- o` . • • -- I ' •.-‘11X14,0011111 , :;14111X1,1401,WilljOiteMACIPIKP' T. • I t C6 R. I.ZY • o#6lqo*Viatitirt STRUT. - ,tfti .1004.:1111,40144, , 7% . 44 - *ifii r irmealkirmilbetsblia to tb leannoir. ..4:7_51411•41 - iiiiglefiermirgroutio/filwpity trig VOLLAiIIi . 04.017/6 rtillit;DOLEalt #114061171nr0 `Liktfwa ttii iiontniz:-nOno4l' in ad. ,4 i;11410,..,F1E4a. _ ~,z •;.; , • -Arai:wawa* MEW: ' ted to siiimikbitii'isi‘or tIN Cib ntlisms Don rninxnuicrx, adininon 4 : • Ditl' : l46ol)M. .:'i tlV:',4:)Ft:l,t:V*V'_'6_,'N.„ `i, , ..4.:2.1004 CazerrsiuT foam*, allve Teeth, lIMS=INII r: t= c . BoatL • BEOODTD STREETOIsIow . 1, 1 0 PIA rsalivOti , , - . .I,ARON ASSORTMENT On otiORED.- : NARLE TA .1.41 ; . . • , Arereet , e i ins, - - • . . • GLASSES; . LT 11110 X ' • • A Jat-itl ONLYIE MR TARE TO es-CENTE. - V0414 - 10NNITA'-'; DR - GANDISN AND i--AL'ANaptbegt ainortneacd fa the o ity, and ,Alirhlttkorill .. loss than cost or toportatoon, to' o shook this teasint. • - - ;;,2--a el ttt izi n sito °poets aton# Wow coat s to took, :- ' slit Ce6 dFLedttfte ADAMS BON 7-cLt- , Liks - rL'.7• - •.. - ' -: • - EIGOTH sad Al-C 4 H Ettrattli idagy tirAgpS 4 , 4.11.0011011REN0H A git:L . 6g u r tiltlrbe wee - wsertassat _ctswe Cutelier received. tlik Vas*, atllsagollass sad tlio r i lord : b k li At 11014 atom& 5_ -.- itillt-TiNtiS VD, jiSlßlETillfis, OF , ~ ...7 : snrerfileibibti taV e sifyfittlt..' ' , . tW.two bu 110 U Itheethilu. ,- 7, -_, NO of hterixt*lmivautanth ' V ,17 ": 2 - ii lts Wriumo went. . ' , ' •* -. - viol' tea "X . N e IFF , .... siTowala, ' trio bordered ' ka. '. - ' , - - - 0 ; ',..,,-.,. ~„-_:,,,,,-, Peraiiinit . . ~ .Ittiontiaa thalitty waft aid &Wart ac the await 11140,11rni, IMMO retold to oat. , • - -..- '' ' DitattAlNS -.• - 4javilta awl 11#14UTrArrkk ---,- _,....- ~i, ' Di 1111aiii.-M#Uilli atikl,lee Donde, at va26 r akina: '';'-!::"' l',._';'-':-.:e, r..:.thist .118ift ..a"re . ''ilit: II ii I; UN 0.0 14,1 ! ! ' T, ~ , ,; 7 .,-;',_. o , 4 8 _4 l ; r egi n A t t i gifYlY! • Ittggrai & .tuata ti boa, taxa aow to lb" 70th ji f • : ',1% , et ' ' T .lgr r lel i f i l e - roi lt ifte'. ••: grero ' renn aad Mawr, • , ' . -- 'r - ' 114° AL _ _ k tiVreb tan nti b t a rik k tOßT I 02tA riiff,-,;:-, ird, . . latie Mg : , lia * Rail -ew . nx c t m zji!,,i, r - ; - ,Flitrr-ulkor . c .1: 1 " thlMti: ~...-.7; Alum . sows riUIt4 4 I4OBARLES - AD e e a - „,-.e.„,,1 1 4, 1 %•„=„4 • & Boa t s Linsur, „ 4t e lrei ;4- gimlet Criaries 'A 14. 88a el. Arneatathill , trr a falskine Epurra-mmratessimitg. imarliStEint". CRISTLIgrIII oc 4 - '.4ND'IMPOATERS, . TO - tl - 4 *WAS BOUM, , FOUITII - ITIUSET; Fiire doon 'bon ihor free - ' o:&CoilOtii:TorniteLte all die =stein* lion btleir itn! sor I sroseat. sea a. , 18° 7 04 , 11, how 6.B l .l%':iniiine**nrit!it!* of . .0k 7 .0.4 1 '0:4 1 07.0 4 0. '&11 0 101..w =lli w w****,,e•Oste., Tr . will rum rrikamttioi to me o their •,t moonier% earl thi Itisd)uutir 1444 I=llll .ItriGB - - ISAL&O'HAATON & ' = IMPORTERS ANDERALERS IN ' ; :twoE- - ,STITEFEL , • lr#B7o/1 icS.4IIOIH_LAMIGIL. " .000, PAl*TAss: -- • • irr,oo.; 1 100 1 UNOilitNINZle rtFroil nem, _ , • -- • frENGRAVINGS. , OIG fichnos, &c., "Airies. EARLE & s6k, DIVORTNBS,, MANUFACTURERS, .WHOLR , SEALE AND BNYALL DEALERS. FAILV3' GAUZI4ES, CREETEUT /STREET. A 1.0545 Slatt" "IST'," 1860.. - PIM • ligitgairomaANsWAKT.VF BLASE 8001(8* be fromo YOU' WiWirior owortwent mole from M4Oritisdflo often r.A.„„ vaiiiirtsv a LOW WM. - It. - )IWRPHY 4 BON'S • •, • 10111` rro,au. ” SiiMgEM;E;!Mi;;;I 33fip11813TMTE "Joilrirw:if • • ' • ~ .t.tei n 9/tlk-. H AVANA CIGARS. Or:VARIOUS BRANDS. Atitoig„Eatv TErrri antswrii. 4i Pa4SHLiNfi ' AND STILL' eIATAWBA H E LB Y. Cincinnati. Ohio, _ ~;,41asylioit masa, *ad la lob to sat wohaseirs.bY ;_ •• 014111.01, TAGGART, NW Melt; ;‘ ;1041. , A&611,1 m 'mug Strimit. .!6t. , ''"fIAtitAirIPATENT - , rlll ' P II R fa Lit iiemirtrietio4 from ill Won•• 1 .4A11: 141 = 1"° 11 " th. nforr h 1 .1 "" tyl l i: 14,t0thlas flrbassi44. abfris j'iteth,t win kelp the .-11;t-11,1"01-cotOrliotirs, , '' , " • = l. OWtline *it'd vita }/ istibi,olooo,o/10rit in noitisaess ;mii* the mime *Fitialtkiiiiii eot .eiwp doss vitcherost the ssies em- W 9 o e ptitvo Mini sal Ilers, abides! 10004111512 Uwe /WWI with ilti- 3 11119416 wilil.legkiatairs Spy, - - 'l3 PATIN'S. •. • , . WM. Nt r ilittON & BON. fait*" Mingo,lmat i. W. 6lion FIFTH OILEMLY amis. . leltktf • , "- I, B,"ANteitEws • N '''' - ..‘,4r_4;;;oWl.riAtt4LiNia, taw O.T U $'S RS, Oit ' lIPIREETt tbfs tr" • -4"." S,T l `)e ZiteL) -4 1110PAOTOILY. NO. 17 ISOUTII-131XTITI. ifs Y9r 'LADD, WEEBST.II444 CO.'S IMPROVED TIGHT-LOOS-STITCH • S EWING, MACHINES. - 141,1C1f REDUCED TO $5O AND UPWARDS. WiCelatm to have the LIST made Machine in the world, undone that will do a greater range of.work to a mOrs satisfactory wanner. Call and mom or amid fer a Circular. LADD, WEBSTER, CO b2O•CRIETN UT tired. WHEEr4EIt & WILSON, WILLY 17. _ AILOBS, IMOEMAKERS. BADDLEttft, sic;, No. 628 ABOI-1- STREET. of SHUTTLE ht AO WME, $3O. Priee orpOUBLV-LOOP EITITOS MOH.= from Wei crwardi6, The Mewled and moat eftfoient machines menu textured for all Iti nda of are. P. 8. —rasonixs SILK, oorroN, NEEDLES, OIL, eta, eonstantly on hand. ird-ant HARRIS' BOUDOIR BEWING'MAC3ETINE. NMI from two spools without the trouble of re. - wrinr.• rung with little or no nom For NM et No. NV ARON h 'Street: P fled leas, and No, 7d NALTIKORN fltreet. Balttmore. Md. e Jr3-3m WILCOX & Gn311 1 3 1 SEWING MA CHINE. The great and increasing demand for Wilcox lb Gibbs' Sewing *whine in a guarantee of its suseriot excellence. Price 890. For sale at FAIII.BAISKIS' Boil* Warehmut, 715 CHESTNUT Atreet. 1158-tf 111UP.111119 . 1Z RIEFRIONSATORS, Mart Improved Made. exuatirsr RIO ADD oARRLAii* • In great 'Variety. FUFMIT . ERE LIFTERS. Firs medial to nreaditur Carpets and Matting. WILIALSAI ',CARNAL/2S 110IIHR PURNIKUNG 19TORB. - . 14. am .onminurr STREET, Iseatediately moat* the Madame M Flat Met ' MOM TO CLOSE BUSINESS. TIART; MEONTGOMEIRY, & 00. 1 W. CZNYTTIPX OMIT, . WM si& NA. &mak Oki Wild*? ma nut nrisz. WIT tats JANA of ,PAP.E.R. HANGINGS. midathig..t every crsumstscirith Datum, = AT OXIATLY AIDUOTD PRIM Dls ISTACIT PAPW AT IN PEA SEAL IX , JARI.OOa. mufti tioir IPM. Toni* as get treiA BARGAIN' R. 1141' ILISLMBOLIP S IXTRADT BUCHIL _ __ I antle of tillOigeiliefinreirreiiipiesitratiranter is F 4 for impeotion. ries II ear bottle, or BIZ for IC umed toa4/144kLmuk Repot, 104 South TENTH t. 441, below 011 ESTA UT. le=-tf CAST -STEEL BELLS. FOR oIiIIRCIIER. FIRE ALARMS, kc. • Y011.114L1 IT • NAYLOR & 00.. IWO COMMERCE Street. ENuLlSit BROWN STOUT, Phii4alphis. SHOEMAKER & Co. CABINET ' FURNITURE MID BIL LIARD TABLES. MOQUE do CAMPION, No. 963 SOUTH SECOND STREET In conneetion with their extensive cabin Baldness, mums matiaftc_turins a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full anpply. finished with MOORE ib CAMPION'S IMPRoVED CUSHIONS, Which ere pronounced, by all who have need them, to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these Tables the menu faoturers refer to their .nioneroUs patrons throughout the Union; wh mire familiar with the ohmmeter of their work.' auk em- 1:1. NAI4IBON, BISINESS MEN ARE ADVERTISING do aloe m the" best Nowspeponi of Citr and Country—at s or MEROIJANTS AND OTHERS, ADVER TISE, FOR FALL TRADE tr . B gBT CITY AND .141BINTRY NEWSPAPERIL (at_ publishers' ;mom) through I. WEBS rEirm - ADVERTISING AGENCY, ' R. W. Coney THIRD NO ARCH Streets'. M Cull or send for Log of Newsmen. Ir3l-tf HAVANA OIGAREL—A handsome as• korktheat on bead, by raotut. arrivals. 00111- Drielnr Cantles, Parham, Figaro, Neptano, Blaok sea, " Zaragoiana, Adormon, Arroyo Bond°, &0.. &v.,. Of all aina sad 4126141ga, for low, by CHARLES TETE, - 130 WALNUT &root. . - .;',•••• ; ~•' i f ; ~•••o ;:- -,.; f'•, . •. :."4' t. ,, s ' .•':', i' ,• r'' , ii. ,'- ''' li,'4 , I , • •,' - , - ' •,-'.. • -.1 !.: • . ~ . ~..., „,,,, 4 . / , ~ -.-. . • # lll - 16'4i l- t ; . ~., ~. , ....„ . ..,.... - „: 1 ..1:00._.....,1111.1":..'" 4,,A. 14 .4 4 ' f ''' r •: ~ ',, : , i __ t ,.., , - ~,‘,.,,t.i r,/ ~,, 11 1 ~. • , 0 . r v - ,..,,..... .. - "J ~ . •,,,111,1 ' ,- ,1 , r. :•• - • AA.. ..... "., - --",• ' ~,,.........:,......0. t ' ~ ..............„., - - 1 , , 1 , f...... ,• ' . ••• - -_,_yx _ , _,. ..,,, ~ , ~. 71 .1111V', ..1. ‘ m1 1 010, .• 'ialliiill _ -"- ':: 1 -'; -----,.:' - .''' / '' - ...c "-, . _:...-- . • , ki .... :,L dip , i — I . . ~. ~,, J' . , .- . . ' - -40 k . -- ' 5.--. . . :11 01 4 . -'':'II• . . - k ' \ ' ~ .. t'), • . . ' .". - :', 6 :•-• ...1,- - .k. - t, . : R ` . 'it' ~.• u....,"517.... - 14 ,... .„;,,_ .., ~..- - ~...6.333Mr..„- . II 'l' -; . A ; . . . .. lit . - - ~....• - ' - -'...v't . -.:- -.-- I Ain ' aravo--:;-- • ~,.. tie -IL I trt...--.2 . •'.-....r. , ... _ r....... -...--,- -. t . V. , ~..ev • ..--k , --' , .7 - .. • - . . ' '' , , ""-.... , . • •.: • -„.,.. - . '''',:•," .1 ... . ' . '• ---........r........4..2:, , . 4.-NO. 16. szimq MACHINES. and stuthlin SEWING MACHINES. 608 CURSTNITT STREET; SECOND FLOOR. P. UHLINOrEti 6, CO.'S SHUTTLE AND DOUBLE-LOOP STITCH $} WING MACHINES. ItODSIS.FDENISDING GOODS. PAPER HANGINGS. MEDICINAL. SCOTCH ALE, IN STONE AND GLASS, BE THE CASE OR DOZEN. • ALBERT O. ROBERTS. DELLICII • FINE GROCERIES. aall', Coma ELEVENTH aid VINg iltreets. SLAM, PAlN're4 OILS MW VARNISHES. leetheast Oomor FOURTH AND RACE Streets. - JOY. COE. & Co.. ADVERTISING AGENTS. FIFTH ONESTN UT Streets, Philadeloh4... TRIBUNE BUILDING, Noir York. 13,17-G GGITEE '8 PATENT KNITTING MAGBINEB, For Plain !Stocking lso and Fanny Knitting rs • Machines for Knitting fir/ma, Mr% fem, Or 1611 s Rib Maehlnesof l mid and 1,2 and I and 3 and 3-Itlb, on hand and made to order. Thema Meohipes nee Die plain English dvrinn Needle a en firK i dreDe cheapest and most Mina We . Xiciftils,.rattit gray KnittingMitobine, for Emit,/ add ,P awn:dies mm4l6 a new andsuonsultd feature in the useful Invention . of Mt age, and ranks With Rib Mnoinne. *SENO and Ealearnoin, I ' No. OTT BROADWAY, New York. HENRY a. K. Agent parLADRIptnA. TUBA GOTTA MA ,m- wureoroitY,_REVENril end GE,RM gIITOWN toad and lOW GRECUT ettisit t Vitrified Drain lad Water rile& Yea &Unglues, Hot MOWN, 4n ll l a d nett; Wo4p . 0 SUM senor suiteotii , wee lOC °VIII OW OrWni : hutettiele is wort y the attention of Mb nettles puttinO i. Wilding', arse wee sewerage ppee lot pity drain a, water meet war ranted to shoe &severe pressure . w e are now prep red to magnet with rat _littee or ooreoratione for this io ein any etWen. ty, We *attest ant goods Os be equal i not riot to way other "a te l the United ' Stater or tape. Ornamental 0 s , Tops and Jd Owden woe. e-tf Rit. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO. • KER ANDEENVEKAKEER, NORRISTOWN, ppvleanie. 115.,_, STORE% MILLS, and EMMA FOR flAbs aanalaotgery. Baok s i x r. l ohestair an De!wear* M l % L aZglifil i tir ahoZ el atirra l ertigli ID lae negotiated Wale vitas. RAND ter sale to Norrliamen, roue tin lel ari a IRO:indent slaau F$ Itterallr?4 A Montanan:l, ra. 'IIVRTIN• •QUAYLE , B STATIONERY. , FANCY GOODS KMP 0 /Li IT.llf, 3.0,36 WALUTSTRZETs • til t OV? - • • . PHILADEL PHIA. 4771PAIRBANKSITLATIORMSCALES, for sale tllr s rAlalleKtlaSl yest. EWINEt nUT SLPANTBII%OAISOL*For sale by WE er and 4V North iNuotilkmirom 'was ItaliffillO'BlNlAL-4.,009 Bariv Al rels LO illianaVarkifittatse' pplero-11190 - 81250 h i t r d s talorailleattrAllinf.V. 11 . 41 or issik,omina,-4,ow;pookets crime Otte* tir "am C,4:40 ~s~=.~s~—°r:. The Apothecary's Appeal. BY THE HARD OF TOWER HALL. sweet essence pure of womanhood, Fair Rhoda:nrieydess treasure, I love you, dear, with love which has rlo Graduated mearuro, To bruise all thoughts of other girls, Which inlay bosom neetle, make a mortar of my heart, - And you shad be its pestle. iklt to know if logn ho Your worthy lord and mauler. To draw you out. I send with this A very drawing Plaster.. I'm sick with doubts, and you must be The doetress to befriend me— ' To meet My Cage, game H a of hope I beg of you to send me With drachms of love miacura (mix) No sertiples of "'Faction •' And your YireYeriptios then phalloare My heart of its dejection, I've Sal Ammonia; in my atore, - And also have Sat Soda ; Bat fcrr the Bale I nothing due— -1 only love MT Rhoda. • My plea is risclureitwith my love, if you don't well receive it, It spatula shall pierce rep heart. That life, a dries, may leave it. But if YOU write.'" yield Inyheart I'll go onesrthy waim.ut." I'll go at to Tower Bath And troy my wedding raiment, -•• • When there I've cheaply bought a snit. 11l not einoMent linger, With what I save, buy a ring To plane upon your finger: And with it I fondly pledge Mr love which ne'er shall vary. You'll praise the 'rowe. Hall. and bless • Your dear a-poth-e--Cary , Summer stook closing. out 21,t reduced pricks. at TOWBVIAL.L. aid mAKKET Straet P_Loisdeipkis. • BENNETT & 00. CARVETINGS. FALL TRADE. - MCCALLUM & CO.. - CARPET MANUFACTURERS, - GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, Also, Importers and Dealere in CARPETINGS. OXI, CLOTHS. MATTING, RUGS: &o. WAREHOUSE, SOS CHESTNUT STREET. • (omet. the Stato Hones.) Southern and Western Buyers are respect:olr invited to anti. • anti-doi HATS AND CAPS. C. H. GARDEN & Co.. Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dialers in HATS, CAP& FURS, ' • STRAW GOODS. • FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFI CIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, PEATHRRS, N 05.600 and 602 MARKET STREET, anuthweet °weir or Sixth. The most ostensive and eampiete assortment. The best terms and the lowestprices. First-ohm borers are particularly invited to call. anl6-2ln EXCURSIONS. SEA BATHING. ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY. ,3 ROUlts FROM PAILLDELNEFIA, ACCOMMODATIONS FOR MOO , VISITORS. ATLANTIC CITY Is now conceded to be one of the most delightful Bea-side resorts th the 'Forte. Its bath ing Is unsureassed ; Its beautiltal unbidloSit besehtnice miles In length) is unequalled by any' on the Continent, save that of Galveston; its air is remarkable for its dryness; its sailing and fishing facilities are perfeitt ; its hotels are well furnished,' and as well kept es those le its avenues and 'Wks those of any other Sea- ND ATLANTIC RAIL WHARF, Balladelglus, litotiming—retoili Plitt- .M. Fars 91.80. Round Jays, Iwo, to be yurohaded VII 011117, and not Of Of by 'ilea. Sunday train Mateo laves Atlantto City MOM ' and water. A tolograph road. Jefolf 2 X 0 II R zo BETHGER . EM, and EASTON tbove-named kondek's_ood the NORTH YENNSYL k.NYA from it& °Moen et CS tweet. to upTitLp loodsti exoevtea• .To Meet>lt Chunk,....Sia To Rethtetvent.•. , -.•.+112•00 To A11ent0wn .......... 2:6 1 To Ea5t0n._.......... 260 Parties in search f the grand and romantic. aid de sirous of inhaling the invmoratins breezes of t hernonn tains. oannot do better than visit MAUCH Atria and tte enntons.which have iluslr beim 'tried tee "SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA." Trtette leave FRO AT M s . add Streets tor Iblettob Chunk. at SAO and a r. ; for Eaaton, at 230 P. M.; for Bethlehem, at 8.10 A. M., 232 P.M. and 6 P. M. ON SUNDAYS, ONLY TRAIN For Bethlehem. at.. ... A. M. Trains vase Idszocs Sir - iiet Wilily minutes sitar leaving Willow street. Axourston Tickets sold on the oars. and 24t ELLIS CL ARA. Agent. a gir m r 4 , FOR "CAPE MAY NEW ND YORE. • Dal'yid o'clook A. M. NEW YORE AND PHILADELPHIA STEAM NAVI . DATION COM Pill Y, • O N; ocean steamers, DEDAWARE Capy, CAN NON • , BOSTON, Cam. CRIX"'" P. and qr.( EBEC, Capt...lollNBol4, form a DA' ;YE tweets tr i g oily, Caps May, arid New York. irs. —ins from bort P ier below SPRUCE street (Sunday excepted) at 9fL A. Returning, leave New York from Pier 14 NORTE RIVER at eP. M. Leave Cape MAY Oldorldrore except eillatB A. M. Fare to Cape May (carriage titre included).— .(11 60 Servants do do do Season tioketa (carriage hire extra--- 800 Fare to New York, Cabin— 00 Fare fteion Extra—.— , .... 101 . melds tor Caps May and . New YOLildOsken at Jew ratan. Goods declined beyond Nevi Tefk will be for warded with despatch. free of oommincion. JAMES ALl,Dettal CS, Agent, jyrl2-1m 314 and 316 south DELAWARE Avenue. ANNOMPIII PHILADELPIFfA AND F.HADING RAILROAD. DB LIOBTFUL BX.CURBIOPre. On and after MONDAY. JULY fah, until further notice, the tollowing routes will be open for exoundone. Tiokete for sale at Ticket Office, Broad and Oallowbill Stree. 'f, o t:it • Niagara Fang and return.— —..—. Sig 00 o Scranton and return --......... 6ho 0 Look Haven and return.. -.. .. . BSO For further parboulats see small bills, or apply to Ticket Agent of the Company. Broad and callowhill greets, or to JNO. F. BEA IT. General Agent Phila. Jo Beading 'tailwind, Phila. G. A. 2410014,13, Can't Superintendent, Beading. 5711-if • FOR CAPE MAY.—The swift and commodious bay steamer, °SOROS WAMINUTON. Cat. W. 'Muddle, leaves Arch etreet wharf every Tuesday, Thnrsday, and Satur day motrang at 83 o'clock, tetuming on the tnterme diate days. Fare. carriage hire moinded—......, 41 80_ Yale, aeivaute, enrneteture trialuded......— • • ze Benson bakes. earrier.4 hire extra. • -.--" op, 8 00 Unreels, carriages end ireight taken. kg ie FOR THE 13 EA - SHOE E.--CAMDEN AND ATLANTIMIIAD. SUr ARRANGEMENT , On Mid alter inimDAY, JULY 2, trains on the Cam den. and Atlanta Mond will run as follows Mail tram leaves Vine-street wharL..• 7.30 A. M. Express traln (stopping only for wood and water?......—.4.00 M. Anoommodationlo Fre Narbe only ._ NETuaNINTILEAVis Aalitit:ls .AL Mail ~ ...... --- 4.43 P. M. Express train , 6.13 A. M. Aooommodation . from Egg_Narber_.„—..--3.24 A. M. SUNDAY TRAINS. Leave Vine street at Leave Atlantic at P. M. Stopping only for wood and water. • Fare to Atlantic when Cacti; are purchased before entering the oars, SUP. Round trip tickets (good for three days), 1260. to be Purchased or exchanged at Me ticket Milos only, and not of or by conductor,. Beason delteW----- • •. • Monthly do, .... 25. neigh!, must be delivered Cooper's Seint by' 3 P.M. The Company will not be responsible for any goods unit! reoerred and roocipted for by their Agent at the Point. SPECIAL NOTIGR. The Aeoommodation Train to Egg Harbor will ton through to Atlantic every Saturday aßemoon until fur -1 they notie l vi brou ggage checked at all booze stills day at Vine- acr e eery. JNO. G. HAVANT. Job-tt Agent. . . . TO PLEASURE TRAVEL.. LERB.--Strand Exoursion from Philadel- Li f yt t tCh tVigullig.l.llPrp 11.hirtratAl,v"slaSsea znim, and New York, via. bake Ontario. River sit. ,e es Grand Trunk Railway. Splendid steamer . /imam for Saguenay River, and return to Pbiladel tint via Portliuld anj (M liostim or Saratoga Springs. Fares or the round WiR as ows Prom Philadelphia a qualm% White Mountains, Sea ton. and New York • - . . 016.80 From Philadelphia via Montreal , Saratoga and New York.. 11.50 From Quebec, to .Bagneney River, and ret . orn . .-11.00 14Vm rhiladelptda to Niagara Falls, and return- MOO i skew good until Ootober Is„ 1860. For Elm/Ilion Tickets and an information as t route ike.,enn at tile office 8 W. corner of MTH and CHESTNUT Streets. CHAS. TAPPEN, General Agent. VIOUTII NATIONAL EXHIBITION A-A AT CINCINNATI. OHIO, SEPT.I2Ih-aoth. THY: UNITED STATICS AGRICULTURaL SO CIETY will hold its Eighth Annual Agricultural and aCtuitrist Exhibition on the amen& liberally provided by the citizens of Cincinnati, which are to It_fiited up in the best style. 't here will be Ilan, and Tents for the display of Implements, Machinery, Tools. Domestle • MantJactures, Farm and Darden FlAnce,Fruits,Flowers, and Native winch With stalls a d pens for Morse', Cattle, Sheer and Berme. and tin unequalled Track, one mile ne angth and forty feet n width, for the exhibition of I mac The Premiums t tiered in cash. gold. Wirer, and, broad , modabi. ditmaa, and certificates &meant to trinity Thousand ousts, , TheEith bitiormllitaisin open roniWEDNESDAY, the nth, to to itY. the M test SEPTESIBBS, W15'11 , 44 time , to examine no the liniments grid nlaatitherY. at il t lila ok s l o n ! E van aft tit the ., ogee tap etalse.)or to entieetiNr atireinnitthio..• rill . YE JAY POORE, Secretary U. rr. Apr cultural Society. au4 sw-tsal 13liOVISIONS.-176 - figs No : Leaf isilastilitrMard2l3lll V - • I' AU 1 Is, 1861. SILK .AKD DKY froops JOBBEKIL 0 P E NAL N G. JOSHUA. L. GAILY, ' lALFORTBR.AND - JOBBER, NO: 213 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, HAS NOir,:pPEN A LARDS Ann COMPLETE STOCK .STAPLE AND FANCY • D RODS Y 4. O , SELECTED TOE TUE FALL, TRADE -OF 1660, INCLUDING 4 DRESS GOODS IN ALL ,VARISTIES, SHAWLS: BRAWLS BRAWLS CLOTEO3 AND CABSIMEREB, LINEN GOODS. BLACK BILKN AND MOURNING GOODS, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN RRINTS, STANDARD MAKES. • DOMESTIC GOODS. A SPLENDID LINE MERMACH PRINTS AND SNOW-SHOE GINGHAMS, At all times. FALL' 1860, CHAFFEE% STOUT. & Co. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. ault-3m No. 623 MARKET STREET, MARTIN & WOLFF, FOREIGN AND DOAIESTIO .DRY GOODS 334 MARILLT STREET. Ono& sod prompt 13iteln ontlie Bnyere, of all 1804414 are invited to an examination of oar Stook. ,e4S-Sra* A. W. LITTLE & pg.. SILK GOOD'S. : No. 825 MARKET BTREET. aue-sm E:Nr. 0 V A El -In ;comenuenoe of the. destmotion by Are of their THIRD STRUT 870a7. YARD. GIL-MMORE. & 00. HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 610 CHESTNUT ST.. SOUTH SIAM ABOVE SIXTH. PRILADILKIIA, They have now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK 07. SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, •GLOYEkRIBBONS I ; • D EE,S S RAI MING S Together with a LANGE ASSORTMENT of STAREB ' W E. GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, LAMS, MANTILLAS, Am /laving Tenatneci buts small portion of their FALL IMPORTATIONS, Previous to the fire, they are enabled to dleplaY A NEW STOOK. to which they invite the attention of their Customers and Milan generally. sue dm SILKS FANCY DRY GOODS. mroitrATioNi-on eAt.; M. L. HALLOWELL & Co.. 333 hIARKET BrREET. 27 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are prepared to offer to the trade their usual varied assortment of Goods, Pr/lamed on the MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. By experienced buyers, in the prinoipal BUN UPACTLIBING CITIES OF EUROPE, These have been selected with oars for Fiaka-CLABS TRADE. And will be offered at pilau to command attention. • CLose Bums. from all sections of the oeiultrY, are invited to inepeot our stook. Taaws.-iii: months credit to Merohante of un doubted standing, or six per cent. discount for each 'Twelve per cent. per annum discount for advents. Peymente. au2-tlistu-7in WURTS. AUSTIE. & MCVEIGH. IhIPORTERS AND JOBBERS] IN DRY GOODS. No. 311 MARKET Street, shove Third. roe Warts, ear" Auntie, amnion T. MoVeigh, rnILADELPHIA. ohn Weimer, Joseph Baran, and-3m FALL AND WINTER. 01A0ASS & MANTILLAS FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE. SOUTHERN and WESTERN MERCHANTS hay ing Medium to Fint•olau GOODS, are Invited to in leeot our Stook, whieh we offer at LOW PRICES. AND ON LIBERAL TERMS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. THE PARIS MANTILLA and CLOAK EMPORIUM, 7 080HESTNUT STREET. ttn2-2m FALL GOODS. BAROROFT 8a CO.. NOS. 405 AND 407 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DAY GOODS. Reek complete and ready for Trade. au2-33t R WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND QI.OTHINGI. NO. 309 111RitRET STREET, Fall and Winter Stook now complete and ready for Moore. an Rn MILLINEJLY GOODS. pg , FALL, 1860. RIBBONS, BONNETS, • 41:1D MILLINERY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. Wo have now en hand, and daily reoeiving, a large and hanatiorne asaortment of RIBBONS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BONNET MATERIALS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, AIRRIES' AND INFANTS' HATS, lIHARF,Rs, mica AND AMERICAN FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE . MILLINERY. To which the attention of the trade ia &rooted. ILOSENIIMM, BROOKS, ft anlb-Rm:43l IIdARICAIT Street, North V Aitlol§ll bblmi No. 1 bright or 480147411 it ttljt, Vrtzs. ATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1860 A Practical Letter Irom the Sea-side. I Corniapondenoo pf be Frees ATLANTIO Car, August 19,1800. You will hardly thank mo for a letter from the sea:aide ; for what more can be 'saidof Atlantis ja City, the beach, the drives, the, :: ,thing, and the Poetry of the ocean, in addition. j) your unusual correspondence of the season r ' sdtort vinit horn has impressed me with one or twAids of a prao tied nature, which dosetie ss-Mirnooe in your ooluinna." The controlling ideOZ 'My . mind is the entire absence at any means eriellef in oast of danger *con drowning. f remarked- a surf-boat attached to one of the hotel; and during the morn. log bathing hour riding at anchor opposite its bathing ground, but fcr Any priotical or extended purvise of general safety it would be almost use less. Considering that the beach frequented by the bathers Is more then a mile in length, the presence of one boat will serve but a moderate purpose in. ease of danger. Instead of one, there should be twenty. Public opinion will compel these gentle men speculators, whe'boxitrol sea-side - resorts, to adopt the most aveitabhs method of scouring not only apparent; but, entire safety to bathers, and I wonder the result has not already been wpm-, Oohed.' There certainly is a degree.of datager at all ocean waterlog planes, mote Or:tese, to,lm Sure, as the hassle ventpunsopadok neutiousiltut wore prop&Means adopted to completely control, or overimsenttaily diminish not only, the probability, hut the. passibility:a an neeldent;' this danger would, be 14tIneedlo.a nundnad position. Ifiyau would like an illustration of this argu ment exa-nine thistles of your own Press. Within the last week sr ten days five lives have been lest, ono orwhich in the very waves whose roar I hoar asi wkte, arid on a besot} which extends beneath my chamber *indoiri It seems that lessons like these ire , never readily learned. In the general sioramble = for gain,—,ln.the wild competition for the dollars' Of our pleunre-loring people,—ono Idea alone seems to maintain its position in the minds of the Money-Makers, and thistle': What is the cheap est way of making the most money out of the lifondaY-SPenders. No -one thought beyond this ever vsntures farther than the borders of a vision. And this thing will ever be, until -publics opinion, mirroird by a fuddle press, works a refoirk. Thetas lines are written In Atlantio City, and yet without anything more than a general refer ence to tole beautiful resort. I speak of a system, and not of an isolated Instance. :Indeed, I would as readily commit myself to the mercy of those very breakers which I now see, whose rush and , roar drown the merry laugh of the hundreds floundering among them, Si the waters of Long Branoh,4/ahent, Newport, Cape May, the High lands, of even Coney Island, dangerous as that is known to be. Apart from the general aspect of the case, this Jersey beach is safer than any other shore on the continent. But it requires, in order that it may be absolutely and entirely safe, that some additional and permanent meant should be inaugurated, in order to prevent the liability Of bathers to be carried away by sodden and power ful &instils into the mighty deep beyond. It is impossible not to remark the variety of available Sites for the erection of cottages for the summer use of private families. In the matter of betels Atlantic , City lir abundeatly presided for, andplthough I notice a number of neat summer residences, I think that if proper inducements were offered, a larger number of neat family reel denoes could be, end would.. be, Pass ing up the main highway along the bountiful drive lately constructed, we see signs in all directions telling of lots for sale. There aro many small groves in the midst" of which a neat dwelling could be erected, and surrounded with all the con veniences ef , a cottage at GI ermantown. A natural inquiry top friend as to the reason why these ad vantages were fist more generally grasped, brought the 'reply that land was so high that it was impos sible to purchase and build at reasonable rates. Lots that a ah,ort time sloop sold for three and four hundred dollars, now command, as I am credibly informed, fourteen or Moon hundred dollars. This you see is Meagan" old story, and unions the _pied is altered, trygetthe usual denthieriteist. prourabbirtaihrifie City, _ ler& an , amid the volumes of volunteer poetry daily mailed to the' patient journals, I hope It will not be overlookedq 1 see no human reason why Allan- do City should not become the 13adenitaden of America—at least in celebrity. There is a splen- did railroad, Morally managed; and the hotels, with less than the usual number of exacting and exorbitant exceptions, offer every possible in ducement to the health•seeker. In natural advan tages this city can rank among the' most favored. In matters of travelling convenience (and in this busy, bustling age when the moments are only veined by the dollars gained or lost, this is the consideration) it cannot certainly be excelled. A liberal - policy, combined with a little natural fore thought, will accomplish all that can be wished for, and, in the course of a few years, succeed in establishing in this wild and romantic region the sea•aide metropolis of America. And no one will greet this consummation more gladly than In Memoriam. [From a Correspondent in Fayette County, Pal Departed this life, on the ultimo, J. D. Stell - route agent on the Pennsylvania and Con neileville Railroad. The immediate canoe of his death was the loss of his dead, which was struok off by the public executioner, James Buohanan. For many years, oven from his earliest youth, the departed has been distinguished for his uneom• promising adherence to the Democratic, party, and often his devotion ran away with his dieoretion, in jured his business. and lost him friends. 4 In the year MG, when " Pennsylvania's favorite NM" became, by the resignation of Stephen A. Douglas, the onndidato of the Demoioratio party, he freely gave up his time and his talents, to the entire neglect of his business, in laboring for his advancement. When the ides of November proclaimed that 'leery perched upon the banner of the non•inter vention Democracy, the friends of tho deceased demanded his appointment to the position ho °sou• pied up to the time of his death. When Douglas was nominated by the National Convention at Baltimore, the innate Demooraoy of the deceased, and his love for regularly nominated Demooratio candidates, led him into his immediate and euthusiaetio support, and out to the breeze new his ever-ready banner. Fearful men shook their warning fingers and predicted immediate 'Resolution! but the deceased laughed at their solicitude, and boasted that ho never felt better in his lite ! " What !" said ho, "I, that have all my life served in the Democratic army and grown strong on its wholesome precepts, shall I now sicken and die by continuing, in the same faith and prao tics?" and up went his hat for Douglas, and louder rang his shout along the hills of the Youghiogheny ! But old men and wise men, who loved the depart ed for his great worth and steadfast Democracy shook their heads and looked fearfully towards the, city of Washington, from whence emanates the pestilential sirocco of deith ! They wore acquaint ed with the diagnosis of his disease, and know full well that death was inevitable, Te twists came at last language of tho times, the great bloody axe, cover ed all ever with the gore of the best men of the nation, fell with a startling crash, and off wont the head of as pure and patriotic a Democrat as ever trod the green hills of Western Pennsylvania! Ilia hot words were : "In 1857 I preached uouintervan Non, and fiscal beneath the smiles of James Bu chum ! In 1800 I preached non•uuorvantton and died beneath his frowns !" A unanimous Demeornoy have raised to his mo mory a plain marble slab with this inscription: Hero lice ono. BORN AND BitRD A DmmoCRAT, who, after a life DEVOTED TO DISMoDRATIC BRINCIDLES, was deamatated br TRAITOR MID BORATE became he Would not RENOUNCE 1116 DEMOCRACY !! Ye flit post fattens times! Born WALEING FOR A GOOD l'unnOsu.— fdr. John Stiokell, a native of Antrim township, Wathington county, Md., was engaged in build ing ► mill. A number of neighbors bad collected toasilst in raising timbers: a rope was atrotebed wont the building, near tho middle, for some pur posoor other ; Mr. SHAM warm the wall near the atm end of the rope, and a young man in his employ was on the wall at the opposite side of the building, at the other end of the rope; the young mae fell, and in falling, caught the rope, but was not able to raise himself, and If some person had not hastened to his relief, he would havo fallen atztowo feet, into the oog-pit over which be was suspended. Tho crowd who witnessed the young mat's peril seemed paralyzed. Mr. Stiokoll'e at. tendon was directed to the young man'e dang erous situation by the murmur of awe from those below him, when,, without a moment's hesitation, and without a balance pole, be fearlessly walked the entire length of the mill on the tope, over the six ty-two feet diem, and rescued' the young man treat au,awfhl fate,,amtd the rapturous shouts of all present. This wan rope walking to some pur pose; but we doubt whether it bas its parallel on record. Tut popttlation of Birmingham is six thott sand and forty-eight, against throe thousand semen 'hundred ind thtrty-two In' 1850 being an' Notate. of two Amon& Clow Ituadrod and liZtettt. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. Henry Ward Beecher a D. D. The current number of the Independent an• minces that lams secured the services of a new magnate of the Brooklyn pulpit, ,the Rev. Benny Ward Beecher, D. .D., the honorary degree of Dtvinttatts Doctor having been conferred upon their former " Star contributor" by the corporation of Amherst, his alma mater. The same paper Is happy to think that this honor was conferred by Amherst instead of Cambridge, as its coming from the latter might have awakened a suspicion of his orthodozy r adding that the degree he has received from Amherst College must place Mr. B.'a ortho doxy above suspicion, at least in Massachusetts, and that his smart hits heretofore let off at Doctors of Divinity must now be taken in a somewhat Plokwlekian sense. flow a minister so distinguished, both in the poi pit and on the platform, could hays escaped this compliment so long (he is now forty-seven years of ago, having been born June 24, 1813) is a little remarkable, especially in these times, when the title "D. D." is as common, and not um frequently about as signitiaant, Art the °tatt oo! profoeslou, Rel ate those of "Colonel' and " Major "..In =implant° walks. We never hear of a new doctor' of divinity without being re. minded of the sharp retort of a Methodistmlnistet; in the early days of that denomination, who,, on being somewhat contemptuously interrogated ak to the number of' doceora they bad in the Methodist' church, Japed that they needed; MAP:, &s i t/fir divihity was never sick.; Ann, laremokstirer that the ~ ,ezent proclaim of a DD. is to doctor *dell tbbology ; if it is, he must be a bold, practitioner who dares lo do his whole duty in these days of nn= trontedfeliklous malaria and:amalgemationwithine, world. The Bev. Dr. Beecher Is now . olf rustion. ting, and is announeect to preach" the lattrigael under his now honor soon after the fst of IF; ptim- bar. Anour Brintason.--LThe Rev. Mt. Spurg'son, after a tour upon the Continent of tVo months, has returned, and resumed 'hie labors at Exeter Efsit: During his absence he preached in the Cathedral at Geneva, and, contrary to Baptist"nage, neeend od the pulpit dressed in full eanonleals:' There. wore parents present who came tat;Aundilxl miles to hear him. - /a describing this, in a letter to The' Watch and and EthectoT, , Mellpurgetit 'says It irsusist*delightfid'pealelee ta k addretf . ts large assembly of 'the belidverivhf. oiMenday evening, at the house of tau eminent slant of Christ, M. Merle D'Aupigne? At his. rik tin* • mutat I gave an entlineof t*eligionsmovemeist In England, and endeneored to stir Sap the -minds of the brethren to seek nide eagestly the evange lization of their city etid neighborhood. There were present, among many others whose names I cannot just now.rnall, those revered and faithful brethren, D'Aubigne, Ganssen, Cosset. Malan, Frederick Mona', and Pasteur Barg' It was goal to be there, for all was lore, fervency, and prayer fulness.", Mr. pontoon's sermons are being hang lated and widely circulated in France, the minis tore in some of the provincial towns reading theM from their pulpits instead of their ownproduotions. OATHOLIO trans.—The ono hundred andlitirtr eighth 'anniversary of the founding of St. Anne's Catholics ChUroh, Detroit, was recently celebrated, at which the veherable Louis .1. Lefourneau, of the University of Notre Derails, Indiana, e native; of Detroit, officiates'. " This Church • was formerly a cathedral, until the new one was dedicated in 1848. The first missionary of the" Catholics Church, in Michigan. was Father Mainard, who entered the country in 1881, and for thirty.six years afterwards the only church in Detroit was that of St. Anne, above referred to.—The Rev. Father Brannigan, fortnerly of St. Patrick'', has taken charge of the Church of St. Charles Borromoo, this oily. and the Rev. flu& Lane, :its former pastor, has been appoint ed ono of the pastors of St. Teressie.—The Rev. Fathers Ward and DoWolf, havingretired from the pastoral care of St. John's Church, Thirteenth street, thit ohargh now devolves upon Rev. Fathers Dunn, Kinaben, and IMisso.—The health of Car- Anal lillsomenjwho wile recently in danger of losing his life from a oarbunolo, had so muoh improved, by the latest accounts, as to be able to drive out in a oarrlago. ECIIINISORRRES or Dime Bartscar.—One of theusnal topics of correspondents from Newport the rellaiwhich still remain there of the enint ea Berkeley. Old Trilogy, tho Eplsoopel ohnroh in which he often preached daring his residetme of "E.; there in January 1729—is one of the few &unities which survived the Revolution, that ere #:,t stand ing. In it Is still preserved the organ which Berkeley presented to the congregation enlist pro motion to the Bishopric of Moyne by Queen Caro- line, in 1734. lied this devout philosopher and di vine, to whom Popo, wo believe, ascribed "every virtue under heaven," loft no other lines on re. cord than the following prophetic verae, his name would have been rendered Immortal : " Westward the course of Empire takes its way : The four first eels already oast. A firth shall close the drams with the day ; Ttme's noblest offspring Is the last," METHODIBT STATisTICS.—Thero is no (tenon:dna tion which, of late years, ventures more boldly upon the test of statistics, or that can do no with mole numerical credit, than the Aiethodist Episcopal. In an estimate now before on, of the Now England Conforenoes alone, for the presentyear, the follow. log facts are elicited: In the six Conferences de signated, the present number of oburohee le 634. Of these, 277 are provided with parsonages, the entire value of the church property being $2,507,- 027, or an average, amount of $3B of church pro perty to each member, the aggregate membership in the six Conferences being nearly 70,000 souls, Unims Sfurict —The First Reformed Dutch Church, cotter of Seventh and Spring Garden streets, being without a pastor, the Rev. S. F. Berg, D D., pastor of the Second ohuroll of that denomi nation in this oily has consented to occupy their pulpit tomorrow (Sunday) morning, service 'to. commence at 10 o'olook. From the thin attendance upon cburoh services generally at this season of the year, the two oongregatione will unite on this oc casion, in.ponsequence of which, Dr. Berg's own church will bo closed for the day. CUItI3BI2LAND denondria- lion a few days ego sent out their first foreign mis sionary, Rev: James C. Armstrong, of Tennessee Their efforts have heretofore been confined tb the home field. Another change in the policy of this division of the Presbyterian Church is being agita. ted—namely, the substitution of the pastoral for their present itinerating system, in which latter they have hitherto been mere nearly assimilated to the Methodists than the Presbyterians. Tut Lusa Itsvivat.—Tho Rev. Dr. Murray (Kirwan,) in a letter to the Observer, says : " The seed-limo of the revival Is, probably, over. The excitement is not what it wee menthe ago. The caeca' are diminishing daily. There is not so much noise, and bustle, and olrotanstance to attract the passer-by. And all this is, so far forth, favor able. But the leaven is quietly and powerfully working ; and in every direction." OETTYSEURO COMIENCEIMIT.—The commence ment of The Pennsylvania College, Oettysburg, will occur early in Septdkber. The Alumni will be addressed. on the occasion by the Rev. J. B Ilittinger, of Cleveland ; the Linuroan Society by lion. William Jessup, of Montrose, and the literary sosieties by the Rev. C. I'. Knuth, 1) 8., pastor of St. Mark's (Lutheran) Church in this city. Bisnor 'POTTPLE, O.F . NEW Yona.=This eminent divine in the Episcopal Church, and brother to the Bishop of this diocese, at last advises, was about to administer confirmation at the American Episcopal Church in Paris. The Bishop has also recently had conferred upon him the degree of D.C.L., by the Univerelty of Oxford. In the figurative NORTH BROAD-STREBT CMIRCII.-All the legal difficulties in the way of a complete title to the lot on the northeast corner of Broad and tlreen streets selected as tho site of this church, have been re• moved, and the payment necessary to a transfer of the title to the trustees of the church has been made. TUE Moan()Na.—At a Conforanoo hold in Lon don on Sunday, tho 22d of July, Brigham Young was elected President, Revelator, and Seer of the Churoh throughout the world. What theso titles exactly indioato in the estimation of this deluded people is not explained. IiSSIGNATION NOT ACCETITED.—As the 'song roga tion of the Alexander Proebyterion Church, Nino Month and Green streets, refused to accept the re signation recently tendered by their -pastor, the Rev. Alfred Nevin, D. D., the latter has resumed his pastoral duties. WANT OF MININTICTL9.-11 is said that In Georgia the Baptists have 1,422 oburohaa and about 500 ministers, or nearly three of the former to ono of the latter. What can bo the cause of this dispro portion? ANOTIVER Wnstxr . Goss.—The London Watch. malt reports the death of a grandson of Rev. Charles Westoy, and grandnephew of Rov. John Wesley. Tim Env. Wiraiiiim H. BEECHER; of North Brookfield, brother of Henry Ward, read his re• signation at the close of hid forenoon service last Sunday. Tins Ray. J. II hichmensa has aooepted the ap pointment to the professorship of Belle Lettres in Princeton College. CONGREGATIONALISTS IN PARIS.—The Rev. T. Nioholas, of Camarthen College, is at present preaehing in the Cepivegationat chapel In Paris. A Rawaiong Paoirisioir for the deaf mutes hag recently been made in London. • TWO CENTS. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL -IVehavo received the first number of a paper celled the Blair County 'Union,' lately estab• Hailed at Altoona. It presents a oreditable typo. graphical appearance. In polities it is Bell and Everett. —Col. Curtin was to speak, lent evening, at Al. lentown. On Monday he holds forth at Bethlehem. —The Blair County TVhig sayi that 11, Busher Beepo has published a letter favoring Bell ant Everett. e —The German Douglas Oinb,Vaptain Ivory, the Blokory Club, Ciptein,-Spade,-anCthe Hickory . Buds, Captain Canipiell, turned Sat to the num. I ber of Ave hun r red in Springiblia, .111.” on gatur. day evening, with their Wrote!' •and -traperene efes, end made &Ate appa e aranoir It' WirsAit finest local toroh-light_proussion e7Ar haqin tis city, and is said to have eolipaiarralie B i elstais procession of Sardis ';7le o.tW at. Bo great wanthe dedire 10,11V$[ it, dip that Moo the 'number llisere:joined . the 4orch, t , light procession thyd there been .torches toeuPply. them. . „. —The German paper at La Cgisse ti ,lllinnesote, termed the Nord Stern, havjt peen it to take down thePtltllleretio flagoifici'likist that of Lin. cote,. a bout eighty Democrats rat.,tp g pt*, 9d having collected coplea.of the Stern, lopteika fircr cession, and - conveyed the; copies to box on dray - throngh th e ittrinifs eidllpan burned their. L 2 theikednehii Avaliingibas been annoubo- litgf4 Mine Site past th at one of the ablest and rneat'brWient Writers in'the Union would soon be 'added to its editorial collie. The able and bril- Bent gentleman is added, and,he says : Pthe Tu glasites and the friends of Belt and Everett are ' now spitting through the same quill." That'd his Brat Bash of brilliancy. What under hiavens will the neat be ?—Exchange. . L.-re is a noticeable fact, that of there was - a Know.Nothlng Lodge any numsdaal strength, thereis certain to be a Republigipwide dptaKe olub organized in its stead, composettof the same elements, having the same objects in view, and the same politioiani- aro directing its move ments. A change of names has not clanged its ptirposes, nor a change of dark-lanterns for torches :trill answer to'blind the observer as to their real objects.. Undetthe old garb, the united forces of the Democracy would overpower the partisans who now hope to deceive into their ranks mime of those opposed to KnoW-Nothingiszo, by the use of a new title and the resort to parade and chow. They may bo partially successful for a time, and, when their scheme Islay understood, they will fall into disrepute as suddenly as did the oath-bound secret olubs.—Hone.rdale (Pa ) Paper. —The Montrone ilteptebhcon says that come of the Douglas prints are beginning to deny that the " Little Giant" ever said that he did not care whether slavery was voted into a-Territory or not, and that, although a Northern man, he had no pre ferences in favor of freedom. It quotes the fol lowing extract from senator Douglas' speech in the Urd States Senate, delivered on the 19th of December, 1857, as reported in the Congressional Utobe,-A1857-8, p. 17 : , Ant lam told Jon all Wee, Oh._inst wait; the vro slavery clause will be voted down.' That does not ob viate any of my oftlections ; it does not diminish any of them. - You have no more right to force a Free State constitution on Kansas than a Slave State Constitution. If Kangas wanly a Slave State .Constitution, she hail a right to it: if she wants a Free State Constitution are tins a nett to it. It it none of my business which way the slavery ciliate le doeitied. /cart not whether it ts voted down or voted yr.. —Tho Dougla% Democrats of the Third ward, Pittsburg, mot of Wednesday evening. Mr. Kelly read the following resolutions, as the report of the committee, which were unanimously adopted : IV/areas, at a meeting of the Third ward Democracy, held at the house of John Duffy, on Friday evening test. a revolution approving of the tuition or the State Cen tral Committee, at Cresson, was passed without a full end proper understanding of Its mean and extent: therefore, Resolved. That we hereby rescind' the vote then and there taken. Resolved. That we are the firm and undeviating friends of kltophen A. Donelas and Harenhel V. John son. regarding them as the regularly nominated Demo cratic candidates for the YresideneY end Vioe-Preat donor orthe I of BUM and believi th r ou gh out are the choice of all true 'Democrats the Resolned. That we have no confidence in the ma Jeri() of those on the electoral ticket. and that we will withhold our import from it, until we are fully winged that they will abide by the declared will of the majority. —A movement has been on the tapir' for several weeks for the organization of a Pittsburg Trades Assembly, similar to the powerful ones in Phila delphia and Cinoinnall, and having been thorough ly and favorably canvassed by the workingman, the aoveral unions were authorized to ;select thine t eleirittal null to-te-Ootrientiorr, - be be Wit on the 16th Atigutt, at Connelly's Hall, with a view ; to concerted action in the matter. Tho following branches of industry were represented: Machi nists and Blacksmiths' Union, 'Typographical Union, Window-Glass Blowers' Union, Moulders' Union, Oordwainere Union. Bellow-ware Glass- Blowers' Union, and . Coal hlinera' 'Union. —Our dramatic, readers will be delighted to learn from the following paragraph, published in one of the second-rate London. papers, that the Luther of the American stage is properly appreciated abroad : " Tut Psalms Baouanr OVILIC PROM AMERICA Him neNT ACTORA—Mr. John Brougham, who hen been in tie United Metre eighteen yearn. and who is about to appear in London; Inn Than lioutripaulti who hem been in America seven r earn, and line initiated It crest re- . . • . . . form in the American Vase • and Alm Agnes Rohe; son Who has been a great eel in New York." Like Moliere's citizen-gentleman, who talked prose all his life without knowing It, we have been unooneolously " reformed." Let us hope that we may be properly grateful for the blessing, now that it Is revealed to ne.—Ne w York Times. The Chicago Zouaves Return Home, THEIR ARRIVAL AND RECEPTION. The Chicago papers thus report the return and . receptioa of the Zoriavea, who reached that city on Wednesday. They came by the train from Springfield, on the St. Louis and Chicago road. They were expected at a quarter past seven, and preparations to re ceive thorn were made accordingly. The programme of proceedings was extensive and varied, and it was carried out in a proper spirit by those having the affair in charge. At twelve o'clock the city alarm bell rang a general alarm of fire. This was to warn the fire department and other organizations to get ready to assemble at the appointed place when three sig nal guns ehould be fired. The signal guns, ac cording to the programme, were to. be fired about six o'clock, so that the several organisations were given six bourn to get ready to assemble. bhortly after five o'clock the three signal gene were beard, the assembling commenced. The military and civic, organtzatione of the West divi sion hastened to the Went market, and thence marched in precession to Dearborn. Park. The military and civic organizations of the North divi sion congregated at the North market, and marobed thence to Dearborn Park. The South division proceeded to the Park direct, without any inter mediate place of meetiog. The epeoteole presented by tbo numerous bodies of citizen soldiere, firemen, Turners, " Invineibles," " Wide-Awakes," city officers, politicians. office-seekers, and private oitisens, when all were collected together at the Park, was grand and imposing. When all had assembled, the procession was formed. and marched under tho command of Col. J. B. F. Russell, obief marshal of the 0008.8100, to the point selected for meeting the Zoaaves• Col. Russell was assisted in the duties of his poet by Col. G. W. Cummings and. Col. Henry Howland. All these gentlemen performed their duties with promptness and efficiency. At the point where the Zouavee were to meet, the military escort, composing tho head of the column, countermarched on its own ground, and the rest of the procession formed to the right and loft, in single ranks, on each elite of the street. In this order the congregation waited (or the Zouaves to arrive. The train was due at 7.20. Tho time arrived, hut the train did not. All along Clark street, and at every point by which tho Zouaves were expected to pass, on their way from the cars, large crowds of people had as sembled to witness the spectacle. Many ladies wore among the an xiouely awaiting crowds- "Why don't they comer wee the universal inquiry, and "I don't know" was the universal answer. In other quarters the case was different. At the Tremont Dome. a telegram was posted about 7 o'clock, announcing that the train was two bourn behind time at Odell elation. The cause of delay wen a freight train off the track. Two hours passed, and still the train did pot ar rive. The necessity of running with greater care, after losing two hours' time, was doubtless the cause which deferred the arrival of the Zouaves until near 10 o'clock. At length the report of cannon was heard an nonnciqg that the Zouaves had arrived. The streets:by this time almost deserted, wore again speedily thronged by people eager to behold the ZOIIEVON and Crown the brave. As throosti the streets they r ide. And gaslights danced on the polished arms Of the warriors, side Icy side ! The procession reached through Clark and Lake streets to the Republican " wigwam." At the Wigwam the proceedings were brief, con sisting of a reception speech by the Mayor, and a response by Colonel Ellsworth on behalf of the ZOI.IItVOS. A large concourse of people were pre sent. After the reception ceremonies, the Zouaves were escorted to their armory by the military compa nies!, whence they repaired to the Briggs Howe to partake of a supper by invitation of the proprie. tore of that excellent hotel. The enthnsiaem manifested by the populace du ring the triumphal march of the Zouaves through our streets was such as we may. suppose to have been shown by the Romans when -come conquering Came returned, avail-laden, from the field of vic tory. Bat their victory has been one of peace, not war. They have come home with many laurels, but few scars. We trust they will ever preserve the freshness of the formes, and that it may belong ere an occasion will arrive when they shall stand in danger of the latter. WE have had the following handed to na, and trust the party will tome e swinsmtmai*: "The Ant Minnesota swimming party will take plaoo nest Snade.y. the 12th day of Angnst, at 8 o'clock A. li.:oonsisting of several 0411MIALIS, and others who may wish to swim along wit/s, them, commencing at Fort Snelling and ending at the bridge of St. Pul."--ilitnnelotime. THE WEEKLY PREM. TOO WIIKLY Pans pin toe Mit to sabostibas 1f coot ( Per SWIM, In idesecadat--- —.—511.0411 Three Copies, " Fire " 15.0. TVs " " " Tr. euty " " " (to one eddreeenteilt Twenty Co)lee.or over " (to address or • each eubsoribier.) For a Club of Twenty-one or ever. l l" , Will mai ea extra copy to the getter-up of the Club. tar Postmasters are reeriested to set at /Weals fo Tax Wuxi:Frans. tat iIrOMMLII rases. hailed ULM. times a Month, In Um• for the Canfornht Steamers. the Rock Island Railroad Bridge. YHA AZILZIST or xi lIISSZL. A. correspondent thus writes to a Now York paper: The account of the arrest of Kr. W. Bisset at Chicago, and of the causes that led to lt, has a tendency, from the looms whored' It ema nates, to do that gentle Wan lunch more Wary than he merits. The Reck resod Rsilroad bralgo, which he is charged with cotutpiricg to &wrap, spans the Mississippi at a peettliagiy oarom n sp, part of the river for the location of snob a Am ture,•and it-haa caused many accidents to shipashem • • and pee ee seriously obstructed the nawig~ the upper portion of the river thiii the Legidatarti of lowa has declared it a public andeasae, - rind $ suit4Or its removal Is now peothg , •. United States Supreme Court at W Mach angry And 'Mita' feolingproriiii4WNlP the cities of Chicle aea St. Lou is relative ks tM. bridge. The etrueturo . bewelti Chicago— t St Louis. St Louis bong en the Ithshippi i rg . anti Chicago bang several hundred tam distant, - It might mergreaeonthin'thil SU Leslie shoild have NA, more briny teistirs setition Involviag the tievigatton of that nob i kr . ram. this saltmay, tbe.Cieribid• of Com ce of St Leek have dew gated to -their agent, Riesdl, mitts mein, in the exerciee of which , lac sad I* Wen tained and advlsedjtylsgal outuigd r , jggl a ll.r. Bie sell's arrest , 50 hillfrom Orient adIRWr tußeel , lag upon hit nothing eljattiat's retaliation upon the St. totem:ober oruawooree; sad as rattrap . tto at', the,aq ilea 0.106, gemsLaglda tnth, • Artetheri'Mr, %stall was More ht a Wisely mod tali in chrryleig out Lietrtuaseis; if a tastier of no yaeopnians •se :poiserhe.• ' Myshisot if do 440idc ldtteanden, And TOW* Wmi aP prehensione o his minnow; and reerneighlegsla. fives La.thlitaikr,diad.hothil Oonnseftit. The press of Rochester sad of St. Louis, has dently vindicated him In gross places. - Away Siariurr. CILLIN Gallo.—This ~ itustitution " the prin ciple of which is is make able•hotiteri vaigattends and loafers a useful as well as - ornamental append age to, the body pond() and corporate, has just been inaugurated In our neikbboring city of Pelemberg• A free negro, by the name of James Jackson, was the first to fell into. the minks; and the isterfa genrsr says there are, - beejdem, sigootily number of . free negront and worthless wirlici 'persons mirth:up about the streets, without visible Mesas ores port, who, unless they keep a Wed Ittelk•ont, oay, • • m na gs in a abort time, be expiated to: weer tibe kr This system has for a te time,-and 7, been adopted in Richmond ins... A, si ar rangement would : doubtless, mark *ell ire,lf it could be tried. The subjeot has, we believe, hem ocoasionally broached In the Councils, bat , not acted upon, in consequence of the belief that there was not power in the city government to eaforee it if adopted. • la re AI te Weekly Review of the P 114144 1 17 Markets. •• Andiner 17, 1 ' The wet weather in the forepart of the week ii idu „- rusted business, and the markets generally has 8 ruled quiet. Bark is without much demand and dell.. ID Broaden ifs also meet with a limited inquiry, and eiMes of most kinds ate barely maintained. Candles are with out change. Coal is active, with free shipments &both Bohnylkill and Lehigh. Coffee, Sagas, and Melanie are oust. In Cotton there ma limited inquiry oelyto note. No change in Fish. Dottiest's. Fnut.ivarriving and •rolling freely. bat the market is nearly'e& of foreign. No change in Hemp or Rides. and the latter very dill, The Iron market ItlauieL Lead is held firmly. and in Lumber there is liatrade doing. Nasal Stores have undergone no change. Fish Oils age stitranetas, tot other kinds are quiet. Provisions era firm,sad th e transactions limited. Rice is dull. In Salt th ere to more doing. Clovers:tit isuisnired for. Raw Timothy and Flaxseed are beginning to arrive, and for the former pricer have declined. In Tallow, Teas, and Tobsooo, no change. Wool meets with fair inquiry from Mann - % sa g: reclaims, and commands full o ' The Dry Goods trade Ma been fairly Zaire Ili - commission and job homes, and.buyers take ly. The otaintir generally being bare of goods, pupae are wen main tained, and firm for all the leading articles ofootten and woollen manolacture. The Breadstntis market has ruled dull this week, but without acl rnaterml variation to note us ohm or &a round, which hat been quite light the miles of Flour giornprial about Sono lib's only at x 550 for fresh-ground superfine, mm 14167506 for extra, closing with a little more firmness oaths - part of the holders. The sales to the trade have slim been light at the above fiancee. for superfine And extra, and from se.= to $6 TS per bb I for extra family and fno , y hrneds, inoluding round old stock superfine at $152ti553734 per WA. ire 1101.1. Is scarce and sidling. in a :mill ' , eV ar *looi per Core ht est is but little inquired for and Pitmen at&grin perbbt for fresh Pennsylvania. and $3.86 per for Brandywine urea be following is the invoretion of Flour and Meal, for the week. enitinr August 16.1860: Half barrels of superfine Barrels of .uperbne do. fine. . .. do, in d do. Corn Meal - do. condemned Total.. ' .—. 9.343 WitEAT.—The mossier. hire hews wiadessew mot the demand fair at fally Amer rates. siaiimay slam bushels Pennartraniaartl South.ra r.. 1 at 1301 MI for common sad four red. sod ty'l se .ate her goll il aa4 ttel ° 4l l 4 t Ui r i l et i t i lek;. hit. at Si 351" SS" l i a Rl' ra in rood dem)c t. aol a't *red bold at MsZte for P.O' and 731 fn- old. Corn is scarce,the tfam•-d 'tot madam** the - ad vance, with sales at' :0 o 0 bosh premium Penns and Southern 7 , 736 fdr q its 70072 e. Mired Western at n 072 I( 9.. dam/tared MASAO& Oats arrive freey. not Maya been in zoos demand Rale, 25000 bush at 03233 a new ant) 07040 for old Dela warn and peana 11.rlev nothing case 8 .we new erne was offered veer tats Igo bush Haste Malt &tee or Vie eau erter.t. PRO VIP4ONS are he with in 4e, fittnn-aa. them in very little doing. Mess Perk in sioth a logo ve barrel. and cite-paoked Mesa Beef is Mill rig at, 813014 00 bbl. but the a lee are light Bacon meetsa ntendr demand. with sales of about .90 peaks at 13mIto for plain and fancy Hama, menizin for Sides and 10010iic for Shanidem No sales of Green Meats. I tied is quiet - We quote at 131gel3lio in bar rels and tierces, and Ire in bass Battler la steady. Pales of good solid -packed at liol4c. and inferior ate* too if , lb. Cheese commands Ilattlio er N foe bow Yritk. M hTAI B.—The market for Pt Iron magenta po new feature. The demand is limitedand prices. if aa7- timer. favor the buvers. Pales o f No. 1 Anthracite at $23,0123, No. tat BM. and Is o. I at SSP on time. For eeolch Pig there is I tile or no inquiry, and priors are nominal at $23021 do' ton. Blooms continue as last quoted, sae 56turfl 40 ton. Bar and boiler Iron are palling Moyle from store at previous rates / ead-- There is but little pig Lead here, end no farther traas actions in either foreign or doniastio have tissurpired. Copper is dull. sheathing selling slowly at 270, - 1.4 yel low metal at 200,6 months. BABIL—The receipts and stooks of Querritron are light. but the demand has fallen off and prices are nominal: stales of No. 1 at .362 air ton. Truraera' Bark comes forward slowly arid to but little inquired after • sales of Spanish at 512013, and Cheatnut at 510510.14 l' card BEESWAX is enchanted, and good yellow mils is a small way at al est Ne. CANDLER are dull. City Adamantine sail in s tresll Way at 153iA17c. four and six months. Sperm are held at Co. and Tallow at latrine. with small sales. COAL —The trade in settle. both in the Schuylkill and lah ieh region and the tihiptocnts from all 'points have been !arse, as there will be a further advance in the rates of freight and to'l on the Ist of Sepoember. The demand far all air's of Coal continuos rood and rifles firm. The shipments are heavy by all the chan nels. end might be incretired if vessela were plenty ; there tr.ing a to:art:By at all the shipping points CoFPF,F.—The stook in first hands has been inareased be the arrival of near 6 009 bags Rio and Larnayna. The market in quint, brit prices are firm. Sales or am bazaar the former at INa Lslio. and Ste bags of the Lat ter at Mc lb on time. 4 . 0T . 1 ON in fierily held. but there is bat little imam. and coal:nod chiefly to the flee erodes. which are scares. Saws of 700 toles chiefly Volands. are reported in lots at from 6' to 9 , 1 for low ordinary end gametes and,ll)4 01340 for middling and middling fair quality. cub lkja time. The fallawint is the movement since the tat of Sep tember last as compared with the previous three years: LW. 1439 19W. M. Itee• at Ports,-...4 45 LOW 3,&10a 3 043.000 2.919.000 Kg. to O. Bribun.2 eetreo 1.9:0.00° 7.75e.0110 1,413.010 Prance 37d.atgli 117 10) 378. 413.000 other 1. ports.. 4 ,1 2.000 6 , 7.000 0 ..9.(0) 4 1 0.000 Total exports. 3 7'3 IVO 2031 (69 2333.0;0 2315060 Rook on hand.... 175.02 116.3 X) 113.600 76= Of which during the past week. included in the above: ee. at Ports 91k0 113 000 6 WO 9 001 Ex. to 0. Britain. 6.02 4 AOO 11 1.000 France . _ " other f. ports. 2.1.311 2010 1,00 2.eoe Total extents.. 73/00 111.000 LIMO 33x1 0 Scum gag —R . er,ipts—lncreoute at the ports compared wan Pat gear. 711.1.(00 hale. ElTOrl.—thereme to Great Britain compared with last year, 6°21'0 bailer; In crease to Prance, 134,e00; decrease to, other f orm ,. ports. 52.003 1 . 0 1 /11 increase in exports 774,0X1 bales. ft R1 1 (38 AND DYES are in fair request. Among the gales we notice Soda Ash at 5';e2.7:0,8a1 Soda at 1.340. refined Borax at 18Ve, white Auger of head. which is learns and in demand, at ILlio, and Indigo at 13001503 for Beulah on time. FBA'PHERS are scarce, and range' from SZara.lo for gocal Westsm• I , lBll.—l'ere is very little doing in Mackerel. mid but few arriving. The store quotations are $1709766 for rt. 1. 211,211 50 for No. 2. and 39 2509.150(er 210.3. Mess r bad are retailing at 914 •tp' bbl. Pickled leering range from 32 50,g3 u 49' hid,. in quality. New Cod fish sell in a small way at .4.25 the 10 0 Ihs. FRUIT.—The market is nearly bare of Cori an. anal there is reilong doing worthy of notice. Domestic fruit is arriving freely. Apples command 31L00330 4 1 'bbl. Pied Apples are awe dull at 4.330. Peaches range from 51 to 210 t i e locket as in quality. tome further :taloa of V. ilmington Peanuts have Leen made at $1 ra 41 , b,i on time. FREIi2IITS to Liverpool range at 31 for Flonr.loo lid for Wheat. and Ws Liverpo ol weight. A bark is filling up for Landon at equal to led lel boa for grain. and Sno ad 40' ton for weight. finish shipments are making to Ban V" foot. West India freights Fnc are s a quiet. ew ti l n ' d or e k n . it '‘ a t b 3 ; : e 34. l"eesela are scarce. A brig was chartered to Windward at equal to 63c 40' bbl mit To Now Orleans the rates Ore lee Lic 42" foot. Ma bile 13c. Charleston and Savannah Co 413' foot. and s34o' ton. MW:lining,lon.N.C..so end s2sy ton. The latest° Boston, by the packets, are 233 for Flour,l3A6a fur mea surement roods. egl 7Set 2 25 for pig and manufactured tom Coal freights are unchanged we quote to Beaten at 31 40, Preividenoe $I 15ee1 20. Pail River $1.15 e 1.2.5. Baltimore 750. Washington. D. C., taloosl, and C hartelten $235. are wanted at Richmond. GlNSbN..—'Thera is tilts or none offering. and no gales of either crude or clarified have been reported. EIEhIP ia extremely quiet, tut we continue former quotations. PI PA are dull, and without ellen. An invoice from Porto Cabello has arrived, which remains unsold. Green elagehter Slides are dull. and Sao $l 7 111) lower. HOPS are but little ingoired after: sales of Eastern and Western at flelle.2 ll M. . hll3 SR.—There to &moderate bunnies' doing, and p on e s ". ste a dily maintained. Two lots of Bonthern yellow Pine Pap Boards ared at 211016. White Pine Boards range from 314 to 217 A cargo of Caro lina Flooring was disposed of at a pricenot madepublio. 5101. A 551 ES is very dull, beit_pricas are without ant , quo:able change. A cargo of Tntudad sold at 270, on time. NAVAL STORES—But little doing in any kind: small aales of medie_m grades or Rogan at 31 Viee 1 630 sir hit, Wilmioston Tar ea held at 22.73a3, and piteti ai t2.7,5,1.240' Mil. Ppir , ts Turpentine is scarce and firm, an d selhne in a small war at illeggle 15 gallon. Olt A.—There is a steady store demand for Fob Oils, and the tendency of prices 1e cull upward: Wiater Prerm in now held firmly at $1 as. to Lard Oil there is a bettor feeling. with sales of city at lideold4o. Linseed Oil is unchanged. ranging at &Una°. PLASTER.-- bare is rot remelt offering; the last sales of soft were at $173 2 1 . RICE.—The demand to limited,batt prices unchanged; 601% 1 1 axles at 434atego. 4 inns. P A 1,1 1 .—A cargo ni Turks ;stand and 1,12311 saiska Liver pool sold on terms kept private. Au import bas also arrived to a dealer. 8E1 , 1013.—1n Clovergeed ootn bag deo-a fa- the want of complies twe aunt° at !9 1505 5; 4P hue Nate Ttmothr is mare abundant and hu gain duel net ; wales at 113 e 01,73 4,2 1 boa. Flaxseed is in got d request at 3U301.53 hulk, SUGAR.—The market is firm. late 0•IT itsat. and only shout 7ZO blots sold at front 7.aBa for Cal* and Porto Rico, on toge. oP I It iTs.- 1 1 here is no ehange In famine, and wheat the usual buaivess to nate Rum eel's as wanted at 3343d0. Whisky is rather rare •, isles of Ohio Mile et 220; Penne)lrania at ril)i 3 ; hrtds at sto ; ant drudge at 204. 811 M aCja very dull, and no sales have t+ asspired. , TALLOW Isquiet. .We enote any-tendered at 10X0, and cop atm at 930 4p lb. TEAS.—No change. and bat little doing, owing to the high - view of holders. TOBACCO.—Not much doles. Ws noticee melee of RI OD_amaes Ohio Seed Leaf. on Wine net made wl.ll.EB.—The sales aro niumportant. and pneeil Orle. WOOL.—There i 5 • firmer (colleen the incrhot, but the demand le moderate. Among the Wee we liette• some fine Ohio (locate et Monk thee -naartrr blood at bso ; half gle. at Oe quarter it dank, alt: woo warm roman sold tad& -. 114 - . 141
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers