o il Session of the Evangelical ai lt h e rao Synod of Pennsylvania. SZCO3D DAT 4 3 -0,5 rssnmest yesterday morning at n; Menu la theoheir ea,'fauns of the seasion wee occupied in re 11'6 reports. or of the committee on aid for the r e d was recoil:tun , 10 10- fs mittee on Catechism reported progress Da Q • d s y count:tee • 1541Ds " o semilt ee on the Promiedinge of Confer - W. briing to the attention of c ateoL a Dd i— th: import ' nos of giving o u r young men ghatreparatory training previous to entering w: P ,t,lE o „ ll3 : l % , ,,tatleinet, from the committee ap tiev - are a guide or manual for di ffi eult Used - 7, t e -, P o . ps, was not ready ns, to report. r a lr- for al „q,7, n - the following committee was ap Strausetown, Pa , to settle certain elf , / I° th e congregation of a church t wl 3 ,;; s t, Money, anti Eggers. git4rieradasion. Dr. Schaeffer promoted memo -63 a large number of members and lay li dfi l' a aed g , on the subject of altering the language ;be prooeedicgs of Synods are conducted_ idatorial preeence the neeeseity of taking Come towsrds adapting the constitution of the gap , t h e wants of the present time. The eon oriaisally provided for the exclusive nee I iratlanguage. For many years German nes ar w 5 i be only language allOired the Synod, and it 1 1 ' t man y years delta, that a young member ''.4 116- g to address the Synod in English, was cried 1 , - n --I tb the demand of "Deutsch." " Deutsch." hare, however, taken plane. A few years tn- 413 1F os tish language wait admitted to greater Iq v i tot , Stilt, the Synod has not made the demanded by the oironmetanees of its rl"":pottant congregations. In consequen c e of '''..:ll.resaleoce of the German in the proceedings ,i the yynct,these congregations have been great- hindered in their progress—anti the memorial ,`",/ th e Synod, in firm, but respectful terms, g h ::,te proceeding?. of the Synod be conducted in •,''t lanzuage, allowing those who are not tnle to s norer themselves In that language to do aril LoTEa' m The memorial was referred to a special Commit „, :Insisting of Rev. Messrs. W. chaeffer, Ziefecher, Byer, Vogelbach, Reiohert, S Walden, Id hr defog AO Enutraerlein, Lehman, and Baer :Abe shall report some plan by which the evils ,ffislainei of may be remedied The committee ': to r eport at the opening of the seasion this morn ii when a lively and Interesting debate may be w rested s-se Church, at Scranton and for admission St. John's Church in to ;Reading, having a i applied aed complied with requisite conditions. git Waived. The Church at horanton was 00M soda to the Atte:Aloft of the Eteenties Commit to yr. ;mistime-e_ Res Dr Schaeffer, and the President, Dr. Mann, come - a cted to the favor of the Synod the Orphans' s iz e, at Germantown. The design of establishing 6 17 inotution had its origin in the donation of g• xi'. about eight years ago, for its emu c ameo:. This contribution lay dormant for yearn,nctil in November, 1858, when there i g established upon a firm foundation this home ! cirtimte orphan children The first child wee " m ired into the Home March 18, 1859. Others itioned in quiok succession, so that by the middle =Jane lase than thirteen children had been a wed A email house was proeured in t4erman v-r as a temporary residence for this rapidly-in gang family, which house was first occupied vie 12, 1859 This was found to be too email, 1 ,5 a larger house, with a barn and five acres of pl, was purchased. in Odtober, 1859, for the sum ,;” ;7 Soo. of which $4,800 were paid at once. The clause ls 2 700) is still due. it present the institution contains 20 children, -7, bays and. 9 girls. The whole number received ta this time has been 25, 5 of whom have been -..nee removed by Mende, sad are transferred to s faro echoed at Zehenople. The design of the institution is to piovide a home destitute orphan children, not only of our own :wee, but of any ohnroh, without regard to ..red or count* They will he eductated in all aiefal branches of bitsineu to whisk they may :et:Wined, and thus prepared for the active du re of fits. It is designed to give them a thorough 3, ; dith education, end to Instruct both boys and /I! In some dotal tretle. To enable them to do tb. the managers and trustees cordially solicit the Nrri below of the benevolent, either in money eq erplies of any kind, that may be made avails ;smpport the children under their care. Do -lees can be sent to Mrs Dr. Sehaeffer, the di rents. at GerrnantOWn. Ito Synod then adjourned until afternoon. AFTERNOON BRESION 'Fre Synod reassembled at half past two o'olook : th e aftcruota, by the elitglng of a hymn, and 7:3 if f by the Bev. Mr. Virentael, of Philadel , ;63. The misums of the morning session were read ist approved. Letters received from T. G. Y:rrh and others asking to be excused from coding the Synod, were read. The gentlemen ;re nausea. The synod directed the president to write to the ...ftildent of the East Pennsylvania Synod In rule vs to certain difficulties arising from interfe. !Ids on part of members of last-mentioned Synod. isport of Committee on Minutes of last meeting ,-.lckhi, and the subjects presented were severally mitred - is eommittee Appointed to report on the .t.triety of omitting a Synodical Sopa/intendant zi•their report, which wea referred to the Com ce Revision of the Synodical Constitution. 3,r. Vega[back, from Committee on Arebives. %pied that they were in as good a condition as Rdassday afternoon was appointed as the time fate report of the committee on the establialdng t ter allurok seminary. eammittee appointed to prepare a short ex fmition of Luther's oat/whim reported progress. E 10.04011 in oateohetical iodination followed, Brobet, Beyer, Keller, and Peixote ica'lsced. The committee weeeoutiuued. kr John Kehler wee re-eleotel director to the remogloai B..i.suraw sew= 2rearr. Ref Dr. roam, from the Executive Committee, ride an explanation of the manner in whioh the rarionary I undo of the asrnod bad been distributed inept the home mite:charity of the Opal em ;out in the West The committee, consistiog of Keys. Walden, F W Gessubeimer, Peizoto, and lay dale ;cm Lehmen end Baer, appointed in view of a 11: Naos:Mee State Mont concerning the YOlllll - made the following report : The committee appointed to prepare resole ±:sa in reference to the waists of the many voltm ltra connected with our Lutheran Church, for the EA:Mollies of the German Reangalittal Latheran i'slo,l of Pennsylvania, hes the honor to repo t: r That with all true friends of our hitherto fu . :.:ed country. we earnestly deplore the present telneboly condition of our Union Ibu in !inn reliance in the Infinite mercy, , '43 , 411., and faithfulness of Almighty God, we wolly hope that the bright sunshine of day will qic rise forth out of the present dark night of vom. That we eepeoially keep in VIVA the duty of zaterable fidelity to the Union, and of oonaolen ;LW obedience to the lawfully constituted authori ui of our country ; and that we cheerfully do all var power to promote and to secure the perpa cur Urattn. lbw. we gratefully remember the faithful ;tfeciers of our country, commending them in tamest prayers to the riob and tender morales 'id, whilst at the saute time we do all in our ';.ter to relieve and comfort the peculiar ohms of to and Suffering soldiers to whom our attention ?+ been so apecially called by our dear brother :savant In this connection the committee pro :Worths?, - That it be made the ditty of all ministers in fl.t•ody to lay before their congregations a state :Et ot the suffering condition of our sick soldiers, ecrecially of the entirely German portion of To encourage the members by their volt:a l-7nd liberal contributions, to enable our Chris at goers, known as denoonesses, and who have ''leftskatt the arduous duty of nursing the sick 4 "itrs. effectuolly to carry on their benevolent eelf sacrificing labors—inasmuch as the Go craspi. in view of multitudinous resspondblll - has eat been able itself to make provision for hnach of service. last all such Contributions be placed in the of our treasurer, Rev. Dr. C. W. Hshaeffer, in by him transmitted to Rev. W. A. Paws "; Director of the Deaconess Institute, Pitta. 4 1; to Executive Committee dale Synod being ' , 4orited immediately to advance such I= as ;e missionary treasury may warrant, to be re ,iced out of the contributions which shall be Fn for this object hereafter. inastetteh as so greet a ptdp624l6n ' ,, trblantetirs from the State of Pennsylvania, and •::tr States, are known to belong to the Lutheran and realising the responsibility of our 41 ra. nest especially to provide for the spiritual I . (lin et her member?, called from their houtee in 2 ftt% of our country Therefore, be it further , 1- That this Synod cell and appoint btloyed and highly- esteemed brother, Rev Passavan, , to be the missionary chaplain of ,' ' '' ! !'food in the volunteer armies of the United guarantying the requisite support to M1..'4„ .. ' 4 „ him in this fi eld of useful labor. .° That the Etsontive Committee be authorised, 4 .,' , 4zstion with Brother ressavaut, MONO farther arrangements for the spiritual wants ra: soldiers as time and oireurnstanoeS may ran e:ttdfol /tempt!: end reroluttoos were seed and nnani- Y adopted by the Synod. , Dr. Reynolds, president of the Illinois 1.4 e Esiversity, at Springfield, made an interest l'ullelllent of the workings of that institittiOn. .ter. Benjamin Keller, General Agent of the 7 74 .erfin Pal:dictation St,elety, submitted a full re the society for tour ye ars, ending March • Cr-, t‘ar yoare or hi*agency, ending' on 0! 5 1.rch, 1661, he visited ninety-two con of which, eighty-three are located in 3, l Vitotti; two In New York oity ; two in "ritY ; one in Washington- D. ; One In and three in Maryland. It appears Z - :' 4 tgobscriptions to the Lutheran Publication durlng four yeero, amount to o $l6 700 20; Ecm, 15 100 63 have been aid, leaving al -31 lITO 66 unpaid. Add dm. nr.p.la a $1 679 66 to $15.100 63, and you have the whole amount of eubecription on brethren of the Board, for their kind 4 - -Yar rust their oft•repeated encouragement ; :, U-ar brethren in the pastoral office, who ~r adially received and so generously en bid brethren of the laity, who ' O4 / 5 omen/pulled him from hame is) wi.o.le hospitality he has enjoyed ; a "'an ate have contributed to the Lutheran • S)oitty, he ones more reto.rns his mon haartfelt thanks_ • ten tour sears the whole amount Of re 3Oze we 31 e 6.852 5 43 5 53The expenditures for the . Sl7 2 r.T.ENINSt SESSION. 6191ELis.g 1. alrarlversarar of the Rome sad i01,1?..:1..-.sary Society was held.. A report of ,; 4 -oo.J of :he society was rea d. 3^-o- 3 the Rev Mr. Heine, WbOhlki '"Jrlng as missionary for about sixteen Pert. • ' Cleo actively engaged In thy home r , 44 PY wink. Besides aseieting missionsitmong 'l:4 2"l:anag in Canada, through the Pitteburg • std these in Wisconsin, throne the Synod a t 5.',, a;4 ' 4 : it &agate a number of mmeionaries in asd /JU L:. Jer lA rey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, 13 . address leer delivered by Rev -15-dt, s : , rwerly a misdonary in Texan. b3 t 4 1T or DiqoaDEßLlEs.—Abont 9 o'clock_ Light Litet Paulin, with poskef 242 zadt dt*Cellt and a disorderly bowie at Pi I L , Distant street, and took about tea peri.. o l 101;p7'414.3. Praviou. to the arrest a fight 2 4466 '5 ; 1 , 1 D the house, whiett threw the waoie trr,: l.4O EKl into a state of alarm . Yestsrd a y ien.„.. -- g „the Parties were all arraigned before Al- Nl/47" ratchet, and held to belt to keep She ABHUAL 1 OONTIENTION OT THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CEUECN OP PMENSTLVA2III.—The Seventy-seventh Amnia Convention of the Pro• toetant Xpisoopoi Couroh, of tide dlooese, mewed its sessions yesterday afternoon, at fire o'clock, in St. Andrew's Church, Eighth street, above Spruce. The body of the church was Riled with the 0161104 and lay delegates, and the galle ries -ere tolerably well filled will 11.-dies. The Right Rev. Alonzo Potter, Bishop of the Diocese, and Rigbt Rev. Br. Bowman, Assistant 81-hop, were in attendanee. The roll being read by Mr. John Clayton, Bishop Potter presided. John Clayton was appointed secretary, and Rev. Mr Childs assistant secretary. The president announced that a meeting will be held this evening, to hear the annual report of the Board of Missione. The rules prescribed for the government of the body were read by the secretary. Toe Bishop announced that there would be Di vine service in St. Andrew's Church, at ten o'clonk this morning, when, after the sermon, the Conven tion will partake of the holy communion, and then proceed to the transaction of business. The following committees were sumounoed by the Bishop : Cotannttee on Charters --Rev. R. 15. Spank. man, Rev. W. M.arnle, Rev. W. Compton, Judge Rays, John Bohlen, ledge Parry. Committee on Seats —Rev. Mr. Washburn, Rev. Mr Ityllesby, Rev. Mr. Oliver, E. B. Brunet, J. B Parker, Dr. Mcßae, Dr. King. The Convention will hold two sessions daily, from 9 A M to 2 P M., and from 5 P M. to 7 P M. The sermon this morning will be delivered by Rev. George D. Miles, of Wiliresbarre. On motion of George hi Wharton, Esq., the fol lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church belonging to this diocese, not en titled to seats in this Convention. elergymen of other dioceses, and clergymen of the Church of England, or of her ootaties, and students of divi nity of the Episcopal Church, now in this city, be admitted to the sittings of this Convention. The Bishop inquired whether there was any other business before the Convention. The seoretary stated that amongst the unfinished business from the last Convention was the division of the dioceses boundaries of parishes, and the training 101001 The Convention adjourned to meet at IP o'clock this morning. THE following real estate was sold yester. day at the Exchange, by M Thomas & Bons Delaware-wbarr property fronting on Munson street and Dials street. or lauding, Subject to ratt Wa lnut relit of $400—51,3 NO Residence, 2009 l street, 18 by 120 feet-17,600. J.EGA_L INTELLIGENCE. DISTRICT GOITELT Judge Sherwood.— The Eastern Market Company, to the use of John M. Thomas, sequestrator. vs_ John P. Lute. An notion to recover the amount of rant reserved on a lona, of Market stalls In the Eastern Market. De. fence, that under judgments against the Market Company the proper'y was sold, in January, to Richard Smethurst, Erq , who entered into posses sion en the 12th of that month, and notified the tenants that their rent should he paid to him. Ver dict for plaintiff for $6.66. Gerhard for plaintiff; Fletcher for defendant Thomas J Martin and Jame. Wood, trading as Martin and Wood, ON Job 8. Irene, administrator of Edward Wright deceased. An nation an s piss. missory note. Verdiot for plaintiff for $318.32. Cassidy for plaintiff ; W. 8. Price for defendant. Geo. M. Zinger vs Win Grover and Lewis K. Graver. trading, &. An action on a promissory note. Verdiot for plaintiff for $1,030 10 Heger for plaintiff; Rale for defendant. Albert S. Wobb and Geo. T. Webb, trading, Al., vs. Geo. W. Mean. An action on a promimeory note_ Jar, oat. Briggs for plaintiffs ; Platen for defendant. DISTRICT Cotras , -- Judge Hare. --John Steiner, executor of Philip Muller and Max Rol lawfrath. An action on a due bill. Jury out. Runsicker for plaintiff; Meyer for defendant. Thomas L. Woelston vs. 13 Bush ?turnip. An action to recover the amount of a sum of money alleged to have been loaned defendant by plain tiff. Bo defence. Verdict for plaintiff for $2160. Calais Miller vv. 'The Jefferson Fire Insurance Company. An action to recover the amount of a claim Against the Insurance company, assigned to plaintiff., for loss on a policy of insurance against fire. After the assignment to plaintiff of the amount due by the compan7, other creditors of the assignor having obtained judgments against him, attached the money in the bands of the insurance company, and the question rained yesterday morn in g in the ease was to which should the money be paid The court directed a verdict to he entered for the plaintiff, and reserved the paint for the con sideration of the court in bane. Verdict, accord ingly, for plaintiff for $98314. .7 W. Paul for plaintiff : Erety for defendant. Gee. W. Martin vs. Samuel 0. Pipes, who was sued with Geo. A. Piper, defendant et al. All ac tion on a mortgage Jury out. WART= Bsastoms.—The petit jurors were discharged for the term, after having dis posed of a number of trifling ethos. The Grand Jury having concluded its labors, made the fol lowing presentment, and were then discharged for the term " The Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of Ponneylvanitt, inqniring for the oily and Ninety of Philadelphia, reepastfully present': That they have been in session thirty five days, during whioh time they have acted on 530 bills of indiotment, of which we have found 303 true bills and ignored 227; that we have visited the County Prison, the East ern Penitentiary, House of Refuge, and Alms house, and find them all in excellent condition and under admirable management We earnestly re- commend the speedy erection of a Rowe of (for reotion, believing that it would have a tertrienoy to diminish the number of petty crimes committed, the.parties aommittbsg them knowing lull well, if they do go to priaon, that tbey have no work to do. If put to work, no doubt . a benefirdel_infinantsa_ Gould - reaelt 4. tbe - euttsstl4all7: The Grand dury further complain of the large number of trifling oases returned by aldermen Lieutenant Stemmer. For The reere.l This heroic and meritorious other has arrived in New York, in impaired health, after a long and heroic struggle with slew men to bold Fort Pickens againit thousaxidlo of rebate, which he auoceeded to doing until tardy relief reached him. Major Au. deacon has had the homage of a grateful nation for doing the same thing, and defending Fort Sump ter to the beat of We ability with his mall throo, and such means as be could command. Does any one doubt that Lientetunit Slemmer would have made as gallant a defence bad Fort Plckenc been attacked? The gallant 51tmmer lea Penanylva• Wan, and it is becoming that this city should be the first to offer him the honors he has so nobly won in upholding the glorious stars and stripes. Who will move in this matter STATUARY, LANDS °APRS, .ISIINNLITON, AND THE RCreSIAN WAR —The second evening's entertain ment paused MX Tory aatistaotorily. During both eshibitione, the Great Rebellion, by the aid of the stereosoopie Instrument, and the panorama of the Russian War, the audience manifested repeated applause. The statuary and landscape' came out in relief fully equal to anything ever seen In the oily, and the meohanical effects of the Russian War were eurprielogly life 11ta. Gov. BANKS IN THE QUARTERMASTER'S DE PARTMENT —cloy. Banks will be tendered a Bri gadier Generalship. and then be detailed to the bureau of Quartermaster General. This is re garded by the President and the high Moen of the army as one of the most important positions committed with the service. Gov. Banks' pure character and great ability will oommend this se. Motion to the sonntry as one most happily and ad a:drably made. TROOPS AT GRAFTON, VA.-A large , num ber of boutLere troops aro said to be encamped at Grafton, Va. FINANCIAL AND COJIMERC ILL. The Money Market. PRILLDNIAPHIA, May 28, 1881 The Stook market bas been steady to-day, with Oman eaten. City silos sell at 95 for the new is saes, and 91 for the old. State fives are inactive. Reading Railroad shares sold at in ; Harrisburg Railroad at 52; Beaver Meadow 55i ; Minehlil 54i, and Pennsylvania 'Railroad at Mk/. 'Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company has deelared a dividend of $1 SO per share, payable on and after June i. The followlag is the ooal tonnage of the bita rookin Valley and Pottsville Railroad Company : Week. Veer. For areek - endine Mss 3 les 13 OS 9111 '3 Same time last OS aa 861 Oi iaorease— 1,13810 10.3310$ rbiltidelphia StookExchange Kea Mlle INITIVIXD NT B. R. Sanymentrit. MoroWane' ARottlinse, FIRST ROA RD. 10 Beaver Meadow-- Maf 1100 City It tie.— .... St 10 d 0...- -M% WO do—. —-. 01 ID do ~...:.r . ...,11 d 8 do -. _.••••••••• et 1 it d 0............... aox nu de "it 0 . 10 .......... et 2 do—,- ... 601( MO do Klt 0... .—. 9L 10 an ---. -.Prefd $7 1000 Morro. Calla Ws. Si 10 Rarrisharg R . 02 a Readinrlt-.. . _. . 14% 1 do— - . ...-.. td MOO Lehigh vatiey - di. DM BETWEEN MARINI. SO Morristown R. 47 116 Penner I --Wee- $L 24 Germantown Etige.... 48 I INECOND 1 Cam & Ain I do_ 2 / 72i1 7W City Ed dd 1 CLOSING" Y' Bid. Askl. Philadelphia IN_ 91 9151 fluid Oa 1/1 91)11 Phil& ea -new- 98.- Penns ea...—. 77 78 Read R Iss le% Read bda 78 79 I Road mtiSs'Bo'43 ES 90 ReadmtQeVl. Olt IBM, Pennb R ox-div. OK. Parma R ed me aVE," 78 Morris Can den. 39 41 Marrs Can Maas soh si as el Oah Nov Profit- 11 1236 Philadelphia Markets. There is Ito quotable change in flour, and the mar ket is firm:trat dinar. The only salmi we bear of are 100 bbla spring Wheatsuperfine at 85 3736.100 bbls win ter do $5 60.660 bbts good oily milts do at 86 70. and GOO hl is good Lanosater county Una, on tome kept pri vate. The Made are MUM in tote so wanted at so at 056 .1 34 for Mlange. 116.75e6 75 for extra and extra family. and $7.7 M 00 . bbl tor faney brands. as in duality. and the market dull. Rye Flour is offered at fp so, and Parnasrivaiela Cans Mall at 82:134 bbl. bet we hear of no salsa of either. Giam.—The receipt• and salsa of Wheat are mode rate and pries* stout the same. with sales of CO bits at 13661 . 18 for PsmisYlvanin red. s l63ol " l e r fion ern co. and 111.4101511 for whits, as in Kim wean. sue Wes of rehasiMents are reeorteei et 0.0670, osier at the former ram Cora to rather dud to dlr. watt sales of 7 010 bus to note a GOD for prime yellow. aflbat, and sae for Pennsylvania. la stare ; some fair eonthera co at Us, sad inferior white Mao, afloat. Oats are re her firmer, with mesa saws of Pennsylva nia sit ale boathe , a are held etaae_ as is firm. sadist Rol is good demand at ll* ton. COTIVI.—There is tittle sr nothing doing; and no ohmage m tit* market. Gioacitams are quiet, and moat of the gagers arriving are gorse into store, Coifee—dales of NO bell NW are memoir at &Norms° on moo eschisies u al6 irsoirterotis —The market is very valet. - Mess Pork is settins_is the retail way at *Ay httl ; derma Foaled maanssoid es prices kept prime. Lard is sell ing_at 100 for tierces and bb a. WIMP' is ea llln to Ma as 'wasted at ilibierlo for Wm, eon SOK for dawd4osi aids an, averse. Csnar Warsu. 2.5 _„ WEST CHEATER, May .Izsii. DIIAIt : In reply to your inquiry about the Pantafoone delivered to me by you. and made at font . establishment for the 11th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. I have only to my that Re tO materials, workmanship. and ems. they are equal. if not gone - Aar, to any I have yet seen famished by the State to her trocme. Yours, reireeettallr. R. eouvrza. Dent. Wane 11th Regiment Fa. Vole. ISSIUUR. STRAUSS & GOLDRAE. Mkr Market Street, rhaladelehia, Wyrwr A SOLDIER NE/11 0 8 —A soldier needs, be. aides his en Mie dri 11— 2. 61)011 feet 2. A good stomach. a. And after these coin, the good head and the good heart. 4 Last, but not least. he should be nrcorided with one of the fashionable garments sold at the New Gift Depot of Granville etokos, Ca Chestnut street. Every pur chase' is presentee with a gift of 'value and beauty. TEM Quasar's PROCLAMATION —Qaeen Victoria has thrown a wet blanket upon the hopes of "certain Mass styling themselves the Confederate Stain of America." She forbid e all loyal Engliehmen from going into the business of privaleermg, and from giving aid and comfort to the rebels in any shape. It is loud that the Prince of Wales etrongly urg.d upon his royal mother the propriety of making proper allusion in the paper to. the elegem:le of the garments for Gentlemen and Youths made at the grown atone Clothing Rail of Rattails & Wilson, N05..6a1 and 605 Chestnut street. above Eixth. Philadelphia. The Queen only hesitated because she thought a fust-rate notice out of plane in a Steve document. 2ohr Chan Atkinson. Atkins. 1 day from Milton, Doi. with tram to Ina L Bowls, & Bohr tioravla thou, Elliott. I days from Balisburr. bin with lumber to aeall & Merriman.. Bohr John tgpedep, Aime, 2 davit from Cliewisaakt, City. Md. with pain to enriatian & Curran. Bahr Island Belle, Butter, 4 days from Bippiaaar in baslaat too Steamor Belmar, rearoa. It hours from New York. with tndie to W P eIt.EA.RBO Berk Washington Bobber. Colima, Havana, A Re ran ...fr. & Co. . Brig Beleenna, Fiokett, Charlestown, Jlt Makatea. Sour Martha Moore, Bennett, Washiwton, Jae 8 Chambers. Rehr Coimbra. Starling. Snow Bill: Ind. J W Baena. Bohr Star. Crowell..BOßtOn, f 4 Sturtevant & Co. Sour Hamm, Davie, Lynn, Binnioimon & Glover. Sofa It Vitas. Prink, Roston, G E Seer D G PK, d. Reekett-Providenee. J Milnes & Coe Bohr W P Cox, Boma, Medford, ,11 B. Blakiston. Bohr bilk arm Brooks. Providenes. L Audartraid & Co. &Mr Cicero. Burroughs, Providenoe. Pliny Fisk. Bahr Forst, Robinson. Newburyport, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Bay Shore, Ervin, Sassafras Raver,las Barrett & Son Bloomer Beverly. Pierce, NeW 'Pork, W P Clyde. Steamer Renry L Garr, RIM Saltitnore, A Groves, . . The brtg Rotalation. from Messina for Philadelphia, has pat in here for repairs. with loss of foremast. main topmast, and bulwarks stove. aILEISIORAIS DA. iu tt . e amer , Kensington. Baker, hence. at Borten 27th Bark Oak, Ryder, cleared Boaton 27th net for Phila delphia. Bohr H W Godfrey. Weeks, hence, at Bolton 27th 12111 t. Behr B Engltelt. English. hence at Boston 17th inst. Bohr J M Bayles, Thompeon, hence, at Boston 27th in So st. ar' Lady Suffolk. Baker; Mayflower. Haley ; Aid, Endicott ; 14 T Thompson . Conover ; L ;nurses, Borns T—Prowess. Jaokaway Farnham. Lovell. and W H Maklier. Colby. hence. at Boston 27th Jest. The eailai Ho: of the wreaked eahr S F 80111. day. of rbitade phis. were gold at auction at Weiterlb RI 24th mat, and brought about SRO. Pro slier R Burden, Loper, cleared at New York 28th that for Philadelphia. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. G D Coleman, Lebanon Martin, Penneybranla °apt J N Billion New York Li *lifer. liarriebarg - W B Fish, Cincinnati Geo Stacey. Cincinnati B. C tireseler.renria Mina Henderson. Penns .ie R Brunot & la. Pittsburg T M Finley. Pittsburg Jobn l rwin. Jr. Pittsburg Geo Clark. New York Eft hludse, neaten v Chas F Bogor tainointer u Swore, F,tubura Hoo Clattery, Pits-burs M S M sere. New York W Belaware R W Roche, New York Col filmier, Westmorerd 13 A Saylor, New York A P Wilcox New York John 8 Harehall New York Mm H E Cordie. illoeson W Ward. New Yolk F H Archer. Salem. N J J V Craven, Salem, N J B Btalehurst, Chester co Murselmap, Marietta, Pa Mrs nh rearm 0 Arms. Jr, fileosaohueette Mims Duey. N li Alias Newell, Mass tt Hower & wf, Boston Chas Manton. Prov. R 1 Frost Branton. Prot. R A H Wells & la. Trenton Joe R. Johnson. N Jersey 1) Mumma & la. flarnsburr B P inaldwin. New Jersey O Booms. Jr. Boston A Ilinniokson.„ New Jersey J M Glidden. Boston Jas Tucker , Boston it McCormick hew York it BusteedNew York Kell,. New York Judge Mc Arthur. Willson 5 W Van Camp, Qleheo J 8 Livingston, New ork W N WoOd.New Jersey Mrs Fairfax. -ew York .7 Williamson. Warhington Rev J it Drumm. Peens it Masa-It. Bellefonte I Derv. Pennsylvania T B Cadman. York. Pa If A Maks. Bamako, g I L Harvey, Dubuque W Lone. Brie, Pa W May . Jr, New York —De Forster & wife W p Baia It D .1 B Btoce & la it Island Miss C Wilber. R Island F 8 Band, New York A Now York N MOteiNi. Orange A Croudit, Urange ft Pau Kisco's. N York J 011 as. P. ewlro:k J W Funer i P esna J 5 V 7 strolls St Pail (SWilie,.loledo Ohio C D Shreve, New York G C AkerlY New York M Smyth. Maryland '• Bette , M . D. Marriaod LieutT A Murphy & ia. NY 8 J Jacobs. New York H Stevena. New Stork .7 Booshard, - New V-rir T Simpson. Ple York B Runs!, New ilvdf ord J Sikin. New Bedford J Needham, New York S Prmne Z B it ussel &no Ps L W Coe, Waterbury, Conn lir Turner. Warer b ury John Lord, New York J C Grafftin. Boston Alf 0 dyer. Boston W WWI. Brooklyn Jun khrgby, New York John aoott,inttsborg Jas hoes, Pitteimirg 801.n.5, Pittsburg Daniels. Rhode 'Eland wm P Phillips. Man Dr I W envie. Bost n G M Cass, Pittsbr7 W Blake - 4: I L -1 tit rilleteutia L volleyer. Bel imore J 81 Livingston New York Miss 0 M Reruns- wash 'W Weloa. Marne A • • Follark, Balt more P C Yost,_Centreyills N Rider, Maryland RB atirling, Baltimore Yates Burling, Baltimore M Stirling. Baltimore H Crane, matue E Reilly,_taseester T Bo unAgardrier. Laroceter 7). Beim, New York W W WhirtIASSI. Wash John Maley it -1. N York W 8 Baldwin it wf. N Y BO Morns. Jr, N Yon( J 0 Mania, Minnesota Mr Coale. Maryland R F . Jenkins, Boston N P Hawk, N York C W Coose, New York If Pomeroy, Mau Geo Y Leonard. Man W Pobooz. Mass W F Bacon, Maas .1 BaohaMar, Coon B Parnswortn,NOlr York' n. R. thanes, Pew "Pork Sao B Beutoo..rseo York 3 Carothers. New York F 0 Bayles, Rhode Islard Jae Dawis, ‘ Rkoile I. and T New Yo•k Murdock. Jr, Boston J 8 Barret. Keauteß W mot:Kinker, Peoria hteIERICAN HOTEL—Cheetnnt street. Mese Ftftti. John M llop, New York A W Oodworth John Russell. Philo 3 A lder Phila Thou a Au olair, Philo C Watkine Delaware D multau, u, Peace u Lee, Delaware M tenses, Potteviue J 4/1 Mineraville W Ayer. Jr 3 Van Valkenbarsh,fi Y Dr D 6, Br nton, W Chesty L Brulton, ?mos N Emmsn, Bradford co W A Park, Brad 'lard no R V•ur. !toy. Pa It Wart. madiaou no C W fields, W Chester A F McKee. Basleton. Pa C Waterman, New York J N BreekenrldEs. N York A Amttb. Meet 3 II Treat, New York L Lam in, New York W F Blzemuok, New York J Q Adams. Newark, N J J laanri,Jr.at Paul .T B Co liui. at Paul J Bixley, Trenton, N J m 3 nymeton, Maryland W Footer, Wash. C if Hawks, Ntw York D L Glitfitth Dolowtwo V Kaufman, Paul - ale J Tiammolou ltaode lalana W'mbr & vrf, Yore. V L. Wells, Downingtown ThJs IL Brinton, Cheater co MERCHANTS' HOVEL—treurte street. below. Azad. Dr E Wallace. Theedom Coo iltreet„Raltal. 0 .loirn 0 Snyder Penn% Coea CoL Uroen. flushing Jog Crawford & la, Penns Jas J Diskslee & la, Penns MIS Packer. Penne D M Kramer & la, Pens ' C Conner, berriebure N Worley, Mac hem,. va, Fr Romans. Needy - me. Pa L B reagens, IL onneoticut 0 I- P.lme-r. Basks ae R R Pries. ibincel R Caftan & la, Week. DC Jostler f, Bratsk, Bid .1 Ten Brook. 1/1 D.ll6nots B F Coartnsht & la. Pa H Slay inak.r. Lancaster oo Bev J Leithead. Lewiat'n Mns Med Wavle & oh, Plumb 1t heed. Minersville R. Mann. Penne T F MoCar oil. N Jersey 3 1: 0 : elb. JohapLowp. NV J Pastoriov New York F Petry. Pottsville it Pular. &Simms J Briefer. Chaelteariburs 0 Bru baker. Lancaster B Har wood Pottsville F W Hanlevood. kkvton Cavt 7 B Hell S h N D Welch, Bellefonte K A Parker, Mauch Chunk 10 Liana. r . 20 Perna VIM Minellill R --- Sid. A.sksd. Lout 'island R.. IN 93i bah Gl 66 Pt....-. 46P6 iraN. Le orthenns R 6 h CI P & titcp. Ss 34 BSt N N Ps I 6s..mt off 66 CPenn& 90 aunriva I vitt" 436 'Freak & Enuthlt 30 It .348.541-st R. 6 Naosi&Vne st .R. 1 4 west Philo 67 ISyntott & Pine.. 63i 7% . 0f46111,..0.4.66._16).4 _ MAT V4—Zvening. DIA RINE INTELLIGENCE:. lER FOURTH PAGE ARMIN OD. ST TELMOILAPII. (Correspondence of the Press Nsur .111„f, At*i ig VP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chednut. BT. LOCO! HOTEL—Chesnut street. above Third. T Meyer, Philadelphia It Bishop. New York A J lone., Jr. khdadelphis R Amman, Baltimore Dulard. Baltimore Wharton a corns. itaadins 01111 range. Posatairg J B Threw°. Newark A Andrews.. Peons_ 11l $t A dekelllVllllltter PARMA. 8 Mansfield.. Panama' .1 N C raterman N Y O P *nen New Jersey Thoa Cole, New Jews,* Thos orford. Jr. rt J . John W Allah*. X J Alms Wilson,Panna Al e Wilson, Penns L P Brooke. Pott..ille Wm A Base pima& Gan Winchester. %Mon A 3 Johnioni U A J Nicole, Maalland Thom it BlROlitr, N J W Weloh, rhiladelpliis Richard Robins, N York COMMERCIAL ROTEL—sixth at. abOve Chestnut H K Peterson, Ptuladelphis R tolegon:Delawsre H JAMMU, Peonsprouts J Brion Prae_ylrerna Jol Pearce. Boitleetceen Chas resume, Do,dentown Loofa Hi Imam, A , Chewer F R•ylboid, Brooklyn Raml C Wrove, WashingtAsn Robed *wisher .1 A Miller. runellnlle. Pa Jahn Baxter, Chanter co E roue, PridgeppiL C Darlington,. w Charter /moo Yew:No.oore.* oo John Jones Cheat•-rwale Carpworte, Orford. Ps .1 Herman..Dorestown N Debree. Doylestown Theo HarVel. DoylestoWn STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. C F Beam. Latrobe. Pa W U Strickler, Parma Jae Sannettn, attgurerown. W 8 Ormg, N Sky:m.6okt Jae Marmon. t crurnb:a B R Jammu, Car late P Ketcham'. Maryland S M Broomfield. Phila Jas McKeehan, Blau* ea E R Davis York co R Comma, grechanics'o'g J Fitzpatrick & ;a, Lane': Th M Charlton, Chester oo J r Goatee, Cheater co A iair Port, glinioaedon York, Ps Isaac Diller, Lancaster A 0 Bowers, Lancaster ■ Wm P Stuart. Carlisle A P firti,Bridgwrt, Pa. Mns B .brb & 3 oh, Bra:igen% F B Wallaoe, Huntingdon THE 0100.11..Areh street, above Mid, A S Cadwalader, Penn* M. Yardley. Doylegtown 1. gowning. Salem, Ohio WJI Cool,Beaver Meadow Lomb. Bethlehem .1 N Niamey & la, Peens Immo Vanseiver. Perna W R Payer, Mauch Chunk Oen A Jenks d. la.fllewtOlen Thom Rams Milberg J Belatuart, rittetaus Vens & Mt* it Bowers, Ohio M Beast. u Lancaster Louis , . Pottsville Jas elms man, Palma Mra Remold, steadies w Vail, Dew Jersey R -streamer. Ilegerstown W C Blank, Milford. N Virgil Hillyer. New Yea. tltriokler, Chambersberg SLACK DEAR—TWO street. above Callowbill, E Creasman, Sellersville C Earner. Jenkintown Chas H Finney, Sarum,lle )II 8 Morey. OlneY W Barber, Ptunotmrg DJ eoh•ointh. Allentown r tri , c,Bremere. Lohrgh co H .0 Thom, D Wolf. Danboro 4 'hag orrison. Pa Jae M Bobh. PoonstoirgChas linkman. Pa A Stickman, Pennio litanies Pierson Mansell. Ps Jacob Huth. Sumnoytown W Willour Soh Raven Stay 13 * Kraml ok,Kotzto'n Roseland, Vome-ton Alf Elog-14144, 81.11.110 slogs J sttocor.villo Stan Borrouglm. Newtown JB Mussels:nen, Ps Bonneville %eim, Heading NATIONAL, HOTEL—Ram street. above TWA.. Tuoinpson P.n.s. A Nl t rayson, Mftryblata K Davis. Lebanon co, Po Aug emoabl. Lancaster B Fteiner. Mont co. Pa F Naito. IJ 8 N le. Forsyth. New lenitra .1 Meyers. New York wm oCsbe. Etohtp.l c o, s Pa T P Potts. Nornstoim Ml.s McCabe, Selby]. ao, Pa Time Conner, Ashland, Fa BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third et, below Callawhill. A G Bewley, Bethlehem Geo IA , Dawn, Bethlehem Jacob Markle. Peidersvalle B Humphrey. Cherryve Mr Wink, Kutrowa John W Bute, Penne J4tee Deemer. renautyivartiaJava.s R M ea#6lg. bs Deberlinz. WeisspArt Jude Made Butz.Chunk W J Bute, Maueh Chunk Teter Gilturt, Monroe no David Christman, Carbon co Mrs Kauffman. Allentown MOUNT VERNON BOTEL-8110ond etn Above Arab. IK Jnetlioe • New Jamey ChM! NWT, Wil*cobarr n o SW Treat, Pailedtlehiet Joe and , kuaet, Wien Ss OFFICIAZ PUTT DSPARTMESIT, BtII.IIAII OF CONTRUCTIONI EQIIIPMRNT, &ND RRP•IR, May a , / 061. The Navy Detchtment hereby invites proposals for building the Steam blio3tunen , of a number of barely Gun-Boats. The maohinery of emit eon-boat to epe eist of two beat-action. horizontal engines with ant faoe oondensers, and of two vertioal water-tube boil ers. The cylinders to be SO modes in diameter and the stroke of piston HI Moho,. 3. he two boilers to con tain 91 genie feet of grate Indio) and IT( Imre feet of heating surfacer Pie proposals will be con sidered except from Proprietors of angina building establishments gtioh partial desiring to propose for the above ma chinery will apply to tdu Dorcas', which will rliTliish them with a complete spemeostien of the MUM and creel sections of the vowel, together with the prom- Mow and conditions of the contract they will be re -9 to toassents. JUAN*min Oldtfof /hum. Tilg PRPSS.L.PILILADELPIDA, SPECIAL NOTICES CliBLILE01.1) 7 8 UNIVIGISALLY Arruarito COTTON DUCK, ansmov.—Compound Ex.itraot GuohttOUToll Diseases oi the Bladder. Kidney - . Graver. Drava. WaalMeall' Act' ' SUITABLE FOR TENTs, Read the advertisement in another eolnain. Modal " Helmbold's Genuine Preparation." my3o-6iunwt 1 KNIGHT'S LIQUID SPNNRT makes Gait! ; memo Junkers. Cnld Canard& and other elegant Dew Kerte Gat a bottle for 25 ciente, at fio. 7 Boum SIX 111 Street, and try it. myr et* sou l U BATemaLoa 7 s risis Ina.--This celebrated:. JUST RECEIVED, and perfect Hair Dye is the bus iw LW world.. All others are mere imitations or this great original, which has gamed such extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. Tne genuine W. A. Batobelor's Liquid MUe pre ilssugativ produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the skin or injlllllll the hair. and will remedy the if i Warts of bad dyes. Invigorating the hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale 11l FAHNRSTOCK & CO., DYOTT & CO., Pluladelphis , whl-tf ON PRIOII OLOTRIN% OF UDC LAMM ATlLissinada in the Wit MUM 03presel7 for RE TAIL PALES. LOWEST selling price* marked in Phan Figures. All goods made to order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly ad hered to. AU are therebl treated alike. eeldly JOriE6 & CO.. 604 MAR Ilium. OAK ORCHARD ACID SPRING WATRA.-- Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and Physioians respecting the use of this WATER in the ease of many diseseee of the human system, yin be enpnlied gratis on application to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUTStreets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, Ju., NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. CALL AND SET £ PAAIPTC,LII2. ItPl9-ti EINOVER 115 BAEHR'S Omaanwrian NOISELESS SEWING IitAOHINEs. The Bent in lice for Family flowing, No. 730 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. mat II CARD PRINVDTO, BEST AHD CHHAPRBT IN the Cib. st 34 south THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet mud Cheapest in the city. pit 34 Routh THIRD Street. CAREV—SREPPARD.-01 the Ott init., by Rev. E. J. D. Pepp er , Andrew W. Carey to Rather R. Ship yard. ell at Intadelithm. ROBIYRT —IIIOIDRIfIICBON.—Ou the sth Incl. by Rev. Wm. R. Wood, Mr. Albert M. Roberts to Mles Mary Emma Hendrickson. both of this city. * LOiLD—COULIBB the gat teat_ by Elder J. Perry Ball. Mr. Franklin Cooper Lord of Bine Anchor. N. J. to Miss Anna Coals' ' of Patladelphis * Wit t GRT—DIRA IN. - In re snarant on wetlands, imaging, 92 - l inst., by Rev. A. Culver. Mr. Samuel Lee Wright to Miss Mary Ain Dirkin. both of Manayank. DIED. CE.-On Tuesday evening, 26th inst., after a lin gering illness. Bliza Diek, wife of Walter B. Dick : Due notice, will be given of the funeral. BO T - TON.--On the Mtn inst., Mr. Stephen Bottom, aged 63 years. Puneral from his late residence. No 228 Concordat., this ( Wednesday ) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. • BOUGH b.: STY".—On the 27th inst., Mr. Wzn. Dough erty. in the 47th sear of his age. Funeral from lus late residence, in Marlborough st.. below Girard Neel Ile. Eighteenth ward. tie Thursday - afternoon, at o'olook BA ISKINE).--On the 17th inst., Miss MareEniltine, in the Mat year of her age. Funeral front her late residence, 506 South Fifteenth street this (Wednesday) morning. at JO o'clock. FORD,—Oa fitiourdeb Mel 30th, Mau Ford, daughter of Benjamin and Nano) Bones, in the and year of her ae. t •Ul R.llliAM.—Ort. the Nth Wet., Robert 8.. son of Robt. and Mary Graham. aged V months and in days. Fune-al from the residence of his parents. No. 336 South Front street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 0 , 0 leek. • ROLT.—On Sunday. 28th inst., John Holt, In the 50th year of his age. Fuaemt from his late residuum. corner of Lanentarter Pike and Bridge street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at o'oloct. TJTCHII.IB.--Oo the 27th Met j Barak .1. Hutchins, wife of Theodore Ifutohms. Funeral from the residence )f her sister. No. 6W Sou th street, on Thursday afternoon. at 2 o ' olook. • I At BOURN ER.—Ozi the 25th inst., Emma Virginia. daughter of. William and Sarah Limeburner, aged 7 years and 8 months. Funeral from the remidenne of her aunts. No. 22 York street, Burlamton, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'olook. LI; iTON.—On the morning of the 26th met., Anna Margaret Linton, wife of the /ate Rev. A. Linton' aged alma. ste a t. r hin im o d e es e e s y resfitdeento:4o'4s No t ST o N'ooehr 'Wlftl " MoRKEN.—On the 27th kst., Mrs. Bounce MeKeen. a Funeral 64ya litm the reaidenoe of Mrs Bowen. 4 1 )51 E 11 3 .- Isom street, this (Wednesday) morning. at 8.34 o'clook. 21 ARISE) ALL.—On the -27 - ti inst.,Mrs. Mary Ann Marshall, wde of Mr, John Minitel] aged 30 rears and 5 month'. - Funeral from the residence of her husband, No 307 Catharine atreet.on Thursday afternoon, at 2 0 7 e:ook."* MOORE —Gm the 26th rust., Charles Moore, n the 20th year of his ate. Funeral from, his late residence. 629 Cherry street, thief Wednesday) alteration at I &clock VIAOLF,B —On the 22th inst.. Mrs. Martha Nuke, relict o the rate M r Nagler., shipwright. of Southwark. In the 75vh year of her age. Funeral f OM her late residence 2 1 8 Marion street, this ( Wednesdanafterrootte a. 4 STURGES.—On the 27th met, Mrs 11.11 U B. Sturges, in the 724 year of her age. Funeral from her lain merinos. N 0.1213 Davigatraet. on Thursday morning. at 9 °Wm*. " iptLAoK GRENADINE BARE9E MAN. Slant Grenadine Garage Points. yar!sok Harem. Mantles. Rook Ruffled Berate Penna. Black %rage Shawls. Silk Borders. Black Berate Shawls. Crape Borders. Blank Bilk Piet Shawl& Bleak Grenadine Shawls. Black karese Shawls. Satin Borders. B. 8.--Bhepberds' Plaid Pail de flaseree, ow" 18% cents. Wide Dark Gray Mohair& 18% cents. aRBSON Ea BON, Mourniße More 91S CBES VNUT Stneet. OWOFFICE OF T dr A owalt ay Ri. -- Cl r ...lY,linarait3 y fiAVElti, That tno own tom oiCriiiii:nos - to the toting no and &ironing of all DOG 4 running at lan, in the any _of Philadelhia, will OW bs ettiatly anfaread on and TUESDAY, Jana 4. By order of the Mayor. SAMUEL G. RUDULIifr, my 29 314e3 St Chief of Po lot. PITTSBURG. FORT SVA.YPIE., AND CW`liO o MAI WIOADt — UOida , II Qf the ;rat a A nd a S siv i " : 11 a Pint t R I ! n„ n d ° bio . h r Ig ° Mortgage R P n e m n d 7V) . na and Indians Rattraad .J. .^ First Mortgage Bondi Volt Wayne and Chicago Kstiroad, MO 01 I 013111111.10t10U So - de of Pittabarc. Fo t Wane,and Chicago-Rail road. are reineated to will and sig n toe contraat for re ctos:washes.. in this hands or DORA 'PROMION, MN, o Pennevivania Railroad Company, without fie lay. if they desire to avail torempeivee of the benefits of the placated reorganisat-on. -DEAR TROMBOR. myStkfit Of Purchasing Committee. [tr , r" - TILE —TINE AND/13AI* DIEINTINS of the .tookholdon of :he Ph:tide/phis steam s rp Dook Oomwint for the election of Five Oireotors, end Dr. transnceon of other botineen. will he timid at No. 300 North DCLAWARE Avenue. on MONDAY. Jana 3,1311, at lio'cloalt, Loon. wat. DElvit/A, zny23 8t Secretary and T-emmrer. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE grrY OF Plitt...A Pk;LFBIA, May 95.1831. By virtue of the authority conferred neon me by the ere eigionea the to Aet taiall)11 to the Rome Guard of the Clt of Phi - adelphig." I . have appointed AUfkil TUB .1. tABASOPITON Commander of the Home Guard," with the rank M . Brigadier General. and he bee been accordingly commiesioned by the Governor of the Commonwealth, and will be obered and reeploted tiii soh. AL EXA Ye m7=B-m mayor of Philadelphia. IsOTICE TO STOCHHOLDEROI.—THE Amelia' Meeting of the Stockholder" of the Germantown Passengerßailway Company will be held at the °Mae f the Company SIX Id and DIAMOND Atreeta. between the hours o f and o'clock on MON DAY. Inns 10, for the nodose of eleeting it President, Treasurer. and nine fdsbagers, to serve for the en suing year. By order of the Board. JOSEPH SIVGERLY, Stio'ry. and Treatairrit p , 4 tem. Philitdelsh' a. May 24,11301. OIrUNIVERSITY OF :PENNSYLVANIA.— DEPARTS!. ENT OF ARTA.--The Esanvostion of t e s enior Chios for Degrees will be held during the ersitant and ensuing week. beitiesist oh each day at 4 o'ol et in the afternoon. THURBDAY,23d, by the Provost. (Polities' EGOISM) and lOornational haw.) written. FRIDAY .14th. by the Provost, (Butler's hnalory,) oral. MONDAY. nth, by Pmfeuor. Comas. (Melt Wahl! itittou of 14teriture ) written. TUESDAY, 1 8th, by Proreimor Allen, (Tile CBdipue TT.•renal' of ttoehooles.) 0 WEDII 6 ESDAY, Adtb. by ra Profeasor..lnekeoe. Melee- Cone from Horace, Jevonal. and Tanana.) written. THURSDAY. 30th, by rrefeteet Kendall, {lntegral tlolooloe Swritten. PktilAY, Shit, ivy Professor Fraser, ( Physical Geo truth,. oral. may23-7t GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary. *4 IP IR 8 T TROOP CITY HOME 9 UARD.—tiorotal t,neeting for business at the North Parnarlvarna Hetet. /tamer TINT 911 sou u LO W atreati. IBIS( Wailnaiday)t - yEririe. TSUI mot., ate O'Clook. it* WM. SING. Captain. 11. YOLENTEEBS WANTLD, TO BE 111/75TERED IN TIM Al' TENITOO IC, at 5 Valet. Only .n few more able-bottled men wanted. Apply immediately at 318 CIIEnTNUw Street. 'This Company goon to Easton at mum, by order of the Governor. It* A. BALINGICIto Caatatti. IMADQUARTERS COMPANY D, FOURTH COMPANY HORROR OUARD.—Pin- LADNLPRIa• May i 2. 1241.—We, the undendgued, oilmen of Company D. Fourth company Munroe Gnard, on behalf of the Conan return our smeure thanks to the 'Trustees of the American Mediums' Bea, corner Fourth and George street% for their:Au:Ad new; hi volunteering to the Cortrilany the use of the Hall for Drills. and have extended every faraW in their power to aid the Company in them undertaking. We also feel ourselves under lasting obligationi fer the kindness thus extended. WM. W. SWENK. Capt. Company D. JOHN RUHL,Ist Lieut. " mvie JOHN B. DONN - ELL. id Limit" i'UNITED STATE'S 111,611N1i 00iird. —WANTED. 600 able-bodied men. between the ages of Si and 36 years. not lest than five feet four and a half inches high. and of good character. Soldiers serving in this corm - perform duty at navy na..4.s xnd on boatel UnitAtt giatoo stopit-or war on foreign stations. 411 other information which may be desired will be given at the Rendezvous. No. 811 Routh FRONT Street. First Lieutenant W. ETONES BOYD. aplo-1m Recruiting Deicer. SUGARS, SYRUPS, AND COFFEES.- IL , C. DONSOIEWE, S 3 Route WATER Street, °Wore for sale 3.000 woad. of Steam Refilled Revues foam dine all the violent Irellea. at rearmedputt Mau. payable ID VW WOOL AllO, DOD barrels el rhdenelph mom acfinad itosar-house engem, 000 nee. awl Dole, of &team Striae, and dusar Amuse ?delegate!. and DOD balserime roaming ere. - es of Rio Coffee. et tedooeu emit once,. metre in TenoeYlvanta currency at par. dole Arent for Kelly's French Brandy Colonag. ley"-31." A DTEK'S HAUL DYE, 2a CENTB PER -1--‘ MX, or $1 per dosen, 317 CILEBTI4 Ur Invest. 'PUN "tiElildAlsiTOWN TbLEURAPH" _A. LETTER-BOX has been removed to the Ate tottery &ore of OM. Wet. 11, AtAITIttOR. 109 routh Tw IRO Onset. bemerChestnut. where Advertisements sad 91113eer.i.r. wall 1...i.m11. se..4lLe.t. 9111 E WAti TIKES DON'T TSTERYERE with persons getting Lite-sue Photographs in Oil for their parlors. at OabbaltY, 13bOtilSrl Siren. above Groan, where 704 owl set s oca•-.r..4 P 6 it itra.s.6. ior mm , for JIM It.. .11-.toLIOP PUTTER.—A faithful Likeness of th • Right Rev. ALONZO POTTER, D. D.. Bishop of the Meatus of Pennsylvania—a CARD PRO , TOtiaitru, Yeive zi sea a & alumnus.. my2o- St 749 cilaSl74ll2 Street. SAINT ANDREW'S CIRIIRCH.—The %or i o r o r thui Church (where the .kpleoopal Char m.atioa are now in nanolon,) biaatifull, 11 Um Minn n ateyeageOpla P10.13r.j venom ion of she td.too. Bingo feel eke Ain of. the Pariah. &mammon of Sectors, &0.. &0., acoosunnie d s the L i n u k . i t & i BA& [ww , SO OfizEITOUT Burge& 11011PRE,DITEH1AN 01 - 117avnES IN LeDELPHIA --aterilosO•sla Views or several of the Presbyteneo Cherokee is this tlity. Bendeome.Y colored. Oner SS cents. Aceompertriug earth +ride tee Historical besonetion Or th e Egtftce end Congresetthth. McALLIITtit A /IRV rub& err GELE613.41.7T erreer. VOL. Z. XLLSWONSH.—A Card Pho• tocreph of the late Colonel ELLSWORTH. Moe IS cent& InetALLISTES & St(QTH ER. atiP44 Tee WM. , AcRRIED. MILITAIIT NOTICES. WEDNESDAY. MAY 29, 1861. 1/01. 11LB 111 V FROTHINOHAM & WELLS PER STEAMER PERSIA. A LARGE LOT OF SUPERIOR QUALITY OF B 'UN TIN G. JOSEPH H. POSTER, mor-st N 0.443 North THIRD Ktroet. ,GENUIN.E ENGLISH WORSTED BUNTING, JUST ARRIVED PER STEAMSHIP " PERSIA." IN RED, WHITE, and BLUE, IMPORTED AHD FOR SALE, BY CONNAH & NORRIS, 1MY14.5t 74 DUANE STREET. N. Y • - - - - OtiN THORNLEIOS, 311 OHEeTNUT • Street. north side—the oldest eirtabliehment in the United States. INDIA-RUBBER OAMP BLANKETS, For Army_and Navy Equipments. . PAT NT RUBBER CAMP SUANK_BTB, 4 KNArsAoxs, KNAPSACKS, HAVERSACKS. TENTSSACKS, CANTIcHNs, GUN COVERS, GUN COVERS, , CAPES. CAPES., CAPS. COATS, CAPS. COTS. And every other article that is manufactured of Judi& RiMber—is of the best material My3.lnt if JOHN THORNLEY. COMPRESSED BULLETS,--United Statee Mince Musket and Rite Balls', also, every de actiptionof Bound and Conical Bullets manufactured toillsder. Large stooks constantly on hand. Orders filled ateteht by THOMAS OTIS LEROY & CO., ' Patent Shot and Lead Woke 261 and 263 WATER 8004, Mult-lm NEW YORK. BOOTS AND MOEN. - VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION! BOOTS FOR CAVALRY AND atION3 FOR INFANTRY, Ready on hand. and made to order, of the host mote flats and workmanship, at LEONARD BENKERT'S . Wholesale sod Retail Root and Shoe Zstablishment, 115 CHESTNUT Street. opposite Masonic Hallii P. O.—BOOTS. SHOES, ard GAITERS for Youths on hand, and made to order, in workmanship and style serial to Gentlemen'. wear. myS9-tf NEW PUBLICALTIONR. TENTION ! MILITARY MANUAL: A MARTIAL, OF M IN STRUCTION lA, FOR VOLUM TIM AND MILIT 'EY MAJOR W,LLIAM. GILIIAM, U. 8 A. I Tel. itemi fivo. 743 pages and upward' of 200 Illustra tions. PRIOR 182. THE ONLY COMPLETZ MA.NTJAL COMBINING' THE BYSTIIMG OF TACTICS NOW AUTHORIZED lit Tale IL 8- 12588. - VIcE. Extract from letter from Alf ed. Sully. Captain Second Infantry. U. B.A Prtiranimputs., March 13.1861. I have carefully overlooked Gilham's Manual. and 00peider it one or the Mt weal CI the kind pnblishe4 in this country. Farr Com:rams, N.Y. Harbor, Jan. 6,1861. I think it admirably suited to meet the wantstof the Military of our country. 1 am. air, very respinstrallr, Your obedient servant, MCWASIts AMMON, Major IL 8. Army. itsAnOnaltinta DIPARTMaiNT OF Fila Cincinnati. Man 3. 1861. 5 I have examined Major Oilhain'aual. and think is en excellont work to be placed in the hands of Hip Volantesie. 111100r6vO. B MOCLELLAN. Major t3eneral U. O. Army. I know Major Gilham (the author or Gilham's Me nnen personatly. As a Motioian he is unsurpassed. WILLIAM A. SoND, Colonel Seventh Regiment, New York. We have examined Gilham'm Manual, and End i i to be the o' ly complete watt of the kind now ravished- A copy should be in the possemen of every °Meer in the service. LEW. WiLsON. Col. Commanding Second Regiment Ohio V. A. C. PARRY, Major geeond Regiment Ohio Y. Mauled and forasato by CiIARIPS DEfiILVER. Philadelphia, No. 1219 CBESTN LIT Street. the book will be sent by mail, postage pni 4 on receipt. of advertised lame. myllgit IVOKEI OF GREAT VALAIIE JLT3T PUBFJISEEED, 3 D I, . Tax iMERIOAN 8134AY SCHOOL UNION a TEr E ACHER TAUGHT. An entirely new edition o work earikady well known in this oonntry and a trusted uniformly with the " Tesoher Te. i ns. " 443 pages. 13mo. wont. Pricer7Scents, "1 one of the best boolnighat have appeared on the rub) We are sorry that it 111 litlii so little known in Ow ,- utr7. and chap be glad i 1 tLis noitrie draws at to its merits. Populismo! equal intrrest wits as d strolls'. it ow/reties a wdor range of anhjeets, Sab `r5tat.0411:00,14.P4411.1111t. Iffenefut.”—Scoifisk Tg. .... ~.s.ggs.R TEACUP' El ; or. ThrPtinofigos of the ,Tationer Taught" reduced to praottoe. _ v the sa author. 371 rages, Mmo. cloth. Price. 7n cents. o A es era would dawn upon the Juvenile word, if these • o boons eon dbe read sod digested by all who flays do, or ought to have to do, with their religions instru ti cs "—Perish Visitor. THE oCE. With an Introduction by the Rey. Henry A. 13 'Amon, D. D. 364 pages.l2mo cloth. Price, 75 mints In this volume the true ends of lifer the nature of r religion and the reaeonab guess of its olio r with. the perpl x'titts a. d dangers ., tbe duties one . rivifeees of the believer. are oonsdsrea in a way filch cannot fail to impress the candid mind. p c , üblisled and for sale by T. ra Akin .101,114 111INDAY PCBOOL UNf ON, ' • No. llus UllinitiTllUT ntreel, Thalads. ' No." 399 RittIiADWAY, Mew York. and No. 141 WASHOIGTON Street, Boston. mySt St po .I,IBIIIID BY AUTHORITY THE WAR DEPARTMENT, MAY 1. 1861 UNITED STATES INFANTRY '.TACTICS, For the laureation. Exeroiae. and Mantel:Lyres of the United Etats], Infantry. including Infantry of the Isnie. Light Infantry. and Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the War Detain ment, and authorized and adopted by THE SECRETARY OF WAR. WAR DAYAILTNIENT, Waehington. May 1-186 1 - This ',atom of United States Infantry Tactics for Light Infantry and Rißemenoirepared under the di rection of the War Department. having been approved by the President, is adopted for the instruction of the Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen, end, muter the aotof May 3.2=1, IMP, for the observer.** of the Militia when en employed. BIMON CAMERON, secretary Of War. CONTENTS. eouom. OF THE SOLDIER. SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SKIRMISHERS. ( itANX.44I , cA4L B A/ 611 CALLS FOR ONLiterieritute. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION, THE ARTICLES OF WAR. DICTIONARY OF MILITARY TERMS. One Volo Ems," 3. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., mvlr et PUBLIBRERS. PHILADELPHIA ' • RETAIL DRY WARPS. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, ARS ESTAILIAIk HOODS AT TINOLISAYS ALL OIIR ORGANDIES ARE !AST COLOR!. DOUBLE EXTRAORDINARY SALE or 'DRESS GOODS. MOO YARD! ORGANDIES, REDUCED. 3,000 YARDS GRENADINES, REDUCED. 9.000 YARDS PREACH DARER& REDUCED. 3,(0) YARDS MOZAMBIQUE% REDUCED. 3,000 YARDS FINE CRINTZES, REDUCED. RUMMER SILKS AND FOULARDS* REDUCED* nell-fanrift CHEAP DRY GOODS.—WELL AS eORTKD STOOK to be mold Lew. Staab ankh, F. 4.186, Mid Amam li. easdeelledenlblenne. and Oralli_oode. Anchor win. anti Benue atittals . awages.LslNTll,and Organdunt Men an l 11 / 4 7.11e WOW'. GIOVOn and Raillery. bhetlan Shawls. °ARAN SwOKIFIG.S. JOIN R. sycatEB. MTN Do. 702 AIDA attest. I SPECIAL NOTION 4 - On and after thie date VBIORISLET k oP ;tat sill offer EVERY TOESIBLE INDUCEMENT TO CAR PDROBABERS OF DRY GOODS! Reintesternuned to riders their Stock they will sive good liarfassall ofsmstra Pansy rhlka for/. seats, wens guts Heavy Hush Feisty Silks for 41, well worth SITS. Grenadine and HamaHoei— s, about one half their value. Gray Mixed Goode, in every varlet!, frame mite per yard to 50 eente. zu...toit Haab. A/CH AND Jr.traroottn, VP.P.V CP. Nest Mack Bromide M Rik La. A double faced, 80.. 80. De Leiner, Calicoes, Cassuneres, Clothe. Veatbuli , ici t n lre.* s l l ,l l .B " terAll n elieWrilv cov ki . dirli k otz 't°. tenon Laos Mantles, YOnitesEbswie, Pligenek bno Lae. Mantles, Chantal,. Lace Goods. Zoe. leek Silk At T Heats Mantles, o. e e ry strut, ROyuctic Shll3. P. p.4lllrnor Pleprill Sr • ItiatDEDl Su. writ tr D IMITY QUILTS. - Honeycomb Quilt& Manedlea (.10 Sheatinvioaking. Nopkir., Toesls,Doinea. Tablaoloths and,__Covers. METE R & CONARD_ Earns 111. E. nor. NINTH and MARKET. SThRPLESS BROTHERS lr.r4 k . r the rs iztter - Of thew lipring Dr•s• Goods and all Ammar Panay foods. At a Tadaottan of II to 33 ner cent. The Meek is stall well assorted. Baran. Robes formerly at OIL now SS. Flatly Silks from •I.M to 171 u. rants - Mc Assn MUD. bmos Galt tngindire. Lawn& Chietses, Eta and Woo) Gray Travalterita. Radioed from 111 to 110 and 131 ate. tit Grenadine& *UM WIAMPUT m 4 XIV* TM ligreePi, OODS. DO NOT FORGET That the PRICE, FERRIS. & CO. is still offered for sale - No. 807 CHESTNUT ST., PROM 23.-to SO PER CENT. BELOW THIS USUAL RETAIL PRICES. DO NOT FORGET Thatjau can buy_JICONETS A CA:MEM& MULLM. whaShae. lame B vILLIANTEIL and all other descriptions of W H ME GOODS, at the above LOW RATE& That lon out b RITRETING. r,Low, and PLAIN and PRIM l'ED ay IRTI 7.44 LINENS, RUOKARAOKI, TOWELS of all KINDS, TABLE DAM ARKS, NAP. KIN& every kind of lIANDKERORIEFIS, sod all other deeertptione of IEN Guous, at the above LOW RA.M. LADIES ! REMEMBER Thatyon oan buy all kid of EMBROIDERIES and LA.OE GOODS, COLLARS, SLEEVER. SETA, VEILS. MIT TS,.. MLOBIRICENT EMBROIDERED SKIRTS, QUILTS, km" at MORE ESPECIALLY REMEMBER That the above 'natal:neat! are FACTS, NOT FICTIONS. And we respectfully eolicit all who wiih to receive OCULAR DEo49l'idTßATlvrt ufthe iruth,of asseheion. to examine our stook. PRICE, FERRIS. 8,1 00„, No. SO7 CHESTNUT STREET. N.8.-7NEW ARTICLES. SOO mesa near Printed biuen Cambria*, neat styles, for ladies' and children summer watt. _ 20 w `• ades of the New lityle Nets " enibrovterea iA solore. for Undereleaves, and wearing Immesc my:o-onel pARTIOULAR. ATTENTION IS RE quested to our fine stook of ORGANDIES, FMB LA.W.NB, AND SILK CHAL LI tom, Whioh. in Aoneenuenot of the times, mill be dispzsed of at Raerifined rates. OILAS A *IAMB & SOPA, int 29 EIQHTH AND ARCH. coNTTNITATION OF THR GREAT SALE CLOAKS, LACES; TRIMMING'S, &0., 18 Sciblation of f. 44 Estate of eL W. PROCTOR & Co.. NO. 708 CHFATNIIT STREET. The Stock consists of . SPRING CLOAKS, ENGLISH TWEED CLOAKS, , SILK CLOAKS AND SACQUES, SILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCINGS. FRENCH. LACE MANTILLAS, FRENCH LACE POINTS, FEMME LACE BOURNOUX, TRAVELLING SUITS, FLOUNCING LACES. DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, All in 'imam variety, and to be sold at about (W -hen" the must prices, for the benefit of creditors. PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. mra-Im 708 CRESTO EPP Street. ADAMS it BOW'S 13TOOK TO be closed ous at LOWEST WHOLESALE FUfIIES, Cheaper than if a discount we re taken drafter the Bale was made. EIGHTH AND ARCH. my 2'9 SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & AR BISON, 1008 CHESTNUT ST., Invite the attention of purchasers to their unusually' large shed yell-selsoted stook of LINEN AND HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, CURTAINS AND SUSTAIN MATERIALS, HOSIERY, EMI3ROIDERIES, CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEF% ETC,, ETO., havon been imported under the old tariff, can be sold much below the present market rate. Thar beg leave also to inform their customers and tan , AltiVeirasP7Tielliw,e` grand • id for on delivery. myll-on A.--nAugsa. 4 " . • OUt .11 L 0 ffEST WHOLESALE SEWS'S, Chesser :than if a dineonat were taken oil' after the Ode PRIG made. EIGHTH AND ARCH. M 3 29 NEW OLOAK MANTILLA STOItE, No. 19 SOUTH NINTH STREET, FIRST DOOR. ABOVE CHESTNUT. The finest qualities, the newest designs. the very beet work, and reasonable prices. NP' THU L,AROgOk AND BEST SWOON. IN THE CITY. inylOorn A DAMS & SOWS STOCK to be closed -LI- Quist _ ,„, o vv"zirr wuoLndeArAt pup" Cheaper than )f a discount were taken off after the sale was made. EIGH.Tit neiD ARCH. m+29 flifTkilkTii OF lilt; dittal-triltitET MANTILLA STORE, PE W. corner TENTH and ARCH. ALL NEW GOODS. Binh Lyons Silk riron'ars. Rich Lois bilk &toques. catabrta and Pusher Lace Pointe. Do. do. do. Mantillas. Cloth and Tweed Circulars. Summar Cloaks. 40. Purchased under the influence of the War. sante, and to be sold at Was than the cost of importation and manufaotsve. Larlioqs are invited ta toned this stook, without re serve WINO purchasing elsewhere mar 1m JACQtt BORSFALL. Prater. ADAMS & SON'S- STOOK. to be closed out at Lowest Wholesale CREAPF.R. THAN I F DIROORNT WERE TED?! OFF after the sale was made. MONTH AND ARCH. mr29 RABGAINS! °LOSING OUT STOOK! rn srder sc. "dier We waIkINDOOEMSPITH TO 0).811 DINERS, sell the BALANrIE OF OUR STOCK At a still greater reduction in prices than we have before made, and are dater .ined tier TO se. olvDsaviOLD By any Boni/ or. Wimirrals House. Great Bargains in Fancy :Mks. Great Bargains in F nlard Silks. Great Bergamo in Bleak Si k. Best brands of Black Silks from 680. to ainee, ar•at nargaine in bream Co. its 22 yd. Harare Robes at 83. *4 *8 and $t Rich Printed Banns, at 18X, 25 31, bnie. Organdy i.awns from hat. upwards. L &WS'S FOR. 12gc. GM. Mixtures of every variety Fine Mosambinnes two yard. wide. French r mbrutteries, in great variety. 300 French seta Co-lars and :Sleeves at giri, N EN AND BOYS' WEAR Pt lase than manufacturers: prices. omona will find it to their advantage to examine oar itvi* of rittir AND dtgOiCH coot's, Which we guaranty to sell as Mar an any of the Wholesale Densest who are now otositetts their stock at retail. H. STE BON. ore. 713 North TE TH Street, 111833 above Coates. ADAMS &SON'S STOOK to be eloged . out at 'Lowest Wholes& e Price*, CHEAPER THAN IP A DIat.IOIJET WERE TAKEN OFF Aar theist° waa matte. LIG/1111 AND ARM min A_A POLKA SPOT FRENCH LAWNS, it -it for male at 1.1.% cents. Rull Grounds White Polka Spots'. Node Grounds White tolite ripote. Thum aro funs 4 It 7 Fnencihr. k: do LANS:CELL min FOURTH and ARCH. A DAMS & SON'S STOCK to be dosed w- eat at Loweat WholeaVe Prams. ; Oilla/LFEK THAN W DIROu OAT W.WIN Toitsrt OFF after the sale was made. EIGRTII AND ARCH. mi3D gji POS. FRIANIR BARF.GES, for safe 1 1- 01 V this mornt.g.l2}4 tents. Press Goode marked down. Gray Goode, marked do..m. Mozambique's, marked down to Mt Cent*. E Vita: & LANDELL4 mrlB FOURTH and ARGIL. CLI, 0 D -BLACK BILKS, 01 0 ALL wrinms, fairprices. Fine Oradea of blank silks. 'Witte Slack tkilks, tor OosAmi Black elate, Warranted_diirabia. • FOURTH. K LANDELAii. myld FOURTH. and ARCH. LAUB DI Ali TLES, BOURNOUS, •-• roircrts, .—We intend from Mg dim to nil OUT enure stock of LACS atAISTLISB. BOURNOIJR, LACE POINTER. AND A WLB 30 PER CENT . UN DKR DOS? OP IMPORT sTioN. BLLK. CLOTELCO ST& BACQUEB.MANTIAL3I AND CI RAWL s At less then the oost of the Material. treat Bargains in Stella hillawls. b. 0 /BBL & BON, No, 713 North TAN 'ell &Feet, n1)111 above Coates. 75 GENT OASSIBIBRES, nt good anality. and all wool. $1 Uaeaineiea,good and cheap. neat Mixtures, lanai and Mea t. Boys' coatinga# tanS atullt. mut ' , lonians.. Cuorza & coNe.a zyns 13. E. Conte , r NINTH and MARKET. CHEAP DRIBS GOODS. ,smato—woril, Gm-fteured Baregee 25 eents— worth Posilleetuta tine Onetime, IM to 31. cents. Baritone in Blacm iireke Goode. _ CoOPE & coNARD,__ rags 8. V , . Corner NINTH and rtl ARKET Ntil PEE CENT. UND.EIt CObT 7 -• PRICER.— SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Persona oan do both, by going at once and wens them Dry Goode Of rt. aTEEL dr. RON. No. 719 North TENTH. above costes' Who have a lar and woll-tureorted ¢O NEW AND DES.Th ABLE (GDS .O w nigh then are now closing_oos st THIRTY PER CENT. UNDER COST. Riot, and Woes. Iliziak Bilks. at 900. Great Bargains in Good Black Niott Styles of Foulard silk', nom to wino, worth 1. ere.y Goode for Travelling Groom. I ease Gray Poplins, at 100, worth Is9o. - CLOAD.3 AND MANTILLAS.— OAU nom—Ladies are cautioned against the nefari ous statements of persons formerly in our employ, and now in the employ of other parties, Who represent themselves " to be connected" with Vet and their ea tabliononati W . be ' branches of ttio Tana Mantilla ts _ass y vterstmus, ** tot to seststel atm diet the 1111s4Logehigg. We have no other store than the one u have open pied these Mx years. at Trd 2_ttEdTfellT Street. W. PROVTOR 00., mylhti ratio Manuna JantliOltOtn. L DRY GOODS. LADIES ! DO NOT FORGET LADIES! DO NOT FORGET LADIES! DO NOT FORGET LADIES! IMMENSE WHOLVIALE STOCK AT RETAIL, DO NOT FORGET 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. SALES BY AUCTION AUOTION NOTICE. CARGO BARK RR/MDR/M. 2.600 BAGS PRIME RIO COFFEE. IN DOUBLE BAIL DTJTILI - I. COOK, & Co. 'MU sea, at their Auction store, No, ISt SOUTH FRONT STREET, . Above Waltsiti ON THURSDAY MORNING, May St, ESL at 11 o'oloolt, 2.600 bags prime Rio Cotten, in double bogs, 3»rt arrived, ex Reiodeer. my.lB St GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! aT 839 CHESTNUT STREET. Having reamed our expenses to a very low figure, br renting a portion of our store for a limited period. we are enabled to make great reductions in the prices of our Hoods, We would mill your attention to' OUR LARGE AND COMPLETE STOOK 0 . enurre, cow,mus, UNDERSHIRTS, DRA WERS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, BUSPENDHRS, TIES, HDRIPS., OF THE LATEST STYLES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ; Which You are respectfully invited to examine, at S P E N C E R'S. 819 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE caNTINENTAL. !AL wlrjea-tMU p [NE 81:11.12,T MANUFAOTORY.—J. W. SCOTT, Sl4 CHESTNUT Strom, a doors below the " Continental." The attention of Wholesale POlllOlll al to him /MPROVED CUT O.F PHIRTS, or auperior fit. make:and materna'. Wit Old .wady to °Mar at ahartam* WANTS. MOLDERS WHO HAVE SERVED AN apprenticeship at moulding Cannon Salle and Bomb &elle will please leave Mem addrese at Ho. 009 Borth Second street. mygr-St* H6.RNEeS-MAKERS WANTED,—From -•—in• Fifty to a Hundred more Hands oen find emploY ment, Strappms Hempiatike for the united States, open application at the Quarternreater's Oirtaa, V. S. A.. corner TWELFTH, and GIR &RD Etyma. mylf-mwl3t SIiCUND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT. 14 .. 7 —Feather Beds. Carpets Mirrors , and all House keeping &tholes. fir whioh t he very highest cash pima will be paid. Constantly on hand &aslant assortment of New anti Second-Hard Furniture, suited to the Cite trade. dimly or address T. N. WALI3II., 2.40. 934 MARKET Street, mouth Ede, below Tenth street. myna . WANTED—AGENTS to oell.WiA v UES it STATIONERY and JEWELRY, SI 1t1466111 one Surd less than on beparoharred elsewhere. Cell on or Address (Woe imbued) .1. L. BAILEY No. 154 OOURT Street. Boston. Ideas. mblean MPLOYE RS WANTING YOUNG 7/1 .1. 1/.0 a c tr un ee sti t. Asimission, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT apS4m WANTED—A VESSEL. of the capa city of from 1.000 to 1,100 barrels, to load for the Weed Itidtee. Apply to JAURETCHE k CIARSTAIRS, atria *O2 and 94:14 South FRONT Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. UMTO. LET.--rive-story STORE, No. 335 MARKET Street. Fire-atm STORE. [c o 23 IC RI% FOURTS Street. A. large second floor. No. 25 1 40.11 TH t OURTR 8 vest, wan fine northern light. The above pronertiee are offered for Rent at rAoneeo rates. Apply to WAL H. Bacolod. 335 MARKET. Street. . m;3B et MR GERMANTOWN COTTAGE AND - MR FURNITURE TO RENT.--.Parlor, Librarr, Ditlisc - roolut Klichsn, MOTS MOIR, Wegh - bonSo &rat door; tour chambers, huh, and water.olosst se oond floor twoohaincers third floor rang*. sax. hot and cold water. leitnatld on high ground near a rail road station. Address Cottage," Blood's Dispatch mySB 6t* FOR SALE—A good FARM near the city, with Stook, Farming Utensils, and Crops. With Immediate nominator'. Apply to 0 CONRAD. my2g2t* No 252 North FIF CD threat. in TO LET—A Desirable HOUSE, with Amell the 111.-dern Troorovemseni. surrounded with shade and ornamental Trees, N 0.98 Upton stri:t,llur- Line ton, N. Apply to F.. P. .ari, mold- tf 6 North FRONT OW. a TO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL LING. NO 123 North VIITIODEENTD Street. Apply to WETHERILL & BROTHER, 47 and 40 North SECOND Street. mhl4-tf CHVNITNUT-STAKET HOUSE and STORE to l lent,—The desirable bunion looation, rani CHEW IN U Street, With dwalhag Eittaahed. Apply a* 431 CHESTNUT street. sea di GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO ...... RENT.—To Rent. the [Arm and oommodious modern-built ROOM oottifMi t ela a m ar i elidipil WILLAT_2v Amami r rn mprovemeatat; Alprol,LUr firitUY Irttkit Ro r ie eitlSE.ft Eltreet. - rbiladtoenus, or on the enenttees. 11105-tf el TO RENT -- TWO 00IINTR ITOUNFELone mile from Tammy. Inenire No. 71 7 - WAL.II U !Street. mon-am' LET-BEOOND-STORY ROOM, 802 CHESTNUT Street t over LEWIS JADOMUS & Co.'s Jewelry store. Te beet location in Phgadel phis .ror KU land of nett blame, Apply in the Jewelry Blom. Rem Is - fete MO RENT—A very desusble STORE on the Ninth-street /rout of she Gonttnentai Hotel." The Store at Ninth and Bassom streets nye ;Ai:Wm adapted for a ilarnaor and Itertaase Maker. Aerly to JOHN RICE, fe64l Southwest NINTH and SANWA' streets. T° RENT—THE LARUE AND 00N VENTENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yarei at Illey!enduing., Twenty-fourth ward, Apply to g, m, w R KED on the promisee. mate-tf C { O 1 RXORANGE.—A 0110101 C TRAOT Ally of good unimproved form Mud in the Mate of Hew Jemmy, convenient to the city, will be enchanted for attarrrty. Apply at Mo. US FEDERAif Street. R R. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER • Aro corivEyAngEß, NORRISTOWN, FA. —Keel Eatate bought and mold on reasonel,ble tenzug. Stores and dwellings for sale or rent iit Hometown and soontrr • Good mortgages negotiated. Colleonons made. Ike ben references rivem. dge-gm BOARDENG. BOARDING. --Front and communicating rooms for gentlemen in a very pleasant location. Good Board, and at moderate pilau. Please call at Asa PENN Street, Camden , It J. mg 6 6; TIV.YARDING.—Iiour gentlemen can be AL. cora fortably accommodated. and at moderate prices, at 63. PENN Screet,Comiden.N. J. m 327 6t 11110ARDING—At 1100 WALNUT Street. -11-. Rooms or the wooed floor will be vaeast on the let of June. Terms moderate. Abmw Whoa. man et* RTSI-10E,NIA.WP.R & CO„ GLASS. PAINTS, Dim, AND VARNISWES, Northesat Corner FOURIII end RACE Beret% de/4.6m HERB'S ROTEL, HARRISBURG, The management or this well-known 'Bated having lmac leased by Memos REEL the aresent psoprietore beg leave to ink= the pnbho that the Emma is now tieing_ thorouthq REBIWATtiDi 1,- FITTbO. and IfitFRUP Pah with a view to the proper and comfortable accommodation of those who mar favor the establishment with their enetom. Guests will receive due attention and teUrtellY,Mtd no en tente* nonpareil that may nonatioo to maintain rue Hotel to a first-05.i at, le. Families and others desiring to solaurn in Harris berg during the summer mouths will find Mee/ant Boarding and large aid well-ventdatenßoonw at our eetardishment, noon moderate terms ROOTY COYLE, my27-tit, GILBERT BERL NOTIOE-TO TSACIHERS.—An Swami nation of Candidates for the adulation of MIN IMPALA_ OF MAlift 611.1Aufflut in this tr. will he Mild at the oitowaTootyr agoutis, Zallk street, &Dove Seventh, on FRIDAY, June 7 ifai, commencing at 1 o•ctook An Examination for ASSISTANT TRACRERIS to Grammar any other Schools will be held at the mine lope on SATURDAY MORNING, JUGS 8, comments -91.:;111;ci ?nation for hiloiaal will be for uts va. annoy to occur in the Southwest Soya' Grammar School on the IMBeptember next. Baldry . &Loco - per annum. Ay order of the Committee on Qualifioationg of ROOKAT 'le NatPRILL. my 27 ! t Beototarl of Cantrell salmi Fatale &tools. ITX) BUILDERS AND CONTRAOTORS.— IL Wood burnt Lime, Cement, Calcined Plaute_,r Plastering. Hair and White Sandi for isle at META and (VA Streets. 10134 U H. WINNE& 1 11118 STAY LAW. Certified Copies, neatly printed, from the Moist records. Pries le Cent, NUM CY, PALKll t rutilatiCtil 000, 3t No. 607 6061801 1 4 Street. GY"I4ASIUBI, 24.8. corner of NINTIi and ARCH Iltmeta.—lustruatton In DRILLING, Alto. lAMBI FEN CING and 5 I RM. 906; (11.4 AM SOUP SERVED UP EVERY "LI day by JAMES PROSSER wde 110. SOS MA UMW' Weld, MACKSBEL, HXRELNO, SHAD, SAL MON, &0.—.1,000 Mds. Mast Neal. f, and 8 Mack erel, large,medium, and small, in assorted vintages of &Moe late•emmht fat fah, LOU 011. - Mew baelipoiti wig iwb,sdor Not num, or donee qualities. 4,001 boxes entre new sealed Merritt/ reeo banes extra new Sled lierrgtga. boxeetargo Magesilnegornrre MO MAL Maormao White rut . , bbla, Ref! Jsoquorer Mem • bbls• new Tishri= Salm,ork 1,808 Quintals grand Bank MOO boxes nelitlllier - 0011 1 / 1 7“ LI WPM log blading' aureat e lCi p a w igoi Is, 1 11 , tit 11"Un RIKACIVXD, per L , Annie ILimbs,ll, 12 er from layantool, Arataler, 'Piaavar, ik Maxidares preparations: MI Estraat Aaanitl. in lls ars. 25 125 Extraot ilY(160761131) * lint 10 Oa Extract Esimoormat, .1,1 3CM Ins Extract Taraxaei, int b Jars 60 Ss Yin Mil.Colohloi. in 1 Et bottles,lDs 01. Bucaim Root., In lib bottles, tr 0.15 5 Calmat, in 1 lb bottler. we IN ea. itygnai i 111 Jam W2I2WERIII.I. 31201n1 - • ** Ito,* swam n.RAVE-STONSEI iIHAVE-STO.NNs• - mum My atop. of ensvp-adomp wad Ikto.vanania to be soli at vary radt..iid imam Ammo call Rad alapinito l*Nre lone l 4 lll lka elsewhere, at liarlavVraKit et 1.0441 e Wu." Al few& BEST QUALITY itOOFING SLAM a 1• ways on band and foras at Unlporlgitf. 14 al B=ACKBEAcH. direst, Keneinctoz goal mo, Iv at a nrll.ltra7 swam: bliadalobta. nun oz. -A lot of Latour Olive On, rik rira eIfriTIMIMIWTINLE kp-t- CttliciALS OKKEV—ifianufaCtUred and for .ate ny wirrannfia, & BROTHER, jui 4? and 4. =lath NRCOMP gamely EMENDS ZING—Pan SNOW Winn i vi e ma.moutwe i lmmt .imialmito d lad isir 17 WilowitrWabg. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. w Pole Lessee— --Mrs. M. A. GARREITHOH. Stage Masser __. Mr. WM. A. CHAPM AN. Banners Anmst JOB. IN MVP PHI% THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENINe. May 10( Will be premarital the new and original National drams, entitled THE PATRIOT" DREAM,- OrThe Paoli the Fremont, and he Future. Adam ( ' ;ray, Mr. Ed *in Aden. t ittmert I .indultTo Mr. J. 8. Wright] Kato Gilmer. Mn.s A COWS% !RAC,* or rlLlCES.—litreso wrote (seats sewnrod with out extra charge.) 8) cents; WIDOW. (seats eeoured at BO oenta, IMX omits ; family mrole, 26 neat. ; orients beam id and $6 =hearts 10 omit& Doom open at quarter edit T 0%1190k nnalsiwilt no, at a quarter to 8 (enure' oDONOTIGII , B OLYBIPIO THEATRE, RAW?. Street below Third rwr Pam ts . DAYt Nr,rariro. May =Er BENUTIP OF Wit DOU'i! AB. a Voluotlt l. Tar. MARTY t , BOYS 0E 7 61; Riot in INltimore—Fieht between Maessohtteetti Re it lomat end Bel more Roadie. Denning by Min A bine. Continding with MR. AND MA" WRITE; 08 1 WHO 10E7 7HE EMIT 'flume Tot Mr. Peter na - .7 Obelennb- Mrs. Peter ..rs ltienrt Cheman., IN R tea EAREIAL— • •"Eiauty and the UMIAK. ASSIMBLY BUILDINGS. A STEREOSCOPIC AND PANORAMIC EXIIIBI COMBIPIriD. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 37, and every Evening during the week. will be exhibited VIEWS OF THE PRESENT WAR, with mechanics' Masora /lbw, flandenion's moving FA•oname, OF THE RThtB AN WAR. Appropriate magic by B Brae Umnd , Adnyegton as cents ; Children M oentg. Doors open it 7%. Commence at 8. nun tt INSTTTUTION FOR TR% BLVD hibltions every WEDNFEDAY A s TERNOtiffi Selected pieces vocal ace Instrumento. • drams/on, TEN Osir& Comnie..olng at half put ack , ogoolt. &roam, It South EINEITE street. m+22-w-tf &EL WOLFSOHN AND THEODORE 71:10MAS , ela 4 l:_and taut CLASIffeliL e 0 I ffifF. will take Diane on TRuitaDAY„ May Seth. 18 , 11. at th• Foyer of the I °edam; of Mneie Biafle Whets. $l. Can be had on the eventing at the door, mega et psNrin. MUMMY OF THE FINS AitTB—.lll24 OffEISTNUT STRENT. Ths Thirc9-eiglaid Pf UAL XIIIISITIOII of PAiNTINGS mid SCULPTURE allow 09011. Admittance 25 cents; Seaenn Tickets 00 ciente; Chil dren half price., Ostslotnel 10 cont.. StookhoLd e r. will receive their tickets at the Academy 10 . ivon from 94, hi. / M,, iipm p, till P. M....4:14/ sumnica RESORTS. A—•P BATA MOUNTAIN RIMING& LANCASTER COUNTY. PEN IVSYLV4NTA. Th's celebrared Wrtering ?Mee will open for visi tors on the RI day of JUNE. with all the attractions of former seasons. Situated on a mountain 1,2111 feet abrie tide-water. overlooking - the richest earl ultural country in the world the air perfectly pure and dry at all times, ren der' it proverbially healthy. Where are ample aosommodations for 400 visitors— fine graded walks through the forest to the vest us Zge i Me . r a v n a.lon= of v:ar m ir a pre n riCl S I t; the 11,11 wen of the finest and m extensive p.lO - views to be seen. & toed livery is Irept on the place. and beautiful drives around ; hot and cold baths a splendid band of Music (from the (temente. of 111- /adollihiai) bowling alleys and billiard saloons. with the latest improyed tables. Large lard ans attached to the elect. from Which all the veyetablei are taken fresh for the table, which, oo.will be impelled fr the Phil , dolohiet. and Baltimore markets as well from the rich agricultural country around. Careful se and attentive servant.. Swann Dern concocted with the establushmeut for some years with tee •aro proprietor, the nuclena.ned ruenieds the old entrees of the phee and the pd Ito generally that it will be oondnitad, in every depart ment, in itslormer popular way. Visitors to tne Osman will take the cars to Lancas ter, thence 13 miles marine over pleasant road, and through a beautiful country. Through Vegeta issued tkii'ennerlvania Railroad affisei ka,liiVaNfß and st Ana Streets ! Philadelphia. For further particulars or oiroulare the proprietor refers to JOS. B. MY BBL oorner riirßn and VMS Streets. and to JAM Ett H. BitYSUN No. 2 Noith SIXTH Street, Phi adelphia ; or, address 8 C,. s•,AYM AKER, mv34.3ui if Ephrata P. 0., Lancantor an.. Pt WRITE 'SULPHUR SPRINGS ROTEL!, CA RLIRLE. Cumberland county. Pa. The. Proprietor, take ploaaure in ,nnotmoing to the publio that this magnificent. establiebmentja now open ler vinitarg. Persons wishing pure mountain ale. MM• omal waters. bathing, Wing. an* good living. at rea sonable prim *uncut du better than to try thee. Sprinsw For Artioulnre. send for circular* to WM. E .. 1111.43 t r e8 8, 0f the city of New Stork,aml D. Q. auftlinT, S Preprint:al. 111723401 H EDPORD SPRINGS.-A. G. ALLEN respeotfully informs the yobbo that this well seta 'dished and popular watering place is now open for the' reoextion and aeoommodatton of visitors, and will be kayo mem until the first of October. Pena wishing Bedlotd Miter/A Water, trill be sap plied at the springs at the following pricell,tl2: For 1 bbl CO 36 " (mu' berm).Pa " ROD %Wee, i. pint, per Parties wishing rooms, or ary information in TeNani to the place, will address e B Afore Mineral Spnoes Company, Bedford, Penneylvanie. mil-36t SODA WATER CHARLES Pd. BREAKER'S 10E-COLD DoDA WATER, FRESH FRIUT'SYRUPft, AT NORTIMAST onnrcuit. DRO&D AND-CH:NM , 'OUT aT1V.13115. the fir•da. Wok-r m drown from soreelidn-lified Fountains. pare and spark hag well aniseed with car bonic Bind gas. he y rape are prepared with the highest regard to retaining the haTilltaa. PLA07 , 42 f+V rim plitTIT No Mane will ne spared to maintain the high character which this Fountain has already at. tamed t . Botled Beds Water at NM cents per dozen. Concrete Water, fresh from the epringe, constantly on hand. Mil Son r , r.7171= w- a r. klosft. IS/041,43 A ),-A... -• - - , --- FAMBINSURARMCIUNEFANIT — ----- ' No. 406,,CHESTNIPT Street.. FIRE AND INLAND INSVRANOIIi ZilicaCTORS. gleorge W. Day- . --of Day_ k Matlaoki • liimonag Wright__ ll Wright Bros & Ca. B. Dirr.ey ..... :: Dario & Birnep Irari Lewis, Jr....... Lewis Bros & -,0. Richardson. : —"J. C. Howe & Co. Samuel T. Bodine. - -Pres% Wyoming Canal cktisey. Jno. W. Everman.....4.L.w. Brennan k Co. co.G A. Weil —,., ~ , Wee 4 POO,. _ T. S. Martan.---....-- .• Samna, mania, 3. oth 0, 'Wilson Davis.— ..Attonley-st. law. • H. D. Woodruff-- .of Sibley, Molten, & Woodrall. AA. Xler. Jr_ _..... --No. NU g reen ANA. GEORGE W. DAY,Preoident. FRANCIS N . BUCK, Vim" Prot:l4l4W. WILLIAM I. BT. AAI Clel A RD. Seoretati. lat-illf SAVING VIINDS. r.e --AVINte YUND-ITNITED OTATEII TRW'S COMPANY* corner TN= inn unisni. NUT stmts. INTEREST FIVE psR CENT. H. R. CRAWFORIL PreMdant. JAMES R. HUNTER, Secretary and Tregumrer. Office honor, from 10 until a o'clock. anus company is not joined OUT aPPßOstion tor Legislators. OA.FES prLILLIE'E SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to al South SEVENTH Street, near the anklin Inehtnte. The meteraitned, thankful for pant favors ' and being determined to merit Paine patronage, haaseor i Klan elegant and convenient store. and has now on large assortnient ot Lillie's Celebrated Wrough t Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, te smutty fire and burglar proof safe* made.) Alec, - lie's Unegoad /ad Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Looks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doom and Looks will he famished to order on short notice. Tina up the atronteatf Deo protected, and ohespest Door and Look yet mired. Also, particular attention m Galled to Lillie'. New Cabinet Safe for plate, Jewelry, &o. Thin Safe la ended to surpass in style and elegattee anything yet fared for this pinnate. and is the only one that is 17 Are and burglar procii, kilowros.-1 have now on nand way twenty- yt Parng, herring,. & Co. , a safes, moat of them near ly now, and some forty of other maker., OOMplainf complete assortment as to axe& and ell lately ea °banged for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They whl be cold at very tom prices . Please call and examine. taa-trir WEST CHESTER Igimailiz—imm TRAINS via RENMYLIE_AIk t bi 1A KAI it A leave depot. corner 'EL P.VAIIITH and M a ith. KT, ata. al, aau r , M. and 4 P. al. On (Sunday. leave Philadelphia at tali A. M., cud wing Chester ate R. In. .I,3D•tf IikaaPIMPHI LA DELPUIit, WILLAIrifiTON4 AND BALI TlittUßE RA ILRU•II.--SPKCI N(nrcts. FOR FORTH EBB AtORRo On and after TUE! Y. Ma)_ 28. Vidl, the train leaving Pniiadalphia at 11 A. aa. will connect avail" dayom'oegt Sat days, wan one of toe Bay toe Scesim• er! from dehimure to Pomona Monroe. 1 hrough ticket. wilt be formate at r/Xlll and On Ke'TP V t t trysail and at lirpot, BROAD - and W ABIIaNG I OiNl an- nne. Tlinznigh fare. it 8. Troop., in de' aohment of not Wit* than tatg, sire-third, fare. or 013 each. nionl-if S. g LTON. President. r 3 .1/ ilistiame AN D AA E PHI A itALLAtIVAII • VIA MEDIA. 8117MMRR ARKAtiV oRNT. On and altatidOgGAY4 June 3 1861, the trains till leave Fri bAuBI rRIA, from um Depot, Pt armor of PIORTEBIPIII en o , I4Aina.r t eats. at 745 a 10.30 A. M. and 2. fib. 630. and 10 P. M.,sinur leave the !nation. corner of Tilt HIV- FIR 4 T ata RRET Streets. 1 west Philadilphia„.l at 8.06 at. 10 45 A.M., and 0.15 430, 6.411 ana 10 16 P..M. • tisk 81.144 DAV/1 Leave PHILADELPHIA at BA, M. and P. M. Leave WEST CSESTe R at 8 A M. and 6 P. M. Train! leaving , hliadelphia and Went Chester at 7:46 A. M. sad 4lbP. M. eons tat Penneitonw h Trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Oziotti and attettn.dia.Le vents. HENRY WOOD. General uperintennent. It C A R D L a El 7 ll l l VIA MEDIA. spßuiris. AR siejetiniMWNT. 0111 awl alum Monday. Maroh tt, 'SM. the train, will leave 9 h hiatlehls• trona the Depot. northeast minter or ighteench 161....k.t at A. M.. eta a arida 80 P. M the Freight Train. with naneapr oar attaahed, will at 8 . M.. and 2P. M.; leave Wen Philatiellibis at A. M.* 11114iRi as the Baltimore Central Jonotr o mi la VII liallayoh leave Pheade leave - wept vaeeser etl SO A. lit„shd AM P. aft • The trains eaving Vhiladfliel.lll at 8 A. M. sad 4 P. M. oonne.t at Pennelton with trains on the Phoad • pina sad Baltimore Central Railroad, for Kennett. Oztard, 13•e2 , 1 WOO mILII4I General, kaperiattadent., agat i FUß RAVEIII 4 IRS DAILY AT 3 O'CLOCK P trs..usLasurtre. AND PRILADII - 1 piELLA smajimßoiLif COMPBf4Y. (Ericsson Liner) Vl5 Chesapeake and Ditolleare r'aust. One of the new iron eteamboars of this fres:Low leave the upper aide of CheAnut street Wharf li V bit Y. 4IF riseuvoufs (eu , days expected at 3 o'olook. Will arrive in Baltimore early tile ne*t morning. Fralght of all kinds takes at the lovroki rotex; Siege Cattle. Hollel. Stook. Ibreeksiss For Freight, apply at the othos, .. old v.. ~ JR A ma . mylS-Im it No. 14 SOUTII WHA RVES, Fyn NEW YORK. WIERNEW l'hitiY LIKE, Iris Delaware aal Hanlon ransi. Phid grew York Express Steamboat Con ai vr iri oltP nw -- i i ii v n e freight on and after MONDAY - AIM and leave &tilt r, lq.,souranag their osr- NAM Yera - tem followang days. " el in n at reeionable rare.. Flea"' WM. F. CL YON. Agent. f4O. 14 SOUTH WILAIL MA VES. Philtdoliddoe JAMES ND ,Agent, . Piers 14 and 1* EAST Ai, new York roaar-Irl m Ada& FOR NSW lORK. -Tp Phthuielphfa Messes Propeller Th oommeucte their bannese for the eras= on rtion• I ltt ay h erm Steamer, are pow reearrine frapictit SORSIIii Pitabove Walnut street. , temp Itooommodatme. Aipir ßA JED o r , Co, mhle 994 Death Delaware Avery& z at Fort BALL-A auptho_rati, n tuck, bred ht aBE, sit 9111111 oliUmuunn ksho broke to the paddle tit Costa ; hii/Juset, t n& in amen and dono a harness ik az: 'Oars old tine In ' , nicks so.d ulo_ti e tritletein U ais; d tor Waps use. Can be seen a t ssieee-er. WISE, No. 8$ North . 14 b FIFTH . ?Me . et. FlMAPELPitio—Trosto seeeoestakof ogled to in tune, all dissasse of the Luau& KO AT and IiKeKT, and f,.:o lll lrntly aura CONDUN in in ha Muni_ NAL. swro, goo restores all ovroblo diseaseo or toe and FAR. no has Apron them Me entire IL tie n th e past 10 roam Will wit ostients, who dosiroo,al their rendaliallt EEO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers