Fashions-for October. [Frew 1411 / 4 " - - ' towards the winter. October t,leeditlitta We have no longer fresktuese and simplioit, of the tilalin for snmiler, - lier 'have we generally adopted• the - rieh<Materbibi A for *lnter: The au. tumn toilettes :that are beginning to make their appears** combine. _somewhat the character of winter dales with the lighter and more cheerful aspeototthe toilette* worn to warniWeather: erege and muslin are piton mie lade, except for erasing dreaVatidare, replaced by stouter ma today:- • , The redingote fords of, dress Witt itauguratathe &WM; and Can worn either with a po inted ora 'vita body:. Of esonsle, with the latter, the skirt moat be set in large_platts: . . - Flomeas will her the ; ornament mestly , used on ;ffrisWeal;,eitliei" Several' Marrow ones to the *nee, or one larger eurinounttelitynarrower ones, trf '6E !i s ftiattil4;' - : ' ' , Esiray'buttons;. called inioarous, surrounded ti are e is great favor as ornaments for red. illig, or * dmplostylholdrese. s4tehtelie;Whiahlitsa eo long played an im portant pert in toilettes, wilt continue so to do n ,;, it is much employed both for Isobel aid mantelets. The paletot , i, ther torn of mantle most used, and is made either in light cloth - or silk. The burnous' le Atilt wort; *Rh - either a round or a ammo hood, though' our elegantal seem to prefer the capnotion vieille femme, on amount of its being more. becoming to the figure. Beth paletots and buinims are ,generailj trimmed all round with some opposite color. , - • It is; - u too early to speak of inuthemire shawls: ' Llamas -are Much in vogue on itocenntof their lightness end eligaMM— A form" of nhgligh • has lately made its aiipear mum, and has created great'sensation. It is a species of peignoir, _with large p laits at the waist, and itimmompenied by a elan ..pointed hood, finished,lite how of ribbon. • They. are generally - mode. Aitobetaire,, bat of courts any ,other ma terial Marehr lickeoeUkeisnlist need, • " The'dedialtiße, 'lri-eachemire, is.trimmed all round ;Atli a broad band of quitted poplin, of a striking' oolorP • • - ' -thellisnarite, 'chats of bands, either dark blue; green; violet, or gromillo. are more sultebte to•PePliw'ReffliffeL • ' • Green,- - matoorß arid' peuseet,wre shades which will have 17 1114 ' 1111 $ 1 1a;aC the beginning of the season; a littlelitorotithellairiume and black will; be the colors meet elegant, and comma if taut. A Trimmings are Vern ell tablier ; natrow flounces. or rushes are oftendlipiesid in . . this manner—they have the,effeet of malting the wearer appear taller ;. when the- skirt Is'- so. 'ornamented;' the' body Is, trimmed to oorresPend., ' In the country dresses are worn alightly looped up,• stoke to take the skirt off -the ground. Under neath is Worn a colored petticoat, either book had white, or_ blu,ff: sad - ffraY. :No -staring Colors aro: The tight sieereaWhieh have beet laid on One side dutg the - summer season, have again made; their eppearatiee. Nothing is - at - present consider ed so thoroughly distingub as extreme 'landfall. Draws mantles, bonnets--everything, as unpre tending possible. This luxurious' simplicity is the but criterion of taste and style, for the various articles must be well made and worn with elegance and flute, or they make both wearer and clothes appear common; while, on tba other hand, if hien - latest and Wen ported, • they;give an atiktocratie esehei,Whielicasinot beobtained by any other means. For, evening . dress, fade:tate -and Chambery - gauze are math- worn, generally with a foule of narrow flounitat - With white; the ornaments are. generally of Mine light color, meth as pink, pale blue, or apple green. - We noticed a white tarlatan dress on a young lady. - The skirt was entirely covered with narrows fiounoes. Eaoh flonnee.was trimmed round with a narrow ruche of black 'guipure. The body, of course, detiollotte, was ornamented in the same Manner, and a Wolfe of- pink ribbon, earrounded by black lace, was placed on the side of the skirt. With this dress was worn a wreath of pink moss ,rose buds, forming diademe in front, and ending behind ina there and brides of black Igoe. Anotherwhltettreis,iif crepe, was trimmed round - the skirt. With-three - bouillon, each of which WAS cross-barred with - narrow black velvet. Bunehes of green fern Isaias Were plated between the bouil lons At the zilliC - or the - dries. -The 'Miffs& I waa composed of -fern Istaisie, and deirdreips formed in diamonds. - - -,, • • . „ The skirts of ball dresses are made With a li m n , and expanding like the tail of a peacock. The trimming is very varied; it is rare, however,. to see any reach a bove the .knee . Narrow flounces, materialspor thmo:nalA style. fn light the robe_ la as id e at the top of he skirt as at the liettorni:while in other -articles it is frequently made en points, and quite flat at front, I and - the hips. It Wild probable that this fon oy will be lasting. -• Bonnie* Mtn one of the'favorite trimmings for light dresses e and-ciao on robe,- for evening wear. We were eepielally , pleased with two which we have recently seen.' r - ' One was triltbite taffetas., and theMirt slightly en Pointe at top.. At the bottom it was trimmed 'Atha,n or rather with' several, in trate, 'placed'one- above the other, and" eeParated small lushes deem/peas in white taffetas, beta at intervals by,bows a airmillettes, black and girofice The bows were . pompons With mds. A blank and Ora's/ ribbon, fastened by a eery ; beautiful agraffe. - enamelled to iserrespond, formed too waist Plain body, with a berths composed- of two `bonnie= coupes. by. boas of black and- girolhis. The demo Mort; and boullionnees, were trimmed in - the same manner. - ..Tbe ; MEN» was cOmprsed of a wreath of dark grapes, and leaves intermixed with daisies to correspond in eolor with ilia giro. 6.06. had - , - 4 charming appearance in fight hatv. = •AATlle brineheSOf gramma hung at the back of ,the neck ahneatas low as the net. The other toilette was in tulle, and the 'bouillons . en the bias instead of being horisontal, they were -Very heated", and each apses marked by every narrow string of pink end„white daisies mixed A,v wide,,White ribbon; with well, =hints, pink en. raPtget, wait fattened at the aide - with lag AWL Wye draperies', fastened In Ave different places by stringy dmiAr to those at 'the'bottpuioi3ho Mitt. The sante style of lOW mingi,, hut in: miniature; - was - tarried out. tit the sleeves. The" effeet , of this elegant and' tasteful 'diees'Awas melt pleasing by' lie freshiiest, . The head-drese to be worn with this relit was simply a net, with the meshes competed rit vary' small 'dilater.' . Although a' somewhat - dueller style of Milialt,it waste very good tante, and harmonized with the dress. - leuig 'pastel-sc' demi sthistee; with, a coheir and Wide' sleeves, arl.'eonsidered the inert falailonsble Bono. are made in a mixture of eotton and wool, and, with -pockets, -have -a smart inpearanue. (fray, trimmed with a ribbon, ,and with large Makatea, the same color, is a favorite. %hose in bleek , :taffetu are more drew,: They are either plain et nabbed , with agulpunipeasenienterie, or a efiona,ofribbon. We have noticed sumo with an lrieertion of guipure all round,and a white ribbon pawed under, it: The -fronts and -seams ,were stitched: with 'white. The-. contrast is rather violent, and to some tastes may not be temptable. Its' celfilialitY perhaps, principal recom mendation, „ • • ; . , Zolave,jatiketiowill most probably be in 'vogue this. winter: , Their smart appearance and greet convenience, are afro,* iecommendatiothrin their 'favor. - The, will be slightly Wadded. • Theloose'atyleOf areas, introdeced,lY palo7 tots wilt no amid Prevail; more or Jess; fur some tiro*. bo• dieoult to - And a =heti lute pee .geinriag equal sitionatageti,'!, , A herlatene dress, the' irrentiOn'of 'one' of our leading: dreeint' sckers„ bee oenaed so much excite meet Spat description will not be uninteresting to our lair readers. It was 'trimmed with- very narieWillouneer,• reached /OSSA" above:the ittligiArimtned with a mobs of - tulle illusion,tind Ate top flounces beaded attire robe of. larger WI onsingione than • those on the other -Shute oa, ' The 'disinters of the`eame material - 4114 the dress; with' long end!, and trimmed with the same description of rushig,,formed a kind of scarf. The sleeves and body foci ooyeded With; ruches of the setae char. •eeter wighive *ready _described. A single,roto - with light foliage, pieced at one side of the head; , ig.the , most ^appropriste isoiflinte which ; could be -finessilltti suit so fairy•llke • - There Is steeds/nay to wear dresses open at 'the .froat; Ahoy are evannow.cootelonally pen. „They wilted longer be' worm*" elosed. gmbroiderod mtiglis f and a moderate else collar, are worn with these dresses, Some are also made in. Yaiessteanee t With insertion. • ,FL Capeearerniaill dimbilihedf oirtineiferenoe; ICE, Inn ariost da.E at lop, fastening downwards, Whigs *pasta Ai yeti ungraceful appearance to the tem . - *rule, naletote its silk 'take the• lead, and burnous predominate in wool. Each his its ad. ranthges on certain occasions, and in Its turn is :better adapted for particular use.. ' It is. very nasentjal_ to exorcise great cars In adopting Sewers as a trimming, /Vas to a void run ning. into, the extreme practised by some of oar 'soil Tsars and dressmakers, who evince a remark 'able want of taste by th e incongruous mariner in which they employ pie BIM they bring into use. A, porticos only of the quantity would have a pleas ing and , elegant effect, whereas the. superfluity of flowers Cr e ates a confusion in the design, and pr o . doges an unsightly appearance by the hoer! into A pagy,.!D the , IntOlior 01 Japan. TRIATBD. ; Tie Gdwith .19 Saidt;reteraboarg publishes A letter from Mae- dlbreoht,7 , the wife of a physil rdon,,who visited ifeddo last winter and: returned from leddo to Ilakodedi by land. _ She says that they bind great diffionity,in getting permission to Mike the journey and that it-was dlioonn tenanied the-repreeents43vei - of other foreign nation!, the Amittran eronent.speeking particularly against it. 'nay provided themselves with, the little bamboo cages ICM - oh' the Japanese nee for . pnlar.quins, s/thArt sis so 'small - th'at one' can not hap! .a sect It an' hie feet. There .10 0 roks , al Alm, party, and they were escorted by- art Upham k functionaries, 'each , ,one also in 7 hiirk little eitge"., Theis pidanquthe are tat =al:t4.' ..Pati; vhiolt to carried. by.two * -,ono zefore . and onw behind: Spare biemerrik hy,the Ade ,mt s 'the p,lanquins for rele - le; Mae p,rtianqiiii-benring as many as fen ha aU. besides, a large number of police amsoto• panted 'them on either tide of:their-tine of plan- A.bodj Of pollee in _front; forming_ a van. gliard, continually &meted, in a melancholy and wasesured tone ' ." Sac* earay," Sit down, Bit dova,". and all the people *hat they met Rat (town 30 tturytteste along the roads, totivitiroes in the mud aid while it Wu raining: Only in plums inhabited t•or omsait or the. crown, were the Japanese pea eilleited to keep . their treason 'old tn. In eillesk-thele wee- often great contusion. .The WOO :pressed about the plantain trying to opimthetebesti On 7 ' ,- ,botie Messing the policemen, armed vitklougstefes, p_ushed them . ' book, soros• tides demirtag oil:Len their sleeves a 'short club, of wid4tits people Mimed to be- greatly afraid.; Ilitme.:Albrecht was told - that whoever was toadied WI& Glob *as considered to be under are*. The whets-stain, was more than 4W a mile, lons. Alasiiiiitir travelled baits tteeri t ,'And at • cop' ati t e~iß Ike rwe ble repide)ooll Mtn ,„ Awn* ita**„ „ fires but one POW " 1110Pronnserld 2 : mom were rierilmewitistertalgs stove* -at everaing„bnt :this frvidld net test lone' i Thejnittll 'iris 'ti-r0 good the heekheiltot,tho why It weir:pleated with togs tretkrosteM i tOt e robing • evriplits' anskever bead, MeV is !reef** lite - as bldg but - letter, mar 0f , ,-ihiS way vie mom. taleem* , aud - AleiYettad , , much inoenventenek Item *me antsain. _Hem they ,wers.scamely 'Vet cat 'of *rim o ,lomtedalte, - andillui,had, freque97 to' roWllollfrendieltry4Mi. ' e releiptiem-wetr Ytt- 44 2,434.* MY tedf o o4 s dim A:lll.lMM= and mkt? tOdinnOtYlkasigiasf orMys 7 posted off both' au dgiortya_weivrei 'Odd* ispitmliol'islobeland spit gog met the whiffet toutittenelies. wojalpheiliforahm! ItB6rto :tiartlenitt!;t!tme 4.Pekr e ,Bihhtd , them were boMlig' up on lariatit'sothethisig Mserr ' leeisest,:talbv'The Mime cerementoometreicin _ j'ettinatinsesmirtied with, an army with -ailrop,i*ia, it,- other .slap Vero hedge! th IP' one liand d'a . wooly:lb ttref,O4o w en t irr O. delete. .tiove ad'fibm litte o wen to enty• Ave miles per 'any, sfav wit-Lg4Utrittit BY THE LATE The solar eclipse of July 17,1800, was more tho roughly observed than any other that ever occurred. In addition to the treat number of trained obsere eriorho we're 'scattered along the line of its path, from the State of Oregon to Egypt, the DOW art of astronomical photography. lent its Powerful 'kid towards obtaining a complete history of the 131,i -nomerie. 'ln former tetra eclipses, whew the sun was cnitpletely- hidden liit:tbio Moen, while. still brighter' abjeots, appearing like protuberances, were seen :extending Ante the corona, there had been much disculden among astronomers in "regard to them appearances, some believing that they were produced by the action of the earth's atmosphere on the sun's light fsithers attributiug them to.. the m00n,,1114. Othetli atilt tO 'the ; MID, v - Elopes had been • for Sonirf time entertained, that the 'eclipse *of this, 'gay, Would afford obeerigstionawhiCh would settle these ;Intui tions. These hopes have not, been dilappointed. The corona le a bunions atmosphere of the sun, brighter then the foe of the moon, gradually be coming fainter r ae the distance from 'the run in oreseee, till it fadesaway ,in. the sky without any defined limikhat visible at' least 500,000 leagues from the belly of' theienn; The red' protuberances arn-luminousfiefoting floating in the shining atmosphere, of thins pretty MOT the surface of theaun. It ii a curious feat, that some of these 'cloudiintinitteed. their. Image ep the photographic paper, though they could not be seen through with powerful telescopes., This feet is explained on the supposition that, they may have emitted a deep violet light, mostly composed of chemical rays. The applieation of photography to observations American n astron eavenly omers, a fact bodies admitted d i by th e Eng lish ,and French. PHOPOSED-HofONO TO CAPT. JOHN THAION.— WO hope, saya . the Boston Traveller, some sub stantial token Of appreciation will be bestowed upon Capt. Wilson, the rescuer of the Connaught's crew and passengers, by the citizens of-Beaten. His conduct from thefirst discovery of the signal of distress', far away on the edge of the horizon, until be received Captain Leto* on board, his lit tle vetted, 'was, worthy,of the' highest - conimende; Bon:. He acted with coolness, perseviralatet in telligence, and fidelity to every diotate of lament ty, throughout - the whole scene. We have been peonliatly struck on reading the accounts with the pivbspt - derision and ICBMS which 'be- mert feated'when he' found that sunset *MI upon them and not half of the sufferers readyto perish been got dff.2 .T 441 not 'do;lie says: darkness ie oorningispontlef I will go'neirer andget a haw ser from thii steamer, so that we can get them, on board more speedily, and not be,separated in the night Thiefaot brought to Cur recollection the - fate of the OM - seri& America, when had there been presence of mind on board of, the steelier or the bark which drifted close to her to have thrown a hawser at the eritioal- moment, all might have been saved. Capt: Wilson Is a native of Balti more, but for many years paid heehaw:l' a resident, when at home with hie wife, at New Orleans. lie has no children, is about fifty years of ago, and in hie natal relations, ne less than among his sea faring, aegnaintanoes, he is distinguished for his *urbanity and great kindliness of character. With his employers he has always, stood very high for his Integrity, ability, and generosity of character. TiatirtasttniaL Lomita OF Mroutuall.—lf the States lose the $35,593 89 it had on deposit at the Artisans' Bank, at last amounts—and the pub. lie have in vain asked Air information relative to It Since the bank falledthen the amount of direct losses to the treasury during the past year will be as follows:- By the Sant Canal bonds, $50,000 00 By the - Artisans ' Bank dePosit 35,593 89 By 0. I. Anthony's deposit ' 16,205 99 Total • $101,799 88 This hes all been lost during a single- year, there is every reason to believe. Of the flret•named sum there is no longer any doubt whatever ; of thaloss of the second the mysterious silence of the Administration eta its organs gives pretty direct proof, and of the last amount no one has ever do• nied that it would be a total lose. It has come to a pass now where the (tired louse to the people more than keep pate with the enormous inorease in their taxes.—. Detroit Free .Press, Oct 12 IMPORTATIONS. s Reported for The Promo TANTAPIZAII-31ohr .T W Lindsers Bunker-285 lihds molasses 3T tom do John Mason & Co. PASSENGERS SAILED. In steamship XOTEOI2O Sftte. tor Cbarleaton—T G Budd and family, Mn A Cooke,Mr Brewster and lady. T L Chnim,Dr R Bradford. Miss Gabes, E Franze man, A S Haupt and lady. J A lisuptand lady.fP A Mid dleton, B B Rutledge. S ItloNabb, Mra Roper, Mine Ro per. A MoMt_T R.Davis, Mum Gardner, blies Lockhart. F Enstein. obert Templeton. Matthew Templeton, wife, and children. Mn Rugenin and two children, Miu Hussain, Miss E,Thigenin. sad M in the eteerage. EDWAPRWASINIBIA, BOARD TRADE. , NAT p i tgAD., .160,4.,C111 07 MX . • • • LETTER BAGS At the Merehants' Exchange, / o htladelphva. Ship Beranek, —..Liverpool soon Bhip Wm Cummings, Cops.-- Liverpool, soon Bark Cordsha. Roberts. " Port Spain, soon Bark Cordoba, Farrell Barhecioes, soon Brig-Molls.(8r) Correa? —Belfast. Ireland. soon Brig Black avian, St Jingo de Cabo. soon Bohr Vrinooo. Tabbutt.. Bt Jaen de Cuba, Oct 13 SAILING Or TUE OCKAIII STEAMERS: PROM THE umrrito STATES, OMNI L 88.98 WO* DOTE Canada Botton.:LiverPool•-.- Oct 17 oof Baltimore....NewYork. iventool ..00t 20 Vanderbdt •New York-Havre— Oot 20 Aloes. York.. Liverpool Oot 24 New York' —. „New York-Bremen ..... Oot 97 Arnim Liverp001...........00t 31 80ru0rda....,....New York-Southampton Nov 1 det5......... ..... New York- fa verirool-. ••-•• ..... Nov? Fulton-- ..... ...New York-Havre Nov 10 Europa ..... 805t0n._Liverp00i.,,...,...•,N0v 14 •Nov :New York-Havre. Nov 17 PROM :It AI ROPH. 111111.8 AIIII,VS POI - Cof Manoftestar.Llyarpool-New mit .-- Oot 3 New York.. - Southampton-New ork--. •-- Oat 3 Bornams.,....,lSonthampron -New ark.. --.Oot ..... Oot 6 A rabltt.... iverpocd-Bcaton I of Wright - 4 - ton. Iverpool-New y_o r k ......0o t 10 Illtnour -0-Southampton-New York...-. ... -Oot 10 Cemadian........laverpoot-Quebeo—.— ._Oct 11 .. . . . .Liverpool-New Oct 13 . G Haetern...Milford Haven. New Oct 17 Fulton- ..Bouthampton..Neir York Oot 17 Hammon's .-Bouthampron- New York-...__...0ct 18 Aoter len ..... laverpoot-ttnebeo....... ..... Oot Burops.. ..•....laverpool-Boston • .....Oot 20 Pr owe Y0rk....,,__.00t 23 Leinater.--, • adverwool-New York-.- Oot 33 Ad ri atio...,..Southampton.. New York--.-.....00t 94 Perms —.Liverpool-New York- ..—...00t 37 The California hied Bremen Pail from New York on the lit Ilth• and nth of *soh month. ' The Ha v ana Steamers leave New York on the &I, 7th, 12th. 17th. and !fib of each month. MARINE -INTELLIGENCIA. P - ,i117 OF PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 16 1860. 31114 RISES - 6 51-1919 N SEW* 5 ZO HIGH WATER.- ... • - .960 ARM VED. Bohr .1 W Lindsay, Bunker, is days from Matanzas, with molasses i 0 yak Emma & C o . Edwin Reed. t.hipman, 5 days from Boston, with linseed to Boy_er & Barolay. • Bohr Good Hope, Phi li p s. from Halifax. 748. via Be , . Hass, 11 day., with mdse to Geo & Wood. Bohr Richard Van., Frink, S days from Boston, with Bah to oar .. Bohr- TY Patterson , Bonier., a days from Potts mow h, 11, with airlifts to captain. • • Bohr *Ciao A Titus. Adams. 6 days from Wilmot ton. NO, with lumber. &o. Baker & Folsom. Bohr Ino. Emerson, 2 days from New York - , with salt to Wm Blum. Bahr BMWs. Nickerson. 6 days from Boston, with mdse to els & Co. Behr A • otton. Elwell, I days (rpm ianinor, Mass, with atone to captain. • - Bohr Witt i e i r „ Witch, IfulG 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Twe &CO. Bohr E aley. Rale?. Min Roston; Bohr Blackbird Compton. from Roston. Bohrxoelsior, Riley, from Boston. Herr G Clark - 41008h from Hingham. Boor Fl away , Davis, from Providence. Bohr 1) 11 Floyd. Raokett, front Warren. CLARED. Btearnshtp Keystone St E ate, Marshrnan, Charleston. A eron. Jr. & Co. .tiltetionship ItOSion, Orooker, New York, J Al[denims. Brig Bum' Welsh,Cole, Charleston, tr B Stetson gc, Co. Bohr Arne lire, Nickerson. New Orleans, do Bohr JO M Baler, Haley,. Boston. Bourn, Ogle & Co, Bohr Rica:dinar, Riley. Boston, Id Nothermel & Co, Bohr John H MoFee, Townsend, Suffolk, captain. Rohr Quickstep. Richardson, Richmond, captain. Bohr John it Gann, (new) Foster. Charleston, Nevin, . B i:O r ßta o liird, Compton, Alexandria, Tyler, Stone Co Bohr L Clark. Booby. Hingham, C A Ifecksber & Co. Bohr D Floyd, Raokett, New Bedford, Binniokson & r lover. Behr Flyaway, DAVIff Baajfarbor, Blakutton & Cox. Bohr Lads Lake. White, Washington. .1 Street & Co Bohr Susan k James. James, Portsmouth. do Sohr Busnuehann__,a Mins, do do Bohr Harvester, Woorlers. Norfolk, do fir , rl 8 ?Amer. Dennis, Baltimore. A Groves. Jr. Taoony,Btr Ely, New York, W at Baird & Co. SAILED. The US Mail steacruilkiv Keystone State, Cant Mareh man. for Charleston. sailed at 10 A M Yeetorday , with a full freight and a number of passengers. Ship Lore ago, Marwick, for Liverpool, cy tow of a tug. She carries out the following cargo: 4646 Mils flour. 36,726 bushels wheat, and 31 casks ore. tiorrespondenen of The Prem.) atiVRB toes CIE. Oct. 1840. The Wyoming left with 21 , laden and oonsigned ae follows: . . . P Pfouta, wheat, oorn, and olovereeed to Hum phreys, Hoffman & Wnxlit, and lumber to Norms* tc Sheets: M Fife, wheat, corn, &o. to Humphreys, Hoff man Zc Wright; Dickerson Ik. Wilson, corn and clover geed to Budd & COnily; M M Bhurnan end Thonana & Horne. wheat, Dorn, &o. to Perot & Bros; Milestone Iron Works, barn iron to do; C & J Curtin, do to Max well, Rowland & Go; Peek & Brown and - Florence. lum ber to 8 Bolton & C. 0,• Wm P Courter, do to Wilining ton; Brady Willie, do to Nororou & Shooter' Mantua and Rider & Brinier, do to Cadwaleder & Co; Mary Er An dO to R Wolvertonio Ent, atilt's_ sotto coal N Burrows; M Link, C K Buokalew, fa Bowman. Mauls Foreman, lawarety Frontier, and Holman &Grubb, coal to De- Ci, MEMORANDA. Steamship - Delaware, (lamicsr, hence, arrived at New York 14th inst. Steamship (hounds. flowed, from New York. via Si° de. Janeiro, for ban Fri:maw, sailed from Valparaiso shoat lath ull. • Steamship Etna, Beckley, from Liverpool. via Bos ton. arrived at new York 14th Met. atop Faulty Moliency. Smith, sailed from Nagasaki July 16 forßanagawa. Bark Gen WarrenLan_derson, cleared at Boston lath Mat. for Caps Natal. 0011. Bork Vivid bi ghts Bianohard, cleared at Boston lath inat. for Rio de Janeiro. Bri c ids , (Br) from Marseilles for Philadelehia,salled from alibraltarglst alt. BrigLyitia Francis, Hall. from Cardenise.vag belay, New York 14th init. Brig Hope, (Br) Moore, cleared at Baltimore 13th inst. foWegt foilmar. N ew igormh, Bagman, from Boston for Philadelphia, at London lltft inst. BriglOhn R Dow, Colby, cleared at Portland Idth inst for? aselphia. Brig Crawford, for Baoksport, sailed from Plowboy port nth inst. Bed Saco. Taylor, hence, arrived at Newborn, NC, mit. • • Bohm A B Payee, Robinson, from Elisabethport, Ma ramie*. BsMe from Portland, and .Henry,_Porkins, from Boston, alt for Philadelphia. arrived at Plew York 11th inst. Bohts Win P Co:, Haack. and Joseph Porter, Yates, hew.. arrived at Boston 13th Inst. Bohr' Martha Wrightington, Thatcher, J R. Mather, Nickerson,' Telegraph, Bralerso. 'Preaturer. Rieder. abd John_B Lee, Stevens, for iladelphia, an d C Knight. Window, for Cheater, a, cleated at Boston 13th inst. Bo la 8 M gout, Thompson, cleared at Baltimore 19th hut for rlbladeitods. Bohr Newman, sailed front Pleoburroort 11th fade) inst. tor Phliadejghla, Bohr George washiogton. Sherman, at New Bedford 11th Msg. Dow Delaware Dare Solirtit Simmons, Gandy, nailed from Fall Giver 12th rust. for bitaiehotda, - - Sa b re henatsroah, Bleakman, find ma Louisa 11 Endi eott .I.asers, li t nso.atEscrirost Ot t, to.dlsokarge. golsr /On are , Markt gelled from New Bedford 19th kgr.for lutoteighia llehg gloom, Moore, hence, 'tithed at Norfolk 12th LLopil i titart, ppYl4; .h . Mie. a r rived At Wit. air:* ilk pot Ea s ton, 'hap Salem . rtArsfie.. tnitanerooth from rwasos, s casf e r , c,tartrwrom I:44;,l7l7:ll l ls ai dgiZi n t l ieiN:Zert 1111 i it a .Ik6nr Alemotder fifeneron. R Mitebell. Morris. toad 126drgreen, Potter, sailed cm Providence 12th lust, for Philadelphia. Bohr ChoomOurrolghs, home, arrived at Felt' River Sokre CarPhtrT i tall, graham, Ps,, Cioogrithant intri&iibo:4Aole.t,:van paten, Watt, Mani Gardner, !arms, BOG? Pmettle, Goodwin. and flOralt. Henley - tailed fre_m flartert Otbjust, forPhilad. Bhtp Re . ebOrg, tiactain yokes, fromilallso AMY . 1 .14 itgin ItMlos,scrunk_a leak lu, the Pomp° on Me anima, at 12, iong SO W, and souk ' The ,oaptam 1411 mewl, resolved Me hitatio of 4 .1 1 11oiferbarldell MIMIC boats. Cam Oakes err cad at 144 w Yo , k ou Batutdar nithr in the etearnitap North Star. The 0 was au a. - vessel of 642 tone register, built at Medford In MO, sad owned lin Boston. A[EDYCiNAJ[.. INPE - 4iTINE PERSIAN FEVER OHARA!' FEVER AND AGUE EXTERMINATED. THE HUMAN CONSTITUTION SAVED FROM WRECK THE PREVENTIVE AND REMEDY INTERMITTENT AND BILIOUS FEVER 2 CURES INSURED IN A DAY. NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE. NPECTINE, INPECTINE riPEOTINE. INPECTINE. INPEOTINE, INPECTINE The ternble malady known as thh FEVER AND AGUE has smitten hundreds of thousands of persons throughout the world emery year, end has never till now been met by suneessful medicalGreetment that has not produced severe MEDIORiAL DISEASEa. whioh atfeot the lunge, the opleen, the liver. the heart, or other Parts of the , hunts,* organism. The IDIPEC- Tqfpiii the natural antagonist of all fevers, and when it comes in oontaa with the skin, la absorbou by the interior bream, whieh resist easily miasma and all ten dencies toward Chow snaladlea whieh areatrate the mind and body with fever. Fever and Ague resale from numerous oausem No ohms is exempt from the causes whloh promote the ex istenoe of the_disesish Ttietheing once seated to the system. induoes depression of ,pinta, lassitude, lan guor, pair., chilli, fever, and a long train of disagree able sensations, depriving the patient of all energy', er reduoing him or her to a oondition of EXTREME'RELPLESSNEAL Why will any one sutler the horrors of a debilitating Intermittent Fever, when, by the use of the INVALUABLE INPECTINE, PERSIAN FEVER (MAUL the eminent meetoal and magical qualities of whioh are instantly absorbed, ALL TEAM OF DISE/LAE MAY BE ANNIE DATED IN A FEW HOURS t BSTR-CARE 18 BETTER THAN PEYBIO. NATURE 18 iVItIEH THAN ART. EVERYEDINEASE RAD A DIVINE REMEDY. THE WIRE APPLY WHILE/11E FOOLISH BETTER PREVENT THAN STRIVE TO CURE DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. THE INPEOTINE, PERSIAN FEVER CHARM, all/ oared thousands of both/woe of the most dread lal fevers, Read and refloat, WONDERFUL, EFFECTS Lemuel Bengali, of Pittsburg. for two years useleu to himself and nooiety—s martyr to Chills and Fever— oared in leen than three weeks, and improved in eight bourn. Mary S. Statute. Sandusky. Ohio, after almos l osing ber TIMM SS welt se strength. by Intermittent Fever. with Chills, restored to health in twenty hours J. B. Tilton, of Belgrade, Maine, brought from death's door, having. suffered for four years, (made well in five weeks. and Improved in two hours. Adolphe Monbro, of France, relieved in one hours while travelling in the care of the Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. He was apparently dying with Chills. Ellen it. Benson, Lockport, New York, rescued after Seven years' ourferint. A perfeet cure. Thoneande of other owe prevented and oured every month, and not a single complaint of the ettotenoy of the LNPROTINE PERSIAN FEVER ISHiRM 'WRY IT, PROW?. IT, KNOW FL And mike known its wonderful,powers and virtues, that Mom who /Wren, or who are threatened with suffering, may be led to use a itimple,lnnolious Ora partition. Wattled by the field of Nature for MAN'S BLESSING.. INPEOTINE m BOLD BY ALL Dituoo/8%13 AND MEDIAME DEALERS 114 AMERIOA. PRIDE ONE DOLLAR, Bent by mall to NAY DltTe 01 the Iltattid Mateo. REMEMBER. It is not taken Inwardly, but In applied ostwarOlT tooording to careotions, witioh aooompanr esoh pack No. DIANtifIatURSD 1W ,Toi-utz wmoox & Co* (SS SRAM STREET. H.IO:2IMOWD , , Vt at) IN IA BRANCH ,OFFICR, , No. 99 HANK-OP COMMERCE BUILIRNO. orkro- max °ill'. IMAIUM49I:II4S4 THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1860. 'REMEDY. . „ lit DARIUS HAM'S, • • ; . AROMATIC iPIV/UORATINO 841.1tiT. ' This Medicine, has Owe 'tied by she itishlio:fey aid yeari with increasing Amor. It is yes otnnissedfil to Curs Dyspepsia, Nsccowasses. Risorl•Thirs, ,Colin Pains, TOO is the Stomach, or Pates fit As Bostab Hetidochs, Drowerfairs •Kiffisetl , • Cotarkliali, Low Spirits, J'Hiirinee - vemsas, Tationprrance. • :. le BglettiLl4Bll. SOT WILL No+ lenoitica.ra OR Br Ireavy, As a Medicine it is quick and effectual, curing the moat aggravated canoe of IJyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, and all other derangements of the Stomach and Bowels in a spesdi• &nom er. -; - - It isatttlY , revive the most tnelanoholy and drooping tell / ,' and rotten,' the weak, 'wryness,' and Moldy to heal dittrAgth, and vigor, Persons who, Togs the InjudielOUS use of honors, have begonia dejeoltd, and their nervous systems .shattered, oonstittltions breitenlioire, and subkat to that horrible ' ourseto humenity, the, Pleentlrm Teescine, will, al most immeeiately, feel the happy and health,- invigo rating fellatio . of Dr. Hoer Lev foratier WHAT , fu L DO. • Plose.—One wine glass nil se often as nese estiri• One dose will renieVe a Bad Spirits. One does will wire Heart-burn. Three doses veil cure Indigestion. • , • One dose will rive you a Alood Appetite, • • One dosil•will stop the distressing pains of •DysPePalas One dome Will camel," the distreemer and disagreeable effects of Wind or Fistuienee. and as soon as the stomeah receives the Invirmating Spirit, the distress ing' load and all painful feelings will be removed. One eith e rilemove the most distreasing pains of Cohn, in t Sternaoh or bowels. A few doses wi Iremove all obstruotione in the Kutner, Bladder, or Urinary Brodie. Perseus who are seriously Retested with any Kidney Complaints are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radicle ours' by the size of one or two bottles. • P/lOHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, froni disaipatiag - too rratoh over night, and feel the evil Meseta ot ponsonmer licuore, violent heathy:thee. topknots at etomachs Weakness, giddiness, &0., _will find one dean .0111 _move all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sickle eimosfitutions ehould take the Invigorating' Spirit three tunes a day ; it will make them strong, healthc, an d his y, remove all obetrue tient; and irregular( te a from the menetruol organs, and f r ar estore the bloom o health and beauty to the careworn During pregnancy it will be found an Invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable rientiations at the stemiseh. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and Po induce this, he has put up the litviamts-ritte betniT, In pint battles at betoonts, quarts SI. element' Depot. 4*' WATER Street, New York. DYOrr & CO.. 232 North SECOND Street, Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia 187-thstelr 'and for sale by all Drugmets, PERUVIAN SYRUP, ORtYROTECTED 13OLVFION . OF; FROTOXIDE OF IRON COMBINED This well-known - Remedy has bean need extonnively and with trvi t csuoieee for n .PS I A I, Nti !to `," l hR"" "'-rN a k t, uttrAr ff rD E r ß i: von • DETERIORATION OF THE BLOOD • *, A , Kan' OF,TItIS 'FOLLOWING PRAMS., OF D15E.4213, . 114 . -' „ Moat of Welt originate in • DYSPEPSIA: ' LIVER COMPLAINT DROPSY' NEURALGIA and NERvous MIN= toptaLLoss OF APPETITh, HEADAOIIO, ODOR and DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, _CARBUNCLES and BolutS, .PJLEI I , SOURVYAEVECTIONS OF TILE MIN,CONSLIMYTIVE TENDENCIES, BRONCHI- ' TitDIEASE.SI PEOU LULU. to FEMALEs, and ALL COM PLAINTS ACCOMPANIED BY OEN aRAL DEBILITY. and REQUIRING A TONIC and ALTE , - RATIVE MEDICLNE, Note:—The failure of IRON ea a remedy for DYS FENIA, a bad state of the blood. and the numerous diseases caused thereby. has arisen from the want of such a preparation of Iron as shall enter the stomach in a FItOTOXrDE• elate, and • Fawn:tate st once with the blood., This want the PERUVIAN SYRUP supplies, and it-does so in the only form in which it is possible for Iron to enter the oirmilation. For this MUM the PERUVIAN SYRUP, often radically cures diseases in which other preparations of Iron and other medicines have been found to be of no avail. CERTIFICATE OF ~A, 9T - 61.4. --- It ie well known that the medsoinal effeote of Protoxide of Iron are bit by °vane. vertbrief exposure to air. and that to maintain a solution otProtoxide of Iron, without further onutation, has been d eemed impnesible- In the PERU vIAN SYRUP this desirable point Is ot tamed by COMBINATION IN A WAY BIIVORE UNKNOWN; and - thte solution may replace all tho proto-oarbonates, citrates, and tartrates of the Malaria lttedioa. A. A. IiAYES, ASISAIR tO the State of Maas. 16 BOYLSTON Street, Boston. N. B.—Pamphlets containing Lettere from the above named Gentlemen and others, and swing lull informa tion of the Syrup, can be had oat application to the Agents, or to N. L. CLARK & Co., Propricto_ts CODMAN No, 78 SUDBURY STREET, 808 ON. Bold by Druggists generally throughout the rated States. Agents for Pennsylvania:_DYOTT _._ 232 North SECOND Street, Philada, auT-tutha 3m PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL In order to meet the constantly-tnereasing demand for thte tasttr CELEBRATED OIL AS AN ILLUMINATOR, the company have now doubled their former °onset tA.Td L ave ngizggflend in order to Insure for us a constant supply, adequate to the demand, they have posvely retuned to eatablish any new agencies, or create any new outlets for it wher ever. What we olaim for tulle Oil ie. TEI UNIFORMITY IN QUALITY' AND !SOPER ORM OVER ALL OVELER PILL it Is entirely free from the °MimiVo odor peculiar to all other Coal Oda In the market, and for brillisoor as ali ht eleanlineas, oliespnpos. and safety, (having no explosive properties/, is, we may confidently gay, THE ONLY OIL THAT W SFAC TION.ILL GIVE GENERAL SATI Wherever it has been introduoed consumers will use no other. As there are many inferior Oils sold as Kerosene, we caution dealers inparticular against using this trade mark. Whenever doubts exist as to the genuineness of the article. we reepeotfully ask that a sample may be submitted to us for inspection. We offer it to the trade at the COMPANY'S LOWEST YBICE, , , and ill orders addressed to us by mail or otherwise wl meet with p comet attention. , • 2. LOCKE a: CO.. Hole Agents and ManufaatUyers of Ateohol, Ruining_ Pluid, and Pine Oil. 0010-6 m . No. 1010 MARKET St., Philadelphia. COrMtTNEIO3IIIP NOTICES. TITBSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. —The Partnership heretofore existing under the finn of BIAIONB. COLEMAN. & CO., Wagon Menu/ke n/yam was thus day dissolved, by mutual consent. All persons having nlainui against the late fi rm will present them to Henry Simone for payment and those tn.ebted to mid firm will make payment to him. HENRY stmoNs. ROBERT M. COLEMAN, GEORGE F. COLEMAN. 8ept.16,1830. HENRY SIMONS will continue the business et the old stand. and we cheerfully recommend and soling for him the patronage of the customers of the old firm. ROSKRT ea. 001..EMAN. GEOROP: P. COLTMAN. fISSOLUTION.—The Copartnership of GOOD & WRITE is this day dissolved, by mu-' tual consent. Alt.persoos indebted to tho concern or having claims on them arta ohme oat( on, EDWIN A. , GOOD, who is authorized to settle the same, EDWIN N DLR A. GOO B. .9yALEXA PHILADELPHIA, 00t.11,1860. The business of this concern will be carried on, as heretofore, by onl2-tf MIIWIN A. 1300 D. NOTIOE.—The subscribers have formed a, limited Partnership, in aosiordance with the Act of Assembly, under the him and name of BoNNeRq tr. DRAPER, for the Importing and treading an Foreign 6nd Plomeatio Merchandise. and the general Commis con Butanes', Theßoom) partners ere IBAAQ B. IN: RENNRd and WARNER DKAPP.E. tad the soma! partner is JOHN O. BENNERS, who bail rontri Melt° the Ottpital of the firm the sum of Ten Phone/and The Partnership commences thle dap, and ends on the twelfth day of Reptember i DOM, pignea, ISA.6O_II. BENNbRB,i admiral Partners. WARNER DR A PER. JOHN D . BENNERS, peoud Partner. Philadelphia. September 28,1860. ee29 east apt NEW PRI-WEEKLY, PR WVIGHT AND PASSENGED. ROI) ETO NORFOLK AND PORTSMOUTH, CHANGE OP LOCATION for the 'receipt and deli very of Freight. On and after Monday. October AB, Forwarder. of Goods by this line will nand to ITEM 7.&L'a Ware holm. tinder. National Hall, 1224 MARE Pl' Street. Entranoe for drays In tilo-rear of the building, from , Thirteenth Street through Leiner street. Mark Goode " Via Heaford, Passengers will take the B.H P. M. train at the' depot, corner of Broad street and Waslosston avenue, on Tuesday/. Thursday', and Saturdays. Fare for ant-elan paskongera, ineluding meals on the, boat, 87 so* Becoud-olaupaasengers, Including meals on tha 31. F. KENNEY, Master of Tmnsportatiork oak tf P.W.& IL it .to. ilitill.llE WESTtiIIESI ER lil AND YLADELPHIA RAILROAIi VIA MEDIA. CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after Monday, Septemberl7M 1860, the traine will Leave PHILADh:LPHIA, from the Depot. corner of Thirty-first and Market !greet'', West Philadelphia, at 1.45 and 10 A. hl., and Sae and 5 P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER. from the Depot, on East Market street, at 7 and 10.15 A. PI., and 1.45 and 5 P. M. ON 8111404 V. Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast earner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 8 A. M. and 3 P. M, Leave West Cheater, at 7.30 A: M., and 4.45 P. M. Trains leavirg Philadelphia, at 7 44 A. M. and 6 P.M. and on Wednesdays and Saturdays only, at 2.30 I'. M., oonneotat Pennelton with the Philadelphia and Balti more Central Railroad. for Concord, Kennett Avon dale, Elkview, &rt., and for Oxford, via Stare. trom end of Trackp at Telt At M. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Sa• turday, the 7.45 A, M. train from Philadelphia will Ron neat with a line of stages. via Okford and Hopewell, to Peach Bottom, In Lancaster county. The last Passenger Railway Oar will leave Front and Market streets 50 minaret. and Eighth and Market streets 25 minutes before the Starting time from the Depot, and will oarry a flag to denote it. Office and waiting room , . southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets. where passengers. purehasing tickets for West Chester, will be furnished with a tioket over the Passenger Railway. HENRY WOOD, • General Superintendent. The baggage earsyill leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hour before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia Depot, sel4 - tf • al - PIiTLADELPITIA, GER marerowx amp Dicltßl6- TOW AIL 0 61UMMERARRANCHhICHT.— , and af i N i br MONDAY. Mn77_14,1860 t PO OERALANTOWI4. lkobsYS Philade 1 a 6,1, 8, , 0, 10, 11, and II A. 98..; 1,9, 8%, 4, 8, 0, 8 ,7, 8. 9, 1034, and 1136 P. hl. Leave Germantown 11, 'W:6, 8, 814, 1410, 11,12 A. M., 1, 8,1, CO, 8, M4,l', 60 / P. 81 . iki a DAYS, L M eave Philadelphia LW =in. A, M., 11, 9,6, 7H, and. hi , Leave be 1110 rain. A. M., 1.10 min., 4,6 M, and Ed P. 111. • - CHESTNUT HILL RAI - 4EOAD. a/Leave P F hiladelphia 9,0, 10,16 A. Al., 6,1, 6, 694, 8, 7 . nd 10A , hl. Larva laestnut Bill 7.10 740, 8.40, 9.4011.60 A. 841., 1.40,148, 6.10, 8.40, and 1.10 I'. M. • . • • . ON SUNDAY! . Mame Philadelphia 9.00 A. 91., 2, 6 - , and ig P. M. . &cm Chestnut Hill 930 A. 7. 1,, ADO, 6.10, and 9.10 ina.,. P.M, . • FOA CO7BIIBO6IOOXEN AND NORRIBTOWN, - Leave Viadelphia 8.60 „ Cs; 9.06. 11.06, min., A. M.. LA48.06, , 186, 6.00, and 11,16 P. M. 11 Lan eavei P. orristown M 6; T, 9.06, 9. 31 A, IL, 11i, ii B H. d H. 019 SUNDAYS, ?hem Phdladelphla 9 A. 91, and 1 nod 8 I', 11. Maya Aorratown 734 A. M. 1 and 61'. M. FOR MA MAYUNK. . leave Philadelphia 6.60 714 9.06, 11,05 A.M. 1 06, VS 6A6 11(, Lad, 6.10, RDA 13.4 P. m, ' ' ''' Leave !denim= , Ili, 0.36, Ed, and 11M A. Id., 11i 49.6, IM, I. and 6 .1.1 .. ' IMINHAI 4 I9, _ 1 7 4 &Save p_hilideliwis A. M. 8, 0. and 5 P 10. Iksares../1666.66V0 6 0 3. ?i• M. 03604, and Hi 2. Al. JAL. X. 8 H, enesal uAerintendsnt E6-Ilf ~ HHPOT. NINTH and 13 ENN Sties. 6. NOTION.-.OHISTER VALLEY RAILROAD—PAN ENER TRAINS FON DOWNINGTOWN AND ini -TERDLATE ISTATIONS.—On and after Bth May. lege. the' Pairenger Trains ,for DOWNINGTOWN will , stort Donn the now YeasiStiger Depot of the Thita delohio and *eliding Railroad Comports. corner of BROAD and OALLOWHILI. Streets. (ortolan:sr en trantes op Oallowhilic • VIEWS) TRAIN for Downingtown, iineSso at 8.00 rnioon, ILIA/N.for Downingtown. loorot at • raY,itndtie red.) , order or the Board o Managors of Dos rhilaitolosil; s o sincimirstirosi 0 H. olop4bal. ant VI reIrtI.I4ENNPV. I.l^ArAtiaryt.- cff.-375 bbis Pitch, in store awl for male by ROWLEY, AEitißil NNE% & CO., N 0.16 South Whereon 00l MEIDICIIV .L. HAYES, M. D., OF KEROSENE OIL. RAILKOAIP LINES. RAILROAD LINES. 1860. airawm 1860 spRINO ARRANGEMENT—NEW yitic_jdria. MS 0.64.64D.P.18 AND AMBOY A P I RI D NA 8 ORK A WA X PLAfj.o,.. Fma shut-street Wh wthfeare as follows—rus: via*. At 6 A Pd, vle,Oainden and Ambor, O. 6c A.. Aocoin modal n. 36 At 8 A 81, rip Camden anriineey City (N. oomm t, 9 25 via Camden and Jersey (.4 21017/DC ata At 11 AllicWirilii.l;#)itTYlEFfarliaßrj:iitii7 Clity„ Western Ex ree__ 00 At 1934 P M, via °masa and Amboy, Aecomm dahap .. am ... At , viC P M a den and krabuy, O. and A. Pa ress ... . 600 At PM. 47 Btegimboat via . Tacumr and Jersey City, Bre tuag,Exprese. ..... ...... 800 A 3 P 64,1)7 etergnboat via Trioon7 and J arsor Clan Traktit b a 6 At 6 P 61, via qamdton and Jena, City, Braving -- -•-- 600 At n p 61, via Camden and leper Cii7,Boutheni Mail 116 At 5 P litVirbrunden and Zany, Aocominoda- Pon, (Freigh t and Paegenger,P—lgt Cleae Ticket, 150 65 ad " The IF hi Mall Line nine daily, The 11 PM, south- Vr ia giil t2 vlefit Y l l retfi c C e n,, P" liam bertville, movaington, Pm at lA. DI anti 4 P trornWalnut-atreer wnan. and 7.10'A .111 from Kensington. For Water aap,Eltrouilabittg, Efortintou, Wilkeebarre, MontrogeOreat Bend, &G. at 6 A. al, from Walnut street wharf, and 7.10 A. M. from Kensington, via Dale, wale. Lackawanna and Wedeln R. R. 1 , or Mount Bally, at 6 and 9 A. M.. 2 and 4% P. 61, For Freehold, at 4 A. M., and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, 6:0., at 2X and 4 P. M. from Walnut street wharf, 7.10 A. M. and 6X P. M. from en maim,' K FOl,Palmyrit, Riverton. Delano., Beverly, Burlin,t ton, lorenao,Bordontown, teen.% and 4% P. M. Steamboat mos Botha) for BordentoWn and interme diate Places at 2.% P. M. Bleamboat' Trenton for Taoony at it A. M. and Tawny, Beverly, Burlington, and nstol at 4P. M. Fifty Pounds of Baggageonly, sowed.l each Fomen ter. Fasiiemiere are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their Wearlog •apparel. All baggage over fifty ponsubt to be veld tor eXtra. The Company limit their reeponeibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 41100, ex cept by apeotal ooatreot,. SIM W In• OATZMER, Agent. TUN PENNSYLVANIA q,g N VIRAL RAILROAD,' - nu MILES DOtIDLE 186(1, 1.860. THE CAPACITY OF :if HIS ROAD IS NOW 11QUAL TO .ANY IN THE COU FRY. THREE THROI.IOH I'ASSEN TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELP* A Ir- TIT TSBUKI, Conneoting dire= et Philtilla with Through Trains from Boston, Now York, and points treat , and in the Bolen Depot =Pittsburg Through Trains to and trent all pointa in the West, orthwent, and Southwest —thus, furnishing fatithiles for , the ;transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Linea ran through to Pittsburg, without change of Cara or Coaduotora all through Pae manger Trains provided with Loughridge'a Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thud adding Much to the safety Of traveilars. Smoking Cars are attached to each Tratn; Woodruff's' tliapping2 Care to Express and Fa# Trams. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mad and net Lines, Sun days exoepted. • Sail Train leaves Philallelphla at 7011 Vast Line " 11.00 A. M. Havre= Train leaves " 11.1.0 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AB FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Aooommodation, via Columbia, f P. M. Gobtrabla Leo P. M. Parkeaburg e. 40 F. M. West Chester 19.80 P. M. West Chester Paaaangars will take the Mall, West Chester Acootrunodation, and Columbia Trams. passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Built lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladolphia at 7.10 A. M. and 2P. go directly througla Tickets Weatward re ay be obtained at the °Hoes of the Company in'Philadelp_hia, New York, Boston, or Sal -11111721°8 Iti r e!; t th i elgi ride%) any hife t r h d e !Tyr termer Liao of Steamers on the Missussipp: hio livers. - - /T Fare always as low; and time as snick, as by any' other Route. ' For farther information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets, The oomplation of "the Western lionneotions of the For:aryl vacua Railroad to Chicago. make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE r GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks Dy the Railroad ridge at Pittsterg. avoiding all dgayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving - of time, are advantages readily appreciated by ShitiePers of Freight, and the Travel- Iligerohkats and 'Shippers =trading the transportation or their Freight to ads company, can rely with cora deja,ou_ R on_ its speedY &amt. HE ATES OF F REIGHT to and from any point In the West .by the ennsylvanta Railroad art at all Watt as/an:rabic at art .harged by sthsr Railroad Cots us. • , • 117 Ir Be partiellar to stark paskeasa "via Penna. Hall r Freight Contraets or Shipping 'Directiorut, apply to, or address either Pith* following Agents of the Goat- PUY: A, STEWART, Pittsharg; &Fierce &Co., Zaneiryille,O.; J. Johnston Ripley, 0.; R.-MoNeely,hdayavilla, Ky.; Ormsby & (Cropper, Portamou.A, 0.; Paddock k Slo., Jeflersonville, Indi ans; IL W. Brown & Co., moon:nab, 0.; Athern & tiltibert,Oincuricatt, O. R. C. Muldrum, Madison, Ind.; Jos. E. Moore, Lou: faille, Ky.; tYßilel & co., Evansville, Hai N. W. Graham k Co., Cairo,lli.; F. Beau, Shaler & Glum, St. Louis, Me.t John .H. Bar ns, Nas h ville , Tenn.; Harm & Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; Clarre & Co., Chicago, LILL W. B. 'Koouts, Alton, 111.: or to Agents of Railroads at different points .in 6 .145T0N, Ph phat. ORA & KOOPUB, Sb North , street t i 88:: 4A.t ig eori8klnL4.1. &UECB H & N2. tfgslraetHosn. L. ld, 1101 La GeV; Fratilit Agent, Phila. Lowurw, Gang Tioket gent, Phila. E. LEWIS, Gann Suet Altoona, Fa. MiCAPPINKLMIRA ROUTE.— M RAILROAD. PHILADELPHIA AND EL IRA QumKmeT ROUTE to Tamaqua, entwine Ru pert, Virilkesbarre, Scranton Danville, Milton,' Neil hanisporti. Trot, Ralston, (Anton, Noma, Buffalo, Niagara lalls. Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit,'Tolodo, ,Gbloolo St. Lows, Milwaukee, and all points North and West. pa ssenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and OAA.LOWILILL Streets, (Passenger entrance on Cal lostitinll Olundare excepted), A for above UT EAPRESS.. A.. 90 e.. M. M. train conneats at Rupert. for Winces- NOLA A ki4AWinit o Nds BVR i t t r a The above trairts snake direst conrions at Elmira with the tranks of the New York and Cananitugna and PI !sepal Ea 111, Buffalo, New ork and Eno, and Nerir Tore,Central Railroads, from all wants North and Wait, SIM theanadaa. liana's° ones' cm to Etmirai Titatralo, and atuwanNion Bridp, and all ti.terinedanta points. ' r lcirets cants, roopred at the Philadolphi4 and El m ra Railroad IAT a's Picket °Moe, northwelit corner of SI TR and CIF L. PROT Streets, and at the Passenger Depot. camera. 'I.IIIRTEENTII and DALLDWRItiIo TRROUG EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the . doh's. and Reading Depot, Broad and Calloerhfill etre t rdaity (Baridayr excepted), tor ell poll:de west a North, at F. Freights mu be delivered before 3P.M. to insure theirgmn tht I anis day.. For th .10r inforwition apply at Freight Depot, THIRTE and CIALLOWRILL, or to unAs. 8. PAPPEN,GeneraI gent, Northwest sorthdr SIXTH and !CHESTNUT Streete, 0,111-0 , - - Philadelph is . . • Arm NORTE! PENNSYL. VANIA RAILROAD For THLEUEM, DOYLESTOWN, LASTON. alaucra CHUNK, HAZLETON ‘ ECKLWY warm RAVEN, WII.KKSBARRE, WILLIAMSPAT, &AL THREE THROUGH TRAINS. Oq and after MONDAY, /sly ad, DM Passenger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Anns, phi lade/yhie, DAILY, teeuldaya excepteddaa follow': At 630 A. M. (Exy - on), for Bethlehem. Allentown. Marini Chita, Hazleton, Wilkosbarre, Williamsport, Ace. ALIA° P. AL(Esprosa), for Bethlehem, Easton, &a. This train reaches Easton al 940 P. AL, and makes alms commotion with New Jersey Central for New York. Ako. t 6 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mellott Chunk, At 9 A. M. and 4 P. P. for Dollestown. /Lt 70.80 A. M and 61$0 P. M. for Fort Washington. The ASO A. M. Express Train makes oboe connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the ahorteat and most ()mumble royto to Wilkesharre. and to all points in the Lehigh Coal Region. TRAINS FOR PRILATIET.PRIA Leave Bethlehem et AM A. M., 9.110 A. M. mad 6,22 p Leave Dagestan at 740 A. M and t. 15 P. M. Leave Fort WashinAton UNDAYB at CM A. A. Maud 438 P. M. or 4 M . Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 0 A. M. thiliulelPhia for Doylestown. at 3 P. M. Doylestown (or Philadelphia at 6,40 A, M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 8.00 P. Al. Fare to Bethiehem..tll6olFare to Mutat Chunk... 92 80 Fare to Easton. • ..., 1 001 Fare to Doylestown., 080 Through Tiolrefs must be procured at the Ticket Of 6oee at WILLOW Street, or MILKS Street, to order to secure the above rates of faro. . . . . . All Passenger Trains (except Punday Trains) oonneot at Berke street with Fifth and Sixth streets aid eeoond and Third-street Passenger Railroads. SO minutes after leaving Willow, street. WRINF ALL ARRANGE. . M ENT - PHILADELPHIA WILIRGTON, BALTIMORE RAILROAD. Op and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 1. PRO. PASSENGER TRAINS I..KAVIc PHIL ADELPHIA : For Baltimore at 8.16 A. M., 32 noon (EXpresB), and 11.10 P. M. For Cheater at 8 I 5 A. 51 ° 12 noon. 1.16, 4.15,6, and 11.10 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. 51.02 noon, 1.16, 4.16.6. and 11.10 P. M. For New Castle at 816 A. M. and 415 P. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. 51. and 415 P. M. For Dover nt 8.16 A. M. and 4.15 P. 51. For Barrington at 8.15 A. 51. and 415 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. 51., (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 4,15 P. M.? For Farmington at 8.16 A. 51.1Mondays,Wedneetlays. and Fridays at 415 P. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. 51. (Monday s, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4 15 P. 51., For Salisbury at 8.16 A. M. Train nt 816 A. 51. will conned at Seaford on Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturday with steamboat to Nor folk. TRAINS FOR Pllll4 DELPHIA : Leave Baltimore at 6.30 A. 51. (Express), 10.15 A. M., and 5 251'. M and 8 35 P. Leave Wanting ton at 7.30, 0, and lt 30 .4. Al., 45, 346, AI. i save Salisbury at 1 30P. 51. Leave Seaford at (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days at 720 A. M.) 2.50 P. M. Leave Farmington at (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fa turdays at 8 A. 51.) 4 10 p, 51. Leave Milford at ( Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days at 7.50 A. M.) 4 P. M. Leave Harrington at 8.15 A. 51. and 4.25 P. M. Leave Dover at 905 A. 51. and 5.25 5.51. eave Middletown at 10 15 A. M. and 6.40 P. 51. I save New Castle at 8.30 end 11 A. M., and 735 P. 51. Leave Cheater at 8.20 and 940 A. M., 12.04, 2.22, 4.25, and 915 P. M. pave Baltimore far Salisbury and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. M. and SP. M. TRAINS FOR BALTISIOIIv : Leave Chester at 8.15 A. 51,12 23 and 11 40 P. M. heave VW ilmington at 9.25 A. 51.,12 55 P. M., and /2 2 0 A. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attaelied, win run 88 fOnOWS : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate Plains at P. 51. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate Plage at 6 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-do-omo and Intermedi ate places et 426 P. Al. ON SUNDAYS: Only at 11.10 P. M. from Philatlelphm to Baltimore. . Only at 5.25 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. set p S. M. FELTON, President. PHILADELPHIA READI E NG RAIL ROAD.—PASSrI4GER TRAINS for YU ITSViLLE, READING, and HARRISBURG. MORNING LINES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted.) Leave New Depot. oorner of BROAD and CALLOW RILL Btroete, VILMA DEI,PHIA (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets.) at 8 A h)., connecting at Harrienurs with the PENNSYLVANIA R A Itiß LAD, 1 P. M. train running to Pitthburg; the CUMBERLAND VA LLEYI.B.S P.M. train runnine to Chambersburg, Ste. • and the NOlllllt , RN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. train, running to Sun bury, &o. AFTERNOON LINES. . Leave New Depot. corner of BROAD and CALLOW- Sireeta, Plilbe DELPHIA,I Passenger ontrannea on Thirteenth and on elliklWillli etreete,/ for POT'PS VILLE and HARRISBURO L at 2.30 P. M., D A I LY, for READING only, at 6 P. ea" DAILY. (Sundays ex °Opted.) DIti•TANCES VIA PIIII,o‘DELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD.. FROM PRILADELPIIIA. To Plicenaville.....—•2a) Ilia d Lebanon !,.;',.',Vit,taak. l Atlferli'M Harrisburg ~...112 * Dauphin Millersburg— .141 t Northern Central, Trevorton Junction_ 188 Railroad. NorthumberhOld Leansburg 178 Milton 4 ManorSunbury and Erie R. IL Willtameport 0 00 Jersey Snore ... 222 jetg 3 k t. laven • • 26 Tr0y.,... :: 23 1 _ 291 Williamsport and llmira Elrotra,„ .287 Railroad. The 8 A. M. and . 9 i 0 P. M. train connect daily_ at Port Clinton. (E , undaye excepted.) with the CA'PA- WletilA, WIL isiseOßT, and ERIE RAILROAD. making obese connections with linea to Niagara Falla, Canada, the Wen and Southwest. • DEPOT, PHILA DELPDIA Corner of BROAD and CAI,LONN RILL Streets OPP - D. ' MeILIIBNPIRY, Secretary WEST °RESTER TRAINS via PENNSYLVA NIA RAILROALI, save depot, corner ELEVENTH and MARKET, at 7.30 A. 81., 17.30 P. 81. and 4P. M. On Bunday, leave Plniadelptea at 8 A. W., wild Weld. (Theater at 4 1 , , M. n+llo-tl IPRIViTE, PUPILS fitted for College, 11?:AltneViCgo.d Cliasiosi Teacher. Aar ESDAME9 ODENARAY AND WHEN. wjlaorrerpeotfully tufo= their friemth and be ipublio that_ they have remoold their Boarding_and II ay School for Yonne Ladies from Logan Square tenor, ain and 1629 SPRUCE Street. • Peelle from five years of age upward prepared for the fourth ohm. 1y26-6m VREELAND INSTITUTE--A BOARD 11S0 801200 L FOR YOUNG ild.EN:=This insti tution Is located in a delightful, healthy. and retired part o the country. twenty-four miles northwest of phiadalphia. two hours' ride from the oity ; accessible by Norristown railroad and stages, tw.ce a day. Next evasion opens %lobes 22d. For oirculars, address 11. A. fiIINSIMS.F.R. Principal. se27-t0022. Ferktomen Bridge. Montgomery on.. Pa, refeYANT, 'STRATTON, & FAIRBANKS' V-P MERCANTILE COLLEGE, 8. E. corner BE 'V ENV{ and CRESTNUT Streets —Day and Evening Sessions. Individual instruction in Bookkeeping, in oluding_G n eneral Wholesale and Retail Business, ip ping, Forwstrding and Commission, Bankinf i ha change,hianufasturlng, Railroading, Btoam sting. Ce most thorough and 'practical COMM n the 'United , States. Alto, LeCtUres, Commercial Calcula tions. Arithnaetio. and the higher Mathematics, Pen manship (best in the city), Corresp_ s t ondence, Igo. For elle, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beauti fully printed in colors, and the best work published. e2d.f • CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOCUST. The duties of the Classical Institute will be rimmed blonder, September 8. I.W W. g A. rri au77- d2m nOIP2II. ''"S I T„ *Ol *I I I . NER TRIRTEENTB and FILBERT. Streeta,e ovens MON DAY_, September Ikt. Four more mards Will be admitted. Catalog me sent to any address, ann-tt it. STEWART, PrthoivaL 3/IR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, No, 1727 VINE street, near Logan Square, win RE.OPEN on WE DNEBDAY, September Ilth, Circulars furnished auls-t.f on Implication, NEW ORLEANS (LA.) • OAVUNE.— . ;TOY; 'OOE. 84 Co. Have been appointed sole agents in Philadelphia for this extensively oirmilating paper, of commanding in fluence. Business mon are advertlaing in the beat news papers of oily and country. at the offices of JOY COE a CO., Advertising Agents. FIFTH and CHESTNUT Strode. Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, New:York. sag- tf - . - IJORACE SEE, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and • PATENT ATTORNEY. No. 114 South SIXTH Street, • iNearly apposite the County Court House,) Prepares Speeifications, Drawings, tco., and transacts all othor business connected with the obtaining of Let ters Patent Machinery Designed and Drawings made. an2s-3m` DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street.-:-Raving TemoVed to our new and spaoioug More, We would WI tile attention of Dealers to our ex tensive stook of PATENT MEDICINER, PER FUMERY, and FANCY ARTICLES, Mr hat corn prince a greater variety than can be found at any estah aishment in the United States, and our pnoi com pare with an• market. aui-ttathsam R R. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO -11-‘• RER AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania. FARMSSTORES,MILLS, and MOTELS FOR SALE in Mont gomery , Ducks. Chester, and Delaware Counties, vary ing from ID to 230 acres, in good localities Persona apply i ng Will be. shown properties free ei charge. Bondi and Mortgages negotiated at fair rates: RAN Et- SOME RNSIDENCEB for sale in Norristown, Potts town, and intermediate places. For Catalogues and fu.l description, address R. R. CORSON, /01-6 m Norristown. Pa. ji NICHOLSON, • • Manufacturer of BESETS. LINEN and lOARSEILLES . BOSOMS AND COLLARS. A large and ohms assortment, and WELL Maim, always on - nand. unto which I narttoularly invite the attention of 1 7 / 1 .611 and prompt-paying 13/101LT-TIMM buyers. Id. E. Corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets. Phila delphia. an7..em. S FUQUET & SONS, • IMPORTERS Of. PIAVArA CIGARS, Pio. 2/ South PROS r Street. , Rioetve regularly a full easortrnent of deinnble CI eRS, which they, offer St low Moo. for cash or op proved credit. • . jelo-ly pAWSON & , IICi/101.800, , BOOKBINDERS,. • • • NOS. 619 AND 621 MINOR VIREES, .Between Market an ..19hestnat oti6ste. .M• • VELLADrnIA. JAMEIVRAWBON. • 14111. B. NIOROMOK, lalf/ - GI J. BAYLIS TLIOMAS, WA. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,, Ras removed his came from No. INS Arch street to Nio. 429 WALNUT Street. Particular attentiongiven to the recovery of Mercan tile Claims. The drafting and examination of-Wills, Convegances,Amignmeats,,Bnefs of Title, and other Instruments of Writing', ,The management of Executor ship', AdmlnistratOrships. and Trusts, superintended; and the beat as unties groomed for thermanent in vestments of Money, Batisfaatorl re ference Pillen when required. aum-om. ANTIMACITE INSURANCE COMPA -1.1 N .—Authorized Capital 810,000--CHARTER FERPE VAL. °Moe o. MI WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth B reef , Philadelphia. Fi r m on will insure egrdnet loss or damage bY Fire, on Balking/. Furniture, and fderehandiee gene rally. Also. Marine lueureasees on 'Wessels, Cargoes, and Freihts. Inland Insuranue to all parte of the Unioh. llf RECTORS. Joseph Maxfield, Dr. George N. Eager*, John It. Blalneton, Wm. F. Dean, 3..8. Baum. ESUER, Preeident. .D.ELAN. Vice Frealdent, &DS-tether( , Jacub Fisher, D. Luther, L. Audenried, Davie POLIMIII Teter Sieger, JACOB WM. F. SM eretarr.lTil. as LIFE INSURANCI PANY.—THE PENN RANCE COMPANY, M 1( 8,1191. M. I O7 NSURES LIVES for thi annthnes and endowmenta• Real Estate, amj makes all contingencies oLife. They not as Exeetdors, Trustees, and Guardians. TRUE( Daniel L. Miller, Benjamin Coates, Riohard S. Newbold, William P. Hacker, Witham H. Kern, Samuel C /1119 Y,. Charles Rollo Well, Henry C. Townsend, Rodo/phus Kent ' William H. Carr, P. V. Didion, William Robertson, Warner M. Basin. P.S. Mielo DANIEL SAM, . I Joust W. Hoasion. Rearm A MERICA_N 'EIRE INSURANCE CO., UAL INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PERPEW• 1(o. 310 WALNUT Streak, above Third, Philadelphia. Naylor a large paid-up ,Sapital Stook and 'Surplus in vested in sound and availableLSeenrities,,eoutinne to Insure on Dwellings, Wy M ins, urniture, erehandine, Vessels in Port and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. tonicloss. Thos. R. Mutt, John T. /AMIS. John Welsh, lames IL Campbell. &moil C. Morton, Edmund 0. Distant 'stook Brady. Chas. W. POUlthets liTfAl Warts. THOMAS A. MARIE. President ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. Sao , - retort.. fett-tr QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA .cs, NY—FRI€NKLIN DUILDING.9,OOB WALNIIR PR CAPtiAL PS UEET sw,ut7o.—lnutes against Loss or Damage bg FIM.IIIId the YOllllOl the Bea, Inland Navigation Transportation. DEORDP, H. HARR, Pyaiddant. E. P. ROB% Vice Presidfnt. COODSHALL, Bee Yana Treasara) R. BUTLER, Ainistant Beorstari, DIBBOTORB. deoree H. Hart, B. P. Roue, A. O. Bartell. Poster B. Perkins, R. W. Bailey, Andrew R. Chambers, 11. R. Coggenall, , Samuel Jones , M. D., Hen. H. Pd. Fuller. uildr-rt xallANoE INSURANCE COMPANY x- - -• —Office N 0.409 WALNUT Stroot. FIRE INSURANCE Pon Houses and hlerehandme general'''. on favorable terms, either limited or Per petual. DIREOTORB. Jeremiah Hansa'', Edward D. liotarta, John Q. fiinnodo. John J. ,Orilfiths, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben O. Hale. Thomas Marsh, John McDowell, Jr.. Bawl. L. fimedler,_ Jas. T. Hale, Bellefonte. J - EREMLAH BONSALL, Fronident. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vies President, EDWARD W. pavan, Secretary rahil int( ELLIS CLARK,TAgent THE ENTERPRISE INSIJR.ANCE COMPANY PB PRILADEPIIIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) SOMPANY'S BU/LIIME). S. (V, CORN& lOUNTII AND WALNUT STUNETS. DIRECTORS, Iltmeamloto Sum MOILDSULIt. DA.Wde We WILLIA.M elito.H. 371t9021 . . FitAztut • JORNH BROWN, Joini M. Arwood, B. A. Fiannaroot. Muir, /Lynam)), Volum D. Cad% WIIIV.TO)I.L. RRiNoBR. F. CATCHY RD W ARR. Yrvisidont. CHARLES W. COXE. &metal's). • fels . s ga PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORXS.-IYEAFIE & LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETRLAL EriGINEEFS MACRIVISTR,IIOILER-MAKERS,I3LACRISMITBS, and FOUNDARS, having, for many years.. been in suocessful operation, and been exolueively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Enginos, high and low pressure: Iron Boats: Water Tanks, Propellers, &0., /co. , respectfully oiler their services to the public, m bein fully prepared to eontraot for Engines of all sies.Marine, River, and Stationary , having eats of deterns of different noes, aro prey area to execute or rs with quiok despatch. Every desoription of Pattorn Making made at the shortent notice. nigh and Low Pregame, Flue, Tubular, arid Cylinder Bollerikof the best ponneylvania oharcoal iron. Forging e, of all smog and kinds ; Iron and Brass Castings, of all dasoriptiorpr; Roll Turning. Screw Cutting, and all other work NM hooted with the above busineeii, Drawings and specifications for all work done nt thou establistunent. free of charge, and work xusrantled. The subscribers have ample wharf dock 1130 m for re pairs of boats, where thoy can Ile in perfoot anfety, and are vrovided with Mears blocks, falls, La.,&0.. for raising hoary or light weidta. JACOB O. NEAFIE, 1141141t21. V. MEARIIIII, J. VAIMXJ.I.4 211 9 -1.11111, WILLIAM , It, Kitimat. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY,_ FINWII AND WASHINGTON SWAESSIII. MERRICK 6, SONS, Erie/INTERS AND NIAORINIM blaimitaature Ma and Low Treasure +Rama , .Eualtaa, for /And, River. arid Manna roma°. ef liziez, d ?e c to t i t iptiire, n l o 'ninte r . n i e r . on Beall, it.; Cooling Iron Frame RA% r fOr tine Works, Work noon, Batt. road Mat - Iona: &o. Retort" and Gas fasolanory of Dm latest and moat Im proved eonstrnehO l Every dosoripiion of Plantation rdanifinary, Imola at Mugar, Raw, and arise MIN. Mhoutila Palle, Upon etea* Trains, Defeostomp'ilters, Pumping Engine", Re. sale Agent" fur N. Rillieux , " Tirana Tugar &Alma Avg/wain" finsmyth'g_ Patent Steam Rammer at Asminwell Welaors Patent Ogninteral Sugar re'lls Dig mown". evalky POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY - ,No. 951 BRACH Street,Kenelny.ton, LIAM H. TIERII inform hm fnepda that, lump! pur chased the entire stook of Patterns at the above Foun dry, he is now prepared to Tenho order* for Rolling, end, and Saw Mill Castings, Soap. Cherniord, one House Work, Gearing. Castings made from Rever beratory or Cupola Partisces, In drr or. rreon sand. or MO . ti CAUTION r—Agiiiof,bG - Y - T- - - 7 1,0 - 01( OHT NEWS FOR ALL!—The never felling Mrs. VAN HORN in the beet; he euoceedr Wien all others have failed, Ail who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate, deceived by false a neleee, fly to her for advice and comfort, In hope airs 3. 1 4 rietawjaiis. She has the seoret of winning thelooo - i gel i gideg ?lath It ?5t10 4 1. 2 w ,igi,Vonpdyu I ° l g eßoortisements. She 'cows you the It like nee o ) our fu ture wife, husband, or abeent friend. It is well Ireowo to the irriblio at large that she is the lint and only pa wn who can show the hkeneaa in reality, and can give entire satisfaction on all the concerns of life, whiob can be tehted and. proved by t housands, both roamed and single, who daily and eagerly Street . r. Caine one I come ell I to No, Ing LOMBARD betai'een Par end Broad. coin II PRIVY -WELLS cleaned at a low price to obtain theoontents. .140dreel WhIAINhON. Sou drone (Mee, lals North fiSCOND Street, 001-A" EDIIOATIONAL. BUSINESS CARDS. INSURANCE CO.M.PANIES AND TRUST COM 'MUTE AI, LIFE, Intl- BESTNUT Street. Aeaetl, o whole term of life—granta •urehaaoa life interests in II oontranta depending on the Adminietraton, Axsigneas TEES. Bsmulti E. Stokes, William Martin, James B. McFarland, Joseph R. Trotter, James Easton, Theophilus Paulding, Edmund A. Ponder. Daniel L. Hutchinson. John W. Horner, .Ellis B. Archer, Samuel J. Christian, Joeepn ht. Thomas, John 0. Brenner. • ler, Easton. I L. MILLER President. E. STOKES, vice Pres t. • tam aulB , TIACILINERI( AND IRON. JOHIIP: LEVY. BEACH and PA bronit .b.eote .4Y . AI7:VTIOI I . FURNESS, BRINLEY '& CO. - , Nn. egg M R VET EITRFIET BALE OF POO LOTS DRY GOODS, THIS ( Tuesday) MORNING. 00T.16, AT 10 O'CLOCK. A CARD.—TheMttention of purchasers is reemeeted to our male of 000 lots Imported dTY roods, this (Tues day) morning, Oat. lf. at 10 o'olook. by catalogue, on sia mouths‘oredit. compliable a desirable assortment Of seasonable goods, Imola as - All wool long and square Shawlg.l do heavy fringed square do. do bleak end colored stella do. Frenoh black clothe. Heavy Englieh beavers. velveti. Marseilles quilts, cloaks. randkerehiefe. Velvet buttons, embroideries, woollen and Berlin gloves. &o. NOTICE—To Retailers and Upholstereie. In Wile this inonuug - 11000 Pa-is line printed and embossed Mend, table, and piano covers, best quality . imported. LARGE SALE OF PA RIM PRINTED AND EM BOSSED TCLOTR, TADC.A PIANO, AND, STAND COVERS-The beet goods imported. This Morning', ' Oct. 16, at 10 o'olook. on sir months' orel l ir m 6906-4 Paris line embossed cloth table covers. 6008 4 do do • .' 'do do. 600 do do stand do. 600 large size Pans printed table cloth clovers. •- 600 Pane cloth piano covers. magnifit (molar Forming the largest assortment of floe goods ever Misled in this market. 6 4 1 7. 11E1YOTI BEAVER?, (For City Trade.) ..sal . 4..- This illorninai. 2 Cllleell 8.4 French beave..e - . • 316/0-4 11-4. MARSEILLES QUILTS. and 12-4 heavy and fine Maineiliem quilts. NOTIC P'.—To Dealers in Bhavrle. BALE Of? 0.00 I.DTA.BRorIIE LONG and BaIIARE SHAWLS, 'BERLIN Worn, REVERSIBLE AND 13(1,11ARE WOuL SHAWLS, ALL WOOL LUNG BRAWLS, &c. Included in sale this murn)ng, and to whioh the par ticular attention of dealers is requested, will be found 200 lots shawl., viz: Vienna broohe equate and long shawls. Berlin reversible wool shawls. do velour fliZto do. • All wool ecuaro and long do. Chenille scarfs, forming a very large mill oboice as sortment for present sales. FRENOBWOOLTENBHAWI S. Tr is &Joining. - 37614.1 extra heavy Pane,woollea shawls, with heavy fringes: Also, chenille nails. oambrio handkerchiefs, embroi deries, long wool shawls. &0..• Also, 40 pieces all wool german cloths, for oloakal SALE OF FRENCHGOODS. On Friday Morning. - October 19, at 10 o'clook. 000 packages and lots of French dry BOIL LARGE BALE OF FRENCH DR GOODS. Of the importation of Metiers. Hertford & Hutton. • • Mopl4 0 0toner P. at lo' cl oc k. k. y Consisting of— . 600 pieces 'merino cloth, assorted oolore blacks and whites' fine to. very fine, mantifacture of geydon, Elie ber. & Co. 400 pieces plain moue de lames. assorted colors, high colors n and blanks. onperfine qualities. lon pieces 6 4,velour 'imperial, velour Ottoman, and reps lmperatnee. 200 pieces high colored plaid Saxony mennoe. 75 meted poplineiassorted colors and blacks', superb qunlitiee. 160 pieces . - hfanof drew silks colored and black. 100 silk robes, broche and velvet. 7 and 9 flounCe. chola!) and new styles. 9d pieces Lyons maritilla and collar velvet,. • SHAWLS. 1,000 black, mode: and high colored tlaibet 'hassle, silk fringe. 1,500 square and long black shawls,* wool fringe. sh • 3 eve ry y rich and super qualities broods bonier stella ls • • 200 noh minted !Whet shawls, smal palms anti rte stellaa. ..ero new styles reversible woollen shawls, very de mieble. . . . o superb Pane make striped broohe Cashmere shawls, inoluding new and elegant deafens, of the oele prated manufacture of Gouin & Co., pans,llolllo 'very high cost. PHILIP. FORD & 00., ADOTIONDERS, No. 530 MARKET street. and 501 MINOR Street LA r iEGE WALE OF 1,200 DARKS BOOTS. DUDES. .13ROGA.N8 AND GUM SHOES. On Thursday Morning. October 10, at 10 o'olook precisely, will W._ sold, by catalogue, on months' credit. 1,200 ease, me n' s, bole ' , and youths' calf. lap, and grain boots, calf, kip, and buff brogans ,, calf and . patent leather gaiters, Oxford tics &a Women'e, misses% and obildren'e calf,kip.moroeno. and kid heeled boots, gaiters, slippers, buskins, and overshoes. Also, a full assortment of oils made good.. The particular attention of burets is palled to thin sale, as it will embrace goods from Mat- oleos city and Eastern manufacturers. • lirGoode open for examination with catalogues early, on morning of eale. „ , . : N.F. I'ANOOASt'AITOTIONEER; &C -• eerier to BACOTT. FB.. 431 CIFIF.STNIIT tet. SALE OF BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, &C. On Wedimedal Morning, Oct. 17, by catalogue, in a oremt, commencing at 10 , Inoludedirill be /binds via • EMBOIDERIES. Lath and desirable styles ladles' Pane embroidered, Rtoonet, and cambric collate and sets, Infants' robes and weistsrliounoins. bands, arm 11ENISTITCRS.D LINEN. CAMBRIC HANDKEE 011111.alL 100 dozen ltidies' ant gents' X pure linen hem stitched handkerohiele, from rgediam to high cost. for best oils trade. • BONNET AND, TRIMMING RIBBONS. Rich fall colors Paris ponit de sole bonnet rib Eons, rich plain and fanorvelVet,trimming do, lathes' fanny drese trimmings - MILIANERY GOODS AND FLOWERS. Also plain black and -fancy all silk bonnet velvets. fanny bonnet silkslfell 'We Paris artificial Powers, An. GERMANTOWN GOODS: Also; included in Wednesday...alt.— 100 lota newest and best litres fanny zephyr knit hoods, shawls. nobiss. Coats, o oaks, Am • .1104IERY. AND citicKwr - JACKETS. I adios' and gents' white and mixed lambs' wont hose and 'half hose. mates' wool hose. Nos. a®B, children's plaid and scarlet spot thy. Roe. 2,3, and t. • to dozen men's super Quality all wool cricket Jackets' or Samples arranged for exauntaation , with osta agues, early on the morning of sale. 'SPECIAL SAW OF 10,000 REAMS OF NOTE. LETTER, •ND CAP PAPER. AND 000,000 WRITE BUFF ENVELOPEB. Oct. 2% 1860, at 10 &Book DOa Tuesda . y Motown. , Catalopurre ready sod stook arriumed for exami nation. at Salesroom. 4 3 l, Chestnut street. on Monday. 224 instaat,_ Bele positive, to close an account. SALE OP RICHLY FRAMED OIL PAINTINGS FRENCH-PLATY. OVAL. ACID PIER MiRROKB &c., &c. On Friday 'Morning. 00t.19.1860 by ootalogne.commenoing at Ido'olorli. air Collection arranged for examination on Thum day,lBth that. • • . SHERIFF'S BALE OF LIQUORS. On Thursday Morning. 00t.16, at 10 o'clock. In order of the Sheriff, a large quantity of superior brandy, Monongahelel and Irish whisky. wines, °orchids, &0., in wood and glass. Also. —dosen empty stone and glass bottles. empty Garda, &o. LARGE SHERIFF'S SALE OF A FUr L AND COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OF CARRIAGES, MA TERIALS. Ac., of a celebrated make. On Thursday Moral''. Oct. 26, MIA at ID o'clock, at the waremoma,looo and 1011 Chestnut 'treat. Also. o On Friday Morning. 0ct.28. at the 'Factory., northwest corner Sixth and Master streets. 'commencing at fil o'clock, a large lot of earriagesi material. unfinished work, lumber, ice. fkr Particulars in future advertisements. .IVIOSES NATIIANS, ALFOTIONEZF AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast corner of1111(12.11 and RACE Strews. MONEY WO LOAN: 526,000 to loan, at the lowest rates. en diamond*. watches, Jewelry, elver plate, err goods, clothing. gro ceries, Rogan, hardware, cutlery pianos, mirrors, rap ntture, bedding, and on good* of every desonption, Is large or small amounts, Horn one dollar to thousands for any_length of time agreed on. •• • Ttsettldast Establisived RTatbin this WV. Private entranoe on RAQG Street. ahy- Boslness booze [roma A. at, to 62. M. Heavy ltinsranoe for the benefit of depositor*. C anoes Ghld WILY TWOFER CENT, Adv of Iltalaniguswarle at two ger stout. Advances of .100 and upwards, at one. per oent, fos short Warm AT PR rvATER ALE, • Some of the hnest GOLD PATENT L'EVER, ant CHRONUNIETER WATCHES, Maim sotused at half the canal selling prices, gold lever and opine ways es silver lever and Senna watches, English, Swum, and Prenoh Vitas'. at astonishing low InloBll, Jewelry of every desonyton, vs lor_guns, ponds , minimal in • struments, met dual it y y o Havana - oiganr, at half the importation price, in tttlell ties to out purshassits, and yawns other kinds of tombs. OUT DOWN SALES Attended to wrionally by the Auctioneer. Consignments of any and even , kind ej NATHA N& sited ge.ide_solt . MOSES SPLENDID BET OFM DI L AONDS AT PRIVATE SAE. Consisting of diamond and opal breastpin arid ear rings. Price, WM. Cod in Paris 51.400, P. _LOUIS, ,➢LO. WILLIAMS, BOVA, & CO. AUO TIONI:ERS & COMMISSION MERWIANTS, No. 6 North MAIN St., BT.-LOU 8, Ma:, (forineril with Mess's. Mars. Cleshorn, & Co . Philada) offer their servtaes to the 'mention% moirtfactorees, and others of Philadelphia, for the sole o dry goods. oar tom boots, shoes, hardwareJewelgr, &.0., &o. Cash advances wade on receipt of goods. Settlements made three days after sale. RIWIRSNCBB. Meigra.yers, %althorn, & Co.Plidleutelphia. Stuartß & Brother, Philadelphia. " Van Wyok. 'Pownsettil,&. Warren", New York " L. &B. Curtis & Co., Bew York. " Wood, Christy, & Co. St. Mo. " Crow. htoCrearr. & Co.. rehle-thstalr STOVES. INDUSTRIAL STOOP WORKS 4SPISWILLIAM O. NEMAN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER STOVES. No. 33 NORTH. SECOND STREET; ' Offers the moat perfect, convenient, and economical Gas-burning Cooking Stove yet invented. Inquire for hie Lehigh Gas-burner, to obtain the best Stove lunge. Also, one of the larg est and moat complete stock of Sto +es for heating parlors., chambers, stores. count ng houses. &0., in the city. The attention of the public, 18 !solicited, 4 STOVES! STOVES!!. JAMES SPEAR. /... list: MARKET trraEET, s now prepared to meet the wants of the pub is More oomplotely in alt the details of the Stove trams t han iviT other establishment in Plulad( Iphut• in proof of which he iIIVI tee COMOAR&TIVR ExAgiNeTION. The foltoWing are amens hts owe popu ar inventions, several of which have already obtained a national repu tation as surpassing in errs/Imre and esesompanyother Cloves in ioti!.. . . • • • JAMES SPEAR ie the Inventor and Patentee et the Improved Gan burning Cooking Stoke, acknowledged to be the hest Stove for femily mi., tho vrorlth JAAIEa SPEAR ta this Patentee of the celebrated Oae-noneuming Cooking Range, now rapidly coming into ti n EttR is the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver's Air tight Gas eonsfinting Parlor Stove. JAhLES SPEAR Is the Inventor of the Improved t Patented) Ornamental Stove ' Urn. winch, front beautzul is likely, this neaten, to be unvei llj/K aBAR is the Patentee of the Labor. Fuel. and Comfort•savine Ironing Pan. 3 AIRES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway-ear Heater. JAMES SPEAR in the Inventor of the Improved Fire-board Stove. For all of the above the Inventor very justly Maims advantages which require but to be understood by the t'ubtio to be universally appreoisted and preferred to any other arti oleo of that Ow in the market; and he would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persona in want of Stoves to call and examine for themselves. Pathan wlshins to examiner will have every atteatton shown them, whether intending immediately tor chase or not. _ seta am QUAKER CITY GAS CON SUMER, PATENTED by CHARLES JONES, Peventli Mouth.lBoo. GR AT IMPROVEMENT ON SILVER'S GAS BURNER. • - - By the use of the quaker City Oaa-Consuming Parlor end Office Mores an duet may be avoided..the room; ventilated, and an even temperature maintained for Many home, Wit any attention to the fire, end at a great saving of fuel. For sale bIARLES JONES, Patentee, No. 30J North SECO Detract , above Vine. Where the excellent One-i ne Cooking Stove DAYLIGHmint' tamed in its operations, may be obtained. Of Oa large number non , In operation, aver, Ptovei Re, "Hove gives entire satislaotion, pea am THP, CELEBRATED „ROYAL COOKING STOVE le the heat and most popu lar Cooking glove iu the market. it to made either with or without gar-ourning - fiXtUree. Mannfantured and for sale by NORTH. CHASE dr. NORTH. Foundry WaVeroomp, :309 North sEaak i) dtreet. , o94ut TRI FIERY STAR GAS•BURN INO AND RADIATING 'PARLOR STOVR, rte' beat and matt economical Heating Ptuva Manufactured and f..r- tuda -by-NORTH. CHASE. & NORTH. Foundry Warerooma• 202 naorth flEebN Street. OUR DIEW" (TAS-RCIANINa , „, • I ASE Errovm is the poet econotgk e rf t all th;j - Go i`e and me°h more dqaufactured and for bumera vat, sheer-iron tiu s luef r yi, F oun d r y Ware ante by 14 writ, CHASE'. mow, .99 Noilla • MALES BY AUCTION. MM THOMAS SONS, . NOR 139 syld 141 South FOORI9I tr•et. (Fosimsrls NOG et and 90 BTOCKB AND REAL IfBTATP TRHYIDAY. rfunttlet catalogues now ready. contemns all de anctione clan thenroperty to be add 011 Tuesday next, 16th instant. with a list of salmi IJth. 17thr M. and. 60th October, and la largo amount of zeal Huta at Innate sale, comprising a valosblp emortmeart of property. STOCKS AND REA.I... ESTATE. SALES AT TUE EXCHANGE EVERY TDEODAY During the business season in /nig and Attest anis 000lusional sales. or Handbills of each property' issurtd sensie.tely, in addition to which we publish, on the itaturdag Woven , to each sale one thousand oatalognes, in yam let 'M a g i 41sugfikvg_TPAtteasy2o.f all t" "'Pert). 14 CARD --Oar wee of re. estate and nooks a the Escheats will hereafter be held at 19 o'clock • and; in the evening. at o'clock. 11W — Contri baton! have the option of either sale. REAL - ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. OW. We d int a large moonlit of real estate at private sale. motadint every detonation of city and. Gaynor Property. A" n12E64'11.41 Mil be had at the *notion "Sore PRIVATE SALE EGIRTER. IKPReaI estate entered on our moats sale register, and advertised occasionally in our pablio sale (91 whieh 1400 copes are printed weeklyd ab l i rsi name. THIRTEENTH FALL PALE—OCTOBER 16. Executors'e— te of George Rundle. deceased. Three ato4 l l3ti EstA George ck DWEL.L.NG ou York street, be tureen Walnut and Spruce, and east of Third street. Same Estate—Throe-story Brick , DWELLING, No. ata Dugan street, outside, above ftestrset Exeoutors' Bale—Estate of Com. William Bainbridge. ecease Large and VOnstde RESIDENCE. N 0.1301 Walnut street, west ofTwelith street. Lot 26feet front- - • Three-story rick DWELLING. No. nth Clayton yen of Twenty-second street. Fifteenth'ward. CDUNTB 1 SEAT.—h desirable Oonntry Seat and 16 acres, .6larcua Rook. Delaware county. Pa. The improvements are two neat cottages, handsome car riage home, stable, and other oat buildings. Ban a the Auction Rooms. ' Three-story Briok -TAVERN and DWELLING, No. 2316 Callowhill street. - Peremptory Sale—Neat DWELLING. No. 153 North Sixteenth street. below Race Street. Large Three-story Briok BUILDING and Stone DWELLING, Centre street, near Germantown are nne, Germantown. Lot 45 feet front.- - 'two well secured GROUND RENTS or $96 , a year - Peremptory s4e—Estate tif Elisth Lane. deed. hree- story Sri oh DWELLING, No, 20 Solidi Ninth street. between Lorreet and Sanwa !numb , . Same Rotate--Three-storyi-Brien 'DWELLING, No. 410 Spines strest,aboveyorwth street. Two-story Frame DWELLINO. No- eta Chsdeestr between South and Shiesen Latestreet. - L ttouthwark. Bandsome Modern ES.BIDENCE: Wayne street, be tween Walnut Jane and Tolpolleetren street, German town. Lot Le by 400 feet. It is built in a superior man tier. of Pan Stone, and has all the modern copy.- Neat Ildodern Brick DWELLING, No. SS* North Fif teenth stress:south or Coates street Peremptory Sale—Neat Modern DWELLING, No. 720 North Ninth street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; YI.A.D 0. BRUSSELS CARPETS, Eco. • This Morning. I6th instant, at 16 o'clock;at 1g0.1113 South Pront at., below Lombard, the household • furniture, piano -forte. Brussels carpets, feather bade, rnattrasses Alro, the kitchen furniture. sir May be examined at a o'olook on the momma of the sale. Administrators' Sale' MISCELLANEOUS OKS and MEDICAL WORKS. THE STOCK OF A BOOKSELLER. DECEASED. • Thus Evening, 0et.16, at. the gasman store, will be gold an assort ment or.valnable miscellaneous Louts and medical works, by order of administrator. ST For particulars see catalogues. ' - Sale on the Premises. SPRUCE Permit, ELEVAPIT RESIDENCE/AND FURNITURE, On Wedisesdayr Morning. October 17. at 10 o'clock, will be sold atpublio sale. ort the Premises, the elegant Modern 'RESIDENCE. No. Ltt Spruce street, Fiat superior Stable and Coach-home Tri the rear, on Elizabeth Street: Lot 24 Not 9 Inaba' front, 250 feet in depth. SUPERIOR F URN/TURF. Also. by catalogue, the superior household furniture, lA' Full nattionloto in a few days.' Sale at 722 SPRUCE 1 , 27eet.. ELEGANT FURNITURE, MIRRORS. SILVER PLATE, PRRfr C A CARPETtI, STATUARY , CHINA. CLASS. CRANDELIERS,Ae. Wednesday Morning, - Oat. 17. at 10 o'cloc k . at No. 722 Sam o a ! inlet, by cata logue, the entire elegant ; furniture. including large French-jilate mantel and pier mirrors. warble statuary. elegant Sabi (talents and secretary :richly painted vases, rich cat glass elegant dinner, dtseerL and tea china. plated ware. fine French oarpets, magnet chandelier,, superior ohamber furniture. &a. SILVER. PLATE. Sterling ciiver tea set, large tray, butter dishes, latives. fors, spoons. ho. , elir The elegant residence will be sold at 10 o'clock. pry to sale of furniture. Fa i Particulars in catalogues. Executors' Salo N 0.1614 VINE Street. _. SUPERIOR P ORNITUR 1E.R11011.9 TAPESTRY AXMINSTER CARPETS, • On Friday Morning, 19th instant, at le o'clock, at Pip. Oda Vine street, by order of the executors , - the superior furniture, E ranch picot) mirrors, tapestry Axtulnstex carpets, feather beds, fine snarsvistas, Cm, - May be examined on the miming or sale, at 8 o'clock, with catalotues. , Teremptore Sale. LARGE LOT OF Flier: Id/tDELRA AND MERRY ' On rdneedaySlomiug. October gd, at )2 cloak, at t he Auction Store, without reserve a large quantiti of fine old , rdsdeira and Sunny Wines,. a large demijohn end bottles tea rartionlers in future auvertiasnients and ,cata locum - dale of No& 13aay 141 Wail FOURTH Straet. SUPER/OR /URN/ URK, FRENCE-PLATE 111. R - SLURS, PIARO-E0 TES, BRUSSELS CARSEM. On Thursday Mount, At I ealook, at the Atiotion MOM, en saaortatent of exoellept aaoond-hand farniture.e/emant pianolortao. %no norm', carpets. 'eta.. from families deolinnw hothisksexser, removed to the store for soprani/Im, a of sal. Also a large quantity of eon niers, &ewers, and shelv ing soltable for a shoe store. Also, suit of °tenant walnut and brecats duffing room furniture, nearly new. Sale No. til 4 COATE'S Ptreet. SUPERIOR FURNITURE,O RGAN R BROW qAp.Es. 0n Mondat_MOrllltlfr. 3il loot., Ed 10 o'clock, at Mo. 216 Coatee streif. ahoy* Second street, the entire stool of 5, cabinet "'riotous,. comprising surior parlor , drain room , and etateber furniture, small pe church 01145.11115. 5 stop, bookesaea, device, show asses. 2 high-case cloaks, ke. N" May be examined with - catalogues three data preulOUN to the sale. LARGE SFECTAL AND_PEREMPTORY BALE OF ELEGANT AND VALUABLE OIL rmmintas JAMES A. EARLE d EONS' THIRD GNEA.T-EALE OF PAINTINGS. to 9* WAS_V OS PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ART& We will sell for nooonat of Mears. James ft Earle fa. Bons, October VI and IS, ep extensive and valuable col 7 leotion of Oil Paintings, including almoet everpeai of subjecits, the prodnotions of the most eminent dine - man and European artists. being salsa 'one bout Eerie's Galleries. W 8 Chestnut street among them 'will be found toanvvrorks of nit never before exhibited. also, numeroue FiCtUrell painted ex prosody for this collection and sale: , Thule believed to he - one of - the.moet beautiful end vuable oolleetione that have ever been subsumed id public competition in thin city. Sir l'be sale will be peremptory, without reserve or . Catalogues, with particular*. will be reedy oat week previous, and the paintings arranged for istspeo tion. M FITZPATRICK & BROS., AINP-• TIONEERS, (SOS CHESTNUT Street, stows Sixth. SALES EVERY EVENING. . At 7 o'clock, cf Books, stationers , and fenny goods, wetclie gs s. jewelry, olooks, silver plated ware, cutlery, .pa intin, rousioiti . Also..Hocery, inetrnementsßoods, boots and shoes, and MOT ohandise of every deecription. - DAY SAFES even' Alondol, 'Wednesday, and Fri day at 10 o'clock A. m, PRIVATE SALES. At privets sale several large oollsieninents Orwetlhaes jewelry, books, stationery. silver : plated ware, outtetY, fancy genes. ko. To which is solicited the attention of and COlarr.merohanta and others. att C j IL onsignments solicited of all kinds of merchandise, for either public or private sales. Sir Liberal cash advances made on consignments, Out-door sales promptly attended to. SHIPPING. • FOR TIM BOUTE-OBARIMS. TON AND SAYAMAN FREIGHT UtE. Keen Fratght at an &rancid suriwint per Mt. bai• ley New York /Manmade _re FOR ORAR.L.TeI_ OR, S. O. The U.N. Melt Steamalue KEYSTONE STATE, MD"' tam Charles Y. Marighinamtwill math ou T huniday, Oat. 25,at .1,0 cloak A. ea. Through In 49 tole witerronly holm at Bain FOR idATANNAIt,AA. The R. 'Malt Steamship STATE, OF 111.60.1111 A, Oaptata John J. tlltinrin, will gall on Saturday, Oat RI. at le o'clock A. ef. Urea/Ilia/A tole home—only 45 ku'ra at Saga. ' e - Wflatimg days obeli zed (tom ova Saturday Se work tire der locus reamed, WI si lts of Lading WAN The oVaala arid-Ws:a aid it.Wheo.l Eitaarrialim STONY, STATE and STATE OF OnOßOilinow run es apove ten diem thus founing a Ikrikiner oorunnt nionttou with 994400494 ane,.Bavenpak, end tee kloriM and flouthtpagh , . At both Oharkston a n d Eavaatak. Wit Saila itim • Deal with Clams» for Florlda l Fzl with marmite, for all abode in the Nwatti eta taws's., , FYatEht ar4B on Ws. , st 11 41 r bTirun INflA c irougewg than by aailLus rea,* the,-xeminut outdone-half the to rf. IL—lnimranae an all Railroad Fro! htL entirety unneoeseary, farther than Charleoton or Savannah, leo ' Railroad Coma:new tahjnx all Aoki fro those pojlayi, fiXZAT REMJCTION IN FARI,. Allne hr thit route Se So 40 per *en eimrSi IN the ltdood Route, as will be siva by ranssariar song • dule. Through Octets from rhiltde chari,,,.. ton and Savannah ateamalusw. IRO MTAL3 ins whole routs. except tram Chula/02u and BWIALl• nab to Montgomery VIA oneni.EssoN. 'ti, iikv.esuan. To Chatteaton-..-603 OQ To SAY2IIII)&b.,-..,..... &16 66 i • A =l7 --- - Tr. IL tit 6o iu.rucr ---- --. fl 2 ' 4 0 3 .1,447;, - ;: — .... 11 81 Malt. -- ——Si V 3 ovile. .-- 8800 A1bany.........._ Sa G 3 New Ortagm6—.. MI 76 ' MontsouAry..... 'M to Na5hvi11e......_... St 74 Mobile-- -....,. a 6 00 Kn0xvi11e......... 26 60 ow: 0ribe11i......, .44 75 Memphis. _ 91 eq Fire to Naysensii, Via e15rie5t0n ; ........., - .- 14 03 No bills of lading linen mot the Zia has stki led. - For freight or youreace 17 on bosun. at 802 , 11i..1 'Whirr above lithe %trent. or ICOII, CO„ tick igs NORTH WiIARVE& Agent' in Charleston.. T. e. Oavithhah, HUNTER. Ss (LAMM - Kr Foreadjob Florins. from Charloo ion. steamer Carolina Tl ' every FOf Flothia frepifavalmah. Wan:AN 111. MST •a and et.4alee'e ever. l'lmailxv and PlEdurilsv. TUB BRITISH AND NORTB AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS. snot( NOW Tong To ylvaarool., Chief Cabin Pagsage /Wal Cabin Passage____.__-„_,....,.._._.. THOM BOSTON TO yllilahsoo4o, Chief Cabin .... --$ll4 Second Cabin Pessage-- - • • . r . • 60 The ships from New 1104 cell labors derail'. The shwa from Eciton call at Halifax and Cork Har bor, PERSIA, geet. /netting. 'CANADA. Cant. Lan', MURIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Cent. ASIA; Oapt. C , Lott. NlAGARA,CaptAndersbn AFRICA, Capt. ettannon. EUROPA, Ca:4. J Leitch. SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white lakt at Maid-bead Preen on starboard bow; red on port now. ERSIA. Judkine. leaves N. York, Wednesday, Oot. In CANADA Anderson, " Rotten, Wednesday, Oct. 17 AFRICA, Shannon, " N, York Wednesday, yet. 24 ARABIA, Moue, RIAIACIIIt Wednesday Oct. It ASIA, Lott, _ N.Yors Wednesday, Nov.? vllitOPA, Moodie, Boston. Wednesday, Nov. 14 PERSIA, Judains, N. York,WednesOhy, N0v.21 Berths not sparred until paid for. An exvorteneed Surgeon on hoard. Tao owners of these stiles will Not be aocountable tor Gold. Silver. Bullion, S Jewelry, Yreelons stones orAfetals, unless bins o 'lading are mined therefor and - the value thereof therein expressed. FOT freVit anus sage, apply to CDNA cold 4 Dowling Green, New York. EXT'RESS COMPANIES. a(1. T ,015 2 ; e 3 ' 2.0 CJIZ S EI'N'LI , PIEityao;. forwo.rdo.Paroolo, PaolEagoo, blercam,doie j B an k Notolii awl Bowie, onbey by its Trirlal.oas or ma oco2oordaG4 with other Express Committal, to -4,11 tAit tptimpti tOWI3I sod cam of the Mud Batt R.- BANVEORII, ielf-tt ' lens tal Nateriottudeot. F , IRBT PREMIUM AWARDED, at the late Agricultural Society, to ALLMARr dr i rtlrr. DER. Fourth and Vine. for Rest Funny „V Ult.— ounitantiv on hand, Welsh's limpet's' Font }Mei Fonr-Anos andNtag Horn, St. Louis, isna , ‘ mounting 'Patapsco Fam il y Flour. - , ;,..- ,•. -oati-im rill-APIEWIL, BRAD, alintillNG, ao._ LLI 1000 Wm. Ma. 1,3 sad $ larva And nuninou use.. kc 241, In asnorted rotatwooof 3 ono, oboloo o4iblyi - 10 bbli. an i ll . , No. 8 14011dsokezal. wtwi Alm Nb. kw do. • . , 33.14 lo..1.2011:n1 ~., , do. ~,--- -Z lin= /"4 4 . :::! do B TX - ( T 1 .2 VIC: , " oh t t l in I . a r e 14 ' p 320 • datAnir n.o.11; -et 100 do 410 o. 1 50513 nit, 24 .do Wilda No. 2 - 13abbon... . ' . 1110 40131314 Einisitarke a aim . _ nu taxes new NOYlinter o°7 -mi..; Pulr 'ondlug and In ikon, fm owe y MURe Y 31_111(XIN/I, itt• SWAIM WAWA ~..,_,:;...gasp
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers