yo OF TRI ONFICIO II or 001.0110 EINNfRirrEl %sr Besmear. fa a rday siternoon a meeting of the o broad. 18 ,, oe i n 'a Regiment was held at tbeir ley lefcre them the statement of hia gotil e ; r 4 " c dry (ieVernr.r Curtis, relative to the 7rcpe r proceeding in inspecting the man ettr,' 11° ~eic e c This siren has *rested a great t ; L ' military and civic cirolea The t _rat e d that Closerner Certln had ordered fiT l '3i c tic and Biddle and Dr. Smith under ar. meet an investigation_ The Governor, with h expeeted to be in taint to-day. It instal took five of his men, who ! dot Col E 05_ 0 reicc ted, up to Harrisburg, for the per. Tocerteioing whether they were fit to serve a o°. - r v et. ft me said that one of the men *.tddiers o sa e duos weeks ontof the regular 'United to, o - a te , The Colonel invites the pablis to r:vtri sne ers and inspect the man whe war a „,p et et 4etled-iy O N T ON NNW ILLYPNIIIRI more r. - ton to m p ga *, we learn that the First New Regiment, Cat Matron Hr. Tappan, g..els'edect, he. landed at Weehingtort-street ~rjArKZOrY TO marchin to the d e p o t at S c""„d p r i m e st - reets, on the mate to Washing thea ;. ,3 N ee of New Hampshire in New York ~"." t h e first regiment from the Granite State s,l t r" ,fr ogation. A meeting wee held at the Howe, the Hon William A Nether in r . o irreo ;pw n lfcoorm t e h eonpurpose coafs igiving th th e e ir arrival rit4e e P e h n i t l a th de em hwiait h end he le gant t o f wa ff -, e g au . ;Preentatiou of the fiag was made by jud g e 5 if B r ay, at tau o'olook, in front of the City 341, e rece ption committee was then appointed, ; l i a r; William A. Walker, ex-Judge De e . u. le Frost. Judie Bonney, Sidney W et.of s itil• .ne F Pe'el so°, Sidney S. Harris. John S.' Ira Broadhead, and George H. Broad. o • Yorkers provided suitable refresbments ;,,-;.oldiers, and a subscription list was ope ne 4 • iorpoge of defraying the expenses. " R . Tiiimeot landed at the foot of Fourteenth About sight o'clock on Sunday morning and _ l bod down Broadway to the Park The bag ," . t j oemp rquippage were placed on beard a sad rent over te,Tereey City. it e flrst Regiment of Now Hampahire Ii Com• i: i n j by Col. Mason W Talipan, lateember f3,,sgres from tbe Second - atibrit. The men vin o, the " three months volunteire.",.but It Is i el gy believed thet they wilt serve thAtishong To gonad New Hampshire . Regiment bee en. fu r three years, arkd_ ado now stationed at c o otiottion, at the of the Diassatatina, orders to march. Gezoral Stark, late Demoeratio can for Oovernor, will command the New Hemp , , l opg. and see that they will do credit to ,7 r; wive State - De First Aegwowet Isroug'bt on seventy horses ...JIM] complement of ambulances end L-eeer•so or.s! Lte bona of New Hampshire," of New York, ....e.l•d at rite jtrandreth Hnoee at 7 o'clock, to e are New Hampshire leg Wet -lump arrslyed in Philadelphia aftermidniget. r.: rti7 few °Ulnae were co gently assembled to tem. They ire a gallant 7 body .. of men. fall ;of and spirit, and eager to be in Washing that they might be' 'upon the some of 0:o. OF THE NINTH RICIXENT or PANNSYL• VANUA VOLOATENRS Wayne, boated at West Chester, to about deserted. Yesterday morning, the Ninth under command of Colonel H. C Long. left West Ches , er at eix o'clook and at is this city about noon. The regiment is -_;spied by P. line hand or musicians from The men reeeived their Uniforms on , :3T NO, end the greater part of them haveleen with Minle muskets. They marched street Bridge to Broad, and dobn the BARmore depot. where a train wee in to receive them. Wo nodonstand that g;l1 rrec.et , i to Newcastle, and from thence ce':ments will be gent to various-points for the paq Of gwirding the railroad. The men have 'ral drilled. and will doubtless p'ove to be of -et service. The Eleventh Regiment, under RANT Jarrett, will leave Weep Cheater r clock this morning. via Media R ailroad. 7 ; g xill retch this city about nine o'clock, and tilt to the Baltimore depot, The regiment le Perrysville. MORI IROOPAI FOR NEW FORK .:isteratv afternoon, Dept Garrick Mallory, • "X; tt. city, at the head of sixty filar men, ran of D Baker's California C J. Steers has aleo organized a Corps is tte Eureka Gosrdr.," which will leave ne.teraNn for New York, to join the sane re- :et. Charles lien has received authority et New York. to organise a eons s; lot men. end ham organised a rendezvous rF::!4 New atreet The men will proceed to lei:tt this afternoon at four o'clock. FLAGS AT HALT-MAST. ivunlay the gage on the Cuetom House :ter:ince Hall, and all the prinelßal build n.::Ss city, and the TOSSele 11105 g the wharves, cl:i.44syed at half-meet, as a ma , k of re eat •:.: gallant but unfortunate Ellsworth. The t4of sorrow for the tragio death of this ao• 7.•:tel young officer is universal. RELEASE OF PRIZES. .1 041... a Ewa al.. _ r. rwratatir. Baum pia, ancrwrre V;titte Teasels mixed in Hampton Itosois' - ^th'i:z the blockade, were isruedoa Satuiday 11:11itCadwaiader The action of the judge gat inthe fact that the fifteen days allowed iluniato leave had not expired at the time of tt i 17.13 The t(!hoonera are all owned by Kitt _ . . i , l-21 BY THE COLLECTOR. OF TEL PORT fttE.ltsr B Thomas, Nag , the calipe r::Oprt. Gagged the seizure of a email steam r. MI been built at CbeStar for parties in :Di The euutoultion it that the vessel was to pshi to Cuba it ballest, and from theme oi over tone Ccntedetate awry of Jar D via. evesa.i is et rar , ...^ 4 ^t` Speed. eost meta with r! li ttle e „.-.es be fitted ap for Mar purposes, Caere con6iderable trouble to our nip/adroit A sharp watch was kept at he movements ; cud on Pttday she oame up rte rit7, and W 43 taken poseaesion of and towed tts navy yard, where the will await farther . . from the Department at Washington. We jai tagrast the propriety of the Government trzg poem:alloy of the Union. as she is celled, to t77soot. service on the Delaware river, as we .. , %tvtand that there It not II !WNW: clutter DOW ea t waters—t otroutostanoe which ehould he end to immediately, as there are serious ahem al by which goods " oontraband of war" might 13 rpstohel to- the enemy. and no means lily Mk WWI might be ovothi teed. =UTE or /3 OPPICIR Or ?RR w or 1812 . sp:tio Thomas Blackstone, a well-known and .7-y-respected citizen of this city. died yeater ttorsing, at his residence, in Eleventh West, nu Ems Captain Blaekstone was at the bat d New Odessa, sad, daring the war, was xd hi command, whilst a lieutenant, of several groat m il itary positions under the order of "4 . 131 Jackson. one of wiliest% was the batteries t 4ILIma After the declaration of Deice he WI to hie home, in this city, where he con taside until-his decease, which occurred : * 7l ii year. The soldiers of the war of 1812 zzraul to attend hie funeral, which takes i ti'saftsnmon, at 3 o'clock. TEN GRAY REBllltVill. SSial Reserves, about one thousand strong, - Wade to-day. 'This is a splendid body of 4. _ •rery man of which is uniformed and "At eotirely at hia own expenee. Tboy have tzkeis and thaly will Ooneequently be am iarade without arms. Considering the is Reserves Gave made for the pnbito 'tom sathoritiflt sh9nld at lout Nadal ate= -;:zukeo *:* l':D• will he formed this afternoon, at 4.± ;at. on Bend street; right resting on Cgcetaal . Eaionsend that the following will be the route Wade: Broad street to Arch, up Arch • ' 1340 A1, town Seventeenth to Chestnut, n ' Chestnut to Eighth, up Eighth to Market, t 2l %Ant to Ts rd, up Third to Vlne,.down "z!to wood, down Second to Walnut, un,Wel 4.zihini, np 7hir4 to Chestnut, up Chestrmt to 41 PAtutes Egos, 4,, sea thee tlissensa. Outs ISOSpITA.L iitHANGEXZET.. that the Charity Hospital, of this oitYi ett effeteil by Its maayagtira to the City .11 t , a receptacle for illsrollinteer soldiers nae , l its aid. The offer hex her., at- 2 nt Bit..—An interesting game of base R,- 41 ‘ . Played on ;Dui gnusda of tho Olympia and --.-- Neu. Comac's Woods. on Thursday last, '..4 4 f Ull field compered of six members from H :he Olympic, Athletic, and Mercantile I'L'' day was delightfal, and the affair, 1 :tee. same or with marked Ae/ot The --illnalleltint men, mostly gentlemen * ~. business circles , and Me large at '''' 'NI „ I _ ?leads, inoludint a number of at ''ono _ .. • e life and interest of th e' 1.141' " lel) of .' ~ here were t n - played Ni -. es, added mush - 7 , t: • _. . and 1212 - ! _ sui t , or rather games, er, -'''' s 7. .le were 'lea the flay. one in the mo • ' • tea ,--••-, :..,..... in the afternoon at :-i The 'el t ie r, ss.,, i i 7 3 6 11 from theltbree elsba rep ' I,' "sic — Mlialrs. Richards, Astepash blzoo. Paul, Cl snn et. n A i i n e , / IC - Meier Moore, oore, Ernst, . 'wei e , vernon. Lasting. ;,..31/HCIAIII.3c--Alesers. Lai - omm, Seal, Id ° *litl,Rnelett, Wilkins. r o b ,: i 't zeal hers of e bob club constituted the sides. 310 — 3locre and Anspash. " h ie eatce.amore as follow, t _ , e 12345 6 7 8 9 Total. „7 6-24 -'1a5h...... ...... 0303 2 1 ? 5-20 Answaseck. Y.,... 5 / 2 345 6 7 8 9 2litaL t ,: . ...... 2 0 e 1 10 2 4 2 7 3-23 ;2 40 ..... 012, 1 6 1 T -5 , --23 i,, l y ,lit t it: 3 4 E. H. HitihtiiAk .D. ''4lleee lo:e tleurs Ellison, Sextedi;and Price. l ei „ "as well contested, and certainly rel --mtilz ept upon the Philadelphia amateurs fa ft r., Starmi-- United vs. Atlantie.- , -Th I. heveas of MUG two clubs met in a 00 0; It e t 'dz.! in west Philadelphia Thttrie et . w "ter . 11 9 448, rent the Attest%l am eed a !irtd, after bavini l so- The batting :5 7 1:1 The United than i i ' e t c w. e very ‘a a • • aan score of ebiitre, and Pentstan. I".;:llt twei 4...Moven-As, out l et the wore at Vial) mai not • • . ~ .4 111t in or F DIRICTORS.—The last ~"0 11: the present board will be held All tie tittiiparties throughout the 4:eq eis umetiegs lu June, will elect 'MI L ? ' 2 e llosrd of Direotors, which will •ce the b erth Monday of the month ai•vni . „ rut. nrisprrm,.—Andrew Sriotl- tittr T4I heap Helps Bataraay while let - oOT- Iti.j 4 r tnazt of toe mania a pots The de -` ' 4 a box?ht to the kovital one day last saeirjeted one of hie hands. and a§ ...b Inanie.n won thoet time after. 1 Ji m. , tt 4,41 1t7. Boy.—A deranged boy, aged hip I * ti. 3 trwmyri b NOP toAd. ass ni t 7 4 I. "*".t. novr.d st• Limn- henna for slys. if... 111 Jw be will be sent to ...mthenE. Ac c r., '437- f - '1 101111 father, led • Lafit s.ecider,l4 , 4 itet igmself, iD VI , :4 44 o. ..tato:day, ietilo gunnthg near Leag He ue, • o wile taken to the km 44% n Paz occurred YeetillidAY alta" % a . • dwelling turnip was t tome? illi of ng. MIA and 2/1 Barr Mumma. AT ntANKI'OII)—ARIZOT or vas Mvanzazst—Yesterday morning, a most brutal murder took place at Prankford, Twenty third wardi'whioh threw that quiet Mile village into an Intense state of excitement. The name of the victim is Abraham Hayes ' an Eng li shman, about fifty-one sears of age, and the alleged sum• darer is win Gormley, of a rough, villanons look, having a number of soars on his face and body. The molder took place in a Mall Stone home, near Fratkferd creek, and about times hundred yards from the passenger railway. 'The house stands in a small enclosure, and has no road leading to it. Yesterday, at noon, we acoompanied Coroner Con red to the Place. An inquest was hell, and the follawing evidence elicited : • Henry Healey, who lives in the Rime house, was sworn —/ livetrbetween Duffield Dam and the rail road ; went to bed at 8 P. M. on Saturday night; shortly after one 'clock the Jog barked ; I told my wife Abraham ( the deceased) is coming • I called Abraham's wire, who went down to let him in ; she said to me, " I have seen two men looking over the gate;" one said let me in, I am a stranger, let Ma in or I will break open the door, which he did. He said, with an oath, to witness, I will kill every one that makes a noise; he struck at me with a dagger ; I said I don't know yen, what do I yen want ? He again threatened to kill us all if we made a noise ; be ran up stairs ; I heard a Souffle; the deceased said, what do you want with me; the stranger then came down stairs and went out without tatting any notice of me; he stabbed my dog in two places; the second man did not come into the house; he had a drab coat on; I am positive that Gormley is the man that went up stain; I thought that he bad been drinking; but he was able to walk straight ; when the polio. officers come to the house, I went up stairs and found Abraham dead. Ann Hayes sworn —When my husband came In he went up stairs ;_when Gormley name up stairs he took me by the wrist, and my husband said, ‘• Don't hurt her ;" he turned on my husband ; ran down stairs, and when I name back my hus band was dead; Gormley had something in his baud while holding me; I am positive he la the man ; it was by the light of the moon that I (mold recognize him; when Gormley came up stain he threatened to kill us; I told my husband not to say anything, but he said he would ; I never saw Gormley before last night, and I did not see the second man when I went one; at them time Gorm ley struck my husband with his hand ; I did not see him !tabbed; I do not think Gormley was drunk at the time. eilice-Hooley sworn —Gormley asked me to open the door, and said he wanted lodgings, and would pay for them ; he said he was bound to come in ; be 'then broke open the door; he caug ht i my hus band by the collar, and threatened to us all ; be said ho came there for that purpose ; be had a dagger in his hand ; it was bright moonlight, and I could see plainly;-I don't know what occurred up etairs; started-for the police; was gone about five minutes ; when I went out Gormley followed we; avian. althoug h I never Saw him before ; the other nown-,.._ smil bed on a felt hat; Gormley said I Ai l , arT fore breaking the door, "Wait a bit, I'll go in " Lieutenant Somers sworn.—On Sunday morning, at eighteen minutes before two o'clock, Mrs Hayes came to my station, and said two men had broken into her hence; I took an effieer and went over ; we saw two men on the plank road, end ,started after them; left them and went to the househouse where we found Hayes dead, under the tad, , by a pool of blood ; I left an Officer there, while AI of MI searched for the Intir , deter; Officer Holden found Gormley on the road, asleep ; a knife sheath was found in his pocket, bat we have not been able to End any knife ,• his booty fit exactly in the tracks made in the garden ; wo asked the p risoner no questions ; he asked what he was arrested for; in his pocket we found an order, signed by T. Mealy, captain of a military company, to pass the bearer to Frankford. Sergeant Hoiden sworn.—l heard of this murdeg as I was cowing to the station ; found tioroaloy steeping on the aide of the read and arrested bun. He asked no questions; he resisted, and we were comuelled to put nippers on his wrists. Meer Shaw corroborated the evidence of the lieuteneut and sergeant, given above. Dr. Updegrove, who made a post.mortem exa mination' was sworn.—l found an opening about an inch and a half in length at a point about four inches from the neck, on the left side, in the line of the clavicle The instrument passed through the clavicle, entered the cavity of the chest. and penetrated the upper lobe of the left lung, passing to the centre. The witty of the chest contained a large amount of coagnlated blood. The hemor rhage into the chest caused death. There was an other stab in the left arm, about mid-way between the wrist and elbow, passing entirely through the arm. The jury then rendered a verdlot that Abraham Hayes came to his death by stabs inflicted by Wil liam Gormley, The prisoner wee committed, it is believed that Gomiley was one of a party who, about an hour before the murder, broke into a house in Frankford, and committed a brutal out rage on a woman. After Gormley was locked up he became very violent, and broke the woodwork of the eel!, and made the place a complete wreck. ASSEMBLY MTILDINGS.—A splendid Stereo scopic, Exhibition of the great Rebellion in COOLIEC. Sion with lianderson'a gigantic moving dioramio panorama of the Russian War, which was so popu lar in this city two years ago, will be presented to the public this evening. We understand that arrangements have been reads with competent artists for new scenes as they occur eonneoted with the rebellion. Those who wish to see the startling battles reproduced me chanically will have a fine opportunity by at -eady_excellent entertainment. FIRKA.--Tootereles. wiembits:— leg to George Popp, on Landing avenue, irtnearift ward' was destroyed by fire. The damage done was about $lOO About tasty yards from the fire is an los house, belonging to Mr. Wolberts. Tee house contained a row. boat, which was 5180 set on fire about the same time, and embed a narrow escape of the ice-house. It seems there has been a difficulty among some of the clubs and a gang of rowdies stationed at this piece, and their °sleet was to destroy the boats. DILLTH OP ♦ WiirII.:KNOWIL9I79.OI , — Mr. -.ism' Rogers, a well-known citizen of Philadelphia, died last week. Mr. Rogers was a Sootohman by birth, bat be had been a reddest of this city from his boyhood. He presided at the Burns oentennary festival, at Saneom•stieet Hall, in 1859. The de eased was for many years an active member of the Philadelphia Grays. Rh funeral will take plea. to-day. Ceverarr Hosszs.—Yesterday morning a leeig train or oars, hearties five hundred noraea, sett this city, and pond over the Penneylvenis °antral to York and Chamberebnrs. Tho horsey have been purcenaini in New York AS* and ere intended for the tun of the United States "my. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. " - - PamarinLrala, May 25,1861, The 'UM* market today was dull, though more firm for city securities, which bold at 90 for the old lames, moil 96 for the new. Penasylvania Rail road shares sold at ni, Reading Re 1 oad shares at 15.1,-, and Camden and Amboy at 1074. Baca and Vine-street Railway stock sold et the first bond, at 4}, between boards at 4, and at the viand board at 5. It is understood that the a& hire of this company are to be thoroughly over hauled, and its erect position ascertained sad made known to the stoehhelders. The State Legislature of Ohio has passed an ao to prohibit the circulation of the notes of non- ehare-paying bank' It provides that it shall be unldwful for any bark, banker, broker, exchange, broiler, or other money dealer, or incorporated cempeny, in any manner, to put in circulation. eith#r directlY or indirectly, the votes 'of 'issue of any'hank or- banking company, whether in or one of tape /State,- ;which notes shall not, at tlittirae they/ are eo put in circulation, be receivable at par by the,bank, baikei, broker, exchange broker, or other-money dealer, or incorporated company, so pat \ lig the sense in eireulation, and redeemable. at tar, in gold or Silver coin, by the bank or bank.; ing company Inning the tame. - The penalty.- for violation of the act is a eon equal to one fifth of the nominal value of the notes so put in Circulation, and goats. The Cincinnati Gazette announces that the ex tension of the Chicago, lowa, and Nebraska Rail road west of Cedar Rapids, is being rapidly push ad_ Twenty - miles have been finished; and it is . hoped that oars will ran through to the Missouri by November next, over the whole 240 miles of line. The road will intersect the Allasonri midway between Sioux City and Council Bluffs. . 1 The Albmiy-Argar gives the following amount of the bank pable in that city : -The lailute of the Bank of the Capital on Se i turday, which had a swings department, am was 1 cartooned, produced yesterday some excitement among the depositor of the ea-singe banks of the city. These deposits,. molly is mull sums, are from a oleos of people easily alarmed, and to whom inites4 their small deposits are quite as important as inultileager mien et "remove of more means. Al the Albany Dania Batik, located at the Commer cial Bank, there was a'auntiderablorferdiainftite early part of bank howl, which, however, Marin as ths day advanced. All who celled were aid, and extra clerks were detailed to hastening payments. The panic as depositors fourid their money Prom - e , - --, -end many went away without ....t.: um 919 WNW; B e-turibly eh' ' - ---re swap Ban k wae ready f or ^ITIV - p ef,. , r in, aireaentin a lir - 4" Atth e els crowd in t3o ''. til l " W raw tire there aseirod to the wog a, e fr - " ta e's , all oath. IW / the orAPLOIDL demand b a d it have small bouror 0 38 7' bolt 5., ~,,,.. cry little demand j . At i 1,./ her .0 the ordinary business racier ae1' 6 ,,,,, 1t k ~,t h2 131. Tar mann 4 -'"_. l2° . - The deposit the savings banks w - onatomere „wispy them except on Use third "By, l .,rtit s January', April, Jelly, and October. are ..., i . 13 - 2 r a Toole, 1101100. But they do not avail mnteell Of this part et the agroamoric, and an glio want their messy can have it on call. , The New York State Bank, by coming for ward and redeeming the notes of the country, banks having their ay,euolee with the suspended ' WED in this city, did a good service, and pm vented a currency panic ; for such undoubtedly w,ordd have been the consequence had the notes of a dozen or more banks, good in themselves, been - thrown out ) by the Mum of that agouti to re. deem here a ccording to law." Philadelphia stock Exchange Sates. Mar 35, 2351. itarostraai iv S.M. lhaitualit, Merchants' ElChniilo. FER.gT BOARD . ire City as ~,.-.. 90 SO Rees & Vnie-at It 4NI t Morrie Cl Prtd.ash.lo33i 25 0,-,—. 4,•.‘ .MYR Kno Lehigh Val G 4.. -. . . sas,. 9 Cam & Am Rads' 10754 DUTY:7mM WARM. . so R&M & ViDIS-Stil R. —.— ----- - - --: • • 4 51SOOND BOARD 17 Cara dr, Amboy' 8.-197%,11 209 CU, 6 , - • - - .--X 4 ew -gt., enfants it -,.- glib ellf bid Rees & Vine-stars F..w ! , 1 new Lela Yea cs...or se% te Itemi:2 - 11, --:::i t ia 12,31 1 1 2 Race c irllnie. , 2,4 Sa i 4 do ..—.. -- .. leti CLO6IIIO .PRIOSS-1 4 1 221 d. Bid. Asked rbianaoteLarada_ ao 01 Plum &B. 90 91 . Phila dm _new.- 99 Plum Cie...—. 7T 79 Read R - -.. to% us% Read 141179...• 18 7 9 zero en e..•5e , ..; ea to Read mt fa IS_ 60 70 Penns & ex-Civ. at Ina ezßadmen as Ceske. le 4,te g :t"" _ol. At Runt PridEw -- ram n Pli.--Alli Si The demand for Flour is limited, and there le no change to note in prices; holders generally are firm in ,their views. 300. bbls standard superfine only sold at $5 51 MO bids Northwestern extra on terms heat won't. and 300 bbls Pennsylvania extra family at $6.31M. The :trade are bovine in a emit( say at *5.3005 ir34 for in" Porfirio, 85 76c6 for Marita l. U nod 75 for family, and it bbl for favor brands. an in qual.tr. The re - CMOs are fair. Kra Fleur is dull, and se.ling In a small way at $3 00 bbi. Corn Meal as but little inquired for. and Pennsylvania Meal steady and drat at $2.1034 4P' bbl. • Wirsay.—There is very little error:nu. and geed and nrime lots meet with a fair damard at fully Previous Roo's. Sales include a law email lota oammon to goad Yen na red at 1385137 a. 8 000 bush prime do at 1380, some Delaware at Ito°. 2000 bus good Penna . white at 348 e. and a lot of 5 uthern do at 160 a. mostly tn store.. Rye la dull. and Poona. hat bean sold at 68e. Corn 1$ iltintd7 with further aloes of 6,000 bus kloitthOrn yeltim at 600. afloat, asu message' in the care and in store.- Oats runt tulle dull, with a sale of 1,600 bus Southern at die, afloat. Bans —There is very little Qusreitron offering, and first No I. is in steady demand at $28% gr ton. Covecot.—The market in quiet, mite a very small by, airless to note, at about proem! quoted rates. Ouocsaiss arm PRovisious.—There is very little movement, and no change to note ro-day. Vinisitv is selling as wanted at lerstro for bbls, and 106.0 for hlids ; drudge is scarce, and meld at the same rates, VISIT OF THE MEMBERS OF THE GaIMEAL As winurrir TO THE POORE/LE PRAYER NatIMING—We learn that the General Assembly of the 0. E. Presbyte rian Church, now convened in this city. will adjourn at IT o'clock to day for the purpose of attending the Seen day flueinsel Men's Prayer Meeting, at the Bansom street Church. below. Ninth. Their attendance at this meeting on last Monday Ins an oeossion of unusual interest. and it is expected that their participation to day will he Many fruitful in giving variety and *Pint to the exercises of the hour. IMPORTANT TO ORNTLEArem.—At this time of the Tear. When gentlemen are eupPlYing themselves with ShirMand changing their Under•olotbins for the sea son, we take the opportunity of inforteing our readers that the place, of ell others in this oily, to do this with satielootion to themselves, and at a considerable saving to their DIMS, is at the popular Gen& Furnishing afore of Menus It. C. Walborn & Co., Bog 3 aid 7 North Sixth street. Their *uteri from all parts of the Pity and country warrant us in this conelusi on. WANAMAKER BROWN'S OAK HALL CLOTHING BA.2IAu---CAnllemeti 'who ere now sunphine them' • elves with Spring and Summer Clothing. whether *, ready-made " or '• to order." will do well to bear in mind the splendid new establishment of Messrs Wana maker & Brown, southeast corner of Market and Sixth streets. They employ. the most skilful cutters, have their work done in. - the best Manner, treat their one turners with politeness. aud, we believe. Val lower t ita n any other establishment of equal merit in the city, They have sires& built up a large trade, and tke cry is. still they come !" anwsigiL BEADDROADD?—This ques tion is daily asked PT trious...a... ta the where aboult of this mysterious we do not know. Some are inclined to the belief that this noted traitor sdiieegde of from the offsets of injuries received during the Fare europter. All this may be ; but the report that the General was seen, some time nines, in the act of purchasing a suit of clothes from the Faehionable Gilt Depot of Grativele Stoke,. 609 Chestrietetreet, has not the least foundatmn. Neither did he receive one of those useful sad valuable sifts always prese n t e d t o purchasers at this one prise establishment. THIS OCCUPATION OF VITIGUNIA Tier-n_'- has been named ! The Potomao Ia crossed, and the Federal flag new Mate 'Where the deoeesion rag but lately disgraced the soil of Virginia. ?he excitement growing out of this bold movement's intense, and the general feeling is that the active business of the war has seamy:med. These martial doings snit not, in the glighteat degree, intelela with the buoingew of the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Hoakbtll & Wilson, Now 603 and 805 Chestnut street, above Sixth. The manu facture of civilian snits for gentlemen and youths and of military garmenta, proceeds there just as usual. DIED. . i•• kie,WLB.-On Sunday moraine'. the 25t11 inst., MA beer.Bi wife of William Henry RAINVIO , in tne 32(1 e. .._.,..'t ° ILLIkN.-On An (May morning, the 25th mt.. Willi:ft 03 . A j i i fil ly v .L 0! li i , ehz la n ni . ,nt Bro l oin r r nai otos: . id_2o l I ov n onizon t , the without :on : 9 t ldhi 2 68: af h ii ;it: , er e :al:v ie d:i l l: :opt:fuer. funeral I a, A t nt e ehadois e g eet it Adele ce e lffear:on:w 1 tro rii T: oyoohn sate.roidocarantruev ufe ;4. s let t 0: : t . 4 Frederick and Sarah D. Steel), aged 15 mouths and CONTINENTAL HOTEL-Ninth and Chestnut. 3 der e. J A Biestand, Land. r_A J D Unmet, Lariosster, Pa The rOlatiVee and friends of the family are reaper. T PLawrenee New x ork R A rotor & la. Vs N MY invited to atteno the funeral, from the redeems 3 GCh law St • Louie H W Vail, Baltimore .g. her parents. No 2t3 New street, on Tuepday morn- F N Kensell, Baltimore Mr Partemnn Pottsville I. 23th but, at 9 o'clook. Interment at Ronaldsen's Ale Ramsey, Pt Paul It P Gr.flin. New York ,temetery. J it Ricitenty Reading C B Mnelenners. Wash ALA 0 DOX. --. on Mar 24. Mrs. S. E, (51 ouchan) Med. Major Etagner, US A 14 Lynes & at, New York ox. barn in Jones count,. Georgia. !_!ged 31 _jeer/. I) Fireman. New Yriyk IC A Andrew. g_o.ton_ - fe of Captain W. A. T.. Maddox', U. ft. Marine J . Welch, Newark. n J .1 J Van Nest new York rrria. A led lose to her husband and four young C it Barns, Detroit John Scott, Pittsourg strfu h tn T i he li ris e:f ia n ri ,t . ..e ,w il ai de ttbc eafitthfeurtfehmerilynairioree.qfneoemted her l. o ar r e a n d r s h e lf RL A/mm.3JB A it L Ragan. Georgia V ajar Regan A vrf, Georgia Col N Stetson. New Jersey Mr Rerun, New Jersey A Condit. New Jersey "Once. No. 1326 Peianovi pjace j . this daY,.(l.sonder,) J * Patter wni• PotteVille 0 0 Preaeott, soatou , rhea's Church!, w ° ll °' e cic re ic "h r o * fu m n . ertiree P rvi meel oes c erll lil be per .... TV C Pareon, Beaten N 1334arta gostort J 2 Barmier. New York Jae Hardwiek. New York; forme!. Kremlin and Washington Patient please 00/7,j John F se m " A ig i , pi y w i n m o Garmhau, . ....Fl"..n.slikl.-fluddeilly• on the Mid mat ., w Luanne. D A Finner. Harrisburg' Geo G Pride. St t orals ~ r erns , "vibe 30th year of hisses. e i r fb , kand friends are respectfully invited to Wm Freak. Chester. Pa W Patentor., NewJeraey. K W Davis, Vertango co. Pa G D Hahne, Mercer, Pa ; attend i street. from hits leas residence. No sib Dr 0 F Saunders &. Pr. RI Thos klolyo kii, New Yoi lit il ' is ," r " r n e : m ion - '(110111131) aft 6111601). at half pant 3 II Dealt, Baltimore His roll; Dr .1.. A Birdsall, Cal , o ' o -. ,- St. Joeeplea unwell. Interment at In. Jahne) 11, Jameson Pew York Mr Howard, Boron ' W Neilson. 'Havana F Davis Jr. New York . D h year of big &MY 43d inst., Peter Rodgers, Arthur C.ulmme, Boston T Delanda. New York .. ' in the 06t d franc,. 13 tie , d. Philadelphia C 'l' Hammond- ("hie% The Testi • , rs an rs of Illte Eleatent Starf the family. and the C F Jaimert, Chicago A XII" 4' Wf. W"b r" C members 9 11 - ll Oilier, also Age v 0 1(16 A. Y M., RO (iti.s.e.-On Tbn...._ and Footav, is e i . Rig! Melee, Wage ; II 0 fl II Boryth new Yorg W G Steele, New York I) F Basler ik wf, Chose° sunlamp Grape. are respeotfully invnar Corps Al Eh- ~ Thtie Leonard. Maas J C Schooner, New 7. or ledelphla N 0 .3 Wu attend hie John Groesbeck. Cin. 0 C H Tilden, Ohio funeral from has late renitence.__ ... ao ire members of the 9119090Y917 an d re - (El hth sleet, above Arch.) this (Monday led plans. Jahn Restrow, Bartamore T E Brysn• TI 15 .ff AB G mbri I. Baltimore Thee Polhemus.SiewYork 0 Revriv.k Measaishusette W Day, Washin_nor te Vi . CORNITCK.-On the Wid inat.. - Harriet F. Mo, _ c w L Belfende ) n. Prutavi'de G B Raymond, Wash hter of TR. 18th and the hita Gate, 27tli g inst.. a' t 2 o'clock. To weaved to Woodlailernoett , ' W.P Mehl nasal, Wash Levi Davis. Woo oink. fir(F g rmiok, is the INA year the r_ •-- Bolt II nichinaon. Wenn 11 Schoemaker. 11l ewYork rlhe 0 - Tags Polhemus, Jr ,li York .1 Sharkey. naltimore l•. C hurc h. are invited to attend bow fitn i ntk J I Gregg. Cie, 0 Gen IC 31 Biddle & le, Fa JOIII.:I 4 ce of her parents, No. Mr -Boum T A Sarum, blase J M B.Reynolds. Mau from the rem ern cot this (Mende') inhl'intig. •he re abase and friends. mime &Watley, et Bt. ,j I, Waterhouse . D 0 W A amott, New York street. below fierues str , I-' M Admiral. Ilerheater John A Owen. Phila. ,ormontinr t Marv's, Routh Fourth street, , -., 4..shirrtlgNenine_. .1 I Rickey. Gin. (Ado in tiii - i..- on the 9313 mat , John cr, n ease, 'Eau ~ tn " 0 " 14 .... herd Yates Illinois Yoe PAWAQMIK, N 1 ork i n 69th year of h is age. eery - ice at Pt Joseph's Chosen. D Breshain,cimi.--. 1...... W ee li rti l f t ro Bi :::: ° la k te reeidellee, at Frankford, tlis .) B Jones, Pit ahem J) Ws larie • Pitratitirr Troiimoar ) afternoon. t 2 o'clock. er T Green. Prey. ft I •Lient D. Monday BINDER-On CM ale& twat., 'William Earle Made(. 0 A Wl 0 '° 10 i) GlyniAlasti cll . '' 110 40 1 1;1 Thrninstown il)bor• In hit 36th Year. Roth 13 C Poker, ow Joreley ••• fli Drams ow Sonny tumult from hie ' ate reoldonee. No. 2131 o *L. Sant Seymour. D 8 A • 0 Wardell . . Wash Ms ( Monday ) afternoon at 2 o'clock. A_Meaerole.Brooktyu P, M. McCook, Uhl A BROWN4L-on the 24 h Met, Mies Margaret Ain W B Mclntosh NI ll G W Atkins. Conn Browne . in the 27rh year of her ate- -' , 4 - VI ft nerds Conn J El`Gaddie Jersey. City tun f mo, eh. osehleince, . f her brothel), P. . 01P G washington Mra Bunt. N 0 ,_ ,13 -a. 108 Jacoby street, thm ( Monday) Meal . hie Rimentan & wf. N Y .1 Fear. Median Ili ty lac WOlook, , :, J Snob,. 'Hudson City Wm Thomas &wife -- - ..41.1441E,r-thishestd-inst,..KAWlSiTellthr Ille JO, It Tinker. Mane -- .1 11-Newiteuseru my - - - ter ern' win and Miff W•••• Clarke, aged 5 rears sad J laMiniple, New Cantle W WIV tight. Perna Unitise. * ' .1 M. Berhoir,_elew York ThosJ .Yorke. Jr. N Jamey KOHL. - Oa the 24th inet., Cecelia, daughter of Mae Hon T Jones! Yorke, ft J _ B Dulhisms, Maryland bath and the late christian Kohl, aged 4. years and IS C Gibson. et Unite W tr Groan New York months. T W oinddiiin- N York Mill tJ A Ili. I•tor Veda RAINTILVART.-- At Washington. D. C. Riehert T 0 van Vont New Jersey Geo J French. Phila ' itmethnrat. Jr...in the 26th year of his age -•a volunteer 3 33 4 John E Wilikor9 Dr 0 JKibbin, Penns in the Philadelphia eIISYM.. - 00Inehra G." W N Yerkes Penner J R-Molen.y. Now York Forcers' from the [modem,* of Me father. R. W. etit neon Pell. cal f-rota . .1' , e , ./31:twit•HaNitnere ter of Fourth and. Prune streets, this (Mender) mere! I lirinkerkett Ohio ThesiOunn, Ohio tar, at 9 e'etook. *' J Flhe. , Pa. tam' e JohiuMsses. NM Vert i F tins dridie. New York R H Roue. ftewYork Geo 0 Leaalski. CS A ki a' arnard, Mute Che,, I Leonard, New York W A Eliot . Loutidena it Boinemen. New York G Unger. ew Yolk E a Finlay. Havana J ble'ullameh, New York nil Flit John. New York Col 0 K Marls- NOW lurk F J Bolt, Mameehuletts a 0 rust, eavehnro Jos U Crowell, Renew. NJ Geo King. New York ARRIVALS AT THE PRDICIYAL HOTELS, AMERICAN HOTEL—Ctegtant .treat. above Fifth. Gen M Hart, yew loyal 3 Pfllffor, Phtladstphtd IC Homier. Philsdelphie Kf3 Melnolend. Think H Cs , seine & wf, Oregon J Ardmen. Allentown 6 L. Boyd, Tamtova W L Barnes. Plow Yo - k H W Howes. Now York Geo E Bowes. New Y, rk P Y Prkke a 151. I. iolaod Jos H. 4 14. Hem. WChormar Frank Orroon, Oxford, Pa A C Mad, & la, Prev R I J W OT,OII & le. rrov, It I T nir Towner, New Yea "r• ion. rhila - Carroll Town, Phila L S Barnum. Conatrettont Rand G Starr k Is. Cons JUI a TR. tor. New York Ch g.& Marsh. Mass W T Seward New Haven C H Jones. Bridgeport. Ct C Penland. Owego. N Y Jos G ward Broskirn Th..; R Warren Brooklyn Wm Lillo7. New York C H opk ins. Jr. New York C A Moore. Tadlloll Henry tialaereteeve. '7onn eIRRORANTEP mum!' street. eeieer Areh Iv Parker, Peneerleaais W B Irteerr-rt, Pottstown H Voterheuth & wf. Pa & Randall a;wilkeab W W RAntark. Calitoinia J P Be_pron.9llllcp_Ma I. I) Trump Jerieg Phore Mrs miner a. came. weah John Iltiweii,W.• Triton Mrs tnergeorbwaseinglon . Wm H °lmre, 7.,:iee‘nnati WNorthumbetPd 3is Montgomery & ea I G Proetor. Roston t tratvon Minn. on. Pa Benj . Grofrey.Pencs7lvenis • bet demon, Bhitpereurg W wan Jr•Pnneeton JP U lowan:late indiene R A 'Rum' & la, imeeeter Wm Parker. Pittehorg Geo F /lateen, Petals Jacob Brenemen, Pspna J P fetal". Pottaviie !Harahan Darling, Wmeburg ST. LOUIS NOT FL—Chestnut Mast. above Third. Jos Caper , . fiarneharg C W Neaten. Jr, N Jersey 0 M fle'm. New Jersey J D kieneenrom. •ew Jersey , Mr Kane, New York Rotbermel. Pktlads M B Reynolds. B aton W G Bonser,Newoastie Po' Pr. Slew Jersey J M. Welton Ptulada tieo W Joyce Pratedelptua .r_v Brown kitten Rid E ondel, ran. Bs lean a Mooes.,4ea York A G hoos, New Ynyk Lewis altos, Easton James A limns, Pottsville' - 7 R irtiorc—irou street. above Third. M Fuleyber,ohio 'bompaoo & la. Me M Alen zer.Pltteenare_ Miss °soling, Memphi• M Dalton.° Nies 1 , Radar., LOartan, • Col R Raul fr, 'Romagna C Redzinger, Tamaqua 11.01M1.-sivra at,. above Chestnut. Itieweet Chester oo M Brooke. Del co I 0.11. tildmelk W beaker , c syvalt. Me.rylimsa J W Rrran. Philatielphia Taman DoMestewn Reit Madrona. Ont . ° d, M Molubra Pr F • Peiree..Plorri.town W Jones. No - riatown Mrs Holton, eel•ware F Callah a. Delaware v J oni% prrw Jersay Joittl 1, Werth n Penn& Ruin ci Pew -• T Coale.. Chewier oo •11 gupert. W Ch.atar B F Baker. Media, Joe G enramins. Media eTATSII UNlON—Market street. above fil=th. , . .0 Batuagardnar, Penns. Beaten .1 W Penneylvanut A Kell!. ereville James r ley yin tale ..Win Arts, hilasslshis bameel Landis. Penns vir m B ever, Trenton, N J at Work, Ire ervn. N J tinter Itlonyer, Carlisle W PAimee.reaurylvanta MeKerver, OTOPMltilltr W LWitl arae,Oresaskurg Otto z 'tetra. Harrisburg It r It_sitter, rittsburig Geo L. Phu. Harrisburg Peter Whitsen,„ Halttroore A Trharst, Huntingdon .1H 0 Corbin, Huntingdon Jame' ganders Ileiswere Beml Mond.y. Pitt borg eol.mon Worm. flarruorg Mint Brownfield Jame Sanderson, N York W Waiters, flew York REVERE, 1110O81E— e llard street. above Rum,. , LteutC 8 Nonce! . to la. De Thin A Robinson,' 'Penns Clug Orner, tennis Java igedrenee, Rarrakbl JWi son, Camp Scott S W Btonebraker reons Woml Vontatier.mountio7 Jti , o i lierd Inane/. Penni. John Masson. Yonne 8 Win, Penns vs'm il %lonia WWI,. D C D A Shultz,. NMI& Geo F Henry,Camp 'Wayne Ogetr Wilhelm, Ohio NATIONAL nv/74, - -iime Meets %WY. Third. John Wan North River Jacob *Mee% Danville Itt ',mesh, Berwick. Pa Jos tiorrelegi New 2 ork Wm F Vonte. Ponoville • J Kingston H Tegrese.d Msnts eo IL NI. Pannen. Ashland Omar Rahn. Perryville MOUNT VEltrioN 110TEL—Seountl at., buoys. Arch. Mr reforileop, Ituntr co 0 w Baia Bucks co K cartwript, nordentirn J B Mann: New York (3, W Fa x ii.n. Baltimorey 4 0_ iirov,-Phils 8 Jo n . Baltimore John O'Neal, Baltimore ii tiloFtkte. Baltixore _flub iMithi IJ 5 A asvid . Anight, u D A BARLEY t RAF HOTlitr—Eteoond at., nel. Visa. Joe K Taylor. Attleloru Dr M °Carter, Hartsvil le Wur, I/armee. Pena Fam I Gra if, rosins 1 1 , Is,..ttareee. N JEMMY 016 K Boat nO J Stulart. Bute on titnatt finloor. Fox Unman John Mob. Hartsville J A Cook. Penns Cr It !lambent, Buckinghm J 8 Manday. Wrnsport BALD 'EAGLE HOTEL—Third it, below CaHowl:all. F Whitaker. Dt.pnwit, NY A P 41.1,nrga. Rethlehern Pour Culbert, Easton Wm Nat erejtorthMptn Co Rev Aug Fox. Bath. T Ltagenring, Penn& Rev W 8 isnery. Lehigh Rev F W Geintattieiner,NY Rev D Kuntz. Lehigh Co W Roth, Hellertogra MAUL Hellertown !SLACK BEAR—Thud street. stove 6 iiotelend, pomerton Wm Emmert, eonsaTton Chen tleninger. Reading FJ P Robsats. Allentown .3 . 4. Aria. , Long L.Lituf R.— SIC 931 Leh elc S.—. 4ax - • • , Leh Ci l &PI bop. 806 DOC North Penns it ,6, . 8 14 l's la ca/..int off /ar 68 N rew it 10...„... to j . ,14,11•11•006 St "pre/ 411. .- Pre_ nk !c &alba .- ' 11 Skit -1.6-m. R. ~36 \llatab&Viae-tax. 4 '3l Weat Phiis 6.—_41/ VT liprune k Pine._ a 8 filmen k. naaitaa_l9ll Cbeat. k, Waal, .... .. Philadelphia Markets. cITY ITEMS. UP TO 12 o'cioor LAST swat AIARIBR INTELLIGENCZ ess FGURTH PAQK. ARRIN kw. • ntanowtoe I...;awisiv. Johnizotii 33 tiolifo Irons New Vora. with miles arm vaaaenger • to Jain.' hlklenhoe. Pastoral below geed, lamed a lumber loaded schooner. onward Ivuorl : salmi Mbnotra anti Horan. F. Bell. et 3110hOr on Chatter. ttera Itrother..sartrioer, 16 da,. trout C ienfuegocwith auger Co d dr. W W. 1.6 lt.. a.. loth } er r v.l . i,n -- . - r s t. - i.: Ptoes, tuck from roar Union. of tu , ,, FisiAllalifii.w.. from Cianftmirmi, the captain and nip.. a U. went ashore or . th e Ern. with a waist" of 313 *alto ootiariO el dome ta.1.4.6) -carton/IdTel m a otal iod.h Ti b i n7 ve '- s nood fiat winm 04. Bonn of amt..... Dr tz Lamartit.e. (Norwegian) Zernmhon. 40 dark from -N ewe aste. Mug., with cos i to 5 Morns, Wain & Co. • &stir Horace H Bellailorohie, 14 days from Matanzas, with tapir end 51015 , 1 1 / 4 741 to John meson & 00. 131thr tialomms• Wt .. healer 37. IF roux .Pc.ooynAao s-1- vow, lad., with lamb& r to J W 15400 EL, IBohr o fil J w im Jamey. Dill,l dly. from Belford. &Month wits t Baoon, g e ar "warp(' . .liWilhowia, 3 4314 frOpi--Lactrol, D,l, t ot 16111 ° M1 I R # ll' iieMba9ll. Tr bona from Law.m t i th hr a tow it.. Dal, with maw Jas Jaswitir &Ca 1118 MONDAY, MAY 25, 1.861. SPECIAL NOTICES. MATDIU' OFFICIAL. 1 NAvy DEPARTMENT. BUREAU 07 CORTRUCTION. EQUIPMENT. AND REPAIR. May a , IMO' The Nov,' Department hereby invitee proposals for building the Steam Maohinery of a number of Screw Grat-Itoata. The machinery of each gun-boat to 00* &et of two baoraotion. horizontal colinzo W ith 1111.- face condensers, and of two vertical watertuee boil ers. The cylinders to be 30 inches in diameter and the stroke of piston 10 inches. She two boiler* to con tain 01 minare feel GU/grate earful, and 2.700 SENATE feet of heating ;Jarboe. No preemie!, will be 00n sidered except from-proprietors of emeire building establishments. Such pas - ties desiring to propose for the Phew , ma chinery will apply to this Bureau, which will furnish them with ei immelete eveolfiostion Of the mane, and omen maim' of the reeeet, together with the provi sions and conditions of the contract they will be re quired to execute. JOHN LENTHAL, nlO5 6t Maratha Bateau. KNIGHT'S LIQUID 11111NNST makes deli• mous Junkets, Cold Custards. and other elegant Des serts. Get a bottle for 25 cents, at Do. 7 Soutth SIXTH Street. and try It. roir27 6t• Iltirommoßig tors,—Thui celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is the but in the woild. AD others are mere imitations of this great original, which has gained such extensive patronage in all parirof the globe. The genuine W. A. Batithelor'e Liquid Hair Dye instantly produces a splendid blaok or :natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, and will remedy the sit efocts of bad dyes, Invigorating the hair for life. Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale be FAHNEBTOUX & CO.. DYOTT & CD.. Philadelphia. MILEBOLD'S UNIVERSALLY A PPRIVHD Ram ac Ramses.—Compound Ex Bhe sures Dice eof the Bladder. Kidney, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakutuat, RD. Need the advertisement in another aolniuti. Malted " Helmbold'a Genuine Preparation." m723.6tittrwf Otis P 31031 CLOTHING OP THE LANCET STYLIB, made in the best manner, expressly for kl - CUL BALES. LOWEST prices meirkea is Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-PRICE syeterMla striodXst hared to. All are thereby treated' alike. • seSt-iy JONES it Cll. 604 MARNE', Boor Daic ORORARD ACM SPRING Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and _Physicians respeeting the use 01 this WA L AR ........ • 4.. nu. Inman AystaVn.. 11 be.rithplied ; retie an aveheatlet. er PUMP tor BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Striate, or F t'4 BRICK BROWN, JIG. NINTH and ORENTN etreets. CALL AND GET A ELIVIPNLITs apig4V ' GEMINI ac BAKER/11 CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEwrivo MAGIEINEE. Mae Beet in Va. for Family Sewing. No. 7nti CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. miXeli I,OI4O—MATLAIK.-113 Brideshurg,en Fridis, the 24th inst., by the Rev B. ?owe)", Mr. John M. setefor Tarrytown. New York, to MIN Mary Ll.zat 4 th ,J O 7B Matlack of Br.desburr,_ Pa. ✓ MEY.k.R—DI , ITRIcm,—nn th e _ .ad boat., b . " Re!. W. J. Mann, D. 0., Mr tts.;- 01 Dner Meyer . Miss Lama Do triolt, JAB citT• 14iFi.PT MIL.--On the 22d inst.. M Windsor. wri .i V •eara f t tom i t o rL.a_ a Belyea. Mr Bionard Bampton.to " a the above Dims.. • BA 114--US AL.—On the muHer. H. H. Blinn , . Mr. Janes M. Bain to Miss ansitii" s i t-, eldest dengirer of Capt. Josiah B. Beal, all of this atty. • BiacrllK GRENADINE BARE3E MO 71 ~ Sleek fluidic'. Barney Points, onak get Moieties. .11.46 k died &mite Points. Skink mace Sbae. Silk Borders. SiltN Blacil * ilagi n Cieee Borders. Blase Blank Gran - a Shemin. Black Hama bawls. Satin Borden. 111. B. , ...sbeiMerds' laid Poil de Chem& oidlAni Teen% Wide Perk Om elehairs, MX Mt& , SESSON St tinN, leoureilloire, mill eIS CliEtifitirr Minot. , ?KA CARD TO THE FTELTC.-13i THE nunday papengef yesterday a card published t Ilium. B. Mann. in yelanon to his conneot•on with •• the attempt "ci muster into nerving. certain sompatues omneated with Col. Einlteiris regiment." in which he deems it hie " date to state the facts. so that all trn• !t -itivate People may he afforded an opsorrunitY to Judge for theingelvee "indeed. wsu d require him to Mete IP SjaCg3 bat it icaviden , t r Maim haewilfulli withheld many Seoli. from the built lowest pee pie. '. and utimatnted or perverted many others. lii!Lisple ob ject an visiting CoL Jfaristele's quarter. was •to expo d te the inspection ono montane's " and be "hag. no Agi.bny.ty whatever to interfere." Yet abundant proof a be produced to erattery " the truth toeing people" that he did miorfere with the inspection o the man of Col. Einstein's regiment te an untrarraeh *stoat. in Vv. fi rst place. Mr. Mean had no Mistimes what ever to betiresentat the insoeenen of Col bingtein'a men. and it was a piece of impudence on hi. part. ag welt .eon the sort of the Stake aft ere. to tweeted to a private room in Poi Pintriein'e gamier, for converse tine. ana Mum the door mown the ntrauae of Col. Hasten] himself and his • Moms. Whet the ()West of this prive..e conversation was is open for conjecture if it was not to effect an arrangement prefudimel 1.0 the intereMs of Cot Einstein and on commend. why via not Inv ted to be present? Col. Ein stem's! regiment w.is under inspirott p not Mr elan'i n and if it we. not an •• i• terferenee" on his part with the inspeotion and mustering of Col. r instem'S rep went, we would like to know. what it was. Col. gin gtein's eornmapd was being unepeoted by the State *Gee Mr. Mann holds a private °enemies tton with the Ifi leis. at w both Col. Fitatein was not porrnUled to be pretext Mr. Maim imitate to the measuring. aid yet he would have the • trivia-loving people" •ci believe that he did not '• interfere with the immigration of the man or must r;rig ditto into gery ea! fun her wane of 1.110 Riga Of Col."BilleteUrg oommand were IlliOrMdd I tlti ff =7:i c :;::l 4 4=Oplg h Z/U=ttrritirr Y o ' you'd 'be a difficulty at the mustering of Einstein's regi ment." •We are enable to nay whether Mr Manti felt any "iteeloney or ill-will toward.* Cel. Einstein or ass of hit rag moot," or whether there Voted a colluition between tor . mann anifule elate core. bat" Ilene who snow what importance nnl tar? men attach" to all matters connected with their emptied, can Judge whether there hae been en) , interference on the part of Mr. Mann with Col. illinstem's regiment. In regard to tie remark of Or. Smith, that he Wan " an unwilling agent in the hands of otter peruse," we have mob , to .ay that there eta several officers who wereiirogent, and heard the remark made, and will be qualified as to the .00rteetnene of the a•stemetit. Mr. Mann urged the stripploga the men for examination. when Dr. Smith remonstrated, stating that It would - Produce bad feeling. Mr. Mann reelpd—'• You Knorr our understanding - MIMS be done. ' 10T. Mann illustration about the shark and the sailor 111 a rather rihavey. one for him. Hs au ltaics the charaoter of the • nneentevone sailor," aid - represents the " troth loving poops" es the ayarienous shark. Whether "the reggae fit eviunnsasty" will swa ll ow M. Mande red hotshot" remains to bit seen. It certainly to to be regretted that thereshoubj be any occasion for soldiers manifesting their just inuig-. nation at, snob unwarra4table outrageous treat went from an outsider. Put there are occasions when . 6 foible/awe ceases to be a virtne.” and tkla. stn think. wait one of them— The nixt:who as rise= to thlltttketinellt. haveigernsirmons tollovis the _nag of their errantry since Christmas last; have spent their time and money. and ewe therneolvee beggary. and to tie thi, treated now wee yeti ea.ouisted to endows the most uncontrollable and indignant feelings. Colonel Einstein tumult' has eacrinced his OMURA and for tune ; has spent hi. almost last dollar for his men. and to have his gatriotio amine and purpose. f nstrated by treachery and fraud he beyond all endurance. One of the men refused by Dr: Inun.li hoe not been four 'weeks out of the mauler United States eeimea. arid set I. declared not to be fit to serve u a militiamen! rol. &mimic with some eMeiers and the men rejected, pm seeded to Harrisburg. and were assured that the mat terwond be righted, end that his resiment you'd be fairty.inseeeted. and mustered into the mortice name abstely. it wan bat the totontios. nor sae it the de. sire, of Colonel holstein or his (deem to disturb tee feelings of Mr. Mann, or alarm the women and children of his family. • a COLOCIOI3O6 ne..es no and while they knme and have proved MAlM naives soldiers, they ()moot forget that tney are gentle men. and would am e n to interfere with ran Instlna the women and ohldeen of one family, ' or him reel- Meet. by order nf the BOARD OF OFFICERS. CAItD.—A STATIPOIENT HATING AP., PBAKillal /A the eandtty papyri, of the Nth mum% we %wept it hut .justOto ro ourstatves to correct the tissue of mterepruentation contained in the lams. About the time of the eollteion of our Government with the Southern C-catfederaoy,,one of _fur fi rm vetted ear- _ risberg to sell Blankets. Canimeres, end such other goods our brie. We reouved an cr, der to fpr loll 3 aro F.:. of Bleonoto. to be a all wool, Arlie! NIM the erten to be paid wee $3 SO vet nu. On the receipt of the Blankets. Bathos they were snob as gave satis faction. they gave us as additional order for 4.000 pair more. whir& order we °mild not fill within Ise WithOtlt puttms slush Blankets as would do the Mate sue ourselves bajties, vro decimal suing it. After the nos:mist of 0,1 t os hat Our bills called for, the Slate re fused to pay the bills, on the ground that they wens charged at too high a wise/end proposed that Menlo*, of the Blankets should tro art to arbitration as to tt.!str.. value which propotio n we scouted. racy se!eotint three' si S-in-elems tusroblint. of t, Madill! we 11,-; lectlns or objects'', to them. On tke excrolcatton of samples or mud Blankets, they awarded as 45.37 per: pair. We tnes ma.se the alteration of our bills, sod' made affirmation as to their correctness The bilis Were then promptly paid. Trusting that the untraate elven out Wyll he legally Investigated, so that the pnPllo may, Pe if there were ironer Oh the oOvervutucut, -tact Irr whom eeetthitttd, WO fltlllt , ll respa O etfu)y, 13,AWAY dS. DODSON. tiEnOTice TO STOCKHOLDERS.—TH Almelo Meatier at the Ntontbolderm at ill.t ntmen PUlealetßellArty tlompeey sjil be Um at the odic* t f the Uowpen._, -IX h 1 and D , A rIOND' rent, between th e hours of lend 3 o'olook on 310 N. AY. June 10, let the. parpos a of elreting • Prolident,' renenna, and nine hinangers, to eery* for Use en- Hi o7e - ; of the jatel, • USE el .016111• x . - Jammer - pro tetra . -.24,1861. wyea-tf PhilnAelori n, Afar glir. THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN Al4OCtAtittr. OP PA !LAD EL Pinta —T e refuter monthlyen/taint anti be beA cm MONDAY .oVgalirdp - the 9th init. In the Rooms of the Aso elellOn hos. 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, er 6 o`o oar. The Nev. e.ui, P. Herren in the egasylat 19191101—"Coneeialmank:" hienahanieninnalli Yeer 10kt atid. Brume e i g p q_blie generally urn Av. WAMAInALISKI ger, MARRIED. EirUNIVERSITY OE PENSYLVANIA DIPAIi T M ANT OP ARTE—The Kea m ination tenior Clue for Degrees milli* held dining the 'Present and onetime week, beginning on each day at avi llA te ßAD a. Ag i 4 (Vele* in the afternoon. ' ? d i L'a b yr Y , t j b wr e Pittruvert. .{Polltioal Roonomr ma r ""A x . Mil, by the Provost, (Butler's Analogy.) „MONDAY. 27th. by Professor Copper', (Sehlegere trietpriol Lite nature ) written. ~ .„- K uninDAY.,. retn, by Profeiwor Allen, (The GitUpoe ac 71211135 of Boellooe.) oral. . I A tr 4l4 2Par • MI. b 7 PlOfeinaly Jaokeni (Seleo moo. Juvenal, and Teettroto .wnitten. r ICURDeIr. 30th , by Professor Kendail, (Integral C cult!" ) written. RIDAY, Slat, by Profiteer Prager, ( Physloal Oleo graphy. o a , 111743.7 t GROSGE ALLEN, Seeretarr. MILITARY NOTICES. I FIRST TROOP CITY HOME GUARD.s..lpeoial Meeting at Borth roan. 'mania Rote!. •Third and Willow streets, btveo.r. t IrVENING.r stB Wolook. to de code to Which of ths Nom 27 Companies to sttsob. our selves, and other business. lt- WILLIADI KING. Captain. iATTENTION !—A Non•commiggioned Officer. late of the United States Army offers his services to insetted Companies or °lessee in trie standard TAOTIOS , yust authorized by the War De partment Address "8.." Box 12? P.O. lt" 11 .REOIMENTAL ORDERS, No. ll— firrgEnti.ArtliNhAtigigar Car 1 :a 44 have their restmotive commands at Headquarters Trull AFTERNOON at 2 o'oloeg.grenagitrOrY to being mustered into servion. b 7 order or It` ' COL,. HORT. G. MARCH. BEOO6D RICOIMICNT OF RESERVIVS. MEMBERS OF OOMPADIRS.I. AND B. SHOOED I" R gerhyszt f OW mows v VI, will rendezvoug. D sY ln . a u t ri t i h fo o r tm l o u r n ". th at i r C li ll t ES 3 VIA ir P tre . M et% o ro f r T pa... °- rade. BIADIMT. Plea STfral Y , A. Fire Lieutenant Company H. HEADQUARTERS OOMPANY D, FOURTH COMPANY MONROE GUARD.--PRl- LAnnsiqua. May 11, Yint.--Wo, the undersigned. othoers of Company D. Fourth (milieu/ Monroe Onard. on behalf of the Conyeany. return our macro thanks to the 'trustees of. the Amenoan Meahanuat' Han, corner Fourth and George streets, for their kind nem In.volunteermg to the Comptop the use of the Han for Drills, and have extended every Wait" in their Dearer to aid the 061111pilat the. r undertaking. we also feel ourselves under lasting obligatiotui for tkm kindness thus exte_Eded. W, W. W. WWII e Cant. Comeny D. JOHN B. RUHL. JOHN El DONNELL. HI bloat." 'UNITED MATES MARINE °OEM 44 , ANTED, 800 able-hodted men , between the rm of 21 and 35 sears, not ism than five feet four andshalf bushes mei, and of soot/ character. Soldiers serving in this arson acrform Ants at navy 2 5 0 5 arnd On bottth Wed Staten. Mice-of-war ow = 41 1%7 liven seth i rl=Ve l a ile AOlll .Bouth Fito3l ' Street. First Lieutenant W. STORES BOYD. 0030-]m - itearnitina Officer. MILILTAJKS GOODS. JUST RECEIVBD, PER STEAMER. PERSIA, A LARGE . LOT OP SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BUNTIN G. JOSEPH H. FOSTER, ;¢y, 37-At No. 443 North THIRD Street. DARK AND LIGHT BLUE CADET SATINETS, i'OR ARMY GLOWING; BLUE MItED Ale ',lux ARMY BLANRETS. GO'V'ERNMENT BTANDAIID, 'For JO.. by TREDICk, STORES'ec Co., NO, 1.8 SOUTR FRONT STRUT. MUIR EN9LISH WORSTED 114 KTINITING, JUST ARRIVED Pka EntRAMBRIP " PERSIA," RED, WHITE, and BLUE, ImroaTED (ND FOR SALE rx CONNA-1 '&13 NORRIS, MY 24-51 74 00AN8 STREET, CADST 31IISKETS. 500 6UPER.I9It. cal", MUSKETS, our fir rale low. PHILIP WiLli tm 432 CHRSTNIIII-oiMEZT. . 4 1raN TBOAN_ 311 OMOTRUT is t sitsethar establishment in the lITDIA4,IIBBER CAMP BLANKETS; _.. . . ..7 1 - 1 0 10511 %. a g . v 7 Nqulpmenta. -le GGE.A CARP BLANKETS, FS .K.NAPAAcitah__ v.B.R.A.A % V4 N YNTS49-KD 1 U-K.NTSENS OLIN COVE GUN OWENS. CAPE& ,I & COATS 4. 8 4 A l fraGATS, And every tither ittiete that lilmenatectured of India Re bner—te of the bet meterutl. - —. S . G3-IMlf , , JOHN THOisauSY. gOM,PßESalttogtUUATS.—United Mates Mime Musket eaujitafte_s a tts; also. JIMMY de 'Miss of Round and teal n..deta ms Mowed omen Lams stooks sossamrLott and. mut e d Stilitilt b 1 :rii9KAS Y -1 t. F.- Y. & (-, , . , - `. l- -- l'autut II °tea. .2 ; !!..±' 261 and 261 ' TER Lama. nirlil'ini _ NEW IiORX. :NEW - PinglaiVi* pUBLUMED' BY AUTH • ITT 07 :, i J 1 . TUE - trAR BB B 1 T,BBNT I ... I . , . • MAY 1 ' 1661'. ' 1 . . . . UNITED BTAt B 1 # 1 INFANTRY T TICS , i . i '9T the Instrnotion. Exercise. a M-rwerresof ;he United states I'd:win - Y. tooludi lantry of the ; Pine. Licht Infantry, and Riflemen. Prepared under the direotion of the ar DePartl inent, and authorosed and adapted by TH.M SECRETARY OF liir, , lam i WAS thirAILTMENT. Wathill ii,i listilae -. Tide 'system of United States Infan , Tuition for liisht Infantry and Riflemen, preparednader the di isettaost of the War Department. hieing lien spproved by the President. is adopted for the instotion of the *rouge when noting - es Light tofeatr3r Riflemen. Wid. wider the act of Hay Hai. UM, fort observant* of the Militia when so 'whored. 51M.014 CAERON. • , —,- - . . Bear of way, 0 - tiTKZITBd . . ECEfOOL OF THE SOLDIER. . SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SEIRMIS GENERAL CALLEAND -,-. -' ', ' -- CALLS FOR SKI S. SCHOOL OF. THE BATTALINCI TEE ARTICLES OF WAR. # DICTIONARY 00 .51.1LITARY. MS. • . . , One Vol., -18 mo. 4".. B. LIPP :_INCOTi & Co., - ... . -... PUBLISHERS. rlittanuNitA. inll7 et lu t . t Z IN PRIM, AND.WILL BE during-the fonhoomiAgirealt_ A NSW lALLATARY 11 PRIINCH BAYONBT Exisaut.lsE BRIItAI LH 33 a .0.. t, 1 L 1., t ip As Row trezb snarl . ' ZOUAVES Ifil THE PS 00 ARI4Y. Together with • : i HINTS FOR THE SO DIP WEIRS. IN BITTLE. To whi A ch are added THE UNITED BUTES ARctY REP/AT/CM Relative to Harlow'. Inspections. Polotto. Glwd4lolll ll ll. &O.', WITH twilit TIMITT ILLOWITLATIONO", Translated from the Prawn ta e Peaty VOL. ELLSWORTH., . Oilgidillegle; IgmeL. raver cover, rries - ZlFigtat .--- BAXTER'S VOLUNTEER/PISANI/il l f Appr ved of offloodll.3 THE Bail. HILITaILT BOOK Yet published, T eontoiring_ ILVDS RECR LT, 4 „ FULA, IS ADOTIIINB FO . Anii' on- thir aoaeolaty,fisr• Vs* fo us o f i °mils Sue/LOLL 1 Illantrated • WITH ovße A troRD/131D 131oRAVIROP. % THE belga WORK Is Mao prazionsm am its oraszaa.4l tAteseAlle, At the earmisse.andil the sug oa 4, • German Lioorof aroma Maim • , liehed in the United. tes. ' • I - ''"il'iTt.iii). th 4 tr',!ll7)P'irjriT AG e . ._ _‘ 1 . _To e n i Woo ,itlitin tad lititsitLuP ol . l .l ricieiUr KING &-• BAT R , Printers and Publish sargil St ,; ' SOT /LISSOM Street, Yhtledi IN MONTHLY 'PARTS, WITH I .pOR wahrre AND tn4P, 60.'' nu. TILE REIJELMON RECORD. Office or :Appleton's Row CrsloP•d'E." - E 3 Month Street. JO ILN McF ARLAN, Agent. , Agorae vented throughout the &Mei 141;6.n aVVERY DAY BRINGS BOBIt - THIN Ji•- • new," Who would have thought that • ooloree 910tAiraph , only cost ? JILISInaSa:3 , eal/arn N OBCOD - otreet, above driven COLONEL ELLSWORTH.—A Card Pho togranh of the late Colonel *ll2worth will be men: an morning. Priem 26 canto. ,- AtlcMadan & Ba O THER , 7 „A...L00t etreet. NOTICE-TO TEAOHERB.—An Jamul. A I nation of _Candidates for_tbe sAation of PRIN CIPAL OP MAWS GRAaelle&K HOOLS in this ty, VII it the ZABIS - 13 Z.V.W SCHOOL °van, Zeal Ottoet.alx,vo Oot,tatn, on PAIDAY, tiute. 7 1951, commencing at / o'clock P. M. en Examination for ASSISTANT TEACHERS in Grammar Mill ether Sohnole will be held at the awe prase on SATURDAY 3101/111140,- Jane 8, Commenc ingT at 9 o'clock R. M. e.r.e....rainatio, Cyr Pr,..A,el he far the trit osmay O.lOUt in e mbe rothest Bose (Rammer 1/oboOl o n the lit Sept next. Salary Simoo tier ennorn. Ay order of the Committee . onNuslifioatiosta of Tosolierio, C IIRQUERT timrHitiL. IIT a u et ; , secretary of ontroers° able grA6lOll. I_IEER'S HOTEL, RAARISSIIRG, Pi. The maassement of this well-knoent Hotel having bees leased by Altura. COYbE & FIER H. the rime; oropnetces be& leave to inform the pupil° t at the liOmEs-i• now , wier thorouighti . .ltEritwATßD. tir ITT'S°. and IfittPROTRDi with a view. to the grower and comfortable aocommodation of those who may favor the establishment, with their enitom. Guests remave doe etteati.oo mid °aortae'', and no ex pees., •Ft l beggared that ma! &endue& to maintain the 11_04 in a lITIft alum stile . Families and others desiring to eolctirn in Hattie bars ..nters the antruner mosthe wilt nod element Rentrding end large ail well-veattlatea Suomi et our r uoußihmeat, Nem moderate tag T , ' POOL I ni,l7-/in J.. ILBVIET BYtHH CTION.— WE MAILED, on the Oath day of Atoll last, a Letter, addreued to Mr. L Brune new York , " cooterarkte Yrommo , Vote, masa Dr us, dated May 3 - .1 % at eta months. of thonatr a d end Ninety Dollars, eatable to the order ot T lr itts f l u e n t n te e r r. 11 , t , .euld have bees direoted to "W. Btonner & en.. eon thenote should have Peen to teed order, {led not to K. Bruner' whom we do not know, wag to whore the letter was etterepetta by mis take. and the tots drawn-to. hts order by eostake. Noy, this is to eantioh all pereons &gat cadear=tint or %IV( said 11040.4 d WO not pay it, ha . re oallt no co on .for Itoand . tt lawns been Is: i; 41. I "Aii%s,t uovaies. NEW YORK AUCTION SALES. AUCTION NOTION. LOOKWOOD BROS. & UNDERHILL, Will oiler et Midler,. for ee►h, en wzDriESDAy, MAY 29th, Min, At 11 o'clock, IaRGE SPECIaL''',VILE STRAW GOODS. 100 CARTONS NEW AND DESIRABLE SPRING BONNET RIBBONS. A 1,59, FRENCH FLOWERS, DRAPE% TARLATANS: BONNET tILKS, AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. Alga, 900 oaten comprlelng a general amortmerat of STRAW GOODS. my2r.2t fIPENINO OF THE AROH-STREET 't-r MANTILLA STORE. N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH. ALL NEW GOODS. Blob Lyons Bilk circulars. Rick Lyons Bilk Bacquee. G mGrla ems YuA e ber Points has • Cloth:and Tweedllircurs:rs. It" Summer Cloaks. ha. Purchased under the influen coatf the War. canio, and to be lurid at ins than the of importation and manufacture. Ladies are invited to instmet this stack, mithost serve before pnrahasing eleeWhere 27 JActols EWE/WALL. Propir. BARGAINS! CLOSING OUT siracui! i tlititirenfaTB TO DASH BUYERS, We Wlll nall the • DALANDE OF OUR STOOK At a still greater reduotion in pries. than we have before made, and are doter ”Inmi NOT TO Be. UNDERSOLD By any Retail or Wholesale House. Great Bargains in ' , BUOY Mika. Great Bargains in F Ward Silks. Great Bargains in Black Si ks. Best brands! of Black dills from 680.10 . 12.60. Great Bargains in tones go. ds. 23 yd. Barewe Hobe. at 83. $4 $5 and $6. • Rich Pnnted Bare's@ at 15X. 23 31. 37.310. Organ!Lawn , front D te O.2,llo3 lNh zo,evernrOA rO fso. GMT ixturneOf y variety Fine Blozamblques two yards wide. French F mbroideries, inkreat variety. 300 French sets Colays and Sleeve at $l. Of Bit APID BOYS' WzA.R. At leag than manufacturers' Brines. At will fool it to their advantsito to emonizin oar stook of NEW AND CHOICE GOODS, Which we guaranty to sell as low as any of the Wholesale HOMO. who are now olosout their stook iV at retail. R. STE & SON. Po, 713 North TE TH.ntraet, above Coates. LAOS MANTLES, RUELKNOUS, POINTES. ftc.—We intend from this date to sell our entire stook of LACE MANTLES, BOURNOUS, LACE POINTE& Al 4 lO essewLe 30 PER CENT. UNDER COST OP IMPORTATION. SILK AND CLOTH Coal's. SACQ CBS, MANTLES, AND. CIRCULARS . At less than the cost of the Materiel. Brest Bargains in Stella Shawls. R. IgTE SON, NO. 713 North TE RL E NS Street. above Coatee. 5 DENT OABSTMER.ES, OfCond AIRWAY , and all wool. 41 ugammerm r ood !no cheap. Atilt rnixturee, inny and bison. Boys' Coating', rant Beata, and Vesting,. & uO.NARD S. E. Cornor NINTH and 1W RRIBT. VHEAP DRESS 6 4 .1(A1X:1. Organdy Lawn.. cents—nrorth 20. (3u-figured Dungen, 25 oionts—worth 50. Foplinettnn an. Challum, /B.S( to 51 calm. Banning in BLsoc Dr Good.. CuurEft & CONARD. B.S Corner MINIM and MARKET, IMITY QUILTS. lioneyeorub Quilts. Marseilles Quo ts. Sheetingwrioltings. Nasals*. Towelaiorliett. Tablecloths and vers. . CO andNAR Z. E. nor. NINTHMARKET. SVIVIMER DRESS GOODS 8400 d , . F9..totot Wilmot SOO to 25 OS to 05 Balt DLL w oo t Drairo- h lt2 be t 045 00 .95 00 to $lO no BLX. ' • V 25 to M ae BLK. TAMA RTINIIi2—. 25 BLK IN krE SIEBSTZ O IB MAL! WPM— ... "v. -(iRAY GO ODS AND VIOI-Immr:,..- PANIO PRICES, ftffalifiaNS - NY'tlU iib e e°t4 . 41 """K" - &ACE -7- - POINTER, MANTLES, Of every description. as LOW as the LOWEST. CASSIMERES, A Ace stook, leper cent. under prices. MANTLES, COATS, &c. PAltelt ri ch AT Lo w - ssz. PRICES'. CHDC)PER & 6ONARD, S.ll,lrner NINTH atuatIARKET Streets. r • RE ORS. Alfa ATM : LING 0007.13 At; 191101.11BALS PBXOIS ALL. OUR ORGANDM ARE FAST. COLOR& DOI:MU EXTRAORDINARY SALE DRESS GOODS: 3.000 YARDS ORGANDIES, REDUCED. SAM YARDS GRISNADINES, REDUCED. 3.000 YARDS FREVOR DAREGE, REDUCED. 3.010 YARDS MOZAMIRQUES, REDUCED. 3,000 YARDS FINE CHINTZES, REDUCED. BUMMER snag Arm Four,Arms, Rantoul) ralsplarmst CREPPARD,IrisIi D'ARLINGEN, , k AL to , • RISC& 1008 CHESTNUT ST.. Invite the attention of purettesem to theirnnuaaally amp tdpd ,weil;weleoted stook of AND I HOUSLEURNIELIINO• DRY - GOODS, • CURTAINS AND 013RTALN MATERIALS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, CAMBRIC lIANDKERCEIEES, ETC., ETC., 'which, having been imported under the old tariff, tun .besoldmtioh below the present market rate. - They beg leave idea to inform their customer, end the VIVA vintraggkbtelrinwg:drribgalgtiati rbiisi D an Paul for an dall'an. UkTIOM BUSHED NEW CLOAK &No MANTILLA STORE,_ No. Mt BOUTH NINTH STREET, FIRST DOOR ABOVE CHESTNUT. The finest qualities, the newest designs. the very beat work. and reasonable lemma 1161"_TRE LARGEST AND BENT BTOCE IN TES CITY. m110.3m SPILING CLOAKS, IN EVBEY NEW ewe. st • Nana , 116.2311. Ninth Went. SPRING, CLOAKS, IN RNDLI23I3 VA . se IVENS% arW-lin gPRING MOAB% TOW QIIIMPIIST ever sees: at • • . • tvauvr• mgr. im 1io:413116 Math giros , . NEW OTYLN -1131.11.1L1K8, EVERT NEW /- stele, everruelr material, at prices that setonith every one, at the lane atom. It. E. curlier or igh& and Walnut streets, aptr-lsa CITY CLOAK STORE, No. 142 N. fileLth street. above °WM en FOR. eellin over , now style of the season. superb 4111ttitilwr In n‘nr7 a• W shade of color, chestier then any other store in tti the city. Merchanta are in. visipa to iturpeot the stook &t IVENS', No, 15044 ?WITH Street, corner of -Woe st.. 13.t....a Marlg.! tad. Chastria ELARPLEI3B MOTHERS Offer tbe remainder Of their dpring Dress Roods. owl ail sommer Pansy Gonds4 At a raft 26 :MIMI Of to 33 per cent. The stook is sun well eussortod. Belles Robes formerly at 1112. now 35. Panoy bills from #llO to 75 Dents. Poniards. Plain sing.", Black alike. Orsanitian. &II and Wool WA/ iteduoed oshm fro 31 to Bo eed fa ate. Fan end Silk tirenadines, CILESTNU'I' and RIORTR Streets. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO DRY-EX3IDS CONSUMERS.—Owine to the mmettied Mote of the oonntri• and the entire dillaTtlitilteteent, of the oommer end ld,we have determine d to olose out oar Mock, ant oder EXTRA INDUCEMIENTS TO PURCHASERS to .irtt sat. Oar anode have all been reduced VittiCjilt"Ett.E "WIEN OFF AFTER THE SALE WAS BLADE. .It emb Fam i li e sriey be ing ry Goode suited to the Wants o fand,. parohaaed erineipallY for pooh, rore oppottOritthill life effB7/411. cuskitt.sit ADAMS_ & BON, myl6 EIGHTH sod ARCH Street.. tnAL NoTler. diaa. pr on so alter ...ism mill 0u61'..... gvnniuti.KYt lia/ranivuaz" y form . . . , TO OAIIFI FUROBABERA OF DRY GOODS BainEdlffanain co taste* Xikeir Rssek they 111 gt vs 1 Good Sargailas ! !1 1.12 fifill NOW, Mats for 75 outs, Wort t itivl R o ich Fan bill? for 191, -suit tone w S WI their t4ll. minutiae and A-s Goods. &boa sem G m mi xe d ec i nds • in e very satisfy, fromB seats ROL Tar! top oasts. JILA.C.T. kILLKII. RICILAPID itUnitOUß, VERY GUSCOY. Mat Bigot Broods Bilks, double rased. ' A wes, csitooas, iftuumerts. Cloths, Vestinss, Itrii„.,,,, m ai ima, Piano's. silts Covers &a. & Isitk*L Alt D CLOAII.IIO%hI IL I XHIBIIION, --13. Iva I*JeNsialei , monatirwoopeowia, zujeuts. brio bilaAtJaghsatalla Laos Goods Ike. k "Al l i irMl4 . '' i k 0 7 ii4iii9jmOlyls, JOAN! sir warn 411 mg I. No. 40 MURRAY STREET. N. Y.. RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, RETAIL DRY GOODS. REDUCED. -FOURTH AND ARCN, RETAIL DRY GOODS. IMMENSE WHOLESALE STOOR BILKS ! SILKS ! SILKS ! SILKS ! AND AND AND AND AND AND AND FANCY DRY GOODS, FANCY DRY GOODS, FANCY DRY GOODS, FANCY DRY GOODS, FOR LUZ FOR. RAZZ FOR SALE FOR Luz AT RETAIL. AT RETAIL. AT RETAIL 'AT RETAIL. M. L. HALLOWELL itic 333 MARKET and 27 North FOURTH Streetr, M. L. HALLOWELL & Co.. 333 MARKET and 27 North FOURTH Streets, M. L. HALLOWELL & Co., 333 MARKET and 27 North Foußla Streets, M. L... 1 3ALL0W.V.a.#14 460 53.3 MARKET and 27 North FOURTH &roots, ARE NOW OFFERING RETAIL, FOR CASH; Their Entire Stook of SILKS ND °TRIM FANCY DRESS FABRICS, SUITABLE FOR. SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. As it ht their intention to °lore out WEI eeede meduy as posieible;they will be offered at MUCH BELOW .THE onDmAxy WHOLESALE RATES. They will, at the same tittie, offer at ftIiTAIL their Fateattive Stook of SRAWLS, SILK AND LACE MANTILLAS, EMBFLOIDER/ES, &0., And will roll bribe Single Been WHITE GOODS, Of ALL . OEEICRIPTIONS. including LINEN O. War TERM, INVARIABLY CABE on DELIVERY. LADIES I DO NOT FORGET L.ADIV'S! DO NOT FORGET LADIES ! DO NOT . FORGET LA DIES I DO NOT FORGET That the IMMENSE WIIOI4CSALE STACK • 1 3 CF,,, Villaw"."'- 7: ra Tin A. REPAzr,or, No. 4307 CHESTNUT ST. 2S to so PER. CENT. BROW TUE USUAL PEICEN- 3)V Malayan dam bay IN I Q_NETS, akildElltmaa..iatlMAP ar A snasm,. NMI • L-BIRILLIANTEB, and 511 other detonation • of ..frITE GOODS. at the shore • lA/yr maw% DO NOT FORGET NINO, every .kind off. Ditgftontird, o other deserrpoonef a: EN GOODS, at the above LO "KATY& . LADIES! ILEA/EMBER .. - • That_you natt buy all , Wads or EMBROIDER/XS mad- LaCE GOuDB, C L itS, siesEvEg. BEST. VKLIEI. MT's, MAGNIFICENT EMBROIDERED KIRTS, ettniaB. &a; at . • • - 50 CENTS ON TT-TE DOLLAR. MORE ESPECIALLY REMEMBER That the above statements ai'ir FAQ, NOT FICTIONS. • And we re o ere u ffi t iommomereeeme 'of the truth of this assention, to examine ottritook. • PRICE, FERRIS. & No. SOT CHESTNUT STREET. N.8.-NEW: 'ARTICLES. SOO ove.3so shear Printed Linen riaddink neat dried. for lather' and ohildian's Animater . yotr• 24 MOM o' , that •' New Kale' MOW! embroillareci In colon. torthiderntooves, and oovanng bcaineta. aalo-rjonei. CONTINUATION OF IRE .GREAT SALE OF CLOAKS, LACES, 'TRIMMINGS, eta., In liquidation of the Paste of J. W. PROCTOR & ?OS CHESTNUT' STREET. The Stook ooneiela of SPRING CLOAKS. _.. ENGLISH TWEED CLOAKS. SILK CLOAKS AND SACQIJES, • SILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCINGS, FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, FRENCH LACE POINTS. FRENCH LACE BOURNOITE, TRAVELLING• SUITS, FLOUNCING LACES, DRESS AND CLOAK TEDEM/NOE, Ali in ken:tease variety, and to be mid atsbout me ld" the wwviliaitt'rvitoinyr. raya-lm VOS EfiT VT Sliest, Eli .5 A P DWI (100D6.—WELL AB HORVID STOilt to.be sold *E Rack ke, Fano' al ias, and Foulards. Cite. lee. Mozambique!. and Way hods, • AnhQr Fr and Butes Angleae. Osman, avran,azd Grasadida, Men and ye Wear, Glove* end ?tem . . Ehattand Maids. GREAT 15.k.0R FLOE. o. 40.1.E.H.ETORES. 7011 ARCH arrest. -i POLKASPOT PRENOR LAWNS, for mils st IN colds. ott Grotto& w hits Folks Dhoti. • ode Wooten White rolkee pote. Thee an fun swat/ Fissiab. MPS & LANDELL. Fouritt slid Altai • P9B. FRENCH BAREGES, 'for sale UM , this inornias. cense. Dross Ooodn. maned down. OM, tl Milked down. BlOnnuinkinoolp?Mdi dowsite 111 l .tra. ,AwirksoH, OO D BLAU'S. BILK'S, OF • ALL . ~tp'PQ41,11,62,160M. ' Fine alllded 9r tibial SLUM Wide Meet. Wks, for Conte • Black oilknorerrantaWnset: iiANOBLio, %DATA 6111 i ARCH. CILOAB.S AND IitANTILLAN. TlOll.-7E:idles are eatitititit !salami the mean owl statements ot personal formerly in onr iiMploY.Sad ow in tbetemploror other.parttes. who represent . iaeipselVel to .Deqpnneeteg with ee, eausl their , ell tabuehmenu se be Dramatic* e 1110 r uns *nulls Emportuso, alma atagentemla ors oomph; trwrnosits, woo to totonats and agar ths wasusporliwS. We hale no other store than the °se we have 000tt pied theme liS years, at Ter oemielleuT Street, rgoerqf Pone *nominal. 30 . PER O , E NT. UNDER 00ST FN SAVE TIME AND MONEY. 4;so &Ugh. hi vont Worm an bawl' &WWI Goods of Winssi , & SON, No. 713 North TICISTIL above Codas, id stook of Who have ladTgDanjinitinit.E OOODS. .41114_ 111117#PATe'rggr!DJADNA cos!! Slob and IlkstP .Blsok SI lks, at Nlo., Great itaraissisi GoV i /Mk k t li gi; . to a ' 34 itioh Styles o Fon thl . q, worth4l. • • - _ 454, Goods Dr TraveingDrevnt., case !tray Wins. itt. "sorsa Amts. n. 1i QPIDUIAL NOTIORi—A BANS ORANGE P. 7 bolt BiI.ROAINnt, TAR SISTIRX STOCK To Oln CLOSED OUT aceonot or the unsettled:este or tbc count and detwasetun tne mereantile line I amerminso to close out my stook much below tie c on of iniimininon., Orem indpooments win to iitrilKed_ in DIM ods, Shawls, Bilks, am., and I would wow! those smiling, Dry Goads to vine One hundred i shotland abiwis I not bCfplrvi l Do."' ",,1 1.11;lim6 orteneille _U•.,,DIrjS4IID,CONIXRACI‘i • Wooa Mat Limo. Casurst. Calcined two!, Yuissring Rat" aid Whits made for Pao at - WAWA iest 1710 114 ft 14,5 thr u m . N. MINNS& 0 ITEM STAY Vi7—Certified 1i left, 'MUT pilaf/di Ira ET traltrehrgiee OD LIB 01 45#7.44 epw e m7Yb St - No. QUALITY WASP ALA.Ifs band and 19rsale Map', atisatiAt u ganifir. auad_ itkVACSir dif - isiiia SOUP srayED You-dr WALNUT -STREET THICATBS, Sole Lome— —mrs. M. A. GAERETE. 81848 NI/UMW— Mr. WM. A. ORA Easiness Arent. _Mr. 7OK. D. m Q'H(ll (MONDAY) EVENING. May If. Will be presented the new and original National diamii„ entitled Tim .pAncrorg DREAM F uture. Adam l'lte Pri+rt_, the Present, end 40, Future. flray, M. Edwin • Adams ; Report irides,. Mr . 7. S. Wright,' gate Gilmer. Mn. A Cowell. ECALS PRlC23.—bress mole (mita *poured with out mats charge.) 60 cent.; parquet, weds geom d at 60 Dented tina omits ; family atmle, El cants; pn VM* bozeat 4 5 and ea i orohimith• 7d otia. Doors op= etquarter putt 7 d'olOoX ; outman is rise at a smarter to 8 Watt.% SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS ril oDONOUG H' m OLYMPIC) THEATRE, RARE Street below Third. DI:MOLE oTTitninlo3l. nest4Enw of , culla ABBItt Art Ittistt Joan - von. On arlueh °female's threw, rtif...l. b • performed. THIS MARTY& BOYS OP"Ifl t Tire; h &TYR Bur DP '6l: With all its beauti ul tableaux. a..d DA'Y I PeR/S. On whioh occasion . 1 /1 its Winthrop will appear , nese ihm.es by Mtge Wi nthrop Will also be ear Armed 1)I Q. AND ARR. I. !ITEM WRITE; OR, WWI 10E8 ERE EASY DELON* TOt Kr. Peter VP Caapacepa, Mrs. Peter White ?Henry ChISIMILTS. PDX num 7011. BALE rpx FLUX /Olt LUX TORN Quipor ADAI46 I .M GRAMMAR BCPOO L. —A Coooert for.the hetekt of the Pai l's. of the votnnt.era will beitiven. b 7 the loons lake( f the avow' doh. on DM( Is. Vi.t.l 'l4 mei/ 111.1a67. es the Po defr y of Mime. my 27 2t. ASSIIIBLY BiALDINOS. A STEREOSCOPICND PANORAMIC EXIIIST SION_4 COMBINAD. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 27. and every. Evening dtrieg the week. VIII he exhibited with meohaniest effects PA*oR4rde4 or TII4 HIV 4 WAR; &appropriate music by a Brass Hand. Admission 24 cents ; Children 16 cents. Doors open at MS. Commence at 8 t11r24 tt Rta NV( FLFSORN AND 'FREUDIAN w~ll C! THOBIAB' mix h and Iron 0LL61811141. RRE take_pinee on l'HunnDAY, Mltt! aOth, 18• at tbs Porr of the •oademm of Muria &ogle ticuiete li. Can be had on the evening at ale d wr, mll4 6t pENNA. ADADEMY OF THE ARTS-102a CEESTNUT STREET The Thirky-eighth ANNUA EXH Alf T ZOE - Of PAINTINGS and SCULPTU RE E is now open admittliaoe 25 cents; Beason Pickets 00 Gents ;ZWll dren half prime. Catalogues 10 cents. stookhoalets mill reoeive their Umtata at the Academy. 10 P. filly ownea, from 9 A. 111 till 7 P. hi., and Lunn 8 P. 8 0. . ARMY AND NAVY SUPPLIES. 4RMY SUPPLIES. HEADQUARTERS PENN'A MILITIA. QUA ItTERIK ASTER'S DERR:RW/1 oNT, Nay 23 P6l. II OBALED PROPOSAL! will be mislead et this eitte , unfit THURSDAY, THE Seth DAY OF MAY. 1861. $ l. 19 o 'o l o9lr AL: for furnishings by contracts the fol lowing Army fßumhen, to be delivered at the Penn lt. vania Clothing and Esau:age Depot; Harrisburg. in quantities as required : 12,000 ARMY BLANKETS, WOOL.GRAY, (with the letters Y. M. in black, 4 inches long, In the centre) ;) to be feet long and 5 feet 6 indica wide, and to weigh 5 pounds ceob. 12,000 PAIRS BROWN•LTNEN TROWSERS, UNDRESS, as per sample. 100 DRUMS, complete, Infantry, with Sticke, Slings, and Stick Carriages. 100 PIPES, B anti C, each kind. 12,000 OREAT-COAT STRAPS. 000 SERGEANT SASHES. 12.000 METALLIC LETTERS. 12,000 . do. NUMBERS. All the above artiolee moat conform etrictly with the Maga patterns; In thin' office, and in the Quarter OW ter Glenentra Vd e, Philadelphia, (Farman' and Me °Minim' Bank t(uilding.) It is deeirable that all the ar ticles be of dementia manufacture. Prop/male teitl he. received for any one of the ornate, aonarntoly, and for any portion of each not leae &ha* one-half of the quantitY. The Blanket being required for speedy use, if the ArinY Standard cannot be famished. tamales era dif ferent quality may be Sled with the tude, in this office.— -- or in am office et Pailade/phin. • ___=....euernt GP NW RAL. P. m. PROPOSALS FOR ARMS. • Sealed Proposals will be reesiv•rl at ffpringfied. lib now. on or before the two fifth (12 h )day or Jun. nrxt. at hove, - tirthetenatrelle.4.e—tere-ony,.. a t h... akt - of the elate •f . Mimi. for fOrooluog. deli.ored at, •••• -:: esti intfield, Illinois, the following arum baikaomu l ,„ =ease : - - It we ve (12)6 lbs bows guns. rifled. 131 X (6)12 - lbs brass howitzers. r.ded. • Twelve (12) a teems for 6in.o a. ' . • . 8 x (6) •SaiSaons tor 12 lb boaritzenk none (3) travelling fu, Rea. , * *ma arts) (Fify - de . "' 3) '''' t " r ` warm.' -- r .."' d iti wants for tow I . g ...se, nub -i r mitotien.. aan P 6. .. ,v. _ Utah cle -- ratteelet nt li,llh t . 4 - r - 1 4 8 Zurp ini'eterZe'imaine. ta sandlot( in Ivl fettle° II WWII ..e. , .... eavalry sabres. used by fib s United. States, ono to be subjeetea 1,0 the no thousand (tiro) . ran woo trevolverso (me thonaad ( 1(1110. pang oa one toon.and (1 COD aorta ea. O n t t h h Olna ms te d 11 al l i b to ,,espe.u itZsrel. Irma, like arms.waime_ r..._ tr . seetres 0 1,..-„th e upiT,.A4 . 11 11 4 Slie sebitered to the game testa na The eftettattetaftefe yeeerve the right to Meat aso proposal not sena! °tore. The terms of payment ureter law, eighty per vent. On •gielivery. tweet, per cent. n o mph tioo 0' enetteet. ',Address eommeettetete for ourohaiso of arms, &a. Smafieid, itunois. - - j V._ jli. „STOKES. , JOttit. TI. 1.1%.,2 i :".ouramistrionara. 1e724-20t V 7 M.: 8 RP Pit 4 w ti A SMALL RESPECTABLE PA.?dII.,Y Irish to take charge of a House dnrieg the &beadwork fatuity, But of rePrenee grew. AddrOgS b`BOVATJ' for three days, Blood's Sawatch. MOULDINIRS WHO HAVE SEI I AN amprentiombip at moulding Cannel Bells an 4 Bomb ehlali will plsess leave mar addmia at •• 0. • 09 Notch Smsad &treat . nn2 Ilr&RNEBB4lii KERS WArvill t rum X:4 l - Filly toe Pandred more Hands can find employ- Ettraypinf Ko...p.aoss or b. u.,,• 4 .Itiaras. OP afOloalion Vre ljaarwarester's (45,46, U. & Y ajar - mom I. LP VII eta GIR u Stream. pwt It'a D-11 IND Fe lisN IT U ttk, 13U LaUT• 14-7: -Feather Beds. rarest& Mirrors, and Ml Clonse beepiai art.oles I r ern eh the vier e•sbes , cash is toe snit be paid. Constantly oak hand a select assornni ho.r flew We &mond Had runutureonsiteo tts. mute Apply or address T. N. W 40.411,, &SIX Street, !out..; wide, below Tanta street. nis2B.6l* grILOTIHNG WANTID,—LADIEd and ORNTS baying oggfent Clo Wog to die , olo Of On get a bleb ono prioe for them of At. 'J. /ANCONA egg SA.O CU ?treat m%llll 44. • rALL AT FV.!.ll:lAlt.'es PtitLAulie Pub& Nh-of IV INS, NINTH and Ag. and get a an 4o 'dor gloss of *Lt.:. (lob 4 **ate oar eau. inv4l4lt* maTO LET—a Desirable 110117bE, with in the Pledent Improvements. murrousded. with !hods and ornamental Tree& N 0.913 Ustou .st J. Apply to r. colDNio-3011 tf ti North F RUNT wine*. aTO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL• r l L te. /NE 4PH I IIIII marl ir:t r , In ar,CON Street. 4 mhit- V tikkrrti tri--mtekan. HoUSS sad MA STORE to rent.—The &Bitable boldness boot* OH CHESTNUT street, with dwelling attached. A st43l CHESTNUT !tree:. WARDING -At 1100 WALNUT Ftreet. Rooms on the mond floor 'will be vacnott on the Lt of June. Terme ujoderato. Alm* iblatik's Mee. MY • qAEIDIN4 'W.4.NTED—By an eldnr lady, le ei.iiri eeel private famihr. Will fame Er il own room . Southern ri of th e city prefe . 2.sl4lreoli. 0.." et due 02004 104141115 sermu, 'talon Meet be Moderate. my le•e TIOARDERIS will be received at a retired but eleavarmiy-eituated Farm House. tit MOM TEIit SOLINTY, .. but a abort diataime from the wati- Moo& be detente ..is beautifully shaded. whioh. with levee Vegetable and Fruit Gardens, will rumen boun ds with every_ ipso the country oar. afford. Address H 8.." etWoe of ofidg-11M• CartdriflßlUM,,,tir Se cprngr of NINTH and ARCH Streetc—lnnunnuon lu unziA; niivately or in ranks Also, Lessons FE/Wive aa4 IiYMNASTICB, 'mak u.l AI D I .108. AL.-. row lauding. from boool brig Abby Alen. Oil nardwinsator. from BoroOlinX 626 Wan of rb at arott, & Co. Guano Pmet. Castillon. & Co. Cognat l / 2 % • " sold pthor five comics. • Ilivert.Pollevoirn. Elcandx. pale arid dliTl6l it 36 wee, 66. 61N1 =Vim. Aressualas vll:gedo. : beratted and for, se.le by RMS , BOIILFIq dt CO. m 720 6t gall and 1122 &no puRTH W . 0 0 tilacic4 Mexican ra shed Y WOOle, in store ono for ale trr AS. MERINO. No. 140 11 FROM • groat NEW 0ur,06E.-1 0 Boxes 'Frithe Oew 4. • Via!mat amity Chaste An eartignment, fOr byC. C. BAD bit ko I. i Dil26-3t 103 ARCH et., second door above Front. E:4l - PUBIL-200 Bbls. 113 ess York, tZ31 .1 1, 19- 1 7 0* AltOtt ?ti...C.MitifoiLt6oC2ll`olltt lARD.-50 Threat Prime i eat Loyd, for 626161:4 C. C. 8 , 01 , 8 i & CO L M725-It 103 AUCH St . wood door above .'rosit putLADELPHIA. IN ti,MIRGION. ARP BAJA THILOILB RA ILROaD.--SPINCLA I. a log. ...,, op FOR YoRTRVI3B SIONRos, On Intl tifitg TU E. " I)*Y- Ma/. 28. MI, the trst E - , e s r op.:l.lol,otft.anima avows day exc ept kla, daYll, WWI (MO Of 0 0 BAT MO am a ,.. f ro m 40ore to Foment Monroe. 3 irtraiih laoket will' ba ',trials at oIXTEt and U*4 KATI% U i oasts iin d a s porn. a lit o 4o and wAsaING iUN pv awe in de nobinent of not Was t r tittediff rm' - Or SagareP.a san k Tußsr.oeorit t . ra•r7-if 8. m. It 1.T07f. fleitdent. a iialltillligniWEST W Cli,gBl' AND r a ii,A.Draas Lc , rusta.a.o4 l , SUMPS[49IIIII7IS:DoIak rioriE.„ , 2 On and after MON Org. Amp 3 isee. lhttouns .., !lave Put be DKt •PglA. from IVO D-eo o E,lrj ~..". Of c'' ittailpgdErale - .14 AO .% - I , ....,... ". ~ Ir ! /020 . ii: EE . , and 2 . 416. 610 and lEurif.r.f. • • Eta:. I «. 4 ra• the* itia‘taa. &Liner of IX; a ( .3 trsit. T.:*sr , ssAitl.sr St , asts. I Nest rh 1 io rtia, r ! fri at . a 0f 2 t , , a4,4, SO MA. M. .and LA 436,644 las. (AN Bt./N.06. 1 '0 Leave PR I 14DEL.P0 iii at 6 A.' M. mid iv. m; Lasers w BBw On WM* R at 5 A M. AL d 5 P. M. WI . ste lemv3bir hitatielphit astVl , VIE k•brilf lll7 45 A. or. and 4.5 . fil coolie_ ~.4. as . answiten w - tiWiws on the Philadelelda 014 ,1 061001018Ainral. Railroad for oxford and inegrmewsze SOW& ' HENRY-390011), moir-if ainefal - opertutanasat. (WAILS .a =..10t- of _Lwow 031 ViiTs ' a y ediVitigirmaytairrOlik. AM IJSE'MENTS. VIEWS OF THE PRESENT WAR, Alva. trAndenunes moving WANTS• FOR SALE AND TO LET. 100A.RIMPt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers