ar i 101$* 0141100-11i5X9d.1 killigaginetliar,rppitisuctreasa w i tto.bmwritlMOMMY - -' ,;„ " '4l ifitititilik 411 • ,iff " i/ 4 11 ,0:110riViiIiir***Alt 900 „ - *WNW - 4 1 0 111 0 11 fAlkissqlOottelcilliastrM, tais VP_lntra, r odaig. I#_ t , itet4oo4kirsiiiit '2 tta • wt . !, t.l:, r 41191121041WARefi Low mammy : 1 ' L es SIMII-1011*fitArrits8'r.- -, 'l4 T Hi ll it.ef i tP l 3 4ll r ila ti , ' ' - • 1 6 1 : 1 1 rsairototrair s war ' 0;filf• ' , • ,"-- ;-`_",;',Ok 4/111 014' -i#Atarriati tilt:10;s i,4goarls4ifil#4Rff :p!, * * VVV , PS.'- - 10 . 1114; ' IMOOtkirrWril; - ‘-• kft , -kt 4 = - zds. , l Iw 4 4 ' ,:r.5 5, g.AP411111011611141161111iNiv. 1- - • . p. :411LNEONG4;,7 • , _ tira,Ur4 , , '4-n1 • • 4 5:4, 3 rfi l ik • ; ILO tiriP{ yti r Vti 110411 1 411111 0ffillitheit ow. 14 keef4"-1 Oasitalisnrayslin gralLEcrinVilza, ; ""- sn4iiteilivijiiiiiieise =: 3,)A ,011Usintsiall i pz z , WOIDOW OURTATX SOODI. All tit tio it* Witldrisui )),1));11.5e 11101.11 A ND VlLVicrialooltATMMlLe al tro=r hilni t l4llll4l4. l 4ll4 * *) - Jsiourltzi re.„iyo N.... u. 14 1401 i . * W il e '4ol4o,luxereaturis; fibs*, too . auw , t:al ........ i git:4l o2 o l 4, - •lr atteti, f , ,c • . `"I. 2 I NORAVXI4OISi • - jurrapeic4iti - ;„;• - . 44„ , :44,111113;1144140airfkir; , m4l74o,tneit3 wax,* t f 444.19. 6 140,44,0., ;wits, OXIBTIOVT ' , wawatiEß' • 't,r; -f, ). • °EWAN° IWAPAINEM."' Of. 14 . 1 -- '4lEOl4li& -11414iNe 11~ "EWA .0 - uliwtorgo Orb -411121ff 4CIwtS (..„ W i r . - 334004131141 t WOWS , il Vr 01 # 4 000 , 0 01N : 4 : , ' sirartt4fti',Attatttateinc'. AMOY • II 2 -0 pc hbilir j ail aropir,;;„ll , P.- :' lit ELOtS- AL - entatQtawnw MA r". hir • , 27 - 2 54 .11 pptas: n ) 4 •`irl "; _ jklu W A III PR I AMMR B I7,_ . - r il W r- ke *‘.?. ; imt i p i o y; ao or- t .4' • T R-0 MI 0 TING-A.ORIAXIII:11-IIRR. H imtd. XXMWno* t? be M4«r 7>*i x iK&titlfr I*.U . ('■ A-. .’-! -14100 N-; :41ROX-q4k .140 'oll4l**,, I f w .W ARO 'E-y4X4I:ENv •+l.l 414(0404; : r3 :400 , -430 vir3;: • • ,-?, • 4.10 _ ;0: _ ):< • , itir Algae' PROM IMMEIR 4 , -• Y AN3J,II6IIIIE ', • - ggqg t.Z! ,14 S A P: 7, 7 gi s g , l g ar 1,—)110101101'ioulaNOOK,I, ~,f L y 4 , 0 trell:154;1111.010 -•1. r • ',I Aniripk4l:Mpi 32, „,_:?• 4.„, *VP .ttttn.ftt t 'ot - MOM 1866 - 1.• O. liblik;;;#4.4ll : k4, 41, cici, 1$ a 61P FANCY DRY iicooDS. N. 9. NOR U *RD eitut 411Lliqie:WIPFURAIUID TO OPAULTO TRE TRADE OWOOLALLY UMUSUALLY "NrrilLoTrvz lITOCITCOP GOODS. Li m p r'rIitIIIIKINS. t z • ,•: iitQ~lso iillaßliPTDS4l.lll4.lloo., .64? .4 1 ,1rvai. :11,SIC A RY •= „, A O l l .( C4 l _ , • OlkOok of : • - • (1 1P - ~• - - lip Wpm SIP TA. ili•f %!' , '• 7 . 041111tAND'PHOSILITOIX ' `': • =Lt. 4fir!l'atq4- .: .. 1 1 4 16 P-E 4 mooni.ii . „ 04; tin ALID.;49' , NOAT.H. r. • • ' THIEW!STREET, `.4 . . Lo4'Srati? OQ*4). I ;1: 0 4,X,:' - .)0,0' , 0 DA 1 lrl 11. mg atm. bad do wklebtba atellikthla Of AulzAiroirsorrimmi wriftla "Patt via el4MlelellMeetebn lasammase to, Paley* Indukfalad' aidit still-tm RNz ;,13,4iNtEr b , 'INV*IIi AND andliniii - 0' 0 Apil fir, „ juwar. :4141 i 414 4 ' e***” . : ; 4: 11 .14‘1 t f ;, auto nowerrid opotii - pitilt i kkoapottifid; l ***aziodfmtuiilec!l ',:7ll44Uo4:ikizah`ooollB, At% a• km 4,760, of briiitit 104* istrla• Of , Mongi, Av. IT r ! L TEXOSICA:CIPN - l',l ' ' - : 1 1 0 .41,0112/(21112II - STSIgT, ' ;`: : IGV,E' 'I v E. aV • ' „ norsiriatp DlCtifilt, :--: •:, "•,. ti ' .•'L , k •,.,. ••• , -:::, ~.,.:,. , - , iiikti. , lWALVa. se: ' : 43 • , .. 411•4 ,- :3 ••:•:- •i ,- , , i '"' "• - ' `• ' - '- ' 1 i ___- ..4 1114 4 , ~ ' --- ,-'.-' -• ' • .' 14161 -* 3 0 11 . 1 . 4 4 4 1 1. I IifFIXIFLTAti.'•• • , -- .' ' • ; esaaivAtlia , r 7:l6irdlis',. ; ~ -,f r .:,• :• .• t,, ..,1;,; - :•• ~ .:—.: MEE 0061 1 / 4 342 , PARHAM; di, 1 '-, 'ilifegilid,liasilfai l lottbOs _of . 4 AT'S (lA. / 1 , Btrit.; Ps. ':i • , i ,‘• ' PITXSAw' 0 0.9P5. imi.ii-iiiiiialviiiiitiimilissiv beim .Alum. ~ I --,-..:,, ipsikamput , A, ; . ~ • l 'il E ifit*COOPElit:'-' '' w*. A 'WWI.' ;,,- ,' '', , ,!!Ailii/O,ite MIME. ' . , . ik;,ll 'll4 imvvr soiestitiaiii niivtn berm. SE= `." 43 . 1 ( 01 7.i - 0 t&int. ' in Pt/Onn& . ' ' 1 sliivrionru =TIMM OMIT; , ~ : ~.4 s• , , ,et - i-' - ' , i C'hallerll4lo,,,s4 r. .0910000,001.*006 . *l - 1106014a it ' • •IM ' F . **llk /MlO 11, Pi • * 7. 0 4 4 • , 1 ~ rio • f ar i; I • ll_ . IT, t , • "I „ mug sit. , f., ,, 'f , 1 , ~ • , , ' 4 : v ilittlitlldiA (100-AZOM .` i ‘I _,.. :. .. l • . 1 - ' . c. ' initoWirpaolairexuarit — - • ' ;i 7, `.". ' (Ligiarsii.l4l;AriirS ' ' : ' , ': • . —44O I EITOMIP,I4I9 I .4OPLATIS iiiilL_ --.:: o f iiva.s os , boom Is aka . hiss WI i Sailll ll ll4l a ...asesuit. . 01 11"1 : 11 4:Wot at taL • uses' s', ssusssis— ' --• - • q .;4,1 ':. ~ 1.:4 7 ,--!•,,, - •: , r,,!- - ~ • - ~, I -,., sclupoz, 809103. , , 1 1 :;::00,0.40,,; ( 400kcir gn l /0&. ' • • > oOilix VOIIKAir =ALIT aarriois., _ 1 5•09 -..... - .1..:.,1,-.1.1.:..44......».. t i...........1-11 OP, hOOTAP NOIOSAL ' ktriTAL. Y ABITAINC& • A1u.1.:...•. .:41.::..i.." :aie..•....1—..,.......,...,....., MS sts. r r ZIP X.XY To , SAVATAL *ll*lTglifs-• ',. 111 10 1 ...4.4 „ ......14..4.'4.--.4....k..",-C.:, 4...—:.• ~......11/ sos, , , • l'rolisser , Olifisisistsligt Psessileisui . Mitt der: "; sisminionsm.---,- Will I 4314PX-BOQKS. l in= • ihiS r alitot •4 14 0 4 SWe41idissysial Ostlesi. ' 1 ' ' palrozot pawn .41Apo . • Up iieltilitlNTX WPM am t o. Am p m k o i od • I shim* MN*? asiall a ioto is tss mike w ho. gs,,, *OW lash% sad losoassabiltiss** Ss Salmi Talk ostskiist OS Cot 0111111 iisdispiessi Ism sloss. , isisis....-• , ...., ...;; ~, ~, , ~. .1 1r1, 04-...- ,3 / 4 .----e,--------- , -----------L ''l ..., de '• FE ~,,,_, tE s f p,F.:!I; dt:4lolEliti r . "-:i'v , Illgolitium mAinmarrulutitst, , , }' ti.Vilico44 l iilitiv ,P - At a' Al 9Li ;,, •:.,r,n ;trtir,,ch.rp,,tiVATOsT.; , • , ::. ~ ~,,,•-•, &LA LL ..., 0 -4 - ,* 4, ~ ,!fr,, , , , •-i , : •J ,:, .•ti . .. is • ar.it7 '. ; ioft;Tlktiiisriti.bili 3 o 4 l ll * 4:4'• ~..«. l i,, - , =at= Mr VOVR444 l p,,Zitgi [ . . 4... .40; , • nke ‘..j r i iira: • • • , •- - - [ ' - , ;;L, r , „;.;4' ...: ,: j oriagielArygi, • ~,, - 1 ,• .; U rW,I YL,./.i.> f . 4. , 32.4 . A.J '''"• " • ' ' -0. , ' : . atia.l3WUMWASYgiri :-''' .#. l, 1 11 tisolorte ,:. , *,, .41•1 - X - 141 at,d , r ji l iAt . 1t.,v l -:-- 1- •-•,-;- ", i. '' t PASO WI& iiriammommvemivirt .-Fotw!tomesii4 iso . 44,1*-- Vlrt !7.-W154011411611141. l';`,/''.l . 0 " 44 1 : q . 2i` •,9 0 ' . ..1 A g ''`, ”. " • ' • g g • ,", V fott 4,6,, i ..t • ,-, . "‘" . f , .. . - , :1 ,: 2,.. E!.. •' ' • • ' . • '' ' . ''' '' . '-' ' l'..n: j - • -_-. , a , „ - . 11 4 / 4 1 i„."-/ w.A.via a - - z} -: ! - , - ., • , c: • ',, 1 _ ',..., 111 4,, ,, 1tk N kr i / 17 ~,, - -",or ~ • -, Alt_ A* • : . I • • -I * Xt ' .. .. . . , 1: ', _.'',,...,,,\, 1, , lii, ..„,: 111' ' _•-•• • - ~ . , „ r ..... 4..., ...p,,,- •.., ...,,,,,.,,,._..........,,,,.„,„...„ .. ~ z.,.. i 5„.„..,.. ~..,,,,,.,,,.....,:„ f,,, ~: ~ ~;;------,:- -,N,---;.........\,),!%.,:iti: --04, -..,...,.... ,4, -er' '-; . .• ~,:. ... ...? , I ,----! ...:.,,-.:.•,..., k,.. - ' ...idthiaiszs;A.ZN. _. -02,4; ~.'','!, i -:'.,..1 4, •1,,..- ..-, - -- - • , ;: - .'4 14 ' i- ~...„ • t b , ,:, .., ~. .., 1 :,.. ..1 ‘.. 'VI - ' 1" ‘'„ 2 -,, -:'-'. : :'' -I t ' 1 ( , ',.. •-•,.... •,•.•.-' - • .....-17 ;"," 'N''_...‹..l7 - -7 0 p 4113;C:..ranE" ~ ,-... , ,r , ...;,. 4 .40ifl , 1 ' ' - I ..:. J... • i . Ira , i ii, ......,—;.,-i ~, ~. - , ~, , , .... ..,. o, 4 ' ~ , --....„...,;‘,_,..„:,.. ~ •• _ i i , :..,.. i .% ~..,,.. - - f . ;.- ---11-4 3 ,..,,..,5„... ~,,,,•• ~,- . ~7 • „te...,4 0 Alb - - • _ "• • - ram :. ~i .1 '•'", La , , AL , : , ~ , \ 1 1,,„m...,„...., ~,* , -) . J.,. , t1 , 144; r ...., - , i f t: 1 , El 4 P__L 4 ._.„., l'. ' - r., , - .t, Y l-: ''''''''_ - .... 1 .../Ar 1 ft . ... 7- ''''k .• '. =:',.`'. . 1. ,n•I • . _; r ',. . : ,:: ):, ''--• .c:, :7 i ' :' 1 IfJ , 4 • ". • , , ~ _ ..,":.? ' : • .."''' 11 • ~•'• • " • . !., : . , _ . , . ' . ' ' _'_ - 1. 1 ., - .2 • - • ' .• " ' '• ' • ' • • ••• ' • •' • '.•-• ' , ! ~, ' ..z.,....', , J....., i :,.. ~,,, ~;,: i -_ ,F, '1 .. •.,•• . • . • „ • ::,' - '" ,-,'' , ' . -.;,:."', ' • ,',' ' • • _ . niewiras wi,nanurmi. MMI ,DRESS•dOODS. 1860. -FREN & p#, "AR/Sao .'s; ev" f;S'iadr) ,610biisp FALL; ' 1860 ' 3 !iaLLiNERit GOODS. M .BERNHEIBC 10. 111 SOUTH' SECOND STREIET , I haw now"opou 'a aoMploto I,:aoat of RIB WO, PRAIRBRS: FLOWERS, - and 'BONNET MA 704 , L4t;a3l the inzat foolabruible 'colors sad styles. 13 T . R A W 0:0 0 DS. , IN ALL THEIR VARLERLBS, ' 60' &Ci 'A hake! ittao of YlOgriiid'Clontimital Ham with paquit.te ' Irld'alit *ill Ilis attention of liiiiitOtfAfiTS AND Afkilttfliiin; Igag aro LOW and groat indagataa n ia .1,01 be ad to dish 'sidi ragptitialbia Parisligaerg. Im tali FALL. 1880. kiIIEiSBONS. BONNETS. , ikt ILLINIMY 000D$ VXOLUBIVRLIT •• , • w4i Ihrin,nalo o 4 head. and drib rolosiiving. a Lima sad Ilaijailoop amegitnif* of 8681880148, OP EVERY LBBOAIPTIOII, NN•ET MATEBL&LS, ettAwltin *cit. ldzirnaa, , 115 ' ke n 1 F.l6P4Otetl? **WA PLiMERS ' ! t iro witski %l ig ht b g g..B. Tlis 40 1 wid btW ittelktAon ott a OW* ie dOrooted. - , ;Rom im, BROOKS, a 00., .• liwkill 4$J, mAurr 'stmt. Nowt gas. sr' mtg. 4. , s. , Bishop, Ito.. 1010 lalt,ls,WiimptoAto §tLaw 7_rifts Mt It l" AINDVIrst , &. Air IM/r*Lia,PßY r et)Oni• S ? O OV I L: J. LEVY .lo Co. - rianimasoi- to, -kiiblie(and ;theft Castellano*, that ' I' theihrtinoniaew6ite aellOff, on WEDNZSDAY;i. SEPTEMBER 5, AT ItETAII,, AND - 1 1 ,01t — ibASH ONLY. - Their vim entail-Lye and °hole. 'took of 7g , I4sTLE 'AND FANCY' PRY '- GOODR ':.Tice, goods *it Mt be . aiiked iinin to, MUT 1,4* 1,47 to order Mho:we of ' the woe& in as short 14 11.: - Priviafs, We Will atten*of. - J. DU VT tt CO. - would b• .1/naked - ttv ai earl! , entailment of the awanutta now 44, dein, AND- SU CRESTSIII STREET ; - T- . • W. EVANS. & CO. - ; WILL OPEN ON • MOI(DAY, frAPTENDEp.. &I, _Tfruktmikartitions for the Fa ll swim embracing all theiatoot novoltiso In -DRESS ,DI KS~ P1•1$0 'IPLOQIII, POPLINS 476RDID, JORINORS, ' PItTNTSD • . 'do., • '!!aare ialtud our Mora( before, hutivii'wo iroleon&luarlkst we eau diolartto ' ligeet atria mil at Ototioinuit 0 4 NOS S: .818 Ind 829 CHESTNUT EITILEtT H l6 ', .• • ' .1860 ;,—PALL OPENING.— SEASON 1 itgi tshol i sipcio.; m ; "Wet,* lin kWh,: art Va . nos. . Cif *Go ,• • • • • a Moan l icrieb7: 4 5 1 64 : • Ylt.ft L a n D E n u. rtrUAT/land ARON. ,- L - 14:EL OF 1860! - . 4 AV , piimeivu wnior t ifoil it 1 ,w L OERN ' d i IC ~..DAR i tt N, x. Genper-1316 On TAttlgte ilta, 2 _, lr " li f li n t lita g t 'N-liitOON, YIN even met eir days; a maim nt Kook of NNW ALL WI 0.., I le they Zfe kt int ib a l ag il o llttl Irt= t la wi lairs and ' 'pa 16 gebetsafi' '-• ,•• - ' ' eel .I DOM@ •OING TO HOUSELIIEPLNG, anViA ff., itaa ,f le inippited will • and aboaply with ine-sad w trio Ramesh' 'fable Linens k r t awl , a eat .•eb,e Cloths, every size And grade. ! ilet i gred rutintrak i l d irg! ° : rr u f 37 ' Prettartrul kittitenTorellinsg. ° ?Si g Lien, V t: kw it t...tiw.L. 4 1,ir. t .. 1 ,,,..+5. 5 ., t ri,..e t i0d,.. 7 . I,..f, Z itim vat., • - Idl2:st l y 4, L itatf i ro,. ialyitt. l . ti wed bat ~ Carrel and , Wage. • !., Goa.. Mt nee. d anelariezT e 1 ..041res ILitTwiT tale matt- , NA,o, ims.„hutf,; 4. is. aer.71 . 1 ATA and E.T. ItlCit : ADTllliitt . Elitlil3. l A small as aattioant rt net , e - li netragirr .o tlZBg u igoloil. 4111 ' i taf i l filed da Wage. o Cambeteres for Robs*, ow 4141116 e Andielori. 80Ait la 8 .88.2r131/IgllB. salMf . • 0113411 , 4 u sod kiWitrill streets. FERTXLXZERB. Oretti 3 REAo • GUANO °menu:Pro - smart PER MOM. OP BONS PHOSPHATE OF LIME. " • .FORSALE TO FARMERS A 4 00 Von of I,oo9*uidi. 'X-14NSON Ik ' SOIO Mids. N 0.39 North WATER. Btroet. 402,wf5a1at.,,, ILiEDWARE•FACKA,OB HOUSES. 11.! AOKAGE HARDWARE HORSE •LWe '.'"eld"Matilteettivi,biater4°,foonofkb:(6,lJarti we *air at • Mb , Goode da+ litelerlilttf i rtlte n rgt: *MO, Is ..; '," • 411 COMM a a stitet A tart, , , „ Spo i tto9.4ND. EiTILL CATAWBA. 111,141919,11.CL1T1n, ix .T.. E5aH E ,Lo B .Y eat • anoymA ' tn. lo 4.4 l l l lnitr4tAilte_ 'ROY MURIA= P. TAGOART. 60/11 Agent, -t I 4 l* . 4 }3/ 410PCIFFiatTlf; : i g ittoi r t e tiiiiii i ii t i ~,,,,..,! :FT. --o fct MII,IIIN-p J-/r, : I ~ •• , 1 ~. „N. e• , i II- ' 1• 4441 0#P0 4 VO" •- , ,•• -, • - ittop ClioesirllOUTl ifilui , RACF.ll64itar.; ld . , inotwipel p 111411hpa:tu' l lift,sn'd '( 1 , 11218 '' 1141 " Iknieß . rfe4dn i" " 14-n° ' .4.144.11641 - ana , i , lotom " 44 1.,-*.imish ippo ' lav o rr emed i tr• Q.- 4 . 0 0441X44- 1 , 040 0b 0 40, • v•-• L'' 4 t 4 GN.1,",:;2(.. ~..:.! i •,-,,, .r , , , 14 ri - uxAbELPIitA, .:p9iti*tioippi. • • V,Sib. 0011MISEirpy MERpIt'AST 212 ORILBTZII7TSTREET, For Isle b., the Paokago: °LOME', FANCY coATINas, BEAMS SEALSKINS, PELTS, do.' MILLVILLE, MABEL., ORISKANY, YITOU BURG, ROYAISTON, ♦ND OTHER MAIM 07 PANOY OAS e... 4 .IMERES. HARRIS' EANOY UNION CASHMERE% BA TINETTB, LININGS, VESTINGS, 131-tE- BIM, ha EAGLE LADIES' OLOTILS, VELVETS, aa actlE-2m WELLING, COFFIN do Co MG OHILSTITUT Offer, by the pottage, the followinglesetiptb A.MERIOAN QOODS. DO 4OLTIDAAD NAOMI £t PC GROUT IFAXiXOT - - • GItEENE MANUFACTURING C 0.% PRINTS ; I .BREACHED AND DROWN MEETINGS, qffiliTINGS AND DRILLS; r , ogarinungs, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, FILESIAS, AND NAN. KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LINSEYS; PHILADELPHIA LINSEYS AND CHECKS; KENTUOKY JEANS AND COTTONADES; NEGRO CLOTHS AlqD KERSEYS ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS; BLACK AND TANDY CASSIMEREI3; BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS; . SATINETS AND UNION OASSIMERES ; TWEILDS,'OASHMARETTES, Lo., ite: and-Szo, WAI3.IIINGTOI MILLS, PDXWERtY BAY .STATE MILLS. SHAWLS-of sU slum. to stratysrletr. Eshboasid sad 'fruited TASLA owirkurs. ONION' !EAVES!! anti HAW °LOTUS.' B firaMORAL SKIRTS. INIEEIRING, and Double Ind Twisted COATING& hf srd ' kith' ZEPHYR °Lyrae., iNnuod and Plain PLANNED nod orr,,KA FL/LW Printed PELT CARPETING& got sal* bs FROTHIN9IIIII-11r. 34 South PIONT Street, SHIPLXY, / 1 47•A1t a.IIITICHENEION, 110. 119 =EMIT! U., COIESSION loutomurris FOR 'nth aux tir PT 3 TT A DEral?.}l.lA-MADE GOODS. aiiat PREPARED GLUE. 0 , . PREPARED GLUE! A terITON IN TIME NAVEII WNW', 1100NOMY : DIEIPATONI tun. rim .PIROBRI Al austewip Wilt dwell. erne tR eedt-nereuK .fiveqies, it ii very desirable to have some phase sad oosventent rev IoT tepairise revattate. Tom Ovoeke OPALDING'S PRNPARND GLUM aunts all mph smerissoles, said so household eau Wont to lm Mahout It. It is always ready and on to the - uil point Thais is so looser a asossaity for limping guars; swlintered !veneers, head's's dolls, and broken oyddlint It Whist lb. Wools for woo, dell, end other ornamental work, so popular with Mies of rsissrasst and taste. - , • • ' ;Ids admirable preparstloa le used'pold, bong oho. nanny held in isolation. and poisoning all the valuable § oilltlex of the beet %net-wakens' glee. It mar be SIM the pines of ordinary nutcolage. beat ♦aetlr lane sabosige. USEFUL I I EVERY )1,01.14." IL B. ♦ brunt anompanni aeon bottle. MOB TWBBTY-F/178 ORNIN. • • Depot. Ho. 40 OEDAR Street. New York. Addrats MORT 0. >..P.5.LD1310 k 00., *at No. MIX, Now York. ?at us for Dealers la. gist voutainjus four, eight , leW tWOWII ClOtelar a WILMS rat naegispola 6110W-C.llll •sooiusoelat mob paelogger maw ASP - . DINGS PREPAItED OLVI will tea times Itecoet annually to every bensrhold. Sold by OA: promirst O t Ationeri, Drug's* Lim& ware and Furniture Dealer* wooers, and -run atone. illosntry Merchants should ranks a note of BPALDINDI3 PREPARED GLUE, Mt Malang up their Ile. 1' WILL STAND ANY CLIMATIC 411-mw -v REMOVALS. REMOVAL. A R. JOHNSON. BURGEON DBNTIST. krstavvri TEOSS Alen STREET TO - NO. 203 NORTH. NINTH STKAST. AKAR VIAL, EAST SIDE. seS4t* REMOVAL. OHARLES HARKNESS, - WHOLESALE CLOTHIER, ae■ REMOVED TO I , I4..OOS.OHESTNUT STREET, .South tildo, above tifith • PHILADELPHIA. iu -lot VENN MUTUAL LIFE 'INSURANCE COMPANY REMOVED TO 603-wfinlOt No. 921 011E9TNUT STKEZT. REMOVAL. EVERETT, HICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. kayo reotored to 828 MARKET STREET. Bums are incited to examine our stook. aull•2m REMOVAL.—The underaigued have re movtd thedrOttioe and Salem= non the nue-, dry at aItIBLE-STlti- ET WHARF, to the, M. H. comer of SECOND and RADE etreeti, where desera lind a large oolleetion STQ VEs pr the mnot approved petterns) , Tinned, Enamelled ;and plata Banow-warei comprising Not asservnent second to none. it the coun . try. Alt ordere lett et the °M m alt or by mt will Neely° wrootpt etteutlon: LEIBRANDT, 3c Malt)YirfilL i Philadelphia Stole Wo,lia ‘ • aun-itlnt .and Hollow-ware Foundrice. C , ABINET FURNITURE AND BIL TADIAS. • MOORE CAMPION, -, N0.-AII,I4OIJTIE SEOOND EITIEHT • In connection wits' their extensive Calinet Bigness, era sow manutacturine a superior article of • TABLES, Ibail note on hand a MS stifinolied with 90RE k. CAMPION'S IKE "VS) USHIONS, Melt re e erononnood, by all who harassed them, to bli,asipertor to an °them. ertlie quality an fi nish of thee, the menu- I/Vrrater to their tIUMOtOtIII patron, throughout ies, ish oar, familiar with the character of their piIILADIELPMIA TERRA OOTTA MA-, -iftt r A g rul wpm rn and attervm 'root ea .. i 0 4111. g PUT Weal. vitt ed. Drain *ad Water Pipes. VentiLating Flues. If ot Atr lemma aliabit nese anadt orirerta agas, eider ma ratle silo ea Ter tstrUon tr tl f tria l :i i ii l i r i i tuartvditN: ru net t a 1 4:rarralt°44%-wiraglN:',l_._mtrr,,Mplreia , tr i trliotAritiathearprcoriporstiota ~,,,,ele arcola a ~ vgasity: , Weolhaidaloar pools to toe ease tf pot , or to pier odor leade in .oe:tinned 'Dates or repo.' ' Ornamilital. ' Oknour 1 ToNl', end • Win *sea. 1 . . , 11. joikri'S ••'R0661 , 10.-4043ii,;,*41011; '',..7'Plifer Rfe; 'II oViiin 'a . to • paten Wl' istettuat of *4 e, 14 414 1 ‘4 9 giln r tilgt4Prat i re 'e# " folopter iittitoeu le." ; • OT,lje Jrtso fiirrall3Yß 7, MO. .. o. return to 11r. Rush's account ,qt , , his Christims at Bagley Park, the Country-seat l r lif , ordLyttolton, In 1836. , , 1 re lt may not ho out of place to mention that tuglish country gentlemen, whether pee or commoners, (and ' there are very rhi untitled country gentlemen far more tin t hy , than most of the titled,) entertain. -thei ,friends, very liberally between August and 1 January. The . shooting-season com mime* by law, on the; 12th of August. On that; day, grouse.sholitiii, legally seta in. ,GrOmsti . aro 'generally foUrldln the moors and 'hlll' they chiefly abound ',in Scothind—and 'the !first rush of sportsmen ;Is northward, where; singly r In coxiOnbrplpithirtlep- Ir. 1 the greirsai, 41; V.. 1ik94,41:1,115• 49' ite ' atopi for exelbetiro•tise 'of ,eereellb , dietrietki: eel yliarreiii ! whre, begs*"4 tfieli' lAbly situ tiok ,If the birth" (as they are called) always resort 4 Partrldge.slioottrig legally cam., /Plell'c6 l ****4 1 4 §ktOn.4*.Y. il.q4 ,tlierOi l , 1 not uch occasion to go tioithward for tust. if Q 9 MO landed estates, where there is abundance of es,-and care is taken against the poachers,' 1 part ldges are rarely wanting. Pheasant shoot- I tog does not commence until the middle of °etcher. In that month, therefore, and alAo In August, the country mansions, are. filled with visitors. Hunting and coursing cone in, .late( in'thei year, and rural residence does not terminate until the middle of'danuary, on the eve of the iomMormement Of the Parllatnen. Lary Session. :The rule" of invitation is to make it special not 4etteral. Thns, Lord Lyt telton, nor doubt, shid to !fr. Rush : a Yon *ill' come, to Wiley to spend the Christmas. Say, from, the 22d December to the 29th." Alps limit is not from scant hospitality, but itt• dr that Mr. Rash, or any invited guest, mi t have time to make other visits. Alio, thatthe qat; giving other invitatienb, might ti,%y l ii,Nro cx*ct you on the '2oth; to remain tint I the 6th." The further rule is that the inz guest loaves scion after breakfast on 14s i and that the coming guest, Who is to Ruched him, does not arrive until an hour= se before 'dinner—the interval of several lionrs• permitting the apartments just vacated to lo if done up," with a little extra care, for r Ty. , " occupants. r..4uah, describing Lady Lyttolton, whom .ad•jtuown twenty' years ego; ic when she .64 scarcely more than beginning life, bloom- Wand beautiful," mentions that, at Ilsgley, qr husband's ill-health—speedily to tenni. , t fatally—called upon her more espealally 113 Ispcnso in all ways the hospitalities of the ele. " a I thought I knew her formerly," he rs, a but found I did not know the half;' efdo cultivation, without scorning conscious r, conversation to charm all; .gt- quick eye i attentive ear among her guests, forgetting . bone; a winning ease and self.possession—so It la I would imperfectly tell you bf the quail tied add 'accomplishments Implanted and 1 tia led fri Ler. Ber manners are natural, ,aii you sea that they are derived from home. Thy, are of the kind inculcated by the do : Recipients of the Calverts, the Carrells, atd others from the stook of those first Cavalier +Migrants who arrived at the ancient Med co lonial elapital of your little State of Maryland, and brought over good manners with liberty, red foleritton:"- 31 LETITIL Strioet. ! After her Inv:band's death, Lady ty4elien selected to superintend the early educe- tiou oaf, qucen Victoria's, children, a coed de f iat (dike which she still retains. • Pere Wu Cannot do hotter tbangive the roil_ 'sine of allay at Lord Lyttulton's In midwinter, Kr. Ilush says t ts ," Many cellS there were throughout snob an es bilehment airing each a work Among them eh bicame 4 demeans chaplain .' Lord Lyttelton, eh said, had eommissioned her for that (Coe, be fog too unwell to seadthe prayers himself, Every niirning at halt past nine she read theta. • Those ab e to come down at thattime. se / believe all did, at ended, as did the servants, tipper and lower, men antivromen- These all entered, arranging them. selves opposite the family and Atteste. , This morn ing tile assemblage was in the 8310011, the full• lengt fatally pictures looking down upon us, • wicked' Lord Lyttelton'e among the rest, (pray pardon me, but the contrast was almost enough to nett Irreferent thoughts.) , One, sentence in the prayer ran thus : ' Teach tut to be just to those de pendent upon •us, and kind to our friends.' The winds touched us the more "from the soft tones of her voles. Yon will remember similar habits at Lord Bexley's country home In Kent when we were staying t , ere , though no picture of a Wicked 0014* was thereto be looking down upon us. ," Atten "d'eloak we'went 'to breakfast, and no where °Mild her attentions to her guests have been better gua r • Whet seemed beet to„say to oneA,fel 7 , tqwe4 ' her' unitolog. 'sanitation-to' each . -dt two o'clock we had lunch... Oa Christmas day a boar's head and a genuine old English Christmas pie Were Nerved up at It. The dinner hour was half-put six. When announced, we crossed the hall, two and two, from the library, where all had then col luded intte!the dining - room—the letter brilliant with light, peintinge; and the table plate, the en tire des; Service, plates and all, being of sliver, so c mullets In 'these' classes that I remember your epos saying it was the absence of it you began , to „ les, poroelain being seen in the after courses. A eimple of honer More or lees, spent at table, the time depending on the turn oonversation.toolt: aed this was little apt to flag, especially when Lord L. was well enough to be with us, all returned to the library. "A word about wine. Old Ealernlan was among the varieties on one 'of the days Ono of the company being tempted to take a third glees of It, another remarked that the rule in ouch oases was, that he mart take a fourth or quote Lorain); whereupon the offender paid the penalty, cat:lake ins, Jam jail, leer's ,'iris ;—in plain English, there had been snow enough, in all conscience, at Bagley that week. We had no dissertation on wines save what was said of Ealemlea. 4 • Bask again in the library. afro was first handed. Tea came an hour or so afterward,. Then we had the piano, harp, oonversation,,ball, nage--wnythlng. at eleven or later, some linger. lug till past midnight, we began to more off for our chambers 1 1 Now a. precious little merman for you. On one of the evenings Lyttolton, as if she had seen into my heart, struck up upon her harp the dirge to Louts the Sixteenth composed after he was beheaded. Don't you remember when Bee, of South Carolina, need to play it for us on the plans, at Miss Broadley's, in Philadelphia , in days of yorol You have probably not heard it since. It took me by surprise. You cannot imagine the memories it awakened. Night after night, as long as I staid, I na il ed for it ; and never Shall I hear it again without thinking of the harp at Bagley. Liberality to the poor, at the Christmas season, and indeed at all amens, is noticed by Mr. Rush as a feature in the country life of the English nobility which greatly charmed and interestedhim. The editors of this posthumous VOittM9 have ' appended a note to the description' of Mr. Hagley, which runs thus: cc All remember Washington Irving's beautlinl desciiption of rural scenery in England, We have before us an original letter troy: Mr. Irving, written in 1820 to Mr. Rush, in which is this passage As to the article on rural life, (in the Sketch , Book,) though the result of general impres7 eions received in various excurisione abon England, yet it was sketched in the vicinity of lingloy, just after I had boon rambling about its grounds, and whilst its beautiful scenery end that, of the neighborhood wero fresh in my recollection:" It Is to bo hoped that in the forthcoming, Life of Irving, which his accomplished ne• phew is now writing, some account will be given of a very curious compliment paid to Washington Irving, in the latter part of 1831. He was making r. tour in Deibyshire, in com pany with Mr. Van Buren, appointed but not onatorially confirmed Minister to' England. Xear Chi‘stzirffold, iu Derbyshire, there lived in these daYs,an,eccentrio 'clergytnitn, , named Reaston itoelea" possessor of a large lauded estate, on which stood a magnificent mansion called, i , Earlboro' Mill." Like most eduCatod Englishmen, Mr. Roden had intense admiration foi• Siretah•Aook" and w Dracebridge Be invitO . Aftt.'Van Boron' rind Mr. Irving to : his splendid' seat, whore, .to the atninerneht el the btate9mau and the astonish inrint,,iir, die Author; • ):0 reprodiecii; lisneb:r iy as possible, the Ghrletreas ferdlvltlealshich are BO ; sell described in thi3 mortal_ bo • cdri3. 7 he'PeCuliailty of kbis idiap4e • entertainnaent.conahited in its taking place Are,tbe chriatmao Beacon , Wir roinit Mahe 10010; or take rood: h i - or:one bit,of cut-doer • keener,. at lisgloy described by , A m • Air. iab : • Itil: "Arms was built by Vie first . l,lord Lytteltaikvaar Al v tgAiAlt:,;. l 7:, 18% 1 1 11Xy Zito of the English Nehllltr, No. 3. one (if the r ip t anderies,44 .mithe the prospeat that ;pert more piaturerpre. Before the week erided; nialked• threr4bCthe' snow 'to, the Thar of Kegley and thirTsny.compeulono t , Tire former pointed, put ropo's monument, Milto's" seat, and Tboinsonqc' at *lll4kriciirti. 'spike it ingley r whiahlbe trambet..prerlesmed ;ear awaistio bolero; also trottouiPowitllttertog, stilt laicise. and Superb old oldie:m(1, elm. - The rein had '.the aPpearana• 'Or an old taliflois' eistle Ca pieces. ender the bind tLike; MroWthiek ite aPpSreptly ancient welle and moidertng fret tt meets. Fit abode they inenned fo r the ' tipping Ovel.! • From Dila Milt:dal 'Mai the *ye sweeps over ' a wide explain of eanetry bigbly tor/tend I'M I had, peen ,it in the glories of spring 'or sum Mer 'yettlie bthtBr prospect told tallith 'the fanof and feelings. Clad; in Loewy , whitia, , :man. sten .bedgeo of eleagteel 3 , o ' l4 ° on; natinatly enough to reveal a mom. beautiful htridmitpc' Ac treatood looking. at 'lt; we ;called up Jines from; the poets, arraying thmwtotrylepsee in verso, It was on. alp, Otharwise,we miget have h'atnt the rotend of, chtirOb•beiti in 'the distance.' Sneh model did beat ifterwarda near fitonby Stratlonlyirellubkiegitamsblrei litewil If e ,wer4 detained a shot; time on , the road by the' snow, the day'T was returning ter 'London:' - 'l 7 had wanted on inadvinee with stieteettbe passengers,, and as leaned. icier Si ti n 'AI ft•ht coach to come up.imermingling online' (rpm the turrets of 'three ineterrelefeniqu'llet`stelb; into my 'ear , throtgta)the-etillasse:ot :obi .Sesitis: ta" , gri,? 4 b.;b" , ;?•TErbrAivrAa. b i,;4l,44.4fata:i ► ~edlit~ io card to •I' • - 1 • • nitaliill!hferenOodil egififtieBtiPl/1?, •Lo tailetiotf4phi, 4.610;40844016i.,P1.1XVit during Mr. Rush's'. inisia'4lMikbasirsalt-inc 1001 4 1 04-161 IS aiut $--day.- miteseptimmtitieekVllol/04k ainptaileihyttditunisaedartey,lieutananki, and the ehent , weir.talkaii Ptak teibles ;001. 0 1 1 4 'A tail) ea, ' wee o 31054.11, 5 tim4 had not elapsed for it to he ispyrp4ll the wound Would gam linortal..7,Wllereupon oop of the company (you know: who). - gr41.07 avowed his readiness.,. Jaresd,.Faknot. sten die and the assassin elicsiPe ,baning. qn the plea of insanity!, tong ha up one of Aia /at ftes in kis attail The ides was playfully handled, Inn _received no quarter, nql.with statiding that thelentlemati who atarted it wail . lull 6f precedents iron French histery 1 4P, it aiong2L - Virith that we eonchlde, again recommend- I ing Itlr. Ruehli pinattmena volume to puhlip attention.. • - - . LETTERS TO , CHARLES ()TONSIL. (NUMMI FOUR. Moaroonnar, (Ms.), August 290860. I think I have shown conclusively, by historical record', drawn from the archive' of the Coafederti- Con; that Uwe* the purposes of ,the early, states. meta to raalotate, everywhere is this country, the principles of lees! ielf-gOyernment GM the new States or Terrltoiles were organised upon terms of equality with the old States. • The' former were re. gutted or permitted "to adopt the Constitution and laws of any one of therm States." • This Was the initial point—laying the' foundation for. the ea• preision- of the people, In a dennitelarm; touching the: goverutnent of their choice. I think it most sigulfloant that It wao.alect, provided, l by the same . article, "that such /awe nevertheless shall be sub ject to alteration by their ordinary, Legislature " ' The free males (*Miens of the,TerritorY)' of full ago!' were invited to meet together "for the pur pose Of ,ertabfisiting tettiporary Government." ,Cmigress did llamado:take to grariestithbrlty to thepeople to do . this:' They wore irivitad to exer oise their rights.ascitisens, , and were told that, after..establishing A illinplAry,eoVOMMOSlt, the While losponeibility of itsmaintenanoe rested upon thetaselves. It woo emitter for them to menage. Thq Isis of all the origthel States authoriiad the election of a'Legislature by' thepeopie. The new Siete' worn placed upon a &Ming of equality with the old. I care not by What' name you choose to designate the rierclio of popular rights, math at wore conceded to the people of the Territories or near iitataa by Mr. Jefferson's scheme: It is/eons, for, Um, to know that in respect to all natters of local consent the Crogrees a the Confederation re garded 'lraq pOriticill community as endowed, not by . virtue of authority granted by the Federal Le.' ,gislature, but by virtue of their Inherent rights as' citizens of the United States, with the powers of self-governMent.• • I tow propose to consult the action of Congress, nmier the Federal Constitution, to sfe if the new titates or Territories were mortised as hsving authority over the ankle/at of slavery. I under stand, of, %Mule, that , it is maintaMed by Mr. Da. vid,and his sleve-oode associates In the Senate, thst the Territoriestave no authority whatever to establish, abolish, or prohibit slaverY therein. They denounce the doo trine not only as a monstrous heresy, but as ono of the inventions of modern Abolitionism.- I have • mischievous satisfaction, I bed almost said, in ogling your attention to whet , is known as the fugitive-slave act .of 1793, ap. proved, the 12th •of February. The third station of that act is in these words : And be it also enacted, That where a person held to labor. in any of the United Staten, or in either of the Territories on the northwest or smith of the river Ohio, under the lawn thersof,.eboll escape tot° any other of the said States or rerritu rise, the person to whom such labor of settles may be due, his agent or attorney, it hereby empowered to seise or arrest such fugitive atom labor, _and to take him or her before any judge of the Circuit or TSetriot Courts of the United States, residing or being Within the State., or befornanrmagistrate ,of a county, oity, or town omporats wherein nob' seizure or arrest shall be wide, upon proof to the satisfaction of such Judge or magbdrato, either, by oral testimony or affidavit, taken before and certified by a,magistrate of any such State or Territory, that the person moulted or' *nested doth, .under, the taste.ofi the State of Territory from or Ate , fled, owe ;ontoe or labor to the perpOrt olaliniog him nr, St shall be MO duty Of judge oe magistrate to give keertit., cote thereof trt snob olaincene, his 'gm% et attprm,, 'which 'hail It sufficient warrant for removing snob fugitive from labor to, the State or Territory from which he of she fled. ' TM's sot, it wilt be 'remembered, was passed.only nine years efts' the.adoptiett af• this scheme (erred -to -,for,,the r gevernsueut, of the TeridtorlOo• It expressly deplores ‘.‘ that when w person held to labor, In any of the United States, or in.either of the Territories on the northwest or south'of the river Ohio, tender the laws thei•eofc Shall slew," he shah bedeliveied up. I take it far grantid, it will be conceded at leeet, after readiag this Nee. tion, that the Government of 1793, with Geberal Washington at its bud, did not understand that the new States of Territories were prohibited by. the Constitution from establishing or prohibiting slavery. I think equally clear, for-the same Tor eon, that it was not.then.understood that .Congress possessed foriadktion over the interests of slavery in the Territories. The certiAoate of the judge or. magistrate contemplated by the act of 1783 is this: "-That the porton seised or arrested doth, under the laws of the „State or Territory from which he or she fled, owe seIsloo." This is very plain, un ambiguous :language. It admits pf but one eon- . etruotlon, that in the view of theßteoutlve, Sena t e, and Rouse of Representatives, in 1793, slavery might exist under the laws of the l'erritoria9o. vertunents then organised northwest and south be rives Ohio. I : 4o not refer to ,ttile aot n que4- ton as a oonatltattonal. authortty z , and ,olaim ho right) or ,Wertltprial Ctoyornosonts, under it, to establish or prohibit slavery, - It is the, judgment of Congress end of. GPI- Washington, nevertheless, that slave property, like every species of property, is subjeet to the exclusive con trol of the people of each organized community, under the Government of the Union. It is a via , dioatton, by most respectable witnesses, of the dootrlnes of popular sovereignty, or squatter sove reignty, or .whatever you may salt the goverrdnent of. the people. The Rot of 1793 was a direst out, birth of, the Territorial scheme of MA. It it the oonstruotion of .the Constitution by two,of the de partments of the federal system, touching the pow ers of Congress and of the new Statest,owar the el et lion of slavery; for If the latter have jurtsdiation of It to the extent of making it legal within their respective limits, Congress has no otheteutborlty over it, except that which to given under the lush live clause. Ido not maintain that an Rot of Con- Brace le to be received me concluelve entbori ty by nrbiob the conetitetionelity or queen stitutionality of a measure moo - . be detareolip td Wo • have bad too meth of this kind or 2 Par lolls - reaSoldng, both in and . out of the fedora capital. Tbo Missouri Compromise law ling been r.tlain and again tlefonded on this basis Nevertheless thottot of 1703,gas t the produotion of a patriotio f honest, and oonsiderate age. Its poised meat. pre.oeiled all 'exoltemeat on:this 'sub set o slaTery. Ituras sanotioned interior 0; 'the titipintl "s ition of seetionaiParties; exteeed 'lrlimarly all the Octet:al States: It lollostekuits stiptaSiMi of neoesstly,lboi fagitiroolitum 111 titi.Odit - atitutiOri Melt. •It di fairly Ask oturstruAtiOul o that compact by the legtelitoro whiohyousatttLiS a!itglelature.sool posed largely; . ,,f tha Rol f , 9 , Um Constitutional Conventicm, stll gen„W !nig ton, vibo,approved,it, AuthnortedVitg the tin ty, of tho TOrrluirSea, to . Osta datreti Xoo fete lam admdtihit lilt:Mode ld , loirie ;ohs • may it'ititii t•Ortiohiortlite-Teet and • *hat. ereighl or authorttryon-will4hink-lt -entitled-to, as th itotee r of Cingreartosohing theorighte of :Eans • Mad' Nkrtialma bfor, •instate:o .axe idittorY uttreetrioted sroiernment , •s .;:,; •- seistain;rmost respeotfully, .r! f C; . 1, H. , • ant being taken , at 814rTftpftri, 14:110 diE an attalan.i►d!; al taitfao9E Two: CE&Tgt wABal yroNLO:4l4:', Letter_ • rpm aoireerndehee or the Pret&l n . 'Wesurearoicieiteintrirri, 184. "Mr. GTailitone, a 'October ottheirtilldh Ministry, ' ins tenont eipeeehth the Boak - otittoensitha, Liam ploinviot the tneliatethiattatierrat Wino again, prattt-Brltelit erhittif right be resepiwit aa,ana, •aelan tate litilasatlook At ths.s l,l , l l 3 ter i Art, athlete nut is !tends/ totitiA Ihk4nastoteists ;OW central seat of cioaprninent, There to a total want of antlio}liy to iiisoot and , gine? When anything la to bi dons IS have - to go itvoit' 'department tb depiitnitibt, Pitt the Nitwit:iv* to the lions. of Coninithis, froieo the Nam' 44%Ccien mono td Coartirdittett, from a;teassEltnia to a .ocan•J Ina:Won, and from . a .00ssimioskin .hislk.o a *Gm wow', SID that yenta • pat . Alvan. Pt ..Po*. Je iliaaPPoliat44. , and. lb*, Wage/ tYP. seastatl . • Ct; is really pti.ittii sa how itiaiyyloiSsi tlisitsigitiel bY J ai series j ofitilayi;litr-enitii," " sdo, 4 ad titPeifild . 131 I SIPAS O 3 IO 4strAtiN r/lliroldeld,,l44Pril Pki6/feka Amilt444 Iff Ail Tel.itlfeAStet, i bis% grilin pp In fill R etry,. 4139 pr, ffrinis i tist ste 111 e rn f6llOwiEk P ' a 5 01044.1 - Lsjad gehM3 tfili - ISek' Pebble. rooT whilh NaU hoer 4/0412 los thriamyeprsindbin .hen •. of .tkieLpalntter,..WOUli bs fp r l4'44, c# l tru e4l the Government would' be a lato give In out ranee. that, "by nexi• Minion, it would be fa= •lshod, awl that , the luoaatettlenee whteb ereirsf irate the went pf the :aecolsitpdation. which lt,was meant to afford 'would be ob , cleted. The rota be* gee set Spirt for. biudoese• pappaaas, it was, be could' not help Adding, inihhi 00•104, a "ry. useless mode of laving out. the publics money to' spend thousands of pounds' In 'paintings for It/ done ral ion • . . , s , Earl: Granville wss understocdfp say that he coop Otte no speedo time w,hon the room would be toPleted. • The , listi of lilliehbarosigh entlos4 °morn& In VI °piston that the trio oor Gots of the. Houses of sr (amen 'Altair Mont' extravigsfitlrand tufelesslY expended. Tha est day'seetwiid, $4 itionjr fourtaitols, ha to pagestasua. an+ isszior(al;se :the ea tart!) • of: a.U.praseer No AMerloari nor foreigner eau visit Washlogtere without being'delighted at •the arranvitnent sad decorations of the new additions to de Gerard building; bet that 'nomads --mime ate being walked, se is the eMs in the new Nodes of , the Gettig' Parliament, upon Catsamagant, attd, in some trullauties, ill-ococaelved adornrants, is includable.' frescoes, heavy Aldins,expentive'inarble does end eellipge , gorgeous balnitrides, rich ear petlng and sofas, chairs and reittOril, Meet the eye eaall sides: Nod seems to eccrideed to bad taste, and, In too many cams, simplicity Is lost sight of in a too evident disposition to . spend 'hey. bet nasinkna this. dings simply to, fanltylth them, tsmanste W/5 1 134.4 10 , mush has, done that,. iA agattitithial our, people will 'sil ly pardon mistaltss dos ; but f# the 'ix, pie not a dangerous VW inmeel, and may , pot the precedent' which boa in net beloThiwed by other Administrations, and whole burden laid upon , thou, who,. mast. tt all may eta, did not tale . •gronnd mr,h ! it ti at the Start? The London Totes, ecatimentins ea ..n Mr - Gladstone'S speash,nnekeeentate alta r slope td another sukkest, ',shies may also fittingly 1,,, applied to ,those, who have clomp of *Ds twitters in t hi s quarter. The ,' uses , gays . if The particular branched ottradmialstratirm, eo graphically eharectreritied. etnattishe She - sirategtr m ent of our-public ballaings.-son wetly thew, be to tenon the edit _ 4el scbalii'staet4k bat the system ou width' the 'no:misery fibrins and previded and maintnned. • Tillsiltwe thelerthat no dole these matted, ia. to - tickle= PP:Pre. Ps l3 rately,help doing, that the. exl pain f u l/N I A ., ti c t is utterly lesniffeletit, hid • ' ming. TVS F eign Orme, fee infante; :totalities fandlier ex triple,: le nabsolateir.dliele And rotten vast tt Is ebly. kiwi, up by Anne, props, and °that contriteness, 'fot - avertinigthereraah ern tunibiez dote tenement It hi atillilllpirhomaN It.leito.• notorlonsly understood to be llotateviatt en -1 1 '0 . : way bridge is always!, butlenierly" well Wakened when suddenly nosed to be on Og inear. - - -- i' The man primeeding is 10.1110Plioiwilete, anises, ofrind for the newip t ilding, an. of 00Urill. 12,14- de such i3iretimstane ;the ground is inierlablyof ' greet value. It rek ay be niftier Crown land, whirl eolfid be let, if not then appropriated, for thou sands a.year, 01 It may be lead acquired - id 'open markot, at a proportionately higls 'pries. Pit the PlVitelee 'in view. For attempts, 1150.000 ,wee given for the Barlinston house, representing an annual ' cost of no slight amount " Well, then; it wt I be suppOsed our third step' is •to erteet us new , bttildlogs on the' plane desired. byywhiele, : whether . cheaply or others/lee, our objects eta attelned Unluckily. this Is Jot the part. of the trustees* which Is left undone.% Mere the story breaks off. Iteed of genial; tp work and ectunneting what w want, we only discuss the subject Olt anything .- 11 e the chance of a decision appears to vanish r is . . _ f m our view. ' The ground fur the new Foreign Odin „ has beett yricant, we believe, for upwards of twenty years, leering an unstehtly plot .of land, a miserall• hoarding, to disfigure' one Of . the best quarters of too town. The ' Boilers,' at Brompton, provi. siensily established, represent another public work --fa National Gallery—whisk to gee eueranded for went of some' decision,' • As to Burliogton House, that alai is awaiting its . ' disposal,' and might, as hi as the public, service In concerned; have bees Tort with equal advantage in Its original heads.. • , ” Mr. filladatone'e duty compels him to go eine , folly into these; reckonings, end they must ram- . 't inly be enough to throw any - ealenlator futon t nsport of indigestion. .13ettIng aside the led* n to condnuenes of the inonventenee ihkehisro d tied thellist movement, there is the diplreitkni• a d reduplication :Wood. AU tieslenst•whielotlmi , e pty :groinsaireeid jleire , iinitf4, lll, ? l 4•Y' lo 6ci a I the interest ,of sums pa i n for neapproprieted' 11711dinge to alone wasted : ink beside* this, tie% the °barge rot tiring *Wein ..lbr adore to - gek.e. el th . :Mee theleader,any idea whit thstP obizieg ape, or to whet extent. the - stale is the tenet of private lindiordst '. • ‘.. , . ' 1" Government takes apartments * tell over the town. It may, be said to live in Reignite. There Il3re tire . little 'palaces rented for the 'use of our epartments ' in New street; Spring Gardens; six. Pell-mall, four in Pertinent street, four more Great George street, two ba Old Palace yard, ii Tee In Duke street, two In Whitehall, and a• oxen more, ' tit least, in the immediate neigh- rhood. There are similar estabilthments in Adelphi terrace, in Adelaide .plies, In Bing ! pine, 'in 'Obancery lent, 'ln Gteit Newport, It e reet, in Gower Wee, end in Gedlimenstseet ;.isr ermyn,street, pn,Benengtett nommen, In Lentase.' r place. in Menhesterbuildingi, in Oxitdd street end the Old ,Teirrf;' in Solemn' Diej 51.. Jaime. square; and Thames Baolr—lq ehoyt,,,theze is pa: l iecarter of , Abe town so secluded or unfashionable s to, be without Its Government ledgers: ' - Of ourse,:ere pay a reand- eunfor 'tiler aconstmla ion—rent and, tans, togiether t neatly 309 , .a ear, which, Of course„ must he, added to ' the late .:• at of monerPeld'asidibiloss of pteflt fanned: et anybody say, after this: seemosat,of !things, Whether Mr. Gledttotee'e O whet her of, the systspe r es overpitohe.dor whether it does hot units .' all e 'aestivating. vices that 'Could 'be enumerated', as nearlyss any mortal system, could Accomplish ithat undesirable tad. . . - i Everybody knows the Miserable accoraniede.. - done proilded for the officers who occupy' tile Staid Depeitnient. Our Foreign °Moe, liki that in. ,Loodon, is almost "dilapidated and rettiras,i.k and Inumbers of the heads of buiesussee compelled to ;transact business' in rented rectos. The Coast. 113nrvey is located on Capitol .1104 in a series of tumble-down , tenements ' , wlnols ! present a ! roost, forlorn and deua7inq appearance.. Se venal of the auditore.ure , oataidti 'buildings, and I think ihi. i ttsoinej: Generithieilelf, and hls clerks ?, traiisol i ttleiti'bitiliOse in — rented -apart , uients. Of oonise, 'things will eitessii etti the eyed doh of other public buildings and when these Ire' tit. +hierinetruetedi great jobs will be :provided 'for the: speculators who are el-, ways on the lookout for bOlittabil... CICCUPNAL. 1;041;r Om '"Kappa.". [Correspondence of The Pone.] WeeutNITON, Sept. 6 1880 The news from ; Mexico is Most 'cheering for all friends of tlie Soares Cloierareent. The ova whelp:dog defeat of Goitetal hfiramon lathe hard est blow which the Chunk. or Spanish party'. ben received elan the days of the ,fast revolution. Thagratyejoloing of, the people in *snip, worm ; gorolttabfelT ootuddotod there is the dame ' The country, united under a CoatitetiOnal: Government, and order reigning fin ttie icithing - 'to:feer 'from the Silinith, expeditiMP iLIM'Moie 'a Uncle •Satio 'is 'dose by,!, okettibing 'the ararthY Spaniard: seith , whhttd,i T a ngible e y e a,; •1 a ; r a • ',Ventral( Wear fe , atill in Tnueillo, end I Gin, °Stair:lo94. the Intlielt, en FrgrO n 9T4 OPPI -1 .;Rittlieferewill,fahe him I sll"la.S ll bnit ° > wh 'qjrt - dem:Tel. i fcf*ken the 4VITP9r, Ilgl t , h e ie rtV, 1 / 6 e .P 4 stt.'9,ll3lnra°r/li ;ihd• plundering paieful people,leho.naver ~, dirge hi m any hariii, Ot'velsh - to have abYthfaletti do with lim . To compare thin bratelies asiventeret, tignerefGeribeldi iltareA 'Bast Pe mil', nrfi ad*r!ll.l, tf d q hit 40, 'aria u: of 10, 4 ja ribeftardthattto MigtAtlrk 4 6- Pfr0 13 4., ,Hel. Goo' batoeloribiritit YLAtt =with .11harkit.,.., 44 1 4.9 41 .1, ; I..t ra y.sted ibieraral, *flag greastniew du =i n 41,Ings, nsai to fdiforatetittakitiperfCato, I VII Anieridu atitoed , ero MAO itiaCit is eirepitshiglhistliAdankt be fonifi Wjeusilde materfoilinothetoine. ?..lbetaidef. Mai onto - 0 0 4' SPA. Insielfoir - 0 4 1 teiNeraf l 4.l% • 14 TIM WEEKLY_ Pll2ll#l._ _ • ere: w.nal ring win be roe le teleboriben ms{)( p er Ba nns. to Wear.) be— —W e - Thrs , G . : live - • - _ _ 1420 et IS CosiaccFoysi o va bb sin if Fat • Mabel Tinatr-ar or *wow via and as " 11 Ple gateioo, - • - . 4r 2forti,gt , 111* wiriximPazio. • • ~ . •• .. CAL.IcIO.IIIII4 • ilm #,/tbzie wow. • f 1 43-g' . , 'mini might expect, Kg t 1j (sir putatloa RI a free nation, ' never etiould malt, 4 11 1"jeir' Poepob- Hetaimk Oentinvot to,b• urnapill *RAW-. aide eassay, said methOkrie lint &atm., Wi alike to leiter. epic( sod. to protect re N m Al lo iiO4* la" ""1a k mid 0 10 /1 1 .0*$ AMP*fit a it**o, 41.1 1 0§4 . toia Paae* • a"" " P" l fi'ta! laag to ; . 1 4 1 "/"P!" . "4 PA. ,pia/ I flerf . aPd PP* i *We -4400451 c‘IFL ftse fkowniiioit• , Sok ito Welker $11.141,,, reforilitt • lM weent,mare, tkek Itearts e, eel ;eiltalidtanta, ina,l44,tbas Wok 'RAN seeMpt alk a aata" "kb MNOtalißlo%lo fittb• X aza onfertnneti to twit to a. soisituisto ' ttaervitie Ouse proe pie. 4. ray Lop VP MP" Vial 14 0 fril9 4 ! ‘ /A sl~ay t tbit Lik,ka4„refesette aa*, put *awl 4 4;opoign, 4 4 0,7 IA 0 1 11 kig*: Tholvor.lo D OO ll O 4. 4o 40t. 161 roleaaikilaat AMR a Aka% Car** it otodi~ sit. the 0t414-• _ ial 4-13100414010 44100 Eicittikii, ...tefilafd! - • exic.pitpas,al,l:ezew tiotiaa;A .1 1 1, ..gilatbe;l l2 o. 4.I4 sOISAP , W I eit t IrIfO4*.OPIPIE 40 1.icleetrir I -4: . •Itt2 i t ra fra49.44 -4,1 1 - via asikat, MiustopM kr Sir ....wasslon of 'tepees and white awe at Taisliwe ntrt Miasmas swswlptx sod 1144-M meets .4-$ 4 litatety etialf4 upiolar %MORS CIT A IhiliCll4o 111104. .We ere Wiest news : Thai Attests, Itsadersos ela ty that 066-well was palmed b Met *ewes ttigitt, swi-that ones latrestirctice, ewer 11 esp ;bemired bottles of strychniae Irene lima is tbe pommies. ar tka "woe& .414:royos io. • - ishnient, the latter related the pa - plet, Web war totztio&alnlis . te 'the:teent Sada, ' ib e far es peatible. tke i Its Nig tho inalb ised pistol (with liblab Elboy w ere welt sterlikail ,:eassplet• the IMO/it wark - . £ll tbi wawa asd young &Sires Were to be *orated, and the Props treeteit *et* te he-tales so wlaie by Ike belbhovadr. Se ibr as we lents . hested. the se. glees being examined sapsestaly i _fall. magi, IM mos story.. pm truth rsitieknye nesept •*. • mast doubt - i7Y mesons brim' • (trollied Argrits lan* SA three antic ass ( 00 K imam ens a prelmissitiiitsilssan Bees r=si known to lonazy ,a hnsAt in tentliesiiiedtwelll Chef: • ilecrgetown, Wiljtamsoa etaustr• aura roe o+2/4.100 A auto WOMAN. The chime of Wood, fforpthui, Wm, and P r shut counties deMaided of the Olsen of Vpiker noway a OHM limed Neck ion, the Milos* in jail far atealing • nape weesaft • Adler= teed** in that sew. I t Wes aisestadend OM, bobs& hem erred In ttad thdf *Wont ta 1 1 1 " ins." tied. awes surrendered and hong to the melte:id of primer, te the presume! of sheet fry killed P e r m ' oraszans TO Lairs. • ' a l . he Palestine Ala:Kate, of Almost n, am Gal 10* :Nay lest, Wm_ Statoo, of Andamo ea:My. yr tried by a nary , and found guilty el =i lli senile population to rebentaa and to fins &oda of tommdiarlata. Re nu ordered to Isle the eoenty. . • TIMM 313 00110 Ilt COOK 0021112. e i - - lessor form Clarksville nye that three Abell ' ti Ista were bong in Ostamlle. Cook 1101147, a platon, Itandey, and Kitt) nese men, ha los* they was best. implicated tfteeiraribint lean Belonging to atf Meanies motridtaay.... • , ' i A WAN-0214.55 AIM UMW lISMCW/1120. . Toe Ban Ant** Ledger _or the 20th remarks : . 1 ir e leers from the beat authority that a wader. in nuit.eelleY(litely id ibis dry), has,tytea blur -leti d; near Colesabes, to another sobr - e of calls.. A fro hey ersosepimied hi. is - hie proommeat Fp i i timi 2.1413 UV= ViPtillk, dlstioik" - A 50302005 ACCOIINT. ~. .-, 4 Galveston Amos aye: “ .I. . Leeson, who meetly traireastatal eat al iir amraty atelat *tetra% lam alie Oka* Pita - 'to her bum nreventad, by. noolootal int. - p•flimeor, from obeying lastreatlass. We pop_ , • •he climbed a toot and kart bkarilfbiarnains do n." - AN Amato moor ri osome/a.' !mold all of cis raiders bete' hood of treeless ,of . indeetion dbieoveted la 'rattails!' arwerlsegten da a ego,•throwilt the 4101611.115. se a aged TO ewe., dove He esatedtilud tbefei am b tie .ntborbood of 'Palls lege .tisni a ege t s m :r . organised eolsPia.7, eotileiled .1 lbw so • and Milt Westlnee,' id* - wore ta • 'tine a plan of *eases* wsbeWsse. sinssegkeit : lb t faggot of the State, gad a • sestets anwiaj b biroq appointed for gweenat eoweerted mdse. • se lin upon that day, Minter, - an blement • sy rale. whit& prevented tile sanduteleseedwar a.—Atlanta Leeaseallsoi. - - - • • , ince that tline hisigilanee eamiltledlits ism ortga- Id atlii•TOY STIP* Il lit V a lS Allt: th ireotindre i connected sr b das ep ey 'On' lash Weditredil es * ;•11: Er Lase bad maiden towers...ow bet and alter ladieting • fzetty MMUS' tobftbe bOl be bad not done with kt i = 4 linift sera! thfigelet ter wbleb be niteilded. +evictor 4 , Timymi,lektagabirmi mid sigisoips NW in , within' had been ,d.foroyered, ocrenswed all be. knew. Ile inid del hid teed told drat fesesedistely of se this •Presidoedal steeliest tikey isimald-bw e free ; tb at en Alit : Blßbdif • '••• 11.11.• they , wow to noose at ---.-- tha7p'heselt (we d o slot reweahor thi suttee) diet atisairi faiserel onseii - mwsisser, and olgealie;,thst; Size (a negro. bey helwegteg toil!. .P9warp 113 . 14 .thms•-arraled/ WM 4 . -b• tb I coinosan sr, In Was tefenfeatlie "ileglisf oft:4 two white ass* —Maltel (451“ POWs) otidillsd h . This InfOrceatfon well annantaisehedlsi the eo utltWe, -who eotamissionei Chattel WOW. .Essi , to bond:int the selsrese . ltir thelr detectloa. 00 east Tharsday nisht,! Yr. gbelley'reptlied ie the bons* of Mr. Ogletree, USE !Met plasktbs pattnt of rends:tow was. .lopsisenties biet • ee/f ana Northern ' Wan, who syretsatkirid - widr lbw effort to liberate Abe magma, (we Imre NM ta ct fo ed,),,,he eaeoesktored Stedbase, end wee Se once. Inutile learned ha bunt disclosed i foll,lel enostgbfe knOwn to warrant the essela .o *Oat the weidowenta ensS v snlietent le Mo bb. tbe e.rllYe°,f•t 3 44 *D 4 ' X a hl a , (ic ,P ipe;) an wietlegitOgni', - i IV tietitmied, iis o whew Dies' Vire eiraeleed,:ted aiW•teralt to 'I liwilla lAA tit* eiNsimilimi•P.Met. WIA 'AO Or on '4 II AXPAII 1 4 1 1}-, ~ A . , . . -... . (ii cinitivii - 'iii vittri.Aim— , Itlli ILI i•LIC ILE'- . / ' vox coristuip TO Limy,. . 1 - Tee (Moen& frent.theßattlisore Sim: ILast week a man, named George Ore= *talked a' camp-meeting held in Lake aline% Doteheatee cent", tdd.; and ertine there attempted to Cari b to mins examines that *OM fakiddlirml hood diary. Aocordipgly a oommeittee of geadamme was appointed' to Wait on him with's requsd(fhit b. givenleave th e grieved, twisty:4oe inates tieing gieea to mapl7 with tbaxequat.•' Ha loft I dtheet any violence , being Offered thonglitbaindls: datfon of thijotpl6 ran high. • Threamorlyseiteg him irlfo openly elpreeeedt Setie,`and stkelies lance of his wife% alone, incanted him. Orem La dm of the State htepahlican elebtoii , aid midis - at tint eieek - ,11d.: - • • What Ins Candid Opponen t* : Say of . iioa. J. M. Barris, 'a Bell'and4tiesatt Congress man iv:in' the city ot BaJons i in a lots spank at Washirgtoss, arm alludes:to Kr. pawl* z k harp xi hesitation la sitat a F t y itarsia tieo Wei tnit Btalgsan a•i• Dot larlaeg ; th o lapi. *WOO 044 0 w ill 8 .414 eat to th. coAtinisid rmity o_l4 Seatieso *tat. 1 ., halipesphin, Ohio Rpm lsai - *ad et iths Onion i, sdnis Isapnidlidn ins 4 what I dawn. Oho Ueda _dogmas *lliad ;patty lastostes,ripok upon arldt Mill de. 'pee of _ponsermi asladradost. !hoe" main bait ht !yonder idennte chamber,- pervaded the deli* Ity athern,Dimparit4: las* sionktat Timor by Ma hie loormsbent of the Yalta Mame, -.llse* seen the heads of his political Mends - ant otby the 'flashing blade olAe,gaillotiasy beennin they'otose !tate his 'nelitidartraeads iirdiast 'the "wishes. of Janet Bachaitio, gird -4 kat* rens: kiss 'yevatat l e JimePiaiit4ol, A. Prf",/it , 3 4 we" &wow ihalling4 met I - posies sip personssiasvra tio ts--th rilitacla of a brace , ears' standing in the , fare of mat- olltaclez;:asol ,finding Ass Wile pith vessolineasi otid spins.", On the litorAngtist, 18M, Senator Orlitendan, of Kentstek'i, *rote a litterle Lyle Disney, Pella. oat lR abielt ha sag:, I well remembeithe cosivetiation teals:lra . allude, and the 'Wahinesallude, of it. It aim ' Washington, &afar the latt minion of Constant, and meet ,prolilliffn April. thwarts ,l'oaatiot say that I remember the rnontb. Your, faatspormt of the Ponietaition;aith Parr/Slight sicejltiotoOser resp6iida'aithrny'reiblioction of it. ," ' i'lskyotpstate,:in yoar,intter, I did in that son varention, appals of Senator plnglas n high and prays's' - rail; in inshstancei twat thepeople of Illincdp little knew bow back they really aged him ; ',,thatAaJasd. the away 1 .4 pp o S t rit to. take an ilarated, jost,lid Ifidspe den.. n on the Ikeetimptenvesedol, at task iniefNisa lot*. ostbig social real - dons/ ae welt -As at oid_pagly ties and associptionis ;Ansi, Aadpnrm,or floppo and o r eadi wan angiyMintahttsitteit, H wpr tted hy'tidellessit harty,'end diarmadig a *static et p int , gelp,oo,oefi c+ti:lnalrot. ikis, pot.. ("who he • has . two Aininatferetnitsormesi aitli earmark-, Aida that the &Uinta' nrad6 bates of Ifni' Banta; wok* tenant, psactrmii lad , 'allnoiet 'entire* isititittiii Isiitst - have lent:he - consoloosneas theybe ti laity'diagat of being so assatled'te (Watt M to igtro • kw. anto-414arcestions.sinef irsnrrate SAM ntsg/ti;ssil , Veir ivniequintes, fatofri - fAir tbsitof Ass hon,or, or th e hazard of hit lip. Th4f,ioow. withstanding all Shir t Ao.&est Asa aurae steadily aiiiii.Ml.llqateiofArefelilunGe thee *ale s&wprie had mono i.ssissifieffianirir anaffreslyt t. That theta VW** it isiesiat to WI, alienist bits 001110.11 tilt d.ettflioO , aPP , .9bAt*ls _ zdef Win itissit 1LI..... 1 :1 1111to 1,t445-1:1",.).-; rd "P" 77, tall"14111141 ` . _ 'fas; roe tit of thir 'ettisr-liane tido la loitsiiiselire eery 'alleoireslng, b eamevieirie et tokolutht: ; ' • h . 1 E ae„gskriletton ot the city of Woreatee. Maxisohogette, et thepiel4nt time is SLIM atsuail 17,049 in IMO, or n gain of 7,914 • F,R9/1 hierch 6 .to September q, four thou ' iteittilne hendiettehlt ITO ateaulimi l berlMl4l4l l Ploge4 VOW% • ' • - (14 ow aillibessallNl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers