 1865* as above, at o’clock P. H. t when an election wiu be held for seven Directors to serve forthe ensuing year. GEO. R. PEDDLE, j»2fi-wfrmst« , feeeretary. tSS - ” »EV. HARES V. XITCHELL Will Preach mOIH-ot Church. TWSNTY tgCONDand MOUNT VERNON Streets, THIS EVEN ING. ye Kg* IBE COMMITTEE TO WAIT OH •=»S> CITY RAILROAD OFFICERS. appointed at Concert Hall on the 13th inet., take leave to defer makjc t their Report to a later day than the 26th last., the du ties Imposed upon them not being ret fully per- K P. HUNT, * t Chairman. |3»- THI COMMITTEE MATING cJ>aMre of the Pew-Jetting of the BB3OETD COSGBEGATIOiUL CHURCH. corner ELEVENTH atd WOOD Streets, Bev. G W. Smiley, pactor, wiU hold an adjourn*d meeting THIS EVENING at 7bi o clock, to let the balance of the Pews. A few very good Pewa are BtUi on hand, it* KST* Ktiß. BICJIABDSOI, ESQ., WIU select READINGS in the Church corner of TWBNTIKTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, on THURSDAY EVENING, Janaary *O. Tickets so cents; for tale at the door. Proceeds to aid the ladies in far* nishing their new *hnrch edifice Bv order of the Oom* nsittee, Cja2s-2i*3 Mbs. A. W, BAS’D. President l^* 8 FOBBTEES T H WARD—IS OTIC JE, —-An adjourned meeting of the citizens of the Fourteenth Ward, ir?&‘t>€ctiva of party, will be held TBIB (Wednesday) EVENING, at 7}io clock, at Spring Garden Ball. aB who desire to avoid conscription are requested to attend Tt. A. VAN OLEVE, Preaideat. b Tiros. B. Davis, Secretary. it* r@» m AimiT£RSABT OF THE HER. CHANTS' FUND. eleventh anniversary of this association will be celebrated at the ACADEMY OF SIDBIG, On THURSDAY EVENING, February! at 7* o’clock. The annual report will be read and addressee de livered hy Rev. BISHOf SIMPSON, and , . DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Rad The orchestra will be under the direction of Mr. Simon Hassler. Cards of admission may be had gratuitously, by ap plying early to BENJAMIN OBNE, No 904 Chestnut street. WM G. LUDWIG, No. 36 North Third street. JAMES G. HAND. No 614 Market street. EOkIJBD A. 80UDER, Dock* street wharf, ja2l-tfe2if . Committee. SET. SEEL A 3KARTIH WILL deliver the second of a course of leetnres before ihe Social, Civil, and Statistical Association of the Co lored People of Pennsylvania, on Wg ONES DAY EYE* mm next, January 25th. in CONCEPT HaLL. Sub ject “The Friends of the Union in England, ” Miss E. T. GBKENFIELD, the celebrated ®‘Black Swan,** will sing on tbe occasion. Admission 26 cents. For tbe benefit of the Freedman, to aid in breaking down prejudice, &c. Tbe»nbeeuuent lecturers will be Frederick Douglass, F. E. Wafting Harper, J. M Lasgston, Esq., and Hon. Wm. D Kelley. gate Tickets 26 eents—May be bad at TTB. Pugh’s Book* store. Sixth and Cheetnu tsirecte; Isaiah C. Wears, Poplar and Randolph; Wm. Still, Ro. 107 North Fifth, ano at the door, ja34*2t B®** PBIIADEJLPHIA AED EBIE IWS? RAILROAD, _ ' Philadelphia. Jau 23, 188, The Animal Meeting of the 6tc.cS holder 8 of the PHI LADELPHIA AHD ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the Office, No, 930 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 13th day of February next, at lOo’eloek A. M At this meeting an election will be held for ten mana gers of the Company to serve one year. Thejpode to close at 2 P M. GKBOKOB P, LITTLE, j&23-mwf lOt Secretary. ira® ATT* SHOE VOLUETEEBSII BI9HSST BOUNTY! FOURTEENTH WARD The Becrniting Committee are now prepared to pay in CASH the LARGEST BOUNTIES to all recruits ac credited to this ward They will sit at the Southeast corner of THIRTEENTH and GBBEST Streets EVERY AFTERNOON from 2 to £ o’clock,wbereallhifornuition will be cheerfallyglveu. Avoid the brokers, come to ns and receive FULL BOUNTIES in GASH. BOUNTIES. For one year,. .4525 00 Fox two yearn. 700 00 For three years** i. 875 00 FOR TWO YEAR VETERANS JOINING HaNGOGR’S CORPS. For one year;..***. ...*4B& 60 For two years*.*,.... 1,000 00 For three year* 1,175 00 Dr. J MIOSICOOI, ) y, ntn ■ J. W. THACKAEA, ' js24-8t FBED’K, A. VAN CLEVB, ) Committee. IKS” NOTICE.—THE AHSCAI, MEET- Il> 0 of the Stockholders of tho OCEAN STB AH NAVIGATION COMPANY, for the election of Five Di rectors, god the transaction of other business, wl 1 be hold afBolSB North DELAWARE Avfmcia (second floor), on TUESDAY, the 7th of lobre air next, at half past twelve o’clookp. M. . „ „ WILLIAM DENNIS, ja24-)2t Secretary and Treasurer, K»" PBSSSTITAHIA HALL ASSO. OIATION —By resolution of the Board of Mana gers a Anal dividend of ONE DOi.LAK AND A HALF BE SHARE Will be psld TOOB PRESENTATION AMD SURRENDER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK to ELI BILLIE, Treasurer corner of RIDGE Ayesno »nd GRSSJ3 Streets, between 8 and IB o'clock In tbs morn ing. N. B.—Need not apply wlthont the certificates of ■took. j&7-swSt* KS" NOTICE TJME ANSTAL MEET- K®' ING of tho Stockholders o! tho PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH feTBAM NAVIGATION COMPANY for the election of five Managers and the transaction of other hnsineea wiU be held at No. 136 North DELA WARE ATsnno (tcoond door), on TUSBDAY, tho 7th of Fehmary next, at 12 o’clock noon. william Dennis, jt24 I2t Secretary and Treasurer. r®» UtCTBBEON COMMEKCIAI, I-AW, by JOHN A OWBNH, Esq., at BRYANT, STRATTON, AND BANNISTER’S NATIONAL COM MERCIAL COLLEGE. ASSEMBLY BUILDING. Southwest corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. . The Second Lectnreof the Gratae on COMMERCIAL LAW wllibe delivered before tho S'ndonts and Friends of this Institution on WEDNESDAY EVENING, tho 20th Instant, at 8 o’clock. , j a,‘M■ 2t ° F IH ® CSIOS ®«“ _. , ,„ ’ PHiiADßiraiA, January 17, 1885. The Annual Meeting of the STOCK aad BOND HOLDERS of the Union Canal Company, ami election for officers and Hanagt rs to serve for the ensuing year, will be hold at the office of the Company. No. 338 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the 7th day of Febru ary next, at 11 o’clock AM. The Transfer Books wi’l he closed os tho 21th instant. J»18 tfe7 OSCAR THOMPSON, Secretary. ra* FOURTH If. I® ABCH Street, Phil as At the animal Election f 10th, the following geatlesH this Bank for the enralng ye William P. E«mm, Albert C. Boberts, James G. Reich, William Brooks. William 8. Stokley, M. B. Barrie, At a meeting of the Board, held this day. WILLIAM P. BAM#, E*q_, was nnanimotigly re-eh.-sted preai* dost, ALBEBTG BOBEBTS, ksq., viceP; oddest, and EKASTCS POUMOH. Esq , SoHdtor jais-ia SAMDEL J. MAO MUE.LAK, Cashier. FABMBBS* Fx? HATJONALBaNK. iTIOSAL Bd-J?K,723 )hlphia» January 16,1866. for Directors, held January en were elected i ireotors of ear: John Fareira, Robert Clark, J Henry Artfo* Erasing Poulson, hamuel Miller. AND MECHANICS* SKLPHU..Janaer/18, 1885. is llth of Jaira o?, 1865, the. ire wore elsoted Director* of .■ . Psi&ai At an election h&ld on tlu followln* named Btoekholdc. ~ this Bank: S A. Jbejrcer, James E. Campbell, Edwin fit Lewis, Francis Tele, John Aahhurst, j. Bdward Famous. Anthony J. Antelo. William M Farr, Josephs. Levering, Jr., Lindlev Smyth, Beniamin A F&rnham, . William H. Mt-rrick. Joshua B Lippmcott, , Ana at a met ting of the Directors, this dav.S. A. Mer cer. &a , was nnanimonsLy re-elected WIN M LEWIS. Era , Vice President, and WILLIAM BUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. ial* lot W. BU3HTON, Jr/, Cashier. ra* OFFICE OF ' THE SH tMOHUT COAL COMPANY, 204 South FOU *<TH Street, At the Animal Meeting of the Stock.ho'-lers of the above named eompany, Held at their office on the lflth inat. the following gentlemen ware elect- d Directors for the ensuing year: Gideon Bast, } John Ansnacn, Jr., Wm. M. Btetem, I Geo H. Troutman y?m. McLeUan, | At a meeting of the Board of Birectors r.f the shore named Company, held on the earns day tlij following office™ we « electee for the ensniug y«ar: GIBBON BiST, president. 1 r*B as 5 AersPAca, yicePmW‘mt. ja23-6t CHAS B. LIM>Sa» , flecreiaiy at ’Treasurer. |OT» THE ANNBAL KEBTfNT© OF TBE'SOCIETI <>F TJE UNION TK HPORAR7 HOME POR CHILDREN will be held at tbe Home, northeast corner FOPLAfv and e.IXF£EI‘ ‘H Streets, on iBURiDAY AFTERNOON, Jan 26, at o’clock. ja24-St* J>. 0, .MoUAMMOSI. *«reta y. OFFICE HUYTLVCm!tN ABTJD mw broad top mountain railroad CO. f PHILADKi/PillAi Jaauar 1 2i ifiSS . Tbe Annual Meeting of the Sroob held-*™ o- the HUNT JNGBON AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN riAILROAD ANJ> COAL COMPANY willbe fee»d at the’‘office. No 258 Booth THIRD Street, on TUESDAY. Pebrrm-7 7. , Ifcflfl, at 11 o’clock A if,, when an election *itl be held \ Presidenhand tweiye Directors for *be ensuing ye£u. " Uai3mwftfe7] J. jl\ AESTcRb. secretary. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 26, 1866? NOTICES. FIKDEK DAM t'OAI. COMP art. Office. Ho. 833 South THIRD Street. . . Phu.adbi.phia. Jan. 23. 186*. A Special Meetlnf of the Stockholders will he h»ld »t tbe Office «f the Company, on FRIDAY, the '27th i pate at. At one o'clock P. M. Buslnees of importance wUI be presented. _ ... CHARLES D. KNIGHT, ..ft**** Secretary, |®» OHFICK or THE COAL KIDttK AJ,D ««* OOMPAHT. I*7 Dh» e Jf lmll f l iM 8 ®8!* SSI®-ni iL a*l. o#, ?£ aa3 !A t 0 “fYefor the ensainff ofiw.on THURSDAY, Jura* ■O*™*:lnstant, at 12 o'clock M. ■ jais lot JOS, y FORD, SecretATT. K®“ SIOCHHOLDEBS’ HOTICE.-THE TTrl„ Annual Meetlnf of the Stockholders of the CO*. ghLSVILLB ADD SOUTHERN PBNaSYLVANLA COMPANY will bo held on MOHD AT, the January, 1805, at 3 o'clock P. M., at theoffice dolrtd Comp “ lr * 5830 South THIRD Street, Fhlla- An Election for President and Directors will bo bold 0“ th| sfrae day and place. B. D. BARCLAY, deza- tiaSß Secretary pro ten. fCSf®* hotice—omen buck Motrar .TAlN COAL CO., PBtn.iiEi.PEii, Jan. 2, ISM. of the Stockholders of the BUOIC MOUNTAIN COAL COMPANY wtllhe held at the Office of the Company, No. 330 •WALNUT Street, on WED NESDAY. Febrnary Ist. 1866, at 11 o’clock A. M. An election for seven Directors to serve the ensuing yetr willbe held on the same day, between the hotus of 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. ja2-mwftfel T. H. TROTTER, Secretary, fc®” AGBIOULTWtiL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA.—The Seventh Session will open February 28, and continue forty-one weeks. Per tuition, board, washing, room root, and fuel. *2JO; payable hair on entering and half on JuLy 1 *or (briber information* ©r catalogue oflfiM, apply to the subscriber, or to Prof. 3 8. WHITMAN, Agricultu ral College, Centre county, Penna* _ _ WILLIAM fl. ALLEN. President* January S3* 1885. ja24-3t l®“ THE LOCIJST BALE COAL CO ■=» ANNUAL MEETING.-The stockholders of the Locust Dale Coal Company are hereby notified that their annual meettnr, for the choice of Directors and snob ciher M may legally Iw transacted, will be CONTINENfAL HOTEL, in the oitv of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, the first day of Febru ary next, at two o’clock PM. _ THEODORE D EMOET, Secretary. Phii.adbi.phia. January 14, 1869. jal4-15t« STAB IBOK COMPANY—KOTICK. —The first stockholders’ Meeting for the Klec tion of DIBB JTORV of the STAR IRON COMPANY Will he held at the. Office of Messrs; Prink dt Prentls, in NEW LONDON, onitONDAY, theBth day of Febru ary next, at 3 o’clock P. M. A fall attendance is re quested. WM, H. SPARE. N«WT,ONIK)X. Conn . Jan. 2S, 18M. . ja24-2t - MHPEMPS. ggp” DIVIDEND NOTICES. The following DividendsVfor DECEMBER! havebsen declared payable JANUARY Sist, to Shareholders of record January 21st, 1364: BBIGGB GOLD COMPAHT, Ninth Dividend.. CEASE GOLD COMPAHT, Fourth Dividend- Ons Dollar per Share. McKtHLEY OIL COMPAHT, Sixth Dividend--;-.--- Three per Gent. FOUNTAIN PETROLEUM COMPAHT, Second Dividend.... .........One per Cent Trane for Books will be closed from January 21st to February Ist. WALTBB E. LAWTOIf, Treasurer, I®” OFFICE STOUT FABST OIJL COM _ PAST, 3UB WALBUT Street. _ ThejDSrecters here this day declared a dividend of (1) ONE PER CENT.. payable on and after FKBKCaBY let. Books will close Wednesday. January mb, at 8 t-fiitii S;‘ md op "* TOal:™ Sacretarjr. Ja24 7t* JAncsr. 53,1855. XHI DIBICIOBB or THE FABEL OIL OOMPAHT have THIS DAT He clwed a dividend of ONE PBB OB AT., payable at their Office on and after the 25th Inst Transfer Books dose the 19tb, and open the 26th. By & resolution of the Board of Directors, diyidends Wilt in future be paid qoarterlr. _ §10.1?. MCWILLIAMS, Treasurer. Philadelphia, Jan. 14,1565. * jalS-mwfQt* ■Sir WVIDMB S OTIC7B.—OFFICE OF MAI,L “ shads oil compact, sss* WALNpT Btreev . Jahitaiit 23 1865. The Board cf Directors baye this day declared a diyi dead of POTT* FSB CBfifT . payable at their office on and after the 80th isst., clear of State taxes. She Transfer Books will be closed on the 25th, at S P. M., and opened on the Slat. THOMAS B. SEART.B, Secretary. mus «tuicitsu,visß mans 00S1PAHI. The Direotom of the Qnlfekallvei Misini Company nave THIS DAY declared afiemi-aruaally dividend of EITE DOLLABB per share In UNITED STATES BOLD COIN, payable FEBKfi A til 15,186 G, to shareholders of record Xj unary 31st, ISM grantfer Books prill be closed from February. Ist to loth, inclusive. _ „ "WALTER E. LAWTON, Treosttrsr. Bew Tqmc, January 4, 1866. jalO lflt KSgP* OFFICE! or TfflK BRIGGS Oil. * =S£? COMPANY, Ho. 147 South FOURTH Street, , JANUARY 11,1866. The Board of Directors have this day declared the seventh monthly dividend of ONE PEE CENT, on the Capital Stock, payable on the 26th last The Transfer Boors will he closed on the 21st Inst * at 3 o’clock, and opened on the 27th. 3 By a resolution of the Board of Directors, ad opted this day, dividends will in. fntnre be paid quarterly. jalSltt CHARLBB A. PUT, Treasurer. |5S*» PBIXihPELPHU ASP BEADHI6 office iro. aai sontk fOOBTH street 7hhiAl>bz>?hxa* November 96,1961. PIYIPSI2P Company will he closed on THURSDAY, Pecemher It and reopened on TUESDAY, JABCAETIO,I996. A Dividend of PEFTBEH FEB GBSTT. on the eommoi and preferred stock, clear of' Rational and State taxes, has been declared, payable in common stock, on the 3Un December next on all stocks standinx on the books of the Company, at the dose of business on the 16th prox. whose names are registered on the Hew York hooks will he paid at the Farmera’ Loan and Trust Company. B. BBADFOBD, dei-if , - Treasurer. OIL COMPANIES. THE JERSEY WELL OIL COMPANY. 350,000 Shares, at $2 per Share, 120,009 OF WHICH IS RESERVED AS A WORKING CAPITAL. PRBOEDBKT* DB. ALBERT G. EGBERT, Of Teaasge County. TIOS PBBSIBSCT, ABRAHAM MARTIN, Of PUUdelpUa. * SBCSBTAEY AHB TKBASDEBR, WILLIAM M. BARLOW, Of Ledjard A Barlow. Philadelphia. DIRECTORS »B. ALBERT G. KGB BBT. Vaanzo oott|ty. Fa SAMUEL GRIFFITH, Mereer ooanty, Pa. WILLIAM a. ROSE, Mercer couaty, Fa. THEODORE H. YETTEKLBIN, 111 Areß street. EDWARD E. JOKES, 631 Arch (treat THREE PER CENT. PER MONTH ON 9500,000. In calling the attention of capitaliststothis enterprise the Directors have ne hesitation in expressing t&eir be lief that their return from It will be more certain and more liberal than from any new company now before the community. The property of the Company cons ’ste ‘of the following: Ho. 1, Three-eighths of the working interest in the celebrated Jersey. Well, on the Hj de and Egbert Farm, on Oil Creek, wtih the acre of laud on which. the Weu ie located This well ha» been flowing since early in Hay, 1*64, at the rated about three handled and fifty barrels daisy, l and is now flowing at that rate, tuna yielding to tne Company between fifty ana sixty bar r*ls daily, worth, at present prices, twent* thouaahd doDara per month, which will pay to the itoekholdera In this Company hi ORB THAN THREE PER CENT. PER MONTH from the start. There Is room on the land for several moreweilf, two of which will be immediately com menced by the Company, and in which we shall have the tame interest as in the Jersey. The character of thispropeny&s oil land is well known; it is only ne cest ar y »o say that no w ell on it has ever *a>led in get ting oil, while it has already produced the Maple Shade, the Coquette, and the Jeney. No. 2. Twenty five acres in fee on the east side of the Allegieny River, opposite the month of Big Sandy This tract has about forty rods front oa the river, and contains a large amotifit of boring surface, oil wells yielding largely are futwdnear this property; among them the Hubba, the Hoover; dee. The Company in ten o to proceed at once to develop this fins property, and feel sanguine of success. No. 8 A lease of fifteen yea's on the W 111 am B. Wilson Farm, on Slippery Rock Run, in Lawrence county. Penna. Ncs 4, 6, 6, », and 8, are also leases on Slippery Rock Run, containing four hundred acres in ail. They Were obtained in April 1864, oy Dr. Egbert, and con tinue forfltieei* years from their date. They secure to the lessees all the oil and other minerals contained la the s&veial tract*. with the right to divide and sublet, with all otl er rights and privii* ges connected with the business o! mining for oil, coal, and other minerals. and reserve a royalty of only one eighthof said oil or minerals. t The Slippery Rork Territory is a new and only par tially deyeU ped oil region; but the success already ob tained there and on the Mahoning River, a few miles weet, tri ether with the large quantities of oK found north. &utb, east, and west of it, lead us to hope that it will prove a successful Oil region. The Company have already an excellent engine* tools, and all necessary fixtures on the grounds, with a Well partly down, and will proceed to aevelonthe property as fast as possible. Iluse lands and !eases were all selected for oil pur poses by the rreeicent of this Company, wnoee great specs in die Oil bnsinese, eterlin, intesrily, and force of character are too well known to reauira comment here. Subscriptions reoeiyed at the doe of LBDYARD & BABBOW, «» CHESTNUT STREET, ja&S-mwfßt Kjsr «ii) Domnox oil cohpuit OF WEtT VIBOIHIA,—The sabsel bore to the aroelt of the Old Dominion oil Company are hereby notified that Certificates are new ready for delivery, upon surrender of enbecription receipts, and books open for transfer. There are only 9,000 shares nnentiaoribed for. r • XH&SOTO&S: O. H.BAMBORGBB, fmide&t, JOSEPH »EGaBY, Vice President, R. A. SMITH, , J. Au McAL* ISTEB. C. 3. c. j. wolbert; Jr., JOHH W. LE'OH. F K. KKIGBT. Count? Clerk. Boddridgp county. C. 0. BAVIB, ex Shetiff. JDoddridpe c-mot-, West Va. TBEAPOB.KE: I BECRETAIiT: WW. K. COL lip 8 1 ROBERT H. .SUITE. jal7W» 23 2557 28S0, felS46 WANAMAKER & BROWN, THUS CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. The present and prospect! veyaiue of tho stock of this Company may 1)6 inferred from tks fact that It owns a fee simple interest In 473 (four hundred and sorenty threo) acres of tho richest tested oil territory in Venango county, believed by the roost experienced oil men in that region to be capable of producing a net annual in come to the Company of one and a half million dollars, or three times the entire cost of the stock, whioh would be equivalent totwenty- five per cent, a month on its subsciiptioE prloe, or one hundred and fifty yet cent, per annv.l9. on its par value. The following is a description of the Company’s pro perty: One-fourth fee simple interest in the celebrated “Hoover” Farm, situate on tbe Allegheny river, about two and one-half miles below Franklin* con taining 292 (two hund red and ninety-two) acres, wish 832 rods (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve -leases, each ten rods square, and from which the owners of the fee simple get one- half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the fee, from which they get all the oil. »«»*Ons Dollar per Share. On this Farm there are now ten wells in operation, producing an average of ten barrels per day, and several others are about being'tubed. There are also en it 67 (eighty-seven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications axe now standing to lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners. Out of the twelve wells on this Farm eleven are now paying handsomely: afact whioh sufficiently demon strates the great richness and reliability of the terri tory. x Is the entire fee simple interest in Isl (one hundred and eighty-one) acres, situate on the Allegheny river, nearly opposite the “Hoover” Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at the mouth of Mill Buu, having a front of 66 rods on the Allegheny river, and one »h«> on both sides of Mill Buu, with ample boring surface for one hundred s ßelle, or Lots of ten rods square. This tract is known as the “Stewart Farm,” and is clear of all leases or incumbrances of any kind. There is now in operation a fifty- barrel well {beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, which ad iolnsj,this on the south. In fact, the Stewart” Farm is surrounded with good-paring wells, and within* shost time a Hingis lease of 60 rods front, on the imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for $166,000 (one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars.) On this lease a good well has been struck within a few days. .In addition*** the te fritory of the ‘ 1 Stewart’ 1 Farm, which is believed to be equally as good as the “ Hoov er”) there are on it a three* story Grist Mill, with fine water-power, agood farm* house, and other buildings, that will be of use to the company. The durability of this immediate oil lection is illus trated by tbe fact that some of the wells on the “Hoov er’ * Farm 1 are been pumping for over four years,with out any material diminution in their yield, while the oil here produced, from Its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel more than the oil at Oil Creek. Ho. 81 JOHN Street, HEW YOBK, The officers of tbe Company feel justified in present ing the following estimate.of what, with vigorous man element, the above lands can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders in a comparatively short time: There is room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods equate, all of which can be leased immediately for one* half the oil, frte of all expense to the Company. ‘ Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells although there Is room for three hundred) at the very moderate average of ten barrels eaoh, would make a Dally product 0f...—.. l,ooobbls. Out of this the Company’s share would be. 600 bbls. Yalue-of daily yield tq the Company, at .ten dollars per bbl (it is now selling at $13.59)... ~~ —♦*** $5,00000 Allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make ihe Compa ny’s annual net receipts, from>the Stew art Farm alone. 1,500,000 00 Allowing the same estimate for the *' Hoo ver ’ * Farm, in which the Company owns one fourth in fee of the'land interest, the annual'net receipts from the latter would be 375,000 00 Making the annual receipts from both farms... - 1,875,000 00 Deducting from this amounts ihe sum of $375,6C0 for contingencies, would leave the x Net Annual. Inccme of the Company *.51,600,000 00 ALL THESE LOTS CAR BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the Oil, with covenants binding: lessees to sink wells, with all possible diligence, to the depth of 600 or more feet. You are not asked to subscribe to this Stock with the expectation of immedicdely receiving large dividends, but the basis on which the Company rests, it-is be lieved, will make your investment not dhlyeo/e, but, prospectively, of enormous value. Notwithstanding,atthe presenfc prices of oi 1, the Com pany’s annual receipt* (without any further develop meufc) would be forty thousand dollars, or eight per cent, on the cost of the stock. The president, Mr. Efcewatt, is one of tbe moatprac* tical and experienced oil operators in the States, and his residence near the Company’s property and general oversight of its management is the best guarantee that no efforts will be spared to make the investment pro fitable. Applications for a large proportion of the slock have already 'been made, but none will be received until the books of the Company are regularly opened for that purpose. Only a limited amount of the stock will be sold at subscription price. The stock will be issued full paid, without farther assessments. BOOKS OF SCBSCBIPTIOU will be open for a few days, on and after January 18,1866, at the office of |ggp> FEKerSON OljL COHPANI CAPITAL *500,000. 100,000 HHABKB. PAEYILtfE *5.. SUBSCRIPiIOJS PRICE , AHD BO FURTHER ASSEcSHEHT WORKING CAPITAL..,.. ...*30,000 OF FIC.BBS : PEBSIDBItT, JOHN W. MOFFLY, ' TKBABIItUiK. J. H. MoCALLA. . , > , BBCKBTART. CHAB. H. SIDBBOTHAM. BWBMORS, The property of this Company comprises one hundred and seventy (170) acres of she heat Oil Land In West Virginia It is situate in Wirt county, on the Little Kanawha river, and extends along the river aboat three- quarters of a mile. To this land the Company have in undisputed fee simple” tide. The town-of Elizabeth, the county seat, is about tores and a half milesbelow this property, and aoont the same distance above are the celebrated Burning Springs. This land possesses rare advantages from its peealiarhituation, be ing upon the river iront. affording, at least, one hnu dred and thirty acres for boring .purposes, besides a large tract covered with valuable timber. There is a natural Oil spring near the centre of the tract, presenting unmistakable signs of the existence of large oeposits of Petroleum beneath the surface. One ox the most experienced Otologists in Penneylva nia has carefully survey*d this land, and it is his opinion that it is equal tf-mot supenor to any in the Kanawha Valley for. the production of uit It has been purchased solely with a view to its imme diate development, and one of the Dlrf-ctora, Mr. Casper X, Rebn, Is on the ground superintending the operations of the Company. All the machinery necessary- for boring is constantly at work, No expense necessary to the development of this property will be spared, for the Company are re solved to make it productive. , We invite tie most rigid investigation as to the cha racter of our property, and all the information desired as so the operations of the Company, will be cheerfully given on calling at the Oflce of the Company, 80. 4:17 WALNUT Street, Boom 80. 3, third story, jaBs .wfm66 |ggp CLARION ASB ALLEGHENY RIVER OIL COMPANY. IMCORPORATBD ONDER THE MININS AND MA*O - LAWS OF THE STATE OF PBNMBSLYAHIA. CAPITAL STOCK, 5500.000, Divided Into 100,000 Shares, at' $5 Bach. WORKING CAPITAL RESERVED, 30,000 SHARES, OFFICE NO. 140 SOOTH FOOBTH ST., BOOH NO. 5. BBSET H. SWARTZ, Mo. 2433 BiCE Street, Pres!- dent. THOMAS MELSON, Mo. SI9 North SECOND Street, Tic* President CHARLES LUKENP, PRANKPOBD, Treasurer. -JACOB RIDGWaY. 830 Worth BBODND Street, Secretary. EIRECTORB ROBERT H. HOWARD, 427 MARKET Street. BE WAT H. LANDES, Worth THIRD Street. GEOKOE F. WaBdLB, WoKbeaat corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. SAMUEL HBCJST, Ho. 16 North THIRD Street. JACOB KIDGWAY. 2!^ B /- 0 k nK u E 3 frakkford. BENBY H. PWaRTZ. THOMAS NELSON. 3>r. J/B, PiNLAY; KITTANING, Pa. PHILADELPHIA. The Stockholders, attheirineetit g, adopted this reso lution, wbkh was incorporated into the By-Laws— that ‘*no Stockholder shall poorer *o transfer auy share of his individual stock until the working capital shall have been provided for;" thus injuring that the valuable Oil Lands of the Company will be thoroughly developed. i Prcspectosps and all information can be had by ap plication to the office of the Company or to any of the Officers, to whom subscriptions can be made. ja26-wfmBt - ■ NOTICE.—OFFICE ROYAL PE *3* TBOLIUM COMPASS, No, 3*l WALNUT Street. of Philadelphia. ' * 4 Philadelphia; Janua y 26 1683. The Company -will b* ready w> issue CHrtlfla«*sof -Stock on ano after'fHUJRSDAf, J&nuwry 28, Persons holding the Company's due oil's will plnase present them at this office, on or after the above day, and re ceive certificates or Stock in exchange. jfcgft At* H. O, CdRFiBLD, Secretary. aBBAT CENTRAL. CLOTBXNO HOOSB, w OUL COMPANIES. OF PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL .....E1, 000,000. SHAKES...... 900,000. PAB VALUE........... ~...#3.00. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE.. 8.50, PRESIDENT, VANOE STEWART, OF MBBOEK COOTfTT. FA. TREASURER, E. J. JAMES, OF PHILADELPHIA. SECRET ABT, J. Zu DARLINGTON. WEST amUTBB, FA. DIRECTORS. VANCE STEWART, Mercer county, F». JOHH B. LEONARD, West Chester, Pi. D. O, POBNBT, Washington, D. 0. HSKRT D, COOK, Washington, D, 0. SIMON CAMBBON, Harrlabnr,, Pa. JOHN H. DIEHL, Philadelphia. JOHN P. ORAPP,. Philadelphia. GEORGE O. EVANS, Philadelphia. JAMES DT7PFT, Marietta, Lancaster 00.. Fa. THE “STEWART FARM." A TEW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. B* ©.-JAMES, Treasurer, j«18-l» Ho. IPX WALKXJT Stmt. Phllada. OF WEST VIRGINIA JOHB W. MOTFLT. 80. 236 Mark* B lre.t. BAUIISL CONABjD, Cor. Ninth, and Market streets. CASPAR 1«. KKHNi Superintendent. AMOS J. MICHKfiJSB, &5 Market street. JOSEPH P. BKu S t US, 417 Walnut street. 680. LBSCB, Reading, Penoa. WHICH ALONB WILL SB BOLD AT $1 EaCH NEW PPBLICATIOBrS. TBE ONLY FINE EDITIONS PUB A MSHBD OF ENOCH ARDEN. THE ONLY REALLY FIDE fiDITIOHS PUBLISHED ENOCH ARDEN. copies of the superb “Artist’.Editions,’’ whioh to anleh In season for (ho Holidays ho had of the Price, M 53: Turkey antique, »7.tQ; Turkey gilt, $7.00. Also, the Beautiful CAMBRIDGE EDITION ENO C H Iroluding “Aylmer’s Field,BeaDreams, ” and all F*. J'fttnyjon e late poems. It ia elegantly printed on •“Id'inted paper, with vignette. Illustrated by Ham-' matt nlilln* s. Gilt top, extra muslin*. 50 Half calf«...* 3 5 n Turkey antique....4ss Persons before purchasing this delightful volume, wiii please examine the above editions, with imprint of J. E. TILTON & 00., FUBLISHEBS, 161 WASHINGTON STREET, Boston, Furnish carriage freeai above prices. ja2s-wfm3t Fisher & brothers’ valen- TINES, 1865. We notlly dealoni that our popular #5, ,16, ,16, m VALENTINE LOT SI are now ready at the manufactory FIBBER it BROTHER, ja2S dttt* Ho. 18 North SIXTH Strok 9f| CENTS I 30 GENTS ! 30 CENTS! * JXJ ATLANTIC for FEBRUARY. PITCHER’S, JiM-Bt 808 OHEBTROT Stroot, fiO! ■*'■•6° f 11501 $1,501 A *r r L three scouts. By J T. Tbowtjbidob. PITCHER'S, jaßd-a 808 CHESTS OT Street. OH CENTS NOR OODEY; 15 CENTS *•" for PETERSON’S; 20 Co ate for LADY'S PRCBND; SB Conte for HARPER'S. MOORE’S, 805 ARCH St. ja24-St* ' • DRAITHWAITE’S RITROBPECT OP -V PBACTICaL MEDICISE AND SURGERY. Part 60, for January, 1665 L, NOW READY. Price, $1.50 per number, or f 2 50 per annum, if paid for in adyauc ALSO, HAYS’ AMERICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL AND NEWS for January. Terme,ssßer annum, lnadyance.l MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS ' NAVAL,MILITARY, and ARCHITECTURAL Worlta, on hand and for sale at tow prices by .LINDSAY & BLAKISTOM, . - FubUgharaand, BookseUers, ja24 mo. 26 South SIXTH Street, above CUeatnut. FANCY FURS. ADIES' TANCY FUM. JOIYIV No. Ml ARCH StreAt, aboT# Seventh Street, At hi. old established etcro, IMPORTER, MANUFAC TURER, AND DEALER IN NANCY FURS . . ! ' fo> LADIES AHD OHILDBEN. Haylnc sow In store a very larzs and beautlfil assort ment of aU the dlSsrant Unde and asslitlee of FANCY FURS FOR HAD IBS’ AND CHILDREN'S WEAR; I eolloit a call &om those In want, mw, Remember the name and number, . JOHN FAKHRA, T . ■ . »i* Arch BtrXab» T . serosth. I have mo partner or connection with any other itcre in this city. o«3-4mif FINANCIAL. VrrHEREAB. THE AUDITOR SENS * * UAL,: as required by the eleventh section of the act entitled VAn act enabling the bants of this Corn men wealth to become associations for the purpose of bulking under the laws of the United States, ” passed the 22d day of August, A. J>>l9ftL has certified to me that the “Commonwaalth Bank” of the city of Philadelphia has furnished satisfactory evidence to him that all the requirements of said act have been, complied with, by said bank, and that it has become an association for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States. , 2 do therefore cause this notice thereof to be published in accordance with the provisions of the said eleventh sc ction of the said act, and do declare that the charter ol said bank by the terms of said act is deemed and taken to be hereupon surrendered, subject to the provisions of the first section of said act. " „ . „ ■ A. G. GUSTIST. Exßcimm Chamber, January, 9,1965. • jal4-18t fAIL BTOCKB, U. S. LOANS, &c., A/ BOUGHT AND SOLD • ON COMMISSION, Br GEORGE J. BOYD, Broker, jsS-Smlf Mo. IS South THIRD Street. PROPOSALS. niTY COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE, , , PHtiADELFHiA, January W. 1855 PROPOSALS to furnish tbe City Commhisiooi-TG with tbe requisite BOOKS, STATIONERY, and PRINTING, for 1860. sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Commissioners, No. 11 &TATB-HOUBJS BOW, until hATORDAY, at 12 o’clock M., January 23, 1865, for tha supplving of certain Books. Printing, and Sta tionery for the Jjily of Philadelphia, according to the provision of an ordinance making as appropriation to the City Commissioners for the year 1865, approved January 4,18&6. A' printed schedule, upon which the bids are to be made, can be had at the office of the Commissioners, sampies shown, on and after Thursday, January 26,J*«. • - - - JOHM GlYfiNe feiLtPHAMfLTOM, HOMAS DiCKSOH, ja2g*3t ? • City Gommisaioners, «iasTS» rURNiSHtse eooog. DINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. - The nbeeribere Would Invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OP SHRITd, which they make a specialty in their bnslnera. Also, sonstantly rsceivlDK NOVHttTIES FOR GSNTLRMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SOOTT & GO,, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORB,- N0..81* CHESTNUT STREET, deSl-ly Four doom below tho OontlnontaL RUCTION NOTICE. JOHN B. MYERS & 00., AUCTIONEERS, asd 334 market stbeet. LARGE SPECIAL SALE , 1,508 ENTIRE PACKAGES DOMESTIC GOODS, *.i-. / ON WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1, 1565, AIIO o’clock, Hr. F. M. BEAZOK will make through. us biV seml*annaal sale of DOMESTIC GOODS. ••. Imbrwln* tb, moot desirable Brands, yli. 225 CASES YOBK ANB BVEBETT COTTOMAOES. 160 “ BLCB. -OIFOBD, BKOWM. AMD CADET KEHTOCKY JEASS. 6* “ LANCASTER AMD TIVERTON PLAIDS, no ANDROSCOGGIN, LEWISTON, and BATES CORSET JEANS. SI *• APRON AMD FURNITURE CHECKS. •» LAMCABTEB AMD BOAMOKE GIMGHAMS. ■MS-' “ 7 8 AMD 4-4 WILLIAMSVILLB, JAMES , ■ TOWN, HOPE, BLACKSTONE, BED BASK, and other desirable makes. 87 •• 9-4,10-4, AMD 11-4 BLCH’D & BEO. PEP PEBELL, LIPPITT, AMD OMIOM SHEST .IMGS. 88 •* 4-4 LACONIA, PBPPBBBLL, MEW MAR KET, LYMAN, JAMES STEAM MILLS, DWIGHTS, WASHINGTON, 880. SHEET INGS. ' v - 90 BALES 4-4 PATAPSCO. HOWARD, APPLBTOM, FOBTSMOOTH, PARK, LAHCASTEB HEAVY BBOWH SHEETINGS. 60 BROWN DRILLS. 46 *> TICKINGS. .. s ’ 35 CASES MADDER PRINTS. 200 BALES BLUE AMD 880 WM DENIMS. 100 •• STRIPES. Mr. BBAZOB deeiree to call the particular attention of the trade to this sale, aeit will comprise the most de sirable makes of ’ STAPLE COTTON GOODS, aad -will be the largest offering, with one excaptlon.eyer made in this oo untry. The goods are all in order and original packages. TERMS CASH. —Bills to be settled within Ifteen dsys from sale. v Ja26 7t WIVSPAPEE ESTABLISHMENT AN fob SALE.—By ufisnimons agreement of the Proprietors of the’ PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN. That rah) able establishment will be sold at Public Auction, on - , WEDMKSDAT, THE FIRST DAT OF FEBRUARY BEST, The time for which the Partnership Association was formed expiringon that dar. The present organization of the ettablishmsnt is upon the basis of a capital of Fifty Thousand hollars, upon whiehsnm thedividends (decarad semi annuilly) for seeeial years past have exceeded THIRTY,PER CENT. PER ANNUM, andtbebasinessisnew mote pro,p, rods than ever, making It a most v-doable investment for any person desiring to engage in anon as enterprise. The sale will take place at HALF PAST FODR O’CLOCK P- M. on thej ahoye-mentioned day, in the FnMicstion Offlce of the Establishment, 113 Sonth THIRD Street, Philadelphia, ' . : ' The tome to becarh immediately at the time of sale, end if not complied with, the property to be imme diately resold at the riak of the former bidder. ForfartherinforrasUoaspoiyto ■ ‘ . JAMBA A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, jas6-7t Store Mo. 433 WALBOT Street, Philada, REMOVAL. 2IKGLKB Ac SMITH, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND MANbyACTUBBaS Of WHITE LEAD, ZINO, COLORS, PUTTY, Ao., HAVE ItEMOVEI) TO No. 139 North Third Street, w* offer to the trade & choice eio.kof 7RBSQ DKGS AND CHEMICALS, a he**y stock of WINDOW GJ AKS. on**, &o; Alto. WHITS liSaOi ZINC, COl.ob'B, PUtfcv, andWHBBI* GfiSaSS. from our own FACTORY ■ 611 and eis Bt. John street, ja23-lm* ALBUMS—AII ELE -t GANT aeßortmeat, at) riz«a and prict>n, improved styles, 1< r sale at B F. RBIMES’B» 6/34 ARC 3 b:re*t, tbs place to go to bs best auited. li* Rbimbr v s~ colobed photo GBAPBS, only $160; an accurate, u ttural, aud plearing style likeness, early au<t ?fccir* au In* valuable pto ure at ihe popular Gallery, SECOND »Nw« Gieen. ' , ■ " y 'lt' S,, COE* SIXTH-A-ND MAJRKET STREETS. ARDEN, Purchased at Sheeifp’b Salks, order Mortoaoe Claims, viz: Bight houses and lot, S-W,corner Cheatant and Seventeenth streets, A house and lot, north side of Spruce it, west of Eleventh. Two houses and lot, south aide of Sinn os ' street, near Sixteenth street. Fire houses and lots, Nos. 531,523,525,537, and 629 Dilvyn street. Three houeesand lot,east side Seventeenth street, couth of Fine.’ Hotel and lot, S. E. corner Chestnut and . Beach street*. Five houses and let, north side George street, west of Ashton street. Seven houses and lot, east side Beach at., south of Chestnut street. A house and lot, Fitswater street, east of Ninth street. A ground rent of $3O on lot north side Otter, west of Leopard street. 871ois of ground on Buckley street and Quervelle avenue, Bristol Two houses and lots, north side Filbert street, west of Eighth street A house and lot, east side Sixteenth it., south of Chestnut street. A house and. lot, west side 'Bread street* south of Eaoe street. A house and lot, south side Filbert street, . west of Sixteenth street. Two houses and lots, on comer of Frank* ford road and Auburn street, fronting om Franhford road. A house and lot in rear of Arch street, be tween Front and Second streets. A lot of ground, south side Lombard st, west of - Twenty- third street- , Two lots of ground, west side Twenty* third street, north of Meredith street. A lot of ground, north side of Meredith street, west of Twenty-third street. Total, surveyed and Valued at 1132,273.95. CoaU-a..«~ni5,348 LOANS. Tempokaxv Loaks on Stocks as Collateral Security (veined at $164,830). ’. $79,88189 $48,000 U. S. Bonds. 18SL $40,000 9, 8.10-40 Registered Bonds. <- $76,000 9. 8. 6-20 Tear Registered Bonds. $26,000 9. S. 6-20 Year Coupon Bonds. $30,0(10 Philadelphia City Roan, 1894. / $lO,OOO Almshouse Roan frper cent. $9,(00 Pennsylvania State Six-per-cent, Loan of May, 1861. $lO,OOO BorthPenna. Railroad Bonds. $OOO (forth Pennsylvania Railroad Cou pon Scrip. 429 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 91 ** Franklin Tire Insurance Co. 200 “ Bank of Kentncky. 17 “ Korth. Bank of Kentucky. 100 “ Union Bank of Tennessee. IS •* Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. 200 “ Southwark Railroad Co. 24 " Union Canal Company. - 2 “ Continental Hotel Company. $3.0(0 Continental Hotel Bonds. $7OO Philadelphia City Loan, 1887. $1,231.66 Philadelphia City Warrant,. Total Market Value $862,904 88 Cost ........$308,784:66 DEPOSITED with Assistant Treasurer of . the United States at Philadelphia at 6per cent, per annum 76,089 06 ROTES AKD BILLS RECEIVABLE....... 4,996 OO RBVEH9E STAMPS. 69 89 CASH on hand—.. $0,767 22 ** in hands of Agents.. 4,672 18 REAL ESTATE. Mabßkt Prior $132,273 26 Cost, as above.-..-™~ 115,518 24 Market pßiCEo^ee.. 83 Cost, M aboTfle«KO*eee seoee 44 M « SGB,7Si 66 LouGespaid during tleyear 1864*... By order of tbe Board. CHAS. N. BANOKER, PBESIDEMT. T HE KORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE CO* INCORPOBATBD BT THB LBSfBLATUHB OP THB STATB OF AGAINST LOSS OF LIFE OE PEBSOML INJITRY Policies issued for a Single Trip, Special Journeys, Voyages, &c, dally, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Also, against tbe contingencies of personal hazard, and against loss of all kinds, except real estate. Policies issued at the Principal Office, No. 9»t CHASMUT Street, Philadelphia, or by the Agents of the Company in any of the cities of the United States, or by the Ticket Agent* at any Rail road Station. CAPITAL.,—- ~~~~ - .*..5350,000 ,OFFIGBRS« PRESIDENT, - THEODORS ADAMS. VICE PRESIDENT AND AOTHART, J. H. BEAD LEY. Theodors Adams, James M. Gonrad, , Richard Wood, GeorseT. fitedman. JNSURE-TOUB LIFE S. E. cor. Walnut and Fourth Sts^ It is a HOMR COMPANY, and profits divided annu ally, thus aiding the assured to pay future premiums. Xast dividend 60 per cent. BOARD OF TBDSrafiS. Alexander Whilldln, J. Edgar Thomson, Hon. James Pollock, Hon. Joseph. Allison, Albeit C, Roberts, 1 Hsury K. Bennett, Samuel T. Bodine, - Philip K Mingle, George Nugent, John Aikman, Wm. J Howard, Isaac HazieUurst. Samuel Work, ! AXhXANDEK WHTLLDIN, President. SABTUSL WORK. Vice President. so2l*Smif JOHN 8. WILSOISUBec’y and Treasurer. OAME INSURANCE COMPANY. *o. 406 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. fIBE AND ISLAND INSUBANCI. DZBEOrORS. * PranedsN. Buck, John W. Everman, Charles Biehardaon, Robert B. Potter, “ Henry Lewis. • John Kessler, Jr., Samuel Wright, E. D.‘ Woodruff, P. 8. Justice, Charles Stokes, HeorgeA. West._ w Joseph D. Bills. T y FBANCIS M. BUCK, President. - CHAS. BICHABDsdM, Vic PrMddmt W. X Blanonaed, Secretary. jalA*tf fOBXAN P. HOmVSBXAD. WIDLIAII X. GEAVXS, HOLLINBHEAD ft GRAVES, IHBGRAMCB AGENCY, MO. 813 WALNUT BTRKBT, PHILADBLFHLL _AOJ»TO non THB *■ . ' MORWICH HRg IMBORANOB COMPAMV. ‘ OF MOEWICH, COMB. " OHARTKRBD 1803. ’* REFERENCES I* PHILADELPHIA (by gathorltT): lohnOrl.r, E«a. I Messrs.Tredick.StokMAOo rales, Wharton, A Co. I Messrs. Chas. Lennlf A Co, Hessra Ooffin A Altemna. I Messrs. W.H. Lsrned & Co. jyl7-flm - . fORMAH F. HOLLTPBHBAD. WM. B. OBATXa. JTOLLENBHBAI) & OBAVBS, M-A. INSURANCS AGENCY, No. 31* WALNUT St., _ CO.. jy27-6m OP ALBANY. N. XT' P. gOLLINBHHAD. WM. S. GAm fXOLLINSHBAD & OBAYB8 5 ii- INSURANCE AGENCY, NO- 8U WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Stents for the CROTON f IRK INSURANCE COMPANY, erNew York. ~ ■ iyM-6» TASTEFUL DJTD SLMSTAfITIAL OLOTHLKO EffSURAXCE. fBANHIJN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, O APITAHi.*..: ......... $400,000 OO ASSETS Sa, 501, 897 04 Statement of the Assets of the Company • on January Ist, 1865, PdWtohed la conformity V lt% the provisions of th 9 Sixth Section of the Act of Assembly of April 6th, 1842: MORTGAGES. On property valued at OTer *4,000,000, be ta* First Mortgages on Beal Ettate in the City and County of Philadelphia, except $36,406.08 In the neighboring counties. ....$1,809,169 96 REAL ESTATE. STOGES. Total Ca5h—.......™..... Advance In value ™ ™. 10,935 Oil STOCKS. Advance in vttiue*. ..*>«< $2, 501,297 04 TOTAXxhdW— LOSSES BY FIRE. james w. McAllister, SECRETARY PRO TIM. JTOBS. Isaac Lea. Edward C. Bale, Geo. Pales, Alfred Fitter, Francis W. Lewis, H. D, BAHCKEE, President. C.BALB.'VIce President t» Secretary pro tercu Chut. M. Bancker, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R.. Smith, .Geo. W. Richards, CHAS. M. EDWARD James w. Mcallistbr jalB-wfm6t PKURKTI.T ASIA. ORGASIZED OCTOBER 8.1881 FOB INSTJEIHQ TBA.YELI.EES BY LAND OB WATER, JAMES M. COR£AD« BMmtWCXBX, . luciem pettojst. AQEHT, - j. r PEYToar.' D1820T083. James Graham, Frank] in Steele, =. Wm. Colder. jall la Uf THE AMERICAN, PHILADELPHIA. "FIFTH ANNUAL STATEMENT OF ■*- THB KUTOAI Ft BE IRSUB&HCE COMPANY OF FBH.ABEI.PaiA. OSes No. 9 South FIFTH Street. Amount or Property Insured First Month let. 1866... ............... 9911.958 Amount of Premium Hotel Flret Mo. let. 1865. 63.677 Cieh greets. First Mo., Ist, 1864 «... *5,697 66 Interest on Premium Hotel. 4U6 46 Policies, Surveye, and Transfers 169 oo Premiums on Perpetual Insurance 1... SOS 7<s Interest on brnetnumte 621 79 For Extra Risk < 375 HfUiMonth 9th. —Mary *B6 Si Ml£—Chas. Q. Rickards. 1,000 00 ' $1,033 89 „ ■ „ EXPKIT.SKP, kC. BaJary> Bent, Stationer*. U.S Tax, &c. 1,100 m Coi&xois* ions paid Agent5.,*...,.359 09 interefetßetnrned. 13 so PremiumREeturiied..................... 87 10 _ CASH ASSKtS. Invested inU. 8. Loans****- In bauds of Treasurer.... Office Furniture............ „ „ . capital oi Assirre. Premium Sole* Invented in U. 8. Irfan* in hands oflCneamirer Office Furaiuua. $76 861 83 Tha nnderpiynod. a committee appointed by tha Com- MBj, hare examined the at ore statement, compared It With tha .book* and vouchora, and find ittobscjr ««• SBHBCA E. MM.ONB. "WILSON M. JENKINS. First Month 23d, 1865, Caleb Clothier, JamerSmedley, Thomas Mather. T. 1 llwood Chapman, Simeon MatJaek Aaron W. Gatkill, _ „ „ CALEI T. Selwoop Chapman, Set WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE J * HOUSE in this city, a young BAD about 18 years of age, to assist in the Counting Room; mast be a. good writer quick at flgaxeß, and bring unexceptionable re* ferences as to character. A graduate or the High School preferred. Address %ox 2U9, F. O. ja2s-2t* WASTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, m ** Tears of age. who is a fair penman, a SITUA TION in tome Wholesale 9on6e, where his services will be appreciated. Address * * Fex6ev9ran.ee ** at this • - g ja2s-2t* WANTED— IN A WHOLESALE GROCERY HOUSE, a YODHG MAH m AB3IS tabT BOOKKBEPER, moat be a good penman* quick at figures, and witn undoubted reference. Salary $3 per week. in own handwriting '‘Box 937’’ Philadelphia P. Q. St* WANTED— A SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER for a Gentleman by a regpseta- T^?ffe^ dr - ~M S -" K °- 38 Ko f^ g / t ?- WANTED—BY A NOTION HOUSE, " * two experienced Salesmen, who can inflnraiii a near thirty days’ country trade j also travel anTsell from samples. To competent persons a good position will be given. Address mi Philadelphia P. 0. jatt-3h* WANTED— BY A COMPETENT Bookkeeper, a Situation as each, or Assistant, cest of reference siren w to competencv and moral worth. Address “Thorough," Frenn office, immedi ately- jaM-8t» WANTED—IN A CONVEYANCER’S u”r Offlo*. an intelligent,- honest, and Industrious BQT* ,?ot less than fourteen rears of age. Address IT., ’’ office or The Press, is handwriting of the ap plicant. ‘ ja2J-6t* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN ." *„ Irom the country (at present a stadc st of the ftha kcr City Borfress Collere), a Sitn&tlon as ABSIS PANT BOOK- K KKi’EK or SKTitT CLliiiK in a Commission or Jobbing House. Address ••Dalton,” Pressoßas. WANTED—A BOY, IN A DRY GOODS f * Commission Houro. Address “T. 11. Y.,Office Prise. ja23-St* WAN) ED—A SITUATION BY AN " experienced BOOKKEEPER, a thorough business man. Address ’‘Union,” Press Office. Beet city re ference furnished, ja2s-4t* WANTED-A LARGE AND COMMO 11 dions BOOM, on tbo first or second itoor, suits ble for a public office, aed situated between Market and Mne. and Second and mb. Apply a: WAVY AGKH- Ch, Ho. lid: South THIRD Street, jaU-tf WANTED TO BENT, IN A CBN tral locality, on the first floor, part of an Office for Desk room. Address “ P,” Box 2212, F. O, jas-tf WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS IN f * % every County, at $7O a month, expenses paid, to Introduce fifteen new and useful articles, the best sell ing ever offered. For particulars, address OTIS T. GABBY. BIDPEFOBD, MAINB. OflgS-d&Wffia A GENTS WANTED FOB THE NUBSE AND SPY, the most interesting and exciting book everptiblfehed, embracing the adventures of a woman Nurse, Scout, and Soy. tiviaga nost 11X1 4^2r B A^^®a of var.. JONBS BBOj, & CO. • 000 GHRBcaIST fet., Philadelphia, Pa. ja24-im&W4t* A GAS ENGINEER OP THEORETI caI and prsctioal skiU, haying been many rears ernMed in the planißg.coestracting, and managing of was Work., desires a situation. i*irst-cta*s reference famished' Addret s ‘ ‘Oscar Bunsen, 1 ’ tbis office ia24.‘2l* HTO OIL COMPANIES.—WANTED, BY j- a Man for eighteen years engaged in the Wholesale Bnsinees in this city, aS(.TU»TIO3 as Superintendent, in a Company where energy and close attention to the interest ol the Company will be appreciated. The best references will be given. Addtesa ‘‘Business,” atthls office, JaM-2t* 46.339 40 $4,440,9558 05 T OCAL AGENTS.—WANTED IMME " diately.Uoratl Agents for the sale of FRUIT TREES. Addrese BIHOEE, COSAKD, & CO., nurserymen, WEST PROVE, Pa. jal3-lit* tlOfi A MONTH!—WANTED— AQBffTS everywhere to introduce the new BIXTBKS• DObldAß FAMILY SEW ING MACBIbE, the only low-price Machine in. the cottetry which it licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilton, Howe, Singer & Go., and Bachelder. Salary and expenses,or large commissions allowed. All other Machines now cold lor less than forty dolfors each are infringements, and the seller and user liable. 11l ns lrat*d <di« nlars senfc/ree. Address SHAW & GLABB. no!7-d&W3m BIPPBFOBD, Maine. .$121,950 1 & sin non s B > coo - * s r°°°. $3,000, and ijpiUjvvVi| other sums to loan on Mortgage. . _ S. W. THACKABA 'A SOff, jeM-St* 344 South THIRD Street. 107 WANTED—FIRST MORT sP'-'s Ikj l- GAOB on two three-story brick Dwell ings. Apply to ROBERT MAO GREGOR, It ■ 419 WALNUT Street. m WANTED TO BUY OR RENT— ■Sa DWELLING HOUSE, with modem improve meats; to be located between arch and Locust, east of Seventeenth street. Price not to exceed SU,UOO. Ad diess P. O. Box SO2l. A WANTED TO RENT— IN MARCH, ■Sby a reliable tenant, a good, modern hntlt House, eon taming 10 or 12 rooms; within si* »qu*ree of Thir teenth and Market. Address "A.," 804 N. TENTH Street ; ja2i 3t» MW ANTED—A STORE ON MAR KET street, between Third and Six ih streets, now or on July let next. A LIBERAL BONUS PAID Address Box 2602. Post Office. fit WANTED TO BENT—BY A GOOD JO. tenant, about April Ist. a Aret- class D WEI LING, Wtet of Broad and mmih of Market Streets. Boat no object if faro: ably located. Address Box 3343 Fhiiadel- Pbla P. O. ; jal9-lflt» «jg& ASSISTANT QUARTEBMAS- SmS&TBE’S OFFICE.Ho. 37*6krath THIRD St., Philadelphia. Baa. 24,1364. Vessels wanted to load with coal for Newbern, N. 0., and Key West, Ha. Despatch given w ° , „ „ JOHN B. JENNINGS, deSUtt Captain and A. Q. M. 4g FOR SALE—ON EASY TKRMS— *Ia three- story nile roomed BRICK HOUBS, will. all , the wiS p^ST?5le ?, t fr- „ A!s ?< a BRICK STABLE, apply T‘Si* BEIRnEY Street, near Eighteenth and Coates Streets. . ja2ft-4t» • « LARGE FACTORY FOR SALE hot 75 by SCO, fronting on two streets, with 63-horse power Engine, near Schuylkill Terms favorable lo onirtfat the PLANING MILL, BBOAD and WALLACE Streets- _Js242t* M TO LET—ONE OF 8!X r STORES ■Sand DWELLINGS, 341 South FIFTESWTHStreet; large hulk window. Dwelling private. Bant $4OO. ja96 3t* - fit TO LET—THE FIFTH,AND SIXTH “A stories of the Granite Building, Dock street, below Third, with etc am power. The large thirfl-etory room-Of the Commonwealth Building, Boa 611* and 613 Chestnut street. Can he arranged for offices , THOMAS H. CON BELL, Counting houaeof Dr. D. Jayne* Son* ja2s fit- SMfcg OBBiTKET street. • DELAWABE COUNTY. Mk FOB SALE—A FIBST-CLASS FABM OR-E CODKTBI SEAT, with superior buildings; land under ft high elate of cultivation; ONE HUNDRED AOREB OF LAND., This Farm is located convenient to the termi nus of the Darhy Passsßgor Hallway? .one of the beet and most desir&b.ein the market. JAS B. CUMMINS* „ „ „„ „ „ ± , 504* WALNUT Street! Jr. B.—Call for Catalogue of Farms tor sale, ja2s St fit FOR SALE—NO. 1609 WALNUT JB-i-STEBET—Splendid Four-story Brown-atone front DWELLING* now vacant; -Lot, 3® by 126 to a street. Frfcs* S2?,SCO, Can have a Stable very near by. ja24-luwths4ti( MILLER, 15* North SIXTH Street fit FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR 64 by 300 feet deep on Hobbs street to a three- feet alley; Factory 54 feet equate. Immediate possession. MILLER. 3a24- tuwths 4tif 15* Worth SIXTH Btmet TbISTJLLERY FOR SALE—LOCATED in thisciiy, In ranniog order, with. Rectifying Ap paratus attached. Capacity 600 bushels daily Terms lajorable. Ii quire southwest corner of THIRD and Branch. ja2s-2t* OIL STOCKS—OIL* STOCKS—OIL STOCKS —A few thousand shares of Oil Stock are yet tor sale in a ilrst-class reliable Oil Company* now forming Aodresa * r Guy, M Box 1685, F. Q, ja2s>3t* r\IL STOCK—STOCK IN ONE OF 'Si the best cMUOTnies In West Virgin!* will be EX CHANGED FOR HEAL ESTATE. Address B« 801 Philadelphia Bob! office. It* FIR t ALE.—TO PRINTERS.—ONE HOB WASHINGTON HAND-PRESS; »laten 2!*39 inches; latest siyle:butii.tie need. Cta be had at a bargain- Apply to L. PEMjUZE A SON. Typ, Foun ders, M. W, corner of THIBD and OHE-THUT Streets, or at 436 North THIBD Street, where the Prejs stands, • It* XT ORTICULTURAL HALL, S. W. ■*". corner BBOAD and WALNUT Streets, TO LET for Literary Meetings, Ac. Apply at 36 South SBVBN Tfi Btreet. A. W. HIHBISON, J»4-w»gt Recording Seo'y. A GBICULTURAL LAND SCRIP.—34 WBKEffifflgM™* - . DAVID b.HETL, Secretary FhUiAiislfhta, Jan. 23, 1868. ja24 6t fTO PHOTOGRAPHERS.—FOR SALE A at a sacrifice, a PHOTOGRAPH GaLLEBYon ABCS Street, splendid location, now doing a good busi ness hear on given for celling. .Adores ‘ Bo* 2M6, 1 ' PhUadtlphlaP. a. J jaa-3t T7OR SALE—A FEW CORPOR 4.T088’ •A. inteiet-D. $5,000 each, in a piojecied Oil Company* owning properties which are immediately very remu nerative. Ajpiy to LED YARD & BARLOW, ja2w-3t *39 CtaESTK V £_Btraet. XTOR RENT—SEVERAL ROOMS IN A OiaTBIED i-TOKYef the Building or, the south •west corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT S' reels/An, p;y at till*, office, - jal3-tf TO LET—FOR SALESROOMS OR li&bt rcauof&cturi&jf purposes. thtw upjm of building northwest ooscerof EIGITX* an' Apply in the ftere. 3a21 tf nABTES HE ?■ SITE—HAVE THEM V/ taken at S. F. REIMER’S-they a-*i tsadvalled In style, secntacy,'and u.teltD finish Go arly. a a vs. short, tlmcjfenltgd.- 634, ABCB Street u* HVSITBANCE, .*'**6,76B 21 **.,..1 311 08 13166 DIRECTORS. WMiui v. iMto, Joseph. Chapman* Joseph W. Bfjore, Seneca E Malone* Witeon M. Jenkins,* Lnkens Webster. B CLOTHIER, President, scretarr. ja2s-6t WAISTS. FOR SAXJE* AND TO ART. AT REASOKAJSM! Pltiosa, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF JtDSIO.' TSteTrMOHtAI. BENEFIT. EBIDAY AFTBKHOON, Ju. ZJtti, Iftfe TO . CHAELEBB. POKTBB. Win appear: . . Mtap Caroline filchings,- . Bute Benin Ejrea. f ■ &. BMfjiPOrt, Peter Etching*. fe? Barret.. ISf|edWhe whole of 1 BdWlnAd ‘ mB * thkatbb coMPATTYi; TRB ( CHIeTHOT“apM”T^BtraB r C t iMl!ilfT.' (By permlEelon of W. B. ffl«s.-gsi ) . TAB SBBAT OBOHESTha 1 will coneirt of the somblned o.chihaS of Hu Ah*l Cheptirot, and Walnut-afreet Theatres, with, their n* n&df I*B* The the thiri&ot of „ JttLTOa' CiK'SAK Brstur, £ I* Davenport; Cassias, J W. Wallfutiz- MarcAmony, L. P. BarieUyJuihio Cresar, Frank JCor dapjit: Caena. W. H Bailer; Dachis, Jtmeio Tayiorr Treboniua, W. H Wallis; ifetellns, £ L Tutonl Poplllins, T. Green; C nim, B. Yonng: Setyine, B B. Mi»BCto* T B«#a; Soothsayer. CH John son; First Citizen. Walter Lennox; Second Citizen. Sana Hemple; 1 bird ottizen. Stuart Dobson; Portia, Kata Benin Jyan. w Citizom) yG. H. Griffiths, J. A Herne. Jatsee Carden. Owen Marlowe, if. Hlllyard. W. JL Donaldson, W g. Blgatos. J. V. Bailey. J. B Byers. H. 8. Mardeeh.iii bit jrneilß. _ _ v 1.630 66 “ —■. 8,204 88 _tenators-=H. L. Baacombi J. T. Ward, B. Yoon* El ?' 1* R.tSf 9r »r B ’ T - -*=. Creese, ftaakslsC Freeo a**?.’ MeSBIS - P " rs “- Clattllo ' toa - After which, a Comic Sod g: '■Horrible Tala of aSaioidalPamily"... S. KOS3OK_ Reeitation—Sheams O’Bdea ...EDWIN ajdamsl To be followed'fej the celftbraUd A *"- ALLEGORY. mss CAROLINE BIGHINQS as tbt Goddess of with the Song “Star-Spangled Burner. “ T * George Washington..... PETES £lCHQffft Chorus by the Ladles and Gentlemen or ttfi _ BrCHUSGS OPERA TROUPE, pSladeJpsfeT ery m ® M ® er theatrical profession bt. To he followed by ©Tew’* Great Barlesone. _ CAMILLE. “ ; PKAKff BSBBS.' c After which, the celebrated Song, *’ “Tea-Total Society ’ • W. A. CHAPJCA®.’ Bgcitatlon—Tennyson's a •«Cbareo of the Licht Brigade ■’....jaMdS CAEBEIt' To conclude \rith_Ui^Gomeay. T inthree acts, enOtte«| ™ #63.677 09 6,769 21 «... 1,81109 184 58 ' ’ . *™MAEBI£D‘ LIFE Jirst act by the Arch- street Theatre Company S«job<l act by the Walnut street Theatre CosuHUty. act by the Cheatnat-ttreefc Theatre Cam pa ay Admission, SO otnte, Reserved Seats, *l. 011 Broad' street for reserve! seats; 808-M» served sente on Locnststreei. Seats can now tie secured of H. E. BELLIES. iw, office, Ho. 113 Sr.uth FOURTH gneet Oa Friday morning at the Academy of Music .Boors open at 1 o'clock; commence at 2 o’clock pro* roagiy. jaSS-a* MEW CHESTNUT-ST.’ THBATJOL' CHESTSUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. When the Grand Fatrv SpectaTledf BEAUTS AMD THE BRAS’? *§£.*• PJ es « ttt , ed » with all its magnificence. of admission to tha Matinee* Su cants to all bMi tta® house ? Children, 25 cents. Doors open at ii?3*S commence at 2K o cloci. w *" l ** THIs (Wednesday) mVBSlNfi.’jM *L LABT KiGHT BUT T £ EBB 0?‘ ‘ ... . JUBIUB BRUTUS BOOTH; , HER EIRST APPEARAtfcR. MmaBn “ «* on?Rn°ET^y o l nil" """ BRUTUS WOTB.' To ccncicdowith tiie ai S|Sf& UAOAP ™"^ ; BATuInAV H »y?«vnn^T® AW A WOHAH. uTBSIfOOd. Jan. Mifi marmnryi' SIXTH GKAHD FAMILY KiTIHEE. ' WALOTT-BTREETTHEATB^ 11 TM WM.LACXBAYHTPOKT ALLIAHOIL w , THIB (Wednesday) EVEBIUa, Jan.*,- ofEnock&to?? n «”ed iC nni °* 0f *»•« THE TEST’OF LOYE. TocoMlndowith - Hiee Rose Bt%££ _ _ LITTLE TODDEEKIHS. Bor office open from 9 till 3. Curtain rises at Vf. MRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW AWm XU. STREET THEiTBB. -ruxiia lIMJt TOttf Hr. L .P. BiBRSTT. ’ . TO-KIGHT. and EVKKY WISHT. The dramatization of TBnnyron ' h Poem of ENOCH ABDEN, "XTHBEE rHE PALJt-* Ecrtch Arden.- .. .7.7.7....... 7 7.... 77. t. i» YJRiItAY, BENEFIT OPX P. BABkjgrg,ialsSfc YESTVALI LUND THIaTRE-CAL* T kOWBFLL, between Fourth and Fifth streaiit. ' M ,WBI>iSEBDAY, Jaanar* 25, 1866 BENEFIT OF MB. ADOLPH VESPTALL oi 0 w«k JOHg BTROKO„.. 1 ! I . , ..r.!f.M° r Apot,p H YEBTT* rJ j~ WLSICAL FUND HALL.—I. L. RICK iBKrRDMBHTAt COVCEET o,.??„7 B £. KB R. AY J“nary asth-iasi, jprominent Arfcsats of ISSIflfMfvlB. E^Sr DEGBK * FrofBiB « Andze & Go., llo€ Chestnut street, Louis Meyer, imi CEeetimt street, comer ot Juniper, aal j n the Kyentnn D »« open at 7 o'clock. Concert toSSS menee at a, ja2l-St* THE GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS. j- WAiNOT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH Eouestrian Director Mr. F H ROHRTOtr' nnTnb t ™imw ll^l2P I ‘ ® BAnrei > DOGS OP PROF. MuTuHImSOJi. There are now bo less than fire JiiKfc. cla*s Glotrns at the great combinatioa of the National MWrii l!’ 1 ' V Sam Lattolf Hutchinson!' J * H ’ *-«* Cowell, and J. a! adSziT 60 * the Bieat piece of tKe bbisahds or ADMISSION-First tier, S3cents; second tier, 24 cents; Private box, $3 and *6. as to size and location: pS forman.ee commences 7,40. Performance, on every WEDNESDAY andSATtna. DAY AFTERNOON. commencing at 2X o’clocfc "PVRUNK ON COLD WATER-CLIMB inL-ff*® A /QS E limarinaiy)—Fishing In W n'er— Courting Mid Kissing—Singing asd Dancing—’stateg. WltlJAnfS. tbe bemorons Lecturer and orisinal Psv- Jholoa.iet. at ASSEMBLY BUILDrBSS, THURdDAY. FRIDAY. acd Sat 0RI) A Y. Last three nights, posi- J rf elr ‘. of a mirthfuland instractlve char, aricr. aieirtad byhla audience. Two hours of harmiasa mirth. Tickets 30cents; admitting a lady and ir-ntla* Open at M to 7; entertainment at la to 8, TTASSLER’S rjf- K „,,°. BC 5 E J!'?,f„A lr:D military band; Office, 80, gIA Eonth EIGHTH Street. jaS3 Im* TRIES’ SKATBfG PARK. „ NATIONAL PARK, TWENTYFIBST street and COLOMBIA Avenue. Pro eminently the Ladies’ Park. condition. PARK COMPLETELY CLEARED of SNOW _ , LADIES’ ROOMS ENLARGED I Take the Ridge- avenue Cars. JJ. ©EATING -ELEGANT SEATING OH bi T *i ? S K J 0:N PhKK 8, FOURTH and DIiMOBB Sts . raiS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON. " “if"* SEATING I SEATING!-THE ICS be ß to°?th B e n S lL ’ B PAEK “ • -«*. Thi IftlieooJ'nferV’i? visit the Park mi afternoon, BROAD Street and COLUMBIA Avenue _ Thirteenth and Fifteenth-street Railway direct to tha raxK t It* CKATING! SKATING I SKATINOJ—« GRaND MDSIOAL TOBCELIGHt PROGESSIOST the BAM* DEjUM. ll iehwUl^lsobe®!’S&aMMS Uh* plac« THIS (WEDSRsHATj EVSj&f»G. I5 ATIKG fARKS: jrouiiriJland DIAMOND Streets The above Proem sicnwill form a Gran d, JSeyol, and Imposing Scene, mom a—e3ttra occasions there will be two ea« trance doors and one exit door. If necessary, to *ccom those who may he kind enough to honor os with tbeirpresence. Extra Platforms, with many other preparations, are tinder way. The above Grand and Hovei Procession has to be witnessed to b- Frice of Admission, Twenty-five Cents. Ho Half Tickets sold. j a «g4 2*,* M r Jom * h * smith; a "graduate <>f tbe Colo Ted Hj*h’ School of tin* city, will Five a PCBIiIC-HBTEBTAIIiafEIiT of Readings and Beei rations of choice selections from American and innllsh SABKOM STREEr HALL,on F“&AT RVBBING, January 27 185$beginning at S o'clock. < Two will vary the exercises bysißging appropriate airs. Mr. Smith feelsetpacial pleasure in being permitted t* offer as references the following distinguished gentle man : Col. John W, "Forney, Won. Wo 11. Keller. Hob.' John Hickm*n, Thomas Webster. B. B. Browne, Geo. H,. Boxer, Henry Samuel, Jas. L ■ Claghora. Joshua. Eaunfac Be 6 !? " eatHes * ® eOT * fl H* Gross, and Georgs Tickets 25 cents. Forfaleat the .Union league. Chest nut stirei, below Thirteenth; at T„-B, Hugh’s. Sixth and Chestnut streets; at 12:0 Chestnut street, and at tte door on the evening of the entertainmfmt ja23 mwf3fi* CIGNOB BLITZ’S EXHIBITIONS AT the ASFEUBLT BUfLDIjXGS are POSTPOURIt Until THURSDAY EYBMIHa, m S j^2 1 OIGNOB BLITZ WILL SHOBTLT V CLOBE, ASSEMBLY BUILD 1808. ,g«at demoDriretioin In BECROM AN CY; SPIRITUAL ISM ILLUSTRATED, and the WOBDRRB OP VEM TRILOOUISM IBTBbDDCID. Grand Entertainment EVERT EVENING, comm.c cine at Sf o’clock, and on WEDNESDAY aacf SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at a .Comprlring the myctTriec gf ttoi P&et end Present Age. “ _A d ™i£ sioI V 25 **“**■ « centc. Reserve* seate, 60cents jalTr TNSTITIJTION FOB THE BLIND . WEDNESDAY at SR P. M Ad mlxlon TiN CENTS. Store Mo. 11 £o»h BIGHTM: Street. jt* ASSEMBLY BUILDING. f 1 „ MATINEE MUSICALS Bytb. CLUB. : Kckets at the Door. Fifty Conte enax. deSl-umtnwtC O.EBMANIA ORCHBB'DBA—EUBLIO every SATURBtAY, at 8k o’clock F> M-, at MUSICAL FURD HALS. Single Tickep, % cents, k Six Tickets, $l;to be hadat Gouid’a, Andie’aT and Meyer 1 s Music Stores, and HaIL THE AGADEMY OF PINE ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street above Tenth. Is OPEN DA l 3 for viritora. tramV A. M. to g P. M. iezl .. EDIJCATIOKAL, PROFESSOR RUFUS ADAMEL ' - TEACHER op ELOCUTION. .No. 665 North THIRTEENTH Sueei. ja2B-wfn?t» WANTBD-A MALE TEACHER OP ’ 2l MATHEMATICS. Ac, in aa Academy near the,' .^? n .^P. on th * Principal WEBSESDAY. aut. ssih. at 10 aTm.. atr,ia 4ROH StreetT U** s d—UNwin, ■*: - Ftates %nd European. BEOWS. ‘ ja24-Im y - 3IX fgALSUT Stvek. A LARGE FOURTH-STOKY R.OO3SA With Board, at 1315 W4tf&u£ Street, j§&L4giL* AOHANOa TQ AWip. VH&FW PriDcipals Fumiehed with Substitutes at the TCOTICE TO OIL COMPANIES.—AIR ®RILLIKG TOOLS can be had at lßOft BE , H *L' X V VA ? S ' 4 Avenue Uale Wlßew atreen. a3J and examine ihtta. . Ja3-«tV TOBHUA T. OWEN. ATTORNEY, CEPABTMBJfT FOB OUSTOffi WOE% AMD SBIW tein 'j. 1 Be FEB-SOSAJL. SOAHOIfftL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers