NTOTHOEB.’ •'•■•' mr. Dk. Stephen Sweet, XpF-. Vdoirwßoncbi 'iß theauthbr.of '.‘Dr. Pweet'slnfalliblyLialment'V, j The Purest Poet Winr in America'' —Phyeiciane, Druggtite, and all others requiring ''* ■ perfectly pure Wine, are iavttnHo call ani -test the! 'Oalifornla Port, which In’point’of purity and exael lence is unequalled. For.’sale. by. the quart,’ bottle," and case, at the Sole Agenoy, 42 South fifth Street,'-' late Office of Blood's * my2-2t j A Beautiful,..'Complexion can be ob- : •talned by.the nse ef HELMBOtD’S EXTRACT SAR SAPARILLA, 'March, April,Mar, and June, are the bea,’ months to use .a, Blood-Purifying remedy She adver- ■ tlsement. , f e j7-fmw3m Armitaoe’s . Rheumatic Golden Balm— .a remedy that haa never fhtled-in curing Rheumatism,. UNeuralßia, Gout, &c. Prepsred at ' ■ cnyl-6t* Eo. TWELFTH Street, Philadelphia^' iljTon s Magnetic 'Flea -Towder,- v- In summer, wheij, the sun is low, v ' '■ f ' Come forth in swarms the insect foe, And £o£o»nr blood; they bore; you know, " ■ :'.And suck it in most rapidly. ’■ But-fleas, roaches,, ’skeeters—blank or white— In death’sembrace are stiffened quite,' - * If Lyon's Powder chance to light ‘ » In. their obscure ;yicinity||- •Lyon's Pqwder is harmless ,t 6 mankind, but will kill 4J.U house insects, garden yormsi plant-bugs, &c Ly *ou’n Magnetic;Pills are sure'death, to rats.and mice fcSold everywhere,' ■ ap2s-l26 ( " D- S BARNES, New York. One-Price. Clothing, of the Latest tsxbb, made in th e Best expressly for RETAIL •BALES. markedXu Plain Pl* t&ares, All Goods made to Order-warmated'eatiafactory, Our One-Priob Stbtbm.ls strictly adhered to.; All are thereby t : '.r delg.lr/ ’ JONES ft.CO., ««* MARKET.Sfcwi;-*' MARRIED. KNIGHT—FELL.—At Grace Ch urcti. on Wednesdav ’•jnoruingjApril 29th, by the Rev,Reese F. Ateop, assisted }•? Rev. Wm.Suddards, D. T. -Morris Knight tto A. Marion, .eldest daughter of Reese I>. Fell, all of' .this city. - . : . 3DXJ3JD. SMALL.—On-the Ist-inaL, Mrs. Mary Small, after a .lingering lllnoss, at the Jiouse of her soh/Dr. Tm.-B •Small, No. 2237Callowhillstreet. >. , ' >.%'■ +**?•.<- - The funeral «w»ll take place on [Tuesday morning, at 10 *<>'Clock, and will iwocqed to.iaurel'jailt. 7 The friends of the family are invited. ‘ "r thf Ist inst./Hatri&t,'wife of Joh’uißea. . ; Her friends ararespectfully incited’.to attend her fune ral, from .me late« residence, 1214 .Arch street, on Tues* * day, the sth ; inst.,atr 10 o’clock, : • * the Ist instant,-Mr. Johh S. Lauer, iu the Slst.year of his, age.[California •'* His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to*' attend the, funerai from the residenca pf;his Son-In -Btiert’ <mTae ?2? T •Charles Downing, in.,tht 65th:year'6f his'age. * - T: 6th ; instant, to leave the 4iou.ee afc,3o clock-P-M.' • >-.*** THOMAS,—OiI the, morning of the 3a; instant. in the, «lV* ear nfv his Her bert Maxwell, son of William G.. m^wrf* - 'instant,■ George, r W.'' Baum, of the llb.h (Corn Exchange) Regiment , in the 36tli rear •of his ;-.r - b - - • The rolahyes^amcrfriends of family, also Mount •Olive Lodge, I. p.OiF. , areinvlted to attend,the friuer>il,. from residence; of .ET. C. Raom,* No. .1522. ?treet,i.on MTedhesday morning, the 6th inst.; * y To proceed via Reading Railroad to Ami ■tyJil]&T®sS%AS?HsLl&» pa * forburial, , V" ’**X last, at Harrisburg,-.' Pa., Lieut. Albert J.-.Shollenbefger, in the 25th year ;of; Oiisage. ■ . His relatives an'dTriends.are respectfully invited to at- • tend his funeral, fro pa the residence,of .his father,'at "one ’ ***•' y*: r - 11^ the eyening.of the 30 nit., after a short! ruck B,m th e t 6Qth year of his age. i L /. . « a bf the family are respectfully i:sYped to.attena bis funeral, from his‘late residence. No. u 11 ®.Q*i6nth street, on Tuesday afternoon, Sth.inst., . i-iA°T?D°T^irf^P ro ceed to - Woodlands Cemetery. ** D *i <h 1 sfter.’a lingeriflg.illness," .JohnOarnson, in.the 78th year of his age. . are respeptfuUrihvited-to attend the fuae- street, to-day- M., To Proceed to Laurel HiU. FLaNAGEN.--OnFriday,’ ofparabsis, James' iFlauajren, in the 70th year of his age : . .-Hjs thoso-of-the family, also Lodge No. 3, ¥• invited to attend his funeral, this (Vlouday) tafiernoon,at 3p.Qlock,from.hte late'reßidftnce, 1328 Beach - at Hanover-stre'etlßiyial.Ground/.7*, April..3oth. .after a short Mrs Eliza Bond, in the 7:ld yearofKerage. * . The relatives and friends oftho.family are invited to at- 1 tend the funeral, from the reshlenco oMior h usband. John Rond, Bucks*county,Pa.,this(fildnday)after moon. at3o’clock, -r... .. . . . ■ ♦ t of Interments. lealth Offtck, May 2,1883. I7i the Oity of Phila/tel'nhia' ittotfie‘V!do/Mav f 'l9S3, and Intennenti from the 25th of A: D13EA883.. J Ab5ce55.......... \ Apoplexy.i.... Bums and Scalds... Cancer.........; “ Liver........ ; l Uterus - Stomach...... Casualties not de fined .1 ...v...;,.... ■Croup ~ Congest 00........... *' Brain....: ■ *' , Lungs.... ‘Carbunc e. Compression of Brain Consuomion.-Lungs. Bowels Convulsions... Child-bed..... Cyanosis....... Dipthem...,, Diarrhoea...., Drotosy..! I' 1 Brain. Fever, Scarlet. ~.‘'l.' Spotted ; - Typhus,mag't ' Typhoid....: Gangrene............ Hemorrhage......... fronrßowala Hooping. Cough....i- Inflammation Brain, iv. Bronchi.. ./•■•Chest;';.-.. ... ‘ ; Heart;;.. /. •--/- • /= Kidneys^. .. Eye *. .. .. Liver...;. ... ■ Lungs..... V Peritoneum. S.&. Bowels ... ... Uteruß:... 1naniti0n............. Intemperance........ Mania-a-P0tu...... Mara5mu5........... Measles.... 01djAge..........;.,, Palsy Poisoning— acciden ta1.................. Rupture. of Liver.... Rheumatism. Run over on Katir’d Softening of Sto mach.... Small Pox.. Mill-b0rn..... buicide............... Strangulation Tumors... Unknown. - •••*•• , Liver. ** '• Jbeart Dieea&e of Brain.;. “ Heart.;... .v,. - Bladder..... ‘ j jStom&Bow ■ Lunge... Drowned.. Dysentery. Debility..... Efluaion on Brain.... < frysipelaa.| ever, Catarrhal....l “ Congestive... • Gastric. I Malignant...] Puerperal..;.] ■ Remittent'..--.! L - • ’ -.-4 f : I -■ compared with the correspond st as follows:. ;. > c The nunri>er of dea hs. tnsr weeka-of t ISB2 andofli Week ending May 8,-lK Week endmir April 25, ] Mai es,‘lsB; females, 14< deaths and interments By order of the Board' ’ , WIL 82, was 247. .. 1863. was 267. • . ... 2; Boys, 81; Girls, 76. , ‘’ tj ■> of soldiers in the city, 6. ' *. 'ofHealth.v ; 1 -••'«: uLIAM' READ; Health Officer; “PLAQK SILK MANTLES' FOR -".SPRINGI; i" ’ ' % Blacfc.Lace Points, . r Ligh.frClothßoumoug. V : v , . • r • . EYRE ii TiANDBLL; ‘ * "FOURTH and ARCH. ■CUMMER SHAWLS—NEW STYLES, Hock-spun. Bilk Shawls, ‘ . Ckally and Barege - ap2S ' ... & LANDELL. T jV'EW DRESS GOODS : FROM THE J-' NEW YORK AUCTIONS. „ ' ShaWls for Pennsylvania Trade, - r- I Bilks for Pennsylvania Trade; ' •<; .>; . ; i jP_ap2S ”, BYRE h LANDS'LL. 1 “ THE DAY—THE CAUSE.” • o s f i MISS ANNA E. OIOKINSON • Willspeakon the abovetopic * » t,* - AT . THE . f 31,'C ABEMY ,0 F II u's IC , s Oh MONDAY,EVENING,. May 4th*' ; i 1 * ■’ - ; * AT BIGHT O'CLOCK.' •-*».. >1 - v its-to {ill parts ofthe house 26cent3. rved5eat5,.............. -SO"cents. • i had at the Academy of Music and at J, E, Gould’Bs btorei'Sevenfeh and Chestnut streets . a ; ' s open at 7% o’clock. ' -ap29-6t ;f CAXEB COPB, TREASUREROF the united States Sanitary- Commission, North east corner of Minor and Sixth streets, acknowledges the teceipt of the iollowihg/coiitributions sinde the last -re jev. William P.'Lewis •• • • ....... $lO fritehett Baugh sGo.fadditional- ................... 20 f illmn F.^Hanp'eilv.. .. . ........................ 100 Jartin Landeuberger.v GO Jroceeds of exhibition heldby Masters F. ~ " J.B.;andW/U. N.-, Jr............. 7/..;... ' '4 ilroin aFrlfnd. v. 20 lisa Hester S. 8arc1ay............ v;;V...... ’G £fi. & G. XerslorA Co-.-..... 20 -Icob Reck, additional.. 20 2fewYorkCondepsed Milk Cqhapany.. i.i .... 60 3roia a"Catholtc lady per Mrs. J. R/ Chandler..'.. ..; . 20 ■ Jl Francis Fisher,.additional... .1.. r .;.-. 24 ,*. ■ ' ■; v •' ■ ; ■ 'V. -''-'5343 Previously reported..,;6o,Bi4 05 ; : ‘Lr w ',.T0ta1...-.....ir..-.p.......;.;.%.,. 1 ....560,1b7,05 /The Women’s Penn Branch United States,, Sanitary? Xiommissidn, Wo. 1307 Chestnut street.' acknowledges she receipt of the following donations in hospital sup gilies since the last report-; : • r '• * Harrisburg, 3 boxes; Mre. E. H. Connynand MlssA-' •Offllsby,'-- •• - • • v 1.7 ■. . All Saints 1 Church, Lower Dublin, clothing, -per Sa muel Grimt, Jr. f i t--.- j Lynn, Pa., i ftox/Mrs.. Orin'Fiah,, President. • From a Ladyi. clothing; ■. .Mrs. Jai*. Leavclothing,-&c. * Patriots 1 Daughters. Litis, 1 box, Francis W. Christ. | Bazleton Ladles’(Aid. lbox, Miss J. F. Randolph; Soc. ' Bt. John’s Lutheran church; clothing, &e. , Mary Laird, Secretary. ■ <*?•..■ IMisa.Ellen Stone, clothing, Sec. ,0- Kingston Billside Aid, 1 barrel,-Fanny M.-. Owen;; Sec. Great,Bend Relief Association,<l box, Abhy 8., Orange, ecretary. t Union Sewing Association, 1 package, -Miss JuliaXews: '.Secretary • • , Northwest Soidierß Aid Society, clothing, Mrs. : 'Yir inia Weaver. - Miss Stevens, slippers. A Friend, J kegs pickles. Miss Blanchard; re *ding matter. Womans Contributing Aid, clothing, Miss Eliza H Montrose, 1 barrel and 1 keg, Mua E.- C. Bbickraan, ecretarj. Misa BtellaMosos, slippers.. Mrs. H. P. Furnas. Btockinjfs. Norristown Ladies-'Aid, lbarrol,:Mary Fornancs.Sec. THE IffATIONAIiiUNION ASSOOI&. %K> TKIN—FIFTH WARD. loyal citizens of the IrIFTH WARD wilt meet,-'pursuant to the call of the City Rxecutive Committee, at theHALL of, the GOOD ■ sIRTIHT FIRB CO.*. SPRUCE Street, above SIXTH, TUESDAY,EVENING, May 6t>h,-at : B P;-M.Business of iraportance-ia tobe transßcted. • s'- •'.*••• : The friends of our Rational and *State Administrations and All •who desire to see rebellion "'at the BoNthand ‘treason in the North, alike suppressed,’ are requested to .attend: . : BOBEKTP. KING, President. '' \Eo«ekt K. Nichols, Secretary, my4-2t j ■ DISCHARGED SOLDIERS, i AT* TENTJON!—An adjourned meeting of honorably .Oischatged Sold Lera*.will- be held on TtUB (Monday) •EVENTS©. at Or'deck.- COUNTY; COURT ■HOUSE, SIXTH and . CHESTNUT. Streets, to hear the, report of Committee; returned from Washington. 'All tare requested to bring or papers. , It* EDWARD 0,! SKELTON,'Asst, Secretary. . DAW OP DAWS DAN. jveS**, GUMIES, or the “ Ger man, wfli be urtsentad in public by,Prof. C..C~JBCHAEF PER. as thelclosing Lecture of .and the •opening Lecture of Mh new course, andcoursesin ♦German. atCONJORD HALL, 108 North TENTH,Street, •on MONDAY}May4, at6o’clockP:M;, to oecontinued taad repeated on .TUBSD AY" following, at 6 and'B.o’clock p. The Teachers of First School District >of PonnsylVanla.- the Principals and Professors,of the ‘Boys' Centa l and Schoo\ the Members of the Board of iCoatrolofc Public Schools, (according to previ ous acceptance;),tbcMambers of the Board oL,Trustees, ,~and the the University of PennsyK •vania, the of the preaa, iand the.pubuc in general, we invited to attend. * .... • Comtnsnwmentaten.mifttitef after ti_me stated as above; j'liectures/eqch, of on,e,hour. No tickets required. my4-2t pHTta WARD.-tTHKN ATIONAIi BN A6SOCIATfOff J of tho' Eighth ward wUI IHall of the' Schuylkill Hose Companja LO above Twelfth, THIS (Monday) ; EVENING. ant, at 7 o'clock, fjnr ,05 choosing Ward Elections. ' ” ‘ .. r * A. J. HARPER).President. . unset at the OUST Street -the 4th Insti -offleersfor it • ( —siivEisTH' ward:-a'mbbti sg ESEofW'IJSION LEAGUE of the Seventh Ward 1 heldi THIS f«o na av) EVENING, at,So’eloolti'ttt • O’Neill's Hall," LOMBARD Street, below Broad.' : , J. M- HUBER, Secretary.. IS toconilder the propriety of accepting the provision. ; |hn*d a « tsaa • o^n°T£ T CB>W>OB». Sec'y. andllembers of EASTERN STAR vio. 186 VA. Y. M .Vnd the. Order KeneraUyV'art.-frater iHywried-to m«»t at CH EISTNGT Street.. • ?%H le AFTERN°QNAt4JV JL, to attend the funor*Vof tbojcldfe brothers -'DE v r ' " . A • ! ■ BysOrderdf the-.W. M ,iy.f i, . » . h* . ;:>SeOBGE P. ErnrtiE. aecretMy.?, <f cap* J>K» BETIKGOF CORROa/l.'- Cprif-THE HOME"fOB PE3 HTTOE <lO - bevheldi at CUBKSOE. nfv l i}iriSn&S Y T?rS ol ’ W6Bt of 'Sixth, ,on SKCOh'D DAI EtrEKWG.'Fifth »loutli> IJ, JS63. US o’clock. An PM 0 ? foilrnsteen, Mauajgre. And Treaaurer will he -“Jiixi.v ' \ ISItAEEiH.'JOHNSON. ihT4-rrfii.«ic4lt .. y. . Secretary of rrnsfeei ■ '■PoUfiTH'ariiVi , VT§i?pw ,- o»^ ,^ e -fl^.Vi*;- no,,^, ' ls^ corner of £»_ £.j ■ “ EtI «RREN Streets, nVTUB -sT) aV- KVP vr IVTA Mai; 6, lu»t. ate o’clock.'-, , j’noH: SHOE* ?KKR. ’ ■•' .1 "- s - ,v ‘ ■•• •• -'•■ '•■ --‘‘Presidpnt. •• -. 'TlOJ?Tir®nv;~r l '* l,Bi AWSO-U, iBI.BC-. SwhprMHhmß ?t? j\ iwjjljjjttta** •of ■•••■ The fK,«iS.BK? CKtldren” will be held at oftheSPresident, THOMAS EARP, E»ri. norti’-r ipbilK r ? ? w ARC %^^ VENTH Streets, it tRe Sty of : Ptuladeiphia, on TUESDAY, Mav 12. A D.-tBSS, between. itbehonrsof4and6P. M ; . ■' ‘ MACGREBOR J. MITCHESOS, • TTiyt.ii. 11,12 • ' ■. ; y Secretary E, H. F. C, MjUSICAIV FUND SOCIETY.—TH® •C?' animal meeting: of the Musical Fundßociety{Will beheld at sthelr Hall, on TUESDAY, the sth Blay.iatS oiciock P. Iff,'.; The Annual .Report will be-read,and an election for Dir* ctnrs held. p»3.l’4t ... WILLIAM r. DUNQLISON^SeWaty. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ’lC?*: ROaDCOMFANT,Philadelphia,' Aprills, 1363. ■ tTbe Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of,FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital': Stool of the Company, clear of State and National taxes,, payable on and alter May 15, 1863. „ ■ , Powers of Attorney, for Collections of dividends can be bad od * pplication at the office of the Company,No. 238 South THIRD ' . . *' ■ v , ' mh36-tjcl / : ..THOMAS T.'FIRTH, Treasurer.; NORTHERN LIBERTIES AMD ' PENN ‘TO WNS HIP RAILROAD' COMPAN Y, ‘ Philadelphia; April 7ih, ; 18Q3: <- v a inee ting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held"! t the Office of the Philadelphia and! Reading Rail-' cond’Company, No. 02T SOUTH'FOURTH Street; 'on MONDAY* tlie4th day of May nextratTO o’clock A M , at which time and place an election of Officers will be held. CapB-dtM4] ,s . A. A. KONIGMAOHBR, Sec’y. 001,13, SILVERj - AND DEMAND NOTES WANTED. DREXEL St CO , apiyinrr : • y • Snnth'T HI RD Street:^ LAYpELEGATION-M. E. CIIURGH. ftLE,Churchin-thiSLcity are • requeßtod' td. meet in the*TrinityM.'E. Church; /street, above-Race, Evening,- May sth, at electing Delegates to repre . sent the Metbodists f of this city at the Lay -.Delftgatidu > held in.the city of New xork, ; Mayl3 .-By oreer of the : Committee.r,% : I ’'‘ - ■ . :-. v . VC -.E.;JONES, Secretary. fjg* J?#'? 1 9? « A . STATED meeting 'Z -^vr ■ •->'»' Grav- Reserves, will be held at .the. ArniorT. -MoqDAT; EyEtfltTG.vMay 4, at .80 clock. Election for Non-commissioned Officers. t -; By ordec.of the Captain.' - ' l '* 1 ■ - • ~ mv.?-st» * * * * A. C. FERGUSON, O- S. ‘ r^** 1 AGREEABLY TO THE CALL OF CONVENTION;'the loyal citizens of Philadelphia are invited to assemble in theiT respective wards on TUESDAY, May fith/’at Bo’clockP M., at such places as may besolected bv tnb-‘~^ta*or o -®*. the ward associations, for 'the of electing one JUDGE and two INSPECTORS for each prdcmct— said judgesand inspectors to conduct ah election m theva j rioos precincts on THURSDAY, May 7th, between 6and fi o’cN olt P/ M,, foP the purpose.of electing ONE DELE GATE from-each precinct to Representative Convea-* tioh. and'ONE.'DELEGATE.to Convention; 1 in conformity id rule 17 of'the rules'for-the government oft be National -Union; Party, -^The'Representative'and 1 Senatorial' Conventions ‘shall , meet' at 'such“placefc s and times as a majority of theirnumber shall by public no-' lice direct/, ; j - .By order of the City, ‘Executive 'Committee oftlie;Na tional Union Party: ' WM,fl, KKKN, President, v* Joint J.' ; Frankltn,/ ) vJEJbnry B.' Gakdixer, j Secretaries. MINE HlLti ANDSCIIUYI,.' KILLvHAVEN'RAILROAD COMPANY. r-, Jv , ’ .frr* EH*LADELPHiA,:4tk Month,' j - Notice,is hereby srivenfchat. a general meeting of ; the ■ stockholders of - the; Mine -HiU and SchuylkilT' Havexi; > Railroad Companywillbeheldat ihediallof thefrahk--. Lin Institute; No. 15 South SEVENTH Street.inthecity !of.Philadelphia, on -FIFTH* D aY, (Thursday). the-lltn; day of|Fifth-Month,;(May), at UK o’clock A. M.; for the purpose of acting on.;a joint agreement for the consolida :tion;and merger of'the,’Schuylkill -Haven, .and Lehighr ’River Railroad Company.with the Mine Hill and Schuyl •kill.Hhven Railroad Company;and for. the transaction of ,suoh'other, business as may. be brought before said meet ing. By order of the-Board of Managers; . 'AivJOBN. C;CttESSON, President, *•: , Attest—William Bipdle,' Secretary* . .. .ap29dmyl4 y OFFICE OF THE SOHUYLKILL haven .and lehigh river railroad COMPANY, Philadelphia, April27th, 1863.' - Noiice is hereby giv«n that a‘general, meeting of the' Stockholders of the SCHOYLKILL’ HAVEN AND LE HIGH RIVER RAILROAD-COMPANY will be held at - the ball of the Franklin-Institute; No. :15 South SR ■VENTH Street, m.the city of Philaoelphia, on THURS DAY, the 14th day of May, .1863, at tenro'clock in the* morn mg, fo r the purpose or acting on ' a joint agreement - for the consolidation and merger *of thesaid* Schuylkill • Haven and Lehigh, River .Railroad Company- with Mmphill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad Company, and ( for the transaction? Qf.such other business &B‘may‘be brought before said meeting; • ' ■ ■ •/> •--••• >• ■ ' l . By order of the. Board ofJDlrectors. - • 11 «, ; ■alex;:j. Derbyshire, Proaident. - > '**“ Joshua w.;Ash, Secretary.' ; v , 1 . ap29 tml4 ' ;J ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN •O - that the Commissioners named in an act entitled V An act to incorporate the Connecting Railway Com-' pany,” approved April 14, 1863,’wi1l meetfor the purpose of Receiving: Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the" said Company, on MONDAY, the llth day of May, 1863,' ! at lO o’clock A. MryatNo. 4: WILLING’S Alley, in the city of Philadelphia. , Clement B. Barclay, • . John-A- Wilson, ’ . Oliver f W Barnes, ; R. D. Barclay, ; - - f 'Edmund-Smith, ■ J; C SharplesS, Kingston, Jr., * Isaac V. El well, / • Joseph Lesley, - - A. C. Harmer. ap2o-tmyll DIBEABB3, ANNUAL MEETINGOF THE BLOOMSBURG IRON COMPANY, will be held at the company’s on:WEDN£SDAY, May 20, 1863, for.the purpose of electing nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and for the .transaction of other bhsiness:. v-. r 'WM. E. S. . BAKER, . ap2Q-3Qt*. ’ •,.- • ,-No. »13 North WATER Street. SCHUYLKILI, AND SUSQ.UEHAN na- railroad company;, oaice 227 * south- FOURTH Street—Philadelphia; April .3; 1563-—The an- *nual meeting of the Stockholders of this company and - an .election for President and--six Managers will take * Slace at the office of the .Company, on MONDAY, the-4 tlr - ayof May next, at 12 o’clock M. • -.?■ ap3-tmy4 ! THE 50th ANNUAL MEETING OF the.‘‘Corporationvfor -tba. Relief ofthe Widows aid Children of Clergymen the Communion of ihe Protestant Episcopal .CnurcA-.in.the'-CommonweaUfc of Pennsylvania,” willbe held m .the Vestry Room of St.. Peter’s Church, Philadelphia,- on TUESDAY*,, the; 6th ;of‘May next,-at 5 o’ciockP r M... * ~n .. . j v j - JAMEB M. AERT?EN, . April3o,lB6^,—fmygy, , r , Secretary." Kg’. WJB CTftARD LlfrE IJlSntt/UfC®. ANNtJITY, AND TRrTST COMPANY OF BHUIa’ The annual election for Fourteen. Managers ofthe Company, will be held, agreeably-to'the Charter, ! -at the .Office, No. 408 CHESTNUT, Street, -on - MONDAY, * the 4th of May, between thehours of-10 o’clock A.-* il. and - 120-clock ( noon.,-; . . b,:- ‘ JOHN. 1 F. :JAMES, - ap3o-4t*t, v Act nary. ’ . |, NOTICE.-OFFICE OF THE DELA WARE- AND RARITAN. CANAL and the CAM DEN’AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA TION COMPANIES, Princeton (N. J. ). March 31,1863. . . v The Treasurer of the above Companies is nowpreparei to PAY THE BONDS .due at Princeton, 'August; 1,1863, ■ -.being the>five .per cent.. Converted Sterling Loam, The* 1 and also thelaßt coupon, wtil.be paid on pre-. • Bentation to WILLIAM H. GATZMER,! Philadelphia; or: to- Tap3-Im3 RICHARD STOCKTON, Treasurer.; OFFICE OF THE NO R TIIE R N : LIBERTIES GAS-COMPANY;, Philadelphia,-.: iMay J. 3563. —An election for: two* Trustees of - this Com->- ,pany will be held at the office of the-Cotopany on TUBS-: DAY, May 12th mstj--,:between-ll o’clock A: =M. and 2 > o'clock P. M ‘ W. P. FODELL, , myl-f&m2t r ' ■- * Secretary. AND PABIS EXCHANGE IiOTJGIIT AND SOLD. -my4'lm ' • COUPONS, - I!, .... * FIKST MAY,' -. FIVE-TWENTY BONDS. , ' j ,j BOUGHT. D REXEL CO. ap29 Ct' JjJ DWA R D M . BA7IS, '. stock and exchange bkokek, A GENEEAL BEOKERAGE AND BASKING BUSIt MESS TRANSACTED. .. lL ■. t 1 Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on, Commießioa- LoanB and Business Paper ’Negotiated.; Dividends and IhterestCoupons Collected 1 aid Remitted: Exchange on ; - Europe Bold S_peoialiCoHections;made.' Coin, and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits. : apY-3m ,u. s. ■FIVE-TWENTIES, , OH ‘ TWENTY-TKArSIX-PRR-CBNT,'BONDS.'; “I ‘ 1 J -J, 4 ‘ f PAYABLE AT THE OPTION OP THE GOVERNMENT' AFTER FIVR YfiAv I am Instructed by the SECRETARY OF THE TREA SURY to receive subscriptions for.the above ;; ; •' : ; .I. .1 .JW-i'i w.«K . J.- ■ LOAN AT PAR. Interest will commence from' the 'DATE 0F ( SUB SCRIPTION, and ls PAYABLE IN GOLD at Up Hint.; ■or any Sub-Treasury or Depository of the United, States, on the first days of May. and November of each year. At the present PBEvnrjc oir gold, these Bonds yield about ’ SIGHT per center annum. A fnlT sup'ply'always on hand. * 5 ■ ■ - I •'? 5' t/J* ■ '... r a.' it J, . v • .... .-.Vi.- .V • 5-- 1 •bM :-: t‘ ■■ ji. •; ' ' ' JAY , CbpljE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. ' lli sOUTH THIRD STBEBT. o SPECIAL NOTICE. ' ■■On and after July Ist, 1863, the privilege ( of convert ing the present. Issue of LEGAL.TENDER . NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN'(com-' monly called “Five-Twenties”) will cease. ■.'All.who wish to .Invest In .the:Five-Twenty Loan . must, therefore, apply before the let of JULY next, JAY COOiKE,; ' * Subscription Agent; ■ mV-tjyl' : V., 1H Booth THIRD Street, PhUaiAt' g HARVEY. THOMAS, STOCK • AND ''BILL' BROKER, ' Not 319 WALNUT, STREET. STOCKS and BONDS. »*id all kinds ofU. 8. GOVERN MENT SECURITIES,' bought and sold on Commission. ' l Bnginesa Paper'aiaLdans on’ Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. >■ .< '-■■■ . ‘UNITED STATES 5,20 TEAS, SIX Pe* cent. BONDS. ..ftarniehed at Par in earns to suit. * . . Orders by Mail shall receive prompt,attention. - ,Berers i lleeersi Nathan Trotter It Co , ' Geol D. Parrieh, Esq.,, John B, Myers A Co, , Saranel K. ThomaH.Ssq.t ,1 Enmees,Brinley,*Co., John Thomas. Etq: apl-Smdf johnU OAPP & SON, ’"I- ■■ STOCK AH *SJ»OKJ » S;i': »3~Botitli THIRD Directly opposite the Mechaulcs’-B&nk. , .■. ;■■• STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT Aljj> SOLD "ON J COMMISSION; ' :; ' AT THB BOARD OFjBBOKEBS. - , MON E Y INVE S TE D *; T t < . t , > , hi , I- hl , NOTES* AND LOANS NEGOTIATED’ , mhli-Sm;' OH THI BEST TERHB. \ • , I ' V Tt *> ' 1 - t U’ " t * •• \y \ :;#? W. H. WEBB, : ‘ - Secretary/ : niANCIAE, ’ DREXEL *& GO., 34 South - TBIRD- Streets •Ho. 3B Sonth THIRD Street, (up stairs.) • . '• i . FHII.APKt.PHrA. , -niM. S. MOUND; AUCTIONEER." 1 ' s 'aJ; I w£Z’{JLr-'.- : i/fCu ii f ~ b , . ‘ * i< m ** \ * > A m UCTION , NOT lO‘Ei- ;•. .* :• r, ‘ ■ " {**■.' ot • *, LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SA6e r OF ' • •> . ,■ • ■ Wi v./< . • ■ ~vi. . • •• BltlTlSH DBY, GOODS, joB THE IMPORTATION OP I Messrs: stuart & brother, 1 . POTI.ADBI.PHIA. ' _ WILMEKDINGS & 'MOUNT, 7< *' KEW YOBK, ’ SELL : ,V ", . - !' AT THEtR NEW STORES, u AND Y4O, DUAm STREET, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1863, 2 : • ;.On ; FourMontliB’’Credil, - -EIGHT i HUNDRED -AND PIFTY PACKAGES - s >?> , t , , 1 , FRESHLY LANDED ° „ BRITISH DRY , GOODS, - ... ■' Of the at)Ovo well-kno wnimportation, . COMPHUISU ' „ r ' • _ ’ GINGHAMS. LAWNS,, ITALIANS;' DfNIMS, TICKS, SHIRTINI& STRIPES', COTTONADES. SILBSI iS. J PAPER MUSLINS, BROWN ANH BLEACHED . MUSLINS, DUCKS, CANT AS PADDINGS, WOOL •vr SKIRTINGS,: STAY.'BINDINGS, London .anslitr. 'and CASKET BINDINGS.' 1 • 1 A '■ v: 1 ARMY BLANKETS - , - AND ‘ > GRAY .FLANNELS. 4 ; ■ also;P 10,000 LBSj> SUPER PATENT LINEN THISEAD.iI SUITABLE FOR'-ARMY CONTRACTORS; A LINE OF DOMESTIC PRINTS: Cataloßuen and samples on.mornintrof sale.*-my2-2t BOSTON AUCTION SALE. TiY- JCrtHsL-JL-jOSGOOD F-SON; OFFICE-I»rCONGRESS Street, Bo«tou. ■ .1 , 1 * ' x , f LARGE BALE OE'MILITARY .OVERCOWS, OM AC COUNT: OF,- THE GOVERNMENT, * BY- ORDEROF THE UNITED STATES 'QUARTERMASTER. AT BOS TON. , , ' * 7 . , < , , Will.be sold by Pablic in lots to salt purchasers, -’ - - •* i to the highest bidder, i ON THURSDAY, May 14th, 1863, at 10 o’olock A; M. j . ■ u 33,301 INFANTRY GREATCOATS - (assorted sizes), viz: f • 17,aOlBlactf Tricot,.Doeskin, Beaver, l[ooo Gray Satinet' 1 . , - : 5,000 Dark Blue Pilot, and Satinet. i /*. r All in perfect order, well packed in casee, and shipment. t ‘ » n - y; < * ap29-tftfay7 The goods can be'exammed on the day previous 'to the sale. ' < v ,. Ss 1 f ,*• , “ \* •. TEKMs/ caeh. . •• >•, WM. W. McKIM, Captain, and A; <3 Of. / Assistant Quartermaster’s Office,) ; . • Boston; Apri127,1863 • : r. ap29-lSt RETAIL I)KY GOODS. AND. MANTLES. ’ r . ■- ' BRAIDED CLOAKS. „ - PLAIN CLOAKB. •• ..v -• ■' . r -i ORDERED CLOAKS. ' - ' ‘SILK MANTLES. AMERICAN CLOAKINGS. ;> FRENCH CLOAKINGS. FIND CASSIMERES. , DRESS GOODS. BOYS’,FINE CLOTHING.' • ••' v •- i'. -• • •• - ■ • •' ' : vf> . COOPER A CONARD. ..ap3o-tf , . S. E-icorner NINTH AND MAKKET Sts. ' gPRING SILKS " , AT REDUCED PRICES. LARGE PURCHASES, AT, THB v ! '■ V - fv. .S ( LATE AUCTION SALES., * ' + , IN NEW YORK:AND PHILADELPHIA, Enable ns to offer SOLID COLORS, SMALL CHECKS, FANCY PLAIDS, brocades’ MOIRE ANTIQUES and neat. FIGURE BLACKS, , BLACK GRO DE RHINES, BLACK GRO GRAINS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. * 1 V, CmiWEN STODBART & BROTHER, 450, 45a, r attd 454 N. SECOND Sfoeob, ab: WILLOW; - i • . , ap3o-4t N EW , PARIS CLOAKS AJfD - / MANTmx*AS, 1 „V , i , r ' 1 -t - « f 4 , / l isl , .-J 1 t' -' • < f r j i LADIES, - MISSES, AND 'CHILDREN, NOW OPEN,, - ■ AT THE ,PARIS" MANTILLA EMPORIUM, > 030 CHESTNUT STREET. . J. W. PROCTOR & CO. ap2B-lin - * pHEAP t DRY GOODS, OARPJBTS, rV/ MattiDffSii Oil 1 Cloths, Shades.—V. E.- ARCHAMBaULT, northeast * corner ELEVENTH and AlAßKAT.StreetSt' J wilhopen THIB MORNINGyfrom Auc-i: ;tion, Ingram carpets at 62, 75, S7c, and Sl: Entry-: and Stair-Carpets 25 to 87c. s -> White- and red check Mat-* ting SI and 37c. 'Rag, Hemp; and Varn CarpetsSlto 50c. - Floor Oil Clothe,4s to7sc. '-:Shadps, 'GolcL and* Velvet-Borders, 75c to $2.- BufFandGreen WmdotvHol-. land 31to 50c. ? CHEAP DRYJ3OODS. _ - Naw: York City Mills'Long; Cloth'Muslin afc 25c' Pine Shirting,, Muslins ♦l2J£s'.tL6,?vlB, and,-200. Spring Chintzes 18 and 20c.-; SpnngDe..Laines 25e.< Light'Al->, pacas 31to 62c. v . * Stella :Shawls; s2,to ;&LO. ; Cloth; Saquea |stosBr , (’ , rap2s-lm -[TRENCH PERCALE' LONG. CLOTH, - 234 yards widei for skirts 1 ,- received from the-mar- 5 ;- eliarfe sale of the cargo of the prize steamer Bermuda ;•'&>* SHbIpaBD, VAN HARLINGEN; & ARRISONC' ap2B.l2tlf ~% , 1 > 1008 CHESTNUT Street, ‘ WHITE PIQUETAND MARSEILLES J T JFOR.LADIES’AND CHILDREN'S WE , ireceived from auction achoiue assortment of new style.' medium and fine Piquets at vcry low prices. * ' * • BHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, •v • ap2B-l2tif, ~ 1008 CHESTNUT Street. "FRENCH -PERCALE LONG CLOTH, A 1 2 % yards wide, for SKIRTS, received from the Mar-'/ 6hars Hale of the cargo of the prize steamer Beimuda. A ™ SHEPPARD, VAN EAR LINGER SARKISON, ..'ap2s-12trp , ~ . 1008 CHESTNOT.Street. ~ tt«e t- and; ,mar » * SEILLES,’ TOR? L'ADIESV'ANb' CHILDREN’S WEAR'' „Y ' ' ’ Jusc received from'Auction; a choice assortment of new style, medium, and fine Piquets; at very low prices. SHEPPARD; VAN HARLINGEN: & ARRIBON, ,ap2d-12trp 1008-CHESTNUT I Street. JUDIES’ SPBING CLOAKS. J ' „ ENTIRELY NEW DESIGNS. We-have i»ow< open a. most splejidicLand extensive stock of Ladles’ Spring Cloaks.yui i every,varlets of. style' and material.’ comprising -i?ine-French and (English • Cloths.and Bich. >and Heavy; Blaok>SUkß»,aU made up 'and handsomely trlmined in,the latest ... ~, PARIS aND LONDON. STYLES. • -. Also, just Tecelvedi a 1 urge and handsome assortment of v ; BLACK LACE SHAWLS AND.MANTLES, . allatthemostreaßonableprices.' - '•'•-.Vwv. >' , ’ .--h -t.AG.NEW & ENGLISH* "r . * 4 « v.. ' S»5 South NINTH, Street, *my2*6t., .*•. - Aboye Chestnut street. , U, S. IHTBRNAZi REVEITUB. FOB' THESALE OF UNITED STATES ( TAX * t ' STAM.PS v go., ST; ! Sontk TEIID’ Stre,t. first door EbOY, ChMtnut 'Atailrapslr of *ll kind. of TAX STAMPS consUntlr ''an hind, and for ula ln anAstitlM to aaU. \>k llbernl dlwonnt nllowtd on unoanUrof 000 nnd nv> wuda. ~ "* ’ ‘ Ordiriby M»llproinpUT»tt«nd»d to. Moo Bonn from AM., to OP. 1L . ! . n JACOB S. RIDGWAY,; , f dd»-t<Bl0 %t - • Bo,'OT BonthTHIM) 81root.' UNITED. .STATES’ INTERNAL RE ;■ COLLECTIOIf ; v ,.,,, ‘ Of Pennsylvania,, erabracing. the j.piret, Einhth, ninth,- and Tenth wardBof the I c J Uy of Philadel- Dhia. . if".-:..." - •■■■ I' M. i*/.v f. }.' ••• , .. NOTICB. k • Theannual assessment in t the above-ifamed‘district of. all persons liable to tax oniGold and'Silver Plate, Car riages** Billiard Tables,': andPJeasure, Yachts, and. . also L , . of allpersopß requiredtp'takeput'LicehjieStdiaving’been eompleted. - notica j ja. hereby * given thatjthe taxes,due • undersaid assessment wiirbe; received:T>y the under signed, daily, ' Sundays excepted,' between the hours of j " 9 A. M.,and3P, M. tl athiB .office, southwest corner of; THIRD and WALNUT Streets, on and after SATURDAY, * tbe‘ 11th,instant/ until .and. including Saturday, the 9th..: All.persons who fail; to .pay the annual taxes'on gold and silver plate, earriages/buliard tables, and pleasure g.chts, on or before the'aforesaid SHhof May. 1863, will, cur a penalty of ten/ Per centum additional uponthe' amount thereof, ais'provided, for-iu,the 19th section of the -excise law of'Jnly 1,1862. '' ' v * v - ! All persona -who in. like.manner shall fail to take out' *their.licenflesrasrequired'by lawvon’or.beforethe9th day Of May; 1863,wi1T incur, a' penalty, qfmree times thV amount of said accordance ’ with the provi , lions of the ®th section of the excise law. aforesaid.- _ Money.ol.the United Statea onlyreceived: ’ a JOHN, H. DlEHL,>Collector,“' ‘ ,pB?atmy9 -B.W. cor- of THIRP aad WALBPTBt*. - < fU / TN'*THE ORPHANS’ -COURT ’ 'FOR ATHEiOmr PHILADELPHIA.. - ... .Ertate of PATRICK PAY, dncea*ed ... Notice iaiharebyjglTanjttabiMAEaabet fat, the wtdqw ofeaLd aeceaent,vhas'flled .in. said Coart: her per> tne.personal property, t,o the ? value, of SSOO,-.whlch]Bhe-;ClaimB?itojretain.under. the Act of same wifl iM; approv«.d;;by;tn# Court on PRt»ar,4hei 15th day .of May.:P unless exceptions arc filed, , - myd-mw4c.* JQHN; B.'COLAHAIir, Att y for Pet*r. pHOTOuRAE^S:FOBSIiTHATGAN. A*-! hot bo excelled inequality,'Colorings or style, atthesi tprlco. •Gd to RElMEH’Sextensive and popular gallery/ SECOND'street; above Green.; * £'/ '• It ?--V jt.rfj;-' - •.;* \i’,f ' ■> l ' i v f • t. : "i: .-fl. . -i* 't* y- 1 * ' THE rKKSS.-PHILAPEI.PHIA. MONDAY. MAT \&fy. .• -fijfl AT O D D..S, i. r , ’ ? i T! * «r*. * , - 5 v# , VH*‘ ..'i-T.i ;.** l V * i •*. * O <■ i J »\ I “ <f 3 i. ( BytheiAuthoress of'“QulsB;*’'“Tlie Initials,'A &c..Jfc^ ‘■'Meßsra.: J." LirPINOOTT & 007‘-l»6g to-announca' that they. • '■■■!--■ ..... /.***' ■ On.TUKEDA.Y-, May 12th,, By Special -'Arraugement . * ■*; thoresa; a ; new : <•’ > * 1 ‘ i .Ei' ‘ ..AT ODDS'. K } •> 1 _ . [UNEINBODERi'KREIG IM KRIEGJ. a; , r i » t ■“! .* **>»•< r/• . .; : .By the Baroness TAuTPHOHT3r- ;... r ' .-fw ’ . ... Authqresß;'of .“doits,Vi‘/The lhitialB;. n &c.,'&c; j 1 ‘ f ' v '* •In onecvolume,'l2mo;'- -- - ■. - t The wbrk will.be. published in both the English, and 'GermanLangnugea.i.i ,jr,, . . , .Ordersfromthe trade'are respoctfully eolicited. •• r J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., ( . it . '■ PUBLISHERS, > ■ft..pty2.7t, yiHand TL 1 , 'MARKET Street, ' PHALLEN, - * ~ FASHIONABLE STATIONER, 1 „ L .* V . .130* CHESTNUT. STREET,. . r' : ’ - (FIVK Dooas ABOVE THIRTBBK-TH..)-' ...... 1 . ENGLISH DAMASK-fAND ALHAMBRA PAPER. FKENCfICROSSBftKQUADKILLS. : TRIPLE THICK AMERICAN J’APER. All signs, with envelopes.to rndtoH perfec t ly.aniluii tialsplain, or v in Mauve,- Azure, Crimaun;pr Black, are the mos-t fa°hionableJ'or In vitations,-or. .Correspondence'. ...Crests and Monograms eberaved'arid pointed in colors If you want any NEW BOOKS hr or any FASHIONABLE STATIONERY,or Superb rarPE-. ; RIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, go to . CH ALLEN, • - ■ • Publisher, Bookseller,'and'Stationer, mi4-3t *• " . J. 308 CHESTNU r Street. XT EW. BOOKS. ’. ■ Just-received by •J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., ■' 1 ‘ 7*5 and 7,7 MARKET Street.- . . SOOTHERS HISTORY OF Tlla< WAR. By 1 Edward .A. Gallard ■ - 'THE DESERT PATHWAY; By ! Rev. Wm,-Robert- son. ■ • r ■ ‘. ■ ■ • iwT SOUTHERN FRIENDS;-By Bdmund Kirke, BONaR’SFAMILY St,RMONS.- ' ■■■"&■'. • THE “I WILLS” OF TB B PSALMS "‘ By-Power. , THE ANNUAL OF v SCIENTIFIC ''DISCOVERY; for 1663 v ' J ’ .‘KINGIiAEE’S'INVASION OF ; THE ORI ME A. A FIRST FRIENDSHIP— ; A TALE/:/' # * - , MYSTERIES OF '’LIFE; 'DEATH/'AND FUTBEITY; By Horace Welby.' 1 , OF MtNOR BTTBGRRT/SB*Dr. v Paokard. ROEMEB’S' HISTORY* .OF ‘ CAVALRY: Its Manage-: ment,<&c. - 1 THE FIELD AND GARDEN VEGETABLESOF AME-' RICA. By Fearing hurt, Jr > ~ . m,y4 m >T, PUBLISHED— , THE PHJLADELPH*A:\CITY BUSINESS DI- i L < RECTORY,” for 1863-4 PRICE' ONE.’dollar: :* ;. ■" • •• It contains the: REVENUE-STAMP LAW, arranged as im let dments of .the .act of March 3d/1863: expressly 6Directory.. E. M. CROSS & CO;-, • -33 Y CHESTNUT Streets es* O —G —B —e:‘ "®* * 7 ' ‘.1,? ‘ 1 ■ • ? “'4-39” 1 115 t MAKE’, TOUR PURCHASES' OF f BOOKS, , ’ STA TIONER Y, PHOTOGRAPH At- K VMS, CARD PICTURES, $•«., H ( »■> 3 . At the . ORIGINAL GIFT--BOOK) EMPORIUM, * - 430 CHESTNUT STREET, ' ; NEARLY OPPOSITE THE ‘OFFICE,’ 9Fy CENTS TO S4S!—.GET THE BEST **** AT THE LOWEST PRICES! - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS -** CARD'PHOTOGRAPHS, and -i . « 41 CARO FRAMES. Tbe LARGEST »BEST 1 ASSORTMENT,' and LOWEST PRICES TO BB POUND ; IN THE CITY.- > Onr Albums are selected as to STYLE, FINISH, CO LOR, and* DURABILITY. Out prices are for ■. ■.•:■■■> i • » Albums holding 100 pictures, from $4 00 to $15.00 . , 44 ■ so, “ •• sso to 12*00 ' 44 41 ;' 60.;.- 44 : v- 14 3;ooto' io-oq^..:■* ' : 60 * “ 44 2 00to 10.00 1 41 V. 40, 4 \ 44 L7sto< 8 00 # 44 ' ',SD 44 44 Lsoto 600 ' -•94 :v/‘V'. 44 80 to 300 44 , “ 1.25 to 500 44 25 to 1.00-'• - :. “ .** ■ *2O ' V , , -CAKD PHOTOGRAPHS ot tha best artiste in, the country, full assort ment-under the-following, head* r Army,' Music, Di vines-Statesmen, Foreign Celebrities, Navy.'Drama, Ar- ’ tmta, Literature. Works of Art. - ■ • 1 ; 4®? Call and ketone of our List of Pictures. - • Any Card Photograph published :in the United States sent by, of 15 cents. ' ..... ...Frames for CardUPictures, a beautiful assortment,'at ’ prices fromS cents tossr.' : ; * , a. W- PITOHER’S ; rNew BookiSiore, J50,..808 CHESTNUT. Street, atfewi. kaoors below tbe Continental: Hotel, just above EIGHTH > .Street. • at>2s tf . ... 808! . REMEMBER THE-NUMBER. 8081 ■■ v A'STROKcmy of the bible, by ~-V Gen. 0.. M. Mitchell. $1.25. ' * :"RBSULTS.OF SLAVERY: - By A. Cochin:- 'si:so. - Night and Morning. $1:25.- "• . -V-- 'ilPiv TO :^®®r^'i ' or ’ ®a^e r r and Secession . Work-. -- r -• . - EVERYDAY PHILOSOPHY, in Town and Country. $1.50. . • . - GOLD MONEY AND PAPER MONEY. % cents. 1 ‘ Forsal© by./ • r. . • < ;?•/.. - ■: :v . ■ WILLIAM S. & ALFRED.htAKTIBN, . GOG CHESTNUT Street. ‘ ff XZARD-S BOOKSTORE. Between Seventh and Eighth. Street*. ' . All Books nsnally to be had in * FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, v -r . Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. t . feS-tf, ‘ , ’ - * " A RICH N'UMBERI-THB MAB ■ RIAGEOP THE PRINCE OP WALES'AND TUB : PRINCESS ALEX ANDER A, wUh'Portraitß T includingth.e ■ Parents of. the Bjiaej' Physiology and tbe Pulpit; Eth nology; of.th©,.Mexicans; Antkropology.m -London; The m. Unity, of Wan; Men Monkeys of Malacca—mode ,of-life, j marriage, customs, etc.; Psychology fDreamland; Sig 'flcance of Dreams; What is Phrenology? Signs of Cha racter : Physiognomy; /CheMouTH,-rWhatit'SaySjWith', ;33 Illustrations rfßooks an<L-Words .^Correspond; .Form.; • and: Character; Brain Work after Dinner;.The Stomach -'and the,sMind; Health of Soldiers ; Crmoline and Loco- Cat and Poppies:-Your LikeneVs • t Pretty Pictures ; A .Pug Nose; The ?NativeAmerican In , dians in New York; .with Portraits ;-New-ißooks rCity Items; To Correspondents, : CAL JOURNAL for MAY. On'.y-lO sl a year. ’ , ' - -FOWLER & WELLS, No.'‘3oB/EROADWAY*, NOw.York;-or, X P L.” CAPEN, 923 -.CHESTNPT' Street, Philaffa. : , ‘ my2-2t RATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY, 4*57. containing Portraits of Thiirty of the’m<Wttfomirient‘ .AMBRICAm GBNERAJuS;ANI>/NAVaL. OFFICERS, sprinted ,oh-Fine Cards of the'reghlar Photograph Bize. ? ; Price, ,for package of thirty -Portraits, postpaid; $l.;/; ■■■; >B®“- Aliberal dlssount io.AgentB.-: -.,-t U V . - : . . iny2-6t v A.’ W1NCH,.505 CHESTNUT. Street. ; PH.YSIOGNOM y.—TELE MOUTII, and-'what it says;” with 33 engraved illustrations, are Jefferson;.Jackson, Voltaire, Blumen -bach' Joseph C-‘Neal;; Ac.; representing Gravity;. Uom prebensionirConcentration, Application, Love of- Home,: of-Travelling, Patriotism, Complacency; •*Bitterness, Hate, -Scorn and Contempt,-Love of Praise, of: Distinc tion, Frmness, feelf-eßteem, Simplicity;- Friendship; Hospitality, Gloominess;.Cheerfulness, all the MOUTH;’Thick lipswthiu; lips, .and loving lips; in'the May Wo' PHREWOL 0 Gi CAL JOUR NAL,IO cents; have it; ■ . r:. - . « ; FOWLBR&.WELLS;;NewTork, • . • J L CAPSW, ti -■ • daa -CHKSTjNUT StreeUPhila. J: SMTAhH’S DOMESTIC MEDICINE, \vithi dirVctions .for l)iet, rMaiiagement‘"6f ! tiiesSiclc Rules for theXdminiatratiohbfMedicine.'&clV&c;.' '•1-volume. • • * •■■■■■' .• /• TILT/S ELEMENTS OP HEALTH* and Principles of . Female Hygiene. - &c; 12tb0.; clothi -v *■-• bTJLL ON THK .MATERNAL’ MANAGEMENT OP ' ‘CHILDREN,’ in Health, and. .Disease. Second eoicion. : : enlarged. . "''.’.y ~ . \ :* * .-' - Bull’s Hints to Mothers.-•* -•- . Forsale-byw -> * LINDSAY-& BLAKISTON,' • j s Publishers and Booksellers, •<« ■. my2tf*?:: 35 South SlXTH.Street, above Chestnut.. .» TUST ISSUED BY. CHALLEN/ 1308 r Y CHESTNUT • * 4 • A BOOK POK THE SEASONr and-Flower Garden containing requi-v-; site detail : for- cultivation -of the-Flower .Garden.7s cents." ■•'. - • 1 .* ; *■-**’* t.-»- v , EaSTEKN TALES';? full'of -the marvellous, y “ahook ’-that will delight old and young.” Cloth 88;-Red-Edges.--- Nevr styles’of rPrench Crossbar Paper with-. Envelopes to match . *• - . Also, superb: Triple-Thick Envelopes, with paper to" match, (initials gratis.). 1 *• 1 ?■ • ' k/v , . ... . . GHALLENi Bookeeller and Stationer,’ v ,®y2-3t , „ t a> IaOBjiHESTNUTr ' I»KY-GOOI)Sf jobbers;.’ JUFTY BALES 1 , ,<£ * » • ” ' • *•''< •«!•; , to ' ‘ OF' ' , ' i V, _ French Jaconets ... ' • , ,1' • * s’ , AND ORGANDIES, .! ';> i < .1 . ' i 1 :f of the of ’ • r-r,, f A *1 "f- » ,■ ’ .. ,DOLLEUS MIEG '& CO., , jJ . 'H •>; .. r.. > r *.* *■ * AND FREKES KOECHLIN. •cr-j . Just received and for sale ; at very low prices by '** ■ < • ■X * * -ivvt / % t M. L. HALLOWELL *lfi 00., "Nos. 61&'CHESTNUT,and61/3.JATNEStreots, my2-12tif BLINDS AND" SHADES. , JJLIN’D S*'A ND SH AD ES;: ‘ l f * ty- * B . 7 J .'W I LX lAI4B tf J *}jji { ft. T f r 'vf v NOf 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, 1 ; Jf t* »> * » MANUFACTURER OP > 1 f , i VENETIAN BLINDS ' * r lHi % } i j. K 1 1 i $ vJ AND/ i ,{«- ' '■ ’ , WINDOW shades! ** 6®*“The Largest and Finest Assortment in the city, at the Lowest Prices. Blinds Pointed aad Trimmed eaual i. to new. : Store Shades Made and Lettored. . . apfi-toi - rpu B’iN E.B’S;j * i ,+, / 'PHOTOGRAPHGALLERY, ■■■> I y SOS' ' CHESTNUT: STREET. 80S , , ■ i CARTES DE VISITS ! . PHOTOGRAPHS;-,ABD AMBROTYPES.. 1 Taken Imhe higheat styleo! tne art, atvery Lew Prices. ' Especial .attentloniiPaid to, copying Daguerreotypes Into Photographs,,from the smallest to the large impe - 2$ ahp iPHOTOGsIpH's .' >Coloredby theb«t arfcistip the ... . .1 Skylight on Ike firekiioor.f, ■•u;,a-.*, t•, Dontt forget the name and number* t|.t-. ■ }• . : t ,'fs ■ !■. it■■ rTOBNER, 1 •»>.■ v 1 \ ' 80S--CBBBTBPT STREET—BOB. m .oi ,;doz. cans fresh peaches,, Vf - -SCO. doz, cans Cranberry Sauce, Oysters, Pears/-: Apple Sauce/ 'Adams county' reaches, Cherries, and l 'Bmckhon-iej. -For saleibr 1 : 'U-* • t ' * *- 1 .' JAB.‘ W.:CAMPBBLL, - , ap3o : 6« • >No;115 Sontli>WATßttgtreet,U TRUTHFULNESS, BEAUTY 'AND (' -■-* Taste char&eterlze’RElMEß’SlvorytJJpks; ‘flesh? tints ■ life like;'drapery 4 richly colored; light shade natu 'rally arranged. See various stales at SECOIfD street, above Green* r" •*.[- 1 ’v ■ , ■Vlt' , -v* ■{». SK»Ei ;l2kww* 439 PHILADELPHIA. lUc B with all the *■ 8f nmbd Ott-; PORTIE PH' Street, :, *belo’w?6FEUCß, : '- 7 West - a EhiliUelpfiW. ;Tb e are/MiUrtf dri cofitjfiii anj abundance.of tHifiAWyv imiPir»Bt-&cV : Apply tc&rfoBERT,MACGREGOR, y n6rthweB?T»rner * THIK’YvBRVEISTH tand:. LOCUST/or at 33 = 66uth: ' **- ,-> » > n a" i FOB SALE—^N 1 -' ELKUANVIL' BiDWIi STONE with*Ruporlor stable, shrubbery. Ultuafrl a'.tbeuoithweKt corner of FORTIETH-and PINE > Streer Wen PbiladPlpbla. -Ajply to /ROBERT-MAC-~ :fGRES»R..THIRTy;SEVfiNTH aad.LOCUiTStrepta. or ■ ’afrNa-d33 Sontli TH IRQ Slreet. , it m ' " FOB SALE—A COUNT! BY SEAT, ,l'it- a* valuable. BUSINESS 1 STAND' 1 attacked, *t' rA.;, on the Pennsylvania RailroajLtwo lionrlride from -For farfher particulars JOHN H--RANKIN, 540 WALNUT 'St.; Room B,ivhere the plans., etc.’, can be seea,' ap27-mwAif st* . SUMMER RE SI DOE N>Q'EFOR' I'tt, the desirabTe ;i re9tdence of the late Dr. DAR * LIJSG'ON, in' West Chester; a two :Story. brick. Cottage, Jack 'bnild»nffs, librarjvorpater, -gas. See. ■ The ‘■croun* planted with shade trees, shrubbery, fruits, &c, . Rent |OO.. Apply to ,>. . ,H C. THOMPSON, myfrt. , ',,Vn b 0.130 South Sixth street. . «( IFOR SAILOR WOULD BE EX tOJANGED FOR‘CITY PROPERTY, A DESIRA BLE S4ALE FARM,‘situate in New Britain T ownehip," i Bncksfounty, Pav,: three .miles. from Doylestown/and! ' one: an a : naif- from New, 'Britain Station, 5 onthe vDoyleslwn Railroad, containing 65 acres, ftixofwhich^ 1 n is woodmd, and five meadow/dlvided into convenient 1 .fields, Sell wateredjjropa building,.fruit, &c. Inquire . at 'JOfiNorth SIXTH ;Street; Philadelphia. 'mh7-2m* 'OB SALK—A PATENT RIGHT FOR ~a iluahle iDXQhtioii.- applicable trf Oity Pasaen •ger Kafe’hys. • Address.‘.with real Dame, 1 ‘ * Inventor, ” at thisSfice.y ; v ,-. y* ntyl-6t IABMv OF ABOUT 130 ACRES, ■3— bpinßinp to the estate of ;tbe Hte.Div V-ARDLEY, ettuateju Henry county ..Illinois, wubma'few miles of. ; Geneese. oru-the Chicago and Rock is v offer*d; ) close the estate, at a very-low,price, and ac ' eol ? nu, f'-^ K ‘“"f’AjTTHOXY K & J. 11. MOKRIS,. - : nmyl*Si No. 916 ARCHStieefc.i : fjj PEREMPTORY SABE OF A VERY !tDE£RABLE COUNTRY 'RESIDENCE.-rjhe sub scriber toll--positively sell,, at pre :*miseS,' 0 -Tilth DAy (THDRsDAY),'- tke'Mchiof.May,- IS6S, atjo’clocki his containing 6 Acres; • and. 145rerches» 1 si uafeun- BENSALEM TO w-NSSIP, ; Bucks dinty, Penna.,-within - five minutes*/walk-: of ; Schenckf statloivon the PhitadelphLiandTrenton'RaU-; . road. *ffle Dwelling is substantially built, with: alb. the - .necessafiout-bniJftinss. An abundance r of Shade and : /Fruit Tns. , -For particulars, apply to or address' 1 . ' J • W H PaXON, I Office,/ -- '/ ■ap3o»ls 'v.•'s- • Barks county. Pa. < -• M f b LET—LARGE STORE, WAL NUfiabove Fifth! f ' ' * /Large iour-story Building on Adelphi street, above ;lifih,-Te| of 624 walnut stieet. 'Stoie wt sideofßroad street, below,Walnut, formerly aprovifiihetore. Applyto J. H. EDWARDS,. *<ap3o-6Lg. , 230 South FOURTH; Street. / m 'valuable iron: property. *fi.TORISALE-MATILDA ‘FURNACES:.AN D / ORE : /BANKS. (This/property is ■ situatedou the/ Jurnata and'Huntingdon counties,.Pa:,-,withm *;on,e mile fcMount Union Station; ontPennsylvania Rad road.Th Juniata- Canalmnd Pennsylvania?; Railroad, pass tbrorh the’property.i it embraces about-twent>-/ r seven busted acres of land, about fcarea hundred acres of which ft good; farm.land, iu a- higVet&te oftfcultiva tion; tberalance is good^timber -land,'would.BuppLy' sufficient^arcoal for the furnaces: . The itnprovements • ..are a goC substantial furnace,-, stack, steam; en«ine,£ .iron blowas*cylinders; *«c., .with all; the necessary... buildings There is on/tliispropertyan/ex tensive bed-r of-Iron:• Qvbeingidenti/al,- m- the geological;senei,- with that* Danville and-Bloomsburg. /;Thi6iQre can be mined andleliveredat the furnacet-for about'oneidollar ■;per-ton. BmeBtoneun"abundance,\of good oualify, on • ~ this, propiiy- The extensive coal fields-of'the.'Broad- Top and ASe» hemes-are from forty to fifty miles: distant, ?by PemHjvania Railroad or canal,:and:thecanabrun.-. filing throßh tbe-propeityinakesJitone of tbebebtloca-* -r.tions for. tb manufacture ofi either -witto coke or 5 anthracite Inadditionto thebnarcbarTthe/buildiues / - for th e fnrb ce; and farm are ample, substantial,rand/iu; r good repaji will be sold a bargain,' and 5 ton easy tens. “For further Particular i 4< * > , | , WASHINGTON BRIGHTER, .u. r j COLUMBIA;-Lancaster County,' Pa. is-P. S. —TQ:quantity and quality of the ore,^see..Prof. . hLesßlie’s-Eporton same. •-. . MCdTUTRY PLAGE;TO RENT- A- Ston< House, - Stable, and Plot of Ground, orfi-ancaster avenue. about five miles fromtlie Mirket-stref Bridge; within “five minutes* walk of the City AvenuteStation, on the Pennsylvania'Raiload-. * 1 ±ii A good Isaortment ■of * Fruit' ' Tree?? Garden, 1 Ice llouxi. &c.fipplyito'. '. - a • WISTAR MORRIS. - my2-Bt* ;-V --vo*-.209 South-THIRO Street. 5 ' * m GJ R.IANTOWN PROPERTY FOR ■*?BALE-V- .'Pointed STONE COTf-. TAGE, .eituae on the old Clapier ground; plentvof Shade, good Garden, and Ttry..convenient to “Wayne •Station,' the lurth stopping place on .the. Germantown Steam Road.!, For particulars, inquire of . { , W W. ENIGHT, ■ . - my2-3t* .\ -- ... ♦No. 509 COMMERCE street. M A IIA'GNIFICENT 7 HOTEL TO RENT, ! tosfessing everycouvemence. adapted* for •a first-class lonse,*and wihUbe ready for'occupation .within afew tays. vltwill be known INTERNA TIONAL. Aply to OHARLESX.. BENNETT, on-' the premises; SEC)ND Street;;below Sprucel y - ap2S-tf j » ; FOB SALE—A FOUR-STORY HOUSE, ho. 2015 ARCH Street, with Double Three ecory Back: Bcildingsivfiniahed . m. manner; twenty feet front aad one' hundred and forty feet deep to a thirty street ’ -rylnqnire.op.the premises. * ~ . ,v-- : ap2s-T2t* : 1250/ ACEES TIMBER I,ANT) ‘ FOR-SALE! . For Sale, a Tract of-first-rate . ; , v WHITE PINE TIMBER LAND, - Containtng One Thousand Acres; situated iu CAMBRIA- Cotiuty,* Pennsylvania, within a- -few. miles of the Penn* ; sy!vani£tßailfoad, connected bya Plank road at Tipton. •/.The lands are heavily set wi th White'Pine, - Oak; and : - HemlockTimher, (principally White-Pine). . f -. < f /■ . - The improvements consist- ofia-'First Class Steam Saw XdiU.mlgomplete running order fa good Grist-Mill, with * mu- pi stoneej driveu' by water power, and a good . Water .Saw Mill; also a good Store House; Blacksmith Shop, Stables, twelve good Housea for«Workmen’, and • everything in complete order for to good advantage.-’ and •’umriittmjijtp goocfiermffus canoe cione ! af w3mamspori ' or Lock ! Haven. There are Schools near, and a Church. on the - Tipton ;is • a first-rate point on;, the Pennsylvania Railroad as a Lumber. Market; andras a place of residence is ba-a Chuxclias,- "Scho« 1 -- j and of a ; thriving Country village* 1 . This is a very, desirable property, and the Timber and Mills are equal to any. ~ l * WHITE PINE TIMBER LAND FOR SALE IN CLEARS « FIELD COUNTY, PENNA. .For sale, a tract- of 250 Acres of first-rate .'White Pine Timber Land in Clearfleldcounfcy, Pennsylvania', with-: in-two miles of Clearfield Creek (which-ie agoodrafting stream), and within hauling distance; good road.to Pennsylvania Railipad.v -j.. j There is anew andfirst-class Steam Saw-Mill, ingood - ‘ ruuniug order,;on this ‘property, with dwelling houses . : for workmen, ■ and other neceisaryimprovements needed'* :around aLumbermanufactoiy. ; -iv:*a <■ ?'■ -The White Pme Timber is- heavily setfandofthe best quality; There,is also;;flrat-rate Oak onthe tract,-and' the soil i s rich'and rolling,' abd can'be readilvsold for; farming-purposes after the tanbeT is off. There are" • Several Hundred Acres of ■ first-rate White - Pine timber • -.lands adjoining this ’-property rrhich can be bought at a ? reasonable; price, which : wouUvsupply. timb'er enough ' ufor several years’ operatidns... i ; , , Lumber’can be. readily rafted or.;aeht - tojnarket>Dy profit:, v, \ . :j i . v: There are Churches,;Schools, snd, Post Officenear' the v property,, and ■ the' neighborhcod is and - ’.prosperous. is a most destrible * worth the attention of.capitalists who wish to ’invest in ...active business,For fdrther parficulars,laddress • . SUGH-W..TENER, HIRD .Street, Phila. v ':' T'O LUMBER'DEALERS, To parties wlsbibg ,to . purchase-the 1 ' . STOCK AND TRADE • ’ .of-one of the, largest and-bsst established, .r • , LUMBERYARDS. V * . v k Iv? in the City,;ofsWashinglpn, D; C.jiv!,^. ■ , an,opportunity Js nowjofferedosucisas seldom occurs. *‘ r f For many years this jy&rd-ihas commanded a large and. lucrative trade, which,.with properly directed energies, inay.be greatly } . > , In connection,wit a this yard is ar — : ' : ' : IBEARDSLEE PATENT-PL ANIN€I'MACHINE'AND -f.i. * ••• MATCHER,. | ' which turns out work superior to any other in the city.' The business; at present,, is upon'a -.cash basis;,and the. present season owns with, a fair.pro- • spectof.aheavy.trade. . '.■■A:-- "• i •• . t .. . For further information, apply upon the .prem’ses, to . LEONIDAS COYLE, .• - j.- - 1 •- Surviving. Partner ofi ' . , • COYLB BROTHERS, - - Comer of CANAL-ahd‘.FOtmTEENTH:Streets, ? ; 1 Washington Cityt’D.C. TO LET—AN OFFICE IN SECOND' •.A ; story, suitable for agency,.with'use of; caipet and glass cases. Apply-at the S. W. coruer FIFTH and .COMMERCE Streets.;; "I'iiif. j,. ; , - ? mylrfrawgt* ... TO LIT, ON GROUNDrRENT—TWO . A very desirable'LOTSl- on‘‘COATEB Street, between Nineteenth andT'Wentieth‘Truiiiitn'g ; :throuKh. to ; North street.) “ ONE THOUSANDSj>OLLARS be ad vanced on each lot. 1 Apply to ? : f > TCTA-p-VT j?v -Jr rinrcxr my2*3t*Cor. ofEIGHTH andHFRING GARDgWts. TpOR SALE—A NOME HR OFIRRE- A deemable" GROUND RENTS, per 'Jinhum and less, amply secured Apply to ALFRED FITLEK, Con veyancer; No. SlNorth Sixth'street. my?-6t* ' ICE. 1 JCE! ICE!! rCE!I!“' We are prepared to furnish a good article of - *v, v ‘ EASTERN ICE, 4 ’ i f ri ‘ . : TO DEALERS’AKD/OTHBRS, dSTTAIR I .,TERMS, - -V '4: « ~ i*v av: Seryißg-ratesfoillB63:** 4 « ; ? Ji l r *. rM' io • » f'j, 1 •Blbs. daily.ii....>7s!Contsper:week; 12 ,* 4 ‘ '* V - 90 r *** *' 14 16 . 106 » 4 1 20 “ .iao> ~ ’From 40 to 100 lbs.' at 75 cents per'hundred; 100 .lbs. and over, 70 .cenljs per hundred, H \ ; _*• Oil AS. S.> CARPENTER & GO., ■ ' t - ''C ■>! "li. ’ IerPRAKKLIN and.WILLOW STREETS; N. E.corn * t INTER./’ TRUMAN, JR.< /Q. S, ■’Carpe l ap22wfm-6 COHEDpLB OF, PRICES AGREED UPON BY,'THE .ICE DEALERS' of Philadelphia, .totake.effectjon.MONDAY;'April 27; 1863: ” ,f . •: B.lbs. per day...., -,7scta. per week. :. - « 12 M j 44 90 ,fc f 44 16 44 .'.....'.’....105 14 ‘ n * ' 1 . a). .120 4 * f '; 4 . Cnstoraers[takiig from 40 to 100 lbs., at therateof 75 cts. perlOOlftß. * ' :-;-100 lbe. an^.'gpwardB t . 70 ctsj per handled! ap2l-lm*if JOE t IvICE t tcEI ICE 1 ICE ! ; - COLD SPRING ICfe COMPANFV- 1 * * ' ■ Families, DJ&ces»Hotels,~Shiipln£, Ice-Cream'Saloons. •Ac., Ac., supplied daily withi pare article of -BOaTOn ICR,. at..the|; very "lowest, maicet rates. ; v Dealers ana large , corMumers ; euvv lied\ at ', who lesale i prices. . ■WagonsrunJinaU payed limitiof the Consolidated city. ; andla the Twenty-fourtlt Warb..: ■.’ k. *;\ : ' ' * S. SvCAHILL, . , | 325 WAIA’UT Street. '. ‘ ■ AMpL. North A Mafeter 1 street . Lombard aid Twenty-fifth streets, :‘‘apB?Smif* - A -IFlne-streefwharf,' Bohnylkili. > - j \ CdA^‘ u * TMPORTANT TO iEVEBYBODY.— •r*-,To.be sold tohlosenp abußimssH ■* ■ ; COO tonsEfiftCoal, at 4i5.250er ton. - 1,000“• •Sttve-** '.at f 5 25, 44; \ ■ 1 1 ■■ ■' '■ ft 1.000, 44 Nit “ at §4.®!/ 44 » ’ NINTH Stree, :(WeBtside,h;hirdCoal Yardabove Poplar* /•*' j > 1 ’ ’ ap!3-‘lm p O A L.- :ai beat Locnst:<lfQ presslyforfami and WILLOW ■ *. < ...» SUGAR IO AF, BEATER X Spring ) Motmata fLehigh Coal,' and' > mtain from Sfliuylkill; prepared J ex- - r use.- i Depot, &. w. corner of EIGHTH fttreets. Office,;lo.vll»rSouth SECOND ;[ap2-ly] -t., j J.?WALTON & GO.r I CAL i'TN SHEIitl AND ROSIWOOD QA'SES;"- A* playing from 1 tol2 tones,’ fctUoe Opera - and AmerU can. Melodies. . PARK A BROTHBE.' Importers?- '**, ■j ap4 \\ •“ ' 324; : CHRtfrgPT Street, beiowFQnrth T :J ?. X^UIiCANITEJEWEIiaY.—JUSTRE-’ •*. -i cehred, a (handsome-assonant of Ghatelain- and Vest-Chains,‘Pins, Pencils.iAc., aldfor sale.&t very loir '■ "prices.-i *.’l r , r :t iiG RURSBLL, /n ? ap25.-tf . .< . 22N>rth SIXTH Street.: il TPVERyBODT LIKES to. “,/ALDENS CONCENTRATED COFFER;!” , / ' id A perfectly puraandhealthy beyjrage, gu'arantleifree :from Dandelion,: Chickory, or anyileleterious substance, Price-A,.2o‘.cents.pel pound i 8,-. 10 cents. f»er pound.. .Sold by! . .... a SbyiN A. THOMAS, v ' - :r my2rlm* , 48 North FRONT Bt.; Philadelp£ia. 4 j A QLANOEAT BEIMER’S LIFE^IZE .Photograpbs in oil colors,-timpresses you withtifeif,. .wondrous fidelity'of coloring and expression,,' at.wer. ptidesiA SECOND street,.ahdye Green.'-t' ■'». 1 ,! * "/' i/ ,3, 1 ,* . v ' *, ->* ! «• ‘ r *> -' • 4. 1863. Q£*'a; < '-/ IiKGMiKBJJTAI; SnWEUCIEtB^WfSTOiSN^ ■' 4 ■ Wifi BIX tUaiITS UNLY„ *- *>»; ■ WM EASTefKKE ; tIia ??*? Br ® aof • ‘OK, 1 THE ELOPEMENT.' ‘ -JC :MONB’AY,EVElflNQ. !, 'Ifar , 4th; 1563. Mrtamotlm'? h,-/ 1 '\ ; " L ™ILLE WESTERN. 'Earl'AlouiLtHl Leak Sir Branolß-.Leyifion-.Vj.*;? ?>'• ? • •••••?"...... ’ ■:Justlee Hardi 1, .. ; 7,v1... . C.*KinirBiaud. ’ ArchibaldsCk.rli^e.w.v*‘y.**• *;••.*»?J-W. Collier. ; Richard Ha^O-...• • • ».*./•£, •'Js W. BLnsdelL .. WilLifiro•' .V.. • v ••• ■ - vv. ,-r: ..The LLttle Lo 11 run ’ Miss Coi'uey,’.......y •• • • ••; -Miss Mary Wells. Wre,Hare '..£*«* .Mrs Scott Barhaiy 8ar0v.... it. .% V.... .Mrh Geocge* Jordon. t Jbyce hdllijobn.,v m/ v • .V,.*>• >••• *••• -Mts- JAH&nry. • The orchestra, under the JJlrectiou of Mr.-MarkHass t ler,. will perform,-during the, evening»\various gems of, .operaticapdpopularmu^ic.... L, ■ , - ,/_• ’ Mr. Wheatley-haa grtat pleasure,m announcing ah'en .gaggmentWith theemineet.Comedienne, : lira JpßN f WOOD, •' . the Queen of,Comedy; and; Song, commencing Monday, JMay 11, in the Fairy Extravaganzi,, . ' LOCKS,- . produced, at greatocxpensff, /with. entirely" hew>scenery and .Effects byi Bay ?b and J. H. Sel wyn. • Pnues—-75, 60,-and2Scento. ..r..,,,; . Box Oflce openfrom9 A M £tosrP.»M, , ,T:he carraimwill riBO at.B o’clock, and the performance cpnciude.by a.quarter to lievery t night.. . - , It MR®: JOHN DREW’S ABCH-STKfeET AfX THEATRE. ’ . i »•< v . N Business Agent and Treasurer. ....... JO9. D. MDRPHT ' -LAST .WEEK'OF>»TFIEcSEASON •- • • : ; MOfiDAY, Mav 4, 1863, Hv. - t . I‘HiS ‘HOABYAfOOff Juliana,-*Ui’i.....Mrs: John Drew. ’Voiante....ivv..i't.i.-..., t .i....i.'.V.......;Mr8. C. Henrie.' ]>nke Aranza..-.;.i'iv.....’..1....;.; ......Barton Hill. Jsouf.-..'.Frank Drew. l To conclude ftne'Drama'cr • •- • - v;-n i - BopeFjelding.'.-.vi.v;;v..wvV>v.v.-.v.kMrs. John Drew. Luke Fielding ...h. v. .v..-.-..v.'...v....8art0n llDl. Augustus.'. ~.. ;.. .Frank Drew. as usualy Curtain rises at 8 o'clOcs/- •: • WALNUI'-STREBT THEATRE., i; Sole Lessee.-Vi...A. GAKEETTSON.. Business Agent............ Mr. JOHN T- DONNELLY. , ’ THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, May.4,l. -t: . A LIFE'S REVENGE , Fffurnichet. : Mr.,K. L. TUton. Elot>.e.De Montfort .Mrs, Anna Cowell . -To conclude wjth'the farce of ■ - w Vl' THE TWO DONHYCASTLES. . Mr.rßonnycastle. l .. ....,...Mr.-S. H«mple, Mrs. v BoUnycastle^.. .1 .Mibs Wood.- - Doors open, at 736: Curtain will rise at.B.: GUADRU- M PLECOMBINATIOH'! FOUR COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS ' ’ V ' ;,-r - .... - r’C-yj. ,-v. ! ■•spOß’ - 1 'JI ONE PRICE OF ADMTRBTON' The, proprietors s of:'.*this : - remarkable Combination reepectrullygive notice that they arranged ; to'in* A , lEßils t OF. PEftFOfeMANCES AND! EXHIBITIONS * i* .IN PHILADELPHIA. , . On, MONDAY, May the 4th, • < ‘ld • the eligxblaoand con-venieutly l located’ enclosure,- ' BROAD Street,:corner-of Locust, adjoining the : < . '.n,:. ..ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 1 - I v And point with justifiable,pnde to the following.; GREATFEATORESOFTBE ESTABLISHMENT: • i /’GBORC® F ;*BAILEX;S EXTENSIVE CIRCUS, . - With Its « *■ ** a e a* < - , .. 1 ■ •• ; - PERFORMERS, • 1 Splendid stadof.tborough:bredjloraes,(.and gorgeous ■■ ,ptiaphernalia. ;-'c-- -> • 'a - HERR DBIESBACH'S LARGE AND COMPREHENSIVE^ 1 * MENAGERIE. 1 • ’> HI. ‘ ,4,1 J. COLOURALHIPPOPOTAMUS, i Dollars. :- - u > TBE FIRST, LAST, AND ONLY OPPORTUNITY -w. 1 . nn Qf*viewing thiSvgigantiC'beasL the r.,; ' • « ‘ , „ BEHEfliorH.of HOLY WRIT, * > Of'Whom Job Bays, % • , i, - r 1 *SU&o7Mhe>J2arth thereiis not his jfke." >•*. w».-: ■ The present specimen is the only-'one< ever: brought' to •tins c6nt]nent,-.and'was captured on’tho White Nile, two ■ jthousandniiles above the city of Cairo, byj 'i - •h • j “ l ‘ADI, THE EGYPTIAN, His present keeper.' .. >, . i. -£IJ .-V-n . ..: r;- ■■ <• • ' - i< , SANDS, NATHANS. &CO’S . > L * PERFORMING ELEPHANTS, * . -ANTHONY ANDCCEOPATRa., - . , .* u ii ' VICTORIA AND ALBERT, • 4 THE FEBFOKMANCBS IS THE ABESA, . vWill introduce, a large of - , 1 --i'v i .FIRbT-CLASS ARTISTS,) •AmoDg whom are-riff : ~t > . r, ; o. ■ .-Vv - SAM BURT, > the great .Hurdle Rider j- PHILO NA- . > THANS,:?invbis..ClaBsicalActB ; CHARLEB the accomplißhediiouPThorseirider. - -.» /• >•- Thewondoi;ful DONiOR BROTHERS.; ' > .>* v : J: WARD; THE.HUMOROUS CLOWN, - - and-many others, besides a : FULL OF. VAULTERS, &C.v Sio. ”4. . or THE MENAGERIE / comprises a large .collection of the most 'scarce' and Mn - specimens of the.brute cieation.vincludingithe . wondertuti:'- ) :-! - » > HIPPOPOTAMUS, . '•The great Polar Bear,...frizzly .Bears, Lions, -Tigers, ; Hjenas;Leopards,andfinany'otberkindB - DRIES SAC b*S PERFORMING ANIMALS. - .Such a rare Combination'of Novelties and Attractions 7 - has never* befote been’’offered tothe publiciandinare- Yiewotthe •:- • •;/ . MANY SOURCES OF^ENTERTAINMENT vitoffers, andtberemaTkably'i' *>. ». - , : . . - SMALL’ PRUE OF ADMISSION; 1 ■ . - •, it mustbepronounced- -r ?■•*- * -r* u , . THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ..Sbowin the World; r ,AdmissiontO’tbe-Four;GreatShows-v<2s'cents, ' ; ; -A;few-Reserved■ Seat?, 1 ' for' tne accommodation of La dies and Families,* 25 cents extra. *: j THE 'GRAND' PROCESSION ,\wi3l enter-ihe city at 10 O'clock-A.- r M. , on MONDAY; the : >,4thdnstant, and hehded hy the!immense Denofthe Hip-- popoiamus, .upon which thelarge- s ? J BERLIN DE MUSIQDE, Containing •>( - « iin * > ,jn ATWOOD’S CELEBRATED OPERA > Anddiawhby > 5 A'TEASI OF ELEPHANTS. . • And after passmg through the’pnncipal streets, -will ' <-proceededihe-place of exhibition. : • -<■••• AFTERNOON . at 3P. M.i Doors open past 2.* • * ■- •; ; EVENING PERFORMANCE ‘ atSo’clock. - DoflrAopenat7. ■ J -■■■>: •-. * :.:myl-3t A/fUSICAjL FUN D L HALL 1 "X •HARMONIAiMUSfOAL.SOCIETY,. * *" * thirdandlastcon.cert:.this*.«eason:’: - . t The Societv will«?ive their-Thlrd- aud- Last SOlßEEron ■ TUESDAY(EVENING, May.sth, above,.aud^wiUpre -seut seldctionsfrom the Oratorio, TH® GfTIES OF’THB ; FRANK'T. 'Si together- Music, - Solos, -Duets, v'Choruses;&c.;i !jhA?T,oB S wfn^gr^^P^ l i and; the-wUolfrHvill' heuiiderthedirectTohofDr.MElGNEN'i'as.COnductor,- ' assisted.by-.Prbf^M./H.ACROSS; Pianist otaheSociety;*-* TICKETS FIFTY CEN-TS>EACE-fto be had! at Gould’s’ Andre's; and.-Lee.&'Walker’s ?Music Storesi vand- at the -Hall. Subscribers’ax will- also- receive'-their tickets at'Oftuld’a on the day of the Concert; between' 1 and 6 o’clock P;M.‘ *- -■ - -j'Lf r • Cohcert"to cdmmehce'at 8 ’ r •? " >imy2-4t ' AND,'; .CONCERT, VOCAL AND. V* ISrSTEUMEHtfAL. 1 ' 1 over PIPTr. Perror’mer'a.Viii charge.of Mr. J OHN.BOWER/: Pianists—Mr; ALEX.' BA.CHMANN»:;and:-Master .‘JAMBS-:WILl2[AN,';at ;the .CHURCH of tbe-NEW .TESTAttIENT; ELEVENTH- and: .WOOD Street?, MONDAY- EVENING;" May> i th, at 8 .thedoor,;2s cents, ,>, ■■ , ' ,ap3o-4t . GERMANIA ORCHESTRA—P.UBLIO ' VJ REHEARSALS every SATURDAY. >APTERHOOH| at 3J i o’clock, 'at-the ? Mt7SIGAL'FUND HALL. -CASIt Tickets 26 iicketsiJUTo.lje had oi An dr 6 A Co., No: 110-i Obeatnni 1 street :.J. E. G,Quid,’'Seventh and Chestnnt.-’and at’thi Hail door. ■ "■ . r.. ■ . 1 . ■ ■ -.n027-tf LUvB J *S‘’O ROHESTBA -M- - - - ’ - --NEW OFFICE, -' - Ml - South Street, below Walnut. .. delo*(hi; ’pENNSYLYANIA ACADEMY OF rgL* THE' FINE’ AET§,'’ ( ’’ r J v ! cOwing,toiimprqVememsheing made in the : Academy'' ‘the openins'otthe.‘Ekhibitionis;.uiiavoidabiy; i FOR. PUBLIC * EXHIBITIOJeVwui largo::;or ;small - !hall's,-\vith viewer scenes Jahd representations of fine'Statuary, both > "of Europe andTAmerica,; incidentei i placesi-:and battlesof the present Rebellion,' a‘.*m * it-*/ 1,. iMadeaud.forsale.by: -,t .... rv, i-,-., ' \ .u- ; JAMES W: QUEEN & CO., MannfacfcuringhOpticians,; 944 r > CHESTNUT • Street, Philadelphia:!'*'Fullpriced and illustiated: Catalogues . sent by.mail/free, i Sv. -t l* -« ;ap3o-loi 'WA^.i®D' f /;CLbTH^.O.^PERSONS * . having Clothing will please call or address C, MILLER, 303 CHESTNUT 8t.mh.16 mwf3m* ' WANTEDirAi:;!: ARTN ER,; f :.WITH' A * " -cash capital'bXS2,"obO, in*the manufacturing.i of an: article’tbathas already sale; Address ‘■‘ Parinerf.’bac this office. ,;r./ 4 ‘ ,•: y : ; PARTNER^ a man of -meanß -and twenty-five i years’ would: join some'one thitha&capi- or would take -a smali'inxerest 'iu-"a house- already: f .established.^J TTndoubt&i- reference-given and reoiUrea.‘ AddreBB//’ f '*Bbx 1T33 Office; with real nanle,..stating-where And whom ani in-- .tervieWcaabe.hadJ.Lij > n *• iray2-2* :" M -WANTED—AT. V‘ MUbiIRATE rent, a.neat’ D WELLING, contaiiiing ? eight s ,or'hih« . rooms; .With v gaajand hath; iu'-‘a r Tespectable'- uelglibor-' walk of this'State House;" Ad-"'' V 4 R..F. ; ; of Th&Pxess. Capl7-tf i QUARTERMASTER ““ GENERAL’S' OPPICE —PHttinanPHli, P«b. ~ * ' VESSELS .WANTEI* r to cmtv COAL M thefollowliiEPointeirr .’v l 'f / • Tortnnu. 5 3 ■■■' Key'weat.'.'Pla.': - : rr' , -■ ~.?,ortHraroe. V*. - , . I’-. O . Alcxandns. Va.'. : ■ - - ,*• : : Newbcip, Ac. , . ... iv Rort'Royal, S. C. . A. BOYD, •/ feiO-tf „ ; {Captain, and Assist. Quartermaster, ■ ‘w-.'jv " r ’;s'9 : sm >ri!ll ! K * ", , .if 1 PLEA.SANT.ROO MS -M afci243.-S6uth.Ni NT HT Street.-"•:'y '/my2t3t* COMMUN- I-0 WALNUT Street/ . t , tap3&j»j-*if - - *?5; -\ # > j y] GEKTS* t EURIiISHING - C OOTL%j\ ’ v' •-J. ... i'f.- rJ . FINE SHJRT j AND; WRAPPER* DEPOT.- *■ : i<.-Ssi W -SLBGAKTtASSOBTItaNT’Oy 7 * .-V , r „ BENTS’ 'FURNISHING GOODS, .“J ’ ? PRICES. ■.' ' - FOUR PBEMIUMSAWARDED'FOR ' • ■ SHIRTS, 'VTRAFFERS, AND S^OOKS. , ; ; ; «Gk' i" -*• - "V• ljo KNIGHT. 1 i 1 ap6-^nys3m v j’ * 600 ARCH STREET/ 608, * t COPARTNERSHIP •7 1 heretofore Rxistinffbetween/thesubscriberß. under • the flrm of FRANKAItOCHST ADTEB, is this day dis §°.l,Ye?». by - mutnal ’consent;-’ -Thebusineeß ofHheJJrm . will . be. settled, ,byi-eitfier ,bf the partners, at No. 948 . MARKET 43toCet.?i.W ; y . A. J. ?PRANK, . li ,|V! ’ «,* .. A. F. HOCHSTADTEBv . ■ Philadelphia! Mg<y< 1,71863. v V T'HE UNhEBSIGNED HAVE THIS PAT a , Bsociated‘tbemBelTes.'nader the .name and .film 'oWTBWBUKOEE & HOGHSTAUTBR. fortl le pur- : poßeof continntaff'the Wholesale CLOTHING Easiness 1 at No. 248 MAKKET' Street. '• ” ■ ■; - MORRIS NEWBURGER. ' A: F. HOCH3TADTER. ' ■ May •■* ■ . - I '. ( my'2-‘2t» ; aTJTSSOEUTIQNpFfPARTNE RSHIP.— between. JAS. ,R. CANTWELL abd JOHN 0. KEEEBR,, nnderihMiame - and ifirm A KEFFEK, wa» dt3eolved by ■ mutual consent on the 11th day.’of April Instant. . All debts due to said firra arO Payable to John C: Keffer; -and 1 all liabilities of said flrmare tohe paid by the said John -.C.iKefl'er. 0 'JTA ' * t JaMsl R CANTWELL, , ,i •. . JOHN?C. KEFFEB. ■ s The business will be continued by'i John- C. Keffer at thestore southeast comer of GERMANTOWN'a»onue ■ ■ ■ and J MASTERTst^et. 1 ' ■ • ■ . < •- • ap2B-18t ? I'O^E,S. ..the Subscribers.will conti-,' ■iA NUE the DEUa'BUSINESB, u herslefen, at th« > Old Stand. No. >MiIfARNET Street. if :- ’ M i J WJt-NLLIS A OO.V l>ra«t«U, . m f ~»a*slUßK® Stmrt..-,- cmRARiEsT WRROTHERHEAD’S giroula. ,|TT. • the NEW.lEnglish'-and ’ Americas Books, ALL CLASSES of This is tLe ONLYfLibrartfn'the country that- includes; :all the'NEW ENGLIpH BOOKS that are’hot I PRINTED here./: % an .-*• ~h.( . - Terms ;-;six months’B3; three.months \ t ,*fL6o';'6ne‘-TOonth , 7s cents/ or S cehts' per'day. '9lB' /(Booth ElGHTH'Street. .• . ■e, .mtt-sH ' rta BERKii ;>TIN ; E.—l T Ott QUARTER J k-r received perTship “Laur&. H f6r sale lu 'bond, by * ‘ r7I CHAS!’;S n & JAS.XARSTAIRj -^ 1 %p 24 196 ai GBANITEBtrSth - '/■ At KINJiWALT,. SIBBOWN’S. :111 Si-FOURTH Bt. COPAKTjrERSHIPS. „ auctv v ikbs. He*. aaa »»a,*3*;mabctt atnwt- : ' FIBIHPTpKTjBXLB OFHtKHCH,nrDU.,OIMU*. <-V '*i»D f BEmaH I)BT 000D8, *«.' r , ;> v :•■< rjuK.THisiMoßHisai, i . 'i MftT 4th. *t>lo .o'clock, will. be aold bT MtalMMilHl < ftmr months’credit, about . * . tvi ’hTOO PACKAGES ANDjLOTB of French*'* India* diernuui, and British dry good*,J»*>( embracing a large■: and .choice assortment orfbncT m* • staple artleleeJnsilk, worsted, woolen; ltnen*%nd«ottM .*< thbrlcs. 'VV*x ,-••••; - •' FOSITIVB'BALB OF BOOTS, hHOBS, &c. ■ ON -TUESDAY' MORNING. - Hay 6th. at 10' o’clock, will be sold by catalog**, on ■ four monthe’credit-- ,-. 1 • ■'■■ . .:* , .Abont‘9oo packages'boots, ;sltt>as«' brogana, cavalry boots,. Ae;, embracing a'general <■ assortment<o* prim* goods,' of City and Eastern, manufacttua. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP BRITISH. FRENCH, . ___ german, and domestic buy GOODS. - . /Wewillhpld'aTargeealeofßritlshrFrenohtGeniiaa.- -ana Oomeetio Dry Goods, by catalogue;'os four months ON THURSDAY MORNING. ' » May> 7tb, embracing about 700 packages and lota ; of staple and fancy articles in! woolens, linens; cottons, silks, and worsteds, to which we invite tbeattentlotf’Of !1 dealers. *’ r b ' N. B,—Samples.of the same will be arranged for ez> aminatlon, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale,’ when dealers will'and it to their interest to attend. ■ PEREMPTORY SALE OF CARPETINGS, CANTO* ' ' . MATTINGS, ; RUGB, MATS/ ' For Spring Sales. ■ ■■; , ’ON.FRIDAY'CORNING. • May Sth; at. precisely 10>» o’clock, by catalogue, os four months 1 , credit-; . ...., Comprising English, Brussels, three-ply, superfine ingrain, Yenltlan, hemp, and list carpetings; white and red check Canton and cocoa mattings, rags,'mats, drug* gets, &c„ * PUENESS, rBRINLEY, & CO., «*- No. 4*o MARKET STREET. LARGE SALE OF'BRITISH; FRENCH. SAXONY AND • AMERICAN LET GOODS. - ' ON TUESDAY MORNING. May sth, at 10 o’clock.' 6CO packages and lotsiof fancy and staple dry goods. •• - SALE OF 1500 PIECES NEW STYLE SAXONY WOVEN DRESS'GOODS, OF A CELEBRATED MANUFAC TURE. J ' ONTUESDAY'MORNING, 1 J ..Consisting of— ’ Chene ground Giovanis, jacquard figures. r . —superior quality black and white mohairs. check crapes, monottjs uni, valencias — chalhe*, donettas, caseidfas. mozambiquesrorbohnas, harmomas. - • , silk-plaid dapontias. • • • : .. ... -all-wool cloakings. ' • bHiRTINGFr DENIMS, STRIPES, CHECKS, &c. . - cases 4 4 BelicurFallu’shirtings. s- ! cases - ' Clinton* and Cumberland stripes, denims, checks, ginghams, ticks, &c. SALE OF TOO CARTONS POULT DE BOIE RIBBONS, . > -OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. V. . ON TUESDAY MORNING, Consisting of—, . - rr. cartons Nos. 4, 5. and 6, corded-edge poult de sole trimming ribbons, white, black and.colored.. .. . 4 . ■ — cartons Nos. 10 a6O cable card bonnet ribbons. • cartona Nos. 12 a6O broohe. figured » do cartons Nos 10 a6O extra-heavy black, .white, and buff . -, —velvet ribbons, satin ribbons. &c. , ■ .. }« PARIS MOZAMBIQUES, VALENCrENNES, and GRE-. ... • v NADINES FOR CITY TRADE. • • r ON IUESDAY. . • , 5-4 Pamsnperfine mozambiques. 5-4 do * do _ Valenciennes; ' —5 4 ;do rr.do - Veloutmee. s >*• 30 5-4 •do . .- do Grenadines. ./> • < . i > .— 7-4 taffetaalKmrlique.f > -a. - • ;(:i v; t: 600 PIECES 'MOZAMBIQUE, LENAS, POP LIKSV.PRAB • ALPACCAS, ARABIAN GfiACB, &c '• —cbeck mozainbiqaes, check lenai-. giripe ienas^ poplins, mohairs/plain mozambiques. • v * - - —/drtb alpaccas. stripe and plain Arabian glaces. r —s*4fancy madd'rprints. •'-v' BLACK GEO&'DE'BIIINES, TAFFETAS, AND FIG’D ■ GROS.D’ATBIsiNS - FOaCITT..TRaDE. . ' 24to36inchhe vyblackgro derhines. 26t0 36, inch Lyons black .taffetas. ~ •, ■ . ! —22 inch heavy .fig-’d black gros de Athens. <5OO PIECES FANCY DRESS SILKS. ■ - 13 and 20 inch heavy plaid black, and white poult de soiaj h U.'i"";-' , : i*:- ■ •—2O and 24 Inch, cadrille- gros, de rhine. and-ponlt do sole; s. 1 t > i f ‘ *>* - r —2o inch small-check choice colored poult de soie. - : 20 inch best quality raye ■ do • • -•dof;;. - " GKOS PE CRA'PES. ' -.'—super quality narrow-white mode blue and purple.’ do< -whitejnarceilines. 'v j] i •:;-- dO'i -^Englishcrapes * •••• .j.s, ,j... . PARIS GRENADINE, BLK GKOS DE RHINE SHAWLS, 'FORXITTTRADE; 1 —66 inch Paris ex quality-new style grenadine shawls s .t“ do. ; splendid quality solid colors with satin bor-; ! ders. . •••'!- .v : - •• r ••• —64, 66,. and 70 inch, all boiled black/gros do < rhine shawls with heavy fringes ‘ . • < ' * . IRISH LINENS; L C. HDKFSrAND.-SWISS MUSLINS. ••—.ex heavy and’fine 4-4 Irish linens * , tc % fine to ex fine L C. hdkfs. -i q to superfine- Swiss mulls. „ * .f, PAN C O AST & WARNOOK,: ADO X' TIOOTSBBS,' Ho. »13 MjVBKET Straet. ' . SPECIAL ' POSITIVE' SALE OF r STRAW GOODS; ' WEN’S AND DOTS’ RATS,- MILLINERT GOODS, s &c.» by. catalogue.’" J v* * ' *. - . ;THIB MORNING, * May 4th,commehcingatloo’cloclt precisely. •;>> ■■■ Comprising about 250 cases and .lots -of most fashion able shape goods of straw, white and colored hair, fancy braid. Ac.rfor-ladies’;' misses’, and children. . • • ARTIFICIAL FLOWERB. / Also, at commencement of sale ihis’inorningSO cartons Palis artificial tfowers,*inontures in sprays and bunches; LARGE ‘POSITIVE b!aXE OP > AMERICAN' AND IM PORTED DRY GO'ODS, 'WHITB-GOODS, RIBBONS, MILLINER? GOODB. &c.. by catalogue. ' •"? 5 ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, ; May 6th, commencing at 10'o’clock precisely. ?- ' ’ ■ Comprising about 750 lots of seasonable goods, to, which the;attention of buyers is invited. • T i pHIIiIPjFORD & 00., AUCTIONEER, j '4*«gs MABKBTand 53a COMMERCE Streets ' I ' BALE OF IjOOO CASES BOOTS, SHOBSi 880- • 1 . 6ANS.C&C. . * . , t , , . THIS MOBNING, ■ 4th„at l 0 o’clocirprecisely, ‘ will be sold by cata logue, 1,000 cases men’s,cboysV and_.vouthsV calf, .ktp, and grain boots, brogans, &c.; womenfe,: misses’, and ’ ch-ildren’e calf,'kip, goat,kid, and inordCco‘'heeled boot* /*and shoes. . : v -i A®*- Open for- examination, vw*ij-v* ■> ■ : : ; > . '' 't SAXE. OF. 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES.BKO . : > . ; iQANS. &c. .v' i-n.. *. .. ON THUBSBAJT MOBNINO, . May 7th, at 10 o’clock precisely,-will :be sold'by ca talogue, 1,000 caseß meirs, boya\ • and '.yoaths’, -call, ' kip, and grain, boots, brogans, &c:-; women’s, xcdßses’, and children’s, >calf, kip, goat,kid, and morocco keeled • boot* and shoes, .-nv.* v, r >■.. „ \ •v-BSS* Open for iexaminationswitL. catalogue, early on the morning ,ot;sale.* i'' • % ~ raSURANCR; COMPANIES. ASSOCIATION. , ‘ , A. '■ Incorporate6;-March27, 1820. ,; . ; Office; No? 34- North FIFOT Street, on : .* * • . * , 1 ‘'' - BODSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND •> * MERCHANDISE GENERALLY; * L ‘ „ ‘ < 1 FROM LOSS BY PIKE. i I- Clii the city of Philadelphia only, )i. ’ . ’ • - STATEMENT’ofthe asset&ofthe-association, • , . *: JANUARY 1/1663 i ' , Bottds.and'Bfortgagos on Property in the f city‘ i; #<■ ‘ :1 of Philadelphia onlTiV...;. 1 .;v...‘i.Vi.5708,494 66 aGjound-Rents,- ‘ •’v ‘* - ».* .< i “ ■-* 25.139 97- -Real;Estafe.'.'i. ■> 14,396*13 rCash!on hand... - :. - 34,051*36" , - r«.s , 1 -•*> - - v ‘- 1 ; ‘ - **785,052 12 ' 1 ■’TRUSTEES' ' - « w ’ ' 7 :>*‘V K GBO.RGE, W.’-TYRON, 'President;- ■•> •A wm. H; Hamilton; ••* JohriSouder,;-::' i--: Fritz; 1 , a ? , . Peter A'‘Keyser^‘ 'John Philbin; - " ; John Carrow,"" 1 ”'" * -■• Geo. 1/Young*!,.. }..m ■< .-Jos. R. L^ndaU, fl - ‘ - “.LeviP. Coats, f . *, . . Samuel feparhawk, CbarleeP. Bower.':, ■ ■ 1 ■ William T. Butler, ‘.Secretary. '': 1 •my4-mwflm: . BOSTON - - AND PHIL ADEL -;*■■■■■• PHIa STEAMSHIP-LINE, sailing-from each ; port on* SATURDAYS, 'from first Wharf above PINE Street, Philadelphia,' and Long Wharf, Boston. • The Bteamer NORMAN: Captain Baker*.wil* sail from Philadelphia, for Boston, on SATURDAY, May 9th. at .- 10;' o’clock A.; M.; and steamer SAXON, Captain -Mat thews; from Boston', on the SAME DAY, at 4P. M. These new .and substantial steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays.' ■' : - Insurances effected at one-Hol f the premium charged bv ■ailveseels.' .\l ;a. . Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are reqnested to send i Slip Receipts and Bill* Ladings with ; their goods.' * %. *" i ■' - ** i Freight-or Paesage^ha^ng^fine^eominodatiohfl), . mh9- -■ ■= -. 338- South DELAWARE 'Avenue.' •- 1 -gfjgflv, ROR NEW ORLEANS, LA, .ms&'the STEAMSHIP CONTINENTAL; Cant: . CHARLES TV; MaßSHMaN—Freight at LOWtRATES- ! ,-j-To Sail on...WEDNESDAY, ‘6th instant, thenewiand' splendid- Steamship' CONTINENTAL, 1623 tons Regis, ter,; Captain/C. P.-IMARSHMaN, willsaiTas above, on .WEDNESDAY next! the 6th instant, at 10 ; t For,Freight atLow Rates, or Passage, having accom -modatxonsmot inferior to any ship to A HERON.:Jr. &.CO.. 186 NORTH Wharves. .V ? No Gopods.received on the. dav-of sailing. .No Bill 7 of -.Lading signed-after the Sbip sailsv - • my2-3t . FOB NEW YOKE, JmßmKmrn'VlX- DELA'WARE AND RAfeITAK oa. LNAL-fe-DESPATCB'AND SWIFTSBKE .LINES,- P steamers of this line are leaving daily at 12 M., and 5>.» M..fromthird plenabove WALNUT Streets r, •••«.-,*, : r - -For, will be'taken on < accommodating terms, apply toWM. M. BArRD 4C0., ./,mb26ff 138 South DELAWARE Avenue. NEW YORK—NEW ; \IKaHiWI LINE-VLA DELAWARE ABB CDNAL.’ 1 > ' •, .Philadelphia -and'New York Express Steamboat Oom ; pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 F. MV, delivezin '.their cargoes,in.New York the following day. ■ - j /Freights taken at reasonable rates. j >- •>: < WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, * l , u * .80. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia.- "■ k ; : V -• ’ 1 JAMES HAND, ‘Agent, • • • anl-tf ‘ Piers 14 ■ andVIS'EAST RJV EB VNew York >' NBDICAi; . 'A'YER’S PILLS.—ARE YOU SICK, FEEBLE, AND ..COMPLAINING? Are you out of order,twith.your system deranged:and youc feelings an- • * comfortable ? ’ These symptoms are oftea.the prelude to" 'serious illness. Some.fit .of sicknees isVcreeping upon •you/and'shouldbe averted "by a.timely hse'of the right ‘remedy,v Take AYER’B PlLLS,,and'cleanshbut.the dis-' ‘ ordered, humors—purify the blood; Vandlei' the fluids ' move ou-unobstructed in. health again; VThey.&timrUate .’.the functions, of? the body into vigorous acfcivity,’j>iirifir' the system from, the obstructions, which: make disease. 4 cold settle? somewhere In the Body, and . obstructs its" , natural functions.. These, if not relieved,- react upon’- . themselves and the surrounding‘organs, producing gene ral aggravation, coffering, aud diseaae. While in this . condition; oppressed by the derangements; tat e AYER’S .PILLS; and (Sea,how directly they restore";the natural action ofi the system, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again, i What is true add so.appirent in this cri vial and common Qomplaint/id also true in many of tbe deep-seatedand.dangerousdistempers. The same.pur- r : gative effect.expels . them; -’ Caused by similar,obstruct . tlons and derangements of. the* natural /functions of ■ the .body, they are rapidly and many of themsurely, cured >by the. samo .means.. None who know the,virtue? of these Pills .■will neglect to employthem when'suffering from the disorders they cure, Stomach, -Dysentery, Bilious. Complaints; Indigestion, ■'Derangement of the Liver, CostiYoness/or Constipation., ' As a-Dinner Pill they are .both agreeable- and effectual. *■ Price 26 oents per box, or five boxes for $1 v V- PreparedlyDr'J. G. AYER & Co., LOWELL, Mass., L . ■and sold by J. Mi-MASISCo/,at wholesale, and.by ; FREDERICK BROWN- * ap2Q-mwf-2m;' i CICILY . LICOKICE, GEN.— SMALL’ STICK. ' . „ , ■- , ■ • Caraway-Seed. . ,j.. }-. .Gum Arabic. - • • ;.. ' ■'f* f ,Trieste Vermillion. - ■ M'.f : .y? l '-Powdered Blue for Potters' use; - •, ' •• ■ Mineral WateT Corka, short; BottleCorksvassorted.'! ;Mir ) . : Madder, Dutch Prime/ : . * Oil Berjramofri ■ -tv- ? .I- < Colchicum Seed; ■ ■ ■, oilongau um,'Pure. . sits -V< Gum;*Kino; o . Cape.AUfeß.’ l •.■ <* ,!• >• ■ V’‘‘ PukßoOt. - . I v Olive Oil, quart bottles; . vj v./'Mi' » - In-Store,’ and. for sale by ■ • ' . ’ -GILBERT ROYAL* Co., Nos/309 and rjOFFEB! 'COFFEES’! i/ COFFEE I! J— ’ iV .Thebes* and cheapestprepared Coffee in the oity. A. moat skeptical. No charge made : lf satisfaction is not rendered. ' ! . Prepared and for sale at the ■y-: ■ ’ ’ EagleSteam SpioeandGofibe'Works, f Lii : «&L* " - *-Wd and *46 North FRONT Street f»VWto -j y.K WOTtRKTX W: SADDLE HARNESS, AJNIi TRUNK: FACTORY AND WAREROOMB. .%«•., «• ’ * 1026 MARKET STREET. • , J SADDLES. * > ■■/* : :■ ;■ -FINE. TRUNKS.-VALISES. &c . ,* \-’l • FLIGHT AND HEAVY HARNBBS. > .! * • - . t ; ; Wholesale and Retail, «■.*. • V • < ap2S-Im*.. W‘vii > ; A. M: : DORMAN. '•* /WILLIAM N. ATTWOOD, UNDERTAKER, *'• v ■ ” Has removed-from his former residence to No./fi 4 North’ "ELEVENTH Street, third .housabelow west aide; ... ; y r i; n:..V -V'. . , \ tohSl-lmlf GOLD.SItyER’ AND LIGHT BLDB BTBKL r BPBCTACLBS, to suit all affb&'cheap, .cor. SECOND and NEWStreets.-f J.- FRIES.*? 7 , ap26-lm* ■->' Hw. 139 and-MrlStfulh 000*THrWfi»? OKMUKS'.COURT AND EXECDTOBS’.aiIiIB'BKAIi ■. ,j> u l M IEtsTATB;*' '>•**■<• •* '< JOH TUBSUiY,.Mar«It *1" Our sales on Tuesday; nsifc willcomprisotbeesUMS «v •' Eljzabeth Falree, . .Townsend, HaHoweH. and C. /dllnviliiew,’;'^eceas*‘d,*'by> order 'of 1 . •* Orphans’Gonrt&Dd'Eireoutors;'With large: amdunt'of rVftlnable property:frbiH''Other owners, including* valtf- r «■/ able r dweliinjr3," business) property; l building lots;* &c.' v y alr- petber upwards of 40 properties; ■’ y <4&" Soe pamphlet catalogues. . r y j-tf •• •• i < , —? '•••"" r - :r-'A-?VAi< V • ..rrr-.-. *?•* . i ''SBlefor f AcconntUnited ; -s i WOOL, COTTON; AND.LBaTBER CUTTINGS. , THIB MOEHINQ. May 4th; at 12 o’clock* at the Auction Store, :*quantity ■ of wool,;cotton,an& , leather'cut.ungg/baleing l ’rop9fip&- per,.&c.., '•.'jrtji-ivo-wfi n.- .-;!•< x>.v -yvi u <,-• .. - Also', abont-S^OOJbsidamagedcotton. : '• . <a r • v - JSf* May be examined t hree days previous to sale. *• • * - Salefor . - i'\ W THIS JIOBNINii. ' C ‘ ' .: : ; May 4th, at United. States Arsenal, - near Gray, s Perry; ]2 artajfwagons.. jone-hosplfcal bag •gage wason^; T three one- ambulances, incomplete; -1 • . PAGKIX'o"BOX?S“*LCMBBRl r fhON,~4c.’ ' .Also, about six UundredpacJtmgjbb^es,iQt lmftber*- doop iron ate. i Terms, cash. _ T „ « . - supepjo S k L *™i««?m^ . *r '* ON PKIDAY rMORNINQ,I*’ 1 *’ '.l J - Btfa iret., at 10o’clock-, b*'catalogue, at Wo. 1834 Wal lace street, Ihe superior and cham- ■> ber furniture, fine-ponedvrdsewood piano-forte, fiue - oil' T pamtinns. elegantvelvebcarpeta, mattresses, beds, he. AUo, the kitchen, furniture *. y mi y- - . > 49“ May be 6xamined-atB‘o’clodb*on the morning of sale. •• • (GILLETTE & SCOTT,'" - V" ADCTIONEJHb;' Ja7ne’a Marble BnlldU*. 619 CHESTEIIT BtrestTand'Bia JATIfB Strs^ . .. Philadelphia " SPECIAL RALE OF ago CASES OF STRAW GOODS OF ■ REW AND MOST FaSHIOSABLE GOODS! “ : 1 LARGE POSITIVE 'SALE OF 'A ME KIC AN'A H■> IM POJ.TED‘BUY GOODS; 'EMBROIDERIES, fWaiT*-' ” a°B°M!^g E £ T GOODS ' HOOP - ™.HO : 'OJS‘TUESDAY MORNING. 5 '• • - ' May sth; commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, compri sins; about SCO lots of n«w and seasonable dry cowls.' -well worthy the attention of purchasers. 1 ’ • - V ■ HOOP SKIRTS/ '• :> Deluded in the sale willbefimnd ladies* and misses* woven, tape, and fancy cord, plain and'gore trail hoop - -skirts/. *■ "-r.r. . •: -t -' .". : EMBROIDERIES, LACB.GOQ.DS, &c.. , . Also, a very fine line orembrOideriOsand laea foods, collars and sects, flonneings,-edgiagfe;‘,&c;?:-> ‘ \r , Also, a fine invoice of veils. • - . HOSIERY, &c. ' - Also, a fineline men’s.-women’s; misses',/, and childi' ren's white aadeolored hose and half-hose. - V, "i - • • * i OX WEDNESDAY. *" • ' • Aby.6th.Bale of thestock and fixtor. s’ofthe drug Btora H 1521 Market street. - • 1 - ; ■ - / " - T2Y HENRY P. WOLBERT, .-M«. “ AUCTIONEER, No. AOS MARKET. Street, South side, above Second 8t» Regular Salest of Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notiona.Ac : every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY; andT.BIDAY MOB# ING, at 10 o’clock- precisely. , - i City and country Dealers are requested.to attend thee* sales 4, f < >' t t r . ? 'Consignments respectfullysolicited-ffrom><Manufeeta~ rers, Importers, Commission; Wholesaler and/Jobbinc Hocses,v and/Retailers of aJI and.every; description. l oL Merchandise. , - 1 ' ’ DRY GOODS. TRIMMINGS. HANDKERCHIEFS,.?* ' HOSIERY. CLOAKS. Ac . . i. '.THIS MORNING,. , • May 4th, commencing aMO o’clock. wilL be sold from > • itlie shelves, a large, and de&irablea-Bortment of goods, . comprising dress,and domesticfoods; .dress trimmings,-, handkerchiefs,-'cotton hosiery.-i-gloves, ..laldies’ cloaks, - -■ mantillas/ suspenders, muslin shirts, ruffle collars, baglo: collars Snd setts, hid and thread gauntlets, neck.ties, y laces, skirts,.shoes, boots,•.caps. -combs. scissorß, ,fans; veils, colognes,extracts, soaps. £tc/~ Upi-' - Also, ono gold watch.- ■. - -f'u ,;. LARGE SALE .OF CHINA AND CROCKSRY WARE. 1 , ON THURSDAY MORNING, „ ' ■ May 7th,.at 10 b’ct ck, will jbe sold, without reserve, a Urge'and! desirable .assortpient ot. china and crockery" . ware,-comprising .ewers and basins, si p jars. 'pitcbera, .i .jpgs, dishes,.pans’, chambers;-urinals bed and chair vpfns, m.ngs,.cups and.saucers, spittoons, Boap'blbcks,‘ ' . bywls,, bakers. teapots, basins,’ nappies, .&c. v 'Goc>ds ar- 5 - ranger, on fourth floor' Caf-aloeues-’od morningofßile.L . SHERIFF’S SALES. OHEBIPE’S , SAIjB:~By. yiETUB -OF xh-P a wnt.of Venditioni Expan'as,to‘ me directed, will'bff . exposed, to public sale or vendne. on. MONDAY Evening.j' iMay 4,1863^ab4-o J clock, < j • 'All that certain; loi or, piece of ground situate oh'tbe-' ; ' south sideof!the publio square,'at the distanceof one-’ ■' hub d redand ? uinety feet.west of-. Broad Streets, eontainiog in front on, the public- square.'eiehteenrfeet. and in deptn. ■ ninety-two feet.; bounded son theon6rth;byfitheJ.‘public ! . the west by,ground of J. H.- BnntoU, on the. 'sonth by a certain twelve-fee t-wide alley or courtllead- *v ing- into.Fifteenthrstreet (late ■Schuylkill Eighth), and.:. which widens-'southward,ten“ feet )the‘-: easterly end ? thereof, . where it is twenty-two feet wide for.th.e-6pace-of forty-two-feet, and onthe'east by ground formerly in-the tenure of -Robert-Ferguson. [Being the-same :premises . which Joh.n :BJ-Brintou et al deeihdated the twenty tbird day ofiFebruary, A. , 'D.-’ISO7, recorded ln Deed Book : - E S 'F. . No. 2S, page<l9, granted.- and :co‘nveyedi.UQto ' the , .- Tsaid Robert .Bmgham in 'fee fv.reser.ying thereout-the -: yearly ground^^rent:of thirty rsix dollarsper anuumipay- > able on the first days ofthe monthsM&f April and . in each and every year thereafter forever^Y [D. C.v6l2;Mar.”T..d63ir.Debt, $119:10. ;Judst>n.lr v; Taken: in execution and.tobe sold as» the. property of v • Robert Binghain: .r. Sheriff. -■ ■ Philadelphia. Office.' April'lSrlSßiL - ap2o-3t: CUKHH'F’S SA LB.—BT VIRTUE: OF .K? a writ of Venditioni Expdnas/to me directedVwiil be exposed- to public- sale or - vendue, J orc‘‘MONDAY Eve ning, May 4, 1863. at 4 o’clock:, at Sansoin-sfreet Hall, . - ‘All that ccrtain'tfojir-stpried brick.messuage ; or teue-. ‘ibpnt and lot or piece of'grpuhd, ’situate t jm tiie'west'sido'' r of Broad street, at'the distance of .ohejhunbred feet • ‘.ward from the north side'df -Brbjvh street,"in th§ city of ■ Philadelphia j cbntainihg'ih froiil or brea'ath on the said. ;Broad street twe'n'ty'feefc.-aiid extending in length or-•• .depth westtvardlof that-“width' bhe hundred and •> sixty to Carlielo’etreetr-Subjedt to, the payment of a' ■ ground rentof three hdhdred and sixty dollars. [Bound edmorrHwafd ahd.sbntbwjiTdby late pf Howard Tjlden,'eastward by the’said Broad f street, and westward by the said Carlide.street’]... ■’ • " 4 N. B. —On the rear ehd'of saidlot there is abrickbuild ing comprising a stabl©:and-’carriage house,' and the- messuage or tenement ,brick-. buildings attached' .CD. C. ,’592; Mar., T. ,;63. -Debt, $754. -Taken in> executioni and tobesold’as the -“property of - vGeorge . ■ JOHN THOfIIPSONi Sheriff. ?f -' ! k , Philada.; Sheriff’s Office; April 15J ;1863.; ’ ' . :ap2o : 3t '*' SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY?VIRTUE OF : a writ' of Venditioni rExponas, l to me directed; will be exposed to public sale" or vendue, on MONDAY Even- = ■ing,May 4.1863, at 4 o’clock, at Sansoin-street'Hall; :- • AH that certain lot br'piecelbf’groaQd'Rituate-ou'the -north side-of Parrish 'strOetj tat the'distahce of-' thirty ; four feet eastward from the ’ east side df streeU -in s' -the Thu*teenth"ward of thet'city'of-Philadelphia; "cou- ■ % taming in front “thirty-two feet, ; andextending in leugthordepthnorth - ward of thatwidth, at right angles' with the saidPirrish. street,'on the west line thereof,^twenty-oue'feet s'^ven • inches and one-fouxth of an inch, and on the east lin&- thereof-seventy^-six'feet three inches and* one-eighth of , an' inch" “Bounded 1 ground-formerly. of -• Williain-'D.- ’Lewis.' by -formerly of .Charles Henry FiSher-;~ westwards partly ’by ground' • granted-to-Beojamiu Stout,'on' ground-rbnt, and partly >by head or easterly end of a«three-feet-wide"aUey lead— v i ingweetward into the said Nintb. sireet, and : southward' by Parrish street-aforesaid---> <. [C: P., 241; Mar. T;, ’63;.- C Debt; $54.52 S.^H:-Perkins;] ! Taken in exeentidn' and tobe of "Joseph Rue. . • ' ".TOHN'TJTOMPSON; Sheriff. > . - 5 Philadelphia, Sheriff’fe ()fficeV Ai>ril*lo, .1863; s -ap!3-3t ‘ •-OHERIEF’S. S YIRRUE., OF • sundry. wrics of VenditioiiL. i ßxpo'nai, to: ine"directed' t .- V willfbe exposed.--.to .publicrsaleor vendue;oncMONDAx ’Evening, Slay 4,1563, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-etreet Halli: *- All chat certain ground, with the two- • i story brick; dwelling, house.ithereon’erected. situate :Oit. - the south side of Park street*, atithe.disfcauce of'Oae'htm-*'- dred thejwest side'oY • Twenty-.seventh of Ph.'Uadelphiavcott- ■ taining on front or said Park street fourteen . feet; and extending riniilength'orMepth southward;'qfo i •that .widthieighty-three?Yeet:'eighth<’Snches .tOrtlngTaia ; street. ' •. ”' 'Also;.air that .cercain : piece-'-of ground;-with ’’the two-story, brick dvelling-homjB)thereoa: ’ tuateon the south;side oi Park sfcreet; atjthe distance-of r , ? - one hundred? and sixty;qight'feet west side of streef; i|i s thQ.city/pf/PhUa- ;,. > delphia; containing- ihifrbnt/OT.' breadths on? • street extending dudengthoriaepch • southward : 0f that width , eighty-three feet eight inches^ to Ingrain street.' • -i. : •,. [C. P., 254and255;<Mar.T.,’63.].Debfc:each,$13:16..H; ;,v C. Thompson.] ~j--.- v -‘ Taken in'execution-and.to;be.sold<.aeSfthe'property bY;. - Thomas Horan.-.., >: JOHN .THOMPSON..Sheriff. Philadelphia-. Sheriff’sQffiqe, Aprilll„'lB63. -'..*"apl3-3fe . CHERIEF’S SALE.^-BY:VIRTUE 'OF ‘ a writ of Vehditioni Exp(>nas, i -' t6''fn'e directed; 1 will be exposed to,public sale,or vendue, on-MONDAY'Evening, * May- 1 4.''1863, ’at 4 o’clock,hat SknSo'nfistreet HkU. s 1 r>; - -Allthatcertainiotor^ce'bfgronndsiniatePlate-inthe^ l - * ’district of Richmond, Philadelphia,- .on the southwesterlysideSbfoAJleghfcnyihfailue;*at>th«i■!' - distance of - ; sixty-eight- 'froaA''Gaal ; street; containing , in : 'front '‘on. | .-eaid>Allegheny-'aveirue : sixty-seven'feet,- 1 arid *cxtending^iri‘'length southwesterly o( tbat’WTdth, between paralleldines-'ac ■right angles.with said AUegheny avenue, on the -i st line thereof, orie’hundrt d and v ninety-one feet teiL r ■ and three-eighths and on = the.vnorthwest linef ” thereof one’hnridredaiid ; ninety-t%d‘feet‘thre« f aud orie-'-V - fourth inchesj bDunded northwesteriyby gronndkvf ! Al--’ ’ fired Filler.'’’southeasterly-by a - - street called Miller^’street, r nortbeastejrly-by the siid Al-; :;•■ legbeny avenue;-and southwesterly by f ground'formerLy: ■ of Annt-Giteon. ’•Snhiect-to 1 a groundvireuVof sixty • "dollars. .:■■ , 'uji ! -v.. -r .-v[D. C.; 637; March'T.V63. ,, ,: Debc, i ;$126.48. f Th6mas:]-‘ •-. ‘Taken in execution and to be’ 'sold 1 ' as-the property William Morrfs. ■ JOHN -THOMPSON; Sheriff. , fPhilada., Sheriff’s ; Office, April’2l, l - f«»' r CHERIFF ? OP , a. writ of. Venditioni'Exponas>.'tt>-.medii-ected, will •> be exposed to public.sale or-Yendtte.on.MONl) A.Y Eve- 1 ■ ninst,Afay?iylS63.''at.4-o , cloeXj‘at<Sansoaa'*street!Halii ! .. i ’ • a ~Alllthat certain lot or,?piBce iofjgronntbsitnateion the- 7 north side ofWharton* streot.-Tfforniei'ly called New/TicL--; .marsh Streep) in- ? . Jbow the .city of at~,lhe .distance of sixty, .• ' feet eiaht and a half! inches eastward ,froin the east i sido' of Thirteenth, street;,containing infronton saiO Whac-. r ton siieefc.fifreea feet.- and. ' * . fifty feet. HaTeand,'wifQ..b>indQnmredatQ(l't;n.Q l firsfdasdjf;May l :i:' -1545, and recordediin the "office for^record^greeds, forthetcity and ,ccmnty>otii?liiladelphia,' v nv-l>Qedrßooki>’ ‘ A. Wl M:, iyo. &o ;> igi’antedi , j . .nnto ThomaKHannan in-jee tireserving,thoreont^yearly \ - .rent of forty-fi ve/doDanvapd •/subject-/to a "paramount- : of $182,-, reserved onfe of a larger lot of ground. ' •of which. thiSjformKpartli . . - v “ r ■ , ** CD C.y64o;MarchT.‘,’63.:Debt, $148.17: Jas. W. Paul J V i Taken.iirexeciLtion.and’to be-soldias the l property of i Thomas Bannan. ' «:,i>. . j JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff: .? -• PhiladelpjuavShenfPß Office,- April 20. QSB3. s-- ap23-3t 'CHEfiIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF - ofVenditioni -Exp(snaa,‘(o mfc directed; will be exposed topublic.sole or vendue. ,oh‘MONDAY Evening. ; May 4;’18637at 4 o’clock, afSansoikstJeet'HaU, 11 '; /" ’ " ’- .All that"certamMot.,or,;piecaof^groTm'dsi(aaieonthe weEt.side'of street,attbe distance of forty feet* soaihwardVfrom the'sonth side of Clarion street, ia the /.Twenty-fourth./ward of the- ci tyof;fhiladel phi a: con-;/, taining in front'on/vVVyominggtreetithirtytfeetandex- - ■• ..tending ofthat'width, ' with said Ciarion strwrone b’nhdred and‘eighty feeHu i,a ; a' forty-foet-wjde-etreetf'cftUfedi'Badd street --Bounded. . no^thw , j;by ‘othei^'grbundbffSeth south-- T ; .wajrd by'g??otind , by'Wyojning street, •vrestward-'by Budd'Btreefaforesaid. /[Beingthe 1 sane premises, which Seth C- J Hnst6rt,an.d wifQ; by lii- ■ . dentnre.datedihe first day, of Dj‘'J.^B, : recoided ' ; ’ in Deed Book A' k D. ,; No.;^ J.Wp4S/Ac, 5 V granted and convoyed; unto Ben j foe; reserving thereout the yearly ground' rehtor. I Ftim‘ of fifty-two dol- ‘ lars and fifty ,cents, payable xithont deduction for taxes. ' on;tlie.nrst.day of the months of ;May ia f every year:, unto,the said Seth s C. Huslon, his heirs and • assigns.! / , ,v.'/ , •" *» C.„ f «l3; Mar.,T.,/6S. VDf1bt,.|1112.29.; ColahaniJ* *,Taken-in.executionan4.to. property of cox i'vj; -sgqm ■ PhiTadelphia, SherifTs-Officb. April 7 16T1863.-- ; ap2o-gt v VIRTUE OF r M. a.writpf Venditioni-Exponas,- fo fue' , directed, will be ■ exposed-to public.snle or,yendueii on MONDAY Evening, . ay.4,1863, at,4 o_’clock, ‘at,oansom-itreetilall, ; , \i Ail that certainilotjor.piece bf.grodnd, with the three-. ; story brick (thereon, situate on . tlie west side,ofi.-Spafford-street, ,iii, tlie' late. : township of . , Moy amen sin g.' an,o ‘ county of Phiiadelphi-4,;now in the . city 1 ? of Philadelphia ; containing in front .6n the said * • Spafford-street/eleven (ll) feet, andijn length or denth^;',' .westward!! about one hundred ana nine inches./ :/ ■ • Bounded on the east by the said.«>aflorct street: fon the 4 • : south bygronn’d now or late of-CnristopherjVyilliams, ’ OH the west by ground now 0»r JpMph*Bftker*.an(ll ou the north by ground, nowor. lato °f,doBeDli'Coulter}’'. [Bein g thesaine premiss which Edward Kelly ,and wife. bv indenture beanugidate the-/thda.yt.ofCKarch; ]B44;and recorded in theofflee rorthe recording of Deed* ‘ Sn-at Philadelphia, l .in l ‘ ' page 496. Ac., granted^*aud^conryey.ed.unto - • Patrick KcQninen -itt.fee .and AubieoFtoTha • payment oi a yearly ground-rent of tWelVo doUar's and . tencents.] V- „>* , !•*! # ; *■" /• . , : • 644?.March T:, iDebt, *«W • Ouin J • • in execution and 1 toße-Rold as tWproporty of • • ? PatnckMeQuinen. - 'JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. I<r Fbiladeiphia» Sheriff^.OfflcerApril 21,'1853t ap23-3t : a "writ r of?Venditioni' Expohasitome directed, will bu salb ofVendue, oh MONDAY-Evaning. . May4,'lBfS, , ’at4'o , clockVat'Sansom-streetHall,f > *T - All that/ certain- lot' or piece of land with the ,. , house thereon ereetbdrsituata formerly in .township, Philadelphia couh'ty/now;' inthe'eity ofPhi4u *; iadelphia; begjniiiDg'ai a-stone Bet" for aborner by Hfay "■ * eide'of a road^eadingfrpihAHhton’scoTnerto'.theßnstle- 1 .Hon and Holmesbhrg road,-being dOraercf Jfthifc. > ’ William’s‘ldt,’thence by’the rsaid.JWiiPWHliams'iofc ‘ north six degrees ;fiftiy mmutesyweBi;iir6r- f huiid»aAafi * . twenty feet ,to hfltope for kisofneorherof eai*i*' thence the doufew by land 3r’ Joseph Gillingham; t<s wit: ; w«dwntaiy at rigk-angtS with the first-mentionedHine sixty' feet to &#£»Beffyr . ■■■ .a' corner;, thence southwardly'oh- a/liheiJiiftrallel- • •with the said iSfcS. ..and twenty foet for tfddnierrohthehorthi ■ . era side of the_said_road,%tfdHhehce easttyardly br the .slde.of ag. ■ :L; ,^ 1) tG.',668V-MarchT.; , 63. Debtr6WorBtover.T i - > Taken in execution and oft •• ..George S.. JOHN JHOMPBDN Sheriff • Pbflad'a, Sheriff's ♦,// apa3-3t. _ . .b:, ! V i ,.. ;/ V , ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers