FOREIGN NEWS. ENGLAND. THI GMT EASTEHri.—The directors of the Great Ship Company bad complied a report that was to be presented to the shareholders at X-pub- No meeting to be held at the London Tavern on the 2Sth ult. They congratulate the shareholders th a t the trial trip to New York was made at a lore of only £344 odd. As explained in their previous re port, it was their intention to have despatched the ship on a second voyage to New York on the 17th Comber hart, but after considering the require ments of the Board of Trade for one voyage onl7, and the very imperfect state of the decks laid down by Mr. J. Scott Russell under his contract, the directors, with the advise and concurrence of some of the largest proprietors, whom they invited to confer with them on the subject, abandoned that intention. They then reduced the staff and all other expenses as mulch as possible, and pro ceeded with the alterations and repairs. The bearing of the screw shaft wee far the moot parlous task. By very skillful arrangements the mesa ty of removing the shaft from the ship was over come, and the work has made each progress as to leave no reasonable doubt of its satisfactory com pletion, together with the feed pumps to the paddle boilers recommended by the Board of Trade, in the ensuing month. The main deck has been sheathed with 11-inoh boards over a layer of tarred patent felt, thus forming a double deck. The directors believe that by there means the deck (hitherto a constant source of injury and annoyenoe) will be water-tight, and the in conveniences thoroughly removed. The saloon and cargo (leeks have been caulked, and many other minor but important works are in progress. The question of future employment for the ship him re ceived the most serious oonsideration of the di rectors. The want of public confidence in the ship has hitherto heeled the directors in their endea vors to obtain sufficient passengers and freight to remunerate the proprietors. 2hey hope that the voyage to America has, in a great degree, removed the impediment. The passengers unanimously expressed their appreciation of the ease and com fort they enjoyed, and the total absence of sea sickness, even to the moat sensitive. Her excel lence as a sea boat has been proved, and, notwith standing the inevitable disadvantages of an expe rimental voyage, the directors can now place full reliance on her steady speed. They believe that another successful voyage to America will establish the desired confidence, and that she might then be profitably employed in any trade. here her great capacity and power can be developed. It is clear that, by a computation of her speed now esta blished, ebe would accomplish a voyage to India or Australia within forty days, upon a ratio of consumption of male far below that of other steam ships The directors have, therefore, resolved upon despatching the ship to Amerioa early in April next, and they hope that the receipts from all e. urges will at least equal the expenditure, as experience/ has proved that the working expenses of this ship may be reduced to the ordinary °barges of merchant steamers, which reduction your di rectors are determined to effect. TRN Ducar or CortawALL.—The accounts of the Deadly of Cornwall, the inheritance of the Prince of Wales, for the year 1860 have been laid before Parliament. The receipts dining the year from rents and other pennies amounted t 01.58,625, above .12,000 more than in the previous year. The ex game of management were £6,313; repairs and permanent Improvements took £1,949; charities, enperannuations, and law charges, £1,779; sale ries of officers of the a tannery Court, £1,097; property and other taxes, £1,717; allowing as the result a sum of 145,073 to be appropriated for pay ments to and investments for his Reyal Highness— a larger sum by above £4,000 than in the previous year was paid to the Prince's trustees and trea surer. LAND IMPROVEMENT to IRELAND —A return has been made to the House of horde showing that, under the act of 1647, for facilitating the improve ment of landed property in Ireland, there was issued to hustled proprietors up to the 31st of March lest, £1,.577,745. The repayments are made on th e principle of an annuity, and rent charge to theamonnt of £819,357 bad already been paid for these advanoes; a small portion has been redeemed, (4169,563.) and there remained to be come payable 41,238 655. The arrears at the date menticned were £10.946, of which about £7,000 became due only within the twolve•month, the Mt-Oars° payable in the year amounting in the whole to a little over 4100,000. These advances were taken at (list to a very great extent, as much as £350,000 a year, but the amount taken now is but about L 30,4700 a year. At the marriage of the young Earl of Lincoln with Miss Rope, of Deepdene, the jewelry worn by the bride cost upwards of £12,000, and con sisted of a handsome head ornament of diamonds, and a diamond necklace, Sco. Mr. Hope, it is said, gives the Countess of Lincoln £5,000 a year pin-money, and the use of an Irish estate. Fashion and sport sometimes come to grief. In a late list of London bankrupts we find : John G. Shirley, sadler, Regent street. Middlesex ; also joint proprietor of Sporting Safe and Eclipse newspapers, and sale proprietor of Court Circu lar newspaper. Eight out of twelve of the Irish common law judges are now Roman Catholics, including two at the three chiefs. The new Attorney General being also a Roman Catholic, it is not improbable that, ere long , the proportion will be increased to three fourths instead of two•thirds. Lord Napier, ex representative or Eogland at the Court of the Netherlands, arrived at Berlin on the 14th February, with his family, from London, and was in a few days to proceed to his new post at Bt. Petersbutg. FRANCE. In 1848 M. Mires lived in a garret—ln other words he was a poor man. Bat he is a Jew, and a ebrewd man, and with the natural money -making Imamate of hie race, saw that the revolution wee the favorable moment fora man like himself to fall into the current of public, affairs, and to see whe ther fortune was not in tie favor. His first essay was in the then depreciated Government stocks; this succeeded, and he went on from one successful coop to another, until in 1860 M. Mires had ar rived at the head of say fitly millions of francs, and bad become a great rival, and we may add torment, to M. de Rothschild. He wee Director. General of the combined treasury of the French Railway Companies, a position in which he was in trusted with hundreds of millions of money be• longing to others; he was the founder and bead of the grefit dock improvement at Marseilles, known as La Joliette; he owned and managed for him self and others en immense amount of the beat pay ing property in Paris, and he lately matte a grand coup in the affair of the Ottoman loan—a coup which will create consternation at Constantinople when the feet ofhia arrest is known, and will come nearer shaking the Ottoman Porte to its founda tions than the throne of Louis Napoleon. M. LEDHLY ROLLIN.—After the proclamation of the amnesty last year, the Franca consul in Lon don inf.rmed M. Ledru Rollin that it did not ap ply to him, because he had been found guilty " by default" of participation in a plot against the life of the Emperor, which was a common law, and not a political, offence. Thereupon M. Ledrn Rollin submitted to several eminent French advocates the followir g question : "Is a plot against the Emperor's life a politioal crime ?" The advocates, in an opinion dated January 23, MI, have re solved the question in the affirmative, adding that Al Led= Rollin has a legal right to enter Prance without being molested. A Toulon letter says "It now appears certain that an expedition to Cochin China has been de cided on, in order to settle all questions in dispute in those diataeteountrles. The whole diffieulty con sists in the efficacy of the means to be employed There is no success possible excert in a bold march on the capital. The Emperor of Annanl—whom hie courtiers have persuaded that the capture of Pekin is a fable invented by Cho foreign barbari ans—will not be convinced except by the notes/ presence of danger, and the taking of his . palace and of his treasures will have much more influ ence on his decisions than the occupation of three fourths of his Empire " ELZOTHIC LIGHTING IN Pause —The system of electric lighting essayed on the Place du Carrousel promises to be attended with perfeersuceess. The apparatus by which the immense volume of light is projected from the Triumphal Arch is the linen tion of M. Serrin, and requires no human hand either to light or regulate tee burners. The whole mechanism consists in the action of a balance weight, which sways from side to aide with such puttiet equilibrium that the production of light is even and constant. The two burners now exhibit ing in the Place de Carrerasl are fed by a magnet to-eleotrio apparatus established at some distance, the magnet receiving its propulsion by a steam en gine of two-horse power. The simple rotation of the magnet is sufficient to produce the necessary electricity for each apparatus. RI iSSIA- The Crimea, with the exception of the upper parts of the distriota of Simferopol, Theodosia, and Yalta, have become depopulated in consequence of the emigration of Tartars into Turkey. A part of the widely-scattered population of the Stepp?) of Central Crimea have likewise received their passports, and will emigrate in the spring. Great efforts are being made to effect a complete telegraphio communication between St.-Petersburg and the CallflantS. TIBIA is already united to Pots by telegraphic wires. The project of the new tariff of import duties on European goods, drawn up by order of the Empe ror, will shortly be published in the Btirsers Zet tang, of St. Petersburg. AUSTRIA - . Fears have again arisen that an attack will be made on Venetia in the course of the summer, as it is firmly believed that France and Sardinia have come to an undemanding in respect to Rome. There ban been hardly a trees of a carnival at Ve nice. In fact, no maskers have appeared in the streets, except some " fees:tiara," or porters, and the agents of the police. The Traeste Zettung learns from Venice that the Sardinian agents have given the inhabitants of the oity to understand that they moat remain quiet for a time, as the moment for station has not yet arrived. A royal rescript convokes the Diet at Buda for the 211 of April, in order to make arrangements for the coronation of the Emperor aaßingof Hungary, to receive communication of the inaugural diploma, and to elect the Palatine of Einagary. • The Emperor of Austria has given orders that the so - called " Schwarz-Spat:der' Church, which for many years baa been need as a magazine, shall be given to the Vienna Protestants as a place of worship. ITALY. The high Catholic organ of Turin. the Alveolar:, says that in spite of the Catholic world, which it declares is unanimously in favor of the Pope, Rome will follow Gaeta. forms will overpower reason, and the protection of France will sooon be reduced to the offer of a steamer to carry Pine IX. into exile. It closes its remarks with a sharp thrust " But the steamer which has served the Ring of Naples, and which will Serve the Pope, will do the same for others at a later period. Let us not interfere with Providence, but reserve our judgment till the last day." Tun Gszioszorsis —Lc Patric publishes the following : " The ancient corps of Garibaldians are In full organisation. Only the oleo ft for ser vice are retained. They will form four divisions The Ord, oommanded by General Tarr. will ehortly establish its headquarters at Mondavi; the ee . cond, commanded by general Blob, will proceed to Vercelli; the third, commanded by Medloi, wilt be stationed at Biella; arid the fourth, commanded by Cessna, will have its headquarters at Asti " Pius IX has just received as a present a splen- did diamond necklace, the propery of a French lady recently deceased, and a quanttiy of what a London ball giver need to call " artiolea of bigotry and virtue; r - also a present froth a lady of Oshoo. In May a colossal statoe of Daniel Manin is to'be erected In the Pleaaa Maria de Tergi 4t and later in the year suttees in honor or tho wItO and mother of the King. The Emperor Napoleon has offered the ea-. Sing and Queen of Naples the Chateau. do Pan, if they think proper to pam some time insFranoe. Proceedings of City Councils. The stated meeting of both branches of Coin°lis was held yesterday afternoon. - 11F,.LECT BRANCH. THEO- OHYLIR, president, is the chair. The following petitions and communicatione were rooeived and referred : One for the renaming and paving of an avenue in the First ward ; one for changing the place of voting of the Fourth precinct house of the Fourteenth ward; for gas lamps in the Second, Fifth, and Eighth wards; one from C. Bartlet asking for compensation for damages PIM/tined by the breaking of a culvert in the Eleventh ward. A comuminioation was read from the Controllers of Public School asking for an appropriation for school purposes. A petition was also received from the chicane of the Twenty-third ward, ask ing far the erection of a school, and the opening of a certain Street. Also, one from the Guardians of the Poor, notifying Councils of the resignation of James at Marks. One from the Receiver of ZELSOS, Stating that the amount due by delinquent tax-collectors was $16,890 28. Mr. alsoanr wished to know what 0011reeahonld be taken in order to get this money due the city. Mr. M. moved the matter be referred to the Com. , mittee on Finance, in order to ascertain what course it will be necessary to pursue. Agreed to. The Committee on Water reported a resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter Into a contraot with William H. Atmore for coal, to be delivered at the Delaware Works, at $3 59 par ton of 2,240 pounds, and with Jos Ff. McClure, for the Sohnylkill Worka. at $3 28 per ton ; for the Twenty-fourth ward Works at $3 60 per ton; and with E. Schrei ner for coal, at Fairmount Works, at $3.47 per ton. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. DRAYTON, from the Committee OH City Pro perty, reported in favor of appropriating the build ing at the northeast corner of Front and Noble streets as a station for the river and harbor police. A resolution to that effect was agreed to. Mr. SMEDLEY presented an ordinance appro priating *1,350 to pay damages for the opening of a road in the Twenty-third ward, which was refer red to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Barrow also presented an ordinance for the sale of a lot of ground at the northeast cor ner of Twenty-drat and Callowhill streets, which was referred to the Committee on City Property. Mr. BENTON presented another ordinance, pro hibiting the running of oars during the passage of any military or other procession, under a penalty of $25 for each offence. The ordinanee was taken up, and wowed finally A resolution authorizing the laying of water pipe on Delaware avenue, from Tun alley to Wal nut street, was agreed to. A resolution returning thanks to Mr. Charles A. Coulaon, for services rendered, was agreed to. Mr. RENTON offered a resolution for the removal of all obstraotiona from the Reed-street culvert, which was referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. GINNODo offered a resolution requesting the Highway Committee to report to this Chamber upon sundry communications referred to them, making Penrose bridge free. Agreed to. The Chamber now went into a Committee of the Whole, for the purpose of considering the bill making an extra appropriation of $7OO to the De partment of City Property, Mr. Smedley in the chair. Mr. Burma moved to increase the item of $2OO for improving the parade ground to $5OO. After SOME discussion tbeamendment was agreed to, and the bill passed finally. Mr. DOUGHERTY offered a resolution, requesting the superintendent of the Girard estate to give the names and the amounts due by all delinquent tenant payers who occu py houses belonging to said estate, and who are in arrears more than six months In answer to objection to the resolution, Mr. Daugherty said he desired light. He knew there were many delinquents, and that in some cases compromises had been made without the knowledge of the Chamber. lie thought the subject should be understood by Councils. Measra. DAVIS and NEAL deprecated such a course. Mr. DOUGHERTY said he only aimed at those who were in arrears six months. He knew of those who were still deeper in arrears, and the en tire matter was kept from Councils. Mr. Dews )3roteated against these remarks. The agent of the Girard Estates attends to his bu siness as closely as the agent of any other property. Be was opposed to making the names of these people public. Let the matter go to the Committee on Girard Estate, and there it will be properly dealt with. idr. Fox feared that something was wrong here. The. ComMittee on Girard Estates had no right to compromise in such matters. The money belonged not to them, but to the little orphan boys at Girard College. He would like to know whether any such compromises had been made. Mr. Davis explained that these wee no secrecy in the transaotiona of the committee They bad never claimed executive po 4er ; but the agent had been instructed to reduce certain arrears in rents, which may thus be considered es compromitted. This was done according to the beat judgment of the committee, after consultation with the City Solicitor. The motion to refer was voted down. Mr. NEAL further moved to amend by atriking oat all after the word "resolved," and insert that the superintendent furnish the amount due by de linquenta and whether any compromises have been made. Mr Bruni.onn was in favor of . Mr. N.'s amend ment There was many a person who, owing to the present state of affairs, had become in arrears, and it was not right that their names should be exposed to the public. Mr. Meal's amendment was lost. The resolution was then so amended auto inquire only the names of these with whom compromises had been made for rent tine over six months, with the amounts due, and the amounts actually re ceived, wnieh was agreed to The resolution from Common Council, instruct ing the chief engineer to proceed with the work of completing the wheel-house at Fairmount, was eonourred in. The vote relative to the paving of Canal street, from Beaver to Front streets, was reconsidered for the purpose of tffsring a special amendment, that the citizens residing on said street shall Belted the contractor for the work. The amendment passed finally. The bill from Common Council relative to the contract for the construction of a bridge over the Schuylkill, at Chestnut street, was called up and concurred in, After the transaction of some minor business the Chamber adjourned. COMMON CO urmiL. A communication was received from the Secre tary cf the Board of Guardians of the Poor an . - pouncing the resignation of James M. Marks as a member of that body. One from the City Centro]. ler relative to the settlement of the accounts of Arthur Hughes, late health officer. Referred. Mr. fien.P.Eit offered a resolution insfruoting the Chief Engineer of the Water Depaitment to pro- need with the work of constructing the mill-house St Fairmount, the reservoir at Corinthian avenue and Poplar street, the pump gearing, Ac. Mr HARPER explained that Ids object in offering this resolution was for the purpose or getting work now in progress under way again in the spring sea eon. The work ion the new mill-house has been delayed for some months in consequence of the ap propriation for that purpose having been expended. It is proposed to pay the expenses of this work out of the appropriation of $42 500 recently agreed to for that department. The iesolution was adopted. A number of petitions asking for the grading of streets, gas lamps, Ao , were received and appro priately referred. A resolution was offered, directing the Commit tee on Surveys and Regulations to report an ordi nance at 'he next meetmg of Cont:Ala, for the ex tension of a culvert on the line of Cotton, Wood, and Levering streets, in Manayunk. Referred. A resolution, instructing the City Solicitor to provide for the opening of a portion of Fiftyantb street, in the Fire! ward, wee also referred. . ' Council then proceeded to the consideration of the ordinance providing for a bridge over the Schuylkill, at Chestnut street. The Chamber resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Simone in the chair. An ani mated debate followed. The same grounds were taken by both sides, as have been already re ported, when the bill was before the Chamber Several months ago. Mr lionesort amended, by adding a proviso that, previous to the coutract being entered into by the city for the erection of the bridge, measures shall be taken to ascertain the amount of damiNges the city will have to pay, the ground occupied, lots damaged by the grades on each side of the Schuyl kill, together with the number of wharves between Chestnut and Market streets, the claims to be made for damages, and the amount of said damagea, and report the same to Councils ; and until such in formation shall be given to Councils, no contract shall be made for the building of said bridge with out being authorized by the City Conoeils Mr. Banana deemed it , proper to exercise this precaution. Mr CRESSON objected to rthe amendment as an incrombraneo to the bill, and moved its indefinite postponement. Mr. Tattoo, president, said the indefinite post ponement of the amendment would kill the bill. Mr. CRESSON withdrew his motion. The amendment was not agreed to, and the or dinance pamed finally. Mr. Haexan submitted 41 report from the spe cial committee of ten on the reception of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln and suite. The report details the particulars of their arrival and reception in this city. An ordinance appropriating $1,620.98 was appended to the report. The items are as fol lows: For advertising, $ll2 11; carriage hire for both days, ; for the entertainment ot the Prost dent elect and Ibe beads of the Legislature of Penn sylvania and Ned Jersey, at the Continental Hotel, $750; for badges, music, and incidentals, incind toe the expense incurred by the Chief of Police, $353 57. Mr KERR moved that the ordinance be post. poned and printed. Mr. BACKER thought it was not worth while to postpone the bill. The special committee bad made the report ; it was signed by all the mem bers of that body, and why go to the <additional expose of printing? Mr. Rawl said the bill would bade to be printed in the appendix of Councils, no matter what be. came of it—whether they passed it now or rejected it altogether. He knew there were several mem bers in the other Chamber who desired to examine the bill before they were prepared to vote upon it. Mr. Quint said he was the only person who op. posed giving Mr. Lincoln this entertainment. The ground of his opposition was that it would be nothing but a mere mock ceremony. The main object was for certain men to get a favorable op portunity for presenting their petitions to the Pre sident. He was perfectly well satisfied that he was correct in what be said. The ordinance calls for $1,600 for one day's entertainment. He was noxious to know what the various items were for labial that sum was expended. He knew that many members of this Chamber were compelled to remain in Chestnut street, while some MOTO per mitted to enjoy themselves in the Continental .110- tel. It was said of this bill that, there was a charge for fourteen hundred brandy smashes for the po lice officers. In addition to that there were several dozene of ehampagne for certain Common soldiers --r.ot oven oSoore. lie thought it was ahanaeful that common soldiers were there indulging in wine while distinguished members of Councils were shut out. He moved that the ordinance be re ferred to a special committee, to report at the next meeting the various items for which the money was expended. Not agreed to. Mr. Kian moved to refer to the COMlnitdoo on Printing and Supplies Mr. HACKIE asked for the reading of the names appended to the report. After the reading Mr. KERR'S motion was de. featsd—Yeas 25, nays 41. A motion was made to recommit to the commit tee, with instructions to specify each item in the bill. Lost. The ordinance then passed to second reading. Council refused to respond the rules, and accord. iney it lays over till the next meeting. Th9' Committee on Markets reported SP °Mi . ntmee abolishing market stands in Nanayunk. Adopted. The Chamber then proceeded to consider the or. disarm disapproving en act of the Assembly pro viding for the purchase of certain property at or near Landing avenue at Fairmount and Coates street. Mr. POTTSR moved that the aubjeot be referred to the Committees on City Property and Water, with instruotions to report in two weeks from the present time. Mr. Reams said the great abject of those who favored this bill was delay. If they could only get three months to expire, the sot goes into Wed. Mr. Imam favored a reference to a committee, as be had not yet seen the set. Mr. HARP= reed the objeotionable section in the sot. Causer' was well aware of the necessity for Increased facilities for furnishing an ample and pure supply of water for the Oily of Philadelphia, yet, if they were going to appropriate $500,000 for that purpose, it would be far better to buy sixty or one hundred scree of land at Flat Rook, above Manayunk, upon which to erect basins, and thus preserve the purity of the water. Mr. FICSEMAN said it was evident the majority of the members did not understand the act, or where the lot of ground was located. The preamble of the act deolaree that Councils have three months to act. The motion to refer directo the committee to report in two weeks. The act can be printed, and we will then be prepared to vote on it intelli gently. Mr. Forma said, whether the report was true or not that a large amount of filth was thrown into the Schuylkill at points above Fairmount, it wee highly important that the matter should be fully Investigated, and for that reason he hoped the sub ject would be referred. Apart from the fact that this lot of land would go far towards the improve ment of Fairmount Park, it would undoubtedly aid in preserving the purity of the water, if owned by the city. Mr. Ileuran said the passage of the act was brought about by parties interested In the sale of that property. It is stated there are a few dilapi dated buildings upon it. He was credibly informed that there was a large rolling mill upon the -pro perty, valued at $200,000. Mr. Perms. it ie nothing but an old frame building. Mr. HAIIPEIt. It may contain large amount of valuable property, nevertheless. The machi• nery contained therein is very heavy, and cannot be removed without a vast expense. There are several other buildings, hotels, &a., and sixteen or seventeen acres of land altogether on this plot. If referred tea committee the changes were that it would be one or two months before they could have an opportunity to vote upon it. Dr. fines said no petitions had been sent to the Legislature for the passage of nett an act with a view to the improvement of Fairmount Park. There bad been no complaint about the purity of the water, and no petitions sent to the Legislature in reference to it. Our oily has been famous for the purity of the water until speculators wished to dispose of certain property, and made the plea to the Legislature that the water was impure, and might be productive of disease. de there was no ground for such allegation, kowever, he was op posed to refer to a committee, and was prepared to vote at once. Mr. Funsmert referred to the report of the Chief Engineer, complaining of the drainage of build ings on tke west bank of the flohuylkill u render ing the water impure. The committee had ample time to report, as by the act Councils were al lotted three months from its passage to determine upon it. Mr. MEGARGEB wanted Councils to put their foot down, and say they would not favor anything passed by the Legislature not asked for by the citizens of Philadelphia. The motion to refer to the Committee oa City and Water was not agreed to. The ordinance disapprovingthe act of the Legis lature was agreed to. A resolution was adopted directing the Tax Re ceiver to inform Councils the amount of taxes due for the years 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858,`1850, and 1880. The resolution requesting the City Solicitor to examine into the tide of a lot of ground in the Twenty-first and Sleventh wards, desired for sohool Furposec ' was agreed to. Oa motion of Mr. Fall/MAN, Council proceeded to the consideration of the ordinance making an appropriation for clerks of Counoila. The amend ment made by Select Council, to appropriate $5OO to pay Morton McMichael, for advertising, was concurred in by a vote of 27 to 26. An item to pay the assignee of Mr. Maurioe $/28 18, and $lB for advertising to a certain journal, was concurred in. The ordinance was agreed to. Adjourned. LIIPORTATIONS. Reported for the Preas.l ROTTERDAM—Brig Cadzandria-12 casks gin F Sr. Gibbons, Charleston; 60 pipes do 2 oases can de co logne It Bohlen & Co; 30 pipes 23 casks gin joint Gib son, Son & corti °beets mdse Dulles & Cope; 27 pies do W Webrfritz; Ido H Weiner; 1 case Bower roots It Bulst & Son; I do Harlem oil 8 Spans; 11 casks wine W It dornimann & Son; 16816111 kegs herring 33 ekes mdee 2 oasts plume ordet; le pipes 16 casks gin 163 pits wine 6 wanks brand r carious cone RIORMOND—SteamshiP City of Riohmond, Mitchell —196 byre tobacco .1 11. Bans & uo; 199 do meroer fc en telo; 231 bag 30 oases 26 kegs do Buoksor, McCrommoo & UO; 65 has do T M Ji anew: 50 do A a 11 Armstrong; 140 bags feathers Jas Morgan; 2do coffee v. Newel l; 34 empty hhds 40 do bbls Alloassr, Collins & Co; 18 empty mime Kirkpatrick. Debaven & Co; 97 tinge nuts N tines Br. Bre.: 9 bales yam J 8 Woodward a Son; 2 rollers Bharplese. Biter & Co; 1 bbl Scotch ale Mitchell & Allen; all bags roots 16 do fruit Twells a Co; 24 bags apples 6 do flaxseed Miler fr. B o; 133 bags fruit 18 do leathern C P Knight & Co; 1 box mdse Wood & Perot; 1 do Truitt. tiro A Co 2 do W in Sargent; 55 bales cotton Werner, matins 97 p ups fruit and cute 20 bales rags 16 pkga Indus 19 sewing machines various consignees. CARD PlUS—Brig Wabash:Risley—WO hhds sugar a W Welsh; 68 do mo'asses 8000 cigars captain. PRILADALPRiA HOARD OP TRADE. TAM RIMBSR. BRE EL MORRIS COM - MIMI OF TRR MONE'. T JOSEPH C. GRUA LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship WYOming, Barton : .:: , Marob 25 Ship Eliza F wide ta. Willismi--.—.Shankhae, soon Ship Frigate Biro. Johns-....._..... London, soon Baik Thomas Hallett_ goon Bark Sea Eagle, Kenner..._ ...—Barlndoes, soon Sark Mary Adelia. Kellar -_Cork, soon Bark 141 W Hill, Arey,_ —Havana, Boon Bark Caroline, ..,,,...,Havana, soon Bark Swinnemunde. Lange-- —Cork, soon Brig A M Roberta,„ ...Cork, soon Sobr Empire. Wa11.... . :Antigua, soon Sohr Matt Kenney. Ogier soon volir Win. L Sprints. hoirman—.....Fort an Spain. soon Sohr Martha Jane, Clark....— Port -ham, soon BAILING OP THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES. 6111P6 LILA.VI FOR LAYS .Bremen---New York_.Bremen- . [dank 16 Glaatow ..... ....New York-Liverpool—. -March 16 Cof Maneheeter.New York-Liverpool ... .--Mareh 16 North Briton.-- Portland-Liverpool- ..... Marok 16 Boston -Liverpool. 20 Uhl New Vork....llingeto re arch 20 Portland-Liverpool -March 23 Etna— - New Pork-Liverpool ----March 23 John Heil . ay: 'York-Glasgow. .-668anh 26 A .....,..Boston -Liverpool .. ...Maroh 27 A raga New York-Havro —..— Mara ao Bavana—* ew York-Etam burg.- ----April 1 Canada,- - floe ton _ Liverpool— -..April S Africa -New V (wk.-Liverpool —April 10 New - Y0rk.. : .... New York- Bremen— —April 13 -Boston-Liverpool— —.April 17 Ballo --.... —Dew York-Havro—....--APril2o Persia . New ork-Liverpool ...... 20 . . FROM EUROPE. /MIPS LIAV3 FOR FATS Auntielaaian.—Liverpool -Mew Feb 16 Giaekow ......L iv e rpool -New York-- -...Fe0 20 John Sell.._ gow-New York--..- —Feb 2S Etna -- ..Liveroool-Now York— ..- Feb 27 Bohemian- -Liverpool-Portland., ........ ,_.Feb 23 Liverpool-New York.--- -Marva 2 BaVartB---.Bouthampton-New Y0rk...........fdareh 4 Arago._.....Sontbampton -Now Y0rk...........b1areh 0 Ednuertla-- :41out8tomptoll-Prow York— -"March 18 United if ingdom. Olasgovr-New York—. -blotch a New Yoric—dontbamoton -New York....—Maroh 20 Fotton,-Bouthainpton-New York-- -.April 3 Tentonia -...donthammon.-liew York.--April 4 The California Marl Ste:mere sail from New York on the tat. 11th, andultat of each month. The Havana Steamers leave flew York on the kol.lth, 13th. 17th. and 27th of each month. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OFFIIII,4IDELPIIIA, BlarCll 15, 1861. SUN RISES .6 3 -SUN SETS li 37 men ----- 46 ARRIVED. Brig Wabash. Bieley, 11 days from Cardenas, with sugar, &o. to & Welsh. Bohr Fannie, Vance, 2 days from New York, with home to Weaver, lt itler St Co. Behr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odessa, DM, with grain to Christian & Curran. Behr T P aacCofley. Carter. 1 day from Camden. Del. with corn to Jim Barratt & Son. Bohr Sarah Warren, Hollingsworth, I day from Little Creek Landing, Del. with corn to Jim L Bewley & Bohr Flyaway. Davis, trots 'Bas Darbor, in ballast to Nests. Sawyer & Co. Behr Taos Fetter, Itaokett. from East Marion. in bal last to emu. Sawyer &Co. coto 8 Clark, Griffin. from East Mamoru in ballast to Baum. Ogle & Co. Behr E T Smith, Smith, from Norwich, in ballast to Baum, Ogle & Co. eater War ateed, Smith, from Port Jefferson, in ballast to Nevin, Sawyer & Co. sohr Jos Marsh, Mathias, from New York, in ballast to H &Mord. CLEARED. Steamship Boston. th Doter. New York, J Allderdice. Bark. Beni Halieu, Little. New Orleans, D 11 Stetson Brig Lilly Dale, Cordite% Halifax, John N Kennedy it Co. Behr A Falkenberg, Wilbert, Charleston. A Heron, Jr. M Co. Bohr Chris Loeser. Laws, Salem, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell Bohr Flyaway. Davis. Salem, Nevin, Sawyer ft Co. Bohr Thos Potter. Rackets Metrics, do Bohr War Steed. Smith. Boaton, do Behr E T Smith. Smith, Boston:Baum, Ogle M Co. Fehr S Clark, Griffin. Salem, do Bohr Jos marsh. Mathias, Norfolk. B Safford. Sir H L Gaw, Ber, Baltimore, A Grime, Jr, MEMORANDA. steamship Kensington, Baker, cleared at Boston 18th inst. for Philadelphia. _ Ship Isaac Jeans . Drinkwater, hence 31 Feb, at Li verpool about the 27th. Ship Tonawanda. Julius, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool previous to 27th ult. Ship Fleetwing. Eldridge, cleared at BostonlBth inst. for Philade.phia, to load for Liverpool. Ship Colombo, Stewart, from Liverpool, arrived at Charleston 11th hunt. Shia Amity, Stinson, from Havre, arrived at Charleg ton 11th inst. Ship Musatingus. Carter, for Liverpool, cleared at Charleston 11th inst. Ship Parana, Langston, from New York, was dlscbg at Buenos Ayres 18th Jan. Bark Chas B Truitt. Boa% from New York, via Mon tevideo. was disolig at Buenos Ayres 18th Jan, lino. Bark huntingdon, White, from Baltimore, nun, was discharging at Buenos Ayres 18th Jan. Bark vary C Porter. Adams at Buenos Ayres Jan 18, loading mules for West Indies. Bart C Poultner, Santana, at Buenos Ayres 18th Jan from Glasgow, nno. Brie Randy King, Brown. at Buenos Ayres 18th Jan, from Guayrrnay. DEO. Malta. Brig B P Nash, Ramsdell, hence. was at Buono* Ayres 18th Jan. Omaha. Sabra K it 11 Shannon. Maris, Fanny.. Mayhew. and Pitiotnio, McGee, hence, arrived at Boston 13th bast Behr r *rah Ann Roe, Baker, cleared at Boston 18th inst for Philadelphia. arm, M P Hudson, Hudson, cleared at New York 14th met for Key West. Sam Albert Pharo. Cavalier, henoe, arrived at Digh ton 11th inst. Bahr Aithea. Corson. from Boston for New Orleans, sailed from Narragansett. RI. 11th inst. Sabre S p Solliday. Seaman, and Snow Flake, Der rickion. from Boston ft r Philadelphia, sailed from Nar rat ansetrl ith mat. Bohm George 3 Jones, Crowell, and Lady Sudhik, Ba ker. from Boston for Philadelphia, at Newport 11'h that Cohn Alex Henderson, crowed, hence for Fairhaven, at Newport 12th inst. Bohr Hornet, Henley, from Portland for Philadelphia, was in the lower harbor. Portsmouth. 10th inst. Bohr Ni it Carlisle. Itrder , for Charleston, via New port. yelled from Providence 12th met Ship Sagan o Owen. from Cardiff'. aahore on Polly Island. below Charleston, bad sunk 18th irod • nine feet in the sand, and had eight feet water in her hold. The G 0 registers 736 tons. was built at Baltimore in 1848, lately owned .in Charleston. but during her late voyage had ohanged colors. She is now smiling under the British fist. Bark Powhatan. now at We port, 436 tone, built at New York in 184.9, and rating A 13g. has been sold for $lO,OOO. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Capt Fish, of fohr A 13 Salter. at Wareham, retorts that the buoy en Great Fiat. and also the buoy on Fox Rook are gone, and that the buoy on the west end of hwiltis Flat is moved across the channel to the south ward; consequently vessel' entering tint harbor will hearth- buoy on the starboard hand. The Frying Pan night ship Wilt be withdrawn for re pairs on the 12th inst. Her place wat be supplied as soon as emetio&oe by the relief vessel, but may be absent from her station possibly a wet*. Due notice will be given when the Rent as again shown. Ry order of the Lighthouse Board. 7OTlriElC.°arUßNaiy,asieotorxthLtghthouseDisret.wilminstonNcmseios VRENOD ZING--Pure SNOW WHITE (Vielle, Monftene.Grovadnenta slld for sale by wrx , a a . ball 47 au 4 ortb INO-frk iIiE_PRESS.--M1LAD44,11,, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1861. INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPIIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORB:' P..RATCHYORD STARE, WILLIAM McKim, Mimic° FOAMED, JOHN M. ATWOOD. BIN;. T. MODICA, HANET WHART RA ON. F. MIE' CHARLES W. COXE. See DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY EURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Ineorporated by the Legislature of.Penneylvetua, Office S. B. corner of THIRD and WALNUT streets, PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, On Velum's, Cargo, To all parte of the World Freight. 1 LAND INSURANCES On Goods by Rivera. palish!. Lakes, and Land W ows. to all parte of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merohandine generally. On Storer, Dwelling Donne, ko. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1860. 111100,000 'United States five tir cent. 10an.....01106,500 60 116,000 United States air 4P dent. Treasury Notes, ( with re:United interest ?.... 119,469 34 100,1210 Pennsylvania State five V' °ea loan. 96,970 Oa 21,000 do. do. six do. do. 31,946 00 133.080Philiulenshia City nix_ cant. Loan. 1 89,203 S 7 80,000 Tennessee State fi ve cent. loan- 24,000 00 80,1300 Pennsylvania Satireli td mortgage six cent. bonds.— -- 45,000 00 15.000 300 shares, stook Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guaranteed by the City of Phila delphia • 15.600 60 5,000 100 shares Pe ir=isy Company._ • 3,909 00 lvania Railroad 5.000 100 shares North Perduiylvanla Rail road Company-900 00 1,200 80 "shares Philadelphia lee Hos t and Steam Tug Company.-, 1,200 00 2606 shares Philadelphia ens Havrede- Graee Steam Tow- boat Company, 000 00 200 2 shares Philadelphia Exchange Company- 1M 00 1,000 2 sharea Continental . Rotel Co.— SOO 00 3666,700 par. Cost 8647.332.34. Market va1.0364,336 n Sills receivable, for insuratmo made- .171.816 42 Sonde and mortgages.—........ 94,600 00 Real estate— -- 61,969 96 Balances due at Agerwies-Premiums on-Ms rine Policies, interest. and other debts due the CompanY--. 81,866 09 Sor?p and stook of sundry Insurance and other Companies , 2,036 110 Cash on hand-in banlos— 429,673 16 11l drawer _... - 436 36 • 29,108 51 13964,907 a DIRECTORS. William Martin, Aamitel E. Stoke', Edmund A. Sonde?, I. F. Peniston, Theophilas Paulding, Henry Sloan, John R. Penrose, I Edward Darlington, John C. Dame, R. Jones Brooke" James Tmenair, fteneer Ryre, Jr., Thomas C. Rand, James C. Hand, Robert Burton. William C. Ludwig, Jacob P. jean, Joseph R. Seal, James B. M'Farlana. Dr. K. M. Huston, lodine P. Eyre, George C. Leiter, John B. Semple, Pittsb'g, Hugh Craig, D. T. Morgan, Charles Rally., A. B. Berger, to WILLIAM MARTIN, ?resident. THOS. C. BARD. Vine President. HENRY LPLB URN. Secretary. noir-tf IN SURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE Nos, 4 AND 6 EXCRANGE BUILDINGS. • _ . . Chartered ml794—Canital s2oo,oo3—Feb.l, 1830, Gash value, 8438.792 77. All invested in sound and available geourities—oon tune to insure on- Vessels and Carnet'', Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise, &o. on liberal teens. • DIRECTORS, Henry D. Shenerd, George R. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Bamuel Grant, Jr., Morten Macolester s - Tobias Wagner, William $. Smith. Thou.= B. WattiOn, Atm B. tludd. Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles S. Lewis, George C. Carson. HENRY D. BUMMER)), President WILLIAM EARPRE. & , craw,. je9-tS poIRE_ INSURANCE . MBOHANICIEV INSURA.NEE COMPANY of Philadelphia,. No. 136 North SIXTII Street, below Race. insure Build logs, Goods. and Merchandise generally from lose or damage by Fire. The company grutrant . 13 6 to all Met all losses prompuy, and thereby hope to merit the neuron sge of the publio. DIRICTORS. William Morgan, Robert Flanigan, Franoix Cooper, Michael MoueoY, George L. Dougherty. Edward McGovern,. James Martin, Thomas 13. MoCornuolr, •James Duroas, Joan Bromley. Matthaei McAleer, Francis Falls, Bernard Rafferty, John Caatadj, Thomas J Hemphill, Bernard. R. iiulseman. Tboman Fisher, Charles Clare, Francis MOMELIME, Michael Cahill. Imo - FRANC OOR, President. BERNARD RAFFERTY, etarr. ma t.-613, A MENUMN FIRS INSIIRLINOE 00., INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER PETUAL. o. 310 WALNUT Street. above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Steak and Surplus, invested in round and available securities, oontinu.s to insure on Dwellings, Stores. Furniture, rderohandise, Vessels in port and their carooes, and other personal property. All losses liberally and promptly adjueled. DIRECTORS. John T. Leine, Jame. R. Campbell, Edmund O. Dntiih, Chop. W. Poultzter, Israel Morris. TRonIAS IL MARIS, President. ALBERT C. B. CRAWFORD. Secretary. fe93-tf . Thom. R. 'Marie, John Welsh, Samuel C. Morton, Parr ok Brady., IN THE DISTRICT. COURT FOR TEE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. THE WESTERN SAVING FUND Sr'CIETY OF PHI LADELPHIA, v. FREEMAN SCOTT. Vend. Ex. Dec. Term, MO. N 0.114. DANIPL N. MALSEED and JAMES P. NI ALIWED, tradipg ee Mstreed & Brother, v. FREEMAN kOOTT. Vent!. Ex. Deo. Term, MO. No. Tla The Auditor appointed by the Court to mutt alight button of the funds in ..Court. arising from the Rheriff's -les, under the above- mentioned writs of execution, of the following d- scribed property, viz: brinkll those two several two-story and five three.story measuaset or tenements. and the lot or reee of ground on which the same are erected, situate on tbe soutn side of Cellovetall street to the late district of rpring Garden, in Penn 1 ownably. in the eounty of poimompuis ; beginning at the distance of too fee; G inches wesivrard from the west able of Thirteenth et., thence runn:ng westward along the said Cla °whin street 85 feet thence southward at skin angles with the said , 7allowhill street 140 feet t.. an 18 feet wide al ley called Bloom alleY. now Carlton surest, thence eaet wardly along. the -Bald Bloom eller 26 feet 3 inches. thence northward at right angles with the Raid Callow hill street 70 feet thence eastward parallel with Callow hill street 8 feet t inches, themes" northward at right an wee with Cellos/hill street 70 feet to Osllowhill street aforesaid and place of beginning. Sounded northward mth:3B row 1 7 0 1 !z i t! i r d el; ei fo east - yr s r i g! a g re r a z z l, , f westward by ground granted or intended to have Deen granted to .klizansth oromey-on ground rout. 2. All that certain lot or piece of milady:Oh the two, eters brick building. thereon erected. athlete on the north side of Bouth, street, at toe distance of 144 feet west of is leventh street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front 18 feet, and in depth 80 feet to 84 feet wide alley leading into Eleventh street, with the privilege thereof: 3. A rot of ground on tbe north side Ufa uth street. in the oity or Philadelphia. 36 feet west of Eleventh street, 18 feet front by to feet deep to a 4-feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof On it a tvo-etory brick bonze" with two-story bank kitchen, &u. 4. A Int of ground on the north cello of South street, 51 feet weet of Eleventh retreat- 13 feet front by SO feet deep to a 4-foot wide alley, with the Privilege thereof. tin it a two-story brink house wits' two-awry bast kit chen. ate• 6. A lot of ground on the north side of South afrost, 00 feet meet of Eleventh street, 38 feet front by to feet deep to a 4.feet wide al ey, with toe privilege th ereof. On it a two-story brick house with piazza, ko. Bide 6 . pill that certain lot theround, situate on thenorth, of Poplar street. incity of Philadelphia at the distanee oral feet 8 implies eastward from the east aide of Eleventh Street, containing 15 feet in front, by 62 feet 431;inches on the west line. end 64 feet 6.44 inohes on the east line thereof. In depth to a 3.lflet wide alley. with the privilege thereof. On the said lot of ground there are erected a three eters. brick house and two-sto ry hack kitchen and appurtenance& offie.No n 2 s t 3‘ 800 thFO UR TH Sapp onmielnd apt hha on IKONDaY, Manske 25th. 1861, at 4 o'olook P. IV., when and where all_persons are requested to make their olaims, or be debarred from coming in upon the said fund. mhll-10t. TFICS M. BALL, Auditor. fa THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF fitILADELPRIA. Eat.te of aNtEB BARTER, deceased. The auditor appointed to audit. settle, and adjust the account oL PARK Mat. CsB- ADY, Executor of said decedent. and to report distribution of balance--will meet the parties interested, at the Wetheriit Souse, Nor 608 8A NSOM Eltrset. in the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, March 18,1881. at di( o'o`ock P. M. mh8,11.13,16,18-bt WASH. L. BLADEN, IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TOE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIGADELPULk. Estate of SAMUEL mao RE. deceased. The auditor appointed to audit. settle. and ediket the amount of SUSAN MOORE, edministiatrix of tke said estate, arid report distribution of the b dance in her hands, will meet the particle interest. tt, for the purposes of hisape intraw.t. on MONDAY, March 18th, UAL 4 P M., at the Wetherill !donee, 3afifiOhl Wein, noose Sixth, an the city of Phatdelphia. mh4 mwfat WILLIMYI ERNST:Auditor. FN TEM ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ROB-Rl' N WLIN, deceased. The auditor appointed by the court to audit. eetthr, and adjust the account of ANNA P. xEwurc, execu trix of decedent and report distribution of the balance there..f, will meet the puttee interested at the Wethe rill House. No. 60.5 NANtOM Street, In the Mt) of Philadelphia, on MONDAY. Maroh 25. 1861. it 3./i o'oloch P. M. WASH. L. BLADEN. ruhrslB 10 23 25 Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT OP NnRTHAIKP TON CHUNTY, PgriNSYLVANIA. I,:erate of Juan' ftEd•l, deemed. To the heirs and legal repreentstives of the said de (mum) - • . Take nette O r phan s' rt the tiarar of January, A. D. 1861, stud Court d an inqueet di rected to the sheriff of said cotmty. to make partition to and among the heirs and legal representatives of the said intestate, or oleo much thereof ea the same Will accommodate, and to value and appraiee the same. sai T d enquesd, w ilppem he l M a u n th 8 , . ehomesowds op thin said county on FRIDAY. 29 h day of March. A. D. isst, at 10 o';lootr A. M., at whit time and plaoo you can attend, if you see proven That the return of the proneeningS 0^ said writ will be made by the under signed to the Orphans' Court. to be hoiden at EASTON. on Friday, 12th day of A pill neat. THOMASHECKMAN, Pherif. Sheriff's Office, Easton, Pa., February 27, A. D. Nei. ruhl-fret • APHANS' O •Ulty NORTHAMP TEt aCOUNEPYE MNSY iE N R A d N ec A e Ped. To the helm and legal representatives of the said de ceased: Take notice, that on the 25th day or January. A. D. 1861. said Orphans' Court awarded an inquest diretned to the sheriff of the said °minty , to make partition to and among the heirs and legal represeutativee of the said intestate. or of so many thereof as the same will accommodate, and to value and apeman the same. he inquest will be hel townsh i p . omestead of the. said deoeased. in Plainfield m said enmity, on SATURDAY, 30tti nay of March, A. D. 1661, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at time and place you eau attend. if you see proper. That the return or me, proceedings on said writ will be made by the undersi gned to the Orphans' Court to be holden at mummy, on Friday, 12th day of April next. THOMAS 11' ,- CICMAN. Sheriff'. Sheriff's office. Easton, Pa., Pebrnari 3f• MM. mkt. OM gm NOTICE.--Applieatmn will be made to the Directors in the Mercantile Library for re newal of oertificate of one share of stook, No. 3203, same having been lost or mislaid. robs f2t' JAMES P. TROMPRONat COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. rgOTICE.—The Copartnership heretofore existms between JOHN JJ. ESILLEMAII Fiat- W. FixTCITER. under ihe firm of ellmleman & cher, was dissolved on the let der of Marsh instant, by the withdrawal of D. W. FLETCitER. with mutual consent. The business will be eontirued by Jog, j. EsuLemas, at his old stand. and all claims against tee late firm will besotted by him. .1. ESHLEMAN, D. W. FLETCHER. A CA JD,-Any patronage that my friends may con tinue to bestow upon Mr. Eshleman. my late Partner. or any mit.enoe t*.ey may exert in hie behalf, wilt at all times meet with a hearty response from toe, am I am assured they wilt be properly dealt with by him. mhl3.3t. D. W. FLETCHER. EXPRESS COMPANIES. TILE ADA/45 EXPRESS iikaligittlo., Office 320 CILESTbur s tmt . brinirokr aakagagi, Morobamhan Borarstotoes m and Blooie, either Writs own Lines or n eonneotio* bri NW *Moo eith other Exe of tko W e i C to 4 mum. mons, to el the priming) nur NU allfilerc4m k. INOtoral llambi Moroinem L. Dewseri, Gao. R. ElreanT. JOff le R. BROWN, Mr A. FAECNIISTOCE, AnDBLW D. °Ana, J. L. Realness. ORD ;STARR, President. .retary. fors LEGA.L. MEDICINAL. CEPHALIC) PILLS SIDE HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADAC HE, CURE ALL KINDS OP HEA.DA 01-I.E 137 the use of these Pills the seriodiard attacks of Nes roses or Sisk Ffeadarits may be prevented ; and if taken at the commeneement of an Moog immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom foil in removing the Nausea and Head. ado to which females ate continent. They ant gentle on the bowels, removing Costiveness, For Literary Min, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elas ticity and strength of the whole oysters. The C.EPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi radon and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many yearn, during which time they have Prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the ! ' OUTI)OUS system or from a deranged state of the ego snack, They are entirely roegetaide in their composition, and ,may be taken at all tames with perfect safety without l andaus - any change or diet, and iks *themes of mew Atm grombis faste rimier/5 it 4.28 V to admisistsr adios to 404'04 BEWARE OF 00UNTERFEETB The genuine have live limiters' of Henry 0. Apaidiet on each fkix. BOW by Arnmete and all other Dealer* in blealitiner. A Box will be gent by mail prepaid on reompt of tho PRICE. MS CENTS. Ail orders aboald be addressed re HENRY 0. SPALDING.. 48 CEDAR STREET. NEW YORK. TEE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S OEPHALIC PILLS, WILL OONVINCH ALL WHO BUFFER FROM HEADACHE. RAT SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN • THEIR REACH. As these Testimonials are smsolietted by Mr. SPAIN ING, they afford vslostestionable proof of the effi. &soil of this truly scientific discovery. Mu. &simnel MABONVILLI t Conn., Feb. 5.1881. . I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and I like them so welt that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few of the first box I got from WM. - Bend the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't Servant, jallEll KENNEDY'. HAVIMPORD, Fa., Feb. 6,1861. Mx. Sparaerio. 1 math yon to ee- d me one more box of your Cephalic Pills, I have received a great deal of from thews. Yours respeotfugy. .111ARY ANN STOIKHOUSE. BPRITC/I CONEY, HUNTINGDON COIINTT, Fen R. C. 3PALDING. January 18.1881. 5 _ . .Azar • You will please send me two boxes of your Cmyhalio Pills. Send them immed stply. RetmeetfullY Yowl' RIO. B. SIMONS. P. S.—/ have ranted one .oz of your Pitts, and find them excellent, Ennis VERNON, Ohl°. 23 . RM. B. C. firer.rarto. Please find enciased twenty.five centre, f-r which rend Me another box of your Cephalic Yille. They are truly the best Pais / have ever tried. Direct A. eToW RR. P. Belle Vernon. Wrandot no., 0., BEVERLY, Maw., Deo. MBA B e t rtostarsto, Esq. I Irish for some circulars or large show bills, to bring Tour Cephalic) Pills more pertioularly before MT cus tomers. If you have anything of the kind please send 6n of my oastomers. who is 'abject to maven, Riot Iteedaohle.(nouelly leafing two dnyej teas cured. of on attack in one sour by your P,Pa. which I sent hen Reeptotfully yours. RNVNOLI3SBI7It9, FRANKLIN CO., ORIN January 9,1861. Hamm C. Beaune/a, No. 48 C. dar et,. rt. Y. JJBAZ. BTE: 'Miffed find tweraY-gee cents. (85.1 for winob nand box of " Centralia Pills.' ' , end to address of !Lev. Wm. C. Filler. Reynoldeburg. Franklin Co.,oliio. Your Pills work like a diarm —ears Headache almost danaater. Truly Tenni, WAIL C. FILLER. YPSILANTI, MICR., lath Id, IE3I. aPAZDitio. But Hot long since I lent to you for a box of Cenhabo.PlUs for the our, of the Narrows Headache and Costiveness; and reoelved the same. and they had so good an Area Mat I was .indneed to 'end for more. Beene Bond by return maul. Direct to A. R. WHEELER. Ypsilanti, Moll. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. Cephaho Pills accomplish the ohloot for whioh they wero made, via.: Care of headache in all it. forme. Prom the Examiner, Norfolk, Fa. They have been tested in more than a thoneand emu with entire suecees. Etom Me DeMacrae, Sr. C7otut, MOM. If you are. or have been troubled with the headache. send [Or a box, [Cephalic Pille t ) eo that Ton may have them in me of an attack. From the Adpertiser, Prooieteme,R, I. The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably e tive remedy for the heatinehe. and one of the very beet for that very frequent complaint winoh has ever been discovered, Rosa the Western R. R. Gazette. Chicago. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Oephaha Pills. From the Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. We are cure that persons suffering with the headache, who try them, will Welt to theta. Frans the Southern - Path, Finder, New OrTeans t .Let. Try them yon that are afflicted. and we are acre that your Maureen,' can be added to the already numerous hat that has received benefits that no other medicine can prodnee. Prom the Sr. Louis Democrat. The immense demand for the artiole (Ceehslie Pills) to rapidly inareaamg. From Ms Gazogte, Davenport, lowa. K r . Spalding would not connect his name with an ex dole he did not know to pommy real merit. • Foto= the Advertiser, Providence, R. I. The testimony in their favor is etrong, from the most reveematde quarters. Prays. age Daisy News.. Netaport, Cephalie Pills are taking the place of all kin& Prom the Commerelai Bufietess, Boston, Mass, said to be very efficacious for the headeohe. 1 - Vont the Commercial, Cincinnati. Ohio, Buffering humanity eau now be relieved. sir A Ring% bottle of OPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will ieve ten tunes their toot anntallY.Nll SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECH3! ECONOMY: DISPATCH' 11?"" A BT/TCH IN TOM a&V'SS Nltta."4l3lll As accidents will happen. even in well-restilated families. it tay desirable to have some °heap and oonvement w ay for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crocke ry. ke. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE waste all snob einnrgenoies. and no household oan afford to do without It. It is niwnri rends. and up to the nicking point. „ USEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE.” N. B.—A Brush scoompanies esoh bottle. Enos, SS oasts. Address, • HENRY 0. SPALDING,. NO. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. CAUTION. lie certain unprincipled persona are attasiiptinn to ram of on the unsuspeotinn nubile, imitations of nig viz FARM? GLUE. I Would caution all penmen to an nual:ln I N ' APre Purchasing, and 400 that the Mt mina!, air SPALDING'S PREPARZD . 451 tUEMI is,oa the Gated. miamaal an others are Magill= oainitarnina. ' . WNW WEST CHESTER ININAMMAND PRILADELP.RIA KALLROAD, VIA MEDIA. _SPRING AR RA.N GEMENT. On and after Monday *arch 11,1861, the trains will leave Phltadelpeta, from the Depot, north. ..sit Aonor of Illighbvi.vo. and Market streets. at 0,00 A. Mr and !,I. and 8.30 P. M. The Freight Train, with passenger oar attaohed, will leave West Philadelphia. ot 6 A.. M., running as lar as the Baltimore Central junction. On /dummy', leave Phil delphia at e A.M. and 2 F. M.; leave West Chester at 7.30 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 /L. M. and 4, P.M. connect at Pennetton with trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore! Central Railroad. for Kennett (Word. &0,. sae, HBNIIY WOOn . General Buperl n tendert. 1861. ,tiara 11.861. WINTER ARRANOZoIEN f. -NEW YORK EINEe. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PRILA DELPHLA AND TRENTON RAILROAD gO.!AI LINES FROM PHILADELPIIJA TO NEW YORK. AND WAY PLACES, FROM WALNUT-6T. WHARF AND ERFSINGTON Duro? WILL L4AVE AS FOLLOWS, VIZ : FARR. At 6A. M., via Camden 3E4 Amboy, C. end A. AS ooramodation _ • • -8 2 2 6 At 6A. M., via. Acoommodation.., 176 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning . _ 3a, At 11% A. M., via: Newington and Jersey cm, Western 5zpyea5......... . 304 At 12l P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation—. - .2 23 At 2 P. ht.. via Camden and Anitioy, , ress— —._... 3 00 At 41d P. M., via Kensington and Jamey City, Eve ning Express.— XI AL 436 P. Ita., vie Kennington and Jerosy City , 0,1 Clegg 270 At 6P. M., via Camden and - Jersey City,l - nub:t . Mail- . . . - •. ... .300 At ant P.ICT., 1.7;4; City, ern Mail . , ......._ 296 At ti P. N., via Camden and ' Ambev, A.ooommode tont, ( Freight and Passenger/-Ist Claes Ticket_ 7 26 2d Class Ticket- 1 20 The OP M Mail Line runs daily. The 111.1 P Id, South ern Moil, ElaturdaYs excepted. Forßelvidere Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, ik.o.,at 7.10 A_ M and 6 F. M., from Kensington. For Water Ottp:Btroudsburg, Scranton , Wilkasharye. Montrone, Groat Bend, iko., 7.10 A. N. from Kennington, via Delaware. Lackawanna and Western 11 R. For Mayon Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem - at 7.20 A. M. and 3 P. M. from Kensington. For Mount Holly, eta and 8 A. M., 3 and OS For Freehold, at 6 A. M., and 3 P. NI, WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, so., at 7.10 A. M., 5, 134 and 6!f P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delacco. Rover!-. Harling ton Florence, Boraentown, et 123 i, 6, , 1di and 5 lA. Or For New York, and Way Lines leave Kensington Depot, take the oars, ou Fifth 'Artist, above Walnut. half an boar before departure. The ears rim into the depot, and on arrival of each train, run from the depot Fifty Pounds of Baggagnonly, allowed each Passen ger. Patesengera are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fl pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pow°, and will not be liable for any amount beyond, quar, az oapt by apecoal contract. nola WM. H. SATZMER. Agent. ErviggiONE CHANGE OF HOURS. —PHILADELPHIA, WIL MINGTON. AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. 011_6nd after MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11.1881 PAH/SERGE it TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA: FAir Baltimore at 8.15 A. 51.. LI noon (Express), and 10.50 P. M. For Chester at 8.13 A. M., 12 noon. 4.16 and 111.60 P. M. For Wilmington at 8./5 A. 1114 12 noon, 2.11 and 10.60 P. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. M. and CB P. M. For Middletown at 8.16 A. M. and 4.16 P. M. For Dover at 8.16 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Harrington &I 5 A. M. For Milford at 8.16 A. M. For Farmington at 8.10 A. M. For /Seaford at sae A. fif: For Balieburr at 8.15 A. AL TRAINS FOR PRI,I4DELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 5.30 A. M. (Exprooti), wag it. at.. and ILIO P. M. Leave Wilmington at 7.30 and 11.09 A. M.. Ide and 8.90 P. M. Leave Salishanr at 1.30 P. M. Lea,. Peaford at 2.50 r. M. Leave Farmington at 4.10 P.M. Leave Milford at 4P. M. Dave Harrington at 110 P. M. Leave Dover at 2.05 A. M. and 5.25 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10 Oe A. M. and 5.40 P. M. Leave New Beetle at 11 A. M.. 7.35 P. M. Leave Chester at 9.20 A. M. 12.04. gag, and 9P. M. Leave Baltimore Ihr Sa lielmri and Delaware jtAilroadett 6.10 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMOR F.: Wilmington Chester at 8.46 A.M..12.83 411411.20 P.M. Leave Wilmington at ala A. M.,12 BB P. M., and 13 A. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, vrill run ite follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate Places at 3 P.M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermeolate placee at 9 P.M. LVISTO Willi/Union for Philadelphia and intermediate Knees at 3.19 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Ravre-de-firaoe and Intermediate places at 4.10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS Only at 10.50. P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 8.10 P. M. from-Baltimore to Philadelphia. feB 8. hl. FELT ON. President. WINTER ARRANGE-. ARE AMIE M ENT .—PGILADELYRIA, GERMANTOWN. AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On end after MONDAY, Nov. 12, /300, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphis.6, 7,8, P. 10,11, and 1 2 A. M., I, r 2, 266, 4,2. Mil 6 ,7,, 6, 9, 104 and 11)6 F. M. Leave Germantown, 6, 7, 1 !36 8. , B%. 9, 10, 11 and 12 A Mn /, 2, 5. 4,6, 6, 66,1,7, 8.9 , and 1066 2. M. ON !Mill:my% Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 mm. A. lli., 2,7, and 1034 P.M. Leave Germantown, 8,10 mm. A. M., 1.10 min., 6, and 934 P. Pd. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6,8, 10, and 12 A. M.. I, 4,0, r.nd 403,‘ P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7, 10, 736, 8.40, and 9.40, and U. 40 A. M., 1.40, 6.4 e, 6.10. and 8.40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 .A. M., 2. and 7 I'. M. Leave Ciaeetnut Hill, 7.6omin, A. M., 12 00, 0.40, and 9.10 mm. P. M. - FOR CONSHOIIOCREN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 5.60, 756,905. and 11.06 mm. A. M. 1.05, 3.06, Di. 5.55. and 11X P. M. Leave Nornatown, 6,7, 8.05, 9, and 11 A. 53., Di, 4% and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. toLeavewn Pluladelphia, 9 A. M. and 3 P. M., for NoNorris . Leave Norriztown,Dc AM. and ti P.M. FOR MANAY LINK. Leave Pzinadelphia, 3.50, 734, 0 . 00, and 11.05 A. M. 1.05, 2.06,5.06.4%, 6.66. RM. 11% P. M. Leave Mane.yenk, 631, 734, 113(, A, OL, 5, Di 6,6%. and 931 P. M. • - ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M., 3. and 7 P. M. Leave Manarnk, 731 A. M. , 5%, and 8 P. M.. H. N. SMITI3, General Superintendent. nolo-tf DEPOT. NINTH. end . GREEN Streets. NORTH PENNSYL MB RPM VA NIA RAILROAD. Full BET HI LEH N ALDOYL EST° WM, MA UCH CHUNK. HAZLETON. and ECKLEY. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, December 3. MI, Paesen Passenger Trainewill leave FRONT and WILLOW streets, dai It . (Sundays excepted), as follows; Al 6.30 A. M.. (Express), for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauoh Chunk. Hazleton. &a. At 2.45 P. M., (Express ), for Bethlehem, Weston, Ice,' This train reaches Easton al6 P. AL. and mates close connection with New Jersey Central for New York. At if P. AL, for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauoh Chunk, At 9A. M. and 4 P M.. for Doymetovrit. At 6 P. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.30 A. 31. Express train makes olose commotion With the Lehigh Valle) Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh anal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. P H = ove Bethlehem at 5.42 A. 9.15 A. M.., and 5.1.3 Leave Doylestown at 7.26 A. M. and 5.20 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 646 A. M. ON SUNDAYS,—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doyleatown at 4 P. AL Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7A. M. _ Fort Washington for Philadelphia. at 3.45 P. AL Fare to Beth ehem—el 60 1 Fare to Mauch Ctiank.43 68 Fare to Easton 1601 Fare to Doylesurßia. = 80 Through WILLOWmust he procured Street Ticket Offices, at Street, or BERKS in order to secure the above rates of fare. MI Passenger Triune (except Sunday Traits) Gonne& at Berke Street with Filth and Sixth-streets, and Second and Third streets Passenger. Railroads, twenty minutes after leaving Willow street. des-tf ELLIS CLARK, Agent. W. B. WILKES. PHILADELPHIA JiEriMPELE READING O-ASEI R R E AD ING, end H E A R R T RWAING, fon P nd TSVr Nov, 6th, 1861 MORNING LINES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted.' Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CAL LOW HILL Streets. PHILADEL PHlA.(Paarler entranoes on Thirteenth and an streets at 8 A vonneeting nt Harrisburg with the PEN SYLVANIA RAILRLAD, 1 P. M. train running_to Patina= the CUMBERLAND VALLEY LOS P. M. train runinny to Chamberebutg, Carlisle, An. • _and the NORTHER N CENTRAL RAILROAD IP. M. train, running to Sun burn 420 . AFTERNOON LINES. J.,eave New Dep_o_L core of BROAD and CALLOW, BILL Street', PPULADELPHIA,(Pas.enger entrance. on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets,/ for POTTS VILLE and BARMSBURG. at M., DOILY, for READING only, at 430 P. AL. DAILY, (Sundays 02- nepted. DISTANCES VIA VIIILALDELPRUI AND READING RAILROAD, Flow PRILADXLPHIA. Miles, To Phcenixville-... 28 681Phileidelphis and Reelding Lebanon 86 and Lebanon Valley R.R. Harrisbarg—..-122 Dauphin Millersburg_ .--142 21'revorton Junction-188 ....:-.169, Northumberland Lewisburg 1660 V dra r airsiiirt7-7:— Shore.Jersisi ..-122 Look oven Rals n._ Troy.— Williskuiport and Elmira Railroad. The 8 A. M. And 3.50 P. M. train connect daily at Port Clinton, tlundays excepted ,) with the CATA WISSA, W LANEYORT. and ERIE RAILROAD, making close conneeiaons with lines to Niagara Fall., Canada,_the West and iklptberest. DEPOT IN PHILADE-LPHIA: Corner of BROAD and CALLOWMILL streets. az2ll-tf W. H. MoILDENNEY. SeoretarY T UE PENNSYLVANLt OENTRA 141111•10a.D. see NILES DOVBLE 17RACI, 1861. ffit...,..i..tAtevil; 1861 . THE CAPACITYOiIisouiI ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO Y IN TILE COUNTRY, TIMER THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPittA AND PITTSBURG, Connoting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points East, and in the 'Union Depot at Pittebm with Through Trams to and from all points in the West, Northwest, and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers imenroassed for speed and comfort bi any ether mate. Express and Fut Linos rca antra hi Pittsburg. Inthout ohange of ears°, Conductors. All throne! Pas senger Truing provided with Loughridge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, adding much to the safety of travoiiers, Smoking Cars are attached to each Tram_,* Woodruff's elgering Can to Exress and Fast Trains. The =YEWS RUNE DAI LY: and Fast Lines. Au days exmoted. clad ?nun leaves Philadelphia at . 8.00 Yast Line " A. st, Bayless Train les.ver " 10411 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEALITE AB FOLLOWS: Marrisburg Assommodationi Tie Columbia, 3 P, " dal P. M. Parkesborg " 12.80 P. IL West Chester Fumigant will take the had, Parkas burg Accommodation, and Columbia Trains. Passengers for Emoriry, Williamsport, Elmira, Thera. to, Niagara Fans, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at 8.00 A. Al. and II P. M. go directly through. Tiaketa Westward may be obtained at the orrome of the Germany Philadel WWI, York, Barton, or Bal .re ; Tickets dat any of the important es in the est; also on board spy of the rein l% •of Stratuen en the Mmaisaini or Ohio Me Fare always aa Law. and time an amok, an by any ether Route. For further information apply at the Passenger tits, tion, !Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The tionteletion of the Western connections of the peniurrlyagua Railroad to ?Maass. make this the DIRECT LIZIE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WE. The oortnootion of G trac ßE ks AT by the ST Railroad Endre at intlabarg, avoiding all drayage or femage of Freight, together with the saving of time. axe advantages mail] appreciated by Mummers of .Froight, and the Trawl liar Public. Merohentsend Skipper. entrit sag the traasportatier .of their Freight to this COMIPS.'I. oan rely with eonfi dance on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad aro at al/ SINUS os..foootoitta 08 are stereos' by other Railroad 111.' Bo paitloolar to nark package," via rellll2. Rail road, Far Freight Contracts er Shipping Direetiers, amply tio, or Mimi either of the following Arent: or the (Am easiz IL A. 6771WAR7. fitutbars; a. piens & Go., Zanesryillo.o. J. Jonturtoniiipiel 0.; B. monieci r , maernoe, -HY.; Onnatir Auroopor, Portsmouth, 0.; Faddook & Co., Jetiersoandle, indi -11263 H. W. Brown & 00., Muoinnaii, O. Atherz, & Hibtort, _thnoinnati, 04 R. C. Moldriind, Madison, Ind.; Jou. B. ainote, Louisville Rs.; B. O'Riley & Co., Evansville, W.; N. W. irabam & Co., Cairo E. F. Ow, Roder & Ginn, t. Louis Me John EL.Bar hashville, Tenn.; Honig & wenn.; Marge n Co., Mimeo, M.LW. B. it. Koons, Alton, IL; or .o Fimi•kt Agents of Kailroado at difforeat Down in the West. B. B. KINGATOff,4" &Ira Gfto.x. ra;.lllotircifirinrlllllllllltig.N.Y.' LIREOII & W. No. 77„Btate street. B oston. R. H. HOUSTON, 9eo'l Frei m. Phtb. tE I VINCA elf LI:1°04,41:11:".1.3.7, afteorti INLAND FREIGHT porrB3l UT- ... LINE TO NORFOLK AND A. The Tri-wee ly Line via Seaford to Norfolk. Va. Rill be disoontlinpnl for the present, A Daily Line vim lebe the of ii 6T wiy of .04.r......e. Goods sent to PREortZELT Warehouse. 1224 MARKET Streets will be torwarded with dentatott. and at as low Mee as blateaLp.nthnsriagarbrifirrairkr, . .6 A. RAILROAD LINES. Northern Central, Railroad. Banbury and. Ma R. R. SALES BY AUCTION. FURIVESS, BRINIAL & CO, No. 429111.A.RXET BTREPT UNDE4WRITERS' SALE. TEIs (FRIDAY) MOIFININGVIIARCH 16, AT 10 A CARD.—The attention of Puri:lnseam le requested to our culc of Until* KOOOll, damaged by fresh water, on board ehiaJohn Truck.; also, an inVOIOO Of Gomm leode. compr ising black doeskins, cotton kOalcr.r, and inen °imbue hanokerah.efe. this (Frida7 ) morning. March la. at tO o'clock, for cash. UNDERWRITER/3i BAI,B, FOR CASH, OF BRI TISH DRY GOODS. Damaged by fresh water, on board ship John Trunks. n Morning, Maroh 19 . at 19 o ' olnok, for ottelb at 429 Market attain. Ooneisting, to Part, of - oases plaid lame glutamine. alpaoae. madonnas, and javelias. - pants. ommbrios. and tin hants. awn s, debeges, Lail ir " clothe, lineing toi:et quilts. - " Patent thread. Shawls. " Moonet, eambrio. cheek, naneonk and Swine =sane, 4. b.—Goode will be arranged for exernme,ton early on the morning agate. SALE OF BRITISH. 000 DO FOIL Damaged hi fresh water, cn board ship John Truces, By ordar of Underwriters. This Morning. March hi, at SO o'clock, at oar storm , 422 Market St., for cash - eases Earleeton and Manchester ginghams. bales BS by 74, and SD by 80 inch gray and blue blan kets. eases 24 and 26 silk finish blank tabby velvets. cases Ne. 28 and BO rotte.nt thread. eases jaconet, cambric, cheek, and Nainsook mus lins. eases printed eamitries. brilliants, and organdies. —oases prints, alpacas, de bego4, madonnas. - - cases favellas trisacli costing, 'moan cloths - eases buffand green %Mande, shawls, Hosiery. shirts, drawers, to. kir Open for examination early on the morning of sale. SALE FOR CA`rit (IP 1,000 DOZEN onTTON 110- eftY. ND 000 Duzßer I.INEN-CAMBRIC HAN DIEEROIIIhIeB. This Morning. March 15. at an o'clock, for oxen. 1 000 dozen Enghell and German cotton Itoeimit oon elnt'ng ot— Women's white and mixed cotton hozderi. Women's lisle thread foolery. ftlen'e brown.lnotod, nod tenor cotton half hose. 0000079 E finoJinen na.mbrio handkeronier4. =dozen X do do. PHILIP FORD It. CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. 530 MARKET Street and 521 MINOR at. N F. PANCOAST. AUCTIONEER, Sue • cea•or to H. Scott. Jr.. 431 CHESTNUT t^t. LAitliks; BALK RICH LY-F NAMED OM PAINT INGS, rREN 11 PLATE MIRRORS, &a. Monday Marmax Marshpornmenoice at 1054 o otook. 3ATT`" l ci ( tlT7 c l. ...4cßEzi;. t. above VER VRel 1240. At 7 o'clast, 01 nooks, Stationery and fanoy roods watches, jewelry, clocks, silver plated ware, *idler: paintings, musical matntemente, O. Also ; Hosiery, dry hoods, boots and shoes, and mer chandise, of every desaription. DAY 13A.E88 every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 1 o'cWk A. M. PRIVATE; SALE& At private sate co Tend large consignments of watches ieWelry, books, stationery, silver-plated ware. outlery fancy goose . tic. To which is solicited the attention cats and country merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all kinds of inerobandlse for either public or private sales. car Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Ont-door mien promptly attended to. SAVING FUNDS. lAVING FUND-FIVE PEtr, CENT. IN TEFEST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CUR PANY, WALNUT Street, eouthweetoorner of Third, Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Sege of Feeney - 1- vania. . . Money is received in any sum, large or small, and in tercet paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. Tho aloe is open every day from pine o'clock in the morning till five o 'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursdayevenings till eight o'elook. Han. HMN Y 1,. BENNE.B., President. 11.0 1 13 PAT 8 Ei...FRIDOE, Vice President. WILLIAM J. Lees, SeCTlMsry. DIRECTORS. _ Urns. new, L. Benn - e:r", --- Carroll Drewater, bdward la. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Selfridge, Rnincitajx.B. Samuel K Ashton, Joseph Yerkia, C. Landreth Minute.' James L. Stephenson. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are maik ' in conformity with the GrOVilliOrill of the Charter. in Real Estate Mortgages. round Rents, and such first-olars securities as will always insure perfect geourity by the uepos , tore, and which Gannet fail to give permanency and salability to this Institution. " A little. but often, Ella the Pose." FRANKLIN SAVING 'FUND No.' 136 South POUR TR Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all • deposits on demand. .7 Depositors' money secured by Government, x, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Morti • gases. ho. • This Company deems safety better than large a : profits. consequently will run no risk with depo- S alters ' Int:may, but have it at all times ready to 8 :return with b per cent. interest, to the owner, o , they have always done. This Company w 'never suspended. Itl Females. married or single, and Minors. can ) .• deposit in their own right, and gush deposits can 1, 4 3 ; be withdrawn oNLY by their consent. Ell Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State' • of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive' . money from trustees and executors. ► V. LARGE AND SMALL Ii3UNIR RECEIVED. Office open daily, from 9 to 3 o'elook, and on 5 Wednesday evening until o'clock. a• DIRECTORS. .0 Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, . John Bbintror.orre Russell. • Malachi Sloan, ' liaries Lantos . , Jeremiah Comfort. B e.. rt Delany, • Nicholas Rittenhouse. Nathan_ Y SrnedleY, s Jos. Satterthwaite. Jones orks's, John Alexander. - JACOB B. slimirom, President, CUM! CADWALLADER.. Treasurer. ap33-1: ca A Dollar evivad iv twist.. voilwn.d." SHIPPINo FOR THE 80IITH.—OHARLES TON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy freight at an average of FIIPPIX/1 per stmt. Wow New York Steamship rates. Sills lading for good. for points other than the cities of Charleston and Savannah, must he acoompacled With certified invoices. to insure prompt delivery. All goods not permitted immediately after the arrWal of the steamers at Charleston and Savannah will be sent to the Custom-house stores. FUN GiIARLI T ,, N, S. C. The U. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STA Tr. Capt. P. Ms rahman, 'in I sail for Charleston on Wednesday. Marcht 13. at 10 o'clock A 31. FOR tiAVANNAH. OA. T The U .' S. Mail steamship p Et ATE of GEORGIA. Catiratri Joba J. sail for Savannah on Tuesday, Maroh 19. at 10 o'olook A. M. LS- itoods inneived ewer tiny., and Bills of Lading signed at second wharf above Vine street. The avenue. prat-cues sato wmsei steamship! KEY STONE. 8 LATE and STATE OF GEoRGIIA now ran as above every two weeks, thus forming a weekly com munication with tht South and Southwest, con:meting with steamer* for Florida. and with railroad. for New Orleans and intermediate Isointe. INURANCE Freight and insurance on a large proportion of 0006 shipped /South will Sri torind to be lower by these ships than 10 milling Veittelai • !neurones on all /tailwind Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah. the Railroad Companies taking all risks from thesis Points. GREAT REDUCTION 114 FARE. Fare by this route 26 to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be eaen by the following schedule. Through tickets from Philadelphia vii Charleston and Savannah steamships. INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and Savannah to Montgomery i VIA NARLEISON. To Charleston— . 16 00 Augusta-... IT 60 Columbia- 30 00 Atlanta-- -.... 21 C.G Montgomery 26 GO Mobile-- - 2000 New Orleans—. 39 Ts 21 76 Knoxville.... --. 26 CO Memphis --- -.. 31 76. For freight or pawinto apply to ALKIC. H.I , RUn, Jr., & CO., No. 126 NORT w NARA , Ea. Agents in Charleston C. S. &T. G. BUDD. Savanne-h, TT L & C 011.1 E N. 8.-Passengers by this route connect with the In land Route in south Carolina and Georgia. travelling by the name conveyances thence to New Orleans. Notrilts of ladies signed tiller tile ohm bus caned. - Nofreigb3 oo the ear of sailing. T. 5. & T. 0. ETD% Chaweston, and Gtl4ll4liN9 C. WALDEN. Savannah, will atter d to entering and for warding all goods consigned to their care. .v -i , THE BRITISH AND NORTH •. - AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- S. PROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin &mond Cabin Palmate-- ...... 75 9RoM. BOSTON 1 . 0 LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin via FOOOTIO Cabin 1111C1MR0—......... The ships from New York =Qat Cork Harbor. 'I he ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork liar hot. PliitS lA, Capt. Jiankina. I AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone. CANADA. Capt. Laos'. ASIA, Capt. E. 0. Lott. !AMERICA, Cain. Moodie. AllOl RAL ASIAN, NI AGA RA . Capt. Anderson Capt. E. M. Ho , ltley. .b, U l l 0 PA, Capt. J. Leitch. SCOTIA.; now building.) These vessels carry a clear *hits light at mast head green on starboard bow; ted on port how. APIESICA, AteAuley. leaves Beaton, Wednesday, Mar. 0 AUSTRAL AS' AN, 'Moakley. " N. York, A'r. &pada,. Mar. 13 NIAGARA, atoodie, " Denton, Wednesday, Mar. SO ARABIA. Stone. "N. York. Wednesday. Mar 27 CANADA, A nderson, " Boston, Wednesday. April AFRICA, Shannon. " N. \ ork, Wedn eau ay, April 10 KUROPA, Cook. " Doston. Wednesday, April 17 PF RBI Judkina, " N. York, Wednesdar, April 24 B-rths not secured until paid for. An experienc• d Surgeon on board. • The owners of these ships Jewelry . be neerttintable for Gold. Silver, Bullion, Specie. Precious Stones or Metal/41;11118as bills of lading are signed therefor. and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage, apply to E. CUNARD. nibs- tf 4 Bowling Green. New York. RAILROAD LINES. BOUM, HILLADELPHIA AND }M UIR A. if AD_ , QUICKEFIT ROUTE to Tamaqua, CM-swiss& Ru liamspert, Wiikosoarre,_Boranton, Danville , Milton,' Wil liamsport Roy, Relaton. (lepton. Elmira, Buffalo. Viegara Wil port}, , Rochester. Cleveland, Detrain. Toledo, Chiciego, t, ais. i Ivreakee . end all points North and Weat. la P ephi n aan Read d wl le ßai e rohaed ,n corner o B t RO AD PahndCALLOWHILL Streets, ( Passenger entrance on Cal lowtoll street ' ) daily (Sundaya excepted), for above Mite. as follows: PAY EXPREac—_ A. M. -NIGHT EXPRESS.....— ..---S•80 P. M. The 8,1)D A. IL train connects at Rupert, for W likes barrei„ , Pittson, Rcranton and all statione on, the LACKAWANNA AND BOOMBBURG RAILROAD. The above . Lame make treat connections at Elmira with_the trams of the Nem York and Erie, Canandaigua and Russell Falls. and Buffalo, na New York and Erie. and We* York central Railroads, tro all points' North and st, and the Canadair. Baggage oheekoi to Elmira, iltiffalo, and anspensaan lindle, and all 1. !ermediate points. Tio ete can be rooured at the Philadelphia and El mira ailroad Ls r a's "I'leitet ()Moe, northwest comer of lIITTH and CH : ,fN Ul' /Bre% and at the P Agar Depot. corner o IRT E ENTH and CA LLO ILL. THROW?. EXPRE B B FREIGHT T Leave the FM: actable aud Reading Depot. opd sad Cailowhill etre t idedly (atindaye excepted), for all points West a t North. at 6P. M, Freigato alu be delivered before IP.M. to Insure their coiot the, ame day. For further information invit , Freight Depot, TH Ilt TEEN 1.1, and CALLO or to Cr , .1.8. R. _TA PPE ,Heneral Arent, NertitWOrt e=*rist WNW. sad 'C ERIN inetrapip, seta- t, Plitledelplam AMAMINOTICE.—CHESTERv ALDBY Rs MR OA D.—PAS NOaR TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TBRAISDIATErAI_IONS.—On and after Nov. 6th_, 11100, the Passenger T rains for BOWNINGTOWN 'rid start from the new Passenger repot of the Philo delphea and Reeding_ Railroad Company. oorner of BROAD and CALI..OWBIL,, Streets, (passenger en tre-nee/me Callowhill.) MORNUIG TAA'rf A. M. for Downinatowo leaves at 8.00 AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtown learns at 4.39 P. IC DAILY (Sundays exoepted). Py order of the Bssyd of Managers of the Philo/lel nkno. and Reading It silrmi Company. B. Mal LEIENNY. Bearetary. ReamWEST OBESTER, TRAINS via PENNEXLVA NIA IUtILROAD. leave depot, corner ELEVEN .d m-ktr :Er. at 9.00 A. K. It P. M.. 'tad 1.14- PLEURO-PNRIIMONIA, OR CATTLE SPIDEMIC. gATTLE: DISEASE C , CATTLE DIIARE. CA I 1118 ARE, CATTLE Dir 3 ASE. An tinfoilingremedr for this (breeze can bo had br ...Ting to Dr. H. CLAM, No. 407 _ nrcet, p tladelabis. Also. rnsdioloss for all kinds of dismiss tu orsea. Wd RRANTnD, OR NONLI • REFUNDEDS r 7,tulf4ig:p ARO plig t lit via WARRANT D. R MOREY REF UNDED . Warn VIA s AVA.2I N if . To Anguata--.-- 17 60 10 soon ma A astita si 00 ColuMbus 0$ Albany...-. • . 1 2 gig Montgomery..._. UOO 35 00 New (Menus— 37 76 SEPERII TO Meyers. Walter & /limb. Philadelphia; J. H. Humes. larger Shore; Messre. dareroit & Cr.., Philada. Shoirner, Ziegler, .fr. Co., Philada ; Prishmeth & Philada.; L. A: hIROkOT, Look Haven ; Yard, Gilmore. & Co., Philada.; Thatoher & Woddrop, golds, Howell & Reiff, Philada. felb4m RRrCORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER A.s , * AND CONVEYANCER, NORM idrOWN. FA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable tsrms. Stores and dwelling' tor sale or rent In Norristown and Country. Good mortgagee notohateul. Colleottoha made. The best references elven. d24-6rn S. YUGUST & SONS, :ISPOSTESS ON RAVANia CIGARS. No. 216 South FRONT Street. Nteeeive rerelarly a MS aerortrnent of desirable (11 OARS, whieh they offer at low rates. for oaah or an "proved credit. jots ty G EORGE J. IiENKEL6, UPHOLSTERY and CABINET WAREHOUSE, Pio. 5 34 WM , - ma Street. opposite Indevendenoe Square, !omen/ of No. 173 Chestnut Street. t'haladelvhis. 036-3ne JOIIN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS. Nne. 317 and 319 WALNUT eittpet, (bower:nest stores, between Third and Pariah, north sated Min. dwlnhia. N. B.—Fine Old Whuilnes aiwsys on bend. (Established in )844.) in3o-17 SAY COO KB, JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS > 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ((First door north of the Girard Sank.} ja,9-3m PHILADELPS lA. pAWSON & NICHOLSON, and KBDRs. Nos. 519 541 IDE WHOA Street, Between hlattet and 'Chestnut streets, PFIII,ADELP A. BI JAMBS rewsos, B. sicsoLB o s .1737.1 i" NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PICAYUNE.- JOY. COE, as Co. Rave been appointed Role agents in Philadelphia for this estrely oiroulating paper, of pomignalUniZ: nuance. unlaces men are advertising in the beet ill s , papers o city Rad country, at the °Molts of JW1,11 .1, 1 .14 C.A., Advertising Agents, PIRTR and (3fEITI‘ u Etreeta.Phlindelehna: Tribune Bellamy., Nevi York, sel/d-tf MURPHY-walppLE IRON BRIDGE. STONE, iLWIGLET, & BURTON, 1e0.338 WAit l eiin STREET. PRILA ELPOI4I. Beg leave to Inform Rai road Companies, end °the/ Interested in bridge construation, that therhave forM,oll a oonneotion io buatoess with JOHN W. IHIJRP If 'i: Civil Engineer, (author and inventor of the above wel known plan of iron bridge,) and are prepared to ezee ute orders, from any part of the country, from his desitee and personal superintendence. .ad be All letters relati to ans 11_11 r 8 . 0 -; addressed to JOH S TON E.RP 'netlitUrt M a d For QUIGLEY. & '" • GRAVE-bTONEB, BRAVE-K?'uN Ss• — My amok of Grave stones and hlosumenla to be sok! at very reduced shoes. Please call and exam's. , before purchaerng elsewhere, at Marble Works of A. STEIN TZ. 415 -dm RIDGE Avenue. below ELGVEDITII Sl. PRIVY WELLS—OINNERS OF PRO . a PE KT Y—Tbe only place to' get privy Vi r ° l " Cleansed and disinfected at very tour prices. A. PEYEISOI tt . Manufacturer of ftudree , Illeldansuth's Mall, Library 'tree. SALES BY AUCTION. T 110.81418 & tiONS, rib„, 1 311 and 141. South FOUST 11 Pu (Formerly Non. 6? and fa) PHIGAtIVLSS A TRA DE SALE. TU-SDAY, Ann it, 9. 1891. The regular Philadelphia Trade Salo of Bookp, 94- reotyper tqationery. Sco.. a0.,,,,, nce 6a. TIMMY morning, April 9, 1e61, listemi of March 19 as formerly tenhouneed, STOCKS. fto. On Tuesday, March 19, at 19 o'olook noon, at the Exchange sold— • Wil hh e Without reserve. for acoount of whom it mar oern—S6 000 Gettysburg Railroad Company fi rst , aqt mre bonds. mon. Col.lo shares Connecticut and Schuylkill Coal and i ron mpany. 200 re shas Fair Mollnt and Aroh-street City Railway CortroanY. Paa letter 15 shares Equitable Insurance Company, Without reserve-0 shares renrosylvania Safety gr ad 201 liwposit nomPanY. utd shares Westmoreland Coll Company—pa r el , 1 share Point Breeze Park Assoception, I s h are Ch e st n ut Hal agrioultural Strtosty. 40. Also, for account of whom it mar coneStri-- 4 tondo, €SOq each ( S 2,000), Donaldson Intmovenlezr Railroad aiirosd , •r-mpany. 2 bc,ti s• 6000 esai($1.00p),SwataraRailroVl co PEREMPTORY RA ur—srocice, & e , On Tuesday, March 25, at noon, without reserve, by order er trua.eas -9.714 shares of the Donaldson Improvement and Rail road I :omoninr. 750 shares Pittston Cool Company. 00 shares Greenwich Improve went, Railroad and Coal Company. REAL ESTATE SALE—MARCH 19. Agunmeers sale —MAN PROM IKODt• FM, SIT4oRY BRICK RE,SIDENCE. with Ull4lO-007] beak bAldinse, No. in) Arch Erect, 22 feet front. 157 deep. ?be house has all the modern ,improve and conveniences. Immediate possession. Ice; e 9t the auction rooms. VALETA B LOT, for ontry Beat, over acres. Fisher's lane. about ( 00 YAWL east of the Old York roan. and a mile above the old Hunting pa r , Course ,Twenty-second ward. ANDSOIR DW.e.d.L.ING. No. 1315 North berealr street, north of Thompson street, 19 feet freer. Hue the =corn improvements. gas, furnace. 00011n[-repo. hot and cold wat:r. A e. Terms, $1,3c00 - sh, Trustee's t , ale.-8 LOTS OF GR. , 'CND. Calleuhill agrees. west of nineteemh street, near Logan sgg".. Peremptory Rale. for 5C(301.113L nf whom it may con certi —A MOKPO A.O Pi FOR $1,500, and a (MOUND RANT OF 850 aim. THREE-8 NPR Y BRICK PW.ELLINfi. No. zin Barewood Wen. Twentieth ward. Assignee's Peremptory Pale. YALU A BUR b1%1.1. FARM AHD COUNTRY ItEAT, FARMING UT ENSII 13, STOCK, lie, On Monday Morning. 26th inst..-at 12 o'cloon, viiihout renerve, re the pre miere. 0 farm of over 30 mores, near the second -stree t turnpike, above the second toll-gate, *ONO may remain on mortga.e. Also, the stock, comprising 6 bogies, S. carriageg, farming implen eels, hay corn poultry. het ST hale aheolwe, bi order of asnienee. 1/9 1- Full particulars in handbills. THE Willow LAS own streets REFINERY, cnyee r of Filth, . and Crown streets wili molt et the Exchanger by order of the same assignee. Rafe N 0.1124 Witnue ' treat. - SUPERIOR FURNITURE. MIRRORS, BRIMELB CARPETS, &el. This Mottling. march 15, et 10 o'oloo2, at N 0.1124 Wallace street, nl catalogue, the slippier manoxany and plush furniture, mantel and pier mirrors, clime-room and chamber fru , ni tore. dc.o. Also, the kitchen furniture. Kir May be examined on the morning of sale, at o'olook, with eata agues. RALE OF MISOFLLAIVEOVS WORKS, ON INTE REgTING SIJBJ EXT.% VA L UABLE MEDICAL BOOKS, &c. This Evening, March 111. at the Auction Store. g Calleetton oS mix oel'aneoue 'works. Also,2talue.ble medical books, &o. sir For particulars see catalogue'. SECOND SALE AT THE GIRARD ROUSE. CHESTNUT STREET, ELEGANT FURNITURE. LARGE MANTEL, AND PIER MIRRORS, PIANOS, CHANDELIERS, CUR TAINS, &o. On Tuesday. March 19, at 10 o'clook, will be sold at publioyale, without reserve, for mall, the elegant furniture of the fiI:RARD HoUSE, CR aiSTPIUT STREET, Below. Ninth street. comprising the rosewood and walnut furniture, elegant carpets. piano', large mir• rare, and chandeliers of five parlor'. together sai l furniture of numerous chambers, furnished in rose wood and walnut. with first quality h-ar moments, spring beds. and bedding; elegant barroom furniture, pr May be examined, with cata'ogues, on Monday, from 9 to 3 o'clock. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 SontlrPonrth Street. ROPE RlOit t URNITUOIS. FRENOR• YLA h; MIR RORS, Pita% 0- FoitTEq, Bit USt.ELb CARPETS. On Thursday Morning. At 9 o'clock. at the Auction trot., en assortment of excellent second-hand furniture. elegant piano-fortes, fine mirrors, carpets. etc.. from famines deolitons housekeeping. removed to the store for convenience of ft] 05E3 NATHAN 5, A 130 TION EER LTA- AND coramimori RIERGRARIt acmtt , c...4 server GIRIXTR and RACE Etreetw. AT PEI VATE BALE. Some of the finest GOLD PATENT LEVEN atd CFI RONOME.TER WATOIi ES manufactured, at hall the usual selling prices. gold lever and lupine watches silver lever and iCiplllo watches. Elnilehr Swiss t MI F reach watehes, at astonishingly low muses, Ie7eITY every desoription, very loworuns, Pistols. Mul In struments, first quality of "Havana cigare, at halfthe importation price, in suentitiea to suit purehasers, and various other {Dus o f' goods. erLENDID BET OF SA DI LE AMONDS AT PRIVATE 006wiatiag of diamond and opal breastpin and ear rings. Price 8680. Cost in Paris 11.400. A splendid single-stone diamond breast-pia, only SISO, cost $925, OUT DOOR SALES Attended to personally by the Auctioneer. Consignments of any and every kind of goods soli tuted. MOSES iMATRANS, MONEY TO LOAN 8215,000 to loan, at the lowest rates, on diamonds, 'diverplate dr7 spode, clothing, aro aeries. vicars, hardware. antlaff pianos, griirrori, far niture, bedding, and on goods of every description, in largo or email amounts, from one dollar to thotissads, for any length of time agreed on. SET The Oldest Established louse in this pity. WV' Pnvate entranoe on RACE Street. W Business hon rrPfrom 9 A M. to 9P. 19. Ileiwy Insurance fo• the benefit of depositors. CHARGES ONLY TWO PER. CENT. /fir Advances of $lOO and upwards at two per tellit- Advanoes of $lOO and inwards, at one per omit., lOT short Meng. VI,[0:40,11-14 • 01.71,10,1 PENN STEAM ENGINE AND (WILDA wojtgt —OIEAFTE jorx, r_Bacal AL XIII; 711.bOttaTlilAZ, attQltt MACRINIBTV yi OILER-MAKERB, BLACKS ITII4 and FOUND Et, hang, for many years, boon in successful oye ton, end been exottunvely engaged ip building and repairing Marine and River Ragtime, high and low presence, Iron Boat., Water Tanks. Propellers, too.„reeper3tfully offer their gerr.oee to the Inthbe i ea beinx 11111 Y prepared to oontregit for Engines of eR sines, Marine, River, and Ststivtary . having sets a peternt of different ewes . are irrelingeo to cupolas or ators with nuiet decorate!h. Swell., deceriotion of Patters making made at the she/tent nOtioe. High and koW ge r n t e r ilify l itithi l ti l o b t u r.=ei t lVo l and kinds ; to and limes Castings of all descriptions; Roil Turning, Berea Cutting , and all ether wort sow noted with the above business. Dmwings and otweiliaahono for all work done et their estatitnihment, free of charge, tad workguarantied. The subsonbare have ample wharf dock room for to pairs of boats. where they aan 8e in perfeot Wetr and ore provided with sheers, blocks, Calle. Ste.. it TOT Talle..llt heavy er Brie weights. JACOB G. !TRIM 0% P. . LIZACM Cud PALM S Orr,. 7. YAW/BAM MERRICK, MEM A. COPE. WILLIAM B. MAIIRICIL. lIAILTLEY QOUTIIW ARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREET& P/I ILA DELPHI/I, MERRICK ic SONS, ENGINEERS AND NLACHINI6TB, Manufacture High and Low Presents Steam EAS/MISI for land, river, and marine service. Rollers. Gavometera, Tanks, Iron Boats, 10; Cart' Mg. of all kinds, Miner iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail load !Stations. &a. Retorts and Gas Mewhinery of the latest and most im proved conatruution, hvery desoripUon of Plantation Machinery, sob A Ragar, thaw, and briet Mills, Vacuum Pans, Ore Steam Trains, Defeoatars, Filters, Pumping r epees &o. sole Agents for Nll:env:a Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus Nesmuti;s Patent , team Hammer, and As pinwall & Wolse Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drsint M eff in Machine au6-y VAIRMOUNT MACHINE WORRS, WOOD St.. between Twenty-first and Twenty iseemd. Established 1839. • The undersigned, successor to the late firm of J. k T. WOOD, ' Will continue the business in all its branches as heretofore rower Lovnur and all umonlues oonneoted with them, Embosainallenders, Lard Oil Presser, Shafting,. and Machine Work la general. Thankful for past favors, he would regneutfuny solicit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed co the late firm. THOMAS WOOD. Philadelphia, Jan. 22, MIL POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. PSI BEACH Street., Kenkinkton, Ptoladolphia.—W3 , 11,IAM H. TIERS Informs Ms fnends that, Woe:nor iheed the entire stook of I' littera et th e Sure t 0 . 11 b he or now prcoarod go COOCUTO orders For 12.11,as nat., and ISaw Mill Crusting', aoso, Chemical. Ang 011116 Work, Gearing. C-Arrarga ma te from Dyer. keratory *r (Tyrol* nt remarw 1 c .1 r• a> crss.7. rand. 0 PAT. or .0.• BUSINESS CARDS. NO. 102 B. C. wORTAINOTON. NO. 102 SOUTH. SIXTH STREE,T. Dealer in frivolled and Domeatio CIGARS. The choicest brands constantly on hard. • &o d all oles of the Tade. Ea trance fro A m n W. B. &ogle., nookao/f r or and Stationer. feiS-Im H. W. enr. ttixtri and Chestnut. H C. ULLMAN. ATTORNEY-AT. LAW, JERRET SHORN, PrOnITIV"ia. Colleoltone promptly made in Clinton and L,comult counties. NM Isa* MC= NO. 102 W, 6. I,IOORIIIIIO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers