THE CROPS. THE PROSPECT CF THE COMING! HARVEST (From the New York World.) The airy of Chicago at the present time oontains within a fraction of 40,000,000 bushels of grain, the largest amount ever gathered together in one pram" on this continent The warehouses of Mil wankee, La Cfo.33a, Dubuque, McGregor, Winona, St. Paul and Indeed all the grain depots of the northwest were never ISO crowded as they are today; yet, notwithstanding the vast stores of grain, and the still vaster quantities sent rest and south sine* last September, it is estimated that to day as much grain is in the hands of the farmers unsold as the combined product of the crops of 1858 and 1859. Thus it is rendered certain that, even should the crop of 1861 be a disastrous failure, there will be corn enough in Egypt" to oarry us through to the fail of 1882. Bat what of the future? Are there any data by whioh we may judge of the crop prospeots of tho p resent year ? Practical agriculturists say there are, and their speculations are generally entitled to some weight. From muses now in operation, it is esti mated that' the coming atop of grain will be the largest this country ever saw. There will not be so many bushels to the acre as in 1880—that is not at all probable, but an immensely larger area of oountry will be pat into grain, and it would not surprise those who are conversant with orop move ments if the yield of 1862 is twenty-live per cent. heavier than that of 1881. The following, among other considerations, have led to this very general belief : 1. The failure of the English harvest of 1880, the certainty of a abort crop this year by reason of the wet all and heavy frosts, and the enormous capacity of the Liverpool markets to absorb our breadstuffs, will naturally stimulate the produc tion of wheat and corn in Mammary, and farmers will nee inure land this year, for that purpose, than in 1861. 2. The troubles at the South and Southwest, which will seriously interfere with the planting and growth of cotton, by reason of the uncertainty that will attend its sale, will necessarily lead to a heavy seeding of wheat and corn. All the tiouthern papers agree in sayieg that the doming wheat crop, which will be harvested early in Juno, Will be very large, while of oorn there will be an abundance without shipments from the Northwest, if no disaster each as that of last year occurs. :3 The disappearance of the weevil and other insect pasta from the great wheat region east of the lakes is now generally admitted, and, as a conga guano', in western and northern New York and Pennsylvania, farmers are again Reeding their long neglected wheat fields, and are expecting large drops. 4 The withdrawal of a very large amount of labor from mechanical and other industrial ope rations, owing to our political troubles, will add to the available force at the disposal of the farmer, and help . to swell the products of the farm. This subject is of great interest just now. With our commercial maohinery at a stand-still, with a certainty that the cotton crop will be seriously di minished, and a possibility that we may experience the horrors of war, it is comforting to know that our granaries are Intl, and that the earth promises to yield abundantly. PENNSYLVANIA. DAUPHIN COMITT.—The Patrtot and Union says: We were informed by an intelligent far mer, yesterday morning, that the wheat crop of this neighborhood presents a very favorable ap pearanoo, especially that lying along the bottom lands of the Susquehanna. The estimates of the growing crops, especially just at this season, great ly differ by our farmers, and it would give us plea- sore, at any time, to have the opinion of our agri cultural friends in regard to this important matter. CRSSTIR COUNTY:-..We learn from the West Cheater Record that the farmers of Cheater county have generally commenced their spring work. On Saturday last, wherever the ground was in condi tion to be disturbed, the plough was moving briskly, turning up the fresh soil for the reception of the spring crops. A large amount of corn stubble is already broken up, and should the weather oon tinue favorable, the greater part of the oats crop will be put in the ground during the coming week. Many farmers are also ploughing for corn. The grain and grass-fields, as a general thing, look very well. The wheat has a fresh and healthy appear apse, and seems to have been exempt from any serious injury during the winter months, The heavy rain of Wednesday last washed some fields terribly. It settled the ground, however, and has started the grain and grass to growing finely. Many persona were also busy in the gardens and track patches. The season for planting is at hand, and a prudent husbandman will be watchful that ho gets his seeds in the ground in due season. Bucks Couwrv.—A Bucks county paper says : A gentleman who has been much through the country informs no that he has never seen vegeta. tion appear more thriving at this season than it does this spring. The wheat ;has come manfully through the winter and looks remarkably strong and healthy. Farmers are now busy breaking up their fallow and other lands, preparatory to put ting in the corn crop. BLAIR Cocarr.—The Hollidaysburg Standard says : We feel gratified in believing, and in being able to report our belief, that the quaking and apprehensions about the loss of a fruit crop for the present season were quite premature, at least in this region. We have seen enough within a day or two with our own eyes of peach, pear, and cherry trees to induce the strong belief that the newspapers and the public generally have cried out long before they were hurt in this respect. The kind of fruit tree,' just mentioned furnish as good hope of a full crop as at any similar period of former seasona. WASEINKISON COMITY.—The Monongahela Rs• publican says : Oro advices from all parts of the country are to the effect that the wheat crop is entirely uninjured by the frost, and everywhere termer, are sanguine of another abundant harvest. Counters voinsivr.—The Bloomsburg Star of the North says : On making an examination, a few days sines, of some peach buddings, we found that they were very much injured. On opening the buds, we discovered the peach formed, nearly the size of a grain of clover seed, and as black as black could be. As far as we examined, the peach crop threatened to be a complete failure. Tun peach crop of Pennsylvania promises to be an abundant ono this avason. NEW JERSEY. TRH Fluor Cur. —At a meeting of the Farmers' Club, in New York, last week, Dr. J. P. Trimble, of Newark, N. J., said there would be plenty of peaches in New Jersey this year. Mr. Lawton, of the came place, stated that he had carefully examined the peach buds on bie farm, end found them very healthy, as also the branches. Re did not expect. peaches from one tree or orchard for a longer period than three or four yearn, The course he pursued was to plant 50 or 100 trees every year, and take up as many to use for fire wood. The loss was not much, as the trees grew very fast, and they could be procured in New Jer sey for $lO per 100. They were very beautiful while growing, and bore fruit in two years. In that way he was enabled to have a good crop each year. DELAWARE It was currently reported a week ago that the peach crop in New Jersey and Delaware bad been destroyed by frost and snow. Later and more re liable news received here from those regions deny the report. The orop will be a full one, as far as present appearances go. But the nurserymen were so taken aback by the countermanding of distant orders for trees, owing to the state of the times, that they are now selling them at $4 per hundred, the natal price being IS to 110. This lew rate has brought a new circle of customers into the market, who are planting large peach orchards all over New Jersey and Delaware. An intelligent nursery man informed us last week that not less than 600 sores would be planted in these cheap trees this spring. MARYLAND CROPS IN MAKYLAIID.—The Cambridge Barad says that the wheat crop in Dorchester county looks very prosperous, and the farmers are busily engaged in preparing their fields for corn. Nearly all our Maryland exchanges report the wheat crop very promising. VIRGINIA True WRAIIINI3 AND in FRUIT CROPS --From the Alexandria Gazette we gather the following Notwithstanding a great deal of the early fruit was killed by the late (told spell, still, as we are creditably informed, present appearances indicate that there will be no lack of fruit the coming sea attn. The peaeb, pear, cherry, and other trees are still bloom ing , . and inspection shows that we shall have a ouraneat crop of each of dm, delicious fruits. The Portsmouth (Va.) Tranavript says the fruit orop in that region premises well. Tug Paean Onos.—The Springfield (Oblo) News says : n The fruit is in food condition—even the prospective peach crop being, se yet, apparently uninjured. The present rather cool weather 111 favorable for all sorts of fruit, and ws hope it will continue till it can leave itself and leave the trees in good style, to be unmolested thereafter by it." INDIANA Our exobangeo from Indiana speak most en oonragingly of this growing wheat crop in that State, and express a confidence that the fruit Crop will be an abundant one. ILLINOIS The farmers of Illinois have reason to be satis fied with the appearanee of the wheat crop at this time. We have reliable information from more than twenty counties of Southern ISinoie, giving aasuraneei that during the past ten years the wheat fields in March have never appeared so promising as now. The growth is admirably well eat, covers the ground well, is healthy and strong, and encouraging large expectations of fall gra naries at the close of the season. The amount sown lust fall was unusually large, and 1861 bids fair to be a dir.ting . oished year in Illinois for the plethoric corn crop in Central and Northern Illinois.—Missouri Republican. Wailer Caop.—So fSr as we are able to learn, the wheat Drop in this county and section of roan. try never appeared better at this season of the year. We have conversed with people from all parts of the county, and all agree that the pros. rats are good for an abundant yield.—Tfrescola {Douglas county) Shield. MICHIG AN The Detroit Advertiser nye "Oar adviees from all parts of the State are to the effeet that the wheat orop is entirely uninjured by the frost, and that everywhere farmers are sanguine of another abundant harvest." ICANE.d.S We conversed with an intelligent gentleman who limpet travelled through Anderson, Coffey, Frank lin, and other oounties north, and be informed no that the fall wheat looks fine, and that the amount sown was large, the farmers were preparing to put in large crops of spring wheat. A large quantity of spring wheat has already been sown during the pas,tt few weeks. and Copious rains have fallen in dflerent portions of Southern Kamm, which will be of great benefit to the newly-sown wheat. :The prospect of a large crop of wheat Is good. We also learn that the farmers are making ar rangement. to put in a large crop of corn ; the sea son thus far has been favorable for preparing corn land. We think the farmers have reason to feel enoottraged'it the prosptot—Lcavenoorth, Con servatusa. MISSOUB.I. The Waverly (Mo) Visitor, of this week, gays of bemp The warehouses of this place are filling up rapidly with hemp. The weather has been favorable for breaking during the season, and the crop is nearly broke out. Farmers are hauling in their crops, and the warehouses will soon be full. AL rise is the river end an advance in' the price of hemp in other markets will cause ready shipments and room in oar storehouses. dommts from Morgan, Scott, and Pike ooan• ties, Missouri, represent, the prospiests for the grain crops this season as unusually good, like wheat in this county covers more ground mad is much more promising than ever before.: There is a god time coming.—St. Francis Coun:' ry (Mo.) Angus. KENTUCKY. The Maysville 017.) Exprm says the preepeot fora heavy wheat crop was never more promising than now fu that section of the state. TENNESSEE Wheat in this Bastion looks remarkably well, better than we ever saw It at this season of the 3 ear. It was learsd that Rome crops were too for. ward, but we suppose the cold weather in the early part of the week had a tendency to check their growth somewhat. If no aoefeent befall the oroP. au unusual quantity will be raised.--Hprtneeld Republican, March 23. The wheat orop of this country was never more promising than at rreeent. A favorable Beason Irom this time on will insure an overwhelming Drop.—Lebanon (Tenn.) Herald. SOUTH CAROLINA. THE carrots CROP. The Charleston Mercury says that moat dealers In notion have become satisfied that we are bound to have a short crop, and that the delft:dewy before the end of the year will reach nearly a million of bales. There is the present season no uniformity in the weekly statements of the papers at Charles ton, Savannah, and New Orleans. The last prices current made up at New Orleans to the 22d, make the deficiency 715,621 bales ; Savannah to the 28th. make the deficiency 792,654 ; Charleston to the 23;h, make the deficiency 748,656. GEORGIA The Columbus (Ga.) Sun says: We rejoice to learn, from the citizens of Troop oonnty, says the La Grange Reporter, that the prospects for good wheat crops were never more promising, and such is' the news from all parts of the country. There never was a time when the people needed good harvests more than at present, if we may judge from the amount of corn brought to our markets from the Northwest. Oar dealers are constantly loading wagons with corn. There never has been more corn sold in Troop in one winter than has been Sold here the present season. We are pleased to learn, says the Georgia For rester, that the late cold weather did not seriously affeot the fruit in this section. Tender vegetables were killed, bat the fruit was unhurt. The snow storm *blob visited other places gave this part of the country the go-by, and we luckily escaped its chilling effects. ALABAMA The editor of the Fort Gaines Independent Stale recently made an excursion Into southeastern Alabama. He says : Should the season for grain continue to be favorable, the harvest is bound to be abundant. We have lived in Alabama twenty* Eleven years, and have never seen anything in the small grain line to compare with the present grow ing orop. It is confidently believed that the wants of the country will be greatly and timely relieved by the early grain crop. The editor of the Union Springs (Ale ) South.- ern home Journal' bat been shown some sample heads of wheat grown in that State this year, of fair size and very vigorous. It is expected to ri en from four to six weeks earlier than the ordinary varieties. MIDSISSIPPI no Oxford Mercury of the 28th ultimo gays: Many of our planters have already finished plant ing oorn, while many of them have commenced planting cotton. We learn from a gentleman who last week travelled over a good portion of the county, that the prospects were encouraging ; the fields were broken up, and everything seemed to be in an advanced condition. . The Kosoiusko Democrat of the 29th ult. says : The weather has been cool for some LIMO past, but very favorable for work on the plantation. The farming interest is well advanced for the season. Corn crops are pretty well planted, and some have commenced planting cotton. The wheat and oat crop is coming on finely. LOUISIANA The Plaquemine Gazette of the 30th ultimo says; ,The crops of cane and corn, we are told, were never finer; the vegetable garden never looked more prosperous ; the fruit trees are hanging over loaded with incipient fruit. Never had we in the country more canoe for rejoicing than at the pre• sent time. The Falls River (Point Coupee) Democrat of the 30th says: The season, so far, has been one of the most favorable, hence the prospect of the cane is already very promising. in this parish the plant cane was well preserved throh the winter, and is now ug coming up beautifully. The stubble also will be good. Fruits of all kinds will bs in abundance. The exuberance; of the peach is such that en many trees the young peaches are growing in clusters of four and five together. TEXA,S. The Intte Man of the 21st says a severe frost and norther on the 17th did considerable damage to the wheat crop, the forward wheat and that not pastured being the most hurt. Late advises from Austin are to the effect that the recent frost was so severe in many localities, especially upon the lowlands, as to destroy the early core entirely, rendering a replant necessary, while the upland fields escaped injury. In Dallas and Ellis counties the prospects for an abundant orop are unprecedented. The wheat is of the most luxuriant character, and large crops of corn have been planted. The Texan grain crop, particularly on the fine valleys of the Guadalupe, Blanco, and San Maroon rivers, will probably be very bountiful. MINNESOTA The winter wheat in different portions of the State, farmers inform ne, is looking uncommonly well; in fact the prospect was never better than at present. The winter has been highly favorable for the preservation of the crop, the abundance of snow aiding in its protection. Oar farmers, how ever, rely more upon the success of spring wheat ; hence very few pat in a crop last fall. Our ex changes in Wisconsin and lows also speak well of the prospect in those States. In Minnesota farm era are preparing to sow a greater breadth than ever before.—St. Paul Pioneer. OAIIFORNIA GRAIN QUM—The Amador Dispatch, says that the prospects for grain oropa were never better than at the present time. The heavy rains and warm weather have been unusually propitious. Iw BLoom.--Apriaot and peach trees in several of our San Juan gardens, bunted into bloom as much as ten days ago. On Tuesday there was a fall of snow. As the short•lived flakes descended upon the blossoms and whitened the face of the earth, the prospect for a coming fruit crop looked rather disnoaraging.--Press. ENGLAIID The London Econornast of the 9th alt. expresses apprehension concerning the doming env. We have arrived at a oritioal period of the year, as regards the produce of the next harvest. The season for sowing spring wheat is rapidly passing away, while the land has latterly not been in a favorable state for sowing. There was a great quantity of t rain last week, which not only stopped all work upon the that for some time, but left the soil so beaten downland ' wheat-sowing became dif ficult. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. In steamship Keystone State, from Charleston—Mrs Morris, Miss De Leon, Miss Wilson, Capt Bugg. Capt E Brooks. J Stone. Capt Williams, mate, and crew, and ten in the steerage, PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. EDMUND A. PoUDER, GEORGE L. BUZ KY CO3LMITTER OF TRV. ItION2B EDWARD C. BIDDLE, LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' _Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Belle of the °glean, Beed--•—• Liverpool. soot Ship Lancaster, Damn —.Liverpool, noon Bark Ellen Morrison, goon Birk Sea Bride, -Cork; coon Brig Urania , COO/101)13-.- :Matanzas, soon Brig B T Martin. French= Havana, soon Brig Marshal Ney, Darling---Vera Onia, soon Brig Gustavo, coo Brig Loango, Beans.-- Sago de Cana, soot Brig Tiberias, Lawn— • •—••— • •--Ctentneaoe. soon Brig Thomas, Da Cunha-- . soon Bohr Geo .1 Jones, ...Demerara, coon Schr Bveline, York-- soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEADIERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES. sans LIILILVE SOIL nests New York.— New York-.Hremen—. —April 13 Kangaroo- --New York-LiveriooL-. April 13 John Belt —Gleagow-How York--..- -.April 13 Nova Scotian. ,--Poittand-liverpooL-.- --.4351/1 13 York-Hambgrg— 35 -Hotton-Laveripoot— --April 17 Americo .—.Boaton-Liverpool—.--April 17 Edinburgh— -New York-Havre— - 20 Mated Singdom.Ziew -ADM 23 Pene.--New Yor -15 raverpool—.. .april 24 Falron--New York-Havre-----April 27 Glasgow- ----New York _Liverpool— ......- April 27 Hiberniam-..-...Portland-Liverpool--.4pril 27 Bavaria— —Hew York-liambure--.. May / N *gars ----. Boston-Liverpool— —May 1 —.-New York-Liversool—..—May 8 Bramen-..- --New Yore.. firemen- --.—Mar 11 York-tiouthempton.— Mar 33 Canadian—.—Portiand-Liverpooi-- --Hay 15 . . . FROM ZVI/OF& Han Lnaire /OR DAMS Hibernia— "--GMIWEIT —Banton --March 26 Fulton.. Southampton—Now York—..... • •Aortt 3 Glasgow— Liverpool—New Yore. —April 21 Bavaria —..Southampton—New York—..._April flibendan.—......Liverpool—Portlend --April 4 Radar_._ Fork.. April 6 Iliannto.'— - ---Liver9o9l—Fo4lo l 4----Avril 6 Columbia—. Galway. - New York-- —April 9 Stan—. --.l.apetwooi —New York-- —April /0 Aeia—LiVerel..liew York -- Bremen - - .BnuthaMptOn New YOrk —April 17 liammonia— ..Bonthampton—N ew 18 —. Galway- Boston --..—April Anna— .Sonthampton—New York-- May 1 Great Heatern—..NngMnd—New York.-- May 1 Sanwa— .6o9.thompton—Pleyr York— Ma y 4 • The California Mail Steamers sail from Now York on the Ist.llth. alid•Xist of eadh month. The Havana Reamers leave ffew York on the 34, 7th, Itth. 17th. and With of am o k month. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHI.LADELPHIA, April 12, 1861. BUN RISES- 5 23 -SUN BETS-- --- .6 32 HIGH WATER. . AB.RIYBD. U S mail steamship Keystone State. Marshman, hours from Charleston, with muse and passerigpre to 1 Heron, Jr. do Co. 10th inst, at 630 A M, Cape Ratteres Shoal bearing Williams. by W one mile, fell in with brig W . War Eagle, from Port an Prinee for Phila delphia, disinasted, boat stove, and both anchors and rudder gone; had lot One man. Took from her Captain Wiltiama. mete, and crew. and brought them to this port. Same time spoke astir W Lindsey, from Mina titian. Mexico. for New York. Steamship Kensington. Baker, 44 hours from Beaten_, with lodge and _passengers to Henry Winaor. At 9 A .111 yestersday.,.oif Fourteen-feet Bank. passed *hips Tusca rora Tor Liverpool . and Daphne. from New York—the forder In tow of tag America. The barks Rowena. for Lamont. Rif. for Pernambnco, St Tames, for Rio, brig Brandywine, for Pernambuco, and ti Jorge fleet of other vessels, were passing to sea. Brig Tangent, Wylie, 10 days from Cardenas, with sugar and mammas to Stewart, Carson .k co. Bohr Thos Borden, Wrightington, 3 days from Pall River, in bailee; to Cabeen do Co. Bohr Jos Porter, Yates, from Salem. Bchr Gazelle. Naylor. from Saugus. Bohr J C Baxter. Price, from New York. Rehr L A Danenhower. Miller, from Boston. • Bohr M B Mahony, Lake, from Boston. Bohr M J Gape, shripkine, from Providence. Steamer BoYerly. Pierce, 22 hours from New York, with mdse to W Clyde. Steamer Joaeshms. Green, Q! hours from New York. With mdse to W At Baird & Steamer Mars Nichols, 22 hours from Now York , with noise to W H Baird k. Co. CLEARED. Steamship Ph - luau liprague, mitth o w a , Boston, LI Wineor., Dili Tiberias, Lecou. Cienfuegos, Stewart. Carson & Go. Bohr I G Stine, Swain, Wilmington, NC. D B Sta ten & Co, • Sahr J Porter. Yates, Salem, 13orniakson & Clover. &kr C linter, Thee, Newbury:loN, Van Damen, 11 Bo or rr n G A as e* efie, Nailer, Boston. froppiier A Bro. Bahr L A Druzenhower, Dither, Boston, N Stu r t evant Co. Bohr NI 13 Mationit Lake. Boston, Nevin, Sawyer & Co Bohr M J Goose, campkinaGeorgetown, J B Henry. err AIWA, Itobisuron, New' York, W P Clyde. Corresoo nd4was DE enceof th GR = A C E, April 10. No steamer left here for Baltlrs. or_e...l4l,.t.ntUnit" the pight before. The Wyoming in' - ins, and has now 20 boats, as follows? George & Chamit and Teresa, wheat, as. aUPl phrere. Hoffman & Wright; Robert Clark, rig Iron to Cox. Whitman & Cox. and flour to A Cattail ago; Collins, grain and flour to Perote & Br(); Golden Eagle , light to A G Cattail & Co; Howard and Champion, wheat. &a. to do; Shawnee Chief, wheat to A Nesbitt; Mimi M Wright, ground bark to as A Allen; Gray BUM* rough bark , to +reoccur; ?or & irloCerny, lumber to order; Dubos A Lowe op). .1 Burrows do to Norcross & Bheetsiidarah Jests. do Slalom & Tarior, • Brayer Nichols, Bkveritnents Nos land 2. kt 0 A 491111041. and 7 F litgateloosl to Delaware City. April 11-1 stated yesterday that the WTOMIng would leave in the morning, but the win wag MO high that she did not get out wattl last night about dart. and thens in addition to the 2d boats, there were four more. The Kingston and Wyoming each took H. The above four are consigned as Wy oming Mire Homes, wheat to A G Cattail Co: hleroban' , do to ferrite & Col 8 Motiurdy. do to MUlR ware City ahrero, Hoffman & Wright: Friendship. coal to Dela. Since the above 24 boats left. two have oome iii (which will not go out before to-morrow morning ), as follows: Flemington Mills, wheat and whiskey to Humphreys. offman & Wright: Ike Plus Ultra. coal to Delaware City. (Correspondence of The Prem.) !WADING, Apra 9. The following boats from the Union canal naaaai i i n t o the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, la den and consigned as follows: Wm p Fisher, bark to Keene & Coates; Union. grain Bumphreys, Hoffman & Wright; Major Anderson. grain, ko. to captain; Two Brothers. pig iron to 0 E Smith & Co;Fai. blooms to Warder Morrie; Lightner & Rope. grain SO captain. htpsloltArf Bark glookstep. Feiiii r sOit7iiiiiire'd at New York 10th inst. for Melbourne. Bark Harvest Moon. Barry. from Buenos Ayres for Boston. at Holmes' Hole Bth inst. forßahew r Henry May, Hoover, caearod at Boston 10th inst. N York. Bohr A Cordery„ Grace. from Wilmington, NC, at. m rived at New York 10th et. with loss of deck load. Bohr Thumph, Art's, cleared at Boston 10th Inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr .ittuntah Willetts, Parsons, hence, arrived at Newport Bth inst. Bohr Alex Henderson, Crowell, hence, arrived at Pro vidence 9th inst. NOTICE TO MARINERS. G Dominguez Consul from New Grenada, mates the following official communication, under date of New York, iterd 10,1261: (Translation.) NEW GRANAIIAN blitoaTlON IN TIM UNlTgri STATris New —G. nomirroosz, Era.. Consul of the Confederation. Yore. You are hereby requested to make known to all ship owners. shippers. and insurers whom it may concern e that in conformity with a deoree issued by authority of tee Government of the Confederation. the ports of Rio Raabe, Rants Maria, Cartagena, and 7.oipots. in the At lantio. and those of Buenaventura, Tomoop. and Innu endo. in the Pacific. together with the rivers of the Quidbo and riovna. remain closed against commerce; also that war vessels of the Confederation have received orders to cruise about said ports, and to seize, in aO• oordanoe with the above mandate, all vessel,_ found trading with said pert/ in violation of this prohilniorY decree. This latter clause is temporal in its character, oontinning in foroe until such time that order shall be restored in those sections. With sentiments of the highest consideration, I re-' main your obedient servant, RAFAEL POMBO. HAIR RESTORATIVE. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, AND CROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DAT. And testimonials, new, and almost without number, might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of Noinety,__whose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, it all its youthitil bennty BATTLE Caxxx, Mie b.. Dec. 11, 1858. PROF. WOOD: Thee willt please aooept a line to in form thee that the hair on my head all fell of over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chrome die ease, attended with an eruption on the head. A con tinual course of suffenng through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for cape, neither have I been able to do them up, in oonsequence of which my head Ilea suffered extremely f rum cold. Tine induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last oent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the let of August last, I have faithfully followed the direotione, and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short ,* it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling oopfident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use and being destitute of means to I purchase any more, would ass thee if thee wouldet not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle. and receive to thyself the Scripture declaration —" The reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherieni." Thy friend, SUSA.NNAH KIRBY. .I.ISIONIKR. Noblp c 0... Indiana, Feb.Feb.s, Mt PROF. 0. Woon: year NIT: in the latter part of the Fear MU. a J. ddle atteo Ann the State and National Law School of the State of New York, my bair, from a cause unknown to me. commenced fallin off very rapidly, ao that in the short specs of six mont g hs. this whole upper Part of MY scalp was almostentirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the remaining portion upon the aide and back part of my head shortly after became gray ; so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon my return to the State of Indiana. my more, casual ac quaintances were not so much at a loss to discover the Cause of the change in my appeamnoe, as my more in timate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. lat once made application to the most skilful Musk clans in the country, but, reoeiving no aasurasioe from theta that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, tintikfortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggiet. as being the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tned one bottle, and foutio to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time. I have used seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft bleak hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful pn artiole, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acquaintan ces. who. I am happy to inform _you, are using it with like e ff ect. Very respectfully. yours, A. M. I.A'FTA. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot. 444 Broadway. and 'Fold by all dealers through out the world. The Restors.tiye is put up ip Bottles of three sixes, viz: large, medium, and small; the small holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium holds at least twenty per east. more in, proportion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle ; the large holds a Quart. 40 per neat. more in proportion, and re bale for $3 a bottle. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 BROADWAY, New York, and 114 'PARK 4T Street, St. Louis, Rio. And sold by all good Drugging and Fano, Goode Deal ers. Mid tntrhr B. A. FARNESTOCK & Co., Noe 7 end 9 North FIFTH. Street. and RASMARD & Co. TWELFTH patdcHESTNUT Streets: DYOTT Co.& 2a2 North Obt..OND Street. oellziwletarWtf COAL FREIGHTS. OFFICE 01 THE PHIL ADELPHIA AND READING. RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA.. March IL IBM. The Rates of F rei ht and Tolle on Anthracite COal, transported by this Ctunpany. will Ms's follows, on and after March 18.1861. until further notice: To d " Inclined Plane.—.— " limetown— •• Ciermitingwn Fads of o " Mananmk.—..— " Egbert's— " Consbohooken.—..— " Swede Furnace— " Rambo's— -- " Norristown or Bndgp't " Port Bennear .-- " Valley Forge.---.—. " " ROJArill Ford— —__ " Aramingp— _.— " Limerick Pottstown.. " Douglassville.— " Alonoimey --- " Birdsboro. --- " Exeter Reading" " 'Peekerton....--...—. " Leesport " She e inakeravi lie .—. Hamburg - " Port Clinton— " Auburn ~. Orwigsburg By order of the Board of Managers. innl4-1m W. B. MaThRENNEY.Bee'Y SAYING FUNDS. SAYING PUND---PrVE PEE OENT. IN TEREST.—NATIOPIAL SAFETY TRUST CUM pANY, WALNUT Street, southwest corner of Third, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Penneyl verde,. The °Moe is open every day from nine o'clock in the morning till five o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thersdahroyipla t ailielfht President ROYiEIT SELFItIDGE, Vice President. Wratim J. Itiss, Secretary. DIRECTORI I Hon. Henry L. Benner, r. CaTroll Brewster, lsdwaid L. Gaiter, Robert Selfridge, Samuel Ashton, C. Landreth Mums, _ A intle. Out often, Mbs the Puree." IBANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walrmielpliia, pays all deposits on demand. Depositors' money secured by Government, 'State, and City Loan", "'Ground 40;14,"Mart i aes, &o. I T his ' Company deems 'misty better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with &w -illow money,•but have it at all times ready to return. with 6per cent . interest to - the owner, is they have Miran done.' Ii U COnipany never snapeadod. • Female'', married or single and Minors, can deporit in their Olin rising, and enteh deposits can be withdrawn oittor by their content. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive money from trustees and executors._ LARGE, AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily, from 9to o'clock, and on I Wednesday evening until 8 o'clock. DIR_ECTORIE Jacob B. Shannon. Orme Cadwallader, John Shindier, fifeorae 'Malachi W. Sloan, Charles Leming. 'Jeremiah Comfort, Henri Delany. Nicholas Rittenhosse, Nathan Etmedior, 1 Joe. E. Satterthwaite, Jones Yerkea, John Alexander,_ JACOB B. 8140 NON. President. ICrave CADWALLADBas reagritrer. es23-1r " A Dollar saved istrise earned." BUSINESS. CARDS. A LFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES PATE AN IPEA ' Fu rSPICE, No. 144 ROUTE FOURTH' STEsam,T, PRILADIMPHIL. Patent Lama of U. &Mew) and Europe can be ob tained 'truth!. mill-till B F. GLENN, ACCOUNTANT AND • Red Masts Agent, No. 21S WALNUT Street. (twoOnd floor, Room rt 0.1,) and Southwest corner of Se venteenth and Green. Aettounts adjusted, Books written up. Estates settled, money procured, MOlleltinvested, Real Estate bought, sold, and rented. roh2B-tm* TAMES M. SCOVEL, " No. 113 11172137,1E 4 11,Latge Mh2l4lll * CAMDEN. N. 7 HO. lILLMA N. ATTORNEY-AT . LAW, JEREEY EIIIORE t Pennsylvania. Collections promptly made in Clinton and Lyooming counties. REFERS TO Mews. Walter & 'Caul). rtaladelah • E Asa. Jeratg Shore .t.. . blame . _, lisrarod a & C j o . . ll .ri l i n lad nia a. s ' p attatE him nez : , .ie A g . le ivi r ao , ey t:o .e .rigltto.; Friehmath &Co Gilmore, tr. do.,Thilada.; Tjuttager e g ‘Yodlrr n ap ; , l P ' h alli tlad . a.; Rey nolds, Howell it Rbiir. ph 1 4 4 ' fe M-em - ,- EORGE J. HENEELS UPHOLSTERY ILA and CABINET WAREHOUSE, No. 5 24 WAL NUT street, opposite Independence Sonars, formerly of N 0.173 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. 0.264m* JOHN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS, Nos. 317 and 319 WALNUT 3treatabasement atdree, between Third and Fourth. north aide.) Phila delphia. N. B.—Fine Old Whiikant aiwaye on hand. 04aannanen in 11415.) ia3o-1Y TIVAWSON NIOUOLSON, A BOOKBINDER.% Nag. 619 and 591 MINOR Street, Between Market a ADEnd L Olasetnut streets, PHILPHIA. JAMES RAWSON. JAB. B. xicßoLsort NEIN - 0: S (LA.) PRJAITINE.— JOY„ COE, & Co. MOO teas twoointed sole agents in Philadelphia for thui exterouvair oirimiating paper, of oonunanding in fluence. Thinness men areautvartiging in the beat neve apers of city and country, at the Maces of .10Y, OOP' 4, CO., Advertising Agents, FIFTR and CRESTNIPi atreete, Philadelphia ; Tribune Bui!Mums, Raw York, einai—tr 311:041,PRY-WRIPPLE IRON DEMUR. STONE, QUIGLEY, & BURTON, 4h. 333 WALNUT STREET, BRlDApßi k rgiA, Beg leave to inform Railroiad uotnPanlen: and otheil interested in bridge constrnonon, that they have feinted a connection in sexiness with JOEL W. MURYRY, Civil Enamor, (author and inventor of the above well - kmolnvideal of iron bridge,' and are preeared tormsente or de r s, from any part or the 'Gauntry, trout his Annette and personal anpertritendenoe. MI letters reletjArto /lime and estimate, should be t ad rem ed go YO Krignmer, wpwotp. For STONE. If & HYMN THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY; APRIL 12, 1861. THE RELIANOE Insures against LOSS OR DABIA,HE BY FIRE, on Jimmies, Stores, and other' &inklings, limited or cnttud L and on Furniture,. W 811111• and Mar china's. in town or CASH CAPITAL, OM or 3 IIZ ASSETS Moan od . Which Is invested am follows, viz In Snit mortgagee on city property, worth double the amount— ~ Va,900 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. Suet mortgage loan, at par.—. 6,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad 00.'l 6 per cent se -0004 mortgage lorwi, (433,000) v i a on Huntingdon and Broad Toy Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan— 4,000 00 Ground rent. first-01e0..._2,40 BO Collateral loans, well reoured 2.000 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. loan.-...., 00,000 Allegheny . County 6 per cent. Pa. RR. loan- 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock-- ,-- 6,136 01 Mechanics' Bona stook -- 2,617 00 ronnaylvania Railroad MI !-, • COMP 00 The xellanoe - Mutual Insurance Co.'. stook WOO 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.'e Moot 1,000 00 The Delaware M. 0. Insurance Co.'. st ook _ - 7 00 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s Eric - 080 00 Bill" receivable . 14,30344 Book amounts, accrued interest. Etc. 7,106 65 Cash on hand— 11,066 4)317,14.1 01 The Mutual Drillable, combined with the security of &Stook Capital, entitles the insured to partimpate in the profits of the Company, without liability for losses. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. DIRVCTORS: Clem Zoller. Samuel Biepham, William st,'Yhompson, Robert Steen, Frederiok Brown, William Musser, William Stevenson, Beni. W. Meer, John R. Worrell, Marshall Bill, H. L. 08 , 1110.11, J. Johnson Brown, Ballast Poland, Charles Leland. G. D. Rosengarten, Jaoob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward. Junn Bissell, Pittsburg. CLEM. TINGLEY. President. B. M. RINCUMAN. SeoretarY. " February 16, 1861. ran THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 F . juirempopm erANN. MORDSCAI L. DAwsoll. WILLIAM McKim Gap. IL STuART. NALBRO FRAZIER, JOHN IL BROWN, JOHN M. ATWOOD. B. A. PAHNENTOON, Bahl. T. Matzos, ANDR NW _ D. CAIN. }UNIT WHARTON. J. L. maRINGRIt. P. RAW ORD STARR, Pre;odent CHARLES W. COX& Searatarr. fall PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 991 C HESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL rac. PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE 1N- Insure Lives for short terms or for the whole tarred life ; grant Annuities and Endowments ; purchase Life Interests in Neal Eatate, and make all contracts de pending on the contingencies of life. They act as Executors.* Administrator., Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. _ ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1.1451. Mortg_ages, ground rents, real estate.- .---...115112,981 y7 United Staten Mocha. Treasury notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania, city of itCl4.4 •b. • a ams4ll.ll •• 1•••••••• • Y 8.7113 34 Premium notes, loans on oollatera'n, tk0....„. 237,694 65 Pennaylvania. North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County six per cent. bends 105,802 50 i Bank, nsurance, railroad, canal stooks. &o. 9/eI7 49 Cash on hand, agents' balance.. km.. 35.216 810/1.128 01 DANIEL L. MILLER, President. 13101IIEL E. STOKE/3. Vice President. JOHN W. HORROR. Searetary. mh3S-tf TIELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN- A-. DURANCE COMPANY. THILADRLPHLIL. Inoornoratad by the.Lagistature of Pennsylvania. IRO. Office EL E. oorner of THIRD and WALNUT streets, PHILADEZPITIA, MARINE IIaIURANCE, On Vessehil Cargo. To all parte of the World. ' Freida, I LAND INSURANCE& On Woods by Rivera. Canals,. Lakes. and Lend Oar nag FIRE ll parts of the Union. ItIEURANCEE On - Merchandise generally. On stores. Dwelling Houses, 40, ASSETS OF THE COMPARY, November 1,1067. *MOW United Staten five Wr cent. loan—,oloo.loo 00 1.13.11D0 United Staten aft ir cent. Treastuy Motu, (with accrued interest)_ U 0,463 St 100.000 Pannayiyarda State sr..* 4S , sea, loan. NMI 00 21,000 do. do. IS=: do. do. 21543 00 123,060 Philadelphia City ilik ai f old% Loan. MAW W '30,000 Tenneapee State five opnt. loan-. • 24,000 00 60,000 Pen an Emit° Tod mortgage six W' cent. bonds_...... - 00 15,000 300 shares, .took Germantown gee Company, tuterent and nnnoilint mnirmtited bathe City of Phib,- • /506,700 Dar. Cost 44547436.24. Market va1.81104,256 71 BiIU receivable, for insurances made_— 171.386 42 Bondi and mortgage/I.—. 31,600 00 Real estate —_. . 61,363 36 Balanoesdne at.agenciett—Preminme on Ma rine Policies. interest. and other debts due the Company—. . UMW lin !orb) anir Meek of sundry Insurance and other Companies VIM 60 Cult on hand—in banks-- .17M47/7 70 in drawer—. 4.21 30 - KOMI -DIRECTORS. William Martin, Samuel E. Stokes, Edmund A. Bonder. J. F. Peniston. lekdashilua Paulding, Henry Sloan. John A - . - Penrose, Edward Darlington. John C. Davis, R. Jotteiltrookq, .Tames Tram:Lair, _fte m ,nstiViegut. William Fel, - James C. eau, Robert Barton., Willtam. Ludwig'. Jacob ko,uest, Jew e l, rt. weal, James B. wi'Sdrlaud g Dr. It. M. Ilupton• Joshua P. Erre , George C. Lamer, John B. Bemple, Hugh D. T. Morgan, Charles RIMY, A.ll. Berger, . 1 WILLIAM REARM, President. 711108. C. RAND, Vies President. TABERY LYLBIJRN. Hearst/try. _ daolT-tf 411 15 1 25 110 1 15 116 110 / 10 1 10 05 1 02 01 00 9130 1 20 190 X 1 X 1 20 1 11 1 10 1 07 1 06 06 VIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.— ..1u THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE iNsEsANCE COMPANY—lnomorated 1825—CHART.KR PERPt- TUAII—Ptch 610 WALNUT street, opposite Independ . mice Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six years, oontinnea to minimainst lose or damage by Fire , on public or private Buil ag dinan. either Permanently or for a limited time. also. on Furniture, Moans of amide or Merchandise generally, oih term. Their Vandal, together with a large Samba Fund, is invested in the most careful manner. which enables them to offer to the insured' an undoubted seounty 11l the ease of loss. nuiscroas. Jonathan Patterson. Ism Haslekuret, Quintin CamDWI. ThoEtia4itelitt. Alexander Benson, Daniel mt WiUiatp Monte li ns, John Heslannix, Thomas Smith. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. BEATON SIMI 800Tetallre TN SURANOE COMPANY OF THE Jll- STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA-FIRE AND BU MA RIN 13ILD INSURANCE - NO.. 4 AND EXCHANGE ING& Chartered in 1714—Canital inSl,OOO--Feb. 1,1860, end. Value, 8438,793 77. AU unmated in sound and available secantade—con duns to insure on Teases and Camas, Buildings. Stooks of Merchandise, &a., on liberal terms. DIRRO TORS. Henry D. Sherrerd. Eieorge H. Slush, Simeon Toby Samna! Grant, Jr., °wiseMaca s ter. Tobias Wagner,. William S. S ^, Thortuts IL Wattea, Jahn B. Budd_, _ Henry G. Freeman, William R. Whiq4 Charles M. Lewis. "o r 0. I a ITMERD 'REPIR D. 8 , Pr... Mont WLILIAM. HARPER. Secretary. jef-tf Joseph B. Barr, Frans "Lee, Jassy!' Yerkes, James L. Stephenson. WERE INSURANCE. - MECHANICS' INBIIRAN_Q_E COMPANY of Phikololphis, 138 North SIXTN. Street, holow Race. mum Ingo, Goode, and Merahandige generally from IMPS or damage by rim. The company guarantee to admit all loom prompuy, and thereby hope to merit the patron age of the pablim DIRECTORS. Wliliam Morgan, Robert Flanigan, Francis Cooper, Michael blouson Nemo L. Dougherty, Edward Mogovern, James Marto, Thomas B. McCormick, James Boron, Jona Trozalsi, Matthew hicaieer, Prawns Falls, Bernard Rafferty, _John Cassadx, Thomas J. BOMPJUiII 1MMT 15, 14 naigeniall, Thomas Fisher, Marla. Clark irr"9lll X°Diaawi °Mel Minn, FkANCD3 coorsit, President. BE.R.NARD RAFFERTY, Secretary. A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., 4 -s- INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. 'Raving s large paid-np Capital Block and Surplus, invested in mound and available Seenritiem,_eontinuea to insure on Dwellings , Morel. Furniture . Merehanduie, 'Vessels in port and their cargoes, and ntheypersonal property. All losses liberally and promptly adiusled. Thos. R. Mario. John.Weleh S Samuel C. Norton. Petra ok Brady. . - . TROIKAS R. MARDI, President.' ALBERT C. 8. CRAWFORD. Secretary. fe2l-tf A NTHRACITE INSURANOR COMPA z-Jll, M-_-ituthorised Capital 8180400--CIULIMEN PERPETIP4I..._ oMee It. 11l throat, bet eon Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company will inlmre against km or toms h Fire, on Buildings, Pinang, and Merobandise gene 11114L, Marine Thagranees en Vein% Cargoes, and Freights. Inland lionzigstse to all parts of the Violin. DXMOTair Jaaob I Esher, Jowls litaxl.ll, titdenciri. Io Davis Pearson. m. . Dean, Peter Ilieger, J. B. Ban= /AWE forlitzit President. WM. F. pladMi "UM Frosidellb W. M. WPM, Ileeretary. pe FXOHANGE INSITRA.NOE COMPANY 4 —Office No. 409 WALNUT .Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses. and Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, either limited or per netuaL DIRECTORS Jeremiah Boman, Thomas March. John Q, einnOdo Charlon Thomniolls Edward D. Robe rto, James T. Kale, Samuel L. Smedley, Joshua. T. Owen. Reuben C, Hale, John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BONSALE, President. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vice President RICITAZD Co., Secretary. Ja3l . 'NEW APOTEIEGARY STORE, 1015 CHESTNUT Street. ALFRED B. TAYLOR Would retro.- tfally inform his friends and the public generally, that he bas opened his new Drug and Apothe ea,. atom, with an extensive and earektly-seleeted Meek of Fresh Dregs, Medicines, Phannaoentioal Pre parations, sto. By ay lot personal attention to the preparation of Medicines for family use, and the dispensing of PHYSICIANS' PRIDICRIFTIOIIB, he fs determined to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage hitherto an kindly extended to tom. His stook embraces all the standard remedies ard an pliognees, together with a large assortment of faileT artieles, Cologne Waters, Brushes. &Mks. Perfumery, dm. Mh2o-12t* WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS;__ We have now' n hand. and are manufacturing to order, at the Mount Roily Paper Mills, every de scription of 'WRITING AND LEDGER PAP ERS, which for color and quality. are not excelled by any other Mills in the United states. We would call attention to a new art manufactured by and now for male, ca lled B e am.. Letter, which has been gotten up to meet the wants of business men and others, who object to Commercial Note se being too narrow, and do not wish to use part of usual letter sheet. This overcomes both the above objections ; one per fect sheet, pare wove ; plate finish ruled on side ; ',tamped in centre near the top made from best ma terial, free from adulteration, a nd Pitt UP In neat bones, convenient for use. ' • • e also have a paper called Bank Letter, similar to the above. except it l,s but half the number of lines on, so as to allows pnntentank or headmmibove. KEMYTON & mULLIN Mount folly Springs. Cumberland Co., The above Papers can be had of Messrs:Jai. p. PINCUTT & c 10:, and -MEGARGEE BEDTIMES, Noe. a and 0 .IWCAT btreet. ' mmHg* . __ . _ . . . , _ CIRAVI4IOI.I . E4, URAVE , VIOOI&:. , Lx xi stook of 'Gtava-stailis and Monuments - toll* sehiat very mimed broils. Please osll and e before pashas= elsewhere, at afarlar l1 - 1 .... 7 . ,_ . fill-la RIDGE Avenui Wow is A it. INSDRANCM COMPANIES. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, eV oFFICE, No. 30d WALNUT siREET, PEILA.DELPIU. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLIISIVELY.I COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. WI CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS: low ea., I,two 400 shares Femur/Narita ittroasear,. P axe coi Imo leo ahareallorth ennsylvania Hail road Company— 900 00 1,700 80 *hares Philadelohlalee Boat and Steam Tug Company. 1,200 00 2501 Nimes Philadelphia and 110.9 Te• de- Graaf, Staarg Tow-bpat Company. 300 00 See 2 shares PluladelehmExchange . 120 00 1.000 2 shame Continental Hotel Co.— MO 00 DULECTORs. John T. Lewis, James R. Campbell, Edmund G. Duinh, Chag. W. PeuAna/. Israel Morris. CEPHALIC PILLS 810 K EIEADACHE„ NERVOUS HEADACHE. MLR ALL KINDS OL FrEADA Jail', I By the use of these PAIL the periodical attacks of Nip. eons or sick Ifdadaelis may be prevented ; audit taken at the commencement of an. attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. . They seldom failin removing the Nausea and Head ache to whioh females are go autdeot. They sot gently on the bowels, removing Co3tivonese. - For Literary Mac. Students, Delicate PAtlsto.l6o, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tom and visor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elms dotty and strength of the whole meters. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and oareflillY. Conducted experlinente, having seen in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from nuadaehe, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the sto mach., They are entirely vegetable In their conigneitlani aad may be taken at all tune' with perfect safety without making any change of diet. and the abuses ataxy diaa grumble costs venders it taro to adsnistissor limn so Whiten, SEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS The genuine have live signegurei of Henry C. Evaldine Bold by Druggists and all other Deplane in Medicines. A Box will be sent by mall prepaid on reoeint of the PRIOE, MIS OENTS. AU weirs abould be addressed HENB O. SPALDING.. 413 CEDAR ETREET. NEW YORK TEE FOLLOWIN4 ENDORSEMENTS OF SP.ALDINCI'S OEPIiALICI P.I.CLX,B„ WILL cow viNpE ALL wRO Fso* HEADA.OHE. SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITUIN Ti3EIR 04P/4.• As Mess Testimonials arc 11115101iClied by Mr. BPALD • ING, they affo rd SinglentionaMe proof of the etA. easy of this truly scientific discovery. filxsouviLia, Coon., Feb. 6,1861. Mit. are Lew. are: I have tried your °aphelia Fine. and 0..911 so well that 1 weal you to Bead nie two dollar* worth more. Part'of thew are for the neighbor/, to whom i gave a few of the first box I got from York Bend the Pills by mail, and oblige Your qb't &Event, JAMS! KENNEDY. MR. SPAL ma linvinvortn, N... Bob. 6,1881. gi, .4 SIR. • I Iriihyou to stand me one more box of your Ceyhttlio Pine. I hate received a treat dear at benefit front them. Yours respeottistly, MARY ANN 13TODDIOUSE. 490‘,901 Ii Sistircie Calm, MEIINTINGDoN 00 - 17PITTI Pa..' • January I& 1961. • n. C. Bzwaruor. • - e You will please Bond me two Imps of your Coptudio Bend pew inhuodthrely. • ResooottupY yon p s. r.„, Jots , . aim 1" ply ramrod owl box a your Ititir. _ linvie Tttrutori, Ditto ! . Tartt la. DV. H. 0. S PALDWG, Deg. . Please find enclosed twenty-aye comb:, f 2 oLw y ti q l r o g h g e r e u rr y me another box of your Cepttaiiii rills . Me but Pills / L eave seer uteri. _ _TO_,_ Kit „ Ti.. , „. .. Direct A. SB Bo Veino tt wyattot qq., 0. 131191111. T. Mug.. Dec.ll. M. o,lSpar.anne, I wish, for aotne circulars or large show bing, to bring your Cepbaho Pills More pni tioWerly before ons tomer., if sop hat anything of the kind Mesita send • ' Tao of my customers. who is lublear to severe Riot HeadaoheiNgually lasting tra daYs.o was ell old af Wrack in on Aar' by your P4llB. which I sengher. ResPeetfully W. IL WILKES. lispomptrao, Filarrszai 00., Ohio./ January Ps 1 80/i Haunt C. SPALDITICI I No. 48 Cedar et_,. N. Y. DEAR five Inclosed find twenty-five canto. (X.) for whioh send box of " Cephaho Pills." Send to addrees of Rev. Wm. C. Reynoldeburgi Franklin Co.,_Ohio. • Your Fills work liko a charm—cure Headache almost ix:rawer. Yvaixattr. Max. 1aia.14.1411. Ma. Evarauzse. Ent s Roy long time tint to you for a box or Cia e bs d il t r Elba for the bin* of the NerVeno'Headariba add and received the alma.' and they hrul SO goat ait e rfgf that / teas induettf to Mitt for Flame mend by ftturb vat I. Ilhoot to A. R. WHEELER. Ypsilanti, Mich. Rom the Examiner, Nor.folk, Ts. Cephibo Pilli acioomplish the object for wluoh they wero made, Nu.: Cure of tioadsobe to all fix forme. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They have been tented in more than a thousand eases, with entire income. From the Democrat, St. Closed, Mime, If you are; or have been 'troubled ifith the headache, send fora box, [Cephalic so that you may have them in ease of an attack. • • • /Ism the Advertiser; _Providence...ft./. The Combslio 'Pills are mild to he a remarkably °fee tive•remedy for the hoeuleoheond one of tbb very best for that very frequent complaint which bee ever been discovered. • Rom the Western R. Gazette, Chicago. M. We heartily indent) hir. and hie tutrivalled Cetbaho Pala. • .Pi oset the Kanawha Varies, Star, Ratuitoha, ra. We are sure that persons suffering with the headeoher who try them. Will stick to them. PPM the qouthern, ?ercifader, Net. Orleans, La. Try them ! you that are afiliebid. and 'we are tare - that your testimony can be added to the alreadruumerone Let that has reeeived benefits that no other medicine can produce. From tAa St. Loris Damson. Ito immseito iteniind ibt the article (Cop h a ii o Pills) is rapidly esoreesing. i• - - . • Pi • • .Porn a. Gazette,' Dattenvort, /ewe. Mr. Spaidurg would not connect hie name with an ar ticle he did not knew to Resew real merit. Nroot the Advertiser. Proetdeaeu. R. I. The teetimomr in their favor is strong, from the moat respectable quarters. Froarras Daily News. Nmaport. R.I. cephalic, pine are taking the place of all kisnlc From the Commercial Buthass, Banos!, Man. Said to be very atom:done for the headedhe. Prom the Commerciai, Cincinnati, cl4fc. ilufferiar, htmr,tdt7 cah how botelfiVeld. sir A illorle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE y 11111476 tea time. their cost autittallyMill SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I 414 V.., 11112 YIROBB ECONOMY; DISPATCH • Mr "A STITCH IN TINES SLVNI SIINZ""Si As accidents will happen. even in well-regulated families, it is oozy de le to have tome cheap Cud convenient way for repairing Furniture. TOTE, Creeks- T y. ko. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE . • meets all rush emergencies, and no honitehold oan afford to do Without it. lt la Miran ready. and up to the nicking taint. USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N. B.—A Brush aeoolzipanies eaoh bottle. Prise, 2S Cents. Address, 1 - TENRIr C. EirAL•DING. NO. 48 CEDAR ETRE/3Z NEW YORK. earixon. As certain lin f rul t digs are itlt9tatt4g to paha cat do the' %augmenting raltto, ftattlititata of 4IY PRICPAILED GLUE. I would caption all persona to ex. Junius bear* puzahaais' r g, goalies that the fall mum. • to lIPAIJMNG'S•PREPARED 134,1/BAII is as:ke esti& wrarrair all intim an infixwisi immuderbilso &VW UDICINAL. THAT • Truk , ' yours WM4 C. FILLER RAEGROAp 1406. 18 .RIN . er i. 1861. i ig griffl ille'Blrlll,, sp6 ARfVrEsAVrgwor OAD irdEr. TORE AND WAY FLA • • gam WHARF 'NNW. IItheINSTON DRPOT WILL. be.AVI.; A 8 Fol.boWß, VIZ • At 6 A. M., via Camden and AmbOy, C. and A. An oommodation -511 22 Ate A. M., _via Camden eud Jamey City, (N.J.) A 0091511101101211 e 22 At 8 A.. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning 00 At UM A. M.. vas, Kensington and Jerse y eit7. Western Ittpress, 100 At 123 i P: M., via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation—• •-•- 2 22 At I P. M., via Camden and A . m . ooy, C. and A. Ex .-- 5 00 Ar r irP, Ni l via Kentilliition and Japing Cib, 818 - Arill:Nr#lt ~ 6 00 a Kensington and Jersey Clt2i 2 1 , 726 Ate?. M.. rut Camden and Jamey City, Evening Mail— 3 OD Atll3 P. Jersey - dricrifatll7: ere mail . 726 ACAmboy lion. (Freight and l'asienger}-let Clam Ticket_ 2 25 Do. do. 1.1 Chian TWO L., 1 60 The Or fd Mail Line runs daily. The Mt ft South - ern Mail, Wan:lays excepted. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville., Flamitittee, Ito., at 7.10 A. M. from Kennington, and 21: I'. M. from Walnut-street wharf.' For Water tispistrouoirborg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre. n Motrose. Groat. Bend, ho.. 7.10 A. M. from Kepeiectoe, via Delaware. Laokawanna and Wemteraiti 6 , • For Mauch Chunie, - Allentcrwn, and .Betblenem at rao A. Marom Kensington Depot,and P.M. from Wal nut-street wharf ; (the 710 A._sl, line connects with as train leaving Eton at 3.35 P. in.) 111 For Mount Holly, ate and BA. 81,3 and 434 P. 15. • For Freehold, at 6 A. M.. and 3 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, ike.. at 7.10 A, M., d% and 25 F. M. from Kensington, and 635 P. M. from Walnut etreet Netted. _ yoor Albans, Riverton Deleneo, Beverly, Ihrirling- Mitt et Ylerenae, tiardento l on, fie.. at MC I. Da and I . {Or Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate plaoes,at Ili P. M. from Walnut street wharf. Tor New York, and Way Linre leave Kensington Depot, take the ears, on Fin street, above Walnut, holism hour before delearture. The oan run into the depot, and on arrival Of each train, run from the depot. plitz pomade of Baggage, only j allowed each Pesten- Damengent are prohibited from taking' anything as llt sage but their wearing aPParel. All baggage Over pounds to tie vaid for extra. The Company limit their reeponsibihty tor baggage to One Dollar per ponno, and will not be liable for any amount beyond aim. ex °apt by epeoial contraot. • mh27 WM. R. GATZME.R. Agent. WINTER ARRANGE NM ME N T.-PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AN NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after ONDAY Nov. 12, 1860, FOR • RERSLANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia. 6, 7,8,9. 10. 11, and 12 A. M., /i r 3, 336.4.6 6 E, 6. 7,8, 9„ 10R, and 1134 P. M. Leave Germantown. 6. 7, 736,8. 836. 9,10, 11 end 13 A M., 1,9, 3,4, 5,6, 635, 7 B. 9, and 1035 1% N. ON SUNDAYS , Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 mm. A. M.. 7. 7, and 1036 P. M. Leave Germantown. 8.10 rain. A. M., 1.10 min., 6, and 934 P. M. CHESTNUT RILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, and 13 A. M.. 1, 4, 1,8, and lehr P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7, 10, 735, L4O, and 9.0. and 11.40 A. M.. 1.40. 3.40. 6.10.• and 8.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phlledelphin i 9.0 f A. M.,1, and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut BAIL LAO min, A. M., 1760, 6.40,a1kd MO nun. P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philaaelphia,, 734, 906, and 11.06 MM, A. M., 1.011, 3.06, 436.6.x6, and 1 P. M. andL ve M 6 P. ea Norristown. 6. 7 1* , &011, 9, and 11 A. M.,134, 436. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M and 3 P. M n Nord,- to.m. Leave Norristown 7M A M. and SP. M. • FOWMANVUNR. Leave Philadelpina, 1.60, 7 4. 9 4 06, and 11.06 A. M.. sa, OWN OIL Lel, 8 .M.i. 1 /34 r• Leave Pdanarank. 634.734, e. 86, en. 1134 A. 114. , Mi. 6, 634, and SIR, P. M. AN SONDAY6/. • Loreß A. AL. R. ARO 7 P. M. Leave Momenta. TH IM_ A . aliM and , S.F. M. R. R. SMI, oenerrd Supenntendent. nolo-tf ,DE POT. NINTH and:GREEN Streets. . . . . .. . . , er, . • . N 0 R TR , ,PENNSYL , . .. ... ... f ii - - , VANIA R . MOM/. ••.: , : f.,:-.,:, :,,,, - e: N. 1/01ILEBTO/ _' 'MAUCH ,' ; ' BTUNcend 'ED •LEL , • :0; - E', ROUVR.T.RAI a. 04 wickeifter ;... b NDAY,Defeinber &Mee, Pass emer Trainimill jeaVe FRONT and WILLOW Btmetp;Phila delphia. daily (SodaYa exaeptiOyOuiloHown At 140-A. Aleextoreee).fot Rs tideheuir A ll entown. Manch Chnoilt, aileton, - Wilkeeliarre, &a. At Lei P. M., (E.Xpress), for .Bethlehem, esaton. &o. This train reaches Easton ate P. M. and maim close connection with New Jersey Central for New York. &o. At 6 P. M.. for Bethlehem , . . Allentown Mauch Chin*, At 9A. AL and 4 P. M. for Doylestown, At e P. M., for Fort Wastungton. The 6.30 A. M. Express train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shorted, and, most desirable route to Wilkesbarrs, and to all wants in FORhlg_h conl_region. . TItaINSPOILADBL.P.BIA. Leen Bethlehem at " A. M.. 93e A. M.. and MAI P M. • Leave Doyleetown at 711 A. M. and SAO P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.41 A. M. ' ON SUNDAYS.—Philadelphia for Fort Washington 819.30 Ai M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Washingtonfor Philadelphia at 2.40 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem-491 30 i b F . are to Maud' Chtink.s2 60 Fare to Easton 150 Fare to Wilkesbatre— qIR Through Tickets must procured at the Tinged Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BERES Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Pawner Trains ( q2sqept Sunday Trains) connect at Berke street with Fifth and Sixth - streets, and Second and Third-streets Fomenter Railroads, twenty minutes after leaving Willow Street. oes-er "ELLIS CLARE'. Agent. A P N B D I R L s A A D D E NP(I.HIRAILA ROAD.—PARStiNGER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, READING, end HARRISBURG, on and after Nov. Bth, 1861. MORNING lams, DAILY, (Eandays &snouted.) Leave New Depot. earner of n' ROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PIdILADELPHIA,(Paasen t Ier entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill street., at BA. Pa., 4prumoting at Harrisburg' with the PEN SYLVANIA RAILRLAD, 1 P. M. train miming to PitiebsirB i the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.08 P.M.. train razulinr to Chamberaburg,Cerhale Jco.._• and the NORTHERN D CENTRAL RAU.ROA IP. M. tram, running to Sun bury, .ter AFTERNOON LINER. Leave. New Dep_ot„ corner of BROAD and CALLOW RILL Streets,Pßll ADELPHIA,(Paanenger entrvieles on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets,) for POWS VILLE and HARRISBURG, at &MP. 84. DAILY, for READING only, at 1.80 P. M. DAILY. (Sundays ex oepted.l_ DISTANCES VIA P RAILROHILADELPHAD.LI 4 .N111 READING FROM_PHILLDILPEII. To ft;cenizville—..— adism-- - _ an ille p rib hin murt .-14 s Trevorton-Junotion-IM Northumberland .—.ITI —U2 ROLI Knney—. Withal:moon —209 Jeriezilhore VtOlg JIPOSF 141 4- - •"="•= Or . OP ilitranatert nun Elmira . ..48r Railroad. The BA. M.; altd - 8:88 AL trar oopneet dull at Port Clinton, (Eundnre exeoptet . 11 to-the cArA WISSA, NILLIAMStORT., aja RAILROAD. making close sonnoopone !Nth nee OM:WM FrA B, CanAdo._thi) West and Elonlorlutt. DEBUT IN PHILA_DEL AL& : Corner of ROAD end CALLOWRILL - threats. etat-tf W. H. McILITENNEY. Se rotary T' PENNSYLVANIA OENT EAT XLIIIMOAN. _ nail MILES DOUBLE TRAM __ 1861. Af'"4.4liisouir 1861• THE CAPACITY OF Till! ROAD _.M. NOW TIQL AL TO ANY IN THE COU NTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINs RIMY - BEN PHILADELPitiA A.ND PITTSBURG, Cannoning dived at Philadelphia with Through Train, from Balton, Neer York. and allpoints but, and in the 'mon Depot at Pittsbnlg with Through Trains to and from all points in the We e t, Northwest, and Southwest —thri• fainiabing faailitide for the treinnipytetion of Peneengglill uzgiurr* IN;h4d tAla calerfrt b 7 ma/ alltantitbe. roiN and Fast Lirq tin:omit ta Pittsbing. without &Wise provid ed; °Ws. gal tniongl Pee ganger insit imughridge s ratent Brage—snaed under perfect gantlet of the engineer, thug adding much to the safety of traveller,. Smoking Can are attached to each Traini, Woodruff's Sleeping Cara to Eames, and Fast Tnuni: 1. The GAMBLES RUNS DAILY : Mail and Fast Lines. Su days anointed. gen usm leaven Pkilaiolnkla at 8.00 A.M. Fast Line HA A. M. ftwess Train leaves " 10.48_1'. WAY TRAINS LEAVE ARlid 4 oVll l ii Harrisburg AesommodaMon, Pie mina. I .N. fiehimMet ii LOO . - .Farkesomi . 1 11.301'. • West Charter Passengeri will take kS Mall, Parkes bar/ Accommodation. and_Qolumbia Tram,. Passengers for liuntrem Williamsport, Elmira, Beira lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate panne, Musing Phi ladelphia at 8 A .00 A. M. and 3 P. M. go direatly_through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the °Moor ofthe Gampany in , Philimialikuti Nei 'York, Boron, or Bal timore ; and.Tiskate .mrtergrd at any of the important Railroad °Saes En - the West; also on board any of the regular lbw of Steamer, on the Mississippi or %la neer& sir Fars always u low. and time 1i WO, n , by any ether Rolla. • For farther informaties_ApAis at the Passenger Sin- G Southeast_ comer or nth and Market Streets. The eemielslioa Of the Western connections of the Ponkirrennia Rashroaddoa i narnake this the DIRIAT AiNE BET w Baare AND THY. ._ GREAT W T. • Thioenneeinea of graolm by the _Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg.-avaiding ali_llrnrege or Kornai, qrV I SI together with Mis saving o f time, aret.ihuantg appreciated by Shipmeem - rs rpeigki, worm , v•I a lb; j a Pablie, . retire Auld Shipper. antra mg the trpartation then _Might to tins Comae', san rely with sone genes on its siaedy transit. TEL RATBS OF FREIGHT to and from any paint in the Wert by the Pennsylvania Railroad ors at ail Mass as J'aforrOis as art ihkairrad by Mks, Raiiread Berva putter* te mark tutus/ " Vs Palau. la- - Far Frfiglit Contracts or Shipping Direetione, annly to, sr addrame either ef th e fallowing Agents of the C. ... MY: p. A. 111111y.UtT , Fine:am 1.1. Pierce 4 co., Zamosvillit.o.; J. inoliztates Lyle/ O: R. filaNeeirt_MAylenile, Ky.; Ormsby-%trapper, Portsmouth,__ O.; Feeilook & Co ., Jefferson , indi- ; si, it t e l l; . W. Brown 0 ,.. co .b. CinotTulati, 0.1 . .Alhoin la . gg, R. linergAnnieSliella.g:p: m i IP iley t 1 r anivi tiami 1 1 VA y r .4 .6,1 7o . . Aar or, rreehet. low 'e & tirtoireres , woo.; ular• & , 0 sago, i ,_, .• W. .ft. - Koontz, Alton. Hi.; or .a Flair ht tante, Railroads at dinar/int pane; vii v . w,....t. • • Edi t or& IIT ?obit& Philade lphia. icNotir ee,t Gallimore idiza t . & co., Lutor Home, or 1 S. William et., LT. r CO. Stoical:rest, Boston. 2,,, pit On, Gen'l Freight Aged ,'t T'g ll s. 1. MU . Gen') Ticset 4 ;qui, - - kniks. - E. LEWIS. gran a.; - 04 40 41 046'1,w lep-17 I ------ *EST CHESTER AD, AND YHILADELPHIA AWRO VIA MEDIA. BPRINO AARA_NGEMENT, On and after Monday. Mere& 11, 1861, the trains Irt leave Philadelphia, from the Depot, northeao came! of Eighteenth and Market st:o34, at .1.60 A. M., on 4, WAIL,/ P. " • " • The Ers , igllt Train, with passen_ger oar attached, will 1,1 asp Wffst Philadelphia at 6 A. hl., running as lar as the * Baltimore Central Junction. On Sunday s , leave Philadelphia at 8 A .84. and 6 P. id.; leave West Chester at 7.60 A. hl. and 4.60 P.M. The trains leaving - Philadelphia at 8 A. 14. • ^d 4 P. its. eonneet at Pennelton with trranq Patti/glib and 11.41timore c-prai iiiiiird4o2. for "Kennett. ord. 41BNPLY WOOD. tflba General Superintendent. WEST ()HESTER DRAINS via PENNBYVVA- M7IICWIT:IitOA ir, e depot, corner ELElrrni sul MAME% st v &01) It. PC. 11..10 P. 14 1 , 3.1 lylle-ti T“III3SINISS MIN.—An excellent ohenoe for reliable busmen, men to mecum a PTO fitatde miumfaaturing butoneoi, rectum; but a small capital in its "establishment and prosecution. . Tne manufacture 001111iStS in the inielmation of a us culler composition or enamel to common red bricks, and a renew of other building material. ornamental architectural finishing's. ceilings. tiles tor floor* and for roofing. '1 his enamel may be tinted of any color, from the Pursuit white to the deepest black. with all the colors and shades between. It meant( to toe articles to which it is implied a hardness and durability almost inoredt. Me. and a beauty sureaming that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marbles, and, unlike them, is impervious to moisture, and will never fade, stain, or deteriorate, costing but a freictional part of the price of ordinary marble. Ins also Valuable for table and stand tops, mantel.- el es ,. monuments, and an endless variety of other of mare we. 'rho proms of anglyteg the enamel ample, while the articles eueuiesed will com mand a ready sale; affording large brofits. Responsible parties may proeutelialmses for manufacturing under tike pateitt for any city or prominent town in the United Mutea*.bi applying to the will be tintill tariff ou the mamma manufeletured will be removes:ller the use of the invention: Circulars giving lull par ticular. will be forwarded to all itimlipents. L . Ile superior merit and beauty of this enameled um Mg Material to anything in use has the unqualified endorsement of many of tne most eminent architect' and meentille men of this and other For particulars, address - JOHICION & PRAM.. BeneralAgents for Feemeled Building Material, app dam SIS NASSAU Street, New yews WEEKLY COMMUNIOATION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, oalhng at CIDEENSTOWN.Igre- Joni.) to land and embark passengers and despatches. The Liverpool, New York. and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's splendid Clyde- built iron screw steam sliimi, are intender' to sellas follows i FBOlB NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. RANCARoo Saturday, April IS EDINBURGIL Saturday, April 20 GLASGOW. Natu•day, April 6 And every Saturday throughout the year, from P ER No. 44 N. R. RATES OF .PABRAGE TRROUGH PROM. PHILADELP.HIA. Cabin, to Queenstown. or Liverpool. .......... In Do. to .London, via Live rpool -........--............ - 880 Elteerege to Queenstown. or Liverp001.,........-- $3O Ro. to P0L1C1911 ! ............ tt , i.....,-.•...,...--...,.....„ 833 from Liverpool,...._. . 848 Passengers forwarded to Havre. Paris, Hamburg, Armen, and Antwerp, at through rates. Ce tificates of passage issued from Lworpool to New York B4O Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown to New sge Theta steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, are oonetimiteu with watertight °lmpart ments. bed carry experienced burgeons. For creight, or passagelly at the o & of the Corn- PAuf J N 13. DALE, Agent. 1.09 Wa nut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool. to Whf. INMAN. In el Tower Buildings. • einew. sia'wm. 101_ _PdAtti. 13 Hum West. rid Iddelnnis. end Reeding arid /Abaci/ 'Mai ILL rigLSTIR BRITISH AND NORTH AmERIUKft -- xcaTas, 744,14. frizotg... No ern Central. Tnent NNW TORE TO LYTTOOOOI. Chia( Cabin Panaagn--.—•..--.--......,110 Seatini), Cabs& Pomace --..—.. ........... 73 num* BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL, Cliiof Cabin Paua5e..........--..,.. —BM bec i eEo Caliin rannage..................—.. IQ Tbe a pa from New York calla& Cork flanbor. The ps from Boston aall at Habias. and Cork Rar bOr_ fERBIA, Capt, J ndkine. fARRICA:Caot. Shannon. ARABIA, Ca_pt. J. Stone. !CANADA, Capt. Anderson. ASIA, Capt. E, G. Lott. AMERICA, Qapt. McAuley AUSTRALASIAN NIAGARA. Capt. Moodie. ()apt. E. Al.*Wiley. EUROPA, Capt. S. Cook. SC lA, (now building.) These vessels carry a olear white light at man-head ; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow, CANADA, Anderson, leaven Borto3i, Weriaesosy, April 8. Af A RICA, Bhannon, " tj. lArk; Wednesday, April 10. ROPA, Co?lc, " Boston, wedatiedaY, ADM 17. P MLA, indciis, " N. York, Wednesdar , Art 26. N AUAR.S:, Moodie, " Boston. Wednesday, ay I. ASIA, Lott, " N. York, Wednesday, May 8. ARABIA. Stone. " Boston, Wednesday, May la. AFRICA, Shannon, " N. Xork. Wednesday, :gay V. Berth. not secured until paid for. An experienoed Surgeon on board. The owners of these shins Nell swabs &co:mutable for Gol4. Silver, Bultioz.lizeele. Jewelry... Precious atones Or Oletaill,HC:4l4e OM( Of lading aTe sigxultle for, and the vaina thirei . therein e.A.rai.ed. or Want or nabage.aottig to ' E. ou ARG, ni hf-tf 4 Bowling Green. New York. 5.017 and Erit 4. 4. . _ FOR THE SOUTH.—OHARLES TON AND SAVANNAH ISTEASISHIPS. Bill' Mina forgoods for points other than the *Wei of Charleston and Savannah, mast be 11000MDalliinl with certified invcioce, to Immo prompt delivery, All goods not permitted immediately afor Arrival of the steamers at Charleston e.O Sr.*,llnth will be sent to the Custom-hwisel - qre The Steamship isTATß•i.W G EORGIA hawing_been withdrawn for tys pfeaent, the Steamship KEYSTONE ISTAT. 4 I will run to both Savannah and Charlea:on, raging freights for both ports at the same thee, pro ceeding firm to Savannah, and from therwe to Charles ton, making a trip every two wiptkoi'altta making de liveries es frequently in (The/Aston and Savannah sa when belt, ships wimq routing, Passengers,tpir iaerleston will be ticketed though Bayoonali to Charleston by Fertile Savannah, au; tbrou Charletton, $l6. ' FOR CHARLESTON A BAA.NNATI, The Steamship KEYSTONE STATE,Capt. (Amite P. Earthman , will receive freight until aturday tve lung, April 13, and fall wit despatch. floods received every day, Wm Bills of Lading Creed at se vA 4 wharf above Vine Weld .x. uteunta.r4u. ptont l t and ism: ranee on a large proportion of Goods 40 410 d SOMit will be Sound to he lower by time &hive tba . by muting Temple. Ineurencie on all Railroad Freight is entirely linnet:leeway, farther than Chsrlowton or Savannah, the Railroad Corneal/41 taint all risks from these points. Philadelphia to New Orleans and intermediate points, C:iartesten and Savannah. route. oonneoting with ilteement for Florida. and with railrcad for New Wiese; and intermediate points. eABAT ABDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 23 to Al per coot. cheaper than by the Inland _Route. ea will 'be neon by the folicwing schedule. elvi sh tickets from Pluledelphia, via Charleston s4l andavanneh steamships, INCLUDING lon the ole rotate, except from Charleston end etavanneh to Pdontronlerr : TO Sevannati---.Su. u To Colunsbus...—.-. • ISSI 00 leston.— 15 00 Albany non 11 SO ttIOT e tF S , • • 15 ° 1 30 ldODl rifle Allem& --. el 00 New leane..... ye N. B.—Pangengere bit this route wawa with the In land Route South Carolina and Georgia. travelling by ttla Silingminvityancee thenoo to New Orleans. .No Dint! ix fading ingiied after Die ship has Balled. No freight r..9.111 1 d on riot. Vale eg?nu ur'Cueriatet, et, . 30111innah. Hi; ER & GANIMELei 5. 4. T. q. BUDD, Charleston, and HIJATER 13 avemilbh.witi attend to etitennt and lor- Warding all goods isOnsixtied to their oaye. ELMIRA ROUT 3.— PITILADELP4I4 AND Eli- Mi th R at a 41)* . a (.1 0. T Ir s ,.. li Sti "ii,,i4.eutoti, t•Wit_;wlu6k, Re Pert, 'Wit : - ,Q, n .1 6 Dilnillie, miltover!l -- ttz „ tan nton, Etmint , alo, N air: Yawn r, 0 eveland.,,Detrott oledo, Vor oago, t. min, MI wankee , and all point. N orth an d fpiiinger trains will leave the new Depot of t h e Phi ladelV. and Reading Railroad , corner yi_sziAD end OAL WRILL Streete, (Peasenew , ...,.. ', woe on Cal lowlii 1 strost,) daily (tSandt -; unitised), for above pinata. as folls . vri , DAY • fria_______ __SAO A. td. lree A. Al. Mtn connects at Etagart i for Wag* WijIWMAINDII3tOO% 8V.F,VW102116. the abov e . trails cake deft*, n.a.ilebotiona at lours with _the tro.w of the New 4,4 and Erie, Quilt . aim and Niagara F i gki„ayio . , New York_ and Erie, cue rte.. Tor* CI.; !near, troln all Do la n North and w i se t ;,44,6 th e we oh to Arnim, Enfralo, and litiTopygor Br' e. and allt , tonnertiata ircaints. Tie eta can be t rrured at the Pbt!e4a4,ll:a end El polls Railroq.L.r e • Tnkot Ottor Tr earvikr of 1813.T11 and CR . L:NUT SI ai my Depot. oorner 0 lffir . 4 l cr L or , TH_Rome . Jir RAIN Leave Zit 1 dal pan It ;Jag Depot, road Lad Caltlir t. l .a, (itva.,. exoented), for ell robin . ma , 11 1. at 6r. in. Fa gilt' r b. Kiverea before IP. M. to Was* their goll_g ar o , ur d im n lit 1) Tftilaivr . A .ly i d ui d i .tb i irift i t, Vtr ._ "Di% e 5 ,...- 1 k' , eneral Arent. Kinkwat earner 11 *l* ape tokrzoirti r;farrealle, iteti-tf Phi ladolokte 14DAILY INLAND t FREIGHT LINE TO NOR ',' L.K. AND FOR BMOUTH. V... and to the prinel , Cities and Towne in the eouth and Eel:t:t aweet. I t ili ode sent to the Depot. owner BROAD IStreet and WABRINGTOI Avenue. will be forwarded daily, end at aa low rates as by any other line. H. F. KENNEY, Master of Transpoytatlon ath2f-tf P. W. & ts. R. H. Co, • ' NOTIOE.-011ESTER VALLRYILAILROAD.—PAR ss ISR,TRAINSI R p9_7lrEi7N AND R, Raid Kis ISTATIYR. 81q1 ler Nov. at h . no the Passenger suns rDO ZYJNOTOWN Iniestart, from the new arise r rir Popot 0,1 um h u l a _ del Ills an Vig R&D CommtLy , ooroo r o f EiRvAD end t; bowßila, Irente. 4WD/tiger ea gralnle on Callow 0,1,2 MORNINQ TRA./e for Downingtown leaves at Sne 4 ...ARN00N TRAIN for Downingtown liars, at 41P . ALL (hndayg *zagged). 7 order of the Board of Xia g ars of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroadang -W. R. IdnfilMNY,Seerotary. for isle bt Sid •••• • • SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & 00., No. 429 MARKET STREET SALE THIS (FRIDAY) MORNING. AT 10 O'CLOCK. A CARD.—The attention of puroheners is requested So our lade or 400 loco fancy and staplo French dry goods, to be sold this ( Friday) morning. April 12, at 10 o'olook. by oatalogue, on ma months' credit, oomprising • 6 large assortment of seasonable goods. NOTICB.—TO RETAILERS. Inoluded in sale this morning - blank STOS de Rhinos and plaid grog de Naples. —9-8 gingham.. lawns, and brilliants,. printed barogeg, OtIlYO baroB94. 8-4 barege Anglin*, organdi ea. black barese robes, double jape. French fancy mutat mares and paletotm phinnookii, linen oambrlo handk.rnhtefg. mitts. gleves,/co. FRENCH NEEDLEWORK EM BROIDERIES. French needlework sets.. New /Lyle plain and embroidered linen aets, gauntlet Altolnsertions and collars. , 20 08888 silk parasols. SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. This Morning. April 12, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on six months' oredit— coo packages and lots of fanny and staple French dry goods, Famplas and catalogues early on morning again. PARIS PRINTED ORGANDIES. BA gEOES. he. Thus Morning, pieo4ll Falls printed organdies. • baregen. '•" plaid gingham. " grisaille poplins. PRINTZ, BRILmArtraLAWNS, AND 131D10 HANDL cases London chintz prints. 4 9-8 chintz brilliants. 7 " " 9-8 printed lawns. " 9-8 Misnoheeter ginthams. Also-- 689 Stella and printed Cashmere shawls. 800 pieces neinsook and check 60 pieces 6-4 fano,' French casaimeres and paletots. French needlework embroideries. French black fillet mitts. Silk ties and black silk cravats. VERY ATTRACTIVE SPECIAi• AND PEREMPTORY SALE OF BARONY WOVEN Llama Gutsla MESSEIS.V 2 F. SCHNEIDER & CO. Will sell, through FURNESS, BRINLEY Er CO., AUCTIONEERS, No 429 _edlAlli.f r ET ELTREET, TUESDA MORNING, April 16, at 10 o'clock, 0,0.0 PIECES, The entire balsam of this season's importation of EAXONY WOVEN DRESS 00005, Of their welt known manufacture and favorite styles. compmsing_ the moat desirable line of this olaas of goods to be offered this season, all of the ohoioest fabric. and novelties. The larger proportion are adapted to pear-by and city trade, and plot landed ex steamers New York and Borussia, to which the attention of buy ers is particularly called. pietiesplain gray chine Leonoraa, staple and very desirable, best finish in the market. pa Macedontaa small set figure chine, superior qua lity and designs, for limit oar trade. pa Porn peas. A, large plaid, broohe figure, Superior Quality, excellent style, very desirable for best Oily trade, —pa Pompoms, B, gray chine, broohe figures, most ex pensive and very scarce. —pa Sardinian, chine plaid, corded satin stripes, and broohe figured. a superb style. —:ps cioilias. imprime, gran chine, striped and small plaid, high colored set figures, very expensive. —ps Gnssille, imprime. gray chine, plain striped, and small plaid. high oolored sit figures, very high coat for best city trade. pa AMellall, gray small chine and ex broohe three colored figures, very costly. 1)11 Sveranzas. double width, tray chine and extra broohe bouquet, the most expensive style in the sale. pa Berea. Serafintia,imatillplaid, of the usual splendid assortment, quality, and superb coloring. ps B h Berate Thessaas, large plaid chine. pa Barege Messinaa, gray chine large plaid with satin Stripes, impart) style. —pa Barege Rosaliaa, chine large plaid, gold stripes, all the race. —ps Bemire Hispanotas, broehe figured, chine plaid, superb style and elegant qualities. ps Barege Aussontas, gray chine large plaid, with satin stripes and broohe fifUrell, a magnificent style. —ps Barege Palermos small plaid, striped op and down, bigh colored so; figures, for the boat oity trade, UNDERWRITERS' BAt,E, FOR mum. On Tuesday Mormng, April 18. at 10 o'clock. oases ginghams, prints, lavellaa, lawns, Mozam bique., oases, white goods, damaged by fresh water •er ship John Tzneki. NF. FAINTUOAST. AIJOTIONEER, Sue. • deism to B. Scott. Jr:. 431 OIiESTNIIT fit. I.IRST SPECIAL BALE OF STRAW GOODS, By catalogue, on a credit. This Morning, April 12, commencing at 10 o'clock. NEW SHAPE EONNErS. cases ladies' rid• misses' late-styles pedal braid, Coburg, chic, and Florence bonnets; new Myles colored and spot bra , ci do FANCY HATS, PLATA, &o. Mieua' and- children's trimmed and untrimmed Ade laide, Benvelarde, and other lanai hate ; Leghorn and braid flats, willow mod palm bonds, &c. HATS, HATS. Also, men's and boys' white and colored hats, palm hat., &o. it/BDONS. FLOWERS. AND MIjALINEKY GOODS.AIeo, Gnome opting style rails punnet ribbons. Nos, Homo French artificial flowers, crapes. blonds, meta, &o. pRILIP FORD t 00., AUCTIONEERS, •AL , No. 630 MARKET Street and 221 MINOR 3t SHIPPITIC SPIEC/AL NOTICE RAILROAD LINES. Eg=;==!ffl ./1101dAZ.; IL SONS, L• • • No, 139 and 141.3ontri I , m (Formerly 'cos. el nud 4 PIe.RKAI PTO!? V RA 1., F — filTOOKEl i lit 06,,i On Tuesday, ielin hi Ann! 10, noon. al. the Exchange. will 1,. FOlvl IN ithout reaeree. for account of whom it cern— . iiint ro,: $3,200 (3 bonds of 81,01:10, and 2 of RIP 3 each i pi ~ delPhia and Baltimore Uentral Railroad Curn,4 'Hot. 1,000 shams Thirteenth and Fifteenth streets 11 ger Railway Compitey. - 044 e, WO Illigit94 Roc and Vine-streets Passahge r a ‘ ii v., COUIVID 1 • 100 ewes iamnount and Arab-street Car PR0.,48, Railway Company. . 28 Fo o r b ac ar eo ea u p n h i j o jad f weihpohmisita Mutuala mar con ß ew— scms 440144. tioi—p sr 4175, full paid. Ishare Philadelphia Library Comets,. 1 share Mercantile Library. REAL .EBTATE BALE-APRIL It, Orphans' Court Fate-Bstaie of Elizabeth io, h _. deseased.-TWO-STORY BRICK DWKLlVir'''. 1061 Frankford avenue. south of Otter attest. ' '. fte Same Estate.--VALUABLE LOT. DWpi i . &e., 12 mires, Twenty-third ward,';,, Iri,ll, BARN, coopereville. betw adjoiningecond street turner'at Front- street road. the elegant onnni n • 410 Dr. Barton. late Jaeoh !Ulmer, deceased. l e4t , tf Orphans'tart Bale-Estat e of Samuel lae2V eiiimed.-dfX cr. BURIAL LOlB. Mount Stormy :de ten'. They are well boated. and form a gqcsr - n - DESIRABLE COUNTRY SEAT. ever IS . ar ,, between the o xford and tecond ;1'144' Twenty-third wa. re ti Peremptory Bale.- ELEGANT MODRRN ant .1013:00.E and large lot, Tutpehooken street, aspic:l 4 Wayne street. Germantown. Peremptory Bale.-THREE.STOONT BRICK DIVi LING ,Brown street, east of Eleventh street. -I , &TORN AND DWELLING. smutheest corne r of c, veiith and State streets. between keel and What '''' THREE-STORY ERICK DWELLI AB, :4 4 4 0 , 1 r, .. Fourth street. TEE-BTO gY BRICK DWELLING. with su ~, modern imurovemento, Pro. 986 North Sixth street '"' vecrARLE POI/A 'STORY ROTEL, known ' h. ~ I mumble. House," east side of Bross etieei. Il i" north or Aroh street, and near to P eon R, nos. il te tt VALUABLE WIAT PHILADELPHIA VRapke TY.-Large and waluan!ii ,sot, northwest eonie-r7 Chestnut and William, or Thirty-1310'h, Ergots, no i ; 1111Kjeet. Two valuable fronts. Two RESIDENCES.-Also, two neat Residesou adjoinj p.g on William street, eaoh lot ISO N et I , . One of them bee also a front on a back street, 1) mn • will b•iold separately. er RACE CEET.tore and Dwelling memo lue street, with two story brick 'hop In theni hilt! bark street. COATES STREET.-Three-etory brick Tavern Std Dwelling No. 1806 Coates street, WALNUT STItELT.--Neat Residence. tie. 1, Walnut street, between Broad and Pifteenilthisger; 156,000 may remain. ii - VHNTH BALE AT THE fIIRAgD 1101:5t. SUPERIOR CHAMBER o.. FURNITURE. CARPI. t kn. ea Mondar Morning, April 16, at 10 o'cloes, by catalogue, at the ( Lie r House, Chestnut street. below Ninth , a quantity or ,; perior chamber laruittire, One hair in airmen. resat; bolsters and gallows. &a. Also. Brussels, Imperial apd ingmn tampon'. Also. a quantity of r•lfiee larniture.deska, mtge.& Atte. a largo and NIIPOTIOT Iron safe, mule p. u r i Herring, cost $7OO, suitable for &jeweller. ." W May be examined on Saturday, from 9 to 9 o'clort. Sale No. 1303 Chestnut Street. gLEGANT FLIRISRXRE. MIRRORS, PlaNt, CHANDELIERS, VELVET CARPETS, Av. On Tuesday Morning. April 16th. at 10 o'olook. at No. IE3 Chestnut street, by catalogue— The entire furniture or& lady deolining housekeephs, 00mprunng of roaewood and brocatetie drawin-room furniture, pianoforte by Gale & Co, handsomer mantel and pier mirrors, fine velvet carpets, patted wars. China and glens' ware, superior walnut c h afe b e , fenii. ture, fine mu-trews, cottage furniture. oil moths, e c . Also, a quantity of fine preserves; also, the kitchen furniture. sip May be examined at 8 o'clock on the motions s t the sale. - Sale No. 1111 l'hestnut Street. ttitLENUILI CABINET FURNITURE:. FIRST-CL,AI3B OIL PAINTINfiI, FINE ENGRAVINGS, STATUETTES, VELVET CARPETS, MIRRORS, &e. On Wednesday Morning, April 17th.. at 10 o'clock. at No. 1111 cto w ,, imot by oatalogue. the entire teetotal and bear;r4lul 111MitUte of a gentleman going to kurope. comy.-ising Month of very riot b and elegant parlor furtwture ; acute n r elaborately . carved oak library furnit4re, russet leather covers ; suite of carved omit dining-room furniture. iir Suites of handsome chamber furniture. raze ni them very elegant and expensive.) 40. Er Alt snob to order OP LIITAMBRE. from selected 11-ear,i dov.m, a»d without ~.perd to coat. Splendid royal Asmissto medallion carpet' Wilton, Velvet, and Eirumela car. pets ; Fromm pate mantel and pier mirrors; elms' curtains. Plano, ohandeliers. glass and chinaggye, ret , , superior matt weep bedding'. &c. PAIIITINGS, ENGRAVINGS. dm. Also, a large number of first-olage original nil M k , in e. of the beet French, American, and ilanneo.. schools, rare and fine engravings, marble ttatuattea. article, of bijouterie and virtu, di.o. fair May be clammed on Tuesday, Aeril 16, horn tv to S o'clock, iir Particulars in catalogues, now ready. Bale at Nos. 139 and 111 Sonth Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH-FLATE Polln 1101t13, PIANO-FORTES, BRUSSINIA CARPETS. On Thursday Menotti. At 9 o'clock, at the Al:lotion titer., an aeeollinent ut exoellent second-hand furruture, elegant como.fook find mirrors, oaryet.. •sO., from families aniline* housekeeping, removed to the store for convenience el Bala. Sale No. 1.319 Marshall Street. SUPERIOR WALNUT F ORBIT RE, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS, A°. CM Friday Morning. 19th inst.. at 10 o'olook, at No. 1319 Marshall Siren, above Thompson street. the attire houaelsild Mohan furniture, tapestry' Brussels curvets, of sewrtian declining houneancring. May be examined on the morning of wilco o'clock. tale isa2 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. MIRROR, ItStISILELg CARPETS. &o. On Friday Morninz 19th inst., at JO o'olgok, at Po. 1 3 South Foam street, below Federal. inn so utirior immure, French plate vier mirror, Brussels carpets. /co., of a gentwan, leavinthe city. Mr?" May be examined on the morning At nut, St ! o'clock. Pu HORS E S. the Bartram G`arden. STOCK OP CARRIA HES, WA G fni , CA RTS,MOVVING MACHINES. CATTLE. YA RN ING IMPLEMENTS, iko. On Monday Mornow. A yril 2Z, at 10 o'clock. at the residence of h. AI. taut. wink, gee,. below Uray , 's Ferry, will be sold at path sale. linthOUlt reserve, about AO head of cattle, Include( a number of fine iniloh cower, several with mires t) their sides; some very desirable young steer: s tho rough. bred DU VIBITI ball,.and five young br.l: (us hone,; carriage, by Jacobs; carriage, by bunks , York waon, twy Wataon ; doable and single manna. saddie g bridle, &o. Also, Ketcham s mowing machine and seed drill; Landreth's mower and reaper. with all tne latest itn• provements ; hap rake. seed drib, patent hoisting bki fork. went/atom, ploughs, harrows, large roller, don• ble-borse power, two broad-wheel bay wagons, v . , row-wheel bay wagon, with box bed, tiro murk J ., carts spring mat, new spring wagon, block and v,.g ! .. be window frames. sash, lot mad pipe, oast-Iro',l pile old Iron. a large lot of farming implements, &e„, Iron. yereniviory. Terms cash. • The Dern, Passenger Railroad Cam pr a m, the latf every half hour. &bun Jisay ct.t... lap 'W.I.. art nr Lr Tholllll/1 Barns, eix,a n d. SUPERIOR It xpi nEN e. .43ivitstrogy,vist fßhulk On Tuesday Morning, 23d met, at 10 tiolook,, at No . tall Walnut street. l4t catalogue, the entire furniture, oomprisine walnut crawing-rizam furniture, mantel and pier mfr. rocs, Sae oil patelinga and engravings, curtains, chan deliers. glean and china, superior dining-room and chamber furniture. Also, the kitchen furniture, refri gerator he. air The loperior residence, with coach bowie, Will be sold at 'lock preolitely, preview; to the sale of furniture. Full partteulare in handbill, and cataloruer. Peremptory gale, on the Premises. THE SPLaNDIO COUNTRY eRAT. FURNITI.3I-!, &0., OF GEORGIC MoRENRY, Un Wednesday. May Ist, without reserve, on the eremites, a rely elegant mansion. with stool°. coach-house, and other fine improvements. and 20 anise of lend, attain, near Dokny. Delaware county. Pa. VW Pall description, in catalogue,, now ready; leir May be examined on application to the &Plea • The faraiturefborsee. carriages. /to.. will be im mediately after the reel estate, Bale of the whole abeolate, the owner !aria; sett to Europe. MOSES KATHANS A ITO T OM 7, fit AND Q0M141.58101 BLEACRAIIII. oltheut earner of SIXTH and Lem Streets. STEPHEN TORAWS FIFTH CLOSlN'uoup SALE OF PIJRNITURE Will tcks place at hls Store, Illetkes. i t corner o f Ninth and Pdmket *try ~ This Mom , - ''' April 12, at 10 o'rtlOOk.. .gt It TV nulling* ever; vp• .....- .tiotY of parlor Limiter/. :tres ain tine r '%6;H aa r g . - ,,,,,, r°c4V ' t ....,' --- . lotchen furniture, Tatum, - ,--• ''' — w4s. and article'' sonetele W PO:Wrong to. kovAelke.. ding. c i . PRATE SA4E. n i l k el,,,, - t o ,..Leat ooLD PATENT LEVY :It int ---,., ,R WATCHES manufactured, at felt U r . ve P ail prices, gold lover and Moine watonui vil i, g ti vat' Vs' and p rices , vvistobett, Entilekl, 816 "1 3 ' r Frala gg;reinheir, at astonishingly low prices, iewNO o' °von' Ascription, very low r guns, pistols. musical 1:.• Wo w:ants. but Quality of Havana cigars, at ilia th e i mP'ortation price, in ginantities to suit purchasers, tak% 'raking otlisr kinds of goods. SPLENDID SET OF DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE SALE. Consisting of diamond and opal breastpin and ter Pinta. Price SM. Cost in Paris 01,409. A splendid single-stone diamond breast-pin, , ) ,21, 1110, cost SSW. OUT pooß SALES Attended IA persokallp barthe Auctioneer. COngifnMenti of any d ever y Stud of good, moll cited. MOLIES NATHAN ti. MONEY TO LOAN $95,000 to loan, at the lowest rates, on Mambo.. watches, Jewnlry. silver elate, dry Coo& ckothiatig,'‘ , cerise, cigars, hardware, cutlery, piano,, mirror,, ILi t ulture, bedding, and on goods of every deeonytion, .0 Large or midi amounts. Doan one dollar to thousand, , for an jenn_th of time og reed on. Kir ; The Oldest Established House in this nit,. Ilia' Private entrance on RACE Street. irr Business hours nom Heavy 10surazige tov the b e t St of dePosMitora CHARGES ONLY TWO PER CENT. sur Advances of ObXland upwards at two pet cell'. Advances or 1100 and upwards, at one per ow,. for short loam. MFITZPATRIOK BROtt.. UV • TIONRERM, SO4 OBESTNInt IStreet, spot , Rink. EALEJ_ EVERY E VErtirie. At 7 Veleek, of Boolos, stationery acd fussy we". watch.., Jewelry, clocks, silver plated vratit. IlasALtZrar. musical tnatmements, &o. n °ale"' d 7 goad,' boots &AA asd shazdise of every eaarjrtion. DAY SAEES every Monday, Wsttlialtdat, and F 'w day at Id o'clock A. 21. Y.RIYA:I7i LIMO, At P nv Atel&le re3•+s l ara l ioottarnmente or. rat. ill+, sweiry, b o olq. ssittonery, ver 7 platd t osibal.) pur otav; ! ml . 4 .,,,, vt: itskt•-im exits soliolted of all o th er, „ At er cublio or private sales, wr coat advaitose nod* ea oonsi rose u Ont-door aides proosetly attosapn to. RYA ND IRO' .., ,-, „• kamizi exismi xlif - ANL' ,stil BOILIv a 4, }.; & J,! yY, • : . - a r all : 4 . 121 41 41 1 .4- ,, 131itiN:Salrtal All , " in i rraio& 4 4l2 " a l i ,r Juswelr rllati 6 .: , Myer Latium for rel i n i =far; L offer i t t bi tar „, T.,„"i l t rhr,Z; as iii: I vrq,A.4 •. *or ,a7, -- ei o i. -- E ng iitt..! ,:: 'woe. a , t,Vii w ativadiry , lokrirt lein,, illiS t este= o 0444 es. rev , ~,.& rec, t i , craw , v .. t ir are ,....... , : i1 1u0 .:5 47: 11 “! Teg t,! 4 :7-Ls .ha e r .a o , a l: i ie‘l en: r d e o tr n u l . ; j i p t ei rr ia . d r e r. c i r i l lii tT . o gn . , i cis: r , l l oii r t - b_ . • • - -, E 7/ I„,•,"r u ft. ail brass Carding! of all deeoropo I L _ l.6° D te ra,,,,.."V0 1ri ,. 1911:rdj 'l mp rit e ir o v icoa bllait ti ti o nn ria r"4."l lOr 4 : l l l W . o t r k k e d r ;11 ' 6 ' 1 1: ..L. mumgir Ai l _free 0..‘ °hark°. and work r 2 SIB t. it 0d. ,, el ? 4° / 3 °• 14 have smile wharf door. room for I earra: • boars ( where tier can lie iu etr("l 1 14 an 4 1r • Pronged wok shear!, Week:. !oak. fie.. for rrAiitu heavy sr halt welratd. • j7koug g. rkIN• 'URN j 14 W . 1.: !SAM ane rAaarks inr!'::” 7• VAUGHAN IdXRIIIeIt, TIL E x. corm. WILLIAM H. MiltnlCX. lILETLIT SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, P` , FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETA. PHiLAbIiGPX,A. latitßlCK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture High and .I,ow Pressure Steam Entlue. for. land. river. nod manner SiVlOlll. =dere. Gasometers. 'rants. Iron B o ats, : utt ins. of ell kinds. either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Wutk l b" l ' 1111 road Stations. tto. Retorts and Gan IV aohinery of the hunt and nu Droved ooruttrootgon. .very desoristlon of Plantation Alachinery. 111011 11 N agar, eli dt end Grist Vsounin Pant. UP V . , Atonal Trains, Defamatory, Filters. Pumping " 1"" a. 10111 Agents for N. (( Rhone's Patent Sugar ROI "' Alusaratos Nesirittn's Patent +team Narnmerond At pitman Waver g Patent Centrifugal Sugar 1.1 Maablne 4,44r41 ..,.__- INT PurAsANT FOUND.P..I,Ko• 961 ' • Fifrlith'A SLftroakiranainxton..PkilmimpirA.- * 14 :7 LIAM* 4. ZIER.S inforina kis iriatnia laza, tia'N'Ark il - ' glued ma erbtif b atook_ttf Pattoqi ii, il l o abort ra 'VW a. he la nor Pro_parao to r l, o6ovtirdita fur . Xcg!it Af Aat. and Bair akili Caatinvdaa. Chaex44; :-Jm Nous Work. Gawps. _Cavil siv,..*.;;;, Jtroor* b i wak or y Sr Chapala raiiesia. ii er imply, UDC 0 IMO . • . • FRENCH ZENO--,pm wow wHITZ fig itt f M lll "Var eround in OH, &on I & tstiOTILEN 4 North BECOND
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers