torltl praaen t object the eroloaien of the North ftoa ita TerritorUtrights; for.eleot Mr. Breaks intilde, and will ha riot fat themoet liberal oon •tctttUt an that platform, arid so dlraot tha power'; ofßorarnraent sa to lrirlta and stimulate Southern omigretJonto ill ap tha Territories—and at tha paapaf-tnapant, haring boat) fostered, protaotad and motored fbr tha purpose, out those Territories op:into' alatra States, and admit them at oust seder leeoneptonConrtitatioue, thru virtually ex olndipg Northern emigrants ftom that dearest o! all rights' aalf-gorernment ? We cannot donbt thai v. BraoMnridge would eoma np to all the of the traet ha hat aocapted., Bid ( he fsilto do eo, the Santh wonld brand him u a I J ~J Idqhim (tho.justloeto mppoie ,tt»‘in c **« fag election ht would not meko Ithuambition to vioUteAtr pledgee; torport end-trifle with hit üblijptions; to {wll 'Mn horn* feeble Northern threat.; tohetrkyhlsfriendsandtohoghlsfoedr-" uatil fleallyho WOfld ho desplsedof both, apdtake hU placo la political history, as the second leh’. maelite that ruled u«. No, sir. John 0. Brooking ridge 1» too proud to be guilty oi deooit, and there for®, when ho accepted a sectional nomination, he ealeulatad Its oonarquenoes, and will not shirk thorn,,said henao it ll certain that ha will act »» I ban indicated, if ha is elected. ft'Xwas thus with Hr. Vanßaten. Ha aecepted a! froo-soil Northern nomination ; Mr. Breckinridge aoeepts a slave-toll 'Southern nomination, and bit’ political fate must he the same. Thus the North has had its Van Boren—the Booth will have’ilr Breckinridge ; bu t the Domoorotio; party, though ’tip aren boston, will still have Its' principles and, its Douglas, and will Hve and triumph when those who haTo fattened pa its favor, and'betrayed when theyoould not prostitute it, shall be forgotten, or I remembered Only as Arnold is remembered/ ' Mr. Bnoklniidge’s oonrso is a rabjeot of painlnl rag Tot tome. Young, gifted, nnhrersaUy respeot ed, if he had bat seen the snare that was set for him,, and refused.the glittering .biit, haw glorious weald havs been tberesult!; But he is entrapped Bnohanan, who eailed him a boy in 1856, and con sidered it on insult thef he was associated with him on the Democratic ticket,* has caught him—oaoght him like a Ceh—and thrown him out on the hot; dtension shore of the. politioal waters, there, to draw e feW; feint bremths, to quiver, to die. ond to be forgotten Bid Brackinridga loan thanominea. of tha Bal-; tiattrs OonTinUon, hoar gladly ve would all Bare; laapad to hU tapport! Ha tcasona of tha idols'is' oar .polltfoal tanpla; Ba as tka Tiotlm of Buqß-! asaa, tad thaVin Bnran of tha Soath! ', ! * In Has. when Snohansn «u inform edtfaat BreeVin iidgswst pat apon ths ticket withhim, he l tot info a towering pension—na : d bo wag oaly nbor—and con siderrd the aaaoniaUon of Breokinridgt'a namewitl hie an limit! | Paannrn to* aPiocqh. —The tnuteegoi' tha Main* State AcHealtarat SOeletyhaTe offered a premium of $25 for a plough to work upon bogg# land. It la to be so regulated that the oxen ban both walkon the eod aa the bottom of the farrow la. often miry. Drama the ltat year, gays The Lancet, the women of, Great Britain hare borne shore 2,000 ehlldreh a day, 795,1*0 in the year; bat death atrpek down abora 1,300 a day, 503,003 in the year —end rednead the natural ice reuse of population to little mere than 700 a day. j . HonmuaT to a Rxvoionokary Somix*.—- The monument to Heal Knapp, the last of-those, who formed the body guard of Washington during tha Kendation, was inaugurated at Newburg on the 18th. Hr. Benson J. Lotdngwaa the orator of thooeeaaton. Qomsox Go nsoit has obtained si* month eaee of absenee from Washington Territory -.IMPORTATIONS*. IlMMftai tor Tha Praia. 1 fli'. BARTS'—Bng fft lias, Allen—*4l6 doien pine np ■ptesSM hnaebee baeanaa leaao Jesses A 00. . ■ £OBro CSBItM/l—Brig, JoeeshTnaawetl, Davis usr tees coffee 7759 hides4Bt bars eoooal box mdse Del test jrathsra i»0 hidee Rising A Co, N If; IS bate oof-, fee f Letmig; 114 do Leon Cora. .'TBSsABILraiA BO ABB OF TRADE. GEOSBh If TATHAMw Riffl* RTBREMi 1 ICo **■*»•* o»th» Monts. . / - - BETTER BAGS . At the Xtnhanu' Exchange, Philadelphia. , jtark B»iaboU»_Broo>sasn— London, soon Mark St Jews. Ornie, ™*. Rio de Jinsiro.soon Barttowebe, Wilson .... .Laganyra. Jana SO , Bru BeatklfogPea, Wiewall ...Buenos Arras, soon §ohr Vrieeden, (Dutch) Merer - Hanna, soon, Bear Eyshn. York*.... Hareoa. soon .... JSsr* V irk— jl»wYork. Bremen—Julj 7 Yori..Liveipool Jaljr 7 •......»Botfo»r.jj varpooL Jny 11 >...York, .Ji«Tr«... ~ ****,„ Jnir M York. .fUmbara ....v.Jnly W .^**JirifYoHr n li*«rpooi Id York .Oa’t’nfcLiTtfrvool.Jtilr l» Flao©o,.,New Vork..galway«.._ .i»lr 1» .Jto«rYork. .Harr*. Jalr St Aiv»v. v -..... v ...80fttm rLiwpool. ..L.Joly 29 T“*"W*t- • Wff Kite ~ J *' llB _BPW lltn ' w rot , DATS {•nil. ... &m«rt.Jtfliw Yw11... ._JanS JJ Flseos . Galway ;.Hsw fork—..... Jane J 3 £tsa..... LirarpoftL .New York-*——.Jen* « v Fs.Hoq- —~Bouthuortoa. .*ev YoTk.-~...;.Jafe27 ' FMMtme .♦*.« .. .Lirtrsooi. .Quota Jane ST Arrti»„....;Xiw»ooi.|o«o«,_„..Jane» Araso_.__Bo«tfcaa»t n.-Now-Vcrtt —...ely 4 i Jam..—. .. York. nbe IS nail from Nsw York oa Yorkoa thekd.Tth, , .JjfaM thoabovo data* Su on Bandar, the atooaoro wui waft on Monday. except from New Onsaci. ■AKINK INTBILIGENCB VOimFHIUOSLPHU, Ail j 3, 1860 : —lB ' ARRIVED. vithiMMtoCrtnral) * Collin* ’ irlSuisS I S'OA t ?v!.jJ >,<> ' 4 <f * r ' ®*“ Piovinoetowni KobTcSoelifc'VoT.., ( dm Proa Oaorotovn, into 0041 tO OtfUlSi ‘ ' Jiil «Jf«fc>M.:Jiift.ld»y from rortDoMit,-with 3»aS'S^4i W * Writhrt,wi.i. • /iw l ''!!**>• * d»T* from Port Walthsl, " from Ljnn, in tallaat to Bfllrlo* SAaxfirld. Mar. 6dM»‘from Boaton, Hibkllait SSW-.-0.-. .•• ,****»*!«. w * <*»* from Kor,ll ** ,t Follt ’ Md. : fefesv%bi r -<5! *z-*r»- , , . JMk Bren. , £jr B*nrrl;o«w. Ilor. Raltlmoro. A Brryrw.Jr ■. ’ dESi 1 -* ***■<*•*** T«h Jam* A tl-, - tadmraod ooa fWßKVfr: JpUAdtf,* C»>; Dr 3 BolmM. do to IVor&rodaa: gfaeeu ? Caff ,W«BofcMd. do toJohaCroiir; 0 n Blackwell, do Tajlor; SBdcArffeonMoa Mfbeoaljoh Yorks SveaaohAimA* ■•rmkXlitfajfirito U«h«r t Firuu Fjdler, Maryßov- eool to Delaware StMMhif htno#at Nev York, lit ‘ M^Jjt^SrKu oo * Ta,lo . r ’ * ntMed oat »* Liverpool tiofa CalaitU.attoiidoa ITffciiSUr of tfao Uo (on, Gorham. from Now Yorlc for "MtMdLiborifc, wai yatved fith alt, Ut 54 St, ion f 7 .Hatofcmoooe from Heir York 15th Mori JjjrJj** FrMptooorWtt tfokoa Ist uit, Ut 80 80 V, loa .. OrUano for Llwf* I yoal, w»» apoken Iftb oft, Ut 80, Ina 74. JJIjjJS™ ® n ? w » Bb°w, from Calontta atGravaaand ' «ifKf toak *’ ol,i ™ 4m *»» : fcSjTfWWi. Pta«mer, cleared at Baltimore lit : ■ JUs BfHlL'srkte¥.ScV , Mi t ? t & fide Cobs. flawTer, hence »i Salem Kth nit , Sshr Sarah Clark, OriSthi, kenoe for Hew Hares,"at’ B&r/nilBartSett. Bartlett. for Philadelphia, in 7dare "Sekn Stag? Loveland”* from Bsrport,and 1 Clark, Beall, from Jaokennviil*, arrived at Raw. York Ut inet. Bohja Borden.Wrirhtinetoni and H. Bißucom, ' Tenlisjiesee at Fall kiver fflth nlfc,. . . y ! BahrMonterer, Craig, from unaware City, arrived at Fall Kiver gfch ult. , -’•> ( iehr Faaltne. Snper, from NewYprk for Yireiala, In ' • hedkirt. ara«_ea»iikea os Fridar night in a tga.ll off SnatFag Harbor. The ospiam and orew were taketr - - off br eohr Bertram and landed at Great Eli Harbor. • TjWtr ttiaa Ffearo, Orasmer, henee at. New amndos TBfi* Thus Borden Writbiogtea, apd H. B. Beaeomb. , • Tsaaiis, hswe. asa Jtoaterer, Craig, frots Dalavare Wi?iajneon”lr, Winemore, heno* at w.r , : JtjkSrVHßleaker. Kdjrarda, elearedat Jaokaonville ' 3^i , W , Lgp!sn“ t Wman, oleared at JaekwnviUe ■ si olttor Hiofimottd- J ’' «kIK&* ,l,te ' i ' uaau ' <l,Mr * ll »* Flrmouth, Maee.Wtb ;*j«irßo>hiaA.n,Bmithiheaee at. Baker’s Landing i.x^-VWtoxi-^J'FOBTqFFKLkDELFHIA;' *• ?rt 'S& L„ J3 'k l Sohooser* 17. , .r.- „ ' i - « -^r ( v, y ; .' 1 • t* Children amiServant*.HalfPnoo. • , Fartid anould keep their .eat* until the care arrive » front of the Hotel. The elan. are oonapionoua. - Jrt-lm A LOTS SHAUFtEB’S RAIL B O AD 4»> HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, opposite ibeßAft-. fOad TH| O BERT SITUATION ON THE ISLAND. W Newly'fitted up with new bed** aud bedding. Boarding and Lodging 91 partiay. jyt-lpi MANSION ‘HOTOfI,- M )TOT CARBON, IfA RcatlYLKlLri COUNTY. PA. . . . - Families aooommodated with good too ms at reduoed old-est»blished House. touted in the gap be tween Sharp and Beeoad mountain*, immediate!? on the line of?the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Within half 6 mile orPottsrtlta, fonnerly e«t'bv-Jo •ephitfead.of the old;Mansion Hotue, Philadelehia. has, *inoe bisdemisa. bwn-tmdsr the charge oF%iB Bouse is prepared, at all seasons of the pear, for ut reception or meats, and has been recently, put in Order- The tame sarden. and park adjoining, presents treat inducements as a summer resort, to persons wish instomtud a short time a#ay.from the .oust and tur* moil of the cities, where they oan breathe fresh moun tain air and etnoy the wild and beautiful scenery of the oealtentm. •- • . rcommutwtionpasesnger tiokete. fonbg use of fami lies ere sold ata reduction of twenty five percent,, and an aocommodation train will leave Pottavilled&ilr during the summer months, to enable those who may desire it to' spend the business portion of the day m the city and return the a&me evening, on wbteb the oharges win be thirty-three per cent below the usual rates. Fox terms, apply to MARY BEAD, Mansion House, mount Carbon, SohuyliullCo., Pa. LONG' BEACH HOUSE, ‘‘opposite TUCKERTON, N. J.—This Hot«l is now open for the reception of visitors, both permanent and tran jsoient.' Having been at s large expense in refitting and te-furnishlng Ifeel assured, that Tor comfort and con vents -celtwill compare favorably with any-hnuse on the coast. The best of cooks and servants have been . procured, and no efforts shall be spared to render the 1 stay of guests agreeable. The proepeots for Gunning ; and Fishing are excellent.; Oysters of the finest quality I have in abundance. With these increased .advan tages, I am confident that the most fastidious wi lhavo no o&uce Car complaint. N. B.—Cap*. WILLIAM GASKILL Will run a daily line or first-class packets -from- *tlant<o City to the beach, one of wlucn will be at Atlantio every morning on the arrival of the morning tram from Philadelphia. Parties-wishing to come by why of Lcod’s Point, or otherwise* by addressing me a few daysjn aovanoe, wjlUavj »,ood bo* to gJEA BATHING. . OCEAN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. This well-known establishment, the favorite resort of ylsitors; is now open for the, reception. of guests. It has been 'considerably enlarged and refurm lied, the sleeping rooms spacious and airy, and communicate to suit families. The house supplied .with wat»r from the cold springs. ’ ■ - , ’ - Persons desirous of spending a f*w weeks of the sum mer in an agreeable manner pould nor do better than to give the Ooean House a trial. ISRAEL LEaMING, je»-gw* Proprietor. T|f ANSrON HOUSE, MAUOH CHUNK, J.yX CARBON CO., PA.—This is the most comfort*-, ole tad extensive hotel m Northern Pennsylvania, *nd the proprietor flatters himself that thus far he has sue c*ape<hn keeping it in a manner that oannot fad to ta- Tse Hoorn* are newly and eleganUf famished, and the Table always contains the very best tho Markets sffbrd. The hotel is, located on the banks of the Lehigh, directly opposite the railroad depol, and at the base of Afaueh Chunk Mountain. A path fpads from the rear of the house to the/op of this mountain, from whioh pom', son's einnt hundred feet above the Lehigh, the most sublime scene ima«inableiAvre«entea. -t • Tb*Bo«eeie abundantly supplied, with tte test tad wrest Mountain tana* Water. ■ • .v Rot and Cold Ratos oan be taken at all times. Je*-am .. q£ORG"HOFPEB. Proprietor. AMERIOANHOTE 1 y M AUOH CHUNK, iX pA.—This HOTEL is now fcept in a pauper af fording every com ort to strangers and travelers. Arrangements baie been made this season to accom modate SUMMER BOARDERS. The most sublime mountain scenery and rural enjoyments are here af forded. _r WHfaAftLWILHr LM, ' GEO. W.WILbKLM. t JaM-tscl . . , 1 . ; - Proprietor. A MERICAN HOTEL. BETHLEHEM. Proprietor of Hits Hotel has newly fitted up his house for the accommodation of visitor* during the summer season. The 1 American Hotel is situated <”L*b?.roost elevated spot in the Borough. „ Bethlehem is too wef. known for its beautiful sceuery and commanding view of the surrounding country, and lor its salubrious mountain air* to require oommeat. - The subscriber is new prepared to receive Boarders and Families, and promises to do his best to render their stij<wUh him. pleasant and aeress&c. ■Charges Moderate. , -J. W, R, PHARO. jeg-lm -- - • : Proprietor* Tj'AGLE HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. •P~i This lane and oULestablished House; known as the “LEHIGH VALLEY BUMMER RETREAT,” , { s now open for the season. The accommodations of tola House will be found .unsurpassed, Tbs ride here, by t-'O North Penn*)ivama Railroad, is one of the plea santest In our State. CALEB YOHE, Proprietor. jrsaam A MERICAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, A PA.—This well-known sad popular hotel has, 'during Jbe past season, bean ; . oREATuY ENLARGED AND JMPBPVED. and m now in capacity and convenience secopd to none in the interior of Pennsylvania. The beautiful pnd healthful situation of_-A» f ntownlrenders it a de liahtfalsnmmeryeaoit, in view of wbioh.special aT rtaghmentf have been raids by tbs nroorietors toac* ontmnodate summer boarders. •X Y. BFCHTbL, ’ jsg-t el; . KW, BIGONY, / CEA BATHING. *5 NATIONAL HALL, CAPE ISLAND., CAPE M.Y, N. J. , This fine. large, and airy house is NOW OPEN for visitors, ft is distinguished for comfort, looalitv. and superior acaompodanons; with ample room for too per eons. Term* moderate. JeO-gm ~ AARON GARRETBON* Proprietor. a LIGHT-HOUSE roTTAGB, NEAR THE LIGHT-HOUSE ATLANTIC CITY* N. J., (the ne«reg* house to the surf), is now open for the re ception of Boarders. a -The proprietor reseectiullv solicits a continuance of the patronage of his mends and the public jpg lm* ■ - - JONAH wOOTTON. Proprietor. HEA'IH house, bchoolby’s mountain, n. s. It how osetl for u.t rtopption nr company Coramuni TWEPTUNE HOUSE—ATLANTIC CITY. *l x,—This popular end eminently <avcritP Housa at 'Atlantic City has, since the oloeiagof lastseasoa,been •■larged; refitted, reformsbedt and completely re ts vs noted in every particulsr. and is .now, open for ha- season. From its delightful situation, near ness to all places of interest, close proximity to the safest and best part of the beach, it *s rendered one of tbemost convenient and deoidedly the pleasantest house on the Island. , Terms—Blo per week; 8140 per day. Children and W rv«to h.lfpHce., JQU!i mm< R. L. RUREY, Scpenaieuient. je?2-3m RETREAT, , . • Beautifully and convenieptiy located a£ AT LAN TIO OITY, N. J. Boarders accommodated on reasonable terms. jett-Sm . - M. MoOLEEB. Proprietor. CONGRESS lIALL—ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—This spacisus : House, situated at Atlantio City* will be reopened with every accommodation for visitors on the 96th instant, by the sabsoriber. Tho House fronts the beach 223 feet, giving a splendid view of the Ocean, an-* Is near the Fianicg and Sailing point. No pains will be sparea to secure the oomfore ana oon- Tsuisnos of Rueits. ieto-Sm THOMAS G. GARRETT. CTAR HOTEL, - , BTKUILT O.PO6IT* TH* tf. 8. HOTBL, •- BAMUJEL L ADISS ! B?PRdp}iI^TOR. carriages wtfffiP CENT3 ' ■7* Boarders accommodated on the roost reasouafili terms- J le*o 8m SEA BATHING, GAPE ISLAND, N. J,- DELAWARE HOUSK Is now open for the season. jeiP’lm* ‘ JAMFB MKORaY. Propnetnr. THE 410NT: HuU*E r OaPE IbLAJSD, N. J.—HUMPHREY BI7GHEB, Proprietor.—This house, so Pleasantly situated in close jproximitj to the beach, will be open for the reception of visitors on the X6th inst. The large, splendid lavjr m front of the house; the fine ehsde, good rooms and tAble, render it the-most desirable place on the island. Attached to the premises ate bowling laloons and b\rber shop. jelS lm A MERICAN BOUSE, CAPE IHJLAND— Mrs. M. REYNOLDS, Proprietor.- This favorite hotel wilt open for the receptioa of visitors, on MON- D OTt June 99th. It has been fitted up in the best style, and every attention will be paid to the comfort of its guests. t •. - jeifi-dtPepl TltmiTß SULPHUR AND OHAL.TBE ' »I ATK BPFINGJ3, *t BOUBUNO 0»P, PA. These Bpnogs are in Comoerland county, 90 mile* west of Barrisborg. and are accessible from ell the East ern and foothernsities bjrrailroad to Harrisburg, thenee on the Cumberland y alley Railroad to Newville, taenee*if ht tnilea *ta*tnf, in saw and easy Coaches, to toe Springe. \ , Passengeni leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Wash ington, lo toe morale* oars, arrive at the Springs the aame evening at a P. m. , . :• -This property has obaugM hands, and has undertone a thorough repair; a tarce building has been erected in whieh are warm-and oold Bathe, andeppry arrangement ha# tmen made for the eomfort and convenience of vi sitors. . flewstablini.bas been erected; horses and eerrieme wm aiwavi be on hand for hire. Terms moderate. i Poroiroalars audrartionlars, address the proprietora, JeM-la - - KEwaftA. KOBKft, COYLE, k, CO _ f EBANON VALLEY HOUSE M-4 - LEBANON, PA.- »' CHAB. W. KUHNLE, Proprietor. . , Bummer hoaidera taken. The home it new and com* modiOM,wUltxrmtads attaobed. Sarronndinr country beautiful and healthy. H&ilroad oomroumootion with the city twice a day. Chargee moderate. JelB lm* rrHB SEA-SHORS—ATLANTIC CITY. JL MoKTBBIN'B U. 8. H ’fEL. - * The undersigned, propne or of the above-named house, being , now prepare*, to receive guests, re* ■peetfullv eoMoita a share of the pubho patron age. 'Binoe laet rammer toere ha« . been added to uia hotel a four storied wing, HO feet in lenith. con taining (beside the bed-room*.) a suite of three Parlors, for ladle*,,and ivo for gentlemen; also, a reoeption mom, wash-room, and spacious bar-room. Bowling Saloons, Billiard Booms, and hot and cold Sait-w*tar Bath Moome have Men constructed for the acoommo ditionofvisitors, and the whole boose will be lighted with gas. The house ha* been newlr painted and fur nished while the shaded grounds rarroondfng ft have been pat in complete order. A well manned pleasure Yacht, and an excellent Band of Muaic. have, been en gaged for the aeaaon. S. McKIBBIN. jin tt f - TTNITBD STATES HOTEL, LONG wJ BRANCH, N. J.—The rabsonber takes this method of informing hie friends and the public, that on aad after JUNE *)th hie boose will be open for the re oeptura of gneste, 'when every effort win be made to please those who may lavor him. The house fa plea santly situated on a fine bluff, with' lawn in front. A rail view of the ocean, good road*, stabling, *o,, make .it ae attractive as any house in the country. The com munication u accessible by two daily lines from foot of Walnot-strest wharf, W*. j « A. M., and % P> M. Reference—Grandy, Warden, A Co.. 3u9 Chestnut •tto*. ? . B. A, SHOEMAKER, jeo-im Proprietor. CUMUER BOARDING.—OLD SAND SPRING near Womelsdorf. “erksoountr.Pa. ' The larveandoommodtous HoTEt, aND m ßOard- UfG HOUSE, at this delightful Pnmmer Retreat, is and will be opened forßoarders on the twice daily, from Philadelphia by: the 'Beading and Lebanon Valley •STBoarders received by the week or through the' TO^? M SJfH“rrS?AHD EBB A 0 H.p'ro.ri^r. .The favorite retort for those vl/ . who Appreciate Grand Soenery, WHITE RULPKUH SSi Mpjntoin Air, IntiMMtfaf SPRIf/ffa; §«ta*.L*rfa«KiW»ir.v*iitilateS Ctfat»rt*ndqo.!r». Eww.Ooodgooiety, and a Good ' ihm row- ■ OWKH, J«T-to . Bedford spßious —mg weii-known uddaliibifol hauni Raaort mu ba ownad for t?ii thi'mpf Sjij r . Fl * sr SX&S&i GSSiS ™ ,U *7 lMt "T* “' Fartle* wUhjja* rooms, or •ayjmfonottion in regard totbftflaoo*sriH address tbeeabecribep. if--.- JWOTP. KEED; and Treasurer, ■ylO-tm Bedford Mineral gpripargg. EIPHRATA FOUNTAIN, SPRINGB, ■*J LanoasterCoanty, P«w*Ks! iß l^s5 uil «f ,to 4 i bailment will be open by the llift otittM. Thp.adr. Vttto«feoftfci*heiuii?ulr*eortare:Mom £ i n see ct^ Jot* air. and soft water; °* th P**oo maee&at* { agood tiverr boree*.Jfij.§«• farther particulars call on JOBE PH. B, M]tJlM»i£eHtt*Thhrd-aad YmeStteetaf JAMES 8. ChfSt^^BtTMCjhiUgfllphia^to, Fart^Soe?Lancaster County. p*. BTW-2m whs i • _ : RESORTS. SiTY. SEW JERSEY; , I road, obthaleft. lUTond )WOPlsff*fflf l ' t, ® oaT ders I y>Wy|^iMbamodatiOii» mnfc' improved, And Venetian blinds having u for particulars send for Cijoc- JIi'NDENIN, fc VISBGHER, Carlisle Spring, Pa, Ho-iricEs. .TVOTlbE.—AMecting of the Association known as the “ Amygdaloid Minin* Company of Lake ©apet!©*,' 1 wilt be heM at offics® ©fthj Company, in the mty of Philadelphia* on MONDAY, t t/adof Ju'y, iB6O, in pursoanoe of the provisions of tho 2d Mo tion ot the act supplementary to a? act to authorise toe formation of Corporatiooa Tor Mining, Smelting. ko„ p&ued-br the Legislature of Miohigan, and approved on the Bth of Febraary,)B9fi, for the purpose of electing Director* and adopting By-Laws for the government or and the transaction of euoh other business as may properly oosne before said meeting. 'V 1 ‘ j^.^Wa^Soi/s’., . Philadelphia, June,lB» 1860. . . ■ jelß IBt - OEFIOE OP SCHUYLKILL NAVIGA- V t lON COMPANY. MAY lOtfa, 1860.-Fronv and after July 16th, 1888, and until September Ist. 1888, the charges for the use of Cara, and for Toll and Trans portation on’Anthraoite Cpalioamed to Philadelpuia, by way of the Schuylkill Navigation, will bj inoreeeed Fifteen Cents per Ton bn the rates fixed March 11th, 1880; And on the Ist of September, 1860, a further in crease of Fifteen Cents per Ton will be made on said ohargea, and so continue until the olose oroayigation* By order of the Managers. F. FRaLEY, my 12.8 m President. SHE OF UNCLAIMED GOODS On FRIDAY, July 15th, 1860, at 10 o’clook A. M.,we will sell, for accountof whom it may oonoern, the fol lowing unclaimed articles, left in possession of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company: . ARTfCLKS. 1 box, marked Agent, Philadelphia. , 1 small btaok trank, no mark. J ■’* “ •• 1 black trunk, marked E. A. Dixon, Wtl., Del, 1 “ ’* Alfred Ward, Tyrone. 1 small green box. marked M. ty. 1 small hair trank, no mark. • 1 black trunk, marked Frenoh Epp, Phila. 1 »» “ no mark. , 1 *• » ohrck. 1 large green trunk, no mark. 1 small leather ’* “ lfair- M “ u 1 black tnrokr marked Jos. Rees. 1 plain wooden trunk, no mark. 1 nlaok trunk. 1 fair leathe r trank, no mark. 1 black hand trunk. ** 1 black leather trunk ** 1 trunk, no mark. 1 plain wooden trank, no mark. 1 small wooden box. 1 large - ** “ 1 bundle clothing., , 1 caavaa bag olotlung, no mark. 1 !! II I! 1 basket , “ !* 1 canvas bag ** 11 1 bed tick, containing clothing, kc. 1 bag clothing. . . . > . 1 hat box, containing hat. no mark, 1 band-b#x. containing bonnet. 1 pair > muskets, 3 soythe-poles. 1 sadd e and bridle 1 lot Of 14 umbrellas aud parasols, lot of2l shawls, lot sundries, lot ol’ SO coats, lot 11 > oil-o oth travelling bags, lot of Jfioafpat-tygsJoto • oanes, hats, &o. 1 blaok box. , 1 Ugut-oolored valise. . . „ 1 block trunk, marked Gon. A. L. Roumfort. _ i box, s t‘links, andB bundles, marked W. J. MoFad don. 1 light colored valire, marked A. L. Roumfort lbfaok trunk, " ‘ 1 green trunk. ' 1 small bhok trunk, marked with piece oflight-eolore^ 1 smalt green trank, marked Michael Riggins, I blaok bag. 1 itnpod osfp^t-bag. 1 carpet* b if. 1 blaok trank. 1 •* * no mark. 1 lieht-colored trunk. 1 oil doth carpet-bag, {box, nomaik - „ „ , blapk trunk, marked MoFadden. 1 trunk,‘markon Fine Grove, Sohuylki U Co. 1 small green chksC. 1 red box. marked P« 0. 2 blaok trunk. Lot of umbrellas, gumshoes, hats, canes, infants’ - clothing, &o. " 2 black trank, no mark. , f carpet pag, “ 1 hair trwhk, 1 small hair trank. . 1 orange-colored chest. 1 pair leather trunks. 1 hair trunk. 1 blah trunk. 1 red leather trade. 1 blaok trtmk/"^ 1 fair leather trunk. 2 blaok trunk, marked Hugh Dorsey, 1 layge buoktrunk.' 2 blaok trunk, marked W. Nuohuff. » 1 *• " ** Jas. Turner. | email blaok trunje. f ,» m •( marked a, Mpulson, 1 large blaok trunk.. 1 biaot trunk. . ' 1 •» “ 1 « M J it <( 1 old box. ' lfair leather trunk. 1 large plain chest, marked J. Christian. 1 old trunk. 1 chest, marked John Gar. 1 large trunk. .1 load-ooiored chest. 1 small plain box, marked H. J. 2 large box'. Ismail ptainbo*. 1 green trunk. 1 blaok trunk. 1 large red ohest, l dark red oh«st, marked M. M. Couden. 2 largo plain *• marked M. Calder. 1 dark red ** marked Leonard Frank. 2 smalt V.’X l » “ marked T,». 2 plain ohest. j plain chest, markedJM. J. K, 4. Ismail red ohest. 1 sailor’s green ohdit, . 1 large cheat, 1 small uof» 1 plain ohest.' 1 small red ohest, 1 dry goods box. 2 large willow basket. 1 large box, marked Gebart Frederlok. 1 wooden trunk, marked A. T. 8. 1 large oaest, marked care F, Wider. 1 ** *; •• Jas.Beiou(L 2 green ohest, 2 a> ** marked Catherine Gurtler. 1 small rreen ohest, ) small blaok trunk. 2 ohest. , J large chest,marked Herring. 1 sniall’blahk trank. Ismail tight green ohest. l large firkin. 2 black trunk. 1 painted box. IBuolstrenlc. 1 bog;. 1 small plain ohest. Ismallcuesttipaiked Christian Herman. 1 hair trunk. * 1 small beg, marked Mathew P. Hertmer. 2 dry roods box, marked Matthew Thomas, Dunlieth, 2 plain chesc, marked John Martin Lewis. ‘ 1 small blaok trunk, marked Geo. A. Stewart. 2 V whi'e maraed W, Graw. 1 “ box, mArk>d Marshall. 1 plain ohest, masked M. C, Komben, Soarpetbags. 1 green ohest. 1 brown ohest. 1 black trunk. 2 yellow trunk. -)a lij-Hdt , liat mark!tyt-r JSJtEPipiNAL. |)YSFEPSJA KEMEpy. Dr. DARIUB HAM'B AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Meditine has &<«h used by the public for six years with increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure *J)y*pepiia t Heart-Burn, Colie Bains, Windin the Stomach, or Pains in ths Bowels, Headache, Drotosiness, Kidney ' Complaints, Low hpirits, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, It fiTl}lpf-A.T*B, EXHILARATES, INVIGORATES, BUT TpILL IfOJ jKTOJUCATB OB STUPBPT, As‘a Medioine it is quick and effectual, curing the mostaggravatedoases ofDjrapapaja, Kidney Complaint*, and another derangement* of the otomaon and Bowels in a speedy manner. ■* -r , It wilt instantly revive the moat melanoholy and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous, and iiokfy to health, strength, and vigor. Persons who, from the injudioions use of liquors, have become dejeoted. &pd their nervous systems shattered, constitution* broken down, and subject to that horrible ourseto humanity, the DKUtti?# Tbbmekb, will, al most Immediately, feel the hippy and healthy invito rating effioaoy “Vh aT*{t" WIISDa ‘ Spir/t ' J)o»k.—One wineglau full«.oftepaaneocnury. One dose will remove alt Bad Opiate. One dow will oure Heart-bum. Three doees will ogre indigestion. One dose w|l| give yon a wood Appetite, One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomaoh receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress ing load and all painful feelings will be removed. rOnedcse.wiU remove the m< st distressing pains of Colic. eitherjn thestomaohof b*wej*. BwS«fr6rTiaSo?Kn‘i! 0l " ,rttonon,,tatl ‘ a<£ldner . < . Persons whoaresenotuly afflicted with anr Kidney Cojpjplsinto are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two. Md » ira,obou,< ”' Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the pvil effects o. poisonous lienors, m violent' headaohes. sickness at strmaoh, Weakness, giddiness, £o.,wiHfindoriedpee wlLli.move all bad f-eungl. , Ladies of weak add sickly should take the invigorating Spirit three time* a day; it will make them strong, healthy, ana bspijr, remove all obstruc tions aud irregularities from tin menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medt-- oine to remove t isagreeabl * sensations at the stomaoh. , All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to indue* this, he hupntuptbe Inviqoratiko Spirit in pint buttles at M'centi, quarts 81. Gejma.l Depot, 48 WATER Street, New York. • _ , , jiYcri'r fc sorts, , Vas' A,ent. in Philadelphia, Jo7-th*tulT . ior Ml. by all Druggist*, - THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND. dallky’s magical pain extractor HAS universally supplanted all other Ointment* and healing application, in both the Kuttm and vfMtcrn HemlsvWes, wherever intro duced! and lt*i«irii«ie uurit a ihe true eeoret of it. eaooere in all cuuuuohi twiclicni, whether the cum be mteidixi or diseaa*, ■ BUPNB 4t g SOALDB are Initasjly reliewd ofg their antnieh. pain and Insomnia turn, bya timely 2 applioitlen of (hie *i«r e.liow Amlr. end the 3 Seahie renewed uifby a charm no E bl.«i.hj^| u?^ re^fa U ? e «afefeM: ».«i«u-lhere£pre every g mother ehonld have tin. healing arepiretion .con- 3 etantly on hand. It bealj {.Vi.-rafStfi* 0 ? «“«Hr S remove, the TETTER or RINbWORK, to pftijo- -w wuisitUswiirv _ A'O TRAVELLERS 3 BY BEA AND LAND. The <v, aohinlst, the Trs- 3 vel)er,and every other in dividual whoaejot in life g throw* him inthSf lhe oganoe 01 aeoldent from ® •xplotion, fir 4. or colli «tmt,»hojla hear in mind g that thle Mario Eitraotor table begt and only friend, m It i. both portable and oheap. and inonld ever be m hi* companion, oe a friand 3n h retell Burps, Soresall kinds, hr- f fe?w. ar -Besra%Bu fes* Cancer, GlanUtAu Bl».|oarf t ChMped Kon’de, Merou’dal Boten, Spwdi^ 4 *' Chilblain*, Fain, generally, BmaUFoXi teredCorde.gfS. 1 "- &’ of the Borec, WEIGHT A CO., General Atent, ftoan IGo he ob , N Street, fair Wboleoele A*enU tor fenMylvania. Mrs, stili/s CRYBTALINE Liaun) H*IR OOLOREE! A preparation oew to the publie, bat wbfoh bos long been fn private use, for restoring Grar Hair to its natn ral polor, linpartlnt to it a glossy appearance, and yen denpg it soft and silky. It is entirely different in ite. cstare and effects from any article now is me Jot the game purpose, being a oleanly fluid, nearly as clear, a*, water, requiring no washmr before or after its application, free from sulphur orapy other oMeotionable Ingredient, and applied as easily os an ordinary i{urChi« - Can be hod of the following person* 1 ~ W Zu Harbertu corner Jumper and Fin* Itreets. E. i Fennell, No. North Eighth street, ThomasXancaster Spruce and Eighteenth streets. Thomas Weaver. Vine and Eighteenth-streets, wm. B. Thompioß.ML VernonandSeventeenthsi’s, Kaward Goiuara.Jr., Aron* below Second street, E. B. Garniues, Coates and Tenth streets, George C. Bower, Vine ana Sixth street*. - A, H. Bowman, Brrnce and Bftoond streets. Charles Spruce and Seventh streets* Caleb R. Keeney* Aren and Sixteenth streets. . ; for„r.;,holM.feaud u «mirb /T rc • FIFTEENTH end IXJOUST «tree?., . nyMirn PhiMelvhle, r'HLOEATE POTASH For Bile by ■mOTS?*' k BIWTHEK ' 4r •“ « 4 a A. k Ji.' ; THE PRESS,-PmADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1860, RAILROAD L.INKB, « at » north PENisayi &D - t,Wu in »»«§: 1 l»uoh Chunk, Haile ton, Wilke.barre, Wiltlamapcrt, At 2.50 P. M.(Eiprem), forßathleliem, E».ton, to. " This train resohe. Aaeton at BJO P. Mm and make, eloee connection with New Jereey Central for New Att P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauoh Chunk, . At 9 A. M. and . P. P. for DorlertoWTi. ~ At 10.00 A.M. and 8.00 P.M. for Fort Waatongton. The a so A. M. Express Train make, cites connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem being the ehorte.t and moet desiftble route to Wilkesbarre, and to all Leave Bethlehem at 6.63 A. M., 9.20 A. M. and 5.22 P. Leave Doyles town at 7 30 A. M and 4.25 P.M. - Leave Fort Washing tonat M. and 213 F. M, Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. Pttiladelphia. for Doylestown, atSP.M. DoylestoWn for Philadet phia at 6.40A.M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia atd.OOP. M. Fare to Bethlehem.. 9160'Fare to Mauoh Chunk, 8160 Fare to Ea5t0n........ 1 Ml Fare to Poyleatown... 0 80 Through Tickets must be prqonred at the Ticket Of ioesat WILLOW Street.or BERKS Street,ln Order o secure the above rates of fare. . M v All Passenger Trains fexcept Sunday Trains) oonneot atperks street with Fifth and Sixth sheets and Beognd anaThlrd-street Passenger Railroads, 30 minutes after eaving willow street. jyS ( ELLIB CLARK, Agent. mb PHILADELPHIAAJSD m& mm Baltimore central RAILROAD.—HUMMERARRANGEMENT.—On aud after MONDAY. July 9th, 18C0, the trains will run au ‘ollows i Leave tho pauengor depot of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Co, corner Market and Thirtieth streets. Went Piulaqelphia, daily (Sundays Sjccepted I at 7 30 A. M. nncl 4.45 F. M. On Wednesdays acd Saturdays an extra tram at 230 Leave West Grovoat 6.soand 8.50 A. M>, and 4.5 Q P, M, 3he730 A. M. ti ram Irom Philadelphia oonpsots dj. root with a cailyline of Stages via New London and Uxlord. Heturnine leaves i-xford at 0.30- A. M„ ccn ueotmgwitbtheßOOA. Al, tram from West G ovo The beautiful scenery and well-known of Delaware and Cheater counties oifor superior m duoements to those looking for summer boardiue. _ Freights for this linereooivoil K.TsN^** Philadelphia, June 23.1600, taulO Superintendent, PHILADELPHIA READING RAILHQAD. Un and a«ter July 1.1830 Mileage Tiok*ts will beie-ued at $45 eaoh. a discouotof2s percent., giving the holder a right to travel 2,000 miles at anytime, between any points, an- in theNn.ioarof any PasßengerTran on above Railroad or tho braaohoa worked by said Cora men and otiipra. having occasion to travel frequently between diiTbreht'vomtp, wi|J fibd this ar rangement convenient and eoonoroioal. lf . For said tiokeu or other information apply to the Tio-et Agents on the Lino. G. A. NICi-LLs. Genera Superintendent,Reading,or to P. BRADFORD, Jpffi lm Treasurer. Philadelphia. R£PHILADELPHIA AND ■“^PPSo ' i On and after APRIL ad, 1860, Commutation Tiokeic, with twonty-six ooupons.wjU be issued, good for the holder add any member of his family, on any Paiaentor " , ~ s - and at aur time. .They will be soidby the Srer, at the office of top company. No. 227 South TH Htroet, at a reduction of twenty-five per oent.! rptiregujar farea. Porgas wishing to enjoy the; Bummer in the Gotmfry wiR "finid tin* a very ascirabla; route, the Sohuylkill ana LobanonyaJJeys the moat beautiful and healthy in tho Smte, ana kooes ■lble by four trains from a?*™ dnily, P. BRADFORD, Treasurer. PniLAbktlHtA. Maroh 86th. 1860. mh27-tf , NOTICE.—OHESTEB ®oWSS|p£DOWNraQ% I WN‘AMf{N: will start from Passenger Depot of tftfiTpiiiWj delphia and Reading Railroad Company, oorner of BROAD and GALLOWHILL Streets, (passenger en utuuseon Qnllowhill, , , Trajui&fw VRA’Ij fprPowntngtown, leaves at 8,00 BBAIM for Dowhimirta, I;}T}J M DAILY (Sundays excepted.) By r of the Board of Managers of the Philadelphia ana weaeiiaf RailtvvM Comnacv. i apt W. HTfecILHENffEY, Secretary. ‘ JSt.H£iESBHn IM PO K TXN tTO PLEASURE SEEKERS! PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY offers advantages uneunalled by any other tine— to par |oHS seeking HFaLiH or RECREATION FRoM BUSINESS during the warm weather in ths iuat of kxcnasioN tickets, on and after June 20th, 186c,t0 Cbesbon, Altoona, Bbd7ohd endEpHBATA B?r*kus. aud coupon tickets for twetuvsix trips , for the nse of and from points near the oity. . pickets joCusssoN Hotels, ol the summit of the At lefheilV mountain—good lor a round trip within *0 days— to bp bad for • • „ Tickets to Altoona, where invalids and others will find splendid hotel accommodations, tooa for round trip within 10 day j-fare 8715. < For Bedford Bpnngs—Passengers tlokated to Hope well, on the Hnmingdon and Broad Top Railroad, and for Broad Top City to Blair's Ptation. Kxouraion tio krts, 87^5; single trip. 86-40. Two daily linos of coaches conneot with the trains. Baggage changed at < Huntingdon without extra charge. FassengerstoEpbrataSprragi take stage from Lan caster. Tickets for Round Trip, 84; Single Trip. 83.25. Passengers to tooal Pennsylvania railroad EAST OF DOWNINGTOWN can procure tiokeiiforM trips good for any member of the family, at a disoount of *ts percent, bolow rpgular rates. * 1 fie above tsektir ana‘'farthor information to be had aftdr June 20th by application at theeffioe or the rdtin sylvanift Rjtilrnad Cow'Bmrtheast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Btieets, Philadelphia. " * K ' r T „ « m- , T HUB. MOORE, Agent. LgW!» L. Hoppt, Gen. Ticket Agent. jes-lm fiE»o—b rFKLNQ aUHaNGE- MkHsHSHHment. * AND BALT! On find after MONDAVI April », ISM, PAHENOSSB THAINB LEA«E ' PHIiADiiLPHIA, iWrJjmipibipSli.ll A, M., U nooMKxpre..,) and Eor.O&i.ra, AW A. !$., lf noon, ~ep. ,Ijl) and Il^r ) 'wi'l!nil I ctoli at S-W A- ??> f'*»f S-V.' 7^i:aad For Dover at 8.13 A. H.. and AO9 P. M. For Milford at 8.13 A. M.,and 3.00 P. M. For Seaford at 8.13 A. M., and 6AO F. M, For Laurel at 6.16 A. M.,ond 6.00 P. MT ForB ‘ b *MWsk M pi l mEi>&A Leave Baltimore at e.eo A. M„ < Express,; 20,23 A. M«* andiJß r. M«. "Leave at 640,8.30, and 2LN A, M., IM, %li< ttlMber/ at 6-0 At M., and 840 P. M. Leave Laurel at ftu A. *}■, bah p. M. Leave at fiß A.lf.,Tn r J m&jf. 6>cave Mmora at 740 A, M„ and IjuF. B 7 Leave povef at 8.06 h. M., aud 6AOP. M 7 Leave Middletown at low A, M. and 7.09 P. If Leave New Castle at 8.00,1041 A. Bf., and 840 P. M. jLaavoChMterat 7.40, 8.20, UA4A. M.,is,B47and Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware Rail • FOE BALTIMORE? lun ChHtorats.4S A. M„ iUSandltSp, M, , WUmlciton at iJI A. M., 11AI f. M., and ILK M^ViWN^PAMEEOApaUaoh^, Lean Fhilid.lctua for FarriTttfi «nJ lntemeiltj* places at La, if. .Leave Wibmneton for Perryville and interaediate places at 940 P. M. t .Leave Wllminxion for Philadelphia and intermediate plaoes at 446 F. M. Laave Haxra-ff.-qraod for Balhmora and Intann.dl ate'plaoe. at 6.00 A, M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and Intermedi ate plaoe. atLOOD, M. , SUNDAYS ■ Opjr MiyPE-.MM/rom Phtladelplua to Baltimore. ySf at Sy ?. «.< from Baltimore to Philadelphia. ,. M.' EELrOft. Preiidept KE-gun] TOwSS^oSSuM'MMA^AN^EMEiix.?.' M - Leavarferm|mtotvn 6, 7.5, BX.O, 10.U.UA.M., 9.(4 nun. A.M., 1,3,1, 7«, and Leave Germantown 1.10 min. A. M.. 1,10 min., 1, ox, and 8)4 y. iikie . „ (JBESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. • * S< 9i Dli l3 A. H.,3.6,,, 6H,8, t, Leave Chestnut Rill 7.10, 1.40, .SKI. 9 M ll.<o A. M., l.«, 1.40,«.10,8.40,and 1.10 P.M. ' ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9.05 A. M„ J,d,and Tit p. M. Lzeve Cheatnut HtU 7AO A. M„ UAO, 6.10, and 9.10 “Wk cbNSHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOtYN. . Loava Philadelphia £.M. TH, P. 06. ILO6, min., A. M., !.SKida,4>4,J.6s,6.6o,'andlU<P.M. ’ A »Md7*f ?;BJ ' ’■ “*' M " *?' fe&ve Philadelphia 9 a«d"a ird ,p. M. ave Nornatown 1% A. M., I and s P. M. . , FORMANAYUNK. “on SUNDAYS,' Leave Philadelphia, A. M.,8,5,and8 P M. Leave »&gf7unk7iA.M.,,X,B>4.audBKP.M. PHIljAJJjyXL'ma MORNING LINE, DAILY, (Sunday* excepted.) lesay* New Depot, corner of BKuaD ana OALLOW -SJSki S E®*VL* WuLABisLPHfA, (Passenger entrance* on Callowtull streets ) at BXO A. M. t 4t«nSotm™ Harrisburg with the PENNSYuVANIX PBNTRMi ll. M . train, ranging to Son ' ? AFTERNOON LINES. Lea.e New Depot, oornar of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Street., P%£,ADELPHIA,(FaMoOK™ntranMO on Thirteentn and on CallowhiU etroete,) lor POTTS YtCli-E HARRISBURG, ate.SuP.M,. DAILY, for Lmogg.vt*. at 6 P, Me, DAILY, (Sundays ex- DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING ■PjIQK Phii-adelphix Miles, A Lebanon....—~ tt Harrisbarg... m MtfUrrtrarf,—.. 142 Irevorton Junotion. ,l#B in V. Muncy— ——■—...lP7 Williamsport J ersey Shore.... 222 Look Haven-...-..,236. Ralston— —.... J&4, Tro*; —►... ..M jfiKufi? aT AieVan-Uhe AM atPbrtClinton,(Sundays dji WIBOA, WILfAMSfORT Sating oloae oonneotioni wi anode* the west, and Sontl DEPOT iNPHILADaLPH 1860. iUffipSP 1860. SJ i^°c^ra N a# aWwi® 8 - DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.’S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY TLA^ES, * From Walnut-street Wharf* WIU leave as follows—vix: 7AUB, At 0 A M, via Camden and Amber* C. A A. Accom modation..*— -.........-...52 28 At® A M.viaCamden and Jersey City(N. J.)Ao oonimodftt;pn.,~ ..........9 26 Ate AM. via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail **~ta * *••*— 8 00 AM, by Steamboat, via Taoony and Jersey City. WesternKxprese,..— 800 AtUHFtf,via Camden and Amboy, Aocommo- . dation— 2 26 At 2 P M, via Camden and Amboy. C. and A. Ex press 8 00 At 4 P M, by Steamboat via Taoony and Jersey Oltr* Evening Express...... 8 00 AtiP M. by Stoamboat via Taaony and Jersey Citr.2dCJaM Ticket...... 226 Atd PM, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail...• *♦*.»• •• • • •*—«..........8 00 M, via Camden and Jersey City, Southern At 6 P Mvia'Cainden 'and Amboy/ Accommoda tion, Passenger,)—fst Class Ticket. 2 28 The 6 PM Mail tine runs daily. The 11P M,South ern , Saturdays exosptau. „ For Belvidere, Easton. Lambertvillo, Flomington, Ao., at 6 A M and 4 P A), from Walnut-street wharf, and 7.10 A MfroffL Kensington. w .„ For Water. Gap, Stroudsburg, Boranton. Montroae, Great Bead, Ac., at 6 A. M. from Walnut street wharf, and 7.10 A. M. from Kensington, via Dela ware.Laokawannaand WesternU.R, . _ For Mount Holly. atfl and 9 A. M., t and 4K P* M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M., and 2 p. hi. iVAi hlPiho. Fpr Bristol. Trpntgn. &0.. at 2)4 ant) 4 P. M. from Walnut street wnarf,7,!o A. M. and AX P. M. from Riverton, Delanoo, Beverly. Burline-' ton, Florence.ißordentown, *o.» at 12)4,1. atad 4)4 l. M. Steamboat Jos Belknap for Bonlantown and Interme diate Plsnps, at 834 P« «• _ . „ A „ . Steamboat Trenton.tor Tacony, at 11 A. M. and Taoony/Beverly, Burlington, and Bnstol, at 4 P. M. • Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility lor baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be Baffle for any amount bejond $lOO, ex-1 Bi OATZMER , AfWt , 1 e v s. mna PENNSYLVANIA OE NTEAi A , RAILROAD* , > SCO MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. \mmmm iB6O. Bk«?W4?«feISSRG, Connecting toot at Fhiladelbhia with Through Trains m>m Boston, New York, and aU points East, and in the Union jpepQt at Pittsburg with Through Trains to Ond from all points m the West, Northwest, and Southwest Hthus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Pamngcrsunßurpaised Ibr speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines ran through to Pittsburg, without choose of Cars or Conductors. All through Pas- Anger Trains provided with Lough ridge’s Patent arakMpeed.underMrfeot control of the engineer, thus sddfngjnuoh to the safety of travellers. ' 'Smoking Cars ore attached to eaoh Train; Woodruff’s Gl« e JPlh£« t P& r T l U£? Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Faut Lines, Sun days excepted. ’ ; Mail Tram leaves Philadelphia at 780 A.M. Fast Line ** 11.50 A.M. ' Express Train leaves 41 ■ 10.46 P. M. i WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 Harrisburg Accommodation, via Colombia, 2 P. M, i Columbia “ 4.00 P, M, • ; P&TkesbuTg “ 6.40 P. M. i WeatChesler « 13 30 P.M. West .Chester Passengers will take the Mail. West ; Chester Accommodation .and Columbia Trains. ! Passengers for Banbury, Williamsport. Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at7J3A, M. andBP. M.go direotirthrough.t • Tioxeta Westward may beobtained a; the offioesorthe Company In Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal timore: and Tiokets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the West; alsoon board any of the regular Line of titeameu on tho Mississippi or Ohio givers. Fare always as low, and limo as quick, as by any For further information apply at the Pasßonger 8t&- tton, Boutheaut corner of Eleventh and Market Streots. The completion of t*a WeHtcrn conoeotioni of tho Pennsylvania Rallroadto Chioaen.mako this tho DIRECT LINE EAJ3T AND THE i The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drarage or ferriage of Frotght, together with the saving of timo, are advantages readily approoiated by Stupppers of Freight, aud the Travel ling PupllO, Merchants nnu Bluppers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to tfus Poippaiiy, oau rely with confi dence on lie succdv transit. THE KATES OF FitEiGHT to and from any point in the West by the Foanajlvauia Railroad are at alt ttmes as/avorable as art charted by uiher liailroad Compares, . , Be particular to mark packages" via Penna, Rail road* 4 For Freight Contrapts or Bhipvlne Directions, apply to, or addreu efther of the following Agents of the Com pany ! _ „ „ D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; IT.S.Pierce A Co., Zanesville,O.; J. J.'Johueton.tiioier. cl: ana: H. W, Browp & Co., Cincinnati, ().; Athern k Hibbert.pinoipnati, o,s It. C. Meldram. Madison, Ind.; Jos. E. Moore, Lomsvillo, Ky.; P. G. O’Riley 6c Co. Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham k Co., Cairo, ill.; R. i\ BMs.Sfefller k Glass, St. Louis, Mo.s John il. ifar . ns, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris k Hnnti Memphis. Tann.: , feAGRAW iS t Kebfe, S“tti?M?«et, I»mmor». ! fa B Asent. Pillt ~ I: laS-ly SE33HMB ELMIRA ROUTE AND EL ROUTE to Tamaqua: Gatawisro, Ru- P.oit, wilkesbarre. Scranton, Danville, Milton. Wil liamsport. 'iroy, Ralston, Canton, Flmira, Bufihto, Niagara Falls, Roehester, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo. Chieago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, and all points North and , Passenger trMns will leavo the new Depot of the Phi- Railroad, oorner BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, (Passengerentranoe on Cat lowhill s»rpet,t daily (fiundays excepted), for above , A, Mr train tsonneots at Rupertrfor Wilkes baite, Pittson. Scranton, and all stations on the LAoKAWANNA ANu BLOOMBBURG RAILROAD. '1 he above trains make direct connections at Elmira r ; th the trams of the New York and Erie, Oanandaigna 'Baggage Bridge, and aili .itrmediate points. - ‘ Tickets can bj iroeured at the Philadelphia and El miFA Railroad UaT>'ijpket Office, northwest comer of SIXTH andt andat thaYfte^ng&Y Depot, corner > HlRTEENafifand oft.Kt OWHILL. ■fHROUA £xt BESS FREIGHT TRAIN' v Leave the Phil* lelphiaand Reading Depot, Broad and CaHowhjll stre n daily (Sandays excepted), for all points Westa v North. ate P. f»l. Freights mu be delivered before 8 P.M. to insure their going thi ; eme day. For further information apply at Freight Depot, THIRTEEN ir. and CALLOWHILL, or to* OHAB. 8. rAPPENf General Agent, VP W^ffafs. f>g gv WEST OHESTEfi mSJßHsKSHrailroad trains via PENNSY LVANi k R EI L ROAD. Leave Depot, oorner ELEVENTH and MARKET Btreete, dafiy (exoept Sunday) at 7.16 A. M„ 2340 P. M.. and 4 P. M. Leave West Chester at 6.48 A. M.. 10 43 A. M. and 8.10 P. M. PENN BTPAM ENGINE AND SHSifoBOILER WORKS —NE * FIE k LEVY. PRsCTiCUj AND THtORKTI-iAL ENGINEERS and FOUNDER!!, having* for many yeara, beeniin suooesafal operation, and been exolusively-cngegec in bnlldmg ana repairing Marme and-River f'nßlnes, Mgß and iow pressura, Iron Boats. Water Tanka Propellers, Ac.. &o , r'speotfully offer their servioes'to the public, a* being fully prepared to contr&ot for Engines of alt sizes. Mariee, River, and Stationary, having sets of patems ofdifferenfsizes. are prepared to executo ot* der’a with Quick despatch, bvery descrlptlonbf Pattern making m-de at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tdbular, and Cylinder Rollers, of tb* best'Pennsy(vania’oharoooMron- Forymts oialisicB6 andkinds; Iron and Brose Ca^tinge.ofaildesoriptioDt; :oHTpniiHg* tsorewCuttinK.*and-airother-work con nected" with the above business, '• * « v Drawings And specifications for all work done at theif eevibifahment, free ofoharge, and work guarantied. *Tb® iubsoribers haye’hmplp whavldook room for ro r.aiJB of uoatj. whcffi tljey cnn lid jir'cer/gcrt Infill, End a;o provided with shears, blooki, Talla. &c., ko,, for raising heavy or light weights. Jacob g. neafib, JOHN P. LhVY. Jel4-tf BEACH and PALMER streets. POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 BEACH Btraet. Kensington, Philadelphia.-WIL LIAM H. TIERS informs his friends that, having pur chased the entire atook of Patterns at the above Foun dry, he is now prepared to reoeive orders for Rolling, Unit, and Saw Mill Castings, soap, CLemlcAl, »nd >7cis, Ojaiing. Osutings ipide from Revflr* pWorr Cugdla Funmpcj, isj <tf greya w^^* SAMXXb'V. MXXXIOX, ' ' f, VACOHAJt MXXtIOX WILLIAM H. MKRBICK. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREEffI, me^biok“4 bi b6nb, „ , ENGINEERS, AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture Higfc and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Manne sorvioe. Bpilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, to.; Castings Vo* Hail- Kefotnrad (Hu Machinery of the latest and most im proved oonstruotion. Every description of Plantation Maolunery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Alt'ls, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Train*. Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &o. sole Agents for N.RiUieux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus: Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; and Aspinwall k Wolsey’i Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain iug Maohtoa. vet-r GJAFpjQ FUND—FIFE PEE CENT IN- SAFETY TRI ST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, .outlme.toorn.r of THIRD, Philadelphia. ■•lncorporated. b; the state of Pennsyl vania. Money is reoeived m any sum, large or small, and m drawau " from the day of deposit to the day of wito- The office is open every day from nine o’olookin the morning till five o’olook in the evening, and on Monday Tkumioy eveninrs till eight o’clock. ’Hon. HENRY k.TJKUNKU, Pregnant. „ ROBERT BELFRLDGE, Vice President. William J. Ussd, Secretary, ‘ __ _ • diebotobb: Hon. Henry L. Benner, F, Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, « Joseph B. Barr Robert Selfndge, Francis Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joeoph Yerkes, y. Lnnureth Munns, Jaraos L. Stephenson, Money is reoeived and payments made daily, Ahe .investmenta are maao, in conformity with the °( lhe Charter, in Ileal Estate Mortgages, Uronnd Kents, and such first-class securities as wilful wars insure perfect security to the depositors, and tMslnaSrnhon *° * Ve * ormanei »oy Mia etablHtj to Phil&delphiaa«d Reading and Lebanon YaUey.R.Ji, CAVING FUND—UNITED STATES [“TRUST COMPANY, oorner THIRD and CIIEST- Largoand email sume reoeived, anduaid baob on de- E'JS.4, w J ,l>out .? ol,oe ' w>th FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. .Officehours,from9until B o’olook every day,and oil MOKBAV EVEHIWQB from 7 until 9 p’oloolc. u^w*rfU ,aa on Hyland,‘tftid Scotland, President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, Ttmauw-OAMEB R. HUNTER. PLINY FISK, Aotuarv. asl7-ly Northern Central Railroad, Sunbur7 and Enp R, R. v Williamsport and Elmira i Railroad. ) P. M. tram oonneot daily coopted,) with the CATA and JSRIE RAILROAD, ith lines to Niagara Falls, riweat llA: Corner of BROAD and TO THE PUBLIO. CALHOUN’S ANNULAR VENTILATOR, fne above batont is deemed, by soientifio and praotl oal men. to be the very best ever offered to the publio, and needs only to be seen in aotual operation Tor its merits to be appreciated. Nothing ever introduced is so nerrectly adapted for ventilating private and publio biiUainge, Edhoblg, hospitals,. engine bouse*, miecs, steam and sailing vessels, and lor the cure of smoky chimneys they have no equal. 9 Manufactured and for saloiwholesale and retail, ut th e o,V, ea o 1 n &/V! d Ve n 111 ati n * wareroome of tSiil 8 -, ~ . L l; !A Mfii ,l , l a market street, Phils. Personal bo riven to all descriptions of heating and ventilating by tho undersigned, who has »»!>» Teats oraotioafly eniajed in the abo' is busi- Also for safe, Culur’t m.Uy-oeiebrated worm-air rujrnMet, oookmt rantes, bath boils, re sisters, Ac., by falß-stnthem f!HAB. WILLlAhft. r»TLHRNNEY. Rearetarv. I ADIES’ TRAVELLING BAGS laft F ' JIUMPP ' 118 p oio^e B . , n CASES. hONEY-BELTS, A .Purses. Cabas, Bankers’ Cases, Dressing >'¥?!', Writing Desks, Port-Folios, Bill Books, • Jobbing promolW dnn*» py.Srn JAMES BETTS’ INVENTIONS and highly recbm x£*( l f P* r Phraioian. to use her fiurgioal Applmnoo*. She would caution Merohanta and others against purchasing exoept at her residence. 1089 WALNUT Street, where sne oan ba consulted daily, between the hours of and B. Her book of testimonials will be riven on apnlt nation. Sent free to any part of the United States. He signature is on eaoh article. myS9 tnths tf SJYRUP. MOLASSES, Ac.—soo hhtls and Barrels LOVERINO’S tie Plus Ultra. Golden Sy run, and extra Golden. Also, Sugar-house, Musqo vado, end Porto Rioo Molasses in hogsheads and bar rels. for sale by JAMES GRAHAM & Co., LETUTA street. REFINFD SlTGAtts—l,ooo Barrels LO VERI'iO'S Crushed, coarse and fine pulverized. JAVA COFFEE.—I,OOO pockets prime for JAMESORAU.M I. CO. f|IL LEMON— Grass, for sale by WE 'sI:rHHRfIJL k BROTHERS. 4T and 49 North «K* tMVH Bf, bbls. Pitch, Wilncungtpn .■i^o.h*rr®lfl* in store and for sale by BQWLhY, AStfBUKNKB,* CO., No, 16SOUTH WHARVES, KAUiROAP LINES. MACHINERY AND IRON* Fusiii*. A littls. byt dfisn. fills tfis Yurts.” ORANKLIN -SAVING 3TUND, No. 186 South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits on demand. „ Depositors*.money ssoured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort- JuuipanT iUsitis 4afatT better than profits, conseenently will run no risk with depo sitors' money, but have it &t all times ready to return, with 8 per cent, interest, to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and suoh deposits can be withdrawn only by their consent. Charter perpetual, incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania with authority to reoeive money from trustees and exeoutora. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily, from StoSo’olook, and on Wednesday evening until 8 o’clock. wbr. B u» a ui:!S Eo^ s ; ffisafm™. Mwx,,. Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Dolany, Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smculey, Jos. H. Jones Yerkos, . Joseph W. Lippinoott. _ JACOB D. SHANNON, President. Cmcs CAUWALLAbxa, Treasurer. ap3B-y ** A Dollar saved is twice earned.” INSURANCE COMPANIES. gApiNE a i)uy s INSVpANOBiAOBWTS, No. 4S» WALNUT Siraot. In«ut« wmft lore or damire. by Fire, on Cotton and Woollen' Mills sod other Mamifootones. Buildings, Merchandise. Furniture; and other property, onr&vo- FfliE&TiNSui^^ METROPOLITAN 3 FIRtf 1 !N8. s CO.tfi r PROVIDENCE S °- AHOTIO FIRE INSURAIfcB HOPE FIRE Cash Capital and rfurploe $23«,&u 81. CITY FI JIB INSURANCE CO., OF NfcW HAVKN, Cash Capital and Surjiua s32t 80S 77, GERMANIA FIRE INS. CO., OF NEW YORK, Casn Capital and *nrplus 6XIO &9 07. HUMBOLDT FIRE INR. CO., OF NEW Y<>**K. Cash Capital and Surplus $230 958 61. Applications in person or by note will receive prompt attention. SABINE A DUY.Asents, Je4 3m No. 424 WALNUT Btredt. THE ENTERPKIBE INSURANOE COMPANY OF PHTLADEPHLL, * (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) fMSSn?’ DIRECTORS, F. RatoHFpxp Stash, Mordscai L. Dawsom, William MoKes, Gbo. H. Stpaht, Nalb&o FnA2ix&, John H. Bxovnt, John M. Atwood, B. A. Fahnestock, Benj.TjTmdiok, Andebw D. Cash, HBNilff WUABTON, _ J. L. EhRINSEB. P. RATCHFOHD STARR,President. CHARLES W. COXE, Seoretanr. feis AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 00., MIO-OHARTER PBRPET- Ijo. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continue to insure op Dwellmcs, stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels tu port and their cargoes, and other Persona) Property. AU losses liborallr and promptly adjusted. _ „ .. . DIBBCTORS. Thos. R. Many. John T> Lewis, John Welsh, Jttmcs IL Campbell, Samuel 0. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh. Patrick Brody, Chaa. W. Pool trier! Israel Morns. ALBERT 0. L. (tfNRWM!' Quaker city insurance comp a. NY-FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, <OB WALNUT BTREET. PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS $309,745.70.—1n5ures against Loss or Damage by Fire, and the Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation. ’ _ GEORGE H. HART, President. E. P. ROSS. Vioe President. H. H, COGGSHALL, Seo’y and Treasurer. S. H. BUTLER, Assistant Secretary? „ „ „ A DIRECTORS. George H, Hart, E. F. Roses, A.C.CatteU» Fosters. Perkins. £• W* Bader, „ Andrew It. Chambers, H. R.Coee'ihall. Samuel Jones, M. D., Hon. H. M. Fuller. ANTHRACJT® INSURANCE COMPA HY.-AflihorUed Capital SIOp.OOO-CIIARTER fjvurßTUAy* * 1 ' "■' ■* 'Offioo No. ail WALNUT Street, ballon TWrt and Fourth Street, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against loss or damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, ant) Merchandise gene- Alio, Marine hmiraucca on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights, inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIJR.KCTOHB.. _ Jaoob Esher, I). Lufher, L, Audenried, Davis Pearson, Peter Bieser» Joseph Maxfield, Dr. (leone N. Eokert, John R. Blskifton, Wm. F. Dean, J. K. Baum- JACOB fcSHEßiPresident. w „ wM. Vias President M.SfflTff, OeoYotayy; apS-tathstf B DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN , J-P SURANCE company. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA, 183*. _ "* OFFICE B. E. CORNER, TRIM) AND WALnWT , fiL'fettf, Pktl&d6lD]ll&. MIvAMSTT u^aus H«°« part* °f the WerU, On o*rriitfe „ „ mi». NoTemberiiiaw. 1 f ia?o6o, Philadelphia City 8 V oent. <B #IW.M, Pennsylvania Btato&¥'ot.Loatt-~*. 09AM 00 BSI ,000 Pennsylvania Btate 6if ot. Loan. ~—. SI GO liifiQO, U. 8. Treasury *H V oent. Notes usd “ « lHtgrapc da* —~ tai**. UJG U #13,000 Te§lw>n£ry Low to the Ofty of PhUe* tWrCOOi ’ W IW oent. Bonds 4MCO 00 QiQAQQ, North PennsylvaiiiaJUilroad Mort cuat w oent. Bondfl^^^.• ijjm no #14,000 West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Oompany7 if ot. oonpon bonds...., iUM CO VUAOOfMO abates stock Germantown Gae Company, interest and prinoipu ruarantied by the city of Ph'iv ealphia. ~ - ,- - IMMOW #1,909,100 m #1,909,100 RaU-" * Philadelphia ioe Boat wdUtwat Tuc Comawu* rhl&aelpUtoend SafaaSihßteam Navtotion Com pany, KBI. OOMJ gw&m "NavTiatiod COEpajj,-I“UlKlel»lu» ug tTW 4s Oiaw s'.;i m 7 0W jg;, jmpany* Philadelphia Exchange •“?«» —»r Sondfpi tforlujM, and H«al JS»«Bw.* 4W,TIg 14 Dills receivable for Insurances made . ldJtt tf Balanoe due at Agencue—Premiums on Kta rine*PoUoies» ifatereet, and other debts due the ~ UMi es Bonp and stoa* o( sundry lMurac.ce Ooispa- Oeli^tnDeposit in * rm jj •SOl.ttMr HIREOTORB. S William Martin. Samuel E. Stokee, Band A. Bonder, J.F.Penlaton, eophilus PanMii,, Henry Sloan, abasr w:M?r., fessffffifip Jaraee C. lland. Robert Hinton, Willmn pTlinifwlf, Jaciey.-fcrari, fßß&r*"’ i.“ h T n . B Mo B r , , , a!‘- PU^ SSarlei Kellr, . ~. A. B. Berrer, •• TOLLIAM MARTM, frealdent, „ „3HOB. 0. HAND, Vice Preadent. HENRY LYLBURN. Searetarr. die Life insurance and trust com mutual life insu suuvOE COMPANY. Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Assets, $937,091 ft, , hJ INSURES Uptotana pf lUfe-rrants yipaUjw 6Uii' snaowWinSe-JaionaMs life interests in *“ oontnurt * dependin, on th, .They aot asJSxeoutors,• Administrators, isslmsss Trutees, and Guardians. TRUSTEES. tßsaiel L. Miller, Barauel 8. Stokw, jolammCosto., William MsrtinT lohard 8. N.wbold, James 8. MoFariaads wK« r ’ te, h «“ r ' mr wMr Pe V. Duflon, Samuel J. Christian! William Robertson* JoasphM. Though W»m,rft.lU f .n, M J 4 t? Brenner. i*B« W, nonwrm. HAoretarv «nU WSJNRSS CARDS. CLAIMS ON IREEANT>. „ O’GORMAN k WIUON. , f RICnAHD O’GnRMAN. tbIVAUD J. Wjl<*ON), ATTORN IBS AN D COUNSELLORS AT LAW. ■ . No. m BROADWAY, New York,. ’ Having establisbed o> tensive Correspondence and lrelnnd, will take ohxrge of the collection of Claims, Legacies Ac., and attend to other business in any part of that country. jc4o-stuth3m VB. PALMFR, THE ADVERTISING • AGENT,. FIFTH and CHESTNUT, rive, hi, viewsof the principle and best mode of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4 o’olook, Address inyll-3m V. Q CALKER. EJ. BAYLIS THOMAS. * ... _ , attorney-at-law, iW. fi ffloo from N °- ™ Aroh street to No. 429 WALNUT Street. .Particular attention given to the recovery of Mercan tile Claims. The drafting end examination of Wills, Conveyances, Assignments, Briefs of Title and other instruments of Writing, The roanagementof Exeoutor ■hipa, Admimstr&torsfiipa, and Trusts, superintended: and the best securities procured for the l>erjusilent IP vestments of Money. BntiiUowiir *t4Sreno" flven Ffcon tinuiroJ. ' npM-Cm* BENRY E. KEENE. ATTOB N Bx-AT-LAW Ha* REMOVED hi* office from No. MO Walnut street* South THIRD Street. njhWßn* Horace see, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, end PATENT ATTP£KBYf •*- , % 11? PdutT SiJCtU Blr^t, « (Netirjy opposite the bounty Courthaiise,) Pr&sarea Fpaoifioationfl. ltrawmgs. 4o.,and transacts all other bosinoss connected with the obtaining of Let tera Patent qp2s 4m* J WAGNER JERMON. • attorney and counselloh-at-law. Office, No. no Bonth SIXTH Street, ’ (Opposite Independence Bquare,) on. , - „ Philadblphia, olaims of every description. Particular attention given to the examination and re covery of the olaims orLexAtees and Devisees, and the examination of Land Titles and seounng the mterestr of heirs and aU persons interested lu the same, in all parts of the Union. , Has the Statutesofall tbs States and is Commissioner for most of them. Depositions carefully taken under Commissions. apfl-6m ; SFUGUET & SONS. • IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS, _ . No. Jl.Sfmth FRONT Street, yeoeive rasuljtir S iull ueiortmaui of iteeirobla Cl ■AttS. —hi ofi tgsj oSer »tTo» ratss, for oaeh or sr or«VM Gwwit r«i« i- ALFRED L. HOUGH, PAPER MANUFACTURERS’ AGENT, Oraero solioited for flvrrr desoriotion of PAPER AND PAPER-MAKER’S MATKHIAIB. , „ No* If South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. DAWSON & NICHOLSON. NOS. 419 Att°j?«§l t SSo%. BTREEV, Between Market and Chestnut streets, PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PAWSON. JA9. B. NICHOLSON. jaST It* EDUCATIONAL. MRS. FREDERICK HODGES, OF BOS .! Intend; openlnit a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIbS in this city, commencing in September next. Mrs. H. has the honor of referring to the Rev. Alex. B. Vinton, D. D , Rector of the Church of tne Holy Trinity. Circulars, with full partioula r g, ipay ba obtained ofMr, F. H. Hedges, TtU VINK slreet. apat-Sm* A merioan SOHOOL INSTITUTE is i —*• Jeliftble medium through which Sohool* and Fami lies may obtain competent teachers. Parents may ob tain, gratuitously, information and circulars of the bes< schools, SMITH, WOODMAN, k CO., a- a, *« BROADWAY, New York, or nU-tf 6N CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, WRYANT & STRATTON’S NATIONAL .MERCANTILE COLLKGE3, looated at Philo delphia, B. E, oorner SEVENTH and CHEBTNUT} New Y -rk, Bufialo, Cleveland, Cbleaco, and St. LohU For ini rrantion. oall or send for Oatuozue. fe9-tf WRICK-MAKING MACHINES WHIOU temper the olay, and make So,ooo per day.- Brick S Presses, Tile Machines, Clay Wheel*. Clay Spades, and aitfnrs for Coal Kiln*, at a CABNELL’a, GERMAN iIWN ffs.-fi . SJI'EEL FENS.—i.OUO Uross , assorted, Tp seliiox frcun 120. ter gross upward. PERHY, Bta tinner. FOURTH .snd.RACK, jrXVlin LIQUukiOE— “enow’s Italntn,” iar sale by WETHESILL A RBOTHEtt. .T .n, ,e H4l-t A bv-W t«i,p •V ■' • - BOOK-'KBKPEIS can got good Blaak -■books and StMiouory.'atiPEßßY’S, FOURTH and Race, jauns PORTO RIUO SUGAR,—2SO hhds ntft?. ’ dium and atriotly prime quality, tor site J AMP.* (tHaHaM k CO.. liKI IT! a RtVePt 13.ENNES3Y BRANDY.—7O casks, in *JJialf ,i(*j,'euarteT etcee, «“>>< .!£.>< frr •«'«!, k«Mby loiylAlot «0. WHUBASy" BAJLES BV. AUCTION. BftINLEV&CO., - 1 - - ■- No) «»» MAWKBT STREET, ■R SCOTT, Jb., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 CHESTS UTStedet,w-aitetheOaetom Hone, P-tween Fouitl, and Filth etreete. PHILIP FORD * 00., AUCTIONEERS, Street S3 ° Ma »KET Street, end .81 MINOR ST. LOUIH, ato. BOYLE, & no AITO' jvitb Meier.. Myere, Claebornffc Cto!. their aemoea to the merchants, mannraotnre™ °SS other. of Philadelphia,for toe MlairfiyXsS , . 1 5H pets,toots, ahoea, hard* art, jewelry, fcoT.Vo. IBT Cash advanoea made on receipt of good*. Settlements madethree days ifUrMle, KSVXBXnCIS. :: M^vtte^fwfe"’ K "*>*• “ Wood, Christy, & Co., St. Louis, Mo. *» Crow. McCreary, k Co,. " mhff-thstuly RETAIL' DRY GOODS. Glossy silk poplins, Reduced to much below usual prices. . . fill Ait PLEBB BROTHERS, .Jy? 8«» t c«KsrmjT Bt. G<AY TRAVELLING goods. Prices irmch rednoed. BH iftPLfrfis BROTHfaRg, 801 CHESTNUT BT. B arege and organdy robes. Many of them Ht odb half of usual prices. . SHARP fc.B ■ BBOrHKRS. SOI CUESfNUT St. piRE'CH lawns and organdie?. wp§^ umrnerBtnolf *t very low rate* SHARP' ESS HHOTHBRS. *o* CWB>TWUT3t. CHARLkS a son Have in ado ANOTHER REDUCTION ' On theiratook of . , 4 „ SUMMER GOOD?. And continue to offer „ GRhATINDIJCFMENTH TO PURCHASERS, for two weeks, prior to making an alt-jaion in their store. They prefer selling below oost titan earning over goods to another season. French Loco Houmous, Fronoh Laoe shawls, French Lace Eugenics, French Lnco Points. Frenoh L«ce Piccolomiaics, bilk Mantillas in every variety. Dress Goods for bummer. • rest Goods for the Seaside, DreisG »ods for the country. Dress Good* for the oily, I' lne Organdies and Lawns, > OULAM D BlL.h 8 closing out below cost. 4*4 French Chintzes HHo. usually 25 cents. OurStook of . HOUSEHOLD FURNIS-UNO GOODS is not surpasied, either in aualiiy or prioe. JeSO if EIGHTH AND ARCHSTREETS. T AWNS.—Tip-top assortment fast colors -9-4 figured LAWNS and rjoh BAREGES. M\Ac Lawns, barege ‘?ot>es t Bluo Liwns, Lillie Flounces, Pink Lawns, Double *ktrt. Brown Lawns, Qay styles, Black Lawrs. Neat Styles, Ohocalne Lawns, Block Bareges. Finer Grades, , Grenadines, FIDO Mohairs for Travelling Dress Goods, Excellent *r.d cheap Mantilla Silks, Mantles and Dusters. Lace Points a* d Mtntles, Grod Blaok Silk Mantles. N. B.—Some bargains in cheap Dress Goods at U to 13 cento. COOPER & COhaKO, J*3B B. E, corner of NINTH and Iff* ttgjgV jyjSN'S WEAR, BOYS>'WeaR, Cloths, * 1 Panoy Cassimeres, - Cheap Cassimeres, Linen Drills, Marseilles Vestings, 4 . Cheap Coatin- s. A large stock of the best quality, and a; chaaner rates than oversold. COi'P-EJI *’CONARP. ' JeZB fi. E. corner Nlffl if spd M ARg&T. SHIPPING. gm. ga*Ss===:«s , tJPMJD.TOB 10 LrraB?OOL. Chief Cebin Femart .gua Beoond.Cemn Foaaace m The ablpa from New York Mil »t Cork Harbor. The ehipa from Boeton call ht Halitoz %ar- FBksiA, C»t. Jttdki'i., IOANAHA, Ce,t. Lena, ARABIA, Ceit. I. byiie, ASERmA.^C»,trMiHar, NIA9AHA. Malar, leave. Boaum. Wedneeiiy, jnat it. !us6&"b.itch, » ? J?dktni. “ N. Torn, Wednesday, Jolj 18. ARABIA. Stone. ** Boston, Wednesday. Jnlr u. AFRICA,Shannon, *• N York, 'Wedne-IA.T. a'ws. t. CANADX. Lang, " Boston, J* eur6pa IV aatl!^ld 0^ I 'o^7•^” ,da, ' *»' * Ah atponeuoed finrgeon on board, K? orjadi u i are signed therefor, and ew '“ e v F o °infik oi M « 80-liniCreep.NeetYork. for the south—charles. *“ TO VR I S Q s^iiMM EAIISHIM ’ rra " M ** r oMlt ' ’*■ FOR CHAftbFRTON. S. c. TheU. S. Mail Steamah', KEYSTONE BTATK. Caa talh Cnariea P. Matahoas, triliaailoa i.ily 31. at 10 Aa JkL - Toiomhip tstesa hoMMSIr a honm at Saa. Th, u. s. Mmi staamahiß. oEORBia. Captain John J. Garvin, will aail on Friday, July 80, at M A. M. Ihrguih m M to W honre-oaly t 9 honn at Sea. , Ot’Saiune daya chanted from every Saturday to even fivedaya. Goode received, and, Hille of Ladini Mined every day* apove every ten days, thus forming a five-day comma m cation with Charleston and fiavacnah. and uteaoula and Southwest. . * At both Charleston and Savannah, these Shimi c«n neot with ateamers tor FtoridftTantfwith railroads, £c., for aU plaoes m BgU^g^|tkwest, Fr»iitt and lnsnranoe on a large' proportion of Goods •hippoa south will be found to be lower by these shipe than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. N. B.—ltwintuwon oIl.IUiln»l FiellhiUekttrely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or savannah, the RailrMd bythl* roato »to 40 per pent, cheaper than by the inland Route, as will be seen by the fbUowicifCjta dole. Through tiokete from Philadelphia. ▼jZjuharle*- ton and S&v&tmah steamships, INUTuDIN 8 MEALS on the whole route, exqepf uharieatoa and Savan nah tO'Montfo.nwyT ■ wi.s gna m f To phaklwdoa-M—sU « Charleston,-^. -.„s» SO UOO Savannah——--, 91 uo Augusta—;— aooo Augusta - MOO Macon—— ti oo Macon— Atlanta——* 2300 Atlanta....**..... U uo Cohimbus— l3 00 Coltuabn; 89 09 l4 00 Albany 37 00 _ New OrlMns__, 59 73 New Orleans—u 00 No bill*, ofhtdlny vgfifljiafterthQsfup has sailed. For-fright_pr pm aaiJy oa board; at second wharfaoow Vine street,or to v ALEX. HERON, Jr., . Southwest oomer FOURTH and CHESTNUT, Agents inCharlflstoncT. 8. k T. G. BUDD. , Savannah, HUNTER &GAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers St, Mary’s and Bt. John’* every Tueedar and LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, r state of M*RK WHITESiUE, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit settle, nnd&djust the first and final Acoount of Mrs CAT H A -srafDt«S H i T T» BJuK » j Adroinistrnuix, of MARiI WHITESIIE, Deoeased.and to report dittribation of the balance m the hands of the Admin;»ttatrix, will meet tne parties inierested. for ths purpoees of bis ap pointment, on MONO Y. thsPih day ofJnly, iB6O, at 11 o’clock A. M.,at hisoffice, Pn>v6 k ZT WALNUT St,, pmi-d.iphia. Samuel c. perkins. 1«96 tutii&.tt Auditor, IN THE DISTRIUT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM H. ELLIOTT and C- ■ HARINE, hi. wife, V’ v». U.NI-I. R. DBENKEL. Anav Vend. Ex. N 0.105. Maroh Term, 1860. The aud tor appointed by the court to distnbu»e tho fond in court arising from the sheriff’s sale, under tie above writ, of— Y >il that certain lot or pieee of eroued, sitente nu th* north side ot Poplar street. St tho . istahceof 4J feet westward from the weijt siiepfechmlki 1 Third street, now iwentiem the lato district of Kpring Garden uow iq th® city of y l hlVtdelphia. containing in front or bte*tdth oh the said P-’p'ar street IS feet, and Axtendme northward, betveen lines parallel with said Bdhuylkifl Third street, m length or depth 81 feet to a 20 feet wide street, leading westward from the said Thud street into Corinthian aveoue, called aeon atrssi. Bounxed northward by said Seott street, southward b* siid Poplar street, eastward by /round row <y late of William K.B<.o'tand others, andwtatward by ground granted to I'aniei «.DrenkQl. v tt'T'A brick massage or tenement is now ereoted on said let. turpe stone* high. r> tV. II atlhnd to thei dutieAnf his appolntm*r,t on MON day of July 1860. »t Vl« offi-e. No. 330 \fALN 1 T kXre-t, ,g Jb, oily of Philudßlphig at 11 PTiftcit .M . wh.n.auil wher- all partie. intere.ted IKUst make their claims, or be debarred from cotnuix In fund. JOHN M. THOM -8, Auditor. WHITE & VANVLEIT vs. JOSEPH BCHURR In the Distrct Court of Tiiiiodillplur,, March terra, 18C0. No 662 vend. tin. JOHN P PERSON U. J* BCHURIL In the Bqprsme Court of Ponneyivania to January tprm I6i?. a. 77. Vend. Exp. Tne Auditor appointed by the Court to report distri bution of the moneys raised ny sheriff sale under the Above entitled writs, of •• All that certain three-story brick dwelling ht-une and brewery, beer vault and lot of ground, situate on the eaa» side of Germantown road, one hundred feet south of Cambria street in thooUYoi Plmadeiphii, containing m fronton Germantown road seventy hve feet, and in doctn one hundred and ninety feet to Hutchinson str/et,’’will atiend to the duties of j l . l * appointment on T U r.sDA». the 3d day of J Uj!y! 1860, at 4 P. M., at b s office. ho.MHAL>UT- S reet. in the city of Pbil-idelphia when andwh*Te&t\ persons aro requested to make their claims, or be de uariea from coming in upon said fund. . , THOMAS D. SMITH, Je22-tjy3 Auditor, COAL. r J\ IV. NEILL & 00.. YAJUJ. 8. E. Coruor BROAD and CALLOWHILL, Superior WHITE ABll' ta'maQ.UA, and LEHIGH PMMred and kept under oover for Fumily mb. Ordeti by Di.p&toh will reoeive prompt ation lloo, apßdm HARD WARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We ... JKjWnwWttillT®>U ‘hoatteuUouof theGenjK MINGHAM e U,'5-’ n ’ e El«It Of BuT hardware, whioh », oier at a mail idrano© by the package. -***** •olictted, and Goods 4* “ ttM !a “• o! ‘ 1 ’ gj?* r ti <ll COMMERCE Street, „ . and Commission Merchant*. And Agents ferVereita and Demesne Hardware, - aiCUtf N E ,IT, ,ff RGE NO. 3 MACKEREL— L bU hl - IQO qna I»J4 NORTH WHARVRS. JC^NVELOPES. —Over 200 different styles ,i B -Kv n i. 8 l MB ' Mlljng from 800. per 1000 upward. Or- FOUR r -.'itt a i, l ,, P d 1 R m A P cL attend ° 1 ‘ *°' teln”' RWA...2CO Tierces Prime Retailing tfa ra 1 , < k°' ( fl>r * a,l<i - bl JAMES GRAHAM P R ™l?, ? BW hT - JOHNS ALEWIVES -i2!l wii;. j,.^ Y i,o tt co. 3.600 RE ' M S WRI^IHU-PAPERS, »> I ULAKbI! ILAKEI'I ys ON DRAUGHT! ON DRAUGHT! all gallon upward. Alio, hi Vkooi?'!? V Liquors, imported direct, Btreet’, hR & I 4 filEUR > Boutb AND CL AM SOUP served up evarrdaT throughout the snasop fSundar’s Itreei d * bjr M“* s FROsSIR, No.'SOS MARKET N. b! Dmnets from Uto 3 o’olock. ntygt-tf. JW FAIRBANKS’ PLATFORM SOALFS. (N< •*. For Rate bj FAIRBANKS * BWIHO- . ... Vt« OUBBTNUV a treat. Fill*. SALES BIT AUCTION. Til THOMAS 8s SONS. A A* Noclsa tni lit Sooth FOTm-TH-Street. STOO*KtiAT , THE#^^ R I AI ' 49^TA ' rS ANO toefollowinipra-BiSy' 0 authe srose :«. lobewide ™ ESTaTe at PRIVATE SALE. entered on onr private sale reristers KV 4 -i.'!*I tI ! , MS 0 “*l p “ I,T ,n o»r»«bIlo5e aSSwt ehAfie iofa co,le * *“* Fruited weekly,) freeo. ; „ *4,800 NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD CO. , . . On Tuesday, July 10, at ISoVlock noon, at the Philadelphia. Ex- bo aold for account of whom it may oon of^S2 r w il l er ooupon Bo«dg. HI 000 each (G4A00.) Bastre °- REAL ESTATE StfrE—JULY 10, BmS 8 Dd I « T< t? Y BAL&^MOaTaAOB' OF *«M. on * B S 0 ' *. MD ™d on houae so * iot N. J. V 0 1 o,vh ot Einden street, Camden, °?S£moS ? UrtokDwlffi». 0 JS l!ot CresMn,deo’d. Fnme End DuU .t™« E EiehuiiS, r nerf t,M£ ’^ ,!RMl ' ini’,hi Rnok DWELLING, adjoin -ofy’»AgM^lfo?'9T6!ElA“i”*-d“’'l-l f o?' 9 T 6 ! EIA “ i ”*- d “’' 1 - Same Eetaie—Ajfeaily GROUNji RENT of *6f> Oaphans Court Sale—Estate of James MoComMI, _ _ deoeased. Two-/toryßnck DWELLING, fiwaneon s*reet. h. n Queen and Cdnstian streets. 8 Court Bale—Estate of James Thomas, deo’d .. ii 11,6 ® »torr Bricif STORE and DWELLINGTtwo , three-story Bnek Dwellings, and two-story FrauS Wh £9SLg»J:£*“ fvTn« LIKG - 9,1 N ■ Kia7e, ‘ a u^’dttffl, L .? IMG ' cornerof ™-«* beTo h «iS',d B ,S.? W£l - LING - Kl ' th . F ” u l rtory brink DWELLING. N 0.4.0 Lombard a-., t'«li°om P, immediate poa ote«^®-L^ G ' Era "“ N?nl£oi;M?;f M ° k "SELLINGS. Yo,k afreet. DWELLINGS.Tab, atmt. and Middleton street, Nineteenth ward. f.ihk d » me Modern RESIDENCE, with Stable and Germantown*' Green Btreat * D3rtil of Manhem. street, tceJth waS Bfick Braddoek at.. Nine- LOT—Nnr hvest comer of Lombard SiSe ! ! rUi8 * tf * 81 *' b ® t,t ®® 0 aad ButeectS Aife'2“ tnr lsrIle- 1 le- ? u J LDlNG LUT - >M'M« oan»t •Iw&tL S®*? 94 bj *»&•'-&U» SALE „OF_SUPKT my-fc BLhS. DB V KB. HJBNITffRR Rirnb B»W > c? mG,CI ‘ W GLASS WARi, £KON dfcle on Tb\i*iii»T njoruim, it iha Mn«n°H 0 51??*?2l soa,wl!S«$ oa,wl !S« beudes W lots ofcsceiiost second fuVnitu r «*, office tob'es&nd desks, mt nf fwailure, beds and bladir “<L p ***d J'isS* re .iron «sfe. velvet, Brussels, IraoesM TiK?othf* ♦£ 4p, Forming an attrantiva ruatetoient; vorth-x SSJS! 08 ° r ladiea aßd ««*3t2KSS , 2S°?i!? foTESESES: no,r ft. »rtid.» mart nOM, PlAMir-FOKTia, RJIBbShLS CARPEm ..f. , : . On Tnmadey Morning. Aaoti'ja Btow, an assortment of feru.twe, tleisnt piaao-fortes, W ttirror*, carpet*. ate** from TamiliMdfichnißv housekeeping, remove!} to the store for convenience a£ MOSES NATHANS, AUCTION ESS SS?"*-' S?™-- oa th»rj, °. a 5«“1* « wit description, in doS " *° ‘“““‘W g The Olden Ketehluhfd Homo in thit oitr S£ Jfyr»« entrnnoe on RACE ttrust, mST Business hours from 9 A. M. to t P Jd iSZ£rsn& Sffs&sg 3 ® ,«&<• •hort loam. , djwrdj, nt one per oent, for GOLD T PATENT LEVER and U* nshrf .u; *WATCHFB, rnsnufaemred at naif * * B “ ms aV, n ®* , » told lever and leptne watches, ‘«SS r j2lVfi ,a l* pm ® J 1 Anshsh. Swiss. anti Frtnoh at astonishing low prices, jewelry oj everydescription,very lov,xub*, pistols,musicalin- »r»t quality efHavans oi*ar*. a: half the importation price, in quantities to cult purchasers, »»i various other kinds of roods. . 41 . OUT UOOE BALES Attended to personally by the Aec tide ear. fonsignments of %ny and every kind ot roods sob °‘kd. MOaES NATHAN 3. HOTELS. «'i. NICHOLAS HOTEL,. Broadway^. ■When onmtltUd. «ii jaat ua, flu ST, X M Umve raaJly pronounced the ssnet magnifaent, aon venieai, andthoroughly organisedestablishmento*t.• yW on this continent, what it was then it remains o w—without a nval m sue, in samptooncness. and' ia tne general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel has aocommodatioss for one ih»n«i<«a geests, is elading one hondred complete mutes of apartments for taimuef. but hundred persons can be oomloitaolj seated at the tables of its t*iee pubtio dining rooms, and no thinrthat modern art b as devised for the convenience and sooial gratification of the travelling public baa be*a omitted in its plan, aria negleoted in it? practical details. The early reputation 01 the house at boms and abroad* derived from its marniindo. its superb appointments, and Us home like comforts ana luxuries, has bqpa en hanced every year by the nnweaned exertioos of tha proprietors. Wl7-3& TREADWELL, WHITCOMB, 1 CO. ¥ONES’ HOTEL.—The subscriber would v respectfully inform htsfriends and tan aafalio, tfc&l • he has purchased the lease and furniture Jones Hotel. Important additions are now being made toil* for the convsniecceand comfort ofraeala. ludividuaU or families visiting* the c\ty wiu be sme to find a home wW-Artflpi AARON GAQK, S2T. LAWRENCE HOTEL, BROaDWAY ~ and ErGHTHRtreet.nEW YORK,; one blo**abo»a of «*•**. «s»«u b» Mctoeted thepropnetcr to establish tbs priestonttefollawiiK liberal acaj£: gtngle rooms, IQ cents par day ttf legs** VU»«i, 9}JQ.. Witha thorough kaowledseof Ihebe*}- pau. and strict attention to the wants ot every neat, t hope to receive a liberal share orpublio favor/ aafl-Jm J. a. Qfwfnwm. ProvnMnr. EXPRESS COMPANIES. ATLANTIC cttyex m T Pfl p S3.—Th a pt°Pl) e, o*» of the Philadelphia La*H>spres* will runsn Express to tnis popular bathing place during tke coming sei'os. Mark »U roods by tS Express.” and deliver at onr office, or w »oime an order they will be cl&Hbr by oncown W* wilt also call tor and check baggage at hotels and residence* through, to "be rtf ivered noth at Atlantic City and Ptr.'adelphia. by which arrangement ts* travel w has no caie or trouble with hie hs«*fu-e, C’S’fat-parcois. r«gsa ß e. and merchandise called foj and delivered with promptness thr»u* hout the city. Goods shipped by Express, Railroad. ana Steamer*, and bills o< lading returned. Charges lower than by aoy other eoaveyange. Also. Agents for William Williams fc Co.’a European Elprsss. OAK MAN & CO., . * Proprietor*, No. 3* South FIF IB Street. •BSeßsasgi THE ADAM 5 ! EXPRESS gggsSar t *‘reF» CO ,offio»33o CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Fracases. Meroband «e. Bank Notes, aqdepecie, either hy its own Lines or in connection With other Express Companies, to all the principal towns and cities ot the United States; E. 8. SANBFOHB. Jeld-tf General Ssperintendeat. PIANOS. IjJßfa. PIANOS l PIANOS •! PIANOS! \ irrfn PfANO-FORTES. MELODEON3. PIANG-FOKTFa, v _ MELODEONd, Made by Raven, Bacon, & Co., Nunns * Clark, HaUersDavis.iCoMandoihera, ’ J. K. GOULD, my!4- 1 SEVENTH and CflESTmn, OSM STEIN WAY & SON’S NEW PA «» • f r»TENT OVER-BTRING GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE PIANOS,»nrn> xerrad in oonoarto and in private oiroiee by dhe bee) performers. Received the erst premiums over the test makers, from judges Uke tiottsoh&lk.MaKA andothera. Challenge all competition. BLASIUB RKuTITRks, d»-lv UOS CHESTNUT Street. CAUTION !—ASTROLOG.V !—LOOK O ¥, T! -,9PB r US£!! irs for alli-tim p»m laiung Mrs. VAN HORN is the hestt she succeeds wiita .11 other. failed. All who are in trouble, &!1 Wao nave been unfortunate, deceived by false promise*, fly toner lor advico and comfort In love affairs shs mfiver/atls. She bas the secret of winning the affec tions of the opposite sex. It is this fact which induces liberate pretenders to try to imitate he . and cony her advertisement. She shows you the likeness of yOur fu ture wile, buaband, or absent, fnend. It is well ’known to the pubho at Urge tnat she is the first and only per son who can show the iikoness in reality, and can ovw entire satisfaction on all toe concerns of UfeT whion oan Le tested aqtj.nroved by thousands, both married w £ Qt Vt& f Visit her. Comeone I come all ! to No. UQi LOMdARD Street, between'Juni per »nd Hrrxul JlJSt* , NUFACTORY. PEVF NI H anil GERM .YTOWN road and inlQ OHE.rNUr Street VilnSM Dr,m and Water Piku. Venn alios Floes Hot air Fines, and btanka Flue, made oi Terr. CnIM, aodof sottable sue for evetj o'are ol baildmaa...Thtaarnole tawouhr Ihe attentioo of a 1 parltee tmltrns ua haddtmta Ear‘2 itze seweraae npea for ottj wateFWttevwar ranied loaranda eow* nrets.ira. Woare ao"fspi?id i"' o "''?,'? ».rh oitms or corporatioua for tins article m any qttanti y. Wevarrsatonr tn beeqoal :f not ?“ t> ® r i2 r W other made in the United states or Europe. Ornamental Chimney Tops and VMe< jeXS-tf TMACKEREL, SHAD HERRING, & r.— L W W l * l * l » , .and 8 Iyf« audsHdinm Mae kerei,ln assorted p&okagea, of a ve.y emoiee qnalitv; ftlso 60 bbla. new No. 3 larze M&oherei, . 60half hbls newNo.Sl'* do, so bbls new No. 3 medium do. tQ do now Eastern Mess Shad, 60 half obis new do do do. 16C»> bbls now Kasrooit No. 1 fierrina. 300 do do Halifax No. 1 do. %ju do new Boston No. 1 do. IUO do do No 1 scale Fish. 25 do prime aNo. l Sal^ion, VjO quintals Grand Bank Codfish. MX) boxes new He^ m er county Chstfse, Now landing and iq gtore. for sals hy . . MURPHY k KOONB. J®* 14ft NORTH WHARVRS. rjOFPEE’S PATENT - knitting machines, For Plain and Fancy Knitting; Maohines for Knitting Drawers, Shirts 40,» .. ofallsises. * JUo Maohines on and 1, 3 and 1.3 and 2, and 3 and 2-fiib, 0D hand and n ade to order. Machine* nee the plain English Hpriig Needle, x?. a . ne * »JD QC AP le ’ ®nd are the oheapest and most rapid Machines for Kmttmgrn use. Ihe Gofiee Patent Family Knitting Machine, for family,and Plantation uj*, is a new and succesafal featnie rathe useful in ventionk oi the age, and ranks with the Sewing Maociae. Agonoy and Salesroom, No. arr BJ?OAD'B'AY, New York. jgLSm HENRY & LEE, Agent EUROPE.—Having feeefi' appointed ■ Agents for WM. WILLIAMS A Co/a Transat lantic tapreas. ye are now prepared to receive _ lt FREIGHT, PACKAGES,Re., for all. parts of Europe and Asia, at prices nnpreee deutertm thteotty. . OAKMAH A GO., ■ll-ln, • - .. • Jlo W Sooth FIFTH fiireet. Havana large, hand •fOME and VARIED AMORTHF-RT; biaude.,a CABAJIOs, FIGfRO, M.F TUNO, FaRTaGAS. mPAHOLA AHUUELLKH, o ,k c., of all Bike. pbd'QOjtl ties, eu band ron.tir.tlt, sad for etde/biaj^jTj^mE3 'aStE, 13^Walui! PA PRR; EAyg k—note, letter. • CAPi'B.M* LEGAL. DRAWING. SERMON, and all of Paper, for sale, at low prices, hy ■ FOURTH end »ACK. -jf33 1m BOOKS for the Ist of Jul-, -tßLuhede .expressly for our Retail Sales. 'PE**RY» JSapifscturißg htattcnsr, FOURTH and RACF. vy je» )m IfiAND ORUOIBUS —>or sale hr , h? WETHFJIIJ4, A BROTHER, 4T aad! 4» Nortli SKOOWl) Street; . „ M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers