■,__... . .. .'■■.^...■„.^„,...^..., M ,^.,--^ : . •- - 4l X ,iCS_ 0 \f>ir££*} ■fA f SHERIFFS '4^ gHBRIrPS 'iS^BlE?^fi^lß ( rUE 3 OF' •MMHByMMnf. tasdisE orthkt®M»v e if v . en *5" a tal£ inches; and ex- ' I’. Xex BaH twarilbv trround of Charles CigfcSfcifWjt-WgMMI-wMdi' William Wright/and Bill of eveli date herewith, (via., ‘ * bnt duly executed and ac : ureaonto l?e i JS? ai l ia i e * y ' b - B( ‘ >1 ’ 8 tbB execution of these < onnltairaHSj i“ t 8 forthwith Id be recorded, for thee t^? re , n fcontionod, granted iud convoyed, prentod ] Bad ® b& rt«s ■ Marbiicknr In foe, as therein ex-’ 11,? cSh’m? 18 aeßcrlbe<l lot has been improved by eold^fsf o "i O f T “ arB ‘* oker ' a ? d r will,bB s " li<ll vlded'anci ■ A'at certain lot hr piece of ground- sitnate Siti.? nor theast corner of Meetlng-honse lane and Wcst- S pM,L a T e S? e ' lB tb« Twenty-fourth ware of the city ■?£,sT i lU ad ® 1 P h I a •• containing in front or breadth, on the said Westminster avenue, thirteen - incha* and ialfl'ii^!lies ort^WaT^,^!^^ sr '^l^/^ e^e^ eV ® CL one 8.-Fifty-third streeU I-when>*opened, will include whole of the above ddsfifibeddlit No. 1. * a l } brick messoage or * ,oc^ece hf grcAindySitiiftte on the north. -. ? 4^^®®^ n^ at*-the distance of thirteen feet six inches eastwardifrom the east side of (Meeting- :. *M)i.se lane,an4 at the northeast oornerof the said West-' - minster avenuuand Piftv-tbiYdstreet; -as intendedito 'be i * .opened, in the Twenty-fourth ward or the city of Phila- ' delphia aforesaid ; containing in frofit or breadthToiTtlie ' aaid Westminster avenue, fourteenFfeets and in :depth. ao WA h^a^l ii h !l tsr r e,ff »ettven&d -’ ’ No. 3.—A1l dhat certain two-itorybrick-fmessuage or - tenement, and lot or, piece • of igrbuh'd.'bituate on the ? aorth 'Side of Westminster a.v,enue,-at-the distance of • twenty-seven feet and six inches;eaatv:ard from the east. Bide of Meeting-house laneijn;th&Jlwentv-fonrthwfl.rd ot onsaid Westminster avenue, fpuyteeh J fei&and Hn depth, north ward.thirty-eight feet eleven and fme-halfinches. *-«■ No. 4, All that certain, two-s to ry’brick messuage or tenement,and lot or piechpf'groundifßituate on the north side of Westminster Avenue,Attb© distance of forty-one • i th‘e.ed,sCaide of Afeetiug-, house lantf,in the IVenty-fourth, ward of the city of Phi ladelphia aforesaid; containing in front, onsaid West minster avenue, fourteenfeei, and in depth, northward, inches. ; NO. 0.-— A- that certain - two-story brick messuage or tenement- and lot.onpiece,of ground, sitnate or the north .Bide of Westminster,avenue, at the distance of fifty-five feet, sixinebes eastward-from the Oast,side of Meeting house lane, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; containing H in<front,‘on said Westminster avenue, fourteen feet,‘and in'depth, north ward, thirty-eight feet eleven fc ahd one-half.inches. No. 6.—A1l that .certain hnfinishedr-two-story 'h’Tick ': messuageor tenement and lot.orplece.of.ground, situate on the norihside of Westminster avenue, at the distance ; ■ ofsixty-ninefe'etfcix inches eastward from the east side’ of Meeting*House-*lane, in the : Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid; .contatajng.ia fronton Bald Weßtminßter-avehue 14 feet,-and iiLdepth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and ODe^half/'ihche's.-i'.i? No. 7.—AU’taatcertainuhflnished two-story brickmes- 3 - J suage or tenement and lot or pit - cerof' grouna, situate on the north Bide of Westminster avenuerat the-distance of • eighty-three feetsixinches eastward rriun-the east "side of Meeting-House lane in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city, of irhiladeluhia containing in front on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet, and in , depth northward thirty-eightfeefceleyen and one-half inches.’ ~ No. 8. two-story brlok messuage or tenement and lot orpiece of ground,-situate . -on the north side of Westminster avenne,. at the distance of niuety-teven feet ( six,ißGhes;eastw&rd from the.east Bide ot Meeting-House lane, inthe'Twenty-fourth -ward • - of the city of Philadelphia aforeraid;’containing in front on said Westminster avenue ft>urteea ; f*et, and m depth, northward'thirty-eight feet eleven-and one-h'alf inches. No. unfinished two-Btorybrick 1 messuageor teflementand lot r ohplece of ground,'situate i on the north’aide of'Westminster.avhhue, at'the’distance 7 : .of one hfc‘ndred and’eleven feet sixinches eastward from the eastfe’side' of Meeting-House lane,in the .Twenty-, fourth ward'-of/the city. oT-i Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining. In front on .said Westminster Avenue fourteen feet.aLfl In depth northward thirty, eight feet eleven and • one-half inches.- - . i, ’i. ■ * • No. 10.—'All that certain';unfinished two-story .brick messuage or tenement.and lot or piece, of ground, situate, r on tbe north side'.ofWoetmfiister avenue; - at the;distance ■ . of one hundred add twenty J -flve'f* etsix inches .eastward' from the 'east side of Meeting;,HOnSelanß.inthe Twenty* fourth ward;of the city, of Philadelphia'' aforesaid taining in'front 'or’brea’dth.'on>aid Westminster ayenue - • fourteen feet; and •eleven andone-halfinches;. l^ - 1 -• ; " No. Illthat" OertS?h‘-uiifihfßhed ‘■t^S’o-story'brick - ’ *■ messuage or tenement.and lot or piece of ground j,sitnate on the north of Westrztmster avenue, at the distance of one hundredand. thirty-nine feet six inches .eastward., -from tbe Vast side of'Meetingihbuse>la'ne,-in the'Twenty fourth ward of the city, of Philadelphia .aforesaid; .con taining infront ton said -Westminster avenue-fourteen feet, and'm depth northward. thirty-eight feeweleven «,nd. >... j-- ;i- - v ; i No. that: certain- unfinished two-story - brick <i anessuageor tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate. > on the north-side of:W.estmmster avenue, at the distance • •of one hundred and fifty-three feet-six inches eastward - , r. l from the east Aide ofMeeting-house -lane;'in the.Twen ty-fonrthiiward- of the. ci<y of iNhiladelphia aforesaid; , ■containing in fronfon'isaid .Westminster, avenue four-: teen feet,- and in depth northward :thirty-eight /feet ele ven andone-haifincheB. : . ; -' y -.i ; ;r- '1 . Mb. 13#All that..certain - unfinished two-story, brick ; mef suage or<tenement and lot oripieceof ground, situate on tte noTtk-cside of sW&.tminster'' avenue; atl the dis tance ofone hundred And-sixty-severi: feet; six inches c eastward from the east side df-Meeting-house lane, in the. Twenty-ftrarth ward of the"oity;of?PliUadelpWa'afore said: containing in frontoh ttieT ave ,nue fourteen,feet, and;in'depth/north ward thirty-eight feet eleyen and one-half inchesjfi- t , u - , . ■ No. 14.- AH ’that certain .unfinished .two-story -hriok ■: messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the nolth aide Of.Westminster'aVenne, at the distance v of one hnndred and eighty-one feetfsix- iriches eastward from the of Meeting-house lane, in the Twenty fourth Ward of the city 1 of Philadeiphia^aforesaid; ‘ con- • taining. ityfront.or breadth on said, Westminster avenue. fourteen feeti.and in depth northward thirty-eight feet • eleven and one-half |inches.‘.'';/',/ /' . No.- 15. All thkt certain >rihfinished two-story/ brick , messuage or. tenement and lotorpiec&’of ground, situated on the north, side of-Wes trains ter 'avenue, at the dis-“ tance ofone hundred and ninety-five feet six inches east ward from, of Meeting-house lane, 1 in the Twenty-fourth; ward of the clty .of Philadelphia afore- : said; containing in front or .breadth.on }said Westmln-. ster.avemie fourteerifeet,- and northward thlr-'. ty-eight-feet Qlo?ea and'' J one-hali\incheB. f i a r . No. 16;—"All .that! certain ..unfinished' two-story" brick" , messuage or tenement rind lot'or pfece^of,-ground, situate on the north side of Westminster avenue, at the distance of two.hundredand nine-.feet; sixinches eastward from the east-side of. Meeting-house Jan'eAua the Twenty fourth ward of the.city of Philadelphia faTOreoatd-r-*®*-- taining; in.'front on"said Westminster avenue,fourteen;, feet, and iu 'depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven; and one-half.lnches-. t<>. • ; : v \.v. \ « • ' • No. 17.—A11: that I ;certain unfiriished'two-Btory .hrick. messuage Or tenement'and Jot or piete of ground; situate., on the north side of Westminster aVenue* at the distance of two hundred rind twenty-three; feet ;six inchaseast ward from theeast side, of -Meeting-house lane, in the:- Twenty-fourth^ward.‘of the oity-ot Philadelphia 'afore-' . said; containing In, frontton(Ba\dWestminster avenue , fourteen feet, ftndlih depth, northward-, thirty-eight feet , elevenandoue-h&lfinches.?,<■*:•....>•;--V* *•>< No; 18.—AjLthat jurifliushed,. two-story-hrick. messuage ontenement and lot orplece’pf.ground, situate on the north side;of at the distance of two hundred-and. thirty-seven-feet sixnnches eastward from the east side of Meeting-house'lahe,fin:the Twenty-, fourth ward of l the,city.of.Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in-front-on said; Westminster - avenuefourteen feet, and in depth northward thiEty.-eight feet eleven and, one-half inches.- •*<,>c- :- i t h ■••• - No. IS.—All that certain unfinished two story brick meSßuageor tenementandlot'or pJftce;of. ground, on the.north eideof Westminster avenue, at the distance ' of ;twq hundred andfifty-onefeet six Cinches eastward. ' from the,east aide of Meesing-houselane. in the Twenty-.; fourthward .of, the .city of Philadelphia aforesaid; coa taining.4h, front on said Westminster -avenue fourteen feet, andin depth/northward twenty-eight feet/eleven and one-half inches. , -i' 1 .--V : ■?* •' No. 20.7-All =that-;certain .unfinished two-story brick messuage or.tenement'ahd lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of. Westminster avenue, at the distance of two hnndred and sixty-flve*|eet six-'inches eastward . from the east side of Meeting-house lane, In the Twenty fourth ward* of the city'of Philadelphia-aforesaid; con taining iu/ront or breadth l on said Westminster avenue fourteen feet, aud in|depth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half-inches. i . M *' " * . No. 21/—All; that'chrtain unfinished two-story hrick - messuage or tehementianddoc or piece of ground,' situate on the north side ofWestminater avenue, ! atthe distance < of iwo.h'UndredrindiSßvehty nine feetsixonches eastward from the east sid e r of Meetipg-house lane.'in theTwenty fourthward ofthecityof Philadelphia-aforesaid; con--.' taining in'front on 'fourteen: feet, and imdepth northward thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half inches. • ~ No. . 22. —All 'that certain' unfinished- two •story brick' : messuage or tenement and lot Or piece of ground,'situate ' On the north side of Westminster averiuei atithe distance/ of two*hundred'tftid^ninety-three)sf6et-Six inches east-- ward -from- the east f side ofrMeetirig’housedane, in the Twenty-fourth/ward-’ of’the city of -Philadelphia afore-.’, said; containing'in •front oh eaidWestminster avenue! fourteen feet,tand in depth’-northward thirty-eight feet < eleven and one-half inches. • ' • '’"--v ■•■s'- No. 281—All that certain- unfinished two-story brick messuage or tenement andlot or piece of . ground, situate' on the north aide ofWeßtminster atthe. distance of three' huhdred' and' se-ven feet/six inches - eastward . from the east side or Meeting-house lane, in' the Twenty- ■ . fourth ward dr,thecity/of"Ph l iladelphla 'aforesaid; con-; taining,lh' front! on-’Said Westminster ; feet, andt in ’ depth nortl;ward> thirty-eight feet eleven and one-half Inchee.V;/ i, ‘c-; 7 No. 24.—All.(bat certain unfinished brick messuagetor. tenement and lot.or piece’of ground, situate on tha north sidejofWestminster.aveimejat the'distance, of threehundred and twenty-bn.eteet six inches eastward from the east-side of in the Twenty fourth ward.of.the. city; of Philadelphia f aforesaid; hon taininginj'frpntvon Westminster a vehue/fo iir to an ; feet, anddn-depthnorthwardthirtyi-eightifeet elevehand one-halfjnches.- t ..: •.... •/i No. 25.—A1l that, certaha unfinished ;two r Btbry brick, messuage or.tenement and lot or pieceoi-igroand, situate, on the north side.of Westminster avenue. p.t the distance of three hundred'andthirtyrfivefeeitsixincHes eastward - . from theeast side bf-Meeting-house lane, iu^the Twenty fourth ward of. tha city ;-of Philadelphia aforesaid; con taining in front-pnaaidi Westminster avenue fourteen feet, and in depth northward thirty-eight' feeteleven aud. one-half inches. . '• i N0.{26/>*r-AllMhftt/certain.unfinished, two-Btory brick messuage or,tenement and dot: or piece of iground,'situate on the uorth.side qfWeatminßter.avenue, at th&dlstance of three,hundred and forty;nine.fpet six inches eastward from the east side orMeetmg-hohse lane, in the Twenty- of .the city off Philadelphia aforesaid; con-, taining in front on said Westminster rivehne furteen feet eleven and one-half inches, 1 and iiudepth northward, ihirty-eigh'tfeetelevenandbnerhalfinches. .-- [P. C., 670 i'Mar; T, 7 63. < Debt, $7;158.13. !■ A. « Taken in executioh and to be soldtas fcho jproperty of Ch arlds' fifarhacker. 1 -• / .JOHN'THOMPSON,’Sheriff. • Philadelphia; Sheriffs ap2^3t CHEKIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP a writ Facias,'to me'directed, will "he exposedtojpublic feale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing,May4,,,lB63,iat4o’clock;atSansom-stteet'HaU. V AUithat certain lot' orpieceofgrQundj with the brick messuage 07 * tenement 1 itherecm tarected** situate on the northwardly- sideofanew street, ! 2aidbnfcfifty feet wide, and to be leitopenforever, leading'weßtwardlyfcom the' Frankford-and'Bristol" turnpike road.callefMadison ayenne, inthelate district ofßicbmona,‘nowin the con- ■ solidated city of Philadelphia, beginning at the distance of two hundred feet westward from, the weafcwar dly side: of said turnpike road, and. containing in front or breadth 1 on the said'Madisoti avenhe fifty feet,'andCex tending; in length or depth northward 'of that width about one hun- * drcd Or-.^less. :; ' westward by others ground granted by William Morris: Jr. ,* to Evan Morris; 1 northward rbytground ofrJohn W- Kesfcer; eastwardly by other. grouncf.of; the, said .Evan Morris* andsouth wardlybyM&dlsonavenue.'. J, / f ‘ Also/aLI that certain lot or piece of ground, with the brick,messnagd‘dt t tenement fliereon erected, situate on the northwardly sidCof Madison aveoueafor'eBaid,be ginning at T th.e: diBta I nce" of twb hundredrand fifty feet. WestWted frdiitthie Weatwardly aide’VeJ.'fte} said Franjc ford and BristoLnuftpike'roka,.and:,containing in front or brefidth bn'the ;said;Madtean feet; and ex tending, in* length width about one hundrecLfetf,' mbtebrvlesA;'Bounded, west-: ward by other, ground of EvAn,Morns,aorthward by, other;ground; 01 Jbhh W.* eastwkrd bY-Other, ground-granted- by Evan Morris to,William Nichuals,.;: and southward by the iaid MadisonayehtLe.' Being the same premises ‘which* Evan.. Morris and .JKaryLG; , his wife, by deed dated the,2sthofMay,A. D.lBsfi; recorded at Philadelphia. in'Beed : Bbok : R.:D.*AY:,.No. 27,'page 260, &c., granted and'conveyed unto the said William. Nichualsliifee.''‘K' Jr ,■ ; “V:... -V*-v - > ' ; 4200 to be paid on each property at tfme'ofsale.--' . v ■' ■ [D.t.C., 701; ,M. T. ; ’sj,. "Debt «s,m Qeo. Sefgeant/T Taken* in execution and to be’sold as the 'property of William Niohuals. .., r „ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff : Philadelphia, Sheriffs 22; 1863. ,ap23-3t 1 OHEEIPF’S. VIKTUEOF O a writ of Beyari - Facias,' to me' directed,’ will be ex-' posedidpiiblic'jalei or vendue, on. : May at 4 o’clock, atSansom-streetfHall,,.; 1 ' • The followlng described building' and- lot or piece; of; ground; to wit .'being athree-etory brick building, with a two-story back buudfhg'gttached: the main building “Kir^'cc?of gTcniuif' siltiaie: on the south aidu of Everett feefcwest-; 'ward frnni the west'Bide ofTwtJlftK 'street,' in -the Second -ward of lH ecl PMidiidpniA? i n *f ‘breadth on the saldEyerMtstafeetsixteenfeeuand. ex itending.of that widthinlengtff , bi i ''depfchy«outhwardon •the east line thereof one hnndred'atid feet'eight and . one-half inohes, and oh’ the westf linetherMf.onelnm-. ■dredand two'feel elevenand thre^; quarter finches*., Bounded northward by paid Ev6rett-street: soueuwarajay , ground formerly l the §outhem?half-part of-hTidmarsn. ■ Btreet/.yacatedbyanActbf Assembly’: and eastwaratana, ground now.orlate 1 of ttamnei W out .:«H;March T. ’63) Debt, WW7.10. BonsaU.3 ■Eaken-'mihxetiution and to he. ns the .property or -.JOHN THOMPSON,,Sheriff. / Bheriff'eOfllce. eTTiI ‘a.iB63. t V apM-St ■ GHEEjyE’$ BY- YIST'UE OF PadaeF- 'directea, will he , B x»osedhto publio! sale.PMWtae. en MONDAY ■Eve ;J; « 8 Wav VlSftl.atA o’clock,At .Saoisom-street- Hall, •• length or depth ,ot that > with , said Eighteenth"' stre.at forty 4ee tv to l * the north by the said Addison street.,-! [Being .tnOKSanie j: \ WUUam 'BQngh«*tiL ; an4,.Jffi?® 3U4£g ' wife.by'indenturehearing evandatenerewitb, intended* tobeiforthwith-recordM'fqr the .oenßiaeration ™yMn^ { ' nuttiftto*** payment of a y?arly,poniiii mat of,sixty.- ■ his. heirs,ahd assigns^ . WoVAn in execution and to be sold as the property of ' a^D^ntB ‘ ra J^IIN C 0 " Philadelphie.SheriffSOfflce,A»rtiiS,te. ap»St ' j- ;.V 'Sftr&ViSU# r-SiT ,94J S? sundry writs, to me directed, to ! ‘-public: saie'or;vendue,'oniMONDAY eveningi'May- 4,’-- i 1063, r at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street , ‘-iSviaViaa - 'NO. 1. All that certain' lof or giech’df ground, with the three-story frame messuagfe-or tenement thereon-erected,- situatO on the Franklin ■street. atitlie dis tance of one hnndrdd;»%nd nlnefe&t three inches northrt ward from the north-side of Noble street, late in the dis ; trictofSpring Garden. now in-the Thirteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia;?containing in front ,or breadth on the said Franklin strOetfoUrteen. feet ten and one balf Inches,,aim.extending of that :width>iin -length or * depth eestwardly on the south line thereof forty-eight feet ten on the north Mne thereof 'forty-nine reet five andone-halfinch.esto atwa-feat-four-inch- wide, alley,.and containing inwldth onthe rear-end,of said lot fourteen feet ten and five-elghths inches. [Being the same premiaes-which Hiram J. Hartwell, assignee in: •‘truat pTthee'state'andeffects of Geofge Starr; byjndea-/ ture dated the Bth day of March, A. D. 1842, and record- ' ed in the office for recording deeds, Ac. , ror the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book G. S.. No. 39, page' 60S, &c., granted and conveyed,' inter alia, unto the said ■Henry Augustvßergmann, in fee. \ . No. 2 Also, all that certain lotor pieceof ground situ ate onthe east side of>FrankliA.,Btreet,Yat‘the distance of one hundred and twenty-four feet one and one-half inches northward..from the north side of Noble street, , late in of SpringGarden,'now intheThtr teenth wardofJhe;jcHy:of Philadelphia: containing in. front or .breadtlf oh said Franklin street eighteen feet one and. one- halfinohes, and> extending of ihat width in length- ordepth eastwardly on the south line thereof ‘ forty-nine feet five sad one-half inches, and on the . north-line thereoffiftyyfeet two and a half incheß to a iworfdet-four-inch-.widealley, and contiiningjn.width on the rearend of said lot eighteen feet one and three 'eighths inches.[Being the same premises which Hiram - J. Hartwell, assignee in trust of the.estate and effects or ; George Sterrt by Fndentnre dated, the Sth'day.of March, *“ ; AiB. 3842,’ and recorded in the office for recording deeds,' 1 Ac.," for the city and county ot. Philadelphia,.ln.Deed BookG.S., No. 39, page 603, &c M granted and conveyed,* . inter alia, unto the AugnstuSjßergmann,' inlfee i "y .i 1 ' ; . No. 3- Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground,. wich the three-story brick messuage or tenementtheraon-: erected, situata, on the*south side, of a ten-feet-wide court, called Clinton . court.- , running -eastward from Franklin street, between Noble and Buttonwood streets, • late in the district of Spring Garden, .now in the Th.tr- . I teentli ward of the city ot Philadelphia; beginning at the distance of-<fifty feet two and a half inches eastward from said' Frankl in street; containing in' fro nt ot b readth on said Clinton court,fifteen,feet nine inches'and’fivo -eighths of an inch, and vextending; in length or, depth southwardly on the east line thereof thirty three feet and one quarter of an inch, antjLon the weitwardiyline thereof thirty-three feet and one quarter of an'lnch, and . containing in width on the. rear;end of said , lot fifteen feet eight inches. [Being the'eame premises which Hi .ram J. Hartwell, assignee in trust ox the estate and ef fects of George Sterr. by indenture dated the Bth, day. of March, A. D. 1942, and recorded in the office foV record- : ing deeds, &c., for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed. Book G. S., No.’39,page 603, aic., grained and conveyed, inter alia,:unto the’uaid Henry August Berg-. jnann, in fee,]' : ./ . ' ...>,No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground,' with the three-story. ;;brick messuage’ or tenement thereon erected, situate on the south side of a.ten-feet-widecourt; ■ called: Clinton court, running’''eastward from Franklin ' between Noble and Bnttonwood streets, late in the .district of. Spring Garden, now. .in the. Thirteenth ward of thbeity of Philadelphia; beginning at the’dis tance of.sixty-six feet one-eighth of an' 1 inch eastward" from said Franklin, street; containing in;' front on fsaid' -Cliuton court thirteen feet .three*and a'lialf inches,.'and extending in length or depth southwardly on the easter • ly line thereof thirty-three feet and One-half of an inch, and on the westerly line thereof thirty-three’ and one-quarter of an inch, and containing in width on the rear end of said lot .thirteen' feet one and inches [Beingthesamepreinises which Hiram J.Htrt-, well, assignee in trust of the estate and effects of George fcterr, by indenture dated the 9th day of March, A/ D.'; 1542, and recorded in the office for recording deeds, Ac. . Tor the city , and county of Philadelphia, in-Deed Book . G. S.,;No. 39, page 603, Ac., granted and conveyed, inter ." alia, unto the said Henry August Bergmann. in fee.j CD.; C.t 699,; Mar./T., ’63. . Debt.- $6,000. Johnston: 3 >£.p Also, All that ;certain vlot -or piece of ground .and the f buildings thereon erected, isituate-; on the Twelfth street; at the' distance of one hundred and ninety-; twoj leet northward north aide of .Columbia avenue, in the.Twehtieth ward' of 'the city of Philadel ;phia; | containing jin front breadth on Twelfth'street sixteen feet/ana extendingin. length or depth westward of-thdt width at right angleLwith^Twelfth street one hundred and sixteen feet, to a certain new street thirty two feet in width, laid out and; opened to the public ; forever. Bounded northwardby ! ground.now r orlate of Peter Byrne,- southward by-ground'how or late of Asher . B. Hayxnan, eastward by Twelfth street aforesaid, and jWetiward by the:-eaid -certain; new. streets ■[ same premises which James H. Pussnm, and Jennie J. 'hiß Wife. by deedi' eighth day of' September, A/ D.' h ; and;recordedin Deed Book A. D. 8.,N0. 19, page 33, Ac., •granted the >said‘Henry :A; Berg raann, in fee. 3 Subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent ebarge or.sum/of forty-nlne dollars in equal half-yearly payments on che first days ofi the months of Apiil ana October/in every-year, without deduction for taxes, Ac., unto Samuel S. Pancoast, his heirs and as signs, forever.- HHi . w *<• * , . > * r [D/C., 69.8; J ‘Mar/ T;, -’63., Debt, $6OO :Johhstbn.3 ' y ' Taken in execution and to .be.sold as the property of Henry A.'DergiiVann/’ ’ JOHN;THOMPSON, Sheriff ( i: Phijadelphiay Sheriff’s' Office, AprU 22; 1863. ■ ■ iip23-3t .CHEKIFFS SALK.—BY VIIiTUK OF ft me directed, will be T exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DaY Evening, May 4, 1863,'ftt4 o’clock, at S&ttsom-street Hall, . -t ir.-No/l. All that : certain yearly ground-, rent 'or. snm of; seventy-eight '.dollars;/lawful money .of : the' .United' States of.AmeTicß.,/ payable r to. Thomas Mnlvaney; his heirs } and assigns,: on, the-? first: days of the months of-: aanuary and July,’ an'd issuing out and- lot,qr piece-of ground, with the three story |brick messuage ;or tenementjtfhereon erected; situ-; ate on the south side of Locust street, at the.distance of. one. hundred and thirty-three .-feet 'westwaidTrom the' west side of Twenty-second (formerlySclmylkill Front) street, in .-said city; containiiig in frbnt/ou said .Locust - street sixteen- feet,. in. Jength or..depth ’ .southward of that width one r hunared/feet to a'certain, street twenty feet wide;.directed by the«will"df ; Fraicis deceased,'to.-be-left open forpublic use, . .at thd aistance of'.one hundred feet south of said Locust. < street, and running from the -said .Twenty-second street to Twenty-third street i (formerly Schuylkill Water and? Ashton street)/wtued.G. street/- Bounded northward by,t .the said. Locust street,, eastward and.. ground'granted to Thomas Mdlvaney on- , ground rent/ ' arid southward by the said G street. • .. No. 2.-.AIBO, all'4hat certain yearly grburid'/rerit/or ■ Bum sof seventy-eight. dollars; lawful money;'of '.the- United States of America, payable -by Thomas Mulva ney, his heirs and assigns, :on the first day of the. months , of; January arid*July, :ari4 issuing out ana charged upon ‘ all.that certain I '-lot or piece of‘ground with the/three- ■ story brick messuage thereon erected,' situate 'on the. south side of Lo'cu'st street,‘at the: distance of one hnn : dried and seventeen, feet westward from the.weßt side of Twenty-second (forinerly SchuylkillFiorit)street; con-. taining or breadth On tne Baid‘Locust street’six- 1 teen feet; and extending in length or depth south ware Of that width-one -hundred-feet- to' a certairi riwenty-feet wide J dii*b'cted ? vby the will of Francis' Gurney, be left open for public use, at the disr tance of one’hunuieu icscao and running from the said Twenty-second-tiTTwenty-' third streets ;(formerly Water'Or Ashton'streetJ.called G„ street.- Bounded northward bythe said Locust street,; eastward and westward ;by ground granted to’Thomas Mrilvaney said.G. :: Noi'3. s i< And’alsb/fill 'that-certain yearly grourid-rent . of' seventy-'eight'-dollars, lawful.-money of the ! United States of America; payable by Thomas'Mulvaney, • his* heirs and assigns,, on. the.firsf days of the months of > January arid July, and issuihgfiut and charged Upon all' that certain lot or piece of ground, with three-story .bricky ; me.ssuifge”or'tenement'ftheTeon’‘‘erected; 7 'situatQout'he’' . south side of street, at the distance, of, one hun dred and one feet'westwrira froiri the west side ofTwen-- ty-second (formerly Schuylkill Front) street,;in the city of Philadelphia; containing in' front/ou;Baid'Locust : street sixteen feet, andrextendmg.ini length orrdepth southward .of thatjwidth crie hundred, fe et to a'certain street, twenty feet wide,' directed by;the-will of. Fi’ancls Gurney, Esq.;, deceased/to be left opeu topublic use; at the distance ofone hundred /eet Boath of the said Locust -street, and running from the said- Twenty-second street to Twenty-third (formerly Schuylkill Water; or, Ashton) street, called.G street. . Bounded-northward by'satd locust street; eastward-and westward by g^onndsfo^- , merly of William -I. Johnson,-and by-him granted to Thomas jrulvaneyionr-grpund-rent.and.sbuthward'by, said G - street; "VCThe. three above-’described .pieces of-; ground-being the same lots of ground which Christian,, . Schnitzel;<et ux,.by.indenture bearing date Novemberr 24, 1859, granted and. conveyed unto-John F,, Wahh .trus-/ tee of an association of persons known -as the “Peun i sylvania Building and Saving Fund Association, No. 2. ”] ‘4ICD..C., 6S6riMarchT., ’63.- Debt.-$1,200. .Heyer.’'] ... Taken in and I to he- sold as f the property of r ChrUtJan Schnitzel..r ;/ . -J.OHN THOjMPSOlG;Sheriff./ / Philada., Sheriff’s OfflQe.-April 21,1863. . * - VIRTUE OP -a writpfLlvariFacias; to me directed, .will be ex- ' posed to.public sale or, vendue, om MONDAY Evening,' ,May^^4,’m63, i at‘4U , Sansom-street Hall, • " •,.All that/certaifi/lot-or.pieCe'of'land'.with ‘the’'■messuage.; or tenement and frame shedlthereon .erected, situate in the Twenty-fourth ..ward of the city..of-. Philadelphia.. Beginning at 3 stone in the middle of Marshall’s road,.a., , corner ofrthfs rind Iririd now or *lkte of thence along the middle offsaid Marshall’s’road by flen-H -ry Leech’s ]and 3 Southeighty-two degreesfifteen minutes, . east, seven three-tenths of a perch to a stone,.,r a corner of a lot of land now or late-of Margaret Worrell; thence.along the said-Margaret Worreird land north five degrees, and aihalf/iwest forty-five perches and nightr tenths-of.'a perch to a stake in the line of John McCieL- - . lan’s land; thence' along the said McClellan’s, land, south eighty-four degrees and half west, seven perches arid six - hundred parts of aperch kora stake in a corner; thence < by the sald-.WiUiam Worrell’s land , five degrees, ' and 1 a half east, forty-four perches-and twenty-five hun -dredthsparta or a perch to»the place.of .beginning; con • taining two acres of land. [Being the same premises ■ ’O. Wilson Davis and- Sophia C.v-his wife, by indenture hearing even date with a certain indenture oymortgage.; viz: June 18, 1862, but duly executed and acknowledged Srior.to therexecution of said indenture,- andjintended to erecorded accordingto law, granted ;and jeonveyedto t the Said Doiriinick C. Brennan in fee, under and subject, nevertheless,- to the. payment of a yearly ground-rent or sum of one hundred ■'and eight'dollars .half yearly,, on. the first dayof the;, months.of September in /every year forever unto Hugh Lewis, his heirs and as- March T., Debt $2,809,35/ -Ledyard. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Dominick C.' BieDnau. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. c •• Philadelphia, Sheiiff’e Office, Apri122.1863.,; ap234R,/. CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY ' VIRTUE OB ' a -writ of "Venditioni Exponas, to : me directed,-will': be exposed to public aale or vendue,ron MONDAY Even- - Ing, May 4; at4'o’clock/at Sansom-street Hall.- r. A All that certain lot dr piece of ground/with the’brick* messuage'or tenement now thereon erected, situate on ’ thesouih side of .Lombard street,.at the dißtance.of one • hundred and sixtv-two feet westward froiri'the west sidov: -of Severith Btreet, in the 'city of Philadelphia';' ‘ing; in front ori breadth on the 'sajd'Loriibard'strcet >’twenty'feet, and' extending of that width;in length or •depth southward one hundred rind two-feet to Bradford’s 'alley/or which' it hag : the common/use'and’privilego. . on the easfrby ground, late of Joseph>P. Mns grave, on the South the-said Bradford’s alley, onthe ' west by,.CTourid;,h6w;-;or lata, of: Browq, and*;on*.the north aforesaid./.[Being premises. which Joseph'P. Musgrave;by the twenty-secondday of'July/A. D. 1853, recorded.in Deed Book T. H., No. 96, page 52, granted,andconyeyed unto the said B.rShe'rmer,under,.aud- subject.to, tb^payment of certain -yearly ground’ rerit-'ofrtwenty-. two dollars, and William:Braaford,Thomasß.' ; Darrach. .. and James H. Bradford,-trustees,-’in whom said! ground rent was then vested, by-indentm e dated the.eigbteenth day of August, A.D. 4853, recorded^irii>eed BookT. H., No/96, page alf, granted, released/and extinguished the, aforesaid vearly_ground^T&p^hpt^^o-Baia--Ghi>rgeß J ; • Shermerin-fed. B^^^- •; [D.0.’,6791 Mar.T,;’63.'iDebt,s2,ooo. Flood.! Taken in execution and to he sold 'as the property.. of George B. Shermer.-y- JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. „ , Shenffs Office;:April 22,«,M63/ . crip23-3fci !'■ CHERIPF’S VIRTUE OP /O, a'wxitof. Levari Facial; be. expoaed ! to public sale orvendue, on-MOND AY Evening, .May 4, 1863,at4l6’clbck;atBa»aom-BtreetHall, 1 •All thatcertainiaessuage or tenementand lot or piece of ground, gituatein the 1 late'to wnshipof Northern Li berties, nowtbe Twenty-third ward of the city of Phila-’ the German town and Perkiom«n £ turnpike road; contaimnginfront olr ibreadth l On said.turnpike' road'twentyfeet;.atid>:ex ” tending in. length‘or deptb Hhat -width eastwardly J' two ’ feetrto a;'certain thirty-feet-wides-Btreet< called ' Elder street. --Bounded on'the south' noW or late df Joel Gibbs ;oh the eastby the ;said~ Elderstreet; 1 on the north by ground now .or late ofJames'CampbeU, f ofwhich’tMs a;part;ahd on the, westby thetarn- - pike road afoireßaid; - same premises-which> the sitfd'3)anier'M. s Fox ‘add Alexander execu tors, bjFiridenture Rearing'eydn. date with-a Certain in ’ denture of mortgage, viz : f September-18,*3856,;,but duly execdtea ; ahd acknowledged prior'toHhtfexecution'of ! eaid .indehtnrfe.forthe consideration-in said indenture' mentioned; aportloifof-whicbwas intended by; said m- • 1 •denture'Sfmortguge tobe secured; did grant ; and confirm 1 hnto Parker-in itoM.S * A *v’*.r *•” ' tbe'above-deßcnbed lot of ground le erected; a : • 'J fif'C.' 677 i"'Marci”T." r; 63. < Debt, $1,147;90.' < Qest: a i Taken in execution sold aB the property of < Elizabeth Jarie Parker, executiix.fa. 1 . of JohnW.‘Par ■ker, iecMieOd”-* ' JOHNSTHOMPSOK, Sheriff.'<-< - Piiiladelphta. Sheriffs,Office. April 21, IS6S. ap23-3t' «• CHEBIFF’S-S VIRTUE. OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed,.will fee exposed to public sale or vendue, onMONDAY'Kvening,. "Way 4,1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-sireet Hall.- • ' All that certain’lot or pieceoflground, .composed of thirty-six lots or pieces of ground; .situate city,. in Penn Township, and county of Philadelphia-Cno W the ■ Twentieth ward of the city, of Philadelphia); containing, each lot, in front or breadth eighteen fedt' six inches, and in length or depth sixty-five feeti- and therearends; containing in front on a twelve-feet-wide street'eighteen, feet six inches, and.thirty-flrefeet deep.. [Being marked in the plan of the said city lots, n umbered-17.' 20. 41.25, •' ;'26, 27,28, 35,36, 42, 43, 41, 48. 49,55,66, 01, and 86 Being '.the same premises which. Joseph Bomeislerj fey inden ture hearing date the seventh day of .'July, A D 1835, granted and conveyedunto M. fee, reserving Thereout a .certain ground ,rent of four hundred and fifty-.sey.en dollars cents, payable ‘ half-yearly,,on itheasth day.,of the months t*f January ? and JulyrJ"- •.-• --- 1 rDJ3.! sl£Nsr£ra’«3s ®flfet,'fs2W.!oo;{:3Letchwprth; )f < • ' TakeiCin execution and to heTsold as' the property'of M. SMBraehr;-, A John Thompson, shlriff. , ; Philadelphia! Sheriff’s Qfflco. April 22, 1663,;;. .' ap'23-3t ! a wxitof mefdlrdcted, wilhhe exposed fd pub'lic'afile or "vendue, on MONDAY Evening/? May" , 4nB63,T£r4D' , clocfci at SinSom:Btrept All that'certalh or teae->: ment and lotiorptecoof "ground, situateon the westside, oi Broad street.at theldistaiice ofonehmsnred feet norfch ward from the north side of Brovntfetreet;in> the late district of Spring Gardeh; cdhtainiixgjn frpnt orbreadth on the said Broad*,street ,twenty,fWtfntoxtending in length or depth ,s -westwa3rd*ofifhAfciwidth.6ne? hundred and sixty feet, to CarlirieS stxeatSfeßiranded --north i ward and southward'by other ground of-Howard'Til-; don t eastward by the -said Broiwl gtroot t-and, west- ■ ■ward by-thojealSf Ottllsle rtreet!'bßabitftltbSiinf Brest , mifeiiwhlch Caleb 0. Boberts and Helen 8., his vtfenM , indenhu® dated,theSSth of AuiiitaCA'; D, tH'liMm. jjie., granteA -and conveyedunto Howard Tilden, ln fee, ‘ a yearly ground rent of three hundred and abl e half-yearly; on .the" twenty-■ . fifth 1 day ! of theinomhs of F ebruary. andAugust', Iheyery^ y fp r cf?6B6fe^3:- ; Debt, $376:96; '■ tetchiiWtfeT Taken in execution andto be sold as the property of HowardTllden. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Pbllaift.. Sheriff's OBce, April 52.1853- ap23-St a jrrtt of-Levari'F l aciii ( :to“mß 'difr&feii: wiil^be^^W-' - posed lo pablitr.sale o^vendue,.on f MpNDAY'kvedinß; sJlfey e,-lS6cf. at < b’clock/af Sansom-strSet Hall. .idl that certain* tot or,piece.orground,iWLththe two abnck messuages ortenementsftbeiWon'erectedjßltuate, on the (West arae Af Fra'nkah etilet, Tormerly.©alTed‘Law,- rende street, at the distance of one hundred and; ftve/a** four* laches:southward fftitn 'the'fi6ath‘side *of, Coates, etreetJin thelate’distttct'tif Spring'GArden’.'howin the Thirteenth ward-nhi ythe city of tainlng in;-frbut v, or‘'breadth' oaths said’Franklin/ street 'twenty-eight" febt; eight inches; "and' extend- , lhat’ breadth in/length or' depth weetward at. right aigles with. i*aid ! Franklin street'Oighty-two feet and one inch on tKe north iinev and seventy-nine feat.,. ten' .iricheß arid- three-quarters' on‘ the south vline. . 1 -Bounded- northward 'by ground of/ Jamas. Slaughter, by ground formerly of Samuel Noble, south ward Iby ground formerly granted or. Intended, to, , have been granted to William Wilson, since of David E.:• Banco; and oh' the east byFranklin, street .aforesaia. ; * '(The northernmost eleven feetfive inches of said premi ses being the same.which George/Biehop aqd Clarisaa, his wife.’by'in'dehture datedthe seyenthdiy of -August.' A. D.l 1847, and intended to ba-recorded;granted. and conveyed unto the said David'W. Prescott.in fee; subject to the payment of a yearly ground rent of one dollar aad twenty-five cents per ffroc/amounting to fourteen : do)lars - and twenty-seven cents per annum,.payable to Abraham: Kunzi, his heirs and assigns, and snbjectalso ththe pay ment of a. certain mortgage debt of eighV hundred and fifty dollars, as.therein mer-tidned;„wh'cK mortgage has" since been paid, satisfied ofreccrd.and dischargedforeyer." And the southernmost/and seventeen: feet three inches of said'premises beingthesame’prerotsea/ which Charles Collins aßd BieanorJtis wltorbyindenture. - dated the first day of ;Januai v y,fAl'i)?lBl9,laud intended to be recorded,granted and conveyed unto thesaidDivid W. Prescott, in fee, under and'Lsuhject) to ;the payment of a yearly ground-rent, of twenty-one dollars and fifty.- - six* c tints/ beingthe-proportionable . part car tarn ground-rentr of/thirty-three .dollars, an dL: seventy-five * cents, (payable to> Abraham Kunzi,.his heirs and:assikns.. And which said yearly ground-rents,above mentioned,,/ to/which said premises were made subject/as aforesaid,' Charles M.<Wagnet**nd\Margaret:Aria; Hallowell, exe cutors: of Hallo well, deceased,.and: Edwin Hand, by two several deeds, dated. respectively the,thirtieth day of July, A D. 1855, and fifteenth day of January? ; A. ■' D., 1856, and -intended- to>be recorded.-grantod-and- as-- : signed, released and ,unto s'ald’iDavid >. W. Prescott,, his heirs and assigns,^forever.) ' •*... * .N..B.—The above'properties: will;be sold os follows’: r '• ".-'No l. i The riot or :-piece of groiind.zwith.: the' three- •' Btory brickbnildihgtbereon erected. Bituate'on the west tide ol Franklin street one hundred’ and : five feet four inches southward from south side of'Contes street,* con taining infrontor breadth eleven feet .five inchest.and in length or depth eighty-two feet oue lnchl.be the same l more or less, *•.-/' -v- " ' ho. 5 1. .The/lot of piece of ground/with* the brick tbuilding'thtreom erected, situate on wept alde of Franklin street one hundred and sixteen-feet nine inches southward .from/the south' sidßdf'Coates’stTaet,'’ijs r front or breadth® seventeen*feet tbree inches; ’and in lengthfor 1 depth .eighty- one feet two and three-eighthadnchea/be. the same more or-less,’ - .i’uvt r \ ,4 . [D. C., 678; March T.,*63. Debt, $8,000.' Bullitt;] - Taken in execution'and to be sold as .the'property of DavidfW. Prescott.: JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. • <Phlladelphia,;Shoriff > s Office, April 22,1863.. ap*33-3t - CHKRIIfF,’B. SALE.—BY VIRTUE.OF 1 -N? a !writ of Venditioni.Exponas. to me directed, will be . exposed to public sale or. vendue. onMONDAY* Evening, . May 41 1863, f at;4vo’clo'ck,;at'? Bansom-streot'. Hall; - ■' ' No.*!. AIL that certAi a. yearl y ground rent or sum l of , thirty-five dollars and fifty cents T&wfulNe'oney, half yearly, issuing on-;the : first day.of- : tKe* months <of July 1 and Januaiy inesch and ‘every! year/ and--payable by John Fitzpatrick, his heirs and ;asBigns, ont.pl and. for . all that certain lot 1 . or piece* ‘on • the' south side of Washington street,, ln.the.gaid, city, bf Phi ladelphia, (formerly In ths/District 6f/SdUthwark‘ v ) 'Be-, ginning at thedistanee of ninety-five feet 'eastward from tbe «as( side of Eighth street; containing in : front 'or /breadth onthefftid Washington street,, ftfteenjeet, .and lnlcnEtmoraderth'-BOutliward,'- parallel; with' 'the-'said l E’ghth street, fifty-five feet. (Being‘-the j same premises which. John A i ,^gi k *oy, et.ux.,„by indenture dated March 18,v1868, and /recorded in Deed Btok Av' D/ C B-.V No.=- r &4, page 16, granted and conveyed ! nhto Oliver : fl: * P.' , Conover in fee/) a -a! , -* * „ * ! ‘No. 2. All that cortain' lotor piece ;of ground 1 situate on .the southsideof Morris' street,'at the^distancevof one •'hundred and six feet westward from Front 'street, in fche'Fintt' ward of •ttte./city-r'oß'' Philadel phia, (lately-iUHne DistricttofSouthwark O dontaimng in front or breadthbnthe'said'Morris street feet, and extending of in*length or depth.-sbuth . ward,jbetWeen'lines pturallel with the said Frobt street, Tone hundred and ten feet to Cottage, street; ' (Being' the same premises which Luke W. Duffel,: et--ux,, byin .denture dated June 21;"1854,' recorded indeed Book B. D. ‘ W., No*. 16, page 174, 'Ac:, : granted an'd '6di(vered : onto _(William P Conover in fee., ■■ • No.: 3./All'thatf certain two story,'brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate at the horth-- 1 east corner of Cherry street and Jacoby/street, between/ Twelfth and Thirteenth streets,' in 'city of-Philadel phia; contaming in breadth, .on the. said Cherry street; thirty-one feet.rand in : length ordepth,-oif coby street.-ieventy-five feet.-’ (Belngthe eamepremisea which William Smith et nx.. by’indentnre’datsd ; July ,28th, 1864, recorded in HVEo/ lfiS. page ' 663, granted and conveyed' untoiJoseph'B. Conover in ;fee.)4 v - ‘ ■» ‘-to‘Tt. : JCD. C. 604. , -MarAT l .'. , 63/ • Deht; %5024 ThornJr'. inj.exccution and to he sold as the property of Joseph B;.'Conover,vWilliam P/ Conover, Oliver,H. -P. ; - .Conover, and George DorJT,.trariing, &c.;: a« Oon‘over :& . Brothers.- JOHN, THOMPSON, Sheriff.. , '■ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Offl<^, t A^fil2p, f 1863.” ap2B^t QHERIEE’S' SABE^Bpft^^UE^OF a writ of Alias Le van Facias/to me d irected/will be ..exposed to public sale or vendue. on.MOND AY Evening, r May 4,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-streetHall. ■ All tbat cprtainilot aitUftte on-the ■ north’side of Girard avenue or street,/(eighty feetwide,) : at the distance of fopr hundred and westward from the west side of fcchuylkilljFonrth l street;- in the Tite district of £enn; containingin freßtrirhreadth the said Girard avenue, or street,. tweuty-one.feet,' six in length or depth northward ly between parallel line*, alright: angles With-the said' , avenue or street, on the east line/;thereof, feet,; two inches, and on the west line :,forty‘eightsfeet eight inches i.nd jone-half .of an inch. Bounded-northward . and, eastward br other ground, part of> the largelpt this day granted to the said Peter B.■ J)oremus, whereof .thisj; i this was also part, westward pother,ground'heretofore -granted to, he said Peter B.i Doremus, and southward by-: Girard avenue or street aforesaid./'.[B9iugpart of adarge lot which tbe said Osborne Conrad, by indenture bearing ;eyen date with 'a certain’indenture-of mortgage, viz; Decembjer-27,1853,:but. duly executed.-andacknowledged prior .to the execution of'said indenture.; and iaterid'eario" be-therewith lodged- for eforithe/consideration • .;-mbney therein mentioned, tb.e/prQportioiL.j.n reßpect to ;th‘e above,described Jot'being hereby securgdjrgrArited and conveyed unto the said Peteri B. Doremus in fee, subjecttocertain-.restrictions.]' • -- r ’ [D. C., 674. Mar. T. ,’63. Debt, $1,709.: Auge. 1> ■ Taken in execution and to he’ Sold. as tne property" of .Peter.B. Doremus.: - : JOHNTHOMPSON; Sheriff. 'Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office; April 22, 1863.', -l ap23-3t * VIRTUE OP AiiasV.yenditiorii iExporiasV to'iriedlrected.» public sale dr: vendue, . All, '-west side ofi Sixth, street; at the- distance, of dne hundred and seventeen, and:a half.'lnches southward from theisouth side of. Oxford: street, otthe.- •city 6ftfPhiladqlphia7lately;-know ; rii'as-..%he ‘dlatrict of ; Penri, in. the county, of- Philadelphia; .containing m front or b’Teadth'bri- said-Sixtb street/ststeen/iaatsix inches, arid extending westward,' between lines/at right-; /angles with i said Sixth strget,-on,the north line.thereof- inches,- and- oii- : the-'Bouth- line ' thereof; eighty-five/feet' seven inches; ithqn narrowing -seven feet two inbhes,. and ’thence 'extending, depth o'fc.twelve feet severi'inches.-; Bdundea''ri'dr'thward . partly.'byithe,head;of/a. I certairi'fdur-feet-two-inches- • wide alley '.which i communicates-iwithla ;certain four-- ; feet-wide'alley leadiug into.'a ,three-feet-'eight : iiiches- - wide alley into said Oxford/stfeet,- arid partly by' other ground granted- or’intended to be granted to : James Mullen on ground rent,.eaatward by said iSixth street, /southward by ground 01 John- Nagloe • and others,’ by-laud now or late nf Charles. J. Stille;-together with tbe free and common’use; right; ' and priviiege,Of-the three above-menfcioned?allevH, al - all timeshereafter.forever. /i > ■[, r ,> . t ,N. !Bi—There Js/erected -upon tlie; above-desarihed lot 1 R'three-stbry briclcmessuage or dwelling-house.'. ; • [D. C., T.,’63. Debt, $122.67. John M.Thomas.]’ Taken in execution and to be sold -property-of £ James Mullen." ' ; 2. % Philadelphia, Sb erifs.Office, April-22,.1863.^^ap23-St'' ' CHEEIFF’S .SILE.^BY-.-VTh’IIpEUcOF. a writ bfYeriaitidni Exponaß, to me'direotepliwill'be*'’ exposed'to public sale or vendue', oriTMONHAY Evening, . May4,'-1863,at i 4o , clock,atSansom-BtreetHan * •t* All' that! certain;lot!«r p\ece uf-grdtfn’d'Twith the brick . messuage the - .northeasterly side ofethe Lancaster turnpikairoad; (now : .Lancaster avenue,-) in the township o£rßlockley,i(now - .Twcnty-fourth ward'of the city or Philad^lpMat') -be tween avenue ’ and‘Wfalusingstrefet! I ?Be-1,. ginning, at the-distance of two hundred Tandulifty feet - jjiorthwestward from-; the dine of - BicharcL'PeterS’ lsnd j-s. -- containing in front 'on the said Lancaster - avenue -muy# ' feetvand extending of _or T . depth, .'-northwardly, betweeriflines at right-angles therewith, the/easterrimostdirie thereof, ffeet one inchV arid on the'westernmost line' th'ereof, 'two “hundred and six feet eleven inches, to Merion avenue ; . sald.]ines,beingJueaBured.,from,the..iniddle^)tLancaster c .. to the middle of said Meriottfavenrte* ;Bounded northwardly by said Meriou aveuue, f Bouthwardly by v said’Lancaster avenue, - eastward 1 by ground now or for- ; ■merly^bf-George fW.JTrout,-and'westward by-ground ‘ S ranted, or to have been granted,;to Henry sterheldt. Together with.other th% buildings and im provements thereon, otthereto belonging. : j’ : ' ; ' * CD.tC;-, 687; Mar. T.,-?63. Debt, Tatteri iri execution and to be • soldv as'-the p'roperty of Jopeph S. -Lowry.- r.* / - JOHNjTHOMPSONvSheriff, ' Philadelphia;,Sheriff’s Office, April ap23-3- • la Levari-Facias; me'diTfectedrwill be - exposed to-pnblio saleorr-yendue,-on MONDAY Evening,: May 4 ,(1863,- at '4,, o’clock, at ■Sans om-street Hall.ih - ■ ■- All that certain messuage or tenement and. lot or piece of ground'thereunto belonging, Bitaate at the. northwest . . corner ofeWhod street and)Jnliana'street,formerly-in the - late Northem;Libertiea,now/ the.city/of-PhUaaelphia;,. containing- in,front or breadth on the. said. Wood street ; > fourteen feet ten inches, and in length-: or depth on the said Juliana 1 , street sixty feet. Bounded(westwatd by a •messuage and lot df.ground now or-JatejOf r'Mi,cbael.Gar ’ nett, northwardby'a three -feet- widejalley, eastward by /the said Juliaria streot./and Bouthward. f br -aforesaid.l [Being the same premises which: Samuel Al-*’ • len, K6a., , :BighBheriff,J&y'Deed:Poll:acknowledged:xn i ’: open District. Court the 7thi day s of July, entered among the" records thereof in Boofc’ —-—/page,- —^- r granted and. conveyed to the.said William Boaby-'- . shell in fee. J .. . . ■ •• / : ■ • D. C.; T , , s2,l4o.fs'‘F..lf:'<Adamß.' . ’ Taken in execution and to be sola as the?property < ofL-; William Bosbyshell. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. JS Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Offlce,vAprU 21^863:ap23-3t y iftHEBIFF’S SALE:—BYtVIRTUB OF. YYfa writ-bf.Xeyari Fiinia.-i, to' mty'directed, will be to public salvor .vendue; on -MONDAY Evening, l- t -jlay 4, 1863.' at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street'B&U. . ' r lot Or piece of ground situate onthewest.side of Leopard street, at the distance of'bne'huhdFedlafil seventy-two yfeet ndfthwwd -fronTOtter street; in tkei&te Kensing ton'District ofth'eN'orthern-Libertiesrfahw'City ofphila-'i idelphia); containing* in -front on .The 'said-' street sixteen.feet; and tenaing-thence.wefctward, .keeping the. same breadth at, right-angleswiih'the'said Leopftm streetS.eighty'feet to' « at wenty-feet-wide.-street caUedAmber, street; leading southward * into Otter street; together with a two-.story> said premises which John-Abel* andwiferbYindentnre - ; fetamig date.*th'B7BfchklaV?oJ-April, ?AijO), 185Ki&iidTe? »corded Book T/ H., No/’iB,tpages.62s; and., 527, *■- Takeufn'execution and to the property r df . j John M. Xnkens. ' JOHNJTHOACPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. April 22,1863.. -ap23-3t CHER®FS : -W* ‘ ■Oi awrit of Vendittoht'Expohas.'.taTne directed, will fee . exposed.-topubliciB-ale,orjyendue, , May 4, , 1663, l aV4o , olockt &fesom-streetHall.- Cf A. -f. *>. : All that - certain tracfc ( iorrpiece,of^laud v situate in late township ofßl^kley%4nthe^coun^y^fPhUad[feLphia,^b9- ter roatf, & o i^Market street continued, and m a line of laud 7 of said^aS'ho^h 1 )■ West, thirty-four perchesiapd twenty-six hundredths of - a’perch, thenw;byia |S4Ee'Afvight{f®gl6B|to the said West ’ Chester road, Bradley%:Sonth thirteen der: . grees and ’eighteen- minutes perches -.and nine'tenthKof; point4n anothe^^linapf^ ‘ the saia Byram's land, thence by the same north elghiy ; three- degrees* and-'>threerquaiter&e&&t t 4forty-six.perchae^ • and' twenty-eight“hundredtbvSf'alvwrbh to'arcorner; ~ •thence by the 'ddgB»s,aud>fc>rty-eight imnuiee west.-. thirtv-tbree.perches'.and,'seventy-three , hundredths of a perch to.the place of beginning^:. Tr ;, t,M [D. C. 680 M T 63. Debt SI2S.«HAT. Coletaan-0 O :’. Taken- in execution. and- to be -.soldias the- propertyc of ’ i George .Callaghan; ; ’ tJOHN ; -fHOMPSON’, ; ' ; -4 Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office. April>22.lBSj.u »i ap23 : 3t., O-lfEillFF S iSALE —BYVIRTUJBIOF ‘ / yJ, a writ Exponas,te rne directed, will be. r exposed to public sale or vendue, on fMONDA^Kvening,*; ■ May 4, .188£" at do.’clock; at-Sansipm-streetHan.^^ : v ala that certain lot or pibcerof ground; • aild lhe.inessu-a age thereon; erected, i Bituate;on l theAottthmdft ( of Stiles etreet.atLthedietince of one'himdred jmd thirteen £113) r . ,ffeet westward from ; thetWest side; of stteet,; -dn i the’distriefof Peuiiaforesaid,;,conU,lnih^Tnfr6ut hreadth(on'Baid fetUes/street fifteen the “ eastern'moietT;dr halfpart ofa.two-feet-wideaUey, laid; out between this and the adjoining lot of groundito the;-, west, ) and- extending- in -length or depth southward-<6f4 : right four 0/the wia^Benjwnin^Vis.:«‘ N, tß. ,:^John?Davy', has'parted-with-hisunterest 1 in the • a^cf «-as' Pliilaf elphifll.’Sberiff's' OMce. April 22, 1863. ap23-3t . <*HERIEJE?SaSM!E*yiRpjE^:(G®T . O 'L'evari ‘ Facias to ! me f f Ibe exixiEed ti) public Jsalo.or .Yuuiiuc, oil- M.Q-iI>AY byQ-_. SnUgiSai 4. mat 4.o!elock,*tB»gMm-s«Mt,HaU, t r , ~ % AH tbat-Mitain-lotcof Artahea atmr-.- thereon .^erected,!situate’pn’the. ;east side •;of Thirteenth street, at the4istance k aud \ Jeefcfnonhwardfromi th> north side of Colum- PhUa^a died and sixteen' feet, ■ lokof groundwhich.George w; Conarrpe andLwife,v . gfey indenture .dated the Ist d&y D. 1860, , Deed* Book A l JD^B.pagedlfi, Ac.,/ 'graniedand cony eyed to Donneuy,indfee;s: -<• ? r t D.y QftXQSiJtax;. T, V. ',63.^V Takenin rexeention ; and.to aßuhe.ppgPon^of. Sheriffs ;-Vap^^^ : - S^E.^BY,^TO[E !^ , f a writ ofrAliaa Venditioni Exponaßr-tO'meMirected;. • be exposed to public sale or . i May 4,1863, at. 4. o’clock, j 3 Be ™ ,[oor and f ldt.or,piece. ! icpntaiDin^ih ; ;BSht <^fcreSdtfe^§t^M^Nte-^^lK street twoThundred and bigbty-slaf (286) feet, and extend-"- i Miie > -Seventy-sevenfeetteuMnchesto m f Taken id execution and to be sold as the property of Adamfe. Dbor _ ■ m JOHN THOMPSON, SherOT. Phila;; fiberiSTs OAoe, April 20,1863. ap2S-3t OP ftHERIKPS^SASE^BY^^viRTinB'oP :, K]7 ft writ ofYenditioniExponks, to me dlrected.will be , vT„l Bm]d ?T, Wl %'of Levari Faclaa; to me^directed-will -exposed tatmblie saleor vendue, on MONDAY livening. • to pofelic,sale or vendue, on MONDAY Ktb- • May 4 o’clock, at Sanaom-street HaU. -•: • ni at4‘o’clock, at Saiißom-street H& T? i * All tho*rJgbtrtltleand intoroBtof • Prances Ettling; that certain, lot or piece of ground wftn the two « ing an undiylded fifth part, subject to Wi dower of.M«. • “esauages ? or. tenements* thereon erected< situate Mary Simmons, of< in and to ©*«{« north aide of Melon street, at the distance of ttfe ..tow4t: / • . i hundredandtwenty-fourfeet eastwardfrombniWius! * Mo 1 . 1. All r that cOrtam lot or pieceof ground with the h.Jcc6n.;or Ridge road, in that part of the city of Philadel | • four-etory brick messuage and threeisttfry back build- PbiaUate the district Vings thercpn-erecitodr situate on the eastvside of Broad hnontosr;breadth on the said Melon street sixteen feet. street at the distance OfOne hundredand-seventy-one >. at a extending-in length ; or depth’ northward, between "feet BOiuhwart from the south side of Walnut street in Patnllel lines at right angles withithe said Melon street. ,-tho city of Philadelphia! containing infront or breadth on the oast line thereof sixty-six (hot five idSKes, andon on the said Broad streot twenty foot; and exfondmg! of the line thweof sixty-five feet ten inches to Penn that,width in. length or depth eastward between parallel street. Bounded On the east by. ground granted to John lines at right angles with the said Broad street one hun- .Gravel on ground rent, onthe. north by the said Penn died feet to h certain fifty feet wide court extending street, jon the west by ground granted to Tompkins,- northward, ; and communicating with an alleys leading and on the south by the said Melon street (Being the into Wtilnut;etreet..,.,Bounded northward’ by ground aanje^rtmlses,which Jacob and wife,"by nowor late oj Edward Roberts, eastward .by the said indenture aated tbe fflh day of September, A. D. 1845, Afly feetiWidhcoQrt.;sohthwardbj othe ground sranted recorded in Deed Book M , No. 2, page 113,grant by Thoman Dugan and wife to Wllliam V. Pettit, ‘ and fd and conveyed unto tbe ; said William' G,' Conrow* in westward by Broad street aforesaid. Together with the vfte>3 Togetherwuh the free and common use and privi common* use 'and privilege of the fifty feet , wide! iege of the taid Penn street at all times hereafter forever. , court and also of a certain leu* feet wide alley leading \ ; AJar T.;^’63. v Debt $3,041 9L Thorn. J* ' from said court eastward into . Juniper* street, with ana -- All that certain threerstory.(brick • messuage or tend without horses, cattle,- carts and carriages, at all times - and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side -• hereafter forever. Snfcjoct to a'yearlygroundreat or sum of Partith v street,*at the distance of forty-five feet west of $255. *| from the west fide of Carlisle street, in that part'of -rNo. f. A certain lot orpiece;ofgTound..situate on the thftcity of Pniladelphia late the .district of Spring Gar north Swain.,fctreet/att-he.distaneFof one hutf .den; containinxiri front or breadth: on the said Parrish dr«d and ,sixty-three feet'eight-inches';',w.estward -fron street'fifteen feet, and extending In length or depth . tbe.west fide of Sixteenth street (formerly called SchuyF -northward,- between) lines parallel -wltn- t-aid Carlisle • kill Seventh street) in thecity.ofPhiladelphia; contain, street,;fifty feet.'-’ by a-three-feet ing in front or breadth on the said Swain street eighty six-inches-wide alley leading eastward into said Carlisle feet, and extending of that width northward; betwei - . street,} eastward by ground now or late of Stephen . lines parallel.with said ‘Sixteenth street, in length. southward by said Parrifh afreet, and westward depth sixtyjeet (including on the western side of ttt by grqund now or late* of William *A> Stokes. [Being same, Jthe one-ualf of an kiley two feet twoinches wit the same premises vWhich -Mary'?Dawson; by indenture ~ in the clear extending northward,to the depth of tweft ‘SftSA £hel4thdayof-April,-1852; recorded in Deed Book ty-ninefeet.four Swain street, whence!/ 2O, page 96, granted and conveyed unto the? gradually narrows to apoint as it : extends the furthl - eaioWmiamG. Conrowdn,fee; under .and,Subject to - depth of two feet nine inches- laid out for the muts ythe paymentof a yearly ground rent or.fsum'of twenty benefit and accommodation of this and the lot of groun ‘ 6e Tf n and. which 'is forthwith to be adjoining toihe west ward;)'/'Bounded northward- ai;- paid and extinguished 3 - Together withthe free useand. Wtttward by other ground 'of Etlielbert A,' Marshal ; privilege of the said, three-feet-six-inches-wide alleys as eastward by a lot of. ground- granted to Philip 8. Brow. • apassage-way and water-course' hereafter ground rent, and: southward* by said Swain atrei forever; anl subject also to a mortgage debt of eight hun >Together with thefree use 'and:common privilese of s« died doDars;',which is also intended to be paid and’dis -alley hnd the right ofibuilding over the eastern-halff charged: CDrC' 606;‘M?tT., ’63.: Debt, &1,519.22. Thorn.] tfee same, leaving at least eight feet the cl# in, executiow.and to be 'sold as the property of abbve the Icvel of the curbstone*/ . an annifi Wllham.G: Conrow.:-.;)’/ JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. f- ; ; groandrent of K t • Philadelphia,’Sheriff’s.Office. April‘2o.;lBB3. ap23-3t ’'‘•No.’S. cerfcaia'lot.or. piece of ground, begs* " :J ; , ningat a point iu' of Chevy Chib I lane, at -the distance ofminety-two and three-tenths.fit southwesterly from: the-;westerly corner of- Chevy Ch a lane and.Eighteenth/street V.thence by* said lane south i- . I ; venty ;c egrees.west crossing Moore and Nineteenth strafe LAvc-hrindred'and elpven.-and’ twenty-five hundredte; [' feet toa stohe of ’stake.;'toence extending across the s i i lane and,Nineteenth-and Miiflin 6treetB, by land non r-- i late Joseph Baker, south;' s.xteeii degrees. east ei t: i hundred and sixteen' feet -to a stone or stake; thence r Inlands how or late of Joseph.Lownes. south seventy-f r ■ degrees west cr.ossing.McKean street ibree hundred; d i twenty-sixandseven-tenths feettoastone or stake; the e i by land nowor late of the,widow Bindley, north eight n ; l degrees west crosdng- Nineteenth and-McKean str a •three ‘hundred;and s ;thiftysfeet to a point; cheucest h i.. seventy-four degrees-;west three huiidred and nine d iv thirty ?seven ,hundredths/feet to a point in-said McK thence-:by' land now or late of Jacob Bacon d; others and Mifflin streets north r o. ' degrees.w'estfive. hundred ahdhinete«n.and sevßnty re' ;ihundreths feet toa. point iin the line of land late of Mi in > Eeelhower,’ deceased ; .thence£by ; 6aid land south se a-. , ty-two degrees..twenty<minules M in : - street two nuhdi ed ’and twenty-four and 1 two-tenth. >et to a pointin'the south linePf : said street. and north >r-Z ty-sixj degrees'.fifteen miautes west crossing-the id ".Mifflin, Twenty f fifst, Twenty-second;-and Moore :a, ithirteen hundiediana two and two-tenths feet to a .nt in the sontheasterly lihe of Long lane: thence by. ne , n#rth ; thirty-eight- degrees, forty-five.'degrees east wo hundred and fifty-two and eight-tenths'ffeet to a po tin Morris street; thence by land: formerly:of Jacob We'? .. south (fifty degrees , thirty-five,'minutest east crcpng* Twenty-aecond streei seven hundred and sixty feeto a stake,}and'north<thirty-one degrees/twenty-five mibtesV . easttwothundred and six feet to. to‘a point in Twity ; flret streetthence. crossing ’.Twentieth i and Ninetlitli streets south seventy-six degrees forty-five’minutes set . twelvd hundred and twenty-two anettwortentha fedto a point;-thence south nineteen degrees thirty minntasast • tw,oj hundred the place of beginning; coni Sing thirty; acreßttwojrods,’and twenty-two-perches, li<the< same more or less? = Together with the free use andiri- - .vvilege* of .ChevyvChaae and;Long lanfs at aUftnes .•hereafter foreverdnifcommonlwith the owners andwea piersofthe other ground bounding thereon. • 1 • ?CD;C.ri6OO; Mar. T;>- !6S. iDebtj $212.62. McChe.l Takto in* execution and to be.sola as the propeiy of Francis Ettling.v at- ,>;>JOHN THOMPSON, Shqitf. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, April IS, 1863. ;ao2-3t CHKBIFF ’S SALK.—BY VJRTUBOF a writof .Venditioni Exponas, to me directed will' be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAiEve iling. May 4, 1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HU.\ , All the ahdinterest of said James Kris in and to the lolloping described lots or pieces or grand.' ‘to wit: . ; .■ .. . i No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of'ground wh ttye - two three-story stone messuages or tenements ffereon* erected, situate on the northwesterly side of Mehanic - street, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadel phia," beginning atthe.dist&nce of fifty feet north weterly - from tne easterly line or side of Ccesson street; obtain ing in front orbreadibhnsaid Mechanicstreet sixt-four feet, and;extending that breadth in length or deptniorth-' westerly seventy-nine feet arid six inches; .logethc with- ! {he appurtenances, .'•*: c'•.* ■ - j ''•vNp.{2 ‘All that;certain ;lot:Or piece of ground 1 wt> the:■ . four three-story stone' messuages or tenements tloreon■ erected, titnate at.Manuypnk. in the said Twerir first ward; on the northeasterly,side of said Mechanic street, 'beginning at,a £ Btahe standing on* a northwardly?line or Bide 6f s said Mechanicfstreet, .said stake being listant one hundred and fohrteen feet from the eastwardy line • of Cressonstreet, fmeasuring on the northwardly lino or side of said-r Mechanic street, -and .running theice in>n ; northwesterly '.direction and at right angles wth Me chanic street, seventy-ninefeetandsixidchOs t a:, stake; ‘thence in a line running- parallel . with-Mechanu street And in an easterly direction towards Tower strefc sixty four feet to, a r stake;'thence in a’- southwesterly drection towards Mechanic .street and on a line at.right angles, thereto, ,seventy-nine feef'and six ihches tO'diß said northwardly line of Mechanic street;* thence along the northwardly line of Mechanic street 'sixty-four.feet'to. .place{of beginning; together with the appurtenances. - •; No. 1 . A .'All.thatcertaindot orpiece of:ground with]the ■threefstory stone messuage or tenement thereonerecied, Bituato at Manaynnk, in said Twenty-first ward; begin ning at a stake inthe.northwest line or side of Mechanic street, s *id stake Deihg.djstaht v <jne hundred and seventy - * eight feet from the easterly line or side of Cresson street ; thence extending at right angles-WithMechanic street, and by thellast.hereimdescribed lot seventy-nine feet, and blx'inches to a'corner.;. thence" extending parallel to' Mechanic street twenty ieet to 'another.!'corner ;thence extending.;hythe, next 'hereinafter-described'.lotand at right angles'With Mechhnic- street seventy-nine feet and'- •Bix inches to a corner in the aforesaid line or side of Me chanic streetUthehce down>and along-by the aforesaid line or side orMechanic street-twenty feet to the place .of beginning; together-with;the appurtenances. - . • . i , 4. v All that certain lot orpiece of ground with the; three-stoiy,stonemessuages or >tenements thereon erect- : .ed.i.eituatedi.atiManayunk,- in the Twenty-first ward, - bounded and described as follows: Beginning.ata cor last above-described lotor piece of ground,' easterly line;or side.ofCressonstreet; thence; extending, at right angles with Mechanic street-and Valong andby the last-, described-lot twenty-nine- feet" six inches to a -paralleLto. Mechanic street': fifty feet,to tbe.corner; of a lotJi6wor;latedM)aniel Kel ly ; thence extending along the lastrihenuoneaion-aaveni?' ty-niiefeetBiXs;incnes; v to the aforesaid'line or sideof, Mechanic street; thence extending down:and along aforesaid line or sideof'Mechanic"stre€.t :fifty-feet to the •place of beginning; together wfth the appurtenances. No. 5/;'All<that certain' two-and-a-half-storystone. ; building and lot orpiece ofground ataatc. on the south least corner Mana-. yank, in thesaidvTwenty-firstwari;containing in front or breadth on said Mechanic street .seventeen feet, and: extending.that depth-.along said‘ ■ Leiberfc street seventy-nine feet,; more or lesB.><ißouhded‘ eastward 'by ground how or late ofiHenry Dorsofi, south wardly by ground how or late of John -Manahan,r west-' ; wardly by Leibertstreet. aud-nhrthwardly by Mechanic -street; together with the .: v t il); C:,- 598, Mar. T. ,’63.-y l)eht,*i;o22.Bo. /Brinkle,]: ■ • i >: Taken in execution >&sd tobaisolaras the property of George W. Hippie and James J>avis.. -> r* , % JOHjT'FHOMPSOT, Sheriff; Philadelphia, 1863. - ap2d-3fc -ttHERIFF/SvSAHE.-JBY-VIRTUE foF »!S< a ilevariilFaciasi to/me directed/, willbVex -posed to on MONDAY Evening, ! :;Wayi4,:1863, afrl4^o?clock;'at ! San&om-street Hall,. , y ~?No. l.Allthafrcertain lot ofpieceof- ground- and’the: t§n three-story brick houses I with' basements itbereon, •’.situate onthe south side.ofßittonwood (formerly called '' ; Tammany)Btreet,;betweah-'I/elawa,re.:Fouxth street and., -‘the Old York jbad.gAltKe city,bf.Philadelphia (formerly; >,inthe Northern Liberties); containing in front or breadth. * oh the said Buttonwood" street' twenty-seven feetsix inches (including ohe-half w/thewhole: width of said «■ Tammany conrt),: and>-ih.^bngth' : or depth southward one hundred andthirty-two feet;- Bounded ; east i ward by ground, nowrtOrTlate’of Abigail Physic, west ward by premises 2/hereinafter described, north ward by • said- Buttonwoo A -street," and south ward by. •. ground now or latedfChaiies Fox. / Together with the : see 'user right, 4 liberty,-and privilege' .of the saidv-Tam-. • many court in' common with the owners, tenants, and . occupiers offhe premises No. 2',h9reinafter: described,; as - and roi a passageway'and',watercourse,' and of- ingress,: egress, and regress into,'out of, over, and along the same . : ; at all times hereafter forever:,-S' • -"".'v ' : ' |f|-No. 2. Allthat certain'lot or ; piece of ground. and the .v ten three-Btory 'hrick 'houses' -with basements thereon;’ situate on the south side of Buttonwood (formerly called' • ’Tammany) street; between Delaware-Fourth-street ahd 1 , Old York' ro'ad, in the elty of Philadelphia (formerly Tin the Northern Liberties); containing in front dr breadth on the said’ ; Bnttonwoodi street twenty-seven feet six inches (including oherhalf of :the‘ whole ••width ?J 6f said ~ Tammany ;court)/and in’lengthior.depth-southward about one hundred thirty-two t feet /Bounded east • i ; w®.rd.by premises Nor I'hereinabove described!, west ward by grdund'nowbr lB.te < .qf' 7 Joel Torr. : northward by - eald ButtOnwoodstreet;-and-southward by-ground, now •or late of Charles Fo*. Together with the free use/right, liberty,. ahd privilege 'Df the saidJCamroany.court in coin*, mon withthe and dccupiers .of said ■ 1 premises jfo.’ 1 hereinabove described, as "and. for a. passageway and watercourse, andof: ingress, /egress, and - regress into.iout of, over; ana along the same at all times ’ • forever, » • , < - , • ■. . . above-deßcribed pramisesiare subject to a yearly Aground rent of , f'o* - i ,-v' 'jM : ED. Ci:6l3; Mar; T., J)ebt, $1,595.0T. Millctte.) ;■ .- Taken )in ; execntion-and to'be sold as the property of' - Caroline F. Quervelle, administratrix, &c., of Anthony -GK Quervelle, deceased. < V' • • • •V, ’ . J JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. .1 [ • ~ Sheriff’s Office, April 16,1863. ap2Q-3t . /CHBIJIFF'S; SALE.—BYv VIRTUE, OF j*. a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, yill.be exposed to public sale.or-vendne, onMONDAY Evening, ; \ Hay 4; 1863,at4 o’clock, atSansom-BtreetHall,, 1 All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south' slde of Westminster avenue, at the distance: of four-hundred feet westward from the west sideof Seneca street, in the late district of West:Philadelphia, now - t&ining in front or t breadth oneaid-Westminster avenue three hundred feet, and: extending’in length or depth southward of ithat width about two, hundred and seven--. . ty -four, feet 4 to A ground ilate*'belonging' to - the < estate of rMaguel Eyre; deceased. Bounded northward:by said s Westminster avenue, southward by gronndlate belong-. ; .ing. to the estate of Manuel Eyre, deceased,*'ahd.west -ward by ground now or late or Joseph H.‘Roach; sub ' ject to the payment of.the yearly.rent or sum-of. eighty one dollars in equal half-yearly payments. CBeing the 'same premises which PauTSalomon and wife, by indenr j ture aated' February 11, 1854,'and'recorded in Fliiladel “phia, in Deed Book A. 0. H.; No.- gi, page 3, «c.»• granted and conveyed to DavidiGilbert in fee, reserving the.said -rent./I V/-. • -V. ' • W. B.—Asixty-feet-wide street passes obliquely through ithelweet end of said lot six hundred and thirty-one feet inches “west of Seneca street on Westminster six hundred and twenty-two feet elevenand.cseven-eighths'inches,from...that same street onthe sbutherirboundafy'Of fchelot.I’-'V 1 ’-'V ' v 5 • ED. G;, 682; Mar. T.,-’63. Debt, $161.46:: Olmslbd.) Taken: in * execution, and to be gold asjthe property, of David Gilbert. ' • ' JOHN THOMPSON, SYeriff: ■t,. Philadelphia, Sheriffs .Office,;,AprU.l6 t 1863.—. &pa>3t ■; SHERIFF’S SAIiB.—BY- Y3DCTUE OF LevariFaclas.tolme 'directed; wiy! be ex posed to public .sale or< vendue, dn MONDAY’lfreningr _May4,ISIS/atdo’clockJatsSansom-streefHall,; " ! i b All that certain stone me&auagebr - tenement.and lot or piece of ground', situate >in' GbrmaUtown township, be gi lining at a stone set for/a corner of thissnd other, land of theealdMatthias'Haas, bn' the■ westwardly ‘elide' of af road, commonly called* Kerper’s lane,;, formerly called:, Hinkle’s mill ; road;-tlieiice bylhe said road'aoutbjthirty-" £ nine degrees west seventy-sis feqt.to a 7 sto,ne.Bot for .a, corner-of this an’dother land-’u theaaidiMatthiafl/Haasi: -thence by the same north forty-three (43) and ode-half; degrees west one.hundredandeighfcy-three feet toa stone set'for a corner, of this.and oil6r land of the s&idMhtthias HaasTthence bythe'same'ridththirty/iiinedeKrfes east /BeVe»ty-six feet ,t6 f a Btohe ieV,for a tids and ■ other land.'of thfcnpe by tfofeame; southiforty.'three T andbne;haF'(iegreeB east'pneTrandred’/ 1 and eijßhty-tbTee'feettbthedaceofbeginning; ‘ing fifty of land/ be-the - 'same Imore'brTess, withiiL-tbi said bonnds. /Being the aame premißesAwhlch'MattHas Haas r ;of Germantown 4 • township Melinda nis wife, by. . indenture beanjig even daU; Kerewith, yiz,! December, _ j lO/1855, and intended to be tmrewitn recorded, did grant' j convey'and«aesign'to.thetaid«9htas*Shenner,in fse.rl^| 1 i [D. C.'607; March.T.;%DebtrssB2;96"Wister;]“-, Taken in execution and tone f gbld»as the< property of • Titus Shermer. •JOIN THOMPS#, Sheriff. • I Philadelßhia,’Sheriff*s Office. April 16,1863 ap2Q-3t;,<j {SHERIFFS SAIJaLBy ,;VIHr.UE-,0,F; • M a writ of Levari Facias} to me'directedTwillibe ex-, -iposed to public sale or venlue» oh MONDaXVEvening, Ijilay4,,lB63<ftt4o , clock.iat ; .E. All that icejtainTbriekmejsfcage or'tenement and lot.or:, piece. of-'around situate in tie Borough of-Oermanto wu ■■ aforesaidron the soutbeaetely aide j Jefferson- street, 'beginning ataatakesetfor Icorner,'opposife'the centre of from the adjoining chouse, tbence.extendlng alfagthe saictslde w said street . southweeterly thirty-seveufeet to a corher;jthence:wUh • ' thb line'of land belonjrihgtiJohnM. Bookits southeast erly forty- Seven feettc?a coneiy abdeastwardly along a t-. pafrageway-of six-feet in ridth twelve feet to a corner, •and 'northeasterly twentythreb feet to a stake set for a £ s tlfe'pli'r-' ? ' tition wall aforgsqi£. =nfty«ree feet, more or less, to the therewith, but executed-devious to the sealing.and de ! i Ml*fTLr^i L ! 1 t:itffr;«'9otMar.T,.’# ,Ifebt,iss4s& -*iX. t o.’9yriwJ jp^som^as^hegroyrt^’of. I V. ap2Ck3t; >OF üßxpohas, tome-directedwwUl tor -vendue, onVMONDAYi Eve-' iLck/at. Sausom-sireet Hall , fceceof ground, with the build* fte on the north corner of-Weat }qf^ctiMpnd,\ho\r';in thV’con felphtii'.containing in* r front~*hn ii extendinff in length or, depth 4ld lptbiegt JfoiißC L qnthe'pmn’ ijhv B saididistrict. * #>y ? lot'lTo.s 863. on,*ihe 'north*-' whautby said West street;' and 1 ud .WUlinm street. CBeing the' lainlre and wiferhr indenture ijiraedat; Philadelphia, 'in Deed ■page p9,«c., granted and con- and.subject to a DelSm'MK. J- B. Boyle.] TOM S^-rlff. 0 April U, 1563. ap!3-3t :cueriee;s sjv /M 'aiwritof>Yenditlom belexpoeedto public sale] %idk,Slay o-’cl Au that certainlotor * ’lags thereon-erected* sit™ street, in the late district* solidated street 20 feet,' an - of jo^liitSw ~80 u n dea- on to eh o rth.we| #east by lhfcB62,‘ on toe son on, 7 , the ' southwest by .Sal . same lot’which Charles a rßffiMvZp.Wo. m[ \yey edjfrito' the defendant] :yearly 7 gronnd'rent orsuri ‘ tC. P.,2M;»r. T.V , 6B.Tp Taken in execution anl Bank Donnelly*' : 1 (< .fuUad*., Sheriff’s Offlci. eiIEKIFF’S.SALK.—BY VIRTUE OF . 'sundry writsof Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, :, will J)p exposed'to public sale or vendue, on. MONDAY. Evening, May. 4.1863. at 4 o’clock; at Sausom-sireet Hall,' ;'' ;Alr .that, certain ,iTt.'-iori'piece' of; ground, situate '/street,formerly in«the districijDt iWeßt, Philadelphia; now, ■ ! in : the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth, on theteaid Pratt street'sixty-one feet-seven inchesiaad /extending of that width Yin length' or depth, north ward,' one’ihundred.feet. Bounded, northward, byotherground . :now or late of the estate of the'saidjMaryC.Lehman. de-; ceased, eastward < byrground granted »by the said VWil- v jliam Crean-to Robert W.j-Hansell and John, W.gEverman on ground rent, southwardhy the said Pratt street,'aiid westward ; by State-street aforesaid tßelng> the same ; premises which William Creaii, trustee, &0., by inden ture bearing date the 28th dayof February. 1853; recorded •atphilftdelphia;inDeedß66kT. H'.vrJo.Oi J page3S2,&c , .-granted aDd conveyed^unto 1 Robert W; Hansell in fee; ■ reserving thereout a yearly'ground rent oraum of sixty ‘ one,dollars and fifty-eight cents, payable half-yearly on: ofFebruary and Augnst in every, year torever. ] ' Subject, to the express restriction that no .slaughter-bouse, -skin-dressing - establishment, ’ - glue, - soap, candle, or starch manufactory other building for offensive occupation, shall at any*time hereafter- be ■ fuit.orerected.'oFuSed on-anypart of the hereby granted ot'of ground. Together withthe free, and oointnon nse. right, slinerty,and privilege of the said Pratt'street.and. • State streeCrespectively, at all times.hereat terforever. v ; N. B —Our the above premises there is erected a one . story brick stable. . - "S".' i / - 1 [D; C.V-665; Mar; T.'63. .Debt, 8140 24,. Lex,] Taken in execution and Lobesold as the property of Robert W. Hansell. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. 'Philadelphia^Sheriff’sOffice, Apri121,1863. ' 'ap23-3t" CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF . ~ a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed' to public sale* or -vendue/ on MONDAYEveaing. May 4:1863. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. ' . ~ All-‘that certain three-Btory.]brickj messuage ortene - merit and lot 'or pieeeof ground"" thereunto belonHing. situate ..on 'tne ..south ;side,/ of - Clinton street, between Tenth) and Eleventh streetsand.'Spruce andPinestreets,; in saidcity, beginning at- the distance of - one hund red and eeventy feet westward from the'west side of Tenth aiid containing in front or breadth on said Clinton street^thirty! feet, and extending in length, or depth, southward of ,tliat=width.-’ sixty-fourrfeet. : Bounded northward ; by'said Clinton street,'eastward and west-. • ward by ground formerly of CharlesT.Lex, and south ward by a moiety of a larger lot. which Henry G. Swift, ' by two several indentures* granted unto/ Bejamin Wil liams 1 and Daniel Be van'on; ground: rent! [Being the > same property which Henry G/,Swift, by indenture dated November 11th, r Ay D.l&il, recorded iu Deed'Bookß. D. W., No. 41, page 221, &c., m the recorderiof deed’s office, inftbe eounty of Philadelphia, granted land, conveyed unto the said Juliana. Riche in Tee.andwhich the said Juliana Rlche. by indenture datedrOctdberlSth, 1895; and recorded.in/Deed-BookR.iD.YW.,.NoY43, page36l,.. &c. , granUd t unto ,the said, Richards in .fee,; under .and'-subject to a certain mortgage for forty-two* hundred dollars, as will be seen by ; reference to said last •• mentioned indenture.] ■ . ' r ’ il * [D;C., 643; MariT:, , 6a-tDebt;.52,420.60.'j8. R Haines.] - 0 and to he sold as the property of George W..Richardai.. •, w JOHNTHOMPBON,Bheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office, April 20»'1863.; • ap23-3t CHEEIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a: writ of Levarl Faciaa, to medirected/wil^bVex- Soscd-to public aaleor.’ vendue, on.MONDAY Evening, [ay 4,1863/at4o , clock, at Sansom-street Hall, .-All that certainmessnage or tenement,''stable, and lot ;or piece of on the north.slde or Tacony street; at. the intersection of Tacony And Frankford: streets, in that part of the city of Philadelphia formerly* called the townshipof Oxford; containing in.front or. breadth on said Tacony street hundred and fifty : : feet, and extending in depth northward between parallel .lines twbhundred’feet to; James street!;' Bounded on the., .horthby the said-James streets on 1 the. east-by lots sold' -to William W.Smedley, on. the !soath jjy.the'said Ta-. .. cony streetand' on' the west byFrahkfori'street' afoTe- , said. [Being the same .premises which said':James D., f .Pratt and Sarah.T.! his wife, by indentore".bearing even date with a certain indenture of iuortgage;* yiz'i'.'June 3; ; A.'D-.1857, f but duly.execuied and acknowledged prior to; tne exeention‘of .said indenture, and intended to.Ke'.ijer. corded; f. rthe said'indenture mentioned,■'part'Wbereof-was by-said indenture of mort- ■ gage Y securea,graute4Cah'(tcQnveyed f 'totKe.said?Kate'- J;jCarter, ? ;wife'of theisdid Edwardi.iCarter, f h.er heirs/ - and assigns forever;!" • ; ■N. B.—On the’ above- described lot ‘of ground iff erected • - a two-scoried (double) messuage with back;buUding;and t also a twoVstoried brick stable and carriage house; also,' ait ice house aud green house. 'v ; ... : [D. C., 678 5, Mar.T., ?63.>/Debt, j84,2U.83.'' Gest.] -“ Taken in execution and to be sold as fche property of Edward Carter arid Kate J.Carter, hiswin?. K; J. Carter have no interest, .? ;• - JOHN, THOMPSON, Sheriff, v Philadelphia v Shetiff’s'Office, April 22?d563.; ap23-3t . OHERIFP-S S^LE..—BY VIRTUE-OF*- .'V-awrit of Yenditioni. Expdnas;to me directed; will be -exposed to' public:sale or/vehdii?, on MONDAY Evening, • May 4, 1863, at:4 at-Sansom-street Hall.-r. . • sx All that certaiulot or piece of ground situate in 5 jdate District of : Mpyajaanaing.' : now the city of PhiJaUel pmyr-p-n ; iftK7WvU err / roneously,chUea the at a post onthe side of the-said: the said ; rOad north twelve'degreea’west twehiy-four perches'and three-tenths, to a stone for a corher'of the land and released unto Sarah Book ‘and-her-hfeirs in severalty ::thence by -sevendegrees fifty mi nutes east:thirty?ohb;percheVand nine-tenthSto'a stone, tor a corner in the line of land of John Philips; thence" by: the same southi'sixteen degrees fifty- minutes.'easc r;twenty-fonr perches and forty-three hundredths to acor ner of land'soldttd'Jbhn Lentz pthehcpjby the samehouth ■ •seventy-seven degrees fifty'minutes west thirty-three ’•perches.and nine*tenths to the place of beginning, con taining five acres, be the same more or less.-. [Being the same p«jnises.w;hieh'WDliamHoffnerandMaryhiswife. > by indenture dated-the-first- day of MayAr D. 1855, and recorded in Deed : B6ok ; R; 'W.,-NoV 117,-page 396, &c:, ! g‘anted ;and '’conveyed Y:~ Smith; 1 Ignatius ; o’nnelly’i 'Joeeph‘ : P. : ' -Don C. Cassidy, r and vHeury ThompsonVui'fee/iu-equal 'shares as tenants in - common ] ' ‘ - ' * = f * * , ■ * > N. B: —Through portions of the ; above-described of land; ; Ninth»- Tenth, ’Bnyder, and - JaCkson streets will - pais; ! - and -Ninth-street opened.-’ lithrough. 'ahd to the southerly;line of the same, - ! - i [D. C:; 672 ;'Mari -T„ '63. Deht, 559,d00. ' -A. Thompson.] -r Taken in exe'eution 1 and sold as the property of Henry Y, .Smituy Ignatius'Donnelly, Joseph r.Donnel ly,4 Xiewiß C: Cassidy, I "and Henry Thompson.’ * .■ ‘ 1 • ' JOHN THOMPSON; Sheriff. ;r:Philadelphia^Sheriff*9:,Office,! April 21, -1863.' ’ ap2.3-3t'- (SHERIFFS SAEE:—BY VIRTUE OF a wr^t^of’ , Levan..;:-Facias;/tO'meidirected. will be. ; . exposed topublic sale or vendne« on-3rONDAY Evening, . May f 4, at 4 o’clock, at :/■' -Y' ; - All fhatcertafn lot^or piece of ’giodnd/with the three- ’ ’'story, or .traement^thereoh^erecttid,’ ■ situate oh the'hbrth side of Columbia avenue, at .the dis •i tahce feet eastward from the east side of Ninth.: : > oi‘Penn;:containing-infrontor;breadtn f bn'Baid Colum bia'avenue'sixteen-feetijahd'-extending in .length or depth northwardly of that width between i'at ; right' angles to the Columbia avenue* sixiy-seven! ' '.feet, to, a truee-feet-wide alleyleading into; Clinton street;; Bounded northwardlyhy granted hy Prentice ■ ' ground rent; Colombia ayenue afore said. -[Being:thesamepremises;whichNicholasF.-Cos tello, by indenture bearing date the 28th day of .January, A.D.1859, recorded in Deed ’Bbok. A. D. B.vNo. 51, pave . 205, &c. ( grantedr>and ;the said Sarah H. : > Dela, wife of the saiaße wis Dela, her heirs and assigns, under and -subject to the payment certain-yearly ground rent .or sum .of ninety dollars,'payable half yearly . '.unto' Prentice P.‘- Gustine ,'his heirs, and assigns forever, ,sclear oftaxesr&c.iwhich said'yea’rly/ground rent George- Raphael and Fanny;his wife;by indenture-bearing-date - 7 Jh‘e 16thldayof;June.yA. D; : l859, bq re-'/ corded,granted, released.andextingnisheddnto the'said, . : Sarah H.-DeU; her heirs and assigns;'forever.] Together ' .with the free use and privilege‘of said'alley. v \ A ' [D. p.'i 676; M. T.Debt, $392,33. ; Lesleyr] ,! ■ Taken in' executioh ana;tO ‘be sold'As the propertyof ; Lewis Dei a and. Sarah H, Dela his.wife , - - ... v ' JOHN; THOMPSON,'Sheriff. : Sherirs Office.Aprir 22.1863. ap23-3t u , OHERIFF’S sale.—by virtue of >. a writ of Venditioni Escpouas, 7 to ine directed, will be -exposed 'to'-public sale or vendue. on'AIONDAY Even-: ing,ntfay,4^lB63. r at4.o’cldck;af Sansom-street fiail;~•: „ All that certain'lot or Diece' of:groun'd».with the two story brick messuage or tenement thereon erected,- situ ate on the‘north: side of acertainj furty-feet-wide street ' called/Lewis street, daid out,and,.opened for public use from Sixth and SevemhVstreets; parallel .with arid at: the distance of onehundred and ten feet northward (Vom the north eide'of Morris street, > in the First ward .of the city. of Philadelphia,:beginning at the distance .of. one hun dred and:thirty,-one feet eastwardfroibth&eabt sideof' :>the said Seventh street; cdnlainingin froht'orbreadth on v : the said Lewis street thirteen feet tour and- a-half inches,. f, and- extending in length or depth. northward-.of- that ‘ width fifty northward by ground‘of Isaac W.- Potts; eastward and .westward by other ground in ..tended, to haveibeen»rgranted,to,J J uther, c C..EaixLap.ds.on, groundrent; and'Bouthward k by:Lewis/street aforesaid; [Being the same'- premises- William- Clark and u Eliz'a Ms wife, by indenture-dated- the 2d; of. May,: 1856, and recorded jftt Philadelphia, in Deed Book.R. D. W., ;N0.?135, page. 339, Ac.,warranted'andiconveyed hntos'.the. said ‘Luther C. ; Edmunds in fee; reserving thereout a yearly ground-rent or sum of twenty-four dol- payable in equal half-yearly-payments on the first / day oi the months of January ana July, in every year, for. arrears of which the same is sold;]' x 'x • . - [G. P., 262; M.T.v , ,63 $24.59.' LeJyard. ] ‘in execution'and to'be sold-’as fhe’-property ol Luther C. Edmunds.- : JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff . Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office,»April 11,1863. apl3-3t CHEEIPP’S^SALE.—BY' ■V‘IRTtJB' f OP v *7ja writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed; will be "exposed to public sale orvendue,on,MONDAY s Evening, • - May 4, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall; ' All that certain loj or piece of ground, with the two-. ' story brick-messuage or tenement; thereon greeted, situ- 1 ate,in the city ofPHiladelphia/beginningat a'point one hundred? and • twenty-eight feet southwardly from the southeast corner of-Carpenter • street and Ward street, andextending in front on said Ward street .southwardly fourteen feet; a thence eastwardly by, a line at rightan >gleswith the said Ward street fifty feet; thence north ■■wardly by- a llne;paraUel. street • fourteen feet; thence -westwardly -by ground-granted to -Adam Iseminger on ground rent, fifty met to the place of tltfeginning. 'Bounded on the west by the said Ward street, on the jsouth^by^gronnd or late of the said Adam Iseminger, on the east by ground now or lato of Henry J. Fox, on the north byotbergronndnow or late of l the said A'dam Isf minger: the same lotof ground which Henry' J. Fox"and wife’ by 1 indenture* dated the * 6th day of June, A. B, 1856, recorded in Heed Book A. C V H,, No., 67; pago 33, Ac, ,an<Tconveyed rto the said Charles F. Iseminger, there jiOut theyearly^ground'renfcorsum^of-thirty^doUarsrj-T*^*^ CH.C.raW; Mat.' Heht, «36 Taken in executionandto be sold asthet property of > Charles F. rseminger., • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.! Philadelphia;; Office, April 17,' ap2Q-3t yT J CHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIR'I'UE’'OP Ha writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONHAY Evening, .MaT 4,lB63f»t4Vciack,.&tßan*o’in-street'mn. « . .R. y All that certain lot or piece of ground.with the -tliree {story brick situate on the '’’south* side of Ahita'street,"be tween Tenth and Eleventh streets; in the City *>f Philadelphia, ;at thedistance of seventy feet seven inches'eastward from the east side of . Eleventh street, in front, on; Anita fifteen feet, and,inr„d©pth^southward,-between^ /parallel lines' ; at rights angles s feet.. [Being the same lot of rground which Christopher and John wives,-by indenture dated Jidy l, 1850,recorded in Heed Book O. W. C., No. Ac. to Georgo E. Pil \ liner in fe*e preserving a yekrlv’grou'nd 'rent of $43.50,- payable semi-annually, oft the first of .-June and Deceia . her in each year. '• ' *- J ‘‘ - * CaH-rTO-March-T.1.-’ea J)ebfcs&2;4&.;VSerrill.3 * • Takenjn execution and to.be. sold,as the-property of } George' v : r JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff*-" i Philadelphia, Sheriff’s. Office, April 10,-1863. npl3-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BYViRTUEOF ( M a-writ ; ofyehditi6nii'Exponas;l:d'me r ‘dLrecced, will be .exposed to public sale or vendue,* onMONHAY Evening, IMay4; 18©,at.4o’clock,atSansom-stiveet‘Hall, .1 All that.certain'lot or- piece 4 of’ground 'situate lathe ..former district'ofPenn, sow-the'clty"-of beginning at thesoutheastcorner of Jefferaon street‘ . Ni xonCor T wenty-third)Btreefc, tHencb^bxtendlng-east- 1 .ward alongthe south, line.of,the.paid Jefferson street one hundredfeet tolaad of John Lam-' * bert, thence southwardly by'the saidrland.at right an-'- . gles to said Jefferson street, feet to’ a certain ' ftwenty-five-feet-wide street;rqpebed,.Or intended.tohave been opened by the said, John Lambert, and.dedicated as -a public, Schuylkill Ifront.-iOr iTwenty-sscond ; street,. sthence ; westwardly along-the north-line ■''twenty-feet-five-wide streetone hundred-feet to.the.said • Nixon street orTwenty-third street,-andr thence north- * •‘wardly along the east ride tbereoffninety-fivefeet to the , S’ lace-of bejnnning.A'Oßelng'ifhe same premises which utton H. tiidenture datedthev 16th. day of H&w A; Dv1864, recorded- tn Heed Book T. • H.t No.=Ul, conveyed toj; Prentice P. G.ustfne .in* fte, reserving fc' ground ! rent bf* bundred auc»twenty*rix, doliarB'-per ahnuraVfor ar- 1 rears of'whifh'fgiadnd zentthe-said 'pfemtSeaare'to'be' *«old. 71 " 1 • - 'hi s - ‘ CD.C., 693; Mat.T.,'63. Hebt, $270,501 C.-HArt!.]*;- Taken in execution and to besold as the property of Prentice P. Guattne. _ JOHN THOMPSON,-Sheriff •: Philadelphia, dheclfifsOffloe,April-18,186:1. apai>^& 'HEitti'cr’s' CHEBIFF'S SALK—BY-VIKTUE OF i Nr a writ of Alias Levari Facias, to medireoted. win to* exposed to publicsaie orvendue, oh •* !: Hay .4, 1863,' at 4 6'cloclc, at Sausom-Btreet'H&ll, ' . ' * All that certain lotorpiece of ground - situate in the 1 . Fifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at the'southwest corner of Poplar and minor streets. and extending thence west war£alorig the south'swe df Pop?J. lar strdetforty-six feet nine inches and thfee-flnlirtera " of an inch ; thence southwardly three hundred and., thirty-five feetthree inches and five-eighths of ah inchto . , a. point: on the west side of Minor street,; and thence northwardly aipng*the side of Minor street taree-? hundred f »nd twenty*threw feet five- * eighths of an inch to the place of beginning.' Beingthe same lot of ground which AfcMbaldMcintyreaiid'wi/e, by indenture dated December twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, , granted and conveyed to the said Horatio B;?Pennockdn fee-V • /•; \ \ K. B.—The Sheriff will sell the above proporty in two lots, as follows, to*wit: . •• • No. I. All that certain lot of ground - situate at tb«, southwest corner of Poplar and Minor streets in t*? c “-r of Philadelphia, beginning at the said corner, ana ex . tending westwardly along the south side of Poplar street, forty-six feet nine and’three-elahths • inches,; thence,, .■southwardly two hundred and forty- four feet tour and a | quarter inches, to a corner of a lot formerly'of James Cook thence at right-angles with, the’ last mentioned .•linetwelve feet five and a quarter inches to Minor street, : and.thence along the*west side of said Minor street northwardly two hundred and forty-one feet four and a half inches to the place of beginning. [Two hundred dollars to be paid at sale. 3 ' . ‘ f *- No. 2. All that certain lot of ground.situate on the_west side of; Minor> streef,-beginning at the. distance of two . hundred and forty-one feet four and a half inches south from the south side of Poplar street aforesaid, and extend ing thence westward by the' above : described lot twelve .fee' five and a quarto? inches to the corner ofa lot formerly >-of James Cook; thence southwardly,-at right-angles with jthe‘laEt-mentioned line, ininety feet eleven and three eighths inches,I’moire 1 ’moire or. less,,to the‘*west side* off MinbrJ i street," and thence along the west side of Minor street northwardly eighty-two feetfcnd one-eighthrofaninch,. : more or less, to the place of beginning. [One hundred •dollars to be pai'd'at sale.J'- - • n *..>-» ?• r . ? 1 CD. C.ifiW; March T., ’Bs?'Debt; *ML % J. T.‘Mitchell.'] Qakefi.in execution and to be sold as the property..of George Connell, Administrator.' *■’ Sc., of Horatio B. ’Pennock, deceased.JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. •** Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, April 20.1863. ap3J-3t QHERIFF’S SAEE,—BY VIRTUE * OF, *sundry,writs i of Venditioni Exponas, to-me directed.- will he exposed to public ; sale .or vendue; on MONDAY Evening; May 4 r ! 1863» c at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-atreet Hall, JUI that certarn lot'orpiece of uroiindi 'with the build ings and improvements thereon erected. Bituate iu: that portion of the Twenty-second;ward of : , the city.of ’Phila ; delphia, included in the late.to wnsnip of Bristol, marked - N0?%2 in acertainplan of lahd'of the estate' of David H. Mason, senior, deceased, made byJohnFoulkrod, sur- dated September, 1836. . Bounded and described asfoll6*vB,itb wit:.»beginnuigj'at 'a,-coriieroa the south westerly siddof Shoe maker’s lane? thence' extending: by .lot Noi 3, on said plan, south seven degrees twenty-five ' minutes, west three b ondred and eighty-nine 'feet cine , inches'to-a .cbrne'rintheline of ilanuof 'VYilliam Fisher,.. ' thence* by said Fisher’s,land,north/eighty.-fourrde’grees, , /west thTee hundred and'forty-two' feet ten inchest'd a stone-’set for a corner, thence,'sttllcby the same, north' seven,degrees twenty-fire minutes; east four , hundred andthirty-fpur feet eleven - inches to', a' Corner on’the v side of the said SboemakerVlane, thence along'the said ’ ; side of the ; said Shoemaker’s lane south seventy- six and ; a ualff degrees, east*three w hundred.:and, forty.-fourfeet - .'•ten inches to the place‘of beginning; containing three acres thirty-nine perches:and four-tenths of- a perch, be • .the'raite more.or less. [Being the same premises whi6h . ,ptheTs, by indenture dated. the ■- s*dahr - of. o ann ° • Domini lßss...recrw<ioa. to.- Deed Book K..D. w„ No. loo,page'377,T£c., granted and. conveyed (inter alia) unto Maximilian E. J.:C? Greek, in fee.] * . vr -, CD.C.,-625; Mar. T.,-*6&i] Debt,'sL 200.. fvE. Taylor.]* : " All thaticertain-lot or.piece of: ground, with ..the mes isnages and improvements; .thereon erected, situate in thatportioh'of the -Twenty-second ward of thecicy of Philadflphia included 1 in .the late township of Bristol, ■ marked No.:B.in ascertain*plan^of, land'of the estate of David,Hi MABon,"semor. decea&d,made.bv John Foulk-. rod, surveyor, dated September, 1856,'= bounded and de- - scribetTab. follows, towit:.,Beglnn.ing at a stone set for a corner on the northeasterly side of* Shoemaker's lane, ; leading from the.old Fork road, to Duy’a lane, i; being also a;corner <f. Fierce Butler’s land; . thence ' extending*. by the said Pierce Butler’s land- on the northeasterly side five minutes east twenty-nine perches , and of a perch,' to another corner-stone; thence crossing aaid_ Bhoemaker’s-lane, south six degrees'west'one perch and eighty-four hundredths of a ; perch, to a . comer . /thence by William Fisher’s of Conrad Weber, eigbty-four and I "three-quarter degrees' weßt eleYen'-perches and eighty-four huudredthß of a•» perch,'to a.comer; thence north six degrees, east one' 1 perch,' to a corner;, and thence north eighty-four degrees , west four hundred andeighty'feet fivelachee, to a corner ' of lotm&rked inlaid plan No..2;.and thence by the said - lot NoV 2 north seven' degrees-twenty-five minutes -east 'three huhdred'and eighty-n>ne feet nine inches, to a c-*r- • ner on the southwesterly side of-.saidJShoemaker’slane;., and thence along the southwesterly .side' 'of saidTane,::. south Bevehtyrsixand&halfdegress easteleven-porches and six-tenths 'of a parch, or thereabouts. to a corner; and tHence crossing-the sayi lane'obliquely,south forty •.nine ind'three-quarter degrees, east* six perches and five-tenths ,or ; -thoreaboujs, -vtoythe place of' .beginning; containing three'-acres twenty perches and ~ five'-ten the of a perch, be tho same more or less. [Being the same premises which Elizabeth A. Mason and others, ;by.indenture dated the 4th day of -.November,' anuo Do mini 1856, recorded in' Deed Book R. 'DrW.YN o* 109; page -377, granted and conveyed (inter alia) unto-'Maximiliau B.' J. C. .Crees, in fee. : Under and,subject do -ihe excep tion and reservation mentioned certain'deed'frooi John Eckstein and wife to Conrad Weber, dated the 24th . day of June; anno Dominijl77s,'recorded in Deed ißook D, Not 40, pige36;] ■ ... , ... •-, : [D.C.',026; Mar.T.,’63. Debt,sBoo.oo. E. Taylor.] ; Taken in execution and to be;: sold asithe'property of Maximilian E. J. C. Cress. - 1 ' 1 ’ . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. SherifFapffice,.-April 20/1863. < ■: ap23-3t QHEEIFF’S: SALE.—BY, VIRTUE OF - a writ of AliasXevari Facias,'to me directed,- will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 4.1863. at 4 o.’clock.at Sansom-street,Hall, - r - • r >ll that certain lot or piece of’gfcmridsituate 'on the j southeasterly side of "West street, between'Norris and .York streets/and on the : northeasterly * >5 do of a certain - ; fifty?feet-wide street, laid out by'thesaid ZopharC. 1 Howell for public use forever, called Dauphin street,- in. the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia.- late in . the district of Kensington; in the county of Philadelphia; !containing in front or breadth on. the said- west street two hundred and seven feetthree inches and three-guar-: . tersof an inch,*andrextending in length.'or depth.sodth ■ eastward on the northeasterly line thereof:two hundred and ninety-two feet six . inch.' and on the. southwesterly* line - thereofalong the "said Dauphin street two hundred . and ninety -feet 'ten 'inches and one-quarter of an inch to the"northwesterly rgide of Almond street, onwhich it contains, in breadth two hundred and gixteerilfeet? and three-quarters - of an inch.,- Bounded northeastward by ground formerly of - Isaac/ Norris, .deceased; southeastward “by; the • said . Almond street;.;southwestward,-by- the said Dauphin street, -and northwestward- by*west street aforesaid. ' [Being part ofithe'first-described'ofitwo 'contiguous lots ; orpiecesbf ground which Jacob Taylor and Susan, his . : ;wife,]bv Indenture dated the 9th day of November; A' D. : 1552, recorded in Deed. Book T. -H.s; ,No. 98, page 539, &c-, igranted and conveyed ! unto the said Zophar C. : Howell, in fee. 3 ’’ '*p > 1 '? •. N. 8.-—lt is due to tho'above defendant to'state that he has uarted with his intdrest/iri • the above-described “premises,' subject to the mortgage upon which. the above proceedings were had. ■>?.•■* CD..Cf,67IrMar. J T., ’63. ,Debt,s7^sB.lo...Av‘ 3 Thbmpson. i ] -Taken in execution aridHo’ be ’sold as the property of Zopbar C. Howell. c .-JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. v Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Ofß.ce; April 22.1863.’ : CHERIFF ? S SALE.—BY, VIRTUE OF a?writ .of Venditioni Exponas;- to me directed,-will be exposed tapublic: sale or'Vendno,'tm-MOUDAY Evening, - Way ;4, 0863,'at JTb’crock,'at Sansom-atreec Hall, ' -All!that'certain.lot or.piece of-ground,-situateon the southwestwardly .side: of the Lancaster' turnpike road, (agreeably to a’recent survey thereof xahdevby 'Francis .- ..Lightfoot,'• Esquire,) at the distance-of two hundred and eighty feet four inches and-one quarter of an inch south eastwardly from a corner, formed by the intersection of ;the southwestwardly,line ol the said Lancaster turn pike road and the southeaetwardly' line of the Haver ford road, formerly in Blockley township, now in the ■city pf Philadelphia, containingrin front.orbreadth on the said Lancaater/turhpike' foaaefifty feetl and extend ing of that width in length or depth southwestwardly "•two hundred feet to'a fifty-feet wide street, to'be laid out and Opened by .William Crean, for* the accommodation . of this and his other lots of ground bounding thereon, to ; be called. Crean street. Bounded northeastwardly by . the said, turnpike' road,.- southeastwardly by ground granted by the said William Crean to —Hnnt;onground • rent.H noTth'westwaTdly'hy'gr'obh'aofßohert'W.'rHansel,- and southwestwardly by:the said Crean. street;- [Being ‘the same premiseswhich William Crean, by indenture bearing /date the: 28th day of/iMarch,_ 1850, recorded at'-Philadelphia invDeed: Book G. W. Cl, No. 45, page 193, Ac. , granted and conveyed unto’ John A. Dickinson; .infee; Mser-vingthereout a yearlygroundrant or sum of thixty/dollars,hayable, half-yearly, s on r the/first days ( -of-.the months of January and July,' in every year ’here after>forever. ] -Together with the free and common use and privilege of the said Crean street at; all times'here . after.forever. Subject,<neverthelesB, toj-the express re striction that no; slaughtOr-houee;. skin'-dressmg esta? - hlishment, glue, soap, candle,, .or, starch manufactory, br other building for offensive occupation; shall at any .time'hereafterbeput, or ertcted.'or.usedou any part of the thereby hrantedlohoLgrouha; r x , [B.C!;,6S6;MarhT/,’63.];.Debt,‘534L65.. Lex-]:,: ■ ; sTaken in execution and to be sold as the property of John H. Dickinson. - JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. [^Philadelphia,'Sheriff’s Office;'Aprilj 21,' 1863. ap23-3t SALE.^B^/pRTUE/Ol'. a writ ofVenditioniExponas,tome directedl will he : exposed. to.public:sale or vendue,on MONDAY.Bvening, May‘4,-1863,;at4/o[(?lock. at Sansom-street Hall, > ; - , • All- that ;cerlaih ‘lot or piece of-gronnd; with the brick A messua'ges v or tenements ther'eoherected, situateon:the-; ' west side of Raspberry.alley, and Lor?? cust i streots,' in r tlieAcity of Philadelphia; • beginning^afi. .the distance feet from.the north side of said Spruce street; thence.*extehding northward in front / or breadth .•oh'ithe said Raspberry -alley thirty-two feet.fi and . i .that--breadth' westivard iudepth se- 1 six inches middle of-the eastern * wall of the t asternmost house ot four ; two- story brick / houses, erected 'on the 'e'aStern pari of aMot 'of 'ground : granted by Edward Burd to. Charles Stuart^Bounded'? on the:east'by-Ilaspberry ; 'alley.;' r on* theisouthby.aten-. feet ;wide' alley, (beginning: dlstance.of .eighty-;’ /three feet northward of tde north side of the-said‘.Spruce street, and--‘extending from .Tenth street to Raspberry? ;alley, laid out by tbe said Edward.Burd 0 on the west by : the said lot of- ground granted to the said Charles Stuart;[ and bn the.north by : lot-marked.:-ln the general plan of ■ city; lots, ;No. 618. .. [Being/.the 'same premises' which', George Pryor, bT indenture dated the first day'of' Ja-' huary, A. D; ilBlB,’recorded.at PhUadelphiavin' Deed Book 1. C;. No. 24,.pageM29, .&c.,' granted aind cbnvey6di to the- said William Bayidson and-Dauiel Thorn, aUd their heirft-rSservinK/ thereout .tiel'yearly ground'-reht * of one hundred and eighty .dollars, payable, half yearly on the, first-days, of January 'and* July in every year thereafter; for arrears whereof the judgment in this case . •has been obtained. »} f *•; - , , [-f \i v N.B. On, theabove: premises aie erected two three-, stpry brick-dwelling-houses fronting ..on-Raspberry al.- ley, and f6ur three--Btory sm&llhouses in the rear there-*; ot, frontinv on the said ten-feet-wide alley: ' UD./C.V697;;MarchTr,’63,--:Debt,'Sl&4.Bo. ’Rawle.] . _ Taken m hxecution and to be sold as the property of -. William Davidson and Daniel Thorn, -' “ , :£:¥•;■,> ■•'..'■■JOHWSTHOjrPSON. Sh'eriff. •> PhiladelphiaJ.Sltcriffß OfflceV 'April 22, 1863. ap23-3t.. QBERIFIf’SY-^IBTtnE_! OF a writ of Veriditionl'Exponas. to jne directed;' will .be »• exposed to public sale or ; vendue, on: MONDAY Lveoing, May 4. 1665, at 4 o’clock, at. .Sansom-street 'HaU,~,' ~ .* ' No. L—All those threacertain'three-stdry brick-mes-t suages ortenements andlotsorpiecesof ground,'situated on the.nort'h. svde.ofl’illDeTt, street, ijuthe city of Phila- -4 delphia; the first ofC-them,begi nn in g> at-.fche distanceoft eastward from. Nineteenth street; and ‘ con-* taming in front or breadth on the street six teen one hundred 'and ‘se-* i yenteenfeefc’ thetnext herein- 3 i after described lot. ofthhetrest by ground late ofßichard McKihl eyv-borth thirty-feet wide street called *' i Cmhbert street, and. southward byGilbert ? street? afore-’: I said.. ,>*.'4«!: j■< £ }l <1 Ys£;:, ft-.n-viS A 4 * '• i NO.-2.—TKejsecond ofthem beginnlng*at"the distance,- I of thirty-foufifeet eastward of said Nineteenthstreet, and i comaining in front or bresdtif r said Filbert street slx-i- I teen feet, and indength. or depth one" hundred and seven-. I' teen feet. onrthe west by the above-described ■ i lot, on the raßtby descrioed lot, ‘on'j I therLbrthrdJ^JnthherttstTeet-aforeaßidvßnd'southwardly^ , Mri®n^.fceSfnit r 'at-tie. i distance of fifty.feet,.eastward I containing iiCfront or£.breaath Baid> l Filbert street sixteen feet, and extending in length or I depth.one.hundred and seventeen feet; Bounded.north-„ I ward*by Gtitbbqrt at reef aforesaid; eastward by ground! oi late Ziba ryle 'Williamson, west ,. ward >y the last ab.ove-described'lotv and-Southward by' . Filbert sstreet' tfaforesaidv ? thelaame' premises? whichsßobert McGinleyj by».indenture dated August 14,_ 1867, recorded iirDeed Book'K’!>-'W^y''No. 5 145, page'373, ,&c. , conveyed to l ■' H. B:—The above propertiesiwUftbe^aold^Beparafcaly.., .CD. C., 702; M. T., ’63.- Debt $8 000. Buflifct 3 Taken in execution and to. be sold as the property of : Henry R. Coggshall. ' --.Philadelphia, Sheriff’s OfficVApril 22. IStS.- 'ap23^t«f? If a Plante Levari -Facias,tome-directed, jyill! be ejyjotfed to T public. , sale‘pr;vendue,<on MOifDA'fcf Eye-; ningTMay 4,1863,'at r at 4 All ibat certain, threetstory brick dweUing,hcmse and . lot or piece south sideof a/ilfty-. ftet-wide l itMet» r c&lled'>Queen^Btreet;4n4lie' , ‘dUtript»'of KenßingtonMu-the city~of Philadelphia; beginning's. Btakeonthe sideof said street, thence running north-- east by the same twenty-six feet aiufcone-tenth of afoot _ to acbrrierihthelineoflahd.now-orforinerlyofAndrew ’ '-Kesleri’thehce'eijctendirigsqutii twenty-fouT.degrees'and" a half eastj along the line ofthe said-Kesler Aland,'down." into the river'Delatfare-ae ! fat f aB*‘‘the‘flaidilot'aoth>'or’ oughtto 1 extend j'thenee down the said riverat’the-said extent twenty-sixieettoanother lotytKencebythesame' northlwentWdur degrees andAhalf westto tneplaceof beginning. (Being the fame praises which Jacob-Hoff • man»o£the aforesaid*'district of'Kerisingtoii, b'yAA Iq . denture bearing date the : sixteenth'-day -of JoheV -aniho* Domini, one thousand eight >hnndred and fdrty-thrae •(1843), Deed Book B L. D: , No. 9, page 339,, grantedand convfeyedmito the;said Samuel'VaiTighan and Susan yaughan', joint tenantaiand ttf th’e’ : surviypr.cu thein/'&tyl the heirs and atjsiims'of-thesur-i >Lviyor.of them, forever, as in and by'the'qaid denture, relation being thereto had, may more fully ahd * at large appear.) •. . CD. C^63Q;Mar.,T.i" , e3. Deb£ 11,216.66!'/Parson*] • : CHEBIEFIS SAIE:-iBY^fi®UE^,OP KJ. a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me -directed. 1 -will be O ft writ' of Yeniilitiohi* Bxpona&f will vendue, on, MONDAY Avening," bo exposed to public sale or .veiriue, on Rye- At HaJlf Aing, W4»l«3,*t 4 o’clock,"at b* a* —AU plett# of - £ poundri|^;on-.^o2W«rt^d«<6mTbnteentli # ' ; «rteV northerly .side'orHuntingdon fl^ e i! c^T *]^*®^k’iftreet&betW , eett Market- street aw* . • of Richmond, now the ciiy /**e dis vGhestttut -itwetHn* the 'Philadelphia aforesaid? l ’tfanee of one hundred ana eightfeet westerly from’the , containing together® front ori ftreadth on said' Seven- \#est side of Salme® street: conSaininA.ip front , on: said in "Huntingdon street s&rteen feet, ;and extendingiii’depth depth=w«tw«ra, ! nbrthwardhyi of that* breadth parallel with.said Salmon streetseventy ■ gxound<now;oriate orJogephLehnian;eaBtwardbye&td*p ; feet. Bounded nortntrjyiby^groundSb t:, - ißilharz, -Beyenteqnth»skreets- southward tby'**' twelve-feefc*wide ■< .<easterl*% ground panted to- - on ground rent, raourt or aUey ealled SataVJosephte avenue, and west-' • t on; the west by other grorind,of the said Isaac Lange- J ward byrgMnn'dslate” 0 f Henry ,-£■*> yj, ,Y. vbartel, and on the south or Huntingdon street aforesaid. KD/Of^6»l;'-Mawh l T. t , ; Debts2B&7l). tfrTbe above lot is subect to a certain yearly ground - Taken® executiomand to the (property: of **«at of twenty douaxs, l&W’Mrilyermoney.'fott&irarg of •MichaelMinki RobertfAlcorn.sHenryi'BiSbing/Jdward/ rwjnchthesaaueis iV ’ .-Carr, ;and John Gates, tthe?congregation: i-i TC. P. 346:M, T.,,,63£tfDebt.lllOtef;G. -H.Vansnnt.], .^, known as the First Independent Methodist Church of - Taken in execution and to be sold aa the' property or Philadelphia. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Enoch H. KStz. ■ ■ a .JOHN THOMPSON, Sirf i .PhH»aclpM*. S]»riS’»Offlco. April 82.1863. «tfMt PMladelphia.-SUerlff’s Office. April U, 1863. a®-3t ******** ray • sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas*, to me directed* will bfe'exposed’tOTratlic sale or' vendue, on MONDAYw gening, May .4, m at*4 o’clock.'itSalksoin-str&rtiiaLi-^ Ail that certainlot or piece‘ofgrorind’situate 'otf;#®;-, north side, of Cuthbert ’(formerly Shalcros»>'Btr»et,% laid out and opened by Morris 8. Wtckershinn for> pibltc-iise /forever, extehding’fromTweiity-firet (formerly Schuyl kill Second) street to; Twenty-second '(fornferly Schuylr . kill Front) street, bet,ween Filbert and Arch 'streetsAn the city of Philadelphia, beginning at thedisfawce ofse> venty-twp.feet,w*.etward from the west ride.of Twenty-’ first street in. front or breadth on raid Cufn.- -beri fitreet fourteen feet, and'extendinyJforihward of that width in length or depth twenty-eft bt .-feet,'" Bounded.;, northwardly by ground' formerly of James Craven, east-, wardlyiby ground intended to be granted to Thomas Pol- . jvckongrdund.rent, southwardly by said Cuthbert (Street, and westward ly by oi ber ground of the paid Mor ris 8. Wicker'shamA- same, lot or., piece of. eroundjwhich-the said Aforriß 8. Wickersham %nd wife, by indentnredated Jfarch. 15, A, D. 1848, and recorfiea - Di 2O, page 366, &c.,;gr*nted andconverod.nptotlie said. Thomas Pollock in fee; re serving therefor* unto: toe said Morris S. Wickershamy hifc'helra and assigns, the yearly ground I rent or sum of thirty dollars, payable on the first day« of I the months of fAprilaua October in each and every year. N. B,—On the above-described lot is erected, a tkree story brickdwelllngfiouse; ■ - also,' all that certain : lot or piece of gronnd situate on . the north, side of Cuthbert street (formerly Bhalcrpss) - laid out and opened •by Morris S.'WtcierebamTor pub lic use ’forever, extending-fronT- Twenty,*first (formerly Schuylkill Pecond) street, to‘.Twenty-second formerly r Schuylkill - Front) street, between I Fil.bert aua■ Arch streeis,' ih:the city of-Philadelphia, beginning at.tlie dis tance of eigbty-9ix k feet westward:from-thewest side of ; Twenty-first Btreet; containing in front' or’breadth .on said Cuthbert i treet fourteen feet, and north-, ward of that width in iength.or depth t wenty-eightfeet, Bounded north wardly by ground formerly ofJanies Gra ven/ea>twardly by .ground .intended to be rgranted'- to Thomas Pollock on ground southwardly by said Catlibert street, and westwardly by other ground of the. said Morris S. iWickersham. [Being the same lot or piece of ground, which the said. Morris SV^Wickersham.and • wife, by indenture dated-March. -27, A.vD.-1848, and re corded in Deed Book — VNo- -— .page tt-. &c. . granted, and conveyed nnto the said Thomas, Pollock .in fee; re- ‘ serving therefor and thereout unto the .said S. HViekersham,’bis-heirs and assigns, tbS'yearly ground rent or sum of thirty dollars, payable our the" first 'days, of the months of April and October in each and every year.]: . V I .38. B-—On the above described lot is . erected a three story brick dwelling house.. * r . / 1 [C. P., 249 and >250;-* -March T., '63. -Debt each £62.40. Gummey.] . 5 I Taken in execution and'to be sold as the property of Thomas Pollock; • :: JOUN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philad-a; Sheriffs Office, April.ll, 1860. • \ •.spirit CHEMFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to tmblic'sale or vendue, on MONDAY.-Evening, May 4; 1863, at,4'o!clock, at Sansom-street -Hall, ■ ” All that certain lot or piece of ground-situate,'lying .and being formerly in the Northern Liberties, in the * county oi-Pbiladelphia/now in .the Fifteenth, ward'of the city • of-Philadelphia, on the, eastwardly side-of a , forty* feet-wide street to be left opent ‘called* BoshhiU' street, which communicates at the southerly,end thereof with a twenty-feet-wide alley,called Canal alley,leading eastwardly into the road reading from Frances street to. Turner’s Jane; • containing‘in front .or breadth on the eastwardly-side of the said’ Bushhill street eighty feet, 'and* extending in length or depth that breadth eastward on the southerly aide of another forty-feet-wide .street to be left open, .called Manor street; one,, hundred and seventy feet to a seventeen: feet-wide Acorn jCAnirottoicates .also at:.the ..southerly end thereof: with ‘•the s.aforeaaidn-iwenty-feetwide. alley. : Bounded westwardly,’ by Bashhill'street; nor-hwardly ■ by the. said -Manor street, which also leao’s eastwardly ; -intOrihe;road. leading from the„said Fiances street to,' 1 Turner's Jane, eastwardly by Acorn alley aforesaid, and socthwardly .by a lot granted to; Robert Grant on gxound irent. ?CBeing the same premiseswhicb. John H. Brlnton, by indenture datedthe :18th day ,of April, AJ>D. 1804. re corded in the office of the Becoraer of Deeds; &c.» for the • city and counly of Philadelphia, in Deed Book A D. B; ti : No* 146, page 531; &c., granted and conveyed.unto Abra ham Cohen in feei reserving therefor ana thereout unto ■ the .said. John H. Bnnton, his heirs .and assigns,-the yearly rent or Bum oftwebty silver-milled dollars, lawful ..money of the United States of. America, each dollar 'weighing pennyweights 'and six grains, at least, payable on the first day ; of-the months of-January and July, - , ih every- year .forever, for arrears'of wnica this suit is broughtJ’ Togetberwithithe commonYuse. ,and,privilejie.of the said two forty-feet-wide streets, and the said two'alleys respectively, with or without horses, cattle, and carriaees, ; at all times thert>aHer forever. CC_ P.,-261;M. T.,’63. Debt,B3l;9l. Lowberi: ...... Taken -in' execution and to be sold as the property of Abraham Cohen, •.* . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Sheriff > sOfßce,,Aprilll,i.lB63.;. ap!3-3t SHERIFF'S SiXE.—BY VIRTUE OF 2 sundry .writs ofYenditioni Exponas, to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, onMONDAT : jßveninffVlUay 4i 1663, at 4 o’clpck. at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot t r pieceof ground situate on the ■-south. side-of. Locust street, at the distance.of one hun dred and/sixty-two feet .six inches westward from the' west side of SchuylMil.Third Xnow Twentieth street) in the city bf;Philadelphia;.containirig.infront,or l breadth on said Locust street' seventeen feet,'and. m.length’.or depth .'southward eighty'.feet to a certain twenty-feet-;, wide street or court./Bounded on the north, by Locust street,; south by a;twenty-feet-wide 'street, and east and west by other ground late’of John Waterhouse. .CBeing the same premises which; Isaac S. Lloyd and wife, by deed dated January SO, 1836, and recorded in Deed Book S. H. F., No. 10, page 739, &c.; granted and conveyed to John Waterhouse in'fee; reserving a ground rent of one hundred dollars;]-. •, i t - N. B.—On the above lot is erected a three-story brick dwelling with two-story V Also, all that certain lot' or' piece of ground situate on. the south side of. Locust street,. at the distance of one' hundred and seventy-niriefeet six inches westward from the west side of Schuylkill Third'fnow Twentieth st/eet).. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth . on sakhLocust; street; seventeen feet, and in length or depth isouthward. eighty feetrtb a ,certain twenty-feefc wide street or court; Botinded on the .north by Locust street, south-by the said.twenty-feet-wide:street,and east andwest by-other ground late of John Waterhouse.: ; [Being the same premises which Isaac S..,Lioyd-and wife, ny deed dated January 30, 1836, and recorded in ; Deed Book No. 10, page 742, Sc., granted and conveyed to John Waterhouse in fee; reserving a ground. .rennofLone hundred dollars'.],; -V N. B. —On the above • lot is erected a three -story brick dwelling with two-story back buildings. : ■CC. P. f ‘ 238, and .239 j. Mar. T.,, ’63. Debt, each $211:16. Pile.]! :1 Taken:ih;'execntion'sand to be soltlas: the* property of John ':'. JOHN THOMPSON ,'Sheriif. : •„ Sheriff’s.Office;.April 10,-1863. .^ ? apl3-3t. SHERIFF’S SALE.'-aBY' YiRTUE OF N? awrit of Alias YeiuLitiom Exponas, to me directed,will be exposed to public sale oryendue.’on MONDAY Even ing, May 4,1863, at,4.p’clock ? :at-Sansom-street Hall,rri'.v ' • All that certain lot or Piece of-.groimd; beginning;at tlie;soathwest corner ofYork street and West streec, in, the district of-Richmond, and county of -Philadelphia," (nowjthe city of Philadelphia,)extending in front.or breadtlirWiestwardly bh said xYork street twenty feet ten and one-half inches, and thehce.extending in lengihor depth,Southward-ly by ground.of William Eckel at right angles with said York street one hundred and fifty-four feet six. and inches to-Gordon : street, thence extending eastwardly along s«.idGordoa street thirty-two? feet ten and oire-eight ir ches to said -West street.- thence along eaid West street northwaraiy forty-two‘feet and l three-eighths of an'dnch .to;a : pOint, and thence still fur-; ther northwardly.one hundred’and fourteen feet two and three-fourths inch'es'to eaid York street,tb e placeof be ginning. [Same lot which W. P.-Emlen.&ud- J.D. Ser geant; trustees,-et.al., by\deedi dated September thir .teentb, one thousand eight-hundred aud/fifty, and re corded in "Deed Book R. D£SW , No. 4, page 260» <fca.. grantediunto Joim S.'Hoffman'in fee! reserving a'grotiEd rent of $4L76. ]; - . «..*■ s . : ; P.,240: Mar. T;. ; ’63v‘Debt, $42.60. PileJi . Taken in’execution and tb besold as the property of, ‘JohniS.i Hoffman.**; . JOIIN TIIOMPSON, Sheriff.' Philadelphia.- Sheriff's Office. April 10.1563.' ■ apl3-3t v CUKRIFF’S SALE.—BY,,VIRTUE OP M a writ will’be exposed to public; sale or vendue. ’on MONDAY* Even ing! May 4,1863, at 4 o’clock; at Sausom-streetHail;;; > All that certain, lot, or piece of ground sitnate'on the northeastwardly, side ofSomerset ,street,’atthe distance . of seveniy-twoieet SoatheastwardlyTrom the/southeast, side of Amber .Street,'in, the. Nineteenth wardClate dis trict of Richmond) of of Philadelphia; ‘contain ing ib front orhreadth on the said Somerset street se venty-twofeet,and extending.in length or depth north eastwardly of - that .width, .between" parallel lines at ’right angles withrthesaid Somerset’Street, cue-hundred, and forty-six feet six.) inches -to Rush street- Bounded northeastwardly by said Rush street, southwestfwardly: by nor thwes twardly by .other , aroundnow or ; late of-John Bice.and southeastward ly ■ by other ground -late -of.Johnßice. [Being the same premises which John Rice and wife, by indenture dated the first day df ApriloA.D.<lBs2,-and- recorded at Phila-.«. ; delphia in Deed Book T. 8., No. 54, page 215, &c., granted' and conveyed unto Alexander M. ; Wilkifison in fee; re serving thereomFan annual ground rent of seventy-two dollars, payable; in equal half-yearly payments,-.on the first day .'of'the 1 months of October and April in every ; year thereafter forever 1' ■;,CC.>P. 256; Mar. T.; ’63." Debt, $74:13. Edwards.]; Taken in. ,executlon and_to,be sold - v \ : . . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, April 11. 1863.* ap!4-3t CIIKBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP a,writ of .Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale r or.vendue, on MONDAY Eva* • ning. May 4,1863; at 4-o’clock, at Sansoin-street Hall; . ' All that certain lot or piece of- ground situate on the northeastwardly side of Auburn-street in the Nineteenth 1 ward (late District of Richmond) of the county of Phila delphia, beginning at theVdistanceidfininety-fonrfeet .'northwestwardly from : the northwest side of Amber., street; containing in. front or r breadth on said street ninety-two feet,’And extending, in length-or depthl northeastwardly of that; width between [parallel lines alright angles with , the said -Aubum,street, - one bun- : hundred and:forty-six feet six' inches to William street.; southwestwardly by said Auburn street, .northeastwardly by.'said William street,'andsoutheast iwardly and northwestwardly by other ground late pf : John Rice;' [Being the same premises-wmeh John Rice : and wife, by indenture dated the Ist day of April. A D; ■ *1852, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book T. H., No!" 24, page 275. &C.V granted and conveyed unto Christo pher H. Witte s in fee; .reserving..thereout, an- annual • ground rent - of- Sixty-nine dollars in > equal-half-yearly payments on the first day of. the months of October and. April in every year thereafterFforever'.'l' w [O. P.,257; Mar. T., ’63.;Debfc,535.47. J. H. Edwards.] ; LTaken ;itt and to be sold as the property of ChristopherH. Witte.- JOHN THOMPSON, Shf riff. Sheriffs Office, , CHEBIPF’S VIRTUE OP a of: a Vendiiibni s Exponas, to me‘dirfiftejLSvill {be exposed to public sale or 'vendue.ien MONDAY Even ting, Slay 4,1863, atjAo’clock, at.Sansom-street Hall,;/;;.' that:,eertaih lot or; piece om.the'l * northeasterly side of Huntingdon street;; at the distance of. ninety feet northwesterly from the northwesterly side of ' Salmon street in the late district of Richmond, nowfche city 'of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on' ■'the said Huntingdon, .street eighteen feet; and extending ; tb at breadth in len gthior depthjidrtheastly seventy feet. .{Bounded southeasterly by ground intended to be this day granted by the said Isaac Langebartel and wife j rence Flood on ground rent,'nhrfcheasterly by ground .'.late of Clark Golasmith, . northwesterly. hy<o,then ground . of the said 'lsaAc ' LangebartePof which ‘this' was 'part; •iandl southwesterly by Huntingdon street aforesaid.- : above lot'js.subject to a certain yearly ground rent ft of twenty-two-doiiara andfifty cents,lfor arrears of.wMch ! . ‘ the same is solan — r:?-;- - 1 v-y ; [C.P. ,245; Mar. T. ’63! Debt.'soo.'i'G 1 H; Vansant. ] ’ Taken in execution and to be sold' Lfts the -pro-nartv of ; James Morrin. JOHN THOaiPSON, Sheriffr- Philadelphia, April 11,18R3.. ap!3-3t CBERIFP’S’ VIR • HE,® . a writ of Levari Facias, to me direcfed; will be ex posed to public sale or ;vendue, on MONDAY Evening,- ,-Mav 4.1563,at 4Q , ; ~ all that pertain messuage or: tenement and lot or piece of grounds situate in Germantown, on the northeast wardly the>Main-streeti containing.in.frontor. ; bieadtuon said street rear or 1 'castwardly 6n'd thereoffhirty-thfee feet, and extending a in lengthier tdepth. northeastwardly, two hundred feet. •’Bounded ’on' the southeast by'ground ’of ‘Jacob Kaupp, on the'. noTtheaatby>the'.same~,' by; ground of Leonard Reger, and.on the southwest by Main . street aforesaid.[Being the same premises Which Ahra irham R. Booking and wire, by indenture bearing date the i'UOth of December, A. D. 1854, and acknowledged the 25th -day, of December, A. D. 1855,- and intended' to..beforth with recorded, did grant and confirm unto'the saidßen - iaminF. Kirkinfee-3 ' aCD.-.C.,577; Mar :T,-’63, Debt, 84,563.20. W.B.Wister 3 fii Taken in executio’n and to be sold as the property of F.Kirk. ~. JOHN. THOMPSON, Sherifil i s Philadelphia", Sheriff’s Office, r April 14,1863. ap2o-3t CHEBni-P’S 1 SALE.—BY VIRTUE OP * a writ of-Pluries VenditionLExponas, to Axe directed, . will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY May 4,.1863, at4o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall,. that certain lot'or piece'.of grouhdVlwith 'thej two-. i story brick messuage or tenement thereon' erected, situ ate® the-north weßtwardlyjcoraer of Richmond street -or avenue' and William'street, in" the Nineteenth fnbw .the city of conv - tamingin front® breadth on the said Richmond streetor avenue feetf and extending in lehgth'ci r : depth l be tween lineß at right, anglesfherewith/two feet ito Salmon street.,- [Being the same premises which Jacob ;:M. Douglas6 sl and fri day ofiDecemher,/ .*• D.d862, .granted, and. conveyed jaato Richard Coe, in fee, under.an<Laubject to amoit gage 0f53,000,3'i-*-' t ’ £ /.i f, • y-,N. B.—The.improvements.on theabove lot areatwo “i? 1 ? « dwelling house and> one-story frame shop. ; | CS., C,% ,2; July£.3*63. s ’Debt? $1; GOO. aB. Woodward. 1 to- be sold as the property oA ti Richard Coe. JOHN .THOMPSON, Sheriff., f’* Philadelphia, SheriTa 1863.' " aplB-8t / OHERIFFiSM SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ™ a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be, .•exposed to public saletir vendue'; on MONDAY'Evening, ' May 4,*1863,-at4 alclock, at Sansoifi-6treet Hall. ■ -■ ; - : All thatcertaihlot.or piece'of ground./wath .the three-,, ’fitory.brfckmessnage'or tenement" thereon,erected,’situ-,, "ate on the iouthside'or&hippen street.At the'distance 1 of eishty.-two feet eastward from the past side of Schinylr. - kUlEigKthstreet, sixteen feet m front, and .extending .in length or depth, of that width,,between iwUh'the'said &huylkill Eighth street, seventy-six feet, "to a twentyfeet street, running east*, and-west. in and. from Schuylkill Bightli street Bounded, on the north 'by thVsaid Shippen street, eastward hy ground of James •McNeill, westward by ground of George C. Thompson, and southward by.said twenty feet wide street.... ... T rS a 688; Mar. T., 68 Debt. MBO, LongstrethJ Taken in execution, and to behold asithe property .or„. John Downey. .JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff philada.. Sheriff's Office. April 22,1563.. ap23-3t tfjt ** r y' vv ...SPERI I. CBKRII F’S SALK.-'Blf;! yiKTBK^OF /.& eundrj sprits of *?r®t«,-v»fryvY K W |U beerposed to- public sale or vefidue, anKUnV** l-iSYeiUD*. Bj.y-4, 1863* at 4 o’clock, at or piece of mponrid’aitoajeoath® Iciuflr'side !oKArchostreet.*at the dtemnce of.fortotwp •feetoheincJi and five-sevenths of an.mch • • tbtfaiat side if Twenty-first street, in the city of |mua delphia; A&fiTaiMng in Jrontor breadth on the ea&pjjjv •• Str&t ‘ twenty-one feet and sac-sevenths of an inch, ««-**.* exfentiinKiiLjehgth or depth southwardly of that breadth Ifctween parallel lines at right angles with the md-Arch J street oni hundred and:fifceenrfeotto a _fi vq- fo* t_ , alleys 'Bounded on the . north by the, said Arch street, on the east'and west bybther’grotnid panted to the Baid • Charles B. .Bungan Odgroriodrenti'andoo the,south o y -• . tbe said fivejfeet-wlde alley. [Being the same premises . which Mary Bi Beiper; executrix, and John.K., Kane, executor of the last will and testament 1 : oPSamuel fit Leiper. deceased,’'the said Mary B. helper,: widow <Jt , Samuel M. Leiper, deceased, George - 0. Leiper,“tunatee of William J. Leiptr, and William J. helper, hy inden- , s ture bearing date the eighth day of November, A . D. 1856, and recorded in the office for ; recordiag deeds. Sc.* - for ibe city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. D B ,No 72, page l,;Au, granted and conveyed unto the said. Charles* B/ Dunean in ? fee," reserving thereont unto the said Mary B. Leiper, executrix, and John K. Kano, executor, in therein recited,-, tne-yearly ground rent or Bum of one hiiudred and wenty-six dol lars! ard'forty-three cents, payable 7 on the first day ot . the 'months of February and August in every year, ac.j Also, all thatceitain lofor piece of ; ground situate on the south side of Arch stroet, at the sixty three feet two inches and four-sevenths of an inch east ward from the east- side of Twenty-first Btreet,'in the city of Philadelphia:containing in front or-;breadth on the said Aicb street twenty-one feet and six?sevenths or an inch, and extending in length or depth southwardly of that breadth; between parallel lines at Tightanglea with the Raid Arch street, one hundred and fifteen feet, 1 ,to a fiVe-feet-wide alley. .Bounded on the north by the /saWlArch s:reet, on the east and west by other ground . .• granted to the said" Charles 8, Dungan, on ground rent, and oh lhe south by toe *aid five-feet-wile alley. CBeing . ;the same prepices which Mary B. Leiper. executrix,ana ; John K. Kane. executor of the last will and testament of -.Samuel-M l eiper, deceased, the eaid Maryß. Leiper, iWidqw of Samuel M. Leiper. deceased, Georgette Leiper;'trustee-of William J. Leiper, and William J. ‘Leiper, by-indentiifelbearing date the Bth day ofNo ‘vember, A/B. recorded in the office for re . cording deeds.t&c.VTbr the ; city and county- of Phila delphia, ia Deed,BooK-Ai B. B.y No. 72, page 17, Ac.. - granted and conveyed unto the said Charles J 5. Dungaui in fee, reserving thereout unto, the said M*ry.B. Leiper, executrix, afid'Jonii K.. Kane, executor, in trust, a* therein recited, the yearly’groundrent. orstim or one. -hundred and twenty-six dollars an J-forty-three cents, payable on the : first day of the months of* February an! i August in‘every : year;ic.j •• - Also, all 1 that certain lot or piece of ground situate on. > the south side of Arch'Btreet, at the distance of St feet 3 • inches and three-sevenths of.an.inch eascward-from the* east side of Twenty-first street, in the city of Phiudel phphia; containing in -front or breadth on the said Aren, street twenty-one feet and aix-sevenths..q£ran. inch, ana extending in length, or depth. that breadth,'between parallel lines at right: angles .with the said Arch street, one hundred and fifteen feet,- to A five feet-wide alley. Bounded ontne north by the said Aren street, on the east and west by other ground granted to the'said. Charlesß; Bungan on ground rent, and on the south by the said five-feet-wide alley. [Being the same premises which Mary B. Leiper, executrix, and John K.- Kane, executor of, the-last will and’testament .of Samuel M. Leiper, deceased, the said' Mary B.- Leiper, widow of Samuel M. Leiper,.deceased. George G. Leiper, I trustee of William J: Leiper, and William. J. Leiper, by' indenture bearing date the Bth day of NoyembeivA. D. 1856, and recorded in the office for recording deeds, Ac. , for the city and county of-Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. D.B. ,Nb. 72,-'page 33, &cL. I :granted and conveyed unto the said Charles B. Brogan, tn fee, reserving - " thereout unto' the' sain Mary B. Leiper, executrix, and 1 John K. Kane, executor, in trust, -as therein recited, the-yearly.: ground rent or sum of one and twenty-six dollars and forty-three cents, payable on the first.day of the months of February.and August in every . .year. &cj ' i’ ■ ,• - • . - . Also; all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on , 'thesouthside of Arch street, at the distance of one hun dred and five"feet four inches and two-sevenths of an inch eastward from the east side of Twenty-first street, in the city bf. Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth oh-the said Arch street,: twenty-one feet and six-sevenths of an inch;; and extending, in length or depth feoutuwardly of that"breadth; 1 .between.parallel. lines at right angles with the said Arch street, one hunr dred and fifteen feet, to a five-feet-wide alley. 1 Bounded • ..on .the north by the said Arch street/.'on the" east andt west by "other- ground' granted to the said Charles B- - / • I)uniaii on ground rent, and on the sonth.by the said. five-feet-wide alley. .[Being the same-premises which Mary B.'Leiperj'executrix,' and John: execu tor, of the last will and testament of Samuel' tf. Leiper,' : deceased, the said Mary B.’Leiper, wido wof Samuel M. Leiper, deceased; George G. Leiper, trustee of William J. Leiper, and William J. Leiper, by indenture beaiing date .the eighth dajrof November,A_:D. 1856 and-recorded in theomce’for recording deeds, Ac-, for the city and county ; of'Philadelphia,' jn Deed BookAi. D. # B.Y‘No. 7*2, .page 50, '&c.7 granted and conveyed unto the said Charles B. t)on gandn fee, reserving thereout 1 unto the said Maryß. Leiper, executrix, and Joh n K- Kane,' executor, in trust, as therein recited; the yearly ground rent or sum of one 'hundred. 1 and tWenty-six dollars and forty-three cents, payable oxi-ihe first day of the'months of February and : August in every year, Ac ]-v - . Also; all that c 'certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south side of Arch street, at the distance of one hun dred and twenty-six feet five inches and one-seventh of : an inch eastward from-the eatt .eide of Twenty-first street,Hu the city ; ofPhiladelphia in front or breadth on the said Aich street; twenty one ieet and six sevenths of an >; ihch,^and : extending in-length or depth' . southwardly of that breadth, between parallel lines at right angle's with street, one hundred and • fifteen 1 ft et,- to a .five-feet-wide alley.. Bonnded-on the north by said 'Arch street, on the east by ground of John Loiain, Jr., on the west by other ground granted to said Charles B; BungarTon ground rent, and on. the south by ‘ the said five-feet-~wide alley. CBeing the same premises which Mary Leiper, executrix, and John K. Kara, • execut'or, of the last will and-testament of Samuel M. • Leiper, deceaaed»-the said Mary B. Leiper, widow of ■ Samuel M. Leiper, deceased, George G. Leiper, trustee •of William J. -Leiper, and William J-- Leiper, by inden ture bearing date the-Bth .day of November, A. D. 1856, / and recorded in the office for recording "deeds, Ac., for • thecity and county of Philadelphia, ih/Beed Book A. B. B. 72. page 67, Ac.,-granted and conveyed unto the - said Charles 8.-Bungan in- fee; xeserving thereoutunto the saidiMary B. Lieper,-executrix. and. John K. .Kane, executor, in trost, as therein recited, the - yearly ground, rent or sum of. one hundred and twenty-six dollars and •forty three cents, payable on the first day of the months of-February.and Ana ust in every Tear, Ac ] _ c CD: ? C. , 616, 617/618; 619, and 620, Mar. -,T..’63. Debt, r ’5123.29. H: G.^Clay,].. « . • , in execution and to be-sold as ithe, property of dbafrlesß.Bungan. JOHN THOMPSON,Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sherigs Office, April IT. 1863, ■ - ap2o-3t ‘ CHBRIFF’StSALB.—BY’ OF : a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale’or vendue, on MONDAY Even ; ing. May 4,1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street-Hall,' • . No. -1., All that-'certain three-story brick messuage or tenement, and lotorpiece of. ground belong ing,- situate on the'south side .of bpruce street, at the distance hundred and sixty-two. feet' eastward from the east side-of’Schuylkill Third street; ia the said, •cityof Philadelphia ;cohtaining' : m' front ox breadth oh the said Spruce ’street eighteen 'feet, and in length or depth ninety-seven feet; to a court .or street laid; out and opened by Josiah; Stewart ; .Bounded on the north by Spruce street,on the southhy the court or street, east by ground granted or. intended to have been 'granted by.tne' said- Josiah Stewart to .‘James Boggs on "ground rent • . ■ " ; - , .• - No. - Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground situ ate.at the northeast corner of Beach and Mary streets, m ■ the J said' city- of ! -Philadelphia■; containing in front;or . breadth on the said Beach street forty feet,and,extending r ’ of that width, in ’ length' or depth westward;-.along the - - said Mary-street.-forty-six* a quarter inches,’ to a two-feet-wide alley extending into and-from tliesaid Mairy street. Bounded northward by ground now or. late of Joseph D.- 'Waln, eastward-.by the said Beach street,'southward hy the' said Mary street, and on the said two-feet-widealley. Subject to a ground'refit of $BO perannum.'.. [D. C;,614; Mar.;Tefm,, r 63. DehtsSC2.66. Brinckle.l . Taken in‘executibfi and to -he sol'd as the property of “James Donaghyi- .‘“* f ' 'JOHN THOMPSON,.Sheriff ' Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office,*April.lB,lB63, ap2o-3t CHEBIPP’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me‘'directed Vi WiH be exposed to public sale or vendue, on'MONjDAY Even ing; May. 4,1563. at 4 o’clock, at;Sansom-sirej&gHail.^M Allthat certain"three-storybrick~building andlot’or piece of'gTound, situate at the southeasttCCiTner of Mar-; shall and Oxford streets, in' the' Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia: containing infront on said Marshall -"street eighteen feet ten inches and three-quarters of am inch, -and extendingiulength or.depth, on the southline thereof, sixty-two feet 4 six inches, and onthe north line thereof, alongr.said.O.xford.street,, sixty-two feet six ana. one-quarter Bounded oh, the «north.-hy Oxford street, oh th'e'.east hy a throe-feet- w Ide alley leading into Oxford; street, southward hy ground o£- Jame \ - Mui lan, And westward by Harshall street at'oresaid; together with 'the free useand:privilege of the said three-feet wide alley. [Being the same premises which Alexander; C.'Smith and Sarah "W. his wife, ,by. indenture bearing ' : date thelltn day of December, A.. D., 1853, granted and conveyed unto William B. ‘Wightman in fee, under and subject to a certain yearly ground rent or sum of sixty eightidollars, payable half-yearly, etc.] ' 2; ' .• [D. C;, 615;;March,T., ’63. Debt, $1.200., A. Longstreth] . - 'TakehTn-executioh and to ? be sold as the- of 1 William B. Wightmana s JOHN Sheriff. Phfladelphia, Sheriff s~ Office.’April 13,'1863. ' ap2Q-3t SHERIFF’S SABB.—BY TIRTUE OF & a ; writ-'ofXevariPacias, to.me’directed, will be ex- S>sed to public sale or-vendue,-on Monday Evening, ; ay 4,1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-streefc Hath AlLthat certain lotorpiece' of ground,,situate on the southeast corner of Sciota . street and Florida streeh in. the lftte district of West Philadelphia, now city of delphia aforesaid; containing in front or breadth on the said Sciota street one hundred and eighty feet, and ex* tending in length, or depth southward?of~that width along saidvPlorida street one hundred and : eighty feet. Bounded northward by. the said^Sciota, street; south • ward by a messuage and lot now or late of Andrew D. Cash'; eastward by ground now or late of John C. Hun ter, and westward by the : said >Plorida sfareet. _(Being the same lot or piece of ground which Catharine C. Chis man; by indenture bearing date the 25th day of" June, ~ anno domini 1860, granted and thesaia 'John S. • Albright, in fee,- the' said deed’ intended to ba ijecordedin'thepr per office!'Ac. ) ; . '■ • [Di C.,.660a March‘'T., ’63. Debt, $3,682.93. M. C. ' Marsh.] jfi - i>* Taken in execution'and "to be sold, as the property of John S.’tAlbrightr* i-iJOHN-THOMPSON, Sheriff - Philadelphia>'Sheriff 3 Office, April 21.1863. • ap23-3t - CHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to ine directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue! on'MONDAY Evening* May'4, 1863, at 4 o'clock; 'at Sansom-street Hall. : ~ All that certain lot or piece of ground; 'with the three sioried briidt dwelling-house tbereon 'erected, 'situate on the north side of“ Brown street, twenty-eight feet ten inchea.east of. West street, in the Fifteenth ward' of the city of, Philadelphia; containing in' Jront on satd Brown street 'fourteen feet, and extending in depth northward, "fifiy-seven'feet. " Bounded northward by a three-feet wiae alley,' leading westward into .'said West street, east ward and westwardhy or late of John Pat terson,;amd'southward 'by'said‘Brown - street. [Being . the same premises which John'Davies and wife, by in denture dated the 26th day of April, A. D. 1855, ana re corded atphiladelphia, in Deed. Book R. D. W., No. 22. page 109. 'Ac..,"granted aiid 'conveyed unto John .Patter son in fee; reserring thereout a yearly rent of s4B.] To gethferJWitkthe privilege of said three-feet-wide alley, CD.-iC.; .641;.MarchT., : 63. .Deht,fslol.6o: James W. 1 Paui.r:"‘-.>.r/-v . ‘ .•'’Taken in execution and to be. sola'as the property of John Patterson.- - JOHN 'THOMPSON, Sheriff. • • Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office; April 2Q,1563. ap23-3fe a writ of AliasVenditioni Exponas, to me directed. - Will.be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY ■ Evening, May 4.1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street-Hall. 1 All that certain'lot or piece of ground with the 'three story brick messuage-.thereon erected, situate on the west side of Delaware Second street, ut-;the -distance of-: twodmndred and sixty feet southward from the south gide]of Diamond street, in the late districfc of Kensington, * - in thecounty Cndw city) of ? Philadelphia'; containing in,. ‘front orbretfdth-on said Second; street fourteen feet,' and extending in length or depth westward between parallel . lines at right angles with said Second street one hundred 'and twenty-one feet nine inches to‘ Philip street.' * To- gether -with the -free : use, liberty,?and: privilege of the , said Philip street. [Being the, same lot or piece of ground which Oliver Parry and wife, andtNathamel Randolph, •andwife.by deed dated twentieth of dune, one thousand eight hundred andjdfty,;and'?'recotded<in ! Deed Book G. ?W. C., No; SO, page 33»‘ granted ’and conveyed unto the said John Shay, ms heirs and assigns in fee. Subject to • .a yearly- ground-rent ofrsixty'dollars, payable semi annually on the first day of April and October of each -year unto the said Parry and the said Randolph; their heirs and assigns.] ' „ • r’i-fD/C. 1 , WB;i.Mari^T. t ’63.- Debt, $127.68. Era4t.] Taken'in,execution. and.;tobe sold as. the -property of , John Shay:' - ? * 4 * THoMPSoNiiBheriM ! to Philadelphia,' Sheriff’s Office. April’2vlB63.' - ap23-3tl' SHERIFFS SALE.—BY, VIRTUE OF a.writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me-.-direcced, will* be exposed to public sale pr vendue.biL-.MONDAY-Eve > .May-t t ifi63.at4o'clock;,atrSauom-streetHall. .■ » All-that certain lot or.piece.o.f groimd situate on the * West side of Dnnton streetatvtlje distance of ninety feet , * southward- from the corner ojdate Franklin street (now ' ■Girard avenue) m the late district of the ~ Northern Liberties and couhty of-Phiiadelphia,-now the ‘ Sixteenth ward.of thb.Tijity of? Philadelphia; containing in breadth or front on the said Dunton street 'seventeen feet, and in dQngthbr deph'extending thence westward keeping thesamebreadthat right angles'withsaidDnntoir; street twentytseveh-feot eight fthd three-quarter inches ou * the* north line; a'n’A twenty-nme feet nine abdaquarter inches on the south dine, and thence at right angles with - Leopard street twenty-seven feet eight amHhree-Quarter v * inches on the'north line, and twenty-nine feetvhiiie and -a quartar’ln'chesron".the; south;line ;thpreof'to;Tieopard /street! ‘northward James ' s Searles; , southw i ard by ground- granted-fo'W-illijja Mid- V.dleton; westward by the east- Wardby Duhton street aforesaim'-rßaing tho sauelot of ground which John B. Keenanawife.-byAhdentnre dated the 30th day of :D. at Jhiladel- d Book R.D.W.;N0: : 27,* rage 39, &<•. , granted ? and conveyed unto, the said 1 James SearlesV in fee, reser ving thereout the yearly rentfor’ sum-of thirtF-fonr dol , fare, payable half yearly on the first-days of the souths of April and r OctoMr} inrever^yetir; f *c. ] '• « [C;P.i263; Mar:. T.v , 6S.l*Debt, $35.41.' Litfleton.?. Taken in execution and to be sold asthe prop»rty of James Searlea; ' - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff,* ‘ Philadelphia, Sheriff ’s Office; April D. 1863. apl3-3t> OHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF : •! to ine directed? bHU bo exporadUo nublic saja or vendue, on MONpAY Erening. ■May 4, -3883, at ; '4,o’clock: at Sansom-8 treet Hallr.- 1 ; ■ i ' ; i AIL -that - certain lo fc or piece of ground. vrltli a three' ‘ • story bnckdwelling-house thereon,, sUuate onUu south side pf street, commencing at the.distfnce of one hundred And thirty-two feet east fromßroadstreet, w inlthe city, of> Kiiladaphia i containing'm front or bfeadlh on said feet, aad ex tending in length or of,that..width ninety.--Bevei feet sixlncheff rtf’a.thdriyffeet-wide street, .including one-half alley to be' -left open on forty-five-feet..from /north' side thereof: ■ Subject, However, to thefollowihKrestrlction, viz; that no build ing shall hereMter)»e .erected-, qh the said lot ewanypart thereof tq;he : ÜBee..or;occ'ttpieiraB amanufactoty of any*: i kind :any'fntrpose ofnerlthan;a-genteel dwelling- ■ - LBeint me-game.preinises which Michael Bates, by d eed Beffeinher 27, lS^- : and recorded in Deed BpokGiJyy.; C/, 279. &C.‘ ,'grahted l l o (%org» W. McDonald in.’ fee;- sumect to the'abovb restilctlon ' and reseiybag^tneneoui'an annual gtound rent of JiiXty- , four dollarkl'payalblefimt'of May and'November in every . y year thereafter fowvbr. _ **/■, ' SWt'Har.• % Arittbn/' Taken inexecbtion andtp be*sold asjhe p/operty-of l - < George W. McDonald. _JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff I PhUadelphift;»heriffB.offlce.-April Ui-1868?/; »PlB^3fr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers