lirneredittf„,, of City COUlleils the regular stated meeting of both branches of c .n... - ‘-a , llvld yertarday afternoon. .-.i:. = sir:. CT COUNCIL. 1-.,,.-tore, Coder . president, in the chair. Petniou6 and commanioationa, es follows, Were ,teeired and reier:oll + the g retlin,,c ot Coulter . treat, itt the no ,or -Neatpsocoad ward 7„.a150 for the grading of Term ifb street, from Girard avenue to Mount tlr-Fele 1. street , ront -ace iron) ARMS Watson, making a statement j- reference tO 2 forum ottommoication -.Melt ;:3, +,2 regardoi - +9 ~n insult by the Chamber. 6,.e from Maria Vie:Keever, wife of the late Ser ,...ot IclCosser. respecting the death of her bd.- 7 0 ,1, who died from the effects of injuries received +.l irt the discharge of his duties w o 8 ' for the paying ei Twenty-first street, be parr:pea and-Sbippen. ,irie from J. .1. Speed, secretary of a telegraph ...,,, from Washington to Casten, asking per. ,;!,.., y. 1 , run the wires through the city r - 4+le from the City Solicitor stating that the coonitteo on Girard Estates had no authority to .3:,..„..somprorelse with tenants in arrears, but ,;„,stporintendent might, with the direction of :tie committee, make such reductions as he saw 1.74er. young lad Ote: ifoll3 the yy teachers of the Girls' Nigh reFre.qirg the payment of their ea- wirs - from the Mayor submitting tne names of -r:sio police appointments for approval. :411TSTYRS, fritra the committee on Schools oafp a report asking for en appropriation '.:il for fitting up the Rittenhouse sohool As ordinance making an appropriation of $3,000 .-Conceal to former appropriation for the creation :.ii:s.:ibool-hense in th e Fifteenth ward was taken loot after along dismission, laid over. 31soaar offered a resolution inatruoting the committee on Surveys to inquire into the grades in rte First' ward. Iteferred to the Committee on sorer Mr. Vann_ from the committee to verify the cash ;Wont? of the city treasurer, reported cash bslauce per c.rh book, $522.08 68 ; cash in d r over. $12.025 98; trust fund, $92,794 27. Mr. Dottonatarr offered a resolution instructing C.fie ommittee on City Property to Inquire into expediency of placing iron or wooden beitohee ID the public squares Agreed to. A resolution returning thanks to Wrn. Biddle Sad Mordecai L Dawson as oireotore of Girard College, who have just resigned , their position, was mosoimonsly concurred in. The resolution from Common Council disappro ring of the late act of the Legislature. eapplemen- T oy to the consolidation ear and calling upon the emote to defeat it., was called up. The bill in olestion converts the Highway Department into "i ti d e pendent bureau, takes from the Mayor the , lac er of appointing supervisors, and gives it to Itio Board. and permite the bureau to award all , atars -ts without any responsibility whatever rot re4ation was concurred in unanimously. :Nita, and FORD, from the committee to retie the earn accounts of the treasurer, reported ! ma there was $522..558 in the treasury; that S9l hare been set apart- for the payment of i t t interest on the cit 7 debt the let of July ; to ,pay loans maturing; road damages; water and rnlvert loans; that there have been paid since the IF ,. of the year $690 000 of warrants of last year, . 4 1a:40,000 of the warrants of the present year ; 11 , 41 the taxes have come into the treasury as li berally as they did Isar yen . r up to the present dote. Mr. DonGlißleTT offered the following: drsolved, By the Select and Common Counoila, That the farther sittings of the Legislature are f r anzht with danger to the 'people of Philadelphia, sod .nitated to their but interests, and lhat the _elect and Common Councils do hereby request then to adjourn sine die The resolution was lost by a vote of 11 nays and o yeas. Mr. ;!TEAL offered a bill prohibiting the driver of any fire apparatus from proceeding to fires at a filar rate than allowed by law, and not to pus another apparatus passing along the same street. tisferred to the Committee on Fire and Trusts. The bin from Common Council releasing certain properly of George W. /luny from the lien of a :own lodgment was unarmed in. An ordinance appropriating the sum of $6OO to r ay the claims of James Maginnigan for repairs to the old Fifteenth-ward a ta tion-h ouse, was postponed tar one week. A regeintiett relscsinacertain property of Joseph heel) , and George C. Miller was agreed to. The hill from Common Council authorizing the t,sviog"of Wilder and other streets was agreed to. After the. passage of a few bills, of no public in terest, the Chamber adjourned. COMMON COUNCIL, The Chief Engineer of the Fire Departmen presented his quarterly report. The number of tree during the quarter was ninety-nine ; State sense bell rung 24; the whole loss by fire was ;:,3575; amount of insurance, $38.240—105s over Miasmic, $15,355. Ordered to be filed. A communication was received from a number ,d female teachers of tte Girls' High School, ask log a reconsideration of the resolution passed by both branches of Councils by which they are prevented from receiving their salaries. They ask that such action shall be taker' as will remove the difficulty, at least so far as respects the salaries which were not affected by the change from the Girls' Normal School to the High tehool. Re ferred. The resignations of Mordecai L- Dawson and William Biddle, who have acted as direetors of the Girard College for fourteen years past, were re ceived and accepted. Mr. Haceen presented resolutions tendering the thanks of the city of Philadelphia to the above gentlemen, for their devotion to the interests of the inetitution for which they have gratnitouSly labored for so Teeny Team . Adopted. The resignations of Dr. Kenderdine as a manager of Wills" hospital. and of Mahlon H. Dickinson as s member of the scald of Guardians, were re ceived and accaptod. A 0011Mnication was received from the Widow of the late Sergeant McKeever, of the First police distri:r, asking for aid, on the ground that he re ceived the Wailes which terminated his life while in the discharge of his official duties. lir.rsa presented an ordinance providing far market standa at Molnar:ink. Adopted. Resolutions were offered by Mr. Kane., disap proving cf the bfil.pessented to the Hose of 12 '1' ilie -1:11,A1 niprar, enatied a further supplement to the act consolidating the city of Philadelphia, and requesting the Representatives from the city of Philadelphia to vote against the passage of said bill. The act provides for a change in the mode of electing the Highway Department. There are to be seven commissioners, who are empowered to appoint supervitore ; salaries fixed si .31,500 per year. The board shall also have POW to award 0013traots to whomsoever they sbeate, without regard to the lowest bidder. Dr. SITES alluded to the fact that there were five persons constantly at Harrisburg asking legislation not desired by the citizens of Philadelphia, and protested against the passage of such an obnoxious measure as the above. lie regarded it as a politi cal principle for self interest. Mr. Harman was opposed to the Legislature having anything to do with matters of this kind. The bill was infamous, and those who favored it deserved execration. lie hoped the resolutions would be unanimously adopted. Mr. HACKER coincided with the above gentle men, and protested against the heads of depart ments going to Harrisburg for legislation without the conront and advice of Councils. Mr. MeCtirawr moved that the yeas and nays be sent wits the resolutions to Harrisburg. Agreed to. The resolutions were adopted unanimously. Mr. (Intim presented a series of resolutions di recting the Commissioner of Highways to notify the Philadelphia ; WilasingtoD, and Baltimore Railroad Company to grade to .the proper street level that part of Weshingtan avenue between I Swanson street and Gray's Ferry road, and that if said company refuse to comply with the require- Monts, the City Commissioner ie directed to report the same to Councils. The Chief Engineer is also directed to examine Gray's Ferry 'bridge, and re port whether it is substantial and safe enough for the purtoses for which it is used. Mr. Qcsate thought the company should keep the streets over which their road passes in proper repair, as the passenger railway companies did. Re had heard the bridge was unsafe, and thought the matter should be investigated. Mr. MILLER had not beard of any complaints of the street crossings, or the bridge, and moved a reference to the Committee of Highways : Mr. Mutation, said it would be to the interest of the company to keep the bridge in proper repair, as heavy trains passed over it daily. He trusted the matter would be referred. Mr. hums thought the subject should be in quired Into. As far as the bridge was concerned, which was now a free one for the wise of pedestrians and vehicles, the entranoe needed grading. The draw of the bridge is opened whenever it pleases the company, and vessels have frequently had their roasts broken. Mr Quirts trusted the resolution would not be referred. but acted upsu at once. If they went to 3 committee much time would be costumed, and probably lives lost by an accident to the bridge. The motion to refer wall agreed to. Mr. FREEMAN moved to suspend the rules, to lake Op the ordinance to create a loan for the ex tension of the water works. Agreed to—yeas 52, nays 20 Postponed for the present—two-thirds of the members not voting. Mr. lid/mist, from the Committee on rhinos, reported resolution recommending releasing cer tate property of George W. hefty from the lien of a judgment. Agreed to. Alto, resobitious releasing property of George Miller and Jezeph Kelly. Mr. POTTER, from the Committee on Highways, reported resolution fevorable to the paving of Wildey street, from Columbia avenue to Palmer street; Clsiborr.e street, from Palmer to Ball; William, Member, Amber, Amity, Cambridge.. Sharrwood, and other streete, in the upper section of the city. Agreed to. Also, resolutions authorizing the paving of ear :sin streets in the Twenty-fourth ward. Mr. Morms, from the Committee on Trusts and fire, reported that a committee bad visited the iteation of The Shlllier Rose Company, who recent ly applied for a steam engine, and found it ear ronaded by . a large -amount of valuable property. There are in the immediate vicinity 3,350 taxa bles, which, allowing four to a family,would make a Population of 13,400 In view of the premises tne Shiffler hose Company now occupy, and the above i nformation, the con:IMMO° recommend that their spoiler ion be complied with. Mr. FREaSIAN moved to have the report printed for the tr.e of member; ea it contained much valu able information. Mr. esasawaun was in favor of adopting the rceolation at once, as the subject had already been argued in this Chamber. Mr. QUINN made a speech in defence of the Fire bepartment, but he considered there were enough steam-engines already in service, and would, therefore, vote against the present application. Ile knew nothing against the Shiffler Rose Com- Pany, but thought the wants of the city did not re pine another steam engine. If they kept heap ing, on more expense, the present system, of which he was in favor, must be abolished .. The resolution to postpone wee agreed to. Th e same committee reported favorably to the Mamba dills Weston Bus fie a steam-fire eagle. company. They say their house is large and suita ble, have the largest alarm bell in the department, and are Surrounded by extensive factories, lumber Sara, the Welted States Arsenal, and much valua ble property on the Gray's Ferry road A maim to pressed to a wand reading of She ordinance was lost. Also, a motion to locate the Kensington Rose as a steam-engine company. The same committee reported in favor of leent• 1 leg the fonowing.named hose companies for steam hose porpnees Fairmount, Columbia, Moya me"l4. Warren, Schuylkill, Robert Morrie. flu tonne, United States. Diligent, Bloehrier, Book and Ladder, Germantown, and South Penn. Or dered to be printed. Mr. CATTELL, from the Committee OD Surveys, repotted in favor of changing the tine of Baltimore avenue, between Forty Ai et end Forty-third strea', in the Twenty fourth ward. Agreed to. Au or dinance was submitted by the same committee, directing that a new contact be entered into for the erection of-the bridge at the Falls of Schuyl kill The committee recommend au appropriation of $l,OOO for that purpose. Several amendments were offered, a protraoted debate ensued, and the Chief Engineer and Sur veyor was finally authorized to advertise for pro. poems A resolution iuvltinit Select Council to meet Com mon Council, at five o'clock on Thursday afternoon next, to elect a building inspector, was agreed to. Mr. CATTELO offered a resolution, directing the construction of a culvert sewer in Manayunk. After a brief debate, tho ordinance was agreed to Adjourued , b A.L INTEL LI GE NCE • NISI PRIIIS —Justice Strong —D. S. Stet son d; Co. vs. The London and Liverpool Fire and Life Insuranee Company, before reported. In this Oise the jury, yesterday moroing, returned a ver dict for plaintiff for $11,457 80 Ae the defence in the ease involved a grave charge against Mr. Stroud, one of the members of the firm of D S Steteea & Cothis verdict may be taken as a com plete vindication of the gentleman's character. Heller vs. Thomas. A feigned issue to ascer tain this balance due on a jadgment. Jury out, Disratcr Comm —Judge Sharswood.— William Kinsey, James S. Lippincott, and John Starr, executors of the last will and testament of Jas. Starr, deceased, vs Thomas Houghton. An action on a mortgage. Verdict for defendant. Harrison it Hooper vs Stamm Baker, it Co.— This was an action against the defendants on an alleged acceptance of a draft. The' defendants, who are flour and grain commission merchants of this city, had dealings . with one Joseph Elstner, of Cincinnati, who consigned to them at different times flour, on which- they made advances, and had an amount current with him. On the 27th of January, 1860, nattier shipped to Steman, Baker, & Co. a consignment of two hundred barrels of flour, and advised them that he had drawn upon them for $l,OOO When the draft was presented to them, the margin had upon it $l,OOO, the body of it written " eleven hundred dollars " They refused to accept it fee informality They wrote to Mettler the reason of their refusal, and stated they would accept another draft properly drawn. About the time they wrote this letter, Elstner failed, and was indebted to Steraan, Baker, & Co. in a considerable amount, mach exceeding the value Of the shipment. When the second draft came, they declined accepting on that ground The first draft, which was intended to be $l,OOO, had been sold to Harrison & Blooper, the plaintiffs, and they received from Dauer the second draft. Judge bhatswood reserved the point for argu ment before the full court, whether, tinder these circumstances, the plaintiffs were entitled to re cover, and directed the jury to find for the plain subject to the opinion of the court hereafter upon the law of the case QUARTER BBSSIONS—Judge Thompson.— The court disposed of a number of cases of no public interest. SPRING GARDEN INETEME.-B. public meet ing of the Spring Garden Institute was held last evening at their hall, eorner of Broad and Spring Garden streets The animal report war read. The receipts for the year were $4155, and the ex penses the same. Addreas a were delivered by judge Kelley and the B.ev. Thomas Bill, president of the Antioch College, Ohio. The attendance was large, and the exercises very satisfactory - CITY ITEMS. THE LATEST. Fltlid CHABLZEITOIC — The dolls has either burst at Charleston at this time, or it is about to break in fury. The inauguration of a civil, war is a terrible thing, and an awful responsibility rests somewhere? Happily for Philadelphia, we are located at a suffteient distance from the border to escape the brunt of the coming troubles. We are bless ed in the enjoyment of comfort and plenty, and in hay ing in our midst the sideneid Brown /Stone Clothing Nall of Rodlchill & Wilson, Nos. ad and 605 Chest nut street, above Sixth, where elegant garments for gentlemen and youths are kept on hand in immense variety. AN EDITOR TN DISEtOIIINrORO of those usefal members of society recently bought &suit of clothes at the palatial store of GitiNviLLE Broxxs, No.6(llChest• nut street, and thus expands : " We have lately got a new suit of clothes, and no man could be more effectually dummied. We looked . . . . . like a. gentleman. linen first pelting them en, we felt like a cat in a strange garret. and for a long time thought we were swapped of. We went to the house• and soared the baby into Lts ; our wife asked us if we wanted to sea Mr. Jones. and told us that we would find him at the Mime ; went there, and pretty soon one of our business men came in, with a strip of paper in his hand. He asked if the editor was in ; told him wo thought not; asked him if he wished to see him particularly ; said he wanted him to pay that bill; told him we did not be lieve he would be in ; business man left. Started to the house again : met a couple of young ladies ; one of them asked the other what handsome stranger is that ?• In this dilemma we met a friend. and told him who 'we were. and got him to introduce us to our wife, who is now as proud of as as can be. The next time we get a new suit we shall let her know beforehand." AWNINGS AND FLAGS —At this season of the year, When the heat of the Mc to daily increasing, it behooves those who desire awnings to shade their pre mises to ascertain where they can best be accommo dated with an article that will insure satisfaction. To suoh. we cheerfully recommend Mr. Joseph H. Foster, whose place or business is at No 443 North 'Third street. whose well-established reputation as a manufacturer of awnings, flags, sails, k o Is so well knows as to LCCUITO no mention on our part. He is prompt in attending to all orders entrusted to him- sod the quality of the articles he furnishes never fails to give satisfaction. Marroxelsgs can fill all orders for Curtains, Damask, Window dhades. Lace or Muslin Curtains, in a satisfactory manger. at 719 Chestnut Street. hiladel delphia. W. H. Carryl & Bro. 21 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market; PUTLADBLPIIIA, April 11.1861 Reading Railroad stook fell lig ot the drat board to day, mid all the stocks and bonds on the list sympa nized measurably in the panic. Pennsylvania Arty. Pennsylvania Railroad mortgage AnnriP.J.C......a.:l*-rLall mad. nadread, all declined. The outsiders who have been hoping for news of a settlement of the politmel troublee, which would send stocks up, are tired of holding on, and afraid to press isles on the falling market. • The Money market is Mill and easy for prime Ruper t but lad renewed paper and seoonl-olass names are re jected, and oollections are becoming more and more Business men of email means find it no easy task to sustain their credit, with distrust of capital ists and banks to contend with on one hand, and on the other hand & dispositi On to heard up money instead of paying on the part of their debtors. The New York Post of this evening says : The Stook Exchange continues greatly depressed, pending the settlement of the Fort Sumpter question. and tile bear party," winch is the strongest in point of num bers and moans that we have had for several months. seem to have entire control of the market, and mark pnoes down without opposition. blew York Central. after the Board was rather be t ter. with sales for cash at 733f473%. The stock is be coming scarce for delivery. The COMI6 , amt. Enquirer says : A question has arisen at the Custom Route this week. under the new tariff, upon an importation of brandy. The law provides that upon brandy for filet proof one dollar per gallon shall tie assessed. The same section also vrovides that for spirituous liquors unenu nrierated a duty of thirty-three and one third per cent. shall be charged. The question is. if brandy below first proof. which at the Cnstom•Hou.s standard is penal to 60 LK° degrees ' of strength shall be taken as a non-enumerated article at. 333.5. per cent. if all liquors oelow 60 1 100 d are admitted at alti4 Per cent-. of course all importers will regulate their importations aooordingly. The q ue f tio., we lawn, has been referred to the Bearetary of the Treasury for his decision. The Virginia free bemire. the notes of which are SO cured by pledge of pubiio stocks, have had a law passed placing:Mein Upon the same 'footing as the old chartered institutions, and allowing them to issue notes without depositing security. We believe some of these banks were established mere W for the purpose of manu facturing currency for the est, with little or no capi tal. and we tear that tne pritiieges now given to them may not, in all instances, tie used for the benefit of the public. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, April il, 7861 RSPOITID BY 8. E.BLAYMAJLll2,Merohanti' Exobange FIRST BOARD. 324' PennaLs (about)._ 8734 6 Lehigh - . ~_ ~.. ... as 1000 Penna It 2d mort- 87. 6 Harrisburg . IL - 8Z.... di /OW Camden city 6.... 94 5 Minehi1L...........--. 572£ 102 Reading IL_—.. 19 3 d 0,.... 6731 200 do 18 15-18 7 Camden & Amboy ..11614 200 do-106.641*h 18M 1 di do -WA BO do—_._.. 1844 9 de do 3 dlalllsM 100 do, .... ~ 18 34 10 Farm & Mach Bank 32 3 Penns R.-- -cash saK 5 N America . Bank-130 5 do. --cash 3925 50 Consolidation Hank. 20 52 40 12 Lehigh.— —....... 52 10 do do 20 do —.- .... RETWBBI MOO Pam' We _ 13ECONIS ma City Gs --._.........5ai 1000 do- .....—. 97 I 100 ()try Ga m5._. ...... . 1 WO Lehigh 80rir......:. Sr 17 Lehigh. argg 10 do —........:..: 514, 21 Penn R.—........- 921'il 60 Reading 11,,. 13N CLOSING ritl Bid. Asked.' Philad el rada 6s_ 9731 98 Phila 6a FL gni 98 Phil* Ss - is m i _latk IVA Penns 65...3: _-- 9:7 87M Read ft - mg uth I Rend Ma ; i .— 0.. ._, as 8331 Head mt 6619'45 Read mitt 68'86.- 74 lit Penna. -_ -. 392‘ 3 Penns R 2.1 - mtat 863‘ 931 W 4, Morris Can oo -, am Morris Con Pid ß. .109 110 Etch N614'82-- 67 69 Soh N_av Stk..— - 8 Soh Nov Prerd- - 17 . Elmira R.—...- - 7 I Philadelphia Markets. APRIL 11—Evening. The Flour market is Inactive; there is very little shipping demand, and superfine is firm at $5.37. 5 ‘ 05 . 30 , the latter for straight brands, which are scarce ; 4CO bbts Lancaster county extra sold at $5.75, and 200 bbls family at 86143L: the Wes to the trade range at the above figures for superfine and calm. and from $6.25 to $1 for fancy brands, as in quality, and the receipts and sales moderate. Rye Flour is dull, and selling slowly at 8.6003.6234. Corn Meal is but little inquired after; Pennsylvania is offered at $2.8111 bbl. with out sales. o — ffnuar ig in steady demand ; there is not so much fieling to-day. and about 4,000 bum, mostly prime Penna. red, sold at 132 e, afloat ; white ranges at HO to as in quality, with small sales. Rye is steady at 680 for Penna. Corn is in fair demand. but there is no prime hero afloat, it would bring din; about 3 000 bus drY Peanut. ye pr i me t 60ateho, in chore, .40ats ere brim, and 2 500 bug Penna. sold at 33033r0i. South ern are held at Mo. Bane.--4thercitron is quiet, but firm, at $25025.50 for to No. Corrox.—There is vary little demand from 'manufac turers. and a small business to note at full rates. Gaocitaran.—Sume further small sales of eugar and COllOO etc Tells:And at steady prices, but the market generally Is quoit. Plovistoris are held with more firmness, but there is not much movement to note for any kind. RltliDs. — elOVerseed is selling, in Darnall way, at $4.75 05 4' bus. the latter for prime. WHISKY is dull, Pennsylvan and k inOh bbla selling drudge 16igo ; and buds gro gallon. at Inierien; New York Stock Exchange—April 11. 11310011 D I/00 U S 61,81, coon.- 91 3fi 200 Reading 11. _WO sT MOW U 8 6s, 84 11l nt —93 100 dn... se x 7000 U 8 58,71, coo.- 88 /80 Mioh 4814 13000 11l Interest '60.--.100 100 do—. 4256 MHO ll liocid'd hchi,-Oco 2000 Tang Mate 66,90. 70 60 Ohl B3r Q . R_ 17933 32060 Virginia State 66. 69 100 DI 8& N I ran WO 30,1 10000 694 260 do .31 19000 Missouri Mt 6e-..- 60 60 Panama R.... 610 106 X 225 Erie. . 24 Z.lO 111Cen R sorip.- 68 100 do-. ..-11530 7454 .60 do.. --- 100 do ..W... 2 ,3 1 16 711Endion FIT 101 do.. • 60 rad M C0....630 7 160 Gal & Chi .-- •- 48 60 3 do .830 7659 200 d 0... ---..1115 67% 8 do__--- mi 60 do-- 6-36 150 do .x 6770 P ...115 76 N Y Gen R _ 73% 660 Cleve & Tor 11. „ 600 do— ........ 7SM 400 do • ale 295 i lOU do 74 76 do- -, -- SO 100 733 E 60 Chi & 48 N 700 Harlem it Pref.- I 36 60 do- - • - - 4E06 11.0 Min & alma 111-. 10 50 do.- —1461 4171( THE MARKETS. . FLOCII, &C. — The demand for Western and State Flour is brisk, bat with hauled arrivals; the transao twee were not large, and prices 6 oents better. the market moiling firmly. The better grades are more Ito - WO. The sale. comprise 76.700 blitz at de 2606.30 for super fine State and Pesters; X7o6.4s for extra State $5/10 Ler ohms do; 115.4806.7() Sot the IoW Mid*, 01 extra Western ; 85.00425 70 Yor snipping brands of round hoop extra Ohm ; and $ 6.76®T . 23 for trade brands du. Canadian Flour is firmer, and in fair demand.. males of 870 bbls at 85.400720 for ordinary to very 00010 e ex tras., Southern Flour is rather better, and in fair demand the arrival. 670 limited, and the emir of realm! rood ex tras is moderate; the Wes are 1,701 bele at $5.813e5.70 for mixed to good superfine Baltimore, &0., and *elm 7.25 for the i bet ter brands. sales of 210 Rye Final is in fair recant. and firm i Jersey $3 3004 a n d 8 220 rasa! is firm ; gales of 300 bbls at 89 85, and 82.20 for BrandrWirie• GRAIL—The demand for Wheat is more motive, and the market ix better for spring, and firm for the other kinds. Tne reae,ete are limited. and the in or* is light. The gales are 121,000 has, at 81.15 for damaged sprint; sl.2seel Cl u br Chicago spring; $1.27e1.28 for North watern ,in store : 81,3061.31 fur Milwaukee Club. in etore_,_• $1.51g01 32 for do. delivered 31 39®1 33 for • miler Wisconsin ; 81.36 (Or Green Bay.; 01.33e135 for red Wearer] ; 81.4701.50 for white Ohio and Indi ana ; 31.63/21 63 for white filichisan ; 81.62e1.64 for white Kentucky. afloat; 81.48 for fair wiute Canadian, and $l3O for Canaria Club. Barley is unsettled. We hear of a sale of 1.200 bus &ate, ou and infirm terms we oould not learn. Rye is selling sloonv, and in firm ; salon of 1700 bee at 69e. Oats are buOyerG and good request at 34X (3233 Xe for Western and Canadian, and Miiiinarn for state. :Nora is more active. and closes better. The receipts are limited. and the demand is mainly for export. Sale, of 81 Mu bus at 623443530 for new mixed Wee ern ; 67a for old do. in store : 671 i so6Bo for do. delivered ; 68.4e690 for yellow do A end 700 for good white Southern. YROV32IOII2—The York market is firm; of 400 bbls at .817,50 farimesui, 8:9 for olear, and $3 for prime. Beef is firm at the advanoe, and is in good demand for the trade and export ; gales of 400 bble at $8 87303 10.26 for repacked mess, and 810.50011.60 for extra. Primo mess is quiet at 81650017.20. Lard is buoyant and in fair demand ; sales of 610 lads and tea at 934m10.9i0. and small lots at 10Xo. Cut /WORM are firm and in fair request ; males of 237 hhds at CM 86.V.0 for amblers, and 834:083io for hams, SEE FOURTH PAGE Gorreep vvrintioe of the Philmoitelyhm VacohnalCc• • CAPE ISLAND. N. 3., April 10-6 P M. The vessel ashore on Cold 'Spring - Oar proves to De the British sehr Minerva. of Londonderry, NB, ("Wain Fletcher, with sugar and molames for New York. The Government was launched, and manned by Captain William F Band and pilots C Jr. Tilos It Seheihnger. M. Smith. Samuel Ware, Jr. Win B Sobel linger. and Riohard Town. who fearlessly brayed the billows and the breeze. and snooeeded an landing the entrtain and crew at this place. The sohr is full of water—Sugar lost. but the molasses will strong t fro m soon as the wind moderates, which is now toe northeast. IST TRLICOIRAYE. (Correspondence of The ?rens. , NEW ORLEANS. April 10. Arrivol, aluu &Achim, from Havre. April ll—Arrived. ship Cavador, from Livoro oo .:, BOSTON. April IL Arnved, shill President Schmidt, from Antwerp; bark Young Turk, from Messina, REMORA NO a. Steamship Delaware. Cannon, hence. arrived at New York yeaterdal, and cleared to return. Steamship Cahawba, Smith, for Havana, sailed from New York yesterday. Steamship Northern Light. Tinklepaugh, sailed from New York yesterday for Aspinwall: Ship Conneettout, Spedden, from Liverpool. at Shang has Feb 5. ;Alia Empire State, Briggs, from Liverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Continent, Gibbs, from Callao. was Off Queens* town 28th ult. Ship Flora McDonald, Fuller, from Mobile, arrived at Queenstown 27th ult. Ship Emma, Agrey, from Charleston, arrived at Havre 28th ult. Ship Kate Hooper, Jackson. sailed from Macao Feb la for Hexane. Barks Alexander McNeil and A Manderson were towed to sea from New Orleans 29th ult. Bark Leon, Larkin, sailed from Messina 91 ult. for Philadelphia. Brie Samuel Welsh, Cole, remained at Palermo 91st nit for New York. Bark Pyrmount, Olive, for Rio de Janeiro. cleared at New York yesterday. Bohr Albert Field. Phillips. cleared at New York yes• teroay for Bermuda. M Seine Cornelia. Crape. and Marcy, Davis, hence, arrived at New Bedford 10th inst. Sohr 8 L Crocker, Presbrey, hence, arrived at Taun ton leth inst. Steamer Concord, Norman. hence, arrived at N York yesterday.. - Steamers yesterdayllen, and garalb Jones, cleared at New York for Philadelphia. HOLMES' HOLE. April 8, p Nl—Ar bark Harvest Moon, Berry, Buenos Ayres. Feb 1. - for Heaton; brig Samuel French, Farritt. Turks Island for Eastport. 9th—Ar satire John Compton, Elliott, Seery r Sim lnnna, °Opel Avis, Marla i Carleton, Caleb, and 'rosin Reed, Goodspeed, Philadelphia for Boston. Sailed, ears NW Benton and Caroline W Holmes. 10th. 8 A M., wind NE—Ap brig Chimborazo, Small, Aux Cayes for Boston. 27th. lat 34 80. long 74, spoke ship Brewster, Clark. from Calcutta Dee 22 for Boston. Nothing sailed. AN.RIYALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. C H Breneman, Lancaster Geo R Taylor, Wheeling Jas & Jameson. St Louie W Woodcock, Roussolry W 8 C Otis, Cleveland (1 bl Hall, rennarivalua J 13 Dunlap. Warren. 0 Al al Mason, Niles, 0 J It Packard. Pennsylvania RII Barnum, Warren, 0 Warren Faokarci,Warren,o T A Goodwin & la,lndians. Isaac Eckert. Reading F 8 Bunter, Readout Dr .1 Li Kennedy. New York M Pjl 11 ao^. Rhode Island Henry F Hills. Amherst Jas H Hills, Co_peord J P Robertson, Wilm II C J li_Flariner, W ilco. If a 1 M Linden, Wilm, N d T T Wltirman, Ha_meharg J D Gardner .k. la. 8 Springs Rev E D Cooper. 8 Seen Mai Russell, U 8 NI Miss Kate Chase, Wash Miss R Chaise. Washington H ugh burn. Waterbury J C Roohester.Perinsylvania Kelley & la, N Y C G Taylor. New York R Laurie. aoston AIS Wailaworrii, Wash, D C Hon .1 K :Mc Kelsey. Re ad PIL trea.egolt. Jr. St Paul J 0 Heywood , New York Henry a riazro & In . Paul A Washburn, 8 Boston Alex. Matheson. London C Meod & la, Conn R H Toy & la, Balt fil 8 Lougee. England Win H Gilman, St J.nuis G W Garnett & la. 14 Y J M Baldwin, New York 8 McLane. Pittsburg Miss Millikin. Harrisburg G M rms. Columbia, 0 DB C Camp, Cedar RapidsF axter & wf. Chicago Mr.goksvarte. Pittsburg Alm o Dowell. Pittsburg .7 D Evans. New York Geo Dare, Runt co. ra Hon T Jones Yr i kehi PI J V. Matcher. wilm. Del J AL Moore, 21 arse, A P Johnson, N York I Cation & la, maigan Bobt Halsey, N York 1) Boardman & la N Y Mrs.] . P. J illett„ N York Diego eo Nivo, N'York John Wait Jkr MOSSO:MM. N Yolk N Pairbrother. R I A P Crane, Baltimore N Walsh. Delaware .1 F Brannon , Delaware co .1 V Pendrgast, W Chester F 0 Barrett. Baltimore C Wendell. Wash. D C K B King & la, Ga A W Leisenring, M Ch'k Chu AK:might, NI. Chunk W Whiting. Mass C a Colton, Illinois J L Mott, New York T Batt:holler, Boston Wm P Frost, N York tlr Renner k. la. Prey York LE ft Neff. fauna Over. Bedford. Pa F H Greenough, N Y hos Roes. Quebec A M Harrison. Penne Jos Orgill. New York 0 W Peirce. Indiana J Ostemnder, New York Dr Thoe 8 Mercer, Md Mrs W T Carroll.Wash,D C F Knoder, Larioaater J 8 King. New 'York C B. Allen. New York John B Murray. New York E IK Greet,. Troy, N Y T W Walter it la. Waal Wright,"li Baton Mrs Eccleston it oh. N Y Nln eboOMlker, Balt J C Bolden, New York G C Nightingale. Prov .1 8 Harrow, Connecticut W L Bart. No_ 0T Middlebrook . , Brooklyn John Gooddy, England Mrs Fletcher, Mace I C Richardson . Cin, Ohio W 4.1 5e—...... Boehenter Oliver Cer,vrite - Isi--- .3 ~ Middleton N.... 10 -s 0. s. rossg. übio Harper Carroll. Baltimore C Rice. Boston Mr ispeusisr, Vol-4,Pa W B Wilkins. Wilm. Del G ..r: Turnbull & la, N Y D Luther. Reading It Coulter, Gransboro Mrs Maxwell. Jr. klarriabg 8 N Stockwell, Roston H D Easton W Reed. New Brunswick J Stair, York, Pe G W Owens AMERICAN ROTEL—Chest= street. above Fifth, Bobt Phillips. Pt Deposit D M Storms data. Penna. 71 1 1 Blair. Penna J B Parke, Parksburg 3 G Parke. Parksburg K 11 Blake, New Jersey it d Warren. New Jersey B A Span h, N Carolina Wm Phore, N Carmine Wm 8 Gdmer, N Carolina. C C Curtis. N Carolina J n Curtis, I'l Corollas J W human. Maryland H Hawker, New York .D J Lincoln. Buchisboro. Pa Jas L Turner, nibs Jno Parker & la. Wash'n Mies Parker. Washington Ina eimm ens. Pittsburg B Taylor. Pittsburg W B Miller, Tennessee J B Beatty Pottsville A Hawkins, Trenton, N Taunton Jno Brown, Jno P Zane. Lalifornm. Jno }lnman. outtalk. Va Jno L rmnford, Baltimore Jno G Bleak. Delaware /nano M Potter, Prov. R I JAE l Bums & wi. Balt D Baton. Baltimore W W Smith, New York H Cummings. N York Jno M Hammond_Peters lii'Elliott, Petersbu rg York Kidder, N York T Drenan, Elkton, Md MERCHANTS' HOTEL--Fourth street. below Arch. W 0 Bvreedier, Lancaster J Reed. Pittsburg H Bets,(!hio A Billow Ohio J cramlet, N Phila. 0 C Cecil, Kentnokr C Cecil, Jr, Kentucky L L Moore 4 rkansas JI. Bayamon, Ohio W Kennin g la. Del J B Proctor. Massaohnsetts W A Potier, Prov, It I J Hour, lowa D k Bible P hillipsburg .T Lake, Pbilacialphia C Rtorra New York D Parker. W Chester B H Reaves, Salem, N J R. Bier. Minsravilie Hoo 8 P Ancona, Reading W Weaver. Penns A li Reynolds. Penne D H William,, Wilkinstinrg J P Rex. Canton. 0 J M Hatotter. Ohio G W Ferat.y. Ohio F B Blitz, Colombia, Pa James MoCollem. Indiana t , li vac Giviee t .P..ll River R W Millar. Pittsburg (3 B. Markle. Jeddo. Penne W Robertson, Ohio Hon Thos Ross, Penns .1 Wolf. Perms W Mod Co‘l, Ohio C Bowen Ohio W Adams. Ohio 8 M Sheets, Ohio THE UNIONArOIi Street. above Third J K Rogers, Norristown E. 0 Pots. Nornstown J Cl• Phelps, Polo. Illinois C 0 Longnesker. Polo, II W MoCivary, Poland, 0 . N Patterson. Barnesville E C Grove & la. Penna J R Frets,. Reading HO Barthog, Readinc ,J B Whitaker, Bridgeton Jno G Reading. New Jersey N d Brown & la, N J Jao Ruder. Bucks no. Pa Geo 8 Atkinson, Ohio A Rose, Ohio J B all Whiner. Penns B G Haven. Indiana Robert R Jones, Indiana .0 P Woodruff, England Id Barndollar, Penns Robert Graham, Ohio D 8 Althouse, Pittsburg A Deavoigner. Ohlo Mrs Samoa, Penns Lobn Rodman, Penna. Miss C Rodman. Penna K fiLitioille, fon:master C C gimes. New Oxford .1 P Bowman, Ohio C. Dean. Penna. B C Brewster. Bristol, Conn J D Thomas, Windsor, 0 T H Phillips, Illinois BOARDS. ..103 ; OARD SO Reading R—.- 50 do ---b8.... 18% 1100 do.-- .... 18 4 . 200 d 0.... 18% 2 N Pennaß. - 2 do - . 8 1 Cam & Amboy --alai 600 Ca ty 5a R Y. - • 979 4 ICEREAV Bid. Asked. Imira 7s : 1 Loe i 10% tLe (1 6134 52 Le CI & N Peo—S4 Se% North Penns It = 8 life Pi Pa 21.6 s—int 67 N Fano& R 10a.... ._ SO Catawyms R Con .._ 4 Casawissa pref.- .. 9 Si&Ed-at Rmg itsoe&Vine-et 19 West Plata Bnrnee & Pine.— PA 8 Green & Coatea_ls 17 M.ARINE INTELLIGENCE. Ur TO 12 070Locg. LAST MOST ST. LOUIS ROTEL—Chestnut street. above Third. R Somers. Philadelphia J Robinson. Altoona. Pa A Moore. Masw M eneetts 3 Recta. assaohusetts W MoFartand. Hartford.Ct J Y Itmc, '1 aunton, Maas L Brown, Wash. D Miss R Shah. Wash, D C Wm Rodney & fa. Prole f Whitney. New Jersey Chits p liox, a new ms Yoik DrThayer.Vieachusette 0 0 Boaa.Readint P Fost er, K an sas Jacob Boma, Carliele Pe. A H r Woe, Williamspoirt D Duncan & son STATES UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. .1 8 Milligan. Princeton N J P Mitzer, York, Pa R Maishbank. h Ikton. Md James. Pennsylvania S A Peale, Perry co. Pt. A Thompson, Lewistown Hoover. Moll ilsysbura W Bagman, Orsensbarg Wm Meares R C rancor, Penns A D Deese, Mt Joy . 11 F Baines. Penns W Sanderson, Bammore N Fetter. Baltimore C Reber. Reading K r.Kies, Penna. A Snyder. Pennsylvania F F Gibson, Landisburs .1 F ivan. Landisbars. .1 B Nibloek, Centre, Pa W Griest,Lanosster . C Moneta, Mass E P Judd. New Hansa W BUOIUMISI, Fenn& :COMMERCIAL HOTEL- Binth at.. above Chestnut. E Mortimer Bye. Del . Reitz, Pennington. Pa Win Clifford, Philadelphia W ft Saler. Chester. Pa Augustin; Leopold Pa C li Wollaston. Pa r oarlock. Delaware J P Osmond, Chester co JID Dolton, Cheerer oo Alt Hanna. Cheater oo W Bwayn, Oxford J limiter, Lyoomlns 40 Ferguenn. Dry Bun, Pa .1 Creamer, Franklin co A T Duane', Clearfiecd co F Carnet. Chester oo FP Field. Chester eoA D Harlan, Coatesville J C Worth, Coatesville las Peoples. Coatesville Joe Wood, Chester no. Pa B F Johnson. Del 00, Pa REVERE BOUBE—Third stmt. above Rue, Mr Lot. Quakertown H E Warford. New Jorge, B N Freid, Allentown Wm Brobst. Lewisburg M Dysart, Lanoaster C Haldeman. Lancaster J J Keyes.l4neaster .1 Hembleton, Penns pq Ptont. Bethlehem Jai .1 wewhart, Penns Ma) W Bickel. New Jersey John C tiehropp.ftettorli'm Jos Simons. York ao. Peoria fin F Melly. Jnneitnwn John Bruner, Jonestown Jobs Brener. Jr. Jonitst'n Adre C Weity, Mverstown - Beni W Fisher. Auburn John Y oung. lllrltnn AV. Wetzel, Lewistown J T HaniAn. Cresson Jos M Fenger, Pottsville Miss Dale Feuer. Pottier Master B Feager.Pottsv W Major, Pottsville John C Motg, Woodward BARLEY RHEAY SOTELJ—Reriond at..bel. Vine Geo W Kugler. Margiaud Job Bilvera. New Jeremy Rev J Belli ills. Penna T Hart. Bunke co. Pa A/A Cio/1800_, Beaks oo Chee Phillips Bucks co A R Wolin, St Louie W It Carver. 'Newtown L G Reed, New York 13 &Riney, New hope J &Were, New Jersey BLACK BEAR—Third street. above DaßmehilL B Rimier. MilMilltown Simon Muller. Millerstown Wm L Miller. Penny, Adam 11 Miller. Bennis A Faust. 'leper Dubln Robt D Loos, RieseLevine 8 Norris. Fellatiolohia E F Dllsart, Books oo Casper Bernie. 14 Jacob B Rook, Newtown B R Clemment, Patina FOUNTAIN HOTEL-Becond et.. above Market. Time Whitfield. Phila. Jno W Cullen. Dover, Del 8 Warren, Fredriea, Del .1 IC Burden, NJ J pailor. Pada 8 Pieroe & la. Delaware Mtn F Pierce, Delaware Dr Ueo P Jamison & Ira. 0 -Too 0 Herkimer. Ohio Morris, Dover. Del W A DP•lid, over, eel Jas Virden . Dover. Del D Ohaniller, Dover, bet Z D Moaikon. Delaware MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Bsoona et., above Arch. G Dusenbury. Windsor. NY Chas Nelson, Honesdale Jos 1 laden. Pails A T Burrows, Depom,NY RhOede, Deposit. N Y C Leedom Bunke Naml Chambers. Bucks co C W Van Clever & la. Pe 8 Newell. Bunke co I.'l Romberg. Wayne oo NATIONAL HOTEL—Raise street. above Third. D J Martin v renna M Murphey, Wyoming .1 Sandals. ad.nts. , mery co It at Schmidt. New York J S Orisoore. Phil& J H Doherty • Penne J p n n o A Tl P 9 e r a , r i e . % t li g a e rr n V a nes .1 .1 Gi Johnson. , f rv o o r , s k J R Johnson , N.w Vmlt J v /U. 00,4, Allenlown Mica t C Ale. Orangeville Mitt K Peterman, Penna John Christman, Penna. J 1) Weaver, Danville, Pa BALD N:AGLE—Third street, above Callownib. TS Leisenring, Penns W Hemterver , Penns John Ball Quevereoeot Joe Kalob, Nazareth MA9 J B uthii, qttakfriown rt Bhanm. foluareth B X Plebe'', Auuurn, Pa M Baum. J 8 Weliver,•Lano Miss J Geary, Monts on B Jones, Bdonts 00, W Edingsr & Reading' THE PRESS.-PELLADELPIIIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1861. SPECI B Arcams,oxt.' Rem" DlM—This celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is the best in the world, All others are more imitations of this great original, which has gained such extensive patronage in all Darts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye instantly produces a splendid black or natural brown, witigout staining the skin or injuring the min and will remedy the ill effects of bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by F'AHNESTOCK & CO., DYOTT & CO., Philadelphia. roht-tf ONI Pilau 13LOTHIN6 OF THIS riATSSI STYLEs • made in the best mariner, exPressly for Rh-- TAIL CAI EB. LuwEsT selling prices-marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satisfactory. Our MYR-PRICE system ia strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. seall-1y JONEg ie. CO.. 604 MARK ET Street. OAK r'SCHARD ACID SPRING WaTHII. Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Che mists and Physicians respecting the use of Thin WATER, in the ease of many diseases of the human system: Will be sapplied gratis on application to 'FREDERICK SitO*N, ktrtH and CHESTNUT Waists, or FRED ERICK BROWN, JL. NINTH. and CHESTNUT streets. CALL AND GET A. PAMPHLET, SAVING rump AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, Moe S. E. corner F OURTR and WALNUT Streets. This institution continues to receive Deposits, as usual, and pays all sum, large or small, on .demand, as it hair always done, It has asked for no legislation" and demure. none. January 29,1860. mh22-1.89/2 SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST Coueinv.—All sums of Money removed on deposit after this date are paid beak in Gold or Silver, on de mand, with Five per °rut. interest. Moe, WALNUT Street. southwest corner of Third. rah= °novas BARRIO; CBLRERATHD • NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The Bed in Use for Family SewoM. No. 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. au27-1y PECK-- - IOOKII. On the 4th instant. tw the Rev. R. T. Monroe, Mr. Charles R. Peok. of Philadelphia, to Mee Bailie Cooke. of Camden. N. J. DACE—CRAIG .—On the 3d twit., by the Rev. M. Ta.lor, NI r. George H. Dane to M i ss ßusan Craig, both of POBY—FL NAGAN.—On the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mawr 8. Parting, ftrion Poey,,of ilavana, Cuba. to Lillie Flanagan, of this city. AL.L.elN—Ba Hite TT.—ln Germantown. on the 70th Met , by the Rev. 8. W. Thomas, Mr. John. Cairns Allen, to Miss Lizzie Deal Barrett. BUCKWALTEII.—On the 9111 inst.. Mrs Hannah L., wife of David Buokwalter, in the 46th year of her age. Funeral from the residence or her husband, No. 634 North Seventh street, this ( Friday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. atcFaDDEN.—fia the 9th inst.. William .1., eon of Elias and this late James McFadden, in the 3d year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his mother, Main street. Manayunk, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o'olook. FlNf3' 11, ° 12000 ter ocunty, on the 6th inst.. of diptberia, Mary Clara. youngest daughter of Mary Oars and the late Matthew r umlaut, in the 11th yearyof her age. MILPIES.—On the 11th inst., HOW. WWI, in the 61th rear of his age. BM relatives and friends are respectfully invited to call at his late residence. No. 1127, Callow hill street, on Saturday. between the hours of 6 and 7 A. M. Ris remains to betaken to Pottsville for interment. " Rp.AMER.—On the 10th inst.. Cornelius Creamer, a ll d uil y a e l a Tom his late residence, Vaughan street. between Fifteenth and. Plateenth, below 'Walnut on SaturilaLafternoon, at 3 o'clock. KIDNEY.—On the 10th inst.. Mary. daughter of Wil liam and Sarah Kidney, aced 16 years. Funeral from the residence of her parents. No. 221 North Front street, above Race. next Saturday morn ing. at 9 o'clock. 5* LIPZENDURC.—On the 10th instant. Hannah H. Lip zenbo rg, in the 45th year of ner age. Funeral front •he residence of her husband. Market and Thirty-eighth streets. West Philadelphia, neat Saturae morning, at 10 o'clock. HUNT—On the 10th inst., henry Hunt, in the 15.3 d year alms age. Fiineral from hie late residence, No. 752 North rixteenth street, next Saturday afternoon, at o'clock. ** CHP:BTNEY.—On the 10th met., Ellen ChestneY, aged 98 years. Funeral from the resirlence of her brother-in-law, Michael Morgan. 1002 Medical street, Tenth above Walnut. this (Friday) afternoon. at 3 o'clock. CA LIPPMAN —At Chaster. Pa.. en the. 9th met.. Abraham Cauffinan, aged 42 years. Funeral from the residence of his brother-in-law, An thony Le b0n.1316 Sayer! street, below Belgrade, thin (Friday) morning, at 10 o'clock. OLIFT.—On the 10th inst. James W. Clift,in the 38th year of his age. CONNOR.—On the 10th inat., Mrs. Martha Connor, aged 00 years, Funeral from the residence of Mr. John alofilatho ry, No. 1288 North Eleventh street, this (Friday) after noon at 2 o'clock. SPENCER.—On the 10111 inst., Mrs. Elia i.beth Spen cer. in the 80th year of her age. Funeral from the resideno- of her son, John Svencer. oorner of Federal and Pike streets, Burling ton. 1 9. J., this Friday morning. at 11 o'clock. ROLE.—On the 101 h instant, Mrs. , Elizabeth Jane Bole, in the 23d year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, in Dauphin. above Coral street, Nineteenth ward, this (Friday) morning, at 10 o'clock. SRO WAKER.—On the 10th Pl arc Ann, daugh ter of Jacob and the late Mary Ann Showalter, In the 11111 you of her ago, Funeral from the residence of her brother- in-law, Mr. Jos. Cuthbertson. Jr., 1433 North Twelfth street. above Master, this (Friday) morning, at 10 o'clock. * SUPER.—On the 11th Instant, .8112 a F., wife of the late Wm. Super. Due notice will be given of the funeral. H IJACK AND PURI% NI ()BALLY DE- A-. LAINE , I,IB/, CENTS.—lust received, one care of Black and Purple Chatty Detainee, at EIGHTBEN AND THREE-QUARTER. CENTS a yard—regular p-ice for the lame goads, 25 etP , te. GRAY Mast, DELAINED, 12% cKNTe. Gm Mixed imported Detainee at only 1211 eents—ie enlar price for the samegoods Mei Dente. BEBBON & SON. Mourning_Store. a.l No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. FTOFFICE Olt THE SHAMOKIN VAL LEY AND porramtib B.aux.ths.p .;031.- P T. 309 WALII U I titian. rnthanturnia, A prilll,l6ol. The Annual. Meeting of the Stockholders! of 41t_ F h3nlolr m Valley and Pottsville Railroad Coßet.l 3 l be newt at the Office of U.. Com.--nr • on re vNUAY. 6thof atay...t. lizeutOOK, for the election of Managers and President to serve for the ensuing year. npl2-14.29&dtm5 6 • AT A MEETING OF THE PEOPLE'S r vi cr ASSOCIATION OF THE TEURIEEETD ARD, held on the 9th mt.. the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted Whereas, in all tunes of trial and trouble to our country, its laws and its flag, it becomes loyal citizens to speak, and in thus speaking to sustain, by all they any and do, their mien and administrative officers of the - United, duster': therefore, Reyoletd, That we approve of the course of the pre sent National Administration, anti will continue to ap prove of all acts tending to enforce the laws. and sue taming • the. Constitution, as 'we now have them, and maintaining the Union as a Government, and not as a partnership. Pe/ated, That the dime ,ogition to ;AWN from the roll, by the Secretary of War, all who have ' ifs" and •• buts" as to serving their Gowan— " Beck ! traitors, would ye deeper make The wounds alreaay r ven r'r Resolved. That our good old State, through its Repro armed - yes in the Legislature, should, without delay, adopt the recommendation of wor thy Governor, to plane our dtate in a condition to 'repel the enemies of our common and beloved countr y. ROßBßT 8. SEED, President. THOMAS COCHRAN, Secretary. lt. (it' ' FOR CITY COMMISSIONER, 113 GEO. W. JONES. of the Peadad Ward. aplo at Subject to Democraticlee p—PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS, to be valuab.e. must include health, liability to Meuse, temperament. quality of brain. relative and real power of each of the faculties of the mind, and bow to correct and improve any defeote of thephysical or mental power.; man are made by J. L. CAPEN,who has had many veer. experience, at the Cabinet. No. 922 CEIESTATT Street, Pailadelphis. All Works of Fowler ft Well. at Publisher.' proms, ay9-6t vy.A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE Btookttoldern of the BLOCKL SY and hIERL , f4 ' RP/PIKE and PLANK- ROAD COMPANY will be held at the Itiscir Horse Hotel. Lower Merton town ship. on SATURDAY, the 13 - h Inst., ate o'clock P. M., to consider the propriety of vacating so !much of the road as was constructed under the supplements to the charter. D. MORGAN, ap9-tuf2tft deoretary. gOFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE Medi FLABOeI COMPANY, April 1,1861, e ' Direetore have this day declared a dividend of Fly It DOI,LARti per share for the last six menthe. which will be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and after the Ilth inst. ap2-10t* A. C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. t; x 4,150.00 IN PREMIUMS 4t 5.9 SUFFOLK PARK, PHILADELPHIA. I*. SS 1, 3801—Purse of sl,6oo.—Free for all Horses owned in the State of Pennsylvania ; beet 3 in 6 to Harness. may 9. 1861—Puree of s76o.—Free for all Horses °timed in the State of Pennsylvania; beat 3 in 6 to W 64011. _ May 14. 1861— Puree ot eum.—Free for all Wines have never trotted better than 2.40; best 9 in 5 to Harness. Same day—Puree of 8100.—Free for all Horses that have never trotted better than 2.45 best 3in 5 to Wagon. May 16—Puree of 830.—Free for all Horace that have never trotted better than 2.95 to Harness ; beet Sin 5. Slime day—Puree of s2oo.—Pree for all Rome that never have trotted better than $2,40; best 3 in 5 to Wagon. Slay 16—Puree of 5800.—Free for all" Green "Sorsee that have never trotted in public ; best 3 in 6.t0 Ramon Mar 17-Purse. of 8160.—Free for all Horses that have never trotted better than 2.40, 2 miles and repeat to Hamm. - Same day—Purse of 8110.—Free for all five-year old Colts ; best 3 in 5 to Harness. May 22—Puree of 91,260 —Free for all Homes owned in the State of Pennsylvania. 2 miles and repeat to Three or more Entries to make &Race. The above k•atriee will positivey °lose on the 26th of April with 10 • Der cent.. at auneey & Goodin's Western Hotel, 506 MARKET Street, above Eighth street, at 9 o'olook P. M. All entries must be sealed. end will positively close as above mentioned. A ll muse be directed to D. F. WARD, solll.dtar2s* Pronrieter of Wolk Part. • COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS FOR $1; AmbrOtntes at an prioeel. Stereosoopen of all parte of the world, of superior quality, below cost, at REIMER'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, SECOND Street. above Green. It" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT 1 plans. with full specifications. for the erection of a Publics School :Rouge in the Eig liteel h. Ward, will be r enewed by the undersigned at the Office of the con trollerg of Yobbo Schools. soot hnsst corody of SIXTH a nd ADM PHI Streets. until DAT uR DA Y, the 27th day IA April. Mill. At 12 &clack M. The said School Rouse to be erected on a lot of g round situated on MONTGOIVIE itY Avenue. near Richmond Street; to be three stories in height ; to be capable of accommodating six hundred pupil's. and not to cost over seven thousand collars 1 $7,000). including all expenses for plane. eneeifioations. superintendence. &a. detailing to the Ordinnniiii mend by Contleilh, Ba thing will be paid for any plan not approved by the Controllers. By order of the Committee on PropertY. ROB h; KT J. HEMPHILL, 1_12 . . 12 : St Secretary Controllers of Public Schools. LOST -On Thursday morning, April 7th, going from Tenth street, near Chestnut, to Chest nut street, above Fifteenth. one GOLD SLEEVE BUTTON. ontagon situps. with M. F. marked in the inside. Any one having found the seine will be hand somely rewarded by returning It at 1628 BPRUOB kitreet. agl2-21 LOST—Five Coupons, No. 20G, 207, 250, 209. and 299. due Jan. 1458, issue of the county of Allegheny to the Pittsburg and Connelmhe Railroad. A liberal reward will be given for the return of the aim to E. P. MiDDLETON, mhlgtf 4 North PROM, fitrokott. CHARLES M. BREAKER, APOTHECA _ RY, reerptatiolly announces to the public that he has succeeded Mr. PA UL (.* ..i)LIVER at the old arid well-known stand, at the Northeast corner of BROAD and ChEtIINUT Streets. Baying thoroughly refitted the establishment, and furnished it with a (fatefully selected stook of Drugs end Chemicals, and confided the preaaription, diepanaing, end manufacturing de nartmenie to gentlemen al well-known and uncurls• Wined pharmaccutioal ;Waits ho would solicit the pa tronage of those who esteem excellence and purity 111 mud loins' am of primary imoortanas. CBARIJES M. BREAKER would also invite strew. lion to hie well-assorted stool( of choice Tooth, Heir, and other Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet and Fano Ooods generally. PHILADELPHIA, April gd• 101. aplQ-wfm Bt WHITE FlBll.-233 half-bbls. White Fish. For a• le on consignment by C. C.EIAD LER dr. % AL, N 0.1.03 ARCH Strest,imoond door above Front. ar4 • CHBEISE.-800 boxets Herkimer Oouuty Chieee Oa ooniigioniaitt i sad fer aale 'by CZ:RAD. LER do CO., 103 ,U,CR Calvet, sooor.d floor seevo Front. 536 1131125-mivt 10t MARRIED, DIED. THE TURF• NEW PUBLICATIONS T RE DOCTRINE AND POLICY OP PROTECTION, WITH THE HISTORY OF OUR TARIFFS, PRO)! TUX ORGANIZATION OF TEE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. NoW that a desperate assault is being made UPOII the new Tariff' to preludiee the public in advance against it, and. if possible. to hive IL repealed, it in important that its friends eh-uld 1, prepared to combat the specious arguments of its antagonists. Nothing will better serve this purpose than the circulation of the pamphlet whose title is quoted above, which is one of the ablest and most Interesting documents that have ever appeared n support of the true American polio,' of fostering the great industrial interests of our country. It will be forwarded by mail or express for 10 cents per single COPT ;76 cents per dozen ; gia per hundred. Address RING-WALT & BROWN, aet-tf No. Dl SOUTH THIRD Street. Philadelphia. nEAUTIFTL BOOKS AND GOLDEN s-ir GlFTS—Enrich the Mind and Embellish the Person! Procure your marrolies of Literature from the exten sive stock of GEORGE 13. EVA.N S. 438 CU hETNIIN etresti A VALUABLE PRESIENT, combining utility with ornament. accompanies every book bold. Our lilt of New Publioations embraces the following choice works: -- a• LIFE AND TIMES OF. BEERY MAW' a work of powerful intereet, by one of America's most valued biographers, 0. M. SMUCKER, Lai. D. Mr. 9naisolrer has made numerous valuable contributions to our Mara thon' literature. and in the volume Wore ue we be hold his Mumma drone. Every admirer of tee la mented " Mtge of Ashland" should possess a envy of this noble work, and ever he'd the author in grateful remembrance for its timely presentation. Elegant steel portrait. 1 vol. 81. THE " oho:MEE PATH." a story of modern life and manners, by WiLsix CoLLINS. All who have read and ad mired the Woman in White," the • Deed ne arer.: eta. will assuredly welcome the • Crossed Path." it is Collins' latest end best work 1 vol. SIAS. _ _ ".TWELVE SERMONS," by Hoaxer? MANN. These disonarees. Woofing certain mooted theological points, arq markeds tr le ra g rl re'° r gfo f wh able lii iierheareeetrg with extraordinary favor. / vol. 01 -- IV.-- THE SABLE &Southern tale With No•th ern comments. Here we have many facts Pertaining tolths " peculiar institution." submitted for the diges tion of enthusiasts ution either s de of Mason and Dix oa's line ; a book pre/rave in material and replete with varied Internet, 1 vol, Teo. AUTrISIOGR A PRY. ETC.. OF MRS. FIOZZI (TBRALIS), br A. HAYWARD, Gag The many readers of" Boswell's Life of J ohnson" will be gratified to note the appearance of this charming_ volume. It abounds in anecdote and reminiscence of Dr. Johnson and the otrole of whtoh he was the centre. 1 vol., portrait. The beautiful Scriptural Works of Ingraham, the thrilling Biographical Writings of Smucker. the in comparable Fictions or Diekens, the delightful Moral Tales of Arthur, together with all the latest Publishers' in every department of literature, at the Publishers' lowest prices. A HANDSOME PRESENT. varying in value from SO CENTS TO WOO. Riven with emu book sold, at GEORGE O. EVANs' POPULAR GIFT- BOOK EMPORIUM. spell" No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. "BOOKS, LAW AND MISCELLANEOUS, new and old, bought, sold. and lI exc i hanged_ at p the V ILAD.,SILIA•BaK BOOK STORE, Po. 419 RESTDI UT Street. Libraries at a diotancie purchased, hose hawing Boots to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings dates , editions, prices, and onnaitione. WANTED—Books erintgel l y BMUS nun Franklin, as well as early Books rated and upyoon A merica s A utograph.. p Lett ers T& layoff& in prom, lout froth sa n b r ranov emr§iised D ff~sJOHN-cAparrteLL. MILLINERY GOODS. S eRING OPENING OP CHILDREN'S GOODS, TITURSDAY,: , ., APRIL, 11. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS. apll-tf No. 726 CHESTNUT STREET. • SPRING MILLINERY. rig LUSTER'S, N 0.145, North ErGlint VAIN 6 street. will oven their new irt4lee of Orepe. Silk. and Straw Bonnets, THURSDAY, April 18, at 345 North EIGHTH Street. ep32-14.• THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL HAVE AN SAW opening of Spring itod Rummer Bonnets on THURSDAY. Aprilll, to which they would eayeeially call your attention. d. F. FOWTTJPIF. & CO. TOS ISOUTH SECOND &eel, opyoeite Almond Ana MRS. M. A. KING, Ti South Second VAI - 1. street. trill open a splendid assortment of Baring and Summer MILLINERY, on THURSDAY. April - tro je MRS_ R. JACOBS, No. 212 NORTH VAL EIGHTH Streik. will open a FASHIONABLE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING MILLINERY, on TRIMS DAY, April 11th. ape-lm " A MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 CHEST VAIIINUT street, bee received aching° aceortmerit oC PARIS MILLINERY for the Spring. mh29-Im Ini l MISSES O'BRYAN. 914 CHESTNUT teAvot. Street. will open PART ts MILLINERY for the Spring, on. THURSDAY. April 4. mh26-1.m., covalmffmtinfir NoTRIES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the .1. partnership lately existing between ISAIAR wOOLSi ON and SAMUEL. C. SMITH. under the name of WOOLSTON & SMITH. was dissolved on the rithth day et Apra, A.. 1). 1862, by mettle' consent. All debte owing to the esict partnerekm are to be re paired by, and all demands on the meld partnership, are to be presented to. Samuel Smith, who will continue the LULU!! Business, at No. 107 MARKET Street, Philadelphia.' . ISAIAH woourrori, fit* ANI'L. C. SMITH. COPARTNERSHIP -M. GIItiGENLIEDI IL/ u7d RICHARD CLARK entered into copartner ship on the 20th day of Maroh, 18M, under the sty In of M. GUGGENHEIM & CO.. end will continue the bum nese of the lots firm of Vanhorn. Guggenheim, & CO.. at 37 North FRO :43: Street, Poiladetphin M. GUGGENHEIM, RICHARD CLARK,. COPARTNERSHIP. DMU N D N. efruNny, WM. H. (=MUNDY. EDWIN PRET TY, and 309. W. SCOTT have Hue day associated themselves together, under the firm or GRUNDY. BRO., & 00., for the purpose of transacting a general Tmvorting and Joinnug business in Hosiery, Gloves, Bmauvrares, Ro., at No. 2.28 MARKET Street. PHILLDELPIIIA.. Aural 8, 1861. ap9-3t* niSSOLUTION COPARTNERSHIP, - 2 -J"—The firm of A. & P. ROBERTS is dissolved by mutual °unseat this day. Tno business of the firm %101 l be Battled by either of the partners at their office, 410 WALNUT 'Street. ALGERNON ROBERTd. PERCIVAL RoBERTB. Philadelphia, Apra 1, 1881. COY ARTNERSHIP.—The underehou d. under the Cepartnerahip title of A, & P. ROBNATO & CO., will tontinue the laminae of mannfaottirina Oar Axton, Bar lron, and Whipple Iron Endres, at .the pepoorpt Iron 'Works, ogles 410 WALNUT I Watt, Philadel- Pius. At.GERN ROBF:RTS. PERCIVAL ROB ii.RTS. GEORGE THEODoitif ROBERTS. Philadelphia, April 1, 1861. sown TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES VANOY GOODS AND DRUGUSITS' ARTICLES. W. D. GLENN, 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Offers to the trade for cash, or on the must credit, a Imre and well agitated Stook, consisting in part of French, English and American HAIR BRUSHES, 'IOOTH, NAIL, SHAVING, and CLOTH BRUSHES, COMBS. of all Materiala and Styles, PERFUMERY and SOAPS in great variety, LURE ESSENTIAL OILS, TOILET BOTTLES and PUFFBOXES, SMELLING BOTTLES and FLASKS, POCKET-BOOKS, PURSES, and PORTMONNAIES, CHAMOIS MRS. GENUINE LUBIN'S EXTRACTS AND LOW'S SOAPS. Always on hand. 1 1 PRICES LOW. rablgam GROCERIES. NEW BURLINGTON HERRING. FIRST OF THE SEASON. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, • DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. - CORNER ELEVENTH. AND VINE. ay"! RETAIL DRY tiOODO. VROM ATOTION. One Lot of Mozambican at 1831:. worth 1715 . One Lot of doable-width Gingham at 1234. One Lot of 'I able Linen at 40a.. worth no. 50 Doz. 'Dowel. et $1.25 per nun -50 Doz. Ladies' Ildzfe• at $1.50 par dozen. • Une Lot of Won Lane Veils at 8735. worth sl_2s The above Hoods will be opened thee morning at JOHN TOKES', 702 ARCH Street. GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES.— New arrivals of the cheapest staple and Fanny T t ß re MM n N ly G&a on d hao b r oab o No .-Aro3 K id EI o Ge s T ,H 25 cents a pair, worth 50 cents; Mohair Nets. 10 cents apiece, worth 25 cents; Tarlatans. two yards wide, 12 cents a yard, worth 25 cents; India Rubber Combs, 6 cents alneee, worth 12 cents ; White curtain FringeSt Irani Cabbt tett cents. worth double the price i afnu Une of Silk and Mohair Mitts, extremely cheap ; Dress. Wrapper, and Mantilla Trimmings. of the latest fash ions, at astonishingly low prices; the best variety of Dress and Wrapper Buttons, Faris and London style. ; Shawl Borders, of all widths. at less than half orlon ; Sloop Skirts, of the best makes, cheaper than else where; the finest assortment of Belt Ribbons; Bair lists, of the loot imyrovesuenta. Ladies, our stook is too numerous to he specified ; it will be to your inter est to visit this place of bargains, No. 03 North EIGHTH. street , only second door above Arch, and convince yourselves of the fwd. The Proprietor being manufacturer of Ladies 'Trimmings. is enabled to offer you more inducements than any other store in this city. ffirM. LON ill BR tITADTER, mh3o-lm 103 North FIG ROI et, 2rl door al). Arch. OPENING OF FRENCH GOODS FROM AUCTION-8 ALE OF L. &B. CURTIS, AT P EICEB MUCH. BELOW TILE USUAL RATES. Paris Grbiaille Bares. Anglin's, 100, last season 19. Yens - eented Cautayeua rtaresea. 260. Senor Cannel@ Beregee 17140, oat CO W imwrt Ala, 1301'd Paris 810. Met union in. Pans Asiatiques, euttable for Friends, 371f0. New style Pans-printed Chain's. 600. B 4 Parrs Broche Poplins, 440. 100 yards Solferino Florences, very mime. 6-4 Paris Ftl-de-Checie. beautiful. 6.4 Paris Taffetas Unsettle, Geo. Pang Brach@ fierd Pooling, rich SWIM. LADIES' CLOAKINOS, Just opened, in every Tet ristet Spring Cloaks, all the new styles. lu t, so, the following domestic goods, alrobaged for es _ i ogee 4-4 bleached Muslin, splendid. So. 1 ease 4. 4 unbleached fine, So. 1 olio ire unbleaohed 2tnsltn, bean, Vs, owls 4.4 O. Adams & &Waage, case 4 4 maseneitie, 13340. teases 10-4 bleached Sheeting, go. MIMI 12,4 bleached Sheeting, soe. GNARL ea ADAMS & BON, rath27-tf MONTH and ARCH streets. SIiOULDEIO.-1,f.00 pieces city smoked Shoulders for sib by C. U. SARUM d GO., 14 . 3 ARCS Street, second door above Front. ass RETAIL HEY GOODS J . G. MAXWELL & SON Invite attention to their NEW AND MAGNIFICENT STOOK • . OF SILK GORE-SEAM BUTTONS, LACE TRIMMINGS and GARNITURES, RIRBONS, LACES, and GIMPS, OF CHOICE STILES AND QUALITIES. Comprising Clair own Spring Importation and Manu facture, and their New York Selections. B. E. Corner CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH STS. TRIMMINGS. SKIRTS. CORSETS. ZEPHYRS, NETS. it SHAWL BORDERS, Eta. EYRE & LAN.DELL, FOURTH AND Alt U S Bare an assortment of SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS To saitthe Net-Cash Trade. STELLAS, FROM LOW 10 FINE. BRAWLS, OF ALL PRIZES'. BLACK SILK SHAWLS, ALL GRADES. TEIBET BRAWLS, MODES AND BLACKS. aplo.6t-wfaitmws EYRE & LANDELL Are prepared to nut NET - CASH BUYERS NET - CASH 'BUYERS NET - CASH BUYERS WITH FINE LINE OF DRESS GOODS. FINE LINE OF DRESS SILKS. FINE LINE OF BLACK SILKS. FINE LINE OF MOZAMBIQUE& apW6t-wia&mwe PRICES MODERATE. RAPSON'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STE., HAVE NOW OPEN A. low cholas styles of LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACE TRIMMINGS, BUGLE BUTTONS, ALL-BILE BELTING% PINE QUALITY.SEETLAND WOOL. RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER OF EIORTE AND CHERRY ST& ap7l-4t,' MANTILLAS. MANTILLAS. OPENING DAILY, AT WM. P. C4MPELVA4I.4'S, No. 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, In his large and ELEGANT STOCK will be found the 'latest display of MANTILLAS, 1N BILK AND riaicy CLOTHS, ae.l-1m EVER MADE IN THIS CITY. CLOTHS! CLOTHS I CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, LAMES' CLOAKTNGS, AND GOODS SUITABLE FOR BOYS' WEAR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Cheap at SNODGRASS & STEELMAN'S, 2 south SECOND Street, above CESSTNUT. aPHIt N E W SPRING CLOAKS SPRING: CLOAKS SPRING. CLOAKS M ANTILLL,A S M AN TILL A S N AN TILL A S AN TIL L AS OPENING DAILY AT THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 7003 OFIEBTNUT STREET. J. W. PROCTOR & Co. mit3o-1m APRIL, 1861. LARGE CASH PURCHASE OF SILKS. TILE CHEAPEST SILKS IN PHILADELPHIA. THORRLDY WM. have just bought FOR NET Ce.Bll, 6 lota of Black Silks, of superior quality, and very cheap. 3 lots of Biel Chants L ! ilks, in Stripes and Plaids. for 75 rent!, Importers' erica for which bee boon tia 1 lot L eavy Pole de Foie& solid polars , in nroarlis, Blues. Greens, Modes, Purples, at $l. Importers , price $1.16! 1 lot of Double-faced Black Brocade Silky, very desi 4 sable. . Rich Barege Robes, IS and 9 Flounces, at CO cent. on the dollar. 1 lot Challis De Lemnos for 150, worell 26. Beautiful Drees Goods, in great vanety. BRAWLS An/ CLOAKS: Linen Goods ofour own importation. Power-Loom Table Lmene, Damasks, Table Cloths, &0., &0. Spring Clotbs L Caasimeres•Yestinciato. eSO• At TRORNLEY 6c curnorn, RE. PAraer ICIGHTO & SPRING GA R OEN Ste. N. ft—Will open in a few days Silk Mantles, and French Lace Goods. fao6l T. & C. NEW SPRING !SILKS. N H. STEEL & SON, No. 713 North TODAY treet, above Coates, Will open a email lot of Double-faced Brocade Silks, solid colors, at Si, worth $1.60. - Rich Zropade Flilke at 111.21. worth $1.76. Neat Yield Silks. all comm. All the Newest Stelae of Fanny path Persons about purchasing Silks will find it greatly to their interest to examine our assortment before pur chasing elsewhere. as we offer for sale one of the NEW ENT. LARGEST. FINEST, AND CHEAPEST STOCKS OF FANCY SILKS IN THE CITY. ape VOULARDS FROM AUCTION AT 44 CENTS. Brown and White Foulards. Bine and White Foulards, - Blank and White Foolarde. alt ElrirE ed r i ireN t urii i .,: c ra r ivT. and ARCH, SHARPLESS BROTHERS Are daily opening New Spring Goode Bought et very low plum to suit the time& In all the ne Wo rs ted ice fabrioe, In silk goods, ThinOMß, mule, Bering Glidonge. end TweelPh Black heavy Bilks. Bouquet Bilks, Grenadines, zing's's. Parienerinee, Plain Po de dem handsome shade., Bolin color Figured New Saracen, Brrandiee, Lames, Broche Goode in Bouquets. la% CHFAITri UT du EIGHTH. NEW CLOTHS, CASSIBIERES. Fanny and Black Caaaimerea. Boyd Wear, Ladies'leaking& Maraeillea and Valencia Ireatmga. Complete stook of Cloth Goods. COOPER It CONARD &Pi Bouthead warner NUM and MARA'S SPRING CLOAKS, Dail Mantles in styles. 8 llk in a few dam Daily taking orders for Cloaks and Mantles COOPER & Dalian! apt Southeast oortier MINIM and SURAT NEW DRESS GOODS. Gray Wide Brooke Figured Papillae. Gray Wide Silk and Wool Goode. Fine Mozambique's Pali:peones. TraYeiling Goode, Rehm . Giaglikey Ben Ingot Mks. Boultrasinee. Lupin's Black Wool Delaines. Lawns, Cheap Gray Goods, Gingbaros. WHITE, GOODS of every description, COOPER & GONARD, apt Southend comer NINTH and MARKET. & LANDELL, FOURTH AND A ARCH, will have all their New York Auction SILKS displayed to-day. Bilks of Newest Styles. silks at Low Prices. Bilks Most Fashionable. apt QPRING CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS VA ay., at IVENS'. mhtll-lm SPRING CLOAKS, IN EVERY NEW I ' s style, at inh2l-1m No. 23 S. Ninth Ansa. SPRfIIEt CLOAKS, THE CHEAPEST ever seen, at IVENS', . inh2l-1m No. JP B. Ninth street. NEW STYLE OLOAKS,EVERY NEW utlle, every new material. at vices that astonish every one, at the lane atom, N. E. coiner of Eighth and Walnut streets. totat-lm CITY CLOAK bTORE, NO. 142 N. Eighth street, above Cherry. are nowselling every new style of the season. superb Qualities, in every new shade of oolor, oheaser than aka other store In the arty. rohel-lra CLOAKS.—Wholesale Merchants are in. vited to i' V N S seeot the stook at No. 23 South 'UNTIL street, corner of Jayne at.. gptal-1m Between Market and Chestnut. REV. LYMAN BEECHER, HARRIET B. Stowe. and Rev. 'Fleury_ Ward Beeeher —A Card photograph of the above-911896mM MeALLIBTER& BROTHER. 60 at 7118 CHERsI4 UT Street. WAN S W ANTED—A Salesman in a. Wholesale Grocery ilouse,vrtto can oqinniand a large cosh trade. Address " B." at the Mime of this paper, with real name, stating references, and salary ex • seated. apl2 3t. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—For .very eounry in Peoneylvenis, Maryland, New Jersey, rua ifelaware, at)tiVt. and enemeno men Of tebigenoe and pleasing address as tyvvellingeirente. chance to make money . Small capital required. This is no humsug, Address, with stamp, or call upon S. O. SEAntmit, etl SANSOM Street, Philadelphia. apiZ 61" WANTED—By a young man, fully com petent. a SITUATION p Lula. taut. Satisfactory reference. Call or address M. C.. at Sams, Kent; dantee, t Co'N., 241 Borth. THIRD Street. mhl2-tuf 6t* ANTED—EMPLOYMENT, by a per son who hem had mayoral Lean' excellence as a Bookkeeper. and etaieernon in a ylour, Grain, and Pro duce Commluion limns. la able and willing to make himself generally useful. References, and Necunty - if requisite. address •• T. U," at this Office. apll-3t* WANTED—A first.elass Book-keeper in a Wholesale Commission 'nouns. Address, with reference. " Adams , " office arks Press. aplll-4t* VI/ANTED—By a young man from the coudtry, a situation as Salesman in a store or lumber yard ;.has had four years' experience in a store and three in a lumber yard. Batisisctors reference 'yen. Call or addrese " Thomas W.," 823 RACK Street, !roma to SS Y. M., for three days. aplo-St* WANTED -- A Lad to do Eufala. dresa" T," Prusa ottoe. WANTED—AGENTS to sell PAOKA- If ES of STATIONERY and JEWELRY. at prices one third 1013 F than can be purchased elsewhere. Call on or address (stamp enclosed) J. L. BAILEY, No. 154 COUICC Street. Boston. Maze. rah26-3m VLOTIIING WAN I ELL —The highest cash price paid for Ladies' and Gents.' east-of Clothh.g• Ylease call or add:eas M. D'.s.NCONA. 622 SOU rS. Street. av 3 120 EUPLOIE Rh WANTING YOUNG , .m.A . Men & 0 ., are invited to address the" EmSlov mutt Committee," at the Rooms of the Young coon's Christian Association, 1009 and 1011 lillßdTri UT Street. api-em SPECIAL PARTNES WANTED.—A Dry-Goo's Commission House of many viers standing, and with rasa desirable connections. wishes to lam a atmaial partnership with some person who can oontrihute to the amount of 860,000. Please address lidos DM Philadelphia Post °Flee. str9 AMERIOAN SOBOUL INSTIrUTE ESTABLISHED 15.54—T0 supply Famines and Schools with the best Teachers. To aid Leachers to suitable appointments. To buy and sell school properties on commission. To R 4 ,116 parade information of good aohools. G. S. WOODMAN & COMPANY, Mate smith. Woodmes, & C 0..) ' 596 BIWADWAY, New York. mh9 mws-2nl 25 South SIX rEt Street,Philadelphia. $20,000 TRUST FUNDS TO LOAN Mortgogo of City Proverb , . in sums of $3,000 and 84.000. JOHN B. noLARAN, 142 south EIGRTH Street. an6-etuth 6t• FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO RENT—A rare opportunity is Dul offered to a competent manager of a Boarding House by the undersigned, who offers to rent the MOTEL, formerly known as the LIMITED STATES ROTEL, situated on oirEntlirr Street. above Fourth. opposite the Custom ROM). The house con taihs forty rooms all of which are furnished. The dining-hall Is ninety-five feet In length, besides heehaw], 'pantries, and every other convenience that can be desired. The premises have been fated up In a complete manner, and are ready for immediate occupancy. To a proper person, having experience, a profitable business can be done. To an acceptable tenant the terms will be wade reasonable. For particulars AWAY it! anuf /Mit en the pramiNcl, bet Ween the hours of 2 and a o'clock. . fa FOR SALE or TO LET—Two Ca lla tem, near the Railroad Ftation, CH ESTNUT Eli LI.. Apply et Office 2in.12. see wALr4u V Street. Et.plt-6t. grit CHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and SitE. STORE to tent.—The desirable business location, 1322 CHESTNUT Street,with dwelling attached. Apply at 43t CHESTNUT Street. aptt dig TO RENT—The Three-story Brick Li DWELLING. No. 168 , 1 WALNUT St IniEW diatojrneartion elven. Rent 44825. Apply to BAELENL G. PERKINS. 62T WALNUT et. apn-tbstutt FOR SALE. OR EXOIIANGIL—One HUNDRPD AND TWENTY-PIW_E TEDURAND DOLLARS' WORTR OP PROPERTY, consisting of coal, iron ore and timber lards, farms, and unseated lands in Pennsylvania, stock in an extensive coal_ and iron oompany. and lands in Missouri. will be offered for sale. or exohanged for merchandise or city proper ty. Full particulars can be had by calling' upon or ad dressing JOHN C. OSTERIJoR. /Agent, anleM" 1113 North Water street. FOR SALE, OR TO BENT—The AS. large and completely furnished FACTORY, on the north side of THOmPSON street extending from HANCOCK to CLINION Streets. 'The building has been used for Eitiroh Faotory. and °prawns &power ful Clams and complete Machinery for the manufac ture of ttareh, but can easily be altered for other ma nufacturing purposes. APPIT to fi'lp HEN B. KINGSTON, .A n d s. W. nor. THI ATE . 1 .. SENTIEE R an l/K d ANT IdAIIKST PRICE. Btu., apS-12t No. 813 ARCH Street. GERMANTt.WN PROPERTY TO RENT.—To Rent, the large and commodious modern•htolt House, maser of ARItIAT street and WILLOW Avenue, with gas, bath, hot and void water, and ati the modern improvements. Apply to 14.EllnY S. TARR, 710 GREErs Street. Philadelphia, ot 011 the premises. aps-tf E. TO RENT—For the Fumnier season. a oommodione Country House. with furniture. grounds, and Atoblkos, within two rids, by rail, of Philadelphia. Apply to E. P. WILSON. at 333 MARKET street; or address " JOSIAH WILMON, Parkenrvil'e, Chester Co.. Pa." ati4 12e* et FOR SALE OR TO LET—A very MIL desirable four-story. brick DWELLING, with three story double baek buildings, having all the modern , conveniences, and is in perfect order ; situated west CI BROAD, and near ARCH Street. For particulars ap ply at No. 213 north THIRD Street. ap3. in* I a TO RENT—TWO COUNTRY proureCone mile from Tammy. Inquire No. W 717 itiorllrr etreet. mn2s-3m* ITO RENT—THE LARgE AND (JON VENTENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard. at May Mil o -ilia. Twenty- fourth ward. Apply to N. C. & P. 11. Vir . on the oretniaes. is TO LET-A DESLEABLE DWEL mt. LINO. NO 102 North THIRTEENTH &Wt. Apply to W . ETHEKILL & BROTHER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. mhl4-tf LET—SEOOND•BTORY ROOM, 802 icaeo.FslirglrrnoTiktr."hurbeAttliggiolt :11LS this for gag ßent light twines'. Apply ill the Jewelry 'Store. 810). fen -RENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Ninth-street front of "The Continental Hotel." The tilore at Ninth andAlansorn streets save °jelly adapted for a limonrit and RARNItee Maker. ipply to JOHN RICB, til-tf Southwest NINTH and SANSOM Krems. FOR EXCHANGE.-A CHOICE TRACT of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the city. will exohanged for eity property. Apply at No. L id FEDERAL Street. eal*-tf RR. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER • AND CONVEYANCER , . NORRISTOWN. PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Stores ancidwellings for sale or rent in Norristown and onntry. Uood MOnlraKeenegottated. Collections made. 1r he best rererenoes given. d.14-em TODUBLIO SALE OF VALUABLE PRO. PERTY. THE "EMPORIUM PEAL ESTATE AND MANU FACTURING COMPANY," Of Mound , •1 1 . Pu Cotinty. Mims, Wlll_offer at PU LIO VALE , on the premises. On WHDDIESDA. th e isth day of May next, A LarFe Number of DESIRAIMIIi. BUILDING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Stores, Factories, and Residenoes. lso. SPACIOUS BRICK IRON FOUNDRY, WITH MACHINE Silo?. And all the appurtenances necessary for the business of manufacturing Engines and boilers for Steamboats, Sugar, and all other Mills. used in the Southern and Western country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvements in machinery. with a Lull and complete set of Patterns for Stoves, adapted to both wood and coal. This troverty. from the advantageous location of Mound City. 311 one of the most valuable in the Southwest. Also, at the same tame, A FIRST-CLASH TH R EE-ETO Y FRAME MO DERN-BUILT HOTEL. Containing some fifty 'foetal. Mith a full get of Furni ture. The Hotel is now Going a large and profitable business. Also, a number of BRICK BTO RIB AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. Turas Or Ss/al.—One-fourth (X) oath ; the remain ing payments in 12. 24, and 36 months from date of sale. bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. The clash Moment may he made in the Bonds of the Company, and the time payments will be taken in the Stook of the Company at par. excerpt for improved pro perty. for which three-fourths of the puronase•moner mar remain upon mortgage. As the Company propuee to dispose of all their im provements. capitalists have a rare opportunity for pro fitable investments in o no of the beet located and most flourishing aides in the greatAonthereat. For Rartiatr Ism inquire of or address..W..Bl3.E E. PEITori, President E. R. E. & M. Co. mh36-tmli Office 222 WALNUT Street, Philaja. PRIVATE SALE.—A Valuable Drug and Hardware Store and fixtures at Imola!' figs.—The Dille and Hardware Store and fixtures, lately beloniing to M. B. BROOMALL. deceased. in the borough of West Chester, in HIGH Street, adjoining the Turks' Head Hotel, and now owned by the subscriber, is offered at private sale. The stook is fall and wee neleoted, and will be aold on accommodating terms. The wand to one of the hest in the borough, t utrict f the store. MICHAEL IdALONE. MISSOURI LAND I I 600,000 Aeries for Sale and entry, at prices tonging frqm tr. 50 tient* per sore. in any quantities re+ owed. TAXES raid and PATENTS procured for purchasers of Land under the Graduation Aot, - Plato fin-Oohed gratis by emote-Aim a postsge stamp. For farther information noir to WILSON. RAWLINGS, & AL 8. and General Laud t_seotof 00 QUEBTfiIiT 13treetl_ Between TB RD and lOU RT ST. LOUIS. Mo. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold. and located. Ja7-11to ka.FOR SALE —AT - HOUGR'S, Twenty-first warn, ow, - pair or the, Anent yeung BAY MATCHER IiORSEB in the Btate,fiail size ; oan trot fifteen miles within the hour. Also, su perior single ROADSTERS—SPBED. apll-3t* BOARDIN 6« TWO PLEAS ANT ROOMS, ONE single vitoertt, with board, No. 1523 WALNUT Street. aelo-itt* piRST - 01, &SS BOARDING; WITH tiount rooms. at No. 141 T LOG= etrOat, uthi6-19a* rrIFIE RFSTAURANT, a- No. SOS !BARRET. STREET, Formerly kept ky James Promoter, lately deeetteed„ . ie noW reopened illttier the management 0 / Inc eon. JAB. FROBBbR, ds., 'who will eeatmaie the. begin ai s heretofore. tehßetf HE CHEAPEST MUSIC STORE the world is at No. 111 S MARKET Street. SARAH BALL OnE CENT PER PAGE Flat, AIMAC, from all publiabora,lllB MARKFT Street. MBAR BALL, MM USTO FROM ALL CATALOGUES, 1.1. ML at one cent per page. at 1118 MARK LT Street. "143.3 SARAH BALL,. FINE NIIIRT 'MAN I.! FAC TORY, --J. W, scow., 814 CHESTNUT titreer, a few doors below the " Continental." The attention of 'Wholesale Dealers is invited to hie IMPROVED CUT OF 81 IIRTS , of superior fit, meas. and on hd and made to oroer at shortest notion. Jag-tf STATIONERY ANT) JEWELRY ^ -7 packages furnished to A emirs and Peeler. , at very reduced rates. Call, (or send scam') ttO2 CaSISTPCIJ r Street, Philadelphia, Pa. apelm* FARNAM. k CO. HAMS. -10 deices Gardner Phipps & 00. extra MOW COTO4ll 3 overed 'Ram"449 a. tterore C. oh , oto. & Co. do. do., d,r elate 67 O. b . Dl4 & OM 103 ARCHStreet , second door above Front. spa C9IAMPAGNE. — Ve. Cliquot, Lallemand. IL, Ductal Graro. and allot De Venose & Co.'s Chain -1 09 es. d t 4 S 4 ett i t i l v i tt:Tas t CARSTa rk 7,—Orden ?or th, Oire9tiuk4mtiop, of anr of the above brews vitt be Itnnotalolly etteadeit to. ail WIERA.TLEY & CiLA.NRE'S AROII-ST. TUBA TRY,. BENEFIT. AND LAST NIGHT BUT ONE, EDWIN OF BO OTH, THIS (FRIDAYi EVENING. Aont 12, The performance will commence with THE MnRCHANE OF VENICE. —• • •• • ••• •-t Swirl Booth. Tool:allude with KATHARINE AND ritTnuctito. • • &Nein Booth. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Bole Lessee._.-.. M. A. OARBSTTBON, ;two Manager Mr. WM. A, CHAPMAN. IngillAsa Arent— „Mr. JOB. O. MURPHY "N"PIT OP '.. /41613 OWNOUNH nierrixon. TO iß onrpey) _ kIveNING, April 12, Will h - eiris s eniea"iiii; TRH ebluHANTßEfief. i iiiiiiiii i i i iiiiiiii !tells, the EnehantrePe, Miss C. Etchings; &emir, Mr. r. in consequenoe of the length of the " Enchantress , " there still ba no Farce. . _ _ Piwie.—ilreee circle. teeata n eourod with out extra charge.) $0 oente; parquet. (seater trammed at 150 eente.)37s4 cents; fanutr e.rele, 25 cents; private boxes, eband SS; orchestra, 75 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; curtain wit) me at 7%. o'clock. McDONOUGIFB OLYMPIO.—( LATE G.AIET(ES,) RACE Ittreet. bet... • hird. FIRST NIGHT; FIRST NIGHT of the sjealy Odpotion. by George Mttee, entitlpi UPICLP. CAM'S a 7 A G C LAISTBRN.' Produced at a cost of $6OO under the immediate di rection of John E.MaDonough, and introduced in the celebrated romantioplay_ of THE SE Vfr; N SISTERS. J. E. Mc Donous h ()nolo Berm In the revreeentFition of UNCLE el Ah/tVB MAGIC LANT E RN, The picture!, presented will be TOY, PACT, TH c; PR ES k:N r, AND THE FUTURE Admission—Parluotte, JO Dente ; urohestra, 570 ; tea MUT Cirole, ; Privets Box Seats, 600. Doors open at 04 o'clock; ooromeaeing A CADENT OF MUSIC—THE OP KEA.— cA- SIGNOR NU= bee the honor to announce to the public that the Italian Artists, associated under his direction, will give A eItORT "EASON OF OPERA. On their way to fulfil previously-made engagements in Cincinnati. St. Louis. Chicago &0.. commEr4coG NIOA DAY, APRIL 15th. The Company will comprise all the great leading Artists of lust ne^son---yin: MADAME I"aULII4Z 001,150ig AND MIN A. PHILLIPS, SIGNORS BRIGNOLI PER RI. n1.18INI„ DITBROEII7I..B &TULL ko., Whilst, in order to give additional brilliancy to Otte brief season,. entagements have teen effeoted,with MISS ISABELI.A BINKLItY AND MIST r.I.IRA LOUISE ICELLOG. Two of the most suceetafel young American Prima Donne that have ever appeared en the Lyric Stage. An engagement has also been made with the justly distinguished tenor. SIGNOR STIGELI I I, This combination of artists forming the moat bril liant operetta enterable yet presented to the patrons of the opera. The leading features of the season will be the pro duction of Verdl'a latest and most celebrated work. . . UN BALLO IN MASQUE .ta, (The Masquerade Bali.) which has aolfeved the most extraordinary 'unease in Paris, London. New York. and Boston, and lia , evy's renowned grand tragic Opera LA JU/VE—(THE TEWBUR,) Which has orested so profound an impression in the musical world. • The season will be innururated by the debut of alloft BINEL BY IN IL TROVATORR. Notwithstanding the vast additional expense of this great Lyric Combination. and fhe necessary mon en scene, the customary prices of admission in New York', Boston, and other large cities where opera is liven. will he preserved—viz: Parguetie. farenette wrote. and Balcony, el; Reserved seats 6) cents extra; Fami ly Circle, 60 cents ; Amphitheatre, 25 cents. The sale of Ticket; will commence on Thursday morning. April 11th, at the Box Office of the academy ; at 13eek & Lawton's Music Store, No. 632. and ebb:4E9ring'. Piano Forte Warerooms, N 0.716 Chestnut street. DIRYCTOR AN ri CON DUCTOtt, SIGNOR MUM°. ltif".The Box-office of the Academy Will be open daily. from 9, A. M. until 4, AL anti tt ABEL et LEYLAND'S STEREOPTICON I ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Stream. EVERY EVENING THIS (TEE Txram) WEEK, MONDAY—Egypt and the Holy Land, TUESDAY—France, Spain. &e. WEDNESDAY—EngIand, &a. THURSDAY—ItaIy, &e. FSI DAY—A merles. &a. SATURDAY—IID the Rhine, Switzariand, &a. Admisaton YJS cents. Children. 18 cents. Doors open at 7X ;. commence at 8 o'clock. MATINEE WEDNESDAY AND 847URDAY ONLY Commencing at three o'clock. apB.Bt ANPORD , I3 OPERA HOUSE, OPEN FOR TIRE ELEVENTH. SEASOrt STREET, NEWLY DECO R RAT E D AND PAINTED, M SAN ass secured one pt the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore 6 an w . vnill apnear nightly. ford will perform every 8080 inf. rs onen at 7: Commence MN. 1111111011 $S cents. Children Hostas. riIHE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA GIVE -R. their PUBLIC REILEARRALS every PATUR PAY. commencing at 3% o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND R.ral.L. 8 tickets SI; minglo tiokott,2s oasts, for sale at Ctookortor & Son's. 801 Chestnut street; Aodroio.llo4 Cheatcut street; and Beek & Lawton's. Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. Commencements. Par ties, &0.. made only at their Office. Chickering & Son 'a Piano More, EX Chestnut street; William Stoll, 214 North Juniper street, or C. Itroughman, 1004 Ridge aveene. )a'l-tf DENNA. AOADIGMY Of THE FINE .Ix. ART& The Academy is now closed loth° public, for a short time. in order to make preparations for the spring ex hibitions. which will open on MODIDAY. the 02d ot apl-tf EDUCATIONAL. BRYA_NT, STRATTON, 45 FAIRI3ANRSP MERCANTILE C OLLEGE, S. E. corner BF.- VHS TH sad CHESTNUT Streets.—Day sad Nl:nisi Sassions,_ individual instruction Ektokkaaning Wholesale end Retail Business, IS in ping, Vorwardtna and C.Unirdailettl, Bankins, change. Manuracturing, Ha/korai ,. og,. Steambce.Ens, :rocUrcan t r- United esg:tes. .eQ":`Leantuo Lectu res, nom Arithmetic, and the higher Mathematics, Pen t:ninthly (best in the Mg 1, Correspondence, &c. For sale, their new Treaties) on Bookkeeping, printed tenons and the two work publuthed. atM-tf MEDICINAL .. DR. J. WISE, No. 30 North FIFTH Street, PHIIJAPE tt Legtir se Tresta eucoesefully. ei.p lied to in me, diseas of the LUNGS...IIOOAT and HEART, and frequently cures CONSUAITTION in Its third and last state. He also restores all curable diseases of the EY E. and EAR. He has riven them his entire attention for he past 20 years. Will visit patients, when desired. at heir residences. ee6 )n1 if. sAir4a. H LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near the -l nklin institute. The undersisned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has eeoured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large eumortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought arid Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only stnotly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also. Lil lie's Unegoalled_Bank Vault, Safe. and Bank Looks. Lillie's Dank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. Thu is the strOnLegt. WO protected, and cheapest Door and Look yet onered. Also, partionlar attention is called to Lillie's New , :ribitiet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, tee. This Safe is con cedeal to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strict ly firs and burglar proof. Stricter. Noitch.—l have now on head say twenty of Ilorring. kCo.'s Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other takers com p ri sin g • complete assortment as to aizei, and , all lately ex °hanged for the now Celebrated Lithe Rafe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. Ja2s-trif M. C. SADLER. Agent. ni EVANS WATSON'S SALAMANDER SALAMANDER SAFES. STORE, 30 4 CHESTNUT STREET. PAILADEURIit a A ban I.R arge variety Or FiRE-PROOF nein &lama on d. trihll-tf t• z r e • .1 e INBUBANOE . 0 , 0: • T Ureel FIRE AN A D f S • George W. Day- —or Day . & Matlack. Samuel Wright.- —. " Wright Bros & Co. D. B. /limey .._.." Davis & &mak Henry Lewis, Jr— " Lime Bros & C. Ri0ha_rd50n........." J. C. Howe & Samuel T, Bodine... -Pres% Wyoming Canal Comdr. Jno. W. J. W. Everman & Co. Geo. A. West-- " West & Fobes. T. S. Martin... Savage, Martin, ec Co. U. Wilson Dam Attorney-st. law. E. D. W.4lolllllff of Sibley., Molten, & Woodruff, inc. Hessler, 0/3 Green atreet, GEORDE W. DAY,Prealdent. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice President, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Seoretary. }art-iftf I_Jla'; ~ 1 ii)J J~ SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD. President. JAMES R. HUNTER, Seoretary and Treasurer. °Moe hours, from 10 until 3 o'olook. begi nun Cure. Omnany IS not Joined in BUT eeelioation to the ast I A MERICAN SAVING FUND, S. E. ear -"L iIerWALPIIIT and FOUR= Streets, continues to rename deposits and pay' all BUMS on demand as it has Tawny' done, AIat,X,MIEUR WHILLA/N, President. Js29-iftf DOWN 8. Wlmm. Treasurer. comming Paint ARRANGE.* 21.11 11 M111.511.111MW- -- : - MENT.—PIiILADELPEIA, WILMINUrrefiLAN BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and atter MONDAY APRIL 10. um. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHIL aDELPHIA: For Baltimore at 8.16 A. M.., 11.35 A. 61., (Express), and 10.50 P. M. For Chester at 8.15 A. M., 11.65 A. M., 4.15 and 10.60 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 1136 A. AL, 4.16 and 10.60 P. M. For New Castle at 8.111 A. M. and 4.16 P. M. for Dover at 8.16 A. M. and 4.16 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. For Salisbury &IS A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 615 A. M. (Express), 9.45 A. Me, and 445 P. M. Loom* Wilmington at 651 and 9.10 A. No ill and 9 P.M. Leave Salisbury at L4O P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at 6.55 A. M. and aso P.M. • • Leave Now Castle at 8.16 A. M.. 7.20 P. M. Leave Cheater at 7.4 ' ) A. M.. 9 40,1.57 and 840 P.M. Leave Baltimore tar salisoury and Delaware. Rail reao at 6.16 A. 61 TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE ; Leave Chester at 8.45 A.M., 12.05 and 11.10 P.M. Leave Wilmington at 915 12 81 P. M., and 111 A.M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attaobed, will run ne follows Lena Philadelohni for Permit's and intermediate Planes at On Leave Wilmington for Perrrrille and intermediate plums at 7.15 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and interme diate places at 5 P. M. Leave Havre-de-Grano for Baltimore aid intermedi ate station at 6 4.-ht. Leave Baltimore for Havre do-Draoe and letermedl ate stations at 6 I'. M. ON SUNDAYS: OnlY at 1e.60. P. 1. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 446 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. aoka B. M. FELTON. President. -- FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and N ew York Express Steamboat Com pany will receive fr e ight on and after MONDAY: 96th instant, and leave dad, at N., delivering their oar . n New York the following days. glTrecghts taken at reasonable mine. WM, r. CLYDE, Agent) No, 14 SOUTH WE &etym. feileselphis, JAIISES HAND Agent, Piers 14 and IS EAST RIVER. New York. s t air m a FOR NEW YORK. THE Philadelshis Steam Propeller Company will °amalgam) their business for the Eamon on rficattert 18th mat. Their Steamerr are now receiving freight at Seco nd Plr above Sealant street. arms socommodaung."4w P-9 . I SPBAIRD & Q 24 trauthlielaware Avenue. sou ITIERI4I SHlPltuanl3.. Certificates attached to:boob : 4as of Reads for th e Southern Confederacy, by - ". . - DAVID B. BIRDIEY, Commissioner of Ree,dzior South Carolina, Alabama , silecintir i/ sissicot, Texas. Florida, and Louisiana. 15011____--.essousimemon. OPAL DENTALLINA.—We speak from practical experience when saving that the OPAL DOECALLICIA made by.fdr. RBI:411. of BROAD and nyiitUON :meets, is decidedly the nicest preparation fir.tbe mouth and teeth that we hs• a ever ue.d. We believe it fulfils all th , it ie claimed for it, and being re commended by the mom eminent dentine we &avow alt o live it & e/Usler
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers