THE PULPIT. The Conversion of the World. BY :is SIM. DR. WlLD'''. OP SHE ammo. DIST signore/ CHURCH Last Sunday being the annual day devoted to the cause of Missions, in the Union Methodist Bpi& col* Church. Fourth Street, below Arab, the pal. pit' f that eddies was otampled. morning and eve ning, bjthe Rey. Dr. Wiley, Principal of Penning ton Semlnary. At the close of cub service col leetions were taken up in Sid of the emcee, and, whether it was owing to the plan adopted, the wealth of the people, or a oharseteristio proclivity of the congregation freely lo give, certain it ia that the handsome eam of $1,845 51 (one thousand, eight hundred and fory-firo dollars and fifty-one cents) was contributed, mainly in five and ten-dollar sub seriptions, in an incredible abort space of time. Vat pastor, Rev. Alfred Cookman, (whose excel t no:venal qualities, no less than his popular ingawments for his calling, have greatly endeared bun to hie otmgregation,) was in the• pulpit, in a quiet, but effective way, giving direction and en couragement to the collect Ilona. The amount col lected was ostensibly 'contributed with the view of sleeting the following-named persons to certain membersbips Life Ihreetors of the Parent Missionary So ciety, by payment of sl6o—Saos7 J. Moore, An gn.tna Winchester, Abraham Cox, John Colesberry, G. W Evans H Coulter, Joe Cox, D. P. Gabber• ly, B B. Wiltberger, Rev. Andrew Longaote, in France Life Members, by the payment of s2o—Miss Annie Cookman, Mrs. A. W. Prettyman, Mrs. Mary Shedeker, Miss Anna Cooper, Thomas Barri Cookman, Mrs. Sarah Rigging, Mu. Jemes R. Har ris, Mre. Juniette Vanderslice, Mrs. W. J. P. In graham. Life Member of Conferenee Missionary Socie ty, by payment of slo—George H. May, a Sabbath school scholar doh. The sermon of Dr. Wiley, in the morning of whioh the following is a synopsio, was extempore. seonsly delivered, and was founded upon thee words: Say not ye, There nre yet four months, and then oometh the harvest? behold I say unto you, Lift np your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."—John iv, 35. These words, said the speaker were found im mediately after our Lord's rem arkable oonverea tion with the woman of Samaria. After this con versation the woman bad returned into the city re bating what she had heard, and even exaggerating. Her language was this: " Come see a man, whioh told me all things that ever I did." Upon this, the Samariums had come forth out of their city, doubtless clothed in their long white tunics, which had probably suggested the whtleness employed in the Saviour's Words. The language of the horip tures was paraphrased for the purpose of bringing more vividly before the mind the scene presented by that white-robed throng coming over the hills to see this remarkable personage, spoken of by the woman. in the language employed by our Lord in the text, the speaker said, was laid down a principle, involving two prominent thooghta—the error of dangerous delay; and Wherein consists the true hope of the Church. The words " Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then oometh harvest," was probably literally true of the wheat harvest of the country ; but the language of the text implied that in the kingdom of the Redeemer the harvest wee always ready for reaping and gathering. Under this drat proposition, the speaker held that the tendeney to delay and procrastination, and the incident dimouragenienta to the advancement of the Redeemer's cause, had been the bane of the Church from the beginning- Generally, this pro crastination was indulged with the expectation that by and by circumstances would be more favorable to the work contemplated. There were, however, two or three prominent sources to which this prac tical delay was mainly attributable. Whe - -aver a church lost its spirituality its interest in -the spread of the Gospel was sure to languish. This he believed to be true of every individual church and congregation, irrespective of creed or name. On the other hand, when they were alive and in earnest among themselves, they would be corres pondingly interested in missions. It might be set down as a Axed rule, that the lout pious were in variably the moat indifferent about the extension of Christ's Kingdom. Another marled mum of this delay was found ed in unbelief in the peecibili9 of the Gospel ever bring universally spread. Locking at it in one light, it was indeed scarcely surprising that Chris tians should stand dismayed at the magnitude of this work. Not so, however, when we remembered who it was that said : The Gospel should we preach ed to every creature. If it was a mere worldly enterprise. be granted that prudence might justify their giving it up, but not so when we learned that the Lord God himself has declared that -The Kingdoms of this world shall become the King. dome of our Lord, and of his Cheat It was plain, therefore, that the Lord meant to convert the world and have his Gospel preached to every creature in the world This was, in fact, necessary to the vindication of God's justice in the Great Day. Another canoe of this unfortunate paralysis we had ID the mistaken eoneluaions drawn by some, that this work Is sa!oly vested in the hands of God, and that He will accadq.liala it in hie own wav, and in hie own geed time. t: Wait for the Lord's good time," was a very et mmon expression among these mistaken people Now, he would stir, W hen is the Lord's gord time? Had there ever been a period in the history of the world when G•'d was not willing to Oen, on hie work? No: through all tim-, God's semen to spread his Kingdom was one everlasting now! ."New," acid ihe speaker, "is the eooep•ed time " It was this tendency to procrastinate to which the Saviour had alluded in the first °lease of the text, "Say not ye, '1 here are yet four months and then °meth harvest?" 133 he would say to-day, delay not for any new in stremeutelities. The means appointed for the work—the Goepel, the Church, and the Ministry— bad been efficient in - Aimee past ; they were BO now, and, moreover, we had no promises of any other ever being given to us. Taking up the mooed main division of bin rnb jack the nrinoiple implied in the text, that the world is always ready for harvesting—the speaker said that a cold faith might stand pettily:Ad in looking out upon the fields; but it ought rot eo to be, in view of the Saviour's express declaration, " Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields ; for they are white already to harvest " Be next directed attention to the white fields which, in a !peeled manner, are open for the labors of the Christian Church to-day. In surveying this prospect there was nothing diattoursging to the laborer. He was welt aware that nothing could be more disheartening than to toil without any pros pect of results; but on the other hand, nothing could be more cheering than to see the fruits of our labors maturing at our bands This was - the view be had to present to Christians now. During the lad eighteen centuries there had never been a palled marked with ECI many encouraging circum stances - for the Christian. While the obsteoles were fewer and of . Zen magnitude, the Church had never been better prepared to go forward in the name of ifeasiah's Kingdom. First, In this con nection, he took a glance at our own country. In many respects, the AUTIO3iOI2I4 was • remarkable nation, notwithstanding the clouds now hanging over it : it would be a strange horizon,. he said, that had never any cloud, in it. Looking at it as a missionary told, it was a nation of multiplied nation alities, and ibis pieced them in the most favorable circumstances for their evangelization. We bad became the general reservoir of the nations of the earth. Emigrants from the most benighted lands same here and received the light of the Gospel. As soon en they touched oar soil they were free, not only nationally; but free from the tyranny of their former religious bigotries, and had a new spirit infused into theni,'and that spirit was fa vorable to the reception of Gospel truth. It was said that we had some four millions of strangers standing at our own doors, with none daring to mo lest or make them afraid. But, leaving the condition of our own country, and Grossing the Atlantic, the position which Bo rope presents to us to-day was next dwelt upon. God bad recently visited Ireland with a great re vival. In Northern Europe an old, dead Christi anity wet giving place to vital Godliness. .13paio, the home of the Inquisition, was now open to the Christian missionary, and the same was true of France- To Italy God had given another Wash ington, in the person of Garibaldi who, like Wash- Ingres', was not only a lover of liberty, but of true Bible Christianity. The very centre of Catholi cism was thus being thrown open to Protcatant, ism. The same hopeful indications of tolera tion were exhibited In Turkey. It was true they had latelyrincountered the eprisiag of the Drama, but what monster, he would ask, bad ever been overcome and subdued without its dying, throes. The same state of things p revailed in distant In dia Through the very insurrection which bad sought to oppose the progress of Chriatianity, no less than two hundred million people had virtually ten given into the bands of a Christian govern. meet. Burmah was already won. Looking across the Pull ,a Japan laid at our hands ; and even Central Africa, that vast region which in the speaker's sohool-boy days appeared upon the map sa an unknown blank, had been opened to the Christian explorer and was now a field for success. fed missionary labor. In feat, the day had arrived when the min ister- of the Ctoss could go wherever he pleased, with the Bible in hia hand, and the right to trooleini it. Apart.from Christianity, said the speaker, there was not a live religion on the face of the earth to. day. Chriatiana were ready to preialt the funeral gunmen of them all The Papacy, once so great and powerful, was now begging for. life Idoliser med anbm, ince epreadh g its wings like a flexing fire, was now waning and dying—a sick child - un. der the ears, toleration, and protection of France and Bogland ; but whenever these Power: said it was time for the mot liter to be etrangled, it Wit ready to die Goltg into Ada, all former Ghats, oles to the Christian missionary had been removed. Tbe-peoplii were becoming tired of the Pagan in. pereittioes, and w.nted to have in their stead • religion with life in it But turniog from this prospect of universal pre. partition, we not only found the way opened in every direedun for the influx of the Gsspel, but we also found that God bad been pre paring the Church in a singular manner to engage in the work' allotted to it Never bad the Cburol: been in so pod a audition to take the world by storm, as now ! In our own land we had over Eve millions of names ratiotded on our church books, or one sixth of our entire population, end we bad ten millions more who, though not actual members, were Wands of the churches and friends of the Christian cause. The Speaker said he bad some. timee thought that if Peter on the day of Pentecost could have looked on those fin millione, be would have considered It en army strong enough to take the world: or what would Wesley have thought, to have been able to start out with an army of five millions! The ululation doze made with regard to the numerical etrearb of the chorea in our own country, was next applied to the world at large. Tne Church. however, was not merely greatly en larged in our own time, but it wait in a better con di/Sox than It had been at any former period Ira faith wan more fixed, and as a whole they were more united, not in mere apeouletivec Cupric!, but in heart Union and harmony he -regarded a s °cc of the Fondest. characteristic* of the day, and the man who talked disunion now, either in Church or Stare, he bedewed to he an enemy to God end to his counti7. and en ignoramus in the age in which be lives. Christians everywhere were DOW ready to see eye to eye, and stand hand to hand in their work. tat again : The nme bid .00111 e when Protestant Christie:thy was directing the *flits of the earth. The three great nations, &Marion, France, and England, were now the lorda of the world- • 1111 felt that he could safely include Prance iii this Proteetant category, for it was manifest - that the Emmet was merely playing with the Pope, and had him at Ida mercy. These three cations, then, not only controlled and throated, bat, if necessary, 00,114 - taire4honsnal4' by storm, and hold ft. TblIP we saw that the Charoh was.virtually muter of the wor ld. But he would now look at the actual .ability of the Chumll to go forth in this great work. At the very door of this inquiry we met the feet that the Chnreh Is richer to-day than she has ever been. The Speaker said- he was not of those who think it is a dangerous thing for a church to become rich. On the other hand; he thanked God that the. Church was growing in wealth. He held that for a ohuroh to have its heed full of learning, its heart full of piety, sod its pockets full of money, was as good case to be in as could be desired, and all . these the Mundt now possessed in an eminent degree. The world itself was several millions of dollars richer to day than it was a few years ago; and the speaker said it was a remarkable fact that not a single one of all the rich mines recently opened were found in a Catholic country. This great increase of wealth then. in an Important sense, was in the Church— the Chtiatians of Surope and America-4114's own people. Some present might be inclined to say that, al though (Jod had given to the Church an ample portion, at least one of its greatest agencies our own country) was now lying weak and prostrated, and in danger of dissolution. Tole, the speaker said. no did not believe t*od had made the Chtiroh and the wealth of onr country, and Re would not allow one of these to destroy the other. He might, in his providence, submit us to &little rough usage, in order to sharpen as the better for his ramose, but He would not destroy us. Ha felt no fears for the safety of our country. The atmosphere must have its storms, the earth its earthquakes, and great nations their revuleions , It bad taken con vulsions abroad to fit the world, and open it for the reception of Christianity; it would take oontml- Cons at home to make us ready to go in and possess it. In all our troubles, God was evidently, to his mind, but preparing us for the work assigned us es, America would live, and the nation would live, and ha advised all to be strong in the faith, and not in any way to be discouraged by the threatening clouds which now overshadow- car Jand. Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets. PatuinsLreu, March 1, 1861 There is a more hopeful feeling in the business circles, and the markets generally have been more active since the olose of our last review. Bark is wanted at a farther advance. Dreadatuffs are also rather better, but close With less firmness under the foreign news. Candles are unobanged. Coal— there le very little doing- Coffee is In fair request. Sugar is better, but Molasses is dull. Cotten con tinues in limited demand. Fish sell more freely from store, and prices'are rather better. Domestic Fruit, of allkinds, is quiet. No change in Hemp or Hides. In Iron there is a better feeling since the passage of the tariff bill. Lumber moves off slowly at last week'a ratee. Naval Stores are very quiet. Linseed Oil is in good request. In Provi sions there is very little doing, and prices are lees firm. Rice is in steady request. Salt no change Cloverseed is firm. Tobacco and Wool continue without change. Spirits of all kinds are better under the action of the tariff. The Breadstnifis market has been only moderately soave this week, owing, in some measure, to the firmness of holders, who are generally demanding high prices for Flour and Wheat, the receipts and stocks of both being very light: The sales for ship ment reach about 6,000 bbls f in lots, at $5 12fa5 25 for superfine l mostly at th e latter rate for straight lota, $5.25-562+ for common and good extras, and $5.62 - iss 87* for extrafamily, including fancy do— pare at $6 25a8 50, an.t part at a price kept pri vate. Rye Flour is scarce, and held higher, with small receipts and sales at $3.50.3 62* per bbl Corn Meal is but little Inquired for, and dull at $2 87+ for Pennsylvania, and $5 571 ' per bbl for Brandywine fdeal. The following is the inspection of Flour and Meal for the week ending March 1, 1861: Ralf- barrels of 127 • Barrexa of sneerfine..-- 10.179 do. fine 566 do. middlings— 153 do. Rye.. 549 do. Cora meal., 6-8 do. Condemned..... 26 Total._ _._ Warw.—The offerings are very light, anti it hes been in good rctinest, both for milling sod chip moot, at rather better prices; salon of 25.000 bus Mr and prime Pennsylvania and Western at 125 a 1.35 a per bus, &utile= do at 130a135a, and white at from 135 to 1600, the latter figure for choice Southern and Kentuoky Rye—There is rather more doing, and 3 000 bus North River and Penn sylvania sold at 68 69a. Corn has been in fair re quest; sales of 18 .000 bus yellow at 60.51 c, new waits at 58.600_ and old yellow at 62d650 Oats are unchanged ; 10.000 bus Southern and Peunsyl vania s o ld at 32:320. In Barley, we notice sales of 4 000 bus at 68472,1. Barley Malt ranges at from 85 to 900. . Paovisiosis —The market has been dull, and prices, if anything, favor the buyer's. Sales of Western and city-packed mess at $l7 50418, cash and abort time. 100 bbls Chicago Beef Hams sold ar $l6. Dressed Hoge are selling more freely at $6 75.7 per 105 lbs. Boon Tee demand baa been limited, both from the trade and to go South, but prices are steady; sales of Hams at 11a12113 for plain and fancy cured ; Sides ; Shoul ders at 8,810, leash and sixty days. Is Green Meats the aides have been small. Lard—The de mand continues limited at the deeline, but there is less coming forward ; sales of 350 toe and bbl's at 91a1010, cash, and kegs in lots at Hanle, ,ixty days. Bu ter—Ssles of solid-peeeed at 9a10o . ; interior Roll at 10111 a, and goad quality at 12s 140. Cheese onntinuee in good request, and NeW York sells at lOallc per lb MiTAILS —Thiire is a firmer feeling in the Iron market; in consequence of the passage of the tariff bill. The Pales. nowever, are only in a small way, including 2,500 tons in all at $2622, 20.50, and Pi, 6 m o n t hs I.r toe three numbers Scotoli Pig is bald at $22.230, 6 mon , ba. without. sake. In Blooms nothing doing. For Bar and Boiler Iron the manufacturers are receiving but few orders. Lean continues dull, bet firm, add there have been ono sales. CoPPRII to also dull, but we continue to quote at 250 for sheathing, and 193 for yellow metal, en time. BARK —The receipts of Quercitron are light, and let No. 1 is in demand at $25.25 per ton. BEZISWAX is held firmly ; we quote good yellow at Mc. CANDLILI3.—Tbere is same inquiry tor the South . ; with sales of 600 Ibexes' at IThelBc per lb, cash and on time. Sperm and tallow are dull at former quotations. In Paraphene there is very little cuing. Com. —Trade continues in the same dull state which we have recorded for some time past. The mild weather has restricted the .demand for. home consumption, and the inquiry from the East is extremely limited ; but few cargoes aro going forward We continue former quotations. Correa.—There have been no farther arrivals, and the stook in first hands is about exhausted ; prices are full ic higher; sales of 2 000 bags Rio at 1241310, 400 hags Lagnayra at 14c, and some Java in a neighboring,market, to come here, at 160, all four months Coma —The foreign advioes have bad no effect upon the market, end there is no dismition on the part of manufacturers to purchase beyond their immediate wants; sales of 44)0 bales on a basis of lle for low middlings,l2le for good Middlings, and 130 cash for middling fair Uplands. The de mend is mostly confined to the better descriptions, of whit& the stook is very light. The following ia the movement sine the let of Feptember last, as compared with the previous three years : 1851. IEOO. 1860. 1555. Reosige et ports. 5,506.000 3,440,000 2,864,000 1,87..000 Export to F r ance in.. 1421 1438,000 900.000 650.1X0 Export to 367 (6/0 406,000 Xl5) WO MI MI Export to other F. P._ 3V7 000 252.0110 276.1510 151,000 Total export.— 1,565,10 9,070,0001,493,000 1083.080 Stook on hard.— —.- 715.00 u 1.06400 8.7,00 713 ,000 Of which, during the part week, included in the above Receipts at p0rt!...... 175.0'U 153.000 113 000 153 000 Export to tet Britain.. 40,000 78 000 63,000 57,000 Export to France. 12,000 19.000 tow 12.00 Export to other 8,000 15 COEI 19,000 9 OXI Totalexports.-- 60 .000 Mose 83,000 astoo buwateux—Receipts.—Decease at the ports, compared with Mit sear, 635000 bales. Exports. -Decrease to Great Britain, 117,000 bales ; de crease to France, 43,000 ; decrease to other foreign ports, 25,000. Total decreese in. exports, 185,000 bales. Drums Ann Drys.--There IS but little doing. Two invoices Crude Brimstone have arrived, which were previously contracted for on private terms Sales of Soda Ash, in lots, at 210, 0 months, and Cutoh at 60, White Sugar of Lead is held at 120. Fan —There are bat few Mackerel arriving, and the supply is fully up to the demand ; sales of 800 bbls shore Noe 1 and 2 on private terms, and some emsil No. 2. at *4.25. Sales from store at $l7 forlarge Li, *l6 for medium do, $l2 25519 for large and medium 2e, and $9 50, $6, and $5 for the throe numbers of No. '3 Codash arasteady. Two carg oes sold at $3 per quintal Pickled Her ring are in fair demand at $2.75a3 25. Mesa Shad are-held at $ll per bbl. FRUIT —A cargo of Oranges was disposed of on landing on private terms, and 5,000 boxes at $1 75 e 2 for Oranges, and $2 60a for Lemons. 'Domestic - Fruit of all kinds is dell. Green Applas mugs, from 81 50.2 50 Dried Apples are dull at 21a40. Peaches move off slowly at 41.510 for unpared quarter" ; Sao for halves, and 8.12 c for pared. FREIGHTS —To Liverpool, the only engagements reported are 7 000 Ins Wheat, at 14d; and 800 Hides at 45s A vessel was chartered to gO to Cork with Grain, at 13}d; to the West Indies two char ter' were made, at 400 for Sugar from Cuba, and $3 for Molasses on deck To the south, the rates are steady at Baloo per foot to New Orleans; 9.100 to . Mobile, and So to Savannah. Coal Fieights are uneeitted and dull. FLATHEILS —The demand continues limited; 'sates of good Western at 45a 47e Per pound. Glossae.—The late advioes from abroad have imparted a firmer feeling to the market, but there is nothing doing. • - Quarto is out of season, and there is little or nothing doing betas are dull, and no tales of foreign have been reported; oity-eloogtitored Belle at 4ia7o• Hope are very quiet. and sell, in &Man way, at 27a303 for new hastern and Western. - Lumaan.—Tnere is very little doing; 80.000 English Laths sold at $1 85 per M. White Pine Boards range front $l3 50 to $l7. Hemleek is doll bpruce Boards are mares. Of Joist the iturket la bare. Mimeses& —llia market continues dull, and the supplies are coming forward more freely ; Pales of a eargoof Trinidad • n private terms, and 150 bbla New Orleans at 38.470, four month. NAVAL arose —Rosin oontinues dull ; sales of 400 obis No 2 at $1 20 four months, and 200 bble mediton No lat $1 75.1 85. 100 bbla N , vrbern rar sold at $3 25 Pitch to hold et $1878+2 Spirits of Turpentine is in limited request at the deoline noted lost week ;ema l sales at 88a390, and 100 bbl., to arrive, at 3750 cash. Wm.—There Ise goon demand for Linseed, with free sales at 51a53c m tierces and bbls, now gene rally held at the latter rate, which is an advance In Fish Oils there le a firm feeling, but not much doing Lard Oil is dull; sales of fair quality West ern at 026, on time Western Bed Oil is 50111130, and held at 63.85 ; city-made commands 53e550. Plossrou is scarce. Soft, if here, would com mand $2 75 per ton. Rios >s in steady demand, and prices are firm ; sale of .150 to, part for export, at 444}c, cash and emonths. ea/M.—Prices aro unchanged, and an arrival of Liverpool Fite remain unsold. Suns —:-There is a fair demand for good Clover seed, but htferiorie ne r il th eeted .; sales of 2,500 bus common to good and p eat $4 2534 95 per bu, and 1 000 bus prima- from neon* baud*, at $5 Der bu Timothy is mama, and. ranges from $2 2an per ba. Red-tep at $l. $74-.2 per saok. Flax- seed to taken on arrival, by the armature, at sl'43* 145 per bn. brierre The market for Foreign is firmer and more active, and prices generally ate looking up. N. E. Rum is selling at 30a330 Whisky is better, with large sales of able at 'Seigle for Ohio and Pennsylvania; 17a171e for hhds, and 170 Per gal lon for drudge. ifivaan.—The market Is- LeDter,, Drleeo leave 15 / 1 44"91 900 blab Cuba at and New Orleans in lots it 6a630, on tams. Inoludb:115 some damaged do, Bold by auction at 4F '63e, awn. TALLOW.-.—Prices are unehaeged. Baled of city rendered at 9.1 -100, and country at 8340. ' TOBACCO Is dull. Brasil lets of new orop Ken tucky were disposed of at 6aBo. Manufactured moves off /lowly, and only in small lota for the sup ply of the trade. Tats are very Inactive, and prices about the same as last quoted. Woos.—The market has been at a stand. There Is no disposition on the 'part of manufacturers to purchase, except to supply immediate wants, and there is none pressing on the m arket to alter quo tations, which aro comically runshanged. (Reported for the Prom] mESSINA. — Bqk lonic, Rutobinsoo--401, wintoril br Mayne 15 do oork.ood 50 bags fisples walnut' 100 trxy sne , leo almonds: 60 bags oanary seed 660 bas lemons 41,14 do oranges Jeanes. Scattergood & PHIL/LOUR/ILA BOARD OF TRADB. TOW. VIB 6?.R. Jr.. • - 1 , . RAE!, MDR q . COMMITTEN Or TILW MONTH JOUPIi O. OttlloB, LETTER BAGS At the. Merchants' Ezdiange, Ship Beranek, Howland-- .--... - Liverpool. hiereht MARINE INTEI,LIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, March 2. 1961.: 8 Ul4 RISES 6 :0 -KW 640 HIGH ,6 ARRIYJtD. Steamship Delaware, Cannon. 20 hours from N York, •with sodas and passengers to Jar Anderdice. Bark lonic, Dutoturmos, 60 days from Messina. with fruit, &o. to leaned, Scattergood k V.M. Towed up by tug J L Piney. Behr Maggie Van Dusan. 'Yolanda' days from Port land. with mdse to Baker & Folsom. Bohr Mary, Biokards,l day trout .Camden, Del, with porn to Jai L. Bewley & Co. bhb r •:orliee. 1 day from Ildossa. Del, with corn to JEW L Bewley. CLEARED. Steamship State of tieorsia, uarvin, Savannah, Atex % won. Jr. & Co. Bark Jonah, .Nevins, Trinidad de, Cuba, Madeira 4k. abada. Brig Ella Reed. Davis. Havana, G W Bernadou & Bro, Bcbr Lamot Dupont. Herring, Matanzas, John Meson Co. Behr Lewis Mulford, Doyle. Segue, 8 & W Bobs Ella, Packard; Remedios, .1 fd Cootbroth. imhr Village Queen. Hawkins. Portland. sin e iiialti • on ve. B G a lo ur na r rah. James, Salem s , do , Sir tshnver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. MEMORANDA. Ship Fanny NWHenry, Smith, sailed from Whampos, lath Deo for Singapore. Ship Mary Good ell: fdoGilvern for New York, was loading at Sin-spore eth Jan. Ship Villa Franca. Curtis, cleared at New Orleans 25th ult. for Liverpool. Ship W ashington Booth, resond, 71 days from Taloa hone, was below Baltimore 28th ult. The W B has been 7 days north of liatteras, with'farious WNW gates and a very high sea—lost fore topsail, quarter b &e. Ship Merriam, Thurston. at ultimata Ink 'Jan for China. taken up at ere per ton. Ship it B Forbes, Bodoni, was loading at Singapore inti Jan for Boston. . ' ?hip Flying Scud, Swinnerton, for. New YOrk, was at WhamPoa Slat Dec. loading at St 4 3i per ton , Ship S C Humphreys, Prince r ror Bavaria, as Rang Kong Mat Deo. taken up at SW per head. chip Calliope, Goodwin, cleared at Liteangrol - 12th for lt U iP .tu os J auukt, tiiah Bradley, Hopper, for Calcutta, wee in the fiver. LANTOtpOOI. 14th alt. onward boned. chip Lotus, Leckie, at Hong Kong Slat Dec for Ban fro Bars Oak, Ryder, from ult Boston for Philadelphia, sailed m Holmes' hole 26th . Brig Amine. Baker, cleared at Boston Elnull. for Phi ladelphia. • Brig D Maloney, Steelman, cleared at Boston 28th nit for Savannah. Brig Mary I. Milliken, Norden, for Philadelphia, was loading at Matanzas 22d ult. Bohr M A .MoNeill,•/urpie..from Baston, arrived at. Mobile 224 tilt Spans U ahem , . Shaw, and Mary Maley. Haley, for Georgetown. DO. cleared at Charleston 28th ult. Behr E A Douglas. Saunders, hence. &rived at Provi dence 27th ult. Soar Geo it &meth Crowell, cleared at Boston 28th nit for Philinte,phia. ohr Ida Vl'ormwood, for Philadelphia, was loading at Matanzas 22d ult. ttehr It B. Shannon; 'Marta, from Boston for Philadel pina. was at ttolmes' Role 86th nit, and remained 10 • Bahr J as S Hewitt, rook hence for Boston, at iloinme Bole 26th nit, and sailed again 27th. ohne R mtller..Glffo d, from BostoU for Philadel phia. and E G W ward, Oyer, from Portland for no. at olmea' Hole 27th ult. Schr thkeid G.Ployd, Raokett from eieenport for Phi ladelphia at New 1 ork 28cn &kr Alice. Lea, Chinon, cleared 'et lleir York 78th nit. for raw Orleans. llohr Allen it Brown, Edwards, sailed from Bristol 27th mt. ior Philadelphia Se .r Mary Ann Sieges Magee. from Boston for Phi ladelphia. eailed from r'rietol 27th nit. oars Lithe A May. Baser, V. tail and Saulsbury. Hud son, new Jersey. Vaunt man. Henry A May, Hooer, and Charlie 4 Carehurs. Robinson, hence, at Charles ton 26th nit. • - 11,878 rowr•OF PHILADELPHIA. List of Porexgn and Coastwise Arrivals at the Fort of Philadelphia for the month of to. binary, 1861: Brigs -..—. 16 Schooners 6 Ships— —.— Barks... CO.B.2TWISZ. °arks— —.... 21 Steamers ....--. .23 Brigs . 2 I Barges.. Schooners lUlBoats »».196 3/4 I ,___ • T. __........—C The ,ri v alsr.iin foreign ports dories the mon t ht February. lan year were 30; from domestic portal:s4 Li:Larsen this 3 ear 103. MARINE DISASTERS FOR FEBRUARY. The New York Joarnat of Oommeree publishes the usual ha• of marine dimmers foe the I eat month. ',the whole umber ion or missing was 33.1a,mety: allies. 2 barks. 6 bilge and 21 schooners. Of these_lB_ were wrecked. 6 Mende. ed, 6 abAnOoned, 1 capsized. 1 run down. and 3 ate mamma. '1 he loss o f toretp•era, bound to or from United ,durtos porm. is 11111hOUSI y large. hum.. bering 10 resrels being nearly one-tatrd of ins whole number reported. The total value of the above, exoht rave of cargoes was $1337 FOE THE BOUTH.OHARLES Tali AND SAVANNAH STEArdSITIFS. FREIGHT' REDUCED. Heavy freight at an average of meals per cent below New York ffteamilop rater. • FOR CHARLEqToN, B. C. The U. S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATF,C.nyt. C. P. MR.TAIIMAn. wt 1 mall for Charleston on Saturday. March 9. at 10 o'cioc FORSA V ANNAH.AVN GA. _ The U. R. Mail steamship STATE of GEORGIA. Cap sin John J. Garvi will sail for Savanna' on Re tard .1, Maroh 2, at 10 dolook A. M. Mir Goods received ever ear, end Bills of Lading signed at eseend wharf above Vine street. The c..enee. rat rouses Mao who,. reffla.c.rir &tit- STONE BAT Ord STATE OF , G n run se above every two week! thus forming a weekly com munication with th. South and Sons west. connecting with ereamere for Florida. and with railroad, for New Orleans and intermediate points.• . INSUReNCE Freight and insurance on a large proportioa of Goods shipped South will be band to be loiyer by these ship, then by sailing vessels. _ Mir 'rummies on - Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary. farther than Charleston or Barannsb, the Railroad Companies taking all ;:ricks from these points. _ GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this route 25 to 40 per cent. cheltper than by. the Inland Route. as will be amen by the following Beheads. Thrall h tickets from via Charleston and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston, and Savannah to Montgomery - Via HARLBSTON. To Charleston—. ,Gle 00 An4nota-........- 17.50 Columbia.__..__. 10 00 Atlanta._,_....._../1 00 Montgomery 75 0 0 Mobile aa 00 New OTIMIII.-;-..., 39 75 Nashville...-. ...., 72 75! Knosville-..—. 25 501 Memphis -‘ 31 751 N. S.-P assenger , this route connect with the In tend /tont, in rouss carotins and. GeOrgin• trearellmit by the same conveyancer thence to New Orleans. No einem iodine sagnetaßergbe atup has saliod. - No freight received on the day of sailing. For freight erpassme apply to ALEX. HhltOts. Jr,. & CO., - No. 126 NORTH WHARVES. Ascots in Charleston T. S. & T. G. BUDD, 0 Savannah. MUTER & GAMMELL. THE BRITISH AN]) NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIP& BBOX NEW TONI TO LITTE7OO/., Chief Cabin Paintign-- RIX Second Cabin Passage-- Ti THOR BOSTON TO LIViIiPOOL. Chief Cabin Pastrage---- —sllo Second Cabin Passage , se The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The stuns from Boston Gall at Rahfaz and Cork Har lxir. 1 PERSI, Capt. Judkins. AFRICA, Capt. Slannon. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Capt. La_ps. __• ASIA Card. E. D. Lott. AMBRICA, Capt . Moodief AUSTRALABIAN, Capt. NIAOARA, Copt Andereot: B. M. Rockier, EUROPA, Capt: S. Lein*. SCOTIA., thaw budding./ These vessel/ wary * clear White UM at and-head ; silo. xi on starboard boar; red on port " ARABIA., Stone. leaves N. York. Wedneidny, Zab. IS CANADA. Anderson." Boston. Wsdnesday, Feb.lo AFRICA., Shannon, " N. York, Wednesday, Feb. ST AMERICA, Little. " Boston, Wednesday, Mar. 6 AUSTRALASIAN, - Rookie!, " N. York, Wednesday, Mar. IS NIAGARA, Moodie, " Boston, Wedneesay, Mar..lo Bertha not scoured until paid for. An exponenood Surgeon on board. The owners of these shwa will not be accountabl e fw Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, JelvelrYi Fromm SUMSr orMetale, unless bilis of lading are mined therefor and the Tofu& thereof tnerein expressed. For freight or VW saris, asniT to ' R. CUNARD, fell -t£ 4 Bowling Groom New Y ' MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN STRAP&JENGINI' AND BOILER WORES,NEIFIE_ & LEVY. PitacTICAL AND THEOAMCAL ENG/IM, MACRINLISTIL_BOILEE-MAXERE,BLACKI3 and FOUND WE, having, for man" Years, been in mieessaful operabeis, and been exclusively , speared ig building euid repairing Marine and River Engine', bid and low pressure, Iron Beats, Water Tanks, Propellers &o. t reepeetfully offer their serv.oes to the pone, 11 ! being telly prepared to °entrant for Kleine" of all 11131611. marine, River, and - Statamary - , haw= seta oI "ate= of different Adzes. are prepares to exesmite or ders with emir* despatoh..Every deseripl a gof Patters , notice. - and making made at the shortest no l-s at Frame, Flue, 'Tubular. and CYlleder. the beat Pennsylvania oharooal iron. Fermi/. of *u miser and Muds Iron/and area Castino L of all desonplions . Roll Turning. Barely Cutting, and ell' other Work sea nested with the above bria/Preir. • • Drawing" and speoilicatsous for all work dorie the!, mitablistunent, free of oharge, and wort ptomains!. The subsenbera have ample wharfylook Mem for re paint of boats t where they can be in perfect Wety and sr.~ pro vided with ahem% blacks, fella, &a., las for heavy or light Weighe P r. .UID riMarl AIRE LEVY, E. SEACrit ant gALMES arms. 7. 'With:MAN I:4IIARICK, JOHN I COPE, WILOABI. H. ALSRRICK. HARTLEY MEHRICI, S&ILKFOTTNDk S FIFTH AND WARRINGTON RTREEMS. PHILA.DELPHIA. MBRaLCH .,, I, BONG EIiGINSERIC - AND MACEEAt'lirli. '-- MATlUrtlatttre High and Low Pramual. Stem Engfater ter land. »got, and marine, _ Boilers Ga.ometers,- Taut.. Iron - Mmes. - fear Cut inn of all kinds. eimer irou or brass. • , - Iron Frame Roofs for (lea Works; Worindiegu;lail road orations &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the Wed and moat im proved oonstruation. hvery description of Pi sta tion Machinm, snob as "% gar Paw, and erist fps, Vacuum _ Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators. ten, - Puttlfing. , tngiaaa, Sole Agents for N. Rillunisle Patent Sugar Dining' Apparatus Neemyth's Patent Item' Hanumero quo nd pinwall & y Walser aatent Centrifugal Nagar preigung Machine ann., - • &limb MOUNT MACHINE WORKS, m. - WOOD Bt., between Twenty-first and Twenty- Beard. Patebbahed 18/19. WOODdersigned, aucioeseor to the late firm of. will continue the business in all its branohes an heretofore. Power Looms and all maohloOkoonneated with them,EinboseinEcaliendens. Lard Oil Prams. Shan:lint. ild Machine Work general. Thankful for past floors, he would rearieitfolle Solicit a oontinuanoe of the patronage so libentllr bestowed on the late firm. TROMAB WOOD. Philadelphia, Jan. 21. MU. lage.fini pool , PLRAFANT FOUNDRY - -No. 953 AL _SXACH Keneis a rm.Pkihidettrit.- &UM 11. TlXERlnforme bleep thee ; g Ed the entire stock attains et the 'e_bova ?qua ke, ;DEC pre to minerie oniet m e n tqing. , and Own p, now e , nee Work, Gearing. Glinting, aide Ter netennyerthineta Fatneeee, in dry sr green' sabillin, Pah, gaItin.LADRIAP dLit TERRA OOTTA MA • JR. NuFAcToRS;_FZYWZtiiid GFERAMTOWN mad and 1010 i f o rl ot Vi Drain aa4 Water Pipes. NianiAatiN Pl./nand fmake Fines made of Terra and 9 Matta le Size or every clan of biatimpt, but adios is WOrt= alSonttou 011 all parties puttftet. AP inal d i rlia•— emse sewerage Japes for Oft 7 ranted to stone a serere preaeare, We antpefer PnelArs to contract with muse or aorooratioas for this artide , is any !ins . ulator. - Ws warran =en; aat witot Fur to w other in MalV taloa ar Orittiamild", t THE '1 PRESS.PHILADELRMA ,,, " SATURDAY; MARCIV , 1961.- IMPORTATIONS. --3 t kitllPYLArti. ToVIA SAVANNAH, To Sarannah.........gis Augustam.-- N 67 20 00 Atlanta...._. 21 CO C01umba..,:.....;., al 00 Jklbany—...... 23 00 • ittonteomer7—.... 55 00 33 00 New Orleans-- 31 75 _ . . --.. TE•EN T'ER " i:. . - ~ ...._ . INSURAN'OE , COMPANY Op minaDzintA. 01.11.8 INUTRANCB:EXCLUSIVEILT.) COMPANY'S surLDING, B. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIABOTORMI: E t JtAiroxycias "us', MAMMA! L. DAVrioa r wuAr.Al4l.comi. Ono. H. 821rAuT Joan H. Etsowi, TALaili) Anil, 0811 M. triroo74 B. A. Faxammoax, Sari. T. snici. . 21 1 w D. CAM; 11,21.12 Y Vie NARTON, J. . ERZINSIIM. F. BATOR 0 , aTARR, Praident. CILARLES W. CORE. Seareters. 1 feu AW AIM MUTUAL EitIFETy DEL nv dIIRANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the Legislature of rearmloam. 1810. Oboe H.R. corner of THIRD and WALNUT gyms. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, Ore vowels. Cargo To an Darts of the Worts. Frown!, I LAND INSURANCES On Goods by Riven Canals. Lake% ehd Lsnd Car r/MOB to all parrs of the union. FIRE INSURANUEB On Merehandin generally. On Stomp. Dwelling Rouser, !to. 1 A&SETIS OF TEE COMPANY, November Limo. 611004610 'United States five' cent. loan-.1..810.4600 CO 115,000 Vigiged States six cent . Treaeury Notes, (with gummed interest)...-: 112,463 34 100.000 Penney Muds. State five 1162 rent loan. ----.- 684170 00 MAXI do. do. aix do. do . 21,412 og 133.060 Philadelphia City si x gip'cent Lam /26,303 M 30,000 Tennessee State five cent; toile- 24,M0 00 N/4131Penneylvania Railr oad x mortOrge six w• gout. booths-- • 16,000 31113 shares. stook Germ:into:wags Company. interest and gim I guaranteed by the City or P a delphia ----- -,..........- _.-.._,-. , WOG 00 LW 100 'harem Pentsylvama - Railroid ComPanY, .. .i.--- -4-:.. IMO NI 6.000 100 shares norm Pennsylvania Neil road Company. ...I 000 00 i Lsoo so shares Pfillsoeighra . itli - Bai ii Steam Tug Company . . . 1,200 00 260 6 share. Philadelphia and Havre e oraoe Steam Tow-boat Com . NM 00 1100 3 Aare, Philadelphia Ruh e ComeanY---- - - lig C° -1 1,000 3 share. Continental Hotel Gr. • SOO IV 1661.130 par. - Cost 61547.325.36. MarketiraLS664,3o6 Ti ills removable, for insurances made-- r...... 171.386 42 Donde and mortgaVa.— -- •-•-"±- 844" 00 Real extant - • ~.. --- - 61,36316 Balances due et Ageneiet-rrimiiims otih.a, rine Policies. interest. and other debts Auk _ ~_..• tap Compiler -,-. ' 54334 02 , Berm and stook gf sundry InseraZe and other Compatriot --. —.-. _., Cash on hanii-7-#1 banks. - -,..SfJi.lnirs ^ - in drawer-....-.. en 35 ' - masa. DIRECTOR& , William Martin Samuel M. Mikes, Edneur.4 A. Pon d e r__J. F. Pen:ils = - Theophihn .PaUldill, Henry ' - John R. Penrose, Edward Dar utter; John C. avis, R. Jonesili, James Traqualr, Elpeneer nei William Byre. Jr., Thomas C. d, James O. Robertlturtda, William O. Ludwig, Jaoob Pam4s, j*rePb . James: B. M'Sarlsail t Dr. rt.:M. Ruston, . Joshua, P. Byin, George C. Lairssr, lo hn B. Retniiii, Pittsn• Hugh Craig., D. T. Morgan, Charles Rally. A. Ir. Berm t WILLIAM MARTIN, ` dent. T ROS. O. BAND, Vies resident. HENRY LYLBIJRN. Seoretarr. nurf,rf p . SURANOWOOMTANIF TilE STATE OF PENTONLYANIA—FIREAND MA -1104E.D LNSURANOE Nos. 4 AND i CHANGE DVILINGS. .r red tolol—Cayital !ISSAS:I—Fob. ,1860, dash averted in seam/ And svailable mean h op—pon tiTßlO to ars on Yessobi an& Cargoes, Buildings, mocks of M m orobandms &Or on liberal tomb Rem D. /Stirrer], . 3- - , Osorgag: & mega Toby Samuel Charles uter i Tobias,. le William S. Smith, John B. Bud, "ItarayOz William R. White, Chart:: 5. - Lem George C. Carson. HENRY D. SHERRERD, WILLIAM HARPER. Seeretarr. R2COB &NOE INSURANCE 00 PANY —Office Nn. 409.111reLNUT Street. _ FIRS •INSIIICAPICK on ROUND! and AS abandon generally, on favorable terms, either limi d'or per. patina. . DIREjTORS: Jeremiah Bowan, Thomas Harsh, John Q. Gionod , t, Charles Thomp Edward D. Roberts, Jaws T. Hale. Samuel L. Susedley. Joehus. T. Owen Reuben C. Hale. John Z. • Griathe JE.R°HIAII BONSALL. rr*. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vice PI RICHARD COE, Secretary. VIRE INSURANCE. - ItIEOR NIUE' R.' INSURANCE COMPANY of PhiWelNo. 139 North SIXTH Street, below . Race. bum . 'Build ings, Goods, and Merchandise. generally front loss or damage by'Fire. The company guarantee to int all losses promptly, and thereby hope to mega th patron age of the public. ' nriticroite: William Morgan, - - Robert Plaza .Franois Cooper, • -Michael Macao George L. Dougherty. Edward tdeDoe • James Marian, Thomas B. Mo ok, Jame- Durose, _ .Loror Dromhty, Matthew McAleer, Franco" Bernard Rafferty, John CaSead_y -•fhomas Hemphill, • Bernard 11. • Hithriman, homes Fisher, Charlie clue, rands Ms:Manua • ' Miattriel Cahill. _FILAACIS 000PhIE. President. BILRNARIf EAPFSR &watery: oa S-em AMER!' )AN Flair.;,/NSURANOE!OO., e z - :__INCORPORATED 1810-;CHARTER PER TIJ 1 • No. 310. WA I..NUT Street. above Third, Philadelphia. Baying . a lane paid-lip Capital •blk and "moles. invested to eoend and avai'able ' , entwines. conhou e to insure on Dwellinas, Mersa Forni n ire, atertrhaddrvor Vessels in port and their oar nes, and otherpenonat property. All lanes liberally and promPUY adiu44ed. - Diancroil Thos. R. Maris. John T. Lewis, - - John Welsh, James N. Canappeil, Gameel 0_ Morton, kdmand G. Durith. petriok Brady, Chap. W. Poulin's,. TlMorin& WIIArt it..MARIo. President. • ALBERS ORAWFOR D. fleerstary. fell- tf -- - . A NTERAVITE INSURANCE COMPA. .cm. 14T.—Authorised Capital MN& W-414.11TED P tigr , Ritit.LNllT Strout, balsam Third NM Fourth &root, Philadelphia. . This oQmpany 'ill tnaara . a3aiast kiss or darnagi-by Fireeon Boikbncs, Formren, ' mid hterehaudisa guns ralit Aso. Marine Insaranutui; vuob., PAII4P._- > 0 1 1414 Pritiichbil. Inland blame 441 J "arts of We Vtai n . . RE Lm.. ob Halter. — , l t. Luther, Andonnac ip M ttan... rs Pearson ranon... • jAoos AB,. r .., o. Wht. F.l7sElr Via,' bi dent, W. M. EMITR, Secretary. ~',, - aoS-u ENIOVALTHE PENN leruttrria: LL LIFE INV:MANDE COMPANY have removed LP their new bu'lding. No. .91111 ..13RE.STDI - UT Street. Awsete. over #1.000.0W Charter pefeeteal. ALI, TILE PRO , - ITS di•ided amongst the insured. POLICIES issued thin year will participate Ir the Di vidend to be- declared in Jannary,next, Ths Company sham MI authority to act as Executers, AanitLIATIILOris Assignees. Guardians,_and:Ereateee for married women and children. DANIEL L."MILLE,R, President. SAMt.. E. sTolEba, dine Pres% Yews W.Henetoa. Saisretary. - DIDD I VAL EXAMINERS In attendant* ttaily, from to re eliniAL P. M. SAVING FUli DS. SAVING FUND—Hy:RP= CENT. TEFEST.—NA UT TIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALN Street. southwest eerneref Third, Philadelphia. -- Incorporated by the thate,or-rentutyl trania. . Money is received in any aim. largo or small , and in terest pad from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office is open every day from nine o Mos& in the morning till five o op,*in the eveoirg, and on Monday and Thmaday_evenings meal:44ow • Han. MEN SEPUtiM Predident. ROBRItT BEL.FRIDGEiViss President. iSrmiasat J. Lamm Boonton. - • DDLICTOTIA, Hon. Henry L. Benner,Mailers_ BB kdward L. Carter, - 7 B. Darr, Robert Selfridge, . Prawns Lee, Samuel` Ashton, . Joseph '''Yerlem e ' fl. Landreth hianasi • • /SUL Sto - thenson. Money is reoeivarand pimento. • dot ThWineeetniente lire made on . ' ornu .witit.the prordwoueur the 'Charter. in' °gloves, eircmied- Mentz; and anoh - first -elass neuritis's as will slim is -insure perfect, the .depoin tore, and which cannot fail to give vermotaboo , and stability to this Institution. - • aal=sy "'A lattic but often;filli the Pane." . 1 WEANKLIN S4VIN(. kJ:Wk.&li I i - .xi- - • 136 eolith FOITHIT BtreiA, between :Obeitant and Walnat,:rbiladelehue - ndye all , dimwits on demand. _ • • • • 6 ; I Depositors' „money, secured JoyLGovarnment, ;,,1 j Stare, and City Loans, firoundiada, /dor!. i I f ni Mimi_ deems Misty better than large a imo fi ta. oonseaueouy anlliran no risk with depo. g, wtonemoney. but bays ft attall times remy to c o !return with-5 phr- 00111 s interent: to tRe owner, . Ise they havelawayi l ' done, ' Thai. Qempany 31 , nemstispended. - • Wee, me flied .er s i ngle, . en d mom can : `.depot nu their wani_right, and inch depeeita can 1 Abe withdritwn ONLY by their consent. o,lf Charter p er p etual.'. Inoori:orated by the Stage' -" , - of ,Penumlvania,•• "with" , authority to receive u ' monerfromtrnatees and egeoutore: __- 2• ' • LAROId AND - 131112At.1 &Tea .RICCEIVED. si.' Office open *spy, from 9 to=e Woks*, and on a _Wednesday evening until litiVeleek. • _, g 1 DIRECTORS. rr Jamb B. Shannon, Crime Oadmalleder, , g , lohn Shindler Beene Rnatell, W. Sloan, . . Charles Lamng, . 4 % =Jeremiah Coinfotr, Be rO l elenyT ail - Pinhole+ Rioe J nlame, Dathanfimoter , Jos..D.Batteriit, Jones a r mee. JACOB B.' SB ANSON , Proxideint. CYRIIII Oimmaaransa.yreaurnrer.- " A Dpa1e.r. ,. .07 , 4104. - > ao. ip.nrood;" COPARTNERSHIP NOTICEi3. 7-11A11TN1,10.0 IP . 7 1tEbICT( , Fah E eiitotine . bittyPezi the mobil:w* ile nude. the name of ENtiLlati & 1 , ,LL18. v th a deg &volved h 1 nova at coneent, and-the baldness of the Iwo fir& wilt be set tled ba TRWILS,S.B. ELtle, at Ide ,stote, No. 114 South POURTR Butet. t , . • .3011 N 111, RN(ILBE, 1110,11 AS B Mild& AVING PUROIf." , 4.1)-THZ Lift'TN: , •-• RENT of my pute_el' in the late .firm Fnili Ellis I wrier(' re spectrally inform my freer de e , d_the DOM* that ( have rem• Mil to J.% 04141 lionth_efillk s . trfrett,'lnte-re- 1 Mutat eonoeue tev , Maness of Tellones.yrith_s,full,./tonmemt.o sor.ds adapted to venting , n • near. at d. soloupte, pluma ge . f ee l o=El:trims tn. •ausaniNg cease Vmurmarcm; • SellMA - B IRLILDS... .• aa, ate ll4 fleouthrOUlerii. Skeet WI /- • firm of ..ANSPA( RES & is tin day . 41meolved, , by urnyuja. ommeitt. „Tha,basiops of min firm wilt on matted by inthet eit the late partaqs, at the store. south w est cor ner of BIRD and CREAMY Yreera. A , BP.A.CIF Jet— • - WILLIAM arideaff, JAttISM 11. - Ridi • .4 irk ANLIPACH. • Philadelphia, March I, DAVID M. OWAfilt. • : • COPARTNERSHIP The rubsonbers have thin day thinned a Comartaershie, eider the firm of WILLIAM. Aftaffiall , 'lt t.O.,,and soutotte the' 'Wholesale. D Woods basintm„,_a_t the oid stand, annanring, owner of 'Ary__ IMED and qn.R.Ray swag: wILLEAm AtopAca, • 11"44 frye r :WWl • AR • - caul, R. MIS ' ACM ; . . NOTIOS.-Ihe heretofore ix . . , between • Mose the etalenuated. and known aa the firm of pßi•nftilit Y, nYKAI3, n.. CO.. Hi this day du solved-by nottnaleosesat. . . _- : ...- -_, - . - , Al , persons havlng , clams Against. the late flrntwill welling the mums to o..oree 0.-kri.,,bstry, Jr , tor pl, maPj..a4lll all persons who IMO e • wil l lrilipay Oen . 0, ymihrtry. Jr., who oil atith.rtsed to ear Is the affo rs of. the LIR, • ; eltUleVb , PlikliflVArY, Jr. , JAM ' e WV KR% - - .„. t., ..4 w CILA.IIII4ICX Philadelphia. March et. LEGAt. , .. , , . .--;„ . , , flu THE-ORPHANS' 00PRT—PrIRI Tit* 6iTirditli CM:MITT OF FRIVADELFRiA. t.- : • itittatiorJAMlES MoOONEO4thediesispd , i Ti. Mitlitlitmopoiti . ted b• 0* Court t2.amdetesettlio. sila om tbssooonnt of 41KICIALMIA$TRItaid lanalagrator of the 'Mitt% 441.141.5 0 14111 omen s G A L, 0.: {=:: .i r d i tht r i ft tig_bgl i 1 .44tht!""in l ir P ; Li. arlar".4 h 4 1 01tritln ... -, ,-, AKIO& -I, ,, ,ditib il lit l air si - 49 ' ••• -a' Y . :Priswilutaittlittor. , ellinitoW'Ad!...47' r . :Yel tr#l4t RESTORATIVE TDB iiBONOBBT BOND OF UNION EVER YET . INVENTED, BDTWDEN TRH MORIN AND SOUTH, DOT SLOG BETWEEN YOUTH AND OLD AGE. 46,000 00 Sot tot Others sooakirhili Are remain silent. Read for ,O. 1., , W00n, Esq.: .Rear Bir—Allow me - the pismire and satisfaction to trariamit to you the beneficial effects of your ffairßestorative after a trial' of lye rears. I commenced using your Restorative in Juno*, WM. anon which time I - have sot been without a bottler on hand. When I aormeeneed the use, my, heir en" gurte thin, and at leait wie-third gray A few &PRlMA taus litUPPed its falling, and in threemeeks time there was not a gray hair to be found, neither has there been nit* this time. After my hair was completely restored, I -continued its use tryapplying two or three tomes per month. My hair:has ever continued healthy. soft mid glow, and my scalp perfectly fres - from , dandruif. I do not ima gine the :dam above mentioned will he of any per • advantage to you, oraven, Ratter; your,Arsailty at thielate dor; as I sm well they known already, and even more wonderful ones throughout the Union. I have'' occupied my time An traveling the greater pert of the time the past three years. sad Mu taken'pride and frileisurvi in istiiimnietidbie • aturexhibiting:itsAtlbilitii rev own case. In 'event' instances I have nnit with people that have pro nuptial it .11 humbug: Ewing they had used it, and iwithouteffeot. every iiistanee. however, it proved. by probing Me mattei, that they had not used your ter tiold at all, but had used some new artiole, said to bees good as yours, and selling at ritait half the price. I have named two or twee. articles myself. adrortixod as above. which, I have no doubt, are humbugs. It is astonishing that People will patronise an article of no repntstion. when there is one at hand that has been Droved beyond ivioubt. ' Apeareutly. iliOme or those charlatans have not brains inoughto write an advertisement. as I notice they hays copied yours, word fOr word, in several instances, merely inserting some other name in place of yours. I have, within the past five years, seen and talked with more than two thowwd persona 'that have used your preparation with perfect suocasa—some for beld ame. gray hair, weld head, dandruff, and every disease the soalp and head are subject to. I - oalled to see You. personally, at your original place of, bullies* here. but learned you were now laving in NeW York. You are at hberty to publish :this, or to refer parties to me. Any communication addrotied to me, care box 1920, will be promptly answered. 1 ours, truly. • JAMB!! WRITE, M. D. 3,1111 50 11906,907 WAARICIP SP7ilio34, Perry Co.. 7uno 7, 2217•116 14107. WOOD: Dear Sir--I was inducted. more thaula year ago. to try valuab'n ElYir Reitorative. for the immures,' of °lemming my head Of dandruff. 'I had mut tered with it upon my head for years. and had never lieen e ,able to get anything , to dome say good in remo ving it. although had tried many preparations, until I your adyertisement in a etarrialmnt paper. Wing there at tie time. I Milled at Gross and ,ffunkle'e drug Store, and ' our ht a bottle. and now am prepared to re commend it to universal use. for it has completely to moved all dandruff' from my head. and an application onoe in two weeks keeps it free from any itching or other unpleasatitnesm. I must also state that my hair had beooniciqui to white in pl .oei. and. by the use of your preparatton. Liao been rammed to its original color. I am now 60 years of age. and although 1 have limed two bottles of the Restorative. no one hes any knowledge of It, an I allow a few gray hum to remain. in order to have my appearance comport wits my age. My bead is new of Ism trouble to me. in keeping it oleanolto., than at any tune MO. I ave been a ohild I ionsider your preparation of grrat value, and although I do not like to expose myself, I tionsider it my. duty to any go. Yon can use tide or any part or it- in any chaps you think Proper, if it is worth anything to you. Your.. no., ' It U. =Taft. • • BLooggINOTON, Lid., July Se,kfao , . int :Deer I here send you a statement that Ith pon. are entitled to OM honeat..of. I am & resident of Bloomington. and have been for over thirty years. I am now overlie year* of age. -Far 'Mont mienty Yeas ,ttatt_mruote hag been turning consmerably gray, and Was almost entirety white, and very stiff-sad anabange Thad seen a number of ocrtifiesmccif the-TOY wondev , fel effect of yeieitigalr liestorative, but eilpiceeed there was more fiction than truth in them t ,entertaining . is Steel* &dank* liars my hair, if ziossible,restored to its original color and fineness. as itsras Inry younger days a beautiful ,black, 1 concluded'would make the experiment, commencing in-a'amall way. puechased one of your mill bottles, atone dollar; and commenced using, following directions as nearly as / could. - I soon discovered the dandmff removed„ and rser hair, that was falling of in large quantities, Wag considerably tight ened, and a radical change taking place in the color. I have continued to use it, till I have used three of year male bottles, and Just begun on the fonrth..l have now: as pretty a, lased - or dark brown, or, light black ludr, any Man, ores I had ia. my youthful days, when a boy, iii the lulls of Western Vigitua; My head,;., entire'', clear of daledraff, and the-hair ceased 'entirely habit off, and is as soft and fine, and feels as oily; asethrogh it was ject friem under the hands of it French-sham pooer. Mani-of iny-econeintancci -frequentlY , saY .to ma, .o.fintler,where did ,you get that fine wig?", tetettesi" was the effects of Your Beinorittive. It is aktiost impossible to convince them that it is the Original Muir of the same old gray head. - Yonne. truly; FREIMILICK T. - BUTLER. Bloomington, Monroe county, Indiana; • . • • • WOOD' REBToRATIVE haa mound a re putation f actual test' and experiment, which can not be en teed by newspaper puffs. In our own viol-- Vey it has bees extensively used, and,Me belleire; in every case, with every desired result, sad ,reeeives the aieeiversal endorsement of all who:have tried it. -- Mre, ttherefore, recommend it as one of those few 'genuine viostrains welch aciontelisbes its violence, and all the bald and gray could desire.—Calumbia Spy. PROP. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE.—In ano tber oolnum will be found an advertmentenkof this well known and expellent preparation for :restating SAY heir to its original color. The Bair Restorative also cures cutaneous eruptiors. and tunventithe hairfillias off: We have amen many 'authentic testimonials in Proof of these assertiOns; some of winch are from 'gen tian:cm whom we have known Apr many year, es PM' sons of tee most 'reliable'elimeatsg. Don't . dre.oll ion have tried this Restorative.—:Bosecis Mies Branch, • • • WOOD% HAIR ft BB TORA r TIVE.-1/ndare most sot . olds*. this is proved, kw unimpeaohable evidence. to . Meese great eilionci; ea a restorer of • the 'hair to rts pristine vigor. Whore the &rad had become almost :bold booktlie of sickness; the uieof this article has pr?-: dueled a beautiful growth of thick, gloaa hair. It .rb, therefore, a valuable preparation for ell aliases Its; ;ingredients are mach as to erreotaally eradroare dandruff and other impurities which operate so injuribucly to the hair. It also has Ouratilre Projectile of 'straits': d&. soriitton In maw.: caserepimples and tithei disfigure ments of the skin disappear wherever it is used. Ther e , is nobasard atiaching to rho . trial of lire _remedy. sad to etelltil can only be benedocd. as the compound; if it , does not °slum a manifest improvnineut. is ausapable of doing. warm, as its Obarioitenestenienureirriterfeetly lanoziorm—Bosson Transcres,-April ISOS. (Melt NOETAVIII.—Tbe- =Verity of hair washes ; hair dy es , hair oil s. and the numberlase prepanitions which are now bake* the subtle. =ruler sob eslllarrigant. hyperbolical. and fantastiCal titles. es• we see Paraded in show-windows and negramplir head- - ass. as hair preparations; are aU hninbageof the first water; their real merit. when they areinaii iulY. ht. that that they do no harm.' Bcile* ia td;libuill mil lard oil, meet oil. scented and Wand make ato; when in been teal wriloPeral, and' white tint glaar,lottreiabirsioiti.. Best character of tonics, and when than costly, asa bap- fi ll ed with some try-syllable term. and taught' st bp' verdant young and old of both sexes. Bush la not the character of Professor Wood's Hair Reatorative. This gentleman comes before the world without:any "high (' Latin" X.doehlotoyintn. or..any_other;iiatosuatag.aniL startling osfeh-penny term; he amply, adyertisiso at' Hair Restorative — what a:praline. preajialyalailii , a Restorative it sots- Huy Professor:Wood's Hair geatorative, and. as you Yalu. rum eellpi . aye. your very brains. apply nothincelle t for it, ia*be tha you win get some worseentetsnoe:than :Percutaad lard oil aa your eitinhert - Remsmber.'Wood's Restorative - for. the Bair is the beseLatthde entatit:-../Veto Yak Deli Book. D. .1. WOOD 36 CO., rrapnetors,,.44 1 / 1 1044.D WAY; New York, And 314, bujuurr Steret, SCI tomb. M. and sold ts food dsokidosiond Mums toads doolevii in 'or 'au tuthria,, ? NOT ONLY yoimm,ivem: Sr. Lorre. Jul, 10,1860. MEDIC CEPHA.I4/0 PILLS BICEC HEADAOttEte NERVOtra HEADACHE, cußl ALL SODS OP READAOHE I Hy the use althea, fills the periodical attacies or Siet. Riaetaehe may be prevented ; and if taken at the oommencement of an stem* bnmedinte' relief from pain and eloknoe■ trill be obtained. They seldom tail In removing the Nausea avid Head eche to which females are so elation& They sot gently on the bowell, removing Cost4vosigit. 'For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Fernlike, and all persons of sedentary Ambits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the apse tits, giving tone and visor Loth* digestive organs, and reartonng the natural elas ticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and osiefully conducted experiments. having seep in use many years, daring which time they have prevented - and relieved a vast amount of pain and suguring. from Headache. whether originating in the asrsoss system or from a deranged state of the sto mach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with pergola sagetyirithout m aking any change, of diet, tad the tansies Nany dud " Habit tarts readers it easy to adoWnesser them tie sairdrea, z 4E-41431 ThOtlnsino kale Oro signatures of Bolin O. ',paid= on eaoh Box. Sea by protons sad all other Dealer* in -4 t Uux inn be seat by man Wombd on receipt of the PRIDE, 26 - PENT& au ants= should Ds addreseed to HENRY O. SPALDING, 48 CEDAR STREET, KEW YORK. THE FOLLOWING ENDORBEMENTB OF SPALDING'S OEPHALIO PILLS. WILL OONVINOE ALL WHO BUFFER FROM HEADACHE, TRATA SPEEDY AND • SURE CURE IS WITHIN • THEIR, REACH. di Owls Teitintomietts art sassolieteed . by Mr. OFAILD utc, they 'afford simitoftiosabti yioof the effi. .2acy of this truly scientific discovery. ELtsOnviLim. Conn.. Feb.s. 1861. arkLDITIG6 _ I have' tried your Vergbalio Pills, and !like them so toßostl, mast you to send me two dollars w , rth more. ofthese are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few o the tret box,' got from 70114 Send the rim by rasti, and Ma ige Your ob't Servant, 3.014110 KENNEDY. ispiLinNG. Siriazroan, re.. Feb. 6,186 L Pzx • elijou to se d mimie more box ot your Oeehar° Pi m. Aare received a great dndeal tif beech: Irene em. Yours m Y iatftt afi T it sToizastniss. SPRIICIC CREEK, riIINTIXGDON COVNTY, Pat January 18, 1961. please *end Ile Vora box"; of your Capinllo Pills. Sand them Immo Maly. - _ ReMpllettidir TOUT% - • _ SIMONS. P. S-1 j Wo olacitsroof ass aaz: at' your. Pll4, and foul Urn eteeient. Bath Thinmq, Ohio, Jen. 13.10 a. Brii.mite, Besse And enclosed twenty- five cents. Pr which s en d me &umber ba_x or your , Capttslia rills, They are truly the bast Pills I have ever tried. Direct A:STOVER, P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot cm, O. H. C. PDALDTNG, Big. I wish for some ononlari. or large show bills. to bring Tour Cephalic Pills more rotionlarly before my ons hinters. If yon have northing of the kind please send One of my ocurtosumit 'Who is *tibiae! fo severe Sisk litesoaqim, tpsu*llJ lasting two 'Jaye.) was cured tlf attack so ass hour by your Pills, -which I Bent bor. EsaSestfutly, yours. W. B. WILKES. • iLICYNOLDEOIMILO: FRANKLIN CO.. Ohio, t January 9, lan. HENRY C. 89,1a.nnto, tro. 48 Cedar nu II Y. . VICAR Silt: loolosed Ind cent% (25.) for winch send bon of " Cenhalto-rina. - Nina to Andress of Bev. Win. C. Filler: flaynoldaburg,Franklin Co., Your Pins work like a charm—care Haadaeh. a lmost Instanter. Truly yours !rm. C. FILLER. YPen.lss?l,Mlcu., Jan, Us UN. MB. Sre.trazTa. • 811 NOt tall* Spool sent to you fora box of throbabo Pins for the oared r the nervous Headache and Costiveness. andleofroad the same. and they had-so good an eat asylums inroad to motif°, more. Please send by return mad. Direct o A. R. WREELER. - Ypsilanti, MIEN=III • t • Agin as RA:m=6w; Norfolk, Fa. irigfteTinat:so oo noli a te l l is owpot- kir wlualt they e, cu. Core or htedsohe ut all de forum likom the . ..Exansitter. - Noorerk; Va. with entire They tuiiri bean timed in more thane thousand oases, moons. - - ... .. . . . . I-_,, '. . IFYinn , i4slAiligbdriet. St: Cloud, Minx. .. • IT)Ogi Are.. 07.4.F1S baeltil'Olkblia Irich.the headachei _Ulna far IL lIRIMLIS.I/4461.t. rived ma wa& you - mad have Mena castor an:attaak; '..-;.,.. - - , .. Than the AddiTtiser,,, .Providest4, R. I. :The Cephalic Pine are said' tithe a remarkably eXec hive remedy for the headeche.and,:onitofthe very beet 'foitbat very frequent complaint which lies ever been discovered. • • FYeea the' Wester* R. R. Gazette, Chiatiet. We heittily e endors Mr. /biddies,: and his unrivalled °Debella nue. , . Ron Me Kiare4,l4_lf t ittey Star, Nessittehts. Va. We are sure that perilous aufering with the headache, who try them, will seat to Ul6lll. • • • Ben tie Hosatirs ;Pith- Pituttr;'/V0 Ogee % La. Tr r ithiva t th'egt eie I'A:cited end We aTill 111IIT6 . Oust your testaunturean be d to the .alremy numerous how that , bee' received benefits that no other medicine can imam*: Item the St. /..mtit Democrat. The Moire:Om demand for the extols (Cephalic, pills) I rapidly mammon& - - Jtvom. sTut .Gazota; .ictrie v . Kr. 11Delilitificield not eoniect` his 'name with an ar ticle he did riot know to poem= real merit. .Prons shot Advertisir, Providence, R. I. 1 ktoduoony ns choir stFort, Roam qt e mkt re dipeotable guarterfs, • • • Prom ail* iloßlioe..2falmott, L Ctiiiiallo•Pffis are talkiniUO lbws of all kindi. • -7.•„: • • !kern rks o #6 l4 4oCiai Blillat BM* Mut, Biid-to be tror7i for theheadaohe; • - MW=I -.. l%*stlarCoutsnarciai; di* eisusati„ Oki* Suffering husmitrolinn9w be rebeFlid4 A !nails botsis of PUJARED etin Win igiveue dam igirt thertooirt azinnailviim SP4UDIRG'I3 PREPA R ED GLUE! SPALDIN'O'S PiTIPAIED.GLUN Gila! • , • SAVE , - BOONOMY.: : . ' ' D/1111%2011$ 117"'" BT2TCH nr Thus Sayan - Num:rill As aooidente will Mita, even ''is well-iegulated families, it is Inky deernmie .te have- eamvalleas and mmeament way for rewiring ratnitore.wars. Creeks- • . n isSi• ErnssiigNEW FESEAMID %UR nn n - micti.inigrzinatips. and no housbold dan beam lei oat m. it is IIiWILTIO ready:and ue tba spobing . .• , •• USEPUL IN WilinitY HOI3B/1.!?.. N. L.,-_,LBmhtaixansenies *soh, -00;011. • .t • Eik • ' HENRY -C. 'SPALDING: . no. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. As' palm .88. attempting to Mit 01131 W: 11130ini imitatimus atilt PREPR IVALW c antloa &Unarm= Wax' amine bilk& Opthaains soda's that the - A:ll,3fmk. ar: WALDUIIPt PRIPAPIP "R E . at 2,1111 Mm, At 6 A. 31., via Camden and /Obey, O. and A, oommodation ..... 11. At 6A. 211-, Wiraleriand Meryl? OW. ( 11 . Ace° odpuon—.. ISI At BA. TM Camden and Jersey °its, Morning 00 At UN A. M7"....rriii:"traik'snirtoi=ml 010, Western =rem, 3 00 At UK P. 111., via Camden and Amboy ACCOMMIII. s At 1. 1 11.. via Camden and Amboy, O. and A.lss press. E ye- 3uu At in 3 F nwat., M., via, Remington and Jersey City, 3 00 ri Je rsey sd sift P. Kensi ngton Class Tioket--, _ gg At 6P. M., Till Camden and Jersey City. Evening all .3 0 0 At M 11X_F. Mods Maiden - WM Jams City, South ern Mail. • - —......... 2 IS At 6 P. M., via Camdenand 2 96 Amboy, Aooommoda- Bon, (Freight and Palaellgerk-lbt Clam Ticket 80. do. sa_ Clam Ticket- 160 Vie OP M Mail Line runs daily.- The MC P M . South elm 1, Saturdays exocpted. • - ' For belinderet 33aston. Lambertville, Flemington. .20,, at 7.10 A in. and 3 P. M.. from Kensington. For Water Osp,,Strandsbarg, Scranton, Wilkesnarie, Montrose. Great Bend, fte., 7.10 A,M, from Kmungton. via Be ware, Lackawanna and Western it. It. For Manoh Monk, Allentown and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. K. mid P. 31. from Ka n. For Mount Holly, ate and 8 A. M., 2 and 491 P. M. For Freehold. at 6 A. Id., and 21 1 . M. WAY LINES. - For Bristol, Trenton, an., at 7.10 A. M., a, 401 and MP. M. from Kensington. • frotralsnyra. Riverton, Delano°. Beverly, Burling ton Florence. Bordentown , lion at LOG 3,4)1 and 6 r. Mir For New York, and Way Lines leave Kensington Depot, take the oar., on Fifth s_tmet. above Walnut , half en hour before departure. The ears run into the depot, and on arrival °reach train, rem from the depot. Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger. era are prohibited from takinganything as menage but eft wearing apparel. All baggage over Aft/ pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their isenensibilitY for baggage to One Poilarper pour , and will not be Hauls for any amount beyond xl6O, ex oept by special contract. n 029 WM. If. OATZMBR. Agent. CHANGE OF .HOURS. -AWLE'RIA. WIL MING N. AN D BALTIMO ILROAD. On and after_MONDAY RUARY lath rASt- 44'.1981t TRAINVE; PHIL ADELPHIA For Ba l timore at 8.15 ALM S .. 12 noon "(Express), and 10.60 P. M. For Cheater at 835 A. AL,I2 noon, 5.16 and 10.40 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M.. 13 noon. 4.15 and 10 . 00 P.M.For flea caste ;sr eas M. And am P. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M and CM P. M. For lik.rrington at 8.16 A. M. For Milford at 8.16 A. At. For Farsiington at 8.15 A. M. For Elmsford at 8.15 A. M. For Raluenty at 8.15 A. AL TRAINS FOR PBILJ DELPHIA__ Leave Baltimore at SAO A. M. illmprimeh ma A. 55., and 8.10 P. M. Leave MO and 11.10 A. REA 166 and am P. M. Leave samentry 1.12) P. M. r ve Feaford at 2.50 P. M. Leave Farmington at 4.10 P.M. Leave Milford st 4 P.ll, Leave Harrington at 4.50 P. M. Leave Dover at 11.05 A. M. and LW P. M. Leave Middletown istlo 05 A. M. and 6.40 P M. Leave /f ew c o w. Laity. Cheater at 0.110 A. M.. 12.04. LEI. and 9P. M. Leave Baltimore for ner. BOOT and nelar r w a a RailrosOat 4.14 P. M. TR Et FOR BALTIMORE: - Leave Chester at a A.M.. 12.111 and UM P.M. Leave Wilmington at 9.25 A. M.. 12 55 P. M.. and il A. FRBSECHT TEALS, with Passenger Car attained, will rim as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and 'uteri:m(llWe Places at II P.M. Leave WS for • Pemrville Sad tattitatediata elares at I P.ld. Wilminctoe. far Philadelphia and intermediate p at 3.15 P. M. Leave Baltimore for ilarre-de-ersee and intannaillate plates at 4.15 P. M. ON SUNDAYS.: • • Only at 10.68. P. M. fronatiladelphia to mututiore. Only at 5.10 P. M. from Baltlmorg_to ylu~delp a. 8. M. risLTOrt. rreeidenL laft WINTER ARRANGE ?CENT .—PHILADELPHIA, GE TOWN D NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY Nov. _ YON ONAMANIDWN. Leave rhiladelphis, 8,7, 8, 111. 10. 11 and II A. M., 1, V 3%, 4,5, 6%. 6, 7. 8. 9 103Csad 1134 p P . Leave Germantown , 6, 7, 734,8. 5 . 10, 11 and 12 A M., 1,2, 3. 4, 6,6. M. 7, 8.9 , and IS% M. - ON SUNDAYS, P Leave Philadelphia, 0.05 min. A. M., !,'7, and 10% . M. Leave Germantown, 8.10 mm. A. M., 1.10 min., 6, and 97‘ F.M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 0,8, 10, and 12 A. 99... 2, 4. 0. 8, and MC P. M. Leave Cheatnut Hill, 7, 10, 735..8.40, and 9.40, and U. 40 A. 91., IM, SM. 6.10: and 8.4 0 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 1. M., 2, and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.61 min, A. AL, 1360, 5.40, and 4.10 min.P. IL FOR-CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN Leave Philadelphia. 5.450. 139,_900, and 11.05 min. A. Jo., 1.01, ILO, 4%. 6.66, and llif P. M. Leave ornatown, S. 7, 8.01. 9. and 11 A. M., lit. Of,. and 5 P. !IL . ON SUNDAYS. Leave Ptuladelphia, 9 A, M and 3 P. Id., for Norris Leave isorriatown, Mt A M. FOR MANAYM4K. Leave Philadelphia. 60 73i 9.06 mad 11.815 A. m., loa, 1.05, 3.06. 4'%:6.66, 10g1,11% I'. M. Leave Manayunk, 0%, ix., 845, 931.11% A. M.. f, MC 6, 634. and 931 P. M. ON _ 1317NDA VB. Leave Philadelphia 9A. M., 3, and 7 P. . Manitynnk, M . MI, and 8 P. IR. H. K..BMlTH,General Superintendent. noWti DEPOT, NINTH and GREEN Streets. NORTH PENNSYL VANIA_ RAILROAP ! FUR tIETRIAGIENI,_ DOYIASTOwN, MA UGH CHUN K r jIIAZLETON. and HURLEY. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY December 3.18 M. Passlnger Trainswill leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, daily, (Sundays exeeptisd ), as follows : Ranch 6 SO A. MCl:weal, for Bethlehem, Allentown, Chita. asleton, Lo. At f. 40 P. M., ( sprees I, for Bethlehem, 'Freston, Mo. This train reaches H aston Ate; P. M• and mates close connection with New Jersey Central L for New Yorks &o.At b P. AL, for _Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chilnki 19 A. ftl, and 4 P M.. for Doylestown, At a Y. M., for Fort Washington. The 6.30 A. M. F.nrens tram makes close oonuectlon with the Lehigh Vall p ey Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most deniable route to all points in the Lehigh wallason. RIiINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. P Leave Bethlehem at B.d A. ffi.. 9.18 A. M., and 5,59 Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A. M. and Iso P. M. Leer* Fort WSEISISILLOII at 845 A. DI. ON SllNDAYS.—Philadelphis for Fort Washington at 9.36 A. M. Philadelphia for Do4stown at 4 P. M. Doylesffogra for Ph Iphla at 7 A. M. Fort • Washington for Philadelphia at 2.45 V. 24, e 2 Fare to Beth ehem—fl 50 be - Fare to Maned' Chunk. F to Easton i rao Fare to Doylestown. 80 4:Yrough Tickets must procured at the Ticket ow, at WILLOW street, pr BERM{ Street. in order to Minn the abQve rates of fare. AU Passenger Trainsl exoept Sunday.Trairui) connect at Berks. Street. with Flfth-sad gizth-streets, and Second ati4 Th ird -ti tre t { Passenger Railroads, twenty =autos alter leaving Willow Street. deS-tf EL L S CLARK. Arent. i lliampim . PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAP.—PASBAXIGER TRAINS for PO/ TFIVILLE, READING, and ILARRIOSUR 0, on and after Nov. 'tn. MOM. MOR.NING LINES, DAILY, oainpars evnepteol.) Leave New Depot. corner of BROAD and CAL LOW HILL Straeta.P.BlLADELPl4lA4Pausen i rr entrennes on Thirteenth and on CellOtrhill streets et 8 A.Pd., eonneetiEf t .Rorrisborn with the PEN SYLVAN/A RA.ILRI4 P. M. train running te Pittsbtus ; the CUMBE ND VALLEY 1.63 P. M. train runpinr to Chemberg:mug,Carlisle Re. , and the NORTH RII CENTRAL RAILROAD I P. M. train, running to &In bury, Re. AFTERNOON WIER. Leave New Depot, 4xli-r of BRQAD and CALLOW RILL Streets, PHILAD.,PHIA,(Pasaenrer entrances on Thirteenth and on C allow str_e•to,) for POrPTB YILLB and KritUtattitifief L at &SNP. NI,II ILY, for READING only, at LBO P. AL. nAuog, oz ooptod.) DISTANCES - VIA PianELPRIA AND READING OAD. Facia Pitia.Ans:4ll7s. Miles, To Phennirville—....--. Reading-:. fa Philadelphia and Reading Lebanon • 88 and Lebanon Valley R.R. nphin 124 rwotten lighefor_..l.6B rizy • - orthomberland .--.ITI istrars —.1711 Milton —.._ IE3 .-107 Williamsport Jersey_Shore Loolc Raven Rr i t------ 25 q WM/SOWS and Elmira Eltoira—„,. —S97 trona. The 8 A. M. and LW F. M. train connect daily at ;int Chato trays snowed,/ with the cATA DMA. WU, MEt'ORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, galtinit olome_gonneoti Southeast nes to Niagara Falls, Canada, the West and hw DEPOT IN PELLADELPRLt: Corner of BROAD and CALLOWRILL Street& szati-tf . W. R. AIeILRENNEY. secretary T HE PENNSYLVANIA OENT E A L , . - • , _ _.114,14.10A11. * * . *so'. isam DO . IIBI, 11 !fit AC/ . , .. 1860, a t it47,.:-. , ...,,c , -, . - 1860 • THE CATAO , I&)E7MIS RI AD • I ;VZ i glifiii TO ll _ TJES 002 . - THREE g ida l• pABISEN til p i t to, BETWF.I%qhf PlikA gonneotmg• reef a_i Italia with'ikroggh Traina from Boston. es York: and allpointt has and in the llclincinall'4l3:it'lry.,noTrtrest,..l.-8...t, and .. —Sins fainiahing ibtior for the tnanseartaticm of Prosengere atunirpessod for speed and comfort by nay *thin goat°. Expreas and Past , dance ran through to Plalibvii without Would° or Car, or Conductors. Alt through ?es teem Trains provided with Loughlidge's Patent orsaenomet under perfect control of the engineer, thus addinib e t3oh tothe safety of traveiiers. . Smoking are attached to each TratiAZlF EZIMISSFI r r/lir D BUT ' Mt? .nr0.....- Ths - ss, sis -4.yri,,,.... Train leaves yallistelplia ate 4 11, id. 2.2 t Line .! , . . 't A. M. - ails Tie) iilayssi ,-," Meal% Pl. • WAY TAI NB LEAVE AB FoLLowe t rbstrg Acisom4podation. via_colatnbia, 2 1., jt, lumbia 4.11130ri...1ik arkesbarg .. West (Rueter Pa/semen, will take the Mail, Parke,- burg Acoommodation. atm:lß..° nrobia Trains. Passengers for Sunbury, wilhamasort, Elmira, 10, bitra - Falle, end intermediate point., leaving P - I I lade tUs A. 31. and 2P.M. go directly Woltz Tip eatsard may ba etetaitusd 'sails °Moose a Vompany ,f r Alladelgtug, New York, soortoq, or - tinier.; Tickets Eastward at say of the impc kali cos in the Weat ; also board any o e re sof Steamers en the pal or _ rivers. ' - stir pare 'away' aolow. and take so walk, a. by ant ether iboate. • • For farther inforiat en apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast minter of Eleventh and Market Street; The completion of the - Western ciormectione of eke. renc_uwleaus Railroad to Gli i iwo. slake this the DIKE rd LINE lIETISEkrzi THE EAST AND. THE , OREAT W 1387. f:rins ..nnout,fo, 44= 02 the f ai4troat o pfta t t ek t rer f irt‘r a l g r ayuka draftl,oilre ertrasetazesieslity appreciated by Shiprisene of Freight , sad the rave liik a Pabbta. - and Bhippere metre ~ina theUmusortallos of th en to MIS POSSUM/ .y, *an riiriU ß song_ Cones on its speedy transit. ..,, THE RATES OF FICKIGH7 te aid foss• . ?ardf is the 'Woes by the Pounsylvaials Hanna& ~,...,.._1 11.111.211 ilitfill•sr4bh 04 erg 22 4 , 1141‘ bar Mauer .oliejimilair toss* sesames " olol'ono4ao - Frolitit Ocmgra‘in of a zwi s ti z essam to, sr Mime eitiorrif tke -Y • . VIEW .Y. 4 a 7. Pigs llroo 4 ,, 4• H;t 40140 e17 , Ky.. ormobr- r, i li ortionoriA, ci.; Jr, r t lin j ide, pVa • R. W. limn Clog 4. A on a . f tv. 7. =gl ),- tv : _ d r(r, 'ErV voorrille, Ind.; 11. W. is It '.• illY , _. .P. est, Stuaer & Glom, t : nio, Bito.• ohn . H. nor 11m, Nashville, Wian.; Harris lb HAVltripft; go ar. 0., Micago - . or adentj • b ead s at r t Stlna fOlnin the West. _ n Ir., Philadelairia I t/LW h• xobtta, , xura -- u - Nekisvo m . r ., Etica , It im, 1 dater nous. er I R. Amu= a. , xi .y. il R. 6.9o lib gogA io r ta te 'treat, Boeto.. q es fi l oket e APri tig 12 ant. Pkilh. ' t. 'Staff. 9iii- ktia ' Carel •.... t Altoona. laity 1 WEST OIEZEri - Bli lULIEROAD AND PHILADELPHIA . VIA MEDI*. _ _ • WINTERARRAN OHMENT, From northeast oorner or Eighteenth and Market etreenr.. 7th On and after, Sunday. Nov. AO, the Mine will, 1811211 the northeaut - corner of th sod Market liVrat T. 40 A. IL. 2 and . . andays at ILL .. itnd shift. ledirg .Mlladelekaa. at M TAO A. 3(, &nit IX M., and ao_ wedneedays.and Maturdayil6 at 2 tionneotatyanneitan willt the p in =lelajper more _Ctlntra.l Railroad, fat da.lB . .ord. &a„ &a. jur gfel ir tus u Lt D A . no rd. _ . INLAND' 11ThladIfT LIME TO NORFOLIC 'AND i lt ° I& eine v/a 'Seaford to l'i ~V e oe len b e e i.lloohneed for th e present . .. ALi 411* a c Id: th Leos of Iffltr, war iza :l li tramo re not irtu it:sieateh ._,!!4.1101 • V i AldtrEl, NATHANS, AUITIONEH Ng No. 224 South THIRD Street, below trinrc LARGE BALE OF FORFEITED RAM, By order of Abraham rtatbang, brow, Oa 'Woodsy Moron*. . Maroh it , 1 , 31, at 9% o'clock', °enema:it o f tat ti silver patent liixer end other watches, gold C a, firieevitriss, breast -puts, medallions pensikst silver ware, wets, pants, Vests, shawls. deems toh my_ C. 110 IV Pereon• boring goods oil derorts: me over the legal length of time will call and itt the same, otserim•e the r will bit sold op the th , TT ABR sHAMISATRIAII3 N. W. con. BIXTR wad CALLOWRILL mhl-1015 : . m FITZPATRIOK A, BROS.. LLK • TIONEERS, 864 06REITNUTV-c-!.ir BLit!. . - At 7 o'clock, o kit, stationery and Ditty MI watohee, jewelry, °loks, silver platad isle paintinm mnrical inirtruomoots. &o. Also. Hosiery, 4:17 goods, boots and shoeur,sal sr shandise or every emorlptloa. DAY BABES ovoyy Mon d ay, IProdatnt..m.•,.k Fr day at ID dokoak A. M. PRIVATE PIALEZ. At private gale several liaiTecomignmenua of Tram leWelry, books, utationerY;silver-alated ware. r.:.<7 fancy goose, &a. To which is aolieitad the enevit , city and country merchants and others. Consignments solicited of adl kinds of icerchnir for either public or private Wee. IP Liberal yeah advayaaa made on oonsigatott Out-door .ales prom, • attended to. DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Dr. DARIOB HAM' AROMATIC IN VIGOR.ATINO BPIII7. This Medicine has sees 11.114 alf the psititie for tins GHIA inevseuisg _,m 4. 'ar. It , recomeichda fk... id Dkipspsia_, Nsreossmoitsg. Heart-Ems , Ca. Pauli, Wi.Old iiti ad Stomach, or Pains is t. Borah Headache, Dromiftioss, Eldon Complaints, Low Spirits. DeUrimit Thresinas, is terromrsere. I?. BILITLa7IIII, SIBLLILItAyea, WILL NOT ItitoXICATZ Olt BTITPII77. As a Medicine lb is eclat and effectual, cures I "met aggravated caw ofDlinmplia i Kidney Camel and au other 4iirengetaanta of the sten= eld B` in a Itiesadp mariner. It will instantly reef's° the most melanehere d_ ins spirits, and restore the weak, norms. o richly to health, stresath, and vigor. _. Persona who, from the injudicious use of . beoome dejected, and their nervous systems Mere constitutions broken down. and subject to that Mr7: l manse to humanity, the blimisitris Txxscie, v 6.1 most immediate) feel the happy mid heal th ,' Itn* ratios efficacy or Dr. Ham's, Invigorating Hoini. AT fa ll I DO. DOlL—One b w ineglass as ottep as neomari. . d ose will remove all Bad Saints. oise will clue Heart-burn. a dn.:mint onre Indigestion. doee will give you a flood Appetite. Qua dose will atop the distreiming pains of .Ulnr. J , One dose rill remove the distressing and Omit., effect. of Wind or Matti since. and as IWO: 1 1. ' stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the le"' lug load and all peunftil feelings will be removed. , One dose will remove the most distressing "IX' Colic. either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in 0.10 Bladder. or Urinary Organs. Persons who are serummy afflicted with 80 1..... Oomplaints are assured of speed, relief h> a ie f.' two, and a radical ours by the nee of tumor hro "-I I 1(513,13TLY DINIVATiON. Persona who, from dounpatuts too much over i and feel the evil effects o. poisonous liquors, d r,._..t headaches. eickluias at stomach, weakness. Ile"' %aril' find one dose will t cmove all bad frelols..., ea of weak land siokly coned/lotions eliesltf. the InVisozating Bpirit three limits a day; it 1.4 4 . .; thee strong , health', and heel y , remove ell s .. Bens and irregularoome from um menstrual ottu.: restore the bloomed" health and beauty to the OF' Mr ,_. .. clue to remove reeabl. sensations at theis t /ruing We Fit will be found an invalsabS.V; All the proprietor mike la a trial, and to indite. It $ has pat op the INVISORAYI2I6 BPIiUT in pint SO MO , cent., its /S rts eL general pot, 48 WATER treet, New VA BYO Jr. CO., 2311 North SECOND Strict Wholesale Unte in Philads e,..k.1 And for sole by JOHN H. h.:ATV/1.'4 4 rt e . ''rit Threat, and all Druarrats. jl•11 Northern Central. Railroad. Banbury end Erie I. I. IVIRS. JAMES BETTS/ OELEBUT ° bIIPPoRTERB FOR LADIES , and the aril Porten zulder eminent. medical patrol. age. ! S 0/140111133 are respeattilly ragouts° to 21 1 .160 tare. Betts, et her rein deqee , 1039 Inbawl e10,t09, (to avoid eountertei W.) WAX " . . 1 40 1 valids name been advineo by their phYsio , "?,l ti e ; Wa i ter oOe T Y h ri cs k:l I, o le i tTel a e re on g th n e r ine . 114 :1? Carom. nag able con the Surnportere, with teene,..— Nag tuthb.•ll. . • lfilddlitA CO' II .41* •PRILADELPHIrk."' 111 2 5 I'CilEttrrE it to Ta mar a Cltdz- - ,, it; WI nis li ffarentatt y Denink r rieis r lhar ihitheirte n. e n re t =l, INlti 1 0 31 ..YPals. liiilinaen g , and all wigs "* ea trefv lcave the new DePot a 0 in iaZ il iz Kai woad, corner 40.-“, g ummg Aireg% lit B.treetei, (Passeng e r entrance -00 , o 'crwLLu me ,.. - „. / ..-74 4 . d"..4 . Mandan exoevted., /0411611EMB__- --fL00.01.. _Ax rizo wk. Los A. M. mum oonneeiiiiiitinort. f" ri 1 Xukate ni rle g fuViro g ii i i3Btert k• above brands main di mot oonnpotio/. - 0 the 0! the New York and Ens. ui r io,P Fir" 4 " lll3l4, tiz A rn itatfao New York and., lo o York Central ' road", from a sato P. _sat, and the .necel4 4 6 ggiare° at to Ira. Walo• and ''-' B dre g sad iLtermeante WPM. o i .; / .a CLAW ' . OW/ be l nr1111•'' at the Philedeltdl o orP end ca l , r 1 7" Mho& northw,torr is see et the ro., Dmiirgsl. z .I , : i vd cALLI • -888 F Wick Tx =0; the Phil 1 Ind Illf DeD o t..'74 P . . - . 4. 1 ' i . . t • :: 1 - 34 ' • ' • T F ff 1;117-7 'r t. l-7 A l6l tUt( I tt " ja VOI - Dad l il ote. e be sti 1 It asIIP RE gln F l ei g / k ta lEk- ered . before I p.m , s t " rfr Xn WEa l a i e a 0 . aA,T m I 12 , F r 'e t if h 1 1 IfT° 11' 6,0r 1•111111":"Likjk-Wiutira--IGkeraellirtigullem,A .., r i . ' .NOTI C E • --0 0 7:1 lbw Avg E. s A 1 „„ '7l era LIVI A )! lA' A U R O .—On fled Or N es o :2 l .. ' the Paatoetutier Train' for ilOWn.ll, te. - .1 Irtifirt.rt fro= the ir releeltSer reP ° ' °- tior str A'' 1 9 o,. 1 " 111 nAltd tforßsainad ComPtinL o ger - , --.A. , #ll A PO vvnik.., Wrong, (F.. -- .i i slMoe on line, in . ) 'telt ' 1.• A natui G TRA•ra for Rowninttorn ' 1; AFtERNOON TRAIN for DocrniutrOn "It; Lao). I - DAIL (Rindsi• szoiTted). si r • . 8., _or rof the Board of id In . lif• r'-'' At* sad Reading 'Minna Conteßn T • • •••••••••• W. H. atethuhrai.l, vete' n WEST-. C H - yit o niusvierz:lll7_ - via Pill iii °al" ILVTANTAt„ sa THOMAS & SONS, Nos. 13 4 abd 141 South FOIs (Formerly Nom a it,-,. and ft STOCKS AND RRAL FEITATE—Tugto Pamphlet catalogues now ready cn 4y eeriptiona offali the property to be Beld,Vitt VY Sth feet.. with a list of sales m um 12 itu , cli large amount of real estate at privatedpi REAL ESTATE SALE—mARe li 12 Executor's Peremptory Rele-,-Estat. of o . Harts. aeotd— T9 Eutt-wt:ORI illticlC ot4l°,'N rarker •etieet, between Fifth end Sixth ta,i;'l: B:efyrttlifareelltßwErit of Cora l street, p 39 tv 01 y t * ,, ,. \. , 11 " , :, --7______.__ - .1 ' !STOOKS. .te On Tuesday.. °ba tdarok 5 , a t 12 cooloak noon, at the ktuitkile,a n= one D e i a Wan" Mutual Insurance Comp atr ist t k 11. REAL EI3TATK 8 sLY.:—MARC'T a Oruhems' Court Bale—Estate of Nene! e ,,,,,. LOT OF GROUND, southwest corner of p"'N. Oriturio treets. - 4 4! , TORE AND DWELLING, No. 612 p e ; tei 3 een South mid inueeen streets, e n d . 11 ,..' k. street. --..c or i o , 13— • pEREmpTORY SILL 1,0 UN TR Y Peo. ... ity order of the helve of null I film , d.,2 Eb !na m e lat,pg norm near the vilisse otril i •; tTweoti-Intra ward, Ghoul 1:100 yards from th:',, , oel- t • urn s ite. Sale absolute. Av. GROU IN D-REAT.—A well secured $75 a year. ti., Sale No. 1210 Race Ntteß SUP Kitt Olt FURNITURF, ROSE FRENCH-PLATE MIRROR, f On Monday Hornung, CAk Mereli 4, at 100'810ot. by oetgio" e , street, the superior parior. dining rcom,Z ll l4E, furniture, fine French plateoval mirror, EN; rosewood Piano - forte. tapestry velvet ca r p %, Alga. the kitchen furniture. ea, k, 4 sir May be examined at a'elnek the. O K the sale., Bale southeast corner or POO rth awl NI LARUE Are D sUPbRIOR Coil rE ica TABLF..I3, oIiELVING. en Mond m av —OIIIIIIR. Marta 4, at 21,0'01001t, at southea.d cOrlipt an d Marke;, Ike laree and supelior tabk „, ) ftrice , WiatltY et shelving, drlvr er i7ot ko. Alen. the large and valuable Mena, Arir o'o lock. may be examined on the momine sgbMilne. 139 end 14 . 1 not th rm r rUFRU FULEUR , FREBCH-PLA , -MORS,YIANO-FnTite, BRUSSELAoh ? ' l On Thureday Morning, At 9 u'olook. et •the Auction Btore, an u to ,, excellent proond-kend furniture, eleinnt fine mirrors, careen'. eta. froin houeekeephre, removed to the nore canr,, ELEOATF I U I A NGITUdR House Rf7Getad :4; , zER WARD ROPIANOS, C lin NOE Ll t , TAINS, i.L.LIARD TABLES. kc. On Monday Morning. hiaroh 11. at 10 o'olook, will ne sold at without reserve, for cash, the entire elegant fc i c of the GIRARD ROUSE. CHESTNUT STREET Below Ninth street. comprising the reem r * walnut furniture of, fourteen parl or .. ce t , vet.. piano., large mirrors, end chandeliers. g r , , , entire dining-room furniture , obisa, glee. , ware, together with furniture or about 27d and ttiim3;l4, furnished in rosewood and walnut. with 6.11 --1 hair m a rnattress rees, spring beds. and bedding e , it & o. r " n 1 BILLIARD TA BLEB. Also, 5 elegant satin wood billiard tablei,a 2 , bler beds, made by Phelan, nearly new. and in ..„% t v order. Also, elegant carved oak French bill cunt S COO teatime. v gFT'' he entire furnitare of the hone 8130.000. lEr For particulars see catalogues FUENESS, BRINLICY,No. 499 MARKET BTlip,p7 & Ot.-7.7.11 N F. P'ANGOAST, AtIUTIONKEit, & „ • camber to B. SCOTT. is.. 431 CIIEFININ 1,, DALE OP ADIRRIOAN AND IMPORTED DR* GOODS, EMBDoi DE II I Es. Br oatalotue. on a amid. on Wednesday ne r , 8. 1861, oommeno,nt6t MI o'clock premely. PHILIP FORD & 00., AtTOTIONrA No. 430 fdARKET street and 641 MINOR; POSITIVE SALE OF 1,00 O 0 CARES BCOrmilt .l AND BRI3aNR. . . On Thursday morning, March 7ch, at 10 &deb • be sold, by OMA.Orle -1,000 cases men a, boys', and Youth"' calf ILJ I boots, brogans, Congress gaiters. Oxford an . women's, misses', and obildren's goat acing*. shoes, busting, slippers &c. Embracing trey.. mort of fresh goods dtreot from first-ros cur t Eastern manor/um afar'. eir Goods open for examination, with, early on the morning of Baia.. MOSES NATHANS, A ITO T I gi. Jut AND COMMISSION MZ e RCHANI.Sar. a . corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. T Plt i l r ytiE P lALA Lv Crib e N c OIIIIIFI eg 4 . VATCEIES manaTatithiZ t , L i j the panel selling prices, sold lever _end Invite Im o , silver lover and !miens watches, English. tits. z French watches, at estaishingly low priest, Jew: even description, yen loWtgunm, pistol., maim I struments, first quality of nevem cigars, at to; importation price in guantitzea to snit 'emboli various otherlicinds of goods. • lI:SPLENDID SET OF DiemoNns AT PANE: • Committing of diamondS ALE aild opal breastpin iris rings. Prins ad*. Cost in Paris 51.400. A splendid single-stone diamond breart-m. DUO, (lost 4925. OD DOUR BALER Attended to personal ly y by the Auctioneer. Ccusaignments ' of any and every kind of Fakir cited. mOISEB NA I E.U.: MONEY TO LOAN .24,000 to loan, at the lowest rates, on di , in• watotteihiswebT. silver plate, dry SOode, ekdbittr aeries. maitre, hardware, watery, pianos , moon: ntture. bedding, and on good' of every deecorx.: large or small amounts. from one dollar to them forgot y length of time agreed on. f 7" The Oldest Lstabluthed House in thus rout. IlP'Private entrance on RACE street. ftustoess hones from A M. Mb P. 3L fieavv trizomanoe fo the benefit of depositon Clio ROES ONLY TWO PER CENT. MT Advances of $lOO and upwards at moms Advances of B=o and aliWaldß. at One NT CP:Li short loans. NAL ?.. EVERY EVENING MEDICINAL. ftet•,..,..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers