Presbyterian General Assembly. sgrosn PAT The ASssnibt:-• openoti its sodsion yesterday_ Sporting at nine The attendance oi Spectators was tsir. kb. galbariss being tvlsrebly well Ailed. The religious exercises were coudoe_c.i hr the Der. Dr. Anderson, of Califorp,ia_ After some preliminary brainless, ropmrs were received from the various Foams connected with the Assembly. The reports of the Board of Foreign Missions, of Church brension, of Publi cation, to., were banded in anti referee:4 t'7' the appropriate awn enlaces. The report of tee Boerel of Eimmtion gives the lions .d• the board in the following as the opera department of ornaidatea for the ministry The number of Wit Midi(' al,OO relieved hem been 1113_ making in all, from the beginning (M 1819), 3 000 The wtole number on the roll during the pas: year has been 505—in their itteologioal course, 191 ; in their collegiate course, 2.0.5 ; in their academical everee, 105 Total. The aggregate number of candidates is thirteen more than that of last year. The total income of the year ending May 1, 1851, to the candidates' fund was $57,656.92, and the expenditures to $67,- 319 49, The receipts for schools and colleges amounted to ,930.54, and the exndliutts to $5,390.31. The number of rresbpeytaritn acade mies under the dare of the Presbyterion Cleutoh L 59; there are also the following twenty-four Ftelebyterian colleges, which are under the ewer !Aeon of the Synod, cxcopt the tail four, which are are controlled by ministers and members of the Presbyterian Church : Lafayette College, Easton, Pa.; Davidson Col lege, Meoklenberg co , N. C.; Oglethorpe Univer eitY, an. Austin College, Hunts ville, Texas; Aranawa College, Gonad, Texas ; Oakland College, Claiborne on , Miss ; Stewart College, Clarkey ille, Tenn.; Lagrange College, Lagrange, Tenn.: Washington College, Wasbing ton co , 'Tenn ; Westminster College, Felton, Mu.; Richmond College, Richmond, Mo. ; Centre Col lege, Deeville, Ky. : Hanover College, Hanover, Indiana; MoDocough Cailege, Macorrali, Illinois ; Alexander College. Datinque. lowa; Carroll Col lege, Waukoeha,-137inaonsou ; Washington College, Waehiegton, fee Peoria University, Peoria, ill. ; City College, San Francisco, Cal. ; Lindenwoost Female College, St. Charles, Mo. ,• Jefferson Col lege, Canonsburg, Pa ; College of New Jersey, Princeton, N. J. ; Washington College, Lexington, Ve ; Hampden Sidney college, Palace Ildiser.l, The following is the grand total invested in 26 of the 79 instilutians of the Church: Amount of endowment. $716 000 ; lroith of buildings, land, &a., $477,140 ; worth of libraries, $32,150 ; worth of chemical apparatus, $29 160—total, $1..255,059 The fifty-ninth annual report of the Board of Domestic Missions. made up from March Ist, 1860, to Mamh Ist, 1661, shows-that, at the last date, there were 797 missionaries in commiesion being 106 more than the previoas year. The number of °hurdles and missionary stations wholly or in part Supplied (as far as reported) by our missionaries is 1 439; of newly-organised churches, 52; ad mission on examination, 2 . 429, and on eartifieetee, I,6Bo—making a total of amissions of 4 118. The number in communion with churches connected wish the board is 29.312 Of Sabbath-schools, teachers. 3,712, end et echo:ars, 23,208. Of bap tisms, 2,255. Tae total amount of r eceipts [rem ail sources, from March 1,1860, to March 1, 1861, is $113.- 398 87, to which add balances on heed in the dif ferent treasuries March 1,1860, s399llBoard _29, making the available resources of the dating the year the sum 01 $143 305.16 The amount paid out at the otnee in Philadelphia. including taa Pres byterian treasures, was $95.094 37; at the office in Louisville. $lB 929 76; and at the offizo in New Orleans, $17 : 347 30; Malting the total amount of payments during tne yea( $132,411 43—leaving in all the treasuries 00 the let of March. 1861, $lO,- 893 73, which is a smaller SUM by $l9 017 56 Man that reported on the lot of March, 1850. Clothing valued at $l9 932 73 has been received during the year and dietrieuted among the mile eionaGee who needed it Since the reorganization of the Board, in 1828, there has beep an increase of 17 synods, 81 presbyteries, 1,371 ministers, 1,500 alatirclies, and 140.610 members. The Assembly len took up the question of the place where the next Get.eral Assembly should be held Various cities were named, and two ballots were bad. The aeo...nd ballot resulted as follows : 'Washington elty, 1071 Oelumbue, Ohio. 130. CO. lullaby', Ohio, was then declared the next meeting place of the Assembly. On motion of Dr Smith, of Columbus. Oblo, it was resolved that the Assembly meet at Columbus, in the First Presbyterian Church_ The report from the Committee on the. Back of Discipline was called for. .• Dr. Hart reported that owing to the illness of Dr. Thernavell, the chairman of that committee, and the disturbed state of the country, no meet ing of the committee had been held. He moved its continents, with directions to report at the next General Assembly. Agreed to. The report of the delegates to the Aecociate Synod of tile South, was received and read. During the morning the Moderator announced the STANDING COMMITIL.ES HILLS .A3ll OVERTURES. lilintsters—J . W. Yeomans, C. Hodge, J. W Brown, J. Stockton, C Dickson, W. Lord, J. H Gillespie. D. McNair, W C. Anderson, W. Chester. Elders—R. .111)den, H. J. Clarke, H. Tunatall, W. W. Caldwell, J MoChord. JuDICIAL COMMITTEE. Miaiste:s—M. W. Jacobas, G. Spring, G. W. Biesgraue, T. E. Thomas, J. G. Rouser, J. T. Baoktui. Eiders—W. P. Allen, W. T. °ilea, W. Lowrie, W. C. Lawson, T. C. Henry, M. Galiek. ON THEOLOGICAL SEMINABIBS. .Aftneetere—E Widen, H. H. Hopkin3, W. T. Sprole, A. G. Ball. W. E. Schneeit Elders—J. T. Heaney, Morrie Pettere ,, o, J. .r...bnaton_ J. B. Ratxison, W. Itelnolde. OM FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. - Ministers—W. Lord, W. H. Hornblower..l, W. Hoyte. Molt-re-3' Daniel, .3 Newland. ' lltinrsters—A. W. Dickinson, A. O. RAIL C. Forbes. 1). 3. Bunions, E. W. Riggs, 1.1.. Mae kly, W. A. P. Martin. ff/ier.A. McClure, E.W. Scudder. ON P.DOCATION. Ministers—W. C. Matthews, 8. M. iiemlll. P. Alrlobe, R. McPherson, W. Powell. Elders—J. Spender, C. B. Royce. ON PußLlcAtrou. Ministers—O. W. McPhail, J. M- Hastings. T G. Murphy. Elders—J. Thompson, G. N. Frost. OE chtECH EHTLESIOI4. 111.'n1.stcrs—J- fi. Montfort : it. Pir.lonil!. J. r. Weil& Ehlers—W. H Fisher, J. B. White. oH THE NARHATITEI. 1 1 /0/14te' ., ---P. R. Wail? ) Lisp parsecs. Euless—A. Wilson, J. Neal. It was moved that the Rev. Mr. Bearer, of Nan. ass, be reqneeted to addretr the Amombly en the spiritual and temporal condition of that field. Some ditcuabion ensued, after which the featjeat was postponed indefinitely. A number of announcements of the time of the meeting of committees ware made, acd the Assem bly soon after adjourned, with devotional eterolcc., wadi the afternoon. AFTJBXOON BEISION. The Assembly met at four o'olock, and was opened with prayer by the ltev. Dr. Yeomans. O 00MintinicatiOn Was read front the MerOantile Library Company, inviting the members of the Synod to visit the reading room. The invitation, on motion, was accepted. The following .named persons were elected trus teed of the Geaeral Assembly : Bon. Oswald Thompson, In place of J edge Jones; Geo. Junking, Jr., in place of Chanoelior Johns; Dr H. G. Hodge, m placepf Dr. Van Ransaeiter ; Dr. H S. Clare, in place of Dr. Nellie; Char. Macaliater, in place of Singleton Mercer i Morrie Pattlerson, in place of Judge Kane. A communioadou was read inviting the Assem bly to visit the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. She invitation was accepted. A report war received from the I;aeoutive Com mittee of the Board or Foreign Minions in refer ence to the word " baptize," in the Scriptures. The committee recommended that the word be transferred, not translated. Walter Lowry, Eat , corresponding secretary of the eosin!, objeoted to the adoption of the report. In come languages it would be utterly impossible to transfer the word. He inatanoed the Chinese language. Dr Spring agreed with Mr. Lowry. Ile held that this word could not be transferred in the African language, as the letter " Z " could not be found in the African language. To carry the word. " happen to the minds of the Africans it Is necessary to use their uwn language He moved that the report of the committee be so amended thet the word " baptizo " be transferred where praatioable If this would not be done the hands of the missionaries would be tied, because they would be compelled to respect the decisions of this Board. The motion, as amended, was then agreed to. The twenty-fourth annual report of the Band of Foreign hliasions was presented. The receipts from all sources, as sliest's% by the report of the treasurer, have been $2lE.lO$ 41. -This sum in eludes the balance of $3 544 55 in the treasury at the end of last year. It also includes the gam of $8 600, of moneys received from the India Go- vernment for losses hien:red by the destruction of mission property daring the mutiny of the Same in 1857—thin sum being transferred to the account of current expenses. It la with much regret the committee have found it necessary to use this money in order to meet :Lone expenses; and they desire to have the matter properly appreciated. The serious fact remains that the receipts of the Board from the ordinary sources of income were not equal to the expenses of the year. These amounted to $211,080 03. The deficiency in the income of the Board would have been atilt larger but for certain measures of prudence adopted In view of the extraordinary state of our public matters. In the latter months of the year all ex penses_ that Conte be avoided, without involving asetwel retrenchment, were considered inexpedient. And this line of proceeding was extended even to th e payments towards the outfit of brethren under appointment as missionaries, which are usua lly made in advance of their time of departure, but which have this year been deferred. Ho Ins than thirteen new laborers are under appointment to different fields, besides three or four who desire to return to their former stations, and in ordinary times arrangements for their being sent cot would before this have been well completed. It is with deep concern that the committee have thus to report that the enlargement of the missionary work bee been to a considerable ex tent arrested. Ault they earnestly desire that the attention of the Church may be speedily given 0 this greatly important subject. To European friends in India 1413 d to the Rajah of Hapnrthala, the mission:: of the Bead /lave been indebted for continued and very liberal pe cuniary support, which the committee gratefully acknowledge. They also report with special in terest the amount of Z.7,1-1'4.59 received from children in Sabbath-sohoole and other young donors. Itis a cane or finger* regret that the amount acknowledged from this source is $1,727 60 less than the sum received in the preceding year. This may be owing to the special appeal that was made to them in behalf of another object, and which wall responded to with remarkable libel realty. Tne committee do not wish to restrict the right of choice, as to objects which should receive the Pecuniary support of the children of the Church, bet they deem it proper to repeat here the remark made by them in their last report. They "look forward to the time as not far distant when not only all the congregations, but all the members of the Church will aid in the spread of the Gospel among the heathen, both by prayers and pecuniary ggfia; as the Lord has prospered them. She train of the children to understand this work, and to take a preetioal part in its advancement, must be considered one of the but ways of securing this Lapp, Mull . 4/"l h eneetthe curalnitice regard the circulation of the little newtpaper, The Fa reiglt Minionary, with deep and Increasing in terest. it is published As a means of a d'ng Parents, Sabbath school teachers, and ministers in tee missionary training of the beloved youth of the Church ; and a copy is sent tree of charge to the children of each family in every Sabbath school making regular collections for the Board. Soak collections the committee molder a proper and useful part of the training of children, and their aggregate amount is important already, while it might be greatly enlarged by a more general adoption of this system ; but the main things in the ease are the good habita thereby formed, and the intelligent trainees awakened, which will yield rich missionary fruit in coming years." The fund for theological education under the direction of the Waldenses, now the main evan gelising church of Itay, aim needle file 13111 U of $5,900 to complete the investment which the Gen eral Assembly of 1555 recommended to be made for that important objeot. The interest of the opoley received has been dilly forwarded. The fund for the odueatien of the children of misSiOnd rlet also remains the same in amount as was re ported last year, and the payments from It have exhausted the interest. While the committee have had to report LI seri ous deficiency in the ordinary roseipts of the iron rnry, which they ascribe to the lamentable state of public affairs in the country, they feel con strained at the same time to place on record their grateful testimony to the earneet and warm libe rality et very many of the members of our ohurches. In no former year, perhaps, have there been more numerous or more signal examples of this kind. The twenty-third annual report of the Board of Publication wad also presented. Four membora of the Board have during the year been removed by death, via. the Rev. - Reuben Smith, of Wisconsin, the Rev. J. T. Edgar, D D., of Nashville, Tennesaee, William Id Martian. But , of Philadelphia, and Joseph P. Enke, 894, of the same city. Mr. Eagles bad filled the Offile cf Publishing Agent of the Board for nearly nineteen years. A wide and effeetual door having been opened fOf eelportago operations among the large Frenth population of northern lilluois and the Green Bay region of Wisconsin, the Board felt called to issue a number of books and traote in the French lan. gouge_ Its catalogue now includes ten volumes and eight tracts in French. Gathering up the distributions of the year from the several statements given, we find it to be as follows: Soles of volumes at the dep05it0ry........225,5M 3 Silos of volumes by oolpotleure 154 522 Volumes given by oolporteurs 23.733 G ranted by the Executive Committee 5,693 Total of colonies dlatributed 409.446 Increase of volume circulation 22 : 137 The distribution of pages of tracts has boon as follows : Sales at the depository 646 951 Distributed by oolporteurs 2072 016 Granted by the Executive Oommittee.... 263 068 • Total pages of trusts distributed..3,2B2, o3s The aggregate cf receipts into the treasury from all sources, excluding, of course, the balance on bands at t he beginning of the year, has been $125.- 240 78, which is $153 80 less than was reselved the prooediug year. The aggregate of expenditures has been $137.- 988 55, union is an increase of $11,955 51 over those of the year before. This increase of expen ditures has been chiefly owing to the increased number of colporteurs in the field. The amount of easirrooeived from sales of books, traets, and neriodicals, has been $53 : 05465, a de crease of 8527 07 from the amount received last your from the flArkSe satreas. The balance in the treasurer at the close of the year (February 28,1861) was $8,750 9L The Jersembly adjourned, with prayer, to meet this morning. The Blockade at Charleston. THREE BRITISH vnssins ORDERED OFF AT TEE IIAG rcnu the Charleston Couner of May it.] Tne steamship Niagara—the steam frigate, which it was reported some days since was coming cif this port, to blockade the harbor—was first no ticed rff here at an early hour on Saturday, by nice Boat No- 4, then outside the bar, alas from the steeple of the custom house. The pilot-boat had observed in the offing, on Friday evening, what appeared to be a merchant ship, bound in, and which, not being in sight on tiatarday. was no doubt ordered <ff. Towards mid day the Niagara disappeared, but returned off the port in the afternoon. On Saturday, Captain Robert Lockwood, pilot in the boat No, 2 (the Ti', 1. Lffich), took to sea the schooner Illinnehahor, for Baltimore ,• soon alter leaving which vessel outside, he made a square . rigger, standing in for the bar. Being anxious to board, but not liking the Niagara, then in eight, he conelndad to send bid large boat into port, and take to his skiff with a trusty hand. He reaohedthe vessel about 7 P. M., and found her to by the British bark Raja, from Liver pool, consigned to Messrs. R. Mute di Co. The tide being too late to get her into port, he re mained on board during Saturday night, his skiff being taken on deck and carefully pissed away. On Sunday morning, it being calm, he was unable to get her under way, and about half-past eight A.. Ili., she was hoarded by the boat from the Niagara, commanded by Lieutenant R. L May, who informed the captain of the /raja that the port was blockaded—the rebels inside baying fired on Fort Sumpter with a garrison of lees than one hundred men ; gave him a Yankee paper eon. taming the latest news, and mentioned that an army of an hundred thousand men bad landed in Louisiana. The captain of the informed the boarding-officer that he was short ut water, and re quested a supply from the Nseqrarez, but he was informed that the frigate bad less of that article than was necessary for her. The following is a copy of _the endorsement of Lieutenant R. L. May, on the papers of the Hiljes : Bearded May 1241, and ordered off The d , ,,,r..a....,Ti5x44^A...Q.5.r....w.r awns. The 'Officer remained by the Hilja for about twenty minutes, when ha left. The boat's crew had a revolver each in a belt, attached to the paint. Mr- Lockwood loft the Jitij , 7 about 10 A. M., and reached this city in his sktif, aocompa• sled by a valuable boat-hand, who remained faith ful, although appearances indicated that tha boy had only to open hie mouth, when he might have had a ilaserigo to some other place than " Dixie's Land.' The Hilja went off during the day, and will pro ceed to the British Provinces. The British ship Monmouth, from Liverpool, and the ship General Parkhill. from the Same plane, ware seen EN the bar yesterday, and were ordered cff; and we un derstand that the Niagara had previously sent off three other sanare.rigged vessels. During Sen. day the Niagara went well off shore, accompanied by two of the above vessels, and while she was eh , rent the British ship A. Or A., Capt. Hutchinson, from Belfat, stood in from the eastward, when the Niagara made after her ; but the ship baring much the otart, was run into shoal water, where the frigate could not well approach her. when the .Niagara put about and stood South. If the Loehr of the Areagara fail to board her before morning, she may be got into port, with the aid of Steam, in the morning. The race was anxiously watched from the wharves, and also by a Party of gentle men whe were out in the pilot boat li. ovcr, Capt. Leans. They went alongside and spoke the ship. [From the Charleston (tourer of May 14th.1 The British ship A. and A., from Belfast, which wee reported in ens last teens as having atwhored near the outer buoy of North Channel, after having been chased by the Niagara, escaped being board ed by the man-of-war on Sunday night, and was successfully towed into port by the steamer Gor don yesterday morning The offieere of the Ph agora supposed the A. and A to have been ashore anon she anchored, she was so close in, but in this eupp-i..rition they were mistaken, and the ship has got into a port where she will make a moat superior freight, say about lid. for 'Upland, and ltd. for boa Island Cotton. The British ship Susan. Li. Owens went to sea yesterday for Liverpool, and it was rumored that she was boarded by a boat from the Niagara, and her papers strictly examined ; bat the pilot who took her to Bea informs us that he watched her closely after she got outside until she had almost disappeared, and that no such event took place. She was, when last seen, going off finely, with all her canvas set So far as we can ascertain, no out ward-bound vessel has yet been stopped. The Niagara was about ten miles southwest from the Ship Bar yesterday, and was there visited during the atterneon by Robert Beulah, Ent , her Britannic Majesty's consul at this port, who left the oity about two P. M., in the steamer Charles ton, and proceeded on board the Niagara, where be was received with the usual selnte,and bad every courtesy extended to him, and every matter in re lation to the blockade satisfactorily explained. All neutral vessels now in this port would be allow ed a reasonable time to depart, but nothing further would be allowed to come in. The A and A , whioh got In yesterday, and whose manner of get ting into port rather disturbed the nerves of Dome cotton shippers, will be allowed to go unmolested. All open letters for masters of foreign yeesele ex pected here, will be received on board the Niaga ra, and given to the parties when they come off the bar, but co sealed communications will be re ceived. A float of eight or ten sail, with Commo dore 6triugham, is expected off here shortly, tenon the blockade will be rigidly enforced all along the coast. They expressed a willingness to have sup plied the Baja with water, but the captain 8001 off in such haste that it could not be done. The commander of the Niagara was pained at the position he had to occupy in reference to the scolded Buttes, but lie intended to carry out his orders. Mr. Bunch says the Niagara is a formi dable-looking ship ; has a noble crew of six hun dred men; is loaded down with provisions and war material ; decks piled up with shot and guns of the most formidable sire. The only Charleston ships ordered off have been those reported, say the Afortenorta, Gen. Parkhill and Ht/ja. all from Liverpool. The El,zn Bonsall, Char Allan McNabb, tic., have not yet been seen. Several other British vessels have been ordered off, two of which, it is said, were bound to Savannah, but their names we did not learn. No vessels ap peared off this harbor on Monday, so far as.we eonid see or learn, and the Niagara harra gimlet day, but she keeps steam on all the time, and moves rapidly when under way. GENE.RAL NEWS A VENERABLE JEDGE.—Governor Bucking ham sent a message to the Legislature of Connec ticut on Saturday, announcing the retaraoy of Judge Wm. W. Ellsworth from the beach of the Supreme Court of Errors, on the 10th of November next, fat which time he will be conistitationally dis qualified by axe.) The noose voted to fill the va oancy by ral appointment, on Wednesday, May 22. KusGaTon (Jamaica) papers of April 80, have been received. Thor, is no news of any interest to be found in thew, their columns being princi pally devoted to chronicling the reoent events transpiring In the United States. An earthquake bad asourred there on the 27th, but no damage is reported. Tuts SrsasiND STICLPE.It.t KENIUCKY.—An extraot from a letter, from a lady of Maysville to her friend In Frankfort, dated May 3, says : p ar town was decorated with many Union flags yester day. Every one here seems to be for Union." LumEnsu Grum SIIIPMENTS.—The Detroit Trib.rae of Thursday afternoon says It It Is esti mated that between yesterday noon end to-night, embracing say thirty-two hours, some one hundred and fifty grain -laden Tassels will have passed this port from Lake Michigan. with an aggregate of over two millions of bushels of grain. This is an. preeedentell" (Plenty of previsions tMs aide of Mason ,t Dixon J ANDY JOHNSON IS still speaking for the Union in Western Tennessee. We need not say that Mdy ie en unetinireoal Union man, FRELADELFRIA BOARD OF TRADE. WAI. C. REERTLE , No. E. A DiCILk Coßmirrsz OW TRW ?Omni. THOS. S. FERNOR. LETTER RAGS • At the Merelunats' Emehange, Philadelphia. Ship Tuscarora. Duntevv--- ---.,....Liverp001, soon Ship Lizzie thihrord_ F,ldridge.--.- -.Liv endon. rpool, soonsoon Ship Victoria Need. Profile -------- Lo Ship Mlltepti. Goodwin _...- -,....,•-- - -.Liverpool, loon tulip Zered Maereoical . —.Londonderry. Joue a Bart - rein Dalian. D. 11.— -- .—La i fusyra. a ion Bark Geatou. Farreionan.-..-..----- remen. soon Bark Arthur White. hloMll4lll—.. --Manny, loon ba t rit Mario - . Fowler —...- ... •Bacana. noon PAK J. to Vireu.n. Fiße'd-- “Trinided de one. soon ltrw, t 3 Thitraion. LMTI6hOI -........- ..,Ba 680040100 n Brig Staai-1 Muniford ---- • - . -queen:lmmo. loon Brig Altuvella, Reed.....- —.frinumd es Cabs, soon Brig B out Red Davie-- --- —Havana. soon Bohr,d. Elm ith........—.- -- .... Oar nodose. soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE- PORT OF PIiIi,ADELPIIIA,, May 16, 1861. .. 448 -MTN 11E715.-- . 7 9 12 . SUN RIBES R1.61‘ ARRIVED. Steamship City of Riohmond. Kelly, from Washing ton. via Fortress Monros, in ballast. Reports Wring left at 'Washington steam.r Boston, to mail on Thursday for Annapolis. On Thursday evening, 30 miles south of Cape Renloon , saw Memel Lave,Yaruse, witblfineo prize steamers In tow. hound north. Bohr Susquehanna. Meyer,3 days front Balttmors , with molasses to Levering 3rPro. Bahr Federal Rill, flettv. 3 days from Baltimore, wan mho 'r We-hater, Jr. r soar Fangassstt, Waples. e days from Boston, in bal last to captain. Bahr T P MoColley, Carter,l day from Camden. Del, with corn to Jas Darratt do Sou, rola Pawpaw!. Wright,l day from New Castle, Del, with oorn to Jas Barratt & Son. Sour Prowess, Jackaway, from Poston, in ballast to C A Beokeoher do Go Fehr John, Compton, Elliott, from Boston, in ballast to L audtaorted & Co. Bohr Mary }I &BT. Raley . , front Boston, in ballast to N Sturfeyant & Co. Sohr W Perry. Sampson. from Boston, in ballast to I; IL Sawyer 3 , 00, Comm Wa Prim from 1' fandenoo, in ballast to Van moon Norton & Co. Bohr Naiad Queen; Rulso, front Providence, in ballast to Stuoiolison et Glover. Etobr Cri as, Bonsai . , from New York, in ballast to 3 R ;Paulsson. Schr If G Porter, Smith, from DanYersport, in ballast to It Minn & Co. CLEARED. Dohr ProWogo, isokaway. Salem, C A. Iteokeeher & CO • Rehr (Mean Wave. Price, Lynn. Van Dusan, norton .& Co. SW C 1 1 305. R anew. Lynn. J Ft Makiston. Bohr Pieda.4 'Quota, Iluisse. Ptevidenoe, Ilitunektton OG Glover. Bohr E W Perm Sampeon,NantuekehE it SavTer o. Bohr R G Porter, nnotit, Donvereport. II Milne/ & Co. Rohr J Common Elliott. Weston, Andenneo & Co. Sohr M Raley. Deity, Batton, tr Sturtevant & CO. (Correepondeuoe Gf the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWEB. Del. May le. The ship Emily Augusta, from Liverpool, and bark Tarbox. wont up thy bay yeaterday t The utearotibiti Ran Kow went to sea, in empany with a number of sermon NV. Wind youth. Yours, ke. hl, W. RICKMAN. (Ccrreasondenee of the Press.) READING, May 15. The following beats from the Union Canal passed into the Sehni So-dayi bound to Plu ladet vie: Our klellr. grain to A G Cattail .& Co: ?IMO, do to R Kirk patriok & Cc; Cal Gee Refine and Great R.pah lio„co to Perott & Bro: G Long, coin wood to 41 W Ram; ‘. needier; Iron Works, iron to Lane. MoCor- AMA & CO. niVlrnOpt A of Ship Napier, Keith, from Baltimore, arrived at Liver pom 4th inst. - Ship Templar, Martin. cleared at Boston lath met. for Madree end Osmium. Bark nvtnernunde. Lange, hence for orders, arrived at Queenstown 4th inst. , , ling Isabella Ja•rett, geed, henna. at aaasston. an, 29th ult. and sailed 4th inst. for Trinidad. Bohm Ike Marvel. Stone, George I , "dwardsWeekth moral Pamfie. Marcy, Adelaide, Young. la 1' Photo, Crammer, Albert Pharo, Lippincott, and Frail. //town, for Pbiladelubitt. BPreyi Baker, for utast Egg Har bor, cleared at Boston 16th lost. Sobr Nellie O. Stedman, hence for Roxbury, at NOW London lath Mat. Bahr Ambassador. Eaton from Calais for Philadel phia. sailed from Newport Mil inet, tiOhttl &MIA EliWibeth, Kelly. and Clwa. warren, hence for Boston. and vir B Darling. Baxter, hence for Cave Ann. sailed from Newport lath inst. Sohr Althea. Corson. from New Orleans, arrived at Boston 16th inst. Rohm W W Brainerd. Nowditch. for Philadelphia, end .1 Sardinia], Headley, for Egg Harbor, cleared at Al Y411.c lath inst. Sohr tioutherner, Ford, olesred at Baltimore tath for Philadelphia,, Bohr 8 F doiltday, Seaman, hence for Providencia, with a cargo of 344 tons coal, went ashore. during the storm on Monday night last, on ranoneitouragYoint. about "it@ miloa to the westward of Point Judith, has bilged, and will become %total 'wreak. She was being stripped of soils. rigging. &o,oa the afternoon of the 16tH 'net, at which time she was thumping heavily on the rooks, and the sea breaking over her. She wr.a an AZ vessel of MO tone, Wig. at Mester. Pa, in IMO. and Mined in this city. The captain owned one-eighth of the verse!, end was insured for 83100). No ot“er in surance. - - OFFICIAL , . pR.OPIISALR ROR PURNISHINEI THE A- PAPRet FOR TItR PUBLIC! PRINTING. OrricE ISUPSSIXTIaItiIiNT PrBLIC PRINTiNG. WaStlisoroN, May 1, 1661. otr. ) l l l: l: o ll: .. ll ;,j a ..o n ip e n e ptr o oß f v t ee h aw el nu r t. eit oi si .i o nl n gw e r n e_, f icao t ta h io e len ee dtr e or e o n tp t h b en e e p il e u t wb ie l i t ict be received at this office until Monday. the let day of July.ll6l, at 12 o olook 61, for furnishing the paper that Tear be required for the pub to printing for the year ending on the let day of December 1883 The subjoined list specifies. as nearly as cam be arool , tamed. the quatititY 01 each land 01 Paper that will be required. Ctass 1. 10,1:03 reams fine, printing paper. neortlendered. to measure 24 by 38 inches, arta to weigh fifty pounds to the ream of 400 aheem CLitas 2. 54(5) ream. fins printing P.P. , . ealearlirad• Iradt sure oil by 39 inches, and to weigh fifty-six bonnie to the ream of 600 sheets. [agreeably to the provisions of thejoint resoletion aloressid. samples of the character and quality of 'he paper required for the above classes wilt be furnished to ',alien/an therefor. The vapor le to be mane in unites ot twenty five sheets each. and in bundles of two reama eteh ; each Team to contain 100 perfect eheets. Usiformity in celor. thickness. and weight will be restored; and no bundle (exclusive of wrappers) vatting ov-r or under Live per cent. from the stanaard weight will be received, and the grow/ weight will In all oases be required. Mixing of various thiolitiowssa in the same band'', to make up the weight will be considered it. violation of the contract ) Masa 3. • 400 reams superfine printing paper. hard-efzed and guppy eitienderwl, to measure 24 be 32 inohes, and to welsh fifty sounds to the ream of 600 sheets .s 5. 500 reams superfine plate paper,(oalendered or un ealendered, as May be required, 19 5y 24 inches, and of such weight per ream as may be required. CLass 0. 1. 1.600 reruns quarto mist writing raw, 10 by Jut inches 2,0)0 do cap do 13 by 6Jfi do. 3. lOU do dewy do 16 by 2')i do. 4. 1.000 do folio post do 17 by 22 do. 5. 300 do medium Co 18 by Si do. 6. 150 do royal do 19 by 14 do. 7. 60 do Sutler royal do 2) bj 38 do. 3. 30 co imp - rlal do 23 1 11y31 do. 2. 300 du double ear. do 18 by 26 do. etass 7. 1. 5.000 reams writing paper. 16 by x inches, to weigh twenty tht se pounds per ream. 11000 Teethe WFIHIII 1101101 - i /8 by inches, to weigh LeOuty - el4lat pounds per ream. 3. 3,100 reams %entice paper. 18 be 25 inches, to weigh twenty-six pounds per ream. we roams writing paper. 18 by :Mingles, to weigh 5. 380 etwenty arsoir writing r i ri n a d o s e l r fl re b a y M l9 . inches, to weigh tweet-y-ora eueu tide pap ewe G. CO reams writing patter. 12 by 18 inches, to weigh boneds per ream All the papers designated in classes 4.6. 6. and 7. must contain 48e peafectsheets to the ream. and no " oat side" quires. They ere,to be made of the best mate rials, flee from adu.teratnn, finished in the best man war. um rs rue edge, and securely andaulatonvially enveloped. Tl , O papets in class dare to be white or blue. laid flat , an d off each weights as may be required be this office. 3 hose 10 olmees 3,4, 5, and 7, are to be white. and et the sizes anti weights specified in the schedule. The right is reserved of ordering a greater or lees guantly of each and every k nd contracted for in all the o asses, to be furnish.d at such times and in such queue tams as the public service may tequire. each class will be consider. d separately. and be sub ject to a separate con-rant; but bidders may slier tbr one er more of the classes in the same proposal. No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by the guarantee that the btdd.r or bidders. It his or their proposals shalt be aoce_pted, will enter into an ob ligation, w i th go. and sultiment Sureties. to furnish t-e articles proposed. Blank forms for proposals will be flambee at this otiose. and none will be taken into consideration unless tubetanUally agreeing there with. All the paper in the several °lames must be delivered at such place as may be designated in Washington city. (except that in Mass 7, which must be delivered at lint taco. in the state of New York,) in good order. free of all caul every extra charge or expense, and subiegt to the Inspect-en, count. weight, and measurement of the Superintendent. me be in all respeots satisfactory. Bidders are required to furnish, with their proposals, samples of pot less than one quire of each of the kinds of paper Ind for, and upon winch thetr_propossis may be tamed, except in clauses and 2. 1 tie 55005511153 bidders will be requited rigidly to oontorm to their samples. Proposals will be addressed to* , JOHN D. D EFR EES. Superintendent of the Publics Printing,. Washington." and eadoreed "Proposals for Surmising raper." myt-.St XLEVIVLNALI. DYSPEk'SLA. REMEDY Dr. DARIIIB HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING Vgaisr. PAts Medici's" has bemused by the public for six peers mirk isersasies favor. It is recommended 10 Cu,'. Digpsitstie,_ Plsrocnissess, Heart-Bens, Co/is Point. Wind in the Stomach, or Paine in the Revers Headache, Drosissicsse, Hiking Centric, 'sue, Ices Gpir4te Delirium Tremens, intineneertines. It thrtereLAWßl. EXIIILARLTRII. INVIOORAINS, *OR WELL NOT INTOXICA.7I OR BTIITRPT. As a Medicine it is quick and effectual, owing the Wet elg Pirated cases of DTere Way Kidder al. other derangement,' of the nu:palace and O•o . wela in di speedy manner. It will patently Wive the most melancholy and drooping evicts, and restore the weak, nervous, and eioltly to heath, streasta and visor. Persons who, from i the tuudiciotui use of liquors, hays became deleoted, and their riervone.eystems chattered, sonstitstions broken don, and stibmet to that horrible sum to humanity, the Damming 'l:Rattans, will, al most immediately,_feel the, hamiy sad healthy invige ratme ertteaer of Or. Ham Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Dogl.—One wine elan full as often as nitoesaarP. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits, Ono dose will cure Heart-burn. Three donee will cure Indigestion. One dose RIVO YOU a God Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains iof Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable et bets of Wind or Playa:once. and ae coca . as the stomach receives the Invigorating Brit, the duitrocs- Mg load and all painful leenngs wi d i s tressing. One dole will remove the most ains of Colic. either in the stomacher bowels. A few dose. will remove all obstructions in the kidney, Bladder. or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured or speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure by the me of olio or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and lee) the esti offsets 0, poisonous Mums. in violent headaches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, +to.. will find one dose will r emote all had feeling& Ladies of weak and sickly mittabtutions should take the Invismating Spirit three times a day ; it will make Maui strong, healthy, and ham 7, remove all °barna bons and Irregularities from the menstrual organg, and me to . re the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn /hiring pregnancy it will be found an Invaluable meth eine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. An the proprietor asks is a tried. and to Indus.e this, he hes pot up the Itivicoitestore :INAPT in pint battles at mounts, quarts di. General Depot, 49 WATER Street, New York, DoIOTT & C 0.032 North SECOND Street, W'holeaale AgeAta in Phalli:olnm_ j a And for sale by JOHN ll.k.A'sohi. US 11. EIOHTH Street, arid all Druggists. Jer-thshalv WRITING AND LNDGINR PAPNRS.— We have now on hand, and are manufauturing to order, at the Mount Hell r Paper Mills. eve' de acription of W I AND LEDGER YAPEII3, Which, for whir and quality , are net excelled b y any other mins in the VEnted &Mee. Wo would oall attention to a new artiole of raper manufactured Ity us. and now for sale, called Business Letter, which has been gotten up to meet the wants of business teen and others. Who objeot to Commereral Note as better bent narrow, and do not wish to use part of turitel letter shet. This overcomes both the above obJeations ; is a per fect sheet, pare wove Watt!! finish ; ruled on one aide ; stamped in oentro near the top; wade tram beet free from adulteration, and oat nein neat !masa, eon vetuent for use. We also boo a paper Palled Batik Letter l elmilar to the above. except it has but ball tee number of lines on, so as toallowa printed blank or Needing above, N EMPTOIY it MULLIN, Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland l'a. The above Papers can be had of Meests..7, B. PINCOTT & and_ bIEGARGEIs 13.11.0THERs, Nes. slid 1111tfll T 'quiet JIIST REMITED, per "Annie Kimball," from Liverpool, Mender. Weaver. & Mender's preparations: X Ms Extract Aeontti, kixtraot tiyosotimi, in lb Au. so tss ustrsot beliadonnint in 1 rOJang , too lb. gAtrn.ot 7foranaci. in / lb Jam. 50 Dm Ral 5 bottles. 100 lbs 01. eucoini Rect., to 1 lb bottles. 500 Ms Calomel, in 1 lb bottles. 1100 Rvilrali. in 1 51) ism 7wst7s7.r.ns I Li. a pxogritoma. aT au 41 Xer4i1J1:11010 THE PREM.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1861. CE7PHAT4IO PTTii,s Sick NEktVt7II3 HEADACHE. /ty the use of there YAW the serioctleal :amok. of Bar wows or Mei, FliadaeA4 may be prevented ; and if take. at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fetil,in removing the NOwlee cad Head atke to which females are so inbigan They eat gently on the bowels. removing Costiveness. For Literary Mew, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving twee and air or to the digestive organs. and restoring the natural MN tioity and strength of the whole eyetess. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments. having been in use many years. during which time they have Prevented and relierld a Tut amount of paha and suffering from Heidi:torte, whether originating in the IterVOWS system or from a deranged state of the sto *ash. They are entirely 'vegetable in their composition, and may he taken at all timog with peritot ositty without malting any ohange Of diet, math: stoisnov W anY 401111- erasable tuts" resides it am so 11141.1iSSIO1W AIM it BZWARZ 07 WIINTIIIISIOTO I The ge1311:12120 hay* aye eignitteres of Itenry 0. Booltsos on °soh Box. soli by Brute - ids and all other Dealers In M.sdioined. A Box will be went by mall prepaid on reoerot of the PRICE. U 5 CiENTR. All grolors should be. Milriasiod 111NRY tIFALLIMNEIr. UUk FOLLOWING RNBORSEMEITX OF C3EPIIAI , I.ti WILL. CONVINCE ALL WHO EUFFER FROM SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. A 3 Visas TosSiosoniais ars stassticsted by Mr. Spam ztte, iltry a f ford sasosoissionabls proof of flag 401. fa4V V this truly sciinstifte discovery. Ma. &slams. rse I have tried your Cephalic Fills, and i has Mon so ell that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the seighbors, to whom I gave a .w of the first box. I got from sou. Bend the fills by mail, and oblige Your ob't tiorratti a Hb Pr. Ilaysavoaa, Fa., Fab, 6,1351. Ks. grazoixo. wish you to lead MA one more box dolor Clardialla Pills. I kin *wetted a gnat do/ af yt benja from rim. Yours reopeotfull MARY ANN ETOIRROUSE. R. C. SPALDING. Yon will please send nlds aid boxes - of. emir Ceohnfie Pills Bend them immediately. Itessentfiffly Tann._ .J.NO. B. 81 - mOBB. ow Pills, sad find SNLLN VERN° , H. C. SPALDING, Esq. Please find enclosed twenty-five cents, for which Send me another box of your cephoo fine. They ars truly the best Pills I have ova treed. Pitts; Belle Ven oTn,WrEand an( P. I/SWIRLY, MM.> Dec. 11,11363. 11. °alumna. I wish for some circulars or lams show bills. to Mat your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my cue 'homers. if you have anything of the kind please send One ofmy customers. who aubjeot to severe HWY Deadttellei °Mall! lasting two Oars') teas rtsred of as wow* sa Offf !roar by year Pills. which I gent her. Respectfully yours. W. B. WILIEIOS. 'XXV! 0. ISPalanNti No. MI Cedar at . EL Y. BEAR Ent: Ineloeed Red terentvkve cent*, (254 for which sand bo„,of " Cephalic Pion.' !Tend to eddreea of Rev. Wm. C. Rernoldsherg, Pranklin Ohio. our /11.. Oekorm--oor.: Co. itsiadoiss a Mott iNtiguiter. Ms. eraamixo. ant : Not long wince I wept to yon_ ep for s box of Chalic Pine for the cure of the ftervons Headache and et.ieeneee and received the same, end their had so good aw area Mee /seal isebeced to mut forArtorr. PIMP& mad by retain meg. Direct to A. R. WREELE.I. Ypsilanti, Brisk. From tAie Bzoirtinrr. Noe on, Is. Cephalle aocomp heada c helloot for which they were made. vie.: Cure oin all lb forma. From IM Szonfser, Norfolk, U. They have been tested in more than a thousand eau& with entire emcees& Irma the Democrat, Cloud, Mall. If you are, or have been troubled with the headache, lend for a box, [Cephalio fillaa so that you my have them in cane of an attack. the Ceebmio Pill. are add to be a remarkably vireo- Vac remedy for the headache. and one of the very beet lor that very frequent complaint which has ever been dleoovere4l. ILoos ike WUI r R.R. Gemeitc Okieate, .111. We heertily endorse Mr. Spalding. and hie unrivalled Cephalic Pills. Peon the Kasateha Talley Star, Zaststeho, Va. . . . we are sure that pereene suferiug with the heettsehe, who try . them, will slack to them. Prom Oa Sow Urn Paskisr, New OriSMIS, La Try them I you that are afflicted. and we are sure that your testimony can 150 ettitd. to the Already nurnorotur urt that hag received benefit* that no other medicine eau nroduce. Frets Ma St. LOWS Daineerat. Irhe immeeee demend far the toddle teaphelle Pills) is rapidly inaresuung. Front do eautt4. Darniport. low& Mr. evading would not concoct his taxi" with WI ar ticle he did not ettose to noesers real merit. Ran the Advirtiser, Provideiscs, i.I. ?he testimony in their favor is strong, from the moat !selectable quarter& Nem as Deily News. Newsom IL 1. Cephalic, Pills are taking the place of all kissis, 'root ecnnotercial Bullets*, Basle*. Mess. Said to be very' eiff6Ml6sl*fet the heedaohe. Frcnn Commoreial, Cincinnati, Obit lafferir.g humanity oan now be relieved. Er A /Single bottle of PIEFAKED •LHE will swim ten time" *sir coot warml,ll7;,ol ECONOMY! -- DISPATCH! aar "A. STITCH ilf TIMM, Rayne Ithern.""cll scoide4ts will happen. even in well-regulatel us Yon dimmable to have NOM@ cheap and opeeraraellt way for rOriatill Paniture, TM. Meeke r,. lko. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all Jraoh einersendes. and no household can afford to do without it. it is always ready, and up to the Woking point. "USEFUL IN EVERY ROUNE." N. 11.—A Brush accompanies eaah bottle. Price. at omits. Address, HIDIIRY O. SPALDING. NO. 4* CEDAR STREET, NEW YORE. As certain annnuoirted persona ate attemptint to veam off oti the unwßepootiZiff pUbijOs imitations elm? PREPARED GLUE, I weehioannon all persons to ex amine before purehaaing, and see that the NI name. BPALDING'I PREPARED Invz,"l* agi the ealkuble irreener I an enema are meltelluta top.d NIDICINAL. fir. 47IITiN ALL . I{MO 07 FEEADA(.3I4I , II 4E I CEDAR ISTREBT, NSW YORK SPATAr)INCW'S HEADACHE. THAW A MASONVILLX, Conn.. Feb. 5.1851. &MIMS ClL=it, itITISTITI u 18,18610D0X 0016141 CY. Jamm. Rzntatbstaria; FZ ILIN CO .Ohi.,. i6alnii7 0,1861: I TPIT " 11116 whi. C. FILLER. VPSTLANTI. bitca., hat. 14, Mt From ihs Adv 'Mu Prorideme4, R, I, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLGE t BI'LLDING'S PREPAE,ED GLUE! .3PALDING'S PREPARED GMTP3 aAvE CAUTION. THE RELIANCE, MITUAL INSURAIqOII COMPANY o 7 TEOLADILPEIa. OFFICE. No. 308 WALNUT STREW, Itientes against LOBl5 OR DAMAGE By irpor,. on Rouses, Stores, mid sae, Istddiums. limited or nerpetual_and on l'arnitore. Goods, Wares. and Mer- ohandiao. in i towny. or count MUSE CA riTAL,ORO, IIO 00-AssET5 e617a42 0, whim' ji invested as follows, vim : In tins mortgages on OA3 PrOPertY• worth double the amount— t. 0163.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 Der cent. Bret mortgage l Rai l ro a dr— 6,400 ix PennsylvaniaCo.'s 6 per Cent.. Be- Gond InOrtdeilge load, (330,0000—. -- woo 00 RUlldinddOn rid Broad op Rallrodd and Gro C u i rci i r l e e :t. first-a rt lima gag — e imm - - - - - ---. 2 4 711 rill Collateral loans, well meowed . 2,603 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. loan-- -- 60,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per tent. Pa. RR. loan.. WOOS DO Commercial Ban k stock—. -.-........... ,_,,,, e,rn 01 Mechanics' Bank M00Y.,....., vvrri rl-.-^, ....-r-• 2,812 DO rellllOliVallia niallrod+d Co.'. !stook—,--_. 4.00 00 The Relianoe M utual Insurance Co.'s stoat 26„360 00 The County 'Fire Insurance Co.'s stook... 1,1:*1 00 The Delaware M. h. Insurance Cp.'s stook- VO DU 1 Union Mutual Insurance llo.'s sone- .. MO to Bills receivable— . —... _.,..—. - - 11,307 74 Bock aceouuts, acclaim' inierost. ate.._.._... 1.1a4 ea Ca on asnil --- - .—....-,..-- --- - - n ,444 04 5517.1/.2 04 The Mutual principle, otimkined with the geourity of *Stook Capital, entitles the insured to partietpate In the profits of the Gemini, without liability for icier% bones promptly adjusted and paid. DilraecTOni: Clem Tingl ey t Samuel Blephaps. Willialp - ,gnomprion, Hobert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Musser, William Stevenson. Benj. W. Tingler, John R. Worrell, Marshall Hill, Careen, J. Johneon Brown, Robert Toland, Charles Leland. G. D. Rosecearten, Jacob T. Bunting. Charge. a. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. V'eadsrard, John Bissell. Pittaburg. CL.EhI TINGLEY, President. B, M. IifiNCITMAN, Secretary. Febrnar, IS. 1861. Ye2l ENTERPRISF INSURANCE COMPANY OP. PIIILADHLPILA.. (FIRE INSVRANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDINO, S. W. CORlV,e_ti FOURTH AND WALNUT STREET& /111b..OTORR: F. SATCIIPOSID BUMP, MORDICAI L. DA.WROIII• Wru.ux McKim, Gao. H. STUART. NALWRO Frtkzxas, JOlErif H. BitoWl.l, MO Di, 4 1 TWOOD, B. A. FAHRESTOCC $317. T. • .aral:cr.., ANDREW D. eAbN, 11.1NRT WRAP-TON. J. b. Hatalioxit. F. RATCHFORD STARR, erardent. CHARLES W. COXE. Seoratary. PENN MUTUAL LIFE 'INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 901 CHERTNUT Street Philadelphia. CHAKTER.,:PRUPETUA.L. ALL THE PROFITS SURE !DWI D AMONG THE IN Insure /AVM! for shon terms or for the whole term of grant Anntlitlee and EndormentA; purchase Life nteresm in heal Estate, and make all eontraote de vending on the contingenome of life. They act as Executors. Administraton, Assignees, Trustees. and Guardians. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1.1961. Mortgages. ground rents, real estate— .e=41 , 81 sc . United Staten make, Tretieurl notes, loan,' Of Mate of 'Pennsylvania, city of "lola delphia, &a—. . . 2211.795 24 Premium netes,liititi,- 437,614 5 8 Pennsylvania. North Pennsylvania Rail roads. and County six per pent. bonds— 205,802 50 Bank, insurance, railroad. canal stooks. Zto, 77.647 49 Cash on hand, agents' balance'', to,, 90,296 14 81.071,140 02 DANIEL L. MILLER, Preender.t. !i EEL E. ATOK Ei3. Vice President JOHN W. RCM Nu neeretary. ml2-tt rinawAßE MUTUAL SAFETY 1 . 1- ALF 311 RANCE column', IMILADELPHIA. Incorporated b? the Leziesture of Pommy:Tomo, KW Of S. E. on of THUD land WALefil7 OToTtil, PH.I.LAD sz,r 1441,1tWE INETRADICE4 On Venal Cargo. To all warns of Rio Worl4. Frei ht LALNO INIV.R/140113 On foot, by Rivera. Canals, Latex, and leant Zr.e Tiaras. to all pane of the Union. FIRE INSURANCEa lwrwilmaidim :eneraity; On Etozon, Deroiline itowine, &a, - AHMSTIS OF THE COMPANY. Nevem OAT 1,11 M - plOO,OOO Uniteatates Are cont. Voc,looo 00 110,0ra United Staten Biz B- 00 Gent. TroacerY _Note", (with accrued interact)_... ll9,4B.l 14 1110,030 Pennayleallia State Ste Cstl" . EON IX) 11,000 do.. do.. 5.1 4 do. dc. ,? . 1,445 00 1 111;g 5 01 c l e ilMell e u itteWfiW i fe7iit.t °3l4 1 11,1 3 9 Cif 44000 Petwaylvanort Ratty° Stl inortaga MA" 00111, bands... - 440 1 OS :Men 500 shorm man Germantown cree Germany, interest nrld PrineiPed ectsantaei bY the City of Fiala deltitia 15.300 00 coeu 100 tlitreaWM 3.50 RW amigos North I iinsylvnuta Rail road Company_ . 4)(, BO 1,000 80 shares Pluladsinhis Ice float Steen] Tog Company . .-- 1,200 00 338 linhaka Philadelphia ann Faye- de- Ina Stearn Tow-boat Comnany. 863 as 100 g Exohanza Co pan Y--- —• • 1,000 g names Continental Co.-- mu 00 #658.,700 Per. Cost ete7,338.1M. Market. Yalta:slXAS 71 Bills receivable, for mettranoss 111,500 es Ronde and marlitlgeth orb., Vl.llll - 1, , ,rt , 540 D 00 Real estate .00 Balances dee at Acenoiew—Premiumg on 81c.- rine Policies. interest. and other debts dire theCompant 81,1B(1 01 earip and stook of sundry insurance and - olherCom*}utec SAE 14 Owl. as—ia links_._._ —../24474 14 . at hams).. 178 14 ISMS ii giftEC7O.V. 4 . agrit.u &A , Jai sr+ w. ritlukuel .E. MOM. Edmund A. Bauder, J. F. Younitoill Thou-Qomo Pew lel tFa • 13 cztry Sloan, Joan A. f (UP", I Edward ]?_arlingtce. 1013.11 C . DMZ. N. Jones iiroolw. James Trianon, npencer M'irraino. William? ralJr., =OMAR C. 4.DrAP James C. on . : xobort Varters, , WillAr.m.C. _Labrig - ' Jtacto F. Jones, —4, 0 4 ULF-46f James .13. Nl'Foriont. . . Jeghro P. Eyre, —amen. • John B. Remota, rittolft. ------. gr,,,...„ D... Morgan, " 111511.114 ITLBllltri. Via.:... IBE INII7B.ANGE EX.OLUMI V a - THE. PaSNNSYLVANIA. FIRE LDISURANCE COMP4.l , lY—lnoo±rporatecl I,V.6—CHAR.T.Eft rbIIFE,- TUAL—lao. 610 WALN tn. Street, opposite Indeper.d en_sklispars. "PhisUomanr, Monthly known to the oommunitY for thirty-six years, continues to insure against lose or damage by Fire. on public or privaie Scalding'. either Permanently or for a limited time. Alao. on Furniture, stocks of Goods or MerobandAse generally, on liberal tram Thit Capital, together with a large tiorplyi Fund, is invested in the moat careful manner. which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security , in .the case nragegegs. Jonathan Patterson, !sae* Elaglehorgt Sphice, Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr., Voilliam Xlonteilua, John Bavarian", Thomas Smith. . . . Preaident. BEATON 341112111 Booretary. 111 BU N OOMPA l'of 01 1 :' THE STATE OF FENNSYLVANLA—FIRE AND MA RINE .IASI.I.ILANCE Dice. 4 AM) S bIiCHANGE BVILDLEGS. Chartered tn 0100,0O.1—Feb.1, LB6L, auk Ta1ae,1208.7112 77, All inceuted in wend and avetiable aamirMei—tlMl lLlane to inetire on Yampa and ..7;argoes, Enildjuus. Steak' of Merohandtee &t. on liberal terms. DALE TORS. merry D. Sherrent, Seorre R. Stuart, Simeon Toby Samuel Grant, Jr., Simla Rushdie!, - Valdes Wagner, William S. Smith, Stomas B. Watteor.. .Telm B. Bade, Emily G. Freemen, Wffliaga It. 'Welts, Charlea a. Lewis, George C. Canon. HENRY D. SELEREEED, Pre adeu WiIkLIAM HARPER., aoorcarT. neINSURANCE. - MEOHANTOW ußAive3 c"OhIPANY of Fhiladelrhic, 138 North SIXTN Street, !Wow Rage. innate Liuild lam Geode, and bierahandine ronornlly from lota or gpmage rire. oomprou gilt:armlet , to actrail all m losses promprry, and thereby hope to merit tb ire...l:a -ma of the rabLie. 31.7.1,CT01A, _ Wminra nfori - en, iicrixtrt Flemeen. Francis Cooper, itche•el M09V07 - 1 goorze L. Dougherty. .80:tward Pacte•cworn, Isle** Kuhn, Whoa= B. Al.c.Corn:deck. Jades Dunne, John ki,romley, Mathew MoAleer, Freunns Falls. Bernard Rah'ertY, John Cesijadv, Themes J. Hemphill. Bernard E . kuls•OFL34. Thaws :ilium Charles Freuvu Jriptaanad, Mlohael PRATICIS COOPER,. President. 3.Eikl=l LAFFERTY. See:a:arr. 0023-ly A MERICAti FIRE INSITR.ANOE 00., -caa Itrd4CdtPilltaTED 140 CILA/1:5743:t rza- RETUAL. no. 310 WALNUT Streetjtbove Third, Philadelphia, gaming . a large paid-up . Capital Moak and Barolus, invented in lannd end Emulable banalities, continua; to Insure on Dwellings, Btores, Frinutnre, .Torohandoo l Veosolo xiport ektoi their asap:leis, and other.perisocal Property. Al l Mena liberally and promptly &baited. • PTILICTOIIB. rnoi. R. Maria, John T. Lewis, John Welsh. /amen it. Campbell, &EMMA C. Morton. Bdmund G. Dutiln, Pahl:Lek Brady. Chu. W. Pealtzu. Israel Morph. r TAIONEIS R. MARIE, Fresident. A.L.Q.EIVE C. E. CRAWroRD. Seeretare. fe22-tf ANTHRACITE INSIJRANOn COMPA- TllV.—Authorise4 Oupital *Satloese—CHATarrat PIiAPETILLL. Ogee PIO. 8/1 WALN ST Street, between Witlrd end Fourth dereet. PninkiMa. Mils Company ',in insure against loos or immaall I! Flre, on Beildinee,"Perzutere, and Merehaediee gene rally. ldarp . a n latraraneas gn Vesscla, Carmen, and Frenglitz. t - 1.. largyanae toAlLearte of tie Veen. ieseah Maxfield /ohm Ketcham. kilfip. Blatustes Ti De 372. Enzal. • EtUiZitar` Jasob Esku, Lather % h. Andonnad, Pens fewsom , eter eleAvr, WM. F. DEAIt, Viso Prevalent, 1 1 1, pt. EMIT*. Moamar:v. ana-ti VI_XCEA.NGE BSURANOR COMPANY • 4 )--Offioe No. 409 WALNUT Street. raw. INSURANCE on Roams ands. Merchandise tenereir, on favorable terme, either fimited or err- Rama. - DIBMVORS: JeteraMb. Thom*. MATS!. I' Lolls Q..l3innode, Charley Thom Non, Edward D. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel Siam:Len Joanna T. Owen, Reuben C. Halo. John J. Griffiths. JEEEMLSII. DONSALL, Precedent. .101 IN Q. OINNODO, Vies ?foment. SIMARD Dow. Seen:Karr. la3l VACTIOV.—AII persons arc hereby eau tinned against negotiating a certain note. drawn by W. F. RE , , ;AULD,. & co_ for I Went!. Lye Hundred Dollen. dated on or about theft! ei October. IMO. coy able, 12 months alter data. to the order of W. F. Her nolds,.at Ore=el & Co.'s. Philadelphia, and endorsed by card note wee given to the Batik of Commerce, grief. Penns., and its neyment will be reaisted. the drawers thotoof having a togal dolenoe to the came. W. F. HEYI'IOLII.I & CO, ilismaisoprre, Hay 10,1E41. inyle-at JOTIOE.—Tho Citizens of the different Cities and Towns throughout the state are invited to competition for the plane at which the next AN NUAL+ ISTATR. FAIR shall be held. Proposals containing inducements and advantages directed to the undersigned Committee, appointed II the Ex ecutive Committee, will be received up to and in cluding May Sint next. Communications should be ad dressed to oil nt the following arsons: Whl. COL.DER 3 ..JR„. JOHN P. ittU'IstEAFGE.D. JACOB MIMI, .1011 N IL ZIEGLER. .4.5109 E. KAPP arrisburg. Pa.. Northno.barland, Pa., cr.rti.... itatatvlll FILE MARCITACTORY, 'ill NEW STREET. - Floe and Rangy of every degoriphon, and good etualiti. made HOLESAL Eto order, at the above eatabihohment s and RETAIL. at mamfaoturer's imam. Reauttiaa done in a gatemor swear. .1 R. WM HAVANA CIGARS—A large and Bplen did areortment of all slain and 1111kakin. lb store and for sale very low for Dash DY OFIARLE3 TETF, 130 WALNUT Street m 0-18 t LARD. -125 tierces extra Leaf Lard, for gels 6 7 a. C. BADLIa a. Co., too anon open, mond door &bon Front. ong-or DAD II I • SUMMER ARRANGE amiIArIiMENT. PHILADBLPIIIA, 0.611.81ANT0 N. AN WORAIBTOWN RAILROAD. On and after MoAda t :MBl .l3 tl Bo l. FO. Citatlia:PlTOwri. Leave 119159e1pht5,•6: 7,8, 0;10:11,11 A. M., 1.2, 3. 6, 6 7,8, 9, 10%., !LW. 11% P. M. Leave Grayintnan„ 6 , 7%. 8. 8 20, 9,10.11,12 A. 181... 1,3, 3, 4 5. 6,6%. 7%. 8 - g• 10 29 P- The 8 20 au4 3 35 P. id. Trains stop at German- rrwr; - - tows. eat/. ON AUND 4,Y8. Leave PAOadeletna, 5.05 A. AI., 2141, SAC 5. TU. and 1034 P Leave Germantown 8.10, A M., L l 63ii. and 04 P. M. cttEarrtu'r HILL 14AthilLUAD. Leave Plui i 4 o l-4-1- yop 6 8.10./2 Ahi 5.35 463 It •. . . a Chest M.. Leave nut 14111.710.,40,11.40 A. 16,1.40. 3 96, 540, 7.10. 8,40. and 10.:0 P. M. The 8 A. M. and 8.36 P. bl. will make no stove on the Germantown roan. ' . Leave Philadelidda l ON sulnAl 8. d 9 10 Leave Chestnut Hid. 7.50 A. IK., 13.40, 6.10, . 5 • P.M. FOR CONSHOBOCKEN ANO NoItOIBToWN. Leave Philadelphia. 0.50. 7%, 9.06. MOO A. fd..1.05. 3.05.4 X. 6:4%8. and 11% P. M. D. ~,, st , Leave Norristown, 5,7, 8.15, 9, D. A.M., 1%, •,.•—•• 0111 l Wii g • 1,./. 9 ' 04 4 . Mo Vi. 5, and 7% P. M. 1 . ON stir Delta. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M., a end 5 P. M. Leave Norristown. 7DIL, land a P. .91. FOR MANAYIINK. Leave Philadelphia. 5.50, 714. 9.05, 11.06 A. M.. 1.01., 40, 6%. 8. and 1 l% P. M. Leate ManaysinkioM, 7.i, 8.30, IMS., 113 i A. Mn PP Vir 5,7, aud 10 P. m, ON SUNDAYS. eave Philadelphia. 9 0.. M.. it 5. and 7% P. M.OI Leave Manitrunk. 7 A. M.,136. 6%. and 9P. M., K. SMITH. General Superintendent, K. m7ll-tf Depot, NINTH and GREEN Streets. . _ THE PENNSYLVANIA. 0 :',11: NTK R. , A nAILROA.D 260 MILES DouBLLITRAcx. _ 1861. Mimi Ems 1861. "I`HF. CAPACITY OF THL2 RALSCII2 NOW EQUAL TO AN Y COUNTRY. THREE THR °UGH 'PAIISENG ER TRAINS BETW BEN PHILADELPHIA -n ND PITTnBUR G. Connecting direco at Philadelphiawith Through Trains from Roston. New York. and all points East. and in the Union Depot at Pittaburg With 't brough Train; In and from all points in the West. Norihweer. sun Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by ag other route. Exorcise and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Oarsor Comluotors. All Through peeseuger llama provided with Loughridgo's Patent Brake—apeed under perfect nontrol of the angitear, than adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking ,Cars are attached to eaoh Train 7, Tl'ood ' nifl's Steeping Care to ft x_pressi and Fast Trains. The EXP a EPS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines, Sun days excepted Mail Train leaKeti FhiligielphlS at 740 A, M. Fast Line • • 11.40 A g g . Express Train leaves " 10.45 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLI,Owa ; Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.30 P. bd. Columbia 4.00 P. M.. Parkibehllbg gt 249 West Cheater "No 1, at 8.16 A. M. " No. 2 at 12 30 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the West Chester Nos. I and 2 and Columbia Trains. Pasigengers for Sunbio.y, Williamsvort, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intermeciate points, leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and 2.M P. M.. go ' directly through. - Tickets Westward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston. or Baltimore ; and Taikete Eastward at any of the impor tant Railroad Offices in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio river' Sir Fare always as low, and time se quick, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The oomoletion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this the DIRECT LINE.If.EN H Alen AND TILE 6JI WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, .ivoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time. are advantages readi ly &percolated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. Metteltante and, Shipper' entreating the transporta• tion of their Freight to this C ompany, can rely with confidence on its sp_eady trans it. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the Went by the Penvanta Railroad are at aid times as facorablis as are charged by ether Railroad Companies. /Mr lie particular to mark packages "via renusyl yenta Railroad: For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to. or address either of the following Agents of the Company: D. A, Stewart, Pittsburg ; H. 3. Flores & Co.. Zanesvilie. 0„; J. . 'Women. 0.; It. McNeely, Maysville, Ky.; Ormsby & Crop r, Portsmouth, O. ; Paddock & Co.. Jeffersonville. Idiana; H. W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, ohern t Hinnerg, CinainnatiA 0.; R. 0. meidrum. Madiaon. Ind. Jos. E.Moor - e Locusville, Ky . . ; P.O. It Co.,Evansville. bed.: N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo, 111. It, F. Sage, Shafer It Glass St. Louis. Mo, ' • John IL Barrie, Nashville Te n n.; Hain! AG Runt , Mem phis, Clarke '& Co., Chicago, lIL ; W. H. B. Koonte. Alton, 111; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. S. B. KI rsatiTUN, Jr., h/AGRAW & Rimmiss, 80 North atreag,ilahlinore. LEECH. It C0..1 Astor Douse, or 1 S. William at.. N. Y LEECH. & CO.. No 77 @tate street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON. Gen'l Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Gang Ticket Agent, E. LEWIS. Gen'l Sup't Altoona. Pa. Sae-ly 1861. Siataimm 1861. SMNEI_AREABREAIENT.-1 .1 .6y , YORK 1,1NE , 3 IS UAramEN AltD - AIvLBOI , AND FLA DEUIiIA AHD THRUM HAFW:OAD CO,' buizes raom ANS RIM YORK AND WAY PLACES. naN WALNUT -ST. WI:LARY AND 0:8118IN6'IDN WILLI LOAVIi M FahLONVZ, V andAmboy, C. r a e rid A t 6 A. M., via a5(l — noarmodatlon 1,31;;;;.;:i Aocommodation-- . , its At 8 A. M.., via Camden and Jo - Assy Cain 14.011 th: 'Li At ITM A. At. ma Kerlin:Ai:toll - .3 - arz/e.7 f-- 1, 13 As, 123. S I. M., via Cair.den At! P. M., via Camden and — AMboy, C. and; At pi P. M., Titt HOU.Siligten and jfriea7. Eve . ragiPlO/111,orr-r, S oo Al th F. rd., itb Kat:km=sw., ...a ,ereer City, At 6P. M. , via Camden and ve Jersey City, Enint 15 , . CO At tut r. M., sio Catedeirairi 'Jersey City rionth.. em 222 At 6 P. M., vie Comfier. sr.d Amboy, Aeonmmoda. ton_,„( Freight and Paglenger)— )a t. Ulnas Ticket.. XI Do. do. /id -Clam Ticket— .1 20 She 6P M Mail Lire nos daily. Tke 11. g P M. Emit ors Mlmt , natordaye exoeptal. For Belvidere, Easter.. 'Lambertville. _Flem.inton. -1 ke at I_lo A. M. from Kensington , and 234 P. M. f rom Walnut-street wharf. For Water Fap, Strosdirtm.m, Beranten, Wilkes:erre, Montrose, (il4ll 6 l 7l and, Ec0.,7.10 A. M. from Kensington, vie Delaware. &wenn& and Wostom R. For Mauch onk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 heal fienelillton Depot, and 234 P. M. from Wed nut-street wharf ; (the 30. A- ht. hue oonneela with train leaving Easton at. 1.36 P. M.) 111ForMount Holly, at 6 and 8 A. M., 7 r.nd 04 P. M. For Freehold, at 5 A. M., and 2 P. M. WAY L1N143. For Bristol, 'Fronton, am., at 7.13 A. M., 06 sod 694 F. Id. from Nerlidnsl2lf and from Wu/nut /street wharf. ~/iverton, Deleneo, Beverly, 2erling- Steen - town, .ke., at 123 i, 1, 434 and 5 glasfes,at 234 P. . MP' For New York, and ay and intermediate Depot, take the oars, on Fifth street, abervt half an hour before &o v erture. The earn rite inio . tl'h .1 Oil/A . o l mnd on arrival or each train, MO frOm the depo t. ou gori se essm e r i : an n t r th di e e ri r l w r ßag e o p s r r i e m a hl e gi a te:d i ar 7 fto a i m . ll° taki m We i d n b e e: g alLt f id e 6l43 n a r va ae n ; pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit [hair r66DonuMlit far beanie to One Dal terrier onunn. and will not fro lin lo for any emend berme( WM), °l eapt. - tm speorelsontrast. nihN WM. 6d. OASZAIER, Agent. 11 I"l3 la il liftWAV L" lgrfiXaTOW... fey a VCR CUDNI-1, BASLD.TON. EASTON, ECKLEY, WILKF,SBARRE, a 0. THREs, TakCOUGei TRAI On and after MONDAY. MAY 13, 18w , Passenger 7insinewill leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia. Sundays expanse, sue feneseli t At 64e A, M., (Ea mem), for Bethlehem. Allentown, blench Chunk. Hazleton. Wilkesbarte, fte. At 2.45 P. M., (Express ), for Bethlehem, Keaton, &o. This train reaches Easton ate P. M., and makes close At with Be, Jersey Central JOT New York. At CIS P. .57.. for Bethlehem, AllentOWl3, Monk Chmik, he. At SA. M, and 1 P M., for Doylestown. At 10.30 A. Si. and 6.40 P. for Fort Washington. The 6.4) A. M. Express train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the shortest and moss desirable route to Wilkeeharre, and te all points in the kap., _lit QOM region, TRAINS FO SDLADEL. LILA. P .Leave Bethlehem at 520 A. 31., 913 A. M., and 5.33 M. Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. M. and 415 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 0.50 A. M. and 730 P. M. ElfllDAYs.—Phuadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 thiltidelohus Tor Doylestown at 3 P. N. otiostown (or Philadelphia at 43.40 A. 5L Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6 T. 51, Fare to Betvehem—Sl 501 Fare to Mauch Chntik.2l2 68 Fare to Easton. 1 Si) Fare to wilkeongrre— 4IV Through Tickets must lie procured at the Tioset Oltloes, at WILLOW Street, or BER.KB Street, In order to slime the above _rates of fare. Al. Passenger Trams (exempt Sunday . Trains) connect at Berks Street with Fifth and Sixth-arms and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroad'', t wenty minutes after laavrins Willow Street. PLUS CLARK. Agent. ficsawski SPRING ARRANtiE MENT.—PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON AN FIBA_LT/MORE RAILROAD. On and alte r MONDAY. APRIL LS. Met PadiaRNGAII.T At rild LEAVE 111Ifi kDELFET-Ar For Baltimore at Mb A, rd., 11.83 A. M., (Ezprese), and 10.80 P. M. For Cheater at 8.13 A. M., :Las A. 4.. .1.13 e.zd Ida° P. M. Far 'A t /Wail:eon a$ BM A. M., 11 NI Ai M.,1.11 and MAO F. M. For. New Castle at 8.18 A. M. and 4.18 P, M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Milford at 13.16 A. M. For. Saiiabury 8.3,3 A. M. T.1141/NS FQA FRILADELTRIA .LCIELVO Baltimore at 0.4 A. Li. ashareseh 0.45 A. and 4.46 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.50 and 9.10 A. M., 1.20 and 8 F. M. Leave Salisbury at 1.40 P. INS. Leavo Milford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at ell A. M. and AM. P.M. Leave New Castle at AM A . M., 710 YM. Leave Cheerer Al 140 A. M.. 9.30, and 8.40 P.M. Leave Baltimore for dalienury and Delaware Rail road at 6.15 A, PI. - TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: LIMY° Citqatbr SA A,M.,11.416 and 1133P.M. Lesvo Wilmington at Mb A. M„ Da P. i 1,, 122 / 2 A. el. FKBI9II3ITRAIIf, with Passenger Oar attaehed, will run as follows heave Pltiladelehla for Perryville and intermediate places at 6.60 • eave for Peri-vials end internmilete ell'eag at 733 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Fluladelphia and interme diate planem at 6 P. /if. • Leave Eavre-de-Grnoe for Baltimore and intermedi ate etatione at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore fur Barre-de-O sage and lateed,edi ale litatloam at e F. Id. ON OIINDAIriS : Only at 10.30. P. ?d. from Ptuladelphia to Utz:4M Only at 4 45 P. M. from Baltimore to _Philadelphia. aril FELTON. President AG an j 1 r ttl /LADIOLPHIA I ow- mt- ma.mipi.-; ROAD.-PASSENGEr TR AIN S N R EAr POUT VIRLLL , READING. and EARRISSURG!, on and aver :Oar 33, Ittl. mottruire LINE& DALLY.A(Pondaya exui.spted.) .114:70 riow Do.yot, corner of nsLOA V and O.raoLOW RH. I.. B traetr , PULLADELPlllA,(Peasan i ter =Vanua! lon Ti; irieentll and on Callulthill greets et BA. N., tonnt.atinB at Harrisburg with the PEN .SYLVA-NIA N litaf la EDP, N. wain running to Putebnof ; Me VALLEY EMI P. N. trail' runamt• tO Clgibbantlint-_,.. , . earLi !a, hca.; and the IV Ofit'IMERN (la.:TEAL ILAILDO!!..I3 ! P. M. tram, running to &m -bar'', etc AFTE.,IIIOOII LINE& leaTeNew Dem,' corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL &meta. PHILADELPHIA,(Paatengt entJano_ed ,Yrt Thirteenth and onCalloßbill dream.) or POTTa- VILLE and LIARRRI3LIRO, CC 340 P. M., AMY, for. RILAMING. only, *4 a I'. M.. DSIVT, Mazda:fa on aupto4.l DstITANCE4 WA PEIIs4DE&PILIA AND READIVIS it..4.lL.StuAlt. Fnots PRlL#DitrilLi. Milmts To Pl.nix.ville.._ .. XI Y Kaaaiug......._—_ bg I.Phlylolakia and „Ititattlag Lebanon _-_—_. GI i and kabalism wino" - F. fiArryaburg ..- ~.- Xi) Amtain lilLint‘liburt:-- . _lf" I N'ortsserm Contra), parorton Juno:ion-kV ltailmad. unbars ---- ----....--/45 florin umborlar.l .-171 i'dlito &alins n ba —.ln r; .--- .i Mult9Y--• - - :—lrr f'a'tten strut Zrie K.llll. Vrtituunspor - t —.::-. .2:1 Jame, Shore -...-.......24 book Haven 4 ea . .mittou.___..-...._,PA 10 7--------442 Wl.lnanisport and EtEllin I I 14 , 11:y- . .... 417` Railroad. ten IA. id .. . aud - S Li P. M. tra in oonneot dasly at willqaCAliktv:9l,illtanatadaissiloaxAi,epatnedd.F,) RInIEthRthALCCEAOTAD4- making olot• conneotons rah Linea to Niagara S . W.*. cianadae West and Elontlawest. DEPOT IN PRILADELPIILa : Ord er of ROAD and CALLOWBILI„, e; ; t.. • anal-tf W. 11. ItIoILEENIYHY. Seo-einry ______ . _ R . 014512 DAILY INLAND FREIGHT LANE TO NOK -1 AND POTR:TaMOOTE, VA., and Co the pnnor , pal Clete and Towns in the South and Southwest. "VC Bent to the Depot. corner BROAD Street Cod W aIIVeTOI 4 I Avenue, Wal be forwarded daily, and at at low rates 45 Dr any other line, B. P. KENNEY, mbsiO•tf Moor of T ranoorliot o. P. W. & G _ itituktE G KREtti —Manufactured and for g6lB D! WaTHER tub & BROTHER, - 11111 Cr ma 49 No ISECOND Iltrest ==z FURNESS, BRTNLEY, dt UO. so. 99 mARICri 211/101!• ; Peremptortsalp f2r 00ett of a LARGE tlruCK ue" r - AMOY GOODS. At the store formerly moupied by MESSR.d. N O PER h ROBERTS. NO. 49 MAJIKET STREET, On T u ueeday and Wednesday Pdornmgli May 2t awl= commenoing at 10 o'olooic eeu6 day, 001.0 dint of Wool shirts and drawer.. cotton and wool hosiery, gloves, gauntlets, Want thread , spool cotton. stay bind- Una, silk handkerchiefs. suspender'. steel-stoing bony" starts, merino wool coats. go.d jewelry. combs, brushes. book and leather purses. portmonnstes pocket books. paper. envelopes, buttons. gaiters, fans, pipes. pipe stem. ...Me, hits, hooks ei.M oyes. ifietols , voronmhoil b u keta. soap, cOlOgr.o water. yertumelY. nmvi stoat variety of Nnoy goods. Auto. large size jewelry thief-proof safe. 4 large size how oite 0 large size German sliver-mounted chow oases. —OO.lll will be open for examination on Moo day morn ing. May SO. wait oataleattloll. (1 J. WoLBERT & Co., w-i• - 319 ARCH STILEST. ------ -- -- -_- - - • N' '' ViNkFr, h. uursoNrix, f..ur, - toeCOOT to B. Illiatear.. 431 ONEBTX UT Et, LAK~g SALE OF RICKEY-FRAM I) OIL, PAINT FRiIiCR-Pura It MIRRORS, &a. On Tuesday Idarnlns, May ?.I. comment:Mrs at to o Included Mil be found American AM loreip land novae, Interior, exterior marine and coma vie Wei fanny eketehes, painting l RROR . under S clam, &e. . Also. heavy French plate, framed mantie , pier, and oval mirror . s tiT ER ki 0300 PI C PICTURES. Also, SOO &Wan etarenweaDia 11/ dares. hoe (co. PIANO—BY OR U eft OF SHERIFF. Also. at oo clo t ck, on Tuesday morning, One Plasm. by order of shera. PIIILIP FORD & AIICrrIONES.7.B, wn, coin mAJUILT hirce and iN SUrfOR Et. LARUE, POOOTRVMSmu:D o R OGNO SAbZb On Thursday Nlnrlllni. Mar 23. at 10 o'cleak precisely, will be sold, by cater Mime— a#o.t., cases men's, bora' and youths' calf. kin. and, grain boots, coif and klp brogans, Congress gaiter& oford ties, &e.; women is, misses'. and ohildren's call,, kip, goat. morocco And kid heeled boots a. d snort, gaiters, slippers, buskins. so.; also. a large and desirabto am orir•ment of Mad° goods. 'sr Goode ow; for anautinstion. with oatalogues. earir on the morning or gato. rt4LttlrS:i LI , • J-7 • TIONNELS, apt lII9Y_E7:OIIIP.:in , s. 5001.. : , ....d3;11 - 1 limb; a vit rttonru toult7 Tru l so4er, PIWCITT 3 tDOclx, sliver ouse-ed"-wer-i. eutlery. saint:n.o, r.w.sseatior:trtie,mi,7;t7. !ke, i‘torioel. Ors goco:: sod and win showings eleven , riemorintlon. DAY BAEZII eve Werimie.7. raie /W- O,' at o' . PiE. ry WAVA 3A.1,113. At private ante several larco nom ¢Woonts or initOitiON Jewelry, books, ctarionery, 5Te• uuttory, fanny coons, &o. To wtueit is colic-IWd the attoutic-n el oity and country mencher•ta and othere. uorunsumentssolupped of c.ll kinds of moniker-Zoe for ettber pantie or Driyate CMOS, • iiir Liberal cash advances made en octal - intent& Out.door sales oromutiv attended to. • linlisl WEEKLY COMMTIVICIATION By STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK N A D LIVERPOOL , oellmg at QUEENSTOWN ! Jre lang,) to land and embark parmengem and despatcher!. The Liverpool . New York, and Philadelphia /steam elm Company's splendid Clyde-built iron screw steam chips. & A Intend.iWo sail ap follows .. T HOM Nr. YO Kn. YOH LIVERPOOL. CITY OF BALTIMORE. Battpday. May 1B KAN Oxitoo, . Saturday. Nay 25 ETNA. Batordar. Juno I NoL every_ Raturday throughout the year. from F. Elk . 4 od 4 RAT OF PASIMOR THROUiiii /RON PHILADEL.III.IA. Cabin, to Queenstown, pr Liverpool..—..._—____. Sys so, to Loudon, via Liverpool— -- —.— 10 steerage to o Queenstown, or LiVerpool...-- XI Do. to London:— ........-4.- .... -- SI Do. Rom tickets, available for six mon th s. - --i Liveximoi..- _..., gm Pearengere forwarded to Havre.'Paris, namnuig, Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rates. Ceaifioates of passage iesaed from . Liverpool to New York— 040 Certificates of passage issued from Q. 115 1 = to 's ors-- • • • .ADO These steamers have imperior accommodations for Passengers, are constructed with watertight compart ments, and carry experienced burgeon.. For freight, or passage, appty at the office of the Com pany. JUI3PI G. DALE g ent. street, 111 Walnut Pit laileiptria. fa Liverpool. to Win. reAck, TovetAioisiings. trl Glasgow. to WM. INMAN. 13 Dixon street TEE BRITI AND • -.• • OL .I,m:lmm( ROYAL MAIL rctuat PROM NRW TOHIC TO LIVIIEPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage &Gond Cabin Passage—. nog BOSTON TO mvintrooL , Chief Cabin Yaeanger.. —1911! Second Cabin Passage-- 60 'The shins from New York MN at Co3rk Rarbor. • The stuns front Boston call at Bahfax and Cork Rap ra,SIA, cap. Judkins. AFRICA., Curt. Shannon. ARABIA, Cekipt.3. atone. CANADA.,C,6I/1 andaisca. ASIA, Capt. E.. G. Lott. .511.,R1CA. Capt. hie/inlay AUS - iItAL ASIAN NIAGARA, Capt. Moodie. Capt. B. M. Rockley. 'V HOPA, Capt. J. Cook. SCOTIA,snow building.) S'hete vessels carry a wear white light at mast-head ; green on etlrheard hew t red on nett Aim. RI ABABA, Moodie, leaves to Wednesday, May 1 ASIA,. Lott, A. York. Wednesday. May 8. ARABIA, Stone. " jtostrin, Wednesday, Mai N. AFRI . r. Shannon, " N. York. Wednesday, MM Tt. Ell s tßO A. Anderson, " ?paten, Wednesday. May 29. RS A, Judging, " TOTE, WOSlllesdayi JUDO 5. AIIINE ICA, Moodie, " Buetun, Weariest:My...lune 12. ASIA. Lott, " N. V ork,Wednesday, June 19. Berths not eecured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. Tee owners of these shins will not be accountable for Oct Silver, liulliondilizecil, Jewelry, Precious Stones or etlals, unless 1116 of lading eri.liened U1454(42, WO the value tikereef therent expressed, For freisht or passage,. Why to CUDIA.K.B, mho-tf 4 Bowling Green, New York. RAILROAD LINER. MOM IF PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND DAL- T MORb .8.M.L80A. , ^-rUILAIMSLPUIA. Mar 4,1541. Titall4ls FOR WASH INGTON. On and after Monday, May C. Mt. Ttet.lns (dr Wtuth inert'', vtA innapolta, will Leave Philadelphia at 11.36 A. Mud 10.611 P. M_ , RETURNING, __ Will !mice at Philadelphia trom Waabtncton at 10.18 A. M., and also at 9.21 P. M. • - Through tiokistx finld at the deootl cornet of Broad and Primo dram. Philadelphia. 1076 E. M. ravroN. aiwwwPHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD 00.. (MOO TIT Svuth iv OM street Prrir....imr-Purri, April 0;1861. SEASON TICKETS. On and after May 1. 1861. season tioketa will be insued by this company for the periods of three, lax, nine, and twelve months not transferable. Season nohow-tickets may also be had at 33 per cent. -152,a9h1„, e o t. b a-1,2E1111! sold by the:Treasurer at No. '437 lIIfOTIIIatIOII apv.if amapis TRAIN( ma PENNgIILVA- Ain hAI x A,, _ leave depot. eonaer bLbVh.POTH and M-atliKT, a: 8 A. 84, 1230 M. ni,and 4 Y. M. On Bundsy;lesve Pniladelphient MO A. AL. and went Cheater at 4 P. M. J,3Q.t( ARAM =ALM ItOLITE.,- 11/12.AnMPHIA AND :IL- I:URA R..kULAQ,A,I2._ QinnlCE3l7- ILOVTI4 to Yantisosui,_ Catocison. 1,,t -per 4 NV ilkenarr 6,Boronton, DonviO, Milton, Wil immuspork Trot, ... , :+l,lston Canton, Elmira, * Ucrisio, pars Falls, Rooktetrter; Cleveland:Detroit. Tokdo, sgo, St. Low. sitiwaniess. and al balm , liorik and at. . Passenger train will lalmo the new Levet of the PM iadeigdos and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD ARA CALLOWRILL Nrreete, (Passenger entrance on Ca, lowtull street,) deli, (Sendays excepted!, fir above WA%as follOWe DAY BR-sec A. M. NIGHT EX.P - 3.15 P. Pe. The LP A. M. train eonneotk at Report, for Wave herr°, ration, Scranton, and all stations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILEAD. The above trains make direct oommotion" at Imixa with the tra ins of the fiew York an poi Canto foe aOd Niagara FAIL, and lentfalo. New ork End Ens, and New York Central Railrooti - a- from al mitt", North and Weed, and the a prindae. piggage ' to F.imirs, FAffale, and Ihumeniden Bridge, and ii.terroeditte points. Tiokets can be :moped at the Philadelphia end El- ElPlrecata r Meat Olitee, nortiaoreot oornor of Prana biN UT Btreeta, and at the Passong , er Despot oo rn ere I.7.,IRTEENTH and CAL LOWN r TRRORG EX_PRESS FREICktiT TRAIN Lowe the Phil delphia and Reading Depot, Broad e 4l owhtlt sire (Sunday s oxoaytagn, far point" Worts. a North, et cP. . Freights nit.' be deltveret before P. to teems their going tee lame day. For !either twat m Freight Tenet TRIRTMENTei emi eVALLOwia I l.. 1” to G. T. LhoNAltP, Agent. .13erthwert damp • -1 ~ ! di(ue Inaime anUi-t! til.itaA•t,sk;, artig.ROgag WEST 01:1ESTZE Al4O PRILADELP NIA RAILROAD, tatati , ERRING AitII4.IEMER7I, On an d attar hiculdtly. March 11,1861 , the trains will erPliiladelplins, from the Depot, 1202theaet earner Eighteenth z.zie alarket streets, as 8.00 and 1,1. and dAtl P. m. no Freight Train, with passen s ter ear *nabbed, will leave went rhiladelpina at 6 A. ITIo. na n ing la MP 1111 the Baltimore Central Junction. On /bridals, leave Philadelphia at t A.M. and I P. AL: leave Weet Cheater at 7..30 and 4-lr 2. at. The mine leaving ehlledeiv.loa at EVA. M . and 4 P.M. ellnneOt lennpon wth trains on toe Philakelphia end Baltimore void - rat tiallrorsd. ioT*ol2llelt. rord, ace ke. ILENKY WOOD. General asporintendent. NOTION. /LUST= 11 411141M1 5 ., VALLE Y RAILROAD,,PA2 ENGEf.t. TRAf . IIII F OR powntliilwt)Wit A D IDI. TERMJAKATIi. 3 VA•1701:011.—On *pi after Ni,,. eth, 1860, the mutineer Trams for DoWNINGToWrt will atatt from the e new Passenger Depot of the nits del3his and B. Railroad ComonnY. corner of 13RuAD and tatroota, (entseenor en. %rano& Calloarlutla A MONAING TRAM for Downingtown letwee et 3.03 NI. AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown leaved at 4 P. M. DAILY (Bandon exemoto i t . By order of the Dowd of :he l'idiado phis and Itoadins . I DroAd CalloatIl• ruP Mc EI.KOIN Y. 000rotarr. - - - NOTIOE.-PHILADSLPHIA, May 7. 1861. Tate notice, that we have applied br Petition to the Court of Common Pleas of the city and counts a Philadelphia. Joe the benefit of toe several Insoivent laws of Pennsylvania, and they have appointed BA URDAY. the 25th du of MAY. A. D. lan. at 10 &sleek A. rd„ at their Court Room, la t>aid city, to hear us and our creditors, e - an and'where said creditors mar at tend. it they thi nk proper. _ DANIEL MURPHY. ALFXANDEK M. MITIi. ...La....a trading. Re MURPHY a OMIT% CroVere, at W. oorner Second Sad Goatee ;troops arid rYo. sal North fieoond street. rnyii,10.11.1•1.N,18,21.23,2a" NOTICE IS BEREBY GIVEN THAT West eubeerther hut lost Certificate N0.:368 of the West Cheater and Pniladelehia Baiirmei Conwiuy, en titling him to nineteen snares of its capital steca t and that he ledl apply to the ee.iti com,sany to issue a new certificate. aelB•ths St* THOMAS B. BELL, - • - To BRIDOE BUILDERS.—The Presi dent. Menagere, and Company of the Schuylkill Bridge at Norristown unli receive Sealed Proposale for the rebuilding. of their Bridge acmes the river Sehuy I kill at De Kalb street. Norristown. until THURSDAY, the BUth instant. The new Fitruktire will have Four !pace. Vltilitls from 192 to lea feet, with double roadway, and a central way for foot-passengers. requiring four distinct bum framer A of the Burr arched plan. The contractor to furnish the necessary material i and to eaeoute the work in accordance with plane and spe cification@ which may be seen at the Othee Pr tit F , Maw 604 E, End.. In Norristown. at any tin3g after tlii• date. Proposals must mate the price per fact lineal, for the en ire completion of the Bridge, the measurement trout end to end of the lower chords to be considered the lorti, of the same. The work to be eon:maimed immediately. alter the indention of the contrast; and completed with all pee_ mble deppateli, A. MARKLEY, O. F. 13 ANDOCK. JOHN B. ADAM, Committee. aly 1rM.3648.31,1336 NomusTovni, 187 11,120 fiIIAOK.gRILL, MILKING, MAD, SAI, SDK. k 4). —SACO bbfa. Maakltoa. 1. I. and Mack erel, large, medium . and email , amiortod Packages of oltoloa late-oanight fat fish. 6,000 bbls. New li6lltax, ESEiPalli and Lamour kb ; rme*. of choice qualities. cm bozo nattrt new 90aiusi /Leman 3,000 haze. emus new Sea IferriLqi. 1,000 balm lary filadgl.rna tan bbla. Mao nao White 4 .- 1 ,4„, • • 10 bblit. new .lecTier.-.4 4015.1aketl. bbls. new ti.11011514143,_.... 1.100 Quic!.:.* Wand 100 beim E l o4lo;4"..timor n 14 , sem 21 4 - phase*. fur sale s. v'etb. 1 44 ItTll WU v FREllull ZING-Pure MOW WHITE m9ntistnev A nitiTound in Oil and far at to by Wawgii; konoTg. WI 47 ihail on* 159 9 , Ira ---rem M WEST CHESTER LEGA I . L.:.oldja:S FOCIN1:;, 2 • 1 ,:s* add 14 Acite• • •.t ffmmery :164. 6: sp.! Is P• A "wterb AND ••1.• X n 1; o Nlll7 If. V NA? . ••uuke o'clock, noon, during the business season, • 1,1 .12 u: itlf. , ll.N.lrij ti )6..10n Will Cal a ptiblaill, on tkio Utanti . osch sale, one thoun , 3,nti cstato4nes, form, evini full •Jen , 7264068 61 6.;) thrt 61-66;!'"Pr! , . .9nlfl on the t• °flowing Tusoosr. REAL: Ti!rf: * ATPrti V AI: it it, We h a y,, a large amount rchl estate ailor incluning every description or city to DrIMOT!.T. In kW 00 1 play Do had at tlia aneti o Pitt VA - T6 •ILr. :21i 1 319TER, ° Vole ;yr goal estate entered on out pry sale and advertised 00011810n1: 1 7 sa OUT Wino see (of which one thousand (Multi or. T.lnte4 VeZ °ol . ire,. BTOUKH. U.. on Timidity, 111.fty 21, at 12 o•olook noon, at th e Mature. will he Ll_ 15 shares Sunbury anti Erie Railroad Conipc,t u. Without reserve, for non payment of samurai) 000 shares Bohemian taming ConlinDr of Miohliti,l7 10 sham ?ennui/18 AOMOITIT of Fins 10 shares Shiladninhus trxohange stook, IA Pharos Little Schuylkill Navigation and Cam; pan•. 120 shares North Branch Canal Company. 413,t0rl Srat Tricrtnege bonds UolumDari, Piqua, Railroad it,BAL ESTATE `JAI —MAY Orphans Court Sale—Estate of Elisabeth Vet,. deoeased.—LOT OF OB:.11e1D, north vide or 0,,„`",,,u 'treat, ZKI feet east of Seventeenth sweet. 18 by mar. Saine Betate.-I.OT ettOUND. 'u" above on the rut, /0 OEM feet lag s ame 'mgrs.—AN GrITI It heRuARKOPGIIOurth divided into 44 braiding low beetnnlne et the anttelyr corner of Brown and dixteenili streets, the low, A containing in front, on Sixteenth and Sevep t 4.Tt streets, 161 feet, and on Brown street 323 feet nn ,'"2 l The lot. as Minded. Wi ll have froi to on Brove ' r, - "a iSixt feeet enth and kleventeeLth atreeta. end e wide. ase - Littionraphie plans 'icy be had at the Aoeh t Bte gg re. aNtrOtHE MODaltN THR EE SToRT toueß R SRI - 1204. N.. 1612 Chee.nne same: Hai tie modern improyemeots and oonvenieneee Lot Ton% RstEreet-,IrTiP 11(1.4 150 feet. l'erme-00 400 may nnu rneyre,,,r '• vALUA FILE LO FH It 61E LIWELLIRO": FLY, Re., nor'/lewd corner Broad and Venaneolue.y. 40 feet by 11 , 6% lei t—ti , r w ee n. f la r l. o 6in n e te ...w . Eort ef c e lc out u o w r s E P L e ju re im m u nto , ble in the rear. Sale absolute. REAL ESTATE SALE—MAY 2s, Orphans' Cnurtle—ttstate of genres p, dao,d.--vERY S DELA wAai. EB A ti and LARGE LOT AN U BUILDIINGS, frontlet t•wanson street, i'avis street or land , ne. and rive r D: [aware. Bounded on the north br the eit, prop, Hy order of Antigun's, rt), HANDSOME MODERN Itr sink:INCE, North This tee e. nth street. between Arch and Fiiben streets o ut sid Peremptory Sale. NEAT MODERN BROSS:4. STOI'd 1; It6.I[DroPICE , No. 7100 Walnut street of Twentieth. The house has the temple cos ut nieces_ sae, furnace, bot and sold water, 4.. - 8510 absqlute mm VERY VALUABLEIRON-FRONT STORP, Ya 325 Arch street.. Wast of Fourth. lof by )sii Clear of incumorance. °al." $3.000 ease. Second and Closin Sale, No 627 Market threatEruCli OF On TuesdaN MoANDLIQVpie May 21. at 10 o'clook. at (1 607 N!arket street. Shoe stock of win.e and houore. te , ndint fine ' , harry, xt deira,. and Port wines, &u. Old high - rede brum e ,. tehlAket, lan. VIM- &o . la casks Atl.l beltiee. er May be examined on the morning of @Mau e O'clock, with catalogues. Sale at floc 139 and 10 Scnth Fourth RI. SUPERIOR. FURNITURE, FRENCIR-PLAI nix ROMS, Pt fts 0-Po ST Ka, RH OUSELS CAR XI'S On Thnnulal Morning. At 9 o'elock, at the Auotlon btore, nn mortmett of excellent second-hand furniture. elenant patto-io r p A , fate mirrors, carpets. eto., Iron atn,ues deClirc t house keepinc. removed to the store for convenieDoe sale. MOing NATUANS. AtIOTU A 149 COMMISSION M2ACIRAW7 ?r i gti ww , corner of SIX TB and SAGE IStrsa'a. AT PRIVATE SALE. Rome of IV! fallen fiI*D_PATRXT LY.Yi.X UHEA)IIOI4 'TEA w Bus manufecturtil, et 41 the usual se ling prices, sold lever and Mains iir,r ei alive/ lever and legine watnhes, English, French watches, at astonishingly pistols eel, every damnation, very lowtguns,r.ueiev !aliment'. first quality of Davao, altars, at hat, tie Importation yrioe, in quantities to suit purcautig, various other kinds ofrood:. SPLENDID SET OF SALE DIAMONDS AT Pitr:all Convicting of diamond and opal braumia eat te, rings. Price 0060. Cost in Paris MAO, /l A RO. c spinglo.stons diamond htteit eft. S ido OUT won SALM! Attended to personally by the Anotionear. Consignment of any and every lund of ggeft l., sited. mearz 1710/1/3 TO JA)AII igAti 3 OttO to lost?, • a lowest rani , on Clout,* want% ee. elven'. silver plate, dry goods, oknlntit, aeries. ale re, hardware. autism, wallet!, ta l i r im jar- Lstare. tending. and on goods of every dennttm. ra uce or email amounts, from one do:lar m tauera4ea for any length, of time agreed on. 11161 P he Oldest Established - once this . . . alb . . . . . ' masts entrance at RA E S heet. wo - :citizen hour vow 9A. 1.1. to Y. M. Year? insuranee fo , the barest of deponent., OHAROEII ONLY TWO PER CENT. or Advanoes of 8100 and upwards at mein ent lAgrenties at' WOO and tumult. rt ate ter frt, short lawn. lIIA.CHINERIC AliD Isoll. Pifirrti arFc.V s e! giPrj AND W0161111.--P-711Fa: 4 cricAL Arco 1211;044t1icA..1, m:RBIt rr s Clitrtl474,l 4 olL R-ttli k .x.a.e.Sl,l4esAaiitt and FOVultiaP., harrot., tor tn.‘ray bezv addenda' operattoth 14611 grottielTall 01)0184 .1 p ii id i ng anti rolling% &nut) sad MTV altiaag, t 4) sad Low prewar,' Iran ): , .. 1;1111.\7;vbr raprikro Eck., ke.,..nsiaootfonr 4ter tor :41 pet= lupy rri.psi - Si. to omit, tat tor ...,," , nimst cf Inspuq, Kryor. tale, Etatozary , kr. ;tagmart NUMMI of iitvitrout it tic Di or aTV, W r tom entU WO: clvv-wat,EY. Nvez 7 ficast.-tior vt rptwry ;tusking mode a* the rikertaat untiv. *lt Prec--tre, 'A'r.oo !fix, mtl Cilvetter °rat best Pequyivar.ta et, rout For : !1•v, c:Sil and woos; Iron e.-23 grams ft:atingle, of all tf‘airipaeo. Jan Turami g. : : or i aw erta .. ;, ere PO fi!Of :Ira fair s t4ta w lr i i and k ineltirlAtind anu fin L. work 14CO ii IYNI elttahnisni , free 0 uherge, cm! ctsrrzto4, Ake sallow:ben bays ample , It tad emu .or rmilis of boe.4,l7itsz, thoq G3l lie la aarleat afirt• pp. 4 piondei !.4ftit4, N . V. M.. far Wein knew se, !irir 0.11.V0 S, P . V.Ttt, VOA% an* P Atd.):l onus VA We U. 4.11 IoiIfAIIICK, SOUR IL:" gIL WILLIAM 11. =RAWL 141.1LE1013: 0 1 OUTiri o t.EdITC. POTIRDItY, FIFTH: AND WASHINGTON 821LEMA, PIIILLAYLPStA MERRICK k BOEB, ENGINEERS _AND MACEPHITS. Itanurnotare Hlgh and Low PrOdilttaill 13:eszi lanes for land, river. and mart gip Boilers. Gssotuetsthi Tani% lm u Boats, is: Cub. ins of all kinds, ei th er iron ar brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas lefo:ks, Workshops, li(t road Stations, &e. Retorts and Gan rdEf.,:tlary of the latest and mat ie proved eanstruotion. krery description or ri:Jitctien rnsohllteryi rusk 8 , Sugar, saw, and Grist KS% voouo. rpm Treias, Defesaton, Filters. Fmnsint laths, A ZZAtric . for ktilltettla l'atent Sum &Leg gr i ll it. Wo!;:iVi ll ;tio l et g letiffi !I WIT VI. iponsT PLSABANT FOUNDRY, No. 'al ••• SEA qt, en, lon , rillaitegobja.-IEI MAra Jirr iro6 latonsw Mow Mil ;Mani tir" re Moak cif may:zits at Tin: %bine he J tteM Isll.2lBred to receive order; atria, and goy MW Carnage, Boar, C4er,at )ll/WIl• Work, clearing'. C . 34 1 72164: nano trod '"2l - or vs.po:a Fr_raskosa. !a dry or aNsa mg. or MM. pgltl BUSINESS °ARDS. BUSINESS MEN ARE ADVERTISING In the Beet Nommen of City end C6tintr7 et the Offices of JOY, COE, & Co., ADVERTISING AGENIB, PIP= and cklEsilt ITV 4TRBBIs, tiumnrs Btimpuig, :kelt Yen. taw u ALFRED D. BRIDE'S UPGrall N &TATES AD RITROPEAN tAT O.Ir_FICI.' No. /44 SO UTH FOURTH. /MEV. _7IIILADELPHIA. Patent Law, of U. B.(new) Europe ea "' till mined grate. APi2•O/ HO. lILLId 4N, ATTOlaitY•sT• • LAW, JEttatry elloßE. reanyylyyrit• Cotleottons promptly mario in Clinton and I.7coVel coluitee. irp.m _Mow& Whiihr x Raab, rhiladelphin i J. H. if. Han, an Shore • Messrs. tirtrorott Co„ ghalTn or Ziegler, & Co Philada.; Friametth &CY PWlada.; 14. Mackey, hook Haven : Yard. "V"' & CO., Phi h.i Thatcher & Woddrop. raitada; -"" holds. }towel & Reiff. Plulada. itaiKc MRS. JALIES BETTS' OELEBRATO UPPORTER POI LADIES. and the only N. grte re under eminent grodioal oatrootige. Lsdiet Ind Yli'MAlla ate reeDeotfully re nested to call otS nt rs. Betts, at her residence. 1039 WAIMUT Bite/6 eillTlettlwltt, (to avoid wanted el to.) 'nail 11100 2,„1 eatide hare been advised by their ghrelem" her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing tbi un , ted atatee copyright, labels on the box, and OOP IntZiLand aim on the Stitsorters. with testinweisie totb.w JOHN WELSH, PRACTICAL, SLATE ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERKariTOW: o Road, to prepared to put man. amount or Itoofint.ot the moat moderate terms. Will golauty to rat, 1 every building iierfeotly water, tile. orate stoat it ?Mended TO, mfr. jUi EILLIOTT, - WINE4 and LIQUUM , Noe. 317 and 319 'WALNUT Street, (beinaeo name, between Tiiird lend Foßrth, north r n it,u -d&lnlu.s. N. 9.—lice Old' Vi•nme.t. ohrey. (Establishad iA 18(L) JAN-11 PAWSUN NICHOLSON, 411 . BOOKBINDER!! Nom #/9 and 021 MINOR I" khstreepan Marirat and Oftenokt, vritaw. PAILADELPIL I ' lAMBS PAIVRON, AA. B. NlOwitm , JA-17" F G 'JET.NS, imlitkli'Eß 3 of R.AT,illl' Leto. 5216 Fontlx PROri7V,6:"L jr.ST.ipiva retalarl7 a CaJI Itamortr,s4.l t C:Arauto:a ei CM, which they o ff er it loav vatam. for sash a: al. PreVeill creditJo34 1t . . IZ IRON i3Bl:vat 111 trGiii., QUIGLEY, & BURTON. no. 333 WALN STE EST. PZILA'I)ELPriId, Reg learn to inform Railroad ClojapeaSee, tae open m urcoon iu Undsouonstraution i Ent tlieT adTe oonneotion In boF.noee With NW( Vt. illß 1 1: CiVII RETtheers (r.othpr and 'inventor of the above we known now cJilron bridged and are prepared to esteem order& from au, put or tae country, Isom hie deeifte era personal euperintondence. 6 Al 1.41., All letters releti_,n- to plans and Decimate , ' , 11 " °- addeossod te..IOIIN W. MUN.PELY, .11.1cLnett -1•13-Ins Elta 1:1111IBLEY. k BOX. i) JOB PRINTING. P IE r4l4w JOB PRITANG OFFIV " TIM pp, 8S fintrepdr4l 2a +Melte neatly, chew, sw husge host,' Inrsity "isacarrvita 7 PAMPALkn, PAFNi noon aAJL ULAIIIXIS OF le visicr DEacairsion Yak AIICTIONEERII. LAWYERS SIR CCH.421'511, 1112NUFAOlf RAILROAD ARID INBU.RANOR COMPANIES , PLAIN AND ORBAJERNTAL PRIBT/Ne I Ir AIL wars Ittle raDhastiou 011.4140 Ase t it .m o lith 417 traisas.lll, Juan. will be pro itillaVl3=l; BUJ, ithAva VAXI,IIILLIS hattakii.NlCA, luitia,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers