GENERAL NEWS. LIST OF Pert:see tuned from the United States Patent Moe to Pennsylvanians for the week ending April 9, 1861, each bearing that date : E. H. Bailey, of Philadelphia; for improved key- fastener. J. B. BRILEMIII, of Rochertor; for improved oar- ventilator. Henry Beagle, Jr., of Philadelphia; for improv ed eefety-book for harness. trove- James J. johotof; of Allegheny; for imp ment in the distill ion of byaro-oarbon oils. John Noblit, of htlatiolphis; for improvement in hair•oloth looms. Horatio Rodd, of khestnat Hill; for Improved linen-smoother. James A. Spear, Jr., of Manchester, assignor to William J. Kane, of same plasm; for improvement in cultivators. Jacob I. Storer , of Ptladelphia ; for improve ment in desulphurtaing ',sland ores. W. R. Thomas and M. l .Emanuel, Jr., of Cats paupsa; for improvement in composition for blast inginwder. tVilliam Drips, of Coatesville; for improvement in water-whee a. John Fowler, Jr., of Leeds, England, assignor to William Penn Tatham, of Philadelphia; for im provement in machinery for ploughing and tilling lend. Patented in England, September 1556. John Fowler. Jr., of Leeds, England, assignor to William Penn Tatham, of Philadelphia; for im• provement in ,machinery for ploughing and tilling land by steam.% Patented in Englena, September 8, 1855. John Fowler and David Craig, Jr.. of Leeds. England, assignors to William Penn Tatham, of Philadelphia; for improvement in machinery for Ploughing and tilling land- Patented in England, February 28, 1556. A Doan:arm SIMTOIf. ix A_LGERIA..--ThCBOll9 and daughters of the three original brtithers have, in several oases, intermarried, and they also $301: here with their parents. By what stel. ant laws and customs peace. • moralit y are pre- Majintliala craw dof s loes relationship, is - somewhat difficult for a European to understand. Imagine three Mr. Browns marrying three Mies Thompsons, and bringing them all to live under the same roof; then imagine all the fag cousins °heaping conjugal partners among themselves, so °opting—without a murmur—the pretty er the ugly girls, as their lots fell, and all equally re maining under the same paternal rule . Would not the moat frightful jealousies and rivalries oaour ? Would not John and 'Charles obstinately prefer Jane, to the exclusion of Mary and Harriet, though Jane had been previously betrothed to Edward? And would not the mothers of all there young people indulge in plots and plans to procure the happiness of their favorites? And, if finally the paternal will prevailed, and Jane were mar ried to Edward (though it is more, then possible that all the while she loved Harry better than the other three), do you imagine for a moment that John and Charles would sit down comfortably with Ndward every day ? Yet this is literally arranged in every complex Moorish household, such as the one we visited- Extreme strictness of domee tie law, and an utter absence of anything like the romance of affection, can alone render it possible. —Once a Brag. iNTERESTINO TO PRETTY BRUNETTES — CtlAurnxe NEW COLOR FOB DllllBB3B.—The Fash ion editing of the Sunday Mercury issues the following pleasing announcement, for dark-eyed belles " The Garibaldi has just made its dilrut in Paris. It is an exquisite tint—something of the tawny-orange, verging on a pink-salmon—oft times seen on the carnation lip of the sea-shell. Dark eyed brilliant brunettes may congratulate themselves—this color, of all others, being most becoming to their style. They have been made hideous long enough by those two trying ordeals, Solferino, and Magenta; therefore, brunettes may now promise themselves the felicity of not only looking divine, but being d la mode." HEAVY Darr.—The New Albany Ledger learns from a cabinet dealer in that city that a set of ohaire, which he sold at $l4 and ehipped on the last trip of the steamer Louisvelte to New Orleans, Was chargeable with $8.50 duty at that port, and that the owner bad to pay that amount before taking possession of the ohairs.—Chscago Tour. With such a tariff to protect their home labor, the Golf States should be able to at least make their own chairs. But if they should attempt it they would probably fail ; for manufacturing in dustry seems to dwarf under a Southern sun.— Albany Evening Journal. BMCIDE OF A BALTmOBES-N.—Mr. George H. Jenkins, a native of Baltimore, aged 42 years, committed suicide in San Francisco on the Ist of March, in the boarding-house of Mrs. Hannah, 551 Folsom street, by blowing his brains out with a pistol. The deceased had been for a long while suffering from disease, and his sanity was more or less impaired from that Caine. His brother was in attendance upon him, but had gone out for some medicine, when the deceased arose, and, knowing that his brother kept a loaded pistol in his trunk, he broke the trunk open, took oat the pistol, and put an end to hie existence. Dr. McNulty, the coroner. was advised of the fact, and took the body in charge.—San Francesco Herald. Ace explosion took place in a coal mine on the Ohio river, a few miles below Wheeling, on Saturday last, by which two men, named Strange and Marbock, were instantly killed, and another badly injured. The upper portion of the head of one of the men was taken entirely off, and nearly every stitch of clothing was blown from their bodies'. Turk overseer of a plantation, near Com mane, Mississippi, while standing near the negro ()sties, was assaulted by four slaves from behind, one with a heavy club; regaining his feet, be drew his knife' and killed two of his assaulters, when, becoming faint, the other two overpowered him, threw him to the ground, Choked him inson eible, and then broke his neck. The murderers fled across the Arkansas river, but a large party, accompanied by doga, are in pursuit. A NEW Paonuirroar Liw.—A proposed amendment to the Constitution so as to prevent the solo of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, passed the Assembly of New York, on Fritia7, - by, a vote of Nto 33. It had already passed the Se nate, and has now to be submitted to the Legisla ture chosen at the next general election of Sena tors, and, if again adopted, to the people. ME WINTER 17.4 SYRIA a+-i1) PALEBV.Ht. The pad winter has been one of unexampled se verity. The snow has been two feet deep in the city of Jerusalem. Three houses were crushed by the weight of the snow. Eight inches of water fell in twenty-four hours. The Damascus road from Beirut was impassable for more than two weeks. On the 9th of February the passage of Lebanon was effected through the snowdrifts at the peril of life. TILE car conductors on the Carrolton Rail road, in New Orleans, have seceded in consequence of the Introduction of an innovation in the method of collecting fares, ticket-boxes being substituted, which the conductors are required to hand around, instead of receiving the tare directly in their hands, as has been the custom. THE Free Dispensary, in connection with the Now Orleans Bacot of Medicine, was closed on the let,. because the Tabor and expense of the institu tion bore so heavily on the Faculty. In the four years of its existence, free advice and medicines nave been weekly given to an average of one han drail and thirty.ona patients. Tolley, a few days since, near Big Island, in Bedford county, Va., killed a large black bear, weighing 400 pounds. Mr. Tolley, who is not more than thirty-five or forty years of age, has killed ninety seven bears. VANDamsat.—Some miscreant, in Cleveland, hurled a stone at the statue of Perry, breaking the sword he holds in his hand. The mischief is almost irreparable, as the statue, sword and all, are out ettt of one solid block of marble, TREVOltfialf.—lt is Stated in the Harrisburg Telegraph, that operations will soon be commenced in the Trevotton coal region; under Mr. Mowton, who has become the lessee of the mines of the company. Tax wife and mother of an humble family in Great Barrington, Mass., all of whom were em ployed in the factory there, has lately come in pos session of an English legacy of $500,000. TIMM is a colored woman in Charleston, South Carolina, who pays taxes on $40,000 of real estate and fourteen slaves. AN Barman 3LirePACTertEll invites the pub lie to come and see hisinvisible wire fences. _ _ Burial of Judge McLean. (From the Cincinnati Commercial of April 8.) The funeral of the late Judge McLean was very numerously attended from his residence in Clifton, notwithstanding the disagreeable weather. A spirit of profound sadness pervaded the large concourse of assembled friends, earnest of a grief that was sincere and heartfelt. The ceremonies at the hone. were opened by Rev. J. T. Mitchell, of Wesley Chapel, with the announcement from Second Daniel, 38th verse: "Know ye not that there is a Prime and a groat man fallen this day in Israel." He then read the 90th Psalm, and a portion of the 4th chapter of Ist Thessalonians Rev, Dr. Clark followed in a few remarks perti nent .and well-timed. Rev. Mr. Allen then read an. appropriate hymn, and Rev. John F. Wright closed the exercises with prayer. An opportunity was had by the friends to take a last look upon the earthly remains of the distinguished dead. His marked, noble features had been lett by the spirit in perfect repose, and wore an expression of re markable serenity, disease seeming to have caused him but little pain in his last moments, and to have produced no emaciation. The plate on his coffin bore the following inscrip.• t:on: JOHN McLEAN, A.evoinfAti filiii/SO of the finereme Court "of the United States. BORN, March 14,1785. DIED, April 4th,1861. It is worthy of remark that the date of his death was the twentieth anniversary of the death of Gen. Harrison. The following-mulled gentlemen served as pall bearers: Judge Leavitt, Judge Este, Judge Storer, Judge Hall, J. H. Groesbeck, - Esq., Na th aniel Wright, Eeq-, Henry E. Spencer, Esq., N. Longworth, Esq., R. Buchanan, Bag., Flamen Ball, Beg., Henry Stanherry,Esq., and JOhn Rootree, Sq. A long retinue of carriages followed the remains to their resting-plane, in Bpring Grove Cemetery., and closed the earthly relations of one in whose great achievements were folly verified the proverb, NU eine magne vita labors dedit mortalities." In the review of the life of Judge McLean, In Friday's paper, it was elated that four children were born to him in his first marriage—two only remaining alive. This was erroneous. Four daughters and three sons were the fruit of that marriage, of whom three survive, two eons, Ha tluueiel and John, mad one daughter, the wife of Col. Joseph Taylor, of the Matted States arm; The one child born of hie second marriage died in infancy. Instead of receiving the degree of LL D. from Transylvania University, that honor was con ferred upon him by the "Ohio Wesleyan Univer sity," and also by Harvard University. A mom, ouggetted by the life 0144 ebaracter of the Judge, will be delivered at some time to be designated hereafter. —Mr. Jeremiah Bryant, very well known throughout the country as the founder of Bry ant's Minstrels, died in /grow York ou Monday, of eangeetion of the brain- Mr_ Bryant was only about thirty-three years of age, but had already achieved an extended reputation in his peculiar line of business. Be was a native New Yorker, of Irish parentage, and first attracted public atten tion as the Donee" of Ordway's /Holism, in Boston about ten years ago. Re afterwards or °131"41 ° company, and, after a short mason in Boston, commenced an extended tour through the country, including a trip to California, which latter was very sumestiftd. .i-4fat-Prerident Fillmore hog accepted an .lavinktion to pprroovide at she uninuian vat likßoant, i1L 154 7 BOIL Mr. Pillinoro care of a warm Welcome from hie ninny friends in Mommdmootio• PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS. DIGATEI or ,ltroan WHEBILY.—Ii is our sad duty to announce the death of the Hon, Simnel Wher ry, one of the ANlOCiate Judges of this county. In every position of life, Judge Wherry was re cognised by this community as an estimable citi zen of sterling integrity and sound moral worth. Public spirited and energetlo, honest beyond cavil, charitable and kind-hearted, his &loose° has created a void in our community that cannot be easily tilled. Judge W. represented this district In the State Senate some few years since, and by his Heavily of manners, integrity of character, and untiring devotion to the interests of his constituen cy, won an enviable reputation. On the death of Judge Woodburn he was apix inted by Gov. Packer one of the Associate Judges of Cumber land county, which position he held at the time of hie death. His funeral, on Wednesday last, was attended by a vast aonconrse of his old friends and neighbors, anxious to pay the last sad tribute of respeet to the memory of one whom they loved and respected.—Shippensburg, News, April 6. A wax named Clough, a carpenter by trade, who hail been employed in Erie for a few months, left a few days ago. under circumstances which leave no doubts as to his villainy. He had insinuated himself into the good graces of a very worthy and exemplary young lady, and married her. Metres a dressmaker, and has been engaged in the busi ness some years, and, having been prudent and Industrious, was comfortably off in the world. Representing to her that he had a farm in New Hampshire, he desired her to prepare to remove thither, and, accordingly, her arrangements were made. While she was in Waterford, last week, making a farewell visit with some friends. Mr. Clough disappeared, taking his wife's earnings I with him, and leaving her helpless, without r' or a home. . - BIJEIQUEFIABAajTrt , unda Triene.—A partial fresh et in the .mr - estk Branch brought us some eighteen or ,e nty during the week. They com menced dropping in on Wednesday, and have been arriving, a few at a time, since then. Some half dozen more have been run through. There 13 yet no market, and no correct estimate can be made as to the prices this season. The supply, thus far, although but a tithe of the spring fleet, exceeds the demand. Buyers are very wary, and the river business is likely to feel the prostration of trade as sensibly as any other branch.—Columbra Spy. R.Z.V. MR. DODGII, of Wheeling, has declined the call of the Second Presbyterian congregation of Washington, Pennsylvania, to become their pastor. He has also declined the professorship in Wash. ington College, to which be had been chosen. 1r is stated by the Conneantville, Crawford county, Record that the company boring for oil on the farm of Mr. Cornell, three miles northwest from Spring Corners, struck en excellent vein last week. If the report ie fully substantiated, the long deferred hope of finding oil in this region is realised, and the news will give renewed energy to the various companies operating thereabouts. Tue fishing season has now fairly commenced, and those engaged in the business are busily oo oupied at their calling. More shed have boon caught at Chester and look, during the present week, then usual at this period. They are of good size and. fine flavor, and are selling at moderate rates. Should the run continue, our fishermen will have a prosperous time, and those who purchase for the purpose of salting, will be enabled to pro cure their supply at a reasonable pride.—Lela ware County Republican. Iv is said that active operations will be begun in the coal fields of MoKean county, Pa., during the coming summer, by an associated company, who Intend to make Erie the depot, by shipping from the mines over Philadelphia and Erie railroad, It is proposed, If the railroad is not completed be yond Warren in time, to lay down en independent track to meet the immediate wants of the busi ness, and thus overcome the only roinaining ob stacle in the way of the enterprise. A Seasons accident transpired at the wall of lion. Arnold Plnmer, on the Clap farm, near the mouth of Oil creek, Pa., on Tuesday last. A heavy vein of oil and gas was tapped, and both were pumped to the surface with great force. The gas was ignited in some way, and, the oil catobtug al most immediately, the plate was soon in a sheet of flame. Two men, whose names we could not learn, were seriously burned, one of them shockingly. The engine -house, derrick. 4t0., were entirely con eamed, and a large quantity of oil lest. The en gine was saved. RON. Jeaayfan PCHINDEL delivered an address, in Allentown, last Saturday afternoon, on the sub jeot of the repeal of the tonnage tax. Tux Lehigh Rifles, of Lehigh county, are build ing an armory at Ritorsville, thirty-two by eighty feet. IT is reported that Mr. George Seater, of Enon Valley, whilst boring for oil, last week, at a depth of 180 feet, came upon a vein of coal over fourteen feet in thickness. Were we in his shoes, we fancy wo should eschew "oil smelling' ) for the tiMe being, and tuns our attention to mining. -Ray. SAMUEL Pinups. of Chambersburg, was, on Wednesday week, elected pastor of the German Reformed congregation of Carlisle, to fill the Va cancy oeoalioucd by the resignation of Rev. A.S. Kremer. was hoop pole trade is increasing in Indiana county, as large quantities of shaved hoops Con tinue to arrive at toe depot for shipment. A large amount of money is realized from this source in the course of the year. Tan Middletown Journal says that the river is again in tolerably good rafting order. Several rafts passed this place on Sunday. It is sup . posed that the recent showers will put the river in the very hest condition for running timber, and that there will soon be a general stir along the Basque. henna. The prices will be considerably lower than last season. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. EDMUND A. 1 1 01TDER,i GEORGE L. BLTzBY,_ COMMITTEE OF TIM MONTH EDWARD C. BIDDLE, LETTER BAGS At the. Merchants' Exchange, Plciladelphict” ship Belle of the Gerken, Reed— Liverpool, soon Shirt Lancaster, Basun Boon . Bark Ellen Morrison, Platt ..... ....Laguay ra, soon Bark Sea Bride, —•-Cork, soon Brig - Urania, Coombs—.-._—.....Matanzius, soon Brig B T Martin. French— --Havana, Boon Brig Marshal Nei, I)arling Cruz, soon . Brig Gustavo. soon Brig Mango, Evens__.— Jago de Cube, soon frig Tiberias, Locos-,. —.Cienfuegos, soon Brig Thomas , ] la Cnnha - -.Oporto. Boon Bohr Geo J Jones, Crowell— -Demerara, soon Bohr Eveline, —.... .__ltavana, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, April 11, 1561. SUN RBJ a 28-8 U BETS-- -- .t 32 ARRIVED - - Steamship Boston, Orooker, zo holm from New York, with mdse. &o. to lamer Alldernice. Saw a large sohr aground on Cold Boring Bar; bark Achilles, for London, was at anchor' off the Buoy on the Middle; bark St James, two brigs, Dutch galhot Cadsandria. and a bark, name unknown. were at anchor off Bombay Rook; a large deeply-laden sehr. painted green, was oif. Reed. island. bound up; bark Illinois, for Vera Cruz, was off New Castle. owns down; the tug America, having in tow bark Elf, and brig Brandywine. for Pernambuco; schr Thee Borden, from Fall River, was off Grubb's Landing; brig Tangent, from Cardenas, was off Tini cum. beating PP. dehr John Northrop., (Br) Rose, 9 days from Cornwal lis, Na, wait. SU& bushels potatoes to & Bowler & Co; vessel to Vanhorn, Woodworth & Co. Bohr &iambs.", Cole, tY dais from St Saha, N I), with MAO laths to E A louder & Co. Bohr Jenny Lind, Mitchell. n days from St John, NB, with laths to F. A Bowler & Co. Bohr Harriet Neal, Houghton,lo days from Calais, Me, with plaster to E A Bonder & Co. CLEARED. Bea Rowena, Wileon, Laguayra, Dollen & Son. Brig A S W Applegarth, Groves, Ponce. Pit, John Mason & Co. Bohr W L Dayton. Hand, Cambridgeport, Tan Dusan, Norton. & Co. Bohr Alliance. Ireland. Nantucket, do Scar C Fremont. Spratt. Baltimore. do Bohr J Hendriokson, Westeott, Baltimore, do . Bohr Prowess, Jackeavey. Boston, dd Fehr B .1 Scott, Smith. Boston. do Bohr Carthagena, Kelly. New Bedford, Sinnickson & Glover. Balm Elizabeth Sem. Tribble, Bag Harbor, J H. BM kisto.a. Baby A Turner. Ayres. Lynn. Davis. Pearson & Co. Str H L Dew, iler, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. XL.ENIORANDA. Steamship De Soto, Johnso cleared at New Orleane 4th inst. for New York, via Ha n. vana. Steamship City of Baltimore. Petrie, from New York for Liverpool, was seen Si'M 7th inst, lat 41, long 68 15. Ship Tuscarora, Dunlevy. from Liverpool for Phila delphia, was seen 26th oft, tat 4630, long 18. and was in company to long 25 with ship Cultivator, at New York 9th inst. from Liverpool. Ship Sunbeam, Odell, cleared at Boston 9th inet. for Bombay. Ship Castilian, Proctor, for New York, was proceed ing down the river front Calcutta gal Feb. Ship Flying Cloud, Winsor, from London for Austra lia. was spoken 19th ult. let 2328, long 24; Ship_Sportsman. Thompson , at Shanghae 9th Feb for New York. 1011. Ship Longfellow. Moodie sailed from Liverpool 214th, ult. for Calcutta. Ship Samuel Tarbox, for Calcutta, sailed from Liver pool 26th ult Ship Sibyl, Freeman, cleared at Liverpool 26th ult. for Calcutta. Ship Flying Scud, Harding, sailed from Whampoit 2d I Feb for New York, Ship North Atlantic, Grovee, from Calcutta for Bon ton, went to sea from Bangor Feb 10. Ship Crown Point, Bright. from Calcutta for N York, went to sea from Bangor 18th Feb. Ship Comet. Todd, for New York, via Macao, was big at Wriampoa 11th Feb: Bark linnly C Starr, Fairfowl, at Havre 'nth ult, from New YOrk, Brig Breeze. Onterbridge, iar Havana, cleared at Galveston 25th ult. • Behr El 11 Wheeler, McLaughlin, for New York, was loading at Galveston let inst. Behr David Faust, Moelander, from New York,-ar rived at New Orleans atti mutt. &Mr Althea, Corson, from Boston, arrived at New. Orleans 4th inst Bohr Lady Suffolk. Kelly, from Providence for Phila delphia, at Newport 7th init. and remained 8 A XL Bth. Sehr Jas Neilson. Burt, from Taunton for Philadel phia. passed down Fall River Bth inst. Bohr New York Sweeney, from New York, via Bata via,. at Nagaglaka Jan at. Bohr Hannah Warwick, Shropshire, hence for Boston, at liolmee Hole 6th inst. and remained 8 A M Bth. Behr War Steed, Smith, hence, arrived at Providence lith Putt. Bohr Feesenden, Cooper, from Eastport for Philadel phia, at Newport Bth inst. receiving a new foremast. DO YOU WANT WHISKERI3I DO YOU WA.NT A MOUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE ? BELLINGIIAIVI'S CELEBRATED STIMULATING ONG-UENT, FOR THE WHISKERS AND HAIR The subscribers take pleasure in announoing to the citizens of the United States that they have obtained the Agency for, and are note enabled to offer to the American public Ow above justly-celebrated and world-renowned article. TEE STINIIJLATING CINGUEDIT Is prepared by Dr. 0. N. BELLINGHAM, an eminent physician of London, and is warranted to bring outs thick set of WHISKERS, OR A MOUSTACHE In iroM three to Ex Weeks. This article is the obit one of the kind need by the Prewar., and in London and Parts it i 6 in universal use. It is a beautiful,. economical, soothin upon t abmutins oompound. soting as if by mania the roots. O newmg a beautifaLgrcrwth of luxuriant hair. If ap ptield to the scalp it will owe baldness, and wane to e up in the place of the bald spots a fine growth of TOW hair. Alibbluid according to directions, it will turn BAD or goettit hair PLRK, and restore gray hair to its ° —mond dolor ' leaving it soft. smooth. and flexible: Thels an indispensable szttoloin every gent , s and after one week's use they would not. for any consideration, be without it. The atiteoribers are the only Agents for the artiale in the United Stateerto whom all orders must be od droned, Yrioe one dollar a box ; for sale _hr. all Druggists and peelers '" a box of the ONGUESIT,' , warranted to have the ' desired etreot. will be sent to any who desire Miry mad, direct. securely packed. on receipt of prior, and postage. alas. Apply to. or address HORACE L. REGEINAN & Co., Drasslste, • 24 WILLIAM Btroot, Now Yink. DYOTT k CO., No. 232 North BBoOND &root, Phi odelohla A ceata. mh.l3-3m iN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE la- CITY AND OOIINTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of DA.NIEL CAHILL. deoeased. The Auditor appointed to audit. setae. B,ld adjust the account of Thomas Owens, AdtritnieAnstor bones non cum testament° onset°. of DANIEL. CAHILL, de ceased. and report distilbution of the balance in the hands of the Administrator. will meet the parties ante bested for the 'purposes of hte appointment, on THER- A y, April Idth, 1881,1 P. M.. at hie MOO. 012 WAL- IuuT Street. in tue city of Philadelphia. ape-stath 6t WM. ERNST, Auditor. FN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTy OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of L A D. DAVIS, deceased. The Auditor anpointed by tho Court to audttoettle, an44lo.l3,thAedimiriattglnaatg:°P,2,7! of I LDAvi S. deceased, an. accountant trtion of 4 the LA anoe in the hands of th. will meet the parties inlerested, for the purposes of his appoint ment. en FRIDAY. ?tient 12,_1861. at 4 o'olook P. Id., at his otTioa, NO. Bla WALNUT 'Street, in to o city of Philadelphia. BAELUEL C. rimic.iri 8, Kaye-tattle 6t Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR ME CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Emote of OWEN EVANS, deceeeed• Notice is hereby given that, the widow of said done dent has filed in the maid court her petition and 6 4 , Prominent, claiming to retain the personal property in the said orproisement mentiorked, being under the value of 5300. under the not of April 14. 185 Land that the sonic will be approved by the ( l ona on the 19th day of April, A. D. 1861, unless m 6 entions be filed thereto. EO. be ROY. ap9,11,16. 18" v or ratitioner. PSTATE OF JOHN D. ORMGE, deffii : 4 Letters of Ad minietratton. with th , . A e - ITioltl j ne zed , to the Estate of JOart U . ILA . ', (3 . --.'”W.2. - 11ate of the City of fililmaelP 4iB " +Vt . :Z. hAving neon granted to the undermine.* " - ~. ell persons i ndebted to the said Estate Are 'lntate ,, d - to make payment, and those having clams against the said Estate to present them to WILLIAM DUANE. Administrator. with the Will annexed. No. 514 WALNUT Street. or It 4 oo 11r4s street. mh2.l-th6t* DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Dt. DAR/US HAM'S AROMATIC INVIOOItATINO SPIRIT. This Medicine has bean wet by the public Jor s ,z veers with ingrowing favor. /t is recommended se Ours Dy_spsysioi,_ Nervousness, .art-Burn, Co/is Patna, Wind** LW Stemach,.or Pains in the Bowels, Htadechs, Drowsiness, Sighteg Compiaints. Low fa , Jistirinso Transits, Bitemperance. IT 15T001L1.1110, ExiIrLARAIREI, INVIOORATIS, Bar WILL NOT 111ToXICATB OR &SI/PERT. An a Medicine it in quick. end effectual. curing the most aggravated Wes of Dlelee COmtfOnli and all other derangements of the otomaon and Dowels in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melancholy and drooping spirits; and restore the weak, nervous, and slickly to health, strength, and vigor. Famous who. from. the inindiciona use 'Aliening, have become dejeoted and their nervous systems ehattercd, constitutions bro ken down, and eubjaot to that horrible mama to hnanity, the DaLnerviti TRRIGEns, "will,, al most i m mmediately..feel the, happy and , healthy Invigo rating °Mow/ OF Or. Ham , a ormorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Doss.--One wine glass full as often as necessary. One dose will remove all Bed Spirits. One dose will cure Heart-barn. Three doses Toll ours Indigestion. Oue dose will give you a Good Appetite. One doge will stop the distregging Pain , of DYePePsla. One does will remove the distressing and disagreeable effeats of Wind or Flatulence. Sp iri t , soon as the !tomcat reoeiveg the Invigerating the distress ing toed and all painful feelings will be removed. one dose will remove the moat distressing palms of Collo, either in the stomach or bowels. BlAaddwer dor Uwrinil alremorvge nasll. obstructions in the Kidney, Persons who are seriouely afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured or speedy relief by a doge or two, and a radical once by the nee of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Penrose who, from diellipeting too much over night, and feel the gird °tracts of poisonous liquors. in violent headaches, sickness at stomach, wealmees, giddiness, ego,, will find one dime willr emove all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly oonghtutions should take the Invigorating Spirit throe times a day ; it will make them strong, healthy, and hays y, remove all obstruct- Bons and irregulariti es from the menstruel organs, and restore the bloom of health end beauty to the careworn Rims, During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he has put up the INVIGORATING SPIRIT in pint bottles at etloents, quarts el. strikral Depot, 45 WATER Street, flaw York. DX OTT dr, C 0.,. 232 North SECOND Street, Wholesale Agents in Fhibulelphia, And for sale by JOHN H. BATON. 2fl N. LIGHTII Street. and all Druggists. .111-thetuly DO YOU WANT WHISKERS LEGAL. MEDICINAL. MRS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED 1 -YAL. SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Sup porters under eminent medioal patronage. Ladies and Yes a . m ital . !aart°..._hr9eraelicAtgilcit;Ttinte*j.ZlAVF a ri a Thiry. thousand' Invalids have been advised by their physimans to use her appligaloWl. Those only are genuine bearing the United States ooxiirisht, Labels on the box, and signa ture& and also on the Supporters. with testimonials oole-tuthb-stf COAL FJEIEIGHTS. drIFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READINO RAILROAD COMFAMF. PHILADELPHIA. March ID. 1861. The Rates of Froight and Tolle on Anthracite Coal. transported by this Company, will beae follows, on an d after Maroh 18.1861, nob', further notice : To ftiohnuind ia ph. —.. —._._ " .Inclined riIeBWWII• .+•+.... Sermantcrern " Falls of Sehnylkill..... " fcgbert's " Cnshohocken—. ...—. "weSde Furnaae—_. " Rambo's " Norristown or Bridgp , " Port Kenneth , -- " Valley Porde— " Phiewaville " Royer's Ford-- .-- Aramango— -- " " Pottetoram. " " Monocracy.- . " Birdaboro te .-. " Readill4` ••• • • " Toulterton--...•• Leesport .—... " ghheiimitaravilla: " Hamburg.. " Port Clinton—. " Auburn.... Orangsburg By order of the Board of Managers. rottl4-1m W. H. MoILMBNNEY,&O'7. SAVING' FUNDS. SAVING FUND--FIVE PER CENT. IN TEBEST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST co ea- PANY, WALNUT Street, couthwest corner of Third, Philadelphia, Incorporated by 018 State of Pennarl verde. The °Moe is open every day from nine o'clock in the morning till five o'clock in the' evening, id and on Monday end Thursday evenings tid eight o*elook. Hon. Hli eaL . BENNF,K, President. ROBERT BELFKIDGB . , Vine rresident. WILLIAM J. RaiNgs.l3eorotary. DIRBCTORN Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carron Brewster. tdward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Selfridge, Franco' Lee, Samuel K Ashton, 4oeeph Yerkee, C. Landreth Mums, James L. Stephenson. A little, but often, file the rurae." FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No.; 1 136 South FOURTH Street, between! ! Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand. ..,- Depositors' money severed by Government, 2 i Ovate, and City Loans, Cround Rents, Mort ...iir. his Company deems safety betterthan large tles. &G' a' iprofits, muse suently will ma no risk with depo §l :sa t - -- a ' . O 'return. Igri y i bn it:Zelieg L llV: e ttli e r: ~. as they have per always done. this ComPanY et never suspended_ Filmdom. married Or single, and Minors. can ;I deposit in their men right, and inch deposits can .", be withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State .: of Pennsylvania , with authority to receive .5 , 1 m o ri i itrustees mA arliit and , executors. gl 1 1 6Moe open daily , . from 9to 3 o'olook. and on ul l iWedhasay evening wait 8 o'clock. II DIRECTORS. ..0 Jacob ft, Shannon, Gyms Cadwallader,. 1 g : John Stundler. (*stir% 11: sal , 'I.A !Malachi ih W dO S TGL I gt I : rDelany," • Nicholas Rittenhouse, Henrym athan Smediey. , lon. H. Batterthwaite, Jones Yerkos, "' John Alexander. JACOB _ JACOB B. SHANNON , YTOVidOIN. Glare CADWALLADER, Treaantrer. apl3-1y •' A Dollar saved ie tviae earned." BUSINESS VAEDS. ig t F. GLENN, ACCOUNTANT AND • Real Estate Agent, No. 218 WALNUT Street. (second floor, RoomPio.l,) and Southwest corner of Seventeenth and Green. Accounts adjusted. Boobs written up. Estates settled, money procured, money invested, Real Eatate bought, sold, and rented. othWilm' TAMES IV3. SCOVEL, tr ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 113 PLUS STREET, above Front. mh2l - 1ot• CAMDEN, N. J. HO, ULLMA N, ATTORNEY-N • LAW, JERSEY SHORE, Fenneylvania. Collections promptly made in Clinton and LircOMlng counties. . . Messrs. Walter & Kaub, Philadelphia; J. H. Humes Esq., Jersey Shore; Messrs. Baroroft & Co., Philada. Shaffner, Ziegler, le Co. Philada .; k'riehmutlx &Co 1,. A. Mackey, Look Hama; Yard, Gilmore & Co., Philada.; Thatcher & Woddrop, rhidada.; trey Hold's. Howell & Reiff, Philada. fele-Sm GEORGE J. HENKELS, UPHOLSTERY and CABINET WAREHOUSE, No. 624 WAL NUT Street. opposite Independence Square, formerly of N 0.173 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia . 0526-3m* TORN ELLIOTT, WINES foul LIQUORS, Er Noe. 317 and 319 WALNUT Street, (baxement stores, between Third and Fourth, north aide, / Phila delphia. N. B.—Fine Utd Whiskies always on hand. (Betablished in Mk) is3o-1y MY COOKE. JAY COOKZ F CO, BANXERa, 114 SOUTH. THIRD STREET, (First door north of the Girard Bank,) jap-an PHILADELPHIA. SOKYITSON & NICHOLSON, E. BOOKBINDERS, Noe. 1119 and 621. MINOR street, Between Market and Ohafitent straete, PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PAWSON, JAS. B. titcgoLgoit NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PIOAIIINE.-- JOY, GOES & Co. Have been appointed sole agents in Philadelphia far this extensively circulating paper, of commanding in fluence. Business men are advertising in the best new:- Payers of city and country, at the aloes of JOY, COE, & CO., Advertising Agents. FIFTH and . CHESTNUT Streets. Philadelphia : Tribune Buildings. New York. aele-tf ITAPHY-WELTPPLE IRON BELLIDUE. STONE, QUI6LEY, & BURTON. Plo. 33 PAD WALNUT ST A, REET. Beg leave to inform Railroad Companies, and others interested in bridge construction, that they have formed a oormeetion in busmen with JOHN W. MURPHY. Oivil Engineer, (author and inventor of the above well known van Of iron bridga) arid are prepared to eleeate orders, from any hurt o r the country, from his designs and pampa! trapartntendenoe. All letters Matt to plan s and !horrid be addressed to JOH E TON MRPHY, Civil apetneer, eete-eir ForE. QUIGLEY. & BURTON Eli AIRMOUNT MILOHLNE WORE S, J WOOD- ge.. ooed. between eta TW blishened ty , firet and Twont.r. N The undersigned, successor to the late firm or J. Is T. WOOD, will contin L o meunnees in all ita branches as 'heretofore. Powerand ail meohlnes oonneated with them, Embossing callenders, Lard Oil Presses. Ighafttn and Machine Work in general. Thankful ful for pan fFrorm, be would Totally golioit 6Oontinllattaif 0106 vatrousge go libera bestowed on MO late firm. Tao OLID. Ploladolyltia. Jen. Sil.lBol. M24-1m PEOTAL NoTroE.--sltirkEßs, gdesse`takenotide that the Sadth Carolina IL I. Co. have discontinued forwarding all through freight and that an roods formerly emorigned to them most now be a tnliddi r ed to oydr, - Nom. .13. fk b forward. 4 sad* t 6 their gddrees. A. HERON, J/ 1 1 1.. _ac Co nag No 126 North 'MIAs' visa. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1861. INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE, No. 30t! WALNUT STREET. Insures against LOSS OR DAMAOE BY FIRE, on Rouses, Stores, and other bnildinglli liMited orerpetuatand on Fu rn iture, tioods, area, and Mor ahan se, in town or country. CASH CAPITAL, 61211.110 00-ABBETB 61317,142 04. Which is invested as follows, In first mortgages On city properLY, Worth double the amount • 'MX) 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. Ant mortnage loan„ at par— 5,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. se cond mortgage load, (490,000 --- 71,900 0 . 0 Huntingdon and Broad Toe Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage loan-- -- 4,000 00 Ground rent, first-clams.— 2.462 00 Collateral Loma, well secured.— %hoc 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. 50,000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Ps.. RR. loan.- 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stook— 0,135 01 Mechanics' Bank stock 3.612 50 Pennsylvania Railroad. co.'e stook— - , 4,400 oo The Reliance Mutual Inenranov Co,'s stool NAM V/ The County Fire insurance Co.'s stook.—. Low 00 The Delaware M. a. Insurance Co.'s stook- You oo Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip- KO 00 Bills receivable . 14,305 74 Book accounts, scorned interest, 7,104 65 Crush on hand— --...--,---. /1.0144 _ A — ^ ISIT,M2 OA ../11tAutggiliNOCIV.5;combined with the security of ....MOCK Capital, entitles the insured to participate in the pro Ats of the Company, without liability for tosses. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS: CIRRI Tingley, SamuelßienhtiM. William it.:t hompson, Robert Steen, Frederick Brown. William Musser, William Stevenson, Beni. W. Tingley. John R. Worrell, Marshall Rill, R. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown. Robert Toland, Charles Leland. G. D. Roseng_arten, gunting, w Charles is. oon.tooth Bowen, James 8 . Woodward John Bissell, Pitteburg. E TINGLE, president. B. M. EINGIIMAN, Secretary. February' 16. 1861. felll THE ENTERPRISE INSUBANOE COMPANY OF PRITAADELPEA. (FIRE INIMEANOR ExoLONVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS: P. RASCUEORD STARE. MORDECAI lb DAWOONt WILLIAM facKsa, CEO. H.tiITART, NADHEO FRAmnen. Jain R. BROWN. JOHN M. ATWOOD. B. A. FAHNESTOCE, BENI. T. TREDICI, ANDREW D. Casa, HENRY WDLAEDON . L. ERRINORIL. F. ATCHFORD STARR, President. CHARLES W. COXE. Seoretari. feu VENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY,. No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHANTER PERPETUAL. AI,L, THE PROFITS DIVIDhD AMONG THE IN SURED. Insure Lives for short terms or for the whole term of life grant ; d4inuities and Endowment]' purohase Life Interests in Real Estate, and make ad contracts de pending on the contingencies of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustee!. and Guardians. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, .TanuarY 1. WI. Mortgages, ground reng. real estate.- .8322,981 97 United States stooks. Treasury notes, loans of. State of Pennitilvania, city of Maw. delphia, ate- • • .... 268,79 6 si Premium mites, loans on oollaterals, t ,. 737,994 68 Pennsylvania. North Pennsylvania Rail roads ..„- . and County six per cent. bonds.- 106.883 BO Bank,insurance, railroad, canal stocks, &o. 97.641 49 Cash on hand. agents' balances, &a., 38,20614 61,071,128 OZ DANIEL L. MILER, resident. SAMUEL B. STOKES, VlOO Fredident. JOHN W. HORNOR. SemetarY. m1122-te DELAWARE ItitUTIJAL SAFETY IN- DURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the Legiebataro of Pennefivemie,HU. OMoe B. E. corner of THIRD end WALNUT streets. PHILADELPHIA. " MARINE INSURANCE, On Wails, (Argo, To all porta of the World. • Freight, I LAND INBIIfRANCEB On Goods by Rivers. Canals, Lakes, and Land Car vases. to all parts of the Union. FIRE INIORANUEe) On Merahsadige generally. On Otereri DwelliAg Houses, do o. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1.1840. 1100.000 'United States five cent. loan--. 8100,60 000 119.000 United States six cent. Trauma,' NOM., (with adorned interest).-... 111,465 34 100,000 Pennsylvania State five een. loan. NINO 00 31,000 six do. do. 31445 CO =4050 Philadelphia City six a f cent. Loan. 126.303 37 30,1210 Tennessee State five cent. loan- 24,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railro 3d mortgage • six v cent. bond. - 41,009 (10 10,000 300 charm, stook Germantown Gaa Company, interest and nnnoipal guaranteed by the City of Mint-_ delphia , 1.200 06 1,000100 eharee Penneylveaus Railroad 3,900 00 LOCO NV shares North renneylvania • road Company.- 060 00 1.200 80 shares Pluladelvhierloe Boat and Steam Tug Company -- LAN 00 330 5 ;shares Philadelphia and Yiavre-de- Grace Stearn Tolv-boat OomPany• 200 2 eharee Philadelphia =Exchange CompanY---- -•-• 135 1,500 00 3 shares Continental liOtel Co. -. 500.00 ammo pat. Cott 8p47v338.34. 51erket va151551,356 71 ills reeetvable, for insurances 171.886 42 Bonds and mortgages.-- - --- -...-- 34.600 00 iteal estate- . . --. 81.363 35 Balsams due at Agenoies-Prendume on Ma- Totioupe. interest. and other debte doe - • 'UM Company.. FM* 0 2 gong and stoat of 1111V1417 ineuranoo and • other Companies 2.63560 , Cash on hand-in .018.673 0 in drawer—. 482 56 05 aabwo 8 1 11 1 30 / 20 20 1 20 1 20 1 13 1 10 1. 07 1 V 6 43 • Willirm Msrtin, - Edmond A. Howlr, • Theophilus raukiinn, John R. Penrose, 86 John C. Darin, B .° Jam Trssuau. Wilham Hire, Jr., 1 / Jame.: C. Itead - Wiliam C. Luthrig, - Joseph H. Beal, °' Dr. R. M. Huston. 60 George C. Letyer, 4,4 Hugh Craig, , 10 Charles Kelly. WILL. 411 'MOB 36 HENRY LYLBUR N. So FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSTVELY.- - THE PENNSYLVA.NIA. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—liicoorsted 1825—CHARTER PERP.h-- THAL—No. 510 WALNUT lErest, opposite Independ ence Square. _ This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-sus years, continues to insure asainst loss or damage by Fire. on nubile or private Baildinge, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Wicks of Goods or Merchandise generally. on liberal: terms. Their Cartel, together Ira a large Sara. Finial / 8 invested in, the most careful meaner, v.• soh enabeors them to *fir to the infrared an undoribte jeaurity in ;he case of loss. • Jdnathan Patterson, Isew Haslatuirst, Quintin Campbell, Thomas Hollins, Alexander Benson, Daniel smith, Jr.; William Montanus, John Bevereux, Thomas smith. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. BEATON Baling, Secretary. ET! ly INSURANOE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—Noe. 4 AND § EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, Chartered 1n 17a4—Canital 1111104100—Feto. 2, lON, Cook value, 8118,7 M 77. All invested in sound and available .Rounties—oon- Inane to hugura on Vessels and Cargoes Buildings, ' Stooks of Merchandise, &0.,_0n liberal ter m s. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd. George H. Stuart, Simeon Tobr, Samuel Grant. Jr.. Charles Maoalester, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Watson, Jetlll B. Bad d _,_ Henry G. Freeman, William R. Waite, Charles S. Lewis. George C. Carson, HENRY D. BRERRSRD, Provident, WILLIAM HARPER, aeoretarr. iett-t. W. 6. MOORIIIIAD OF PHILADELPHI&T DLRECYTOR.II. Samuel E. Stokes. 3. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, lidwerd Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, ftenoar Thomas C. Hand,- - Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. M'Farlaniti Joshua P. Eyre, John B. Semple, Pities, D. T. Morgan, A. B. Bergor, " thi MARTIN. (resident. I. HAND. Vise President. c.rotars . . not?-tf FIRE INSITRANoE. MEUHAIIIOB' INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. No. 138 North SIXTH Street, below Race. insure Build inga, Goods, and Merohandise generally from loan or damage by Fire. The company guarantee to tubule all losses promptly. and thereby hope!to merit the patron age of the publio. 312.10.0111. William Morgan, Robert Flentgan, Francis Comer, Michael Moueo.Y. Beene L. Dougherty, Edward ridoetrferar. James Martin, Thomas B. McCormick, James Atmore, Joan Bromley, McAleer, Francis Falls, Bernard Rafferty... John Caexady, Thome" J. Hemphill, Bernard R. Rulreman. Thome" Fisher, Charles Clue, Francis MoManna,_ Michael Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER, President. BERNARD 'LAFFERTY. Secretary . . 0c23-6m ,A ME RIO AN FIRE INSURANOE 00. 1 -E.A. INCORPORATED 1810 CILARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street above Third. Philadelphia. H aving. a lan c e vmd-up quasi Stook and Surplus, invested, in sound and avails le Securities `c ontinues to insure on Dwellings, Stoma, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their cargoes, and other persona { Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DULNCTORS. Thos. Its Maria, ; John T. Lewis; John Welsh, James It. Carntiitielli Samuel C. Morton, Edmund 0. Butalh, Patrick Brady, • Chap. W. PoultneY, Israel Moms. THOMAS It. MARIS, President. ALBERT C. S. CRAWFORD, Secretary. felS-tf A NTERAOITE INSITRANON COMPA. NY.--Autticirized Capital *400,X10--CFLAITER PERPETUAL. Mice No. all WALNIVI Ftreet, between Third and Fourth atreet, Philadelphia. This Compauy will against loss or damage by Fire. on Holiday!. Fenutue, and Merchandise gene rale, Marine Tensaw' en Vesicle, Cargoes. and Freights. Inland Insurmice to all mins or the Wain. DIRECTORS Joseph Maxfield, John Ketoham, John R Blahiston, Wm. F. Bean, J. . Baum. JACOB EULER, Pree_dcna. WM. F.DSAII, Vivo Prosidenti w, M. maim. nearitarr. 11011-11 Jacob Baer. D. Luthbr‘ L.Andennol, Day), reams Paler norm). VD:MANGE INSURANCE COMPANY si=a —Oft oe No. 400 WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and Merchandise pgeetut d. nerallr, on favorable term. either limited or per- THRECITOIS Jeremiah BonnlL. Thomas Marsh, John Q. Ginnodo,. : Charles Thompson, Edward D. Roberti. James T. Hale. " Samuel L. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben C. Hale• Jahn J. Gri ffi ths. JE'REMIAR WALSALL,. President. AWN Q. GINNODO, Vice Preatoent, RICHARD COSI thins:torn ~...%' itil NEW APOTHECARY STORE, 1015 CHESTNUT Street. ALFRED B. TAYLOR Would reeve-trolly inform his Irian& and the public generally., that he has opened his IleWDrug_ and Apothe cary store, With 'ati eatiatilys and ears fully-aeleeted stook of Fresh Drags, Mediation, Pharmaceutical Pre paration", ko. strict personal attenton to the preparation of Medicinas for family use, rad the dispensing of raysLcusur PLESCRIPTIONS, he is determined to merit acontinuance of the liberal patronage hitherto so kindlt extended to him. stook embraces all the etarulard remedies and ap glioanees. together with a large assortment of fancy articles, Cologne Waters, Arushes, Soaps, Perfumery, mh3P-12t* WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— . We have now on bind, and are manufaoturing to order, at the Mount Roll" Paper Mlle, every de sernition of WRITIN(3 'AND LEDGER PAPERS. which for color and ulty, are not excelled by any M other ills lathe United tate', We would eaU attend to a new article of. Paper m an ufactured by us, and low for sale, called 892112061 Letter. which has been gotten up to meet the wants of business men and °then, who object to Commercial Note 65 being too narroW, and do not wish to use Part of mmal letter sheet. crkorealtial both the above ObillStlMill t bt & per fect @beet: pre wove ; plate fi nish ; ruled on one aide stamped in entre near the ;top ; made from beet ma terial, free loom adulteration, and put up in neat boxes, oonvenient for aee. ,_ We also have a paper mined Bank Letter, similar to the above, except it hem bdt half the number of lines pruned blank or Keisdlrove. EEMPTOff LLINJ Mount Holly Spring.. Cumber and Co. ra. The above Papers emi be hacl.of Meows, J. B . LIP PINCOTT & r and "MBOARGEB BROTHERS, Noe. 3 . tinifS,DEOATIJR Street. mhtl-em CIRAVE-13TONI Ef, RAVE - STONES.- ES. Tuft m r of =tones and a ll tole sold at i• Alatatiq "mow- Please call and mmeo,. before. nAllar ere. at Marble We ka of fen-lat. MIME ST Avon below lOU RIEDICINA_L. CEPHALIC 101.1,4 LS SIC EC. REA DACIIIE, NE FEVC I I - TS 'FT t D A t r l VI ill, GUILE MAI Fs 1.N115 Uu HEAD)A RIC I ^.."" By the nee of these Pille the periodical attacks of Nei eons or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and If taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and siekness will be obtained. They seldom faiPin removing the Nausea and Head ache to which females are so subloot. They act gently on the bowel', removing Costiveness. For .I..iier4/ 4 / Mei', Students. Delinate Females, end el/ persons of sectenlaiv habits. they are vahtable ae a Laxative, improving tee appetite, giving tOnf and visor to the digestive crane, and restoring the natural elaa ticity and itrebetli of the Whole systole. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in nee ninny year., during which time they have Preyented and relieved a vest amount of pain and stiffening from Headache. whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the sic mach. They are entirely resetable in their oomPosition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any (Mange of diet, and the absence of any disa greeable taste renders it easy to administer them to egiiidres. BEWARE OF 00IINTERFKITS! The genejne fifty. five kigructarei of item' C. nntithar on via Dot. Sold by Druggists and on other Deidete in Medicines. A Hon will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE; 25 CENTS. All orlon ahmeld be addreseedt HENRY 0. SPA LIYING. 4S ORDAR BTRERT. NEW YORK THE FOLLO*ITIG .thiiioii3Eiimas or SPA.IADINer'S CEPHALIC PrErLS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. 115 itit,s.lF4l2.4lotitnClaials are. iel'tsolicitd. they . afforti ttaqttestianabie proof af the eifi. eaey elf this truly seientihr discoverit. SP.u.nirio. Sat I have tried your Cephalic Pitts, and I like them so emit that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few of the first box I got from yao. Send the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't Servan JAM t, ES KE.NbI BOY. fda, arszottm. I wish you to send me one more bnx of your Cephstio have receiveda great deal of benefit from Chem. Your respectfully. MARY ANN STOIKROVESE, 8601 90/ 61 SPnttell eItrIIIE, BIINTINGDON COUNTY, Pa. . t January 18, 1881. IL C. SPALDING. You will please send megiwo boxes of your Cephalic Pills. send them immediately. Reapeotfully yours. P. S.—! have reessved ona box 4l yoie eft*/ MA them excellent. - BELLE VERNON, Ohio, Jan. 11 1861. SPALDING, Esq. -Please find enclosed twenty-dve coute, Fond IN another box ofAwn Tour Cesibabo PRIM Tistif are irate :As best Pins I s me tried. Direct . A. STOVER, P. bt., Bella Vernon, Wyandot on., 4). BICVNALT, Mw., Deo. 11.18e0, B. O..DpaLDIII6. I wish.for aroma mroulare or large chow hide, to bring your Cephalto Pills more particularly before in; Gus turnery. if you -have anything of the kind please send Me. One of my customers. whole ecbject to severe flick Headache. (usuallylasting dare)) was Cured of lrls attack tin one hoar by pour ri“B. which I sent her. Respeotildly yours. W. B. WILKER. RZYNOLDSBURG. FRLIMIN CO.. Ohio, t January 9,18 M. 11.111101 C. BPALDIPIC. 3 48 Cedar:it,. Pi. Y. /MAR anti Incloued find Mrtnaty-five coats, (u,) for which send box of " Cephalic ribs.' send to addreell of Rev. Wm. C. Filler. Reynoldehare, Franklin. Co. Ohio. Your Pills work like a charm—cure Headache almost instanter. - Ma. SPALDING. STE : Not long sines I sent to you for a box of Cephalic Pills for the ours of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness and received the same, and they And so good an tee s that I seas induced to send for mere. Please nand by return meal. Direct to A. R. WHEELER. Ypsilanti, Mich. „ .ftorn as Examiner, Norfolk, ra. Cephalic Pilla accomplleh the object for which they were made, viz.: Cure of headaChe in alt its forth& 80111 the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They Mori, been teeted in more than a thouaand came, 'with entire 1111040101. From the Democrat, St. Ciott4 Minn. If you are. or have been troubled with the headaehe, rend for a box, (Ceebella Pile,] so that YOU may have them in case of an attack. The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effec tive remedy for the headache. and one of the very beet for that very frequent complaint which has ever been discovered. From the Western R. R. Gazette, Chicago, 111. We heartily endorse My. EtnaMing', and, his unrivalled Cavilslie Pllll. Rant the iranatoha Valley Star, Saaateha, Va. We are ewe that persona suffering with the headache, who try e m will stick to them. • Yom the Southern rasa Finder, Now bricone, Lc. Try them ! SOIL that are afflicted. and we are sure that your testimony can be added to the already numerous bat that has received benefits that no other medicine can produce. Ram air St Louis Damorrat, ie The immense demand for the artiole (Gogh& Pile) e) moralizing. Pram the Gazette, Davenport. lowa. Mr. sowing would not apnoea his name with an ar ticle he did not know to nonzese real merit. Rom the Advertiser, Providence, it. I. The te st imony in their favor is strong, from the moat respeotas quarters. From the Daiiv News, Newport, R, I. Cephalic Pills are taking the piece o f au kind.. From Me Commercial Bullets*, Beaton, Moro, Said to be very °Meacham for the headache. Frain the Commercial. Cincinnati, Ohio Suffering humanity' oan now be relieved. t 7 ' A Single bottle of tiPII4DING'S rftEPAILED lIILUE will save ten times their oost mutually:lES SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PRZPARED tmuril SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! ECONOMY! DISPATCH' tar" A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE,""IESI As eiceidents will lineven, even in well-regulated familleet it Le yelp deeireble to have BOMB cheap and convenient Rai for repairing Furniture, TOTS. Crocke ry, km. RPELLDING'B PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, sad no household up afford to do without it. It is always ready. and up to the sticking point. .. USEFUL IN EVERY HOVER," 13.—it Brush soMmipantes oeudi bottle. Prios,23 cents. Address, HENRY 0. SPALDING-. NO. 4S CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK Al certain unprincipled persona , are attempting to palm of on the nrumapeoting public, imitations of my PREPARED - GLUE; I wouldosution all persona to ex amine before purchasing, and see that the full name, PILEPAR.IID GLUE; - 1011 Lae armada wrestler ill ' itkari are awbullist selaterfolia , falt4f =EMS 1 AT A biAsoriviza,u, Cond., Fab. b, ne,l HAVER PORD, Fa.. Feb. 6. 1861 Tllll/ Y"re 'WHl. C. HILLER YitilLAzifi, Mita., lan. 14,18A1 SAVE THE PIECES: CAUTLUII. 1861. ARAB M N4l-11WYOBALCIIE15. 6 R N 'FRE CAMDEN .AND A MBO.Y ATIP A T r - DELPITIA AND TRENTON RADAttur- • ° LINES FROD'I PIIILADBLPRIA NEW YORE AND WAY PLACza, iflieNt WALNUT-ST. WHIR? AND NaNISINOTON WILL L4AVE AD FOLLOWS. VIL: At 6 A. M., via Camden and Aniboy, C. and A. Ac commodation amo• re.... • •-•-• 116 At A. M.:, itit Camden 67.14 Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation 378 At A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, tricrullitt Mail- 00 At A. M.. via• Kensington and Jersey City, Western Express. 3 33 At 1236 P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation 2 At 2 P. M., via Camden and AmboY, C. and A. Ex press— 300 At pi P. M., via Kensington had Jersey CitY,l 4 ;To • mug --. 300 At Shi P. M... via. Kensington anti Jersey Oft,, 2d CIWIS Ticket . 2 22 At 6F. M., via Cam den and )611507 VeThing . 3 Mail. 00 At Jersey Citi,tOiltli em 2 15 At 6.P . M„ via Camden and Amboy , Atioommoda tion,(Froight and Passen g er )- Ist Class Ticket_ 2 25 Vo. do. Giaascket_ 1 SO The OP M Mail Line runs daily. The DM pm, South e finturilorp exeested. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville. Flemington, ?sc., at 7.16 A. M. from Kensington, and 2K, F. M. from IWalnut -street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbnrre, Montrose, Great Bend, 3ce.,7.10 A. M. from Kermastoa, ".. 9 For Mauch'Chunk, Allsoto - m - n, and Ilethtehem Ictti . A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 21i P. M. from Wal nut-street wharf ; (the 710 A M. line connects with train leaving Easton 813.32 P. M.) 62For Mount HOIIT ate and E A. M., 7 end 04 P. K. For Freehold. at 6A. M.. and P. M. WAY LINES. Per Bristol. Trenton. 730 S. M„ 43 6 and 0% P. M. from Kensingto n , and gist P. M. from Walnut street wharf. For Palmyra. Rivert on, Debior-o, Beverly, 'Burling. inkFlorenoe, Hord ntown, &e., at 1.15.2, 1, CI and 6 Stemithont Trenton, for dordentocrn and Intermediate places. at 2% P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. Mir For. New York, and Way Lines leave Kensington Depot, take the oars, on Fifth street,. above Walnut. half an hour before departure. The cars ran into the de _pot. and on arrival of each train. run from the depot. FOIE Fouilds of Baggage. Gni; , allowed each Pagetia ger. ra.TECUaell are prohibited from taking plaything as baggage but their Wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid bag g yra. The Compairs their responaitality tor ge to One Dollar per mom, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 5100, ex oept by special contraot. mh27 WM. B. GATZMPA, Agent. iff r aiwifleficliti , o,E,i o pFmHAl:r O w ß i s fr . MInGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11 1863 PADS EN GE TRAINS LEAVE PHILADE L PH IA: For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M.. 12 noon (Express), and 10.60 P.M. For Chester at 8.15 A. 6.11., 12 noon, 4.15 and 10.50 P. 1 1 6 For Wilmington at 8.15 A. 81. 13 noon. 4.15 and 10.50 Y. M. For Mew Castle at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 For Harrington at 4. M.. For Milford at 8.13 A. M. For Farmington tit A. M. For liseford #4 !lad A. M. For Baksibtu7 at 8.11 A. fn. TRAM! FOR Leave Baltimore at 6.21 i A. M. (Expross>, 10 13 A. and 6.10 P. Al. Leave Wilmington at 7.00 and 13.30 A. M., 145 and 8.20 P.M. Leave Baliebury at LSO P. M. Leave Fearord at 2.60 P. M. Leave Farmington at 4.10 P.M. Leave Milford at 4P. M. Leave Harrington at 4.30 P. M. Leave Dover at 9.05 A. M. and 536 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10 05 A. M. and 5.40 P. M. Leave Now Cestbsat 11 A. H. 7.51 P. M. Leave Chester at 8.20 A. M., 12.04,_2.22, and 9P. M. Leave Baltimore for Da listrary and Delaware Railroadat 5.10 k. M. TRAINB FOR BAIiTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.45 A.M., 13.28 and. 1.2 t Wilmington at 9.25 A. M., 12 65 P. 81.. anill3 FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached. will run as follows : Leave Phils.dslphia for Perryville and interniedilin Planes at 3 P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate plains at 6P. M. Leare Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate plums at 3.16 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Sarre-de-trace and intermediate places at 4.16 P. M. ON SUNDAYS : Only at MAO. P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimors. Only at 5.10 F. M. from Baltimore to FM ladelphia. fed _ B. M. FELTON. President. j a i i t aimis 'MINTER AREANOE MENT.--YHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN. AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, No.. 12, IWO, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 5,1, 8,9, 10. 1,/ and 12 A. M., 1,, 9 4, 5 534, 6,7, 8, , and 1134 P. M. Leave dermantown, 6,7, and 8. 8 34". 2 t 10, 11 and 13 A M., 1, 2. 3,4, 6 , , 6, eK, 7,8, 9, and 10% P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.14 mm. A. 1.1., 3,7, and 1038 P. M. .LatiVe GaMIAMOWD, 8,10 mm. A. M., 1.10 min., 6, and 9}4 P. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, .6, 8, 10, and 12 A. M., 2,4, 6,8, and lox P. M. Leave Cheetriut Hill, 7, 10, 7.84 8.40, and 9.40, and 11,40 A. M., 1.40, 8.40. 6.10, and 8.40 P. M. ON SUNAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.08 A. M., 2, and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.50 rain, A. TA., U 60, 5.40, and 9.10 tan. P. M. FOR CONSROHOCIEN AND 5105CRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 0.50, 7,34_,i215. nail 11.09 nun. A. M., 1.011, 5.05, 4X, 5.55, and 1136 P. Leave Mangum, 6, 1,1%00 1 9, and 11 A. Us, 4 341 and 5 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave. Pluladelehis., 9 A. M. and 8 P. M., for Horny town. Leave Norristown, 75( A M. and 5 P. M. • FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Plilladellhas, 0,60, .1)9 9.00, and 11.66 A. M., I.oe. to, 3.05.431, 6.66,A.0e, 11?..; Leave Munayunk, 634, 75i, 825, 931,.1134 A. M. , 3, 334 , 5, 6.44. and 934 P. M. ON SIR/DAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M., 3, and 7 I'. M. Leave Man yank A. M . 634. and 8 P. M. 11. K. SMITE General Soperintendent. nOlO-11 DEPOT. NI , NTH_ and GREEN 81.reetc N OB.TII PENNSYL- IlianNWE VACUA RAILROAD. FOR BETHLEREM, DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CRI.INE, HAZLETON. and ECKLEY. THREE; T 'LOCUM TRAIN 8. On and after MONDAY. DeoeMber a. 1869, Passenger Tramswill leave FRONI' and 'WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia. daily, (Sundays excepted), as follows: At 6.30 A. M.. (Exprees), for Bethlehem, Allen hiwo, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton. &O. At 9.45 P. M., (Exprees), for Bethlehem Fasten, &c. This train reaches ENROLL MO P. M. and Makes olose , connection with New Jersey Central for Now York. At 5 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chong. &o. At 9 A. M. and 4 P M., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Waslungton, The 4.30 4. N. Express train makes eloae connection with the Lehigh. Valley Railroad et Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh anal region. • TRAINS FOR. PRILADELPIIIA. Leave Bethlehem at 5.42 A. M., 9.16 A. and LW PM. Leave Doylestown at 7.15 A. 76.. an. 21.10 P. M. Leave Fort Wasn.nutom.ape.:46A. M. ON BUNDAYS.—Phthrdelphis. for Fort Washington at 9.50 A. M. Philadelphia or Dolestowx., at 4 P. M. 11oyleetown fr Phi la delphia at 7 A.-M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.46 P. 71 Fare to Bethlehem-. 211 50 [Parole Mauch Chunkija 68 are to Easton.— ..- SO I Pare to Doylestown.' Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BEAKS Street, in order to secure Ole eV." o fetes of foie. All Passenger Trains(except Sunday Trains) connect at, Barks Street with 'Fifth. and Bixth-streets, and Seeendaird , Third-etrests Passenger. Railroads, twenty gamuts; after leaving Willow. Street. sles ti. "ELLIS CLARK. 'Agent.` ' t. =AIM PHILNDELPUIA immo - -r.mamoier. AND READINGRAIL ROAD.-PaSSZNGEIT. TRAINS for POITSVILLE, READING, and HARRISBURG,on and after Nov. sth, MO. Jd..O.IILN la lES, DAILY.,i (filluidurs excepted./ Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALLOW iinda Strosta, PR I/4A RELPHIA,(Passen; entranoes an Thirteenth and on Gallowhill skrucks at BA. M., conneeting at Harrisburg with the PEN SYLVANIA RAMA-A . 135_4. 2,, M. train manioc to Pittsburg; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY LIN P. M. train rtinninp to Chambersburg, &o. and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. k. tram, running to Sun bury, ha. - AFTERNOON LINES. Leave Noir De t, corner of BROAD and CALLOW RILL Streets, PR p _ o ILADELPHIA,(Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets,) for POTTS VILLE and HARRIS BUR% at 3.300. M., DSILY, for READINe only, at 4.38 P.M., DAILY, (Sunday. ex- IiSVACES VIA PHILADEVILA. AND READINS AILROAD. Paow Pa...t.bst.rtitl. Miles, To 291 Reading-- Lebanon M Barrisburg—.....-11 1 1 Dauphin ----124 MiDereburg, .- 147 Trevorton Junction-10 nuntnry Northrunberland Lewisburg --.178 Milton O.Un9Y---- • .-iffr ilheingeort .-.—.70g .314 naven ItalAtCl -- Williamsport and Elmira .- _ISM Railroad. The 9 A. M., and 3.30 P. M. train oonneet dailL at Port Clinton, (Sunday. exoepted,Y with the CATA WISSA, WILLIA,MBYORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, making close connectione with lines to Niagara Fall., Oanade,the Went and Southwest. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA! Corner of ROAD and CALLOW n. r. Streets. se23-tf W. H. McILEENNEY. Be Teeny TILE PENNSYLVANIA CIENTE A.L RAJ OA). see. ARbEe DOUBLE WRACK. 1861. aingrwr. 1861. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS NOW EraVAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURO, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Easton, New York, and all points ted, and in the Imon Depot at Pittabura with Through Trains to and from all points in the Welt. Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing faoihtlea for the transportation of Personae's unsorpaimed for speed and comfort by any ether route. Express ant. Fast Muse ran through to Pittsburg, without change of Cantor Conductors. All through Pea manger Trans provided with Locskyitise's patent Bran—speed umnor perfect tiontroi or, me onsinoor, tans adding_muori to the sa f ety or travellers. emoting Can are attached to each Traia_, Woadrars Weeping Oars to Express and Feat 'Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fiat Must. Ili-. days excepted. Mail Tram level Philitsipkia at Ii.OOA.X. Fast Line 11.14 A, m. Uxass Train leavea " IDA P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE 41.5 FOLLOWS: Rarriaburg Acoommodation, 4 viagoieldi, 3 F. Ai, Columbia Ss .00 Parkesbarg " 19.30 P. alt. West Cheater Passengers will take the Mail, Parkes burg Acmoromodstion, and Columbia ?mina. • Passengers for 811.11b0171WilliamsPort.Elmir , l , Bvtra le, Niagara Fella, and intermediate point., leaving Phi ladelphia at am A. M. and g F. M. go dtrectly_throus h. Tickets Westwardmay be obtained at the offices of the Company in Phiktdelpluaaklew York, Boston, or ilal timore ; Moenked Eastward at any bo a rd important Railroadin the Wort; ahro on soy of the regular lino of Steamers en the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. sir - Fare always as low, and ems as Welt, sa by any ether Route. For foram' usformstl4n apply 64 the Naserager SU, lion, Sontheaat corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The oomplefiop of the Western Otgineo.tiono of the Perin4VlVania Railroad to Chioago,make thm the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE Ti. oenneotion of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at paten:ix", avoiding all dniyage or ferriage of Frei t, together with the wiring of time, are idgantageg anpreeiated by Edmore of Freight , and the iriviV p.ngbbi. Kerolusnte.and Shim s entre /mg the traggportatien of their Freight to Company, clan rely with soul donee on its epeedtransit. DEB RATER, OF FREIGHT to end froi any pent in the West by the Ponnsylvants RisiLroaMlD at /Mu itifivrraii• Si en ilifirll4 OV CA!! tßallirood 10111,4111:11. Be parties:sr to nark Minds*" via Mina. kall read. • Far Freight Centrum: sr tibias . = Direstiens, apply to, sr address either of the Bi ll owing Agents of the GeaP , eau : JP. A. OTEWART. Pittsburg: 115, VIM* al cir„ langiryille,O.: J. J. Johnston ltipley uli R. alegteely, Orineby Jaropper, Portsmouth, U.; Paddock Co., Jellereonye indr aqa H. W. Brown h Cincinnati, O.; Auiern & llibbert,Linoinristi., O.; R. U. Meldrum. Madison, lads; Joe. E. Mnure, Louisville, Ky.: P. IV 0 7 Riley & Co., Franaville. led: D. W. Graham & Co., Cairo, IBA It. F. Bomb Phulor & Glass, flt. Louis Mo.; John H. Bar- Il se m a ilvi co ll° 4 7 a ll i u o6l 4 r ni ti.l l W. 11 . nun. t ar - . ll 7:o b rdn il ; T Alio enrh ai ; ilar ill.; or ..o Agent, of isilrosas at different reuits in we West. B. B. UW3IIIOII, Jr., Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS, IC North street_. l 3altiniere. LEECH & CO., Astor House, or la. William ILI LT. LEECH & CO. lio. 77._litate street Boston. N. H. giburryow. Hen'l Freight Agent Phila. ),,H9VPT ? Gen'l Tieset Areal, Prim E. NEwll9. Altoona. Pi. lall-17 an alleMi ATID B PH I ; D ° A R D E E L; F E B I R A V.U. MEDIA. SPRING- ARRAN DEMIINT, On arid aft or Monday, March IL the treble 'will leave Philadelphia, from the Depot, norteeaet earner of Eighteenth mid Market streets, at 6.00 A. M., and 2,4, end 6.30 P. M.. The Freight Train, with nafteen_ger car attaohed, will leave West Philadelphia at 6 A. M., running as far ea the Baltimore Central Junction. On Sunday's, leave Philadelphia. ate A.M. and 2 P. M. leave West Cheater at 7.30 A. M. and LAO P.M. The MUM leaVisePhiladelplue et 8 A. M. Mid t P.M. leanest at Per:molten with trains on the Ptillidelt rd, hia a a n o d . Bal ao ti . More Central Bailroad iro . fo rt r z ir y enne vr btair . General esperintendent. fiAILROAD, WZEIT 0111.NEITER TRAM.. viA h as- s- INas OAD. em vs A Li sb. p A. BI INES. FURNESS, BRDILIT, & 00., No. 499 MARKET !STREET SALA OP Fri F.DEXCHe GOODS. day ndna. . 4oTli li. ato ° l a On t.:l.*, edfalozde. on la 11191Glie • credit -1544 Packages and lots of famoy and staple Prefab dry Ifir l Samples and catalognett early on morning of rale. Philadelphia and Reading and Lebanon Valley R.R. rforthem Central. Rekilrogleip Banbory and Erie I. i. E.S:i ~t+~~3:t:L-~l 13 BY MW PARIS PRINTRD ORGANDIES. ItAitEGES. ar.e. On Friday Morning. pieces Paris printed organdies, , •• bareges. • • pla id i jtnithaing. ' RI 4 tirl PRINTS, B • _LAWNS, AND GINO mAMG. canoe Lonlion (shin= prints. 4 •• • 941 chintz brilliants. 7 •• •• 9-5 printed lawns, 3 •• *t 94 manometer ginshams. Also -600 Stella and printed Cashmeie etavrlß. iggi pieties naipook and check muslin& 00 DlOOO3 GA 18110.1 French CRAW mores and paiCoN. Franoh needlework embroideries. Franca black 911 et mitts. Silk ties and h,atih nig cravats. N F. PANCIOAST, AVOTIONEEB, Sue -1• • censor to B. Scott. Jr., 431 ClltliTiftir Bt. Ente'r SPACIAL SALE OF STRAW GOODS, By catalogue, on a credit. On Friday Morning April commtnsing rit,lo o!clock.. NEW S HATE ..60rIE oases ladies' and misses' ikal stYlre pedal braid, • VI:N. ilikchip, and norm", bonnept y ncer ruyres c o lore d and spot urd.fri rt 77 7" FANCY TIATS.,FLATS, ire. Hisses' and children's tnmmed and untrimmed Ade laide, Benvelards. and other fancy bats; Leghorn and braid Rata, willcm mud palm HATS. &o. RATS.,S Also. men's and boys' %Salta and colored hats, Palm bats, ske. BSONB. FLOWERS. AND Butadrolt cloo_pe, Also choice spring style Pane bonnet ribbons. NMI: 12o61) 'French artincial flowers, crapes. blonds, nets. &a. PDHILTP 14'0ED it UO., AUCTIONEERS, No , age it,f/LIIIXT,I!!est and eel Al_LNOlt at. t. ' BALE , OF BROUANS. CAS.F.S BOOTS. SKOZS, AND This. Morning. April 11, at 10 o'clock Precisely, will be sold, by oats.- logue -I,OOD oases men's boil' rain, , and yenthe kin.. g and think boots,ealf, be, and grain brogans, Congress gaiters. Oxford woatilagee , dren's calf, km, grain, goat, m oroc coand iheeled boots and shone, gaiter& busting, &o. also, a large and desirable assortment of first-olass oity-made goodg. far Goods open for examination, with oataiogaeis, early On the Moran/It of sale. - 3/11[0:3E8 NATI:LANS A U W.t 1U ti t; sorrerAfN D= T MM d SRAIO MERCHANT. Bontnoon STEPHEN TORAH'S FIFTH CLOSING-OUT SALE OF tiU ttNITURn . Will take plaoe at tee Store, northeast earner of Ninth and Market streets, On Friday Morning, April 12, at 10 o'clock. It will embrace every variety of parlor furniture, chamber, dining-room, and kitchen furniture. mirrors. 03rpeting, beds, mattresses. and articles generally so- Perraribar, to hoeseir. AT PRIP:AASAI.,E. Some of the finest ROL driEIIT LEVER and CHRONOMETER WATO manfaetered, at half the visual selling prices. gold lever and leplne watcher', silver lever fin d repine Irtitehell, English, Swiss, anti French watches, at astoniehingly lowqces, jewelry o f every description. P 9 i7 low, guns, pi ls, myeloid in- Amateurs. first quality of Havana o gars, st half the importation price' guantines to snit purchasers, and variougoer ki nds Of goods. SPLENDID 8 7 OF SAAL DIMONDS AT PRIVATE E. Consisting 8 660 diarnmid and opal breastels and ear rings. Price . ()out in Parrs $1,400. A splendid aingle-stond diamond breast - pia. only 8160, cost OUT DOOR SALES Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. Consignments of any and every kind of {_Dods soli- • cited. MOSES NATHAtifI, ! MINTY TO LOAN $20.000 to loan, at thu krrindt rates, on diamonds, watches, jewelry. silver piste. dry seotle, clothing, ars.- Genoa, mare, hardware, cutlery, pianos, mirrors. fur niture, bedding, and on goods of every description, in large or small mounta. from one dollar to thousands. for any length o f time agreed on. %$ The Oldest Established R use in this city. lir Private entrance on RAC ' Street. SS , Dusiriess hours frointl A. . to OP. M. ~. Heavy insuranc_e for the hater t Of depositors. __ CHARGES ONLY TWO PER GENT. SW Advanoes of $lOO and upwards at trro per cent. AnVancee of 8100 end upwards, at one per ordt.. for short loans.. .. . . . ... . 5111F1 ING. gat WEEKLY 06111131 4 1104T10N BY STEAM BETWEEN_YORK AND LIVERPOOL, Galling at QUEENSTOWNNEW_ rffe lane.) to land and 8111blIrk passengers and dellPatOhes. The Liverpool, New Vora, and Philadelphia btearn ship Company's splendid' Clyde-built iron screw steam ships, are intended to sail ae follows: FR OM NEW YORK FOlt LIVERPOOL. KANGAROO,. Saturday, April 13 btilatCYVE Saturday , Elatu-day, April 20 April. 6 And everi;flaturdaY throughout the year, from P ER. NO. 44 N. . RATES dF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Queenstown. or Liverpool,— Do. to London, via Liverp001_......—........- 80 Steerage to Queenstown, or /Aver 30 DD to London.-- ....... 813 Do. Iteturn tioteta, available for eta months, from Liverpool., —." $69 • Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp, at through tatell. Cs , tificatee of passage issued front Livorfool to New Yeti( $4O Certificates of passage leaned fro m Queenstown _ to - ice New York.— .--.......--. • .a.s.k. These steamers have superior accommod us for Paseengore are coludiucted with watertight mpart meuta. an d carry experienced Burgeone. For freight. or passage. apply at DALE e Coin pans. JOHN D. eat. 109 Walnut /tree ,t delphia. In Liverpool, to WM. I Ar,, To , Buildings. In Glai:gcr, to WIG & Knurl, 1P Dixon street. SPECIAL NOTICE IkFOR TIM SOUTH. --ti :I •ItLEEP TON AND SAVANNA/I OTEA . , 'um, - Ms I me tor Goods of points other than the, pities o Charleston and flatqinnah, molt be &geom.:wiled *ith certified invoices. to insure proMpt delllerr• ‘.,, All goods not permitted immediately after the &rimel of the steamers at Charleston and Savannah will be. sent to the Custom-house stores. The atemnahiP STATE, OF GEORGlAhaving_ been withdrawn for the present, the Steamship KEYSTONE STATE will rug to both Savannah and Charleston, taking freighta for both ports at the same time, pro- abetting Bret to Savannah, and from thence to Charles ton, making a trip every two weeks, thus making de hyalite as frequently in Charleston and Savannah ae When betb ships were running. Pageengere for Charleatinil Will Do ticketed through from cavannan to Gnarled:ton by Hair. Far FOR avah, 815; throttgli to harlerti3ll, SIC CIIARLE6TON AND IDA ANNAR. The Steamship ,KEYBTONE rreTt., Capt. Charles P. Marehman. w) , l sail for the above ports on Friday, April 12, still o'elook A. M. Goods received ever. day. and Bills of Lading signed at second wharf at` &box, V Bu irtit te E. st. lIIKAN Freight and insuranoe on a large proportion of Goode shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. IP Ineurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these Diorite, Philadelphia to New Orleans and intermediate points Charleston and Savannah route, connecting with gteautera for Florida, and with railroads for New Orleans and intermediate points. GREAT REDuuriux IN FARE. Fare by this route 26 to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, an will be seen by the following geheible, Throngh tickets from Philadelphia. via Charleston and Savannah steaninkige, INCLUDING MEALS on the wholo route, except from Charleston and Savannah to Montgomery : To Savannah. ... .•1416 le To Columbus-- .111211 00 Charleston.— 16 001 Albany --- —.. 33 00 Augusta—...— 11 00 Montg omery . 36 00 Macon— _— . 23 CD Mobie. . —... 36 00 Atlanta—. 21 001 New Orleans..... E 9 TB N t s. — Ptiellengers by this route eonneot with the In- Jana Route in South Carolina and Georgia, trevellmg by the same conveyances thence to New Orleans. No bilis of lading signed after the ship has sailed. No freight received on the day of sailing. Agente in Onatieston, _T. 8. A. T. ti. CUD% Savannah. RUTTER A Ge, DIMEL.a T. 3. A T. G. BUDD, Charleston, and HUNTER & OAMaiteLL. Savannah, will attend to entering end for warding all goods consigned to their care. RAILROAD LINES. i 7 LMRA ROUTE. PHILADELPHIA AND EA- ptc. *TT:. A - QC n • ROUTE to 7amnsua, Gateman's.. Re pert, Wilkesbarre, Scranton Danville, Milton, Wil liamsport, Troy, Ralston, Canton, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Roohester, Ceveland, , Detrolt, Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, and all points North and West. rpoopngor ;Tatra; will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphjand Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOW HULL Street., (Passenger entranoe on Cal lowlull street, ) daily (Blindays excepted), for above points aa follow.: DAY EXPREIIa e. h) A. M. NIGHT EXPRESS—. AM P. M. The Loa A. N. train °anneals at Rupert, for Wilkes tame, Pittson, nomnton, and all stations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. The above trains make direct connection" at Elmira with the trains of the New York andf me, Canandaigua and Niagara Path", and Buffalo, New ork , and Erie, and New York Central Railroads, from al points North and West, and the Canada.. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Sazoeninon Bridge. and aUittermediate points,. _ enVoaititil bet 1 r en i riret Otre r it l i t rlna P s ft t i s a a rn ud d: 6 9 l. f and CU trtui Streets:and at the r.k l aseu r ler Depot. corner° , TI;I 3 I6TEENTII and CA LLOWHIL L. THRODO Is RENS PREICIIT TRAIN Leave the Phil • delphiaakd Reading Depot, Broad and CallowWl are I 'daily (Sundays excepted), for all points West a North, at 6P. M. Preigate ma- be delivered before .M. to Omura their giiC &MO 417, Fo or Infornpft amply at Projekt Depot, TRIM. Th and OWIIILL, or to MAR. APPEN,__ _General Azent, Rerthireet maser X and 101iNsIthlWr ikno•is t cola tf Philadelplia DAILY INLAND 111tillM FREIGHT LINE TO NON. LK OUTR. VA., and to the princi pal Cities anu Towns in the South ant Southwest. Goods sent to the Depot. corner BROAD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue, will lye forwarded daily, and at as low rates as by any other line. H. F. KENNEY. Master of Transportation K. R. R. Co. NOTIOE.—CHESTER IiaIIMPRIE VALLEY RA ILROA D.—PAS RENGER'TRAIN_RFOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN. TERMEDIATE STATIONIII.—On and after Nov. ath, 1860, the Passenzer Trains for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the now rammer Depot of the Floi l 4 - , dolphin and Reading__Ragyorid Company, Cern" On BROAD and coa.powiiiLL. Streets, (passenger en trance on Callowhill. MORNING TRAIN for Downingtown leaves at 8.00 A. M. AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown leases at 1.191". M. DAILY (Sundays exoepted). kly ordor of the Doord of ittamtgars of the Yiniadel. Phia and Reading Railroad Com_s(Aey• ann W. R. IdelL.R.RaiN Y. Snore ta rY • EXPRESS COMPAMES THE ADAMS EXPEICIEW °Moo 320 GIiBOTNUT apron. f om arli ankoteres. Arterahandoe, liar.k.siotec and aped°. either by ita own Lino, or, iv counactiot with - atker Esortwo Comouttea. V , tk. v rire i ca gowns and oituta of WI 11111'0 skst..: 1,0009000 r il e o A e 1 v V e (1 1N p e A r a il ! I ?oil! , 3 0 Lil t !! t , Cup Red Saimaa, comprising Cabanas, Figaro. Paitagria, Come roiante. Black Bea, Pu d irbinallo, Etelvina, iablo Marino. Vat ail, Proems., &0.. /Ice , o f n il nines and qualitieet, and for soloist t . ii , lorw i ft in ar at rata by MARL g. eqo.l3c 130 If VT. THOMAS it Bk/PlB, • p 4., 139 and 141 Month POttlrrn te; (Formerly Nos. 07 nad SO ERFAIPTOIIY tillibr—t3TOOKl3, by pontarnement. Qa Wuesday. April re, noes. 84 the Biohanse, will In isoltl— Withotlt reserve. tot account of whom it ma, c „, v. cern -83,200 (3 bonds of *LOW, and 2 of $lOO each,) Phila delphia and balamore Central Railroad Company.l.,lllo shares Thirteenth and Fifteenth-streets rum. ger RailWaY CoMPsnY. , 100 shares Roo* and V ine-otroota Passenger RsAway Compact. 100 eharee Fairmount and MIA-street Car Passenger Railway Company. For apeman. of whom it may onnoorn -23 shares Philadelphia Mutual R 41141 Estate aatooia, Lion—par e/701 fall paid. REAL ESTATE SALE—APRIL 16. Orphans' Court Rale—OM. of DWELL I N G, or,i deoessed.--TWO-STORY BRICK ' 1034 Frapirford avenue, south of Otter Stree t _, name Estate.—.YALUABLK LOT, D WELLING, BARN, &e., 1Z sores, Twenty-thud ward, eppooki tieopersvilln, between OM Second . street turnpike si x ) Eront..street road, adjoining the elegant country sent of Dr. Barton. IMO Jacob Ridgwav, &erased. Orphans'Cart Nate—Estate of Samuel Levzey,e,, oessed.—SlX BURIAL LOTS, Mount Month De w ; terr. 'Chet ere well located, and forte a enuare, DESIRABLE cutiNTRT BEAT, ever. 13 m ere . Milltown road, between the ()afford and Second-await' tirrnpiltes, `]'went?-third ward. poreniptcry Sale.— ELEGANT MODERN RIM. DEBEE and large lot, Tulpehooken street. north of Wayne street, tiermentown• Peremptory SaIe.—THREE-STORY BRICK DWEL. LING, Brown streti oast of Eleventh street. vont; AND DWhLLINO, lee noutheeet corn it e h r a or n the . ventlifirlittittelitYtt&M. hetereettid and Whartes Tet E-8W 11w ORY BRICK ELI to No. N Earl &rect. THREE-STO Y BRICK DWELLING,w modern 413210:fe1t/Ms, No. 256 North Sixth street. e VALUABLE MOIL STORY HOTEL. known ss the o i um bi a . Rouse. emit etdo of Broad so eet,lng lest orth of Arab. street! And Agar te_time Square, rl/ADDABL hi WEST PRILADELERI A 'PROPER. 'Y.—Lroge rinl. v aluable tot, northwest ce rn " Chestntit and William, or Thirty-ninth. streets. 100 11 MB feet. Tl r. ve!uable fronts. ,kr w , REed lot GER.—Also. two neat Reeidenott, adjoiturg on illiant etre,s. eisoh lot 50 feet front. One of teem ham also d trirnt en a blak stre et. They will 11- sold smarately. RACE S FRE RT.—Store and L I we./ling. "TI Rios street, with two story brick shop in - the rear, on bark street. COATES STREET.—Three-story brick Tavern and Dweiling.,plo. Hod Qostes street. WALNUT STREBT,--neat Residence, No, ltri Walnut street, between Broad. and Fifteenth etreels. -6000 rosy roman'. REAL ESTATF, AND STOCKS—APRIL 23. Peremptory Sale, for account of whom it may oon. oern—ain shae Union Canat stook; Ile share. Little Schuylki m ll Navigation Railroad and Coal Company. xecutorei Sale— Witte of Conrad Wolf ( Wearied,. VerY valuable GERMANTOWN PROPERTY, 2635 acres, with improvements, Allen's lane, near the Mount Airr station, Chestnut Hill Railroad. Orphans' on: Sale-I.state of Zhomas Brown. es eeeeed.—DWE LUNG AND LOT 0 GROUND. south west corner of Twenty -third street and Brown's court, above CsAowhill street. Same state. FOUR UWE!. LIMA on Brown's point, west of Twenty-third stree t _, anltif rff Cal Myna Baffle Estate . —THßES-STORY BRICK DWELL. INCi. Loon street. north of Green greet. I.lth ward. game batate.—CTOßb A ri 11 DWELLIN G. north side of Callowhiu street. west of Twenty-third street. Same F.etate. -- STORK , ANA PKELIANH. &dimwits the shove on the west. 3 THREP-STOR BRICK DWELLINGS, Noe, 717. 731. and 733 Lombard Y street. „BRICK DWELLING, No.lo Pleasant alleittle, semi of Lombard street. ELEGANT BROWN•STONE RESIDENCF:, west Los of North Broad street. south of Girard ave:ne. Los 37 feet front. The haute hen all the modern eoe.. venienees. Executors' Peremptory Bate—Yetat• of Ann Tayk.r. deoeased.—NEAT RESIDENCE, No 733 Spruce sliest , and Brick Dwelllue in the rear. on 011111{15 street. Peremptory tale.—Fl, h GANT RR S I HENCE, Ofte.tarit U'l HILL, with 434 acres. with superior man mon. 230 feet front on 'Thorp's lane. Trustees' Stile.—TFlE It A PTINT CHURCH EDI. FIC E. and large 104,106 by 100 feet. mouth side of Han som street. between Sighth and Ninth streets, opposite the southern front of the Continental Hotel. HANDSOME NEW MODERN RESIDENCE. north. west corner Seventeenth and Wallace streetr. Ens the modern con - rsnienees. Immediate possession. BALE OF BUPERioR FURNITURE., 'ELEGANT RosBwOOD PIANO-FoRTEJ% KNCEL ?LATE MIRKORS. Cat ANDEL/IEBS wARDRoBEP, DEN. TISTB' LATRE•CAsE MirIikRALB,BAUATisLLE TABLE, %VELVET. BRUBtfEI.B AND OTHRit CARPETS. CHINA AND GLASSWARE, Ice. CAR p *lle this morning, at the Agettog Store will aornpflee. tweidee 700 lota of excellent hum. lure, rosewcoa and mahogany mano.forma. mirrors. chandeliers, bagatelle table, War obey. small dentinte lathe, 2 Sheffield plated urns, cage minerals, velvet, Bruggele, and other carpets, enunterei, thins and tlam ware, beds and bedding. !to., fonning at , nttritetive elortment, worthy the attention of ladies /014 omeri e 3 corona of rurohasing. oar Gatalogues now roadr and the articles iltlsese4 for examielluolt, Sale at Noe )89 and Tuth_Fourth Street. SUFERIOS FURNITURE, RENCII PLATE MIR HORS, F/Axo-FORTES, RUERELIs CAR PETS. This Morning, At 9 riclook, at the Auotien store, an assortment excellent aeonnd-hand furniture. elegant mane- fortes. fine mirrors, carrieta. eta., from families (femme' housekeeping, remolied to the store for conetmlesvi eale. Also, a superior dentists' lathe. Also, a ease minerals. .A 150.2 Sheffield Mated Also, a rosewwd bagatelle table, balls and ease eery Piste. SP:VP:IITR SALE AT THE GIRARD HM4E. SUPERIOR CHAMBER e FURNUURE, CAR. ETS. On Monday Morrumt. April 19, at IQ o . oPno by ostalogue, st the Vim( HOUSe, Qtierstput street, beiew Ninth, a quantity.of su perior clamber furniture, fine hair nritlreaset, feather tiolsteirs and pillows, &o. Also, Brussels, linperiji and ingrain carpet,. Also, a quantity of office furniture, desks, tables, I, Aem. a Larne and superior Iron safe, made by Ferrel rr:ng, coat 8700, suitable for a jeweiter. 'Mee be examined on Saturday, from 9 to 3 o'cleet. Sale No. Mg Chestnut Street, ELEGANT FURNITURE. MtaltOßS. PIAMt. CHANDELIERS, Tuesday VELVET GARRETS, kc. On Morning. April 16th. at 1043'0dock, at Lie. 1303 Chestnut street, by catalogue.. The entire f urniture of a lady declining hoozekeernE. Gomm - mpg o f rosewood and brocatelte drawing-toms furniture, pianoforte by Gale & Co.. handsome mantel and. pier mirrors, fine velvet carpets, plated ware, China and glassware. superior walnut chamber thrui• turn, fire mattresees, cottage furniture. nil moth?. &a, Also, a 4iia%!tify a Rue preserset t alsot the kitchen furniture, sir - May lie exaMMed at 8 o'clock on the %awninged the ealo. AND NORM L MAIL STEAM- IVERPooL. - 41130 - 75 Sete No. 111I Iktfntit.$traiSt. SPLENDID CAIGNET FERN/T1120.: FIRST-CLASS OIL PAINTING: 4 , FINE ENGRAVINGS, STATUOI766. VELVET VititPETS, MIRRORS, /cc. On Wednesday Morning, April 17th, at 10 &cloak, at No. Ell Chestnut Mtn. b.g catalogue, the entire tasteful and beautiful furniture of a gentleman going to bump., comprising two mile of very rich and elegant parlor furniture ; a outwit ebabbtately carved oak library furniture, russet leather drivers; suite of carved Min dining-room furniture. air Stifles of handsome chamber furniture,tune or them very elegant and expensive.) era. tar All ninth to order by Leonidas. from selected French deelgyi and without regard to test. Splendid royal Axminster medallion carpet ; Wilton . velvet, and Brussels eau Pete ;JO French- plate mantel and pier mirror.; elegant Mums, Piano, Cliondelierli g hee dad chinaware. veil superior mattresses_, bedding. kc. FAMTII)1013, kllfiltetVlf(G3. Lte, Also is large number of Arra - 041 1 M Original oil paint togs, of the best French, American, and German school', rare and }hie engravings, marble statuettes , artiolerr of bijonterie and ',inn, ate. Sir May be examined oft Tenedart April le, from 10 to S W Particulars in catalogues, now lesdr. ---- silo A keel awl Cork Ear :lA. Capt. (!Hannon. AD Cat. nAderson. RI A. Cabc. MOAtileY 1A A. Capt. bundle. Ora, Capt. J. Coos. Ward e light at mast-head ; vt bow, Wednesday. April 8 . Wednesday, Apnl 10. Wednesday. Aprtl 17. .Wednandpx, Aril 24. Wednesday, 1 . WednesdaY. MAY 1. Wednesday, MAY 16. Wednesday. MAT 32. itd. not be accountable for relit, gramme Stones 144 thefefor. and - For freight or CUIIIAR 0, New York. Sale No. 1314 Marshall Strad, SUPERIOR WALNUT FORNITuRE, TAFI'ATRY BRUSSEIA CARPETS. ece. eti Friday Morning. Nth inst.. at RI otoloeht M 1P9. 1319 Mare lo Iltree t. above lhospenon street, the enure hoMieh6ld kitchen furniture, tapestry itrtiseele carpets, &O . 01 k gentleman declining houeekeeeme. Mal he examined on the molting of o'clock. Adtainistrator , a Sale. 2911 Walnut street—Estate of Dr • Thomas Harris, deoeased. BVI I ERIOR RY.BII/11NOg AND FURDI 'TUK, DPP ItORB, OIL PAINTINGD, CURTAINS, CHABBh• LIBROS, ko. On Tuesday klornin. at Inst., at 10 o'cilook, at No. 1911 Walnut street, hf catalogue, the entire furniture, comprising manor walnut drawing. room furniture. mantra and war mir rors, fine oil paintings and engrapings. enflame, chan deliers. glace and china, Isile.epl67 dIIIIIVItOnaI and chamber furniture. Alao, the kitchen fitllll,lllB. rein. gerator &o. 8,7" The superior reeldince, with coach berme, will fursold at le o'clock preoisely, previous to the sale n 1 ture. Full partionlars in handbills and catalOgnes• Peremptory Sale on the Premise", . TEE DFLRNDID COUNTILV &0.,, OF GEORGR MeHEISKY. Ent On Wednesday, May let, without reserve. on the premiaes, I veil elegant mansion, with stable, coaoh-honse, and other fine improvements. and 20 acres of land, littera, asst Dary. Delaware county., Pa. Full descriptions in catalogue', now ready. sir May be examined on &indication to the elletion • ears, The furniture, horses, carriage ", &0., will be sold us , mediately after the real War Bale of the whole absalts, the owner havins tong to r urope. MFITZPATRICK A. BROS.. ACC LC. • TIONEERIC 604 CHESTNUT . Niset, ISALEa_ EVERY EVENING. At 7 o'clock, of 800, stationery and Pll3Ol watches, jewery, 0100 k.,, 'diver lated ware, eu'l"!'• paintuage, musical instnitimente, &.n. Also, - Hosiery, dry goods, boota and shoes. and me , ahandise of elyery description. DAY BA RES every Meeday. Wednesday. and IT' day at 10 o'olook A.lll ' PRIVATE !ALE. At private sale several large cogurignmentr of wat , hro. Jewelry, boob., stationery, "dyer-plated ware, onllerti fancy totem, A.°. To which is solicited the &Marne! , ", city and country merohente and others. Col:mammal:di, solicited of all kinds of merohatb. for either publio or Private melee. Liberal cash advanCes matte on consignment/. Ont-door sales promptly attended to. graPENN STEAM XNOII 4 IX ANO BOILER IL WORRB.—HEAFIE aa P r e iTICAL A 111) THEORETICAL EPI(iIftEIAP• iriIST_BOILER-MARERAI. BLACREtte and ORNOMOS, having, fot many years, bees eunaeatal operation. and been exclusively engaged is beading and repairing Marine and River F.:nines. hig • and low presence, Iriin Boats , Water 'ranks. ProtiellVl" Re., &e. respectfully offer their semen to the Pal 94 as I>eli:ig . folly plapitiol 60. tram Enoisol of la; rases, marina, R iver, and Statismary , having P" pater= of dinerent silos. are prepared to execute at der' with quick despatch. Every delionPtidk of Pa sere makint made• at the shortest notice. High and :ov Prelialie, Flue, Tabular, aod Cylinder Volley,* the iron. best Pennsylvania oharooel Forginta. et all slaw and kinds; Iron and VMS, coatings, or on dexerift , n. Roll Taming, Aarew Cuttng , and all ether wort . 01 merited with the above business. Drawings and speintications for pal wart dent' at isiu establishmentaree of charge, and work gitaranne , i. The imbeonbers have ample when dock TOOM ler is Pairs ef boats, where they can lie in Perfect P ll-6 " end are provided with shearp, an & As.. A's for mixing heavy et' JACOB 9. REAPIN. .10111 P. WV, REACH and l'Ablitkla .I.,AI7OEtAt4ERRICX. JOHN S.COPK. WILIJAK H. VL MIRRICS. SOUTLIWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON FITBISICIM LADELPII I A. MERRICK it EtOn Er4G.INEEKS AND MAGfilii Manufacture nigh and Low Pressure Maim otr . "" for land, river, and patinae ser vice. Boiler.. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats. kr: 1 : 44 inns of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, WOTifilhOPL 11411 road station, &o. ~,t Retorts end Gas folsohlhery 9f the how at'd kroved construction.g nr Mhvery deartription of 'lmitation blashineri , rut oven 'sugar. SwF, and Grist mills, Vacuum rens. toe ,. Steam Trains. Defeoators, Filters, Pumping rn' tte. Sole Agents for It Milieux's Patent Sugar s o ..d il m o L Apparatus NcilLOY in'a Patent 'team if w i n; r b a „lutne Enwell It WOnVen rotorkt contriftiFm g , 1 ,11 Bonin. iIIeIOINT PLEASANT FOUNDSY, No. Pt §trept, g Kn ni d ug s t n, yhitnaeistor • , s; ilAfti B. TI.E. RR inform his ,ritod. 0. 10 • *beim! tho cativo stook qf Patterns ht tnr 3 7".." •••‘ t p ks is now oreroo w tist , ordcrpr , -710 tut, And gAlt hail nutinZA. SOAP{ ClW llo l.liot mute Work, !gearing. C...,41p1es tr. Pie rrnr imptia•ry or rsarsls 1:• or rr*" Mn PHILADELPHIA TER RA -0 (1 'E T" WORKS, Ofible and are Rooms, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. W • - Otnatuontul Chissoy Tape Garden Vases and Statuarr• Eneanstio Flooring Tile. Arohltectural Ornaments. vent:timing and Smoke Flues. Ridge Tile and Sanitary Ware. Steam-pressed Drain Pipe. Water Pipe, warranted to stand piellsuTOr cheap and durable. tie Trade supplied on liberal terms. illustrated emaloguessent by Mail on application by letter. B. A. EtARIIIB O N. 1010 CHESTNUT. Str"" JUST RI.,()EIVED, per " Annie Kimbal', rl9lll 1 4 verpc,n1, Mandel., Weaver. dande r's Preparations 25 /1.• Extract Aconiti. in 1 lb ''are 22 fbn Extract Hyosoyami, in lb ism ao las Extrant Belladonnie, in ars. 10ri Extmot Taraxaci,lls Ilb J ars. 50 the Vin Rai Colaniaii in 1 m bottles, 100 Rs 0!. Snooini Rea., in 1 1h bottles. Wu Its Calomel. in 1 lb bottles, occ me rit 117draire - /lb 10,THER.111, 47 mit 411 ;Mu NiCOP AUCTION. MACHINERY AND IRON. mtal t f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers