Moastiaft • 7=7 7 .tlirCera ' °lnriMP. filf.Lor.Wft - -. ';,`.: iiiiiiiii,---:-- .--, i'f_t4 -111Airtat:-- -tiosietiiiiiii% iiii — Wirs, stsabbi Twiliill!:"im- - *stet iios 014,16.11=- -l' i:i.'l.lll iiii Ail, -*II ' 1141111 Bat Itimmei-iimaitrr . ow: , ?. - h . : ,, -al f'-' imeitiraiell,laa IpalmikiV:4.- -co' -nii.Mo4llo-111 VpI!iONUUtArNrMAIK:M.,J: MEM suOttNaltumaiNElC:,,, cofrootitiontilidogpro#4,:ii IfitztorWmottpout,- , ~ . .: .www,nramixuaumni o. 1. - - -.:-.1...,—z.....',......,--, •‘- WIT' Wit via •,, • • Veal - 11~4 dr,- . ~ ',-- ,-. mi t • wvt; , It? ..,:. r.ll- --- *h;: - , t, - ' ' -.• WAFIRM I P I MMOta I4 k .141 ' 4:11 ‘ . : ... *Oa** IWO- —,t ~ - •._ ...? - - S EWPW 1 * ( 4 4: 1 13 1/M- .. ~. .. ':;-,'• I , - -i• ,-.-4-..!:,'••-';'''',4; /alts;. . f , A4 ~ -10 , n'i .11: P -”... ' F' t PAIII/114 ---- '- - ii - ~e,,,..,- ,:, :.-.r.5. - : - .,..i. PT "; .1 - - - , " ; - _L u ,A' ..•*ro " • '_ __ ~-giii- Z *l- 1 0 itA-•14 . 4.• No;11111iPAIIKIN ATAIBUINT,i , , per, ~....v,,,,?,..21-. e% -k. Primer ,: , 4„.., , • , 1111. . - `. ' Y. 4 --,','..,.,,:- -',‘-;,, "!-- 7 , •'' : ~1 i ,in _ , ferpK , , OlLoift4 - '. l-4 . ...:":"., . . ' ilf.Z4. - ¢r:: ..V.4 - . leS ; 412rj ui t: ! - = pr.h . • "'“: SalittrOrloslY ,. .t -frifilOW4C*46442l:l4l4l' . . wirstam, Xe. .3i liiitte F*o ool o l PlitSegliFilie .". r i ! 11 1 0 1 1 10 1MWMIt. . • !WSW; ~~- ~ ~• MS ' • - , • 4;41- ig 1• , :41 • Oplerj PIE! 1 :4 2.1,1; ; 4:1 it4itrttr. iflr mut Ainklinpamamewaso *Au/ MI6 • ' " 4 .:" OMNI .1 1 2=614401C: - " writoimr , .1 • - : • ' " .1 ‘ • 4111111roti-fini =?IM=11 - . 'lll HO • Loft 4 00440-0140 K an to. PlelPPOltiriihk:lo tip demi ilsoovarst ot !lc-- WALL '.2l' - r-iIiVIIIDWAHLOAAI4I/911.414 Ali at es .7ipija l ise c Assigiecfres Aosielo. AIWA GOO ansteraaboftemiihriewirinalpiestortto as eftworiiimitz..-.3, tlr4ft r l 6 411.1 W {5,3•Vr.. AllillrlitV4lPlNO WSW - - „.. 4. - 4. MOW 4111111111* - 9M I VINVI1 1 3 1 4 P,, --'' ,frel i iiiloll4lll44o* , ;Al* 54440114j4:914?!;4";;6f, 144,40 .4 , 11X4464/44444.. ot.-; 5, ir.alorrt , IWltara ; 4rii *pre - IF - ! cce.?: , c"! 1, , 6 00 4 : 1 04- • 4- , ,WAN -110,0 4 4111Hralk,01110111AMMIli , IflintW 4 I:lit, ; x.*:',[?!:ol.lU tripIDCPTEEIk 144 1 . 311:11411:44=1«. . ' - 1 - L - ; : I ==i= *NOM azit t elitgi na i li, ibed2sMilamtila on-Werir •fi r tY ll !l. ; : A •, AtiVa , liailta.<o.4llOLlNA, •~sn.#~ zJi -W431111 1:71.:b.1 , 3 77. ALM etior 1101415% , .'s r;,) ,7 040. Ofiek TJUAD,SION" pus. _ H1"171 WM* f:pt •,re 1 - 01 .114* S lii ~ rl - 02, " 1 142 1 °44 141513111Ckh.; t110. : 141116301*.' WM*: 14111 k , Agtergr amai lmarszlinsig. vim .011kwr ~aase,~!~tA!~e~lr Or q i'v- - ett ioxii , r.relt 70,1 V .• _ .. ij7:.....;:.s7zireniE. b:',i . ii'l,ii , i , , i: • ' teatitbtst„ _ 1111 00%.1• e -,, . ; ' , 4 I +filtS iiMiiii2L:ll4 c`• f. •-• ,::i e' -,,,,':. is r4(I.T i .voy vrr'.."/ ...'toef.Z.z. r , ,,1:,z —s' ; -,.' * linr#loo4o' . '" ' '': . 10 44 4411 4N 004. . At. PO4 , ~. 4 , 4",,0X1M TitIALITAIL742% ' ' - ' ~ ....,Weigd .4",#)0,71..,qiteg*.„ 4*. *it?, , --, :, vt.,,,, , ~ • , - 7 ,„,..t, i -AziamEzirsiiiicrurk., . , . -,,,-, ~.,L , eO ,l-; I --, :f'.,.. , - ~k_irt,s ? +;; •n, 'l,l 1.: IA. *4ob,, , Tilliaifit ) ;ll l l44lC.l) .l 4 - 04 11,4 6 :4 ;i 41414 $ - n UCINIC-Idtkot - foak-.-Nad Astable soligt, WI sod 71•7:•, k.;1,1A,.. A D , ' ' • ;•"1,86(11 - ; • PALLIILADIL - • _ . ... 1.; • -:.,.‘ , ..1 - ,.: . n i ~.,:. •:•'. • ••:•,, .1 , .t, : " l iRY:IiN -; i i kairatrE4 - AO VO ' Ira• li..P;sw t 410,1002SHIVIANICHAlugjar , '-- • .;-•:;it., , • •-..,, 4 , •••-•. ,-.1.,,,..• A ...,1 J, , :. ! i :- rr , ii ,4,,,, - i j .- c '"•' *,‘ 7'4' .•1. • r;. , i; • ~.. ' t Va2itolt DAV ' 0140-bal ffft.l., r., ,:-.:,: - ..i iT14.q.,•':4 e 4i, . - • :'; ,' :3, ...', --, N0z..117 - 1101011111/IL1).1111.1111% - ' , ~,„ ~.,,,.., . ..:r . ti ! ."..:!L . - , ,-. .',''.,....*:, 1! :.•1 ~-..,;"., ;, , . ?.??.!'YO 40, 1 kitothqlgt,?* 11180 1" , ..., vim' ini sili f y - ''2 • ' .; 1,,,, .:, ~, „„ ,_„,•„.,< 7 , ~ , . „.„ , ~. , 1 , , ~: ~,,,, ~, , ~,, , -, . _, ,' ,•,,, ,-,..,, „,r,, , ETZWITIVX STOOK QP,1399a3t.,,. ....z. .:, '0,..•!:.!- 1 Joil ~ ? t s r, - 7 • .11EAMISIINV ~ .' : -::',, '' ! • " , WU • 11600'3. RILBROIDIMIZai it. 11081) ;LAMA 41141119.111011141. VIMITINGL 11011/JULY • I , 111b0418 AND TAIRMIXOO. , Neallighlnki t aigAstivatiod state/14f t " - f „ I e op • . ..... -', t.• : - 'l4' '' FALL AND''- ' '. 7 ' .t.; `.'(.'•l i '"--- ., 7'''' ,. ::::, , ,, , : t .. , . , 8 • ' 7 • '-''' ' s c r i ttika itilatia ` , 7 ,,,,, . 71 10 al 4404 04bnitilikeEitealloaotr - .),„ :5 r , ... i •, i±,,f - qt., , t; it F.: .'.Jig- .t, ,, ~,,, _- - 1'..• ; , •easatiorlowlorinx MeiTWP anis,. t,i., F.: • -!, ,:tti2,l , -01fti ;,,,, : 5;,, f. . :',.... ~.1. .; - - i , • tfirdit i ; if , - ; 7 4Mi ii kl; r ::: ' ` F ri : • . .. •..- • • , 31 . vy jnaw .,,, ~,, ~, ~E . ; ..' , - 11 , 011 1`, L' , , r ."...1.. , ~ ...v r- t r ~:•- ,il.-.1,,,. ~. J . , , litrigt . ., ' _-:'- ',•:.',,trovr— iuc , i: ' 4860- ...,:. - - - . ..- ' i . 1:• A ItA44iximulgt4;),olM,fikii3CL A2D,loo6=nbirrti. 4,1 Livit Till iineinirAssianort 'J • 4 ., Ir 4 11NITEFOT ot3 K t~r r, .., .-. .: , -,,,' ,- : It . , ,' •.1- z -,--., 4. , :---,- ~ f "- ~,c ),-, :-.! eiwareirwrii.;; MEM MBE 71' • i 41 1 ; 1111604 1_1?!11.6,111011* . * # 4lffrfei 44 isissavratitsuyau;::. -.1: 1 ArittibieNialataia ti• buten ;` • '. leM-1114 " v iii .7-:a. y• 1 C . • , y `O4-4 4) '" 4l `t Nul .E. - 12,. , i i 1 , ,' •: t o , hob ~ .: 46 aaallia WI ilirr srs ,,, tc••.thiu:! ANOSIAJIIIIII=III,IITII pftliiiOP Nm - il ly* , 4 - •• • , :z .n ig . , y, ..- 1 . 5 :„ ,, ,, ti -77 .1 • • AfT* l =,•-1 ,^ i 0RW....." : • ,244=TriOitti-ClO t3lO. g NORT4(1111:111D 11;11400,-„ CY -11 Ir • „.„ arm AND DIAWYLIB, i 911.1 NI 1. * 6 ^. ; • ,- cAt•eopitic irwol4Miuppribstin . il l e• -• , IT . F*l3 4 r, 3,fl '' C 44510 • / 1 4111.401.16:inagri; . ' *IILDAPARifitt; . i iiciorisa. wait. pAsgArl. NOJNINT 14:016, , , -PP * • "1"1 " .684441 4 : 40 ** 4 0. 1 4 . M 523 Vire , T.e, OOZE /401,,;1024121...5'a. &co:. 1 - ,c,.. ‘,, itAile.daddli ftt pi,' - ' ( • „.. ilionitnik 0, eatOlexlillitic iiturt / .A4,, , , eimig...ipp. 00.0004064** . - 1" ... 44 to ~, , • .... . ~,,,,, _ ~..,,, allt rr •••••• It km 8 r. ... A•,—,, r 1.0 lb. t • '. '.; '-' ....r- ". 1;t4 r ; ."". % '' ''' f i TOO, tlitie• 43610 1 lijklibtri ' ' ' l ' s r *tiiitunallist OrtilNA ' r ' - ,!, ( ialeirihrtria. kiwi.? J r : 'r r ,:,.,- • lit VW UT= YS" MIKISOuir NAM. f le Aort;Avit i lit o th=l.lsp sod a Oval a r . Ad • s _ViiZli 10 I=l r w l , c as j; primrw' , * , " 1, • fiCITOOre •OCKILIC8: Aiiiii iisiiiii a Awns. hii *204 iiiiiiiiwiLiirout-:: • loom! :Illatir" ,A"w''''' yy~~.i :' , iti7 ~-~.7 ,( 1 , : 1 f.: ,•.,v ,44 A43gl•trii .1 t . 4 -/ , i:,- , - . ~ -' - 'l'il ..A.11.11,1a(11,,, ill:1*i- - .- - ., - - - ,,'!.ii.)l 4 'i tsf4, 4 t'i' .... Nt f‘i. til ' •. 46;" . . •:i..: : .va•D•l.l : n2s , -• : ~ • _- -•- _,. • • •_ cy . -. il. a , .i. I , e y,,, i , ,Ne iii 1,4 0 . , ~i i ill s ' •• . ' ' k'''. ' 't ? - t :1-1 - di ' .. q. ' ' c :-,,,: i ~..1 . , ' - t ':' !..-- ~.,- --' iiii i,' ii° :1' s. i' A l - '' ; .:::..,.' ~ ~.,, . 0.. • = -. , i, ii - , it dlw 4. ,a . , ~%. ~ .... • ..,.,• .L......„.. J . i— ..... ... ~. •.,,, . d • . 0 fregni„; , '. rirt ••• 10 '''.' ;"- *I. O - 1 '7( ~ • jr&lr . .: r_t ,I;:, ; 1 14 # 4l bs - 4 11'.7 " .. -, , Fs„ 44. , ‘,.., - •••4 ,.- , ' l i n et• -i I NEIN J' ,1r , , ~,,. r.,74 0 c li 1 1) r)tr)r , .. ~ •• r . . . e' ..3 - ,7 c , • ..—. .. ai „ , ...-- _ - _:-• • moo - ~-, a ...”/ L. 1 , iii 'l. ',./' ' .4...... 75535 -_-...-: 4 - " . fl ' ''' ' . odd • 3 1 • - •, ~ . ••?; .....› ,d16,i1 D. .111. It $. _,.. , ► ___-..„ , "7"-- it ',". T. - .'r 41. ..i.;,4, v.. 0 4 4.1 11/7,1Y. :Ali IT 1 .11 - 15:11 s;l' i i , , .f 1.. -, !.=: - (•1 , .. , .1.14-1 - "lrk, a , -.7 '5.7.1 . - r, .5; ,zt t‘ir ce . ,l , ~,,;,c-lq 1 . --, ! ••.'i L i'' - g d d ::•,?' 1 ,,, ft......:E..!....-111 I'4 i,.."9. - ,..1 - '1.71 ' l ' .' . 1 'LI '''' 9 '-', ' ,11 -`,,, Aril -(*.i...10• 7 **' , 1 .. "' ---.-' . :417-- .111i4.... I IV , i. ' • , ' "7• f• , • ..1:,• !,- t f . L - : 1- iCI ,-- s . r r .•,. . . , ' - i ?~~~~o`r_o_a[o~rsar liMil• !" 4 ! -211110111." : ;:‘xonoss *TWAT. NE=MI ~~~' loss AMU of sow Of' "" ar o moui ie. I rs , 2 .:`'.ISPORTBaB Jen*. H 1 Mtradmil, Om; 04 *um: • - , . - v 6 ,01111X1CAL. , .- '11r1r1161\10:0yr.1114 ••' ,R 4 7 1 ;i5:11 - , •ai ' • • HAMLIN. I V".COT 0 IL VI PEOPLE'I3 M, A: S MEETING! ; ; , AT LANCASTER. PA . 'W*DMINDAY , OPTEMBA 3 /?0,880 PROTHOZION so . 'A`IC•I.•IRIOAN, INDII4TI/ Y 1 van MONO FREE LA;tORER4I FREE MRITORINI J ?OIL FRE-E KENT Tat MAINTENANCE ;Id.ATI..ONAL . 'UNION Mt 9tria/W/10T OP THE Tat Ppm ~"- NNS'YLV- AN I At Who ige in fa k vor of the Inuirionox,oa amitioem INDUSTRY ; Wri;) ari ia'tivior of Pkitipl Iim,)Oi4A,r,ApTIYAL BHTTL!!4B; • ' iNi;e Ai* Ot!dogr ot • IlvitlcSio:TAitititOkitit, I;6'*.vpm Profit the BUM o, 11ILAVERY NVINNOION; • Who vo is two or • • Scutum:Ny*4 ova' . AtAT/ONAL UNION L , MS tblit 0 0 rill 14%1 INVIOLATH , • 'WO 0 4 •4+.4T0r;!(, ♦ BADE9`L RlCHijitke Huai' *avill 0011110 i t►e etilialidleldiFeditieer iaaSfalli er us "hoist tatic4l. A4lgnifkl*O• art taittod to attend a asfi~D i~re_JU2s>uisxilg li~,. ~ .. 'X: :.4::;,1 - , 9,,..4.. : ,03,T -E . 4,k P A.‘.'!7. ON INEDNBEIDA 002.19, A. etrth'i **UM f4 O, fl4i: 1 . 0 4 4.0 Prr% tiniffeattatmatt: larstmopioled• r Wingers* soo**Ol oar Colataihaltillaaratatroir List braiar t *Oo - *MO , s ilOgY; ; 1 0# if° .001 4 , 1 ' Weir r i or, await, 1587 lad illtsitaltalat aor Iwo • - • • •' _• • • • ' salmis diiii4sinuitud imp.tlsinen ere caufrooted tpi4l4llo emidgivoi A; a. 11411W180,141,111.L15, Mahe, !No:44'i ddai4Haio Air rhea rrietailig: AND'Arit'GCtiaLlEOCiot Pang. , P 44 *1 1 10 44 40 1( . 44 '" tuat ; ;Ciiitt• stWodomilii 1 .48. 10 1 1 t, 31,41 . 1110111 ,4 o, o2 lTWkerakiat • • ILoshiMitint 040314 1 4 I Cratiqui: lion.4o,llTlrk WiMpll#4l.4 etpikli; ; • Wax.,LiWAN TAUiltlyttlfli.)lllllmois Kos% 2 . 1 0_10 , 4 1 .4 1 ;:40i 0 , 11 :4 1 iWa1i JOINAKTICW,r . EOM 2WADDiIif 87111 1 1, it& 1100 4 , A 1 a8 A' 014 4 1 4.!` Nom JAlllie a. ciAtmilnL. Itox. • Hon: .101114 W. KILIANG!Iai -Weis. h ~ / UIAUSIM: Rom 6/I,llllclfl'Ai. Z. moritirsiort, - Roe. 3011 N cOrWIE. " Eon. JOHN O. tab 1.1r . 0014N, i!LABILIN. •ND OURIZIOI ULM mi#o ll , 6 oo o l 4 0 01111, 11/ v ith*E, 6 !" l ' o. ll2 M r o f "," 1,1 , 1 inuitud' TSB WIDE-AITAXBA An elgiosiad to Mt.R4 fa tg toioo, sviirat, Ir t•Dd i.irlsio6i alas 1 . 141118:1W44fAlo4tialLICIRT g og assioN wilt 4,0144 ;• liflollßBloii TIOXI TN, Wl 9tot . O,lTlr. 6 1 , 04 tor Vorl soooOtery soafroNWOor, 11414 t hkiltaaliSia!,4 l~rlatidaiotthalllahtt, the inat pnln.tiliVittual • At ttfa 1r.“4 , 3pe,14ti, le nigh at, Land.. *Mt If9Fr MAI to votritilipi4 tawi t . • 1 . . 011 ? falai ezimiviit di, destilail "? Ail Pt 4stad licettaird‘ to OA' &AMU' for tgsapia.:., l :' , tv *humid'. surommietktil glop poi aitiiitietqatiaarlrellt ' • ALEX. IC. IMSOLURE. tniAIMIM TWfIVIMT*4II°P*MITT2E mitt it, itlLLlVAiti‘iiiitr. .140„iptql Nan bollii4o4 o looMll.l. •MIL4b I / 4 4111A, Au .... ~ ..limmain 5010:0 1 0Nal•ANG AOPPS•2 1 , ' i e t . • 4060-4.4ste of ifielitm or , 0 I ' ' '_ iWt'l l i=liallAr4B2Cie t ,,ll l i ~, ' , eurrimumnitirsilt* ,•-.7.3,7- I '. I ' • ' would My* ail, eill th a ettentiml,of Ns, r Ist , . sad ut • toisfro•ftM)fl ll lP ', . ,- tp. , •ffid ,- Pil .-- k ki *" . ..-,44 Vko Tumpilt - tsOtekt . ' - 1 4 114ZE:N; i .....,,, -- : 11.11X11111W 1 01 0 121114 ' ,l 1 r:' - ) , d c • ..,_ ~ ... 41,700 ... ':' AfkglTTs: ir i .. !--1 -li c t:..o ll -ev ir - 4 „ _ 6 4 •I 'A* I 9: lir IEIO4 I , , . .... 013. 4 , ......,0.-/`; t. / BIS f dirr4 t 4.4/ 9 OttIOU r;,l _ ' sx X' ) ,.q BOP,: 9? 79W$*• •. • A suitor bold. for tram yeare, , . , A Malden Sot hadFobed. • ' , F • Hat oonldnot *irks ki nd reem , migh ~ , • . , Though aoraestlY • • She ibolg hie glOs wet gm 110.' His willing kande lime. • • 119 / t gilt i gtfirlif i t i gA l i bb°l4. ' • • A ti let, One night.'whoulgope defamed • • mid. nid SII. • - Ho mid." How Monet:wimpy Tirol • - And ehe replied. " I 'MIL" • .„ • • wt ....A 111"-ha ordas d n i tiftrolleal T e fi n k eiNly trottgo WhY ou,yielit, your heortio-roght t'r r , • arart i gttlVlV*ii.7, Ph ! d-r A bm t mormoto..Skarley dear,' „ - A w t i g e a r t e e k d . 0 4 n . r ore: ee 0••• • g 4 .7. ;• ' • Holdt me, 011ettleg l ; olon • thd bait* • Tge omen or Bens olenoe •• • He canoed to badly swell: - " I gotdd not, whin ion asked my hand - Hi I - ate tt. Charley deer, Fond looteguettled the vows ,witiob gays , m • The heart wtooh Oherley allet i • To Tourer Hell he raehed. and then' A wedding suit he bought. He told big tale, and Mod ;" Thorßard • • Mat now e gong ; And allow Whitt most rroolte hey* Smut From on• elleottiol td," • {- N 1 Ai large benevolence may mute Reluctant maids to wed. • 'Oh may mositutoes bitethat • " - on evy eretuva'n boat: • • - For. wben.tlist bum, by trlyeAlniniell. , , To he nOl longer , ~,• "„ • The beartewitte to on* WM) U " ftle CdOthek at Tovratrilara. Our stock of Ph lilleWillt4 . l6iothiliiii tot ish lad eomplete, anted to every market, aid scettualled for, variety, style, awl Wake , ,Tits • attentiou othurers,'l , l Wholemale.and Retail; is hulked, TOWJOILH4LL,' ale gracKET . Stree t, ,rbitscle Inkts. • - r It . . inantitrik ' commissumi_nothzi. SEEIPLIY; iliautgp; WITG#IIBOII, 10.111 ITHENTIM 814. 00 VLXISSiOir 'Xi114114011:, *Ks Lux or• • PEILiADELPHI4-24ADE, GOODS. ges.6o3 - • THOMAS R. Gltip„ comthissiox mzßoivaliT; ifst, 6iticariuT intscr; • PIif I :O 2 LPH/L For ale by the kaoltiget OLOTES, BANDY ' 90.1475G8, 13N/frVW Lie B KlNti; -"LP, 40. ' 1 (A44.1 0} 444 11 .Y. , gra* BURO - 1 ROZALWAIft • ANt) aY 1111 AILIS dY ' FANCY HARRIS' MINOT UNION ,CIAS • SIMININII t =Ern, tININOS, VESTING 111 BIAS, '• 4: .. • :!` EAGLE LADIES' OLOkRS, viCirrifik 1110..!:; wp:4;ll4o.6sl*.ti•ilic*l nek ' • by Go riekarv, !hi Allowing AVIV/4 04*. 2 (21 0,QP4ki; ele , it* y/40 liwuOrt „ . XXXI= .11428R4,OTITAING.00,019*IFI, BLBAciptii : iin) 14044 AND "": ontABUE4),I3, 001IIIET 1140. , /OW ; • ' "" ' 1/41XUXI - si4XXXIO AND r:f111011X), LINING ; , awn AND MIMS; KeNiVOKT !A1.10:007r01/101X BMW, OLOTIIII ;orb atitsugt ' Oriolit*Olii; BLACS, 412 4 1 - imp* p 4 10 02 5„ „ BLACK &ND BIWA OATINXTB .17XI0N TWUZISA, ae. tut an wptiummw, FANCY • PRINTS HAMILTON' !`: PURPLE ct CHEOKAND. STRIPE a AORESOWS size; ago.,' • cc ST":6RIC SHERyINGS . AND DRILLS. Arp,tiViDN' - - • - • 5171401.'4E. BLEACp.ED pRILLS. gAIIikLT6N BROWN AND iLF,AOIIED . rtet-.1414r0L5.. - WIDE EXTRA BLEALOHED • • NIANNEtS. ' • OR RAND' AND *OR BALI BY NV.,,c3,%4lift;* SON. - 100 Cliitil'i'NUT STRBET, isaMi stgth-iist : ITOSIMM 0 ( K ) ODB- :F. V. 'IICRUC* do C7+2l. isi oitEST•NUT STRJET, Ole t t o d i ty,Preetots, end Soothers Whet** Sep met o o m fete line of DOW° rad PIM BOBLEifif6 NO/flffillt 060D8 ' camellias, In rut, , ersimArtrowN pAtior•wooOtilu. GINSAANTOWN ORILDREN'S NUM', WO * M.E.PPIAND movaluzeg. NOVON ,RIBBSD Busag,T„ • AND 'WOOLEN STOCRIND AND SILET,LAND YAINS, LWltit . the ben seleotrei. end mat volet* Poi of hem 'mode we have ever 'offered', end filileAre Meted , 'vents of the morkefinertoe, eletltrWel Bolsi Agents hoPhlledelehieTor the WEVIVLEIT NoSlElty ; I t WATAK I SURIt ix:v.111 , 410.! , • soarmta - Nciazwir o°4 • ; • fais*Azar . • wimaoakitaiii•B • i t evutopitiN e ObBORNA 419.011gEamiars. 04gTr # , • A.swArestrior _i • AMNBICAN AND-MOWS PIN OW TWEIIXIA 453 NEE)HAM icsiLag. sAllysitfitauntAii gIiaMAIITOWN SOSIZRY , MVarll/FAOTtfIgRO. W. would pail the 11+14.61 attention oiNdity Et/4n , • oil Nrsuuttioduirs , to' oar new and uttliimilidod In* . ITlMahat 1.0 .001,GDROVIr sad NEM' ,TOOK , liptiElO TOP Rotuma' 1!1 Otripod *IVO WO, ' [PATENT APPLIED NOE iisi), J ' . • • FANCY WOOLEN 000 D) . . . . • . HOODS, CLOAKS. TALUS', BLOKE, SONTAOB. NOME. - ' .• • &cc RC. 414 ,' i ~, lotpliilirg:ovEki(lo EririgEtlfroti to boon iiiii. li 14,4ligail.' Proal'our -own kat rraMalli*NO•noth ,iusio.k sililovig Itcniti'lxit fititt 'atm or3luitiii, T. its rOd id lifer to IN*, Mutsu a liofthills 0011 , 434 , 1 ,4p1c NONE tie ' point'of:worlittehip•*Olidh , i t i t kii . I, a lest•Gqglir ioltoltiketbolisis if the Wadi. ' • i i . 4. l ate Sr* , . . "7 . "" '", ~ F. V. 'KRUG eict3(Xw • 104r i a i h sa, ' • • ,3 fa ONNEIUT OTIDENN. VASIfII I G TON ilLiis, i 'loam NUL.I. BAY STAI 0111.8. ' - i liii&WJAF':.Of ill at% ell, Is grmit 7 1 1 0. snitosw ...„,;ividik;,ed 14IBLN3OVNJUL I VOW lirAllgite sitki W 4440111 1 BAI:J. MOitiaa Art#llll3,. krkdris, ~4 , 4 Double #..4 Vs* 00th 1 / 4 1108. ` 0401V;CiliNi. IR aci d ZEITE C 11021116,. ' pmfosidriAigisielAtltigland 90)4 fi,'*: !Pelted q pili,t;43Aloolll64' .• . f, /tf t 1, ,• .1 :,1, 1 ,( r.: •r . '. • ' ''" 2 l rg*ritiellAik WgLLg, , r: -- -- 44 South flora st,..i, 'id - - ' 004 i id . ~ • . ,[ :` .l ..,,:“. n comma Eltreet• -- ..."--66.4 , ...... ik'! 'Nrj'eglitlikiDViate'l vo atilt 16 1 Mr f kr c'YW 41191 , 4 • : " ll* I , i' .' ~ 'Aiiiellotv, i • ELPI URDA S4.rTEMBER - 789 1860. ~,„ f f • WEITAIIi DAY GOODS, Sp'E-O LA L. NO I rt 4 t , . L. J. LEVY 14 Announce to the Publio and their Oustotaers , that • they Will oommence tci all off. on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, AXD ' I O :OIi.CASI - 1. ONLY. emu and choice stook of . STAPLE AND P.AtIOY DRY GOODS. The goods trill elf be marked down to VERY LOW PRIORS, In order to dispose of the stook In ea short abate as a foroed private site will adnut of.. , J. LEVY do CO. would be' [Testi, 'benefited bY an esti,' settlement of the aooounte icrW dire them. 'eft AND 811 044T,Ntri 'STREET.' • ifiva:: I . **; . - , crft„ "- Ideifixtx, faiiOZININA 3 a , 7r— :the Wass rovehiSe • n '" DRESS BILICF; • • POPLINS, • POPLINS BROOME, • POPLINS CORDED, • EMBROIDERED MESINOES, PRINTED do., SRA*L9, LAORS• AND EMBROIDERIES. Purchasers ors invited io examine oar stook before buying. solve are confident that we oan diarlaTthe lafest Miles end at tlie lowest mine& lt oB r 17.1iEET 11011 et _ , AST • 0114140 E. TO FORM - JAPE SUM. 006011 AT AND BELO /V COST, a 3411 Win e.Hirr oor sajiii stook Summar Goode for one Week nKLOw LunT, rather InitinerrY them over tq anothe season, • • • • . . , „ ; • gYr. Eli% BrIllInOto.,11.1(o. worth Rio. ems .[arid t d rase. " • - reve at immune rates.' - • lel SUN at MAU ood rales• D GOODS IAT eCRIFICED RATES, Ito keskoied onytoßnaßoyar for tutadaomptoolt - ALL ClOOOB. TOM ADAMS N. soh, ' ; '110-istaith-tr TR and ARC u Streets. . --- 11.84 0 0 r —FALL OPENING. SEASON * looks; itioli siiiic. :; , , • ' .' 12 1 .--7,,prep 7 , ....1.. 0 .,. 01 a . s, f . l moo or vauttia , armor. •, ~ . I Moak 0 Corded Merino.. , ..,`- • a 1 rat ; Ilk atfrrnoodir. :pod • Yllat or, AtrarE•tn.attuitTlf sad AROII. killOF 18601' ,f ' - ' ' - " - 430cAvErreivit miulovlsmes •• - 4.4...,, ops.r#:. • IV, - As .! it .' 11 . 4.11.,....0errr EIGHT en G NPI 1016 t '.... '' .7 • o 47irdlt E EXTE 10N,5`. Ark la •Ma 4 1 1./m4 i loorrt WO of Vet forloshatatt as tad with eh Ito fo r that 'Madrona ?I' air ti"e • roaa tatatoarors wad , - • sal . /..1 AUTUMN SILKS . — d. mall • as .. - vs ak"Pa ga fg or ' • ' , .. . 00 te r tj l t7=1, - . "ktmiiiiii" mo ce Lafw. . I rem lot Ulna, getoillininazitt.. — Wm!. ' i: seli..o • „ ; ' Tv = 3 (lol l 4lM r aiW il iar ß:l4. Lr!. il[E*X_,4 4 ()oo ll . MILLINERY GOODS. .BERNHEIPS; Aci..,ll**lrEt tOOOSI) fiTREET• , . I hairs ,pow opoitt a, oomplote aosortmout .of RIB BONS, isnot% .P.IXT,EffS; DOfilffE:t slip"! moat,faohionablo admit and STRAW CIFOOTIS, IN. ALL THEIR VARIETIES, ko., .to A Large naeortnient of Vernon and Continental Rank 'with Feather, to match; to NAPA I tali the attention of AIIIMANTEIAND ' ;• , . rriiaa Arit.LOW, tad gnat itOuoementowiU . be 0 0 611 Sto Oaak And 01094.0 10 400. 4 . re. 4 . 6114 ' /1a T iOB. KENNEDY - do 33110. 1 , t 2. -.• „ - , ‘ . ,7 . 2;te' - , .' r OItiSTNUT STREiT t iiiotir F 4 I,OIITXI, 4a.v4 owed a SPLKBDID AtOOKTOWIT of , P'reill 'FLOWERB. . .11E0 DRESSEigi, ymu ma, BIBDONI9, STRAW . 000 DIS; AND ' BONNET= MATERIALS, AT LOW PRICES. ne6.2az V'eiL" 1860. .r,..pr00r.,N, WOOD. • 8e ;NICHOLS. ; OICESTIMT STRET, Otte block I); loirthe Oltiril Rouse. • • B TR4Wmar BUM BONN,TB. - , PRENOII rLOWIES, , FEATH'ERS, AiBBONS. Oluldrea's and Missos' BEAVEtt ! ' .HATS. The largest and fullest assortmentot tho kind IS the Mt,. • ' asel•tathedm FALL, 1880. RIBBONS. BONNETS. MiLLMEItir GOODS EXOLUBIVELY • ,W 6 have now on hand, and daily reoeiviar, a)azga and Miadooffie 151140rtill*Ut of RIDBONe, OF EVERY DESORIPTION, BONNET ' nkrtitlALS, 'STRAP! AND FANCY 1301M11"6, IMMO' AND INFANTS' HATS, SHAKERS, dm FAEROE' ARO AIRRRIOAN FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RU m. ANA BVERII OTHER I'ITIOLS In THE Ta whtoh the attention of the trade 4 , dmotrid. itaSANPFMII[ I ', OROOlcS;' ■allaika ' IM 11ARIEBT Stmt. North iidtt AN. gas. " 11, .S . ,_ MOW; NQ, „:01 6 t i VeRNSE4tr el i t e l ti a t d t i 6 ,, , ,,,,,,,,, nt ,.. ....a..koltrora,.o.4kfi l iked AiDRSOC. ipl4 is now prink/04 to tnrnte h% )ne nel' erehente wan beteern' mac •I ••, :, . , •-, i ..) ~, .! inelleni• • ' ANASIAW AkIVICPA:O4 4 ,.. APPgr A l'.;: fAcgAtiA '4 1 41tulttijo )0 usxitirt a rgu rr at l mwtvgba Vett; NaltAid fiIkITVETWEIA ll'ilAtr#ltl - * lii :ek, ~.s l. l :l l7 ofAreritt f ili' l i t e ~-, " (f inhOill4tiedteittdcfeHht: 6l. 'Oro ' d • !woo L. I.:, ,:,, 1 mi,lll-41, '.3:i ~ , i ri',s 1., •,,,' .... ,- ,1 0 n.' :,...n, ~:1 •.::••,•: ; , ;,, EMINIE BATIJADAY,. I BIrriI4IBp. 8, 1860. French,lind Engl►A6'?hbility Few have any ides of the immense unixib4 of titled persona in Continental Enropti: In Germany they are as plenty as blackberries. In MAIN a Conntshlp can be bought for %thou sand dollars, and tat makes ; ()Very ion a 'Collet, and every daughter if Cthintess. Iti the Peninsula, they'equally abound: In H'itn&- ry, the titled Magyars are 'literally more Atl-, morons than the peasantry. What they are in France may be judged from the following paragraph, which first appeared In the Journal du flai?le . 1 . a Thdri bliomii quertion of peibliehlog an *Metal Ilst of tI E ' Pam* nobility, in linibitlon of the Peerageßoolt. of , Iloglaad. 41 is -add that the oatnloge i l: is to bo •drawn up will oomprise three ea e : the first, of thee. whose °ries datei ,!-,, :inirltiel period -of BMA bliWy, as; , : r . ij the bewerH Hente,6relay UAW Me - .. : 16 A lii ll' ' ~.. Or and • • r•.' .- , a sit. ` , '.. to ' SO ' f iPrivii•Se Pt. ' `•• , • . ills . tyleuriihns Impala ye , Mlify. . bit' nnonolboto low nearly 1 ,000 pobliaof 04 efill:~4 1 0 14 1t , i • Thai in not any olnolil4ls4 orate Britlil nobilit. • Early in each , year, !before the, eget/14 of - Parliament; .45 the , roll of : Abe Lords, Spirltnar and Tompoial , " hiprlntedly order of the ifonge ! of Lentil: We timelier a list of all the peers who are' 'wrinkled *rift In the House of Lords.,, Every Eniglish On', has a sent. Of about one Inindreilliialt peers,' twenty eight are chosen out, of and by that body { as Representative peers; each of whom sits In the House of Lords for life. But of the Soottiali , peers, only sixteen' Mt In? the [rouse of Lords, by election, under the `Act of Unien of 1707,, Theie Oxtail:are elected u + 3, at coo :dissolutlOn of Firfliiment; but it Is exist° ,to condone them, Parliament a ft er Peril mit, 'while they Jive, or . while they choole ;to sit. Some years ago, when Vic ccount-brain:Lot, one "of the sixteen elected reprMi calive &oh% peers, retired to France, charge with ,having ,cerrunitted fronds upon Ids ! credliers, iio 'atep . 'was . taken to remove ' his nanie from the list ofthaSeettjah alifeen, but be was qUietly drop ped ;at the next eke- Alen. ! , Several of the Scotch and Irish peers sit in ' the House of Lords as British peers. For. ex empt:6oNi Duke of Buttlough, who is also Duke,of Queensberry , 'the:" In 'Dm . Scottish peerage, is Earl of Doncaster and 'Ravin Tyn dale in the peerage'ef Enghnid, 'so sits in the house of Linde, not as a Scotch Duke, but as an - English Earl. So, the Duke of Leinster, u Ireland's, only Duke," is also Marquis •of Kildare, Earl of Kildare and Offaleyouid Ba ron of .ofialey-this last title dating from the 'year I;s r -but : he has not a seat in the House of Lb ids as Duke, Earl, or Baron. He is Vlsiettnt Leinster Id the British : peerage, and That gives. Idat kseid in.the Rouse Of Lords. When z i , there* is *,tall or the :Iforese„ or ripen any S to occasion , when the peers take. 'their seats' aiording to their grades of ,rank, the Dukeslof Buccieugh. and Leinster do not sit as Dukes, bit one it Earl and the other 'at Villeor i nt.' ' '. Thete'are four hundred and flity.nine, peers i of the realm on the roll of the.Honio or:Lents for 18410. The princes of the blood-royal come first, the .Prizice of Wiles leading the Van.; next the King of Ranover,, 'Duke of Cumberland, and then the D uke of Canthrillge, "isliecreihr 'to gritfell Victoria The- Arab tdsittip-oßTititerhttrY'riakiltentediately next . t.Y tbeßVslia-Addlyfilpnirtiiilool(lheinat& lor, Archbislrepe - .0 trek andiauldiri; end sundry high' eflicers 4fstate . ; ' 4 afler thetp the Daises; Iderqueases, Earls, Viscounts,. and Bs-' tons, each rank ,forming a body, by itself; and. the j9ers in each rank taking place according to the date'of their peerages'. .. ' 11l addition to the nobility, to - the number of four hundred, and fifty-nine; who have'seats in the HoriSeef Lords, there are probably one handfed and firtyEtoteh and Irish peers who have not a right to aft is t that, legislative cham ber. !This giveiriletal- Of six iundied and nine ;peers for England, Ireland, and Scot., lend.: Thus, it will_ be_seen, that the British peerage is much more exclusive, and far, less =Morons than the French—six hundred and nine against 150,000.. There, is no title in any part of Continental Europe. exactly corresponding with that of baronet. This rank, the posseesnrs of which are below, and not of the peerage, and at the head: of the gentry, was invented by James the First, when be wanted to make a Protest ant itettlentent In litter, Ireland.. He aold the titles to . two hundred persons uof gentle blood,"' and ample means, ind applied some of the nioney to carry Out his settlement - of Ulster.:. The Irish : barenets; r the first created, are called ci Bitionets of,,tilster," and - include the o 1 , ading gentry of. England . There also. biro ets.of Bova , Seette, and, since eighteen her!ed baronets ofth 0 United Kingdom. . ' A first;•only:two hundred baronetcies were 1 crew rid by James 1., who promised that this number should not be qieedod, and that ye cantestltnsed by failure ofilirettlsatte should not be filled up. He, and his successoti, via lilted theta promises. There are now eight hundred and thirty-three baro netcies—besides a great many belonging to peers, who to not use them, inasmuch as u My Lord" is a high• er mode of addressing a man than simply to call him "Sir El:chard." EMI The ,dignity of „Baronet is hereditary—the eldest son alwaya 'succeeding to it. On the other band,, Knighthood is* mere personal distinction, giving a man e• a , handle to his name," (as "Sir Richard,"). but perishing with hiin. The different Orders of Knight hoed are the Garter, twenty-fire Knights; the Thistle; sixteen;' St. Patrick;twenty-two; (no 'one under the rank' of nobility is in these Or ders ;j.the Bath, twe hundred and nine; St ! Michael, and St. George, eighteen; the Guelph, thirty. There are alnethree Hundred Knights Bachelor, In all i almmtj,lopersorts are entitled to 'the prefix of Ai'Sir" to their . Christian *men, as Baronets or Knights. additioxi,:thifelcleet'setis of Dukes, Marquesses, and Earls have honorary titles . ; thus the Duke of Marlborduglesi eldest son of 13landford,,his father's second title. All the „other, phildreitif Dukes and Marquesses hive the honorary prefix of "Lord" or ig Lady," . as the case may be, to their Chris, tlitn'ztames--its•Lord John , Russell, Lady Au- gelloa Scott. In all, therefore, not fewer than 2,ooo"parsous have aright, ityrirlous Waya,, to some jitle,of•nt . ilall4y . iii England. Actual or, honorary 4nel:cabers of Battlement,' as such, IS not entltled'to ,the prefli,ot, beforO 'ltle.nanie. ,l ln debate, In Pacliamopt,4ol;l Bright la "the honorable member (for Blum- Ingham "—but, in Or gut of Parliament, he is only plain John Bright,' 4 Barcinet la net a nobleman; ati soneetimeli dealghategl in AdsCOnntri, ''BforlMS an ltere. 'ditaryritle, titikia;orily, a COrotnorter; coming neat,-but with a ,great . - gulf between, to' .the Baron, who is a•peeer of the realm; and an he reditary legialator... is, • Titles are much regarded in England, where they are scarce, and lightly 'esteemed on. the Continent:of Burope;• where, they are plenty.' In nglapd ,. ineltiding oven honorary titles, there aro Orify 2 1 000 nobieti ,mnongBo,ooo,ooo of inbabitints, : Or' ono ,in every, France there 100,006-nobles among 86,000,000 people, or one among every 24,0. , . It Is estimated that several thousand per- , sons, moving in, good Seeletyln Faris, assume ' of riebility,withOut the, right to do so.: Among. the :liriftiense:.niaiilo Dukes,-. Marquesas*, Viscounts,,COnnta,. and Barons, whojostie you on-all idea in Paris; It figlidOsalbletivprotionneg o es plassauti .on 40ifi".1141tiettheir`elaimi to, therizsek.,they ititsfmke . ;_ltfElighintleVrheitt the nobility , : aro kuri lition' Weida hodotceted antll4iiosed in aiimm Tat: estabplialeatc t. 4 1!: PrikfCal9 t O l / 3 .. 1° , b 7 11111 1 4 anli3ol l 4AVAlPPlo o4 c ) !Tir.h.. ll ll:g. TR.,17.5 ' 101 ^T:f 1: '! 611 • „, : itriTrkitii: Iti*,4!' 1 .... _ 6 0 40 MO ,Molacitnyiartoliii t A - f 1--, • ,I. 'lrefierlcl,r priirtal f.; 9it'ff. the sopeen4, drill 4'n d ' ldat,sild'i* tables; pn' to ittitttotiti4 fkalifida;vila priselple.afthiafaallti . VW jek,r4d bithikeistur end Territorlie eves' fornaseatidplapeatia.r. Mr* F pogo ti' w *ORS' de Aga !renal irlr aid* Mgt potato la 1 hisabimme Pt! luau Uta taliattkat ifigt kart tad taw diflotooklaße4filln-- 4 , YI4 4"^-, seat** WA. Atectlatlatuert,-,in Ms tiptiaamisi o vuollW de.944141.314,41 Air . latffOnt actite'l bl'eff i rri l riteem by ilikne',4 : Riders' ctimittbiuit. rtatprott*iticyl x5(*...4 t Wolk irdit_ .to 114 * up do bitakteri ate errand of kb idsuraetensear lac caineaton witti ebb afferol ar tizipit: l' • • [": •! 1 Mr. Walker had boat appointed Germa:if of thit Teriitory under, a ntdety ,digerett reading of - the law. , Ile wis chosen if a repraintatfri ainejl that • Ms )tlgtt pablte Obararter might toe maul *- Hr. Battiest ti pima WWI' actuary the 'imam . determhatiori of-lhe .4daidstrattos to Marfa* the igref print** * pppoine,lll,l47, %fah orbital' 0 PIMP ~4 4 t 04 tP. fa,. t‘, 2 **IL ' 3 / sal eV • preidalmi tq , thi! p S i i, I, , gwvertuot4--to f apt ( Ayr_ _ roux: - - -ti title akin I I - rialf Ift= Ea tft 411 4 Jab; ot. his 41i,,....„. , T Ise Out 464 - 1, l ai_ is olfrok , Illabit, *MO ' .11.' Tbo epos of Austell ~uphol" pod fe of„. tit • the p tplef of pia orb hi ll: i fore " asoioitt mann lf.":_li, ly how t happen( the fall of 1814, r .. . . atialithOtpc,l) tat& to tan? 01 to dtreo ooikillol ril Itutioci. jadtati t., tqtallv, 1 Pli‘" pletuir gOiii meni.' l Public riaryr bit I:1i. dttia . 'lrgiailix6ii's 'iidae.• itieritinetsoe Aim' Ms pal tAtillel'.ll6rtati Diyik, liii4 ads. other plasek) SAsta oft the @via* *bola efilpase iir, all' th ' xtlyia MN, pittiotte littlorsti la. 111 To.' , . .ttleel ere tali echo are monprh is. WO irlio work . .f,t iltpliflit : Oa : 1 40 1 44 1 1 a !l a u a l l f, a l t In the 1 stetatiniVery, At -all svel te, it; . will • • wis V*, " old 4 plibilii 'fanelleCterY 6 ''' early th'e foil of 'l' r, p. 144 . 446, 001. Harts and h !. tionmm:iiroettieS. hit i prioolPlei, , ltle pledges ) and his faith, *me surnitidesed broil* admirable Indlfferatten T Pretriellres Wier a sena who b lees sadrifieree An maker hi gisieg sip the, poettio of It isenatilatiottal Chief Millltalfete Mu Wit of eirojAlog ,ppiii4o,l%pettifogger. l 74, at ii. isosplisow of . the Presidency, wiy ~ ,,aot, One:Oak to hi. natnre. Ile, had ; been, ferried f or n fewir vrobeie. Ire is new morn' stOpipire In ilietille faintly ( f Elentherti•Ostr?idite and Sciithiiii jiii*l slim - nder their direetline be'abindtiaid , Illtr.; Walkerj and ill the principles, piedges,'ar, Baia of the perverts whiz& sleeted - Mal ; Me motet oat as naked It tbef ferpe•ef Teem v sot an oldtgattsa linked him to Vie Paoli; o.t eft moolirla laabat his aio t4 ,11 ,,g7i Pi WI ,fara.oi mid, /0 31 - - 1 otitis. to Ae,tioutt a lever/ " • 11l 11! the" ?milt° les trY strtile 'Alin Fedstrartotuitititlon"' —that t a exhite lik ahe lt reniWo tatliorelh 1 sad Nerth'Cifolinii." ' flit' rentlittible falitielt eoustironal law 'wet ixastriaited, , 'lse.:Mr.7Bui ehana add, on the fedi/tent of IQ Curranottotri 1 In the of Died Scott. .11sr 16llOws it up by. , hoondi g every man In the Government trim, did notascent It as an article_ of polifArel faith. ' Nowt in truth, at I. have thellstArin: a prerioes 'letter, r , court Ileaor lelaatt9DAri ktlr 1 93: Oa? trine ; t Well Air: Beolttsisn'e der:o44oT ,e l Bur., Asp /a taw. ,A/1 the spelt of its iiscraneOtilaril . ii doe to Min ;'all;the diserielk*bich ISM fallen Wm Ol . jallatar i IC eotirotterios of risk 'ail' no entia l dise tdbfra.' NC' Misk iiiiitsipli'te 1 *Alla ilk thisiDritabottimine: , Mr UM 4440414 I OM el ' - Vett'. nitalltitnill It 4semnsey theijiae Oh 4 - snitsetk'nkihr:tascAseelitathief bed "hinted at:lemmas to 40104 apse Atlientpsi Uinta table conelnaloq,tbestlerritortai !reeds , tail re, of course, &Mill Isinerime, over the pi r suldeete Palm/4 tilt cerveses If: al!aoa,- wordarrouldra9t ta l aill at ±liPta i la i a#l - Mir oaaalata . embineed ip,pie ptoldisibity, aloes: Slivinilinist ' noised in them olaneei. ' Tel, 114,1itiChanan Seised upon Ibis eo r mtnentitiot of the Court r tqcsilairig' the' problb to& roves* declared . sterol in. be 'erns rif. theta', Lind I espni Otflo Unieemelesirs tbiiilaiery; by th. 4 decision of. the court, is one of -the eabjeete over abloh the Territories bare no Inrisdietion. Hartin attained this petal, it was at lasi latter to eon le it to another which Abe mart will decide, thityes Allk prOpert), , ,Uktiltkir other property, The a isolation fern thers.jahop premises is, that si.. the local deightlaturee lutylAt been prolsibital tram creating or :abolishing:4%7pr,, it, Is the 'right, of any o then to take 'his 'staves to a Territory, iMd hold them - lie suelt,'in defiance of the will of the people, and of the local law. All thlCAsingled roamlog is exploded by a simple reference to the prat nary elan* of the''Cronsittution. Slavery It / not one of them. ''N'or is It amongst the delegated' powens; it is oho of the Werra, reserved to• the Elate e and the ;people.. TIM boil Legislateree may. ?Iterefore, take jarleditUrt et It. It below exelatirely to-the people ; by : eirtue of their In herent right to: *date thous. own interail polity andorpiment., r . , ' : . , - W C Ba this principle is not noM Um ptable to - toryl e bleu of COI: Davis. It'As serially anseeept able Mr. Seward; the htitd Orr the emelt. OS tuns id 'Areerleine prattles. , Ili. 'Breeltieridge irsAi Ni, ydrufiria..:sepresintleg there Polities! est,' tatorti, theme ~we of the peal* of the penalty, —de and of the Pao*: #to..oarladramoat. 0 .,f the 'Poll* of . 00 alli • PloPaala, li to attaa,VaaN 14 expand, . consolidstalitti illf rest. o of 1,1 4*, 1 71, to eistealpt of the will of t he people ; the Other prof log to wield. the Wrens**, the Federal Ger vercinent to titbit; initritst, lad abolith thit rear boo a all the Territories. The one would create elliviiry by Federal laws when the people : do not want It; the other would prohibit or abollab It whets the people do wont It. ,They both agree that, Congress is the most reliable power, and the only power, which can be Wielded to defeat, the will of tde people., They haya taken an appeal from the alter to the former:' flex denitties ' tire ei smite of pepuhte rights inittgrarian sitd:rtivolationr; auras one of the disesiss of free Governments, They oat over the people the - ebadowl of that greet central power at Waabington; that power which, in its nature, Is , like that of all other great Ootiertunonith haughty, dictatorial, -self-opinion. ate,, end tyrartuleal- I have poitirplus belied to Inv st In the sapsrior wisdom, integrity, and' Pa : trl / ism of 'the Federal over the wort* oihneged I, , E'ARAti INTELLTGENCE. Te ritorial,Goierniiient, ' now organised ; T am net too toed, thereilins; th become a petty to the effort. " fllitillTWlt .- fies SLOSS —r.rink,','o' ' 7 :Wditterr-* to Isfratobiso the 'peoPlelnf 'the - Territories, and ivaT r yh...rm,„T e r e s , r ,„4 afitifT-ia4Tirmat sad ' pl4e their affairs in thehisinisof Congress.'Nearly .JeceS Watt Wirer was ectiviate of a entree of mall. one hundred millions of doliere nen Annually re-, "Milij a :Zer t nead ems eat .n Val, oharsed with an sired to ter the gevaruntent of the Union, t tort \c , . a want .ntwat and sansrpre Jeerer. DJ., Au l d what, U tbis expensive lure?, ? To regniate ti e ila n al a i.el h ‘lfteVif t :elit i Vltifinitirefitreanci ., ; ), °° l l'tne'r° 4 ; 11 4 - f°r°4°.• nations ,; to' ,•offelit part- ' r ft s te n ' r,,lV l l.altd oT l i gg r 2CZA l4ll ll.o it t. VII; IP" Ae Urefi r g "V 011114:; in ,00in iil.lnitil: ;. in carry on 'the cittat-I• the child tif kJ f.-Tratar eastah4e.:ti. with teinrswan ° aa Otabilibli i ".; i°e_atittoi - iti r ° 'radian tribes ; r 1 ", t 3F 1 1;11171 5 4 , 7 -r erti; ! = t ev.i . : ll 3 , , re ito " 0: . • fin to eintiin tinatiplernatto serrate Ito dixpote of filrygg k ee; l l.l, , ez , 40 . = ~C d r vki l i rmetit i or k : : . lie 'Public land!. ' These are the chief lableide 'of analyst. a a irc,amoe et =cog L A saga : iegitimate Wormer:lC , Then: comet , the great ,7 1 1.!d c ,,T 1 - 6 e Vr k :flire'eatar=il i tlxnuger'il t e= work of speotdationCnod peealettoo;rthe ooretrito• vitiloh cane tram the tends:a-al. sea /he-- ita , „ -. thin of .ncelecte, hit ' , we,. Onildtpirt l- -the main:. i trih o jaitlgtat i c iii= t e=oif lu n c"gl"4 : : taisease 04 * Oatellettnery at:Abes:greattst ,POil• d,,,Mr l a s e7 g litid t Ztilisi t e t t s l4 i t:l47,yr d d iVelialri bl,a FOof el; ofaat arallooipkil, toke,pp, every cm- cot aloof plesonotly torivesroprote!he until one 'liiso,:tha",pMl2l:ll;)9r 114111011 pt's thou:sold dol-, bi, r Tate itiZraraVoVe elfill ° Lid At a d.ntriOk l I - /al P-Ir i ' a'a t i!adt 4 TrWte l i as a aftr i ! Ira °7ll -' ; ' ' iir li t gt i el l e l e ' Xilartibr iell was t i lfra ui re 94 r "ins4 =' P lied; isiPild, erre, a great deal 'of money+ tnAlle tinit to seat ti :reale:We. OM icanianat,tagathe ;.., T Mimi. T dint& thltik thatinchnificretputent ,i, vincAotiltarearmiuin,ilazhaaageic:litir midi as 11 , :- 11 Sild be rintristed *itto any. additimml" Parent , 1r -it „nshocarissald is I_ O EO/Invoke eta tt,be cacor o,f4 0 0 , - 'a d , I teal taro that It should :not; be pertnittell in tv:-=7.1v4.4.1i .",10 eittiiravev , v, d sfranoblse-Ahepeoptir of the Territorial,- ort the, minted 'civic:Vl?. anti ittrithllinArktet take% dolier-' • pea fbatLthaigr,afillirtrill ba I . l. otat , aaattafirat 0 ( trAtrt n gil l ati i ldrtitrthriPV i garricill Pt - s - ' ' ' .... ashms_qd suet a quarrel Pboat a ba and ' , dm A. re— ' askiisgtop. ..,[ ~' : - " ' --, • - - -I- ~ - , merlon that nebodj aver in , red,her ilia . twat ihit_ltiet Iltit let it be conceded, for the sake' of the argil- Wont e d. nod titlllta trnald u be reoitet an an. if.,:ii o t„t th a r..tho Supreme Conti,' lit the Bred'ilontf 11.1 1 ' 4 0 . 1 r:1 0 csfyvir2 cot the 'i l lr o fg:=4 . - L.. ,1,...i1eri" ' t the Territorial ?fiverninetits . tii - ila alai -- ' • - , er" - ) -", - tha , - .- eldrouvaxanoned.-I brew of a r vol. , Nra brut le my brivti no right to establlsh or abolish slarerr,insd. home; this was Infant , : the meatboutat or. Titareeiar that it li the right of CiMgress tis take jarlidictiohot lai:Act=to i tltAttr i Z,T=sr a osal Irv/what _ i t tie itabliet thstuda.‘. .What then? - The 'sedative,- : tlka t taut Mrs. Mtlyntad , rideltt to rn totrollB 5P...,...:21 - logialatiVe arid' jodtelal departusenter Ander the -1214` 1 1,°,7e,,tr ; t i ari a _ z° , 0 ,,,,r,„ t e l a tr,t i g i r 4 ti ,: t e,77,,: - 1 edema • Constitiltion, , are CII- ordinate, ; go- th,: : ,t ena i th a la_woowas alea:d in the oehar-'ver. . quaL If ft is, within the authority of the emit to Ili; tg r a,,c ci tagehird tit sorrel boardets. , %large' 'the 'powers Of Cotrgresi, it is..ciortelnlY the nuttily eontattod wililoV i rikr.P t 11 : 1 411111r f b t [thin :ItesantheritOr liolOgrem to rtatrilet oven-,, nos tinsel It would 14.173 caused death; ft vie dwell/Ito* sago tba ratnowea tkiejnatekery,,,,Thn,lattec !, en. ttlgi c t ,Ipett „wit,v e serare bs - throwing it nw the end to ap oases . Iri Ito, lad 64iiity-erislop wider - u • st wr y, bi th s t a ll ei nai er i l i tZll e aluat , br ma,siars, he "Cdattlitittee initilleries at me United ritaten.'.`: ; L ek er tomtit Fla "anew t o . the facie nuttier o treatlee,l6.sabaspOr ti gesel! it?, IlAlittltr 44 we, that cro nado, - tnev - pareook a a , a ,.e. -- ei e r.7 ;and merittosajoriedictio .4114_0 worst , fiesta ' o throlfn et gaZia s tr. k atrlT ti =i le iti tr -"” 1,-1 Ibitereen Otittee,"' a betiireet" a Stile Bbd ' s Weir '- 1 utad ,,,,,,,b,, ed ,_ 814 2. 4 ,,, ei r 50r atiattp4A ! i tti enothellifitittelllntinbetweea'tedtilene ot iliferr,, ;turret to get. AI tv;:fialitne re l ent: 010 brim; I o nt,atetres: ; Jo, ale auppora thatgostrtese..lA Pa l t',. [ Z,,, , ..t t a: er a a t an as , N it _ aa : oll ". , . o 4krw 5, ..'.... .., : wtoomotoula ender noon the judlidary, bit tile.' rsfi o - -,weiliso *titled theybo .ns a tieutor had'Ai :don 'to thentilkiiiiiii,.: the tight teinallk htell-itv, lace uad,atory altateanta. o the emu lin Mai lie; certiin.'-etweslfr Would; snob aiseas4;wsparad&Am t ; i taigthAlr-. Po: erslSlted him.. king *earn ill na° tatosiftet,n3thaysseaalts sad Constituting :1':, :.W,Oulli z . R„ ID • ilgig t e•H l •NSPV„mooyi vetereecogiwilink i lfamor I n the powers Of the court r Meitner venroseytew ; !annervid giallo. o 17..4 wg i meict dirl4l/0 41 Executive, nor 'ME Tedieleyrarr ohmage nor too - tige o lunat a r i t: zap Nti. r . a tt ax ed I lr gify th e (maga laws,:: , %bit lAN/ itlfrAll 4 4 ° I in:44l r a i ti ournAlit olVel ' a t e..Aair7r, clier___,,ref r mvpi l cio w erionent. -, !Ike angrft en, *pp Qt e three ' crime "exteteklalatCtitod-4VIt. 44 .. fugroun. ' !eta. 410Partia f Merle Red ;ICJ , ilinh be inadti 1 gmalttite h lAwirpt ~.,r liseF n , seess:,,, ~, ~.., ni isifoillOilqs. Pat of ible Had in 0 . 11 1"" i I -Pariah leirilaiheitattaetitita'abatte•Calaneit Ita funs pas* -and: dAlieti -,,,Thiltalisast breach I ism 11114.14-this oostayoto 60 divigad otittl_. a WO Okillited:ZlOttO litilliaftskel/4111144 the rigy, i Rolm'. The prod:canal charred uty With latio" V u l l ,ths ..e th eicimi‘tiarpprof ; t oy . p;, tki k , 1 elothne thr an . g . Mlowtat- e is. - Zr - VLtu the 6.0; to. twgn. -' onnisortsistbs *SP" biliW , atia ' "1 it g intltrrWprrau . At. iaMosse aud'afilet aha " 44100 . a ") a'alV aii tit ° o . ls titift 1 htt"tletTlfEatti latudnetco 1•11,1111 d Ocubes rube and ~ between" %Widget, lama litateerx 3 7 rli RI& i i is os, t . la iiiiiiii ii r i i iijii to , oitsel fii i , mai I , I reanderianeety,- - , ankiiirtee court fore lel WWI 11114 VielgtO ORIN . -,,v. 7 . rnu ,I A-) ~--+ • .3 ill/AWN% are ' 3104a9r, Fir? o,Carafflf ' :_. v ; • ,." ' "• -,1 -", _ . 1:, - , , , I Ire' :_,, ,, ,,f!: .:. c,,,,,.„,. 12; 4C, Two -- cmu; ! . ';' . , meo ( p . m=o ,l notinew , o)=—..... --- 1114 . 410 —..r .r7 000 t Throe ocoo4 Tea ~. r" . IS • . .n....14.1/14 ! Twenty " o w (to eine ALMS Ihrenty Conlew,ew over " floadifren of 0 0Reeteeri boy.) seek..—. —...... 0ne.......... Ls, 141 0 Cub at Twoity-4004Whiii.100 104.000 se Gaon to the tetl== elr Ihe 000 Or TneennumemneemessWaretoo4llooolo4 101 4.4101 1 1101 A MOW , laud thrO.llama 111400.12 linelew 004100=00 ftewowe. liari . I , di , . Mohr oases usrlimi !KW= "sta" ' .r' limb" W. Ufa ~lc sw. bil— , I , 1.....' W e lt rip! ilbr it , .......ithz . " 14. E r menu But us steady: .-- 4 - """ ' a , oasis is 12 to a r o v o r. w e t . CoMlos ••.- " 11411. Ft ie legiar.„ iii,..k..... i '-. ' 4 t r t WOVIIIVIZIr - I.: ' ''lt• t i tilirk . sarrins, " .' k ti, gall* nrnelliiiimi to sr . sotri• dipinedho ' ---': " XXX= lar=4.: I=4 be am 2 ' itarbniZZANO Uhtm2aft. , liar 141 La e' , NM B"liMainkaikeaulir ttA vicairiprik ca,v7vz. , or . 4 4 ze. lettliNisia e 5..... -1 • ' l).. ~t 1_ • r 4 ri t a .v., v...... kayo b..... 7 1 , 0311 • FW=braill-tzr -.moms _ • ir: 4 1Kt"6 6 . 1 " %SWM 01 mat. wr , l' e i, ought.. .., im e.„," Wow - sal jg • artrOi lOW Midas ' • . -"' . 10 , 14146411110* it al° .111 4 1 6 4 */# # 1 .91# ~..... . mare .A 1 , n 4 , „ e . 4. • ''-... t. '' itedGra":7":"..4. •-• r •-•- » -::, to r7fae-Wei ---- I,iltreitt -= gria freer. bat'etteret r alavaterrag• • 1 M Ta r.. ,„4.,,.......,,,..0,.... „„„„„.. . , , . . . 4. tam vianta , , .4:1,3,--- roui r" •••• to ban Mb WOO' larre at linot he peg an oartrot pm": Is am*, Nit V II A- l air=pr i.ftl i t a , tilqr_r_n_r . lisaWtbrverlikl. MI knead Vairtri-Stw iiii`aietaiiAliteviviiiviiiiiii: tr , oal, pel stela II 61 obi. Yr+. eel at MEIN tee. ,Te ary'a Rau at clii; ealee o wand ad . IIaOSLI.." antic parfirog .3.. k .1, LTlflia _ tili .. , • - ... -• • ' ft St:llit krhi-pupa t itztanown " 4 " 4 1".1 41 - SleMa ler 15... fl a Nl;Lir.a.»..l.datitaiate• Sill beit Wilt Mlle LIMO 114.5..ka thot VA* .. lAnaemap mdeeed.ia iisegie - at the - 11mm pa! ma it often rare lyttratt as awn. rations or Inliol **grim brat:wing ern *a ea Wee • ' art Tallow_ tnai le bie b. frban . COA w l..-Th. abates, Le Itni yawn at blabribt iseltalt . awa kr.t. .. 1 r! : 1, 11_41.5641 , 411 , 4146 " fora I I :V ( 4l7Zr •47.4 s, sat,, , t x -p. 1 ' It iia•liint at 16 ; fn.. i t • 4' 14% Mli n e l - l - . 'tr u er latV" "•: • ••1 11•;_ r... . 5 .. iri 11111 0 . tam &amid beim . 11 tete. tO tr. - - •-•-•7- trilde : mineoCl ban it . • 1411 tir4.414 041 "I'M l at4 48 : 14411 ,11 11 7 111 k I I 111 1 ' - -- - ' roll 1.411 I% iris i momiE ..... iwo.-. ng Wein imingr tam& at Al KO bates arntenSe malt M thescul...miadus: in ferwr inileed/ 411Niihee gage* roes. • mok as redirreetoiterrat gjel wok _A - M fecnnerr as a areNnarat et ONi - aterreamaie -fee set "Oh al i t t l i at of dlabteladtar bat sew Alfred with the Sr.. at )40. .....-- ~ ,. .Vareeitterea Wrap. Vitt It ... -an can 401 ww se tre ..... lam TR:.7.:Arr: , ;Ina • 11 4. a ' /X 'l2t- - .14 -mw -14,4.1 -.-.--18g06. . s alanlea legal i & ~..c.. t r Ulla ..:7;314,11,20?-1A2427 tat7Fann-.... c .Thritsaial. An tialiv..P,P.-Tbeed. dime. - ma 4111-.;.-.....1.4 a reu Mae trump ilci ate Woe I Vi-9...4......2.017 On I 4 IMP Weal ire!! en. Mile .1..WAL.„....... -Mt earn " Weill - WO. trA 7 ...-. .. I.4at nee 1 .a, Ir ..114 3 71116 ' Ma 15M..... ' 'OM eV ' SHlageti . WWI 14114 3-4.....t.1 SUMO, 41141/10, 1114.1011. kiar fat wile _. Thu the rem nts Ater aa i 4 74..Nanaweriolt Mr. and an, ineremom eta ag az ieree Ma 11:11 - !. - - . . bialGl3. AND pYL6L-i sr jillik i r.W.V . ,W movomear in any Mad. i • r erratum* . I, o4 . ll.aminl t sl , l, retold ram% _kiwi.* iwii 0.1.411 m - V nritrnsaiiodary =fgrakV4V r ; li w e= 1.• mega! egtosa.. ; . Pri.VIW.R2.-Thens irit bdt gin - 111M. )1111116 - at or 4kw Ernad.waspinan in .. ,, n; , . 4 :4. , -.- NMAr-ble. Lataakandamimposk eadag i ft_ Crow /IWO Ilt $1.9711b alr i npa ma r egisMas pledotrogiMM an tat_ _ r u gi . 410, __ e i tteirg toVi Mr it i allIM PI". ' e f omar • FLU T.-.1`.. =wept ts satire r bus of Tamoa /.mains fruit twatwar fo r , - a greet poles oommand V f• ette bbl ire= mar; ma 7150 to 12s• ift basannivjomrof on l a . nomd at 4ellii iir lb ; put few new dr& Yea 14•11 ma is -44-tree fad air 1".163 4 27 ikeitgr a dV i =teitall :taPVIS r aw l M lee - the Da mal. • Ill4iirtir=tvi!Weising )4'40 Iloal-arata tyldwertio:lltttris tjaa Wm r aat med. 'utterer the 'atom lib Xrma,Ler anke Marc oVereloAlAdArbr fl-ma., , Telbte WO awe' at sz sr tet • war Tor. M', ' ~,i ii, „0„,,,,, ..,.. , g uiti g .. droatnntg.fior ...Tut, and 41.15 ran 'Or et g az4s mantatrured IVO. _Vaal v•ag le at , iftl - babt - datftod at atnnw ate awatraursa I • ma , •urrsrt ra'acto-dar me_ 4.45, to late. aLeao 1 45 to Proetdesea me "r•lt Altar, 11/1 1.11 to 4teratimi 'part aid al iti to New tratk,.. -• . - ~ , r OIN IE.- 6 it tom ; telle Thu o rad* were d'inonw4 at !ta.rPaS.l2APJ:.°"°'&l4l‘W"l.4utr.i4=Vieridsi ma,N4 waraltetrll. -••-• - 1 - - ' ,-• ,••• • - 1 - - • , ,lilerg are limit „tied to , goesaano.o.. of the Ma VS1•0•3 at ter , et agratml; VP aid tame at 115•1404, Pe- 2.1 1 .--,ne market, is truer. and the Wee aruatoatly, in, ..‘ atttall trat, WWI trade. atMtviese niter Mid la- , ones snits . manatmaniptd. I. oilWe• N..N-Praa it li iiiwii.ida la &tonal ntfall wwwbatAdkarkiNtO uetadl, -. , L,UMUNR'.--talenCli omm. atimmaame Imre, - mete frOnt. *l5 tool7.4oaLltegar s.ler mid& aPill , ce.,g, •Eaarpo r t (Atha esII. at rob at +1 71. NUM command • • M altar& illr ilt•Tw- fiat. att. - gyms Joist at *IX aid 'W at OLL - - ?.1.0 L t ddiff..s **Omit& dill, add tee ealyerilee repeoll. ad are to cabll laanan fat cabs, ideupwradaoldill arelm. Nair or terms, on time. NAVAL. atoarem- 111 Rorie- %Met it lawn &int . MN ilia sold at di ell fer_onennem• ftntasib• 1,2211 . • Si nal 14 for Na If; Mb fortes/ a.j. • 'Yam *carrel at *Afar Wiliam. ton. beinntra Man sea at atlitit I rrig.t . pdrits' et "farteretine Le Nes s amigo, aniL anima arcue ied :lee bald said, in4o,ta, at Oda Nadi the w tar, de Cell' faun elate. ,', ..- . . olL.rtlryte Corrllier• os a rain danwiad •at bat - Mat. Linseed Oct is adTatioitilt. awl .ens at . alitale. In aaahutedt4ihrbab thaw etwidisnannin mama la wow twat !rot _At a_ Pallor at Oft writ hig ainta. tad 0.1 hi getter,. rm .•Q ll boautindn dai . iamb Qil in stre,ft!tasiona 4", nar...n, , at - Spirit aid AV bee Ott ad iifisi"mit Ws idiratitid dtatestardha wtwb aldlti Pat 2 -MP 'TAW for • --' ' • Nbtda Ni. emit ws. is base. tbs,weak.:••• ~.. LIM - .341.% • • etwrioaskr.:........ .............. rN 1 ,311- ' LW)* . , , • - • • --....--,••••• ---...-- • I'llan.l to ewe -.-. :....ta am - *ll4 . 1 ewe ars kin piss leatle A5:„...1..741.511:. Ml= - Lim rip_ •' • PL. STA3II.-Tkers is mom copulas lotward. tad 542 bee hem erdd at 42 72 4P• 108 . , - •- " - . RIC 8.-.. Tee steak ie tart itgbt_f , ad ta i: is bald Smile &ley nteh at vhieb firer? admit Me o ItAta. Ii fi mow ittibet nob arriving et se mg. 213rDS.-Claranord Is toargai and to moderate re emit at 4.425r5 NtSP be. Titnatby.2* rat, Jul. and sans .stonly at blriNd wild b ' ba. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers