__Toeterday morning two ‘re-k in a factory Za" ilraty streer , a, -vest ' :., nataad POCET Lyle, aged -abbed the other, Joon " - '7the aide, inflicting 4sms' In that ./....ary had pravi '..:-:!`g;'' " ' l, - a fee, and otherwise abused .. .1 °. "- ~-;er wade use of a knife wbioh he bevy is saawa as a bad boy. „tn se' .., es - Lyle eras arrested and held "•: t eed ° `Y, pi the irjaries inflicted. ce4l:l'r:2l..),„mrs RuiSen was arrested on e. - ! treat, below Shippers, apart the ,bert 'first with a knife, and sialarier lie was bead for a far 73...tribrAteeunan "Yesteray traurning John _ _ • . f „ e sp4re, iffta n Immured woo been rnn over by the freight died from the effeats of notified ta hold an a 11.14.1INTED.—Yeatertitty Inern .:, Fait was a ppointed annerviser, in ard• recently appointed master , r y Win. Miller, driver of a freight hell in $2,000 bail, by Alderman reet ei running over the ettild st near the wheel - - • INTEDLIGENnwt. unortio probability tbat the courts will yemaary to adjourn before the close of Tbe jurors in the Theriot Gonna an ?,beir names on Monday in full numbers, itnesses are at hand ready to dia gpd w the Lotted States District Court Mayday, at which time the . I st r is expected to receive instructions -.l,:tweieder in regard to the law of 'De Orator Seesions was adjourned for ;1B order to allow the court room to be " ti so.lage Thompson in dismissing the :':.rateted that on their return they ior.oliant buswiessawatting their at . iiitt ,„u tits United States laws and the as will have tute ti m lreferenew to treason, sym rebels to be very cautis . < zcremer: Es. Alt ITEMS. io Washington receive daily salt, 13 pounds; candles, 300 pounds; grllens whisky, 025 gallons ; smear. e..fise, 1,200 pounds ; rice, 2 010 1: Ra w, 50 bushels' flour, 115 barrels' pa roods. The beef is changed for barrels pork. • packets between Georgetown and after EiX weeks stoppage, resumed The New York and Polladelphia :,:::181so commence running. The r-ver proteczed. Even Alex-andria, ; s ae vessels were stopped. is now awed sm!es aftimde by the presence of the F r -ate at her wharves , _ with her guns cars the city. These Columbiads are makers. • .-...efeesions are represented in the ratites ,„;- ;7 tria forces. Lawyers, doctors, and tre left their respective callings, and - „,,, x p and guard duty, and handle the a way as to leave no doubt cf the ~is p irit with which they have espouged Vaginia. Many of the residents have n aciicipatlon of a conflict. :15 warred on Friday night, between two resulting in the death of one The party committing the murder has -eyed, and is now in the hands of the civil s, Resell, Richard H. Dulany, and Loden county, learning that the Ken ,riettesta, recently arrtved at Harper's supplies, loaded a team with pro -ul forwarded it at once to their relief lramtusr advises the Secession ; Klisibingion go, and direct their attention it declares the most ma. rt ter Wrier. By occupying the Ken apposite Cincinnati, the Examiner 1.! City could be laid in ashes. It advises the -:!....:r0pt to form their plans secretly, and rieb opportunity. papa? says : "The seateaars leave :t Et the pork; but they may make up their Cincinnatian are fatly able to sere .f - 1 4 suppoge that the Secessionists will W,hington. Everything that is done - .iota; this prrjeot by the Secessionists I to mislead the Federal Sovens- Ki suvek Washington by surprise. ;ha city of Memphis is full of patrols. man is caught going away, either in ,:-,r447-thae, be is ac once arrested by r9ialeMen or patrols, and if be Cannot 0.1 account of himself, he stands a very :nee of being tried and hung as a spy, Refit Mops are concentrating in large .So less than 1.100 well armed men zesti:cs arrived at Norfolk on Friday, to !laxly 100 cadets from the same State. riCktbor there are already five batteries —Le at Crane, Island, one at Sandy Point, Baspital, one near Fort Norfolk. and N !.. a Inn, three miles from the Hcspital. 1,c3 twenty four thousand troops at •••••!:: Iltues is Virguds, equally divided at ?ezersaarg, and en the road betSreen ar3 Charlotteville. Trains every day tent from those places and convey s; emg the hanks of the Potomac, to be :a mit=f emergency, which they say is at troops in Virginia are well gz!: itll. ti Wednesday rays :-- - "Croy. bus issued his proclamation. 74 :set beresiter. until further or.lers, no Faz, 1:tot. po7b, bac , m, or provisions of ....'prim, shall 1,8 transported beyond the that Sts=_: This is done an consequence Lloc::11f8 pracisioatiBn prohibiting I , r,ch articles to and from - , ..Terfr.a. avd people ot 'Maryland are very at the ::..zedessiors troops taking possession .it the Potomac, and it is certain that o.m nut at once interfere the will rite sad drive ibtil 614. Ce. eve: Sufficient obstrue c its.ll, hare been plseed eu the ha. - 4 as to prevent Me entrance or the retie the harbor. We Will have livelY dirtetl c.. cf:rresrondent of the Checinnnti Ga 'S that :4 1 NW percussion Minks rifle nape : Tvtr the Kentucky Central road the other tha Rebel army, marked gar den seeds. virry ITEMS. -":‘17. NEW CLOAK AXII Lyre ':• feet few days a beautiful new Cloak • establishment has been died to this • of the retail trade of this sits_ at No. 29 meet, first door above Chtsinut. `lbis is -ter. ltd one of the mos' beautifully firted np -.sus in this city, and the stock it contains is • 77vang the general attention of the ladies ad a visit of inspeodon, we are warranted in was a first- class ffitablisiun•tet, the rich general elesanCe of the garments bein g = orner. indeed, we have rarely examined sock. in all ?merle, and In it we are :rat ladies. however bard they may be to .7.t.t. - 4 cf h mg suited. in whatever they °Tr the Cloak and Mantilla hoe. : 1,, a'8 Essence or Jameled GlNOaß— 'retie sting the sentiments of thousands in 1 4 , gritty, and throughout the country, in sat lag Essence of Jamaica Ginger, prepared I: . , :e:onr.ator. corner of Filth and Chestnut t the moot awe liable family medicine in use. owes die Area, and is a moat en !tin, Teter and tonic: and we cannot do the - If:tater se-vice at this time than by calling to it SS an indispensable article for every Commissaries. quartermasters, and friends of 4 . - ::teens, who are nor going forth to incur the unronts incident to a change of habit and ex by all mean.. that et er• man is s4k a awed, bottle of this eaoedent remedy. Ei7 TBg PEOPLE SAY ABOUT THE IsTEW Out: ZING BAZI.AR —We are glad to find tha t hertitY endorsement of this splendid new ecablishmeht, by Messrs lvananaker W 7 1 as haartaly encLyseki by a dtseriMilla splendid new snick, obliging and comae tfis. the best artistic skill known to the trade, eromp'nees in meeting the wants of Pa making nos the most popular clothing Give them a will. 411 'isrLan. Slaw Duro Sycau : BROAD Ann beautiful oaa" dose Aar,/ of Mr. C. M. :s . sr.r.artherist career of litOad and Chestnut sts, to find. is already taking a front rank p r ,r,iptitra store, owing to its admirable features respecting poisonous artioles, that only the purest quality of drugs ate !'"• to .% Water fountain if' this establishment 4 ; l ' l *' -ad at the fin.- st in the city. the gyres' are tie wv , ter cold, sparkling, and fresh OVOTY -•-' oru MOST APPIINCIABLIC 110317 CON ' r, e times of gloom and derangement, le Z.... 4 . l ',„''`"abil- pare. and dehoions Confectionery • by ?lasers. E. G. Whitman n; "teat, below. Chestnut. Their spring sure wiuelt are now displayed in greatest • embr a ce some of the most luscious articles for "=rued sialste tnat we have ever enioyed. and t i:: beZig so moacrate brings them quite f ever ybody. We know of no otner --.l.—tt.ct :tat is equally popular. 'll 51f asT. ent.SPEST. AND IN ALL RISPBCTS '-' ."..- - . L+ }=T OrT.iS the Ke.osene Oil Lantla• man `'T mod p,f.d by Messrs. Wttiers & Coo No. 3 5 ~- P-'ettb. Street, nor Sr of Fobert. They have ~,it :sandal and convenient Wage in endless va :''''.2 are selling theta to all parts of the °pantry. '''-'3 1-27 . Set Pups FlTS.—Score of the . -, - arra taed to the volunteers were very peouliar :n"."'-' ,, fit: the yenta onus was a mile ac o big for - -1 --r.o". , :en them, and search yr:arrant-a were in '',,......5-I,eaLni for several days to bunt up alamnt l 't , vue vete eventually thaeoverett and rescued .: :..--T" of esa-, , Det; while, on the other hand, C .. : , t,1111 (1.0 no. reach hair way below the knees • " t Nracean arrangement of milking WS* m en ~ .,..17. a tent ente. end compelling small unea to -i.,,, clothe,, is is strong contract with the ' Purr:., Lt tie Brown Mote Cl 'thing Ball of 1 ` Wlizon. Non &A and 6Da Chestnut street. • i - n -, ..vi.ere nary artlel, 'DS Male prenlacJ t - o rl.- el: i-r. , - whom it le intended. ICIAI'f ROTRie-Citerinut street. alarm ryttb, _ 44 e''..tlinitv FEY.LENG —A gentleman w ho . , 1„,, .e we ;l acquainted with the state of feeling JI G tsFleodwr:,knas. wazbinsaelomstriotnts titvitalwrree.illiitsiolli.li,i.:dzu. :C ' el i Crvohntans. haunt' relatives in various .1 gate, Fittsbatri I ht ;403114 U e D i 1-I. 'd' litaie 3,.beined ita yesterday thit the A -neuter. 1i.. 8 II C. W HatulLa Ottannuatt ;re vets , , no In Bso thorotway united, g r Walsb renneylVannt ..- -Ca _ i INBTANTANEOUB LIAM I . TYr. -- Jay nt. s 0 N mall° d!riew Jersey 1 Liquid Ole .urpuntsce all stlLarg in COMMAIIIO4I III O A ' -V-1-,,,1 sec' " 61 ' n i„,,,,,, II tf 1 . I black ur brown eo or to the Rau, -_-....,, t ~. e- , en„ as had been represen t e d . OW Seem., uwea „. .3 a 0 wiles, West ches,ar - ; ... tt ,a d I , tir. Wily one fact could you set an the lr B K e r n. Baas co. J . i Moustavbee. or Whtskers. Prepared only at JAYNE'S, " 1. ki LVl°aule d;;A n n n a a n, 0 ' LIP,F.BTALT ' , trent. below Third. nr.T l4-15 a , '" . 4 ne• and that was, "the beat clothing r I t i i T ir r(llr Wegt c h6ster fi r EdoMrOtTrappe, ru, 1 ~' - e PS"n.l' Seii at the one-price liift Emporium 0. , 4:7 e :totes. A Haukihs,l4Bla Jerity - r . i ~., , , ... i , . 4 „,, r , .7, Tu „ . ,,, Ta w ATER, -- , q„,sig, t.i)sell.S.P. e ... t. . ka.e.L. ~. 153 Chestnut street. " At this este- 1 - to v.r. ' e ' e x! Intruna , -er is presented with a 'mein 1 THE cr.lON-Areh rag& a reLTM .... . 11 1.... n p r , 1 pamphlets containing the opinions of oelebrated Chem - 4tdseice :iii. tst 4 • I B Bane. Zanvenntle i ,° D E l a • Vi H C :y d tr VPrirr . tin .' , o"... - late and Phsemians respecting the use 01 this WATER ,. , 3 E ` ekes. Altoona. a 'g g HnOriCESIAL TI:00 11 Eld cur e CoU - Ig . a. 1 taint...l Tata , 1.1 --:. , Houton Okto in the case of many diseases of the human aYstain, wilt 4 , e‘t gratis on automation. to PIth,DERICK i, . . ..! , :ten.ta. Ii aushat, any Irritation or Soreness I , be aeon.' - it,_,,,,,, J T hdentlbergeor.Yo Gil na inongor. to f.nititerifUT Stre.rm, or FRED ' . relieve the trashing Cough in Consume li., It a Ramsey, Roy ieatonn j i ß i at o ha u rk g m ll n itli h m wi llt i l a li j I E B tri tl ia l gy ,T , -ti i: ' ,ln., NAN... rs owl OD I...NTNLYr t .. -,, -flora. ,tddite, and catarrh, olear and g a 3) H. 13 Brower, pa NOM 3 B Wieser ~. _ . -,:., mt., 1.,..„ . -voice of sob I 0 epeaters and etagere- Mf rs Twos. eel' fm. NJ 5 Wela4'n Pence '.' B-Taat t' litbe li . Yeansylvataa WP r mery. New Jersey i CALL AND OZT A. PAISPNLItT. s-ola-ti .., .., 4 e lours nf the importance o f checking &Cough ,y„ " a ading. Newereey G V Dietenoh. Cenrofi , ~.. ,___,.....................----------- ,z, 0. -- t : t "'a' "in as fir% rage i ;have - loch bathe be - 1 1. 4 rout t., suous ao, ea h. It Poulton. Ramo o 1 J , i 01.111 ,PBIOB IJLOTIONG OF THD LATEST n,,, 7 ddria.c to mune remedy. IT nospectect.,.. , ea i ..., .....,..er, ....ok- .50, Pa . -..• az Lae 1. - . . be utsnner, as.premady for 1 1 .1.1- t0r,,,, -ESA'. ' .oroerfe Bronchial Treadles" are_ I e ~.4Lath'e article, eapernally so at this eerie not prices 11 .... T. .LOCIStROTEL-Chesiihr ustreewoot.,taieloyewlioitsrtet, 1 a i r_rime s . ALEs lnade 1 . /1 10 °6 w Ee ot T sallies p marked in fla , -- ' ''' ac a Conaha, Colds. Bronchitis, Influenza' I,f h l oi v s """zzaeiz a- 4 , Rtn, i, • , Ewa! throats are en pllgga Cut, The vc lure and simian immediate I, Itob l :risot Wt kii r er a York - -., C a C ie ° l7:o le uer V arse ll air k . saPlairittesoFtlogryirr,o=4llol47-arittiniCard,7B7_tst:ekrao_rdlearaw:ror!tnegited .l X Clews. Namara. N J hked to All are thereby Mewl au IN 1.4 All 1. bo g. ,1 7 , f110ti in the United states, at zrreisefitaa'pekir #Bwlllielfusanpapiatella_e'lvt7tirlyakctri, P 4 a f, C lo ta , r ,, rte. NerrYorit - saw ; jorttia a cQ,, 60 . 4:1A .5.,..:b a1t 1e t. T ,.... 5ir.. . t. ... ,, rerlB-etathat 4 7 , ~ 1,7 `!;,.,... .1. -- ... r; A A* S-, PINA.NCIAI AND CODUNERCIAL. The MarSiot. l'Huariatriu_t, May r, 1861 ItoMors renmulvania fives raised the price to-day, end W6X6 followed up by bu3ers from 75* to 76--olusiog rt /I', asked. City loans aro firm at previous quotations, and dividend-paying securi ties show no ohange. Roe and Vine-streets Pas senger Railway Company stook sold at 6 and 5i ; Spruce and Pine-street at 3; and Arch-street milt). The Reading Rs:head has brought dowel, from the ikhltylkill region, during the past week. 35,158 11 tons of coal; an increase of 5,170 tons, as compared with the same weplt last y.-sr. The an thracite and bituminous coal, from _Harrisburg, which also same down the road from Reading, is not included in the above ; it will swell the in creaser to about 7,500 tons. The Sehtqlkill Canal has brought down 30 226 10 tons ; a decrease of 1,853 tons, as compared with the same week last year. The following is the amount of coal shipped over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail road, for the week ending Wednesday, May 15. 1361, and eieee. J smutty Ist, 1831: Week. Previously. Total. 183 olle. Tons _ s 44 T Sgt 58 200 3.793 80.834 81,824 ~s~o W~._~._.--- Snorease----, . NS 6.471 6.415 The Inspections of flair and Meat in Phi!octet phitt, during the week ending May 18. 1881, um fOUOWS Barran or superfine.. --. do. moddlings—.—. do. Rye... ooroleloned. Total -- Philadelphia Stock Lx haute fast+e G. Ms, - 17. l&ft aIiZoRTID BY gLATMAlint,llleroksnile Exchmite FIRST HOARD. 1 1 443.14 Senna R 56 10 Cato .S Ant 500 t 1e do 500 d 0.....— hi 5 Co ....... SMabt Penna. ss. 7531 a Norristown 4'X 150 &L.... 75he 6 do - - ._..-:...4674 460 city O 114s...0Terw ss 5 Lehigh 5000 Lehigh yin R 6s. 86 50 .. . 4.i34 201:0 d 0..- . 4150 Reading 151 k 100 R2lOO & Vine eta R 6 50 lt; 50 Arch street IL 10 3 Cain & Spr & Fine-sts R. - 8 DETWEIVN 2,}Race&Vine eta R 250 retina 75kii SECOND 1000 Penns 5s WO City 64 K IS 0 85 OLONlie PRI4 Askat PhiladeltNals_ 85 86 68 X. 85 85 Phila 6s new_ 94 64.14. Penns 55... 76.%' 'l7 Sono N - -1556 1569. Read 9E14172 76% SO Read ntl 6s '66.- 66 76 Penns N ex-div. seN 36 Penns R tot Gs 81% . • I Morris Can oon. 43 I Morris Can Pfd .1C72 soh 14 'Et2 51 64 Soh Mr P-446__ 11 1234 lihnirs Is 61 New York Stock I^ooll S as _ ...rag 89 alsol) 'rra 12 p o not: e. 1013,1' 13u00 Mis4ertirA 6§. 6 4 3 i 1010 I on' (maga BP9O. 41 1 4' 00 Virginia . 45. 7 1, 7too do.- 440 000 N Caroni - W(o— da --65 6736 Dui.o do—. - • 09551 1000 L6TIIIII6TIR 68 - 60 6 95 Metropolitan Bk. 87 Markets b CINCLIMATI. May rt.— FL sur dull at $4 he a $4.60 Whisky is 6neteady at le% our. In Promseong there la nothing do nz. and the prices are uniontlrd and nomi nal. Exchange o,'aw York firm at 3i dr cent. prem. for Chio and Indiana mummy. • flawOni geom. May 17.—O•Aten—Sales to-day oft 503 heirs 11. 1, anilMo for Middling. liales o 1 theweek 34 000 bales. Receipts do. --- 2 600 do. Do. of the same week I , st year.. 7 SOO do. Decreased do. at this -- 344 000 do. Do. do. at all .•outhern ports 839 000 do. Exports of the soak.- . 0.000 do. Toul do. of tbe at /AMAX) do. Ptr•e2 in port. &S SuO do. Corcsa.—laies of the week 2 0 0 bags a- 1101440 Impors Of The week b,OOO tags. block in port 8 4su nags. aronst 21 WO bags last year Freights on co too to Liverpool 3d. MARINE INTEL LiliErie,,.. SEE FOURTH PAWS AIL2.IVso , Bark Samuel Tarbox. - Tarotx, from LirdrpOo. v ia thiMiltfal Roads- and the Delaware Breakwater 2 days. in radiant to Workman & Go. S Coast Surrey sotir Guthrie, Lieut Cozad's . blayo. from Baltimore- U coast survey mahr John Y Mason, Lieut Collld'g Miles. from Baltimore. Bahr John Alexander. Applegarth. 3 Gaye Prom Balti more, with molasses to Levering & Bro. „„, Sell? Mantua, Maxon, I day from Fr e„„erier., with corn to Jae Barrett & Sort Sehr Samuel Croft, Cooling. 2 days from Chesapeake City. with in to Chrietion & Curran. gtegmar T r Heath, Slidell 24 hours from 1 Now uric' with mdse to Wm AI Baird & Co, Steamer &Ws, Ribinson, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm P Clyde. Steamer Taeony. Ely, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W tg Baird & Co. CLEARED. StearnsldoJoe Wairney - Love end,Boston, 8 'Winger Steamship Delaware, Johnson, N 0rk..1 Anders-me. B Go ark Dionearell, Flynn, Gott, for orders, Workman & . Brig Mary B Pierce, Dodge, Boston. Noble, Hammett & Scar Gea Mangbam. Band, Cardenas, & W Welah Scar a rgue Eye. Ntobolaor., Key West, Nla, D 8 Stet son & Co. bear Moonbeam Fitzgerald, St john, rtlY, b; A San der .8. Co. Scar White Peuall, Rowell. Boston. E It Sawyer & Co Soar Geo L 0 geen. Green, do do Bohr Mary Franoia, A.lybort. Fortress Monroe, J S Chambers. Satyr Venue. McCready, do do Bohr l attbaora, Bradley. do do tuna Fair Leader...Adam*. Saulsbury. curtain. Soler Lad auffolk. baker, East Cambridg a, Caltner, !Heaney k Wellington.. !Dr I 8 Blbriver. Dennis, Baltimore, A tiro:me, Jr. E 7 TitianArs. (eurreerPoudenoe of the Preze Sticw Alai 17. Below, ahip Glad Tidhisa and hark L., a, l,cuad, from l'alermo• The bark Indian Chief aura, to-an> in the Atins , -44^ Dock xi.* loar oara - o• vb.. , er Coal - awaltioa sailed' Otte afternoon for ReEnig tOn• KENIORADi DA. Steamship Philadelphia, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Ste •niship Denville. Rathbun*, c'-eared at New York yesterday for Havana. Bresinship bainsnonia. Sel.wensen, far Hamburg_, °feared at Slew 1 w-ik eavetday. Steamship City of Baltimore. Petrie, cleared at New York • emerday for Philadelphia. Ships Empire, nroper. for London. and Universe, N rumen. for Liverpool. cleanse York yesterday Bark Vgllaans Lord. hence for Heaton. at Hoover 110:e lath lust. On the nieht of the 1281. 26 miles tiW of Montauk. was in (mutant with schr Geer , lama. of Ca has-et. The bark lost cutwater,iihboom,bobstaYs. &O. Bark Casco, for Philadelphia. sailed from New York yesterday. Bne haeourive, Grant, oleared at New York yester day for Hangar. Orin Delaware. Cobb. from Borden for Philadelphia. sailed from Proviacetowa 16th inst 800 Trenton. Atherton, cleared at Port land ISM Inst. for Privadelphia Soh a Sarah E Jones. Jones, Folios L Day- 'Hackney, Maria J Carlton, 2 airier, Al A Magee. Adages. Clara, Barrett. Ben Watt, Ranson. and 11 13 Simpson, Godfrey, hence. arrived Boston 16th inst. 6etir t Xeeleler, Alley, at Boston 16th inst. from W if mington NC. Bohr A M Aldridge. Bateman, cleared at Boston 16th mat for Philadelphia. Bohr Sarah I lark. Griffin, sailed from New Bedford 16th itist for Philadelphia. Behr Voita. Brooks, hence. arrived at Danvera 12th Instant nein Elizabeth Jane. (Br) for Laguityra. cleared at N Pont yesterday. ooirr Rears Nutt. standing north, was spoken 16 - 11 last off Chinooteay.u*. riehris n Lls nt. Bryant. .1 P Wetherill, Linkein. L P Simmons, Dandy, 8 8 Ashmead. Youris..l B We den, smith. Ka e Kallahas, Kallatiao, Empire. Adams, IS Benedict 0- Idemith, L H Endicott, I. eeds. R W Bene dict. c ids, he York. Piero. Ph i Bolton. Br4wer, oieftred at New yesterday fa.aderpnia Steamers 8 Borden, bildr. and Black Diamond, Al len. hence, arrived at flew Vora yesterday. rteamers Coneord. Norman. and &Ada. Robinson, *lowed at New Yore yesterday for Philadelphia,. AItRIVALE AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, 117 TO 12 Vowels. !AST wow: colt TIN ENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. R hlssao, Ohio Geo M Gillet. Baltimore J W stantey Woro'r. Maas Paul U shirk , Lebanon W F Griswold, New York D E Yates. Cincinnati .1 0 Burnham, New York A J Shope; Ohio Wayne Ma. agh, Yr Chest Jos 11 Metcalf. Augusta IL a. IS Kumee,t, US N J t Lyon. Minnesota J M Barrett. Wisconsin F Granter T N shame: Indianapolis Z Filik, Iv ew Torx .1 .1 Logan & wf, Pittsburg ele Boas, Washington Bann Lewis. Allentown J MaoVenongh. N York AK arn.,141 Mr Lockwood & is Ili Loeser & wf.Pirtirwille Miss e isms Lot ger, fa E El Sampson & la, Boston C K rensetark, J•ew York E. A Dicke. s“n, Pew York Mde Vesoge, New York v. Iqeen,Beteliork 0 8 flows. Pew 1 oTk F Ll 4 Crittenden. New York KL. tiarpeWer, sew York T 0 Bryson. alive, Some 0B P Palmer. Mass Lt B F: harneerlm. Thu I 4 Y 1.4 E W h.tbredso. mme John 8 Frodungharn. en ass Jos Moulton Mass - 3 W Xillinge , , Lebanon J Johnson, Oesding E a bern , ord. oew York E A Brown. 15 8 A H Idot.on say g i okson. Jr. Boston ' J C Mllis,_NeW Ynrk J Et A Parker. Boston ----- Mecook. 'Ohio M.pir J..hn n Eluenes, 0 A IIY Leisenring. M. Chunk Win Ker n . M Cd.unk Wm 8 Mont.:Y.llEBBoam Wle Allentown W 8 O'Brien. Baltimore J Jones, Boston R Mohlorrine, New York Wm L Brauley.New York B. Key, Blida o. N Y IIV to Charm. New York 0 0 _,sanest. New York Geo II Morgan, New "I ork Lev Wilson, I hio .e. e Program, Lanip,ser to G Austin & la, New York OISO H Danforth, N York Wit Doe , orran.Penna I, A Wan, Rochester, N V John F Ulrich. Harrieburg G B Wil e , V. we', la Jersey J G.bbe. rennsylvatua M Big:low & la, Pewit' k W B Pease, Ohio A E La rave. New York Mns Ed P Jones & son. Miss T J Coffey, YVashlngion Jams Berl. Pennsylvania Vi mi. trelfenstern,Poitsv W .11. W right, tincinuen, 0 C . 13 Farnsworth_ Proy, RI J Carer-don lam. Penns. Als Cowin, Baltimore si W illatehford, Cnioago Mies I o Leser. Pottsville JEd Parrott, Ohmßressler, Pottsville W b bleat. Pennsylvania 19 M Lawrence, Paula J 11l Moorhead, Poina W 11/ Wright, Penne. C P ftssuidell, Barri...burg F L Hitchcock. a arrisb'g 11 J a anaweil, Harrisburg Cn A a Eli Pew F. b W E Mayhew, Dictimore Alt McCo.,York W Wilvon, New York W 3.1 Ingersoll, hew York Geo F Potter &. la. Maine 0 Newmann. New 'Yong A 9 t berman. New Volk 0 W sanfo d, n ew York Jan B Crate. New York Geo J Ferry. New k tisk J Perkine. New Y. rk fl R .Ider New York G L Schuyler. New York B. ti Corwin. Da l tonl 0 Jlr Llatlin.lroY, -._.Y yr ror 6016011V•eOW 1 ork Al 4 ' B natio:a. Hart ford E 3 Beeeet.l. Hartford Mr McCall, VOW York John F Bodine & ds, 11 .1 b. 8 elvoro. Indianapolis Me Weaver, NSW Ifirk W M Wiley. Lancaster 851 Hopkins, Gettysburg E W Metcalf, Maine 0 It Sievenson,Velnaraao Mrs Btevenson. Valparaiso W Nom et.at Lo me ki C Jones, New Bee lora A B Van Ling. Dew York --- Yuderton, Virgins 1. I...Lazelr.. ew York 0 ri 1 sycimpson, Providence N Stetson, New Janney A Callelt, New Jev•eY ii Miller. Boston T &rattlers. Warren Min 0 D C.. 0 New por tork W lir (Liston. Newport Wm alcuson, D iyi porter, New York E G*l•sht, Michigan C Seel-y. New Yo.li. P. V Wench. New It ark Wm f' Jones, New Yotk C Burton. Pennsylvania -"-Intilla, Becton lIPJdml MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Foorn inlets below Arab Thos P Pergent. Altoona g F Myers. Bedford Rl, Godbold. tlarri.butg F 7 R Itlontor , . Cinowei, G l 4 Beodwell, Peons Mies Colton. Bolton B Pittebure Fee D B Barron. Mt t H I. Poke U•yton. R Ombra°. Delaware C 1, Woodruff: tonna lime Orem. Mew Jersey John B obrer. stontourg C leobrer,Streetnow S ha Benne. illeberg Joe B Ben oTd. Poona 1 1u, N Orson. Swanton L G Graff rittebu' g C4eb 5wa,5 so. Bove, J Caleb Dowell, Bore, N 9,512 BOARD? Lebieh Valley 65.. 86 1000 N etina 6a. 56 BOA RD 1030 City 68. 3 Pe.ns R. CEB-BT6ADI. Long Island 9 WI Lob dt tr. 4834 4h Leh Cl Ec N Fep. 34 85 North Penns K 6 - NPaB6s..intcBM SW N Penns It 108.. 83 tS ,(16f8841888 ft orwl 5 7 Fnsnk & Bout ,- 11 4.1 12d&34t et R dsvalt.36 Knee& Vine-84 1t..8N 6 West Philp Spruce& Pine... 7 8 Green & Coate* lOU 11 ichange—May 17. co..tr.n Pacifin hl 814 --.. 50% 300 N Y v 724 50 Erie asse n te d— ZAh. n% 50 bne 50 d 0.... .... xeh 200 111 Central loa.— 65% IN G o a ie + n t R hln 1 . 5 0 SX 10 D.L. i Westß—. 75 13 N Jersey ...-....113 Telegraph. STATES BIS JUN—Market street. above Sixth. Robe ratline, tech Haven. R. Aeherton, Centre co, Pa F LAO. d.. Columbia, Pa Jan Co tee. Pennsylvania inali2elll thArd. R.lt alma Ch w Rsher. pint B A t Plvisdetphia C Weaver. Harlem:l:fact I' WOOO5 fluu , ina'a eo, W Watts. Mae i• bunt. Pa Bt TM 'Pe,MI.. s 11.1 4 thafte Wiffiongin G A Butler. 'Alain eo, Pa T R Watt, Pitt bop.. J J Cqde Fia.ll,,bure 0 T Jeffeetea. W Cheater t3l . 'elonead. Cneater on. Pa W 8 Stevan , ..hamtet , e's J V 'threekine•West Cheater 11 . 1 Wilega. la n iae,,co,ta I) Bohn k ta. York ea, Z B sm. Earrishnre S R vtnith. la-aisna Clre earitnn. Vaelata t Menier, Lnnegeter Ari W Creigh. U3J Amttea-mg, rearm Wli fthautn, Watth. e tiartiner, ri GUMMI:.O , AL HOTEL—gixth et.. above Chestnut, E W Hoopes. Chwitam B J Leathern. Cheater co R Brewster, Irri evivenis , J Wiley. Peach Retreat 1, Ri ley , a' Way. einston. I Re tolet,Reatiirer, 1) Uernard• Cheater co, Pa 7 h Leonard, Cheater J liuddleson, Del co, DI J. It Milan, Win Cornish. 'Mika. De I Milian, Elkton, 14,1 A Chexter tto T Getman, flaw Jor.e) Mr Tarter, Piety Jersey Mr Pearce, New Jerre! 1.3 R Ratl. Cheater co, Pa C G Ogden, Delaware R Proctor & la, Cheater co BAH.L.EY rit4tae...F tHtTitil..--Heenstit et.. bet. trine. E Gilbert. }tucks co S Taylor. Bueks on Cli H Hill.;tlnutc'Sao J Barnsley, Backe co J W Croasilale. Newtown 01 ae Palmer naglewoml W Martin.lieunet Square W Maser. Dekwatn J A enthwallader. Penna Ceo C Kat, Itacldenfi'd, NJ tIR FrOnOil. mienestown G W Brick, NJ Jacob Waynt R kart urn. BoleiterY Ely. Pineville M hastburn.rOl • bury Ran To..l , vraville Jno •mi h. gartaril... r. Jun Devitt, Milltown /4 If Morton. et lintton J Janney- Newtown W R Carver, Newtown Jun Pointe . Dneks co A Lonsehnre. Bucks al ...nth Suck in kr), Newtown Jno Ha pack, Newtown Ceo Morrink, Penna S Bnckmtin. Newtown. Ps Chas Kitt:brie°. Busks co MoCktr.y. Pike co ie D Reeser, Buckingharm D alc".ntir. Badmen '1 actor. Neurrow.. Jim filch. Du Ifinghunt H B ce Centreville. Pa J B Plots. Batburo WK D nue St Peens Dct'id e'en. Buckingham James Palmer Bucks no Reeder. Bunk. co Jaa C Cornell:Hte•ke so I W Moon, Bueke co Chas Janney, Dant:ton BLACK BEAR—Third street. s‘bove Thins Miles, Pox qttsse 0 Eddows, idorellasi A Bookman. Porovt 141 Freeman. Famtnn H R.-ro , . Othow W alt. Yartneyrino I Trex'er. V:tr&oyedle Ca.spor *lnds. Somerton 0 P t.,hutt.l) ylestioso ees, Fell, Peni , . r. R Appletoti. totleboto Chas node. Palma Jno hi Waltheiser.Penons :Mrs 3 14v1,'Pouna srls Roads , omerton Miss Roseland. tiomerton 8 A Neal. "ii%rol.r.s.t le Nliss tilde.. Fox Chase Nibs E Miles, Fox , Th*Els Wl3 ov tt. E G Ronuersood Yo ,, llyv'e Pr EBohlootth Easton elemetti, Chester VtAil,y risme. ream J R BLlCilniti, fetus W Ne2ll, DJUngton REVeRE tiGGSG—Tturd street. abuse Rm . ...". P Campbell. P , nna R Guth. A'leutourtt chee young Milton R flamers y CatarAl/110 , Levi Line ellentown L B Jos Whitaker, ;leant Clair BALD EAGLE BO TEL---Third el.. below Calloahill Gen Rush, Eseton T Eir.enienring. Penne iviritnon •mi h. Bee co 3nhii L-exett, Guhixe tie K tines & Benue. Beni beano, Gneiss ea Dr Rio,, iineke en MOUNT VERNO' ELOTtil.,—Reoona et" above Arob J W Kenper, Holtnesburg lambs Dabree. Bucks co Sohn leailor. New Jersey H Heed. West Cheater Chas Fenomore N Jcrser C Hornbeck, Honesdale flaw' mcFate, D C Airs S-anlpson, Fa HOTE.LA--.ltace Meet. above Third, J J geibert, Flacon, Md John s A naera N Jenny LAIVI W firolr. Lancaster on Jacob QuiLiman lc I. ka DC A r, arse. ra SPECIAL NOTICES. OFFICIAL. TRfiAEITaY DBPARTMENT. May 11, isei. SEALED PROFOBALS will be reoeived at due De partment until twelve o'clock noon of /betides, the twenty-fiat day of Nay now Current. for the remain der of stook of the United States, to be issued under 'he act of Congress approved Bth of February last, amounting to eight millions nine hundred and ninety four thousand dollars. Teis Et ck wilt beer interest at the rate of six ter cent per annum, payable semi-Bu mmer on the first days of January and July. in each year, atd will be reimbursable In twenty years from the fist day of January last 'the proposals must mate the sum offered for each hundred dollars cf stock and must be for one or more tompands of dollars, without fractions One per cent. of ti e am unt offered must be cepos•ted with the Tres.- Muer of the United Netts at Washingt • en, or with an assist:: t treasurer at Bosom, Ilundelpbia, or New york, .iteject to the °Me: of the See:star, of the Trea sury ; and the certificate showing such deposit must ace tripsny the effer. The act reserves to the elm:e ters the :it ht to decline bids not regarded as advan tageous to the United states. The amounts payable under the accepted offers for this loan must be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, or an assistant treasurer at Dostou, New 'ork. or Philadelphia, on or before the twenty-fifth day of Ma,. now enrrent ; Put if any accepted bidder shall desire to deposit at any other point, his request Will be conaulered. On the receipt here of the proper certificates stow. ing such deposit, certificates of inscribed stock will be issued to the etteeenrill bidders or their assigneee for, the amounts to which they may be entitled. in sums of one thousand. five thousand, and ten thousand dollars eaeh, as Easy be required. Inscribed :stock so issued will carry interest from the date of such deposit. and will be transferaele on the noose of the Treasury, agreeably to the regulations of the Department, Should any accepted bidder desire Certificates of steel: with coupons of semi annual interest attached thereto, they will be issued acme ding ly, in sums of one thousand dollars each. with eimeous attached for in terest from the first tley of July next. Such coupon stook instead of being transferable on the books of the Treasury. may be assigned and transferred by delivery, The interest on such crunon stook from the date of the deposit therefor to the first of July next will be paid on that day to tae accepted bidder, or his assigns or at torney, by the depository with wham the principal was deposited. The proposals under this notioe should be endorsed on the envelopes "Proposals for Loan or 8 h February, 180," and addressed to the feoretary of the Treasury; or they may be put under cover to the -assistant tree: eater at New York who will forward them to the De partment, They should be sent in season to be opened and dee.ded at tea time above naiad. The preliminary deposit of one per Bent—sww o . o : front all bidiers will be included u r Viiiia to_be-14 , -." .7- • successful biddms, and- . lr; .. Guam, diatalj reintrt" to eore , tar► of the Treaeort• rriVIAL, TELESSMY DSPASTMENT. April 29.1881. SUP,LED PROPOSALS will be received at this lie pertinent until 13 o'clock noon of Thursday, the 60th day of May next, unless the whole amount offered be Isom:ter taken at par, for thirteen MiiilollB WO hundred and seventy-eight thousand dollars of St ok of the U.ol^ ted t totes, under the ant of Congress approved al June, 1860, authorizing a Loan and providing for the redemp tion of Treasury Notes. 1 his Stock wal bear inter. et at the ram ot six per cent. per annum, payable semi annually on the first days of January and July in eeob year, end will be rennburnstde in ten years from the first day cf January hist. flo oifer, by the terms of the act, can be accepted at less than par, or for any fraction of one thousand dol lars ; nor can any offer be considered unless one uor cent. of the amount the eof be first deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, or en her of the Assist ant Trent' , era at Menu, grew York, or Philadelphia. subject to the order of the Secretary of the Treasures The certificate showing such deposit must accompans the oiler. Offers, under the „above conditions, for the amount above stated, or any portion thereof, yid be accepted. at A the sums so wept( d must be deposited either with the Treasurer of the United. States-ors me one of the Assistant Treasurers above named. before the fifth day of June next. Or, if preferred, one-fifth on or before the fifth day of June ; two fifths on or before the fif teenth day of June ; and the remaining two-Cathie on or before the thirtieth day of June next. On the receipt have of the certificates of the proper officers, showing such dep Nita. certificates et in scribed stock will be issued to successful bidders. or their assigns, in sums of one thousand or five hundred dollars each, as rims be required. Inscribed stork SO issued Wiq tarry interest from the date of Ruch de- DOSIt . and Will be transferable on the books of the • Treasury, agieeahly to the regulations of the Depart- ment Should any accepted bidder desire certificates of stock with coupons of semi-annual interest e.ttached to. each certificate, they will be issued accordingly mem= of one thousand dollar , . each, with coupon. attached for interest trom the Rmt dos of .11.ly next. Pooh coupon stock, instead of being transferable on the books of the Treasury. may be assigned and transferred by the de livery of the eery fteatert. The taterest on such coupon *took, from the date of the deposit therefor until the first day of Silty rk, St, will be said on that day to the accepted bidder. or his attorney, by the depositary with whom the principal was deposited. The proposals miler this notice mast be endorsed on the envelopes, '` Proposals for Loan of. Ltd . June, 1860," and addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, Wash ington, D C.. or such proposals, so addressed, may be put under cover to the assistant Treasurer. New York. who will forward them to this Department to be opened and dm:sided. It Is desired that each. .eased proem'sl may be accompanied with a note, addressed to the De_ pertinent, st=. nag the name of the bidder, and the soul bid for. in order that the bins may be opened Whenever the whole sum offered is subscribed for. The prelimi nary deposit of one per centum required from It bid are will he included in the final deposit of the principal. d. P. CR esß. m. 6 on Secretors - of the Treasury. NOTICE. The following Order, issued by the Navy Department on the 26th ultimo, is now made public for the benefit of all wheat it may concetm NAVY DEPA.tratENT, April 211. To 111 - 2 Forays At - Dttok o 2 TIrE TREAeVEt Sir: The amounts found to be due to resigned Nay/ Officers from the States - whirl clam to have seceded will hereafter be paid them from the United States funds heretofore lout to or deposited in those, States, except In oases whom the Department ellen otherwise direct. I am, respectfully. your obedient servant. OIDEON WELLES. Secretary of the Navy. A WORD TO TER Istinn.—in the decline 1 of life the loss of vital force coneescent upon Ihr steal decay, gy, , n only be safely supplied by some vivify ing preparation which 'recruits the strength and epi-its without entailing the exhaustion which is alway a the final effect of ordinary et mulanta We tender to the aged ROSTETTRR'S STOKACH BITTY-RS as an in vagerant and raster/aim immediate in its beneficial action, and permanent in its effect. It tones the stomach, improves the appetite. acts bite a chat in norm the spirits, and tends not amp , to prolong life beyond its usual assn. but to render it as enjoyable in its evening as in its prime. For dyspepsia. oppression after eating, bilious ohollo, wind choke, spasms of the stomach. rook i or nervous headache, °hills and fever, minims. pros- I tration, and all the complaints special to the feebler \ sex, gthweholilitatevreswleese,aerdnethsetliyr superiorleulzueeffitdcyblutthstrocul-i sees. For eats everywhere , RYOTT & th)., Agents, No. 23'2 N. SECOND at. i Philadelphia. ruyie-ltd&W ' _-- THE PRESS.-PMLADELMIA, SATURDAY, MY 18, 1841. IBA"Bla°11113 MHA celebrated t old perfect Hair Dye is the beet is the world. All miters ari. mem imitations of this great original, yrniob t i spt gained such extensi 715 patronage in all parts 01 the ;del.". The genuine W. A. Datoheloes Liquid Kau PTe inetexf Ili Predawn! a splendid black or natural Frown, without gaining the skin or injuring the heir. sod will rs.!edv his eel effects Z•tv.tt dyee, invigorating dm hair for life. Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by VADIVESTOOK & CO., D VOW & Pluladelphla. (LARD PRIMING, BRBT AND VEIDAPBST IN the City. et :14 Booth THIRD eitreet. CIRCULAR PRINTING. Heat and Oheoreol io the RT. at 34 Tooth THIRD Street. HILL-HEAD 1 RINTINU, Hest and iiheaue.ee in the Av. v. 34 Smith THIRD Street. YAMPILLET PRINTING,!and every other emeriti' lion of Printing, of the roost superior quality, at the moat illotottable raise, at RINGWALT & BROWN'S, &revere Builditt. 34 Eonth THIRD Street. dole-tf 14.12korma it BAKER'S OBLEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACKIN Es. The Beat in live for Family Bowing'. No. 730 (111ESTrt UT Street. Philadelphia. au7r-17 CROUCH—FITIIIA,N.—On the ]ritti lin taut. be ger. W. gittlicart, Mr. James T. Crouch to MlaaLeodemah Fithian. oth of Phila stela's- ' Rom F,61,-.D rrON.- On the 10th or Augnat last, by Rev. J. C. May, 1). 1)., 'militant C. Itostotil to Heart_ eta Patton, all of this city. el3iGte:ll—D ClO L the 13til instant, by Rev. 3. G. Wows, W. Aug, Seiner. of this city. to Annie ?I- Mushier of ths late Samuel Pittsburg. • DIED. LB+. 011„—On the 11th Instant, lease Leton, Brir m the l'ath ye _r of his are. ""- The relatives a el Pleads of the family are minaret fully invited to attend his funeral, from the rest deuce of , his son. team Leech. Jr., tireenway lane. near Darby road Twenty fourth weld, on Sunday at ternoon. 19th instant, at 4 o'clock, without antler mouse - DLE.R.--On Friday morning, 17th instant, C. C. Ender {{ • •uneral wig take place, from his late residence. 307 +Sou at Third street, this (Saluda.: afternoon, at 3 o'clock. NAL Er.- 0 11 the 16 h instant. et his tendons°, Funny aide near Bristol, IRO, nun Bail, in the 62d year of his one : Funeral will rave Voce on Monday morning next. at 9 ri'elock To Mt need to Laurel Bill. AR SPiltibi• D.—On the Nth instant. Fnuna 111.. eldest daughter of Irlizaballi and I Its late Henry Arens fold, in the 2tlth ye tr of her age. Funeral from the ree.denee of her mother, No. 1011 Rare street. on Sundae morning. at 9 o'clock. * SCIITH.—On the 11th instant. Mr. James Smith, in th- Y.11,F of his age. Funeral , rom 1. , ..te residence, roaths street, above Te ellth. on Sunday moraine. ate o'ctook. 131 1 / 1 D414 A W.—On the 16th instant, Mrs. Ann Brad shaw, in the 61styear of her agt Funeral from the residenee of . her fermi! Pawing, Paul gm et, Frankforn. this (Baturany) af ternoon. at 3 o'clock. DI IR 0184./PL—On the 13th instant. Geo. B. Dickin son. son -of Henry Dickinson, Whitemarsh. Mont gomery countv. Funeral from bin tate residence. No. 1230 9arien street. between Girard avenue and flunnlnion street, en -n day morning. at greclock I-1 r R ci...h.Y.—On the lath instant, Emma, daughter of George and Mary Jane Ramey, in the 7th S ear of her age. Funeral from the residence of bey grandfather. Nathan ukei.s. Ella street, above Garrott, this t dater day) afternoon. at 3 o'clock. In 888 c tr.M.—On the 16th instant, J.ihn IT. Hubbard, Jr aged 15 years. Funeral from the resident's of his father. No. 708 North Twenty second street. above Coates. this (Saturday) afternom, at 2 o'olook. JACK 4 , ,N.—Uti the .6re inetent. Meg. El zaheth B wife f George W . . Jackson, and daughteyof Matthew an Mary e'aanor aged 23 years. Funeral fromthe residence of her husband. Eleventh street, aeove t,olumnia, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. H. 1. OY.--On the 16th instant. Alice Kolb,. In the eBth year of her age. L.-ifuneral from her late residence. N 0.3907 Hope ttreet. on Sunday afternoon. at 4 o'oloo9 " Id — OD th , 15th Instant, William Henry - Mean in the 61st rear of his age. Funei el at the chapel of the 0 id Fellows' Cemetery, t on Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. BLACK GRENADINE BARE 3E MAN- Tr...ES.— Mawr Grenadine Barege Points. Sleek Serene Mantles. B ack Ruffled Barese Points. Black qlrege Shawls. Silk Borders. Buick; Barege Nbawls. Crave Borders. Bllok Bilk Net Shawls. Black Grenadine tthawls. Black Batelle Shawls. 84tin Borders. N. 11.--Nitept•ettde' Plaid Poll de Chevres, only 1874 cents. Wide Dart Gray Mohair& 181( oents BEBSON & PON. Mourninc Store, 910 CliEn t NUT direst. S PIRIT VALI S3I.—LEO MILLER WILL len.ure at SANBIOIO RTR.e.KI HALL.on at 10,4 A. M . and 8 P.M. Mortang, on"Eliiint Influencm " Fee x4O vening."laltp,reuMi and the Bitoe." Admission 5 ewer... "THE HEART KNOWETH ITS OWN Bitterness. ' or " Parents and Chiidren to 04,n -van "—Hay. R. A. Oa RD kri will pleat. hon thiii sub• lout on SABBATH AFTFRNuON. al 834 o'oloot, at AMERICAN MECHANICS' H AL L. Fourth acid deorge Stream. lt* NOLPN. Superintendent. irr FIRST REFORMED DUTCH CHIURCII, corner of ARVE.N rii and SPRING NDp. t e, ?greets. 'Pais Church will be open (D. V.) TO-870R NO W. Rev. Dr. Me.sler willpreach in the morning at 1855 o ' clock , and the Rev. Dr. Thompson In the evening at a matter before 8. It* CHURCH Or THE INTERCESSOR, B PAIN OA R• EN, below goad.—The Irresor wi . (D. Vo preach a. 1034 A. M. end quarter before 8 P. M. Yowls men reareotfully invited to the Bleak': Service. nolleotion. morning and evening,for•'lluiid me Find." 10_ n:rTHE WLST SPIRUCE.ST. CHDECH.— The Hey. W. 9. .11-t.l.ife e.E. D. D.. of the Wee , - ern Ibeningie.tlEerninary at Ilegneny, will Proaoh at the West p nee-street Prost"! terian Chetah eielltf of Spruoe and tt.venteenth str- ate, on SVALIAY MORN tNG. the 19th, at ID% o'clock. In the • FTER •OnN et the tam day. at 4 o'clock, the oar. W I. HUNT, of Coshocton, Ohio, will ,e oh in the same eherch. 11* o.:r FATHER BEE SON WILL PREACH tn-morrow at IaIS o'clock to the Presorertan Church. Seventh West. neat Sh open and at 11% cfelcok in the earemolp B tldtna, corn•r ot Fenth nun Garet nut. and at 734 o'clock- in the Bantle. Church, Eighth street, above utsion, LA RtrOilatA will eine An anpv- - priate vieoe ok each riecasion. • collection will be taken in aid of him We ston for the Indian LTSTATEMEN T 0 V THE UNION BANS. equired by the second section of the ete• of tie Gen er al r AsaliinblY of this Commonwealth. approved the 13th day of Ootober. A. D. 1857. Amfmnr of loans and disoounts.... —•• • • • ...Ma!! 15.2 a ' • dne from • 442 42 of notes in eiroulayiviVr - 01..7 1351. Pri t n i ltgt.f . ip-f ----- ; • mein o the Lnton Rauh. Leon " 'Day that the above nta.touseni is eer 'Fig, to the beat of r h y knlxtidiNerntalbt*' • swoinVeloiAme, this 174) of Kat, A. D. 1861. , JONA fi. &RICK. :rotary Public. rrSCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA. RAILROAD COMPANY., An Adjourned Meeting ar 1 election of the Stock holders of the Pcbuy ikill end Susquehanna Rat road company will be held at the CONTINENTAL B.' erhL, in the city of Piidelphia. on TUKPAY, June 4. 1861. at 1:0 clock M , for the purpone of choosing a Pre sident and am !Renegers to serve for ihe ensuing yew., and also for he conieUorntoon r f en( h otter business as may ernoerly be b.utight before as meeting. ' inyl7 at FRANK S. !wry D, Peeretp.ry. 0F F ICJ/. PEN RSV LV AIN IA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 17, 18171.—ike rd ut Directors have Oils day declared a sonn-an- Das! distdend of THREE PEA CENT. on the capital stock of the Company. clear of Enito tax. Pala e on and alter Mn, 16th, lgel. Powers of attorney tor oolleotton. of dividends can be had on apolioatiou at the °fine of the Compsoi,_ 338 A. Third street. TII.OMAS T. FlR'rli. 39181 m Tr43s.lllTer. IeTH-WARD HOME 6UARDB. rha ei"lzerrs of the Ward not already c.'nnected with the !dii.t.ary. are respectfully invited to ar•rd a ineetins. ar Co , . Chanel; 3srd Sees' r o el, FIR Street re'ma Walnut- oa TUN (Naturaay) DITKNING NI ay 18 h. for the surmare of torming auuther Cowan, of Home Guards. ALEX. WILSON. Fteor+ter•. ATTENTION'. UNION A RTILIa EY C A RD.—A syemal meeting of the Comyrn_y will be h•ld at the A. mot,. tilltO.D an d Ar CH Sts on Ttibi•i•D PI G. way 21td. leal. at 8 ek lt J. B. JENR6, Secretary. MILT ARit INSTRUCTION. Slibled.Fß COURRw.. g FOR CADETS. Those desieng to j.on are requested to meet on FRIDAY. Ms, M etas . be low at HLIV 4 En' B EIALOJN, Broad W1116121. Mina* 1 LI EAU QU A RTERS COMP ANY D, FOURTH Ct,MPANY morifio-s GUARO.—Pni- LADELLP)II..,- May 12, 12.81.—We. the undersigned, ofhoe•e of Corupthr O. Fourth comma] . hi. n 0 , unard, on behalf of the Cnmparly. return our nursers thank.. to the 'I rosters of the Ariterteetl hleeh Mere Hall. corner Fourth and George streets, for their kind nena in eolonteennit exten d ed pany the nip of the Hall tor Drills, and hay.. every theoit, in their power t , aid the CoMpitirt + in the r undenaging We also feel ourselves under lasting obl.gationg for the kindness thus extended. Whl. W. BWEITK. Capt. Company D. JOHN 8, .11 UHL, tat Lieut. 4 . JOAN 25 DONNELL, 281.1. int." lUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —wANTED• coo abie-bodled men, between. the ages of 31 and 35 leers. not less then five. test four end .a had' Mabee high. and of good ohmmeter. Soldiersßerving in this corps perform duty at navy yn.rds and on board United States ships. o f-war on foreign stations. All other info.mation which may be desired will be given at the Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street- First Lieutenant W. ATOKES BOvD. Reuniting O ffi cer, MILIT ARY GOODS. L. s. A. SKY-BLI:R KERSEY:I. C:. B. A. BLANKETS. ()ABET BATINETTS, FLANNELS, (All Kinds For WA by ALFRED SLADE., 44. Co., m716-8t 40 enuth FRONT Ettreet. MILITARY CLOTH, BENJAMIN BULLOCK & SONS, No. t. 6 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, dre mow manufacturing, at their own Mill,, neat Conshohocken. Montgomery county. 6-4 CADET CLOTH., PUNE INDIGO DLITE, Adapted eseresely for ARMY CLOTHING. The goodg can be seen at their store as above. my u-tat lOWN TIiOHNLEVS, 311 CHESTNUT .street. north side—the oldest establishment in the United States. INDIA-RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, Yor Arm! and haw Venip t oen , ,e, eta t,NT ROSES.% u.a.:01 , SLAP X' RNA esAcas. RN A PSA.I7.E.S, RAVS,ROCKS. it a V 14: RSACE.S. TENTS. OUDI COVER!, GUN COVERS., 1 / 4 " !PE% CAYES. AYS. t..0.k CAPS. OBATS., And every other aflame that is manufsetured ot imam tibber—ia ol the beat material. JOA my3-lin if N TRORNLEY. MARRIED. MILITARY NOTICES. i►IILI'I'AHY GOODS. ifIOMPRES'SED BULLETS.--United States 51naket and Ride 13111 s aLso, every de scription of Boned and Uonicai Builets inanut,clared an orak. . Law stooke ormatautt, on hand. thders idled at I)! TROMAB Una Lh.RUY & Co., Patent ehot and Lead wo 261 and 263 'NATIO !Street ribaV Yoak. MY /En P . lIVATE LESSOIs.I9 IN :SSIALL AND 13110 AD SWORD, am well as BAYONET Wen bi Mr. J. BONNAPOIJS rinsed b. Mr. A UTZ L. Address Fenoing Club, awns; BROAD told WALNUT ar betto. mill4l* 12,11* 0. THOMPSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, N. E. CORNER WALNUT AND SEVENTH ST., Anavelloce a New Stnok of FINE SPRING AND SUMMER MATERIALS. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. 00031Iglale la part of very dearrable styles of weer French and English Malian CLuTiIS. COATINGS. GASSIMENES, &0., relented with eepecial care and reference to the wants of a DISCRIMINATING AND FeBTID.OUS CUE fOhl. Re wren, the following inducements for your pa tronage Good Mate. at, A Perfect Garment, and Punctuality and Precision in the execution of al orders. • INSPECTION IN RESPECTFULLY INVITED. pel3-tuthe-2m COMMISSION HOUSES. 11VATE RERSEYS C.M.4()THS, Suitable teT er Naval vureosaft , eala by rE , OTHINGRAM & WELLS, aDIS•if ti 35 LETITIA STREET. pOLICY HOLDERS Ant others wishing to obtain the last Annual Re port of THE Mit UAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK, Can do so on application at this Agency. The Assets of the Company now exceed SEVEN Awn A qUARTER MILLIONS or DOLLA.RIL MI of which belongs to the Insured. F. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent, 400 WALNUT Street. N)TI D E—BANK OF PENNSY t The' Auditor aviriuted to adjust the second ao oosat of the Hank of Pennsylvania aPretir rives no tice to all holders of the Notes of said Dank +o remnant the same. for proof anti regovry, at the office of the As-igT , OO/1. No. 401 LI 80 Y Street. (second story.) the say of Fhiladslphia. , eitriv tietire the 25th day of MAY; 1. 61, otherwise th+l will not to ent.tled to share in the present distribution otesO9ll bP resistsred at the Attignse're °Flee every day, hems, n tile,hoto of A. M. and 3P. NI. f Aitnod OsONDFW. BIDDLF, my1t,20,92 21.15* Auditor. qEVENTIE YRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, tl BRO 4 I) Street, above Chestnut street: ( Rev. Dr. Crowell, Pastor. —a 8 rs.Rb:ol. °el) VIEW of the interior end exterior of ti ie Mince (Where tte Gene nti Amemblv anl now in temOon) will In ready on BA' WITRDAY MORNIN'i Price 35 oeote. McALLIS CFR k 14R0 - 1 - 11F.R, stii Cli t STNCr stveat, 1711 ES T PRITCIE-STRi.t ET PRESBY v • T.'lll - J 1 N CAUBCH. (Rev. D. Breed,. Pas tor )—A. 14E/(l.lTb PICTUR eof the inter i or of this Church', with adeanription of the edifice. a history of thA Congregation, &0.. &0.. handsomely oclored. 38 °ante. fiIcALIASTR.R & my IT 2t 728 linitsT , etnret. WEST ARCH-STREET PRE sBY TE • RIMY CR ( Rev, Dr. Edwards, Peeter,)— The Interior of this Much tissidisomely illustrated in CIF BTEREOSt.OrIe PICTURE. Price 38 a enta Mc ith LiftT B. & BROTHER, 728 CHM gNUT Street. UNION. ENVELOPES AT MAGKE'S! UNION 'ENVELOPES. at MS CHESTNUT 13 UNION r.NVE..OP . 04 at MAO/5e 'S Uhl PAPER at Sl6 eIIiCATNUT Street. I.Pelt/N DliEe at MAGEE'S. Ilisontatittired and for sate. wholesale and retail, at btationery burr, 316 CHkSTXUT Street, shove Third, Corner of Hudson street Corner of Hudson street. MINT 'OF THE UNITED STATES. PRILLTIXT PAta, May 15 11361. r3B LEI) PROPORALh to ettitrlying the Mint of the VIllt•d .taies, and the . Branch Mints.tl required.. with ACIDS for one peer, trom the 22d Instant will he received tiL the undersigned until 12 o'cio.k. noon of to.t. da.. The nu r e, o. oarttnw void. to tie oi the strength 99 degrees Become and The eulyihuno acid 66 ee aaaaa Besnme. said acids to be delivered in Riau carboys, at snob Limes and in inch gaanrities es may be required The Proposed/ eLould b.r. endorsed .• Propo sals for Acid." J A htlia PO tiLOgiti my.16.6t Director of the mint. LOAN WANTID.—I will pay a liberal ['Malilllll for the um of front SLOW to g 6 (O giv ing /us collateral the OlTOUlatt Or LOW of a country tank. S •o 1 Ali, reliable Damon b..ning means, and who Was agree to hold the bills !merely for two or 'lure mown, can mike a desirable operation. .1* Odress Currency." Continental Hotel. Phila. wlB LEGAL. TN TEIE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE AL CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Jas al ER MILLER. Eymeutor of le LEAOR . JONE 4 who was Assumes. of WILLIAM CREAN. vs EDWARD P. HAWKINS and HENN Y to; OVERMAN. terra tenant. March Term, 1861. No. Lersti Facies he evd.tor apeomt - d by th- Court to distribute the fni din Con t Tamed by tee EherifiPe ea e under tee shove wfit. of al. that oermn lot or pi. ce of ground. situate on R oaduthorestadly side of the Lanoaster unipike as re eab., to a ierent survey thereof in de by Francis Lightfoot. Fes.. at the distance of one hundred and fifteen fent seven inoties no thweetwardly front rile Dorthwartwardly aideof eergeant reet. in the borougn Of Wee; Philadelphia, aforeellq , connalnlng in front or bi molar. on the • eid LencastSr u forty feet, and eat...mhos of that width in length or depth smfliwestwaidly two hundred feet to the nor.n eietwareis side of urea!' street to certain fifty feet wide street:laid out and intended to be opened fo pub lio use. by the said William Crean, parallel arab toe said Larter urnpike Hoed ;I I t tootled northeast waolll the said lat rev ter 'Ywropike Hoed. south westear ly by the said Crean street. noifßialit/PNlRC bynther er and intindedlApistillt - the said Willem ollareleNeardeuture bearing even date herewith. but duly exec ec kaewledged, and delivered immediate 1, before these presents. and intended to be fotthwith Amos deli scoordins to law. tor the cossideration money therein mentioned. the who e whereof is hereby se cored grant -d, end eenveyed unto tbe said Ndirard P. Hawkins; itil2 . o; ieti . hleot. nevertheless. to tile espress hoeiwoilan-dreeelne eaten relrint.V 5039.=, or etareh marinfeetory, or other building for offensive ocouration, should at any time thereacter.he put, erected, or used subject, part of lb. thereby granted lot of *round ; and also. to the express restriction that 1 o building or part of a building should at any lime thereafter, be put. erected. or used on t he said anorn-deeon bed lot of ground wtth'n fifteen feet rum the tine of the said Lane liter Turn pike !toad.% will attend to the duties or ols IsPo 'fitment Turn on To, IiESDAY. the 3oh day of May. tout • A. D 1861, at 4 o'clock P. M. at n s office, No u 49 South SIX Street Pniladelphia. when and where all nervous in t rented are 1 . 0(111ell , t1i CO errant their claims. or he debarred from tsonang in upon the sem rand. roylS-itit JOHN F. BRINTON, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' UOURT FoR THE tilT t atsD COUN r PHILADELPHIA. of H cr. BY POOLITTLE. Deceased. Notice is linieby given, that the widow of the said de oedont Lea to rat a Court. her petition and rip vrab i ement claiming to retain tt•ts p-rscota party therein mentioned. of th. value of 5 186110, noder the sic.os of 14th April ,lBlll. and Bth A pit'. 1869.*nr11. 110 sam e WI 1 be approved OR FRIDAY, 7th JUDO. 1861, rinilfall ex ceptions are filed thereto. Ad. gulls ow at Fo i. r the etitiourr. _ _ IN TUE COURT OF COISIM"N PLEAS -s- N FOR THE CITY AND COtTNTY 01? 2111 L- A KARIN W 1501 C, by her next friend Ouetavos A, /mare. vs. CHARtittil•W UGlti. Repternber Term,loo No 10. , n Divorce. Dear air : Please take notice, that the Coot has this day 'ranted a kola on you to Show c•use why a Divorce a v.nonlo Fliou'd not h• decreed in the above ease. Returnable the let day of June. 1861. at 10 v'eicak p lO ,Ir. Charles Weak. Rogporident above named. B. iiERIL&R.O, All'y for m Lib. Want. ...May WA, 1841. ylB sw 4t* _ . 1N • THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR IHZ ACCITY AND COU'iITY OP_ PADA. DELPRIA. Vstate of JAIr•E NICHOL& deled. The auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court to au dit. battle. and adjust the first and him' 11004.1 tint of lueoPl HR. dnunistratnr of the eAtate of JANE NICHOL"... deceased. and to report - distrioution of the balance in the hands of the ammantant. will meet the Petriesmtereeted. for the pprposes of Me appointment. p oit TALTlelqiY. the 2.11 day of MIL• . A. .at, m., at the IR hatiERILL liOUStt. In HANSOM Street, above Sixth. to ahe day of Philadel hia. VIVO. F. POT l'e. thylcl•fmts-at Auditor. p F.STATE OF JOSEPH KONI6DIAOHSK, late of Ephrata township. s anoaater connty.de• ceased. I Wets testamentary on the estate of said de ceased havens beennured to toe undersigned Etecti tele of the valor* scu d dooeneed, they nerebi save unties to all Perseus braving o aims or demands against the es ata of said deceased, to p. event them TO either or the undersigned Execumrs, authentma,ed. and all persons knowing themselves indsbred tagk said estate are requested to Make eminent wittomt delay. tip a* RON DOI &GEIER, Residing in Ephrata mg.. anC RP c % p hrata P. 0 a ATER. .26-th at Residing in the city of Lancaster. DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 11 - CITY AND COUNTY OF PVILADELPRIA. WILLIAM DIVER and ELIZAIIP.TEI , his Wife, vs. vim.. rILAYTON and Charlotte his Wife, (for J merit/ Diver,' and JANE DIVER. une Term, ma. 1 , 40.17. Pursuant to an order of Court,. made in this same, the wntof Aummanii issued therein IS publl6lloo, Viz Curd and County of Philadelphia, is. The ommonwealth of Pennsylvania to the [as Sheriff Sheriff of Philadelphia *mint/ greeting: If William Diver an. Elizabeth. his Wife, make you secure of prosecuting their claim, then we command YOu that you 11110/ WOO, by good and :awful summoners. CiaVaii and charlotte. his Wife. tformerlY Charlotte Diver.) and lane Diver, late of your DOUII , Vi so that theY be and appear befere oar Judges at Ph lit dota at our District Court for the Ctty and Coon' JUNEelphia, there to be held the Ist mom . AY OF NEX to show wherefore, whereas they, the said demandont and the said delendant. together and undivided , do hold all that certain memuage or tene ment and lot ,or piece of ground, situate in etlanayank, bout deo. limited , and desorthed as f-1106 , 8: beginame at the northwestern corner of 3. lot aold by the sheriff o , the City and Couaty,of PliDadelphia as toe property of liam Diver, that is, in the line of a street laid out by the Soho, Mill Navigation Comp' , Y. called tower street 96 feet 8 inches northweetwordly from the corner of Market and Tower streets, thence extending along the eastward{ , hue of , 's ower street north 37 deg. and Sc min. weet,lo feet e nones to a owner of a lot sold to John W. EltePhens, thence north 61 deg. 30 min ,east a ong said Stephens' line 93 feet 11 inches to the west erly side of blllsstreet, thence along the mod inches 6tieet s*iit h 30 deg. 30 min., east 16 feet ghl to a corner or the lot sold by tee Sheriff as aforesaid. thence atone the line of the game 94 feet 2 inches to the mace of beginning', with the sonar enances. The same defendants partition thereof between them to be max.* t ge.eAr.diag to the laws and customs of this Com moos al Shah case made 8110 pror.dedi, gran tor. the same to be done. do not permit. very .un justly and against the 861118 laws and customs. a t h o s e said. Ito And have you then there the names of summoners and this writ. Witness the Rosman's Geo. Shorewood. Doctor of Law, President our said Court at Philadelphia, the XI day of March, in the y ear o our Lord 136 . apse ‘66G P. A. TR+. GO. Pro Prate!. TTENTION T.-BuSTON B li. 0 W 27 I -IL BREAD, froth doily. at GEO. T. RILEY'S. No. 11.5 btreet. Fanulies, Hotels, and Roston- Tanta supptiod. Also. extra Milk mod Soda ttisonit. CLAM StIUP SERVED UP EVER'. ii2s by JAMES PROSSER. 1,116.t1 NO. %OK M A H K iIOtROWN'S E.SENCE Of JAMAICA AA" GINGER.—FREDERICK DROWN. Chemist and Druggist. bortheut corner of Chestnut and Fifth atm. Philadelphia, sole manufacturer of ttrown's Fesence of Jamaica Ginger, wttioh is recognised and prescribed by the medical facul J t end bus become the standard family mejlie , ne of the United btriVelh A 'sins bssenoe lea preps' rater' of unusual es.eallenss. In ordinary diarrhma, incipient oholera, in short. in all oases 01 Prost• ation of the digestive functions. it is of inestimable value. Daring the prevalence of epidemic cholera and rammer complaints of children, it is peon barlY etheaolOtte no family, individual, or traveller s hould be without it. ZitiTICE „ --To prevent this valuable Essence Hain being tmunterleit a new steel engraving, env:sided at a great Cost. will tiefout,d on the outside of the wrap per, to order to guard the purchaser against being im posed upon by smileless ttn,tations —lllB. Prepares only by Eft h.D . E.O IC K 'MOWN, and for !MA at his Drug and Chemical etore. N. E. corner of Fifth and Chestnut fatalists, Philadelphia.. and at Pit V,- DitOl. N. JR.'S. Drag and chemical Store, S. I, corner. of Ninth and Chestnut street% Conti- Hotel. Philadelphia. Also for sale by MI re j ensemble Druggists in the United States. mv4-11m GKAVEATON FS, 14.1 LA V .Irmilltri lllr stook of Grave dowse add MOdamenta to be 1014 at very reduced !mom flame call and eicatadvas before porch/mug elaewhare, at Marb le TiSL YI Works of A. aKEU. 11411 Fas arm Avows. Wow B.l6llothglivia. MOURNING GOODS LOW PRICEI• WIDE DARK GRAY MIXED MOHAIR!. IBM BLACK AND WRITE ORGANDIES. IMIL ott. BLACK BALZORINE3.I6X DEOIRABLE GRAY GRENE DELAINFI3,I2}iots. BLACK AND WRITE GRENADINE BAREGER, 123 , 4 etc BLACK AND PURPLE GRENADINE HAREMS. PLAIN BLACK BA.REGEB. UN to 26 ota BLACK CRAPE D'EBPAGNE, 26 eta. BLACK SATIN PLAID EAREGEB, 25 eta. PRE PRERD PLAID FOIL DE CHEVRES, MI eta. 51ECOND MOURNING ENGLISH CHINTZES, 100. LUPIN'S ALL-WOOL DELAINEB, eta. SBCOND MOURNING GINGHAM'S, BEST QUAL!. TY, mix co. "i 7 HUCK FOUL DE SOLE OR MOURNING SILK, !MACK AND WHITS FOLMAR D SILKS, bu en BESSON iSc SON'S MOURNING- STORE, NO. 916 CHESTNUT. STREET. TR. OASSELBERRY WILL OPEN, a/ • THIS 'MORNING. from the large cash tale of Myers, laehorn, Go., yesterday. tir , d from rbiiii delphia, bankrupt boning now in liguidagon. the fol lowing rare b yesterday's purchases: 1 lot Bilk and Linen Poplins, 21 cents, usua ly sold at II)e -lot silk and Linen Poplins at Son., cost 10. 1 lot KA ti oven- beet awildy. 500. 1 lot Gauntlet Bilk and Linen efOveti. no. 1 lot Gauntlet Travailing Gloves 8114 e 1 lot Gents' Bilk and Linen Gloving, MO Werth 62% cants. 1 lot superior Black Id its. 17340. 1 lot superior Black Mita 31.40, lot Frenoh Orr-Tidy Lawns 12340. We are taking off 5 per tient. o ail - cash *isles above 50e., in addition to the above panic. reoes. J. ft. CAASS.LHERRY HAS NOW OPEN the fol lowinKK vf fiends. non ht in est York, at Monday and ruettlay's large cash •nation Bales; also. from i 'New York bane rapt house* nnw Pguitlation t LaCX. .11. Rs Bt.At K. 1 lot Black Bilks. 2e inch heavy. 88 e-nts. 1 lot Black Bass 23 inch heavy. 95 cisme. 1 lot Black Mike. 30 inch heavy, 01 v 5. 1 hit Black Silks. 32 rnoh neavy. $1 25. 1 lot Black 34 tack very heavy._ 1 lot &sok Silks. 33 inch very heavy. The ab-ve gemai are worthy the attention of cash busers, wholesale or retail 50 post. 2.500 yards Gray Poplins at 12Y, canto. 45 pas. 3,150 'aids Br. Mad yinas. 1214a..e05t 20 to impors 10 pos. all-wool Cashmeres. 8216 a.. nmal pr's. 81. 8 rms. Cashmeres, Mo., sold this season at $175. 1 ease new style Blurting Chintzse. 10 eon's. 1251BRCIBEitl BB: BM EiROIDaRLES! Infants' Waists at just half price. 4 lots klmb'd Infants' %amts. rare bargains. 3 lots Emir(' Collars, 25,31. AIM 87)2, 4 lots Emb'd Sets, el, mutes to imPon. 3 iota Emb'd Bets, 75 cents. cost double. 1 case very sheer ham stitched Rdkfs. 25 eta. 1 case Linen Mitts 15 cents. 1 lot Black-Way Silk Grenadines, Slo. Five per cent. off all the above sonde for cash ; also. 5 nor sent. if all the entire stook which .s being gold 25 per cent. less than they can no unsorted for, staple goads esoepte4. P. S.—slso, silk Cloaks. Circulars. &c., new designs. Eureka Patent Skirts, fresh cyse yust opened - .I'. R. Caatle,LßE KATI mammoth Dry Goods Bonita. 1 t 45 North EIyaRTH !Street, below Arch. SIIARPIASS BROTHERS OPr the to totirder Of their dynnn Dress Goods. And all summer Fanny Gonda, At a reduotion of 26 to 93 per rent. The mock ie mid welt assorted. Barerre Robes formerly st 113 now $6. Faney bilks from 25 to 76 cents. Foulards. Plain bilks, Weak silks. organdies. i.swne. ChintZllq, billt and Wool Gray Travel an d s 6 2 from 81. to 50 snd 62 ets. Poplins and Silk iirenadinee. CHESTNUT and isitiaTti bumble. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & AR FUSON. 1008 CHESTNUT ST., Invite the attention of purchasers to their unusually Large tied weLl.selcoted stook of LINEN AND HOUSE-FURNIFIIININ DRY GOODS, CURTAINS AND CURTAIN YLATEItIAI.4, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES. CAMBRIO IiANDKEEtaffIEFt3, ETC-, BM, which. having been imported under the old tariff, can be sold much below the present market rate. They bee leave *leo to inform +heir customers and rtlio PK3t Ct'NT. on all goods boughs of f r a it; th em paid for on delivery, sore-lin BL•ACK SILK COATS. 90RXD MAIPPLEL POPLIN DUSTE RS. HEADY lab - e r tinfAiri t ti v ihtubs t . -- COOPER & CONARD, =was & Tf. °cruet NINTH end MARKEN. IsT B.W .-0 n) • • MANTILLA STORE. No. 29 SOUTH .NINTH STREET, FIRST DOOR ABOVE CHESTNUT. The finest qualities. the pewit designs. the very best work. and resemoble prices. 67" VIE LARGEST AND BERT STOCK IN TUE CITY. NOTICE ! We beg to inform the publio thst we do husixess est ern o.» raecoustt, and neither NM the 111100011.1 nor fear the rivalry, of any other pstlies in the tilde. We nay cash for all we bay, and sell " for the benerit of" THIC FltUrttle:TOlL SPRING CLOAKS, IN EVERY NEW stile, at tvzrts., ator-Int No. 63 B. Ninth street. PAIN° CLOAKS. IN ENOLNSB VA riety, et tvErier. , /Lamm SPRING CLOAKS, THE CHEAPEST ever seen.= rvENEV, apt-tilt N 0.93 8. N inth street. NEW STYLE OLOARS, EVERY NEW I style, every new material, at prices that astonish every one, at the large store. N. It. corner of Eighth and Walnut streets. 807 lm 117ITY OLOAR STORE, No. 1.42 N. V./ Eighth street, above Cherry. are now selling evert new style of the season. superb qualities, in every new shade of color, cheaper than any other 'tore in the city. ap37-lm Cl,olilo.—Wholosale Merchants are in. vited to inosot the stook at IVENS', No. 23 South PIINTBetweeH Stree n t, corner of Jayne et., Market and Chestnut. LACE MANTLES. BOUNNOUS, AND PICCOLOMINIEI3.—iI large stock, to be doted out below the oustimnottotto CH fttl.t.P:B An. D Ott & SON. EIGIrt and ARCH etreetr. SENTO' FURNISIFIING GOODS. BARUAI iS ! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A 839 CHESTNUT STREET.. Having reduced ont . Menges to a very low Egure, by renting a portion of our atom for a limited period, we are enabled to makx.great reductions in the prices of our Moods.- We would call your attention to OUR LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK () VP COLLARS, UNDERSHIRTS. DRAWERS, HOSIERY. GLOVES. SIISPE.NDERE , TIES, OF THE LATEST STYLES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES: Which YOU are reepeatfully invited to examine, at SPENCER'S , $39 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE CONTINENTAL. aul3-wSts-staa Gitt)CELLIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prerwed, as heretofore, to supply families at their Country Residences with every description of FMB SROCERIEB, TEAS, &c., &c. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, GURNEY, ELEVENIiIt AND Watt STREETS. IDrIS EX,OELSIOR HAMS. 17. H. MIOHENER 86 CO.. IRHEALPROI. D EA 113, AID MARS 01 WW CELEBRATED -ExcELsioß" SUGAR-0R) RAMP, amI44ANDI44I PROW tai . (Between Ara and Rao* Ptreste.) PHILADELPHIA . The . IL M. & u I ieb ated y E xoehnor name are v o e u sre) d e by promoforfmtiyueeiaeooonemothamltee:tom . the. untaeatoot tas a at salt. and are pronounced by e pi_ ettrai annenor to any now °Herod for ago. lion BM It_ !SHOEMAKER as 00.. ili e mos, PAINTS, VIM, AND VARAUSZEIIo Setteibia lieraer 7011J11111 *l4 YLA4IS 411111416 MCW PIIBLICATIONS. T H E HANDY-BOOK 15213333 U. S. SOLDIER. ON 003f12G INV!. SEELVICA Containing A COMPLRT/4 SYSTRM OF INSTRUCTION SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER With a preliminary explanation of the FORMATION OF A BATTALION ON PARADE. THR POSITION OF TRH OFFICERS. &c. ALSO, INSTRUCTIONS FOR STRBET-FIR.ITIO BEMS A, FIRST ROOK OR 11417110DUCTION AUTRuRIZED U. N. INFANTRY TAUTIus FULLY ILL UEITRATED - PRICE 115 CEN FU. Thiel work present* a complete system for the drill of the individual Soldier. LIBERAL, DISCOUNT ALLOWED TO CLUBS AND ALL WRO PURCHASE IN qUANTITIEB. Forwarded by mail oti receipt of 25 Gents. Address J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, Nos. 21 and 124 NORTH FOURTH BTHEEr, THE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANG CAGE! THE 111CTiONARIP OL , THE ENGLISH. LAN GUAGE! FOR 114111."7 DAYS " FOR TWATY DAYS OR 10^0—t OR 1 000 COPIES 1 OR 1,000-1 Ott 1 000 COPIEtt WORCESTER'S WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUA RT u O —R R O oY A A L Q UART O DICTIONARY DICTIONARY AT *5.23 PER COPY—AT $5.95 PER COPY AT 01*.43 PER - COPY-AT $4,25 PER COPY. MARTIN RANDALL & CO., :/.9 South. SIXTH Street., six doors above Chestnut. myl4 at TEtE DOOTRINE AND POLIOY mr PROTECTION, HISTORY OF OUR TARIFFS, PRAM : as ORGA.NIZ ATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. Now that a desperate assault is being made upon the new Tariff to proindice the public in advance against it, and, if possible. to have it repealed, it is important that its friends should be prepared to combat the specious arguments of its antagonists. Nothing will better serve this purpose than the circulation of the samphict whose •itle is quoted above. which is one of the ablest and most interesting documents that have ever appeared la support of the true American policy of fostering the treat industrial interests of our country. It will be forwarded by mail or express for 10 cents per single copy ; re cents per dozen ; $4 per hundred. Address RINGWALT & BROWN, apt-tf No. 34 SOUTH THIRD Street. Philadelphia. BOOKS, LAW AND MISCELLANEOUS, new and old, bought, sold . and exchanged at the PHIL &DEL PHIA-Ba K BOOK STOR P., Pio. 419 . CB ESTIN UT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased.. Those having Books to sell. if at a distance, will state their names, sixes, bindings,_dates, editions. yucca, and oonaitiona. WANTED--Books printed I'y Benja min Franklin . as well as early Books printed in and upon America Autograph Letters and Portraits ritr chased. Pamphlet Laws ot Yentusy Minis for sa!e. Cata logues. in press, sent free. Libranes appraised by fegli-tf JOHN Ca PBKLL. WANTS. WANTED—By a young man who is a splendid penman, a eituation as °mist in the offto, nt a legal gentleman. Addieee " Yen man " at this ulnae. m)18 WANTED—By a middle-aged man, a IsiMation as watohron or AO terin wholezale store or thotory, Malian -` Siftings," orll3o or toil paper. m 53.8 WANTRD—By an active young man, " who is a good penman, a situation as h of keeper or assistant. Address • Thomas," Press e ffiae my 18-4.s* ANTED—AGENTS to sell PAUKA.- v. - OM of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at lemma one third leas than can be purchased elsewhere. Call on or address (stamp enclosed) J. L. BAILEY. No. 144 COURT Street, Boston. Mass. udal-Sra WO RANKERS 4p a ll it anti it nyspating - is is ha • *ink xv-ar ta compete, Ahoy" amount TP Milted merely as a starting asp.tal. An excellent elan. ta mails money and obtain circa awn legitimately Addrnas "Finanotai." Continst4at Rotel, Phila. zul7-StScat.W. MP-LOYE RS --WANTING' YOUNG Men, &e., are invited to address the" Ern r ilor; meat Com:nate° "at the Rooms of the Wens: en Chrtatkt, Aeeoeiltion, 1009 and _tall allEoniUT 'Street. atos-ent WANIIID—A Vi SSEL. of the capa city of from LOGO to I,XO barrels, to toad for the est Indian. Apply to AURETCHE & CAItSTAIKS, 202 and u(lt South FRONT Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. - O RENT-130E1'E AND FUNNY % Tl:tati.-1 , d.sirithis fear story brink dweliss. Vitt donate v•ree at .ry back buildings. furnished with h,uda••me modern furniture. will b- rent d t a sood tenant. if applied for soon. at No. /8 .7 .P UT% at., uevirst.n the hours of 9 and it A. M., and 8 and BP. ta. myiS 3t' m, GEIMAN3 OWN. — TO LET—A De eirable Cottage. with larce.gy , mnde on Dever's ane containing ten 1t00.,..5. with al the modern int erooements. Vim B t & 48, n*SYo, 5,0WAL2.112 street. dm TO LET—A very desirable and .11L11. convenient Store, no. 24 South FOURTrt r rent reasennble APO] tO A.A. ,;11.40413.E S. No 32 North TRINE Itreet, mylBB eitn32' al FOR SALE—A HOUSE and LOT, undesirably located on MAIN Street. Burlington. It. J. AvelY to uw M M. OIL. 'Ng, 406 MINOR Street. Plel , rdelphia. FRANKLIN OtrOoLMAN. MAIN Street. Burlington. Or to apn-tlamtuUt* TO LET—A Desirable HOTTEE, with aall the' M. darn improvements- surrounded with shade and ornamental Trees. Pio. 98 U. toe at eat, Bur lington, N. J. Apply to NI IDDL. , ION, mule tf 5 North F PUNT I. tweet. f igol COTTAGN7 with fur n i ure, to Fent, JlEa for tee Summer on LIN OKA! tztvet. German town. sixth house from Mat.street having nine camp, and carriage-house attached, al. in complete order. my in 30 TO RENT A COTTAGE, with =Rome Land Omaha& situated near Abint don Sta. - don, on No lb renneylvanie Ratlroad. 9 miles from city. Sent SM. " p' 23. at 4 South SECOND Street. between Chestnut and Walnut. m716-36 * TO RENT—A LARGE, BINELY finished. four , emir BOTTS& with four-story Back Thilultipt and Stable on rear of some—The Bowe be ing memoir menu at the modern imerovemente. three Bath $OOlll5l &O. PoBBeB6loll OM be had by the to of June. Will be either rented or solo low. if de sired. nrily at tYOS BR Oz Street. myl6 3t* above Brown. M , FOR SALE—Several very desirable Three-errors BRICK D Iry ELLtriti 1101J 4 ES, vita throe-story book bubdingu. encloaed verend.dp, twid mummer kilaholin; built ',nth the very heat material and in workmanlike mtnner w th otroulsr mist& door way 11. moat approved beaters and ranges. ma re b an tell,. hot aufa cold water, Tater in chamb; e hen t aomely papered throughout, fini.hed in the latent style. lanueted on the east side or .eNcI'4TIEI btreet. a ore Thompson street. 'rwentAth ward. Apply on the P 1 22t FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Three Almoonimodioue brick DWELLINGS in Haddonfield New Jersey, centrally located, well seeded, /to. within two eqnsres of railroad depot C. H. SHINN, 222 WALNUT Street. di TO RENT WITH Am - handsome ROUSE, with every modern oonveni ence, in Arch street, west of Seventeenth. . O RRIS, ApniY to A. P. & IL MOR 5920-1-in 9 t ARCS Street. gm TO LET-A DESIRABLE DVitEL -I=_ LING. NO 133 North TRIRTENNTH Street. Apply to WETS:F.II.Mb DROTILbR, 4? end 411 North SECOND Street. mhl4-tr in CHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and net arum to rent.—The desirable business location. a C I HFATN UT Street. with dwelling attached. Appl a t 43 11Ef EISTNUT Street. sp GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—To Rent, the large and commodious modern-built Bonee, corner of AfthlAT Street and W [LIAM Avenue, with sae, bath, hot and cold water, and at the modern improvements. Atm'' , to 1. 6 EN SY S. TAR K, 710 G REST! Street, Philadelphia, or on the priSULID6e. - if la TO RENT—TWO 00 U-N T POUZWB. one mile from T6ooTil. Inqatre No. 717 WALNUT street. mhu-ere IT°LET-SF.OOND-STORY. ROOM, 802 1311VSTNUT-Meet. over 1..F.W16 ,GADOMUa & Co.'. Jewelry Mere,The Met 'males la Philedel. Oda for any trod of light -minium". Apply in te JeweirY Store—Rent— fel9 rrO RENT—A very desirable STORE, ... on the elinth-etreet front of "The Continental Hate?' The B tore at 'Ninth and Ransom amen; owe ej ally NINTH. and IS ada O pted for a CULDPVI and fatnn.Nnea M JOIIN RICE aker. ' APO/ t,' ters4 !Southwest ADIBUM htreets. rip° RENT—THE LARt4E AND CON. J. VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumbar Yard at Mesiandville. Twenry- fourth ward. Apply to E. C. k WitltltEN. ou the premises. mhlett 130ARDINO W ANTZD—B r an` elderly WY'. la a ge teel private familr. Will furnish bet oe a roo Ectuthern p rt of the family. , Addre.a •preffrrO. •A t. C.," at Ude effuse, eta s 1 8 Z 8 i 8 7 6 b ,r must be moderate ARDINO IN A PRIVATE FAMILY, WITH RIAGANT R4.,0319, at 1:m12,14 y 1 A SGTR A PLEASANT SUITE OP ROOMS, with BoAßE aria FO R A FAMILY. may be obtained at OW CtIM stair or. Al.o. eines rooms for mlt• m714-et' men. lattntbDFAtb will be received at a ietired ,„„ - but viesmitly-sitasted Farm Howe. in 0118.8- --6:----jetatiiitifi).;trel-04 ii,;" d 6_ , TER couNTY.. but. it short diatanoo from toe Bail rgi?_7eki:eoTentlihktl FarAlliattV,h6iftl9%?ltenli Daibelltrif t o . bib rbtratinlif CMl'n'lP of ..periiit fit, meta. and =tient& ou MOW etth eve lexeri_Pts country este dote. Address IlliesTe , 8 " a.. of Vie PIM. slat sine made to order at abaft% MAIM 1 0 6-11 .• AUCTION NOTICE. LOCKWOOD, BROS. AND UNDE HI 1 .1 4 46 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK, ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, At Weber, LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE STRAW GOODS, THE BALANCE OF AN IMPORTATION lAN CARTONS of NEW end DESIRABLE SERINO BONNET RIBBONS. 290 CARTONS PLAIN SATIN and ORO DE maims RIBBONS. , White, B.aok, and Assorted Colors. Nos. 1 to IR. Aiso, a fall hue of BLACK VELVET It IBBUNS. Also. 220 Cases, compr sine a GENERAL ASSORT- MENTOt i3iHAWG"ODS. Also, .15bilisory Goods. consisting of Tarlatans. A.iro- Phan°. awl French Crapes, Besuets, aitks, mylit as WALNITT•STR NEP TH EATRA. sole Lessee.-- —Mrs M. A. GARR ETTSON. Btu° Mr. WM. A. OW AP MA N. Basiness Agent 10% . D. MuR.%IY. THis . ivp 18. Will be presented *new and original National Drama, entitled THE PATRIOT' DR , AM: Or, The Peet. the Preeent, end girt Futtire. Adam Vaal. dwin Adams t pert tudeay.Mr. J. t 3.. Wright ,• Kate G(lmer. Mrs. A Cowell. SCATA rasa mote (seats aeoured with out extra charge.) BO cents; parapet. (seats secured at 50 cents, )37M rents ; family o role. 2e cents ; privets boxes. Shand $3; orchestra 75 cents. Door* oven at quarter past 7 o'clock curtain wilt at a. an.arterteV. US$. PHILADELPHIA iIOARDINE.-Z. WILL OFFER AT AUCTION, Ott CAIN, RIBBONS. MILLINERY GOODS. & ussmawrs. 1%1 01 1 0 NOTTC , OL - W MP IC THEATRE, LT-AL RACE Stren below Thtrd TRO3 (SAJ UK Da?) RVR4ING. May IS. S VEN IEVI SISTERS: Arefee, -The Management beg Leave to ennonnee the Reopening of the Oly mem Theatre, when the 8 aIBIERS wilt be performed wan many ad& tone. GRAND REVOLUTIONARY ACT, Ent:tted PRE u. BAILEY. or the DAYR OF '76: Will he ntrodneed nn welch nenui. , n N KY CRAPMAN will appear; The LAST ec NE, Tffir , 1114Tfi OE 1118 DI/ frURFLYI Will he brought forward. THOO. a 7 eK vOhl. *We Manager. THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA AN ICOUNOE their three last Public; Rehearsals at the Musical Fir d Halt, the last one of .he season to .iase place on 80 URD.Y. !day the 2Stb. 1 levet' to be obtained at the usual Dbute. ni3B-tM26 PEN N A . AJA.IEPMY 01? THE FINE ARTS-1025 CHH'iTNUT STREET. The Thirty-eighth aNIV U AL EXHI BITION of PAINTING' and SOULS ruuE 13 now open Admittance 25 cents; Season rickets 50 cent,• Chil dren half oven. Catalog nee 10 cents. btoolchn dots will receive their tineete at the academy. 1t022-11 SODA. WATER pi:URGES M, B KEA 10E-0010 NITA WATER, WITH' FRESH FRUIT BYRUT 4 , AT NORTHEAST craßls Eft BROAD AND QUEST NUT STR'. The Srda Wat e r is drawn from porcelain-tined Fountains. pure and spark ling. welt charred with car bonso soul ate. fhe i reps are ar.sparrci with, the highest regard to retapong the NATilltst, FLAT/ It Tali FRUIT NO aging will Da spared tr maintain the high character which this Fountain has already, sr: *amen. Bottled soda Water at 87}4 cents par dozen. Congress Water. fresh from the nprags, renstantlf on hand. writ 311 r SIDINEtt RESOR R EDPORD BPkINGB.—A. G. ALLEN TARpeetrutt, informs the pubho that this well eats, bristled and panul+ r waterlog. pixee is nu x until for tat reoe Pon and aroomniodation of Pladors, and will be kept open - atoll the fir- , of October. remone wiggling Bedford meeral Water, will he age plied at tnr Oprlnger at the following prieelavia.3. For hhi • • . • •Va t 10" inn berry 300 Bottles. 31 pint, pet - ...1 00 Parties washing 1 , 01118. tr y nformati , nl .seard to the ntnee. wol address toe B dime fatnerell sztt.oag Company, Bedford, renneylvauia. ml 801 FREIGHT NOTICES. OME TO ~ 1 11PPERS OF PREIGUT. .I.l—ln pursuance of notice from the regular authori ties, all gth.ds forward. d by iv., of the Pisi..*DeLe PRIA AND WEADING It A LIM hi D. to the States of Mlez.OUe If EN • 110)IY, TI::NNi 88 KR, Ann f Muet be distinctly marked .• Not Contraband," and, underneath ,Less wrds the name of .he • hipper. Tie Chippers' Receipt must ako be marked as above. end nog ode of any description will be forwariteri to Statile Smith of the above named trir4-1m AP: a WVITNEV Pres Vent. SPEUL9I, WiLL please take notice that the South Carolina FL it Co. have discontinued orwarding all through treight and that ail goods formerly consigned to them must wolf be consigned to a city as (mot. Messrs. T. B. &T. BUDD will forward all goods to thea dress. A. RERUnNh Wl9l a tV-115. InSITRA /gra efl MP F'AllyUlf. eLL'ISJSzt - -- No. 4015 CHESTNUT eltrerte _ EIKE A.ND.INkaN - - • •C. tiOW4 colL Samwal T . Bodine... — chardeon. Pres% W mann, Cana. Oothirl. Jno. W. Evennan—..of J. W. 'aromas , & Co. ' Geo. A. West _..—_ " West fc Pohep. & T, S. rt Savage, kin Co. Wilson Oasie..—..Atternepst 0. Woodruff of &bier, Molten, & woogroy Jno. Hessler, Jr ...... .... 1113 Green etreet, GEORGE W. DAY President. FRANCIS N. BuCff. Vine WTE.F,LA.MiI 1. BLANCIIiiIi , D, Secretary. 1a22402 SaA.VINCir VUND—U.N.II Li, tab TRUST COMPANY. corner THIRD and UHI.IST NUT Strewn,. 114TEREar FIVE PER CRAIIWI`. S. R. CFORD, President* JAMES R. BUNTER, !secretor, awl Treneurer. Office hours. from 10 until 5 o'olook. Thin Company 19 not Joined 113 any opotiostioo to Ike Legiolature. fed A hi_EIIIIJAN dit V N PUN U, b. IC. aer WALNUT and FOURTH Rtreoca, continues to receive deposits and Dal nil Ennis on do,Mand oi has always dont% A.L.EXADIR6R WHILLDIN, ?resident. jowl 177etenit President. . A rr b. el EVANS .t. vV .TS , , DOS SALAMANDER , SAFES. lITOILZ . 30 4 CHESTNUT ETHER'S. PHILADELPHIA,. P,1,,... tm a nk la . rgoiroxiotT of PI4:IZ-PROOF SAES alingtra pm irliaLl.keti MAY'S llisli'lll AIIiNLUVID to No. J 1 Beath SEVST NH Street, near the maklin Institute. The wider...lamed, thankful for pest favors, and being deterrealled to merit future patronage, hue meowed as elegant and oonvedient store. and hag now OD hand IS large assortment of Lillie's Ceie,hmted SV - rout/it and Caused Iron Pule and Burglar rroof Pelee. (Um an d 'mealy fire and burglar proof safes made./ Alio. La lie's Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe. and Nang Looks. Lillie's' Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be famished to order on short novice. Thm a n d the strongest. best orateeted. and cheapeet Dour and Loa yet offered. Also, earticular attention is called to Lilltehs New Cabinet Bale for Plate, Jewelry, /co. This Safe is pork ceded to surpass in etre and elegance ansthing yet of fared for this purpose, and is the only one that is strict ly fire and burglar proof. Spectra. Norms.-1 have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring. & co.'. Safes, most. of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, composting" a complete assortment as to Attest, and all lately Wl °hanged for the now Celebrated Lillie Ufa. They will be mild at very low prices. flew cad nt and Ca nialsint 'ass-tar m 0 ts I vgit *rest FJR LI VEbPOUL.—The steam ship GREAT EA9l'EKtr, Sun. Captain Carnagie. R.. If Commander, from Nem York FOR LIVERPOOL SATURDAY, MAY 16, • . YABRAGE blUri'EY First Cabin second Cabin, with vary auyenar saaammodatiaae. GRINNELL, Al INTURN, k CO.. Agent,. New York. m 10 t 25 b isi gg a t FUR BaLTISPIRE DAILY AT 3 O'CLOCK F M. ts,..l.,xlssingcl AND Pl< LAD rt PHIA drEhMEOAS CO?dPaNY. 'Ericsson t ine. ) Via Choehheake and Delaware Panel. 4.one of the new trop steamboats of this ceesesaf will have the ti ms. er side of One:mut street eV h‘rf l AP P ERN() (trok dale excepted at 3 croock. and will arrive in Baltimore early the next zueresee. Freight all kinds taken at tre joweht sewn I also. Cattle. Homes. snook. Vetlic' , 3 &O. For Freight, apply at the (office. ts OsVPB. Se.. Avent. No. as 14,18 -lm I FOR New Platt. NEW EMMY LINE. ria Delaware Me Raritan Canl. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Colme. espy wiil receive freight on and after IdONDAY. instant, and leave dashat 3 P. Dl.. delivering their (*r aces in New York the following yreighns taken at reasonable men. WM. P EI & Agent. ro. 14 001.1 I' W El AVER. Phildelphia. JAMES HANG Agent, Pier 14 and 14 FAB"' RIVER, New York. rehl6-iftf adrilic FOE NEW YORK. - THE Ptuladelehis Steam Propeller C" 15 " 1 n 7 K ill oomoseave their basin/um for the sewn on bionveY s lath inst. Their Steamers are now receiving zteltut at Second Pier above Walnut *treat. Terme aooommodating. Avail to lAr - M. BAIRD tie. CO., 224 Rooth oelaware avenues ------------,... DR. J. WOO, No. 3 1 3 Ntittnt 7, -,, . FIFTH Street, FNMA ptiaiita—'rreate 4, _./. sneeessfully. if applied tom time. all Omani ot the Lur4fis. utoir and 14 Eik HT, an d frequently mires COttetlMiolOlt in its third and la/ Grape. He MN, restores all aerobia diseases of the EY as eno 0.7,4 K. N e has given them tus entire attention for the poet Id rse , A. W 11l Villa wants , when desired at them reindennes±____----------------------net Cori PUILADELPILIA T Eit. K A-0 OTTA 11 - weft gs, arms and Ware Reo Cha rae. nnel' T0p1.01.0 CR s ESTN . IVI Street. ornamental tianion Vases and tatuary. Eneaustus Flooring tirohiteo.ural Ornaments. Ventilating and rmoke Ridge Tile and Sanitary Ware. Steam-pressed Drain Pipe. Watelt play warranted to stand p_neaeure. cheap and d u rable. The Trade supplied on liberal terms. ittustrated Catalogues mut 07 All 0111IPPliOlitten by a. a. AA. v... ...c.v..' • 4111.14. V. CVITUN riAtl. I,rut and VAIN 01.14 u mbers and brirds• ouc k A wl p i r r sratoof rlrscriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Tram,. am; DrUn t er? Ate°, payer mazportarttat II to feeg wide. 11 " 1 Itit PI W. eV PT tit A I% ' &IX) 1 11 lON 4.-;. mike
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers