;S I.I . 4 I 4 IEEKAPRENIIEV,vey,.: , hatemituikatituiri isimpATisittirmutiv Veyoitli4 . 4,64trigir. : :1 ' 1 b.,2 , ! - 01110*1146.i . 40. 011102.4UX'OTRINr. 'PRESS. tilde iOis-Vfxso,payoblo to the Corder. SailsOolkotoofitotro oat of the City ailh,itioitaisi! Fois'lNktiss 'Sas Italie lionise, ''',,*14104414 Si Six StoS!iii;4sirariablibiad c.,,, 7140.0.,ike.the5...90 . 04. , , 11116W1MILLY WEBS. leigettOildrodbiel Oat or DriDity it Teams Doi, 1 .4 40 :PA #49"., T4Qh I A-iti+.l9 . lLlas DIBROHANT = camemirr - • naIIOPELPILLI. to ruk WV* row.: OLG, I O, 'NANCY ' COATINGS, lINAVNRB BEAtsms, BRLTB, ESC. 1114LITUSA. *ABEL, ORIBIE4NT, PITOB BURG; ..11,9YALSTON I - - - • Yids ow PAN9Y .iOABernfERES. nun' ramorMucis wikateitss, ee rtrank LWIN 6 B, vlarriztoo, Ufa KM, &a LADIAIP CLOTHS VELVII79, as VOA; likAgO;li litsaninii3oN, mai misiinimi Ra KVAOHANTS 104 IttX NELPHiA-MADE 'GOMA CO.FFiII& Co 116 011118TERIT MUST. Caw, bitikopookogo, Ms following dosoliptio AMERICIAN GOODS. ./4411WARD LIU MD Ul fain KANUNAOTURING 00.41 MINIS ; ;, DLEAbHBD , AND BROWN BHSiflI GB, EIHINTINNEI AND plums ' • - .0814144.48, MINIMS, AND maxi ; :60Rma MAIM, suggei, AND NAN CAITIONINS AND PBINTBD MUM; . •.• , ,,RIPODNIBLAND Id:NUYS; . r•PHuADNLPBIA LINEINTS AND 0111IONN; otas AND aimiosisess; " ,% --NN0N.0.40118-AND . - Aiiit-'4,IXIL AND UNION 'CLOTHS ; .itutagAink,lool.cupanullum ; ; 1 0_ 1 0 1 04 - DATIMITO AND' UNION' CANSUNINUNI; , catiitlteisiTB9.44.. A. wl•Jm VIV Asa iN tO . . , .:701U0141! Air EITATJOKISLI , "•-• „ ot'sipds•s, in mat varier. , • • Piediorwl lait,?noted TABLE • COVEN* - , '" , siciO Criarms. .13.1ittfOltAL BILrEtTS. DOMINO, ilk Wadi iad Twisted COATIN9II. bibs zisplyiroLorai L . • misitnith alifforsia FLAN- 'hist/111 1 1MT CIAIPKTINIIII. air - 411COLINeRilli , is , *MUI R ' _ , . 34 Hasty iiioffilitsfmtv a!,I ~.. . . ~ ,-,p -„ . -.. L . -, U LETITLI liked. JULI 4 IISERY 'GOODS. • T< 1860. WOOD, - ' & • ~. AilLollllBilillT -BM* " 1 1• 1 ; 11 1- 5 .:*- 91 *P -1°,0 ! 1': ' writ Air Amp suir , 'Pi O` -N , 'l4 'EV 8 , 0gX 1 . 43 ‘0 11 4; PII:ABONS„ BrAlitEß , BATS. ' rkiisatat kif eele id in the eity. eeltl-tsera ' TJELOS. RANNEDY 411tE1R9. ODICSTM EgREEIr,jIEI4IW EMITH, Haim Opooeil !OMANDID ADDOITINENT of ?RENON FLOWERL lifttatittali; irasom BONNW4,NEATICRIAILIa, ALTwinw swam RACTIVAND VAPS. NZW HAS STORE. , , JOHN E. FOSTER. - • , Mate of 11i9 Baia Vhipi atkrot,) ,- 3ta4nat Mora at NO. - 381 CHESTNUT ST.. AO fitted It ama_aparlor thei atlienliaa ° ! llia/ /ri P trenff m Ar4n,Evrirokiks,trtool :HATS AND CAPS. sr law tall soles ea mach adialred, FURS. FURS! , - FURS!' :C}:EORGE F. WOMRATH. .n • 1403. AND all ARON' , 13TREHT. Ibis now Open A. FULL ASSORTMENT LAIDISW= FURS, -To winch the alloatiOn'of tie Publio n Invited. 00.3-410 ,KELL4Y - , & -- pp:, TY, , TAILOREI, 31 aid 33 BOUT4iCiIrTit lA/oqt Barg nor 114111VXD ?NMI eim64 a, • ibotbor vithikisilleimilortsint of ‘ l : 7 9e iotin!P/ 4 4 1 PS' 00 °P 11 0 , TO wide!' thi isbliq air iovitoSlO oxitautiti. 11100RE.,1 - IEZESZKLAS 00 • ' ' Atm Now Omits ' Tjislg , ,BALL' BZOO-1( Of nARDWARE. a9y:ii - LW4,V,1% and tie'c9m,ll...tos liptEsT. 71MRDWAR11- PACKAGE' IiQUPEN. ____ ..___ -4 PAORAWI LIARDWARBSOWIL—Wo I mg ' ' fit a .- •r - . ' tally eon tho sneptititof the 0•16- -, Lte oat eltinisive inoak. of Bo: 5 1 . seta Tvgtaa. Thiolori•,ol:er „a; Ai oral' Ordo or root jmporrofielfoi4ed grade da tive • thes in mite Om, N i lppli t itriwl2 are. 411 albilllVßciatieet, importing 110 COMAtilliefi Meretiine,nnd Agoura my Fortr and Down° Bordenua. .• , - manual SHOEMAKERCIo; Rye. - • • OLADA,IPADFID,' • 'VILA ADD lilortitted gem iroVIDI AND NANAkININNE. *JINN GABT4OTEEL.B.PLLS. ctiviumig, FIRE ' : ALAiDtd. wfe POl sALl•iur NAYLOR & 00.. aordSTERCE emit 119 eIiItIMING AND 'STILL 'CATAWBA iPol. moat. • , - -, • = INFAVOILIMMED es J.. W 81101.1 31 1. Chia*lld.Ohie, ltisfiNiMmieendi la kistoludeistempe, by • OWS InltAfHliATAkicksinit. " Wad* tittlaaVl ll o Xg A I AD Y, .44 - 4 , .` I flitsigarippeCM4sl.l%. ikaq , iil6l*Aingy f '* 1111110;1170.414 ) .0:Mat f ra• ; ' - ' 4., • , . a iellepialgarrAi 1111 4 " 11 11 17 , 1,4 ATV VOL. 4.--NO. 67. SILK AND. DRY GOODS JOBBERS WILL OPEN, MONDAY, OCTOBER BTH, A Month line FRENCH AND GERMAN DRESS GOODS FROM AUCTION. The attention of our oustomers is invited. JOSHUA L. BAILY, IMPORTER. AND JOBBER, No. 2.13 MARKET ST.. see-If . LAME AND , ATTRACTIVE STOOK , - FOX FALL AND WINTER BALER. • SHORTRIDGE, BROTHER. & CO.. ' • IMPORTERS AND - JOBBERS, 420INARKET STREET. and No. 415 MEROHANT OTHEHT, PHILADELPHIA. l o w mat t : ha v e, FOREIGN and AKE- , DR Y GOODS. selected with a view to the interest' of CASH and ma m a MX-MONTHS' Deafen, to 'oldish they invite ine attention "dine trade. N. A FULL S - TOOK b eein POrVIIINATELVVLig 1 1; e found elsewhere. Mgt exe cuted groutpDsi at LOWEST MtellinET CLOAKS! CLOAKS 1 TO WHOLESALF-. BUYERS. EVERY NOVELTY OF THE SEASON, AT . - THE LOWEST CAM PRICES, IHrAlorohanye own natortalomade no if desired. HENRY - riirENS;, ast-ttn. - ' SIS South NINTH Street. W. LITTLE SILK GOODS. if o. 323 MARKET STREET. nug-3m OIEL±iFFEEI. STOUT. & 00. •• poimint AND PIONNATNiBILY 600138. NoWAD ' No. 8211 MARKET MEET. MARTIN L WOLFF, FORNIONI AND DOME/1M DRY NOODA. Cash and prompt Kt-months' 14yere, ei au motions re invited to an examination of our Stook. M O V- . L eonseuenoe of the destruction by lire of their Thin BTWT 82011, YARD: GILLMOR E. &do , . - HAVE REMOVED TO' NO. - MO CHESTNUT . _ • BOUM RIDE, ABOVR WM, /1311.117111.781 A. .', 71101 04 6 iit1i0 4,0 0 11 i - - NEW ;STOCK SID* AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, BRAWLS, %ova, ALBSONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Vonethor With 111 LARGE AYLlOLTitilltr of L: * STAPLO 4ND 1 0 .07PY . WHITE GOODS : INIUMOIDERIM, LAM, MANTILLAS, Le. 'its' vies neitive but entail tattion of their - 1 6 ,4.4.4 Of.PORT4T.IO" ereek — Peie tithe ere, 1101 ars foamed to dimes, • A ' NEW STOCK. to , they invite, theattention of their Customers wed Buyers esnsiatty.. • one-Cm =AD DAMP" OKAY/ fieolis. WORTS,- .A.USTIE. do IgoVEIG,H, IMROWIIiftB AND JOBBRILB/ DRY GOODS. 110. 811 MARKBT Blreet. above Third, R°vereteAtre. 0 ire e toVelge, PIIIMADILIMAs b Haden. aal4m pp WOOD, MARSH; & HAYWARD, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS Alto LOT ki IN NO. 309 bIRRXET STREET. to t;eleind Winter Stook now Gomptoto And riiN.2o,lllol pAPER-HA.NOING. (PALL TRADE.) ROWELL, & BOURKE. ailing removed to their new Store, • CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, Axe ,now ereiared to ogler to the Tiede a lane end elegiust assortment of WALL PAPERS. RORDSRS, - FIRE SOREERS, WINDOW CURTAIN GOODS, Om, AU of the flawed end beat designs, from the low eat indeed ertiole to the finest GOLD ,AND VELVET DECORATIONS. &Withers( and Wester w inerohents do welt to 'lei the establishment - of '• HOWELL dt BOURKE, N. E. CORNICE FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS auld-ent , PRILADEL,PRIA. GAS FUTURES, LAMPS, Aci K MU:MEM OIL Of SUPERIOR QUA ; NENONiNE. or - COAL-OIL , LAMPS. CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, &0., Manufactured and for sate, at - LOWEST CAM PRICES. by .'WITTERS do CO.. No. ign NORTH 216111711 STREET, N. E. °or. of Filbert, between Market end Aroh. ISAAC! BARTON & CO.. imroßrEns AND DEALERS IN SHOE STUFFS. MIMS AND ENGLISH LABTINOB, GAL LOONS,./PATENT LEATillat, &o. Mao. GOODS FOR CARRIAGE MAKERS. Re. 3S SOUTH BECIOPID STREET. Philadelphia. aulFam GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. G _ _ !„I*ITLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. flow opecing._o_gwire amortw e r tioveltiett for iltrencris t EUREK,A, BOA TIEBOAFB 401LbAR4, PLA I II(PIintB T RAN 11 1P•ariti ataariart i n :4 444" TVZ 6 lVe hicl' EItITNUT thy ' 4Ayi dopn i t l itaiP i the Conaenti.;, Irc9lVlAti , ^l7-101VIPSON, & CO., INFORTERIS AND JOBBERS OF OABLICET-MAKERS' MATERIALS, • 938 SOUTR SECOND STREET. Bromiells. FinsheS; Damask,. and aver,' -diadiatior.Cit 1 . i upo,and'Ourtais Goode. 2191,114 m MARTIN & QUATILS'iI • 7°'49M-Brvergypoiettor spore LID MAAIIMET, e. :' " ~. J.,s'.S'l .1 ': . 4 - 41. 1 :.' • • , , ''`. '1 i '.: ' —..' , .'. : • -,.- - . - ' -.- . -. , —,',, `-ii....o(i' ' 'Pt , / " ... ill • ,''-' -- . —-. . - --, , . , ' 401 IF • r ..-. „I -, ' ~L n • ' " , ( '' .:1:1 V,i . ,r 6 ,1 -,. .i - ...P-..k. h. ' ..'•;%.,t, 11 , , , / ,, _,,..., !, 195_...„ 1. , . . . .. . A _.. ~.....S„iiirtg, r• P14 4 , - - lea , . .4'. - . , . : " r—„Ta' '...,' i 7. . 1 ~_ , '• r .l ' v , ..W . t ., .. ''‹ . : :..i.' ,'. • - ,:.:.,5 - illa , . I , I ~-) •• . ~,-to ..„1 - .• = . ~, . . ll „ . .-• ; . : 4,. .. ~ A 0, ;.: : , r:, ,' . . 7 74 . , .t ... ,. . ' :F" q . 14 if : i . ri . . ~., ...,. 1 J.7 1 .r. , .ofetv . IMMO -.- l'e -•<-..`-` . - .°' . .•-• - •'.. 1 - ' : ::ei t c c l.. • •-,•-,•-• . . ~.. .. .. . „ l • , j , - . L..."' " *... ' . ''' '.....--...-..".-.. ~. r. - '....-- r.... -. Y.' , :: : '..-.... • • • ' ..: r, t P . .....r7 ., i' 00 ' ' ' '.., t „ - , `....'› ;' - • . ' ''7 ” • ^."'""".. ........LZ . { ..". 1 : ' t . • ' . ~ ',3 •o ' ". . , , • . , . .. , .1 • ` ~ - . 1860„ WHOLXIIALII DIMLXXX IX $34 MARKET STREET. PAPER SHOT FINDINGS. CApPlE l TS,p44.4pgais. BAILY BROTHER. - No. 920 011813TNiff STREET; • AN INVOICE OF - .EZ.idLISH INGRAINS. Just opened from attrition.. Price 76 oents a yard. - DAILY :& Bit:OTHER. VELVET OARPETS. No* opisn;the newest ;adorns dt ERVLISR VELVET. CARPETS. BAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 ORESTNUT *root. TAPESTRY riR'USSELS. We now oiler (Or sale the humt assortment of those eopulir W 0 4. 4 1 9 111 at - ONE DOLLAR A YARD. DAILY- 8c 13ROTEIETt, • N 0.900 CHESTNUT Street. BRUSSELS CARPETS. Of the beet enehty, invest variety, at N 0.920, CHESTNUT Street. BALLY & BROTHER. DRTJGGETB) CRUMB CLOTHS, &c. The most extenatve stook we seer offered, in rill width" and sizes. BAILY & BROTHER. ' MATS. RUGS. &e. Azutineter, Velvet, Tourney, Brunets, Wool Tufted, Cooq, plain and bordered, of oil sizes, tn•sreat v&nety. DAILY ea.l3AOTHtli. sail r thatu-Sm No, 920 CHESTNUT Street. BLINDS AND ARADEs. BLINDS - AND - SHADr..,S B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET. Is the most extensive Manufacturer of .VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment M the My, at the lowest ;Holm STONE SHAMS made and lettered. REPAIRING promptly attended to, - LOpKINO GLASSES. LOOKIIIG-GLASSES AND PICTURE FRAMES, Of every varlet,. ENGRAVINGS. OIL-PAINTINGS, AT NO. 896 ARC)" STREET. GEO. F. BENKERT, MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER. • PICTURE, CORNICE AND ROOM MOULDINGS. 002-3 m , Wholesale and Retail. LOOKING-GLASEINEI, PORTRAIT AND 7.11, ENGRAVINGS. OIL TAINTING% &To &c, JAMES B. EARLE & SON, IMPORTERS,. MANUFACTURERS, WHOLE SALE AND .RETAIL DEALERS. EARLE& GALLERIES, 916 OILESTIVUT STRI3 B Ir, Ptulsdeivids. lUMBREitkg. , SLEEPER . &':‘I''ENNEII„ WROLZBALE MANifFACTURERS AND lIMONELLAS AND PARABOI.4B, • NO. 546 at mARIEBT S TREET, TLADILM. Si. no, winking worn •quin - - irtra nantasa DIII7IIIIIII . *ASIXTIN6 Or tINHEILLAII of erns Elsa, front!! to SO ICC • - ' ' ' ,Daziaawao nava. not nod Wllinska of goods Will and tkelr time writ spent in as over Ms Will-made ih stook,Whiett includes ZANE I.lo9 liy l TheiNotvat elrwiters. r , - - • au2l-140 SPORTING GOODS:: GUNS' 'PISTOLS. -' SIKATES. &e. PHILIP WILSON & CO.. MANUFACTURERS OF SUPERIOR. ouriet. Importers and Dealers in FINE GUNS AND SHOOTING TACKLE, CRICKET BATS, BALLS. Ice., BASE-BALL IMPLEMENTS, SKATES OF EVERY VARIETY, FINE mama TACKLE, AT THE LOWEST PEWEB. 432 CHESTNUT STREET. 002.1 in SEWING MACHINES. HARRIS' BOUDOIR SEWING MACHINE. No. I—ron FAMILY USE. No.2—A NEW 31AVIIINE, FOR QUILTING AND HEAVY WORK. Both sew from two ipnols without the trouble of re winding,sutl Pans With little or no noise. For tutle at No, 71I) ARCH Street, Philadelphia. and No. 73 BALTIMORE St.. Baltimore. Md. 001 l 3m THE BEST MANUFACTURING AND FAMILY _ _ _ SEWING MACHINES I. WORLD. AT M. /SINGE K. 80 CO.'S. oce-Sin No. t3lO CHSSTNIIT Street, WHEELER 8a WILSON. SEWING MACHINES. 69 CRESTNUT EITREET : SECOND' FLOOR. )718-arn WILCOX& GEMS' SEWING MA CHINE. The great anajnorcaning demand for Moon & Gibbs' sewingMachine is a narantee trPxvPr4l„ • arAlfalEBcararehz,o a U4 CABINET .FURNITURE. FRENCH FURNITURE. GEORGE J. HENKELS, 624 WALNUT STREET, shier. opened a large invoice of ULE, QUADRILLE, MARQUETRIE, and ORMOLU WORK, Which he will sell at very REDUCED PRICES.' FIRST•CLASS CABINET WARE. GEO. J. HENKELS, 624 WALNUT STREET. Offereat ' • VERY REDUCED PRICCES - .• The largest seteettnienl In the Union, all of New Deanne Call end examine before purchasing. sok 3m CABINET FURNITURE AND Blli. LIARD TABLES. MOORE' & CAMPION, No. 361 SOUTH SECOND STREET In connection with their extensive Cabinet sueineea, era . o w mincynrbittlu i t i sy l p:t r rnigale 547.01 And heyetnow_oniindelpl ppity4shedlit i t i lt OORE & CASIrlUrt 3mr kW fn 0 U ONI!, , are pronourwed, by all w o have moil them, to e allot to an others. I. the quality an i l finish of these Tables She menu -0,,a nye refer go eir numerous patrons throughout the ' mon,wh oare emitter with the character of their Rom.. aug.ern W CABINET WAREROOI4B L OFEND THIEI WEEK DY K. J. If UllllB, No. 45 DOuth DEND Four doors alarmP O Ohs/up:ma. A arse assortment of FURNITURE of every descrip tion constantly on hand, at the lowest gash prices. • 003-3 m • FAMILY FLOUR, MADE PROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, 0.. H, MATTSON, ARCH sad attPets. BUTLER t E. • No. 112 BOUT It EMIR threat. Opposite Independence Einem, Oonduoted on the European plan. A.:leasable at all hears. . setaAm ' A. IL 'LUKENS. Proprietor. 7INO, - GROUND IN. 01101;1,1ft and kliAgAia PHILADELPHIA,, WIittSDAY, ; OCTOBER- 18, 1860. , . THIRD STREET JOBBING BOOSBS RAIGUEL 4 la O PQ. IMPO*TERB AND JUBBIGkegOrs FANCY, DR YGOODS, No. 187 NORTH THIRD STRUM, " NOW OFFER TO THE TRADE AN 1./NUFUALLY ATTRACTIVE STOCK OP 'GOO; coMPßist:lo BILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, WRITE poops., EMBROIDERIES, idtoEB, CLOTHO, OAS SIMERES, VESTINO9, - -110- SIERY, GLOVES, AND TRIMMINGS ( -rz,,• Together with a full and varied Moak of PALL, AND WINTER SHAWLS. To all of whioh they invite the attention of CASIi AND FROMFT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS. - oot•Im gopotteuzL. Moon, & Co.; Nos. 220 •••• • 11 , and 299 N9RTII. • ' ' T H.IOD 13. . 11 RET - e • RAVE NOW ortai THE FAHHEHTAHD mow COMPLEtE • gtOog IF FRENCII, ; .OtD -.IISOMESTIO_ .• DRY •4 , 6.0 D 8 They have ever offered, and tatirlich the attention of: o,Atil It AND SHORT- ME le respectfully solicited. • InFr variety and completeness in 6,11,14 depart uniorisseelf rge g r e c tan et cl i t t e se i . ndttoentents , to buyer; JAMES, f , SAIITY.E. 61(10,i IMPORTERS, AND JOBBERS or . ; pRy goon§l,,i NOB. 288 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET; ABOVE RAGE,' ' " Renpeotfully invite the attention of Ruyan to Welt usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF I FOREIGN AND'DOMESTIO.G6QIII3 - ,'", Amon r *Mob, will be found a general aegortirient pf PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, i Also, a large variety of newlitriArionirteditylai of .; PRINTS, MERRIPSAOX IiECONDL•kc) aun.rm A L L ', . ' 1.6(k COOPER. PARHAM. 021",7 WORK. i tyi, , . , Importero,ltlnpnywdurers, and Jobber, ofi ' HATS'.. CAPS. PITRiS. saiD • : , . STRAW. GOODS, 'i NO. P 1 NORTH THIRD STREET. below ARCH,' PHILADELPHIA. i 6 4 'l , MILTON COOPER. ', - .•WId. M. PR M. ROBERT,D..*ORK. , I • pi' Fall Stook now oomiletn and rend, for b*rer.. nul7-fini THOS. 'MEIZ.IOR KG. ,e NORTE. THIRD STREET ) , 1 1 _ IMPORTERS or 0 8 Z.E it "St It . SHIRTS ADD DRAWERBi „.- SMALL WARR& as) Tres. Mitloa, JONI!, 14.1404, EDWARD RUNS, • ' OWL G. EVAltei . • anD-3m 'Ps attention of Buyepi • FRESH • • FALI., GOODS. RIEGEL. 13AIRIE), -co.; IMPORTERS AND ARROW _ or DRY GOODS, No. 47 .IORTH::THIRD STREET. Would respectfully invite the attention of the Vide to their LARUE-AND WELt•SELEOTED f Stook of FRESH FALL GOODS, Which theraie now opening. We are daily In receipt of all kinds of freak and desirable goods. , Call and examine our stook. ser-rm SOWER. BARNES. 45,00.. BOOKEVELLERD AND PIDLIDDEIND, No. 37 NORTH THIRD STRRET, Lower aide, above Market Street, PhiLadelybta, - Invite the attention - of Dookeellent and country mer chant/ to them very large stook of Bolo* klooks,pub- Itched In ie and other cities. to With Nue g 4'.°l.V.k, Hooke Payer, geT; Mg% {generally. a., whioh are tree following • , THE CENTRAL GOLD REGION, • 'BY COL,. WILLIAM GILPIN. (Late of the U. E. Army.) ILLUSTRATED' BY NUMEROUS MAPS. One col" Bvo, bound ln loth. Price elan; and a liberal discount to t ,it t trade. ie This book pronownoed tit oat wonderful, scienti fic, end ooinerehens.tve treat on the geography of our contment ever pubhahed. SCHOOL BOOKS SANDERS' SERIES OF READERS. ~ ' BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHME TIO. `— . . '''''''.,...l3 eta. BROOKS' NOITAI.A... MENTAL '''''''' BROOKS' KEY fo ' MENTAL ARITHMET TICL. ota. BY E. BROOICA, A. M., Professor of Mathematics in b Pennaylvania State Nor- Liberal terms lot innatil troduction. WHITE'S -COPY-BOORS, BY T. KIRK WRITE, President of Pennailvsiiia Commercial college, PELTONS OUTLINE MAPS. This series of SIX SUPERB 'MAPS is now adopted In almost ivory school of note In the Utlion wilier* geo graphy IS taught, and him no equal. Piton $25 for full sot of Fox maps, or $lO for set of hemisphere maps alone. anB.sm . . MEPICINAL. J R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR. WHEN OLIVE TAR IS INHALED its healing BeCIRDlie odors are bronOt in contact wish the lining membrane el" the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBA AND ALL THE AIR-CHUB ON! THE LUNGS. relieving at onoe any pain Or oppreision, and healing any imtatlon or inflematlon. WHEN OLIVE TAR IS 'rAKIN UPON lIIMAR, It forme EH unequalled Sootains and Healing' Syrup for Conan and all Throat diseases. r • WHEN OLIy,R TAR la APPLII6 Its , gnotto or con oentrated odro p yp powers rendet it a moat already ANNIHILATOR., • . Olive Tar is nor sticky—does not discolo r , Fifty cents a bottle, at 442 BROADWAY, N. Y., and by all Btunude. J. R. BTAFFORD'S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERO are &soluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur, identioal with that existing in the blood of a perfectly healthy person. Uniling with the digested food, TIM REVITALIZE AND PURITY THE BLOOD. WET IMPART ENEEOY TO THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Trial ITIVIOVEATE TEXT STRENGTHEN TEE DIGESTION. Titer REGULATE THE RECIIRTIONE by TILE DOM AND ARE A NpEGIVIc FOR ALL FESIALR WEAKNEsSEI PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A PACKAGE. At 442 BROADWAY, New York. and all Druggints. • ,• • PAMPULET CONTAINING T'imyrierciptans 111024 THE following and more than 100 other well-kapern• promi nent portions; will be cent to any addyelearee by mail. GEO.•Liw, Elmo Fifth'aPenue, New York, • ' Birdsall DAAPEN, End., Bankers New.Yark. Turratoxe WEND, Eta., Albany, N. Y. - Gen. Duel GREEN, Warifungtoll;D: C. Col. BAIIIUSI. COLT, Hartford, Conn. Col. CHAR. hies, 11l E. A. •• • • Rey. JoannA.Lzavrry_,_ Ed: Independent , New York. Rew E. BitIGHT.Xd. ENNOOTIOT.NO,Ydrk. Rev. D. W. ClooNX. Apt. Am. Bible Union. N. Y Rev. 0. P. A. RIR:n:IM lAttferntittai N; , Y. ROT. Dr. liamtaani Meter - , If, It. ••' ; • RAND FOR. A. LET. sold by all Drnailati: ,OYOrt at 004 Na; 232 No BECONDBireetiAyeete fby Penneylranim• ea9-2m NlLO:kit ' LiCti-lirl:': - ' : ' . . , THE GA61,416 iti,,Ttailk , 'TIIII4LION;inay be ma att.tetbA tritt 11 , 8M0 OFBtree‘; 1130,0Q0 worth era now In ape,' : ketitagteYatteetetittota Sha 00.teol. Ridge road, and otejtr hem retro are, new usingi them. We atte r arty filthy` xeroterfei Lair° Gas Lamps for 0. 2 .-AilOalitstkko*lik7tod.; r sikkt I lin.i/thrAgIIOFS , the , unipd State!. Vie aa .14 I ,i,infpt. 0, rime, trert ty feet fettife fort,* 1,6.0 ti idle. • • • ..:,.. '.it jlt: tit L ex • ;11.1.104, MAT 400 JP litrOlm puoyeilm,as. .• f1Lrr01. 1 , 4 7/7i -. ,- -- ,* • • "-, -,) :,., , - 3-s ' r. • VCIIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1860. A Dinner in Moscow. A low months ago, a very rich gentleman, one Mr. G. H. Money, commenced a discus -Mon in the . London Times; touching the Info rioritrof English 'dinners. Re might 'have 'filleted, but probably forgot, Voltaire's taunt Ihatfngland had a hundred religions, but only a single -sauce.. Every now and-, then; the Times getstup some popular dissuasion of this nature., Last : autumn, it was Row yew a married man live upon threeitturtdred pounds a year 1" next, itwas , nr 1# . 4 9 ' sanitary condi tion of greate,iliegiiseen Otst, upon tiro - Bal lot; lately,iuTotT theqUakfrand 'Abuse Of I'd bacco and j u sc.'nt l tvltili the delay paying the 4tdian',,,troo Vheirp legitimate • share of mi the spoilsdt dit:thd capture oftßelhi. Usually,,Wen hm;lietin4ll,7,din, CusScd in the Tithes by a variety of corres pondents, it is wound up by an editorl4 sumr ming up, and quietly disniissed forever; Mr. Maley has been more fortunate. He has.' writtensuch ,a graphic denoription „of IZusJ Sian dinner, that the-:Times could'nol re lif3o;to` publish it., • We,:,slibiein it here in full/ fur if 1e.J90 racy to bivabitdged • • • • '•••- L - Y 4 -'" - - FIR: • BottwtrideitgOittieglieitiert of hoir to dips was veettlaatirbin beirrireir,ltrid Many opinions ware ilipilsed thitelsrA.ktfis fo*if dinner known amindrus as itisar'atektriiSli ivas referted to, the . 4iterm iint.lyinir but liliteniore then ther thei l dishes tnitild be brought eiiiacitislitity(itnd not, s was 'usually done's/LT(IPM.. „I. sond .yottsteaosount of. a dinner Arhieh mas•lately arranged b 7 a few Ruesianmourmetrfor the•epecialintrpho of 'abets ing't6 Englishmen ' how one ban *mow the 'lliiper • li;'!:ab'd 'Welt :4itik necessarily in vOlvei twit cc y .a. de pins ..ausse. If you should think .it worth , insertion i it May be interest. ing to some of -your former writers and readers on the subjectr.' • ' ' ' ''''''''''' I would 'Premise that• the. hospitality and Warm heartedn ear of.the • Russians. :is- unbounded.l The coldness of manner • which marked their acinduot to re; at the time of 'the 'coronation, as compared With their 'behavior:tn . therFioneh, has completely POoed away, They.now look with distrust on the future destiny of• France, and they eortainlyl draw closer'. to 'no. • All ill , feeling•having disappeared, Moscow sootety-A-With, I am (Old, one, pa hags, littturia 49004u7:k willing,ta receive any Eng lish . gentleman.with open arms. Hence we have had several opportunities-of examining their din ners, botk in public had 1111)0/aid. A mixture of rrineh or:BegliSh usage :his, been generally ob satiable, but some, gentlemen, members of the slab here (to tvhieh me , have been admitted,) hav ing, beard 'that are were' somewhat of connoliseurs id thematter;deterirdniCie ishoUld have , din ner purely Ruesian. —Acmordingly the eventbame off yesterday and Is worth recording. . It was arranged that 'the • dinner 'shetild• take •. place at Samarcena's, the justly celebrated restau rant, and I was to have no'Voloe in the matte's., but abandon Myself to being taught, instead of teach ing. It was also arranged that the hour should be half past 5 O'clock. The usual hour was 2, 3, or 4, but it was rightly thought that M. Samareena would be more free at a later hour, and better able to bring' the whole power or his establishmbnt to bear on the important ;point of rivalling the cue . stne of Englandor Of Prance. • At 3 o'clock we were isonduoted to a Russian .bath, a long , and .intrioate but delicious operation. -The day was' Wednesday, and therefore tijour maitre. On that, day, as-well as on Saturday in very week, the poor aro not only not allowed to at, but they aro not even permitted to bathe The of course, can both bathe and dine. Aecord• ingly we bathed, and, having been duly flogged all over with laurestina boughs, with every leaf steefed, perfume -,--a meet wonderfu l promoter of appolito,:wo were en' eloped in linen, and,,reolin- Ing.eiiietifis, vieresseried with. gawk Ind,/alri t eep). Thlf tfaasit is 4 beierageijouriad of.ryettiont. t The lampopo an•javerdlon,ef the poet PuoksiN °mi ' paled of leer, bleak bread, sploes, and citroissnut, to tiro. Zack half of thee latter is balled IP O P O I laitywhielr, repeated frequently, Must give tam pops; Th 6 Object sought to to assist in (metinq the skin alter, the,violent perspiration ceased by,the flogging and the batli. -At 5 O'clock' Welted 'dressed, and arriCed, at ismareena's. We were ushered into two private apartments_ overlooking the palace gardens, and opposite to that, rate combinatiewof colored towers, palaces, enrolee; and domes tirming the raised plateau of the Kremlin. We seated OurselVes on the divans by the open windows, and alteria few minutes, nd exactly 15 minutes before dinner, two trays Were harried round, : the" one" bearing bread, butter, eaviare r and very small salt cuoinibers; the other vodka and fruit and cumin d'al asoh. The former of these is the native brandy ei the country,' made Into 'a liqueur by the : mix ture of ,fruit. 'The latter is a first-rate liqueur not unlike maraschino with a de- Haute 'flavor of caraway needs. The bread is very white and 'fine, and' particularly light. Everybody took a 'small piece 'of bread, about two mouthfuls, buttered it from - the! tray, Placed en it a small piece of enviers, out open a cucumber, took a slice from the centre, placed that on the (*taro, and ate,the Whole 'in his fingers._ A smaiLliqueur glass from the second tray atom ponied this. You are then supposed to have brought your frame into a state fit for dining. These trays wore brought in by tied servants, who, together' with those who waited at dinner,, were ao unlike anything we have in Weatera:Un rope that the eye of the.foreigner rests far More on than than 'on the contents of their trays'. They were, of (mune, in petticoats, like nine out. of ten of ordinary men in'Russia, but not only'llie petti coats, but thebodiaes also, thelatterfitting close around the :neck, the former hanging.te the feet, were of a pure white, with a while 'eash tied twice round the waist, and hanging down at-the side. Of course, it lo'oks very Wean, 'rind answers the first great purpose in servants. At half past five, to a minute, we seated our selves, and dinner was served. As we took our ' seats, and the landlord, followed by half a dozen white slaves, Appeared with the first dish, unseen music arose. This proqeeded from a gigantic or gan let into the wall of the adjoining room, which, withlis machinery, imitales.everY instru ment of the orchestra, from the drum to the fiddle, and can play no less thari the best part of a dozen operas. It is the work of a Russian, and 0001 40,0001. The first air it played was the Rama riflery, composed by Gllnka, oombining, all the Russian mationel dances, at each variation of which every Russian beeomertalmost 'frantic, and wants to eland up and jump about: The excitement owned by this lively air at public , places of amuse. meet is astonishing. Our first dish were rentlagai—open pales of a small trout lima the inland lakes (the best ere at Valdai), the fish being cut very flee, and lying in the path in a white sauoe not unlike velouth, only not so delleate. Those wore cut up by the host be fore us, In a manner known • all over Russia, the notion of the knife not only cutting the path, but turning it on the 'plate ready for the next cut One pate thus out and very hot was placed before each guest. When every ono had eaten half his pate the plate with the remainder was moved to,.his aide, and there woo placed before him' a soup-plate filled with what is to a Rues tho greatest and - most ex pensive 'luxury of his country. This is onha (1. write as it is pronounced) of starlit° and nalime. The steritte IS more like a small sturgeon than anything else, and if from the Kama river is much prized and t rroportlonably dear. The nallme is the egl-pout, a very rich and &Mite fish. Tho stook of the soup Is formed from pounded parts of these fish, which are then strained off. An entire sterlite (nearly a yard long) will only make soup enough for half a dozen people. The strength of the fish turns the liquid almost yellow, and the vary sight of it gives you nn Lisa of amazing rioh- liana. Two email portions Iron the thin aid° of the eterlite, and ono long bit of the nalime, are float ing in each plate of soup, and when the akin is removed from the former the delicate pink flesh below, combining with the yellow coup, produces a mixture to gratify the eye and the taste of a Sa varin of any nation. You aro to eat your soup in conjunction with the remaining path by your side. The next dish was between a Mayonnaise and ohioken cutlets,-With a creamy substance like a panto over the whole, and mixed up with sliced apples, gherkins, plums, almonds—a decidedly DatTO mixture of many good things. This was succeeded by beef piquie and stowed in slices, each slice being an enormous hunch of lean and fat, accompanied by a sauce whioh, experienced as, I arnOult only,nttorly . defied poWera of divination, but proved even beyond my attotept at comprehetisionlitt English, French, or German, the main eletnints being so purely Russian that no recognized term appears to .exist for, them elee where. Stigma it to sew that One ingredient in the compound Is preserved *sand haws, and another the wild soliberry, with us generally believed - to be poieon; while a third mist be mainly need as a medicine, the host gravelyinfmning is'that it was very goasiii;klAlsOf.Oholorti, besides wbieb I much. , doubt, everiwore I able to give you the receipt on extensamhetbdrinyone on earth would over try it. The next dish MI had was one perfoot in its kind, but sadly Misplaced in order—artichaux aux cham pignons, the whole interior of the artichoke being stuffed with mushrooms which had lain in fried butter so long that you were hardly consolous, Mit for the taste; that you had anything in your mouth. It was first-rate, but the - crenra-satem was a little too sweet; it destroyed the delicate combination of flavor of artichoke and mushroom. The above was saooeetted by a dish called bitok. On the plate placed before you was a ronnd and flat dumpling of meat. The interior was cora 7 posed of veal, mutton, ham, and bacon, beittnp c with the folk of eggs, and ehoppekvery fine, and made into a fiat mass in connection with etas ed onions, honey, vinegar, and Imperil; the; *Sole surrounded with fried potatoes, stoned olives; peas, and etiood lemoni. • ' Now, one would think this was peoullar enough, and I am 'afraid of baring your readers; gat really : another dish itois so remarkable, and so' unlike anythitig-ai yet known to science, that Ydu must have it, •, f • Take the dregs' of 'more teapots, eutlhos tea' leaden uplas fine ai tossible,mix them 'iiith large quantities bf PoundBVshgar ; pound a' ‘dole'n salt bithuitilleinnto ti irniefit nhtliait t .a "cloi . e4nbie into Olgifefliiliikeiii'eiiongaimie istiler rittii , of theiiinleinAllillil 'then mix it with two quarts: of guess; and When cold introdsice into ii large, lumpa of ice; and, after inserting the tuieim in a, 'bedding of ice' in a saucepan,,tiOrri the whole (saucepan and all) as nearly' ciesen as. it, ilin be made. , This remarkably appropriate and delicate dish (bging a pale'green noun I . f tea, quails, and iced eibumbers) is called 'halo 4 ii.., and delights many a Russian heart. ' lAO'4 on the plate are l b introd d small square 'Places of fish, whielv is shorit I only thing Wanting to - make it rriore in con'grtio thaitc'before.' The ,Russians 'fia'y it is very l•effirielirksoni; which I'understand t mean, that ybii oininat the more after it: To nn Eglisli -1 man it should- like beginning iiipber',agiit , arid i that irt no pleasant form, 'lt ls ic medimes State of things, as In thereign of 'our Aririe, whe e soup name In as the foarthoeurse. ' There followed after this roaated • ryab6hicks, with broccoli and Cherries preserved_ In theirijoiee. The ryabohiok Is a bird peoniiiito Analog a lit tle larger than our partridge, and iilieqt in haver, and, when kept long enotigh, very delicate, 6rhite, and good. This was succeeded by raspberries and CI, am . and a sort of blancmange -get pique wi th isfratr 7 berries; and the whole wound pp a selebtloii of preserves, preserved stalks of lettneai, o ndied oranges in slices, preserved rind of man ? and -pre , served rose leaves ! The wines were aliefry, medoo, ,then, a 'ober Bordeaux, pert wine, Burgundy, cherry bandy, ; and (after dinner) champagne. Now, to a oonnOlateur in these matters t many things will 'present themselves as not strictly se madam anent; but still, If you omit the Bateinie, and the order of the other dishes be somewbet changed, you would have a firabrate compoiltion, and, area its it weir, it was tin excellent dinner. The great, principle of, building up until you' come to the severest dish, and then down again until you. come to the entremets, is lost eight of,: The arti chokes coming in where they did Is a grea't mis take,' bat this is a common error both in Nor Many and Russia I dined the other:day at a general's, a short distance out of Moscow, where the. same thing occurred. It was, however, the only mis'• take in the course of 'a long,and elaborate dOner. Again, some of the mixtures lath - Ooongrutina to British -Mates ; but the truth' is. - that taste changes with climate, as any ono' inety ,lettrit Who, tastes iced salt cucumbers on ilratUrrlvlng iri Rus-, Ole, and is amazed at the avidity with ,whieh he will oat them a fortnight after. Every stneker knows that Turkish tobacco is not the sane in London as at Constantinople, and that the best English cigars have "not' the' same eaves Irrtlie - East. Hence let none deem har,shly of the above dinner till he has lived a nionth 'at-Mewls and eaten the same. This remark, however, does not apply with equal force to the junction of wine with food., Port wine, with the etztrid of a dinner (except in sauce)lis an equal felinity froth: pole to pole; and 'wheii wilt -twin 'Fiknoo in Plitionlai, and Earopegenerally;` learn from England that • elithinpigne• alientd be drunk' -With 'readt Meet; Introidaged as an tioniths after dinner tiherri brandy- was ftrid:eate ; I totted some at another dinner in Mos cow the °that' day which was bought at Lord Grin sale in 1850. It was very good; but a:Rue. gait sample by its side was infinitely, better. The main fault of Russlan_dinners is that: they place' before you too numb of each' dish. Your plate-fell is that of a giant. A little of eachlpiat, and that little good, is onegreat Secret of dining; bat this the Russians will soon alter. They call themselves a new country; but, despite our anti; quity, I should be misled to go to any public place id London (other than large hotels) and or der, among dishes peculiar to England, a dinner that Would . rival that of the Moscow Philippe. I have dined at the club' nere—they have a first-, rate ehef—ao, modified as the tastes are by 'forms; broUght froth Paris, (for they seem to,thinX that, except in roasting, we know nothing . abouf England,) the dinners are excellent. Aparo bow. _ever, from this, Russian cookery id not inferior.te the general cuistne of other countries; and, abOVe all, I: see elements of invention ittqpng tiiei..itt the grand desideratum which will soon make them for-" midable rivals anywhere. Our evening closed with two more specta4tos— one was drinking yellow tea, at 365. a pound, in a tumbler, with a slice of citron (in lion of milk) floating in eaoti glass. The want of milk in the Crimea wan loudly deplored by those - Who wore not fortunate, enough to have a goat. It might have been 'compensated by a few lemons, is any one had suggested the change, for the roughness of the tea is quite removed, and ita taste, especially When smoking, is far better than with milk. The 'other speetalito was hearing the so-oalled Dohemien girls slog. These are the Russiangypslos, ,b'ut, as any - one will remember who has read .Borroit's ea,- count of thorn, the sphere to which they heie - at-. tained in Moscow, is so far above that in which the remainder of their race pass their lives that it• may be considered a phenomenon ingypsy history. This exalted sphere is attributable to, the simple power of song, for they hive no eduoation and are infinitely too indolent to loam ; neither would the personal attractions of a few among them keep the mass whore they are. Their songi are in Russ, but In. a •dialect of 'their, own. They are profusely • intermingled' with shrieks, which, though harsh to a foreigner, seem most captivating to a Russian. The novelty, however, of their peculiarities was only on a par with all we had been experienoingfor many hours; and when I now calmly recall the entire day ) , the only conclusion T can arrive at is, that, iiriwever , different from all we are aczustonted to, Moscow is. a most enjoyable place, and that every Englishman who hoc the time, like Caner, should "come and see, and—taste." I am, sir, your obedient servant, G. 11. M. Nicolaisky street, Moscow, Sept. 13. P. B.—l would only add a thing that surprised me muoh. The whole conversation during dinner (other then such parts as related to the arr„of dining) was on English modern works of fiction,; and each ono of our hosta.was as thoroughly al, courant of evety novel, front those of Walter goott down to Adam Bede, as if he was not only an Bak. iish gentleman, but a literary one. Buell works, and many others, are translated into several Rus sian papaya , direotly i they come out ; and the club hero takes in no less than thirty•throe Russian papers, fourteen in French (beside; German), and five in English, The Times and Fitch 1)0140 , m, and a New York paper a third. , • It io not our intention to comment upon this feast, described so much coo more. Mr. Money's evident enjoyment of , being duly flogged out of his bath with laurestina boughs, with every leaf stooped in perfume—which is "a most wonderful promoter of appetite"— will :make some of our own gourmands stare, and so, we suspect, will the subsequent cram ming with guess and lanapopo. • Moreover, the Batoinie (being a pale green soup of the dregs of several. teapotsoluass, iced cucumbers, and square lumps of fish) would astonish pur American diner-out. The Rinisians belieroe that this charming dish improves the appetite, yet it comes in at the end of the feast, in a most illogical manner. The finale of yellow tea (at $9 a pound) drank out of tumblers, with a slice of citron, in lieu of milk, floating in each glass, is decidedly original. Mr. Money's remark that a Champagne should be drank with roast meat, and not be intro duced as an incubus atter dinner," proves . him to boa man of correct morals. Should any intelligent Amphitryon fancy a Russian dinner, on the model of the above, at the Girard, La .Pierre, or Continental, we shall be happy to assist"—in the'French ac ceptation of the term. By the way, the hotel whiel first breaks through the affectation of disguising its dishes by French names, and calling them by known or equivalent English terms, will deservedly become popular. Is not Potato-soup, a more sensible title than Fotage de Pommes-de-terms? riotthdiet-bread More intelligible than rzs de verity? - , TWO CENTS SPIRIT OF THE SOUTOERP ' ESS. UNION, OR' DISUNION. SAM HOUSTON FOR 4141 UNION Slidell no longer a 14iell-Worshlipper , . . We continu o -the extra'oto from our Southern joutpaleaiii:lleative of the let:ling *long the'peo pie of tho l Booth in regard to the "recent petobof. eleotion : :' .' '' ' '. '' -' '' i CLENCFIEII TEETH " EIAVZ I. Atlanta ( ba.) I:. °retail tiiter,'Prookinrid se,l - f Bliaci,Penisylionit •and Ohio have spoken out upon the greakpolitiodquestion ot.the.day)ll their home eleettons,.it It a, general obroessionAat,Abe Lincoln ninsfbe our next Prelidetit r Arid this has l i prodrOad alliffsferet ElTOCitfrliffernAn tin 4; for ; while an overwhelming majority deplore I others in our very midst rejoice over it as the Gen wawa. Lion of their distontest hopes.' inert: is a eoicled ronjeritynf,thig,firlt olass,lhewever,- and;; ho-are the, trge inhabitantsOf -the Soup, Red .1 q ,rep,i 'ploprieiors-ofili 'ibif," rho ' i have - with, ,n pen sham, beadle' with: olerieltid't4ett:C.: 4Abe4 L ncoht, so help ,u Heaven, sAglimpesbipur:Pre ,idont ag~aVITBAWIYPA. upn ill*viliasTqufrillg , POW r: . tit "Atalidini • titlint in Tex a s . - ://in Pieffl. l .o434r a Lam askant, age o '' tt maxi a; 'whinkriiad itrddint on' libreetniak hi: ten toldw...nlietwaimiketuout eC p4iriotigm nob,ly am!taine4. and - pli.iaieet effort. ',lle and the whole MitlateMbe4A r. - for:havisig him homtilt frithAlMmi. SLIDELL NO LDNGER 'AT TEL - ELL lion. Joliet Slidell, linited Stabil •Louisiantty haglinbljaht4 anP44rM, of, tho ilaftedStitea, in IThietk the ' • - • .• • ' There leas a time, and that; toc mote, 4ellow-oftizonof rim' the trot upon thy - cif :with painfutdigaohanc untiOunded faith in the 3 perniarntiritit deny,: anCrtieetedr , a ratiimat.thl mere intimation of the, piisaibilityl The'Unionhatd no,moite de I at iti shrine 'than licirben, 'a =the. ieiana,l took,tuy, spat is the g.epel 'States. "'My vie ws on that sUbjeor undergoing- a gradual change, uni , greas, , LbaraireluctantlrirrisiAtat. that unless some great, and - ,•,•t0 run, lan, iolutioPshill . take idade ,in the sentiment , f the free States, lire cannot with' safety and hobo eon; thine the connection muohlonger.": f . : ' :WALKED ON THE BANACEND AND MOOR 8.! Tha AtiOtrits er, .(Brookinvidge;),, of - the thii lie m a place, gives a brief report of espeeelt by.,o ceral .19 . akker, ,of ,that:Atate, made latelyint 9 vipen 't G i p a r e l t n ' g ift , i .l e n ily .f., : ainier , dale-county, from which aex , ' "In' reply ' to ,the'question, ' , What Would he do if Lincoln -was' eledted;r- Gee,' W. , said, , drilwlng himself up to his fell hinghti and bailie: oublimest strain of eloquence, that, come, weal °roods woe, so help ' him God', tie would hot s ub mit ; anti t at be would, take the .. banner- of- Ike l.Cronstitutio and plant it whore the honor . r safety eat the So n IN e- I t mended, and that he would defend it with. ti life and fortune against' lisradens hr' Moors ?' - an- , .ewer was ! noble laid grand,' atimobly.SWaa . t any' meted by the crowd. , One old gentleman, hose white 'Coke and tottering fortis indicated t at he 'bad inn his- , this& score -years arid ;tee , ailed Gen, NV. to .his chair ,; after , he. OlOsodi end , with tears running down , his cheeks, said,'! Gene , I wish' I' wag young ; 1 Wetild' light' and di with l e i Yout". I do. not • bonestly4eireve, except- t q or three Doeglas:leaders, that.there wen, a ha Ude ran in the crwd that dissented from Qen , elk er's speech. ' ' Our " people - aid 'now lhorbighly aroused!".: '1 ' .• ~ r , y , -,.• :-- i , BODTU CAROLIS/V4 FEMBION Ulft. ! Charkle top I)le.r.agry i .11Keak.] The question of separate 8 . 500,881031 South Car olina. Inr the'eventef 'Llnooln's • election,' iipd other States in "the' South failing trilead,heing peel:na ture, and net sobject,for, e.e action. before the Aegis latare, has not been made. an Issue In.tharriss. We believe that the' delelation;'alimitt to a man, will voteloarnethe State and ealLiState conven tion, and,nlace South Carolina by,the:sideof Ala -beam Ode readerswili remember that the elo• , fernor -of , Aliberita , ie inatrefotiMJ to" , lisnevar ti of election, , and EiIIIII2IOV 4:oonverition of the_ ieople of that Stateoyithin forty days after It is seen. iced that a illaok Republican id . .elieeed. tol 'the' P rest, ,W.3l4l,souvazarrens .13EIC7$ IftleMehis kopealillou4las.J, - . We venture .to predict that not one M sandy 'all - the ' Ofaett..lioldetis- South will decline' W . continue An!billee: in 'the of Lincoln's .elootion. °Coarse of the us bold • and •out•spokee ilvglahrek satisfies sts we pro notivrang tliie,opinion. .:t N ,"!XW A "? 4, iff'BN ll Prisf Utioa Observer, DbOalas I , The attest:oi 'rdsillt of the Pennsylvandi lion does not in the least% disputes. ..0o hearted Demooracy of the Empire State. E where' we • hear the ; note ef-,preparation fo great contest that awaits as, and exerywher Democracy are : impressed with atleeper so the F?speribilityotthei,r•position, til,noe New has becomi the bittle:fteld of the Mites. A DIOXIDE PROGRAMME , V 4031, GEORGIA [Columbus (GEO Corner Stens, Wo. hems for • - a long time vary little that tha Bouth would , ever freolietrtraltiro domination o!•; the North; but within.the las weeks - our hopos have been greatly revived. believe now that the Union will be dissidired' - oolnahoold be elected, ..,,, 1 . ,-,-, , - .A good many people are in sear ofa on,hern `Conyention 'for - that - purpose ;' we ateopliesirl to 1 amt. Tim' 'best itlan, 'ant I ;the ,oaly age,. for South.,Carolatatz, or Alabama, or illiptsts t, to go ,out. We are sorry jo bay that lien° hot lieve that Georsin *lll- tako the lead. .flurlet'o a or alt' of those States move, and • aeorgia'Will ea port them in'it,t and, when-the iserte cornea,- JUICE mild . be neoesSary fo fight; 3ve think that thio gran ma jority of'our (Athens Would sh'rink from tire i ea of Peiping .the .13Inelr. , itepublbiona to . murder their -old friends and neighbors...A . t all events, we want to atm the experiment made; -, AN luszitTiriiNT QuEWSION ArlD'nOW IT it AN ' - SWERItta.: r • . The Nashville - Patriot•(nell) - rdesser the L.-ga mma= ad pod - clam, upon the liismphil .editors, as follows : • , "-We expressed the opinion' last ' Week,t that should Lincoln:be elected, he would contin the present Demooratio office- holders in the South in offiee, and we 'thought it - quite probable that none, of thorn 'Would decline to' servo.' Wis: hit , seen nothing from any 'oft them yet to , causetrutto ban don or modifY, this, opinion. On . the other and, 'we have 'seer soitinthing to stiengtbett - it. f The! fire-eatitig'ectifoi of Itte' , 4infrilistre , sia'.iliteater at Aiemphie.. , The •Appeal;, ft •few-xlitys ego, iplied him with the following interrogaf9ry : " Do'goa bellithAatit'Stnithern Man iian!hOld °Moo 'under 'a' lilac& Republican Adininisttlation without . ' pair-disgrace? , and if 69, • weuld ! you hold one yourself ? " , In response; the Af;aMnche (Breckinridgej said: " The last interrogatory of the. Appeal wb re gard as an unjestigable effort to drag the private affairs of tho senior editor of this, paper into this discussion, and we will rot dignify It lOW a re ply." . . .. . "EreAlovernor Thomas, - of Maryland, spoke, at Lynchburg, Virginia, a few days sines. , Th 9 Vi; - ginterngives the folloWing of one prep, ia,h i s Odresa: „ Pitiaing to the - consideration of the subject of 'WhiOli he watt infected to' speak, he said' too much ,impottance:wes attabbed to•the Presidential!ques- Hon. It was magnified by those who expected to' personally, by its result, 'and by these who wickedly designed to make its result, in 'anti vent, a pretext for.•attempting. what they bed been aspiring to aocomplish.for more.lhan a guitar of a century. Even if bir. Ltneoln should fortunately for the country, elected, there teoutet he sic just foundation for ihat`degrh of cippre henston; eoneernin* .slavery. T ohieh, asp organtzed;party in the South,. of whose he intended to spec hoped to use for thetr•mon. 'strait, purpb'sei. • Oar governments were not con solidated, governments, The :papers , of gqvern ment in this country, we all knew, Were not can sandaled, as they are In Europe, in the hapds of individual officers, No President of the United States can carry into effect his own individual wishes." tN. 0. Courier, Breo , Well will it be, if, hereafter, the citizens, ef dismembered republic, onto , constituted on the harinonhlue principle of fraternity and equality among:the suffragans of the 'sovereign , Stares of whieh , lt was composed, shall ,not have pause to celebrate this occurrence as ono of mourning and lamentation—a‘dtes irtz i the tale to be °haunted ,in gloom, Mod to be told id sadness and hureilia tionramid the fitful glare of torches, and the eed burden 'of voices which itukirri the destruction of an edifice of which George Washington was the master-builder, arid' James Madison, Alexander Haulilton Roger Sherman; and Benjamin Frank liD'Were the overseers of the work. For, the people of the South, we (amely° that the Immediate question " for solution Is, who is the candidate who moat clearly and directly represents' Southern feeling and interests,, And who ought. therefore, to receive,Southern support? We, feel that' that man is Mr. rtreokinridge, 'and we there fore invoke for him the do - divided vote of the Southern people The contest,. should rysiteiday's accounts be confirmed, is 09 longer for the 'Presi dency, but imply for tho prtncibles of the Oonsti• tution, and the rights of thellettth'under it. THE CHARLESTON ROtTHRS TO`•RLAME [From the Newborn (N. C.) Progress; Dotigias:l Pennsylvania„ Indiana, and Ohio having gone for the, .ttOublioana,,there Is no use - any . longer in diagnising -the feet that the 'election of Lin coln,' by the people, is almost a eertaintf, and if so,det the country hold the Charleston bo tars and the present tyrannical Administration responalblo for the conSequencee 'which may fellow,'whatever. they may be. • '• . • • HOPE PM NOVEMBER. Memphis Enquirer, Belli By our telegraphio report it will be eeen that Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Ohio have gone for the' Republicans by large majorities. , The returns, couree; . are not full, and material changes:may, yet' , appear. .•01 - Indiana and Ohio, no otheVexpsaia t Ron was entertained than that, they Arotild vote the -Black Republican ticket; but the • newt' from Pennsylvania Will not _lle hooapted flnelly ' until further corroboration. 'The Union prospects will be somewhat din - dried, Should the Keystone have fallen from thaaroh ; but still, in-the Presidential e l ec tion, so many great bommeroial interests enter',‘ w hich are, not etflottd, the Blabs eleettamlbat we eland not despair of the encases of the Coma rational Bllielitieket SA tlasembar, TH EAMERLYEBEL Tax W2II.IILY ~, b e aele ' bpa — byinib., mail(per Amam i In advaipedfit. *Leo a , `1"" r ea " ' • Leal Five " " , 8.00 Ten " " 19.410 Twenty " " " - (to one Wren) 20.0/ Twenty 001202, Drover ifolmilow l e of each eubsonberd .--. r 1.20 For aSlnb o4Tinenty-one 'or. over. we will wend ea extra ooey to the jitter-nod the elk& iiii.7.Ptanineterveri. reoneited to let elikelabl tor THY W22XLit Pll 2 / 1 2•• - CALIFOII.7III4 ITESce: laded three think s Monte, Yc time foF the California Beefiinere . .'f ; • le I 4( The Primed' Weleldnioni; ilia tubes. THE GUEST ornaroovszeroicor AEW YORE. - He Meal :Haagen at allioet - relit. HOW: THE. ROYALISTS P.OLL:SE4.P/H1 ..., , " 7 ^7? • , t At Wei , i niiec:zne_d:edep ftiltatat.the, ma" t o a 114), end' he ; )teiftte't 'Await,' .L. l'bet..ledieteald that It Niiierthetinl, ..0 .. 1140. ...-Pigs; 4 4 4 Weesaillie. The 'otlldireori wi ' ill a th l eP - " *Add coma bait like itititii:; - . - &cm 'We keep the oedeli attiring— olt,—,:li the eaitt so 160 ff - aid then r ' `spfe i tha_st the hoe cent recreation." The Adin. , And did sornalldwoliiiiiii. 7 "=Water' etas y toted to have-‘ - a- tatie L tVithiniir_ aitli streegei iriie'le ere - 14,4**1i: i: i . - who Melted thePtitide were' ll 'I 'v..' ‘.! Why did he 'ret,ese ?" I 'beEld'ftieri et ''.‘!, ft 'eeause the 'Duke Bald. taiiiiii teal ec'''..; - ,e,qireted the 0 counhlttiy.'-' A detiAT Cello llOwed, midst 'gene. !ral 1;1014 lip of 'ttie efr t '' v 3 l ity 4 , l,,.iepA - „ ig is by the - P§k4 1 ,44444V 1 e-Flair. ' twriyaroll, lawny - hediy... Any of our IPPWAtea p t i pitholasiairstr, wad wee ,Altleaild ~, l at,arlkatkeref qine who," part.u, allwAr t tax = 0I . 1 !' - cMi/04 t a stew, " ;:.:1 1 1*. Viii ,Oh HOsralaus fit.r: _Ara oKolinidniitas Pnitleik ups, -uf a.C9111. 4. blAlmbo.l l l ab leg .mor4.oellees47. -;51.111"3"thill 'himself,' golly ',eketretijrtlei in do laWlieie,iftliee atileg' the or Um 'tenet anilitaktit Off Mt edit like Ike 5 1kis9rlkiref#VdoWt hit - ilitrilts m 7 thitrithipteref'hiniaili.l`Dr. dell hp rellerforiesehredsa; and' KW likely brinr:tertelnlyrkin't rollito bit or to lone tekeethe anialls or:Tt-iay bolts, spAsausatelyegenereitydaudiag hh the, getters upon either aide of * the elenkftekg,the small ; boy who seta 40i...happen to tepple .over€. All of cit,,dpilmsAhe ,peiforwanoe, and last inciser%of ,elterobblisis were or qinsuined,:affoka of maeitaront befog .eattliWa t - Ferttapf,this latter part of .111111 e Is the ieitatMktioleifter all, for ihisheorlaeat3grealnfieonitikatailtb4dl the " o TiFito galiPtaPlO ?all, rail p artT NI alieirg e'er !!? I FexPla this init4j ttii . ... Pintii.ixl4,yss RISS rums. oeftewAnd suite left West Point at 11 o'clook on Mairdey foieneen,An.imme!ele crowd iesembleCat" the wlltif,ceritteitgerly pressed about his lordship,' se he Was ehontitebki therilirowedl. As the.panielipremiwhieh mail fitted ;utile? the 03058 i90, Blipped from A. kit•AcKlrielft, , A.lsead of oheerawatigtvezi, to:whiob the; youldtfal. Ord re sponded byritmoiiegths etirpe*ellVtieet Wag upon the: assetablett . thientionebf :those graceful bows, which fume beeculec bylifinuerit naot,relmoirt a second nature in pie. 1 ,- - I_l i r..J .... - ..7; 1 ' ' . assent asicinsf vtuinolivir:, All alenrths snide ithegreetesteatimileafe Plw veiled.,Tiss9eople; linekedther !lore owl lustily obeerpd royttl:ps, rty, as tlitrtesse4 ;Apes were tired 'with a 'prefect V:01'6101041 oretaveweenses ; and the Stearebohnt;ishielk Were . v - eiy nuatAe— tu in the vicinity; favored hisio'sdaldriittlt hug sereeoha of their:goers whnitlesoseillall the while kept 1, imitinsal,!elasgor.4,belia. In abort, froth( Weft - Add P. 4 1 41 17 Yitk lota. Wag ono prelim* d*rition. iSNTIIUATAShf AT A bulletin iras'ROSied that the party had left West Point - at 7 .21 O'clock Arid.'wonld be there - at 0; sad the strode; Wareeonfeittesest filled with, people:at, 2. , o'eloolnishorteld se wan until nearly, b ,o;eloels ,b, , ropr. 4 Ero7lllillillor ar rived: ' E v ery pallable_ spot Am, the ',harm was orawded with speetetoit - The ahippidgWaS gaily decorated - with , flits, thoea OVEnittanWsisid - Ame rice predominatidi .:dSitunbare-Of‘grattrelter boats went down: the ver.losiled atititielsonleers to meet the Daniel reit and wh,*atust,the suieuxibotit 'appoirt. -- iistWitti.dWfiee 4 7 tint wnd bar. ! --• ' • Upon • the antfal:at Ike.eitt:tpreoestion was formed, with ten compel:4oB,ot militam and, soma civic) antboiities. .Itteatime, Me in an ba- Touche; with Maygr Thatcher', ;the toulrecof New castle, and Loll Lyes. F. At , lettriLltyleitasaad people tine& the street& from thvriabdkites, Geri 'rase Ball, but no, eirottwae.apecteAn rffre after Ute carriages, Ind &wantendettleAleeenun 3 was ob served Lond °beers' Wank Itiveitilisosiitiage rasetNapilg, *Mehl EW0111"0d...0 the Flsge irefe waylni r fferii tie eicg_bif *Dela. van hone; Gongreim.ll'4ll4ll inbN . 1 4 511 % and a largefortiotriethejbo_i - a i so4' route wens deporatieFWithw: vent ally that tan- ptrecirommin astoaktiteeelem•- : The - Trines :mu qieteethictmt ldltbarisaaosthio camiser;Arhereermartiintialer lea4e of , - the , . deperrtkentri , tienidloteffew land the lA. ~Aftar genneel;intiodnetkony eleven/et Morg.miAdditneecialie - Prinethmloikiio -."Lento- itzerreavVv fa#viemeplemmoretowei. come yeti to the eanitathoo tberStettrotZterYerk. Yon havd admrin thirmithepatervite lONS- and foreign trade; lea trilL - aellterietihit-la!4 . 4aalay Important-4h* channel otwerfietidetievemancrmee and thavettril seat of our pabliciddostitoti" To this the Princelistaited..ettentivittn: and no tioned to Lord , l4Plkik,lßhO Baron Bearew, desires , me, to as he Aint ac cepted ~bir einarteene Ineitatlen gtei“ plea sure, FifflViihnifillititiClati* . p*liediNt yaw convenience, to view OW pdhilowoEltei't -" The Prince thew tunnel: to - flaneterri Seward, shook hands hcartily,with him, erni,.wpt evidently pleased to Peet tqm. , - tory the. the .e of ink lIR INSPECTS-Ig' .;.IaBLIC DUILDIA43I . I. Leaning on theldoxerner's arm, attended by tits suite and all the,ollier-gnests, eantioldowed. by the orowd, this Prinoe'wentirt - and - opt -4 0r thiGll'enate acid Aeseably Clidattiers?arid thenoW-t&thi- State the ' 7ooll,4lw r it4 PEl ;flowing,nnyt all Were left in , the &WI ght • bust of Ite,Beererd,-the swords of Etmseral.Nrostli, the Asaie papegg„Land - the!sheivelaithirOia becks aro to be when Nl' library his obtabied - them, re ceived the notice bt , the party Who, , prtionded, sur rounded and followed.ben tiemendettantowd, went .to the City and State ;jialls,i ind•sitbsequently to their quarters at-Cnngrem-1141, Whorir.they are lodged in the West "sumpttiodi ItylC,:ddrttonnded by works of art ablieka f - ' In the evening the royal part]dineff et Go vernor Merge:We. F. 8.'0'011: invited , Kriegel were preaent.; !an& among; then:the Ws. 71911110un H. Seward, and the poypTnoeli, ataff, ILIAJI[I,3IIIO, As,l).47amtplen . After dinner Lord Rentreyr..retnrnefitt the hotel. The apartments retietked farNSlaidoldpind suite, of Congress 'bp i :id* Irerylpgatrlkr:fittbd up, and einnot tavern( tie .Later in.theire'renling• 11161tP mrafillmidnated, and Lord liantrgor . ,7faa;aqvitatadnd r b7 Potforth's band. lie made - bia.,appp . arapae.on 110 , 101001: 1 7, as canal, bowed, Od'Ulta tilfiffd Uptld:thri cheers Of the poPulace-...• The Burgesses Corps' has been• ordered 'but by the Governor, as an escort' for the Brines. The Luke et, netroestle.ssys he , osn fi..tat,rte words with which to eAprees t 4 the'QPletin:th,gratilica lion at the. Prince's' repeption; eicept.that she, as Queen, could not; holier Ewen' dorribitinsi, - 'expeet to receive greats homage than; hae - beetapald to her son in America..'. • ins.rninc IN PORTLAND. Lord Renfrew, 'en arriving hi-Portland, next Saturday. soon Rita noon; -wilibereeeived at the Motion". by. the; Mayor, ,informallicriad,Andet h military escort, will niciOoll. - td..tito Yroble.Houee. The rondo ifforel'.ail ahiple opplirtnnity to see the Prinoe - and no riitbanE tlie - notessity of a crowd. After Ulrich, it Manlipostuithetrince will drive through; sown of the ,principal otreeta, and ni around the proenades,,ancterebark. Wore dark. The whole' demendtratiotif Ina .be á' iicilet cha racter,' thi `ruilitittY-cavort -being 'the - principal public [maitre of thi!reeeption: - : nanick AND A 14.14 W TORE RirORTBR The New York News 'say,: hir. Johruilahon, a reporter_for,theNew York papore. and. who has Written and composed some pretty little flail/ids, presented...row! or hie productions to - tie prates of Wales, on Friday-last.'Tliey were„; " MyThoug,hta are of. Theo.'? "Smile's -end Mariam" Fam an Octoroon,". and is".Chejlese: of Matihathus).' The Prince °sumac& hie admiration of the-pleops, and on Mooday tic, Mahon remind the following note from General Ethan. sealed with the ilat arms: " Major Generil Bruce is djrtiatett , iti thienk Mr. John Mahon 'for enturvipieors at own composition whiolt he has prerienterhfccihniuseept ainee of the Prince of *Wales,. and arc state that hie Royal Highness, pf:pieitecd. to'contplY'witithio re " Firrn-Afgattistlierftnilith-ticit,4BBo." Mr. Mahon serrilitlitittel3tifieltithe'y 4W-twenty years, thirteen atlaltiehaidrevradeilQiteeLViotoria and seven under .WißiaimAte,harA, George W. Kciid'iltioirr. George W. KendallY'Etit,dheilottlheWeprietors of the Ned Orkeine IPietsidn'e,a9tintrioiviesident in Texas, writes to that joutrial the folidWing rare graphs relatiVelfulasden, his late part ner, whe(was biat ' " 'eohnis Weititrafjytiiiteriay, al though it urea htFelfruarylakt, , thatl dttielt hands with soy old partnet ,Sanakritonica Ileched then , Pent a month With_ lie, and was on . his ays back to N ew o r t ea aa: Then, he :was rt, robitat ;.;health, with every indioation th'S,t he hada mire bf years still in store for him'; Withidif 'sickness, without any of the heralds whielnordinarlly an nounce the approach of deettirheisnalled maidenly away, and of all_the thousands of those who knew him not one shall gnaw . bliss Wire. "It was in tha'whiter 0f'1833 7 4, 'the office of the Notional -Tittellikinieeilit Witekiivtitt city, where We . were -butlx=theisi ampidredflntiti fast became i.equainleuyrkilkArgiiginAehnggldgmed e n. Born in North damlina,4 s 4.lo64,l4,Aaxelntlon. ary be hid - greed an,p_psF i ltiqp with the elder 'Gala th ' ter, at Raleigh; he Wasluoischt stAblii4l junior .04. 4 , a t, the, keelLegvputidtsush, podpiroxa the brat, a stronglittltiii,grat,Up4Aen us. e suet avail 41 tt„ I,ntq f year. We finally start "ThnWiluft eqv, and, 'fro. thatperlidpisuisioselmit biidaip ex isted hetweenuit Xenia Laraninn4leaPiirwhn of ,us has net g be.t, th.P.IMRO.IIO, 00Iedei,X11 by a long list ofgenerous and ennobling gailltlea, that all were targatten-as committed. At every social mole or, gathering he was.We l if e and Aoni ;at everrpolle la rtitehatlVAlll e was 'heard art.iig the IfitiotY_ arid whiri n ,thisTdti r of adversity Teti - upon filend;'l,llo4eg,t there to light bifwa7 through' theiilal aerliMe .Re •will be naisied leicevtOtleansOylllliiniad 0, and in every eltref thi Lulea, for, the itittlai i e? of his Mende wee • -.7. Tax - rEnnice - W0A*41111(411Ca =II EC= TIIE MEG DIEI6IIIiED-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers