THE CITY. Interesting Prom Ship Island— A GRAND REVIEW OP TROOPS.—Mr. Frank lin Hinkle, surgeon, U. S. N-, of tho nivaL btoreriiip /’o-Mpero* arrirei! in ttiis city ou Wednesday last, on board of tlio Jihode Island. Mr. Ilinkla is now stopping nt the Continental Hotel. His numerous friends 'will be pleased to team that ho is rapidly convalescing from a revere attack of typhoid fever, for which ho was ordered home from Ship Itiland by the tlcot gnrgeoa. Mr. Ilinkle left Ship Island on tlio sth iust. Eehas furnish d us with tome interesting details, of intelligence from that post. The prize-slftp Magnolia, captured with a cargo of cotton on board, some time since, sailed for the North on the 2Sth ult. A grand review and inspecnon of General Phelp3’ command bad taken place previous to tho men being paid ofT. Over 4,010 tr«ops were in line, presenting a most magnificent display. Few spectators, however, were present, Coion* l Jones* regiment, the fiftaesactmaelts Twenty.sixth, occupied the right of tho lino. Among the liAvnl officers present was the new Flag Officer D. G. Farragut. The United States uaval storeship Pampero was still at the Island. The following is a list of her officers: Charles W. Lantson, commanding; Franklin Hinkle, surgeon Allan I’ancoaet, paymaster*, Arthur Lt. At* kinfeon, chief officer; Edwin Gttakili, purser's clerk. The Pampero had sailed for Pass a L’outre, ami, after a few days absence, had returned, -Annual Session of tiie M. B. Con- FXIIENOE—THIRD DAY—Tin session opened yester day mottling with tho usual devotional exercises. At Sft o’cb ck the business commenced by tho reading of the journal. The Chair anaounced the names of committees ordered at last meeting: On Church Periodicals.— J. F. Chaplain, T. A. Fern ley, D. F. Price, John Allen, S. Cooper, James Select he.' on the Case of II- S. Thompson —H. Colcihzer, Chaiiman: M. D- Kuriz, J. W. Mccartey, J. Aspril, J. Y. Ashton, V. Gray. T. W. Simpson, J. B. Maddux, J. Flfti-nery, W. J. flammersley, i. R. 'Mer rill W. W. John BdwarUs, S. Towusei d. On the jijqiealttf Tkohta& Sl&iita&d- —E. Miller, Ciiair man ; J. h. Meredith, 11. K. Calloway, P. J. Cox, H. R. Maugoi, J. W. Peirson. K Al. Greenbank, JoHu Shoilda, E. J Wav, T. TV. Madary, J. Ruth, J. F. Boone, J, S. Cook. F. Moore. The candidates for ordination and membershia in the O pterenco were called before the bar of the Conference Tho Bishop propounded the questions required by disci pline, to eacu of the candidate, and received from each their amwer. At the close of tho examination, Rev. J. Cunningham proposed to ask the candidates “Are you in favor of sustaining the present Administration in its war rebellion P* Tbo Bishop said he would put tht question if The Conference desired it. Rev. J. A. Massey moved to lay the question upon the tabic. Lost. Rev. P. Coumbe ollered the following • substitute: «* Are you in favor of sustaining tho Uui -n, tho Government, and the Constitution of the yniled States, ugaiust re bellion P’ lu this lurm it was adopted by the Conference, and proposed to each candidate, all or whom responded toitcharly, The names of the young men thus examined were then calhd- They retired from the Conference room. Tho report of the Examination Committee was made; a representation of each one given, aad the ollowing were admitted into the toeoibe-rsdiip uf the Ooi»f**rem:o and fleeted to Deacons’ Crders; lafttw Mast, T. Steven* N. M. Brown, J. 0. gypherd, T. L. Temkfuson, W. S. l’ugh, p. McKtej W. T. Tull, O. W. Laudretb, 1. F. Plummer, M. Barnhill, J. Webb, T. B.KiUiam, G. h. Schaffer, J. T. Van Burkalnw, J. Siichter, 0. W. L and ret h. The reports given in the*e cases were gen. rally very favorable. JUobt of the yonugmen give promise of great us.luln£t& to tie church and the world. Randolph Craig was discontinued at his own request, on account of ill health. The necessity was felt to he a painful one. Rev. John Wilson, president of the Wesleyan Female Cohere, waa discontinued at his own request. The business of tho Conference was horo sunpamled, the hour ol ten having arrived, at which the admiuistra tion of the Holy Sacroim m was to be administered. A short aedtess was made by toe Bisnop; a by tun was filing, the Uf-ual prayers offered, and the holy sacrament administered to some hundreds of clergymen and laity. It was a season of great solemnity. Iniundmtt'ly at the close of these services an hour >vas epeiitin the relation of Christian experience. The vast audience was absorbed iu the moat rapt attention elicited by the profoundly interesting narrations related by aged, gray-haired fathers, or by young ministers of tho Oon lerence. Every heart seemed thrilled by the love of a common Saviour, and unspeakably happy. Tho exorcisus ware lntersjitrEtd with ringing of suubfiPrriug Bpiriiuul songs. The experience meeting coutinuul until the hour of adjournment, the interest luci easing uutii the close of the services. . The anniversary of Asbory Brotherhood was held in the Afcburi' M.E. Ciinreh, Chestnut street, above Tnirty*, ttest Philadelphia, last tveiling, at 7% o’clock. Addres c ea wort delivered by Revs. C. I. Tat-mpscu, John Ruth, R. H. I’atrisciii, former pastors, and others. The Sixtt-Seyentu Pennsylvania REGIMENT.—This fine regiment, now encamped at Camp Croenian, iu Comae’* Woods, awaiting orders, ia composed chiefly of men from the old Tenth Legion, of Northampton, Carbon, Monroe, Pike, and Wayne coun ties. A lew companies however, consist of men from Westmoreland and CJurJoa coiiutie.-, .aud iroai this City. The health and discipline of too encampment are very good, and when called to the Judd the regiment under the command of its brave and skilful officers, will doubt less render efficient service. Three of »ho companies consist nearly altogether of men from Monroe county. We a list of the officers: Cololol, John F. Stanuton, of Philadelphia; lieu tenant colonel, 11. B. Burnham, ol Muuch Chunk: major, Ba ry White, of Indiana; surgeon, Robt. Barr, of Indiana ; assistant surgeon, Jas. 'V. PUtinoa,of Phila delphia; quartermaster. Thomas P. Parker, of Philadel phia 5 quartermaster sergeant, Lehman, of Philadel phia; commissary sergeant, Win. Easter, Carboudale; sergeant major, Dutton, of Philadelphia. Company A—Capt»in, Jacob 31. Arndt; first lieu tenant, D. 11. Burnham; second lieutenant, Sylvester McCabe—from Carbon cottuty. Comptny F—Captain, Satnm-l 0. Arthur; first lieu ten»ut, M. Flick j aecoud iiuuteuaut, Jos. ±iafl —from Clarion county, Company D—Captaiu, Geo K.Slutter; first liontonant, Chas. L. Edmunds; second lieutenant, Samuel Barry— from Monroe county. Pa. Company Jonathan first liou teuant, Geo w. &unpsou: secund lieureuauc, £ugene J. Weeks—from Carbon and Chester counties. Company C—Captain, Geo. C. Urtviler (color com pany); first lieutenant,!'. L. Borcbua; second lieu tenant, Joe: E Eldr. d—from Wayne and Pike couotiea. CbiDpftii) H— first lieuwuunt, J. C. tiaigenbuch; eecomi lieuteuaut, Jos. Smith—trom Monroe anu Nonhampton couuties, Company G—-Captiiu, Jos. Altetnose; first lieutenant, Peter Marsh; second lieutenant, A. ILresge—from Mon roe county. Cnn-rany IC—Firßt lieutenant, Jns T. RobisoD. ; Company B—l'irst lieutenant. Win. E. fucker. Canai. Transportation.— The large amount L.f fri.-i.ghi passing ©n tbo Pennsylvania Railroad from Pittsburg, ba? in some measureuiieote-J pitblic tion to the canal as a means of transportation between that point and this city, and It is urged that, with proper facilities, the greater part of the oil sent east from the oil district* might bo forwarded by this route. Oaual trans portation Leins less costly than that by railway, the oil could be made a steady and reliable business for the old canal from Pittsburg « ivst, if tho company now owning it would give tneouragf-ment for that purpose. This is the m-. ie desirable in view of the iaetthat the Pennsylvania Railroad h«a been so crowded with business as to be com pelled to decline receiving any more freight at tunes. Products like oil! which do not necessarily demand rapid transit, could be snipped by ibe canal Hues, and thus ma terially relievo the railroad. Philadelphia has canal transportation, via the Schuylkill, Union, Susquehanna, Juniata, and West Branch lines, to HoLlidaysourg and l«ork lla-ren. The latter is of no avail for oil transpor tation, in cotßemtence of the untmishi'd state of the Erie Railroad. But the canal route to Uollidaysburg, though belonging to two different corporations, couid be made available, ein'ce it is that the Pennsylvania Rail road is unable to di- nil tho business ou its cars. Some thins should be done to accommodate this great and growing trflde, ard not let it slip from our gra?p and Bad its way to New Tori via the Erie Railroad. Numismatics. — Those interested in the fctudy of numismatics will hear, with considerable satisfaction, that Mr. Edward Cogau, of 48 North Tenth etm-t, will ©flbr far sale, during the forthcoming week, an extremely valuable and interesting collection of Ame rican coins, medals, colonial, experimental, and Wash ington pieces. We have been informed, by a gentleman well versed in fruch nmttera, that it contains some of the moat rare and tine specimens of the colonial series, in cluding tha Granby copper \ the two wrest types of the lihiuuLia Columdas; the New York Excelsior cent; the Auctori Phobia, and the small cent with the silver centre of 1792. All of these are extremely difficult to meet with, and, wo are told, very highly estimated by coin coihctor*. TtmirUrction also contains pome unusually fine soeoi moDß of the silver coinage, and of the cents and half cents. Among the silver medals is a magnificent impression of Charles Uarrel, of Carrolton, with thb Presidential medal of Zachary Taylor* the Washington Benevolent Society medal, and where euually desirable Taking out Lie terd&y ou'y iiine hundred am ing liquor nod been granted the toveral vnnLa as fallow*; First ward............. sft Second 3ft Third 23 Fourth 50 Fifth *. 8b Sixth 75 Seventh 2u Eighth 30 Einth 42 Tenth 25 Eleventh 130 Twtlftti,,. oft Thiitemh 41 According to constable returns, there are about 2,500 eslahl. sbwents in this city where liquor is sold, and as the time for taking out licenses expires on the first of Slay, the probability is that numerous parties will be brought into court tor a non-complMnce with the tow, Tiie First Victim.-—Yesterday after to<.n, Wash Kerns was before Police Magistrate Beiller, at the Central Station, upon the charge of altemptiug to pink pockets at a funeral. As the evidence tended to isliav iW iLe deife&jsnt LaJ not sncsveJeJ is robitiog n?:y one, oat was merely detected in the act of sounding the pockets of uiisaspectiug people, the alderoiau com* f itted him for ninety days, under the act recoutly passed hy the Legislature, giving the Mayor’s sitting magistrate eiiLbcriU 1 so to do, oapucmilf when the offender is a. known thief &Dd is seen in a crowd. This is the first ccDimitiuent under the new law, which, we arc informed by the detectives, has thus far proved quite beneficial. Biot at a School.—For some time past, the conduct oi the pupils of the Public School, at Twenty-third and Lombard streets, hag been the subject of complaint. The boys were in the habit of congrega ting in ibe street, and frequently engaged in fights, throwing fctoneSjClubK, «£c.j without $q wjgdqwg or each other's htuUs. On Thuxtfday, tUero was an oat break in the school, and some of the children became totally unmanageable. The teacher was finally obliged to send for the police, and have several of the youngsters taken into custody. The factious youth were all placed under bail to keep the peace, Young Offenders.— Four lads, re siding in the Eleventh ward, were arresttd on Thursday by t q Twenty-third ward police, and sent to the House of■ Refuge upon the charge of theft. These youths be long to a gkbg Who LkVe been engaged, for some time, In committing depredations upon the farmers of the Twen ty-third ward, and robbing wagons on their way to mar ket. Three of these young rascals were also charged with being concerned in the robbery of a jewelry store in the neighborhood of Second and Coates street. Another Policy Case.— Yesterday morning, James Davis waa arraigned before Aldermau Beitler, charged with selling lottery Jfisplaco was on Ridge avenue, above street. Twen tieth wAid. Several eiliaena in tha neighborhood hir ing complained ef the establishment. Davis w-m arrested white in the act of disposing of policies. He was held in $BOO bail to answer at court. Ponations.— The Cooper*shop Hos* pitel Committee acknowledge the sum ol s•*> Iroftt A. W. Ma'tismi, of York, through George Martin; also, irem the Missionary Society of the First Independent Church of Philadelphia* $2O for the through A. B. BtimhiTfi trnuiurfTi altn. tlm prncewln of ft concert the Mechanics’ Brain Baud of dolincaburg, and other gentlemen, for the hospital, $42 80. Frightened Off.—Yesterday mrrn irg about 4 o’clock, an attempt was made to enter a livditrg house, Ho. M 2 North Twenty-t'onrth street. The keeper of the lock upon the door whh broken, and the door forced open. Before the burglars had a chance to obtain any plunder, they ware frigbtined off by one of the Kifuenth-ward police. The Fublic Lamps.—The number of public lamps in the city row reaches 6,617, of which 323 bum fluid. 272 lamps were erected last year. The Franklin Institute. — At the Inti meeting of this uasociation. Mr. tfowson exhibited a patent street annunciator, and panoramic adverther. It consists of a box containing a number of rollers and bands; on the latter are printed the addresses of busi ness houses, and names uf cross strode, if used on street care, or tho names of the stations, if the lvox be placed on ft railway cAr. 'The iuptniruent w oporfiM hi OttU**r ll»c conductor or brakesman, who, on pulling a lever, rir-ga a bell, and at the same time exposes to View the name of tho street or station at which tho oar has arrived, t&ccther with the advertisement of any business houso near the crossing or siatiou. Tin* inatMiment is simple in its construction, and per lornis tho duties with precialou. It HttracWd much attention. Mr. H. also exhibited a specimen of Mr. T. O. An drews’ tobacco pipe, #t the howl of which is placed a lining, to he withdrawn when it requires cleaning. The main object of the pipe, and one which id fully attained, is to prevent the nic-dine 'month of the smoker, tlie smoke being conue»iueutly milder, and free from the noxious ingreuients contained in that drawn from orditmiy pipes. The pat'ht axle-splice of Mr. J. E Baldorston was ex hibited. It rousiste of a block of wood or metal, with a journal st cue end for receiving the wlie. lof a gun-cftr •v rjfifje r-r lf the ftxlo br«»fc«, ihe splice Is by the clamps to the broken pari, so that an Availably journnl is always prtsoiited, however near to the wheel Ilie axle may break. Mr. 11. nbo directed the attention of the m-mbera to spe cimens of luethl niusirariug the njauafictorwor car tyidpes in the differebt at«sM, ks made by very comnluto uutoumiic mflchiuery of Mr. 0. Sharps 1 ; also, a spocimon of anew French cartridge, on which Mr. Sharps has re cently niatV an improvement. Mr. 15. 11. Bartol, of Southwark Foundry, exhibited a large model of tho iron* clad vesfiel now Imilding in this city, and gave a lengthy and highly intorestingdesenp tiou ol’ilx- Monitor, and, also, of the English iron-clad voxels, and exhibited drawings illustrating their con etnicltou- He Htafco that the Engli-jh Government wore now building fifteen of these vessels; eleven of which wen- to be completed this year; that the system of placing purFued on the vessel building hero was Assontially tho shuio as that on the English vessels, yrhKU how ever, have so great a draught of water as to prevent their entrance into but one or two of our harbors. The fear here was, that too many vesiels of one kind would be constructed before their practicability hud been auffi ciontly testod ; that tho Monitor had shown herself a very good floating battery, but fifiS WftS pwftttly UHVIeUS for eea-going purposes. Mr. UuynTom detoilctl some experiments made by him in repeating fire* anus, where the barrel waa filled with cartridges to be explcded in succession. He stated be hud been but partially successful. enses-—Up to yes id sixty-one licenses for sell 1. They are divided among Fourteenth 30 Fifteenth 36 Sixteenth .% 17 Seventeenth 64 B'gbteen th 25 tfineteGutli fill Twentieth .50 7 wenty-lirnt 35 Twenty-second ’2O Twenty*third .. 23 T*v«nty-iourth.... 37 twenty* fifth.,......... 12 One of the members remarked tfiat a Mr, Ohalntors, of tma city, had patunred a gun iu 1813 which oporated succerahiUy, on the wuue principle. A self* cocking revolviug pistol- invented by Mr. T Shaw, was exhibited. Professor Flenry presented sam ples of steel, made under a series of experiments at Danville,’Pa., electricity being used in its manufacture. Judyipg from tho Professor's statement* ho was highly SUCCeBrUII. Mr. Rartol exhibited a modvl flluatra*ing an improved shutter for closing the ports of iron-chid vessels, the iu vention of Cliief Engimier Wood, of the navy. Cars to Bun Directly Through FROM CHICAGO TO THIS CITT.—An improvement lms lately been made in the switches of railroads by which tbehetvy cast or wrought-iron frog has b«eu done away with, and u movable piece of C rail substituted in its place. It is so connected with tho switch bars that one cannot be moved without the other. Oue of th-*so AaitchGß wan plncod in the track of the Pittahuro, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Rail rood Company, at Allegheny station, lust fall, and although more than rod trains have passed it every day since that time, il has not been cut of order, and worked admirably during the cold caht days of winter. This switch makes the track as per fect and siift*. at this unusually < angerous place, as ou any other portion of the road. The object ot its intro duction on this roatl is that the cars of tho narrow gauged roads with wido tread wheels ma> safeiy run over it. Tho dittVrenco in the gauge of this road wi*U that of tha Peuu sj Ivania U one and a half inches, but the cars or the lat ter, with the wide tread wheels- can without difficulty pass ovnr ibo former. Tho difficulty heroinfor® expo* rienct tl in running tiie widc-trcad wheels of tho narrow gauge over tho broad-gauge roads was the great iroablo in passing tho switches. This new switch obviates ail that heretofore has proved an impediment. As the road now is, there can be uu danger of the cars running off the trachfi and freight cau now come in bulk from Chicago and all points west, directly through to tho commodious warehouses of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, alot-g our wharves. A short time since Me-sra. Wood luff & Co., of this city, forwarded two of their patent sleepirg-cars to the P.ttsburg, Fort Wayne, and Chicago load they being liked so much by the travelling public usd railroad jug in general, the «M-f«Bhioi ed cars of tho road aie to be altered, and au additional number of the new sleeping, cars of the Wooditiff patent are to be placed therron. These cars are being euostitutsd by miny of the principal railroads for those heretofore iu use. Dearth of Fugitive Slaves —By a conversation Lad with ft gentleman connected with an anti-slavery society of this city, learn that tho average number of fugitive slaves who have claimed the aid oi the Bodteues since'the war does not amount to more than nine-tenths of the number who were tuken.charge of before the commencing of hostilities. The vigilance comniitttoß, -wLoa« duty it was to find anti aid the fugi tives, have ceat-ed to exist, except in nau>e, ou accouut of the negroes preferring to remain in the South until a regular act of emancipation reaches them through a Go vernment source. This may seem rather singular, but it is» imverthrltissi a fact which uanuot h* dispmml, that these freed blacks now South prefer remaining there, pro vided their freedom is made secure. A negro, who escaped from slavery in tho State of South Carolina some fifteen years ago, and who is now a IVetrznan, ended upon one of the anti-slavery societies a few dm g uitou, and asked to be sent baeic to tho South, giving os a reason that he could live better aud more comfortable there than in the North. His request waa not complied with. Irorn tho year 1850 to If6o the number of fugitives was vtry great, and the underground railroad to Canada rau a couaidcraliv ituoibci of special trams which bare isince been dhcouxinued, owing to tho reason above stated At that time It was a matter of life or death with those who attempted t * abscund, but since tho war they could do so withotn fear, aud jet the number is quite small when tho attending circumstances are considertd. The Lumber Trade—Although tie time has hardly yot ari ived for the opeuiug of the lumber business, there are signs of reviving life on tho wharves, above'Willow street, lu several places railway tracks have beeD laid from the North Pennsylvania Railroad kcrose Dt*l&w&r(j AveLiie lo the &xlr<-Rie cods of the pitr*, for the shipment of Lehigh coal. These tracks belog laid at right angles with the avenue, do not interfere with the travel on it. Tho wharf at Noble street is being widened about fifteen feet. The stock of lumber on hand appears small at present. goiii'e staicxneuts havllicr boen rrsade that »gGr:ia of tho English Government were engaged in buying up all the vliite oak timber they Could find, at fabulous prices we made inquiry on the subject the Lumber dealers, and found that tin y knew nothing of tho matter. A sou tk miu), who bad recently retu* ued from Oauaila, iufermed us that a. largo <ju»ntxty of white oak had been cue for English account. Our lumber dealers have little to do with white tak, except in the shape of ship ku*-es. The best timber comes from Pennsylvania and Delaware. Next to the Florida live oak and teak wood it is the host article for ?hip build in x. Widening Delaware Avenue. —The woik of widening Delaware avenue is done under the su pervision of the Department of Surveys, the expenses be inp paid oneef the income of the Girard estates, confor mably to the wiil oi Stephen Girard. The coat of widon» ing the avenue laet year amounted to over thirty-fivo thousand dollars. From a carriage way of tweuty-une fret in width, and afoot way of four feet, which were con stantly crowded and j iintued with the press of business, it h»s been altered <o a fifty feet aveuu*-, with a nine feet fqct way, and forty-one feet carriage t h 1!?? affording for the transaction of busioem without the delay heretofore experienced The improvement hasincrensed the value of both wharf and store* house pruprrty, and is an additional monument to tne munificence of Stephen Girard. When this wotk is completed there will be an urgfiit c#!l for tlie extension or Delaware ammo Itelosr f obth street, at leart as fur as Queen street, the greater portion of which in now private property Upon the coo tracts lately concluded, iho small size granite block for carriage ways has 1 een adopted, as the better calculated for the protection of horsrs’feet. A Monster Gun . —A rifle gun of im meDße size passed through this city a few days ego to Washington. It was made fr» m. the rrgular 10-iuch co lumbiad pattern and is of eight-itch boro. The gun is consequently much heavier than the regular 10-inch co- Vuiiibiod, weighing, we believe, over ei*ht ions. Tne riding was performed iu the mort natiafactory manner, and the gun is said to be the h*-9t finished piece of ord nance yet turned out at the Fort Pitt works. It will throw an immense projtclile, calculated to damage any armor on which the ball will Btrike at right angles. The immense uomend for iron Hut will be oco&Mofiod by the new movement in iron-clad ships, will no doubt zesolt bentlicially to the iron interest of Lhis State. Resigned— Dr. B. A. Liehfen thaler, of Loch Bureoi Penns? Ivauia, has bmm cnmoellQii. in consequence ot ill health, to resign hi* a* sur geon of the Eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Coi-pa. As a mark of their esteem and regard for Dr. Lichtentbaler, the members of the hospital department presented him with a handsome Bible. The presentation speech was made by Assistant Surgeon Dr. No If. of liuutiugdon, Pciuti sylvani a, and was replied to by the re cipi ent of the gift. Court of Quarter Sessions, Judge Allison, was yeeterday engaged in bearing motions for new trials, j urors were diaoiiarged until Monday. An Old Trick —'Recently a number of shopkeepers have been imposed upor by having pass ed upon them packages of what were euppoueo to be cent*, duhi) ud iu wrarbora of twoniy-uve couta oaeh. They are of tUs same size and weight as an ordinary package of the genuine ceut. It was soon found that they wero small pieces of iron. The trick is an old one. The Fifth and Sixth-street Bail- ROAD. —The bill before the Legislature relative to the Fifth and Sixth* street Passenger Kail way is not to alter the gauge of the road for the use of freight cars as stated, but to afford increased facilities f< r the accommodation of travellers going to and returning from the Baltimore depot. Donation. —From Oapt. Meloy. of tie schooner James Satterthivqit, the sum of $13.50 has b&eu sent home from Cardenas, Cuoa, as a donation to the Coriper-hhop Reirer-hmeut Saloon. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. THOMAS KIMBKR, Jr., 1 ISRAEL MORRIS, > Committbr or tbs Month. JOSEPH O. GRUBB. \ LJETTKR BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia, Ship Sarnnak, Rowland, Liverpool, March 25 Ship Westmoreland, Decan .Liverpool, soon Ship Bdll, fioberlton. ... ....... Liverpool, soon Ship Frank Flint, CoUey.... Liverpool soon Ship Argo, Ballard Liverpool, soon Bark American, Christian ...Port Spain, soon Bark F Lonnig, Sumner K*y Wes*', March 22 Bark Azelia, Davis... . . Laguayra A Porto CabtflO) 8998 ©chr Greenland f10ath0r............. Pernambuco, soon Scbr West Wind, Gilman *,*..,., Pounce,Pß, soon Schr J M Houston, Russell Barbados, soon HARINF INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, March 2*3, 1863. BUN RISES 6 I—SUN BETS 6 13 HIGH WATER 7 58 ARRIVED. Bark Mcaco, Wilson, from Porto Cabellolst lost, with coffee and hides to Dallett St Bon. Deft no American vessels. Brig Clara Pickens, Rich, 3 days from New York, in ballast to D S Stetson A Co. Brig West, Gulbranduon, 3 days from Now York, in ballu&t to D S Stetson A Co. Schr Mary, Rogers, 3 days from New York, with mdse to D Cooper. Schr Aid, Gooding, 3 days from New York, with mdse to D Cooper. SfibP Villllj£6 QiitteD, Hawkins, 2 Jays from Now York, will* bail#*y to Miuaey, Cobins A Co. Schr J G f’ollyer, Wilcox, 4 days from New York, with mdse to captain. Schr Crialu, Senear, 5 days from Hntieras Inlet, in ballast to Tyler, Stone A Co, Svhr Charter Vak, Butler, i days from FortrGßß Mo&« roc, in ballast tr. J E A Co. Schr J E Boley, Freeman, 8 days from Frovincetown, with mdbo to Geo B Kerfoot. Schr J Y Farlau, J alette, 2 days from New York, in bullaat toD S Siotfioxi & Co i i Schr Brrczo, Iluist*, 2 days from New York, io ballast to D 6 Stetson A Co. Scbr Ben, Hickman, 3 days from New York, in ballast to D 6 Sh tsoti & Co. Schi Marine, Godfrey, 3 daysfrom Now York, in bal- Übt lADS SUUoi, A Co. Schr Pi tttl, Brown, from Wilmington. Schr Mary Ellen, Case, from Greeuport. Schr Minerva, 15»oobs, from Greeuport. Schr Volta, Brooks, from Greenport. gebr WocUrnfF thins, 31am>n. Leesburg. SohT Alien II Btowii, Urou‘t.U, from Htv.vUWce. Scbr Mary Haley, llaley. from Fortriun Monroe. Slcop Planter. Fowler, 2 days from Leipaic, Del, with grain to Jos E Palmer. CLEARED Bark Fredtrltk SUlklhfrY, Key Wort, A derou AOo Bchr James Satterthwaite, Maloy, Cardenas, Stewart, Carson A Co. Schr O H Rogers, Langley, Ship Island, P 3 Stetson ft Co. . „ « SchrN B Hagen, Coombs, l’ortsmouth. NH, J E Bax ley & 00. Schr Pearl, Browu, Boston, Noble, Caldwell A Co. Schr W Sims, Maaun, Bo*too. Win H Johns A Jo. Schr Mary Klle.n, Case, Newport, Sinnickann ft Glover. SchrTultH, Brooks. Norwich, L Au-JebiieU & Go. Sehr A H Brown. Orowoll, Providence, do Schr Mary Haley, Haley, Fortress Monroo, Tyler, Stone ft Co. Schr Crisis, Renoar, Ilatteras Inlet, do Sthr Minerva, Brooks, Bridgeport, Hammett, Van Puflon ft Lochmnn. rt3orrespondence of the Phltmlelpliia Exchange.) v LEWES, Pel, March 20, 7% A M The brig JM Sawyer, from Philadelphia tor Matan, put iu here jesterday, iu consetiueuco of tho crew having refused to do dutv, she b*iug« as they asserted, aud seaworthy. The captaiu called a aiir vey, which decrutd that fifty toua of her cumo (iron) gqmdd be discharged,' and the same is being put on board tho schr Wm Carroll, which will start this ovening for Philadelphia. The bark Oonrod, from Bahia for Pfiila delphift, steamer Ocean Wavo, reveimo cutter Forward, aud Bclirs Christopher Looser, M Perin, SatiUa, and a few others, remniii ,4 tho ?re«Hw»teri The brig tmuretta. For Cardonas, went to sea last eve ning. Several schooners chartered by the Government have remained here for several days, instead of proceed ing to sea, which they could have done with all ease, aa the wind has beon from Wto NAV, The schr Belle, of Philadelphia, is one of the number, and all are bound S. JOHN r. MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. Brig Sand Welsh, Almeida, cleared at Key W T estllth im>t tor Philadelphia. Schr Hunter, Rockett, hence, arrived at New Bedford 19th ipsL eebra D 8 Siner, May, and Caleb Stetson, Robinson, hence, arrived at Key West 19th irißt. Schr Gw L Greon, Cobb, cleared at Boston 20th inst. for Philadelphia. faehra Sarah, Benner, McAlvino, Bucklin, E H At wood, Rich, Mary Natt, Smith,and W W Brainard, Bow dileli, cleared at Now York 20»h inatfor Philadelphia. NAVAL. Tho U S sclir James S Chambers, Lieutenant Com’g Condry, was spoken lltli inst, 45 miles WSW from Key West—all well. CUPAKTJNEKSIUr NOTICES. POKT RICHMOND IRON WORKS. —COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—JOHN U. TOWNS, formerly of the firm of Merrick ft Town®, h*m become a member of tho firm of I. P. MORRIS ft 00 , to take effect from and after the Ist of January, 1662. Isaac P. Morris withdraws from active participa tion in tho conduct of the business. The title of the new firm is 1- P. MORRIS, TOWNS, ft GO. ISAAC P. MORRIS, LEWIS TAWS, JOHN J. THOMPSON, fell JOHN H. TOWNS. fIOPARTNEBSHIP NOTICE.—IB - RAKL MORRIS this day retires from our firm. His sous, THEODORE H. MORRIS aud FREDERICK W. MORRIS, are admitted as partners; and the busi ness will be continued as heretofore. MORRIS, WHEELER, ft 00., Iron Merchants, 1608 MARKET Street. Philadelphia, Dec, 81,1891. jaMI PROPOSALS. TO CONTRACTORS. —Proposals will !«e received until MARCH 31st, inclusive, at the Fbglh&vr’e office, corner of THIRTIETH »nd MARKET Streets, Weßt Phlledelphia, for the GRADING and BAL LASTING of two and a quarter miles of the Junction Railroad, between Bridge street aud the Columbia Bridge, In West Philadelphia. Plans of the work can be seen at the Engii eer’9 office, and the necessary informa tion obtained, on and after March 24# mhlO.tmbSOggjn- JOHN A. WILSON, Engineer. LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A TIIE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of SARAH ELIZA and GEORGIANS MAY. The Auditor appointed by tbß Court to audit, settle, and adjust the firetaccountcf ARMSTRONG FLOMEIt- FELT, Guardian of Sarah Eliza May and Georgiana May, minor children of George Edward Mny,dtcoased, and to report dUtrU-utiou of tbv balance, will uivci the parties intereslfd, for the purposes of his appointment, on MON DAY, the 24th March, 1862, at 11 o’clock A SI., at his office, No. 627 WALNUT Street, in the city of Phila delphia. SAMUEL 0. PERKINS, n»h]3-tbstust Auditor. IU THE ORPHANS 1 COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of DKNNIS SWEENY, deceased. Tho Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of DENNIS H. SWEENY, sur- TiYiiik Executor of the laet will aud leHtaimmt of Dennis Sweeny, deceased, and to report distribution of tho balance, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, tho 25th March, 1862, at 4 o’clock P. M. t at his office, No. 627 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. SAMUEL 0. PERKINS, mh!3-thstust A iditor. Estate op thomas Wallace, DECEASED.—Letters of Administration to the Estate of. THOMAS WALLACE* deceased* have been granted by the Register of Wills of Philadelphia county to tho f übicrlber. AU porsons having claims or demands against the said estate are requested to present them without delay, and those indebted to mako payment to ELIZABETH H. WALLACE, Administratrix, No 431 North TENT H Street; Or to her attorney, WM. B. HOOD, mhB-s6t No. 2GB South FOURTH Street. Notice is hereby givsn that application has been made to the Trustees of the Fire Association for the renewal of a POLICY OF INSURANCE, No. 2732 for SI,OOO, dated Sopttmber 10,1829, ana issued iu the name of MARGARET Mc- CULLY, which has been lost or mislaid. Any informa tion thereof will be received by SAMUEL McGULLYi S. W. corner of FRONT and MARION Streets, mhll-tuthfts Ira TN THE ORPHANS 5 COURT FOR _L the CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Ifcfote of JOHN R. HUDDERS, deteuad. Notice U hereby given that HaNNAH HUODERS, the widow of said dt cedent, has filed in said Court her petition and an appraisement of the personal property which she claims to retain under the act of Assembly of 14th of April, 1851. and supplement thereto, and that the eftine will be Approved by the Court ou Friday, the 4th day of April, 1862, unless exceptions thereto be filed. mbSO-tbeit* THORN, for Petitioner. MARSHAL’S SALES. W j W AAAAAAAAAAAA/VWVI'''VIA.\\\\A,'IVW.KMAWIVW A/JABSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of IVX it writ or order of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WA La DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, iu and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in A dmirntt}, to me .directed, will be sold, at pubHc sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at CALLOiP HILL-STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, April 2d, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., the brig HERALD, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, consisting of 655 casks, and 308 barrels spirits turpentine. WILLIAM SLILLWARD, V. S. Marshal E. D. cf Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Match 20, 1882. mh*2l-6t TV/TAKSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of IVI h writ of suit*, by the Hon. JOHN CAD.WALA -I>KB, Judge of the District Court of the Uuited States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sol 1, at public sale, to the highest Rsd best bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-S L’REET WHARF, on TUESDAY, APRIL 1.1862, at 12 o’clock K.» the cargo of the schooner PRINCE ALFRED, con sisting of Coffee, Sugar, Molasge*. Kirni, and Salt. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March 20,18C2. mh2l-6t MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ ol SnlhbytbeHoiii JOHN CaDWALADEB* Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at QUEEN-STREET WH4RF. on TUESDAY, April Ist, 1b62. at 12 o’clock A!„tho §chooner PRINCE ALFRED, her tackle, ag parel. and furniture, as she now lies ar said wharf. WILLIAM MILL WARD, U- S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March 19, 1862. iah2Q«6t ly/lARSHAIi’S § ALE,—By virtu? of a IVJI Writ or oroer of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD TV ALADEB, Judge of the District Court of the Uuited btateg, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at CaLLOW UILL-STJiKET WHARF, on MONDAY, March 31, 1802, at 12 o’clock M., the Sloop IIiVELOCK, tier tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March 17* 1862. mhi.B-6t GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. g-MOKED SALMON. just received. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEADER IN FINE GROCERIES, ■nhlO-tf CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. in BBLS. FLESH ROLL BUTTER lO for .ale at the NEW STORE, No. 502 North SECOND Street. mhUtf Extra family flour, buck wheat- Flour, Ryu Flour, and Corn Meal, always on band, at S. Z. GOTTWALb’, No. 812 SPRING GAB DEN etreet mli4-tf FRESH POUND BUTTER always on hand at the CHEAP STORE, No, 502 North SECOND Street. ~ Fiiesh eggs, roll butter, and Poultry, received daily, at the NEW STOIE, No. £62 North SECOND street. mh-i-tf IF YOU WANT CHEAP BUTTER, Eggs, Gh&eee, Ac., go to S. Z. GOTTWALS’, No. 812 BPRIanG GARDEN etreet. mh4-tf CHEAP PRODUCE! CHEAP PRO DUCE ! at the NEW STORE, No. 502 North SECOND Street. TTINEGrAJR —French White Wine Y Vinegar, for sale hi JAURKTCHE * LAVEBGNB, mhls Noe. 202 and 204 Sonth FRONT Street. For cheap butter, cheese, Egge, Poultry, Sc., go to the NEW STORE, No. 502 North SECOND Slaeet. mh4-tf A LL WHO WANT GOOD FLOUR /l and Buckwheat Meal, should not fail to go to 6. Z. GOTTWALS* new store, No. 502 North SECOND Street, as bis celebrated brands of Flour are now used by the beßt families in the city, and are universally acknowledged to have no euperior. mh4-fef pBEEN CORN AND PEAS VJ" 50 cues Winslow’s hormotically-ioaled Green Coro, £0 “ i( i« Green Peas, 20 bis “ 11 Fresh Tomatoes, just landed and for sate by J MODES A WILLIAMS, 10? South WATER Street. CHOVELS AND SPADES. Q OEOBSI EALIKAI, iiAinivAommim, OOB»*H O* BEK AD AND HD ADDS BTBRRTB, JaliUtin* Bet Arch and Race, and Baennd and Third- fIOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN \j VAB, of all nnmbois rod brands. fi&Hn'a Duck Awning Twills, of all descilptious, for Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covom. Also, Paper Manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from Ito 8 feet wide. Tarpaulin#, Belting, Sail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. VVSRHAN A 00., 102 JONKB Alloy. Broomcorn, handles, twine, Ac.; Brooms, Bnoketa, Ac..for sale b, O. K. BLAKIHTON, CotmoiMlou MembnH, talO-ibr « flanth m—*t SHEEP AND GOAT SKINS.—A email Invoice of Sbeep end Qoat Bkfne for sale b, lADBETCHE A liAVUBGNB, fan SOS and 2M Booth FBONT Bmet. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1862. TO DISTILLERS. The DISTILLEBY known »the "PHCENIX,” nod formerly owned end occupiod by' SAUIi. SMYTH, Eeq. t tltu.ted on TWEKTY-THIBR, between Bltil eud VINB Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 000 bushel, per day, is now offered for Bale on reasonable and accom modating terms. Is in good running order, and has an the modern improvements. An Artesian well on the pro iniees Furnishes an unfailing fltlpply of good, pure water. Address Z. LOCKX ft CO., No, 1010 UABKBT Street, Philadelphia. . fe23-dtf FOR. SALE—A highly-cultivated ■M. COUNTRY SEAT, of sejren acres, .ituaw at tile in turfc.eetion of RIDGE Avenae.and the Oouniy Line Road to Chestnut Ilill, in Montgomery county, ono mile from tho station at Chestnut Hill and from the La Fayette sta tion on the Norristown Railroad. Tho improvements are a large Mansion Tonant House aad Carriage House, all built of stone, iu the host substantial modern style, nu n «rona outbuiMiatsa, Urge gr»pcry, and a variety of fruit treed, shade, and shrubbery. Terms low. Posses sion at once. Apply to 0. D. RITOHIB, 820 ARCH Street, HENRY LIPPEN, Wissahickoo Hall, or mill-s& wet* PETER STREEPER, near the promisos. d*£i TO LET.—The large STORK, No. ftldiL 383 MARKET Street, will be for rent July 1, next. This property is admirably located, has a front of 25 teet, five stories high, to a depth of 123 feet, thence it widens to G 7 fe«t to a further depth uf 183 feet, making the entire depth of the store 306 feet, to a Hue, unobstructed north ern-light; with an outlet on'Fourth Fixtures complete, and every convenience. It is wail adapted for a large clothing, commission, or dry-goods house. Ap ply to WILLIAM II BACON, iu!»18-Ct* No. 23 North FOURTH Street. A WAREHOUSE AND STORE TO E3.GUKT, No 238 UIIDKCH Alley, four stories high, with Hoisting Machine, and well lighted- mh2o-t.Us2t* &FOR SALE VERY LOW—First class new Dwelling, No. 1627 Green street, with fine yard. BONSaLL BkOTHKRS, mhl7-6t* 116 North NINTH Street. 4,000 PEACH TREES, VERY —il- fiue, thrifty ; 10,000 Silver Leaf Maples, targe and hubdspinu; ftlbOi a largo uraortment of other FrniL SiiadOi and Ornamental Trees, for sale cheap for cash or on time. Catalogues gratis. CIIAS. P. PETRUS, inhl7-lni* ConcordviUe, Delaware count*, Pa* TO LET—A on DEWEY’S Kill lane, Germantown, with all the modern conve niences, Coach Houto and Stable, first-rate Garden, and various kinds of fruit; within five minutes, by a good walk, to the station. Apply at No. 23 North FOURTH Street. [mh!3-tf] JAMES CRESSON. FOR SALE—A desirable FARM, near Nflrristowo, Montgomery connty, containinf 89 acres of superior laud, nicely watered. Large stout improvements, finefruitß, «fcc. Price only $95 per acre. For further particulars, apply to 18. PETTIT, mbT-tr No. 309 WAfcMU f Streot. QILI OIL. 11 OIL 111 HULBURT & BRODHEAD, HO. 240 ARCH STREET, Having opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the jpecial attention of dealers and consumer* to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this markot, being entirely free from that gluey subatanco and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produces no Hmoke, and is free from all explosive properties. KT Orders trom City or Country promptly at tended to. fe2B-2m « T UCIFER” OIL WORKS. XJ 100 Bids. “ Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee this oil to be non-explosive, to burn all the oil in the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without crusting the wick, and but slowly. Bbls. lined with glass enamel. WRIGHT, SMITH, ft PtuftRSALL. f*2l-tf Office 516 MARKET Street. CARBON OIL.—IOO bbls. Natrona Oil in store and for sale by WILLIAM M. WILSON, mhl3-tf 208 MARKET Street. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS o r LOOKING GLASSES, ' OIL PAINTINGS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE ANU PORTRAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, OABTE.DK.VISITE PORTRAITS, EARLE’S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, JaU PHILADELPHIA. mREEMOUNT SEMINARY, Norris _L town, Pa., for TOUNG M*N and BOVS.,—Tbe Biination is high and healiliy, and the greuuda contain lenacres. The SUMMER SESSION commences AprilB. For circulars, address nihlSintho-Ot JOHN W. LOCH, Principal. PRIVATE TUTOR.—A Graduate of a New England college is desirous cf corresponding with some gentlemen, wiih ft view to ft Private Tutor ship. B o has h&d considerable experience in tbe Olaiei js »iid Malheomticfif httvtog toliglit them in a private school of ins own and in college, and can furnish tho most unex crpiioziabte testimonials.* Address Box 740, HART FORD, Connecticut. mh!9-6t* Oxford female seminary, Oxford* Chester cotoity* Pa; In & healthful, and easily accessible location, it affords advantages for a thorough And normal education. The course of study Includes the Ornamental Branches and meet of the solid branches taught in our colleges. The next Session will open MATT, 1.882. For circulars, ad dress Hiss H. BAKBIt; Principal. mhl3-lm VILLAGE GBEEN SEMINARY— SELECT SCHOOL NEAB MEDIA. PA.—Tho rough course in the Languages, Mathematics, English studies* BLd all the mmol branches. Special attention paid to Book-keeping. Fine Philosophical Apparatus and Library. Pupils of all ages taken. Boarding per w'eek, 152 25. Bev. J. HEBVEY BABTON, A. M. mhg-lm Village Green, Pa. Bokdentown female OOL LEGE, Bordentown, N. J. This institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware river, lk hour's ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion is paid to the common and higher branches of Eng lish, and superior advantages are furnisned in vocal and Instrumental music. German and French are taught by natives, and spoken in the family. For catalogues, con taining full particulars, address Bev. JOHN H. BBAKXLEY, A. M., ja29-2m* President DRIED APPLES.—66 saoks new Western Dried Apples; . 7 bbls new Western Dried Applet. Just received and in store For sale by MURPHY A HOOKS, iaT-tf No. 146 NORTH WHABVEB. RAISINS —3OO boxes Layer Raisins; 800 half bsiu La,o, Baubu; 800 boxes M B Bunch Baisins: 800 half boxes M B Bunch Raisins. New and choice Bruit, now landing and for sale by MURPHY A BOONS, No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. PENN STEAM ENGINE BBrf*T AND BOILER WORK9.-NBA.FIS k LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MACHINISTS,BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many yean, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanka, Propellers, Ac., Ac., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for In gints of all sizes, Marine, Ri+er, and Stationary, having sets of patterns of different rizee, are prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattenwnaking made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of all sizes and kinds j Iron and Brasß Castings, of all descrip tions; Roll Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected-with the above busin]j*J. Drawings and Specification! tor all work done at their, establishment, Tree of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock -room for re pairs of boat*, where they can He in perfect Bofety, and' are provided w ith blocks, falls, Ac.,' Ac., tor rais ing heavy «r light welghw. U _ JACOB O. NSAFIB, JOHN P. LEVY, je!4-tf BEACH and PALMER Streets. J, VAUGHAN HERHIOK, JOHN N. OOPS,. TTlbbliM a- HRBBICE, HABTBIST HIBBI9I| QOUTfIWARK FOUNDRY, O FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTBBITB, Manufacture High and Lew - Pressure Steam Engine*, for land, river, and marine sorvice. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Cast ings of all kind*, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Bail road Stations, Ac, Retort and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents for N. RilHeox’a Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus: Patent Steam Hammer, and As pinwall A Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar. Draining Machine. ~ ' aus-tf SON, & BENBO W’S St. O. Hi PEKHOWi of tho above flrm, 1(9 l9»g kn 9-» to the American trade, informs bis friends and patrons that, the partnership having expired with Mr. Low, ho has taken into partnership his eon, 11ENBY BKNBOW, who bae l*oen many years connected with the lata firm. G H Benbow having purchased the share of the busi ness beloniina to K jburt Low* Sr * who was the original proprietor of LOW'S BROWN WINDSOR SOAP* Ac., BKNBOW A SON will continue the manufacture of that •uoerior article, having bad the sole management for eeveral years. Also, of HONK Y, GLYCERINK, FANCY gPApg, POMADES, PERFUMES, BRUSHES, Ac., the quality of which (bey guarantee equal to any imported Into the American market. Bui ere visiting England the present year are requested to examine our goods and prices without incurring the obligation to purchase. LaED AND GKRKASE.—SO tierom Irimo Le»f l«r4 j to Heron white Ore—», oinn rro “““ W “ t ’““ £s£?«■* SooSb. Bo.lM HOBXH WhIBYM. FOR SALE AMD TO LET. iIJLU OILS. LOOKING GLASSES EDUCATIONAL. FRUIT. MACHINERY AND IRON* PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK* SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINIST^ SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. BENBOW k SON, 12 LITTT.X BRITAIN, LONDON. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Delaware mutual safety INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF .-KNNSYL VANIA, 1836. OFFICE 8. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. AIARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ) CARGO, > To all parts of tbs World* FREIGHT, \ INLAND INSURANCES Os Goods, b, Rivers, OaqaU, Lakes, pud Land UmIMIM ■ to ail parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On fltoren. ITVollmfc fto. ABfIKTS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1, 1881. MR. GOUT. 1100,009 United titAtua Fiyoper cent bouh OO 50,000 United States Six per cent. Trea sury Notes. €9,906 87 06,000 United Btates Seven and Throe tenths per cent. Treasury Notes 16,000 00 100,000 Stars of Pennsylvania Five per s?at, 1iPitn........ 88,681» 123,060 Philadelphia City Six per cent* Loan 119,648 17 80,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. * Loan 84,075 00 80,000 Pennsylvania Railroad. Ist Mort gage Six per coni. Bonds. 80,000 00 60,000 Pennflylrani* Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds.€6,lBo 88 16,000 800 Shares Stock Germantown Gm , Company, principal and interest guarantied by the City of Phi ladelphia 14,667 60 6,000 100 Shares Stack Pennsylvania Railroad Company....*«•.*••*« 6,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances inode..,,« a 90,730 0? Bonds and Mortgages 76,000 00 Beal Ysrate 61,808 86 Balances due at Agencies—Premiums on Marine Policies, Interest, and other Debt* line the Company i *. 48*181 9T Scrip and Start or sundry Insurance and other Companies, 811,848—estimated va lue.. 4,086 00 Gash on hand—ln Burts $61,090 08 la Drawer...... 617 88 ■ C 1,016 80 DIRECTORS. William Martin, Samuel K. Stokes, Edmund A. Souder, . J- F. PeniatOn, Tfacophilua Paulding* Rvury John B. Fenroee, Kdward Darlington, John C. Davis, 11. Jones Bruoke, JaniOß Traquair, Spencer M’Hvalne, William ®yre, Jr., Thomas O. Uaud, James O. Hand, Robert Burtou, William C. Ludwig, Jaceb P. Jones, Joseph 11. Seal. Janies B. Moffarlaad* Dr. S. M. Huston, Joshua K Byre, George G. Loiper, Johu B. Setnple, Pittsburg, Hugh Craig, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, Charles Kelly, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS O. HAND, Tice President. HENRY LILBURN. Secretary. jal4-tf Exchange UNauKAisoK oom- VANY—Office, No. 409 WALNUT Street. Fire Insurance on Houses, and Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, either Limited or Perpetual. >. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bobtail, Thomas Marsh, John O- Ginnodo, Charles Thompson- Edward 1). Boborts, James T. Hale, Bamuel D. Smedley, Joshua T. Oweo, Reuben O. Hale, John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BONSALL, Prestdimt. JOHN a- OIHNODO, Yfo* TWideui. Sxoxaxd Cos, Secretary. i*Bl TNSUHAJSOE COMPANY OF THJS X STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 aud 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Stream, Phils* tolphia. INCORPORATED in 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, 0200,000. PROPERTIES 07 THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1» 1861, *607,094.81. tfABItfX, FIRE, AtfP INLAND TRANSPORTA TION INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Henry I>. Sberrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester, Tobias Wagner, William B. Smith. Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Austin, Henry G. Freeman, William B. White, Oiiartes 3. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George O. Carson, HENRY D. WlLLiiJt Hum. Secretary f|tH£ ENTBEPBIBIfi CNBUBANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIBR INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) OOMPANY’B BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT streets. DIBXOTQBB. F. Ratcbtord Starr, William McKee, Halbro Fnt'/.ier, John M- Atwood, Beni T. Tredick, Henry Wharton, F. BATCH] Cia&lib W. Coxx. Secret* Fire insurance. MECHANICS’ INBUBANOE COMFA2TT 07 PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 North SIXTH Street, below Bace, Insure Buildings, (foods, nod Merchandise gene rally, from Loss or Damage b; Tire. The Company gua ranty to adjust all Losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public. directors. Boberfc flanlgan, Michael McGooy, Edward McGovern, Thomas B. HcGonnlOk, John Bromley, franoii Fails* John Ouuady, William Morgan, Francis Cooper, George L. Dougherty, Janies Martin, James Dnrose, MatthßV {UcAIMT) Bernard Rafferty, Thomas J. Hemphill, Thomas Fisher, Francis McManus, FBA] Blur aid BirriiTT* Bee Anthracite insurance COMPANY. Authorized Capita] *400,000 CHABTEB PEBPBTPAL.I Office No. 811 WALNUT Street, between Third and Voortli Slreois, Philadelphia. Tliia Company will insure against lose or damage bt iFire, on Building*, Tnrnitnre, and Merchandise gen*' rally. Alao, Marina Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and JVeilbta, inland Tnunrftnce to all parte of the Union. EIBEOTO&S. William Saher, _ Davis Pearson, -D. Luther, Peter 81 eger, Lewis Andenried, J. B. Baum. John B. Bl&kistoa. Wm. F. Dean. MftsStHh Jeta Kvtobsw. WHiIiIAB S3EEB) FretUlsal WM. T. DEAN. Tice President. W. M. Sninr. Secretary. apB-tf Fire insurance exclusive- LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA FIBE INSUHaNCB COMPANY. Incorporated 1826. OHABTKK PEB PETtJAL. No. (10 WALNUT Street, opposite Tudeperai voce Square. Thip Company,favorably known to the oommonicy for thirly-ait years, continues to insure against Lose or Da. mage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per aurasnti? or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, ttocko of Goods, or Merchandise ceneraUv. on liberal •elms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund. 1c Invested In the most careful moaner, whioh enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of iosa. DIBKCT6K*. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas ttobins, Quin tin Campbell) Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson* Jehu Revereox, William Mooteliua. Thomas Smith, Imm HazleOurst, JONATHAN WiLLU* o. o>nvm„ A MKKIOAN PIKE INSURANCE A WJttPAifX. laesnwr»W4 MM, QHABTRB yBBPETUAIi, M 0.819 W ALMDT Street, »bove ThVrtu .Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock aud Surplus, In vested to sound and available HeonritiMi continues to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vsa tela in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Fhn All tioBMB liberally and promptly adjusted* DIBBOTOB6. Thomas K. Marls, James H. Campbell, John Welsh, Idmund O. Dutilh, pjtaynnfti 0. Morton, Charles W. Poultner, Patrick Brady,' Israel Morxia J6hA T. Lavia, thom: U.IIU O. 1. OUWIOM. BUSINESS MOTIt'JSS, DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN.. p* 1 b TThT for 18 years, No. 218 VINE Street, above Second, inserts the most beautiful Teeth of the age, mounted on fine Gold, Platina, Sliver, Vulcanite, Go ralite, Amber, Ac., at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any Dentist in this city. Teeth Flagged to last for life. No pain in extracting Teeth. Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pay until satisfied all is right. Reference, best families. fe22-3m JOHN A. ALLDERDIUE, ATTOHNBT.AT.LAW, Hu resumed the Practice of hie Profession at NBW OABTLK, PELAWaBB. [ja2B-3m« JOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE HOOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Road, is prepared to pot oo any amount of ROOFING, on the moat MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to make every Building perfectly Water-tight, gy Orders promptly attended to BAIUKOAD BINES. 1862. Mw 1862. ABBANGEMENTS OF NEW YOBK LINKS. TBE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TBENTON BAILBOAD OO.'B LINES FBOM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YOBK AND WAY PLACES. rxOM WALNT7T-BTRHBT WHABF AMD KRMBIKOTOI DIPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: At 9 A, M„ Tl* Htfl Aab??! o, and A. Ao ocnimoOation *•••*«.•««••»•••*••* *♦*•***♦*♦•«»•#• «* At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation 2 2* At 9% A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Horning Mail.. • • •• 8 00 At i in f. U., va» dasodm aw! AmWt Accommo dation........ ® At 2 P. M.» via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. Ex press...... ...*•• 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening At 4 F. M., Tl# Camden and Jersey City, 3d Class Ticket 2 20 At6j£ P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Evening Mail •••• • • • • 2 0® At 12 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City- South eni Mail' 8 00 At SP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda- __ tion, (Freight and Passenger)—let Glass Ticket.. >» Do. do. 2d Glass d 0.... XSO The 6)( P. H. Line runs daily, Sundays excepted. The 12 P. W., Southern Mail rune da»y. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, So., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensing ton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Barton, Lamberiville, Flemington, Sc., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 2ji P- M street wharf; (the 7.10 A.M. Lino connects with fram leaving Easton for Manor (thunk at 3.36 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at« A. M., a mal P. M. f«l Freehold, At 0 A. M., And 2 P. M. WAT LINKS. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 1- 10 and B# A. and 5, 9,34, aud 12 P. M. from Seusißgtf Si «“ from Walnut-street wharf, For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at 11X A. m, from Kensington Depot. , „ „ _ For Palmyra, Riverton, Delenco, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, Ac., at 12}f, 1,4, ©, and &X *• M g>eamboat TRENTOK for Bordentown and interme diate stations at ax P M. from Walnut-street wharf. if or New York, aud Way Lines leaving Keualng ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The care run Into the bopot,—a Ob the irrfrril *1 &«h fa»Si» HW fc»M tllo Fifty Pound* of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Paßsevcers aro prohibited from taking anything as bag ga*t» but their wearing apparel. AU baggage over flfw pounds to be paid for eitra, The fioropaar llndttheir SeponsibUity for baggage to One Dollar perpound.ane wUI not be liable for any amount beyond »10Q, exeeyt by special contract. »WUff EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EX- SgHSHSII PBKBB COMPANY, OfflW JBO CHESTNUT Btreet, forward* Parcel*, Package*. Mar chandiw, Bank Note*, and Specie, either by It*®vn tine. or In cormCttiiO With AthM* KVbMU C«m»aidM,k) all the principal Town* and Oltie* of the 1. fl, SANDFwIwt «*ia Ueneral Superintendent. *869,W6 8T . SHSBSBBD, President ry. flloroecal h. Dawson, Gee. H. Stuart, John H. Brown, B. A. Fahnestock, Audreu D. J. L. Erringer. rOBIr BTABR, President ry fell Bernard H. HHlsemftnn. Charles Glare, Michael Cahill. CIS OOOPJKB, President *etnTi ooE PATTUBSON, Preetdent. cretary. *pd [AS fi. MABIB, President i. Secretary . ffttW-tf WIW. H.OATgMNK. Agent. RAILROAD The PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. THK GREAT DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE. Sbsbm 1862. 1862. THE CAPACITY OK THK ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WEST. Facilities for the transportation of pawougorfl to And from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Ulxicago, St Loot*, Si. Fault Naahvtllo, Memphis, New Oflfmnfc pn4 All 9*bey towns in tho West, Northwest, and Southwest, are un*urpaaaod lor speed and comfort br any other route. Sleeping and smoking cars on all the trains. THE EXPRESS BUNS DAILY $ Hall and Taut Lino Sunday# excepted. Hall Train leaves Philadelphia at............ 8.00 A. A- Fwt Lino 11 “ , 14 1L39A.5L KzproHsTrain** “ 10.30 Y. H. Porkefibnrg Accommodation leaves Fhiia. at. 12.80 P. M. Harrisburg •« “ “ .. 2.30 P. M. Lancaster *♦ u « .. 4.00 P. M. West Chester passengers will take the Mall Train, the Parkoobnrg Accommodation, and the Lancaster Acoojp notation. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 2.30 P. M., go directly through. Tor further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for* warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio* Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct , or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. Tho riiiW* of freight to and from any point in tho West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, aro, at nil tinine, as fa vorable os are charged by othor Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence oh its speedy transit. For fjreiffbt contracts or shipping apply to or address the OT * *h« Company. 8. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. D. A. STEW ART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & Co., Chicago. LEECH & Co., No. 1 Aator House, or No. 1 South William street, New York. LXEOB A 00., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. MAURAW A KOOKS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON. Gen’l Freight Agent, Philo. L. L. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOCH LEWIS. Gen’l fiuo’t, Altoona. jyl-tt WEST CHESTER PHILADELPHIA RAIL- VTA MEDIA. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. On find after Mominy. Murcb lOtb, 1362, the trains will Ic&Yf) PHILADELPHIA from thu depnL N. 15. cor* nerof EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.06 and 20.80 A. M., and 2, 4.30, and 7 P. M.« ami will leave the corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets. 17 minute* after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market streets. ON SUNDAYS, Loots PHILADELPHIA at S A. 51., and 2 P. M. Leave WEST CUES j'Klt at 8 A. M., and 4.80 P. M. The trains leaviDg Philadelphia at 8.05 A. M., and 430 P. M., connect at Pennelton withtraiu&on the Phi ladelphia and Baltimore Railroad for Oxford aud iuter- mediate points. mbB NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. FOB BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, H A UO H CHUNK. HAZLETON. EASTON. KGKXiSY, Ac. ' WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and often MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1801, Pas senger Trains will leavo FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows; At 6.40 A. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, M&uoh Chunk, Ha'/.leton, Ac. At 2.4& P, 62., (Ezproats) for Bctitifthem, Sartos, do. This tram reaches Easton at 6 r. M., and makes a dose connection with tie New Jersey Central for New York. At 6.06 F. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown*- Mauch Chunk, Ac. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. KL, for Dof lestown. At 0 P. KL, for Fort Yf osningion. The 6.40 A. &I. Express Train makes close connection With the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable roate to all points in the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 7.07 A. M., 9.18 A. M., and S.SS P.M. Leave Doylestcwn at 6.39 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.30 A. M. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 6.80 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylesiown at 4 I’. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Wkahltigjiox* for Philadelphia «U 2.4 t f. M.. fare to BeUdehem....&l.6Q | FarAtoManohChtink.S2.6d Fare to Easton...... 1.50 I Through Tickets mast be procured at the Ticket Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order so secure the above rates of fare. AM pEMsenger Trains (except Snndajr Trains) tonacci at Berks street with tho Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se oond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. no 4 KLLIB CLARK, Agenx PHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD- On and after MONDAY, JAN. 6, 1862. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA i Tor Baltimore at 3.30 A. M., B.lft A. H., lLBft A. M., (Express), end 11.00 F. M. Tor Chester at 8.16 A. M., 11.86 A. M., 8.46 and 11.00 P.M. For Wilmington at 3.80 A. M., S.U A. M., 11.84 A. M., ft. 46 mui 11*00 P» M. Tor Now U&dtie at 8.16 A. M. and 8.46 P. ML Tor Dover at 8.15 A. H. and 3.45 P. M. Tor Milford at 8.16 A. H. Tor Salisbury at 8.15 A. EL. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M. (Express); I.oft F. M. (Express), 6.20, and 7 P. M. (Express). Leave Wilmington at 7.30 and 11.33 A. ML, 4.16, 8.46, »ud 8.69 P. M. Leave Salisbury at 2.35 P. BY Leave Milford at 4.65 F. 51. Leave Dover at 9 A. M. and 6.10 P. M. J,eay,) New <Wle at 11 A. M. and 8.16 f. M. Leave Cheßtor at 6.20 A. M.., 12.15, 4.50, and 2.30 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate stations 5,20 and T P.M; for Dover and intermediate stations 1.05 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. from to Obestor at 8,46 A. H., 12,06 and 11.86 P. M> Leave Wilmington at 4.30 A. M., 9.26 A. M., 12.36 P. ML, and 12.10 a.. M. TREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Oar attached, will ran ae follows - Leave Philadelphia, for Perryviile and intermediate places at 6.10 T*. M. £*eave Wilmington for PerryviUe and Intermediate places at 7.10 P. M- Leave Philadelphia for oteeter, Wiluiingtou, Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North East, Perry vi lie, Havre-de- Gract, and Baltimore nt 8.30 P. M. Lmvo Baltimore for Havre-da-Graco and Intermediate Stationfl at 8.45 A. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia And intermediate places at 2.06 P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY: At 8.80 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. from Philadelphia to Balilmorv. At 7 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. The 3. .30 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore will run daily, Mondays csicqjted. B. M. FELTON, President. JSt E—a PHILADELPHIA .jSIaND BEADING RAILROAD FABtiiiNtrEß TRAINS FOB POTTBYILLS, BEAD 7MG, and HARRISBUBG, on and after November 4*lBol MORNING LINES, DAILY, ftiuudaye excepted.) lioavu New Depot* uornw of BBOAD anti O ALLOW* 9ILL Streeta. PHILADELPHIA, ( Passenger entranowi on Thirteenth Ami on OaUowhill streets,) at S A. 61., con nectiHS at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 4.16 P. M. train, running to Pittsburg; tbs CU2IBBBLAND TALLEY 1.60 V. M. train running 10 Uh&snber&ofg, Carlisle, Aft ' aud thft Nu&THEItN CENTRAL UAILBOAD 1.3 Q P. M.. train running to flun bury, Ac AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, comer of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets. PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Oaliewhiil ets,,) for JPOTTBVILLI and HABBTSBI7BG, at 3,1 c P. Hu IJAHiY, connect. In* at Harrisburg with the Northern Centre! Baiiroad, for Bnnbury, Wiliiamßport, Elmira, So. Express Train from New tort Tie Easton make* close connection with the Beading Mail and Accommodation Train*, connect ing .t Harrisburg with the Penn*yl7ania Centra] 3.16 A. M. Train running west. For .BBABUTfI only, at V. 30 I’. DAHiY, (SmwW. excepted,! DISTANCES VTA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. ITiow FaiLAhaLrau, Mile*. To PhceaixTiile. • • 38 Heading.** 6S Lebtan0u......... BC Harrisburg U 3. Dauphin 124 MiUeraburg ..143 Trererton Junction.l6B Suntrary 16®, Northumberland;.. .171 Lewisburg......... * 178 Hilton 188 Honey *lB7 Williamsport...... .-309 jersey Shore. .228 Leek Hft0en_.......236, Balaton 238) WlUlwuport and Blolra Tro» 2*l ( BaUroad. E1mira..............387) . The 8 A. M. and 8.16 P. V. -at Part Clinton. (Btmdayo excepted,) toe OATAWTSSA, git.f.lfitMfiPOM' and Bfill RAILROAD, fl&ailAf oioee connections with Unee to Niagara Valla, Canada) the West and Southwest. _ DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD «ixd OAILOWHILII Street*. a W. H. MOHIHBHHBT. Secretary. October so. ltd. ES aw FALL AND WlN tub arrangbment.- JfHILAUBIiJ’iUA, GEBVANTOWN, nod NOBRlB t»whbailboaD.imbtabm On and niter Monday, October 28,1801, until further notice. JOB GEBMANTOWH. Xieeve PhUadeipliia, 6,7, 8, 9,10.05,11« II A. M., 1, S, •*. *»«•««. **• »* »v» *» 4Ti °« ROa '- 5 - ON BTTNBAM. _ _ fcMTC rtMtaMyU* Wi. M., % J liMTOOero»*i‘®own, 8.10 a. Mq *' *• CBE3TNOT HIM- BAH-HOAD.' _ Leave 0,9, 11? A. M-t ■»•»«*• P L»Ta Cliestuut Hill, T. 10,8.10,10.10, A.BL, 18.40, >.40, t. 40, mi B.l# P- M. _ ' ON BUNDA?B. linn Pliilwlelpiiia, 9.06 A. M., 3I Pjit- Leave Oheataut Hill, T. 40 A. M., 18.40, 0.40, and 0.10 *' I9S -VOifSBOHOOKBN WTO NOBBMTOWH. t(9»Td Fbilwlelphi» > 6*, M * 4 *-*• 4Xt 9>96f *»k j IBtO9P« M. hi a if luau abilS Lem Horrirtown, 7, 8* e - **• ON BUNDATB. Horn rhilwisfpy*,? A. Mj, IP- 1 *; J^VoHK^ Lem Phlledelpblm A. M., AOi, *^|> *O6. Mid 8.06 P. M. ... . | LMve Uu»yimk t IX* ®X* ** ®* ud &% ?' on außrijAXd. Leave Phßedelphle? 9 A. Bl.« 8 end 7 P. M. u “" ■££**« mOB .tr Beant NINTH aw# OHNBN BtwaAa- PHILADELPHIA. a ni> rkadino railroad CO., (Office 227 south FOURTH Street.) en and after Way 1,1861, season tickets will be issued by this company for the periods of three, six, nine, and tyrelyv b ot transferable. Beeson school-tickets n»ay also b« hwi at per cent. tickets will be mid by the Treaenrer at No. W South FOURTH Street, where any f ” r ‘ h ™‘“f?™*" o " can he obtained 8 - BRADFORD, tpM.lf T»MBT»r__ ISwCHB PHILADELPHIA iraWliP*S* and blmiba b. h linn. 186* WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 198* Fot WILLIAMSPORT. SCRANTON, BLMlßAjaurt all points In the W. and N. W. Panseniior Trams to»v« Depot of Phila. and Beading R. 8., cor.B r °|jJ lowhiil street* at 8 A. M., and 3.16 P. M. daily, except "wnnßT 89F™ *?“ Pbiiadelpbffi ffiDOlnffiln %zz.x for-I pohaffi above, leave* daily at 0 P. M. Jor further information apply to , . . JOHN S. HnililS, Qfiiwf 01 Awiit THIRTEENTH and OALLOWHILL, and S. W.OJ r . SIXTH and OHEfiTNUT Streets. jriUtr. RE«affi«i3 WEST CHESTER TRAINS,»!;. PKNN aYLYANIA BAILBOAD, leave depot,jsyner. BDH YNNTH and UABSXT Streets, at 9 A. 12.30 noon, Ud( F. M. jnoS-tr JOHN B. MYERS & C'»., AUUTION KBItS, Urn. SS2 uml 234 MiSKKT Street. SALK OT KKKNOII Dttlf WODB. On Monday Morning, Mureb 24, um fouPMusiDiiP urodit— -700 packages French, German, Swifts, and British dry goods. SALE (IF (JAUPETISU3. On Friday Morning, March 28, on four months’ credit— -300 pieces velvet, lliuaseJs. ingrain, o®d Venetian car petiug«, Ac. FUKMJCSS, BitiINLEY, & 00- 7 429 CHESTNUT STREET. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOOD J. On T«en>;ay Morning, March 24, at lu o’clock, by catAingiun for cwb— -400 lotft of fancy and staple dr> goods, cotaprislng a general assortment. FRENCH NANKINETB, DRILLS, COTTONAES, &C. On Tuesday Morning, 2 cases taper F, tiicb luucy m»nkinuta. 1 do do Hiripo do. 1 do do plaid do. I do no indißo-bine cotton^les. : 1 do do fancy pantaloon otitis. 1 do de fancy tinru UrhU. HENRY WOOD, General Superlutomfcnl Philadelphia and Beading •ad Ipdb&&££L Valley A S northern Central SaUroad. ffunbury and Erie B. B BALES HT ABLTIOS SALK OK BOOTS AN ,; SHOES, On Tuemlftf Morning, March 25, on four month*’ credit— -1,000 packages bontu and almra. Salk of dry goods. On Thursday Morning, March 27, on four months’ cjwbF— -500 pact age-t British, French, American dry goods. PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUC TIONKKiiS, No. 213 MAKKBT Street. FIRST SPECIAL SaLE OF STRAW GOODS FOB SPRING OK 1862. Ou Friday Morning, March 28, commencing at 10 o’clock. SUPERIOR FIBK-PitOoF SAFE. At private fliiln, a very ouperior Ure-proof safe. LB, HOPPiW & CO., AUCTION • KEBS. 242 MARKET STREET- SALE UF 1-yJiEIGN ani> DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. On Tuesday Morning, March 25, at H) o’clock, embracing a desirable aworl muit of tlrvvs goods, giuglmms, mlka, l»wus, Ac , Ac., of late importation, together with a variety of staple and fancy articU'C. Philip fohh & uo., auction EKRS, 525 MARKET and 622 GOMMBBOX Sta BALE OF I,OOU CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO GANS, Ac On Monday'Morning, March 24, ai 1G o'clock, pr&cioeiy, will be sold by cata logue— 1,00(1 cane* mena*, boys', and youths’ calf, kip, grain, and (hick bouts, calf and kip brogans, Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, Wellington and Balmoral Ooota, Ac.: wo men’s. inisbes, and childrun’s ch.lF f kip, goat, kiu, and nioroccu, heeled hoots tmd atiuutu slippors, fltdmo* roiH, Ac. Also, ft large awortninnt of Jirst-clase city made goods. Goods open for examination, with cataloguon, early on morning of sale BALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROGANS. On Thursday Morning* March 27th, at 10 o’clock, pmcjMciy, will be sold, by catalogue, 1,100 canes men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf, kip,‘grain, and thick boots; calf, kip, and enamelled bro gaim, Corgrees gaiters. Oxford ties, Wellinctuu aud Bai. moral boots; women’s, mi-at-s’. and children’s calf, kip r goat, khl, morocco, and eTiamollod heeleO boot», ahoea. gaitors, slippoiK. Ac. Also, a large assortment of first class city-made goods. KZF Goods open tor examination, with catalogues, early on tbe morning of sale. Administrator sauhi OF PATTERNS AST) MACHINERY. ■\VIII be sold at Auction, on the 26th of March, AT MATTEAWAN, FI3HKILL, N. Y., At i 6 o'clock A. M., all the patterns formerly belonging to tbe Matteawan Ccinpany, and the MATTEAWAN MACHINE AND MANUFACTUR ING COMPANY, Consisting ef a very large and valuable lot of MILL. 64AHtiSrt, PULLIKS AND PILLOW BLOCK PATTERNS, Saw llille, Dry Dock and Steam Engine Patterns of va rious kinds and sizes. Craue Patterns for hointioz, va rious kinds of LATHES, IRON PLANERS, DRILLS, and bII kinds of Cotton Machinery Patterns, iucjudjjig Ilxo celebrated self operating Mules, aud various ottwr Paitorns, too numerous to mention, ALSO, Lots of second-hand shafting—hangers and puUies, Castings tor several machines Small lot of new and aecund haud Cotton Machinery. Lots ot small Tools for Lathos, Mules, and other work. Several Cranes for hoisting. Locomotive and Flue lloilers, second-hand. Catalogues can be had at No 96 Maiden lane. New York, Hi;«] at Mattcawau, N. Y., after the 20m infit. Tunis made known at Hie day of sals. mb*2o'6t T. J. lb SCMENCK, Adtninintrator. CABINET TUKNiTUKE /"CABINET FURNITUBE AND BIL \J LIAKD tables. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 South SECOND Street, in connection with tbeir exteudye Cabinet, BuaiB?3? are uow manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, Aud have now ou Land a full supply, finished with the MOOBB & CAMPION’S iaIPIiOVBD CUSHIONS, which oru prnmvuncod, by all who have ut&d them, to be supotior to aU otlrera. For the Quality and finish of theße tanlea the manu :actur»Tß. infer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who aiv familiar with the character of their work. fo?ft-6nj H" AMPTOIii’S -&VL&AD11) LEtiIGH MUT, H&mstOL's splendid Stove Coni, Hampton's splendid Egg Coal. Yard, southeast eor. i'll ON r and POPLAH. mutS-liit* R CORSON. COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 33a WALNUT STREET, BSLOW SECOND, feS7-3m fBiUIIWHIi, COAL.— THE UN DEE SIGN ED beg leave to inform their friends ami the public that the, have removed their LEtllGll OoaLDEPOT from NOBLE-STBEKT WHARj’, on tile Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW etr-eL, whert U>£l (11141111 14 Ull!|S lh» IM-Sl Hlhllity Of LEHIGH GOAL, from tiie most appiovad mines, at tha lowest prices. Your patrouago is respectfully solicited. JOS WALTON & CO , Office, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard. EIGHTH and WILLOW, mhl-tf MJSUUHNAI,, MUTTEK’S COUGH SYRUP. F. BROWN. COPY-RIGUT SECURED. Prepared only from the Original Prescription of tho late PROFESSOR MUTTER. AT FREDERICK BROWN’S, Northeast corner of *F IK TU nod CHESTNUT Streets PhiltvielpJua. Tbib Remedy is a safe and simple preparation trom the receipt of the late dtßiinguiflhod Professor Mutter, with whom it was a favorite prescription. That he used it in h» extensive practice, insures to the timid a certain proof of its pure and innoxious elomeuts, and to those who know his character for skill and careful attention, to pnracribe only such remedial agent* as ebouid secure restoration without produciug subsequent evil, it will be welcomed as a real good. Uuder tho guidance of a Phy sician (to whom its combination will unhesitatingly be made known), it will always be found very beneficial, and In cases where a medical adviser is not at hand, it may K© used with according to thfi dlfSitldES, ih all cases oTshort or long duration. For sale at FREDERICK BROWN’S, Dm* and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Sts., oclP-e&w 6ro Philadelphia. in LUTEJS UAFBULEB tjr OF PURE OOD-UIVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVEB OIL, and the inability of many to taka it At all, lias ia« duced various forms Jof disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profession. Some of them answer in special canea, but more often thtCvehlcle neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea. Ac., to invalids, Induced by of the* Oil, is entirely obviated by Eie use of our CA PSULE9. OOD-LITEB GIL CAPSULES have been much used lately in Europe, the experience there of the good'Ve sults from their nee in both hospital and private practice. Aside from the ad v *nta ^e ß? ftr f 8 * ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use wiil result in benefit and deserved favor. Prepared by . WYETH & BROTHER, 1412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. MRS. J AMES BETTS’ CELEBRA TED BUFFOBTBHS FOB LADIBB, and th» only bnpportera nndur eminent medical patronage. La lies and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Bette, at her WALNUT Street Philadelphia) (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use het appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and «n the gnweoTtor*- with te«timnnial« 6-^utnstT_ Every lady who wishes to BE BEAUTIFUL should purchase BUNT’S COURT TOILET POWDER, tt is used by the Court Beauties in Europe, and it is the only Powder thatwiU not ihluri thg fiUiA cr rub off. Price, 19, 26, and 60 cents. HUNT’S BLOOM OF ROSES, ft beautiful, na tural color for the cheeks or lips; it will not wash off or injure the skin, and remains durable for years. Price «1 These articles are Quite new, and can only be ob tained of HUNT & 00., 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. All kinds of Fancy Soaps and Perfu tnery. felß CHIMNEY TOPS.—Vitrified Terra Cotta Chimney Tope—ornamental for cottages and piling, and plain for dwellings and imblic buildingSi These tops are indestructible, and not affected by the coal gas, so destructive to brick aud mortar. They will bo found cheap, durable, and ornamental. The material being a non-conductor, with a circular shaft on cone sbaped top, they will be found a certain cur® tor defec tive fines or smoky chimneys. 2 feet high ••• eftCl> ' 2 « 6 inches high * „ 3 ** wind-guard • * Zjt 3 “ 6 inches wind-guard., * " ’ q? 4 f* wind.gnard... .t l&ia For sale by the single top* or wholesale, at loio OHFSTNUT Street HARRISON, mbiu QELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES © WRINGER-Thi, iiupmeßirat will wring w»lw hmm nnv nrttde ol tbs mom oeHcaia texture to a bed S tottStSi by baud, Witboat the least iojar,, and adinsts itself, so that it is superior to all other wringers and modes of wringing. Purchasers can use tbemono month and, if not satisfied, return them aud receive their mon&y For sals by L. E. SNOW; at offioe of JOT* COE, A CO , FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Ladies are particularly invited to call and see them. faCfl-lm rpERRAPINS, OYSTERS STEWED X AND FBTBP, AHD CBIOBW BAlaH.—lxrri mtion Cards and other notices will be distributed in ali sarte of the city, with punctuality The nuaenagnai ta at aH turn, prepared to frwu, to (be Itu taction or ladlee aud Oeutieiuea, a lilt ot tbe iUlags attmtv ftia luBBonmallonl»rt«inm»nt, ae ttit »ee m» be, tbeieb, avoiding all onnaoMaary arofnßcn uidtHurtetand Ratters htaieeN, that by Wtlong exw tew is bnslwe, he wiU be able at aU ttaiee heretofore, entire MtiifacUou to all who favor him with tneir patromtve. HFNBY XONItS, owrer. No. UO ftoßth TWELFTH Stmt, nboTe BFBITG*. • Mlefln SOLDIERS ■Should be eent by HABNDKNM KXPOTSS, #M CBESTNIIT Street. Th«v cnafg® oniP HALF HATES, and send daily to Baltimore, Washington, Stress Mon • roe, and all other points occupied by our faS4-«n« baleb by auctiob* M THOMAS A SONS, • Net 139 and 141 South FOURTH ttnn (Formerly Nos. 67 and 66.) »TO('Kft AND KKaK ESTATE—TV BSD *Y NEXT* Fauiphiut nuw rmuiy, cantuininy full .la ecripfions of all the property to bn sold on Tuesday. 25Ui fist,, with h lint of Hides let, nth* ami 10th April, by OIOH of Orphans* Court and otimrH/ THE FITTY.KIOUTII VtULADKLPiriA TRAD* SALK, BOOKS, HTATHPNJSKY HTKKEOTYP* PLATES, Ac., will comaioucn » m Wki>NKSi>AT, SOCti March, at the Auction Rooms, Sonth Fourth street. 19“ ChlnMneß now ready. ffT 1»U« LlO BALKS BEAL ESTATE AND STOCK* AT THE EXCHANGE ON TUBBDAYB. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. M7* We have a Urge amount of real estate at privae* sale, including every description of city and country pro perty. Printed lista may bn had at the Auction Store. FOURTH SPRING- *ALE-MONl> tY, MAHOfI 24. 0K[ j imnk>' court sale. I'TATIS OK HAPNAIf IT AN SELL, DECEASED.— F»)MH lIOIMK AIYJ) LOT, Darby PJauk and Bail* road, Tweniy-Jomth ward. On Monday afternoon, March 24th, 1862, at 2 o’clock, will ho gold at puhtta sale, at thn Rhhig Sun Hotel, KlhgsmMjf)#, $ Jijfc pf gronnrl, rorimtnma 113 percor*. FnM particulars in handbills. ORPHANS’ court SALE. ESTATE OK ANDREW 11ANSKLL, DECEASED. On Monday afternoon, March 24th, 181*2, at 2 ■•'chick, will l*t* gold at nubile PHlf, ft. lit. BiiJllis Snu Ifutdi Dllrld Plank an'l Railrnad, frame dwtllinn and Into! "round, contain ing 113 penher. Full particnlsra in handbill*. FIFTH SPRING BALK—MARCH 25. Orphans’<!onft Sxlc—Estate ot Sitvery Minora, AN IKHEDEK&IAJJLK OKDI/tfD.RKItT of *.12 a year, laming out of a lot of ground west aide ol Tenth street, feouth of Parrish, 16 by 04. Same Estate.—AN IK REDEEM ABLE GROUND RENT of #4ft a year, ibsuing out of a lot west aide of 1 «-wlh street, 32 b> 61). •9“ Kindi of ihn uhorfl Krounil*reitta is secured by ■ thr.e-pTory brick dwelling VALUABLE LARGE WHARF, WINDMILL 7FLANP, 400 fet-t front on the river Delaware, adjoining the depot of the Schuylkill Navigation Company, aud op posite FoKll.-Klreet v bs*rf, I*hil:i»ietj*tiia. TJ?BBE-PTOftT »ftl;K DWELLING, Frankfort road. BROWN STREET.—Three modern thren*story Resi dences, Nos. 15*24. 1.V26, and 1 ;'2H Brown street, east of Sixteenth. Each homin has the modern couvunteucefl. SAKE OK KLKOaNT JAPANESE AND CHINESE croons. On Motuiay and Tuesday mornings, March 21th and 25ih, cnnuneninng at 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, will he sold— A general assortment of elegant Japeneae and Chinese goods, comprising cnxpadua or vases, trays, embroidered screens, work fioxee, card case*, paintings on ivory cvbl nets, ijiltfN fooimla, Juptnuso desks, eaudal-wood, irory, and magic fund, <vc , Ac, Also, a variety of biautiful shtlls, from all parts of tbo world. For further particulars see catalogue and the goods* which will he arranged for examination on morning of sale. Sale No. 620 Locust Street, «*URNI»URK. HOUSEHOLD pets, mattresses, beds, &c. On Mnndny Murmnc, 24th inst., at 10 o'clock, at No. 620 Locußt street, op posite WKshiiigtou Square, the household and kitchen for mlnrv, fine iuptntry carpets, hair nrnttroßsos, feather beds china, 4c. PQr May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the bale. Bale No 1328 North Sixth street. SUPEi:iOBFur.NiTt>BK, ov,j ( MIBI’.VIi, YJ»YJST C&RI'ETS, ftOOK-t; SB, Ac On Tuesday Morning, 25th lust., at 10 o‘clock, by catalogue, ntNo. 1323 North Pixfh street, above Tlompton, the (superior furniture, Fr* nch plate oval-mirror, secret-try, book-case, fine ta pestry, velvet-carpet, kitchen-furniture, «c. May L*« «-xamju—l wf 8 o',:|yck t?n fh« morning of Bale, Bale No. !U0 North Fift- emli street SUPERIOR rnUMTUiB, !i».SBWOOI> PIANO, TAPESTRY CARPETS, &c. Ou Wednesday Morning, 26th lTifstant, at 10 o’clock, by ciita>ogu n , at No. 916 North Fifteenth utmit* übovo Punlar, the aunorior furui» tuie, rosewood piano forte by Gale A do., line tapestry carpets, Ac. Tin cabinet furniture was made to order by Moore* Campion, and lias boon in uae but a short tim«. •9" May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of Bale. suie No, 3iq North Ninth Ffrevt. MjPEfiTOR FURNITUhE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, FINK ENGRAVINGS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ac. On Friday Morning. 25th infit., at 10 o’uhirk, by cataiosiu*, nt No. 313 North Niuih fitretti tiiv euprrior pirlur, uiuin?>roihii nod clmmberfurpiture,rostwonU piauu-'ortu*, fiueengrayiQgs, tepcslry carpels, china and gUnsware, Ac. 19“ May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of sale. Sale No uilu North Sixth Street PICTURE FRAMES. .MIBROIM, TOOLS, FURNITURE, Ac. On Friday Morning, 28th iiist, at 11 o’clock, at No. 330 aorth Sixth street, a block of picture* »ud photograph friunco, pier rnirrorv, iDgravingßi too).«. furniture. Sin. Kx»-cutor*3 Sale—No. 33 South Eleventh Street. SUPERIOR.. FURNITURE, Ac. On PHturday Mit'tiins, 29th in?L, at 30 o’clock hy catalogue, at No. 33 SoutS Sieve nth »trei t, hy order of the executors, the Huperior furniture, fine French plate pier mirrors, fiue vol*ut and Druaer-is carpets, Ac* , May bo oxumined at 8 o’clock on the morning of the Bale. FINE MADEIRA AND SUEttRY WINKPi Du Saturday, 59th instant, at 12 o’cluek, at the Auction Store, fine Madeira and Sfcwry Whies. Ektat«of the late Edward S. Kurd, Catalogueß ready. A/lObiiß NATHANS, AUCTIONEER iVL AND OOMMIHHION MKIUJHAHTi aoullieut corn or of SIXTH and RACE Streets. NATHANS’ GREAT SALE OF FORFEITED COL- LATERALS. liftM LDTS OF FORFEITED frOOPP, Consiating of fine Gold and rilvot* WatchWi Diamouds, Quid Cbrtiiiß, Jewelry, Ac, On Tuesday Morniug, April 1, at 9 o’clock, at Mote* Nothftng’ Anction Bouse, Nob. 155 and 157 North Sixth street, adjoining' the southeast fGrnior or Sixth and Race fitrentfli and will consist, in part, of— feplendid finegnld(!B carat)hunting-case,double case, and douhlc-liottom English patent lever W3tches, full jewelled and plain, of the moat approved and best makers; fine gold hujniiiE-ciHie (18 earn’) chronometer watches, cuimuia loi< luilits ur Rynilaiuou \ this liuld (18 curat) nmgic-cafee EnglLh pivteni levvr watcluw, or* llie niofl ap proved uiakers} linn yold (IS ca at) hunting cise, doa ble time and independent tucon-l watches, of the v»ry beet makers; fine &o!d ( 18 carat) hunting-casH and open face detached patent lever watch**, some of tUfltn raa?- iillitviil mnTHifiiln i fiiif fffld (33 cit'iit) golJ hnnlln*; case and opeu-fato lepitie watcher, and other hue gold watches | very fiue silver hunting-case, double*ca-§o, and double* bottom English patent lever watches, of the most approved and bt*c,m*fcefß} fine silver hunting-case and opw -face detached lever and lepine watches; fine gold and rilver American patent wutchca* gold-plated cabc, in>iitiu*r-CH.r't>, at»«i opeiTi fare lever and other watches j silver Ei-gijf-b, Swiss, nnd F»euch watchcß. TGAMdNI'S. —Man.iticent dium <nd flusjer ring, coat ; nvngniftcent brilliant diaajond breastpin, cost 8700; diamond plus, rinsn. Studs, Ac Kipe g*‘ld vest, fob, neejf, and guapd gi>ld and eilvor fpe«-tncie»j Hue sold brw:lireantpins, rinpa, rtudß.Bleeve-buMons, seta o! fine gold jewelry, gold and tilver pnicil-cases and peus, medallion®, aud nume rous r-ther at tides. Thf pooda will be open *or exainlnpHou on Mon dsy «fh>rnonn; &Dd early cm the moruine of tlia »ate. NATHANS, AUCTIONBBR, X THIRD and tPBUCE Streets.—L6RGß SALE OF FriBFKIIED PLEI/GFr. by order of AuBASAM NA TPANS, Broker, on TUESDAY MORNING, March 2S r 1862; si BJ4 a cluck. cooriKilug of gold und silver patent lover ai d uhtr wtilchee, gold chains, fingtir-ring*. breast* pixip, ziK (IhlUoiik, pincil-cMPB, Bilvhr ware, coats, pants, vente, ebuwjs, drfNSHH, gnus, pisctils, Ac. NOTICE.*—AS persons bnvirg goods on deposit with me over tbe legal length of time will cull Rud redeem the otherwise wM) be sold on the above day. ABRAHAM NA THANS, N* W.coriior SIXTH anu CALLOW’HILI*. mhH-lOt* SHIFFINO. BOSTON AND BHILA- S£££& DELPHIA STEAMSHIP LINE-SAEL IKQ FROM EACH POBT EVERY TEN DAYS—From PINE-STBEET WHABT t Philadelphia* and L#TO WHARF, Boston. ... , A . . Due notice vrill he given of the sailing of the nen WEEKLY GOMMIJNIOA- S£££a> BY BTKAM BITWMH.NW tubs. ahd" iiTEarddii, catling »t qvbswB XOWH, (Ireland,) to land and embark passenger* ana ae Tbo < LlH>rpool, Few York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's splendid Clyde-bnilt Iron screw steaaa sMm arc Intended to tail a* follow * JROM NRY' YORK FOB LIYBBPOOL CITY OF WASHIBGTOH.. Saturday, March 22,1 W GLASGOW .Batnrday, March 29, lMi. CITY OF BALTIMORE Saturday, April 6, IM*. And every Saturday throcghoot the year-, from PIMM Ha.tlH.B- BAT j B or PABBAGB THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Otbln* to Queenstown*or Liverpool..*T» Do. to London, Tla Liverpool..... »» gteerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool. ....... s s SW So, to Leaden-,,,,,, 1»» > 1 it t Icm r»?•» trt v t ■ Do, Return ticket#, mailable ror six months from Liverpool. ww Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage Issued from Liverpool to BOW York »e .«»a*« Certificates of paeoase liiraal frwn QtteiiiSiAWi tt Thebe' steamers have superior accommodations for p**» sengers, are constructed with water-tight compartment* carry experienced Burgeons. jw*#* « i-ns# 0o “' 7} HI Walnut street, PhilftdMphil, In Liverpool, to VS. INKtAN v Towor BnildingL In Glasgow, to WM. IN MAH. ifl Ttiirm nfrMl - -it—*. FOB. NBW YOBK. fifi333a*N]£W DAILY LISX, Tin Delaware •>* i»d Ssw Yart Kxsiew Steamboat Go®* urn, receive freight end leave daily at 2 P. M„ deliver fog their cargoes m Now York the following d*X» PreigbU Uken at A?fmtl No 14 SODTB W»»BVK8, PhiladoWll*. Jjo. i* a JAMBa HAND, Ajwtf, snl-tf Piers 14 end 16 EAST BIVKK. Mot* Tot*- .ir-v FOR NEW YORK.- TV Stoam-PropelleP-> 5 iipea* win Lumnwnce their bueluewfor the seMOUMIIvM* 18th iUßtlHlt. , , n ... Their .teamen tire now receiving frelgha at Beeo*. Pier, above Walnut atreoh. Tern.. accommodating. Awlyto BAlja> 4 00i 934 South De!av*aae Arenn^ - «ic— a for baltimor*, WASHINGTON, D. 0., AND VOB TKKBB MONBOE,.S>AILY, ck p BAIiTIUOBK STEAMBM® IXBIOBBON LINJL) One of tho Staii»er» »f this Oomaaay leayee the ajgaa aide of CheetnnUaxeet Wharf dniltr (Sundaye exMptodJ At S o’clock F«3le» »nd arrive# it* Baltimore owl/ MB* tt6tntafi Fr«akti for Wuhiogtoa ud Fortrui iwwwj received and forwarded with aS poitilbl# (lospaUb# Mt ah r*aa»red to bo prepaid throng*. Frelshta A all kinds carried sik the lowest rate*. Jr., Awrat, n*. 34 south wnaitvwa r«U-2m» -MORGAN, ORR, & CO., SI’BAM -IVI SNGINK BUIU'KKH, Ircn Genaval Machim.tii and Bailor Makora, So. IMOOAI*. UOWBILL Street, PLdadalDhla. r«W«W BEST QUALITY roofing slat* always on hand and Tor Bale at UnioniWWhl«. Kanainffn. /HANDLES. —OhMglfttl Svvom Gandies, L for aalo by J AXIJiICTtUK Si I.AVBIMWK, JM and 204 Smith SKONT Street. mhl4 rPORTOXSii SB KLL.— A few boxesol X •ertolM jholl for isle by \ JaUBKTOHIC * LAVEKGN*. £O2 and 204 South FBO2TT StTWf. TAPESTRY OAB- KNGJU VINOS* MIBRORB, YKLYBT H. WINSOB & 00., 332’SOUTH WHABVBS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers