PREEP. , - '4lllll.lolAlLY,lithitati EXCIIPTED; ; , 6 ........... ' LT. , s; s s ssisviceskri , Wßl ll 4 ll,lll bili out'of the eitY at But Dot Lilts lAirst I {iq l4l ' *Wing , W4,0,P04" 51911 slx dittxriuriavonsbisis , "- `4 ...*j7W*E I 4. I (i'SMIL - I #l44§ lo4 44l4,beiliPigoi Sits CM frrl ir ig 9 " . 40-11111AlgtAxatt*.ta ittiviataa, „ TH0!0 , 44. VB. GILL. 410M/tigaiONICENCI,NA NT 911101111111MUT Is-ViThijAMPll*. Or mho by Os Pogue 110 . 01 if, PAN .131( , iti4T.0313; ; 1111.V&S itieldaufe, 1 1 11/1113; - 414; -, ' VlLLlV4WteillUdiet oat e~axr;'°irnQu - -t- lotrittt, ' . L Alto team' aura* , FAMthr ,CASSIMERES. iltAftitie it431431r UNlONclessimins, vnarrrs, ratsamos, roman, arta& ; faits, ao. radii' LAIHXB' OLOi'lle, VEL1(14111, Ow. SHIPLNY ALLISARD & HUTORDISON so. lie °Earn rt.. aOIIIOBION, NOWILIII6IS • 1011 1 11Ut BAIA U? • , PME4II.I3,ELPILLS.-MADV. - 413100D5. ' NOW WEI44II4O,OOF.FINISIC I lllOnsimuT imam - by the palkage, Os Moving 46.01;i30" AMERI42.II,N GOODS. ,IMAIDAiI oisas AXD Is mulay.viarari: 4 ' l=lo JAANUNAOTUNING 06.11PAINT3 lI.IAOw liND DROWN itainames, 1 • BalaTiN4 B 4o . P4iiitif p OANABUROS, DENINS,AND WHIM;I 00R812 . 114,1181A8 - AND NAI CIS; - ' • " ' ilVerON itiiiiNNLS AND PannieD LININGS; - I *NOUN ISLAND L1N131173; ' I PREGADIMPHIA LIMITS AND 011NOEN; KENTIMICIi AND . OOTIVNA.DIN ; bricaluilitarits-Amplut ; A1440OI; AND UNION CLOTHS; iNitinor disikrivan ; MA* AND - lIISRD DONEININEI; AND UNION altifinigaza; :.:1100:41,44414ufrue.44,."‘ WWII e o MILLS, 0 rtplanuAr BAY'STAFX, 'ammo. / wing ot au Asia; is ma ntiati. , • ill rilittati TAiLB cotints, s • *AM 'sawing sod intikii Iit*LINIORAL 1311TRTS:. r i rt Pf =soi l t s :nly Tw 7 4!°4ll"l. l Derdiai naiii263l.llll sail Min vi,Ari . foliated MILT OAIPETINEL For We Irr , 111444IINGIIAX Es WELLS, &it* myna gems. rad , , sikurniu. glow, '...:.MlLtirritleit goons. TERThit' 4 Nri NEDY is BRO. _ MIZEINUT STRUT, BELOW EIGTii, , Mwr• 4 0• 1 0 IrigniNDlD AatiORTIONt of. nuti • on smowzas. swan bitillase.) eolas• ,n4tarriallMAX", qaeuuw MOIL iskaus VA/PT-4 IMO., • ' _ MASONS, BONNETS, mumuintr GOODS XXOLDSIVELY. WiAias rove r f u!ii 014 rsoeriss ! slatOo araaMiti-OF Min Descuurnort. 1301 4 TNET • I =4W AND 144(T DONNA snow mai nawar - NAT*, saiticßits,&-s» . Flaws AND aitagicim .r.uowsis. SSIAZGRBS, sumac ! anis gnaw arm miucts Id viz , . sumngswi•Luir. TO ' UM! attNtiopOlths Midi i; &mita& .1400)113, 411-114.11107 Stmt. Sonhakto. MEATS AND CAPila 4 . • El-, PesTER,, mos or 1.9 South Third net,)a ROMS 'tam the don at YiTl Ida =CHESTNUT ST.. dift,Vtifitaiinwsor,AoP. thisittentke - km! ou initterys mot s. ; HATS AND" OAPS. i few t p it , * l 0 4 0 1 ,10 0 1 012110 a. rFLT I ; - 417 AND 417 Ann muter; Miti , ASSORTNSI;TT .•.. • ." " = To US* JIM • •• • :priN ,Publio a larded. opf-'4* . .11 'G. - 3 .K.X4 41 C- 416 • 4 PQ - , kik,- Y , , - jct. ...W. ! • -'T A-11.4LIUS, • 51 'aika Js BOTH prima /MEWL • '• aim:lmm Tenni " 18T YVE ii; - woodier 'Hi. L es*a NNW 'AND FAIISIONABLN GOODS. i`to iikWitthirrobito ant tniitid so asinine. , nottliSfr.Pms_uql G " 9l " l ' W.li4W YAZINALIs. - EII#ORTER AND DEALER,Itt FURNISHING • • (•0 0, S ; No. 1090 OPIFIriIitTTSTAMM. _ , , l'isionptiatatt oproilts tlblaothiteTy of Ape Artg.) •!•- , it mem aCrt 1 4 18 .1 1 4 1 19 ' • ' pitons ooiptssdndHDgikpitytliro its laitiesiatif . o I. 'AA II 4. II4 * . ! - _ooollloln, 51197014410,' giqg.ZElrotteo_ 'Aitk TILSOC Fit - IIL STOOK OF tkARDWARE _ • 421- mmtprx.'pi ,4610 qObilitEßOS STSEE'F; IWOOtr, - ;41 - * Worn's. - 'p#o4)ol4l l Altownirtigoss.. ;4 w. ./ - 011Sk ittla • ' r :1 firth 1114 ;11=141' • W. _ '.!!!- . . . ?. * ~. , rlq •-. 1.:J.14 .., ~0 . 'J4''' r e:4o . Ala i gUr , o I-411 n' It - V, .fi=.l.lllllllMl3 .:5•.1e1.1. ,•,; ,-..,, - ~ ;,..' —..g.. , ••:- 5--,.,,: A.,14'40,001010.0:444, . -. . 400 0111.4,416" , . , ~ „. , .... - 3; '' t t . ." .. •3. ...t . ; i. r , ; ICS i 1 t 11,,r, ./ 11 It - . :;.'•-..;."\.\\ \, , //,././7-44- ,* .0;1- .4, . . . . . w I 'i '1 I • - . • FPX d - ..,-,:. . :- , -.;•: Yol'uf-//, - - , --......-.; .• 4- 4 .. A • •, „......\ • .: . I ,• ~ Ag gi .. . , ,' • ..C5. , , 1 , ~F ., , _.... t ',Ca.' p........ ~ .,r ,_- - .-. , -,,,,0 , , .• ..: - 1 / 4 , ,,, , ~ - -mg -- • ‘, - pck A , ii4b •*•.... ..--.-' . _, _ w aim i .. , . i. . k . to .. L. .„,, i.:., „: ..„,t . ks;•-..- 11 t - 'jr ,,, s .,,, a —rwv, ~,J ! ,,...,. -,......17- - - _ •=.4.A., • • , L'. 11 ' ' 101 . 7 .11 4 ;,!,1 al ''.• it fr R ,J, i li , ...I. ; . 3 r 3 , 1 , 1! . 3 1:1.1. ' ::-•-•-:' 7- .i '"4l4llPAr ‘ •.• . 7 , )1- ' : 1417 1?... 7 , II : : ; -4.:.-' ' ' 1 ~,,, 0I „_..... • \ \ . i ..3.) w•ii • 4. , . . • 5... ' ' .',....4 ' f _tip , . • .- , 2 ,A, tr j ..... , , ...1.0311e....... ~...-,4.4 1 ., s-sallwin zzi ai L L. ; , fr , ~` a— Al , • ,_... ”' s - ' ~ . .01,r, ....------- ".• ifr ..,..... ---...,„ , , ,i, , 1,,, ;,', , "-... :, ` ~..._ . ~,,';'.',.!:•„;------- -- ' ' . l' :4 - --,.... ._-,----,.-- ' ". ' 17 , '''.! CI ". ~ . ~• . ~ . „ , t. 1 •` VQL.'4.-=NO. 66. JOBBERS MONDAY, °OWNER BTII, A Superb Sue FRENCH AND GERMAN DRESS GOODS PROW AUCTION. The attendee of our ointomaro is WA ts 4, JOSHUA L. IMPORTER AND JOBBER♦ Np. 21„9, MARKET ST.„ LAMS •AND ATTRACTIVE STOOK iron ,YALL AND WINTER DALES. . - ' ,00.1;kA r .411.r..)GE, • !) BROTHER. & 00.. • itarowrEss AND JOBBERS, : : .1 No. 4Oli NISEICHT STREET. ond Watinict4T EITKEET; PHILADELPHIA. ItaßV A SerpiSitillpitripOkElON owl AWE- Att, - GOODS. ii•lteatediyithi v isontia r est eof C ASH so y : a c orirtonaof the trade. - 1: 19 vb" STOOK Etrata i latriSifres u iLltg e , rn1 1 14; a bli c tiroutod a! LOWEST Sitar CG94.ICSII, 01.0AKS I TO Nly - B.OLESALE BUYERS. EVERY NOVELTY OF , THE SEASON. ' TWE 'LOWEST CASH PRIORS. - own limiter - rob made tir it desired. 'KENEY. IVENS, . • ~ • • No. 93 Beath NINTH Btreet. A W. LITTLE & CO.. SILK GOODS. •3Xo. ate MABXIT• BMW. - • • • 4 - 18130, OIiti.;FFEES. STOUT. & Oa • - DaTESTIO DRY DOUD6. No. 608 MARKET BTRIGET. MARTIN WOLIF, truoissAis maiits IN AND 'DOMES= DRY 600D11, f 34 suatzuw isTany. Quit sad prompt Ilts-otoottoe Boyars, ot all septum $ toviUml to an ossodaattou of our Stook:. -ottB-Bm* lftrE o v A • 1.4. • to ootwownet4 of tits deottootiou by tire of Wit 'Sam Smits? elm, • . , „ YARD, EtILEMOSE„ & CO. • , • Tta NO.„O2.6O.R.,E;STNUT BOUTit sIDIf. ABOYS sa% il , - • *!ti Rive nos Oftal AS ENTIRE : S EW ' STOOK - OP si.prs AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, (novice, lams, - -DRESS-,TRIMMINGS, twain with aLARUE ASSORTMENT of "STAPLE AND FANCY . WH.T.TE' ' G 0 OD'S; kaiMliata, ilhitoiooli* but iiitwhilloption of thew . • FALL ,lEPARTATIONS, ortiVioti io - tiolitihiktistoosabloti to dlooloi A.!' NEW- STOCK. SATMAII ihirs invite this attention of WO Customers and Imre • rat. siA-Sm _ -WIIRT'Si-A.USTLF.,„ irs , . 'MoVEIGH. ,' I.INYONTNIIII AND 40118/1111 IN D_ it . Ir - .0 0' oDki . ' ' ' ,' '. 'No. 3,),L 1 NAN:LET lINWI. &beim WIL A blligAast ryN. • - Y. l llleVelsh. 1 - MICILLOUTRIA. l I attl-ket R - WOOD a HAYWARD, • IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALZ, DRALZR 13 IN • - DRY -GOODS AND CLOTHING. W. 309 MARX= Wrif.BET. aa4 Winiarlitook, now omplete ead raLillior pT7:l•rrrwr , r7rm PAPER-X-lANGING. MALL ThADN.) ,116 . 0*.tr.; - 8a BOURKE. DavirmtoMmol tOtholi 94118tOre. OCRIXDO , ' WORTH , AND. MARKET tITHXXXB, Ara Amr promtrod to am to Ma Trrola o Imo and Aso* itaidrtroost of WAtir!AfiEDA: ' " NpIRNIA, Piss ISCREESB, WINDOW CURTAIN 000D11; Ali (ot* SSW* stid , best 'dasigoor: from the, lOo'est orlool astiolotoltu,Soost ' GOLD 41.241WELYN't D.BWRATIONS. imatiornmia wimeinilusionsto WAIL to 'lan Me **WM*** of :DD,WIII.I. DOUBECN, - N. M. DORNUN FOURTH AIFD ?mix= er#Bwro. =Wan.: •-" PHILADELPHIA.' MUM= KEROSENE .oLti. SE SUPERIOR QUA -4"" KE.ltOttli4E, or 00Ati 3 OXL LAMPS, itti4ClcitTS, tta. atanulitatatedausti 'fat ace at unpin CASH PRICES. Df ' WITTERS & No. 33 NORTE. min i m STltititT, at i llt.:tor ! of rtitatt,battrata Market attiyAtah. SHOE FINDINGS: IMAAP , I4.A.RTON d 6-00.. • ~atrioNlitts AND SHOE, STUFFS. VIDNDD AND DDOLISD LAbTINOS, GAL LOONS, DAUNT LEATHER, Lo. Atop, 000DS POE CARRIAGE MAKERS. No. akiiSOUTIIIECOND STREET, Philsdillens. .13iENTOi - s - FITRNISIIIIIIG , 0001)$. G gworURNIBIIING GOODS; itO^"MiniVc waft otohnoveltivi for VrtrOVIANIA I It e!, raowson Whi oh ,-,-:.*&;444441.,911:Nditak." ITCOMAS TROMPSON, 13Q1s1, & •. M.PoITIOUS , AND JoßßElti OF B - 7411A it In r EATBRTALS, Os ddIJTH 800tri kali BT. • 1114-10WWThialaildh taad item, Tiratter•tai • Goats. 4=07 11100 DI Pi nit, • Imii=litiP • • I 41:464111I. CARPETIWG - AND - OIL CLOTHS. FALL TRADE T 7 w,c4Lr,uivx a co_ • CARPET MANUFACTURERS, GLEN EMIG MILLS, O.OMANTOWN, Also, Importers and Dealers in CIA.RPE r iIi46S. OIL CLOTHS, MATTINCOS; RUGS. &c. oiikEITNITT BTREET, (Opposite the Stets Rouse.> Southern and Western EiVere are reseectfully Invited te - anll-2m BLINDS AND SHADES. BLINDS 'AND B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET. i he moat extensive 111anufaotorer of VENETIAN BLINDS . AND . . WINDOW SHADES. The lessen and finest assortment to the oar, at the lomat Pried*. STORE SHADES made end lettered. REPAIRINO promptly attended to. oel-Im GLAMSES. LOOkiNd 4 aLASSEB AND PIOTURE FRAMES, Of syery varletr. , • • • ENGRAVINOS, OIL-PAINTINGS, 4r., AT Stla ARCH STREET. GEO: F. BENICERT, DIANUFACTDRER AND IMPOJITZII. PICTURE, CORNICE AND ROOM MOULDINGS. eal-Sot Wholemile and Retail. LOORINQ•4LASSES, • PORTRAIT AND PIOTURN DRAKES, ENGRAVINGS. oth &.c...t0, JAMES S. EARLE & SON, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL -iDEALEZIS EARLES%GALLBRIES, Sib i CalliTtillft STREET. UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER 'do - FEN NER, vrtionseALE hthIitUFACTURRRB UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, NO. '3241 MARKET STRUT, I . PITLADYLIMA, Sr. LOW staking ore than SLIIIOFIRD DIV" 811,1101/ vantnrino or 1,511111111441 of evory,atitr. front= to 40 tali? Boron who have not had 19. make off Nda and thew time well spent In too ng over tins well-nnade stoolkwingo, Isolated Rang Covntalub, not Wet with wilowsra , • , o , 7 au4,11-Sin I NPORTINGE- GOODS*, GUNS, •PIh3TOLS. SKATES. &o. PHILIP WILSON & CO.. MANUFACTURERS:OF SUPERTOR GUMS, Importirs and Pealera in • FINF. GUNS AND SHOOTING TACKLE, 'CRICKET BATS, BALLS, &a., HAS&BALL lAITLEMENTS, SKATES OF EVERT VARIETY, - - AZ THE LOWEST PRICES; . 482' ( - 3HESTIII/T STREET., HARRIS' BOUDOIR 'SEWING. MACHINE. No, I—FOR FAMILY USE. N0...1—A NSW MAURINE, FOR QUILTING AND HEAVY WORK. Both ieir trom two spoofs without the trouble of re - windbag bud me 'with tittle or nomoice. NrArliktirefailt tealt l i g gio 6 l4,22 l,li nt i .gn i d T1t..1318T MA INACTIMINCI AND Y SENtrIN6 IVEA'OHINkS I. "lei.' 12116413.ra • rqo.'.B, ooa em on m UT &red; WHEELER; Bc, WILSON, BEWINCi MACHINES. 02t9 bautamnt STREET; 57i00/6 FlOOl. 17184 m WILCOX & GIBBS' , SEWING' MA -14,111NE. The.geatid inoregoing demand for Wilcox & Gibbet beams' soigne la a guarantee of rAlrrAtErai n *are t t e a, • Pli SlLEarull ett-tf - • CABINET EURNITUBE. FRENCH FETRNITVIIE. GEORGE J. HENKELS, 4214 WALNUT STREET. 8 Jut opened a large 111V0408 of ULE, QUADRILLE.% MARQUZTRLE, and • ORMOLU WORK, Wblob be will veil at very REDUOED PRICED. FIRST-CLaS3, 4 C4BINET W.411E. GEO. J. HENKELB, I WALNUT STREET. VERY REDIJORD PRIORS ba largest saintsuent In the Union, all of New Damns Call ind eitarrune before Pulnintedne. geld Sin CABINET FURNITURE . AND Hap LIMID TABLF.B. MOORE Ss OAMPION. No. ittrI•ROUTN - SECOND lITN.EII'IL In oonneotlon with their extenswe clablut 811E111.369, -I ly 6" "n '' ! ‘ . 2l :lfi d i;e4 "%l'iiilkkV° VoW.VecTOBII , iEttAlNEWilyte, maw, 4 .... protionpeed, r who hav e tt am, to be supenor toe u o f For Ihe autdttr and bash of these Tables them r. ractlifers rater W. their - nuraeroupi potrO. [Wm oat the u Won. Isla oars taintllar with the etuusoter or t err wor. ' " " an2-6m E W U A B ' l NE T WAREltooms L OPOND 'PHIS WHEIC • No. 45 South ih regill3get. Four doors above Hheetnulai ilad reet. Phelphia. A a rve as urrtmeot of URNIT HRH of every deeorip tlol) constantly on hand i tit the lowan cash prim, ooS•am - _ IFL SHOEIytAKER & Co. 4WD, PAINTS, OILI AND VANSIDDINA .1114Diksouti eanter rows % AND DACE litykiac, is , . CART-ISTE7ffli BELLS. YUA UKVIONEB, FMB ALAIMO, 101 lIALA AT NAYLOR & 00.. 190 OCIMMXIICTIC Stmt. pABBLTNGt STIt I i•O47TAW/171. • Sai4l/71.1211/RID nY J. ESHELBY. Cincinnati, Ohio, Alwayr on band; and la lota to suit yardmen, by CHARLES k. TAW:IA.Id, 1301 e Aleut, 3Yo, 01ttl MARKET Street WHITE' PRESERVING BRANDY, - PORN. OILER AND WINE VINEGAR, Green Ginger, hlnstard Geed, Selene, ko., 3c o. AU the rettnettee for Preserving and Ptoklint Purpose , ALBERT' Q. ROBERTS. DBAI,ER'IN ' FllO GROCERIES . . Corner ELEVENTH and VINE &rests, M 3 rioint MOM WHIM WHEAT. MATTSON, ,treola, joitO PifILAI)ELPMA, Wg . t!NESDAN, OCTOBER 17, 1860. Trump' kirk j;;r ,I nkit4iiiikst BUNN, 'RAIGUEL, , & CO. IMl'Ol4iBAND.lO3lltlt FANCY' DRY Goopg'. No. 137 Nolt.T.ll. i`lllltD .13TICENil NOW OFFER TO THE TRADE AN UNUSTAGiii ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF GOODS, ; CiI,IIPENIN9 SILKS. RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GO 9 DS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, CLOTHS, CAS - ' BIMERES, VERTINOB, HO SIERT, GLOVES, AND TRIMMINGS, , 'rage,ler with a full and varied dock of FA LL AND *WINTER SHAWLS. , To all of whioli they invite the attention of CANN AND YRONIVT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS; oet-Im R . AIGUEL, MOORE,CO., Not, 50' & and 242 NORTH 1 . 14' THIRD STREET, HAVE NOW OPEN THE LAROEBT AlOthr COMPLETE STOOK 0? FRENCH, BRITISH, CIERbIAN, DitY GOODS ,f They We ever offered, end to whleh the attention of CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS Is respeotrully solicited: , t • Nil For variety and corajoleteneas In ell lir &Tett manta, onr present inonkoners indeeemente ,to telynrit unsurpassed by any other houee.seZ4-len • , T HE attention of Buyers is solicitell FRESH FALL GOODS. RIEGEL. BIRD, & C 0..; Ih1Y0&TDBB AND JOBDERD OP DRY GOODS, No. 4T NORTE - TIIIRD STREET. i Would releeetfully Invite the attention of the trade is their LARGE -AND WELL•SELECTED - : Stoolc of FRESH FALL. GOODS, Which they are now opening. We are daily in receipt of all kinds of fresh and desirable goods. Call a d eituntne our stook. ser-$m Phils46lols:, JAMES. KENT. SANTEE. & COL DAPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS:.,;-, NOS. 259 AND 241 NOB= THIRD STRZEt' ABOVE RACE, , Essltartfulis Invite the attention of Duren to tfielt . nsual LAItUE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Antony , which will be found a general assortment of. PHILADELPHIA•MADS GOODS, I Also, a largo variety- of new and confined styles of 1 POINTS, .511f1iftlitlACIL SECONDS, An. aul74in THOS. MELLOR: & 00,.' ' NG. S NORTH THT2tll 6TREIST, - - - HOS' 11141A1.,L 'WARM Tube. 15InLoa, Eikw.iim BA I, aktrt-Sto FALL, 1860. COOPER, PARHAM. & WORK. In - mortars, Manalaotnreri, and Jobbers of ' HATS. CAPS, FURS, ETD STRAW GOODS,. NO, 81 NORTH 'Tat ' RD STREET, below ARCM. PHILADELPHIA. MILTON 'COOPS& WEd. Df, BARHAM. ROBERT' D., WORK. NT FAN took now amplee and rend) for burin's. nol7-nta SOWER. BARNES. da CIO.. vooKsELLufts AND P StllallEßS, - No 37 NORTH THIRD STREET, Lower inde, above Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite the attention of Booksellers and coctrg mer chants to their very entree.large ...took of &Mop' Ho oke pub lished in this and other °ee. togetberwith scalene one and /Irk Books, Paper. and Stationery generally. 11., B. as o. are publishers of many popular works, unions wb oh'are fhe followieg TRE CENTRAL GOLD REGION, BY COL, WILLIAM GEL.M. - (Late of the U. S. Army.) ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS MAI'B. One voLairo, bound in oloth. Prioe $1.26; and a liberal discount to the trade. Thia book pronounoed the moat wonderful, acientl fio, and comprehensive treatise on the geography of our oontturnt ever vablisheil. SCHOOL BOOKS: 'SANDERS' SERIES OF READERS. BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHME BROOKS' NORMAL MENTAL AItITHME BROOKS' KEY TO MENTAL ARITHME TIC • ota BY E. BROOKS. A. M., Profenor or Matitematma In Pennsylvania State Piot mat Bohool. . • Liberal terms for latruditotion. WHITE'S COPY-BOOKS. BY T. KIRK WRIT% President of Pennsylvania Commercial Mesa PJLTON'S OBTLINN ItIAPS. This sides of SIX SUPERB MAPS Is now adopted In &linnet every sehool of not* in the Union where geo graphy is taught and has no equal. Moe *25 for full set of six maps. or WO for set of hemisphere maps alone. ane-em PREPARED GLUE.. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! "A STITCH IN TINS 9AYE9 NINL" ECONOMY! SAYE TIM PISCES, DIBPATen As iseitafessts rift happen, ntr in trelt-rosailatill asositiss it is sou desirable to Lore Vale olleap end convenient way foe reoalrins Yurodurs, Toys, Crooke ryolks. BPALDINfi'd YIiEPARBD °LUZ meets all snob amargenolea, and no bousahota 0: 1 / 1 allord to be without It, • it is always road, and up to the atiok- r , tug nolnt. There le no longer a neoessity for limping / Astra, aphntered . veneente heading' dolls, and , broken *radian, It intuit the arbole for none, shell, and other •ontamental Work, no t,opular with ladies of refinement and taste. 'Shia admirable preparation is need cold, being elm latently held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the beet oablnei-makers' glue. It wag be geed in the place of ordinal', muoilage, being ♦aaUy moors aulitdve. USEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE." LT. A bruit acoomeanies aeon bottle. YRIOE TWENTY-FIVE own, Wkel etude Depot, Do, 48 CEDAR Street, Dew York " Addreee Put tip for Dealers In' elms oontainiug_four i eight. and maitre dozen, s beautiful Lithograph's BROW-CA/1P sosolopanylng end package, • soir, A ithishitle of SALI ot NG'S PREPAUND GLUM MD nig tau tlinelt 'Wood annually to every household. Sold tri prominet Stationers. Druggists DAM mead - Irass „sad rurruturs Dealers, Gilmer!. a nd ritual sto, , • 0i ui Meittintamtioald make a tango: ,'"'OP4DING'S PREPARIIO GLUM, IhnifiliataK4thelr I r tst. ANY "ditatyr-a- 100.1iESE OIL--,i60 .1)1 : At; -; 56 . half „ nif ec t , i l4roscne 011 Dade , usidertim ' Enclish 1720 , 11•0. For •8010 itakkA'y',°tAlSTgßßNT. oprhervec., ! Na. 16 South AND DOMESTIC I,IIPORTERS Joux IL Alattori, GXo. 0, ENAIt 11. • ILICNIVY 0. I..PALDINO & CO., fez No. MO, Now York. (Lie: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1860 LITERATURE. The October number of , the Cornhill,Magff- . zinc, (received Iron, Callender & Co., the agents here,) opens with the concluding chap ter Of Mr. Thackeray's i‘ Four Georges." and very Amore it Is upon " the rnacalliest, sweet= eat Cat young Prince," George .the Fat-and Fourth. An indifferent peom by Mrs. ing, a heavy discussion by John Ruskin; three new chapters of Mr. Trollope's novel, the emielusion of Sala't e , William llogarth," and Lewes' ct Physiological Riddles," aro the etherc most noticeable papers this menth;, Thackeray's own dissertation; .“ Do Juvein tate,"42,xhibits his wonderful :skill in wiqtin,r,, an agreeable article about nothing. DO I ° is pemportralt of Geotgft "kiT • "To make a portrait of him at first mime a matter of small diffioulty. There is his coat, his star, his wig, his countenance simpering under it,: with a ' , elate and- a piece of chalk I could at,thi!s,,; ittrv-4•0 refP3Attalf_4oo44 l 4 l o9 l lgos - 20 rayet,,After,reaulegot himilaaocires of-volumes; tufting Al m Ihrough phi.megaziaes and ,noiraPat pers, having him, here at a ball, there at a public dinner, there at races and so forth ; you find you have nothing—nothing but a coat and wig and a mask smiling below it—nothing but a great AMU- , laornm. Ills sire and grandsires were mon. One knows what they were like: what they would do' In given oiroumstanoes that on occasion they fought and demeaned themselves like tough 'good , soldiers. They had friends whom they liked ac cording .to their natures; . enemies whom they hated homely; passions, and actions, and indivi dualities of their own. The ,sailor king who, came after,fleorge was a main : the Duke of York was a math big, burly, loud,-jolly, cursing, courageous. But thiaaeorge,',what was be? ! I look , through all his life, and recognise but a bownand grin. I try and take , him to pieces, and .And silk stockings, padding, stays, a, coat with frogs and a fur collar, a stir and bine' ribbon,' a' pocket-handkerchief prodigionely• -scented, one of Truefltts best nutty brown wigs reeking with oil,: a set of teeth, and a huge black , stook,' underwaist coals, more underwaidooats, and then nothing. I know of no sentiment flit he ever distinctly ut tered. Documents are published under his name, but-topic wrote, them—private letters, but people suet them. lie put a great Ocorge P. or ileorge the bottom of the page and fancied he bad wrL4en the paper : some bookseller's clerk, some poor author, some man did , the work; saw to the spellkkg; cleaned up the slovenly aentences,, and gave the lax maudlin slipsiep a sort of consistency. lie must have bad an individuality! the,ilanoing ,maater whom, he emulated, .nay,' surpassed—,the wigleaker who curled , his toupee for him—the.tai lar who.cuthis omits, had that But, about George, one-u.n got at nothing actual, That outside, lam certain, is pad and tailor's work ; there may be semething behind, but what? We cannot get at the character; no doubt never shall. Will men of the future have nothing better to do than to un swatbeand interpret that royal, old 'mummy? I mitt Donee used to think it wOuld be good sport to pnreueehine, fasten on him; and pull , him down. .But noted am'ashamed to nicoset sad lay good dogs • on, to common aa fun fleld; aid • then to bunt the poor game." Ailitl'ltere lean anecdole;new trius,lnitiery _ , probably trap, fn which'{ the fidget gentleman inl:urope," twit was the: fashion to call the Mast of the Georges,' doeli not figure-very cre ditably.:. "And now I have one more story of the brioche nallen sort; In which Clarence and York, and the very highest personage of the realairthe - great , Prince itegent; all play parts. The feast took place at the Pavilion, at Brighten, and was de saribed to me by a gentleman whowas present at the scene. Tn Oflrey's caricatures, and amongst Fox's jolly Sanctities; there figures a great noble man, the Bake of Norfolk, called Joakey of Nor folk in hia that, and celebrated for his table ex ploits. Iti hid quarrelled with the Prince, like the rest of tho Whigs; but a sort of reconciliation had taken place, and DOW being a very old man, the I'rinee Milted him to dine and sleep at tho Pavilion, and , the old duke drove over from ' , his thistle : Ili Arundel, with his femoua equipage of day horses, still remembered in Sussex. '" The Prince of Wales had convected' with Me beethskke notable scheme for _making the drardr., Every person at table was stn? OstiMkwlne.with the duke—a, challenge • fin , lA'fAx did -not .refuse.. lie soon he= gait to owe 'that -a-eouspfreoyagatust him; he 0311*s:deo for glass; he overthrew many of the breve. 'At last the First Gentleman of Eu rope proposed: hampers 'of brandy. One of the royal brothers Oiled a great glass for the duke. Ile stood up and tossed cif the drink. 'Now,' says he, I will have my carriage and go home.' The alined urged upon him hitt previous promise to sleep under the roof whore be had been so gene. rously entertained. No,' be said, he had had enough of such hospitality,' A trap had been set for him ; he would leave the plows at once and never enter its doors loom. "The carry' was called, and came; but, in the half - hou r's In terval , the liquor had proved too potent for the o d man; his host's generous purpose was answered. and the duke's old gray head lay etupilled on the table. 'Nevertheless, when 'hie post-chase was announced, he staggered to It as well'as he could, end, stumbling in, bade thepos• tillons drive to Arundel. They drove him for half an hour round and round the Pavilion lawn; the poor old man fancied he was going home'. When be awoke that morning ho was in bed at the 'prime's hideous house at Brighton. You may see the place now for elxpenoe ; they have fiddlers there every day ; and' sometimes buffoons lend mountebanks hire the Biding House and do their tricks and tumbling there. The trees are • still there, and the gravel walks around which the poor old shiner was trotted. I eau• fancy the gushed Wee of the royal princes-as they support themselves at the portico pillars, and look on at old Norfolk's disgrace; but I can't tanoy how the man who perpetrated it continued to be called a gentleman." From the Cornkill Magazine we drop down to the New York Ledger, for the purposo of stating that .Mr. George P. Morris; indignant at some of his critics having suggested that ho', was not exactly as good a song writer as' Tom Moore, thus cruelly cuts up the craft : THE ORITinfiTBREI. nv OEDROR P. 11.01011. g. That blrde peek at the ri poet fruit Which giowe upon the tree, Is ascertained beyond dispute, As those who look may see. Thus would detraction's noisy Innis To larceny inclined. Despoil the tree of poesy Of all the fruits of mind. In dare of old title woe the cane. As it will ever be, Not only with the feather'd rare But men of mean deities Then bred them not. ye sone of acne— By myriads yet unborm You will be read when they aro dead And to oblivion gone. The exquisitely keen satire, as welt as the charming modesty of the above, need not .be pointed out. But we do think that the rival of Thomas Moore ought not have perpetrated such bad rhymes as borit and gone. He tnitst . try again. It takes a great many Morrises' to : snake a single Tom Moore. From various booksellers here, we have received a variety of new books, which we shall hereby- name and ncknowledgo,—those• marked thus • being reserved for more ex tended notice, when we have a Bine available space. From J. B. Lippincott & Co. Vol. XVI. ofiplwer's Works, Library Edition, contain, log two historical romances, tc Leila; or the Siege, 01' Granada," and "Calderon, the Courtier." The volume is beautitully, and the stories, less known than .nfost. jot" Bulwer's, will be new to a great man Y Hhtlertit We also have, in blue and gold, Tfteodorn Martin's translation of the Odes of Romeo into English verse, with a Life and Isfotcs.. This is one of Ticknor & Fields' reprints, and we purpose showing, by-and-by, how Martin, (bettor known as "Bon Gualtier," the ballad writer and parodist) has done his work. Messrs. Lippincott have published ti second edition of " The Annals of Quodliiiet," by .1,, P. Kennedy, first published in 1840 ;--a Racal production, which had 'not much fittc cuss twenty - years ago, and is chiefly noticeable now as showing how a good novelisycari fail when ho loaves the path in' which - hi) has' won celebrity. N'imporle t Scott's writings wore unequal enough. From T. B. Peterson & Brothers, we have several works of interest and importance, just published by Harper ,& Brothers.: First, a companion to their fine editions of Atkinson's Siberia, and LivingetorM and Barth's 'African Explorations, an Bvo of 'nearly GOO pages, entitled "The Lake Regions of ' Central Africa,* a Picture of Exploration, by Richard F. Burton, Capt. 11. M. I, Army." The author was sent out by the Royal Geographies.' 'So ciety of England, in, Septemlier, 1850;and re- turned in May, 1850. Ho is now travailing in. the United States, we believe. ,joniney. ings extended from the coast of...tinzilaar to the greit central lake',Tanganyikyi which ho, titst' tt/i, Prepe,rlY,„and 41604t4v:eix on they map of , Arricm • Captain Staten givo ilfficriptlt , ihrof the country, its •productions,lts inhabitant, and their Manners: The book' is illustrated with a Map'and'ulallY wOrtiv reading. We arise have Harpers' Library °di. tion; in 2'volS., otlinlwer's (< My Novel," oii 1 tiVt:piessed isiPal.--' -9u Bei . 0., luxurious` book; rr6lesior EarintOy'S 'Leanrep on, the Various . F'ore,es nfigatt4, ileli'reted' before:li • Stor f onii , ii anditork in"the linial jiiStitntiiin6i: England,' in I 859-C?; 'ln a' Baal' '1.2M0 'inlidno,' , With nu nto rens wolid'engia'vings'-:-.-SpiOnce mdde:easy In fact. lore, also Blip; I,tarisers, - orepaptain . Ml3' Ile, Ilcid's now `hook, (cc Odd - l'enpre 1 .. 31 popular description of ,the Vationilßitc6s of, 'lden,!') and l a' sto'rY,'''enited - ,fc Wltat, and , tit'res," Whi6tidie's triitiiiii,i.;kcietics 'of Homo l i t C Eingiati do I• 74 Ji_.. • ,,, • , , S. TIZ4i(1, " :11 1 .; ' ,IlliS ' Bolli ' ils tWo Of Masan!, APploton' publications.' Vhe,'llnit li t ietntes . on Bin Biiriibles' of on'itsoid,'!'bSfitie ..ifOi.ll'. o.`Tlench;'.6.lD.; beau of Vrii&i*iitsbit', eon , d'etiS'oci InlO' a 12nio VOluino`Oif 288'Psiges: This' We boOk of 'great 'wane, to' sliii:itititirdadore 'and it has been jlididt6'fislilibridged—thiefly by omitting the illustrative 'Matter,' Withent striking Out trio aiith'or's interpiefatlons of the 'pffilibl6.' "Timi other'took ' is a story-bniik foi.:' ytte kodkid;',i4th' alit 'ollistrationh, 'written' lif liiilo ) .lteriit};ll;sna'.;?the'most sitadss liil'diL'.lltt l ioaniintiy-t4e16.. I ltg'f A Yeai j 'iviPkn f 44*itilliCfi •/ ' 'yi4,l4icilial to the bbst of its author's Previous books. Tile wood 'on'gravitigkaN . girioc.4t.'. ; .',.. • : 'L' ' i, - ' l ' lloS' - ', .ti t'..." tiiiiii'.W4 Ifiveii gills' 0111;e4t?ti 'Uaree'r ; 7 iii 'Artinilaiiii"lit i or§;!Y bi.4'6 l 'gol. land; autiiiir' Of' Ettai4 'SWi3ed,”,"ko:,' I It: is published by, "Se'iltiiO4';'ne ',DrdW '- rbik.' Palmy' Oilbnie is' i':Wili.:l4r ''ilf "eminence, 'in the `"told,' which' "Atiii''"liteil)+'''ll P on 16o' and' 'autliortilliPl, Wily / li'm'y 'st'illi'ng ng sketelnii of ' society, airdt'an 'inicleiefirgat of religious and Moral fealii:4"'f f roini7iii.'E riits, - we also have 'l4fit.' Botta'l3'lftirid4f_Ook f or' Universal 'Liter's:turd, 'frcUiitlie ;lieiit:'ind` lat4st ' authorities, denigned for.popubir rdading;and us aLtexf-biloli fortichoOlif init.collegei. , 'Der by & Jackson 'aro' t 63 publitilieis.' The book contains '567 , Pages' I2mo, including that ac ceptable addition; "a good inder'; bitt Min. Botta bas aimed at too thauh'in'triiiig to put a' History of uni'versal,literatiir inti t a r ccini.pisti so limited. nit.: extimPle; the' vhole of Eng:. Bah and American literati/re, fl'oin 'tlits'iOry' formation' of 'our' demnion' 'language' lnto eighty-nine Pziges . ! "What caul such a 'record' be but a catalogue rizi.tanni of authors' names, with the titles of a few orthoir works ? Southern Seitiintent en the Lute Elee- The anxiety...of the people of the South Ito hear the result of the late elections in Penn-. sylvania, Ohio, and Indiana, was not greater than the existing anxiety of the people of the North to hear how this result ha's been re ceived by their fellow.countrynieni on - the' other side of 3faSortand - lition - lino.; mutual interest is probably the most &diode tory. raanifestatto n' of the pervading'l3atrietis6 of the Amerinati " ,Tre are dally-receiv ing the Southern. papers of Id partied, and find' that the elections ,referred- to have eicl- End unusual interest. As «sighs of the timeb, which may or may not usher in future eventO , we ,Present a few extracts from those whins: have juit come to hand:: . T Richmond Enquirer of the 15th says! " Virginia Can' "no . more prevent the dissoluti6 of the Union after Lincoln's Woollen, than she can prevent that election: , She will be powerless to prevent civil war, with ell its attendant hennas. Any one of the Southern States can, and. some tf them will, Involve the *tile country, North as well ae dentkur the internecine strifiecif bloody:had desolating Civil war.' Virginia will; by a inajdrity of her people, dooitte,upon resistance, while a large minority'may desire to postpone resistance for the overt act;' but _netted as she is to the Hotathern w St i a th te t s h . e she l wl 74. ll l3l be ,t ci to r r ag w ol hat in ul to;a i o .4 oni ol tuon tie d d o e i e t t e in o y f her people. We believe that a majdlity of the pee pie of Virginia, if the Opportunity of a State Con vention was allowed them,' world,vote fer imme diate resistance and for a oarsmen destiny tvitti,the Southern States, and with this belief we !maid, vise the States -not to hesitater,to et -..attp-lefrpm_r.erLAet. tote in her du to the South. • I ThO Richmond Whig, of the same date,ls 101 l of appeals in favor of the , Union at all hagaids. It says "It is incumbent upon iho industrious, intelli gent, and patriotio citizens of Virginia to pause and reflect, before they, conalude to, be led'hy.the noso into the ,grand Disunion mash-trap sot fer them by the Yano'ey-Brookiurldgi ladders ' The Charleston, South. Cnrolina, %Evening Newa of the 13th' of October has a' quaint ar ticle, its follows Pasisartrams.—The Blaok Republican jour nits are triumphant at the success of their party in Pennsylvania as clearly prefiguring the election Of •Lincoic Ito the Presideney.• ,eihe immedlate.eause of the Amass of the partyin Pennsylvania if no doubt the ascendency of the iron atid teal interest over every consideration of patriotiam: Pennsyl vania/wants proteotion to her peculiar products, and - expects to land it in the Administration of Lin coln rother.than in that of Brookluridge.. She his thus sacrificed her duty at the shrine of Mammon. ,She has descended front the elevation which'she had woryas the Keystone State of the Union; at the mercenary call of interest:. In the expected results of this defection she may be deceived. The Senate is anti-tariff. That body will not protept the iron and coal. interests of Pennsylvania at the expense of the great body of consumers and in sup port of a gigantic monopoly," . . The Nashville l'(Tennessoe) Union, of the 18th, says: • "A UNITED SOUTII.—The Northern Stales are now a unit in the struggle which threatens the existence of our Government. Why may not the 'South be so "?'-lAre onelivie, our liberty; our hap' pines? lesadear tot= tharithe opherkeral•triuinpus of party ? het the South look shields and stand in solid -phalanx, 'and' the: rushing onset of Black Republieanisin willibe Stayed. 'Bever 'more is the history of ,nations, hasthe adage been applicable than at .the present : Unveil toe stand, &Vida we fall.' Ali is not yeriost. There is but one flag raised•which has written upon 'lt-principles that are cegarged by our enemies as boldly ss tagonistlo to their's.. jet the whole South rally under that flag; 'and all'wlll. yet 'bewail. 'Tee wildest maniac can. be.qnisted . by;the determined eye of his matter. let the South. cease her bicker ing, and' show her Sectional enemies that sloe will' be equal in ?Iglu's,: and' fanaticism will yet cower and shrink from the contest." , The Savartnaltßepubdican of the lath says t •• The aspect of the political horizon is dar r arid no doubt the prospect of a seotional, instead of a national Federal Gtovernment to rule over us is; doing- thuph to 'augretentlim 'genera Mmertainty, , M and alarm. This May be well founded or not,' and in any event the South, beyond the justice arid moral power. of her , cause, is Impotent , to control the result. We have only to do our duty, as sac best judgments , and' sense of patriotism may prompt, and ,then leave the conabouenees to the' majority of the American 'People, and in tit eliando of that. wise Provdence that has ever Watebed over our natiomand protected it from' harm.'! ,* The New ;01.1pm:el _Bee, of the' Ith says: ' .. . , Wit honestly• confess that the news received, yhsterday has Anted convinced us of the certainty of 'tha, Memos; of the Blahk 'Republicansc, If neither Pennsylvania, nor , Ohio, nor Indiana, na t n, N be resorted,. We arejeft. with" the faineand feeble hope that ew York may stem the. mithelivery torrent. ' It, is posslble that the /exertions and in., dunce of the eouseivative citizenrof the Empire State may aufhoe to save thecountry 'Stow a seo-,, florist President; but.the eloOtion returns look tie_ I one.sided' to 'puffy namsh confidence in a forturtale, Inds ' ''.lll.oanvihile' lit its_ take'it , patiently and 'await , events.. If, Lincoln. is to' be chosen Prost:: t; it is- well 'for the South—it is well for. oar. , de and - commerce-that we should be prepared .E, the event, , h'ar better that:l443.6odd lave ; a timely, warning, mf misfortune, that we may pa our houses in order and meet it when it comes than to atand unnerved and apetoblega before an unexpected end crushing ebook."• The' New 'Orleans Crescent, of the same dite, says : ' • "run LtTB EL)IeTIONS.—The elootlon returns received yesterday' from Pennsylvania, Oblo; ; and: ndisna, indicate the triutnpb t of the.,Blabk Re publican candidates in each of these States. ,'The news is unweleomel 'and the result, fir many rea sons, is, greatly to, be deplored, ~W.e,,reseqe any extended 'comment " upon the subjeit until, we can „have ,ev, lull!vbser of the , entive end' thus be enabled,to discuss thii sittjtsat Atk.blialthge• lideenthhe, ruey,say.„thetews produced , a de „Med. sensation in the , city; and ; by twiny, was regarded es the ihrerunter, of evil'*temps and coming trouble. Let us, however, patiently await fuller returns:and further developmenls), • These indications ,teach, pans`, Or''tho counfi the great lesson of subtoisglon to the ballot-box, and the assertion of such princi ples on the pail. of the incoming Administra tion as will defeat the designs pt' the 'enemies of the Union, Additional Extructu front Southern ratter* I=l Thernlmington, N. C., Jourria/ (Brookiaridge says: "From all the Initiations, it would appear that Pennsylvania has gone for Curtin, the Mack Re. publican ,oandidate for Cloverner. The effeat'of this can barely be over-estimated. -.We hardly think that the majority of .the voters of Pennsyl vania care much about ,the negro. We rather think they don't. They don't care to Interfere with us jest now in that way, Perhaps they would he willing , to let us alone on condition of our pay ing them black owe!. The protection which the ;tariff now gives to iron is some twenty-feur per cent. It is, near as may be, a-bonus of twenty four per eent. given to the Pennsylvania iron.. maker. It the said maker, with ev guarantied, difference in his favor of twenty-four percent, .oannot corapeterwlthAlie foreign mannfaiturer, sorely it till unreasonable to ask ttS , to,pay more. We have, railroads to build,. plougheo to , ritakeo horses to shoe--a thousand,.useful,and necessary TWO 1 CENT& thtagit to ,do vvgqjtti, iron Lthay why shotdd yrdbo made to ipti , trqiutd --v to 1)0 tri , ntd On our railroads: )orir TiAlll• T tune, our machinery, simply th . at.... - Penn vomit" iron -masters may, get rich at our expense? ", Ts:quasar, in Dzsgata. , . , I fl'atalt.Villi Ga zette . Vreatntid6.l s ' , . ; _lVith tteleran facer,' and slow, ntedsared words, do men in fittuttienicommunitleanow speak of the three , !Rates ; making up, tim,., above, caption I or rather o d the iiiidt of the impair' eleCtions t a t/miring theferlitt'Tueedayllast. Wittridniost hie ilk :Mae analety.aakt,oner.of ,antother,,,,i , What?. h e news?" and half choked, cha g rin and 11; p. 1 pointment odtdes the aneireiy ' Be'l enough . , in', aII oOn/clone& 4,11 re fr , iumintsdu torrent did the liot Indiana (rAI nil.v, _to , Lino?! n sweep,,perossyle,o l i k d phio—all gone ? gone glimmerlng l for thitillitolt Republiotins." 'And' tlltiiinfkld begin the questionet.and the informant dospixitdateupeis the probable character of Linooln's Administration, eihi tilting . ' but li We, 'ic 'aby;;doubt Its to theer tainty of that gentleman's n km. teetjby the pop ular t . Inr,narrtin To mr.routurr IN THF,,,y..F10:1/, (Petersburg, :Va., Bulletin Ilreok.l, , . . h ` ' Vl' j f ff acre , ,' '''tb ) ' - lib Il i In sae a con on o ,st . wr a a o, 1 power inatehidetzpotti nal their deitrdotifii - poses 3 31 aartnedaoakathellt Mindere, • bole .idllyi ow . , worse than Idke, him, eriminolia it for the ,Bent. to i ti suffer 'Me tr be dlyidottn MI tmlaipoitant 133 3? I.Alv one • knettilla w&lisi littierthLabidtddlfteee t a *tell, frorte.,„o4 aiteepsNga . 4 . lSty4l-And) or , nontisugeg i actions distraot, her nounsele, ait In itteli rfitilli ti`foi L tseentikiliY; destrefiter f fietelsoy.. oButmskaiwintilimlieve that•sueh'a a to of things is to , continue. We cannot bell ye , that men will be so blinded' by party zeal,' as I . not 14- *0;0 Mitt' ii , uortitneti 4 tdanger;'tirear ns allwbbsh Leila: 1511 , 41ZbinStiltelirkPAIV , 61 ,our`entire. stressgtb.. , ,The t ilnatilaatiopp,, oh be , South - are'. Praced , us middy, jerir," - her A e. pendenoe TS- astalled, And-her 'artbittgettoiSrdb r utined.on,,•DlintretAiS,UP,coralb/p.l.We. mtudd co the danger.when it oomo3. , Barret:dot means e ' struotion, an'il oomldtralise IS lleitkM. it Mei Ito on •l' ' the battle's to be fotight,audzthakright finish y,,i It becomes., then the dukyofiettexlleAteru, an '1 to rally to the derence'Of what he holds most de r f :l the inatitittletib kinder' whiabittuiVes Feihtia; d' 1 the ConetitUtials which uplsolda tbserno. s't b. Let past diffdrences be verb:sup:ad, and pros nu feuds' be btirliid,'ind; in the preseneb oriroota ri danger, let us be united in a commen ditfotiddl" (From the Nashville .(Terni) hmericim II A.GLOOKT„PIIO3PEgT. • ,,, , i '," From the tenor of the news, it is evident „that °bid add Indiana have oast their votes for thelte.' :pablioanlaityl by. large Majorities. - Abe illWft from thy LOYStruse.State.,l4D fet!a3i yet' teosived la 'unfaiorabie,•thOtigh` We are not disposed to gip it np untillio 'hear' something intiOridtelsive. While the result, of these , olootions ;Presents tvgloomy ftrotsPetchi t i t i tr m1 °1 041;1 4 14 eri b At i tt e N ta:r al mtti w o: and reanimaterthe courage of every tine Demo.. rarnsyLvarfri. would) , VOTE • FOR TEE DEV)/ " ' ' TO GET A TATtli`r, t (Wilthirotion (Nia) Journal, Brook.) '' • "We had hap& of:Pennsylvania: -We werorteld o ordidentlyby those:who (Nil not mean to deceive, that Faster,would be elected., Those who thought Se were thehmilies - deceiVed. Pennsylvania is tariff- , med,.: and .-would vote, for • the . devil Mite - would ' guarantee them a specific, duty of fifteen dellara a ton on iron." ', SAD NEWS • (Knoxville I Tenn,) Reenter, - Break.] We have 4aceivecba:disspatch announcing tho remit of the 6overpor,'s election in Pennsylvania Curlirl, - /Padk'Republidan, is eledtdd by 1,5,000 'majorilyinvot Pottorylleinodrat. This insaddiews to the friends of _thecenstitution and the ..T.Jnitin. tamanat,v ea,/ B entite!‘ l3 elid 1 • nAvoniTe betieNOT: PRESJIRVit THE 1724102 i. We confess, therefore, that there is little, pres pest of Lincoln's defeat, according to our reading of the signs. And atilt " hope springs eternal in the human breast;'! and until theeleotton is cider men will hope th at he, may , be, defeated. The time litto' come, when, in - our Judgment, the South should take epeedlly a decisive - stand, whenOlf ferenoes, shbuld cease' among rip, as far as may te. and we Mt prepare with one accord td act tosethi r. Is it desirable that the Union be4ieserved ? believe a decided Majerit* of "our,people pared Id say "yes, If sectionalism be defeated," We any so, with all our heart: we do not (Uwe the severance of the 'Confederacy ;, but if section alism is to - rule, all mnst :tee that the Union bat an end. Dayonetioannot preserve:it, „and ta - trial deslrea that bayonets shOubt; f0r . 1 11 7 dame the Union if foree'alone ean Prererve it? Itis then assuredly'no longer the Union our fathers made—consent is its only, as his its .best, °emelt: " o, w0,•W0." IRlempbis Appeal, Doultlaci If our eurmiges be Incorrect, and the encroach ing tide of ,Sawardism' has in reality swept sily. "the keystone to the arch" of Democracy, and spread farther Wibie with itrupolleting hillttenoe, into the State of indiena, wo help= the base aid infautontseltM s _ • rg. riteh, - IMI others, up the on' whose brows the mark of Cain will' be. branded with the indelible ink of duplicity, treachery, and,perfidr.irho - will be consigned to their political gravesisith to other monument to mat-k their reating-places than the universal detestation of their party and their couh tryrden. LET THE SOUTH DE UNITED St. Eon's, Missouri, Bulletin.] , Let the South be united in this day of darkn. - a And danger; when a dominant North threatens to subvert the Constitution and to destroy the wealth and endanger the liberty and the lives of the peb• pie of the eaveholding States Let them beunited in defence of the constitutional rights of the South. and they may yet avert. within the Tinton the great dangers and the terrible' disasters which' a dissolution of the Confederacy ,would entail' alien us all. - - [From the'Louisville Journal, We think Mr. Lincoln, an honest man, and it 38 our sinciere belief that, if he shall be cleated Prp sident in November, ho will, before the expiration of six months from that time,' regret his own rub cogs as deeply and bitterly as any of his politic opponents will. NOM (From the Richmond Whig, Bell.] The result of the °factions, on Tuesday last, In the important 'Northern' States of Penneylvam , Ohio,, and Indiana, looks dcoidedly squally.-its for ourselves, although' we , entertained some ho pe of the defeat of the -Republicans in Indiana,'wo felt very confident that' they Would sweep Pene -1 sylvania and Ohio: -Though deeply regreteing t e result in these threeStatesaet wa.are not inn h disappointed thereat, - and we still look forwar , with souls degree of oonfidebee; to's poirerful - aotionarv, movement in favor .of the conservatives and against the Republicans, in time to save Penu aylvatda, - and' Indiana, at least, from Lincoln qn the 6th of-Novemberl • - - , ) , The Late Prestident Mora -elifis Career . and its Close. . Mom the NeW York 'Times, October 55.1 l The'business of filibtatering encounters 'dreary discouragenients in ;Central America. : Scarcely !a month has passed simes,Walker gallantly met b ti fate—it m u st be Mtn mmfesseel that nothing in hie' l if e no well became as his leaving of it—and 0 now have word of a similar shooting in Costa Bice, where ei•President Mora, with two prominent aa eoeiatee, in theeause Of revolution, have sacrieced their Heim.. It was but , the other day that Mila was autoorat of, that thrifty little state, with ti • parently so secure a tenure of his place as to ineur him, at . least, a life•lntereld. • Enterprising, Into - 11gent, , liberal, he. gave •netv Impulses to tiii n - tional industry, and new,directleap,to the netien 1 t capital ;, eacouraged agrietiltiire andO !her pike I ways to wealth; isn&eatheireeljtitirfare, inVii in d - fence against DielriensolorWalker, and; by. ate and similar strokes of policy, rarely praotioed u Spanish•Amerieski,coriAtiles, he placed'OeStalti a first of all for proeperityand the social results 'Of n - tional opulence. The popularity thus acquired was sufficiently general to secure all classes of men save two, Wito are Inherently and inimitably averse to popular progress. The army,und the clergy looked with an unfriendly eye at the suopessive steps of the Dictator towards developing popular edueatic n end discarding a standing army. The army -wee • taught to believe that a pursuance of thispolidy,,, must presently extinguish its profitable and MO. lent profession; the clergy disliked the amountof ' toleration,finperfeot at it was; promulgated by the President, and'ilnally made a bold Issue with the Government on a demand for certain education& aids, to which the State Treasury deemed itself entitled at the hands of the hierarchy. A doh- spiraoy was arranged among the maloonents. Mote awoke one fine morning, and found himself strip. pad of power, and, to save his life, neeessta ll yia fugitive; and, with his immediate friends, be 11 ' the country. It is the old story over again. Pe - pie have in all ages stoned their' prophets, only in Spanish American countries they indulge in the amusement a little Mete freely than eisewheie, and carry it to rather more cruel lengths than In other portions of Christendom, wham Intel' politics have generally-ceased to be discu ss d sword in hand., 1. , . , . .. , ; gen9F Mora employedhia,exile in travel end 4, preparation for that - triumphant recall to his mob try, which; itolui ceaseless* revolutions of thee„ 1 volotorlie regions l he had every right to anticipat ~ There is no doubt that the great mass of his n -• non were lealetti fot his return. How be retur - ed has been very recently and quite graphical described., Dropping down from Salvador in te k . coast steamer, he landed a few friends and ma - arms and munitions• at PuntteArenat,iithere the: 1 scanty populatoin received him with high favok,. and presently spread hie proclamations through' the country. What the result . might , hav e be had thee been allowed for a popular rally, the- f , is no memoof fudging. The Conservative 1:1 , vernment, acting with amazing promptitud , 7 1 s w ept down upon the revolutionary chief, (intro*, I ed his nascent army, and having captured hire,. and his immediate aids, .Cinae, the old ante a - a Mk of Walker, being of the number, pile them to death on the spot. The doom was as swift as it was sanguinary. Indeed, the 'whole business t, wears the peculiar character, which political tat; gedy always assumes in countries, whether Spa nish or merely half-Spanish.: It is a bloody trarel, tion frees progress to reaction, from free thought to superstition; and but for the eminent proba bility suggested by all experience of a countel ,, revolution occurring at any moment we might at this late dey,prepare ourselves to witness pips ok traordinary speotaole Of a people in th.e blight 114Ins' of civilization voluntarily returning to Miriam*. But what we shalt certainly see is the whole of OM, Anierican empire once owned by Spain .advaneildg -ea the sea,, with eueeessive tides, gains upon taw , shorn —by slew approaches and frequent, retreete,, and the impiovement ,only appreciable through; loag etretcheabf time!" WheratinVmilitary spi r it predominates, and the priesthood of a single seer' regulates the faith of the people, a grand and con liepeue forward meremeet .of the ; masses is ell tent,ly,lutposeihle. , ~ , , . Some Rutlarel;Nermont, , pohtical « oper • o r ." recently-Not—iosetber -about seventy ft forlitfnekth•A°l4tmaeeoell them of, three dollars, tin. 4 . ef 191 kr" ,pnintstertns the freeomn'i oath THE NVER FELY_RA:t 4 MiI. THE Tics WIBILLY PRIOII`IIIII be pon stibilonliort by mail (per swim. LmadjanGe.) at. hrelLdCOPilir. SeOO twenty " " ork. —"' s barons 39=0 Twenty Copies, or over" (to sildress of each 1.130 ' 1 7 6ciT Club of Tteen ' ti-on‘ seed ere eatraOoDY to the getter-1m of the Club. kear4atera are rtarae3ted to , a9rliir4Sallta fee -Tux WaincriPasaap' CALIFIDIRNIA Issued three finial, a Month ! iiii)lae o far , thaCatifprala Steminera. JOURNEY OF THE PRNCE'O7 At West Point and along the Hudson • [From the New York Times cf " '' The hour for the departure of the Primal of Wales and his party was.fized at 9 o'eleck'Ar.'M. Acoord ingly, thousands who.bad_ bean didappisinted of a view of the illustrious etranger, , dvalled themselvea of the. only rettudaing,ehanee tresses bleu as-be left the Fifth-avenue Note. Netreerowdegathessai at en. early-hour, , and remained' patiently awaiting hit appearance. AL 91 o'clock, the• royal party entered ;their carriages, and, amidst the cheering of the assembled multitude, drove raiddlyth the revenue cutter. • • 1 .- . 1 1, ; ~ I ' P.I ) The 'larded Lane was awaiting at her anehorage off the, Battery atelse ( appedeted -hour of, the de parture f l. tha t. royal onset, • onikatLFautiosthad tessekindustifonsly,at workday and isiglif,to have everything in itpide•pfeetrier. pont'', splen did bkr..ib waif bagagett4e *sewn the - pefty to Weet,Pointli sent EtrAltensoU, n thei Amen Souse, ee ' O 3 thte-kerePqr PEMPIPIFiIms aolsrevidn the colla tion bia inland,. -Theessatheir. art .en 41,10dap night waithe wibrzolast - of the eetasem,and thieat ined tbdbapPolnt theliope 'ever/Whine "indulged that the Prince would haves Idetentbdetyla which to take leave of New-Yorks, ImPPRI sioandoff at the ,right moment, The. vtind:Ailengely,,pldlly from the nOrthwatt, bet the ` ban taatltlitualltlY- For the hater asonvenientei 4114 Psnik;ll - had been decided thatthe Prime should embark at the foot of liamosond street, instead alma:the Eat ,ter,Y,..theall-VehAlsgttlnaAafiXe, itgd the consequent riAln ezeitenoent,, ' ',"1he , 11041 - e t - drh, e r r iiiiiietage turbid' nine , b'eleheilk` ''l tfit'aitivel of the hand, beth.tbejndi let It iri/Stala t h e Steamer was ,acoordregirs4uteet., r ,the , ,pliteleaof ithe Prince's embarkatibe„ up rise _4°ok : apd', Mean. timeohe Aigkhgef of the ray's! party hied been 1 driireif fe." Whitehall' Plee;ntaler- a' Written 'eider trim some one, and it was with (=Adorable dlill [ rfaltydltat Abso Ottawa:Mk; Vail :ttla-"ablarr-ln lira hand,.,could• hy ,Anpicettl ,to fejt' tpursuit of the steamer. . • - , : • „ On tltiesSay ft.' the Oldie efesigdated tor re:Dbl . 's - log the Prince oaileardi thisdeiitter , was itriedid 'With every-elenettescof.retiatiedifew, tfienabli4oll on whieh she ti'f4E o ing-illtiiter steemetiVaiintelit her as, she passed,,eyereams . of their stem:l,lo44les, arid dinning their theige.'",The shiPPing along the North river lime decked , out With alt 'their nature, and the Cunard steamer lit SelmitiOity,' as well as the English Steansersallang the-I:Plw 'gam GUI the New York side 04-the,rlFer, were couepleatina for their draPlay of bunting., ••• , ,; . The liamindisd.street Pierwatepartulimerged, which obliged .; theta -to- lee "to 'the t 'Of-Parry street. The appearance of the steamer... Waif. the signal fur.- atalikatt allatt glearde,ftaltetiOnaed out of the streetaleading to the rever,...arL all...nteng West street, thwards theipter. A widen bf polbe was formed across thei'doelqiiiitlcifirldeh'il Would soon have' been too full fot Lthe:Clireltigae , of the Prince todrive upon. !ShorUa...ntediedererseateek a waving and cheering, at the heed of i tbe ,pjarra.u. flounced the eoreingof the - Prinee-•,4 110 .44 1,19 at . the Harriet Line' were' ititaireed;', teeth another moment the' royal party werithet eerie binding. ‘ As the Prince went en .beasdathes LEastlidis lineignwas unfurled it the fore ; but Ton l e:dam there- was no band to strike up the stifely_nalloner ani z e , 7 of Old England, and 4'olo/0 he ettinicl' ' iiirds were manned. .The 'Prince Shook.' herni4 ' lally with Captain-.Faunae, aild'bowedAtu his. Meer*. Lord Lyons, the Enke of, Neweentleatrd the other gentlemen of the Suites folliseed him-inaboard, and itemediateltatter the baggage Was. Paseed in Cud the order wait given to cut eff: ' - • h "I The contrast in this embarkation of the royal party with -the joyous and stsdely - characteref the reception on hoard of, ithe Barnet Lane .waa,vary marked, 'and Was dite entirely Jo the middling stu pidity of ' the collector - or the port of New Ydrk. Mr. Soho% iteeppeare, bad called on Mr. Dodworth on Saturday, evening,' and i informed lblia that his music would- npt, be, wanted—rheum the:sombre charaetet of the embarkation. , The eiroranstanoro was deePly regretted, as inadditien fo the eompli ment which it would have been to thedisthUrnish al guests,. it , doprited theta-of thalislestavare of listening to-an Anserietmband whostareputatton is world-wile. . The only, compenteitten' for this de privation was the 'genial "good humor 4 the'Prina and his party, 'who% never forsook them." - ' , . TUE PEIECE, VIEWS ,THE The "!noes it ilyst took his detain As illot hones, Whiitelitteetild hive' a golatViet? of the ob jects and , ricanerreteer the rivell'aisa; artharlartne time, escapelreen the: keennsorthweat:etiaB4,llo soon enlarged, • howeser, - and 'lf/till-Ll*anteease- pied themsattrea,with what was telasstm- The or phan children from' the'..A. s ayinm ' at' seirentiltifth street cline c,lt,- , aria 'wn7iifig thirinsilreeiteng the bank of the river, ohestmerand wan* thetrane 40 the deParqurPrieet• '7l,teletttaben of:the Deaf and Dumb Asnan} Aso tanie.ont aissi paid *air: si lent "asp ects.tgi_the peashig eteaioii ---- /kt awry village and Jand a / 1 4:4 ilept dimm ed from bonds-topic and flag-etaffs, and the villa gers came down apcin'the'meraroptiorfte tO catch a ghmpse of the on of the British:Qaeen, ,, - The stthimar,Thomaa.Paw name ronwt Ja, , the wake of theAlarriet bane, thekceptein t on,getting within hail, statlng.that a gentleman on.board had despatches from Col. Dalauald, at West Point ' for Gen. Seatt,,r4o.rtal sup geed to,be.on board. The steamer Was meth/ Minify ahinped; and Mr. Bigelow, of the I..e.enf.Fgl_Pdstvmade•Mil appliariWi, and joined the PrAnee;a pprty.„, The lettere related, to the defailecif ,the 'reaeptinti at WeAt•Phita r . Gan. Scott had.gonCnii by rallebaill.! • hacmrnbr'si WEST At 2f o'clock Ps :1%.1. , tlieHlirviet Lane' approached the Highlands, and the 403q11.,party.,:prepaged to land. Orr , the lending were seen several Ak ers M uniforro,'ndlcderehliorteisaddlett gw• Ms use of -the 'Prince. au& hisrthiksa , 'Fifty: dragoons • were driMluP , l44/11431P rqsokukiile k.okletalei thit hills and squads 0 Reispli Jinsiii ) tlse roadside. At the top' hf this' a ilitrhdaleVliktheieniiit thibil seen a dente tatitts ohipeo laaiialtiewc th e ,arrivel; tf"...1 he Prises. C9 1 9 0 ,e111$ 1n4 , /4. OPlAd s alarri, , 1 49,4 dent 1 4:, military amen? , ana commenaant. or - Me post, accempanied"BY Lieutertatit''UOlthel"ltioynblds, :were on, the.dook re i nstall/a theioyaLtialtar.f., The steamer having keen made fast i the,,party at pee ashore, aria the'Prlnce;l,ord Lyo ns the - Duke of Nance-BC be and , othorebfl-thei te`i-ehtiok clan de 'with ColeuelDelagalkandluttnediatalyrerwards mounted their. several, steeds., f ,, As 0, Prince tool: h is' phtth "ht 'the heed' ; th "Nitta, a salvo of seventeemgansmastredikdrelthe 'Watery on the hithand,the sertegsin4res4lattOyAnvei on. The dragoons presented - arms as the. royal party wont by; add irdmediately oloied its behind them, andiallinanshed irapidlynp.: the: ancient.- Cheers greeted them ae,they passed 'dew, The proces sion rode directly, fifihe quiresiri:of 13oVpidafield, (passing in 10101 1 0 e Cadets On the 4 Wayi).*there tho escort slrew, pp, as, the LPrinee.4ismounted, the troops pre - denting arms.- Eutpring .tha-iesidencs of the cCiiiniandatit; the Prince wait' iielodnied by Gen. Soottliwho, with CM. , Delaffelk. protested a large nninher of glatlatnicrsod logos,. Prole. D. .11. Mahan, MT. Mr, O. Bartlett, Albert E. Chitith, Col:'lleynolati;isitd'otheilleads id 'l3ieliiirfmente. Con. Scott presented... Grit: Georg4lP. Xenia, and I Cel. Delafield , presented Mr. l 2.i. 1' Ylllls, Bon. Gouverneur Itembleclfidge l'irroti, h Gen.: , ',Yohn Ewen, of the'; Foarth , Drugatle , -Of Artillery, , lfew York. Many °therm _ste,prosepted. Thiseeremony occupied about half an oar, .when the Prince-and Lord Lyons, aothroPanied by Col.'l.4lltheld, pro ceeded to Inspect the ',various :halls of ; instruction. The library nes trst,visited, esui the, other. basti tutions in otder.,Pollotilng this lliere Was a review of the Cadets, the Dragobruyard Flying'Artiliory, which occupied tlaree.quertsrs: 'of: an : hoer:_.The Prince on this , ,occeshm i rroreA , plehmnalt. The t ro ops wade a'fMe - appotaarioe, and . were highly eomplimentedtby the visitoill r ,T_,., ~' - ,The. reviewoof uthe ,, ereePa.A9 o hided'iho '' ' gramme, of the day and et six o oloek the Pr inc e -sod party:returned 'td'Colonel Deleted's, where a supper AV as provided.-.--• T-- - In the tvetdpg a ball,wer Inaprovlaad by the ea. dote, at rfbloh`thriPrlnee 'and httitilte' Mtn:dad. At the conclusion' or dheb ball they .proceeded.• to ()omens: Ilelel r ofbere elegant ; quarlers,,hed been provided for them. Here the Prince became the guest of (len4l3colf.; ' ; ;' ." • •". • • This{ ruornlng;;: , at half,past ;eight o'cloalrif the steatuer ~niet,Drew, which lute been ,apeolally 'chartered 'for tile purpose, will receive the.' party at the Coo:Ten - a , landiag; and.' carry them to Albany. , 7,bey ' eyelid only a. brief time - at, the capital, and, then, take the Western lallread Icy nu; .palkok'S! iikonunt IN ♦YRIOi While at Graham's; Town, O. G. Prinue:Al• Iced, or F i ngitusd, was made much of, mac! seems to have am the ladiet at much as It. H. has in this' country: Prlmio -Alfrect , bad'as body guard seventeen teell.mentitedorell mittipped, first rats horsetromee, etioh nik ! VlF,iite,zoiottes, with silVer 'anchors, and the , ce Was', named Alired's Own Body Gusrils." A retired cavalry tone took, the,oqiumapd e oprattAised them In forming threes and wheeling into line, and found them a most , willineittid 'Obetifehi , esoort. They escorted him to the quarters providedforldinat the liictitguant;lloveraoKaq privata , r repldenee there ther - warepr4sented - and tiiived . his - moot ''gracious - titan° wledgeldnis. The 1 wild , i'ierand /cm givens a, qatlontri,W UllOOl4l Highne rermated the bay guard,tO esoorthOi. to the /err, Nehloh` they - did' in the moat orderly 'gild uniform style.' • 74-1:n4,.19,V4 411XXOlp;Xo.a.—,Tha : great meteor of the 20th of July ,was almoat coinoideot with the etitialififonheithl pheboniation that 'co- Marred tro,the Emit Indies.,.: On, the: , l4th.'of that 11,01 44 , 0!P1e0157,E•,.114.t,the Inhabitants of TihirmsaTah, abojiit f tweelve mdes„aoiith 'Of the gre.- , nite •ts.e.this , of •-the , Dhabladhar mbuiitaine , wero startled by the wise oft la 'moat ~tertitla explosion, which. lasted ab,eut minutesand almost per suaded the hearers that the W hole of ' that reagni fienattanga wee falling' down. 'TheSolitary cloud that was rsible_had_settled; upon the highest m jbeak, And - fro !ttel direction . eome,thing ,W 8 ,3 nears). irtAilrt o gh' the,'air so"nearkhe earth that -all hands were involuntarily taieed:toahleld their heads. An instant after, al,hugm klask , lnawt:was seen to fall. in, the direc t ion *of ite path about a •mile'iwity!-' The sp6t 'tree at gado v - Mted, - and ar. bonanza Week, apparently , alunite; ;mitered 'aver PAOylub?tp,lrek Asql.:lll43oA itselfAxee feet and a hal into the ; ground. when dug out it liaa rani &'6 en IoY-holdhithq 46- that please ,brokemfriddit oOnlchnothe.heldin thalami. Two smaller plece4 f tht ,B iik4 l kilid , felj,,lllitkia two miles Of It: .1 . 1t6 Strnotere,'Ot thh granite corm. pondi oittetly`althltletlef thalsianniaine, -and' as they are..eftrerecb, , oi mategmaggested n, r onloottire that 'the exproston 'tore it fiOni 'the le - 0, "1,600 feet high; trl.carrieScl,itattitivalniliwahMtgh the-air. ;Dia 4xiintioW.'l79 to Itvaeleatilipeßillayestisated. Tiiimi; is to bo. a now,cometiglibia4itita, - with a superb erciAtthe,entranoe , It ie mewed i pleeki the Vritieroitediemeleaiif COldiftbarwithin the etch: taantrce,leith a ellaereoTeKtileife width tosoribed twievese of4Altithet, , redalta of „hie euccosetul enterrise.. A becneopepit!tp Ce 'umbra tabe erec ted tear bq.. ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers