OUR roßztex FILES. w";."4- The Syrian Question in the British Parliament. • in Poe Sagiish floqiet , ft, he Si lost . Lard Stratford 'de Radcliffe, in calling the attention of the Boum to the disturbanees in Syria, did not think it neoessaty to enter in detail into the atroot ties which bad, beep committed, nor into the ori gin tiara which' they bad sprung.. Ba could not refrain. however, from remarking upon the neater sity for taking prompt' coact efflotent measures in order to put an end, to the present state of things fn Syria with tVeleast possible delay. The despatch of a oortnniesjoner to Syria was a sufficient proof that thi' 3 3avernment was alive to We neeeesity ; but neither Abet nor communfcatlotts with other Powers wouldput a elan to the atrocities which hive been perpetrated. It was a difficult matter DO doubt, for the European Powers to arrange means of Integer:este ; but it the Turkish Govern. Merit were not strong enough to suppress these die nuttiness; be, Pr one, fbould not object to set E u r o p e an interference, or' even the interferento of one pertiouler Power, under the lactation of b Such a cowers wee, no doubt, open to risk. Byri' wee the key to Pgypt, and any extension of tb• interference might lead to a war between the marl time PPVent. Then, the Lebanon never bad bee. folly suej-ot to ,Turkey, and promises had beet Mode to the tribes of that distlet, by the British thee. their independence Mould be wore& and Turkish troops should not be admitted within tint *queues Still such atrocities as have reeenti: taken pi- oe could pot be permitted to go upper i•101:1. end be wee sorry to see that be placed by ropat re nonce -Ma the &wattage which the POT could tire on that point, as It bad been gal/ r (Sc grweest tt mimes!: if not of ac tuel conolvetme /la to-tll that a judicial Sevestisatton would b made toy the connect of ,be authorities, and tspe eieny into that at Pau l en Rey He then proceede ton quits Roo the causes of the movement. nos , wbio... it was smarted, wee the weakness of the Turkish G cerement weakest*, if it existed atom:, from the state of the Planet) being toe re dined fo keep up tee proper strength of the arm) There wed no excuse fur this state of things, a Tu key had frfiquently beta washed et the moils jir a tip to mop, 111313 it. Mob th.e lei ritheaieta he great 'Hasten (petition had again been brought boner M our driore etc long ,as Turkey continued in her present Poem and did cur put In practice the reforms which th bad promised, it would be its TAU for foreig, Powers to perch up this queerion,'Which might a any time Involve the tieuutry again in war. Ow et bte otj etc to the motion was to obtain mot , oosupreheusive information then' appeared In lb., ynertre before Parliament, and to learn under whe instruettoes our Consul Getters! had acted. 1, another puipt f view this question wee most grave Toe great war of principles bad hitherto been kept la the - dostanee by pant . ..rites. bat we were being rapidly brought to presence of that tremendous war which had been so long impending He was, therefore, glad to see that her Majesty's Govern went were making every effort to place the (manny la an of state of defence by the erection of f-rtiticattions—efforta which be trusted would re• edge the !lawn of their Lordships' House. Lord Woaelieuse said it would be impossible to assent to the production of the papers moved for, se they referred to matters of great consequence and delicacy, and their publication would be detri• mental to the public interests, The peculiar posi tion of „tb'e Sjrian population with regard to the Porte was due to an agreement Made between the European Powers and the Porte after the eveopa tine of the country by the Egyptian troops in 1640. Toe Government Dad this day received a despetob iron" the 00111111. at Darasseme r givista r ecawesoont_ot the atrocities, and their origin. He proceeded to mention what theme causes were, and to observe on therliffloulty of taking a dispassionate view of the snlj in, owing to the sympathy exalted by the sub facings of the Chris/laps. The different European Pescara bad meted in conjunction on this matter and the result of their deliberations had been protocol signed at Paris defloing the condition' under wbien the intervention ciao European form ought to take place. This protocol bad been signed by the five great Powers and the representative of rim Porte, bud was to the following effect t oat a tome not exceeding 12 000 European troops should be sent to Syric, of which Franc, would immediately furnish 6,000 ; that the other 6 000 sbould, in case they were required, be fur ti-tied by such one bf the Powers as shall bt deemed' expedient ;' and that the continuance of European troop in Syria should be limited to six months." Tito great Powers also declared their dieinte• restedtess In concluding the arrangement for inter vendor' in Syria, and,their intentien not to seek for exclusive advantages, influence, or privileges. He also stated what steps had been taken by the PorG for the suppression of those disturbances. The d.fferent Powers had also determined to send a Commission to Syria, end Lord Morin bad bean selected to represent England. Ile was glad to inform the House.that the Governor of Dammam. was already in custody, ono was to be brought to trial. Fie concurred with tho remarks of Lord &milord de Radcliffe, as to the difficulties insepa rable from the Eastern question, but he could not agree with him that the time for palliatives woo paeeed,•,;ihe stability of the Turkish. Empire war of thigreatest importance to Europe,- and every thing ought to be done to preserve it. in reply to a question from Lord Derby, Lord Wodehouee stalest that the fasts concerning thr noble °cahoot of Mr. Harvey, et Tyre, as mated tr. the newspapers, were quite correct. Ifle also re ferred, to eulogistio terms, to the aplifited and hu mane condom of a llishoinedati lady aillasbel who had even refuge to SOO Christian women, and pro vented their manor°. Lord Ofanrioarde paid a Just Compliment to tbr conduot of another blahomedan, .4.l3chel•Erider Ihs dissented from the plans of the Government sod counielled far more vigorous proceedings wttl the effete Government of Turkey. Lord Granville said we ought not, bowknot mu feeliega were routed by indignation at what had 4)C41)1 red. rail)) , and entirely to *bane our polm j the Hatt,'wcieh had materially contributed h the peace of Europe and the balance at power IL the world. Atter u few Words from Lord &rattail de lied. Mao is reply, the euhjeot wee dropped. Napoleon's Late Letter. (From the Lutdoo Now., dd Instant.] lun publio tido nuw toe Zwpteror's letter in its °nuanced, end can agora not only the toques slues watch the imperial writer desires to produce. ttVIV HI a p e ex. preee a recant matt that every 1311 Use of that 1111 b truer %utak the Erriptire, rightly /vow:MIN may 13. Completely rethoi,ed But if this is possible, 0.,L may be by speaking the whole truth Neither seil-del neon her hollow cumpitment ia now to am,. ant ; and we far the Halvah+, is hot well foundou to inc rdpalladen that a convetaatioll Wsth Lao Paluarmou, bumpier tank, will remedy the my it is in ho spirit et reproach trim we remind to. 'swearer that the oomplioadons and universal mit trust 14 which he c mplaint ate the very outcome althea ;mien L.rdJ.nu Kassel' pointed out to btu Ia the tanker, Leaner, Moore It wee MI, late, to the sets getoeca et that pulley of ftge,ratalitemeti awl ng kV e .ewn N blab be announced by tbe annex„ tau t.l savoy tad Nice, at d this theory of whim be obauom once mute in this very letter when he vemill Metall to claim a People living dimity aye Ponteuied Wader a tieietbUtltisi sovereign as " cc. Foluctt " that' nape., Militia of that sot, rendered stir more alarthlos by the despambea of fa itunaventl by which it *am:facia, and which continued in, genus ot new &bromide, it was tamable to aeon& the Imputation raised by a portion of the foreigt peel avian the policy of toe Empire te prejudice or mal,voienee; Out that is pubsible Po Jager Tee Emperor declares that since the peace of Ville Praho a be has had but one thought, one object—to luaugurate a new era of peace, and to live on tht. hest terms with his neighbore, and especially with Boglood: We believe it. Every Government waots peace. But some Governments value it 00 Much that they aro ready to make auctrieces for it, and leave Masted no effort easiment with honor. have we felted any soon disposition on the port of the French Emperor? it is nototiona that we have not. Lie ha given Europe plainly to under staud that it must buy, front day to day, the peace which Is its first necessary of life. When our Foreign Umtata has remenatrated about promises brukeu and rights infringed, he has been told by Count Yersigny that " the passions of France ha, e been roused, and It was impossible for the Emperor to go bock " This state of existence has become universally Intolerable, and we now see nations laying seine their ancient rivalry and uniting to Wake a stand for timer end independence. The Simperer tells us that it is untrue that he is Immoderately itaaesaing the military forces of Fraice, end that his army and fleet have nothing of ath rate -ling character about them. We done; dispute this in the least. We never doubted, as may did, the declaration of the French Govern ment, last spring, that it had not armed. It is tut her extraordinary preparations which make France dangerous to the peace of- Europe, but the vast ex tent ot these armaments which have become nor• mai, and which Frenchmen have at length come to regard as moderate. Even now, the army that woo Magenta and Bolferino is declared imperfect, and the sienna-navy whloh protected Its operations lue&quate to the requirements of France.' The Emperor says: " Whhe within for peace, I desire to organise the forms of the country en the best p•ssiele foollog," Well, then, if web is the con. dizion of the French army and away, we, who have not jest overthrown an empire, and wrested from It a province, might be maga if we were—as we ire net—about to organize our forces on the beet possible footing." Tbia is what people are thinking and saying in Eogland, and it is right that Frazee ahonid know it But happily this is not all. If we remember the past it is for warning, and not in a spirit of re sentment. We alien nos be betrayed into a policy of paseron. Wo can look the future boldly in the Use. The course France lies followed, has been full of inconvenience for us. It has entailed bur &sea not inounsiderable ; but, with no mean emn plianees to regret, no wounded honor to avenge, nothing hinders us from welcoming frankly any advances made in a spirit of friendship. The Etto parer tf the French knew, a year ego, that all our most eminent statesmen of recent times had re pettedly and publicly prOelaltoad the importacee they attached to the maintenanee of atnionble re. 'attune ant's candid understanding between the two countries be now knows that we shall not pur chase bieudabip by a surrender of our principles or a amigos, of cur obligations. If with thin knew ledge be ;tithes to draw closer to this country, lie wilt to met with a full appreciatiea of the value of the alitenoe he offers. It is in the Emperor's power to effect that ap pro:hoodoo watch his letter invites. The people of Bullied and Branca have so many Intereste in °minium Mat atlas the development of these Is toterrupttd from above they mot boom° more and morn united in feeling and sympathy. But cundlcucc cannot grow up under a :system which works by aurpritet and coups do:plume, and *Moll permits sudden changes of resolution In matters of intiernatlonel engueurent: The Emperor now nn colds a foreign pulley au to Italy and Syria in whieh Vain country sympattkliteg A common policy and a teuPtialdy of commercial intareine must always be impor:atit guarantees for the mainnenanue of trtetudly relations between the two (loveroments hut we live in theta when a eorely•tried world waive yet more taloa:clout: asiurauces ef.peace. It fe Litidtabibto that Ode, Etuperor has taught Fianna to 10 k beyond her flntlers for that eatisfation which the political forcitigenie and capacity of her children 0080 nut dad et home. Nevertheless, if the Emperor is cheat to rep routes all °inquests save these to be made lu Fon". ; if he purposes to derma himself in pm. mire bar interior organisation, the !retreads or her rereurrer, end her moral faaptevement, and ends iu them , a field large enough for hit ambition , then it ill-he:geortible to attain the obkots marked oat in bit these le ter. The effects et this 011111t110108;• lieu may not make themselves felt ell at 031011 %here may he seine weak nerved per - mus found to Metier its fair sonshiaratbm. But the sensible portion of tits dUILILLIUtIity Is Strong tomigh, if it oboists, to make its opinion felt, to require that it be met in a split of candor, and with a 11010 refe rent* to the itettrianeat Interest. of the eoentry. ar, - GENERAL NEWS. A. DOIOteTIO ROMANOE.—The Mete relate the following story: Ono morning-last week a mane occurred on the train from Now York South, whiah for a time created quite an excitement among the passengers. Among those on the train WAS a lady about thirty years of age She wax et:tat-looking and attracted much attention from her air of tuelanoholy. At Princeton, a sun-burnt bat very handouts gentleman entered the oar in which the lady in question wee seated. No sooner had the perdu glanced at each other than the lady monad On recovering herself, it appeared that the gentleman in question was her husband, wham she bad not men for ten yawn tie bad started - for California when the gold fever first broke out. The parties at that time resided in Princeton, New Jet ley. The husband was taken sick and did not re lover for some titan. Prior to hie oouvaleseenee the lady had gone South, in the capacity of a go moms, and wrote that feet to her husband, Who, unfortunately. did not receive her letter No en terer to hie letter reaching him, be thought his site MO careless of his welfare. El feeling of home Male over him, . nd ho returned to the Stated; few daze ego. Meantime the lady had fallen heir a large left her by a member of 'u Southern emote. b e f ain tl y I n wbiob etre bad been teaching. These exp l anat i ons b e ing made, the once more united temple started on a Southern trip together. There ran a certainty of there being at /met two happy persons oh that train Neratutr UNDeff, SMOUIAIt. CittOUMATANOte. _potrtok O'Oaltahan, a young printer, residing a. 6 Vertek street, had a dispute v llllll3O / o ' 4 tie amooiatee on Sunda, last, while at the dinner ebliain his boarding house, and a short time after eardit he went up stairs to bls room and procured • sword, which be threatened to nee upon Wm deirenna, ono of the persona who bad offended tut .• Open Magent" having made an apology. towever, O'Oaiishen's anger seemed to ha amen ed. Yet he contieued to tat in a very etrange way •usidenty he produced a knife, and asked e. me of fa fellow-boat-dere it they saw the instrument ; -nen receiving in answer in the affirmative. he must the blade into hie abdomen, saying that be • wee tired of living and woplci kill himself Th, coif, was immediately taken from him, but the I , round be bed Intl oteo proved mortal, his death taring ensued yeatordey at the New York Hospl ' d, whither be bed been removed soon after tin ' eaurrance. Comer Jeokson held an inquest upon de body, and a verdict of suicide by a stab war older. d. Deectised wee a native of Ireland, not lain, 20 yo eta of nee , end had been of very intem• 1 , crate habits.—A r am York Teems. yesterday. TEE FATE or A GOLD-UOSTElt.—What attf min accompanies gold-searching I The• °main, Nrebraakian relotea the death of an unsucceesful Peaker. Ile wee In a wagon, and stilt with tie mountain fever. the WO ailed succor and halter tor hie sick father at live different homes, ,nd in every intone was refused. The poor WI. lading the people among whom he chanced to have teen, deaf to the cause at humanity, wee compelled to witness the dying agonies of a beloved father, olltte the last sad struggle, and with but a single Wend near him, hundreda of miles from home, un an inhospitable plain, beneath the eooroblog rays 'tit a midsummer's sun to close the eyes and coot nose the Smite of that , dead father—fn a wagon ! On reaching Omaha city a number of citizens took charge of the corpse and burled it, Avast Ezzairow.—Aa en offset to the ulna ..iular mania which now ' obtains " among the soar; men of this ego, the following is worth reading: It writer in the London times says that "almost all youna men who have been at Oxford and Cammideo, espectiali, thme who have meddleo much in boat rama. have tuinaliloausymeett blood Vellwels ~r teriel. or veins. - .nri ver, tram, or them diseased no n dilated hearts—nil , orought on by the Strain and undue exeitement 're mora.' We, the doo'ors oall it of the oirmilatton induced oy Pulling at boat Meta in fopt the matter is now well -eorieniaeit both at irl,r9l,os offices and in the adminis tration ot °Moro( rm amongst the upp.r °biases, where o dimmed heart is to be avoided It would seem the delloatt hbres of the hearts of the buys and lads sent to Word especially at ouoe 1;1 , 70 way before this pressure of remora." FATAL RESULT OF A FLIGHT INJUay.—Peter sharer, a middle-aged Gorman, was admitted to Bellevue Hi aloha! on Saturday last, suffering from ockjew, and his death resulted on Tuesday night. t3oroner Jackman held an Inquest upon the body, ,shen It appeared that some weeks since Snorer as ,tidentally punctured bin finger with a fish-bone, .nd the wound, beeoming very painful, gradually 'sated his arm, and tinatiy its effects were felt in ale face, and produced the horrible disease of which ce died. 49. verdict of death from tetanus was ren dered.—Neto York times of yesterday. SHARSPEARE AND THE Panto:lL—The Bos ton Courier to responsible for the following not an apt application "The personage and years of the Prince of Wales aro pretty well defined by Mr tihaltapeare. The Prince Is not yet old enough for a man, nor young enough for a boy ; o quash is before 'tie a passed, or a codling when 'tie almost an apple ; 'tie with him e'en standing 'rotor, between boy and man. Me Is very well•la vored, and be speaks very shrewishly; one would think his mother's milk were Beam out of him." CoNvEnsaTtex, by the very etymology of the word, implies mutuality of dtsoourse, One may relic, therefore, without conversing. The mono 'ogees of Coleridge were not conversation, for he 'tad all the talk to himself Since ho was a man of ;talus and eloquent, Ms harangues were doubtless +harming, like those of Johnson and Macaulay; out while good conversationalists are the boot of tompany, and always courted, more talkers are taually the greatest of bores, and are accordingly tvoided. Wz owe to a New York journal the valua ble hfortaation that Washington was a plagiarist Vita maxim, "In time of peace preparo far war," ghieh, in its English forte, has bean commonly 'ratted to the Father of his Country, belongs, co .ordlog to this authority, to the godfather of Brl ,tah tree-trade. We are assured that the adage t-ir Robert Peel we, that the way to preservt. Jamie la to be always prepared for war ' Tae Chicago Zonavea arrived borne Tue:3- lay tight, and were tusked with marked demon. greaten" of welcome. A salute of one hundred :Atm was bred, and a prooemion of all the military If the oily, the police department, the Are depart• 'cent, the Turner societies, end the Wide•Awakea, .doorted them to the Republican Wigwam. when , hey were welcomed bank to Chicago by Mayor Wentworth Tbey substquently partook °lsom olimeotery impper. SOAPING Man rea ♦ SET ea SILVER. warm —A jumping match came of at Cincinnati, ea Saturday, for MI eat of.ellvor ware. The one , tep and japan was to carry off the prise, which oes won by Win Abbott, he having Wade forty IVO feet and three inches. There note 85 moire 'tors for the prise. RELturansCoutormor.—The ebtpe 'War Ureic and Wod hover. 91 days from Callao pa:a s:1 tbrenigb the ayes on nuaciay within 16 m ' inatee .f smolt other. '/boy ancgiored together in Online eft together, end lotrog"slght of each other an tear after leaving, met agate for the first time 1: ne 1 , 0, age at the Capes of Virginia. A HARMONIOUS COUNTRY.--If there bo any tone to music to Walla a Demo harmunlout, tat people of this eountly should dwell together I❑ .t.olty, for they paraba•o about twenty million °les of sheet amino In a year, and their expend' tithe for mush, musical iustsuotion and bum; waits, reach many millions et dollars. Firemen's Celebration at Lancaster Tuesday was a gala day in the good old city of Lancaster. The occasion was the centennial anni• +artery of the Union Fire Company, of that place, ,ad, to commemorate the event, a grand parad,, ♦as gotten up, preceded by a flag presentation, and of owed by a ball and supper. The Empriss ;Wes as excellent account of the affair, from vhich we extraot the following: At one o'clock the company left their house, ander the chief marthalebip of Mr 0. 0. M. ( Seines, assisted by Mr. Robert .to Eioholtz, and oroceeded to East. King street, where the line was formed, the right resting on Duito. The engine woe drawn by font Brio and beauti• fill gray bones, which were driven by William U. dhober, who held the ribbons with much grace. Rash howl was attended by a colored groom. The members, who preceded the engine, wore a biniah• irayabirt, black pantaloons, supported at the thigh roy u leather belt, white gloves, and a new and leantiful bat, known as the New York hat The Anitine wan profusely decorated with wreaths and dowers, and a number of small flag , ; and that the letif friends of the company had something to do with the decorations was clearly apparent from the mate displayed In the arrangement. When the company reaabed East King street they were received by their brother firemen, and hilted in front of Shenk's Exobange Hotel, where kbey faced about in order to receive a dug pre• seated them by a number of ladles ot this city. The presentation ceremonies took place from the iron portion in front of tho hotel. On behalf of the ladies, Aldus S. Neff, Esq., presented the flag in an appropriate speech. which was listened to by a large concourse of persona. The flag was received on behalf of the compszy, by Edward J. Reilly, HI., in an equally happy manner At the con• elusion of Mr. Reldy's remarks, the members of the Union gave three hearty cheers for the fair donors The flog is a beautiful silk Amerloan flag, with golden etarO eat in a ground of deep blue 710 trio to surmounted by a rod velvet liberty cap, sut Pith Myer stars arid adorned with Oliver braid Had fringe. puffing along Went Chestnut street, the pro °Melon belted in front of the residence of Mr. Jae sob Baker where the ladies of his family present. ed the Un ion with a beautiful framed wreath. B. W. Shenk, .Iffeg , presented the wreath on behalf of the donors in a few neat and appropriate remarks, and the beautiful gift was received on behalf of the company by , Mr. Stewart A. Wylie, editor of the Inquirer, in a brief and pleasant pouch, The parade was a Isamu in every respeet, and the members of the Union have every reason to be proud of It. i Alluding to the hall, the Express says : if' The room was gaily , decorated with flags and banners, and the beautiful engine of the company bad Its place at the upper end of the ball, almost buried beneath wreathe, bouquets, and flowers, Which had been received during the parade. During the evening eeveral episodes occurred hi f the presentation of several beautiful wreaths ebd a burr flame. The let+ or wan the gift of Wee Bate Cormerly, and won presented, on behalf of the fair donor, by It. W. Shenk, Beg., in his 'Mai pleasant manner. The Union deputized our hand some young friend, Alfred Bardereen, the junior of the lateftegeneer, to receive the offering, which he did in a few remarks_ L abounding.in wit and ulea sintry Wee Mollie wylie and Mrs. Agnes neer. men offered two hem:viral wreathe, which were presented on their behalf by Mr S.W. Wylie, in fe.'neat and appropriate specter, and wan received by A W. Shenk on behalf of the company. The wreathe were made of artificial flowers, and were beauttfally arranged, refleoting the highest orodit upon the taste and towboat* , of the donors." • A. WOlleD TO RonanDs.--Alatt anybody ever wiltten upon the responsibility which rent upon husband with regard to the education of his wife? Of course we know Wolf you will ay about her being supposed to have " finished her education" before marriage and ell that; and yet yen and we know that she begins as new an education with him as if she never had sou the alphabet. it v i e ws, bit feelins, his ideas , are they nothing to her, if she loves him? Years after, when they who tt knew her as a girl" come to talk with the matron, do they not find her husband reflected In every sentences oither for good or evil? Of memo the more strongly a wonisTleves, the more completely is her identity absorbed in her husband's This is :cs' point which is too much neglected by married men A good husband is almost certain to bare a Rawl wile end it - sho be " not - so good as ha could wish" at the eommonoemout. of their wattled life. to can soon educate her up to the roper mark ; and on the other hand, ho can so anent* her down ce to render-hie home a purgatory, and perhaps bring upon himself and nisi family the greatest agony and keenest pangs of disgrace whloh a hue• baud and olailarsa can !vol. “The Prince.” A meeting of "prominent Winne" was hold at the Morohante' Exchange, New York; oh Tuesday; to .make arrangements for an appropriate testi monial, in behalf of the eitisene, to the Prime of Wales and suite, on hie antral In that city. It was determined that the demonstration should take the form of a public dinner, at the Academy of Mu sic, and a committee—consisting of one hundred end sixty of the loading men of the city—was op pointed to carry out the arrangements. Among the speakers present at the meeting was Lieutenant General Winfield Scott, who is also a member of the Committee of Arrangements. A committee, comisting of William B. Astor, John A. King, William R. Havemeyer, Hamilton Fish, Robert .13. aftnturn, Wilson GI Runt, and Robert Kennedy, was appointed to wait upon the Prince of Wales, in Canada, and tender him the invitation. The Prince, before leaving St Julius, IC P., pre sented to the lady of Governor Bannerman, a splendid bracelet, eat with diamonds and emeralds; taro the portraits of his brothers and slaters He also give $250 to the Church of England Asylum for Widows and Orphans. $250 to the Benevolent frith Society. and $250 to be expended among poor persons in the town Five hundred dollars were left as prices to be contended P.r et a regatta—the Prince nominating as the day on which the regatta .hould take place, the 28th of ',aloe, We father's birch day, but that falling upon Sunday, tt will be postponed to the following Monday. A correspondent of the New York Herald, wri ting from Frederiekton, N. B give. the following Item They have the true Jenkins ring: During the voyage from Bogland he (the Prince) wee the most lively aid social of all on board He used to sit cross legged, with telescope in hand, tigoalling the other ships of the squadron, alter vately askin{ humorous questions and returning nil sores off touter replies tie was I.llgbtly seasick during the first two or three days when the weather wee rough, but after warde he was hardly ever in his own cabin ten atrium , at a time, save at meals, daring the whole jay. Yet he frequently pats, dln and out. Be had the entire use of the upper quarterdeck cabin, usually ()coupled by the captain, and into this none of the members of his suite ever en cored, unless to dine or ny special invitation, HEBREW Women.—The Hebrew woman in her love for hei kindred BOWS above her Christian sisters. The tender devotion which the daughters Ltrael bestow upoa their parents, especially upon their father, is fall of' beauty and pathos. In the lark alleys of the World's Gbetti, when the old Hebrew men toddles home from his daily strife .eith prejudice and luore, a wondrous change trans forms his farm as he crosses the threshold of hie weather-beaten house. The furtive glance onde, the crooked gait is made straight, the many wrinkles of his brow are made smooth, the <trough itig form of the pedlor disappears, and the old man stands erect as if he wore worthy of bettor things; the smile loses its sinister grin, and is olothed With genial beauty. Rebecca has kissed away the ng- Imes of the money-changer, and to see him sit down at his table after having sent np to-Jehovah a prayer for good luck and plenty of gain for the earning day, and ohat with his daughter, who de lights In humoring his jukes, i 3 a treat for an ar• tot in eearob of the picturesque, or for a poet in quest of the romantic. Bebesoas abound not only in the regions of the Ghetti, but in the middle, and higher, and highest order of Hebrew abodes. here wo End the danghtere, as a claws, watching with Argus oyes fathers' and mothers' happiness Ind ow:wort. Here, on the domestic shrine, all the Gres of love and affection aro burning eo vigorous ly that unwittingly even tie sympathies aro con sunned, which are wanted to kindle the great dames r Meld the sacred altar of a common humanity. Cf u t cgs this drawback is constantly, kept in view, our description of the Hebrew daughter's love for her parents would be calculated to surround the feeling with a too angelic atmosphere.--Crayon. TM: CRANBERRY CROP ON THE CAPE.--The worms still continue their ravages upon the cran berry vines in Dennis, and the berries on those vines that aro not no situated as to be flowed are almost entirely destroyed, In nanny cases, the proprictore have covered the fields with straw, and net it on fire, burning off the vines to exterminate the 'meets that are making ouch haven. In some parts of Brewster, Harwich, and South Donnie, where the meadows can be flowed, the business promises to bo ammonial. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE, 1.1E0119k. N.') ATHAM. T. FROTEINGH AM, Of THIS MONTB ROBERT B. REED. LEVER J 3 At the Merchants Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Weetmoreland. DPoen...„— ..... soon Slue Tonawanda. ..... soon days Ramada. .... • •,.. • t Cienfuegos noon Firm Ella Reed, Tuno.... ...... Jago de Cuba, soon Sng T D Martin. Carver —.......Cienfeuroi. soon *is Adeline nohulkeu....--.....—.....L0nd0n, soon Brig Slack Squall. Devi, —Cardenas. soon SA/LING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES, stain LEAVit BOU D4lll Arago York..tiavre 18 Kan MOO— ...-... New York.. Liverpool— ......Aug la ituropa--- York..l —Aug 22 Nd nburgh.—,New York Live rpool— . • —AUL 2.6 Ad New York .Flevre Atic Bonne.. 031 way ....... Aug IS Poring', New • •Auk 29 Aura —lVew York .Liverpool New Y0rk.....-. NISW York ..132eraen , . Rept 1 Glasgow .........New York..Liveroool ~.. Sept I fiemnionia.---hew York .Hatnnurg 1 Arabia__-_._,.... Boston Liverpool Net IS &thee.— . York..Liverk oo ol—....••Seet 12 PROM EUROPE. SRI re - 4114. V X VOX LAIN Pdinburgit ......Lieerttool..New York 1 flerutraoroa_.:eouthamuton .New York ....._._.Aug 4 Krtna ....... !avowal—New Y0rk.....—. Aug r Pala a 11g1umg....041011 • ti T +ilaerow Lt raw! .Ne or or ... Au g 8 Yew York. —Southampton Pew Y0rk—......... Aug 8 North emelt. Liverrool. Qualm 9 ova &latter:L....Liverpool quebeo 11 of lialtimore...Liverpool..P.eur York ..........Aug le Arabia -.......Literp00t..1105t0n.. Vauderbzlt--.. .Havro .New York ......-- Aug lo • trra3...—...... Liverpool New .8 Zara ... Liverpool—New Ytok ....---. Aug It Ro.ton 130110403WD NOW York— .....Au. St Vona Briton.. ..I.4eorptxt‘. Queboo 43 &MEM% .• • .•1..1 Wpm.: . boatcn ..... 26 the Catlforma alai( Steamers sail from New York on he Ist. Md. and adth oilmen month. The Ravens. Steamers leave [vow York nn th,raa,rm, oth,l7th. and 9th oreaah month. -- *At() h tPI 'l' It 4 g 2: Uic- 41.1( PIIII.ADELPIIIie- Aug. 17 :Abu. 111 4 1 SleE9 a 111-SUN BETS -- s 46 WAVLE,— n ARRIV9,I) Steamship Phineas &rano. Matthews, 4$ hours from liostoo• with n dam to H Winsor, H edueemty. at 9 am, oar a. ;duo • If Cap. Mar comma in; ;mated &atop and too Wine t)9 ow the Brown, and nrl4 Cawort, from W ,non of et; ma above Reed, Wend. 81110 usrmoru. Onnlevy. front Liverpool 9:191 ult. etto rase and 116 pareungera to pa -roe. ItaPod up I;y t hr C A ma hal m u ng a. eoe. Pickens, 4 duns from Providence, with more TO e 1 9 . 4 ,11. echr R 1 Ms.cer, Robinson, 6 days from Boston, in bvinat run R C••Hurn tr. CO dent' ClOtTles 1. • tiokn.y. Garwood 4 days from Fan , liver. in Imilast to It K Our on tr On. Bohr Trenton, meth 6 dais from New York, with corn to fee Barran a SOD. ,chr Pe uu•trocac, Barnea,4 dap from Dotohester. in voltam u , u.ptain .Bohr Josax6eld, May. 6 day* from Boston, in W iner, r 0 N •tottevnntie CO. ohr R 0 W hilden. Neall. 4 dais from Salem, In bal m run Nevm. nowt or 6r ...o enhr Haw:mac n anglar.26lol; from Sassafras River, with gram t .1 Black. soh • n F Bitume:le Godfrey. from Salem. Bohr Poll , Price Mama. from :Salem, Bohr J Ii Babcock. ~ ,Pr.tio tram "Mem. Bohr Mary Ehaa . hella• Rom om onliebury. Bohr Blackman, Cors.os. fro , . Hos bury. Bohr N Holmes. Eiewitt, from Roxbury, moor I. Clark. Booey. from Hlochttra Rohr B EdherO. Mathew, from Beaton. Nom tt cotaon. Ludlam, from canton Bohr .1 R Wainwright. Uorsno. Iron, Boston. Bohr,' dwarde. Babcock. from Boat , a. Bohr E J Boott cteelnign. from Boston. Bohr 1)8 Morahan, Allen. from Boston. Behr 1. W 15,mmons, Gandy. from Boston. Behr D P, Talpey, from PleWbUtYport. Bohr Wm I oiler. HilblneOn, from Providenoe. Boor Boston, Brower, from Providence. CLEARED. ktenmship Kennebec, Jubason,Row York, James All derthoe. ko , r Hoarr %;11.Lt. Sheldon, Mobile .2 Raker. Co . tAbr it Y ditornotie. Uodfrey, Dorton, bccm, o g io & da r rir t t ittlr: r onilr e ttiTY n ,'ltiltift i : Tyler. do t;tone Co. Behr It Blackman, Cortion,BnatOnt r , do. Bohr b Mershon. Allettp _ .OpPlier & Dro, Behr 13 V.Bhp.rp, Mayhew, Boston, N bturtevant & Co. tchr Joe Maxfield May, Boston, do. Bohr a h(1141111.11, BabCoOk, liottnn, d 4. pa ir win Loper. Potiina.,n Warwick, do. B o hr typo W Cummings!, Weldon, New Bedford, Bin niakaoa & Glover. Bohr i Bohner, Hewitt. Providence, do, Bohr Ilcvtoil Brower. Provi 'ewe, B Mines & Co. Bohr L Clark Booey. Providence. L Aodenned & Co. bolir J H Waihwitcht. COMM B. eton,do r ohr Price, Aflame. Plliel/1 flanormt, Lows & Co. Sour 10 liilmock Mines. Boston. do. Corson. Ludlam vomon. Illakunon & Cox, Peer P. ouonnook. Barnes, &imbecile r. C A Hoc:Aber & o. coin ft G Malden, Ncall, Portsmouth, Nevin, Saw - yer & to. sehr P. Protamouth, J H Conrad. Bohr J Pi l oeroer, Robinson, Last Cambridge, It It Cora it & Co. No ir Chao P Nt,nlinay. Garwood. Boston, do. Bohr t. N Godfroy,Cilis, Providence, Van Dusan, Norton & Co. P e t, Aley, 1 , 011d011 , 04. Seamen. Providence, do. Fehr Mary P Stevens, beim. Wavhington, Bohr Northern Light. Lake, Cambridge, do. Bohr John C Dexter, Price, Roxbury, do. Bohr B Prink. r.nglish, Danvers/ion, do. Bohr I.abolin, Thompson, Conlon, Boston, do. Behr Mary & Elizabeth, Reed, Ziewbuivport, do. (thirrnitr,•• , •l3°. of p li e Preps., HAVRE DE 0 CB. Aug 16, IWO , The Kingston lea .da here ibis morning with but one boat, and will then go on to Baltimore for re pane. She is expected to be ready for towing on MourNy. The Wyoming will make daily trips until taw Kingston mins. The abovo boat is the Wm P Conner, wheat, corn, and ante to it J iaoheoh. mI , MORATIOA• Ship Ann E Hoover, Hooper. from Liverpool for this it, WWI spoken V./th ult. IMO) 20. Toil 20 SI ship 1 PIMA, (Hamb.) Hanson, from Batavia April 11, t Boston 16th lust. . . • • • Ship Perthshire, (Br) Oats, sailed horn Rio Janeiro 17th ult for tiavannah. Bark Blisahattli. Brookinan, hence at Lon on 3d mat, Bark Arcadia, Kaiiook, Balled from Ce.aenne arh met for Basun.. fiark Trieste, Bewail, hence at Rio Janeiro 17th nit. Bali( Florests, Welsh, for this port, salted Dom Itto Janeiro Ma nit Bris J U Mansfield. Wslirve. at Rama 7th instant, ohArtaied for Boaton, 11Kre to box. Brill Mary L. Milliken, hoiden, henna at Cardenas Bth instant. . - . Brig Abby and Pliztt.th, Hand, milted from Rio Ja neiro 18th nit for this por . Brig A J W nopittarth. droves. henoe for ftio Janet ro.was spoken 11th tilt let at 36. ion Brig lyeauetere, Wieser. henoo at Brlerol, Pill, 31st ult. Brie Delhi, Darnaby, for this port, cleared at Havana 7th Inst. Brig Model, Small. henna at Batus.l4th ult. Brig now" I Rowland. vowland, cleared at Boston lath mot rot this port, to load lot Buena. Ayres. Brig Berinati• rliernien, for this po", sewed from New huryport mit Paws Ivy, Henderson. end L. el, Levering. Corson. henna at 11th inst. Botts Maria 11....tana, Palmer and Buwasset, Brown. hence at Easton 16th inst. Bony Nevis. Traay, henna for Bridgeport, at New Vora Nth inst. inACKEREL, SHAD, HERRING, 811.- 1W bbla Noe. 1,2 and 11 largo and medium Mao kerel,in assorted vetokages. of a vo, y ohoiori quality; gdso GO tails, new No. $ largo glare. 60 half Mile um N 0.22. o, 60 bble new No. medium o. 20 do new Eastern Men Shad. 40 half Utda new do do do. 1600 Mils new Eastport. No, / herring. SOO (10 do rto. do. adb do no. , eon No.] do. 100 (to do 1 iodic Flan. 1 2 0 5 0 d u 0 tfin e rt i rd . 1: 3 4Mi1l rf..tillTaundriAtiol a %INV 0121"8, re '11111211 , 11 , 1 lc K 002116, tee rarlirrfl Wm.* nvF.S. WORK'S ODOMETER BAND COM , iti f x, Hurd, cow, , manufacture WOVI PATE. 0 OME, OttatltteflE HAlllpfi Wale are durable °heap unit ealthent. measuring t lith sOcUraar Ear, distance paned ovori: verde to erlajoh the? are Writhe& liege extra- nis scl / 3 ftrk oat Out o trite , More than inferior eon without the 9/3 6t 4 . rtt. reliable Agents Wanted h i a u or t a o f the muttri. loam sue tor 'Ambers. sioll-Mt THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA. b~~sr;~~~1~~~7`.~a,. . Dysreyele, Debility or the system. Distee limeyyla, Debility of the aystent, Dyeeepois, hIVBIL COMPLAINT, ACIDITY. LIVER COMPLAINT, .ACIDITY, BILIOUS COrgIPLAINreI, 810 X lIBADAOHBr BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK ÜBADACHE, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCY, LOSS O F APPATITE • and the numberless et her diseetee Arising from ledicee hoe and fonotional dlmorde•e of the stommh, And rend! relief to that established and eterttne remedy. THE OXYGENATED DITTEXS, TRW OZYORNATZA BITTSIM We call the attention of the reader to the followtos letter free President South &marl,' of Viresleien University, and now attached to toe tioientitlo Coins or the Expedition which recentiy salted for tireenland Mini:ll,22ow tr. 001211.. Feb.gl, Msg. PITH W. Tome es Co.—iientlemen : I first made age of the Ores/mood Bitters HOMO seven or Pie ! I t ' ears since. Having suffered for twenty rears from a form of di asepsis, which was attended with a nervous heal ho. on an average of not 14s • [tun one day inn welt. I was induced, by the unpretending recommend itiou of Dr. Green, ' to try one bottle and if no benefit WM received to discontinue the use," . . . . The use of one bottle warranted a further trial, to the extent of some three or four, with a careful observance of the accompanying direcitions. The remit wan. to almrstrintire ref of from the slaw,' thspeptto symptoms and their depressing. painful consequently'. I believe these Bitters produced au entire chance in the habits of my •) stem, and upon the active energies of the dig^s• five organs. I now them myself as exempt from Dye impala ea moat persona nose Bitters have also been of service to Other members of me family. Very rastwatfally yours, AUCEUOVIS W. WITH. THE OEYeENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED 131CTRIls Tiogs. co, Pa,, Aug. 25. 138.1111.1M1N : Aftet suffering for moro than thirty years with Dyspeyma, and trying many 'medley re commended for that disease without any good result, was Induced, b, Dr. F. It White, of bletnaftekt, to give the Oxygenated Bitters a trial. I took two bottles, which gave me so mush relief that 1 yuroheuted two more, which have nearly or quite effected a owe: fam now nearly eeventy•five years or age, and for three months cast have felt no inconvenience from mr foo d take great pleasure in recommending the Bitters to all atßioted with Dyspepsia and its concomitant dis claim. A. FIRDAR.D. I have used tho Oxygenated Bitters In my practice with decided ouoooss in debility and colonel prostra tion &ie., and confidently recommend them in general &lath and diseases of the digestive organs. PREPARED DP N. W. POWLE 4 CO.. hold by Drunntsin, llenlsen, and blinolannls In vim, town and °lt/ thrtuehout the oonntu 1/115 NORTH BECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE AOENTR. SOLO EVZRYWHERR 1/204tord&P7 THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD HE TEST OF YEARS, AND (MOWS DIODE T An" NuAN And testimonis e. new, and almost wunout number. might be raven trom ladle' and sentlensen In MI grades of waniety whose uokteol teramony none co Id resist, that Prof. Wood's Hetr Res'orstise snd restore the bald trir d afft. l iglEffb e e r a v u e l;l e helm of the youth te" ago, . Barris Crum. Mich .. Dee 11, 18c3. Wein t Tose whit please accept a line to in tmai thee that the hair no my nears att rill off over weet. tears aco, canted by room PI tested oh• re,io dis ease attended with an eruption on the head. A con tinual course of eufleriag Omagh life havtos reduoed me , o a state of tietninde.ice I have not neon able to obtain muff for cap*. neither have I been able to do then op in consequenee of wbieh my head has iniff..red extreme'. from °old. Tole induced me to par Rages & Rogee alalost the last cent hed on ea to for tw lc dollar tile of thy Nair ueitormiv•at.nt the Ist of August last. I hove la.thfuliy followed the direetteis. and the bald eiot it now covered 6 ith hair tniek and black, though eho-r ; • it IR lOU Mir IR in ell over my head Feeling confident that aim her large bottle would restore it entire', auu permanently. 1 feel cantons to peraevere in its use. and It fog destitu fr of means to purohaee any it ore, I you d as. thee if thee sruuldet not be willin• to send nil an onier on 'bine agent* for a bottle, and 'twelve tot )self the l'eripture oecharaimn " he reward le to those that are kind to the widow and the fatnerleaa." Tay friend. SUS aNNAII. )(IRBY. Ltoottrita, Non, ao.. Indiana Feb a. leap Pace 0../ Woo n: Dear die: in toe latter part of the year 18511. while attending the State and halloo& Law Schorr, of the State of New York. my hut, Crop:Lacuna unknown to me. commenced failing elf very retool), no that in me short spec of Mx month.. the whale upper part of ray scalp Was almostuntirely beret' of its cover me, and much of toe remaining portion upon the side and back part of my heackinervy ale, h*came gray; that you wil t not be surprised when I tell you that, upou nip return ro the State of hail ma. me more. visual no quid ntanees were not so mush at aloes to Maaoyer the cause of the change In my appearance, as mt mote in timate aceuain.ances were to recognise me at all. I at once made application to the most skilful physi clansinthe country, out, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored 1 was forced to hemline teem:roiled to my fate, until. fortunately, in the latter part of the year Uhl, your Restorative was recommended to me by ..druggist, as being the moat Jeanine flair Restorative in use. I tried one Dottie. and found to my great satisfaction that it was produoinr thy desired effect. Singe that time, I have used covert din ars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have rich coat of very soft blank hair, vrnloh no money car IV; mark of my gratitude for your labor and chill In the produotion of so wonder in en article, I have recent mended its use to many of my friends aud acquaint/m -om who, I am happy to intorm )7 on, are WSW 1115Mh like etfeat. Very rennuctfolly r Mrs, A. at. LATTA. Attorney and Counteltor et Law. Depot, 441 Broad Way. and sole by ail dealers throu.h out the world. The Resrotative is put up in Bottles of three In.. viz: large. medium , and sP. all ; the email holds ha lf a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holes at least tweet. per vest. more in proportion um the email, retails for two dollar; a bottle; the large holde avian, 4u percent. more in proportion, and re tails for 83 a ottle. 0 WOOD & CO., Preprietors, 414 nito A LIWAY. New k, and 1 t 4 M e RFC e.T Street. ht. Louis. filo And sold by all good Druggiais arid Fancy Clouds Deal er/ Sold here by DYOLT & CO., 232 North SBCOND Mien. 31.0THERS, . - Tt must be obvious not on p to you. but to every atten tive and intelligent person. that the first diseases of In fants arise chiefly from a disordered oonthuon of their bowels, avd in thllloo , nentiop we present to your notice for the alleviation and ours or these diseases kremedy KTIOWTI 1112. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. Prepared from loimula need by Dr. Raton with re markab a emmese dorms several ream' practice, we know it to be it most reliable andeeteasious remedy for infantile complaints, and one trial alone will convince You of kind euperiority over every other ereparation of the kind, it in yartmularly recommeeded FOR 01111.DHEN TEETHING. And at this period of infantile life. when , your anxious heartt+ are pained by witneahing the s•nlierinsti of your little one. it will be fo nil invaluable in Softening the Gums, Redwing Hutammaiton, and Seller Mg all Pole. For DIsE setCB ATTEN NG - Tr.LTHINO, email na Diatehact, Dvsente_nf. Grips-g in the Balogh, Acidity of the Stomach, wind, Colic, and Cold in the Hind, we confidentty offer this an a certain relief and cure in every once when riven In time. It will niverla- Ply regulate the stomach and bowels, a,d its imyyrtanee in this resneot can hardly be estimated. 1N CONVULSION% from - 1;01Mb more sniente STA Sto to die than from any ether dieettee• the littie mutterer to relieved instanto. trecurty, as if by mei° • and in Ode dread comeisint atone. tie intrinele yaluolo ouch that it hoe teen recom mended torn one farinlY to axioms!". until the name of DR. IrATOoeis INYANTII4o. CORDIAL bee become " ferailiAr as a household word." We new Kenyonr us teution to a a.Neot of yit interest to yonrielt. se veil ail to )oitr ;suffering child. Dr. Eaton's WAWA. Cor dial oontaiaa YO 1110/IPAINE OE OP/ATE or ant/ kind, or of tokateorr nature. egir a fact tolgicA um Guiltily Warranted in staring menet be said Of nay other preParation fort nfryttale diseases, at Mil tfrae before the pubrie.‘lll we find that throw/hoar- the °outlier, Motes/ears becoming convinced of this trot'', and of the cad and blighting consequences Which are certain to result horn the us+ of narcotics diseuield to the form of quieting remedies; their continued aqudn titration Intim, indsetably followed by stuvernestioen and ourndipetion of she bowels ending oftentimes in son. yoleinne. Herm D It. EATON'S INFANTILE MAR. DIAL. dints teem every other remedy, it DOES NOP CONSTIPATE the bowels, neither does it sot be deadening the mei- Wales of your obilden, but natures ly. through Ste rare medioinalgualities, by removing all vain and cause of disease. We earnestly recommend yon, therefore, to !Dimino time in procuring a bottle, that you nifty hate at hand a remedy wino)) will never fail to relieve your child in tune at need. It re perfectly hart:tie:a, andtan• not injure int moot delicate Want. Take none but DR. N. eTON"t .1.111 , A71TD , E COR DIAL. This you can rely upon. Price fid cents oar bottle. Prepared only by nutmeg ONT, No. 402 BROADWAY. New York. And sold by them. and by all repeatable Drugitte.and b aud-ma NorthrPlPOT CO. -mad-tow 232 EIFCOND St., Philadelphia ENNESSY BRANDY.--70 casks, in :.%"; !Jr4 54A(9/41;21.1V1,4 RICE.- 200 l'lorces Primo autailin_g v- Cbartevon Riot, for *Me JAMES 011Anati • I 0. VT'T to •1•14.4 t nig 8.-25 bbls. No. I Western Lard Oil g SACO %.1 1 1 , 3 1 Extr i a paged Whet? 310 O l tirtiVrAniß a D/Ute g0,"1r4. 1 uLL MARVEL . MEDICINAL. RELIABLE TESTIMONY PROIR DR. WRITE, Id ...Norm!), Tioca co., Ps.. Aug. 2s. P 463 F. 11. WHITE, ht. D THE OXYGENATED BITTERS THE OXYGENATED BITTERN 18 TREMONT Street, Balton D '5l OTT & 00.. SOLD EVERYWHERE:, MOTHERS MOTHER'S MOI HrRS. MOTH. RS. FRMAN. AIIGISST 17. IMO. ItAILIWAD Lisr,o. fo*:IDRI-WERKLY PABatNgE ANS/FREIGHT 7 :n " [l 7 and PORTBMOUTII. Vis via the Thiledelphie, WArmuston, and Baltimore and naiddara itattroadd,titende by,the dew Meunier Phila. delphis tp Nadel% audr orramouth, a, An and after Sufi 9111, passengers front Philadel• an is will take the 8.10 A. nl. train at the depot, earner Broad street and wnalungtdu. a"' n" 4. 00 Tuesdays, Thursdayi;and • aturdaye, arriving at nom ford at lad P. M., and at Norfolk early the next Warding. Tha steamer Philadelphia will leave Norfolk on the evenings of Monday. Wednesday. and Pridar, connecting vriih the train at Boalord. whloh arrives at Philadelphia at 1 P. M. Pare for first-olaes passengers, including meale on the beat. 07. Peoend-etaini taasengeis, including meals on the boat, SCAM token aa .CAP 611 by any other route. or further particular.. see small hand•bulle at the hotels, and other publics places, or torture of U. P. DARK, Arent, H. IcTifireN l ,l4:tel".l ;p h :art 1727 1m P. .&i. H, R. too. W ST OHES, .bR RAILROADAND PHILADELPHIA VIA MEDIA, RUMER. AR RANGEhIENT. On and after Mends July „ to h DM, the passenger trains will leave PHILADELPiIIe_, from the Station. cornet 01 Market end Lehman or Thirty .orst street.. west Philadelphia, at 7.30 arid 10.30 A. M.. aaQ 130. 4.48, and eas P. M. - Leave WEST CDESTI. from the Depot, on East Market street, at 6.40, 8. and 10 30 A. M., and 1,46 and 6.13 Y. M. ON SUNDAYS. 47 ' 11 `eb 1r141 depot, northeast ftklt,Li P Leave West Cheater. at 7.30 A. 7.3,, and 5 P. The last passenger railway oar will leave "f ront an d o.l.,rket streets 30 tainut..e. end Eighth and dtarlret streets la minutes. before the starting time from the da pat. and wilt carry a fiat to den,,te it. The Exegete Car will leave Eighteenth and Market street,” 01:1§1 hour oefora the deserters of the train from the West Pntladelpnia depot. Trains leavir at 10.30 A. M. and 4.40 P. d 1„ oonneet at Panneiton wit trali-s tar all p , dets on th e phitadeiphia and LI darner. Central Railroad. 0-hoe and waiting room southeast corner of Eighth and Martet e-reets. where paaseagera. purchasing tiokets for West Chester Will be furnished with a tioket Over the passenger railway, _ WOOD, J73-tf Uateral Roverintendent. PLIALADEt.yhi AND 114_NIMIN BALT,MtiRP, OPIN'On eD. —RUAIM - ER ARRANOEMENT.—UntiI further notioe the train, will run as followe: Leave the passenrer depot of the West Chester and Piwailel- Phia Ita, road Co. corner Market and Thiel -first arrests West Philanelphie.deilY (Bandaye exoepted) at 1696 A. hf. Reda ed P.M. Leave West Orove at 840 A. M., and 4. P.M. Aaily line of Stages to and from New London and Oxford connects a.th the la a) A. M.'l raipirom Phila delphia and the 840 A. M. train from West 13,0ve, leaving xford at 6.30, A. K. The beautiful scenery and Well - known healthfulness of Delaware and Chester co unties offer nape nor tp in duments to those looking orsurnmar boardins. Frelphta for thin line received at N 0.104 Market Bt. A. B. außTor4, Philadelphia. June 98.1836. tauls fluverintendent. W 9114111 NORTH PENNEriIo vArr _RAILROAP. For RI, REM, 1.19 -TOW.LP::4_, EASTONt CRONE. RA MA. ON. WRITE. RAVEN, WILKEVIABRE, WILLIAMSPORT, &a Tllftbh, THROUGH TRAINS. On And after IBONEAY, J 1 $4, haV, Pa:mercer Trains will lesve FRONT and WILLOW streets, phi.. ladelphia. DAILY. (Sundays excepted' as follows: At AM A m. LExpremb _for Bethlehem. A llentown, Matzoh Chunk, Hazleton, WAkembarre, Williamsport ' &a. At 2.30 P. AL (Expreul, for Bethlehem, Easton, &a. This train mantles Easton at. 6.60 P. M., and makes close connection with New Jens, Central for New yort. &aAt 6 P. M. for Bethlehem. Allentown, M naafi Chunk, At P A, AL and 6 P. P. for Doylestown. At 10.10 A. M. nod 6.60 P. M. for Port Washington. The aSO A. M. Ravels Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkesbarre, and to alats in the Lehigh Coal Region. TRAINS FOR PIIILADELPHIA: Leave thlehein at 6,a5 A. M., 910 A. M. and 6.22 P. fel. Leave yleetoorn at 740 A. AI and 4.10 P. M. Leave t Washington BUN at ASS A. M. and 2 Hy. M. ON OA VS: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at A. M. Philadelphia,. for Doylestown. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 64,0 A. Al, Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6.00 P. ht. Fare to Betblehern..sl 601 Pa.,. to Mauch Chunk.o2 60 Fare to Easton... . . 160 I PATO to Doylestown.. 000 Through_ Tickets dust be procured nt the Picket Of- - fore at WILLOW Street, or BEERS Street, in order to 'maitre the shove rates of fare. - • AtiPaSsenser Traintt ezoept snpday Trains) connect at Serge street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Second and Third-street Passenger Railroads, 20 Minutes after leaving Wilk:oar Mrett. 5T3 ELIAS CLARK, Agent. 1860. MIIMMIII3 1860. ARRANGEMENT—NEW SPRING VORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMNOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD c0. , 8 LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLATES, Pm, Walaut-ativat Wharf, Will leave a. follovra—vu: At 6 A MI via Camden and Am ... boy,. a it A. Accom- 2"2. . .. 23 At 6 A Camden and Jamey City (N. oommodatlon.. gyp via Camden end Jamey ifOrsung At A. Mail ll7 an 330 AtIA P dation At 1P Id, v. a Camden and linboY. C. and :A. Ex- At 4 P hi. by Steamboat via Taoony and Jersey City, Evening Express....... 5 co At P 13teamboat via Tammy and JetleY City, 2tl Clue Tmkot x ta At 61' ht, via Camden and Jeisey City, Evening Maill 00 At 11 P 51, - via Camden and • Jarley City, - lionfhern 8 Mail ..... 26 At 6P M. vrt Camden and Amboy Aooomtrioda. Con. (Freight and Paasenger,l-1A Chun Ticket, 22 d " 160 Tho PWI Mail Line runs dolly. The 111' hi, Smith ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambast - rill". Flemington, &o..nt A5l and 4 P 51, from Walnut-street wharf. and TAO A Al from Kesington. For Water Gap, Strouos burg, Soranton, Wilkegharre, Montrone, Great llond, km,, at 5 A. M. from Walnlit: street wharf, aid r.lO A. M. from Kensington, via Dela ware Laoicawanna and Western H. R. For Mount Holly. at 6 and 9A. ht., and di P. M. For Freehold, at 8 A. Mll., and 2 P. M. WAY L(1103. For Briatol, Trenton, at and 4 51. from Walnut street wharf. 7.10 A. M, and 61if P. M. from Konsmxton. For Pelt - arra, Riverton. Delanoo, Beverly, Stirling ton. 1? [mance. 13014481.8N4p, 12%1 and 04 P. M. Steamboat Jos ti es nay tor Bordentown and Interme diate Plugs. at 2)4 P. M. tileamboat Trenton for 'Moony. et ft A. M. and Tammy. Beverly. Burlington, and Idnatol, at 4 F. M. Fab. Pounds of Baggage._ only. allowed anon Pavia:i -f:ill, Peasants's aye prohibited t'rom taking anything an agate but their wearing apparel, All baggage over eTr pound: . orb t gt P l A t i o d y [ o a r _ gag e el tr' il e lpo e ltYp a er ny expo u nd, and will not be liable for a ny amountoeyona trluu.neg oast by epecial °entreat. WM D. riaTZNIER Agent. . . . AND ~,7rr r ,6 Tre gxoippra . R.B A t l LßUAD. On and after APBIL Id, Oomniutatiou Tickets, With twenty-me couns. will be m o o ed, good f ort e, the polder and any member of his family, on any i'esesoger Train, and at any time. They will be by the sourer, at the otfloe of the company, No. rff tioutb iOUlt fit etteet,at e. seduutwe, of twenty-Lye car cent. om the yegular fetes. Parties wishing to enjoy the tininier in the Muntry will find this a very desirable route, the Schuylkill and Lebanon Valleys being ampot Most N 73103011 end healthy in the State, and aeoes. c as by four trains from and to nOilviniphin dad, H. BRADFORD. Treasurer, F111L8D31.10113.. March Seth. 1803. 1i0322-tf IVaST OLIE;oTER TRAIN Na PEN7iSTLEA NIA RAlbatiAD. lease depot. corner I.:LP:V.I4TR and MARKET. at 790 A. M.. 1730 P. M., and {P M. On Salida.", leave Philadelphia at it A. Al., and Went cheater at e P M. 1730.11 PIiILADELPHIA,UtER MANTOWN AND NOItRIb 4YlWit LW/AO—BUM MEIC A R RANGEMEIa. On and &nee MONDAY Mar 14,1330, FO/2 amutArtowN. Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11, and 19 11. lltn 14, Pi, 4,5, 6,7, P. P. 101.‘, awl 113.4 P. N. Leave Germantown 6, 7 4 , , r tut, 8 .10, LIMA. M. 1,2, 9,4, 5,6, 6A, 7, 8,9, / 0 upi 8 DAVI, Leave Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. if., 9,3, 5,7 X, and wK r. Leave Germantown 8.10 min. A. 111., 1.10 luta., 4, CM and 4% I% M. CH.P.STNI.I7 RILL RAN.R.OAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8, 10,19 A. N., 8, d, 9,0%, 0, 9. at .. C ' S* Sa t innt 740. cia, ma. 9.011.0 A. Li.. 2.40, 9.10. 8.40, and 1.10 P. 51. ON UNPA YB, leave Philadelphia 0.04 A. ht., 1,11, and 1 1 1 ‘ P. 1 11 . .Leave Chestnut Rill 7.50 A. Al., NA. 6.10, and 9.10 all P. M. Lesß CONBROROCKEN AND NORRIBTOWN. e Philadelphia 540. 7N, 9.08. 11.00, nania, A. 51., 106,8.08,4)0,840, 6.60, and 1111( P. IC Lase. Norristown IL 7, 8.0, 11 A. 31.1 100, 1.3 i. I and 7%. P. M. ON EUNDAYB, leave Philadelphia 9 A. ht. end 8 and 6 I'. hi. na.ses Norristown TY A. 91.0 and 6 P. M. Leave Philadelpma 5.90 174 . 9.t Y as 1 .ua A. N., 1.00. o.t.a, 6 - 86 ,6. 6 0, alit and lii Leave Manaeuna 6. 1 4, 7%, 6.12, 9)9, and 11.33 A. IL, 2, 3.04, 63101, and 930 P. 9T. ON 8 UNDAYit, Leave. Philadelphia 9 A. 91,3, 9, and 8 P Leave Manatunk T 3 A. 00.,1%, P. H. K. sAwyn,_General Simony tendert: tllll.O DEPOT. NINTH and GRE1:11 Eiteeela asklmita Id tprr. 4.; UAIMER Alla AN OE - rini,A Lpituji, Wil. YIiNGTOPI, AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD. On rtnd ?idler MOND!, Y . July 0. 18qt, PASVINGER TRAINS LEAVE ritiLADtLPITIA, For Balt:more at 8.1 2 A. M,, 11 noon, ( /Unless, ) and 11.10 P. AI. 11.FOr10 Chester Bl. at 8.12 A. M.. /9 /1000,1. 11 , 0.00.900 and P. For WloMillflol2 at 8.18 A. M., 19 noon, 115, 0.20, 7.h0, and 11.10 P. ht. For New Castle at 9.15 A. hi., and Me P. N. For Middletown at 8.16 A. At., and 5,60 P. M. Per Dover at 5.15 A. 51., and 5.00 P. M. For Harrington at 8.15 A. M.. and 5 P. hi. or Milford at 8.13 A. M. Tuesdays, Thuradat s, and Saturdayv at 5.n0 p. to an Farmington at 8 111 A. Al. Mondays , Wednesdays, and Frldayis at 5.00 P. M. or Seaford at 8.15 A. Ai. Mondays, Wednesdays, and FridaYs at .5.00 P. N. For Salisbury at 815 A. M. ifir Train at 815 a. Id will oonneet at Seaford on Tueffilitys Thuriiihiyii, laud Kuhn:hips, with ateathhont to Notfolt. TRAINS FOR I'HIL.A.DELPRLA leare Daltimore at 940 A. hi., (Expresso 1115 A. vt, and B.* M. LeantoWi)mlnston at am, am, and 1150 A. Al., 1.0. 4.60, awl 1141 P. M. 1.05•01 4 201010017 at 1 . 30 P. M. boars istalord, Tuesday!, Thursday., and Saturdays, at 1.20 A. ht.. and 1 be I'. t. Lean, Farmington, Tuestltyn, Thuradars, and Saha. days, et 800 A. 51 , and tab P. 01. save filitford:l'ilothittys, Wedueeda7s, and Frillaye, at 7.09 , A. M.. and LOU P.O Moslfo Itanington at 8.15 A. AL, ani p tilP, M. patl: iti:lfettriti,ils 'l,ltl s : 2 a 3 nd . e h li t r.m. ve ChestrAtle at 8.00, 10.55 A. Al.,_a 1.05 I'. hi. aave r at 940, 9 /0 A. NI., .19• 04 , 2 4 9 , 0. 1 0. rind LIS P. hi. 01 8 " Leave Ilaltimore for Salisbury end Delaware lititititiiit at 10.15 A. Ili, and 825 P. hl, 'r.ll/11.NO Fox 1 1 / 1 1 / 1 1.510.1110 ..911ve Chester at 9015 A. M., 12.18 and 1100 P. M. Leave Watranr.tou at 9.2.5 A. M..19A5 P. AL. and 11,5 A, ID FREIIIIIT 'l . lZ.Ailii, vnth PASSENGER OAR attaehosi, will run an follows: Lettere Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate Platter, at h p. AL Leave Wilminston for &arrival* and intermediate olnooa at 5.00 P. AL Leave 115.VtO•do-Oraes for Whin/ore and intermadl. Mg plasso• at 8.0(1 A, Al. L00.1:0 13:L111010TO fO Marra-de-Grape and intermedi ate plaaea at 4.00 2. Ai,SVB Only at 11.10 P. hi., froth 1 hitadelptne L to r.-altirnore. thl.l. at 5.1t5 P. 111.. from Baltimor e to phi .4.101,,, 1)7 8. Pd. PEL.ToN. Prendent. ELA4tRA B:OUTE / --- AIWA lIROAD, Inomin PifiLADELI'IIIA AND ISL. RA t.I.I3I(IKR , iT P.OISTE to Tamaqua, Catavina Ru pert, Willreauarte,_ Betanton, Wil lumsport, Troy, Ralston. Canton. Elmira, 13nralo, Niagara Falle, Roehreter, Cleveland. DOW!, Toledo, etileago. St. Lome, Itliluaultee, and all points Vona and VI, eat. Passenger trains will leave the new Depol of the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and OALLOWHILL Streets, (Passenger entranep on Cal.- !owl - oil street,/ daily (Sundays exoeptettl, for above DOHA& as follows : DAY EX P.RES NIGHT .. 330 It. RI The 8.0? A. M. train conneets d at ii i iipert, for Wilkm tgieff.AMignel A l' igli t' ;i n t:ol2lS DIU stations ?t a OAV. the above trains make direct connections at Minna with the trains of the New York and Uric. Uanandaigns and N„iagara Fails. and Rotolo, Now York and Lrie, and i3w York Ventral Ran' oadir, 'gust all go:M.sl4orib end Weal, and the ranadr.s. Bottgageoheekt.d to Elmira, Bullet°. and Suspension Bndge, and all erinedists points. Tickets canna , roonred at the Philadelphia and El mira Railroad e's I ini.et (Moe, northwestcorner of SIXTH and OH P. UT Streets. and at the Passenger DeP°t 't /I cc h m ild laM I Li' Leave t.ne chit telphta and Reading Depot, Itroad and Cattowhill tato I ids*, (errt eltdsTete4), 107 14.1 . point" weet a North, at 6 ". Freights mu he delivers before P. M. to Incite their gOlng thi ante day• Ent_ ter information al at Freight Depot, TIiII. and arm i l l ; or to MIAS, APPE mural /Aunt, oornor HandlOß wis yr Streets. rialladeleht. E.SiLROAD LINES. • ; NSYLVANIA CENT RA L RAILROAD,. ISO MILES DOUBLE TRACY. 1860.. artifamok 1860. THE CAPACITY OF AIM 11,911 Sir EQUAL TO ANY THE CO NTH . BETWETHROUGNJASSB GER RAIN_ EN PHILADEL .111, AND PITTSBURG, lormeatt dtreot at Hut shoewi th Through Trams from Boston, New York, and ,ot Points Lest, and in the Union Depot at Pittshesa with Through Trams to and trom a points in the west, Northwest, and Southwost —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers marlin's/teed for speed end comfort by any other route. ilipreid — eind Feat Lino. rim through to Pittaburg, without change of Carsor Conductors. An through Pas. stinger Trainsprovided with Loustiridge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer. thus adding much to too safety of traveuere. Smoking Cars are attached to snob Train_, - Woodrun'a Mapping Can to Express and Feat Trams. The KIPRESB RUNS DAILY, Mail and Feat Linea. Sens ""Meatrraentletres riniavatna at 77 0 R. Ni. Etat Line, 11.5014. M. y ou 'I rein leaves " 10.46L . M. AY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOL OWE i Xar sburg AoCoraipodation i Via IP. M. 1.,0' tumble 4.00 . M Parkeebtur ~ MO . 211 . . West Chester " LI 30 . al. West Cheater Passengers will take the Mall, VS oil Chester Acoommodation,and Columbia Trains, Passengers fer lilunbury, Williamsport A Elmira, Beira to, Niagara Fa ll,' a nd internieth ate Writs. leaving Phi ladelphia at 7.16 . M. and 3P.M. zo directly throtC. Tickets Westward may be obtained stilts °IMMO the Company ilifhiladelf l up , New York, Bosso,u, or J. timore; an Tioketa ard et any of the important Railroad 0 oes Steamers est; alao op_ boand any of the regular Ling of on the efulaisslmit or Ohio avers &Mint ita low. and time as quick, as by aril other outs. For further information al/71Y at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Isle and Market Streets. The , tomplepoh li n d she Western cop:gone of the t IM* ra' a f,Ariik_CPE &Wife LEST the Tku, °EMT WISK. The consumboa or tracks by the ferriage or Freight together with the saving oft ime, are advantaceefeadil l Y +ppm/Noted by B ilionlinl of Freight, and the "irtlYe ling NObllo. Merchants and Shirs mammon the traimputtation of their g reight to th ppe is Compel:l7i can rely wall coati donee on its speedy t ensit, THE RATES OF kREIORT to and from any point in the West by the ennsylvanta Railroad ars or all times us fattener, as an charm( by raker Rat/road Compaosin. NV" Be partioslar to mark package,' " vie Penna. Rall road. to or Lft - git Para IV foitigli g i olft74 I I PM Mt! OA y t A. STEW ART, Pitt/Mum ff. S. Fierce k. qa..,/anervjue,o4 J. J. Johnst:i j i Ptah', O,; H. McNeely arevius, Ry.; Ormsby & mope?, Fortswou*,l l ; utdo<s .o k. 80. JetiersBn t i 'mu 'illatiiierf anolzi r ra, Ct• R. A . lia lla rntri ti l ; 31Laci A n '' , RP.; lea. E. igoo leu r lfilit, 64 , iii. twey & co., h,ver,e,i 5, ad.; .W. tfraham st. Co., Cairo, ISA R. F. Sass, Sharer k Glass, Cit. Louie, Mg ~. John 110fer rhe, bleahvilie, Tentid, Harris & H , Pfitoder, 'rem; (narge & Co., Chir's°, iIi.LST . . ki..11. iim, Alton, Ili.: 07 IR.Frelght Agent, of Rasmus at emit points I ti n t irElr t- STOji ii Phamelphis. L O v e . a , ° ,ifi'r loNort h ~rraett.rttalitagag.e,lt.Y, LL' XIII to ry., tat:1 1 11 i talon. _ E: r, . 0 14, al fick4 14.1,1 1 11. " % .ts. ~,. 113, Gen'l batet Altoona, rr. gl-t, PIIILADELPIIIA ADEADING gALI, R.OAD.-nPA.t ll" Mt T R A INS for POTTSVILLE, READING and ,HARRISBURO. MORNING LINE, DAllrtindareenepted.) Lefo7o New Depot, °error 0 ORVAL &ILL! CALLOW IIILLAtroate, PUMA lIELP lA, (Passenger entrance' on Thirteenth and on Uallowhill streets ) /HALM A. Al.. connecting" at Harrisburg with the PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD, I PM. _awn rannior to Panther' ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY IA P. Knelt) 711)1:0Dg to Oliernhersta;, esthete, Zee.;_ and the NORTHERN CENTRAL. RAILROAD I In. tad", running to San tarnt.to. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD End CALLOW LL Streets, FRILADELFILIA, (Passenger nti p mee . op.:Thirteenth and on Callon - hill streets') for Ilir v.t.buiska woutianukto, et 11.34) N.. DA .or at 0 m., DAILY, Mandan elt -4euree.l DISTANCES VIA I' if ILA DEL PIMA AND READING RAILROAD. Piton PIIILADILPDIA AMOS. h. rtiCeniXinne—,— 131 Reeding.. BS Le bapon.. 86 a lienbniS Trevorton innotion..l3B Sunbury . —^ 3B9 Lowusburg.----...178 MUIIOI---- Willitunspart -MO ,•„-Itabithn— Wthiamsport and Elmira Railroad. lmira The 8.00 A, N. an they Y. N. trpi oonneot daily et Fort Clinton, (Sundays encepted,) with the CATA WISSA, WILIAMSFORT and ERIE RAILROAD, making close oormecitions with linee to Niagara Falls, Canada. the Wert, end Southwest DEPOT IN PHILADELYIIat Corner of BROAD and OALLOWDLLL Streets. antli-t[ W. BtsILRENN-E7.2earstanr. Philadelphia sod Haadinc and Lebanon Velleylß..lc. NOTWE.--01IESTER VALLEY RAILROAD--PV ..4. IiBR TRAINS FOR DOWNINOTOWN AND IN TERSI.EDIATE , STATIONB.—On and afterlBth 180, the Wm/314er Trams for DO'ArNIN(3TOWIN Mart from the new Paaaenter Depot of the Phtle deishis and Jteading__ltaitroad COMDILDY, *Ortler of BROAD and uALLOWILILL Athlete, (saatenaer en trances on blOßlllolNfil TRAIN for Downingtown, :saves at ACO k. M. Y. AFTERNOON V.N.4111 ft! Downin:tevz, Isayes at SA. DAILY (Bntdays eatteste-L) By order of the hoard of Managers of th e I'illadelpkle end Realms. Railroad Compan). • W. MclLUENNEY.Seoretekrn AmtWEST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAINS vt4 t'neINSYLM II IF4II,ROAD. Leave Depot, corner ELEVENTH and MARKET OtTeete, daily (except 4nnday tat TIP A. M., nee SL, end 4Y. M. Leave ek44tpr at 44e L, M.-1046 A. M.. and 1.1.0 P. M. SIIIPPING. FOR THE SOUTH.—CIiARLEB - AID) SAVANNAH ISTEARLSRIFS, FRBIGHT REDUCED. fluty Freijht at an average, of per etzl. low Now Yor Stommiluinratas. OR CHARLESTON eke. The 13. S. Pli Steamship KXYBTOri6 STATE. Min Chaa, P. Alarshmart, will sail on Saturday. Anyuzi 2,11,_at 10 o'oloo% A. M. Through to u" 10 to tiotte—otily a) hours at Sea. . FOR SAVANZIAB,f3A. rho U. S. Mail Struchhin STATE OF GEOR3 I A. laptain John J. enryiii, will sail on Monday. August 20, at 10 A. M. through to ,„3 to 80 holm—emir Li hours at bet. Ackterws:;to - .n*Rfesm&l,Wri - „ . ' fi L;.7,7i every daY. Tiuroppandiii_Srat-mast cdo-wheol Stu mat,' ra E Y &rums ItiTATE and STATE OF GEOROIA now run as abore every ton clayS, th us forming A Sva-day commu nication with Oharlee.on and Bauman', and the Sank and Southwest. At Mitt Charlatton and Savannah, Aeon Ships con nect with steamers for Florida and Into railroads, for ell places in Le South and th wad. South OE. +tu Frelirkind inctiatTe oil a tyrirrneettlou ot Rooth then by aalri t niTess els. o l n o miu being r y o t n b e e - 4 11 . 0 rate. N. N. N.—lnsuranee on all Railroad Frelsht is entirety d nneoeetary, farther than Charleston or am6613411:120, the Railroad Companies Maine all rake 'torn these points.. tiEA REDUDITION ARt.. insYn D ligd i g i nVi a % 2 :r wall b i lerg en Jule. hrough tickets tr Phtliphia, t)waler ton and Savannah steamships, INQL WINO I'd.RALII on the whole route, swept oat Char oaten and dayein nab to Montgomery. INLJaire TA.I.N. lo Charleston—..--4113 tA). Charleston —.-- —.en CO Savannah-- LI 00 Savannah— __. 31 00 Angtista..---- 10 PO Augusta IV Macon.-- —....... 31 00 3 1 440 n— 33 71 Atlanta—. —.... 3360 Atlcatt6 --- 31 00 Bohnbus.----. 33 00 Oolumbitz.---...-- Ns 00 Albany—. ...... ss Oa Albany.— -- 37 OD Montgomen--. 34 00 Montgotnery— . 33M Mobile._. 36 CO Mobile -- 44 troy No Ortsans--. 39 34 New OrleanZ. ..._, 12 to No blitz, of lading signed %nor the ship telitrAtled, For [might or passage apply on board, at sound wharf above Vine street, or to . . . . ALEX. and Jr. Southwest oorter FOUR'rII. and CHESTIMIT. Anent' Charleston,T. S. &T. 0. BUDD. Savannah, naTIMER & OAMMELL. For Florid% from Charleston, steamer Carolina elrel7 Tuesday. For Florida from IStirannalt. steamers St, Man's and t. John's evarr Tuesday and Saturday, THE BRITISH AND NORTH MY& AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL MAM- PROU NSW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief rat nn Pa5an50..—.......„.• • &now: Cabin Passage • 76 PROM BosTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Pag , ace abOona.:ab.n Faaaase .... 'She shuns from New Y oalCaibaik rbor• 'lnc anipa loom Boston cell at nail fax and Cork um' bor. - • I P.I.RBIA. Capt. Junius. CANA RA. Capt. Lank, ARABIA, Capt. J. Mona. A NIERICA, I apt. hid ar. AMA. Capt L. 01. qt. NI AOA ItA, Copt Anderson AFRIC s, Capt. shannou. EUM.FA. Capt. 3 Leitch 8 4 '01 IA, i now building.) These vessels carry a clear white hat at ruse-head t ere en on atartioartl bow; red on port bow CANADA. Lang, leaves Boston. rh'eclues.ay, Aug. 8 AMA. Lott, " N. York. Wadnesday. Aug. la UROVA, I el.tch. " Ilo•tor Wednesday, Aug, 12 P1•11.1. 4 I a. J mitring. " N. York Wednesday, Aug. f,l ARABIA, Shone. " Boston, Wan. eil ly EePt. a AFRICA, Shannon. " N. York. Wednesday, beet. 12 Berths cot oceured until prud for. An exteriennerl Surgeon on board. The owners of these BlM'a will nit IA accountable for Onid. Vilver Bullion. ,pe talon owry, Precious rt.oues or Metals. tale a bine of are signed therefor and the value thereof therm exprepsed. For freight or pas sage, apply to F.. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. sue Now York. BUSINESS CARDS, J NICHOLSON, • Manufacturer of BLURTS LINEA and AIAttiSEILLEti Bosoms ANL COLL,Att;-. A large amt &tome aasortmen-, and watt. Me m?. always qa hand. unto letuoh l particular!) , I nvi a the attention of essa and prompt-pa)ine euquz-veur buyers. 8. C. Corner of SECOND mad ARCH Streets Phila. delphin. r,ll W. Near Itet REVILLE. LANCASTER. Co., ra. Manufacturer on tits • .id Procel4 MINCE 184.1 OF 1/01113• i'ILLEED Elt K RYE.ti 13K Y . Warta - ted to be Pure. with o ut c o r n or o r ac.- DISTILLED FROM. Tlit lIEBT OF RYI ONLY. f-lm" J. BAYLIS TIJON,II4, • ATTORNE.Ir-AT-LAW, Has remurted his ogle° from No. 9^23 Arch street No, 688 WALNUT Street. arhotdar attentlongiven to the recovery of Me roan - tire Mame. 7.nn drntli.ng nod examen ton of Willa. Oonveyaneen, Araignmenta, Briefs of and other Inetruments W titling, The management of Egeont o r. glues, Admintstratoratapa. and Truat‘. nueerintended; and the neat toonrites Kea:Lol for the permanent in yeatmente of t.'aim.actory raleronop when required. ap3O-Cm* H CINKY tc.k.LENE, ATTORNEY -AT4,A47. Ras RMOVItD ottoe from ti.ttt Welnut treet to No. i ' • Routh iRD Street. oh2ts, , • HVEIII4, ENgthF,l:ll. and I'AI`ENT No.lll Now . SIXTH Screen. (Nearly opposite the County Con rthonso,) Flo:lares Fpoonloottous, bruynnye. &a., anti tranenets At o et bozess Connected vita the ontattan< or Let tars &tett. ne2IS Inn* FUuUET BONN, • impoßTEns 0: HA VANA C/GANN. r+,. tinulh FRONT Stmt. Rtrive regularly amortment of dek.;rallo 01, 0 R 1 which they 911ar at low ritco. for o,n,ti ap vea ',rub? 109 IT PAwsori tc t(3IIOLSON, -- nouKV(ZWERS. 1103. 419 A.,lr .1 MatOic Between IVI.-rt,rt, mid Mental xtr, , e' N , /AMES PAW , 01 4 . JAE , . B. tiletini.loP. NV 1r • WAGNER. JtitINION, •• • ANTOftliii`i ArtP courNsELLoit-a'r-LANt a Office, No. 116 Botab 81XT1i Street, (Onboatte (ndepotolenoe bell-WOO PHILADELPIII/s, BLthe aid of reliable Attorneys, at different point, in the United Statsla, is enabled to prosecute and entlect claims of every dosorintion : l'arttou ar attention myna to the examination mid re aovory of tho °faints of Legatees and Devisees and the examination of Land Title., endatecarin. g tho lusereatt of helm and all venous latent/trod in tho cacao, in all wt.* of the Union. Hee the tatatee of all the States end is Commiseoner for mostof them. Deuce/Una carefully taken undor Cornrdaylone, apll-gm TSR.— Tar in kegs and barrels, for salo by_ ROWLISY. AYAlLtUdttiEll, & co., rio. &mkt WAiARVE4. sal4 FU NIBS, BRINLEY & 00. Do. 410 MARKET STREET. FIRST FALL SALE OF IMPORTED DRY 000D9. On Tuesday Mamas, Aurust Slat, at 10 o'clock, by °maims, on 8 menths credit, EGO 1410/ragell and lots of genaortable Goods. eatnyles and ea:Moines early on the ntornlns of safe. LARGE SALE OP FOREIGN DRY GOODS. (Slightly Damaged.) Prom tho store of Messrs. Yard Gilmore, & Co. On Tuesday Morning, August. ;Ist, at 16 ci• Moog. C 2 catalogue , lane alseOrt meat of ury Goode. Consisting mot of -1 600 dos men a ant women ' s roper 00110$ 00 do kid. silk. poti. N o rwayerio Wee*. do kid sauntlets4o.. seal Stoves. 1800 1 1 ,08 . c°l'd min kinek silk trimming and bait ribbons. ,po d o s plan, emb hose° smbrlo hakfs. $OO do fillet mitts, loo s and short 680 Dos. brillirinia.iaconet. cambric., and Swiss MU' 60 do superior suahty Irish linens. 35 dol. linen shirt fronts. WO 6 4 to 8 10 linen damask table-clothe. 160 coo. toted silk tide's. 100 do mohair delxige. and eo''d Oobergs. go do supe rb Quality mohsir tottr•s. 60 do 6.4 Franca' ool'd alefinosi. 20 do 6 4 do printed do, 30 do 6 4 all wool plaids. 40 do Paris printed uela , lBe.broohe. L/0101116. and ropkins leo do Igo d delam e and °Sanyo,. 120 elf wool delmnes. barflies. and en?* mantra'. 110 printed Cashmere. steno. and Tnihat 00 Vionnn, smite. and long broehs shawls. Abw. ob Ik, ,nolle es crape ahswe. robe/ neck ti, sewingdounotiois Sdarseillrs silk skirts and draw ers, Uwe' veils silk net., French needlework, toad. dresses, &0.. NF. PANCOAST, AUCTION.EER, Eno e•nor toll SCOTT, Jet.. 431 CHE'ITP4I/T St. CA RD.-1 have, in consequence of continued 11' health. disposed of ell my interest in the duos on bust • nese heretofore conducted byine at. 431 tit set to Mr. F. PAINLIAST. (41e .thtil 0 91telvtUlttf. to tinder sty thanks for the supportt have received. and LS I ilViAtlnuAtion Wray successor. whom I hereby authorise to codeine?) my unsettled aeconms B. SCOTT, la. i'altansetuza, Adroit I, I&, FJR'T L ROP: 1 1 A1.14 OF ilairrairl AN AND ret. FOR r 1.1) liftY GOODS, Evßeol DEAIe.B MILLI NERY GOOl.B, Ac. arc. for the Fail of /610. On Wedceslar Moraine, A it poet br catalogue. on s crytht.sommencing at 10 °lock. punctually. 11:11 (Udell w,ll on found an anortnient of eh°, we ens sortable (Jorge synod to sy o:caching *ales, to the attention or the towe is inearel. P " 'P FORD &CO , ABOTIOVEFRS IL No. 630 MARKET Strut. and 091 MINOR Street SABINE fa DUI'. INSURANCE AGENTS, No. 4%4 WALNUT Stmt. noire against tom or damage by Fare, on Cotton and Woollen Malts. and other Manittsotones, Bata Merohandise lt rann9re. and other property, on lava Varrhrs MC of HAIL FORD sar Cash caysck sad Snrelna_Sat= SI. 511,..TROPOLITAN FIRE INS.tand co. r op NE • W YORK *Ems , Cash Capial Bungee GO. PROVIDENCE wAmmerroN INS, CO., FROV. Cash_Capital and Surplus 51545 7136 IS. FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK. Caah.Capital and Surplus *Mils 01 ROPE FIRE INSURANCE CO3, 01 , riEw yotx, _Cash Capital and Surplus If Me,844 5/. CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO.. I)? NtVir RAVEN. _cash Capital ana Burptus 4124201 T 7 GERMANIA FIRE INS. CO., OF NEW Y O RK Caen Capital and eurplue •tui w. HUMBOLDT FIRE INS. 1,0. OF NE .V YORK. Cash Capital and Surptne $555,955 Applications an person orby note wall rearm prompt attention. • &MILNE & DUY,..4mnts, lea Sta No. 4 2 4 11 Mat u'r Street. T HE ENTERPRISE INSURANOE COMPAN' OF PHILADEPI3M. (FIRE DISDRANOB fIXOLIISIITBLY.) 1110NRANY'S BUILDING. H. TV, C_QRJYRB GliThr AND WALNUT STREKTs. 4 R4TOH7OI_P STAIN. MOILDACA.ID. Dlll/1101. ILI.We MCKIM, tfAzamo Psazrzs. pi t %TPA, rig M . ATWOOD. A. FAlnciasocl. sm. T. Tsanscx. Miming D. Casa, MIRY Virl/A11T01.6. J• L is lauttonex. P. DATDRY RD ARR. Yrtaident. OHARDEB W.-CoX F. Sacretarr. fell Nortill-f rvo Ttram ZitA MERICAN FLU. ENSITRANCE INCORPORATED 3810—CHARTER PERM UAL. No. die WALNUT Street,. stove Third, natio:lonians. Rasing a large insid-nd pital Bloat a¢d Elluelns Di vested in sound awl &maple Flecurittes coutmuts to insure on Dwellinse, eters', Pilmitare, Merohandise, Vessels in Port and their cargoes, sod other Personal Provost'. All losses libisasild and isncmrOd hellodedi Thom R. Marts, John T. John Weal_ ,h Amex It. DoLui ly Samuel C. Morton, Edmund Patriot Medd, Chsa. W. Peciltzsg, lewd Morns. Bunter, end one X. R. TIV_ALSE R. MARIS, President, ALBERT C. L. CRANs FORD. Searetarr. ten-u QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA NY—FRANKLIN BITILDIATie r Ole WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND OUR pus 9364,743.70.—huyaree =elm LOU or Damage by Fire, and the Penh, of the Bea. inland Ilangstnan and Trensgortatinn. VEORGE H. HART, P E rsaidont, ,fi re B= 7 ;tria Trate S. H. U . Aseistant Heoreteiey. rs? C Cane H. H. Cog gs edl, Hon. 11. M. Fuller, jNSURANUE OOMPAN )t THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INEURANCE—No. 4 L.ICCISANUE BUILD ,NOR. Chartered 1n 179+—Claniial s2=oB—Ariatis, Janitor, Is as, $347,446 40400. All Ll:waited in 'sound, and nratlable se.easities—con. Ilan to insure on Vaasa!gond Cargoer, Derldingz, of Marehandige. &a. on liberal toms. I/LECTOR/I Senn' D. Sterrett. George H. Stmt. 89noon Toby, Naomi Grant. Jr., hlnosloruir, Witham 8. !Irak, Taboo Warner, Thomas IL WlitUsai .o:l2: 6, P i rzina ., o C._Carson. BEGRItEItI). President. . Reossearr, i• LIME if EXCHANuE iNSURANOE ethiIPANY —oMoe No. wig WALNUT Street. nag INSURANCE cut ROlllBll and Northam:Hap ft :1121 . on favorobte Loma, lather Hilted or per- DINSGT9RIS. rohtatilh. raid D. lobate. .en tbs. °alma T. Men. 2toaliiat - n. Sarni. L. smadlii,_ JgREMIAIt BONELAL.L., ?readopt. 491iN Q. airiNoov, Vino PreadenL hDCOARD W DAVID. Poonstarr na3l-wtmtl Vi.tot INSURANCE ANL PBNN MUTIIAL I , trit lvav !uric% compmiy, tlettbetsat owner or THIRD ar.,. IWK Etreots. Aemste, SOU% at. INSIIRLB LIVE d for the whole term of We-vents annuities and endowniente—eurohamea life Interest+ in Reef EAU:C.4S.one tastes all oontreete der,enduld on the oontingenefee of Lite. They set M Executory. Ainantetruetc, Jtatlateds linetetta. and thardiass. .Rt.WeS L. ,Ottlallllll COALS]. lo6td t 4. Nebold, Pril.lem P. Hecker, •A - I{ttesu H. Kern, Carmel C. Hue; Charles HeMows% }Gem C. Townerde Itodoluhus Nome, Wv.llAul H. Cary, Duto o % mor. sTimier //Nun. 1". H. el DAN LE ` aitai aver. R . Volum", Roo,* DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY I.N IItTRANCE COMpiakty, INCORPORATED Bi THE LEGISLATURE 0# PENNS L THIRDV uss. OFFICE B. E. CORN R AND WA.LAVI Streets, hiladelpaia. MARINE INBURANCE ON VERZLLIS. i CAR 3IO GO V. all d parte the Wand. FX.I " itiLAND uratutAxes§ cit gioa.x.ty River Cattalo, Lake!, axe Loglii ClLlTtite to of yarn °Ma Ilort. FIRE /NSURA.NOER 9a 14e:eliapdise %enema,. Oa Mares, ortßiai_Home, Re. ARRETB oir THE cotta..uri. Sovember I. WI. ?sr. Market Vats, !ULM thilailelphta City 7 , " eetat.Loan....sllsoo CO Ito,ooo,FeauerlVitliti State C et. nj ai s tIOO istmarlvartta State 6 IP et. Loan. —, 61,C0) :sae, U.S. Trearomr f.% air cent. Notes and interest. axe *Az sy t1C.003 U. 8. Treasury 6 or ot.Notsa and inter sat doe 62,6)6 CS 8111,01:43 Temporary Loan to the City of Pidta derchis 264100 CO .:04:0. Pennsylvania Railroad Z 1 illortrele 6 6f , cent. .ton4s axo 11,20.000. North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort -4t74 e Vs cent. Bones. 11.100 014.100 West il d attalte la Passenger Sellwar Company . at. wooed Weds—. !2, t. , er assok.v.c shares stook Gerreattoito Gas Comes:ay. Interest and pringtost gita l f a tied ny the city at Dina - la.M to 8114611, WO shares rear.sTlsarria licalrea4 Cordeany--. 1,771 Csl 111,600.100 shares North Pennellritatis Ball • road COW Fan, ..... • in OCI 5•630, shares Ph.ladelpnia lee Beat c.:.d - Stears CintRAFIY. thnadelobia and pint. Weep ate Narration Comment'. Philadelphia and ILl we de Grams Steam Tow Boat Etomytkay, Philadelphia Escheat:6 Ctautany —JAW ee E a rand Mortgages. an 4 Iteal Estate, CI- 4 4" ' nz " hoe 8.3:4 Dills receivable forlmmune made__ lat.= Italanoa aue at Aitancier-Prenuoma,n tea me Foliate, interest s and ether debts doe the Company— (Z.LII and 'took of anndry insurance ClOmra et- Cleo a Cash an Deposit In 6t,os3 its DULECTOU, 171111 n Mame, reel E. Stol3A, Edmund A. ooudir, F. Yenistor , [ ,=Ve.iignir':::''". :311 I jrtfiVlitioni ohn C. Davis,. 11. Jones Brooke, al Tteymisis j s tam Biro, Jr.. beneerkPllealee. °lnns C. 133034 James C. Rend. bort Bruton, William C. Ludwlc, aoob c t .tones, Joseph B. Seal, Ames .fri'Farlaze r , Dr. K. M . Munoo. Athos . Eire. eleorge C. Lome r. ohn /3. Bemple, Pittek,g, W 0,779%, .T. Morgan, •3 A. B. Borger, .11, Vri l talAld MARTM, nar/out. T 08. C. BAND , Vie r • Frei/dept. KENRY LYLBU . Secretary. tll3 - _ A UTION !—ASTROLOGY !—LOOR OUTGOOD NEWS FOIL ALLA—The never. failing Mrs. VAN HORN is the beat phe siumeeds ',n en all others have failed. All who are in trouble. ah WOO nave beau unfortunate, deoeived by COW promises, fly to her for admit° and comfort. to lore ctfairs oho Nice, She has the secret of ammo's the affec tions of the oscointe sex. It is this fact whioh itittopaa iflyerate pretenders to try to imitate ho.. and otter her advertisement. Bhe shows you the hken , se PI year In ters wifc.hurband, or absent friend. St' is well now to the public at large that she :; the tint andonly per son Who can show the likeness to 'cosy, ma can entire satisfaetion on MI tbe concerns of life, wrack, can he tested and daily and eatelly visit her. Come one come all to No. ma. LoKoARD Eitreat, be tw e e n ' t*: and 11,0t,1. 0017 4lt LATE ROOFING.-JOUN WELCH, N-7 RLATE,R, is prepared to put on any atuonnt of ruotin; at low rates. All work warranted to n atv_e_sa. tisfaetion. Ornern 50to 1 'lt l Ili >, a t tal e d4 tg (l ' h rt AlikriTOWPl Road will ha pro g ~22 041 malsw THE ADdlellq EXPRESS Co ,O 0111.11TNUT street forwards, Parcels, Pecknites. Merchandise, Hank NOtall and Ppecie, either by its own Lines or in connection with ocher Express Componiee, to all the principal towns and cams of the Ihutzd states, E. 8. SANDFORD. General Superintendent. STEINWAY & SUN S•NEW PA. vc . la V VI TRNT OVER-STRING GRAND PIAN, trau ARE GRAND, AND HIADARE VANOR, abw erred ttt eor,..erts and !iuenvate emotes by the ht, Performers. Received the first prehuuma over th o ho t tru6keys, from udgea lake, (tevo - 4halk ‘ Maxon., Pa-d < . 1,11021{ OWleng. all CtoMWtit] ur,. BLASIUS BROTHERR, 0-1. QALAI. 01L—liareigalopi's, for sale by vow teriliERILL tc BROTHS.% 47 end 49 North E OOND titrost. NALEN By AUCTION. INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIRSOIORD. DIREOTPRB. P. Rows , DaterF 8. Perking, Attdraw R. Chamber, eanriel Jones. hi. D.,. a:ol4d IXt r eral.B. Memel B. att.ttz. NV/Warn Mpa, 4ZDIMI 1 4%34 i 0462 ht. rata:, Jsznea =ton, 7l eoDhilut Paakhrii .E.V.m.upd A. Bottler, Dialed L. Jiuthhinieti Iwo:IL W. atornor, Elba B. Ar cher, 4azgal eb.ristisii Joeopil M. 'norm. lee, RSut AID Brencvr. ton.. I‘III,JAR, Preidess:. E. BTOI.E.A. Viso Preet. Moon *el; BdralLlD iBu am Nav , ia~lcn Ccru- EXPRESS COMPANIES. SALES BY AUCTION. ITIONAB & SONS, • gm, 139 end 141 Scr_th FOURTH Steiest. (Fermerly. Noe. et P.M firm STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. SALES AT THE EXCHANGE Pvgi Y TUESDAY. Dunne the butanes; Semen in Jaly and August only oceesionelesoe. . Sir Handbills of each podPertT lamed separately. in addition to which we publish, on the Patiudar previous to each sale. one thouaand catalogues, in Pamphlet form, giving full &mallet:Lone of all the property to to wild on the following Tuesday. C A tt. D.—Our safe' of real estate and stook, a the Exchange will hereafter be held at 12 o'elook noc___,e • and, in the evening at 7 o'clock. Contri enters bare the Opt on of either sale. REAL, ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE, 0' We have a hares amount of real estate at ,orate s'tle. incicding evert deevrtrotion of city and oonirre property. routed bets may be had at the auction store PH iVATE 13 4 LE REGNTER. or HUI aataMantafataton oar private sale rerirdere and advertised 000amonalli in oar public Lae atatract int' which IX) copies ate Wllatea weekly,) fro. chars,. TO BirrELLB ea. Tag, PIFTY-FIPT PHI! ApPA,rtnAzitao Bit.Lß OF BOK B. RYOTYFR FLA , commenne on MOBDAI. Beptembst MUM, dk.' moir Catalog us in Brew. erocict On Tueselnr. Ancust2l at noon ar the Holvielohl% Vinton:3e— ?Oahu.. Northwestern Bank of Ihrelniv—prr irq, Di viderld 4 of tram 8 ro JO 81 , ' cent. are Mgry.l.ty Md.) re toll at CC 25 hsres Delaware tintnal Safety lasursapeConopoor ntook—r.: per shire *248 L e arrive :natant Safety Its. C0.—.1.334. 8.10 LNIP I $ ham Point presto Park Association. 1 snare tthilad , pore Linter]. I shire Maroon WO Li bral7. PECOND PALL BALP.4TH PIEPTEUB.6II. Vs.Kt ,lIPUILTAINI Vti At.gG. I/Torer of lro stse s. MONTOUR I ROVI d %Pe y , woR.KB ro taste. re. T`ussaar. flapten.ber 4.1010. tit 11 o'clock. soon, at the Pll.ls dolphin. t schema.— lb. Tar r valuabts Vol:4Kr Niloriging to tits Fostors Iron Company. clawed ot Montour eossfy Pi eon soot e of about 1 000 awe. very *A.lnabte temeT6l moll. Minis g rlght4 roiling hul s. tortoises. wavy uo ofli-es. a Terms—eSi Oto csh• I, llss the prossrty is some% or% betasoo Oa the V2e0131,10/3 0I tie aced. Inane pair WO' FtlipTClol3l/1.71 /0447 in hand hol e . memptoty Bale to e..os , in concern. GROUND Rh., Line! Lima:Kt Icear of lea s year. other description.. pielp.,rmg. THIRD PALL Ht,t,n-11T7i - BERTE3IIIRit. WI I inomde- Orel" LW C tin Pale-Fatate of John Evans Tyre. An uncimued math part of the t hree-rary HRiCZ Sit elnuth Fecal • met. Some l'etate n tir melded ninth inn or the Throb story BR! D WEL Po.: 5 non h Fro.nt streeL &me estate-An undivided uttyb ;art of the h.rge Brun ..ND WARE/MR:LE. 6neirn wee. corner uelaware avenue and Ton a:ley, bwor Clitataut street, 61 fret 6 inches frunt. Same estate-An undivided math part of the Three story RR! X D'VV.Rf,, thn N 0.210 Lombard sweet. FARM. ItCS Acres Arable Lend, sr:ta Improverrente. on the teilltord r0a1.136 miles from the btation, known ae the 1 arc's Patin. The •• /•A tr. tits PARNI." adloining tae above. eon tainine Me Wes with imernteinenit. he t.LA FIX FARM," oontalnutg 102 Antes of lOW Ferinlng • and. The ".1101CRI8 TRACT'," contaiMur about 50 Acre, front , on a road, and w:tm" L • mile of a dtc.t.ori. mei The •• 851 v/S HA Hal . jot VU.ntni• 231 Aer.s, toe on the raaroad.smth The •• DORNIAVI FAR al." containing p 3 Aexa.ed- Jmntng the above, w,m •Ilvrtv•cmett hiThe "Illtattri it;etet,' • cont.:vague um Antes Wood. d. The "FRANK'S FOS LV," containing min ICA Anna oft eavy oak 'limber. 81/11.1.61. LOTa, Monet Vernon Ceme:cry Cnmpany, i Ll e at rens. 56 wad 51 Deetion A. eura-I:.•.ng 7ris square Hale No. t.'3 worth TENTH Rtreet. fir PERJOR FuttleiTtiixe, MIRROR.. ir_i• 011iaeCOL0 riAP O, liftreELLe ulßrhla, 6:c. On Friday littbrutt. r 2lth instant at le °Week at 110.23 'trite Tette tt, the $l3 parlor fun ere Pre/ire-pine Pier mirror. roma Wnwl ivaho bY exam i ned litnesele on ,te. ar Mar be examined at 8 o'iliock. on tide morals; of the Bala. - Nor. 139 ago 14.1 tina... FOURTH street, suPEßtost. FULLNITURX, eat:NCR-FLATS Ad IS, 1101113, PlAriii-PORTEd. ilitlloB SIAS CAS.IIIIB. Oa Thursday Mortitaz. At 9 o'o;ook, at Cu Arcotton !Rom. an dasorttarizt of exaollent reoond-band ram rare, elegazt; pteco-fortez. fins trurrors, ettrylts, ea.. from amires deoatuzX housekeeping, removed to 016 store for ooLlrtmence t shirk. 31M 05w..2 DUTRA NS, 1 N 14 , 0 commireori , I.EXCILAST. 1111%41:,0 Hider el Zit and rt_aol. Arr.en. ISY TO LOLAIJ 1115,000 to loan,M eD az the karma rums, og cEamen4e. erstehes.jewelry, r• vo r Vare, CIT goods. Wahine, Gene.. straqt. hardware, outis.r mance. mirror., is - en =ure, beau e, eha op goods of - every aeleriptlon. hitge or small oolooote. from cite dollar to tammatull. for to / itTath c.f tone agreed ota. oar me Olden tanablmhe.). How thbt 007. waLiorar-44.. tt ° P.M. Berm hois ts toy the oenett of deVfentors. CLIA.ReAdt•ttL , TWOPE.IIGENT W Advances of 8100 Lod uprards at two en otes. Advance' of IMO and Deward*, at one per oent, for short loans. AT PRIVATE BeLgg. some of tho file GOLD PATENT LEVEE end CRKONOMETER WATCHEB, manufactured at Oan the usual eallme prima gold foyer sad Mame mstehee, "liver lever and lemne matehee. English . Tarim. gad French watches. st seronishins /ore enOeS. Jewelry of every description. very lovr,_etas, pistol., amend. an htrumente, ant glislity of Demme °mare, at half the tin Ortatton Time, irt . ter.r.V..ee to salt Makes' ro. end. various other lam!. o oats, Or DOOR Rite?. Attended to rersonally by the Aaeueneer. Conmstunenw of any and INTOQ kind of vethe schi °ANL Id 06E8 NATHANA. MACRINERY ANI) IRON. KvioPENN NTEAtI ENGINE AND 7afilLEß vroa/S.-NEAPIE k t'L. IL AND THEO/IE7IOAL ENGINEERS. fACHINMS, BOILER-MAKERS, SLAG/CW.II7BL and POUSILIAM haveg. for many 'oars. been or soltoesslni opersttoo , and been exclaim . ..ly engaged in building and repeating Marina and Eltyer Inpnes, nigs and low prezenre,jron Boats, Water Tanks Propellars. tte. L r.tpectially offer their mermen to the put./ , an beinA fully prepared to contract for Engines of Wreak Marine, Elver, and Stationary . haring gem to.stertu ditnerent idles. are ;Parrott eaVatat dart with quick despatch. Every escriPt lot ratters. waking made at the shortest notice. Hjs sad Low Pressure, Flue, Tule:dab and Cylinder B. ers,of tritt beat Pennsylvania charcoal iron. FOrrings of sines and hinds; Iron and Ursat CaStlllp_of alldesormtlonsi Youl Turning. Horsy Carting. and all other wort ar:t ans/tad with the *Dow boaineaa praying* and cpeolAostaona for all wort Gays at Mall 0061 , Lstaroltit, free of 01uuT.0.1104.. .1ronlr• lE_sarlurt,wl- The RiblipCrt Dery !nape ample /IF' coot MOM ;Or paint of coats. where they can be In perfect /arm, lt art provided with %See" Eitiolia, falai, &a., Sr d.. 10t raising heavy or VOL weights. JACOB A; 72E, JORN P. LE . BEACH and Y 'lt a fire es. POINT PLEASANT FOIINDRY, N. on By,Avvi Sta li rat,ciudarton, WAN O. TIERS Worms his *lends UOS. hisrca 101.11•704tCuttilf ork rausrss sr Ow ...Ws* roan ?,e he Is LOW prIFAZI4 to racism m order, kr. Bed.r.a l he and Bale Sa, C/amlaal. muse Work, Gesrl_ag• intit made rram ids7Sr ritOry or Cupola rarr4oaCArta 1/1 dry or Mao sand, 9r Ga.m. amS-o• 1/11111.1. V. ILICIEvr.. I. VAVIIZAS 1LV121.0.16 SOUTLFWASK MUMMY, FIFTH /HD WABHIN6TOR *move, NgftRICS. HONS. EfiaLIYEERS AND IZACNINIO73, Maaafsetare Hash nad Lov Plasma aur a Re a tiyak for Land, River - po fIIPT33 torvlOt. Hollers. Woof Ats. TsLes. iroa Boom &a.: Cscrags of LI kmes, ea or iron or D. ,aofi for foss Wort', Work 131,(44, Hal rcrLoga,frfaffinehineri cf threstest sai most tA provedoonatreotn Nvery deseripHon of PisaPstior. Moctunery, seal guar. - Saw. sod Haut Migs, Wmism Pans. Hos; Sessa Triwa, D r efecatora Filters, rumnair H. a.. Hole Agents for Halherca's rareur As.. , akeesnares; assarth's Pattrut BUN= ILer_ . ; sad aseHavroll & Wolsers Patera Coamfass) sr Daun t= Msobite. SAVLAIG FIT: DS. "A little, but often. All* the Purse." FRANKLIN 'SAVING FUND, Z. 136Botta FOURTIi Sweat. between et...t est and Walnut. Fhiladelphaa, pays all Descaits on demand. Depositors' toosey ser...med b/ Get rmer.t, &ate. and City r e . GrOnfld Oz. Nom giftut tttnrany deems safety tartar than Jule profit?, oasaecuently 7nil rss eo risk Irish Worm money, but bare • at all times:BSi, to ream. with t ner neat. ,ntar:qt, to the oirscr, as they base skean done. G•s Company MlVer I glaPended. .remetles, married or sistie, and Mums, osra devout to them own rtght. and such depoina CAM be withdrawn otesr by, their ocosens Charter Perpetual. Incorporated 1 , the Eta/ [Um:mix tau% Vithattutarlt) to re' .ve costs from trustee, and anew:don. LARGE AND MALL BUMS /...hGE.:Vh.p. Dena onen druly, from 9 to 3 o'cdoch, ass sr. Wednesday assume until a cealcet. DIJLECTOREL Jacob B. Bbannon. Clyna Ce.Aval'ra....ir, John atundler, 650„ r LEI lipaseil. MelaOhl W. Blom. LaNard T. HI SA. .llna Kratabhaar, Retry Dalaa,, ohota.• Kincoboroaa, Nzaliztbzr.ealty, I oa. R. BaUarthweata, Joon Yneata, Joaelth W. jappmo4ll. , lACOJA B. BRAN NON. Prendant. Crary CAD WALMADIR, TrSetsiire:. 30e..7 " A Do lls: saved IS twice rimed.. .ck. - FllsZti FUND—FIVE PER CENT I 1 .- 7 TEREST.NATIONAL SAFETY T.111"T Co. PAN Y, WALNUT Street, aonthweet writer or TRI R FediKleiPhia. icoo:oratexl bl the ewe of Pen Money,te received many n, tans the_ll, MA:ln terest pad from the dsy of descsit to day of wlth raw& The 0.108 1. open every day from tine o'olocKm moraine ttll five o'clock to the create', and on siondsl d Tlinned eveni. Lit eight o' , lose, Ekr' R OBERTIt L. B.S.,NNEI", SELPRIBUE. V:oa Prealaaa4. WILLIAIC I. Run, SterethrY• nuott;Toits:• Aor. Halt? Renner, F. C42loll.ErstrAter, .6.larard Cane?. Loseph Detrr. Robert Reltrtdze. .t-rwelelo3, Paranel Ashton. loteett , erkes. Q. Landreth Manna, 4 5r:44. erttelvtatea. '2l::fristra=tra:va,a,r,,u.gre d% Y;r: crocardons of the ellatiat, itz Roar Zatate - 11,1,Ar s egerp. uround Rentz , an 4 ract - fint-o14 0 seettrincee se it 11l al ways inure peitdot geounty to the deroaitert. 443 irtueh cannot tail to ma Demateno, and stataito Institatic,4. Si /4931M,31 ,AVING FUND--ITSITED STATES TRI3ST COMPANY. corner TIURI) and CREST , NUT Street. Large and email anma reoeiTed. ae.4_7aid teak nn de mend aithout otioe. with FIV)/...kNA CET. O'er REST Dona the day of depoeirto the day of vie>. drawd. Office hours. fr:1716 until 6 o'clock every qlay and ca MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 antll p trom ßA DFTS Yoy tJa. toile en. Ire.azd.ame Reotiandt 0.1117ar h'edid.ll:l:- - STEPI7E'..I R. caAwrom Treavlrer—.)AMES It. HUNTER. PLINY FISK. Actnery. OAR D IiVA_RE PA:ZiCAGE 110USEh. PACK-AG:f, 11ARDWARE ROUSZ.—We Wc r , rigerctin e lli call the attention the t4ene 411f iNeZei iStE this ' T ft, elti S.Ssesse by the seoSers. Ontere for direct importation *roam rte. and G oode 44- llrere szthsr iso this ear, New Writ, or tier" Orleans. W. G. LE:t7J6 & Sot, 0.1.) co3:yrkuivE &;oca, atd OMV_izVon Merchant". Aztl Aerate fir Ettretse C 1X44 et•hs Visa deses, evitt.te IgtIIIAINES • BROS.' OVERSTRUkG PATENT-ACTION PIANO FORTE.S "Citenrest Fan elft.gg hem, g madt..” ♦ ..oenaid assortment of Louis XIV ,itrd other styles. for sale et Patton Cash Prices, end warranted fora years. Booond-hand Yienes for r41.1C and to r W ent. tit °Rile; ALKVR. PRINCE & E C S r emSrEVtP a ELODEON C N 'S , from s o nB4B,upwArdß. yyte-Ins N om PIANOS! PIANOS !! Pleixu,S 1 PIANO-FORTE4_ MY.l.o.l)Luils. PIAITO-FORTE. MELODLONS, Made by Raven, Ram% & Kass & Guist, Haller •ahcris, & Co., and othen. J. B. eOUL, lent- 1 SEVENTH end CHEST /V-07, I_l ts OVI 81(}N S. —175 Bbls No. I - Leaf • I 'rd • Midi Shout:ten; in itffnalt. aid 1W bolt Nines PO? k. tor e a ny. DA DL EH & 00.. No. 103 41.1 , 14..110.1T ..l4 Tax.—°io barreht Wiltrangtort, Iti. Q., Tor, 3'l kegs , d.. in we're, e n for WY by ROWLEY, AnittlMlLits SI. Stoltk WHARVLI, PIANOS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers