SCROOL-HOUSE LVIE MAC.ADAMIZED.—ThiS anciena lase leads from the Ridge road to German. :yr . a, and same of the finest country houses in the of this city are erected along its line. y o ur inontiv ago the property-holders thereon pe lonsa Cannella to natoadautims it, owing to its ot impassable condition in the rainy season, a ' n j -certain ezalivideil in the neighborhood of edge road, which seriously inoonsenienced car t; ge travel. The contract was given to Messrs. Wrzhe" and Jones, for the sum of ten thousand ieltere. e _ which the city subscribed four thousand. tee remainder was to be paid by the residents. ice rend aver the lane yesterday. It is two mile _ ier.g, and rrqinred two thousand perches of ,tone to bring it to the requisite degree of o .mipMten ess Tao sums for the same hes been furnished from q utr,•los, on Rittenhouse lane. The ;it:v-actors bare-erected one of the Blake's patent breakers at the edge of the quarry, the first „: 0 3 0 we believe, that an instrument of the kind 4.14 b o a t applied in the state. and the stone has prow einthed and traesported at an unprecedent e4 G e speed. and completeness. Twenty-five were employed at grading and twenty-five at I,l'i:eying. while nine two-horse teams have been rceleve the broken stone. The latter is of ezeoini fractere, the blocks being one-eighth the =sad to turnpike stone. nybed of the pike is made cf heavy stone, laid Ma depth of six inches, and the broken atone at :ei reee le eight inches in depth, thus eonati eatia a solid bed fourteen inches deep and sixteen fee , zr ,,ad A layer of earth will be spread upon ,he, stone during this week and the next. A portion of this lane was lately piked by the t .ey at an expense of $4,000. Its halt and misers- He condition exhibits sufficiently the excellence ths contractors work. The steep hills en the eet at the lane have been graded and channel opened upon either aide of the road. Fre ,eret excavations have been made in the adjoin- Isk., banks, and the lane will shortly become one of ter mon beautiful drives in Northern Philadel rh:e. The contractors justly state that the lane n compare favorably with any macadamized eed in the country. A iZAnnitiO Mitt, Fs,tarzi:oan_--On Satur.. Bey morning, the Bth inst., about seven o'olook, emish Crowley, who has Aline of the damask wit's, en behalf of the operatives, presented John (Im:donning with a magnificent vase of wax fruit, Ay. an acknowledgment of their thankfulness to t'm for finding them work, and running full time , be last tour or five months, when many were out e f employment. Glendenning is neither a Brutus !ill a Mark Antony be did not make a speech, ht: to sets a very high value on the gift because the spirit that prompted it, and the taste shown the givers that selected the gift. Its attractive rasa, on the esamination of the different items, •?9,7ed a jelly time among the hands. -The Union men of Nashville are talking of rol gry, tha lion. John Ball for Congress. The Laigville Journal is delighted with the idea, and thtika that with John J. Crittenden and John Bell i tti b, souse of Representatives the people of the Inited :tales may rely upon having their rights, iswcst, and their honor powerfully Thai srd sustained in that body, Another of Nelson's veterans is dead: James Ms:mho, who fought at Copenhagen, the Nile, and i t sfe•ntr, died at Ramsay, C. W., on Thursday Lizlit The old man was a sailor to the last, and ie r: , ors bore as lunch resemblance to a ship's :aids as it was possible to give it. Old assooto. tni were so powerful that he used a ship swab to -!muse his -floor up to the very date of his death. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Nisi Flaws—Justice Strong.—D. S. Stet & Co. vs. The London and Liverpool Fire and Lift Inzurance Company. The case was conoladed Tcsterday with the charge of the court, which - Fused upon several questions of Interest. Justice strong said This case, to which your attention has been di ruted for a number of days past, is - one of very ooriiderable importance, and it will continue to rtqaire from you your very careful and dlsorimi eating attention. It involves several questions of fast, which you should well and impartially con -rider. applying to them those rules of law; which it silt be my duty to state, and coming to such a ^occlusion as the law and the evidersos will war rant. • To the discharge of this duty, you will bring a ralm and unbiased, an honest judgment. In the 7ourse of this argument, some remarks have been made in regard to the parties in this case, in re tard to which I consider it my duty to make a :ringle observation. It is said that one of the par lire Is a " foreign corporation." Gentlemen, lam rare I need not say to you that that is a matter with which you have no concern. and which should tare no effect upon your mind.. Your duty is not ye try these parties, but to determine the facts which have been proven by the evidence, and these hots are the anis; no matter who may be the par ,tes—whetber they be a corporation or individuals -whether they. be citizens or foreigners. Such nnsiicsations should not enter into the mind of a , ary. They were thrown cut in the heat of ergo neat, as is very usual, but I bave felt it to be my 4aty to discard all such considerations from your mind=_ Isis is an action of oovenant brought upon a po hzy of insuranoe, issued to the plaintiffs by the de• !scants. and it is brought to recover indemnity !or a la , s in consequence of the destruction by Ste at the ship Dtarnota State The policy waa F.Fcesi ea the 17th of February, 1858, although the rier.ium was paid on the sth of the same and the policy commenced from that date, end continued until the sth of Marsh, a period of Imo no-a& The primer,' olettion, and ono to wlibb t% would he well f;t you to devote your attention in the first instance. ia. whether the plaintiffs had an insurable interest in this ship, such as would enable them to take out a policy valid in the law. A person who does not own roretty cannot intone it against Ere A contract for irstcrmee ill ft contract for an in demnity. end there con be no reoovery neleta the parson insured has something to lose ; in other word!, =less be is an owner, or has some interest which may he effected by the destruction of the property. Ncr can there be any recovery upon any policy, no tanner what the amount insured, beyond ;be reins of the interest of the assured. If the ?hip belonged not to the plaintiff's, D S. Stetson & . but if it belonged to David S. Stetson, and vet his crirate property. and the firm had no into *en in it, then the law does not permit the plain ofs to recover in this case. It is, therefore, a pri maryqueetion whether the plaintiffs had as imam :We interest in the chip when the policy was taken sat so 1 to tbst you will, at tiro outaot, direct your Eiteniion. The history of the ship wee then given by the Iwio. and reference made to the fact that the hills of sale were made out to D 8. Stetson, indi- Tticely. and on this point the Jnitge charged : bills of vale have been Fhown to David S. F.•2t6on 5: Co " Thee* bills of sale are Common eildenoeS of ownership. They are not the only evidence. They peas a legal title upon their facie ; ;bey indicate that D. S. Stetson wee the owner, 'el not the firm. On the 17th of March, 1857, Mr. Stetson made an affidavit in the custom house to obtain a registry of the vessel) that he was 'be tine and only owner of 21 64' of !big chip. titer tills affidavit was made, in April. 1857, ten more tubs were obtained, and subsequently, in Aceast. eight more, all of which were conveyed t't David S Stetson. This affidavit of Mr. Stetson, that he was the ss!e owner, was for the purpose of obtaining a tegistry. He wee not bound to set out any evil 'able interest that might belong to any other tenon You will take that for what it is worth. D:sn it show that D. 8. Stetson 45 Company bad t . -; interest, and that Mr. Stetson alone was the 'weer? These bills of sale go to show that the :eget title was not in the firm, but in Mr. =; eta= alone ; but they are not conclusive of 'bat fast. Evidenee has been submitted that the notes of the firm were given to secure :he payment of the different Interests You will examine how this was. If srioh, was the :ase—if the notes and cheeks of the firm were gives for those purchases, when the conveyance tune to D. S. Stetson, they might tend to show 'hat the shares were bought for the firm. In the ahter.ce of any explanation, the firm was in equity las owner of the shares which were conveyed to D S'e:Eon. No explanation bas been given that five payments were made as loans to Mr. Stetson, std, therefore, that would raise a presumption of bee that their interests were bought for the firm, ?al, although they bad no legal title, they were The owner? of the equitable interest. If the shares Tete ccnveyed to D. 8. Stetson, and were paid for with the money of the firm, although legal title -tends in D. S. Stetson, there is sufficient interest :be ship, belonging to this firm, to enable them th take cut a policy and maintain this action It you gad that the plaintiffs had such an into rts.t which they could insure, then you may in lore whether such a loss has been incurred, which the defendants covenanted to indemnify the plain- Oft against. The ship was insured in the " harbor of Phila. 44 Dhia," and was burned at Camden, in the State '1 New Jersey. Did the defendants insure for that plate ? On this pint, the judge referred to the import '-="- of " place," as mentioned in a policy of in ...l:epee. and charged that tinder the policy of in .oranee in this ease, if the Diamond State had .I. , ne to New York and boon burned in that her cr. within thirty days, this policy would not have ^r:rered the loss. If she went out of this harbor e nd was burned, this policy would not (moor the and the defendants wouldnot be liable. This enly bound to insure this ship while in the ".arbor of Philadelphia. In dooidltig whether the vessel was in the harbor .1 Philadelphia, the jury were instructed that the meaning of the term " harbor" of Philadelphia, ut ;morally understood among merchants, was to guide them. The words are to be taken as used among insErratlee men, merchants, and business men in this pity, where the contract was made. If .a 6 peakitig of the "barber,"there was a mop t;led understanding or usage to speak of it as em s•.racing all the water extending between the shores ^I Camden and Philadelphia, and between Glen ^tater and Richmond, then the words are to be "aden:ood as used in this policy The testimony in regard to the burning of the was then reviewed, and alter some general 'aatruviona, the cam was given to the jury with 'attractions to seal their verdict and bring it in this 'homing. Before adjournment Justice Strong stated that, in tow of the legislation at Harrisburg in reference tae Nlei Prins. next week's list would net be Disroun COURT—Judge Stroud.—Singer t. Macelester et al. Before reported. Verdict r plaintiff for $1..237.81. Pailip Boetra vs. Samuel Kilpatrick. An action recover for work and labor done Jury out. DIRTILICT einaT Judge Shorewood.— .. E. Harrison, Win. Hooper, and Henry H. Gib vt trading, de., vs Peter Stamen, Lafayette Ether, and James Hopkins, trading, ,ice. anion for non-acceptance of n note. Verdict for for 51.061. -axes W_ Louderbeek vs Edward W. Cain' ?/ Win. E. Newhall, trading, ..te An action on beAlt account. Verdict for plaintiff for $54.41. Jcooph B Craig vs. Mary Smith and Wm. John ! e rStmu executors of John smith, deceased. A gned lame Verdict for plaintiff. Daniel D. Pox and Rebecoa, his wife, in right of t , t.t taid Rahman, Elisabeth Butler, and Elizabeth litter, re. Temperance Dunmore, rued by the 4 ale r: May Dunmore. An action of ej e ctment. fin trial. QrARSEE. SESSIONS—Judge Thompson.- 44e court was again actively engaged with prison a large number of which were disposed of in ice centre of the day. Quirk!' Carrol, one of the notorious gang of "P raitia fleas," was convicted on two bills, one ' l 'argiog him with burglary, and the other with et teri, Itg a house with intent to commit a felony, ?Labe was sentenced to two years and six months le the Eastern Penitentiary. John Pillar, another of the gang, who pleaded Vitt, to a eharge of burglary, was sent to the Juliet of Refuge- FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Money Market. PHILADILPHIii * AiiriI 10, 1861 There was a strong effort Made' to-day in the stock market to check any further dirarnward movement in atcoks, which for a time bid fair to be successful. The issue was doubtful up to the meeting of the second board in New York, when a fresh panic in Western stooks took possession of the board, and was at once oommunicated over the wires to the brokers here, and resulted in a heavy pressure of Reading on the market. Considerable sales of this stock ware made after four o'clook in the afternoon at 19 Business is at a stand-still, and litt:e new paper is created. The receipts at the blinks are under stood to be in excess of the demand upon them tor the diScount of good paper. In most place. of business that we have visited today the prevalent feeling seemed to be one of relief—a kind of satis fied sense that any action was better than the apa thy that has so long marked the conduct of the General Government, and that the sooner a decided stand was taken and maintained, the sooner a solu tion of the national difficulties would be brought about The New York Post, of this evening, says There is less uneasiness on the Stock Bache:ego to-day, and the fall in the speculative shares seems to have spent itself, at least for a time. All eyes arc turned to Charleston, and operators are dis. cussing the chances of a peaceful solution of the Fort Sumpter question. At these low prices the 6ellers for the decline are disposed to await further developments before throwing more stock on the market Now York Central touched 731 before the board, but afterwards rose to 74113741. The entire share list was better at the close, but the foaling is by no means firm. Illinois Central, after the board, sold at 73, and Galena at 69i, which is I per cent. better than the printed sales. The Southern State steaks were decidedly lower. Virginias dropped to 69, which is a deollue of 10 per eent. in as many days North Carolinas went down to 2-per cent. Tennessees ; Miasouris were in demand at 60a613, supposed for the account of the 44 shorts," who were large sellers of these bonds a week ago ; 603 cash was paid, after opening at 59. The following is the coal tonnage for the Sha mokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad Company: Week. Year. 3,433 07 3.3.684 17 2,643 10 25.956 07 For the week ending April 9., MI. Same time last year....,.—....-- Increase.-- 790 17 12.718 10 Philadelphia Stock Exchane Sales, Awil 10.1861 REPOIRTID /A B. E.SLaYntAXXX, Merchants' Exchange. FIRST BOA Rik 1000 City 68-.-..n0w....1033.1 490 Botil r. sic 6$ 100 do do 68 2000 City gs R 600 do-- • • - 97 X 600 do -- WO d0...._97%1 10 Moms Says 110 I 10 do do-2dy5..110 ' do do-We-n.llO 3 do do. -110 00 Lehigh Valley.lote 52.14 3000 Penner 15tm..80.. 003,4 IMO do.— - _ 05".5 3000 • 0000 do.. --mfrs. • • - BOA KIM 1 BE: N Liberties t 561,1 BOARD. BETWEE 3 Braver Meadow .. —.61 1 SECOND 3010 Beading 68'70 . • Mil 300 City Ca-- .new--103%, 100 do—. .new-103%, COO Plot & Sori74 -. 73 ' 200 City It R es. fini 16 Rene & Vine 12 10 do do Zi Fenn 3934 6s ::39%1 71 d 3..- ssssssss 39 CLOSING PRI Bid. Askerl Philadelphia 6.... MI 28 Phile 6e .R.— 1634: 98 Phil& 6a -new._lo2ll 10334 - Penna 6e...-- 9734 88 Read 2iP 211 it Read bde as 4 Read mt 6ii 'BO '43 92 9234; Read mt 6e'B6._. 7434 r 76 Penns R ......... 39 3934 ,10 Reading . 1955 .50 do.- .. 19.%; :25 do-- ..... 59 4 4 '25 do 111; 3 ,1 so EforrisburglL- —.s 52 10 Com & Amboy 14 Lehigh. .... ... 02 11 do . 52 2 N Penns -- 3 CES-lIEAVY Bid. Ask 44. Elmira II Yrefd_lo Elmira Te '73 ....8534 6634 Long Wand .111 1034 Leh Cl & Ir.-32 OM Leh CI & N Pep_si sos North POllllll It .. 8 334 N Pa I 66..intoff 6s s 7 N Peons R 104-93 R 3 rwiess It Con. 3 s}s t&W111$11. pref.- 8 83( rank & itonthw 40 46 2d&3d-etR dtvoff.4o p_oce&Vine-at. Aar% 33 Weir Pella 58 Sernee & Pine._ 7 8 Green & Coates-15 le *eilap.R 2d rut 6s 87 83 . _ ...yins Can eon. BO am Mon . = Can Pfd.lo9ll 110 67X 68.1 i 7$ 76 Bch av 6 Bch Nay l'refd . I 6 17 I Elmira - 6'4 Philadelphia Markets, APRIL 10—Evening The Flour market is very dull to-day. There is very little demand for export. and holders are free sellers at previous-quoted rates. Some small lots have been taken by the trade at 86.373ier540 for superfine ; 86.621 m 2 for extra; 86et6.25 far extra family, and 66.6e5a74)' bbl for fancy brands, as in quality. Rye Flour is Mill. and offered at 8337)163M. and Fauna Corn Meal at $2 4fr bbl. without sales- GRAM—Wheat is beginning to come forward by ca nal, and the marset is dull and drooping ; 3,000 bushels have been sold in small lots, moistly last evening. at 13081S10 for fair to prime Penna red, and 1400Li0e for white. but these rates are not now obtainable ;9,000 bushels red sol 3 at 1320 bu. 117 e is quiet ; Penna ie held at EBO. Corn is less active.• and prime lots rather scarce; 3,0 W bushels fair Southern yellow sold at 600 afloat. and some small lots of dry Penna at 600 in stare. and 62c motive:red. Oats am firm ; Penns are quoted at We. and Delaware at 81k,. without much doing. Bear; is quiet ; let Zlo. 1 Queroltron is held at e2l ifr ton. Corrolt —Tbe market is firm.. but buyers come for ward slowly ' , a few small sales ore retorted within the ranee of 12etilOic, cast' and time. GROCERIES continue initotive. wish some further small sales of Coffee and ringer to note at about pre -171011.2 rates. Paoinsions are held firmly, without much doiniM Pork or Ration 80 easka prima siekled Hams sold At oge. and BOOM Tteros Lard at 10J4e or:tints. Warsay is dull: bb's selling at Mica& for Parma and Ohio, drudge 16390, and hhds lie Afr gal. New York Stock ExchangelApril 10. 117COND 306P.D 10000 11 86s, C. 3.......... 91 100 Harlem i 1 Pref.._ 3541 15000 111 13 iSti.B l , coup.- 91 200 do _i-. ... 38 WOO 1.1 8 Bs, 81. reg.- 9311 300 Reading R..._... . _.. 315. g TOM 11 8 Bs, 74, coup.- 85 . -100 d 0..... -- TM 1187; r2OOO Tree 105 o Notes.lo3 300 do. _ —30 X 1000 N C State 85...... 78 200 31 11& Pi / Its— 14.-X 2001 Cal State 7s. - 83 150 M 8 & NI li 8.... 8236 10000 Tenn State 6s, 90. 71 SOO Miob Con R.-. 61 WOO do- -_,... -915 70 I TOO de- ---- - -610 61 19 5 00 Virginia State 6s. 6 4 35 181 do. ...-..1110 61X 16900 Missouri tit 68-- 60 NO do_ . .., ". ... 61X .5004 d 0....- -- .5 60 225 Mean H. scrip .... 72 2411 do.-.-. 6055 . ao d 0...- -..., 72 NOD Erie lit mtg hd5.10434, 100 do. - • ~.. 2 . 1230 71 IMO II Can R bds— 9436 59 Cloy. Cot & Cin -4411 RIO Merchants' BS_ 100 25 Gal I Chi It ._ .. 62 60 Pao M El Co 785 i 100 d 0..- -.410 B.WX 60 do .. .630 78 160 • do—. --- 8-X 3.) 00 .. 2 -- _ 2834 6T do,- _,-- -_,... 6T% • 250 N Y Can IL ...... 7 52,0 Cleve 8. : rol n... 30% 100 do ---...,-.3 ... .100 do . 600 do .____ ._....- 74 NO Chi &R 1 R..: __ -, 300 do -.........-. 7334 t6O do.. 2 ._,. 5 10 WI 100 do.- ... . -al 733. 30 Cht, Mir V 41. 2 .- 1 0 60 do.-.......... 7318 100 do. -..- .10114 70 250 Erie It.-- ....,.. 2534 51 do ... 89% 50 do-. ----.11.10 210. 50 do -......- 6035 no dia..- --- 2534 PTew•'York Markets of Yesterday. FLous, &c.—The market for Western and State Hour opened steady, but ere the eon of 'Change a better demand prevailed for export, and the low grades hoorayed. The better grades are unchanged, anc In fair request; the sales are 23,700 bhls at 35.11605.25 for superfine crate and Western; $5.8006.40 for extra State; 5.4601..69 for choice do ; 88808 8 -60 for the rem 'GRrades of extra Western; $6 6005.70 for shipping brands of mond-hoop extra Ohio. end 10775.7.10 for trade brands do. Canadian Flour is firmer at the close ; the demard is fair; sales of 1.700 bbls at de.35e7 60 for extras. Southern Flour is without essential change, and is not very active; the better grades are firm ; sales of 2,100 bbl, at $s Zeta 60 ler mixed to good super fine Baltimore. in, and $ll 7067 25 for the better erodes. Rye Floor is in limited demand at $380c4.10. Con Meal is in lair request at 112 inot MI for Jersey. Gaels. — The Wheat market early fa the day was steady. but ere the close of Change a better demand prevailed for export, and prices advanced lea cents Pp bushel. The inquiry . is o ietly for choice swing and good red Western ; white is firmly held bat not native. The sales are 87.600 hue at 11315c126340 for Chiang° 1 , 9711:1K. part in store: 1280 for northwestern club. in store; 129 a for Raoine senor. in store; Maple for Milwaukee Club. do; 1315M136e for amber lowa. de. livered; 1.10e1318 for • red orate ; 11'01363 far red Western 1290 for fair Canada tllub ; 145411500 for white Indiana; 16301600 for white Michigan ; and le 01660 for white Kentucky. Barley is lower, and the market is nnsettled at -the close ; the sales are 1.600 hue Canada West at 68c, and 500 bus titate at 66e Barley wilt is quiet at 06e880. Oats are firm and in good demand at .14140351‘e for W esters and Canadian. and 311'4'0360 for finite. Corn le unchanged ; the demand ta fair for export and arrivals moderate. Pales of 64 000 bus at GlaMe for new mixed at the railroad depot; 83%4,63e for do delivered ; 660 for do in store ;G74267:tie for do delivered ; 640 for white Western; agptgt)i for new yellow Jersey; 610670 for southern and 68°71 for white eoutheni. PRoVinioNA.—The Pork market is stead,. Beef is in stir demand and steady ; sales of 450 bbls at Vine £I.BN for repacked mem, and 40001 for extra_ Prime west is quiet at 1(18.60017.76. Beef hams are steady at 614015.00 Caeon is in moderate demand atBM o9) ic. ut meats are steady at 0;66; tor snonlders. and 80ics8V for hams. Lard is In good demand and firm ; sale, of 470 Mkt and toe at 9%01054a. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET. April lo.—Bugg CAlmg.—Another week of disappointment to drovers. The supply is ample-613 head more than the total re ceipts of last week. On Tuesday the market opened at a little higher imam probably $1 or $2 per head on the seleetiese, but the advance wee only on a few early sales. Long before noon drovers were glad to find customers at last wears prices, and before sundown the market was fully one dollar p_er head lower. Over two-thirds of the stook sold on Tuesday at an average of stout 7% cents. The prices ranged from SX to 934 e; very few. over 9e. John Mom had the best drove in market; he sold them to Williams at /82 each, and Williams resold them at ,l/t5 They would average 9 34( owt—one pair of them weighing 3.843 pounds cold to John Pine for $2OO. All day Wednesday the market was declining, and prices closed Dilly $203 per head leas than lea arcsk. We quote at 10469110 ; average of all sales 7X eir‘c. Miner AND Liossa.—Tbe market , with a reduced supply. is 26 cents per head better, with a more lively demand. We quote sheared cheep at 4Almtls cents for ordinary prime as high as 4X en cents. Wove on 131,, - dg cents for prime and extra. One small lot as high as 6:' crate live. Over half of the receipts were of sheared . Lambs wog in slowly; sales at I& Sales also by Geo. F. Derby & Co. of 668 bead for 11 371. By McGraw & O'Brien, 1,137 head for $6 , 099.81 . By B. B. Boma. 1.723 head for 16.834.16. VAAL CALvt g—The market is lower and leas active; sales at 4ittee ; common Do per lb. Quite a number of poor calves are in the market—some law of the "Bobo" are unsaleable. Veal appears to be at a discount this week. MILCE COWS.—The demand is rather better ; gales of 20 Jews at Allsrton's for $l2, $28.939.$ 40. and $6l; the latter price for a fine Roan with calf at her aide. Several very fine cows are held .at iirSEPEO. Wllhollt buyers. Swum—The market is overstocked and dull ; sales of live at 614e635 for corn fed. and 432e41; for milt lea. Dressed nogg are selling from gme 1. tfto,, as to quality. Western dressed are pampa ; arrivals route limited, the racking season being entirely over. Fll Cti BEE FOURTH PAGE (eometirdildenee of the Philadelphia P.:chants.) CAPE ISLAND. N. J.. April 9- 6 P The seta Blinorvn There from or for not nimortninedi came ashore on Monday evening on Cold Elpriog liar, nod up to this hoer tile crew bait not landed. I have despatched a meecenser to the scene of twister. and will probably forward particulars by nest mail. Wind E. YMarli THOS. B. HUGHLrn. 117 TILL ..... rr. Correspondence of The Prow, i New Yoalt. April 10. Arrived, elope Ashburton. Henry Clay. and Orient from Liverpool; bark Unkel. from Bremen: brig Con filet, from Granada. fdY . hIORA NI DA Stop Frank Haynie: Randall. from Liverpool for Boa ton. Was scoken 24411 alt. lat 4830.1084 13 43 Ship American Conran. Woodward, from London. arrived at New York yesterday. BhipChnoellor. Spencer, from Liverpool, arrived at New Yorkyesterday. Bark Old Hickory. Holmes. cleared at New York yes terday for Liverpool Steamship itensmston. Baker, sailed from Boston 9th inst. for Ph•ladelphia Bark Godfrey, Clark, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Yolk yesteay. Bark Wa rd shington, Wenke, for Bremen, cleared at N York yesterday. Bark Oak, Ryder, cleared at Boat 9th asst. for Phi ladAlpkia. Brig Rowin.Webber, cleared at e w York yesterday farep adelph i a. .Brig Atlantic, Hotchkiss. clear at New York yes tirday for 143rhadors. Bohr Mail, Kelly, hewn, arnv d at Providence 9th Instant. 844 hr Antares, Cordery, sailed from Providence 9th nat. for Philadelphia. Bohn Emma A Walsh, Prior, and Lewis B Baker. Baker, from Delaware, arrived at Providence Stittrist• Behr T Lake. Sonli,_henee. arrived at Salam . T. inst. Bohr E G Willard, Dyer, hence, arrived 'at Belem nth testae.. . - tloh r anreh Aline., Weaver, °leered at New York yesterday for_t summers Teoony. hiy, Bleak Maumee, Allen, Yul e= Idorneee. ead Barah, Jones, hence, or nved at New Yoik Tooterday. CHINA AND TIM Curtner. The second lecture by Mr. Martin on this subject. we notice, is to be de livered to night. in the hail of the Univers ty. From the deep interest manifested by the audience on last Tuesday even-ng, a full house may be expected. Mr. Martin has been a resident missionary in China for many years. and has the reputation of being better an. outtinted mith the Chinese language and literature than any man living, not a native of that country. fie is a pleasing speaker, and the matter, so far, has been of a very instructive character. 11Is LIGHTEST, most natural, and beat Gossamer Wig or Toupee made in the city are those of George Thurs.),land's manufacture. (late No. 29 south Sixth street.) now of No 22, above Jayne, opposite side. In addition to the world-wide reputation attained by the superior exoeUence of these articles. George has also a Bair Topic, and Dye of unsuriessed Petinforland tact: Hie new rooms are, as they should be, visited daily by hundreds of our best citizens for tonsorial and other Purposes. OPENING OF. CHILDREN'S GOODS —We invite at tention to the opening of " Children's Goods." by Messrs. Lincoln. Wood, & Nichols. to take Ow et their retail rooms to-day. Thursdai, April IL Their late °recline of Milliners was one of the grandest fears of the season, and we have no doubt their no velties for juvenility in general will prove no lees at tractive. - Tam FIRST GITN.—The country is now in a per agony of suspense, and a quiver of apprehension, waiting for the sound of the gun which will proclaim that the impending war has commenced, and that the crisis in our national affairs has been reached. As faithful chroniclers of current events, it is our duty to narrate facts. We will only echo the Cry of " „Heaven defend the right," and suggest to our readers the ne cessity of making themselves as happy and as com fortable as possible, 'by wearing garments ;nada at the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Rockhill lc Wil son, Nos: 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Evanv Man is a missionary, now and forever, for good or for evil, whether he intends or designe it or not. He may be a blot, radiating hie dark influence outward to the very circumference of society ; or he may be a blessing, spreading benediction over the length and breadth of the world ; but a bank he can not be. There are no moral blanks; there are no neu tral characters. We are either the sower that sows and corrupts, or the light that splendidly illuminates, and the salt that silently operates; but being dead or alive. every man speaks by acts as well as words and should endeavor to influence his neighbor to bar his clothes at the elegant establishment of GRANTILLR STOsne. No. 607 Chestnut street. who presents with each garment a valuable GIFT. 12 Cam & Amb0y.....116 1 - • ao do -.......116 b Lehigh 501111..--... =I Read ng 14..10ta.b6 Me' 260 do— —lora— 19% 60 do b 5 & tat 1934 26 Harrisburg.... •. • NU 3 do.. 4 do..- 523x' 9 Del Div Canal.— 41 10 B2uehlll --..... 4 do 7% 6 Beaver Meadow. 61 2 do do---- 61 2 do do—. 61 CITY ITEMS. Tan Tenth Anniversary Meeting of the Spring Barden Institute, located northeset corner of Broad and Spring Gorden street*. will take pteoe this evening. This is a free reading room for old end young, portion larly the latter, and deserver to prosper. The exerting for the evening will be highly entertaining. lion. Wil liam D. Kelley and Rev. Thomas Rill, of Ohio. Presi dent of Antioch College, will deliver addressee. and the Annual Report will be read. Complimentary notate win be obtained se advertised in another colonic. They can ale* be had at the door on the evening of the anni versary. Couous —The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Aethrnatio /rea Song. Experience haring proved that simple remedies often act speedily, and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to " Brown's Bronchia/ Troches; " or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat he ever so slight, as by this precaution a inure serious attack mar be effectually warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will find them effeetual for clearing and strengthening the voice. ap6-stutti-3t ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, OP To 12 O'CLOCK - LAST MORT CONTINEN'PAI, 110 TEL—Ninth and Chestnut. ILA Potter. New York It HUM Wilmington C 'Hammit. Wilmington 8 T Bandon. Philadelphia V Heroine, Washington, Pa HASD Dudley, Penn'a L Ladomue. Philadelphia Col Burton. New York W Yerby, New York E 0 Crosby. New York Wm It Hamilton. Louisiana Geo M. otainman. Landr JIR Neff and la. Strasburg J H Harenbing. Near York C F Adams, Boston Miss Adams, Homon .1 F Musgrave. MD. Philad J M Troyer, M D, Philad W G Weld & lady. Boston N M Button. New York CI Travis. New 1 ork Goo NI Stone & lady, Conn J Giles. Boston Wm Lee, Boston B K Petriken, Look Haven T J Hopkinson. Erie, Pa W S Culbertson. N Albany J A Boylan. Cincinnati. U J H Boylan, Ginoinnati. U J R Carter. Cleveland Dr C F Leamine Wm G Nixon. New York ae Ostrander, Troy. N Jonas 8 Hearts. N Y Eugene Pitra, New York GH. Wheeler, Chicago James Wheeler, New York Geo 1) Pinin. New York J M Mollie. England col 'P G Dudley. N York Geo G Stearns. New York N C Thurston, New York Mrs Simon Cameron. Pa Miss Maggie Cameron, pa Miss Jennie Cameron, Pa Master Cameron, Pa J C Sexton, New York J D Evans. New York . Wm M Marcus, New York T W Leaning. New Jenny D H . Maryland Jrain Goosenbey. Mit Wm J Pack & York R Don't.% new York Chas Wiley H wife, N York A It King. England J M Adams & wife, Ohto F G Tucker, Albany_ M Howard, Connecticut J Thomas, Alex, v a • B. Ball, hlassactinsetts John B Drake Chicago Mies Drake, Cincinnati, 0 Min h:vary, Cincinnati. 0 .1 L Oreen, Hew York Coe W T Keareley, Va. It Rose, Waahington, DC.IH Beatty. New York E H Hooper, Baltimore D Dorsey, Waterbury. NY Oarriner It Colby. New York D Wadsworth, New York C March, Greenland J H Sheaf°. Portsmouth Joe Abraham. Cincinnati Cornelius Fiske & ia. N y C Carmichael, Davenpo't L Steele. Newt ork W Johnson. Mass D 0 Kellogg. Jr. Conn Coin Breese & Is. Now York Thou shale, Boston Hon Geo S t'outwell, Mauls Hon Jno Nesnuth. Mass T Pearson, Massachusetts H A Cooke, Maze Dr (I Brewer & wl. Batt W Rogers. Baltimore • M Spanner. Cincn W Spencer, Cincinnati Wft Armstrong & ia , W ash Mrs B Quigley. Bolt P Hose, Prov, M Manegor, Jr, N Y Mrs Macgregor, N Y i; Wolcottt & son, 0410 R Davies, New York 3 M Columlinsi 0 Omitn, Maine E H Dix, Chicago It 8 Kirkpatrick, night W Currier., Newbury - port W Powell. Jr. Cinn, 0 T Fhnati, 0 Mn Baldwin, Washington G Wats o n.watn. Pittsburg Jas W iquions & la, WM : B C Swilt, Ohio MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch. .1 Huston, Ohio W Robertson, Ohio J chillinser.N Middleton W A Widmun, Ohio L Putt. Pennsylvania J W Thomason. Penna 'I homrut Mc v oy. Ohio F H Zepenuck, Ohio J 8 Walton. Pennsylvania E Miller. Pennsylvania W Dunlap. Ohio Lewis_ Haney. Penns James P White. Penns _IIW Bissell. Penna. W Lindsey, Missouri W El -Oswalt & wf, FOAM Joseph B Johnson. Penns John II hyena, TeantisSee John Forester, Centro oo Kri Forester, Centre 00 J D Beaver. Lewisburg J F peasris J A MoGeagh. Pi , taburg w H Ou. Fenno A B cimmona. Boston W H H Furrier. Boston Miss H. Miller Salem. N J Mum I Bradway,Pl J Miss Lucy .1 Wood, N J A Pot tenbangh, York oo John Bailey, Centre so .1 Batelorf. Osborn, Ohio JWIIIiaIII6OI2. Illinois Joke ,Rowe. Green Castle Dickson,J D Boliver, Ohio .1 F Janis, Foliver, Ohio R W Bowe, Kentucky 8 Comfort, Jr. Perna W R Otis. Mauch Chunk Ira Fowler, New York A B Demaree, Penns P Bowerman, Poona h B Ramsay, henna Mrs Harman. Perna Thos Woods. Danville J M Woods, Danville ft B Wamsley, Easton. hi Jas .1 Slablee K la, M Cak A 6 Brodhead, Jr. & la, Pa LUCIUS Btakskle.Wh Elvin (leo R White ,Pittsburg Chas Hampshire. Jeansv'e F Robinso.., New York Jacob Hoffman, Penne It W ray , .Pittaburg Oar. J B kinli, C 8 IV y, Fisher. Marietta, 0 A J MeDongle, Eentuokl it Anthony. Indiana Gen W Fay Bowen, Wisconsin M B Bpahr, York. Pa W Booth. Ye rk, Pa C Smith. York. Pa Addison Imbrie, Mercerobg Hon H. Welsh. York, Ps AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Flltb. Il iitlion. New York J F ThAro. M tllford Del T C F rame . Milford. Del is firinton. Wed C hester It! Brinton. West Chester J Brixton. West Chester A 0 °mitre. New York Samuel Corner. New Hope M E Dickson, Smyrna. Del Dr I, Trexler, Berke co Cuss Strafford. Connecticut , B Lyons & Wt . . Conn y 4 White, n Bampenise E B Stevens, Newark. N J Holman, Boston H Norgrove, London, Bug J H Beok. Pottsville ,J : F Taylor. Minersiolle W G Creamer, New York BF B mows. New York J Netbew.,Brooklyn B M Mahon, Broo.lyn I 0 emmg, Brooklyn F T Bailor, -ow York ft It Lynch, new York M Gemmg,'Broaklyn 6 ii Teller, Bunk) W Grantham, Vii gum S C Bull, Virginia H Commun. Delaware B F Bees, s,hio W T Harris, Bellefonte SF Allot, New York Thos Stephens. New York THE UNION—Arch street. above Third A tiellina, Lanoxter co Wm BeinPle,lilleshenY,Pa Jno Wetter', uomeraes, Pa Geo B binsurbridgei . V Davis L C Ocen, PhVeutlelpiva P T Ramey, Mane field, 0 J Stambaugh. Main. Pa It 1, Parker. Germany B 11 Lawrence. Wash, 0 M N Umlaut. uhio J Lantz, Lancaster, I% J E. smith, Lancaster no John 1) ekiles, Lancaster .1 L Baker, Lancaster J Clark&wite, Dauphin, Pa Mrs Cooper, Ohio I) Claes. Munor F D Detrick, Isaaton Will Fronts. kl ugheaville Mrs JR, Moore, gnu bury. Pa A 8 Cadwallader, retina 3 I Swanson, fennougsee 8 B Frosts; srf, Deirtown Mrs Bottatord ft earrown Mrs Orambaker. Onto Jonas Isaacs, Mew York J B Borer, Meshaniosburg 6T. LOUIS HOTEL--Cheirinut street. above Third. 11 B. Torbert. Elkton. Md A J Jones, Jr. Phila. Chas Salter, California Wm b eys A ra Wills, Now Jersey Dr Koberteou, New Jersey Jno Fierce. Paterson, Il 3 Chas lieinendwari N J M Black, Delaware Mrs liodgen,l3osron Isaiah Wells c hlinersville RoDert Dick, Buffalo D Rohrer, Freeport, lit J P Bodwell, M8,112e Joe Wescott. Mains Jahn Slider, Missouri A H Reynolds , Port Deposit 1. holmee, New Jersey .Tee Weet, Now .Terser A H Merrill. Prescott, OW J A Keller Carlisle JD Binolair. Philadelphia John Dawson. Asir York e zdwards.Plew York E K Holliner, Philadelphia JONES' HOTEL—Mastoid attest. above Sixth. J E Owens, Penna AA Marshall, Allegheny Mrs Harrod, Burlington w Cook. Providence, R I Joe P W/11104. West Chester M S McCoy, Lattimore H L lone., Macon. Oa D L lobar & la, Chicago Mrs Alvord. Conn 0 IS Allen. New York REVERE EOURE—Third street. above Rau. W T Weaver, Penns R A Hunter, l'enna John S Bart, shamoain W L H Williams. Pa Miss M A Jamea. Fenno. S S Bachman, Penns. Elarbach, adonis no, Pa (3 sager, Milton, 0 J Saylor, 4ebuTl Haven M N Coxe, Ecknyl Haven J H Butz. Bnrtuyi Haven Sol .ttar, Lewisport W Brown. Jr. bewisbnrg Wolit Flood, Pinta Jacob Haer.__Marietta Jas B Green. L/asktiftown Eckel, Tremont Joe Whitaker. Mt toair Thu B Thempeon, ,NATIONAL. HOTEL—Race etteet. above Third. 0 Wejtly, New York Isaac Steely, Penns lis Ulm. Penns Jon T Bard. Butler 00, Pa T reenewald. Dazareth J P Leobler. Danville, Pa T N Harkin. New I ark Jen Lonewell k la, Pt B Btroper. Easton A J Shannon. Halifax. Pa W k Boyer & wl_,_Penna H Sohaltz. Wilhameport tors A Klehner, W'meport A P Voute. Pottsville 8 D Rivard, Canimmea N 0 Hannan. Catawissa David Masters, Millville J C Amerman, Monts co MTATEB •UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. A W H Hawkins, Wriaho co 0 Walton, Perna Inane Button. Cbambenibir D M Bare. Pattonsville,Pa B F Horn, hchelleburg Wenner, Jr.renne wm Moore, Huntingdon no W C Chamberlin. Ohio SW oathasmy,Carmichaebs R Whttestaes, Chester no Chas T Reber, Readmg Jae Aldridge, New York Sarni Himper,'New York Sas McKee . Cambria no W Botta, lowa Robt J natter, rorry oo Joel Miller, Lancotner M C fr/oMulltin, Penne, tS W Poona A R W Creigh, rutanurg B hhedon. nosheater,HY N P Loomis, nazqueh'a co COMMERCIAL ROZEL—flialla at.. above Chestnut. .1 I) Barna. Lancaster coR Davis. Philadelphia E A Howell, Chester oo L B Thompson. new York J.s.l)eLl. Penna The &Knight, Pt Deposit M W Fulton,fillaryland Moe L Baker. Chas too W Justni. Lewlehnre It Kristian. ehandlervilla Lewis Preottaa. Anna F W Sanderson A en. Del Wash Awing. Chester eo BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callostill. It German, Weisenbotz B Sells. Weisenbnrs Ki i mer„ women burg W 11 Drake, Hazleton Harmon Mobr, Lebiab co Chas Levan. Prozetown 11 omsimel. Prlcietown 8 K Grim: Pennsylvania Cant s nrdman, rearm D K Engle' t:osleVffle Josep Hose. lvdrurs 1) Harper, Boots no. Pa Wm rehear, Mohrsville Mrs If Kershaer. McKim J Enaman• Heading A CrallBMBA, A Mattis, Berrysburg DH Bechtel, Beohtelsvile Dimon lioffman,Ly kenstownlacob Coleman, Reading C Coleman, Beading BALD RAGLR—Thini street, abeva CalleMagi. Ts A Fritz, Egg Harbor City Reuben Hartzell & eon A Calvin, Northampton P Reese, New Jersey J M Kaufman. Penns W Stem, Cherryvi le A Rio Muds, Bernville E M Ott, Pleasant Valley H Bpannuth, Penna. BARLEY SHEAF HOTELr-Seoond st.,bel. Vine. C Nevins, Allentown J 8 Bette, New Hope isw M.son. retina J B Jonee, Hatboro Fewer, Penns A 'W Watt/snit, Penns is P Vandegrat, Penns C Bailer, Cheltenham Wik Comley ,Watdon. Pa. 13 Morrie, Wilmwgroue D Cummings, Penne Miss Morgan, Stroudsburg MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Bemoan a.. above Arch T Barnes, Wayn• 00, Pa C Johnson Philadelphia C4.tooton. Penna. Robt Holßnatol, Pa Jas Doran & la, Brlatol N Mitche l, Damascus, Pa • FOUNTAIN ROTEfr-tiktotmd at.. above Market. .J Atkiipc Glonneetiout Eaml Townsend. Delaware w H Blake. reilarielobia Wm H Barrington. Cat s am i alman, Delaware JR 8 Bator Baltimore G outtd, No. York L urouoti. MOlClleta, Del Min Yong es lie. Preston, re • . . flua l pAnnorti, MST AND ORRAPRAT IY the City, *at 34.15oatin.TRIRD Stmt. CIRCULAR. PRENTINO, Beet and Cheapest in the City, at 3,4:eautte.THlßD Street. 9lirbit3ial4llll7lllNo,-Dest end Ottoman m the City, at 34 iikeith.TßlßD Stmt. RAND-BILL PRINTING, Bast and Cheapest in il ia City, at a 4 ab THIRD Street. THE pREss.—PIMADgLrIitAI .A.VMAA .11i-186T. SPECIAL NOT BATOHBI.O.II/13 Hare DYs.—This celebrated and perfect Hair Dr e ie the best is the world. All others are mere imitations of this great original, which has gained suoh extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye instantly produces a splendid black or cabaret brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale lir FAHNESTOCK & CO., DYOTT & CO., Philadelphia. ONS PRICE ULOTHDTG OP TES LATEST STTLES, made in the beet manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted eatiefeotory. Our ONE-PRICE system is Strictly ad hered to. AU are thereby treated alike. se2ll-ly JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. OAK ORCHARD ACID SPRING WATBB. -- Pamphlets containinc the onintone of celebrated Che mists and Physicians respecting the use aline WATER, in the case of many diseases of the human system, will be supplied gratis on application to FREDERICK BI L LOW/4, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, JR., NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, CALL A.ND OETA rAiVIPHLET. Inh26-111.04. let SAVING FUND AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. Office S. E. corner I.OURTH and WALNUT Streets. This institution continues• to receive Deposita, as usual, and nays all sums, large or small, on demand, as it has always done. It has asked for no legislation, and desires none. January 29,1969. inh29-tA2I2 SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFSTY TAITST Cosine cr.—All same of Money - received on deposit after this date are raid baok in Gold or Siker, on de mand, with Five per Gent. interest. Office, - WALPIUT Street, southwest corner of Third. rab22 GROVER & BARER'S ORLEBRAVED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The Rent in Use for Family Sewing'. No. 730 CHESTNUT fitreet. Philadelphia. aulT-ly SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this De partment until ten o'cock on THURSDAY. morning, the 11th instant, for Four Millions Nine Hundred and One Thousand Dollars in Treasury Notes, or any part thereof, bearing interest at six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, redeemable in two years, re ceivable for public dues, or, at the option of the holder, convertible into a•x per cent. bonds of the United States. said notes to be issued under the authority of the Ante of- Congress, approved February 8, 1881, and le arch 2, 1861. Proposals must state the rate bid for each One Hun dred Dollars, one Per oentnm thereof to be deposited. with an Assistant Treasurer of the United States, and' certificate thereof to accompany each bid, and the whole amount in coin must be deposited with an As sistant Treasurer in mai instalments, at five, ten, and fifteen days respectively, or the whole amount within five days after the acceptance of but, at the option of the bidder. No proposal at less than par will be considerea. Proposals to he endorsed " Propoaals for Treanor' , Notes." 8. F. CHASE, ap9 Rif Secretary of the Treasury.' EVAN/3./014E8.—On the Bth met , by the Rev. Alt. George A. Diirborrow, Mr. Thos. Evans to Miss Ellen Jones, all of this oily. PANCOAST—LRECIL—On the 4th inst.. by-Friends' ceremony, J . Levis Yancoast. of dpringfield, Delaware county, to Elmira Leach, of Philadelphia. COLEMAN—eCKS.—On the Bth mat., by the Rev. A. Atwood. Mr. Anthony M. W. Coleman to Mrs. Anna Al, Adm all of this ci. MOWER-BOOTH.-On the 24th of February last, by Rev. R. E. Gilroy, Mr. Jacob Moyer to Miss Plumbs Booth, all of this city. BATER—NUGENT.—On the 18th, by Rev..l. Mr. William W. Bates to AIM Georgians Nugent, both of this city. ' * DAVIE!!.—On the 7th inst., Alfred B. Davies, hi. D., aced 26 years. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral. from the residence, at his father's. Alexander Davies. on the Frankford toad, between Norris and Otis ( late Wood) streets. this (Thursday) af ternoon at s o'clock. Funeral to proceed to the Frank; lin Cemetery. LiUtitt KB.—On the eth instant, Mrs. Catharine, wife of William Hughes, in the 66th year of her age. Funeral from •he residence of her husband. No. 905 Wood street, three doors above Ninth street, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock. CANAVELL.—I n the Ito inst., Mrs. Margaret Cans vell. in the 18th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, Morns City,weat of Girard College, tins (Thursday) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. • . BROWN .—on the Bth inst., Thomas Henry grown, in the 29th rear of his age. Funeral from 'he residence of his uncle, 'do mes Brown, No. 502 South Second street, this (Thurs day) afternoon. at 3 o'clock. • NAYLOR.—On the Bth inst., Mr. Thomas Naylor, in the 41st Year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, in Centre street. Gerwantown. this (Mundy ) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * McGORVEN.—On the 6th inst., John MoClorren, aced 42 years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1223, North Fourth street, this (Thursday I afternoon. at 1 o'clock. JACOBS.--On the 7th inst., Peter Jacobs, in the 49th ye•r of his age. Funeral from his late residence, southeast Centel' of Federal street and Noyamensing avenue, this ( Thurs day)afternoon, at 2 o'clooir. • U.A.kII24LB2L—On the ith inst., Mrs. kvelina M. ilseholen. in the 34th year of her ag. Funeral from the residence of her husband. No. 23 Vine street. this (Thursday) morning. at 10 o'olook..• ALTBMI/3.—On the Pith inst., of scarlet fever, Kate Pamela, daughter of George W. and Rebecca N. Ahe rne., aged 2 years and 5 months. H • T01138021.—0n the 9th inst., qt the Tendon... of her brother-in-law. James Lesley. Jr.. Annie. you test daughter of the late Judge Thomson. of Chambersburg, Pa Interment will take plaza at Chamberebure. McFADDEN.—On the 9th init.. William J., son of. Eliza sad - the late James McFadden. in the 3d ye,r of - his see. Funeral from the reeidenoe o f hie ropther, Main utreet Manavnek. next Friday a ft ernoon. at 1 o'olonk. B UcKWALTE 14 .—en the .9th et" Mrs Hannah L., wife of David Duokwalter, tao 46th year of her a,ge. Funeral from the rem/ouch of her humnly], No. 684 North Seventh street, next Friday afternoon, at 2 o'elook. BUKTON.—On the morning of the Bth. Rosana L. 8., adopted daughter of Jonathan P. and Elizabeth J. * Burton, in the 9th year of her age. OvULL.--On the 9th inst., Mr. James Doull, in the rah year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 910 Ridge avenue, above Vine, this (Thursday.) afternoon, at S o'clock. • -IEI LACK AND PURPLE WALLY DE LAIbTE9, 1 1 1 X CENTEL-4st received, one O&M of Slack and Purple Ohmlly Detainee, at EIGHTSEN AND THREE-QUARTER CENTS a yard—regular p-iee for the seine goods.lls GFe AY m IX e.:13 DEbMNEB. 13)i CgelTd. GM billed imported Delaines at only !Z) ogata--re 6ular pnce for the wane _goods 18% own.. Blosort & SON. Mourning Store, apt No. 9.1. N CHESTNUT Street. [Er FVet i g9 l l . l E bti R irsigirtned V ,;11 (LAU . ten:moon of the Ilth. 11th. and 119ta inst., 4 dolook. et the ASSEMBLY BUILDING. llama for tho flay To be hod et 1024 WltEsTri UT tirreet. SAMUEL M. CLEVELAND. Kr FOR CITY COMMISSIO NER, GEO. W. JO/4h . of tee Pecond Werd. aloe St subject to Democratic Rules. WCHINA AND TINE CHINESE.—TIIE tooond Leo. ure nfthe flettims of Lecturers on na and the Chinese. before the Young teen's Cprtstian Amputation, by Rev. W. p. P. MARTIN, will be delivered on THURSDAY EVENING, the 11th inst., at 8 o'olock. in the Ball of the University. hub- Irset — " A Journey to Pekin." Tickets, 25 cents each—to be had at the door, and at the American Tract Society. Prost), tartan Board or Pohl:elation, near the Girard Boomer and Presto terian Book etore, opposite the Mint. aplo-24 cry.. SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE.—THE annual eleotion will take place at the Rah. northeast_ corner of Bgnap_ and 44PRING GARDEN dtree•s. TBURSDA Y EVENING N KX.T. from 734 to 8 o'clock. After whioh a public meeting mitt be held, when the Annual Report will be reed and addresses delivered by Ron. W. D Klill.l4Y and Rev. 'THOMAS 21[LW. President of Anttook College, Ohio. Tickets for the Public Meeting may be bad gmtuttonaly of A. G. Love, 212 Chestnut street, Spencer Roberta, 424 north bizth street. and of the Secretary, JOHN J. LYTLE, S. E. Cor. BSVENTR and SPRING GARDEN EitS. aelOR• KrPHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS.. to be velnah.e. mind include heelth. 4ability tq Qllllll,llB. temperament, quality of brain. relative and 'real pews, of each of the feenitke of the mind, and how to correct and improve any defects of the physical or mental sown:anon are made by J. L. CAPEN,w,ho has had many •eare experience, at the Cabinet No. ro. 922 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. All Works of Fouler & Wells at Publishers' proms. ap9-5t 07. PER lISYLVA_NI A HOSPITAL, PHILA DELPHIA 4th month, 6th, 1881—The contribu tors to the PENN4YLVAN IA 1102PITAL are hereby Totified that an election for twelve Managers anal a reasurer, to serve for the ensuing Yfittr.ifill be kV& pursuant to law, at the Hospital, FIF It morcrli, t ma.) 6th. 1861. at 4 o'clock P. M. apB mrh tmy6 wM. BIDDLE, Secretary. ocrOFFICE OF THE AMERICA* FIRE thsuttarticai coyirerty, April 1.186 L Diraetora have thus day deolesed a divtdeed of FIVX DOLLARS per share for the last six months. which will he paid to the tigookholdere. or their legal re prime ntatives, on And after the 11th In.t. apt-10t* A. U. L-CRAWFORD. Secretary. ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN • F ATENT OFFICE. No. 144 ROUTH FOURTH STREET, PIIRLADELPIIIA. atent Laws of U. t 3. (new) end Enron can be ob mined grate, ftyll-tiyl ROUTHERN 813IPMCNTS. IP , - 7 Certificates attached to Invoices of Goods for the southern Confederacy, by DAILITLI) - B. BIRNEY, Commissioner of Deeds for south Carolina, Alikbagna, Georgia. Mhodasisei. Texas, Florida, and Louisiana. &ell-int-if YOU desire to decorate your parlors— Get life-size Photographs In cil. You went Pos tures for your friends—get Ambrotypes or email Photo• Faiths at ftlilathil it' Gallery, ag.COND Street, above wenn. lt* OPAL DENTALLINA.—WO speak from praelioal einerienos when saying that the OPAL DENTALLINA made by Mr . SHlelf4 . of BROAD and BPRUCIe; eireete, it decidedly the Moen preparation for the mouth and teeth that we have ever need. We believe it WAIN all th it is claimed for it, and being re commended by the moat eminent dentists we advise all to give it a trial.—Builetia. apil Sam TUBEFSTAIMANT, No. Ros MARY,ET STREET, Formerly kept by James !tosser, lately deceased, is now reopened 111141101 r the management of his son, JAB. FROSSbR, JR., who will oontanue the business, as heretofore. mh2t-tf THE CHEAPEST MUSIC STORE IN JO the world in at No. 11.18 MARKET Street. SARAH BALL. /FINE CENT PIA PAGE FUN MUKO `Ur from alt truellehers,lll6 MARKET Street. SARAH BALL. MUSIC FROM ALL CATALOGUES at one cent per page, at 1118 MARX ET street 84 , 10 -3 t BAZAR. BALL., pINE SHIRT hilaiiileAUTOßY.—J. W. SCOTT,_ caEpTii LIT Street, a few doors below the " Oontinental. ' The attention of Wholesale Dealers is invited to hie IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, of superior lit, make. and material. on heed end made to om or et shortest 111:4106. ie4-tf STATIONERY_ AND JEWELRY paokagee furnished to Agents and %Mere. at eery redneed rates. Call, (or send stamp,) SO2 CHEATPI U E Streeg. Phikuielphm, Pa. ap9-Im* PALMAS & CO. MAJOR ANDERSON, —Oard. Photograph of Major Anderson—pries 25 mom PitosLultiTr:R7t BROTHER, ap9.3t 726 CHeaSTNUT Rtreet. GENERAL WINFIELOOI7.—Card D 8 Photograph of General Winfield Poott--price Dents. BIoALLIBTEE & BIVITHEK, 728 CHEsTaUT Street. lioturioP DoANE, BISHOP HOPKINS, . 11 -. Bubo, Polk. Bishop Rushee, Rev. Dudley A. Tins, Rev. Dr. Bellows, Bev. Dr. Chapin, Rev. Dr. Cox, Banos Janes.—Card Paorosraptui of t ote above fine others of the glen,. MOB 25 oents each. just re (waved by Mo&LJAISTER & BROTHER, ardr , St , . 728.1JHEETNITT Street. AMS.=- . 10 - tierces °miner Phipps & 470. extra aum Cured, (mimed Rajas Lebrun umrees Q._cheetit & Co. de. de.. for sum by O. u. LADLE& & Utige /Mu ARM dim% Wend door above Front. and BEM OFFICIAL. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. April 6,1861. MARRIED. DIED. NEW PUBLIIVATIONN E DOCTRINE AND POLICY op PROTECTION, WITH THE • HISTORY OF OUR TARIFFS, PROM Tit ORGANIZATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. 'Now that a detmerate aseault ie being made upon the new Tariff to maladies the nubile in advance againet it, and. ifpossible, to have it repealed, it is important that rte friehds sliculd be prepared to combat the speoloue arguments of its antagonists. Nothing will better serve this purpose than the circulation of the pamphlet whose title is quoted above, whioh ie one of the &bleat and most interesting documents that have ever appeared a support of the true American volley of fostering the great industrial intereete of our country. It will be forwarded by mail or express for 10 cent, per single copy ; 7a cents per dozen ; $a per hundred. Address RING - WALT 8c BROWN, aPt-tf No. 31 SOUTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia. MACAULAY'S HISTORY, ENGLISH EDITION, svo. Prams #12,10. JA/9T-RECEIVED BY .LITTLR, BROWN, t (JO., 110 WASHINGTON STREET, ap9-tratia-3t-if BOSTON. iBEAVTIFUL BOOKS AND GOLDEN tfit'llfr—Enneh the Mind and Embellish the .Person. - ' P ro cureru your sweeties of Literature from the exten sive Moak of GEORGE G. EVE sla t _ 439 CHESTNUT istreet. VALUABLE PRESENT, combining utility With ornament. accompanies every book Bold. Our list of New -Publications embraces the following choice works: • 7.. LIFE AND TIMES OF HENRY CLAY," a work of powerful interest, by one of America's most valued bi o grapiiero, S. M. tbrucxxxi, LL. D. Mr. Smoolcor ham made numerous valuable contributions to our biogra phical literature. and in the volume before ns we be hold his happiest error's. Every admirer of the la mented " Sage of Ashland" should possess a copy of this noble work , and ever . hod the author in grateful remembrance for its timely presentation. Elegant steel portrait. 1 vol. 31. THE " CROSSED PATH." a story of modern life and manners, by . WILKIE COLLINS. .411 who have read and admired the" Woman in White," the " pS,Mi Se cret, etc , will assuredly welcome the • 11 , 33e4 Path." It is Collins , lateetspd best work 1 vol. 31.26. " TWELVE SERMONS," by HORACE MANS. These discourses. touching eartain mooted theological , points. are marked withlthe clear, logical reasoning for which the able anther ie so distinguiehed.• They are meeting with extraordinary favor. 1 vol. $l. THE iiIABLE (4,0U8. a Southern tile with North ern comments. Here we have many facts pertaining to the"' peculiar institution." submitted for the tussle- Von of upon either s de of Mason and MA WS tine; a balk profrule in material and replete with varied interest. 1 vol. Ito. AUTOBIOGRAPHY, ETC.,_ OP MRS. PIOZZI (TGRALIp, by A. RAYWARD, KIT The many readers of" Boswell's Life of Johnson" will be gratified to note the appearance of this charming volume. It abounds in anecdote and reminiscence of Dr. Johnson and the circle of which he was the centre. 1 vol., portrait. $l4O. VI. The beautiful Scriptural 'Works of ItTraham, the thrilling Biographical Writings of Smuoger. the In comparable Fictions of Dickens, the delightful Moral Tales of Arthur. together with all the latest productions in every department of literature, at the Publishers' lowest prices. _ A JIANDSONTE PRESENT. varying in value from 50 O.Y. NTS TO $lOO, given with each book sold. at GEORGE G. EVA.NIP POPULAR GIFT-BOOK EMPORIUM, nos tf - Nc. 439 CHESTNUT Street. UST PUBLISHED. OP E. C. & J. BIDDLE & CO., No. 508 MINOR Street. hare just published A WhIPEN VI UM OF CLASSICAL LITERATURE, comprising choice extracts. translated from the best Greek and Roman writers, with biographical mistebes, sooounts of their woke, and notes directing to the best editions and translations. PART I.—The Literature of esins. PART3.I.-1 he Literature of Rome. By CHARLES D. CLEVELAND, formerly Profes sor of the Latin and Greek Languages in Dickinson College. Carlisle. Pa., and of the Latin Language and Literature in the New York University. The anther's aeries of Compendiums of Ancient and Modern Literature now complete,somprisee I.—A comPEN.blUst OF ENGL/cll LITERA TURE : from the Fourteenth to the close of the Eighteenth Century. Twenty-seventh thousand. Pp. 769. 2.— ENGLISH LITERATURE OF THE NINE TEENTH C 4. NT URY. Pp. 778. S.—A COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN LITERA TURE. Pp._ Te 4. 4 —a,',CoMPENDIUM OF CLASSICAL LITERA TURE. Pp. 622. OW' hither of the above works will be mailed, post paid, to any paTt of the United States under 1.5011 miles, on receipt of $1.75, and matte copies, to teachers, for examination, on receipt of one- half that amount. apa-St MA A LAY 'S ENGL AN D—Voi. V. t BUTLER'S EDITION. PRICE $l. The undereiened publish to-day. Lord MACAULAY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Vol. V. Complete in one volume. octavo, with a full Index to. the entire work. bond in muslin. Price SL. The oatuafer this edition that it ie an ex act reprint of the London copy, without alterations, either in text or in ortilograolty• sIT This volume contains the continuation of the woi Inas !sr as the .ritrimmoript wan left revised by the author. The mutative is in immediate connection with the fourth volume. and, with two exoeptione, is com plete ex& ooneecutiye, ending with the death of Wil liam the Third. 'IKE WORK COMPLETE. IN FIVE VOLS. SI a _ . _ . PRICE 85. It is wall known that Lard httosulay. some time be fore his death, revised the first four volumes of his His tory of England, correcting many passages, answering attaolos made by critics and assailants , and incorpo rating them" addition., reeisione,end new notes in an entire new edition. nil of the additions. corrections, notes, etc., are included, in this new edition, thus TOO &ring it the mance:spiels &NI perfect one published, CHEAP EDITION OF VOL. V. Lord Maeaulay a History pf England, Vol. V, eon' , plate with an Index. Paper binding. Price 25 cents. CHEAP EDI rioN—FtVE VOLIJM.M ONE. elLord Macaulay's History of England, live volumes, bonsai in one , with a 'Portrait and Index complete. Muslin. Price 81.26. E. R. IRMA& & CO., 37 South POU.lnl i l d trest. aolo-2t elphis. B001(8, LAW AND BILBUELLANIC()US, new and old, bought, sold; and exohapied, at the SILLKDELPHIA-BaniK BOOK S CORE, No. 419 BESTN Street. Librarhili at a dietanoe purchased. hose having Books to sell, if at a &Rant's, will state their names. sizes., bindings—dates, editions, prices , and onnaitione . WAATED—B onds printed ty Den}e- Inln Fra.nkhn. as well u wig Jioots printed in sod upon Ammo& Autograph betters and Portraits' sur ceased. Pamphlet Laws ot Pennsylvania for sane. Cata logues. in press, sent free. Ltbrarteir appal% fe2h-tf JOHN -41 TOl'j - 1 . 141 . 1 FANCY AIIiTICIrES WINDY GOODS AND DRUGGSFD3' ARTITT.EB. W. D. GLENN, 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Offers to the trade for onah, or on the usual credit, a large and well snorted Stook, ooneisting in Bad of French, Entliek and American HAIR BRUSHES. TOOTH. NAIL, SHAVING, and CLOTH BRUSHES, COMBS. of all Material. and Styles, PERFUMERY and SOAPS in great variety. PURE ESSENTIAL OILS, TOILET BOTTLES end PUFF BOXES, SMELLING BOTTLES and FLASKS. POCKET BOOKS, PURSES. and PORTMONNAIES, CHAMOIS SKINS. GENUINE LUBIN'S EXTRACTS arc LOW'S SOAPS. - Always on band. i • PRICES LOW. inbaiwin ffiIiLINERY GOODS. OPENING OF CHILDREN'S GOODS. . _ T.III7RSDAY; APRIL 11. LINCOLN, wOODIk.) 11 9# 4 :". apll-tf VII Clll3BllllYr erraisr. SPRING MILLINERY. ci TIIE SUBSCRIBERS WILL HAVE AN opening of Spring and Summer -Bonnet" on THURSDAY. April It, to which they would especially gall your attention. A. F. FORTUNE & CO., YDS SOUTH SECOND Smolt. aid° 4t * opposite Almond . taMRS. M.A. KING, 27 Ekmth Second street will open a 'splendid aseartment of Bering and Rummer MILLINERY, on THURaDAY, April Ilth. apB 8:* ri m MRS. E. JA.OOBS; No. 212 NORTH WAIK EIGHTH Strom, will oven e, FAaIIIONABLE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING DULLIBiSRY, on THURSDAY, April Mb. Bpe lm et a MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 OHRI3T sok NUT Streek,_ hew eoeived ohome assortment of PARIS MILLINERY for the Byrm. mhig-litt • n o MIMES O'BRYAN. 914' CH CCM wiik street. will open PARIS MILLINERY_ for the Spring, on THURSDAY, April • mh26-lur COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership lately entrains' betwoeu ISAlrti/ vvool,9lVer and PAIKIJEL, C. SMITH, under the name of MOOLIITON & dNITH. was dissolved on the eighth day of April. A. D. 16111, by metnal consent. All debts owing to the said partnerehip are to be re ceived by, and ail demands ne tbepartnership are to be presented to, Samuel o,Brnitb, who will continue the Liquor Buainees. at Ni s le7 MARB L E? S tr eet. Philadelphia A LAE WOOIATOhI, apll-6tt .. AWL. C. SAUTE. COPARTNERSHIP -4t. GUGGENHEIM at , d R1C11.811.0 CLAHIt entered Into ooaartner ship on the 200 day _of tdarohi 1861, under the style of GUGGENHEIrd & CO., atd witl continue the &fia ncee of the lete firm of Vanhere • 60genheim. & Co.. a t 37 North FRO:er atreo:t Foiladeiphia. M. tIuOI_ENIIESIM, apll-3t," RICHARD CLARK. pOPARTNERSHIP.--1 DMIIND N. 11l GRUNDY, WM. R. GRIMY; EDWIN PRET TY, and 306. W. SCOTT va tlue daj associated themselves toxethcr,_under e firm of GRUNDY, BRO., do 00., for the Dumas VI qaussotina &Fellers) importing and Jobbing busin_eus in •Rosiery, Gloves, ISmallwates, Roo. tto. 228 MARKET Street. pkiILADXLPHLA.: Apra 8, 1861. \ sp9-3t* A. TSBOLIITION OF . 01PARTNERRHIDP. —The firm of A. P. RO ERTS Is dissolved by mutual consent this day. . The busineuof the , firm wil be settled b 1 either of t h e. partnere et their office, 0 WALNUT ktr•et. rhiladelphia. ' ALA ANON ROBERTS. PER IVAL ROBERTS. Plalledelphiardpril 1, BM.- ~ COrnsTNERSHIP.—The ondersign.d, under:.the copartnership title of A. & P. ROBERTS Es•CO., will continue the business of inractnring Car Axles, Bar Iron, end Whipple Iron ndes at .the Penooyd Iron Works, °Nee 420 W PI "Z't+t - reet, PAlladel.- "Ma. A LORRRO J WBERT& • PERCIVAL ODOR S . °SOROS T ROBERTS. b l Philadanla, April 1, UPS. apt -111 • •• - 08T—Five Coupons; No. 206 ' 207 250 L and2o3.dne Jan. 38113,figioe ofthetploi - tir of Antsheef to the Pittpbefs ea 011obin" ___,• ',liberal reward will to sweiwr 0 0.00 sand Mit RETAIL BRY GOODS PRICES MODERATE. RAPSON'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY Ens., HAVE NOW OPEN A few ohoioeetyles of LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACE TRIMMINGS, BUGLE BUTTONS, ALL-SILK BELTING% PINE QUALITY SHETL AND WOOL. RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS, MANTILLAS. MANTILLAS. OPENING .13AILY,_ AT WM. P. — CAMPBELL'S, t4o. .1.121. CHESTNUT STREET. In hie large and ELEGANT STOCK will be found the riobeet display of MANTILLAS, SILK AND P'ANCY CLOTHS. ap3-im EYRE MADE IN THIS CITY. CLOTHS! CLOTHS CASSIMERES, YESTINGS, LADIES' CLOAKINGS, AND GOODS SUITABLE FOR BOYS' WEAR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Cheep at SNODGRASS & STEELMAN'S, 5 South SECOND Street, above CHESTNUT. ap(-121 NE W SPRING CLOAKS SPRING CLOAKS SPRING CLOAKS AND M A NT ILL AS AN TILL AS M AN TILL AS MANTILLAS OPENING DAILY AT THE PARIS BIAMTILLA EMPORIUM, 70S CHESTNUT STREET. J. W. PROCTOR 8c CO. rith3o-1m • PRI L', 18 61. L 'AIE i gIiIIird i STEA C RS I LFARETWITA. ORRLBY'aIb have ust bought FOR NET CASH. • 6 lots of Black Silks, of superior quality. and very cheap. 3 lots of Rioh Chase Silks, in Stripes and Plaids. for 73 cents. Importers' prioe for which has been $l.lO I. lot Heavy Poie de Boles, solid colors, in Browne, Blues. Greens, /Modes, Purples, at Si. Importers' price 51.15! 1 lot of Double-faced Black Brocade Silks, very desi rable. Blob Hares° Robes, 6 and 9 Flounces, at 50 cents on the dollar. 1 lot Challis De Laines for 150, worth 93. Beautiful Dress Goods, in great vanety. BRAWLS AND CLOAKS: Linen Goods ofour own importation. Power-Loom Table LI)1011/11, Damasks, Table Cloths, &0., lee. Spring Cloths, Cassimeres. Vestingst &o. &e. TBORNLBY & CHIShI .A . B,nerner EIekITAI & sPititir; a* a n toe ate. N. B.—Will open in a few days Silk Mantles, and French Laoe Goods. Lapel T. & C. NEW SPRING SILKS. H. RTE Sc 80N. 110,, 45 713 North. TENTHtreet, Above Coates, ••-••••• Will open TO-DAY small lot or Double- faoed Brocade Milky, aohd colors, at 11, worth 11 60. Rich Brocide hike at 1175, worth 11.15. Nest Plaid bilks. all oolore. All the Newest Styles of Fancy Sake. Persons about purchasing Silks wall find at greatly to their interest to examine our assortment before et:m assing elsewhere, no Ye oiler for sole one of the NEWEST. LARGbfiT, T FINEST, 8 AND CHEAPEST STOCKS OF FANCY BILK IN THE CITY. ap6 FROM AUCTION— AL BLACIVIL.KfI 01. 0_1.06W, 111.10. maw. *1.15. tinlA pi.,/..1 SILKS, 0130.750, 87%0. and Sl. PM A PLAI MO ii/4.1 R. 251—a bargain. CHOI STYLES of Dress lioods. PLAIN SILKS, very chew MIN B. aOKEIL 702 ARCH. Street. FOULARDS FROM AUCTION AT 44 CENTS. Brown nod White Foniarde. Blue and while - Foulards, Black and White Foulards. Medallion Style Foulards apt EYRE & LAN DELL. FOURTH and ARCM GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES.— New arrivals of the oheapeat staple and Fancy TRIMMINGS at the store No. 103 North BIGRTH Street, only second coot above arab. NA Gloves.= osets a pair, worth 00 unto ; Mohair Nets. 10 cents apteoe. wort 25 cents; Tarletang, two yards wide, 13 cents yard, worth 23 °ants ; India Rubber Combs, 5 (tents' apiece, worth n Dents; White Curtain Fringes, Irma 5 cents up to 15 cents. worth double the pries Pile of Silk and Mohair Mitts, eXtremet_.2 cheap; Dress, Wrapper, and Mantilla Trimmings. or the latest fash ions, at astonishingly_ low "masa; the best variety of Drew cad Wrapper moons, Parts and London at lea Shawl Borders. of all widths, at lees than half price; Hoop Skirts, pf the best makes, °beeper than else where ; the finest assortment 01 Belt Ribbons; Hair Nets, of the last improvements. Ladies, oar sook is too numerous to be specified; it will be to yo er inter est to visit this place of bargains. No. tO3 North 1310.41T11 street. only second door above Arch, end oonvince yourselves of the fact. The Proprietor being manufacturer of Ladies' T immings. is enabled to offer you more inducements t an any other store in this city. WM. ONesitORTADTER. MOO-1m 103 North .EIG TR at.. 2d door sb. Arch. O PENING OF FRENCH GOODS FROM AUCTION—BALE OF L. & B. CURTIS. AT 1"44.1C1ES MUCH BELOW THE USUAL RATES. Paris GriswJle Barege Anglain. 100. lest season 12. Parts-printed Camayeux Foresee, 240. Sistine Cancels Mirages, 073‘0, oat 60 to import. klub ool'd Paris Mons -de-j..alues Sic. lett season 44. Faris Asiatinues, suitable for Friemds.3No. New style Paris-printed Challys, 600. 6-4 Paris Broehe Poplins. 440, 100 far& Solferino Florenoes, very scarce. 6-4 aria Pit-de-Chews. beautiful. • 6-4 aria Taffetas Grisaille, 66e. Pans Broods fig'd Poplin*, rich designs. LADIES' CLOAKINC4B, just opened, in every va netv. Spring Cloaks, all the new styles. Also, the following domestic goods, purchased for ash: l ease 4.4 bleached Muslin. splendid, Sc. 1 case 4 4 unbleached Mus lin, fine, 90. 1 ease 4-4 unbleached Muslin. heavy, 10e. 1 Cale 4-4 C. Adams & Bon's. 100, 1 case 4 4 Masonville,l2Ko. 2 eases 111-4 bleached S he l t o n % !so. oases 12.4 bleached Sheeting, Mo. CHtkli.Lidlit ADAMS & BON. mb27-tf b:10/1TH and ARCH Streets. SHARPLESS BROTHERS Are daily opening New Sprang Goods Bought at very low prioes. to suit the times. Inoluding all the new and ohnine fabnos. In Bilk Goods. Thin Worsted Btnift, Wlt*NifillirlVN l Vor fe", Grenadines. ensiling, Poplins. Pariviennes, Plain Po de Bois handsome shades. Solid oolor Figured, New Garages, Organdies; Lawns, Wooly) Goode in Bouquets. Win GfligiTll UT In EIGHTH. NEW CLOTHS, CASBIMERES. `g Fancy and Black Cassimeres. Boys' Wear, ',adios' Cloakings. Marseilles and Valencia Vesting& Complete stock of Cloth Goods. COOrElt. & COMMIX. apt Bouthenat corner NINTH and MARKET SPRIT( CLOAKS, • Dail adding, new styles. 811 k Mantles in a few days. Daily taking orders for Cloaks and Mantles CUoYica & CON aRD,_ api Boatload oornor PUNTA and BIARICBT, NEW DICES GOODS. ' Gray Wide *oohs Figured Fording. Gray Wide Bilk and Wool Goods. Fine Mozambique", Farimennes. .Travelbriz Gomm. Mohair Cheek". Best Blaok &Ike. Bombazines. Lnpin's Meek Wool Detainee. Lawn., Cheap Gray Goods. Gingham". WHITE GOODS of every description. COOPER lc GODARD. api :Southeast earner NINTH and MARKET. EVRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, Till have all their Neer York Auction SILAS displayed to-daY. Silks; of Newest Stales. silks M Low Prices. Silks Most Fashior.alde. apt RPRINO CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS VA riety, et IVENS'. mh,ll-let R k PRING OLOARS, IN EVERY NEW P- 7 1ityle, at inh2l-1m Na. 23 8. Ninth divot. SPRING CLOAKS, THE CHEAPEST ever Been, at Mh2l-12, No. 23 B. Ninth street. Ninv - STYLE CLOAKS, EVERY NEW style, every new material, et prices that astonish every one, at the large store, IC E. corner of Eighth =A Walnut streets. CITY OLOAK nom, NO. 142 N. Eighth street, above Chen', are now selling every new style of the season, numb qualities, in every new shade of color, cheaper than any other store in the city. nahBl-lm CLOAKS. --Wholesale Merchants are in vited to itmeot the stook at IVENS', 23 South NINTH Street, corner of Jayne et., mhll-lm Between Market and Chestnut. NOTION, IS HBREBY GIVEN, THAT plane, with lull speoificatione; for the erection of a Public; dohool Rouser in the bleventh Ward. wilt be received by the undersigned at the Office of the Con trollers of rubhe dohools. southeast corner or SIXTH and AD151,1•131 Streets, until fd.0141141Y. the lea day of April, 1934 at 3 o'clock fit. The said School Rouse to be erected on a lot of Ironed eituated on East side of 3 C. J ORIN Street. be moan riellulL and al/TT,OK WOOD :streets. the Dili d ing to be two stoney to heaht. and to be eatable of mi oommodating four hundred pupils. and not to cost over five thousand dollars, including all expenses for piano, specifications. superintendence. ho. iegiooording to tbe ordinance passed by Councils, no will be paid for oaf plan not approved by the The groand glen of the lot may be seen at the of °f spot i lp y 0 11 1 042 K lii . T ini ciaj ttli ustr e e r r lnt ....o Pty b . te - twir . " WANTS WANTED —By the subscnber, who has been for the het seven years with L. 3. Levy & Co.. is SITUATION as Salesman. Speaks the French and German languages fluent'''. Satisfactory reference given. Address G. Cul,k MAN. 'mob CIIESTre Street. Ow WANTED—EMPLOYMENT, by a per son who hem had several years' extrorience as a Bookkeeper and Salesman in a Flour, (iyatn, and Pro duce Commission Hons.. Is able and wining to make lumsplf generally useful. Bete renoem and security if reliant.. Address "T. 0," at this Office. spll-3t. WANTED—A first•class Book-keeper in a Wholesale Commission Elouso. Address, With reference. Adams," office of The Press. aple-4t• WANTED—By a young man from the country. s situation as Salesman in a store or lumber yard ; has had four years' ezottrienoe in a store and three in a lumber yard. Satistirit,orY reference LIVOII. Call Or 111thirell11 . 4 ThOTllal W•r 813 itA O, Street, from 3 to 6 P. M. Tor three ditrx. apl.6.3t* WANTED—A Lad to do Errands. Ad dress " T." Press olliee. apt)- tf WANTED—AGENTS to sell PACKA GES of STATIONERY and JEWELRY. at prises one third less than can be purchased elsewhere. Call on or mtdrees (clamp enclosed) .1. 1.. BAILEY, No. 164 COURT Street, Boston. Mass. mh26-3m 3 CAPITAL wArcricp—To establish a buaineee requiring $2O 000 to 823 COO for a faotory, and working oapital for the production of eirtiolee of Cure and unlimited sale, which will pay from 00 to 100 per cent. annual dividend. Address " Box 1700; 1 Philadelphia Poet Office. apo-tuthe 3t' CLOTHING WANTED.—The highest oath Imes paid for Ladies' and cients? asst-off ClothiLg._ ?lease call or address D'ANCONA. 622 street. ape In* F mpLoitrii„§ WANTING YOUNG Men, &e., re invitol to tittdroS4 " merit Committee," at the Roome of theil r edil.,_'w Christian Automation, /009 and LOU kni.wrriv • ap:l-6nri . dtreet. SPEOIAL PARTNER WANTED.-A Dry-Goods Commission House of many rears standing, and with most desirable oonnentions. 'wishes to tom a special partnership with tome person who oan oontribute to the amount of 860,000. Please address Box 1163 Philadelphia. Von Offices. wig 12t* TRUST FUNDS TO LOAN mums of* $20,0 0,n 3,000 and $ . on 4,00 mortogo of city Property, in JOHN B. (OLAUAN, fouth EIGHTH Street. apG-stuth 6t• FOR SALE AND TO grim FOR SALE or TO LET—Two Qot tatek. near the Reilmed ;Wien, CHESTNUT HILL. Apply at Offiee No. 12, 620 WALSH k Street. spll.-6t• CHESTNIIT-STREET HOUSE and SM. STORE to rent,—The desirable business location, Ussi CHERTivirr Street, with dwelling attached. Apply at 431,0H11SEUT street. anti TO RENT—The Three-story Brick /M. DWELLING. No. 1634 WALNUT 8t Imme diate"ion riven. Rent sB4a . Apply to SAIVIUKL. 0. P exec • 8. 627 WALNUT et. apll-thetu tf FUR. BALE—The valuable Wharf Pro pertv and Lot of Ground in CHESTER. Delaware county. containing about three acres. bounded on the south by the United States what!: The buildings on the property are well adapted. for manufacturing pur poses. Apply to SAMUEL C PERKINS. apll-thetu6.• 817 WALNUT Street. rriß BALE OR EXOHANGE.—One HUNDRED AND TWENTY-Fl VE THOUR.LND DOLLARS' WORTII OF rROPFATY. consisting of eoal, iron ore and timber lands, farms, and unseated lands in Pennsylvania, stook In an extensive coal and iron company, and lands in Missouri. will be offered for aale, or exchanged for merehandize or city proper ty. Full particulars can be had by calling upon.or ad dressing JOHN C. OSTERL O II. Agent, anio-at* {RA North Water street. rpo MANIJF eiCT ['RIMEL—FOR SA IR It The MANUFACTORY of Om late B. hIoNUTTA deceased, situated at the corner of TWENT 2- FIRST Street and PENNSYLVANIA Avenue, containing 122 Looms, 11 Spooling, Winci?ng. 2 Doubting and Twist ing, and 2 Beaming Machines; also, 2 new Power Prestos,. together with a large and commodious Dye- Honse.'fitted up in the hest manner for faney and bins dyeing, with everything in complete and perfect order for carrying on the extensive and tomperous business of the late proprietor. the good will ana trade marks of which will pace to the combater. To en onergetio man this is a splendid opportunity fora dist-rate investment. For particulars apply to Meagre. HAY& MoDEVITT, 120 MARKET Street. or to JAMES P. SMYTH, _Administrator, Washington Mills, ap9-fit* Corner Twenty-brat st. and Penna. avenue. KaFOR SALE, OR TO RENT—The large and ocimoletelr furnished FACTORY, on Gie north aide of Tklofd PION otroot, extending f rom HANCOCK to CLINTON Street& The building has been need for a starch Factory. and a power ful Engine and complete Machinery for the manufac ture of titarch, but can easily be altered for other ma nufacturing Purposes. IrP l i rto B. . KINGSTON, B. IV. °or. THIRTEENTH and MAJIKF.T Atm., And J. SIERGSANT PRICE. ap6-23t No. 813 ARCII Street. GERMANToWN PROPERTY TO Mat RENT.—To Rent. the Jorge end commodious modern-built Rouse, .corner of ARMAT Street and WILLOW Avenue, !nth see, bath, hot and cold water, and alt the modern improvements. Apply to HENBY 8. TA RR, 710 OREM( Street. Philadelphia, or on the premiums. IR TO LET—A desirable Country Resi afteidence. on the west ride of the Old Front-street road, a snort distance above Hart lane. with about 10 acres of land, well etooked with fruit trees and ornr mental shrubbery. cool water. ice house. Apply 8. W. corner of !NINTH and BAOISOIII Streets, second story. aps-tf #l . TO RENT—For the Fummer season ; tl a oommodious Country House. with furniture. grouds, and gitebling, wittlie_two hours' ride, by rail, of P h iladelphia . Apply to P.:. P. WILSON. apt 333 MA 'CET street; or address '• .1031.&H WILSON, Parkersvire. Chester Co.. Pa." ap4 12t* 01 FOR SALE OR TO LET—A very desirable four•etory. briok DwELtarra, with three story double hang builOinge, having all the modern conveniences, and is in cermet order ; sitaated west of BH.OAD. and near ARCH Street . For particulars ap ply at No. 213 north THIRD Street. ap3-12t. en TO RENT TWO COUNTRY uousFa, one mile from Teem. Inquire No. 717 WAL,Nur »treat- mtaz-3m• T o RENT-THE LA,W32 AND CON VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard i at Maylandeille. Twenty- fourth want. Apply to f so TO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL- Mii. LINa L NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Stre•t. A 9147 tp, WETHEKILL & BROTH&R, 47 end 49 norm E S CON D Strut. mh14141. Tiro LET-SECOND-STORY ROOM, 802 TO CHESTNUT attest. over LEWIS LADOMUS & Co.'s Jewelry store. The beet location in Philadel phia for any kind of lipt business. Apply the Jewelry Store.. r e n t &M. tele RENT—Two very desirable Stores, the Ninth-street front of " The Continental Amt.' The btore at Ninth and ganeorn etreAtil bete oialh adapted fora BADDLE and EiLitszaa Maker. UV to South Wait NINTH and Effi l ffeet Ogle. rpo FARMERS.—Land Lime for sale at Al- Lulu-Tenet_ 9th and COATES ; or delivered at any of the Railroad depots in ilutadelEnia or Camden. mh33-11tA B. fricINAEB. VOR EXCHANGE.-A CHOICE TRACT of good unimproved farm land in the State of flew Jersey, convenient to the city. will beexchanged for sit, pro_perty. Apply at No. 119 FEDERAL. Street. R R. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER s AND CONVEYANCER. NORRISTOWN. FA. —Real Ertel bonat and sold on resaonable terms. Stores an dwellings for sale or rent in Norristown and ommtry. ood mortgagee negotiated. Collections made. The best references oven. d24-dm - PUBLIC BALE OF VALUABLE FRO PEATY. TELE " EMPORIUM PEAL ESTATE ttND DIANU FACTURINti COPAYANY. ' Of Moutel , itg • Pulaski county. Illinois, Will offer at PUBLIC SALE, on the gremiees. On WEDNESDAY. the Ibth day of Nay next, A Large Number of DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Stores , 'isotortes, and iteidanaes. A SPACIOUS BRICCKHI IRON Baur FOUNDRY, WITH MA-dE . Aris all the appurtenances necessary far the business of manufacturing Engines and Boilers for Steamboats, &Isar, and all other Mills, used in the Southern and Western country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvements In machinery, with a lull and complete set of Patterns for Stores. tv/apted to both wood snd coal. This property, from the advantageous location of Mound City. tit one of the most valuable in the Southwest. Also at the name tame, A FIRST-CLASS 'Ilft.EE-STORY FRAME MO DER -BUILT HOTEL, Coutainingimme fifty rooms, with a full set of Furni ture. The Betel is now limns a large and profitable Witieg - 84,:lritisanuflAr c gOTTA OE RESIDENCES. Timms os. SALn..--One- fourth (Ai) Muth ; the remain ing pay manta in 12. 24, and 36 months from date of eme. bearing interest at the rate of am per cent. per annum. The cash payment may be made in the Bonds of the Company, and the time payments will be taken to the Stook of the Company at par, except for improved pro perty, for which three-fourths of the puthnese - money mar remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to diepose of all their im provements, capitalists have a rare opportunity for pro fitable investments in one of the best located and most flourishing cities in the great Southwel i For particu lars, inquire of or addren JESSE E. EYTON. President E. R. M. Co. mh26-tml4 O ffi ce 222 WALNUT St reet, Phtlade.. MISSOURI LANE , 000,000 Acres for Sale and einem. at prism caniliut from 123{. to 50 *ants per acre, in any quantities re anima. TAXES paid and PATENTSprocured for purchasers of _Land under the Graduation Aot ! Plata furnished gmtis by Imola= a enrage stamp. For further information IVY' to • WILSON. WL111133, & CO.. U.S. and eneral Land 41gentis, 84 QUEBTiI UT Street _i_ Between THIRD end Foluvra_ ST. LOUIS. mo. ma to WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. 10-tra 2 51 LE • FOR EA -AT HOUGH'S, Twenty-first ward. one yam of the finest spans BAY MATCHED BOMBS in the State. fait size ; can trot fifteen miles within the hour. AIM. en- Perior single KOADBTERIS—SP ISE% apll-3t* FOR BALE—A Valuable Family Horne. about 18XLImuliso sous d and kind in Dia gle or double harness, arid Boa nailer 'addle; cord for warn or use without a fault. I'o be seen at sta ble 1110.15 WI LLING'I ALLEY. aye 3t'-.e B OARD IN TWO PLEASAN T ROOMS, ONE ningievaaint,with board, ki0.1623 WALNUT Street, aplo-Ist* PIRST-OLABS BOARDING, With Tittle Boems, in ARCH, west of Broad street. Address " Beta." Press office. ap9.3t* piEST OL 68S B9ARDINO, WITS pleasant rooms, at Ito, 24i V Locutrr strain. mhl6-Im* TO BUSINESS MEN.—An excellent chance for reliable business men to secures a pro fitable manufacturing business, requiring but a email easital in its establightnent ono proetunriiiin, 'ghe mannmeture coneiste in the apt+ ontion of it pe culiar componition or enema to common red briogs. and a renew of other building material. ornamental arobitecturat finis/Lines, ceilings, Wester-flown and for roofing. hi 4 enemel may be tinted of- ring eclat. 'from the purest whirs to tee deepest bleak, with all the °okra end shades bets ean. It imparts to the 144 9 10 1 td vt i ob i t i e upviled a hexane= and durability ainstrat moredi ble, and a beam' , surnaming that of the Tweet and most nattlY of the variegated marbles, and, unkre them, is impervious to moisture, and will. never. fade . stem, or deteriorate, costing but a fractional part of the prise of ordinary marble. It is atm valuable for table and= stand. toes, mantel pieties, monuments, and an endless variety Qt other amount of Map,* nee. .The process of applrto„s th e enamel is ample, while the artooleek mend a ready male, affording large nrdfitikr..-. 1 ' 0, "'"" --- parties may procure licenses fur inannumionng under the Patent for any city or prominent town in the United titatess.brapplsiog to the subscriber. small tar.ff on the artunes matimeetsrec will be required for the nee of the invention. Circulars giving 11 11 / 1 02 ti, 101 .... 1 : 111 Mitt be forwarded to all applicants. - enameled he euperior merit and beag - Y th hailoton =mane to anontng . a t erl q u ellued endorsement of many of um . a nt e "Sn architects and scientific' men of this and other mums. For PorlaoululL a ddress JOHNSON & MALL. aseserst agents tor Futons ed Building New BS NASSAU Strout, New Yore'. tRZNOII ZING --Pure SNOW WHITE fat Ws Dr (Vial% Malone cos G o Aggi ti and fat dit WALNUT-STREET TILEATRE. v Sole Lessee..._. M,_A t GARREIFTSpIf. State Manager w rd. A. CHAPAI Mallen Agent— DM. D. MURPHY. _ Fourth Night of the ENGAGEMENT OF ro R. AND MISS RICNINGR. T/118 THURSDAY VAN niti, April Il i Will be preeented the Drams, in 3 30131, Miriam, Mite C. Jhelum ; Mr. Crawley, Mr. P. R Whinge. To Dori lod e with the FMaliali adaptation of Aube?. Opera," LA FlANQE.E., : eAtitled_ _ tirgiiriloiriirVuAßD. Pauline. Mies 01701i1243 Riehinge ; Chevalier Renaud. Mr. rater Richinee. SCALP OP PlticEs.—P root eirole. (nate geoured with out extra charge.) to cents; parauet. (create monied at 50 oente,) 37% cents; fe.msly oirole, dente; private boxes, ens and 85; oreheptra. 75 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; eurtainwill nee at 7.41‘ o'olook. NI cDONOUGHI3 OLYMPIC: I .--i L A T E E;;;LLVEMPAVW E Street, belay Thud. A fil IGHT TUBE REMPMIMUD. BENEFIT OF J. T.iANIV,.., Uft PR*. OR P.M FD . 811¢01111! THE ORNIIITERT TRIUMPH oN ItECORU: THE SEVEN SISTER . EXTRA NOTICE. " UNCLE exbill MAO C LANTERN" ti e tB4 est:7l . o ; ?a will shortly be produced at One Theatre, the most beautiful a d utif jo u! ttiontepaftursevneerttepr.eneencetednal" Or n o t wily Circle, 150 ; rmeite Ilox Seas. 1500. Door. over. at 65i o'clock; oommenolne at 7E. WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCH-ST. THEATR FOURTH NIGHT EDWIN OO BOOTH, THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, April 11, The performance will commence with the superb tragic play, In 3 ants, written by Tom Taylor. entitled M r) Ft. 01,'S REVENGb. Bertueeio. the Duke's Jester.-- --Mr. Edwin Booth To _._nolude with WALLACE, THE HERO OF nomAttn. AOADEMYOF SIO—THE OP LEA.— SIGNOR MUM . ° has the honor to announee to that tbe Italian Artists, emanated under hie direction,A PB SON OF OPERA, On 0 Y4.- 11 71 . their way to ulsll.3lllflPili l ,..., l6agenierit. B in Cincinnati. Bt. Louis t Chicago. &0.. COMMENCIetp OWN DAY,.. APRIL nth. ----- The Company will comprise an the great leading Artinte of Met mei/win—viz: MADAME P AULINE GOLBON AND RUBS A. fiIILLLPS, SIGNORS BRIGNOQ. FFR RI, DUBROEIUL, BAWL', Ito.. Whilst, in order to give additional brilliancy to thin hrief season % engagements have been effected with MISS ISABbI,I A. lIINKLEY AND M 18 9 et, ARA LOUISE KRLLON. Two of the most successful young American Prima Donne that have ever appeared on ther..yrro Stage. An engagement has also been made with the Justly distinguished tenor- SIGNOR. SMELL', This combination of artists forming the most bril liant operatic amenable yet presented to the patrons of the opera. The leading features of the season will be the pro duction of Verdi's latest and most celebrated work. UN BALLO IN MAISCH.E.te, • (The Masquerade Ball.) which has achieved thepmet extraordinary success in Paris, London. New York. and Boston, end Haievy's renowned grand tragic opera of LA JUIVE—(THE JEWESH.) Which hag created so profound an impression in the musical world. Tho season will be inausurated by the debut of MIPS RINKLItY IN IL TROVATOKE. Notwithstanding the vast additional expense of this great Lyric Combination, and the necessaLT mire en scene, the customary prices of admission in New York. Bolton, and other large cities where opera is glven. will be preserved—viz: Parquette. Parquette Circle, and Balcony, $1; deserved seats 51oents extra . Fami ly Circle. &I cents Amphitheatre, 2.5 cents. The sale of Tickets will commenoe on Thursday morning. April llth, at the Box Office of the Seedily', ; at Beak & I. 4 awton's Music Store, No. 632. and Chiokeriog'• Piano k oft, Waierooms, No, 716 9hostizat titreitt. 1/1 wCrtnt Apo CON OtitTION. idIONOIt ;tlll7lO, rig' The Box-office of the Academy widths open daily, from 9. A. 14.. until 4. P. M. ABEL & LEYLAND'S - STEREOPTICON! ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. TENTH and CHESTNUT !streets. EVERY EVENING THIS (THE TENTH) WEEK MONDAY—Egypt and thAt Holy Land. TUESDAY—Franoo, ttpsin. &c. WEDNF,SDAY —England, &o. THURSDAY—ItaIy, &o. FRlDAY—America, SATURDAY—Up the Rhine, Switzerland, &o. Admitsion 25 cent& Children. 15 cents. Donn open at 7.1 i; conunanoe at 8 o'clock. MATINEE WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Commencing at three o'olock. aptl-et SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET. OPEN FOR THR SEASON. NEWLY DEMCOR . SRATEDA NFORD AND PAINTED. Has secured one of the LAROEST COMPANIES ever v ted heretofore who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 71. C. Admission 26 cents. Children 15 cents. THE GERMANIA ORCRESTRA GIVE their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every RATUR PAY. cansnaaaoina at 3%." o'clock. et the MUBICAL FUNK MALL. 8 t,okata taolcats.2s Gents. for male at Cinokering & Bon's. 807 Chestnut street; Andre's. 1104 Chestnut street and Beck Sr Lawton's, Cheetout street. Enragenienta for Concerts. Commenosments, Par- Use. &c., made only at their Office. Chiekering & Bon's Piano Btnre, 807 Chestnut street; William Btolt, 324 North Juniper street, or C. lirouttiman, 1003 Ridge /WORM ja3l-tf PENNA- ACADEMY Of THE FINK eIRTD, The Academy is now closed lathe 'public fora short time. in order to make preparations tor the spring Wl lubitione, which will open on MONDAY, the t2d of April. apl-tf STEREOPTICON A P PARA T After a series of experiments, we have much elm plied the Stereopticon apparatus, and now are able to furnish. at a comptinitivelv low price, instruments for public. exhibition, t. undapaehool instruction, or family entertainment, ponluoing on a wall or Doreen Stereo troops Pictures nsgnificil_from ten to thirty feet square. A_aielt variety of NEW AND BIKAUTIPUL. TU S.S for the above Apparatun conetantly on hand =4 or sale by JAM w. uv.Kra to CO Str., 924 CHESTNUT eet. N. 8.--Cataloguea sent by mail free. mhlB-12t IEADIFAS' FAIR.—A Fair in aid of St. aro. seph's Hospital. (under the management of to s flisteia of Charity.) is row open in CONCERT HALL. CHEF:ITN UT, above Twelfth, and will continue during the week. "he lathes who have kindly undertaken to assist in this really noble charity appeal to the benevolence of a uomniun , ty that has ever reeponced to the truly worthy,. aria co none have they contributed more deserving o f mom% Cho display of umful and fumy artioles will oopp_paye favorably with any previous Fair, and it is omitidently hoped it may be generously patronized. Admittance 10 cents; Pension tickets. 76 ots. ain-at" EDUCATIONAL. peRYANT, STRATTON, &FAIRBANKS' MERCANTILE COLLEGE, 15, cornet SE: pk.;teTß and CHESTNUT Streete.—Dery and Re.ming instruction in :coping in eluding General Wholesale and Retail =roe, ping, Forwarding and Comminnon. ohmage, Manufacturing. Railroading, SteamtsanN x . &0.. the most thorougA and practical coarse in • United States. Also, Lectures, CommeroieJ e tle done, Arithmetic. and the higher Mathematiott menship (beat in the °ley), Correwndenee, ko. For We. their new Treatise on Bookkeeping bunt • fatly_ printed in colors. and the bug work sex-tf MEDICINAL DR. J. WISE, No. 30 North FIFTFI Street, PHILADELPHIA—Treats )1 , successfully- if ripp ! ied to in time. all of the LUNGS. OAT and HEART, and frequently cures CONSUMPTION in its third and tat stage. Re also restores all ourable diseases of the EYE and EAR. Be has riven them his entire . attention for be past 20 years. Will visit patients, when if-sired. at heir residences. ape lair SAFES. pr, LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED -- to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near the ranklin institute. The undersigned. thankful for past flavors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient Mere. and hue now on hand s large aesortinprit of Lillie 's CelOnsted Wroughtald Chilled Iron Fl , O and J3urglar Proof Safes the striotiy fire and burglar proof safes made.) the -. lie's Unegival led Bank Vault. Safe. and Bank r Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnished to order on abort notice. Thai as the strongest. belt proteoted, and oheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, particular attention is os.lled to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, &o. This Safe is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance ear thiuig jet of tared for this purpose, and is the Only one that is striot ly fire and burglar proof. , SPEctsr, No ling.—l have now on hand say twenty pi Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most 01 them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, oomprisine • complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be Bold at very low prices. Please nail and examine. Ja2s-Isif M. C. SADLER. Agora. I 1 EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER. SAFES. STORE 304 CHESTNUT STABET, PHILADELrHJA, PA, glans variety or FIRE- PROOF SAFES alwe --- INSURANCE COMPANIES.. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. George W. Day-- *of Day. & Matoit. &Untie! Wright...—. " Wright Bros &. Co. D. B. Amy " Dyne & Riney, Henry Lewin, Jr.-- " Lewis Bros Co. O. Richardson— " J. C. Howe & Co. Samuel T. Bodine... —Pres% Wyoming COMA COMey Jno. W. Eyennan--of J. W. Even:nen & Geo. A. West— ... " West & Fobee. T. s. Martin— Severe, Martin. & Co. _ O. Wilson Davis . Attorney - et-law. ED. Woodraff_. ....of Sibley, Molten. & Woodruff. Jao. Kessler, -No. DIS Dreeta street. GEOR 'GE W. .D A Y Prudent. FRANCIS N. BUC .K Vice President. WILLIAMS I. SLANCHARD,Seorstari.•• Jail-irtf SAVING FUNDSr SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE ER P C R ENT. S. It. CAWFORD, President, JAMES R. HUNTER. Secretary and Traainirari Office boom. from 10 until 5 o'clock. This Company is not joined In any aimileation to the Leandattles. lei AMERIOAN SAVING FUND, 8. E. COi: ner WALNUT and FOURTH Htraata, contilmaa to receive deposits and nay all sums on damned ee it has always done. A.L.EXAISRXR WHIL esi LHIN - Prde* JOHN 8, WiLson, ,recency. P 14104 agregFOß NEW "YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. .Philadelphia and New York Enemata SranbaarCom pany will rename freight on and a ft er ONDAY. nth tnempt, and lase* daily at 7P. m delivering their car toon in New York the Rollownot dame/ Freights taken at [amenable eaten. WM. P. CLYDE, Arent, No. 14 SOUTH WU [LAVES. Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Anent, Piers 14 and 1S F...earr . RIVER, New York. Intita-iftf &gaitFOß NEW !ORS. THE ritillidelrble Steam Propeller Comm will oomutenoti their bnonaose for the edema on Mown WA Met. Their Steamers are now reeeiving freight at Beeond Fier above W stunt street. Terme accommodating. AP.Plr a to . BAIRD 224 Bonn. Delaware Avenue. 1.1.4.VA.NA OIGAILI.—A fresh imports. JR-A- tion of the two new brands of " SEA" and '• PUNCHINELLO?' just received per steamer Quaker City and schooner Eveline, under the oid tariff p rides , a „ for woe LE w by CHAHS z 130 sturr. CCHAMPAGNE:—Vet aliquot, Lallemand. Duck! Grape, and all of De Ventae & Co.'. Cham pagnes. for sale by _4_4URETCRE i CARSTA vote and 204 South FRONT Street. abovefor th p u nctua ll y portation of any of the brands wilt be attended to. lug wtolutim.L, liKßltilsie, SILW, SAL _..,.molv, &0.-4,0 W bbia, Mere Nes. 1, I. and I Mick lael: larne_onalmna. and small. in assorted Packages action* late -caught fat Rah. 1,000 bids. 4ew Halifax. Eastport. and Labrador Bar rings, of choice qualities. USO boxila extra new saitied Herrings. 1,000 boxes extra new No.l Herrings. LW boxes large. Maadritnel It:wrings. 2110 Obis . ManYineto 'white_ Ftab. 00 bbl*. new intonoinf _Wu Shari. 26 bbl=. news 11afa.a_84m,?n,..64, . • 1,000 Qnintain brand ask Lod XXI boxes Hertnnor-oount7 Cisme, in store end landing. forit bi g KY.& LOONS --- .! 4.- - 1 - 4 - 11 Avg wiwnhise. Olive Oil.' it Latour* 01AVE AN TSINICIAUTAtt WWI itt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers