Philadelphia Hide Market Shoe and Leather Reporter. July 30th says: The market has been very quiet Country Unaere engaged In securing their crops, and of the slaughter or,dry hidebuyer* have appearance in market. The importation bides from Porto Oabello notioed last week) gone into store exceeding 300 Caracas Onhoja e t| a part of the same cargo whtoh were sold HPc24o;dry domestic and Western hides are ottering 2o@22c. Green salted stock is nominally held at $ the market is, however, very dull. And ; 'ftuoiAtioaa cannot be relied upon. .Sevr li&rketi, July 30. /Ashes. —The market \e quiet and steady, 'at $6.87X for Pots, and sS.B"l>£@ft tor Pearls. - . Bkkaostuffs.—The' marker for and, West ern Flour is dull, and five cents lower. The sales are 0,600 bbls, at.54@4,40 for superfine State; s4Bs@ o for extra State* $4@4.45 for superfine ittiohUan, Indiana,. lowa, Ohio, &c.; $4.85@5 2o for extra do, including shipping brands of nmno-hoop Ohio at #5.46@6 66, ana trade brands at $6.«0@7. Southern Flour is dull and droopiug. The sales are 600 bbls at $6 65@6.45 for superfine k -Baltimore, ands6,so@9 for ex bra do. ' s Canadian flour ia dull and fivncents lower, m The sales are 460 bbls at s6@6 20 for oommon, «6.25@7.20 for good to choice extra. i flour is quiet and steady at $3.50@5.10 for the of fine and superfine. 1 n meal is dull. We quote Jersey at $4@4.10, lywine $4.30@4.40, Caloric $4.25, and Pu ns $2126. - Wheat is dull, and prices; favor the purchaser. The salts are 30,000 bushels at st@i. 16 for Chicago ‘Spring; $L 10@1,2l for Milwaukee duo; $1.22@1,25 ifor amber Iowa; $1.22@1.26 for winter red West ern; $1.5J7@1.31 for amber .tYliuhlgm; $1.40 “for ./White Micnigan, and si:32 for choice amber &tate. k Rye is dull and heavy at 84@98u, Barley ia dull and nominal. Oats are dull ADd l@2o lower, at 62@690 for Cana da, 68@72c for We*fcern, and 73@740 for s>t*te. Corn is dull and lo lo wer; the sales 30,000 hush at ■' .‘67 for shipping, and 65@66j ror Eastern. ; /Whisky.—The market is dull and in favor of the Ifcuyer; sales 60 bblsat4sc, and retail lota at 46@46c. i PHiL&DELPJJiA/tsojutD »»y TtiaDK \ JAMES R: CAMPBELL, V »S. W. DE COURBEY, > Committee or the Month. JAMES 0.. HAND, } ■ •r LETT fill* tJA«& . AT THB MBROHAHTS’ EXOHANGK, PHILaDKJQPHIA. , v .Ship Sarauak, Rowland......... Liverpool, July 25 Baric Baltaßara, Robertson..... ...'.Liverpool, soon ißark Sea Eagle, Howes Port Spain, soon . Brig S V Metrickj Norden..Havana & Cardehas, soon Brig J W Harrisa, Rathbun.... Barbadoes, soon . Brig J W Harris, Rathbun.. Barbadoes, soon Brig Keoka, Burns... .......St. Domingo City, soon Brig Kodiak, Peterson....St Thomas, July 25 MARINE RfTEUiIGBNOB, PORT OF PIULADELPHiA, July 3L, 1803. SUN R15E5........4 68-SUN SETS, *HGH WATER............. ARRIVED. Ship Tuacarora, Uunievy, from Liverpool June 29, with mdse and 432 passengers to .Cope Bros Ex perienced a great deal of'calm and foggy weather. •July 10, lat 48 long 43 to lat 46 long 45, passed alarge aiumber of icebergs; 26th, 7 40 P M; lat 30 48, long 69 454, wasiboarded by the U S gunboat Kittatinny, on A cruise. > Bark David Nichols, Pierce, ic dayfl from Ouracoa. .in ballast to J E Bazley & Co. • ■ Bark Alexander McNeill, Small, 7 days from Key West, in ballast to John R Penrose. Brig John Bernard,-Jaineisou, from Sagua July •520, with”sugar, molasses and honey to S & W; Welsh. Left bark Chas Edwin, for -—,/to sail iu .two days: brigs M O Marriner, Marriner, L M Merritt, Har -liman, and California, , ldg; Denmark and R S Hassell, from Baltimore, disobg, Brig Emma, Baker, 6 days from Boßton, with mdse Twelis & Co. BngFrahk.'W, (Br) Wall. 12 days from Miragoane, With logwood to Tnos Wsttsou &i Sons—vessel to Wan Horn, Woodworth & Co. Left brig Irene, to x Bail 20th Inst, for Boston. Brig Eleanor, Plummer, 3 days from New York, ■in ballast to captain. Schr James -Neilson, Burt, 3 days' from Taunton, With mdse to Twelis & Co. Schr I> & E Kelly, Kelly, from Boston, with mdse Jo captain. Schr E G- Willard, Parsons, 8 days from Portland, -With headings to Geo O Carson & Co. • Schr W P Phillips, Smith, from Washington, in Jb&llaßtto captain, Schr Tennessee, Wooster, 10 days from Eastport, With plaster to ; E A Souder & 00. „ Schr It W Tull, Haley, 7 days from Port Royal, in -ftftilast to D S Stetson & Co. Schr' Col iieater, Perry, 10 days from. Gardiner, Me, with ice tocaptain. Schr L a Danennower, Barrett, 7 days from Bos ton, with ice to captain. - Schr Geo J Jones, Crowell, 6 days from Boston, 'With mdse to captain. Schr C Carroll, tyLehafiey, 5 days from Middletown, With stoue tocaptain. Sohr H Stevens, Stevens, 5 days from New York, iJnballaßt to captain. Schr S O Fithian, Tuft, 2 days from Port Deposit. 3Md, with grain to Jas Barratt & Son. Schr Emma, Hunter, 1 day from New Castle, Del, With grain to. Jas Barratt & Son. Sohr T P MeColley, Carter, 1 day from Camden, : X>el, with wheat to Jas Barratt & Son. Schr Olivia, Fox, l day from Odessa, Del, with ;grain to Christian & Co. Sohr Mary, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Del, •With grain to Christian & Co; Steamer Oliver Thomas, Knight. 24 hours from N York, with mdße to W P Clyde. Steamer S O Walker, Rogers, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. BELOW. Ship Wallace, from Key West.. cleared; ' Bai k Eliza White, Lilly, Ouracoa, J E Bazley & Co. Brig Ida,M Oommeryj McClellan, N Orleans, do Biig Roamer, Bowdoih, Salem E A Souder &. Co. Schr M A Gould; Philbrook, Salem, do Schr Challenge, Barrett, Highton, Dwells & Co. Schr Lady Sufiblk, Moody, Edgartown, L Auden- Uled & Co. . . Schr Ella Cannon, Smith, Hampton Roads, HA Adams. • Schr C Carroll, MehafFey, Providenoe, Sinnickson & Glover. Schr C L Vandervoort, Robbins, Dennis, do R Vanaman, Vanaman, Portsmouth,- NH, E . It Sawyer & Co. .Sohr J O Patter Hon, Weaver, Boston, Noble, Cald well & Co. Schr W Kennedy, Christy, Washington, . do Schr Sophia Godfrey, Russell, Danversport, do Schr D & E Kellyy Kelly; Chelsea, do Edward, Weeks, Boston, Blakiston, O-raff & Uo, • . . J Schr Wenonah, Parkor, Salisbury, Mass, do SchrE W Benton, Simpson. Providence, captain. Schr Pocahontas, Berry, Boston, W H Johns. \ Schr L Lank, Boyce, Alexandria, do . Schiß Seaman; Seaman, Boston, Hammett, Van Dusen & Lochman. • * Sohr StaE Baker, Providence, c A H««kscher & Co. SchrSO Willetts, Young Providence, MUnes&Co. Str May Flower, Robinson, Washington, W P Clyde. Str Bristol, Charles, New York, W P Clyde. Str J S Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of The Press.) , HEADING-, July 28. The following boats from the Union Canal passed jnto the Schuylkill Canal to-day. bound to Phila delphia, laden and consigned as follows: . S Kehiy blooms to captain; Union Lime Boy, light to captain ; D A Albright, do do; Wm G Thompson, bituminous coal to H A & S Seyfert; raft timber to Schuylkill Navigation Co. ' ' (Correspondence of The Press. ) HAVRE DE GRACE, July 29. The steamer Wyoming leit here this morning with the following boats in tow,"viz: / Naugaluck, with lumber to W S Taylor; Emma A Rebecca, do to Henry Oroskey; Odd Fellow, do to Jermon & Johnson; Emma and Dr Hull, do to order; Jaß A Gracey, coal to Delaware City. MEMORANDA. Ship Lancaster, Decan, hence, via New River, N JB, for Liverpool, was off Holyhead 18th inst. Schr Enoch Pratt, Baker, sailed from Dighton "28th inst, for Philadelphia. - Schr Leopard, Turner, hence, at Boston 29th inst. US gunboat R RCuyler, hence, arrived at New York 29th inst. NOTICE TO MARINERS, TO PORTSMOUTH HARJJOIt, NBW HAMP SHIRK—FOG-BIGNAL AT BACK LIGHT- A fog-bell, struck by machinery, has been esta blished at Whale’s Back Lighthouse Station, and Will be kept in operation from and after August tat, 1863. The bell tower is a frame structure 25 feet high, whitewashed, standing upon the lighthouse pier, and attacked to the southerly side of the light bouaeiower. - ■ ! The signal is a steel bell; which will be struck four times per minute, at regular intervals, during the prevalence of fogs, snow storms, and thick weather, and should be heard a distance of one-quarter to four miles, according to -circumstances of surf, weather. Wind, &o. The bell stands at an elevation of 55 feet above 3hean low water. By order. * W. B. SHUBRIOK, Chairman. Treasury Department, Office Lighthouse Board, Washington Oity, July 21, 1863. O X-T Y XT EMi) Views op the Battle-Ground at Get- Ht.ybbuhg, Pa—P. Gutekunot, 701 and 708 Arch Street, Philadelphia, respectfully announces that, Aided personally by a prominent lawyer of Gettys burg, who was a useful guide to our forces during the battles there, hehas succeeded in making several fine photographic views of prominent parts of the fcattle-ground at that eventful place. They are published in a series of seven 10-by-12 Views, and will be sold by subscription only ; the proceeds of sales to be used for the benefit of our sick And wounded soldiers. The subscription books and samples are now ready. The views are, viz.: 1. hdgjor General Meade’s'Headquarters. -2. The Field of Battle, July 1. ■3. Our Geutre—looking east from Cemetery Hill. 4. Gateway of the Cemetery. !6. The Seminary. Hesidendfe of the 11 Old patriot. ” 7. Second Corps Hospital and Headquarters United States Christian Commission. The price of the.aet will be $lO. Orders should be given at once to secure good prints and prompt de livery. , F. GUTEKUNST, " Photographer, 704 and 706 Arch street, Philadelphia. Dried and Smoked Meats.—The suc cessors of the late C. H. Mattson, dealers in fine Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in Btore prime quality Hams, Tongues, Dried Beef, and •Bologna Sausages, all or'the finest ouring, Hoiuitktj! I—A. corve>ipondent writing Irom Atlantic City to one of our piper, adorns hia letter with the following sensation paragraph“ A human leg and foot were washed ashore here the Other morning, on the beach, near the Light House.” Now, we don’t consider that anything ’When we were down there last week we saw about two hundred'legs and feet washed ashore on .the heaoh; indeed, we guess there were more washed there than anywhere else. The fact is the visitors tnost always wash their ’legs and* feet ashore. We (don’t see how we can weU refer to Chas. Stokes & Co.’s one-price Clothing House, under theOontinen jtoi, in this connection] therefore we will close. The Influence of Fashion.— lt would be useless to deny or attempt to deny that it is the lot 6^,mortals to, he influenced in a greater or less degree by Fashion, and we presume the fair sex will not be displeased if we say that they are quick to discern and adopt the slightest changes occurring in the fashionable world* At this time a 'deoided sen nation and remarkable effects are being produced by the Introduction of beautiful- embroidery on ladies’ and children’s cloaks, dresses, &c. This, when work ed by hand, is tiresome and - a tedious job, and our fair readers will thank us, we know, for informing them that it is performed with marvellous rapidity by the Grover & k ßaker Machine,.which combines this with many other valuable features. The work Of days is, by this little indefatigable worker, re duced to minutes, and performed with a neatness And accuracy almost incredible. - Mosquito Nets, Canopies, Fkames,' Jtmos, ASB Bins.— Neta adjusted to beds of any W. Henry Pattea’s, 1408 Chestnut street. jymt Cause and Effect. — The Vicksburg troops lived several weeks upon mule meat. That’s what made the rascals so stubborn. Eatingmutton 'is said to make men sheepish, and we have heard of an individual who lived so long upon lamb chops that he was ashamed to look asheep in the faoe. Wearing woolen garments, as a general.thing, have no other effect than to render their wearers comfort able and happy, except,where the said garments have been made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of ReckbiH & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 street, above Sixth; In that , event the fortunate wearer is no lees elegant than comfortable. . Opinions valuabi/e just iu propor tion as they approximate to truth, and-tend to ame liorate the condition of manfor example—the pre vailing opinion, that V the largest, beat, and most beautiful assortment of Clothing, ready-made and in the piece, is to be found at the fashionable Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut Street,” the truth of which none can the benefits accruing' therefrom all will readily admit. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO IS O’CLOCK LAST WIGHT. Cotttlaentßl—Wlntb. a J F Havermer, Washington Hon A B Reeder. Easton ; S N Pettis, Meadvijig • W H. Grant, Wash|Rton T P Brown. Wasinngtbn E M Eberman, Lancaster W 0 Fitzgerald, Boston At Spxcod, BostA : E E Fayerweat&rer, lowa J.Denniston, Hoilid’g >, John Fallon C L Bailey & d, Harrisburg Mrs W Bagaley,. Pittsburg T Bagaley, Pittsburg Mrs benny & son, Pittsb’g F i> Hunter; Reading •••" •;•••• O F.£)«nug, Wisconsin •; W« Gibson, Cambridge, M 0 H Lyon, Cambridge, M . W j Welles, Washington . E J Porter, USA W J Rand, New York John Corner -. .. Mr Hutchings & wf.Newßk Maj GenRU Scbenck, Balt r CaptM V 55 Woodboll. Bale Mies Lillie Scbenck, Balt .Miss Julia fcbenck, Bait Miss Sallie Schenck.'Balt Miss Ella Kerby, Baltimore U R Berry 3c wf. Baltimore Col'J S Berry &wf, Balt Miss E E Berry, Baltimore Miss M fi B Hurst, Balt . . Mrs J C Coals & da, Balt Misb Lillie. Reese,Baltimore Dr J H Douglas. New York W G Woodside,- Baltimore O Hoblit2all. Baltimore -Daniel T Wells, U 8 A . v .. S S Jones. Baltimore T OButcliinson, U S N Geo T Ingham, Salem, N J W S Rayner & fa,- Bait H Bollman, Pittsbuag . B Beale <s wf, Washington John Bysh A wf, Wash C H Famler, Maine Rev J H Kigiance, England Mrs I> W Rice, Altoonv Pa A.Croft & 4 da, Cincin, O Judge Donaldson. Pottsville C>l Ulcott & la. New lork Geo McTv Teal. Baltimore W dcott. New York " G LRohinson,Allegbnycity Miss Johnson;Alleghnycity Miss BamUton,PittBburg N C Macrae, U 8 A . J P Penney&wf, Pittsburg J F Quigg. Pittsburg Jas F Cluigg,- Pittsburg - M P Stine, Pennsylvania Theo Hyatt, W Chester W 0 Davey. Jersey City M L Read, Boston R S Anderton JS wf, N Y Peter Higgins Boston’ J u Cash. Washington, D C K A Flood, Troy, N Y :•* R McCord, New Albany, Ind Ira Thayer, New York .1 MBartbolow, Baltimore E Williams, Mrs Goheen, Baltimore -MieiH Webb, Baltimore Miss Woodward A sis, Balt Miss V Williams,Balti ftlrard-Chutnut m\ H 8 Peel, New York Benj Mnllen, New York J R.Pride. Baltimore J McGill A son. Maryland JFitzwater, Norristown J P Horne. Delaware co R‘P Appleby, Rochester Jos A Monheimer TW Myers ... John Hess, Lancaster John Tobin Miss Getz, Washington Jos Gerdon, Washington W Gormely, Washington G Bel), USA Mr Johnson, D S A W W Wallace - W G Farileigh, St Josoph J S Lemon, St Joseph John-T Swallow,-Nr York Geo t wallow. New Haven M T Maxwell, Norwalk Miss S Maxwell, Norwalk J R Richter, Kingston John williams; New Castle K L Simington A wf, Balt Martin Cooper, Perma " Jas Mash. Cumberland T3eo Kendig,-Easton. 8 Pither & son, Chambers’g W Lotd, Maryland DrOrow Alady, Springfield Faml Martm, Boston Win Martin. Boston Ctl Jas Wilson, Wheeling Martin Sannanto, Wheeling 8 8 Satherly, Penna SMupf-lman, Cumberland Wm Keller, Cumberland Geo Rupp. Cumberland John Garscn, Baltimore H B Dawson, Burlington James Morris, Penna T T Part. USA ; • Mrs Eandolph & child W Colton, > ew York R M Price, New Jersey D A Holmes. New Jersey S H Roberts, Williamsburg Merchantt’-Fourtta Geo Collings, Washington E F Tilden & wf, Boston. A H Wimameeter W D Jones H C Hess KW Edmonds & la, Wash J tJhler, Ohio , D P Gwin, Pennsylvania. W L McAfee, Wheeling Mrs McAfee & 3ch, Wheel’g Jos Kirkpatrick &wf, Pittsb Jas tiaekell, Jr, Pijtsburg Dr Vandevoorfc & wf, Pittsb Miss Yandevoort, Pittsburg Miss Fahnestock, Pittsburg Mrs Carriagin, Pittsburg - iire Haven. Pittsonre . Hon B Reilly, Pottsville W W Stroup, Delaware r-' it- u turns r,-isnsttTowir — Jas, Hashell. Jr Hon J E Meredith, Penna David Busby, Mansfield, 0 Mrs J M Jackson. Balt W G Jackson, Baltimore Miss Mary J Brannan, Balt W H Kurtz, York. Pa : . Miss C Kurtz. York, Pa Miss Amelia Kurtz, Penna Jas Woods, Perry co, Pa J A MRgee, Perry co, Pa* Mrs McCatlaster, Penna - .J F Schafer, 1 St Louis Ainerlcaii—Chestnut P Collier, Laurel. Del I G K Phillips, Laurel, Del WH Swing, New York. f. J A Sweelser & la. Conn 'Jhomas Barvey, Balt H F Morse, Vt frank Gleary, Penn ELewis, Penn L Feast, Balt 8 F Baker S Patterson, Mauch Chunk S 8 FLebhman Z F Borland, Washington S T Wall, Washington, D G W J Wheatley,Wash. D 0 PJPettijohn John T Cook & wf, Galena E W >’obin*on'& wf, Balt D W Myer, Baltimore John JMyer*Ba)timore- BS Young,’Boston , A P JBugbee, U 8 A J Pn Bois New Jersey# W H Thompson, Wilm, Del Jas V Smith iSt wf, BId : Robt Smith, Kent co. Md MrPatker & la, new York St* Louift-Cheitnut T Barton, Maryland W NPennell, Chester G E Darlington, Chester M H John Davis, Washington -H F Reinstem & lady J S Fnsselbauvh & la, Wash Miss E Forbs, Wash, D C RG Fuseelbaughißaltimore G B Beilis, New Jersey: J C O Redingtou.New York Alf Z Hartman, Baltimore : Frank C Ackloy. N Jersey Conunercf al-Slxth «t W Call. Reading - W,Guilford, NY Lient J F McCune, R J , Arthur Colt, NY J E Girvin, Btrashurg MTaylor, Bucks co, Pa K W Levis . W Chester J Devoe, W Chester J B Jones, Bncks co, Pft J H Hill, Bucks co. Pa National—Race si Lieut A E Bennett,*Va • Lieut D.H Ginder, Va ' Lieut Jas McKinley, Va ' Sergeant Wm Elliott, Ya Frank Strickmaker, va ■ A S Saul. Washington J M Kaufman, Beading Ifaac Staner,' Reading . M Loaser, Lebanon - Bald Eagle-Thlid Si 8 Kisther, Penna A Cotman, Penna\ M B Linton, Bucks co Jas £ Lowrlgbt, 'Cal W R Benner, Cal I> PUtingc, Easton John Metzger, Easton' States Union-Sixth M W.Wileon, N T W K Hamer, EeWark.N J J W Richman, N J Geo MeAlpin,Nerfolk,Va Jos McConnell, Pittsburg A Williams, Mt Holly.h J W PD&le, Centre co, Pa . The Union—Aren ii Jos A Moors, USA Nelson Byers, U SA Alex Youngßt, U 8 A A.K Arnold, Des Moines* .F Davis. Jr. New York Rev J W Fdie, Penning ton v A.Stretch. Salem,'N J Daniel L Wilkins. N Jersey Dr D.W C Hough. Wash, D C Win G Crane, New Jersey H Wyman, Hew Sharon, Me Madison—Second street, above Market. TTate. A Rnssell, Wyonaingco, Pa C B Whitaker, New York W Barnsley, USA EM Whitaker, New York. T.Wildmau, Yardleyvllle Dr S Carey & la,Qnakertown Peter Collier, Delaware AEdwara§&la,Qaakertown J SHeston, Newtown, Pa .H P Johnson & la, Penna , Wm Ent, Lambertville John Ball Ala,Quakertown Black Bear-Tliird St., above Oallowhlll. 'W-Lesher,;Penna * Mrs LeßsigA ch, Reading xNathan Bpahr, Penna Jos(0 Mesksch, Bethlehem -Belpmon L Laros, Penna D F Brindle, Bethlehem . Beading W.T Shafer, Chesterco- . SPECIAL NOTICES. : Liniment cures Cuts and Wounds and leaves no scar. The Largest • Assbu,xjyEXT of Bathing^ ROBES in the United 6tate S for'l,4i e ,, l!entlcmeilj and chUdren. for Sale at SLOAN'S. 8b«. MARKET Street.' Philadelphia, Bair Dye! Hair Dye I! BATCHELOR’S celebrated HAIR DYE is ththurt in the World. -The only Harmless* True and Reliably Dye known; This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes'* Bed. Rusty or Gray Hair, instantly to a Glossy,Black of tfatwul Brown , without Injuring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; .im- ’ parte :fir§Bh’yUality,;rfrequently restoring its priatiha •olor, and rectifies the ill effects,of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed William A Batchblor, all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all - Druggists, Ac. FACTORY—BI BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor’s New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. .. , A- _ ' - "je23-ly One-Price Clothing, of the - Latest mado in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked lnPlalnFl fures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory." Odr One-Pkioh System is strictly adhered to. All art '•hereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES * CO„ *O4 MARKET. Street tnd. Cheatamt streets. Mr Alliger. & wf/Jamaica LI Mrs Van Deventer. Princetn J G fcteele, New York C L Steele, New York J P Hoojper, B iUimore H O McSiraes, Baltimore Dr E R Tidings, . Marvland K R’Brannan, Marylrind J P Jack joa & wf. By R 8 Kiik & wL ICeu'.ocky Mrs Brook & cn, Kentucky Mrs Jaoncy. Kentucky Miss Hall, Kentucky H Miller. Georgetown, D C J H Flagler, Boston D C Jackson &'da, Milwau G H Van Pelt =-. - W H W Cushman, IU G E McConnell. U ti N J H ELdridge, U. S N T Briscoe, Baltimore T C Shipley Cincinnati . Miss M Hough & sister, Balt W T Hough, Baltimore F ASimp>on, Washin fton Mrs Wfl Phelps&ch, Peoria Mrs Fat Tell, Peoria Miss FarrolU Peoria Miss E Black, Smyrna, Del Miss A Faoker. Williamsp't Miss Ida Farrell, Peoria, HI Master W Phelps, Peoria, 111 B D.Davis, B*ooklyn Mrs M Thomson, Illinois T D Alexander s wf, Balt G W Flack. Baltimore John H Briggs; New York W 3 Crosf, Baltimore / Alfred Muller,>M&ss - A A Simon, Mass J M Bowen, New York G PopB, .New York Mrs M R Porter, Brooklya C S Messenger; Now York H M Alexander, New Yoik J W Alexander, New York C Leckleaborg, New York T Shotwell, Cincinnati, - O ‘ C 8 Purley, U S N J ason Tori ey, Hohesdale.Pa Mlf.k Anderton.. New York R L Anderton, New York - J 8 Stall, Cinciuati W P Btraiton Memphis fi Allen & la, Worcester W 8 Lockhart Ala ;: Wash A M Blackledge.Washingth W M Biddlo 1 P NBrennan. Wilmington;D Col Chas H Hollii Capt T E Carter - ‘ J Davenport, Biltimore • J W Waterman* wf, Detroit Master Waterman, Detroit MaLMacree • WH Brown J L Day. Easton, Pa John E»- Reed, Baltimore Jas A Hooper, Baltimore f R P Lamdin, Baltimore G W Gibbons, Philada 8 Saylor, Easton Thos O Hillp, Washington RCarman, New York W B Harrison, New Yot’i Jae E Murdock, Ohio. M E Moorhead, Pittsburg tr««t below Ninth. H S Phillips, Burlington,To Mrs B A Wadamsililiuois T B Hatress. Wilmington H L Kline. Quincy, ill ’ Jas Burns, Lancaster Jas M Seilers, Mifflin * Jas Potter, Jr. Lewistown J S Ingalls, Michigan E H Brown & la, Penna R C Bacott, Jersey City G H Gillis, New York. O H Cover, New York Dr N L Campbell, USN Chas Stewart, Easton A J Salisbury A wf, Balt Mrs Geo Wilkes, New York Miss Wilkes, New York John Darcie, New York J B Blspham. F Monroe J W Weir & la/ Harrisburg Miss N Irwin. Curwensville E Alr win A 1 a, Curwe ns ville Wl ocker, Lancaster ■ ; C C Sprague,.Washington' G A Roll, New York Wm Knoche, Harrisburg John E English, Zanesville: L L Houpt 1 W Petlierick John 8 Pearson, Reading fi Gr«.enbaum, Baltimore ’ John Walker, Baltimore Miss Jackson, Irontou G W Jackson & la: Ironton J G Stannton. Buffalo W P Anderson, U 8 A J G : Sibbald, XvCarolina, ■. Robt W Irwin,; New York Alex Johnson, Pittsburg A O Loomis, New Jersey J W Dem&ergeiV-N Jersey Dr F. Hoppel. Penna Mr Fooce, Cincinnati Mr Filchi’ock, Cincinnati Jas H Miliikin, Baltimore C S Collins & wf, Baltimore Mrs Gen Hein tzleman, Wash MissHeintzieman, Wash J H Cowen, Washington i street, below Arch. Miss Haven, Pittsburg Master Haven, Pittsburg Miss Mellon, Piitsburg - W Stevenson & wf, ! Pittsb’g B T Foster, Bethlehem, Pa Henry 'A Harrington C K Keller; Harrington Theo B Klein,'Harrington E F Sneering, Alton, 111 Tho° McCamantjHollidaysb J A Blafter' New Orleans John C Schropp. New York Geo W Kensei, Quarey viUe G Baker & la* Milton D S McCoy, Steabeaville John ‘ MCody&wf ; R McDowell, Slatington"^!!l David Treharh, Penna E R Burnete, Delaware John Rea, Panna G W Smith, Delaware - AH Wenlamute, Pa W D Jones, Penna H C Hess. Penna : Col. J Wickes, Maryland J A Wickes, Maryland Chas ETomlin;‘N J ■ H-Jameson, New Orleans JTerheun, NY : street, abort irfftfe. Mrs M £ Lange. . Washing’n. Mrs Holarege, Washington D Swain, Georgetown, i) C Alex Post, Huntingdon E J Brown, Biair 00, Penn. .TasL Gwin, Blair co, Penn J A Sprankle, Altoona VV L Fannin, Virginia S 0 Long, Maryland J G Ballitt F N Glark & la, Balt Dr Borland. Robt.Dußois, N Jersey SArnold, Connecticut HA Hoff, Reading D Clark, Danville J V.Goodlander, Milton, Pa John Weidman, .USN R E Brown ■>: - - Lieut C Whitmeyer, XT S A John M Carpenter, NJ. 0 Verhoff & la.Lonisyille •l Dyer, New Jersey R Buckley, Washinglon, DC It L Allen, Delaware . C M Elder, Baltimore •. John Halon street* above Third* Geo Parr. Buffalo • H J Mulford,New Jersey Thos Morris, Penua Mrs Hannah Earns v L M Reynolds, Baltimore Jas S Has natt & la, Trenton W Rice. Massachusetts - 8 Brown, Jr, New Jersey J N Mistloe : v - J H Boynton, New York ’ Wm D Gentry, Baltimore F G.Boas, Reading, Pa rceti above Cheitnwt H Strough &la, Pottstown Mrs S-Ruth, Phcealxville Wm Kimbell. Ghester co, Pa W,A Johnson, Oxford,Pa JCWocd - J Riley, Reading JosS.Ely, Doyltown M Woodward, Chester co John S FaxsonrW Chester reet, above Third* A K Arnold; Carlisle W S Smith, Germantown . Anthony Deuce, Ashland L K Landermolch, Lebanan H J Young, Easton G H Slater Frenchtown T C Else M-Uhler, Uhlerstown, Pa John B Stearly, Penna St.,abpve CalloirJilll. W Rees, Bucks co W H Weaver, Bucks co M H Lynn, Bucks co Geo Bearinger, Quakertown Anderson Calvin, Easton P Hartman, Montiom’y co B Smith, Montgomery co and Market stncti* John Retten AP Wood, Ohio Reuben Reynolds, Md ChasPrettymani Del ; . B FT Zeller 4 USA John C Taylor, Scranton,Pa treet, above Third* John Rickets. Mansfield, O W B Shaffer, Pittsburg J B Shaffer, Reading J W Somerdike, Brideaburg R H Stees, Pinegvove R A Henton, Ashland, Pa Mrs Thompson, Penna John Woodside v r C Ldwer,. New York .Tno Kirkpatrick, Pottsville H Pomerene, Ohio • BBILL—SOHULTZ.—On the 29th Init., ntOhrirt Chiiroh. New York, by the Rev. F. G. Ewer, Henry M. Neill, of Manobeater, England, to Mary Lowber, eldeit daughter of Alex. H. Sebultz, of Fishkui, New York. No card*. COMFORT—LINSEY.—At the residence of the bride’* father, on the morning of July 28th, by the Rev. Tho*. K. Davis, Mr. J6hn P. Comfort, of Me chaniceburg. Pa., to Mis* Kate H. Linsey, of Rural Rest, Cumberland county, Pa. * . T>TEJD m BILES.—On Monday, July B7th, at Warrenton, Va., Lieut. Alfred Biles; 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry, in the 33d year of his age.: His relatives and friends Are particularly invited to at tend the funeral, from the residence of his father, Charles Biles, near Bristol, Pa., on Saturday, August Ist, at to o’clock A. M. PRATT.—On the 29th inat., Charles Elder, ion $f the late Henry C. and Jane Pratt. Little Charlie was our darling, Pride of all the hearts at home, And the angels came and whispered, /■ , flame and whispered, Charlie, come, The rrfativeii and friend* of the family are invited to attend the funeral,.from the mother’s residence, corner of Paul and Qrtbodox street*, Frankford, this (Friday! afternoon at ft o’clock. To proceed to Cedar Hill Cemetery. * BARRY.—Departed thiß life, on the 29th instant, Ruth Barry, wile of Samuel Barry, in the 76th year of her age. DAVIS.—On the 29th inst., Jerusha Davis, in the 89»h year of her age. . - McANNALLY—On the 29th inst., Ohas. McAn- Dftlly.aged 26 years. IVIcCAFFREY.—On the 29th inst., Bridget Mc- Ceffrey, aeen 26 years. IJLAOK BA m GE B EBNANIS.-JUST " opened, a case of LUPIN’S BAREGE HERNANIB. Lupin's Black Crepe Marets. . Do. do. Tamarfcines. - Do. do. Bareges. Do. do. ’Summer Bombazinos. Do. do. - Chally Timises.- Do. do. Striped and Check Baroges. Do. do. Mousseline de Laines.' . Do. do. Bombazines, Shawls, 3ic. • - BESSON & RON’S Mourning Store, ; jy!3 . No. 91H CHESTNUT Street. RYBE & LaNIIELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. Street*, always keep a full stock of STAPLE.DRY GOODS. Good Black Silks. ? . ' Good Plain Silks. Fine Table Linens. Linens and Muslins bytbe piece. Good Cloths and Caseimeres. . Jy2s . Good assortment of Honsehold Goods. T7YRK & LANDELt, FOURTH AND ARCH, are closing out all their . . SUMMER GOODS LOW. , Sea, shore Shawls. . ;■ • Lawns and Organdies.' ■ Grenadines, Tissues, &c. Black .Thin Goods, low. ‘ js2s . ST. LUKE’S AUXILIARY TO THB EcS*’' SANIT aRY COMMISSION earnesily solicits from members of, the Congregation and others,-contributions for the benefit of Sick and. Wounded Soldiers. Articles of diet, flannel, and other goods, may be sent; to the Societv’s: room in the basement of- the Church, THIR TEENTH Street,: below Spruce, every FRIDAY," be-, twprn 0 and .1 oVionk, and money to tho Treasurer, CHARLES W. CUSHMAN, 1586 South DELiWUitf Avenue. ,iyl7-flt&tbfl2t AVIS AllX ELEGANTS.-M. JO leC?*' SP-PH ZACKEY, Paris, Gerant de la Maison GRANDVILLE STOKES, .MarchandvTailleur. fNo. 609 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, alihouneurd’ aviser de*» uombreux amis ct connaissances (ainai aue I’hono rable public) qni I’on deja favorise de leur clientele, ‘qu'ihvient Parleet Londres, les modes lea plus recentes etles mieuxporteea pour la saison d’ete. . M. GRANDVILLE STOKES a mis a sa disposition lea eteoffes les plus.belles at les meilleures qualites, des pre mieres manufacturesd’Europe. ; Xes officieres et soldats de tout y trouvrout les meilleures qualites d’etoffes, a des prix tree moderes L’elegancade aa coupe, ains’que le cachet de distinction que la caracterise, est .dejatrop connu du public pour en rfmonvelefleurs merites.. , , : . jy2B-2m THE PBNBrSYtVANIA STATE , Ks* TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION will meet at READ* IbG. Berks county, on the 4th, Sth, and6th of ATJGUSP. The Pennsylvania Central, the Philadelphia and Reading, and East Pennsylvania Railroads, will issue Excursion Tickets. 1 -. Good from the 3d to the Bth inclusive. A large attendance of. Teachers is desirable, as subjects of in terest will come before the Convention. SMEDLI3Y 1> ARLINGTON, , - . Chairman Ex. Committee. July 25tb,3563.- . ,jy27 6fc* - MILITARY NOTICES. fHBA DQUARTERS PROVOST M AR MABSHAt, SSCOND DISTRICT, PA.; 1»1* LO CUST STREET. PH TLA DELPHI A - .DRAFT.—Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order from the; War Department, a draft will be made forthe required number of men fromsaid District, at the above Headquarters, as follows: - For tbe First.Sub-District, (being the First ward) on THURSD AY, July 30, commencing at 6 o’clock A M, ; Forthe Second Sub-District, (beingthe Seventh ward) : oi; FRIDAY, July 31st inst., commencing at 6 o’clock A. M. Fortbe Third Sub-District, (beingthe Eighth ward), on SATURDAY, Aug. let, proximo, commencing at 6 o clock A. M: For the Fourth Sub-District, (being the Ninth ward) on MONDAY,. Aug. 3d., proximo, commencing at 6 o clock a. M. _For the Fifth Sub-District, (being the Tenth ward) on TUESDAY, Aug. 4th, proximo, commencing at 6 o’clock A. M.. By order of the Board of Enrolment. • • . „ , -EDWIN PALMER, Provost Marshal and. President of Board. WILLIAM M. BULL. Commissioner of Board. R. W. RICHIE, jy2£-6fc Surgeon Board; J) N OT.I C E .—THE THIRD REGI- B MENTU. S. COLORED TROOPS will make a STREET Iff P>RADE on SATURDAY NEXT, Ist August. •" . The route will be from the D6pstdownSecondto. Brown, .up. Brown to Sixth, down Sixth to ViufcMtp Vine toNinth, down Ninth to Arch, up Arch to Nine teenth, down Nineseenth to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Third, down. Third to Walnut, down Walnut to Becond, down Second to Washington, down Washington to Re freshment Saloon. Returning—Up Washington to Fifth, up Fifth to Christian, up Tenth, up Tenth to Lombard, down Lombard to Fifth, up Fifth to Chestnut, down Chestnut th Third, np Third to Depot,' jy29-4t Jl REGULAR AEiMY. B $4OO BOUNTY—S4O ON ENLISTMENT. ' W Recruits wanted for the 12th U. 8. INFANTRY. For •■information, apply to jyll-lm* « THE INVALID CORPS. BY? GENERAL ORDERS No.. 105, from the War De partment. given for creating a military organization, to be composed of such worthy officer* aud soldiers as may have become disabled from wounds received in service,or from disease contracted in the line • of duty, and to be called the INVALID CORPS. As it is to be composed of VETERANS who have become more or lees crippled'in tbe service of their country, and have produced evidence of WMihiness, this will be em phatically a CORPS'OF HONOR, reckoning among .its numbers many of the noblest and- most gauant sons of America, brave relics from every battle-field of the war, It is to be NATIONAL in its character, having no re ference to States; hence’an applicant, furnishing the ne-- cessarv qualifications, may be received by any provost n arshal appointed under the enrolment act, 1 whether in his own or in another State. . . ' - Its officers and men will'be designated; as a mark of distinction, by a uniform' peculiar: to -themselves, and their duties will-be such home-service .as they may be capable of performing, thus relieving many thousands of able-bodied troops whose services are needed in the field.. One office has been open for a few weeks,for the enlist ment of invalid discharged soldiers, at No 808 Lombard Btreet, Philadelphia. This is now closed, and another opened at No. 04-3 South.THIRD Street, Philadelphia, adioining the. office of Captain LEHMAN, Provost Mar shal of the First Congressional District. Acamphas been opened near Harrisburg for the re ception of all recruits for this/corps enlisted in this State, where comfortable quarters are furnished, and the recruits uniformed, armed, and equipped,' The follow ing information concerning this corps is published by the War Department, viz: •. ‘The term of enlistment in the Invalid Corps »hallbe. three years, unless sooner discharged. It is farther an- ; nonneed that no officer or .enlisted man shall be entitled to _or receive any pension, premium, or bounty, for on- , ustment or re-enlistment, or service in the Invalid Corps.- Claims for pensions or bounties, which may be due for previous service, will not be invalidated-by en listment in the Invalid Corps; but no pensions can be drawn, or accrue to the benefit of any man; during his service in said corps. .The officers and men will be orga nized into companies of infantry, of the same strength as is how authorized by law . for the United Btates m fentry.- .‘.'The officers and 'enlisted men will receive the same Say and allowances now authorized by law for the nited Stateß infantry, and will be paid in the same manner. • • “Men enlisted in, or transferred to,‘ the Invalid Corps Will ;be subject to the Articles of War. Army Eegula-' .fcions, &c., the same'as other soldiers, and will be re quired; to perform all duties within the, limit bLtheir. fihysical capacity.'as laid down in the Roles and Regh-' ations for that corps: but for the convenience of-service they will be selected for three grades of duty.. Those who are most efficient and" able bodied, and capable of using - the musket and performing guard duty, light marches, &c. . will be assigned to companies of the Ist Battalion;; Those of the next degree of physical effi ciency, including all who have lost a hand or an arm; to the companies of the 2d' Battalion. Those who are the least effective; and including all who have lost a foot or a leg, to the companies of the 3d Battalion. : . • '.» > : • ' Companies of the Ist Battalion-will be employed mainly a* provost guards and:garrisons for cities, but may be assigned to forts, field works, and railroads near the ;cities and other important points. They will be armed with muskets, and will not be liable to active eampaigns with the field armies. • I |.«t. .-UO . Ff ..u WMV U.VJ.U M1U(00< . Companies of the 2d Battalion will be armed with side-arms only, and will be employed as guards of buildings,hospitals. Ac., and will have companies of the Ist Battalion on duty with them whsn the use of fire arms may be necessary. ' •‘The companies of the 3d Battalion will be armed With siderarms, like the 2d Battalion, and will be em ployed in hospitals as cooks, nurses, ward -masters, clerks, orderlies, Ac., Ac. ; the officers,of these compa nies doing the duties of military assistants at the hos pitals.” Fot further Information, discharged: soldiers are in vited to call at 943 South THIRD Street, or at the office of any provost marshal „ acting nnder. authority of the enrolment act. E.-W; MATTHEWS, . ... Major Ist Penn’a Artillery and je2fl-dtf Sop'tß. S. .Invalid Corps for Phila. TTEADQUABTERS OF COMMISSION 1 ■ FOR U; S. COLORED TROOPS, No. 1910 CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia* ’ - The following is the official order authorizing the re cruiting of Colored Troops; . Headquarters op the Abmt, Adj’t General’s Officb, Washinoton, June 17,*1863. GENERAL ORDBES No. 173. Major GEORGE L. STEARNS, Assistant Adjutant General United States volunteers, is hereby announced as Rocruiting Crmmissioner for the United States Colored- Troops, subject to such instructions as he may from time to time receive from the Secretary of War. By order of the Secretary of War; '(Signed,). E. D. TOWNSEND, _ ~ . Assistant Adjutant General. _To Major Gbo. D. Stkaknb, Ass’t Adj’t General U. S. Volunteers. The undersigned is prepared to Issue the proper au thorization to colored men to-enlist recruits for the Armies* of the United States;- He will receive applioa uonB from those desirous ;of being made commissioned officers, and transmit the same to the Board of Inspec tion at Washington, and will be glad to give full in formation on all matters connected with this branch of the service to those who may seek it. The undersigneds has the co-operation of a Committee of sixty citizens of Philadelphia. The Agent of the said committee is B. R. CORSON,who ivHkewise the Agent of the undersigned. : CAMP .WILLIAM PENN, at Chelton Hills, has been.' selected as the camp > for Instruction, and Lieut. .Colonel LEWIS WAGNERsplaced in oommand 5 of it. All re eruits will be mustered in by companies of eighty men, and by squads, and immediately unlformedrequlpped and-sent to the oampr r ' Squads of men wul be- subsisted until companies are completed by the committee of oitizens, at such localities as their agent may designate. Papers in-the interior of the State will copy this ad vertisement one time, and send the paper containing same. With bill, to those Headquarters. Communications by letter will be promptly answered, - fi GEORGE L.STEARNS, MajorandtA. A G., Recruiting Commissioner for U. 8. Colored Volunteers, je29-tf ■■ ■ ■ • • T £ABD. - ..■■ -■ '■■■ ■. ' REOPENING OF PEN IS T A N'S YAUL TS l AT 4,39 CHESTNUT STREET. TO MY PATRONS, FRTENDS, AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. On SATURDAY, August Ist, I open my new establish ment,’ the spacious. Store and Vaults of No. 439 CHEST NUT Street, for your approval and approbation,-where I trust! shall merit a continuance of the liberal patronage' I have hitherto always received from your hands.' In view of a misunderstanding that lam told exists in the minds.of many in regard -to the sudden termination of rny business-on the S E, corner, of Third and Chest nut streets it is hoped the following brief fects will ex plain: On the nightof June 23d, duriugrinyabsenceironr , the city,' I was forcibly dispossessed by my reputed land and my stock placed in the streets. As I was justly ln'i>*re ß esBion, I have sought redress Ifor the; outrage in thelav.courtsofPhiladerphia. . Kespectfully.yours, - ' jy3l-12t* X. RICHARD PENISTAN. . ■UXIMPTIUN BLANKS, DESCRIPTIVE LISTS, ■ MUSTER ROLLS, PAY ROLLS, 1 ■ And a variety of other Military Blanks, for Bale by ,■■■■ KINO & BAIRD,' Jy3l-3t : : . . ; 607 SANSOM Street. T7YEB POPULAB AND PLEASING in style, price, and execution. For years REIMER’oI Colored Photographs for fcl have- been favorite-style' likenesses with the people. SECOND Btreet, above Green. -'-v ' • - •- - it* p.ABD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, At RIKQWALT * BSOWK'SL lU t lOmTHtt SS l^SgS.-JHILAPBL gTEREING EXCHANGE IJU'JVLKR CO UNTY RAILROAD BONDS —Tho Commissioners of Butler county* Penna, propose to compromise their Bonds, issued to the Northwestern Eailroaa Company, at fifty per cent: on Bonds and Coupons now: due. For particulars, corre spond with the Commissioners of Butler county. By order of Commissioners. jy!B-12t HARVEY COLBERT, Clerk. WM. SERGEANT, Captain 12th Infantry. 009 8. FRONT. Street. S HABYEY THOMAS, • STOCK AND BILL BROKER, „ ■ No. 3ia WALNUT Street.’. Stocks ana Loansbought and sold on. Commission. At the BOARD OF BROKERS. Subscriptions to the 6-20 year six per cent. LOAN still received at par. , No charge for Commission. S. CEUTIFI cATES Of INDEBTEDNESS. -Th« ADAMS’ EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at tha Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch!- and at -reaeonable rates, the One JTear CertiaciSea of In debtednesa of- the United States now duo or shortly xan-' taring. w Te ESiRffeJSSS’E? “4 receipts rlren at the oßse, Ho. 330 OBEBNT7T Street _ » myß-tf T OST.—POLICY OF INSURANCE,' 'ii, No. ,17.602, issued by the FSiNKHK FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY to PATRICK MEHAN for *5OO, on Premises west side Ringgold street,’96 feet rorth of -Pratt street . Application .has been made to tbe Com pany for a new Policy. Any one ha vine: said • Policy wiU return it to E. T.-COXE, 6L7 SPRING GARDEN P»7w>t ; '. ‘t, • - It* • T> El MEB’S IVORYTYPES HAVE earned a merited popularity. Neat, tasteful in finuh, and most artistic and life-like'in execution, -agreeable" and natural picture. SECOND Street, above Green.. It* *VB BY LOOK LIKE LIFE.—REIMBR’S life-size Photographs in oil colors are ; naturally colored and pleasing in appearance, a counterpart of the voriginal. Gallery, SECOND St., above Green. - It* NOTICE— FOURTH DISTRICT.— The Board of Enrolment of FOURTH DISTRICT are in session daily at their Office. BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, for the purpose of receiving Substi-- tutes and hearing claims for-Exemption: from the Draft for persons drafted in the FOURTEENTH WARD (First • Sub- ..." ■ t Due notice will be given when the next Sub-District Will be taken up. D. M. LAN'S, Provost Marshal. , C. B. BARRETT.’Commissioner of Board. jySO-St J. RALSTON WELLS, Surgeon of Boai’d. IVO' llo ®-—applicants FOB IX x ' EMETIOH FROM TEE DRAFT. . Third District op.Pekha., July.2stl, 1863. .The . Board of Enrolment of the Third District-will be m session daily (Sunday excepted) at their office. No. olrßrown street, between the ' hours of 9 A;. M.- and 2 P. M., commencing on ■ Monday next, July 27, for the .pur pose of hearing and. determining upon the application of Eersons, applying for Exemption from the Draft In their 'istriet; and also for hearing-propositions for substitutes, and examining persons so offering .! ■. All persons wnomay deßire to present substitutes, shall •givernotice'inwriting-to the Board of Enrolment, that on such a day they will present a substitute, giving hiß name, residence, age, and stating whether he is an alien or citizen. ; - Each applicant is respectfully requested tobiing With him the number of his notice. • ; - JACOB S. STRETCH, • s Cant. aud-Pro.i Marshal. FRANKLIN D. STERNBR, ; .ttitt'- « _ Commissioner. ALEX.. C. HART, Surgeon of Board. XTOTIOE—APPLICANTS FOR EX EMPTION FROM THE DRAFT. • ' Fourth District, Auly 25, 1863. The Board of Enrolment of the Fourth District will be in session daily,at their office' If.-E corner of BROAD and,- SPRING. GARDEN -Streets, • between the hours of 8 and 12 A. M. and land 6 P. M., commencing on TOE - DAYvnext, July 28th, for the purpose of hearing and de- v tertnioiDg upon the applications of persons applying for . exemption from,the Draft in the Fourth District. * -Each person- applying is l respectfully requested to him:the Kamber of;hig notice. ; ■ - ■ D.; M. LANE.- Captain Provost Marshal, . ; ” . C. B. BARRETT, Commissioner of Board, jy27-6t ; J.- RAXSTON WEhLB. Snrgeonof Board. "HEPOT OF ARMY CLOTHING AND J-A EQUIPAGE, ■ v; Wilb be sold at Public Auction, at the Warehouse, on Seventeenth-street, nearH street, on MONDAY, August 24th, 3863, at 10 o’clock A. M., a large lot ofClothing, Camp, and.Garrison-Equiuage, unfit for service", consist ing in parfof Trowsers, .Coats, Jackets,-Blankets, Bed Sacks; Knapsacks,'. Haversacks, Canteens, Mess Pans,. Kettles, Shovels,Picks, Tents,Trumpets, Bugles, Drums, &c., &c, : lot of old Rope, lot of old Iron* and several tons of Tent cuttings. , AC : - * - Terms cash, in Government funds. DANIEL G. THOMAB, M. 8. K..U. S. Army. A SSJSTANT QUARTERMASTER'S -*A OFFICE, Corner G and‘TWENTY-SECOND Sts., w ” Washikciton, D.. C..’Jult24, 1863. Public Sales of condemned Animals wul take place at .the Corral, near the Observatory.'in this city, on the Second and Fourth WEDNESDAYS, 12th and 26th Au gust, 1863,, The property is condemned as unfit for public service. Sales to commence at 10 o'clock A; M., and be continued from day to day until the number on hand shall be sold; Terms caih, in Qoyernment Funds. C. H. TOMPKINS, Capt. A - G. M:, U. S. A. TARAIN PIPE.—S TON EWABB U DRAIN PIPE from 2 to 12-inch boro. 2-inch bore* ...W 20 cento per yard 3 do ..80 do do. 4 d 0...... 40 do ,do. 6 d 0;.... 50 . do do. "6. do- 65 -do :do.; Every variety of connections, bends, traps. and hoppers. We are now prepared to furnish Pipe m any quantity, end on liberal tenna'to dealers and thouo purchasing la large Quantities. .. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS.: " * vitrified Terra Gotta Chimney Tops, plain and orna mental designs, warranted to stand the actios of coal gas, or the weatheMnjto^cljmat^.^ A great variety of Ornamental Garden Yases.ln T«tf* Gotta, classical designs, all sizes, and warra?***. to stand the weather; Also/ Tancy Tlower Hanging Baskets, and Garden Statuary. :-•••'• Philadelphia Terra Cotta-Works. _ • OfilceandWarerooms 1010.OH^STNIfT mh4-wfm tf A. HARRISON. TYRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS. -100 cases Draw’s Plantation Mterfl, jn at re. solved and for sale by RHODES A WILLIAMS, - > ” 107 Sonth WATER Btreef ‘ A MERIC AN ROOF IN G SEATES, ■»- FULLY EQUAL TO THE BEST WELSH SLATES. ; , T. THOMAS, ■IT WALNTTT Street - . Ja26-4m* nOTTGN SAIL DUCK AND OANYAS' of all numbers and brands; lUVen’B DnqjlrAwninr Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trank, and wagon Covers. Also,vPaper Manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from 1 to 5 feet Wld.. Tupanlln, * 00 ., \ ,<IQ» JOWBfi’ AUey. ' pANARY SEED,.—3O BAGS EXTRA flne 6i#Uy C ““ ,rr S^HO» 8 El 9 * b feiLliMS. IVT South WATER Street. T AKB SUPERIOR: INGOT QOPPBB, .Aifrom the'Amygdaloid Mint, In *toraandfor*aUli qnanlitles to «alt,4t ' • WOMRATH’B. ie»-6a* - W ARGB 8tr«l ITOEASUI^S§»AWCi*II. ./...• "'^AJRTMENT, c, NOTICE IB HEREBY OIV THAT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOE UNITED * STATES SIX PER CF. TWENTY-YEAR BOND COMMONLY CALLED “ FIVE -TWEIirTIE WILL CONTINUE TO BE RECEIVED AS HERETOFOK UNTIL AFTER TEN DAYS’ NOTICE OF D CONTINUANCE. ' s: p. chase; i»9O-6t BKCRETART OF THE TREAStTH' H E SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY .1 HAS AUTHORIZED HB TO CONTINUE M Y A GEN FOB A BRIEF PERIOD. Amd. util further notice, I shall coat! to receive Subscriptions 'to the 5-20 LOAN AT IP A B, AT MY OFFICE, AffD AT THB DIFFEEEHT 6UB-ABENOIEB Throughout tbe Fioyal State*, JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Ho. 11* South Third Street, AMERICAN GOLD W A N T H r> , AT BEST PRICES. DRBXEL & 00. jy2omf-10t . Washington City. D. C. PUBLIC SALE OF CONDEMNED GOVERNMENT _ . STORES. 1; FRIDAY. JULY 31. 1883. July 2),: 1S( The Charleston Courier makes-a timely suggestion a recommending the attention of oar Government othev'-naturalization and cultivation Of Calisaya, for preservation of the health of onr soldiers. S' a a rticle has: a peculiar effect 'upon the liver* and .i***'^' tiie system against disease by exposure and irre , It is said that the great success ofthej.Plan happy Dr. Drake, which, previous to onr un waBowingwas found in most tained, as one or of Calisaya Bark,which H con* mation of this, we ingredients. “In confir (Hiisied physicians one of our most diatin from ordinary dietetic or a^^^ B never he fclt unwell riably relieved himself by ca-nsesl-ho inva theEO Bitters cannot he obtained, a NoWthat prepared. We understand our ; negotiations with Dr. Drake, through a ' with what truth wo do not know.*" * * Wc are exceedingly obliged to the Richmond T Vht u tot ' its remembrance of * * Auld Lang Syne, ” hut we can a«- sure * ‘ Out Government" that the Plantation Bitters are notforsale to any secret agents,” North or South, There is probably several other things that “ OurGo* vernment ” will yet want. We know that we have the best and most popular me dicine in the world. We are not afraid to show what it is composed of. Physicians are compelled to recommend it. Calisaya Bark has been celobrated for over two hun dred years,and was sold during the reign of Louis XVT, King of France, for the enormous price of its own weight iri'silver. It is remarkable for Dyspepsia,Fevers, Weakness, Constipation, <&c. CASCAnrriLA Bark.— For Diarrhoea, Colic,and diseases of the stomach and bowels. . Dandelion.— For Inflamation of the Loins and -Drop sical Affections. ' Chamomile Flowers.— For enfeebled digestion. Lavender Flowers.—Aromatic, stimulant, and to nic—highly invigorating in nervous debility. Wikter Green.— For Scrofula, Rheumatism, &c. • Anise-f-An aromatic carminative; creating flesh* muscle, Mid milk; much used by mothers nursing. Also, clove-buds, orange, caraway, coriander, snake- Another wonderful ingredient of Spanish origin, im parting beauty to tliei complexion,-and brilliancy'to the mind, £ yet unknown to the commerce of the world, and w/withhold its name for the present. ' Hunbugs and [quacks howl .about the' Plantation -Pittaß; but the following i's what's the matter,and they • 1 PLANTATION BITTERS WILL CORK Gold Extremities and Feverish Lips. : V Sow Stomach and Fetid Breath. - \ Flatulency and Indigestion. Affections.- \Exc|ssiYe Fatigue and Short Breath. Wir over the Eyes, i Wnlal Despondency.' ; • ; roetration, Great Weakness. illow Complexion, Weak Bowels, IVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. Very ptfculavly recommended to Clergymen, Mer chants, Wyers, arid persons of sedentary habitß. Also,' for itte females and weak persons who require a gentle' mralant, free digestion, good appetite, and clear ment faculties. Sold by respectable Physicians,Druggists, Grocers, Hotels, Salks, Country S tores, Ac. Be paxticlr that each bottle bears the fac-simile of our signatmon a steel-plate label,with our private Go vernment sap over the cork. .. . 1 P. H. DRAKE & CO., jy22-wfrmlf PHILADELPHIA.' , X -a*.;/; ; / ;, •' : -) Tlie eubficriben Of all descripth HOUSE To wMch. tin SHEPPARD, jyl7-/mw!2t TKJWKLLIN One bale One bale •One bale One bale One lot 01, . One lot of] .. . One lot .oJ 1U the market, heat WATEB-PRv * * < • Beal Wateri . p®r Ladies’ & And for Gen] Invaluable tl There is non It is also usel Tokeepofftl jy29 Cl TNDJA GRASSRLOTH, &b. A- WhiteTndialrasVClbth, ; - ‘ For Ladies’ifosses; ■" ' 1 For Clergym !s Gowns; . For Summerfeats. i : Also, Pongeaandanna L And Madras lnidk*rchiefs.', HRPLESB BROTHERS, and EIGHTH-Streets. ©TILL FUBTHIKvBEDUOTIONS IN the:Prices of all our L- \ m SUMMER IBE^g-GOODS. To cloße out, we have reined our stock of Black and Gray-ground. Silk Grenacbneato 75c.'\They cost from $1.15t0 $1 fio. \ \ . -All our 50c French Bareges to 50. \v : All our 60 and 62c French Orgaklies to37}£c. All our French Lawns to less nan costi Albour American Lawns as lotfas the lowest. -100 pieces Choice Styles Chintzetto 16c. ; r Wiiliamsville and Wamsutta ifnslins; 85c. - Best English Cotton Flannel, at $Hc.- ■ f •, . - r H.ST2EL-.& BON, . jy25v;.,; - , No. 713 and.7ls forthTENTH Street. T7D.WIN HALL & CO., 26;SOIJTH SB COND; Street, are now offering V \ 1 - • • - • - BLACK SILKS AT BEDtTcMKFBIGES. .Black Silks at *1,1.12J5, and «i2>. . • j . Summer Silks at reduced priaa. \ , .. Fohlard.Silks at reduced price; v r - - r , ' Silk Grenadines at.reduced prices, \ .■ : • Fine Organdies at reduced prifts. : 1 ' Fine Dress Goods, all | - i w Fine Modes, Blues, and Pearl lar.efies. .Plainsßlues,.Buff, and Pink- o?-, French Chintzes, iuet received. ' \X \ . N; B.—Just received one case of superiorqualty Plain Silks. -The colors are Browns, Blues, Modes.Pntple, ■and Green 5 .price* $1.37K; been selling atsl;7s.^y2o-tf JOHN H. STOKES, 702 ARCH St., * • OFFERS ) Black and White Plaid Marseilles. . 1 Black and Whlto and Brown and White Linen Iheok. French Nankinetts—plaid and plain. : : Nankin-nice quality. . " Linen Stripes, dark ground, good. , f Merino quality, / Plain. Mixed. aud Plaid Cassimeres. . \ ' Silk Mixed Cloths and Cassiineres. . ' v • Ladies* Cloaking Cloths. • .'■■’-S -. Double-width Plaid Flannels for Shirting, • ■ ■ i Ije27 Tj’ANCY CABSIMERES. j ■Ai ’.r,•!- .>Summer Coatings. / ; ..Black Cloths and Casslmeres: r ’ i Men’s Clothing made to order. - . > i C l ' . .. COOPER * CONABD, # . Jt9 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Sheets. MANTILLAS. ■ ' j ■ - : Biik Mantles below cost. / ; Silk,Mantles and Waterproofs. / " ' Slimmer Mantles nnd Shawls, cheap.* Odde-and-ends Lace Goods, cheap; ' COOPER A COWARD, Iy9 8. g. eoroer NINTH and.HARKET Street*. TYRESS STUFFS. -*-v Black'Delaines.’Alpacas, Bareßeß. Silka, &c. Mosambioues^; Lonos. Children’s Plaids; Ac. Drab Alpacas. Drab Delaines, Drab Mozambique*. Closing sales Lawns, prices low. ’iDOMBSTIC GOODS, < J: Or every kind, at' prices. COOPER & COWARD, Jy9 S, E. corner NINTH and MARKET Street*. At prices generally below present cost .of lmpor* ‘ tation, ••••' ‘ WHITE GOODS, all description*. / > EMBROIDERIES, do do laces, ; . do’; do ; : LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. do VEILS, Ac,, Ac. ! . "-■■■■ And respectfully invites- an inspection of -b” . r stock. ■ . JOHN A 00. . SAGS AND BAGGING OP EVERT DESCRIPTION.^ NO. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET, WOOL BAOS FOB SAUK. mmb ■ WAEN, LEAMING, &, 00., fl No. 30 Soitli FRONT Street, - ■ , . . No. 31 LETITIA Street. Offer for Bale by the package the following goodß, viz Saco Prink, new. dark styles* * ■ : rork Co. ’s Cotton ades v Boett MUle Cottons, Hr O. S: and 5-i Indian Head Sheetings andißhirtlngs. ; , < Tremont Mills, .Globe,- Oxford, and Baltic. „ Bedford Manckang sheetings and Shirtings. ■Brills, Brown. Bleached,’and Blne. Printed Cloakings and Sleeve Linings, Vest Paddings and Cambrics. ' Cotton and Wool Kerseys; - - r Canton Flannels. - , 9 ; 4 and 10-4 Bed Quilts, MADEIRA WINE.f-i.75 QUARTER "X caeka and 100 OctaTM, liut raaelred par ’ ‘Laura,” ttd fcr «1. Hr ■ OAHBTADM. : M.M IM WALNUT mad »X OHAMITN gttgia. OHERRT WINE.—IOO QUARTER O . Osaka i«rt raealuad par' ablp“ Laura.” for a'ala la bond? by *■ ™ CHAB. 8, A JAB. CARfiTAIRB. : Jjjai” 1M WAL9DT andiU QXASITIBImaM. CFrom the Blchmond Whiff 3 / S.—T.—lB6o—X. 808 BROADWAY, N. Y. iTAIt DRY GOODS. , CURTAINS, LINENS, [SIIING DRI GOODS. Fer, at the |ST CASH PRICES, The largest and best assortment LNISniNG Dili GOODS, ispeotfolly solicit the attention of-* lies, Hotel-keepers, i hnyers generally. HARLINGEN, & ARBISON, 1008 CHESTNUT Street. I—TO WELLING— issia Crash at 13c. Issia Crash at 14c. Jaaia Crash at 15c. fesia Crash at 16c; Fherican Crash at 14c; p eric an Crash at 17c. (nbleached Hnckaback, the nicest '.net' and voided at - - JOHN H. STOKES’, TO® ARCH Street. OF CLOTH. 'roof Clothi y Misses’ Cloaks,. . overcoats; . tourists, as [essityfor carrying umbrellas. Sat the Sea shore , ©amp air.' . • _ rSHARPLBSS BROTHERS, STNUT and EIGHTH Streets. 1034 CHESTNUT STBEBT. E. M. NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE, ,• IQSI-t CHESTNUT pt»oET. NEW PURXICATH JjJRS.SBS. TICKNOR & FIELDS PUBLISH THIS DAY. \ . *• \ HOSPITAL TRANSPORTS: A Memoir of the Embarkation oftheSiok and Wounded from the Peninsula of ‘Virginia, in the Summer .ofISG& \ Compiled and published at the request of the Sanitary 1 vol., 16mo. 75 cents. This little volume is full of interest to the country,and contains such thrilling pictures as will serve to fasten 'upon the public mind those scenes and circumstances •with which the Banitaiy Service is associated, and which, have become historical. ! AUSTIN ELLIOT. A NEW NOVEL. By Henry Kingsley, author of "Eavenshoe,” and “ Geoffry Hamlyn." / l'Vol., 12mo. $1.25. ‘ ‘ Ravenshoe” and “Geoffry Hamlyn” have given Kingsley a place of hie ownamong novelists. In interest'of plot, rapidity and dash of action, and Picturesqueness of-style;-no novel of the the Saturday ‘*ThisDov Qlf . tereEtsandßxn-Q^fty^ Q first purpose of novels. Itin sive. lhe plot i H 8tory;i8: effective and impres- Jt§~ Theabove booC* not Ye r y improbable.•” sent post-paid on receipt by all booksellers, or xn-ice/bythe publishers. 135 fcIFIELPS. -S^oet,-Boston. TT S. PHARMACOPOEIA. M • Just published by J. B. UPPINCOTT h t - . Tl 5 and 717 MAi&gw TUB PHARMACOPCETA OP THE UNITED OF AMERICA.--Fourth decennial edition. By rifcy of the National Convention for Revising the Pharma copceia. A-TREATISE ON. HYGIENE, with. Special Reference to the Military Service. By W.' A. Hammond, Surgeon General. - - . , ’ % LOST AND ■ SAVED. By tbe Hon. Mrs. Norton, author of “Stuartof Dunlelth.” ‘ AT ODDS. By. the BaronessTautphceus, author of “Quite.” ' OF THE SUPERNATURAL. in all Ages and Countries: iJJy William Howitt: _____ • SPHERICAL AND. PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY.I By William Cbauvenet. 2 vole-> ' /THE ARMY CHAPLAIN’S MANUAL. • By Rev. J. Pinckney Hammond. • • * . » TRIAL OP THE CONSTITUTION. By. Sidney G. Fisher. THE COMPANY CLERK. Showing bow and when to mate ont returns, &c. By Capt. A. V Kantz, Jy3l r FBE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL A .for August contains portraits and character of Gene ral Meade, Admiral Foote, William Cobbett,with articles on Ethnology, Law of Development, Estimates of Cha racter, The Unity of Man, Phrenology and the Poet 3, Lions, Good Physiology—Secret of Lon gevity, The American Man, Physiology in the. Pulpit, Circulation of the Blood, Shall We F;ogour Children? Choice of pureuits-r 41 What Can I do Best?" Climate end Character—Swimming, and ah illustrated article on PHYSIOGNOMY, including NOSES, their significance. FOWLER & WELLS. No. 308: BROADWAY; J. L: CAPBN, 85 South TENTH Street,Philadelphia.. jy3o-3fc TERCENTENARY MONUMENT OP A THE GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH,.-. In commemoration of the' Three Hundredth Anniver* sary of tbe Heidelburg Catechism, published under the supervision of the committee of arrangements "by synodi cal order, and in conformity with-a resolution of the convention of the church. One volume Byo. Price S3* For sale by : . ! : * - ■ ’ LINDSAY .& BLAKIBTON, ' ‘ Publishers aud'Booksellerg, jy29 \ N0..85 S SIXTH St., above Chestnut. •\TEW MAPS—NEW BOOKS. NEW COAST MAP OF VIRGINIA, showin* the present movements. Sheets 60 cents; Pock et.form 76 cents. NEW MAP OF THE EASTERN PART OF VIRGINIA, and MARYLAMD, and DELAWARE, on a large scale. Sheets 60 cents; Pocket forms 75 cents, NEW MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA. Sheets 50 cents; Pocket form 75 cents. - > - JOURNAL OF A RESIDENCE ON A GEOROIA PLAN TATION. By Frances Anne Kemble. $1.25. ROBERT, THE CABIN BOY;‘ 75 cents. AMERICANS IN ROME. By H P Leland. $1.25, UNCLE PAUL’S STORIES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 60 cents. - THE PILGRIM PATH. Interesting incidents in the experience of Christians 50 cents. MEMORIAL OF. SUSAN M; UNDERWOOD; or FOL LOWING AFTER JESTJS, By Mrs. Elisa H; Anderson. 50 cents. AN HISTORICAL RESEARCH. Opinions of the found ers of the Republic on Negroes, as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Third edition. Paper 50 cents; cloth $L 50. For sale by WM. B. & ALFRED MABTIEN, • jyl3 606 CHESTNUT Street. on CENTS!—ATLANTIC FOB < £j 'J August. PITCHER,BOB CHESTNUT Bt. jy2s-6t« gAZABD'S BOOKSTORE, T»* OHESTHUT STKEET. Between Seventh and Eighth Stmt*. AH Book* usually to be had In a; 3F BOOKSTORB t Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES: •• M-t.> • ■ ■ ■ WATCHES AND JEWELRY. , WATCHES, *°“jUST KKOBtVBD PEE STBAMEK SDEOPA. GOLD WATCHES, LASIIfi' SIZES, OF NEW STYLES. iiLVEX AEOESS AND CYLINDBBS. OIL! AJTOBBS AND CYLIUDEBS. »ot Sal* ri Low E»te» tS the Trade, by . I>. T. PRATT, MT CHESTNUT STBEET. x&V P INK WATCH BEPAIRING jalAg attended to, br the most exßerien.od workman, wd eyerr weteh warranted for one year. J. o. fuller, Importer. and Wholesale Dealer in FINIS WATCHES AND JEWELRY* No. m CHESTNUT Street, (Up-stair*, opposite Masonic Temple,) Cu now open a ' LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK. BUB RACING ■. HOWARD ft CO.’S FINE AMERICAN WATHES, GOLD CHAINS, GOLD SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, ■ AN P . FINE JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. . my27-tanM - ■ ' &L AMERICAN WATCHES IN 2, JU&S, 4, andO oz. SILVER CASE 3. ■_■■■_ • G.\& A. PEQUISNOT, >, . . Manufacturers of Watch. Cases. No. »» 8. FIFTH Street, between Chestnut and Market. jy23-thftul2fcif* G. RUSSELL, PINE AMERICAN HfiiEand Imported WATCHES, Fine Jewelry, - Silver and Plated ware, Ac. J. a j«37 33 North SIXTH Street. J 0. PULLER’S FINE GOLD FENS* THE BEST PEN IN USE, FOB BALB IN ALL SIZES. piNE GILT COMBS IMITATIONS OF TEAM. AND OOHAIi, J. G. FULLER; myg-ans yULCANITE RINGS. A Ml aeeortment. all sizes and styles. J. O. FULLER, ' Ho. TUI CHESTHUT Street my2S-3is MUSICAL BOXES. fN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, A flaying from Ito 12 tones, Clioice Opera and Amerfr tan Uelodles, ■ FARB St BBOTHEB. Importers, anS ' 894 CHEBTFIH' Street below,Fourth. •VTATIDNAL hotel, la wasuinoton. D. 0. h: 8. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, Formerly of tie ABhlaiid House, Philadelphia. •• He is merit, and receive, a foil share of public patroiiage. jel9;6in - METROPOLITAN HOTEL, lU- ■:■■■■ (lath brown’s,) PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, - Between Sixth and Seventh street*; WASHINGTON CITY- ■: A. K. POTTS,! Proprietor. jny22-6m ARMY CIOTHING, dfC. RM Y AND NAVY CLOTH HOUSE, Nob. 34 SOUTH SECOND and »3 STBAWBEEBT Bta. INDIGO-BLUE CLOTHS,‘from*3.ooto*7.oo. " CASSIMERBS,' from *1 2S to $3.00, •• “ BEAVERS,■from*3.ooto*6.Bo. 6-4 MIDDLESEX KERSEYS,ifrom $3.00 to *3.70. 6-4 " FLANNELS, very superior. i :X INDIGO FLANNBLS, at £Bc. 6-4 LIGHT BLUE (Inyalld Corps Belief.) Full Stock CLOTHS, .CASBIMBREJ, land VESTINDS. u >• •• TRIMMINGS, *o.. See. Special attention to LADIES’CLOTHS- , ; YVM- T. 34 Bontii SECOJ* 1 ’ * n 4 a 3 ®TEAWBEBEY Sts. jy23-lm- ■ ■ > ■ ■■ ' '■ wVIY GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. ' DABK-BLTJB CAP CLOTHS. SKI-BLUB CLOTHS HOB OEEICBBS, ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WBIGfH* 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVE LINEN DRILLS AND. DUCK. . j BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIN?' INQB. For Bale by ' FBOTHINGHAM * WELLS. wi-inr A ARMY CAPS AND NAYY CAPS, ** GKO. HOFF AGO., - . No. 95 Worth FOURTH Street, . Philadelphia, ; v, ;: • - Manufticturers or-all kind* of . Indigo Bine Army and Navy GBps and Silk Covers. Jy3-lm* Orders promptly filled. , r T>EAUTY.—IF YOU WISH TO HAVE fine. dear complexion.' use HUNT'S -WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. It will make you a* .to M a lily. yon are troubled with Tan or Freekles, use HUNT’S BRITISH BALSAM* It i» warranted to. remove thorn, ■ P hsoo?wS?*dolor, nMHUNT’S BLOOM OF.KOS3B. Tt will not vaih off, nor injure the skin, and oannot he ' dnkMited"‘ •Price."2s oenta and sl.' • “ hint’s couAttoilet POWDBR is the b Tm Powder in use. * Price, 25, and 60 cents. Sold at BUNT At 60. ’S, :jrt erfoiners, #1 South EIGHTH Street, two doom- above Chestnut, and 133 South 81* VSNTH. above Walnut ' myfl-gn ij2s-12t* M ackerel, herring, shad, *C., AC. ", •••♦! * v • ' /'■ i 2,600 bbls Mast. Nos* 1,8, and 8 Mackerel, lata caught 2,®bi&**NowßaBtport. Fortune Bay, tad. Halite Herring, ' * ■ ■ • >„ * 2,600 boxes'Lobee, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. ISO bbls. new. Mess Shad. *. v .• 160 boxes Herkimer County Cheese- k«. ” , ,In store and for »al«b7 - MURPHY 4 KOOKS, • iaU-ti Ko. 146 Hortk WHUtYM. Commission' FLATED AHGBES AFD OTLIFDB3S! 0. BUSSELL, M Forth SIXTH Street mT22-8m IHBVEBY YABIBTT. Fo. Tla CHBBTItTJT Street. HOTELS. . AUCTION SAI.ES. mk±*. BAZAAR-NINTH AND SAN bom streets. AUCTION SALE OP ROTHES. CARRIAGES, AND .HARNbSL ON SATURDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, comprising nearly FIFTY HORSES. - _ Also, a large collection of desirable newana second hand Carriages, Wagons. Harness, Ac, with, which, the sale will commence. - Also. a white kNGLtBHcBWAN. Urge size. . , *2- •No postponement on account of the weather. \ jg> Carriages and Harness at private sale.... \ jySO-2tlf ALFRED M. HBRKNBSB, Auctioneer; • WANTS. 0 A LEHM A N WANTED—ONE AO- M QUAINTED with City and Country Clothing and Tailor Trade- Alpo with the Western -Jobbing Trade. with reference, _ - ]y3l-fmwSt* - Box 3733 Post Office tfhn enn Sfi.soo, «5,000. AND 87,000. *y_' These amounts WANTED on Fine Improved FARMS, convenient to the City. Also $20,- 000 to Loan in Cily Mortgages. Apply to^ liySl' ~ 309 WALNUT Street "WANTED - A FEW BOARDERS IN a private family m a healthful town on the rail road, twelve miles from the city _ , . • Rooms large and airy* with all the comforts of a.home. Terms'ss per week, orsVp*rday Address . M-tf MJT E. BOWOKTn, Chester, Pcnna. WANTKD $l5 PER DAY.—WE * T want reliable, energetic canvaspera and agents in ©very county, for a genteel business at a commission of from $5 to #l6 per day. ;No humbug. Experienced canvassers preferred,hut room for all. Address C M. DUNN & CO., Publishers, At either Cincinnati. Ohio; Chicago, Illinois: or 185 RRADE Street, New York. • jy2o-3m* PER MONTH GUARANTEED. *IP 4 Testimonial, of Clergymen and scientific men eent free. ISAAC HALE, Jr.. & CO., Newfcnrroort, Mass. ■ - je34-2md&W A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE vp rO AGENTS in every county at $75 a month,'ex peases 5 paid, to sell my new cheap Family Mi M*-. Chinee ■ ' Address & MAIHBGN, i -*&T6-3m.d&W Alfred, Maine. AMO NT H I—W EWA N T our Btwrfe, G ?NTBat s6oamonth, expenses paid,-to sell new Periefig, Oriental Burners, and IS other . my^SmfW 6 circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, • ■ - Bid deford, Maine. 110,000.-? HIS AMOUNT; TO Hill be flronnd : —; —WALNUT Street MW ANTED TO aqaitatt detached COTTAGE, near the TOWN." Address particulars to Box leas iv, jy3l»2t* ; * ° at Office. .1; J&k DEPUTY QUARTERSas?™ ■Mow GENERAL'S OFFlCE.—Fhilapklphia.. TeC"? WANTED Immediately to carry COAL vo the following points: . Tortngas. Key West, Fla. . Fori Monroe, Va. 1 Alexandria, Va» *• ■ Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, 8. C.': A. BOYD, felO-tf . Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. FOR SALE AMD TO m ELEGANT MANSION AND LOT ”* for sale or exchange for city property: A eupe 1 rior DWELLING HOUSE, with large garden, stable, Ac., built in the beet manner, on railway, only, forty minutes’-ride from .State House. Will be sold low for cash, or good city property taken In part, pay. Address MURRAY, Box 1300, P. O. , jy3l-St PEBTAUR A.NT FOR SALE. THE -I*':, .well-known FRANKLIN COFFEE HOUSE, .for merly Clark & Brown’s. established, for half a;century. It ia‘ celebrated throughout the United States and Eurooe as one of the most popular resorts in the city of New York, and is patronized by first-class citizens. The motive of the sale is the continued illness of one of the proprietors. For terms apply at No. 88 MAIDEN Lane, New York city.. - - jy3o-3t F)R SALE, ABARGA IN.—THE well-known BOARDING-HOUSE, in DELANCO, N. J., situated directly on. the bank of the Delaware river, 12 miles above Philadelphia; is one of the most pleasant and healthfnl places near the city, and is now doing a good business. Title undisputed. Terms accommo dating. ApplSy to or address S. PARSONS, on the pre mises. -; jy24-lm* m TO LET—A COMMODIOUS INDWELLING, No. 133 North FRONT Street Beat moderate. Apply to WETHERILZf &BSO., . 0c27-tf . 4V and 49 North SECOND Street ®FOR SALE—VALUABLE IM PROVED FARM, 110 acres. Situate on the Banks of the Delaware, near Bordentown. Penn Manor farm, near Robbins’wharf, convenient to Railroad (Philadel phia and Trenton), 196 acres. Snperior Fruit Farm, near Dover, State of Delaware, 156 acres. Call and ex amine RegUtenof Farms. E. PETTIT, jj24 • ' 309 "WALNUT Street. Mtor sale.—cheap property FOR AN'INVESTMENT. -Large four-story STORE, with fonr-story double backballdings, 108 South Eighth street; desirable Residence'No. 255 South Fifth street. Also, large number of Residences in the most desirable locations in the city , B. PETTIT, jy24 309 WALNUT, Street ME OB SALE—THE PHIL ADEL PHI A HOUSE, at Cape Island. Two neatQottagea at Atlantic City. Several neat at a sacrifice. Also, a large number of country plaeea, large and small, and also, a large variety ofOity Properties. B. F. GLENN, 133 South FOURTH Street, and.south west corner of SEVENTEENTH and GR SEN. .jylB - MTO LET-THE DESIRABLE STORE .415 CHESTNUT, Btreet, nearly opposite NBW POST OFFICE. Possession given August Ist. Inquire atthe store. - v • jy2l-tf m DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON “—•FACTORIES FOR SALE. —The valuable Cotton Fac tories,’known .as-AVONDALE and STRATH AYEN, si tuated. oh Crum Creek, Delaware County, one mile from Westdale Station,: West Chester Railroad, two mile* from Lsiperville, and three from Chester.. now occupied by Simeon Lord; are offered forsale. ‘‘Avondale- in cludes a sfcone mill 82 by 47 feet, 3% stories high, with dry house, -picker bouse, twenty-two stone tenements, and about 9 acres of land, in Springfield and Nether Providence townships. “ Strathaven -includes a frame cotton mill, 82 by 80 feet, 2H stories high, with picker house, five frame and stone tenements, and about -24 acres of land, in'Nether Providence. The properties will he shown by Hr. Lord, on the premises. Early pos session can be given. For of ■■■ NW. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets. T mySO tf ••••'•• Philadelphia; COPARTNERSHIPS. nOPABTNEBSH IP.—THE 7 UNDER A-/ SIGNED.have associated themselves together under: the firm of TERRY, BROTHERS, for the purpose of carrying on the WHOLESALE.CLOTH BTTSINE3S, at 39 3 MARKET St. 2d Story. JOHN V. TERRY. - Phila. , July 9, 1863. uy2°-3t*] OLIVER T. TERRY. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO- A fore existing between the undersigned, under the name of NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH, Is this day dis solved by mutual consent, GIBSON NORTH retiring. Thebußiness of the firm will he settled, by-the remain ing partners. r - . ( GIBSON NORTH. General Partners, < PLINY. E. CHASE, (EDGAR L. THOMSON. Special Partner, J. EDGAR THOMSON. Philadelphia, July 11, 1863. > /COPARTNERSHIP.— THE UNDER signed have this day formed a limited partner ship under the same and style of CHASE, SHARPE, & THOMSON, for the purpose of continuing the IRON FOUNDRY '.business at the old stand. No. 309 North SECOND Street (PLINY E. CHASE. ' •• General Partners, x CHARLES SHARPE, . (EDGAR L. THOMSON. Special Partner, J. EDGAR THOMSON. Philadelphia, July 11,1863. jyii-tillaul rkISSOLUTTON—THE FIRM OF A/ HENRY .BOHLEN & CO., composed’of the late Brig. General WILLIAM HENRY CHARLES BOHLEN and the undersigned, was dissolved on the 22d of AU GUST, 1662, by the death af the former. ' GEORGE K. ZIEGLER. Philadelphia, July Ist, 1863. (COPARTNERSHIP.— THE UNDER- A/ SIGNED h ave associated themselves together under the firm of HENRY BOHLEN & CO., for the transac tion of the. same Mercantile Business carried on by the previous firm of that name. GEORGE K. ZIEGLER, S. S. BOHLEN. Philadelphia, July Ist, 1863. jyl-lxo THE FIRM OF YARD, GILLMORE, & A CO.', is dissolved by the death, of JAMBS O. QILIt- MORB. The business will be continued by the surviving part ners, under the firm of EDMUND YARD & GO. EDMUND YARD, . JAMES S. FENTON, - LUCIUS P. THOMPSON. jyl-tf June 30. 1863. MARSHAL’S SALES. ■fc/TARSHAL’S SALE:—BY .VIRTUE "4- of a Writ of. Sale by the Hon. JOHN CAD WAD A DEK, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will he sold at Public Sale', to the highest and best bidder, for cash; at Michener’s Store, No 141 North FfcONT Street. August 10th, 1863, at 12 o’clock M., the careo of the schooner Huntress,' consist ing of 43 bales of cotton. WILLIAM MILLWAED, tJ. S. Marshal E. D.: of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, July 28, 1863. ; f ; ; . vjy29-6t TV/lAKSUAL’S SALE—BIT VIRTUE writ of sale, by the Hon: JOHN GADWALA> ■ DER* Judge of the District Cottrfc'of the United States in and for the Eastern District of'Peansylvania, in. Admi ralty. to hie directed, 'will be sold at public ssle. to the highest and best bidder,, for cash, at MICHENER’S STORE,' No. -143 North FRONT Street,, on FRIDAY, August7th. 3863, at 11 o’clock A. M., the cargo of the Steamer CHARLESTON, consisting of coarse and fine tsalt, tin in boxes, horse shoe Iron in bundles, burlaps “and cotton bagging in bales, teaming twine in bales, printing paper, rum in .pipes,, halves and .adarterß; Brandy in pipes and cases; soap, plain and fancy: leather in rolls, manilla rope, shad in barrels and kits„raisins In boxes, tea in chests and half chests, ale in casks, 1 pep- Eer in bags, earthenware in crates, sponges, Spanish randy, and aguadiente in demijohns, &c.. &c. WILLIAM MILT,WARD, . ‘ V. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania.: Phila., July2l, 1863. ■ jy22-10t INSURANCE COMPANIES. T?AME INSURANCE COMPANY,> T tt X 406 CHESTNUT Street. - .- • PHILADELPHIA: FIRB AND INLAND INSURANCE, DIRECTORS. nAm4r Francis N. Buck, a wlS ffi ‘ . Cha& Richardson* Henry Lewiß, Jr., . nto? T ** John W. Everiuan. ■ •, phiijp s, Justin O. W? Wclg -' CHARLES Bl< V - I. BLANCHABI J7IREI FIREI FIRE! Philadhlmha, May SO, 1888. JT. (5. Sadler, Esq., JLgentfor Liuie'B Safes: DBAS Sib: During thenight of May 19, lS63,ourGro.« . 'eerr and Provision Store, at North Second and JTUlew •streets, took. Are-at about 2 o’clock A. M., nnd_ aa the store tfas a two-Btory wood building it; burnt rapidly, and before the Are- eingines could act upon'the Are, our whole stockofgoods, including much combustible ma terial, and amounting to over $2,000, were wholly de stroyed. Wehadone of yonr.No. 11 Chilled Iron Safe*. Which was in the hottest part of the Are, andiit came on; of the Are not in the least injured,except the meltin* off of the name, plate and paint. The contents were not affectedin theleast, and we considerthe Safe just m good aprotectlonagainst Are now aa before, ana shall nse it hereafter with increased conddenee. The loth work.a.^rf«Hya, beforege&fcus * CROJT , l ours trm fr ate H 9 rth SECOND. Street ' Attention to the above certificate is particularly re quested, as it is the drst trial of SATES Jnu accidental Are in .Philadelphia, • • . •• I -wonldi sey to all parties who want a Tire and BurriaSprdof Safe that LILLIE’S WROUGHT AND CBILLED SATES are much the cheapest and the only real Tire and Burglar-proof Safes nowmade; and to those who want simply a Tire-proof, I would say that LILLIE’S WROUGHT IRON SATE is tolly equal in all respects to any'of the most-approved makers, and 1* sold at fully one-third less price. ; I also am receiving duly in - exchange for * Lillie’s ’Wrought and Chilled Iron Safes other Safes, andjtee* constantly.on hand a general assortment of HBRRING*S, EVANS & WATSON’S, and other makers, many of them almost new* which I offer aW and even below* auction prices. . AU parties interested are particularly requested to ex* amine the Safes above described at my d£p6t. M. C.. SADLER.-Agent. je2-tf No. »1 South SEVENTH Street WILLIAM Hi YE ATON & GO-, V “ No: 901 SouthTRONT Street, . ‘ Agents for the sale of the ‘ ■ ; 'ORIGINAL HEIDBIECK & CO. CHAMPAGNE* Offer that desirable Wlne to the trade. Also*:!. 000 cases Ane and medium grader , BORDEAUX CLARETS. „ . - 100 cases ” COGNA&B3ANZjT* .Vint&ge.'lS4B,bottleain France. ;. > * “B 0 cases finest Tuscan Oil, in flasks: 5 doaon in vase. *6O bbis finest quality Monoßgahela Whisky, ?> 50 bbis Jersey Apple Brandy.- . 50,000 Havana Cigars, extra fine. • /„ v Moot & Chandon Grand Via k Gree.a Beal"- : Champagne:!: Together with a WAOTt ' adelrv Sherry. F«rt,*o, ■ : -jNTEW- OHESTN UT-ST. THEATRE— is? Laiiaoand Manager... -• --Mr. W. WHEATLEY# GREAT SUCCESS. MRS. JOHN WOOD. ONE MORE OPPORTUNITY ofwUnesstCK the efforts of tins trnly great artiste, whs has been prwatted npon’to play a brief engagement of • five nights only. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING. July 31, John Brougham ! r PO OA-BON-TaS: or. VR GENTLE SAVAGft Supported by those eminent comedians, MR. W. DAVfDuE and , _ MR. CHARLES WHB&TLEtGH. A FULL CHORUS, A LARGE COSPS DU PALLET, and THB ENTTRE 3TODK: H B H tas.... .Mrs JOHN WOOI7 - Acelebrat6d i lJntcl|o o^ f)pßllriLTEl!k „ Gr-VUrrcb of THETUSCiRORA LIGHT GCARD- Previous to which, THE TWO BUZZARDS „ John Email Mr W. DmUbk. ...... .Mrs C. Heart* .Peifprrnanoe commences at 8: conclude* at 10 30 "PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A' TF E PTITB ARTS. lOSSK CHESTNDT STREET. „ . OPEN DAILY (Sunday* excepted) from 9 A. M. till 8 MiMn SI cents 01 lldfen half price. -jng-if CCHABDSOtf.YiceFresldttU >D, Secretary. . Cials-iftf AMUSEMENTS. REMOVALS. ■T3TG GUN REMOVED—PHILIP II WILSON & CO., Manufacturers and Importers of Gone Piptolß, IT ; fleß. FiVhine Tackle. &c., have re moved t«> 409 CHESTNUT Street, where their customers aDd friends will be supplied with everything in tha sporting line. • • . , • : IySQ-ua. TJEMOVAL.— JAMES FUL' r ON HAS IX removed bis Le w and Collection Office, and also the office of the Legal and Tmnirfj.nce Reporter, from No.‘ 424 Waluut street, to No. YOS WALNUT Street, op posite Washington Square. Government claims, .of all kinds, collected as nsual. . ~ ~ ~ • ivH BOARDING. THIRST-CLASS BOARD, HANDSOME comxpqplca.tine and single rooms; private table If desired. No 1315 WALNUT street. je262m* THE SEA SHORE. , . a ir—* D ATLY LINE FOR OAFS SSI£aHBE MAT.-Onand after MONDAY, July 27. 1863, the RWiftand commodious Steamer MINHVPT Capt. Robert Kirby, will leave ARCH-STREET WHARF at 8.30 A. M„ every Tuesday, TKursdav and Saturday for CAPE MAY. and the Steamer WILSON SMALL, Captain H* Smith Bright, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Returning, will leave Cape Mav at 8 o’clock A. M.\ tonchingaf New Castle, going and returning. Fare from Philadelphia $2.60: from New Castle $2 00, carria gc hire included. Meals extra. Children aud sa vants half price. Carriage hire for servants extra. No freigbi received after 8 o'clock. J • jy’294fc r . FOR GAPE MAY.—THE ■JSSSa Steamer MANHATTAN. Capt. Robert KiTbv. will make an Excursion to CAPE MAY oa SA TURDAY, August Ist, leaving Arch-street wharfat BJ§ o'clock A. M.. returning on Monday. . , , . -PaT* fori Excursion, $3.50, carriage hire included. “ea'Rwrtra. It RAIEROAD TANKS. °a. F-13 MA Y , * IL~V BY RAILROAD, PROM FOOT OT WAXrrgif'sTßSET^ ‘ l>ue id n. aB6 Ma-r at V< P. M. At4P..M . - nv P.iM. v Ta re through.... %2 60. Baggage checked through and a bag* gaga, master. Baggage delivered at readable rates, witbinone hour after arrival at Cape Mav The stag® distance is being rapidly shortened., and. it is hoped, a few days will suffice to get the track laid the entire dis> tance. RETURNING Leave Cape May at 3A. M.,duein Philadelphia at 8% A'.' M . Leave Cape May at 9H A. M., due in Philadelphia at S* P M. Office for information and forwarding of Express mat ter at No* 5 WALNUT Street: Philadelphia j g> LUO LOW PLEMINO,Vgent. Office, at the Washington House. Cape Island. JAMES LEAMINO, Aerent, . J.' VaW "RESSS»EL ABB, Supt West Jersey Railroad- _ e*HHR\ FO ,£ NKWPOR,p ' NEW YORK-AND NEW HAVEN AWI> SHORE LINE RAILROADS, % On and after MONDAY, June.2o,lB#3, one Daily .Trai* will leave New York, from denot corner Twoaty-sevenik street and Fourth avenue, at 12.10 PM . passim? thxougli New Haven. New London, and. Stonineton. to Sml .Greenwich, H. T., where.-tie steamer WATER LILT Will be in waiting, on the arrival of the train, for New port, affording a splendid sail 'down the Narraxansett Bay, arriving at 8.30 P. M- . Tickets sold and baggage checked through. JAS H. HOYT, Supt. N. Y. &N. H ,S. K. J.E. FOSTER. General Agent N. Y. & Boston Shore Line R; E, -BffmMBfiBIKI PHILADELPHIA W VI 1 MW 1 MBP- AND LONG BRANCH VIA CAMBEN AND ATLANTIC AND RARITAN AND DS* LA WARE BAT RAILROAD. Onand after Monday. June 15th. aud until further fcice, passenger trains will leave Perry at T.S? .A a;: arriving at Long Branch at 11.10 AM. _ ' Returning, : leaves Longßranoi.at3.3sP, M., arrivzßSE at Philadelphia at 7.45 P M. Passenperß landed close to the Hotels. , N. B.—Excursion parties will be carried on libers} terms. Apply to - I*. B. 00L3. Agent at the Depot. Cooper’s Point - BENJ. STRONG. Assistant Soper! ntendent figM—C REOPENING: OW BALTIMORE AND OHlffiv RAILRO AD. —This road, being fully REPAIRED £&■& effectually GUARDED, isriow open for the transported tionof passengers and freight all points in-the GREAT: WEST. -For through tickets and^afli&ther' informaHosr.- apply at the Company’s OSes, corner oft#fc£o AD and WASHINGTON Avenue. 8. SL FEtfTQK. apS-tf President F. W. and ;SiPHILADELPHIA RAILEDAD^^H-^ VIA MEDIA. ' SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ; On and after MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1863, the trains wiS leave Philadelphia, from the depot; Northeast corner 0/ Eighteenth ana Market streets, at 7.60 and 10.30A.5f,* and at 2, 4.30, and 6 66 P. M. On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS a train will leave WEBS 1 CHESTER at 6.60 P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia atO.ICP. M. Trains leave the corner of Thirty first and Mazksfe streets (West Philadelphia) 17 minutes after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market. On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 81 M. and S P.-M. Leave West Chester at 760 A. M. and 6 P.M. Thetrains leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M. and ASC P. M; connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. uS B. C. S. R. for Concord. Kennett, Oxford, &c. Jel-tf HENRY WOOD, Superintendent SBA SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD, On and after MONDAY, Jime 16th, 1663, trains for At* lantic, City will leave Vine-street Terry as follows: Mail train leaves. 7.30 A ML Exprete train-leaves;..;.;..-:....... A 46 P. M. Freight train, with passenger car attached... 9.00 A. EL '' Returning, leaves Atlantic City: Mail train * ASS P. K. Express train 6.00 A K» Freight train. £ Pare to Atlantic, $2. Round-Trip Tickets, good far the day and train only, or down bn Saturday and up MM Monday morning,- $3. r An Accommodation Train to S. and D. B. S. . Jqm* tion will -leave Vine street at 6,15 P. M.; returning next morning at 6.15 ' . EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10.15 A. M. and 1.45 P. M. Leave Haddonfield at 12.16 F. M.-and 3P. M je!3-tf JNO. G BRYANT, Agent EXPRESS "COMPANIES. EgnwOBHaBEC THE ADAMS EXr PRESS COMPANY, office BM CBESTNUT Street,; forwards Parcels, Packages, Meg* chandise. Baiik Notes, and Specie- either byrite 0W54 lines or in connection with other Express Companies to all the principal Towns and Cities in the Unite* State's. ‘ E; S. SANDFORD, fe26 • . General Superintendent -FOR ” ALBANY AND -Steamer MOLLISON, Eichman.. master, is - now" loading for the above points, and will leave on FRIDAY, July 31st. at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms, apply to 8. FLANaGAN, jy29-3t No. 304: South DELAWARE Avenue. MEDICAE. AYER’S COMPOUND EXTRACT •SARSAPARILLA. —No one remedy is more needed in this country than a reliable Alterative, but the side „ have been so outrageously cheated by the worthless pre parations of Sarsaparilla abroad that they are disgusted, even with the naine.' : Yet the drug cannot be blamed for the impositions from which they have suffer* ft. Mo3t of the so-called Sarsaparillas in the market contain little of the .virtnes_of Sarsaparilla or anything else.. They are mere slops—inert and worthless, while aconcen- • trated extract of the active variety of Sarsaparilla com- Ponnded-withPock, SfcilMngia, lodine, etc., is, as it ever will he, a powerful alterative and an effectual remedy. Such is Ayer’s Extract of Sarsaparilla, as its truly won* derfnl cures of the great variety of complaints which re auire- an alterative medicine have abundantly shows. Do not, therefore; discard this invaluable medicine, be cause yon have, been imposed upon by something pre tending, to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When ton have used Ayer’s—then, and nottill then, will you know the virtues of Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the diseases it cures, we refer you to Ayer’s American Almanac, which the agent belojv named will furnish gratis to all who call for it. ’ - ‘ AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS, for . the cure of Costive nees. Jaundice Dyspepsia, Indigestions Dysentery. Foul Stomachy JReadacne Piles ; Rheumatism .Heart . bum arising from Disordered Stomach* Pain . or Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatui-encj/, Loss of Appetite.-Diver- I’-Complaint, 1 ’- Complaint, Dropsy. Worms, ' Gfaut, Nevrdlgia. and for a Dinner Pill.- Tbevaresusar-coated, sensitive can take them 'pleasantly, and they are the best. Aperient in •the world for alt the purposes of a family physic.. Price ’25 cents per box-: five boxes for $l., r .. Do uot beputoffby unprincipled.dealers with other preparations which they makh'more profit on. Demand AYER’S, and : take no others. The sick want the best aid •there is for them, and they should have it. - Prepared by. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.v'Lowell, Mass., and sold by J; M. .HARRIS & CO., ft* wholesale, and by FREDERICK BROWN. je22-mwf2m J)B. SWAYNE’S BOWEL OOBDIAL, sure remedy ..v'' forA&iatio L Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhoea. Cholera Infantum, or Summer Complaint, pains in the Stomach ■ and Bowels, Sick Stomach, Vomiting, and all relaxed condition of the Bowels Let ' 1 no family be without this • medicine, it will giro im mediate reliefi ■; __ TO OUR BRAVE ROLDIEBB fT HAS BEEN O* INCALCULABLE BENEFIT. WIYBS; MOTHERS. AND SISTERS, , - WhoseHusbandsjSonß, and Brothers are serving in tM army, cannot.sena them a more necessary article than. •' Dr. . Swayne's Do we l lt has saved many a T CHOLERA INFANTUM, or SUMMER COMPLAINT.— This- disease is very prevalent with Tpunr children dunng-the warm season. SAVE THE-LIVES OP YOUM 5 CHILDREN from :the too often- fatal effects of Summer Complaint byusing SWAYIfETS BOWEL CORDIAL. It Is always reliable. CRAMPSOR SPASMS are instantly relieved by Its nee. CHANGE OF WATER is very apt to produce disturb" ance in the bowels. The “BOwEL CORDIAL” curas all pain and looseness. No_traveller should leave hois* —DIARMCEA AND ■ DYSENTERY.- Th« ” BOWEL 'CORDIAL” will he found the most pleasant and sura cure. c In inflammation of the stomach or bowels, and in the inflammatory stages of Dysentery, when there is . tenesmus or mnch pain, with frequent desire to evacuate :the bowels withoutthe power-to effect much disohargu, blood' in all marked cases of Dysentery, take two or three teaapoonfnls.of the Cor dial, with a little castor two hours unfil the pain is subsided. This valuable medicine will give reliqf in the most violent eases: - •••••. ,' " Price only 26 cents a-bottlefhve bottles-for. SL • Prepared-only bv Dr. SWATHE & SON; No. 33Q North. SIXTH Street, above OVER'TKTRTY. .TEARS 'HAVE DR SWATHE’S ME DICINES been In constant'uaain all' parts of ihe-world, and their increasing' popularity is.certainly convincing proof of trheir wonderful effiowy. M Dr. SWATHE’S Principal Offioe.No. 330 North SIXTH Street above Vine. - . jys a£SSSg P. SCHULEB’B SUPBBIOB nTTT» BrandOYewterau*' war* PIANOSfrom 9300 Tor sale by tba maker 4K>SMAKKBT Street. upward. lafl-Snv* OIL m FINE, PRACTICAL DEN- lie last twenty years. 319 ViifS St* below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted <iafine Gold, lHattna,/Silver, Vulcanite. Ooralitei Ao. « si prices, for neat and substantia* work, 'morry reasonable than'any dentist in tkis city or State. plugged to last for;life. . Artificial Teeth repaired to mat.- No pain in extracting. All work Warranted to fit: u Reference, beat families. jefi.ap MADE TO HEAR.—IN3TRU -*-'IMEHTS to assist in Hearing, in every variety, and P. the most approved 8 #ar-inetrameat Depot, 115 South. TENTH Street, below ’ Clieatfint." • - - -jy2s 6tif» TjTTE AND EAR.—PROF. J. IBAAOS, J-i M. D., Ocnliat and Aurist, formerly of Leyden* Holland, now at No. 511,PINE Btreefc, where person* afflicted with diseases of the Bye and Bar .will be scien tifically treated; and cured.if curable.. 'Artificial Bye* Inserted without pain, N. B.— No charge made for exa« salnation. • I<M»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers