ENGLISH IMPRESSIONS OF AMERICA. Dr. Zone Ps Letters to the London TIMCII clitlitLifffolf Acne THS rexi, or Merman—MlS c•aottrat TsoOPS - OaK Xestißansen—viefr TO Ta• Poere—Melon ANDSillies-a nemeses m the Ler don Tunes of alas al Camitzeroa, 8 0., April 2 4 " m 7 ° l - aolation for the disappointment of not arriving n time to witness the amok upon Fort Sumpter. In dreartbiogh t e condition of the work soon after Wier Anderson tarramdered it. Already I hate upon my table a pamohlet entitled " The Settle of Fort Sumpter and First Victory of the Southern Troops," &0.. several '' poems , " and a variety of varciaas, celiac, and rhetorical exeroitations upon this event, which, however important ae a polities! demonstration, Is of small value in a military except in so far as the bloodless occupation of a sense, commanding Charleston harbor is concerned. It may tend to prevent any false im pressions. founded OD imperfect information, to state a few feots connected with the lire in the work, soul its effects, which will interest, at least, some military readers. In the first plaint, it may be well to admit that the Military preparatiolli and positions of the South Carolinians wore more formidable than one was prepared to expeot on the part of a small Stets, without any considerable internal organs action or resources. The comparative efficiency was due mainly to General Beneregard and his assistant engineer. Major Waiting, who are .his professional engineer oflioers of the United States army, and who had capacity and inetzenoe enough to direst the energies of the undisciplined messes In the proper tilfeCdloll, instead Of allowing them to task on their fate in the perilous essay or an eamlade, as they intended. The blahs of Booth Carolina had for a long time peat been amintou feting arms and munitions of war, and it may be said that ever since the nullification contest she had permitted herself to dwell on the idea of nlti mate secession, ro be effected by force if neoeasary. When General Bc taregard and M.J.hr Whiting came here the works intended to resist the fleet and to crash the fort were in a very impatient State Illapr Anderson and his offloers had a trite professional contempt for the batteries of the civilians and militiamen, which was in some mesenrejasti6- bits. Onernorning, however, as they took their survey of their enemy's labors for the previous night, they perceived a change had come over the design of their works. That "some one who knows his business its over there" was evident. Their strange relationship with those who were preparing to destroy them if possible, however, prevented their recourse to the obvion means which were then in abundance in their handa to avert the coming danger. Had Major Anderson maintained a well-regulated fire on the enemy the moment they began to throw up their batteries and prepare Port Moultrie against hita, he could have made their progress very slow and exceedingly laborious, and have marked it at every step with blood. Bis command over the ground was very decided; but he had, it Is to be supposed, no an thorny to defend 10010.11 is the only way in which It could be done. " Too late"—that fatal phrase— was the eoho to every order which came from the seat of Government at Washington. Meantime, the South Carolinians worked at their batteries. and were wan ablate obtain wryer oaths soft Study plains oh which they were planting their guns and mortars. They practised their men at the guns etaoked shot and shell, and furnished their maga aloe., and drilled their raw levies with impunity within 1,400 yards of the fort- We all know whit Impunity is worth in offensive demonstrations It is a powerful agent sometimes in creating enthusiasm Every day more volunteers flocked to the various companies, or created new associations of armed Men and the heterogeneous and motley mica began to assume some resemblance to an army, however • irregular At the present 'moment Onarleston is like a place in the neighborhood of a camp where military and volunteer tailors are at work trying experiments in uniforms, and lending In their animated models for inspection. There is an .endless' variety—often of ugliness—in dress and equipment and nomenclature among these com panies. The head dress isgoneratly, however, a smart cap like the French kepi; the tunic is of different outs, colors, and facings, and materiale— green, with gray and yellow, gray with orange and black, and white, bite with white and yellow facings, roan, brown, burnt sienna, and olive— jeakets, freaks, tunics, blouses, cloth, linen, tweed, flannel. The officers are generally in blue frocks and bran buttons, with red sashes, the rank being Indicated by gold lace parallelograms on their shoulder straps, which are like those In nee in the Russian aims. The aims of the mon seem tolerti• bly well kept, and in good order. Many, however, still shoulder " White Besa"—the old smooth-bore musket, with unbrowned barrel. The following is an official return, which I am enabled to present to you through the courtesy of the authorities. showing the actual number of men under arms - yesterday, in and around Charleston : Morris Island.-17th Regiment, 700 men; let itewiment, 950 men; 23 iittitituent, 975 men; to tal, 2 625 man. Saltivan's Island —sth regiment, 1,075 men ; detachment of tat Regiment, 250 men; demob went of 6'h Regiment, 200 men ; cavalry and others, 225 men ; total, 1,750. ilitone and ocher polars, 750 men; Charleston, 1,9Y0 men ; Columbia, 1,950 men . Men. Morris Island 2 625 Bullivan's Island 1.750 ttone and other Points 750 125 Colamb's 1 950 Charleston 1 900 8,975 In Bed at the time of report 3,027 Total 12,002 The regiments Mentioneahara ea. oca.paxase oohed in different Mundell with diff.rent names, but the State regulars are in expectation that they will aeon be made portions of the regular army of the Confederate States, which is In ocurce of formation. There are, I be lieve, only 55 000 registered voters ie South Caro lira. The number or men furnished by them is a fair indication of the teal for the oauee which ant mates the population. The physic/re of the troops Is undeniably good Now and then undersized, weakly turn may be met with. but the great mnjo city of the companies consist of rank and file ex reeding the average stature of Europeans, and very well built and muscular. The men run very large down bare Nothing, indeed, can be mere obvious, when one looks at the full-grown, healthy, hand some race which develops itself in the streets. in the bar-rooms, and in the hotel balls, than the error of the argument which is mainly need by the Caro liniens themselves, that white men cannot thrive in their State In limb. figure, height, weight, they are equal to any people I have ever seen, and their features are very regular ana pronounced. They are, indeed, as unlike the ideal Ame. rioana of our caricaturists and our stage a s Is the "caviar" of the Porte Stint Martin to the Itngitstr gentleman. Some of this superi ority la due to the fast that the balk of the white population here are In all but name aristo Grate, or rather oligarchs. The State is but a gi gantic Sparta, in which the belotry are marked by an indelible difference of color and race from the musters, The white population *Mel le not land and alaveholding and agricultural is very small end very insignificant . The masters enjoy every advantage which can oenduce to the physical ex cellence of a people and to the cnitivation of the graces and accomplishments of life, even though they ars ra th er disposed to neglect purely intellec tual enjoyments and tastes. Many of those who serve in the ranks are men worth from £5,000 to £lO,OOO a year—at least, so I am told—and men welt pointed out to me said to be worth far more. One private feeds his company on French pa-is and Madeira, another provides hie comrades with unlimited champagne, most grateful on the arid Banditti's; a third, wi,h a more soldierly view to their permanent rather than occasional efficiency, purehsaes for the men of hia "Guards" a oomplete (univalent of Enfield rifles. how long the seal and re:merest of these gentlemen will last it may not be easy to say. At present they would prove formi dable to any enemy, except a regular army on the plain and in the open field, but they are not pro vided with field artillery or with adequate cavalry, and they are not accustomed to act rn concert and in large boodle.. _Yeaterday morning I waited on General Bems. gard, who is commanding the forces of South Caro. line Hie aids-de camp, Mr. Manning, Mr. Claes nut, Mr. Pomher Miles, and Colonel Lucas, accom panied me_ Of these, the former has been Governor atilt' State; the next has been a Senator, the third a member of Congress. They are all volunteers. and are gentlemen of position in the State ; and the fact that they are not only content but grati fied to set as aids to the profess:oust soldier is the beet proof of the reality of the spirit which ail melee the class they represent. Mr Lucas is a gentleman of the State, who is acting as aid-de camp to Governor Pickens. Pasting through the denllo crowd which, talking, smoking, and reading newspapers, Alb the large ball of the Mills House, e r e emerge en the dirty street, snffieiently broad, and Hued with trees protected by wooden sheath legs at the ease. The houses, not very lofty, are clean and spacious, and provided with verandahs facing the south as far as possible. The trees give the /treat the air of a boulevard, and the town has somehow or other a reminimenee of the Hague ewes it which I cannot explain - or account for satisteertorily. The headquartes ale in a large, airy public building. once devoted to an insurance company's operations or to the actricaumodatlon of the public Are companies The e. was no guard at the door ; Officers and pri vates were passing to and fro- in the hall, part of which was cut off by canvas screens; so as to form room for the department of the Horse Guards of Sonia Carolina.- Into one of these we turned, and found the decks occupied by officers in Uni form, writing despetohes and copying documents with all the abandon which distinguishes the true soldier when he can get at printed forms and Go vernment stationery In another moment we were ushered into a smaller room, and were presented to the General, who was also seated at his desk Any miss:psi:atoms& to soldiers can readily detect the " _real article" from the counterfeit, and when General Becarsgard stood up to welcome us it was patent he was a man capable of greater things than taking Sump ter Be is a tuaarely built, loan Man, of about forty years or age, with broad shoulders, and legs "made to fit" a horse, of middle height., and tile head is covered with thick hair, cropped aloes, and meowing the bumps which are reflective and emuhative, with a true Genie air at the bank of thy Aral ; the forehead, broad and well deve loped, projects somewhat over the keen, eager dark eyes; t h e face is very thin, with very hi g h cheek bones, a welt-shaped nose, slightly aquiline, and a large, rigid, sharply. cut mouth, set above a full fighting chin. In the event of any important operations taking place, the name of this officer will, I feel assured, be heard alien enough to be my excuse for this little sketoh of his outward man. Be was good enough to detail his chief engineer offiror to go with me over the works, and I found In Major Whiting a moat able golds and agreeable companion. It is scarcely worth while to welds time in describing the position of Charleston. It lies as low as Venice, the look of which it rather affects from a distance , with long sandy lolanda stretch ing cubs - arms to close up the approaches, and leannise crutiteg into the marshy shores. tin the sandy bland and Pipit on the left-baud shore stands y u rt Moultrie. On the southern aide, on another sandy wend, are the lines of battetiu which, probably, were the most dangerous, from their proximity and position to the unprotected face of Sumpter. The fort itself is built in the tideway, on a rocky point, which has been increased by artificial deposing of granite chips. Embarked, with a few additions to our original party, on board a email Steamer willed the Lady Davis . Ire first proceeded to Morris about miles front Charleston. Oar steamer was tilled with commissariat stores for the troops, of whom four ttocotand were said to be encamped among the aand-hilla Ally one who has ever been at ElstathPOst, or has seen the dunes about Daskirk or Calais, will have a good idea of the place. Our landing was apposed by a guard of etont volun teers with grossed fire-locks ; but they were aatis dad by the General's antherity, and we proceeded, ankle deep it the soft, white sand, to visit the batteries which played On the landward flee of Sampler They arw made ef sandbags for the meet part, well placed in the sand hills, with good tra• verge/ and well protected magazices, the embra• intros beingfaced wlth.palmetto loge, whioh donot splinter when streak by shot. It did not, however, require much investigation to show that these work would be gesatlyiejored ley a fire of vertioal and horizontal shellfrom the fort, and that the distance of toeir armament would render it diatonic to breach the solid walls which were a pposed to them at upward. of-1 200 jerds sway . , However, there were two powerful mortar batteries, ',bleb could have done great damage if they were well served, and have made the terreplein and parade of the fort a complete " ellen trap," unless the Mortars were injured. The civilians and militiamen set greater store on the iron battery at Cumming's Point, wbiob is the part of the island t to the fort, but the are of heavy guns would have soon destroyed their confidence. It oonsiets of yellow pine loge placed as earliest uprights. The roof, of the same material, slopes from the top of the up rights to the sand facing the enemy ; over it are dovetailed bare of railroad iron, of the T pattern, from top to bottom. all :Wetted down in the most secure manner. On the front the railroad iron roof and incline present an angle of thirty de grees. There are three port holes with iron shut ters. When opened by the aotion of a lever the metal, of the columblade fill tip the span nom- PlettliV• The .colambiad grins with which this battery is equipped bear on the south wall of Sumpter at an angle. The inclined aide of the battery has been struok by six shot, the effoot of two of which ig enough to demon strate that the fire of the guns en Larbette would have been destructive. The colambiad is a kind of Dablgren gun—that is, a piece of ordnance very thick in the breech, and lightened off grade• ally from the trunnione to the muscle. The plat forms were rather light but the carriages were solid and well made, and the elevating screws or hitches of the guns were in good order. The mor tars are of various caiibres and descriptions. mostly 8 inch and 10 inch, end it is amid there were 17 of them in position and working against the fort, and that 35 guns were from time to time directed against it. Shot and shell appeared to be abundant enough. The works are all small de tached batteries, with sandbag merlon and open at the gorge, and they extend for four miles along the ahore of the Island. The camps are pitched ' Most irregularly between the sandhills—tents of all shapes and sizes, in the fashion called big gledy-plggledly, here and there in knots and groups, in a way that would drive an Indian quartermaster general mad. Pones of beef and mutton ; champagne and wine bottles, obstructed the approaohes, which were of a nature to afflict Dr. Sutherland and Sir John McNeill moat bit— terly, and to suggest the reflection that the army whioh so utterly neglected sanitary regulations oould not long exist as soon as the sun gained full Power. They say, however, the men are not sickly, and that these sandhills are the most healthy about Charleston. The men were oo oapied as soldiers generally are when they have nothing to do—lounging or lying on the atraw and plank carpets, smoking, reading, sleeping. The owners of the tents give them vari ous names, of which " The Lion's Den," " The Tiger's Lair," " The Eagle's .Nest," "Mars' De light," are fair specimens, and these are done in black oa the white calico. In one which we visited, the hospitable inmates were busily engaged in brewing claret soup, and Bourdoaux, lemons, su gars, ice, and champagne, and salads, were iu abundance, and at the end of the tent was a bar, where anything else in reason could be had for the asking ; though water was not so plentiful. At one of the batteries the great object of Mtno. tion was a gun made on Captain Blaaeley's princi ple, by Messrs Fawcett, Preston, rt , Co., of Liver pool, which was only put in battery day before the fire opened, and the offset of which on the masonry is said to have been vary powerful. It is a 12- pounder—the same Whitt' was tried last year, I think—and bears a brass plate with the insert') tion : "Presented to South Carolina by ono of her oititena." It is remarkable enough that the veasel which carried it lay in the midst of the United States war vessels at the mouth of the harbor. Having satisSal our curiosity as well as time and a sandstorm permitted, we got in a row boat and proceeded to Sumpter. At a distance the fort bears some resemblance to Fort Paul, at Sebastopol It is a trunoated pentagon, with three faces armed— that which is towards Morrie Island being con sidered safe from attack, as the work was only in tended to resist an approach from the sea. It is said to have cost altogether more then £2OO 000 sterling. The wells are of solid brick and con crete masonry, built close to the edge of the water, sixty feet high, and from eight to twelve feet in thickness, and carry three tiers of gnu on the north, east, and west exterior sides Its weakest point is on the south side, where the masonry is not protected by any flank fire to sweep the wharf The work is designed for an armament of 190 pieces of ordnance of all calibres. Two tiers aro under bomb proof casements, and the third or up per tier is erz barbette ; the lower tier is intended for forty-tvro-pounder paixhan guns; the second tier for eight and ten-inch columblads, for throw log solid or hollow shot, and the upper tier for mortars and guns. Bat only seventy-Ove are now mounted. - Eleven paixhan guns are among that number, nine of them commanding Fort Moultrie. Some of the oolumbiads are not mounted. Four of the thirty two pounder barbette guns are on pivot earrhges, and others have a sweep of ltiO de green The walls are pieroed everywhere for musketry. The magazine captains several bun. dred barrels of gunpowder, and a supply of shot, powder, and shells. The garrison was amply sup plied with water from arhfiaial wells. The war garrison of the fart ought to be at least 600 man, bat only 10 were within its walls, with the laborers —lO9, all told—at the time of the attack. The walls of the fort are dented on all sides by ehot marks, but ID no instance wee any approach made to a breech, and the greatest damage, at one of the angles on the south fare, did not extend more than two feet into the masonry, which is of mi l i er pol trr ha t e i eisen —Thi re etlixt it, of-oosirse, da. ed. do landing at the wharf we Pe a rAni ll t i er the granite copings had suffered mere then the brickwork, and that the stone had split up and splintered where it was struck. The ingenuity of the defenders was evident here. They had no mortar with which to fasten up the stone slabs they bad adapted as blinds to the windows of the unprotected south side, but Major Anderson, or his subordinate, Capt. Foster, had closed the slabs in with lead, whiob he procured from some water piping, and had rendered them proof against esca lade, which he was prepared also to resent by ex. timely. mines laid under the wharf and landing place, to be fired by friction tubes, and lines laid inside the work. lie bad also prepared a number of abatis for the same purpose, to sot an hand gre nades, with friction tubes and lanyards, wben hurled down from the parapet on his assailants. The entrance to the fort was blinked up by mass es of masonry, which had bean thrown down from the walls of the burnt barracks and offieers' quarters along the south side. A number of men were engaged in digging up the mines at tee wharf, and others were busied in oom• pletlng the ruin of the tottering walls, which wore still so hot that it was necessary to keep a hose of water playing on part of the brickwork. To an uninitiated eye it would seem as if the fort was untenable, but, in reality, in spite of the de struction done to it, a stout garrison, properly sup plied, would have been in no danger from any thing, except the explosion of the magazine, of which the copper door was jammed by the heat at the time of the surrender. Exclusive of the burn ing of the quarters and the intense beat, there was no reason for a properly handled and euffiolent force to surrender the place. It is needless to say Major Anderson had neither one nor the other. He wee, in all respeots, moat miserably equipped. His guns were without screws, wales, or tangents, so mat his elevations were managed by rude wedges of deal, and his scales marked in chalk on the breech of the gene, and his distances and bear ings scratched In the same way on the side of the embrasures. He had not • single fuse for his shells, and he tried in vain to improvise them by titling pieces of bored-out pine with caked gun powder. His cartridges were eut, and he was com pelled to detail some of his men to maks them out of shins , stockings, and jacketa. He had not a single mortar, end he was compelled to the des perate expedient of planti ng l ong guns i n th e ground, at an angle of 45 degrees, for which he could find no shell, as he had no fuses which could be fired with safety. Be had no shears to mount his grins, and chance alone stabled him to so do by drifting some large loge down with the tide against Sumpter. Finally, he had not even one engine to pat out Sr. in quarters. I walked care fairy over the parade ana could detect the marks of only seven shells in the ground, but Major Whiting told me the orders were to burst the shells over she parapet, so as to frustrate any at tempt to work the bar bette guns. Two of these were lejured by shot, and one was overturned, ap parently by its own recoil. but there was no in jury done Diable any of the oasemates to the gone or works. The shell spllnters had all disappeared, carried off, I am told, as "trophies." lied Mej An derson been properly provided, so that he could have at once sent his men to the guns, opened fire from those in barbette, thrown shell and hot shot, kept relays to all hie oasemates; and put out fires as they arose from red hot shot or shell, he must. I have no earthly doubt, have driven the troops off Morris Island, burnt out Fort Moultrie, and at lenoed the enemy's fire. Hie lose might have been considerable ; that of the Confederates must have been very great. As It was, not a life weLs lost by actual fire on either side. A week hence, and it will le impoaslbbe for a fleet to do anything : ex oept cover the descant 01 in army here, and they must lie off, at tue lout, four miles from the near est available beach. PRILAIMIRRIA BOARD OF THAWS. srrn SPARS A J. ROiy s'AuP7Dit i COMMIT= or txt Morir OAA U EL. E. STOIC LETTER BAGS At the Merchanti' Exchange, .Philadelphia. gam Mamma, Duniee7 Ship Lissie Ostrom. carpool. soon ship Victoria treed, Preble —.... London. noon Zerad. Egtanital .—.7reddenderry, Junsfi Bark Gaston. Fartelimite—„— . Bremen. aeon Bark Ar th ur White. MoMnitin—....— plaap.p,rain Sark Tithe DeWitt. .Lartutfra. noon Bark P C AlemmAer, soon Brig Ella Reed, Deem—..— Havana, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PRIIAA-DELPIILS., Mew 29, 1661. UM ti-BUZI 88715.--- -- .7 It wen ,6 49 AB.RI YBD. Fohr Adelaide. Lawrence. 4 days from filtddletown, Conn, with atone to cavtain. Bohr citizen. Drinawater, 4 days from Vloalhavelt, with store to esorsio kehr kdwm Rand. Goodspeed, d days from Beaton, to baheet to Tyler, Mono & Co Bohr B H Fos. Finns. from Nantucket. Fehr M iliteme. Oo ding. from hock:snot. Pehr Revenue, Handl. from ProvMence. Fehr N Holme., Hewett. from ProvMenee. Bchr Nelson . Smith from Pronufenoe. Fohr L. Se.hie hlwee. from Hoaton. Pobr NOrlhern Licht. Lake. ir0172 Hoetoti. steamer o n Bo) ng fr o m Bos. lronaidea. Vend rveer, 34 hours from New York, with mdse to W hi Hand Et Co. CLIKAR Steamship Delaware. Jotumo E n. D. New Yerk. Jae All ardice Bart P C Alexander. Coleord. Matinees, .1 M Cool .rote. Bohr Island Belle. Butler. Roxbury, Cain. Hacker & o. Rohr Vietor, Beers. Fdga•town. Sinniedreon k Glover, lic co br C William'. Golding, !Providence. Audeuried Rohr N Holmes. lieWett. Providence, 3 13 Hen" rquhr Rerrnue. Candy. Boston N Rtmtevan , Bohr L L Mary, eickalwee, B oston, E tt Barrie': & Ruhr Northern Light. Lake, Bahebary, Van n uson. orlon & Co. oobr w zutson, smith, E Cambridge. Reonlier & Bohr 8 A 8010., Boise, Salem, John R White. feattesPondenoe of the Press.) REA DING. May W. The following boats from the Union Camel passed into the eche, Mitt canal to day. bowed to Philadelphia, viz: Coeritntioe,grein to 'Lhoniton Barnes; Brui-4pl,t -ter. do to And Kirkpatrick E Lyon. do to A G Cattail & Co ; 6 W Lehman. enal to J C Phelps. New Yort4 and, fornitnre to Me) Bowman, West Point ; Wm King'. (raw Co us& & Covet ; /rosy, lumber to P ijoder• men; Mary, do to J at Thirstier ; Blerohant. oats to l'erott & eiro; hl Long. cord wood to U W Asia ; raft ()lamb*: to Neb. Ziamsation Csmpear. MRMORANGS. sh ip vo,,,rwe. 'Burton, for Oil port, WAS lA the river. I iverpord. Iftlf inst. outward houud. Ship Joshua Mauran, Milliken from Grand Turk. at piersrp.rrt 211 tn last, and wee ordered to proceed to tai. port. ijhrp darramme, Treadwelf. cleared at Caroutta, ra t ult for London, Shp and'as Dirtey. Atwood, from Calcutta far Boet . •ti. smird 'torn /Sensor Sd tat. Ship Mary Russell, Croaker. ()feared at Llverpooll3th mat f .r Rio J *not ro. Skip Caliu,e, Nimmons. from London, at Ce'o - Ha Bth Mt. With loss of bulwarks. hesdrails and q iszter boat, heed Lorre ...rtect and arks damage, _kh.vlba arterdith tired a heavy rale ~n the 13:0 an lit , Fab. Snip Cot quest. Boars, sailed from Liverpool 13th moat for Coteau.% Snip trisurrie. Baker, sailed from Liverpool 13th met for Plan F. 11110 4 199., n Bark Corn.or. onnect. Psa•rnon• for Nsciurtill. auk,' f r m :hanshae 16th March. &Ltd from Wo..sunt same day. dark Rol'ander. Ward from Boston for Batavia, with ice. put ir•to sine. 4th ult. and remained eth. Se ports having touched upon a r.ret off Lucippra Wand. Brig J B Mansfield. Waimea. from New York. re mained at Montevideo sth a t th chg. Brig John Hathaway. Townsend, frontgt o n , NO, for Rio .1 ao.fro, was ready at No`no" t2s'" lie f . Ochre L Audenried . rrtiett; J C 'tarter . Price; H Godfrey, Weeks; B En_glish, Ens " 05 • and M Berke. 1 hoineson • hence at Boston yesterday. sohrB E Jones, lons.. from Boston for Hits port, at Now London Mill inst. Seim Hornet Newell. Sherman, from Providence for this port at Newport 24th inst. @ohm M It Carlisle, Ryder; War Steed. Smith, and Saint Rotan. Gandy. Bence at Newport 23th mist Bohr 'W it Rowe. Hatrill. from tilt/Cnit Orals Pdtt.lat Newport 201 h ult anti for Sour Orreuna. Carman. ()feared at Portland IBth Dist this port Rohr Julia E Pratt. Pratt, at Providence xath inst from Now Orleans. Sohn Reindeer. Ktnner ,• I & D Cramer, Cole; Mar ti,. Coda,* e.hrondet Mlisabeth. Brown D W W Brai• hard Bowditch ; Alex Henderson, Gale ; and Zoe, Pot ter. henoe at Providence Pith inst. solve Ruth Halsey. Pend], from Delaware city ; EloomfiMd. Mullins. from Newark, and Mary Mershon, Swift from south River. N J. at Providence 25th inst. ?Ohre Sarah Lavinia. Fort. and Ladle Anal Weaver, hence at Providence Kith mat. NAVAL. • The U. B. gamma r Narragansett. Commander Runt, remained at Callao April S. BAIR FLEISTORATIVB. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS. AND eitOWP MORE AND MOAB PoPELAR EVERT DAT, And testimoniaa, new, and almost without number, might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society ,__whose united testimony none oo• Id resist. that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald t e n all i y anti t t a reserve the hair of the youth to old ale , in au its you I beauty 1 BATTLE CaEAT, Mich., Dee. !1,1858. Paor. WoOD: Thee wilt please accept a line to In form thee that the hair on my bead all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a oomplinated onvon.o dis ease, attended with an eruption on the head. A con- Ways] course of suffering through life. having reduced me to a state of devendenee, I have not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last oent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Bair Restorative about the let of August last. 1 have faithfully followed the directions, and the bald spot is now covered with hair think and bleak, though short ; • it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that atwitter large bottle would restore it entirely and pernmnently. I feel anxious to persevere in its use and being destitute of means to purchase any more l would MK thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents tor a bottle, and receive to tiiyself the Scripture declaration —" The reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fettle Awls." Thy friend. SUSANNAR KIRBY. /IGONIER, Noble 00.I . Indiana. Feb. s PROT. 0, . WOOD: Dear sir: I n the latter par t of the year 1863. while attending the State end Itiational Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from*, cause unknown to rne. commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short spao. of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the, remaining portion neon the aide and back part of my bead shortly after became gray ; SO that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon my return to the State of Indiana. my more casual ac quaintances were not so muoh at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance. as my more in timate mmutunranees were to recognise me at all. 1 .I.. .r in nu th e e m o r t 4 a ti. pp y li . iis ti t t i , on reos tri vn tli n e g m no os ais t sukiranitilloaphr From them o n im them that my hair could again be restored. I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1967, your ItestoratiVe was recommended to me by a deneglat. as being the most Bair Restorative ip use. Itried one bottle, and tonna to iny great satisfaction that it was producing the desired elleot. Since that tune, I have used seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a nob coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. Asa mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of et, vrooileeill 411A , 41010.1 have recom mended its use to many of TOT friends andacquaintan ces, who. I am hay to inform you, are using it with like edbet. Very respectfully, yo M urs, A. . LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, Olt Broadway. and told by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative le put ap In Bottles of three irises, viz: large. medium. and im all; the small holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollar. a bottle; the large holds for a qu es art, 40 per cent. more in proportion, sail re a bottle. 0. J. WOOD & CO Proprietors, 444 BROADWAY, New York. and 114 11'1 A.RR. r T Strati, Bt. Louie, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and banoy Booth , Baal ers Bald in this city by B. A. FAIILIE3TOCK & Co., no.. 7 and 9 North FlFVRatrtmtt. and 11AR , IARQ & Co.. TWELFTH andrCH P.STN UT Streets; DYOl3*& CO.. 232 North tit.COND threat. oola-mwierowWtf LEGAL TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE IN CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. JAMES MILLER, Exeoutor of r.:LEA NOR A. JONE 3 ,,who was Aaaisnee of WILLIAM OR VAN Vs EDWARD P. HAWKINS and HENRY OVER KAN, terre tenant. March Term, 1861. No. )28. Le-ari Facies . The auditor apporntPd by tho Court to distribute the fui it in C,ou.t raised by the Sheriff's ea e under the ahoy. w-it. of all that certain lot or pl-ce of ground. intuits on the sout Li weitwardly side of the Lana/titer Curnyile Road atealry to a recent survey thereof node by Frivol* Lightfoot. Fah.. at the distance of one hundred and fifteen fest geven inches northwestwisrdly from The northweetwardly side of s , rseane street. in the borough of West Philadelphia. aforestid, containing in front or breadth. on the Laid Lancaster rurnpme goad, torte feet, end extending of That width in length or depth sotHherestwardly two hundred feet to the north eastwaruir aide of urean street. (a oertion . fifty. feet wide street, laid out and intended to be opened foe pub lic use. by the said William Crean, parallel with the said Lancaster nunlike Road_; h sanded northeast tte-tathe and . .Leeoaxter Teri:ivies Rend.south- Wot er-und intended " said William Teen to the said Edward r mftwiting, and southeastwardly.by ground granted by the said Wilhaw Creen to Detrel Mottling,* on ground rent, (being the same premises which the said William Crean by indenture hearing even date herewith. but duly executed, ackniewiedged, sad del.vmed immediate ly before these presents. and intended to be forthwith reowded according to law, tor the oousideration money therein mentioned, the who e whereof is hereby se clued granted , and conveyed unto the said hdvani P. mawrins, in fee: subject, nevertheless, to the express restriction that 110slaUghter house, skin-dressing estab lishment, flue. soap, candle, or starch manufactory, cr other building for offensive occupation, should at any time thereafter be put., erectau, or used on any part of the Thereby granted lot of ground and subject, also. to the exercise restriction that no building or pan of a builaing should at an. time thereafter , be pot. greeted, or used on the said above-demon bed lot of ground within fifteen feet 'rem the tine of the said Lem ater Tarn pike Road.iwillattend to the duties of its atmcintment on Tn t/ RSDAY__, the 3 ) th day of May . Inst.. A. D. ISM at 4 o'clock P. NL. at tillOthee, No. .449 South SIX t , Street Proladelphia,when and where all persons in t•resled are requested to present. the4r claims. or be debarred from coming il2 upon the said and. inyte-nit JOHN P. DRIB OR, Anditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF /41.11..ADE.L.P111A. Estate. of THOMAR ItHa oPuttD. Esq.. Counsellor at Law of the city of Phtladelptua.oecetwed. The Auurtor aneointed by the Court to audit.. Settle. and adinet ti.e second see-urit or BroIIAMIN MED BRADFORD, one of the executor, of the last wit and testament of he said 'rlioxiAti • R ADFou D. bee.. and to report di, tribution of the balance in the hands of the said soeountar.t, will meet the pa , ties in interest, 'or the pvurpose of Ms appointment, on We D- N Kan sY. the iftll of June. 1861. at 4 o'oluok at his °Mee. No. 404 PRUNE Street in the tv or Phila delphia P. P. MORRIS, m)2u-litmwf Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF NORTH 'TON COUNTY. "gatiie of PETER MILLER. d eosued. NOTICI . to hereby given to the heirs and legal repre sentatives of the said deceased. that the report co the ipoubotiort to make_ plytition. valuation. and appraise ntent of the seal Estate of the stud deceased. was, on the 26th day of April. A. D. 1261. presented and con firmed. and the Court grant a rule upon the heirs emd legal rep seentativee, to appear at Its next staled Or yrvins7 uourf ( itueost 234) and aeept. or retake to ao peso, the saw rest estate, or show clause, i► any they ha•e. why the tame shall not be sold. By the Uourt, r OkGE V. WALLACE, Easton. alar 15.1361.—rtieJ3-wit Clerk. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -NCITY AND C OUNTY OF FRILADELPRIA. Estate of lit eiefty PtiOLITTILIE. Deaamed. Notice hereby given, that the widow of the laid de eediutt has filed. in amid Court, her petition and ap praiceMent claiming go retain tte p•nuinal prcpclrty therein mentioned, of 'h.. Value of 9288.60, under the seta of 14th April, Met. and Bth Apra. 1869. end rue same wit be approved on FRIDAY, TUI Juno. 1861. Pomo ex ceptions are filed thereto. Itl. A. *a ttiabn, mllB-swat For the katitioner. TN THE COURT OF COMMON mug IN FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA BIC PH/A. MARIE W COX. by . ..te!ReAfrienAGßetants A, Amin', CBASI. W lIGK - - - . . September Term.ls N 60. o 10. to Divorce. Deer air Please take notice. that the Court bee this day tranted a Rule cm you to show o.use why a Divorce a odecialo marrmioch enorr'd not h• decreed in neat:rove ease. Returnable the Ist day of June. 3861, at 10 o'clock A. M., To ir. Charles Wask, Respondent above named. B. eIkaRARD, Att'y for Lihtllant. May Uth 1881. myls-aw St* VNTLINE P. NASSAU, by her next friend. JOHN A. WETRERJ.LL. vs EDWARD A. Naftali. G. C. I'. March T.,1801,,R0. Eh In Divorce. DRAB Zia: Please take notice, that toe Court has thus day planted a Jule on . you to show osuse why a divo ca a vineule matritnonit should not to decreed In tne nbeve cane, returnable EATURDAY. Ju.ae Ist, at 10 o'clock A. M. To EDWARD A.WASSAIL Respondent above P' named. IM DOUGiik..KTY, motliverrec Attorney for idtellant. IN THE - ORPHANb 7 CoIIRT OF ORTH AMPTON COUNTY. PENNBYINANIA. stive of JOHN HESI deceived. NOTION is hereby given to the heir, and legal repre nentatives of the said deceased, that the report of the Inquiry tun to make partition, kali:vision. sou appraise mot of the Reel wenste of the ria,d deoeaeed. was. on thr 26th day of aril, A. P. 1861, presented and con firmed. and she Court grant a rule upon the heirs and legal representatives, to appear at the next stated Or :mans' Court (Mishit 23 it acid aoonit. or refuse to ao ciitpt, the said teal estate. or show cause, if any Mel have. why the same shall nor be sat.•. B, the t.:ourt, GC° SGE V. WALLACE. Luton, his, /5, 1811.—my22.w.1c Clerk. RIUSINBSS CARDS. RIISINESS IdEN ARE ADVERTISING ' 1•- •"" in the But Nowrpopera of City and Country at the Cam of JOY„ "COE, it Co., ADVERTISING. AGENTS, FIFTH and CHESTNUT STREETS. Plulade!DM& TRIBUNE BUILDING. Now York. spl7 tf LA O. ULLMAN, ATTORNEY-AT LAS LAW, JERSEY SHORE, Pennsylvania, Colleotloup promptly made in Clinton and liroomlos want:Les. 8117ZR8 TO Mimi% Walter & Raub, Phtlattelphla • J. R. Raee, Esq. Jersey Bhore • Mears. tlaroroft & Co., Phil ud a. Peter. Ziegler. & Philada.; Fristunoth &Co rhil a.; L. A, Mealier, Wet Haven; Yard, Gilmore, & Thatcher It Waldrop, Philada..- Rey nolds. Howell & Reiff. riffled& Fe ls JOHN WELSH, PRAOTICAL SLATE ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Road, ie prepared to pet on an , amount of Booting. on the most moderate terms. Will guaranty to make every building perfectly water-tigh Orders promptly attended to. mil. 17 TWO ELLIOTT, WINIt4 and tiQuoas, NO5. 317 and 819 WALNUT /Stoma, (basement gores. between Third and Fourth, north side,)Phile delvhis. B.—Fine Vld Whistle° always on hand. (Established in 1845.) Jeee-IT pewtyys & NICHOLSON, 800X1111VERs. 1f05.419 and 4:31 DIMOR Situ:, 138 tween Market and DM stem, PRIL.4.IIIiLf zA. JAMES PAWBO2i. J .E. W0E01.40/14 1317-17* JGUKT it SONS, .4 ‘ t— • lattorvisits oir 4AVAna,aIIIARS. as. ale 9enth FRONT attest. I•4l4ese re rularly *jail assortment of teslrable al. LULL wittok they (Ear at lair slam for siak or er prevail credit. lelo-17 FILE MANUFACTORY, 1." 211 nEw sTISE , ! , Filer and Rasps - of every deeoripetoll, egd rood tunlit73 made u 3 order. at the above Agebbehreett‘ WITOLE4ALE and RETALL, at yeanufsetarer's proms. Ineottins done m a 1 1 11M1fir wanner & 'XIV& THE .P.RESS;4-2 . . - 4 0 ELPHIA, i./ WEDNESDAY,' .. -- MAY , .49i •,; ~.ASOL C PI4A ti NJ .EZVkilitti IREAI3AC3I4k% By the nee of these ftlls the peril:lo9M onsets of Ow. emu or Sici Hcadackc may be prevented ; nadir teken et the eenunenoement of, ea ettaat immediate relief Data pa and doknesiwill be obtaitned. - They seldom WWI removing the NAClol4llll.l4lReeml ads to which females GTO so saleogl Thai ant gently on the bowels, removing contemns. For Litman/ Mon, &Weals, Delicate Females, end all persons of misuser, Habits, they are valuable ea a yoxuries, improving the appetite. giving toss end view/ 110 the dilehtl9o CUM& apd reaming the natural eliw. *laity and strength of the wools' MGM The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long initeti gation and carefully conducted exnerimente, tow n , Dean in use many years. during which time they have Prevented and relieved a rant amount of pain sic, euffering from Detulaohe, whether originating in the agcy.:nos 'velem or from a deranged state of the ate-: oasis. They ate entirely vegetable in their sontsmeition, art he taken at all tunes with perfect safety witheut making any change of /tat, end th*t seiserscs at ginvdiork: trUablt.teale routers it may to - Lim :mister Ihrsoft . 'Affirm morASS olt OOUNTIKRIVTB Tile gename More Are riaushuve of Anus O. apaichni on each Box, Oold bi Druggists and aft other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will be sent by nisll prepaid OR mein* of tas Alletrats of i 4 be Piltrerest kY Ft'w spALEsitive,; irmas P.NOORI&M.MiIiTS (IP OEPIIAI.au WILL CONVINCE ALL WRO difFFEE FlOlll SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WIPEIN As sluts Tosiimostiats an intiolicita by Mr. SPALD ma. day Afford wisquastionabis proof of Mei/ of skirt troth, seiesetitte discorery. Ittagomorta.a, Goan., Feb. 6,11.. enras.cree. But. have tried your Cephalic Pills, and / las rturet se apou that I want to tt to fiend me two dollars worth m Part of theme are for the newhbors. to whom J gar a few of the first box I got from you. Bend the Ping by mail, and oblige YOlll ob't Servant, • JAMES X.Elorretk:D Ms. annum. HAVZIVORDI Pe., Fen, 111 LI • Art= rde s :4lra e ga e r u ct ` % 7A l l`sis f aßtirro C Z Yinin gnf f k STOEIIIEOI7- drime. Clipar..lrerwrlarantmrCo Tx T u•l's. - - : ,• . +wary 18, I. B_l7o. •• Moo .. Ras of yoar (..ey. PlllB. • T youro, .... MO. 13. 81810 P. S.—l kaila reetieldigillboar a/ yOliir PULP. se4 lasaa aresllngt. BELLI YRANON. Ohio. /NU U.) . d. H , G. srAiDngs, Esc. Please find enclosed tsrenty-live cents, (jar which *rid me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They are Pretty as beat PiaAl I Met enr triad. Direst A. STOVER, P. M.. Belle Vernon, Wyanaot co.. 4311 , ZELY. Mass. Deo.ll. Eto. Bpazatits, r&q. iii Vigh tbr some Monies. Or. bllialitOgillihtVotting Yon?' Cephalut more earliest y ore =s tomata. If you have anyt hies of the tdo pletusecend One of ray oustotners,who is subject to severe. fflok Headache, (nsually lasting two days ' ) was tired of *ft Sneak sw os• Am, by your Pills,whioh I sent bor.. ResneetfWlT Toole_w. B. WILKIIff. itionuf O. eratamis, No. et Cedar it n ri, Y. /maw But: Inclosed IlAd twenty-pe cents, (U.) for which mid box rof " Cephalic Pills. Igend_to address of Rey. Wm. C. Filler Reynoldstrarg, Frank lin Co., Ohta Yalu Fills work iik• I eikarra.--stars Headatia IMori isrsterwrr. Trod? 701inh WM.O. FILP.X.I. Ka. !Imam:. : Not logs slur sept to yogjor a box of Cohobo Pills for the owe o the Nervous Headache and ceirthtenese, endmarred the mime. ruld lead AO Food as &rut ass /toss isuiseut to sandfor =ors. !loess pawl by return mail Direct. to - • .A. K. WHEELER.. Prow Lis Z . :4milsar, Notrelb, V., cophalio Alla eooomolleh the &Afoot for which they wete matte, Cure of headache in all its fornos Prom tAa Ezessimar, Norfolk, Ye. Intl e They hav te e w been nted in more than a thonatintt ntiaett i ntire inaesa more IT 10n are, or bete been troubled with the beedeene, send fora box, I Gephallo Pabi,l so that you way them in ease of an attook. - Frollll the Advertiss . Providicce, R. 1. The tiered!'lie Pills are isld . to be e temarkiibly epeo tite remedy for the hestisahe. end one of the It ri beat for that very frecuent eomplallit Which has ever been diccoveted. /Foss the WIWIPIE A.A. Gazette. Chicago, We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, end his nneientlad SeMdille ~osKtas Hanemen Tansy Star, Barsataaa, Ye, We are sere that parlous suffering with the headaehe who try them, will stiok to them. Fran the Sodium Path Ppitisr, Nor Orktais, La Try. them yea that are afflicted. and we ersiane that your teetamony elm be added to the !Weedy itsMerout hat that has r*ceived benefits that no other medicine can pro:loos. Born Ms St. Louis Donee's*. the brow:mos dfnumi for the atria* Ceehalie Pills raisdli.uonessinie. Mr. Boa Mina would not oonneed bli mime with an ar bolo ho did not &low to posies. zeal =mitt. lzroon tls ddvartim, Proeidakee,.ll.l. ?he testimony is their favor is strong, frog the most rammotable quarters. _ ths Daily Non, Nnnert, li, i Bsphslio Piing we taking the view WWI MEL Iron sit Crevissinciallats. Bons*, Masi Said to te verrefficeoiceis for the headaehit.. Pim Cannurna' Owidamisi. Obis. Buffering humanity' cam nave named. Or A !Single bad* 'a • 111 , 1111DIN6'S -FILEPARISD 07.11131 'will gave ton itheis• tkoir oats annarair."llll ECONOMY DISPATOR' 110 ,44 A Sims ire Tratn Davie Nuts.'lE* As acsoi¢ents will happen. even inweit.repanted feminine, it Is vely desnlable to have emu cheap sod convenient irov for repairing Furniture, Tovni Orealo ry, itch SPALDING'S PREPARED OLTIS meets all such monopoles and no household .Can afford to do without it. it is 'always ready, and up to the sticking point. USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE: , B. B.—A Brash accompanies each bottle. Price, BF cents. Address, T-TENRY 0 SPA.LIDEN . G. no. so castes, a'S.ELENS. An altiliill itIIPMIOIXnad persona IVO Attentiotina palm off on the nnsinseeetfret:nntoe, Imitations arta PREPARED GLI7Ei I ifeulAtbution All resent to ex wine before pnrA h ebAree - thas she NI name, lIT PEPIE*AILED OLVEMINII is on tit. ottaide w Ippas " ; all others an swindliaa aoanterfatia NEIDIVIILiate;.t` 'NICK HEA.DA UUJUI aur. Kilint.or KEA.DAOHE I PRICE. 28 CIETTL4. a' (OMAR ITIRET, NEW YORI SP A.LDINGIS HEADACHE. VIII. 1 TEEM, ENAOa. ANYNOLD93I7ILe. FRAZILLIN Go.. 0 1 A*./ January 0.11361 Yreakmi, !ices.. Jan. Ii,ISIL Er pm Out Devi octets, St. Crowd, Minx. ' Freon Ike Remits*, Destessort. iew4; SPALDING'S PREPARED GLOB! SPAIJUNG'S FEXPARXD GLUE; SPALDLNG'S PREPARED WAVE SAVE ENS PIECES! CAVTION. INEMWIIIZZ '[CIE.RELIANCE iiiiTuAt Ilis.PLANcrit UOMPANT . , • suprior 4 No. . 1P. 070 1 18 " W "* li/;07 4' ISIREEII, /*ref . against Lan OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. en Ronatie, Stores, Red other bMldtege litotieJ - or =Mak and an - Purmm:re, wereii - one rider onitridise. in town or n 7. BABB CAPITAL, 881 - l ao .ll nti o 011-ARBETB 11111.1141 N. Which la invested as follows. viz: In lint morttaooll 011 0101 InDenli Worth • double the amount --;.— ammo pp Peoneyisanis Railroad Co. 'a 6 per cent. tint lima. at par— gAO 00 , Pennsylvania - Railroad 00 , 1 6 per cent. Tit; amid mongol° load, (Itso,ooo— row 00 don en s Brom Ton Railroad and Ceilal c 0 . ,. mortgage loan— ______. 1,600 00 l i rowed rent, first-c1a55........~.. —.-...,.., 1.4e7 ea Ostend loans, well secured ---, —. 8.660 00 . • ty of Philadelphia 6 per cent. loan.-- ___. coma 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. RR. 10an... 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stook— ...-.:-.—.-5,18e 01 ililechmeios' Bank .t00k._...._... --. Len di) toheVin a c a elgtu t tel e ntigirZtowskai • 410 ° 1 0 County Fire insurance Co.'s stmt..-- IMO 00 be Delaware M. N. Insurance Cu.'. stook- TOO 00 DIM Mutual Insurance Lou.' mine-- - 880 00 w illir ow e a c carg e h i s vi ati b ..._ le ,6oo —_ ruo.i_use .-...-.. r0r_0u_, —.... 1 —_ „.„ . t i r o, T r : 11617,141 OA 'The Mutneil principle, oombitied with the eeourity of a stook Capital, ontitioe the hewed to participate in 180 Pllll4 B or the ad ju stny without liability for 50mi.,,,, . Losses ureteptlyed end wad. • ' ' ' -- , DIUNCTORS: f Clem Tingley. - Samuel Mohan. I William 11/bompson, Robert Steen, 1 Frederick • Brown, • William Musser, • i Witham Stevenson. -Beni. W. Tingle!. I John R.-Worrell: Itillnihall Hill. 1%. L. Carson, . J. Jo on Brown. Robert Toiand, , . Charles Leland.. I ti - - G. D. Rosen arts, • Jacob T. Bunting; • Charles 6. Wood. Smith tlosnen,_ James S. Woodward L John Bissell, Pittsburg. F. M. HINCTIMAN. G SM e reta T ry iN . February 16. 1/361.• crlik.lr. President. ten THE ENTERPRISE INSTMAN'OE COMPANY OP PHILADBLPA. (FIRE INSWEANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) irODSPANYS BUILDING'. S. W. CORICEA FOURTH' AND WALNUT STREETS. DIARECTORS,: Rikitossoso STAst.I Si ososoat L. DAWSON. WILLIAM McKim, Szo. R. STUART, WALBRV iqestsa. - Joss R. BROWN, Joss' AL . Arvroos, S. A. FAmcssrocr. Bum. T. Turnier, Mammy D. Omni, Emmy WHARTON, L L. ERRINOIRf F. RATCRFORD STARR, Foists.dont. CHAELEB W. CORE. SooretarY. ppm MUTUAL LIFE INSIAANOR COMPANY N 1) IFESTNUT Street 1 t Phi alpha. CHARTER PERPOTIA I I, ALL THE PROFITS OMAR AMONG THE It/- EfURBD. Insure Lives for abort terms or for the whole term of life; grant Annnittee and Endowments: Dnroligge Life Interests in Reel Estate,. two make ad contracts de pending on the contingencies of life. They eat ea Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. AIII,TI OF 'FiIE COMPANY, January 1, letn. Montages, ground rents, reel estate— .4 1 .0X12,1181 W Daiwa la tate• stook.. Trepan.; notem,leens of Stitt , of Pentullitrallill, city of Fhits- • &MOW, /to-- ..•- 218,790 14 Premium notes, loans on oollatensle,&o_ 537491 08 Pennsylvania North Pennsylvarus Nail- - roads. and Aunty gm per cent. bonds 1 05,502 Bank, insnranse, railroad, +lanai /daub, kg, 97.147 B C aft OR hand, agents' balances, tr.o., &a.— 48406 14 rgi,onain DA.IIIEL L. MILLER, Pintrident, SAMUEL E. STOKES. Vice President. ,FogN w. Ron NOEL Moreton.. - • rob23-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY M DURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA.. Iggorgoratag by the Legislature or Fenzmyivaras, no. osim. .13. roomer of THIRD sad WALNNW airgata,, PHILADELPHIA. maims' ITITTAINCE, On Vessel s. ) cargo. To all parts of th e Wink'. LAND FF INIFIITAMICEP On IP Doi' br l Ervers. Canals, jokey, and Jain' Oar riagilow:allimratr of thairdon. On Piersitandise generally. On ✓!tors. Dwelliss gOnsesi iffaETs of IRE CO)[PA( Y. November 1,1850. .100,000 11nited States five V cent. loan-.......e100,30:1 111,003 United States ilia 11" omit, Treasury oteli, (With accrued interest)--- 119,463 100400 Pennsylvania, State fors 4, Gent loan.— 45,910 00 31.000 do. do. Ird do. do. 21,240 CO 113.000 Philadelphia City ski cent. been. 1116,208 87 ea,tre Tennessee State Sy° cent. loan- 210:100 00 70,013 Peansylvanis Rail 2d mortgage my dr dent. bonds 48A0) U. Kshares, stook tilennantown vempany, interest end prmei 100 guaranteed st by the City of Phi shares . 120 11.0X1 loo d shares! Penusylvama Railroad 11 Commuir IMO 00 1.000 ma shares road Contlians------. .200 80 shares P ilattelphia Ice Boat and dttesim Tug .Company 10)0 00 251) 8 share, Phi Istlejphi a and Hams de- Grace Stearn Tow- boat Company. 210 00 MO 1 shares ligladelrhis Earthlings Company Hi 00 1.000 shares Continental HT - itiit C0.._.-.- • 800 09 1657,700 TrAT. Cost 11847436.84. Market vat. 3054,336 71 ilia , teeirable, for insurances wade— 17!..51.3 Bonds and mortgages.— 84,150) 00 Lima estate . 38 Balances due at Aienoies—tromituns on Ma rine Policaes. merest. aim other debts eve tap Company— • 61.666 76 Strip and stook of santiri Inskranee sad other Companies... , 1.636 Saab en iv..--i n eepta— ---,SWAM 16 drawer.— 4•11 SAM al ~..••••• iiiO4.lo 11 DI kle*.crStiAta. Will iwo.t. n it r i o g u itg • 1 r nrifo ft tno t em :. 8. F. Peruator, -ttt. eyig, dva olm G, j.joneslr9l.__ ues. isiix -asener MrvdnG. iwane i . • .. ' ' Hand. a. Hand bent Dem ibaq - -- _C.'LaLwlt. • fesob P_, ..I_o_n.w.: Isie_ph H. Beal. ' antes B. Nu - 2'o2lcm'. Dr. R. M. 1100 fen, .10*4142.: rite, %write C. bellow , . iohs .y, Sem - pie, PittiMg, sigh Omit, AP. . in. 011532. Pitta h'=, )(Nis . . . 3. 114yrer ' •• IV MA. lAIN A Nt_ARTiff iradent. ... i , ....%08 . .. ire C Se% 714 ristrienh n 0.17- FrINSURANCE EXCLUEVELY.- R PIKE JIISURAPIOE CQlDPANY—inocorsted 11:11—CHARTER l'ERPit,- TUAL—No. DlO WALNUT etreat, opposite beam& eir.e.BqWvi• tig‘omserty, fanOrablY known to the oommanitl for Ana 76117 E, oontinnes to mum against loss or damage sire. onpablie or private Buildings. either permeumtly or for a limited time. Ale°. on Furniture, stooks of Goods or Merchandise generally , on liberal te llitr capital, together with a large gle lug Fund is threeted ill the matt oareful manneraloh *Babies them to oiler to the muted an undon seminar in Ike owe of kiss. DIRICTOILII. Jonathan Patterson, Inge Hat'emit. rillitin Gamobeil. Thomas Robins. ler:ender Semen. Pawn Smith. Jr.. am Monte Jim John Beaman, lhommr Smith. JONATHAN PATTEHBON, President. DIATOM smm, Secretary. aml-ly TNSURANOE COMPANY OF TELE TA OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRS AND 1 1 414- JurgE INBV.ILiticE— Nov. 4 AND I iiMCILAHOE vs e, r 8 ered , in n'!7.pital 8100030—Feb.1, Me. cash 438nt invested i n sound and available mecanttereen tines to insure on Vesselsand Cargoes , Buildicse. Melaka of Merchandise, a.c., uatKar aits ou liberal terms. lronry D. aberrant, Scarce H. newt, SimeonTobb ie.t.T. Bamuefrant. Jr.. eilharles mac& Tobias Wagner William a. andtlt, Thomas : .. 1 .4 r.. .irek therm Tit 13 I . i ffsuisl , Yfenre G. In is .1.. 'Mato, Charles 11,7criZr GEO C. 6 .. )_,. _ _ B. 6 11 , -.1-A.U. Piechtexi. WILMA)! In' . Beattur. • .101141 ieINERTRANOIt 11130'HAN10EV IIR.ANChI. COMPANY of Philadelphia, 1ye. 138 Borth BIXTh Street, below Race. Imre &ind iumsod Merchandise generally from lass ox dema=Pire. The itomPanY Portraitteti to imilrort all losses promptly, Sad thereby hope to merit the pittrws spa of this mete* . lITAWCFOSS. Wiiliam Morgan, • Robert FLl.lll.an, Pranois Cooper, Michael Mo eoy, r f weorge L. Dortgherty. fittward Me °earn, James! Martin. Tbomil B. MeGenni•lL Jamas Dorms, Matthew McAleer, Joh n is r° P i al e M T , ' Bernard Rafferty, John Cassadp. %lowa J. Hemphill, Bernard H. Haleonisa. orteao Fisher, Charles Mar_ ,e. Frahm hioltlantw MU , CCI); Cmo OOPKI ue) cabal. . Prsaideat 11111111A11) NAFFERTY. georstan. oeS-17 A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE 00" .INDORPORATBD /MO OHAJITEX -ERR; PET AL No. 310 WALNUT Street above Third, Philadelphia. Han a large Capital Stook and !urchin, invested in sound and available Seeurities continues to insure on Dwelling! Stores, Funiiture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their cartoon, and other personal property. AU Woes liberally and promptly &diluted. DIPACTORS. Thos. R. Marls, - John T. Lewis. John -W James R. Campholi, Ramos! Gorton, R.S.inusd, G. Booth. Patriok Brady, Chan. W..Poultner, THhim& M ASRorris. OOd . MAWS. President. ALBERT O. S. CRAWPoR D. sooretarr. rent-tt A NTHRAOITE INSITRANUE OOMPA. Jalk. wpwrm ltir.—AntkorLsod Coital 1400.001?-01/LIM __ • • 71107. Ah au c wmativit. attest, batmen Third anti Fourth Street, Etuladolphin. This .COmparty wilt insure assitint ion sr intuit* ky Firm on .13aihtuirs,Fanutatie, and Metahstidas ten a ° Marius Insmanses mn Vitae's, came*. sad Priuskts. Inland inssamias to is sr tits Sun. initsCIIONA 'mob Dams Joseph lottium John Ketcham. pAndenriod. John R. Dinkins's. T.. Penmen, Wm. F. Dean. Oar Siam. J. E. Hamm )/13,00 ESUBit, fregistn. WIC F DEAR Vise W MIRA. roarotapr: * VXOBANGE INISITILANOE COMPANY —ufiloe Yin. 4011 WALNUT &met. FIRE INSURAIICH on Holmes and Merohandise netters/tr. on Divorable terms, either limited or per petual. DIREOTORIS Jeremiah Bonsai:, Thome, Marsh, John Q. Gionodo, Charles Thompson. Edward D. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel L. fintedier, Joshua T. Owen Mahan O. John J. Griffiths: JESEIELSE EIONSALL, President. JOHN Q. DINNODO. Vice Postrident, Szemuto Con. fieereterv. Jan ilgowtve. ESSENCE OF JAPitillOA AAP GINGER—FREDERICK FiROWN. Chentist and floiggizt. northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth eta,' Philadelphia, sine manufaoturer of Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger. which is recognised and prescribed by the medical Meetly r and has become the standard family medicine of the United Wiles, Thu Easencie is a preparation of unusual m ezuella.noe. In ordinal', diarrhoea . incipient cholera , in short, all eases of, prostration of the digestive functions, tis of inestimable value. During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer complaints of children, it is pecu liarly enormous ; no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. gIuTICE.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being cOmiterleited, a new steel engraving, ezeouted at' a great omit. will be found on the outside of the wrap per, in order to guard the purchaser against being Un posed upon by worm less imitations.--rm, Prepared' only by FREDER ICK 'BROWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Wore. N. &corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, and at FRE 1t RJt BROM ,He JX,'¢. Drug and Chemical MOM , B. E. corner of Ninth an Chestnut streets • Conti nental" Hotel. Failadelphia. Also for sale by an re spectable Druggiste in the tinned Stater. mmi-gm NOTICE.—The Citizens of the different to Titpeetsi t and Towne throughout the State a r p e invited PICA. TATi f FA e ß plac al at b w h h l h PeatpAals containing inducements and adsantagos, directed to the undersigned Doranuflee, appointed by the +endive Committee. trill be received-1m to and in chiding fday net next. Communications should be ad drained to either of the ta llowleg worpn.l4l M COL joak p i .„ E r tifi2Wiltn. ifir.Ctip4Eß, AMOS E. KA2 leartlimnberland. Pik .004,43,44 rse.eug,tum. 118:YANA 010ARS—A largo and olden.. did araortment of all irises and anglified. in atom and for ago nor, LW for anati /AO W Moot. •ILIILMOAD 7:1N111. PHILADELPHIA AND D EADIN G. tt RA READ . E ibpie Vll Ml for POTT.VIad.im, K KAU mcianNeVilieffitaßri V a t: R o lk i op e r y . 4 41 . 1 0 20 .9 . ta _IMA R iw it a u ino ti N t n l a W e i . Depot r 041 .D t idF en c f it s . 4 1: s lii n r tr. ti l A weg t ;ler at trams , on Thiramit __ arritbwrg with the ?mai, A M. oonnilatoM At It VAN:A et Lao A r. - to_ Pitts burg ; the OD 130. le v e h g . / 0 6 . r and tha wanit t .?„Filvi,ltagiuLti.vto.A.D M. train running su:W i i i tboort LINES. Leave New Depot. corner elm:0 ttp and CALLOW HILL PHIJ.,oU LPRIA. 1 1.'1411618ms Moue! on Whirtoollth and. on Callowhill kitseets.)yor PO rT ViLtos; and stekittINIDUIRG. at 816 P. IC. DAILY. onseen at ffernabwr With the Northern Central inroad, ' for Sutioury. vs illientsport. urn. R, 'M 011 1 1. at 6P. M.. DA ezae ILY, (Mandan DISTAN . C.ES VIA PDILADELPRIA. AND READ ING RAILROAD, Fnom Put LeuEzpitia c _Miles i To rimer:lignite za Rattling— ...... 58 I Philadelphia and Reading' Lebanon— 85 and Lebanon Valle 7 A. A. a rrisburg..... 1:2 Dan 1. illetabnit--...--.142 I osveuburyrtoit . 4 amnion 158 u . Northumberland.....l7l , Lewisburg-- —..-178 Molloy Wi , lignispon___ .900 Jersey Shore ..... —SU —290 --.-._201 Williamsport and Pamirs c . 9 r The t ! n c Al w 7e ri citr d "6 I. y ß a. e, r 4 e:xli : P ert" l ei Ri 1 t rai n st h ft W A the i nH iz ei Y e t Ar d P D Al l " w w aking oloenoonneetions with linen to Niagara Palm. Canada. thed Word and southwest. DF:POR lit PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD amd CALLOWBILL tit ante. W. E. MoLLlLßhNAV.tleore4an. M930.1f Ku 20. 1110. GLrR M " Art TOW rt , A ND fil t. B f UN lß P4l :l ls2 l7T i l lti ett i AlTla On and after Monday, Mar MIAMI: FOR VS RMAN TOWN. Leave Philacelphia, 6.7, 8,9, 10. 11, 19 A. al.. 1,2, 3. 3.36. 4,3. 6,9% 7, 8, 9. 10.7 t, and OM P. M. Leave Gerroannywn, 6 7,7%. 8. 8.30,9, 10,11, 12 A. M., 1,2, S. 4.6, 6.6%, 734.8. 9,11036 P. M. The Ale A. M. and 3.66 P. M. Trains stop at German town only. ON SUNDAYB. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 A. M., 93j, MI, ar 7%, and 193( P. M. Leave Garmantown,ll.lo A IV., 7 4,6%. and 9% P. M. CIRESTN t/T HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 8. 10, U A. M.. 2, 3.86, 4,6, 8,9, and 101,‘ P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.10, 8, 8.49,9,400/M A. M 4.40, 886_, 6.40, 7._ M. 8.40. and 10.70 P. M. The 8 A. M. and aim P. M. wilt make no stops on the GenbantOWD road, ON SUNDAI S. &WO Philadelphia, 9.00 A. M.. 34, a, and P. M. Leave Chestnut Bill, Lee A. M., 12.4 a. 610. and 9.18 P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia. 640, 7%, 9.06. 11.06 A. Id., 1.06, SAL 434. 63‘, 8, and 71M P.M. Leave Norristown . 6, 7. A. 31.. 114. 434, 8%, and 11% P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M.. 3 and 8 P. M. Leave Bometown. 7M A. M.,t and 6 P.m. FOR MAN A YUNK.- • Leave Philadelphia. 3.60. 736. 1.05, 11.05 A. M., 1.65. 1060.06, 434, 6111, 8, and 11% P. M. Leave Mans vile, 514.7 8.36, 964.11% A. M.. 9.86(. 8,7. and 10 P. M. ON SUP _DAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M" t 6. and 7% P. M. Leave Manatunk. TV A. M.,134, 534. and 9 P. M. R. K. SMITH. General Superintendent, mill-If NINTH and Gidkibt4 titreeti. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL _ , BAILROAD, %160 Mli KR DOUBLE TRACK, 1861. 1861. THE CAPACITY QF THIS 41.0AO: IR NOW PAIJAL TO iI___ITHIS C . C11.11.4TR y... TRREE Til °COM PAROLNGEIt TRAIN'S BETWEEN PH LADELPHIA 124 D PITTRACRO. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Thicouth Trains from Boa mm. New Stork. sod sli_goinis Neat. " and kintho Union Begot at. Pittston with Th rough TIIIIIIN WHAM from all_pouits in the West, Worthwest, and. Southwest —thus . Manikins facilities for the transportatiOn Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort= by any Other route. • ;,:r: Mapreas and Mud Lines ran through te Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. All _Through kasse. nger Nome provided with Loughridge's Patent. ggiske—speed under parfeot control of the engineer, thus adding mach tethe safety of travelhirs. Smoking .Carg are eittkohorf to each Train ;"Wood ruff'. Rtesping Cars to filagree. and Fast Trains. The EXPV EIS RUNS DAILY; Mall and Fast Lines, Sun days emielited. Mail wrain leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. Fast Lino " " 11.45 A.M. Bagmen Train leave. " 1045 M. WAY TEAMS LEAVE AS FOLLOW/3i Harrisbam Aleaomatodittlon, Via %lamina, 2'90 Pi , Vililialbl COOP. rn.• M, Parkesburg at 5.0 P. M. West Chester " No 1. tit 8.15 A. M. " No. at 12 So P. M. West Chester Passengere will take the West Chester 3%1a and i and Oplumnia Trams. Paseengers for Banbury, Williamsport, Bitulrg. BF& falo, Niagara Palle, and intermediate points. leasing Philadelphia at 7.38 A: M. and 2.30 P. M., go directly through. notate Westward may be obtained at the pillage of the Company in Philadelphia. New York. Boston, or Baltimore t and Tickets Eastward at any of the Impor tant Railroad Mors in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Snrainers on the filmairempi or Ohio ricers* ad' Fare always as low, and time se amok, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion-Southeast comer of Eleven' li and Market treats. The oompletion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make is the DIRECT LINE, BET WE T W h;_N THE EAST AND TEE REAEST. The connection oP a yacks by the Railroad Bridge at Pitteburg, avoiding I drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of tiji e. are advantageS m readt. ir anpreated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel illig Public.. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with °Vitall%at'V'VklaTlet to and from any point in the welt hr the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all MINS as fan oral* 01 an charged fro other Ltertiroact Compascice. IPW Be particular to mark packages " via Pennsyl vania Ratiroed.' For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, asply to, or address either of the follormug Agents 01 the COUlptillf t _ D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg: H.S. Pierce & Co., Zaneeville. O. i. 3. Johnson. Rip ley, 0.; R. eloteeelr, maywville Ey"' Ormsby & Crop r, Portsmouth, O. ; Paddock' & Co.. Jeffersonville. I n aim ;H. W. Brown & Co. Oinompati.O.,• Atnern Iliruitritutti, O.; SC 0 hilt ~ . atedirio. t&P"'Paw 4n Pi l t ' c ; l 3 / 'ln . t . RI e l - it tt I n.; k.rresie,Sheler & Glees St. Lon*_ ". ; o. . i i . Harris, Nashville, Tenn. ;41arris - & H a t , Mem. - is, 'Senn.; Clarke & , r . wage, 111. ;W_.M. H. 000ta. Altos , 1 11 . •or to ;els t Agents of rtaitroads at different points Che est. , , S KIe.dISTON_, Sr., hiladelphia. oRAW .i.' KOONS. M North t street, Baltimore. E u,E C ii &Co.. 1 Astor Bowie, or 1 S. William st.. N. Y RECS.& CO . N State street: Boston. H. 11. 1 C N. Oe_rel Freight Acent, Phibt, L. L. Will , Gen't Tieket Agezt, Phils. 1 E. LE ei Bvin't Aitoons; ra. jaa-1y 1861. P. . ..,.. . . .;.- 48 . 1* Bile s e a Mit, ii\4l - 1 4A • : - ; ;"A j ial i L 7 N KAI rA".. • 11l Il i% P •Miio •:a watent,* yoz.g. D WAY PIA IIR•K WAlatlf7-07. WHAT? AND• ilitietNero7o AVM? WILL. LAAVE AB POLLOWL7I.O r PAPA. At 6 A. fd., via Camden and Amboy, Magid A. As oommeilan iii --.... .---.. At 6 A. AL. via Camden Ind Jersey City, (11, j.; Actionimodegton— ,—.— .--....... „_ • 2 a At 8 4. sr.. rug Camden and Jersey Cito..B ) stalng Dina-- - - -- 300 At 11% A. ,6 1 :1 ma Kensington and Jersey MT, Wroern nyus. -----...-.... - 4.-- 000 At lati Y. . rn- Gazadon sod Anglo°, Aceointsei- At .-..: ....... • Amboy, ......._ 222 At 3 P. Pdi, via uninden and a:And A:gi: wen_.i ? ..........,---...........-- --..... —.:.....:-........... $ 00 AE o.ii .:4., nit Kensington and Jerooy t.'t ty, lOW At 436 1' • 0,,, mg kerairaten apd Jersey City, 18 ( 7 Jitgog got— -- As p.. 1 , viz cfnlchogl tug itirsey City, livening all.-- OD Atli* P . Al.. , via Ca md en and Jamey City, Taal. a ern Meal -- • S 30 At II P. M., via Camden and amber,o•otluneda tioni(Freight and Passenger )-- let Ohms 3toket- 116 Dia do. Theaga Thirst- 1.60 The 61' M Mall Use tens daily. 1.1 , ‘P X, Beath ern Kell.EsttirdAys &tented. For Belvidere. Eastola,_ Lambertville. ,Flemingten, &0.. at TM A. el. and iii P. id. from Kiruna ton. , For Water Gap,Btroartanarg i Oarantirn. Wureobarra. Riontrose, Great Bend, &no Tao A,_4111. trent Ktmaington. via Delavarediacdravanna and a stern western M:)l R. R. Ft( litaluinxitia.*..Allinitown. and Bethlehem atl.lo A. sndlrt .I'. Kifrorm Kensington Client i (the 7.1/1 luta omineett with train ieaving Easton at 3.33. A A .. - - ' For meant Reny, ate and 8 A. M., t and 44 T. s Far Freehold, at I A. hil.. and 3 P. M. :WAY .L.NER. Fier Briatei, Trenton, &a., at 74.0 A. M. 4.i.K and a% P. Ai, from Kessinston, and Sfi F. IC Iriirn Walnut- Eget wharf. Per Fawns. Riverton, Donato°. Beverly. Hurling tonilboessote, Bordentown. &s,, at MC 1, 3. s;(.. and ii Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate places. at IS P. M. from Walnet-streot wharf , Eir'For pew Yo rk and Way Linea teaanurTeteinaton pot. asks the can, on Fifth groat, &Wes' Walnut, . ran hoar bears departure. The ears run into the depot, and on arrival °reach train , ran from the depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only allow. each Patealll- vs. rassonters are Prohibited from takiticsnything as gage Ina their wearing apparel. AU - -game over their re 7 poi nadssp onst lo ety paid for extra. The Cermaany halt Ur Wirgage tO One Donat Pelt eqUIIO, and will not be liable ter any amount beyond 1110 D. ax e= enema! sontrast * m. F. • ATZIK F.R. Arent. ORi'H VANIA RAILROAD . • POI 110ill:s: _DOYLESTOWN. dis SOH aim , • :.-1% F r EASTON, ECKI.RY, • • DANIA TRAINS. • Tithy si i . s 0 Uull TRAINS. Os and- atter 0 AY. MAY 11,_ISso. Passenger Trainavillierwe FRONT and WILLOW &mete, Phila delphia. deity, (82‘adays excepted). ari folicnrs At SAO A.at.._ (( _xxsress). for Bethlehem, Allentrws. Manch Chuc k . hosloton, Wilkeabarre, ea. M At P. P. M ., /Express), for Bethleltera. leastoti, This train relishes Futon. MS P. M. and mares sloes eanneetlonnith New Jolley Central Mr New Yrry_k. At 1.1/5 P. M., for Bethlehem, Moldova, araaoh Chunk. zoo. _ . . ,t! A. M. and e P. M.jor Doylestown.' At WO A. M. and &Ml. M. far Fort Washington. The A4O A. M. .h.gprest train makes aloes connection with the Lohlgh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. bent the 'hottest - end most parable route to Willataberre, Zr,the h , and to all points iikoosliegion. TRALMI FO •PRWADELPRIA. P Leave Bethlehem at 0.19 A. M.. 1.16 A. Al.. and 5..13 a, TO Doylestown at 7.15 A. M. and 415 P. M. Lases Fort Waraington at 6.30 A. M. and 230 P. M. OW gimmtylt,--Pfoladelphis for Bethlehem at a r A_ - hlladelphis for Doylestown at a P. AL Ylestown for Philadeia at Ekaa A. Ill„ thicken' for Philadelphia at IS .P. bi. Pare to It grit' -4 1 . 13 I Fare to frtiggrlifL": 65 ,Lbrcua 'k ta must beyllienred at the aietet Bekaa. at W ILLOW lltreet. ar BRRIEB Street. in order to aware the above rates of litre. All Passenger Tulips (except Benda,' Trains) connect at Berke Street with Fifth and allith-strests, and Second ant acrd streets Passenger Railroads, twenty siiratel MOT 'urine Willow &met. . • • ELLIS Oblitir. 2232 e• . • Awry SPRING ARRANGE MENT.—PHILADELPHIA. WILMING • BALTIM( A II nOAD. On lbw MOMDAY,_ A/An f n i 1861 . PAIRIBBG RAMS LEAVE Pal ADEIRMIA: nd Forlnn oaltimore at B.is A. M. 11A6 A. AL. tAxorera). P P. M. For Chester at 8.16 A. 81., U.BB A. M., 4.1 S and 11/18 . 81. For Wilmington at 8.11 A. M., MSS A. M.. CIS and 11:41* P ad. For itew Castle at Ali A. M. an 4, 4 . 14 P. M. For Dover at Oa A. M. and CM r. M. For Milford at 8.4 A. M. For Balurtairi &is A. 88. Tit A INS FOR PRILADELPIELL Leave Baltimore at CM A. M. r Expreas), 9. 4* A. id.. and Lis P. M. tare Wilmington ad 8.58 and LID A. M., 1.10 and 8 M. ave Salisbury at to& P. M. Leave Milford at *P. M. • Leave Dover at OAS A. M. sod 1.20 P. M. Leave New Curie at Mg A. M.,1.10.t'. M. Leave chaster at 7.10 A. M.. 540,137 and Lie P.M. Lem Baltimore for Eallsourr and Delaware Ulf road at &IS A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORN : P.M.Leave Chaster at 8.41 A.M.,12.011 and ILD) M Leave WilliaMoll at 8.811 A.M.. 19.86 P. M., and II A, 61. _ FREBBII.I TRAIN. with Pareenter Car attached. will tits. follow* : Leave Phitadebthia for Perilville and intermediate places at 5.30 .r.m. Leave Wilminaten for Perryville and intermediate plasm at 1.15 P. N. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and manner dist* places at 5 .I°. litt. IMVIS navre-da-Graot. for Baltimore ami intertnedl ate statiolutitt 6 A. lit. Leave Baltimore for Sam-de-Ilraaa and intermedi ate atationa as 61'. M. . . ON' BITHDAye : ComMageing Sunday. May N, until farther no- T VI TRAINS will TUO ITU Sandals, Larivins Plußads Distp oraltimate esui 3Vanidniton at El SS A. Z. and 10A,p. P. , and lasvitui Baltimore for kdladelnkta at 0.115 A. M. and 4.46 Y. M. soli S. M. FELTON. President.' VOTTON BAIL 110011 and CANVAS, of Ali numbers and brands. , wants Duck Awning 71rilig_tot ateensusta, tor Tents, Avtense, Tnnics. awl wwonVoveri. Mao, Noir manapsotornreTneT Fey., from 1 to a riot Inds. Tarpaulips Cia. /OSA W. *Ore' 08 it F :4 , : a./^ 7 lb 'l,4VOth. No. 4419,KARKEIFIRIKta BALI: OP FRENCH DRY GOODS. On Friday morning 4 ,r 441 41. at 19 /Alcor fi , r nsih 40D week:wen and lota of fanny sou staple rtgligli goods. GALE ON ACCOUNT OF UNPERWRITERI9. FOR CASH. On Friday MOrallMi May St, 1801, at 10 o'clock for oesh - oases e 4 alpacas and de Dagen, damaged on board able John ,Truolog. Northo tternroo Control n o• AF. PAM - AUST. AUUTIONEER, Suc k • moor to B. /loon. Jr.. 481 CHESTNUT St. SAVE OP DRY G •fiDS. RIBBONS. TAILLINERY GOODS, BIELBSORIBRIEB, Ice, by catalogue. This Morning. May St, crernrestoina at 16 daloak precisely. C , JU NTING- HOUSE DESKS. At co T-rnenoement of sale, lilauismor new counting house 4EOIB. lEMBROIDEILLEB. An invoice of late styles oNnbrio and iscoriet sonars, Bohemian', bands, handkerrshtsfs, BONNET RIBBONS . . 1 . 0 cartons late mud chomp styles Pandbormet ribbons. FAB mon rpoWERS. IGO cartons nob and -chores styles Parse ortifieist flowers, buds, roses. leaves. fruit. &a. LAO 66 AND LAO,6 GOOTIS A line of yids to, - laors. Mao,— lots of Paris binatr [APO mitt.. Also. Int• f Wank lace POintS. ADO, lot, dimity band*. HOOP SKIRTS. BO lots superior steel-spring hoop skirts. !JAIME SiAt,E OF NEW STYLES STRAW BON NETS. EA.NCY HATS. MEN'S R APS, ire., by oa talogue. On Friday l;lorninn. May M. SOMMSeSiDS at 10 o stook. !unbar' and Elio R. R 1 )IPTIMI. UOOK & 00., No. 124 South 1 "HOST Street. SALE. SToCK AluD FIX U_SES on A WHOLESALE PORK FA:NINO AN OUR BEIT4 111.151114ENT. On Friday Morning. May 81st, at 10 wolook. at No US nod 148 North Front street. will be 'old by order of the Sheriff, the stook and fixtures elf the above establishmeot. commie/mg -271 hbds. emoted name. aides and shoulders. 078 Toole do do do ...odo. 18,471 do bulk sides and shoulders. ail bbls. mess. mune ane flank p ork. 20 tierce.. smoked elites 440 sae s ground salt. 40 tone Western lard 4 bales sheeting* , 1.231 empty Hide tierces and bole.; platform soitlei, trucks, preens, too's, ito. NORSE, WAGON, ho. 1 home, 1 wnFen• harness. saddle, .440. immediately after the above, at the Park Rouse, m Poplar street, below Front, a large lot of salt. mo usses, saltpetre. soda, lard, grease, Bto. lir Catalogue two days T.TeViOUS to sale NOTTOK.-CUM4T,III2, .g . id 7 3 I F I *ln I t &,1711 IL E AT , .4111014 . n amt .- after or.. two; -the- • aroonror , Trains!. for! WW,NI wiAl otort a frtort,err f i toloaroratoor n 0 ! ttkil l tits:. Sell_ ,_,and e ONVILI/iii Arrows, (Illte= r a! tria - stoßkur • rof Downluffoorn lOavoo wt SA) mertamooN TRAM for Dowringtown leave, at IiVIIM 4= "114111 1Ocm of W Modal- NM awl —reiraiMlNT'.lloafotoro. DAILY . . . t•-. ..._. - •RE GRT ' LIMB TO NOI4- i - -ir ' - I ' 7 l .• - i ' ' ' T 47,611.4414 rutra i i WA!~ D eg_ 041- tr: - ,! • -4 / *11111 ,., - nuotif 'agree: sat sitinSiat ETr a 47. •a 4l 11 Y • and at is unrratemt ea 1117 NW other Pr.- . ipa r iot i. . . ~ . lakalt SALMI HI &POTION, BLACK Gam! DE BRINES AND TAFFETAS 04 F 1.412. Moriung. —244 0 link loons ?Jai* ire. de Shines —A RISIS taffetas. tr-r. , AILLTts prwriart AND DE CAPITA- B 02122 greentle itenonne. 2 • • 6 2. • none,. 2 oases breehe fignree. NEW STYLE BONNET RIBBONS. An involes artists H AND RED ribbons. WEISE AND RED ORUDII. buvrarm. Un Frieny inereirer, leo Twos/ 4.4, 2-4. and if 4 white Nankl2 !mating. 2(.0 •• o• • red oheOr • And 04 20002 PHILIP FORD & (SO., AVOTIORDERS, No. 130 MAREET Street nui 111 MINOX ek L AIM rosiTivis /SALE OF 1.000 CANES BOOTS, aHOF4S. AND BROGAN& On Thrwedog Morning. 00May SO. at 10 wraoisaly, will be sold, by mita- Ipop o— men'', boyio and youtha' aaLf. hle, sad grain boots, eolf and.kip brogans, Congress _gaiters, Oxford ties, Bs' .; women's', misses', and ohitdren's. craf t kip, morocco and kid heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, buskins.' ka.; also, a large and desirable an aeronaut ofoity-made goods : ET Bowie open for examination; with - sandmen. imilien the morning of sale. 1111105108 NATLIANS AII OTIONEEE .1 -TAL AND COSIMISSIOA. MERCIAN?. Southeast armor SlX.'Sit sad RA Streets. AT PRI some of the finest GOLD PATENT LAMER ant ORRONOMRTEIt WATCHES manufactured, at ball the usual selling prices, gold lever and lepine watches, sliver -tower and, lapin watohee , Enghleh. Swum, and French watches, et astonishingly low meet, jewelry of every dateaription, sees low. tuna Dolton!, muslosi straments, nut cuality of Havana °tsars, at half the Importation price, guantatuts to suit pitchman. and vaaloas other kinds of goods. ST DOOR BALES Attended to personally by ttle Ametion•Pr. Coamsnments of any and every kw{ et gsoda ban sited....- MOSES NATRAMS. MONEY 70 1,0111 4116,000 to loan, at the lowest rates, on diamonds, rg watohes t ) every. silver plate dry ifoodqs caoflung* In' series, c .rare. hardware. on erg, oismoak mirrors, nu enure, bedding, and on g of every description. in Luta er email ernoesta. rorn ono dollar to thottoands. for &Wealth or time *grew ep, lifir wee Oldest Established Howie in this 141 • Jar Private entrance on RACE Street. •7" &misses hours frouil A. M. to f! P. M. Eteavptninirane.O for the benefit of deposttora CHMIURA ONLY. TWO PER O, air - Advanctes of 1100 and upwards at two per **au Advances of 1100 and towards. at one oar °aut.. fel short loans. ARMY AND NAVY SUPPLIER. PROPOSALS FOR ARMS. Sealed Proposals wilt be reeetvod at Springfield. Mi nos, on or before the twelfth (12i h)day of Jnne next. at noon. by the upde signed no • miegionera on the part of the Ctete ..f Illinois. for fortiAhmt. delivered at Sp!inafield. Illinois, the following arm' end equip- Mente : Vwe ye (12)6-lbs hr... gune. rifled. Sista/12-as brags howitzers, titled. Twelve (IS) o lassoes for 6 lb ruts. fisz. (6) caissons for 12 lb howitzer.. Three (a) trnvolbog fm amt. Three (2) better, wagons. Three (3) spare run carriages. One hundred area ninety eight (19S) sets of artillery harness. Yoh a I the implements and equipments. for three companies of light ar 'Loewy ooniplete, correg pondins in it reopsots with thermos and equipment , need by the United, States. and to be subjeuted to the same testa. One thousand (1.000) cavalry sabreS. Que thousand (1 oix) pairs swain , patois (revolvers.) line thoti.and (1.000) oar Noes ' • One thousand (1.010) holeterg. One thquanud 114901 bells, 000rrespood is ail respects to the Eke arm, and ap -01 nerd in the serving' of the United States, and the newest and moat approved style and finish, and to be sablemed to the gams tests. The commissioners reserve the-vista Aib reyeot eon proposal not satiefmrtory. The terms of payment tinder law. Clair per cent. on Springfield, Illinois. STOKES, JOHN TILLSOA Commissioners. my3ll-20t wea. 81/H-PHafib av 4 (IPPII O4 •-• W EARLY OUIdidUNWATION By _STEAM BETWHAN NEW YORK AND L EarOOL, calling at QUEENSTOWN tiro- MC) to Mad and embark paserengem apd tlespatohes. The Liverpool, New arand Fbnadelphisi Steam ship Company's aplomb Cl yd e - built iron sorer steam ships, are intended to s ai l as ollows: FROM. NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL, ETNA. Saturday, June 1 EDINBURGH, 3attvday, Jung, a And era rt IlMordas throughout the year, from PrhE 1(0. 44 A. Y.. RATES OF PASSAGE • THROUGH PROM pH/LADELPRIA. Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool.— --. TS Do. to London, via - Liverpool— 80 /steerage to Queenstown, or so Do. to Loudon. El Do. Return from Liverpool., Passengers forwarded to HAWS. Paris, Hamburg, Nyman, and Antwerp, at through rates. cs.uficates of amaze issued from Liverpool to New York.._.. alst a tage k o . f !sits - sis issued from Qneensr — own hese Maulers have superior liaoOMiriiiiiitiOria - Tor passengers, are Constructed with watertight compart ments, and carry experienced Surgeons. For frerzht, or passage,,appr at the oßtee of the Com- , Pony. N 0. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street i Philadelphia, in Liverpool. to Vild.l.lllßlAlv. Tower In Glasgow, to Wm, INMAN Buildings. 13 Dixon itreet. TUB BRITISH AND NORTH exotic Ari ROYAh MAIL EITBAfiI• TROP[ NEW TORE 20 zairtaroor.. Chief Cabin .110 fleoond Cabin Paireage— • _ 'BOX BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Vie 15000 ed Cabin "1.11,•.11•00. 00 IN igt 11Z.Vul'1112:1 Lift?" Cork Bar ber. P.¢B.EWL, Capt. hirable. AFRICA, Gaut /Shannon. A ll • 111 A, Ca t. J. none. CArti z ipoapt. Anderson. rf pt. E. G. Lott. Ca t Mat err Uhakik.lBl6.l2, L CB;L :6100iVe. Cert. IS. M. neekley. EU Ru A, ocapt. S. Cook. SCOTIA. (now beibiing.) Those vessels carry a clear white light at mast- bawl ; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. AFR ICA. lithancon. leaves PI. Yon. wednesday, hbar hlip u li t i.PA, Anderson, " WedzsadaYs 1E62 Z. P Jwltine . orCwednesday, June 6. A IS CA. bloodies " n, Wednesday, Jens La AIJ TRALA9IAIY, 0221..2, " Yorkiffedneadayjune 19. ARABIA. Stone. " Boidon, Wednesday. Juno Berths not mottled until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of them ships win not be accountable for Cold, BUSBY, Bullion, blkeeie, Jewelry, Freoiorui atones or Metal s . unless bia 01 lading are smiled there for, and the value thereof therein expressed. For _freight or ITaht-fa 4 apply is _ CriruariD, tf 4 GTIOO. new York. ;• 0 N ' PUILADJILPIIIA, WILMINIPPON' AND BAL- D E-l/AL ROA 1.1 —PIX.ADRLH/A M 6.7413853. %4INs PON WAS h ING•PoN. Oa and after Monday, May S. Mat _Trains for Wash. els Minapehs,witl leave nulattelphia at DA A. Ni. and Moo P.M. ETIJILNINGI_ Will arrive at Philade'phia, from ES aellizigtOU at /OM and also at 99t Y. Through tickets sold at the depot, corner of Broad and Prime streets, Philadelphia. mr6• B. M. FELTON. PHILADELPHIA AND iggilllllLEl READING RAILROAD CO . . (Moe u 2 math street.) Pa Lka DELTHIA, April 27,1861. SEASON TiczErs. On and after May 1. 1861.sealion tickets will be Maned by this company for the period,s of three, six, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Beason school -tiokets may also be had at AS per Dent. discount. These nekets will be sold by the Treasurer at N 0.1187 South FOURTH Street, whore any further information can he obtained. S. SRADFORD, apin-tf . Treasurer. illi PI 11 1 91111 F 1 1;1. AJ " l i j I BM ' ACIDt; Mi ll tA L4Vs l t ir Oi's B4 /3 to Tamaiiiita kinauc estawlaaa, wit niglikes e,,,_ , ranton A Dan . ig„,, . rt, Tim Kamen, yanks*. welaite. Magus Fells, Rooltester, Olesoland,Wetroi'Soled% alit. Leeds, Beleiliateel, and all 'elate Forth and PWait. ramenor mini will limes the now Depotn B R OAD the Fki ad ina_md Reading Railroad, owner BROAD And OWRILA Street', ( Fomenter =Mao. on Cal low strft r dally Mandan enewated). ter above nail o s 3 Ai_e_XP . `_•-_•_••••••..........6.50 A. 51. 15Wir EXPRASS.--.. ..._......._&18 P. M. Ile lIVA L M.. train eareop — itlileftfor V ANTIBIDOISIS3II , •tl I n a T above limos WAlre dAreVgnligta,l l with L the train ' gibe rtgar_Yer and a, and and pidgins Yaw. ma nannio. 011,...0rk and ne. Blew York Marla' DOM 111 lehttli orth and WI iia dig* ' MOO to Raßale. an d lluzewthea Rd a. ana it.term, mists. iri ate can be I,rocared at_tla Phil/Welland and El mira Railrosdlor d' Wicket Mel o*, northwest winker of SLXTR and oli I NM Intreetr at the ressenger ilivohso_rneroi 'MUI, NT ADd GALLO_ WILLI,. mover EX? - F toOHT TRAM Wee AL I Pilt sdiftlkis and Reading Depot, Brand and Milow Wm ter v Zir exempted), Ur ail 50117 I Or% lit i . , F tits am.' ell * bears a .P. AL Ss laser* el & f..v Vi thm* .il 'uT antl nl 6 ll6 lo ll Ali i =4 " Frilight ....4 • •- - * * G. T. bE N , Mint. Ntair i rt- eerier MISR wale altreew,, * • P . 1.11P.D.13b110 atA1,60.. DIE AUCtION _ - - I . l3oritafi 6.0,r;t? • ".114. 139 tr '+• t •, • t 9r , me I • ectsg. 5. , Ell , r.ti ON SUPF.R.P)R FURNITI; ft t‘,. mt BooKaAR KB, OFFUE KBElli Eir;DR A e°Rt MCI (MINA ARM Cif-at'Skvastrf ilth io nta. 4 VELIVEr kNO BRUZIMIA CAR Ferb:l 4 , - 4 J.V.t CARD.—Our WO 10-morrow morning , at the ; St rte will oompriee. besides 803 lot* of exetle4lu'l,a, ture•onper.nr ni• k Eutd walnut wilt-boards. erelaut thi tome. weltitit Mitts furnenro. two nnd bel ow nnok And ensowars. a tame numhor nf bt.,,donmegi,6,l'4 Bnpoolo end utile, carpels, ho.. forint.og en at tr . n ,.4l., iirtment worthy toe attenuon of anion and — ol4"h re dogtrot. ofiginrohastoc. ear cautognee Dow Wadi and the &Melee er r w t. gxamination. mg. -- - PUBLIC mAt ,, • - taco A-- 13Xrtlf €: v RR:Y . - o'clock, noon, during the business seamen, • at IMO" tietidettlit of 615•3 u 'trepan, teouco it. L. &ddition to which we pahugh, ou the ir.otardi,; - 7 , t.,, to Na ti bulgy thOlo9.od Onthigaa'Un t tr - ' s [erre. 'nu full deaanpuena of 44 the pr o - betty to , told on that eitoWing 'resift., • REAL EftrATE AT PRI P - We nave a large moonlit of raaice : ssa at saie. inciudie.s every - description d he and 4 prpperty, Printed ham may be had at the atiov,'-'4:!, 84,1 Jg RWIITE 4 41 04 lieni estate entered en Om private solo , • end Advertised oecasionally our blio ette (ofe of ° which one thousand conies Itre Znatod .4 4 1 h: freharm. ante at Ni2l. ISO and 141 South Fourth kv i , SUPERIOR FUINITURA gone r FIAIIO-.9IIIITESI BRUSHELO CAll.lq:iir On Thursday morning, At 9 sealeak. at tha Auction- Store, an moons, aueellent isoond-hand furniture, elegant 50f,4,!..t fuse usirrora• carpet*. etc" from ramillve hottffekettPlnr• "IR GV ed f." 'tyre for nnipran4,44.l, Sale No. J3BB Orem. Street, 11AND$031.18 FUT NIT*. RE. F It i.. /I e ti - p L 1 MIRROR, TASEATBN Cl. RF€lBl, 3t. ' rr On Friday Monant. , alat ineL, at 10 o'clock by attakigaa b. iN0.1t , 36 b, 'rival, below Niaeteanth, the handaorna D , ri.. r.th ,,,eit room and chamber furniture. fine Fteli.th,Dl4l4-41' sir rror. handsome Mmstry retreats. 3.. r. air Also, the kitchen furniture. NET'may be examined at 8 o'clock en Ms murmu r 0 , the sale. Bale No . 1117 f . touth Broad Ftreet , surEaft to FURNITUti 11.14N 4 ), ISAXONY CARPETS. &a. " A in, On Tuesday blortunt. RM. 41, at 10 n'olook, by eato,loiene.fitNn 3/7Fanti. timid street. the ennre household turndeye 04 ,- • heehaw's, fine _gdated wroe,nittroie, fix'wel dow ourteip.. enixony end lirgetein carnets, alit" elm aware, int ea- may ne examined with catalogue on the mu tt , of the sale. at eight o'elook To Marble Dealers nod othsre. PEREMP'CORY BALE OF FINE ITALIAN hi,. ALE MONTMEIITi. MONUMENTAL being a epeoial consignment to Meant. Viti Broth '" er, Ori Wedeeedel Morning. June 5, at 10 o'clock. at the marble yard f whore Ninth. wilt be cold a -.line eelleactun hatt,' monk mourning, or oloolgo, Boman, and t•thq et7lee. with groovy, .figur.e. end onto. fat° Melo reti j re.% mid carvings. The collection oomyriees 01.04 finest ever offered at public sale. Will be ready for examination on Moods', 3,1 Ju Catalogues will be ready on Thursday, 30th tae, ". can be bad at the auction rooms, or at Vie worrir4it of MPUrI. Ems an Arch strata_ Terms—Under $3OO oash ; over that whiny, month. credit for approved en dorsed piper. rc Sale No, MS Arch Street. trroOK OF MARBL,F, MONUMBN'TS FlVt tri k TUARY, OFFICE YU/dill ORE, t o , • • On Monday Morning. June .M. at ID o'olook. by catalogue. at the yard No. NZ Arch street. toolose th e Namara t nar ha abl 5 tiro stook as faith ea marble monnuients, Lead and ioti eto.es. urns, fine statuary. a Oltantlt• of Marble i 4 blocks, ite. A!ao, the office foraitarei medal tools,leiviemv,, • sir For particulars see catalogues. Ng FITZPATRICK &, BBOS.• I,TX• irfoirEE.JUg, 1504 intEriNill Stre-I, Ewa. • n" PA.r4i.V7 6 1 /11AY _l3 yhil:P At f V•irioalt, of Book', abxtionerr brre 1e(1 oatehet, jvseirp cloche, rrilver phated van minting+, mplekee a l inetroemeate, Also.lfosierp, 17 regdal. Kett and teaks. L. 1, ehaiselies of everP eitite!24—beat DAY ISABISS every Monday. Weilteiee,, no H. lay as IS o'oloett r7tiv4irk maims, AtprivatAs sevonsi largc!cordacumeniAw &kW, jewelry, beota, petitionary, orilverAtiated vete, cetlei7. repay doom, h o, To 'loon .18 =Mated toe attsutfet 111 q• an pountrT merohuti arid othera consignments solicited of tat Mode of raerekettir for either public or private elder. Liberal cash &drum* made ea oozier:lrma Oat-dnor 'tales nronattur &treaded to. MEDICINAL ELLXIII, PROPYLAMINE, RHSUMAIrBriI The Now Remedy for , Dunne' theme raot year Irk hawe intradmod to the ne ti e . o f ntonl profession of thisoouatry the Pon Cryasa/ized atioride of Propetamiet, lig a RhbIEDY FOR RREMUATI3M; mod }levier reeeinad from mine motet, Led, ft litlY aim au of the highest 'tending nod from patients, me MOST FLATTERING FEISTIMO:SIALS of its real value in the treatment of this painful sad obstinate dieease, wo are ineuced to remit .t to the hUblio to a form RBADY FOR 11191Ri DM Oft. which we hope will commend Moor to those whom suffering with tads afiltottnx oompinkat, nod to dmal nraosmoner who may feel disposed to Maus powers of this valuable remedy, ELIXIR PROPYLAMIhih, in the farm seor e no. keEl of, naa recently Leen extensivedyeysernns ete 6 with in the PENDISYLVAIIIA LIMPITAL, end with MARK k II 8 UCCEstias w ill sppem , / ma th published anwinnts in the ins bud urnala • Writ is carefully out ea ready for immediate Wei with Cult directions. and can be obtain.* heal al the druittate at TO cents bef bottle, armlet wh inele BuLLO:K uNbP•attaW, /battles and ManufacturintOlvansti. rbiladelshis. itAutiI.NINICY AND IKON • . Eig.tir: attligi laViltal AMP . . - MIER tt I if:A,IFTE a lik • Jurvgi altua, "smelt; fdArn% I. , • .: . h i ne - ar-1 lILACXI3 and Fs • i'- 7, bar/a , 9. It 10:9 Tear", i. - 9:lm ri a • ; I UV, and Odd t•SaiddlTitli , dildirld 1 1;1144 :. •, i 4 Ti•-; Atzrine_kact N . ..r, .vrtme:alf all .1_22.. L'All abate, '7 4 %4, :.stuse. VropeNri, kw • , -77— . 31 . 11 -. °est' Valli/ lere - e:bas ..5 Me.. DO la tWit ' I to ant:Le: tut Burin's eirl ctite,s, e lTia e r W sat i r pga1 t 5;c 0 4.1:f . .,.... ir, rZl`4.fek • e,lii_ li gtr . trorl" .PktiMioc . f . "; F . r i e.'?,;, 4 ".',4,1.. e.t F rAdfl.`" l "l" .14.1:,' : ai• t: beet Anz..1.7 prow o eriaist-tou. • bri'.4 , „,e'. Oral and kinds ; Min end 9reasi C.setinzsisl o a!e:4”-ee'...W. 4.11 7Qr/Lft tO uTeli CYA4MCe 9.9.4 - be' tAI! ••iiii on -1313z1e4 Xi.:. ; stvi , 9 embetaiseee Drawiagiaid SPOi4cllttio23 isr C I ! Inir i stadp 40 1 aglerertheriment, Ire* az ddard?, hail wore paratai. Irks intents re tars hal.. Amyl* w an ,. don TOM ice re paint ef basin, lel/4re titer sal lie it pees* Wit /ad ere eremite-I ante etssra. t:hote. 1171 a at. Al., Ear ratilei kozve e , i!en . welcdt. J _ j / A r i . AW L i_KA:II4 00 11.4.teXt ALIO i. VA‘Olll/1 HI lIICI, JOHN 1, CO►l, WILLIAM R. MBILRICIC, MIITIATILIIII3I QOIJTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STI • rui,it_lll4, BIELBJUOI & BONG, Et GINEER/I AND MACHIN/873, Manafaatere High and Low ?remora Stem Zama ilk la nd , ricer, 3 tl i e d ar EcTrc sou., to; Ga l'frl,:fg/1114:2111iVNI'l or hrmi, road stations, ko. Retorts and Gee Machinery of the latest ata mil in• moved oomtrnotion. I;very description of Plantation_ Meohineir ...I{A Sugar, saw. and tine Mil* V4V1112111 ?Wl6l We; Steam Taint. Defeoatota t Fit tern. Parnpinr tuw" , a o. &le Agente for r. Lilian'. Patent bulatEalliii Apparatus Neentytti's Patent Steam ilanuoei,sad AN pinMawall Wolser'i Patent Centrifugal Surat Drucon hine isOINTPLEASANT YOUNDIEY, ti 01. 111, - oek Amain'lon, p. `LM Y. WIERD infornyi Ws friend; Mt, h.:till, pt. Oyler& entire stoat gt Patterns at the a;anta?- ars a ,..., or ti now growte... to receive orders ,W.Eq . l and gait Ceiatinar..goia t ilktrn, llWie Work Gearing. Canino AU..? Wintery as' getele IParsaakaa, in /Tr C: rrq: n.,Vr •am. IMPARSB COMPABLEN. 1118 AD443olag aus , Urwarda ataala. P e s a cia t anle g r ° ob e andlak' at r i Evaais, either by its own Line s 01' ILSORONTia VIA • th or nttratta Cerabatti l l. to Its ar-:1 ems arqA ttter ef Fon tad *Wu. e. staramc""'' MI EVANS & WATSON i e SA T.A is A NDER SAFES, STOI 304 Ctf.I3;EIV7 PHIL BLYRIA I • large TaTiet7 of F Fitour - SAPCD,itinsfi hand. mh6-11 WRITING AND LEDGBR PAPERS We have now on n band, and are.. ,e ""... ta l ui t to order, at the Mona iltdly Fagg MLA ' e- 1,111, elerlotton of Wit/Wie A.ND LE PAP whtohJor oolor and enelity. are not exeelled " other Mite in the United States. We would can attention to et new article of Peter manufactured by no. and now for. We, oiled Boor! Letter. which hes been gotten up to meet the Went' ° I Mumma men end others, who edam to commena: Note se tame too narrow. and do not ICA to tiet Per' of until letter sheet. Thie overcomer both p latsbJeotione foot sheet, pure wove ; p finish ; ruled On °D " flamed in Centre neer the top ; made from bed ll tens!, free from adulteration, and vot up lu neat Wee , convenient for We. We 12,110 have a taper called Bonk Letter, thall_l2.4 the above, except it Mu but Judi the number on, so as to allow a printed bleet or beadle; amts Mount & Mount Holly Sphere,. Cumberland:G(lr up. The 'above Papers min be had of Mesta. J. PINCOTH to qO. and MLIGA.RGEE 0.110 . 70 h Noe. a and I DECATUR Street 13118-I° MRS. JAMES BETTS; GeLEBRATO SUPPORTERS FOR LADIEaI, and the tall porters under eminent medical patrolmen& .1.460 it Wren:dans are respectfully relueeted to e. Bette, at her rendenee. 1039 WAL.7O.4' PhiladelPtua. Ito avoid counterfeits.) Thins. Invalids have teen advued by thou nlunioan. to her appliance& Those only ore canning be 5 r,w.,.."; United Bates eopyns4. la.rela on the boa, Emu tires. and also on the M.ppertere. Inth teenneediv Mla-betb Jleirtf THE WEEKLY PREss, THE WEEKLY PREB S DIM eiltabliehed*neemextre and peilsaneut budgie!. bath by , in reality, a marvellous 40=10 Of the deeto of favor which a rightly-oondueeed LiTORARY, POLITICAL, AND PliCh JOURNAL , elm receive at the banes of hberal end stditine_a" - Dtailio. Onr moat grateful thanks are tendered for "" patronage already bestowed upon us, and ussball s ot no efforts which may serve to render the payer ever more attractive, useful, and popular in the Lama The POLITICAL coarse of 'SHE 'WEEKLY Via' need not be enlarged upon here. Independent, ,t 0.4.1 and fearless, it has battled, turtraserinelr and 18a6V- Ir. in defence of the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE aItanatE7CAGUTIVE USURPATION, sue u nfair l Od trramoloul legislation: ever &tearing end Maoist ' e the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY rope: team the fundamental besietor our fres instautione, f?! that the intelligence and patriotism of our eitizeoe always be preservative of a wise.iastomil ce lcier qll: eremeat. These are nhe priseiples to which it WEEKLY ?REDS hue been omenotted, sad thts will eater.. TERMS: One Ow. 01211 ' Three Conine. one year.-- Five Cowie% one rear, Ten Copies, one year.. " .. Twenty Cordes, to one addrses. at the rate of al Per Twenty Copies. to one address of each gob scriber " sDesunen SOWN will be forwarded to Sod° v It quest them. ! . 4 Any Person geisha tut Club of Twenty orloSlo. be entitled to an extra copy. We continua to oeu" WEEKLY PRIM to mamma for $2. BUtWOriPtieliS Mar 004:1101100 at ear wac. tows <mak, en odvaatoo. All letters to boaddrou JOHN W. FoRNE / Nth 417 CHESTNUT STRENZ P.MICXX.A.I33iiZIPZIS I.A°
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers