PERSONAL_ —Secretary Cameron has rented a One house on the corner of Fifteenth and I ttreete. It la one of the most oornmodions in the city Ilie tarot,' having arrived, he will shortly inaugurate a settee of entertainments, at which the military gentle men now in Washington will be welcomed by their chief. —lna private letter rro, the Ron. F. P. Blair, jr., which we saw yesterri.y. he says : I erpaet, to be in Washington c' the meeting of Congress. I do not believe it will take cos long to put down the 13easesioniots of Weseeti. They were 7017 boisterous and brave till we struck them a blow on the 10th instant, slime which they have cooled down to %aro. I expect them to make complete submission in a month et ferthest. I shall then go wherever my regiment is ordered, but expect to obtain leave of abstruse for the extra session of Congress, which I presume wilt not last beyond two weeks, and afterward join the regiment," — N. Y. PaPer. Oar friend, Col. Fremont, is so excited about the condition of things at borne, that I doubt if he remains here. He is quite prepared to abandon his work here for self, and tender his services, if needed, to his country. He would make a splen did general. so cool, clear, and prompt in bits plena, and with executive ability as a whiter unsurpass. ed. Ido not know a man who could rally so many young oxen to follow hint as be. Should he go home, I hope he will be celled at once to fill one of the highest positions in the army. He is very touch courted here, and hie views are sought after with muoh avidity.—Loa don Correspondent ,e revolution in ew Graiiidel'drags its slow length along." Bogota, the capital, was not taken at the last *deities, though we are still in formed that its capture is daily expected. From all appearances matters will wid•mbtedly end in favor of General Moequera. Great excitement continued to prevail at Panama in oonsequenee of the expeoted descent on the Isthmus by a revolu tionary expedition. England and the United - States are relied on by the citizens for proteotion• --Secretary Walker, of the Southern Confede racy, has accepted a regiment from Arkansas, tendered by Goy. Rector, which will randervons at Lynehtarg. —The Petersburg Express of May 17 notices the transit of hisj. Gen. Lee, en route for Norfolk. —On Wednesday, John Lindsey took the oath of allegiance to the Southern Confederacy in Blob mond—the first man who has been " naturalised" from Virginia since the rebellion. ilsrattsrrna MON Calto.--Someivhat sin gular is the manner in which matters are being eendeeted at the different ports in relation to arti cles deslaned South. A few days eine. the Surveyor of the Port at St. Louis permitted the steamer Fans City to clear with some ten or fifteen thou sand barrels lime for New Orleans. Upon her ar rival here, as yon are aware, she was stopped, and the lime taken off. Yesterday a flatboat loaded with the same article arrived from LonisviNl She underwent an examination by the authorities at Evansville, and was allowed to pass. The lime was also stopped here. The orders upon this sub jest must be general and eensialallt_ This peculiar execution of them should be remedied so that the great inconvenience and consequent dissatisfaction might be avoided, and the object of the blockade more easily and speedily aestomplished. Conside rable anxiety Is manifested here in relation to the steamer Priem of Wales. It is thought that she has been seised at Memphis, as an article in yes terday's Avalanche, in speaking of the seizure of the Sovereign, sad the expected arrival of the Prince, sounded somewhat of rapaeleeeneas.--Cin• cinnati Commercia l. The Embargo at Memphis. (Prom the Louisville J wane( of Me, 234 It has already been announced that the steamers Sovereign, Prince of Wales and John Walsh have been impressed by Gen. Pillow and Me force! at Memphis. Passenger" by the steamer Pestles of Wales arriVed in this city by railroad yesterday, and gave a glooiny account of affairs at Memphis. The John Walsh, from New Orleans for St. lion's, bad a large number of German emigrants on board, who were forced to disembark at Memphis. We are informed that at Humboldt, Tenn , two coal boat pilots, who expressed Union sentiments, were set upon by the mob and forted to betake them selves to the woods, the mob giving chase and tiring upon them. It is said that no , more boats will be t permitted to pass Memphis in this direction. following - n..-__ from s marshal whow.r TO TROsT.--Tlie ment of hie °ensue e:peuies: "unto:Marion Camara Osamu, DEPARTMENT OF THE iNTRRION, 1 WASHINGTON, May 13,1881. Btu : I have been notified by the accounting decent of the Treasury to trospend all payments to m ars h a ls, except a Sew epectata oases, and until this to eepereeded by a permit to pay, I have no altatswo....t”,t trt c f ery. the order. Truly yours, J. U. Kitartanr,l3aper't. R Dononar, Louisville, 11. y. L. . . • THU Mu.& F Aft I 05, doWitygar_ EHivN. • laj)-21 de she . LETTER snag Mere/sante' Exchange, ably Tuscarora. Dnine-- pinyship 143116 tsseord. vy— —.4.1.1,04,001, noon Vionnns need. Prebls uot4son. Roott kto Zered, hlnzonifal • .--- i.olidonderry. June ;t aura Otplmitiiiiitekaaerrygnall::..—.4.:srsenas. soon Mit Ufa Rises. Dem.— ..... —Hamm, Boon MAKIN E INTE LLIIiEN PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Dday ST. 1861. .~ ~~f ARRIVED. - Brig Minna. (Han) Weasets,37 days from Bremen, Tenn ta W 0116181 2& CO. Brat Nor, ( Norw) Jewell. 86 days from Shields, Eng, with ooal to order. Bohr John A ti Tiffin. Foster, l 6 days from Cienfuegels! sugar to &IV Welsh Has peen 6 days north OK Case Hatteras. and within filly milea of the Capes, se. tatted be lightnorthsgeterly winds. Sailed in oompanv with barks CienTuescia, for New York, and Brothers. for Philsdelidua. Bohr Dowel Wel:niter. Perry, • day• from N Raven. with fudge to captain, Behr Itenn.btay, hoover, 6 days from Boston, with mdee to Crowell & Collins Fent ft GiLfillan. Eolith, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to hionck Sm i t h . over. Fehr t: t smith. 4 days from Norwiob, in bal l= to LiJalliston k Cex. Bohr Mario,. ntilObizoion, 10 days from Calaisoonth laths to Knight & Bohr ll'ait. - Chrirropher. 3 doss from Pederalabunr, Md. with ,ark to Jas I. Hawley Er Co. Fehr_aohien Gate. Fiemu,g. 1 der from Fredonia', Del with grain to -NAL Dewier & Co. tat?. Harriet and Banal. Tice. from Bingham, in bal last to° A It eoseciher A. CO. 8 011.1 , V16n 13nrell, Wail, from Et George, in ballast to E R hammer & uebr Flyaway. Davis, from Salem, in ballast to E Bemis r et Co. Polar D P. Matthews, from Portsmouth; in ballast to I R rehr - PottyP rne, mama. from Boston, in ballast to Bancroft. L•11/14 A Co. Nehr George Ectwr•rd.o, Weeks, from Boston, in bal last to N Situ terse t k Co. attramej_ Nash. Jones, 24 hours from New York. with melts to w.ea Baird & Co. CLEARED. /teamisbil Renting ton, Baker, Boston. H Winsor. ark Marten Fowler. Moran... o cteuion & Co. rug - ictin- Wefah.Fifie:d Trinidad de Cuba, IS& W Welsh. Brag 8 Thurston, Larnpher, Barbadoes, J R Rne. Brig Pilot Posh. Beard. Laguarra, John flaunt & Co. Brag Manl Co. ey, (Br) Stamford, Queerunown. T Richard. Brig George Amos. liiohole. Cbelaea Anniokson it 6 locfkr, Bria.Belairere. Lovell Portland . L Andenried & Co. Boor Corneia. Crapo.liewbory Port, do B hr J V il A a 4Ot m ur ds e B , Si m b ury. Van Dagen . Nor ton it Co. Behr Gazelle, Naylor. Stepp. do Rehr Evelyn OMl th ollt tiretllllboPOrlgh. Md. MILDOOD. Bohr Alton Downing. Rico, .k.ast Cambridge, Bendier & Brother. setir - Orrts Frances, Clarke, Portland captain. Son, Chef, Marble,Fail River. E lawyer it Co. Boar Al if edabony.Lake. Boston. J R Blakiaton. Bohr Red Eagle, Brown Boone. oasitain. Reht 111111(01.11. Crowell. Providenee, Noble. Ham. matt a- Caldwell. BokrB fit Taylor. Duke, Providence. do Bohr Marge et Reinhart, Peterson. Fortress blooms, Ty_ter, atone & Co so r Empire. Adams, Providence. captain. Bohr B C Knight, W birlow, Charlestown, captain. tc.tir.Jo. , nfilitorm. brds Rom., captain. Bohr Solatterner, Ford, Baltimore. captain. Bohr gest, Death.. Dewport. RI, .1 R waits. Soar DT- Mas sews. Portsmouth. do Boor A Bunting . , Russell, lialurnero. captain. Bohr Courier. Treworgy. flo•tou, E A Souder it Behr Beni Stockier. smith, Mew Raven, do Behr Daniel ieebster. Perry. Norwich, do Seer Martin & Sarah. Ties, Itinsham, CA iisoksolter Pair V6llRnrein. Wall, &WO. B R. Sevier & Co. Behr Flyaway. Davis, pioatoc. do Bohr P Price. Adams. Batton. Bancroft. Lewis & CO. Bohr Geo Edward. Weans, Boston, 1 4 Sturtevant & Co Pour . T 8 French, i•ewell, tiarerhill, Tyler, Stone & Co' BohrEljart. Smith. Brooklyn navy yard. do air ids. Robinson j New York. Wl' Clyde. tr Bowater. 11111411110fe • a. Groves. Jr. Bur Jerome. Jerome, Washington, r Webster, Jr .1112:11011114ADA. Meantship State or iJeuiros. Garvin, hence, arrived at Sew York adth that. Bark :Iwo It Dams, Band, from Cardenas, amired at New Yore' Pi Bark Lase B fruitt, Actin, from Rio de Janeiro, ar. nved at hew York tath roar. ache* Mart R reeks. Banka.Baratogs, Adams. L & R 'Swab. hinutb. C Greiner, Young, a Standar. Doughty. w m G Barter, Amelia R Lake and Vesta. Sharp. figie.T. *feared at Soaton 24th inn for PhOadelphis. gobr Sarah A. Hammond, Paine, hence, arrived at Bnetnu 24th in4t WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We hase now on hand. aria are miumfamnrint to order, at the Monnt molly Paper Mills, evert. de sonptiop of WRITING ANG LEDGER PAPERS. whioh,_-for color and quality , are not excelled by our other -M IL to the United instal. We emelt mil attention to a new article 0T Pape, f., tared by as. and now for sale. called Bosuns, r. which haa bees gotten CD to meet the wants 01 lase mon and others. who object to Gommertow °IP m be:min° narrow. and do not with to oat ear of ninal lemet sheet. This overcomes both the above olueotiosui ; 13 a per. feet gaud, ma wove r plats finish; ruled on one side • 7 15 1 M - Irs%=3 " bear the top' zait e iti. r in neat boxes ' craniums for me. we also have a paper called Bank Letter. ainulitr to Slut &Dov, exisept It Ism bat half the number of bees ee. ao aa to allow a punted Wasik or 4 , , E .above ` R/UPTON as ULLIN A),.._ _. Mount Roily Bennis, Einlht 4 .001 Plaerszan had t . Mt; .. Ya c OR( 1 / 1 /111111 Ctrapt. .. - 'al IMI AOEREL, HERRING, MUD, HAL /11. mem. &0.-4,ft nbls. Mess Noe. 1,1, and I Meek stab illugigyAlen_ vumkand mail. in ealiorted pas tairo• ga "° X t biniatlal fil p,„.....,„, l " o f en o i o .,.. ii • : ---......n. slid Labrador Nor boxes extra new analog Berrien ...caw = tarortaszrydetelearrreinit an MAL Mnalinno hits Fish. 110 bbis. new litoonozni Mese xi“. U bblx. new idalifsx lestneen. 1,11100 Quintals emit/11a 800 banes itsrlamer-oesuaMi 4 la seise sal ianitinr. blip , Ul_lt VOOlllll iv. I • '••,- `.l l A• 41111. JUST RECEIVED, per " Annie liimbsll,)) fromLiverroW r minaer, & Mandise • as L. iiartnsot Aoonitif lo ispir U lb. E n trant Hvanynini, in 20 arms' loa La NJ b. Entrant Belladonnas. I'll lb Jars . frstnsat Tarazetat. An!. SO Li in Ral Colatuoi. in / L b0"181 ZOO Dm 01. 8 11110.41.1 ROOL, in balk*: ONI So %.a min. t o Ilb bottles. air ru In 1 1 arc LL L 1 4 . 4 4r w.-tt SRAM • egiRoME Glums—manufactumbinok* by Awisrizßuct .cEIIt(MICER: Tea 49 11•111,1 i .019g9 Stret. pROPOSALS. NAVY DaYaltistatcr. Bureau of Yards and Dooks, April le, 1861.1 SRALED rII.OI , OBALd for each Mame separately. endorsed f or mug No. (name the else.) for the Alert Yard at (flame the yard,,'') will be received at this °Moo until noon on the 17th day of May nest, for fornt.hina end delivering at the Several Navy Verde named- the materials • and articles embraced in Primo! schedule'. which will. be furnished on NVOIMaiiOO. sad sent by mail, if so requested to verso.' desiring to offer to contract for any or all of the Masses named therein. by the etunmandan tit of the several Navy Verde. for tha elutes for the 'yards under their command. or by the , Navy Agent neareet thereto, or by the bureau, for any or T all the yards. o prevent tionfasion and mistakes in eeelinfl the Offers. DO hid will be reosived which contains ciaues for more h t. an one yard in one and and each linti vildnai of a firm 111.14 to the hid and oontratit. Bidders are here by Cautioned and parilcularly not, dad that their often must be in the form hereinafter p eseribed and be mailed in time to reach their desti nation before the time expiv es lor receiving them ; no bid will be conindeied which shall be received after the taitedlit tad. end FO Itilownnoe will be made for Lot- Wee Ol the mail. To guard against offeri being opened before the dime arponted. bidders are requested . to endorse on the en velope above iheaddreie, and draw a line under the en dorsement. thus: •• Yroposala for Clan. No. (nettle the elan) for the Navy Yard at ( name the yard. )" To the Chief of the Dineen of Yards and Docks, Washington, 1). C. Form of Offer. Here date the offer.) (here 111eOrt the name or names composing the him), Of name the tow.), it, the State of ( name the Ztate 1, hereby offer to furnish MOOT lOW advertmement. dated (data of advertisement). and subject to nil the recut •e -meet, of the same. and of the p• anted schedule br %Phial it refers, nil the at tieles embraced in Clue No (name the Mug), for the navy yard, at I name the yard), ao cord tor, to said sehednle, Vlit (here paste on the printed class from the eohedule. and opposite each omelet Bet the price. and (tarry out the amounC in the datums for doliara and oenta, and foot up the aggregate amount of the bid for the dies.), amounting to there Write the amount in words ). I propose as my agent (here name the agent, if one m required by the schedule) far the outgoy under the &areas ntiscellaneons, by a wun-tesident of the place of delivery i and should my offer be accepted, 1 request the contract may be prepared and cent to the nary agent at (name the agency, fur signatures and north- Oftte. Rare the bidder end mon member of the firm to Sigh.) Form of Glum:atm The undersigned (name of guarantor) of (name the town.) and State of (name the State.) and (name of se cond guarantor. &0.,) hereby undertake that the above named name the binder or biuders) wfi., if his (or the.r) offer as above be aooepted, ente into contract with toe United abates within teen dat e after the Cate of notice through the post office. of the acceptance of hie for their] offer before mentioned. Witness: (Signature of gnarantors.l I certify that the nbos-e named ( here name the guar antOrSHlTe known to me to be good and responsible gnittantore in thm rinse. • 1 ittnapu 0.) To bosignec by the DistriotJudge. mistriot Attorney, Collector, ItiftliY Agent, or some person known to the Bureau to be responsible. PORTHMOUTH.N. H. Clan k° 2, gtone; °lass No. 6, white pine, sconce, ju n iper, and oynrenn ; class NO. 7. lime. ham and PM& ter; class Pro. S. cement ; class No. 9. gravel and nand ; oleo* Ino 11, iron. imp mu's. alio spikes • olass No. 12, steel; class No. Ja files; ohms No: ID, P&CRI , oils. ani gm= ; chins No. 16, !Mit c handlery &au 0. IT. hard ware: ohms No. 18. stationery; Class N 0.19, firewood clue No. 20, hey and straw; elms No 21. provender; eases No. 22 cnaroonl; eta No. 22, totting., aekolg, and hose ; cift66 No. 24. sperm and tub/letting o ils; chum No 26, iron castings; clam No. 28, augers; class No. 27, anthracite coal ; class No. 24, oiturmnous Cumber land coal BOSTON. (. 1..e10r No. 1. bnoks; Maas N 0.2, stone 6183$ No. 5. oa and hard wood ; oleos No 6, white pine, spruce. janiper. and cypress ; class No.?. lime. hear. and plas ter; class No 8. cement ; clam No. 9. gravel and sand ; class No. 11, iron. non nails, and spike*: Oasis N0."2, page( ,• claps No 13 . pig iron ; alarm No. 14 files; class No. IL liming, oils, and glass slags No. 18. Mlle °hand lery ; class N 0.17, hardware class No 18. ststioung class No. 20. hay and strata ; Alain No. 2t. provender; class No. 21. ohareosl; clans N 0.23, belting'. peeking. and hose ; class No. U. sperm and lubricating one; class No. 25. iron castings; class No. 16. angers; class No. 27. anthracite ooal ; class No. 29. bitinntocus Cum berland Post clogs NO, 30, semi-biturninons Seoul 202, tr.o., mgt. NEW YORK. class No. 1. bricks ; alms No.B, oak and bard wood oleos No. 6. NO to tune, spruce, cypress. and juniper Olue N 0.7, lime. hair, and piaster ; class No. 8, cement class No. 9, gravel and sand ; oleos No. 10. slate ; alas No. iron.iron nails. and evokes olaae N 0.13 reel! class No. U. Man; clean No la. punts. We: and glass. class do. 16, ship . oh .nriler7 ; close No 17, hardware. olass No. 18, tanonery ; clans No 20, hay and straw; claw No. Cl, provender; class N 0. 2 2, charcoal; elan PIO. 221 belting. yanking, and bole; olvs No. 24. spenn end Inbrioating ; NO, 96. 0U96111 150 NP. .kathraoge coal; class No. 30..1101221 - biZUMM en. Breed Top, ato., OW. PHILADELPHIA. Class No. 1. bricks; ohm No. 2, stone; class No. 5, oak and hard wood; 01551 No. 6, white pine,senior., orpress, and jumper elan No, tg lIMO, hairlend plas ter; ohute oo /0 slaw ; class ero.ll. iron, Iroa 5511,, and. spiked ; class No. 12. steel ; ohms No. 14, files ; class No. 1115, paints, oils, and glass; class No. 16. slop.ohand ler2; r No. 17. hardware ; class No. /8, stat i oners ; oleos o. 19. firewood; class No. 20. hay and straw mass o 21. provender; Slam No. 22, charooal ; caws No. 23. 14/tips. *arcking. sect note; Wass No. 24, serm and Inbrlostang oils; class leo. 20, angora ; olam No. ft, anthracite coal; clean No. 30, sans- altercations, Broad' Top, So., coal. NAVAL ASYLUM. Class Na. 1. elctfring ; elan No. 2, hatv, bunts, and efioer ; mass No. 2, provisions; claws h 0.4, grocer...a; cs , tiaeNo 6,dry-gowla: elms No 6. bread, ; olims No. 7, tobacco : olau Bo 8, Iniscel,sueons ; ctn.!, No. 9. hardware; elms No. 10. peinta, arta, and glum ; . o No 11, lumbe ; elate No. 12. stilt:LOAM clue . I,o * 13. firewood ; class No. lt, coal ; claws No. 16, provender; elate No. 16 bnolog, vresHINGTON. muss 'eo. 1, bricks; class No. 2. atone; clan NO:: ; . fellow timber ; au- , a4k. a oak and herd Wood diem No. 6 w alarm No. 4, yellow pine lemtil tite I and sann , sukr. and cypres s; algae No 7. lime. comenc• ales, 140.9. wires ; Wain steel - • nails and N 0.14. files: o ars lere. Alb s. iron, . 6v, No, 16, ship chendl?ry; i I L II I I /Lx..) hp, km , 3 No. stationer, ; Maas 2447.2.2..7.1- nay and straw: Glees- NO 21. 1420 22 21201: Man No. so. onerous.'; oho" No. 23 helt-ttg, wacking, and hose Glass N 0.24 srierrn and lubricating ode; Mtge ho. 26. angers; olaal NO 27. atith , ardie coal; class a., h. turninous Riehmond or Virgin% 'dual; Cklell No. 20, lutumieoueCumberlasd coal. The schedule /nil state the tames within which arti cles will be required to be delivered and where the or; Mod eohedule is not used, the grenade stated , in ittoe deliveries must be copied in she bids all thewYtioles _yrittob may be contrasted fur must be delivered at snob ^ -, ..ekillietlither drayage and cartag °r w ° lo t , the offerlthal ta . navy W4M6tole - 3 litre commanding 0/15",.,0.2.4,1 Vid all other things being equal, preferes.--Arre givem to American mat:affect tura. Po tubule will be received a& .. r the expiration periodof the periodspecified in the schend for the oompte nen of delivenes. unless 11200114112 authorized by the Preartment In Sleet Dialer 4i.e cliteses, the mine stttrd is the column of prices will be the standard and the Vgregateof the aloes will be carried out according to titurfly zr number i:= A Vert - r - 'etrairre in — oTaire — s Wad headed .t Miscellaneous." ate specified as the probable titian nay womb may be required, as well ea to fixed data for &thorium ng the lowest bid ldit the contractor is to mr2344 1 more or leas of the said enumerated articles, and in such quantities, and at such tunes. as the bureau or oomm vsdant May require; snob IT:area/ie. however, not to exoeed cue-half of tbe quantities sta.ed (and re comtioce sent through the post office shall he deemed comment notice!, during the fiscal yea r ennuis . the 30ttt June, An; and whether the enantities reedited be more or less than those specified. the Prieettahall,re mans the same. all the anodes under the contract mug be of the best finality, delivered is good order. free of all' and every charge or expense to the Government, aid subject to toe Inepection, connr. , weight. or measurement of the said navy yard, and he in all teepee s tatiefaotor,y to the 001111nanda i nt thereof. Bidden. are referred to the yard - -for plans, speoifioations. or samples; and any further deedriplion of the article's. When bidders shall be in doubt as to the precise articles hawed in the aoheditle. they will apply to the comm‘nding olDoer of the navy Yard. ar cl not to empinyees, for omen Futon of the article Or articles ID doubt which inlormation the Bald officer Will give in writing. Contraotors for alas es iteaowl ** iffisciellaneeni:' who do not reside near ihe 'pleoe where the e moles ate to be delivered, will be required to name in their proposals an atent at the e,ty or prima pal place near theyard of delivery. who may be called upon to deliver ar ticles without delay when they shall be required. w "'approve sureties in the full amount of the contract tAyreq d uired, d i twenty per ceetnm as additional seventy deducted from each payment untd the contract shall have been completed or cancelled, unless -other wise authorized by the Department. tia °buses of - aTtinlee beaded ••• ediwellaneoce," to be delivered as r, ;aired daring the fiscal • ear, the twenty per °embalm retained may, at the discretion of the commandant , be paid quarterly on the first day of Jemmy. April. July. and October, when the deliveries have been antiefao tor,, and the balance (eighty per cent.) will be paid Cy the respective navy agentsWiGiln thirty days liner the presentation of bids, in triplicate. duly vouched and approved No part of the per benison reserved re to be paid until all the rejected articies offered under the contract abed, have been removed from the yard, unless imperially authorized b.: the Department. It will he stipulated ‘n the contract. that it default shall be made Sy the parties of toe brat part in dehver ins all or any of the articles stenttoraeo to any class bid for,of the quality and at the tames and places above provided, then end in *let case the said partiesirill for feit and partothe United btates a mum of money not to excised twice the amount err:toll Class, whit% may be recovered, from time to time, am:lording - to the art of Congress in that out provided, approved March 3, I he sureties must isign the contraot, and their rex/am iability be certified to by a navy agent. collector. dis trict attorney. or some othar person satisfactorily /mown to the bureau. It is to be provided in the oontraot that the bureau Abell have the power of annulling the contrect,without toes or damage to the Government. in case Congress Mien not have made inthoient approprmuoss for the articles named. or for the isompietion of works ski ,rsted for. and on which this sdvertimement is bead. and shall also have the -power to increase or diminish the quantities named in the elessee riot beaded " Adis cellaneuus” in the Palmdale twenty-five w ill enm fers-aue whole offers shall be accepted be notified cr ie ter throo-n the post/dike, which notice shah be cionsiderea sufficient; and tr they do pot enter into con tract lor the impel's, 'pacified within fifteen days from the date of nouce from the bureau of the anoeptatme of their bid, a contract will be made with some other per eon or persons, and the guarantors of Inch defaulting biddem will be'beld repponeible for all aelameeneies. All offers not made in strict conformity with this ad vertiaement will. at the option of the bureau, be re meted Those only whose Wars may be accepted will be no ard, au , / centraeta wit be ready for eabeetlen anon thereafter as may be practicable. m r 7AC2.1.X6... PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING MAIL LOCKS. Posy OFFICE DIPAIXEMIT. Atiril72. Sealed Proposals for furnishing all Looks and Keys, of new kinds, to he substituted for the look, and keys now used on the United States Mille, will be received at ,ni• Department until nine o'clock A. M. the tenth day of July, 1861. It Doing oesirable to obtain foots and teya of a new °mut ruction, and invented_axpreult for the exclualve vise of the united states mum. no.Moigel is prescribed fur bidden, the Department rel yi ng lot Its *election on the resters of mechanical skill and ingenuity which a :fair competition, now invited, may PrOdlloo, It deemed fleetly/wry only to state that a marl look should be self -looking, and that its other enflame) requiotes - are uniformity. security, lightne,s. strensth, durability, novelty of eonstruction, and facility of use. Two kinds of mail looks and keys---one of brass and the other of iron--different in form and construction, are required ; and proposals should specify, separately, he prim of each iron look, each key for same, each brass took, and eaeh brass key for same. Duplicate sampled or patterns of each kind of looks proposed are regaired to be submitted with the propo . own i one of eaon kind of *Lamle looks to be riveted up and finished, and another to be onen or noriveted. so that its internal structure may easily be examined, Every sample must be plainly marked with the bidder', name. the looks offered should not be' patented nor should orer internal oonatruction be otherwise cly known. be similar to any locks heretofore use d ; and th 'y most be warranted not. in any way, to infringe or in terfere with any patented invention. The various sample looks presented by bidders will be submitted to a board of examine,. to b e ce , mmie .ioned.ey the Postmaster General, for the purpose of examining and reporting on them end soles, the Posrmseter General shall deem it to be for the interest of the Poperirnoot to reject all the troptomto cud mans submitted under this advertisement, oontraca• will, upon the report of the examiners, be entered into. as soon as practicable, with the snetiessfulbmider.whoste locks are adopted. for furnishing similar Puke and sere for four years, as they may be required and ordered. with the right. on the part ot Um Postmaster General tor the time being, to extend and continue the co nt t ferns for an sedition/0 term of four years. on mint notice, in writing, to the contractor not less than six months before the termination of the first term of four leant or at tne expiration of the first term of four Tsar', to contract with any other party for furnishing similar or different .coke and keys, as the Postmaster eral may determine. The contractor must scree and be able and furnish,. if requited a nd ordinal), 6.000 brass loots and 6.ouu brass 'tore. within three mow hs from the tine of entering into contract. and 30 Opt iron looks and 30 000 iron keys. within eight months from snob time. But the Post master ( , ereral wilt reserve the rich , to increase or di minish, eta toe wants or intermit of the service may rn deand• the quantities of the looks and keys above use corned, with & proportionate abotrantie of time to fur nish them. All :he looks furnished by the contractor must be invented to keep in good working order for two year,. in th ordinary use Of the eervioe, when not subjected Obvious violence ; soon ea beoome defootive Minus that tinier tO he . replaced with perfect looks without charm ihe contractor Will be reenited to deliver the locks, at his own expense: at the Poet °thee Dep,, ment , vagmbin e ton U. tr. pet. up on ,peke: forming sep tastebundles of five looks each. 611 , 1 sec/Pelf peeled ee , e „, b ea " contemn e r not more than two huterrel looks each: - The' keys are to be 0411941 , 441 ie a rm of the Depart/rent dell and specially authorised' in ituiti case, to tram charge of 4k1_130D913T the same from the contraotor's factor) In the e r triraser. where both ane keys ere to DO inspectedapproved before in they Shall b4I paid for. demdinit on the proposal!' and 11PDOIMODB, the Post master General may deem it exoedient to seleotthe brass toes of one bidder and the ittlzi lock of another. theTlifOre reserves the right of oontrlatiug with dhe i s rer's% laidividnals for emit diderant kinds of Massa _assy.selsot. D rivialaill skald Leg carefully sealed, addressed tothe Cll,.6 t i =Wn4La i l ivs....! , _ulistidoreed on th e casein . ks, asy -WM Postmaster General. PROPYLAMINE, The Drew Remedy for iIIrEtIMATIBPe. During the nest )CST we have introduced to the no tice of ass medical profession or this country the Pura Cflll tat ized Chtorid4 of Prom/twain*, as a REMEDY FOR RI EIIMATION; and having received from n env 6011T0011, both from pnysimans of the highest standing and from patients, the MOST FLATTERING rEsTimooIIALS of no Tool value in the treatment of this painful and obstinate discuss. we are induced to Mien; .t to the Public id a form luso vY FOS mime., !ATE MC, which we hope will commend itself to those who are c c /roping with this afflicting complaint, and to the me dical proLotittonor who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. RL PROYYLAMINP. in the form shove spo ken of, has recently oven extensively as.wimented with iu the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and with 111AttKr1l SUCCEEItt (as will arrest* froth the pablietied accounts in the are /teal )surnaiso eWoit is asset - 011r ant no ready for immedlats O. with full dirctions. and Otin be obtatnro from ed. the druggists atls cents nes bottle. and at wtotesale of BULLOOK Clo3^BllaVi r , Dtuggbde and Manufacturing Cherniate. Philadelphia. HAIR RESTOHAT VE. TILE ONLY PREPARATION THAT 11A5 eToOD Tllfi TEST OF YEASHI AND snows MORE AND MORE POPULAR et vnar DAT, And testimottia.S. new, and almost without number, might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all glades of society, whose united testimony none 00. Id result, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and grey, and etageres the half of the youth to old age, in all its youthful bernity BATTLE Cagan, Moh o De0.,21, 11358. Paolr, WooD: Thee wilt please accept a line to in form thee that the hair on my heed all fell off over twenty years aro. cameo by a complicated chronic .dis ease, attended With au eruption on the head. A con tinual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain muff for caps, neither have I been able to d them up, in consequence of which my head has sedered msremely from cold. Tine induced me ea rth pay Briggs .ibialcanes almost the last c en t d l had on for a two ar bottle of thy Has Restorative about the Ist of August last. I have faitbfully roc k t e 1 4Yeottolle, And the bald spot le pow covered with hair thick and ketk' thou i f i iis si Ve r igden l t s th7..7ll l riar t z n e all btfi v e '3 . r .ll It entirely and ectereueetlr , [eel anxious to persevere in its nee, and being eestituPl of means to purchase any MOM, / Would as , r thee tf thee welds,. not ho wiSinq to send me an order on thine agents tor a bottle, and receive to thyself the Scripture declaration —" The reward is to those that are hand to the widow and the fatherleos." Thy friend. SUSANNAH KIRBY. Lie °MISR. Noble no.. Indiana. Feb. 5,1859. Pao*. 0. J. WOOD: Dear sir: In the latter oart Of the fear 1/161. while attenqug the Btate and thattehM Law School of the State of New York my hes, ft'oln a Dann unknown to me. ometneneed falling, oil very rapidly, wo that in the short spat,. of six months. the whole upper Part of my eosin was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of tne remaining inirrtlOU upon tho aide and bank part of My head shortly alter became gray ; so that you will cot be 8111 - prisbd when 1 telt you that. nee& In) return to the State of Indiana, my more casual Mt eneintances were not so much at a loss to discover tbo cause of the change in my appearance, as my more in timate acquaintances wereto recognise me MAIL I atone* made application to the most skilful physi cians in the country, but, 11,0017_,T1E sellganoe twin them that my hair could again' oe restored. I Wee forcedto become reconciled to my fete, until fortunately, in the latter part. of the year 1861, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair Restorat ive in use. I tried one bottle, and forma to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time. I have used seven dol. lore' worth of your Reve, and as a result. have a rioh coat of very soft blacklour, which no Money can bu As Y. a mark of my gratitnde for your labor •and skill in the production of so wonderful an a.rttole. I have recom mended its use to Many Of my friends and acquaintan ces, who, I am happy to informou, are tiling it with like effect. Very respeetftil_ y /y. yo urs ea., A. LATTA. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through.. alit the World, The Restorative is !tit tin ill . Betties of three sti es, . itN,l:nrpleralti.oanieddliiller a ll; t he small bfald.mar Bolds at least twenty per cent. more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle ; the large holds a Quart i 4O %per cent. more in proportion, and re tails for SA b bottle. 0. J, WOOD & Proprietors, 444 BROADWAY, New York, and 11 4 ARK ET Street. St. Louis, And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Deal ers. Sold in this city by B. A. FAIINEATOCR &Co.. Noe. ,M4_olter_th FIFTH Street. and It AtivaßD Tsepaargn, anirClftb.sTrl UT !Streets; LIVUTT & CO„ 232 North chCOND Street. eala-mwhirisrWtf LEGAL IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE E. CITY AND COUNTY OF PIVII.ADELERIA, WILLIAM. DIVER and ELIZABETH. his Wife, vs. WM, CLAYTON end Charlottehts 'Wife, (for sooth Diver.) and JANE DIVER- June Term. MD. Po. 17. Pursuant to an order of Court, made in this ease, the writ of Summons issued tberein is published, viz : City and Counts of Philadelpkia t s , . „ mi.) _The .;ontatonwealth of Pennsylvania to the alien IT of Philadelphia county greeting: If William Diver and Elizabeth. his Wife, make you secure of prosecuting their Moira, then we oommend you that you summon, by good an 'awful summoners. w Sham Clayton and Charlotte. his Wife, (formerly Charlotte Diver,) and Jane Diver, late or yonyeonnly. so that they be and appear before our indgee Pt ro•te delieis at oar District Court for the car nett Gunn./ er Philar VIA. there to be beia the Ist mON AY OF JUNE E to show wherefore, whereas theY , the sats demandant and the-said defendant, tiether and undivided. (to hold all thg.t cornett' uia i r eor tene ment and lok,f,fer,„l fAlowei be w gi u n tik i Doultgiitherestern corner of a lot sold by the g glbs i r l in t i ot p ia On d . zo t u a t iig Oi m Po th it e tsd li e n l e ph o t r a a ae stree tpe by the Schuylkill Navi ti street laid out ga on _mut. y. called Dower l o rt i f ; 116 fist 6 inches north westwardly from th e ediff ge the eaxtgitol:WM Tower afreernerittrair ir . and Ror fr eer 6 inches Co a corner of a lot sold to Joh .Fv us, thence . !Trace along t12,e024 ;fleshes north 62 deg. Si min evr rite 'street south stree t,degftkire,ajtasens• t ea feet incite' to the,f o or 111111 .. eIPP--. aforediald t2 B V l ifffiteAtfilloirtcrth ,,L ilit:ttiy:94 feet I).f inches t.; so - I.Yeila of begitinitig. wit . tide ' - super enencea. The same defendants partition t redUbetween them to be made laceOrding to the laws and.cuirtotne of this Com monwealth in such ease Mane agle. firoy.dedh do gain say. and the same to be done. do nut _permit. very mg justly and against the same laws and militants. es It /6 said, &o. And have you then there the names of thus , summoners and this writ. Wanes. the Honorab'e Geo. Shorewood. floater of Law, President our said Court at Peilagielphni, the , der of Marsh. in the year o our Lord Jet; • ' lirrh F. A. TE DO% rro Prone": COURT iONtl MST lActEir RIIILLER.Weeilitol or — VLF: 1 4 11KA. JON Re. who was !lamellae of WH . ,LIAM CRIS vs EDWARD P. 1.1,WK/Pt B and HENity W , terro tenant. March Term, 1861. NO. 128. t,evart Faclaa. The Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the ford in Court. raised by the Sheriff's sae under the above wen, of all that certain lot or piece of ground. situate on the pouthwestwardly aide of the Lancaster Turnpike R oa d agreeably tip a latent survey thereof made Frgrelr Lightfoot. Falb, et the distance of one bonen!, and fifteen fest seven mons& northwestwardly from the northweetwardly side of Sergeant street. in the DOIrOURR b r e ad t h, Wst Philadelphia. aforestid. containing in front or on the said Lancaster 'rurntnke soul. forty feet, and extending of that width in length or depth avuthwestwerdly two hundred feet to the none eastwardly side of Crean street. to certain fifty feet wide Street, laid out and intended to be opened fo pub ho use. by the said William ("dean, parallel with the said Lancaster Turnpike Road ti buitided northeast wardly be the saki Lancaster Turnpike Road, south westwardly by the said Crean street, nOrthwestwariFY by othergrand intended to be this day granted by the said William roan to the said Edward P Hawkins f D and zontheastwarttly it round granted by-the sai d William Crean to onal Mortinley, on gronind rent, (being the same premises which the said Wiltiam Crean. by indenture bearing even date herewith. but duly executed. mike owleaged. and delivered immediate ly before these presents. and intended to be forthwith recalled meording to law. for the oossideration money therein mentioned, the whoop whereof or -hereby se cured grant-el, and conveyed unto the said Edward P. Hawkins, in fee; subject. nevertheless. to the eXpress restriction that no elan& Ater house. skin-dressing estab lishment. glue. sou, candle, or starch • manufactory. or other building for offensive occupation, should at any time thereafter be put,ereetetel, or used on any raft of the thereby granted lot of ground ; and subject, also to the express restriction that no building or part o ff' a bniloing should at an , rime thereafter, be put. erected. or used on the said above-described lot of ground within fifteeo feet Irom the line or the said Lanc-ster Turn pike Road. twill allend to the duties of LLII appointment on Y at eth day of brnst.. AD. reel, at o'ii)ook nt. s ofboe. No. ate Llooth BIX rH Street. Philade lp hia, when and where All persons in terested are requested to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon the said fund. mylB-10t JOHN F. BRIXTON, ksditor. IN THE ORPHANS' OOURT FOR THE CITY .4.SDCOUITY OF PRTLADELPRIA. Estate of T B Q M i l Al)F0 p. Esq.. Counsellor at Law, of Ina city of Philadelphia. assessed. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the second amount of BFASJANDN RUdU BEAD.FORO, one of the exeontois of the last will and testament of the said THOMAS beg.. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the said eneountetht, gill meet the pe>tiee in interest, got the nurvose of his avocootmeot. on Vrk D -14680 aY. the Firth of June, 2861, at 4 o'clock Y. M., at his (Moe, Nu. 404 PRUNE Street, in th e city of Phila delphia P. P. MORRIS , 20-Stiniof Aeditoy. 1 N r ORPHANS' COURT FOR THR CITY AND COU "ITV Of PHILADELPHIA. Pstate of JA NE ' , woofs. deed. The auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court to au dit, settle. and adjust the first and hue! account of WILvION Ku it R. administrator of the estate ofJANE NICHOLo, deceased, and to report distrihiltiOn of the balanne in the Anodic( the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpor of , luir appointment. al:1 .1 1 0 ; 3 H k Y the t bv , taiTotat-vidgh.atig /31.1 , 15 UM Street, above Sixth, in the city of Philadel phia. THOS. P. POT 136, asylo4nrw4t Auditor. I N TETE ORYILINS' COURT OF NORTH AM 'TON COUNTY. PENIYSYLV2►N/A. Estate of PETER MILLER. deceased. NOTIch, to hereby given to the heirs and legal repre sentatives of the sale deceased. that the report ot the inquisition to make partition. valuation, end appraise- . merit of the Real Estate of the said deceased. wee. on the 26th day of April, A. D. 1861. presented and con firmed. and the Court grant a rule upon the heirs and legal rep. esentatives, to appear at the next stated Or- 1 ghats' Court (August 23,11 and accept. or refuse to ao- ceet , , the said real estate, or show cause, it any their have, why the same Abell not be sold. By the Court. G r CHUB V. WALLACE, Easton. May 15, 1861.—mytt-w3t Clerk. BIJMINICHS OARD . BUSINESS MEN ARE ADVERTISING in the Bent Newnea Pent of City and Conatry at the °thou of JOY, COE, & Co., •ADVEETIBINO AGENT& PM= and CREMTNUT BTRZETB, Philadelphia. TRIBUNE BUILLUNG, New York. mar tt • H 0. ULLM A N , ATTORNEY-AZ • LAW, JERSEY 8/143.1tE, Patansylvnnin. Collemtions promptly mods in Clinton and Lyoomity counties. Itteaare. Waiter & RLY I TIt i tTadelphia • 3. .11 Murata Say. je "el Shore; M"4-8. " r° n' & J.H. ehper, miler,.t, ci, num ftCo., Phthsaft. ghilada.• L. A. meow, took HLi Co., uth la Go Co.. ? h ands.• Tbatoner & Wtrri en ; Ya rd, " N ° ..:: no'cls. Howell & Reiff. Minds. Woddrop , rhila". felS-11 ; m - TURN WELSH. PRACTICAL SLATE ex ROOFER. THIRD Street Amount RMATW/to Road. Ig prepared to put on etn.rof BOofing. on the most moaerece term. yrui guaranty to mote every building perfectly Water-1,4h Orders promptly attended to. mr7- ly JOHN ELLIOTT, WINJUI and LIQUORS, Nee:3l7 and 319 WALNUT Street. (basement litores. between nird and Fourth, north side,) Phila delphia. N. L—Fine Old Whiskies always on band, (Established in MO pilwßaz & NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS, rtes. 619 and 6111 MINOR, IStrret, between Mutat and Cheetant streets, PRILADELPHI6.. JAMES PAWDOZI, /1,13. B. Nicror.som )017-1y• TIIGUET % SONS. • IMPORTERZ OF nAVAPIA MAAS, No. 016 gine FRO N 7 street. Le nve regularly a full assortment of desiring ell• SASE, witielt they ear at Low rates, for sash or car Moved credit. 1011-11 URPIIY-WIIIPPLE IRON BRIDGE. 5701411, iturnsy t & sug_Topt. No. 333 WA4NII STREW:, YRILADEL MA, Be( leave , to inform Railroad Coarnanlea, and others intern:tad in bndreoonstrnotion, that thm have oonnecrion Wanes' with JOHN W. mar civ.i.E......,.(ad,th0r and inventor of the tibbvi we l - .11=1plan of iron bridied and are pre c earet n o 3 m h fr om an, Parr o f r° B rwmir '"' MI:11 d Allperaoa snaerintszaleasel. haters Distant to pieta and estimates Amid be ressed to JORK.W. MURPHY, Civil ir.tivna__,er sall-41. Viz STONE. 0 1111143LNY. & Friu- atutritrrieroßY ,=. .ad 141 el i ar x err AP, l L) rav i tat, ins &bora elitOdrAge, and RETAIL. 14 5 3 eiver , s,. l tm x aims a mairormr THEI PIUMEL-PHILADELPIPA, MONDAY,I MAY 27, 1861. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE. I , 4lsllkVOTllti M8A.13A.0 H Sy the Me 01 these Pills the sertodleel IMMO of MT roes tr Sick Headeeha may be Prevented and if fake' at the' acancieneemeat of an • attack izeinediete relief frost pout and shakoes' will be obtained. They seldom feilrin reineeink iheAlltita Hai- ' ache to whit& females are so subleet. They act gently on the bowelg, removing Contotnoss. For Lit.rarM.. iSludsices. Delicate Females, and alt persona of radestiarg Aspics, ; they are valuable as a Loioati, iraproiring thaal3,gtitS. giving FM and ViICT to the digestive °maim. and ?Worms' the natural elas ticity and strength of the whole sistem.. ThettEPHALIC PILLS are the remit of long investb. giweou and carefully conducted ezierimeuta, having DOOR In asp many years. during whieh time they have orevenSed and relieved a vast amount of pain anti Natrari* from Headache, whether originating la the *grams system or from a deranged Mate of the gra- They 'are entSreb sisslatablii in their oompositieu, &B 4 may be. Wow tune. 'With perfect wafers 'Wi th out miking any shame of Cot; and she sbassicis of aay disa greeable rasp routas is .at Is esimaisistir Skim So aiilJrM.• BLWAR :O • COMMTM3I TO gowns Imo five signatures °lasers C. aim Mutt en exoll. Box. • Atoll bi liiiigures sad ell other Melanin Madiainah - A. Box yin be rent br mall seepage oe-testae of the PRICE. 215 CENTS. Ail •sdsn ■both to attrossost FIFIKEVe 0. SPALDING. 46 &WAR STREET.' ri.E*Yoßn, voLLOWINI SNDORISISMICIIIe uiP O.EFFIALACJ PILLS Ir • wa.x. CONVINCECALL WV) evrrEß FROM HEADACHE. ,, SPEEDY ..D SURE OTTR.E IS wrPHLIT TILEIR REAM. 41, 1 MW gussimmisis an lialsottc7 14 ' Mr. SPAZA- Ilfe, Arm/ imquistiessabis _ a f Os MO" mover ais truly satorm tAI s u t ...pholio - fills. and / La. t5....e so Iha ,r 1 ponr o ..end me two dollar/ worth more. Wilof these " Mt the nefichbors. to whom i a row the lei I got fr om Yew. : It. the by with and oblige • Your ob't Seyrs iomme nt. itErniED? . Ys.IP I wish ton to wend ino one morn box of yo h a s ihan nediect 8 gru od. 7 l h rn os AM, Yourojoentfoill, • MANY Asut STOY Ilmme CRiem, ittrwrimapoit Co, Ts rats /anew /It, /SOL Q. &Alarm". aro . Yo* plod me two twooe Wont' 00034 , p Him ft l igol k om /mandato*. Romrig4 l r.,:rs 9 2(o..iet ammo,- t --r Pins, Am; owl ~ Bedzillsseon, Ohio, Jan. M. UM ly. 15 PALDV(O, lease fini. enclosed ty-ftve cents, for which cacti meszoberttox or your phials) rills. They aro truly iSsest Piiis I law sou ed. Drain A. STOVER, P. M., . Vernon, Wyesdot no, O. irnitl.T. Maas„ Dee. U. iiro. N. o.laarmrsa. Elm • k ' 1 wj for some creeps orLeif ahoy bills , to brie/ Your You r PIPIIIO Fil rem l. pertio rly Irefore my cu e . ir you bee. aything o the kind please seed 1110. One if my cuusornerelebo ie subject to severe eiok Beedshe, (usury wing two derg.) tees eared of as arraahis au Amerir s pr o vis. whioh 1 bent her. 1" 1 Y ear!. -- • W. B. WILICES. I== - I o. sTALD no Cedar • Eke: /Wooed Snd . -hes oaths. Mt,/ for 'lr4Mh /end Dor.* Cephalic!, .1 And addren Of Her. Wm. i um:4, fatrle s Al‘mg.Pranklin Onto. cow rule it riorrt—elers Hiedarki almost Gesterstsr. army your'. WM. 0 IF/W.1.11.. IYr, ext•Atert. Mies., Jan. 11, 191 L Brezzonot. Raj Hot long singe /at* yoefor &DOA of Cnibalio Pilte for the oars of the rvous Headache and Cootivenesa, and rtomired the , and true had 10 rood SE Wear mai 1 711 , 4 isvitte gel iseszt far _norm. Plum send by teen maiL. ntreorto I A. rtetilanti. Kist. /Yam Us 61111111141. Neffiek, Vs. 10 Ctephaho Pills tish the object for which they made, via.: f hesdaohe in all its forms. .......... • /Vows tAs hisoltsisr, Neff.ll, Vs. they have hash talA IC Mare than a thousand suet, With entire sneer.; ; —..... Prom Me /Afars*, Sr. Road, Mks. It you ere. or havereen tmubled with the headache, seed for a hoz. (Cowie Pills.] so that ion may have them MI case of in Oak. i......._ Asa she Alkalise Proeidatak,l4..l. the CeDb6llo Piltramesid to be to, remarkably Wee /Ivo remedy Prr thebeakiseheoind one of the very bast *rest yeatreenail asrevisent-vhich has ever been dippovered. i• Oevi Molar,' R. R. GiUditt, Chicago, DI. We heard/ endorse Mr. Elpalding, end his unrivalled alephallo Pil . , , PrernautHastirehts Vanity Star, Esitawite, We are ear thatpeirsolti offering With the headache, who try ti to them. 1 , 1 , 01:1 ostbsystpath 'Now Orrossa, Wry th you thstare eiMioted. and weans *are tbst your ony osst: bee Watt° the already tumorous Ua Vas reoeirmi benefits that Ito other medicine stn ' Yi•trno les St. Louis Dortocret, id Tito footing. dlortaid for thB Artie!. (CophoHo Pllla rap*ooresslng. 40/11 tht Gazette, Detotoport, !tin. Mr.jtaiklOng ',wild not connect O. name wish nu eT tote on ivnot intotreta nom= reottoonti- /Ls M. Athirst:or, Proofdaue.B. L The reopecta own% in their favor is atrom s, from the read Maw tA. bath/ NON. NYary art, elepheae Pine are takint the place of ail kleeeti. Iron a* garsaservirsi Bi.o ftw, BOUM,. Min. BOd to be netiOdlitieioas'for the headache. ..,stir Uownwereiel, Cintiownwi, Okiw girestes keenunty can new be rehereet. Mr A Bine* IMO, of /PAID/Wit PUP• &RD OLIOIIIIII save rani uses theireost aninaily."oll SPALDINCPS PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! ECONGSIY: • DISPATCH! Eif"' A MITITOE IN Winn SAVAn Plinx"l9ll As accidents win havpon even in well -regninted families, it is vety desinible'to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture. Torsi Crocke ry, Ata• • SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE mists aft such emOrgenotee,' and no hoomehokt can do without it. !t is 'Morava ready. and op to the snaking Banat. 17813PUL IS EVILItIr ROSSILH S. Bo—A linuhlooontosaies each bode. Prioe,o cents. Aaarsie. HENRY 0. SPALDING. SW, te mita rriusß7, rtzw TORN. As certain ononnoipled poisons ars ottemPOof I° palm Off.the gosoromnint public, imitations of my FRE.PAABIf CLUB; liiinktoiation owoons to ex' AM" trim* virohguthiroput lit that the fall naMOr INVIPAIODU(11111 PRKPAIRD 01,17/I,IFS 00111111411 P ifraillltiti owe - Alma 11111011. 1111111111011.60 . .10041 ETUSE ALIG WIX 3 Ow 1-IMADAOI-10, I SPALDING'S - VI AT hia , om , n pr. GemHu., Feb. 1,11141 ALVILRYTOR* Pa., Feb.llll4 gra* PPAIMIN Ca.. Obis./ i Jmmy t. SAVE TEE PIECES: CAUTION, THE RELIANCE =TULL mm7E/awl COMPANY, os InlthAllso,TutA. gurnOß, No. 306 WALNUT ernin;vi DURUM asniron LOO5 OX DANGWE.By gum on Hones. Stores and other buildings. il - or corooniol, and on Fninitnio nuled !goods, wares, and bler °handles. intry Anvil or , un, CA RR CAPITAL, 1115 c0 1,M 0 6 - ARBETS 1115 If lig 01. Which le Igivest i ed as follows, ; In And mortgages on *AI prover 47. wortu double the sinount--- —41511.500 00 Pennerlvadia.ltailrosd Co.".' 8 per cent. first worufacs leak at Oar— 11,400 00 Pennsylvania Ra i lroad Co.'s 6 oar cent, se , otnad gnortgaNe load, (180,0001— 27,0 a, 00 .B.D.Boidon as is Bra m Top Railroad and • Canal Co.'a mortgage loan-- com 00 Ground rent; first-omea-2,464 00 Collateral loam, well snowed— SAO CO City of phlladelphla 6 per cent. loan-- 30,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. RR, loan- 10,600 00 commerolalkinn stook— 6,136 01 MOOhaniene selc meek— 6,61366 Pennulvania Railroad CO. stook 4,000 00 The nelollloo Mutual Insurance Co.'s stook 16,640 00 The County Fire Insurance Cols stook-- Leo oo The Delswere ill, c. Insurance Co.'s stook- no 00 Union Mutual Insurance cols scrip- ..—. Sao oe Dills receivable , 14400 74 Book account., accrued interest, 7,10466 Cash on hand— 13,644. 64 . . 4317,141 os The menet principle, coral:4mnd with the seeurity of &Stook capital, entitles the insured to participate in ie the prrs of the COMpIMMT. without liability for Losses. Loewe promptly &lauded and paid. nisheyou: Clem Tinsley, Wh Samuel Biaphawt. Williem R—orrinnon. Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Mfillßers Winton, ritamereton. BenJ. W. m ite], John R , Worrell, Marshall Hill, H. L. Careen, J. Johnson Brown. Robert Tol and, Charles Leland. D. Rosenaarten, Jacob T. Bunting, man S. Wood, Bmak,Set .wen,_ Janm 0, Woodward, John Bitted, Pitteburs. CLEM TINGLEY. President. B. M. HINCHIH.A. H . Secretary. 16.1E61. THE EIiTTEIROPELLEIE INSURANCE COM. FALNY OP PRILADPLPILL tram o6irri.A.rtas ExourstvELY.) eatiPANIS BUILD/Pie, D. W, COR/flat PO D,STH AND WALNUT STUNNTS. DLILEOTORB: MORDISCAI L. DAMSON. WiLWra A McKim, Wm H. STUART. ZDRO Fsizlaxf &nit 11. Bitourn. JOHN Mi ATivoon,N. A. FAinuzsToclt, amir.Tagieincr, ANDultat D. emat. . 11221 . 7, 7 . 1 "V•i. 'A .3 " I nalintOdadent; 042 t r4 1:74% OMB, PENN{ MUTUAL LIFE ENSURANGE TMANY, o. 11171 CHESTNUT Street,Phtladelphis, ALt'JCHARTKII"PRRPETUAL. THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMODIO THE IN SURE)). 119177 11 Ves fur short Endowments; te sham me life ; gran neuiteie and Du L if e Interests Heal Estate and makeall contracts de yendmg IMMO oontingenoles of URN They setae Executor., Administrators!, Assisnees, Trapani. 1143 Guardians. eSSETe OF TUE COWAN St, Amman 1. lea. MCITU.S3_33, Round rents, real estate- .0322,991 97 United, atatea stooks. Trepaurr notee,loans of State of &anrylcancs, ectr of Phus dolohla, . 1139,795 34 " Freenum ingtea.l 4 ;e:;;;. , ;:ec;ll - e * Ge - r — ehi7l4 - e- s - Med 68 F fn maylvaaa. !NOM vanteßail roads, sad County lax pervert. t erea,... d s 108432 00 B s pk, 'convince, railroad, canal 71 - 0 - 2 ,. wija_mo Q u o haal , arante balances, ke.. NMI 14 - -;.-- - ssrnnill l n] DANIEL L. 9U-1 , 1-Mit» rie ll oent• SAMUEL A-9117KM Vine rresident. Jcrui W. ROB No R Remoter!. tiIIaSVFARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN. IL" golailoE ompAffir. PHILADELPHIA. Lnoorooraod by the bogielotus of renneylvalua, 031ws 3. fit. oorner of THIRD end 'WALD WW itreol4. PHILADELPHIA, MARINE WOWItAKCII, On Veinal', Olirao to all "arta of the War% On Goods to , - veni ll Ogarek C4 colg riagvir E 4u i rmasgnion. On iniarekandise genera". On niOree, . AOTutri, &O. ASSETS OF 7118 COMPANY, November I. ' SWAG United Ifitates five W. cent. 10cin—.9.1.0 1 4000 00 110;000 United titatetreim. IF crenit.Treaal/17 Notes. (with accrued interrd).— 119,1611 St 100.000 Pecniilvania Rate five V pen gelM OD ' do.. 110. MX do. 91,016 00 M Vr te l li ? . rtagig z. • t ,000 00 13.,p,140:4131,1%n te le o u r tgad mortsh,ro elan no MOP Midterm Mock Germantown Gas ra g Tal i t l iefd tae and :f-pg tr. yinre OD 0.000 MD 'hares Pennsylvania Reilres ' 6 Os - 111.006 100 'hares North Peritourivtuua-t' SOO ao rind itme io donee inaniefinia -- -.-.- mat and Lim op Stearn Trig a l empitnia Elmo- de , 00 111" • . I . ll r 4 ae t Ze Ph iCitke4Toptinilia Eit ewn ohrto n le . la° I* LS 00 ion 8 57pr....riental Hotel Co.— no eo Aet 5.' 11,047.085.01.. Market va1.11011,584 71 /12 BUTOSICCII Mow r 1111W"Lrrg....tir ligAl nine c piee, is rest : and othor debts Aqp non u g i osiii mi na kook anis. of Irendrr inurreztae ant Seek enlishg—th96!6 g° hi rivarer.- - 110 . ' - ------ as.iwit OlitEC3o ---.ltB, iffriPOT a Wi!dim Martin. B.lmaidLN: Norm- Edmadd A. Bonder, J.l. ratualow, liteonhiltut Paulding-. Edwardeen, &gm .11. Penrose, Darlingtad, Aisle 4 Ptlvil , , , R. Jones Brooke., n e4 1i qvuos i .. 8 awer Di' iv et Will . 'E ,. j o ki dwii, isnot , P. Jones, Jose* • . ;awes B. Wienriand. . Dr. i • dierat. Joshua P. Eyre. liserla C. &dyer, Saha U. Erennle,'g , Nag D. 'N. Mar mut. ;km, .2 1 1 1%. A. E. Raeder. ",' Wit.LIIAM MARTIN, President. ' wwo,3, O. kt„,t ND, Vise President. EENRY AYEBERN.-Baoredari. , noll-a[ INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.— CQM Y—PInNNRYL V te A 4 N 123 A 6 - CHAR TER PERM. TUAIANo. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Indspen& once 8t e re. Thie , Company, favorably known to the oornmunfty for thirty-six years, continues to insure against tom or Mintage by Fire, onyobbo or private Deffthece, either lermanentlY or for a hum Alio. on Furnitaro, coon" Hoods or tfferohendom generally. on liberal term". Thelt Capital, together with a large Bantus Fund, Is investee in the moat mareftit manner. which enables them to offer to the Moored an undoubted /mount! In snip cote of loss. . . Jonathan iatteraon, Law HasMhorm, 'Qmatin Cs nbell, Thomas Robins, Alexandar_Benson, Dams! smith, Jr.. Wipank montsllit a. John Bey °roux, Thomas JONATHAN PATTERSON. President. Bs.aort Bause, Secretary. IN SURANOS COMPANY OF THE; -E- !TA' E OF PKIV es OYJN.A.NLK—FIXE A CHAAM JO B WIN 811EANCE N. 4 AND a EXCIE o OK. • sad in / 1 4—Coeftel 8101110)—Feb. 1.. Ifill 1. , cad as, 8 4.58,7,11 ; All Animated m sound and available seeannes—airn tinge' to imams on Yersets , and Cargoes. Buildings. nwalcs of kleinhandise, ic r 5. cberal terms. DIX la.. Froeiry D. !inerrant. Se B. Stuart, limpull Webs olgyani, Jr.,' Ourtes Itlarbortor. obis") .srr t Liilliam E. mitt, inomas . attaon, ax p . t. .14 jtdii, our" O. menus. Cheese D. Lewis, ~t..a. K. Waits, HEN4st no O. %Liven. D. ISHEXII.EXD Piasid4nit , 1111131. Laid HARP R. gsszatars. ' tell-tt rerspitANOZ. MECOITANIOR' uwil• COMPANY of Philfdelphiai No. 1311 North ISOrT Street. below Efleft. BMW ITIg .hoods and erehezitOzo gonereMY Kra low or by rue. The Immesh: raeraatee to adjust all Jrrozaptiyi end thereby hope to merit the Dilarlin -41 Or iaa imbue. wrsacyom•. Wullam Mohan, 'Reber* Flanttan, Franoks Cooper, Mohaelsnicueor, George L. Dossherty, Edward Metiorerw 'James Martin, Thomas IL MeCorsidek. James - Dumas, Jan Alp,later,. Frthey MClAleer t nnaril Rodrortr - i Jol m °? - 1 -11121 home+ .I.llcmphill. .F4ruarclialewataW. Thorns' Flaher, Charles Mare, Frescos McManus, Michael Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER.. President. BELNAILD 'RAFFERTY. BeoretAry. oote-li A MERICIAN EBB INSURANON 00., ANCORPCBATED 1810 ••••• OILINTRIt PER. PETUAL: No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, Ramos elarge paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus, investW in somid and available Securities conianuns to i ii rare,PE MlTl . linAlb Anctrea, Furnitive. k h erahandise, Ernarelitvgairt-r and propertr. n *a promptly us . Thos. E. Mans, John s T Lewis, - JohriWeish, Jame IL Campbell, Samuel °Morton, Edmund G. Dui t , Patenok Brady, ael Chas. W. Poultney. MTIsrHOMAS JL ALARM, President. ALBERT C. B. CRAWFORD. Seoretarr. fait-t } NTBRACJITE INSURANCTIO 00.11111i -I.lll="NY.—Aatkorloot Capital 11401141111E1 BUIPETAL. t_Oftoo o.IIIWALT4IIII . Strost, Navas" Willi Sat srm_rth =oat, Ptuladolphia. _TAtiCojapany wiairoure ALAMO lot; or doom* VI o, On .ftildross,rorattoro, and' Morokosittuare , sus . &Sir 41111 A0,' Maio' on , 'Prols. InitVl7X co to toutt kto s. Josob Esker, otordtKaileld, Andatar/oSkerit " John "ham, 111. Avr . JOSS Jt., atatiolt, "Wit Pearson, liVor:7: otto, Mir meter, JEstua,. JACOB US Frositt. WAL , VW* PriWiolk W, SNOT', Ortiretors. apt-t( ,XOI:IANGE `INSURANCE .COMPANY • .1 N0. , 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE Ifiliitflintivis on Homes and Merchandise `P onerally, on favorable terms. either limited or ear- DIRECTORS: Jeremiah Bona% Thomas Marsh. John Q. Watteau, Charles Thompson s Fdward D. Roberts, James T. Raie Samuel L. Suriles, J., Owen, Reuben 0. 11341,.._ John J. Grants. • iiMENILLII RONSAL. President. .701 N Q. OLIVRODO. V. Preeden_ .1 SMINARD Cot. georelary. . Je-a'ROWN'S FASENOE OF JAMAICA GINGER.—FREDERICK BROWN, Chemist and Dniecist. northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth its.. Philadelphia, sole manufacturer of Brown's . Essence of Jamaica Ginger, which in rem:remised and prescribed by thOmedioalfrioutty,and hea become the standard family madunne of the United Stereo. This Essence is a proven:igen of unwisel texoellenee. fln ordinary diarrinCei ItiOlpient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions. it le of inestimable value. During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer complaint, of children, it is pecu liarly efficacious; no family, indivual, or traveller should be without it. litiTICE.—To prevent this valuable Enema from being be e fcounterfeinew 'tee, engraving, of at a great coot, tril ted em the oatside of the wrap per, in order to guard the purchaser against belocim posed elm by wortniess imitatlone.-11818. - PrepareJ only by PRE:DERICIC BR O WN, and for sale au hie Dreg and Chemical atom. N. E. corner of Fifth and Chestnut meets, Philadelphia, and at PRE BROR n, J3.'5, Drug and Chemical Store, B. B. comer of Muth and Chestnut atropin, •• Contr• nental" hotel reiledelphrs. Also for wile by all re spectable itniggiata in the United Slates. mlr4-111n N 011( E.—The Citizerze of the different. Cities sad Towne throughout the State ere melted litgu. p_Dinpetilion for the PO at whmh the Beat Sm. 01r4T - FAig sh ell be held. flonoSslS oontsinins Inducements end. advantages) diree_ted to tne undargigued'Committee.' astioistsa-D , tae,,kkx eoutiva Committee, gall be received no to anal LC' Oltabag Me? tint next. r-onusemostions should he ad. drama to either of the followins. mesons WM cauDßn... 4onli P . ItUTHERFORD, •• 4AGOS MASH, JOHN H. pEEILER, Harrisburg, At *MOI3 H. KAPP, NorttoustberMad. Cleensattes. tiiiNfiYVil HAVANA` OIGA_ES—A large and seen . dud assortment WWl sixes and ensliti,s, in store mei for,sale Ten tow for..P.Ala br • II _ asimpupliziPowgrrol t LlPLltart. R Tr_ Jar gaud; (VT•_ , V i tt.L 7 ,__RE - ING_, and MAAR BRUJitit o after Mr • KORNIS° LA el 3, DAIL (`thindoes eneantadd. Leave New Deeot,ooriler BROIO LL1.0.. and Oow- BILL shwas, rftuata (Passenger du transom on Tinyinentb and on Cailowhill sweated at 8 M aonneating igt, Harrisburg with the PsrousyL vAri R 4 thioAD IP. train. running to Pitts burg the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 105 P.M. train lara s e t e rt 4 l • l d l latagroluaelD l. mining to Bunbuly. &a. nr PERMOON LI Leave New Depot. °ernes of BROAD and OALLOW RILL Streete. PHIL (Pesuienger en- IT6ll;illtaltlrte e ath and on COSOlWhill rger,lrr and BARRIE:1B ne. at P. DAILY, connecting at Harnetosi with the Northam Central Rearoad, for Bunuary, Wdliernsport, Elmun , &o.; for at 6 Y. Id...DAILY, (Bandar , exeeßtedj DM/JANUS ViA fIiTLADELPRIA AND READ trtRnILROAD. Paoli Primsnalmnis. Miles. To rit L h e ac i d a n o il 2 24 I a n P d h a e l P n h o i n a V a n a d i le ß y e a it a . a t t. Dauphin rn Marching-- .142 t northern Cannel Treverton Jaw:4o[llU Railroad. Sunbury . . .......169 1 . Northumberiand..-.111 I Lewisburg... —. _ _ !Imam . -400 1 Jersey R. bore. - Look Raven— -Ma) Troy, -2St Williamonort and Elmira Eirntra„.......— 287 It ailroad. The E A. M. and 3.15 P. M. Mies anneal. deilLat Port Clmten,(yundarseexcepted, wir the CATAWII22OI. WILLI an:SPURT. and 6EI ItalbßoaD, making alone connection with linen to Niagara Prilie, Canada, the Wert and xmithnrent. DEPOr IriPHILADELPHIA : Corner of BROAD and CALLOWlill&Btreeta, w.ll. re cII.HENNEY. kienetar3-. May 20. MI. mv9o-tf EPEUritriSititak-nR-RAN6E GEIRMAR TOWN, AND NORRIFTTO WI( Riai l ag i kti. On ant after Monday . , May 19,J861. FOR OIsRMAN TOWN. Leave .PbOseelithia, 6. 7, 5,9, 10,11 , II A. M., 1, 2,3. 3.M, 4,6, 6,6 K ,7 , ,9, DX, 3 , 31111 X F. M. Leave Gerroantovrn, 6 7,711,8, 10.11,12 1,2,3, 4. 2,6, OWN, IMCP. M. The 8 . 20 A. M. snit 3.66 P.M. Train', stop at German town only, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 005 A. M., 230', 83.1, 6, INE,arl 10% P. M. Leave Germantown, 8.10 A M., 14,6%, and 0% P.M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,0, 10, 22 A. h 1.4. 3.85, 4,0, 8.0, and 104 P. m. Leave Chestnut 111I1.7.10,13: 8.40,9.40, 11.40 A. M., lA, 330, 0.40,7.10, 8.40, and 10.10 P. M. The A. M. and 3.30 P. M. will make no storm on the Germantown road. ON SU NDA.I. S. Lowe Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M.. 31(. 5. and 71( P. M. Leave Duvet:mt. 1, 7.00 A. M.. 1340, 610. and 9.111 FOR CORIROROCREN AND NORRISTOWN. - Leave raltad.debaa, cao. 734. 0.06. 11.00 A. 3.06,413C-63‘.8. and 13„.WPad; Leave Norristown, 6,7, 815, 0,11 A. M., 43 ‘ , 04 and IN r, SUNDA.Vff. Leave Philadelphia. 9A. M.. 3 ands P. M. • Leave Norristown, 7,1 4. a. Ma a n d m, FOR ANA FUR R. Leave NZ*, 71.4.- ...cis= 631, 8. and 1!N f. 01. c t i et: an ee d et jo sT r imnki 725, 5 3b, 313 i, A. M., 3,91 f, ON SIJNDAYIS. Leave Philadelphia. 9A. M., II 5, and 754 P. M. Leave M R. K. TS A. M e Myll-tf Depot. NlN•in. and GREEN Btinete. 436nil6titp8eurclinteiCidMent,, IL= DOUBLE TRACK. 2160 M THE PENNSYLVANIA RAitokti_, CENTRA L 1 Sgt. mitemiti 1861. -ram CAPACITY ! OP TO'S ROAD Dll NOW EQ"I.IAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE TA ROUGH PASSENGER T RAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Cotnecting direco at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston. New York, and all_points East, and in the Hpipo Dor); at ?Wilbur' with Whrough Trains to and Iron all points in the West, Northwest, and Potithweel —'hue furnishing facilities for the transportation 01 Pumengers unaurpaseed for mated and comfort by any otter route. , wies:reiss and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, bout change of Oars or Conductors. Ali Through P nrer Train/ provided with Loughl7 l lo4 rsiont prate—speed ender per f ect control or the engineer, th adding much to the safety of travellers. 8 °Sklienegpie4"CsanTtosEttacx_prheesad toandeape Feet Train Ts i Trains, n ; WOf ah T h e 1? SaeCRS BALLY: Mail and Fast Line., SUM all Irrain leaves Thnsoeleh 116 ia at 7. A. M. t Line " " 11 .16 A. M. rasa Train leaves ° 10.45 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: nag Accommodation, via I Columbia, 2.30 P. M. P C ambia Sealprs " at .00 PI M: nt Chester " No 1, at 8.15 A. M. 0 No. 2- at 12 SO Wit Cheater Peseengefs will take the W e st Cheater Nos and 2 and Columbia Trains, P sneers for tioxibury Williamsrort, Elmira. Buf fs/0 lagers Falls, and intermediate _points, leaving Phil Iphia tate° A. M. and 2.20 P. al.. go dirtied/3 thro it Tie is Westward may be obtained at the aloes of the C i l t pany in Philadebhia, New York, Boaton, or Balti 6 ; and Ticket, Eastward at any of the impor tant S road Offleee in the West. also on board an of the re r Line of Steamers on the Miaossipm or O hio riven Se r re always az low. and time es quick , as by any ; other te. For f her information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Soabeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The oqpietion of t Western connections of the ' rence7M4ia Railroad to Chimp...make this the .DIRECT ONE BE t WHEN - rub' EAST AND 'PIM , GREAT WEST. The °enaction of tracks by the Railroad Brides at Pittsbargosoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight , together wib the saving of time. are advantages Total ly &performed by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel ling ?Maio,' meromsom end moppets entrain= .antransuorio lion of their Freight to this Company rely with aonfidepoe mute needy _transit. THY RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad ars at all times as favorable as are charged by other Bati4road Cestaities. -.lle particular to mark packages ". via Penult.- rani& Railroad." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directious, apply to, or address either of the torlownig Agents or thtl o • Company : 11 , _---- .- ..- .0.10 0r.:R,0.1 - AlidgesillleTiii. - 7_, :,.-..verigon..m.p ex, O.; R. Motkreely, Maysville, HI. i Ormsby It Ormr - F -- ' per, Portsmouth,- 0 • Paddock Jr. Co.. JetrerarourrAte, Indiana • H. W. Brown er. Co., Cincinnati. 0.,• Athern & Hibbeit, Cincinnati, U.; R. C. Moldrum, Madison, I Ind. , Joe. E. Moore, Louisville, Ky. ; P. O. O'Rtley & co., Evansville. Ind.; N. W. Graham-A Co., Cairo, Id. t ,g. P. Elairs, Slider & alms, Bt. Louis. Mo, • Jolla B. Mgr* NsAtivillit, Toned: Marna it Runt. ' Mem - 7904.4 'sena.; Oiarke & Co., Chicago. 11l- ; Nr. B. 8.. amok', Alton, Ill.; or to pgeight Agents of Railroads , at different pointell% the West. ' 8.-B. KI sOnToel, Jr, Ph il adelphia. - • MAGRAW & KOONS ' , 110 North street Baltimore. LEECH & C 0.,/ Astor Bonze - or / IL William et- N. Y LEECH & CO_ No 77 State slum. Boston, H. H. H. HOUSTON. clieWi Freight Agent. Phila. L. L. ROUPT, Gen'i Ticket Agent, Phila. • E, LEWIS. Gen'l Pirdet Altoona. Pa. .__ jay-1y - - - .- ... -,_ . 1861• '' . 1861* ant Ag r, i 34 ..: 3 7 '4diEItrTOAX I IFIR, . IJA...t:ITD IF • L iR te Y AILAd Ml ' FROM ' : I Ilk We X TOIX- AND '•A. - LACEII,- ratat ur v otirit a l a ntaigALtiv ir q,atin ,s,„, VARA At 6 A. M., ria Camden and Label. 0. and A. Ao ocromodation . . . . $2 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden . . 2 25 At 8 A, 2114 via Camden and Jaren City. Meinine Mail .• 09 At 11)c A. M., Keneungtott and Jersey C. 93. Westent Expreas. • aOO At P. M., - via Camden and Amboy .Acroolusios dation 2 26 At F. M.. vie. Camden and Amboy, C. and . A. Ex ress - 3 00 At P t M.:Cla — Kensinsirn and Jersey City, Biro ales Express..__._ AVIA P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City. al 333 Clam 'Picket - 2 25 ♦t 6P. M., via Camden and Jersey City. Evening ails . ' —S a) At Ili& P. It., via Camden and lonely CitY.South lirll_BllJkil • Am.. p•-•-• imme" it 20 At I F. IN., via Camden andAmbetiod4- tion t ( o irelrbe and Passenger Ist Clasloket— 226 do. 2d Class cket— 160 Tito PIK MMI Lino xims . dally. Wks /17( M, Bostn ern Mail, Eatutdays excepted. For- Bolvidl x . Ilestoti,_ - 4antbertvtlio, Flemington, at 7.38 Ai. • ar r i4lll. Al- from Kensington. For Water Mart i e7nspn, iitesearro, MorgrotreAtir 2.16.,7.10 A, . fr ets Kensington, vaareleiN kawepna 804 ealern 11. . AL F", . and .13 thi s i gtot shem:at 7.10 . h•omJfetuidngton • icy Ynet coeneate with- ttesin leaving (th at ;1 13 6 P. M.) • • For Mount Kelly, eta and a A. M., 1 end IN T. Pa FOP Ftitikold.. at I A. M., And 2 P. M. A LirtEa. Fur Bristol_. Trent Won Y . no.. at r.lO A. .M., ef. and SM P. M. from Kensington, and 1)( P. M. from Walnut- Ergot 'wharf. For Kitierton, Delanee. Beverly. Barnet. Vsni_riorevioe, Border-tows, ' be., at Mc 1, S. 434, and e r, ht. ateeuteoet Trent Op., for Bordentown and intermediate nbrps. at 2% .P. - IXL - trom Witinut-street wharf. poFor New York and Way Linea leaving Kensington t, take the oars on Filth street. above walnut. an hour before t The "r n flo rai lh in d o t i e . ° gilt gdf r atSg'inge t Only) train , from Petjen ger. remanent:ice erphihrted from takust enythois ea fttsagedrUem wearing.. apparel. All baggese,rrsir Afty i r polubettd,tor extra. The Company-41mA their tfrpi Jor bee tau to One DoWtrer_ppunt. ant in not be liable for ang-autottat_basmia Biw, oa tmeal by spatial nen traet. mhr - Wm. M. ea TEMB"k. Arent. it r r _ .• ,• NJA 7T.4 , BOYLEir.rO AD. OR ••oNO ••• - TON. EASTON; OXLEY, • ,* I RERRARRE, TRRF.I%, WWI UGH TRAIN& Oa and after MO AY. MAY Madge. Yeateacer Tiatna will leave PROfff and WILLOW Streets. Phfla,- dolphin, (C)andays excepted), aafenowe z At OM A. ALL,_(Exproas), _for Bethlehem, Allentown. Mauah Ohunk:Hesteton, Wilkesboro,. &o. At LOP. M.. (Ram= ), for Bethlehem, itattorl, This train: Roston ate P. IlLj and mates ohne tanneetion with IWO Jersereeatral for Now YORK. At 6.16-P. M., for Bethlehem, -staleetorni. -Maw* Chink. &a._ • - • At91:211. and if P M.dor Poylestowa.- At 1020 A. 6,401'..1.4., for Port Washington. no LOA; Al.- hOc inaloweiciee commotion With - the Lehigh V ey Railroad at _Bethlehem, being the. shortest had: most•deturable ronte to , WiNhabane. and to antra irctluelehish coal_rogion, ILAlNE4 2 4lllL'..ext.tanxt.pauk t Leave *MIR= 111.430 A. 411.. P.M A. M., and 63) P Leave playletAawa at 7.26 ......4aud,4 16 P. M. Leave Fort W 11111121110.011 at. A.. and 230 P. M. ON ,11111117BP/L-Philatlelph' for Bethlehem at 4 Atnladelphialotylestotruel 3 P. M. torleatowu torTMUdeighlet at 6.40 A. K. thleltem for rittlattoroto& at Y. Xi Pare to Aottlishom—er DOI Fam to Mauch Ohmak.ll2 CO Fore to Boon — 6111 Pare to Wilkeebarre... 460 Through Tiokets mart be groomed at tho Tietet Oigoes, at WILLOW Stroel6 or SS RNS Street. in order to moue the Ogre Mee of rara, All rammer ltrottot optoot Illutotor Trawl) oonnoot at Berke threat Wit 4 rift& and 5 - lath-ntreete. anti Second And Third-Wade Famengot 117010 Num= aver laatang Willow Street. ELM'S 0r.A1211. Agent . SPRING ARRA/VIM- Wth 3rfrA' . ORDAY_, APRIL, II PARSE e g ' RLEAvE PILILADrILPIIILt For Baltimore at 8.13 A. At, 11.36 A. M., (EXPrinsti, and MIX P.M. For cheater at 3.15 A. M., lIM A. M., Aid and 10.30 P. X, For Wilmington at AU A. M., 1111 A. M.. AM and 10.30 P M. For ~isw For Dover at gra. 4 ll l . turi.l7 $.4.331 P.M. For Migot at h i t i. M. For Wit rY--s FOR PRILADELPRLA an 114ave*timage at 5.13 A. M. (Fmgrent ) , d dig . . Leave nranagton at 6.50 and 0.10 A. DI., LM and 3 P.M. Leave Salialmr, at 1.40 P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave_LlClver at Leg A. M. end 3.211 Leave BMW Castle at AU m., T. 70 Y. X. Imams c_h _ester at L4O A. M. 940, 1.07 and 841 P.M. Leave Zan:um:ire for 0 1 1.17 an d Deaware • r o ad At 6.111 A, X, TRAugg goI BALTIMORE t &save Chester at 5.454LAL. Lt.os and 1110 P.IN AAL Lowe Wilmington at 9.111 A. ,M., 8.338.33 P. AL, and It . FIELORT TRAIN, with Passenger Car sna c k e d, inn run as follcrint : Leave Philadetthis for °email! e and intermediate Vieeeti at 540 _ _ planes. t r i titemn for reurrine and intermediate Leave Wtholngion for Pluladelphra and intense -54101, Plikees at 5 P.M Leave travre.4e-Gimat for Baltimore and Intermatli orsttopoot 8 A. M. Leatvenaltnnore for Ravre-de-Graoe tad intermedi ate stators at SP. M. MIENDAYs Columetaing Bende ON r May 19, Wel, until further no tice, T ffee TRAINS wf I run on vi &Indere, Leaving Philadelphia for Bettina, e and Washington at 1/ 3:ra. M. and nom p. anti Leaving Baltimore for Pailadelphie at 9.65 A. M. and 4A P. M. aull IL N. FELTON, Prosidens, COTTON -SAIL DUCK and CANVAS,: ote 11 mostbara aad brands. _ltayea'a Onok &mauls Vinkijer deaarliptiotie. tar I KaAll - aainnte, Tram, all wale coveys.!:•,,,w i isturera Dn. fti ft Mt will*: 41 !Situ SALIM By AM/TIM'. FURNESS, BRINLRE, k OM* no. 499 MAIMS? BURET. LARGE tIALE OF aoTTOZI BOWERY. On Tirestie, Morning. May 28, , t 10 o'efoot .for esrh 8' 0 dozen regular make white cotton hOBB. 260 brown • lrO " openwerit 700 " Merino half hose. 600 " br Pre cotton be f hem. 106 bstiOy °Mtn half hone. 800 wrote oo6to:l hose. Nb 600 "lanes b ye' fenny cook.. NO " men's and omen's cotton and Its'e tioaad g naafi. 21",0 men's ite gloVea. 200 " I.o2llOft'l lisle bresi ganntletn. OFT Samples and catalogues early 00 mornm N F. PANOOAST. AIIOTIONEFA, Sue • Of184()T to B. Janos,. Jr.. 431 CHESTNUT Rt. RALE OF DRY 0 'LIDS. RIBBONS. MILLINERY GOODU, bin%Gl ipERIPS, It 4, catalogue, On whicuidaT mOTAIDX,. oral 20, commencing_ at 10 OUSE DE EM Rely . CATNTING HOUSE DEEM& At co "r menoement of Sale,lo superior neW wanting- Mae deems. CJ. WOLBERT 6 - .; CO., . 619 ARCH. STREET. DR? GOODS AND CiTY-eIeDE CLOTHING. On Tuesdny Morning. Mar ge.te,ot 1O) a'alaelt. st 1119 Arch etreCt. A general assortment of seasonable Door aria OA ite dry goads. in lots adapt.d to retail Wee. After whion. llt OARMIINTII—Merchant Tailors' stook, fresh madecontsh.nanteloons and Wk.. Now open For @gam aviation. find Erie R. if EMIL% uOOK k N 0. 121 Routh f R NT ';.roar !SHP:RIF F'S !SALE. STOCK AND rixrußEB or re HQ GF,FIA Lb: PORK PACE MG APIA QF UR in More" BLIARIIII374T. On ridayna. Mee met, at lo &Moak, at lib 14i and US North Front street, will be sold ht ord. , rof the Shari!, theertook and fixture , ' of the above establumment, esoniwrlstrig -271 Mule. smoked do hems. sides do end shourdorsu de. 4 078 looso do 13,01 do bunt sides end shoulders. or 'ibis, mem, prime eine flunk pork. OD tiereeit omoked sides 40I) Imola ground wilt. 44 kegs Weetern lard. halos shootings. utat empty bhda. Minim and bble.; platform wales, truck;, grosses. too e. MRS& wAoon, d.c. 1 tior.e, 1 wagon. Motif's. Saddle. Amer. Also, immediately after the above, at the Pork Yonne, in Poplar street, below Front, a Wee lot of milt, rho lungees. seiteetni, soda, lard. gressei SP Catalogue too days previous to sale PHILIP FORD & 00., AVOTIONSIRB, NO. 630 MAR I= Steemit dtki AN Amin in, LARGE POSITIVE SALR OF 170d0 .I.MIES ROOTS. SHOWS. AND BROGANS. On Thursday Alonsinit , May No. at 10 o'clock preolsety.will be wild, by wad.. RNM— ackeeetneo,e,beli, tted malts' and grain boots, calf and kip broaana l Consress _salters, Oxford ties, ha.; women a, misses , stet children's calf, km seat, morocco and kid heele d boots and oboes, gaiters, Missed*, buoilts, &a.; elan, a lame and deal:raids as sortment oret,tr-inadn sr Good, opea far ~oiPsflni-- " "- 7" - ----" " early on the tnenung mr.:..yxso ATIIANS, A tif OTIOn &Y, LTA- AND GO3I.IILISS/ON MEitolLala7. aoutbdaat corn, of FUXIN and RACE Street*. ItIII'rOLNEP ORE PALE 01? FORFEITED 1300_pe. OVER 3,000 Loll , OF FoEFEITED ARTICLES. The sale wilt takelOsee On Tuesday Morning, May 18, at 10 o - olook, at Moses Nathana ' Auction Hones. 168 and la North fliath street. adjoining the eoutheaet corner of Sixth end Race streets, and will oonsist of ladies' and gentlemen', elothleg, bedding, carpets, housekeeping articles tools. sewing umehines. guns. pistols, Caney articles ko., viz limper/or (rook, dress, hthrinells, sack. and over coats pants; vests; debate. detains, add other dresses and dress patterns; skirts; every variety of rich Clinton orape ; silk, satin. merino. plaid, Woollen, brooks. Atells.srfd othet shawls; Ea Velvet, silk ..Batm , merino, lace, cloth, and other alnake, luseques. shawls, oirotuars, and manti , las; capes, collars shoes, pars. , sole. wader olothing of every description. leather Deng, guilts. spreads, comfortable,. blankets. sheets. towels, table clothe . china. glass, and eceensware, double and single-barrel foaling-nieces. tools of every desoription i clocks, paintings etigratanrs. ei ver•platen ware Vital knives, spoons. Havana omen, liquors, end , in snort, goods of ever, detoription. including furniture, &o. lisr The goods will be open or examination on the day previous and on the morning oriole. Dealers, housekeepers and others will please attend this elle, as oiery arise)e will positively be sold, with out the least reserve. AT IVAT E SALE. Some of the fines Pß t GOLD PATENT LEVEE. jund CHRONOMETER WATCHES maw:doomed, at hall the tuntal selling prices, gold lever and lenine watches, nlvei lover and lopiiie vetches. English, By/101 4 end French watches, at astonalunglY low Fiend, J every descristitm, very loyr.rgans, Mewls, musical in. strnments, Ent quality of Havana cigars, at half the importation priceingiumettme to suit pdrohasen, and various other kinds of goods. SPLENDID SET OF DIAMOIU AT PRIVATE MALE. Consinting of diamond and opal breastpin and ear. rings. Price alo n e Pans 1111.400. A splendid inngle diamond breast-gin, only IMO, cost *M. OUT DOOR SkERI Attended to perior t ally by the Anotioneen Consignments or any and 00037 11 - 074 01 MAO scat sited. MOSES NATHANS. MONEY TO LOAN $26.000 to loan, at the lowest ram, on diamonds, watches, jewelry. silver elate dry goods , clothing. gro. aeries. OlgaTE , hardware, cut leryy tuenoa, mir ror s. fur l:ante, bedding. and on goodii o f every tlONOrption, in large or small amounts, from one dollar So thousands. Tor any lensth of time agreed on. The Oldest Eetabliehed $Oll.lO in this city. JIP Private entrance on RACE Street. or Business hours from 9A. M.-to 9P. M. Weary ea for the benefit. of depositors. C ARABS ONLY TWO PER CENT. Advances of EIMI and upwards at two Per Pt. Advent= of 1/90 and upwards. et one tier cent., ler short loam - NOTICE TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. —ln pursuance of notioe from the regular authori tfesisdl goods forwarded by way of the PHILADEL PILIA'Affn Ft EAD.I.VG AILRoAD,to the States of MISSOURI, K criTUCKY. TENN ERSE'S slit! VIRGINIA , Meet be distinctly markellMuTbs underneath these words, tiLY--w Yf%rl en as above. And • • zearlawfuesenption sell/ be , forwarded to States nth of the above named. mr4-lm ASA WHITNEY. President. PEOT..AL NOTIOE.—SIirPPERS WILL 'Kg please take notice that the South Carolina 4. CO. hays dizeontirued fonrarditiK all.through freight and that all goods formerly consigned to them must now be eonirigned to a laity tummy.. Menem. T. 8. & T:64 Bum will forward ail goodo to their a/Wm. 6. EIBRO.N. J 33 .1 ik - *he - rto "Mir North weFA . R. em q , WrIERLY COMMVPUOATION II V STEAM' BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, milling at QUEENSTOWN (Ire land,) to land and embark passensetw and dpeyetokes. The Liverpool, New York, and Plidadelyhot Staun chly Comoany!s sylendtd Clyde. built iron screw cram shipd, ate intended to nail as follow. i PROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. KANGAROO, Raturday. May Si - ETNA. Saturday, June 1 EDINBURGH, Saturday. June 9 And every tlaturdar throughout the gear, from P.E.R.• No. 44 N. R. RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to gedienstonn, or Liverpool , ................-.4...... 11) Do. to London , vi e Liverpool-- . -. 110 Steerage to Queenstown , or Liverpool .-._.-....._.... 90 Do. to London. - ~::.. - - 341 I Do. Return tickets, available for six wooths, . from Liverpool.- . 2 _ OW Passengers forwarded to Havre, Parup7 - Stamburg, Dreaded, and Antwerp, at through rata. • Certificates of peeeage honied 'Limn Li ver po ol. to New York— - NO Certificated of Damage leaned from Queenstownto Plevr York--- CIO These Memnon have enperior sooomroodations for Dameagans, are oinestmeted with watertight twinpart wants, and carry axpangnced ilunsconik For freight, or paanageappllr at the °Moe of the Com- Dann JuEN U. PALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to WM. INMAN. Toer In Ginnoir, to Wrdi w/"1"1.Buildi ngs. 13 Mum !street. Am& THE BEITIBB AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAK ,- li.h- .-. PROM NEW tons To LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage-- --- TIM Second Cabin Faesage..-... • ... 711 PROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Pauses ----..— TIM Ormond Cabin Yawsage-- -.. 110 The ehips from Bew York oaJJ at Cork Harbor. he ships from Boston call at Bahfax. and Cork flay belt, _..• I restalA, Capt. Judltins. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon ARABIA, Cslt. J. Stone. CANADA , Capt. Anderw;ll. ASLA, capt. B. (1. Lott. MERICA Capt. ItioAula AUSTRAL/111UB_, tIAGARA,. Capt. !noodle ' ' Capt. R. M. Rookie.). CROPA, Capt. J. Cook.. SCOTIA, snow building./ These vessels carry a Meer white liet at meet head 1 inik in di:rit=riri l elf e t rOirelreit r iesday t Alay2t. SUnDrA, Andaman, Boston. Wednersiar, Mar TO. PERSIA , Judkins ' " N.York,Wednesdav, June 5. 'AM MRICA, Moodie " Boston, Wednesday , June ls. AUSTRAL.MLAN, stookley, " N. Yark.WedzelAsYrjunel9. ARABIA, stone, " Boston, Wednesday . June PA Berths not wowed MAU laid for. An experienoott Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Outlive, Bpeois, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals. unless bills of lading are signed therefor, And the value thereof therein a:premed. For_freight ar Plumage. aDPIT to E. curtAHD, mht-t.r 1 Howling. Green. Mew York. -..... miirlipm PHILADELPHIA, WILMINSTON AND GAL .llll7.biLls Anti-BOA —Pinta DiLPHLA . Mai d. TRAINS FOR WARM INGTON. On and after Monday, Mai 6 4 86 /. Tniiriff for Wash via Slants poue, will leave Philadelphia at ILO A. M. and MUM P. M. - JR ETIJRNING, Will arrive at Philadelphia limn Waahutaton 10.111 A M., and also at 931 Y. M. Tb much Whets sold at the depot, demi of Broad and Prime streets , Philadelphia. d R. M. FRIMON. • I f igimie PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO., ( oe Ur Smith Fourth street.) PHIL ALDBLPItik, APlii 2r, SEASON TWEETS. On and a ft er May 1. lablorearron Outlets will be lamed by thin company for the periods of three, els, wee, and twelve months, not transferable. Season sehool-tickets may also be had at per cent. : cant. Imre tekets will be sold by the Treseiter at No. 427 th FOURTH street, where any feetinir information can be obtained. - - B. 15 FORD, eptS-ti Rik "MN PITILAJAt. I liina l 6irratiTE tr ....,....- - --4:` ...,..,.. r i m i irtzatembsrmz..... ...qr.. timal.-- rtr Ta- '''. P- 21 - AOD 1" 11074 1 e l M i a tel b visa. IlL" Iran. . t iiii , _ Menet Cllgerarags, hasinigeft .olutralree. end au mat/ lamm i ladelplua and 1... • • '''., mi OALLOWRILL ril iihsve the new Dee ik ~ loorkuu street.) ddif yr...tiro:W. oorner It igo -. 6 . ,n, oar - Penes!, ea fame s (Prerreneer enetnecotiAl --- JOB rBINTV II4 * a u DAy EXPREeIe etteessted), t.e • myfive 211_ fM7 EXPAASS—.- ' o . p i piaIiTU I MI '''' - the Lee A. In. train conneote ..- —AN .d. M. rims NEW J. bore „pawn, Deranto_e r re es, AU Pl 4 * AACAAWARNA. AND B elaßonve, fm: *a m _ IL - L the above tram make 'mot c0rmi..... -- ik. SI with the tninor atilt. Ztow ork end,brecoCatiAn— vd Mama Falb. bud barolo t :toir yobtaaid - 1 - ri el M 813.1 erw Y.:oft Uentral itailrasile. WPM aai DOUSE MA an, ' ..- HE PR 00, ,,, -. 4 ' ort, awl the i%nadae h ~,,4 rsr 0. yea qtageeze obee to Elmira al ' - *IV till iLtennedians im i t a ii r e. "" "Ileall". '4lr" t.sigegatBll9l— Ilia can bs moored stAte Philadelptutt saint- iMia "' a m = re ylijge o t Weed. northwest owner of •-',., .....trar, au4 at a or eit irrit r na 1 :M j6/1 iir . 1 . GU eili to- Pait I*u:would Reading Depot. road aai 'the 1 aft.ll7 ' tehmde ye excepted). ter an ilarstiVarta.l North, at 6P. hi, Preivito ma; be delivered before iP. AL to lases * g ar 'irtio e ntutkaa ainoi at Preiskt Depot. I sit and CIALLOI ILI. arts _ ...., G. T. LEONARTI, Anent. Pertkwast corner tif.X 'ON and MMERSIPIe Wwitreems. lesl9-111 Philallaisbat. ''' ENKOAD A ea , El'411 11"1"IN EK TRAIN 3 Plitt DO N W TI I °II NO .-431:145 D T" ISRMBDIATS BTATIONS.—On and After NOT. Ith_, MOO, the Peasenzer Traitor for DomNLNGTOWIe Mg start from the new Pawnor Depot of the nila telohtlL and Reediagßailreed Company, corner of nROAAt andelto CALJAWHILI, Streets, (ten t e r en tranc RAIN e ea C.) !Koenig° TRAIN for Davoinitown Mama at test A. ht, AFTER-NOWI TII Aat DownlnyttreT, weever et tee P. M. DAILy &moue exoeettAt. By order of rile Boay3 of kaaaveri Q.r cliaagd ;log sae tiold.res Vakannd Cotninnc. eve w. McIL.I-1 heitr" etr. Y • enuar,7 DAILY INLAND 'RETORT LINE TO NOR OLE . !JUTE.: A. and to f o il pribei tat einem and * glans nr.taa lir and autvr ,ft cicada MVO ' ofspot, cm:air ROAD treat bad WAN aLINuTO Arenas* inn be orearded - dealy, and lit ail brw Tato al IN anT INnerie. "a - N.BNMS . Kaatt lri - VM 4 I I O. '1 FREIGHT NoTivEs. sffirPiNt;. RAILROAD LINES, 1.1t4 imiuts ovt;s, LTA-- 139 and 241 aorta I tflf . k . iVannatir NAO. el &DR es 1 NTOCICS AND REAL DATATE—TIMPIDAY pp . x7 Pamphlet eetetottosa now ready, ot,atirw,, seriptious 'ot propettf to be_ Rad on T uaki . ,- . 2Sth mot., at Conoooktioon. at the VaLoaallite. t , o il,: of Orphatoe i, atm gr. emu. sad °then', oemp r i tmg huge ernoant of yahoo!. property. 131.40 malig ts n .Ktsni, h'ATIC AND ac t7 ;l•xtE. EAGHANGIE EVERY IIL-0 A dolook, noon, dating the baldness 555500. t: 115.ea0111s 01 'son propert7 lumen letbarmei, addition to whioh we publish, on the Elater¢al t ,„A.rt , to sash one thoordnd estaless4le. 41) ante' I . olll l * aiViaa till 01 1111 th e DTOpert, sold on the! clnyw Ing Tees. e. gg hSTATE. AT ItrATIS same. • ti••• a. Ivo amount of mil estate at Bpi . i no l t oleg every datorirlon (st 0117 and "m il e p to perty. PTintell hots nth, nerd Mie 'moor PRI VATE. EG,NrEit. eetote ontored on oar OrilFMo end adrertiwsd oeolunonsllT inourpu!the rile : Lot . .. Well *us thousand 90Pow are pi.nipd;y., tree of oberti: 3:I•Z"Ct+.KITIIBI2I:ar' &c. tllePhiladelsbi a ah M mur ay e, S wl tka n t a . "" • ho aold— xsociehens",„4„ tiataintd Ososl losth gO abates rhilivielpina EXahavee.atoaa. 16 abards Littld destroy/8111 Navigaml2 and Coal Cum,. Al 4 share. Prinnfolvanis o;:mtral I( ailtsSo—r u y6O A . so, 20 *heron Coutreemial nent.-8111 nAL ~2 7 ; Orphans' ,ctort4a Mehl * of Orate, , Y ABLP; DELAwAA , ,Paar and LARGE LO I,ND BOILDINOZ, )1g. ton Evanson etreetqams stfOot,or landing, a n , 4 Ds hinters. Bonn on the ROAR t:l7 the Olty alyiNa 7 order of Assistif.g. ;'AN SOME MODERN ft Loll) EPtOE. Booth side. Month Ctreee, between Arch and P. 'bet:, wrests. we. Peramptot7 1 8t416..--ri• NEAT MODERN artowo. nciNE REvIipENCE. No. 7009 Welnot atreet. paat of Twentiehn._ The liousef Sr the modern nienoes, sat. furnace, hot an licit water, range, 6 . Bale abooldle vEßy -VALUABLE IRON-FRONT große„ ig o OD Arent street, east of Fourth. Lot It M hot. Clear of,Vtoontninnoe. only hio,ast LAB fil L , ABB VALUADLE 15T0t1B ROUGE•filin REBIDENCE., Priori street, northwest of Evans street, Oermantown. I , wentl-Mean* ward, within two ni notea'walt of the railroad depot j_ot 71 'set front. AWDEBN lEBIDENCE, ftn, otl green street, went of Twentieth street. Lot aufeet t inctes front. The house has all the modern solve 'ls i 000—ses hot and eta tr , alio, furnace. &c, Oleo of ell 1 nonnabrance. Terms—s4oo may menu, es atl et 4 age. 0 fd RAT COTTAGE REVDEN CEB. east side of Thirty- ninth street north of Pratt *treat. Tvelty, 'fourth Ntior.r. Lot 70 feet front. They are built in Cot tage stele; have • the b model% conveniences, ass, WI, Alex - nwEL ,, iNe. With ty, g ory . b ac k ataimpare, no. 818 Bonth Filth street, belo w rifrlterirrit.St. Lot 18 feet front. Terms-52,0 m a , rMain on mortgage. tfa;(s os a dal tt,_fo Ftrest. VtritA MENAI-PLATER) SuPERIOR SOW!, -OR IIRUBIRLIt CARPED!. On niggle/ Montan At 9 o'clock, at the AnCtten more, en SalOrt2Solll et excellent second-hand furnitVe. l i ent.plano- [ onec s" a mirrors. carpets. etc.. fro - Et ]Al lies deoliriet nonsowitering. removed to the store .ter erwratittrata sate. Dealere and others. PEREMPTVki e UT PrPiy, JTAMAN J . M ONT ME Td. MON OMErtTAL O RALS Woe a speoial consignment to (Beim. Byethe4: Ou Wednesday Morning, June e, et 11 o'elout. at the marble and Flftlifrst. above tooth , WI be ao:r1 a fine col action or its Kr, marble monuments. of Grecian. Roman. and tell uo eq lea, with groups, figrires. and urns. fine basso relieves and ertrvinm The collection °orneriest some of 5 t finest ever cWbred at public sale.. Will b a read, for examination on Monday, 3d ha g Catalogue's will be ready ett Thu reds!. leth inst And can be had at the auction monte, or at the wawa:mu of Messrs. Viti Bros fen arch street. Terms—Under $3OO cash over that AMOCO% a t mouths oredit for approved endorsed paper. Bale No. lan Arab Arrest. ei^oCE OF MARIII.SI PACRUPARNTE L PINE NIA TUARY. OFFICE FUNI4It URa, ace, Op Monday /doming. June W. at 10 o cloak. br catalogue, at the reerUe yard no. 1825 Arch street, UP elope the 0012obrn the ei. tiro steak ralosa marble s on uments, idad sad font no, es. uree , boo matn477 ,, lasatatv of marbl e in WOWED, aco. &a. Alec.. the offtoe fnrnttnre . rulAdel tooth, implement!. NW' For iharldonigre see oatalogues. Al FITZPATRICK a BROM. LUIL• TIONEEitit, 004 Eignfirgir POA4I. ISALEIS MVMA kr At 7 ' , slope, of Books, stationery and (seer Logs. wanohea, Jerre . ,h 7 olooks, Nehru plated were. Potion, voirithia, loymieal intrtienttlEtit. &O. Also. no/dent, 1177 go9dc, boot. Dal sem. roe arr. etiandme of every aesoripoon. DAY BARBS every Monier, Wsdneader. Frt. day at 10 o'clock A. M. _ intivATE BANN At private ale sewing largo coon . mo:l7f9i row. iewe.ry, books, stationery, silver:T tad ware, mem, cum, soon , door To which Is solic ited the Atte:Mallet *IV and country merchants end other,. Coneasnments solicited of all kindle of momently for either public, or private sales. Mir Liberal cub advances made so sorminnente Out-door eclat promptly &Homed 1 3ACIEEINEHT ABU I.Kure. Paitito STEAM Muftis AND 41111111BOELEft W_QXXIS,—ITEAFIE PRACTICAL AND WHEOLERICAL Eln2lff MACI - 15Tb, BOILEIL-MJIKERA, MACON TX.t, A nd govisikew, having, for raw roan, been xl4 anoceserl operatkoo, and been examen/II engaged lwilding and rmuring Marine end Altar -Fatima, bt.dl and low Dream*, Iron Boats, Virevor 713.04• 1111., 01;$ rag/poi:WWI) oger their verrion Pi tie p4 s ...ti, 44 being, rojirprooareni is apiatraci for of sures, Marspe River, and Stationery ,loan! cOlio7 POW= of oloorent nines. are orePiragi to eX44 44 4 torl.witk utak despatch. Every description of fa iesna rt. 12 2 made et the shorten notice. High and Of Y.a rnro, ro, Flue, Tolialsr, and U7lisider Loilon of do beat remisy) mak abarcood ir9q, ki or pas, du a s s . and kind"; iron and Bum Gesunre,ef ileseriptietet Rol Ilarnini, Perim exiting. and a ll strOr work en seated with the above end irPeotgeationa fer all work dos 4t tsslr lishutent. free of shone, ate wort riaranned. like gnaw, _....emtukrikaaintit.pUrtsottesSr ed4reestiell tketfs, Naito. DIN. hi., a rabiLit grimy Oi Ofoixlrti. JAMBb. /4 /OKA P. lcat.. ll ' MUNK /14 naafi mum' I. lIIITOHAN IGEN 11. COP.. WILLIAM R. smarm, HLIII. I II SOI3THWARK ) FIFTH AND WASHINOWIRI ISTRNMA, PRILAR lk ELP E. MERE/Cif & BONS, • AWIGINEERD ANA MAClllinne Atstsittatere fifth and Low Prentire SWIM 'lianas , for Sind, nior, and manse eersioe. __ 13 9 11 0 1.r!I. PUNTII4O/ 1 4_ _lron Boots 'lot; Cut mrll2l l ll =lg l a b ag: gLinlija Works; Workottos, It toroKeusim..,,4.4, Amnia ling Woe Alsolifsory of the Jaw-. , 4 4 is- StoVedOMMUIMUMb beery desorionstel of f'4.stuotics =gaftriis.. l Bt i fernen t s4 R ArMoOrt an latt ' s. & tle Agents for N. Ititione, retest Sugar Barg AlMeratus Iseemsn's ram; eteram iteonmer u sokt!. 7 v i t i t io Vat Wolsey Punt Gentnforil Oulu IV POINT PLFABANT ifOTINDZY, No. WI /MACE SAW. Ealtsinktra, Pkiladalphis.— P; ;I. MAX H . TIE informs kw muds that. ULY/13ii. ril• sassed the entire stook of !silents at the aboretokl. ter, he le new Sre_paire to moire orders Fes Rem, lei and aim_ ,Ast i &situp, lice Chemise. =sl 'Wort, lloaring. Ciat-ap Tam frau Pro tor) or carols Yoroassso. fa dry or mess rind. si • .ft , e ' BIPREI3B CO ?h. TUB ADAMS IXPUBB CO., Onaa 390 CHEITYI VT Mout. I 1 7 w Monguindulo, Bed Raw and &Mb, either by its own Liner lo ormatiot 'int Wier Uproot Oetaaaniaa, ta all ti. VIDeCO woo out sition or tito ittidom SAPag , fl. 1v..., • IN NITMIS A A A WTON'S Ig sALmANDEII SM , 'TORN 304 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Large variety of FIRE-PROOY SAFES evert P , hand, - not-ti TIM WEEKLY THE WEEKLY PRESO been establiehed one secure end PorrdaDen tit 'lt u r n e ; butit is, in reality. a marvellous example el , tb of favor which a rig htly-oonducted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND !al§ JOURNAL can receive at the hands of a liberal andled f a r "li tee ed public. Oar most grateful thank., are mo de patronage already bestowed upon us. ant ve ldWil/4" no efforts which nay serve to reader the SSW el" more attractive, useful, and popular el the future. The POLITICAL . coarse of THE i/rnEKLY need not be enlarged upon here, j:aependett, Waif. and fearless, it has battled, anwalieliasi7 and " 521 " ly, in defence of the EIGHTS OF 1711 E PEOPLE anginal EXECUTIVE I”3IJAPATIoN, and Walt 10 tyrannical /egislation ; eye, deolaritot ant nt hBrini " the dootriue that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY colon; gates the fundamental beet* of our free inairenero , "l that the intelhgence and patriotism of our eitizetilw alwaye be preservative of a rise, justotedsalmort eminent. Thee* are ;...theltd' h WEEKLY PRESS flea been commit 4oi to d'"' will adhere. l 1?-ir _ - One COPINCIOO . Three copies, one yew. Five Comes, one year ll • • op Ten CONON. e.year.. Twevti Copia , • a ix , el Per :,, . Twenty Copi en. at the rate of scriber become t to one address of each sub . el IS Wiest the I I Any se vnil bs forwarded to those elm To be entitl • iambus no a Club of Twenty en d TI 1 D ore. to an extraoney. roof to fe , Y FILMS to Clergrttion for al. tilabioriptione may oommenen at any- two. P ars. _, 14 .. always club, in advance. Alt letters to be addreinm J 0 I-1. 14 W. FORNE V ,flo. 417 CHESTNUT STRE.BZ *P . "x.. w la 36 3.. 3 , 3-3 srsti ssirestrrras ?ANL/. sASDL thANKB Or DElScsirrioli lawn" 1O AIICIFIOREERS. LAWYBRiI IdialitkAtry MECtIAt..II II, it{ist 4G a. 01) iil3uRANt; I 1413 P /fil l 6 4- - LABA ai& ORNANTsaiIr.63. Wity "Mire riffui_l 010 r 11 m artf Pit. 411 1 laNKSWilit atmst. v,u saws" .0.. drZit 4 VreSTONES, I=I=2P F ( taIEAVIC• / o . ; ILA MT stow. of grow/Laws and moiluirlts , D i cg it tgra a v oi g= jam osil zeito r all4lll - ilefbit AS illiiil; bite. 114. E=Nl lilCo.__ _. 011.1 OEOI NAXDB4.64
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers