TOE WAR EXCITEMENT. NEW MIN FIRE DEPAETEENT ZOIIAVEe. The New York News thus alludes to the Zonave Regiment whioh MU been formed by Col. Ells worth : The members of the companies were almost all stout, hardy, determined-looking men, young. en thusiastic, and full of tight. In the rents of com pany Captain Tager', which we predict will be a crack company, we noticed two short, boyish looking volunteers, who are worthy of epeeist re mark. They were the celebrated " lightweight champions," Harry Leanne, and his Namely leas redoubtable brother .1 - ebnity. Look out for the " auctioneers," boys. We are inclined to fear, however, that when the tiro light weights get into action they will be carried away by the pugilistic instinet, drop their sheeting; irons and " put up 45," according to did doctrines of Fled thlsoir 1; e —ion .-were very orderly, the only noises being the Cheers gic,2 l l on tZ7e oiLlshtest provoca tion. Colonel Ellsworth, having forgled ils, e men into set order eompaniee, and arranged them in camp. With eronaiderakle rapidity, made them a little spach. He said that the success of theil prise depended greatly open the neuleratarti.. D . between Commander and Men. He had been Cl fered the Command of a regiment at home in Illi nois, hut had preferted to dome and take the back bone of the New York firemen ' semen wereneeded ixtheediately. He would be true to them every time—would not ask them to do anything he would not do himself, and would stand as much hardship and fatigue as any of them. Be would lead, and only asked them to follow. lCries of " Take ate through Haltimore."l Remember, said he, that you go to represent the New York Fire Department, and do them no discredit.. lie proposed to prove that in every thing he ad no object but their welfare, and was actuated by no selfish motive. He lett it to their own patriotism and good sense to do their duty to themselves and their country. [Voices, " Hang us if we don't."] He then submitted to each company a proposal to elect as their first lieutenant one of themembers bf his old Zonave corps to aid as inetruotor and guide in military matters. The suggestion was adopted, and Colonel Ellsworth immediately tele graphed for his men. He stated that 1,200 men were anxious to join the regiment, but tome would necessarily be rejected. The first general order was then read, to the effect that the regiment would assemble at the State Arsenal on Sunday, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of being mustered in and arranged in squads. They will draw pay and rations from yes terday. The Colonel then gave way, amid loud cheering, to Colonel Whitmore, formerly of the Seventh regiment, who exhorted the men to he true to their commander and their flag. Wm. E. Dodge, Esq , of the Chamber of Commerce, also made a few remarks, stating that his board had subseribed $5.000 toward equipping the regiment. The men then marched down Broadway and dis missed at the Astor House. Late on Saturday eve ning Colonel Ellsworth received a despatch from the Secretary of War, directing his regiment to repair to Fort Hamilton, and they will according ly start this morning for the fort. One thousand Zonave uniforms have been ordered and will be ready on Wednesday evening. Yesterday, about twelve o'clock, the State arsenal on seventh avenue presented a lively ap pearance. The men, who had been inepeeted by Colonel Ellsworth on Saturday evening, assembled there for the purpose of being /Lingered into the United States army. The übiquitous Colonel, iodated by his adjutant, enrolled the names and arranged the men in squads, according to size. The men seemed to take kindly to the business, and all were enthusiastic about their light-weight Commander. One of the " boys " remarked, "He don't need any horn to make the boys hear." If they are furnished with rations to-day they will depart for Fort Hamilton, there to be initiated into the modus ball. They would prefer to goto Baltimore. MOVRMENTI3 or MAJOR ANIMISM On Saturday forenoon Col. Lowering, somin• law of ex Governor Morton, of Massaohusetts, on behalf of the eitizens of Taunton, Mass., piesented Major Anderson with a handsome sword. The presentation was private, a few per eons only being present_ To an address, read by Col. Lowering, Major Anderson briefly responded. The blade is of finely-tempered steel, beautifully engraved, the scabbard and hilt mounted with gold, and the handle of ivory. On the scabbard Is the following Inscription : Deo Duce, Ferro Commitante And the hilt bean the following: Et DOUR et prelims Regli. The Citizens Of Taunton, Mass., . .• ..- Major Rooort Anderson, V. B. A., A tribute to hie eoneage and hie fidelity Acquirit qni Taertur. . . During the afternoon Major Anderson was pre sent at the - Union Square meeting. In the course of the day be went to Brady's gallery, Wid• sat for • an imperial photograph. Yesterday he went to Trinity Church'. This . morning he will give his answer regarding accept ing use of the Governor's room, as tendered him by the Common Council, for receiving his friends. [New York World. A THRILLING INCIDENT AT CAMP CURTIN !—Alt AMSRICAN EAGLE SURVEYS THE CAMP? One of the most thrilling incidents connected with the military operations of the day took place at Camp Curtin on Baturday afternoon. A. number Of persons were engaged in raising the stars and errpes over the main building, used as the head quarters of the offsets, and just as everything was in readiness, and the men had seised the halyard to run up the flag, a large eagle came from no one knew where, hovered osier the flag, and sailed mojesticallyover the encampment while the flag was run up ! 'Thousands of eyes were upturned in a moment, and as the noble bird looked down, the obsess of three thousand men rent the air ! Never was such ovation paid the "Imperial Bird of Jove." It lingered . for a low minutes, appa rently not a particle frightened at the terrific noise—then cleaving the air with his pinions he disappeared in the horizon.—llarrssburg Patriot and Union. THE MOUNTED BATTALION OP THE NEPIRN CITT. This body will consist of 500 mounted riflemen. Major Bliss, of the United States Engineer corps will have command. The following are the staff, so far as at present known: Mr. George Wilkes, of the Bptrat of the Times, Lieutecant Colonel ,•. Mr. Charles Gallagher, late of San Francisco, Quartermaster. Col. Bliss has served with diatino tion in the Mexican and other campaigns. Mr. George Wilkes is so well known in New York that nothing need be said of him, and Mr. Charles Gallagher has vast experience in Mustang service on the prairies and in the Territories. Mr. Galla gher, with one other beside himself, travelled through 400 miles of the Appaohe country, having despatches where the United States mails dare not pass. Lieutenant Roberts, also of the Battalion, served on Walker's emit" in Nicaragua during the bloodiest of his campaigns. Ile also held commend during the Mexican war. The Mounted Riflemen will consist of men whose experience in all that is daring in horsemanship is not surpassed. Men who can pick a handkerchief from Ihe ground at full speed. Men accustomed to Mustang service, who can dismount avid mount in an instant, such men as with Col. Fihmont explored the pushes of the Rocky mountains.—Trzbune. TORT DELAWARE. Efforts have been made to make the people be lieve that there never was any intention of seizing the fort. We have heard that stuff long enough about forte in doubtful States. The beet way to keep the fort is by having men in it who will keep the traitors out. The only thing tnat would pre vent the seceders from seizing the fort is the fear of the consequences. We know there are man in this State wno would undertake the job if they dare.— Wilmington paper. WHAT !MDR ISLAND HAS HONG. Since Monday morning Rhode Island has called and held a special session of the Legislature, ap propriated half a million of dollars to fitting out troops, thrown 500 Rhode Island boys into Fort Monroe in Virginia, sent to Eamon Fa., a splen did battery of light artillery, which might now have been in Washington had not its march been countermanded by the War Department, and she now bag a regiment 1,200 strong, with her Go vernor at its head, Jar on the voyage to Washing ton —Trrbune. A TAMEICIS BEGIIAMAT The following Gan, printed in Frenoh, has been extensively circulated, and ismeeting with a ready reaponse ; To WWI, citizens! The voice of the cannon speaks! The Union calls upon her children ! Under authority of the Illovernment, the under signed will forma company under the name of the Garde I Murat, to constitute a part of a regiment of cavalry soon to be placed in the field. It sp• peals to the French citizens of New York, and especially to those who have fought under the glorious tricolor. Come, brave soldiers! And you, men of the Revolution, all who love your adopted country as well as that of your birth, come and enroll ! Come to maintain the American Union and prove that French valor has not dimin ished by a change of climate. . I'. Nauman la enanns, Fifth-ward Hotel, Weit Broadway, corner of Franklin street. On Saturday night hundreds of volunteers ap plied for admission to the ranks of the Twelfth and Seventy first regiments, but were refused— both being full. MILITARY RMIIVICII PREFZIIRRD We am informed that Gov. N. P. Banks, who bas recently located in (shiner as resident sloe president of the Illinois Central Railway, has gone back to Massachusetts, and is expected to com mand the regiments of that State. We do not know of a man better qualified for a commander in dila war.. He is personally known to most of the Massachusetts volunteers, and only a year ago be was oommander-in•ebief of the military foram of that State —Chicago Post. THE FEELING AMONG THE 'WEST POINT CADETS. The moat enthusiastic meetings are being held nightly by the cadets of the Military Academy. patriotic, feeling is at fever heat, save among a very small minority from the Southern sumo, most of whom have tendered their resignations. The Northern cadets are patriotic to the back bone, and their eagerness to take instant part in the coming fray almost ungovernable. The two upper classes have petitioned the Score tarp of War to be placed instantly on duty. in ease the petition is dinrogardmi t numbers have in dicated their intention of resigning their cadetship and joining the volunteers. TagAgin, lit NNW CASTLN It was understood that aleommtrion flag waa to be raised in New Castle, on Thursday last. AB POOR as the news got spread about in tide oily the people commenced making arrangements to pro• seed to that town and destroy it.. But before they started it was understood that the flag was not to be raised, and the excitement abated. SUPPLIES FOR TRAITORS. It is stated that cargoes of provisions, intended to be secretly landed in Southern ports, are being Shipped la vessels regularly clearing for West India ports• A close anrweillanoe of suspicious vessels will prevent this clandestine all being given to treason. New York Tribune. A DIETINGUISHED PRIVATE. General Henry Wilson, United States Senator from Messaohnsetta, passed through our oily yes terday on his way to 'Wactiusgton. He goes as a private in the Worcester regiment that arrived here yesterday morning, and left by steamboat last evening.—New York Tribune of Monday. A 7AITErur„, DOG There is a dog at Camp Curtin who followed lds master from Pottsville, travelling after the ears. Ste master left last evening, placing his faithful triad in charge of a man to take him home. . A HOME GUARD A Home Guard, composed of oitisens over the me for enlhottnent, has been organised at Trenton, New Jersey. From Venezuela Dates from Canoes, Venezuela, are to the 26th nit. General Pan bad arrived in the capital on the 15th, and was received with great rejoicings by his friends. A great many doubt hie ability to cope with the diffioulties which beset the country. In fact, it may be doubted whether it is in the power of any man to change opinion by , coercion, or soothe feelings, wounded by real or imaginary wrongs, by violence. General Pees simply takes sides with the established Government, and op poses those who think their own opinions right, so Much so that they are ready to shed their blood in maintenance of them. This party dospited Peen as much or more than the opposite admire him, and therefore his presence in the country w ill certainly not produce that moral effect upon the factions which the friends of the Government so folly ex posited. As if in oonfirm %don of this, our corres pondent states that the factions aro getting drape rale, and an attack on the capital was feared by many. On the 23d a conspiracy was discovered among the garrison of the Castle of Puerto Cabello and the leader executed. It was only a few days before that a whole battalion of one of the Govern meet's "creek" regiments revolted at Valencia. The capital of Barcelona has been recently attack ed, and a good portion of it pillaged by Sotillo's forces. These events, and others of a similar cha racter, have happened since the arrival of Pats. in short, the civil war has not abated in the i ht. '-htest. Congress mot on the 16th. The resig „tio.‘ of the present ministry was looked for. Harald. iffFirl lUD Clllrrrirfn HOMES FOR THE IN MISTMOUi. ut GARDEN STATE or PiE WEST* THE ILLJPIOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY Rave for We 1,200,000 ACRES RICH FARM/NO LANDS TRACTS OF FORTY ACRES AND UPWARD. ON LONG CREDIT AND AT LOW PRICES. FARMERS, AND WORKING MAN The attention of the enterprising and industrisna Portion of the community is direoted to the followigg statements and liberal 'inducements offered them by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, Which, as they will perceive, will enable them. by prayer energy, persevaranes, and industry, to provide comfortable and permanent homes for themselves and families, with, comparatively speaking, very little oapi tal LANDS OP ILLINOIS Pro Mate in the valley of the Mississippi offers so great an inducement to the settler as the State of Illi nois. There is no portion of the world where all of the conditions of climate and soil so admirably combine to Produce those two great staples, corn and wheat, as the Prairies of Illinois. MGR ROLLING PRAIRIE LANDS. The deep rich loam of the prairies is cultivated with win wonderful facility that the farmers of the Rent ern and Middle States are moving to Illinois in great numbers. Tim area of Illinois is about equal to that of England, and the soil is so rich that it will support twenty millions of people. PASTERN AND SOUTHERN MARKETS. Thew" lands are oontignolte to a railroad seven hnn dred miles in length, which connect' with other made and navigable lakes and rivers, thee affording an un broken communication with the Eastern and Southall," market!". APPLICATION OF CAPITAL. Thus far capital and labor have been applied to de veloping the soil ; the great resources of the State in coal and iron are almost untouched. The invariable rule that the mechanic arts flourish beet where food and fuel are cheapest, will follow at en early day in ll thole, and in the course of the next ten years the natu ral laws and necessities of the ease warrant the belief that at least five hundred thouvand people will be en gaged in the state of Minnie in the various manufac turing employments. RAILROAD SYSTEM. OF ILLINOIS. Over SI 100,000.0e0 of private capital have been ex pended on the railroad system of Illinois. Inaamsoh as part of the irpeome from Reversl of these works, with a valuable nubile fund in lands, go to diminish the State expenses, the taxes are light, and must consequently every day decrease, THE STATE DEBT The State debt to only 810,105498 14, and within the leet three years has ibeen reduced $2,959,746 89; and we may reasonably expect that in ten years it WI be come extinct PRESENT POPULATION The State is rapidly filling uP with Population ; 8&L0 2 6 Persons having been added since lace. making the pre sent population 1,719,490—a ratio of 14/2 per cent. in ten yews AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. The agrroultural products of Illinois are greater than those of any other State. The products sent out dur ing the past year exceeded 10500,001 tons. The wheat crop of 1800 approaches 35,000,0/0 bushels, while the corn crop yields not less than 140,000,000 bushels. FERTILITY OF SOIL Handlers can the industrious farmer •enure ouch im mediate ignite for hie labor ae upon these prairie Boils, they being compored of a deep, nob loam, the fertility of which in urusureaened by any on the globe. TO ACTUAL CULTIVATORS. Since 1854 the Company have sold 1,300,000 acres. They sal only to actual cultivators, and every contract contains an agreement to eadtroate. The road has bees constructed through these lands at an expense at 3 3 0.- 000,000. in 1950, the pspietatiOgi of the forty-nine Cowl ties through which it parses was only 335,598, since which 479,193 have bees added, snaking the whole popu lation 814,891—a gain of 143 per cent. EVIDENCES OF PROSPERITY. An an evidenos of the thrift of the people, it may be stated that 60ea0 tone of freight, including 8,603,000 bushels of grain and 2110,000 barrels of flour, were for warded over the line last year. EDUCATION. Mechanics and workingmen will find the freetschool system encouraged by the State and endowed with a large revenue for the support of schools. Their chil dren can live in sight of the church and school house, and grow up with the 'prosperity of the leading State in the Great Western Empire. PRICES AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. The prioee of theme Made vary from .5 . 6 to 926 per acre, according to location. quality, Am. First-olael farming laude sell for about SIO or an per acre; and the relative ei - pouse of intbdaing prairie land, aus com pered with wood land, is in the ratio of one to ten in fa vor of the former. The terms of sale for the bulk of these bands will be OPIE YEAR'S INTEREST IN ADVANCE. at six per cent. per annum, and six interest notes at six per cent. payable respectively in one, two, three, four, five, and mix leans from date of sale; and four note, for prinoipal, payable in four, five, six, and seven Years from date of sale ; the contract stipule tips that one-tenth of the tract purchased shall be fenced and cultivated, each and evert year for five years from the date of sale, so that at the end of five years one-half aluill-be fenced and under cultivation. TWENTY PER CENT. WILL BE DEDUCTED from the valuation for cash, except the same should be at six dollars per acre, when the cash price will be five dollars. Pamphlets descriptive of the lauds, soil, climate, Productions, prices. and terms of payment man be had on application to J. W. PORTER, Land Commisaioner, Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Illinois. For the names of the towns, villages, and cities situ ated upon the Illinois Central Railroad, see pages IS% Ma. andl9o Appleton's Railway Guide. fel-tath&ailm t: i rt ,~ ~. ~ ;,►a~r.~~ ,a ~3.~1 RUMNESS MEN ARE ADVERTISING in the Beet NoTropaporo of City and Country at the Ofikee of JOY, - COE, & CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS. FIFTH and CHESTNUT STREETS.Phdadelphia, TRIBUNE BUILDING. New York. 501.7 tf ALFRED D. BIUVK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. PRILADBLPM. Potent Low' of U.O.Mem) and Europe one be ob twined grad.. spll-tjyl B F. GLENN, ACCOUNTANT AND • Real Estate Agent No. 218 WALNUT Street. ostoond floor, Roma No. 1,) and Southwest corner of Seventeenth and Green. Accounts adjoined, Books written Ey. Estates settled money procured, money invested. Real FAtate bought weld, and rented. mnia-Int* JAMES M. SOOVEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 113 PLUM STREET, above Front. anh2l-loi* CAMDEN. N. 7. H O. ULLMAN, ATTORNEY-AT e Lew, JERSEY SHORE .Pennsylvania. Colleationa promptly made in 'Clinton end Lyoornins counties. =!:C3 - • Means. Walter & Haub, Philadelphia ; • J. H. HlllllBl Pac„„ Jersey Shore ; Meagre. Baroroft & Co., Philada. Shaffner, Ziegler. & Co. Philada.; Frishmath & Co Philade.; L. A. Mackey., Lock Haven; Yard, Gilmore & Co., Philada.; Thatcher & Woddrop, Philada.; Rey :wide, Howell & Reiff. Philada. fete-km CIEORGE d. HEISKBLEt, UPWLNTNRY ILA and CABINET WAREHOUSE, No. 524 WAL NUT Street, opposite Independence Square, formerly of No . U 3 Chestnut Street. rhiladelohis. Je36-3m* J OHNT ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS, Nos. 317 and 319 WALNUT Street., (basement stores, between Third and Fourth, north miler) Philo% delylna. N. B.—Plass Old 'Whiskies always on hand. (Establudied in 1846.) PAWSON k NICHOLSON, 1100101INDBRB,_ Nos. 519 and 621 MINOR Street, Between Market and Cesstput street'. PPrt.. lAMBS PANSON. . J e er. B. NICHOLSON jyff-lyw TUG UST lb BONS, No'. IMPORTERS OP HAVANA CROMUI, No. 916 Eolith FRONT Street. Natierre rentularlY fcill naPortmont of desirable GI cuts, whicredit ch they slier at low rates, for as or as proved . Joiri-ly MIIRPRY-WHIPPLE IRON BRIDGE. STONE, QUIGLEY. S. BURTON, Ito. 333 WALNUT STREET. PRILNDELPHIA. Deg leave to inform Railroad. Conmardea and om interested in byidge constriction, that they eat lornied a connection in burlap= with JOHN W. MURPHY, Civil Engineer" (author and inventor of the above well gnoernplan of iron bridge,) and are prepared to execute orders, from any part of the country. from his designs andrsonal euperintendence. Altl letters relating to plans sad estimates should be addressed to JOWil W. MURPHY. fingine_er, mon-drik For STONE. 0 VIRLEY. & BURTON rpo BUSINESS MEN.—An excellent chance for reliable business mep to nectars a pro fitable martufaoturing business, rectum; but a small casital in its establishment and prosecution. The manufacture consorts in tne appbcation of . a pe culiar composition or enamel to common red bricks, and a Varlet, of other Maims material. ornamental architectural finishing,. °ethane, tileefor floors and for roofing. I hie enamel may be tinted of any abler. from the rarest White to the deepest black, with all the colors and shades between. it imparts to the artielee to which it is awelied a hardnen and durability almost incredi ble, and a beano" surpassing. that of the rarest and most !wetly of the variegated marble,, and. unlike them, is Impervious to moistu bu re t . a a r u r d a z io il u l a n i e p v a e r r it O l i nd a % stain, or f It Is ale° valuable for table and stand tope, mantel ;direfuera:7l:ratemoznanlia&c::, and an milieu variety of other arneus of stare use. he process of applying the enamel is simple, while the artoles enameled will com mand a ready gale. affording large profits. tienpongibie Parties me i procure licenses for manufactories under the patent for any eity or prominent to omen United States, by aPPITIAI to the subscriber. A tariff on the artistes manufactured will be required for the use of the invention. Cirenlars titling lull partioulars be forwarded to all applicants. The superior merit and beauty has enameled building material to anthills in " a "114,1".° unqualified endorsement of many of tee most eminent architects and scientific men of Rho, and other cities. • . For partioulars, address HNSON & SA.I laneral Agents !Or P rinin J e O ted tiailaing P Mate ri 10 al, see-dam 95 NASSAU Street. New York. TIAVAZIA +(JIG/MEL—A fresh Imports tion of the two new brands or "BLACK REA" and " PUNCHINELLO." Just received per steamer Quaker City and schooner Sosiiss. under the old tariff ?rims, am tor Ws b LKit CRILITOEVET MEDICINAL. CEPIXA►LIO PILLS 131431 C HEADACHE. 1, , ,I:01-7-Ivro us 1-I,E.A.IDAC CURE JILL FUNDS ON 1-IEAD.A.OII.7a ! By the ace ortheae Yille the 'periodical attaoke of N+r •ova or sich bleadaeha may be prevented ; and if taken at the oommei toement of an attaok immediate relief from pain and i tiokneue will be obtained. They seldom failin removing the Nauson and Head ache to which feinalms are no =Wool. They aot gently' on the bowels, removing Costiveruse. For Literary Ann e sakatesti e Delicate Females, and all pemone of sedentary 'Waite, they an valuable as a Laxative, impro Plug the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and Teeming the natural elas ticity and strength of the whole slyness. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result oflong investi gation and carefully condneted experimentet having Been in we many years, during whit& time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and mitering from Headache, whether originating in the surveys system or from a deranged date of the sto. Th e y sys entirely vagatabla in their nteniseedlion, end may be taken at all tunes With perfect safety without making any change of diet, and tha shames of any disa greircm lost* renders it *sty to '4l4lttittittit MMus to •kiidret. BIWARS Olt 013tINTERIPKITS1 In s genuine have Eve eignatares of Rem? O. Spalding mai each Box. .4471+1 br Dminists and all other Beaten in bledlOinOie .A Boz trill be sent by mail prepaid on retie et of the PRICE. 25 CENTEL Au *Mori Would to addroosi HENRY O. SPALDING. 48 CEDAR ISTRRET. NEW YORK THE FOLLOWING- ENDOWMENTS OF SPALDING'S OEPIIALIO PILLS. WILL OONVINOR ALL WHO OUFFER FROM HEJLI3ACHE. INAT SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As Alms* Testimonials ars inssalietted by Mr. BPs_Li. me t they . aford unquestionable proof of She - cozy of this truly scientific` discovery. MR. aPALDING. MILSONVILLIN Conn., Feb. 5, 2851; in I have tried your Cephalic ribs, and I tike moo re testi that I want yon tosend me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few ef the first boa I got from you. Bend the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't Servant JAMItS KENNEDY. RAVZRFORD, Fa., Feb. 8,1861. Mx. SPASDINO _ BIR • I wiab you to Need me one more box of your Cephalie rah 1 - leave rimmed a great deal o y f" beeefit from them. Yours reigtfall, MARY ea A.NN BTODCHOUSE. arazcz CREME. HIINTIMIDON COUNTY. Pal January 18,1861. 11 please send me two boxes of Your Cephalic Prir. Rend them immedtately. Respectfully yours Mo. B. enuorrs. P. S.—.l have seemed one box of your Pitts, cad find Chem Lustiest. %LLB VERNON, Ohio, Jan. 13, 18S1. H. C. SPALDING, Esq. Please find enclosed twenty-five emits, for which send me another box of your Ceybelio Ylll5. They ars essay the best Pills I o f son' tried, Direct A. STOVER,: P. M., Belle Vernon, Wranoot 00., 0. BEVERLY, Mass.. Dec. 11,1136), H BpALDING, BBC wish. for some otroulaur or large show bills, to bring your Cephahe Pills more particularly before my One tomer!. If you have anything of the kind please send me. ()me of my customer& who is subject to severe Siok Headache, (usually' lasting two days,) was cured of as attack* one hour by your Picts; which I sent her. Respectfully yours. W. B. WILKE& REYNOLDSEURO,I ,— RAZIKLIN Co.. Ohio,( t January 9, 1861. lizany C. Seminars. .. Re. el Cedar at., R. Y. D 212. SUL! inelesed fled twentr-tve seats. (211.1 for whieh mead box of .* Combo Fills. Send to address of Rev. Win. C Filler. Reynoklitsirg. Franklin Co.. Ohio. Your Pins work liks a cAarni—curs Fisadadis almost Truly years. WM. C. FILLER. YPSILANTI, Mica., Anal, lan. Ma. ar.fixonlo. Not lons einem I sent to you for a box of Cephalic Pins for the once of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness, and received the same, and they had so good an street that I was induced to seed for mere. Beane send by return mail. Direct to A. ft. WI/HELEN. Ytodloalg. Mioh. Ikons tits Examiner, Nerfcin, Va. Cephalic Pills accomplish the objan for which they were made. Pm.: Care of headache m all its forme. From rho Eternises, Norfolk, Va. They have been tested in more than a thousand asses with entire suocess. Fiom tits Democrat, St. Cloud, Mins, If you aro. or have Pill with the hosaseho, Pend for a box, [Cephalica so that you may have them ID. Otille of an attack. The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effec tive remedy for the headaishe. and one of the very beet for that very frequent complaint which has ever been discovered. 11 am tits Wastsra R. R. Oazarre, Chicago, We heartily endone Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cephalic% Pills. /4 , ent the Haaattraa Vatiey Star, Senate/6a, Va. We are SUM that persons etiffering with the heeesohe who try them, will stioa to them, p r om the t'oetthern. Path Finder, New 0116415 S La TIY them you that are afflicted. and we are rare that your testimony can be added to the already numerous hat that has received benefits that no other medicine can produce. From rhg St. Louis .Dsmocrat. The immense demand for the artiole (Cephalic Pills is rapidly mores/lint. From Mr Gazette, Dacenport. /ewe. Mr. Braid= would not connect his name with an ar hole he did not know to women real merit. iikons Psoeida*u,R. l. The testimony in their favor ix strong, from the most reepeotabie quarters. Noes the Daily News, Newport, R. L Moths& Pills are taking the place of all lriads. /tom tar Com:ureic/ Botherss, Boston, Marc, Said to be very efiloaciows for the headache. Prows the Commactial, Oioeisetatis Ohie. Itatfering humanity' can now be relieved. sr A Single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED SLUE will save ten times their oast sunnally:TEß SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 SPA.LDING'S PREPARED GLUE SAVE IRE PIECES: ECONOMY: DISPATCH I Or" A Hymen IN TINN Savas As acioidenta will Marren, even in well-resnlated families, it Is vaty desirable to have some cheap and convenient wag for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crooke mdGC SPALDINIPS PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household oan afford to do without it. It is Mims ready, and up to the sticking point. "USEFUL IN EVERY ROME: , Brash aecomeaniee eaoh bottle. Priee.26 mit& Address, HENRY O. SPALDING, NO. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. CAUTION. An aortal* tumnnoinled permme are attemptint to MUM off on the unensoenting rnblia, imitati oll . (IT " PREPARED GLUE. I mould caution all Demon, to es amine before parohaaing, and see that the full name. wr SPALDING'S PREPARED CaLUR.46II' • • is in Int sun& Wapner; an saws are swbuilinn lipsniorninik faMHtt THE PRESS.-PHLLADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1861. ron SALE AND TO LET. o f CHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and ii it RTORF. to rent.—The desirable business locution, 1322 CHESTNUT Street, with dwelling attached. An* at 431 CHESTNUT +Street. spit GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—Tb Rent, the large and commodious modern-built Howie, corner of ARMAT Street end WILLOW Avenue, with sae, bath, hot and cold water and ali the modern improvements. Apply t o R. TA RR, 710 GREEN Street, Philadelphia, or on the premises. ape-tf FOR BeLhl OR BENT—A desirable M 4 4 COUNTRY REBID ENCE. near Attleboro. Bootie eounty,_italf an hour's dive from &hermit's Station, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. Two lines of stages pass the property daily. Double stone man sion, modern style; large lawn, well shaded; garden, and a variety of fruit ; large barn. carriage house, alai otter outbuildings, with from five to one hundred awes, as desired. SIMON GILL CC • Apply to HARVEY GILL.AIH, No. 6 29 CIIKETNUT Street. aplB-6t* gaj TO RENT TWO COUNTRY ANL HOUSES one mile from Tationy. Inquire No. 717 WALNUW kltreet. Inh26.3m* rro RENT-THE LAWIE AND CON ... vENTENT Coal Wharf' and Lumber Yard. at Maylandville. Twenty.fourat ward. Apply to E. C. & p.ll. W A II lltE N. on the preraums. mhig.-tf is TO LET, FOR A TERM OF YEARS, the United States Hotel, in Buffalo on the Ter race. containing one hundred rooms. and thoroughly repaired, painted, and repapered throughout, and sup plied with water, gas, and all necessary oodyenteneey of a fiost-rate hotel. Apply to WM. W. MANN 216 MAIN Street, Buffalo; or MANN & RODMAN, 39 WALL utreet, New York. soIS-61 fitt GERMANTOWN PROPERTY. 10 • 0 EXECUTOR'S POSITIVE SALE. Will be sold at public auction, on TRUReDAY AF TERNOON, the fibth of APRIL, inst.. upon Lae pre mises.-the following valuable Real Estate r4o. I. a Lot of Land, with the improvements thereon, situated on the wearer!, aide of Germantown avenue. opposite Gorgaa street. bounded by said avenue , land of George W. Carpenter, deceased. John Leibert. the Orphans Home, and Creisham road, oontaining five acres of land. The improvements are a large two-story atone Mansion, with a two-story back building, two Large parlors, wide hall, dining-room, and Woken, noon the first floor, six chambers on the second , and three plastered , one unplastered, in the attics. A. one and a half atory frame budding, adjoining the main street. a large atone barn, large hay-house; with ailed for wagon, dem, underneath; a carriage-house, with hay loft and granary above; corncrib• shed for posts, fruit and ornamental trees. kitchen and flowering gar dens. &a. It has a front of 246 Met on Main street, and 216 feet on on Ore:sham road. No. It, a Lot of Land, on the westerly aide of creia ham road. 149 feet front, bounded by lands Of G. W. carnentere decedeedismd Jobti Ltibuttr volltdrunii two and one-half acres o land ; it herr a opting of water, a small pond, and a few apple trees upon it. Also, immediately after, will be sold, a yearly ground rent of 831 03-100 upon a certain lot of ground, held now, or formerly, by Authur by him and William W. I eibert conveyed to Mary Leibert and Elisabeth Leibert, on the 27th .11.7 of Ootoher, A. D. 1852, savable half yearly, upon the first days of January and July, in every year. Late the property of Mary Leibert and Elisabeth Leibert, both demented. Bale to commence at 2 &amok. Te rma at gale, by aura 10t!' JOHN LEIBERT, Executor. poR EXCHANGE. —A CHOICE. TRACT of good unimproved &am land in the State of New lamer, convenient to the city,will be exebenteafer eig a reerty. Apply at No. 1.18 FEDERAL utreet, Rs.coRsoN,KNAL.E.NTATE BLCIPK.Mit • AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, PA. —Real Emote bought sod sold , ou tennis. Stores and dwelling' for We or rent in Nornetown and Who t h r tit gferenniggsgaffiln. otouated. GolloonoisuanirTio. "DUBUC SALE OF VALLI/LBLE PRO PERTY. THE "EMPORIUM REAL ESTATE AND MANU ___ FACTURINO 9OMPAUIY.:_ Of Monael Pulaski Coital'. Illinois, Will offer at PUB LIC f, BALE, on the premises, On WEDNESDAY. the lath day of May next, A Large Plumber of DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Stores, Faotones, and Essidences. A SPACIOUS BRICK IRON FOUNDRY, WITH S4ACHINP. SHOP, And all the appurtenances neeeseari for the business Of manufacturing Engines and Boilers for Steamboats, Sugar, and all other Attila. used in the Southern and Western country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvement.' in machinery. with a Lull and complete set of Patterns for Stoves, adapted to both wood and coal. This property, from the advantageous location of Mound City, is one of the most valuable in the Southwest. . Also, at the same time. A FIRST-CLASS THREE-STORY FRAME MO DERN-BUILT HOTEL, Conteining_some fifty rooms, with a full Bet of Furni ture. The Kt otel is now Going a large and profitable busmen. Also, a number of BRICK STORk AND COTTAG ESIDENCES. ox Sam—One-fourth (30 c a s h ; the remain ing payments in 12. 24, and 36 month, from date of sale. bearing interest at the rattier six per omit. per annum. Tile Gash payment may be made to. the Bonds of the Co ock of m pa t he Company at par, except and the time payments will for improved be taker. proved pro the St p ock for which three-fourths of the puronese-money ma, remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their im- Srovements. eepitakiete have a rare opportunity for pro table inveetments in one of the best located and most flourishing office in the groat Southwest. For particu lars, inquire of or address JESSE E. PEYTON, President E. R. E. tr. M. Co., niliS6-4M14 Office 222 WALNUT Street. Philada. CLOTHING . AND OLOTHING MATE RIALS. N AV, DEPARTIESN.T, Runner OH PRovisioNs AND 01.0TAING. April 4. 1861. SEPARATE PROPOSALS, sealed and endorsed " Proposals for Navy Clothing and Clothing Mate rials,' will he received at this office cut , 9 o'oloog A. M.. on the 9th day of May nest, for furnishing and de livering fon receiving sixty days' noti6ei at each or either of the navy yards at Charlestown, Massa oho. etfe ; Mk 11, New Yore: or Gosport. the quantities ee below mentioned of anv or all of the fol lowing classes of articles of navy clothing and clothing materials, and suoh further quantities of the same es may be ordered Or the ohief of this bureau, or by the commandants of the said navy yards, respectively during the fiscal year oommenoing on the Ist day of July next, and ending on the 90th day of June, 1862, viz : Cuss I.—Cloth Clothing. Blue cloth troweere..— -- 8 CM Bice eattnet troweere.— 8.000 CLAss - - . Blue felt pes:Y —l,OOO Blue felt caps-- Cr.ess S.—Fianna Clothing.: Blue flannel overshirts—.--..—... .....8.000 Blue flannel Blue flannel drawers . . Ct. A se — ilidi;4l; Convne dock towlines 000 Barnsley sheeting tracts—. 001 Grass 6.—Blwa Satinet. Blue satinets— -Yards, 10,0f.0 CLASS it.-Blue Flann el. Blue flar.nel.- -.. • , . • • ~_._.•yards, 80,C00 Ct ASS . 7.-Sherting, and i Nankin. Barnsley sheeting 10,000 Canvas dusk— ----.-..d0 10,000 Blue nankin...—. ... —do 10,000 CLASS -Winer, Calf skin laced shoes. - 4,000 Kip-skin shoes- do 4,000 _ _ Mass 9.-Socks. Woollen socks— . . CLASS 10.—Mettresses. . .. . . Mattresses. (with 2 covers for each.) -- --.3.000 Cuiss D.—Blankets. Blankets.--•----....._--__....8800 CLAB4 12.—Hattdittrehiefs. Black silk handkerchiefs. —..— —BOOO Offers may be made for one or more classes, at the cltion oldie bidder; bat all the &modes embraced in a ass must be bid for. Each class will be considered by itaelf, and the oon trent for that Mises will be awarded to the bidder whose lropande for the artmles comprised in the class are owest in the aggregate. The seamless clouting shall be of felt cloth. diedpure Indigo blue, made of good wool only, and shall conform in the sizes. color, grade of wool, and in all other re spects to the samples deposited at the navy yards. The cloth for blue cloth trowiters shall be twilled, all wool, and pure indigo blue, wool-dyed. It shall have a list on Paoli edge. composed of 24 white threads, of all wool. All pieces under 1136 ounces per yard will be re jeoted ; and, each bale of about 300 yards must average 38 ounces per yard. The satinet must be 27 inches wide inside of list, with a heading to consist of not less than twelve white wool len threads at each end of the piece; roust weigh not lees than 934 ounces per yard, to contain in each piece about 28 yards' the warp must be cotton. pure indigo blue, yarn-dyed; and the filling wool, pure indigo blue. wool-dyed. Each bale of 400 yards shall average nine and a half ounces to tne yard, and no piece shall be ne low 914 ounces to the yard. The satinet trowse re must be made of material like the above. The broadcloth and satinet of which garments are made shall be well sponged before made up. Tag (Ismael must be 'ill wool, wool-dyed pure indigo twilled ; must be in pieces of about BO yards in length. 27 inches wide, waistline live ounces per yard, with a list on each edge of 100 r white woollen threads woven in the whole length of the mace. To be peeked in bales of ten pieces, the Pleo9B to be rolled separately without cloth boards; 'mob bole to contain 950 yards and /5634 pounds flannel. No pleas to have a leas ave rage weight than 4 8-10 o uncea nor yard • The oveishirte, node! 'Mix to, and drawers must be made of flannel like the above. The Barnsle sheeting must be free from cotton. 83 inches in wid th h ; weleht , twelve ounces 31-100 pet yard; texture, 4 by 4 to 1-10 inch. The canvas duck must be free from cotton, 27 inches in width, anti about 36 yard. in the piece, double-thread warp and filling ; weight, eight ounces 23-100 per yard ; teatute. 9 by 10 to 3g' inch. The shoes must be Vainly stamped with the contrac tor's name. r umber of the !hoe, and year when made. The sizes to be in the following proportions for each 100 psirs, unless otherwise ordered, viz: 3of No. 13, 1 7 of Plo.e. 26 of filo. 7,21 of Ns. Me ot No. 9,7 of fio 10, and 201 No. 11. They must oonform In all reepeota to the samples at the yards. and be delivered in good. strong boxes, the tops of which to be namely fastened with screws, and each box to contain 25 pairs. in thesepro- Portions. viz i 8 pairs of No. it.with nor No. 8, ig of ftlo. ' 7,with 12 of No. 8, or vase versa, ta 01 No. 9, w ith 7 o f Itio. 10, and 2of No. 11. The oaf-skin and kip-skin shoes to be puked in separate boxes. The woollen spoke must be woven or knit. indigo Mix ed, all wool, shall be well scoured, and in color and quality fully equal to samples , TOO mattresses must weigh ten pounds, including ticking which is to be cut 6 feet in length, and 31 inches wide. The covers must measure 71 inches in length, and 29 inches in width. The hair, ticking, and covers must conform to samples. The nankin must be equal to the best blue Ameriosn nankin, 26 inches wide, texture 6 threads by 4 threads to tne 16th of an inch, dyed with Pure Bengal indigo. The blankets must weigh six pounds per pair. and measure 58 by 78 inches each. A bete of ea Paint must weigh MO pounds, and no pair shall weigh less than Pounds IS ounces. They mast be made of clean wool, and each blanket must be marked " U. B. Navy," as in the sample. The black silk handkerchiefs must be 3114 by 3134 inches, and weigh one ounce and 12 grains Troy; tex lute. 14 by 23 to one-eighth of an inch. Bidders for the above will specify whether the arti cle'. they propose to furnish am to to of the growth. prodootion, and manufacture of the United States. as a preference will be given to snob. A schedule of the three sites for each lf opieces of made-up clothing will he found with the samples at the , respective yards; and all the above artioles. including the necessary buttons, rings. do. _, are to be fully equal in the quality. texture, color. weight. and finish of ma terial, and conform in pattern, sates, and workmanship to said samples. The number or quantity which will be required of each of the foregoing articles cannot be precisely stated. It will nog he lase. however. than the quantity specified in the foregoing list. The contracts will. therefore, be made for the quantity of each article so specified and for such further quantity as the bureau may require. Tke price must be uniform at all the stations. Aluthe above articles must be subject to such inspec tion at the place of delivery as the chief of this bureau may direct; and no article will be received that is not folly equal to the Kemple in every respect, and which does not conform to the stipulations and provisions of the. contract to be M/1118. The whole must be delivered at the risk and expense of the contractor. Each box and bale to be marked with the contractor's name. The inspecting officers to be appointed by the Navy Department. The offers must distinguish the prices for each article mentioned in a class, and must be calculated to cover every, expense attending the fulfilment of the con tract, incmdink the necessary buttons: In ease of failure on the part of the oontraetors to deliver the several attires which may be ordered from them, in prayer rime and RI proper quality, the chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall be au • thorized to purobase or direct purchase eto be made of what may be required to supply the deficiency, under the penalty to be expressed in the contract ; the record of a requisition or %duplicate ropy thereafat the Screen of Provisions and Clothing. or at either of the nav-y yards aforesaid, shall be evidence that suoh requisition ban been made and received. Two or more approved sureties in a sum e qual to the estimated amount of the respective contracts wilt be required, and twenty per eentum will be withheld from the amount of all payments on account thereof as col lateral security. and not in any event to be paid until it is in all respects complied with ; andleighty per coot= of tho amount of all deliveries made will be paid by th e navy agent within thirty days after triplicate bills. du ly authenticated, shalt have been presented to him. Bidders whose proposals shall be accepted land none others/ will be forthwith notified. sod as early es prac ticable a contract will be transmitted to them for exe cution, which contract must be returned to the bureau within five days, exclusive of the time required for the regular transmission of the mail. A record, or duplicate of the letter informing abid der of the nooeptsnoe of his proposal, will be deemed a notification thereof, within the meaning of the act of 1816, and his bid will be made and accepted i n confor mity with this understanding. Every over made must be accompanied (as directed in the act of Co making appropriation' (bribe na val service for 1816-'47, approved 10th of August, 18451 b a written guarantee. signed by one or more respon sible persons, to the effect that lie or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will. If his or their bid be ao- Icoated, enter into an obligaton within five days, with good and sufficient ourettes , to furnish the eutplies Pro wled. The bureau will not be obligated to consider any proposal unless accompanied by the guarantee re quired by law; the competency of the guarantee to be certified by the navy agent, district attorney, or the collector of the customs. . . . . B/ankforms of proposals may be obtained on appli cation to tee navy agents at Portsmouth, New Hamp shire; Boston. New York. PAiladeiphia. Baltimore. Norfolk. and at this bureau. Theatteration of bidders called to ehe samples and destrwhoot of articles required. as, in eke inspection be fore reception. ajust but rigid comparison will be made between the articles offered and- slit samples and cos: tract, receiving none that fall below them ;tupct their attention is also particular/I directed to the Jostle reso lution 017th MarcA,lB6{, in addition so the act of loch AlflUdt.M.• ap9-ta ft OFFICIAL. —..pairo, B,CCO INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE .RELIANGE MUTUAL INSURANOE OOMPANY, OP PHILADELPHIA, . OFFICE, No. 30t5 WALNUT STREET, 'noun egging LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. on Emmett, Stores, and other buildinp, li mited or •ersuitual,and on Furniture, Goods, wares, and Mar ' °handles. in town y or °pantr. CASH OAPITAL.B23I,IIO 00—ASSETS 0517.1412 Which is invested as follows, v i a i n B r at mortgages on inty property, Worth double the amount.—;.---. wea,o o o 03 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent first mortgage loan+ at Pa r — --- 0 . 000 00 Pennsylvania Rai lroad Co.'s 6 per cent, se cond mortgage load, (.030,000)__ 27,000 00 Huntingdonamid Broad Top Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan— tom iv Ground rent, first-class.-.-- ZAN 00 Collateral loans, welt secured --. • • 2,600 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. 80,000 00 Allegheny County k 6 per Gent. Pa. RR. loan— 10,000 00 Commercial Ban cm 01 Mechanics Bank stook-- -- 2,612 60 Fenhijlsallia Railroad Co.'s stook— 4,400 00 The .Relianee Mutual Insurance Co.'s stook 26.760 so The County Fire Insurance Co.'s stook— 1,060 00 The Delaware M. u. Insurance Co.'s stoat— 700 00 Union Mutual Ineuranoe Co.'s scrip_-..-...... 380 00 Bills rerieivable—. —_— 14,302 74 Book accounts, accrued interest, 7,104 66 Cash on hand 11444 64 8317,142 04 The Mutual principle, oomb:ined with the security of alitock Capital, entitlot the insured to participate in the ?Talus of the Company, without liability for losses. Loosen promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS: Samuel Bispintra, toa r tn i i 3t Ar n, er , Be.w W. Tingley. Marnhall Bill, J. Johneou Brown, Charles Leland. Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen John Bissell, ' Pittsburg. X TINGLEY, President. !tau. Chub Tiny . ley t Witham itiltorassort, Frederick Brown, William Stevenson. - John R. Worrell, Canon* Robert Toland, a. D. Roam - marten, Charles Wood, James 8. Woodward __ OLE B. M . HIRCHMAR, Soo February 18. 1861. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF FKILADELPILA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS: F. RATCHFORD STARR, MOILDSCAI L. DAWSON, WILLIAM MCKEE, GEO. H. STUART, Hamm@ FRAZIER, Jomc H. Mums. JOHN K. ATWOOD, S. A. FmniasTocx, BENT. TWEDICS, I. L.L NDREW D. GASH, RINEY ASTON.ERAINSIR. . c tA x IC . IELF O IRD STARR, Presdin CHARLES WF. 1110ENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. Sal CHESTNUT Street, PhilaSelphia, OFIA.H.TER PEJO STUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDtH *MONO THE IN SURED. Insure Lives for short terms or for the whole term of life ; grant Annuities and Endowments; purchase Life Interests in Heal Estate, awl make ad contracts de pending on the contingencies of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trusteee, and Guardians. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1.19a1. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate.. .$M2,1181 United States stocks. Treasury, notes, loans of State of Pennaylvania, city of .Phila delphia, 268.7135 Premium mites , ioarie on collatierain, saypt 28 Pennsylvania. North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County 61X per cent. bonds— 306,802 60 Dank, insurance, railroad, canal istooke, Re, er,ati 45 Cash on hand, agents' balances, Ao., Ho,— WSW 14 1,071 128 IN DANIEL L. MILLER, President,' RS O A R MIIEL_E. STOKES, Vice President, JOHN E Noß.HaeetarY. mhat-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN eURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the Legislature of Penusylvasua, UDC Moe a. E. oorner of THIRD and WALNUT street, PHILADELPHIA. MAtINE 11 4 4817 RANCE, On Veseehi, Cargo, To a il parts of the World. INLAND INSURANCES On Goods by Rivers, Canals, Lakes. and Land Oar nages. to all parts of the Union. FIRE IrsSDRANOES On Merchandise generally. On Stores. Dwelling /1011101, 44. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1,1800. *MOO United States five V cent. loan--1100.600 00 110,000 United States aix 49' cent. Treason Notes, (with scorned intsreet)-- 112,463 34 100,000 Pennaylvania State fivo con' loan. 05,270 00 21,000 aix do. do. 21.046 00 123.060 Philadelphia City six cent. Loan. 176,700 37 60,000 Tennessee state fi ve cent. loan-. 24,000 03 60,000 Pennsylvania Ramiro 2d mortgage w' cent. bonds 46.000 00 10,000 000 shares. stook Oermantown Pas Company, interest and pnrimpal nit p ranteed by the City of Phila lax* 00 1,000 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Compan 5400 00 5000 100 ahare• Norther:wryly/We Rail road Company-- .--.-._-.---- lASI 80 shares Philadel phia foe Boat and Stearn Tug Company.— --- 1,700 CO WO 5 shares Philadelphia ant Havre de- Oraes Steam Tow. boat Company. MO 00 200 2 shares Philadelphia Exchange _ _ PC.r. 1,000 2 latiiitt at aitinaliffif Hotel Co._= 600 I,X) 8568,700 par. Coat $547.938.31. Market val.eld4M6 71 Uts receivable, for insurances made-- 171,6 M it Bonds and mortgagee...... --- 34,60) 00 Real estate—. 61,363 36 Balances due at Agenoics—Premituus on Ma rine Policies. intorsst. and other debts due the Company.-- --- 61,666 03 Soria aod atoolc of zundry Isumrsacce and other Gompames . 2,626 60 Caen on hand—in banks--_ ,0280378 18 in drawer—. 436 88 29,108 11 DIRECTORS. William Martin, !Samuel E. Stokes, &tinned A. Sun d er , I. F. Pennine. Raeotkilus Paulding, Henry Sloan, John R. Penrose. Edward Daelincton, John C...pasur, , H. Jones Brook°, J 9 es TT1411611:, Spencer Wilvein*, William gyre t Jr., Thomas C. Hand , ivnos C. Hand, Robert Barton, illtam C. Ludwig, Jacob P. loner, aleph H. Seal, James H. M'Farland, Dr. K. M. Huston. loMus P. Eyre, George C. Leiper, John B. simple, l'insn's, Huth Craig. D. T. Morgan, " Gnarl°, Kelly. ....... A. B. Berger, - " A RTIN, Pr- - " ... 7A 1 4 1 . 11 8 HENRY LYLBURN. Bs, FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.- THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE _INSUR_ANCE COMPANY—lncorporated IS2*—CHARTER .F• 188.1 TU AL—No. SIO WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence square. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-mx years, continues to insure asainst loss or dames' by Fire. on publio or pnva , e Buildinss. either permanently or for a limited time. Also. on Furniture. stooks of Goods or Merchandise generally , on liberal terms. I heir Capital. together with a large Burplus Fund ! is invested in the moat careful manner- which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of Mae. =MEM Jonathan l'atterson, lease Haziehnrat, Quiniin Campbell. Thomas Robnie, Jileisnder Benson, 1/antel eolith, Jr., William Monteling Smi Jo hn Deverenz, llamas . JONATHANi PiiiENBON. President. BEATON Swim, beeretarn a04.1y ININ &CHANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE_AND MA NSE INSURANCE Nos. 4 AND 6 EXCRANGE S ILDINOS. haltered in UM—Capital 8300,000—Feb. 1,1800, oaa value, 8438.792 77. All inveeted in isoun_d and available r3onntiore-iton (dune to insure on VOSSeII and Cargoes, Building*. atooke of Merchandise &e. on liberal terms. DIREC'TORS. fi eg i g n D. l o S t e , errerd, reel,}MlTStr'.. Charles Wirmtiester, obis' T, arnur, William S. Smith, Vhomna B. Watteau, Lehp B. Bildt, Henry G. Freeman, William it. Wed % Charles B. Lewis, Zge C. CMlo_l4 2 _ ;IWITtr D. BIit,AREILD, Pfellidant, WIIiLIANI. HARPER, Seeretarv. lee-tf FIRE INSURANOR. MEOHANICS' INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. No, 135 North SIX Street. below Race. insure Goodeemd NI TH, erohandise generally from lose or damage by lire. The company guarantee to adjmrt all losses promprty. and thereby hope to merit the pe.tren age of the Datil°. DIRZCTORII. William Morgan, Robert Flanigan, Francis Cooper, Michael MoOtoy, deorge M a wgberty, Edward McGovern, jams!, Thornse B. MoCornalets Jame* DUIVA, J FJ O or lan no il = romley: Motthew_itt2Aleer, Bernard Rafferty, Thomas J. Hemphill. Bernard R. leulseman, Thomas F, sher. Charles Clare Francis MaMenu,. .... htiohael Cahill. rsukriClß COOPER, President. BERNARD RAFFERTY, Secretary. 003-61:0, XL.A MERIOAN FIRM INSURANOE 00., INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia. Raving a large paid-np Capital Stook and lgruvlos. 'tweeted in sound and availablerSesmritiea, ixintinnes to insure on Dwelh m nse, Stores , F M urniture, erchandise, Vessels , in port and their cargoes, and other personal property. All looms liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. John T. Lewis, James R. Campbell, Edmund G, Datilhi Chas. W. Fotiltnen Israel !Aorta- . Thos. R. Maris. ohn Webs . j h ISamuel C. Morton. Petrick Brut.T. . . . - THOMAS MARIS, Promdent. ALBERT CI. S. CRAWFORD. Beoretarr. fen-if .VBOHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY I , . 1 —Office No. 409 WALNUT Street FIRE INSURANCE on Home. and Merohandiee generally, on favoreble term, either limited or nor ottani DIRECTORS: Jeremiah Boneall• Thomas Marsh, John Q. Ginnodo, Charles Thompson, Edward D. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel L. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben 0, Hale, John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BONHAM,. President. JOHN Q. OINNODO. Vice Premdent RICHARD COE, Secretary. Jed SAVING FUNDS. ".A little, but ellen, Albs the Puree." ipRANKLaN SAVING FUND, No.' s [JP- 136 South FOURTH Street. between, tit OBd Walnut, rhaadelptila, pays all teen demand. eeosttors' money seonted vi ta Governent. gages State, and&o City Loans, Oro Rents, Mort- This , . Company deems safety better than large wa i ts, eonsequently will run no risk with depo sitors' money. but have it at all time. ready to return. with 6 per cent. interest, to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended, Famales L ausrned or single, and Minors, can deposit in their on right , an d deposits can be withdrawn ormy by their consent. Charter perpeUtal. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania. with authority to receive I I T ne llanril t S74l.ll e sirgiri l ECElVED. Office open daily, f rom 9 to 5 o 'clock, and on Wednesday evening until 8 o'clock. DIRECTORS. l Jacob Shannon. Cyrus Csfilwellader. Mslaohi % .18Ifioan, George Russell, Charles Laning, :Jeremiah Comfert. Henry Delany, Nio holes R ittephouse, Nathan Smedley, Jos. If. Satterthwaite, Jones Yorke', Jo. Aleaande . JACO . SHAN ON, President. CYRU CADWALLADXS, " A Dollar saved Is Swage earned." EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS 16XPREE8 lONIPMIIti CO., M Os2o CHESTNUT Street. onwardsrayoely, Packages. erotusndum, Hank tl otat. and speoie, either by its own Linea or In eonneotiel with o th er Kronen Compa,thee, to el the prinstosi twos an/ *flies of the Illaiteml State.. E. f.II.IIIIIIPDXJI. 140/-11 Ihrsersi 11111muoglineMail. • P HILADELPHIA Tint R A -0 OTTA WORKS, Ofiloe and 'Ware Roonut,lologllllB7NUT Strut. Ornamental Chmney Tope. Garden Vases and Statuary. Ens:auntie Flooring Tile. erohltestnral Ornaments. Ventilating and Smoke Flues. Ridge Tile and Sanitary Ware. tream.prosed Dram rm. • Water Flea. warranted to stand he chime and durable. he Trade supplied on liberal terms . Iltuitrated Catalogues sent by all on aepUoatLon by lett/ . B• • 0014. watil-tf 1010 C BUHR THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL HAILE ono, 800 MILES DOUBLE TEACH. 1861. iaIitEMEIN 1 861. THE. CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD Ft NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA 11.2 M PITTSBURG. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains f u r n or on ß p os e c p o o n t . a N t e r w it Y ta o tw rk. g a an d t a h l I ?o h into ig h East, Tr a iandnn to on asstt h from altpointei the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fiat Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cats or Conductors. All Through Passenger Trains provided with Loughridge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking pars area ttaehed to each Train; Wood ruff's Sleeping Cars tolexprese and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY Mail and Fest Lines, Run• days excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 2.30 A. M. Fast Line " 1141 A. M. Express Train leaves 10.43 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.11) P. M. Columbia 4.00 P. M. Parkesburg at 5.40 N. Weet Chester " rto I. at 8.15 A. M. No. 2 at I 2 SO P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the West Chester N 05.1 and 2 and Columbia Trains. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsvort, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M. and 2.30 P. M., go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the ofSees of , the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or j Baltimore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the impor tant Railroad offices in the West; also on board MT of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers air Fare always as low, and time as quick, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner orEleveuth and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennisylvaura Railroad to Chicago. make this the DIRECT 1,1112, REI WS.EI.4 Tick; EAST AND ; THE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight. together with the saving of time, are advantages readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel ling ruche. Merchants and. Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confidence <mita speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in Inc West by the Pennsylvania <Railroad are at et/ times as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. SW' Be particular to mark packages " via Pennsyl vania Railroad.' For Freight Contmets or Shipping Directions, apply to. or address either of the following Agents of the Company: D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg :- ley, IL B,Pieroe & Co., Zanesville. J. J. Johnson, O.; R. McNeely, Maysville, Ry.; Ormsby & Croo ner. Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock & Co.. Jeffersonvi ll e. Indiana ; R. W. Brown Sc Co., Cincinnati. Athern & Hibbert, Cincinnati, O.; It. Cilaeldruni, Madison, Ind, Joe. E. Moore. L ouisville . Ky. ; P. G. O'Riley & Co., 'Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo, lil. •; It. F. Sass, Basler & Glass. St. Louis. Mo. John IL Harris, Nashville, Tenn, Warns & Hunt, Mem phis, 'seam ; Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111. ; W. IL Koonts. Alton, ill.; or toFre i ght Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. N. B. RINGsTON, Jr, -Philadelphia. MAGRAW Sc Rl3OOll 80 North. street. Baltimore, LEECH & C0...1 Astor Rouse, or 1 B. William at., N. Y LEECH dc CO.. No II State street, Boston. II li. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent. Phila. L. L. HOUPT, Green Ticket Agent, Phila. E. LEWIS, Gera Sup't Altoona. Pa. Ja3-1y .604,967 61 Ai . President. 1. H Vice Preeiclont. writ,tarr. nol7-tf V,I I \) 1861. 16. ammo 1861. ALPIMG ARRANUJRMErer. —NEW YORK LINER TAW CAMDEN AND ARIBOY AND PRELA- DELPHI& AND TRENTON RAILROAD Com FROM IoRIDADELFRiA WU NEW I.I2I VORR AND WAY PLACE% MOM WALNUT-MIT. WEIABZ AND ISM - INS-TON Dire? WILL LJAVE AB FOLLOWS. VEr. FLU. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation 22 At 6 A. M., via Camden avid City, (D i. Acoommodation ---- 226 Ate A. 21., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning . - Soo At 114 A. M., vos Kensington and Jamey City, Western Express.--. 00 At #232 P. M., via Camden an d - JibOy Acoommo dation—.. - ._ l!B _ At 1 P. M., via Camden and Amboy , audit:Pa- pre= . 3 00 At 43i P. M., via Kensing ton and Jersey City, Eve ning Ex? i ress.-- 300 At th' P. M. via Kensington and Jersey City , 2d Class Tio 2 26 At 6 P. l M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mai 3 0(1 At Mark - C — RT, ern Mail - . 226 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aooonmusda too, (Freight and Passenger)—lat Class Tioket— 326 Do. do. Clam Tioket— 60 The 6P M Mail Line rens daily. The 11,X P M. Bonth ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville. Flemington, Ay., at 7.10 A. M. front Kensington, and 2M P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Boranton, Wilkeibarre, Montrose, Great Bend, ho., 710 A. M. from Kensington, via Delaware. Lackawanna and Western ft. ft. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. M. from Kennington Depot, and 2X P. M. from Wal nut-10feet wharf ; (the 7 10 A. M, Ime connects with train leaving Banton 1143 . 36 F. hL/ gl For Freeho ld. Ml, A. aGond 8 A. M., 3 and d>i For at 6 M_ and 2P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol Trenton, Ac.. at 7.10 5.M.. iMmut 6M P. M. from Keturington, and 2M p. M. from Walnut street wharf. For Palmyrs. Riverton, Delano*. Begerlf. Burling ton Florence, Bordentown. egth,eit UM. 1, d3i and 5 P. it Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate places. at 2,4 P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. KT For Vow York, and Way .Lines leave Kensington Depot, take the ears, on Fi ft h street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The oars run into the depot, and on arrival of each train. run from the depot. Fifty Founds of Baggage,only, allowed each Pusan f, t Vgl anything as fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company lime their reamsibility for baggage to One Pollarper and will not be liable for any amount beyond SIN, ex cept by special contrcot • m h 27 WM. If. CIATZMER, Agent. ail i mieLE WINTER ARRANGE MENT.—PHILADELPHIA, EIEJLMANTOWN,AND NORRISTOW RAILROAD. On and FOR after MONDAY GERMANTOW, Nov, N 13,1800, . Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8, 900. 11, and 16 A. M., 1, 7' 2,8%, 634, 6,1,8, 9,10 X, and 11% P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7%, 8, 8.34, 9 10, 11 and II A M., 1,2,8, 4,6, 6,8.% 7 8 9 and 10M F. M. brt her DA.Y - ti, Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 nun. A. M., 1,7, and MN P. M. Leave Germantown, IMO mm. A. AL, LW min., d, and eld P. M BILL RAILRO . Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, and 111 A. 2, 6.6,8, mu) 10.2/ P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7, 10, 7.25, 8.40, and 9.40, and 11.40 A. 76., 1.40, 8.40 6N0, and 8.40 P. M. SON4YO. Leave PhOadelph[a, 9.05 2. and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut MAII, 7.50 nu n, A. M., 1260, 5.49, and 9.11) F 1 81t . &I f fIifiONOOREN AND NOR RISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 5.50, pi, 205, and 1145 A. M., 1.05,8.05,4%, 5.65. and Ilk . M.. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 8.00,9, and 11 A. M., 122,4 X, and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. to Leave Philadelphia, 9A. M and P. M., for Norris wn. Leave Norristown MANAF M. VUNK. and 5 P. M. OR Leave Philadelphia, SAO, TM, 9.06, and 11.05 A. M. 1.05. 2.06, 3.05. QC CM, 9.05, 11X I'. M. Leave Manarunk - , 634.734. 5.56, 034.11%4 A. M., S. 31 OS, and 935 P. M. ON SUNDA Ye. Leave Philadetphis. 9 A. M.. 5, and 7 P. M. Leave .Manayunk,7JCA. M.. SX, and 8 P. M. Et. K. amrrjr.iteneral Stinorintendent. DEPOT. NINTH and 9INEEN Streets. Nig EMIR 141 ?rA R ri T IL H At P III I IO N A E 7. 7 " - FOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLEo.p, N.. MAUCH CHUNKJIAZLETON. and ECRU:X.. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY. December), IMO, Passenger Val nswi IL leave FRONT fold WILLOW Streets, Ptula depths, daily.. (Sundays exempted). follows At 6.30 A. m. D ,_(Exoress). for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chong, axieton, Wilkesbarre, At 2.46 Express). for Bethlehem, Keeton, &o. This train reaches Easton at 6 P.M., and matey close connection with New Jersey Central fog New York. /c c. At 6 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manoh Chunk, At 9 A. M. and 4 P. 201._., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.30 A. M. Express train makes close connection with the Lehigh Yeller' Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkesbarre, and to all points in the Lehigh ooal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. P M. Leave Bethlehem at 6.49 A. M., 9.15 A. M.. and 6.83 Leave Poyleatown at 7.111 A. M. and 5.20 P. M. Leave Fort Waal:nate:l at OM A. M. ON 89711 DAYS . —Philadelphia for Fort Washington at CM A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.45 P. M. Pare to Beth , ehem—Sl 60 I Fare to Mauch Chnnk.s3 6e Fare to Easton 160 Fare to Wilkeabarre,_ 4ao Through Tickets must be procured at the Timm' °Mom. at WILLOW Street, or BEAKS Street. in order to secure the above rates of fare. Ali Passenger Trains (extent Sunday Trains) connect at Berke Street with Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streets )'avenger Railroads, twenty minutes after leaving Willow Street. deS-tf ELLIS CLARE. Agent. SPRING ARRANUE ENT.—PHILADELFRIA, wiLmiloietoxi Art D BALTIMORE — RAILROAD. On and a lter MONDAY', APRIL 15. 1861, pAisaErf GBH TRAINS LEAV E PHILADEL PHIA: For Baltimore M 8.15 A. M., 1185 A. M., (F.xprew), and 10.60 P. M. For Chester at 8.13 A. M., 11.35 A. 51., 415 and 10.50 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 1153 A. M., 4,15 and Mao P.M. For New Cootie at 8.15 A. M. and 435 P. M. For BOW at 5.15 A. M. and 4.18 P. m, For Milford at 8.10 A. M. For Balisbury 8.15 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 5.13 A. M. Exordia), 9.41 A. M., and 4.45 P. 81. Leave Wilmington at 6.03 and 9.1 D A. AL. 1.30 and 8 P. M. Leave Salisbury at 1.40 P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at 8.35 A. M. and 11.80 P. M. Leave New Castle at 815 A. M.. 7.2) P. M. Leave Cheater at 7.40 A. M., 9.40 . 1.67 and 8 . 40 P.M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Rail road at 615 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Chester at 8.45 A.M.. 12.06 and 11.7) P.M. Leave Wilmington at OA A. M., /2.33 P. AL, and U •. M. FEYA(RT 'FRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will ran as folkrwn Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 5.30 P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryvillo and Intermediate Places at 716 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia anti interme diate places at 5 P. M. Leave Havre-de-Oraoe for Baltimore and intermedi ate atation• at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intermedi ate stations at 0 P. M. ON SUNDAYS: Only at 10.50. P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltamerre. Only at 4 45 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. sol 2 S. M. FELTON, President. PHILADELPHIA I R L E A A D D .f N L O P H AM', I A ROAD.—PARIBEN9ED. IDAINB for po'sTsvILLE RE - SDINDt and HA FR SSIIII(21, on and after/April 21(1. DIMING LINER. DAILY (Sundays exceptedj_ aye New Dei A ot, cornier oIdROAD and CALLOW HIUL Streets, P ILADELP Passeng er entrances on Thirteenth an on Callcrwhi stree ts.)at BA. 118., connecting at Harrisburg with the PEN : SYLVANIA RAILILLAD. I P. M. train rotating to Pittsburg ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 P. M. tram running to Chamberstnir_g, _Carlisle, An.; and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD I.P. M. train, running to Sun bury, AL. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA,(Passenger eittraq on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets, for CV VILLE and HARRIS BURO, at 11. P. M. Be LY, or READING only, at B.P. IL.I DAILY , (Sundays ex telllttliCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING 411.0 AD, Piow PHU-ADVS. 'So Phcenixville 78 581Ptilladelphia and Reading term nir on ES and Lebanon Valley Rarrigbarg—..,--111 Dasphin hfullenbarg_ Nrevorten Junction-368 Runburg— ••-•—/a Northumberland , hiewnbart Milton Its Wumaarort —an Look Ham' I ton -36] Williamepcgt and Maths Railroad. The 8 A. M. end 11.80 P. M. train oonooot datlL at Port Clinton, thindays excepted ' ) with the CATA WIBBA, WIL lAMSt'ORT. and ER/E_BAILROAD. Faking oloee connections with lines to Niagara SUL adajhe Wegt and t, utb_ut.w DEPOT IN PHILA Puut Omer 01 TAD and CALLOWHILL Streets. • 81. 13 -tf W. H. MirnaMOnlic Os .. . . DAILY INLAND FREIGHT LINE TO NOR IRMO PO SMOOTH. VA., and to the princi pal Cities and Towne In the bopth and Southwest. tioode sent to the Depot, comer IIItOAD Street and 1, WABEHPIOTON Avenue. will forwarded daily, and at aii low rates as by any other e 4. E. KENNEL Mastei.„ , & .T r co._ WEST CHESTER TiLAMB via I , Ertmiy i VV NV, lawn" depot, __camel' Fads v a W. at 111 A. Mt., r. M.. FURNMS, BRINLEY, it 00. no. 429 MARK= !STREET POSTPONEMENT. _ NOTICE.—for cal. of fazuv_scoodi ouvertised for Tuesday and Wednesday, April 73 and 74, is postponed now further notioe• NF. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, Suc • oesaor to B. Soots. Ir.. 431 CHESTNUT St. BA_LE AMERICAN ANP IMPORTED PRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. RIB bONB, FLOWERS. Re., By oatalogue, on a °rutin. On Wednesday Morninc. April BLA CK oommenoine at 10 'nok MIT T S I/ACE POINTS AM) MITTS. l e t s wear styles Par.. !dank silk lace points and mantles.; blank silk lace mats, long and e l le n ; w id e blank silt lanes. BLACK SILKS. —lots superior klaon dress silks.. EMBROIDERIES. Latest atlles cambric and jaeonet collars and sets, omoroiderod handkerchiefs, flouncing, Le. THIRD SPECIAL SALE OF STRAW GOODS, By catalogue, On Friday Mgrning. April 24, oommenoing at 10 c'olock oreaisalY. c=l SHERIFF'S BALE AT JOHNS' HOTEL, On Monday Morning, April 20. Her. at tea o`ciliaak-, upon the Pro Trig". Jones' Hotel, Chestnut street, above Sixth, will be sold— • The entire balance of the stook of furnitu , o. consist ing of the fureiture, beds. and bedding of 100 rooms. Bruerls and ingrain carpets, oil cloths, dining room furniture, silver plated ware, cutlery, bar Wares, wines, dro. PILIP FORD &. CO., AUCTION KERS, No. 430 MARKET Street and 621.1 MINOR St. POSTPONER RINT. 1910 e of window shades is postponed until Tuesday. the 30th inst., on almount of samples not arriving in time. POSITIVE BALE OFD.OO O O OMIEB BOOTS , OlioEB , AnBRGA.OIB. On Thursday Morning. April 23, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by cata logue- -1,000 oases men's, boys' and youths' calf, kis.. and grain boots, calf, kip, and train brogans. Congress gaiters. Ox ford boorch and Jamey ties, nralklpg shoes, &o.; wo men misses . ', and ohildren's calf, gm, goat, and Sid b oo t s en d shoes. gaiters. Imagism, slippers, /CO.: also, a large assortment of first-olasts oity-made good!. also. 10 dozen coohineal Noir Goods open for examination, with catalogue", early on the morning of gale. NFITZPATRICK. BROS., AGO * TIONF,KIBI 894 0933811:111"9 street, above 13A1M E'y'BßY liVF3fiffe. At f o'oloot, or Boob, stationery and foray goods watolies. Jewelry, cloaks, silver plated ware, entlerY. paintitign, musical inetruements, .to. Also, Roston', dry goods, boots and 'does, and tun - obandise of every desorjption. DAY• day M IO BAEY.:l3oloak v ery -Monday. Wednesday. and Fn rItIVATE OAL.Ws. At private eels mayoral large consignment' of watches, Jewelry, books. stationery, 'Over-plated ware, outlerr, fantry - geoec..ko. To which Js solicited the attention of tug and country merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all Untie of merohandise for either public or private solos. Liberal mutt advannen made on coasicnatonta. Out-door sales promptly at to. M 08.103 NATHANS, 1:1 CI TIONEN AND QOMINILSSION MERCHAII7. t3outheast corner of Sirat and RACE Streets. NATRANtY LARGE JEWEL RY , FORFEITED WATCREH, lee. Fromthane' Principal Eclat.liniment. southeast corner of RieMsind A. 11043 Mynas. This Morning, April 23. at 10 0 cloak. at Moses Nathana' Anotton House, Nos. IE6 and 117 North Sixth street, adjoining the southeast corner of Sixth and Baca. Consisting, in Par OL t. cf u GWATCHES. Go'd hunting ease. double-ease, and double-bottomed Enellehatent lever watches in 18 . carat eases, extra full jewelled, and of the most approved and beat makers gold hunting - case and open-face detached escapemen t patent lever watches, 18-carat amiss. awi of the best makers; gold hunting-case and open-face horizontal cylinder and Levine watches. in 18-carat cases, and of the very best ; gold double-time and Lode readout-second patent lever watches. in 18-carat eases, and hest makers; various kinds of gold Englisb, Swiss, and French Watches. !SILVER WATCHES. Silver hunting-ease,, and double-bottom English patent lever watches, of the most approved and boat makers ; silver, duplex, escapement lever, cylin der. and lepine watches, in hunting cases and open faces. full jewelled and plain; silver quitrtier watches ; silver dounle case, single-ease, and double-bottomed English, Swiss, and Preach watches. JY. Diamond finger rings and breast-pine, single stone and chanters; fine gold sets for ladies ; gold neck, vest, fob, and chatelaine chains ; fine gold finger rings, of variety and kind; heavy fine gold eagle ; fine gold breast-pins, gold ear-rings , gold bracelets, gold pencil-cases and pens, gold studs, geld sleeve buttons, gold and silver spectacles. gold eye glasses, gold keys, seals, and charms, gold medallions and lockets, and va rious other watches and jewelry. &c. NATH.ANS' GREAT SALE OF CLOTHING, BED DING, AND OTHER ARTICLES. On Tuesday Morning, 30th inst. at le Volook. at the auction store. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER,. WOREB.—ftEAFIE PRA AL AND THEORET ICAL ENGINEERS, MAGHINLITS, JtOILER-MAKERS,BLACKENUTES, and FOilliDE.trn, having, for many years, been is enoneesfal operation, and been asolosively engaged la building and repairing Marine And River Engines, high and low pressure. Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, Ace. respectfully offer their servitors to the public as being Sally prepared to contraat for Engines of ail ales, Marine, River, and eltatmiary having sets e velem of different nisei. are prepare° to execute or ders with' aniok despatch. Every description of Pattern mabng made at the shortest notice. Bun and Lou pressure, Fla°, Tubular, and Cylinder licnieta,or the best sylvania eharooal iron. Forginrs, of" all sizes and kinds ; Iron and '. l San Coatings, of all d martyr' ons; 101 l 'Fuming, Borer, Cutting, and all ether work sn • noted with the above business Drawings andispeoileations for all work ions at ash establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. Whit subeonbers hove ample wharf dock rpom for re pairs of brats where they can tie in pericot safety ODA are townie/I with 'heart, Waste, fal!s. &a— wr music heavy go t M 111E4 MOOR S. FIE. JOAN; P. LEV/. AMAMI sod PAISLEY envoi. T. 11•17611 A E MERRICK, /ORE E. COPE, WILLIAMMKRRICK. RAIRTLRY MERRICK. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. PHlLanzLeara. MRItRICIC & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACIDNISTIS, Manufaoture High and Low Pressure steam tint inns. for land, ri Ter, and marine service. Boilers. Gasometers, TIIIIIIII. Iron' Boats, ate; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron ctbrass. Iron Frame Roots for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road stations. &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Un proved construction. ahvery description of Plantation Machinery, such as ougar, Saw. and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defeoatore, Filters, Pumping Kngincs, Ito. Bole Agents for N. Rilliens's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus Nesmyta's Patent Steam Hammer and As pinwall ft Wohey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine ass-y FAIRMOUNT MACHINE WORKS, WOOD Bt.. between Twenty-first and Twenty second. Establushed IFKOL The undersigned, successor to the late firm of J. k. T. WOOD, will continue the business in all its branches as heretotore. Power Looms and all machines oonneoted with them, Embossing Callender*, Lard Oil Presses, Shafting l _and Maohine Work in general. Tnanklu/ for past (STOTT, he would respectfully solicit a oontinuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on the late firm. THOMAS' WOOD. Philadelphia. Jan. S. 1.961. iaJ44m poOINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 .OXACII street, Kensfuton, Pailadelphis.—WD. MAM 'H. TIEILS inform' . has friends that, basins . var. !hued the entire stook of Pattern. at the above Foe n• 417, he is now proporod to receive ordors for Rains. Unit, 1113 Saw Mill Ocatiass, .soap, Chemical, en/ Mime Work, levied. Outings mate from Lever Watery wr Castel& Femmes, in dry er men sand • • sisas• • vs. ru WEEKLY COMMUNICATION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QUEENSTOWN llre -1,,,pc,) to land and embark passensers and despatches. The Liverpool. New York, and Philadelphia Steam silty Company's splendid Clyde-built iron sorer steam ships, are intended to sail as follows: PROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. EDlNStalOti. - Saturday, - - : - .April 20 GLASGOW. Sato. day, April M' CITY OP WASHINGTON. Saturday, May 4 And every Baturaay throughout the year, from P ER No. 44 N. R. RATER OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM . PHILADELPHIA. _ - - - Cabin, to Queenstown. or Liverpool. —..—.. $75 Do. to London, via id very 001—.....-- $BO Steerage to Queenstown, or LiverpooL— --- $3O Do. to London--...-.-.. Do. Return tickets, available for six months, from Liverpool.. $6O Passengers forwarded to Havre. Paris, Hamburg. Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rates. Ce.tsficates of passage issued from Liverpool to New York— _ $4O Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown to New York...—.—¶3 o These steamers have superior accommodations for passengers. are constructed with watertight oompart meats. and carry experienced burgeons. For freight, or 'usage, apply at the Office of the Com- Pang. JOHN 0. DALE, Agent, 109 Walnut etreet, In Liverpool. to WM. INSIA d. Tower Buildings. In Glasgow. to WM_. WHAM. apB-tl 13 Dixon street. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM - - - _ SHIPS. PROM WPM TORT TO LIVIRPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage--..... BIM Second Cabin Passage . _ 78 PROM POSTON TO LIVZRPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage— 11110 8000114 Cabin Newfrom to Y n c is r a k l °ea-Fit Cork -EL-FibakHar bor Platirt. Cant. Judkins. AFRICA, Cant Shannon. ARA lA, Capt. J. Stone. CAPIADA.Crigt. Anderson. ASIA Capt. E. H. Lott. AMERICA Capt. McAuley AUSTRALASIAN_, NIAGAR4Capt. Moodie. Capt. B. M. Hookley. HUROPA. Capt. J. Cook. SCOTIA. (now bruldina.) These vessels carry a clear white light at man-head reen on starboard bow ; red on port bow. CANADA, Anderson, leaves Boston, Wednesday; April 3. AFRICA, Shannon, "N. York, Wednesday, Apnl (o. EUROPA, Cook, " Beaton, Wednesday, April 17. PFRBIA Jtidkins i " N. York, Wednesday, AP ril 24. NIAGARA, Moodie, '• Boston . Wednesday, ?day 1. ARIA Lott, " N. York, Wednesday. May 8. A_RAfld, Stone. " Boston. Wednesday, May 15. AFR CA, Shannon, " It York. Wednesday, May gr. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these 'tugs will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, linden bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expreesea. k. G FO u r r4Aj f e relt or p= l apel/ to Bowling Green, New York. g isik FOR THE SOUTH.-OHARLES , TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. Bill. lading for goods for points other than the cities of Charleston and Savannah, mart be accompanied with certified invoicies, to iniroreprompt delivery. All goods not permitted immediately after the arrival of the steamers at Charleston and Savannah will be ce rhi: ° S the ship to t i tilrEE OF use r aORGIA having_ been withdrawn for the present, the Steamship KEYhTONE STATE will ran to both Savannah and Charleston• taking freights for both ports at the same time, yrs oesidlns first to Savannah, and from thence to Charles ton, making a trip every two weeks, thus making de liveries as frequently in Charleston and Savannah as when both ships were running. Passengers for Charleston will be ticketed through from Savannah to h CoarlSee; t t o h n buyg R h atiol road. Far FRCHAR h, E3TON AND SA VANNAH on . , Ste. Owing to the Difficulties at Charleston. the Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. Marsiumen, has been with drawn for the present. Due notes of her saihng will be given. 6100111 received every day, and Bills of fading signed at second wharf above Vine Street, INSURANCE. . Freight and insurance on a large proportion of floods sailiPed South will be found to be lower by these ships thahy ga ll ing vessels. inimranoe on all Railroad Freight S a vannah unnecessary, farther than Charleston or the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these points. Philadelphia to New Orleans and intermediate points. Charleston and Savannah route, connecting with steamers for Florida, and with railroads for New Orleans and intermediate points. IItRZAT ithiDIItTSIVN IN FARE, Fare by 'his route 36 to 40 per sent cheaper them by the Inland Route, as will be seen by the following schedule. Through tickets from Philadelphia, via Charleston and Savannah steamships. INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except trout Charleston and Savannah to Montgomery : To Savannah.-.._11115 it To Columbus.— .gift oo Charleston.— 16 00 Albany ---ii MOn a o l g a - ""7 - . "..... 11 Ofi Montgomery......, : 3 Cl e 1 At16,11%-...... --. 3 1 CO New Orleans...-. 89 NI N. 8.-Passen g er by this route oonneet with the In land Route in South Carolina and Georgia, travelling by the same conveyances thence to New Orleas. No 11110solading signed after the ship has sailed. No freight received on the day of sailing. Agents in Chaneston,T. /3, & 'Z. G. RUDD. san t=SR ec and T. _S. &T. G BU DD . Charleston, luid HUNTER & OAMMELL, tlasannali. will attend to entering and for warding all goods von/anted to their oars. MorthernrosAl Contr*l. Rail. Banbury and 24ri• I. I. OLIVE 01 - I:—Pure 'Ohio Oil, "Latour'. lt Jeuretahe & Cantab.'', for isle try JAV JSICLIJK CARSTALRL 5109 L FAO= St. DUO SALES BY AUCTION. M A CHINE RY AND IRON. SHIPPING. SPECIAL NOTICE SALES BY AUCTION ilObibli it 80N8, AR T • Nos. 139 snd 141 South k. tnIRTII Vac (Formerly Noce and 161.) 8 rocks AMI:1 REAL ESTATE'—THIS Day Pamphlet catalogues now reads, containing Nit seriatim,s of all the property' tO be weld on Turfnlity a. 3; with a list of sales of real estate end furniture o — o„,'. 22d, 23d, and Seth and Ist Mal. of sales at the we tl ychange, 39th April and 7th May, Indluding a very )grie amount of valuable property. THE NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE, Na l .4lS EN Fifteenth street, will be beld at Private sale f or a ir er 4 daye, at a moderate 'nee. STOOKS AND REAL ESTATE. eAbiCB AT THE EXONAeitifs EVEky (Itgp.„ ifirliandbilLs of eeeh nroyerty iennod secereiel " ' • addition to which we eubileh, cope &unrest to each eale t ono thousand pee!, in p an , form, giVinK tett desorietione o an the crav en P sold on the following Yueeday. • to t. REAL ESTA'rE AT PRIVATE' BALE, fir We have a large amount of recd Wale to o,i sole, including every M a ri h a of city and , on rat7 proporty. Printed beta may be had et tha auction I t " PRIVATE BALE ItEtilaTEß. illEr Real estate entered on out private Bole yeti and adgegtined ommeionally in oar yobbo (of wtaoti one thousand copies are prlnte4 ii712(44, free of charge. FB.REMPTOBY SALE — fiTOCKI3, 40,' This DAY, April 23, noon. at the biehsose, will i v , / W ithout reserve for nott.mLyment of assessments /AM Bharat, Bohemian mining Company, For account of whom it may women-. 50 ',harm, Union Cana , Corn pear. C oal 110 shares Little Eohnyllia/ rocium COM.PIIIIIY. / share r hilesaelphiaLibrerY Company, Assignee', Peremptory Bale -27 shares Commonwealth ania Railroad Cern, lnf. 40 shares Bank. • 1 share Mercantile Library. roadoo seoond-morteage bends of the Barclay Rail and Cord Comsany. 4160 eorip Olivet Baptist Church. Federal etree REAL ESTATE SALE—APRIL 23. Fxeoutors' Sule-1. state of Conrad Wolk*teemed Very valuable GERMANTOWN P ROPERTY. '- acres, with un_provem ants, Allen's lane, sear t h e 28 4 Airy station. Chestnut Hill Railroad • morn Orphans' court Sale—Estate of Thonnui Ram, e oeued.—Dwka.LlNG AND I,OT OF GROUND e 0,,,!.• west oorner o f Twenty-third street and Brim,' coy ' l. . l; above. canowbill street. Barre rotate —FOUR DWELLINOR en court, west of Twenty-third r tenet, melt) of Callooeci Same Hotate.—THßEE-STORY BRICK' DwE i r ING, Loan street. north of Green street.lsth ve r C Same Eguite.—STOßE AND DWELLIfe G. north do of Callowhill street westofTwent -third serge,- m-• game estate.- AND DWELLING 14 . 01 the abo west. • pe r 3 TIEIRIRP-BTORY DWELLINGR,Xec 731. mil 733 Lowbarfl Street 0. DRIAAS DwbusdNO,/fo. fleneant areaue , north of Lombard street. ELM/ era BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE, sly aide of North Brorut street , south of sirerd erten. Lot 37 feet front. The bones has ell the metier ' , --• veniences. Executors' Perentorx Bale- 7. 1E slat. of Aim Tay.,, deotrasedi.—N EAT it 't!lDhelOk., No. 733 3Pruse agetl and Bruit Dwelling in the rest on Orange stetott. Keremetim• Pmts.—Pier G aNT REa it E NCR CHESTNUT RILL, with 43f, acres, with ouperior rose- Lon. 250 feet front on Thorp's lane. Trustees' Pale.—THE by FLINT CHURCH EDI. Fick,. and large lot, 106 by 100 fest. south side of he eom street. between P ighth and Ninth aroma, om int i the southern front of the Continental Hotel. HANDSOME. NEW MODERN RESIDENCE.nong west corner Seventeenth and Wallace streets. Rae th e modern conveniences. Immediatepc TWO THREE-STORY P RICK 11WELLING19,Wo. Dame Street, northwest of Tulip Street, late District of Richmond. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Fulton it,, northwest of pip street. T TDB. 2.-STORY BRICK DIEtLLING3. Fel ton Street. FOUR YEARLY GROUND-REN7I3, viz.; en, a m , $3O, and 524. Administrator's sale, 1911 Walnut street—Estate MDT, Thomas Harms, deceased. UFERIOR &Miff ... MOW m AND FURNITURE, MIR. RORP. OIL PAiNTINGS. CURTAINS. ellAfiDi,- Li&RII, &O. This Morning. 23d Inst., at 10 o'clock, at No. 1911 Walnut street, lo catalogue, the entire furniture. comprising assent walnut drawing-room furniture, mantel and tor mit. ro rs, fine oil paintings and engravings, curtain, du defiers. glass and china. superior dining.- room and chamber f urn i ture . Also, the kitohem tumours, reftl. geaLtio o• The superior residence, With coach Soso. li n be sold at lo olook precisely, previous to the gals Di furniture. Full partioulere in hand bills end catalogues. BALE OF VALUABLE is Eveni MISCEL Ull LANEO Boogs, Thng. April XL at the Anotion Store. will be sold a collie. bon of valuable misoeltaneous books, a portion from private library. Cr For particulars au natalernes. Fate at the Pennsylvania Rotel. BOUAEHOLD FURNITURE, FEATHER BEDS, CA RPETH. CARRIAGIEiS. BAR F.XTURES, LI QUORS, &o. On Wednesday Morning. 24th instant, at le o'clock, at the Pennsylvania Hotel, No. tit North Sixth street, the entire Wa ft ure. hithe r beds , beds, carpets, family carriage holes. two (*null car. nage,. bar fixtures, liquors, &o. W May be examined at 8 o'clock on the motaisy cf the male. Bab No. 1.X13 Chestnut Street, ELEGANT FURNIIU RE.R HORS, PIANO, CHAADELIEftd, VELVET CARPoII, On Wednceday Morning. April 24, at l 0 o'olook, at Co. LIM Magma street. by oatalogne— The entire furniture of a lady declining hounekeekr. comprising ,rosewood and urooatelte drewieg-roope furniture, piano-forte by Gale & Co., handsome route and pier mirrors, fine velvet carpets, p.ated ware. China and shies were. superior walnut ohamber tutu tare, fine mattresses, cottage furniture, oil oloina. at. Aioo. a quantity of fine preserves; also, tea kiteldre furniture. Itir May be examined at 8 o'olook on the monger of the gale. Miir No postponement on account of the weather. Hale No. 258 &nth Tenth Fired. sopritloß WALNUT PARLOR AND CHAMBER FURNITURE. BRDEISRLB CARIETB, etc. On Friday Morning, April 46. at 1 4 o'clock. at No. Mel ft oath Tenth street. by catalogue. the superior 'walnut mottr furrows. onamber furniture, beds and bedding. china end gine' ware. Brneeels carpets, ko , of a gentlemen &cilium hon ekeeping. 11V" May be examined on the morning of me, et! o'clock. Peremptory Bale on the Premise.. ESTATE uF GEHR4H MCHENRY. EBq. THE ELROANT COUNTRY 86 al, WOODBOLRNE, FINS MANBIOre, OSe ACRES. NES R SIX MILES PROM MARKET eiTitEET BRIDOE. On Wednesday Morning, May let, 4861, at ten o'olock precisely, will be sokf of Public emotion. without reserve, on the weirder— All that beautiful country seat. Woodeoutee, with =mem r modern mansion. stable and et am-Itates. green-house, ioe-bouse, and other ont-buildinte , ll , 4 l o acres highly improved land, situate on the Spinigfield road, about half a miie from the terminus of the 11 etbt Passenger Railroad. and six miles from Matter street bridge. The mansion is of brick, painted and mated. bruit and finished In a most costly' apd elegant th:r. from p are by .1. McArthur, Ego.. arobtteot, and cede his superintendence, replete with every modern Provement and convenience for a winter as well itt summer residence. The out buildings are also seems and commodious , the grounds beautifully laid ogled planted with every species of evergreen and deeidgeo trees and shrubbery, fine trait, pears.cherries, Sm. &o. Also, an arbor of ;ohoioe grape vines, a meet, and several large hot bees. ln the rear of the marmot are about three acres of fine American forest trees, std a grove of large walnut trees. The property bounds also on the Darby Creole, 60 feet wide and 7 lest deep. which affords fine bathing and boating. A more fel description may be had at the auction rooms. The superior furniture, horses, eisrbtess. frt.. be sold, by catalogue, tanuedtately after the real estate. Terms—bslf cash. 'Sale absolute, the owner having gone to Europe sole N 0.874 North Sixth street. SUPERIOR. FURNITURE. MIRROR, BRUBBELB CiIRFETS, &c. On Friday Morning. May 3d, at ten o'clock. at 874 North Sixth duel. above Parish street, The superior parlor. dining-room, and chamber Mon thly. fine French plate mantel mirror, fine Brawls. Garrote, Nuperior erring mattreetes, and leather bea• fine plated tea set. &a. IIrP May be examined with catalogue on the morning of the sale. at eight o'clock. EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, beNCSOTHR COUNTY, PEXCA. Hon. Joseph Konigniaoher, the late Proprietor of this favorite Bummer resort, having lately died. the imbsortbera. Executors of his will, have leased the et tabliehment for the coming season to Col. 8.13.84X 1. MAKER, who has been an assistant at this Place Of the last SIX years, and. we believe, favorably known to all the visitors. Thanking the patrons of the place GO the public generally for the liberal patrooase hereto fore extended to the late Proprietor, mei reeselfelb mahout a oonunuanoe of the same to his worthy en -430050ra ?DAM KONIGMACHER, WM. CARPENTER, Executor!, Havinx leased the above-named plane, and eninled Mr. H. H. ithiNILARD, who has been an gplataatet the Springs for some yews. the undersigned will oris for visitors the Ist day of June, 'MI, and hopes that toe own, as well as Mr. Reipharo's, long connecuon ent the Springs, together with his detenninatiou to Cot duet them, in every department. in their usual PoPu way, and, as near as cookie, with tne mum loo m ' rawhides servants, will be a guarantee to the mum§ of the place , as well as the public generally, Uhl the Syings will merit their oontinued patronage. or_flirth_ar particulars and eirouLers please ea 133 . A. B. MYERS, oorner of THIFD and VIM!. Mr. REINHARD. at the Union Hotel. ARCH Street, till June hat; or, addrcse B. C. SLAYMAKER,. Ephrata P. 0., Lancaster county, Penns. WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand. and ore 4151:111164tUtiti to order, at the Mount AND aper Milli, evoll r scription of WRITING LEDGER PAYE RS. which color and quality, are not excelled by Of Mills other in the United States. We would call attention to a new article of Par manufactured by us, and now for sale, nailed Busmen, Letter, which has been gotten up to meet the watts O 1 bawl:lsms men and others, Wtlo object _ to Commsrom Note as being too narrow, and do not wish to use WI of usual letter sheet. This overcomes both the above objections : is a Wr' foot sheet, pare wove ; plate finish ; ruled on opener: stamped in contra near the top ; made from beg try' tonal, free from adulteration, and put up in neat box"' convenient for nee. Ws also have a gayer called Dank Letter, similar to the above, event at has but half the number of liner on, so as to allows printed blank or heeding above. Kista gs rTor4 itaul..i.ix Mount 11011 Y Sprin. Cumberland Co,. t The above rapers can be had of Messrs, PIPICOTT tr. 110., and MEOARGEE BROTREA • NOE. 3 and 45 DECATUR Ittreet. reh&-Sal MEDICINAL. DYSPEPSIA REMEDY Dr. DARIUS HANFIt AROMATIC INVIGORATIHOSPIAII . , FAS: Modicum key boas used by Me public .for V" . " with iscrsasies_favor. It as rseeintrieuder to C." Dypsysio._ liffervaiismas, /Dart-Bum,. Colic seas, wired is Ow Stomach, or ihi Bowers. Heargesciss, Drowsiouiss &Wiser cowyksious, Lots ISTlrtut Tungus, initsistpareets. It avuglitairis, Rxmtaltalan, Iyintaonaygeh svr WELL rude truroxICATIC 01 15T111 9 17 7 . As a Medicine it is anink and effeetnal,,.,oet h itg e , most aggravated oases of - Dyspepsia, doe/ t•tet t -Is and all other darangemente of the latomaon sod - Is in a speedy manner. It will instantly rest'se the most melancholf drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous , aeu sitkly to health, strength, and wager. r mom 0, Pert the injudicious we of Iwnorn" " become doJeutee. and their nervous .7"tenu , iha We ol il e sortstitnlarma braked:oolM and subLeoe to that horn I curse to humanity , the Dll .11E1724 T 1119111 1 5. most immediately, feel the happy and healthy in"' rating e ff icacy of Dr. Ham's Invigorating &Wit' WHAT IT WILL DO. Does.—One wine glass MI as often its awes/am One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will aura Heart-burn. Three doses will onro indigestion. One dose will give yon a Good APPetite. One doge will stop the dtstteenng Darns ath' One dose will remove the it/tramps and n-t. - dhow effeota of Wind or Flatulence. and as soon as stomach remeivea the Invigorating Spirit, the distress inoad and all painful [Wings will be removed. of e eith er ill remove the Boweistressing Pale' Coup. in the stomaches. A few doses wall remove all obstruction' in the libel. Bladder. or Urinary Organs. Fersoos who aro isnously %Mimed with any Kid' , .l Complaints are assured of speedy relief by a dm°. two, and a radical cure by the use of one or two toe HIGHTLY DISICIATION• Persons who, from dlaripeting too much over n_ and feel the evileffects 01 poiaonous liquors. 14 !I ° 9, headaches. sioknens at stomach, weakness. rldentry tha., wilt find one dose will. emove ell bad (Seine; .." Ladles or weak and siokly oonstitntiona shot" Tr. the Invigorating Spirit three time it Will them strong, health. 7, and hap) y. remove all 01u0"..d tlons and irregularities from the menstrual orgariv,;: !encore the bloom of health and hearty to the °a" Tring pregnancy It will be found an invaluable lutsi nine to remove diescreeable sensations at the strOney e _All the proprietor saki Is a trial, and to Indoor. tet tt put up the tervi.aosarate 8/1117 in Putt het le. IDEnents. struts OIL general Depot, 4SI WATER StreetAtow Ir ed f' DYOTT & CO.. 232 Plortb sEQor4D Sue° / Whotewale .kgents in Ithitedepil4TH And for sale by JOHN H. EATON. tak Street, and all Druggists- Joy-thsto bT ItB. JAMES BETTS' OELEB---vor 8 OPPORTERB FOR LADLED. and float' ea Porten ender Mlll2Olll medical PSirODINSO. a ;Fooli ppycoiani are reapeotfulli net to elrE• Betts, et tier residence, 1017"9 eWliLsc_utThosutir,e: philachflphi., (to avoid nounterfelte.) to tGe or Invalids have been advuied by their phrelm.,„, her applianoem. Tema onl y are genni,ne D vi u :o lll elit. te d ia sta lcrif tes ti pri th :Au t. ta.mtabelarso.nwiththe teaU GRAVIreSTONES, URAVTASTONIS .— My stook of Grave Mania and Molarnents td.bee. sold at very reduoad prices . Please call and M ' ' before pureheatng elsewhere, at him bile N W 4,9 FiTEI hills RENE Annie, bA, low BAB go
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers