CITY ITEMS. Trade Movements. The glorious newt 'which now flows in upon ns from every portion of our army, and the opening Bpring, hays net the wheels of trado in active motion. A ramble along our leading business avenues, and a few glanots inside of come of our principal TvarchoußOßi have convinced us that, notwithstanding the financial disasters of the past year, there is still considerable vitality among the mer chants of Philadelphia. This is the more remarkable from the fact that, the time at which our importing houses were obliged to send their agents abroad to select their spring importations, was when the Trent affair was as suming its most threatening aspect. At that hour no thing but the most sagacious confidence in tho wisdom and power of our Government could have prompted the mer cantile risks which a number of our leading firms made in order to be prepared for trade at all hazards. Of course, the sfonel has shown the wisdom of their courage, as the houses, both here and in New York, that have now real‘y good stocks to offer, will not only do a very large business during the next sixty days, but a very profitable one. Among the houses here that have taken a front rank in the dry* goods and other depsrtm9Ut9 we will notice the following to-day, and will allude to others, from time to time, iti a similar way: RIEGEL, BAIRD, & CO. On Third street, the old and well-knewn house of Messrs. Riegel, Baird, & Co , (No. 47, above Market,) la driving an active trade. Their stock, embracing every Variety of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Is heavier then it has ever been at this season of the year, and their sales, up to this point, have been correspondingly larger. There is a moral in the fact, which business meu wilt doubtless appreciate, that the eales of this house amounted to a quarter of a million dollars more iu IBGI than in any previous year, and, what is no less romnrka- Me, an unusually largo proportion was eoW for ccwft. By the way, tMs firm has recently made some fine in terim] improvements in their couatiog-house facilities, in which they have displayed good taste aud secured the ample accommodations for their extensivo office Marines*. What Is be'og experienced, more or lea', by nearly all our thorough business hou-es, this season, Messrs, lliegel, Baird, & Co., are da*ly gaining consider able «ru» trade, either cash-paying, or of undoubted standing, which is a natural consequence of tho revolu tion which the business of tho country has undergone wiTntn the last eighteen months. THOMAS 2IBLLOR &. Co. Without doubt, Third street, Philadelphia, is peculiarly fortunate, both in the financial soundness and energy of its business firms, and the comparative number of them. The old house of Messrs. Thomas Mellor A Co., Nos. 40 and 42 Ncrth Third street, long a leading firm in this country, among those engaged in the importation and jobbing of goods denominated under the general head of Hosiery(including an e-rdless variety of small article?, in the way ot Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Linens, White Goods, Embroideries, et cetera,) have now in store the most extensive, and. in a measure, th*» most varied etock that they hare ever offered, and their trade Lae aSrewly actively commenced. One fact that Will operate greatly in favor of this honso this season is, that & largo bulk of their stock was bought before the ad vance in prices, and, we understand, will be sold accord ingly low. The financial advantages of this firm are always used with sagacity. YARD, GILLMORF, * CD. Within the last few years, the tide of our Jobbing trado has been, to ?ome extent, turned in the direction of Chest nut stmt; and it is not tro much to say that the leading bouse in more than one department is now located on that avenue. The firm of Yard, Gillmoro, & Co., ■who occupy the magnificent store at No. 617 Chestnut iemh, and 614 Jayne street, having outrode the financial storm, is prepared for a heavy Spring trado. Th-ir j-reeeut stock of Silk and Fancy Brass Goods, of every description—and a capital one it is—is of their own im portation, having been bought in the various m&rkels of Europe by one of the firm. This house present? Induce ments to buyers which no intelligent merchant, in ma king bis Spring purchases, can, with impunity, overlook, BE COURSEY, LAFQOICaDE, & CO. The name and fame of this firm Is at once a credit to its members, and an honor to Philadelphia. Since or ganiziiiKi newly a quarter of a century aio. their course In business has been at once judlclo cm, liberal, thorough ly and wisely enterprising, and, as the sequel proved, profitable. Their present spacious stone edifice, (Jayne’s Hall, Chestnut street,) stocked, a* it now is, with all the choicest varieties of Cloth*, Casaimerrs, Vestings, and articles embraced in Ibis department, that Are produced in this country and Europe, is one of the mercantile wonders of the age. Not equal in ex'ent and variety of departments to A. T. Stewart a Co ’a, New York, it is the nenrett approximation to it ow.siuo of that city, and in the individual branch to which it is devoted—aiexV wear— it far exceeds any other homo in imcrica. It is no unmeaning compliment to *lielr courage and sa gacity as business men that their Spring importations, new olft red, arelarger than everbefore. In this they have dinwuittr&ted that what our city most needs, in order to secure for her the mercantile pre-eminence to which she is entitled, is du© enterprise- Juigin* from the opera tives of T*e CVuveey, Lafourcade, & Co., there Is no reason why every State in ilie Union should not furnish us with customers, lor they are sealing large quantities of goods to New York and Boston. Under such circuai ptar ces it would, of course, be folly for merchants from the Wfst and Southwest to pass through Philadelphia $o Hi?he their purchases elsewhere. In this re.upest the l»i>u*e here referred to has been of substantial advantage to ihe trade of our city—as well in the Cloth as in other departments of business. J. R. CAMPBELL & CO. A successful jobbing trade of many years has made the of domes E. Campbell &. Co. familiar to merchants iu every section of the Union, and their pressut store edifice, at No. 727 Chestnut street, is likely to become as favorably known to the ladies of thii city, as their house has heretofore been to the trade throughout the West and South In common with many other firat-claqg dry good* houses in large cities, of late, thAy Lava organised a Retail department in connection wirh their wholesale trade. The advantages of this arrangement, under the ad mit aMc system adopted by this firm, are obvious. Their main lloor, which is almost exclusively devoted to Retail ing, new contains an elegant etock of fresh, sevr gopds. As it is the design of Mmsm. Campbell A- Co. to c*tVr to the best class trade, their stock presents a remarkable freedom from undesirable goods. In examining it yes terday, we were struck with this peculiarity, anil must any that we have rarely seen displayed an equal aggre gate of exquisite taste in any unt* e tablishmeni- Their elegant lines of Frer ch organdie lawns—barred, satin plaid, and beautifully figured} afro, French aud English, of neat, pretty styles, and rich colors, is very attractive. The same is true of their all-wool delaines, French jaconets, brill antes, ginghams, linen and silk- Warded poplins, and dress silks, of w’hlch they have a great stock. We were surprised also at the low figures at which their goods, in ft* mftra, are offered, which ire preßUD:e, on lug to their eteady and judicious obser rations of the market, and their large operations. In JaniaKk linen goods their stock is very rich aud com plete, and the same may be said of other departments, which we hare not space to enumerate. In addition to this roonh which is two hundred fafti depp. tuoro ars i«\> garment? of the same depth, the first of which contains d immense stock tf gnif-ml dry goods, where their holesale business is chiefly transacted, under a good light—and the second-. Iho storing of packages of du- icates or the goods exhibited in tho other departmental heir stork, upon the whole, pments rare inducements i buyers, both at wholesale and retail. WOOD & OAKY. Messrs. Wood A Car;, No. 72a Chestnut street, are e enccf?Fors to the late firm of Lincoln, Wood, k Ni tolts and we are sure that the ladies of qu? city, and the ade in general, will be glad that a house so much of a vorito with the public, is to be thus perpetuated under w and favorable auspices. Their Wholesale and Retail partments, for the .sale of btraw and .:*lilliuery Goods every description, will be conducted separately, as retofbre, and their numerous putrous iu 'his city, and roughout tho country, will 1 Art. with p’enaqre that eir present stock is huge and complete. Buyers should ar this in mind, as they are offering decided induce ents. !W LINEN, WHITE GOODS, AND EMBROIDE RY HOUSE. Vitliin the past feu* days, as will be seen from hid at* ictiTt* advenisemmt in another colurfa of our paper day. Mr. Edward M. Needles bas opened a new store No. 1024 r beatnut street, for the sale of Linens, White cds, Laces. Embroideries, and other goods denominated der this head. The plan of this house A essentially rerent in many respects from a* y jg ttftde* lug confined to uhatin retailing is a specialty. The rj-oee of Air. Needles, (who was loig connected th the house of Ar. L. Hallowed & Co., in the partly of bu>er in this department.) is to create emporium for the sale of these goods iu ulidtlphin at rttaih at about the same prices natty charged wholesale, and in some instances even s Bis present stock, and to which he is making cou nt additions, either by importation, or purchases in e auction rooms, is rich and varied, aud the few days .ce he opened have found his store thtonged with C tu ners. Mr. Needles, we may state iu this connection, ably assisted in his enterprise by Mr. Edward Fer , v ell aud favorably known in this community by his mer connection with the house of Price, Ferris, & Co. 6 tact that both these gtnthMnen are thoroughly con. •6ftfit with the European marßetii—having croaefid tha antic annually to make purchase*, for some years St—giver a prestige to this new enterprise that we are re our cit zenn will appreciate. An Important Hint to Buters of Stoves n Cooking Bangs**.—ln the Hot d of War news, whfah some months past has almost monopolized the news >ersof the country, Interests of a more domestic cha- rter bavtbeen, in a measure, ignored. As. however,the vs of the war has become a uoutiimous stream of news victory , and as Spring, with its attendant changes in Miid houses, 2s at iho door, we take the liberty to r of making on important household suggestion. owing that several of our leading btove manufacturers re been largely engaged in making implements of war, have taken the pains, within the last few days, as to the spring prospects of their ft legitimate, or at least more peaceful, operations. we uniformly prefer drawing our information from adgusriers, when It is practicable, we at once pro ved to the extensive establishment of Me. James ear, N» 1116 Market street—who bus woo for himself i loubiiquttv Napolwm of the fituvn*trwlu n —whars »© rntdjfrum ocular demonstration, that however much may he interested in the Issues of the war, he has not of the wants of the public in the line of ,v4saud Ranges. His stock of tbvge articles is irn n«?, and to meet the present and prospective demand iWm L*>La»retained, and stM rctoiUß, bis full ijuotnof ad< in manufacturing, in the stove d**p*rtment alone, Icl is prubabiy pot the case with any other stovo tye extraordinary demand for Air. Spear’s Stores is muted for by two facts: Pomesrnug qq pißVt lie manages to keep u ulep Iu ndva .ce of all his nytitors in the way of now and desirable imp.ove nt—of which he has probably had a greater number eited. of hts own invention, than any other three rttutn Iu tLe country. One of hie last great fiotti in WAV Of ]>A)lUl4rlmproT«p>enia lb Lie c—lebratci ‘•An n. r” Gas-burning Cooking Stove, the peculiar merits rbich were fully explained in this journal some mouths ■ it not exaggerating to sag that this is the most pletit BH& in dll respect* the mo ft desirably cooking e in use, in this or any other country. is Cooking Ranges also are praised by all who try n, including some thousands of families in this city ie, aud their Introduction in an) dwelling will, Iu the nation or intelligent housekeepers, fccM {ppre thfttt fold Their cost to the value of the house. We may » the remarkable fact, in this conn- ction, thnt, al igh Mr. Spear has had bui fired 9 of applications from part* of the UDion, aid ev«n h*r<i in the city, for \cies to sell these popular stoves and Cooking ges, he has refused them all, for the doubt* reason that it would be impesaibe for any single manufactory to meet the demand that would thus be crested, and because, by selling di rectly to the consumer, he is enabled to save to the latter * profit in price. It will be seen, of course, that under this rule application for these articles can only be made in person, or by letter, at Mr. Spear’s warerooms, No. 1116 Market street. AVd snap state, in sonfilusldfi,that, as stoves aro bought not to last for a season, but for years, It is wisdom and economy to buy the best. We, therefore, recommend tho Spear article referred to, as in all human probability there will be no material improvements thereon during ft? next ten years, at least. Their character for dura bility has also been established ae unrivalled. Sermon in behalf of the Poor.—To-mor row (Sunday) at 30)f o’clock A. M., the fier. Dr. Mc- Caffrey is announced to preach a charity sermon in St. Patrick’s Clmrch, in hofaalf of the poor of St. Patrick's pftvriah- Dr. McCaffrey fr an «bv|uent minister, of the Catholic faith, and bis sermon will be worth hearing. This chxrch is located on Twentieth street, below Locust. E. G. Whitman a Co.’s Confectionery. — The popularity of the confections made and sold by Meesra, E, G. Whitman & Go., Second street, below Chestnut, is indicated plainly in the burnouse rush for thtm at their store. Their delicious chocolate prepara tions anil fine mixtures, ut moderate prices, are tho topic of universal converfation Every man of family should take home a budget of thoso healthful edibles at leist once a week. Lamps fgr Burning Kerosene Oil. In this blanch of our manufactures, Messrs. Witters & Co, No. 35 North Eighth street, corner of Filbort, are un rivalled- Their lamps are justly takiug the placo of all other portable lights in use, both for public and private edifices. The finest Oils, also, are always kept on hand by this firm Pure Liquors for Medicinal Purposes.— Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has constantly on hand, expressly for the use of invalids, a etock of pure old liquors. His supe rior Brandies, and Port, Sherry, and Madeira wines, are ordered from all parts or the city and country for this purpose, lie keeps only the finest qualities, warranted genuine, and of the highest purity. Miss Emma Hardinoe will Lecture os tl!8 “Declaration of Independence,”at Sansom Street Han, tliis evening. To Cure Bad Fits.—Get your coat cut by HI oils. St-ynaro. and your pantaloons by Powers, the celebrated cutters at Charles Stokes’ One Price Clothing Store, under tho “ Continental," and you will not be troubled with bad Jits for some time j certainly not while ihet suit Uri* you. Nimrod was the first founder of a kingdom, 2245 B. C. Mizraim built cities la Egypt, aud was the first who assumed the title of king in that division of tho earth. Saul was the first Kiug of Israel, 1095 B. C.'Most of the Grecian States were governed by kings; and kings first ruled in Rome. The Philadelphia public are indebt ed to Granville Stokes, the Fashioner and Clothier, as the originator of the Renowned Clothing Temple, at No. 609 Cbestnnt street, where garments of the latost stjloscan always be obtained on the most reasonable terms. Slidell and Family—The Beau-Monde.— Accounts from Europe represent that Mr. Slide 1 and family have set up a fine establishment in Paris, and are fully recognized as part and parcel of th e bean-monde. Paris is full of refugees from all countries, and all that is needed for them to get social position is accomplishment and wealth. Slidell speaks French like a native, but he cannot command sufficient English to say one word iu praise of the elegant garments made for military men aud civilians at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. The mention of such a loyal establishment would blister his treacherous tongue. SPECIAL, NOTICES. Salutation to Sphing. BY THE BAUD OF TOWER IIAT.I, Though thy grftmture of flowers, In this chilly climo of oum. Thou delay’et to wear eo long, “ Gentle Spring!” Though thy forehead is embossed With a figure-work of frost, I yill hail thee with a song, 11 Gentle Spring !** “ Gentle Spring” I still will name thee, Though I might with reason blame thee For a temper somewhat shrewd, “ Gentle Spring!” And methlcks thy breeze* struck harp Has a note tooshriil and sharp, And thy voice is harsh and rude, “ Gentle Spring!” Hasten, Spring, and change tliy humor, Change thy drees and be a bloomer , Deck thyself with mvny a flower, “Gentle Spring!” And let alt who feel si passion To be dressed in fine Spring fashion Come to greettheo at the Tower, *• Gentlo Spring I” Where may be found an assortment of Spring Clothing unequalled in Philadelphia, Belling at the lowest cash prices. Military uniforms made to order, at the shortest norice. TOWER HALL, No. 51S MARKET Street, Philadel phia. BENNETT £ CD. Umiam’s Hair Dye, 38 Cents a BOX—Three boxes for S»!: the host in use. Try it. Sold only at UPHAM’S, 403 CHESTNUT Street. It* Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! DYSPEPSIA cured for SI, or SI returned l DYSPEPSIA cured for SI, or SI returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for SI, or SI returned.! DYSPEPSIA cured for SI, or SI returned l WISHABT’S GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL id & pAyItlV4 £ur© for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years* stand lug, or the money returned. Price SI per box. Beut by mail, free of charge, on receipt of tho money. Depot, No. 10 North SECOND Sheet. Descriptive Circular sent free on application. feB.2m li. Q. O. WISHART. One-Price Clothing, of the Latest Styles, made in the Bert Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ON2-Paias Systm is strictly adhered to. All aye tlttttbr treated alike. se22-ly JONES A CO,. 604 MARKET Street. Dr. Robertson’s Vegetable Nerv ocs Cordial; or, NATURE’S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The great remedy for ah Nervous CompliUHts, Debili ty, Prostration, Lowness of Spirits. 4c. Price SI. For sale by DYOTT A CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, jal-thstf Bepotforall Popular Medicines. Office of the Adams COMPANY, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, January 27, 1882. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their racilitieß at Waehingtoa, D C., by buUdizig a Railroad depof, and having additional capacity for transportation, aro now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adanißtown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize in large lots. Sutlers’goods and army supplies at (satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers’ parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted far at our depot, 8. E. corner of BROAD and LOCUST Streets. JOHN BINGHAM, ja27-tf Superintendent. MARRIED RINE—SHULZE.—At Lancaster, on March 20, by Rev. F. W. Conrad, Christian Rine to Miss Louisa S/swlze, daughter of the late ex-Goveraor Shu!z u , all of that city. * NECK—SEN N.—On the 17th instant, by the Rev. J. 11. Kesnard, Mr. John H. Nece to Miss Sallie a. beau, both of this city. DIED. WARDIN'-—Oil tho IttOMUßg&f tho Slat instant, Annie Owens, daughter of William H. and Annie K. Ward in, in the 2d year ot her age. The rriends and relatives of the family are respectfully invited to atteud her funeral, from the residence of her parents, 1124 Brown street, on Monday morning, the 24th iust., at 10 o'clock. AMBLER,—<>□ the 19th Instant. In Plymouth town ship, Montgomery connty, Mary Louisa, wife of Robert Ambler, and only daughter of Mark and Mary Bartlson, in the 25th year ol her ago. Funeral to proceed io Radnor Friends’ Meeting, on First day, 23d. # SPENCE. —Ob the 20th imtant, Mr*. Elizabeth B. Spence, widow of the lata Sftinuel P. Spnnco, of slaow Hill, Worcester county, Mcl., in the 65th year of her ace. The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock, from the residence of her brother, Chas. B. Truitt, Bridge street, between Thirty, sixth and Thirty-seventh, Mabtua, West Philadelphia, Interment at Woodland Cemetery. =¥= BALTER —On the 18th inst., Mrs. Catharine Salter, widow of the late Sami. Salter, in the 75th year of her age. The friends of the. family aro invited to attond her funeral from her late residence, No. 427 Richmond (late Queen) street, this (Saturday) morning, at 9 o’clock In terment at Laurel Hill PURVIS. —On Wednesday evening, 19th Inst., Robert Purvis, Jr., in the 28tb year of h s age. Bib friends are invited to attend the funeral from the bouse ot his father, in Byberry, on Sunlay next, 23d inst.. at 1 o’clock. # ■VTOUENING GOODS, AT VERY .LvjL LOW PRICKS.—Just received Black Tamiscs, 75. cents; Shk Chally, 37# cents; Bareges, 12#, 15, and 18# cents; Crape Maretz, 18# cents; Camera llair Bareges, 37# cents; Tamartinew, 18# ceuts; Sitin Plaid Bareges, 18# cents; Mousselines, 25 to 31# ceut*; Mohssellnes, double width, 56# and s2# cema; Motn* splines, two yards wide, $1; Figured Silk Grenadines, 87# cents; Glossy Silks, 70 cents; Second M-uirntug Chene Bareges, 12# cents; Black and Purple All-Wool Mousselines, 31# cents. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, mhll No. 918 GUB.HTNCJV Street. THE KIiPI'BLK'AX CITY CONVEX- U 3 TIoN will meet at the County Court Room, THIS EVENING, at 1% o’clock. n* WM. J. WAINVVBIGHT, Pre«itleiit. . WS* THE REPUBLICAN CITY COSVEN. o=3- TION wiU ra;et THIS (S ( \TU)tDAY) bVE. KING, at tho County couut house, at o’clock. By order It* CHAS. HUMPH3EY3, focraiarc. (Y==- “BIVINK «MIVIPOTENCE.”-LEC. Uol TUBE on till, sol'ject io the NEW JEBUsA- I,km chukch, Cueuby tjtrwti wwt jf Twantiottii on SUNDAY EVENING, at 7A' o’clock. It* l Y's=* CESTENSUI M. E. CHURCH, Ui_2 FORTIETH Street, bclov Chestnut, West I'mlxklpliia.—Preachinc To-MORBOW, (Sunitar,l at 10# a. JH . by Rev. JOHN FRANCE—Eroding, 7#, by Kiev. T. V. PLUMMER. u* ' UNION SERVICES, AMERICAN ME- Uol CHANIOS’ HALL, EOURTH Stroet, l.e)ow Gl rard Avenue.—Rev. J. K. CRAORkFT. late rector of the Church of‘the Nativity, evill pre'cli iu tho Hail, oa SAISRaTH AFTEItVOOW at 3H o’cloek. V* JOHN NOLEN, Suoerintemlaat. «e==. THE REV. TVitl. H. FURNESS i UJi will preach in Washiniiton Hall, SPItINu GAR- j DKN. above Eiehtli street, before the SECOND UNI- ; TAKIAN SOUIETY, SIINj AV MORMNG, M.coli 23 .7 he Rev. FREDERICK FRO CHINGHAM in the ' EVENING. Services to comnienco at nuarter before j 11 o’clock A. M., and o’clock P. M, It* P«n SECOND COMING OF CHRIST—On UJ? To. MORROW (Sunday) EVENING, at St. Mfttthwr'ft Lutheran Ghnrch, HEW Btrteti tho pastor* Rev. K. W Butter, will preach the second of hi* series of discours* aon the above subject. Services commence At half past 7 o’clock: Morning service atlOX* It* yyrspa SPIRITUALISM.—MISS EMMA. IIAR UJ? DINGK. of New York, will lecture at SANSOM STRKET II \TiL THIS EVENING, at 8 o’qlacK, on tbo “ freciamtion of independence.” and on SUNDAY At 10# A. M., on the “ Ninth Chnptor of Mark,” and she will give her closing lecture at 7)( ?. M, on the «• Church and the Lyceum.” Admittance to each 5 cents. it* OPENING SERVICES. _ AIICH ILf STREET M. E. CHURCH —Tho Hall, at the N. E. corner of BROAP and AROH Streets, will be opened for Divine Sorvice on SABBATH. March 251. Preaching at 10# A. M., by Rev. JOHN P. DTJUBIN, D. P. Sabbath-school mooting at 2# P. W. Addresses by Rev. FRANKLIN MOOItE and others. Preaching at 7jf V■ M., by Kov. THEODORE STEVENS. It# nr==» riIUnCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, IL3 SPRING GARDEN, below Broad rtroot,—A Series of Discourses on “Tho Soul’s Lire and will (D V.) be commenced TO-MORROW (Sunday) MORNING, March 23d, at M\ These Di courses are Apodal)? intended for those who feel anxious con cerning their spiritual welfare, ThQ RECTOS will *leo preach at 7% 1\ M. Subject, by request, in tllß Evening—“ Olivet, or the Innor Life.” Seats provided for Sirangf-Ts. 11* nr» THE TWENTY-EIGHTH OF THE ILj Series of meetings in behalf of our brave Volun teer*, will be held TO MORROW EVENING, at half p»:t 7 o’clock, iu St. Paul’** M.E. Church, CATHARINE Street, above SIXTH. Addresses by the pastor. Rev J. Waller Jackpon, Rev. J II Peters, of the Baptist Clmrch, and several ministers of the Conference. Those meetings are hell under tho auspices of tho Army Com mittc-c of Y. M C. A., who are sending reading matter to tho IVi ns' Ivauia regiments and others, as fast as the funds arc collected. It* FORTY-FIRST ANIYI VKItSAHY OF LL? the missionary society OF Tlllfi PHILADELPHIA-CONFERENCE, will ho hnfd on MONDAY, March 21tU, at 7 o’clock. Rt the Musical Pirnd Hull, LOCUST Street, above Eighth. Addresses nray be expected by Rev DrrPurbin, Franklin Moore,* Bod. J. A. Wright, aud Hon. W. T. Willey, of the United State* Senate, and otlmrs Tickets of admission may hp bod at i'rrhenplno A Higgins’, Fourth street, below Arch; Tract Depository, Sixth above Arch \ T. C. Nes bitt, .1226 South Fourth street: J. W. Hicks, Second, above Almond ; aud James B. Dare, 1227 North Second slrcet. mh22-2t* JAMES B DARE, Secretary. ry» ANSWERS TO CONUNDRUM IN LAST IL3 LAST SATURDAY’S “PRESS.” Why is “ TIIE JAYNE’S-HALL CRAVAT STORE,” now at the Southwest corner of EIGHTH and CHEST NUT Streets, No 800, like the shoe on a mul deleft hind foot? Ist. Because it was not on tho right siflo before. —By R. ,7. II , P. R. R. office. 2d. Because it is a tic for tho Tight ono.—By Mr. M., 204 South Fifth Mr6oh Our own answer, -with 100 others, we decline to publish, on account of the and decide that the “tie” is Mr. M.’s, 204 South Fifth street. It ry==» PHILADELPHIA AND READING UJ3 RAILROAD COMPANY,Office 73 S. FOURTH btreet. Philadelphia, March 21, 1862. To avoid detention, the holders of coupons of this company, due ou the Ist proximo, are requested to leave tlitm ut this office, on or before the 31st instant., when receipts will bo given, and checks will bo roady for de livery on the Ist proximo, in exchange For said receipts. mh22-t3l S. BRADFORD, Socretary. *r==- UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, IJJj (DEPARTMENT OF ARTS-)—The examina tion of the Juj ior, Sophomore, onrt Freshman Classes^ at the close of the Second Term, will be held la the fol lowing order; FRID \Y. March 2lst— From 9 to 11, Juniors, by tho Provost, (Intellectual Philosophy,) and Sophomores, by Prof Frazer, (Chemistry of the Metalloids,) written. From 11 to 3, Freshmen, by Prof. Allen, (Herodotus,) oral. MONDAY, 24th—From 9 to 11, JttBWH) by Fri)f. Kt-mlnli, (Differential Calculus,) and Sophomores, by Prof. Jacksou. (Cicero,) written. From 11 to 1, Fre3h* men,by Prof Coppee,(History,) oral. TUISDAY, 2&th—From 9 to 11, Sophomores, (Trigo nometry,) and Fre*bineiv( Algebra,) by Prof. Kendall, written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof. Fraser, (Dynamics.) oral WEDNESDAY', S6th—From 9 to 11, Sopbomcroß, by Prof. Coppee, (Logic,) oral. From 11 to l; Juniors, by Prof Allen, (Demosthenes.) oral* THURSDAY, 27th—From 9 to 11, Juniora, by Prof. Jackiom (Cicero de Officii*,) oral. From 11 to 1, Sopho mores, by Prof. Allen, (Thucydides,) oral. FRIDA V, 28tb—From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Jackson, (Horace's Satires,) oral. GRORGE ALLEN, mh2l-Ct Secretary <f the Faculty of Arts. WHITE OAK TIMBER.—OWING TO IJJs? Die large appropriation (ten miUious of dollars) nmde by Congiess for tbe construction of war vessels, and also the great demand for almost every other species of watercrafts, such as Schooners, Brigs, Steam Barges, IUCfI, A'ft-. Will tftftd lA put the price of WHITE OAK TIMBER at & figure considerably higher than aver known before. A II of this class of timber will be furnished from the Stales of Pennsylvania and Delaware, as the Ohio timber cannot possibly reach the market before the first of September, which will be too late for the Builders of Vessels, they being obliged to have their vessels ready for tho machinery atasrariy A d.-v as posable. ‘-Now will h© the time for timber men to run to market , nnd dispose of a quality of timber heretofore little cabled for;” and should our people continue to per mit the Britit-h Government- to go into our forests, and nn*w down and carry away, to their ports, OUR BEST OAK. to be used by them in buildingmen-of-war on improved plans, this species of timber will, in a very Short £££££ of tltiie, run entirely out, ii Had, io lieu Of thU indulgence given our cousins across the watur,” we may be vMied by themsomo morning, when least, ex pected, with a fleet of those very grim-visaged fellows, earning some 40 guns each, demanding of u<* m apology for seme fancied off-nce, or an untangling of ideas to suit the fancy of Lord Lyons or some other representa tive of Jtrliuoy Bull; and. should we fail to make remu neration as dmanecd, they inay invite US io try the timbers of their crafts, to see whether an American Ball can penetrate the American Oak as effectually as an * English Ball" Yours, mhil-3i* BAVK TOUR TIMBERS. NEXT SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1562, LkJ? at o’clock, Rev Dr. McOAFFREY 'will preach a Ohirnly Sermon In BT. PAT CHURCH for th« relief of the Poor of St. Patrick’s Parish. nVh2l-2t* fv-=» AMYGDALOID MINING COMPANY UJj OF LAKE SUPERIOR. Notice is hereby given, that an Inpfalment of FIFTY CENTS per share, on ftnd evtsiT fibare of tho Capi tal etock o r the AMYGDALOID MINING COMPANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR will be due and payable at the office of the Company, No. 45 Smtli THIRD Street, on or before the first day of APRiL, 1562 By f rder of the Board, mli2o IQt- BENDY SHARWOOD, Secretary. iy» EAST MAHANOY RAILROAD COM ILS RANY, Office 407 LIBRARV Sheet. Philadelphia, March 14,1862. The ninth (9th) instalment, of five dollars per share, upon the Capita 1 Stock of the Company, will be payable on the Ist of April next, at thoir Office. ARCHIBALD McINTYEE, mbis-ettlitepl Treasurer. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Sub- IJaJj scribers to iho stock of the Pennsylvania Fiscal Agencv are hereby notified that a second in stalment of five per cent, on all shares of stock sub scribed for prior to March 4,1862, will be due iiad paya ble to the undersigned, at the-Office of tho (Jo’npaTiy, in this city, No 4 WILLING’S Alley, on or before thelOth day of A aril mxt; anp in default of said payment their Block will bp forfaited. mhBls 22 20 ap6* GHAS. M. HALL, Treasurer. fyr=s» THE DEtXARATION OF lIVJ>EFEX -I}.? PENCE will be the subject of a LECTURE, by Miss EMMA HAR'fcINGE, one of the greatest living orators, at SANSOM-STKEET FULL, on SATURDAY EVENING, the 22d instant, at 8 o’cfosfc, AdUlHtftuCf) S cents, to defray expenses Tickets for sa'e by T. B. Pugh, ; southwest corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets; S. Barry, Fourth and Chestnut streets, and by the Com mittee. mhlB-tuth93t* MOXLMENT CEMETERY NOTICE. la3i —An Assessment of 60 Cents on each aud SY'D* Lai Ut the (not heretofore exempted from ihx atlun), w ill bn due and payahle, at eheOifice of the Ceino te!y. No. 141 North SIXTH Street, ou the Ist day of ArillL next. The payment of $4.40 on any one Lot , together with the at-geshineotfl rowrtue, will exempt the from tax ation or flScepHmenfg forever hereaftHr. if paid boForo the Ist day *f A PRIL nest; if paid after that time, the &&> aesMtirntilien railing due omit be paid in addition. mbl9-32t E. TAYLOR, Secretary. lYs=* OFFICEOF THE C'ATAWfSSA RAIL LLS ROAD COMPANY, No. 308 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, March 10,1862. NCTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Meet ing of tho Stockholders <?f this Conipauy Will be held on TUESDAY, the first day of April, 1882, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Company’s office, No. 308 WALNUT Street, in tho city of Philadelphia. The Annual Election for President and Directors will be held on MONDAY, tho fifth day of May, 1862, at the Company’s office. mbio-tapl WM. R. FISHER, Secretary AVIS AUX LIONS DE LA MODE* lij Mn. P. ANDRIOT A L’HORMRtm O’jXfOHMEK LSB Franoai* KT LBS ETRAXOEHS qd’il B3T aujourd’hui QERXKT DB LA MAISON, GRANVILLE STOKES, 609 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA- D guarantie par sa position aux hommes do gout, que ses vbtemens porterona toujonra un cachet do distinc tion innimftable et a dcs prix a 25 pour cent au dessons uiiello mnleon, Sa longue etude etsa pra tique Pont mis en rapport avoc Icb artistes lee plus habiles de eapartie, taut a Paris qn’a Londres, et qui Ini fourni rons toujours les plus nouveßes modes et les xuieoxipor ties de ces deux pays. Avis a ceux qui tiennent a etre a l’avauce des modes, mhl-lm PERSONAL.— GEO. S. SHIN'DEL, M D.—lnformation concerning him will thankfully be received by P. W. SHINDKL, Philadelphia post office. mh62-iit GREAT EXPECTATIONS RAISED in the minils of the people, by the wide-spread ropo tation of REIMttR’B COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS for $l, are realized to the letter, on possession. SECOND Stieet, above Green. .It* Avert fine and interest ing edit ction of valnablo AMERICAN COINS anil MEDALS, COLONIAL and EXPERIMENTAL PIECES, to he sold by anctinn at the store of EDWARD COG AN, 48 North TENTH Street, on the 25t'i aud 28th iußtant, at 7 P. SI. roh22 3i* WAR PRICES NOW CLAIM THE attention of the public, in the execution of life size PHOTOGRAPHS, in oil, at BEIMER’S, SECOND, above Green street—a rare chance. It* INJOTICE. —AU persons are cautioned J-l against receiving the semi-annual coupons Nos. 32,317, 32.349, 32,387, 32,338, 22.339, 32,340, 32 341, 32,342, 32,343, 32,344, £5,483, 55.484, 55,485, 55,406, 50.497, for Interest upon the October fiwt three-year United States bonds of &10Q each, due April Ist, the same hAring been stolen, and payment stopped. Thar are therefore unless, and can be returned to the Mayor's Office. mb2'2-3t* LADIES’ AND GENTS’ HAIR DYED artistically, at FOURTH and BRANCH. mh22- if tf A RMT CLOTHING AND EQDI JLX PACE OFFICE, N. E. corner TWELFTH and GIRARD Philadelphia, March 21,1862. PROPOSALS. Proposal* are invited at this office until 81»t March, at 12 o’clock M., for furnishing 20,000 tin Oantneos, Army Bttiuilerdi tvitli corks and strings cotat>l»io. A e.tnp'n cAu he Aeon At "this office. Bidder, am please endorse their communications “ Proposals for Canteens.” G 11. GROSMAN, Deputy Quartermaster General, S GARDEN SEEDS OF RELIA BLE QUALITY, Lnndrntli’s Ehlps Early Peas, the earliest pea known. Kngenle Peas, a new variety, of most excellent Quality. Beans and Peas in great v.-ri* ety, including all the old standard sort*. Early Garden Corn* Beet, fiaditih, Lettuce, Cucumber, Carrot, Pars nip. Celery, Cabbage, Egg Plant, and Pepper Seeds; Rhubarb Boots, Asparagus Roots, Ac. b. t&NDBETH & SON, Implement and Seed W arohouae, 21 and 23 South SIXTH Street. y GARDEN AND FIELD ROL- Tflri .' ,n " »!*« *n4 Kitwi for nftle hr 0, LANoltisTa A SOTf, Implßinßnt and Seed Wnrohouso, Kos. 21 and 23 South SIXTH Street. It* EXTRA EARLY PEAS, BEET, —3C.Rftdisb, Lettuce, Cabbage, Celery, aud other Soeds, for early planting. Alee, Onion retf, Karly Folatona, A &DHJ*4iflviP. and RUuHari> U-•f.i-, IM'EifitVi SEED W>>EHOUsE. 327 CHESTNUT Street. It* HAMS! HAMS! HAMS! Selling off cheap. Prime Hams 7c., Bc., 9c., and 10c. per pound. Prim© Shoulders &c , tjc.i and 7c. per pour'd. It* No. 1519 MARKET Street. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1862. CENTS’ FURNISHINO GOODS Q.EORGJE CxRANT. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, No. fliq OHESINtfr btbkkt. mliSO-Sm JpLANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FOR THK ARMY. FINE SHIRTS. COLLARS, STOCKS, AND WRAPPERS. Manufactured at W. W. KNIGHT’S. NO. 606 ARCH STREET. A full lino Ot TIES, SCARFS. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always on hand. mhs 3mlf Fine shirt manufactory. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED OUT OF BHI&TS, Which he makes a specialty in his business. Also, con stantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT. QENTLEMEN’B FURNISHING STORM, Si. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, JafMf Four doors below the Continental JgKY-B.LTJS KERSEYS. (37 and 51-INCH.) DARK-BLUE KERSEYS, DARK-BLUE INFANTRY CLOTHS, INDIGO-BLUE CAP CLOTHS, SKY-BLUE CASSIMERES, (New Regulation, for Offioera’ Pants.) WHITE DOMET FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, lOok., 120 z., * ISoe. TENT LUOS, ElvamcM United States Arm/ standard. ALFRED SLADE & GO., to Booth FRONT Street, and 39 LETITIA Street, Philadelphia. ,felB-tmyl Brass grommets and exe- LET 3 for Military Blankets and Leggings. Manu factured and for sale in any quantity at FIFTH and OO LUMBIA Avenue. [mhB.lm*J K. IVINS. LIPPINCOTT & GOJS PBOTOGRAPniO ALBUMS. New and improved styles, exclusively of our own manufacture, embracing nil the various sizes suitable for the POCKET or CENTRA TABLF. ALBUMS FOR THE POCKET. Cloth, gilt edge, with clasp, for 12 Portraits, $0 75 “ “ “ u 22 “ xio Morocco “ « «12 “ 99 m u u u 24 “ 1 25 Tur. Mor. gt. ed. “ “ 32 « 150 tt a a i* “24 “ 2 00 ALBUMS FOR THE CENTRE TABLE. Cloth, 'gilt edge, with clasp, for 20 Portraits, 200 «• «* « « 30 “ 2 76 “ 40 “ 3 13 “ “ “ “ 60 “ 3 50 Morocco, “ “ “ 20 “ 275 “ “ “ «t 30 “ 350 “ “ “ ct 40 “ 3 88 “ “ *t “50 “4 25 Tur. Mor. Ant., with 2 clasps, “ 20 “ 4 50 “ « a 30 « 4 75 u u ll u 40 «. s oo “ “ *« “ 60 “ 5 25 Velvet, gt. mountings, “ ** 20 “ 5 75 “ “ it “30 “ 6 00 “ “ “ “ 50 “ 6 75 tGT Any of the above Nos. with ornamented tooled edges, SI extra. 13 Oblong, 4to, bound Tur. Mor. An tique, two clasps, holding 100 Portraits, $8 75 14 Oblotg,4io,bound in velvet, gilt mountings, two clasps, “ 100 “ 11 50 Nos. 13 and 14 with ornamented tooled edges, $2 extra. This superb Album is iLtended either for the full-si ao oval Portrait, so popular iu every household, or tor Groups and Landscapes. Cloth, ehgant clasp, u «« Tur. Mor. A in. 2 elegant nwtaire clftbps, *i u “ ** ** 50 »< 25 00 The attention of the trade, and those who deal in Photographic Portrait?, is invited to the above Albums. A libe:al discount to dealers. •T. B. LIPPINCOTT& OO.i 22 ana H North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. TO THE TKADE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, NEW AND IMPROVED STYLE The subscribers, who were among the first to Import this fashionable article from Fans. have, the Deal year, with their long experience iu book-making, made mai}y improvements iu the B arts style* still retaining the best features found In the French-make. The Album will be found of peculiar strength and beauty, dispensing en tirtly vitb the broken-back, so objectionable in the old plan. These boohs are now used exclusively wherever known, and a plane© at them *ill show to the most care, fare observer their great superiority over all others. They have already published OKB HUNDRED SIZES AND STYLUS, at from 60 cents to @5O. They -publish one thousand choice CARTE 3 VISITE, including portraits of all distinguished persons, Lists sent free. mhlj-mt2is3t Afresh assortibent,at less THAN FORMER PRIORS. FARR & BROTHER, Importers, 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. mbSO-tf REIMEK’d IVORi'TYPES OUT VIE all competitions in the fiolrt. Ail are struck by their beauty -ud tine finish, softness of color and liftUliftl fUid easy outline of the form. SECOND, ftb&va Green street. n# OiIAVEL—ALL URINARY AND V3T SKIN DISEASES cured by DB. SPEAK, 33 South FIFTEENTH Street It* WINCHESTER’S SPECIFIC PILL is a radical and promp* remedy for Spermator rhea, or Seminal Weakness. From one to three boxes will effect a cure in the most aggravated cases, whether constitutional or arising from abuse or excess's. Price SI per box. by mail, or rix for &5. Address S O. TIP HAM. 403 URESTNUT Street, agent for Philadelphia, # "VTARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of Xf-L a writ of sale, by the lion . JOHN CADWALA- D£K, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, iu Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the biffht-pt and best bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-STREET NYHAEF. on TUESDAY, April 1, 1-.64, 65 crates of earthenware, part of the cargo of the ship Amelia, WILLIAM MILLWARD, V. 8. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March 21,1862. mh22-6t THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY Have reopened atd refitted a BRANCH OFFICE IN WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON. D. O. This company is prepared to accommodate the guests of thaibouse, and the public, with every Telegraphic facility. Communication direct with BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, And all Telegraphic Stations in the loyal States. GENERAL OFKIOJC, No. 432 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. W. F. WESTERVELT, mhls-3m Superintendent. BRUSHES JJ AND BLACKSMITHS’ BELLOWS, KEMBLE & VAN HORN. mh2o-3m No. 3-21 MAItKBT Street, Philada COOK'S Ift)PROVED PORTABLE SUGAR El APORATOJI.—The subscriber has ro* cured fiem ih* proprietors the Sole Agency for the sale of COOK'S IMPROVED PORTABLE SUGAR EVAP ORATOR, in the counties of Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery, in Pennsylvania; Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester, in New Jeraoy: New Castle and Kent, in De laware ; Cecil. Harford, and Baltimore counties, iu Mary land • Altfh an Agency far the sale of tbo most impravtA Cano Crushers, for horse or water power. A limited quantity of Cane Seed ou hand for sale. For information about the Cultivation of the Caue and its send for circular. MILTON CONARD, mb!s*BBl WEST GROVE, Chaster co., Pa. BURRELL, DECEAS- The heir-at-law of WILLIAM BURRELL, of North Lopham, Norfolk, England, is required. It is *up,*)Bed the heir-at-law is one of the descendants of STEPHEN BURRELL, who cane to this coqiitry from England many jrean, ago, Apply, with full particulars, to Mr. THOMAS MAY, Boaupoyt, Quebec, or to Mr. WILLIAM MAY, Solicitor, No 2 Adelaide Place, London Bridge, London, England. Quebec, March 14, 1862. m2O ihs 4t "V[ OTlllE.—l will not be responsible -L v for any debts or obligations whatever, contracted by any party whatever, unless authorized hereto by writing signed by me, bearing date after this date. March 19, 1862. liih'M-St* T. FORDHAM SIMPSON. « UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, for the United States Marine Corps, for sea service aboard of inen-of-war, SEVERAL HUN DRED AHLE-BODIED MEN, between the ages of eighteen ard forty years. Young men from the coun try not less than 5 feet4# inchos high, who Bbftllpass the medical examination, ppd cullbt* will roceivfl throo emit per mile for the distance travelled in coming to the Rendezvous, at 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce, Philadelphia. All other information that may be re quired wfli be given. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, mb2l-12t and Recruiting Officer. LEAF LARD.—79 tierces prime ket tie-rendered Leaf Lard, for sale by 0.0. SADLER & 00., inb2o-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. f^HEESE. —150 boxes fine Herkimer v/ County Cheese, lor sale by C. d..SADLER & GO., ml'2o-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. Adamantine candles.—a job lot of old Adamantine Candles, in store and for HOfiSK RADISH.—Pure luck Island Horne Eadieb, prepared for family use, in pint and h«ilf*pint bottles, for eale to the trade by BBODES & WIGLIAYS, 107 SoutU WATER Street. LADIES’ TRUSSES, SUPPORT ERR BRACES, and other Mechanlval A ppUauces, ot correct contraction and ea*v to tho wearer. For sale And adjustment at O. H. NJfcIDLUS’ LADIES* BTO&B. TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. Qmtjemeu requiring Rupture Trusses will call at the Southwell wmt 7.WKUFTH and BA OR, where 0 H. N. gives attention to this special feature. mh!2- 3ral! MILITARY GOODS. fob sale by PHOTOGRAPHS AND ALBUMS. IMPERIAL QUARTO ALBUMS. bolding 20 Portraits, §9 00 « 30 “ 11 00 « 20 « 18 00 “ 30 « 20 00 “ 40 << 2} 00 J. E. TILTON & CO., Boston. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &e. j RHODES 4! WUihMUftR, 107 South WATER Street SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS. JNDIA SHAWLS. GEORGE FRYER* No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Has opened a choice lot of REAL INDIA SHAWLS. With a handsome stock of Rare and Handsome SILKS, BACKS, and DRSSS GOODS* to 'which the attention of the Ladles Jb invited. mh2o*3t JOBBERS. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS D BY GOODS. Non. 239 end 241 N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE race; PIIIL ADELPIII A, Haro now open their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Among which will bo found a more than usually attract five variety of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS; Also, a full as&ortmont of MERRIMACK AND COCHECO PRINTS, and PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. To which they invite iUe special attention of buyer?. mh2l*2m MILLINERY GOODS 1862. 1862. LOUIS DANNENBAUM, No. 57 North SECOND Street. (Between Bfhrket and Arch,) is now prepared to offer a large stock of RIBBONS, SILKS, AND MILLINERY GOODS. Merchants and Milliners will find an admirable assort* most of the above Goods, of the newest styles, at low figures-, and are invited to call and examine. ■9“‘‘WELL BOUGHT IS HALF SOLD" mh2l-12t* 1862. SPRINO - 1862. WOOD & CARY. (Successors to Lincoln, Wood, & Nichols,) No. 725 CHESTNUT STREET, Havo now in Store a completo stool; OF STEAWAND MILLINERY GOODB, SILK BONNETS, STRAW AND PALM-LEAF HATS, To which they respectfully invite tho attention of the former patrons of the house and the trade generally. mar!2-2m eg BFEINO. 1862> RIBBONS. MILLINERY, AND STRAW GOODS. BROOKS. & Co., / NO. 431 MARKET STREET, Hay© now open—and to which dally additions are made—• tht-lr USUAL HANDSOME VARIETY OF RIBBONS. BONNET MATERIALS, FLOWERS, RUGHES. STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS, FLATS, SHAKER HOODS, and ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN THE MILLINERY LINE, Which will he offered at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. The attention of the trade is respectfully invited. ■9* Particular attention given to filling orders. mh!3*2m IJtHOMAS KENNEDY & BRO., 729 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth. A Choice Btock of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, mbl3-Bm] AT LOUT PRICES. YARNS, BATTS, & CARPET CHAINS. \ H. FRANCISCUS. WHOLESALE DEALER IN YARNS, 433 MAEKET and 5 North FIFTH Street. PHILADELPHIA.. Buyers will find a foil Stock of COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CARPET CHAIN, COTTON YARN, TWIST, FILLING, WADDING, BATTING, COTTON LAPS, TIB YARNS, TWINES, CANDLE WICK, COVERLET YARN, BROOM TWINES, SHOE THREADS, CILLINO AND SEINE TWINES, BED OORDS, WASH AND PLOUGH LINES, COTTON, HEMP, AND MANILLA CORDAGE. Also, a full assortment of FLY NETS. Which he offers at Manufacturers LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. PI. FBANCISCTJS. 433 MARKET and 5 North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DEALER IN WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Always on hand, a full StOtk or TUBS, BUCKETS, CHUBSS, MEASURES, BROOMS, WHISKS, FANCY BASKETS, wall, SCRUB, and SWEEPING BBUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES ami WINDOW PAPER, Hate, Keelers, Flour Duckets, Rest Boxes, WASH BOARDS, ROLLING and CLOTHES PINS FLOOR and TAELE OIL CLOTHS. SCHOOL, MARKET, and DINNER BASKETS. Sleds, Barrows, Carriages, Hobby. Horses, Ac., &o. All Goods sold at LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. tnhll-2tn fINANCIAIi. £JHECKS FOR QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS Forwarded for Conversion into BIS FEB CENT. CERTIFICATES AT LQWS&X BATES. MONET ADVANCED, IF DESIRED. mbl3-10t DREXEL A CO CO OAA OLD MORTGAGE FOR <PUjOW# SALE* on a valuable farm In Montgo mery county. Also, a number of first-class city Mort gages and Ground Bents, of different amounts, at a dis count Apply to E. PETTIT, mb7-tf No. 300 WALNUT Btreet. INsiiranoS OOMrMfUSB. INCE COMPANY, Street. 4AT? INSURANCE. CTOB9. Fame insure No. 406 CHESTNUT FIRE AND INLj DIBKI E. D. Woodftyff, John Kessler, Jr. f P» S 3. Justice, Washington Jones, Chat. Stokes, i John W. Kverman. *K* President. .RhSOK, Vive iABD, Secretary. [mhl9-iftf ,T' F. N. Buck, Ohos Richardson, Henry Lewie, Jr., Alex. Wbilldin, Geo. A. West, O. W. Davis, FRANCIS V. DUO] CIUUT.KH RIO HI WILLIAMS f. BLANCH /COMMONWEAL 1 ranck company, PENNSYLVANIA. X>IBXgTOB9. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Bonn, John M Whitall, John K. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, Bobert Shoemaker, Thomas 8. Stewart* William Btrutbers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Elijah X uee. DAVID JAYNE. BI D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice President SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, BIS CHESTNUT fitrevt* Philadelphia. ee4>if tf u Jr IRE INSO OV THE STATE Of RETAIL. DRY GOODS. JjjEMOVAL OF TUB PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM No. 920 CHESTNUT St. FIRST OPENING SPRING CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, PALETOTS, and MONDAY, MARCH 24. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. r01122-3t QHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, *3 & ARRISON, No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street, Feepectfully invite the attention ef buyers to their new and largo stock of FINE AND DICH NOTTINGHAM LACE and MUSLIN CURTAINS, AND LACE AND MUSLIN DRAPERIES, bought at a sacrifice, and will be sold n bargain, mli22-etuib€t linen, white goods, L AC E . EMBROIDERY STORE. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. The Bubscriberbas opened the Store, No. 1024 CHEST NUT Street, for the sale of eyery yftrlety of GOODS IN THE ABOVE LINE. LACES—In great variety. LACE GOODS— III great variety, ill PtETiS —Of all descriptions. LINEN GOODS—Of every description. WHITE GOODS—Of every description. EMBROIDERIES—Of every description. LINEN HDKFS—Ladles*, Gents 1 , and Childron’a of ah descriptions. HAS JUST OPENED, FOR GARIBALDI f5O pieces French Muslin, 2 yards wide; 20 do French Puffed Cambric; 30 do Plaid and Striped Cam brics; 30 do do do Nain sooks j 10 do Black and White Figured Net, and a great variety of other materials. JACKETS AND WAISTS. For TRIIYI- f 100 piecos Yaloncieime Edgings. ] 50 piecos English Thread do. | 25 pieces Black do do. I 25 pieces I’ushor do. MING THE | 25 pieeo9 Blond;; : do. 100 Cambric and Swiss Edgings and Insertings. And articles. ABOVE. The above are all now and desirable stylos, and will be sold at very low prices. EDWARD M. NEEDLES. No. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. mh2o-3t YRE & LANDELL. E. & L., FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ABCH. SPRINGE OPENING. NEW CHINTZES, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW ORGANDIES, NEAT PLAID SILKS, SHEPHERD’S PEAIDS, FASHIONABLE SILKS, BLACK FIGURED SILKS, COLORED FQULT BE BOIES* mblO-mw&atf NE W EMBROIDERED PIANO and table covers. Just opened, new and desirable styles of Embroidered Covers, at low prices. SHEPPABD. VAN HARLINGEN, G ARRISON, m lOOB CHESTNUT Street. TVTEW FURNITURE CHINTZES AM AND *UBNITUBE COYEBTNGS. The subscribers respectfully invite the Attention of buyers to their new stock of Furniture Chintzes and Coverings SUEPPARI), VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, mh22.otrp 1008 CHESTNUT Street. H STEEL & SON HAVE NOW • OPEN 10,000 YARDS OF FANCY SILKS, Of all grades and qualities, purchased at prices far below tbe cost of importation, consequently they are Able to offer one of tbo L A RG KST and CHEAPEST Of Fancy Silks In the city. Rich Fancy Silks from BSc to $2. Two-faced Fancy Silks 75c, worth $1.1211. CHEAPEST 75c-SILKS IN THE uITY. Good styles at SO and 82j£c, worth 88c. Small Plaid Silks 50c, worth 75c. Sotici Grt-tm and Slue Silks. 75c. TwO'faccd Fieu'sd Black Silka 75c, worth $l. Also, a LARGE and CHOICE assortment; of * NEW SPRING PRESS GOOPS. NEW STYLES OF ENGLISH AND MERRIHAC AND ALL AMERICAN CIHNiZES, 12Kc. no 713 nortn I'KNTF Street, above Coates N. B.—New Goods opcniug dally, mk22 ‘VrisW SPBING GOODS. JL t Assortments received of Pluiu Brown Po rie Sr-ios. Modes and Bright Colors. Neat Checked Silks. Black Figure* Sjifa, Glossy Cloaking Silts. New and neat printed Lawns. Plain St* les of Organdies. Rich printed Organdies. Children’s neat fino Chintzeß. Piques for Girls, and Wrappers. New, neat, and rich Do liaineß. Bright plaid Worsteds, New printed Baregea. very cheap. Foulard Robes, at very low rates. New Spring Shawls and Mantles. SH&BP'<KS3 BROS. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets TTIROM A BANKRUPT STOOK. X? WILL OPEN THIS MORNING— 50 dozen L (J Hdkfs. at 81.50 per dozen. 27 *» “ “ at 81.62 « 4 u Gents 1 Bordered Hdkfs. 86 per dozen. 2 41 Ladies’hemmed at cents each* 3 it ft « u tacks, at 62jf cents. 4 (K “ 3 tucks, at 76 cents. 2 “ Suspenders at 37 Jj cents. 4 « “ at 50 cents. 6 ■ " “ at 75 cents. 4 * « . “ at 67 cents. Also, a nice assortment of Dress Goods, at JOHN Hi fiTOKEB% 702 ARCH Street. N. B—Jackson’s celebrated Countiug-house PENOIIi. All Merchants and Bankers use them. mblS "VTEW SPRING PRINTS, An ' CHOICE STYLES. MKHHIMACS, SPBaGUE, PACIFIC, ALL TWELVE AND A HALF GENTS. A large lot best Btyles and fast colors at 10c. COWPBBTHWAIT * CO., ». W. cor. EIGHTH and lUABKET Sts. Linens by the piMeoSTarl) Ballard Vale Flannels, 33 to 75 cts. Linen Diapers, old prices for best goods. Phirt Fronts, fresh lots, 25 to 60 cts. Domestics always at lowest market rates. coopkb a L’ONABD. fUSbIMERES: 6,543 yardf all* wool goods. Boys 1 Cassimeres iu greatest variety. Men’s Fancy and Black Cassitneres. Black Cloths at the right prices. OOOFBR ft OONARD, Blhis PAUthfeMl Corner and MAftKBT. EYBE & LAN DELL ALWAYS keep the verr Beet Black I>imb SiUa. H*-avitut Corded biiks Wl(tnwi’ SilkUi very rinrahls Eire & lajsrell have Shawls for the sear trade. Black Stellas, from 81 to 815 Black Shawls, all /trades. Fashionable Serins Shawls. T?YRE & LaNDELL, FOURTH and JLd ABOH Streets, have now for Spring sales— Solid Colored Poult do Boies, Solid Colored Figured Silks, Moire / ntigiif b "and Watered Silks. mh2o MEBB PORK,—2OO bbla Mess Port, Tor eate by 0. C. BADLEB A C 0.,. jnhSO-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. DEMI-SACQUES, The Korau is written with tho utmost elegance and pnrity of language. The Koran will be followed by translations of Tin-: Zexd-Avksta (Porsees or Persian Fire-worshippers), The Vedas (Hindoo), The Book of Kjxgs (Chinese), and The Edda (Scandinavian). 111. THE OLD LIEUTENANT AND HIS SON* A very interesting, high-toned Novel, by the accomplished English writer, NORMAN MACLEOD. Bvo, Paper. Handsomely printed. Price 30 cents. Either of the above gent by mail, post, pail, o& rcct ipt of the price. FOB SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. mh22-29 2t D APPLETON & CO., • 443 and 445 BROADWAY, N. Y. t Publish on Saturday, Paul’s. YI. On the Genuineness ami) GE*>. RAWLIN- Authenticity of the Fen* \ SON* M. A , Uam tateuch. ) dea Prvfo-oor of Ancient History, Oxford, and late Fellow and Tutor of Exeter Coll. VII. Inspiration EDWARD HAR OLD BROWN K, Bi Du Norriaian Professor of Divi nity at Cambridge, and Canon RuHiden tiary of Exeter Ca thedral. VIII. TAe Death of Christ ..... WILLIAM THOM SON, P, D.i Lord TMPORTANT WORK FOR FARM- X KBS. AND FOR ALL INTERESTED IN AGRI CULTURE, HORTICULTURE, OK NATURAL HIS TORY. A TREATISE ON SOME OF THE INSECTS IN JURIOUS* TO VEGETATION. By Thadukus Wil liam Uaubis. A now edition, enlarged and imoroved, .with Additions from the Author’s Manuscripts, and Origi niil Kutes, apd I!!«»!r«W(l by Eagnmngs drawn from Nature, under the supervision of Prof Louie Aoassiz Edited by Chahlks L. Flint, Secretary of the Massa chusetts State Board of Agriculture. Bvn. pp. 6)1. Right steel engravings contain illustrations of ninety* five specimen?, colored fro a nauvra, and two hundred and seventy-eight specimens are illustrated by line wood (UigravingSi executed in tho best style of tho art, The drawings for all these were made under the supervision of Prof. Louis Agassiz, who has compared them with the oiighial specimens before engraving. IBy this means it iB believed that very great scientific accuracy has been secured in illustrations. The work is issued in an octavo volume, beautifully printed on tinted papen b&ndgntnelp bound, and li cue of the most important and valuable works of the kind over ieeut-d from the press. Tb* edition is small, aud no other, equal in every respect, can ever be produced. For sale by MoELROY A CO., mh2o>3t No. 27 South SIXTH Street. A B ° ° K ABOUT DOCTORS. BEADY THIS WEEK: An elegant repriut from tho celebrated new English work juat published in London, entitled; A BOOK ABOUT DOCTORS. Characterized everywhere as the mosr amusing and fas cinating work of its kind since D’lsraelfs «• Cariosities of Literature,” which it bo much resembles. A volume of rare entertainment. From the period of iEpculapius, down through the palmy daysof Sir Thomas Browne, Aetley Gooperj and Abernetfej 1 , {9 Ihe predtißti il.e medical Aua of every manuscript tradition aud col lege store has contributed its choicest treasures. Large Bvo., with Illustrations, by Hogarth. Price $1.60. There are chapter# on rich physicians and poor phvsl ciaxm—on fet-s; recipes for securing large ones, and urnu- EIHK iuttances ot their ontiru nonermia and pan simoLious patients, and how to muuage both—on Doc tors in lave, and Do stors’ quarrels aud duels—on ner vous and imugiuatiVL patieuts, and their treatment—on female physicians, and literary physicians—on the vices and the virtues of doctors—on apothecaries and hospitals —on court phys|cjaj)fi snd fumitry differs — 011 fiCCrttlSriC and speculative physicians—ou Quacks—on experimental physicians—on failures and successes—on medicines, in struments fti d epitaphs—indeed, on every topic and mat ter in any way relating to the profession, this book in most entertaining and amusing SKOW CAi*ES. Plate-glass, German silver, per foot, ..$lO Crystal-glues, . “ “ »» 8 ** half Gorman silver 6 ** all walnut 4 WM. H. GUOVK, sihlO-tapU 111 North FOURTH Street, Philada. NEW PUBLICATIONS. rji II E ATLANTIC MONTHLY APIIIL, 18G2, IS READY TO-DAY. The April number in now ready, with Uie following lint of CONTENTS SCTMKSSAOE OK JEFF DAVIS TN SECRET SES SION. Conjeclurally roporhd by Jlonea JJiglow. A New Biglow Paper. The Fourth of the Series, By Jamss Bl>ski.i. Lowfi.i.. AMU It I CAN CIVILIZATION. By Waldo KmuuuuM. ffy MOUNTAIN PICTURES. By JohnG.Wiiittujil. tfy THE GERMAN BURNS. By Bayaud Tayi.ou. TO A YOUNG CONTRIBUTOR. By Thomas W. lligcisson*. ff5P" METHODS OF STUDY IN NATURAL HISTO RY. Fcurth Paper. By Profeetror Louis Agassiz. TURN AND NOW IN THE OLD DOMINION. By M. D. Conway. JGTWIIaT SHALL WE DO WITH THEM* By Walter Mitchell. A Solution of the Southern Pro blem. ft fly ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH By Ohaulks ICt.tOT NORTON'. AST INDIVIDUALITY. By DAVID A. Wassos. JOHN LAMAIt. JSy Hie author of “ A Story of To»day.” «y EXODUS. By Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. BT'TBE FORESTER. THE STBASDURG CLOCK. COMPENSATION. fly REVIEWS AND LITERARY NOTICES. TEBMS. Twonty-five cents per number. Threo dollars per year t post-paid by the puVUsbßfS. TICKNOB & FIELDS, Publishers, 135 WASHINGTON Street, It Boston, Maaaachusnttfl. TJ\ O. H. P. BURNHAM, 143 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, PUBLISHES THIS DAY: CADET LIFE AT WEST POINT. BY AN OFFICER OF THE U. S. A. Ono Volume, 16mo, elegantly printed and bound, Steel Frontispiece. PRICE 51. Thfo book is calculated to have a peculiar interest for all. The author’s lively, animated, and picturesque style; his admirable descriptions of cadet life, in its social as wc-ll ae military- aspects j his keen sense of the ludicrous, which finds congenial ephero of exoroiSQ in the Ad« ventures which he narrates, added to the wide-spread interest which .attaches to this “ stronghold of romance, chivalry, aid gong,” cannot fail to attract the general reader, while its practiced suggestions pertaining ie military life, and the insight which it gives into the disci pline end routine of duty at West Poifct. commend it to military readers To the graduates of West Point, the interests, tho inci dents, and the localities will be brought back with all the freshness of actual presence, and be welcomed as the fa miliar faco of an old friend. SACRED BOOKS OF ALL NATIONS, NOW READY: TIIE KORAN; OK, MOHAMMEDAN BIBLE. Translated into English im neiiately from tho original Arabic. By GEORGE SALE, Gent. To which is prefixed the Life of Mohammed} or the I?lg*. tory of that Doctrine which was begun, carried on, and finally established by Lim. One handsome to! , l2mo. 472 pp.. Cloth, extra. Price SI. The Koran forms ibe Moslem code of penal and reli gious law; and is believed by them to bo inimitable by human pen ; and therefore insisted upon as a' permanent miracle, greater than the raising of the dead' to life, And alone sufficient to convince tho world of Its heavenly origin. It would not be far cct of the way Prof. Tayler Lewis, of Union College, an able writer) &• regard it as one of the apocryphal books of the Bible. The great interest consists in its inJependot.fc narration of sjma of the leading events in the emiy O’ul hi-story, and it is iii its oft-asserted claim to be rne religion of Abraham that this sublime poem of Mohammed has its real power and long-enduring hold in so many parts of the older contiuent. IV, CAN WRONG BE RIGHT? A new Novel of startling interest and power. By Mrs. 8. C. HALL. Bvo, Faptr. Handsomely printed. Price 38 cents. AIDS TO FAITH A SERIES OF THEOLOGICAL E9SAY3, By rarions writers. bei=jg A REI*LY TO 41 ESSAYS AND REVIEWS. 11 CONTENTS. I. On Miracles as Evidences) H L. MANSKL, B. of Christianity ) ~ p. ( Pro fessor or Moral and Metaphysical Phi losophy, Oxford, late Tu»or and Fel low of St." Joku's Call. 11. On the Study of the Evi» ) WILLT4M FITZ dCHCfIi 0/ { GERALD, D. Lord Bishop of Killaloe. 111. Prophecy A. McCaUL, D. P., Prof*, ssor of He brew and Old Tea- Iviug'B College, London, and Fre* betid ary of St. Paul’s. IV. Ideology and Subscription. F. C COOKE, M.A., Chaplain in Ordi nary to the Queen, one of U. M. In* fioectora of Schools, Pp bemlary of Bt. raid’s, aud Exam ining Chaplain to the Bishop of Lin coln. V. The Mosaic Record of) A. McCAUL, D. D., CretfiMi { Professor of He brew aud Old Tes tament Exegesis, King's Colloge, Loudon, and Pro- Bishop or Glouces ter and Bristol IX. Scripture and its Inter ?OH MILES JOHN pretation . J ELLICriTT, BD„ Dean of Exetor, aiid Professor of Divinity, King's College, London. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. mb2l-2t HARRIS ON INSECTS. Sent by mail free on receipt of price. CABLETON, Publisher. (Late Rudd & Cttrieton,) No. 41b Broadway, corner Liupcuttnl-atroet, n. Y. mblß sAw-tf QONCEBT HALL. DRAMA TIC AMD DOE TIC READINGS, Exfractfwm “TheEsßayon Man'*...., ..Tope. Selections from 11 Romeo ami Joliet'* Shakspeare. ifcO’Coimor’K Child,” or the Flow«r of Lot* Lies Blew mg, .imniiiiimmmu.... CamnbstL A War Lyric. ••Our Defenders’ 1 T. Kuchnoan An Oil*, ••The Passions” Hollins. ••The Bong of tho Time” Longfellow. “TchßHßftij Ouglcfs’s Onslaught” Motherwell. SKBTCHBB FROM THE PICKWICK PAPERS. The Love- Letter, with practical remarks by Sim Weller, tng»th«r with philosophical reflections^ «n thi* by Weller * Plckensi Troubles of M« munir Ton soil Jam Taylor. For silo at Concert Hall and the principal Book and Muhlc Stores. Doors cpf n at 7% ; Rending to cnimnnncn at 8 o’clock. riHKAT “GATHERING OP THE U CLANfi —GRAND UNTSN 800TTHH CON CERT, will bo given in tho MUSICAL FUND IMLL, Loeubt ttreeU above Eighth,on MONDAY EVENING, Mnrch'3l,lS62, for ibe benefit of the Volunteer Refresh* ment Saloons, under the united auspices of the St. Andrew’s Society, Caledonia Beneficial Society, Scots’ Thistle Society, Germantown Burns Club. Burns Affnocifttiop, Philadelphia Curling Club* UiUrdonian Club, Keystone Unrllng Club. Doors open at 7 ; commence at 8 precisely. TICKETS 25 CENTS, mh22 2t# mHE M/KNNERCHOIt VOCAL SO _l CIKTY respectfully announce 1o their frleuds, aud the public, that they will give a GRIND OGNUEitT AND BALL on tho 28th day of April next Further particulars will be published in duo time. It “IVyTRS. JOHN DREW'S JLf-L ABCtf-STREET THEATRE. Aettpg glftgp MftimeMV..W, 8, FREDERIOK? PnninnM Agent and Troasnror JOS. D MURRAY, 60th NIGIIT AND 2d MONTIT OF JOHN DREW. SATURDAY EVENING. March 22, ALINE, THE ROSE OF KILLARVEY. Davy O’Loary Lftn’or Mr. Gilbert. 1 Alina.... After which, first, time in ten rears. I'llß isSiviKw, Looney McTwulter..,, C«leb Quotem Lucy (with pong). CKonOOUE-U A -Bir»LOUOU in jprepiiratlon B*at* can lie secured for Mr. John Drew’s representa tions three, days in advance Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance commences at 7 % precisely Continental theatre, I>RO BONO PUBLICO ONLY V FEW NIGHTS WORK OF THE DRAWING-ROOM. ENTERTAINMENT OF KNCLB TOM’S CABIN. OR LIFE AMONG THE LOWLY, , Admission 35 and 25 cents. To commence at 1% o’clock* A GRANDUNCLE TOM MATINEE THIS AFTER NOON, at 2 o'clock) for Ladies and Ohildroß, termi nating about 6. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole Lemoe MRS. M. A. GARBRTTBOV. MR. AND MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, March 22,1802, The pklfoirbiitbce w jj] conmiern'o wjrk the Drama of Mickey Malone Mr. Bamgv Williams. Widow Casey Mrs. Barney Williams. To bo followed by the Extrav+sran/.a of YANKEE COURTSHIP. Onr Jf mimft To conclude with the Farce of ins iiaiau tiger. Paddy Byan Mr. Barney William*. PaiOKS—so, and 26 ceuts; Private Box**, #6 and ®3 t according to their local*. Poors open at Quarter to 7. To commence at 7jtf . Assembly auijd?iNoB.-~iWDiA. AND TFE CHEAT SEPOY REBELLION.—A henutifnl and thrilling Exhibition from the Royal Poly tt-chmo Institute, London. EVERY EVENING and'oa WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS,com mencing MONDAY, March 17. The Entertain*? ent constats oF a series of brilliantly /l- Ivminated Tableaux , illustrating fecenury, architecture, and customs of the gorgeous East, AllQi the principal events nnrmt-cted with the Into Mutiny in India—Tha great Battle of Havelock; Jesaio Brown at Lucknow \ Mtaß Wheeler defending herself from thoSonoys; and Fall of Delhi, Ao„ &e. A NOVEL FEATURE for SATURDAY AFTER NOONS—Combination Entertainment of Mmic and Art —!t.troducii)g Derr BNGELKR’S celebrated Quartette. (5T See Programme!) Admittiob 26 cents. Six tickets, $l. Children* when accompanied by adults, 10 cents. Commence, Evening* at eight; Afternoons at three o’clock. Poors open odP hour previously. Communications should be addrussedto mhl7-tf JOHN TOY. INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND, L TWENTIETH find BACK Stwita EVENING. EXHIBITION, 'JUESIIAY EVENING, Murcli 25. CABL SENTZ CoDdiictor. To commence lit 8 o'clock. Admission Ten Cents. mh22.3t aERMANIA ORCHESTRA. GAEL SKNTZ* Conductor. PUBLIC BEHEABSAL9 every SATURDAY at SV o’clock P. SI., at the MUSICAL FUND U ALL. Package *f Eight Tickets, 91; Single Ticket*. 36 cto To be had at Andre’s, 1104 Chestnut street, J. K. Gould's 3eT*nt>: and Obnutm?*. and af. tho d<v>r of t'jp GERMA^ T TOWiS T PROPERTY. iIIKOK SALE—A LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, on COTTAGE Lane, near Puey’s lane, within five minutes* walk or Puey’s Lane Station, 1-jt 190 feet front, bv 350 deep. House built in best manner, containing fifteen rooms, with all modem conveniences} gas, hot and cold wMt-?, bhth room, Ac,, with an abundance of shade and fruit troea Also, n gmd stable. Inquire of J. tt. BENPEKPINE, 8. W corner of SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, or at his dwelling adjoining the property on the north. mh2l-3t# tfSi NOBRISTOWN MANSION FQR Elia SALE —A superior well-built Mansion* with threa acres cf land ; building commodious, aud commanding un extensive view or the surrouudmg country. Also, a very excellent Cottage residence, with 10 or 40 acres of land, in I’ottstown, the house being very commodious, end having all the modern conveniences. UlMl-St* fZi. FOR FALE—A very choice Lot, 3E- containing about 9 Acri fl of Superior Laud, situated on the West Chester Railroad, 11 miles from the city J desirably located tor improvement, with four fronts* springs of excellent water, and a large number of shade an* fruit trees. J. D. REINBOTH, inh2l.3t* 436 WALNUT St moL gn A FARM OF 20 ACRES.— ZJIL Also, a handsome COUNTRY SEAT. Apply to WHITEMAN Sr WILLS, No. 1 MERCANTILE LI BRARY BUILDINGS. mh‘2l-3t* A SMALL FIRE-PROOF SAFE for Sole Cheap. Apply at 1009 BASHOUPH mliSl-St* TO RENT TO A GENTLEMAN—A. large communicating Parlor and Chamber, in a pri vate bouse on Walnut street* without board. Inquire at tlie me Store, - ELEVENTH and WAiOTT Streetfl. m FOR SALE—A FINE FRCIT one mile from Railroad Station, near Do ver. Exteipive PEACH ORCHARD, just in the prime of bearing, besides a great variety of other fruits, lurge Ginpery; Ac Plain iniprovaiaattUL p<>p etEfcloti. Also, a number of Pants poa-enaion of which can be given this Spring. Apply to K. PETTIT, No. SCO WALNUC S'reet. A DESIRAKLE WES P PHILA- MliL DELPHTA RESIDENCE FOR SALE, N E. cor ner ot Tf?7DTTrNINr!I (nr WILIiTaMj Street and gPBTTCE; house 40 by 30, with kitchen back, ftttd all the modern conveniences: lot 100 by 175. with fruit trees, shrubbery, Ac., Ac. Term# easy. Apply to tFOPi PALE OR RENT—A eon ver.ieut HOUSE, Stabling, &c„ with ten Acres of Land attached, nine miles from the city. Apply to E.P. MIDDLETON, 5 North FRONT Street. bendary of St. FOR SALE—TIie Stock and Fixtures of A first. chips GROCERY STORE, estAblUhgd Iweniy yeurß mid lining a r.joJ business. Siuisfuctory rOHsouu given for. selling. N. E. corner of SIXTH Hud BUTTONWOOD. mt ,lB 61# gj| TO LET—Germantown HOUSE, Killeouth side of KITTEN Struct, sor.ond houn« "'{lt <’f Mftrion, btfjimd Green street, t’nananlnn April 1. Itent $250. Apply to WM. H. 11A00N, PIMB-6:* No. 23 Itorth FOURTH Street. WANTED BY A A SITU ATION in any kind of a Frore, Wholesale or It*- tail A small compensation reunited. Address “A. P. 0 11 li* \\T ANTED—A Partner, in a whole^- I I sale Drug. Homo, Alteedy fnirly cefftHinhetl. Address “ Merchant,'* trifi oof The rrexs. mtiAiU* WAJNTEU— A GIRL TO DO general housework. Goih! rocwamtendaiiona required. Apply at 1824 Noitk FIFTEENTH Street. mbl9 WANTED— A SITUATION aa Coachman, by a single man. The best of refe rence given, having had-experiouco in the country, amoog horses, fer fifteen years. Address “J. 6.," this offleo.* THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL CAFES AND REFRESHMENT SALOONS, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Underneath and iu Imtnudiata cownoetion with TUB CONTINENTAL HOTEL. A CARD. The proprietors of the Continental Hotel respectfully announce the opening of THE BEbTAUBANT SALOONS, In connection with the Continental Hotel. THE LADIES 1 SALOON, The entrance to which is No 826 C|)i>rtbut ulreeti and communicating witli tho tauies* entrance oi the Hotel, it devoted entirely to tho accommodation of ladies ouly, or those who bavo the escort of gentlemen. Withdrawing and toilet rooms, with all the luxurious conveniences of the boudoir, are attached to this portion of the estab lishment. THE GENTLEMEN'S CAFE AND RESTAURANT, cvumiumcatu/g with the mam hall of the hotel, possessed similar facilities, both having family and retiring rooms for large or Bmall partios. In connection with these sa loons there are facilities for writing, a nows and book stand, and United States post office. TBE TABLE D’HOTE AND GENERAL CARTS will comprise all the DELICACIES AND REFINEMENTS OF TUB CONTINENTAL CUISINE, Combined with nil the LUXURIES THAT THE BEABON AFFORDS, Neither pain* nor expense being spared by the proprie tors (6 ftlllSF fills MlUblULmeiil worthy of the prestige of the Continental Hotel and the city of Philadelphia. lithlS.dt fTlflE t*T. LOUIS, _L CHESTNUT STREET, BETWEEN THIRD AM) rocimi, I'IIIIiADELPniA. Tlie undersigned having leased,for a term of years, thl« popular house, have the pleasure of uuuouucinit to their frieids, and the travelling community, that it is now open for the reception of guests. The Intise, since ths first of March last, liua been entirely rennvuted and re fitted, in a superior mwmfr j th? aparlmMits nra larga* well Yramluted* and mrnUhra in modern style. It h centrally located, convenient to all the depots and steam boat landings, and in tho immediate vicinity of the Goa toui House, Tost Office, and the Corn Exchange. Connected with the Hotel is a RESTAURANT for the »ccoi>niudation of those preferiingthe KTTROPKAN PLAN. Prices of rooms ft urn TUftEE TO SEYBN DOLLARS per week| according to location. Board Jf1.50 per day. Table d’llote for merchants and businessmen, irom 1 to 3 I*. M. mbS-lmif 11/romJMRNTS A N D , G ft A V s STfrNisH At very reduced prices at Marble Works of A, STEINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue, below Vleventb Street. t&hl3-3cuif AMUSEIHGNTH. SECOND NIGHT OF THH f.'OCKSK OF Mh *MMKS B. MURDOCH, Tina EVENING, March 22. PROGRAMME, TJCKRTB FIFTY CKNTA HUGH RANKEN, Secrotary, Mr*J»hn Draw. .....Mr. Frank Drew. Mrs. Cliaa. Ifeari. UNCLE PAT’S CABIN. Mrti. Barney Williams. rOR SAJjE ajnd to let J P, RGINBOTHk 430 W\LW??t Street, PRESLKY BLAKI.STON, 25 South blXTll Street, HENItY M. MWIIHUT, 209 South FIFTH Street. WANTS*. HOTELS. HENRY NEIL, ISAAC L. DSYOE. . Mr. John Drew. Mrs. John Drew.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers