L. ore Cossma-Srows.—The laying r the eorcer.stone of the Church of the Covenant, filbert, above Seventeenth, took plaoe yeeter i° dterr,con The ceremonlee wore performed i:thegight Bishop ?otter , A number of ofesi artioles were deposited in the Itol2o -- '-og others was an American aag, which war between a Bible and a prayer- book f,Arees of a very intereeting character were do. Tod by Awe Rev. Mr, /Oakes, vaster of the -gath, and Rev Dr. TM, of New York. A large ocroarEe of people were present. EIALD FOR DRILLING PITRI.O9EB.—The thP &pot of Me Ilesconvillo, Mantua 147 gyp]4-mount liailway Company, which is the , the city , is at the sorvioe of volunteers lus - -,i t an d quarters; also, the stables. with 30- a u „pti•,o for ono hundred and fifty horses tor ,i n s to be made to Lewis C. Cassidy, at ..tyP ° I . ht 10. 21., NU Agr.FST OF A Bono'Art.—About two o'clock cu.,1,,F morning a burglar was arrested while os , forcing his way into the auction store Praskfi., at Second and Buttonwood lie ass ming a chisel on a built shatter. 1 ;Sial had been stolen from a new building in 1:11: 1,7i ,i 1 7. The prisoner was taken before Al. r r ,, A r, Williams, and . gave the name of Robert And gel committed. ATTE3IPTEP Bl7aoLAßY.—Yesterday after- Ri:hard Bower WM before Alderman Bottler tht , c harge of attempting to force hie way into %., fi g et the EGtrth woe t corner of Tenth and Pearl B ., r , t e lf, &ries Sean, night. The back door had I, ' ltu w eed opoi! with a "iimmY" which was af ;wor; food in the vieinity. The accused wag s:Wd is the neighborhood, and was seen to r ` e mill the place when digeovered. He wag cora red in default a bail fo# a farther hearing. .• Srrroso STOLEN PnomorrY.—Yesterday ...gaose s lean named ca O'Bryan was as nd %ben to the Sixth-ward station Qs had in 1115 possession two watches, both had the rings twisted off, appearing as if ,bey bsd bean twisted from a chain. The prisoner boa a heating to•day. Srsions Farm.--Yesterday morning a. sawed Charles Davis, aged eighteen years, rec red a compound fracture of tbe right arm by , :z of The mast, a distance of twenty feet, on tu iip Tuscarora, lying at Walnut-street wharf: conveyed to the hospital. TaE Cusroat-illonsE.—A flag-staff, about feet long, was raised on the Custom House through the direction of the Hon. Wm. 3 1 ; rosin, the ne Celleetar. A large and h9ad• MsII; wa place d on the staff. TEE INDEPENDENT RANGERS.—Last evening frc , s to dy met at Sixth and Shippen streets. Win. semuntt , wo elected president, and Lewis M. CbvSteatt ee seeretary. An election for officers re• nOisel its follows :—Ccutein. Win McMullen; let memo:taw,lyard E Degan ; 21 Lieutenant, John g e m: 31 Lieutenant, James T. Harmer. A Trusts IN TUE DELAWARE.-011 Sunday carami 2 big fish, said to be a whale, made its Ts eennoe in the Delaware, opposite thwhalee oily. A T oy of men end boys got after hie ship, ni stlSClted him with boat-hooks and gene. The riworners and fLiohmondites got to fighting eat the prize, and during the squabble the whole kft. CHIEGED cairn F/CEI2IO POcsnrs.--Yester bvsunisg a young man giving the name of IssBo Wi:KM Rae arrested at the oorner of Ninth and jorest streets upon the charge of picking pockets. it cm committed to answer by Alderman Patohel. Slums Or A SEc usszoszsr's Thuromit.— Serer Clay the police seized a nave bound far the Rath, containing a very handsome uniform for a ojngeneral, also a saddle, bridle, spurs, ao. Public Amusements. Toe OPERA LAST NIGHT.—The performanos for de relief cf the Volunteer fund did not turn out as as it should have done, but what it laoked in ..ter3 it possessed in enthusiasm. The house us elegantly decorated with the national flags zi the performance, prior to the opera, of Bail Calcmbhi, was greeted with cheers. After the kst r4t of the opera, Miss Hinokly and Miss 11035 tang the "Star Spangled Banner," whiolt mittnimonely snored_ The Sicilian Vespers miguificently given intact, and on its condo the " Liberty Duet," from I Puntani, Sit created a perfect furore. IVAL'ILMSTIUSET 2 . fiBATRZ. — Ttso TO orth6 Of Selma in "Oar American CIIIEiII at last evening resulted in an ovation to this 'lSTable eccentric comedian. He played with tia customary gusto, perpetrated a heeatomb nee jskes, and fired cif a Series of fresh milli :ma &data t , ok the audience by storm. Mrs. i. ,. ”21 sang a new version of Dixey, which was lummtareonsly encored, and Asa Trenchard's Canons to Herring's safes, and the expression of lit with that he Bad one large enough to contain ths .eole Union, were greeted with tamultuous Hr. Bothell& is as popular as ever—and more. FROfßigOli ARDNIIS9Ifs JR —A /asp osowd tumbled at Concert Hail last evening, but, un fortnuattly, , our young friend's paraphernalia had arrived, and the consequence was a much-to belegretted dismissal. This evening he will be Lily preprea to meet hill Mende and giva them taticastionable satisfaction. From Jamaica.. From Vagma. TAmairm, we have intelligarca to no tit iadt acrct/lOt Darling proril.gued the Legislates en the 221 ult., and in his prorogation perch congratulated the country on the prospects eitiereellent and reviving prosperity. The Le-- Owe, before separating, took measures to apt the Weat India Encumbered Eatates act ; 1.91 by the Imperial Parliament. Prince Allred t. se i in the line•of battle ship Se. George, on the . . — znact. He was enthusiastically received. I.::eaes Isere presented to bim by both Houses •ts Legislature, and a regular round of balls s:.!:,:ber amusements were in progress —herald -155 R. BILANSKI was executed at St. Paul ;111 , 1 RIM weeks ago for the murder'of her hue. lut by administering assents, and it is now be. lend the wee the 44030 person who, on the Bth of S: , :mmer, 1149, poisoned Alexander D Simpson, it: huaband, in the town of Fayetteville, N. O. tho me arsenic was the agent employed, and the death of Simpson his wife was arrested, t . zczsetiad in escaping so. Charleston, and Ems to Hems, where she remained until May, ItZt She returned to Fayetteville on the 7th of 3 . 1 - ember following, surrendering herself for tint, and was acquitted. On the trial of Mrs. I ssikiatSt. Paul, she stated that she had re rid at Fayetteville, N. C , where her husband sits The Christian names of the two women U 5 'identical, and many circumstances in St. itsimhsequent to her execution have been called r mild. which tend to the belief that she and Simpson were the same parson. SZNI,I3II-11177111Q FbEtIIMENT, - 11 gontlomw atis city, Mr. John E. Ford, well known for big' me; talon eantiments, is prepared to contribute U thoraani dollars, atAhe nucleus of a fund for ' , lmport of a regiment, 1 000 strong, composed err:, of muscle, who can hit straight from the indier, and wha would be willing to depart for and keep open communication between icy. city and Washington. As waiting 'for mus k! rod other military equipments would be like ly:4 !elsy their departure, they are to be armed rim other weapons than revolvers, clubs &a. tcelmont muss be ready to leaver by Monday 25% Pp to that time additional eubso riptione to litfusi will be received at the counter of this ail other newspaper offices. When such a reel- Zen% duly organized by the time mentioned, ," for its destination , the army will be placed r. ca hands of its paymaster.-IP. Y. Timms. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. IhmaolLnria. AP T U 22. M. ra ' 42 ameas of the Stook Board is very meagre, and iCetsars timed to make concessions. Pennsylvania jneeoldat 81. city sixes 92. Camden and Amboy Rail " lii hrea MX. Pa ansiivanis Ratl , osd at 37. OFFICIAL BANK SPATEM_VAT. /'RAT ALVIINJ.62.I Or THE PHLLADLLYELLA BAKES BANC% LOANS. 596012. Apnl 22. April 15. April 21. April 15. - - 33.7 , 5-000 3ZIOOO 1.036.000 00373.000 ~3 r 3 3 Americn 2,3393 064 3040 414 618 X 1 NB 097 gum k Medi.. 4 1.363.831 4 006 331 1 2 2,223 1.137.6&) 1,607,40 laB4 ow 381 too 560 000 ~ -- 1412,885 1 101.42 1 385.623 469.754 - !r.,1 331 -•• • 1,36.3.140 1.29) 0 0 0 4 3 2 OW 489 006 862.819 836 699 3 4,919 .314.5.1 L" t ril o,l l.- cis 0 692 671 147,173 172.9 1 6 . C "'"n4flip 723 ail 745,840 los 375 194 407 1,442,146 140,261 437 410 465.646 Nat. k fdecb... 1.084.1 0 6 1. , 74 283 197 295 213.896 ea Ka 649216 246 766 226.497 2.1(9 1 04 1.100,9 a 441 599 - 484 484 480,022 497.060 157 519 14 297 466 362 468 337 1321 579 88 676 • , T 4 -) 7E13 .190 197.070 201 94 411 6 6 5 40 945 92.116 96.675 lAi 4Lm160 162. M 411.710 83.171 .142 404 412,638 420 /03 93.142 6.4 8 8 2 3409 P 46 1 25.416 in 4.7116 011 ..673.122 BASAL incrosl93. • C1ic211.62 . t0m. aged ts. *wit so: avail so. &VIM. ~,-.911161116-. 1 81449000 $1.619 000 5816.0331 8r331.009 J l Aroorlos. 2.039 9tB 2 0062+1 375.022 291 530 pna It Mod -2.919 631 2 681642 411 3535 44 . 915.011 000 117400 12 1 MN ' 43 3anicie 8 . Üb e -•• 917 8 9 0 896 351 145.720 147 516 11 . 101 1-- 1.113.903 1.074000 101600 109 060 406..19 693.566 97.645 193460 141F te q.•,...•• 436 978 447425 137 430 1362:0 " 1,6 .4 579.843 517.638 54,193 69.275 1,3431 707 933 r 22 124.465 1 1 38 495 •r•ooti... 6.9 940 613621 ' 99 745 )1.675 " ,11 ••-• 544 912 529 016 74.495 79481 7Ni: •-; ---- 1.123913 1,139 9E3 =I 440 246 326 7,- -3 1333 it- 344 481 370 99i 65 3 , 8 71 708 i . r...1.)-4a1166 - 26441 2.7.604 07.030 126 65 122 71 2c5 P 510 5/cw;iiiii, 1: 6 5 ' 221. 5 462 7 61.070 123.535 T.Z, LIL I"Lx/62 226.168 222 782 118 415 91 1380 751= 167.813 47,4193 60295 I ^3o. 16 1313 331 16.468 933 3,54 1 .0:5 2.620.813 4 1 4 54 "rias le a statement of the transaations at .4iladephot Clearing House. for the week ending 7- , to m. E.as H. furnished by the manager. George E ~ Ancli Clearings. Balances. 1 5 " -- • .83.703 4uB 33 8248,219 23 , ______ , -5 ... ---- 3.02.4 223 53 166.164 58 • --- ... 2,260 .284 80 1.1 277 32 9.- .• ...____ .. 2,40 443 00 207113 21 3.079 ma 30 153,00 44 2 798,703 00 415 420 95 817 966.887 96 81,=,W8 78 /Le • -ggregistes compare with those of previous weeks fnliotre April 1.1. April 92. r4 lotee lll 8 ' 999 ----- •12 11 811,696 811.810 095...De0. 88 WO ••• 25 416 442 26 309 96.5.. Dec. 106 487. ' • • 6-i 76. 122 6791.011 l e o . 120.889 till other 2 021 162 2 , 010 759- De° 9.396 'the ' 3,64:_163 3.361 073_Det, 211 010 16 468,933 /6.623.241- Ino. 174,298 3 833.813 1.641.626_ Deo. 179 308 Loam- Specie. Circulation. Dandli n g ~,../-967 . 7 1,199463 I,On 464 2.141.113 16636. Ti '•+.66-21.392,374 3, 770,701 1,011,423 19,4494631 1. 6 1. Mid ~.2 9-3, !1 • 2 23 336,817 2,434.181 16.566.848 „--• 6,063.31% 2,741.7,34 • .446.646 4.827.023 2.808,208 15481,06,1 66 ' l l3 i-- 14 .3(imr 4.4.so_vin Lamm' 14.992_019 Ito•get , • 60 1.X16 4.374.649 2.696.186 16,324 Ea 4—• -.0 973 207 3 333.PA7 E27.9°3 59.92/1 /1%1 lasLar , 291 4 020.266 2.6419 811 16 26 . ftr "' -99 „.... 01 - 1 111 4. 698 i 4 2,778.3 8 15.296 436 4 .. 74. -- .""'" -S14 5444 984 2 811.491 14.16 +.736 1 ' 4 4 " 6 2 / 1 ) 963 2 611 263 16.r00,147 a . 1 4 6 462 1190 3 175 no 16.006.116 R 6.121 2.87093 MAW SW 319,956 6.795.011 2,641,066 16.613431 v 9Z9 -ow York Rooting Peet wain today, that jp that . 19 a stock market rregentla to the more hopeful fee!" • e regard to the safety of tee Federal oseital, pr cox WE li t teat. 9_rr department of the net undertoing I rebound ir The tone of the market at the alma ta 1112 E 22 2 EI thug of the nut 'week. and nearly ell the speculative shares leave off at a further advance of Mal gr cent. on board prices. - The mere absence of any unfavorable news from the Smith wee stiffunent early in the day to arrest the de aling. preparing the market for the latest official &d -omes foam Washington, Met at. hand, which further lessen the fear about the Genital. New York Centre,' clews at 70, with sales, and that bid for mote. Pecifio Mail dropped to 50, but closed at 64. A pnvate latter received in this city within a day or two state. that about six weeks aro a vessel wee purchased at Panama on terms WI WI were kept private. shortly afterward. a Jerre invoice of whet purported to be sheet-lead, in long boxes, arrived at Panama. having been forwarded by the railroad across Rho isthmus. The e boxes, it is supported, contained guns for the purpose of arming the vessel. This vessel had left Panama under suspicious curcumstanoes, and holders here of Pacific. Mail, we have reason to believe. have sold out their stook under the fear that the next ar rival from California will bring news or the capture of one of the company's boats on the racifie• The lint of State Menke opened steady, and the im provement is fully maintained. All the Border docks are in better favor, and the demand is stimulated by the wants of the bears, the bonds being coerce for de- HUM. We aeOle 3 Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Missouri 65.........40 403.1 G„..eerais 6al----••.- 75 T- nne,see 65.—..4034 41 a entimay 6a.`-_..65 66 Virainmtle —...36.% 37 ''hio 65, '6 ).-........98 - Caltforate, 78-.....67 73 Ohio 64 '75 ..... ...- 100 North roar air-- al - Ohio 6s , 'B6 ---- -95 ea Taiga:l'3.s4i .......--..- 87 Illinois stoats. ..- SOO 'lndiana 2l p die ..- - N Y ate be, 'al..- es I M Michigan ea...- 95 N Y State 7 s, '6t 103 /05% Louisiana 6....-.- 70 N Y Rate 6x.'7.1.104 - It is announced that the New York and New Iffaven .1? ailroad Company have published a notice to the effect that a separation of the genuine from the spurious stock of that corovany has been Judicially made, and the injunction restraining the company from paying dividends removed. Their transfer books are sow open, and a dividend of 83 on a share will he paid to the Welt beldere on demand. . . . The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company have ap propriated VAC for the defence of the city, and $5,000 more to the general fund to be raised for the families of the volunteers. This company also recommends the several life insurance companies to assume the in creased risk of life consequent upon entering into the service of the Government, at a premium to be agreed upon The New York life insurance companies are reported to have set the example in this kind of libe rality, The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Bow.on, has established the war rate at two per cent. extra. This company deserves a handsome notice in these stirring times. It is one of the oldest and soundest companies in the country, and its patriotic action in this crisis will endear A more than ever to the Dublin, Its president, Hon. Willard Phelps, le the author of the best legal work on life insurance in the United etates, The board of diyeeters reeently, by vote, loaned to Massachusetts one hundred thousand dollars towards the war fund. Stst•ment' of the value of foreign imports at Nay York for the week ending April 20, compared with the years 1859 and 2860: For the wen. TO. ISM. 1861. Pr► Goode $1.345 did 16ed,0130 $629,374 Goal merchandise— 3,935 529 3,214,8U9 2.0:8,617 Total for the week. *5 241•763 8,589.859 2,687,991 ?rev/peony report'd. —67,285,735 7/ Agra 708 83.498,368 Sines Jan. lat.—. —572.886.893 74 893 567 Sy telegraph, we learn that the Lehigh Valle! Rail road Compa ny brought down from Maueh Chunk, for the week ending on Saturday. the 20th inet.,14.898 tons of coal, against 14A10 tong for corresponding week teat Tear, making for the season commencing December let, 1363,294.285 tons. against 286.093 tOng to same nate last year—which is an increase of 9,100 tone. 1,330 tons of pig iron were also sent over the road for the week end ing same time. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Saleet Apnl 2/.136L ITICPORTID IT El. E. SLATMAIBII. Merchants' Exchange FIRST BOARD 3 Norr!stown B--... 48 100 City 6e—...........92 2 Harrisburg 2t—., 5674 sbt 640 Fenno 58 . 83 10 do. • • 6074 20) Lehigh Val bds K. 9134 5 d0... : ....._....6 uam la Amboy R. 11014 7 do— 60763 BETWEEN BOARDS. le Morrie Canal pled 109 11000 Reading 8.1 1844.. 89 6 Fauns it.— 37 1 SECOND BOARD 10 Cam & arn 7086 Reedmy 66'86 . GIN 1 tlftm& Am it omi:11034 MOTrm Canal pfd..loB CEB-11LEAV Y. behigh N. 50 IWO tattle 75 25 Fainn & Mechs Bk 60ft 1000 Reading 64 'B5 . • 68Ssi CLOSING PRI Bid. Asked . Philadelphia!le- 8. 92 Ces R.__ ea 92 Phan 6e .-new.. 93 91 Pawn. 55...—. /90 83 Rand R. 157.4" /5 Read Yds ;70..... Fs 82 Read m[6/1'80'45 89% 91 Read mt 6216.- 09 6915 PAnna R ex-div. 37 373 k Penn.aß 20 MU 83 83 Morns Can con. 46 60 Morns Can Pfd.lo3 1083 Boh N 64083 ---- 61 67 Soh Nay Imp 6s. 70 75 Eon NILO B_OE- -- 3 a 21nh 124 v Prefd . 12 76 Elmira R-__ 3 5 -W. Asked. Elmirat R Prefd— 9 10 Rim e& 1 1.9. —.GO Long Inland 8..... fai 10 Leh vl & .04.--10 51 Leh Cl & N EaD-52 83 North Penne. it 7 R N Po .11 64.. int 01180 53 N Perna B. 105...56 yi Claming R Con. 8 814' flatawissa prof— 8,1 7 Frank & Bmthw 35'.4t 281430-04 R divoff.3s -40 tettos&Vine-at It. 8 10 Weal Philo —6234 b7)(1 Spruce & Pme.-. 7 8 Green & Coates-12 lb Philadelphia alarkets. The Flour market is dull, but steady, Further small grim mostly to the trade. at 96,37340;6 to for SUPell es Ware 8731 for extra; 5E106.25 for family, Kul en Gil tor fanny brands, according to quality. There is very little demand for export, and the receipts and stooks are light. Bye Flour is doll, and selling in a amen way at $360 tier bbl. Corn bleal—The stock is small and. prices steady. Sales of to bbls Pennsylvania at Walser bbl. GRAlN—There is a fair amount of Wheat offering. but .he demean is less active and prices weak. About 12 COO bushels Bold at 81.28e1 81 for fair to prime West ern and PeTIMBYI WHIM red, mostly at the latter rate afloat, Including 4 000 heel prime Delaware at 1313 e. anti wait*. in email lots, at from 110 to laga—the latter for prime. Rye is dull, and Pennsylvania is selling in a small way at 680. Com is unchanged. and asout 16 000 bushels prime neW yellow sold at 620, afloat. Damp lots are ursaleable. except at very 3ow pnces. Oats con tinue firm; small, receipts, and sates at 3 - Cia for Penn ey-Wants. and almaarso for Delaware. Barley and Malt are very auiet. Mere is a steady demand for Quercitron, and first Na t, if here. would command 6126Att per too • COTTON IS held firmly, but there is no demand from menutanturers and no sales to report. Ga CERIE4 rem-sin unchanged. with farther small salami of notate and Coffee. rBOVIFIOes.—The marliet is active at the advance, With gales of Perk and 13501 at fall prloool mostly to supply the troops. A sale of salted Hides was made at 9%c. on time. Lard and flutter are steady. _ nEens.—Ty demand for Cloverseed has fallen al, and small sales are making at es 7564.813 i per bushel. Witisav is firm. &nail sales or Ohl at 180 for Penn sylvania; irgo for Western; lie for drudge, and 17.4iet for hhds. Philadelphia Cattle Market. rEatiaI2LPHIA, Aprit 22,1861. The offeringe of Beef Catt:e were 1 ghter tate week than leet.reaeteng 1,010 head, but the market wee dolt and erten about the same, ranging from $6 to $9,601 the latter for extra auaitty ' • the bulk of the sales are at $8 to $9 the 160 The net. The following are the par tial:dare of the sales reported to day, at Poillips' avenue 23 I. AbMarne. Lancaster coon 9,.18.000 9 . 24 J. Mumerson, Indiana, 88- 252 : 4 . 90 McQuaid & Carr, Lancaster county, $8 5089.50. 59 Scott & Kimble. Ohio, $BB9. 20 Kennedy do McCleary. rennsylvania. $6Bl. It B. Baldwin. Lancaster ccuntr. $8.6089. la Kimble & Kirk, Laminator eau , ty. $8 5089. 75 hie. Monitor], Chester county, $888 75. 53 F. „Baths- ay, Chester and Lancaster cos , $6BO. 110 P. Mennen, Indiana, $808.26. 12a Cochran & McCall. Western $BB9. 116 J. tteldomridge. Indiana, $8 5089.25. 70 Mooney I Smith, anoastcr co. and Ohio, $BB9. 22 Ullman, 'Western. $7 5088 80. 80 /11 Caton. Penner 'yams, $7.5088.50. /5 Anil 'Voalter, Indiana, 8788. 19 Futter & Brother's, Ohio $88915. ' 32 3. M aster, Lancaster county, $589. 29 Fuller, - Washington county, 61/389' 14 Jaw° Getman, Lancaster county, $687. 27 John Rolf. $607. 21 Frank, Mifflin county. Pa., $BB9. 12 J. Weaver, Berke county, $B. mackman, Lancaster county, $BB9. la O. Airamaa. Lancaster onsets , . $90976. 16 11, Baldwin. Lancaster county, 0500 Si. 53 T. Masterson, Lancaster county, $25089.25, 60 Cowl and Calves were disposed of, at from $2O to $33, and springers at $lB to $26 each. The arrivals of Hogs are large, reaching over 5.400 head. and the guises rather lower Mies trainee 3.969 at Imhoff's, at from $6 to $7.25. and 1,00 at the Avenue Yard, at gem to $7 the 100 ms net. Same 4,000 wool Sheep sold at 605360, and sheared at degie V' lb, gross. New York Bank Statement. Nwat Yana, April 22.—The bank statement pre setts the following reatilia Increase of loans 374 Increase of °ovulation— ....... 93.628 Increase of 678 684 Defireala Of /.111.1418 CITY ITEMS. GETS' Fowlteems GOOD!, FOS SOLDIEIRe ATM °rases, eon be bought to better advantage at this house of Messrs. R. C. Walborn k. Co., Nos. 6 and 7 North Sixth street. than at any other house in the trade, for the double reason that their facilities for fur nishing this elan or articles are unequalled. and that the head of the house, Mr. Walborn, is a patriot, and has determtr ed to render his business subservient to the good of those who are willing to serve their cone try. His goods are the best, and his prices unusually low. PUBLIC SPEAKERS AND VOCALISTS. A noted 01STATIOSII and publio lecturer esp. of Brown's Bron chial Trochee : "In all my lecturing Warn, I gut Troches into my carpet bag as regularly as I do lec tures or linen." Public' speakers, vocalists. clergymen, and all otheni who exercise the voice, ahoald never fail of using these Trochee. They zurpese all other preparations in clearing and strengthening the voice, removing hoarseness, allaying irritation of the throat, and, es a cough remedy, one pre-eminently the best.— Trap Whig. ap2o atuth-St Tan Crum Wes: Philadelphia now wears the appearance of a samsonea city in a time of war. Gen tlemen i s hsif military uniform mar ha seen is every direction in the streets. and things loot warlike. Blue military shirts are fashionable ; but the wester generally wears an elegant oast from the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of 'foothill & Wilson, lion. eoa and me Chestnut street, above Sixth. This firm eontinues to tom out elegant garments for gentlemen and youths. A .oaaer CHANGZ.—Thows persona—and they amianmerone—who may hereafter wish to Crack their jokes With Grant:Me Stokes," Will have to pro.eed one door farther west than his old store, namely, 039 Chestnut street. whore they will Sad anew and superb stook ofoloths and ready-made cloth ing, that has just been obtained from the most oelebth ted sources, and all are offered at rednoed prices. Philadelphia may well be proud of her festoons. eo far as gentlemen are concerned, they are absolutely con trolled by Granville Stokes, whose immensely More/w -ins trade has induced him to remove] to his present noble &Ore. where be dispenses a gift with every arti cle sold. But to all his onromere he says " Come and examine for yourselves." I.IIIeI)It'I.4%.TIOIYS. [Reported for the Press.j 113.888114 A—Brig John Chrysial-312 cartons brim stone. MO boxes lemons, 3.380 do oranges, Isaac Josue' tk Co. 8A 11A—Bohr Annie Magee. Dough ty 71 hhds sugar, 148 hbds molasses 14 beret.. do.B FRILADALPRiA BOARD OF TRADE. WM. c. KEEHN LE. MO. AODICK.% Comer:Ea OY TAE MONTH. THUS. 8. FERB ON. LETTER SAO At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tonawanda.. Julius--- ..--.-.Liverpool, May Ship Daphne, Hevener London. soon Ship Weetinoreleno. Donau soon Ship Wm GUMMings. Cop soon Ship B"lle of the Ocean, Reed.....—..---Livarpool. HOOD Bart Ellen Morrison. Piatt....---.--.Lagnairn, soon Boor Geo J Jane*. Cr0W5E—.............•.-Demerere, soon Rohr I. ve how. York Havana. soon Bahr J au Frit:oes soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, April 23. 11981. SIGH lESTIe . 'Sit—SUN SETS-12 27 41 ARRIVED. Ship Paragon, Bowes. g days , from Hampton Road s in Uvular to bravo Jess.* k. co. Towed up by tog r !ter. Passed in the Bight of New Castle, brig John Chryvtal. troin hlesvins. 13,rk Kanawha. Lynoh. 5 days from Savannah, with umber to 1 Pdw Baxley. Brig John Chridid. Baton. from Messina Feb 2g, with ftnit Anni &0.. to is *4 & Co. Bohr e Magee, iimitittf 9 dais from Dana, pith sugar and molasses to 9 & W Welsh. Kirrierienend very heavy weather the entire passage; split sails, &o. Bohr Three Brothers. Fenton. 8 days from lialifaz. with fish to Kennedy.lStairs. & Co. Bahr 8 L arooket.i''resbry,3 days from Taunton, with mdse to Twella & Co. Bohr Ann, tilake,4 dale from New London. in ballast to] Maw daaley. Bohr Matanzas, Blake, S days from New York, with nibs to oeptain. Bohr Fanny Boardman. Croaker. 3 days from New York, in ballast to Van Limn, Woodworth, & 00. Bohr Delaware Derby, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with corn to J Barrett d 1 son. 1 ,. tiohr Two Brothers, Brown, 11 day from Indian River. Del. with corn to Jas. Barran & Mon. Bohr xmmn Smote, 1 day from New Castle, Del, with wheat to .Ise Barratt & eon. Bohr J L Hevei Bonaall„1 day f: om Dover, Del, with corn to J Barrett & Son. mohr Reaper, Mavens, Iday from Milford, Del, with corn to Bigrratt & Ban. tohr Trinmph, Artta. 6 days from Boston. with India to Crowell & Coiling. Bohr Ann Peckrell, Elm, 3 days from Baltimore, with mdse to E Webster, Jr. Bohr anterloB• Janice. 4 dare from Accomao, Vs, with intim to B Bolton it Co. Bohr Mary Brady, Fowler, 2 days from Milton. Del, with RR ties to J W Ration. Steamer (Budgie. Bell. 22 hours from New York, with mdse. to W M llaird & Co. Bark Marine. 3mith. from Rio Janeiro 26th Feb. with Loco bags mate to Ratko Newhall, & Co. Veneta left before reported. Emilie 3d instsnt, hat 26 aN. long 65 06 W. chip Inaraugo. Doughty. from Liverpool 92 dila. hound to Havana with coal. On the same day, came Tat and long. whaling sohr Pacific, from Bt Dele on. 26 da)sfrom New London. 10th instant, Bat 3027, long 6706 , signalized an Ameri can bark steering 9, E.. showing a red signs! with letter T in white, with homes on demi:. ;lora Sallie Veaz,e. LSOPY• day from Millen. Del, with corn to las L Bewley & Co. Bohr Chas Atkinson. Atkins, 1 day from Milton, Dal. with corn to Jon L Bewley & Co. Bohr Mary, Rickards. I day limn Camden, Del, with corn to Jas t. aarrtey & Co Bohr Standard, Dunham, 1 day from Odessa, Del. with F ra(n L Denitsy & Ce. Bohr Mechanic. Corlles. 1 day from Odessa, Del, with wheel to JAB L Bowler & CO. Bohr Mary, Hendrickson. 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to Cm llama & Curran. Al' THE BREAKWATER. Ship Fawn. Maneen, from Hampton Road& seeking. (correeponcienoe of the Philadelphia Zito:Mimed CAPE ISLAND. N. J.. April 211-6 P M. The barks 7.91 Salter. for Curt. and Union. for Pernam buco; steamers (Ambridge, for Minton, and Keystone state. bound eootti. went out etrout 9 o'olcok thin morn ing. Three hermaphrodite brigs went intim! morning. Winds W. THU& B. HAIGHEE. CLEARED. Ship Win Cummings, Cope, Liverpool, W Cummings Bark Fleariande Bellevue, Ssuiney, Boston, Patter son & Bonlion. Brig Allston. Smith, Bangor, E A Solider & no, Bohr Triumph. Arils, Boston. 0 Postman & Co. , Bohr Lamot Dupont, Hering, Wilmington, D. MUM. Worresoondenes of the ftple.) J AUlrr Q, April Igh - The followine boats from the Union Caned. paeeed into the i3elmyllnll Canal to-day, bound to Philadel phia. viz: 'f-a.o Brothers, pig -iron to Cabeen & Co: Emma Trump, lumber to NI Trump & Son' E Buokwalter, do coo Bolton ic Co; Homeward Amid, do to Oliver Wells. MEMORANDA. Steamship Delaware. Johnson, henoe:at New York 21st instant. Steamship Yule& GOodWin, from Kingettnir Jar ar rived at New York Mgt. Bark Linda, Hewitt, from Cienfuegos, arrived at Lou don OM instant. Soh, dusan E Jayne, Osborn, henoe at Kingston, Ja, 28th ult. Behr Dirk°. Cook. fr)m Cardenas, via Savannah, at New York 21st instant. Bohr Neptune, Magee, hence for Boston. at New York 21st instant itsßohr Margaret Dill, Dill, hence at Kingston. Jr', 10th and sailed for New York 611 matant. Rehr Minnesota. Baker. from Jaossonville, arrived at New York 51st instant. Sear H W Godfrey. Weeks, from WilMingtOn, N arrived at New York 21st intent, dteamehiP North Star, Jones. sailed from New York yesterday for *epinwaii. Steamship United Kingdom, Craig, cleared, at New Ynrk yesterday for Liverpool. Bark Wheatland, reams% herme, was waiting at Rio de Janeiro DO ult. Bark Ilea. Bone, from Maracaibo 30th ult, arrived at . New York Yesterday. Bark M Williamson, Schafforth, was waiting at Rio de Janeiro leth ult. Barr Siarests, Welsh, hence, was at Rio de Janeiro loth nit. waiting. Bark Reindeer, coutte, hawse, was waiting at Rio de Janeiro latb ult. Bark Emily C Starr, Pairfowl, oleared at Havre 3d instant. for Camden. N J. Schr Clara Winch. Montgomery, oleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Bohr Oro L Green, Green, from Boston for Philadel phia, arrived at New York yesterday. Bohr Rebecca Knight, Endioott, hence, at Boston Met instant. Sabre S V W Simmons, Godfrey; Joseph Porter. Yates. and Alert. Champion, tenon, arrived at Salem Mst inst. Bohr Si Wrightington, Timelier. from New York, at Cadiz 29th ult. Schr !Sulgrave. RomkSY, Mir, at Halifax n th inet. Soar Idedia, Foster, hence for Canso, arrived at Hali fax 18th instant. Bohr Alma. Lohnee, hence, at Halifax 18th instant. Behr Marne Law, Armoury, hence. at Belfast 11 rh inst. Stompers Novelty, Morrison. and H. Burden, Lopes. henoe; arrived at New York yesterday. 66,166,549 ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Cheetent. C A Rodney, Wilm, Bot M e Weimer New York A F human, New York W if. Hunt, uB N S A II•milton. New Jersey DTy or, New York Chas Fitzwater. Penns TS Treadwell, ii 8 A G K Driehett,Warien, Md Alien head, New York Wm Clailin, Kiston Chas G Lutist & wf, N Y It Fleet, flew York F A Taber, "shim. Del Chas C Little, Boston Jesse Bean, Penns Jon 13-a , ti Alex Fawley. Montreal Miss Jennie Brichett. Md PO has V Batchelor, Aid Alice Hawkins, Md Miss May Iteiron_, Md F .1 Kingetrary. Waterbury E DiolunsonLSuperior F ske, Pottsville. Pa ' B dkaars, n ew York W T !Wash, 1) C Mrs Carrel Weak, D 0 C Clark. Chicago M Butt- r, New YOrk H BlltCh.lneon Cavt J A tatietigo Col C Keyser, New York J Duffy, Marietta P. It Mrs*. Penns B A Purviews. Pittsburg Col Delafisld. US A H L Jones. New York S Maxwell, Jr, New York AL Coolidge, Boston Mrs Binge "ties Rats Miss ,1 ROM J 30t DohertT, Cincinnati J Reward, Jr, New York A J Lre ltosser. Ja wti. N C A it Cod Win, Petersen W Hancock. Danville R N Buds n. Indiana G W Jacks in. New York WS dN towe , ew York W T ocos. Ohio E P Norton, 14 ork K MoKenty, Beading J B Wanklyn, London James Moir. New Yors• Philip Henry. Jr. PI Y . B B Masters & lady. N Y Dr T)3 Verdi tr. wife, Balt F W clraith. Jr. Bridgeport J Moran. Jr, Connecticut 0 T Zoneenfose. Baas no II A Demand. Bucks co "VF A tlhapara, Troy D N Ropes New York W Wlren Ness, New York M Courtrigh% New York J P Macomber. 'Mass W 1 A.tken,Consectuout W H Haukinson, N Y S F Jones, New York J fm SatterLe. Califs one Capt Frisbee, California M N Price, Massaohnsetts Wm A Brien. Conn C Jenking. Connecticut 6 A Kerr, dt Leine Ii G Bo.rloran. Boetdo TD Boardman, Boston W C Morey, Boston S 25 Blanchard. Boston J N Molntear. Womb, D C N Meter. New York Emil Hess, New York J 11. Sterling & Is, N Y N Slater, Providence Miss ahtt.r. Provide nee • D melee, Delaware John Williams, New York W Ellie. New York P M Bingham, N Class firweer, Illinois P A Wilson. Illinois A J Fitch. Jersey City ' John H tall, California • J L 'Dunham, New York Capt J G Foster, Ut3 A Dr R K Mead, U N A 1.; Cowles MlBB Harkey. Phila W Hoffman, New York W H Smith, Viola It Johnston, WiSCOE tun APRIL 22—Evetont. MERCHANT!?' HOTEL—Fourth street. below A veh. S C Mitchell, Phila. E Clark, Delaware T Mahu. stew Jersey S F. Henry, Hollidaysburg R Rohrer. Lanoaster, Pa. C Rohrer, Lancaster, Pa J Deegan, Sullivan co, Pa G E Green. Pit.sburg J .to Petery, Pottsville J Russell, New York D Clark. Hazleton, Pa Jt T Kreuter, Belleton, Pa B Murray, New Hope Hon J r 11, New Hope H B Ranvier, Phoenixville D T Reek, Nazareth J Prim. Bethlehem Hon W Bigler. Penns It K. Burns, Plainfield P L Bonwill, Delaware Miss A. Vaterbour. Penns Miss X K Osterhout, Pa Mrs Gft Bardwell, Penne. T Heckman, Easton 1) Rink, Lebanon 00, Yp OH Bard, ell, PODIA F Brown, Reading. N Thompson, Milroy, Pa T IllaNamara, ieldroy. Pa Mrs Hotneon, Penna Thom G Westoott. Mims G B Cole Shippensburg Geo WWaiker,Wasnesh t ro Jas P Matthews, Penns, J M Chapman, Look Haven A It Beet. Selene, Pa Murray,W Summer ail{ J H There, Elizabeth, Pa Mel J Commies, t , chaser* Cyrus Brown, Milton, Pa .880 J Haywood, POtarvilie G B Hufillese Indiana John Cr 13 arnaker, Ilimme Henry r Taylor, Pella M J Myers & wrovlobile,Ala E Peuchtwanger, Ga H n Guerneey,Philadelphia C S Groweshiel, Alabama T R Garter, New York AMERICAN HOTEL—Cheatnnt street, above Fifth. J T Browman, Oxford, Pa Min Browman. Oxford,Pa If Laween. N rrialown It 0 Cog, New Jane! B Dorian, Downingtown J H Edwards, Plots W Tar lor, Jr, Schuylkill co John Bmek do lady F Gormlp R la,New York Diehard Sharp, Eater C Warmn. New York T S Aaron, Delaware tT. LOUIS ROTEL—Cheshmt West. above Third. F. A Freynniller, Geranten David Potter. New Jersey R C Garrison, New Jersey J r Prince. Massackusetts A Marksmen. grew York David Blake, New York A May, New York Mrs Freeman, NeW Jersey Muss klenderson,New Jame,' COMMERCIAL HOTEL--Birth Ito r*terre Chestnut. J Pearce & sn, BOLdenIOWn J Taylor, 'Surdas:down G Passulere,Philadelphia li. A Joh Phil a delp h i a n y J Wilson, Philadelphis J Oliver. Jae Seott, Chester co David Kimball. Cnester co W T Seal. iJervereville T S Derr.Lanonster on J T Massey, Cheater eo J Marian. Indianapolis D R Jones, P h4delphis S Hughes, Chester ao J.l PP. A btrawbriege.Chest 00 Levi iltudles,Lenouster ee D Zook. Mount Joy Jos T Kirk, Cheater co Win Denney, Jr, klub& Miss Carrie Spear, Pt Y lease II Robinson, Lana co Marshall Davis, Pa Brewster,Runttngdon on John Brevater, Pa David Ettruer„ Pa Daniel Treanor", Pa A k Anderson. ra Bdre White. Pa J Reyn , kle" Maryland Haines Seynolde srf,Md Bar Wood, JAinonster no, Edwin Stubbe, LO3lO 00 Chas Buffington, Chester co BTATEB UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. Wm H Watt. Latrobe. Pa Jae Elder. Pittsburg A H W Crete h, Bantinguon Geo I. Pitt. Harrisburg 8 0 Orme. Pena A_J Woinitel, Lewistown W a. Bennett. Columbia win Chambers. Inuisuaoo A B Tor. y. Lewistown Jan t9nektll. Haramore 8 Buggy, Baltimore Jas Weirs New York Woods. D New York P Brown. eiaware It E Parker. Patterson. Pa John P Wise. Centreville Amos Tr...mend. Jr. Penns. Levi H Crouse. Penna Jog toimmer"r, Wash oo,Pa Henry Leyober. Wash co If N Atilwt, Pottstown El II McKnight. lowa City BT W sake/ahem, Penns W Bemoan, Ohio 8 W Martin, Peons J L Erenger. Landisburg Israel Bead. Perry 00. Pa W W Castles. Perry co.Pa H C Gingrich. Lana co. Pa 0 Gingrich. Law 00. Pa A BrOWer.Luitruni W A Kuhn, .b untingdon 0 A Miller & eon,Huntingde C Parker .Lewistown Gia:, Clever. Ci*Vdlraburc kobel Coffey i _eleverebt glatist A Mower.. Cleve. -obi Jams. Kyle. 'Meet M MoClees, Atlantic City Jag Sioterson, Penna James Na ataon, New York W .aBbok. Cooperstown REVERE HOUSE—Third street. above Rao.. J A Ends, Washington, Pa A C Idergett,Sitlent F &RIM, Allentown F 8 Weise, Allentown Chan Only, With°ld, W Drionaisw, C'xiOrdt rt 4 Mi WAriord,Frenontown Henry Lott, enshtown t3hee H vows, Bohny I tiny JOB Whitaker.,Mr Clair hl H Bowmton, Len eo, Ps J Ch ales, Hartleten J J Miller. Milton. U T T Jenkins. Minersville Mrs W Brobst a. oh, Ilan E. Bpi gelmyer, Haitleton E Wilson, new Berlin J I) Boger. New Berlin H Miller, Penneylvenie Wine istituffer.Beinifl Hay Feral H Freid- A liVitoOrn W P Hokbert. Bittoigrove Mrs awsls, Wakeelierre W H Janie., Penne. BALD EAGLE—Third 'street. above CallownilL A G.Bewley. Bethlehem Thou F Kistler, Penns EAI Kurtz, Lehigh 00, Pa Jos Both, Lehigh eo, Fa Joel P Geiger. Penns m r; w neuter. lam:more Henry Gabrie l. Allentown D lieberhng, eiseport J Kuntz, Cherryrilla D Bauman. Carbon oo Aaron Ever. Easton, Pa. 1) Longeneoker, Penns B B Peters. Dauphin 00, ea John Ream, Jr, Fenno .I'l' Gerberach. Daupbm oo k Ite numb/ten. Lane co J Zepp, Montgomery co E A From, Egg Harbor Mrs Quinn, Sunbury. YA Peter Goes. tunbary. Pa Joe huller, Fogeleville. Pa Beery Hunter, Penner Et W kaiser, Fenn& him I Kauffman, Allanen NATIONAL, ROTEL—Race street. above Third. RVT Bonsai'. Norristown Jammu Brooke Limn, 0 Geo Prelim. Norristown Jobe enders. IS Iv Semi Hartbolomew.Penes Oliver 0. Moms, Penne, John Jameson. Lenceimer A homer, Uni4n Depisit 0 Heilman. Debar! co, ra Pima W Luta, Qalitorma Geo F e7ller. ?eons, Joel eater, mamma Rent Darlington, rarkab'g G Fowler, Nina Gor lord, Luz.rne no. Pa 8 Kreigb. Philadelphia Geo Gillet, Pliiiade Iphia Doinbaoh, Penes THE UNION —Ards =Mt. above Third. Jas R Behrouoker, Reading D 8 Alehouse, Monts oo J Gownsman. Lebanon Yhmnineillo Dr E Pranoisous. Mthos,Pa. rvan Buskirk, ea R A 0 Kerr, Altoona B F Visosentnail. Easton A h Caxmaioider, Pa Dan H Beast:tire, Lanosatr C B Bernolds,Lembertv.NJ J LambortesN J A H Tres°, Lambaste. N J J Brown . lieekinan. EaSnaar Pa BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Becond eto bet Vim! , E W Bower,Woodbury.N J 13 G Roberts, Norristown W M Preston. Mookport.ra A Y Clanton, Doylestown 3 T Comly, Books oo J Cadwalader. Penna. Mrs Cledwalader. Penns. Jim Hill. Germantown H T Jenney, Trenton, N J 'eo Stanton. Bedew 00,N NE d Riolons. relit* E Ellie, Backs A C Drede haw. tta,sertown Mrs tiollintinead, Penns 8 C Hill, New Jersey BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. Norm.. () Amy!.l Creasman Penne cse cooper, nhantown Yu n trill Penns Oen &Watt. Reeding 8 B Btithasar Penns. J Pt O'rsed. Peen. 145 V, grown, 1 5 enni Chet Levan, P ino.ton Josh 8 itskor. Maiden Cr'k Penl Heir. r. Maiden Creek E S Frey Berke gp cm , E vir i uman, Berk' Co Jno Wanhoiser, Yonne At A Benpla, retina. MOUNT VERNON 110TEL-Beoond It,. Obey* Itrob, Thos Brodhead, Atlantic' Cy I t h C n al i d enT. r Caider, Tren e t nii on nivtata J T C 0121.1. New Hope James a Lord. enuinunk Stephen Jones, I. sninunk Geo W &nab. Johnstown A H Smith, Berwick 171 chinAy. Phiiedelphre II Wilson, Jersey City Mite idy. Ithitade,phia FOUNTALN EtOTZL—ficaood et.. above Malice W H Countias. Wiluunston Obu J THE " - ' 4 I TUESDAY. APRIL 23, 1861. I UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST MORT SPEC OAK ORCHARD ACID SPRING WATHR.— Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem jets and Physician', respecting the use of this WATER in the name of many diseases of the human Orson" will be supplied gratis on application to FRbDrAtICK BROWN, FIFTH and CHEATNUT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, Ja., NINTH. and CHESTNUT Streets. CALL AND OPT A YANFR/aVg, apLS-tf BATCHELOR'S BAIR 1 / 1 171.—ThIS celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is the best its the world. All others are mere imitations of this great original, which has gained such extensive patronage in all parts of the globe.. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye instant/1/ produnee a splendid blank or natural brown, without staining the skin or inuring the hair. and will remedy she ill effects of bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Bold lay ell Druggists anti Perfumers. Wholesale hi FARNESTOCK & CO., DYOTT & ruhl-t1 ONE PRICE OLOTRING . OF TOM LATEST SITLI36I made in the heat manner, °sprawly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-PRICE system is striotly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. 1073-17 JON ec CO,. tio4l MARKET Etreet. GROVER & BAKEIt'S ORLEDRa.TRD NOLSELESS SEWING 111ACHINioS. The Beet in Use Tor Family Sewing. No. 730 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. an2T-1Y CARD PRINTING, IjJCST AND CIIRAPBBT . IN the City, at 34 Booth THIRD Street. • CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in th City, at 34 eolith THIRD Street. }TILL-HEAD PRINTING. Best and Cheaaest in the City, at 34 SouthTIIIRD Street. RAND-BILL PRINTING, Boat and Cheapeet in tha City. at 34 Bnuth THIRD Street. I'ANI NIL ET PRINTING, and over, other &eerie Lion or Printing, of the moat annariot 4nalit?. At the moat reasonable rates, at RINGWALT k BROWN'S. Drexel'■ Unildire. 34 Annth THIRD street. dels-tr MARRIED. RoGAN—fIARTER.—On the 10Lit WIC.. at Camden. by Rev. C. W. ileisley. Oharlss D. Hogan to 2usannsh tun ter. both of Stockton township. Camden eci., N. J. CALDWR.t, L—MORAii.—On the 2d inst., by Rev. T. S. Johnson, Mr. All.ed D. W. Caldwell to hits Satah J. H. Wired, all of this city. PEIRCE—A hatif.Cß —On the 18th int., by Rey, T. C, Trotter, Mr, Moses reiree, of Plymouth. to Miss Sallie, Youngest daughter of Renry Ramer, of Whitemarth, Montsomery county. 880UB 08—WILEION.—On the 20th fret.. by Rem Thomas Bramerd, Charles A. Shourds. Es q.-, of San Francisco. Cal., to Mies lassie C., eldest daughter of lame* R. Wal*oo If nf 3hisetty. FOULKROD—SLAYTER.—On the 2d Mt., by Rev. Joi, A. Bonnard, Emanuel Foulkrod to Mire Mary A. Matter, both of this city. DIED. SWAM 7..—0 n the 22d inet . m. E.. son of Joseph and Anna mane Swartz, aged 14 y ears, 1 month, and 6 " lice relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents. 150.1314 Savory street, below Belgrade. this (Tuesday ) al'efihmin. at 6 , 61061 r. EI,MRS.—On the morning of the 21st inst., Lydia, widow of the late Thomas Fames, in her 73d year. Funeral on Wednesday, the 2lth. at 3 F. m.. from the residence of her son-in-law, Joseph Deaver. No. 603 Marshall a•reet. syy. VAN lioßrt.—Suddenly. on the 20th mat.. Israel Yen horn. in the Mat year of his age. The relative, and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral. from his late rein denim. S. W. corner of Sixteenth and Wallace strews this Third-day (Tuesday ). the 23d met., at 2 o'clook. proceed to Laurel Hill. MOO ei.—On the lOsh inst.. in the 9th year of her age, Maria Louisa, daughter of Samuel S. and CArolina G. Moon. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents. .No. 40 south Nineteenth street, tits (Tuesday), the 23d ismt.. at 10 o'olo6lr. ZANkl.—On the 19th inst , Mrs. Abigail, widow of the late James 24120. aged 67 years and 11 months. Funeral from her late residence, No. 1012 South Front street, this ( - Tuesday) afternoon. at 3 o'clock. SMITH. —On tne aim met., Charles N., son of. Capt. David and Sarah N. Smith, in the 20th year of Ills age. Funeral from the residence of his parents. ,No. 800 New Market street, on Thursday aiternoon at 2 &Cloak. **X SPRINGER.-On the 21st inst., Adeline. wife of the late John C. Springer, in the 32d year of her are. Funeral from her late residence, No. MI Wood street. cn Wednesday afterneon at 3 o'clock. * DUFF 1 /..-.on the 2tert inst.. Mrs. Alice M. Duffy, as•ed 81 years, daughter of the late Barnard Hushes, of the United States Army. and a Dative of the County Armagh, Ireland. Funeral from the residence of her sun-in-law: Wm. 0. Sores. Clottinsham_ place, Federal street, above Fifth, Wig ( Tuesday3ool3looo. at 316 o'clock • EIvENJTUT.—Ori the lath - inst., Mr. John 1) Eisen hat, Sr.. in the 79th year of Me age. Funeral from his late residence No. IBS American street, ahave Columbia, this (Tuesday ) afternoon, at o'clock. EL, DRED.—At Camden. N, J.. on the 21st inst., Mrs. Sarah, widow of the late Rev. Wm. Mitred, of Muncy, Penna. Funeral service at At. Paul's Church, Philadelph=ia, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 °Week. ELRAR.LitY.—On the 20th met , Jane; wife of An drew Bleakiey. aged 29 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband. No. 1636 Burton street. this (Tuesday) morning. at IP o'clock. IVFOURNING STORe, NO. 918 CHEST NUT Stireet —BRABON & BON have jun re °toyed j gray mixed Chan De'ames, 12Xci ; black and white Paris printed Grenadine Barer es. 12Xo; black and , parole do.. I 8 c; blank and :.urple Ch. , Hy Detainee, 18',4o; black tlareges,lBXo ; black plaid Ihreyes.lBXo; seuond mourning' Eng•ish Chintzes. Ito ; Sharma rd elatd Poll de Chevres, Me, & a. Alen. black Bareams, i,rape faaretz Crepe Tamma tane,Summer Bombazines- ebony's. ' Haeege Heenan, or Grenadine Baregee. Camels' Hair Bareses. Tami se., Illouseltnen. Lawns, and all other goods requisite of deep an. second mourning attire. avd9 NOTICE .—ALL ANSWERS TO THE VCimino' of the 001 , 4 M FFFEB OF YU 0W C trETY win be received by sos Weft MATT!`; KnON, Esq., President of the Western Bank, who has been appointed Treasurer. ap23-6t* WrLADIES OF THE WEST SPRUCE STREET 1-11.1 J KCH. who are desirous of afar lag their services to tie ruto:to auttiorhes.m. mating uP Garments for the Soldiees, stns. Prtionrint Lint, Bandages, ko, or opening their kowses for the R000p !ion and N ursing of the Wounded ate invited to meet in the LEO rutc...; R.)om oF CHURCH, 11110 (Tuesday) 01011.01114 G. at 10 o'olock. lt* W. P. BREED. Pastor. COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY.— A meeting of the Committee of Public Safety wi be held at the Booms of the Board of Trade, cassT.Nu .", above Firth etteet. d DA ues day.) at 12 o'olook. Punctual attendance is ueeirable. BY order of WM. D. Lt.' W IS, Chairman. J. N. iiIITCTIMON, eeterecary. It TrPRAYER FOR OUR COUNTRY.—AT it mating of the clergy of the keisoop.t Tn iChuroh, in this cit.. held on Mennen Use gild Met:. e , nuttor—^, signed were atponited a committee to make arrange ments, with the approbation of the Bishop, for having one of the Episcopal Churches open each day, at a con venient hour. for special prayer in behalf of ouroonn try, in this hour of its peril ; and for God's blessing on those wbn ao forth in its defence. 'The hour agreed noon Is five o'clock P. M. The following churches will be o ened for this purpose, each on the car de signated Illt. Paul's Charon on Monday; St. Philip's on Tuesday ; All Saints Churob on Wednesday ; Church of the Atonement on Thursday' ; Church of the Holy Trinity on Friday; and the Church of the Intercessor en Paturelny. Thane services will begin on W N DAV AF tERNOO NI, of th , s week. at ALI. SAINTS' CHURCH, 3orrer of TWEL.FT if and F iTZ WA T H, end ha continued in the order above stated until fur ther unties us given. JOHN A. VAUGHAN ; D D., CH IMES D. COOPhir A HIGH AHD Du - Arrow, P. D. fg'"'" SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA 11,3 RAILROAD • o.—The Annual Meeting and Election of the Stockholder's of the Schuylkill and Sus quehanna It nitres d Company. as required by their charter, will be held at the et./N3 IN K iTAL I:OTEL, in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on MON DAY. May atn. MI, at II o'clock, M., for the purpose of choosing a frestuent and au Manage +s to NM for the ensuing year. and also for the consideration of such other business ne may properly be breught before said meeting. FRANK S. BOND, April IS, MAI. [apM-trtiv6) Secretary. g- A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLM ERN and Bondholders of the vinare. and Via psinssOst Railroad Company, lie hifid ' hew Ofrion7 No. 3os w OLNIrr Street, Philalelynta, on mONDaY, the Nth inst., at 12 o'clock Id, for the purpose of re ceiving the Annual Report and accompanying state ments of the past year. An election for Pres dent and elz Mangers. to serve for the ensuing year, will be held from 12 o'clock At, toy P. M.. on MOADAY. May 6th, at the same lace . WM. C. LONOSTILETII. ftseestary. Philadelphia, April 19th, 1861. as2o-s to th 129 MILITARY NOTICES. ,A 0 BUTCHERS OP PHILADEL PHIA, favorable to forming Horse Companies to be attached to the Home Regiments. will sawn No TBIS EVENING, April 23. at e o'eloolt, at the Wetherill House, ser4son Street, above Sixth. /t" A R. PA LIL. VOLUNTEBBB-OAVALRY and INFANTRY ATTENTION!—The large Hall the largest in the City) over the Bentonville, Manitie and Fairmount Paiseneer Railroad Company's begot is at the service of Volunteers for drill and emu-tem; also, the stable*, with accommodations tor over HO horses. Application to be made to IiEWIS C. CASeIDY. Sweetest*r of the Rand, it* 213 south SIXTH street. VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR THE HARRISON OH& RD—INFANTRY.—Yomm men Indians to join this Coalman, wilt apply at the Hesdquarters of the Comeany. FOURTH and OISORGh. Streets. None but these 'whose .respeete bilttY is vouotied for will be admitted. A MEETING for drill and business transactions will be held THIS hVENIN G. apl3•lt ti.HOME GUARD !—The citizens of the Fourth Ward, favorable to the formation. of a Watery Corse with the above title. 'tee invited to meet at the house of JOSEPH P. KRAUSS, TIM (Tuesday) .E.F.etrIDIG, at 7)6 o'clook. • lt* MANY criqz ENS. iA STATED MEETING. of the SUL- Lava( RANGERS will be held at the home of Robt. J. Barr, WATER, tltreet. above Beta. IHId EVENIXG, at 7N, o'clock. Placental attendance is requested- By order, JAMES SULLIVAN. Captain. Attest—Wild. LAWidhlaCY, beoreutrr. It* IWANTED—Recruits for Company A of the DEFENDERIL at the Armory. T WEPITY FIRST and MA KKK; Strang. Two Minn anise are forming—an active and a reserve cowpony. Drill every day and evening. An election for Officers will take place on TUFA DAY 11% V hltil.NEr'• April Z. 1851: /Signed. CEA& C. CONLE Y. Lieut. Cone/. -Cues. G. WARM", Act, Quarternuteter. lt• A MEETING OW THE MEMBERS of the RIBRRNIA. FIRE ENGINE TARGET COM afkY will be held TFIIB BVV‘INI3. at the pall, at 73‘ o'clock. Members of the Fire Department are requested to unite for the Mingo° Of rapidly forming Firemen's Corps. Books for enrollment open from 9 A. ffi, until 7 P. M. • It* iW A.INTED.—A Good DRUMMER and FIFER, with Instramenrs, for the Downvngrown Volunteers, to whom good wages and plenty of ra tions will be given. Apply soon. We are in a hurry. The country is bleeding. address, sataL. RusGvirma, I•OWNINGTOWN, Pa. 111 SCOTSMEN, TO TUE RESCUE I- A meeting of the Bone of Seam willlng to form a oorea for active eerstoe in the defence of the Con stitution and the Flag that have go nobly eroteoted them in tte land of their adootion. will be held at the hotel. S.E. corner ELEVENTH. and ALARKET Streets. on WEDNESDAY EVENING. 21th Instant. at 8 o'olk. WM. STRUTHERS, 01.0. BER9'4AM, JOsN GIBSON, GEO GIBBON. WM. MURRAY, JOHN FLETCHER, And others. HEADQUARTERS, ECODID SRI SADE, FIRST DIVISION, F. V. No. 23 South THIRD Street. t April 23,1861.{ ORDER N 0.5. L While the Br gather General ?egrets that the late appointment of brig de officers neceeserily memoriam' him fromayortion of his command. he fully recognize/1 biat principle of military law which makes eta...cc . - etf ordtra tke primary duty of a soldier. Therefore li. In obedience to Division Orders Na. 4, " Com manders of regiments and companion of the Second Brigade, who have volunteered lei service. will report immediately to Brigadier General Cadwalader for in structions." M. The Brigadier enteral SIVRIR himealf of thig op portunity to careen Inc cordial appreciation of the prompurude or officers and men under big command, in respopding to the several preceding Brigade Orders. .13y command of. Brig. Gen. JOHN D MILES. R. G. TOMLINSON. Aid.de.Camp. ap22 PILE MANUFAOTORY, 211 NEW STREET. Files and Rasps of every description, and rood quality, made to order, at the above establishment, WIIOI,ESALE and attar IL, at manufrodurees Winn- Remitting done in a superior manner. sal-dem J. H. SMITH. rrtilE RESTAURANT, __ • -a• No. SOS MARKET STREET, Formerly kept b! James Presser. lately deceiseed. Is low reopened under the management of hui awn• JAn. Anna J X., Vie will ()annuli. th e Mudams, tr al aretefore. nahli TRE THE CONSTITUTION, AND 'DILL LAW% ICES. VOW 18 THE TIME TO EIMBORII315! THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE! ME NEW YORK SENII-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Is published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY. Gcsntonts of No. 1,658 [April 19.] I—LEADING ARTIOLVS: The 'Livia= of the Country; False clamor for Peace: A Talk with a Seetiselonust; Plage and re- M4es—neritity, Bravery. and Bunting.; The War upon Liberty and Popular butt tione. IT—H tu IGHLY INTERESTING PROM Criatmes- TON Correspondence of the N. k. Tri bune. _ 111-81.0 k lOUS DEFENCE OF FORT SUMP TER! Avery Man a Hero • The Garrison Reduced to Starvation; they Fight 86 Hours after Eating their tatet Cruet: Fear ful Ordeal of Flame and. Fire ; The Fort Not Surrendered; 1 hr Major Dictated the Terms of Capitulation; Movements of the Fleet; Arrival ot Major wnderson and his „ COMmsnd_; Full THErilling Pa /V — TItE WAN RJRUNION : Outburst of Northern Patriotism ; Enthusiasm of the Empire :give ; New England in rum ; Glorious Old Msesaccueette; The North- Weat Taking Fere: The Movements of the Traitors; A Proclamation by Jeff Davis ; NMI Vermeil for Privateers; Ihe Border States Pngagement at Fort Sumpter; Intense E xc it em e n t at Washington • The Reolforeement of Fort Pickens; Patriot ism of the Northern States; The Secession of Vaunts; Seizures of Doverament Pro perty apportrd ; The Dolomite of Wash ington • Traitors Driven Out. V—THE 'lgra b xerr EMEN SERE; The Whole EURO City Aroused. E. VII—LeTenT ft aWS RECEIVED BY TELE GRAPH: trom Wagaineton—ldeeoial De epoch.' to the New York Tribune. Vlll—lelaW YORK LBWS LATURB: Proceedings in the Senate and Assemble. N sWEI. X—POLITICAL. XI—PERSON e I • X I L—lrl ARRIAGDS AND DEATHS. XIV—W EEKIS REVIEW OP TwE NEW YOKK DRY GOODS MARKET XY—COMMERCIAL ato TIMM Full Reports of the Stook, Money, Cotton, Grain, and Cattle ;Markets, specially reported for the New York Tribune. Takla—One copy for one-year. Be; two owes, One year. els; five comes, one year, 61.1.25 ; ten copies, to one address, gm - For a club of twenty we send an extra copy. For a club of fottrwe,aend the daily Tribune gratis, TE N. Y. DAILY TRIDIINS, $6 per annum THE N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE, $2 per annum. For o'nb terms lee the Taretras of any date. M;=IGM=IZ=I ItED, WHITE, & BLUE FLANNELS. ALSO, GRAY FLAI4STELS For isle. BY THE AISLE OR BALE. JOSHUA L. BAILEY, 8923 tf 213 MARKET Street UNIFORMS FOR THE DEFENDERS OF THE UNION. CHARLES HARKNESS, WHOLESALE CLOTHIER, No. SOS CHESTNUT Street, ts fully prepared to execute, on the shortest notice, and to any extent, all orders for Military Clothing. The Superintesdeirt of this Establishment having had muca continence in the manufacture of every style of uniform, parties may rely on having their or ders fined with entire satisfaction, and at the lowest rates. CHARLES HARKNESS. apl9-6t No. 60S CHESTNUT Street. F, 0. THOMPSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, N. E CORNER WALNUT AND SEVENTH ST. 3 Atmounoee a New Steak of FINE SPRING AND SUMMER MATERIALS, FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, tonaistiep in part of vary destrablo atTlap of duper French and Engin& Melton CLOTHS, COATINGS: CASSIbIERES, &0., Relented with menial OBTO and referenon to the 'Pante of a DISCRIMINATING AND FASTID•OUS CLTS rum. He offers the following inducements for your pa tronage Good Materials a Pedant Garment, and runotesilty and Precision in • the execution of at orders. INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. apl3-tuths-2m LARGE BORE RIFLE?. THE HUB scribere have 'several hundred large bore ROCKY MOUNTAIN RUNTING R.. e'Lktl, which wilt be egad to Companies, at very low Reties. If applied for at once. PHILIP WIl ON k CO.. ap22-3t 432 CFILdliteUT Ihreet. I D PATENT STUDS! 4 1,") PATENT STUDS: The Improved Patent Lever Spiral grant SAFETY MUM, end the Patent FBA o L ObrITNE, having been thoroughly tented, and posseeeing advantage's over every other invention, are being very generally adapted by Gentlemen of taste. Sold Wholesale and Retail ONLY by ELI HOLDEN, 703 MARKET fSTBUT, Importer of Clocks, Watches, and ewelry, aple-stnthem FINE WATCH REPAIRING. PERSONS RAVING FINE WATCHES that have hitherto given go eatieraotion to the western. are invited to bring them to our store. where all defeats can be, remedied br thoroughly and refililie4l Not 41w wtOob wontuttod to G ive entire satisfaction. Mantel Clocks, Mueioal Boxes, &0., carefully Nut in complete order. FARR & BROTHER, Importer' of Watches. Mental Boxes, Cloolm. apt-am Mit CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth. BEST CHOICE YET OFFERED. NEW GOODS. NEW STORE. NEW STYLES GREAT METROPOLITAN JEWELRY DEPOT, FOUR THIRTY-TWO CHESTNUT STREET. GREAT SACRIFICE, TO INSURE QUICK SALES I have opened. at the above store, one of the finest and nest-assorted stools of Jewelry , Sliver plated ware. and Fancy Goods. aver before offered to the public. I will guaranty to give perfect seduirsotion to every purchaser. Cail and examine my stock and you will find a Mass of goods equal to any in the city. OBSERVE THE PRICES: Coral. Enameled Cameo, Lava, Gold stone.anit_Onsx sets, for— . 81, Mlle pile* $3 Csinnole Enameled do., Enamelled Rally. Bonnet, ke., do-- -81 do. 13 Mosaic, Jet, Lava, Carbuncle, Tur quoise. Etruscan do-- 92 do. 86 Etruscan, Carbuncle, Gold Cluster, Ribbon TIM st do.-- .. .$2 do. 86 Engraved and Chased Gold Band Bracelets._.....::_._. S 1 d 0,614 Very nosh Engraved and Chased do-$2 do. 85 Very Rush Carbuncle and Gold Chili ter do .. ...—.........-...... 2 do. 6 Infants' Arming.- - -. . .. .. 1 do. 3 Misses' Necklaces, ireat vanety —.-. 1 do. 3 I DO. do. with Medallion.... I do. 3 Medallions. great variety. t --......... 1 do 3 Do. with Double 5ide5......... 1 do. 3 Sets of Studs and Sleeve Buttons, _ great variety.. . ..„- ... . . ..—. SI do. 84 Sets of Studs and Sleeve Buttons, Car buncle., Enamelled, Sm-,........- ..- 11 do. 4 Ladies' Chatelain Chains -- 2 do. 4 Gents' Vest Melina. -.. —.............-- 2 do. 1 6 Ladies' F.arrings.....--...------ 2 do. 6 Do. do. -......- 1 do. 14 Do. Sleeve Buttons - , Moto!". usn price 61X50 to 3 Genie' do. do. aim to 1, do. 91.60 to 3 Aiso, Gold Pena and Pena s. Tooth Picks, Watch Keys, Belt Slides, Chain Pins, Cremes, &c., 80. I have a email lot of PINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, which !will sell at equally low prices. Goode Sent bi Mail or Express to all parts of the United States and Canada tree of cost. . WM. 432 NIUSTIN. Agent, apt-slwf33l lb 432 CRESTNUT Street. VOUNG- MEN LEAVING THE CITY -IL wilt get the hi g heat cash prioe ror Cant-of CLOTH ING. Call or Wren M. D'ANCONA, 622 fount titreet. ap23.6t* ELOCUTION TAUGIiT, AND BTAM menne and Defeotive Artiontationcorrected,bi DR COlderOCK. SOS ARCH street. Comstook's Meters of Eloeutioit for sale by the author. au22 Stl' O iloE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 17, 1861.—The Board of Directors have this day declared Bend-an anal dividend of THREE; PER DENT. on the capital stook of the Company. clear of State tax, payable on a nd after May 18th, Powers of attorney for oolleetion of dividends ran be had on aPPlioation at the office of the Company, No. en 8. Third street. THOMAS T. FIRTEL, &plB 101 • Treasurer. STATIONERY AND JEWELRY package' furnished to Agents and Dealers. :Area redacted rates. Call. tor mend gam.) 802 OWEBTNUT Dtreet. Fa. see-tro FARNONT & CO. 11 HAVANA CIGARS just 1,0 1 00,011u' received per steamers Quaker Cap and Karnack. comprising Cabana*, Fitara. Fai taus. Comeroiante. .Black Bsa. Punchinello, Etenvina, Diablo mann°. Yarded. rnxebese, dto., araii of all sines and Qualities, and for side at the towestmar ket rate. by CHARLES TETI& epfl ISt ino.wain UT. (PAL DENTAIIINA.—We speak from otation! experience when saying that the OPAL, D Bre raLurt A made by Mr. 8B lAN. of BROAD and BPRUCe: tttraets, is decidedly the nicest preparation pr the rnowh and teeth that we Lase ever need. We behave it tat. all th,t maimed for it, and borne re commended bt the west eminent dentists we advise all To give it a Wed.—Bail/attn. anll-3w" UNITED STATES PENSION OFFICE —The office for_psaiocsousioni has been RE wrap to itto. 41.9 w Atm ta t}trootoooonct story oMoo hours from 10 to o'olook. S L Y9I.II, A 00.91, aal9-6t Pennon Kent. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. lIIILI,TAACI VIA/THING, RERUHANT TAILOR. FIREARMS JEWELRY, &c. NEW PUBLICATIONS. VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS!!! SUPPLIED WITH POCKET BIBLES, At &dual Cott Prieto, by W. W. HAPDING, No. 191 South MAD StroOt. as23•st *eooud poRTRATT OF MAJOR ANDERSON.- TWENTY•FTVE CENTS. NOW READY. A PORTRAIT OF MAJOR AND ERSON,eplendidly engraved on steel, meltable for framing. Price 2! cent . Njoenta, and India paper proofs 01. A Carte de Y , eice Portrait. Prior Zi mtg. Either of the above sent free by mail on receipt of Price. A liberal discount to dealers. o. APPLETON & CO., 443 and 445 RROADWAY. VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS! ! ! SUPPLIED WITH POCKET BIBLES, notwg con rimer, by W. W. HARDING, No. 121 south THIRD Street, ap23-6t Eleoond Floor. T HE DOOTRINE AND POLICY Or PROTECTION, WITH THE HISTORY OF OUR TARIFFS, WHOM Trim ORGANIZATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. Now that a desperate assault is being made upon the new Tariff to preindiee the public, in advance against it. and. if possible, to have it repealed, it is important that its friends should be prepared to combat the specious arguments of its antagonists. Nothing will better serve this purpose than the circulation of the pamphlet whose title is quoted above, which is one of the ablest and most interesting documents that have ever appeared in support of the true American policy of fostering the great industrial interests of our country. It will be forwarded by mail or express for 10 cents per single copy; 76 cents per dozen ; $5 per hundred. Address RINGWALT & BROWN, apt:-tf No. 34 SOUTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia. PIIMEI NORTHAMPTON VIJUNTY, THE COMMONWEALTH OF PEtiNSYLyto . F ., ma, ie the Bherdrof laid County, Dreeting We command you that you attach CEOIitRE "I'''. P. WHITAK KR, late of your county, by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and tenements. in whose hands or poesesmon 'never the same may be. so that he be and appear before our Court of Common flew to be holden at EASTON, in and for Raid county, on the third Monday of APRIL Mt, there to answer ALEXANDER WILIYON. of a Veit of Cree page on the case, &o. lied that you summon all per sons in whose hands or possession the said trends and (Matteis. or any of them may he attached, so that they and every of them be and appear bef me the said Court, at the day and place aforesaid. to answer what shall he objected against them. and abide the judgment of the Court therein • and hare you then thee.. thus writ. Intro= the ' Honorable JOHN K. FINDLAY, Presi dent Judge of our said Court. the seventh day of Morph, in the year of our Lord one thousand et ht hundred and ststy-one. WM. hlllTCßl..b.R.,froth _notary. Drenonenn.l "Attach all the right, title, and interest of George B. Whitakerdn the estate and efreete of the partnership of Janet& Whitaker fr. Co.. of which Reid firm the said George P. Whitaker is a partner, in the hands or pos session of Joseph Whitaker, William Davis, ! Joseph R. Whitaker, and George W. Whitaker, the individual members with the said George P. Whitaker, of the maid firm, and to /summon them sa garniaheee • ale°, all right, title, and interact of the cnici George V. Whita ker in the following tracts of land: one of them situate in Williams township, in laid nounty, adjoining land of John Beidleme.n.solomon Bachm.s. and Bartel Hoover, and containing seven acres ' more or leas. and the other of them situate in Semen township, adjoining lane of Benjamin Knecht. Samuel A. Wriss•ir road from Hel lertown to l'urharri g land of Peter Rain. Joseph Lei dick, John Wasaer, Henn , Detweiler. and others, and containing fifteen scree, more or lees." To GEORGE P. WHITAKER, tee defendant above named s Take notice of the above writ. THOMAS RECRP4AIs, of Northampton Counts. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE T N CITY AND CAJATT_OF,,PAIL4DELPIIIA. RILEY, WeCieJoad. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, nettle, and adjust toe first and final account of Isaac MUL LEN and JOHN It. McOLRDY. Exeoutore of the last will and testament of JAM ES RILEY. deed., and to report diet•lbution of the balance in the hande of the accountants. wilt meet the partials interested. for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDN RE 0 ...Y. May 1.1861. at 4 o'clock P. M., at hie office. N 0.139 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. ap2O•atuth-51 PROs. GREP,NBANK, Auditor. srl fa vikri I n 17.13 TA pm MRS. E. JA.OOBS, No. 212 NORTH WIL EIGHTH Street, will open e FASHIONABLE AEIsORTIVLENT OF SPRING lAILLINtittY, on THURSDAY, April 11th. tuella ri m MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 °HEST givatomT Street. has received a ohome assortment of PARIS MILLINERY for the spring. mh29-IM ri m MISSES 0 7 BRYAN, 914 CHESTNUT TAgh atreet , will non PARR! MILLINERY for the Spring, nn TifußsDaY, April 4. mb26-Im^ RETAIL DRY GOODS. CONTINUATION OF THE GREAT SALE. OF CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, &c., In liquidation of the Estate of J. W. PROCTOR & Co., 'TOE CHESTNUT STREET. The Stock consists of— SPRING CLOAKS, ENGLISH TWEED CLOAKS, SILK CLOAKS AND SACQUESt SALK MANTILLAS, MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCINGS, FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, FRENCH LACE POINTS, FRENCH LACE SOURNOVX, TRAVELING SUITS, FLOUNCING L ACV!. DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, &0., Ac., All in immense variety, and to be sold at about ONE-HALF THE USUAL PRICES, FOE THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS. To facilitate sales, and enable purchasers to make prompt salsetiens, ALL GOODS will be marked in PLAIN FIGURES. Special attention le called to this Sale: Great induce ments, as to prices, are offered, in order to close math, entire Stook. I PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, WWI 708 CHESTNUT STREET. MANTILLAS. MANTILLAS. OPENING DAILY, AT WM. P. CAMPBELL'S, No. 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, In hie large and ELEGANT STOCK will be found the riohost display of MANTILLAS, IN BILK AND FANCY CLOTHS, alp -lm EVER MADE IN THIS CITY. .FAYRELANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. will oven to-day tome very DEBIRABL Nv W 000.03. ribeehe d's Plaid Drees Silks, Extra, Rich Orenadinee. Bmbroideted Mozamblquea. Pleat quality Organdies. Bouquet Bolin fluid Bareqeei Blue and white Figured Foulards. Perfect glumly India Elites. wireet style Spring Mantles. Water-proof black mixed Tweeds. ae2l BLACK SILK MANTLE?. Blaok - 811k Coate, Gored Mantlee , l'aletoto, OUR G ENPVt i lin b iAl i t it t is IVIAD iGOAL COOPER & CONARD. apll 8. E. oor. NINTH and PdARRET. RARAINs.— G Mane Gingham. at 12H onto, Traveller atuErs at Mi °eats. Shepherd's Plaids. Mohair Macke, Black raw. Boo) Skirts. Colima,. Handkerchiefs. seta. White Goma. Kt coats White Linen. worth 50 cents, COOPER do CON ARO. apPE S. E. oar. 14INTE and MARKET A PRIL, tB6l. LARGE CASH PURCHASE OF MILES. TIRE CHEAPEST SILKS IN PHILADELPHIA. THOIL.II,FY & C»IiIM have just bought FOR NET CASH, lots of Black Silks, of superior quality, and very cheap. ffi lots of Rioh Mena Bilks. in Stripes and Plaids. far 75 cents. Importers' price for which has been $l.lO 1 lot Heavy Pole de Boise, solid colors, in Browns, Blues, Greens, Modes, Purples, at Si. Importers' price $1.16: 1 lot of Double-faced Black Brooade Silks, very desi rable. Bich Dares* Robes, 5 and 4 Flounaae, at 60 cents on the dollar. I lot Chollie De Lemnos for lbe, worth O. Beautiful Dream Goods, in great varnity, • SHAWLS AND CLOAKS I Linen Goods ofour own importation. Power-Loom Table Linens, Damasks, Table Cloths, Ao. Spring Glot6s4o66lo6lo6,ll•Vestings,.._km. &O. 131.050iLb tit ORtrim 6, B. owner 12d0.11.131 & SPAIN& t+A R DEN etc N. B.—Will open in a few days Si k Mantles, and French Laos Goods. Noel T. /c C. G 001) NEWS - FOR. THE LADIES.— New forint. of the (tempest staple and Fanny TRIMMINGS at the More N 0.1.03 North BIORTu Street, only second door above arnh. Kid Gloves, ZS oente a pair, worth So cents; Mohair Nets. lu cents apiece, worth 26 cents; Tarlatans, two yards witle,l3 cents a yerd. worth i 2 cents; India "tubber Combs.s tents apiece. worth IX cents ; White Curtain .FrinSes; from S cents an to worth double the price ' fal l line of Bilk and Mohair Mitts, extremely °heap; pries, Wrapper, and r. man ags. of the latest fash ions, at astonishingly low priori; the best variety of Dress and Wrapper Buttons, Paris and London styles ; Shawl Borders. of all widths, at len Chan half price ; Hoop HEM. of the best tosirat cheaper than else where the finest amortmeat of 'Belt XibbOiw 1 flair Neu " , of the last improvemeute. Ladies, our stool is too numerous to be specified ; it will be to your inter est to visit tem place of bargains. No. 103 North lIIGUTH street, only second door above Ariyh, and convince yourselves of thp bet. The Proprieto b eing manufacturer of Ladies "frintmigge , enab led offer 7011111016 illdooo/1100tio than any other store In thin • Wel. WM, RIXTADT,EN 9 7,kwala_ 103 North NINKTN et.. 3d door so. koh. RE TAIL DRY GOOp8• FLAG MATERIALS. UNION 13ADGES. AT S OTJTHWICK BROS., It 26 South EIGHTH street. J. M. HAFLEIGH, FORMERLY L. J. LEVY & CO., SO and 821. OLIESTRUT STREET, Will continue to offer the helmet, of his choice Stook of STAPLE AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. At still further • ap22 Et] REDUCTIONS IN FRIG FR FOR CARR. NEW MANTILLA STORE. The moat splendid SILK MANTLES in the city. HOUGH & CO., ap2o-lan 25 SOUTH TENTH STREET SILK MANTILLAS, In every new atyle, the richest qualities ever seen, at the elegant New Store. 25 SOuTE TENTH STREET. WO-1m ROUGH BL., CO. • • SPUHA", NOTICE.—A RARE (JR &NCB FOR BARGAINS! TFI ig ENTIRE sToDIC. TO BE CLONED OUT! On account of the unsettled state of the country, and depression in the mercantile line, I. am determined to close out my stook much below rite cost of imoorf &Von. tireat inducements will be offered in Dress Goodt, Shawls. Silks ao., and 1 would invite those wishing Dry Goode to examine it. One hundred Shetland Shawle from $1 to Se. not half their value, at JOHN IL 8 lAMBS'. Rat tf 704 ARCH. Street. CIENTB' AND BOYS' WE AR.—LABGE, ffeleot. and egneeiallr cheap !took of Men'a and Boys' seasonable wear. Eep.otal attention devoted to Clothe, Gaseinteree, Veistinee, and to sows for Boys' nee.cl o POrbit do OUNARD, ap22 cor. Pi I wra and MARK ST. PLAID SILKS, PLAID SILK POPLINS, Jttat received from New York. black and White, 'Brown and White r Blue and While. And other desirable onlore of - cheek egka, at N5X.62%. and Om FANCY. ;SILKS AT RE UOED .PAIOEB. - In order to e'en) them out in sermon. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS. Small Plaid Gray Silk Pg.phita Chintz Filed Gray +Silk ropily', at ado. Rich Pied Grenadines, all colors NEw STYLE OF SILK AND C.L01:11 COATS. R. STI Ldo ;lON, No. 713 North TENTH Strdet. above Coates, aa9o-tf CHARLES ADAMS SON--EIGHTEI 4WD ARCH STREETS— Will offer. this morning, a fine asaortment of STELLA SHAWLS, purchased at emotion, and for sale at a very small advance, ranging in puce from 84 to e/1, A aso,* fine assortment of DRESS GOODS. Chtilli Detainee, every variety, from 12,;40. to 25e. Chene Mohairs, neat styles, from 19e. to 25e. Ottoman. Mrrteline, and Diagonal Poplins- Silk, Embroidered, and mbroidered Diagonal Poo- Neapolitan Silk Cheek Mohair. Mo. and am. LADE CLOAKIN GS, in 'Urines and plain colors. The latest shape of HOOP SKIRTS, ior Ladies and Misses. of the best quality, both tied, and wide and narrow tape. FRENCH COLLARS AT HALF PRICE. A small lot Just purchased, which we will guarantee to be an 'II at one-half the usual price. Grenadine Veile, all colors and qualities. Veil Berates, all colors, =eluding &Hoene and drab. Partioular attention is requested to our House Fur nishing Goods. Shirting Linens. the beet article for Ito. ever offered, and better qualities in proportion, Ballard Vale Flannels. a folk line. 1 case 4-4 nucleic:shed Muslin, fine, 90. 1 WWI 4 4 unbleached Muslin heavy, 100. I case If eleached M uslin, 11.4 e. 1 ease 4 4 bleached Muslin, 9e.--splendid. 1 ease 4 4 0. Adams & Son, 10e. cased - 4 C, Adorns & Pon, J 2 o. a 4 Boot& Mills moskeag and Dodgeville. 1 case 10-4 bleached cheating, Mc, usually 37340. 1 OMB ,2-4 bleached Sheeting, 990, usually 40e. aplg-tf sHARPLISS BROTHERS Ban placed in &Department, disparate from their dting dtook, A collection of JOB LOTS Of Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Commuting Organdies. Lawns, oheap Silks, Chintzes, Lawn and Organdy Robes, Darege Robes, Flounces, and Junes; All of which will he sold At nearly ball cu usual prices, So as to show only fresh Goods ep tlaTP4 U In the other Dartments T . apla Cit and BIGIFFEL STS, COMMISSION HOUSES BLUE KERSEYS AND CLOTHS, Suitable for Military or Naval PorPoxes. For *are by FROVIINCrILAN & WELLS, * aplB-iftf 35 LETITIA STREET BOARDING. lIVARDING.—Hundsome rooms in suites avd eiugle, vacant. N. E. corner sncrEENTE. and LOCUST Streets. ap23 Gt• WANTS. VITANTEb—A 'VESSEL. of the capacity of from 1.000 to 1,200 barrels, to load for the West Indies. Apply to JAURETCHE & CARBTAIRS, ap22 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. STORAGE RGOM WAISTED--To store hougebold Furniture. Room in a dwelling house, north-of Vine awl: preferred. Address. Box 1913. Fhdadelphin Post Office. ap2B-2c* WANTED--A ,Ladto do Errands. Ad dress " T." Press offipe, sp9-ti WANTED—AGENTS to sell. PACKA GES of STATIONERY and JEWELRY. at price' one third leas than can be purchased elsewhere. Call on or addreee (stamp enclosed., J. L. BAILEY, No. 154 COURT Street, Boston. Masa. mh.18.3m VMPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG Men, dco., Are invited to address ties " Employ ment Comnnttee," at the Rooms of the Young roen'e Christian Aeaooiation, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street. 1143-em FOR SALE AND TO LET. WANTED TO RENT.—a neatly fur- Dialled House, in the western part of the city. Ad dress. stating prim. r 'motion. and real name, • Carl ton.!' Otos of The Press. ar23-31:* FOR RALE A BARGAIN—The new NiftStore and Dwain }louse, corner of EVEPE ET and TWELFTH streets, be ow Chnetian. Lot IS feet front. Only $9 99 wanted. The balance can remain on mortgage. ,Apply to J. D. IttaNBOTH, apt* 3t• 436 WALNUT Street. aTO RENT WITH FUR.NITURE.--A Mit handsome HOUSE, with every modern oonveni enoe, in Arch Arent, west of Seventeenth. imply . to A.F. & J. B. MORRIS, so2o-11m 916 ARCH Street. WTO LET—AT CHESTNUT BILL, a eoqd Mansion Roue. with s large stable and rounds. on SUMMIT street, first howls from the ave nue. Apply to E. BOWLBY, broker, 230 WALNUT S treet, b,oe. " ap2.l-6t fa FOR SALE—A 11013F.T. and LOT, ■ daiirably Ineated ort MAIN Btrost. Burlington. N. J. Apply to WM. Al. MILLAIS'S, 506 MINOR Street. Phibidelphis. Or to FRANKLIN WOOLMAN, aplB-thetn24t* MAIN Avert. Burlington. NI TO MGT-HOUSE 0.0.120 ARCH T. below Pooondr with good back buildings. m bath, range, hot and cold water. apl9-4t4 di TO RENT. The large Dwelling ROL Hone No. 415 Booth FIFTEENTH Street. -A p ply to J. SERGEANT PRICE, No. 813 ARCH Street. aplB-12t FOR SALE or Emetiatigo for City Pro periy—A fine Trace ot Lend. containing' about 400 Acres. in Monroe township, Wyoming nountr. Penns. Apply to J.l). RZIN BOTH, ap2o 30 436 WALNUT Street. gm TO RENT—The Three-story Brick DwEI,LiNEt. No. 1034 WALNUT et. Imme diatepneseesion elven. Rent $331. Apply to SAmue:i., C. PERKINS, 627 WALNUT et. apll-thetutf LET--SEOOND-STORY ROOM, 802 Ci/EATNUT oweet. over LEW'S LADOMUS GO:e Jewelry. Moro. The bon looation PlOadol vas for any hind of light biteineng. Apply in the Jewelry Store. Rent $4OO. fete TO RENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Plinth-street front of "The Continental Hotel." The Store at Ninth and klanecom street" cape oiallr adapted fore bADDLEC and BARIUM Maker. Apply to JOHN RICE, fee-tf Southwest NINTH and PANBOPI Streets. dTO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL LING NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Street. And to WETHENILL & BROTHER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. inhl4-tf ittTO RENT—Far the summer seas o n. . a commodious Country House, with furniture, Fronds, and mewing, within two hours' ride, by rail. MARKET Str e et; or address P. O W S I I L A S H O W W a L t SON, ParkereviPe. Chester Co.. Pa." ELP1.2.01. SALIO—The valuable Wharf Pro• party and Lot of Ground in CU TER. Delaware county. containing about three acres. bounded on the south by the United Mates wharf. The buildings on the property are well adapted for manufacturing pur poses. Apply to SAMUEL C PERKINS. spU-ttistutt. * 627 WALK UT Street. UTO RENT.—A rare opportunity is offered to a competent manager of a Boarding Howie by the undersigned, who offers to rent the promisee formerly known aa the UNITED STATES uorEL, situated on CHESTNUT &rest, above Fourth. opposite the Custom House. The house non tette lorty rooms all of which are furnished. The dining-hall is ninety-five feet a lensth, besides kitchens, pantries. and every other convenience that o a m be e d e i m d n nTrh, e p nd m a e e reedyfo r s immedia t e occupancy. To a proper person. having experienoe, a profitable business can be done. To an acceptable tenant the terms Will be Made reaeonablo. For YortioOlot• apply to JOHN REA. on the premises, between the hoar.; of 9 and 3 o'olook. sple-tuthallt EDUCATIONAL. A MERIGAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE-- LA. EST SWUM IeSS—To supply Famihes amd Sohoom with me host Teachera. • To aid gasohol . e to suitable appointment,. To buy and eel' sohool properties on commission. To give parents information of good schools. G. S. WOODMAN & COMPANY, • Lam Woodman. Newo) Otit3 BROADWAY. Tort 'MO mars-2m 23 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Five Coupons , Vo. 206, 207, 250, lea. and 198, due Jan. 1868, lane of the county of Allegheny to Lilo Pdtaburg and Connelmbe Railroad. A liberal reward will be given for theaf return of Osamu° to P. tioDLETig i i. Wile/ a North P KtoriT Ptront, NOTLUE.—The Vitizene of the different IN Mime and Towns throughout the State are ievitsd tt , omPetition for the place at winch the next - NUAL ISTATR FAIN, Wien be held. Proposals containing inducements and advantages, directed to tne undersigned Committee. appointed by the Ex„, eoutive Committee, vnti be received up tei ,, alld in dresseds7si next. CornMintioationg illhoalkhe to either or the &dowse( hereon: WM . CoiddEft. JOHN P. All tILE.K.roan" JACOB JOHN 11. ZiEuLEM. Barrisbuts l Ps. Amos E. KAPP, • . Northumberland; Cominittas. aru•asmra AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO.— MARK lif.AßStsfot GRAND FAREWELL CONCERT. 'CHU RBD.A.Y EVE.NIeI U. April 25. 1861. The following celebrated Amigo two vointearad their eery-lose MISS CAROLINE 111CHINO41, The diet ngnished American Prima Donna. M it. T. blaliß.P. The popular Tenor. MR. A. BIROFFLP. Baritone ,TRSODURB His find aparan pece at the AcadentY. Solo Violi CARL VICILFBOHI4, The eminent Pianist The time-honored MAM.NI4 clitelfol.ll. VI csL SeelB27, Under the direction of A . WOW. - FM , and (IRAs, ONCriE3TRA OF SEVENTY PENFORMF.RBi Including the diracto-s of ourprincipal Musical &Mae ties. and the beet instrumentalists in ousel:I. _ Leader... Mr Simon messier. . Theodore Tempo. The Concert will commence with the grand national song of " THE STAR-BP ANGLiRti BANNER," pone by Miss Riohirsre. With a powerful Chco us and the Grand Orehestra. Doors open at 7; to commence at 8. iokete—Parouette,, Paranette Grote. Balenty, and Boxes 60 Gents Beate secured without ex'ra charge, at the academy, from 9 A. M. to 4 P.M . and at -141 , 1 r & lserton'e. and Andre & Co.'s Music .Mores, Cheetne t greet. Upper Tiers 25e. Entrance on Locust street. ae2o et CONCEIT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, shove TWFEL EVE TILE (MOND %Y) EVENING, April 22,1861. And every Evening during the Week, EBOFERSOR 3. H. ANDER - 0N . ..M., W Z ARD OF THE WUR..D." In his NEW Spd ntrIJL4Ft ERTERTAIIvM ENT A".1011.1+, Piti*thiCAL, and NATtIAAL MAGIC, entitled TWO HOURS OF IGLUS - ONE. The Great RIOLOI3PAL ROPE IrEAT, whioh has met with so mush RYP. , RISETRICAL, 81./COEBB t will he , ntrodused; also, many newt xpenments atm H. AND e:mackv. Grand MAGICAL M.AtINEE. APRES.MIDI AGIQUE. on SATURDAY, April 27. at AP. M. Admission 28 cents. Reserved seats 60 cents. '‘rALM:IT-STREET THEATRE. Sole Lessee...A.-I,lre. M. A. DARR DTTSON RAW Manager _— —Mr. WM. A.CIIA PM AN. Bumnees Agent.— JOR. D. MURFEIT. The management take Measure in announcing an en gagement with tn. comedian, Mr. POTHENN. THIS (TUES9AY) hir.ti-IfING, April 33. Who p o e u r K r A m P a I n FR w lIilA N o GOM o M f h AeTwol,if OR, LORD DIINDREARY ABROAD. Mr. Sothern will appear as Load Dund.eary and Sam. SCALE Or rlt/CES.—.I MSS pirate isen.ts secured with out extra charge.) BOcents; p arquet. (seats !minted at 50 oents.)B73B cents ; family orals. 25 cents; private pietas, wand V; orchestra 75 nears, Doors open at quarter plat 7 o'clock; curtain, will rise at a quar t er to 8 WHEATLEY & CLAILKYM ARCH-ST. v *rvIEATTur. fTUBSDAY) EVSNINU, April 90, &mond time an four Tears of the comedy of the ItaLLL'S -GEM. Doyenne, Mr. Wheatley . ; Flutter. Mr. J. 8. Clarke. Ro conclude with the thrt ling drama or THE SIX I, EGRHEei 01? CRIME. Wine. WOMILEI. Gambling, Theft. eenrder—the Seefold, JulioDo,mthy. Mr. iftieWollt Charles. Mr. &WT. ABEL & LEYLAND'S STEREOPTICON I TENTE AND MBY E RTNE N STREETS LAST WEEK. VIEWS FROM THE.' TENT OF WAR, And (Mange of programme each night. Admission 2 mm. Uhildren, 18 contd. Doers oven at ; commence at 8 o'olock. MATINEE, W eD.4 EMMY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Cernmenetrig at three aloloolc. aF22-6t PE NN A. ACADEMY OF THE FINE 6 . 1117-1023 CHEATNUT ISTERET. The Tiiirtv-eighth ANNUAL 1 XHIBITION of PAINTINGi and SOUL? ruHE le now open. Admittance 04 ciente; oeaticlit 'Picket* SO caring; Chil dren half price. Catalogues 10 cents. atooktr , dery will receive their Cocchi at the academy. a. 22..tf QANFORDI3 OPERA HOUSE, 1 ".. ELEVENTH STREET. OPEN FOR THIS REASON. NEWLY DECORATE P Arm PAINTED. MR. SANFORD Ens scoured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doom open at 7; Commenoe x6TX. Mammon 26 cents. ChUoren 16 cents. terr-tg THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA GIVE their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATUR DAY aommenciax at 3% 0'019.3k, at the felleiCAL FUND FALL. 8 Dakota .91; single tweets, 28 cents, for eels at Chiskerine & Son's. Par Cheetnntetreett andre's.llol Chestnut Street; and Seek R LaWloll'B, Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. Commencements, Pat ties, &a.. made only at their Office. Chicken= & Son's Piano Store, 807 Chestnut street; William Stoll, 220 North Juniper street, or 0. Lfroughmitn, ROO Ridse V Wine. leal-tr THE TURF. 015 $4,150.0r.% IN RELEMIIIMS ;tUFFOLICPii ATELKDELPHIA. aay 1, Mk—Puree of $I e Ate for all Horses owned In the State of rents . 1 ; beet 3 in 6 to May 9. 1861—Purse of s7so.—Free for alt "Horses owred in the State of Pennsylvania; bent 3 in 6 to Wagon. May H. 1861.. Puree of slso.—Free for all Horses that have never trotted better than 2.40; best 3 in 6 to Harness. Same day—Purse of sloo.—Free for all Horses that have never trotted better than 2.45; beet .3 in 6 to Wagon. May 15—Purse of S22o.—e'ree for all Horses that have never trotted be for than 2-35 to w i rings • 104 3 CO 5. day—Purse of am—Pre° for all Horses that never have trotted better than 82.40; best 3 in 45 to Wagon. Map 16—Purse of 8300.—Free for all" Green" Horses that have never trotted in public); best 3 in 6 to Harness Mar 17—Purse of 8150.—Free for all Horses that have never trotted better than 9.40.2 miles ann repeat to Harness: Same day—Purse of 8180.—Free far all five-year old Colts ; best 3 in 5 to Harness. May 22—Purse of 81 250 —Free for all Horses owned in the state of Pennsylvania. 2 miles and repeat to saddle. Three Qr mere ntr,leAl to make 4114 1 90, , The above r ntnr s WO PO6llll moue on the glit4 of April with 10 per cent, at mummy & Goodin's Western Hotel, lel6 M &SKOP Street, above Eighth street, at 9 o'oloek P. M. all entries must be sealed. and will positively doe as above mentioned AII En tries must bethrented to D. F. WARD. apl2.drap2s* Proprietor of Buffo lc Park. MEDICINAL DR. J. WISE, No, 30 North FtFTH Street, PIII.LAVELPLILA—Treate sueeessfu'ily. if applied to in time all diseases cures LUNGS. NOAT put dEA.Wr. and frequentlyCONSUM PTIO NI in its third and last =ge t he also restores all curable diseases of the EYE and EAR. Be has elven them his entire attention for he past 20 years. Wilt visit patients, when desired at heir residences. ape SAFES. MELILLIE'S SAYE DEPOT REMOVED to No. :al South SEVENTH Street, near the nklin Trustitute. The undersigned. thankful for peat favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought' and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes (the only stnot.js fire and burglar proof sales made.) 'Also, Lil lie% Unequalled Barak Vault, Safe. and Bank Leeks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the Mrongest, best, protected. and cheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention is called Lillie's New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Safe m oon cede,l ruypeas in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that ur striot ly Ste and burglar proof. SP2CIAL NoIICE.—I have now on hand pay twenty of Farrel, Herring. & Co.'s Safes, moat el them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately ex &lensed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. laltl-lyif al. C. SAJUbEft, Agent. Di EVANS a WATSOWS SALAMANDER SAFES. STORE 304 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. hand. Alamo variety of FIRE-PROOF RAPES alw rahtl-tfays oa INSURANCE COMPANIES. L' AME IIiBURAIWE OOMPANY, No, 406 CHESTNUT Stree t, FIRE AND INLAND IN UKA.N OE. DIRECTORS. Name W. Day & Matlack. Samuel Wngat—.-- " Wright Bros dr. Co. D. B. dirue7 .—.." Davie & Diraoy. Henry Lewis, Jr..— " Lorin Pro d Ca, 0. 1ti0harin50n............" J . , C. Howe tt. Co. Samuel T. Bodine...—Ptes't Wyoming Canal Comp';. job. W. Evermati—.ofJ. W. Bowman & Co. Geo. A. West -.—...... " West & Fobes. T. 8. Martin... Soong., Martin, & Co. 0. Wilson Davis .Attorney-at• law. X. D. W00drutr....,..0f Sibley, bloisen, & Woodruff. Jso. Unit a, 1713 ()Teen etreet. ezoitee: DAY,_Preerident. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Wee Presidestt, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Seoretam J an-in k -NTHYLACITE INSURANCE UOMPA. !ff.—Authorised Capital 114004100—CHAETBE PERPETUAL. Mee No. In WALN UT Street, between 'hilt Mit Fourth rarest, Philadelphia. Thu Company will inure against loss or damage by - Idlngi, Furniture, and Manhandles gene ral/tie. Marine Insurances on Vessels, oarsoiPsi, and Freights. Inland In BM sio_atee to all parts of th e num& oan Jacob Peters W:M Joseph Musidelds jp. Luther, John Ketcham. 1. Ann.:arrant, John K. thakesten. Pavia Pearson. W.M. F. Dean. peter masers 3. E. Baum. JACOB EBNER .Prissidonc. WM. F.DWI Vilfe rXIFAXtb W. X. WI% Beeretarr. as - SAYING FUNDS. SATING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST OOMPANY4 001 - 1111 T THIRD end CHEM NUT Streets: INTERIM'S FIVE PER aura. S. R. cRAwroRD, President. JAMES R. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hone, from 10 until 3 o'clock. Le This Company is not joined in any application to the gislature. - fee ..cm.A A1E81.0.0.14 'SAVING FUND, B. E. cot per WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, continues to raceme dolomite and Day_ all au me on de r in resi an4 44 l;ll, tun always done, ALLEXANME /IL R WLLDIN Jos-• 0. WTX.II.IIN. Tromuntear. reet = t FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Com pany will receive freight on and after MODIDAY. =eh inerant, and leave daily M P. m., delivering their Or , gore in Hew York the following dare. Freights taken at teaaoriable ra Wfd. p YO tes. N, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WA A VIES. Philadelhia. JAMES RANA, Agent. Piers 14 and 15 EASE RIVE,It. Ilivw York. mbl6-iftf FOR NEW k ORR. -- TUE aggireig Ph l ladehhie Stoma Propeller Company will commence their business for the season on Moneta, lath mt. Their Steamers are now receiving freight at Becond Pier above Walnut 'greet. 17 Terms accommodating. Wto . M. BAIRD 4k Mg 224 s outh Delaware *venue. QPEOIAL NOTIOB.--15111PPERS WILL please talcs notice that the south Carolina R. R Co. have diecentioued forwarding all through freight and that ail goods formerly catalogued to them must now be aoneigned toe city again:lli Messrs. T, p, & T. G. BUDD will forward all goods to their address. A. HERON, JR., & Co,. wadi No 126 milk WA ARVell. 51/ FOR SALE—A Gray MARE, liar non, and Busty _; mare Y are old; gentle' in homes'. Addiell Box IMO Poa °Mae. araMc FRENCH ZlNU — Pure SNOW WBITV =. (Vielie. Montium. & c 0.7•,) Omura in Oil. sa for seie by WETHERELL , & BROTIV I • IT lona 10 Word! Oflteln n et mAC&FAEL.-300 bols. NOS- 1,2, mid Siaokerst, in whole, balves, and quarter,. for Bale by 41 abo v eDUEK 00., 103 &Awl 5t , 1444. seoond door Firollt &Salt REHKENG.-300 bbls. extra 140. 1 Her for gale by. C. C. HAMER & CO. 102 ARCH Street. secioud door above Front. 119364 t WIIITE FISH. 200 half-bbla. extra v pro.i white Flab. on consignment, end for "le Mr 0. 0. a ADLER to 00., N 0.103 ARCBStreot.asoond door OM Fronso ass-st
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers