--- 3. 4 0 1711 - 4 1 1 0 . 4 4 , ofeillii**taingt •c-t.r; te , th i 44 04 : 41 4 , 4itif*prOlisVg4-stauF --71114°41114.1411"4"11 ,IPDR LIMN / 6 " fga l l ' **lll44k. • ii•Wilii.4olol#474*.d.• Tun iliotsWl4lo- • ••• •—' • • ,PRfilk! ' • . J , ,111:0 1 04444?, S IOF I VOSVICalkier tb. um, 7.. AiliAissummt, ia atom's*, gyp: , • _ . • - thiTIANIN4rOO4"' -- , tpurvi - ritzir4ND unsOrzas,, .zai 10114/410:66,iti: '0 Aro -O. AMC , -' 11,6i20:1•0010; WIIIA. - is 40 111 015 11 4 11 101141 1 :1 1 70V 6 Y0110 0 OP ..4IitIfTLATS - o gilithfikimbet toad ii iltaisittlett eatakta wnoolariblihr law - ZW N ° • ortitils;t: 44, iliklik4ll(6ll#;lo.' PAACt OSART . ON• it COL i c iitikiioo4o-14* 21 4 4 IN • STUFF& ' "PNag= 4 in , 11 4 4 /00 /*DPI& ' GAL- „ 100 1 ;4***39404 [ 41 , 4 SiOtariii44444!sAlpo4, 3O SOUTH 5800HHSTISZT. PAPER 1 5.011N.G14 P'4eiNgtiNG'• -IP'4tm mu a.) _ . ii.OWE,Xtr.s 43 13PUTUPP-1. garrisifniiiesei to their iztw' et«it • MOIR. NUB= .OP,UPPIt MOM; ofiat to Ike - 'lndio r large and elejp#4,4l of c - - • • -- . . - , , OURTAIN 000D8. All .ti* tonne - aimt.buril hoetiew kc: . vriesttatiolArtithio. last ' • " :SOLD AND tioapiiiaand alsir!Pt! to vide :419-14unkiar.s.u. !-LOOsnrcr oxiOnsc L o '9 'IP ft - -0 - 7443.1 a 'piouttil ' _ co, 14,1Nragell, &co Jab -,4411611:8...ZAELE &3 ON t //110.8120, ,41WRIAGIVRAR, •WHOL3 ~, . NAJD AND Binh AMILLIM 414.1AARDIS, - • •• a*seynirr 1.11711111T:. - , . - Ardwilleitt; * l -91AMW WHP;EXAVItIa SEWING. MACHINES. 444 C-111,1MX,111% iINOOND FLOSqI. if N; 130 - i • • N - • • • ,I.` AtIVWXNCIF MACHIN& z-Voi r. r4ouvrAms. k xa-a x w wilauxx, FIX RIIIIATLNwAND 1',.. - ,H16 - 47nr ;WORM 541 CI t . rolibli,otre4 it !ar t sad ftlllllllllll4l _OO *LT/ ;lad& 434 " 1' 4:1143 • attrlT` inTras - 84sincbre ./PdA9gINEB* r ~~. I`' ..vs . !A*- l ar- U `'. ', 4 •! 1 !/. 1 4 1 4 1 Ziaga4.ift. tiiiii•_ : '.A.ltAAMEYDra l- ' Frio! o; beICXENE bin 11 2 . 4 4 1,1 1 1 * . ' . The 'stapled Mail , amaidnee loon fiats* ntriAtortilt4'. P. 11& — VelIFIfir VAT; ourrow upipme. oli,, 641.. •Coilitsaills Da heed:. .1041 es WYMX.I.: 131iNirni6 - MA wdeiiiitliifge'triratretits.'""M" de riuisti , t ry s i on .m. rises aia - So ti v FAUWAIMPAksteIe ,warehoes. Mar =ADE._ r. a co», oAana mAzothttertritith, GI.IX-110ile • 21:1=3, . efratt i a t iNeitki': '9W9LOTHEI. -Rues. rao. lir#4.o. o ;l4lklet 0 44Ernirr, mum, eoiflteri`s , vi4e4 Mu-ft, UPG'4 I M4: I ';9X O 4I 6 ; viri(4) .14r4444,!;-13:trzElis ';f lG* l 7:lfiffig#Pritafinig,ilSAllON, • I . oWiiiar4l64ll2lo. eirliwanenta. own initenan ifiLts as stdinrkl. IVENS, _a.- Aoki. 23 South NINTH Stmt. NORVIict.t:JaD ., :SOUTII Vflt *1 LOtri9t4NA, x 'o4 pinpOt et taw nit•A • itOtits 11,4 40 ca, rpoka...l 4 , t • t:t11 ' 34 80461 THIRD Sheets 'BROWN WrOUT - • • autlx froths lam GLABIS. Ai 7 okl wrirrat , iiirk 6,110. 0 p l u s a ;4 • VIVO GE ' RIEIL - wiz /WSW. B 84 11 DX 414 P WPM. ATJUUMEL I AttATTISON, MUM tardatSl l o; '...,4110i5a5, ".niko: m a 440 4 fami i r Mstas t igt i tt a israi - -,77-7 ,- ,.1 * -, r rz,VoA.' rnia i'OVIII - et iiitiretTl i tit rt. oatt: ,ii:ieetV , lal l g i tiks t ctitai Me. • A gliVS. ir"•.. ili74Akr or stio s i remit up- 141191 01! erkilai ort, seernsadiriawvii ii , use t lisc )„,,..t0..,,, e ,.., a 1 71 ,, 14 1Lity. ..---- A 0 , Fii - eft - lia up. r oil Is _ t Iti "Ge . tjsta tt *ni l % or Jgr ir Il Eil ft lierU • al* kal ,P".."3613 p r oAr . ...a. , ,,,, Atos Whim.. idarkst. , pros tit , TWA:4IO.. P ( P. , N I .". 4 04 11 viei Jeri% --, 11 # 1 9 13 ;ACP's -I -• - •rrir'" • - • , •-•.•••• . .t...9 . • ,1101 , „ lir d it ' it 'Pl:l(4 ,, , 4 et; :, 7 k .' , . ...- 4 ' r - t rIA. . •.1 - imwr ,--; E . t . a , :i , 1 1: ' 7- ,p , u-, ~ *1470 , 6" - • i , iskikaokyam : - Iwitwor ...4, - * a* s.' - • • , --,, ~--.. .. 1 .#lt* - ..t3,-- - zil -- r..)1.1, , ff..z V' 1 , ; - ' ' -1 ,r, :0 4 t - „i,‘• ; , , r . '',: , , t k Sk . • A I • , , I L - a. • i . , _ ~.e"' ~ -(. "7 1 1 .. , ,,•, - .. ~-. ,: - ..\.%,: ,, .. V,0, iill,:;' ' li '' c - r.•- - -,--‘.'. ,le :- ,• .., .: : ~.. .. • -- I , ••••----_-,_---=-- ."-„..„....„ . ------:.--:,,, , ..m.. 40 ,4 -------.;,_-_.A.,, , _ -itrtitt, • t0tt.„.... .. ~ - :„.". • . ~. , , ~, ~....., ! -: '-'• a ( • 1 !•\ •I' o• •, - ilk‘ .: obieft.. . (' -- ;..sltir :.- -,P .i.. . _ -di !I Ji r o_ '.\ • • •'i ) 1 . ? i', • . , -,, • k, . , ' X , 7 r: . 1 All . . ,-,& , . :........„. 4001 - • , s i p NMI ,1! t a,--1 ~. : \ I all • . _ - ' -___ _ , \ '• . ' .. 1,1 ' - ' 7- -- `-'--1-. 16 , ..1 1 .1' „:... ... ,,,,...., ..., 11,....10 , . - .....------ ----- 24:,, , V...38/1 2 ., ..._ ..... 11 .. , NI n psi_E_. ... • - ' ilai -... UM ... ~ , ....-/ • . , --_ - _ - ----T.,. ~.-•,• - •i '---- f , •,, • , , , • ."`•••••,--- - - 1-•-: ' - or . . . , .......„._......, 4 0= . ~ . . • . 1 . VOL. 31. .1111tEET;301111111 HOUSES 186(). kaitar,ouiDig. BUNN, RAIGUEL, & CO., impoitras AND JOBBESEi FANCY. DRY GOODS NO. iST:'110B111/4111114D 6111110, IRE NOW PEEPAHILD TO OPPES - TO THE T XADZ - OBNZIALLY tl./Z4.I:qIIIMALT ATTRACTIVE ETOCX OF GOOD% coa4etteuq* MKS. RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS. Waif* 000110. DABDoiDERIss,I4OBB, CLarsd. OLesniaLDe. viarrom, , 110131ERY GLovra LAD 121ILDINGH. !TOsetkst with stele sae voried atoek of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS. 'To tali of which they invite the attention of OABII AND PROMPT NIX MONTH, BUYERS. Ti , .V.llliiTz. ktri%L. 02/21111 1860 . FALL. 1860. RAIGUEL, MOORE, & GO.. Not 990 AND 929 NORTH THIRD STREET. MINE NOW 02* TIM LARONST AND MOST COMPLETE STOOK F.RENC3H, BRITISH, - ,DOMZEITIO 1,0'4 'Y GOODS *boy have sws olfessii and to lab* iltep attention of 0.4,611 *ND BROILT-11101 EMU . iividsotriui scaoltsd. lir Tat valla7 atld,attlaplitttass .1i all Its apart twits oar wawa atoeioliara iadwaliastas to buyers _ aala by itay 04* , Da da. 5024.-Int 40 4- g a •:**T . ! 8.414,TEg. al (30.. •LIPMERS AND JOBBEM - • - • to. , x Y G'o G )13) S atos. AND psi : ivitpt tiggi moat% - " th•iihrilioo of Rime to their AND ointivits nom OP . fOpriffat AltID'DOllllO/10 GOODS, Alum eituo eriU tN found morel assortment of PlOLADEiiatvithiili GOODS, pso' varlets of new add otiofioed Arles of I mitr POUNl*. Le. !HOE. MELLOR & CO.. No; • NORTH• THIRD IMPORTERS HOSIERY. 51119.T0 AND DUWERS. !IMAM, WAR S/3, &C. Wbs,=oit, walb )luti. fmr,r4,lii ALL P -186 a COOPER. PARHAM, Be WORK, Deportee., Manalietarere,ruld Jobber. or CAPS, FURS. 1 - - AND. STRAW GOODS. NO, 61 NORTE TRIED STREET, below ARON, PHILADELPHIA., , MILTON COOPER. WM. M. PAREAM. ' ROBERT D. WORE. I Fill Meek mow oresyleti And ready for buyers. ry SOWER. BARNES., tiki CO.. • • • DOOMLLBUI AND runianite, • • I No: $7 NORTH THIRD STRUT, Lam ado, above Market Pfmt,Philadslirlds. SIMS Wnlaillti i g 15:11 3 =r4a i rt TOM sasistfirstr il " .19 sta=ers seise ar..91R.• As% rs WWI sorrier woe r TD.DOINTRAL GOLD REGION, WOOL.' WILLIAM MIMI 'iLstrier tbs U. & Array.) ILLIIITBATBD BY NUMEROUS NAPA. n • voL.ltee, ble c ij ul t °l t oth. Pries BUIL and • liberal to themads. tient' boltpreitokneed the moat wondirhaL Wend sad eavapre=riti ere oaths geography of ow OOSAlsest Mir .SCHOOL BOORS: ' _: "fliNDBoB' swum OP mows. NORMAL YIUMARY AAHTII3II3- ate. ?)11,17 NOAMAL i MENTAL ARI_THMS ... .36 oth : mow iisr7piiircisifiFiTaiitits -1 T 10.....--.........- ..„.:.;:.......—......—.—...:94 oil. 1 BY .E1)1,0141; A. 311.. .. •- ' 2w pawn of WAshiskisties Ili E . atioryhlitueviltisti Nor -1 Latent farm for IttZse •, NrkirrE'S COPY-BOOKS. BY T. ItLIM Posidestol PosavOimillecomemlal 0011egit. MILTON'S' ' OUTLINE MAPS. TLii , waifs of SIX 111:7PUB NAPS 14 sow Wafted fulfil* ilvirOislool of rwiir iu the Voice whirl too- Cli,ikON Wight. skid baino 441161, Pr*, 4gg t e r f u ll mi t of mak Asia, or giikteiTmet of immuiphire MPS Atom 'IIMBRELLA.S. gt4ZEPER FENNEtta WjtOLitAIALEIIIANUFAMittERS • 11113R1110TAAS .A PARBO/o,' ' ifej $U iItRZEt - 111111417/SLYEIA, ' site iiabliar moirolium *MI lortintioaurrintioT Itionittio or tritoolluio a ore* if*OMOcolifitAtile 4 l • 1 , Ivo 01 7017M ri zo TAUQ 0 1 4 5 44 geoid Ihot igt.!.ior./oorsimoul, Met "'" HATS WM 'cum. C.: , 14.4. 4 , 051 4 Po. Salkilnial• Donlan in , Ainra". - • • , • I:, V U: ' . DOORS. Azuveriiti,virßOXltida, AIRTIFt. ;flail!, sit Ste ILIUMOM foimivr•••2 , . Onittnintat - • andlopshouinitmttuTig 18M. ' .186 CL -LINCOLN. WOOD. NICHOLS. - 7U OIESSMITT STREBT, R One blot* below the (Med House. BTEAW AND SILK TIONNETS:. FRENCH -FLOW RB. FBA.T*EIt,B, . 4 I B 130 N S. Ohddretem and lame BEAVER HATS. Ttsiargost and Meat sesortment of the kind in the city. ' anti-trtthedut • FALL. 1880. MILLINERY GOODS. 1L BERNHEIDAri, Nu. 21 SOUTH SECOND STREET• I have now oven a eomplete assortment of RIX EONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and BONNET MA TERIALS, all the meat fabluouable colon tad dying, STRAW GOODS. IN JILL 'gnat VAA,11371313, A bane aasortinent of Vernon and Continental /WE with Feathers to matoh, to whioh I oall the attention of MBROHANTB AND MILLINERS. nice, are LOW, end great induCente n to wilt be °bred to Cloak and reeponsiblehunbuino. aul4-3m FALL, 1860. RIBBONS. BONNETS. KIILMIZY (300Da EXOIIE4IVELY. We have now ea head, and daily noshing, a large and handsome aseortment of ItIOBOVO. OF EVERY DEBORLPTION, BONNET MATERIALS. STRAW AND BANOT BONNETS, MINES' AND INFANTS' EATS. BRAX:RfIat itc6r FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS, AND EVERY OTEBA ARTICLE IN TDB MILLINDAY LIM% To which the attention of the trade is threoted. ROSEN TM, BROOK/3, & 00., firti MRS. M. S. RISROP, NO. 1016 womerMTNUT shot arzednor d t9,9A St,Lenr "B" fr l ittrOO " N " Teer anAnriafa meppo A 1 . 2 , intiganiserv,tositus_p__ gems RETAIL DRY DODDS. SP:E.CIAL NOTICE. L. J. LEVY liu Co. Announce to the Publie and their Customers that they will commune tonsil Mr, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, , AT RETAIL. AND FOR CASH ONLY. Their very extensive and chola, stook of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. The goods will all be marked down to VERY LOW PRICES; in order to dispose of the stook in as abort a time es a forged Private sale will admit of. L. J. LEVY & CO. would be greatly benefited by ao early settlement of the-a:mounts now due them. gog AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. scs-ti JoHN .0. MILLOR. Glso. 0. Ewe. OPENING. THOS: W. EVANS, it 00. WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3d, Their importations for the Fail gellifol/, embracing all the latest novelties in DRESS sitice. POPLINS, POPLINS BROOM, POPLINS ooRDXD, EMBROIDERED NERINODI, PRIMED do., SHAWLS, LAOEfil AND EMBROIDERIES. Purchasers are invited to , ezamine our Mock before baying, se we are confident that we oen dinlay the latest styles sad at the lowest prices. Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET ie IR 1860.-- ; FALL OPENUNG.— BEASON • ' of ISegi. Full stook of Rich Bilks. , EDP mot sr auk. r otl stook o all rboofts. al stook o issitgigt e l inoi. Fait it"k lPo i tted 11Viticos. s t gOOOO ataoto loses Wssr . , oaf If YR e. :g r ant Oa TH BM ARON. FALL OF 1860! , EXTENSIVE WILL op.e _N . l I I MP R fOnVLE ME N D T M S: N.E. corner EIGHH Oo P I 0 & ANDE B 4 MI I M ao Saving nealliplehot et at 13TortE zrrErmorr, Win mu in a feel i ty Itlitliteg i n 3 l5 3 ortt gook ot Bought for cash. end seleoted with vim to ithloh the invite the stteetken of their numeroas °pitmen an the public, Reveres,. eel jr ART OH - &NOB TO PIJAOHASE SUM MER GOODS AT AND BELOW COST. We will offer our entire stoeK of fiIUOI/LOr GOCHIO for one weak Et !SLOW cOBT, rather than carry them ovor to another sewn, Ft. Fis d Brilliants. Uhro, worth Xe, Lawns M sao re Bad retell. Barest. at attoriftosd wee. ti r i irat i r t orartk i nt il e _ . FIORD RATES. pehsta s oa . *omits way /Or a hands BON ome Moak M M ALL sa-satnth-tf P EOPLE GOING TO 11Q178EKEEPENG, MeV !Meter Or be wilblibed weli and cheaply with orend low et cod Damiwk Table Wee,. t and Dame Table Olothr, every she itin4 grade. saki= sad booboo; br the dozen or quantity. Pine framed Ronk sod Dsmook Towels. Low priced ohavnbarand kitelien Towellings. Pillow Lamm. Bolster and Ellioetink Linens. poloist, Pillow. sod Bfisetins rduslins. • f 141410[11, Dimity. and Maraellhis Quilt*. 'Mono, Hue me Linen, Diapers, /ko. dlielUe'rere, Table Coveys. rine Govern. ALDO, Genre fine and heart Bleak Broadcloths. Ladies' Black and colored Cloaking Clothe. Gents , and bop' Osesimeres and venting& iresslas, .Viroalettes. end.ifooiety. oake. hew asters, end Mantilise. woad oromn*, gr. ako. PER & CONARO. id=wrentt 8. B.'eor. NTR and MARXISM. RICH AUTUMN SILKS.--A small its _Amami Loit opostird or R l Zol:i. e .V.7 1 111:' . gr. I' trig-Vdria A e• Aml°te, irfeig i ds Warm, ma_ uhroom for Kober; do vbekto.hro t ow 4osiript . rerSarri hrting, 4- 4 LZOs asolffyils m ad , way &ad kaartTli arrest& C r iktilT*TEEL RNIT Fo' WM/10:LN. /1/Mt /VAX!. &s.. tiAtT l C6i l t* a 0.9 sw clouuram mot, 1111,11INERic GOODS. Lv., km BEATHBRS, RtIOHYA 431 MARKET Street. North aide. PHILADELPHIA, THUHISSAY, SEPTEMiIER 6, 1860. COMMISSION MUMS. THOMAS R. GILL. COMMISSION MEROHANT, NO. 2 / 2 CRERPNUT /STREET, .PRILADEIRELL. , For sale by the Name OLOTB9, FANCY COATI/WS, BEAVERS We are indebted to the kindness of a former 'citizen of Philadelphia, Mr. IL C. Coates, now of tho firm of G. S. Holmes fr Co., of Cape Town, South Africa, for to of the Cape Argus, which furnishes= with the latest news from that guar. ter. The Argus is thoroughly Sritishin its ap• pearanoo, as are all the British Colonial journals. The Dutch element of the: population still far ex ceeds all others, and the Boors evince, by their de feat of the English immigration appropriation bill, 'which was before the Colonial Legislature, a dlepo sition to have as few Englishmen as possible brought into the Colony. Sir George Grey, the governor, was welcomed on hie return from a visit WELLING. COFFIN it Co. to Europe. ' SEALSKINS, FELTS, ao. BLILLVILLE, MASS., PRISKANY 3 MOH BURG, ROULSTON, AZiD OTHHI YAM cis FANOY OASSIME*ES, HARRIS' FANCY UNION OASSizisiEs, SA TINET/B, LINDIGIS, VHSTINGS, BIAS, &c EAGLE LADIES' GLOMS, VELVETS, ao. atiti4m 116 OILESTNII'L' 13TRZET, Offer, by the paoksge, the follow*deeptiptio I AMEMOAN ,000DS, or lIITANDMiII Bump MD no' tineif veltzior ORM= MANUFACTURING CO.'S PRINTS ; BLEACHED AND BROWN BMEETINGS, MEETINGS AND DRILLS: OSNAKUROS, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, SILESIAS, .AND NAN KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND • PRIM) LENINDS; RHODE ISLAND LIMEYS; • PHILADELPHIA LINSETEI AND CHECKS; KENTUCKY JEANS AND COTTBNADES; NEGRO CLOTHS AND ICERSKYS; • ALL-WOOL AND UNION OLU418; BLACK. AND NANCY CASSMMME ; BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS; SATINETS AND UNION °ABM:ARIES; TWEEDS. OASHMARETTES. attl.3m WASHINGTON MILLS, FORMERLY BAY STATE M.1:48 BRAWLS of WI sizes, in stest variety. Embossed and Printed TABLE COVERS. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD MOH& BALMORAL SKIRTS. DOESKINS. and Double and Twisted CRATMOR. 6-4 BACKINGS and beers ZEPHYR OLDTHE. Twilled and Plain v.wirurßLa PLIN NELL Printed FELT CARPETING& • For sal* by FROTHIATGE&M & WELLS; 34 South riONT &roe 364 36 IsZTITIA Bum& Winn, BA %Alo7l, HIITOENBON, 11, ONSMart 57., GOSALISSION NERCHANTX FOX TB BRIM OF RELLEADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. MERRIMACK . . FANCY PRINTS HAMILTON " tt as PURPLE c( " CHECK AND STRIFE ROBESoN'S BLUE, ' STARK SHEETINGS AND DRILLS,. ArFLETON SHEETINGS AND SHIRT . INGS. SUFFOLK BLEACHED DRILLS. HAMILTON BROWN AND BLEACHED • FLANNELS. HAMILTON WIDE EXTRA BLEACHED FLANNELS. ON RAND AND FOR BALE BY B. W. CHASE & SON. 100 CHESTNUT STREET. soda stutb.-11n HOSIERY GOODS. F. V. KEUG it CO.. 2,115 OHESTNITT STREET, Offer to City, Western, and Southern Wholesale Buy most complete hue of Staple and Puny DOMESTIC HOSIERY GOODS, Comprising, In part, GERMANTOWN FANCY WOOLENS, GERMANTOWN CHILDREN'S musty, WO MEN'S AND MEN'S HOSE, BOSTON RIBBED HOSIERY, AND WOOLEN STOCKING AND SHETLAND YARNS. Being the best saleoted and most complete tins of hese goods we have ever offered, and which are carted wants of the market in Dries. quality and styles. Sole Agents in Philadelphia for the WATERYLEIT HOSIERY MERINO AND MILIII,_ _L WO L WATERBURY KNITTING GO: BBIRTR A D DRAWN* NORFOLK HOSIERY CO., HOBE. RALF ROSE. OTIS MANUFACTURING CO., WALLACE 480N'8 131171,8ERINCI OSBORNE AND 011ZBEIMAN'81 0, " 1,5, . Also Agents for e AMERICAN AND HOWE PIN 00.'8 PINS. b?-stntam W.EILER & NEEDHAM (111[41ALE1 WJULER. GERMANTOW N HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS. We would tall the seethed attention of Homer, Ewen and Menufaottuira to our new and moth-needed Im provement in CHILDREN'S and MIEBES , TUCK RIBBED TOP HOSIERY in Striped and High Colors (PATENT APPLIED FOR.] ALIO, FANCY WOOLEN GOODS. HOODS, CLOAKS. TALMAB, BACKS, SONTAG% NUBIAB. No., U.. ko.. Comprising OVER MO STYLES from the Wait hand knit designs. From our own long Dmotlual egpomppe, and employmg none but first Mem meohanies, we are Prepared to otfor to Hosiery Borers a fine of them goods ShCOND TO NONE in point of workmanship, styles, or price', and reepeotfollt /elicit the Patrolman of the Trade. Sole Agents are F. V. ICRUG & 00,' ifl-stuth3m Mk CHESTNUT STREET. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. A. R. J_ORNSON. SURGEON DENTIST. No 4 . lt 2r3 vi gOlt i Til itislirsWar. NEAR WHIZ SANT NIDE. etS-Ilt• REMOVAL , . CHARLES HARKNESS, WHOLESALE CLOTHIER, MAI REMOVED TO No, 005 MIMEO . '" STREET, Routh Side, above Rath, PHILADELPHIA. RE - D./OVAL. EVERETT, RICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE.. Have removed to SiS MARKET STREET. Buyers are invited to examine our stooln ., cull TVOTT & CO., No. 232 North Sig7.2ND 1 1,. .A... ot t imt.—lrsvE nt replayed. Go'o tpariaii ;waging 5 u, 1(1 3: 1 =4 " 1 1 ktemionii liscriimi rttlay...4. #0 y maw S. ~~.• r l it oo r ri : jo s iF t : I MAI It aitnefmr ontra:arut: ib. Pi Sill market. ara- Nan ippEMOVAL—The undersigned have re areijitYttraftlirt Vib l ir.?Prerial_ t tjol F° Al; oroa.o. &DUBAI°. Ettrattfi, w&ara eats...it find starts ao_itattant of VIV.Y ,o 1 tpit - rd_o_st:savtaved patterPt • "nnnea. ;612111111elltaltba Dam .110H011-Wahh, 00011711aing an tumor Intent second to none to ths noon try. p at orders left the °Moe, by wail, tacolv• prompt ttentiOD lsisLuov PhilWohrs Stoats Vertu, and lioir , wera , ipp OOFING PAINT ►uiifaotuf~eil' and JRAV. fotsact/19E-THE BMA 47 4nd 4 9 /4,4 11 44, 44 tr • - • Poi g4,e Vrtoo. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1860. There Was a large display of bunting, with% has the threefold advantage of being effeotive, In expensive, and Incapable of damage by rain. There was a triumphal arch at the entrance to the public gardens, which bore the legend ' Welcome,' the notable feature of whioh was, that it had had a narrow escape of appearing to the publio with. put the concluding letters and the whole structure had an air of gloomy • and, rigid starnneis, which gave the Impression of its havingrbeen prepared fora ,Publio execution. There , tras a muster of anoh`of-, oar diresent, volunteer corps as had the patriotism torieft spelling their uniforms. There was a great gathering - erwhat is Ogled' in Cape, Town, by courtesy, the cattl e There WAX a firing .. of salutes from the ramparts, and' (from the gallant' ,volenteer artillery drawn 'up •on the parade; There was' a procession' , headed by semepartioulariy Splashed borbemen-- - Cape corps, volunteers,, civilian,. There - 11,11 a a carriage in which Sir George Grey, looking, wa thought, neither in health nor aptrits, eatvrellbaok in the corner, and his aitbde-ramp bore the brunt of such popular enthusiasm as there was with meek ness and dignity. There was a small but very con spicuous detachment of Hansom caber; filled, we - presume, with ardent admirers of ble litroolleney, who had proceeded some distance along the road' to hid him welcome. There was a faint, a very faint, attempt at a volley of cheers. Then was a rash of Cape Towngamans, a sudden down-pour of rain, a rapid unfurling of umbrellas, a general *lambi* for places of shelter , —and the pageant was over." The Cobiny is as much exercised about a separa tion into an eastern and western colony as is Cana. da,lust now, on the subject of Upper and Lower Canada. The Boors of the Eastern Province seem to desire it. The other perplexities of the Go- Varnment are the involved condition of the than bee end threatened risings of the Bushmen upon the frontier. It is stated - that Krell, the wily Pranskelan chief, Is collecting his people to make an effort for the recovery of his forfeited country. It is feared, unless he is pioinptly dealt with, that a general insurrection of the natives will be this retain. . . Great preparations are being made for the re ception of „Prince Alfred. He goes out to lay the corter•stone of the Table Bay breakwater and dock, as his brother has come to our nefghbora the Canadians to Inaugurate the Victoria Bridge. The breakwater and docks will add much to the trade Of Cape Town, for in rounding the Cape of Good /lope vessels that do not now would gladly stop if there were a safe harbor there. There are to be bails, illuminations, processions, lire-works,' and dinners. It is recommended, as the colorants rarely base a sprig of 'royalty in their midst, that they have a month's carnival on the occasion. The work on the breakwater has already commenced. We have also received' the subjoined ootortrai iatioa; !hick It important to American merchants and eaptaine - • Cava Town, May 1, 1060. Aweareast UNDBOirturrne, MitEeItAXIII /ND VOlMODlORO—Gentfetnen: We have the pleasure of advising you, that on and after the let day of May, 1880; a light will be exhibited from the light house recently erected on Cape Point, the western Point of entrance to False hay, southern Africa: also, of laying before' you a description , of the theft ' 'Lordships, Hydrographie Offloo, Admiralty, Leaden. Remaining yours, respeotfully, G. B.lloLitha Co. The light is a reilaltang white light, and shows I bright face for the space of twelve seconds once {very minute. It Is vlaible all round the compass, except bettees6 the from a ship of 8 S. W. end S. 1 8., and between S.B $ . I.E. and 8 B E, I 8., on which latter are of 7dt%; it will be obscured by the Intervention of a peak, rising.o4 feet above the light, at 1,800 yards from the light-tower. The light Is elevated 816 feet above-the mean level of the Pea, and in oloar weather should be teen from a 4118400-of_ ahent Mlles ishlpisuatera have re. -ported to to at therimra Deea the Ilskt 40 The illuminating apparatus to ontoptrio, or by ielleotors, of the first order. The Light-tower, which is iron, 50 rani high, and painted white, stands N. by W. 3 W. (N. 99 deg. W. true), distant 925 yards from the Dian rook, which lies olose to the south extreme of ,Cape Point. Pim it the Anvil rooks bear 8 S.E , E.. (8. 54 deg. N. true), distant about 1) miles ; the Bellows rook 8.8. W. 3 W.. (8.1 deg. W. true), 2 miles ; the southwest reef W. I 8., (8. 55 deg. W true), 11 miles; and the Whittle rock N.E. by E. E , miles. Its position is. let. 34 dog. 21 min. 12 seo. , long. 18 dog. 29 min. SO see, oast of Green wich Dmitcriows.—A current varying in strength eets round the Cape and turns from the northwest from the Bellows rook. This rook always breaks; but not so the Anvil, which only breaks at low Water, and with a heavy swell. Bailing vessels should. not pus between these, dangers and the Cape, unless with a commanding breeze. The rooky patob named the southwest reef ilea W. by 3. lA. (8. 42 deg. W. true), 1 mile only from the southwest extreme of the Cape, and there is foul rooky ground between it and the shore. Vessels from'the eastward should not bring the light to bear more westerly than N.W. W., by which they will elm all danger off Cape Ranglip. A tongue of lowland stretches from this Cape in a B.W. W. direction far 2-10 miles, rendering caution necessary In passing lianglip In him weather, especially if bound into Bimon's Bay. If bound for Table Bay from the eastward, vessels, after rounding the Cape of Good Rope, and passing iliatigkop Point, should not shut in the light with that point until the lights on Green Point become visible, which will be on an B. by N. 1 N. bearing. This course will lead about two miles to the west- Ward 'of Vulcan rook, which lies off the northern 1 point of entrant% to Rout Bay ; a course for. Table Bay may then be shaped is safety. Vessels from the westward bound for Elation's Bay after rounding the Cape of Good Rope, and having brought the southern end of the 'lofty Zwartkop range, (which is over the northern side of Smiths Winkle Bay,) to boar N.W. by W. 1 W., should keep the light on Cape Point between 8.8. W. 1 W., and B.W. 3 W., until the Roman rook light bears between N. and N. by W. / W., when they may haul towards It. These* limits leave the rooks off Miller Point on the one band and the Whittle rock on the other, half a mile dis.. tent. By day, should tho weather bo bay and the whitewashed mark and beacon for the Whittle rook indistinct, there is a dark peak over the southern aide of Flout Bay, which being brought on with Nisei peak, on a N. by W. bearing. will lead olear (but close) to the westward of the Whit. tle rook. It is to be observed that there is no buoy at pre- sent on the Whittle rook. , Eno batwings are magnetic. Variation, 29 deg. 40 min. weal in 1880.1 This notice will a&et the following Admiralty oharts : Gaps of Good Bops, No. 838 ; Africa, West Coast, Saint Helena Bay to (Napo of Good Hope, No.. 2,091; Africa, Sheet 4, No. 696; and Indian Ocean, Nos. 2.463 and 748. z. Also, South Afrloa Lights, List No. 4. SAMUEL, NEEDHAM. Letter from Camp Patterson. Correspondence of The Prem.] CAMP PATTZIIBOI4, York, Pa., Eleptombor 4,1800. Thinking a line from camp might be Interesting to your numerous readers, I have snatched a few momenta, and will endeavor to give you an idea of Camp Patterson in its present aspeot. There are now about five hundred tents erected, which we expect will all be filled about tomorrow, allowing four mon to each tent, independent of the officers, mar quees. The number up to to-night, of volunteers, amount to about three hundred and fifty men, with the expectation of several other companies this evening. The Philadelphia Grays, of your city, arrived yesterday afternoon, and were received by the Worth Infantry, a decidedly fine company. They attracted a great deal of attention, on ao °cunt of their excellent discipline and neat appear once. During the different parades yesterday eveniegrod to-day, they have been much compli mented, and I have no doubt they will prove them eelvee worthy of their high reputation while Camp Patterson lasts. The business of the encampment lute not fairly commenced, but to-morrow I will be able by mail to post you fully in regard to all the minutia of military camp life. Gen. Heim is here as commanding armor, and ho is worthy of his high standing us an officer and a gentleman. Re Is much liked by the men, as else his staff. The dif ferent companies have become very friendly, and endeavor, by innooent feats and harmless fun, to amuse themselvee during their leisure. , P. R. TUX cattle commissioners mot in Hartford, Conn., a few days ago, says the Homestead, and deolded still to adhere to the dootelon of June last, not to allow cattle to arose the line from Massaohn 'ands into Connecticut. Toy have been over whelmed with applications from butchers and drovers to withdraw this deeislon, alma the tattle disease excitement bat died out. There is still a fear among the border towns that the epidemic will reappear on:the approach of cold weather. TEE disorder in Texas is the fourth occur rence of this sort within three years. Thera was, first, the Tennessee plot and panic in 1857', then the Virginia plot and panto in 1859, then the 'Ar- Yentas plot and panto of last spring, and now this plot and panic in Taxes this summer. Ono of the Mr HAS canted by a seditious invasion from abroad ; the other three have originated among the communities where they occurred. CODFISH VHASI7, SALDION.—In Now .England oodfuth are plenty and salmon comparatively scarce and dear. In California, however,' eedilsii are Solids while Salmon are plenty, the former being quoted in 81 0 4rincloco at 12, and the letter M 10 gents per p 0 t 1.4 News from South Africa. 111=111 PERSONAL AND . POLITICAL —Where are the chiefs of the Breokinridgers? We look hi vain for them in any :part of the country. Wield' has Subsided into Texas. Cush. Inures thought to be in Russia until the Boston Courier said he was in Newburyport "contented and happy," Bunter is in Virginia, we suppose. Pryor is eingulariy silent, . Wise is busy with his turnips at Aooomao ' and like Dr. 011apod, enjoying bin' " opium cam digitalis." Bigler is in New York begging money. Florence is busy with his Review. Davis---bit where is Davis I Yancey when last 'heard *front was in threelghts, enough for any reasonable fire-eater. Dickinson is prao lining law/ in New York,' Joe Lane threatens to go to Indiana much to the terror of the sehool masters, but with the exception of J, D., who oc casionally makes ,a little apoooh, and Mr. Cobb. who has made one sffort this mason, and Break: inridge himself, who speaks to-day in reply to the "torrent of defamation," not one of the many ore tote in the party seome to take any interest in its moos,. We can only account for it by remember ing the adage about the rats and the sinking ship. —A writer in one of our daily ootemporaries thinks that Garibaldi, in exile, 'making dandles on Staten Island, is a better subject for a painting than Cineirmatus;" mosaics, et cerium, Cinch:ma. tus at the plough. Bare, non-, is a good subjeotfor an ambitions artLst—the Dictator of Stony, the hem of a hundred tights, at work in a candle factory on Staten Island, with his partner in that (roulade:l, the tenor Belot, laboring at his, side, 'lt de not a subject to make lit of; and, in time, Ga r ib a ldi duping pendia 011 Staten Wand may become as famous as Alfred the Great baking cakes, skidob he did not hurry rtp, in the neatherd's cottage.— Tribisns: —General Tritt. ISlinver, in' reply td Oleiter dt inquiry addressed blin by save* oltlieas of Sac ramento, publishes a letter defining his position in the Presidential contest. After an able argument; showing the tegularity of the nomination of Don glee 'and Minion, and demonstrating that. the b.. mocratio party tit fully committed to the doctrine 'of popular , sovereignty and • nonintervention, he conoludes es follows: 4, Afters thorough investigation of the whole grout], therefore, a sense of duty to my country, and of fealty to the usages Ind prinoiples of the Pemooratio party, impels me to give my support to Mr. Dotlglsa u the regular nominee, 'ffhlOh I shell 'do." —The path to progress lies Eastward, ,as may be seen by the following, froth the New York Herald : !, We have received a card of Invitation to attend the celebration of the opening of the first street railway in Europe, at *Birkenhead, which was to take piece on' Thursday last, August 30. This is essentially 'a Yankee enterprise, and conducted by a Yankee—Mr. G. F. Train. of Boston. The sys tem of travel by horse railroads, which has proved snob a convenience here, is thus falrly . inaugurated on the other side of this Atlantic, and will no doubt 'soon prove ouch a necessity that it will be adopted in every loading city in Europe." —The Rev. Samuel If. 001, D. D., now resident at Le Roy, N. Y., reobed his sixty•seventh birth. day on the 25th ult. Ile has lost none of the vigor of his mental and physical powers, nor of that m om:aria 'earnestness for which he Is so widely 'known. —The New York World says that J. B. Baker, of this oily, the celleotor of the port, is aspiring after the piece of Bigler, in the Senate. .d . Witom the gods wish' to destroy," &o. —The Charleston Mercury is angry with Breek !midge beoaude he Is going on the stump, and says, 44 the idea of a candidate meowing the country, to obtain the Presidenoy by electioneering harangues and personal appeals to win popular favor, can ex alto nothing but the most unmitigated distrait and oontempt." The .11.fereury says it will 'not print anything be utters on the stump. —ln December, UM, J. W. Tucker, , a Cali- fornia jeweler, sent to the Emperor of Russia some fine specimens of gold-bearing quartz. Recently he reserved from the Emperor, as a token of thanke, a magnificent and massive gold ring, en. riohed with an.ebiong amethyst, surremided by ten dianionds Weighing a karat each. The gold.of the :log is from the Ursa Mountains. The amethyst is oblong, and of the permit color. . It has been pronounced, by en expert, worth as much as any ruby of three times the else. —President Felton, of Harvard College, has In vited the Frit:Me of Wales to visit that Astitution in the course. ot his topr ,through . 2111 States. His Royal Rightists has signified his intention of no- Cepting the invitation, on the condition that the visit shalt be strictly private. The compliment of 16001 la vir Guthrie, tioneyenwill a nott az m es 010 eptd. —G. 10. of San Francisco; has purchased the Interest of Mr. Page in the Retold, thus giving him control of the paper. Monday John Nugent published his valedictory, declaring his intention to support Douglas, and withdrew, from the paper. The Rerahe will of course now come oat for Breckin rldge. A gentleman lately from San Francisco fakir:laws that Mr. Nugent will start another paper In that city. The John Brown Abolitionists of Illinois will hold a State Convention at Lexington, on the 19th inst., for the purpose of nominating Gerrit Smith Presidential electors. —The Washington States and Tinton alludes to the Constitution as " a kind of polities] poor-bou for the malevolent contributors of the Distnion committee." —A pedestrian named Buokley hu been amus ing the Pitteburgers by performing the feat of walking one thousand miles in as many consecutive hours. They supposed everything was going on right until Buckley had a falling out with his agent, who stated that the pedestrian had fre quently refreshed himself with five hours' sleep at a Urea, when no visitore were In attendance. —Governor Henry A. Wise, of Virginia, says the Norfolk Day Book, is quite a boatman, and an evidence of it is that, besides a small fleet of sail and row boats at his landing, there were no less than eight miniature sail boats at his house, all of which had been oonstruoted and rigged by hie own heads. M. Vidor Sklour a mulatto of Louisiana, and the author of the Frond dramas " Richard XII," "Ells de la Nutt," and "la 'Meuse de Cartes," is among the number that have just been decorated with the order of Chevalier of the Legion of He uer by the French Emperor. Monroe County. Fos The Prom.l STROVDSBUBC4, Monroe eo., Pa., September 3d,1860 Ma. EDITOR: WO are true and devoted friends of Stephen A. Douglas and Herschel V. Johnson, and therefore sincerely desire a pure Douglas and Johnson electoral tioket for the Stite of ?inlay'. %rants. We can give some 1,500 Democratic ma jority for it in this the " banner" county. Right should triumph over all despoil* power, inflame, and imposition. Justice should prevail over wrong, deception, and politio.l trickery. Honesty of purpose and purity of motive should prevail over fraud and corruption. In the Dame of all that Is good and sacred, give us an ont-and out Douglas and Johnson electoral ticket for the Keystone State; so that the genuine Demooraoy can support the same, and thereby preause,their manhood, honor, and politicsl Integrity. Let us have it quickly, the sooner the batter. Taw following to from the Spirit of Ttfforson, publibbod at Charloatown, the. Boone of The John Brown raid : 'Niro axe told that Stephen A. Douglas is ambi tious ; that he brut been seeking the Presidenoy for the last eight or ten years ; that his . vote In Charleston and Baltimore was formed by bia enpo rior taut and management. To make Mama, what is lacking in' facts is made up in assertions,often repeated. Yet wo venture to assert that no man was ever candidate for President who had less to do in making himself one. He is guilty of being a great man, but he is not to blame for that; God made him so, and ho can't help ,it. . He In guilty of having a vast number of friends, who wish to see him President. lie is not responsible for that, either. He doesn't own his friends, and can't command them. Be, no doubt, would like to be President; but we don't see why he should. There is no man living to whom the office would be worth so little. lie Is the only candidate he fore chi people who Would lose nothing by a de. feat. lie would still be &spitz?: A. Douglas, with so much ebarattor of his own that the 0530 of President would rather tend to diminish than to increase his reputation. As to the other candi dates for President, if they reaoh the office, it will ho about all the record they will have. The world will ask why they got to be President. They will ask why Douglas did not reach that office. There Is more honor Implied in the last question than In the flist," The Italian Question, "Ion," oorrezpondemt of the Baltimore Sun say e: European affairs are in a condition that threa tens a general revolution. There is but one alter native. to a general war, and that is, the suppres sion of the projected Italian independence by Aus tria. if Louts Napoleon will quietly submit to this, war on a large scale will be averted, and all Italy will be Austrian. I loam that information has been received here from authentic sources which tends to the belief that the Allatertn, Government has deolare4 its set tled purpose to march armies upon Naples the mo ment that Garibaldi shall land any force upon the continent, or, any demonstration elibuld made Mans& a populer insurreotion by the Neapoll-' tans. The policy of Napoleon In this crisis is doubtful, but it is thought - by some well-R.104d diplomatists that he will not interfere ley force. The treat y Of Villa Franca, Wlll;therefere, soon become mere waste paper. A convulsion , in Europe would be Of no benefit, but greet injury, to the communist interests of the United /fates. It would necessarily unsettle all financial and busmen affairs, produce a drain of spode. from the United Eitstee, and materially re• duos the Oonaumption of our staples, parasol/sly Of Colen. . ova GEN'rS. • Letter Triiiitt • Praitbeard. Conervoadolioeiof„Ther i . Epitterrrldottierits PPIIIAQif Lanenater"dbunty,.. Aug; Al, 1840. One of the mistakes made by ;health end plea. sure-seekers visiting the omnatfj, ff the too gone: rat habit of turning day, into night, by retiring and, tieing oOrreap o ndingly TM, Is bid enough in large olden, by these whose'voeation renders ft raseemary, (butane., thdeelesseridlint getter s.out of a morning newspaper;) het oat here in the open dountry, where health is the es. teasibla.oideot of visitors, and mums have every hour of the twenty-four at their owasitepowd, the pritOttop .of sleeping away, ,uneoeselonely, ttie morning hours, is utterly inerousable, end for this reason : It is estimated by physids.glats that Site, hour'. eleip before midnight is equal to two After, it in performing the sleep fundticrns ' - 11eMidwo - the, time-saving Considerations involved in 'there are 'sanitary advantage. it breathing the Warty morning lir. that* shonld not be overlooked. - Let any one utake the trial for a single meek, and he will And that rising early, even though It be eat shortened allowance of sleep, will fit Idea bettor for the labile, of the day—usnutiag, course, that the reader has certain labors to perfoina, end performi them. If he has not, prolonging his life by heeding this counsel will be a matter of less importance. ' I ant almost afraid that this somewhat didactic introduction wig• incur the euspielon that I 'have 'been up in time do loo..ustutrileyand desire to ob. pude It as nvirtue, piew, t wketkeqtbie wereitlie or not, it would t he an unkind luelseettatiost., l A 4,011 rise this morning . seen „after the peep.pfEleyokad, ,had obtained the height of the observatory, on. the nint@ttin; esti* Alartnii'itM :3 9 6 timre threw 'onen'hie gottoeof ligkg e greet; isoCarefilbinitel - 711W-1 - IiVerIPM Clotrated m10;1E1144 flew, pretreated ;mane 4f .iare"bouttli:asi Go/tilled it lb thetlirieb with this, golden, ; stud gran oaths relit& , :fog rolled . up !Wok Iron; 4h. windbag poem of the. Cocalloo, it seemed sit it, earth kad oltopeu *le lovely spot IV!. her morning saoriftoe;und ITSSI sea jeetically waving the` aforesaid bowl as her nen-, sor, in the Awe of the dappled sky. But ales ! for that dappled sky and our out-door sports! The 'sun had not been. up longlufore be bid his fiery 'face, andever sinoe ,eleven o'clock ,heaj7oew weep ing most dismally. If more literal meteorologists °boom to take ereeptionto the son's " weeping" they are welcome, only up that old Sol, smiles on ne again before they have time,to indite there* tioisros. I omitted to state yesterday that on Sunday if ternoon I visited a Berman' Methodist Camp Meeting a short distance from here, wiiere I found several hundred persons, who, judging from sp. pearances, were attracted by the same 'magnate, curiosity. ender MOM favorable circumstances, this very natural thstiaot might base given place to some more worthy emotion, but, unfortunately, the afternoon did not happen to be devoted to a religious use, so I returned more interested by the 'Gauntry through which we passed, than edited by anything I heard or saw at the camp meeting. It is to be ootittgued through the greater part Of this Week. This morning, with a number of others, I was summoned from the breakfast-table to-the rear Yard of the hotel to witness a "great natural wonder," in the shape of an ittlluaterabli aim/a pade of email worms, about a quarter of aninoh in length,' resembling in appearanee thew:roams fruit iaorm, though If anything more slimy, and trenspa nt. These worras,witb all the precision and re , gularity (Caw, formed tharneelves into a i rope about I four feet long, whfeh took the e4aot form of a snake, and thus intertwined lookiegeoniewit at like the sections I hare seennf the 'Atlantic cable, with Willett, eensetiondovers, awet two years ago, were *OM to ,ornament ;their weielt-guarde, they moved dolly on, the whole, train being in motto, and tizhibiting a oniformllexibnity from head to. tall acit d4similer to 'that, poen in the iinely4frought Chain 'of a eitononieter. Near et:hand we dis <leveredthe 'nith' sitertare in the greund trout *bleb this jangles* truth limit Mareigini n s'faittMo- Monti before! , By kiitiigg 0n.., the fa laid to be the eelebrated `..t arum' wesur,"Llalieetermifvei at. the South. Upon the whole. It was a very curious tixhibitton „et -substatet .natureja, its /utast tone, imp! Aids deurietion has me otter merit, it Sassy t Imre feleirn that of 7 r.rei kola; a hoart r 1 . ifith k alior reilioaparegraith X rellidonelude. home of 'lour ieeders may not be aware that New lark- has another prOjeot - ob' foot, and on the eve of ectdittbottiation, tdr tapping the 'gradient trade. As to watethor-thts writ tteittltor.apenae'or Phila delphia there is room for conjecture. I allude to the contemplated road from Columbia to Sealing, to be called the Beading and Columbialtoallroad- The bill authorising the construction of this road, it will be remembered, ;a tut passed in 1857.. The tkatte has been surveyed, the Unmet."' for build ing it made, and from most of the parties Whets lands are intereeeted by it, releases have already been obtained, which is understood as indicative that the people through the region along the line are deeply interested in the enterprise. That New York feels herself pecuniarily interested in it is proved by her offer to subscribe three fourth." of the cost of the road (wkdoh is estimated at one million donated conditionally that the remaining one. fourth, or two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars shall be subscribed by residents along the route. Of this sum, two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars are already secured, so that the only thing re united to ',momenta operations is the subscription of the remaining twenty-Ihre thousand dollars which it is expected will soon be obtained. When completed New York will have a direct eommunleaticm with Baltimore, without a tangle change. of oars, over the following roads, beginning at, Baltimore: The Northern Central, to York and Columbia; Read ing and Columbia, to Reading ; East Pennsylvania, to Allentown ; Lehigh Valley road, to Philipsburg, dud thence by the New Jersey Central road to New York. The length of the contemplated new read will be forty-three miles, and will pass through ono of the finest regions in Eastern Pennsylvania. when oompletcd r passengers for Ephrata Moen- fain . Springs will be /minded within a ttve•minatee' iralk of the hotel, and thus avoid the only objec tionable featv.re now experieneed in coming, here— namely, the staging from fomenter or Reading, thirteen and alalfinilee from the former, or eigh teen miles, by a better road, from the latter. OBATIMARD. Letter from Now York. NOVJEL rOLITIOALL BilsT/VAL A. JONIIII.' WOOD: D0r01413 TO apreat—Tiln SAYJI CONTRIOUTION TO i JOUN DROWN ?OM): EMT' $40,000, ONLY slt 00---aaListuTlaa u ToWN-96TATTin-UOl - /1611T-.-T4)9 AMY, XMAS. iCorreerndenos of Tke ,f.reee4 Naw Years, September 4, 1610. A novel political demonstration is to tare place in this oily on the 12th Inetpt_acmothing altogether unlike any previous meeting of that Sort hitherto held in New York—and it bids fair to be a deoidod sttooess. The Douglas and Johnson Central .Crunpalgn Club are making arrangements for a great Douala; Ogles& at Jonee' Mood, to take place on that day, ope that shall attract to that delightful resort thousands, of the masses, to enjoy the mnsio, the lager, the woods, the sell, and, above all, the speech which . Judge Douglas has Promised to deliver on that ()cession. The Wood can be reached in twenty minutes by ferry.beate from the lower part of the city, and in thirty tninutes by the Second and Third.avenue railroads. /t Is proposed to make an all.day affair of it, eposictng to be commenced as early es one o'olcwsk in the, afternoon, and kept sup until ever-se-many O'cleek at flight. Tire attreotivermse of the Wood, beyond the mash of noise and dust of the great oily, the conveniences for itooommodaling and en. tertalning a 'multitude, its acoessibility, and the novelty of e'Dongles ovation there, will la sere to draw tens of theniandito Ma, to bear, and to enjoy. * lnvitations tojoin in the affair have been extended to eeveral of the most distinguished .etatesmen of the South, some of whom, It is expected, will be 'present. At length I am enabled to announce accurately, the result of the effort' nude by the generous Hay. Hans to augment the 'John Brawn fund. 'lt was stated, early in the summer, that nearly. fotty thousand, dollars bad been subscribed its thatdet• lightful island towards meting comfortable for. .ever the disconsolate widow of the !satinet Brown; afterwards it was said that the amotint raised was only ton thousand; later, still, : flve„ Now, how ever, we have the exact lignres, scootapinied irlth the vino! oash, and the total is eleven dollars and coots!swan not a doit more or lees. Really, this is outrageous. If tiro - klittetori - cif the defunct Abolitionist (meld, start from its oerements, wouldn't it " state its views" in good, stiff Eng lish? _ _ . Among other celebrities just now in town, is Col. Lander, of wagon-road, and Potter and Pryor fame, one of the manliest specimens of the race to be. found on'the globe. ' Ili toping at the Me tropolitan, phials by the way, Is to be the bona. ing plaoe of the Washington authorities, who will be b ere to-morrow to Present to the Seventh Regi ment the stand of colors voted to them by the Washington corporation. An °Moor of the Ser• moth tells me that after the oeremonies and a re view, there will be what young Mr. Moillhone, the prince of reportore, would call . an us-sponse" amount of good time, It would not be a bad thing 'for S. J. Malf., to drop in among them and do a bit of funnygraphy. There tiiii he' any - *Mint ofirsw. The friends or Dqusiss and. Johnson 11.41r4t. be displeased to bear, that erne tho/Jal f y News, of this bay, passed into the bands di new proprietore, and ranged itself among the suisposters of the re gator Domooraoy, its dotty wabeaription list has in creased over fifty per cent., arid iti Weekly sub scription is increasing at the rate of over Ave bun= dyed a week. I,ta bylaw it said to belargennew than it bas been, et, any time &Alai titte , ilettwO years; and air marking 'with 'lapillity al gratify it w as , • P L WEEP Irm,zoiraraavarertal IW)ision. TimmiSottes, " 4 " Fly •' 111 . lyreKM Ten " " 0 . 4 a*.... ",If,N Twenty ! c , " rover 7 'm --- (41;=)1 10 0 0 . Wirmir eacasabetribirapaeb— —.—.. —.-- Lt. V " 4 Cliq" 4 . TrouV-slis ps moron vfil mei na Winne oorr to two gettsiby-is of thi %Met.. ; ___ ll i P• ra4olaotoro ortosairiod. io lei olioolks it ram wunmezoo. CALITORIVIL 191211114 limed tkrs• Ulm a Kea% hi dm for W " Dm " Rumen, Jp 1j.!!1l . . I.wrintsAnoti.V Buzusz Totilindlagrer-•• The New York Bon of yesterday 7, ]C;; Pha lan, tbir bngard.playir Anteriesjile received from germ, rthe oeislaratad le Paris, a letter in welch he ennottuest htVenal. nation to 'flail the United States red, bra taber. Derpr; ft is maid; hut carried Willa the OW JO hhelL pohetlon than say mat hi the welt Rie eauiroand of the one sad bans truly weeder to,, thesentieg with the *tubed evadable Awe trod retrdeewed Kr. Dawes eldest la bt auhlbit War dexterity to the lowest of the= but bit will not play for Money: '-A trial Proems -*kW - Berger will ire rnolle,"auld a roam imp,- ble of accommodating dftsen hundred er tree tire! mind epostators eultleepasvided foe tbeexhibitisa. Tux correspondent of the Tribes/ nye "It seems that the Delaware Todhuse of LIMY are to be subleeted to ,a ion of half theft lads, through treaty stipulations, by whisk they sae to so , So aid in the conetreetian at a fathead tO SIM INN 'Tom liansu City, The of course to go to the trille= l o lt = a re it very mob:mare land had beer esenurred Nor thari was necessary to any legitimate raised gme posw.„.The remaining half of the raworysetoe brae be surveyed as that every Indian will km lid portion properly named to Wm." ..... TlSlOn.teOle 07 ;Whim zi - Nsw YOLE---1141 New York BIM says: "A usesting of the answala. tee appointed at the idereitants' Bank, on the lie of Aninat, to make arspagesnents far • dhow* the Prime of Wales, was hold at the mune plane is Tuesday afternoon, Peter Cooper preeddiveg.. Ths committee appointed to proceed to Canada MOM led the Prince's acceptance of the levitation 0111• rayed by, thew. ,Th i ernegil cosemititse irii 10. Mirk to Nu W O ,and.a . rfamir min il.o ii' hallf at tli:k t r 4 Yedo..thotaartair • inner as diet pro . . to thla3,ooo,Valkelime tr i ennia; _`2oo' tititimitaryvied MI s - ier,9oo . 40hihriieg'rkie seassalikes‘ each member taking sertvieL, and. seibeeribbe NI la okra expenses. The bill Is intended to 14 nem , pomp;umlaut Sal antes limill vithrii••••l. Lions simile NOW& 1111111011 . to three gentlemen." DocaL.AssAislicei r rosx_s , ?bra New York Nems of, eeferaifinge: " Stand - that "alreigertrente were midi a greed barbels.; after dm .serer mit era triode, to take plate - at Jesse. Weed* I. city, on the 12th pf the present snood". - Woo*, has Mr. Bryin Lawrence, of Centel Market. Pe•- - Gents,' a fat ox. weighlng2,2oo pound*: Alderman Cornell afatte4l exit; welshing 600 reads, sett Councilman Rollwagen a jurWie plater, tog 150 pounds—Thews ass alhaa be. meted Wrn and the lion-hearted Bentooraey invited to par take.. This will ; oerteinly be the inOoderatirm at old-fashioned tiara, Ad we predict more psalm entitmiissm thlafallitir Douglas and Jekatim that has taken place- for tinny yams. Lea the hall roll on ;" • TEE CdtOra i t CALIIOI.ILIA.—A atarchard, in San Franca/cocotte:latex that California will pea duce this year 7,500,000 bushels of wheat, which. after deducting for ornintoption and 'reed, will leaves surplus of 3,525,00. bushels' Ihr export. The barley prop of the State is said to bet grub, than the aggregate of the entire crop derembetat the United States, and Is estimated for thsrpreeemli year at 7,500.060 Mothers, which will bare a Mr* plus Of 4,530,000 bushelit. Henn or' Naw OaLsaas.—Tbe Board of Health report 142 deaths, including three heat yellow fever, during the week ceding August St. The Pitaieuxe says:- a Whittle *ere sea be , so doubt Al to the nature of the dialtartar the aordli gates emanating_ frnm• an enerleneed and well known - phyelithur, we iie stet of the *Woe that there is mthingapileehto bathe appearestmaef the fever, and:we here to look lagoa AM* 6111 . 10 . 1 oases." - Slur - arms or ,Coons Tee.eit.—lt appears from statistics furlathaf the Callytitiaittsh b./ H. C Me Lsuilan, Zoo, suporinteedent itatiotitel DepattSmelie oilatato, that: Awing tbelittfit twelve mouths, Sheen vow& have boded lit CMS 5 560 oodles from" Ohlais,'lnektug aa wept* el 48.070 since 1547. Of the litteert verele, futer mete Spanish, de Breech, four Asterism, sod Arne Dutch. Ix is stated the Et onston Committee ot * New York . will meet wtt Ina few' day. mid lam as address to the fries& of the 1 . 1 Moto Of SairJa eirto," nu/ongoing ;that, is oarsceseue withdrawal of thele.aatttlidele, - # l * -1 . 1001408 oiss' tete ticket is dissolystd.,_ Th 4 addreiviitessoini mend, no . particular .eandidate, but whim the friends of idoittroti . to vote aceordieg to *sir pre forsoces. ' Tla Pofiro; Ear "j•-•Ilie Pfliefleld (WIN.) Ectgls lays that thSpoteto disitins has appassied la that town, eel the map is likels mOO,ll awl/ a • total fallare., It -is. very peeved/net le.aesWatae *only, SUR. The.ditesse Tata idol made inv.,- *ranee, in ' some parts of Northern New Alm% and fears are entertained that the late sleirtalialv • futllafed Est ;lazuli" In this respect. - Tint Wrissie Ferrazsi.:—The Balthner* Patrsat of the Sorb inmenti gives' an &emu Of a " trial trip of this novel Assam 'Tim- ball has • - been lengthened- some one hundred sad tweets five feet, and it now UMW quits a formidable ap pearance on the males. 11 toned Nke a IWk., end ohioind the helm with the intilentansoneitem of the human will. ".• 7 • - 77-7 Stvxmar. loadings have been bold in the mountains with reference t to the formation of a government at Pike's Pear, The general among the miaen is in favor of the old Pro= Government, and there is some talk of holes; en election under it - Ent little interest was =Whet concerning the Preeldentiel Moeda. FATAL AURAS..-L-A few - days ago an Stray occurred at Covington, Indiana, in which Lest Adler, the proprietor of the Merchants' Hotel, lest Ids life by the hands of William H, Mallory, a proudnentlawyer and politiciap.. The affairommed great excitement, and threats of perdu violence were made against " THE SIIIMiIIS 6:IOiET if IfigilinPn 111111 af firmed the validity of the-law making it penal for retailers to sell liquor to a drunker, man, and de claring that the owner of the eatablisitmeat is re sponsible for the acts of his barkeeper or, his be half. A HiANT FALL.—A. few days ago, Monti. Weloh, a rope-walker, while performing mace feats on a eerie, in Lockport, N. Y., was throw* by the breaking of the cable, into the canal, amp , log all damage, except a good ducking. A GaxAx Pao.ncT.—The latest project of the people of Chicago is one to connect the water! of Lake Michigan with those of the Gulf of MOXICO.by ILL uninterrupted channel for steamboat navigation. Cannon SmOmp.—The Bishop of Bipon (England) has addressed a letter to a clergyman In his diocese, strongly condemning the practise of employing professional singers in oberchee. The Puttee:of Wales in Canada. TBOVIILE cairn YEA 0113011110. A despatch from Kingston, Tuesday, Boptambor 4, published in the Timer of yesterday, nays: The Prince of Wales left Brookville in the Kitt ston at 9 o'clock this morning He was attended for some distance up the river by a feet of esaall yachts, arid arrived off the city shortly after • o'clock. Five or six river and lake stearisoll aid crowds of passengers and bands of mania had aqiNl off to meet and come back with him. The Wen- tear Rides were drawn up In line to receive him; also a battery of volunteer artillery. A number of gentlemen and ladies, having paid their ban doliers, were gathered together on the market bet tery•idatform, where the ornamental arch was Created, inside which the city address was to be presented As the Kingston came Into the harbor the bat teries saluted, but the Prime disappointed Wee - Who expected to see bim, for he has not leaded • yet. Although it is dielcult to narrate the inset facts which have led to this untoward met tvithont making tome errors, the following infor nation is given with a desire to ha sernpuloady isnot Soma time winos, when it became known that the Orange Society intended turning out here on the tarty.' of the Prince. a number of the Roman Catholloa Met together in the College building, end 'pealed a series of resolutions containing miaow ktranoes against the proposal course of the Orange. non which they forwarded to the Duke of New castle. Letters were received in reply from the Governor General and the Doke. The letterstated that the Prince would not land in any place whets there were party demonstrations. ' This morning the Mayor of Kingston, Mr. Stress, do whose vacillation much of the present difficulty is generally attributed, went down the river arra 'rat-miles to meet the royal party, 'and further een far with them upon the subject. Be had, of erierek - to tell them the feats, which ere that two Onm kudos are erected on Primes, street, the o business thoroughfare of Kingston, the principal of which Is covered with Orange calico badges. and, the inscriptions , „ Our God, our Country, and ours - Queen," "1690," "The Glorious Rendition of Jas." Walker , Murray, Mitchell, Burns, end - Baker." Ori the reverse are medallion. of Gari bhed an d d h n s P r r i i p mo n " We r e i e b -- a - d e , 18 r 6 m , e " r theft g - ter, "The faith of my forefathers end mine." Above the arch are two flags, one with " 1688—Ne Surrender-1690," the other with a burning husk upon it, and the words. " Beer burning, but never hammed." The whole is earmotosted with the ark, a'obernbim, a crown. and Bible, de. • In additlonto this, his Worsidp had to my that • procession of. Orangemen, with dress or badges,. airs, mile long, was awaiting his Royal Highness at the landirigniace: The Duke of Newesetie told the Mayor that iris Royal Highness could not land at present, but he :would give the pehple until nine O'clock tomer. row morning to know whether their partisan 411- play could be done away with. Bodo jaimmi his Worship that if the Corporation should feel disposed to present Stair address on board the boat, the Prim would be happy to receive It, A meeting of the City council was sabsequently bah], at which the Mayor stated the result' of hie interview', end-then t Stormy debate ensued. - Councillor Allen said the - Prints should consult the people's prejudices, not they his. Otraneilloe Alex , • ander said that such high-handed conduct baA brought down bigger men Glenne Duke. Vhdally, this resolution was carried : . Resolved, That the City Connell present theta Addresses on the market end battery, as originally Inteedid. -The meaning of this being that they would net back out. - The other resolution appointed a oommittee of theraselved to minter with the Orangeman, and en deavor to persuade them me to mike any demon stration tooorrow, in which *see thstPetriee wet land. _The committee, strangely enough, :lastly included a Mesiority„of Roman Catbolies. - The Kingstonhas an e tiorei under tbelee of one of the islands, out of eight of town, sell II blow ing herd. Dinner has been takelbes beard from the hew* *blob his Royal Hie:Loam was to We stejed et. - The, country Orange. lodges live gone home. Whether they will return, and whether the King shin lodges Will insist on Walking toessonew,M not yet eneWai. um,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers