-, SMUfom n, B jtMiiU'ovu<| Ultd tSOII OMoh.'With fisWiflUOa'SCO BWI ditestn JjM&k’ tilt, passed here lesutisbt - '. Vr - * < M-*lfi*lh**Ltooß]«o*-f-Arrlved at Baa FraoeiEooir Jfa*»t,Js»rkY»ttbr« f t om Honolulu; muled, bnrk Ar laistead./arYaiperaieo - ... < 4 -, . ,,■ '•-• 4 Anriwl on ‘May nth, Emily Momam iromflairßkdonUno tta toto.-bn* Morning B**r»; frowJsrvi*lsland: 2td» schooner Far West, from ditto, murevalnsple guano, • \, THRNRWS. ' \'<l' -'''l The new* ii exceedingly meagre, - •: T i Tws Bomi**tH*i flf to the OhioogoCouveu-j bv tke.]l«»uMioau«vhoftifde B ineAheVdiau* B*4 beyond rea?h ofCoi, apprehenijon* of further tumble fromthe® in the WmfioemlseeMd ventshed. , v.x: Regalar trooea,w>M be stationed near toe Fsrrwjjj Lake, ana otner places, where they can beet pr*t« «***•-' •etcleroentg. /■ v r . - - ■ The C«n»»ur who neat through on route expect to obtain a sufficient force from toeJJmtea State* trome bow at .Camp Floyd, to h«eP M to« roete free from,danger after it. ieonoe.cleared and toe eta* and »lea«wt on theeeetera ,I^h^mim^are? roturtiiTig to wo &/* k th»' elaoere which the Irdhn disturkaneeseausedthem to abandon. On Waiver. nver«B<L» the Atorvoa Lake region the lad<%risare peaeeaWe. ... , *. There it no-farther newefrom Oregon. ~ _ A eta e we* robbed bf-highwaymen on toe fib or Jane* bßi Chico. i-« Bette coonty, of sU,tOtti) transit b, " >^ J1 ’' CANpW ; a«t INLANDS. " ■.• Von'n)aUTdatee to the 2fth of May have been received* The /**««* *’e jmerCjiiidtnißiirrah.from SanFran oieco. touched at 'Honolulu* on the 23d,oaihe way' h « markets were very dull. ' ’■ I - o LATEST-BY TELEGRAPH TO VJZALIA Sin Francisco,'June 12-G o'clock P. M.—Arrived to dar steamer Golden Gate from Panama, and steamer Panama from Oregon and British Columbia. - - ' - .otiied ships Merv L. Button, for New Yore; Herald of the Morning, for Callao; Fleet Wing, lor Hong Kong'; Columbia, for ditto .TttN MARSHTd.—The week’s biiainow opens mo derately. ' •fade# Tardy’s trial bat been removed to Slarion oounty, indicating hisjioyMtut. Pnrtlentf. Oregon. dates to tile 6th of Mar announce that the result of the election was doubtful. The pro* batolitiet Wto* tint Login wee elected to Congrew. • Naopioton coola b« formed as to the Legislature. Two lie moo rats were elect* d in Molcnomah county, wbere-ihe Mepoblioaas had some hopes. New Haven Railroad Stock* - Few Haves. July B—Judge Ingraham has delivered adeeisiofe in relation to the New liavea Railroad stock, mameg vabd alt the spurious stock which- appears on iha transfer bo fcenf thecompauv.in-all 17,487 shares, leaving as isva'id i C 46 scares. This decision does nut rover the abole of the spunoba stock, and is technically in favor o 4 theocmeany, but places the holder* of the •periods 'took in tee condition of oredicors of, the com pany. with power to ltnn* notions to reoover the money in full, Itisnownnly'aquestiouof time with the New Haven road aed the spurious stoekhaa now come Ut be more valuable Jhsu the original. The New York Tragedy. NewYorx, July 2.—Edwin Jefferds.<roc of the Btep ecn* of ihe t-j* Mr. Join Waltou, murdered on B*t*r day night, has been token' into cue odr. The suspicion ;f the murder. however. ftttaoUesinore to Chariei Jef> erda, tbe brother of the prisoner, who is said to an swer the description given of tbe murdcrey * The Insurance on the Pemberton Mill. Busiox July l —The referees in relation to the ihsu* ran** bn the Pemberton Mill have awarded the earn of MS 375 inaur.no. to *h. .Fombrrton .oorpor.tioni being SM per crijt, ot the nmount inaureU on the mill. From Honduras. Naw.O.LKAUB, July Anvioea front Huamn to Hie Wth ulctatelhuth. oeistonoi •h.i.Und of Horda m wnn moat unfnvornblr reoeivea. A loroeof fifty troop, had arrived from relixe to mnlntiin order. The Veopl. ohjeet to the treaty; &: d it vnll probably be aanndad. - . . Arrest for Mail Robbery. RoTbAirn, (Vr.J Jaiy.t—Jnlm WinUomb haa been arrr.ted for robbing the Amerioin and Canadian maila vhila tinder hie oiiarae nere'. He haa epent ®fiWJ of Canadian money lately. Skeleton keya for opening the maU.baaa r.re found on him; Mysterious Murder In. New York. Te hay, already presented to our renders a brief aoconnt of the murder of Mr. John Walton .and,John W. Matthewa. The. Mew York jonrnala ere filled with the pdrttcnlara of tho terrible oe entnnee.. It uenis that'Mr." John Walton and Biohard H. Pateall were walking up Eighteenth Rlnat aket half paat eleven o’clock, and had just cioesed Third avenue, when a than, who evidently had been waiting tat them, stepped up behind them and find a pistol at the former. The slug with which the weapon whs loaded entered Mr. Wilton’s iced near the left ekr, nnd he fell to the ground fasensible. Help came to tbe rpot, and he was taken to a drug store, and shortly afterward maoTed to UelleT.te Hospital, where, he died at eight o’eloek on Spadsy morning. - • The murderer fled toward Irving placo, followed . by Mr. Passall and others, among them Mr. John ' W. Matthews. Near the eorner of SUteenhi end Irving place three of the persons bed almost over taken the fugitive, when he turned and shot Mr. ' Ifadthecs ih'tbe.breast. HO then sucoeeded.in ' sfiaoting Ws etoaps. The wounded man was taken into a drug store on Third-avenue, but died before it had been washed. The pistol was subsequently •reeovered. *' J It appears that Mr. Matthews had been absent all day on' a pleasure excursion with his sister, nnd . had just stepped from the Third-avenue ears, when' he heard the cry of murder, nnd joining in the pur nit met hit fate; He was. n railroad oontraotor, and was tllrty foor years of ago. ' > Mr. lliebara Henry PascaH testified to the fasts ■ ef thejaatder as staled, declaring it to behisim , praMion that Charles Jefferds was the perpetrator. ■ The young man had been onot.bound over to keep the penes tor hevlng drawn'a pistol upon Mr. Wal , ton; the weapon wiih whioh the murder wtseom ' mltted much resembled one whieh young Jefierds had name time since; end he had repeatedly ' threatened his stepfather's life. -. > Yesterday morning Xdwin Jefferds. one of the etepmss of Mr Walton, surrendered himself. He Metes rhit be knew nothing about;he shooting, end fill be able to prove that he was at home nnd - inhod when It oocurred.' His brother Charles, he ■ays,' Is eoiaowhfTe Id the country; where, he does wot know, - but has no doubt tha’. As soon at he - leamt of the snipieion existing against him, he ftiU rotnes end surrender himself, t • - Chula, Jefferds is about twenty-one ytars of age,. got far (tem five feet ten Inches tall, rather slim, . .hnMtfeng ud. wiry ; hat Ught eomplexlon, blue ' eyes, prominent B- umu hose, thin lips,’prejeeting ... eMa. and hM nttully wora n light mustache and . tsa beard. jaeb finent in spaeeh, ef 'easy, address, gather pompous In hie manner,-and always draesed in fatblouablestyls This enswur* te Mr, Pnmall’e dasoriptioa of the murderer. ' ' Kdwln i> about three yean youngor, n; little ■horter, but more thick-set, has dark hnir'and eyes, and dresses more like a meehanlo than his brother. Botfrhave bean coadaeten on tbe Sixth avenue Bailroed. Kduin speaks slowly, and with . .nMIAt hesitancy. ' " It is rumored that a young woman will be able to tdeutify the man who shot Mr.' Walton, as she and . scene Others had observed him hanging about the * comet all evening.' - Tkepoliee nnd ihe friends of 1 the idee eased are doing nil in their power to throw light on tha mat- I ler, sad bring tha murderer to justice. THE CITY. GUAHDfANS OF TUJS POOH.—A first,regU« Uv the Guardians wap held yesterdayeiUr- Aiumhoase v Tit* following was the population of the hosts: ' On ftatards*. 191 Heme tune Us* year. >. u_.43G3 -__ Decrease.....4l „ J. Mf* Mens was reelected president, and F. A. Stx vertraaeurar. - ftoeu''BtKMt were then made for steward, clerk, phy aieian- Ac.. who will he elected ax the neat meeting -Meee-s. McGrath. Brown, Erety, and Johnson, war* Sw<*rn«ns* pew member*. .The. ananel retorts of the oat-door visitors were re oeiVea ua reed. - > The oar-door stent retort'd collections sinoantiag to #Jlifoc«mifmnttox.ao j $2 H. 99 forsupportoases., , tee eeewsrd tent in a communication romplalniag wgßmsfficiept sbppi? of water at tbe mshtstiot. The annual report of the insane department WM read, hetwpsMnt back for correct ion. ” •„- - Hr. Dickinson offered a resolution that the'Hospital Committee met* m cosj«rctioti with a committee of , Common GrauteiL w inquire whether the charge of sn : the aMthfftt the Almthocud was true. Not "jlUmr*. LUnard. EeSer.ejod McGrath were anointed , the -'caise Committee lor July, * Adjoeraed. - • - ",:TM COURTS.—QUARTER B«BloKS—Judge ,JtiUsoo.—AlexanderDupolly was acquitted of s charge of steaJing s coar, the prosecutor not appearing to fmi "tifv» John'MeLaaihlin was acaaittodof a charge of steal- Kerraowne cohvloted of a charge of commit tinjt saaesacltand battery nron Officer Biooinel. ' • Charles Lsbdoh end Thomas Mollhone.on cross hive,' Wereefcarved with aassalc m>4 battery. 'The parties are , earnapedrieeis, and >he difficulty between them orui , n%'ed about a stand «C the depot, elevtaih and. Market atreet*; The evidence WM rather coatradictmr, each " mad charging tiie other with'Mrtulimg him first. Both - wcraeonviqtfd, ana both ordered topsy the eosteof r , , Banr tSlopp wm ehsrftd* witb eommitt og an assault -7 «Mbatteryupon Mwnajene J*»m». Tbie was otte of nttmervee quarrels tw tweenchildren residing in the • ~anm»>«*bt»rh«>d- The jury acquitted Miss Clopp, -fimidlvided the costs. ■- ■ - • j • - , -TiPOfU Galvin was convicted efa ’ charge of commit* ■■ Cimregsesatm upon Bridgets oomey, and -' '!%tM eSS of Commodore • Biinbrldce 1 Barry* eoa ■ vievd eevenl months ago of sedgction, the court «« other easiness of any important# was transacted, hAd the court QDjonrned. ... Caucus afte r«o«a 'tte »emher» of the. People's - party, in both - hsmlm of &• City Connells, nut in Common Council . Camber aod crmde the fdtewin* ehitotM nominations, to be slsotod at the nteetins.ott Thurwiay sen . Bapenutendentof Citfr RaUroad-«A Bartholomew* < CdoMßkerkoerof City Property.—/<?•«.rh/i*topher, , *■ Chief <~om<aUetaoer of llirhweys—Joseph ehaniz. - ismstahtCommissioners oOdfafcways—John S. KH F B ** B Water WoiVa—B, P« M. Birk- AU tlwr nomioatioßSwere the previoss inoombents, - skoept Mr- AloLeao, who was nominated for assistant ecmmkmoner of bit piape of Edward C, • ' -Thera was rou' , h excitement in front of the Rtate Msese all (be alternoou. and tbe mutterintsof discon teatontne part of the dfsappomied wars boti loud and deep, end threats were opeely made by several that, as «:ottftfi|t .would not make any change in the officers, sVXt sprlM;-the. peoeje” would, try. and change the Vf Heating democrats [n tneig places. will 1)3 an address do. livexed .the Literarr'Booie'UjTat Haverfnrd CoiHNie to morjow.evening, bv prof,.Stewart. of-Gi* wrdCoßege.- of the mbi»> <hs 1 take pteOefm the evenmae cf the 6th 7th. ard 9th. Prof. Chusetteiiveriagaanrdreae before the Loganian oa the 9th. ' Ibe anpitel address before tbe. Alumni witfee made by Df. J* 'J.-l.enok. On the ever-mx of the . Mthinst 'fheusoal pebheexaminationwiiibenefdon the 9tH and 10th instant, and Commencement is on ' T wddaesd^ mornmg,the nth. at 9 o’clock. Ibede grteof A. 0. will be ounferred pa the following gentle “‘Friiid!* Klobardsnn, Richard Pancoaßt. FredenckW. Sg, TJrodore B. Jflorriß,and Jao-.rs R.Maree.of felshia; James T>son o Jteadins; Clement M. •dfj‘ peerßirby. and W m.U. Corlipe,ofStrick #r vile- Pa-j Cyrua Lind ley. of Monrovia: and Lind- Smr;M. Cl*rk,of Cartneve, fnd ; :WlHi«J« fl. Corbvt.of oZeeex-'pal-lFHae A, Underhll!. orßrooklyn, N.T.I - aodJohft W.PuiUißin.of N. Vamalboro, Maine ftSosm'Afj UaRKS —The following cases Of ftesldeaUjrrre admitted into the Vrapltal yeeterday: Pat nek r , axed £0 wa* severely injured inter ’, n*i?r hTfaUie* down the hold, of the s esnuhip Vir ginia. first wfi*rfabove Marset street. He|was a steve -nof-9, ami had bam at work on the vessel yesterdsy, - andeftr-rtwe batches had beenpiton. hetta»ted to. go * Sewn the hold Jnthe dark on some errand.. He mused • Sm foaaisf aadfellto the hottom. When taken to tbe Boepitai, Matevcuifig.he wss in & very cntieel oond^ ... » years old, hail his right band in ■ farwdby wmroalar saw. while working atapiaoing mill near the Schuylkill, yesterday alfof- aWd *7. left leg fmetared by • iuitngran ladder whUe, P'nntiiigtbe interior of ! the •* > jJwh4tKet: tb • a distanoe .oY abput 95: ‘ Six partlffir ®*&S2ES&&e *; iscwwi»:ijw. : r-y^ l trW*9 B*wnf • I ORGAHUATfON'.'. . or: liitit- Onx Dwxex r>titjrre.-yesteid%r,waethedar*»dtwl»wfortt<>or- 1 i . tlffe SCHOOL'COXTftOLLXBSe • j Tb* Board met ia tha morbmi at io oVook. when the oertifieAU* of the eeversl ntembera ewot irere pre •* e Mtr?Dß*ui f Whlkioe presentod a oertifioete u\belng duly elected to repreceot the Slet section in the Board, «henobjeotioQsv*re m«de m to its reception. Asa neaber«JUr* fitsxerald stated that he hsdiahispos eession a certificate, daoUnoir that Jfathsn Nathans vu patijledtp the seat. A protest anainst edmittioc Mr. -Vftdjsee'.to hlv eeat was read, when, attor some debits, both tee protest sad the certificate of U r. Wallace were laid os the table; Tbe remainder of the certihostes of the-dew members weis tij“n read, after whioh, the rawaibere were swoniiu by. Mayor Henry; An S'action was then gone into for President; when Mr. Henry Bumts was unsmmonslyi elected to that ptmtion. . . • Upon takmc the ohslr, Mr. B, said: , * . . , Uketleken : I aoknowledkewUnamtefol heart the honor yoa tiave done me in elcotinK me to preside over the Board of Control ot toe First School distrfot of resnsylvsnis- - Having had one year’s experience, 1 am aware of its responsibilities, and I invoke your obeeuul co-operation in carrying oat the great trust Joratnittel to oar care, l ’again tbanltfjou* gentlemen, or thelonordone rne.and will endeavor to discharge , the duties or the office faltbfally and impartially. The e eotioa of Beeretary.to the Board heinc In order, the following letter from Mr. Haliiwell, declining .to be a candidate, was read t . To the Board cf Controller* ” Gentlemen ; I have learned that mv name is to-day. to be tut to nomibaticn for the Feoretarysinp ofyonr Board. I take this opportunity of Stating that I nave never eoUoit«d •licbA conn‘.ation, end I,do now under anjr cirououtaDcetvdesi.cit ,' While sinokrely thankins those who have given me cvldenoe .of their, confidences'and after deliberating upon the subjeot, I have concluded, unhesitatingly, to decline being a oaudidate tor (bet position. . • Veiy reepeoUully youra. &o. _ Philada., July 2d, 1859. H. W. HALLIWELL. Tho cle iticn was then proceeded with, when Robert J. Hemphill, the former incumbent, received IS votes • and Thomas 8 Bailey 30 voros, when Mr. Hemphill whs dooiated to be duly elected . Boon taking bis position, Mr. Hemphill made the fol lowiog remarks: * GkktlkmsK: In reeasummg the duties of Beore‘ary of this Boards and for tbe tiat'erjag terms in whioh you have announced my re*etection« • return you hit sm ooro thanks. I shill endeavor as heretofore by striot at tention to tny i llioial duties to merit a continuance ot your confidence and esteem. - . , -Mr. Loeoh fjten in >ved the following resolution: . lUsolvfd% That the Committee on Boys’ HiglrSchool be instructed to examine into the manner >n whioh Prof. Lu’enne has discharged his duties as Professor of the German Language in the Central High Pohool ana report ell the laots to this Board, at the next stated mooting. Adoptod. The Board theu adjourned. TUE SECTIONAL SCHOOL BOARDS. The following is a list of tbe organizations of the Sec tional School Boards, ns far as has been nso«rt«tnrd : eecond Section.—william Allan, piesident; Thomas E. GaskiU, secretary, TluidSoction.—WashingtonL.Lane, president; W. H. Nolen, secretary. Four'h Seotitin.—P. A. Fagan, president; Henry W, Speel. secretary. Fifth Section.—^Dr. Joseph Coad, president; John Xelab, secretary. . .. Tenth Section;—Charles Jewell, re-elected president: Joseph Cooper, secretary; James H. Randall, examiner of qualifications of teacher*. ■ fcuhtoonth Section.—Edward W. Gorgas, president; Gecrge W. Vaughan, aecretary. Twentieth Section— William C. Haines, president; Georgo H, Mitchell, secretary. Tnß UOABD OP HEALTH. The Board 'f Health met aim organized by re-elect ing th* old oraoers. as follows: President, Paul B. God dard, M. B.; Secretary, James a, MoOea, M. B. EOAED OF PAIaON IKsrECTORS. ihe Board met and re-elected »U their old officers, as follows: President, John B. Biddle. M. D.J Secretary. J. Rodman Paul, to. B.; Treasurer, Isa&o B, Garrigues. thk xew Hors* OV COSEaCTION. Pursuant to the act of Assembly, approved on the 28th of March last, a meeting of the. m-mager* of the proposed Bouse of i’orreotmn in this oity, was held yesterday anemooa. at the County Court-house. Sixth and Chestnut streets , , JMessra James J. BareWy, John M. Ogden, William weifih* Pe‘er a. Keyter, .Robert Ewing. Jacob P. Jones, A. J. Derbyshire, Charles J. Biddle, and George N. Tatham were present. Messrs. Chas- 'ihompson Jones, Joseph O, and Joseph Harrison Jr. the remaining memters, were absent. Mr. Harrison was reported as being tick, and Mr. Grubb, it was stated, declined tbe appointment. The Hoard organised permanently by electros James St Barclay as President, and George N> Tatham as Treasurer and pro'€mporePeor«Ury. The members then proceeded by lot to determine the periods of service of eaotwwith the following result: Chas. T. Jones was allotted one year; Peter A- Key* eer. one year; Jas J.-Harcla*, one year; Chas. J. Bid dle, two tear* • Jacob P. Jones, two yeats; J. 0. Gnibc. two years; Joseph Harrison, ir., three years; Robert Ewing, three years; John M. Oedan, three yehrs; Geo. N. Tathsin. four jrears; A.J. Derbyshire, lour years; Willirm Welsh, four years. Tbe officers were directed to inform the appointing authorities of the terms of service fixed upon for each of the members. _ In the year IBM annular act, establishing a House of Correetioi*. was entsed, but it failed to go into effect by reason of the dinreatmanioipaUties merging roeeth'.r undec Consolidatinn, and a provision contained, in it whioh required rh *t the buildingsand equipments should not cost over #IW 009. Nothing came from this move ment beyond the preparation of plans, &o. The Hoard yesterday passedaresolution thatt^eoraoers prooure ihe plans and proceedings of the former Board, and sitoh other information w they can obtain, for the in formation of the present Board, and tbea "djourned to mset again on the afternoon of the first Monday m August. . 1 The eat of incorporation'establishing the present Board provides that, as early as prsotioahle, the man a* gen shall oauie to be prepared plans and estimates for tbe erection of su'Ub e buildings for the Bouse of Cor rection. within >be tarn land now cooupisd by the Philadelphia ard bloekltr Almshouse, or soy other site whioh the said maoasers, by and with the cqn&ent of toe Beleot and Common Councils of the oitr, may deem most appropriate. As soon as the sites, pmos, and estimates are approved, the managers shall certify the faot to the Mayor and Councils, and the Councils shall, as it becomes necessary, cause to be borrowed upon loan, at a rate, of interest not exceeding t>x rer eent per annum, redeemable inUyears. a sufficient sum of money to.purch&se the site and buildings and the C.ty Councils ahaU assess the amount necessary to pay the interest on and loan, and one per oent. to form a sinking fund for its redemp tion ; and the money so raised shall not be appropriated to any other purpose. It to also prxmcsa that n the construction ot toe buildings the labor of the persons eomm*»ted to the institution shall be employed to, the best advantage. It is not probable that My thing WaU be done in the matter till towards the felt months. High School Examination,—The follow ing questions were propounded yesterdtr to the candi dates for admission into the Central High School* . 'Principles of Antoinette, prepared by Dr. Vosdes. , 1. Bute tbe ru'e for finding the value of componna numbers in decimals of higher dehomrnstione.. g. State theruie by which the following question may be What part ol an oz. is ldr.,lser., and l 8. Anneztheeroperqu&ntitiestotbefollowing: Boots, stone, circle of tbe sodUo and sign. 4. When iu simple interest the amount, time.and rate percent, are given, how do you find too principal ? B, Define the terms power, ro»c. and exponent, ard gire an example showing how the terms are employed. d. Give the reason of the rule for finding the va’ue of compound numbers in deoimals of higher denomi nations. 7. Explain the difareaoe between banking discount s>d discount proper. „ 8. What ig the rule for extracting th».square root ? <9. What is discount ? How do you find the'd aeount on anv sum of money, i , V What .are decimal fractions, and what are thpir principal ofcnrartenatte* ii , (Questions in ar.thmstic isxamplesS prepared by Pro fessor Vodges: 'l.lSedoee X. and ter fractions having the « least ooromon denomination. ■ ;t B 7 1 2. Find the mm of —, 11—, 2- and —. : 27 45 10 3. Required Uugjjhi of 4 ~ Bhillings, .6271—shillings, 10.2- pence, and pence. . -7 • v 9 C Reduce 2 roods, W* rods to the frootion of an BOre^ fi. Reduce sm poled to the decimal of an acre, fi.lDivide ton bv 4)1 4’6. 7 Bcugbtdhtnssormlfor SSSB6I whereof6o.6gallons leaked ont. bow much must the remainder be sold per gallon, that tbe purchaser may ne no loser 1 Js If 218 men In 6 days, of irenchXxjvardsbng.AwHe.&m] 2 deep, in how many days, of 9 boura will 24 men dig a trench 420 yards long, 6 wide, and 3 deep i 9 What Js the amount of £300.25 for 3 years, 6 months,ard todays, at 4 per o»nt f 30 Find the cube root of .T 00.277072 to three decimal places. Baxlook Asoension".—Prof. I owe will makeeseensinnsin histimnsrer balloon on thn morning and afternoon of the *• Fourth.” from the lot in the rearp 4 the Aoademy of Musio HiiUsttrip was so eue oessfal that much { nterest will be felt, and as amn'e ac commodations will be made for the publio, thousands will doubtless be present lo witness each inflation and ascent. I/jST ow Tiwttkps advertised In ibe New York Herald. Baforday, June Sfl*h. for Philadelphia bonres, .remaining in the roet offinp,New Yoik, uncalled for, no doubt misdirected,.* Win. H Brown A Co. Crew, Rogers,'& Crew j Dehaven k Brolbei*:A. Dimond & Co.; Oarlinq, Roe*. A Co.; Merntt A Turn hull: Myers, C arhorn, A Co.; Peterson A Smith; George B. Reese, Sons, A Co ; Wray A Gillian. . Kxcbipts into hib City Treasury from the Highway Pepahtmirt.—^Baring the first six months'of the veer 18?9, th* receipts into tbe .Citv Treasarvfrom the Hichway Department through the lands of the late Commissioner of highways, were 111,105 69. During the corresponding period of 1860, Mr. Bbant*, ,the present Commissioner, paid in $21,- 93A11~a differesee of nearly $ll,OOO in favor of 1 6u. Poliok Statistics —The number of ar rests in the various districts of the citv, during the month June, tvas as follows: First 90s R-cnnd.sot: Third. 519; Fourth. 174; Fifth.J66{ Sixth 1»; Seventh. 65; EuMh 113; Ninth.7B: Tenth. 159; Eleventh. 119; Twelfth* 134: Thirteenth. S 8; Fourteenth. SR; Fifteenth. ; 8 xte4nth. 184: Reserve Corps,93; Detectives and others.*}. T0ta1,3,957. Attempt to_ Rob.—On Sunday moTning at an early tin nltemplyrtia msde to rob tliacourt nk'housa ofpobn w. Ryan, nn W"sbm«toß street, above * , wpnson. Th* thi'vrp unlocked the door, and thru piled the keyhole of the fire-proof safe with gun towder. With the intention of hiowius it open- but were Tightened off before they could carry out their design. Violating an Obeinancr —On Saturday night,*, man unused himrelf by firing off a number of wpks of craokhn in Franklord. The police requested him to desist, but the warning wag not heeded. The m*« was then arrested for violating tbe State law. The penalty end costs which be was compelled to pay amounted to $3 33. Chabobd wrm individual/ who represented himself as the Rev. Lewis Hensley Term* tnissiofiar* on the P*nt*n Canal was arrest ed. on Patnrrfay, in Ger min town, nn ruspicioo.nf havinr etden a batHfoune gold watch end chain-which he had m hie poeeM*»on. He was committed for » further hearing, by Aid. King. , Fntß. Yesterday , atwryioon, a frame Ptehle. belonging to Mather and Marshall, Twelfth and streets, was totally cestroyed by fire. Loss The New York CricVet Club arrived in his Citv last evening and were received at th* Glmd fodf# by the FJiiffde’phia Cricket Club. They will play an interesting game this afternoon on the grounds of the Philadelphia Club. CITY ITEMS. THg Bkflr PxBVBHTivn op Soir-sritoKß.— Mr. Wm.H. Richardson, No 413 Market street, has brought out an invention for the hot weather, wlitoh, we think, i is certain to ** take.” It is a Bun Urabrel’a. constructed - of White Holland, Their first introduction in the street had a somewhat odd appearsnoo. as had the first white hat and the /irst whit©’coat; but like every other practical. connnoc.sease invention of intrinSio merit, it Is bound to go. By experiment it is ascer tained that the nmoephere m the street under one of these white umbrellas is fully fifteen degrees lower in temp*ratore than that which is not thus shielded from the d.reot rays of the sun. Thi Hiatbii Terr at Oakfosds* .-—Tbe multi plicity of cool summer artioles displayed in the ele gant show cams of Messrs. Charles Oakford A Poos uniler the Continental Hotel, almost tempt the visito* into'the delusion that the weather is not in the leas£ nncorofortabie. No wonder that the thousands of health and pleasure seekers who are about embarking In their summer-tours shmi d infl'lnotively turn their preparatory foot-steps towards Oakfordg*. For-every thing in the way of gents’ summer hats; ladies’and misses’shoas; misses* and children’s hate; ladies’ pa rasols, and stm umbrellas, spd gentlemen's furnishing goods In every variety, there is no establishment com parable to this in the Union. The Melodeok.—Miss Sallie C. Bishop’s BENBFiT.-7MI.Lx, Maxis.—The benefit ol this beauti ful and accqn pUslied danteure will oome off at the Mr lodeon on the night of theoih'of July, and we predlo for her a crowded I ouse, and bouquets and plaudits in abundance. After that, however, we want to see a - similar benefit to the singularly sweet little Marie.* ' '4 here is not very much of herjtj*-*ztt*, but what there isisveryoAptivating. is charming; her lips ' arAfaidtlrsk; hrr f motion is very poetry itself. She Sis a . incomparabjy ibe 'most beautiful girl, aqd. the best danceVatthal Meiodeon, even Bishop herself - not ex eepted.' In sWt, B shop and Marie hre the two prinoi p^ljittfactloss at thp Mebidpon, and they deserve tar he Rivers ~ 1 WflpLjfidraE Troths AHavee be east down by tnfiair Tfaspid^rbtegkghiswahttfeifty twenty , h« Vpaflih:' flf ajia,fip, poor zjtfpda to do a ; < tMng, and you wilt do it. Fear not if trouble come' grfrbp jpaf keep up yoiif*AijfriUVtfi<idBh the day may be ft darkens,, 1 , ... !: TTU-huau iMilc likek bed, um.t b«Tnn»h>J - jun(ll,d.ir«U ahakeii, and eip<M«a to a variotrol turj,. S ! b-oiVßiln,'lißd, ala.ant .urn-' oji.'at.lu ata .old at uurfitti and each artiol, aocara- i r naUd br a S</V at Cranvilla BtokM* Taaipla ot i ymUai, no, rn OJuataut ttt.it. . , J W-tf t ■ SoLOMoxty.TaHBLCWiUbc open'to* visitors os ’the 4th of July, all day, and every day There ■is no place in th-s oity so' to offi»rd mi hoar’s pteasure And profit,as a visit to\ this, really iffrand histori&il and BcriptaraV ourionty. Don’t fail to take.the whole family, as family tickets are;e6ld lower. Tna Arrival of ,thb Great Eastern.’—Tbe Great Eastern arrived Thursday, and the New Yorkers, dropping the Japaneselisea calorifiedpotftto, have pre pared themselves to ro into an ecstasy of exoitement on. the’shortestnotioe. In Philadelphia we need no such material to stir up our enthusiasm, and rende’r us hap* pjr. We have here the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of JtookbM k Wilson, Nos, 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, to gladden our eyes, and we clothe our selves elegantly, fashionably, oomfortably, and cheaply with the garments sold therein. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. Philadelphia. July 2. ■ Pennsylvania Railroad shares advanoed >« to-day. upon an exceedingly dull market. Reading fluctuated, but olosed firm at the opening figures. Bohuylkill Na vigation shares are dull, but the preferred siock and the bonds maintain previous advanfced quotations. Money is plenty as ever.and even the financiering for theFonrth of Jnly, Which haa made more aotivity In bank cffeiingfl, haa not advanced the ruling ratsa upon the street. ... The bank otatement is qijUo favorable, en increase appearing in all the principal Items, OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. WEEKLY AVERAGES OP TIIE PHILADELPHIA BAKES. LOANS* gPKOIH* JUllxs. j a |y"j] JnnenT July 2. Juno 23. 93,457,000 MmOOO 5639.000 s6‘tf{oo North Al Or oB ®J BW W* 2M.M M 5 791 605 698 Farm 8: Me oh .• 1999 227 4 029 763 6SH6SS GOO,MI ComrneroiAL ** • 1M2.00U 1.692.000 176.000 IS’,OOO krffimos*. • 2.732.958 1.762 478 232.167 *32.4g N Liberties...- 1*70,000 1.397,000 211000 170,000 ftiuthwork..... KMC 23 l.Ou-1803 »lo*§23 lSaSton.... 815 624 811.190 181,361 1« 6« Pann ■Townshij 16! S-8 866 385 ii'i West [ora ),477JiSS 1,486 804 SOU. S 3 353 031 Man. iMooh.. 1,316,125 1,301.176 JgO S'S 132385 Commerce 633,610 636.416 039.T03 318 061 Girard 3.310 014 3,103,630 3M 376 331.702 Tradesmen'll... 696.87 1 690.014 111,952 101.768 Consolidation.. 61 a 911 619508 6 064 04 976 City 874 743 *71.128 131 872 152 <OO Commonwealth 612,469 615,<90 Oortt Exchange <74.236 464,018 84,120 UloionTt\..«—. 666.954 665.173 63-883 63,993 Total SO £6,78*1633 U. 374 649 &9G38 _ OEPOBITS. CIRCULATION* BAK “‘ July 2. June 36. July 3. June 26. Philadelphia” ,1.7193100 ~1,082 000 S 251.900 *268 000 North America. 1,700,005. 1,66*.36S 235,633 225,799 Pann &Me on# 2JM.725 1.652. M WI.NW 363,6)0 Commercial 701450 C 747,000 148.000 167 000 Mechanics’ 883,188 904 229 129.010 130,860 Ji. Liberties.... 964 000 912 000 106,000 101.000 Southwark 684.847 707.112 104 795 97.470 Kensington..... 601.107 C!8 905 M4A75 145.9’5 Penn Townshif W2,W 596,109 89.745 67.205 Western.. T... 911043 901 419 154.076 134/00 Man. & Meoh.. 678,495 671,615 121-445 107 450 Commerce...... 4*W 477.196 72.785 78*95 Klrard 1,264,603 951,770 *13,754 ‘2W.MS Tradesmen’s.... 44UJJ18 <20,128 87,168 97 974 Consolidation. 273-SOU 279.47 j 94,3*) 98 290 City ... 612 838 610,126 10U2U 105,120 Oommonwealti 303,713 3«7 99i 89 om 85,420 Corn Exchange 8*6,908 845,f04 118.045 107.495 Umon~— *7B.(6o 280-298 80.43 Q 7»,2«8 15 642,433 Jy696.783~l 2 651 603 The aggregates compare with thogo of previous State meats m follows Jo!v 2. /uneJfi. „ Capital Stoolr. Sn rro.m 5n,768 s'>o..riio, Sirs Loan*. .. 26 801 390 23 780.631.0. 23811 Specie 3.871 619 4,329.368. tno. 11811 Ouefniolher Bke... 1,603.273 1.126,7<6..fn0. 82628 Due To othor Bks... 3.941 441 -8 060.013..De0. 119 171 Deposits... 13 994.916 1 6 842,433..1n0. 562182 Circulation 2,698 786 2 664,603. .Ino. 42,282 Loans. Specie. Ciroutation. Deposit!. Nov. 4,1857.21.199,183 22171,484 2.141,1 U 16.835.788 Jan. 11,1868.71302,574 3,770.701 1311383 1M66-263 July t 24.311.928 6.636,817 8,434.181 18358343 Jan. 3,1859..26,161367 6,068.366 2.741,784 17,019,006 idly 6 26,446340 4 397,063 2303308 16,481,064 Jan.S, 1880..26 888387 4,460 291 2.868.1'M 14.982.919 Fob. 6 28.493.975 4.609.929 ' 2,666,810 18,406 341 Mar. 6 28.742,447 4,816 062 2.691.108 16.192.971 April 2 2(5 98 .HO 5.137.650 .3 183 040 1 6.748 610 May 7 27 690 212 6.477 019 2 968.484 16 763.609 *•l4 >7 403 881 6 667 360 2 941 246 16 489 872 21 27 401.925 6 367.410 28 0 617 15,422 B*B “ 28...,.27.788,9.12 4384.679 2 818 719 1564*905 June 4 27,171 091 4 382 610 2,824.471 16,620.593 •• H 17.046 016 4,183 667 1 810 661 16 698 909 “ 18 21883.709 4 lit 644 16,642 O’S '< 28..18 7)0,683 4 5.9,638 2 661,503 1 5.642.433 July 2 20 801,890 4,374 349 2 096,186 16 094 9:6 The Girard Life Insarauoe Company have deo'ared & dividend of five per oent. for the last six tnontha on the capital stock, payable on den and. The Catawissa, ’Williamsport, and Erie Hailroad and its chattels were sold at anotion at noon to-day, at the Philadelphia Exchange, fc'amuel V. Merrick, Ji'aq., acting as attorney for the bondholders, was tho pnr ohaser, there being no other bidders The follow ing was the property disposed of, and the piioes ob tained t Sixty-four miles of railroad, extending from a point *Ubt miles north of Tamaque to Wilton, m Northum berland county, and also the Qu&kafce Branch, twelve miles in lensth, connecting with the Beaver Meadow Railroad; three traots of land in Kush township, Schuylkill county, contain ipg four bundled acres; a message and tract of <and m Turbut towoeMp, North umberland county t a piece of land of eirht nores in the borough of WiUiamsporti end atiact of land oi 147-100 acres at Rupert, brought SIOO.OCO. This property was covered by a mortgage of one million dollars and another for a half million. '1 be chattels and rolling stock were put up in separate lots under difl'erentmortgases. .The first lot consisted of twelve locomotives and tenders, nine passenger cars, three and one Hundred amt forty-three freight sold for $3O COO The second lot was eight locomotives and tenders, thirty six platffrnMß* one house car, and one passenger car, Th* price obtained was fip.POO. 7 he next lot—eighteen coal ana ’fireo mau oars— brought $l.<QO Ewht platform ears were next nut up, and * knocked down ” at #500., Another lot, composed of a looomotive. fifty coal oars, one nospen* erand bseeage car brought $7 COO. The terms of the Aale weyr— for Old first property fffi.OTOoash. and the balance m twenty days, and for eaoh lot of the rolling s'o-'k st#) cash, and ihp balance in ten days, the lends of the ootnpatir ** teoelved m payment, at the value each wonln be entitled to under the decree, as its proportion of the proceeds of the sale. Peterson's Detector announces a new counterfeit five dollar note on the Commercial Bank of Pemuplvama, altered from the broken Commercial Bank of Perth Amboy, New Jersey, Vignette, whaling scene, men speirinkp^ale; figure £ in each upper corner. This is well done. We gl’O hplpw a statement of business of Philadelphia Custom House for the tno»th of June ? • 1863. 1859. 18*0. In Warehouse May Igt $1,159 337 758,747 ,882.268 Warehou’dfm foreign pts, 95,169 3JSBOS 187.2.9 “ other dlgtrts. 15A24 S 2 617 15 215 Withdr’n for consumption 174 *93 18L1S8 169 71* “ transportation, $.984 6,130 6.613 exportation.... 3.0-3' 4.0»7 8,935 [n Warehouse June 30.... 982DM 900.462 Eotered forconaomptlon.. 649 Sul 740090 900(4)1 Free mdse, entered 226,437 433 ptfl 124JX)p ’ TiUTIES ZT.CSirgD. I Sfif, 1868. 7863. 1860. Jane $54 721 168‘3|7 184 4'* 9?0 237 prev,s mos.. 1,«b3A20 - 7k».1f7 10U.ua 947.444 1,120,273 1,4*7,375 $1,617,511 Mr. George H, fiteart having resigned the vice presi dency of the Mechatuca’ Bank, Mr. Joseph G. Mitchell, the late cashier, has been elected to fill his place. Mr. John Weigsnd, Jr., has been elected cashier in place of Mr. Mitoh'll. The coupons of the Allegheny city bonds, due July let, payable m this oity, will be paid at theoftioo o f Work, MoCouoh, A Co„ No. 35 South Third street, above Chestnut. Tte coupons of the bonds of the oity and county of Erie, due on Ist inst., wW be paid on presentation at the Bank of ComitfVrce, in Erie. Daring the month of June the business of the United States Assay Office at New York w&p as follows: De posits—Gold. $l7B 000; silver, $38,500: total, SJOiftX?. Gold bars etajnped. sent pa United 'States Mint for ooinage, SJ3IIO. The following is a statement of the receipts and dis bursements of the Ass staht Treasurer of tj)e United States for New York for June I, I 860; June 1, 1860, by balahoe $3,739,647 Receipts during the month 1 Onacoount of customs $2,763 933 * *• natemtees 9 365 “ Post Offioe Departm’t.. 1041.612 ** Treasury notes " miscellaneous..—., Total.. Payments during the month Treasury drafts Post Offioe drafts.. Balance June 30, 1860. The following is a statement of the imports of foreign goods at New York for last week and since Jan. 1, as compared with previous years; lacs 1359. 1860. .81,000 766 $3.1114*3 92,134 273 . 3,774,673 3 819.201 For the week. Ory Goods General Mdse.. Total for the week.... 7.W.777 6,88601} 0,463475 Previously reported... 65 285.744 H'2?3,41»a 107,567,204 Since January 1 67.939.621 120,108 5.9 113 010,679 The following is the amount of Ac., measured for the port.of Philadelphia from July 1, iB6O, to July 2* I 860: Corn. 691,473; wheat, 237 0’0; oats, 174 400: rye, 43 7 7; butler, 46,001; seeds 2,695; beans, 264. Total, 1,148,006 bushels. The following is a statement of the transactions of the Philadelphia Clearing House for the week ending June SJ, 1660, as furnished by the manager, George E, Arnold, £sq. Clearings. Balances. ■~93.4r0.294 03 mUO 991 76 .. 8.-37 601 39 148 697 29 .. 2999049 69 192624 Ml - 2 £>73 688 47 174,891 67 _■ 2 972 6t3 62 186 0 0 12 ~ ?,WJ3,872 18 163 97U 2f June 26 ....... » 27..*rrr.'.?r.7nn •18,357,116 27 81,006103 68 Philadelphia Stock hicHßOge attics, Mr 9.19t0. Rspobthb bt 8. E. Slatkakib. SUK Walnat Streak. P!BHT BOARD. 300City6*.......ftew.104>4 8 Hinehil! Borip 37K HOD Almira Chat 105.... 22 400 Boh n Mining. ...lA &1 .(ion do 23 100 do .bo Bli 7 Harrisburg R.-.-. tIK flßeavMead ...C«P6w 60 Beading Jt, 20>« S Race & Vine-sts K. 02 to do iOX BPhiUßk-_ UUf 100 do 20 3t* 10 Girard Bk 47?,' 4 Penna R cash «Btf ft Mechanics’ Bk.—~ 8 0*2 • 8 to ouq S»H 7 dj 20?; 26 do Sd v * BETWEEN BOARDS. 200 City R6s loiXt SECOND 600 City 68 1000 Long Island 6*.... 83 6600 fcchl Nav 6a '62. .b 5 73H 4000 do L673H 1186 Lehigh Ca lt.o M Lehighftonp 38 X cogchlNavPrefd ...S2tf 60 do ~ MSfi CLOSING Pit] Sid. Asked. Philadelphia. .101 mi# Fiiila 6a it.... 10l 10)£ Phils 6s...pew. 104tf 104 ft Penna Ds.int off 93 91 Beadinaß... .f>3 16 Reading bda 70.. 84 84h Read 6a’44 intoff 67 89)4 Read mt6a’B6... 71 72 Pennaft.... SBtf &X Penna it 2d mt6s 89 90 Morris Cnl con.. 604 M}4 Morn# Cpl prf. 11814 Hi gohN 6a r B2moff7S« 7»5( %hu?Wavlmee.BB Sohujlftavßtk... 8 874 Sohujl Kavprf...32 23>| 14 West Philaß 67)4 12 do —. 67* 60 Rending R _ ... 20 « Id BO Penna R— -70 do (6 3814 10Cain Jc Am R..2tlya.lSß ’ 20 N Penna K 9 ,10 Cora Ex 8k......... 2fl,V tIOES—DUIL. Bid, Asked W&VI 7s Jmtg.,69 70 Longlsttk — 12J4 12tf Leb Cl A N dvoff M 6tsi Lch Cl Sc N Scrip 3»# 3B>{ North Penna 1t.9 9)4 N Penna*6a n 71H N Fennnß 105...97)5 •• Cats K )st n<t bds 30 31 Prkfd& couth' ... 64 Beo&Thd st»R m 47 Rapp kVinp-stR.3l)4 M West Philaß. 6715 Spruce fc Pine 12 Green A Coates,,.. 91 Chest A Walnut... 50 Philadelphia Markets, July 2—Evening. The Flour market continues dull, and there ie very l>t- Oe export demand for Flour, and s'andard superfine is freely offered at 96 371406 60, the latter for better brand, without finding buyers, exoept in small lots to the trade, at from this rate up to 96®7 bbl for extra R and fancy lota, as in quality. Rye Flour and Corn Meai are but little Inquired for, and freely offered at 93.8714 for the former, and 833714 bbl for the latter. Wheat.—There in rather more offering to-day, but buytrß are holding off, and pnoea are nearly nominal at )30©}370 for reds and URtoiwo for white, as Jn quality * about 1, CO bus of thp latter sold at. 138<Ol&o for lair and prime Penna; some small Id's ofvntfptaonthern remain on the market .unsold. Rye is at 780 bus. Corn is also steady and rather more inquired for, and 300 bus prime yellow sold at CBO afloat, T&a’ta kr4 duU a&dr unsettled, prime Penna being offered at 400 without finding bpjere. is lower, and Ailing at ton " CoTTOif**-Tfie market is auiet to-day, but without •any char k« to note ip price os demand. G*ocsßißs.-Thefeisv*«r tittle (loins, and no change jo note in the msrbet. • - 1- PBnytsioK*—'There iN.sotfnaohdoiur,and prices are adyanomg inßspon, Green Meats. afad-Lard. whioh ore h»ld XoXo& ft hither;; Qf,Pork, sales 0f760 lbs Mess are leported, mostly on 'private doing in Butter and Cheese. , . Bgtps.--Ti»e market?}* very .quiet, and we quote Clo verased at 94 bushel. .. v 0 - Whisky moves off as Wanted, at 200 fprdrudge and ll?4o for Pennsjhrihia bbl*; HQ bbla OhJolmW fttZJc, and hhda at£lo 9P gallon, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPrii.- ARBIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth ami Chestnut streets. Geo Power, U«NJ AiHSSK * B'J a « v Sam Ward. T Y. ; O ASconoia.Cm 0 WH Sprague, NY .. W M B ihbitt, Trenton T R Allison. Trenton Julius Converse, Conn jyhjwd.NY Wm McDonald. Balt RTCaas.rtY. W Ball ft son. Balt C K Galpln, St Louis . J Hyland Balt . JW Monler. Balt LJ Oliiwtoad. Havana WiJ Mull. Havana. ' ■M J Butler, Conn , David Towngind, Conn L C B Loring. Pa Chas Mayer, Balt Geo M Lauman, Reading * Rami Perkins, Troy, N Y Mrs G M Lauman, Reading Frank Lauman. Reading T 8 Stewart, Atlantia City B B Hook, Atlantia City C O Fish, Atlnntio City J W Henry, Newbum W M Morne. Newburn Cha* Kelly. Newburn ’ B Mayn*. NY P Fisher. NY. , „ W Harrison, NY - J H Nicholson & la, N Y Mies Nicholson, N Y Tims S White. Md w . E Clarke, Md EPRodman ft la, Fa D Chapin. Brooklyn W W Powell. Mawt Miss Powell. Mass J Myers, Columbia, Pa A Monhefraer,N O PC Hill, Havana T Pruslt, bait J MCamnbell. Balt Taney Campbell, Balt Geo H Mills Sc in.jj 0 Miss Milts 8 C Thoa Lawrenoe. N Y JnoCHewett, Md MissHeweD, Md W Mooley, N Y Lawrence Coulson. N Y Jas Morphy, England W Wallaco, England JCorn*fi ft la.Ga Chas T, Fsrter N Y „ Jos J Bevins. NY HH Muhlenberg, Heading Mrs Muhlenberg ft oh, Pa TSt Woodward. Mow G I, Leavitt. N Y Hon R J Walker. Wash G 8 Mandevill. N 0 W ASheperd, NY, Hon A K Woottnn, Del T> G Prat' ft la NA LB Harvey. NY LW Merrill, NY If E Baker Sc la. Trov.N Y Miss Taylor. Troy; N \ R ORioinngs, Brooklyn A Beppard, Newtnwu W P Ortvson, Pa Mrs Ofbieon, Pa , DDOshome, Pa n M Robinson, Fa John Daroie NY J Griffith Sc la. Prov, RI Mlbo A Griffith, Prov, R i II 8»imra»ll. no JO HuriherL N C Misa Hurlbart.N C Mrs J O Jeffarias Sc 2 oh,NY Miss 1 arbert. Wilmington Emil Hans. N Y Mrs Chamber Pa JW Cowell Doylcstown G Aagustioe, PaJ| Geo Smith NY WAt Bodge, Sc in, N Y J/i* Pickett, hi D M ') obin. Mobile TJannoj.NO E Palmer ft la, R 0 Miss Palmer. 8 n - Miss Fanny Palmer, S C J 8 Austin Sc la, N"Y v O B BmUh. N\ „ OHovt.NY WJ Howell-NY Wm JLi dsav. NY John J Davie. N Y H Sharp, NY CH Ballleu, N Y J Hjghatl, N Y Waller Gillespie. NY H Soivly, N Y Isaao Jackson, N Y Jasß Prtrkor Sc la. N Y Misa Jones, NY Arthur Duncan. Matsu Tlios Motg&n, Mass H Hart, Brooklyn Miss Hart. Brooklyn Wm Oow es. N C wm Belgor, N C F. H Honeton.Va 7 hos Atwocd, Va M Atloe, N Y John H Hink e Bostou E H Lewis, Boston D n Balden ft son, Conn Wm Wal'emeire NY AT Conover, N Y W H Beldin. NY J Randolph. N O G G Hull. Atlantio.Ga ’WBryarly,* al R Broadlient, Jr. Balt 0 W Hall, Ind John Hanlar, Maoon W Haslar, Macon R Moffett. BMfc W Sherlock, Balt C Wendell, Wash ETGay.Ln Viss « Ga»,La MissBusan Gay, La B F Hallrtt, Poston E R Lewis, Boston CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sts. W P Wilkins, Dol N NewhoM, N J J Paine. N J OReiny.NY Cdei*oth,NY O Prescott,N Bedford Maj Harris Sc Ta, Mo W Mahone, Norfolk H w Lainber‘on ft la, Min u G Handy, Boston All Marvin. NV W MNatbr. N Y f‘ N ( oo*ett Sc wf. Ala Miss Lookett, AJa Mies Moore. Ala Miss Jones. Ala Miss Foster ft sister, Ala Lt $ H Lookett ft la. U 8 A AO Moore,HC WHobson ft la. Port'and F H Ctuitman, La R W Estlln, N O WWard. JasL Watkins ft la, Ala Miss MII Potter, A'a JnoT Webber, Columbia H C Wisflwall, Jacksonville >Tm Hale ft la- Nashville J C D-maldron Miss JW *) hornbijth ft la, Mo , Mm Jenkins ft tlau, Balt K W Jenkins, Ka't Mrs J'mid. Balt Miss Hazlehurst, Balt Chas Gerdins ft fam, G& Miss 8 Terrel.‘>a W Jaqhsou. NY BH Cheever. R I H Robintcn, Del H B Bwarr, Lanonster D Kme. I.nnoaster Chas Albright- M Chunk J"lin Hohimmel, La Gua'y i, J Halsey. Chioaro Niks J P Watkin*, All J Kckford ft wf. Miss h Q young, Boston E Upson, hillwrokee P J Hiilsns. Mobile Dr Frierson &<Uu,L» M Duacan. NO HHarris.N J A n Pa Hon Thos Corwin, Ohio Hon H iWarsha’l. Ky HQ Vloicery. Halt O Butterfie'd, Mexico w A Mills ft wf.Ya W a Coursen. Bbiien Tel’d Mr Glenn ft l&.Batt Dr Din sley, Nashville John Donaldson. Tamaqua Anso-» 8 Archer, N Y Chas T Shinn, Phila Genl T N Ward. Texas Geol Jo t.nn*, Oregon J U Wright, Maes F L Davies, N Y- L Taylor- London R K Williams, Ky Dr A H Smith. Phila D N WetzUr* Phila R Nnnpfi, Jamaica ( H Tyson, Jamaioo GeoF B'enneman, i ano PCHeestand Pa Jos Do Haven & la, Chloago J.G Brumby, Jr, Mise fapt Wm DSmith.USA KBCoietnen ft wf,Ohio ' M e Hinchman.N Y JT Foster ft ia.Va J P Penny, Pittsburg E J Taylor ft la, Boston J fa ew J C parsons J M Ogden. Ga AC Oayton- N Y CF Maodonald, Wash CVaux, NY , Mr Mason. Va Mr Kennedy, Nd N J Dnnohoo, Waaii A C *nd A rson, BtLouis Miss Bennet*. Miss K p Mason- Prov J W/ngete. Balt U Uhler. Misa - N Dal* ft F», Ga Thos "ewell. Jr. Halt Thos U liardijer, Palt W H Md M if« Faruunar. Md - Misa Coffin, N V G W Olney ft son Charles n Ja* 8 Lull ft la, Miss Miss C Cannon, Miys H Rpaagenburs. Va Col Pu-fles. U 8 A MB Regales. 118 A G Karlen. Llkton, Md J J Creswell, Md W MoVeagh, W Chester J R fimith ft la, N Y «K.Rr*NANTS’ HOTKf/-F«arth street, A*ob. IracMitchell, Beilefonto FMHutchinson,Pittshg Gen W H Mil’er, Harmbg JW Brown, Miiton W D Earnest. Harrisbg F K Th-afeey. Harrisbg W O Ward, Susq op W D Boas, Harrisbg J M Keitee. Harrisbg W H Ecke's. Harrisbg WOH Pcully. Pittsburg Isaac Ki|tg, New Berlin H B Burnham, M Chunk K E Greisemen, Berks co DBtitzeL Dorks co Wirt, Hanover. H L lrieffenbaeh EW Bigopy, Atlaptown Jacob Bechiet. Allentown O J Cameron, Caledonia W Crowner. Mumford R H Duncan. Ha R B Hetrikin. Huntingdon H Guernsey, Wellsboro - A J Fuller, Phila E A Ranke. Pa Jno R Hobart, Montg oo Dr 8 B Stubbs ft !a j G Ga'z « da. Lancaster Geo Ranrlerson, Lancaster John W - lark. Pa F 8 Pyfer, ianoaster Col Dardwell, Lancaster Jno H Bratton. Carlisle O H Meyers, Eaelon Gen J Davis. Rtioks co Peter Molntyie York. Pa JM Holme.NJ Jno H Z egler. Harrisbg Jno A Weart ft la, Trenton 8 C R idler. N Y JTimpson Fon Aaa Packer, Pa CM Hunter, Reading A K Soholl, Meum F Squire. Phila t B Ransom, Pa Miss Nannie McLean, Pa Miss Mary Md-can, Pft Jas E MoLean. Hhippensbg It Henderson, Pa J J Moore, DMlsborg. Pa H l.Mi-ler, heading RE Monaghan. W Cheater J Glenn, Fa J WFoller. C*tasauqua PoiPeathers, Norristown Atexß Jaok,Nswberg RAN«AI,Cqnn ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, ab. Third. Thomas Loring, 111 2hos B.Martin. Ihi'a Frank Blanchard, Maas D 8 “hields.N Y C Sobers, NY J F Silva. Folmesburg Wm 8 Simpson, Wash, D C Sami Mausfie d, Phila John E Meyer, N Y Mr Handy ftson.Va Goo C Altiaugh Titusville C G Harrison. Bait Jno A J Sheets, Phila TenaoioOrepizoh, Oaraoas Victor Caracas H C Reynolds, W Y Jas Orothers. Ph'ift i pis Linsn«. Caracas Luis M Linens, Caracas C E Jnstis. Bait J BMcnre, Del * T U Sp'ltvan. Wash, D C WH Glover.W 6B h DC D 0ei)o, Phila 8 J GhOifon la, hliea Mrg N Miss THE UNION BOTRL-Archetreet sbove Third, Mrs MAC Durgee, Ky faa*o 8 Walker. N Y W WalTe*.« Illcs W H H<jnl»n, Ohio R Wert?. Clinton co. Pa Mis* T Werig, Clinton co Joe Br>wn. Salem, N J G Walraer, Mewars Col R Ratcliff, Tnmacua J Billironn. Pot»avi le J F B mith, Knonboro’, Md Mis* J Smith. Boout>oro’ G Wiggan, Tamaqua Miss P Grey. Cin. O G VCarcnn,Siouxvity D 8 whippie, R R Miss Parn. Pittsburg J 7*f nous, Indianapolis a ms K Lue«e, Indianapolis J H Cormany, Frank 00 Mr- I'fttei'ff. Tatnoqua R Ratcliff,Tamaqua ? B«aispiasß , ssi:es: H Stone, RoebeMf r, N Y Mrs Ralston. Dloomsbarg J HSenseman, NY J C Imory ft la, Balt AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut, above Fifth. 8 Murphv.N Y Rev JL McKim, Newark Rtevart Nowell, NY CM Va Jnmes Johnson, N Y T P K'otnhans. N J John * r|, Ph'la W N Barry, Balt G H Bimpaon. Wnsu G M Ottmger, Vr V O Valforand. N Y 8R Laebey Sc wf, Plttsbg G H Lookey * sis, Pittsburg H Buok. Trenton NyP Arrowsmirh, NY B v RnlJe, N Y HCBond,Newtown JW bbemakrr.Tamaqua J 8 Smith Jr. Pa AHarnnston.Del J C'H'k, Hoimosbarg J Lei«>ennnß & sou, Pa v Hall, Elmira, N Y Geo O Peott. N Y Beni Adams, N Y RTRots, N7i JONEB* n* TFL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. G 8 Phiia • T M Loud St la, ft Y Jib 8 Wilson. N J H >moal NJ HS Pdipe, BaU Thor J Goodrick, Balt* J Corddry. Baly J • A Oakley, L I J A hh"tt. Phija E p MoClequhap, Md K Woodruff, NY T S Moor, NY V I Fry, Tamaqua B Clayton, Tamaqua Hon Thug 8 Bell, W Chester Sami Walker. Pa ■Geo Evens, Ga AH Garvin, ft J J E Murray. NY ll 0 l!p* r * e ‘ l^i r E h Hale o O Wm Thomas. Md Win Basoh,NO j.»*oQartny. Wash W S Brm ke« Wash T C Oaton. Wash M pnßn)ft v , w V Aoai<ley,NY W H Rcbhlns NY R Montgomery,N Y 11 Keener, Balt ft Blun, N Y J F Cuomngham, Md Jos Summers, Va 309 000 • 21766 4,126,668 ... 94.997A05 .... 313 237 6,340688 jnMMKRCIAL HOTEL-Butth st . above Chestnut. » B Woodward. W Chester R F Ches Vsl'ey G T 1 eonard, Locust Grove W Pyle. Chester co. Pa Jos BaManr-e. l.ono co, Pa Je* se G Hicks. Chei:er co BeoJ Frick. Montg co, Pa J J Phillip*. Phita ohss McGee, N J L S Hoopas. Del Tima Grilfi’h, Bel John L Phillips. Phils Robt Lynch. Louisville B R Jackson, Pa Isaac TCollman, Pa - Jaa Watson, Chester co STATES UNION HOTEL—Maiket st., at»ove Sixth. JiieobThudtum. Cerlirle B F Wickersham, Pa John a Jones, Wilm Del n H Thompson, Chester co Jrm 6 Dourher-v. L«no. Pa 3 B Halbert Carlisle C/ias Lt Halpeyr, parbsie Bailor, Comb 00, Pa MERCHANTS HOUBE—ThiriJ *t.. above CallowhiU. John Evens, Vr w Jones, M Chunk ** L Rl nsiU. M Cl unk G Ureenewslt. Be'hlehero JasT Borhek, Bethlehem Mrs Yone, Bethieh pi Geofltaut). Bpthiehe '■ FAClauder, PilUburg Misa * Utlftnder. Bcthlohnn E (. Rnpprs. DiiyVp pwn Gen P App’ebsoh. Pa f'bas Graver, Cb » er co H Diihmitr St hi, N York Mirs V, lulhmar, NY b Mr- k. Lebinou. E Walborn, Lebanon 00 A P Zimmerman, Phila BLACK BEAR llOTEL^Thint*t.,6b.CallowhiU. D Barker Pottsville Chas Harper, Jenklntown A Fou*t, I'p Dublin J K Ppanc. Berk* co Sol Yoder, Berksco Master Yoder, Berks co Master GG B Holloway,ft Jh K Smith, Pa 8 Morris Phila E J Gnynnr.Pottsvjlle L a Bmdolph Pa A ft 8-euffer. Besd.np M M Goodman, Rending Oscar Lewis. Quakertown Chas Wraiid, Allentown Jos Fiy, Allentown BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third st., above CaUowhill. V Hoffman, Lehrgh Gap W P f* Kramer. A Uentown teeob Zepp. Lanesdale W G Fenujpackcr, Pa P BroWn. Lancaster co K A Fmiz, E-g Harbor F A Saltger, Phua Jos Lmenoh, Butztown NATIONAL HOTEL—Kace street, above Third. John Jameson, John A Wonnan, Canton Hufuai’nte. Kopheeter W R Waters A la. N J Haml Nevus, Cetasauqna JG w<tson. Dovtestown H J Hei’dler, PottevilTc J«-s w h»tnker. MtClair Jna Gilfitlan, Port Carbon —Blades, NY Wm V Kelley Pa J H Weiley, Montoursville v ara Relit. Pa Cl Grattim Tnsaarnm „ OHBftVftKe Gfttysburg . Cant G FRelohard. Pa A i< Bocnlifor, AG Johnson, Doy!o&ti»wn J C Btroheckor. Reading PVUtriAiti tiiri'hi. —ffeoond street, above Marsel, Tims F Johnson, Md Sami Ashoraft. Ihila H Boarnorou-h. Bucks 00 LeoSwenttnHn, Phila STowrtend Del Jno Townsend, Dol Wm Hcott, Bel F Wfl'i, DM A H Cook, Dover, Dol Wm Pnyno, Md Jas 'ToWnßflnd, Dol D K Burton. Md MMC,.x.Ph‘la OM Mo'n; Phila JMearson.NJ Wni Singleton, N J J P Hopk rs.N J if Ames. N J R Ferguson, Lei Win yearson, N J MOUNT VERNON HOTEL.—Raeond. above A»oh st. GeoW Jn'kson, Phila A H English, terser Shore B Sco.t, J r Sc la, Phila BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second st., below Vine. W Watson. Bucks co W Fisher, NJ W H Norton.'Rcanng Joa Hill, Pa E Sharp. Wj oming co D brannon, Pa ACPaxsnn, Blioksoo w Thomas, Jr,Phila LMt»OUTATIONS, (Reportod for the Press.l OHABLEBTON—Pohr Southerner—3B* bales cotton H Sloan a Son l 7 empty carbons Bavage Sc Martin t 60 tons old iron Phccaix Iron Company ; 167 emstr bbis Gaul Sc Austin. MARINE INTELLIGENCE •EE FOURTH PAGE. Bchr Southerner, BfUowa.4 days from Charleston, With cotton, 4to. 10 older. BclirQenr r,e J Weaver, Tnnnell. 3 fay, from Indian River, with corn) Jas L Bewley A Co. Steamer Concord. Norman, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to \Ym At Baird Sc Co, BY THLBQBA?n, (Correspondence of Th* Press.) , 811 „ „. 4 BALTIMORE. Julr 2. Arrived— Ship Sur'ii Fitzrerwrt. jr ’d.j. jrom Cobra. Chljl ‘line Wd. in 2G Sfi W, lon C 920. cnaud bna ii‘T a of the Wnvp.pl Ho«ton. BY TZL^QUXVB. (Oonespondeiioe 01 Tne Press.) NBW YORK, July 2. Arrived—Barks 8t Bede, (Br) from Colombo. Ceylon ; Wyandotte, from Cardenas j brig Missionary,< British), Ohareutn; rtchrs Ventoss, Lleuthera} Sarah Bsraooa. _ . _ „ . Below—Bark Wm Henry, from Cuba, npuken by batk WvandoUe. June 30fh. in Ist 38. lon 73 30, bark Arcadia Jrom Cardenas fur Philadelphia. lV tilmxayw. {Correspondence oMhe Philadelphia Exchange.) ' CAPE ItfLAftD.N.V, Julr2.6>s» PM. A bark and several solfooney* w«nt in this afternoon. Wl "Vour'i, KUCIIPS. UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST KXQBT. ARRIVED. JULY 3, 1860. tones arrived SUMMER RESORTS, ' olaatal at Ne» York /~I^^IBIA^OUS^'oAPK^Tv?T' •• "l.arwS »t N HoTKifwiiM *• Sow Jer.oy.-Thu u r l? L A?® — ™J?»m O fL? 1 nd rafurmskad” Anow oookiiS "o oomnotai, VS&& fiSKSE 6011,6 w «4. proprietor Mount! jetf-d2m /CONGRESS HALL, OAPB * \J CAPE MAY. N. J.—Thie well-known, fir*.- Hotel will oe opened for toe reception of &u*«ta on w. - T&RDAY. the Mthloet. v I The Bowlin? *ll*7l have been removed, ana new I eleepine rooms added, smoejaat season. „ I Jell -gw WEST fc THOMPSON, Proprietor*. | Steamship CMy ot u. afcAiohtnond 30th ult. , Steamship Delaware, Cannou, joitauUv for PiuMMphia. . %#__ • Btfaraehip Ariel, Miner, for Asplnwan,. *7 York yesterday. . ' SiUp Victoria Reed, Proble, remained at Calcutta li Pit*gerald/Gi*e»; 77 days from Oobre, Cmlu was below Baltimore jOfterdey.. fo?V k Cnr>t '* Bt< Allfin * chared at New York yesterday , Brig J?entuoky, Pendleton, oleared at N York yestcr- * dM f« r Buenos Ayres. t _ . _ . T Sonrs Charles Gaskill. Dutton; James Parker, Jonea, and Margaret Powell, Fenton, nenoe arrived at Balti more yenterday, .. , .rohr Queen or the Bonth, Weeks, from Palermo, ar rived at New York yesterday, . 1480. hr Mary E oleared at Charleston 29th ult for Philadelphia, with lumber. .. , . Bohr Belle. Barrett, for Jacksonville, sailed from Bohr Mwning Idght, Adams, hence at Richmond 80th _'Bobr Pjrihon, Osgood, from Charleston, arrived at Jacksonville 23d ut , Bohrs Peroy Heilner, Gandy; npßtiokney, Garwood; Mary EHsßtieth.Reed; Snow Flake, Weavers Buwas sett. Brown; New Jersey, Vanneman: C U Wiljmi, Smith: MaryHaiev, Haley; J B Austin,Davis; Isa bella Thompson,Corson; Alabama, Vangilder. and « Towmend. williams, honoe arrived a* BostonSOtb nit. Bohrs Uobbie W Dillon, Marts, from Georgetown. DC, and Luoy L Sharp, McElwell, lrom do, arrived at Bos ton Ist Inst ' . Bohrs Silver Magnet. Perry, and E H Naih, Stront, henna at Boston Ist inst. „ „ _ _ . . v Bohrs HW Worse, Phillips; R 8. Dean, nook, and Jamos Neilson. Burt, henoa at Taunton *9ih ult. , Ptrs Josephine. Grson.and Vulcan, Morrison, hence arrived at New York ves'erday. „ . . _ Noefolk, June 80th.—All the cargo of the ship Jane Henderson, with the exception of the pig iron and salt, has been recovered, and is now on its way to Baltimore. SKECJIAL NOTICES. Bur Youit Bathing Roues foe Ladies Gents, and Children, at SLOAN'S. 806 MARKET 6t.» Philadelphia, or at his Store, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. , lyS-it* The Piihenologioal Oau'iNet, 922 Chest not street, Trill be open as usual on Jaly 4th, for exami nations and the sale of Cooks. JOHN L. CAPEN, JfSSt • Successor to Fotvlee, Well*, te, Co. Meyers’ Miraculous Vermin De stboysk, the oldoat ond best remedy known for Ex terminating RATS and MICE. COCKROACHES BUGB, ANTS, MU6Q.UITOES, FLEAB, MOTHS, GRAIN WORMS,and GARDEN INSECTS. Principal Depot, 612 BROADWAY, N. Y. £old by all Druggists everywhere. mylfi-Sm Sewing Machines. All porsons who have bought Sewing Maohines whioh will not porforro the work expeoted, are informed that SINGER’S Ma ohines never fail to do any kind of work. No one is ever disappointed in the Machines of I. M. SINGER k CO., No. 610 CHESTNUT St, api-Sm 8 daubs 8 Fond—NoiiTnjrßST Corner Second and Walnut SxasßTs.— Pepoalt* re ceived in email and large amounts, from all etwees of the oommunity, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT, per annum. < Money may be drawn by aheoka without loss of is tereit. Office open daily, from 0 until 6 o’olcok, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi dent, FRANKLIN FELL: Treasurer and Seorelary, GHAS. M. MORRIS. Saving Fund—National Safest Tbust Company.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvo n a* RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount large or small. 1 FIVE PER CENT, interest U paid for money from the day it is put In. 8. The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4, Money is received from Szecut art, Administrators, Guardians , and other Trustees, in large or small rams, to remain a long or short period. 0. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first class securities. 0. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest orner Third straat. PMliufalsMa j&U Ond Pbiob Clothing of tub Latest Styles, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES, LOWEST selling pnoes marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICE system is striotiy adhered 10, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing All are thereby treated alike, , JONES & CO., seg-tf 604 MARKET Street, Salamander Fibb-Fbopf Safes.—A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices, No. 804 CHESTNUT St, Philadelphia. EVANS k WATSON. MARRIED* McCRORY—KANE.—On ihe Ist Inst,, by Rev. John Patton, Mr. George T. McCrory to Aligs Fmciila C. Kane &1I of thi? oity, _ * WAKK— cor- Rad— At tho Tyappp. ontheasth ult., by the Rer. A. a. Shpnble. Mr. Gamt C. Wark, of Nor ristown, to Miss A v n Oonrau. of this oity. * O&BORNB—SNETMF.N —On Bnoday, the 10th ult., by Rev. Jos. Kennard, Mr. Wm. Osborne to Miss Mary a. Boefben, all of this city. . * PATTON—FOWLER.—On the 7th alt.,at Germsn-st. Church- by Rev. E. B lltuen, Robert S.Patton to Miss Annie Fowler, all of this city. * s DIED. KINGSTON.—On the Ist of July, Mary, daughter of Charles H. and Cornelia Kingston, aged 2 years and 3 months. ■i he relatives and friends of the fnmilr, are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents. No 537 Washington avenue, this (Tuesday) afternoon, the 3d ’n»t, at So'olook. * Bf 1 8 —On the 30th ult, Dr. J. J. Gould Bios, in the63d year of his ase. His friends and relatives are respectfully invited to at'erid his funeral, from his late residence, No. 606 Pine street, m Thursday next, at 1 o'clock P. M. * * MARTlN.—Sunday. July Ist. Hjao. James B. Martin, 67 years eodA months The relatives and mMe friends are invit#d to attend h‘B funeral front hi* late residence. 622 Pine street, on Thursday afternoon, at 4 o'clcok,' without further notion. *» JORNBON.—On the 26th tilt., Aaron Johnson, In the <6rh s ear of big age. Funeral from his fate reridenoe, Haverford township, Delaware county, this ( Tuesday m«rfing,tit9o'olock. K A IN.—On thetQihu’t., Miohael Kain.sonof Francis and Bridget Kam. Aged 33 years. Funeral from the residence of his went*. No. 761f1. Seventh «t«et. below Fitzwater, this (Tuesday) raora in x, at B*4 unlock. ' * •; * . BALK—On the 29th ult, Mary L., daughter hi Mary and the Inti Wm Halo -t < Funeral from the residence of her mother, 1021 Crease Street, abpye Richmond, > ighteenth ward, tins (Tues avjaltfrnoou, atlo’cl'vilr. > * , WALLACE.—On the rgth ult., William CoR tia. son of Jameaaqe-Jaft* Ana W nllaoo, aeed 1 year atift 10 mo's. BARTON.—Op the evening of the sBth ult.. Ruean Barton, rel.okof the late David Barton, in the &&1 year of her axe ■ * OaHNEYr-On thefstintt.. Michael Carney,infant sou of Michael and Bridget Carney, aged 2 years and 6 months ' * Germantown, on the SOth tilt,, Tbos. Uno’esen.tn the4Bfh >«"»rofhl«age. * BrhRK rOn *he 30th nit*. Mr*, Sarah Sperry, widow of the late John Sperry. * VANhO&N —At Frsniford. on the SOth nit. Charles Wesley, son of Thomas L. and Elisabeth Vanhorn, m tte Htn year < f hia a<o * WuLLBWTON.—On the SOth ult.. Frano s a F„son of Wm. L. and Sophia E. Wollertun. used fi months. * ROMIW,—-On the Ist inst.. Franklin, nnlv son of F. D. and Virginia Ron lg, aited 4 years and 7 months. * OHISAvERb.—On the 80th nit.. Chares M. t Infant sort of Charles T. ana Rebecca Anu Cheavera, aged DOUGHERTY.—On the SOth utt., James Dougherty, aged 42 years. * RO'i hß.—On the Ist in»t., Henry, son of Samuel and Ann Poser, need 5 mouth*. * RUCK.—On th» SOth ult.. David, son of Jacob and Ma tilda Ruck aged 17 month*. „ * CLULKY.—On the Ist imt.John Cluley, in the 87th yea* of hisa/re. * COX.—On the3o.h ult., Mr. Joseph Cox. in the CAth year ofliis age. * ginMMEft MOURNING GOODS. Rr Black 1 aretes and Crane Uaretg, M. 6-4,7-4, and 8-4 wide; Black Bilk Grenadine*. Grenadine Bare/e*, Camel's Hair Bareges,Summer , Bombazines. Challs. Grape Chahs, Tamartines, Tapimatans. fine Mou«se!ice de Laine*. Lawij*, Ginghams, Organdie*. Bilks, Poulard*. Chaliedo Lames, Barege Manti’laa and Points; Bn/exe, Grenadine Barege ami Grenadine Shawls; Bun umb eltaa, Fan*. Summer Gloves and Hosiery * Veils; Collars, ble*v«*, Ao. BESSON & bON, MourninglBtore, jet No. 918 CHEBNUT Street. riMiß ONLY RELIABLE ARTICLE— JL OLARK’B Patent INDELIBLE PFNCILB. for Marking all kind* of Clothing nearly and Indelibly. They do thoir work better than Ink, without it* tronb’e or risk of Blotting. Kaoh will mark 2 (WO artioles. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by D, G. TAYLOR k CO., Agents for the Manufacturer, No. 911 CHfcSTNUT Street. lel2 3m rrs=* A STATED MEETING OF THE-JU !L? NIOR ANTI SLAVERY MJCIKTY will be h*lcl at CLARKSON HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, July 3t*tJLo'ajoo|. H* fr-p» PHILADELPHIA, JUNE. IBGO.-WE, IkJ» the underejened. Booksellers and Publisher* be- Veving that ourseives and our employee* will be bene fited by a slight relaxation from the u*ual hour* of busi ness during th* wannest day t of summer, agree to eloae our respective Stores five o’clock r. M., daily, lrom July first till the toth of August nrxt: BAMUEL FA2AWD. Jn.. 794 CHESTNUT Street. OAUT k VOLKMAR. WM. 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN. JOS BaBIN. J. W. MOORE. LINDSAY fc BLAKrSTON. BURNS k REM. Pft‘ 8. BOOKSTORE. Hi-NRY LONGBTRETTT. SMITH, ENGLISH. 6 CO. jr3-tothr6t t HENDERSON, 538 ARCH Street. PTs** SOLDIERS AND: DEFENDERS OF K-5 the WAR OF < 819. The *nnu*‘ Meotin* will boh' Id at (the COUNTY COURT HOUBE, t>IXTH end Wednoeday morning next, JULY FOURTH, at 9 o’olook. Punctua l Mtendanro is requested, as business of importance will he laid before the meeting. By order of the Execmlve Committee. jy2-2t» HIHAAI AVHES.Tepretarr. rY~5=» MECHANICS’ HANK, FHILADEL \XJ PHtA, June 30.1860. Tne Directors have elected JOHN ViEGAND.Jr., Cashier, tn place of Joseph <4, Mitchell, resigned, ana JOSEPH. G . MirCHK' L Yio* President, m place of George It. Stuart, resigned. jyg 3t J. B MITCHELL. President. rr3=" ALFRED JENKB A- SON—DRIDES• LL? BUKG Machine WORKS. July 2. 1800 .JOSEPH G. MITCHELL become* a partner In tins e«tahlientnent trom this date, the name and atjla of the firm to remain unchanged. The couetiDg-howe has been removed from Urtdes- Mirg to No 63 North FRONT Srreet, Philadelphia, where orders for goods and all communications for (he rm may be rent. ALFRED JENKS k BUN. BAR‘ON 11. JENKS. . .. JOtOvPHG MITOHK LL J.v2 3t ryr* UNIVJBIINJTY OF PENNSYLVANIA— DEPARTMENT OK ARTS.—'I h« annual com mencement for conferring. Degrees in the Arts will be held on , ine thiid day of Jul«, in the MUSI CAL FUND HaLL. The procession will leave the College Hall at ten o’clock AM. 7he Revererd Clerrr, Judges of the United States and State Courts, the Mayor of the city, Select and Common Cowioils. the Board of l irect-rB nnJ President of (he Girard College, the Principal of the Central High cohool, the candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts, and other graduate* of the University, are invite^to Jfl3fljy2 3-3 t Secretary oFtne** acuity ofArta, POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA., u, % June 27tb, 1860. Tno late Aot of Congress restricting the compensation of contractor* for carryiug the Mails to California. Jco., liy sea, hav ng rendered it impracticable to make cpn traots for such service, Letter Mails will. hereafter, be made up at thus Office. doi/u, for California. Oregon, and Washington T orrttory to uo conveyed by the Over land Route, via St. Louis, Mo. , „ This Office has not as yet been notified or any arrange ment bv whioh Newspapers, &o.» for poin’s can BE IORIVtEDEO. ft, B. BROWNE. jeilB 6t Postmaster. OFFUJiS UK THE PHILADELPHIA IJ3 AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. • _ March,l3Bo The holders of the bonds of this Company, due July 1» 1860, can now rooeive, unpn applloAtiou at thi* office, 10 per oeutj cash, upon the term* specified In the oirou °Tbe^hollers are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fund of $140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, 1860, and in pursuance of the oontraot, entered intp by he oompany and duly recorded, to carry the saa;e into ffeot. s. BhADFOIUj. Treaaiufir. JVcDei I# the Raiders w" P&uaclelrhia and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds , due July 1, 1860. These bonds are secured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to $9.&3,400. The net revenue for the laqt fiscal year was six times the amount of the annual interest on thoso bped?. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty years, the fioldera retaining the bonds and the security df the mortgage in the precise condition in ahlou they ard now held. Fresh sheets of coupons for e interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus ofiO per cent, will.be given to the holdors, m consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonne Will be paid in oalh to the bearer* of the bonds, on their signing ajreoeipt and presenting their respoo- Lve the office ofthe Company, or to its ageutt, Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished o* application. By order of the Board of Managers. HU*tf Yf * M* MvlllwhlfY* UporetWTi Kxte>. All wtu. "■ * Now Jeraer, H. LairrMato pt,. deipbia; S. B. woomuin, * v Vernon Hotel, Cope Island. MANSION HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, J-T-1.. N. J„ ISAAC THAYEH, (late of Surf Home,) has been very muob eDlarged and mi proved. Has nova. large number of Familj Room*, not suTKiseed by any hotel in this city. „ . * ~ It is lighted throughout with gas. New and fine**»■* have been Uid to the ooean, whioh will wlwntfdat night, from the Hotel to the water, by splendidleflect idk lamps. „ . . Attached to the house f but separate from the main building) is a larce Hall for Hope and Parties, with a first-clas* Ice Cream and Confectionery attaoned. Over the Hail there aro forty sleeping rooms for ainsle gentle men. There is also a play-ground for children, well *h”d*dAnd enolosedt with Birin**, 360. Th® catering department will ba under my own es pema.l supervision, and I trust that my reputation is sufficiently established to satisfy &U that my table will be unsurpassed. Terms will be #l2 per week. Transient Boarders 92 per day. Carriages att&ohed to the House will take Boarders to -and from the Ocean froe of oharge during bathing hours, JeM-tr ISAAC THAYER. M BRIGANTINE HooBE—Brigantine Roaoh, New Jersey, H. D. SMITH, Proprietor. This large and commodious Hotel is now open for the reception of visitors. Persons visiting the sea shore will find this the most desirable resort for Bathing, dunning, Fishing, Ac.; inprovemen's having be,-n ma<lo,&uoh as enlargement of dimus room, new loathing houses, wharf, walks, Ac. PASsoneers leavi/g Vine street wharf i n tho rporning train, vii Camden and At lantic Railroad, arrive at Bedloe’e Hotel, whore Cast. Benjamin Turner will bo in readiness to convey them to the Hotel, arriving in time for dinner. je!9 tuthslm* TTNITED ST ATI S HOTEU, V* MILIjERBBURG, BMJPHIN COUNTY, PA. Thjs w®H'known Hotel has been leased by tho sub scriber. and has bien thoroughly ferovatedand entirely newly furnished, Niflorahurg is situated in one of the most rowiontlo regions of Penosylvanta; Ifte Susque hanna river flows immediately by tho to*n. and allords fine fishing; the mountain scenery is unsurpassed in the State, Gams abounds in great plenty, affording fine sport for huntsmen ; the mountain streams abound with trout in great plenty. City visitors, who are desirous of spending a few months in the oountry, will find this one of the most desirable places in Pennsylvania. _ The North Pennsylvania K&ilrood passes the town, and it is in daily communication with Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York. The subscriber will use every effort to make his guests oomfort&bie. . t A. J. WARFIELD, Frpurietoy. Millersburg, June 20,KW, JeH 'ini NEW PUBLICATIONS. rr?HE WATER-CURE JOURNAL FOR A- JULY, now ready, onntaius: Hygienic and Drug Medication Contrasted; Disoasos of the Throat and Lungs;; Home Practice of the Movement-Care— ITreat u eat of tho Croup ; A Family Necessity ; a Homeopa thic Dose ? Jjr. Winship’s Fxperenoe; The Cattle Dis ease; Collusion between Doctors and Druggists; and mooli other matter useful to every reader. A NhW VOolIMh commences with the pbkshkt number, and now is tho time to subscribe. Only Si a year. Address FOWLER \ YfELL!#, * •' ‘ •'Now York, or , JOHN L. CAP aN, Jy2 2tdA2.W 922 CHtBTNUT Btreet, Phila. THE SWEDISH MOVEMENT-CURE, its History and Philosophy, with practical direc tions for tho Treatment of various Diseases, Illustrated with 70 Engravings; lorming a Complete Manual oi Exercises. By Gso. H. Tayior. M. D. lvol. «2mo , 400 pages, Price, pre-raid by mail. #1 S 5. Address f *• 'Vowlbb:* WEI.LB. New York, or JOHN f*. CAPEN, „„ . 922 CHESTNUT Btreet. Phila. .Una is the first complete work on this subject pub lished in America. It will be found usefu to all olaeses. in or out of the profession, and to all men. women, and ohildren. j»fi Buy youß books a/ovans’ gut BOOK STORK. 439 CKE;TNUTBtreet. ’Tis the best placMn the city. Books are sold as cheap as at any other Store, and you have tho advantage Of reo?lving a handsome present. Worth from W cents t > 100 hundred dollars, „ With oaoh Book. Books of Faot, Books of Fiction, Books of History, Boo 1 * for Farmers, Bonks of Biography, Bocks for Meonamon, Rooks of Travel, Hooke of Humor, Books or Adventure, Books of Pathos, Books about Heroes, Books for Amusement, Hooks About Patriots, Kooks (or Devotion, Books about Indians, Books about Soldiers, Books about Hunters, Bi»->ks about Bailors. ALL THE NEW BOOKS " In every department of literature. Call m and one trial will assure you that the best place in the oity to purehase Books is at G. G. EVANS’ GIFT BOOK FBTABLISHMBNT, Jl2-tf 439 CHESTNUTStreet. TWP-W ENGLISH MEDICAL, DENTAL, 4* AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, Received by LINDSAY fc BLAKIBTON, Publishera. Bonkse’lers, and Importer*. N0.’25 South SIXTH M.,aboveOHEBrNUr. SMITH ON HiBMORKttOIDH IBmo. SEARCHINGS AFTER TRUTH By a Physioian. BALLARD* THE DISEASES OF iNFAiIi'S AND MOTHERS MORTON’S VETERINARY PHARMACY, 6th Edi tion. MaKCBT ON CHRONIC ALCOHOLIC INTOXICA TION. FARADAY’S LECTURES ON THE PHYSICAL FOHCHB. EEKMaNN’S BRITIBH FERNB ATONE VIEW, H-URGIN ON THK CURE of THE MCK. RlOHaitDbON ON THEDIBEABKaOF ThjS TEETH JONVR ON THE EYE AND HAH. HAYWOOD <»N DhtfTAL PRACTICE. BKNNh,TT ON PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. DANEBBURY By Mts Wood. 13th thousand. WINS* OW ON THE DISEASES OF BRAIN AND MIND, _ jeSp nPHE YEAR OF GRACE. JL IHE YEAR OF GR * CE; A History of the Revi val in Ireland. AD. 1559. By Rev. William Gibson. D. D. With an Introduction by Rev. Barow Stow, D. D. 12mo. $l2O. MOURNING HOURS IN PATMOS; TheOpeniqg Vi sion of the Apocalypse, and Christ’s Epistles to the t-even Churches of Asm. By A. C. Thompson, llrao, ®THR PIGNUT RING, AND OTHER GEMS. By Rev. J. De Liefde. i6mo. 63oents. TRAVEL'*. RFBEARCHEB. AND MISSIONARY LABORS *>URI**G AN h IGH TEENY KARS’ RESI DENCE IN KABTERN AFRICA. By the Rev. Dr. J. Lewis Krapf. With an Appendix respecting theSoureea ol the Nile* Languazes and Literature of Eastern Africa,&o. larao. °r < “°'rflLLlAM 8. S At FRED.MARTIEN, Je» Nq 808 OIIEB fNUT Strait. New books, POR «Afß BY SAMUEL HAZARD, Jr.. 724 CHBBTNUT B'reet. THB MOUNT VERNON PAFKRs. By Edward Everett. Complete in one volume, Hmo., cloth. Si 28. VOLUME EIGHTH OF BANCROFTS HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, being the second volume of the History of the Amenoan Revolution, uniform with thepreceding volumes. THE THREE CLERKS. A Novel. By the author o-Dootor Thorae,’' “JJarohesier Towers,” Ac. One volume. SI 00. HAWKSVIbW, Thenew Novel. By the author of ” Bylvan Holt's Daughter,” ” Kathie Brand,” &o. Oop vol. 8100. DAN EMBURY BOUSE. By Mra.Henrr Wood. The BMU Prtfcft Htory. 60 cents. THE FIRBT BOHN j OR. A MOTHER'S TRIALS. By the author of ** My Lady.” BLOO. LUCY CROFrON By the author of "Margaret Maitland.” 7& cents. THE KELLY 6 AND THE O’KELLYB. By Trollope. $123. ' r THE REVELATION OF JOHN ITS OWN INTER PRETER. By John Cochran. 8100. A DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. Comprising its Antiquities, Geography. Biography, and Natural His tory. By William Smith. Volume one, Bvo.. cloth. 86.60. .RUTLEDGE. The new and well-written Amenoan Novel. LOOKING AT LIEEj OR, THOUGHTS AND THINwd. By George A. Salo, author of ‘‘ Journey Due North. 81,28. jf23 HOUSE. GREAT EASTERN. The oily cars, conveying passengers to the immed'ate neighborhood of the Great Eastern, leave the Astor House every two minutes during the day. New York. July 3-tuthlm^ JJARRIS’ BOUDOIR SEWING MACHINE. Sews fro pi spools without the trouble or re winding! runs with little or no noise. For sale fit No. 720 ARCH Street Philadelphia, and No, 73 BALTIMORE Street, Baltimore, Md. jj.V3m figwCMHMB WBBT OH ES TK R PHILADELPHIA VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monde*. July 9 h 1860. the passenger trains willleave PHILADELPHIA, from the station, ooroer nfatarkot and Lehman or Thirty-first streets, West Philadelphia, at 7.30 and 1030 A. M., and 239, 4.(4. and 6 3a P, M. Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot, on East Market street, at 6.40, 8, and 1030 A. M., and 1.45 and 3.16 P. M, ON BUNDAYB. Leave Philadelphia, from the depot, northeast corner of Mghteenth and Maiket streets, at 8 A. M. and 2 l-eave West Chester, at 7 30 A. M .and 6 P.M. The last passenger railway ear will leave Front and Market streets 30 minutes, and Eighth and Market streets 26 minutes, before the starting ttm* from the de pot, and will oarry a flag to denrta it. Office ai d wailing room, southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets, where passengers, purchasing tiokets for Westchester, wi'l be famished with a ticket ovdr the passenger railway. HENRY WOOD. jj3-tf General Bup«nntendenL fg| yw LUiiAjOWf-jn NEW TRf-WEKICLY PAS - V.NGER AN DFR IGHT ROU »KTO NORFOLK and PORTHMoUTH. Va ,via the Philadelphia, Wiltnmxton. and Baltimore- and Delaware Hailronds, ther.ee by the new steamer Phila delphia to Norfolk ami Portsmouth, Va Passengers from Philadelphia will take the 8 IS A. M, tram at the depot, cor. Broad st. and Washington ave nue, on ‘J uesdMß. 'i huradais. and aturdays, arriving at Seaford V 1 fiO P. M., and at Norfolk early the next morning. The steamer Poil&delph'awiH leave Norfi) k on the evenings of Mond-ty. Wednesday, aud Friday, collecting wi'h the tram at Sealoid, whioh arrives at Philadelphia at 1 P. M, Frtrc fur first-olasspassengers, including meals on the boat. 87. Recond-class passongeis, including meals on the boat, $4 SO Freight takon as low as by any other route. For furiJier particular*, see sira'l hand-bills at the hotels, and other public places, or inqnire of C. P. Dark, Agent, corner Broad st. and WaphingtO'i av. H. F. KENNEY, Master of Transportation, jy3 19t P. W. k B/tt. R. Co. TUB EYE-SIGHT IM proved b> the use ofthe PERIBCOPIC , HPFtCTACiiKB, correotly suited for alleges by M. J. FRANKLIN, vpticim, 112 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. W Stereoscopca end Views just imported, onGrely new subjects; f»- mroscopes. Te'escopes, Opera- Glasses, Mathematioai and iDstrumonts, Eicotricnl Machines. Ao., at the very lowest piioesin the city, wholesale or retail. Special attention paid to the trade. jyS-tutlmSt &s DIAMOND &TOD.I, RINGS, AND J&L# Pine. GoH Jewelry in a groat variety of styles. " Tlfr Gold and Vest Chains. SilverKpoons, Forks, ktj.% equal to coin. Also, Plated Ware of every de sonotion. G. PUBSELL, ha-lm 89 North SIXTH Street. SU, THE TUOROUOH-BRED TROT jiC2A.TINQ STALLION. AMERICAN STAR, ■will {laud for marua the (iiiuit week, at the a table ol‘ Chas. Lloyd, Blue Bell, Darbv. Any persons wishmr the eervioes of this young stallionwill find him there d 7'"S'l'“S col: ’ E ‘ K> CUdKWNrKoiJriet"?. _JUiy a , low. Jy.VSi* GREEN TURTLE SOUP—Third ,?S d £.°« T th July, by JAMFB PRbfcSER, No. MA UKIT street. Orders for families punctually attepdedto. j>3 at SJTEREOSCOPIQ INSTRUMENTS, irmnufaetured in every style, with the, latest im provements. Ftereosoop'o Views, comprising Land scape? qf America and Enronc, htatuarr, Groups, Ao, rgceptly imported and sold low, wholesale or retail, by M. J FRANKLIN, optician, 112 South FOURTH owChestnut. , . „ »*Perisoopio Spectacles, and Fye-Glasses, Opera- Ulas*es, roiorOßCopes, and Mathematical Instruments, in great variety. J>3 mwfst BEfMER, second street, above Green, takes splendid piotures. His Fhotogrilph* doserve all the celebrity they,have attained, particu larly the life-sized, coloredin oil. Give him a oall. It* H“ AMS! HAMS! HAMS! Prime new Sugar Cured Hams 10 cents per lb., (warranted.) a» vk> n. w, S! mi iixTK . WAN. * * locatio entrance, Adi, A book-k. WANTED-Asu Good* JobbrnW 189100 Hob tieman of la?/ e ?$ B * o .as buy*. that bif,;Sl£ no ® 4 "5& offiqg*. «*iness. Addre*. j*J^.'T^.Houaekeepe. and if itriclly honast, PARTNER ■*- wishei to nosotiate with an aotiv# h.i.in... „ havm, a oa«h oanital of SS.OOO. to ak« safe and profitable mannraotnrin, already a handiome inpomn. fartienS!; e JSi!S Addrea, •• WPJ Stock and Fixtures of a Shoe House, now doing a 18?ood opportunity for any one Lx 3ao - A TOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD -f*- muoh experience in the Dry Goods trade wishes & situation in a whmeiaje house as Book-keeper or Sales man, Undoubted reference given. Address “ Wti ham,” at tine paper. j € j3 1 TifAP AND PRINT COLORING.—Two • X r ? u 5 f tadl sW'? JaY*. tt»d ocn.iderablo oxpe rience at Mad Print GOldrlng, wish to seoure work of admiMr kind. Can furnish go.d reference. Audit at Qif9 south wiXTH btreet. je»-10t» T "M^ANTED—A Situation, by a man, v V. thirty.seven years of age. of cxuLslre experi ence in business, ot good ana competent to fill almost any ppaitioa, either as a clerk, superintendent, dr salesman, is vory respectably connected, and can give the mo«t satisfactory references as to integrity, energy, and business c&paoity A moderate sainfjor “ 00 f l A44r»» S. g“h.j” oSp FOR SALE AND TO LET. jyjISSOUJRI LAND 11 Ao, S* rir Sala, at prices ramine from *? Ton iaroha “»p™ °f Land under the Gr«lQot,oifAct. -fM i i , nte& lD ‘ * PMtlB ° , “ Bra, ’■ ' WILSON, SaWIriNGS it CO.. U, 8. and General Land Agents, _ _ UTStreet, Between THIAD and FOURTH, |.A«D WARRANTS bouiht. Eold^and^atod" 0 ' _ J Jg-a/Tl PLACE, 15 acres, to rent for ppvml?« rae, A O r.JS,VixA2P l^ &t once, corner CAR- LHhSHEIM, Germantown, Rent only tjWQ per annum. M FOR desirable OOUNTRY with about ten acres of Land, anJ m . ,B • Q®*r the Brapdrwine, six miles south of west Chester, near the Baltimore Central Railroad, Add toss j, yf I*ON. Je 19-lm* Parkev lie,Chester oountitPa. • SALE OR TO IJT-A Double , Stone fottage, Germantawa. situate on Dewey’s lane, second irmA Thorp’s lane, five minutes walk from railroad station. Contains all the modem conypnieaces. Apply to F.R. WILSON, 603 CHESTNUT Street. «TO LET OR EOR BAUE —A FOUR story house, double bock hnihilnvs, aU modem im proveiueuu, m oompleto order; an elesant larce yard. !?"W » tonwt. dituatsd No. 1924 nno NURSERYMEN AND YLORISTB A- For sale a, large lot in the Southwectam Motion of the city, well adapted for a Nursery. Terms aooommoda tinir. For sartioulars address ** K.’’ at this o3ee. apl7-tl npo LET.—The first floor of the fine build- A ing. No. 7M CHESTNUT street* formerly occupied for a wholesale (and lateiy as a retail) fancy goods, and perfumery store. Applyat the office of JULES HAULL at CO.. No. TO4 OHkBTNU C street. Phila. Je4-lm DOARDINO. CIUMMER BOARDING.—A few persons .can be accom/r odated with BokVd in a private famUy in one of the mt»t pleasant situations in Tren ton. /dd.eg< bjx 4X2. Trenton, N. J, jy3-tuth*S.* CUMMER BGARDTNG.—Persons wishing to go to the country can findpleMant Rooms, with < ??k n ?T odaU 9 n ®^ &t tfep Washington house, vTt B been entirely re modeled and refurnished thronthou . For terms. Ao.. ft?A r ®V, - P- PIi.PPS. Woodcury,N.fy * Je23-12t* 4e>e of Mansion House, West Cheater, fa. "DRIVaTE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and R®ir famlbes, or sinsl* gentlemen, can be aooom modated with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 616 LOCUST Bt.. south side of Washington Bauare. The location, being opposite to one of the handsomest pares in the oity, is cen ral, and extremely pleasant. Transient persons siting the oity can be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for an offioe. Jell-tf PUMILIES AND GENTLEMEN WISH ING FIRST-CLAS% BOARD, with cool Rooms, pan now have ohoioe at gvg WALNUT Bt. Je4-lm* npwo YOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN BE A- .accommodated with good, ury apartments, (with or without board,)m a pnvats family. Looation cen tral. Address *• TOLBERT,” through Blood’s Dis patch. *«Jf EDUCATIONAL. TEACHER WANTED.—Wanted, by the ' first of September a ladr teacher in a Semi nary a few times from the city, in a pleasant and health ful neighborhood. To one co opetent. a fair salar* will be given. Address “Academy,” Hoimesbur' P. o„ Pa, Je»-Bt* l\f m LUCY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. ■*■»* M. BIRD will reopen their SCHOOL for Young Ladies at 1010 SPRUCE Street, on MONDAY. B«p -tomber 17th, IBSO. JeS-lm RMOVALS. FMOVAL.—B, LIEBER has removed,to **'l93 South BECOND Street, between Chestnut and Walnnt, and continue* to import Brandies. Wines, ko. jyS 3t* Removal —small & chandler, WHOLESALE GROCERS, have removed from M North BECOND Btreet, to IB MARKET Street, above Front, north vide. lot COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES# ARTNERSOIP. —The Undersigned have formed a copartnership under the firm of "FORtsPAUGIt k ftlcCLKhb. for theonrense nf manu facturing Boot* and Bhoes- at No 93s VJN E Street. JOHN F. FOHKPAIJGH, , CHARLES D. McCLBbH. July 2, lfigQ. Jy3 tufAsSt* (COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned Vy have this day formed a copartnership under the firm of a. & 8. THAN HAUSER, for the transaction of the Millinery Goods, Triirmint* and Embroidery busi ness, at No. 221 North BFHON D Street AUGUST THANHAUSRR. 80LOMON THANHAUSER. Phila,. July >. 1860 jy3-3t* DISSOLUTION. —The partnership here tofore exictms under »he firm of POWELL k and POWbLL, HAZLET T. k CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Wm. H. Powell, renting from business. WM; H. POW , LTi. ROBERT M. HAZLETT, June 30,1500 3t* EDGAR C. LYONS. /COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have this day entered into a copartnership under the firmoCHAZLEUi , LA'i HROP, k LYONB,assoo coMora of PoweU. Hazleit, k Co , and will conduot the l>uMn*s*ssusual, atthe old »t»nd. 414 MARKET, and 409 M.BK CHANT Street, Thi'adelphia RuBKHT M. HAZLKTT, CH*fi O.LaTHhGP, July 2,1360-St* EDGAR C. LYONS, /COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE —L. 8. \J HACKERJate of HACKER k CONARD. has this day associated with himss copulaer* M. K. REgaA, of Lnnoaster oountr. and B. FRANK WINGER, »f Franklin county, under the style and title of H ACKER, REGARik VVINGhR, for the transaction of a general Dry Goi ds Jobbip r business/Mid will c*ntinue the sams at the old stand, 213 MARKET street LEVI B. HACKER, MARTIN K- RE«?aR, B. FRANK WINGER* PUilada., July 2,1830. j)2-3t* rpHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE X existing under the firm of WEST. F 086.8 k I.LOYU. is this day dissolved, by the withdrawal of H. P. LLOYL). The business will be settled by the re mnmins partners, who will continue the t*RY GOODS COM M/88IOW BUSINESS, under the firm of WrST k FORE 3. • Philadelphia* June SO, 1860. jy2-6t Dissolution oe . partnership. —The partnership heretofore existing between the sabioril«ers for oonduotine the seed business at 13. i Market Street, haa this day been dissolved, by muiual consent. i'hifadelphia, June 30. 1860. NOTICES. qnflE COUPONS CF THE GREEN AND -*■ . CO\TEB STREET PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY fall ng due on the ISth irat. will be paid, on presentation at the office, on and after the 14th mat., between the hours of 0 A. M.andS P. M. jy3-tuthsa6t BENDY 6HARWuQD,Trearurer. ISAAC ROBERTS, REaL ESTATE Agent, no. 233 south THIRD Street. Philadelphia, ami Nor.islown,. Pa. City and oountry property for sale, exchange, and rent. Titles carefully examined; conveya* oing correotly executed; money loaned on flrrt mortta/es. Refbrkncei!—Hon. D. M. Smyser, President Judge. Norristown. P..; Kev. J Grier, Ralston, Principal Oakland detnmary. Norr.stown, Pa. J)3 St* ,TO HOLDERS OF BONDS PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO„ Due Ist JULY, 1866. All holders of above bonds who do not intend to extend tfieir bonds on the terms of-the Company’s Circular of FEBRUARY' last, can 6ud purchasers tor the same at par and accrued interest. After Ist or JULY no interest will be allowed. Apply to D REXEL k CO., 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. JJ ALL’S PATENT PLATED lOE PITOHE'I ' Entirely different in their construction from all others and WARRANTED to keep the ICE LONGER than any Pitoher now in use at a temperature of seventy de gree* Fahrenheit. The above Pitoher* will keep the water ooid for tunnty-fovr kours , A pound and a half of ioe In three pints of water will last kours and fifty minutes; while the same quantity in an ordinary stone pitoher, at the same era perature, only lasts two honrs and fifteen minute *! Persona should not oonfound these Pitchers with those usually sold* but inquire for HALL 'S PATENT. WM. WILSON & SON. Bole Agents for the Manufacturer, B, W. Comer FIFTH and CHERRY Street*, myic-tf ! AZUMEA l AZUMEA ! AZUMEA! A2UMEAS AZUMEA! AZUMEAi PROF, MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufactured solely’ No. 62 North FOURTH fjtmt, curt fof sal* mjQ-imlt /HEBTN piriT >»ro. T H b E -> HOP OF THE A*S teMIEl ’ - i^-t ?-- t - P P. PETERS. Proprietor. JCTLY ' AT VALLE! on Wi b‘h lo mariw'?i? for e.B.MARKL»V, r SJJOLQMON'B TEMPLE MARKET, A^O^E* RTRFET The Model te 80 feet lone, 14 fct* wirisi nruM* HgMSEmgRiSH wMMwS u n »'if s ?i‘ OTiptlon °* =olomon** Temple, »ft f o\ oPVNfe th A l ’ 18 AM,?3 to^d^^fo'f'fe 14110 " 1 froo “ 10 “ Clabf, Societies, &0., until Joly 7. rayl-tf CHINA AND GLASSWARE. rjAOTiON—FRSSH FRUIT JARS.—The .VwVo v*rious imitations r£¥£ RlELI/8 LATENT ALIHiLASS AIR-T ORT JARS, now in marttet. Tb* mw&e hare Hartah’s n ““ “*• HMSKtrisswisfwißfnc - - Jell-lmtf* Wo, 13 Worth PIPTK »ire*t. "POISON—FRESH FRUIT JARS.—The L *- acid of fruit alwuj s oorrodo* th. uurfroe of uotui; be oarefuu therefore, Lq purchase only Jars'* of ulaa? SjArPOTF, °t Glaw. KARTELL'S PATENT AIR TX(JHT ALL-GLar-S Jars are admittedto be tbe on.y reliable and jar in mark-st. , _ HAH.TELL & LETCRWORTH. Manufacturers. No. 13 N.FiFaR street. T|o NOT GO INTO THE COUNTRY T uTchMin? HARTELL’S PATEN L AIR-TIGHT JAA9.—Uim NioholKm'i oeU br tea cook book. with, full directions for putting np fruits, fcOj. together with 800 other useful receipts, ~.. - kartell. & letchworth, jelAlguft North FIFTH Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. rpHE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE AN- X NUITY AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA. July 1,1360. The Managers nave tnis day declared a dividend of five per cent, for the last six month* on the cseital stock, payable to the stockholders, dear of the State t&x.oa demand* JIS-St» JNO F. JAMES. Actnary. rfIHS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE a •OMFAHY OP HEW TOM, 812 SULLIoKa'oF SOLUUU, i*vmt,«o IK nur HOXTSASII 03 Mil Ht,(, WORTH OVEE lIMNM. The pretainma are townn than ifa many other niee, and the Dividends have been •asayss. We is a strictly Mutual Connmy, There v® i*» Stockholders, ao that ALL THE PROFIT! . SXLOH» TO THU ISSPaXp. . Pamphlets, and every information, may be has •navis, on application to - F. KATCHPORD STARR, Aean*. !• W. eoraer FOURTH and WALNUT Streets* PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES; Stiomae Robins, John Welsh, ordeoai L- Dawson, Geo rye H. Stuart* •aorta M. Stroud, E. 8. Whelan, John a Myers, J. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, William 0. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthu* G Coffin, nomas H. Powers, Georg* W. Toand* ’ william MoKea. whoa. Wettsoc. ng-tyii a P*AM£ INSURANCE COMPANY, NO* X .4M CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, CONFINED TO FIREAND INLAND RI8i», cm ic tobs Samuel Wright, D. B. Biruey* Wm. W. Walters, J. W. Everman, Chat. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Geo. A. West, Jacob W. Stout, O. Wilson Davie, Menko Stem. Thoo. 8. Martin, GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice ♦‘ret 5 ! WILLIAMS I, BLANCHARD, Secretary, [lali-iftl SAYING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAYING FUND.—Cora- JgMy's Baildinir. wulhnit oniwr WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from p till s o'clock, end on MONDAY till Bml the evening. This Old Institution has always paid 4n fell, on demand: without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All soma pud baok,^ gold and sttm. ALEX. JfHILLDIN, President. , SaML. WORK, Vloe President. John C. Farr, T. E. Haryer, George Nugent, John Ansys oh, Jr., Semi. T. Bodine, Alb. <X Roberts, John Aikraan, Jopm Bowman, H. H. Eldndce, Jo.J. Howard, M JOHN S/WlLSON,Treasurer. JOHN 0. SIM*. Secretory. jcao-lm CPRCSG GARDEN SAVING FUND* Office, 331 North THIRD Btreet, between Vino andCallowhilL Incorporated by the Legislature April 14th, 1861. Open for Deposit* and Payment*, daily, from 9to SH p’clooc. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, from 6 to 8 o’clock. Interest 6 per cent, per annum. Depositors c&a with draw their moneys by Checks, if desired. Speo&al De posits received. VT JAMES 8. PRINGLE. President. Fsxkcts Hast. ReAiwtarv. xoSO-tf if pROF. MORRIS 1 EUCEPHALOS, PROFESSOR MORRIS’ PKOFEBSOR MORRIS’ PROFESSOR MORRIS’ EUCEFHALOH, EUCEPHaLOB. BUCK P HALOS I AN INVALUA BLE AN INVALUABLE AN INVALUABLE m EXTERNAL REMEDY# EXTERNAL REMEDY, EXTERNAL REMEDY, FOR DISEASED OF THE FOR DIBKABES OF THE FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS BYBTKM! . NERVOUS SYSTEM! Asoccaaioi'sd by intense APPLICATION OF THE MIND to the reeearchee of Literature, the concerns of Commercial and Fmanoial Bttsmets, and toe affairs of Professional and Pohtioal Life, or a* occasioned by any other oanse f'ora whioh the Nervou Sjitem has be come exhaust?d and diseased. Thesymptons covered br this vsJnable Preparation are numeroas;of whioathe more srofflineatare, EXCITKMK'-T OF THE BRAIN, AGITATION AND DEPRESSION OF THE MIND, CHRONIC “ NE« VOUfli ESS,” NEURALGIA, REEUMaTLSM, NERVOUS HEADACHE Etc., fete. The is carefully ore pared, by per missicn* from the Fousula of PROF, yv . MORRIS m. D,, of this oitv, to which he refers mhis Philosfphioal Pamphlet, “PSUKlKo*,** Oft the relations of the Gangno-Nenroas Bystem to the immaterial soul of men. Having exhibited the principles and oommended the system of Composite Hommopathv, Professor M. says: “it may be permiuible that I should offer, as an il lustration, my own case. A oonuaous course of stu dies for .a number of years bad. to a certain extent, produoed the ordinary effects of extreme mental ap plication, by attenuating the prime centres of or?&mo and intelleoroal life, ana hence arose a felt necessity oi gsrsonai relief. Having a well-founded confidence in omprsite Homceopathy and an intimate aeqaaint&nce with Materia Medira o! the Homaopathje School, f seleoted oertamsnbstasoes of ascenaiued harmonious relations and approved uses, and combined their essen tial properties in proportional unity, and was gladdened bv the possession of a medicinal resource.” Professor Morris describee the mode of appUostion, end then adds: “In this way the desired relief has been‘Ob tained, the nutritive system invigoratedfthe gangbo nervons system restored to its former tone, and me ntal clearness, tranquillity, and vuor—at the age of nearly three score—are the much valued results.” _ Prepared, and sold WHOLESALE, by MOCKRIDGE k CO., No. 62 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Druggists generally. Pnoe, 91 per bottle, large size—eo cents small size. mySSmtf JOHN DICK, M. W. DICK. 1 nfiny l For the IN&TANT RELIEF and PER iicltLlAl MANENT CURE of this distressing com- plaint, use BRONCHIAL CiaARRTTRS. Made by C. B. SEYMOUR k CO., 10T NASSAU Street, New York. Price 91 per box; sent free by post my7-6m ifj FOR BALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. IJTHE GENUINE "NEWBOLD” FOR SALK BY SHOEMAKER & Co. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Northeast Corner FOURTH AND HACK Street.. arSMra CARD TO THB PUBLIC, CONGRESS SPRING, An attempt has been made todeoeive the pnblio, by persons offering what rAey call “Coxoxxss Watzh 5i from Fountains; and at the price of six (6) oents per glass. The wholesale price of the gc««mu Congress Wa ter, at New York, being about 7 X oents per glass, the Im position of pretending to sell at retail at leas than cosL and without allowance for freight, oartage, or breakage, is apparent; bat their probable course has been to empty c»* bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby ohrutening its total contents. We have msvbx sold Congress Water in Fountain*, nor in vessel* of any other description than ordinary sized glass bottles. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is branded “CONGRESS WATER”—“C. A W.,” and any, without those words and letters on the oork, is coPNTESFsiT, whether from Fountains o* Bottles, CLARKE k WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring. The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, viz: FR* DERICK BROWN, cor. Fifth and Chestnut nla. FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., cor. Ninth and Chestnut: CBAKUF.B ELLIS k Co , 724 Market street, I-0/JURNPH?NY A Co.. 941 Spruce street THOB. J. HUSBAND, 296 South Third Street. O. 8. HUBBELL. 1410 Chestnut * ™4Z:r n »l”“ mplUmif . 99 CBDaR BL, Nt» Y(jrk clfy. CLATE ROOFING.—JOHN WELCH, i. prepared to put on tiny amount of Toofin, atlowratee. All wort warranted to 2, , l'wS?S^Pti ,ri l to THIRD fctre.t and GKJI Roa4 mu be prom,Uy atWpdM to, L GAL* iGHTH and ;s a distanoe of • two large Sfcy *n the Union. MEDICIN.VL. FESBT’S HAM. C. H. MATTSON, ARCH AND TENTH STREETS, SARATOGA. A PIUL 16, 19dU,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers