, . Departure of Baron Renfrew. .' itiiiittliii - li-vire'"Witira-Verition 'iichii..''-' 1# rom Ito fifil,Hitarcaroylitst eirimagi I Daring the ehort stay of-Baron Mentrew in New York his quarters, akilietHltrioiverate Motel, Were the rest lona Sif littraollon Of theutande of oitt. zeta. The vast - throng, forgetter, Whose custom it is trillium - if-. the laid % greet &trot the feiat " begereiko 6 , 4 - 40 tbeir'eppeipinati, crowded-Maid athe' leading•to-the hatelthie (Mondays 'gambit; at - eight o'clock, for thee'patamenf' wit. nesting Ore Intl driptiftureifilleirst - Itenfrew end the distinguished gentlemen, who. accompanied . Tha thilingsoldegalke; and eirriagevonde Were all lila by a large multitude ;And the irindoWit of all the Siffeeint hoishia,Logettser with thole of lb. hotel; werwooaapied•by,ledies and gentlemen-the former' predoininating. , ' Dinestics Peeteit -teem &Rim, mid Momenta, disPlaiing their eurlositjhLi ' oroasiosially shifting their perigees to enjoy a more favorable view." ''• '..' ; , :-'' A prointrOurms' gathering patrouized, We i. aigii stoevaof, al - the, bosses near by, and, immovaby Mud, gu a rded the, 090nPente within . Tbs.°P)" constantly' rreeivert acoeislota, 'WI it membered v o v9 l 9llltheandi, and completely blocked the street. .Thitinterior of- the hotel presented a very bnia , and atlinated aspect. Porters Were MoVingto and fro with the luggage of Lord Renfrew and his suite.: The osoupants of the hotel - were on the pm vied AO witness the 'departUris'Of the Baton, mid • *Magid all the positrons Which were likely to,:gbie,a fall View of the event.. Tha several por ters located *ear the office of the hotel were 'em ployed . continually to convey epistles. cards, and verbal messages to' the Baron and his suite, hat 'the elated -intuitable reply which, was- received ',was, "too busy," " • too' buy." " ' -' • .'" Auld thle - soone r -Lord Itecifrow; accom p anied •nandford, Collector -Satan, and' his welteoantered the carriage whieh wee' - In waiting Arehart in front of the 'private entranoe, and pm- weeded to the foot of Hammond street; where the Harriet Lane was moored. The crowd' cheered etitbnlidatieally as h'e left the hotel. - Miami/to °appalled •by • Major' General , Sandford, Lord Lyons,' Dab* of , Newcastle,- Berl' St. 'Germaine, Lord flinch+, nblook, Dr.. Ackland,: Delimiter *Sebell;"and - others.' Three care, laden with the baggage of the Barak istok, tis suit, preceded the cortege. ." joins OW ,twAtilii. The pier „at: the foot of West Tetith,street pie. sents it very newel taped, at in earlihont this momirig. A •verP Lingo cmill,promirenotut crowd hail -assembled: there to witness the'departere' of Baron Ittraftlea end Writs 'for* West Point.. ' The , diatingaished party - Were to embark on board the Vatted States reitalut. dater Harries Lan ,e 'whioh ' had been . placed 'at ;their diodes' ' by_ Colleetoi fithstljroce the fodt of Hammond street. bat owing' to the 'very high tide that pier was flooded, and it wee therefore found to be impoulble to effect the embarkation at that point. -'A' great many persons bad .also gathered'on all the piers along the river ;neer Ake', place 'of emberltetion, and In test every place frog which . * glimpse of the cortege aould ' .. be 'obtained was 060ttpled• by - men, women,' and - .Andrea. -' - ' , ~ A large majority of those assembled were le.: dies, and Jr-mount that they, subjected themselves 'beetrevy,hiposventenee,- and -felt amply rewarded , 'by a single glazes Mika distinguished party. A! ,Teem eel poltestitere on the ground, and • kept the, -crowd trout iroPionling too near the,foot of the pier where the-cotter which - was to convey the' party on their, trip was lying. As this wee the last eheau that the patine had for liming the Baton* in ' this City, everybody seemed doubly eriximui not to allow-the opportunity to pass, and every artifice that' could ,possibly carve , to enable the - crowd': to ;g4in • better view wan med. Bons, barrels, piles of lumbar, and numerous other contrivances were celled into requisition, and some of the most ven turesome climbed upon the desks and rigging of the ships lying adjacent: At about a• grislier peg tin o'clock the word same ,that thi carriages containing the illustrious ' party were eptinmelting, Ind- every nerve was strained to mach a glimpscof the young : Baron, and, amid odes of. ft That's idol'," .i Dou'cyo'aee 'him," "'There ' he' is ;" Ao , the long-expiated carriages drove ott to the pier. The crowd cheered -most Amthindmideeliy, the' ladies waved' their liandkerehiefs And evinced their, feelings by many, demonstrations.... The , Baron frequently &Anew , lodged : the 'compliment by bowing, and• raising his hat in the usual manner. - The party, Imme. Mittel.? proceeded' Ur embark on board them Ret rial Lane," which- won -the British ensign at' the main and ~ the ,Amerlean colors at the peak, ,aml was Alm:crated - with a large number of 'flags: - ' - ' •.. i:--P; - _ , • ' •_ ' ' - As the Beimilitintlidi beard Of the steamer,,the 1 - yards entnerem'aityl a . rdyal Salute was, fired, whichweirifilionded to hy.a large'humbir, of yes eels in the hailmir. The order Wean off was given,' i saddle Burin Lan, withher ilintriont 'freight, steamed out into the stream;' an the 'steamboats. ealeing her by l um p their whistles and ringing tibiligirella WU' u p the river. • Awing the persons tm were -.Shiners( Scott Collector' Behan, 44golioreitmrelk Mir. lleartt;of Trey; Judge -43/ c a Mer- . 1 ^ D. tisurtaffr , Sliliman, te.- . • • The English stamen Attica and' Nernak.Ware ' prothiedy • daterated 'with besiege t0.414,(Mia-, day,) in honor of the Prince of Wales. A salute ; was also god as the Harriet Line parsed up the' North liver with the Prineeisid suite ea beard. - ', . , . . Alleged Coitspiraey to Defraud In soranee Companies. , . • Allan ? 01 Da7.4100D11 XVISCHANTS. - A Complaint was recently made before Justice, Connolty spinet Messrs. Roland B. Mary and Mame! -S. Boughton, Merchants, at Haland 200 Sixth avenue, charging' them with "consPhing 'i together to ,defraed, end,, by latee and freudn . but ,rentlagetations,' *beetles the; United States sad Jefferson Insurance Companies out of 5700 and ~ upwards., . : . „ , „ ~ ~ ft AppeM that about twelve - inenths'ago ii`gre • varied intim show window of 'the store oc cupied • Wee defending,' doing damage3o the **Weep( ,gl,ooth.or thereabooti but strange to say the seer-, cheats put in a claim of $3,178 against the inearenee companies fop coda destroyed in the window,ba. aloes m, motional claim ,for goods' band ler . da.; : awed on the 'shelves, to.' Tilers was antneernma of glO,OOO oft , dm eteek,orgoods in the. debutante' - Recently, Hire MABitialilaker obtained informa. ties la reepiatte timber alleged to' both been sus ' Wised by the defendants,- whioh prompted him to 1014 p an investigetlen„disring which It appeared 'that the Insnreato 4 ememodes, paid - Mr. Miley 'll2, _NC The testimony of clerks employed in the ' detendenta' atere'sheirs that at the time of the dr. • dap saw Mr_ Boughton take *lean and undamaged • goads and raiz them with the damaged stoek,'and mil theta unnecessarily. It was charged that this was done for the purpose of enlarging the claim • against thiplastranite nannies. - , .., - Mt* gentlemen aconite& were arraigned before , Justleetkumolly, and required Ito dad bail in the _sum of $2,000 sash, to await a hearing.;•-.Netp York ,Eipritn, laskettening, . ; , ; CINAI4DIAL AND CODMEICCIAI. The Money Market. ~ ''• - PaliatOlLPYll.l.. October 111,190. 1.. lively time was neerienesd at the Stock Board to -der ; State and pity loans *drawling Y . Pennsylvania italroadabares M ; Anil Pennsylvania iliSeriii i Long fidarldlii.Critawises and Elmira securitlea all pdvapo 'ed: the, ae4dese cent, bonds of the former company, solidi nit SH; the preferred 'shares IX ;'and the common 'stook 3i; Williamsport and Piedra tens seined ),;,'. anti the Moak I. . „ - , , , • The Money Maiket is 'unchanged. Good paper is 'wanted at a Mae - nun then bank rates, the bents ab. sorbing it nearly as last es it is made. The statemen t for the week show. steadiness in the line of kains, with email Orkin; off of wale sad defaming, - ..'1110 Chaim are orsimportent. - . :, ;..-:.-.- OFFICIAL BANS grATEmBHT. wenn asinators on Tali yatians9l.lllA seas. r: natal. : • ' ' seam& . • /14119.1. - ~--. • - ' Oct, 8. • Cot. 15. Dot & Oct. 15. -- -- ---,....... • !Weeds '.. 313,1 9 / 3 1.193) 115360,000 $013.0011 .91578,000 ' • • . • . 3 .( 1131 ,7 49 3,019.3 1 8 615,757 won ) •,.. -. • 4X/4.374 . 4 349.874 659.171 636,091 -1 , -,... 1.663.00 u 1,717.1 176,000 . WAX) •° ' . : Vg ..... - "1 1l 11 6° 3 7 . 1017 : • 2 10 11 6 " .r..1gn • ... 1003. 1,04, 163 3011,485 198979' lulus "In 701 7 ' IN 087 141 ,680 149.910 Town:ail . ' 875:484 585.960 iiss:tos 141 793 • eaters ' p 9.3.9• 038 ..-1,4.49 em sees& .272,281 k aWeli... 1,113.1170 • tar. am 191.910 132906 .., ....... 4.8736 . sse,,7os 155.979 153196 1' • .............. 1,4.1 770' 11,432 e 7 19494.1 344.616 FtW'a.- 618,019 013380 119 us macs on.. slims incite 77 101 7a.us ty,...- . -. 900.880 901.128 128,451 140041 ..,... vrairiltb . '846,404 581,468 in.sea 80395 change 470.753 • 467,316 51,487 89,00.1 - igret97............. 1161,667 - 641.609 78,903 ' 76, 969 . - Toad ........-.. 26 113389 $8.119 991 4,341.90 1,14/r.983 ..- I - 11 DIPOSITS.. C1RC111.4121031. - 01.1 - .' _ " - Cot. 8. • Oct. IL- Oct, 8: Oct. is. ............ F is ' . . ~: fn,roixoo soicooo 154,000 owo.00) • . '--1,3111_,ffl 1.840338 . 1160.014 -160 879 air 1,ne,649 MI A a 1 406,486 396 9911 ~.... MAR , 937.000 woo wow - .. 0. Wag 977112 nom .144.970 .. • 1008,010 9 3,000 114,000 - 111.1190 war ..,..... - 744.643 737.613 100 708101. 999 1 7 4110119t0n.,,. 196,670 , 66,937 152,410 147,850 'a TOwnshlt 101111 Clore? 86 . 9 05 88.915 artern„, - - eal 656 •WO 740 149 COO 143,735 .. & mech.. 701 655 466 930 1.0405 330 430 - . r0e....: 1 419 673 463 687 76,466 -80 450 ..` rd .- .- , 1,312313 3414.109 261.080 • 987.990 eitmen's.... 448 89/ '474 879 11$ 633 es" i non. 218 341 1173 281. 111,545 1. 9 054 - ' att.:- ~....... 494 989 ,WI 105 111.460 114 100 .„logrreo h telti • X 11.610 -.. eel 0-0 1147406 160,966 337.5411 SO 3.19 338 OD . -. all ........," .... ng ! 304654 riAli SON I nt __...-- T0ke1......... 111.109a83 16.796.008 i.006.ri14 3,016,063 The following is a stsiement of the 'risme - Aim:lBof thirPhilseirlphis eleariet 'House for the week eliding October $,13311, air tarnished - - by the' manager. George $' - eisinnss. Bilanees, Ost. 3.. —„," 84,033,331 17 , 412:431. • . 14 tin sis „ 5t14434 :all 34166 444 S 30364 49 -1444737' -. 4 . • 37x6.11761' NOVO 93 " •• • " *22.713.619 03 111.236 371 04 The along etas compote with those of previous .weeks aa tbllowe : - •• • Oot. 8. Oat. 15. • tisl Stook— 'time urt fra.794o3o—lne. 80 35 'itar 47 o _ , 2 :149,1 0 1: .104 13 :9 9 6 53 1 fars;*;e - rlike::: 1,708,960 lousleasj)00: Neil to tabor 3781 0W• 332 4,4 9 9. /p p: 69 200 16 579,403 io ass:. 91.0111 - _1,006.861-- 3 043.430 30, io.roa fAa cl 6l l° ir fitises . joimi t tam imitos • .1,425 - Mrs gel a §s i ee.8.,..95.9115 4,00,261 2,838,01 l9 4119 .15.7*10 2 0 &WJ* !,896781. 1590915 • Au [ . 6 ee,serterr 4.00,0 1 3 ,797,21/7 79,1189 4 . ••• „A6e 0,307 110,405 2 IMIAIIO 15,01,360 837' 4.771 773 2 .80063 ~16,101318 • tf.--.33.921,791 4 75 6 1.119' 2,820510 'ls 78.689 1 4 1 ;;OS 701 1 - 121161 - 11 - 1 m 8 21. 7 8 6 ; 17 • 4,741,04 288888[ 1,813 2.107.80."1216.40.02 O ° P. 11 "7" greoll V,1217 - La s tri' ' ' , 429 l 4l; " • 16,j86933 .41.itetairao,:o,a that , the belualk Valley Rail road constossy bytateht a - own:tor the 'vomit ending B * , tordof, blh illemaft ,33,991,, toad of coat, &pipet-13,80 I. • tali far the ogrrelipadidi Week lsee yls191•011001 for -:IM aesow?n; oosioateiseisit irloo. 0611194ea1, matte, • oil* too to - cpritamoilions - wriad#* 0, 1: *pout , loatioao . of lame teal 0000 to 014:>1 - ea? lei' of OE — *lawn t h e toot for _ .15;Y 011yi , . .y4 L.,. vPi. in I • KegtuateelOL Gore m et eseurltlet are reit _quiet. W. boessyrativato Caavott-Fivos, often, at 103 ThOlilitlrottd bon soto.edy. and o oat of the Nastera roa4s firativ held. The 'aqui qf the rale aro la good demand There are few, if aPT, UnseoOtemi on the - Market. Miahlitin (loathe - la Wood - are lota for higher puede. , ' • •- I,lloladelph4 , Sickik,',Exishange, iSaleft '• oobber 1417i4;799:111r,5. y.. 82411144 , 000 Penna. 97 1000 —. 1000 Oat:swum R 11100 do 1000 do .. .. 0)6 34% 1000 'Elmira °v tos,tos .34% 1000 Ileetonv#ll 10 6 CO City "(Mil MO • ;do .1'.....new.101?; :Ow City R Gs 900 do • .• .--10234 690 N Peons R .: . ,71. N 10 ROll4 l Ol a: ..;:„ SON 100 Ottawas* ' 19,1 19 Ca ./open R prof 1054 • pEtwEE iCoo .7 inisansza 79. ''ol R I WOO Reaillort (la 7. 4 b15" 1000 75049 7 4 X6otdine9jll R. .. ... 64 entainsaa R rarer 18 00 do 10U 100 Long, lea nd. SEOOND 4000 Poona Coop tfic. , :ba 98.4,11 WOW Lehigh Vai 60 ~..5 963 , 4 =0 Reading 6. 'B6.lota 77 HOD do '70..66 at 6000 Catawiosa lots WM MOO do • ....sawn MN 6000 Cam it, Am Os 'at fifip 1000 do '7O-44 90 200 Soh av 61 'U. 76 . 939 Catswi osa ord. Its -KU is do 16, 27 Lehigh Soria 4E6 AFTER NO Sohay/ I,llv 21 1 2 112/1 CLOSING thilil4elpdit666-1084 lON hilßflaß..—.lo2.4" INN Phila. aa....aew.Do3‘ loo tonna ba-int off 971 i 9710 Nead R.._ . . -234 2.181 961n0d.9131 92 Read rot Sea.. 27 773 L I rorot 41.10' 02 alma mt 80 8930" PO Clooodv oft 800 , 63,4 Or 0 01 of dvott..llB3o 330h,N fa 'B2 t00ff.763f 11830 Sohayl Nav Ira as .86 87 SohuyiNavEitls.- 9 • , Sohayl risrprf....94 20,/ Elmira 1 0;1 1/ , • ' Philadelphia Markets. OCTOBISR 16—Evening. Thera Is a better - feeling in the Flour Market, and holders are asking an advance on previous rates; 600 bbli superfine at 06.75; 600 extra at Sat 600 do Western family at private, bargain; 1,000 bbls do at 116.37)f. and WO DWI middlings at 84 ; our lowest figures are new Ile neraty refused for standard superfine. The trade are Wilzig at the'siSive rites for'eapetfins and extras, and 86.6067 for fancy brande;ae to duality. Rye Flour is selling in a small way at $4 21. Corn !deal le steady at $360 for 'Pennsylvania, and $76 bbla for Brandy wine.' w MILT a better There is not mud" talent% about 4,000 ha sold at 01.9361..36 for fair to good Pennsylvania and Western red. and 81.4161.46 for common to_prime white; these rates are now generally refused. lire is quiet at 7eref7o for Delaware. and Eno for Pennsylvania. Corn is firmer. 600 bu eoathern yellow sold at Min, afloat. Oats are dot; we quote Southern at sseso, and Pennsylvania 35*SM, and but little aolluag. Darla re scarce, and Queroitrou is selling at; 82760 n.. - C to OlTONi—The market is quint and steady, and firm at envious quotations. Ortoossits.—Ttere ie no change in Sugar and Coffee, and semen busmen doinc. Pnovisiose —There is very little dernaed for either Pork. Bawls, or Lard, and no alteration in either. Basra—There is very little Oloverseed offering. and 100 bus sold at die 70e8. the latter for new crop. Timothy is selling at 8 2 76 41r bus. - WU/MN-200 bole renneylvania sold at 223 iii ; 100 Ohio do, at 11.1 cit drudge, 21021fra'a ; and hhds, 22.4 . 0 4f" Philadelphia Cattle Market. OCTODETt 15, 1868. The cattle market (mahouts dull, and prices are about , the same. bat the receipts Me large again this week,: reaching about 2,Bll6meikg; the following are the ptsrll- oUlarf of the sale: 441satio Abrahainai Ohio . . s B Bloa9, 86 1. Vandersou. Virginia. 8. 89. A. Kennedy & MeCtees. Chester co., $670. 62 8. 0: isaldwin, Chester no . Wee. • 32 8. Kurte,Shoster °minty, 8808 60. 78 800tt & Kirnble, Maryland, 885009. - 65 Kimble & Kirk. Cheater county. 88 Ma 9. -163 SteQuaio& Carr, Ohio, sB ooa9. 69 1 , 610Fdlen. Chester county, 880850. 101 James klaFilleh, Jr.. Maryland, (1808 80. 164 Cochran & McCall. 87a9. 55 John Todd. Cheerer counts , . 8808.50. 168 Mooney & Bmlth, Oinc4ll7 Wee. 63 Xhaantierg s'. Co. Ohio, $80975. 61 1 NtleArroridgei OW, 880976. 86 & Frank, Ohlo. 0809. 78 Ault & Vetere, Ohlo, 8708 50. 46 H. Chain:Pennitylvanha, Vern 81 P. Wathoway, Chester county, $B O 9. 48 coats & Trainor. Chesteroottrity. 8808.50. 117 But t on & Payment', Virginia. 47 6008. 25 X. Mealy. Chester county. 080575. 09 D. Bradley & Wentz, Virginia, *tag. 48 Chandler & Alexander. Chester winery, 8809. F. Ridebaush. Pennsylvania, s ues. 89 gloom, Ohio t $708.60. 23 6. Darlington. Chester county, $7OB. 43 J. Keller. Chester ()entity, 43.60 e 4. 6 40U head kit Sheen iced, at the Avenue Drove Yard, at front& to Ib, as to condition. 340 COWS sold at front 485 to VOW bead. 1981 fir Doer old, at the Avenue Drove Yard, at'D out $8 to ar9 too s me. 1.260 heart of the latter sold by James H. Reynolds. at loom eerie Ts torstill- fed ; and 444a4) 4p 100 The, for own , horn Market brisk. 2.566 heed dr Hom sum sti ll . 0. Ipilion Drove Yard, at from $7.75,28.75 for ; and sBa9 4' 100 lbs for oorn hop. , New York Stock PIVOT WOO Zinn el '90........ 90X .SOS SON Virsru ts 8 . 65-00. 0 1,000 d 0..“ 90 10 i 1000 .., _ - • iaoo M elrohns Et ed.: 9811. MOO Mitioari 8ea..:.. 795; moo Jo. 10.4. 70 0 Brook'n Wat'r Limo 1090 Eno E jut Mte. —lO4 /611Eno ad Mtr. 93 99N13ne Rath 99 tg: : sea Bob & N Y k E bit MOO Harlem let Mtg... 10... 900 111 Central lido— . 01 1090' d 0...—. J..:..:'.97.44 7‘loo.ltin & bUno d 6000 Del & W let .. 1000 L Erie & W let M. 703. 90 Merithanta' 1133ank...109 6 Amenoto 5i8k..104.4 10 Marian Hank. 103 10 Park Hank......... 113 10 Metropolitan Hk..111.1,‘ New York Markets of Yesterday. FLOUR. to,=-Western and State Flour is In fair de mand, but the advanced prices demanded lot ship Ping brands - check business, and the market closes owes at the Improvement. The better grade. are in more no ton resuest..tint onoes are irregular. The sale. are 18.469 bins at *5.450560 for superfine State and Western; 666667254 lot extra Stare ; e 5.76 05.80 for choice do; 68606 Mr low grades of Western extra; $59606 tor oh imam brands of mend Noon extra 01 io ; 86 0607 U for trade brands do, and *Cater 20 fit St. Lows extra. Canadian Flour continues scarce and is quite firm ; choice extras are in demand; sales of 2to bbls a; Seer CO for extra brands: Southern Flour to ruiohansed: the demand , io fair, and the arrival. ere moderate: the sale. are 25r0 bbie at 8005.15 for Mixed to good brands superfins Baltimore, Sco., and 86 5002.26 for the better grades. CITY !TEALS. ' Trani Movismartire:—Tbe keen, bracing atmos phere of ymeertlar,ltnd the clear blue sky which pre vailed through the greater part of the day, were highly favorable to the shopkeepers !Shulman were out in 8 . perfect throng. and, judging from the activity indicated at the palatial establishment of Messrs. Charles Oak ford & Bons. under the Continental Hotel, we have no doubt that the retail trade of yisterday in this pity was ,very heavy. By the:wies this reminds as of a /act which must iiot be omitted, if we would preserve our standing with the ladies as faithful obroniciere of the times, viz: that the Mourn. Oakford have now open the most magnifieent and princely stook of Ladies' Fancy Fore, of every pride end description, that they have ever offered, all of their own manufacture and importa tion. in examining these roll winter articles, yester day, we were muck pleased with several new designs that are likely to be appreciated by ladies of taste. They should oall and snake thew selections now.. Eat= birtmlratCES.—Therto can be no greater blessing thakti to fie born in the light and air of a cheer ful. loving home. It not only insures a hippy child hood. but it insures a ham manhood, and a fresh , young heart in old age. There can be no greater mitt take than to Imes " fun" away from home ; instead of which, let ninth and nodal enjoyment abound i lot the fire burn brightly at night. and make the homestead delightful with all the little arts that parents atoned perfectly understand. Youth most have enjoyment, and if denied it at home, wall seek it lees profl.ab'y abroad. Haeitrare early formed, and none more last ing and enduring - thou those gotten up at the " one price" Fashionable Clothing Bazaar of Granville Stokes, No 607 Chestnut street, where a beautiful and valuable ,gift,is presented with each purchase. " THE COICTRAST.—The Priine of Wales and hie su to are understood to have drawn a comparison be tween Philadelphia and New York which is not flatter ing to the latter. In this city they found quiet Diego-nee. real subatenec, and true courtesy ; in New York they were jostled by a rode o•oerd, they were entertained la a rickety building. which partially tumbled down under the weight of a few danoers, and they were stared at bye vulgar otew. The royal patty contuse% all this fuss and feathers with solid Philadelphia, with ifs mag nificent Brown-Stone Clothing Ball of Rookhalrfk Noi. 603 And tAnl Chestnut street. above Sixth, where the most elegant garments for gentlemen and youths in the country are to be found. NOTICJES FOR COUGHS, OR FOR ANY DISRASR OF TRH Breathing Organs, use T. R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR and IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERE,which are advertised - in 'this paper. The Olive Tar infuses magnetism or vitality, allaying at once any pain or op pression, and its great balsamio .properties heal sore nem and inflammation. The Iron and Sulphur Powders, being a soluble prepstation, unite with the digested food, and enter with it into the formation of new blood, the'iron retaining the vital or forces in the blood, which in its circulation se diffused through the entire system, The combined sulphur commits the waste or worn-out particles of the blood into geese. which are expelled from the body through its Pores. by the . inereased energy given to the circulation. It is these wastes or Moro-out partiolea of blood that form Phlegm end tabereles. and It is their acrid humor which Irritates and deltroys the membranes of the throat, bronehial tubed, and air-cells of the lunge. Baud for a pamphlet. See advertisement in this paper. Sold by all dreggists, and by DVOTT & CO.. No. 232 North SECOND West. Philadelphia. 0015-1 r BAYING FUND—NATIONAL SAFRTY TRusr CosivAsiv.—Chattered Lp the State of Pennsylvania. RULES. 1. Money le reoelveil every day, and in any amount, Urge or 'mall. 2. FIVE r,llll. CENT. interest is paid for money flow the day' it is put in. a, The money is always paid back In 001.0 whenever tt fw called for, add without notice, 4. Money fa received from Ea'? ritto73. Rdministra tara, Guardians. aim other Trustees, an large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. a. The money received from Depositors is inv.:Watt in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first °lain securities. 6 OfflosApen every day—WALNI.ITStre6t, southweet acktner Third street, Philadelphia. )ell -.SEAMEN'S SAVING FUND—NOATHWESI! CO/1112a Escoou and WALNUT riyamsys.—DePolote re oeividtaemsllandlorge amonnte, from all °lessee of the community, and allows Interestat the rate of FIVE FEE CENT: . Der annum- •' . • • • Mane* rriltee:SliSma 'by ohOoks without WO of in- __.l • , I tbor 111 T s•-• st O 1.• Oleo ottio4lllls. from it until 5 o'olook, and on Men der end ementey eintil nine in the evening. Fresident, PHAIONLIN.FIILL ;•Troluinrer, end Beate tag, 0 An. 1 4 ,1 40E1148: • I 'fOit'Pannt CLOTHING O 1 TIM LATEST . to thii boat Manner. Ilerend? for RL• 'NAM' HAW& ; LOWEST' selling prices tiarkad In ~„...,rl llls HlPusa. goods outdo to oraar warranted gotta. ..." 74 ' 941 4 " 43411101 S Mita is atriotir adhered to. Alt aro titiorebt tw0644 - 4416.1 r, ?ONO & CO.. 004 EIARENT 'ft° I • very 4145:4 " " ROOF SAFES. —A es. Wi nn , I ms pi o si mina at Iitti4IIIANDERS for We r lop* Ai0.4 . 04 OiIkSTAI AT At., Ptallsdelph 'SVANN & w4Taos, =ln! Germantown. on the evening of tho liih onto'', by the Rev. J. H. Aldiy, Mr. Charles Nine to M lee Hark t F. Ringer, both of tiermantown," BitICKMAN—VATA.ETTIi.—On the 11th instant, the'Rov. Allred Cooktnan. Mr. Jamie C. Bricknein, to bliss ;Amine, .daughter of Washington Valletta, all of this nay, • KORMPEL—BNOWILA , ER ,- On the the 81st of Au. gust,lBBo, b Alderman Bleorse H. Moore. John Rom. pel to Miss ,y,ctia Beginner, both of this oily. RYTING —McOLURF,—In Boston, on the 8d Bigh t hr the Rev, Mr. Colton. Oaptsin ' Henry tti.Rytinge 'to Martha daughter of the late J. McClure, Re t., all of Philadelphia. , • 16iUSO.. • • sik;Marohrinta' Exoflange :BARB. • • • 10 gatawilasa 54: 100 do con.. . . Mi iatenne R oaf* 41 . 5.. 'll • 'do .... _ . ,.cosh 41S 00 Elmira ieo.'-'-...10/1 4 Bear Meadow...-. ac ' 213 4 1 1 a n ill r ar o x f h= 100 Sant Lelandl44. 20 Corn Leah Bank- • 37 GO - Planters' Pk Tenn.lo3 40.Farin & kleahell!e. 5935 I Philada Bank. •'/24 21 Union Bank of Ten 00 SOUTHAOK.—On the 11th instant, at the residenne of her father. Dr. Charles F. Lott,' in Quakertown, Bunks county • Pennsylvania, Mrs. Emelinre•Louisa, wife of Mr. F. W. Nouthaok. formerly of St, Louts. Missouri. [Boston, tn. Louis, and Mount Holly papers coot ; also. city MOM.) AIKIN.—On the 14th instant, Sophia K. Atkin, wife of F. T. Atkin, of Wilmington, Del. Funeral from the • reitdenokof her mother,Mre. (Mel MoKnight,__S. E. corner of Seventeenth and &T -eem streets, on 'Wednesday morn•ng. at 10 o'cleeic, • ELR I DGE.—On the 19th instant, John Henry, eon of Herbert and Smelt Ann Elrtdge, aged 1 year and 25 days. Funeral 'from the residence of his parents. Lehman street. Germantown, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'olook. Iit , ,WLETT.—On the lath instant, Jane, wife of John Hewlett, in the 80th year of her ego. Funeral from the resident:la afternoon , at husband, 192 Otter street. this (Tuesday) afternoon, at I °Work. HOFFAION —On toe 12th inst., Alfred, son of David and to cry Hermon, aged 4 years and 3 menthe. Funeral from the residence of his parents. Vienna Street. below Rion uond,(late Queen street ' ) this (Tunts dav ) afternoon, eta o'clock. HOOAN.—On the Ilth ult., Elizabeth L., danehter of Stephen and Sarah Hogan, aged 4 years, 10 months. and 6 days. Funeral from the residence of her grandparents, Harrison taloa, Frankford, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 9 &ohmic. JONES.—On the 13th instant. Mary, wife of Char:es T. Jones. In the 44th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of tier husband. No. 7223 Heath street, above Feller, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 n'oloek. LIJDI.—On the 13th instant, Elizabeth Ludy. aged 85 veers. Funeral from the residence of her eon. in-law. Mr. Fred. Rumen. It4l street, tine eluesdy afternoon, at 1 teelnek. • McNEILIS.—On the nth instant, Mrs. Isabella hl e- BOARDS 100 Lone Island WO do Leh int 104 Elmira ptnl -.. S/3. ao Del Dlr. Canal 48 60 Girard Bank— • • 4974 It Planters' Bk Tenn.lo3 BOARD. 6 Penna R, cash 41 2, 10 Race and Vine— . 16' Wiloungton 42%' .10 Elmira 00ne01—.... II 185 do .... Yb " do pref.. ... 2735 /8 Reading ft 23% 50 Del Div Donal-- 48 1 West Philo R..-- 58% 200 Long Island ... 14% 45 Plante' IlkTen.2cti.lo3 BOARD. 116 Penns' 417 PRICES. • 131 , 1 Asked Elmira 7513. :144 15 Lek anda k . . 1 66 7. - j ig Leh CI & Sorlestli 424 North Patina . R-104 10,. N Joanna 11 5s —.70 4 75 N Pease R 10e..105 152 Ctitawis It Con:. 511 15=71:trigit:13 34 50 i lgeoond Third.. .551.4 51 Rao. & Vine ... .. 58 , 55 West l'has, R.....68, 4 4' 69 Bprao, & PLUS.— 154 Green & Coates 25 4111 I Chew a Walnut.:.ll./i 53 at.ed St years. Funeral from the residence of her Leer. Mrs Mary Ann otevenson hack of 1303 Rope street, above Thomp eon, (late flosnand thin (Tuesday 1 afternoon, at 1 o'clk. .PRILS.—On thW. 14th instant, Miss Abbie Ann Phila. Funeral from the residence of her mother, in Botta vine. on Wednesday morning, at 11 o'clock. ROBINSON.—On the 14th instant, Mte. Hannah Ro- Lionel], In the 7Gth year ol tier age. Funeral from the residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. A. R. Roes, No. 124 North Sixteenth street, on Wedneeday morning, at le o'olook. SIMPSON.—On the 23th Instant, Christiana Franoke. relict of the late Joseph P &semi Simpson, aged 40 years. Funeral from the residence of her brother. Market street, below Darby road, thin (Tueaday) afternoon, at 2 o'olock. SLUMMER.—In Norristown. on the 12tli mat., Mrs Margaretta Stemmer, wife of Adam Stemmer, in the 79d year of her age. Funeral from the residenon of A. Stemmer, Swede street. near Oak, Norristown. this (Tuesday ) morniv. at 10 o'olook. BLACK SILKS ! BLACK SILKS ! fY' — POSVOYE/CETPHUGADErriIIATPikb OCTOIIIOI. Is, 1860. .ITOTICE is hereby given that the following arc the legal rates f repaid llection an eliv collectioners One Cent (v stemp/ fo r the of let for the mails, from sub•yost offices, lemy yost, and other letter boxed. One Cent (pre paid by stamp) for the collection and de• livery of city letters. One Cent tor the delivery of mail letters. The letter-carriers have been instructed not to charge. in any case. more then the above rates. pot are they allowed to accept more, even when. voluntarily tendoreo oala 6t SECOND LECTURE BY JOHN B. GOUGH. Esq. will take Disco 7'lllB (Tuesday M ' ING, at 14.1.181 CAL FUND HALL. M7ll. o'clock. A few tickets street. sale at the Book and Mocha Stores on Chestnut and at the Rooms of thn 'Young Christian Assooiatton. 1009 antl,lollCheatnnt street. It IirFEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PISI4DISYLVANIA.647 A RC H Street—Tench ere and others wishing a thotongh knowledge of PM eioloyy, Chemistry, or Anatomy, win attend the lectures on these branches only. The amigo will open wall general introductory ly Prof. WhYNELL. 00AT i 4 R. 41. H.. on WEDNESDAY, the 17th met., at 4 o'clock P M. The nubile is invited. ool6•St" IirGIRARD BANK.—PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER M. 18.50.—Notioe is hereby given that en election for Till RTEEN 1)1 RECTORS, to gem for the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking. house. on MONDAY. November 19, between the hours of 10 A. M.. end 2 P. M. "L'heAnntial Meeting of the Stookholdere will be beld at the acme place, on TUESDAY. November 6,at /2 o'clock M. W. L. SCHAFFER. Cotner. October 16. 1850. oel6-tutha thole CONSOLIDATION DANK, PHILADEL- Pit rA, October Mth.lBlo.--Tke Annual kieotion cigoteetbre of the Bank will be held at the Berm MG Hi , l.lsE. on MONDAY. the 19th day of November next. between the bourn of ten A. M. and two r. Al. And a Gai , emt Meeting of the Ntookholders oral be held at the came place, on To rESOAY. November 6th, at twain, al. JOS. N. PEIRBOb, Oaehlir. cfro letut !Out t not 9 THE PHILADELPHIA BANK. OcroeXit 1860.—The Annual Meeting of the Btockhold• ere of thin Bank, will be held on TUttSDAY. the ninth day of November next, at the Banking Honer. at 12 o'clock, M. ; and tho Annual Election for Ihrectore will be held at the Banking haute, on moriDAY, the 19th day of November next, between the home of ten o'clock A. M. and two o'clock Y. M. oele.nithtnol9 B. B. COMEGYB, Cashier. :change, Oct. 15. BOARD. 30 Erie Railroad ... • Siiii 60 do. ..........140. Mr 400 d 0... ...... 39% 300 00..... ....—. diu. 39 , •1 AO 41. •• • .-- • .1q,.. gy IWSOUTHWARK. RANK. PHILADEL. PHIA. (weber 9. 1880.—The sonnet etrohon ior EOTOBB will be held al. the Bankina Home on MONDAY, the 19tir day or waVFIMBF.w NEXT. be tween the honra of 10 o'olook A. M. and 0 (Moak P. M. a o " . a 460 1135 d ...bdB9M e 0 Mph &NI IL .:• 21 100 Chicago B 09. 3 " 1100 do ..... 33)i o.loClev & Toledo 1 1 ... 45 leo do.. .. BP§ 010 do: 49.1 a ocs Oktioszo ec Rook I. • 74 35 . do - 7314 100 d0...........,h60. 70% 00 .. . 743.5 SO d 0.... : ... ...110. 73% , 00 d 0...... —....a30. 7715 400 _ ....860. 731, 130 La Croon* Mil ii. /3i . . . . . . , The annual meeting of ETOCKROLDBRB wnl be held at the name_ place on TUESDAY, the 6th day of NOVEMBER NEXT, at 12 &elan. 21. Dell dtnol9 F. P. STEEL, Cashier. FARIHEREC AND MECHANICS' DANK, kiIit.e.DELPRIA, °ember 5. he An nal Eleotion for Directors will be held at the Banking-Honae, on MONDAY. the nineteenth day of November nextbetween the hours 9 o'otook A. M. and , o'clock and on I` OESDAY of Ithe sixth day of November next, a general meeting of the Stook ho:store will be held at the Banking-Douse, at 4 o'olo.k P. hl., agreeably to the charter oce-dtnol9 ,W. RUSHTON, Je., Cashier. Lig-. WESTERN BANK OE PHILABEL ?PIA, OCTOBVIL Bth, MI An election for thirteen Direotors, to sore the ensu ing year, will be held at this Bank on iiONDAY. the 19th day of November next, between the boom of 10 o'clock A. 91. and 2 o'clock P. AL 'lna annual meeuns of the stockholders will be held at the same place on TUitiaDAY, the stn day of November next, at 10 o'clock M. G. Al. TROUTMAN, 09-tutbel9anv Cashier. •• • C I TIC COMMISSIONERS , OFFICE,. Piii.....natinta, vet. 11, 1860. he BOARD OF APPEALS will sit upon too fol lowing days, to hear Appeals of Property Owners, to wit First and second Wards, Monday, October 15. Third and Fourth Wards_,Tuesday. vctober 10. all and Sixth Wards, Wednesday. October 17. Seventh nod Eighth Warder. Thursday, October 18. Ninth and Tenth Wards. Friday. October 19. Eleventh and Twelfth Wards, Monday. October 22. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Wards, Tueeday, Otto. bey 23. Fifteenth and Sixteenth Wards, Wednesday, Otto ber 24. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards, Thursday, 00- tober 20. Nineteenth and Twentieth Wards, Friday, 'Octo ber - Twenty-first and Twenty-second Wards, Monday, October 29. Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, Tuesday, October 30. EDWARD R. WILLIAMS, ORARLaS M,NEAL. JORN.A. 17 0 DUMAN, City Commisbionera, (Reported for the Preen.) BT JOHN. NB—Brig Viliaso Belle. Buok-300 tons Plaster 9 lible shod Twella & Co; 200 UN Plower 1l A Bonder & Co. W 11,51 InGTON, N C—Bohr Coernine, Wilietts-100 bbis opts turpentine 838 do roam Knight & Boll; 34 do sots turpentine Cowley, Ashburner & Co; 55 do 16 bales cotton Cochran & Russell; 9 bb's fruit lunserloli tk. Smith; 2 bxs mdse W bailer, & Co; 60.950 feet lumber 61. Trump Eon & Co. WILMINCTOIi t NC-100 111,1 n tar 163 do WA 210 do rosin 25 do roam Coolnen & Bur sell; 69 bbl, tar Undo rosin 199 do ,pis Rowley, A eh burner & Co; 699 Ms twin 72 do sets Kates & Foster; 381 bbl, rosin 21 do epic ttartwel; 131 bbls opts 14 bOes cotton Knight & Bell; 19 do yarn Hap& Mel/oval.; Bdo j ti Woodward &Eon; 20 211 feet lumber Win our; 11,101 do M Trump, don & CO. GEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Brig Trenton. Athorton. 10 days Irmo Portland, with plaster to Baker & Folsom. Brig Coosa Wave, Merton, 8 days from Portland, in ballast to E A Fonder & Co. Brig Village Belle, (Br) Buok. 9 days from Bt. John, N B. with fish and plaster to Twells & Co. Behr Dome, Henley. 12 days from Portland. with plaster to Baker & Folsom. Bohr Marabatbo, Henley, 12 days from Portland.with fish, & o. tell A bonder & Co. Bohr Norma. Willette. daya from Wilmington. N C. w th naval stores to Baker A Folsom. Bohr Geo W Cummings, I data from New Bedford, with oil to captain. Bohr Wm L timings. Hoffman. 18 days from Pensaco la., with lumber to batnl Bolton & Co. Bohr Elizabeth. Parsons. 4 days trom Peng° River, NC, with lumber to Sarni Bolton le Co. Bahr Eagle. Wilietts, days from Pantego, NC, with Montan to captain. Bahr Martha Dan. Speed. 12 days front Calais, with lathe and piokete to Baskin A tlalvm. Bohr Damon. Pitnlier,,l2 days 'tom Calais, with lathe and iumber toeaptain. Bohr Cora. Kelly, 4 days front New York, with barley to Mammy, Collies & ' • o. Bohr Grand Island. Small, 9 days from Newburyport, Steamarwith Inds° to Coo A Wood. COBOOTILNorman, :A hours from New York, with mdse to Wm Id Baird & Co. CLEARED. Glover Rohr Merchant, Phillips, Washington. Alnniekson Rohr Osceola, Nelson, do do . BY TRLItoRAPII. (Correspondence of the Prem.) erkw Yonn. (iota& Arrived, ship Edward O'Brien, from Leghorn. Bowron Oat le. Arrived, ship Carnatio. from Havana; bark Fleet Eagle, from Rotterdam; brig Barando Leen°, from AC non. A ship woormsed to be the H pI Hayek, from Bombay for Liverpool, le otr Highland Light. leaking badly, aw New York le, Arrived, Ship Robert Canter , from New York. MEMORANDA. Steamehip Virginia, Kelly, for Philadelphia, sailed from Itiohmrinci lath inst. thip or Wallace, for Philadelphia, went to sea from clangor Aug / L Ship Corning Light, Thomas, from San Franoisoo, arrived at it ew York Yesterday. Ship Dreadnought, Samuels, flit Liverpool. cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Norway. Major, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Ship Falmouth. Baines. at Baltimore yesterday fr. ni Leghorn. Sine Alliance, De Forest, for Liverpool, cleared at St John, NB, 9th inst. Job , hip N Samoilet, aloNear, for Liverpool, Moved at St moil n Ship Ganges, Evans. from California for Fahnouth, E, Was spoken 6th ult. let 30 8, long 31 30. Ship Indianian, Smith, from Manila for New York. mailed from Batavia July 13. BIM A istatiehard, Blanchard, hence, arrived at Box ton lath Inst. Brig Judge Blaney Coombs, henoo for Boston. re mained at Holmes' dole Lath inst. In company with ach•s Wave. W Wallace, and Allan Downing. Brig W Murlerh. Starr, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. Bohr Chas hi Kent, Carlisle, hence, arrived at Balti more yesterday. Bohr Newkirk, Bisbee, hence, arrived at Charleston 13th hnet. Behr southerner, Bellows, hence, arrived at Charles ton 13th inst. Bohr J J Spencer; Morgan, from Baltimore, arrived at Charleston IBM met. seta Daniel Godwin, Reardon, from Lavaoa for Penes cola, has been wreaked on_Lagt Island, All panda saved: /Br telegraph from New Orleans 1 Salm Aratio,!fuoker. °reared at St. John, NB, 9th lust. for Philadelphia. Bohr no A Guest, 1. or boa, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. steamers PPseam. Bidden, and Sophia, Bell, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. NOTICE TO MARINERS. wo ee l e hereby given that the South Biwal light yes eel patted her roooringe on Bentley. the 7th tent , any' to now Woods' Rom harbor. Bite will be replayed *Bit as little delay as possible, of whlelt due notion will en By order of the la alithoune Board. MELANOTON SANT% Comm'y tr. 4. N., Lighthouse inspector. Second Distriet. Boston, Oat 13. 1860. MARRIED. DIED. Bouquet Figured. 0 I fa 0 Imperials. Drognet Figured. 3.13g115b. hlouridng. Diagona l s. Gimes. 1) legend Robes Oros de Rhinee. seven nouneed Robes. Bonnet's Bilks. Oros Orsini,. Patent Boiled. ._ Welt de Joie. Gros d'Eeosse. Venettonnes. Ottomans. Animas. 1 Lining silks, &O. BESBON & BO ourning More. Igo. 910 Chestnut street N. 13. BROWNE, FostmeAter IMPORTATIONS. DIAItINE INTELLIGENCE GnovEl & BAKREVB thiILXDRATED NOISELESS HEWING MACHINES. r -The lied in Use for Family Sawing. • ' Na. 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, atiff4y THE PRESS.—PMLADELPHIA, _ AItRIV.ALS AT THE .FRINCIIPAL 110TaF, 171. O'CLOOX LAST-NUM? CONTINENTAL ROTEL .,- -;Cor. Plinth and Chestnut. I, W Hall, Pennsylvania hT Pitkinlon, Virginia J L Watkins, Virginia - 3 Fox, Bt johns , W H Miles E ft Borden. N Carolimg W H Borden, N Carolina T ' H Wynne. Riohrli'd, Va n C MoOalla, 'Tentes.ee It b Archer. Virginia 8 Goldenberg. New 'York Julius Hart, New York Leopold Ear nhei meT. N W Smith, York, Pa R Nottingham, Virginia , John N Andrews, US A John A Id itehell N Orleans D 3 Fleming, Charleston 0 0 ward. New York J C Gwin, Mobile Tilos M. Fell. New York Amos Howes, New York ' N 11 Cali, Florida Mrs Levy & oh, Florida A F Eberman, New York B F Dalton, Boston F Tate. Alabama Gov Stevens, Oregon ' Chas L Barley, Harrisburg T Struthers, Worrell, Pa W J Gorden. C leveland, 0 Capt T Mar., et Lome (magi; bin gleton N' w. N () Misr Jennie Wheeler, Al 0 Miss MoLanihrin,,l3onton - Chas A Taber, Lyon, Mass AT Ward, Virginia .3 Weimot, Virginia W Leleon, Rentuokr Geo 0 Bustle, N 0 O Mills, South Carolina Mies E Mills. 8 d ' Moody & wf, b C Dr G A Leiby es la. Balt , W Coin , J W Embur, Terme II Peck & In, Virginia Jae W cotnon h la, N Y Mrs Areher..Misaissi Qui Mrs Ludlow, Easton 8 Archer, Mississippi J White, England John A bpilman, Virginia H C Heed, Baltimore W 11 George, Mobile Dr 8 B Ward, New York Allen Hili, New Orleans B P flolhum & la. q Miss Charlestli.Bo Jhl Rogers, bC Airs Rogers. Charleston, 8C Mite Rogers, S C Frank H Fermin & wf,Wis H M Jackson & wf, Balt Mrs H Gray J Gray . J 1) Hoffnmn, New York Ohne Guam & 161 NO D H Huyett, Pt Loma John It Briggs, Barrisburg Id °Blonder, New York D E Small, fork, Pa olt Tiler, Cliambersburg Eli Slifer, Harrisburg J 13 Bomberger, Harrisburg 0 Peirce. Pennsylvania A B Grubb, Lancaster CO L Merchants, New York Miss Morchains. Now York Geo W Ordway, Baston W L Bradley, Conneotiout Bradley. Connecticut Hl3 I) Oriswold, New York I Biennia. Jr, Now York S Warner, blurs Jae W Patton, N C W Patton ,_ll 14 W Woodfin, N C Mrs Woodfin. N C Miss woodfin. W Rodman, Maryland Wm M hloPherson, Id a Jos alarks. New York W H Willard N 0 PI W Holman, 0 ClufT. New York Jae II Wylie. Baltimore W Wilkinson.Washingtim J R o ggen & la, ttudson B Vernon, New York TP Chandler, Boston JAB G Lonnevill,__England Mrs J W Maury, Windt Miss Maury. wasidomon miss Naylor. Washington Dr 3.11 Blake, Washington Chas F. Gregory, Wash Geo V Litchfield. Jr. Va Rev Dr Pendleton, Virginia Jns Bancroft. Jr,Charlesl'n ti G Finley. Baulk Carolina W H Drone & la, eon Miss M. Dram. Tennessee Jay A Weed, Los, Mass Jno 8 Hill, South America Mrs Matthias, Balt W 11 Roberts. Indiana Cyrus P Mendenhall, N C .3 II Maßae, Richmond. Va R ode Rae.ltiolimond. Va L 8 Werner, New York Mr Ward, New York Miss Freely & 14 'York J B Stafford. Baltimore . P A Swaney & la, Illinois Halo F Baldwin, N y de V Glentworth, Rome Miss C A Baldwin, Y 13 A Armieteen, Virginia Miss H A Getty, N York AII Meek h w olale Jo° 8 Edwards & sg, Ohio: A Stolterfold SZIn, N York 38 Leavitt, Boston F 3 Hilton, Mobile J B Acres Now York T Hanford, Mobile G A Mendon, California - M r Robinson & la. Pa .Toe W Spencer, Edinburg J Wilkinson. New York Geo Collier & la, St Louis 11 W Mosher. Lansinsbarg Sae O'Fallon & la,St Louis O E Van 8011. Troy. N Y 11 Marchand .1 8 Hewitt, Troll. N Y Cl Christ T H Condell, New York F e R•oharde, New York Cyrus Gault, Baltimore Geo Cookburn New York Theo II Ti ton. New York John B Murray. N York Mrs fit Hale, Neal York D L McKay. S Carolina CII Rogers, a orwich. Cl Miss hleKay, t 3 Carolina E L Lee, Bunk. 13 0 Goodrich, New•.fork Wni Coonran, Buffalo 11 !Radon b:t Lome Er Alaleomson & In, Mobile A W Wood, London GIRARD ROCS P'—Ninth and Chestnut streets. .1 W Branln, Wm, Del W Wilson, Warn, Del Ir Crowd. New York Wilt Osgood. New York I, 0 Ranson, Tremont, Olno Yates Levy & la, be. Miss Myers, Georgia H W Cloprienhurs,Pl 0 C linsp Now Jersey R P Christy, New York P Duffy, Now York Wl3 Wallace Washington Dr Gauthier, Washington Jno Webb, limas Cooke. Jr. Balt ./ hl Towles, Orange. Via chss F. Findlay, N York L karma, It York I, Heibro, k Va. 11 Winegarner,Olito ins, Lathan. Alexandria,Va B F Nall & la, ontuokY P Tientan, Cincinnati H P Bryan &pa t Vs. Mice Bryan, Virginia Mire Cook, Virginia Miss Thompson. Virginia Geo Borneo & la. B C Miss Ramsey, it Carolina John w ade,B Carolina F IL 1 artram & la. Montreal Allan Saurian, Montreal In fan Wtloox. Montreal Henderson & wi, Ohio Dfiea Henderson, Indiana Thos II Dewitt, Rosh ni'd J C Pinner). N York .1 K Ballston & in, N Mies Ballston, N York Miss 'lawmen. New York G L Holloway & In, H C its Ladlin & wf Texan Miss Murray, Texas H A Browning & Is. Mass Miss Browning, Maar John Barnett New York JIM Robinson & wf, Balt MUM Robinson. Ba't E Jackson. Brooklyn Thee Jaokaon. Brooklyn Robs J Borne. Chicago Miss Game. Chicago A Andrews. New York J Wood, New York Win Williams. Pa Chas Williams, Pa O B Danivan, Alabama A Von linen. New York W ft. Davidson, Maryland KViretherel, Baltimoro .1 Crookshanks, Md Mrs Fit Crookehanke, Atd Mrs H L Farming ton, Md 11 M Smith & wt. B U Miss Smith, &Pith Carolina M B Priestley, Pa Geo Sergeant, Phila Reuben Tower, NY E Stout. Beading J F W Deininger, Beading 8 Williams, New Yo.k Miss Williams, New York Miss co ,k, New York 11. Griffith & wf sod Jos P Penwell. New Yor Hirer & New York WffiloDowell, Columbus, U W A Buskins& wf, Miss Hopkins. Virginia - Miss Ward. Virginia Hon T J. 1301 Yorke. N I Joshua hunt, Carrieausura Time Kennedy & wf,N Y Miss Clark, flew York G 8 Van Wicket, L Island Alm Van Wicket, I. Island W Prinking, New York D Halbert, Watertown FDr H W 111 Washington, F Chase. - annoyer. N g Oggood, New York John Bowers. Imitations Jos El Wetliered & wf, Cal NI Sherwood, Boston John Ward. Palmer. Mass SIN Gambrill, Baltimore Dr Wm hi Turner. Va The 8 Nickerson,Charlestn J F Pendegart. Baltimore, W Moore & la. Baltimore Gen Rose, BaltimoreA B Joyce, Baltimore W E Kimberly & Is. 8 C Miss Kimberly, S Carolina Mies Crawford. Carolina P Brandon. Lexington,Va R M Megraw, Baltimore Hon it P MaxwellFriston J J Gallaher, Arknns W Leisenring, k Chunk Mrs Gallaher. Arkansas Hen J W Fuller,Catasaqua W B Montgomery. S 0 Cant W C Templeton, N 0 Montemoorr , Charlestn G Whinzzard & da. IV Wm Morris; Cincinnati, 0 Miss L Massard. N.A r erk Smith. New York 1H Thompson & la, N York R Mazewell ( New York Dr P W McMullen, N Y Freeman & la, Boston B W Pelson., New York I' Whitaker, Maryland GJde la Figainer. N y 1. N. Petri ken, Lock Maven W T Baker & la. N York • I, Janis. New rirlonnsi Mine Baker, New Yolk - B I' Robinson & wf.Pittabg Miss Barrie, New York Mester Robinson. Ninths .1 0 Griffith, Brooklyn 0 W Harding & la, N York Hon A II Reeler, Easton W II Rookafellow, N Y B B Collins, New York Mrs WH ft ookafellow, N y Mrs Collins & do, N York thIP,HOHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Aral,. Jos 3 Sellers. California 'nog M bake, Virr luta Geo W F Smith. Virginia 3 T Dalliday, Ohio Jon R Lowther, Newport James Taggart, Ps P Getty, A ling hen) , City It G Itet gel, Lewisburg John MoCall, Lewisburg 8 Adams, M D, Salina johnllliller I, H Gross, Allentown Pennsylvania 'YlitiriCiegliVr7t; high oo L 0 Treharn, M Chunk K F Brown, Beading G A Taber. Lynn. Mass I. A Exton, New Jeri J A Exton. Now JerseyJ 0 Fitton, Nor Jersey ~ W Rice, Ne w Haven Hon W B Wright & dtt, Pa M Hyman. Kent on, hld 13 F Field, New York G M Brookt, Kent no, Mil Wm Tnomeui. Kent on. Nd J Jones & la. Delaware .1 K Cramer. Maryland Jon R Burgin Ron R Brodhead, Easton G Laugh% Washington Mr Thompson, Wrishv . las Kelly. Burn , Cab ,n Alex Butoher, Baltimore W R Raiford. Allentown Beni uemmili, York, Pa W Murray Pennsylvania N Barry, I,anoester, Pa Gen it White. Pittsburg Oeo K Swope. Pa 'P R West & wr. lowa $ G Peters, Buehlall. Pa W Malt ea, Pittsburg 0 A Turner, Kentucky .1 nottenwiser, Kentucky 0 Herrman. Now York W T Forsyth, Pennsylvania Mrs Church, Ohio AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Firth W T Carnes & la. Boston BS Brown, Boston • rt Bunton, New York Geo It Walker, Now York J IT (Quirks. Virginia C L Todd, Virginia II 13 White, Virginia 0 If Weed, Boston .7 R Carman, N Carolina F Ramsaur, N Carolina W Canis, Delaware J R Jones, Tamaqua. Gon II Thomas & la, Belt eal Lewis, Baltimore Bates, Baltimore j Armstrong & .1 M. Conklin, New York J W Hear, Pennsylvania Then II Starr, New ork P Peirce. Circleville, Ohio N A Smith. Georgia Geo Eicdp•lz, Downinst n Abner Harringtdn, Del C 8 Green & la, St Louts W J Smith, ineraville • Win A Knott & la. Mine-so Mrs Tanker. Minersville 8 0 Laurence. Minersoilla p 51 yt,egion, Newark. WB Rogers. Hnoxv, Ten. W B Mendenhall. Coatesv hit Torrence. Delaware T wsimnions, Maryland Jno Calvert k In, L Haven N toaniela & la, Penua Minn Daniels. l'enna Gen B Byer , Delaware In° Foot, Portsmouth, Vs N B Rai tinkle, New York A A Mason & In. Prov J B earothers h la, J Shorn Sas It Beek. Potisvi de G mart, Pottsville J H Coyle, Philadelphia CI H Reynoldo. New York 31 Hinkem, Illinois Sae it °elm n, C nn (7 Id Smith, Connecticut It C Naha:m.l4oer York it B Fish & la, New York P Floleambe, Mississipoi S I' Spencer, 'Pease W W Snodgrass, "in. 0 I) Rebmann, Maryland Jno White &la Maryland Jas A Parson, Marl land Beni It Porker, Mari land JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Sixth. J W Proctor. Philadelphia Wm D Harris, Phila. Marshall Pratt. 1101 a E E Armstrons. Miss Miss FC a rmstronir. N J Miss 130111 ho ton Win J Walker. Wash, D C Miss Modica., Penna Rev 3 8 Thompson, Penns Wm Howarcl,N Brunswick Ivatte. Virginia to H Barbey. New )(ark It e Farr. Virginen 11 A Oliver. Narytaeri (leo Bcott. Wash. D C Alt Allen k la. Heidi ng F ori n ike, okinicotho. 0 Al R Hook,. Washinstun E Whiessey New Jersey Park As Indbano othPa F Fu eh, Fort Hamilton M Nichols. Massachusetts 14 Farnsworth. Moos HA Currier, Mass A P Knende, New York THE UNION HOTEL—Aroh street, above Third. Thee McKee, Pennsylvania Geo Night, Pottsville Lacher. Baltimore (,co W hlorrison. Pa E D Smith. Reading Moe Duvall. Germantown Unah thine, Port Carbon Walter Sada - wick, St Clair Stephen Jones. Tartaqua 001 It Radcliff, Tamaqua John M Hover, Tamaqua Levi Bilmithikarf,Barks co G•ii H L Cake d Pottsville TI. Hanford, Somerset Wm Reagan. Tamnquu. (4 W Heebner, •Carb P John, Bloomsburg 0 II Wolf. York co, Pa Mose 1 sabtenborger, Pit H Neiman . Clair Jacob Patna Ft Clair D hoylnian.Creeeent i ra J B Boyer. Mechanise/burg A Neran.lllaabaniasburc he T Ilea n. Tamaqua ji F A Green, Mineral Pt , e 0 S Heal. Chambers burg Jooob Hutton. Chamberebg W it Robinson, Parma .r.J Stone, Wheeling. Va ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut at.. above Third. N B Charles Mare VT I Allison, New Jersey W Brown ,Beaton Jan Morrison, Boston Dimaty, Footon 0 W Smith. Philedenlda B Snider. Phelpovii.e Jar Lomax, Michigan 1' W Smith. Pew York John A s tory. Norwich J Turner. Port Carbon Sand I+ Colt. Pottsville M Mangum, Richmond. A M Lowry. Port Carbon C G Nouthly. OA dens bare.l Stanton. Wilkesberre 8 G Anderson./Jerk]. hid T Lawson. Wellsville, 0 J 0 Pray, Pennssivania Max Rolle, New York Hardortr, New York I. Penmen, New York L.l Johnson. Now York Wm Ullner, New York GeoHenther, New York MERCHANTS' HOUSE-7 bird Street, alt, Calico:On% Watson Malone. Books no Jno Williams. Carasacens Myra Franke Charleston Gaol Shaded, Mt Holly W Hoffman, Dauphin cu r H High, Dauphin co Sarni Benner. Luzerne co B L llegeries,Lang no Win D Kline, Selo 1 co J J'llkenseerger. SAY! co B Flickinger, Lane co H Deeber Jto Phillips, Lebanon co . He Maps. Lebanon oo .1 ' Shaffer. Bteinigsville B B Seidel, Shamokin K Mark, Lebanon en p Albright. heading Jesse Geist Schuylkill co 1.) Bowser. Sohn,lkill CO afro Ziebaoh, Tremont hire' aunt, Hamburg ALss Mond.. Hamburg wire Freed, PenllßYlVAllia Adam 13artges. eo JIT Echternach. Lsno oo Arnim Bohveark, Heading G B Manly, Freeburg, Pa D Smith, Bruner co .1 Transom, 14coming no F Aurand. New Berlin Jacoburand, Middleburg D D Seel. N orthumbe nand Josiah Bolivians. Pa John Wilbfsh. Freeburg.fehn 1 ' Hertz, Freeburg It Pawoll,Mon tour co It L Raudenbach. Ph H It Miller. Troverton T filer. Shamokin Reuben Kline, Troverton P H Neff, Pennsylvania C Rex. Lebanon. Pa Wm Debora°, Hamburg I) a Miller, Pennsylvania Al Williams. Columbia oo If Ruining. A el.land j Wan:macho. Pu F Trembly, Asli'and F Price, Gordon, Pe. Israel chanifferlin.Minhury H H Vastino, Its John Shel.enherger, l'a hi Shellenlierger, Pa John Sehleprig, Pa J Fenioermscher, Pa obristien Baas, Pa Jacob Haas, Pa R Flickinger, Lune en, Pa Jnenh Steel &la WJ H Bruch, New Jersey Mrs H A Brown, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Rene street. above Tiled. .1 W Wise. Leba , on en C W &bravo, Bethlehem J W Rhoads. Centre on Mire A linter, Plots. Mint M Ritter. Phil/. Oso W Benfer, N Ber:m C Beebo'd, N Buffet. Pa John T Wilson, Harrisb's Peter B Lone, N. rrieburg J Hesse. Delaware A C Greer, New Jersey C M Reeder, A lentown Chen Christ, Mtorstown ' A brahn, Den mit, Penna. M W Meyer. Wineport I, M Hayes. Wilhamabort N She, hit Joy Henry Bechtold, Mt Joy E W Wine. Cumberland to Boni Boyer, Wm B Butly.Bohuyl Haven Henry Prunus. Btautsburg Brautsburg A 11 Ulrich, Yale College AI P Boyer, Bending JI J Bendier. Pottsville John Jones. Allentos It A N Harvey, Harveyville D Millard. Denville W Aug Lidos's. hlillersb'g: it U Swans. Mifflin Nathan Grover, h I IM I II. Jno 1 1 Gross. Ephrata Jon Roth. Dew Bork Wm r. Thomson. Juniata Sarni Stotler, Liverrnol, Pa W. , New, arr, I eons A Crawford, Danville J W Rhoads, Tamsonn. Wm tritontraut, itoad'ng w til I. hoadn, Jr, Beading 0 A Nisamy, Dauphin CO Jonas Wolf, Noohumberl'd P L Shuman. Deny Valley Wm Dombaok,Kinetown STATES UNION—M nrket Arent. above Sixth. Alt Naves, Waal, no. Pa C Roth, Perry no, Pa P 111 Turner. Lann co. Pa .1 T Reynblds. Maryland Reynolds. Maryland Zerbe & non, Lenristo'n M rsJ Buehler. Centre CO Alias F. It Jordan, Pa Mien Lindsay. Conneoriout A Mason & la, Pa Alias Heinen. Maryland Mies Sarah Jones, Did Miss K Jones, Marland W Gant. Baltimore Mon 0 Sanderson. Lane co ISanderson. Wash W Robinson. Pennaylvta Gen Bench. Perry en, Pa John Ji Elmer, Penner Iv'a J Rgrmo7 Clearfield no M Metzger, Perry an, Pa G Oinsrioli. Lano co ft Wegart, Clearfield no . 1 0.1 Beek. Milroy Pa C Beck. Milroy, Pal It Morrison, Juniata eo John Robertson, Mifflin no J D Moore, Zan...ovine, 0 M Coyle, Perry co, Pa it A Cliirlr, Petry 00, Pa C Rinerich, Pennsylvania 1 Smith. Unionville, Pa RI John Felix, Columbia J K Holloway, aft ramkburg 1) Simpkins. Vienna, 0 LJ Crane, Clearfield COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, ob. Chestnut J Scott. Louisville. Pa D Kimble &soh. Ya Joe C Worthington, /11d. Dewy C Stump, Md D J Brown. Maryland Mrs Brown , Chester on B Pengook. Kennett &mare 0 Armstrong, Pa Jon Byte, West Grove, Pa Geo T Doward, L Grove Wry Kerr 1 H Robinson, Lancaster Taos Robinson, Lancaster JP Broomall, Coatesville P Baines. Lane no. Pa H Wile & la, * York no, Pa Miss a.l Wiley. Virginia J D Wiley, York co, Alex Jeokeon. York no, Pa A Bosak in an. Coatesville Jos prig, Contaiwile Geo W Prioe,_Coatesville ,Henry Huher,JAno co. Pa W A Frank. Pa .1C Brewster. . Berketressar. Pa, It Baldwin Lane no, Pa Riley, jtgafts Bye, Wilmington. Del ; B Paterson,Lano no, Pa =ZEE TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1860. •OUN'PAIN ROTRI,--geeond street, above Market. lUDOLT, Willow Grove, Del fl Boone Predation, Del Aogusturi Craw, J N Finley. Illinois Rent dmlthere, I duxes Tao Jones, Marotta Rook Ono W Ladd. Buoka 00....john,Legore,Rk laL 111 . P Baibt. Biahapville. W P90)0 it Dialiavy'le,Ald M Ilubbard. Maryland Mfluan, Now Jolley dal Matliok, New Jersey J D Carter, Maryland A Porter, Maryland R B Garman Delaware Cant littDower, Vipeland ; .Penna , , uriANnprlltr.Pe_ve r rt Del ,4Brarel. Arttitir, Deiawn a BALD BAGLEPROTEL—Third el.. above Callowhill. /ADMIT/1M 'Altoona Joe Stoup. Allentown Thos Kenr.erer, F ehigh ton Franklin Bower. Lehightn DaVia Hittie, Lehighton aranvill Clam. Lehighton Reuben Peter, Carbon co R Peter, Jr, Carbon co . Dant Behan Weise port Mn Rebelling, „Winegnon Jot Bootle. Friedengvine Ii Rowell & wl• Pa Ward Lehigh co Peter Butz, Kutztown' John P Nita, Bommelatown Michael Baum, litunnielat elrb Riohllne. Carbon co - SLACK BRA ft UOTEL—Third et.. ab. Catioerhill. Nathan Peter, Lehigh no Geo Brnner,Dorlinitown Philip Bruner. Dorleatown Jonathan K Grim. Pa Jori Peter, tibuiltown Mrs Peter, lilidilirgn Minter Kerpy. Pa Mn Komi, Pa J Wlidrune Lebanon co Mrs Adams, Lebanon oo And Gerbr oh, Lebanon no lilies Fritz,Lebanon no lientyl2 Fisher, Reading H. Maurer, Beohtelnville ,A W Reid. Lehigh co J 0 Koller. Reading Jared B Helier, Centre Co M Cooper, Cooperabure Geo W Poering i Cooperabg BARLEY SIMAP 110TEL—Seeond IL, below Vine. T 1 Haas. New Jersey John G Thomas. N ;Means W H Davis. Philadelphia L B Kirk, Pa, .7 D Coleman , Lancaster oo (hen Walton. Penns jos Rardins, Parma A 0 Barber. Lambertville Chan Shoemaker, Penua E G Shoemaker, Ponna NIT. VERNON HOTEL—Seoond street. ab. Arch. J W Zimmer% Penna. Wm H Hill, Pew's. Tliosii Smith, California Jae Clifford. California If obt Midway. California M Davis. Norristown 1 , datith. Bristol, Penn& Wm G Penna. Coo JA Townsend, Phila. NEW PUBLICATIONS. LIALL'S JOURNAL OF HEALTH.- a Monthly. &1 Per Annum. A neW subscriber writes: " I like the taxa of your articles; tney leap from the die 22 oarats, and full weight. I never read your Journal till to -day. t re seiveds shook on the first page, and now wish to /Vika hands With a man who has sloughed °ant, and stands unlaced before his fel lows." A clergyman writes: i "The vigor and minces, and Saxon ainness o the language, together with its evi dent honesty and importance, make each number a Ls stun 0 t 0 mo. It comes like a duly flavored and effervescing glass of soda, and maintains its sparkle and its goodness marvellously." , The A Completed Volumes are 81.2 E each. JOHN Ma ARLAN, Agent. , Moo of the New American Cyclopedia. And the New Issu South vins Works. 33 SI X TH Street. Dr. Hall's wealth and Disease. 81. Bronchitis and Kindred Diseases, I. Consumption, NI. The Fireside Monthly, $1.50 a yeas; oel6-3t-Itiths TAE PRINOWS .11.9.141. 60,000 COPIEB OF FIRST PART 8014 D. A humorone and antincal rOl3M.bi E. C. STEDMAN. ' • author of " THE DIAMOND WEDDING, LYRICS," Ica. The Curd and con iluding portion of this very_tmeceer ful poem, Plustrated ItY L. STEPHENS, will Ira published in VANITY .FAIR, of WEDNESDAY, tletobergrth, for sale here 19th. The Publisher would call the attention of the PUBLIC to the style in which this Poem has been published. which (without regard to its universally acknowledged merit) has never been equalled for the annum end MERIT et the illustrations, engraving. ko., in the his tory of Journalism in this Country. No pants or ex pellee will be spared to make this paper un ornament to oar NATIONAL LITERATIIRIS, Bad, while it WWI never retmgrade, its constant iMpreVelTlept in all departments shell maintain for it the proud position which its merits claim, that of the MODEL ILLLSTRATED HUMOROUS PAP `n OF • AlithRICA. For agle by all No vsme; Pkee tz.IX CENTS. Three DoHamner titioutri in advance. yea apeetal advaTtlea wont in VANITY PAIR for Club rates and premium. LOUIS H. STEPHENS, Publisher for Proprietors, /13 NASSAU Street, New York. BURTON'S LAKE REGIONS OF CENTRAL AFRICA. With illustrations. Published this day. Also. ODD PEOPLE. By Captain Maine Soul, with illustranous. WHPIAT AND TARES. FA trRA.V.A Y'S be.CTURE ON THE FORCES OF MATTER. Illustmted. LEI.DWS ANATOMY. Illustrated. X MUMS CHURCH IIIsTORY, Volume 1, to the B formauon. NEW BOOKS, In every department of literature, received as soon as published, and for sale at low prices. LINDSAY te BLAKISTON, Publishere,,Booksellers, and Importing old 25 South SIXTH Street, above CiiLtiTNUtr. NEW POLKA THE PRINCE'S OWN." , This Will be found 'to be 'one of the most brilliant [ ame which have appeared for along time. It will be Pnblished in full in the HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, No. 0. Ready on Thursday next. Composed br P. Hen iron. To be, had of all News Agents. Cordes wailed free on, receipt of Maine, by A. HARTHILL & Co., 20 North William street, New York. Price Three Cents per copy. It LEallY'S ANATOMY. JUST PUBLISHED, AN }: LEMENTAR I"i' REATISF H U IVIAN ANATOMY, JOSEPH LEIDY, M. 1)., Protestor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsyl vania; Curator of the Academy of riatnrstlimences, ko., ,te.• " 1 vol. Bvo FOUR HUNDRED ENGRAVING% I=l ORIGINAL DRAWINGS J. B. LIPPINCOTT & 00., 22 and 24 north FUURTII. Street 0011-41; tr •ktu th epet G . , G. EVAIsiS , GIFT BOOK STORE, NO. 4:19 CHESTNUT Street. BUY YOUR BOORS AT EVANS', Where you can get books in every department of Lite rature ; and BEAR IN MIND, that besides getting your book at the lowest retail price, THAT A GIFT, Worth from Le cents to SIM accompanies each Book. ALL THE NEW LBOOHED. KS AS SOON AS FUR- Call lS in, and ono trial will assure you that the beet plate in the city to buy book', is at G. G. EvAris , GIFT BOOK ESTABbrEiHNIENT. ocB-tf N 0.438 OHEATIgHT Street. PRINCE OFWALES' PORTRAIT.— Full-length steel plate Portrait of his Royal High ness. BARON Fall-length a photosraph br maval, of I.ondon, taken at Windsor by command of Dm M A IESTY. expressly for the MUM RAT el) NEWS OF THE WORLD, may be had and will be sent to any address. FOR iS CINTM OASIS OR STADIPS POST PAID, by H. A. BR own & 00.. 14 HA HOVER treat. Boston. ee27-thsto9t SOUK BUYERS. --:Gentlemen: I have takett_the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 01111STIY UT street, where 1 will continue to buy lintl sell (as I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avertee Book-stand) old and new Law end Me sellaneous Books, I have for nate upwards of 100 old blaalg-letter Boob printed prior to the year 1489.' , Also, a copy of Mammas on the ew Testament. I v015..4t0, :ni t tiq j l:ii i ;7ireltna l gia l dtgg::=Vg a t v o i en Books, witi deurnbe their names, dates, niece, bindings, conditions, and- priees. Pamphlet Laws or Penneyl yenta and old Books upon America wanted. antAto JOHN CAMP BELL. PIANOS AND MUSIC. R ilm PIANOS ! PIANOS! ! PIANOS !! PIANO-FORTICS bLELOI)Eorin i . PI AM/. FORTE oDEolis, Made by Raven, Radon, & Co., littnne t lark, !Watt, Davie, & Ely., and others. J. E. GOULD, SEVEN= and ORESTN UT. nitro STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA-' TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE GRAND. AND SQUARE PIANOS, now preferred in concerts and in private piroles by PIANOS, beat Pertc.rinera. Received the tirat premiums over the best makers, from ludgea like Gottschalk, Mason, and others. Challenge to Competition. 111,ASIUrt }MOTHERS, de-ly 1006 CHESTNUT Street. igh HAINES BROS. ) OVERSTRUNG PATENT-ACT lON PIANO FORTES, " Cheapest First.Olaes Pianos made. splontlid usortment of Loma XIV , and other styles. for sale at Factory Cash Prices, 3nd warranted fora years. Second-hand Pianos for made and to rent. GEORGE L. WALKER, N. E. Cor. of BF. V.t. PITH and A ROll St. PRNCE Lc CO.B Improved MELODEONS, from 30. I nwards Isla. stn .BURNS' CELEBRATED ROSE WOOD and full inetallio-plate PIA NO - ; and Eatey & Ureen's Hannonto and Eohart Melodeons. Tho above instruments are of the very latest improvements. end beet makes, For cal° at MARSH'S Mum Store, No. 1102 CHESTNUT Street, one lor ARM'S NEW IMPROVED PIANO um INSTRUCTION BOOK.—Easiest method of fin gering, together with a beautiful selection of popular woes and progressive leasono. ever before published in a small work—price only no cents—at hIARSH'S alum Store, 1102 CHESTNUT Street. oce-lm MIISTO—From all Catalogues in the United States, at One Cent per pale—at ills MARKET Street„opposite the Farmers Mammoth Market Rouse. eel-lm • VVINNER'S INDEPENDENT VIOLIN, PLAY , Noe. I, 2,3, 1, 2.8, 7, and 8, are now ready—Ono 25 oenta—at hIARSH'S Music Store, 110'2 CHESTNUT &root. oas-Iml3 Isl ILL INERY. pp m , MISS E. M. REDMOND HAS RE VAK movrD to 12%1 WALNUT Street. and will have on SATURDAY a full aerotlment of BONNETS for the memo. , nold 6t• MISSES O'BR'rAN, 914 CHESTNUT 3i. Street , nlmve Ninth ,wlll open Park Millinery for lila Nall, on. L'HIIRSDAY, Ootober 11,1860. oc9-121. FURS. "LADIES' FANOY FURS !—FA NO Y FURS !—FAREIRA, at his New, One-price La dies' Fancy Fur Store, 1,18 ARCH street below EIGHTH. has now in store, of his own importins and manufacturing. the moat complete assortment of Fancy Furs for Ladies anti Children to be found in this city. em b r acing every kind, quality. and style, as all my Furs . have been imported by myself during the present year, and manufactured under my own supervision; and having adopted the one , price principle of doing business. I feel confident In same it is the interest of all wishing to Purchase a sot of Fur to give me a call. oold—itr DDIMER, 615 AND 017 NORTH. AA , SECOND Street, has on hand and for sale plain Photographs, from life, of Cpl. Andrew G. Curtin. w Inch h e it t elling at moderate prices. MADAME M. A. F.ERAILLV, 104 south THIRTEENTII Street, below Chestnut. begs to inform the public that ehe is the only olear stammer in this city who has, during eleven years, re ceived and put into praotioe all the laris imerovements In the Wine up of fine lame, and espeotaily lace cur tains, done up like new withcut the use of the IRON JAMES BETTS , OELEBRATELB .LLIL AU/PORTERS FOR LAD/ES, and the only But , - enter! under eminent iniedloal :intro' Age. Ladies and SIV 113:1 , ns a a r t e r t , ri i rliProhuttler. iimanelehia. (to avoid counter' eits. ) Thirty thouseno nvalids have been advisee by their y.hgeiolees noose her appllenoes. Those only are genuine bearing the, lie t d tita toe co pyright , bawls n the box, and signa tures arm also uthe tiupporters, with teetimennele.. oola tail& au TORAGE.—Storage for merchandise of all kinds and at low rates. at Kensington berme Doak. Dock. No. 1035 North DELAWa 11); Avenue. OW ell, thitiEo UNr EKED AAA!? TOBAI.X.X), in store, and for rate by AM, B. IiANBO/1 & po. rtETAiL DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS 84 CO. nave now open a large and handcome amitment of DRESS GOODS. =MEM VELOUR POPLINS. BROCIIE POPLINS. PLAID POPLINS, REAL IRISH POPLINS, FRENCH MOUSLINES. PRINTED IVIERINOEP. EMBROIDERED MERINOEB, FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINTZES. WITH A FULL 40.SORTNIHNT LATEST NOVELTIES IMPORTED TlllB SEASON 0016 St Non. SIB and 820 CRESTNuT Straet CLOAK OPENING. GEORGE FRYER, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Will open CLOTH AND VELVET CLOAKS, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, In the usual .ELEU.4,PIT •13TV1,E9 msll-t1 Of this Establishment FRENCH CLOAKS. An assortment of GAT' FRENCH STRIPE CLOAKS, Jost imeogted. The nohost goods of the season I V E N•S, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH Street CLOAKS.—The greatest bargains in the oily at IVENS'. CLOAKS. The largest stook,the best assortment, the choicest colors. tho finest qualities, the meet superb trimmings, the neweet styles, the best work, and deol dedly the lowest ericee In the city, at IVENS', 23 South NINTH Street. LADIES' DRESS .TRIMMINGS. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS: ' 7IsPHYR WORSTED, BREST QUALITY. GILT TRIMMINGS AND BELTINGS. CROCHET FRINGES AND BERTHAS. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS AND CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED CHAIR BUTS. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. ZEPHYR-KNIT 'PALMAS AND JACKETS. ZEPHYR-KNIT SONTAGS AND SLEEVES. ZEPHYR-KNIT CAPS AND GAITERS. RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, Corner EIGHTH and CHERRY Striate, oe9-0426 FRENCH POPLINS. A FEW CHOICE STYLES AT THE RIGHT PRICES. Lupin's Frenoh Merinoes, at the right prises. Figured Wool Helaine. and Cashmeres. Valenouts, Plaid., Figured Alpacas. Children's Helaine. and Wool Plaids. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Auotlon lota French Merinos.. d 5 cents to 81. Wool Delaines,3o to 50 cents. " sublime quality, al 25. Bombazines and AMAMI& Amelines, F.'d Alpacas, Reps, " " Black Bilge, Coburg. ke. COOPER k. CONARO, *min Southend oor. NINTH and MA RKEI. FALL AND 'WINTER' CLOAKS, of all the new shapes, ready made or MADE TO ORDER. Prat-close work at popular prices. Every garment guarrantied to fa and please. Cloths by the yard or piece. °just the right kinds for Ladies'. Alleges and Boys' wesr. COOPER k CONARD, ootbSoutheast oor. NINTH and hiARKET. CCLOAKS.—The CITY CLOAK STORE, 142 North EIGHTH. Every - one le talking of the great bargains and superior quality of the CLOAKS at the new CLOAK STORE, 14'0 North EIGHTH Street. rLOARS.--If you want the hest value . for your mousy. go to the City Cloak Store, 112 North ING NTH Street, shawl, Cherry. T CLOAKS.he CITY CLOAK STORE,' 149. North EIGHTH, is said to he the best and cheapest store in the city. 0013.1 m FALL CLOAKS OPENING DAILY. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY W. P. CAMPBELL'S, 003411 t NO. 1194 CHESTNUT STREET LOAM% —A 'magnificent assortment of all the newest styles imported this season, with every new material, made up and trimmed in the very beet manner, at prima that defy all competition, at the Paris Cloak Store, northeast corner of ISIGNT.R and WALNUT Streets 00l BARGAINS IN AT FANCY SIKS. SUPERIOR GOODS AT FIF rY CENTS. Purchased at the late Auction salsa at an immense sacrifice. A number Of lots of DARK FANCY DRESS SILKS, at 60. N 023, centser nand. CLTRWEN ITIVDDART & BROTHER. 430, 452, and 454 N. SECOND Street, 0013-4 t above Willow. VERY tHIEAP MERINOS SHARPLESS BROTHERS Have received !area lota of FRENCH MERINOS, (FULL WIDTH.) At retail or by the Case, From 66 ciente to 81 per yard. Being far below importation coat. A UTUMN AND WINTER SHAWLS, French Blanket, Scotch Blanket, Paisley, Vienna, Brooke, bliawls, black shawls, Heavy Berlin. Binell Cheeks. Frtends' Blanket. Cloth and Silk, Bright new style stripes, Men s Travelling Shawls and Rugs. SRA RPLESEI BROTHFRS. cattle' corner CRESTN UT and EIGHTH Streets. E XTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS! THORNLEY & N. E. Corner EIGHTH. & SPRING GARDEN 8t0.• Having enlarged their Store. and INCREASED TREIR STOCK, Now offer for inspection ONE 01 . "/ RE BEST STOCKS OF GOODS In their line in Philadelphia. DOUGHY FOR, CASH_ EXCLUSIVELY, And will be mold POSITIVELY OREM' Special attention invited to Silks and Dreea Goods. Shawls and Cloaks. Clothe and Caseimerea. Blankets and Flannels, Linen Goods and Moshe/. Marseilles and other Quilts, Hosiery. Gloves, Hilkfik.oto.. &a. All Coeds marked fLt the lowest price. sel6 MEDICINAL. J R, STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR. WREN OLIVIC TAR IS INUALRD Its healink Balsamic odors are brought in oontaot with the lining membrane of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES. AND ALL THE AIR-CELLS OF THE LUNGS. relieving at once any pain or oppression, and healing any irritation or inflamation. Wane OLIVE TAR IS TARR:4' UPON SUGAR. It AMNIA an unequalled Soothing and Healing Syrup for Coughs and all Throat diseases. 'Wiwi ()Livia TAR ta APPLIED, its lassnotio or 000 oentritted curattvo powers render it s moat 'wadi PAIN ANNIHILATOR. Wire Tar is not sticky—dm not discolor. Fifty oeate a bottle, at 442 BROADWAY, N. Y., and by all Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS are a soluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur, Identlosi with that existing in the blood of a perfectly healthy Uniting with the digested food, THEY REVITALIZE AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. THEY IMPART ENERGY TO THE Nnavons SYSTEM. THEY INVIGORATE THE LIVER. 'THEY STRENGTHEN THE DIGESTION. THEY REGULATE TEE SECAIITIOIIII 08. TIM BODY, AND ARE A Sri:GIFU , FOR ALL FEMALE WEAENNSYRS PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A PACKAGE. At 449 BROADWAY, New York, and all Ding glete PAMPHLET CONTAIN/NO TESTIMONIAL 9 FROM THY following and more than 100 other well-known promi nent pereone, will be sent to any addreee,frre by mail. no. tam, Esq., Fifth avenue, New York. 15151X011 DRAPER, Ewa., Banker, Now York. Teen cow Wane, Rag., Albany, N. Y. Gen. DM GREEN, Washington, D. C. Col. SAMUEL COLT. Hartford, Conn. ° Col. CHAS. May, U. 8 A. Rev. JOOIIVA laavirr. Ed. Independent, New York. Rev. E. BnlonT, Ed. Examiner, New York. Rev. D. W. CRoNK, Agt. Am. Bible Union, N. Y Rev. 0. F. A. BPtatittia, N, Y. Rev. Dr. LEONARD, Exeter, N. H. SEND FOR A PAMPHLET. Sold by all Druggists. DYOTT A. CO., No. 232 No SECOND Street, Agents for Pennsylvania, gen- gni ASTIIMAFor the INSTANT RELIEF end PER -1 MANENT CURE of this dletreaming ooze. Plaint, Rs. FEND T9B BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. SEYMOUR & CO., 4 SS BROAD WAY, New York. Price el per box; seat free by post FOR SALE AT ALL DRVOGISTIV. R,PEOIALTY FOR LADIES. - TRUSS KJ AND BRACE DEPARTMENT conducted by COM etent Ladies. Entrance on TWELFTH fittest, first door below Ram.. A lull line of Meonanicial Reme dies. Light and elegant in coneeraciion. Specially adapted to Ladies' use. C. R. NEEDLES, .Pronrietor, P. W. corner TWELFTH and RACE Streets. Philadelphia. :PT Entrance to C. R. N.'s Room, for gentlemen, at the corner. en/1 3rnaf A W ON DERFUL AND NEATER FAILDNG REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTkt : _RO MOH. MORRLSA EU() 'PIIALOS, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, FOPor gyarl by eetMOORRIDOE , 410. 62 North FL'lntr And Tor 0418 by Druggrebr generally, $Ol2-smir WANTS. - - • WANTED—A middle-aged, sober, and Vlr intelligent titan, to do light porterage: Address liarkef." othoe of thin payer. 0016-3 t. W ANTED—A situation as a Salesman tea Cloth Holm.. his M .hatleeyeral years' expe • rialtos. Address.' W. B." a office. aolls-st* PARTNER WANTED —The advertiser has an established Nielsen, paying well, eddies a Partner to inerelise hie eapjtal. 8/.40J required. Ad dress "'Fatter'', ' Preas oela-et` ABOOK-KEEPER, of long experience in • the Importing and Commission business, and in the Dry-Goods Jobbing Business, is open for an en easement. Reference to former employers in this ciiy. Address " Accounts." this 01E0 e. 0016-3 t. INFORMATION WANTED— Of Henry JR- HAZEL, who left New York about three years ego. since which rime he has not been heard from. Should this meet the era of MIS father,Henry Hazel, or his brother-in-law, George Shel. who reside in or &bast Ylnlndelohlamhey will confer a favor on his wife. Mar k nret Hazel. by communicating with her at 48 Roose velt Street, New York, care of oaln-at TIMOTHY HURLEY. WANTED—A Situation as Apprentice to the Printin JOH N addle and Kamen making trade. Apply to Mr. WEIBT, of the 'Arm of B igel, Baird, & Co., North THIRD Street, Philadel phia. 006-12t* FOIL SALE ANI) TO LET. . . • XTALCABLE SCHOOL PROPERTY FOl6 Y SA 1..,H Oft RENT. Will be offered for sale or rent on THURSDAY, the tat of NOVEMBER 480, at 79 o'caelc M.. on the ve toing. MOUNT PIAABANT SEMIN 4 HY; one of the most healthy and desirable Shoot locations in the tate, situated in Boyertown,.Berlos county, Pa. For condition of the eohool and further particulars see an nual Catalogue of the last five yearn at this office, or call upon or address the shbseriber on the premises. F. H. SPA UFF . tiol64ntheGt. BOYertown, Bergs 00., Pa. To 'Store, loctecf`at mahout corner of FOURTH and MARKET t re nts ; p nw vacant, and to lot Apply at No SOS VELESTNUT Eftreet. 110DUBLIO SLLE OF ONE OF THE BEST A. Farms and Flouripg Kills In 'Eastern Peonsylva nis,on WERNESDAI. Ootober 17th. Apply to ISAAC; AOBERTS, Real Estate Agent. 233 South THIRD meet, second Moly, or direot to him at Piorrlstown, peoseylvatus. 0e13.3V rpo CHAIR AND 0 ABINET MAKERF..— ..- The Phi:Bala Wood-Bending Company, owners of " Blanehard'is Patent," for the Mates of New York. Now Jersey , Pennsylvania and Maryland, will sell county, town, or shop rights. or grant licensee to use. on easy terms. This is the only patent. All infrtwa will be 'triode dealt with. Apply to JOHN BIL Y, or C. A. BURGI:118, No. 34 BROADWAY. New (Wk. oc4-film WOK EXOIIANGE.—A 011010 E TRACT A- - of good unimproved farm land in the State Of New Jersey, convenient to the city. will be exchanged fir city property. Apply at PM. .1116 , FEDERAL Street. sera-tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT—The MIL Handsome RESIDENCE, No. 1536 DELANCEY Place; twenty-two (eat front. Termavery easy Ap ply on the .Premises. 0013.3 t• LARD•OII FAOTORY.—To rent, a ars. bARD-011, FACTORY with 33 Patent Layer Presses, with Plates, Bags. :Cubs, Kettles, Tanks; all In complete order. ApMyte ROWLEY, AMIBURNER, & nO., 004 16 eOUTIC WH.A_RVES. ARM-STRUT PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The Store and Dimeßing. No. 211 ARCA Street. Apply to ALLEN a r , Blata. neat Eatate Bro kers. office southeast comer of FOURTH and WAL- N UT Streets, No. a, second floor. ocl2 et• ts• MONTGOMERY COUNTY FARMS AT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SALE—R. R. CirriSON, Real Estate Broker, at Mini/down, Penn ey lvania. will offer at public cats several valuable ARMS during the months of October and November. qatalornes, with full desonptiona, sent 1, mail to par ties wishing information. Handsomeproperties, varying from twenty to fifty acres. within gig mica orNorristown. !brute. FARM of 60 Sore*: 136 miles from the borough, with a fine, large eottage.water and trait, and fine looti.ion. FARM of 20 acres, beautifully located. with new cottage and out-building, only g miles from the borough, will be sold a bargain. PARK of 78 acres, 114 miles from Court-house, 6 acres of woodland, /6 acres of meadow laud. and streams of running water poems through t house is 2 stones, in fair condition, and one of the largest and best barns in the township; will be sold a bargain, as the owner is going to Europe. Terms will be easy. Share is a tenant house and barn 011 this property. Persons wishing to purchase will ciallon or address se29-snithSt R. R. CORZON, Norristown, MISSOURI. LAND I! 600,000 Aores for Bale and entry, at urban ranging from tEa to ISO cents ler Aere. any quantities re quired. TAXES paid, and PATENTS presented for numbs ea re of Land under the Graduation Aot. Plats fumishml gratis by enolmang a POiltage stamp For further information alalY_tgi 'WHAMS, RAwLINGS & CO., U. S. and Deneral Land Agents, 00 CHESTNUT Street. Between THIRD end X, FOURTH O T. 1113, LAND ,WARRANTS bought, cold S , and located. 001-9 w BOARDING. nCARDING.—Three choice communica tins ROOMS. on the first floor. which may be had together or separately, will be vaoant on the 15th of October, at MKS. LEVELY'S, No 1216 CHESTNUT Street. ocl2-12t• INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE MUTUAL Li FE U7SURANOE COM FANY OF NEW YORE. Astns: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, - - INVESTED IN VI• SIORTOAGIS ON REAL ESTATEt WORTH $l3 uoD,OOO. The premiums are Lowira than in many other Coma• Hies, and the Dividends have been OUSATER. This he a strictly MUTUAL Germany. There are no Stockholders so that ALL THE PROFITS BELONG TO THY INSURED. Pamphlets, and every information, may be had Oil application to F. RATCHFORD STARK. ant, 8, W. corner FOURTH and ;WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, hlordeoai L. Dawson, George H. Stuart. George AL Stroud, E. 8. wM en. John S. ers, J. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, William 0. Ludwig, John Itlt, Atwood, Arthur G. Coffin, Thomas H. Powers, George W. Toland. William MoKee. Thos. Wattson. 08-IyMI FAME INBURANCE COMPANY, NO: 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED APRIL 1866, BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. DIRECTORS. Samuel Wright, D. S. Maley, Win. W. Walters, I.W. EVerllnany Chas. Itiohardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Geo. A. Wont, Jacob W. Stout,. O. Wilson Davis, Menko Stern. Thos. 8. Mahn. GEORGE W. DAY, president. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice Fres't. WIL L LAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. (Jail- if t SAVING FUNDS. "A little, but often, Mum the Purse." finANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. 31-' 13d South FOURT H . Stmt. betwasn Chest nut and Walnut, Phila delphia, pan all Danositt on . demand. Depositors' money seemed by Government, State, and Oily Loam, Ground Route. Mort °ln tiinuiany deems safety better than large profits, consequently will ron, no risk with depo alto' money, but have it at all times ready to retani. with per Gent. interest, to the owner ' s= they have always dose. Whin Comeau' never', emended. Females, married or single, and Minors, ,can deposit in their own right, S and such deposal can be withdrawn 01111 he their °meant. Qharter perpetual. Ineorporated by.the State of reuriaylyants, with authority to receive money from trustees and execufore. LARGE AIID SMALL SUMO ftECSIV4.D. Oinee oPen daily. from it to a o olook. and on ' Wedneeday evening until 8 o'clock. DIRECTOR& Jacob B. Shannon, Cyr= Cadwallader, I John Shiodler, 'bone Russell. Malaohi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lew= Krumbhaar, Remy fiebany, Nicholas Itittenholiee , Nathan Smedley. Joe. R. Satterthwaite,_ Ames Yerkes, Joseh W. ',invent.% JACOJe R . SHAAIIOI4, Preaulent. CADIVALLADIR, Treasurer. WM-7 . A Dollar saved ts tirtoe earned." ~01V- I NGF FUND—FIVE PER DENT IN. TEREBT.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST 1170 AL PANT, WALNUT Street, southwest oorner of TRIM), Philadelphia. faciorporated by the State of Femur'. TSAI Mon & ey.isreeeived in any atun, large or mall, and terest ai ptud from the day of deposit to the day of with 'Vie Office is open every day from nine o'clock in the mining till five &cloak In the *relit , and on !Ronda, and Wand evenings till o o ook. ondENRY_L. EN ER, Presidnt. ()BERT SEI.FR Der. , vmo President WiLaux J. Ran, Sooretary. DIA1079R11: Ilion. Henry L. Benner,l. Carroll Browstor, Edward L.garter, (weed B. Barr Robert Sefridge, , krU J s, Samuel K. Ashton, 411 r C. Landreth Munns, J ames L. Stopnersos. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments aro made, hi conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate hlortgAsee Wound Bents, and such first-oMss securities as will al ways insure perfect aeonnty to the depositors, and whiob cannot fail to ere perms:lama and stability to this institution. ant-ly V h AVING FUND—UNITED STATES ki TRUST COMFANY, oorner TEIRD arid CUES'S. NUT Street. Large and email gums raceirod l andaid back on de mand "'About notioo, with FIVE PE RCENT. lINITh - REST from the day of deposit to the day of va t:trowel. AVbourn, from 9 ontil 5 o'clock every day, and Sc AY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. D FTS for eels on England, Ireland, d looting from £1 upwards. Flogident—STEPHEN RAWFORD. Vreastryer—lASlES R. HUN T ER. PLO' Y PINK. Anhoarr, AMERWAN SAVING FUND.---00M ally's Building, southeast corner WALN IYI and I ' OUETH Streets. Open daily froin I till ( moo , and on MONDAY tillB in the evening. This Old Institution has always paid is full, on demand. without notice. MT/OET FIVE FEB OENT. All sums paid baok. o u demand., in gold andetver. TRUSTE_ES. ALEX. WHILLISIN, President. ISAML. WORK, Vies President. John O. Farr, T. E. Ha sr, ,-- Geords Nugent, John Aura, Jr., Semi. T. ns, Alb. u.Roberts. John Ai man, Jon t H. H. Eldridge, Wm. J. °ward. , J O •tiI.V I II.ISON Treasurer. JOHN O. SlSlELSOorotary. cull-Ym PRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, N. 7 Office, 391 North 111111 D Street, between Vine and Callowhill. incorporated by the Logi.,future April 14th, 1861. - Open for Depends and Filynientri p from 9to 2N, o'clock. Also. on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, from 5 to a o'clock. interest dyer cent. per annum. Deposit Ora can with draw their Moneys by °hooka, if desired. Seeded Do Veit , readmit, JAMES S. PRINGLE. President.. FIZ•NOTI. Hal,. naoratar, ausO-Irlr BUTLER' 1 - 1013b.E, No. 112 SOUTH SIXTH. Street, Opposite Indopendenee Square. Comlooted on the European plan. Accessible at all hours. sef6•Dm A. R. LUKENS. Proprietor A 7.13151 EA I AVOMEA 1 AZDALEA 1 AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER Mmantaotured solely at No. 62 North FOURTH Street, and for pate bY Grown ffenerellf. selli•dmit 'TART'S DIGESTIVE.—To invigorate the.digestiye orgro.—Thoge who profess to take no medicin we it for to strengthening otietitiss. bold IV W. and DUSON, orthealit corner of TENTH . end ARCH, other Druggists'. 003-18 t. RTEREOSOOPES AND STRREOSCOPTO P- 1 Beeetablon. Eye-alaaann. AS idesoopen. and MI kind of Optical and Mathe matical Unarmed's. at M. J. FRANKLIN'S:Optician. if 112 M. FO UR TH 'street. below Oheenut. CARDAMOM SEED, MALABAR-1 case (or NCO. WETHARILL & BROTHER. selo 47 mid 49 Nnet.h SECOND Rt. ZINC' GROUND IN OIL, .Brown and I IEXILL ol2 nt W lga Lnudtou red n d l4 Mor ea • l N `W4E .I~tiJ~L+'~li~::i'i a, CONOERT HALL. NO PERFORXANCE TO -NIGHT. - • NO PROFEMOR ANDERSON. NO MAGIC. kgr In consequence of the Hall being encased for the Exhibition of the Horticultural Society, PROFESSOR ANDERSON • is under the necessity or postpon:ng the production of his NEW PROGRAMME until (I'o MORROW EVENING, (WEDNERDEX.) tVALNIIT-STREET THEATRE'. • • Rote Leasee..--- —Mrs. M. A. GARRSI74I. pi, Ittse 'Manager —.-.... Mr. WAIL A. MORA. , Bottum Arent— • Mr. JOB. D. Nu ILI% 31 18 (ItiiiSiii) MFENIND. FAIRY eLDDLE. gifo n l *3l ' 4 a e r °I" - 1- Mr. Barn') Witham. DO LO Barney Whims. PRINCE DOLOROSO. ' Prillloo Dolorosa .... Mrs. Barney vt' Wilkins. l' twin AISSURANCE AND YANKEE Moo Pat .• • —..-- —• •'. • • Mr. Barney willfams. Mao/. ••- • • •—•• ••••• • - • • M rs. Berner Williaml• Doors open at a ouarier . 1 . 41.7 n /Nook ; porformanors aotamenaa at 7,4" o'olork. 1161 - Prices aa itrual. . WIT.EATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCILST. THEATRE. THE Lim NIGHTS! THE AST ItITS ! TITHE GREA COMBNATION ISF THE ROYALIST! ndTHE 'ROYALIST! a THE MERCHANT AND HIS CLERKS! THE MERCHANT AND RIB CLERKS CROWDS! CROWDS ! CROWDS! eeenre your mate at once. Curtain meson the Royalist at a quarter to 7 o'olook IVY cDONOUGfi'S OLYMPIO (Late GAIL. TIEB.) RACE Ftreet, below Third. HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY 01 SATURDAY IG BECO N NDWEEKE of the areal Moral Drama of UNCLB TOM'S CABIN. The beautiful CORDBLIA HOWARD es the Gentle aseisted by her parents. Mlll.O. C. HOWARD as 'lopsy." In which ohm;acter ell stands unrivalled, Mr. U. C. WARD es •4 St. Clair." the great origi nal. .1. E. Mc DONOUGH as" Pnineas Fletcher." Uncle Tom's Cabin every evening this week, and on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'olook. Price of admissio clockents; ganuly Cirole.l6 cents. Doors open at 7 o' to 00altatlacta at 73a o'clock. CONTINENTAL THEATRE, , (Late National .) WALNUT Stmt. above Eighth. MONDAY EVENING. October 15, lAA EIGHTH WEEK m ND c P m SIT o VE e Y EAST SIX NIGHTS OP TEE SEASON OP CARRODOBS AND BRARPLEY'S MINEITRELI. Change of Programme every night. Butanes. unparalleled. They respectfully announce SIX PARAWELLe ISSFORMANCNS. „ " Six uistinot changes of Programmes. One nightly." Introducmg all the Troupe. First night of the new burlesque, - ° harpley " BLACK RICHARD THE TRIED." •Richard. 8r0wer....._..... .. .... a5. a5 ......„.........Riehm0nd. And a great cast. Doors open at S%; commence at 7V.,. Tickets. 26 cents. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. OPEN FOR Tin ELEVEEABOI NTH STREET i NV NEWLY DECORATED AND PAI , NTED. MR. BALNFORD gas secured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore, who will appear nightly. Hanford will perform every evening. Doom open at 7; Commence at 7 X. Admittance 25 cent,. Children 13 °ante. sell-ho CARL WOLFSORN AND THEODORE ..., T.I3.O3IAS'S SERIES OF SIX CLASSICAL 801,- R RES. at the FOYER of the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Subscriptions will be received at the Millie Stores of G. Andrei & Co., Ildt Chestnut street; Lee & Walker 712 chestrint•street ; Beck & Lawton, Seventh an Chestnut streets • and Th. A. Schmidt, Juniper an Chestnut streets,'where the programmes and partied tars can ba seen se% Ow' pENNA :MAMMY OF Tll FLNY ARTS.-1028 CHESTNUT Street. Containing a largo collection of Parnumgand Scale - ture t ie now open daily from 9 A. till a .t. M. Ad amson le ots. ; children under 12 years.lllcents. SPORTING. HAMBIMG PARK.-(BEAT FOOT RACE and :TROT. TERI DAP. at 3 o , olook. A. 8. Routh. Indian, and Young Sport. Coro and repeat. Trot—Daniel D. Tomp kins and Uaribaldt, Mile heats—Best three. SALES BY AUCTION. PAPER HANGINGS AUCTION. HART, MONTGOMERY, it CO., No. 32 OREBTNUT Strlli: Will °loge out the balance of their large Stook of PAPERS. BORDERS. DECORATIONS, eta., AT AUCTION, On TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16th Great bargain/ may be had. The DESKS, SCREENS. SHELVING. and FIXTURES of the Store vitt be WS at the eame time. . oolt•Rif' LEGAL. 'MUNICIPAL CLAIMS, PHILADELPHIA ; October 16.1280. Notice is hereby given to the owners or the Properties mentioned in the appended Memoranda of Clsinakthat wnts of Srire Fatima will be Mimed thereon in thiee mantles Cron the date herea unless the same are paid to the undersigned at or before that tim e. C. T. iIoNSALL, ' Attorney NINTHnt. No. 116 North Street; MUNICIPAL CLALIMb FOR PAVING. &c. City of Philadelphia.to the use of Benjamin Dutton. to tho use, &a. vs. George 11. Mitchell. owner or reputed owner, of whoever may be owner. C. P.. Mara Term, NCO. No. 139. 8058. Lot west side of Amboy thste Robinson) street. 20th ward. Le feet southward from south side of Columbia avenue, 32 feet front by 100 feet deep. Same vs. Same. C. P.. March Term, MO. No. IM. 8626 i. Lot on east side of Cadistry late Cadwalader avenue. Mil ward, at e dnce 0f169 feet douthward from the smith side ofCom b loia avenue; 92 feet front. 100 feet deep to Amboy streeL name vs. John Mulvaney owner or reputed (Amer. or whoever may be owner. O. P., Ddeenattor Timms*, N 0.76. 819.19. Lot on east mde of Amboy stiteat,7loth oard, 125 feet 8 inches southward front the sou th side of Oxford e reet ; 16 feet 10 inches on Amboy streets 1 1 6 feet deep to Thirteenth street. Same vs. Benjamin Bedford, owner or repn'ed owner. or whoever mar be owner. C. P.. Karat Term, 1860. No.lBB. $24.79. Lot east aide of Amboy street(late Robinson). at the distance of 97 f eet northward from the north side of Oxford street, 284 ward; 10 feet front on 4, mhoy street, ho feet deep to Thirteenth street. Same vs.Wllllem R. Isaneen. owner orreputed wiener. or whoever 'may be owner. C. P.. Maroc Term. Me. No. 141. $94 Si. Lot on south side of Columbia avenue and on the veld side of Amboy (tate Robinson) street, moth ward; 19 feet front on Coiumbia avenueo9l feet deep. eame vs... Fame. C. P.. hfareh Term; IE4O. No. 4Z. 6 120 46. Eht south side of Columbia avenueud east ride of Cadbury (late Cedwalader) avenue, 20th wand; 18 feet front on Columbia avenue, 61 feet deep. Same vs. Charles B Kimball. owner or reptited owner or whoever may be owner. C. P., December Tertu, 1559. N 0.79 82594. Lot month side of Oxford street. 143 feet eastward from the east rode of Brown Street, 20th ward ;10 feet on Oxford street. MI feet deep. game vs. Same. O. P., December Term, lee 9. 625.04. Lot south side of Oxford street.lo feet east ward from the east side of Broad street, La want; 16 feet front on Oxford street. 53 feet deep. Same vs. Same. C. P., Pecember Term, lea No. St. 626.94. Lot south side of Oxford rarest, 175 feet eut • ward from the east side of Broad street, MO ward; 16 feet on Oxford street and 63 feet deep. Same vs. Same. C. Y., December Term. 166 e. N 0.82. 32.3.94. Lot south aide of Oxford street,l9l feet east ward from the east side of Broad street, 20th ward 16 feet on Oxfotreet and D e cem berp, hams vs, h ams . C. 2., Term. 1869. No. 83. 625 91. Lot south side of Oxford Street, Itir feet teirxt. ward from the east side ..f Broad street.lOth ward ; feet on Oxford street, and 53 feet deep. game vs. Same. C. P., December Term, UV. Ne.B4. 623 24 Lot south aide of Oxford street, and on the west stde of Cadbury avenue, 20th ward ; la lest on Oxford street and &I feet deep. oola tont MMUNICIPAL CLAIMS.—Notico is here bT given to the owners of the properties:men tioned In the appended memoranda of Clams, tint write of more (notes will he tainted thereon, m three months from the date hereof, unless the same are paid on or beloro that tttne. _ . . LEWIS C. CASSIDY, Attorney for Claimant. 213 South SIXTH Street. The City of Philadelphia, to nee of James bleCaulley. va. Win. itleDonald. owner or reputed owner, &o. Corr mon Plena, heptember Term, /859. No. , 138. Cul vertiug. 5r6.77 Lot and len.dines west aide Alder street. 133 feet north ef Master, 31 feet on Alder street, 53 feet deep. Same vs. rater Martin, owner or reputed owner, &e. Common Plena, Septet& n 'Penn. 1869. No. Int. Cul - vertloe. 8107. Lot and both:hags on emit side Alder attest, 118 fret north of Master strzet,lB feet on Alder street, 100 feet deep. ee.75-tu/8t IVIIEREAS LETTERS OF ADMINL§I tration upon the Estate of JOHN RANKIN, deceased, have been granted to the Stibsoriber. all persons indebted to said - Estate are requested to make pay urtent, and those having Claims against the same to present tnein to REBECCA RANKIN Atimirdstratrix, Or to her Attorney, wk. B. HOOD aur-tu-6t 242 South FIFTH street IN THE ORPHANS' OOFIRT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of estate of HARRIS COLEMAN, do (sensed. - - The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle. and Wad the account of !MAC NATHANS. adminis trator of the estate of Hernia Coleman, deceased, and to report, distribution of the balance M the bands of the admuttiptrator, will meet the parties Interested, for the PtlrSoette ot hut appointment, on MONDAY ,October at four o'olcck in the afternoon. at his cities. at the southeast cornor of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets. 0011--thsatuet DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. NOTICES. NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN THAT :polioy No. 217 in the PPNie MUTUAL Linti INSURANC- COMPANY, of Philadelphia. has been boat or mial.id, and that application has been made for a duplicate. ocla•ttuft. NOTICE. —An Instalment (being the Third /of Fire Dottare_per Share 05 the Capital Stook of the OBRMANTOWN PASSENGER Rita. WAY CO, is called, payable on or before NuLYAMBEit ..ii I sth next. ocs-tio WM. SINOERLY, reo. and 'Prem. U.YbiNASIIIM.—The Philadelphia Phy- Coal Institute, at the corner of Ninth and Arai streets. for the proper development of he a t.h. mind. graceful attitude, and the cure of chronic affec tions, by medioal movements, adapted to both sexes. of e vert ace, bi open for the Wlllter Donnie. After a care • fnl examination, a number of physicians recommended this Institute as the best in the Union. wl 'eh opinion is sustained by Dr. Winshiplthe _great gymnast) and hun dreds of pupils who were benefited in it teat year. Personal attendance is given to cleaves lay Messrs. HILLRBRAND ar, LEVirs. as well as Mrs. troIS. 'the Institute has a number of large a loons fitted us lot the different rums and classes; also dressing and drawing rooms. Office in the Building. N. B.—Prompt attention paid to classes out of the Institute. caila at* Professors BILLEBR &ND St LEWIS. PHILADELPHIA TERRA COTTA MA NUFACTORY, SEVENTH and GERM tiNTOWN road and 1010 CHEsTNUT Street. Vitrified Drain and Water Pipes Ventilating Flues. Hot,SirlFlues, and Smoke Flues inarlp of Terra Copra, and of etitabteaisa for every claw o buildings. .Tfue article is worthy the attention of all parties putting up buildings. /Aria size seweragepipes for city drainage , water pipes war ranted to stand a severe pressure. We are now prepared to contract with cities or corporations for this ample in any quantity. We warrant our goods to be equal if not superior to any other made In the United States or ' W Europeo es. . Ornamental Chimney 'Fops and Garden MR S. SANDbREN, PROFESSIONAL NURSE. has opened a Boarding Rouse at No 1011 Spruce street, for the special accomumiation of Invalid Ladies, and for those coining to Philadelphia to be Con fined, or for medical attendance, where the/ can have careful nursing, good board. aid ail the comforts of borne. Mrs. 8, refers, by permission. to the following professional gentlemen: Professor C. if. Moire,Unf it ly Wolter, M. D., hD. Omen, _ L. man AL Professor D.. Professor jos. Pancoast, Pro moor & Jackson,_ . Isaac Hays. M. D. R. A._ P. Penrose . M. 0.1 Proles: or If. L. Hodge, O. W. Nome. M. D.. J. P. Melee. M.D., Professor 8. H. Dickson. no& Im AISECOND-HARR FURNITURE BOUGHT TO ANY A MOUNT.—Hinelliko"aet• having artio_es of Furniture., Feather Pods. Carpets. Mirrors t ko., toitimose of, will get • liberal each price by applying to WAt 811. Also, en heed, a seleot assortment of near and second-hand furniture muted for the city trade. T. N. WALSH, ooh-lit. No. 934 MARKET Street, below Tenth. - ' FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES,. 4 : ll , l ft for "7e by irafatrP-X.lit. RED LEAD, ((BOUND IN OIL,. Alum: faotuured and fur salt wsTag,nu, slontrs., Ma sit atarck wow 941 i. EAtyTMAN , iroprietor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers