ANNIU.I. 00111110210111SNT OP THS PENN* aIft,VANIA USlVlSRattf.—The annual cenunsnee went of the medical department of the Pennsylva nia Univers-Iry took plane yesterday aftento:trt at the Mashed Fond Hall. Notwithalitudinx the very unpleasant weather, the bell eel Crowded, and the majority of those present wars ladies. The gra,titt• area, preceded by the Um:My and officers of the in stitution, walked in procession from the oolloge tU the hall Soon elm. their s.trival., the exernises werehertmeneed with PreYe.r, and the degrees were then oonferred uOOl3 the“;,fattuatis by 'Rev. Daniel D D . the provost 'the following is a list of the graduates Harrison , Allen. .Alexandet. Oetavins. Mo. Amiss Thos. G.. - iiett. Armstrong, N. E.. N. C. Armstrong'. ilir:aket A.. Pa. A5111141'84 ii-amuel, Pa, Sawn. As P., Kr. 'flacon T. 1,. ( lfv• Salde n. C ( U.). Va. Balloon Horace. a 1... Pit. B • Pa . Bitter, Henry Pa. Boa4er,. - Roberti . lams. Booth. E. O. Jr., Va. fletir , ..e. oho B. N. J. lirep.r.l6. Wm. A., Purl Wellston. H. de w`.. Pa. Iltridees, Joan 8.. N. tin. 7gre•ar Va. grown. A. M. (Olio. Bonn. Wm. 8., l'a. idwalader. Chas, (i..ineron. Hugh_ N. Bents,. Carter. O. Shirley, Yee i c iov er, rhos N. J. Crowder, 3, Miss CS 111 - 1 , 0 00 . 2t., Va. Cheek. 8. A. v.hareh. Wm.. Pa. Clara, Deegan led. R-. Woodhull. Pre. CPA-lens. Henry S Pa. 11.11...1C C. Mikes. Wm . MIS% Crsobilt. Edw. A.. Va. Crain, Wm. Balier. N. V. Creme. John T.. Pa. Darrach. Win.. Jr., Pa. varlet. John Md. Davis. J. D.. Mo. Dettett.r. Axboo, M. Stomet. N. C. ißusg.m. D. H.. 't enn. Dunlap. v. S., Del. 161 s. deo. • Pa. t:.tris Chas. at. Md. Tames, Ark. weorefield. W. at.. , Md. Ford Chas. H.. N. Y. Vorirovi. Wm H, . Pe. fowler Geo. 8., Ala. PflOk- A. P.. Pa. ni er. Junius T., N. C. Pulmit,l Barrer, V 4. Gardner. T. Bobmaki, Pas. ostela W. mamonsouth Ginionser. W. H. Amerioa. Gle eon. M. K., yr. 13 .,, tw , 0d . oh , n. OregOryr P. yt ti n e r , 3. IL. nary"- J 1 - ..afele. Pa. liarlawar. Hamel tl,. Va. Barns. H. B. P.. Mks llate:dis A. W. 11.. Pa., Bay. Thomas. Pa N P., Va. Perren. Jas. A Pia. 0: 6 4): . artril:blit,litll." . f1 1 1, 5 4.1,' N. C. lirookz. J. P. Texas. ' Born, Geo. n.Pa. Venter 11. T„ Va. Burst,/ Al. W... Pa. lilir A. F.. Pa. Jamar T, B Al'. James ad. C., Ala. .Toto-tion. J. T., N. C. jam H.. hlti. vlnght, Jas. 13 . Del. Hewitt. M. D., Pa. kohkr. John P.,„ Pa. .1.318103. 11.. P. t-eeto. J. M.. Alum Leaman. Chase, N. C. era. , Jere • quoth R., Pa. Lore. xr. W., Fla. Marini, J. Marriott. Henry. Md. Mass. Onerge. fa MoCanstard. IL 11., Va.. Mc :Mud, If. C.. Miss. Magill. tie.. N- J. .Morhersen tiaml. id., Va. Meade, R. R., Va Medlin, P. P.. N. C. Mentzer. Wm. Pa: Meredith I. it. A-. Pa. Millar, goht , 3_, 1. Miller. Jan b Pa. Miller. Jesse. Gnio. Mucheil. eeo. L Pa. Id itchell. Onedrich, Va. lilorriecii, P. 0.. Pa. To erriron l'a. Morrihon. J. A.„(1.1. ?PtPuhr, it-bt. R. B. 0. ftsair.n. K. Hamill. N. 4. P B. 0„ 17=wand,Jaa.A.IMI. Norris Wm F Pa thOlßSt r lii N. G. Bettall , 3- H., Tenn. Thomas a D'emilt. Jae e. P.. Parry. Webs:star Pa. Page, R. (M. ft.), Va. pi/saris", Stiward W.. Va. raullin. George M., Pa atamseer. J. eylesitsr. Pa. Pieltam, a. 8.. Tenn. Bled. Thomas J • Tenn. Reed r, Sans A- draws. Pa. Sobbing. Barry A . C. Peetalt. Luther Pa. Pohlman. H Miss. Roberson, J. B. N. C. it a. Joseph B . l'a. - J'obinaon. Henry. P. C. Rasp. Barr- 8.. Pa. Rosen. M. L. Tenn papery. William, Pa, urn, ' , imager,. N. C. Seawall 1,. 11 Ala. Fault, W. J.. Fla. Shepherd. Cornelius, J r., Pa shank, Jena, It. Pa. /Peen- has. I . PA. Shinier. J tool) G.. Pa, Sow rhy. J. John Pa. South. le In. P.. Pe. Stedman. H. c.. Pa. Spear, John C.. Tie Stephenson, M . Va. Stephens. W. 0.. N. C. Stmokler, NI. 8., P Stovall, J. ( Vl.D.', N. C. Strawy,Ches. h.. N. H. Stroud. P. Van Ruren. Pa Timms. C. w... Va. 'T.I ot. John W., Tex,.. Trion. J. Ittens. N. Y. Trau, Adam. Pa. V-sorities. Charles A., Pe. Valianne 8., S. America. Walt. 111ewtriti, Vs. Wager P. Ware, John J • Tenn, wa:That), S. (M. 0.) Watson, Wm.. Pa Wa tford, Wm. 0., N. G. J Stites, Pa. W eaver, John 0 „ Pa. wiiii-ree Meares, Ga. Wipstb r ep. H. R.. Pa. Woler. Wm Irvin. "Ky. Willimme, V. Ct. Va. Worthtwou, R.N., N. O. Yarrow. I hoe S.. N. I Young, John, Pa. Yarrow, R. , The caul numbar of graduates was ln They were Prom the following States : Alabama.-- .—._..._ 21 New Jersey.- I Nova Scotia. 1 - Delaware 4. New Brunswick.- —.... fais net of Cotembia...... 14orrii Carolina— 18 4 0810 4 -Cetinje, 2 Pennsylvania inoiena- 1 abode -.. 1 4 canh America.- Mtn a •••••••—• • • • • •-• 81 1 / 4 nuh -- 3 8 T.. o n e r j ee.____ 6 ........... 2 Texas .... 2 Maisie boor Hamr01ure........- 11 The valedictory address to the graduates wee delivered by Robert E. Rogers, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. The proceedings were enlivened by an exeellent crokestre. MOTAIBN3ING PRISON —:'rent the an nual report of the Board of Inepnotors of the Poi lade4phis County Prison we glean the following particulars : 'the number of commitments for the peat year to an increase over that of the preceding year -20.801, against 19.848 for 1859. Of this large amount, drunkenness and the offences which Opting directly from it furnish the 'moat startling preportion For intoxication there were 3 750 commitments; ftrvagrancy, 3 716; for disorderly condone. 7 246 ; for assault and battery, 2 081—in all, 16 793 traceable. more or less directly, to the primary evil of drunkenness Tbae, year after year, the records of the prim Repeat the fearful story of crime, which, but for 'temptation, supported by the arm of law. might lane been avoided. That the present lioonee eye eetn of our city is, in nearly every particular, the worst that could be devised, is shown by the great inmate in comMittnente for intoxication Since its adoption. They have been much more than dou bled sloes 1857, when they were 1,721, having been for the past year 3 750 The report of this year presents a still larger number of commitments fur trifling or unnecee eery causes than even previously Thus, there have been 6 578 persona oemmittesiand afterwards discharged by the committing magistrates, and 375 who were discharged by the Gland Jury. Oar present system o magistracy is undoubtedly an engine of petty oppression end extortion, and re quires radii:fel reform The experiense of the Board with its working has led them to a derided opinion that we should have a more wholesome administra tion of criminal law, if oar -magistrates received their otrioas from some sock appointing power ae the (source, instead of popular electien, It they held them upon a gt4Yl behavior tenure, and if they were paid by x fixed salary instead of accruing costa std fees The number of vagrants, drunkards, and disor derly persons discharged by the impactors, before the expiration of the term of commitment, during the past year, was 7 674 In e very large propor tion of these oases, the prisoners were sent out for the want of the necessary accommodation in the prison. Toe inspectors can thus exorcise little control or discrimination in the discharge of this class of offenders; and their commitment and de tention do not prove much check or restraint. The erowdod state of the prison is now snob that some relief must be soon afforded by the establish ment of a hoops of correction, or en enlargement of the prison will be Imperatively called for. On the convict side, the rumber is so great that the separate system cannot be carried out; and on the untried and vagrant side, the indiectimieate herd ing of two, three, and even more prisoners, in a single cell, ohnnot but have the worst effect on the younger and 1-se hardened class of offenders. We have now in the male convict corridor 308 prison ers, divided amongst 197 cells In the male un tried corridor there are 293 prisoners in 196 Vella In the female department there are 55 convicts, and lis untried and vagrants in 92 cells. In all there are 801 prisoners to 439 cells. The building, now nominally used as a Debtors' Apartment, uortbeast of the main prison build ng, alight, in the opinion of the Beard, be turned to -account for the accommodation of the female pri qioners. It is seldom now occupied, and entails a large expense on the county for its annual support, while suitable provision can readily be made is the main prison far the few case, that are from time to time sent to the Debtors' Apartment. During the past year, the Board introduced a change in the discipline of thenrieon, by establish ing a nuif.,rtoity of diet for all convicts. A. prac tlee had grown up, not warranted by law, by which prisoners, sentenoed to imprisonment, without bard labor, were permitted to receive food from outside the prison. A favoritism was thus set up towards prisoners with means, and the ends of punishment ware proportionately defeated. Act. ing under the advice of the City Solioitor, as to the requirements of the law, the Board determined to enters. a uniform discipline in the case of all pri soners The Board rtnew the notice made in their last report, with reference to prisoners under aantenee of death, bat respited from capital punishment. There are now five prisoner' in the prison in this condition. They remain reprieved for the time, but serving out ne sentence, exempt from obliga tion to labor, and oonstantly hoping and rruggling to obtain a pardon. The Board carnet but think that In those oases in which the Executive detainee to carry out the sentence of the law, but refuses to release the convict. it would be in every reFpeot better that be should undergo a commutation of his sentence to hard labor for life. or fc.r a term of years The report of the physician shows the health of the prison to be in a eatirfsetory state. But four deaths occurred in the convict department during the put year—one from mania, two from pul monary oonahmhtion, and one from acute brononitis. The Board repose entire confidence in the us( and ability of their Orkin, Dr. R. Y. Smith The lervicea of the agent, Mr. W. J. Mullen, have proved no leas efficient and acceptable than beretabre. Re hoe acoompliehed a great amount of good, and enjoys the full confidence of the Board. The subjoined table affords a compute= of the expeneas of the prison during the past seven years, for the last four of whiob the present orgenizttlon of the board to reepone.blo ..11 sae p, ißOnera. ooetins 8 7 8 Z 8 18 1816-- -.14 791 85 499 37 • 1816 1 981 " " 96 Nl2 78 1861 16.1103 :` " 65 841 PS 1866 31 61 983 Cs 1*61....--.29 2 6 " " - 51.34107 " 64 877 62 'January Ito June 30 60.575 vs. July 1 to liesember3l.77 575 90. From the amount expennea for 1800, $54,877 52 should be (haunted the sum returned to the City Tre.estry ae the profits of the menufgetorieg department, vie, $6,185 59, leaving $4B 711 93 as the actual cost of supporting 21 : 565 prisoners Marini the past year- Appended to the report are very fall statistics of the prison, which have already appeared in our columns. T PAIIATIS GROUND.—This place is to b e enclosed with a handsome iron raidag. and to be put in condition for the nurpose for which it was designed at as early a period as appropriations can be obtained therefor. The main surface of the lot will be covered with bard wiled . gravel, leaving a walk sir feet square around the inside, covered with grass. This walk is lot .spectators durirg military operations, and it will be ornamented with trees, which will afford an agreeable shade The gate will be located on Wharton street, near Eleventh A two-story betiding is to be erected on the northeast corner of the Square It is to be of ornamental design, and to have a balcony around it, for the use of visitors, The firet floor will be divided into three rooms, one for the 1111 e of the troops ) and the others for the officers; the second gm into three rooms also. for visitors and guests. There is to be stabling . cOnneeted with the build ing, end other conveniences for cavalry. The estimated expense for making the improvemeate is filb,ooo, which does not include the iron railing. Select Council appropriated $14,000 for the work, but Common Connell struck it out, and a Commit tee of Conference have agreed upon $5,000 for pre sent roe. Tas REGINRNVAL 'Um has been reoommended to the orimpanim comprising the Pleat Regiment of Infantry, First Brigade, to adept a regimental undress uniform. as follows Daik bide fatigue cap, dark bitiejiwket, of engineer fl•in. Lei, dark blue cloth pantaloons and a bb,ek ther body belt to cam cartridge box bayonet, and scabbard. The trimmings of the uniform to to light blue, and tutttord ',lto the United States army regularities as nearly as possible Tbo matter is ro be acted upon at aeonvention to be held to-sconow evening. to SPITE of all the fair promises of the GO vernor Ostend of Cuba, and the publication of of ficial prohibitions, the slave trade continues as ae the as ever In that island. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. BElPRaddia Couns--Chief JiAstite LOWIIO, end Jastioes Viroodwatd, Thoth'peon, and Strong.— The folloVring jadrnOnte were encored yesterday morning: Weitnr vs. Der.shee. Deane to be drawn up in !Om, reversing the denims At Mel Prins, and de• (wetting partition in tio'tokaaiiee with the opinion of the Court. Irpning va Pewstia. .iudgMent affirmed. Citizens Passenger Railway ve. Tbe 0117 of Philadelphia Judgment af f irmed. Moyer va. ThOLORO. JadQtaent reversed, and a yews tfe fq.uu awarded Wyse and wife vs. Thomas. 'Judgment af firmed! Wall's Appeal. The dame of the Orphans' Court reversed. Mutter's Appeal. Decree of the Orphans" Court reversed, and it ie ordered, adjudged, and decreed that the sum of $lO 000 be awarded to John Armi stead Carter ; the snm of $lO 000 to Mrs. Mary L. Milksop; the tram of $5 000 to Thomas Mutter Ciliation, and the sum of SS 000 to Thltnas. Mutter Hoff. each of slid sums to be paid at the death of Itire. W. A. Mutter, without interest, and that the remainder of the anal for distribution be retained by the said Mary W. A. Mutter in her own right, absolutely and as, entire proprietor, and the inte rest of the first four mentioned legacies is adjudged to the said Mary W. A. Mutter during her natural life. North Branch Canal Company va. soott ; same vs Taylar Writs of error quashed. Coatbaugh vs. Whipple. Judgment affirmed. Chamber vs Guernsey. Argument concluded. Argued and sabmitted Dyer vit. Wilson Comitnn PLEAII—Jullge Thompson.—Uon. nary vs. The city of Philadelphia. An applica- tion for NO injunction to rootrain the department of Gnardiane of the Poor from awarding a contract for coal to a higher bidder than the complainant. After examining the act of Aseembly the mart was of opinion that there wag no power to inter fere in the manner desired, and the Injunction Was r,fußed. 0 P. .5.; B. A. Comman for the complainant. Lex fax the city. QUAKTIOX SZBSIONS -- Judge Ludlow.-- Joshua Evans was charged with au assault and battcty upon Joseph Megan. Mr. /Vegan is a newspaper carrier, and while earring his sub scribers In the Farmers' Market be was met by the defendant, the superintendent of the market, and kicked out. The deienoe was, that under the charter of the corporation, there wes a right to regulate We matter, and as the authority to sell newspapers bed been given to one person, tee company were empowered to paes by-laws which should FrOtsot their tenants. Judge Ludlow was of opinion that the company could pass by-laws for the good government of the market, but he would not pass upon the right of the prosecutor to serve regular sobseribers. He in struated the jury In regard to the use of force, and a vordsot of guilty was rendered, coupled with a reqommendation to mercy. In the course of the argument in this ease there was a little incident that tested the feelings of the spent- tors in regard to the all absorbing topio—the evacuation of Fort Sumpter. F C. Brewster, KN., one of the counsel for Mr. Evans, engaged in a pleasant war of words with Daniel Dougherty, E , and in the course of hie remarks referred (not offensively) to Mr. Den gberty.'s client. sew " Greek." In an instant Mr Dougherty retorted with feel ing: " Would to God we had to-day es brave men as the Greeks of old, and we should not now occupy the humiliating position of surrendering Fort Sumpter to traitors!" The burst of applause that followed this was spoutane•;ins and hearty, and the efforts of the offi cers of the court were unavailing to stop it until it had extieusied itself. Philip and Win. Sobroyer and Jas. M. C. tlaak were put on trial, charged with conspiring to de fraud. The out was not concluded. Clearances of British Vessels in the Port of Charleston. In the British House of &mmons, on the 22d ultimo, Mr. W. B Forster asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he had any ob jection to lay upon the table of the House a copy of the recent correspondence between her Majesty's minister at Washing onand the United States Se cretary for Foreign Affairs, relative to the clear once of Britij.h vessels at the port of Charleston, South Carolina. He observed that et the port in question the Federal °Moors of the States had been superseded, and that that Information had been given to the British consul by gentlemen pro. teasing to sot on behalf of the Convention of South Carolina. The House would observe that such a notifioation placed the owners and captaine of Bd. tish vessels in considerable difficulty, inasmuch as the laws of the tinted States imposed stringent penalties for the non observance of its revenue regulations, and be was, therefore, anxious to know whether her Majesty's minister at Washing ton had been instruoted to ask the United States Government whether they would hold respon sible those British shipmasters who, under pressure of necessity, complied with the order of the Carolina Convention, and whether, on the other hand, they would indemnify them from any oonaccinences that might result trom the ren-eompliatee with its regulations. The British trade with CharlestOn and the other South. ern ports of the Union was vast and important, and he felt sure the noble lord would wish to keep all interested in the trade informed as to their actual position. Be would not go into the general quell time whether diplomacy should be s”.ret or not. but no one could doubt that to attempt to carry out secret diplomacy with the United States would be all unwise as it would be impracticable. He should regret if her Majesty's Government interfered in any way in the lamentable quarrel which bad artoen between their friends and cousins on the other side of the Atlantic. Re believed that any laterference would be oa impolitic as it would he unjustifiable, but they still could not forget these two facts—first, that the quarrel had arisen out of slavery; and secondly, tent they bad with the United States a treaty for the prevention of the slave trade, the relinquishment of which he be lieved would be as , injurious to their interests tie destructive to their honor and .the cause of hu manity. [near, hear Lord John Russell in reply said: With regard to the correspondence which the honorable member for Bradford wishes to obtain, I have to state that I shell be most willing to give it, and it will be presented as Monday next, and I may farther say that that correspondence is highly honorable to our consul at Charleston. He was placed in a position of great d'itimilry, not being able to aounowledge the new Government which sprung np, but at the same time be did not neglect the interests of British shipping_ [floor, hear I A Vir.kanrao.—A. writer in the Charleston Mtreusy feats that recruits are slipping into Fart Sumpter from Northern vessels. He says : A considerable fleet of eohooners bas arrived here within a day or two past, and, by substituting a crew of ten where five men only are requisite, Fort Sumpter cauld, in gate, be reinforced from the city, by small boats, at night, orders a strict watch be kept between the two points. If practi cable, a limit should be placed on the number of men, according to the tonnage of such vessels, and one examined before she comes up to the oily. It appears to the writer e little strange that Major Anderson should permit three men to leave his employ, whom be might have pressed into service, at a period like this, when collision is imminent, and his force BO fat short of what may be required. WILAT WILL BE TIM RBSTIL?.-A white man writes from Virginia to New Orleans in the follow ing strain : '• Should this State remain in the Union, there will be a great stampede from the State of our beet oft - teens, with their property. Virginia would in ten years become a free State, and a settled conviction of that fast would make regro property almost worthless. Besides, believing, as I do, that slavery eraltetit a tuition—is a humanising and Cbriatianising inatitntlon, ordained by God as a great conservative element—that so-called free dom' debases and corrupts a people, and strips them of high-toned. chivalrotta feelings and rend- Manta, I am unwilling to rear my "hildren in any other than a alaveholning community." THE asstorxcit of Col. Peter R. Thornton, in Caroline coenty, 'VA , was destroyed by Ire lost woek ; loss $5 000. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PhiLansi.PatA. March 14.1881. The stock market to-day was steady, with moderate transactions. Reading Railroad shares were firm at 1214. The majority of the operators outside of the Board have become largely short of Reading Railroad stook. This rtook appears to be scarce in the market just now, and the na oral oonsequei ea is, every effort of the shone to supply themselves by purchases rends to make a further rise in the via, and to increase the uneasiness of the unlucky operators. To Ti meat' the trouble they find themselves under, they are mei:dilly tries to hammer Reading by liberal tales or " seller five" stock, hoping, Ildroiter ber like. that sometr.izig will soon turn up in the political world to afford them relief Ihe disappointment of these hop , a will make a sad reckoning for these gentry—one that will not be at all affected by all the figuring over coal tonrege that can health', be made. The political uncertainty makes orders to purchase investment sticks soiree, and leads to more or team deity fineeecions in the better chum of securities, the extent of which, however, seldom exceeds cue per cont. The earnings of the Baltimore and Ohio Mai , road in February. 1860. oornpare vial those of February. Hal, as follows: Main Stem. Wash 'ton. N. W. Va. Total. Feb. 1860.-8267,607 44 36 822 19 22 851 18 327 280 91 Lem 1861.... 267,550 29 33 260 86 27,246 62 317,861 W atm increase 01 8670 86. Pe erson's Counterfeit Detector for Mara lath is re ceived this af ernoon, This de eater, which receives the corrections of the well-known banking hones of Drerel & Co., has all the late oounterfeite, altered notes. and frauds in the body f the book, under the ap propriate heads, and a full description of all the very latest in a oolhmtlon in 1 ,, e front of the book; a sum mary of financial news ; a stook table. corrected by E. W. Clark & Co., and a full list of wholesale 'prices our rent The subscription price is two dollars per annum for the semi-monthly issue. The Contmerc;al Itxtletin states that the Poston me chanics conneetes with shipbuilding motor had such an abundance of work as during the present winter. Phdadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, M arch 14,1881 RRPORTIII. BY 8. E. FtavidAKlß, Merchants' Exchange FIRST BOARD woo City Ca 100 an 1100 Reuling Es 74 100 u do .q 6„.„ 6 , 6.13 t 20 City 66-- ....New,loo; 21'0 4 o .....New .102% 1 . 100 .rn P05w.702% 800 ElMlTaudittel 2600 Pa Cowan Rae 68' 4 70E0 rearm R WOO do lomc.loo lON Philo It Sunb 72 0t 0 Ecituyl Nav 60 '76 .6136 BET WEE W Rac e ne. Rn 65—b5.68 477 a & .1334 SECOND 2250 abt Palma 88% lobo achny 1 Nay ti 5'57.. 68% a 1 do 'B4t.. 08% &II co v.. 6834 160 ta Penult O'a bd.... 65 auto reams Isinwrtt_.l*.) 2000 do Det R molt 66 ... 63 CLOSING PRIORS—DULL. Bid. Asked. 973 i, 91% Flmirri. R—__. _ 6 8 Phi s 6e ..-- 97M 971 G Minns re. R refd...l2Y, 1334 Phil' 6s new. 19236 Ito% &Inas 75 '79. 66 67 Penni. ss. .—. 8 ht MN : Long la and It —304 71 Head n 74% Leh • 1 & 5I 62 R-ed Ms Si I Leh C 1 & N r cp —64% 344 Read mt 0'8042 91 92 North Penn& n •-• WS Reed nu es 'ea... 73% 7 Xi N Patina 8811 Penns Ft ....._ ..A1 4J 4 N Penpu. R 10e.-96K 904 Panne R 2d nit 64 96% Cataluna R Colt. 3% 4 Morris Can non.M 66 K Calmness prof 104 Morris Linn rtd.lso 111 24&3d-st R d0r017.46 17 !eh 1 4 65'81,..._68% 68% 41noo&Vine-et11.15% 14 g so ch Rev h Ne.v I SmpA,76 . West Phila. —6SN. • : • briree & Pine. 814 Doh Nov Pro f, .. , 17 17% Oreeri & Coatee7.l6)4 17 Markets. Ma Acs 11—Eventnl; &minim Etta bah dull and neglected to"-cal, on 40- °mint of this:Amin, and there ie no movement in Flour hamlet to supply the home trade at muss ranging at beim for operfine, 116.3585.78 for extra end extra family. and $6x0.6' 0 for tansy 6iands,aseording to durt there is little or no inquiry for shipment, Bye tuni iii in_a small soar at $3,190.61. and Penne .Corn Meal at BM% blip. • (}RAlN.—Wheat comae in Cowin and the market le firm but quiet at tae late advance ; about 3,000 buahele sold at 13581284 fur fair to prime Penns and Western red. 130 e for Southern do, and 1358145 for white, eur in quality. Rye le dull, at 1330 for Panne. Corn is rather more native ; 7.000 bushels new 7e low eold at Vs, a Heat. and some at fi6rtiVi3fie, in the earn and in store. Oats are dull. , rith email sales of Fianna at 32%0. RA.R K —Querortron IN held at :F..16 4fr ton for first No.l. Corrola ie very firm, but the demand ie GR.CARIEA.—There is a fair demand for Sugar and Coffee, with small gales of ,he former at full prism. Yeovil;loas.—The market generally le very quiet, but m,thout any particular ohant a m prices. burns.—The demand for uloverserd has fallen or, and about 150 bus have been sold at 64 Mel or, Titnotbt anci Flax. , eed are wanted at fun former nuotatioua. 011. Penna. bbla selling at trASOIB3 ; Ohio do litiestaSis ; drildge fra ; and blids Inks 4P . gallon. TOP. CORIOSIPLES OP TUB /lOUA.i SPEOilti eM ne Assuarm.g Roogra.—The exhibition of Barnum's Irvine venders of the human race has been attended with unqualified success since Tuesday, the Opening day—the rooms being thronged by the turions and m aturing, MOrAing, arteradoa. and evening. Barely a nelleetion so appropriate in all its eharaeteristion• so great a mania to physiologists, was never preViousli" presented to the public in a single exhibition. EDUCATIONAL.—The attention of patents and watts is directed to the advertisement of the Family Boarding School for BoTai located in the healthful borough of Pottstown. This institution is under the best of management, and from its accessibility to the city desirably . located. BUTTE & AND CERIUM—The lovers of flitted, fragrant butter, and orime flavored cheese, should not fad to call on Messrs. Mmomb er, Bassett, whose stand is in the Eastern Market, corner of Merchant and Fifth stream, as the articles they vend are warranted Merv° Banal/lotion. being selected with care from the moat celebrated dairies in the country. For the aecornino datten of our citizens residing in the northern section of the city, they have eatab'ishrd a Stand in , he Union Market, North Second street, above Calloadull Street. Two &ream, CogWaserMawr OR ran. Don- ATLVANIA UNlVARstl7.—Tnoannusl cornmeneament of this time-honored institution took placc,yes.a day after= noon, at the Pi"'laical Fund RIX. There were one hun dred and sevanty- five gra'ditates, who hailed from all sections of the country, but who came to this city to receive professionsl instruction where there are first alase co'-lases. and where there is located the amnia eent Brown stone Clothing flab of Rocklin k. Now. 803 and 806 Chestnut street, above &art, where the finest stock of clothing for gentlemen and youths to be found in the world is on hand. WORK! AND. ES A MAX !--Homer wrote, " To labor is the lot amen below, . , . . For when Jove gave him bre, his gave him woe." Now. to our mind. labor and woe are incompatible with each other, and cont. ary to the. Divine law. The very process of procuring prepares uc for enjoy ment ; and by labor we gain strength and symmetry, nerve and knowledge, that when gnomes, bravely and ratientsy, is ours. it shall find us Prepared to receive and to keep it. The development of all your mental and moral anal bee in the brave battle of life Will sanely reward you for the straggle. It will he'p to mak.. a Maw of you, and give you not only self respect. but also the ability to wear the elegant and fashionable clothing gotten up at the " one price" Gator Clothmg Establishment of GusaVvitrit drogue, No. SOY' Chesnut street. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut, John I Roberts New York T 7 M-rtin. II mole i. Booth, Blinn s F Tiernan Pittsburg C T Wwerburr k la. N Y J E Bitten, New York Jno oitichran Delaware J Cinceroite, New oft .1 Bing. New YerK .0. Xir . New Yolk M D rirwiti. Boston 0 C Dosser, Bastin P J Moore, C notonatt M Did sings a. la, Maine D .rloore. New Jereey Moore. New Jersey H. Clemens. Pluton T 'Amy, Kt . HUM ED. er. °vincula A Owe, new York Mai Thompson. New York Jae fiet.y, ElltittmOTA Isaac Fuller I wf. N 1 ork Jos Baxter. itiohmond, Va W J O'Brien, Ma yland W 0 bverfield, Maryland A 0 Chapman. Mary laud Chas Anthony, Pros', R Baml James. Prow. RI .1 ti ralbet . . . . Thos 0 ay. Ireland J H B ood, Rt Louie N H Clerk St Louts 1) E moat, Pennsylvania .1 P v °mincer. Pa D Gaud,' & It. N Jersee -PM G Goody & 1a.14 Jersey ft B Goody, New Jersey miss Vannote, N Jersey 8 Nel•gman, Canto re W 0 Woodman, Tennessee W C ciliXon, Tennrasee W 'F` Brodroix. 'Tennessee T Rtmthers, Warren, Pa E Denali. Rook Island W tiangster. Tenneeses Israel ramie-. Westmoed A P Morse N Orleans D E Park. P,ttsburg D C Winegarner & la, 0 Jse Potts. New Y..rk (lee Dasbili, Ylem oho A Wheezer. Brooklyn 0 C Truphant, Boston J Drummond. Bath airs e °Weston. a island $ M -ooemaker & oil, Balt RMt Middleton. fo York CE Brasier, New York 11 e• Browne. Baltimore C P nawall New Jersey Mist Haldeman fiartisb'g 0 11'I ebb gencneiry vr Colton, N. w York W C smith New York A L Colima. New York Jr. Gamboa. New Jersey Semi Iloanier, Boston li S /whir New York A M tart A J I tug, et Louis • J R Wolin... °nolo,. Geo Walker, Penne R W Beatty & la, N Y Arthur .13 nson, New York C Everett , Philadelphia (.1 W I' - Mira, M-ayland W A Wheeler Bon 0 Kelloec F Richardson. New York mite Graves, Penne ISO Duval. Ita amore N B Wetter /c la bt Joeeph C B Kimball, New York 13 4 Yung. New 'Coro W B Muir, New k ark David acids,. Boston l' H Marshall, Maine C .. Crane. New York Pi Butler, antarn. Me baml a Sleeper, Vasa W P Lee, 13 .1 N i c Noble, Easton Amos Tnot, N K A C J..immon, New' ork A I• Ellett, Virginia WBrloft in cm . New York J M Routh. New York J M Cobbs Virginia .1* T 'meg& il.m. Mass W Robinson. Mass 1. 1) Starke & at . , N C M 8 Latai.m. California Cast I H. crampoon & la J Matthias it MB ' Virginia G/2 lliill, Virainia li Ratter . New York P W Pierce. Boston J 1' 11i ronetnue, "Virginia W M raves- Waahington both Greenleaf W H Wilt,N Hampshire Cat a Jones. U 8 A R J Dwoce, VW iota Wm P P Inter k 4..N1r W Yelland. Baltimore Win Brinahnrst. Wilm•Del W T Valentine. Bellefonte F 8 V.tileon. Bellefonte Chas Hunter. Newportat 1 Wm M Knight, Maryland . C insane, Mississippi AMERICAN HOTEL—Chettnnt street, s hove Firth. 3 0 Shaw, Delaware .1 M Martin. Pittsburg T B Smart, Pittsnnrg ti F Biown & la. Beets co 11 Yurtaush. Pennsylvania I U Honer*, N Moans lud .1.4, Fs% el. New York J • la imson. Lex, PI C F I) Stockton, N C W l'l3 , liskeirear, Del It Hargebt. Canton, Ohio W Back J F sterrefee. Indiana H . It earn!) reel, Indiana T J Smith. Kentuo •7 0 W Kolb. Kentucky J L Waggener. Denville, Ki. J :fiamvr, !Mom J Mershon , Illinois B lisrM4n. Vg import T Et 13 , inton.Cnester co H C ,erinay, New York A Cier, *lentirosee .1 vm Caith Indiana A 0 B urn, Providence A Eddy. eroridenoe .1 w Gre•n. Provid, on Mr Bud'. Wash 11l C - . _ . . . Rev C d Spencer, did (a C de1:W.1(9 . 130N bil & la. N Y R Rarseot Canton. Ohio Jan Cro.hy. New Yo k S A i homonon New York R I' Earnhardt. N Carolina }.l Taylor, itoohtit-r .1 R kleridirs,_Firioliester .1r I Irv , n & wt . , Indiana W R Smith, N Carolina A a Rell..Liherry,Va H N Gates. lesal4nd A W Jart•on, 11 Carolina J 0 Miler, V.rainia 1) bherlook. Virginia I' Tooker. Wilkesberre Sea W Hall, al.ryland I W Rants d. hew York S Distarneli. New York Isaac Asher, N Carolina MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Aroh. O M Outhwaite. N Castle W E Onto, Illinois L Barons, Tennessee H D Freer. Ashland, Ohto C Et Love. PatsburgT A Cam. Planners M Little. Indianapolis Roswell Hubbard, Mass H 8 °are, Penns J - Verbena. New S ork ES Lowe, Wilijamoort 1 flu Boa, WiljaMaport W Roan. Athens. 'I enn 1)A Keys. Connematit W H Aradley. Peace Rota .1 Walker. retina W H Moor". Indiana 1-sae Htett, Indiana 8 McCullough. Tennessee W elle .. Trmtessee J A Wilder. envie:lase N 0 llodorwood Tenn C 11. Homan, Tennessee P B Hotchkiss. Tennessee John H Tennesree Wm M Sem er, Tennessee JO Flertsfield. Antioch El Pierce, Mansfi.ld. Onio olt H nguton Pottsville Wm N oholson. Trenton Alex Huronmsdn, Md F T Foster. Mauch . ...thank Mi.- Comeau Italtimote W'F Coomari, Baltimore A W Arnold, New York 8 Walker. ()mailman, o T B Pbermea,w.terioo,Ml A D Joneg. Alban) G 8 Baldwin, U 8 N 11 Winker, Montrose, Pa Jos Mahon, Bhippenehnre JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Sixth. D C Smith. New York Jas Gordan. Georgetown Mrs C C Iliekineon & 2 ab. I) Jonee, Knoxville Michigan TI 8n wden baltirno•e Alf Tucker. D D 8. Balt Wm H Rose. Delaware C ROMS en. Delaware 8 ureen, Delaware J P Cochran. Delaware J Coriwtn. Middleton. Del J I. Urimpel, Georgia W W Mersin , . Georgia A Tate. Weehingion H Mefrose, Washington H a nderevn. N Carolina Geo Story. N Caro the Roberteon. New York n H Conklin. 83rantyn W Henry & Pt. l'ollllll Hyatt Probt, New York Jae Peek. N Jersey If G Marin, Penns Cyrus True. Maine F .. . Ni. Aehley, 'Toledo. 0 1. n Cushing, Maine J W Nelson. Delaware Win Most ivory N 0 Hichborn, Maine. ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. James w White, Penna Geo B Kahl, Petuut A J Jones, Jr, Philadelphia, J Panomist, Pennsylvania D Meyer Penn , ylvaara R amen, It d.ana N W Bigelow, Jr. ov radio, F 0 Pour awn, N Jersey I W vans le, Made, I Wells, MirreTAVlilo E Baker, Yarmouth ..C'Es Cann, Ya• mouth E E..pera, minor, Maine Sae I Boott ‘ _Wfie , long. Va H Canfield, ve,tnezit 8 M W.wt, Vermont Meyer,e. Yazoo City WEI own, new Yo It New York M Harvey, New k THE UNION—Arch street. above Third D C Clements, Allentown J . D MaNlate. A.legheny ALy mann. Delaware, 0 T • ali. Malta, 0 D a river Minoan T H Pniilipe Dr W 8 kinwen..B Jersey J C liCirny. New Jens,' J Fhisler & la, Harrisburg T B &wetter, Penns J 8 Lebo. Easton. Pa J U Madeira's, }3uolre oo A Adams, north Carolina Mr eionilester, Pbcenixv JKLable omerset. Pa 8 M Made, Toledo Aln continent', Cleveland Wi) Whitaker & la. N J W Hid', t-hio J Holland, Indiana H Sharper. New Castle. Jnd J Thonoburs. Indiana F 7 hieme, Fort Wayne, Ind H W McCracken, Ohio Philips. lowa J Plark 8c Lime J 111 Staley, Jacksonville, Ili Jr P WE. Fest Pa N; Shepard, lowa henry Rigby, Ratabilre Col W R Alheon, Ohio Levi wroth, Berke oo It Penns iota 41 58 78 Del Mutual Ins . 21 10u Reading R.....eash 104 do ....—0aah.2214 160 00 do do - bawn.22% l IMO REVdo ..... MEbUrg .8l 0 C d m & sinb.2dys..ll4 1 —.2ulca 6 do —... .2dy5..114 1t BOARDB. 100 Long Inland .1021 BOARD 500 Leboth Nay -302,4 62 /L. Pokayl pre,bs Morrie canter, lots 66 360 4,lohBtreet R.-- 12 81 do 12 10 q2ri 2 ^,ataWn R. 6.. 2 .... 2. ea3i 10 Dar. Wang R.. Ciri'Y 11.'E MS. lIP TO 12 O'CLOCK. LAST SIGHT FOUNTAIN HOTEL-13MM it., above Market. B C Pearce, Moe, Md Wm Pompeii, Kenton, Del w B Oollio a, Delaware BALM Plummer, Belem, NJ D R Say lor, Laws 00, Ea MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et.. above Aroh. W Griswold, Walton. N Y H Thomas. lel ( 1 0,Pa C K Johnson. Norristown MiI!PS Lizzie Wield. Penns W Philpe, Caldol . . kqu aunt, rd. Alex Graham. Del 00. N Y Jae c argent, Mass W Hobart. rhila h W adieus. Boston Thos H Nelson. N J BARLEY SHEAF BOThi-Senond street. bal. Vine. p N proot, NI Chunk John T Neale), N Hope J Cadwalb:der, Peons John Bal&rston, Penne T Dneen. Buetioton HH Deea•.n te me, Buyßailin Roberta. Peoria. V H mattiewe, of Jersey el D Wene. Fiala F Phila Sang B.lllday, New Hone Alex M Ely, New Hope NLEIWRANTS , HOUSE -Third et. aoove J W Newhart. Penns J C 0 Ohmic Allentown Johnson & la, N Jersey Chao JOO IS iflitler. Books m L Bfleet, Lehigh co 'JR Crawford. wilhannet a l4 (laanar. iliamtport D 'Krasner. Durham, !too. Jt racy . U Ainright, heeding - J J3rown. Beadles Itiakell, Berke 00, Pa Gnu D Tree°, LUZ•rita, Ye BLACK BEAR—Third 'treat. above Collowhill C W Cooper Allentown , Ben Geo Fry.-Ailentown • Morrison, Ponnsylvania A Faust, Penn , 'lvania 8 Apple, Springfield J S It iebard, Bonn on A Stoodt, liernvilie Miss M llott, Penna le Lehigh. Go, Pa R onebaoh, Penne J K Rill, Eariv.lle 0 W Wolf, Danboro REVERE HOUSE—Th i rd street, aixwe Raee. TDS Crignignal- Clearfield B S Grim. Reading Nir Y Hasenbosh, Mnne.y T /Olen, Fenneyivania J A Ste% ebson, PenneylvaidaC GAllen, Not , avian T Earantan G Allen, Indianapolis H Flereber Maytown T J Elder, Yhtladelplda C.Yotte, Ohio NATIONAL BOTEls—Rase street. above Third. 3 Watson, Lebanon co, Pa O B King, Baltimore H F 4-amen. lonians. D Deal. Philadelphia C A William. .1- hie It Wilsestrtrre Paner Lebanon , Pa R B Bolder- New York Jun ft: Arlin, Very York! L C Paris P tl Magma, breading et Odoze. New York rt biunkiradter, Pr v. R t Irr Rep er, Aneniown Moe wet- on. Phita P Weekbbil re la, L armor, 0 B Bet holds, Columbia, Pa 0 W Butler, Beer:way BALD EAGLP,—Third street. above CaßOWhilt. P Baud, Hales t.ddy 7aeob Taylor Nana M ranaue, r area. Pa „l L os endtb., Moats co, Fe c Fetter, itotttlehem Lyons, aneaboro STATES UNlON—Monet street, abore Sixth. John M/07 2 . E, oW/rart, Ye oih eaVer, Coatesville p w i l 4 cl B o B 67g r ele .b , e Wirm i . e D r j io th s n ollF k' cr ea rr i a l ikVV lA lat al D t e e l r cyroe Blair & Ls. St Royal WmFFloyd,Colamble COMMERWAL BolBL—Bixtk st.. allove Charms , jr. B Cluk, New York W It Winter, Phila B M Beldomridge, Lane no J M Clark, resonator B WooOtlosse, Penns Jos Moßarclay, Ohi o Minn rinser, Doylestown T M Coulson, Lancaster B A Mc Co llum: Dort Deposit °ME fitilAt AlAtioli 16, 186 i, INTELLIGENCE. FOtTRTG PAGE ARRIVED. Steamship' City of Richmond. Wristlet!, front It lob. nio d. via Norfolk, 26 hours. wt h minis and or""g ela to Time webster. Jr. Passed at p o M. cif the Four.- teen- f..‘et Rank. bark imperador. for Pernambuco , Yoblor nut; saw bark Annie Kimball. for Glasgow, at anchor off Rhin Jahn :sheet: chip Arateinge. f o r Liverpool. - rim st on' a, going down in tow of Mg merlon, and three deeply-laden sabre in the bay bonnier). Damn brig Cadzand rm. Don, from Rotterdam Nov 23, with am, &c. to 6 it Welsh. Feb 9th, lat 37 28 long 63 20 spoke Bohr Fenny. from Charlesion; 16th, tat 39 49. man 67 50, spoke chip St Peter, from trees York for verpool. BELOW. Data A taallhall, pont, Name up to the aity day§ and reports at the Bteatwater the ateamer tiantreee.. Duval. from New York for Norfolk. and about tworti tore and aft acnoonera, all bound south. SAILED. The U 8 Mail Steamship Keysneue State, Dept Marsh - man. for Charieaton, Railed at 10 A 1 1 /1 YestelllnT , lT" a, lull earco. MEMORABII I a Steamship De Soto. Johnson. from New (Meeks , via Have,m, arrived at New k orkyester day. Stearnehip Etas. Renuetly. Lora Liverpool 27th. and Queenstown 28'0 Fob. arrived et New 1 ors yesterday. 1 , ..b 29. off Mine passed eteno.shin Vigo, boiled up channel. March 8. 1 t 0129. long 11 19 passed steam er', p Canada. bound efts, March 11. tat 4240, long 61 peered steamship UanaOlen. bound east. March 10 I' 51, ()Write Island, passed steamship Adriatic, from New York ior Souiheniaten• Ship Persia, Doane. [or Philadelphia, entered for loading at Liverpool 220 ult. Ship John Carver, Nike, far Philadelphia, sailed tram Liverpooli 20th ult. Ship DreadnoiL4hi. Samuels, from New York, e.rrlved at triVerornoi Nth ult. Ship Barrette Brothers. P eterson , Baltimore, rir-' rived at Liverpool 24th 111 . nhip Hamra Queen, Hanoock. from Boaton, arrived at tilt mute Jan 111. snip Lao, N aes,atrnn, P.eonett. for Boston. cleared at Calcutta lan 21. Ship American lialon,l,inooln. from Mobile, at Li verpool 23d ult. ship Snow EVia.ll, for New York, sailed from Amoy 7th Jan. tibia 'sank Walton. Me ton. from. Hong Kong for N York, passed the Straits of Sunda Jan 24. r...lde ab.,b. Baxter. from FOl chow for New York, passed the Su .its of Sunda Jan 4. Ship Meteor, Melville, from San Franahmo, at Fal mouth, It, Nth Slue A. an, Graham, from Rio de Jane iro, ln ballast, at Savannah 11 h inst. ',my .1 P Boyd, Thomas. for Bavre, cleared at New Ye rt. yesterday. Bark Victoria. Jones, from Bordeaux, arrived at New Yo k yesterday. Feb 4th. tat 4160. long Mt 20. passed the Wreck of the bark Catbein. (supposed braise) wa teemed and abandnne all the masts stern:Um. mule MOW on the ands. jibe and staysails blown to ribbons, and boats gone; appeared to have been recently aban doned, Bark Florida, Monday, from New Yorkovas (Hornig at • ette 14th tilt. Brig Roe se„,Liohtenberg, hence, art ived at Gloucester B. s 6 h alt. - Brig Exemplar, Newell, hence, arrived at Queens town ZEO mt. Brig Robert Wing, Skinnee. arrived at Boston 1 31.6 inst. from Hto Nunez, Africa, Jan 18. Feb 21 14 38 10, t rig cash. fell in with Hanoverian brig Johauna Hester, irom Newcastle. El', for New York, in a sinking cohdi fi and took off captain and crew. Brig Wm J Park, Treat, trom alstanzas. arrived at N York yeeterdev. Brig Luoreiia, Wa‘laae, from Palermo. arrived *CV York yeateroay. r xperieneed tory heavy westerly weather most of the passage; shipped several heavy seas which stove hatoa houses, butwarks, and partly Shed the cabin. Sehe M Tilton, Tilton, from Atatankas, arrtVed at N York yesterday. eh r Silver Marcel, Terry, cleared at New York yes terday ]or W ilmin ton. Nu. Behr Treasurer, Fisher, from Rappahannock, an med. et New York yesterday Bohr Julia Smith, Orlando, hence, at Apalachicola 6th natant Bohr L B Myers, Somers, from Baltimore, at Seven nem nth i st. gohr Argus Eye. Niokelson, from Boston, arrived at New Orleanseth last Soar H .5; J Meld, Moore, hence. arrived at Savannah Ilth .not. . Bohr 8 T Oarriaon. Grace, hence. arrived at Wit- miu;ton,_NC,l2th Butt. Boer J G Babcock. Baboon, from New York, at Wil intoeton. clo,l2th Rohr Francis t dwarde. Swains. for New York, old at Wiltnington. NO. ISM met. come k r 4 Pride. Kalil, Maria Fleming. Shaw. and Preen), Kelly, arrived fit witmTgton. Del, ISM inst. Bohr t. etottevant. Corson, gaited from Wumington, Del.l3th inst. for New York. HOINEW HOLE, Moron 11. PM—Ar eohr White Una. iftlr4old, Pont Cardenas for yortinnd Gth inst, in a to e nom 8, broke jlbboom f..ire gall; and stove bulwarks. Also ar, Rotas Louisa Gray. Weaver, and Caroline Halt. i :moo, Phoadelphia for Boston. lo.,led.sohrs P ilaabeilh H. Willow. and A M Aldridge. 12 h—Ar schr O 1; et H P Phaknon. B owen fm w as h_ inston, N i;.ror Roston. 9th inst. in la e le from htlE, broke main boom, lost out:water. and 76 bbie nevalstores cdf deck. Also ar. eohrs John Cedwalader, Slayton. J Clark, Saadi, and Perov beoner. marts. Philadelilia for Brs too; Ilion, Avery do for Salem; Sarah a Hammond. Paine Boston for Philadelphia. sour White Hen. 13to— sabre s Friar, Entllab, Philadelphia for Boston, main boom bmboot T P Larked. I. rambes. Ho-ton for Charleston; 16 M Hater, Hales, Portland for Havana; Hornet, Henley, do for Phtladelphiar Orris Francis, Clark. St George for do; Harriet Baker, Web bor. Wi-overet lor do SPECIAL NOTICES. AVING FaMM. AhlrllloAN Li FE. 148URANCE AND TKUcI COMYAN ethos 13. E. cora- r 1. - OVATE{ and WALNUT Street's. This institution continues to receive Deposits, as usual. and pays all sums, large or email, on demand, as it has always done. It has asked for no legistation, and desires none. January 29,1860. mhG-lm SAVING FUND—NATIONAL B.6..PR'rY TRUST ConseAttir.--Ligring the inepennion of Amelia payment* Gy the Henke, Money is received end VW daily, in the same kind of Dna, weenie or notes, aa de posited; Interest five per cent. WALNUT Street, southwest corner of THIRD. B e TOIMI,OR'S HAIR HYII.-1118 celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is the hest in the world. All inhere are mere imitations of this great original, which has gained such extensive patronace in all p seta of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batohelo,'e Lramd Raw Dye instantly produoes a splendid blank or natural brown, without staining the akin or ininring the hair. and wilt 7." may the ill effects of had dyes, invigorating the hair for life. &Ad by all Draggiata And Partmen. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO., OVUM & CO., Philadelphia. mnl tf Gtiovsa & BAKER'S OBLEBEATEO NOISELESS SEWING SIA.CIIINS.S. T 4.6 Best in Use for Family Sewing. f4o. 730 OILESTNI.IT Street. Philadelphia. ON E. PRIOR CLOTHING OF TH2 LATEST STVI.XS, mado in the best matner, expreeely for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prioes marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted eatisfeotory. Oar ON tt-PRICE eystem is striotly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. -• se73-1y JON LS & CO.. 804 MARKET Street. hiONTOOMERY—AREy.—On Therotay inoroisg, the 14th inst.. at t- John's church, bi Rev. Dr. Se•lale Atexanaer Montgomery. of this city, to Adele Sigoigue , danchier of Jona Arey, of Brooklyn. BoNffh:TT—ki ODEBB UGH —On Thursday, Feb. nth, by Elder Jacob Rodenoauch. Mr. nylvanos r ennett to Mi:s Maggie Kodenbough. both of Lewis burg. Va. It ire% -T—ROBRRTS --Ou the Bth Met. by Rev. G. T.llorlook. Mr. Johl N. Rupert, to Emma , Roberts, I of l'ellad •Ipbis RIFLE tt—K AYAN.—On the 12th Met-, by Rev. Wm B. Wo4M. Mr. Philip Kilter t 3 W ilhelmine Kay an, both of this oity. MeKKOWN.—* ti the 13th r nat.. (ieorge MoKeoWn, in the lath year of his age. The relatives, friends, and 8131/11 , IV tanoce of the fami ly. the Matonto fraternity, the Order of Odd r allows, the Columbia &mega al Comet,. and the Hope Hose compary are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his late residence, wo. 003 rivuth &mond street. on Sammy afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Mc MULLIN.—et, the tit. 'Lawrence floret, on the 12th inst., of consumution, Sal is a.tigenia„ wife of John H. Me as Mlle, and =lighter of the late William Far ren In her 26.4 year. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the !intend.. from the residsnee of her grandmother. Mrs. Daniel Barr. Front. above Race street, on Saturday morning, 11th inst. , at o'clock. The tuners.) s-rvioes wul be at t. augustine's Char h, and the interment at Cothedral Cemetery. New ork. baltimore. Cinciona. ti, and New Orleans parsers please copy AtcHARR Y.- Mr. ., braharn McGarry, late alderman of the r our rh ward, aged 72 yeas. The relatives and iriends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence. No. lam South Tenth . street. below Reed. on Saturday mu ee ag at 8)i o'clock. Funeral service at the Charon of tee Ann..netanun. lute, meat at lit. Mary's Lime tiny. PROVO:R.—After a abort Illness, James Prosser, in his nth year. His funeral will take place on Saturday morning, 16 , 71 mat at 10 o'clock, from his late residence, No 1150 Rodman street. aeletives and friends are per mit arty invited to at'e d. • Mc l" M I.LtrblY —On the 12th inst. John MoShilonty, in the 90th9ear of his age. Funeral l'iotn his late /este/nee' No. 7077 South Third street, above Pratte, this (r rive)) morning, at 8 o'a.ook. MoY ER —On the 13th inst., Charles Howard, infant Inn Of Aluert and hate L. Mom, age% 2 yearn and 4 month■ Funeral from 'he residence of his vivant,. 1428 street. nest caturday a ft ernoon, ar 2 o'clock • • HARD Y.—Ln the /2.h inet horns, Bard:, used 47 y ears. Funeral from his late residence, No. 409 Monroe street, pext Saar/day a2orninB at 9 o'clock It Si V.— Oat , e mor ing 01 the 13th inst.. Jaoolt Hartley, n the &nit year of his a: e.. Fu. era{ iron the reaidence of hie son-in-law. Ed. *ward Russell. Byb -try road above Polmeaborg, Then ty third warn. ntxt z•aturdel morning at to o'cdoet. ••• I.l'Witrt.E.—On the 12th that , John !nymph,. Funeral ftom the residence of his father. in the borough of Conshohocken, thin (Friday) )etft.rpoon, at 21 o'ol.ool. STKFTCH —On the 13th inst. Caro'me, daughter of Nathan and Ann E. Stretch. o•ged 6 months. The tuner& wilt take place from the restdemoe of bar parents, No. 617 Norco teghteenth street, Ms (Friday} afternoon. at 3 o'clock. K —ln Camden, on the 12th inst., Fiattel Rel.ons. a ed 76 years. r.NN aDll.—rn the 13th inst., Mrs. Teresa iCenna dy • in the 3 / a t year of her age. - raisers/ Lora the residences of her. husband. Otta was Pace, bleventh street below Coate, ,his (Fr, city) afternoon, • Seam* tr- Aiti , AMR —oo the 12thinst.. Mary Kramer, wife of ease Kramer,linntingdon bait kiOrt rh. —On the nth Mr. Jeremiah Igor borne. seed 11 years. Funerat from his late resjdenee. DOG Cam ifte guest, ,hove Peemr, thin (Friday )roternoon. at o mock. . We Li.,ArE —On the 73th instant, Joseph M. Wal lace, in 'he 24th year uf his age. Funeral (rum the residence of Ins father, Twen ty-L.lrd and Wood streets, this (Friday) afternoon: at 3 o'clock. FErbllso.l.—On the lath instant. Mrs. Ensannsh Peterson. era) from the residence of Mrs. Mary *time. Ivo. 208 Carpenter street, thus (Friday ) afternoon, at 3 o'clook. itAekelOM —On the 112 - h instant. Emma Rosanna. dauarer of John d. and Emma It. .Mansom, aged . 2 years and S months. Funeral from tae residence of her parents, NO. 203 Girard (Nene°, this (Friday) afternoon, at. 2 o'clock. MA. . . C .(I..S.ER.—On We Wit Instant. Samuel A. Smith. son nt James and Mary Ann Mackleer, aged ,4 yorire and 8 months Funeral from he residence of his Daunts. Creadon force , "hove Jackson, Manayunk. this (Fads') area - noonat 1 o'clock. 1 , Katt Kid 01.—On the 12th instant, Mary. 'widow of the late Francis Franklin. Funeral from -Ite resilience of her eon. Mr. Wm. Franklin, No. 9 10 'North enth Street, this (Fries,') morning. at 10 t, °look. • UOUFNINO STLKS.--Black and " white striped and ebeoked Bilks; gray obene valenoine and striped poplins • grenadine veils . ; Welted handker chiefs; blank and i t wine ohaly de !eines; Foulards in great variety ; Ditto gros groi n minis; lane moseves, sets and ; Mac& harege Ilernani. or grenadine hara ss!' ; intim k Co. black kid gloves; talk novas' Elbert herd plaid valorising; black and waits laying and Juno nete ; Lupin's black dress goods. shawls. /co , &c. BESSON No , OW Mourning Store, te2S-tf 9lB Chestnut Street. frrAN MUGU '' NED MEETING OF THE STOCK HOL DERR OF T 11. ci CONNECT, COT M NG COMPANY will he held at the °Moe or the °mammy. No. 2Q6 1,0 LNIJT Street, hiseernent. on I U PADA Y. Nth up.t.. at 7 o'clock fr. al. Punctual at tendance ix Teviected. as dunnage of iMporketooe Will be transacted. relative to the present &MUM ockh A er rn mhia-fm2t .. R. U. LO RY, Secretary. rEr—RUN. EDWIN BURNHAM V 1 ,11.1. q preach in N t 104 , a L HALM on r ABH at 1031 A. M.. 3 P. M • arid 731 o'olook In the evening:. Feats free loterra , log ...viral In progre... A large nun , ber *mild nct get in the large saloon on lest Su i.dag 15V901115. , ke exerts:nes TEN ..EBIDA7) EVE Ntwg. at 731 o'clock. mble 24, ST. PATRICK'S DAY. A GRAND Union polebrav Oat IP honer of the day , De Riven by the • Catholic Beneficial gooietiolt" of this city. at the NATIONAL HAW, Mak RAT Street. old oND Alf I. yerung, hlaroh IS. at nti &Moot. The Ora tion will be delivered by the Rev. .41R BROSS !KAMA HAIN, D. D.. of New York. Pubjeot—" Bt. Putnos's c M n m P t o c i ee d eand ha Ftabelnlrueopetee. ." TMMks SW MARRIED. DIED. FrCITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE.— tUrs Teat Llialls'HtyB'levinjaitlirlet, tesPie Apart; anpliesnls for new lleense. also thine whose li mnite tapir. in May and June. will apply at the OSce. as provided by sots of AsseniplY, all the follow. lil t days g pond rd Th i rdday. Marsh Ist. nd Wards on Monday. March Oh. (myth ward, on Tuesday Marche h. : 1 ittehhnwtwhaanrrndnl.. on i n m T W h li e u:r n w s e d i al l , s Y ll d . ` n a e l a i r a o p r h l : i l h d t s h it : 1 , 1. iv i ~ re h 8t h . inth and oath wards on Monday, Mari% 11th. leventh ward on Tuesday', Ms'oll n t h' ' 1 elf.ll and Thirteenth ' , garde, nn Wednesday, l ir atiroh nth. tiourtemath and Fifteenth wards, on Thursday. March Itth. . fAxteentb ward, on Friday. tlarch 116 tip. Seventeenth ward, on Monday, M aroh 18th. Eighteenth and Stineteerith wards, on Tuesday, Marsh 19th. Fr, titian ward , on Wednesday . March 2kh. miry. Grit and Twenty - second wards, on Thursday, hl ah Mt. "'rearm-third and Twenty-fourtli wards on Friday. 1M rob 29d. .1 AMEAHAVIT, e27-Imh29 Olerk Cit. Comnossionem. RETAIL BRY GOODS. CUEAPE.,T PA NOY SILIV3 IN TIIE city. We have Fut. purchased. at Ehll EIN OR-MOUS Met.CRIFICE, a large lot of BEAUTIFUL FANCY SILKS, of the Newest and latest styles, which we intend to tell at about HALF THE USUAL PRICES. Bich Fancy Silks at be 6234. Gs—worth 873 i. Rich Fumy Pilke at7o 75—worth *l. Rich Fancy Silte at 073 E and 4 2— ,0 7 th Rich Fancy Bilks fr me 1 .12 3. to 472 . 50 - 141:aspect Figured Block 8/ ike the SON, FITEKL ar. SON. No. 7 t 3 Ndrth TENTH fit,, ah. Coates. PRING OPENING At Ttirlonrr.6-1( r!riliwyn, rafter EIGHTH It HPRINO tiAft. DEM HO 12% per CFl4l'. UN fI.I3OUIiARCUEY PftJCti6le 1 lot of double-width Brootie Figured Mozambique at SO emits per Yard— deautirul goods. I lot superb quality Broche Figured Mohair' at 211 omit' per yard, worth sr. I lot of pretti , Plaid Valenotas at 14 cents. I Jot of beautiful Cheer TravellintHoode at 12M oeute. I lot of Gray Mixe4_Elimalayas for CM cents. NEW SPRING idllltq :If Double }Need Brooadeßilks. ' ()bane Silica, Foulard Mil ,1411 JAE: BEST AND EAP4nT PITO° K ON' BLACK NILES IN PHILADELPHIA!. New Boring CMOs end Rmig. - New Sonng Ch.n , zes, Challie Foulards, Lto., Ito. Power-Loom Table :Arlene, Blurting Linens of our own importation. &e. ' rati4 for iti ing lots, which ave been GURATION OF NEW OOODS.- ' Nirewill have arianzed for sale this morning the low_purchas,d at • ORI,B PRICES 10(0 raids Plaid fddslin, all qualities, 30 percent. be low the omit 1017117d8 'swiss Muslin, all quell...ism, 30 per cent. be lot' the urinal prices. &Armen Ladies' Linen Cambric, Handkerchiefs, $l.lO per'doz.n. ell dozen Gents' Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, $l3O per dozen. one lot Gents' colored 80 - der Linen Cambria Hand kerchiefs 20 renls, worth 37M cents ] MO • MIMI R 11.51118. Crash, p. Id. and 193; cents. One lot Barnsley Table Linen, 31 pante to $1 per yard, ',try cheep . One tHemonvilie ?Sumba, ..oft finish, laM cents. ROOT,TBRIRTB for Ladies and !Riese'. CR RYES ADAMS & SoN, mh2 .BIGHTH and ARCH Streets. !WRENCH GOODS - JUST ARRIVED .0- pm Steamer. Que lot.glace Poplin, Me per yard. Chen° travelling goods of several varieties. High colored Choate and Percales. The beet • ONE DOLLAR. BLACK SILKS to 130 fonnd anywhere. Black Silks. beet grades, at low Store,. Foulard Wilke. below the usual worms.e. A handsmne stook of spring neck ties. Crap- Collar, of the 'stoat erYlee. 'IOWAN'S 6 r.ST RID GLOVES,Rpring oolore. "Ire will be in daily receipt of the °baleen SPRING DRESS GOODS throughout the season. sochnvite the attention of the yobbo. CRARL.r.S A DAMS in SON. oda g,IEIRTH and ARCA Streets. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and Allen 'greets. will open to- day— New *Dyne I...gni...Min xes._ • I. cow awing Fr noh Cambria, . New o art log vole Ulna name. New Su Le Gray Unman:we. pYRE & LANDKLL WILL OFFER BY the Ineee or_yard— P. re Flax Lihirting Linen. Irish Bird Eye extra 500. Bes shirtier Merlins only. • Largest size Blankets and Quilts. EYRE & LANDEt.L KEEP A FULL AB ;lament of— Extra.Ei4o Ilona Cover& n k.& ze Mole (lovers. Extra se &mask Clotho. &o. xtra Fine Rea and Naplit mhl4 NEW SPRING GOODS. amine' strles of Shawls. New Sarum flereams, Brodie Grenadines, Mozambique, • nos.. ei C-enek. i tetrachane. Novelties for Friends wear. P. Wards, of quote new designs, Si , it Popeloses Plaid/ and Bouquets. bassi and new cheesed tilts. Is menet Spring Silks. Rioh plain Punk de Mee. Slack to.avy ;lowly Pilke. tDyin Clonkinse. Cpseimeres, Fiench Milldam wide Y nabob, Chintz Rohm novel styles. 3liellf•UFelfl BROS:1(1ms balit CHESTNUT and EIGHT • BROA DOLO THS—BOYS' WEAR. tine black °loam, for teats' arena wear. Cloak Mottle, II bt aid cork, from 40r up. Bore onomm eras and oostanie. Gents' fthe black oasehneree. Fancy ommmerm, for spring_wear. COUC't.R & CONA.KII. te2B Lloutheser corner NINTH and MARK QPRING PRENTS-MOHAIRB. New nest prints. for d eesee and Outings. hew styles medium ana dark prints. hew hiknrod mohair and ohal Good black silks. Fine stook blaok ands. • COOPtsR dt. CON ta24l Bmitheasteorner NINTH and MARKtiT W HITE GOODS. Cambries , jeconets, f7WiIM, inch, 14 Wilmot. bralionts, bird -0.0, diapers. Embroidered oollare. Mrs, bands, handkerchiefs, Linen eambrio handieledefe—ladies', gents', large size, small, fi.nred. Linens for shining, frontinc, pillow., sheeting• To*eis, D'o3 lies, napkins, flannels. damasks. C....a•PrAt & CON s 811. f 029 Sontheent corner NENTLI and MARKET. VPRING GOODS, ('PENING DAILY. Thefol'owint good' I hove just opened : Brocade Fouling, Devils. Stripe eno Floin Moaembione, Mohair Chock. Matinee/1, Toques& Crane. Crape p,phns. French and English Chintz, and many new kinds too numerous to mention. at JOHN H. STOKES', 702 Arch *trent. NOTIOE TO4 MENDS: r 008 lot or Brawn*. fltees. and AOOE-of-Voile. Oce of of mart Plaide,suitablo for Friends. Ono lor. of &cal Pircurek.Aght. asd d4rt- One lot of &nag Figured Wool paletaes et 2a °ewe, One 1.4 of • ostroAs end Real-don Shawls. One lot of Bartok/la Shawpft, {m o b. The above Goode are choice and veils desirable. at JOHN R. tOK h. 8% nth 6 702 Molt street. To INV.ENTORR, DESIGNEBS, ao.— A corre.t copy of the New Patent Rot way he hqd by applying to ROW-Off, reited b wee and room. ' , stew Office, FORRHST Pince. 1 , 133,1 Bough FOURTH Etreet. nahls-12t* TO ALL WHO DESIRE EITHER 000 D PROTOGRAPEIS or AMBROTYPES. there is tiodikar r i e n r kli o e te ziz i i: i t ie s t ua t4e . m ali tmaihth a e t n ee t above Urrea. ;t* NOTIC6--All persons having baggage stored at the GIKA RD tiOU.F. ere renamed to take the same away immediately. and all bat raga that h.elbeen left for unsettled aoooan•s will be sold aooord tog to law, if not ashod for warm thirty as ya. 0. PCESSUItY, in. GUARD Rouen, Maas., March 11,/851. GILT BOROE,RED 811ADIS AND IeIX TUB F.N. I. Gat Bordered lades and Fixtures, 00'46. Gold Bordered hades and Fixtures. 1.50. Gold-Bordered 'fades and Fixtures, 1.76. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 2.00. Gold Bordered shades and Fixtures. 2.25. Go d Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 2.60. Qo d Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 276. i i 3: -Bordered /grail:: aanng Fixtures.ii ' 1 :3 * . Gold Bordered Shade. and Fixtures. 3.60. IROid. Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 3.76. mold Bordered Shades and fixturee. 4.00. old-Rordered Shades and ixtures, 4.26. Bold Bordered Bhadee and ixtures, 4.00. 901 d Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 4.76. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 0.00. Gold- Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 6.00. Gold Bo.dered Shades and Fixtures, 760. o'd-Bondered Shades and Fixtures, 900. old-Bordered Shades and vixtnres. ~. MM. Id-Bordered Phßd es and Fixtures. S IS 60. Id-Bordered Shades made to order, any style or size. WIR.IAINB made sod put up by eXperlenae4 work men in the newest and most elegant stiles. LT" Special Doststu made l'q our own /Inlet, if de sired. hits() 4 libillAt.L. '7lll Catlin( RO, riliba 8L.81 W 4. rilhe wfm.Ct W. Ti. (MARV., & BRO. Pit KMit II( 17E, B °STUN he ad dition to this Hotel being completed with superior accommodation for Ladies and gentlemen, will be °len d CIL MONDAY , February 13. The Rouse m complete in all its appointments. and It is the intention of the proprietors to metre it worths the patronage of the traveihns public. PARKER, fele-Mut J0E124 F. MILLS. FII4E tiliIRT *MAN FAVIOICT.-J. W. SCOTT. 81.4 CIIFATNUT titres', a few doors below the " Continental." The attention of Wholesale Ns ere is invited to his IMPROVI4I) CUT OF OW KIT, of superior fit, make. and material, on hand and made to oroer at shortest notice. RPEUTAL NOTICH.-6111PPFES WILL elation take notion that the, Booth Carolina R. R. Co. have discontinued forwarding all through freight and 'hat ail Koala formerly voneigned cn them must now he consigmed to a elty a soar. Messrs. T. b. EC T. O. RU DD Will forward all goods to their euldrese. A. El eRON, la., & Co. mh9 No 1.2 6 North WHAR V PIS. MO INVENTORS. = ARRANGNAIENTS M. for obtaining Patents under the new ant now in forou, have been fully completed at H. HOWSONS Unit•d tßtee and luropeaa Potent Offices. Forme. pime, 123 N Poutn FOUriTH Street, where full verti cals e may be obtained. mbl4-4t* GLORDI NIVittNE FOR SALE CHEAP Li—Double 24•inoh Oyfinde_r of eiX•ktree pow er. . Owner MIS been burned out. Gave coonvlete 1141.0.0fte tion white in nee (five months) onneumng lt , se than out t o n of eoei per week. Address -• Coiorio." office of Philadelphia Press. mhe et* VtraAlt-CtIRED lIAMS.-25 TIERCIES •••• Garduer, Phipps & Co.'s Latta Ougar-oured bagged Sams. suo pieoes_Phipas & Co.'s Sugar-cured unhagged do. i.roO do. Vitabeli gr. I....dd's do do. do. 1,100 do. City blunted Shoulders, for sate by fern C. C. SAUL! la C.. • 111" .IV P . i•••.••• ott-13Ulilr LIMB, ()akin , d Pisa .* tar. Metering Bair, Cement. and bite Sand. For sale by H. MODIPIES, mh6-12V NINTII and COAT V 4 Ste. JUST REOEIVED, per • Annie Kimball," from Liverpool, Mangler, Weaver, & Mander'e preparennme 25 lb. Extract !moult. in 1 lb Jere. 25 the Extract ft poser ami. in 1 tb jars, 60 The Extract Bellanonnet, gn Ware, 100 Ms Flit act Te.raxaci, th 60 The lrmßat Conuct, rn 1 re) bottle., 190 lb. 01. awooirg .51051-.01111 bottle.. the in 1 ib bottle'. 600 The Pst Illdrage. in itijare. WETILVALLL & situermeat, Mill 41 a.m. as Mort.. RIF:114.1111) al HAMS.— 20 parrels " C. Chapin & Co.'s ' eupprinr Extra Sugar Cured Hams, put up ex- Drama! /or family use. Also, >a .barrels • Gardner. phipps, ft do. do., for sale elr C. C. RADLER /s CO, mall 103 ARCH Rtreet,24l 'Door above Front. HIE FT:lL—Just received, 233 half barrels hisokinam White Filth, whath are for este tr. 0. 0. SADLER. & ett, rah 103 ARCH Stroot,2 , l Poor above Front. CliP2'l*-635 boxes Herkimer (Amity Chem, on oonebroroont. end for onto by C. CO., 103 ARCH Str•ot, &I Door Above Front. ittW OAVA.NA CLOAKS ' , 00m ‘,••••," prising Fig 9 aro, parasols, Cabanoti, Neottmo. Panahinelle, rigingt 't.aspacp , la, bleat Bea, Adorsoloo, Ls derinco. Ntelvine. Real, KehultPago, Finnesa,..noierto, &0.. &a., of various gastnioo sod iugeos.Jusireaelvad and for ole low by USA 1.41 TET, Ult 130 MAIM Stmt. CARPEIIII6. JPREBB MATTING}: J. P. ar. E. B. ORNE, OPPOSITE STATE 1101.15E4 Have now open their SPRING I MPORTATIOS or DOUBLE EXTRA IMPERIAL, 14781 TE, • PURPLE, ana RED t:HECKED CANTON MATTING. IN ALL. TEE DIFFERENT WIDTHS, AT MODERATE PRICES : J. F. 6; E. B. ORNE, mhls-3nL OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE 4 CLOTHINGr. 1861. A. T. LANE a Li 0. 1861 INVITE THE' ATTENTION WHOLESALE BUYERS THEIR STOCK SPRING AND SUMMER, CLOTIIING. 419 MARKET STREET, SADDLERY. 1861. sADDEAty. 1861. AVM. S. lIANSET ALI & SONS, 114 MAIIEF,T STREET, INVITE THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS TO illElit LARGE ASSORTMENT GOODS IN THEIR LINE, WHICH THEY ARE OFFERING AOOOMISIODATING TERMS intai-et NEW PUBLICATIONS SINAI AND ZtvN— • WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. Br the 11AV BAUSMAN. blNal ZION; or a rilsr,mase through the Wil dernetwAo the ',and or Promise. Br Benj. Bausman, D. D. with iihisr.atioss. Frloe $1 25. " AU. Stusmatee Relator view is emiDently Seriptri ral Be aims to instruct, by m robinnif as plainly as should always be done by Ch•oatian Writer of travels in the Holy Lend, the devotional with the descriptive element %re take viewers in recommending the book es calculated to clause correct and eolishieried views on tonics that =mot ne too well understood."—Am. Presbyter. , re. Per. & fl` A ROSTON. Publishers. mhlti No. 24 Saadi six CH street. above 'heatriut. V 4 I:JE4ORIPI lONS REOEI VED FOR TOwNS'aND it CO.'S NEW EDITION of DICK ENS' WORICti ltaatr.ted by Darley it Gilbert. Maestri per Volume. At the effiee OM Nye American Ceatopellio. 33 South ttreet, al"vo CR tiorturr. JOE.I MCFARLAN. gent. NW The Trade supplied . mhl4 61 NEW ENGLISH MEPIOAL BOOKS.- PLOWER'S Diagrams of the Nerves of the Rs man V Bia 8 . , L'B Diseases of the Joints. COP 13LANBAnn Consumotion and Bronchitis. LYuNS. A Treatise on Fevers. INMA's. A new Theory of the Practice of Aiedi nine. S,l edition. JAM Ks. Sore Throat and the Laryngoecope. N KERTE R'B Lectures on Food. POW E e ' R Bursicial Anatomy of the Arteries. TODD'S Cllniesl teems& New edition. by Beale. GRIFFI TIVB & .11zItIFREY'S Mierograpbiis tionary MORARLL'iII Manual of Rumen IfistoloSY. ADAMS 'd Reparative Prooinia. A Mlt R I eAN MED,CAL BOOKS. A lame assortme__,...nt New an dOnl.alwiss• on hand. NW" lORsa4/4 truudB imported br returner as low pnoes, by Publishers and Booksellers, rrhl.9 No. as Routh SIXTH at.. above Chestnut. BJUN'S LIBRARIILS--Comprising the Stsndatd Historical. Scientific, Antiquarian, Classical, runoffs'. and Ecclesiastical Librarierall uniform in alga and stsle—and comprehen une eh sst Bib volumrc of the best Standard Authors, bestatifu ly printed in convenient size. and at a moderate pries. By special arrangement with Mr. hobo, the above will he constantly sect on h ed, in quantities, and supplied on 'he most favorsbie terms Per vol.. c10th,133 cents and Aida. or at the rate of 26 cents to the shilling 'Let ting. Tbey ars all kept in half- so If gilt. at 76 cents, a, d to tull milt at 161 per volume additional, bound in the very best style by an eminent .English binder. cam lognee grails. A frank. suPDit of the ahove vainatee fitiadard Works inst red molnding many new •oitunes. The Trade supplied on the most favor, Me terms. McßLlttaY & CO., Importers of Hagfish hooks. &0.. N 0.27 South SIX 111. Street, chore Chestnut. intiL9 3c G EORGE G. EVANS' PUBLISHING HOUSE and owl' , emni STONE. 439 CHESTNUT btreet NEW AND SELECT 'WORKS. History of Ln•ted Netherlands. by Motley, 3 volibeft 00 tats Yelfder. by Holmes. 2 vols. _ 1 73 Great Pieps,ration. by Cumming.— 1 00 Wit/ and B-aux of Society --. 60 Life 0i...• 136 Women of New Yefili by Louise / 00 Dutch Dominie of the Catskill.-- 186 p"ieo nny south— 1 26 ronf 1 26 liar of Pins .1.. 11 5"m"" --- 1 24 Prince of the House of David... I 26 Union Text 800 k 00 ROlO6OOO of thel 25 vainity Fair. 2 volumes.-- 600 An the latest Standard and Misoonnaeons Publice none at the Publishers' regular prices, and a beautiful Gift, worth from 60 oente to voo, with eaoh, at 01.0 ROS E_CAN" GIFT-BMA Ebt.pom I um, mh2 No. 439 CEESINUT Street. ROOKS, LAW AND MiEHJELLANINJUS, R-4. pow and nid. bought, sold, and exchanged, at the pon,ADE. PHI A. Brs s BOOK 8 CORK, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Therm hasung Boots to /sell. if at a distsnoe, will state tneir names. siz-s. bindings, dates, editior.s, prices, and crinuitions. WANT kl U--00.1111 printed t y DA rain Franslin. as well as early Books printed in and upon America Anmgraph Letters and Portraits pur chased. tampblet Laws of room iVettlla for mos. °uta k/RUB,. ill press, sent free. Libraries appraised by fe26-tr JOHN cntriroLt., PHIL 4 DELPHIA AND .nAD anaIPANY. ILitnimettlit. March 73.7897. .nd Tolls on Anthracite Coal, toy, will be as follows , on and further %Kane : ebFFIOIO OF THE . READING RAILIti Pat. The Rate' or Freight at tranaportect by Corneal after Irf filch 18. MAI, until f FlOll .k i I F ci . a! 'c.' , . 1 .. ` l i H TO R10hm0nd..............-. RI ft 37 31 3081 90 RI 16 " Ptoladelphia.--........ / 147 1 401 13u 196 " h -elloed rlane..-,-.. 1 1 3 1 30 1 220 110 "14 teetow6 --.. 1 137 131 1 115 1 1 " Germantown .11- - .... 1 131 130 120 115 POe of c•ohnytUdl..... 1 137 180, 120 115 Tdana)uek. --..—. I 136 187 1 301 120 Ila " . ebert's—. —._ 1 , 3 ISt 1261 115 130 " Conshohocken.-- 128 127 1 all 210 106 Swede Furnace-1 1 14 . 117107 1 07 Aambo's - -.. , 124123110 1 16 1 01 " orristown or 111ndgn 189 122 IID 103 100 " Eon /honed,' -..-... .1 17 31 109 99 94 " Val ey Fo•ue-....«...:. - 1 1.13 106 96 91 " Pbcenixullle—........ 1 3 300 9 0 15 " Royer's Ford—..... 3 10. 97 ts 7 82 0 A i:tinno2o.--.... -.... . 1 1 67 137 82 " Limerick .-....-..... : 1 1 to t 96 SS 80 .. to le own ~.. -...... 18, 97 99 6115 " Dou-laeoullo/.......-.. 04 83 86 176 71 " M0nwa07.....-- . - . 911 9' 841 74 69 " 8ird5M00.........-....... 911 1 89 82, 74 61 "). luster .....-....- .... 9u 39 81 71 67 Read's r ...........:.:'. 13 82 76 66. 60 " Tu0kert0n........-... 71 70 61 66 45 681 " Leesport ................ . 67 60. 5 0 15 " 1r10hrava1e.,'........ 6 g 7 0 1 66 , 66 1 ' 46 1 45 heemalointriWk....-.. 67 69 61 1 4 4 9 ,. 4 36 5 Hamlwre " Port. lictoi --!... 621 61 41! 341 - " A.taue ---.....-... is, 41 29:.., " Orwigeburg ..-....... - 431_ 4. 34 1 ..1. :. By order of the Board o intll4-101 Rinnaxers. H• mat. RENNET, Seo'Y GUANO. SOMBRERO GUANO COMTISM'S EIGHTY PER-OF:NT. OF. BONE PHOSPHATE OR LIME. FOR SALE ;TO FARMERS At SBO per Ton of 2,e00 pomade. b, JOS. B. HANSON & CO., Sole Agents, No. 39 North WATER Street. mh6 erfm.lm COAL. 1.-11)ThSEKBRPER8, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREFrr!--ritlv YOUR. COAL at HICKS' where nothing but the very beet Lehlgh and Sohaylkih Coal le offered., et the followieg Wooed prices : - krlgh,BroUpn, kfa. and Stave— ----414.75 reVon, buylloll. 4.50 &DO warranted free trola elate or duet. and full weight, at 11QICS , Yard . southeast corner of MARSHALL, and WILLOW. 001 and Wee. rall-am WILITII4O AND LaLlilJl4R FARMS.— We have now on hand. and ere manolaotneing to order, at the Mount moilv Pape at Ils. snarl de scription of WRITINO aND .IDE PAPERS, s o . oh. for Dolor and quality, are not tt excelled by any other in the United Mmes. We would WI attention trt a new artiole of Paper manufseturtd by us. and now for sale, called Business ' Letter. which has been gotten up to meet the wants of Wismar' men and others, who object to Note as being too narrow, and do not Wish to use part of usual letter sheet. This overcomes both the above objections ; is a per fect sheet. pure wove ; plate finish ; ruled on one side ; stamped in centre rear the top; made from best ma terial, free Orem adulteration. 1111 t/ nut up in neat boxes , convenisat for uae. ri. El.—We also have a Raper caned Hank Letter, similar to the above, except it has but half the number of lines on, so as to allow a printed blank or heading above. For sale by J. B. Ll PP INOuT & U. KHMPTON & M ULLIN Mount Holly Springs. Pa. TAE. MOTOSOOPE, AND TWELVV 8 VEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, Exhibtung the Futures IN TIM riCt"DE.. 4 I MOTION. Pries U Cents. D. APPLETohien—Publish . r.s. athil-taw&f3t 443 and 3- 443 BROADWAY. Ta 6 VOYAGE Ti) NOtturr; in the Stereoscope Kn. 1. A Stereoscope and Twelve Views of twelve different countrio. In I crape. Prtce 2 5 ow tis,Der mai 25 Gems - or him illy comred DO cents. tor moil 4$ cents D. d.inabTOPl rubus ere. 13)1'11-my St , 443 end 440 BROADWAY. To ikiEROHANTS. TOK, BAN. To ktr.ol _NEILL To A AT& ISTATIONEItS. Use the aelobrated Jaeksen's Leads and Panda& the oust and beet make in this ntry,_at .101 IN H. wroxisa, Afent, tawa TONI A CA C . • WANT KD —A SITUATION by an ex perienced Faleeman • walk near Pennsylvania teed% InUry Goode JOBblng HOOFS. Adoremo Press. mins r.'" WANTED —A situation as light porter in a wholesale store. Root of cite referenee sivrn. Agdress .• Richard." oisee of The PIISS, Fr hl6-4••• WANTED—By a young man fully corn patent, a SITVATION as Book-koasior, or mix {tot Satlpfaotori Niforonoe. Cali or voldrees;tl, r 0, Kant. at James, &tato, & Co it, 241 norm ' l t street.rebts-tuf fir WANTED -A SITUATION AS SALES m a Dry Goods Insportirw. or Cammleaion epeea enereetie your in^ll Who hes MA some exe.t and le well sequel:tied with City and West ern Buyere. Adam "Dry Goad■," at that lam mlll4 Zr WANTED --an active or special PART YER. with a cash eaoital or /0 VOO dollars_,. In an established wholesale Jobbing . business. on Market street. Add•vse " Merohant." PresS o ffi ce. rnha 120 W u AN LED—lmmediately, by the tinder signed. Pt the Rri.t Mahaney Railroad tunnel. Fifty Tunnel Mon and Tyrenty five Lnsorers. for out: oide oe•stion rk, adJoininz. Thia work la loanted in Bettuflkill county, rennaylva9m. eight miles from rfa Inagua. by - Beading Railroad from Philadelohia. end two miles front ilgreesviile citation. roe the Little hohoylkill Railroad. MtuRAEL BARRY k CO.. fen lm` Cowl-owe. 84,000 AND 53.00 To iNVMT • Mortgage Eleonritise on Proporti. JOHN B. COL AN AN, 149 South EIGEITH treat. A O.1(113 CHAMP.-- FOR MALE. TH$ :Stook, Good W Ul. and Fixtures or one of the best looatsd shoo Stores m ths atty t now doing a geOd Plod and jobbing business. This la a first-rate opportunity fora party to go Into a good and i93,inv bus newt with s moderate amount of eamtal. end reasons given for selling. Terms easy. Address *ltowara " at this mhtti.Sts at. SALE, cheap—a. DR.U.G STORE. t* Good Location. 'Address, Rnei, Wood's Deseaten T 0 LET—Pleasant LOV , C4to• ROLPIVIS, L a 3el 'Batt Nenhatrest, between Fifth and EgiXta streets. above Market. It` TD RENT-I'llR LAE, 411 AND 00N YENTENT Coal Wharf and latinhar Yard. at Maylaadrille. Twenty-fourth ward. Apply to IC. C. & P. it Wn tt REN 04 the eremites. mhts tf PHI bARELPIII.A STORE TO LET AND FIXTURES FOR SALE of the .Id.eatablished Bat mad Cap Atate, No. 12 North dIXTii Srteet. atxwe 61ARKH o, west do- mhl3 wfmilt* dig TO LET—A. DESIRABLV DWEL. Ala LING% NO 1 - 23 North TIIIRTEENTH gt r e.t. Apply to wETHKAILL, .811.0111.n.1t, 4I and 49 North NVCO D qtreet. mbl4-tf ga TO LET—AT CHESTNUT HILL, A ma fine Dwelling and ample GrounGs.with a law otabl son iritinmit near t'e mud street. Apply to E. BOWLB o. 230 cir ALNTT I' street. bank. mlitt St ea —A comfortably furnished .1555- Bowie on WALNUT nreet, near w...h ing t on Bans .*. Address " Poet Office lica, No, 20.10." m 1213 5 w f ittg FOR SALE OR TO RENT--The large sla- &oh e BRICK nw LLINCI HOUSE, No. 415 South FIFTBENTH eltreet, below e. The building is admirable adapted for v Boarding House or to. ember)! purposes. Apar to J. glEktae.ANT ?Well. 813 11.4011. Street, mhll-12t TMANUFACTURFF. --Room with steam Power to rent ; two home' ride from the city' ; 1:bor vary abandamt and ahem); Me of Elora. p ower ...? Cu and Beaming Frame free. Apply' re Tie 6 r N, FAUN t Street. Mh9.6l* O'R RENT -- That very desirable Erroam mud FIXTURES No. 432 CR , STNI.T^ tTeet, below Fif , h. This is one of th • best locations for business m the city. being in fame square. with New Post•Offiost Buildings. Inquire at the '• 134 Gun," 432 CHESTNUT Street. inhB-tf figg. REsIDENCE ON THE DELAWARS FOR RALF: CHAP. Fore 03 000. Osie- third mut Thnii. • o the Dingiest!. Situated at firidesburs Twenty-.bird ward- a short ride from the city. The P eohnd and • bird street passel:im railrohd Timmins the (low ever. hour day and regains. Lot 92 hr 2:0 feet. filled with fruit and she a trees. grspee, flowers. ko Apply at No sit North FROM c Street. reh9 6 * dBTO LgT —Store No 303 Market street. Imitable fur a Dry Goods or Notion House. Ansi, on the ',remises. fel4-1m LET-BECK)ND-STONY }COON, 802 OFIvBTNUT .trellit. over LEWIS LADOMITP & C0.ta.407611.1 *tore. The beet location in Pkiladel. phis for Store kind of light busmen:l. Apply In the Jewelry . Rent 8400. fete rrRENT—Two - very desirable Stores. on the Ninth-street front of "The Continental HoteL" The Ftore at Ninth and Manama wens Gape ;nail, adapted for a 24ATMLE and HARMER. Maker. Applr to JOHN RICE, Boutirweat NINTH and RASHELPhI ttreete. TO LET—The commodious and desirable untie? rooms. No. at 3 MARRET Street- bein, the Second. Third. Fourth and Fifth stories, front 33 by 125 feet, baited 111 front, side, and by two lane sky lights. he oholoe iodation for business and the wipe rior manner of 4 . )nnstraotion make them more than or dinarily attractive to hUltinelle firms making or destring a ohs gee of location ; gas-fixtures throughout. Apply at MY N.ft . 4, CLAGHOItN, & CO., auctioneers, corner ARN W 1 and HANK Streets. coty - - VOR EXCHANGE.—A CHOICE TUAOI of good DDynproveo farm land n the Ruda of Now Jimmy, dsouVeragtt to the Ott 1. VIII be exchanged f of sig 2 appertr. Apply at No. It* FEDERAL. threat PRIVATE SALL—A Valuable Drug and Hardware Store and fudge's at pnvate Sale.—The Drti,g and Bardware Store end fixtures, Intel. belonginr to M. 13. I3HOOmALI.. deceased. in the barnneh of West Chester, in HIGH Street, ,dioming the Turks' Read Hotel. and now owned by the subscriber. in offered al Pnva e sale. The - stoat is fall and wed selected. and b r sold on accommodating terms. The a and is one of the best in the borough /testy at the Store lee mfw tf MISSOUBI LAND!! 600,000 Aerde for Sale and P.ntrr, at prices ranging frcre 1 to 60 Cent' per acre. na any Roanria. re quired, 04 :a TAX paid and PATENTS procured for purchasers Of Land under the Graduation Act. Plate furniehed ;untie by enclosing e postage stamp. For Porther information applr to WILSON, WAWLINGS, & GO.. U.S. and General lAnd sente, 85 CH 0:13Tr4 street. liersreen THIRD and ij k o ll+ TB, IST. via. Ato. LAND WARRANT bought, sold, art loostod. ia7-$m BOART ING.—A SUITE OF ROnMS, ton.tivr or separately. on noond floor ' with or without orivate tans. at 1315 w A t. 14 LT • Bt. mh9-12t* "IN THE ORPHANS' COURF FOR. THE n- CITY AND rarTNT,v,clF PHILApIiLPHI.A. . Estate cf ‘INICIS PE CTS. deoeasen The auditor appointed be the court to arida. settle, and adjest the seeond and final account of JOHN G. DDT CON. surviving esmoutor of the will and tes tament of F111120i19 Pei ts, deceased, and to report d e ri- Dineen of the balance in toe hand. of stud aoomentaare will meet the panne in interest for the pnrecome of his a ppointment, on W EON E-DAY. march 2r. 1861, at 11 ceelook p M,. at hie arum Law Build ma. No. lip Booth PI PT FL htreet, in the aity• of +hdadelphi mhls rinsed C. M.'HUSBAND+, Auditor. . rv ,,,,,,,, THE Ii.ELIANOE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Insures against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. on Houses. Store., and other buildines. limited Or PervetUal• and on Furniture. Goods. Wares, and MOT- OharidiPo intrT town or CASH o. CAPITAL, 8231 c ,110 un W—ASSETS 8317,142 04. Which is invested as I. glows, v.a In first mortgages on city property. worth double the amount --;.— • 8262.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'. 6 per cent. first mart:ate loan, at par._........_..._.-..... 6.000 ao Pennsylvania Railroad Co'. e per cent. as cend mortgage :oad. 5a,002 00 Huntingdon and Br , ad :FOP Railroad and Canal Co.'. mortgage loan._.._. 4,000 00 Ground rent. first Mars—. .__ 2 461 DO Col lateral loans, welt Bemired.-- 2.aou uu City of Philadelphia 6 per oent loan_._.. 30.000 00 Al egheny County 6 per cent. Fa. R.K. loan— 111.009 CO Commeroial Bank stook.--- ----.. 6.13 a 01 Mechanics' Rank stook— —. —.-- 2812 CO Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s stock— 4.100 00 The Reliancm Mutual Insuranoe Co.'s Mock DS 350 OU The County Fire Insurenoe Co.'. stook 1.060 00 Tee Deb , ware M. Insurance Co.'s stook— 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip.-- 380 Belle ,OCOI Vabie 14 SR 14 Book Ftee,,ulitS, accrued "e 11 1 4 as Cash on 11844 64 The Mutual principle, combined with the seourby of a Stock Capital, entitles the insured to vartimpste in the preits of the Company, without liability for tosses. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. DISSCTORS: Clem Tingley, names! Bispham, Witham R. hompson, Hobert Bteen, Fre"erick Brown, William Musser, William SG/merman, Bent. W. rillfie,T, B. R. Worrell, Marshall BM. L. Carson. J. Johnson Brown. Robert Tol.nd, Charles Leland. G. D. Baumgarten, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles n Wood. Smith Bowen James B. Woodward, Jonn pttelirg. CLEM TINGLEY, resident.. is. M. HINCTIMAN, Secretor'''. February 16, IBM. fe22 LIAM INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 466 CH ter?' UT etreer. ring; AND teiLal4 ToIaURANCE. _ DIRECTOUS, George W. 1,1a7.- • .--of Day & Matlack. Damns! " Wright Bros & CO. B " Davie & 131 non. Rem Lewoi, " Lewis Bros & Co. C. Ric bonbon.-- "1. C. Howe & Co. Samuel T. Dodine.....Preet Wzonung Canal Catuv's /no. W. Everman— .of J. W. Lverman & Co. Geo. A. West " Weet & Fates. • T. B. Martin " Savxge, Martin, & Co. O.Willson Davie Attorney-at-law. E. D. Woodruff.- of Siblsy, Molten, & Woodruff jno. Reader,Jr....., 1713 Green street. GEORGE. D President. FRANCIS N. BUCk. Vice Preeidemr. WILLiAMB 1. BLANCHARD. Beeretitry. .9122.iftf A NTBRACTITE INSURANCE COMPA- I tirilß - kihorised Capital NANANO—OHARTEN Office No. all WALNUT Street between Third 0 Fourth dtreet, Philadelphia. ' 1111 This Company winineure against Mem or demate b. Fire, on Buildings, rumba's and aterolumdzse remi rat 71 . ' wag. Marine inntraneei on Vessels gamine, 8 innate. Inland Inen _ t, e !' tarts ' or 1 Ile uni on " oliriliiroli Jaaoh Either, Joseph niandole. It. lather. John Ketcham. L. Andennet. John It. Morton. PaVie Poareon., Wro.i : Dean. Tater. Sieger. 1.14. UM. J AGO II OMB Pipe President. WM. P. DEAN. Pia° Preaident. W. AL.SlAlTN.Seoretarr. ape-ty . VACIDINUE INSURANC E Ja=a Of No. 409 'WALNUT litreeL FIRE [Newt ANCS on Rouses end Merohandiee generally, on , favorable term. either limited or vet netaaL DIRE3TORS: J3lBlllifill Bonsai], Thomas John Q. Gin node, Charles Thompson- Edwerd D. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel L. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben C. Hale, John J. Griffiths. JERDMIAII RONSALL, Prindent. JOHN Q,. 011SNODO, Vice President, GUARD Con, Secretary. inn I.IOEMOVAL.--THE PENN MUTUAL L LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY have removed to their new bu4dins, No. 9JI CHESTNUT Street. Aelleft 11 • over •1.000,000. Charter perpetual. 4L.L 'FMK PRO. ITS divided amongst the mewed, lashed this year will pereeiests sr the Di vidend to be demieres in January next. The Company has full authority to sot as Executors. administrator* Aesignees Guardians a nd Irnstees for marred *room; and children. iie.citEL L. MILLER, Presiden..' RAMA.. E. STOKES, Vine Pree't. learn W. Hostron. Secretary'. IdEDICA,L E.7f_AbllNhall in attendance dolly, fro I. to o'oloolt P. M. rice DARTAGA Ple&RO, CliditAttAo„- .a. Neptune, runshinalle.and other oafish of Havana Cigars always on hand and for sate 18t lowest market rates by CLUE JAB WitTlify ?, f. 9- 130 AINITA. WANTS. FOR SALJ AND 'CO IMP. MECTIA'EL NIALONE. BOARDLN G LEGAL. INSURANCE CoMPANIEs. Or PIIILADELPMIB, ()may:, No. 308 WALNUT STREET, AmusEMENTs• CONCERT HALL. THE PEOPLE'S CONCERTS I Wand Revrvalof J he Celebrated Cowart. 1. 1. N, With addittonal Orchpstral and Oberal efe*tihnudev the immvdtate direotiol of la bRR E *GEM; N • men, prare s aw ordoslra anth the late M. /ULU .SM LfleT n Nl:eft. ir OF HK BERIn.e. Amp !y ,e Vt. NINO, Mara le h. ORANtt ^ROW ObTr UP' FORTY! Compninne all of the Ate o thPpwless , on, orttl.Na efrodA,B OF ON H 114NORE FO'ORTiI Belected from the eaengerbnad. Laederraml. and A 13011611107 • CbMP • NINCIPAL VOCALISTS: Mfg% J ea. Via .11. AD MA WOLK trARVfE. solo Pianina. MM. uas.ii wor.SPOBN. CgAS. DAVIS. nod m. O. ORrt-d. Rct!o Vtelts. OAR . (101 g aTriE bOlO Violoncelto, ENOrLIC I E Leadsr. ....—.. . S ff 48.1L.PR. Maven! Director and * Coadeo 7 or..Or ENGELRE , T ObicbC Kuhl OP Milne Will comprisc 0111.3,11141 SFmohnntea awl Overawe. vocal and Instrumental Seine. Menetnoth Quad rdlee, ()mimic El geotionet Cho-nran. anti thq li soripoone of anaell i rlo. ". al•ze PObtalls &G For full particulars bee Juture advertzesniente and Prosratt toes. Ado. ._TcrENTy Ft VF cENT 4 I.. Orchestra Ptalls (reserved)...._.. FIF Y PsiNTR. Tektite at d deserved can be untamed as she muere end piano store. of Deck & Lawton, ,htekettine ad eons. Leo& is see. 11.00 Andre's. Also at Concert Hall thr ushout the d II and evening nthld 2t Bnaineee Maneser, JOHN D- ROLE. viva IgATLEY & VLAaKIVo AR,UII,sT. • v mFIEATRE. TRIG (FRIDAY) EVENING, Much 18, Bens& of Mr. CITA RI, Will he preseqred, the VittirlNlUM, TICE "toin A A , , FAYFIER. Mr. Chas. Moth John Drew, Don Ccovvr.—_-- ..Pitris?hjostuDgewww.. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. v v Role Lesree--... M. A. OAR 0 IttTRON. Stage Mr. wm. A, CH 4EN AN gaminess Agent— —.—....Mr..101. fitUltritY, Bement of tie Frninent — C.'orardienam. 31138 AMY 6017(Mei1tE1117. • Twfg IFfitirny March M, Will be presented, a Drmma in Smote, entitled fddirfw. DE.1 , 14; OR., THE kigAlUr OF Mtg. i.nTHIAN. Paine Drans, Joel.Oougeuhelm. Oenritte Robert of Mt. kdwm AdADVI. SKRY6OB 'FAMILY. Carain Murat's ., Maguire --. Mr. Fdwin Adams. Mrs. Ormslev Daltamaa ..Joey goilitenamm- Daorm open at 7 o'otoom ;martainwth ruse at 13i °Mama. gar Prioem as usual. c D uNOU GE! OLYSIPW.--( LATE LTA GAIRT RACE Itreet, below hard. THIS (FRIDAY) EVEN IN q. March ify THE SEVt:N SISTEILS. Will shortly he pr ainced another feature," 'lotting on the Sonny llpit." by . o ergo W nadernolt The ant re -tags wilt be throurt oynn, Ervin, a beau , iful view of Fairmount Dam, Yrith the Weaver Skating MOM fun operation. On rd. .14 DAY EV P.NING and daring the week.vill he performed the Play. by Robert &nes. ELK anhinery by 11 annuli. snit ed T .4E isEVPN SISTERS, which has been witnessed by over 86,000 PerSOZIB. Atimission—Orehestra.37% ate; Natant. 25 eta. CONCERT HAIG, °HES MUT Street- The IlratilarnadriinhATO TIP: °AEA P FILO:VDUs" Prior to his hop trtore for 'Europe. mlll2 6t• ABEL it 'LEYLAND'S STEREOPTICION I Enitotnting in the Lane Room of the ASSEMBLY inn DIT,G3 WEEK Of this wonderful GALLERY EFIITIOGEAPEIIC 1 14,1176 TE s-rtutse, Wbernin presents , ' WAII COMM MCRICaI abet °JOAN tic STEREO COP 0 fig TOR' Op Reprerentung the most eelet r ated view end objette of Nature and Art in the Old World and vow, UpOn canvas TWENTY-FOUR FEET RQUARR, -With all the perfectness of the tztoreoermr. and at whtch tram one to ten thousand pore ne can look atones. 15tereosoopia matures. r.wes -lutin • BtO+OIN -ROeBING NIAGARA. FAILS. Will be shown V ttV EVENING TEO'S WET R. Cards of admireian, 15 cents. Children's tickets, 15 aente, yamity riotre•e, adnec•nas five yemene, el. Doors open at 7.4 • on.lattenoet at 8 u'olook. MATINEES EVERY AFTER ettiON. THIS WEER. Commencing at three o'oloek. mhll.l3t B LONDIN'S PA RKw NL KLDIANT O O PB HLILO 1 D D E L PHIA. CONCERT ALLhhN-TNuNdriE ET. ON mhl2-6t.• THE TIME I' ROPE. B tRNtTM LIVINN WONDERS A? ?NV _ ASSEMSLY ROOMS, C.RNER TENTH AND • Cavg•NOT. EVERY. PAORNINS A AFTER N 00N. and' F.vF.Nrio. unmm..oing 'lllO l l/AY. March 12 1861 Open from 10 o'oloolz A. M. trill Y. 'd., from 2 tall 6. and from 6- Win): P. M The fotloming a:Unordinary living ourinetries,_ 'ate of tsAlt • U 8 nrti muribUtt, Where they have been visited by more than Mgr n million of peopte, and by every one pronoun d the m Kt WO N r , FttFI. (IF at. , liti2P.l4 nUrtIOSTT Eg. AI.BINOF ' , MIEN FRO of Ill_RAGng Inn. RUDOJI'FI Wife omit oild.e i with pure WHlre FILXEN Hein. •nd PINK vast the meat perfect speo.niena of AlLinoe, though bom of peitee T tt HE TWO u y black ea reln Vla. I4Gi I Zrtm caILDR''N, A Male and Female. need IT and 24 years said to be deeeondanta of a ^/1011111/0141 east.% of the seetent AZTEC FnUNDF:' , S rtrß itCr'NE.O DIM PLES UFCEN?R9L AMERICA AND They have all the organs of pseoh. yet iive unable to utter a word distlnvtls of any Isneintes they tic figlly matured. yet teen* head.; are em er than MU intant's a week oll—inessuring less than 13 atones in mown tetence. AN AFRICAN EARTI'I I/P.lOA* ; Or. ea sometimes , m led a BUSH Wolll AN. of the tribe of Afi inane cal'ed e.aRTH viEN. or the only female s,eoimen of this tribe ever seen 01 4115155105. Mr. B•R NUM announces with pleasure that he bee made an eumtgement with the eel. butted HangSrians, their Pst appearance ins Atnerico.who will aocom pa , y the Exhibition with Voce' and Instrumental Alum°. HERR A. RLAPOF Few', Tel'." c•A'a HUNG RIAN PAGAPIrcf," Will play Solos and National Melodies on 0517 II •Irg only. wino • i.e 4 3rand oln s of '• La Oen:avid • Venice," ard" Carnival de Curt.'' in whion latter be inoitajed the WhiAt lug n 1 A msrie Blida. I) V.R It M. ' PuFKRKI. THE " UNRIVA I‘IISvG&FIAN VOCALDST AND GDI Will sing various NationaiMel odie s 117 d 17177 5 .117 lan gudgcs. iseluMna German. Rtmss, Ts rolian. dco., tie isompanyina himself ni, the Seanish Guitar. Admission to all only IS cents; Children undo- ten year* 7505545- mh9 tf _ CO.yUPR'r HALL OUKSTNUT b.treet. Imatrzwi ucc.iets 0? J R. OGD N. The Irish Ambneandor ie raddre Wedding and Fehoolineeter mbl9 gt. ST I-, B. 11 Z--Lait•lr WEEK Bur OW !-- CO AUVONwEALTH MALL, ClibaST NUT STREET, abortT Sixth Pleasant and Albums P ntettamments ER Y F i' EVENING. at. bat( _putt. seven , am! wEiPry SIM and SATURDAY tA I , ar. non.. at gain.. CO NK I S - Evil of nes and WONDERFUL DEMONSTR - TIONS in Didi ORA A 111 LYS.I NO and R 1 OF Ds It 1., scenes in VENTRILOQUISM, and the L BARN D CANARY BIRDS. Admission 20 oents ; obileren halt smoe. iiil6-tr SANFORD'S OPERA Bt 'USE, ZLEYEN CB STREET. .OPEN FOR THR SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND FAINTED. MR. ISA NFOAD Has secured nee of the L.aft G ESC COMPANIES ever presented heretofore. who win appear n i g h t ly. Sanford will perform every evening'. Doors ppoll at 7; Commence at 7%. Mammon 2a cents. Children l 6 Dents. VAN & AMBtli t/O.'B G DI EAN G D_ZOOLOGI CAL INITTITIVTP: UNITED STATESBUI LDINGS. 406 and 428 ga ESTE UT Street. !Snit° the Custom HMI!. THE LAST WE tE RUT ONE EVERY MMININ43. AF rEamovrc,and EVENING Doors open at 10 A. rd.. I and Of t P. M. Adarion 35 cents; children under nine rears IS cents. erform &nee of hlephant, Lions. Tigers, Panthers, overdo. Pumas. Ponies, Monkeys. Mules, An., every Afternoon and hire TW s-nt. ELFTH SUCCESSFUL WEER/ Of this Moral, .1.6 u-octave, end ".lmusirtr. SPE;IAL NOTICE: 1 bat miracle of sassoity, the wonderful Performing leptinnt 'rippoo thub. will be introduced into the arena every After eon and Eve ping. by Prot. Nash. and excou , e feats httherto deemee impossible, end never attempted by any other animal. 3alt.t f ► a E GERM Ali lA. OPM ESTRA _give their PUBLIC REHEARSALS °Tory SA TUR DAY, oommenoing at Mi o'clock. at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 tickets, 31 ; cuticle tiokete. 35 cents, for sale at Chioterins tr. 507 hem:kin street H Andre's, ue Chestnut street ; and Beck & Lawton% Chestnut (treat. Engagement., for Concerts, Commencements, t Pny iog, &0., made only at their °Moe. Chiokerink& son's sue Store, 807 Chestnut street: William 81011 324 North Juniper street, or C. Droiretiman, Adige Avenue. ja 31-a PEN NA . ACADEMY Or TILE FINE !LATS.-10%6 CHISSTNUT Street. (71111YIBORAZO," a /splendid ?mistime' by Menai "TIM FIRST BIN," a beautiful Marble Btatnette hi Angelini. .ft exhibition for abort time. Vuitton sill Dlesee bring their noels [lama. 03111 a 04 EDUCATIONAL MAMTLY BOARDING Petil. l o/2, FOR. YOUNG 141 , N AND BOYS, at Potteown, Minato. err county. Pa.— Ihe T•enty first sem ottoust sopsion writ c nripirnaci on W s p l y. m ar I.f. Grantors. conveying full outioulars. will be for warded by mail, on application. Rev. An, WIGS. A. M., J.W. GAL.DiA, A Bt_. Principals. Pottstown, !Klatch 14,1851, REFERENCE,3—Mesers. James 1). risseh ,, rn. of ?Arm C ro.hurn, & Co.; James 1,. Crlldwe 1.,• John W Uat• Porn: Edward Lafoureads; Edward Roberti; Jr.; A. P. Miss, Washington House; R. Weston)) 84 00 51 Linn James Conner;-won. Ow. n Jo , es. mbl4 9; IttiY ANT, TRATT4)I4, di FALitlitAkiiibl' IriErturs?rrlLE COLLEBE, S. E. corner SE:- PENTH. and CHESTNUT Btreete.—Day and Eilining ittainidwal instnsaion in BookkeePinit. _in nindinttlenerta Wholesale and Retail Business, Ohio trOrWatalnt And Commie/nen, Benign*, Ex Onsage, Manittaoturtnr, Ralireading, Steateoestina.... et'o.. the most liticriorga end practical oonile_gi u Sr United States. Alto, Leuturna, Commercial It.; tions, Arithmetio. and the higher Mathematics, Fen moookip beet in the oily), Correewndenee, &e. For sate, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beano. lull,_ printed in colon , and the brig work Dubukhed. set VA AL. C. A. DU BODCIIET. M. D.. D. D. PUROWAL AND MECEASICAL REA •••. No. 1533 ARCS Street, N. E. owner of SIXTEENTII. Dr. DU tiOLICELvT avails hitneelf .'f this oprorMul ty to return his thanks to his numercus patients, and hopes that, b. untiring efforts to sive satisf , otion and do Judos to their oonn 'anon, he wilt 000OOLO , to seduce their patronate snit influence. TER lodel 14109 NAL,fn; e 8 flEs RTriFoltst, In order to realer hie e,rvioes as efficient ay possible, and guard against internlptiona able orierkttne, hur• hours - for making . rmgassments. l 3onsultation. end Jr.:- tritattng Teel h wits Wiltinue rob. , from 8 to 9 o'olook to A. M. t P. 2to I o t AL clook P. M. 4 6 o'rolooli Sir Engagements MS.I be made bv note. • fen-Int PILILLIE , S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED No. SI South BEVANTH Street. near the PI Institute. The uo dor-ianed. thankful for past favors, and ben deterauued to nient future Datronase. has Peoured an elegant and convenient store. and has now en hand a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Pi. it and Burglar Proof Safes(the oulr strictly tire and !Lumbar proof safes made.) 'Also. Lil lie's Unequal fed Bank Vault, Safe. end Sank I calm. WI WI" Hank Vanit Boors and Looks will be furnished to order on short notice. The is the strongest, beet- Protected, as.d cheapest Door and Loch Yet offered. Alio, particular atten Jew e l ry, alled to Lillie!" new oabiuet Sere or Plate, Se. This Safe is eon gedek, to aureate !ri rare and Pit canoe • It- thing yet of leleg for this PhrPOSO • and is the only one that Is strict ly fir and harper Torpor. ESPicl.l. No ma —I hare now on hand say twenty of Fainel, Herring & co ....A. moor 0 , them nearly new, and sou,* fart) or ether makers. tempi IBMS a complete MtlOrtMellt to p e e t , N ol lid an all_ d ex il in .l e a:. 7 flanged for the C el ebrated nour Ulf safe. The; Yid/ De lipld it Tory low p rises.JlM lylf In. 0 SAO' eft. age EVANS W A TSoNia - SALAMANDER urn. STORE 304 VITROTRET STREET, . PHILADELPHIA. PAb SA targe vbrigt, of 11.1t14 , PRUOF SAFES ShiSYS • lawn' bond. 13,21M2 REM v &us. SAFES.
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