THE CITY. The Draft.—There were three wards drawn yesterday—namely, the First, Sixth, and Eleventh. The First Congressional district Is com pleted. The Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth of the Second district remain to be drafted. When this is done, the draft in the city of Philadelphia will be finirtied. Everything passed off . with the harmony of patriotism yesterday. The following named citizens ofthe ward were present by invita« tion: Richard Peltz, Alderman Lentz, H. M. Watt, John Kesaler, Henry Hoover, Alexander Diamond, John McLaughlin, James Gordon. FIRST WARD. The names of the drafted were as follows: •Charles Donelly Charles Harrison Benjamin Hovery Henry Betton Jos T Hoaten James W Claiborne Robert White JohnGuilkey Robert Ferguson Robert G Cathcart John Maguire Barney Kane David Zaneß William Muldoon Thomas Simpson Thomas Wright John McOune Benjamin Murray Joseph Bampton John Myers Robert James Fullerton Peter Sellerman William J Hallowell James Wagner .Brien O’Haney John M Adams Charles Alexander Gillmore Willifkin Ta.vioc ' . lUox-J**rz jokn .Scott John Applegate Hobart Wood James Burlte Louis Flick Louis Detra James MoYeety Andrew Graham William Glassy Thomaß Gardner Job McFatridge John G Clark James Brooks Isaac Meyers Robert Rea James O’Harra James McFeeters James D Jones John Johnson Jameß Ramsley Wm Shellinger Wmßrinnishulz Franoia Dyer George Bane John Rindle PmneJl BNorman Daniel V Sellinger r Robert Dean Wm Keyes Robert H Potter Robert Herd George W Logan Peter Hoe Jonathan Prichett . Wm Donahue Henry Coon John McGowan Wm Mullen x Wm H Lennois George W Maybury Joseph Garlin Samuel Daniels Joseph Knight David Marshfield John King John Riley • Wm Leider James JBennetson Charles W Raven Thomas JYlaxley Patrick Campbell James Wasson Wm McOAne James C North, Jr Anthony Gunty Wm S Stehl Michael Rice WmWard 'John Haggerty Christopher Fitzsimmons! Alfred Cobbin Edward Slevian Nicholas Costello James Brook Andrew Moore John McOlaskey Joseph Harvey Aaron C Morton John A Price Alex Park Elijah Evans Wm Griffith Jesse Burns Theodore M Apple Israel Hazzard Andrew McNeil Wm H Ryan Neil MoConaghey Abram Murrow Edward Gillan Wm H Ryan Joshua Harlan Hugh Mooney, Jr John Gillespie Wm Westenburger Edward Smith Alex O Fullerton Ohailes Walters Daniel MoNeill Philip Manaban Andrew Miller Robt Price John Hickey Wffl Ilfjgsßi IliiliArJ isils® Fredfc w»iflHou!e jftoou minor Dam Rowan Theo Jaofcson Geo Sample Jas Dever WmO Castle Jacob Hanar .. Abram Thompson James Moore Matthew McCaske Albertson Stuart John Chestnut James McCann Henry Watte Joseph Getts Andrew Watte Andrew Harbertson Jos Emerson Wm H Barnett David Dunbar John J Browney Tmv Manly Thos E Reilly Patriok Smith Henry Serau John McLaughlin Jas McGarvey John Gravell Wm Mazarune Michael Corwin Terence Devlin Samuel Hill 'Henry Jordan Jos Green Jas White, Jr John J Ferny Samuel HeBB Sami K Steever Robert Ramsay ' David Edmondson Ashman Andrew Magilton Evan Lutz John McGucken John Wilson Jacob Beck John. Volks James Oassaden Geo Bremen Robert Vanhorn Evan Davis WmHiell JohnOJinder Jas Carroll Samuel Hanna John McOutchen Anthony McGardner Adam Meyers Samuel Bladatock John A Bailer Geo Dunbar Thos Hackney Cornelius Conner John Hess Peter Hopkins . Alex Taggert Wm H Garrison Sam Weiaer Joseph Smith Theo Spear Thos Sheridan WmKane James Hood Mills} Ttieo Ijitwlfsr saws 'sms;; miii'iYßiimiittvt tTi -Aaron G-urrisoa Philips Henry Hipsoh Michael Keaffe Chas Duar Terrence Connaught? Wm Lilly . John Cox WmGermon Wm Lockart Chas W r Wiidsy Jos Landey Jas Fisher' Geo Cambridge Geo Morely Geo Magee , ThOB Nealey Geo M O’Donnell Wm Meyer Dominic Verier Timothy McCarthy *■- Michael McOortney Benjamin Taylor Thos C Donnely John G Koehler* 11 * Jeffries Preßton WmDddo David Young Wjn.Lawne Bayard Gibbs McOrossen David Myers John Dietz Franoia Aiken - Peter Rushton John Fiselman James Moore Geo W Naylor •Oharleß Kent Jas C Andrews David Louderbach Eli Lippincott Job Shirley Jesse O’Kane Thos Smith Robt Farrell Jas Connelly Wm Poole Martin H Williams John Callen Wmßeementer Joshua BHorr Hugh McKeever Chas Rickner Geo Molley Richard Thompson Patrick. Moldroe Jos McCune JohnTrooksls Robert Stuart Wm JPatterBon, Jr Alfred B Neill John Reed James Gleason James Wild Wm Welch Wm Mercer Wmßobertson Hugh McVey JohnGlase ThOB j Chadwick Wm Lehey Jacob Cox - Michael Fighe John Turner Alex Bunting Jos L Goff Chas E Ferris Chas Perkins Francis Sanford James Donelaon Samuel Wiles Alex Baird Isaac Vansant Samuel Simon Charles Budd Wm Lutz John Roberts Richard Simpson WmHMoning Thos Bradley Robt Watson Robt Kilpatrick James Richards Allred Morgan WmDunn James Sergeant Edward Bretty Emanuel westenberge Seward Daniel Mullen , Wm Dennison Wm Shutz . . Joseph CArneß Frank Halley Andrew McDowell Geo S Roberts Nathan Tomlin Robert McCorelen Felix McLaughlin James Clark James Murphy. John J Hickman . * Frederick Kyle Geo Van Blunk Emmanuel S Lecture James Willß Michael Heeler John B Saville .Charles Mizel Jacob Reementer Daniel Hazzard’ John Douglas James Gaßline George W Fox James Brogan Samuel Treeston Henry Sauer Frederick Keller Joshua Hickman Sami Cunningham Geo H Yulinga John J Shorts Geo Oarrick Daniel Fourish Benj Davis Til4«Mt«<| a OimLilll' " JllJliffil Jofin Simpson Henry (f oraon Jas MoHeury Michael McCabe Francis Murray James Nicholson John Clifton Chas Simon Daniel Eiley Geo Dankle . Samuel Scott John Martin Joseph Lawrence Dennis McCurdy ■ Orne John Quinn David MeCort John Weils Barney Dever O Kessler "Wm Caldwell Michael Lynch Thos Nash Geo W Brown Thos Goodman Miohael Shae Benj Thompson Samuel MoMorria Wm Giikey .Tos Watson Edward Mailer John McClain Samuel Cox John Hunt , Patrick McGuigan Wm Nanoreen Isaac N Woodward John Litzberg Wm Janes Alex Stuart John Magee Wm McGowan James Power Jonathan Haokett Oharleß Hoting Hugh Foloney Michael Haslin John Neesley Wm Maguire James Carr Jameß Schaeffer John Quinn Wm Witchraft John Myers John Dtiesback OharlesSands John Magee Victor Edeli David MoCabe David Kiche Dennis McOollom David Dunlap Wm Carson Wmßagerly John Oathridge Jos Mankin Wm Eedfern Wm Dusey John F Kault Wm Hook Thos MoCuliy Frank Leville Fredk B Weigand Hugh Martin GSOH Hulling! Fncillk Bnthncmfll ffno d Tnompiou Kioii'a oienaennimr W Leech (Bantßta Thos Cunningham ICadwalader Corns John Kilpatrick .IBobt Whiskers Joseph Beck Bernard McOonneU KobertHubbard WmVolmer Servillian Sack - Helm Abram Fulton Michael Sedgwick Thos Hutton Jr . Sebastian Brannon Wm Summerneld Henry Lee - JosAKowe John Bower Win D Satterfield iTedoriok Bower John Soott Jas Winter Wm MoCall Wm Hilyai'd Thos Dick ' Michael Gorman. Matthias Louderback Wm Foley Wm D Milliack Benj Story Alex Walker Jos Ellingworth Wm Wilson Archibald Aikens Samuel Kline Alex Henry WmKitchie GeoWMoGowen Jos D Maule Philip Koehler Michael Conley David Harris Allen K Miller Thos Burnß ThosO Baker Theo Barker Fred Leibfried Hobart Gessen Wm Double Emanuel Tratyi Matthias Volmer Philip Small Jas Kenney Chas Scanlan Augustus Lyons Wm Cummings Geo Clark Danl Calhoun Jas O’Donnell Vincent Pennington Kobertßoyd John Luce Penrose Forbes John J Tizzard John Wainwright Sami Dougherty Henry Wilson Kobt H Sinnioks i Wm Wellington John O Young Harvey E Mole Henry Francis John Ferguson Joahua Wainwright Wm Scott Geo Reynolds " Geo Benson Jos Haigh . - Wm Crawford Jas Wells John Oleckner. Jr William McOuUough John Goodchild Thomas Egan. .John Bossick John Y. Young William L Hancook Edward Mcßride •Charles Overson William Brandt Thomas Burke John H Kinsley .John MoOalleester Peter Shaffer James Haziett George Wells John M Brien Valentine Keon Alexander McDonald Hugh Cook Valentine Bicking Thomas H Houston John Mcßride Edward Bockwell "Anthony Ashmen Thomas Hill Thomaß Burke William Metcalf Peter Barr James Kelly Edward Fowler Patrick Martls Jeremiah Haff Jameß McDonell ■ George Wanamaker Thomas Curry Kobt Tieknor Henry Finney Wm Berwig Sami Sleath Joe Durham John. J Shaw Wm Richards John Grogan Geo Oram Wm Conklin Wni Mayberry Kobt Hales •Wm H Ewell Edw Holzer Michael Nioholson John Gilbert 'Michael Kelly Sami H Tyson Kiohd 0 Fang J Huston 'Wash Yates Kobt J Murphy John Boone JnoE Fields Thos Near? Edwin Patterson Patoick McNittiger Jas Horn WmDGibson &inW g ham OwenSlavln MrSll& gfiSSSSim. iK&nney Wm Morgan Daniel Henderson Wm Clark Henry Bosier JowphThomas Thomas KHarral Tnhn Peters John Stewart GeoraeCantreU Peter Muntzlnger Daniel y Cox Wm Quigg Joseph Bailey Patrick McOune Samuel P Thompson Charles W Carnes Robert Thompson Wm Meekey Samuel R Kennedy Jos Thompson Michl Sereerey Henry Delix Nicholas Holden Abram Lee Geo Cain John Murray.. Wm Scott Wm Albertson Chasßoyd Louis Oeker] Robert T Simpson Abram Behart Daniel Connor Daniel Davis Geo McDermot G Hennr Zeigle Henry Grover Wm Tomlinson Michael Farrey Michael Roddy Wm C Chambers George Rivell Patrick Cahill Jameß Gallagher Thomas McCouoh James Long John fflcKee iiiiQGs iionminii James Reed - Charles A Muehart Matthew McGarvey Jerome B Jacobs Henry Simon Wm Thompson Jos Walker Hugh McKullin Wm Murphy John Wagner John Tull Jas Rollins Wm O Shearer Josiah Tomlin Geo Howard Geo Parker Christopher Jenkins Charles Cox Henry Rutter Wm Graham Edward Flanigan John Bosbart James Hanna . Jos Baldwin Chas Pope David Kniley Andrew Trout - Henry C Stephenson Wm J Wilson James Walker Cornelius McAldif Philip Myera WJOLuttia Wm Colston Jsb Stuart (enroller) Robert Cord Jos Wardhouse Nicholas Koop Richard Curran W Robinson, Jr John H Franklin Peter Lynch : George Geecher Charles Allen Andrew H Reeves John G-nrtler George Hofflaer TliifflAJ OAfßiy Thom*g Mysr* Jno Wallace, Jr Georgeßiley James Goan James McCune WmTompkinß • John Downey Robert KatersQn Albert Bean Emanuel Kessler James Chubß John Buchanan Edwin H Laws William Twiggs John Roberta James Knoll John Douglas, Jr AlexMcNeil JohnEcGuigan Jos Miller Abram Everett Daniel Taylor Jacob Miller Job Alexander Wm H Snyder Wm Hunter Ciuinton Kane Henry Sead Jas W Landis George W Yocum Peter Pougrie John Williams John Mullen Patrick Caher Frederick McFarland Thomas McDonald Richard Boyler Wm TiOllMGlf V/naiitß iiQnsfir J X.yiut?erton Patrick Henry Morton Hansoury John Riddle Wm Wright George Wren Peter Brennan Nicholas Jenigen Wash Wildin Charles Laime John Breswaith Wm Johnson James Young Wm McGarvey Geo W Wainwright Jas McMullen Dayton Jas Hill Henry Deets Thos Brooks Jas Crawford Peter Kinsler John Murray Eeekial Wilson Danl McCurdy Benj Breeding Ephraim Cordon Geo Prist Wm F Walker WmH Ellis Robert Johnson John Fitzpatrick John Hurston John Shinheider Patrick Kelly Wm Peltß Henry Hopper Patrick Mooney WmE Wilson Jas Davenport Obediah Kershaw Curtis Myer Michael Hums John A Baker. Robert Livingston Wm Oldfield Wm Hamilton Henry Grimley Hugh Mclntyre Halowell Hemphill Edward Switzer Peter Alperse Patrick Lapitts John Brayton Columbus Boland David Stuart John Markley Alex J Russell Andrew Elliot Jos J Breeding Hosea Blood Joseph Riley John Myers John Kidd Peter FJahey Johnßrady Peter Kett Thos Cullen J&BiaJs&ai Andrew Stuart Edw Roe John A Connor Jr Wesley Zerman Wm Daler John Duddy George B Scott Jno Furey Jas Morrow John Doyle Jos Kinkade Thoß McCalg Wm Fink John Hankey ' Frank Baker Hugh McVey Frank McCaulley Henry Hamilton Wm Miller . Samuel Tamme Robert Sink John Hazley Andrew J Lindsey Benj Johnson Hiram Resenberg Jas Collins John McGiveny Chas Fay . W H Harrison Alex Turner Wm Miligan Edward F Morgan Wm Butler Chas Priest Geo C Brigga Vincent Fennlngton Philip Pauline RiafcAttl Klsk; James wamswre .wm reieiore Wm Kers John McGonagle Israel Johnston Edward Chester Joaeph Ruck Robert Chism Henry Magee • Joseph Kinkane George Gruff Davia Wheeler* George Cutchuck Jacob Thomas John Black Thomas Campbell Joseph Connelly '•Jas Clifford Hawkins Wm Jt>»inkloe Jno Moon«v Taylor Horatio Robinson Benj Kline Jno Thomas Roderick Daly John Henderson * Samuel McKnight Edwin P Glenn Miles Clark Joseph Harrison David Fry Peter Bradley Geo Fox Archibald McGregor John Hankins Wharton Geo Baker John King George Jennings William H Bailey Francis Mintzer Frederick Dilks James Gallagher Jacob Bethel George Wiles Andrew Ward Patrick Dunn James Dougherty Richard H Hullinger Warde Morgan John Glenn Charles Much Michael Callahan Timothy Lynch Frank Gunn Wm G Miller Louis Lowring John Riley Fred’k Ghrdes Richard McCurdy John Midwinter John Hoffman Robert Warnock Nathaniel Bewer John R Keen John MoConnell John Cassidy WmßlHarrison Christopher Caddaher Henry Stowe Thos Ledwitoh Johnson Manell Wm Perry Thos Allen Walter Bagshaw Jesse Reeves Wm Vaughn Thomas Leech Richard Wall * Samuel Reed Jr Charles McMann Henry-Young Wm Deweeß Thos Murby Dennis Dougherty PftYMJonea Eugene Wende Stuart Boyd Michl Clanney Wm R Thompson Abram Walker Andrew Carrol Robert Me Glare John Wells Henry Eppenburg Andrew Blair Felix Rosb / John Harburger. Allen Boen Richard Scott Edward Miller , / Jno Kessler (Com/ Jno O’Connor i Edward Thompsoii Wm Gray [ Henry Luce ■' Sami H Dockendori Geo Smith Wilson BAiley J; Andrew Gordon i Clement Wilkins! ' John Carlin John Myers ! James St John / James McKee James Owens David Thompson Andrew Danley Wm Carnes John Loden / James Thornton WmDeelift John AiDfiOGit George Hunt Creorge AUch Thomas Gii’er Wm McDowell Wm Simmons John Munn Chas M Yomer Jas White, Sr Robt Kane Sami Finlay Frederick Cline Hezekiah Wilson John Strife H L H Haffery Danl Magee Benj Wright Chas Peragrove John Berger Wm Vaile Henry Hammlll John J Klimer . ThoßFaub John Redman Wm Cox, Jr Samuel Orchard Samuel Hawkey Samuel Fulton Adam Hoffner John Coffey Jacob Franley Hugh McOrossen John Watts Henry Isaac Wm Gain John McCaffney John Hoon Wm McCullough Thomas Cutler Patrick Gibson George W Breese Jeremiah Greese Henry Fetrough Jameß McKinley Leonard Louise Wm Husted Wm Mullen Job Beale wmu^ jnoMiokel Wm C Zane James Lane Wm Porter Wm Scanlan John E Bailey John Walters Patrick Wright Albert Shepperd Wm Wethman ~ V Oharleß Cook Patrick Douglass Wm Dougherty Bernard Mellory Charles Flandiß Wm Richher Alexander Febson Jos Wells WmHedderman Wm H Stinger Rudolph Hartman Chas Parsons Samuel McNutt Jameß Stinson Louts Handery Louis Mcßride John A Adderßon Jas Gillespie John Chapman Patrick F Mallery ' Jas O’Donnell Andrew Mclllvaine Peter MoGloughlin Clark Hunter Armon Gebhart Owen T Edgar Bernard Dolan Tleoflore Douflifiiß lion in lima Joian XToblQ Philip Xtfcig George F Daily George Kelton Joseph Gorman Robert McLoughlia Jas Green Jas Wall Jas W Ruth John Greggory Matthiaß Dick John K Smith Moses Orr ■ JosGaugh Henry L Taggart Morton Patenheimer John Patchell Jas Franklin Henry Rhile Levacius Wm Fulton James Easier • Jos Doyle Geo O’Neil Chas E Olmstead Robt McTrusty Wm’J Knott Jno Smith Adam Wilson Thomas Davis Wm H Farrell Wmßond Hugh Lindsey Charles W Roach, Jr Jamei Higgins Geo Lochner Charles Carter Alex Ofr Randolph Betterfotd Benj Myrtelius Wm Gates , Henry McDevitt John Murphy John Stager John S Turner Adam B Mickle Jos Reed Jas McCracken Chas R Bruse Christian Walker August Cross Thos Wilcox Jas Walter John Young Willis Hunter Thos W Garrick Sami Lari Jno B Cortney Thos Kirkwood Jas Twiggs Fredk Kelly Jos L Cricket Jas C Alexander Robt Smith JohnFlahey Jas O’Donnell Jos H Richardson Taylor Hickman Gfe&a Xisflap? onarlea Hilaey ‘ Francis Freiberg Geo Stuart Geo Getz Jas Irons Peter Young Patk Owens Thos Cunningham John Dale H Kellner Jas J Sanders Herman Helmbold Wm Heckett Richard St John John Denny Joseph L Davis Wm Backshaw Henry Titlow Jno W Ewes Geo Wallins Edward Hutchinson Geo Vickers Stephen Foster Wm A Houston Jos Bland Nell Bryson Patrick Donahue Jas Hasßon Alex Mitchell Jas Farley John B Myers Geo Shaffer Alfred Thornley Neil Smith Wm Anderson. Jas K Spencer Chas Gutbub AUsi llsOlsiiL . . OhAWfefl HMtmitt Eawwtt ruray George Simon James McLaughlin Wm Crawford -Bell Robert Mitchell John King Wm N Brooks Jacob Young John Brennan Henry W Craig John Carrlgan Jacob Baker Jos Riley , Jno McArthur Christian Wolf John Miller Joseph Burt Francis Maigrot John Orr Martin Burkhart Christian Vellmyer: . Geo Claypole Fleming Smith ; James John P IVliUgr Charles Penrose McClan • Samuel White Daniel J Atwood Wm Fleming Henry Rau Wm J Pollock Bernard Myers John Cunningham Adam Quigley Alfred Morris Samuel Cooper Charles McCallage Archey Anderson John Scithe Samuel Powers James Anderson George A Johnson John Harmony Edgar Clermerith William Ellis Robert W Dungan '• William PhUips John'Orr John Gilliespie John Voice Patrick O’Brien JoseDh H Bryson Andrew Strang Geo H Morton Wm Landon Smith Little Thomas N Daisey Wm Wagner Thos Green Geo Barnes Benj Algier Alburtuß Ward Allen Hoffman Thos Mcßirney Henry Lillegore James Devlin Thos Campbell David Oahoun Archey Boyd . James Haily Geo Walter Geo Peterson Jr Henry Kenny James McCartney Wm West Wm Runner Charles Roberts Joshua Miller Wm M Yomer Herman K&mpen. Michael Gorman Alex Johnston Ja* CAlhoun jienry Miller John A Burke 'WmAMcEvoy Wm Myers Wm White Robt Mickle Chauncey B Abbott Jacob Sink Jr Robt Thurston John Scott John Hoopea ThosMitchell ThosDaly John Bastian Jos Clendaoiel Geo Sewell Henry Everly Miohael Devericks Frank McLaughlin t DeDnia Hogan Alfred Delestatius Joseph Wall JaßCassiday Micbl Brown Edward Maroney Chas Wells . ' Ohaß Smith Robt Stotsenberg Francis Taylor Thomas Fell Joshua Gibbs Joseph King John Lontz John B Thomas Jos Kennedy jacoh Eilinger FrcfltmirF John Caivy . TbOB Hiller Wm Favian Joshua B Hankins Gotlieb Ziekfield Oh as Wright Jos Vantine John Simmons Samuel Cathcart . John IVTcTlvaine ' Wm Burns Thos Clark Wm McNeill Robt John eon Joseph Rankin Isaac Schuster Wm Coonß Geo Lentz JosiAh Simmons Geo Hatton Thomas Burns David Griffith Thomas Thompson Edward Cuberly Wm Magilton Jos Patton Michael Gallagher Wm'Newton Austin Eulings Leonard Reiser Henry Mcßride James Meyers Thos Mitchell Grecian Warlz JasWoodß: Wm Dietz Joßiah Brouee William Barker , William Derousse. John Colly Louis Hatka Henry Simmons John Doone John Cunningham John Hanan John Hunter John Fox Jas Johnson Win Cheeseman .Tames Donnelly John Nevins John Leavy John Fitzpatrioli Geo G Mullock Thos Gofford Henry Turner Robt Tinker Leaba Coucher Sami Harvey John Barnett John Shamburger Asa Allen Wm H Fogarty Wm H Givens Robt Adams Gilbert D Spear Wm Linton Wm Watson - Geo Morrison Geo Lutz Archibald Dornan Robert White Edward H Vaile Jas Scanlan Benj Clark John Finnegan TliobH Campbell Isaac Addis John Coyd John Rivell Goohrao XVlcClenahan Job Tauline THob 3R. Rnoei' Thomas Browa - Passall Peterson Martin Kelly Geo-Me are John PAtrick John Simpson James Nicholson ChasDarrah John Remick James Wells Wm Rice Patrick McCabe Geo Jardlne Geo M Sharp Robert erodes James McLaughlin Geo Lightcap James Briggs Michael Randall Isaac Ross George H Geuiger Geo Rafferty Samuel Ellingsworth Thomas Rowe John Ii Lewis JohnMcOlung Edgar PSteitz Arthur Oldberaton Ohas Middleton Wm McGloughlin Wm Garvin Andrew McConnell David Y Moaman Samuel McClellan Alex Armstrong '. Jos Welch Henry Harker James Hardarse George Milfang Frederick Kane Amos Ziegler Jr Joßeph Locker ty George Furman Wm Bovier Hugh McQuade Joseph Mftyhan TveiitjiJivM Charles Black John Altcrger Joseph Hooker Charles Haines WmGuthwick Job Propert Geo Graham Matthew Lawlor Geo Walters Thos Taggart Hugh Smith John Fluhr WmF Heinenger Louis Betz John T Davis Frank Smith Wm Robinßon Matthew Maloney Henry Heenan Augustine Hans Wm H Casßarth Augustus Thyer Wm Carley Isaac Fowler James Kater Jos Smith ' Dominic Wateer Joseph Ralston Jas Buchanan Geo Keely Lawrence Rafferty Miles Bruton Edwin Waterman John Hull Wm H Wilson Chas Spring Fa.trick MTcElroy HiSfy 2leglef John Lafferty Henry Cobb Hugh Carrigan Albert Waterhouse John Hay John Buist Wm Harris 'John Scott - v Walter Patterson Geo H West Jacob S Gurrelle Chas Colly Bernard Divio Paul Savage TbeophiluB Jaggers Wm Mclntyre Edward P Morris David McDade Samuel Berry Jos Ben net eon Robt Gross Chas Metz. "James Kelly Albert Khueu John Parks Thos McAnally Daniel Haeson Ernest Strieker WmMitzer John Love • Jacob Haaf Geo B Smith Jr Christopher Stager Paul Stewart John Smith Total number of names drawn l»483. Tlie following, gentlemen were inviicl to be pretl* ent. Mr. Making was absent, being sick ai borne. He bad the honor of being drafted: Samuel Bispham, Harman Baugh, D, Wm. Gfregg, Chambers McKib ben, F. A- Wolbert, John B. Makins. There were 1,767 names enrolled, and 537 drawn, as follows: Walter Spangle- John George ■ Geo S'Harris WmH Barnes < Wm Dubring John Betz Chas F Crlpps John Adams < WmO Esher CbasCollis James Donnelly Wm H Adams SophHolwig Alfred Cooper George Woodruff R M Closain . Michael Shinn JacobKuntz Joseph Beeside Isaiah Bates Wm YuDgker Henry Coltas James O’Brian Wm McDowell G L Worthington Felix Rogers John L Scherer Thomas Boyd Heller John Odrian John Davey Louis Speckt John Firkenhoff Wm Justice Ghas Haßßenstal Edward Ware David Jarvis Wm Conner John Siiman Nathaniel Walterß Fred Lightner John Miller Edmund Fell Isaac G Reed Jr Jas S Bolitho JB Makins K A McOoombs David F Conover .Lewis 0 Bland Bichard America (col’d) .Henry Danforth Amst Gerback Wm Vance W C Harriß Edw Needles Chas Storm David H Beck Edw Warrington Francis A Kirkpatrick JfICOD Hctunut _ 3>l n John Kaighn O GHemstead Thomas Keim James Conway Alexander Bogel Pat Henneßy John Becket (colored) Samuel C Zane Samuel Collyer John Kennedy Charles Groff Richard Lumley - Thomas Woodward Abraham Rundio WmMoseley Collin Woodward Frederick Coffman Frank Crimmcll Geo W Nicholson Henry Titus v . John Glennery Wm Scudder J C Bleb el Mark Deltrich Wilkinson Lucas Geo Hamilton Wm J Leader Jacob Stein ' John Wm Rennert, Christopher W agner Joseph Rood Mark Dillinger David Oarterry Jacob Haux Chas Haywood Fred Smart GeoMeNoo! Trai&mrDßfljcnr C M Coolidgv T C Else Thomas Leech William H Potter Thomas Difer George Brown Oliver Cunningham William Jordan Christian Lieber Andrredy Fry August FHenne Charles Lichaw William Gencer James Danworth James O Haywood Peter S Dooner Isaac Britton Jos G Hibbs F T ABhton ' ! Joshua Jackson George M Bisbing 1 Julian Fagans Philip C Haldeman John Johnson Wm Nuneman Peter B Hall Lewis Fales Martin Nestle Wmxtoiby Chas Wm Keller Wm Tyson " Justin Oelschlegel J J Stadiger Henry Burnell Alfred Miller Martin Kill&ky Rich Albright Henry Reicht E Gaillard Jr Samuel C Eaton J AKlimmer George Gordon Robert Cunningham Nathan S O Folwell John Daily Gotleib Burkh&rdt 1 T G Bohinson 1 Samuel Myers Ernest Alexander Samuel C Bean James Smith SHHackett John Weiser J C Goebel JohnENorcross Benj Mills J) Wolf George Haller Herman Biigholz Wm McKinney Edw Devlin 1 Charles Herring (colored) Conrad Geerback Anthony Akers Edw Ryan CFWicbman Christian Laffler Frederick King Morton Nugent H Guttermah Hugh J Steinmetz Jos Verdresw John H Lutz Albert Edenborn Chas Me Cully' John Hays Robert'Watts John JNaßtribe Pat Oallaban Jacob Lutz George Blum Lewis Brodhead Henry Atkins Michael Batican Lawrence Hart s William Falla Chasßichman James J Babell Gustavua A Demmoy W Williams Wm Blacklow Aaron Craven Chriatopher Mitzer John Lamond Joseph L Amer Michael Norriaon Christian Oohl Daniel F Corrie Amos Laning August Dorsheimer A F Zimmerman John McKinley Alfred Yauchler Wm Keyser Roht M EaTly Michael McEwen FatHaaaon Miner J Robbins Fat Welah Wm Tomlinson / Ohas Kelyer Ohas Burns Jas McDonald Jas Moore Owen McKinney Robfc Morehead ThosE Walton HenryHuttner Lewie Suitland Wm White Hughßarneß Wm Rithe A Schneider Emanuel Gibbons PH Murry Joseph D Jones Francis L Moore Michl Sherron Guatave Foeter John B Jones John Schmidt Michl Weaver , Jaa Bardsley Robfc Rothbone John Anderson LeviDuugan John O’Brien Robfc Monk Jas R Dickson Wm F Corbit Joseph Cortas Wm Denkman Job H Taylor Wm A Walton MUM Brows surpass Jobn IVCutilbeer Chris Schaffer David Furman JohnXeindick Charles Warren Anthony Dryer Charles Bonetts John McEwen Amos D Sfcimmell D C Seigrist T Y Roads Robert McFitrish Valentine Golderman Jacob Reeser HHShantz Charles Brown Edward Scherer James Woolman James Mayhew Wm T McKenny Wm Jefferson (colored) J D Hartranft Conrad Klotzback Wm Bailey Guthrie Estling Michael A Barr John Jones Christian Pfisterer . Louis Brockerman ThosH Green Win Jones (colored) Sami W Huntley WmVeiht Barney Conaway Gustave G Francke Carl F Munzer Jas Chiseltine (colored) Charles SBaw » Drsinaimuß John F Bennett Robert Woodbum A W Taylor John Mosler Isaac White JohnSHibbs Victor Green Jos Keim Lucius Holliday John M Cropper * Thomas Matthews W S'Brown Mich Stack William Blake Abram Raiguel JohnDelany Anthony Armedo Sigmund Winrow Bernard Devlin Charleß Flympton Andrew J Croll William H Budlong Jaoob Withington Rev Mr Hendricks Dennis Kennedy D W Chambers Moses Pendergrast Thos Mullen Jacob Kaus Joseph Blair Jtfs Sailer Jos Somers Sailer Wm'*" . Wm Dugan Philip Wioker Henry Young Wm Opdyke Daniel Barr Joseph Faboowarous Samuel B Filson Wm Martin Adolph Dfichier Charles Hooper Wm Howard. Samuel Shaw W W Williams Peter Lynch Wm Becker John Hunter JH Elliott John R Walter John Mullen George Brown JLLukens Alfred Knight John Brown Henry Gilbert James McLaughlin Franois Villette ) Samuel Jackson Joseph Q,uiglcy George Tulrey James Benney George L Ebenbaok Charles McCarty Daniel Van oaten M H Bolt Charles Prenot Henry Cramer ' Thomas Heis William Godshalk Henry Graham Daniel Wills WmH Belknap Samuel F Eberman Frank Kursh Alex Holland •, WmOnion Jacob Miller Lowry McClellan George Ogle * • WmQ.iiandrill m ** Henry Gable... : . • X 4 THE PEKBS—PHII<ADEL John W Allison S H Britton A Black Henry Mervine Robt Clark (colored) Ambrose Harkins John Thompson Daniel Dudley Solomon Rarhauser Garret-Nagle Geo Demery Joseph Bowman Joseph Lassell - Stephen Genard Andrew W Jenkins -Robt Pollock James Duffy August Fricher Sami Bradford Wm Swin J D M cKee Jas Ferguson David Henry Johnßatz Miohl Lemon J E Gillenger B Geskerman -> Thomas O’Brian R Aaronson - Matthew Roe J H Loag* Frank-Amlerson Samuel Buck Frederick Steinman Jacob Laweer J Minor Edward Robineon Patrick Ford JohnDobbius Lowry McClennan George Biddle E P Hunt Henry Mackin Joseph Tracy Isaac Hays John Fitzgerald Edward Lescure Robert Buckley Albertßarder Maurice Murphy Edward Gillmore A Libkitchen Owen Burke Geo Morris JJC Ashbrook Joseph Haineß Frank Baird Pat Shehaa David Glatts Michl Daly John Mcalhause John E Grove Geo Addingß Bartram Ashmead Hugh Duffy John Faunin Wm Mey John Ehalt Jonathan Trimble Henry Gottleib Philip J Rutter J H Rosengarten Geo Gruat Sami Desher Matthew Nayals John Braley Jas Grier Nathaniel Janney . Geo Pridey Thos Eyre ©U jLUAWIM Hlli UMdIM tIU IUMIUIiAi. Af Ou Allowing committee : E LuLcns, J. X. Soalzam, S, Slmpßon, L. Ckeder, A. Crawford] A. Ovrnptell, G-. A. Quigley. [ In this ward 1,514 names were /enroied and 413 were drawn. j Wm Hell worth ' James Cohen 1 Chas Bishop Henry Boggs Ohas Hermon David Weiss Geo H Yan Dyke Chas Fortner Thoa A Baker GeoHUhler Wm Almendinger Wm Billings Wm H Isenberry Isaac Fly A Hamilton Geo YShoemaker Goddard Heils John Eben Geo W Blye James O’Neil Jacob Mealy Anthony Sharp Rhinehart Hoffer John Lyons August Boon John Fielding Geo W Matthews Geo Stevens GeoFErbe Theo Dittus Augustus Fidlez Sami Venable John Begge Samuel Taylor John Maoiie John Baurle . Barney Oorr Lewis J Chester Joseph L Wright O Cook Henry Snyder Pat Ward John Mowry Adam Shaffer Caleb H Malin Michael Haskins Henry Clopp PatLarer Wm Wolf Sigmund Simon John Skiglis Francis Temple John Hill Fred Fals Michael Bigley Thos Keenan And J Husted J Royer Michael Mullen John StaDton Theo Weather Michael Levy John Herring John Klinkburger Albert Scbadel Abram Eckert Finley McClurd Thomas M Smith Chas E Bowen Jacob Nedvil Wm Nicbolß Gustavua Gloeser WmPMeming Albert Fine Wm Fox Wm P Haynes John Osier Hugh McGonigle David Harris Michael I Fay John Finger A W Stewart • Edward Leinic Philip Maguire Peter Haftel John Haber Oscar Bates. Frederick Hinkman Herman Gerth Henry Gruber JamesP Fisher Wm Hogan John H Graham John Sweeny George Westmun. / . Charles Austin A James Westcott f\ Abraham Charleß Morris t'{ Harman/Shoernacei Amos Kelly • / WmMlfir J IffISDBS iiSSilßf 3TtWj»cl|«-Mj-er / Henry Wieganl RALuken / JasKblin Adolph Pangfst Jolinßresser ThoaFori j BeDj Walter; WmSatiheH Geo Mefainger Geo Afrefta David ftughes Gilber/ Davis Liwrace Lousart Dinie/Weaver ¥mPatton Ffrdi/iftnd Miller George Crider Jicobßristle John Starret, I O Kelly Henry E Hopkins Phristian Hartmer EYm Volkland Sottbold Dittmah . Wm Bacon Robt N Hay kneel Collins fas Murray: Augustus Fullman James Miller David Katz Chas W Gersset jMicnael Hasler HenrvEmery . Paul Flogel •Hugh Young ‘Ohas Uflumnoult John Ttohrti Stephen Stanton Henry Jachel James Kelly Frederick Rosprach Conrad Gabel ChasKugler Henry Celtz Chas Able FerdDrecher Morris Bishop James Wilson John R shoemaker Henry Diebrichs Joseph Hofferd Wm Myers Martin Pettit Jacob Green John R Taylor Law Stringer (colored) Lewis Walker Henry Grimsb&ck Henry Wolf Jacob Pepert Geo Reller Leonard Reed Henry Freidenmacher / FredGJ&sser Henry Fread Wni Bightley Jas Elwell Chas Stahl Thos F Thompson Sami J Rogers Edward Stahluecker v David Stein ' Charles Barrett Poly Myers Edward D Barrett M Kensill »Keck Adam Jocob Shaeii^ Wm McGlencey- Edwin D Becker Jacob Enviley WmHeffern Gustave A Earsingatt Jas Boußtead John W Cooper Wm Burton RLPanorma Pat Butler Henry Welderlein Philip Baker Gilbert Myers Christian Opperman. Abram Sawyer Wm McDevitt Wayne Bitting Chas Birkenhauer John Caemer Edward T Wood Henry Veber Jacob Strichbaum After r the drawing Mr, Spangfed Banner,” and hearty cheers for the Unic TTNION STEAM AND WATEB. U HEATING COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. HOLD’S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATBB H KATES, THOMPSON’S LONDON KITCHBNBB, and all othal Improved COOKING APPARATUS. ■ ■ = ■ . Holler, and Water Backs, Pylor and other OntcA Becirien and Venttlatoie, Backs and Junhe, and all thlnia connected with the above of bnehwee. No. « Sonth FODBTH Street. B. M. PBLTWBLL. Snperlntendent. apß-lp TUTOBGAN, 088, ft OQ., STEAM- I JM- HNGIBB BUILDBRB, Iron Toundorirtnd dnuMl BoU.t Mlltn, Henry Resell John Breen WmE Dyer Robt Wilson Chaa H Schuroh Jacob Aicher Francis O Deschamp John Warner J R Philippa Wm Gilmore Stephen Cannon Fred Liviugston Jas Field C MclCey Lewis Pollock Wm Boston Pat Coyle Moses Lyon JO Cooper /. i: : John O’Donald Patrick Neff Henry Hodson Chas Jones Jonas Moyer Samuel J Hunt Robt Steele Ohas Warner * Jas Jarvis , Timothy Barry George Fae John Maria John Wetz Edward Doyle Albert Loberg John Wood Daniel Oline Totepk Jeakitl: I OoIUS Theodore Hanel Abner Marshall I Henry Prettyman ' Rudolp Schultz f George Coburn j John Leopold j Wm McKeen 1 RHPattison Frederick Tecksaan John Fairfax; Francis G Bensted John Starkey { Daniel Miller (colored) Sewart Morris Joseph Boulais Wm H Borbes / Louis Boshman Thos Fitzgibbons : Otto Zeitz Joseph Dina Geo W Young I Wm H Schuroh j Wm Wilson John Leil John Johnston | L Brown ' , Alfred Clark 1 Robt Pollock | Wm McLaughlin i Jacob Delamoter Joseph Rand P H Beck E Albrecht Geo Bromley Barney Quire * Thos Grftham i Washington Slemmer I ECWaflaoe [J Jas Cook \ -i r\ John Moore * .J , j Henry Ogden \ I ' " \ jj Miller' 7 (xerhara Heifelt ELEVENTH WAIT'D. \ Jacob Qreinf? Peter Eenaij Wm Wilbeit David looc Ghaa Kletzfr John ftr&a Wm Njwtm Wm Hlzlit Wm B^kf RobtATods AaronDf^stader lOhas FrUlein Ranßom, l 'BWi6 Adam Qss jßenjLqKmry \Vnx Hiding {James flvegue iGottleiKurtz I Jaque?«vy 'Sam’l/ein Henrjftybold Wmfoh Fred Baser Philipauber John! Baker iMshj' Graves Fred/alters O A Adolph Loupeck Rich* Crin Johiriaman p *^3gaXONN HflUtOlfi 1 IgajWanKß Her Fox Ge&each Mparpenter WjNieman S fctonermetz Tj Fleming Jib Engle GBjyieyher jAph Cork ijah Gerhart Bis Waltz Baum.. ' f»mas Coar fie O Osier [thaniel Newman :derick Bohnert jd Kessler as Bowman os Edmonds m Landis ■ed Bride so Jones m Edgar ewis Walters loritz Hiller |dw H Murry [hilip Grimes fhilip Martin fYmHloung wm Hilton lenry Hitchcock Wm S Gerhart teuben Hoodman Ym G Hellar Lugust Wheeland Peter Snyder (Louis Stork [John A Schlegar Joseph Lutz Wm Durell John Fozier JacobNagele Henry Beepp Edward A Bush John Shoenewald John Weist Henry Jones Henry Lubbs James H Cunningham Frank Staley Andrew Nicholas Philip Herring John A Mackey JohnHertzell August Stevens Francis McQ,uirk George W Baker Henry Cadwalader John Mitchell Andrew J Jones Benj R Kekler John Messerschmidt Matthew Core Charles Miller L Leanger Chas Horan IMKBffilD g"Og©J>li BcsJcj- Wm Coyle Michael B Andress Jno Reeves WmPresser Geo Boss Jos Fitzpatrick Jas Moran Morgan O’Brien Morgan B Kennedy Wm Shaffer Wm Babe Geo Miller Bernard W Miller Bennard Keen Charles Frey John W McDonald William Stickney William Gumfort Charles Puff William Ive William P Buck L Willett Eli Goldsmith JohnMcCann J G Smith John Bell Wmßachmler . Thoß Elliott Peter Nicholson Peter Rono Cha s Letournean WmH Shannon Fredßeybold Edw Guvant .- Arthur Donnelley John Hughes Thos Foley Jos Ruhlrojin ; Multiset siDDsnnn Jt/lui /ioirioß John F Shourds Jacob B Still Henry Bond Wm Slner Aaron L Cloueon John Hunbengen Edgar Sheble John Keene Jacob Christ Kohl Horitz leaac Deal FredEtlman John Syers Wm Johnson Johnßumbarg Jacob Halbenthal Lazarus Bellsinger DanlDray ton i Geo Weakly Win Gigg fm Buzby Solomon Behai Henry Blatz : Christian Muller Danl Gallagher Andrew Howard Lafayette Bayler WmJ Barrett Leopold Krause Edward Deamer Abraham Riggenburger John H Arnold Gasper Außchitz ; [Michael Gallagher [Edward Snyder Aaron Joseph Hay John Wolf Adolph Marks John Haley Chaa Smith James Barns John F Everly Fred Klotz *acob Ludwig » Matthew Brutiey Anthony Sharp - Albert Feuerstein Thos Richardson Abraham Ulman Ohas Bowers John Crofts Geo W Price Jas.V Ferguson John Sweitzer. Emanuel Stangel John Da Costa ChasThomer Geo St Lcger • Geo Cornwell Henry Bechtel Panin sang the !*Star bhe crowd dispersed with TA FRIDAY, 7PLT 31. 1863. RAItR OAD irirßS." 1863. Nwro^"fiQ^^lB63. Ll §& ?ggg aSK«° ™™sM&*r&oi?oZTZiT* ”2. All A. M., TiaCamdan and Amboy. 0. and A. A.- At“TM.*”rd;mdon*liiTj»r«y au! Jl* '' A?BTm^^la’cMndTO »nd Jw . AtßA'if.' Via"Camdon and"jeV.efcitf, M Claw AUIAM.V Via 'Kensinaton ’iVd* Jerjiy City. Bn- J A?*!! *M. i *Via* Camden and Amboy. €. and A. _ A^K D S!;Tia* ( C ftm^ea and Amix>y, 0. and A. Bx- *ria K©nsinfton and. Jereey City, Wash, and Hew York Express.. .*««•••• 1 00 At 6X P- M., via Kensinifcon and Jersey City, Bra- Atlltf PJ&VytaKMsinlSbnMLd Jersey City, Sonfh «niMail*a*a»*»'"*******»,,:**v,“ < '***v^T , * <k **'‘' , ® At IX (Ni(ckt). via Kensington and Jersey City, Southern Express..*.* l *" v I 00 At 6 P M**, Tifc Camden and A.mboT, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket—~ S H Do. do. .2d Claes do.*.—lSO The 6.16 P. M. BTening Mail and 1.30 (j?igb.t) Southern Crpress will run dally; all others Sundays excepted. for if 3 xo T x!“ISS Depot. "" uj wiiwii S;St K m^ to <TheTl6 T* Maine wTthtoe Vor Bristol Trenton. Ac., at 7.10 and 11 and 5 I*. f from Kensington, and 2HP.M. from Walnut-street Tacony, bid Frankfort, at 9 A-M. ,2, 6, 5.45, and 8 P. M., worn (For’ UelaMO. Bnrilu*»n, florence, Berdentown, &•., 6A. M.. MSUI, 3 du, 4>i, fund 6P. M. The 3.30 and P* ». lines mn direct th BteatnboatTrentoi, for Bordentown and intermediate stations at2l4P. M. from Walnut street wharf. „ . mm- Vor'Hew Tort and Way Lines leavtn* Konainic* tos?eioU&tethe caraon Fifth -droot. above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The ear* ran Into the Depot, and on th. arrival of eash train ran from tk* Sts %Tn“o\ l tMfW “jSSsSthfim WM.H.GATZMER.Aient. lines from new yoke for Philadelphia. Will IBAVE, VBOH BOOT OV OOBTIAHDT s *. At 12 M.,and 4 P. M„ via Jersey City and Camden. At7and 10A. M., 6.7X,and 11XP. M. yla Jersey:OStr at»A. M. and lIP. Mi. via *Fram HerW North river,<at 1 andSP. » ttglgit tad passenger) Amboy and Camden. .iaio >i PENNSYLVANIA fO CO 22 central kailboad. FTTT~~I I 1 . Lt 90 OfiilT DOUBMgMOE SnOHTjrorai TO TO ***■• WOBTSWBSTj AMT> SOtTTHWBBT^ Saolpineiita 'snl iwillUei 'fox Ike *afe. itoMd?.! Ui comfortable transportation of pw*en»r« uniuryaMsd by way route ta the country. . Trains leave the Depot at Eleventh and Market street*, Mail Train at,-«—♦.«-—»« «»■'«">» »■»« 7»30 A. S. Fast Line, at.. —~ 11.30 A. M. Through BxDress at-.......• ;;-*v~. —.10.30 P. M. West'.Chester Accommodation, No. 1 8.46 A. M. ** .** ** • No« 2...<••••.>12.80 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at——..- 2.80 P.M. Lancaster Train at.. 4.00 P.M. Parkesburg Train (from West Philadelphia).. 6.60 P. M. Through passengers, by the Fast Line, reaeh Altoona for supper, where will be found excellent accommoda tions for the nigbt, at-the Logan House, and may take either the Philadelphia or Baltimore Express, cash of which makes connection at Pittsburg for all points. A daylight view is thus afforded of the entire line and Jw ThTod B (£h n train runs daily—all the other trata. THE WSff. Tie Mail Train, Past Lias, and Throughßona son nest at Pittsburg with trough brains on allttw in. roads from that point, North to tie Lakes, West to tie Mississippi and Missouri rivers. and Souti and Southwest to all points accessible by railroad. Through Tickets to Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, St. Panl, Colnr*- b&sssssst ciLM lMi°§|o,m other Pri n^ointe,|ndA ba M ch«ked tiroMi. The Through Express, leaving at 10.30 P. M., eonneets* at Blaireville Intersection; with a train on this road for Biairsvilie, Indiana. &e- _ EBENSBURG & CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving at 10.30 P. K., eonnects at Cresson. at 8.40 A. M., with a train on this road for Ebenßburg. A train also leave* Cresson for BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 7.30 A- M„ and Through Sxprajs. at SIJ* 811 :i JUiMSi islti tSRISJ &1 SnJIIIITH The Through Ssnresa Train, leaving At IU.MJ P M-. •onnects at Tyrone with a train tor Sandy Eidge and Phillpsburg. And by Bald Eagle Valley B. B. for Port Matilda, Mllesburg, and Bellefonte. _ HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leading at 10.30 P,M., •ounects at Huntingdon with a train for Hopewell at NORTHERN CENTRAL AND PHILADELPHIA A ERIE RAILROADS. Ton ScsEtrßT, Whiiamspobt, Loo* Hats*, Emma, Rochbsteb, Buffalo, and NiaoabaPalm. taking the Mall Train, at 7.30 A. M.. and the Through Express, at 10.30 P. M.. go directly through without change of cars between Philadelphia and Williamsport. For YOKE, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the train leaving at 7.30 A. M. and 2.SOP. M. connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central R. R. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mail Train, at 7.30 A. M., and Through Express, at 10.30 P. M., connect at Harrisburg with trains for Carlisle, Ghambersburg, and Hagerstown.^ WAYt?ESBUBG BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 7.30 A. M. and 4.00 P. M.eonneet at Downingtown with trains on this road for Waynes burg and all intermediate stations. , • FOR WEST CHESTER. . r • Passengers for West Chester taking the tram* leaving at 8.46 A. M. and 12.30 and 4.00 P. M. go directly through Without change of cars. , - COMMUTATION TICKETS. For 1, 5,8,9, or 12 months, at very low rates, for the w* eommod&tion of persons living out of town, or located on or near the line of the road COUPON TICKETS.. For 26 trips, between any two points, at about two sente per mile. These tickets are intended for the use of families travelling freqnentlT.and are of great advantage to pereon. , For 1 or 8 months, for the use of scholars attending fehool in theeitr. , ~, _ ' . Forfurther information apply at the Passenger Station, 8. B. of BLIY WESTERN EMIGRATION. ~ ~ An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No. 137 Dock street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o clocg F.M., offering a comfortable mode oft ravel to families going West, at one-half the usnal rates of fare. Particular at tention is paid to Baggage, for which and baggage forwarded-by same train with the passen ger ■ Tor full information apply;to _ ... * FEAKCIB FUIfK, BmUrwit Arent. IST DOCK Stmt. MANITB BAQOAGB EXPRESS. . An agent of this reliable Express Company will pa»i through each train before reaching the depot, wid take up cheeks and deliver Baggage to any part of the. city. Baggage will be called for promptly when orders are left at the Passenger Depot, Eleventh and Market streets. The travelling public are assured that it it entirely rttponsible. ' ?BBIQHTS^ By thlsronte freights of all description* can be for warded to and from any point on the Rflttroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana. Illinois. Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct , or to any port on the naTiffabl* rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. __• The rates of freight to and from any point in the weak, by the Pennsylvania Central "Railroad, are, at all times* zm favorable as are charged by other Railroad Compa nies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transporia n— ifisflo ointiiwiaj transit _ ■ IWIWB&f oWyp*®*; *iwnva**i 4o « address the Agents of in© company : B. B. KINGSTON, Ja., Phlladelshl*. D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. : CLARKE ft Co., Chicago, _ „ , _ LEECH ft Co., So. 1 Aetor Hon.,, or Ho. 1 Booth WH- Hum street, Now York. , , _ LEECH & Co., No. 77 Washington street, Boston- . WM- BROWN, No.-80 North street, Baltimore, Agent Korihern Central Railway. H. H. HOUBTOir, General Snperintendeni. A-H6on*> T». NORTH PENNBYL t KAILKO AD-For BETH LEHEM, DOYLEBTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, HAJZLB IONr BASTON, WILKBSBAREB, WILLIAMSPOBT, * 0- SUMMEB ABBAWGBMBNT. Pauenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIED Street, above Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted), u M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Haneh Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, &c. i At 8.15 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Baston, &i. • At 5. 15 P.M. for Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauch Chunk. ForDoylestownatO.lGA. M. and4.lsP. M.. T Tor Fort Washington at 10.36 A, M. and 6.30 P. M. • i- White care of the Second and Third-afcreets line City P„« n «rTEmoVra^l^HXA Leave Bethlehem at 6.45 A. M.", 9.30 A. M:, and AOfP. M. • Leave Doylescown at. 7.36 A. M.and4P. M. Leave Fort Washington at6^^ M. and 3 P. M . Philadelphia for Bethlehem at BA* M . Philadelphia for Doylestown at BP. M. Doylestown. for Philadelphia at,7A.M. lM , t WEST CHESTEB & FHIInAPELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD* Passengers for West Chester leave the depot, Eleventh and Market streets, and sot kronen Wl TI±UUT CHANGE OF pHU^ADELPHIA. Leave at 8.45 A. H Arrive West Chester 10.80 A.M. " “12.30 P. M. . t , J.3OP.M. .»» •* 4 OOP M. ■ - •• 0.90 P. M. FROM WEST CHESTER. „ „ , „ Leareat 6.20 A. M Arrive WestPhila-• - 8.00 i. M. •• "10.60 a.m. ;; ; u **■ 3 46F M 0.00 P. U. Passengera for 'Western points from West “S?" neet at the Intersection with the Mail Train at 8.45 A. M., the Harrisburg Accommodation at a 46 P. M,, and the L p n reUit r Jaitvered 6 'l fte dopot, sorner of Thirteenth ‘Voftfok&and )»3-tf . BLEVENTH and MARKET Street!. PHILADELPHIA Tsb3 ”umms* arrangement. 18»» For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, KLMIRA, andall Snint. in theW. and N. W. Passenger Traine lean* fjgpyt 0 f Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, eo™' Broad and Callorrnill. streets,, at 8.111 A. M- ana 3.30 P. “ciTncfelp^RO^mfrom Philadelphia to Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Wejtera New fork. i».. *«- Baggage eheoked throngh to Bnßalo, Niagara Falla, or intermediate.Pointi. -. For farther ‘= for f o^ l §Y P iftLßS. General Agent, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL. and office of How ard's Express Company. GOT CHESTNUT Si. ja3l-tf RAIL BOAD. —This great Una trayersee the Norther* and and Northwest coon ties of Pennsylvania to the eity ox ’nV?W? lea Sid by the PENNSYLVANIA BAH.. NOAD COMPANY, and under their auepleea la Debut npidVirened throughout It a entire length. fi ll now in nee for Pasßenger ; and Freight bmlneM fromHarrlsbur* to Driftwood, eeeond fork, (Mf , m Ce*) ™ the eStern Sl-rieion,, and from Bheffleld io Brie, (7* MaUTrbin*. + .v «.~a7.SOA. M. Express Train. 10.30 P.M. Cars ran through -without change both wayson these trains between Philadelphia and Look Haven, and be* Iron Haven. ... Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. /. ; , * Btreets, Philadelphia. _ . i*m*¥r*i*«r* ' Oeneral^htA^nt^PhUladeiphl* General Manager. Wffll«m»port. THE PHILADELPHIA rastbbn transportation COMPACT is now forward FREIGHT fro* Philadelphia to 2T«w»York» via Camden and Port Mon* "‘gh.eattentton of Shippers and Merchants isdbreeted ta this new and expeditions RAILROAD SOUTH and i portion of their patronage respectfully solicited; - Prei ght received at third wharf above Arch street W. I. GRIFFITTB, J*., General Manager, JOHN BUCK, Freight Agent, _ MTS-U fttrlfe. »8 H6rTHßlflßu htwYoik.; SHERIFF’S SALES. CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public Hale or vendue, on MOtfDAY Evening,Aucunt3.lB63,at 4 o’clock,at Sansom-street Hall. No. l.__All that-certain Jot or piece of ground, with tbe two-etory brick dwelling house thereon erected, ■situate on the nortli side of a certain forty-feet-wide street, called Lewis street, laid out and opened for public use from Sixth to Seventh streets parallel with and at the distance of one hundred and ten feet northward from the.north side of Morris street, in the First ward of the City of Philadelphia, begin ning at the distance-of one hundred, and seventeen feet seven inches and a half eastward from the east side of said Seventh street, and containing in front or breadth on the said Lewis street thirteen feet four inches and. a half, afid extending in length or depth northward of that width fifty feet. Bounded northward by ground of Isaac W. Potts, eastward by other ground of Luth«»r C. Idmunds; southward by the said Lewis street, and westward-by ground of Luke W. Duffel [Being the same premises which William Clark and wife, by in denture dated tbe2d day of May, A D. 1858. and recorded in Deed Book R. D. W. t No. 158, page 66, 71, &c.,grant ed and conveyed to L._ C. Edmunds In fee; subjecttoike payment of a yearly ground rent ot twenty-four dol lars. 3 No. 2. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, witn the two-story brick dwelling house thereon orected situate on the north side of a certain forty called Lewis street, laid out and opened for P"? L „ t t u e from Sixth to Seventh streets parallel from the distance of onelmndred and ten> waTd f the Gitv north-side Oi'Mort of Philadelphia, be^ t n f0 ® r j nc ] IQS and a half eastward fro e m tboeMt sufa of said Seventh street, and containing in°froaC orbreadth on the said Lewis street thirteen feet four inches' and a half, and extending in length, or deuth nitrtliwai'd of that width fifty teat. BouniM noTtinrimi m rn'Baua amr srimn ur Kans TTi roftm eastward, westwara riowor late of X. G. Edinuhds, kiid fiOiitliWirdUy tli£ usid Lewlil [tl4- ing the same premises which William Clark and wLfe. by indenture dated the 2d day of May, A. D. 1856, and recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8.. No. 106, page 233, &c., granted and conveyed to LutherlC. Edmunds in fee; un der and subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of twenty-four dollars. No 3. Also, all that certaiu lot or piece of ground, with the two-story brick dwelling-house'thereon erected, situate on tbe north side of Lewis street, beginning at the distance of one hundred and fifty-seven feet nine incheß eastward from the east aide of Seventh street; containing in front or breadth on the said Lewis street thirteen feet six inches,and extending in length or depth northward of that width fifty feet. Bounded northward by ground now.or late of Isaac W. Potts; eastward by froundconves'ed. or Intended to be conveyed, to Julius ink: Fontliward by the said Lewis street, and westward by other ground now or late of Luther C. Edmunds. [Being the same premises which !William Clark and wife, bv indenture dated the 2d day of May. A. D. 1356, and Deed Book A D. 8.,N0. 106. page 229, &c., granted and conveyed to Luther C; Edmunds in fee; under and subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of twenty-four dollars.] No. 4. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, w ith the two-story brick dwelling-house thereon erected, .situate on the south side of a certaiu forty-feet-wide 1 street called Fisher street, laid out one hundred and ten feet south of and parallel with Franklin street, and ex tending from- Sixth to Seventh street, at the distance of two hundred and sevtnteen feet three inches eastward from the east side of the said Seventh street, in the First ward of the said city; containing infront or breadth on said Fisher street twelve feet, and extending of-that width in length or depth southward, between, lines parallel with the said Seventh street, fifty feet. Bounded northward by the said Fisher street; eastward by ground now or late of Downs Edmunds, Jr.; southward by ground now or late of Isaac W. Potts, and westward by ground now or late of Thomas Shaw. [Being part of the same premises which Robert L. Harris and wife, by deed poll endorsed, dated the 14th day of March, A D. 1859. and recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 78, page 449, &c., granted and conveyed to Luther C. Ed munds in fee. 1 , No. 5. Also, all that certain three-story brick dwell ing-house and lot or piece of ground, situate at the northeast corner of Prime street and a certain thirfcy-feet ■wide street (laid out, opened and dedicated to public use forever by Henry J. Fox one hundred and twenty feet moat orufimmlM witl llsMßoilili street] calM Yfarfl nroofrisrounam ksw jrsnasts ~ •*~*iT‘F street eighteen feet, and extending of that -width.-in. wak a iistk 4«lwMd alasa the north side of tho said Prime street fifty leet. Bounded northward by other ground late of Luther C Edmunds; eastward by ground r.ow or late of Isaac W. Potts; southward by the said Prime street, and westward by the said Ward street. [Being part of the* same pretnisea which Charles Harlan, by indenture dated the 20th day of July,* A. I>. 1860, and recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 159, page 174, &c.. granted and conveyed to Luther C. Edmunds in fee 3 [D. C., 664; June I\, r G3. Debt,-SI, 115.73. Booth.] • • Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Luther 0. Edmunds. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1883. je24-3t OHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF • k-J a •writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, August 3, 1563. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. No. 1. Ml that two-story brick dwelling house aud lot or piece of ground situate in the Second ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning on the north side of Peters street, at the distance of eighty-four feet one inch and one-filth of an inch westward from the west side of Twelfth street; thence extending westwardly along the said. Peters street fourteen feet and one-fifth of an inch to ground late of Samuel Miller, deceased; thence by the , same northward forty-eight feet ten inches to other ground late of SamueLMiller, deceased; thence by the same eastward fourteen feet and one-fifth of an inch to other ground of Samuel Miller, deceased; and thence by the same southward forty-nine feet two inches tothe place of beginning. Subject to a groundrent of thirty dollars per annum. t . ,' - ' • • ... No. 2. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground, with, the two-story brick dwelling house thereon erected, situate in the Second ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning on the north side of Peters street, at the dis tance of one hundred and twenty-six feet one inch ao.d one-fifth of an inch westward from the west side of Twelfth street; thence extending westward along the said Peters street fourteen feet ana one-fiftli of an inch to ground late of Samuel Millei, deceased: thence by the a™., iiuiisssl Jbri”fct tea. isskss ta sdus arannfl lam or iunuei Miner; arasoai 11101100 liitno Biime WMITW3 fonrteea ana ..aefim. or other ground late of Samuel Miller, deceased; thence southward forty-eight feet two inches to the place of beginning. Subject to a groundrent of thirty dollars per annum. .... . , , No. 3. Also, all that cartainlot or piece of ground, with the two-story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on the east side of Ward street, at the distance of one hundred and seventeen feet northward from the north side of Prime street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Ward street fouiteen feet, and extending in length or depth eastward, between lines parallel with said Prime street, fifty feet to a three-fett-wide alley leading into Prime street: together with the free use and privilege of said alley. rßeing the same premises which Charles Hailan,by indenture bearing date the twentieth day of July, A, D. 1860, and recorded in Deed Book A. D. B. , No 129, page 174, granted and conveyed (inter alia) unto Luilier C. Edmunds in fee.] CD/ C., 665; June T., ’63. Debt, $lO,OOO. Edmunds.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Luther C Edmunds. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July. 22, 1883. jy24-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to mA directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on ing, August 3, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hail, All that certain three-story stone messuage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground, situate on the south easterly side of Levering street,- in Manayunk, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on the said Levering street twenty feet, and extending in length or depth of that width sontheastwardly seventy-five Jeet. Bounded northeastwardly by. ground now or late of Samuel Law son, sontheastwardly by ground ofthe Mount Zion Me thodist Episcopal Church of Manayuuk, in the county of Philadelphia, southwestwardly by ground granted to John P. Thompson, Samuel O’Niel, and John Small, Trustees. &c » and northwestwardly by Levering street aforesaid. [Being the same premises which Edward Pres ton, junior, bv indenture duly executed, hearing date the 14th day of July, A. D. 1851, and intended to be forthwith recorded, granted and conveyed unto the said Edward rreston, senior, nis' neirs auu assigns',^as-ny Terereuco helng had to the said recited indenture will more fully and at large appear. 3 [D. C., 626; JuneT., ’63. Debt, $485.88. Lawrance.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward Preston, Sr., and James Kenworthy, trading, Ac ' JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 22,1863. jy23-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue, on MONDAY-Evening, August 3.1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ail that certain three-story brick messuage or tene ment and lot or piece of ground thereto belonging, situ ate on the east side of Lewiß street, at the distance of three hundred and twenty-two feet seven inches and five-eighths of an inch northward from tbe north side of Poplar street, late the district of Penn, now. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Lewis street thirteen feet six inches, and extending of that vwidth eastward, between lines at right angles with said Lewis street, fifty feet, including therein, the northernmost part of a certain alley which ex tends into and from Lewis street, and which is to remain open forever, of the‘same width, height, and length as it now is, for. the mutual accommodation of the owners, tenants, and occupiers of the hereby granted premises, and of the messuage and lot of ground adjoining thereto on the south. Bounded on the north to nmiiM no® nr late of Bofiert M ana Mwrsiisa Miriiii ?s ev ?B2s;r. f—t til© sontki ¥y ameseoase a.nd lot of ground eonTeysd to Miry 1&1U9.H, Mid os the west to Lewis street aforesaid. j. Object to the yearly rent or sum of twenty-four dollars. [D. C., 644; JuneT., >63. Debt, $560. Latta.l _ Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Augustus Piper. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 22,1863, jy23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 3,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain messuage, lot or piece of ground, situate in Paschall village, (late the township of King sessing, now the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Phi ladelphia,) marked No. IS on the plan of the said vil lage, and bounded as follows: beginning at a stake in the post road, a corner of lot No. 12 on said plan; thence hy the line of the same, south, forty-nine degrees forty five minutes east, two hundred and sixty-eight feet to a stake in the middle of North street; thence hy said street north; forty-nine degrees forty-five minutes east, fifty feet to a stabs, a corner of lot No. 14; thence hy the line ofthe same, north forty-nine degrees forty-five minutes west, two hundred and sixty-eight feet to the said post road; thence along the same, soath forty-niue forty-five minutes west, fifty feet to the place of begin ning; containing forty-five square perches and a half of land, be the same or lees, [Being the same lot of ground which Henry Paschall and wife, hy indenture dated the 30th day of May, A. D. 1525, recorded in Deed Book Ot. W. 8., No. S, page 652, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said David Egee in fee ] _ [D- C., 626: June Term; ’63. Debt, $560. Paschall.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Philip Seppler and Washington Egee, executors, &c., ot David Egee, deceased. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Jn1"y22,1863. jy23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BT YIRTUE OF ts ma diraataiL will Ids exposed to public slid 6? flß MONT AT EVQ filßg. AUKU&fc 3i 100 b ftGlOVhltff* ft? anil, All that cei-tain three-story brick messuage of tene ment, kitchen, and two-story- messuage or tenement ana lot or piece of ground, situate on the northeast corner of School and Bose streets, in the Kensington, district of the Northern Liberties, in the. county of Philadelphia, commencing at said corner and extending thence north westwardly along said School street thirtyefour feet six< inches, thence northeastwardly at. right angles with said School street about sixty* three ieet to Howard street, thenco southwardly along said Howard street about forty-seven feet two inches to said Rose street, and thence southwestwardly along said Robo street thirty-one feet two inches and a half to the place of be 'The above described premises will be sold as f » All that certain brick messuage or. tenement andlotor piece of ground situate on the eastwardly side of School street at-the distance of about eighteen feet northwardly from the north aids of Bose street; containing in trout or breadth on said School street about sixteen feet six inches, more or less, and extending thence between lines at right angles to said School street, eastwardly on the north line aboutsixty-three feet, and on the south line about forty-seven feet to Howard street. Ho 2 All that certain frame messuage or tenement situate on the northeast corner.of School and Rose streets; containing in-front oh said School street about eighteen feet, and extending in length or depth on the northwardly line about forty-seven feet, and along Rose street on the southwardly line thirty-one feet two and a half inches to Howard street _, - [D. C., 666; JaneT., ’63. Debt, $526. Simpson.] Jo T h a nßeX eXeCUti ° n 6 ° f Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July 22, 1863. jy23-3t GHERIEE’S SALE.—BY, YIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Bxponas, to me,directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, August 3,-1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-streetHall, All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the stone building thereon* situate in Manayunk, in the Twenty first ward of-the city of Philadelphia, on the north westerly side of Grape street, at the distance of thirty feet northeastward from the - corner of-ground late of George Shields,- now of Baid Edward Preston, Seuior, containing in front or breadth 011 said Grape.street fifteen feet, and in length or depth extending thence north westwardly. between parallel lines at right angles with • Baid Grape street, ninety feet. Bounded northeasterly by-ground granted by James Sullivan Smith and wite to ‘-said Edward Preston, Senior, southwestwardly by other srround granted by said James Sullivan Smith and wife to said Edward Preston,.':Senior,, northwesterly by eroundnow or late of Barclay Haines, and southeasterly by Grape street aforesaid. CBeing the;same single house and lot which James Sullivan Smith and Eliza A. , his wife, by indenture duly executed, bearing date the 29th. davfcof ; July, A. D. 1«2, recorded-in-the office, Deed Hook T. H.,1 No. 31, page 474. &C , granted and conveyed (inter alia), unto the said Edward Preston; Senior, his heirs and assigns;] - ~ ' CD.C-. 640; JuneT., 63. .Debt, $428 21, Lawrance.’] Taken iu execution and to be sold as . the property of ■■ Sr.. Sheriff. PhilsdelpMa,, Sheriff’s Office, 'July 22, 1863. jy22-3t ■ QHERIPP'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A O writ of Alia? LevariFacias, tome directors will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY; Evening, Ausust 3, 1863, at -1 o’clock, at Sansom-H«iet Hall,. •All that certain three-story brick .messuage or tens ment, and lot or piece of ground, senate on the east side of Delaware Fourth street, between Call iwhul street and Willow street, in the lai>3 r X O /^ 6l,a 5; a?. 1 ®" said ; containing in fronton said fourth street fifteen feet nine inches, and in deptnfifty-nine feet to a mue feet-wide alley leading into Willow street. Bonmled northward by ground of Edwin Middleton, and south ward by ground late of William Johns, eastward by said alley, and westward by Fourth street aforesaid. [Being the southerly:moiety of the same lot of ground which William Johns and Hannah his -wife, bv inden ture dated the 23d day of JAmiaiy, A.. D 1527, . mteuded to be recorded, granted to the said Enoch Middleton in fee 1 Together with the use end privilege of-the said nine - -feet-wide alley, and together with the heredita-• • ments and appurtenances. " [D? a, ®; June T., ’63. Debt, $5,043. Judsoa.] Taken in execution - and to he sold as the property of Enoch Middleton, and S H eriK Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 22,1563. jy23*3t SHERIFF'S SALES. CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE. OF £5 a writ of Venditioni Exponftflj to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue* on MONDAY Eve ning, August 3, 186:?. at 4 o’clock, at Sansoni-street Hall, All that certain lot or piece oi ground, situate ou the southwesterly side of Cambria street, at the distance of sixiy feet northwestwardly from the northwest side of Amber street, in the Nineteenth, ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Cambria street sixty feet, and extending in length or depth southwardly of that width one hundred and fortr- Bix feet six inches to William street Bounded north eastwardly by said Cambria street; south west wardly by said William street, and sonthea&twardly and north westwardly by ground formerly belonging to John Rice. N. B. —There is erected on the above described lot of ground part of a two-story brick dwelling house. CD. C., 635; JuneT., 'S3. Debt, *331.20. _ Taken in execution and to be sold as thn William H Witte JOHN Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, July ; —-—StTviRTUE OP ©BFRIFP’S S Al' .’ Facias, to mo directed, will P r>T vendue, on MONDA.T Eve be exposed “jse:% at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall, brick factory or soap works, *, mi constructed upon a certain lot or piece of groand, Hituftie at the southeast corner of Carlton and Twentieth streets, in the Fifteenth ward of the city of .Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth, on the said Twentieth Btrtet forty-live feet, and extending in depth of that width along the said Carlton street one hnndred and fifty-two feet, more or less, and the lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtenant to the said biilding. l3>. *1 6.11; June T..’63. Debt $1,702 ;>S. J. B. Townsend ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William T. Marks. &c. JO7IN THOMPSON, Sh eriff. Phibrlelphio, Sheriff* 22, 186:1 iy23-3t jPEOFO^tS. ■ABM? CLOTHING i&ND EQUIPAGE TWELFTH ANiyAfcRARD STREETS. Philadi»?hia, July 29. 1883. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until MOW DAT, the 3d day of August next, to furnish promptly, at the Schuylkill Areenal, Baling Rope Bolting Rope. Flax Sewing Twine. 1-inch Cotton Webbing for Canteen Straps. Twine for Canteen Corks. Bidders must state in their proposals the price;- quan tity^Lid for, and time of delivery- The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa lores must be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. Samples can be seen at this office, and bidders are in vited to be present at tho opening of the bid®. G. H. CRO3MAN, Asst- Q. M. Gen 0 S. Army. A SSISTANT QU ARTEBMASTjER ''*■ OEKBKAI/S OFKrOE, % , L. Pnu-ADBLPHrA, July>2o,lSBS. PROPOSALS will he reeeived at this office until THURSDAY, August 6th. at 12 o’clock, noon, for the construction, of a PICKET PENCE to enclose IheU.S. Army.Hospiial at Chester. Pa. . The drawing and specification can he seen at the office of John McArthur, Jr,, Architect, No. 200 South Sixth Proposals must state the shortesttime required to com plete the work, and must be accompanied with the names of competent security to the whole amonnt of the con tract, for its prompt and faithful performance. The light is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high A. BOYD, JySO 7t . Captain &A, Q M. pEOPOSALS FOR LUMBER ~~ Chief Assistant Quartermaster’s Office, Depot of Washington,. 215 G, Corner Eighteenth Street, Washington, D. C., Jaly 21, 1863. SEALED PEOPOSALS will be received at this office until MONDAY, Augusts, 1863, at twelve o’clock M., for delivering in the city of Washington, at such, points as the Depot Quartermaster may direct, one million (1.000.- mi AJ iU Uilli Atti iflMlliL fIY6 IIBUSrCfI ffDd fifiythoaeand (QpO f 000) feet 4-4 or one <1) inch "White T*ine Common Sulims®. One hundred thousand (100,000) feet6-4or one and a half(l)s)iucli WhitePiDe Common Cuthugs. Twenty thousand (20,(00) feet 8-4 or two (2) inch Wiute Pine Common Callings.. • • . .. Thirty thousand (30,000) feet White Pine Timber, S by thousand (30,000) feet White Pine Timber, 6 by 6, twenty-two totwcnty-four feet • _ •Thirty thousand (30,000) feet White Pine Timber, 4 by 6. twenty-two to twenty-four feet Jon*. , ■ Sixtrthou*and (00.000) feet Joi«V3 by 9 or ten (10) inch wide, fourteen feet long, (hemlock.) Sixty thousand (60.(00) -feet Joist, 3 by 9 or ten (10) inch wide, sixteen feet long, (hemlock,) Sixty thousand (60 000) feet Joist, 3 by 6 or seven (7) inch wide, sixteen feet long (hemlock). Ten thousand (10,COO) feet Joist, 3 by 5, twelve feet lo ?’en I tWusao ) d (10,COO) feet Joist, 3by 5, fourteen feet (10,000) feet Joist, 3 by 5, sixteen feet long (hemlock). ■ . , Ten thousand (10,000) feet Scantling, 3 by 4, fourteen feet long (hemlock). -• • . - . . . . Ten thousand (10,000) feet Scantling, 3 by 4, sixteen feet long (hemlock)- ' , „ , ... Ten thousand (10,000) feet Scantling, 3by 4, eighteen feet long (hemlock). , . , ’ , , ~, All the above-described to be good, merchantable Lumber, subject to the inspection ol an agent appointed on the part of the Government. , „ All the Lumber to be delivered by the 3d day of Sep tember, ISfcS, PROPOSALS. t ' The full name and post-office address of the bidder must appear in the proposal. _ ' ,' ; If a bid is made in the name of a firm, the names or all the parties must appear, orthe bid will be considered as tbe individual proposal of the party signing it- Proposals from disloyal parties will not oe considered, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each propo glttOlL =g!SS 1 asifUESIIUS UlUi gt&UI JUW- WsKiiMtom D. g.i aid 6doiiia Tie mainly matisai •■ prO P OEaISfOrL,,m^kANTEE. - The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of tbe Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court, or of the United States District Attorney. • Tbe ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should it be awarded to him, must be guaranteed by two responsi ble persons, whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, and said guaranteest accompany the Bidders must be present in person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be considered. Bonds in the sum of five thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be re quired of the successful bidder or bidders upon signing the contract. Form of Guarantee. ■ ■We, , of the county of , and State of -% and ,of the county of , and State of ■■ -,do hereby guarantee that is able to .falfil the, con tract. In accordance with the terms of his proposition, and that should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Fhonld the contract he awarded him we are prepared to become Ms securities. (To this guarantee mnstbe appended the official certi ficate above mentioned.) , The right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high is reserved by the Depot Quartermaster,as well ae the light to select from each bid such Lumber, at the price therein named, as is required by the Cover ament. And in case of the failure of a bidder, whose proposal is accepted, to furnish witbiu the time prescribed, in Quali ty or auantity, the Lumber stipulated to be delivered, then the Assistant Quartermaster to have the. right to supply such deficiency by purchase, and such Didder be charged with the difference of oost. Informal proposals L H4RTZ> jy29-5t ' Captain A.. Q. M. U. S Army. PROPOSALS FOR BUNTING AND A DRY GOODS. BtffcEAxr OF Navigation, Navy Department, W-’VSrtl?UJX>jrr,~'JTi.l.}— SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at this Bureau until tbe fifteenth day of Angnet next, for fnrniohing the requisite supplies of BUSTING and DRY GOODS for the Navy during the year ending on the 30th June, 1864. - Proposals must be endorsed “Proposals for Bunting, or Dry Goods,” as the case may be, and directed to the Chief of the Bureau, , , The articles to be included in these proposals are par ticularly described in the printed schedules, copies of which may he obtained on application to the Command* ants, or Navigation Officers, of the respective Yards, or at the Bureau. Samples "will be seen, and instructions or facial information obtained, on application to the Commandants or Navigation Officers of the Yards. ■ As the qualities specified in the schedules are only es timates of probable requirements, the right is reserved to require more.-or accept less, than the quantities set down in the schedules. ... All articles must be delivered to the Yard, at the ex pense and risk of the contractor, in suitable packages, with his name properly marked thereon; and the articles must he subject to the inspection, measurement, weight, &c., of the Yard where received, ftnd entirely satisfactory to the Navigation Officer stationed thereat. . • Offers will he received for the -whole of the Bunting, or the whole of the Dry Goodß, required for the four YardP. to be delivered only at the Navy "Sard, at Brook lyn. New York; and offers will be received for the quotas separs tely required for each Y ard, to be delivered ts made. In^com t.Vi c slajii-axiL apj. at’f'fCKn.lfi in UiA Rftlfllßß ofamumts. - ■ Eveiy offer must be guaran tee, as required by law. the form or which is subjoined. The contract in each case will be awarded to the lowest bona fide bidder who proper security for its fulfil ment, but tbe right is reserved to reject any or all of the bids, if for the interest of the Government. Those only whose offers may he accepted will he noti fied, and the contracts will be forwarded as soon there after as practicable, which the parties will be required to execute witbin ten days after receiving them at the nearest post offices or navy agencies. . Sureties in *£l amount; wrtl be required to sign the contract, and their responsibility certified to by a United States District Judge, Attorney, Collector, or Navy Agent. pOBM QF GUAEAJJ tBE. The undersigned, 1 •—. of •, in the State of ”, an d of , in the State of- , hereby guaran ty that, in case the foregoing hid of ■ ■ for any of the materials therein named, be accepted, he or they will, within ten days alter the. receipt of the contract .at the post office named, or Navy Agent designated, execute the contract for the same with good and sufficient sure ties; and in case the said —: shall fail to enter into contract as aforesaid,;we guaranty to make good the difference between the offer of the said and that which may he accepted. Signatures of two guarantors, * | -g’ g‘ Bate. *, Witness I hereby certify that the above named . are known to me as men of property, and able to make goo« their guarantee. Signature, G. H. signed by the United States District Judge, United States District Attorney, Collector, or Navy Agent. ' jy!7-f4t A BMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE QfflCE, TWELFTH and <HB ARP Streets. BtuT.Tin raopnsALS m attmi oMs Dim nisb promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal, viz: . . A KMT BOOTEES, .ewed by h-ni or machinery, of ■nitre oak-tanned leather, like and equal to the tealad samples in this office; of sizes from ft os. 7to llinclnsive, and also to famish No. 6 exclusively. ... , No bid will be considered that is not for pure ocuc , tanned leather which it is believed can be procured m sufficient quantity in the market, and which, is the Army Bidders must state in their proposals the price, quan tity bid for. and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be : guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. it ' ■ , Bidders, as weU as their sureties, or guarantors, who may not he known at this office, will furnish a certincate from the United States District Attorney, Postmaster, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth, clearly, the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men, who will, ir a contract is awarded, act in good faith with the United. States, and faithfully execute the same. . Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of tne b Proposals must be endorsed ‘ * pr |j l S cr<^siasF ° ° k " Assistant Quartermaster General U. 8. Army. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST- V/'ENCB, Philadelphia, July 23,1563. PROPOSALS will he received at-this office until SA TURDAY, August Ist, at 12o’clock M.,.for furnishing to the United States Subsistence Department: _ ____ U)0,000 pounds PRIME SMOKED BACON SHOULDERS in new well-coopered tierces. __ „ ■ . 2.0C0 barrels EXTKA FAMILY FLOUR of approYad brands, name of brand and number of barrels of each brand to be mentioned in the bid? m weil coopered, head-lined barrels. . • 1,000 bushels NEW WHITE BEANS, in new well 6l»buTe r i e s'llK at'an£it7.SPLlTPßAB,mwell-eooper -60,000 pounds e PBIME BICE, in well-coopered bar -100,000 ponndß PRIME 810 COFFEE, in barrels. F;d- ' ders will state the price per pound for alb or a part of the above quantity: KOASTSDand GROUND, packed m new, tight, lined barrels. 140,000 pounds light yellow dry COFPBB SUGAR, in new, well-coopered, tigntbarrels. ■ 4,000 gallons PURE VINEGAR, in ders will also state the price P« gallon, in kegs 20,000 “und a s f G b OOr HARD aO-AP, in pound bars, fall • 600 bSels .CLEANJ-XNE, DRY SALT, in new, well-; 3 000 cslFon| a Mnf.hSSES or SYRUP, in new Barrels ' Saderpwill alsostate the pnceper gallonmhalf 6,000 POTATOES, in sacks Ir barrels (60 lbs net to the bnshel). must accompany bids Jfor all articles except nv-at), distinctly marked with bidders name. • must be accompanied wUh the guarantee or ‘.two responsible persons for the faithful performance of packages and delivery in this city, and any inferior packages. or cooperage will be consi dered sufficient cause for rejection. ■ \ - ... . Contractors are expected to hold their goods without* expense to the United States* nntil required for snip bids from parties who have Mled to fulfil a former, agreement.will be considered. Troposals to be endorsed, * 4 Proposals for Subsistence Stores,’’and directed to .. - « *s^^’ jy2B-5t ... r Captain and C. S., Yol. Service. Ra EVANS & WATSON’S It SALAMANDER SAJI STORE. 1« SOUTH FOURTH STREET, A larg, vi.riely^f I TmB^PBOO> 1 BA»*8 elway hand. • •; A LMONDS— 3 BALES PRINCESS J\. Paper Shell Almonds; 5 ceroona Lisbon Paper Shell Almonds, for sale & WILI.IAMB, jy4_tf V " \OT South WATER Street. AUCTION *SAXBJ TOBN B. MYER 3 & CO. M EEKS, Nos. 333 and 3M MAS! B ALE OF DRY GOOpi ON THURSDAY* MORN* Angust , at 10 o'clock, will beeold four months' credit— An assortment of staple and fancy drysfL PIRST FALL SALE f>FBOOTS<AND SKOT£, We will hold our first fall sale ,• , nN TTnzHnat *onr months Anffnst 4th atlO of prime ena* flmKis mamifactare, wbieb attention of the trade, as they l»e reserve. . with catalogues,may be examined early rooming of sale. “FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO.. J- No. MARKET BTREBT. M THOMAS & SONS, • Nob. 139 and 1.41 Bonth FOURTH PUBLIC BALES STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, TUESDAY * during the business season.; in the montas of Ji August only occasional sales. FURNITURE SALES ■ At the Auction Store every Thursday. Sale at 139 and 141 South Fourth etn _ SUPER FURNITURE. PIANO FORTE. CHfl GLASS WARES, FINE CARPETS, &c. THIS MORNING, At nine o'clock, at the Auction Store, the super fai nittJre, piaDCt. carpets, bedding, &c. Also, 2 marble head and foot etonan. ( > JUpo.a. larxro and finnor alentrioal machina. mada fcd orflOL AlEOp 9W.feetfiuUa perchahose- PAN COAST & 'WA'RNOCK, AUC TIONEERS. No. 313 MARKET Street. fULLETTE & SCOTT, VJT AUCTIONEERS, Jayne’s Marble Bail die*. 6XO CHESTNUT Street, and €l6 JAYNE Street. .. Philadelphia. X>Y HENBY P. WOLBEBT. AUCTIONEER. No. 303 MARKET Street, South side, above Becond St. Regular Bale? of Dry Goods, Trimming*. Notions, &<j. t every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and 7 KID AY MORN INGS, at 10 o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend these Consignment* respectfully solicited from Manufactu rers, Importers, Commission, Wholesale, and Job Wac Houses, and Retailers of all and every description of Merchandise. DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, SKIRTS, SATINETS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING. July 31. at 10 o’clock, will be sold drea* and domestic goods, cotton hose and half hose, tape and cord, skirts, handkerchiefs, neck ties, suspenders, embroideries, laces, satinets, cloths, ready-made clothing, merino and muslin shirts, shoes. &c. PHILIP FOBD& CO., AUCTION EEB3, A 535 MARKET and 533 COMMERCE Streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. THIS MORNING, July 30th, 1 we will hold our first sale of Boots and Shoe* for the Fall of 1863, when will be sold for cash, by catalogue. . , Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, about 1.600 cases prime boots, shoes, brogan?, cavalry boots and balrao rals, iust received, from first-class City and Eastern manufacture, to which we invite the early attention of buyers SECOND FALL SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR 1563 ON MONDAY MORNING. August 3d, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. Will be sold, for cash, by catalogue- 1,000 cases prime beots, jiiiofii. trnimit oitfirsi Baimoralßi cmlrr fcwfcai «• Maui a iftTif sss srrs 1 ? 1 ? ~ irr F* city-made goods. Open Tor- esaminanoiu wita cata- Usais. «ii Ihs moMima af isl#. THOMAS BIKCH & SON, AUCTION A EERS, No. 914 CHESTNUT Street. NEW AND SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE, CARPETS. CBTNA. GLASSWARE. &o. THIS MORNIfiG, At 10 o’clock, at the Auction Store, No. 914 CHESTNUT Street, will be sold a large assortment of elegant walnut parlor, chamber, and diningrroom furniture. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. A Wo, the furniture of a family removing, comprising suite of parlor furniture covered with green reps, car pets, beds, mattrasses, china, glassware, Ac. MILLTNERY GOODS. Also, the balance of stock of a city milliner, com prising fine silk and crape bonnets, fixtures, Ac. COGNAC BRANDY. Also, 120 gallons of fine cognac brandy. OIL PAINTINGS. Also, about 20 oil uaintir-es, in fine gilt frames. HOLLOW WARE. Also, an invoice of hollow ware, comprising preserve kettles, Eauce-panß, tea-kettles, Ac. TLfOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER ■k'A southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Street*. MONEY TO LOAN, In large or small amounts, from one dollar to for any length of time agreed on,on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gold and silver plate, pianos, mirrors, farsi* fcnre, dry goods. groceries, hardware, cutlery, clothing, cigars, fowling pieces, fancy articles, merchandise rally and of every description, on better terms than at any other establishment in this city. AT PRIVATE SALS, FOR LESS THAN HALT TH* ; USUAL SELLING PRICES. Pine gold and silver English, American, and SwiM M« watches, extra full jewelled and, plaint (rf fee ml/TMircSwia, urn®! eaMT aoMirßoudl lit r OjeH’lfiM. AIM g«I8 VttrVSVßi<iWU!l IB , b ««Ty f“«“*«- - cases; fine gold and silver lepine watches, in hunting cases and open face; silver quartier watches; doubift* case English silver watches, and others. Diamond*; fine gold vest, neck, guard, and chatalien chains; gobt pen cil cases and pens, silver do.; setts of fine gold jewel* rv. medallions, gold and silver specks, bracelets, English plated vest chains; double and single-barrel fowling pieces, some of them very superior; revolving field* glasses. Ac. ~ M. NATHANS, MEDICAIi. TUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYKUP OF O dock. As a safe and effectual remedy for Cough, Pain la the Breast, Spitting Blood, Scrofula, and in all cases where a Blood Purifier is requisite, it is the Medi cine above all others. Try it. Sola by Froprirtor. RT7B ' And all Druggists. ' jylDtgcA WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH! *1 GOOD NEWS FOR TH! SICK AND WOUNDED. Messrs. J. GRIM and T. ALLEN. MEDICAL,BLEO. TBICIANB, (formerlyassociatedrwitb Frofa. BoUeeland Galloway,) having removed to No. 733 North TENTH street, between Coates and Brown streets, are now Pre pared to treat and cure all Curable Diseases, whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic,, without a shock or any inconvenience. Poor Soldiers will be treated gratuitously. The Ladie* will be treated by • lady. Among the diseases for which we will give ajspe cial guarantee, when desired- we mention the followings Consumption,lst &2d stage* Hemorrhage, Paralysis, General Debility, Neuralgia. Disease of the Liver or Asthma, - Kidneys. Fever and Ague, Diabetes, Congestion, Prolapsus uteri, (Falling Dyspepsia, _ Womb.) tt , Rheumatism, Prolapsus An!, or Pile# Bronchitis, Nocturnal Emission. &«.»£ No charge for consultation. Office hours: 9A. -BL so hr- isr. ; lsa-Bm ( TO THE DISEASED OF ALL}; 4 CLASSES.—AII Mute and chronic diseases cured,}' |hr special guarantee, at 1330 WALNUT Street, ft v Philadelphia, when desired, and, is cue of a fail f nre, no charge Is made. ' ' w 9 Extensive and commodious arrangements have ft I < been recently made for boarding patients from ag; f distance at reasonable prices. ■ _ t > Prof. C. H. BOLLEB* the v a vractiee , has associated with him Dr. H. J. GALLO- ft • J WAY. A pamphlet containing a multitude of ter-» a tificates of those cured: algo, letters and «ompli-g ? mentary resolutione front medical fiien and others. * ■£ will be given to any person free. ft: ft N. B.—Medical men and others who desire aff « knowledge of my discovery can enter for ft; fall > § course of lectures at any time. ft 1 Consultation fires. . «- ( DSB. BOLLEB J GALLOWAY* 1 I ie9 ' WSB WALNUT Street. 9 COAE. Coal;— SUGAR LOAF, BEAYEB Meadow, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain from Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot. Iff. W. corner of Biqura Li WIILOBF fltssste. Oftsi, Jte lift SARA BIGOO mmt rauMTi * habt m sm MALHIIfEKY AM) IKON. pENIST’A WORKS, On the Delaware River, below Philadelphia* CHESTER, DELAWARE CO., PENNSYLVANIA. RSCANKT, SOM, dfc ARCHBOLDi Engineers andiron Ship Builders, kilWAosirsm oi all xiv&a of CONDENSING AND NON-CONDENSING ENGINES. Iron Vessels of all descriptions. Boilers* Water-Tasks^ Propeller*, &*., Ac. 7HOk 2SASBT W. 3. BSAITBT, SA*L. ASOSBO&9, Late of Beaney, Neafie, & Co., Late Sngineer-in-ChicL Penn’a Works, Phil*. U. S. Navy. iy2&-ly ; • j. taugsav nsxnicx, williax a. xcmkhl JOHS S. OOFH. COUTHWARK FOUNDRY, KJ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STSKSfJSi PHILADELPHIA. HERRICK St, SOUS* ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, . Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engintf land, river, and marine service. • Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Sts. ; Casting! of all kinds, either iron or brass- Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works. Workshops, BailroM S Betort'o and Gas Machinery of the latest and meet la proved construction. , ~ , , Every description of Plantation Machinery, rash st Sugar. Raw, and Grist Mills,Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators. Filters. Pumping Engines, as. Sol# Isanti for If Eillieni a Fatest EsUtef ADDBiratUB i NOBBlTtk’* fWW Sff»» S^sS=?Vu?*”f n i Wdlast'* P&ieni Sneair Bnkui / ••• • ■ mum PENN STEAM ENGINB JEUKE/lnd boilrk wobks.—nbafib a PBACTICAXAND TH3OHBTICAL BNOINBBBS, MA« OHINISTR BOILBR-MAKBBS, BLACKSMITHS, «l FOUND BBS, Bavin* for many rears Boon In sucsessflU operation, and been exclusively eneared in bmldlnE repairini Marine and Kiver Engines. Mgb and low pru> SMB, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, Ac., Ac.. re spectfully offer their services to the public, as being fnliF prepared to contract for Engines of all sises,'Marino, Silver, and Stationary: bavins sets of patterns of different lizesv are prepared to execute order* with. quick dexpa&ekjj Srery description of pattern-making made at the *horia*f notice. High and Low-pressure, Fine, Tabular, and Cylinder Boiler*, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal Iron* Porglngs, of ail sixes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; 8011-Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all ■ other work connected with the above business. - Drawings and Specifications for all work dons at utf establishment Dree of charge, and work guarantied. 1 The subscriber* have ample wharf-dock room for MM pair* of boats, where they can lie In perfect safety, and are provided with shear*, blocks, fall*, k*., iW MisiM he»TT orUEbt -ynl&U. JACQB „ JOHN P. LBVT, BEACH end PALMBB stmte SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHILADBL XIHS PHIA STEAMSHIP HOT. saUlnrfromiMjk sort-on SATURDAYS. from *rstWharfabo-r» PUia itroot, Philadelphia, and Mn Wharf. Boatoi.. «,« steamer NOHMAH, Captain Bator, will Mil from fhUadelpMa for Boston, on SATURDAY. July August i t 'at 10 o’ctst AH.; and stoamer SAXOH- Captain Matthews from Boston, on the SAME DAT, at IP. M. snieso new and substantial steamships form a manias vndi. fromeaeh port p&neiuelly oil Saturday*. Insurance* effected at one-half the presaluat charged £** sailywsel*. freights taken at fair rate*. Shippers are requested to send Slip Beeelpte and B IB*- feeding with their goods. 9 7or Freight or Paitate tne aeaoModatteM» apply to HBHXY WIKBOB & CO.. mh9 I3S Scmth DBLAWABB Arenaa. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVES-- sums. FOOL, touching at Queenstown, (Cork Har bor ) Th& well-known Steamers of the Llverpool.NeW York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are Intend-- ed to sail as follows: _ . , . ' . « CITt OF LONDON .-SafcurcUy, f**™' L CITY OF NEW YORK ....Saturday August 8.- CITY OF MANCHESTER Saturday. July 15. And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from sa W ’ Wortll “ Ter- RkTKS OF PABSAOK. p«-raTii rin Gold, or its equivalent in Cuneney. . FIRSTCABItL *BO M sWaGS. _ . W?« Do. to London, 85 00 Do. Do. to Paris. 96 00 Do. - Do. to Hamhtfrg, 90 00 Do. Passenger* also forwarded to nxyrt. dam, Antwerp.:&c., at actually low rat Pares from Liverpool or dneenstown *B6, *lO6. Steerage ffomilverpool, *4O. town, *3O. Those who. wish to send fc WihSr tickets here at these ratee For farther Information*x apply a ,e» lUWALfSraStr^. - .Jr—FOB. NEW y MBHCdailt iinb-via ' BARIT AN CANAL. _ 'Philadelphia and Now York llxpreu pany receive fireiskt and leave Jauy a* fag their cargoes in New York the 10) frelahts taken at reasonable rates. Ho. 14 SOOTH Ul-tf Plsrsl*u»i bast kivbb.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers