4 1 444'0 , 111..u'015ir ‘..= 4 3,) ' , . , -4,`1 "y-017, ~.• - , O, .104‘ , .4)' .....1.1.7,,Wr-.1 earnlW.MSl:ollol2 , 7B4 l64 i , ' Pim Pliiiroulhibrazaili 1120014100itri ' Lettere to Okada 9Vottor—No. 6 ;:i Whek view or the Plawasamisialf VOW UAL-. row rounsisinsikoolte*ffliii 4ollo6 “; Letter trove Prettiest 1. *ran 4 Jags Deleas ; 1101.011.011011111,141PWAV . _ mica to -; RAMoptVertorsta rd.. as If** 11014 . 1rese. Wl* esemeskaVrtr',-?; T':','','`,",;;Z-, 211uslidedbr;:r , ,,:, ~ $ :-, - CaOlitistOffiarkWL.Plf,'.,'„, *tot is am ;14.: ' IV . iikjimi!s , , th. 6.1" "VON I O0 1 0 11144 .! -1 '` " We lum 4414Wiamomieve siioOlativ The tatelliallytikaan."6l.: • 011iehr AOC Oins hadviatmath*.lSNO* ll , l .ool, l ," WNW Meador. Naples hat:Q*llr MS ji6albi 141 b .. Pert liumat 141144000**Ptaii*". 2 suctith*', The epsettet Jrakips, lassini Nf Itatr 61, . 0 9 111111 lade sort te.WAkirela. mom.' meads""Mir4C„ltai, k, :***its atro ottia "sake Os beertf , ast• Mss bar Whafftitaft___ 4 1 , loyal • - The ether r _!of an tatothin=. ,• Wear at*** te date Nuit - :the'Nott."4olit Shaine., tiliShio; Sin sie..J of Wt 44: • Idwerd itcSnifford,"sad N. B. Sialthere, • 400 1 061/ 7 3 1 f4hOriOlt ' Of kin' , "ad. Doct 4 Silerx - 40tiit AO,: eh* iitheiv elegant .winpwiae I. paint it the Peat WlNlVntiukS*ParnOtkak OballPrINIX the is 3 boutso 4 iLie ikstrwoNlNF Illsida7 a the sad. i t 11 " 1 0/ 0 4:bi sea Peon B•PubliellialliAtiliali New PiffeWi — exiiirita' -7 t • "m"441000411)444i:(6451tat0at iii Cased* onanialik-etnalhel. tiettlaseltr lb. losabin C*lo4 l o/ 1 / 1 4,Sgsre the neetlia It *ids*Aim people orsaitiiiiibiei.. hinthliver 4 lb. '00060414r, 0400,4' tisk tortaelsorkimva4ipii-by tits, 2 040, geneasnyjiii s pri.% 1111 "/"X :* **triffi t ** *O P 40116 orgiodzettenii ti!hree. llitlinib*,4lll4llor ta StkOW Piton humid ihrOiaid, - Odalt-the , ,earei retest. # 41 0: - This fe•thierpoosiii TrilOwsikw• ba n . that, at baste aid stlarildite the . gelllsten: t oa as ttg. - -.P*Mii,.l* 11 4tele.r . =Wilt on inn ' Vinpannt« Awe we eiIDPOOI, 0./Nth* @WW l 's* Idr,iferag **- Tie inaltici*eitia.rijoiontike atgiiiiii et party of *Mete, laatid brthirattedor Tao Kelly, to- , imisp . tirair Obi; pins. bolted f*C•114 4 ,,*:-.4 1 4. 1 00 LOblell'aftiont tbe witarfoolisre4 , ION* 111t . it'Aretiniss the ecovisfiened-stike taptato at **Aid* ketPiTIL ;711/01(11110/11011ktIlliCettta: kilopre sad the es stoop, tattidiLthlji, wee, weendtd 1150006Vtiurt,thlit twOriejli 1i acid- dared dont4llo.. Tiva, e t nejelt *ir dal by . . Tie *dr isitifial:'imur' nosenaso4 "t HoWail. N. Y.,00t otefortotAtokuliii:Otlhettek` at Lite ?fli: the Nos ..ToolliOlUiliWtif this tiNjr, elide ftellefets *lke ItoWe 4,1**61400, u gobs NON dWittilildipftil titles, to suktlip Oio Sense SWAP le the tteehhp Attetetooo/ 111 * 4 '-ihrh-tlOllllll Ohioaße. ~-?-~ - • , The tfrUh r l f ieitU lactnennentind *Wad pawn. laa the lath bloke readied Mania Intii'itiailet lag of fottjAelnititiegais,' 'thstithrlbts ksa• dyed gait 110 Inakot bettleoead snaked wady ass *Map b" lab*PZ istesSo ll o l ;;W : Fori tke ettienettletkiipe 6H bee' aas Seitatemitit" uert41.41W,11"*"111***100110 I t k 1 144 with WO0c.)011111 jab*" *SIC ,Ohaditiel: slime a Vie`; neat *atilt iippike hoot ear nifty aid , eosateniiiiith7Al4l* etki/i 'tam :My provkated; tbet/ - ilkliittfoll sate. !eller: en their soot:eine,' ifi 'eke* ltime,-iitsie Amid NlCAlool7..cd sialar•ilitWilt "1' 1 4 arkriattak et the eekiliiisteliii ° . 0 447 I. o o l ' , tap, A l/Y"f 4 00 0 0 0 , 1 04 01 •• tiOlAre Dovarrificwviid Oath& suer Wilma at ReatUnly .1140 i Oil Hon Wl* Itill-.ol l *-lie hill ; lewd ,to` rest Berko, hut "Al , iMfiiiithii,:!Dii*iiizi,4 East= wilt TnfAbilAo4ol. l o l oY;' ;=U' The, APPf t WU* Ashithdstr#, are chi cituerf the -*atm to! thieDhartiket` Perth mid ~ c iserglult-,ePen th ol- Itteter!e XteeneeL.the -xelPeßithfiltX.. - 40. 1 9ettMlaV. tkl b e r . /!;eo.sner+ , , event to walsh they are esgedy. Coliattoutaig.4t ti gretkOlat to notice: l A "kepi , the acids • Othe'eglee-. holdeliNid 0 11 ***WOul betrayal of 01.. 41 #4 4 ' 6 0:.103titoffito o *, tral Cdonnittee4 bedded : 4l r r ***ow *Wit Diirr titig 4'' ilCONidtgaii:; 4 44/**4 , at i l li efl44o l o l o* th fl‘ ': 0 0 040 . ': Of t..-the, Intrettfjp“6 l l , 44o? - :? 0 ,11 0 1. 1 4Pi htiT* tug Adied4tAybY the DeuroaremetN e memor lea* ; 41 11CSONITIC IttetuteCAlitehooll44o;64lll6 *the ''low!. nation ht.i(Pl ug tficOil: l o , lo l o* ?Okla' the belt 401,-•ll4•2o4o,:tkidei supertWitei Ceeeteldirte `,li.",thet toilette traereV Vtiett 34 - 4(et , Ard:Wes the Phirdeiphiio444;-***:l4tte*leet aelglithe• lft IN*7 gr o 4 l ) lll **Tim, tAr un'iralarii , ftittiall'afe:a'Aiii4 Ad Ali, Perte.rAlteetelech, apt te_the win ad iirealemer deetehrit 4 :illef.ht, met wing' " *Von* eekt-Atiere‘ a etta.rqf e c ±keeelAy_jbe Iles etpreetipiew the Sib et A ` 4 ' bit ,4itheite Itek 291$01: . Pb. deeigtet lir la Mika*, to sell_ the °me ad WIC old Zelte, -- eldeb sale I et* see 'a - leciA intiodeg about, tells "t Breda/ridge te be fie hietrureet tmerliteb indeogllts ire irately ese_serntig to. serer the Vet* dal cAltreriete wakelMr: ,eettr. !no arias yan:red barb the twee if/0W Nigher. 110,11401111 t to Or hr. hie NOWA Per. dem :pd - Abs•prrhedidur epee which he , storti, Midler ellete - hiretetrie the Mabee taw le taw gift of the pope, . 'Pkemeurseinsr,w,i by n u oval, Nide lee let Week tterlereit ter re* reed Trourley aJ 90.0.• Ali WM of roose*, wilt filedintlierni,. and Maw of lhath'grifie• ami4 IMO" I littelgteethreeto seetweettir _the. telleeet Iheetenete this A,lhreemitaittou of true &rodeo to ,pfA._ the+tin rableJoiptY,l4l4p. ottileANNWeeide'lfritet. the. 07 4.4 111111 0 0 reMbleft - at: Girt- 4 1 1 M the" the - Sou. Huai I); Warm no tickit wiakiii****4o inwolm,,4 1 0) 1 0 11 No: ao*RitOMP V- WWI : . nii000: I LI II ,W IV A ID 2 B, P II / 1 / 0 " ELICTOPASITIMPW• -=r:, ~~io%ats%~f~ps~`~efee~ti;l~siip:~,~',. - - -, I;--''V'Tts- !-3i. 71.:1m g 0 i : 7 ' n-. "- . ' rb , i ; i:suoti-' . 1 4 100 C 1 0 .3 oi "S 1 " 1 0"* ' ll loaal.nee gt , 3S. Ps liff't .* AnSioilli: if. 4 j4.4Mt7 8 70 7,1 M 4 0114 4 a - **** l l)*" . = ' - itili **l. of Odiiiiy:is'anitaliethi(olllooll4w;, taiiofttitiliiihrOli . " 4 "o,. l ol 11 0 1 1k2P, 1•1 a,' `-`- ij...iiiiiiiii‘baig*:llllf I *r r Atkothea#P. 1 # :11;_: 4 1 .0 -trc., Pah*prat Paragrap tlf _ 41 " Bumf :time it trn 04 _ , , fi k :mciigiercenariee in the North - , ,ooa*P ne of their own, and anti itjilee* 4heimpose of ammtfag *tire of.• `thilliglegge of the Admintetnitkiii, trigitniidiad igaiteguatie papers, dedicated to Donato and arid in favor of the old tweed of the all over the 37pioA. lii - PetilVyaiXtheire,sPiiitied , -.444-lik.e yonagintehthieisit4o in a •.MtrOdliAPtreb , the trembling libr - , *ma; lian i m , 3 *Fr A be the Ciiiistoftl4 ilinniOncj . . " ;Tliefitei F 0 1 0: 1 M 11 4. L! 180itthern41, sPtiee 'the (Wt .- d:of . a Jam -, eallit,thl*Nehinie , " l 44e , 1 1 100 4+ t. A - 11 - 44 1 -, lhairmlthlteter irsa 1 , 00 4 beams in appalling the no. new *or bite ebb tnietiAterfer Little Rock , . the , eiti!tel of Aitsialf,' s itittAled the rirettonei'•_Dieseciei, ded to Awromisoiti * L ..? 'comPro c is ;mar , pipit :the' Dlennionlits: apsri !lik*:been eiltahhehed iq klieheadppl s , gem*, and Lotdid- WA.. 11; RIND be. ,fate,tbbineleot circle or oleo-holden and ex peatitsts, at tbo earner :of Tenth .and Obest. last Mei - Deto;111" Ude city, is not MAT enthiudee• !tioidii Ogee, WieL Advsuae , pea& . weie 'Mkt oidti of the le d~n plpirs.4 the oottntrpi *t;iit illes l 444Qilth,l*l It. As If Co corn to *r.; *i: root!: lon Cosiothapsit ~" The ifflSNlPPlialht.PPl.Ptia •PYOto of the 4f 1 411014: osPidends the is4l speeoh of acila .t4it ',,pOratssi et - Columbus, Georgia) ra.which he dendnisid .that, n a - certain otontingeney— irshiday *Mlling to the election of .Lnrcosir-- 14 - :*iing cOuniOlito* fe'T the White lititoe', o f - Georgie:7 . _ pow event ;Of ,Disunion, *it ( every Southern itttitei Ia :taiPE 4o , l3 i , loPiesei Be - =pub ief•andi thareitore, that ifg. : Toonsa is to beAte « candidate for the Presidency of the 2 1terilklio of "Georgia? Or,does he , refer to 'OW 0 WNW neribihre" which , fah on , the hfinied with meaoshories? Way *Obi o:ginig.' -410104-7brte'ine ttie VicaP4o:6,:iii enemies of: : thO real da•4 1 4 14 t:irgai filivitinfOntg ;Nola 4eaffnr4 Pita an 4biagiTe q .salon to us inntimme.e to t the alocaritysol our support of lir. Dovorie, , biumat upon an. ,editorial *bleb •ippeared An this journal, re baking! metailcaat popot,t , own+ by 'the 'aloha" fri: thiii *airier, Whieliktbainted to deriiitii'lorrectaesii 3 Of a report Orthe spinet" `of General ?porno:at `Somerset, priblisbag to. h,t. , The , WhialkikPlariea •0 1 nOli'upon *C. Noah's. platfoim -iiiarniasi, ita (Inn* midge editors., ought to know wbether we `are sincere In What we say or. di. We hive. 'eipionationir -nor - apologies to. make, Attar' Ord opinitini"cir `cur Preforeine. -4 bilk. Joao* While Wei shill elec. 'non with:find SeintmS, it he adhere tit the "ganeral gimtrian of his tkinimei *Seel,* 'shalt oppose , lim .as we. uould:Ouribitterest enemy if: be backs :from that , speech, or lends -blamer :to the shameless practices of.the Faiderainfilcerk here or eh/eaten; who are aff4Wipting liiitheilitht Democracy of Penn sybronia nith their fristin nlintoral ticket. , Thoin tremble dm; i►bo-dasreto,pie, 44k,_.. _ig4 B4 g Croilsruo : 4bi. . connorbeivorni fn ads .aosspolgri..:-: The. Ssoliaek under Its inrrinwpicesi, any belong to .ibis small set of soup intrtiallts ?saes doe's not. -fthenotethayon Wont: &err i of Hunting ,dos as the *Andersle ' - eandidete for State Siia:sterth : the Hrintthgdon ant *lth;rd We); reSect, " Rie ereditirPen the. thirty' "htl** ( irrertirilirt Srio*le a 414h*** taw eti, t!teLPrllhlfeOler*,ereVk_Dgre*,, whsiranee rum, niudtahoek fltheuege, upon the , lehnorkidgediablefides of the old line, De - montltht. -,1 We dimetelyttrust that bensay - be_ ,ekosen lotheHenate.z l He Is Abandatdly:gruill del fir a mitott'bdOitioesltjUsf. ' '- , fj $ l, I . l igiiirele4bSrlagsrplitUk - , Iseelt Started - State; h4erthiitheSieee title of intWrrsi;: Hr;lkerrisran'a test 414 . 1)4ni*Soir iDet,lo,l7nieb inst,iiieited gni ! ArauA, :propistoitdati 411 ended in ' contest .thOtpevaatad hii..64MdidiriratiOn-,th be ,de. ef;the Bliss aidHinnariiendemin 41.:viehdtriste othibiting, vaat affection for alb Oreeithattgeti. - 111r: -- Bancumums,, In Ithf_Netheh - Of the fifth of September, returns US* pi,;6ll#4the,cottniri ii:Ekasi ars goit!iiiissi - awed 4040* billa; 1 ' 41 ' 4 444i '5 1 ,g4 1 4? 4 44 0 ,a!-010 # B. the 6041,1PhithAlsrlistIP t 7the , oses'biretotbrifisiiitrai and latter -I.#4`Repildkowpaperrisinted at Chambers, Freakihroonnty,-in thisittate, - bas been lnichsentii)4l . Meads of Judge , Dovar,As *.vitinAirlifterle devoted to hisnanseand: Deineeretthereedj :0", - 7witini' it he` ierele "reptiip , ntaqve. rifosM ifiII„t, O 9,,O OI 4PCKAPP.4 I O* 114.1 1 .r11. 1 44 1 04. 1 0 11 7p,Pigti; OW: 100440, Hfi:l4; : thidf,l l 4o l 4 n 4 apilftfilelanOt Ate to be a prodiabth.. sad lippittstripee:Yrbreefterst MishdotesOlon, 'lmlicespietto 411te expiltadvelmitscrit of *Hat iig4`or thiliddetthg bethboritteliarn • trithdrkli'PieerOltht support lbetheins; 't l lo4. , *AP NUM:O the party mast either :40:10thent boned:nisi:4k 'or :setahlish Own' I * Wei*,Lew. Alei . l o 7,,theliewer:o4 the lionerof writhe : lo* germ*, er4orePhEY ~rinabsg away; while the substratum .4trera great - prinotplo war endure forever. ' . 14 4;f 1 0 0 :Cowl**iMinf:tioritid "the City Of Non Tork, and parligulaiji the newspaper repedersomder the indiction of the celebrated •• Professor" Lows, who had been threatening, for t an .indefinite period of thee, an womb= from Gotham, which was to surpass all , other rierfal advestares,unittO terminate somewhere on the continent - iir "*#iipif: 5 After messed ,euPerbrients, beginning with a large outtar of ' money, aid 'ending lweite 'IL'S rapid lions, Ike ~ Professor" moved hii mammoth ship of Me clouds to Philadelphia, and for a ,number of weeks past has 'been , engaged in ;collecting funds and making promises which serer` , best been Irefillekit his intention to **WM the country by us unkiarsileled amen -don;',ltii:*!nonhiisbeen desiiiibed bY weary . rePeiteri, • engrired. and. Printed for popular circul4lon fn the ,piclorlii jeurnals of the day, and every morning our aitlsai have,,,tmien re galed wittethe fennel announcement that It iron* Morit'off on It. perilous Tome at, a, tertian time.' - Yesterday, the'day before, and 6* several day's presfouti the Janie tale was :rpm, ‘,,,r01 this "morning it is our duty to infbrm .thwpwilfc that the balloon,` remains at Point ' 140 1 !.1 41 ,',4 401 4,1 1 .**14#7Aft4 lieliPatdfi'uf 1',4 0 4 04 0 - iiih 4. 4 liiiii.. l l compou ndq,brok and 'mostsre , lfwbeN no Atifolition,to !Tr,ofeilre,.' fon, but UMW* we speak the intim*/ of Mir killieted emskurnity; when we Implofn biro Olf*OitOilfteirpthillcOnstaitsaatgivwfsent Ofriliirtanki upon thipithirob Ciotti eight-lee leTkiluttiFul',, his bithra• This is $ bnig!"°. UNtl 7,, hut we *BY *defer 'that ' ft, 'the L'folwriou wadi rill frisM:lbo„ dull, earth ; 1 00044 he bat oolong, been repOidng,:oni 'lplorptiL Would' noto look their #warts, g, he War showed its iheri on terra ,firina, at foist iii_ii4s''' Side' of the .Atlaritic,.;. The curious ',-li44.2;Ubildrel,' and Idlers, Who Lase 'been' , etwasted bYthe edireitiSeMeoto and promises Of,the "Prideslier ;" the koll•worn • reportersi Ottiniii 4 4;4o,Po ll 4 l3 4/,,t0 *dm' plissootc. rizikkeji,rissikbetwiwit thedi,PfloWf ;bid „roi*, k Rr—T 4lll4 4 4oeli k vidOrouVriltherr *boos 'lliffirfiliift.' ' Ort doubt rarif.2 .. „ .. * l - ' iral a n:. r 11.114- ''lrs Pio - to;l lY Wlther 4:f da ~"iritth jui,Pf:niMliffidkft as ii - r-. citkeni or leave a us, in his . = ' —,• ~ — . 4 4 the *O O4 'ileilef •' ' .ftrlititortti 7 smolx.- - vra us idilid, „-,--. -7.------,,, • ~ c • *Vw. le t4ioVl*(iefirsitift, rats II Itsrftik, Si :080041A 1 41 , 4**Iiiiryli Ilap'.lllltiriipto 1116 4 140.14 101,1 4 , 1014,4•4**1:: 1110 itin!lateliels ettordeku , '444; orir ..,,p1,,..1 „.*drAptnissinis - Mitt Get% &moth sweltlONNisOmO r liikarsiiii“d tea OlikvitliMl*fisiOnswate. :141*ss4iacas 1.0 1 0 : 11.100C - THE PEEK -PHILADELPHIA* SATIJ, i p a d e j ll 44 , ,• the ProStii „ Wasilithrow,l4t. Oadittlone of:lager cp7,, Mr. Panay, itheording to lets intalligenanifi* Alabama; remit mainly from the extraordlnaa rosation against Breolduridge now going On; in thatilitatet_ Siebels, Hoorn . 8, Houston; Wilaterl,"Bradiey, and others , have tinned the to- - hies effectually upon Yancey and the Are-eaters. A gentlemen now in Washington Informs, me that INotdieWill - - orvererheimiugly for Douglas, and Asitaneey's friends were all defenthdln hie own aunty al ri tbe lad election, by a 'Aar' majority. All the a oniptrakzigion of Alari, represent! ad by Williamson R, Cobh and B. Brous ton; olli to enthusitstioally for Douglas. In fact, the BreelOnridge men give - up Alabama; lehleh is rather an awkward comment upon the,thot, that it it tht Stao in whieh'their leader, hit,. Panay re sides. If that eioquent and itunntelve gentleman &- aim torthaiten hie tenger ke ihaibt not Visit Petor Irrlvania.l I wield alien • him rather to' wend-his bastes to &nth Ottollia; thilympathy for the movement with•:tehish • he; is' luallated is dying away in the otherloatherst Sista- ) • - I peraive that, the ArealtiorgtorrConetipetion,, dill • conducted, pj Sir. M. Briann, who will_ no doubt istire,to threat Rig* after he has completed his spidentioahiPaiderliC Buchanan, and thoroughly learned the tied. of distraint the 1 Demooratie part;' fun/lady beasts that there are ' few Dentheratio4aperi in -• Pennsylvania that do . not support the • fain ; electoral' ticket or, _that 'openly demand a straight Daigle; doctoral linked,. 'Why dose not some friend of the 'editor of, the Voustetettson lellldot that nearly ail the Pennsylvania pipers • sat itipportlnt thrinuloir idestorit *lief ingpated the pollej,,ot the fiernatek:Adrdaatratien,On,the Leamptip and Ruttish kilts: , ?Most of theme*, palliatalor ap. pleaded manor of th e flrer•eaters and: oilier holder's' poiZ 'lrOugla; and yet What ..tid 'this inilancefof ail . taus nowignpersi,eontialled and paid, diratlY - and indirectly, - by the, Malady'. Hon, amount to ?' - They Goad net tally is Demo. erotic party to the Wrongs' they but they; rabid -the *heti orgenination• ,on a die. graceful Atria, 'aided to overthrow some of the best Donioeracin the State, and gave a complete triumph to thl Opposition.: TAarcupport of the remota Auroral ticket 4 only a pore ; of the pro gramme they helped ,to, tarry out in 1858 and 1869. - There, is a ; difference , ,h6wever, Indian their ponitiona' then, ad tow. Ode' or trio years - ago' they baited; with Date plaiheibllity, tbitthey ware the representative Of•the organization, but now they are attacking the- organisation ; and op. posing the regular cindidate fit the party, Stephen A. Douglas,: who ; is more ampletely the rare. antatthe of , the, Anterioen ,Democracy than any ratirlid4. Thar theta will, in mj opinion, ;nt`. triply overwhelm the lesion sleek:del ticket in /one {;fate., RonestDenglis menheiß Fie ditto:metal! Waking pliged .by the Adidedetratiori They will reirolthetthatthea journals fled airy transgression and Write of • %cried. , dent and Of' thi Dinnionists, and they, will - tally to the 14Ppert of; the.straightelectord ticket with enthabista aid , , • , • ~ : • Nobody ha been more frightened bythe demon strations in favor of Douglas than such 'min a s lames M. Mean, of Virginli t, this mizilths laded it over Urea bar one who b opposid hint; and' ban been patioularly offensive to Judge Douglas. Re is now on his lase befits the people of Virginii, ape-they wilibuld him too terrible reckoning. So also of Mr. James N..(lrsen.of Missouri, who, re-, lying upon the axpeOlatlen, that the,people of the Stets ears more for ;liana than they do for eon. • eistaa, and icitodity, embarked •fit the most, &- skew Warfare .upon 'Dallis, and he,, too, if one friends lire wile: will he' 'compelled to cool his heels athlsowtidremtdebereafter. liven Mr.. elide% of Louhdani,' toi: Seel "tbd remotion, and' poor of Alabama Whose' Mends teacart misty eleetionsared b mikrildur .Vise President_ • with DOuglwand whose estendaaftorwalla forced him to decline thenomination, the:abbos before the awakened wrath,of,the, People Of, his Stete. - I•obarv,e that ' Ithozbei,of tin Hareeentatlien in the pi esinecentrai froni'liinaylventa,leva beau • nadriatid foi icelsotkiti. Sal men es Tames g. dui pINiU, of ; Col. George , • W.Beraton, of Valera ;•lemes Ti Mile, of Cen tre; 1. Moorehead and I..WlCnititti *UM,- SllellY;;Tolarl s .Verrse Sad E. - ;Joy Morris, of Pkilat, delphia; Henry 0. Longenecker, of Lehigh; Ben , lambi ;ankle. c.f./what ; Rdwrrd !!Pherson, of, Adams; Johlsillshmestlef Cheater ; ,eird,Thaddents Stevens, Linoister=iill or thia theinierni Pf, the, Oppodeoir-' -*add ile,eet liana • yam any Stair; and hail dine s grad 'deal 'to diorite %C r ean- - rata of PinnaleaniC The example of the Op position ,in salating such plasma forthrogrest, has- had, ,perseive, azt excellent offset opon the Detimetelt. who are everywhere, Strath . *. free Staten ispaially,gettlag forward theirheit Wan: The, ninciantloni -of , liViWent R.• Lduati In the Fatal disttlet ,' John Arodhead In Ike Second, John Maki the Ihlid,PAPaser lltifftln the Sixth, and,Rlll3l, BehSll in the Seventeenth; 'do Orodlt to the'Deitirersai lid are dooldtd isoprovesoito upon Adair prat • . - : • _ _ • Annals the lister Opposition istaarefit tronsPeran , spirants; I esanot refrain an elusion to GeogpX, Scrub's, of .s.in sense; &wanton ..ts :rather . a tossinons roan, ilum a polltiehm,, , and big fiber* opt, alone lad ootiona 'anderad hits to with whosii ho became t aetinainted.Aartat :the toot simian: JIM 00f INUriald to' boar that psi iliritivith the Democrats Of his district' hi `erenirrestat than' iE is with roeintiois of owe pslt7. - OCCASIONAL. rublie , Amieements. - „ • Let am say a word 'for two Ale and. most du• soyeedly popular performers, now 'at Arch-street Theatre.' When Mr; Whatley obroliencedtha Prat sent season, which has ea far beam extraordifiartly sumeeiful,he was ealledontto address the audienoe, and•announced that, though he hai " star" 'com pany, he had no starring theatre—which 'insane pool, underpaid eompany, 'to play duaimlei to' wandering stMa. Bat; he mid; he had engaged a few , stars"-the • illormthei Mdatin-BoOttr, :and Charlotte ' Cashman." Alreatit, he,his given us. the Ploreiess: • .Wo • Wades/ -that, w• Thhohihrys..moratace is an actress not inferior to her sisMr,Mys, Barney William* though she Is Imeh: ,younger,., and _ has been MO. s 'few' leirs,npon the Otago. TIM lief tints he Wee played ,any :speaking otterietir'fbefore that she was 0 datuness) was at' Waltath's Theatre,- New Yorie, and We happened io'be thert:• It was ities,7 li the anitudnifiree of " iimid for Nothing," toad we then formed the opinion- that, ate was destined tatheitcons a goad .mtress. Next time we 10111 her the' ire.s..pleythg the "Yankee Gal" line, and 'playing 4 very well.. She has Lotsesesurablyill- im proved sinoe.--Mr. W... Florence, 'who' plays Irish paiti, Is 'llOl equal, to his wife. Me. is• not so good 'a 'Maga Irishman as 'his brother4n. law,! Barney Williams, !. although he to mach. Utter 'educated. - Mr. Florence, indeed, is a well lathented, Clear-hesaled, ani very sensible gentle man: He has a habit of crossing MS Irialtrien with the • Datch—ao: to say : --astd, therefore his stage Irishman is not equal to Barney'.. He wants a little ishandon In his brogue, width, at preisnt, Is tinged with a Dutch flavor. But he may list Out Of this, for he is young, ham brains, and ha has ambition. The' latter he lately displayed at Het)' where he' essayed funeral Of the late Burton!" simecial obaraetere, mad greatly anoleadad • , than. We ails. Mr. Wheatley, as a 11 11M,.ba *the public see Mr. /heretics ifr those itherimiters. In the meantime, on *aid icy, Mr. and 14n2Sioreneitire driWing Crowded houses it the Arab. At the Matinee; to-day, the " Contain tirtithere'erilliMnirforited. - • • t • .Tbe ilthicrpian Company (Clarnoroes' and Sharp.' leyisiOnetrils) stills Continental T heatte,,Wid nut street, tiontinatato meet with depervedammeas. M. Carreras 11. an admirable tut Limi-singer; Mr. Shiarpley'exesle in the comic line, and Mr.. Mora is 'following closely in the footsteps of Mr. 'Stank Drawer; an artist,, if ever deist were one, In the Stidopleillne, 'There is no word nor action in any of these performances Width min render them • objeitfonable to the Mostrfasildions taste,: tl • The English opera troupe at Wainut•street,Tha.. It?, 61016 :their engagement this eyening. „ Their. semen shows • what an operatic • 1y89.1 1 co mplete in ram. deseription of singing, and with some Ulm of soling, might sicompilih in this atty. ' ilia Monday, 'ironing, Mr.' Mtn B"iltoDodongit. reoPani the Gaieties, Ithee'rtreet; tithich ithebeen converts into • ' regular theatre, at larvae*: The Ratulderill perform tharsothd, no doubt, will ,dkaw.intinsmie bsew: t „ Larsti" . coal Estate , ,, Mon, alashorn, CIO, option's»; will sell,' Iths rth of ; l3eptoabei, ialoableecial proper , WWI Top coal Aga, Peettsyieitals." Al otshrit 100 rot; ieiti Ales - Ws tobt lest Optined t "thi ryety high pod- Oita market, sad the' prixittetketof the »sloths' shown a steady inerowt, *tea . &Mesh, the; lets AhltisiOui r P l4 o. - • ' • • “r. Ifti have to doubt "hi" opal property is ri4tit ' tik. ittredllA ospitaily who way be bolting for ale•, iirstde aild prAtahle itnestikeate ;, the ; ipso reeisoire foals" deyeliipmeat - a 'new »al sireadi,beea inearied - fir bit real n tl#l:o.ll:4litagrig the itiosa ;I The 'preasat etOno - airy "km to be a =oat; favorable one foi the pardon of land" in that , re ' „ h e IND! ' Attio Biros. . 21parai did' tall lado'Will take plass it` Ereliguip on Titardat Bid &dyad's. , Siorito and eataliguoo Israod to-day, ' 4 •74, apple cropAouth sad, west of:asoscl ordrat ay - rho MAW York: Journal of , goiia;keipi proilltiow, AllseedJellaPtfratereksiOS 184 A. s r N ia o d w h ,, ,foa la pa a) rOWNo, : a tol O I a F / r P ogl r on t ,frooiat wbleb ?Ori t - i draws 118'44044k yeaeploania thi erop lr WOW; as It is also in 110404-11faii si y . tliolaturieCtiaas wltantlii• Ouo Ono, .1" stiff= 1114 l ifpgattl,ii er idelrare. rallod upon tor sip° liOttsitholiit tau pews hero Irtaglet from throw to six dollars a barrel ) ore !low bold at two dollars. If A T now Sy Teletraitat4k J . UDGE DOUdLittfli EiNNBF4*-: His ReceptionlitYark Mid Harrisburg. Special Deapatch-to::” The Preis" - . 'Lisanissana,'Bepi. t, 180: Judge DOIJOLAB left Baltimore this mornhig at half pat 8 o'olooln;arriringliff , at halt plat if P.'M. e Along - ;he 1 h of the Northern - Contra Railtoid the peoPlel hid liniensided,it sit the Ara. tions;- antiolpating his coming, and anxious to see him. They displayed great enthusiasm on meeting him. . r ; a I ' . • 4 Hanover Junction there wail; - some tw o or thref,bundred oittsons and military : returning from the encampment et York, and they united in giv ing him a load and hearty webiome into Pennsyl vania.' At York, where the train arrived about noon, there were about two thousand people "waiting -him:- with a band of mush,. Numbers of them ,tbro,ngedthe oars Ind insisted :on his 'remaining: over inyerk for the next train, in order to give them a epeeoh in the Meantime, but this' the /far risbnig Committeeotho met him here, would not Detente, is It interfered' With' the 'arrangements fbr his recepUon in their pity. The Yorkers finally voted to go to Harrlshirg to hear the speech, as they amid not have one in their own town, and Air. DOUGLAS then appeared on the platform of .the oar, and returned his thanks to the people for the entlandaatto and soul-stirring reception- which they had given him., As the .train moved on. its etay: mak a-sheet w ent nV-as only ' Pentirylvaf Can_mini give, when they Mont with a will. Freinii.YOrt, the Chambers Artillery, of Asst• b.raburg, one of the companies attending tbi milt-' tary encampment at that plan, accompanied Jedge DOIJCILIB Y n guard of honer. The Mary laud Committee, MU hid rembined in Adige of bias, nett! he reached York, there handed him 'over to the Reception Combiltlee of the citizens of Harrisburg, composetrot thelolioning gentlemen:: Rams. Wm. H. Repaer, Esq., Mayor of Harris. 'burg, Gin. William H. Miller, :OM H. Briggs, Charles D. Hineline, William Garrett, Philip Dougherty, and John Ifiddinfan; t As the train oreseed the Susquehanna river, and entered :Harrisburg, a salute of thirty-three gubs announced the arrival of Judge DOUGILIt. ; The depot and grounds surrounding it were crowded with an excited multitude, and as the train ombe to a, half, a rash was made far the ear in which' ift?. POVOLAS was, and cheer after cheer row as be made, his appearance, and was escorted by the oomnifttee to the carriage In waiting for him; A' procession was formed, the Chambers Artil lery acting as the special wort, followed by an imineese ammonia of eft:teens, end he was escorted to Eitehler's Hotel, where quarters Winona taken for hit. All :Harrisburg was out along the route of thnproentsfon,iiidwithstindlng ft Mae their din." par hour, as one of the committee informed your reporter, cad seemed to omloy. e sight of sad a her yeti far " Little Giant'? somueh as to entirely &Mit . the dejoymenta of the table, from whisk they laidlisen suddenly called. Mr. Donat4s, after rest tuf for an hour or two, rizielved hls,friands. He was visited ky a large number of ladies.' Tim 1 eity is crowded, exeursim.trains raining on the many roads leading in here, and 'bringing AMU of people from tits' North, , the South, the East, and the West. ' ' Judge Dotrqs.as leaves here to-morrow for Reading, where he will arrive at half poet ten o'clock. He will not go to Philadelphlnternotroir night, so previously antamnoed, for the tenon that the Dell and Everett men and Republican' bare thilr demonstrations on that night; and ha would Interfere with them and they with him, bat will proceed, somewhere In the ommtlY Where:he, will' ramie quietly over Sunday and obtain acme met, absolutely required to outdo hire to proceed - to listo n tk on Monday and falitl his *User espy * sacoink ovaromt lisreetnim4; apt. 7—Evilalag This efterwoon: Judge Dreistsas received *bow sande of Minds, among Who= tine **irk-. Mee. At Sunset another asthma salute.wes Aired Awns the Hipltol hill, and shortly' anis J einwd . Incamenoed assembling in Market, Naar"; eype; , site Dialer's Hotel, which was lownititally cornea with flags and evergreen. • - - By emu o'clock the crowd remised down to Coireily'e Hotel and far up the street Ia eloni.;4l; resilient, whilst the top of the market ho sii*s* covered with an kepeetant andimeee. were entertained with latish:4o L iiiishoffsf ire.' works until haif•past' seven fecioetioessimmsit . meeting was organised'. 11870 4 ' gifiltilfilihre ! sided. tillTattlaT PAaltaa introdneed dadgeltor ai" to the people, thus totoring, fir the Brat lief since his election, the political Pries ' mist,' that the pleasant duty had been assigned Ittm of introdueing the distbsrabbed nominee of the Dinkossatin Piet; foe Pimifient, thWetet smite who was not only the nominee of that *ft; belts only nominee. [Cheers.] Pour years ago, at Oineintati;where:everfOongremional dieted from Maine 'to California had it,dotiVe , Gen in Cinvention, the Demooratie - eslopti4 on - hie motion, ~as it came from the nominates, *Ghent dotting an lor craning a' T."1:1061 'that pieta= were placed in nomination; two &AI& gabbed gentlemen for the two highest offices in the nation—Buonswer and BaIOKINSIDOZ. That platform not Only , met the approbation of that 04M volition, by a unaninions tee, be it also met 40 approbation of Mr. Duca:mut and Mr. Deloker!- amen, and upon ft both were elected to the high places now held by them. That platform, adopted by the Demooraay and ratified by the people of the United States in No vember follinwhig, by. the election °VW/ Dimwits ix low stands as the unlmpeaohed areal of the Democratic party, 'until some supreme judicial Aribunal, having equal authority, shall remind it. Gov. Paeans then proceeded to show that It wee still binding on the country, having been adopted in the Charleston Convention by a large majority, when all-.the • iieeeseionista were present. riennoed the Seceders, ;ad impelled their dishefet, imam, proving that Mr. DeuseSs spas rifti4 , 44i4 by two-thirds of the revile' Democratic Conven tion_ He deelared that, according to their own admission, tie 'Seebselonists hail nether •Ifioandk ,date nor &Vittorio; While We regular Demiesestey. ,bad a ,mpfutidifte nominated upon" a - platinum, adepts& by a tat ConeeistiiislitiVberieldek feel ,Whioh bad before been enfierwl by the national Deritimmeoy at Cincinnati, and* ratified by the peo ple of the nation. 'by. pitying • glowing tributs to tii• **Mem and principles, sof Mr. Dotmeas: Naives often interrupted by 110417 applause. - - Judge Doi:mess in opening his speech, alluded to the importasniPoiltion held by Peseaqiyanis in the Union. She was the Keystone of oral on which the Federal Union rests. Her history has alwayibliwele,:hennony with her title. Shy "lA] ways has been a loyal, Union, conservative, and 'patriotic State, and now had a deep interest in the administration of this 0 07 10 1 mesto ap as,to'prlr Serra peace at home andmaintain a Wiwi, just; and firm foreign . Pennsylvania de sired the-- whole. Union .as the market for her manufactures:" She' commanded, besides, the whole world outside of, the ,Union, and therefore she; was as great, if not a greater, State than - ray Other one In the Confederacy. Be invited attention to the startling fact that during the lest few years the arm ofthe Federal Government had . bewn peralyeed, the it his failed to perform the duties for which 'lt was created. (B large delegation hers, arrived from Middietown, with music and transparencies, with mottoes inch as "Deuglite;the Penni Hickory ;" "- We go for the !Little Giant.;!' Non-interren lion will keep the negro out of ()engross."' They were received with trine cheers.' Mr. Dotroaas pmeeeding, mid lash year the expenditures of the 'Federal Govertnient had been about twenty million &Malt OM and. above its Income. No man °mild doubt but what such a eye tem was unwise and ruinous. The attention of Congress had been called 'to It, and the oopntry, now demands relief. One of two things mut eat:: tenly be done. Either we must refine, our ex penditures to a revenue standard, or we must 41- creme airman, -up to- the &tended of our ex! penditures. The negro question has eways prevented Coo. grass frem setts' . in the matter. It wu inverl ably at the close of each wider' the it scud not be attended to for want of trine. Thus the Will' bill was the list bill in each year. For ihree yearea, bill was heveght forward to remedy ibis evil of an exam of expenditure, and t h e negro , qeestlon always occupied all the time end defeated naw ~loan„or a ; new ,isaie of ireesay notes ? foliated 'all l et iiiiestafy donsequeice; atter -to keep the whale of Clayernment,in motton,, When our Repieaentatives retained &lie; 'and' were asked- why AO did not. rodeos the expendita“ . or Inman the revenue, they all, replied that they were in favor of that anise, but could not for want of time, and; Vail would •bo 'certainly ac complished next mission, iLewilitox and applause.] Pennsylvania lief 'aditep 4Rtoieet la' the revenue question. She desires all that protection to Ame rican Wahl whit& tion latEfurntabad 'by a reve nue talc. , The Ramoomkio party Is plialigad to raise that revenue by a tariff which la sitaitent to Why the exposem of as eoonomical adminiaka- Von ,qt the govemsteWpvi 'in that . way furnish Saab tir4tealort ta,Aifiarkan muses tayi**, iffersi, P r oieio, ',Bat yoa lean, nor Yon obtall action onthis fabled, utittd444l4,vo nieet , itatilitTiteelettimi:eirtinwnalitiaava w a s ta, Oige':ll:liitti'Attilitteitiliillidillbisiii of .1/101.;!MPi. it TIMM f4ITT.-t": -- Thbiliow.4l44lof. ;g00444,!*,:e4c AO 00' 131 0 ' l 7 ,4 4 !,11r,'P,40 140 ~to6mond speech • ' . 1 .4 1 t40,144 43 # 5 .1 ? LK . t i1gti P ig. : portalat lanmeg .l e4.4foattma lontardilliteel allfeigOlii*Aig. ,i)!*Pelgaeitin't 01 °4' Jelfgb proceeded teaegarlliimmoegt*ltop,! and prove the dieunion tendencies of both the is publican and *althorn Soootolon parties. 4:. Toirod itie elm ; of jeke croook,ln ''''''''' lef lioloclpi iild'filotifii:Hanoreernboo lir tad , nol4 04 .Oui;la )44: Xoontsiiet On 11AsiniOidopthi et ' ovkleb billitialitetevderotine)e' qui — fic;. ,t*W to •zeinosei l oaill 'the Oonett-, bif#V, Silditrik e,i? liiiiie.tut twori.odza iiiii3wroilk ii e fi e legintpithy, v* 11117104, no fasten Of iiny :kind. (Cries' of , I We won'tikavo fusion !wand Wild excitement.] He tette us that we or* not to be trusted, because we stand on that plotforst on wlttok bo. was...looted. but whit% he new denonnoomo ffiettleY to reitionund t h e eon stieuelok. t I )ILt l'ik ,"; , 1 ~. „, •,,,I,:zE 12 TM I Mallonyltiands,..l34lFmarankly, i see no &if..., ferinoe in frinoiple" between Southern Fire-eaters and Northern Abolitionietit. '1 bold that interven tient whether North or Soith, le alike hostile to' the peke; of the country; and the Democratic party, standing on the prinoiple of non-intervention, *an not sot oorcert either with Northern or South . ern extremists, "Immense and thundering ap plause,' The great mission of theUemoeratie par ty is to' save the Unioa by burying Northern Abo litionists and Southern. Diennionista in this same common grave. [Cheers." , "Mr. Devalue hero became so hoarse thatlfe wee obliged to atop speaking. Be had been - thlking one hour, and a quarter, and usually Speaks fw o . been . , but tonight could not do so Be — retired at once, in order . t.o . be: able tomcat the Demboraoy of Reading t o- morrow. A commit. tee frog that oily, beaded by General LaIIMAW, are here. Mr. Donates does not doubt his ability to meet all his engagements. Governor Damon, General BOI3IIVORT, and others, declare this to be the largest meeting ever held in Harrisburg. It le estimated that there were 'folly linear, tho wl ep,d people present. Mr. DOUGLAS was vociferously sheered at frequent intervals daring his speeoh. A Douglas straight-out ;lepton] tioket is to be appownood on MOnday. It will oontain a majority of the eleotore of the Reading Convention. B. Dossukoheito, the Assoolats4 Disarm suit° Sept. Douglas arrived hors a the noon train from Baltimore; .• • He was met at York Ay- the ohatabershurg Elites; Capt. Housem, on their return hale from the Military .etwaropment. They aoted as his A large cr owdwas gathered at the depot 'on the arrival of the train. The reception was quiet, but impressive.' - Mr. Douglas was received by a com mittee tioneriting, of Major Wm. H. Kepner, Gen. Wm. , -11, War,. Jahn H,./trigge, Ohm. HeLuline, and Meam -- D .ougherty And Barret. He we es corted by the committee sad the military up Mar ket street - to 'the quarters prepared for him- at Bnehler's HOW An Manse of welsome was read by Gen. Boumfort, to which the Judge made a brief reply. The military paraded in the afternoon. Early In the everting there was a display of Are works, and salutes were fired. At eight teohMit tha - Itlaattag wool atialliatd, at *doh time thousand, bad gathered together, and the mode of the band was:drowned by the voices of the masses. I On motion of Hen. Mille r lldayor Kepner acted as president of the meeting. , ho number of yiee pre sidents and sometimes wax very large.. • ---' ' Senator Douglas wee ietrodued by Governor Paoker, iste neat and aperopnatorab. • ler. Dangles eitnitneened is gpseoli with a ;skewing eulogy of Petingylvenia. a 5 to that had slime been ,tonal lathe Union, statue petylette: , Outfit tree— , Ala unpile with _in herself. she. a e a Wale had &great inte rest in lite UOIOIIIIO in rill UOVertrillenr. NOT Ugliest' r i r I I , i l Le t A the in ter ea that support from the National warm/pint whist anima entitled to , flu had k he who e Umotvfor a Market' Her minuets were toe: aunt big , and worth more than mints of gold. lie pile 04 gene rally hue the conduct or congress and the (general too vernmentroy the past few years. The Fetierld Govern. meat Mid failed to perform the functions for which it gra. crowed. , • The system of Government gas °emanated It a ruin -4,,, expense of 1110•000.030 over and above the revenue. I SWAIM must be ottaneni,4t a eirurrer nom occur. d Hammel gal must either told 000 its expenditure, or Inoreeseits revlinu•-•:Tie Gum YOUterip is a protest tint ' When e WIC was proposed in Conroe' it wan &Innis oventlitatbent ,Imtlto Intur,inpablit, nnnictAusa tion.- The cry yew Toe negro I The negro . IMO the tapir hill sew Ingt. , Bp, it tuts bean ate ry gem,* of Constmes. When von estrum, Repress Wives why Maid` bill has been prooed, they will HI fop it was 4 for *sat of time. Why lad' fir want of time/ ease the nu d e must be dismissed.. All this Ina wrong. . , ... . .• The Judge den went into an argument defensive of tlizpijorioth,--o r e 7111 f. i4:7=7o:6ll7lM_Oeftrattl;:g -tin tta n iam:mii'' inert o aueggion le teiroWn opt a, iepudiated. He censured Counties for negleoting Ito letimate duties. Thu stray Misr false gods. gar. rived to the fi ar i ls made dm the .lut thry Ilt i nkligoVig b i g i n root ft for want rif tiriist re fki it ir e iltim with s aid other important questions, until the !Mtn quaat' thrut out of Congreu. Be n e xtirefaNd tone *dorm wade for the relief pf the old moldier,. Congress isoulf,not lugs a bill even In tilieirluelf "for want of time the negro q testi'M Interrend. and re old soldelm are overelaughed. a his , Bv: 0....11116: Alf the k ntip es tor NA014 , 41, emus hid been cdsed to the dootnne re v non-inter- Windom In regar to elevey In the Te tle , s. The, 'eras Amur ledge 'to 1t In 1000. t. °bleat r. ltrookinr dee were eluded nor a Ann- nterven nos platform. Beth lied asserted it basely. enders now rgelt:n , 180,1880 OF ofrertitl 17 . 8 Oluipitn., o tide rgnsidirtl i on tl . b and r° % gamme n od e li n g e li n haaa ° i n e a ni rrionl ppidge n severe terms, as eonegibit ors to destroy tie 'Hp. We time referred to tteorstanr CobbVimeohog In umlitenta—at West Chester. Mambo rd. Ott , l't rot • and caber plane,. In 1860. pledging t. Bucha n" ant the Desnoratla party 10 a nototnotivo annoy. All this sateen abandoned. and he hall:red hlmealf Feet to bletpledios, to the., asoplat r., secharan, , or Cobb eiluplieity. mid e ler sine a Md hiettite e rgetrill . rigiPa r t e e n re i sitr r RIC" " nal wo"" ~ Srdildimdge how speports this ruinous 'Oiler. . En mobilise had Avowed tremegitnbi trouttePiritt e ar illtnnietratiolyciTaliovement. heel He referred tole. militate eat on of the moo ratio Coiyootion at Charlested.andtwee terrible in hie denue riiNimu J i be pyrite. of the Seoesslonzatsyraldersbl• AIM AZ !Al ri l lyla i nt e e ' rd tt Mite H• I l eir..mbl e vitrt i rtg t e viol:Nl:sr O t t ' iggirt l4 • The ' • vrino of the Peougorrets, Vas omstragin ti resent • • . gown wasim and ti I/inhume of tbe beglogi.. i - • rventavould never tampon lieeedetil isurlion ma. end traitors. Ile Mime to a. react ibesitiot or varties.andoompat the Hreekind dui party 'with the Republioat party.' wenn teudiesl4_ Ow nine il ta nimbi:di—the titivate Insolation of the Union. .. :nr bmittv-iurri, alireagintttikir- r!ud '- Bs onnoludet with a slowing itithwy of the Union. end en saprennon of his deterntigaHon to Wand by It firmly. rtrl e n . tige. and nollmobingly to the end, as it. weeesta ishigtHor the Fathers of the Itismebhg.• ":. - • Althe o o his speech. throe cheers were styes' for mktg. general rockets turead4l4 into the air. the mug o .struok m. and the Immense MIMI/Ins-eon =mood to want.. LATER FROM EUROPE. TEE CITY IF WASHINGTON OFF CAPE RACE Garibaldi Dictator of Calabria 'lteperted,Fllght of the Slag of triples. OPEILNO OF PARLIAMENT SPEECH OF THE QUEEN.. Sy. JOHN/, Mr..) Sept. 7.—Tbe ateatriehip C,ty of Washington, 'fah Liverpool advice., to Friday after ieoop,tbe Steitilthtto4 pasted Cape Rate te day. lied , sed was interopted by the newel yacht of the Auoel- Med Pre... • '- The stssannlanadian arrived at Direrponi on the Seth ultimo. , canbeldi hafinet wit h . silaigonal successes in Cale bis wad hell eroolatinad Matelot:" Ike gad an rimment was ptorolluea on the lath. • • he Queen'. mush eays the relatiorui of England with forsurn Powering friendly and satisfeirtory. !he Opine thereten , danger Oen interrilettonf I l he gene- HO pease of NM*. -.Brie believes that I the talian pinata are left b themselve* they will sett a their own difficulties. Ighiguterassee the hope that the fadirpanw dem* of Nwitseland will be maietainad. eh. temente - strooltira mainitted in Syria. and signifies her willingnese to cuour with the other Powers to re. estab- Ilek order there. the experience hamettalt aleasnAi and ilitishistion at Dm warm reesailen the Prints of W4,18.1* recetving Mr provisoes intmerica. • , , The Ernst's!' Sanction and tha"ittrrate Entente were at Cliasahra They were en:busiest sally pp:mired The Parte Donee was dull. Itilakei . •• • 'Garibaldi has btu preelatmed Dietator of Polenza. A large number oCalabrissa We daily Joining him. The latest desphihes tenon that the Royalists have Non defeated in Weh pr rle. ft r i. spri e r c i t Pang on the ISlth that the King of t t esrattliY a i l tud I.onti 41 4 Nl' Neapolitan fois t hie rumor hag not men confirmed. Digrarbetmes a spies were imminent Appeals to. the people to r. were publicity d etnbuted in the TheNespnlitaNfinister of 'War, General Reim, had left Nevis. for Clabria, with six battalion* as rein, forttententn Ineollitten we llnglitien nt t hi Pate°. ft was *aid trig he Pope of Dome ie ready to &gm to the evablislormi anti Italian Confederation. ,• There is nothla new from r ma. Coaliton:tat Tutellipmee., I BY TV,CITT or WASSYNVIn It Or. TON BIARNP.M..Afir. said. or the pamthree days tinolading Wedneaday amount to 66 ONlgles. C OU bales or which Vete taktiv by epeculatore enfor export. Th e market is penmen,' han unoged, altiMgh the quotation* at. barely main "STATE OP "'NAB --The Iffifsebeitter aft favorable, the allude elimins wales Lot steed Thais we* but litattagalry for Meths. and Die Imam Weak. LIVERPOOL IRRADRTUP ell MARK ift—The 71 , 0aditign. kka;ii generally emess_quiet bat &teeny.. Mown. "loh wed Wakefield & Neck reportirloar dal r *safer aricas.,Tha ettOtaltions ere • unCianged ; Amman,. 604632. 6d. r witaarsuiet at at Friday's advance. Red Western Ile MOD. thi Boleyn 111 ; whil ;Whit* Iga 7d Corn quiet mixed and yellow Urania I d Stieggi , ed. LIPP DPOOLIOVINION MAnEST.—Provislone continue &sit t ' Dawn etr adr; Lard quiet at 6 NAM. gd for 6 ; firmer—Betnher's Ing, LONDON MOM , MARK NT, !Intuit M.—Consols I -I • lr fAlrearinflicrtrittitil d kraar Js of., but nn k Iliac firm. an la good demand. Ashes— Ms null:lo46d ; Pearls quiet at Mg. Tu, Nada* foltlta , .11so'ders. demand an advance. 31., bele. refused . In firm ; the lower qualities have ingprnve sale. 'lb ed. LANDON MARETEL—Wheat has advanced 6. In the week; holder demand an additional advan-e, whloiL Mu not teti conceded. Buser quiet. Coffee firm. RIO. m firm. % I. mbar lees active. Tea unehanged. Tallow fis at Ma • WAIIMMTow. 7.—The United States, and California bounder commission will leire sh o rtly for the mess ofts ditties Lieutenant Mowry, the emanthisionera the part of the United State% has feeelved'hialstrustleas from the Sseretary of the banter, Mob contemplate, with, the 062 , 0111101100 of the overnor of California, the es. tibliettment of O. initial point of the boundary ddt the south interction of the thirty-fifth parte. 1, latitude northwith , the • Colorado, river, and a reoonnoluance t the nos towatd tbe. north this 'winter: in; is spring of 1861 the Initial point at the, nortitn the Washes region, will be natabllshed, sad thins annoyed as far as prac tioable. With a view to onomy, Secretary Thompson: has limited thenutler of emplOyees to be engaged here to those absotely neoessary for the 'den tine work and "ha* Of the Instruments on the way out; the reme.der •of the carpe to he en.' gaged in Oalifornie The dommlssion,Sorginised , heritOwneslll, of Syliseter Moerty f idled States Comminfinier ; 'Lieut. I. 0: lies,- 'astronomer and sur veyor; U. M. 0. Ben, assistant astronomer tad surveyor; '3: M. *Dad, oomputor ; Jseob F. Hants, quarto:taut and commissary, and 0. Beason artist. „ , , , A' private letter On Elfin*, dated August le ; says that the wines old recently diaooyeted in li Arlsons, although tt ed, „are 7117 rieh, Ind equal to any plead the dame eitebt Ln 04.11 , fonds. The avoragrages, or yield, Is "bout alg dollars a day to ft hand, although 'manjaire making human” toll* Valtiletlipartfri There s thensandersons in the in el. Tett &dent New York. •-• 1 r Y 6 lfir.lbpti-At te.,tfazateLt44+o ai{iwrft AtioPisPlit• 1.11101.011 'Wt wirt a r 14 •n, 4191/11N talittniienorifittati=2: Governor of Nu # lonl ir e r day. SEPTEMBER 8. 1860. Fein washington. M‘Verne and Mexico. ; ;( I , i'"" I TLNNiI7 — The New Orleans papers ter ,Texan advlose. fit iss being advocated, and itDsliss to 44ast a ion, to be voted ' JLl:reekinridge ,rr • it • — iiehileit,tteitiStWitlij.being formed to rid of- neendlary Abellileatets. The:Pie/wane', correspondence map that at the last mounts the Liberals of Meztoo, slue the defeat of hfiramon, were advatolas, from reery sidl e on the The•ehippee and Japanese Tfentiea. Be Nether 7—lt a pear from our tong 4 417414.1eat01l has just been ollioially promulgated, that the United States will exert their good .01111610160iniae any other nation should sot unjustly or oppressively against that Empire, to bring alliontatalitistaetorr arrangement of the question—thus Sharing their friendly feelings. A similar provision L contained in the treaty with Japan. • • • The Piinee of Wales at Coburg, C. W. 4 301117110, C. W., Sept. 7.--The reception of the Prince yesterday plated olf;pleatiaatly istriqui•tl• His carriage was drawn from the wharf to t he ball-room by a deputation of fifty anima. The ball was a highly suoceesful affair. The Steamer America. , HALIFAX, september 7.—The steamer America arrived here last night, and salted for Boston. Bar Myles's were telegraphed from Cape SU.. Letter from New York. 110171131ENTS Or JUDON DOUGLAS IN XIITT TORY: WRIIRO 118 IS TO RPIAK—TRII 110 If. R. W. HIL LIARD—TEN NBW YORK BRUKINRIDGI LRADERS AT WASHINGTON : TO BY 118111 TO•YORROW : YU• SIOR TALK—PIS/LIM Or WM? ZASTZRX PRMSB9—EXPORTS FOR AtiOUST., , NEW Irons, Septiniber 7, IMO. Morreemullenoe of The prima' The politicians ind ISrassei that hair° indulged in exaestive facetiousness about the proposed visit of Judge Douglas to his mother, will be gratified to learn that the much-talked-of aunt is about to be taken—the Daily Aroii ofikli iv hingluitT lug authoritatively annonnoed that the distin guished candidate of the Democracy for the Presi dency, will visit Olifton Sprlage, Ontario' county; on the 15th of the present month. He will also ad dress the people at Elmira on the 14t1i, at Rochester on the 18th, and at Buffalo on the 20th. His opening speech in the State will be made at Jones' Wood, in this city, on the 12th. This demonstra tion, embrsoing a barbecue as well as a sneeoh from ourgallant leader and other prominent 'basal men, will, from its novelty In New York and the place seleoted for it, attract an enormous crowd. The woods are real woods, containing almost every variety ef landscape and watersiape, where thou sands can shelter themselves frolic the rays of the sun, and make a social as well as polities' holiday. The committee havisig charge' of the. pralialiary arrangements are men of energy and tact, sad are going on to a way that cannot fail to secure a great /1030•18. . . The Hon. Henry W. Hilltara publishes a letter In this morning's Herald, in which be urges • Union of all the politioal elements in the North against the eleetton of Lincoln. M. Hilliard, at the Charleston' Gonventlon, wait aauppotter of Mi. Breokinridge, believing him to be the choice of a majority of the Democracy of Alabama. He was, however. and is, not only friendly to Judge Don. Alas ; differing in that require altogether front the lire-esters of that State, bet admits that the Judge has been very badly treated byre he Southern mocrrey Mr. Hilliard shares in none of rho ex treme views ot,hfre Tancey:and the ellieurnioniste. Telegraphic despatches this morning from sall." ington announce the presence there of Gideon J. Tucker, John A. Green, U B. Marshal Howe, and • few other notable, leader s of the litukbuidge faction. The ablest oftheir pilgrimage is residue. ly stated by different correspondents. The real object is to obtain the consent of the Administra tion to • fusion -with the Douglas Tinton men on the hest terms the latter ere willimgar concede. The Breeklrtridite man are so rapidly running away from their leaders that no 'reliance can be glued upon their coming to the scratch on the day of election. Mr. Dieklateovis fihdegatoOd to be the chief obstacle In the way of • satisfaetory adjutment. That gentleman went off at hali tosis:An some of his speookek,"afet he 'finds his present tion one of great embarrusment, not only to himself, het to kTi friends. , Messrs. Tischer, Green A, Co will return to New York to-morrow morning. an d are torseeivo, instnedletely after arriving attire Astor House. a Number of the, re*, repreoestatiy, Breehleridge, Mon and oftlee holders, and ogres. if arlur; - uP 6 n some proposition for withdrawing their, ticket. have beard abundant to satisfy me that several prominent Pederal ‘ olleials will not go with Gryen, Co., in any Qaixotio' tight"they Mar done to Make merely to gratify feelings of personal re. Tanga. We have at length reatbed the lut of the Great Eutent's ?left to Gotham.. The. Strut .Hossein sloner's department has audited all the bills for .dredging the berth appropriated to her use, and they foot up the comfortable sum of $6 559. For this expense, and the courteous, manner In which it was offered, the (Meador% of the:l4l4lp never :bad even the grime to say, "thank you." The exports from this port for *slut are larger that in any previous August sines the foundation .of the Government,: Ateetenstipg ta 4 815,734 980 This Is three millions larger than In' Atertrif Mei ruse, arid wore than doubts the exports of August, 1858. The servants Imperil 'since 'Janhary let resonate to 895,545.777, pearlythlrty•four millions of !Mob was in spoofs.,.'. * ;.i .l .1 < T Y. AMIJIIIMENTB THIS P. VENING WRIATLItY & CLAUS'S AVE -STREET TWEETER,irm"- Bret W Ron ALNU ofWMT ore." ..131 U T. SLova."TREET TREATER. Walnut and Ninth att. — ixir hillniltiVt"akive,!!hth Carnenosi and esings e Ttiriona Lennart ot t ralli si u stnut street—Ka sbition n slnttnas an we, army morning and aftomoom ` TON PRO3NOTID BALLOON 'VOYAGE TO Eu ltoPs—.AsOrsitt Potrertaninier —We annoiitoed, to the early part of the' week; that-Proteesor Low*, the balloonist, *lady etwolstal Mc/map/tat manta Melds propoeedvoyage *e swap*. per the • air-, ship" CO of New York. The exproted iseenstoo was put off tires day to day. Manse bad kroggialleed wo• far yestereay that an annourrereeet was made by telegraph to tae Central Station that all the ermines. merits had been 9omplatad , and the " expedition lt would start about three &eke* in the afternoon. The ewe reread ra i pidly being posted on-the newspaper Iletin-toar and in a short time there wait a stream o humanity going down B - 11.14 street, Pmerank road. a n ti t k he Buck road, towards the Point Breeze Gas s. The inflation of the balloon wan oommineed early in the motil. and at twelve copyedit' it was stopped. when the balloon was about half filled. At the hour of three. the balloon remained in Wit tar laws. strut half ailed with ens . and held *a terra rink by one bun. dna.d h eane3iage. lied to the netting. hematite's*, to be is • ito in the programme There wee evidently 'some individual ennneoted withtlis Cir umloesition Office." 'who ap pa rently- Tiede ' the gem* of bow not to d wi ld* et." mni* all -the time pre tending to "do it.' Pour ootook arrived, and the gas was stopped off entirely from the_nisip • and nothing was done towards oompletinettts Wreatlon.• " Professor " Lowe waited. morel time around hi.. favorite air-ship quietly adMtrief its ladrinsmornese,' but without making env elfOratestkltlNVl Dickinson. the chief of the nautical itturjmpoitt i gt arranging the A lIIIIN . OII. Di:not-sad PIMMS.MI4II the life boat, but a r tide clam dose so apemen to kita little eto do he 'Cistern eoe=em@ exercised in mind comagottion Maw or , which had been ordeed, bat hed not arrived. tn.' wee apprehensive that they would ham, to start tn.' sat then,. ,Unneeersary alarm • • ~.- ~6thont 6 olook. John C. Cresson. Nior elchit 'taller of the gas works. mounted Kaman rosantra, near the fence, and requested the attention of, the per son, 'regent fora few momenta He had bean Mg wet ed by Professor Lowe tote form-those present that ths! ascension would not take plane this (yesterday.) after , no. - in. in consequence of the high 10 in4 1, TOTalli ni • t this a smile ran through the craned. wan thooeht it re, there good joke, as there was scare s fnounit stirring Wrestle a leaf.) Professor Lowe. mid Mr. 0.. did not with to risk the labor of a vlbsle reeresad pave , ral thousand dollars of expense whloh had 'been /nor-, red. by proceedin any further to-day In the imbues, 55 the extreme he i ght of the balloon, awaytes to lied fro the wind. m ght cause a rent in It. whieh would defeat the whole project. If the wipd 'should pebelge. he might finish the inflation during the night. and would ascend at once, or early in the morning. Mr. Crown said he made this explanation in order that the audience should not be kept waiting when there was no neo'seity for it. This explanation sensed• a general "stampede" Or the crowd from the place, with ninny expressions! of dtmatieficeticre. Monett Do sot of violence wan attemPt-. mi. There seemed to be a settled onnvlation that the voyage to "'Aimee to a balloon" would never emit elf. notwithstanding all thepreparations that had beck wade. and the hour fixed for the departure. _ FLAG PREST.NTATION - AT - Tali" ItIPVIILICIAM Roons.—The friends of the Republican Inyinet ornwded the rooms of That croustades. last evening. upon the meessinn of the pnesenterims of is splendid white satin banner to the oriardsetton. It tiontraiste, bepottfally ; with the banner eq blue satin presented to the Milne MIA •by Witham 11. Thohnu. It is surmounted b e gilded liberty asp, tasileted 'with blue,' and bor dered by rich satin fringe. The fisg wee petit for by the orgentsetion. Mr. 'Howard Ellis. in presenting the flag said It was one of four. repreeentms the sentiments of the P 'Pat, lOU part.—t tberty. Industry. Truth, and Union. Incylonse.l In tam, tootin'ry. unhealthy publip senti ment hem disowned the- efihnistion of Shorts. end di wires', that t rtn from union. Not so with Republiestt- Usup its banner wee written liberty Stet. To Mi nnie nubby test,. if matte imarnels less • 'erten, had been selected ilmni the, Conetitutinn of the ft Ate. s • /et saws tientesstnit. .liberty to otirselve a end to ovr posterity." Mr Ins proceeded will earnest nets to state the olalms of the sentiments he It'd *dent ed. He le it Thous sours lawyer. and a Southerner hr birth and education. • Owns Ipmeaktimble. said In reply that the liberty IflllbollVelt 'be white See' Was ton.t itntinnal Melte. slavery , should never Vets anotNer feet, (Myr tore In the lend. ['emend stipleute. , The liberty of the common wait en be mroserved. If such wee dream% make the nine of it. (Three cheers) ter Lehi, qontoned pcnne : Mingth ansl4 1111111 , he wee *whine.► Hell orgenimitionpreen. The IMMO upon the street VISA (TO of muotkeonfbeinn. Tremendonsoheere.mingied and titers were wee blows. T 111: LATH YACHT RAG!.—A correspondent mistakes our remarks upon the wanton character of the exotirstonists upon'tti steamboat *aeon'. paving the late yaoht race. We bad nothing to, say tif the yaebtmen on 'the contrary, we de lltened to speak of the oharaoteriltie 'gentilit of Chcerews of the larger yaohts. We are gla d to do justice to the gerlopeuerpers4d. (ar cot . respondent Aye: ' - •Th seyachte are of about VW tone burden. and contain CU trunimini pi, a era s passeng _isall, Their WOWS 01 limn-forum gentlemen. Blatt- KqestdingAnd mini never prevail but a happy una nimity or &ohne onarnoterietre:thein.. Denier , Mr.: Godfrey nor Mr. William Kronift Accompany tho twent y- rwor Net yachts on •tiv.of ttriri;torub'.tesa. Mr. Godfrey KTO9IIO kcal* OW' nt 6 Milt ^r , A. Abel. and Mr. Wm.' mouse of the ny Delaney, and of which they are the respective commandera" Ptilevel—e-,-(400442420141fVA: A meta game _ bf oilaketewln . he flayed contem:leg at itin'olgok A. M , betwrieli.thfrifirst mores' of the Ge'rmantown Olub, itivrthis aria eleven Of the :New Yerk , Orioltat, Clith.. „The plasing will falli'Plf es - ea the ItleMbdeet thei4er• mantown Club on w stir Street, (or Dewey'e Ur") Gortnantoirit., ; ' ' brinOirmourrs AT trials have bead made forthe' eitiietien,at, i 1 141 f dotes Weis dwellinisslaAktadaket also for the ersotion`of Gergea,chnV, the wor to be ommemed iroreltatalO iti etY:' 'Ala • .beli for the ra st is going skois FishrOrLzsesNSNttt intsnled rionar el osits. COUNTESFRIT NOTIn - +A74411181111148 oollll teem t Ingo on th bank ff :long, KIP moo lowed :10o terns), in one on 14itgirits.:11.'4 of ttivalne of ,I 1 . not too iß e uee in Ap t s i i l i tigg r o o trfg , loan Wri Tke UNION lo ell ovtooo. _ . :. apt ir EP • atal e lt . tntc. t mq , Ntiryilit*ii Mb . oiNiVfirot -Of of i a. drunglets le oityipto x dallAte o'odli,ls i on nunday . , V 0 o . Li . , .s 0 th : li p i titiaMli=Z l. !l II 4013x-Wt•MiuroliTitasCiatiiiir TEE RN • - -4 " - XING —The Con i• 7 • Campaign .übliosu n :",1„ Ti • , a arreamr . • 0 bre trout the ,who tietrabf Jo the i ex f • edam ataaa tlogNNlt erea.ng. • , • be a t th e tr statitaita irr to Na.t H herirefreelisedgdfil - be in waiting for them. r partaking id the repast they will prop ,Jo the meeting, corner of Broad and Narket streets. The display ,promise to be one of the finest ever wit -stead la:•thliatic- 77 We leers "thit "about di thousand men will be inbhelinis, mph bearing 0, torah. Ail the powerful eftlsdr Otlitude la air cl e .h4,l4~„ il ek.ptaoo4., 74, 0 ester sees ego _ -sramber Tye hun dred melt ' -410 hiludiVOlKiddlliftdidldtortik be mounted.— The itansatttee- arratteasessa have iliet any qaanilty of newbennere and tranips- Vendee prepared, and if the weather ehotA earing**,oonterv• favorable our streettidlpilaterd attraotiVe app 1..). NARIOW EBOAPII.—Ad Mr. William HMI. ry Coracle was returning from Atlantis City yell terday after~ Ape froth sudden dielh. lie was 15 b oar, leaning backward- on the'-weediiiiiml. stereos the wide/door, when it suddenly gave way, cars4 f him to make a lurch onterard. - At this, moment) Mr. Peter Toting,' - thiliaggagetiber t who was sitting on A trenk , haartnir the or the bar, .made a =lien grasp at Mr. Gould% and fortunately Mlneeided fn preventinghis fatting. The train had pastel Abemom, and was . 4k at the rate of thirty Ave m il e, an hoar; tb deep out, which would have insured certain etth to Mr. G. if be had fallen out, by rolling trader neath the train/ . Mr', Q. hi' . experieneed tarp „si milar nitre* eseapes; once when be wailost al night ott the White . Mounticias, and another time when he was wrecked is Maims from the West Indies. A hindtome afty.dollar English feerting nisee, withuocontreetente, was Bent to last evening, tuf ale ward for his activity and oma-: regain sating Millie of NW ' Thies is a Joan still told at the expense of Pennsylvania, that IA some eountlesAttpleiple rat vote at every Presidential' etention forGenerid Jackson. The late ,llreeklaridge, Oneveatiton -at Syraeues, New York, did something *Ma inekis us suspect that the Pennsylvania dm may not be altogether a joke after all. It teems that in *elect ftie candidates ter the-Pswddential *integral Gahm'. When they reached to theilieledietedetit was festmi very didlonit to obtain names, the prominent men being on the mat.. deket. et.idirignalidet by already holding °Moo. In thispredleament aha py idea suddenly .erossed Use fertile brain ofMp r. Greene. ' , Put on Alberta-Tracy exablmed. "Ills name is knbern' everyirbetet; ant be must be with us." The suggestion was jumped at with Avidity, and' la-the eatilemtrat Mad hurry of the moment the name of the lamented statesman was,piaded on the list of etcetera. .Itio.the list now stands with the name on it of the lion. Albert H. Tracey, who has been dead Ns', two years. TRII•FBANICFORD AND Fns Gaits RAlfr 11.01D.—Thla enterprise her 1.,c0 Arinitely inaugu rated. This'istotolt,-.las,lreep AG ,44,rieeribed, and the oontraht for tionsitiaosino -..;t1 at "ace be given out. The road is to proi.Ni Vie northern terminus of the Fifth and `lir -I, •rtrAelo 'Ran! ever the sited the old plank rat,l leading to live Pointe, a small village an 11.4 Bve. , ai-itnet earn pike It will require no &ding, as the road was thoroughly graded ..-41 • ;.cars sici, wise% the planks were laid down. A r , h. Old Soldier tavern the rails will follow a h a point on Second street adjacent to CheVcr. ,, o, or Milltown, Cigna, up the turnpike to Tog PC.-,se ,The latter is a small town, of little mannfa . 3:ll- , ,z nr mercan tile importance. ,It has long need,: a way pf.ae• eels to the city.. Oaflord Chunk,' a very_ elitist sada., stands near the road. SantOiTit AfICIDEXT.—On Thursday eve. fling, about a quarter to nine, ea a gentleman, named Steals, way sidle* with' a friend - into the city, his horse took fright. and in turning the no commonly short ralltoad sans corner of deyealk street and Columbia ivf' ,11t. kites!' woitjetked to the gtuand, his friend remodeling la the wagon Mr. Steele. being about sixty years would have been numb tkiered by the tell alum bet es he held on l 4 ti be wwdmiwedt some dls-, tattoo over 1 :t . Met ifeecas knee were sheik ugly urt. A gentleman. named Pitch, caught the bone, and the wounded man was taken to a drug store, where he wee attended by Dr. Manly. He is not exuded - to - live. MaTrINO OF Tilt 13111,11141. DnXooltll7o Assootarog-g!4gs dim Otani,* A. Ilegee.ag, RILL nor - attityilia.ther,LTAlt - gigabit ate ed" journed meeting of the Central Democratic Club wu held at the rooms. Fifth and Chestnut streets. for the purpose of oespleting thetartmestate the reception of the Doe: /Stephen A. Douglas, who was expected to arrive to Philadelphia tastily. Wet. V McGrath, IN., presided, who, aneouoced thak* Aelsgraphied . oepettell bid bull f►ds: Mfr Douglas, stating that be would not melt Phi ladelpitis to-day. The sub-oolumittae of the club, appointed at a late meeting to make ITllarMeatil for the ritesuties of Mr. Dough& min Usested",t. Reading this morning to confer with him, and ascertain when It will nit his convenient), to pay a visit td Philadelphia Ronainy oil tins' Ittviraj,kia , attaisipts wu made, about twelve o'clock on Thursday night. to rob the schooner " Greolan," aUltraleat-street Her ores, bad been on shore, aid upon returning discovered three Men le the cable, with a number of ertioles packed uo for removal. struggle ensued. The things fUldidlligdwatill7, and two of them =weeded in 'NamiA g the side of the rchoonor Into MO/ Net _..Tbio third was captured, and seenrelyhaeierwidi nose, until pidieeman could be obtained, The prisoner gave the nude of George Nisitddi ,11140 imakacesuaittad yesterday morning by Alder man Disnowass DOXISTIO.—EIiza Moore was arrested yesterday, by Lieut. Patton, to answer the charge of larceny. She had been living with us eolith, No. 1125 Glimrd seriet,, .sheep March last, and carried of amieris . e. SIMONS of wearing apparel at different time*. Mr. Patton thaCills kept her *AA ahh In Bedford street, an d upon esarching the premi ses, found two lawa trunks 1114 with elotking,, identified by Mrs. Smith saber property.' The ao cited was locket alp for • leasfeetto 1040 142441*-. teat etataen•hoaie: " "' ' ' Ixltekt MAW ARTRAX.—JosephMenti.- attire of Fran" who to unable *, 'puts Zeglieb, has been Wising aim* Irsdiseallay. the 296 a lt He is Most 60yeereof aye,* shoat ItroAlseterrea blob's In height, and hu gray pair. • 1 1 4 1 4 1 5W11 ow:misled of a grey *tat, blailants, and straw hat. The misting MAD it very deaf, amfat - timas Atate silly. The slater, Mn. iraleatirpe 16 residing In Hartman:a eourt, rariTeirylo,o , 'road. neariamth street, to meth Atalnisoil ONO his ab• MOM ' TILL TAPPIIIO.—i-011 Thureday; three Brag boys, aged from ten to twelve years, were arrested in the Fifteenth ward, °barged with robbing the till of So wrooory Moro. at Twentieth and Coate, streets. They ;had a bearing:, betas Aldermait. Hutchinson yesterday morning. and one of them named J="4414'4,. t ra p peat to , tlss Hew o; Itelhege. The other to wereedbiebargil: LARClENY.—Yesterday -Milermaii• Beltler held two Minato*, ..tullaid .etatelle.t Atiderseu aid Liszt. Elammon, to answer the Ammo or toroooy. They °coupled' rodeas Ist 'Lsisa ea litelaidses' greet, and on Saturday nisht ¢sio pad wittlie lot of mutest hietranneste tad MWIMg. 4 % ••;- ; attuo.—The 1 3 .fil f _aleaukshiP Yep lo - ons State, Captain Chao. r.maretieutp, Junta for Oluirleston yesterday imoraloir vita , it thdfliedalit list, and ni,tpei v as panniers. „ • ~ Da: S. M. lalirkss debar P. 'NM %Oars at Mendel ant Haydn Hall, ou Monday. Mani' next, en " Playstologisal. intemporancs.".. FINANCIAL ANT) 'clivicamitcrAi:' Thit Money Market. REILADEI r ,"ept.7.- 18111. Pestily bran I a Railroad • "'het ;lay' at RS. se sdyltleiei Reading Rear, batter North Pamir/Wants Reilrele, tu.d Lang Island is' Lehigh Yeller Rail," .• West Phila delphia Passenger Railway ; Ratireeld; 'deemed 3e• and the stook of . 71 Navigation CoMpany wee heavy. The Money market is steady. with R felt sorely of capitol for investment In good nal -, r. the rates for the best being giz to seven PM lent. . The Joint oornatittes recently at t - - oisd by the Corn Fanbange Ammeation of this city the httabsrg Beard of Triad*. to endeavor to sect , . •r, , m the Penn ',Freels Railroad the same rates of t • ton 9 -o dva• VIM atone temporarily at Pittsburg as ts.,4snmod on that *Mph is bronght through Pittsburg • , ut stopping, have etmentMed In their efforts. 'PL. Pennsylvania Madrona ComPany lave made_ the changes dogged In their tariff of. frelikbe - - Ills etootholdsrs of the Harrisburg awl Lanotstar Iltaiteoed COMDADY met at their case tilt monuag, and based the annual most. The total teiSolpts tor the sear stifling Atiirist 31, 3, Were 144 Vg .1114 node ni is,te - . , Loci , psageocer .............t01.43 30 tfloat frescht36.7l4 9t Masomirs tom tmel 1.10155 _ XS 77 rellht to or from POOO 0. VM From Adamvo "'press.. ... . ........ 2 76 AS From OM ria ta eXtra lair gaga.— SIMI 38 From roma ...—. 750 el From mall. . 1016 Od 41436 IV fs Tha ex•indlt1111111101IN 41 follows t for motile power. ha • ..............174,1119 al •‘r repaint to toad.— .... 75 2P9 m or t^nnage tar.._....-_........ . .. 3n Poo co or damages —.............. 7 .;.. - 2,3 , 4 at The net earnings applicable to letariet, disidemai tad the %Irate tax are alit 3111 f& " The total gumbo( of pnonsngern carded we 11 Of 'nom 111.4111 want atilt all luta LLae, lad da On, that branch road. , Thp mortvani honed for band) dna Id 186114pe bear jpgid and saVeted atom tios oahnal mow! la, 49*i* ton lo 'which the toad talooatteL 2" Tho Moline ' ilasana asatlionangsra &WM itimab. - tori; 'Malmo' V. Alsktie,..Wihmai. had: Ahem* f' lobartn, John Holmes, N. ROM marippy.W.. todautral Joan r.aabalko (Marietta./ JohaN/Tdawn% Jailliai . ldaillatat. Jame' (M I d diet° pa.) Bayard F. Gal!, Thaw 00111ke. Philadelphia Stack Exchange airstistiorl. Itrroam a. iiil4.ll4ULlll. SUM Walnit ntirso FIRST BOARD 1000 Nana 3r---• - .....9771( 19 N felklii.A. • ••• •-•,- 1 WO Wilmington 1g5.401 • 10 Logien gal IL.-- 16 1000 do .. _„100 6 do - - _- .. ...66 1000 Eh:o9a lit int— 71 44 idthisa fal ....... 000: do ~ . ‘ .7t . , 10ta..1614 MO (lily c0. , ... , ........ , ./0 7 1 , 1 10 Lehialt Nat :-..., ... 0131 1000 Reading It, 6/ '86_74 60 Bohar Nay C01n.r6.. 934 &COI do • • '111.„ 60 di? NS- 9 1000 do '70...81 20 hoar lald R...... E6..1. ,- 63 Penan, A..: .ite .411( .14 - 7forslitown R...-.. 1011 r j!:1101116110r: R Nth 1 do - .. - -6 1i• ' auo Read RAI! ell&da,2 Oi 10 94'001'1a - 1a R.... 10. 6g L 100 do .'.....3119. 3 0 6 do ~- ••• IS 1. 5 / 3 4444 • do' . . _ , ,,. .ssis a Kensington At 10 ... 1 0'-....,i . ...33,3 to. 0P.:414E16e Bi— ..W7 Ilo9a ,vN0..._.2d99..2.39: e N L1007t7 Bk.. ON BETWERN BOARINI. , , . i• . lin Bohemian 1.444-146.- 91117•Beav 111M.1....,,61.11 sECONU•IIIO.I4IID4 , 3000 &Ilea Co it R 8 0..60 Ilk NOR Khasi *......... ili 20( . 0 do . . - • .60 2 142141 Barir• •••• • • . 46 931 Cheat 3 Wel.l -t. 2 9 9 do ..... 44 '• ,6 okawdavy oilaukkaodik 111 Rows & T4E44+ , _:.,Mi , ;_'4 , Bunshl44 X.-- ...644 33 do ...., ... ....3 9 / 6 3 do ............H` , 2 1116 v Mold .0.......64% -60 Rending R..— .....3"V A 4 1:4•4 Div C01...i/Swn..4lN tO 40 ::._....?.....4 art A d...... 16X 6 Morris Canal. .67!. 8 N America Bk 141 ~,, 23 do ......3dja../IN 3, , .. , 1 10 ••• •• ...•••,• • r . 1 " • , , + . OftobittG 'PAP' -- ' --- . • ' ' ' •114.4: i? pev...,... .I.**cirtu -111.14,,,...j0 mar antovlt .: suing tdaiiii. 11114 I. • laSo iota( 91 an nAgs'6l.... 76 ' anon.- -- , .7 . 7 .-., r ay. , 0 a 1 - iv Az immt, - - • - -. Stairs L....—. Tim • win 4Ow iiioii I a Sri a• , , I the Ph Nolinrltts 'oind saafi l liaitie•Cliallit imv ,- -- • vook owliias Thusdar t 0 1 010 , 04 PP ' . li r ' Toss . - cypt ' . P rola r aft CartTh il-!4-9.........,-z......,,•-.,.: 011 . 6 lel: roo -----....--............... lein Tr So nett!! Raven ..._ -- -..-...... - 1,411. 01, A urn . ._...........5.,,...,,.. :4 , 017 34 Pp 91i4c47ii.--................... gall IS "7' -.4-4- -s. Tots tot me noestt•-• • ..........;......... :-, . i, Prsviciasty this yeu—„....— • LAX ' „, . . .. . :-. 7 "7" - - .......... a.C,' t .- , 1 TOt&L-...,..-,, ...,........-,...,...,..1",441A.7 To moms iimo Last soar -.- ... „ ....-;....; .1 la Mt IR : - Tforfolkowiot la the ILMOlllatpf shthillissivortioe an the Oetinylkii Plantation Lai the wooli 'egos I.hitiliiiiil pt. S. iMS: --- -- --. g11V15NA.VC•16.4. , ....."111.1W 3; f: y p ayi till Hav05...,... 5 ....„.. linsiet Clinton—...._.: - . ....,....-.. m an • Total . /MAU 13 Towne x m ~ 1114141/3 • • Tko ohlowid‘/fUeoie own iboltaximisioar awl •• ZVI * /101 , 1 .4 4 n 1 514113111 for, 3341 ri , o3E ow n, . : 0 44/6 - agoiostod " TotalL • •-44.45, "'7i I' :- dal , Balsa Lai yikir. . ...... — 7.. ; . ~,,- :. Ino alifii , : 4, -- j.1.17..t.e , .-..: ...- , :ti. fie ttrilT VIBIrS;'.,':- .;'`:.. FMB FM pig BMW? or for the beset% ofthe IdemXteophil 1114lietheil Eiehpiessi Charidt, Wait Adledelehin;mill be held at the Gin hillie1101101e„ Mar Iffsekßitilidih.eolasesseiag, cat Monday, rivratit fad* frailtailber 10. itaf - to elmeie cm Friday the 14th. The Ise rural bmatiatoiri leis than the , ' 3 iirottliir °bleat they-tuft ti Ntiersr: will doebtlese a ohms ahem steer altiadeel so_,rdhesdl auk fair while it le lit 'regrets: the Prithef aseaoh debts "mem' bass placed at twenty. ice MO. • IKPOSTAIT To lirvhunis -The pereeeptlet_4lll oily alone who Cr, on a verges. Of Immiilirreer oaf- Snipe floes serrate liftman% to some of iti kerma. ars assiberidhtele.plid feet.thirehisiel' ) which we arils already advised our ratan, that as - effective ind afithns rear* bee 'hen rEemerivred SO mat the preradhor phisleat - obettaaseey of Oar Pie' - /la, is 010 of the deepest importasee. We rater to the' Budd preversttoo. itesated by Iltoskrtiate k 'Co:. (No.llllNorth Foortiudreak and 101 l b dratehat ally) foist the trine, feraielaid tram* efeir no, M. D.. of thierrity. The may ii fir id& tihreeinite external rulledl tufted smell the b M eta - bests. - ead at the pit of the' Istrteagith• ertili. the tie, ot sssss sad the wahn of the head) hes *Pa &GUMI in utterly reauovies aerionia dieortinee she head, chest, and the entire syirtetn: In delhi saititdcr, ins, and the maaufeehtrerf are reeeiviait wilmeroar tattering teetlammiale to tad rake of thit Srareehalse - from the most respectable ecereee, of whisk pee tars ourselves had an opportunitt or siteadinsh Wheal. OVA lIIDITIVeIat, firtilllece.--TINITO fa rri brae , , Philadelphian bit feels pride te Eir - etteut. - prosperity, and enviable reputation of oar maser: • twee. Every branch of asthma, ' totreadhed. la this coontry, we beton. has 110 M sae or moss Prenitheat representatives in Philadelphia. la the depetteseat of Michienwlsktee. be the sty: hes with ma ' fear% Velocity assured as attired, that fa atbeemig - the oomment and admiration of tiff dirflised north— the firm of Messy., wen. P. Uhhhearlt. he. Are street. of whose artenetv• art trelteimplord mire- . rooms vs hay.' abOak . blif seaman tea mokratood tat the head of the immedimmereie -10 Albieevriir-Thrf - mike a loner varlet! of Ifeehteme,embromes WV the styles of stitch town. sal eefl aleelne esseinat Wake trade throeihoot the Wm sad otiose/ stows Oen My other oosoara is this ell,. and as trip see 'estargind their fasilittes. the. will Penishly sw WON occupy the foremost -positive on their ibie - fa liar- • ' Tram . as Nit - astaseteign — i.=‘PiiiiirerirTt, - more than one instant*. lied 'irtiiimeartai selliileatien to the marcalloset eitabliameet of Mooffo, Charles - - Ashford k Wu, osier teeChaesapshal least,ftlid (1111(7-, ae it Is lathe liberal* dad esteinetistrittle saw- orb/tom:ire bays only tor rem! Chit ere lmmairil ~if , ebeitasserehaote In other departweela stay& le wisse Pitileialettio whore she Welitese'befaid at ShilastiW' Wig Vantages, la potadof mereastile pnrem seem • for thrilifi trale.he - the _ fool heel been on a maaatßret,asale. every acricaivable ifittelty Ii 1,11 eta is represent, mid they. are sow. la oddities as Meat Valast retail trade, aelliag"ellant1 1 10,014001110 - - balm f oen do Nita mei MM:-- ' r Nato. Fa their fat siCidtA011411,•1::=1" save here th e deem Caersiernitl- _ _ _ tat:Calming a the Tilted *sum., Wei abide Ile.ttie pfd!, ,• 4, ..established hone* of Women ilifighslaa kelt', 4 ' fleeced moot. below Choi set. Theriesotheren hero a t only the duel:option of making WAWA noses Goo the ipotesi matelots. sad ma -neatest embalms a'rd VllltiOt7. tOllol,4l•4* Mut Ulm g* lON .101 P, -I reasonable prate of siesiee. ialthint en - algid to io by the anew of rheas lireintAre l se ft la or: timated tact they bey ahf sell a Off* omosac dab ortit h'ortioritiiihietteer'-Thiti law-Nark iirlesa -' 3 Ir. oueorotot,tbrino won* or MIAOW ow oormor - Sallied.: email Profits and elder rtes. . • - • oAlr 011CMLILD ACID STRUM WATSR.-711411115. . • tee le gaming great celebrity. sad the grairedl4ii iborsaaina rapidly. It. bassilittirtMasetie- it st- MIN b 7 tbadassiit, IS • yommosig » ilieta galabed abiellease Is bt mow art* staltribeglir abed geeing Water nay la nee. The aiming gttaiaiob -' earn widish it haepertbnasilliegiiiiitiAldreeigket I. dereaserdiejeserseeneederievereglalbellasilistet7-5 of vows Nur &seam Teich enthral, resellistilitio - J. - 5- tam It oaratir. > 'srt .1141011 C-1 treaties, askirs samartd, Pig OD Uoal avast, assorsodi ores • ..gifieddahr MI day. We naxsusess waist Nedwaisat be sallariisititit it il tiorasta for Thies thus I!r r+tatir trial. /ND adrintuamarat. -•- -- - II(Ple.•614 - • BOWEN* kixplchTlll,..ftliit 110.1110111106111& -- 0 needy for ell deraagermats of the bemdm beiningll tem dreaseheleh snitlarlas t In. Pima. of mdeateth tile sheath always gee them They are reliable and mem thithiptele be taken at all dame "Meth lese Tiey elm CM no Mefleirit.ltilabab ar Web Ow ft bet lagetlie ergot, *tile tee is. w sallelest to modem tit eetiveimitie. Prespre_ 0 1 1 7 by Ce. Tkerrag titt le, lead Vi r m, and sold by Illetthrthlegthel . g 'Meow hoz' a l asa tt "Wit gam fith . filiththee'otithithgellefis olismonl, the true pima titre tot ate lisa.Cnoreist oi OM this. naturally Ends to • ereginente for liareththe Pare Its Whisky. and ithigegthltherit Elk oingt Jle emerlstors. No. leS Wilma street are aunty int many families With wiJ leash ne ether astiale. =it to be a path; &dada. sad laritastist Mem of ow betel thews. in vermin. it, - also ospolrie ainsavoilniabfor ibossesastab "To fartnn flocs tas.esat 'jams its VII sloth Roen_ro..lltux," beit Maw satballs.' & sail too _ - tato ; there should be a Vigilant, el* keg illetkre" v C ' Ste and extent.,, and frotafiet somparimi - daiiim al.. ; ways homing in mind the mania. •. it is iiie,littift in mates ass tersrsgthearee:tangteit eel*" moo oboolt - stairs be guarded against, vales" the oostosa of tie parse are deposeted is soma sate sad retratge Issefta homarbere It as *NW to lei. alto ttonfrod.askrs• terms ; mud. es goon, we cheerfully mossmneed the Franklin Paving Fund, the. lth /sett Nett* street. tether Chootoot, Philadelphia ; for art- , 11~1 any no ' • the most sled and amiable meeteldes: "lab tea converted i,thostrit s at am' that ileihrdepOettents ea they did dighoglis saskilf V. When thily pas .a MSC all Cilli MAIM W.. aid their aIIONAEL OWN Saving Ponds damns emmusgs a at , mai this mee -.- remieber it Gem all thsegel. They reeolvOtat large or small, on deposit. di. atraboototouln 'an other /alum - - BilmtrOklooltcl, Classolioirao..4 Olt Or. late—Riaoazrtr thrzoox PA - 1111044 laa ,Coate, rim, OR PANTE, o a rot - Fitt thrtra: leery Yana. OS Mani to Cam. In the molt arilatie - gad - *mak maw bra tor . p s af:0441114 *ital !.werfeeie:e in the w orld. onl4 at ilba lariat " as* rite." for -iireh. b 7 CI aaavusa prottt, fetamist street, mid a rateable and aastat,Ourt artasatad with aalk article so'd. ' • Tail fall worth of the isOftel aaamttld and satire satiefsetioa area. Tint Pantcx or Wu to Yoram—ll sow tbst, the 'raging of the Prince of Weise he Urge, Cumin tv not throes le sleigh intedvnth ream Thelma, vele or hie Refill ingimete mut lists wort I ventilating their all 0114liOSII sod ritio , hoia - • till 4101 l doing honor to War gust. and the Prune in threatened with a mob and a herniae in magi. If the roan[ gentleman vents to serum uniform geed treat ment, he must come to Philadelphia, when he nil/ ec jof the high 'din leg e of 01/101101i for ld genelfea e'es ear telt: et the Brown. &One CLAIM* Bail et litieran Wilms, Noe. ant and eng Mesta= greet. above &nth imempterily gold. SPECIAL. NOTICES. •TT IS sII,DOM MAT WI ItOSICII AWYTIIING in the medltuil bee. nor worth we aim. tales" we *Quid be oonvinoed that ws are not doing oar doty as a Isar mallet. in meommendins to the piablio DT. J. ROSTST MR'S 0111.4.BIATED bITTI.FUS, for the oars of that most timid* sad fatal of all du tans"—Paver as* Aim From ear own malaise* 'slat' thie valaabis swill°. we Can seal/ say. that for diseases of the above natant it stands without a that. Its timely ze itgeists has Raved men, •fellow-being from a press ure grave. Evert day we bear of its seetienneit the worst oasts of Fever tad ague. To than Mho are in Ms taut afitioted with mar the eousawela from as imegalartlY of lb* *loath* orra, to; nothing ono be more beneficsial thee tits* Bitten. We veer elly recommend then to the timpani' In sus State Sloe ats itatenag the mem Min a para. MI ase rata ears •or their UMW sad be bowie-odor their nosy exallwatistalitlea. PbY Ws by druggists sni dealers ;eters* every where. DYOrf 4. CO . Agents. Bea ltdWlt 23i North SvCOOD attelk TVs OURTAIN MITI Ills.—We Wye DOW is store a fall ggocir. Laze Cgrgates fres is 0 14 g per van' Window' lkadll. treat IS Mtn Se •w. mak with good Aron r fiztares. Idasonie Hall, 711 O %jinx trr strgag. W.N. OMILIWL & BRO. ELVIS :FON F ALL.—w. WAINIIIXON NATTER. No. CIO caswn ICS r Stroot, imam gee wed toms! relf stiles of EA N for gestlenes a au tumn vosr4 respectfhlli [anus Inerestlos - sad is nonage. sea Ti , SALAXANDRA has NM, SATES.--41 11 , 17 largo assottlisrit of EALAPIAMMIES for Ws urea mmHg pnoes. No. 304 01.13TNUT11t.J4014440/411. alit! If Et ANE k WAT,ON. GRovaa Bexsa's thamnurip NOISILIIILS 83W130 DUCMISIC TIN) Beet to Use for Family Ander. No. 130 WIEItTNOT Street ?Wadelidue. Wf7•L . - SATINS Buhr—NATIONAL Barr? Twat • :ffleetrettt.—Charteted by the Deus et Peilierbollilehr, • ;, • . • 1. Nosey is resolved sin MOM is 't q tlaeot rigs or es% - a. Ma TX' OWL Imerem la mid Dr Imam Ikea is dilly It bt pet tn. L The Teeeee V eleefe fitd hish hi SOLD dimmer le Wed for, sod Masa mom • limo is teesivie from issiodirs.Adrehillsreeevai i•odw4Mes. eidothirt Tombs% la Imo etsrel sar4 iv mold a Ismer shaviliedM• LTM WM, videlidd tlir Devadlomistrrodeil to • teal Yoga* lees litese eridmas,Disdadlisaii, sad ether Seel qame iet 'L ottit*Oorriax—wL.LlSrat woo l t ay s i. 1 . 11114~1.1% „ it r y riticir MOWN - - Cui .11PLUAlic?,1 . virvulijigi l di la ihe.Mie 'mom daesamedti.. • idriniZ i r= atelu S t ursi gle "Wi rl, mist vadithaloslZlV r i 14 VII 110 to arsinvierwitiliallair • *WOW) . .60 6 4.4100._ W 7% __ fC rut, L ., 1, L:1i.:!•:!.!1 ,t l .44filar-111110" z 3 INOM of Prof, WOOD la to•dar's nem BMA - . Tara. _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers