- j I C f < >- ££ fr a mmMunwm nnsu mdtiwfc*ni oUaatnhoyfnUadlarala.ttnpartyMj* raja the ■ party ’«twiilttr'-B»*pp<y wii dapar ;, reno ioil Hell dilrrriTTlH ’.**’• —- ~ | vSaSHj|Hff! : ' of - CaoUag; M who.woald her*; waleoaoedhi* •Mt abl ud etoquanee. ip the rapport -'of ' the Coneeation’e nominee. I praaame, how •nt, wt Ui inotraotleni from Washington . admitted it no discretion, and:,-that; thooos ritwto wiU he speedily fbrthciimlng. NoWthat hi has performed U* mnif—wm that ha has mada the aoatcompMtsaiefidoa k politician can - maka—now that ha ua ealM ap a atone ofpopu lar (a digit Honammi Ua oonatitaects, which all thaadiunictrationsctnMthadcya of Qaoige Wash ington coaid not oppoooo -lat hun look to his bond; Uthbaaha thatMbaadaii•ignad, anddiUTand, aal thattha Ugh Mhtnod*paity win notprovo -V-' aa beak rapt in hie promiaaaaabehMmany timai Than will ha soma rarpriaa manifaetad at tha , Utt that Ur. Stophans, of Seorgia, did not (at the ; aort»UUafoiVtaa biatltU tha opinion; ■■■ of■anybnatnMAlahuuLthat aotrahger notol-: patin, than yitapatrtckieatd oat hatahaan made, and that tha ri-rtaoiatl BaaaarioaUt Mr. Vaaaay, , wffltodhlmmore.lfcia ametchbaforelhapaople, rf inMi^aMl#iyu'wue^la^y^niiig, : and Plena Sonle aioaa to gpaak lor LonlaUna, ha *BBOll7 half an haw and was Uetabad to with pro-; . tonadottanUan, tha rale lUdtlngspaachaa to flfuen - 1 aiawl In hla raise aal annagh pay to gits Mm .a’ Saaatotial dignity. Ha Is a greoeftt! aal tatpsaaiun / al water, hi* aoataaoa# aeqalrUg a aUgaUr baaaty and teroaSaoaa (rota the Oauio aatnn M thalr eon - ataiilton. ttoalb-will tWitio «gbf In 7■■ t TsKManaf igolnst flßdsa,ttd whflo ;lC%gj~Sptj, SrS7 fha£ar!ya* la . apowsrfnl afjanct •%'SwaSS^Vii*aaoif3§|||p^wyjsfet7- ■- J^w&^^ißMtsrS^fcMtoSrrator'jEYuu > Teen PhllHne fcflad tha: AMttlitfisMli' 'its - hewofnaad, andj'-J aaai told,want beaMtomia ••ta^Uct'fiaatlU Ae ealy. gioaaay dsatnaa in tkeCoaaeattea to. day was tha preeewee of tha, atmanihnly/flanam ■ IM .Bwawmraafa,'Hr;7-lUg(ir.'<: Bigler eajae;on ■ tMe looniUc.haering Hr-BnchaaaaTalgset ring, andwith Ustraertaai to arraag* ■attin in eon, :•,Jdnation : ;7Bat7a«i»7 ; tSa'7niaatarl> , woatnaof Wglsr who aetaqaaldaths eaiwdoa, and ' 7Haaflaatwa: ti—hatal:wWharahlilsstooehi* : p«m :,Imlmaat TUMtioaff ho'hdd a^^ElhiSgasrtia'. '' t I* '•: dVjwSww’tf ntaMng of - tha caaopaiga.-wHoh was mj-mA-.rmkirwt. ii la S wSgfftowwAa ha now th at aha rnarraaitoa had.u>w Ssjnoaotaaaan;' ha weaU clTa to tha BhnUor boa lQliwli aii '■, awawt,nhriiatttUi,;'and ahisrUh Umatilla. ..was Tory satara apoa thc ooe odors, and attached ■'.'3* m bai« ItaaatU atriaUg to arhrlhia* tha - J %-ft#S^aftsaW- ate-.MladfalllfrloCanip. V wU that aa Hr. AuZm wowThta drit vwsaaot-naeosioiy Urlb him la laToiraa In \ AH ' tha talowriphlo laportOj.adito: 'tawspwoaf. ’gaoorei;awoant J*tMthtagi Mica, ehal, tallrihw brother’* qaanral ■;ln tha ooooedaloaa,thanun»that ! khf aiad by hin In a card, which ap a noomlng’o Sun, in which ha says jlther Sto tr T*rbai, 0»d tbat attar now real* with Hr.' Montgot is may oaa at.". This last santaaca jir, bet l ouppooa tha auttar will gd ■ CoßTootion mat at tha Harylaod ’. and had a very agroeobla time, "ice liftla adafr->ao ioring aDd ■. that yetaran Ilemoermt of* to ' 7jiabOnibiDg',inthaeholr. liNwt P*eniylranU,f iid Oaaitaa from lUtnbiii, 'ad,and pledged their no from laws, who ought they repre 'od to,ha admit or lowa. Tha were Hawyork, ' ’hio'Con hrn- ' and (ho «r*jtn»of»»ven two haafod «w, tai twolity psasdt, wrdM)"*«ld bo Us ItaM; twilit *«ir.' Si* nlUof tbo ore, ««»put*d it -iTwi* «•*»*«• •*o, whe£rsiaiftMk*r *m ».», q»n«n, of Phua d«ipki*,jr*relk**rin*i®*l proprietor*, butowlng to wJffiMi—Mll had It* prune* of th* ;UmM l It waMWtood- nattt th* property he* *(*lu brea **reh**edb:f th* preaentprepriotor, who pro*, SSm&H WWPle* moml* ■s*s»nssjfflßs , srae.B BM)thu *i»loj«di»lM*t'lß °P**'WW>-J* faljw ran*! to the labcorcftan an undot gtonod, f 1 t op*®'! 11 "!?.»» aaStltr'A** 'oi»mdf'wtm andar ground; and llrifut Nr-*~ v ** A* hep, in mu *t«nrere,to tba MtiumlliiTinln **•* tlutlH in oapabla of pr*- jmminSkriowirnr to theeoutraoted roheabalow' arrejS, It'UMdOW that tun fnt thirty awn eaa bnauplajnd In taking oat ora, and the amount ao. taa|irohustedtoal*> Jhaxaot proportion ito the lMfth of gangway driven end the depth .of ehitt, whMalliue»h*rtn«>jtaaehla*rj,eiul»Pi>ltane<w are *» ployed in getting rid of tin rubbish, whleh, la thierrdn*, to initial?aa Item of wtae, and fully «>«a. otnployod. oßd to roakfirarrangainentii to iroreMa hi* toroa to two hundred, or. more, and to wortf It la future ta a eyttoauUe and porauunt - s '‘ UPOdTATIOItB. [gheortad for the Frau. ] , '., ‘- 5 ?f daft ml. Baird dnpjiaigo JUOM^f« h Coj« I opPerdfcCo; Udoi'fcMJoneir CroweUfc^Col tjoi ro'^o tiaras? s OapHl rarer helnmNi Oci a Garre win* Bicbarde i^ifs^tSss^sssvi^v^ narffOlMtwie jtCpiMO ptrrradra Leeab fcQo. -. OF TRABJB, .? . At tht Sark Kliaabath. BrooTmaa—-. _—— taudou, noon Bath at JtTiee. Cruet. _ Rio d* Janeiro, noon Bn«JUnnK2nilnoß--,~. : Mi—. liiruana. Jana a I (frSeSjideyi'r -l-JfSreaa?soon tUbrSreUa.Yort*...—BaTaun.aoon i-juama. amHßKifcß., rOHT Or rmUBtLrHU, Jama Wi 1«H, vmsM. 1— ~-.U—i WHICH „■* to »•»- /L.t’-.-'-jLftJBJVED. Wilßwfcii IMtwtitfCutoa.lO boar* from N York, City, Md fallow 'oaftswYork. V Boston, —»*y Mtewir ;bsb H»#~ York, With Ptlfcf^p- Hm>- r"B^4S^”tel.jfg t g > » j* >l>,Bl ft L * l,il ! * Co -SSr Uj£St »U>w«!%SSS», 8t iidul^ii,E A ”«iSu £Sa>tca,B|Uott. tnriinM, Sum, O.U ft Co T*»lof, froTidaDM, Hnu/tenu JEWIuUfc Co. ' fllMiiton « Cox, - XOOtOB. ■ • 00 ■ - Boat |!j«i«od. U EottonMl a Co. Itijif Am-EtoK u| m Majuin to yw con syasasrvw&rir fir,ho2irlillCSJku, ftfSWwffifiSroKonjiWMi’ik Steela; Motnoiit d>lia^lb!^&SnwmM&aHr^|ai t SBtaubl dpt o/Wm Kflbatkl ~ Oalv Ome Bar do to Perot fc Broj ooal to oaeuja; Kai I Rebar. lumber to Mo w at H York g, * < *'*‘^*" I>^°°**,lt ’ el **« dM f |gli Poti«i»t,'«aliod from Liverpool Mk lUnta for Hoop Kook*' ’Wji'Simiflnna,&oß | /Met r Yolk, arrived at Mel- Am^rtoo^Hactoii, from New Cattle, arrived at tfarw jtwuSf*** Ooo *' fron Boat™, arrived at Met ■ ' from Ltudon, arrived at •TMp.toaeea.lroa 'peloutu, arrived at Boetop *tli .. Jteeo K Davie, Hand, tailed Iron Glawoveth into. tor moate video.. Jj* fof Pkrladelphla, tailed from PePMrjvaala, Oeereilo, henoe. eptoitdiaward Miller, kenoe, at Sierra Leapt PNHk.-Mmee.at SierraLeoae,WCA. fro * ltato ? lot ruMtl waroSMlffl' * > *e |l> B—»* for Mav Bedford, at Beboook, kenoe, arrived at Salem ttSmet* Wll ’*t*«iCreamer, keoee, arrived at Salem ai Provtiepee 13d iaet. Alror,Feptoo,keooe,arrived at Alex 'h ~ - - *' * ‘ - ~ ‘, , /job printing. W JOB PBINTINQ OFFICE 'HE PRESS" 'iyMTDuciiriion or ’ s ornamental fiuntin*, MBA soon, /«* OF EVERY DMOHIFHON, . fosters, MANDBILLS, /itiM tor AUCTIONEERS, LAWYERS, ;MIEOHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, MECHANICS, BANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE Ul ordora laft at tbe Pnbliootion OCca of lit f<o.iU CHESTNUT STREET, *iil by jromitlf ' J «dto. , rfi . ~ . JaM-tf ® S't good. Blank- ASaSbli” 4 . Bt^‘io M rl \ l ' l POT.TH WBltflNU PAPSM iTottotJNT look# for the lßt of Julv, STS 1 * Gross Assorted, WSm&SM&i. ! UIL.-1M uM». Pint Ml, i .11^0- SPWNmj j >•' eo,, w,r,. sight amMSouth of the village of AJedtaotOji the Kris Canal. *&CvMkt#*n miles from Batavia. _ * Efei tistmjffiials. The/contain *ve»y large amountof SwJ phur.Snip hunt Acid, Sulphate of Lime, end rrotor a eepeermeaeh Bual eumtitlte, <<( theie cnrttiye , JOnudjiwli of ohm bfdiMua,.<rewlaUr thdee.reeult-j no from theeerofskniji diMk«»>. h»T» boon oared br jEr in ehln in confirmed Irproiy-the I s, r S l ffl«rasr;L'o.i.m.„...*,T. a la tM oiraUAMo.;\TM jollowins. jemment gentlemen eptoltf* atrM|l«nai orw« ni*aloluS_TiUafof3ae»# waters: Frp*J£pun»«*T.Momeyii Be*k,iM.D., of SAlbanj LiM*nMfMifa&9|H. 0.. of Albany; Edward »rinr,MrWt»of IwrYArk; Dr.*. Campball. of Pate eld, Mass.tpr. J» 8. Stuilst, or Lookporf, N. Y, They r«oommand the waters ooaAdently. Dr. Spring refers to. atase of, chrome diarrhoea of several Veers’ standing', which was cured by the use of the water, Sr* Beck says, I am satisfied w( Uumm waters are highly valuable aa Sr. CaupbeUiaya,*' Tear must be »fluyb«gloitl for all chronic diseases of the stomach DriSTpiVhiteread apaperon the.subject of these Warn, before tbe Academy of Phjsioiaris.iatheolty of New York, m which he states thst the Watara poe ms decidedly tqmo.retnfsr&nt, and astringent proper ‘ ties; and that theckusof diseases to which they,are mors nartxoalariy, adapted. are ohjronio affections of the digestive h&Aurtnaru organs, and aptae of the eutane ous diseases; chronic, dyspepsia; chronic diarrhaa; chronic dysentery ; chronic diuresis; chronic eyuHis; diabetes i opses of passive faemorrhage.moh uFurpu-- ra hemorrhagica, and the ooUwuative sweats of.Hecuo Fever. The-Water may also fie often' nsed-with ad vantage* he says* in oases.of. low typhoid fivers;in convalescence from protracted fevers, to ckoite the ap-> petite and promote digestion; tu di*rrb<phs,particularly such as are deperdent on a relaxed or nlceratea state, ofthemoeons membrane of the intestines. In oaton leas affections, or liMuoii, attended ‘sHth phospbatio pediments, it is tbe suitable remedy,.beiiig preferable to nmriatioaoid,as being snore solvest-and lees apt by otmtianed sas to disorder up stamsoH. in febrile dis eases, it can be used properly diluted, as a refrigerant to diminish.thirst ana preternatural heat. In skin dis? eases—m those forms of dyspepsieconneeted with aa alkaline condition, of the stomaoh, is in Pyrosis, or wa- Ur-brash, it will prove better than hydro© blqno aold. In oaaesof£tf<ca*K(o***ri,and other* injurious oon •eensnoes arising from tee action of lead, this water willprove to be an mfiainble antidote. In tktonie pharyngitis, laryngitisYehromc mucous catarrh , and humid asthma , ehresie ophthalmia (externally) as a gargle in ulcerated sorethroats, in oasee of sali vation, and in ieuconkea and gleet ; and also inptles, When taken internally, a wine-glassfulLpf the Water, diluted, taken three times a day* is sufficient for an adult. » / , t , i ■, > Other testimonials from physioiane, and other re spectable individuals, may ne seen on application to the Agent. ... Dealers summed on liberal terms. No Water genuine unless procured from ,H. W.BOSTWICX, ' Sole Agent, . ,No. 9Y4 BROADWAY, We w York. '' For Sale at the following Agencies?' , , FREDERICK, BROWN’S Drug and Chemical Store.,Northeast comer of FIFTH.and CHESTNUT Streets. Also for sale at FREDERICK BROWN. Jr.’s. Drug and Ohsmical Store, Continental' Hotel, corner of NINTH and CHESTNUTjUreeta, Philadelphia. . The Trade suppliedat Wholesale Prices, myll-gwly ; THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND, . DAtLKY’S MAGICAL FAIN EXTRACTOR HAS umverstUy supplanted all other Ointments and healing animations m both the Eastern and Western, HenQsvheres, wherever intro dneed; and its winiuw mint u ihe true seoret of its mooess i&aUcutansoas 'nftctfou* whether the cause gS<UW»: are inttaatir mlierad of S their angoish. pain and EflammaUoii, by a timely 2 applioatiin of .this mar vellous and the 3 flesh is renewed as if byo CkiUTra »r«“frMi>ema Off,r«r.froraoi(«nirils ,«rlM) MMCI.U, Tfiom." Kit'S ud OwhH i'i ..MMHiniiii iwitS mother ehoald Wbai aMMiauee .000- 3 ataattr on laid. It heale im JmiJi ,Md .atokly £ remoTM the T£TT£K or UNBWOmILif er.va- . Unii»tk*%w,pv.' - "■lafS&mmßsm d Bv-ssAAWBiAirD., Yhe to eahiniet, the Tri- S Teller,Md ever, o)ier lu dinlasl vbom lot in lire a throw.; him nothin the ohiiee or neoisent froei ® .zjrleiden, or colli- SS S ft a f. t *bJth KHtnli/ra ahenn,endUioaUever b. n hi.oommmion,M»mend mnecdTThere are thoa- c, unde of linn, wltaoHM to tMtir. lo its rn.rv.llou. Q virtue, who owe their eoud luabe and muaolee 3 toite mtin* eSpao,. , & ’" fe utjMMe of the : ¥(Sere*l Soree, •telf • ' Wholerai AtK&iaT PBOPOSAIS FOR COAL AND WOOD. -MZ. ; HINT OF THE UNITED STATES,{ Si aotii^Jnnsnext(iBn,iwilFto meeivsd until t> ld of 9oth inst * * . ; ■ ■ntiOmSMUAtw(rfthe bert Anthraelta Lehifh, of tha egg sad. qubp him. and, aniirsly from from bMt, slate, anAother lorelgn Mbstanoss; each ton to Wootftobeiry and of tbs bostwality of hickory at the Mint, at meh times and in sueh ettaatities as tost be reauired. free from oarting or other chargee, and subject to the in spection sad approval of ths Director of the Mint. Proposals may be made for each attiele Mparately, tndsritA be endorsed 41 Proposals for Coal/’*'Propo sals for Wood*” - JAMESKOBS SNOWDEN, - jtXHlt29 Director of the Mint TWOTIOE.—A Meeting of tbl Association Uon ofjtke nKeanlementan toan ut touthoriu the forniMiOT of CononUonn to, MIMm, taeWnt, to., said Association, ana tea .friosaatioa of snoh- other business as may properly oops before arnd mestfafl. Fhiladelfhin, June 11, 1880. ■ * B ‘ OFFICE OF SCHUYLKILL NAVIGA " T lON COMPANY, MAYJOtfa. IMO,-From and after Julrltth, ISK, and until September Ist, Ugp.tEe charge! for the nee of Care, and for Toll ana Trane* Krtatioo on Aetarmotte Coal, earned to Philadelphia, war of the BokurUill Navigation, wul tie Increased Fifteen Cent*.per Ton on. the ratesj&ged Merab JW», v^vavssvs aa * J T.rssw* m>ll-ttt frwid.pt, rpEK WEEKLY PRESS, A NEW VOLUME! THE WEEKLY PRESS entered upon a New Ve lame with the New Year. To ear, merely, that oar yeyerbu been nooecafal would be te give Car-too weak and indefinite an ide of onr yoeftion—for, not onlr hae THE WEEKLY PRESS been established on aaeoore and permanent foundation but it is, in reality, a marvellous example of the degree ©flavor whioh a rightly-conducted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NEWS JOURNAL osn receive at the hands of a liberal and enlightened publio, Oor moet gratefal thanks are tendered for the patronage already bellowed upon ue, and we ahall eyare no efforts whioh may serve to render the payer even more attractive, useful, and popular ia the future. .. ' The POLITICAL course of THE WEEKLY PRESS need not be enlarged upon here, independent, stead?» and fearless, it has battled, unwaveringly and icaloos lr, in defence of the 4 RIQHTS OF THE PEOPLE against EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and unfair and tyrsnnicaHegislation; ever declaring and adhering to thedodtriito that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY consti tutes the fundamental basis of our free institutions, and hat the intelligeßM and patriotism of onr oitieens wil always be preservative of a wise, just»aod salutary Gov ernsttent/Thescareithe principles to .whioh THE WEEKLY PRESS has been committed, and to these it will adhere. OUR NEWS COLUMNS will continue to be'the sabjeot of unremitting care and attention, and all diligence be employed to malt* this paper a compendium of all the principal events of into* rest which transpire at home and abroad. The LITERARY character of THE WEEKLY PRESS, now universally acknowledged to be of an ele vated stamp, shall not only maintain its present high standing, but shall be enhanoed by important and valua ble contributions from able writers. Deeming pujuyt or mokalb the great safeguard of private happiness and public prosperity, we shall carefully exclude from our oolumns everything whioh may reasonably be ohjeoted toon tfce eoore of improper tendency. The fields ot pore literature aflbrd sußeient material to make an AO-. NEWSPAPER, containing all the elsmanta of excellence, without a single objection able line ; and the proprietor ef the -THE /WEEKLY PRESS may lastly elaim that np head of afamfly need hecitatetoletita columns go under the notice of any member of his household. . CIRCULARS, The general features of tbs paper, in addition to its POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENTS, will he PottrVi Sktttiut, Bietropt y, and Original and ffi- Ucttd Taltt, ohostn for their lesson* of life, illustra tion* of history, depicture of maimers, and general merit—and adapted, in their variety, to the tastes of both sexes and all agea. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT; BILL HBADO, Dae care wiUbe taken to farmsh opr readers with eerreet and reliable reports of the produce and cattle markets, made up to the latest hour. Among the agreeable variety of articles In store for the patrons ef THE WEEKLY PRESS, H may be mentioned that we shall commence, la onr New Volume, the publication ot LABELS. TEXALS AJfD TSIUKPES: Ox, ANCIENT TIMES IN OLD VIRGINIA; an Original Novelette of surpassing interest, written by an author of acknowledged ability. The story witimn through eeveial numbers of the paper, and will be, in itself, worth more than the sura ; required for a year’s enbeenttiom •[ in a ward, it wdl he the endeavor of those oonoemed to make TICK WEEKLY PRBB9 continue a favorite FAMILY JOURNAL, embodying all the characteristics ofa carefully-prepared newspaper. jV Babeeriptions are respeotfully sokritaL' To those who propose patronising the “ WEEKLY FREES,” promptitude m forwarding their orders for the New VdLVifx is earnestly recommended, as, rom present indications, it is believed tint Urge as the edition may be which will be printed, It will not long he in our power to Amish -back nun Dene, in whioh osee disappointment must occur. *■ » TERMS: COMPANIES. On* Ootf too* year < (2 n Thrw Coytei, on« y«»r.—.—- „ ,' *» Pive CoBWi, ona yesr la) T»oCo»lM,oo» y«»r..., II W Twenty Cofie», to on«vidre«i,»l Ui« rate of ■ tlp*r unum..... Tw*»t»: CoaiM, ta oaa adrfrau or each rab , Mritaji— MW "Aw RH»a »»<Stt'S w a Club of Twenty or mure, wil biutittt <0 »n«lr» odw. W« oontlnua to Hn< THE WEEKLYFREM toClerirmenfot»!, Stabwrijitlona wareoniinaiioo at any lima, Tam alwayaeaab, ia advetwa. All Ittiara to Ik addrtaaad ta JOHN W., F OR NEY ?»iz.A x>m x, x> xx x At; IHE? PRESSi—PHILADELPHIA., WRONffiPAT, JPNE 27, 1860. ’ ’ a T *** -* ** *-** 'r‘ > ' l l t ‘ I.A As F \ -r< h if. ai f \i ~j j r , t ■ * rq'i ' n ft '] x , i aUBHJiHM, NOTICES. N^atCHliafifui' BTWSMT, msijiujiqs companies gABINB * puY. . ' NBURANGK AGENTS. No. 4UI WALNUT Street, 1 Merchandise. FUgaßore. ,ana. other property, cn »y - METROPOLITAN FFRK INS. CO,, Or NEW YORK, VEOVIDENCE wMWftW «' AROTIO FISE i HOPE FINE INSt^iipl'JS!? CITY FIKB GERMANIA FlRk“n^"l§o,, HUMBOLDT FlßK*lNS*Bo ; , OF NeV* Yl»H5^ Cash Capital and Surplus SteMM 81. Applications m person or brnotp will recefve prompt "grss*-: B HSfSd.vSaHrFth^ 'J'HE KM TEKPJEUBE INSURANCE COMPANY Of PHriiADKJPHDL ' (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.)' mt WdS& 2sbtyJL% s r s'Zhl&a™* DIRECTORS. F. Ratcr.ou Srill, L. D.WeoM. WlLUiic MnKnn, . U«o. H, HTUikr, Nauio FsAeian, John H. Bmown, John M. Atwood, . H. A. Fahhmtoci, Bun. Asdrjjw D. Cash, . finwnTWßA.^. CHARLES W. COXE. Seereisrr. fall A MEMO AN FIRE INSURANCE CO., TV INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PKRPET- WALNUT street, .bore Third, fhiliulellhm. llAvliif a lAnr, etid-oe Oratnl Stoek ud Birhla. In veetedin Kandu6 nvnUnhle BeojmtlM.eonbnM.to inenm on Dwellmee. Stores, Fnrnitnra, MerohuaiM, Yesssls in Port ana their aargoes, and other Petsoaal Property. All losses iTberaflr and promptly aojoited* i 91KXOTOK8. _ . QBMBgt* - ■fitfaß&rt.' fa&° a, r ■ - ALBERT 0. L. CBAwFORD. ttcrtlurr. fta-tf aUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPA PLUS #mT«.W.—ln|arM*galnnljOß3«t Daww# “l Fire, andthe Perils of the Sea, Island iiavisaUonana fiMSiGB H. HAHT, Praildent. DIAKCTORB* K. P, Eossi. - „„ Foater 8. Perkins* Andrew R. Ohamborsi Sasmel Jones» ML I>.. . tDArtf ' George H, Hart) : U'XOHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY EU —office No. 403 WALNUT Btreet, ■ FIRE INSURANCE on House* and Merchandise generally, on feyorabia tanni, either United-or per- DIRECTORS. „ Jeremiah Bonsai), Edward V. Roberta, JohnU* Ginnodo, John J, Griffith*, Joshua jUHibij C^K^e. SainL L, SmedleT. Jag. tT Hue, tfeliefonte. JEREMIAH bONSALL, Fraeide&t, JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vice President. >i m Bdwabp W, David, Peoretarr mhBl-wftnti f NSUKANOE COMPANY OF THE in 1VM —Capital #lpe,Q(l#~ Assets, January I* l and. available ttaue to insure onjv—aTy and Cargoes, Buildings,fltooi* , Henry IK Sherreri, George H.Staarf, 'ffiaeonToby, BanroelGmitTJr., ' jmshm" emi. . wSSkmm- Jp&’Ksr WtIAIAM idfeS™ JJELAWABK MUTUAL SAFETY IN office 8. vuin _JLAJfRtfs’ msVt* a E CARiiTOr_ ' |'W»'aUiutoof«h« WwUL 0„ OurUco omiSiS£i!S 911,891 Lou to tbo <Str of Fhil»- ~ 9«M*, NortrF«nMyfvSl K*jlro»d SSv **■"** iwii.Mi Whu *** •MMi u> WuwrivuiU ' ’ ■ --*n • ■ITTO Grau giatm Taw Boil . Owtufi HuladtvU* SnkMW M BiUafor lwMrsneM 3 Bilbao# tf— »t Aiwwifi'ftiama» o» JMt —a“ a-r-gg. «,*,>» Btrtr *ij*s3fskqffUdlT Icwraac* OoaM- wgBg MW ; U*rl«S £S.MSAIi' •• T WR iNstTRANOR AND TRUSI COM iISSF“ ufaraSxiVKS ftrftf Vftttttam dife-c nata *i««W il»rr. i *■» jmk w. ao»i»o*. sm« BUSINESS CARDS. V B. PALMER, THB ADVERTISING • AGENT, FIFTH and CStESTNUT. aivee hi* view* of the principle and t&»% mode of Advertising, daHr, between 19 and 4 o'elnex. A4dreg* myll-gni V.B. PALMER, EJ, BAVLIS THOMAS, • ~ _ , ATTORNEy-AT-tAW, ' Hm So. 6» Arohatieet lo Mo. JPartioultr attention given (j (be reoover, of Kanin tlta Claims* The, drafting aid examination of wills, Conveyances, Aartpnwettjat Jflofs of other lostrementsof WnUn*, Tkaaunuamaaifln&oojitor* ships, Admlnistratorshipe, W 4 Tni|tt, fuppnntendßdi ana the best seounbes proouwd for the yerpanont in vactaants of Money. Satubotory reference given when required, ; EJENRT a. KEENS. Hm tJi*t» Yakut' strait to Wo. M» South THIRD afrwt. T mW In* tfORAOE SEE, ; n .^»TteRW 8 -^ ' , No. 11* Spain SIXTH Street, « (Nearly ojniiwte the County Courthouse,) f WAGNER JERMON, A «Md«^- uw ' (Otpout. lndw.ni.nna fj<ur*>). . rßltuxLrKUi ..flrtll* nidofr.liabte Attotniji. at diSlrtot Mint!la tt‘» w iroMonte and oollaot rartionterMUntloujjSg la tke .rami nation and n of betas aad efl yersoiw intereeiedjJi the same, ia ell Mrtnoftbf Union. ,1m the State tee of ail fi« State* and is Commissioner for ttont of them. .-,{»u • , HjlJwUGns carefully Ipen uadef Commission*. SJ FUGUET A SONS,- •fjßQgy sf ALFRED L. HOUGhT TXAWSON ANIOBOLSON, Ho*. »i»and I§2’mliJo4 stmkk,, Bitwun a»tn„ .tr..u, mres pawsoiT / foni. i«oholsoh. UTION S-AS^ROLOG?!—LOOK OUTI-OOOD HfeWS fOR, AULI-Th. nom-. A ‘S wari ho have beep deceived by false promises, yto her for javtoe and comfort. In lova crifat right advertisement. She stows ydu the kkeneu of jour fu ture wife, has hand, or&beent friend. It Is veil known toths.publieatlanc? tistske is the first and only per fon who canshowtheUkeMssin reality, and oan aive •atitt satisfaction on all me concerns of hie, which OM Rt tested and prived pj thoasandii both married and smsle. who deyr tnd e&rerlj visit her. Come one 1 oome alli.to No. 1W Street, belween’Jani »er and Hmad, T , -taMet" 1 OURiT! CLARET f OH .DRAUGHT! ON DRAUGHT! . Gter.l oodraaght. tomtUnr .niton upward. AJ*), jSroel. • ■ i ! irtl-lit* E/*OR BOBOPX.—having been Appointed V for w*. ETwaßs * OO.Vrran«nt- Unllo Mo.i». PRIME NEW Bf. JOHNS ALBWIVES. Al-JOOlibl. for ante WM- j. TAVlXtBfc no. OIL LEMON—Grass, for B*le by WE 3ZiOMP‘ ■» yfoxitEßS. 4T and ■ !,)■ M ARIS GREENT-For Bile by WETOEi t BROTKKS. 41 vi 4S North, KEMND BAILHOAO LINKS . w?M*. fc»>u,»*. M„ .,DI min. a.'m„ M, 8, 7X.MI jjMjUajj-hiaotowo sao min. A. M., I.IS o!n., 4, at, ***« Wio.'u f/fe! 1 . m®», sx, i. *, *• *• " Aeave PhiWd9hiA*is *Jf, & a d 7« p, m. HiUrdOX M. t SsJ9, e.io, andO.l9 WWSHOHCKJKENHOKHISTOWN, Leave Philadelphia 34e.7K79.0e, um. min,, A.M.. li#»ve Ffailedelphla iJoTrii, 9.0 e. IU4 A. 141,09, AH. Me. ttt, 4.M, t.W,ax, and ml“ M. ‘ Leave Msii&yur.k Ik, fjt, ilt, >X, nadllX A. M.,1, JJftMH.S.aniWP.M? * K "’ ■ I®*™ PbUe4el,hi»» end 8 PM. Leave Ma»,onkniA.lL,l>,,e)4,a!id.»JCP.M. vu-it JSEwnMHD *L h iladklphia SSs l '®* , ’ °W „ AFTERNOON MNEB. , !<•* TO NowDepot,oorner ot BROAD gut OAM-OW iffixANCES VIA rHn.ADEr.PHIA AND READING * _ itAlliHUAlFi I‘flOM PRttiA.DEL.Pin A Milos. To Fhematviilo 28} Reading.... —~~. 08 V Philadelphia and Reading - IfirrSVV.'.?.'*;.V.'.Vlls/ a “ J Eelumon Vallor.H.H. l)auphin;-.M Z::\Zui\ Milloraburg. — 113 Trayorton Junction..lK Sunbnry.,~ 155] Northumberland...lTl Levißbayg>^.,^, t .. 17 81 Milton—— -.182 I *hrooy—..w, I Williamsport , Jersey Short). Look Haven.‘-...-....5tt; Williamsport and Elmira Elmira , ggj C Railroad. The 8.00 A. M. f and thoS.SO p, M. train oonnootdailT g l *|j3l.°lh“ o^t“ e a l , dTo U ThweB t UM to OAu!owiillS 1 Bli“S ,t ‘ flIA: Coraarof BHOAD “ d UO-it W. B. McIEHKNNEY. gMreUIT. BoiiUry and End R. R, ISmataum SPR pra abrange- ME Nl‘, BALTI atB.ll A* M.i M noon* (Expreas*) and liwt b? 181 ** 111 A> M -» u noou,tW,*.W,r.OO«d WtOBRIBII A ' M *’ u> UM'OQ,7^aod ror Now OmU® at 8.11 A. M., and 1.00 P. M. For MJddlotovnat 84* A. MAandfi.oop. j*. ForDpysr JU8.15 A. Mj andioo >. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M., and LOO P. M. For SeMord atB.V A. M„ andfl.OUp. M. For Laural at AW A. M.,ands.ooP. M. Fo t^.,^| l .A k k^ l «p^ u l«m“ 8J0 A.M.,(J£itre*e,>lo,lB A. M„ *T»ivaWilml«jton *<110,890! aed 11,90 A. M„ I.U, AOB ff,M p, M. List* SaUelmrT *IBJO A. M., and 100 r. Jil, I*ava lAurel at O.U A. n.j and MO P. M. jSye £Bd3fetovrn at iojjf “ifiSidrSi P. M Bare New Caetieat &OOOJB A. M., and B.QP P. M. XSreCruwterat t.m, »,», UM A. taM &r s * lWl ' lrT “A Dalavata JUil . trams FOR BALTIMORE RMTO (War atUIA M„ RjSwid ijffi P. M. WUttiß4toß»«JJA.ii7,l*lip,M,, aad UJ) pkßiaUT TRAIH. irith PAJMKNGER OAR attached, Sff ftwSK'and Intermediate fot rMrTTiu * 0«4 ißfcwadlate <pr puhsoiom* »wi t#<anw<ii*ie 0 * fcr Wtimara ond latermodi *X*a*a Baltimore for Havre-de-Grooe and interrnedi at* pl&oM ati.oo p, M. IJMIE PENNSYLVANIA GENERAL THAOK. 1860. JEmmi 1860. STmieotin* direct *t twU.VISk with Tnrongh Train* frpin Beaton, New YorbTwid ulmuiU and in the inn* niFniioinf l&euuM for tne traiuportaaon of Paeeenjera uauurp&BMd for ipeed emT oomfortby &nv ether route. ' i and Fart Line, rim tbroajh to Pitubora, WiSoat e6»M« ot Cw.or Oondaotora. All throoih Pm- 1 mur.. TnSa , grovicfed with Lonilmdj!*’. Patant, KYr«ESITKJUIta Dai£pY i Mail udFaotUnM*Sun- Ihtm Philad.l,hiast r»> A. M. |»PBiW'A«mp;: p Accommodation, viVColambU, ir. M« sor " « PaMjmieti will tAe th. Kill, Wut : tifleeferAoeommodattoflaaildColombiaTrains. I jo. rnUere Fell*, and intermediate sotnta, Itevina rnl- 1 A. W. yd> P. MV*&d|rect“through^ render Line of mcafpara‘ on tW MiSiuffippf or Ohio ott^tew? 1 ”” " lo " , *s <l “"I 6 w IS*°!F> M b »»pt I ■ For flirttar information «n»lr it th» PiaHciir 8t«- I SJUSbUo?' ** SUtpp * r ’ °* ?™tll>t. had the Tr.v.f «f* airtloalar to mark nokUH • > Tla p.nna. lail- K-k KIKGBTON, Jr., Pluladolnhia. * *<W. « HS*h atftat. Baltimore, pfi|o§ $ CO.. lA*fe' , BouM.orlB.'Vfrnnam«t > it.Y. Ja»-iy ' I ' E^ l8 ' G*n 18»rt Altoona, Pa,' IBtfWr? elmiba route.— fi.in.sort, Troy, Ilal«tonV„Cartlo». Elmira! .Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester. Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, CJuoago.ht.Louis, hlilwaukee, and all points North and Fa«.enK«rlralna will leave the new Depot of the Phi |sX ? '4aa« o Sw«j”4*Hr° S p: The 8.00 A.M. train conneots at Rupert, for Wilke*- n clU^i , .° ad *' Aotai “ *■“' BKlTnSUß^ett’poW o ’ *# "W* l ® at thaT-hiladclptiia and El- the Phir lelphjaand Heading Depot. Broad and s!s?tei “ c^st<s,, • for *“ thfffM, „ l Se d ±f r,i Wo,a SPM ' toiM “" » ht Da * ,t > Nflrth»«t oornsMlWn^ciuS^lfijVltre’els, hpP-» Philadelphia, iB6O. IHHi 1860. ‘WBwßffimaa^ u ww?a wW Fffita Walnut-street Wharf, At IA M, via Camden and Amhovi C. Si. Aeoora-***' raodatlon. ,►*—.*.... .* ... ,®| si At! AM. via Camden and Jersey City (N. J.) Ac commodation. . ...... - ~ s sc Ate AM, via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Atll AM, by 'Steamboat, vifiTTaconV and'jeraey City. Western Express..—...s 00 Atlltf P M, via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation...... s 19 At 3 P Mi via Camden aud Amboy, C, and A. Ex- AO^W, , SrBreftmbostViVTapohy'*anrjeFsey 3 °° .Pi^*P v ilxurpes hm , si *3? Bn . ? *?:*. tfr?”,« PMiviaO&maen and Jersey City,Evening AUI Jersey City*, At 0 P KtTv&’fcsmd-yran ST Am boy,* *oo o m m od a tton,(Freightana Passenger,)—fat Olais I 94 The | P M Mail Line nini daily It P Mi South ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Bslvjdere. Easton. Lambertville, Flemlngton. * B -»at* A M and 4 P M, from Walnut-street wharf and 7.10 AM from Kensington. For Water Gap. Stroudsburg, Soranton. Montrose, Great Bend. Ac., At 6 A. M. from Walnut* street wharf, and 7,10 A. at. from Kensington, via Cola ware Lackawanna ana Western K. R. Scr Mown*. f£>}iy, at 6 and 0 A. M., I and 4K Pe M. For Freshoa, atfi P. M. ..for Bristol, Trenton, Xo., at iff and 4 P. W. from K si at £S fMS whwf *' ao A * «' und IX P. Me from A ForPwmfra, Riverton, Pelanoo, Beverly, Burlinr toa, Florence, Bordentown, Ac,, at 13)4* l.&nd 4)4 P. M, Ai?i* a i!}bout Joe Belknap for Borrientown and Interme diate Places, at sxp.tf. . Bieemhnat Trenton,for Taoony. at 11 A. M.and Taoony,feveriy/Bjirbngton, and Bristol, at I P. M. Ruhr Poundaof Baggage, only. allowed oaoh Passen ger. Pauetitirs are prohibitcdfrom taking anything as baggage but their Wearing apparel. All baggage over fh.TJSS"* 1 (or .fra. Jfee CfIiPKW limit tnMrrasponaibiUty lor baggage to One Dollar for pound, and viu rmt be liable for any amount bpjona £lu9» ex* ’ “‘“'“ w. 11. WjjSMKB. A«ant. 1 fiiiTTM—II PhH.aU® LPUIaSnu Ob end .Hjar XPaii. w, IMJ. CoiflmutaSlon Tickets, RithtWMrtT-vit oovwinh,,»ar,l)e.j»mj(,gaad fqr She , A* n F roemMfofhlsfoimlrt.oiranirrrtisosel tSfel.A- «t.aPf^We.'.-Ther willhf .oMTur Iff. iffSWKE’.,. I ‘he offipe of the comp,or. No. »?7 Sooth oOwlf-fiveve, cent SSSSSf W&S55* &'.£%!;?, •afe.ftj route,the SchnTmii^mrLebanonTyaueyjiMingamoitf Freightsforthis linereceived MNoJttffiiuWt St Shis, and the *.» A. M, tram *Sn Aeroilfc./iSSSS. . lifol scenery and woMApownMelthtoGwN of Delaware and Chester ooanties oStor superior indue* mente to thOMlwdjinjforimmaeirbawdiaj, A.tt BUR'fiON, Philadelphia. Mar 1..1M8. IB Bapenntppdent. ffinnHi' IMPORT ANT TO fffSwamfcv 'BUSINESS dunng the wormweoliir—in the ieeae of xxcuxeioi. ticrxt*, on and after Jane Mta. 1300, to Causna, Ar.rooaa, Bxdiop» and waiiu Srauias. and coupon rlcanr* tpr lutntt-ttx trln, for the ate of PAMtLiKa.fo and from poiati near the ol{y. Ticket* to Otiftos HOTina, or ikt m nmit aftha Al- IrsAenv moenfni*—reed /or a rowtf l f t> within IS ooyt—to U bed for *740.' , ... Tiohete to Altoona, where invalid* and other* wiU find splendid hotel aoewnmodatiou, scad fat taunt tna tr. *t» 10do j,-.far*'»7lA . For Bedford Bpnn«e-Pa«»ahfera tioketed to Bone well, on the Hiiniinedqn and Broad TopJUllrrad. and (hr Broad Top ,Citr to Blaur** Station. Bxonreion tic ket*. Sf-Hi uule trie, (AW. Two daily tinea ot Uuntl figdon "w fth oot exult e'hargi. *. Passengers to tooel rotate on Pennsylvania raiTnuul KABT OF DOWNINdTOWN caSyroSuOTekefffo?* trip* good for any member of the family, at a diaoosnt or 96 per cent below regular rates. * The above ficlr«t« and farther information to he had after Jone »th by applicetiou at the office of tta«P*m- Liww Ir. Hocpt. Pan. TioStt/siet?u <>aB ‘ A fff-lm fSCewra—» WEST CHESTER J’HIDADBDPHIA CEAk™ opfotn, '. ioWi?L F ‘tsAr?A&v&' *"*•* T *« 4 .Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Dflrot.on East Market street, at 4J# and #lO A. M., and L» anq&JS Leave Philadelphia atand 14)0 P. M. Leave West Cheater,at7,26A. M, and 4.63 P. M. 1(l , , „ HENRY WOOD/ J©4-tf General, Superintendent. Nofthcrp Cfliitral Haiuoadi ffiMIMBMjjB WORTH PENNSYL MAUOH HAVEN. WILKEaBOTHE, Ao, . ■V , _Ou ana alter MONDAY, Maj_33th. IWO, PuMOier Triune wto leave FRONT and WlLLbWßtreete,Phi* ladelphiaTpAlLYtlSundays excepted,)Mfollows: At 6JW A. M. (ExpressKfor Bethlehem, Alien tours, Maaoh Chunk, Haeleton, WUkeebane, kc, ; At2AO P. M. (Ezpreu),for Bethlehem, Eaetoa,M&ttah Chunk, &o. I This train reaches Keeton at 6JR) P, M., and makes close connection with New Jersey Central: Express Tram for New 1 ork. Passengers by this tram reach nlauob Chunk the same evening. At 0.40 A. M. and 4.90 P> M,( Accommodation). At ».S0 A. M. and UOP.M. {Acoomn/dMmff. ta ' ll ' ■m ........ _ , For Fort Washington. The e 80 A. M. Expreu Tram make* clop* connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlahem. being Bethlehem, (Kxpree*,)at7.M A. M.and Mi P. Jloylertown (Accommodation,) at MO A. M. Leave Fort Washington (AsoomitodaUon,) at Mi A. at. and iu r, AL ON SUNDAYS 1 Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A.M. Philadelphia, for DofiaetqwH, at IP. It. DoTleetown for Phliadelftia at M 0 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M. T?l r iWiS h T^ to eeonre the above ratea of fare. All Panenger Train.(except Pnnday Train!) aonneet at Berk, street with Fifth and Sixth street, and Seoond andTblrjl-.treet Paeeengpr RxilroadeaOnunutee after leaving Willow vtreeL rnyrf . KLLIB CLARK, Atent. SmMß| NOTICE.—CHESTER AffD P fifr TKJUdEDIATR and after Kth M»r, 18», tha Paaaengar Train* for DOWNINUTOWN will Mart fipmthenewj’awngerDepot of tha Phila «^fMvamtr2?£*MS?,.n 0 - f "tjjokmmhTßAlN far Dow|di(town, leave* at AM 5 AFTKBNOON TRAIN tar Dewxisgtvwi, Lpavte at anTß^U^S3^^f* rtrft “ fUk4rtUr apt . W. HTMcfLkßinreY, Secretary. laßmMmm west Chester Se^t l ,«iSl WevtCheetPr at A« A. M., 10.40 A. St., aad 3.10 P. M? PENN BTEAM ENGINE AND and FOUNDERS, haring.for many years, been in BnMMssfiUqperatlon,andbeea excjaeivshr building ana repairing Mermeagd Iqyer Engines, ta)gU *nd lav pressure,.lron Boat*. Water Tanks, Propellers, 4p., Ap.,rfipeotigllrplertheir serrlpestothe yewjp A? twin* lull/prepared to contraot for EifWe of % size*. Marine, Kwr, and Bt&fannary, fcavinr apis pf catprnt of different sixes, are prepared tg exoonta or flersWitb jmipkdatpafCb. Kvsry (UeonitTon of Pattern making made at tne shortest notice, High and low Pleasure, Flua, Tubular, and Cylinder Boiler*.of the beat Pennsylvania obarooal iron. Forcings, of all aiaee and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all desoriAtioas: Holl Torning. ctorew Catting, and all other work con nected with the abov* business. • Drawings andnsekmcations for all work dona at thsir establishment, free of charge, and work saarantied. The sobscnbere have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of Doats. where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears.' blocks, falls, to., Jco., for raising heavy or light weights. . km™ fiEAOB and PALMER streets. S JOINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 OhMdd the entire stock W AtuWat the above p5S* dnr.he Isndw prepared to, receive orders for RoUJngi (met, and Bav Mui Castings, Boap. ChemieS, and HoH»e work. Geerm*. Ceeunga maea fron Jtover- or Cupola Purnaoeg, in dry or green •4MVBL V. wnuicK, xl TxvaßAn Hnuieg FIFTH AND WASHINGTON NBEEVa, , KNB W^^^AND^MAOHfffISTS. gtinlwjs l *~m'**»+ °- to - Iron Frame Roofs for Gas works, Work Bbope, Kail* road Btattoae. Ae.. . Retorts and Gao Machinery of the latest and moot im proved construction, .Every deeorietipn of Plantation Machinery, sueh as . Bole Ageism for N.Ruflinx’sPateatMufar jaoihna ORANKLriI SAVING! FUND, No: 4; 130 South FOURTH Street, between Chest* Philadelphia, pays Ml Deposits a DepositonP. money secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Kents, Mort gages, AO. ThioOompany deems.safety better than large profits, ooyyieaoentiy will run nonskvnth depo sitors* rponey, but have if ©tall times ready to return, with f per bent, interest, to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never ■depended. , Fem Mes, married or single, and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and snob deposits oan be withdrawn only by their eonsent. Charter perpetnal incorporated by the State of Petmsylrauia.Witb authority to reoeive money from trustees and executors. Large and small sums received. Oaoe open dai)y, from 9 to'S o'clook, and on Wednesday evening until I o’olock. I c I M • s I fUREOI'OKS. Jacobß. Shannon, 1 Oyv*s Cadwallader, JlcoVb. SHANNCN, FrMident, Oievi OiswuhAßn. TrtMurer. CAVJNfJ FUND—FIVE PEB UENT IN safety trust com* ?>A?*TvT4* jl { ut Street, southwest oorner of THIRD, Phliadllphia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsyl vania. t v oney.ui received in any sum, large or small, and m j .vstpaid from the day of deposit to thp day of with* The bffiof, ig Qjjpri everr day from nine o*o!ookin the oa “ faLF^llsrl’o.'#niSnl. WtiiLUM J.Rbbd, Sserstary. „ w _ PIRSCTORBI Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, rtor » Joseph B. Barr Robert Selfndge, Franois lUe. SamoelK. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, O. Landreth Mnnns, James L. Stsphenson. Money is reoeivod and payments made daily. The investments are mace, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate mortgage*. Ground Rents, and suoh firrt-cUua caoundesas wUTaI- BjHKfreMgSSa iMSHh* CIA VINO FUND—UNITED STATES NWstiSlt COMl ‘ A ” V. obti.r THIRD and OREST- L«H«aßd inuill mmi r*oal*»d, and Mid baak on d*- *-OmStt hour*, from • until § o’clook «v«rr day, and on MON DAYEV KNI NO 9 fro m 7 until 9 o’oloak. DRAFTS for saloon England, Ireland, and Scotland, from M \ upwards. Pr«asdent~BTßPHEN R. CRAWFORD. IMRS- FREDERICK BODGES, OF BOS f vS:,iW' IpWiwl* omnlr.ir » BCHOOL FOR YOUNG OADIESin thu oitr, eommencTm in Sentember next. AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is s bw eu tt IJBYANT ft STRATTON’S NATIONAL TAYNE’B HALL-200 NEW OUSH'QNS for Churotaes, Leplure-rooms, 4o.,Benohes. Sottees, Cam» Stools, OarUina, 4a. Alt sellm* at half vaUite Aj>dlt at EaHLtiMAN'fl Cloth Store, No. 69* OHK&tMr Street, ander the Hall, where ron jet thoee handsome Clothe, Oaaumeres, Vestings, 40., so QP*»»- . . wyS-lrn WORK’S ODOMETRR RAND COM '\ llartford, Ootra«taanafroture WORK’S SABRIAOP BANOS, winoh Are durable,.cheap aha efficipnf, ueasaniis with unar rinr Boonraor an? tmtance wSeea over or the vehicle to wMph they are attached. TKse ejlra-pniihed Bonds dost bate trifle more then iattnor bands vnUiouithe si) parts of the oin Itt PiftSNaganwforoimwlSTf. >'. f rortt-tm »BIOK-MAK(Ha MAOHtWia WHIDH I ton- Tsliio** l T* *‘ Snow’* It*llt^» hau.ro ad ~ MACHINERY AND IRON. SAVING FUNDS. “AUttli|b«tofUn, Ilia th« F»r«.” ‘ADollar «ayod w ioaearnad. EDUCATIONAL. *— '—Al— ——AEp£y. _<_ J_ ,\ Ine’Mded will Ik bug. , -;?j)'-(--’i ■ j^fiSEEsgtoEu^'i^ 100 Mrtot! rieb,#ij|£;uUM? ftswara. *1 1 i. iijSuIItADAO lIEIBf Mi Also, a liae onrotentl«aiß*r an 4 fine* beta. ■isM*’ »Qdohi!dn*a’i boileV**gMU. A«. f * U,r Alao, biftok French tllk lteee. wide white to—, Ac. PHILIP FOKDACO., AUOTIONBEKS, »«• «**' KAH’OSX BtrfM, Urf .U MEN Oil *MD Jut* 53. b. aoU. feiTA KA«o*t brumal ..tent le.th.ir iiiiiWMMi. 55T J™.! taih »a4 OmThl 2>^’ porii Itflc 410, -•> , . '■ . . A wo.VdomnaarMlfalnm. A“pJJ «••/» am’f aad.ioji' triarnd atraw hua. BHIPPEW. wap THE BRITISH AND NOBTH gUgM AMMIOA* EOYAL MAIL «TI!AH OWaf ' pSkSIA, Capt. jraOkina. lOANADA, Cut/Lauu, . .jfcjfo^isrWßSa Tkaw awal?wrar»K!s SHstfuk u -*-.1—.1. r H ARAJIAi BtWWa ■ ** WftODa WlffiMwi JwS APBuJA,Shannon, ‘ jlYorit,jSliMiiy,AaV.l. OAK ADA. Lang, “ ffiitoi, WyiMte.lu 8. ASIaTLoIL *• KYotk,WaStnSS*Aialu. Eur6pa, ieitoh, “ Bprtoa. Wedneednyi Ang. A PERSIA, Jadkin*, “ M {ork, Wednesday | Aug! £ Bertha -nqt seewred antil paid tor. An experienced Sergeon on board. The owner* oftheeeMai* will not be eeonnatable for Gold. Silver. BaUion, finaeie, Jewelry. PreeioaaStoaee. or Metal*, nnlees mile or lading are signed therefor, tan the valao thereof therein expremd. For ftenht or peaeteeapply to . _ _ M B. CUKaED, mrf 4 Bowling firm. NW York. k FOB TUB SOUTH.—OHARLEB - oaoLb^ The U. & MenBtom£*KWgVokS'nATK, Cu. Uin Chulea P. Mail,MM. wilt acil oa Tharadar, W, 4, at 10 A. M, Tttrottih m » Sea. The.U.S, BSail CepUun Join J. Garvin, vui nail on Satardar, Jen# so.atioA.BL . . ■ • ihroosh ma to tohotre-mdr ttkens at Sea. - dnnobanied&oaaovarTSMireaveeeTeTr five ddyi.dood* received* and BilWer I«ui aTgaed naaa &^‘staa4'sf'£^o^r&rgss ciw^S^®§i^ SlS!ll “ «^IES®SsSS3s3s rate. If. 8.->lnmraaMoa aQ Railroad Fretohlieentirely nah to • nun wawwl To Charleston—f 14 81 Charleston ft Savannah.—.- U m ft ft. &ne* —»• - Aegean »ft nO4 - gift !a— aeg a see fc-S8 Jgfer=r.JB '£Z?~z IS Pfe7™ 38 ssi'XSJf IE6AI. NO T I OK.—Letters of Administration inq tit* Estate of JOS. URAL, late of Fn*k ford, Tmty foartlt ,wsrd, EhUadsialua.dSMiiMd, lumas besn granted to tbs Dnd*r«iißM,allMr»Q»*ia d«Uid to said estate aro rotatSted to rsirPtiMi— msfn par meat, ana all parson bavins tbs sans to present thsm.daljraathsarloaied.for pats»fti, jrraabford. ytTflll? & VANVLKIT va. JOSEPH iB&M* rtiladalakia. Marti tom. Wr, twin. VaadtlUp. TheAwlilorjinofottf.fcrftfc*Owf toreportdtatri botion oftfre jaSgw nuti br sheriff Mia nsdarUte ojr"*yAll tut.certain three-ator? Urioi diAUJttibduta and brewery,.bier vaaltaad lot of ironed, eitaaie oa aide of Germantown road, onenuodred feetßooth of Cambria street, in the citr of Philadelphia, containing in front on Germantown road aeventr five faet.and in death one hundred a»d ninety feet to Hutchinson eti^et,' r wiH attemifco the A&ieaof his appointment on TUi&D At. day ofjULY, leao, at«o*eiookp.M.. at fra olXl^himuniT g&j&ft: mmSSsjA l : M fr'* 3 ™" »««, >. »»»?¥§ o fafe D . JetHjjS J^ttdlior, TN TUB ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE aaS"wsass usis.n^!Saa» l rss?: vmot Fsecotor of the wilt or MJGR OOtJELtiY, o*6eased, and to make distribution of theauanoe ra the hands of the aoooutut. will meet the aartieejitereet* *d. Tor the purpoeee orals appointment, oa TUHePAY, the Third Day of July, at S (Tel'wkP.«f.,a*Woffco! t>o.jaa North FIFTH Street* ta the ejtf Jmneflel- JeO-frmwgt* , G£ORQg W, TMOSN, Aaditor. [VOTlCS.—Whereas letters testamentary i V to Ut rntato of AARON H. BURTIS, lau of the eityofPhil»d.lsW»,h»»« bean araatad to to. andar *l»aad, Ml Mmu ladattad to uid adtala .ra requauad to make immediate payment, and thoee having claims „ WM tta.toi»to ll r a «y{syto Nfr XIW #lUHeTßlitat. KXPRESS COMPANIES. _->ir~to FOR CAPE MAY.—Persons pmfiflHa about ' viaitra, CAPS MAY ’oau hi™ iSaiFß«,a«e oallad fftr. ohaotad Trom thair rrai dauoe, wid dauvereflna biard tba Bfa-BtaamaraD»f»- WMtg&F B, •«HJn*kSTk i ?d Buim« »7*o delivered to the Neyr York line*. Orders G*T?faUy and promptly attended to. Offoe Open from e A. M.untirjlP. M. JeH-lSt SignH THE ADAAH EXPRESS and Bpaaie, atthai hy ita o»n Lin*. or In oonnaouon Jl •* "“W VIANpa. dfe PIANOS! PIANOS l ! PIANOS!! U9IVI PIANO-FORTES. MKLODEONS. my!4-1 SEVENTH'fca?b3^S^S\j’f. jfiM STEINWAY A SON’S NEW PA nfFTn TENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS. SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE pIANOS,now pre ferred m ooaoerta and in .private circle# by the Met performers. Received th# fret premiums over the beat maker*, from judge* like obttsohalk. Mason, and athem. Challenge all competition. BlAmUBflßQWfeiV d*~iv u»caaSrNUTsSek COAL. X. W. NEILL & Co.. YARD. 8, B. Corner BROAD nnd OAI4&WKILL, Superior WHITE and LRHIOR ti°Bs aaS-Sro HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We MSSpOarßg&m ... . OsmSS^mSSlck And Aimto nnd aiißnin Mnrdwr^^ PATENT U „ KNITTIM3 MAOSINKS, For flaln Faur JCmitlinr; Machines for flrawerh. Shirt* ho., Ribßiaohlneiofland l J and 1.1 and 2, and 3 and 2- Rib, on handrßd mad* to order. TheM Machines usene plain EngluhSpriag Needle, on a new pnnoinle, an. are the cheapest and meet rapid Maolunee for JCnittin in use. The Goffee Paten Family Knitting Machine,/#r Family and P/owr#** are, la a new and mtooesafhl feature in the usefulnvention* of the age« and malm with the Sewing Mflhine. I adits’ travelling bags F-d manqfaohjrf and for*a!e by 0. F. RUMPP, lie “IfSb,KU«« vonT ß Jof^s h rocK r *™ T OK? t mAR ia!i’ ) iiy«'"»<i.d W « .T.to. ■ IVI THOMAS 4 SOUS." /- - *'"■ Ket. |39 Mi Stratt. >»n»Mio««tof . * . * fHiHSf igpßSrsSaM&ss tII.MOUIfIONCANALBONDS. A*<r t, at *tt BkiUiScltU* Kz »r»,, *‘* U *** * 3 «f»>ir»«e—it <tf ~»b<z» it IHT Bcm . oftExiS ii*»~*i*u.w>. ; SU*f HOV3B BTOCg. ; .ft*ibtrs(tow of tbo M Bn7lb«a *- { -* r -- -/.f Agffiaftty,” >u BMW. "" f “T “" I,u,ra ® f . :jS^3a!»iaait:BjsS*s!K; t ' SEAL ESTATE 8 *LIWUtYIO. 1 ‘ r At B *’•!<*£, boo*. 2&SwSaM^»aaa4a!!f Fhim . R a l).k.jti«« Bixiit»..t)i '•£a. *P w ** b fiwKrtSS! **” ; 50«85SiasSOT«±ttffl£.- "I gssaa*““ faSf ttUM ' "»*«; DWBLLIHO, K*. m tozihird s^fifcawsasar- j —•** tf * : FV»n^l^UKfejSgS^ I,i>SOMS fftbtoitafcft.at It o'ctoaE^nlJ^SaoUMaUe gal# ••rteSHßlK^^§nSS^® »* Full wfaflMlWy 1» -. NEAT oJs£]il®»««u Jon* V, at 10 o'o?A£%ofJ; Gsg£T h 0 * ‘ *&??&£? oSSf ** “»• ■»«“*«<* fii^S§SiS& taro* FkhH mlocm airran* no' nßa»l4sf^?*^E.?yPi c«;g.u,io o'fT^SilSl«2l« toaJSZ' U *‘* T 1 inj?f — IPllllPl SStJatflffilSif! SK?*»l»9w4tS^i»i& .. BUPBBIQB Q?B1CB FItKNITCKB: ‘ Auto. atuiwriorair i«a. ■ - o Al«e. * t»*«rlor jr*i** MAski»«, aU,. k VALUABLE f«V4gU^|i y . 0f . ~..!.**„ *OF&' * *•““,■* •>*■» MetnWAiM ilMrata’d "* "?* .“ 4 V* “"“W* 4 «w ~ MODERN an* ANTIQUEsilts*. . •rtsa&aa?** 1,5 o,< *' •**»■«*—■»* r*» *>-»*. BUPEBlojtpl^t^^^Mi^&fl^z’rorrz* MOSES NAXBAMB, AUOTIONiaa sksmett BIDKMWInfR.. .. ■tnuMMi ant uihty effiaua da are* at half the ™s2Jai?»s£qfSSt“ towSSuSSr is JBgpnmX&Sl | f A ®&Sf- HOTELS. NICHOLAS HOTEL, JJtUADWAT Wfc»|i w*njtt»&4toi nustfa, Cm m? Nl<S?SuB |||p|prr|P^. lwiS“'r£~lk~"m® oaiUddla jta »bn» or It Mgloeiad iaIM jflUUo&rSttSU /*•ewiv rcpoteuoa« s*fcoM* tt.hfStiratflmtT. j»rtn4 inti tti Mii)lS«iitt «*>•»» TEBAIIWSLI,. WHITCOMB, * CO. . TONES’ HOTEL,—The sabsoribu 1 »tet MflrMlfljrjMtetSu* KT. LAWRENCE HOTEL, BROiDWAi Ihe^raJnator’ iSs! rafr COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. TJISSOLUTIOW OF PARTNERSHIP.— Isw? JuMI.IMMa ibSij 6 f. SlkNeTi. WINES AND LIQUORS. i IJIHE VINE-GROWERS' COMPANY OF SS?&TK»pa a i. r 5 1 :3~?«'»«^ ! ffte^'swgfa» O ?B">aTOSSi a»«wrfS€ : *« wiSSS? Sf i5£S &? sassyr oneOosfafuH-a*** WtiMe«h Mdt^wmViff£! u * Abu *- *» ® 4K& $@K i&SSJWtBg. Mate •sas&sSgS^P H^, N *BSX iRANDY.— 7O ~«f«w; in arr^~m*fwfer
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers