:BCE GAME.—A mulatto girl, years, has been going the rounds iw days and ordering goode, to be we of the city, when they would iterday she called at the store of at seventh ani Spring Garden ted articles amounting to over $2O rutin rot: epee The goods were ”rties living there declared they them, or given any authority to Dosed that her ohjacit is to pilfer tbe-artioles _am. —Yesterday morning ock Thomas Deal, aged twenty instead, killed by being ran I. at Baltimore depot The de motor on the road. and at the lent eras engaged in uncoupling the cart while in motion. Re pimp from the tender to the the wheels passing over hit 4 and covering the left leg Ironer was notified, and en deceased was married, but _ .3sterday a fter , giving the name of Thotuas ito custody upon the charge of street wharf. A large crowd td Aim, and were witnessing a oiler to " sweat." He was iy Alderman Beitler. ,ms.-7 he imports of mimed to 15294 409. Among allied at $2B 675; oranges arid coffee at $67,307 The Tod were valued at $257, !lea ware Flour, $77 832: $l5 175; pork, $13,475; $16.684. Jut seven o'clock on occurred at No. 2113 turd, caused by the burn. and some furniture. ,out eiS o'otock a fire ()e -ery (+l' the shoe store of Mr. o. 852 South Front street. about $lOO. Lewis klnickless..a mein ,ng who infest the neighbor- Inter streets, was taken into upon the .charge of rioting, 7. He was committed to ,bard. Tbree more of the for owner lunging, and lee. MAMIINBRY. William 0, a carpenter, was seriously ty being caught in some ma. in Unity street. Franliford. residence, in the neighbor ' of his legs was completely torn off. city commis iterday morning, to ex . for llosnrea for taverna, as from the First and second The Third and Fourth wards IRGEONS. A Board sterday morning at the art. it consists of Bur k! Foltz, C. If Wheel tinrgeon John B. Taylor trd examinee; not only but for admittance u celebrated Irish pe this city yesterday even ington city, which he ex ir afternoon. He left Jar morning, and goes to the less the inengttration /Donnell, said to be nn who infest the Semi the charge of Wog inn railway iron from Sonth. About two Sons of iron io charged with carting was held to answer by Al- busPictort. Yesterday nnell was before Alderman ri of stealing 130 pounds of tie posatelion when arrested, e atreets Ile could give no the plunder Ile was held GH WAY ORRERY. —Two of John P. Fisher and John igned before Alderman Eta. .tsg, upon the charge of high. illeged they took a watch from named Patrick Foley, at Se ta. The noosed were held to 7azErrs.— ruring the ;bty-two permi's we r e issued Atom Of this number, forty of two-story dwellings, thirty , welling!, end eight for offices, TELLAGENUE. thiet Justice Lowrie, I, Thompson, and Strong.— Were entered : Judgment affirmed. Judgment affirmed. Judgment affirmed, with di the amount by deducting the the date of the payment, if e, and if not, then of the date Deoree affirmed. 'er. Judgment reversed. a appeal, appeal by Penn. =pally en lives The de• ~firmed, and the appeal die. appellants. lune Ailment affirmed AND COMMERCIAL. Money Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 1, 1861. r stocks was off again • taday. declined 3. Pennsylvania Rail )nds maintained the prises of case with north Pennayl itlea. eel/1191M Navigation Railroad. and Elmira pre aid Catawissa preferred fell lull, and the business much rday. It there is an ivcrettoing sup „, made in anticipation of the meets with more favor at the :Call, loans, upon undoubted sr by about one per cent. per iss paper is sought for at 8 to 9 for lower grades of badness very high, and little Is done at the Philadelphia Custom Ifffi. 1860. $478.611 $689462 $1,690,418 77,823 88,020 150,1317 28 874 18,909 135 2z2 187,414 563 338 2 353 2 211 4,160 1,40/ . 1,176 446,191 896.666 1,402,813 ell 'long 849 981 871.418 888 088 red.. 160,868 118,90 129,024 - nisezzvlce. 869 1860. 1861. $199 817 $161.701 $179.892 212.477 127,189 157.344 3412,244 34E8,950 $336,936 United States Amy Mee at month or February wea UM. according to the following TO OP GOLD. 1 200 000 1 563,000 --..-014,903,060 00 1, INCLUDING PIJRCHAMiI. . 34.0 0 . 26,0E0 - 6.000 . 20,200 ----- $146,000 00 d in gol d).. As in coins* --. 65,034,000 OD He in 15 051 00 .......- 2 009,314 42 lelphia for ooinage... 0.118 000 00 amount of coal shipped over i Broad Top Mountain EBB mdin it Wednesday, February 1,1.861 ; 3ek. Previonolv. Total. ions. Tors. 'lone. 3,019 16,772 19.791 3,163 23 274 26 442 the amount of ooal transported obi* and Reading Railroad du tg Thursday, Feb. 28, 1861 : 9 ft 'to Coal for week_ 244260 02 , 1 Bit:ominous oast ---.. 410 18 ludo for Irook.. • •••••91") 6n oo as yam - ....... .YTS aoo -...-..-21M,626 02 last year.............. 303345 00 Stock EiChRBRe Sales, won 1.2861 , A , r . mum, Merchants' Exenange AST BOARD . So% 144 Arch-et R...._10te sni t 69 43 klunra Prefd. - 14 62% i 0 do._ _ -_ CatawissaPrefd-- rt 8 do lax _ .. 96 4 68 7 Reading enns .11.7—. —lots 41N 90 Wl* 4.. 8 * 10 d 0.............. 23* '89.-. 804 60 do------- 223 . .--30 k 60 d 0.... ..... cash 2311 an% 3 241( 67 25 do • 2,15 .ots l5 31 West Phil& R— gapi &ix 9 do ..............6634 'WREN BOARDS. 96%.10 68% 963412 do—. 5814 I 3 664' BOARD 6 Caul & Asa JR% 10 do 3 do 1 • do— .. [ 2 co_ --HS! L 4 do —.116 '36 Hazleton Coal— 46 32 Lehigh— 62 180 ? 4 ohi I22 l 7ffriaiil2L 60 Reading 21* 83 F.COND 97.34 8 0 97% 8 0 9734 8 97 otos 110 U 1 trY .111.1 16 PRICES—DULL. Aik.d. Bid. Ask.d. 9714 Maim R Prefd..4 itm 97.56 VOMITS 7. 73 ~ ..g oi e t i i i 236 Long bland ti....b&r. 1, Au Lett ~. tr. . . gag 0f . 14 r 34" 26X Leh C , &N• cp .46 ea i-sonh ?inn& it sig -4 91 915C1 4 / Anus 6s -• ea% 60. is 16l 74 ,N rearm , Rms.. 5L.....4i se 41.5 s 41% causwissi, St t on. 3,4, 4 190 91 Catania& PrmittlO 62 as F.Ant. , sesth st--- 1H134 11l Ram It it divOtr.as EN gyi ta, -,estrait./40i, la •,fc.:Mic.:inilim CITY ITEMS. Wirtz's & Co.'s LIGHT the season le at hand far merchants from the Wert and outhio visit our city to make their spring purchases, it will be an important item of intelligence for them to know Mat the great portable light of the age te the kennelled and convenient lamps for burning Kerosene Oil, meao reitured and , so'd by Meagre. Witter. & No. 35 north Eighth street. corner of Filbert These gentlemen are now supplying the trade from all parte of the Union. with these safe and economical lamps. For lighting either public or privme edifices. the portable light here referred to is unequalled. CoNeECTIODERT FOR THIS ,INATIODDATION. — Among the indications that Washington, on Monday next, will be a national festival of no ordinary charac ter, is the intelligence that Messrs. E.G. Whitman & Co.. Seeond street, below Chestnut. have received large orders from the federal capital for their celebrated confectionery, a portion of which of course, design ed te grace the table of the White House. What a blessing it would be to the country, i f our Washington friends never indulged in anything more hurtful to themselves and other people than E. G. Whitman & Co.'s confectionery ! LLOYD'S MINSTRELS made their appearance to an overflowing house at Concert Rail, last evening. A Boer house has not greeted any similar troupe in this city for a long time. The uerformsnces were of the beet character throughout, being entirely chaste end unexceptionable. The troupe is composed of the first a• Ws of the profession, all of whom have won largely, in o her connection, upon the public good will. D. A. Wambold, Billy Birch. Gustave Bidanic. Fox, and Copi White, constitute in themselves a galaxy, rind their. parts are invariably well sustained. The jokes ale ell new and sparkling. and their music cannot he excelled. do and see them to-night —Newark Marton/. GOLD AND SILVER deposited in the Franklin Saving Fund, blo. 136 South Fourth street, below Chest nut. Philadelphia, will be repaid 111 gold orailver. Bank notes deposited. repaid- in bank notes. Deposits In tierce or small amounts received, and payment made daily with interest. " A. FLIGHT COLD."—Few are aware of the im portance °rebooking a: cough or " SLIGHT COLD" in its first wage ; that which in the heginninc would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, ecauysttaoke the lungs. "Brown's Branchist Troches" are a most valuable article, especially so at, this season of the year. when coughs, colds, bronrAitis, ir,fluenza. hoarseness, and sore throat are so pievalent. The Troches give sere and almost immediate relief. Bold by all Druggists in the United States. at SS cents a box. mhtl•etuth4t TES FIRST DAY OF SPRING —Thi aIS the Seat of swing. The akin are clear and bright, the air m b and the vernal season seeing to have come literally as well as almanacly. Nature appears to be ready to miring forward revivified and disentbralled, and we may soon look ifJaok Frost keeps hie dietanoel to see the trees don their brightest green ; while masculine humanity, laying aside his overcoat will seek clothing better suited to the tempered winds. This theme naturally Eraggests to we that garments of surpassing elegance of out and beauty of material, and suited for gentlemen and youths' wear, are kept oonstantly on hand at the grown atone Clothing Hall of R.:inlaid' it Wilson, Noe• CO3 and gas Chestnut street. above Sixth. MILISILW WIT sturdy , eon of the Emerald fele, a day or two since, welded hie way into the pala tial tailoring establishment of Mr. Grenville Btokee, No. 607 Chestnut street, and graoefully doffing ./1 , . " tile," politely solicited the attention of one of the affsbo Bateman for a moment, and after making known hie inability to read Writing, maid " yen honor,l hould in my hand a 'either from the girl o' me heat, and would yen be pleased to make known til me its con tents ?" The salesman obligingly commenced to read , when Patrick, with extended band, exolaimed " Will yea please put this bit of wool in yen honor's ears, so that yen can't bear its contents? private. vex honor knows." The letter was read With becoming gravity, and with naming ignorance of its content,; but Patrick himself het the oat out of the bag, by n ets:nuns, '• be jingo, and it's myself that marry Ji er, and yea can furnish the wedoing snit es loon as yei honor pleases. Patriot wee suited, and the fair bride wore to the church the elegant shawl she received ak a GIFT along with his purchase. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS trP To 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. J J Stover, Philadelphia Mr Howell, Philadelphia Geo Steward son, l'hila Lb Atwater. New Jersey J mammon, New jersey Jan G A Ilep,Lexingtoul) 0 -infield. Louisville Geo R Taylor, ./Vh/eling b Bonnarton. Philadelphia W E Rillman, Philo C B Blackburn, Baronet JIM Isiblcrt, Mise Thos McDaniel Ph.la Jno L Cochran, Philo B Davies. New York W B Richarde.Jr,Virginis, H W Tomlinson.Baltorinre W T llauhm, Bosom Bdc Gorman ,It Orleans D A Warner. N sampshire L Punters, N Hampshire Mr Roberts, Baltimore utis Wrigh Newham Imam Cabins, W Troy H Wilkes West Troy L Story, California L aldwell, New York E B Johpson, New York W Bingt am, Boston A Crisper', Rondoat E Thardion Conn Li Latorop, Re* York Chan ..arling & wife, N Y EL Norton, Mau W E Wetuter, Dobson James Tamer, Jr.. Boston Miss N Tucker. Boston B W Walker. New York Jas B Carter Et info, N Y r mil timber, New Y/.ll‘ W S le aEleam. Miss T B Ford % • oursteatypi Cant. Comstock. N Jersey A R Pennington, et jersey H V &MOT, New York .A B Davis, Vi• kinks _ M M Davis Virginia W P Letchworth. Buffalo Geo W Vera. Boatoq Jos Ronigmacher, Penna. A Wilhelm, Cornwall F G dyke., Philada W Y Bred. /him a J Lilaenberg, FW&HR W Patter.= & is, Phila. Dr J • Kean. t harleston E West, a ew lurk Dr G M Ironglaa, Qnsben yL C'l urner, Cooperstown -- Bagman, Rochester Jos Nall, Jr, Detroit "La T Crow, St Louis N L Badman, California W D Bacon. Wisconsin Thou I Biaspney, Cal D 8 Welbr.d/e, Michigan F Vir Cur.eror Judea onston,Del B D Green, Norwich J 13 Swan & le, Troy, N Y 0150 'W Shaw Ohio EOM /MOM. Desna • ftriertr. Phi ada. Chem btorm. MII Wm F sexton, Mil tiov Yites, Illinois .1 , Jonas. Galena M Nt. War-er. Douala Bear, Mt Vernon Geo A Eddr, Leavenworth N 8 Bic-, Loganport, Ind T T &I. Lanier's Jan C egg. Peo W J Manly & cridden, Ey Geo 8 Belden. Pittsburg W C Thomas, N Jersey E Eden Jr Do ton Littihner & oh, st John PoottAianbisrg NS' Hendrickson. h J Chas L Oudeabuys. Balt E El Remick, New York W F ernard. aryland H I Redfield, New York' C B Pees ee. New York John J Boyd, Baltimore A MoK B y d _, Baltimore R P Titus. New York Si Falun . , Norfolk, Va A p Titoomb & wf. Mobile Robtßeil,Jr,&wt Vs Aif Atom New York Jahn bteveuson. Virginia W S Wood, New York Crowns% New York Horace Randall. N Y G W smith, New York C H Breokinindge, N Y 8 J See.y. Brooklyn W C Poland. Boston: J 13 Whitaker, Barton Trim Weloh.Pennsylvania Philip Al. Price, Lock Haven Jno A Heistand,Lanoaster A F thane, Baltimore E Field, faassachosetts Geo liltarbuok., Mass Geo Baughman, Rico m'd - c it Bre,'. man. Lamm o ter J J Beapatn, Montreal G E titto kargather. Milw'ke t 3 H borer., Maryland T W t sod, Via, Ohio 0 B SIITIOndI3, Jammu l Sheldm, Lynn,Mata Abner bewhat Mau Hßieea Lynn, Mans El 3 Fetes, Virginia_ J Pearson . Beaton A N Blakeman, N ork Jla Need & wf, Baltimore Miss need & aid, Batt A Whitney, N Jersey H Bymer, Mass T J Bun., rl Bum Rehire A C Lawson &la Ja: Kirtland Springfield Jan B Love, Brooklyn. SaeMcGee. Brooklyn M Gibbons, Baltimore P 0 Lookoond. N York .1 it Ridge's, Baltimore P Merrill, Maine Jpo Stiogney Noah Smith It 11 Hainan, Augusta it T Lowey Ohs. F 's otten Atignsta F H BarthuloMew, N Y F M Bartholomew, PI Y chair Cheney & Is. Hartf'd 7(L Peirce. N Bedford H L Peirce, Dorchester J A Brodhead, Bosom Win Looker, Lancaster eltnybisk, Fon/wide A .1 Blanchard, Boston T Ii Walker, Boston h to hurley C T Chase, Mora° Jno Wilson. jr. England Mark Sheldon, California Fachico, ..alifornns L Lothrop, Boston 'fLos A Bobbins, Mass Jno Frost, halem Mass R U I. Miller, Mane Jos Tnypett, Jr, N York B Bradstreet, la York Dr Bassett & la. N Y W L Curtiss. Truffalo R E knolunok Vermont Chas. Sejidon, Cuba Geo Ningut, N York lionza.ey New York Chem Hamilton, Yortland J B Knight. Portland A HOW, New York Mr conouler, Boston W H Bane% Min S B n.ocrearv, M. Chunk Sam' Martin Detweiler, Easton Mr God. ard,,Bos'on Mr May, Boston A A Smith. Boston B Waudie, New York F morrow, New York J ti Dow. New York B W Beaten Cleveland N it Bthkenridge, Conn E G Bidwell. connect:lent B Case, Norwien, Coen R Smith, riorwich. Conn .1 L Green, Norwich Conn CEt K Paulson, N Jersey Mickle, Conneet.out S Daniels, Nair York 8 C 4rAVIS, ISt I. mini C B sawyer. Chicago R Nichols. New y ork H H Berrien, hew York riatteriee. California H C Eta Ilary. '1 roy E F Weston, noston C H Foster, Boston AMERICAN ROTEL—Cheatnut street, above Fifth. .1 B King. Pennsylvania H L !Strong, Bristol. Pa W Denote. Bristol, Pa M M Rogers. Philadelphia D R Bassani. Ir darns R C Pyle, Easton, Pa J Black & la., New York J G Rogers. Nirvana J Cox Indianapolis ism Drummond. Va A G Jaekeon. Tennant* W B Smith, Bungle, Tern Wof ripener. M ineravtlle A W Bravon. Mmennritio E W Larrabee, W Meriden W Starner. Boston Jan Id Newton. Trenton Beni Hubbell, renton K L Reardon. New York A T Smith, New York J Lynch. Baton Rouge G G Praia!, Dayton, ii Col HBond, Harrisburg John B Champion, Puna It Reo C Macy. amuck et AMa i nns , ktiladelphia A W Kansas W Boyd, Montrose, Pa M. Landman. hew York B R_John, Port Jarvi sR L Banker Connecticut Moore, Tennesne ti Platt. New York L De Angelis, hew York W J Parmetner, hew York MEACHAN7 0' HOTBL—Fourth Inner, below Arch. Ms; J Cruamingsr. fin 3 der co Perks, ndlliPaburir J Morsord; PM sburg Wm Fleming. Fittiture Chao L Crean, PALM: mg 0 L Degenhardt, Pa) C h Letmold. heir York W W - SY o.f, York co. Pa ii C Driesbach, Beech HenF_Blator, Kittarung Thos W hits . W E Allison Jk la, N T Mo -ante, Pittsburg T D Brown, kittanine. C Mot:lure Buis. Yitisb'e J A Hough, Tanneries A McAfee, Atllalleki B Johnson, N York J F Campbell. retina J it Evans, Philo " .1 D e anldine, Phil& 7 Atkinson. s laiuSeld, N Thom Basking, Cheater oo Sam Comfort, J r Fa Dr J Stuart, r, eirristurg M S Baohorieb,Harrieb'e C M Donovan, rails '1 hoe Merrett. Fittaturg John' richt, ri.tauurg Chas Nash, Jr, ermsport A. H. Stiles . panne._ W Bins. Penns IN J Bachanan. St LOS W H Bade, AjersOTA 0S I' Triplett. Alex's, Vit D Hansooh 'Feria Hants J M Hunt, Cinomnati , 0 F •Serr 1:h C B C itter, Piew,on, N C Geo Benet, Newton. N Butiesill, Newton. N C D L Zimm.rin al. Lex. Ky James Boiler. Harrisburg' Jaa H Benford, Harriet's A Rater, Harruamm JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Plinth. L A Peitofield. Baltimore - W B Brenton, Baltimore D H Lane. Proladelpbm nos Morris. Beadline_ ipa news t,_.rdw Jen*, of Beach EOM • P Pa Mr. b C Wool. er Boson Min H to $ Melon H keverin, Mount molly R n Balmy. Mount Bolly Joe J Pharo. mount Holly H Ellwood. Mount Body M Copper, Loud island B 8 Laogdon. Poc:evillo D J knits-we, ' rocurrilie Geo BlmPaotl , ay leaned L P Charter, New York Dina Boil isorra , OP. let JNI 7 aa• p, vemarare JOhn pullback rt. di7land M Bensinger,Plaryland Jr Wry ker. New York Geo W DLIT, New 'Y ort A Dams, Detroit Clrti. THE ONION—Arch street, above Third. C Btotz. Reading Mrs Day, Pittsburg lea B March, Wheeling E D Genleao Alike Jae Boy d & wf. Pnibuia W 81«erelt. Penn'a is Wire, Lafayette. Ind ' A 0 it Wood. New York V A Wood, Stew York 7 8 Crain. New York T 8 Black Hort n B T Knave. New York M LFiteh Now York _"lt Hunter, Caledonia, 0 Mr eta ,JeYok Robe Wollaoo. Coen, 0 Dr I Dereir lc, Maryland 9I) ? Corputor t,/ows Rooker inenedeid, -. 273 10 ..... 2.801 15 . 21 00 BLACK BEAR—Thud street, above Callowhill. Jos Yonne, d llentow n C Zettv. Flowertown A Delp. Doph 'town Rh Cadwalsder, Doplestn Treiler. Yardley vi its Wm P• 8 Yardley vine Newer Gibson. Perna kiwi!, Faust retina 8 Garner, Posteatown W t ddowa, POMP. B Rms. a Fauna J H Belder, Penns A $ Roads. nouttempton John Willardalarthamptn B B Fisher Reading Joa Whit*, Northampton boo 'Roseland, North'iri John With ams. Ivorthienta Cuss Roads. lAolithampton A Roads, Southampton B 8 Rorer. Olney A Lnekena,Bnoks oo Geo Clemens, Penns Wm T t baler. R. mittens L Temple, Ba.teville Wm Temple. Hartsville A 5 Amide, Non:Lerma BABLBV BBBAP ROTEL--Becond wreak, bet. Vine finedeker,Ttenton, N 3 Jr Vistdegrift, Penns Linburit, Penns W Beak, Dotleatown G picketing Bucks Bunks eo B P Brown, Beets co W Kansas C Hirkbade. Backe co , W fl•ltree. Prone s Baker. Fenno C Dokree, Pew a A tt Large, Marietta JR - onrarl, Fkila A W Lanet., Books co Tborntoo,Byberry C Robbins, Books Co H Parry. Beaks COTinmien. Buckingham .1 Taylor. Attleboro W stow. retoor , town D T Maar. Books oo 8.1 gititling, Bucks oca E mime. Buck" oo G Bunkum * Buckinghnm moCartee. W ammeter C F Stapler. Books astv - J Stackhouee, Attleboro 8 Orr,n,udettenharo eT. LOUIS BOTYL—Chestnut street. above Tittle- I Jo_ Beton, Che•tnat Hill 8 C COdritot Kt Louie F math. New 'toil Mrs A B. tenth, Trenton P Van Nyok. N Jersey B Batt, Adamll. Ct G eta, hew York DO /Isom& N Jersey tießtilier New V . - rk F Bator, Malan, D W F Broonin,lndians RE Benson, Pr aw York T &tt a, Dew yrok Oar U Roger - ' 1 ". a. 1.7 .1 Jane"' W You og, Baltimore E litamera*, new York R. Sargent, N Jersey STATES lIPIJON—Morket street. above Sixth. Jno C Ch. h.q. Clinton.. Ps T Brianord. Boston F Mealier, et Louis B B Pennepaoker, Penns Jece‘b Ti wham, Penns Sao bandere.O•ht adelphla, W P izahaniladelphia Wm Boon , wilco, Dui J H Formal Lazio no 'lt Ewing. !daubing t. Krause, Davenport, Iczwa C C Tallman, Philadelphia w lln..abarrz Banton FOUNTAIN HOTEL-Beoond et.. above Marta Ai 8 eningm, New Jersey thn W York bad F wilm. Del Foster. New Job New Jereer ml Plummer. New Jerrei COM KERO AL ROI EL—Bixth st.. above Chestnut J Re,Hiner, Welt Cheater' E Reeve ',Jamey Rhore IS 13 It itoleei Delaware ' .1 Park. Delaware Co tit. Baker. Philadelphia T Rime. obi° • ' 1 .111• Cheater on M Way. Chester eco Rhookley , Port Deposit C Faraday. Peavey Ivards f i Gi Jonah Roxboro J J Wilson, Chore* eo Taylor, Bank oo J Allen, New York N Stearns, Brooklyn NATIONAL HOTBO—Boor street, abovo Third. N colt, Wilkermarte 0. Wilson. Vermont EB. omit. , ir•ontromery tio John M Jones, P& F Lite, Briduport. .0 Val e n r e % Bernet: l l4 co A Andrei. a. Denville B Benebaoh. Danville Jffoob 8 ano co W iti Reinhart, Lebanon cn J B Light, Lebanon no MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Thlid,abore Callowhill. C F Wilson, Montgomery oo Rao It Cowell. New Ymk H E Houston, yew Y ork Jag L tleitz, Maryland John A Wilke. Maryland 11 eohneelc, Lebanon W T bands & la, Fenno MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et.. above Arah. T Oberhnltzer. Monts no A Lnkene. Montgomery no C K Jolson, Delaware R,FITERE 1101.18 E—Third street. above Race. John P Anderson. Maytovre W 11 sjor. Pottsville Junes Seagraves, Pa Henry 13 Beater. Stroudslig Jae W Evans, Allegheny T T Jenkins, Minersville BALD BAGI.a. —Third street, above Callowhill , D Rem, Harrisburg 6 R Boma, Parma Wm Beans Bucks co, Pa _ MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAWL °LEAKED. Steamship norms Bpregue, Matthews. Dolton, it Winear. Corree =demo° of the Fhiladelptus EZOIISTM 11. J CAPE ISLAND. N. J. Feb 2e-7 P 117.. Four echooners. laden with coal for eastern ports, are the only vessels that passed to sea today, and the only wesel that osme in was a fishing' smack which is now at the Breakwater. Wind northwest. Weather very fine and pleasant. Yours, T/108. B. Emus. ST TZLNORIZIPEI. (Correspondence of The Press.) Naw Yves. March I. Arrived, ehip B Adams, from Liverpool. The eche Young neaten, from Norfolk for this Port. with corn. is ashore on New Inlet, Long Island. Otte is owned at Portland, DORTON. Marohl. Arrived, baits Mari Baker. from !Newport; Lou • ma roe. from Turks Island; been amen Deneem from Ma. usnser 1 ' P Smith, from Galveston; Arabella, from Gila- Salvor*. NI MORA NBA Steamship Boston, Crooker, henee.arrived at N York yesterday stesmai;ip Fulton, Wotton. for Havre, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship ehrunp;on.lreabury. for Aspinwall, sailed from New York yesterday • Ist emship Blensi de, Bullock, for Havana, sailed from New York yesterday. t•teamehip Kangaroo, Moorehotme, (tom Liverpool, cleared at new York yesterday. Steamship &soma, k,hlere, for Rampant, cleared at - New York yesterday. Ship Wyoming. Barton, from Liverpool for Philadel phia. was spoken Mtn n't. off Abeitoore. Snip Redg Lucas. for Philadelphia. entered for loading at Liverpool 13th tilt Ship Jae Chasten, Bryant, for Calcutta. cleared at Li verpool 9th alt. ship_ W Prothingham, Stetson, for Havre, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Mandarin, Perritt, for Shanghae, cleared at X York yesterday. Ship dins Eldr dge, Coleman, for San Francisco. old at New York Yester-eY , Ship Preeid-nt Fillmore. Nelson, from -London. ar, rived at New York e• reruns. Experienced heavy wea ther on the passage. Ship A heellino. Hall, from Rebuilt& for Boston,em:ed from dt Helena Jan Vt. Bark Bay State, Mayo, from Ponce, PR, arrived at Baltimore yesterday. Bark Mary :Weds, Power. sailed from Boston 28th ult. for Philadelphia. Bark Sarah. Niohols, from Rio de Janeiro, arrived at New Orleang 28th ulr. Bark C L Bevan. Peterson, for Nagasaki, sailed from Shatighan Pee /7. Brig Fleurteu de 13ellevue.Saninay, for Philadelphia, sailed from Rochelle alb nit. Brig O Worthington, Freethy, for Pan, clears i at N York lesterOny, Brig Moonlight, Small, from Palermo, arrived at Bal. timore yesterday. . Bahr J S Bleecker, Edwards, cleared at New York Yesterday for Philadelphia. Bohr .1 to Collyer. Crane, cleared at New York yester day for new Raven. new Jar S Hewitt, Rom. hence, arrived at Boston 28th ult. Passed driller Deo 120.fatanzas. Bennett. from Japan for London; 18th, Beatrice, Rogers from Singapore for do; lath, . ;Cathay, Stoddar, from Amoy for New York; lath, Swordfish Crandall, from Shang has for ft York:. Zeh. Templar. Martin. from Mantle for Boston; lid. F. Sparing, Roger", from Singapore for Rio de Janeiro. SPECIAL' NOTICES. TO PIISSONS WHOSE HEALTH is BROKEN Down.—lt is a fact, established by medical statistics, that thousands of pereone die from sheer debility, without m.rtal disease. Every anch disease aught un , questionably be prevented if nature-were assisted to rally with that most wonderful of all invigorators, HOSTETTER'S STOMACH SITTERS. When the Hone of life wanes and quivers from exhaustion, ad minister this famous restorative. It will once more beoome steady and strong. In the debility which fol lows violent fever; in aiarrhres, dysentery, dyspeptui aomplaintx, and shone; in the weakness ooneelluenr upon natural decay, or remitting from free living or over exertion and, also, in those painful and too much neglected ailments to *Moll ladies are exclusively sub ject, the Bitters are piesoribed by most of our prac ticing physicians, and never fail to give permanent relief. For sale everywhere. DYOTT & Co., Agents, 232 North 5E001 , 1D unet, Phihseelphia, Ytd.e.W BATCHNLOR'S HAIR DTE.—Thrs celebrated. and perfect Hair Dye is the best in she, world. All others are mere imitations of thee great original, which has gained such extensive patronage in all pots of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye instant/sr produces a splendid black or natural brown, 'without staining the skin or injuring the hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad dues, invigorating the hair for life. gold by all Drugglste and Perfumers. Wboliviale by FAHNESTOOK & CO., DYOTT & CO., Philadelphia. mh2-tf O& ORCHARD ACID 81.111x6 WATER.— Pamphlet/ containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and Physicians respecting the use of this WATER in the mule of many diseases of tee human system. will be supplied gratis on tipplutation to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Stn., or FREDE RICK BROWN, JR.. NINTH and CHESTNUT Ste. CALL MIDGET A. PAMPHLET. .0321-thiloalaDt FIXTURES, SIGNS, COUNTERS, AFC: AT Angtionc, . Will be sold by Meagre. THOMAS & SONS: On MONDAY Morning, Mari h A, On the ereausee, Southeast Corner of Fourth and Market greats. All the Elegant Store-Fixtures, Mahogany-Ton Cone tern, Shelving. Drewere, Gaganers, Also, the large signs now on the building. Sale to commence At eleven o'clock A. M. Ar-tuAteDElt FIRB.PRIXIF Sa PS'S. very large sesortmotit of SALAMANDERS for gale at reit nonable prieee, No. 304 -CHESTNUT Street : . Phila dOlPh 4. sun-Lf OROVEE & BAEHR'S OBLEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The Best in ÜBO for Family Sewing. No. 730 Wit STAUT Street. Philadelphia. ardff-ly SAVING FOND—NATIONAL BA_FDTT TaIIBT COMP/XL—During the suspension of specie PnYmente by the Brinks, Money is . received end paid daily. in the same kind of funds, 'peels or notes, es de spaired ; Interest five per eertt. WALNUT Street, southwest corner of THIRD. 3e. tf ONE PRICE OLOTHING OF . TEE LATEST STYLES, made in the beat manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST gelling prices marked in Plain Figures. All gooda made to order warranted satisfactory. Oar ONE-PRICE system is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. sela-ly JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. MARRIED. BURLING—HOBOKLY.—On Thursday evening Feb. 28th, by the Rev. H. I. Wel,. lrdward B.Burliug to Annie R. Resold', all of Bnrlington. N. J.- DU MBINP—C.MeI RT.--Nn Thursday, 18th ult., at Mount Pleasant. near Washington. D. D., the reel deuce of the-bride's father.) by, the Rev. Hobert G. Chase. Riebard Dobbins. °Whim citY.to Willie, oily daughter of William Nmmert. Dm. DAVEN POBT—WatiT.—July in, 1111 M, by the Rev. N. B Baldwin. Mr. James Davenport, Jr., to gm Annie M. West, daughter of the late Samuel West,"both of this city. '• DUIsisb.7I"—CHILCOTT. On the '26th ult., by_ the Rev. J.H. Ketniard_, Mr. Christinn Dan et of Mont:. (ornery county , to Miss Maria Ohiloott, of this atty. DIED. LOWER.—On the 28th ult., William S Lower. in the 87th year of his ass His friends and those of the family are invited to attend the funeral. wohout farther notice, from h s late resideicce, fro. 455 North Seven - h street, on First day entrain* next. at 2 o'elrick." Interment at Fair Bill. ER.-04 the 28th nit., Mr. Mathias It. Miller, in the 74th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence Main street, ililtr mantown.on Monday next, at 2 o'olook. RUTTER.—On the29th Mt., James Ratter. Jr., in the 23d year of his are. Fur anti from the residence of his uncle, Robert der. No. 906 Nor h Twelfth street. on Second-day mam ba g, at 7% o'clock. IA ha.—On the 28th nit., Marie Louisa, daughter of Elizabeth and the late Joseph Jam/tact. aged 12 Funeral from the residence of her grandmother. Mrs. Maria Johnson. No. 1018 South Thud street. on Monday mo nine at 9 o'clock. BIELIZST.—On the 28th ult., Miss Emilie V. Martin, daughter of Mrs. A. Melmet. • Immoral from her late residence. No. 1021 Chestnut street .lids (Saturdar I momtair at 9 o'clock. * COOK--On ti,e 28th ult., Ida M.. infect daughter of Jacob a d Lizzie Cook. - - Funeral from the residence of her parents, Chute& street,. Bridesbarg, this (Saturday) at 2 o'clock. CONLIN.--On the 28th ult., Mr. John Conlin, aged 80 iroara. Funeral from his late residence. Eta. 628 Cherry street, &nth. ahoy. Arch, this eaturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. BAUGH —On the 25th ult., Ms. Mary R. Haugh, relict of the late Daniel Baugh, M. D., aged teryears. Her relatives and friends arerespectfully invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her son in lay O. B. Sumas. 117 North Tenth street, thht ((War dellMarch 2d. -tit o'elce.k P M. - PPI' COTT.—On the evening of the 37th alt.* George Lippincott, in tee distyear of his sae. - The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral. without further notice. from his late residence. 1517 Arch street on Seventh da. after noon, 3d mo. 3d, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Wood d. 140 a the 35th nit., Mary Ella, daughter 01 301 d 1 and Rheabeth Re a. seed 1 year sad le..derk. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Darby road. Kingeeming. near the Sorrel Horse. on 810.. day afternoon at 1 o'oictok. OBITUARY. " In the midst of life we are in death." '/ hie was emphatically true of the subject of this no tice, and the writer feels it doe to the memory of his departed friend to beer .his feeble tribute of respect to one so suddenly taken 'awes from this vale of tears to the reward of the blessed in }leaven. Meroy Ann Sweeney was born in Ohio. the 2 fth day of September, 1832, was married to her present bereaved and afflicted husband in the year 1880, and resided in Towanda, Fa., from Mtn, till January ' 3861 . when the family removed to this pity . where. after but a few days' siokness, she pained away on the Sid of February to that bourne whence no traveler returns t lite frequently express ed the conviction that she should not recover, said on ddlerent occasions solicited the prayers of her friends in her behalf. Her attachment to and interest in her af flicted partneran life and only child was manifest. Her great anxiety was .o have her child, properly trained. In the full bloom of womanhood, with every velment of a long life. she has beentaken from our midst, and with profound reverence we must say in this case: God moves in a mysterious way lElia.wonders to perform; Be Wachs Ins footsteps on theses. And rides upon the storm. . To the afflicted and bereaved tusband we tender our. heartfelt aim oody,. and pray thst be may be sustained andesomfort,d. and he may be enabled to reeerws = the band that save and hal taken away, and who has a veld to do as 116 wills with his own, and at lest mar be an unbroken family in }leaven where parting is un- Pnitavarmurn.- Marsh man. - moy NINO Sit black and white UP remelt and °beaked silks; gray *bens salaneisi and strived Psalm ; grenadine veils ; tanked bandker able& ; strive d and purple *hell de taines; Foulards in peat varlet; ; blank nos &rain st , kei; lass s easse. sets and collars; blank barest* iterneni. or grenadine ttte rs • ione.n & Co. Idaok kid gloves; , loves; shay era plai d "leash's; blank end anima . WTill anti iddo- Bete ; Lames blank dress moa t DESBOII & roaming a t m , 910. 9 t Chestnut Street. noww H. OB.ATTAN GEFINNEss wilt u,3 V.roa _rd's Dar Morning. ba s jar t the MBE Barium cevikaik.oomir or Areh 6 ,4 Broad stmts. sad oa MOrtpitz:JiveMft,at st i o - it ttr tilt Chetah, from street. Gsnnantown,. THE PRESS:-4PHILADELPHIA,' SATURDAY; rMARCII ErTHE . REV. B. W. CWHIOLAWCIIS SIONAItY or the Anterloan S. .13; mon in vin preach in Rev. Dr; w.liee Cliecoli, OAD Street. below sPEUCE, on 10-MORRoW filabbath) ATTERNOON, at SM. o'clock. The friends of Stinnett" tionoolc and the Christian public are cordially Invited to attend. It. 27:SPS 111— MRS. MIDDLE BROOK ( late HE N ESON.) f Cannel:l l loM. otore and answer saltation!! at P AN-OM-street NALL, on BUN D ftlr at 30,4 A. M. crud 7.% P. M. Admission Banta. It 4 GERMAN REFORM ED munition, R,A_Q 6: Street. below FOll RTE.—The natal in ont.hlg eermon to the ' I childre7 , Igd lrzids Or omllßVFl'A'rtiaBl7s7t; isalm Y. M. A cordial Invitation le extended to all. lt. MCSPRING GARDEN 'UNITARIAN SO IETY.—Rev. harles Ritter will Preach in at 'A AND HAYDN R LL, RIO *MR .nd PP RI % GARDPN &meta, TO-MORROW, at MA o'clock A. M., and 73 , 4 P. M. REV. J. 11.. W. SI.O&NE, OF NEW irurlr. will Lecture In the EIIXTB. UNITED PR lEYrEPIAN On VG % RAGE litres!, above Twen -firsr IL on MONDAY EVENING. Marob Sub • meet—" The. R eformer." Dr. D. AGNEW will Leo twit In the memo Mace Thursday evening. rdaropl4. Tickets 25 cents. For sale at W. R. Young s, 1023 Race street, or at the door on the evening of the Leo tore. mba-St* WOFFICE. OF THE HARRISBURG, PORTSMOUTH MOUNT JOY. Aro L ER RAILROAD COMPANY. Pitmanitr.rina, March I, 18111. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of five dollars and fifty cents upon each share or the capital stook of the company in the hands of the stocsholders, no the list day of Fe bruary last. payable to those stockholders or their legal re- Presentative s Wear of State tax,i on and after the 11th instant. at their ofrvie No. 3 WILLING% Alley, Penn s, Irani& Railroad company's Bo Veiny. GEORGE TABER. Treasurer. FSTATEMENT OF THE UNION BANE. an required by the second seetios of the act of e General Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of October. A. D. 18/7. Amount of loans and discounts ----PRIAM 19 aroma_. - , ~ .10 5 48 due from other bamts..—. -- 85 DS OT of notes in circulation........ 48 086 01) deposiur, inolnding balances due to other banks.. . 284 RA 62 March 1,1861. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA,so: . James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Bank, being, morn. depose and say that the above state ment ie correct, to the best of m knowledge and belief. JAMES LI.BLEY °Ashler. Sworn before me, this IstdaLof naroh It - . JOE • H FRICK. Notary Pablo. REV.GEO. FISCH. OF PARS& WILT, preach on behalf of the Evangelical •*opiety of - s : ; : re .on TO-MORROW (Sabbath) the 3:1 inst., as follow.: Morning. at 10% o'clock. in the Bie:-Ilfr. Breed's churls. comer of SPRUCE end SEVENTEENTH Streets Afternoon at 3U o'clock. in the F ero. Mr..ataitte Moire* on Ntralgatot roNSktra/LE. "online at 73 o'clock ktl in the Nero. Mr. NoOhinat church, CI AR S itir alrit - E, above ttixteentb etreet. ' -At each of these services Mr. Fisch will give state ments regarding the rrtnarkaMe pßentors ita Prince fortes (Impel, and air this wilt be Ina last Sabbath, in tins city all who have not beard him would do well no embrace the present opportunity. - lt* IrrREV. EDWARD ;BURNHAM WILL . Prowl! in NATION kb HAM , . NI ARKIT Pt , abovCTwelfth on NABS TU MQA RINI" 10%. AE , TERPPON other and EVENT - DIG at o olook Feats free. At no Toot o& ' be fount with capacity for the •arre auditory attending the Drenching of this elo quent Divine, the above immense ma'am ie re.engased. -- - G. THE PHrADELPHIA INANE, PS 180.--Tho nion Bank of. ll To- .111164 has dp *lived a dividend 'o Poor Per CAM. Baabie to tflo Eastern Stockholders at Wiz Bank. on 't arch 1. fe2B St ' - B.B..CONLEGYB; Cadger. V. COMMENCEMENT. THE ANNUAL Cemmenoement of the MEDICAL DEPART- M . T OF p_aNN•rYLVANI a COLLEGE, will be held at the NURIC AL FUND RAIL, on 8 ATURD 4 Y, March 2 at 12 M. "the Chute to the graduates Wilt be delivered by Professor D. HOWARD RAND. The cubic is invited to attend. • te.2B-3t LEWIS D. BARLOW, H. D., Dean. WOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD C°RIPON V—Pipradumnii, February . IL 1861. TICE TO STOCKHOLDERS—The omitted Elec tion or Directors will be hd on MONDAY; the 4111 der of March, et the O l oe of the Compiler. No. 214 Sonth THIRD Strut. The Polio will be °noted from ten Wolof* A. D. Until Aix o'oloct P. M. No share or oh gran Wandered sixty <' next preceding the eleotion will entitle the holder or holders thereof too vote. EDMUND SMITH, feu-tmbil ' Boonton. ITCITY COMMISSIONER s'. OFFICE.— TO 110Tvi. KEEPERB, RESTAOKANTB, an others selling Liquors by less measure than a quart. - Anglican's for new license. also those whose It- C•" 1101 expire in may and :lino will apply at the Office. u provided by acts of Assembly, on the follow ing days: First ...art on yriday. March let. Second and Third ward. on Monday, March 4th. . i onrth ward. on Tuesday March a h. Fifth ward, on Wednesday. March Mu. Sixth ward. on Thursday, March 7th. Peventh and Eigh , h wards, on Friday,llsroh Bth. Ninth and Tenth wells on Monday, March 11th. Eleventh ward on Tuesday, Ma •eki 12th. Twelfth and Thirteenth wards, on Wednesday, M ench lath. Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards, on Thursday, March 14th. Sixteenth Ward. on Pritley. March lath. seventeenth ward, on Monday, March 18th. Eighteenth and nineteenth wards, on Tuesday, March lath. Twentieth ward, on Wednesday. March 20th. Tweory fi rst and Twenty-second wards, on Ttittraday, March Mt. Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth words;on Friday. March 2rd A.M Ed efl Altr, fe27-ttnh22 Clerk City Commissioners.: THOS W. EVANS & 00, SPRIRIjr AL:TNORNLEY 4 711181it'S: N. Esetimeter &MUD & eintyNo a A W 11M. kul. 123( per GENT. UNDWE RSOUt.alr. owl" F Ftniggiti lot ontible.widtte Broishe Figured htletentbDinee at to con la pervoro- , -lieetutiCal oomo 1. lot *uperb quality Donne figured mohaint at 26 Gents per Yard, worth Cr. 1 lot of iplette Fluid Valenoina at 14 omits. I tot of.tiemitifartthene Travelling Goods at 12% ciente; 1 lot SP E C SIL K S : M-malayas fox 6ALtiente. N. 2.17 P Double Faced Brocade OM& Ohene Silks. Foulard milks, rto., &. THE BEST AND CB EAP KST STOOK OF .01,AOK PILKS 141.1.1,AD KURIA !! New Spring Gloats and ehawle. New Ppring Chit zee, Millie Foulards, &0.. &o. Power-Loom Table , Shirting Linea' of our own importation, &o,_ inh2 hvANe & WATSON INAIJEWRATION OF NSW GOODS.— We will have arranged for sale this inorningthe following lots, whioh have been ourehasrd at ORB'S PRIMas 1.010 yards Plaid Muslin, all qualities. 30 percent. be low the usual pricing. 1,000 yards mines Meelin, all qualities, 30 per cent. be low thn mealpriced , • _ BO dozen Ladies' Linen Cambria Hanokarohiere. 1109 Prr Sidente' b • °nen Linen Cani no Handkertine fr, 8100 per deem one lot Gents' colored Ilo:der Linen Cambrio Hand kerchiefs gg cents, worth 37% cents. 1 goo lotrcs Russia Cras L in en, and 12H . One Barabley Table 31 cents tollper yard, very cheap. One ow Mastinville soft finish, 1234 cents. HOOPS EMIR LB for Lad.cs and Misses. • CH A RLEis ADAMS & ROM, HIGHITH and ARCH Streets. FRENCH GOODS - JUST ARRIV E D p•IT Steamer. One lot glace Poplin, 810 per yard. Chen* travelling goals of 'levered varieties, Binh colored Owings and Percales. The bees • • ONE 'DOLLAR BLACK SILKS ' to be levied anywhere. Moak Bilks. best grade,. at low figures. • Poniard ;Silks, below the usual prices. A bandana. stook of spring.neck ties. Cra- Collars of the tate ' t styles. ,lUIJVJN'S Shin KID BLAME& Pprius We will be in dad* receipt of the choicest SPRING DARPA 000tll throughout the gamma. and invite the attentiOn of the gables. Cflaß4l.B ADA and AMS ialt2 .e.IGHTH RCH Streets. ANKRUPT STOOK OF DRY GOODS. 21...—GIJRWEN ATODILART & BROTHER wilt have arranged this morning another large stook of goods from a home gone Into liquidatton. .Dress Goods, F a:nude. Cassini! res, Batmen', Blankets, fze...to., Arid In regular stoek -11 4 heavy Linen Sheeting'. 12 4 heavy Linen &twenties, Damask Hankins, Damask Iloi ies. To affect rand sa,es, w e have marked the goods at 10tr Wholesale net cash buyers will find bargains in our stook. CURWEN Erni/DART A BROTHER., 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, Above Wilton:. RETAIL DRY GOODS. OURNING GOODS. Would invite attention to their SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF MOURNING GOODS. Embracing every VARIETY OP GOODS SIIITABLR FOR MOURNING. 8113 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. EW SPRING GOODS. Bpi ins styles of Shawls, New Bareges, Hareems. Broehe Grenadines, Mozfurbique, Owe' • air, C - enee Astrachan'. Novelties for Friends' wear. INvnards, of quit. new designs, bilk 'Paneling, I'Sods and Bouquets. Juni and new checked bilks, 11..nalum Spring Binge, Rich plain Pula ae Soles. , •Breeer,keßVY oey Pins: I iOreZh C ASIM::: t7rArralien Chintz Robes, novel stiles. • iStf u ldi..NB3 BROMERe_' TNUT And-EIGHTH. BROADOLO FBS-BOYS' WEAR. Fine black cloths. for gaits' spring' wear Cloak clang, light and cork, from Slut. BOY, oessimeres and coatings. Gents' five black cassimeres. Fanoy oarsimeres, for synnVrear. • • - -4.)tht/Pa & D, fe49 Southeast corner Nil+ , 13 an MARAST. PRING. PRINTS -MOHAIRS S New nest print,. for d areas and 'Cilium ! ear Mies medium:ant dark prints. hew heated mobatis and obtoliii. Good Nara make. Fine gook black goods. GOOPhit e. tlurr att 11),_ Te2B Southeast corner NINTH and MARKka Wit BITE GOODS. v v Cambric', jaconets. Swiss, mull, Plainsook." Plaid", brilliants, bird-eye, diapers. Embroidered collars. stmt, bands, handkerchiefs. Linen cambric handiteichtefs—ladies', gents , large size, small, figured. Linens for shirting, fronting, pillows, sheeting. Toweig, D'Oglies, napkins, flannels. unmasks. Cot.Pr.tc & CUN' RD fell Southeast corner NESTE and adARSET:_ 'VIVRE & LANDELL HAVE ALWAIIi .1 1 --a adhered to the • Best Staple ,tton.Fa.bros. ti t ittltie oo en Fabrioe. Beet Staple Bilk Gage. Best Olovee—tlajoe'm only. feP6 'PYRE & LANIOLL HAVE QOM- A-; 4 menoed peening Bering Dress Chintz. - - - Berieg lam Brnhants. Norms New Oineheme. Spring Colored Silks. Pining n i ant Cheek Bilks. fend VYKiG & LANDELL, TO-DAY, A NEW hue of Black Mita oven. Black 011ie, extra &natio. Black &Its With Mae Edge. Black Still at new prices. black Ills for best trade. Week Bilks for whotet.aOrtg. fss N"Hirm WIAL-SKiki SHAWLS. Au invoice jest received, of choice Shades. SEAL.BRIN APE AIIi3THALIMS d *AWLS., Large Rise and Perfects tOntre. For Friends' weer. SHARPLISB BROZHERB,_ • fel4 CHESTNUT end EIGHTH N Q : TIOA. YARD W znalL woir IDY: PILENCI em brit, cn. 25. TO! ARE -045. fge: "IMPORTA"NT ANNOUNOSUENT TO TRE-,PUBLIC. "TH E " RAVAT STORE, No 701 ,N. w. OQENER BDYNNTIII AND CHESTNUT. . CH IF I AT It 4 EDTJOTION GilEArls F.i.F.:DUCTIoN I 'GREAT KEDUOT lON OUR WHOLE *INTER STOCK WILL HE SOLI) AT THE FOLLOWING LOW RATES. 'ONTIL MR IST 01 MMHG Regular Re- Price. duped to i Fine Oaahmese Dressing Gownt •• - • -8/ 0 00 On 0 0 VI ............ 14 00 900 " Gent's Travelling Shawls .... 10 00 000 " Cashmeie undershirts 2 Drawn 260 900 " Menzel i a '''! . 2al 150 : . " Rem. —; . 76 00 . 71814461i6Wrndera....4.” . .. 1 tO 75 iftiatation , 0 ---...-- BS 65 greeter's Brictea--.. .... 100 is Beat Quality /Man Collars, per dm.... • 760 SOO rGelibeeta& Enamelled Collars- -- 10 for 260. Ladies' otint • —Matra V. . Coll ars..— MIL- 10 for .150. .::, AU OUR LARGE STOOKS OF aturArs, WARM NBCZTIRS. srouxs, c., • tEDUCED itS PER CENT. Fine Shaker lannel Travelling Phirta, regular pri reduced from... 00 to 84 00 44. It. - If II 440 It 330 - et St SI 't 200 18'0 :,) Also, oil our /took of HI Aa IA OVES . , „... i lriu , lia!#tatatit at COST PRICES. • 'SRI TE 111ADE_TO ORDER 4 jitaoulmai SEAM SHIRTS." ' • -t FRENCH YORE SHIRTS," 1 i 44 1 .)R ANY OTHER SEHRTS." ' -:t e *OR $9 AND UPWARIEI. . . . IVIT-NO • SALE HE lINME MARE! THZ , i7NION TIE! 44:* 701. NO. 701. NO 701 N( 1. NO. 70L J. ALBERT_ ESHEE/VIAN• N. , W. 001. OEVENTN AND DILFAITNITI Strode. isaPatu r CARPETINGS. II I OTJ T s .H. STREET . ' A c.• ' ~,X - - 1- ',le,' * CAR T.-s:' WAREHOUSE, , ... No. _47, . - BOVE CHESTNUT. I am nroligrening an entirely new and carefully se lected stodir of IMPItItTED AND AMERICAN • NGS CARPETI, 010ms:dug:fin descriptions, and some superb designs and patter . all of whieh. being parallelled at present deprested rims for olifill, I am prepared to sell - VERY LOW. and res tinily pl solicit an examination before pur °hosing e ewbere. rj. T..DELAC3BOIX. mlit-tuilt sat-2m pA(IPER HANGIN GS. WELL & BOURKE, N. E. Gilmer of FOURTH and MARKET Sheets, • - maxerAextraints or .P(APER.HANGINGS, . BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, WINDOW-CURTAIN PAPER, ac. Alamos on heutdrstante and ELEGANT STOCK of 400D8iftom the PINEITTboLD PAPER to the LOWESTTRIOED r • ARTICLES. In oir RETAIL DEPARTMENT will be found - TEE NEWEST TOLER OT TER BEASON. mhilm A WNINGS, - AWNINOS. -49 SE e H ;11. • . 4431401.111 TAINS STREET. . At the old-entalnehedjitand eat. be obtained, at the akeirteet name, x IAW,NANCII3, FLAGS; TENTS. SAILS, 8401=0-BOTTOMS, wikoospcovgas, BAGS Ac CANVAS of eS deteriptions, plain and fano. of the best ttualitT• WS- int BUIST'S WARRANTED • KITOFIEN GARDEN . SEEDS. SEED inEEEStiEB, 92 and 024 MARKET Street. above Einthd fe27-1m SEW rinstdceirjkorts. GBORGB G. EVANS' PUBLISHING Holm ium( INT-BOOK ErrONB. 49 AnKtreacreet NEW .tri BBL SOT WUNICII, Vieloa of ted Nethermide:br Mode!. 2 v 012.84 42 E moor. by Dolma. 2 72 Great Preparation. bi CumMlll6.-. • 1 00 Wits and B. atm of 1 60 Life 01 Gartbaldl. 1 26 Worbetof Haw 100 Data Domino 6131 m M Sammy t :....---. IDi one of iba n r a m _ 1 25 rims _ of Die Douseof 1,23 nniou 100 *mane of the RePolutiiht.- 1 Mi Stomortoo of an /risk Girl le9 AU lie 3l43derd sod - Nireelkuidona MU*. skew at the fratehieken , regular priors, and a buslioua Out, worth from 60 *Ants toilOO L with each.. st UII , IIHVY, G. EVAN/9 GM- mug DattinlUM, raid 1(0, 498 CREBTNIY3 Stmt. NEW . AND ENTERTAINING BOOM FOR SALE BY_ • BANUSL HAZARD._ja.. . . I , , s 4 CR esSTPIu T Street. 'W3 WITAft ND BEAUX OF SOCIETY. By Grose spd Philip 'arton, authors of the " queens of So ciety," with tinistrsticrs from mitring.. by H. K. Drown si-o Oothues• One vol. limo cloth. 81. ho TEN 411 ,, Ens OF aucarTY. Dir same authors as B bove. same ape and p_noe MOTLEY'S HISTuRY OF THE UNITED NE TREE .6 A NDS : Acntiqition of the Dutch h.publio. .2 vols.. Bvo.clotk, or half oslf. WH.EAT AND TARES. A Novel. One v01.,12m0i of eeth TO omits FLIR TATION AND WHAT COMES OF IT. A Comedy in kw. Acts, By Frank B. Goodrich. Paper. "lie to. Atli& VENEER; A ROELIMROO at DestinY.; helot the Professor's 19k , ; i y . ., Hy Oliver Wendell Holmes a vow.. limo. *loth: LH. FOTist; OF. A is. IL By T. B Aldrich, Author of Tivekti - B :Ins Bell " &a. One vole 71 aunts. THE A /CAN aLEIANA 0 and Repository of Um i for tbeitsatl3ol.-E. • siIUA "OF Balsa/ivy tc wokcovEßy. A tear- kof Facts in Benence and Art for Ism. - Tries Si.st. fe2343e. NeW WORK BY PROFESSOR OLEVEr LAND. B.C. & J. BIDDLE & Co.. No. 400 MINOR Street, wißguldish, on or about the I.lth of March A COraPArbl2ll3lll. OF CLASSICAL LIIRATURE oosesting of Choice Extracts (translated )rorn the but Week and Latin Toots sod Prose wrtters,with to gra Withal Itkethhea. end - R storm:mei to the beat editions aatt traailstioas of Mei,: w its ~I.AnS I. Front Flother.telrgesit. PAST 2. Front Pitman to . M- E! LH SRL hi 3 D. Ot...SVELAND, fetTly.Professor of the I..attp sod Omsk . 4 4 angnamos to leilunaOß Col lege, Carnal:l,ll6; sod of sbo 1401 ooineAge and Liconnuro to the hew York An yam . Stet BW M,EDICIAL 800K13.. Published sad for ails by_ • _ LINT & BLARISTON. E ' Pablishers, bars, aid Imsorienh • No. tra Bo ar T St.. above Citestentt.. .00iNte AbIeRTC M DI AL BIOGRAPHY. tIPA LOR'S , MOVEMENT MRA B Sstrate 'RANKING'S BALF.YEARLY PRAOT N 0.03. Do. do. do. vol. 10. ALTHAIJEP MEDIOA_L PLECTRICITP. THE PHYSICIANS' VISITING LIST for 1881. GREEN How ON DIFTHFRIA. DLXON'S PRACTICAL STUDY OF THE DI& EANSA OF THE WK. NEW MEDICAL BOORS reodived as soon as vub fished. • FOREIGN BOORS imported to - order. far IiCeENTONB ABRIDGMENT OF THE .1 2 - 4 F lIREATES OF WREAKS& Rem itiir to IMO, IS NOW CONFLEtED. in • BIXTOOD, Volumes. at 43 2 per volume. This NOBLE MON UMENT to ifs diatingaished author. is the most costly political wink ever issued in this 'country by . private resources, without Govern mental patronage. It is a sterling outland:ion both to the resources of political history and to the pausal di/- fusses among our people of that intimate knowledge of public affairs which 3111 essential to the 1.1012.1111ENC1 of our free ma:Ration& • - This magnificent work will be presentee gratis to sU who subscribe 'AT THIS ASINOT for APllltOn'i Mew Gyolosdia, to be i n VON., a t 111.1. living's Works , new 'atonal Barnett, to be in et vole, at pl. Coorr a 2300 m. (Garley's Illastateoug.) to be in 32 vols.. at 111.150. • Waverly Novels, Edinburgh Edition, to be in 43 at al ag Salver's Works-to be %Ovals., at GI. - • • Oe OF aPPI L AKTOWS NEW CYCLOPEDIA. 33 South SIXTH Street. above oheanut. kast 111_11111111.111% feattnthtt JOBli McFARIAIt. Agent. n 0.4.414, LAW AND AtiBWiLLANElittBr Lir =wand 'id. bought vold,md ezetratCo4, at ths PHIL/LS/12 PBIA-BAql 2004. ACORN, Po. 41v CRESTCRESTS UT Street. Librancei at a mamma panthasati. Thom S Books to sell. If at a Msantoe,wal mate their cameo. eiso_e_ Madame dates, edittoei. anon. one cmnallens. Neillitel•BD—poot a waters ry von* , run Ptanthe. as Mall' tim s& any r Books prod. in and --a America Aal Loners este MUM Ili c = Pasoe. F emol4MlCLateCnativil" gilli oglia& in press, pout - *anaemia .- • faliktf intuit is L. I 1 2, 1861., DRY GOODM JOBBERS SPRING. 1861. T. WAY & 111,L 98 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY at 301)13. OUR STOCK IS UNUSUALLY LARGE 'AN 8,25.2 m. COMPLETE. SPRING GOODS. IStA. ABBOTT, JOHNES & 00. 527 MARKET STREET, AND 524 COMMERCE STREET. Have now open their NEW IMPORTATION • or SILKS AND .FANOY DRY GOODS, To whit* they invite the attention of the trade. fag-1m • ALDRIDGE ifa IMPORTERS AND JeBBERS, HOSIERY; GLOVES. FURNISHING "GOODS, AND FANCY NOTIONS, No. 619 .CIIIOI7NUT BT., and 616 JAYNE ET., PHILADELPHIA: HT Our Stook is unuxually large, complete in all de departments, and ready for buyers. fem-Ma DE t3OURSEY, LAFOUROADE, & 00., No. 631 CHESTNUT STREET, Ars now reoeiving their IMPORTATIONS OP CLOTHS, CASSINERES, VESTINGS, ETC. feEt-lni SPRING GOODS. BAROROFT Qc CO„ NOEL 400 RHO 407 SURRET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS `FORME AND DOMFATIC DRY GOODS, Now complete sad ready for buyers. fete-dw M • WILLIAMSON ife 00, ANA WHOLESALE DEALERS AHD JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, No. 4516 MARKET. STREET, and 424 COMMERCE STILRET, PUMA DELPHI)... We now offer an anuenally fall and OOMPLETE STOOK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. . To which the attention of PROMPT-PAY ING 18 Buy ers is aolieited. YARD GIIMMORE. &CO. Are now in their New Store. JAYNE'6 MARBLE BUILDING. NOS. 611 CHESTNUT AND 614 JAYNE STREET. PIIILADELPHLA, and have opened their SPRING- IMPORTATION OF SILKS_ AND . FANCY=' DRY GOODS. ALSO, DRESS GOODS. IN GREAT VARIETY, SHAWLS, MITTS, RIBBONS, .te., With &splendid Stook of WHITE GOODS. LINENS. EMBROIDERIES. lie felt2ni SPRING 1861, WIIRTS, AIISTIE, & MoVEIGH, IMPORTERS AHD JOBBERS • in DRY Goons, Na. 311 MARKET STREET, Above Third, PHILADILPIM. Charles Willis, • Benlmstie: Hamilton T. McNeish, Joh n . Wanner. Joseph Down. fel&lza SPRING TRADE-1861. JOSHUA L, BAILY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER, NO. 213 MARKET 37.REET. PHILADELPHIA, is now 'roared to offer to OABtl AND BOUND-CREDIT BIMERS One of the most attractive . Woke of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY G.O CDS TO BE FOUND IN TIM hLLIIKET. WO invite Waist attention to our LINEN DEPARTMENT. Whioh st this time comprises s full assortment of our awn importation in SCOTCH &ND IRISH LINEN GOODS OF EVERYDESCRIPTION. We have, aim, a full line of• BLEACHED AND BROWN COTTONS Bought during the panto, for sale greatly belays ereiseat Plisses. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS. STANDARD MARES. We have made antuatementa to waive a supply' of MANY CHOICE STYLES OP GOODS, And short maintain A GOOD STOOK Throughout the mum Offers will And our Stook ALWAYS FRESH . AND PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST fell-u" HARDWAitE. MOORE,HENSZEY, & Co. ARE NOW OPENING THEIR FALL STOCK OF . HARDWARE, 441 MARKET, and 416 COMMERCE STREET mbl-2m AUCWST ELB MONT & GO.,_ • BANKERS, 50 WALL STREET, NEW-YORK, tune letters of credit to travellers, available in el paste of Europe, through the bloom Rottupoluld of Pa vie, London, - Frankfort, Marker View*, and their a" - rolondents. feelt-6m* CARRIAGES I AT PANIC PRICES. A I.A3GE tBTOOK, VERY REDIIOND RATES, By B. W. JACOB, No., SU ARON WANTS.—WHAT WHOLESALE DRY Goods or Moth Bente wishes the mermen of s. Young Mau. who hits firet-alau appomig rhght along /Admits " Frank," Press °Mae. feast.' WANTED—By a "Young Man, 17 years of age, is SITUATION in a 'Whelan& Dr - Goods or Etarderfire house, to le arn the bonnets. gala es no abbot. Address " T. Press olfi feu. et* viT ANTED' TO RENT—A medium-sized ToW cLLING, hamng the modern convenienone, Within fifteen minutes' welt. of the Axon/Inge. Adores,' " Forbes." aloe of The Press. feigt let* IWANTED—lmmedtately, by the under signed, et the Re-t ItTobanoy .Railroad tunnel, Fifty Tunnel Men and Twenty five Larorers, for out elite seotown w •rk, adjoining 'Due work a located in Schuylkill oounty, Penneylvavls, eight miles from Ts imam by Reading Railroad from Philadelwfria. and two • miles from Barnitivi , le station- on the Little Schuylkill Railroad. • MICHAEL. BARRY k 00.. felt-11m* Contractor". AGIENTLEDIAN OW OA_PITAL, who does Willie's in the Weat three month. in the eat — Jime, July, and minnet—deurinia a bitnstion in a wholesale &hoe Establishment in Philadelphia the other months, wi th a view of ultimately hemming one of the firm. References of the first order can be given. Address 3. J. MANHON, at Ws Offi le 9 oe. 6-6t* 81500 TO Ap r ii V ta KST ON E. III. v OR PA WGE. mbs 2t 113 South FIFTH S ect. $ iOOO TO IN r V er E r SLI R N eIi V t I . 37.S MORT- B. A. MITNISTE,, rah]. 3t • 134 Smith THIRD St., Up-stains. 84A - MO AND $3,000. TO INVEST IN Mortgage Beooritien on Ottg trop_orty. JOHN 8: Col,eumg. 11 4 2 Bnnth EIWITTEI orTm.t, FOR MALE AND TO LET. COIINTRY SEAT.—gill be vld at yobbo sale, on Tillrit.DAY. March 12, 1881, the beautiful country residence known as "Green M illi' containing twenty sores. more or less, situated on the Ken' ett Turnpike, 114 mile- from th city of Wilmtng t n; Delaware. The num ovemenis are. first, a stone mnronor4 BOUBE, with large beak buildings, con taining 18 large and 000 modicum rooms. be-idee bath room, ettonli is furnished wan warm and cold water. ,The water is supplied hy means of a patent windmill, from a never-tailing well of mot water. 3he house is warmed trirouglomt from a furnace, and lighted with via. which is made in an apparatus adjoining the main building. The makmg of the gas is a tended with vary little trouble, furnishing a better w beta aLd as cheap as it can be ha. in Ins city of Wilmington. The kitch en is large, wok is constant supply of hot and cold wa ter. and a imams range wirti modern improvements. Alm. a Larger tone Barn, with gOOO warm horse and cow stables. and excellent arrangeme'ti or pool my; tenant house wiitiroams; commodious °awake house, and summer hitch. a detached from the main ;building- Tb • lawn, adjobvieg the man-ion, is baauri Jail. laid out- with well piked and gravelled drives and walks, Shaded with fine large trees, and ornamented wits ehrslimerv. The gamer, is stocked with a variety of floweia, and a fine assortment of summer fruits, in vi tiding a superior graver". which in its second year, yielded 31 gallons of purejuitm for wioe, besides aim] t trig a large quantltr of apes f r other purposes. There is a good °ream d sinusitis% with a variety of Peach, Ap- Plo.ond Pear Trees. the latter to . rest abundance. The quality of the soil has been highly imp oved by heavy man .ring pare thorough ek in g ierdmining. and is suita ble for auk me, tit eking or o herwise The gen t,/ of the situation, its known Mahan ness and fact ity of access. render the place pecubativ desirable for a country residence or a summer boarding house—the latter much needed in the neii.hborhood ;or it would make every desirable and popular situation tor a y onus ladies' boarding school. for which. with very little al teration or expense, rt would be admirably adapted. Tse Kennett turnpike is //014/0 5 in good order. and the Groat wine stege From mid to Wilmington passes every hour or two. There wilt &sobs sold at the same time, a TRAIT adjoining the ..bove. containing eleven agree. more or less (which ha also been underdrained.) and been oc cupied for several Timm as a Truck Patch, for which it isadmirably adapted. t n this tract there is a beauti fill a to for baring a fin- trove of forest trees. Persons g day of and desirous of viewing the pima b e foreday at sac wilt be shown every atten tion by the owner, or by G. 8. & 8. N. tiRUBI3, of Wil mington, Del. emit made known on day of sale. Bate to 'eke place .on the premises at 2 o'clock P. M. man gr. WM...PYLE. muroß BENT— F UR-SD:WED owELLINe wo. 3 9 4 1 , 401.1 NT VERNON IR. Large yard, exoebent actuation. Rent 0360.11 Thht-6t' gli FOR SALE-A MODERN DWELL. ING, northwest corner of SIXTEENTH and GI BARD AVOnne, 1.420 by Its) feet, with handsome oar den. Price $7,000. Terme accommodating. Aptly o R. fil*OU siDY. X o. 217 tiouth Tali% or 1522 POP LAR btreet.• • mtr2-swa-n- FOR SALE-THE FOUR THREE SITORY book dwellings. Nos. 931, 933, 935. and 93'r ONTARIO saner. Tenn easy. Apply to ALLEN & BIMB, Beal Estate Brokers, Bouteeasc corner FOUR EH and WALNUT streets, secona floor. rehS-3c* FOR SALE-THE WIRER, STORES AIM and dwellings, Nos. 2214 2716, and 2218 CAL LOWEILL street. Terms eaey. Applyto'nLl.*N ts KW heal Fetate Brokers hontheaat corner FOURTiI ano WALNUT streets. seoond floor. mh2-3t* FOR SALE.-VERY LOW-THE DE nimble four-ptory dwelling. No. 257 Booth BhVg.l4 BENTE! street. Lot 197.200 feet Bair &small payment required. Apple' to ALl,Sui & sale. Real Bpears Brokers r outheast corner FOURTH and W 14 UT streeis. eeoond Boor. mh2 31" TO BUILDPR4.-FOR MALE-TUE RIM desirable Int Elonthwest corner of YORK & C”RAL streets. 90x1.64 'eat 6 in Terms lIPA2OIIIIMO - apply to ALLEN & elffl9,lKeai Evate pro lets. fionthesat corner FOURTH & WALNUT str• Mei Inwood fi or. mb2 VOX BALI—The - Patte , ris, is: Flasks. and Fixtures complete of a stove Foun dry, irk a central location with an established trade. both city and county., and Foundry to let. 11l health the (Anse for discaniinning the trade. address Fonn dr." Isr ith real name and re:canoed .Phibidelocia Post (Ace. nsht-St* E'OR SALE -THE GOOD WILL AND Fixtures of a Coal ord. doing a business of 4,000 tons. located on Bet i CAD s treet . will be sold low on good terms. Address ' T. Y., " Port tame., fatl st* • RENT--ROOMS over 432 CHEST iII: •UT Ftreet—either for Wines. light Manufac turing park sea. or Pantograph Gs lam. A part of the store may be had if required. This de sirable location is witton one door of the New Post Office.. Initui+e at the " Big Gnu," .432 OBEFTItTUT Street. fear tf - FOR SALE.—The Stock, Fixtures, Good- Will,_and Lease of the Franklin Dining Saloo n. Owlet the Franklm Market, TENTH Street, Nits/lien Chestnut and Marko% streets. Now doing a good day and night bturinewe.., . je26 6t* TO RENT—The fine store, with the fix tures intfiuded, No. &I 6 Chestnut street. under the Cliditinsetat.Potel This stne b.ndsomely frescoed and fitted up with marble floor, marble counters. plate ears counter asses.ead rade show cases ; and is admi rably adapted a Jewelry, mayor ple4o, Or formo ,ruodo pet bfiehmest . App Is to JOHN KWh', Ninth and Bensons Streets. fe23 32 J. Se is GRANT PRICE, No. Et 13 Arch Street diGERMANTOWN PROP E RTY FOR BALE --One of the handeomest and most dea'ra bly siliated properties in Germ .nterarn equally amia ble fore summer and winter residence. It is situated on PRICE Gtre't, within a few minutes' walk the Depot, and of victuallers ;grocery Anne. &c. The 1.. t his two fronts, hawing WO feet on Price street, 231 feet ea Osntte street and is nearly 300 feet deep. It ni beau tifully shaded by over one h.utdred and fifty we 1 grown }oarsmen andpeoidnonel Tee& ine noose is a d ble one, large end oonventent. havink the hydrant Wa ter: Damn water. two kitobeus, stations l 7 wash tubs, bold cellar for summer, &o. Also. stable, chicken home, tool house and garden. apply to H. PETiot- BON. office of the Sat. Eve. Rost, 319 WAI Nur ntreet. fe264t POR EXCHANGE.—A large Lot of Ground. in a rapidly improvthe neighborhood. will Addressvhanged foe ;w o emproved real estate, in the aty. " F.." of thus paper. fal3-12t* aNtIUItANCE comrtkrmes. MANHATTAN EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK CITY INCORPORATED 1821--CHARTER. PEFETUAL Capital Stook, pain in Oaah— .4 . 260,000 00 117,736 79 Total 361,736 79 STATEMENT of the condition of the MANHAT TAN FIRE INSURANCE CoMPANY OF NEW YOlsK, on the first day of lannary,lB6l, made in con formity with the requirements of the laws of l'enaisyl rrania:; -$260,000 00 Number of Shares of Stook anbiari bed for... 0,100 00 Amount of lionesamenta on Stook paid in, in SECOND Amount of omit on hand. -- Amount of cash deposited in banka.--. Amount of °ash in MMUS' hands; and in transits Amount of loons scoured by bonds and mortgagee, constituting the first hen on the R0..1 Fausto. on which there in less rthan one yeses interest due and owing.-- Amount of Stooks held by the company as col lateral seourity for loans, with the amount loaned on each kind of stook, Ite par aid market value Par valor. Market value. 155.400 $36 796 Amount loaned 30,650 00 Amount of premiums unsettled—.. - ...-. 2,673 60 Amount of interest on investments made by . the company. accrued...—.. 2,065 CO Amount of all other propel ty belonging to the company.-- • THIRD Amount of longs due and Amount of elaimg for losses which are In suit or contested by the Company Nona AMount of losses dunng the sear not rattled. 08,810 10 Amount of dividends remaining unpaid—. 1 tea 00 Amount of dividends declared and not due.. None. Amount of money None. Amount of all other existing claims against the company----- FOURTH. Amount of sub premiums reaeivad--.11X6,761 91 Amount of interest -money reserved from m vestments of the 01)MITMA7, 12AS0 ST Amount of leoeme of the tiOMPen7 Mae ether FIFTH. Amount of !oases paid during the year...--.... 5114.360 68 Amount paid for reitututance and return pm alums .• • • • ......... 7.67 a 15 Amount of dividends paid during the year.— 00.1te 00 Amount of expenses paid during the year, including commissions and fees to agents and officers of the comPsnV••• • • •-- • •• • Amount of all other expenses and expendi. tares of the oompani.. ••—• • •—• • •-• • 15 4 185 42 aligned.) WM. P.PALMER, President. AND'W .1. !SMITH, Beer. Sworn andsubscri bed to by both the above deponents . , known personally to me robe respectively the President and Secretary of the Manhattan Fire Insurance Com pany. (Signed/ JAM'S W. HALE. Commiceloner of Penn's. in New York. Januar) , M. 286/. State, City, and County of New York- es. I do hereby certify that ! have examined the Assets in possession of the Manhattan Fire Inenrinoe Gomvelf, end that they are of the value set forth in the *within atetement, - Given under my Mind and mai. the dth February, MI. (Signed) JAME* W. HALE, (Bea) Commimionera Penn's in New York• POLICIES in the above Company, mowing Property of all kinds against lola or damn'e by fire, issued, and losses under the same equitably adjusted and promptly paid, by BOSWELL & WILEON. AGENTS; s, W. CORNEA or FOURTH Jan. CHESTNUT STB rHILADEUHIA. fge-mwsilt WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. v Pole Lesvos —.Mrs M. &GARB ETVON. Maga Manager.— M#Wm . A:CHAP km Busman Agent -.. r: .10.1. D. mint ay. r .13 aTC RD AVI EV Mardi 2. WI be preheated dhabs ß aaareh tragedy . MICA ad MACETH. Lads Plaobell--. ag.abarb— Adams. Ma doff w r i . bt. BanQuO• • • * lot •• • • • .... Ms. V oui.a• MiloaulM•• • • ••••••- • •-•- _ Mr. Baeootub. LIFT; IN PHILADErainLic. - George 'Harwood Basestab Lady ND, obsth .... • .. Wert. "eon , open at OX o ° olook ; curtain Will rise at tig o , olook, oar Mae* as usual. WHEATLEY it °LAMLE'S ARCH-ST. 'PREATRR LAST NIURT BUT THREE of the NEW COMEDY. THIS (bATURDAY) !Karon f. WILL BB PERIPOBBIRD BROWNIAN'S 'ART &NO BEST PRODUCTION. PLAY•NG WITH piEv. Nightly received with the erestest enthtookont. the heartiest laughter, and the meet bOiIIIFOUB. BlPPitin" ever bestowed • upon any vroauction this gavorite eetabliehment. To conclude with the Drama nr fiLLITheOY. M oDONOUGH'S OLY34PIO.—( L A . T GiAIETtES ) RACE Street below lord. THIS (SATEYNDAY) EVEI4IIII9. ma rc h 1, WILL BE PERFJEMED, The Magnificent Spectacle entitled THE SEVEN SISTERS. Produced at an expense of over VOW, introduoing - THE MOST 0 RGEOUS SiIEHERY Ever antnessed in any Theatre in Amore& THE BOWER OF FEE NS and LAKE OPSILVER is a scene of Dazzling epiendor. SOOttre your sesta ear)/. Admission—rarquette, 26 002t6 ; Orchestra, 370 ; Circle, /60 Pnvnto Box Seate $OO. Door., ccei at eac o'clock; commenoing WM. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGb, • TENTH mid CHESTNUT Street', ABEL & LEYLAND'S STEREOPTICON ! A GALLERY OF PHOTOGRAPHIC ILL UaTRATIONS. BTERVOScOP r 0 PICTUREe. DIGFL,II.VtI) TiViNTY-FOUR FEET MUARE EVERY EVENING THIN WEEK. Adinienon. 25 cents. Children, 15 tent& M . UIB.I.OAL FUND HALL ONF Nicr t F.EIC ONLY &ry MONDAY i.44:24C1NG March 4. LLOYD'S N PIP ST Tt THE - f*,RN p - E ."IrE OF Tiliermat 4.1,1 k , I PRO - PEBBION' ' lY THEIR llNep RD CH IME ETHIOPIAN FATE h TAM &LENTS. 7 hie trouse 18 composed of 15*st-class artists, selected from the mom pop_ular troupes in the Union 08 , 4 PR v.e, THE LIS r IR SP RR! FILLY SIRCE. COAR ~ EY- FOX. D 4 . WAMBObn. AUGUST GUSTAV RI DAUX, A. 1•E I MAN, J. AN DP EWs. • N. 0 all,. r. WILK . C. sL.A.BI_ J. EAsti MEAD. A. BR sillcoPF. MASTER. ALSERTINI• W. RUENkail• and CUO'. WelrE. LLOYD'S BRASS RAN u; led by AUGUST Anent, will give a, free daloony Serenade previous to the NU- Str.l performance K teket.. 25 cents. Doors open at 7, oommeaoe at ,t‘ to 8 o'otook. F. A. Clap fea7-10t : Anent. NOR BLITZ WILL SHORTLY g P%- 7 CLOSE!—COMMONWE ALTH HALL, clissr NUT STREET, above Sixt l h Pleasant and Animas ontertatnmenta RVER 2 I, EVENING. at half past 110V52, .%na WEDIVES CPA and SATURDAY Aline , wine. At +tires. CONv - ING of new and WONDERFUL ORDIUNSTR TIONS in MAGIC. AMUSING and WOJVDEW_, wanes in VENTRILOQUISM, and the L EARNE 4 CANARY BIRDS. Admi.mon 25 osubs chilOren halt arias. ce VINDERELLA AND HER SISTERS," sa PAINTED BY J. VAN 1...b1111U5, OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY - OP rims ARTS, ANTWEEP, ON EXHIBITION AT • R B INSQN' 910 CHESTNUT STREET. .OPEN. V tIONI 9 A. M. TO $ P. M. Admission 35 ovule. Season t okets 50 eentm TIOT.ItIE.—The exhibition will positively closfe Meshel3-16t 3d, QANFORDOB OPERA HOUSE, I , J ELEVEN CH STREET OPEN FOR Tf ISEASUN, NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SANFOAD Has secured one of the LAROSA 1' COMPANIES ever prilkented heretofore, who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform evert evetong. Dnore open at 7; Commence at 7%. Admission 23 cents. Children 15 cents. V AN AMBUROB & CO.'S _ GRAND ZOOLOGICAL, INSTITUTE UNITED STATES BUILDINGS, 426 and 428 CR EtiTN UT Street n Ne to toe Custom Rouse. EVERY MORNING, AFTERNOON, and kVIIMING Boum open at 10 A. PA..? and 634 P. H. adakiorion. cents; children under nine 'tare /5 cents, Perform ance of Elm:atom_ j t Lions,'Ti re,. renthora, Leopards, Pumas, Ponies, Monkeys Mule ge s,./ko., every Afternoon and Evenanr,, TENTH SUCCESSFUL WEER Of this Moral, Instructive, and Amusing kabibition. SPEGIAL NOTICE-1 hat miracle of onaoity, the wonder ul Performing klephant. Two° natb. will be introdnoed into the arena every Afterpcon and Rv ning. by Fret. Nash. and areeme !nets hitherto deckled impossible, and never attempted by any other animal. M 144 f riNIE IiERMAN.IA OICOUBSTiCA A ctive their PUBLIC REBEARSALB every 8i DAy,commencong at S3i o'clock. at the MCSI, AL. FUND BALL. 8 tickets, SI; Engle mama, 25 oasts, for sale at Chzekeriur & Son's, 807 Chestnut street Andre's, UOi Chestnut street; and Beak & Lawton's. Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. _Comm , obeionkemennelhtikaolVs tles, &a., made onti at their Moe Piano Store, 807 Chestnut street; Witham %Loll,. EU North Juniper Street, or C. Broughams, 1000 Ridge avenue. is Si- PEN NA. ACADEMY. or THE FINE ARTS.-1091 CHESTNUT Street. "CRIMBORAZO_," a splendid Ptuntins_ by Mi n i int. "THE FIRST SIR," a beautiful Marble Statuette bp Antolini. On exhibition fore short time. Visitors will please bring their opera itiolte& EDUCATIONAL. HAPTUORP, Professor of Bloat. • time, gives lessens all day at vis Rooms. No. 125 South Tkti )• treat. ossosito Jeferson College. re . sesnie , ers resolved in tee early m ore -upc hours. tab dies at 3 P. M.. All persons having ituratatmenti art in vitee to oat'. • teat-er lan YANT, bTRATTUN, t FAIRBANKS' EA MERCANTILE COLLEGE, S. E. corner SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.--Ltay and Stuart St3.11:01141. individual instruction in Bookkeeping , tin olndinGeneral Wholesale and Retail Rtisineas,Rß g_ ping, Forwarding and Commission, Banking', $x change, Manufacturing. RaliroatUng, Steamboat:mg. &0.. the most thorough and Practical Donne in the United States. Also, Lectures, Commercial Caloula- Ralik Arithmetic, and the higher fdathematim Pen man/ship (beet in the MO?, Corraiwndentna. &o. • For sale. their new Treatise on Boohireerszi, bourn- Mir printed in colon , and the but work published. sess-tr A MAN AND WIPE, or two single gen tlemen. Gen be aeonmmodated with BO BD in a roseestable private fansity. Address " W. L 15-, Pr ss lEoe. rnb,l4t* 110P.10/dS, FIRST.OLAEN Of /ARO- W 'LNG. fora family, or gentlemen. at 1238 C 0 1..8 C- Irr Stree fele4t* KW ELRY AND bILVILK-P.LAIED IP WARS, B. W. CL /MK'S Great 51 Ptore, ( he Leniest in the World,) 602 013.EtiTPU treat, Above 81X111, South side. No Humbug. Pontius/1y the Cheapest Store in. she City. . Your Choice far al, From the largest and best stook of Jewelry. &lye:- plated ware. and tenMY GOOdt ever tiered by toy notice in this or any otter City'. Ali Goods warranted as recommended. B.II,VER-P (APED WARE, Our Own Make. $1 Will Buy. G 1 Will Buy, 51 Will Buy Biz heavy platen G'nrki. " Table Bpoone, Dessert tipper's, 'F. a erica's. Butter 'Calves. halt etymons. haulm Ames. 66 One '.. Cream Cups. Drinking Out, Goblets. d.Werent styles Bag Cups. Bait. Mods double. aslt Cellars. Silver Pencils, with Benton Bro.'s Gold Pen. Bete or Jewe.ry, Breast Pin and prom (LO.O different nylon.) Braeelets. in great variety. Medallions. Finger Rings. Penile, ticarfPlnil i _Gle6Vlll Buttons and &nos, tditierent Os') Panel Rini es, Fanny Goods, to great variety. In feet every thing usually kept in a first-olass Jewelry r stabfishment - One visit will convince the most credulous that CLaßlro is the place to bn • Goods o esp. Csuntry Merchants and others will consult their inte rests by exvmiriing iny stock end wholesale priers Ladies a d Gentlemen are invited to (liaison examine my stock of Jewelry. Silver-plated Ware, and Fancy Goods, even it they do not wisn to plironase. Remember, C' ARK'S, mhi 3tit (02 CHESTNUT West. fa PLOUGHS, HARRnWS, CUL TWA- Toßs Hey and Fodder ...utters Agricultural and BIN tioultural implements and tools in great variety. tor sale by . l. LAN DRE.TIe eOtt. It*2l and . 23 South BIX attest. zo.ooo ao . 88 901 xi 16,112 16 204.600 00 sit SEED OATS OF VERY FLkir QUAL ITY, imported aid dmerioaa. for sale by If LardDßvl et etLef. Implement and 8-ed W.reborme. It* si and 23 loath 81XI II *greet. is. LANE/Rt. , TEI'S WARRANT TD GAR riamDEN HEEDS, fresh andpure- for sal* by D. LANDRETH & HON. Agricultural and Horticialtural Itopiemenr and seed Warehouse. Nce. 2.1 turd 2d 83utu Baru rtreeti lt* Between Market and Casstnut streets. 1,896 1 961,716 79 REDIOVAL.—NnaI R g'S P6ILADXL PFITA CITV DIRECTORY OFPICE from 33 South MIXTE Street, to tl7 Routh SIXTH amt. O few doors above. rota 3,.* abIOVaL.--Alderman 0. Brazer has IL removed to No. 610 RAGE Street, elvret Fifth street, south side. It* ALL SIZES ...AND STYLES OF 118 - H. FBEB taken at 2:Plhre.ing Gallery. EIECtIND gat above Green. Life-gi ZP Photographs in oil, a wo d. r .e zaktis. Ze6eirditlit tau the sine didared. It' FINE SHIRT BIANPFACTORY.—J. W. SCOTT._ 814 CHESTNUT Ptreet, a few doom below the Continental." The attention of Wholesak Dec ere ie Jeered to his IMPROVED CUT OF SRI ern, of impatior fit. make. and material. on hand and marl• -or sit itherrromt notino. 1144-1. N►T OE.--- APPLIOATiON WILL -BE 1\ made to the Direotore of the Mercantile Libtary f•r renewal of certificate of ooe Wire of IItOOk.NO. 3003 acme having been los or Wen id. f.MI-St* - JAMAS F. THOMPSON. 29.775 10 Nt. TIVE —The Amelican A Reny for the LONDON STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY Awing Warner.sferred from Memos. Paul & Curtis to J. L. the m e lee.. snll. On sad after March Ist, be oondnoted at Sas BRO °Mere punctuanded-to. and geode sold on the moat reaeonab.e termer .T L. WARNER, Sole Agent London Steleamordo Co. JOLLIVET,.I3I4 CHF STNIII Street. or • ham Net recene4 a large cue of Bead Dre:ses, .pre atm. and fl.prutg Flowers. Mine, JOLL, Vita' neglectfully announces that she Wm imported a lane at sortment of .Fre , oh rob! 61. GRAVE-bTON kyRAVE-sfuNifis. — Aty etralt"Of Gravp stones and Mestweenos robe sold at very r Onocd owe, Please Call and eXanlike, before Ywroheinne elsewhere, at Marble Werke At' A. STEIN TZ. fe2s.3ra RIDGE Avenue, below ELAVEN 4 tun. 1101A•RT AGA R, FIGARo, GAB-INAR, o f Neittlllo, ur ohmello. and otbor oelebratodbrands tb g ars olwn)s on nand sod for este et Ste fa nstest • a s. by OIOWALN UT IK Street. et.e MAginti HAVANA CIGARS, Com- W , prising Figaro. ?ensues, usbusi. tleptuno, Punchinello, Petals, Eileen .I*, .1315411 t Fes. AdOTSOiCali LA Bennie, Ptelcuis. Rea. Kelampago, .Pirspeza,..Boiertn,*c.. &C., or vmunts nualittna and sizes nit rt nd for see low by NS /St 1110 WA/. GT' • BOAItDING.
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