'iMA kBSITAISAt THE ERINCiFAL EfEllf ' V sf'mUo’omoc Marxian, - - ' ■■■-■ * ’ - ' £\iZs.Y ’• isSsSSs® - ** 1 ”' 'ipK' , ffEjwvJTri'Oß;, lo !'<r «!s5R* MeeonVey-Fa ' •"' 4^^sSK^K*fw ll . r *. •• IsHtfey. 0 Bffiiuratnt, NJF >‘ « ‘ jTMstMws;*-v . «-• i' J ‘: jt W ItM J V -■ - JameeOtefc-JX; wh£&\ v wfe®?-’ wV'nnSun.KY - : ‘ ?n C n"*"?’j ;N Y ni Porttr F.ri.T, V • „lll® H"*ard. F|ov, RI H BCoedwin. Roetoa ~.. ~&•»-noun. V» ~ .. .., v . toKfeftKK-- : (> ;. 'JWpMtrfnl’chicawo ‘ A^Airao , &M.|fit»>wrc W*&Z'xY Cin ' ‘ Rfflaft fry 8 : . enuitn hopbk-wijWi Wch.etnatetreeta. ;'. OH Falter. WWi Jjm»« WjNail John i. - •. ■? TbeeLfttrae>-Phlta ftfflgßatWy 0 ftrlnta/vw-ft Ckcetar " Chester JBJnhnsira WettObMttr CSwM "■henHey.fto , Gsgt Ot’WssTtTnN. -"' J P GUee r Jr Wilm. Del CTV«*I». Jr:B»!«m,tTJ *•» -shtomsn; Lancaster wmjjharp. Del? ' JOCoßnSaDeFvVt^ ,'.i - S OKttnnton Chester— Mrs *• Ikl'too. Chester oo • pin R kintno. Chetteroo Mm A HkatonjChesL-roo Mies ftteimsan. Laneoo, Pa MissJohwstm.Emewrist Pa Ty^l n . w * r .-. SAmsßurg Mrs T» Mannar. Harriet* QT pride.NY Mi— Banker. Newark,, H J TH Whitnar. Glssaboro F Hun Jen A la. HOetmr, W Frankfort, Ky «Mifnllk, K>* gsaas«.«T, ■... .ssnMS&estf« VmWKCnnr.Dil Prof »«»•, NY '- ' w oGiltot-Btnfetarx JM Martin, Harmbarg XM Kre» tar. Harrisburg W G*rratt. ’SM&&TLa- W D Bom. BanlsW \* Bibbard.Jr. WChsster »r WCbMtar Qbnwr fw W ’W’nrbt. Pa , •A B Millar kj*. Mo . —tMiliar-M«.. - •> Mi—Bjw. Mn -., a » Ctr— takaPnparlor - Jno BAiaraAn.KngUnd-- JCA»milMil.V» , J»«F KtwtijA ® **lymt«B I Tn»tob • * HaiUkTa, W;T - , AJJohMon. ifY -, 1 ChMjapftp'Chaster oo Mi— Johnmn. MfY' * --■< - ' gplryaiaayiMd MraßWnlbrMiraaKY , / ; Mj*Olnver,F«mabarg '••Jy JA* Y . FPShnmfldftr<B—*on ; KBWiMer,RJ •■ liSini p l><tnoMter F WjStorr. W Y '. F«r«orr,Jr,ffY Jaa HaniHoa. W Chatter H Jnmaa * la, Brooklyn Ml— Jamar, Brooklyn' -■' - OWAndraars Baltifn-ra T BOMrtey; B Y •ww Vwndletoa. Baltimore H F Town—dA. N Y OO Bal>. <■ tlaata Oa . J w (^vißfr.JDal WCTe»»!eton.NO C H Caryall. Pa Mr Crawford Cnha • Mra Cisaford; Caba Mi—Cranford. Cnba 8 B CraoforH.PhiU |s.te™te w! .«a^@d'rKu. BBroadbaat.Jvnalt' ' HonAßWoottan.Del Btapbaa Williama, N Y Mia* Winiaw*. N Y MmMatkawa, NY- ♦ ' WMoCnlloaahJßJktort , AHjWaradaiajCarUabk- W H Cosaena. W—t Point ■ Jaa W V—y, Md SMB—llAvidica. O : BBradley.O * CbampiAi it la, Pa • Miu Talkar. fa CBB'aektaiTjjiMl— Mrßqwlmg^fa M&lrßtknfrV Mf-«niah.VfY ■ ’ AMaMßraA.il Y C Pari—, W O fit , J Waidman.UllN B Pboaaix. U 8 Jf; -A J J3a—iTWaahinltton Maat Baaa. yaakingtoa, X A N*wtoa.JJaaloo M Pftotieoo, Maxleo PTaad&sani.Mexioo T M Hartaborn. BaraanA. Jft A flefria*,.Balt -- 1 laaao Rtui. Jr. Balt ; Allanr!Ml '■ 1 fe;rfe&7 > tesi!»j gA o ;lr#uHy: 1 ■ V teyV * ki*Si!i£3i. I ?lfe.i.T 2?«is*sS’ Tw ’ KY MBJIO!JANTB>' HOTBtr-Fowrth ttnat. Mlo« Arch. SS?XTi<££SU, f r 4^aWy™* h T»rlT»*nil»h f S? LY?Bimlb, l^Y John J'Ti*,4r, Pikatoß. Ky . Jamb Smith. Pikatoa, Ky Hon John LBawaos Pa OH 2*yward, Riv*on. W Ajiteknhat -* Oao W Bathtwra, Pa * S %SS£r -F A Footer, St Loma AMBKrCAH aboro Fifth. fps&h: BfJ »a*Ja. Chi'ago H grill th,gj .. v JBO Ml am WCh-rtar FJ’aina*, W Cheater . SwlAriUr-Pofaqlle ,-; JHf*lniM.lAl|it6Kve WH Be*rd*Vy.Jßasb, BO Baoß PodMT. Jr. Phila BJpMßttm. Jr.Faadin Jmß Briaton, w cbeiur pTHer. ay.Bo'ia- , owa . Mr BtalK-Pa- - Mraß M Swan.PhiU Mn M A Botaea. N J w-OCarrantar. iraatrm Igwia Batea. Trentom: : ffeaiPv,:--. fW:?.i»i;. : edsassrasi ■ v'Mai ; Ww WiS«°ai2» i i JON>'M Sixth. - THm 8 k«1I. w« GkMter C£ F.,i. L.isaMter ©Weili, Pla v-L'‘ • D Conran Ohio ThnaFor—tba.Madia . BamlSkank. M J - S3hW;?.P J iii. I^kWJ', 8 * 18 Cbte hi J M G«»<Scar Dal ASJoaaa. Drl Ca-jeb Nearbold. N J , B FHaopock. Nprrii town, BCChe—naM. NY- . . IMiZ&gW?*** 3 oJi CbtuWOUgbi N J '. ;; --r, .L ST.LOUIS HOTEL-Cheetsnt stmt. ab. Third. Joke Randall. Phila Vtff’fßtsr h . a.R H FMamnre Pa , 4* n>«v,Fbtl» • Miss A\) Williams.' Mass; JStnlmeCmm . r - FLornav * family, Cuba? IR Beardsley. CUyeUad . - John Gongfisld, »ontreal! * *?•*£** «l*‘Nr Joeleynoids nfifkwmMllr', , . TJL£o , **7 * family. Pa • ■ r»*ra doer. Del - T HTfesriyer, Canton, O gKDudiscn,Canton,O FO Daniel, 0«l Frank! Dowd, NY • W A Bpenoer,NY WM'IUaIN HOTEL—Second strest. above MiraH; rstsss: a, „: .. kps# -jlijk cba*Hfnry. I* J > J*a J N J MmTWwnn.WJ '>_ko, B twt.r, Del CTMBEfcT iTWaiT?*** . Jr,thwa h Hf>TKL_K»g.,tr»et.'*hmThird. * i&MftflBSS.- Ti|lssfKifeA ,h^ John.iMb^h,Pa OHYrMn. Bethlehem : M Horratown W W Yob,, UtMklehein bw&ffiST ■«* :«M&£petai nuqwssr JMRtKY akBAF BOTBIr-C«Miu) it. below Yu,. Ju Palnrtr. Bnrh. co iJMeMrauo.B«k*oo /fSfeko..™., :-'tegßWSa^? jMt O_W Pyer-Pa ■ • OOMIIKIOIit iOTHl>4ixQr it, ibow CkNtMt iiit. ip£ M , ; ,Swife»»SSie7M ■•" TOKvSHSS!' •’ ajjjfeji§fefr-; , '^jf;f«^WMl«UrSj^»aill* -iA* i: ? -“i. - r Ktt ' or liBTTEES REMAINING 'Si” La tk» PHILADELPHIA POST OFFIO»-np to U b'giook P. U. on Baturd.r, June *. UtO. ' F»nou' sppWtu for odvettM Lettoti »iU «I*“® ,m.»tiontli«d»toofthtLtet., .. ‘ , .. .. ~i ■, (tenn on Bunday fromTX to wtf o'cicck A. H.. owl ato LADIES’UST.. , '. ,- . Albniht EllonD «rtyA«n»i* fAndoloon-M A■ ~ H.rih Stem. B. tci®"#. 1 !? „ nsw . asssJtegSaw'Vy :1« fe|& h ‘ WeV*’ EK 8SW;«^: ,fe®w iwiVoMra-.fe!" g|^Sp B £flfr w = - i«feiss ;s?s&t L ass Iss^ia Bo'l.«lte« MMI KteasoT Koberl.Fr.noe. ißMkter-Bwy-; JohnaMAnneH KowteMary • OampbatfFaiinla.-JonaaMwT Hoy.r.Anna . CartrinAnnaß JohntonMuyV Rowlnnd Vira’a jg.rannljanor K; Johaann njrf , Bobafbaa Mad lOarOUatßrMgat.‘Jujyr’Mark’Mra BaumanßO 'Sls'kMw Ji»hMw > ,&%T nt Ann. C\vanagh > Cath r a KwoWira L D M.raShaw Mra Cha—TCT ' :£deh Chrijwe Bhea dan CUark Joa II MraKao ady B B»wyer A B Coqdon Catb’e ,Kee— Bel>a?s Jalia and Couer Marr nelly Maty A „ Jwit >Craw(ord Mary KKindleber^ato Semple Elisa 'lolhoan Pha’bk Lynoh aUieMra gnowdan R 0 ) Cu»Wßl»* , e laiwia MaryM S-uith Anna 0 • today.Bmma LaveUEL gfaden Mixabeth overlay Aon B: Low AjmaMra Bmith Maryaret Co at— Jane • Ltoter Fannie , . Snath hmeline Contean Frank ' Lawr*n—„H PiUreaveiMra OoveyMaryMrs LeaAnnMri SnntheraEO Oefr—Hien- HmithChaaA Crawford Marg’t Large Lillie Smith Marg't J Oon—r Kata Llvin—tonJ . Btarritothar CoHier Jennie . Lewis t mily J . Biaward Mary A Coiaan Mary Ann LndlowCath A Stewart Harriet i Cork Mary . Laa HaSrah . Stoly Mari ooke OeO Mra MoLeaenlm Ann Sommer Mrs. opper Caroline u MownshahA . gtepbaDton Jane Co bay, Mary ; *ioPartaadJMg’t s BUoyMaryß . Constable Bp. . MoC*oske>Jdary. Bteveoson Mary DeHewaiiyMad MoKenoa Kate gtattier MI DI mond Jane McNabNor* „ A m?..* •>i tor Ann Bra McConaly Adal’a SaUivan Marct Deohaoia Mad. McLaughlin R Htomata Maria UaiStoy Mary Ann MoNaily M gparls K'lan Diamond Mary Meltoam Mary Tlaompacm Jane Dean McCann Annie Travers Manr ue OttViile AH 2 MoCall Mr Tracy Sarah 0 Madame / McCall MOM Townsend H OieklAlletti, McCabe Ketr • Troutman 0 Oonoan Fannie ■ MoGrady Emily Totun Mra_ Dyaa Mana Ai Me<'» oe annle Tomlin—nßD Dock Luther AA McMiobaelL Tray er EL DuffV H* Mn ’ MoMeokenßae Tasker Mrs Everett VMrs M I-aasbUn *1 Turner Wary Krioharm Jea H MoD*»inott Mra Thom— Thereta Evans Bailie t MoLauyhlnA - fiw Ever—tEllenC Maull Eliaal*«th TallmanMrs -Eva—Anna PT.. MarshaU Vo- A Mia , £rjf |y Tilley , Matina R 'X ftri ?!? r S arol iu 0 Ktamaia Susan Martin Margaret Fitnn miohttl -May J E , Wedenbarg JJ 2 piffar'Kobt W..MV Fmlaj Marat Martin Mary Walton Ball . Farri# Aline; ' ■ Mao«nennonK Whita Amanda Frieman r U Mitohsi, JMn Well. K w Fanraao. Mania Mina aEA . Warner Jolia FadanMra- Miicb.llVilen Ward * Mr. Flyman Oath ' Mitxhell Car Whaeter Emily PiahMloaiaa Mifflin Fliiabeth Wait amanda E Forman ttarriat. Miller Kiizabath Water. Love F reaUßridjat Mollar BMn WebattrAtez Fiahrr hnnieK Morphy Jana WetattrAlex Felia Martha .Morrow Mahal. Walker ME itaary-Mery ■ Moore Cath White M Onmnter Sarah Moore Clam Witeon Sarah -IronQ A Mr. Montgomeryl a William. Margt Gl?«ttnOOMn MnnroeKate william, n P Gardner Fannie Monroe Jane - Wilaon Emily Geone law Moore Ma»y 0 ■ Wijcook. Sarah GillapeiMiw MyereMarr A Willon.bby AC Gilbort iB-okie MooneyCafh WillramaonAH Qrsreen M L Mr. Mortar Ell.a W| ford Mary Given. Chari’e MnnkhoeaeA Wiilieroe Mra Gilbert Mara’a A Mnhard Adebna Wiliarn Bn,an (jeirMarjrMra MullanMJ Wiae Carrie Gladnar Sarah , Narano V," L Winnimore Ann Guion Elmira Keleon A Mra Wjo.offO R Gillinihaml Kewon Annie Wood JG Br Oii>l>e Martha M ' Nailor Hattie Writht Alice Ifrifflih Mra Neville Ann Woodward B F Gormtar Martha Oliver Mra Meager Mery Girdle Merit • GENTIBBIEN’S list. , „ . „ „ AdtmaGM I'orwrWm KrotelHeyGT Alt>arC£ Dowdal Pat Kievated JohnH Atkina Thoa A' Bolbr R Kehter F S AI?JSSd.¥A* . DoriontAlf IllLnWm ArratoonteSß Bobnere Mr Kikar {t, Auama Kodolah Dodge SO, w"f t^Sfe.ee Andrew. BH ■ Doran & Co Knight Kngene AlbrightTF UongiaaaEH KmmJB. - Adun.Oilb.rt Brap.r John Kona loma Ad ama Henry M gawr G W latta Attx At km. T A pornellJaa . lan^tarq Abbott l > Bail iho* H longFrannit At.alCh». ' Bupuy Fiarra lanmxWF -. Ainaley John Soyla J P Ivuioat AlahoMo Arvrood Fred Kdwaida Jaa Lana Joe Anthony David K iaon Jacob Lateen ThoaS Andereon P Llliaon * Bon Joe Langbert G Angel Mr Editor. HoielHe- Lanriuth Geo W Anaeraon 0 B ■ porter _ Lambaoh Geo F Ashland Pror A Eldridee E J S; , Lant* HaTnaon Armat-ong Edw > aton Capt Joa’a LengdeilDrC Atwell Gao . gernahaw AB Law A Andereon J HFi fraana BA Lod.eC Ashton Baml P Fib. Jo. LpwlaßW Anion C ' EowardaJH Livlngaton Wm AaronehJno • Fdward.A, Leinnn D Anirfieid J Fl.lridieAlex LivmaHon Riohd An al.Mte Dr J W Ermenr J Le.He Frank Arhlieetß FtikinErik lmwi. Harry AuanerWm H Eta. Mlwlonary Eee/rJa. armatrnna ttm 1 _Aaioaiation LeaderWT Alwaod Fred . Evan. Max Lewie? W Atwater John Evan* GW Lent. Mr AmbeonAdam Fenley A Aahbnry Lenta Wm n rmetronr W J -Merare LengAeM « > htnn 68 Fell OB Lewi. HR Au.tio W H . Fsiroh'ld Rev EB Leamm Jk Sill Antoine A a ' Ferry John Leddiaß AnderemWS Fem Drßo.w’ll LeeThoe Arnold H C Fee. F L [ ewie ttlyi. M BnrahaokM - FennerCG Lewl.Blteha Bailey Jaeob Feneey Harvoy Llppinoott Geo W Baker MM Fell Ke-.er H Lipcincott w S 8. BArd'boeD Flooaoher Mr Literanr Kepou- BhtoheiorChae FilageraldWM tory fc Wav«rly Reier l'h.i , . Flwa K H Magetine BtteaM FDnkJTS LineaeJoe Barrstt 6 Ferohsr Dsnl link Eli J B Bacob A ‘ FliunPat LilteyßA Hell Dayton First African , aßooln H Baldwin ChasC _Bsptist Ch a roh Ljecs iheoT Bancroft R FidtorThos ap—ombß - Barnes J Prod John Lippinir M Bateman Capt WFl—bmuth Jacob & - - ■ Pox G«o_ Lotte Mon*. BambergarAJ Premekß Loogstreth Jr Ch Baker 8 D FiaaoisJoe Lowe John E Barbour C. _ French B Look John Baumann J H Forsythe Jno A Luts F . ... Bushy J—F t Frost Lotbrop Zebed’h Bartlett Peter—n FratceJßr C Ludwig A Co v Bauleman Joe B Fox L T Lountsberrr J Bathler J B Fnoke August , tom b. Bernel»naH.Joe FosterJ’lflmu PuProgress BeUouHwS Frock ohaa Har Wouah ,Nh Rorcenuk John GabauGT FnooonisNolß Bennett A Ruoh GsraenDr Fxoetoior No« Bennstt Jno Ganett wm Gatcenbarg No Born FH Oeikcl JW m l|S , ■ • en*ey A J H * a«e DT TautontoNolt Bear Lawyer. Ga lasher Jas A Prospect No 10T Bell Garret—n A Gaw Robert M Latoyetta ('‘oil Ci - w .GaitaUPPeni - MoCo k.eS 0 Bas—net W H , Prof W. MoCert .y Tbos Her*-A»drew A. „ MoßevntJno Beo'toy Henry - Gallagher Jas G WcQalla Chaa tfentomio eLh , Ga<hartAL ' MoClureAß „ Beontold Baml - George 8 A - McDowell Low 8 Bi'd Jos H GearDanML MeC*rty’vuoh*l Bishop M ff Cegaus Jot n. MoPou.al )r phs Bishop Jo hus «eatin rranois MoCann ‘'lstiope Rev Germ A Brothers MoCasn John B trier Jas , -Messrs, MnCoo Dan’ll Bitner Malias -Gilfin John W MoniureT - Middle J Gillia s' Moß'ide John Glea—nMH McClure A Bro W Minos WC Gll spin Capt Mo insie And'w HakeTG Girard MJ MoEwenMH Ha’kT B GihionJLCM Mellvain Neal StokeKH . Gibbons Wm McLeod Rev J • Stock!!M Gloa-nnAlexM Molntjre Arch’d Bit—OlfTer - Git A Fisdali Molntjre Chas BiocherA • * Me—rt Peter HowersKdL. Gordon Daol . McKlnxe Wm , BotetorCO Gordon Jaa MoL*od John hq ton A Bowen George *t John McGrath A E 3odfield 6 Gnsier R Mcfiv >ine J f* 3 rtoid John Goldman It, MoLausbliirMr RrookACo Gould C A McKinney Robt Gorier Jee goeppMax van M P Boynton A W . Godfrey Ch&a E MoVey John osbysbe IC Goeway Geo MoNelly Wm Boon Geo Gorton f< D MoNevin v alo Bowen Jos 8 . Gray John Maioy Mr Bower BS oro*»me A God- Manigan Jos Bowen Bt „ dard Messrs ■ Mailer Mites HomorslerCM Grand Stephen Magee J H Bro-ardwd Gro—bey A* , Mahon.Aß , Brown Pr J greenwood W Maok Mark M grown Wm C Grepnry DH, ■ Man»fie d John , Brown W A Grindto Wesley Maoutaoturera’ drown A Derola Gredy F Gatette Bryant Grove BP - Madia J Hryant A G M Graham Theo Mftgurek Jae Brooks Geo H - Garator Prrdk Macallnh Mr Brmchlee.Wm B Griffith JoaG MayoHßg Brluckle J , Graham W £ . Martian 8 Hrody A,Co Sami Gorton 8 Mason Robt Bnen John Green JR, i Mtriner Bilw H HrubakerO A „ Ros—tt Michael Maao n Bros Bowman Wm M Hand Jas , Mansfield J V Byrne |irCC R FMtinga F W Marion Chaa J gollionsßevAß Hays Davids Matthew* Thos u—ns.GH Hayes A Co J Ol Meroh J C Burroughs Mr , Harris •» hoe B Mehonev John 8 rgess Chaa . Hag’pton Geo H Mellon Wm burroughs J A, Horrinaton Wm Movers Chaa Buoh&oanLrJ HatrisFP .Meyer Gustav Burke Joe /Harmon Mat Meredith A Smith Burr 0 8 , Haworth Jas Miller Henry Burns John Farmer Wm Mickle John Bossor Jaeob Harkne— N W Milton J W rtorahtWm v»arvty D Miter GW Book Gao - HarneonAmoa MiierSS Bvaool Joshua Ham—n 'a H Mil er James W Boater w L J Has—o Dr f-ewis Mil er John .4 Berr Joshua HetokellWH Mil er W L Cain R H” Hemphill H Mil er A Co Thos Cassatt R 8 - Henry A Co C Mitcham John Cgmpbell Wm Heptor K A Michael J CarryGß . Henderaoo Thpe MimamJohn gham A Heron Abel Mitoheil Jas Campbell A - Heelbronsr A GoMidwinter JnoS CawkwellCW D Mills Ira Gartner Geo - Hey MAE Morns Anthony .T Cook David Hebert J Morehouse Dr G Carter H Harlan Heath Capt John R . Ch&dwiokH A> Keen John Morri—n A Rees Christian SR ' Henry Key T W Morna Prof cnombera BeiakillWH MonroehowOZ Ohonnre Auguste Hander—n Jaa A Morgan W 0 Christie Alei Hancock A Co Moeller w F Chruttoan Jaa Hanaden f > Morton Henry Ckeyney LB Hail A Jijnoy ‘ Morcan Tbos ttf r “ 0 0 Cline John 0 H»|l Isaac Morgan Mr CiinsML - Hilsert John Morris John B Clark J . . Hola.es A CoO MorrikACoEW Clark Ephraim Hicks J H Monnier Alfred Otork R A G Horrls Bani . Morns E W Clark Alfred T HoogeFrea , Morgan A Parker C!ar< Thoa M Horn Peter * Mot Ha ton W G Clement H A Hooker Harry Mudgeytonl Clark TW Hollis PI/ MurfaeKF CooperWmS . Nicilß & h rb chMS sans CoUiatJtsH - Holts A .. Nanfle John w Consnt A walker Hoffmann M Nea<rHoraoeW Col’iM Jofiah Koushtpn H H NeilWmH Cosena W P A Hotly J A North A Cook A B Holton John Nagler A Cox Jaa. _. ~ Howard WG None* Henry uonpej’A.Wella Hoffman J M Nash Prof J A ffifaneell. H & U “‘- Sm “ h & 8«f and 3 A Co Hashes EdwdS (PNeilACo Cooper Rev Wm Hatehinss O OrrAndw CoueratW J Hunter Fred O’Kane Jaa L°gfflJEn*h Hughes Geo oatorJrH S!?ut.wa HigganS Jno Cl as O’Don lell Mr ' gyneman Mo*e» O’Conner John a . Hntohiace A 0 A in w». guoter—n Wm O’DonneTJofan Cowell Wm HntohlnJ 8 O’Brien Jss JatR. - HatUr W R 8/ o*Donnel John Co-ton A F Hashes pranois OrwlgJß Cooper HL Olaon C Cornell Wm H Hunt a. Panison Oates Jas Gaboon Turner HnaheaJohn Patton E Cenway Itami* Jrf»n Robt J’almer Geo CrowthßT* Wm Juken B G Patter—a K Crosby Wm H Irwins Jas Talker Jas A Curry C S„ Isaac—n H Pant Robt Crawford Geo Jtcanlean Palm«r R H Onlioßobß . Jaoohl Solomon PaMon Harry Croo>sJuhn Jenkins Benj Paine h «vnAB C«u>eJ,- JamesmCapt JLPesamore kobtD Cnswford A Co . Jennings Tnos Packaro JW n gWmH . James Edwin PartndreE F rawford John James Peter Pereival JacobH arroll Joe Jacob* Kami Phmney Cap J H S Darea L L Justus Geo 0 Peterson Geo. Davis Thoa Johnson Wm Peteroon A Mar* ' \ JohneonThosA sbw Davis AW Johnson Henry Peacock, Cham- Davepport Wm John—n Be>mH „bersACo A Dsaghady. Ham-Johnson Hen-D Peroe Elbert Hfond A Co Jobe—□ OhM B Phil p« Fred Davis Thos M John—n Rev C (T Perry Thoa DalrimpleB B Johns aA Co l W Peatt Frank Darling K 8 Joh"—nJ/JH Par—us John M DavisBD 1 JonesSCTS penhalow Capt DavlmD Jones RR t . PVI D—al Peter V Jobes WmR -Pendergast Jno Oevereox Thoa Jones J K Pfeiffer F Delany itonl Jnlmmm Robt . Peck Chan , peweee OW -- Joses Jacob A JMlookA Dertx, SproleA JoyceDrTFrsn rownallWß -'Besrr Johnston John G Powel] Wm F JnbnstonACo Powell 0J Detaas (iso A KeennnP - -Pomro< Riohard ■sspfi fesaffirYsn fev, Itt^raak :ffl!a , H3jJ/ k T'’ s** " Ffie.t A M H KSki%"' i f d K« r H Pratt John raiklr l a i K“*»J fc Smith Pobof pern jneteneßjaen Xeirjaa Pubof LatrJour , Ktein F . . ■ Fatve.Wm yrsjl™ A Knott Wm Onion Biwp B«<«efJ Onion Wm A Dr *t Deani, tUmmerteJnoE IJinedell Henrx RayDr 11 • • &®nion* J‘M. _WalterNalU T N R*fd Andy ~ Simpson,Wm 3 , Walker F RailjrprJß - §SneTltoßlB A ' Reynold*BPM SidebotbaniiJr O WartigEdwd Rho&derH Simmons Rawd Ward Hon A Reynold* JoslC Skilly Thos WarrenP H., Rest Jo«J . , Sioavsjfeuj Warner FwL ; Rettashata A Sin tn M - Watson JnoP_ RebiieUx Don F Sm th 'John- Walker Sc Foster Rhyan Martin 8m th G Wire. &CoA IV Read Ohas 8m th Rev D Weiseltaolfs Dr C J A t m Wm G Weber « :' Read Wm 8m thH A- Weadler John Rees John BmthK&ES WethertllFV' ■ • •RideriWm Sm th 'v S Weetenberger RjohNath . _ BrathGeoP Wm - _ • -Rtohardeon Sc Re- Soder J R • Weymhn Sc Son r.bm* _ Sperry John J We*ner Sami F RidglevDrG. Spring Park Wells Che* Riv«*Wmß Sproat H C ' Wetherbr h Riohard*Ch as G;, Steven* Ja* _ Welsh PDr Kiobard* 8 A - Sfcearn* Wm H Wentz E M 'Riddell E • - BtadeJaeC White Rhi Kioe Marshall 8 BtramJno White ThoiW RtahterOeo W‘ Staymsn John R ’ White John A ; ' Rolan Chat BtookJG White <'«o C Romt.gsSa - Stanford Geo W. White JDeffDr Rooinion Ja* F .Steven* Abel White John E. Romand H -. Stuatt tCoD, White Bradford , ißotherhnraGeo Stovenaon Hugh eWhitne* G G RoMocran* John Sutherland Hugh Wheeler Gervase RobinioaJH SylvisWmH Whetham Geo llookhlllEdwd Bwunertoa Oapt Wheeler A Rowland Dr J 8 O Sami A Wheaton Enoch Rourke G Taah Joan Wharton W T Robinstra Dr Jno Talmage RevG Wharton A , , Kowlen Cha* E aype J hos_ Nlioheson Robert* EM < Taylor AB Dr WjcoxJDL , Robbins John R Taggart John F Wiillsßev Wm V ; 1 Basse ft. JA* 1 Taylor A R Wats Harry 8 < Rowell Robert Taylor Daniel WldnerßevDr ■ Runeuelfleo Taylor J Jones Wmdlo Wra SanlterCarl , TapleyGB Wilkin* Rev Wm BamuleaHenry Thomas EG • Winsor Henry Sa*s J K Thornton Sami Wilson James Schramm Martin. Time* John *• Wilson W_ Sohmael Jacob fi Tilton CaptE Wi son & Co BandtTheo • Tho/nlldeen C Wi *m« 8 AGen Schaffer Bov C W Thornton Baml Wil iams A K r Sailer Randolph Thomas Cant J Wiliam* £dwv Bshane J B Tibbels T Cant Wri fame JH Rev SohabOeo, Thompson OS William* Brown * copia Cap Thompson John * lt v°_ - T __ Pobupp A ’inffrtfW Wifameon Ja* Sayre Mortimer Tock-r G H . S] £» Sontt Sc Co R Tuthill Jsraes Wi liani* AK* BohnWl C H Tyson -A „ i&iwtCo W tiobuylhill Iron Trout RobtS Wean w H Work* Townsend TV W{|lson Pchneider B To* nsend G N Willson Dr M Soharhaok Sc Took*y.J _ WiHaon A • Knblmus . Tompkins JnoC Willson A B SohaeffepP Tookey J WiUsonJoimß Seely* Rev R E Caot J Wilson Robt Seymonr W P - Townsend Sc Tit- Wilson Isaac Semple l >r J E comb * Wilson Harry, _ , Search Geo J W Underhill RH Wortendyke JK strall Geo TJpham Jr Jame* Wood Franklin ShemWSO U»*wofthJnj J 3 Wooller J PDr Bhermatt Mr * liman G Wood Mr Shimwellßenj Voorhies ! F Wood Ohas Rev GhermanB V Van~erson W 8 Wood BSW Shield* Rev JM Voss John H Wood David ShieldsJaa Vannuohi , WoodslAbethia , Sbarpiey dam Veterinary Col- Work ’famuel Shearman F H lege Worrell Wra Shearman F B Vanoy W Grant Wolfe W R Bherman Hteph n Vauosten J B Woolsoy R W Shendaoe Rev MVan Sartwood Woodward K Shepperd J F - Rev 0 , Wright Joe Shoemaker Sc Wa»c, Babcock Wnsht Alex M Shaffer Bigg* - Werst Lorenso^ Shenk Samuel WaltorWmP Zabritkie R’v FN Bharpe Dr Wm Wa»*on J F Yoang CJ*as Sheehan Rev C Walton J D X® a *, e r?i,F hnitiac Bhortwell Capt J W«rrenß G Ziyel Thomas Simpson A Co A N. B. BROWNE, P. M. IMPORTATIONS, (Reported tor The Prose. 1 SAGUA—Brig Resolute—263 hhds 90 hbla molasses Stewart Carton A Co', 7 bb!e molasses 1 to euear order. LON BOND RKY—Bark Prime Donna—2oo tone pi* iron 8 mdse RTaylor A Co PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. J. ROBB BNOWOBN, / tAML. K. STOKES.. } Coxmikbb op thh Month, ICHARD 0, DALE, V __ LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Bhip Saranak, Rowland. . Liverpool, Jane 85 amp Norway, "ajor. —..-.....H0ne Kook, toon ShipGeorgeßaynes Savage....— Valparaiso.soon Bark Thomas Dallett, DiU . —.... Laguavra. toon Bark Mary EUxabeth Hiohborn.— Montevideo, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OV PHILADELPHIA. June 11, 1880, lIVK RISES———4 86-BUN BETS-——7 2i ttIQH WATER, 8? •n ARRIVED. „ . Steamship Kennebeo, Johnson. H hours fromN York, with mdse and passengers to 4 AUderdioe. Off the Buov on the Bmwn, passed a full rigged brig at anohor; off Sombar Hook Bar saw a bark at anohor, upward tnund. Steamship Kensington. Baker, 48 hours from Boston, with »"d«e to Henry Wtnspr. Baik Priraa Donna, MoGuikeo. 23 days from London derry, with pig iron and 110 passengers to Robt Taylor Sc Co. On the Sd inst 250 " lies off Cape Healopen, eaw ship Zjred. hence for Londonderry. Brig Reso<nte. Bill. 9 days from Sagua, with molasses to Stewart. Carson Sc Co. „ t SohrSsco, Newham. 8 days from Newburyport, with mdse to Oeo A Wood. , _ .. „ .. Sehr Triumph. Artis. 0 days from Boston, in ballast to N'-We. Hammett ACaMwall. „ _ flohr Wm H Mailler, Colbv. 6 days from Boston, with 700 bales hemp to Weaver, Fitter A Co. „ Bohr Rescue, rettiugiU, 5 days from New Bedford, withoiltnThainAMoKeone. Sohr Isabella Thompson, Corson. 6. days trom Wil mington. N C with naval stores and shingles to cant. Sohr John Whitby, Henderson, 1 day irom Odessa Del, with gnunto Christian* Curran. » Sohr Geo w,Krebs, Emerson, 2 days from Baltimore, with salt to Captain. „ . ... « , Schr JI • Hevenn, Pearce, 1 day from Dover, Del, with oorn to ias,Barrett Sc Son. _ . Sohr Telegraph. Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Del,with corn to Jae Barrett A Son. v , , . Schr >*nnie Virden, (new) Chambers, 1 day from Lawes,JDei. with grain to T W Parker. Sohrßeulab. Bra*g, from Boston. Sohr J B Austin, Dans, from Boston. Sohr Mary Haler, Haler, from Boston. Sohr W C Nelson. Smith, from Providence- Schr A J Horton. Elwelj, from ttuinoy. Steamer P THaartt. BtdeU.l4 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co* CLEARED. . 'Steamship Slate of Georgia,Garvin,Savannah, Alex Delaware. Cannon, N York. J AUderdioe. Bark Cordelia. Farrell, Barbadoes, T Watson A Sons. Brig Mary E Thompson, Niohols, Searsport. G Stock- Brig S Thurston, Lsmphera, Cardenas, SAW Welsh. Sohr Geo Byron, Hardy, Ctenfuegos. do Sohr Triumph, Anur, Boston, Noble, Hammett A Ca d weil. Sohr J B Austin. Davis, Boston, N sturtevant A Co. Sohr Marjr Hsley. Haley, Boston, BUklston A Cox. Bohr 8 A Hammond, Paine, Boston, Baum. Ogle A Co. Sohr A B Hayes. Robinson, Taunton, 0 Miller A Co. Bohr Empite, WaU, Georgetown, PEI, Cox, Wood- W Bohr Beulah. Bragg. Salem. Nevin, Sawyer A .Co. Sohr w c Nelson. Bmith, Newport Repolier A Bro. Sohr A J Horton, TSlweli, Qmnoy. C a Heokeher A Co. Sohr Chas Kent. Brown. Baltimore, Thoe Webster. Jr. Sohr W P Phillips, smith. Braintree R R CorsonACo. Sohr D Ml Meserole, Smith, Sioningtdn, 8 Rothermel A Co. Sohr Snow Flake, Warrington, Boston, 8 Rothermel A Co. Str C C Alger. Fenton, Alexandria, Thoa Webster, Jr. Str Henry I* Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. . BY TBLXOBAPH. 'Correspondence of tne Pbuadehjhia Exohange.) LEWES, Del., Jana 9 Our harbor is entirely olear of vessels, excepting three fishing schooners. Passed up smoe my last, one bark and three brigs. Passed to sea. one bark and three brigs, names not ascertained. Wind fresh from WNW. Yoart. W, M. HICKMAN. MEMORANDA. Bte%mship Coatsaooaloos. Wilson, from New Orleans via Havana 6th inst. arrived at New York 9th Inst. Steamship Tetaan Carver, from N*w York, via Charleston. Ao. arrived at Havana 9pth ult Steamship Boston, Crocker, hence, at New York 6th Knte Grey Fagle, Hughes, from N Orleans, at Havana 30th ult Ship Kste Swestland. Thayer, oleared at New York, Oth inst. for Melbourne. Ship DreodnouthtTSamuels, for Liverpool, oleared at N*w York Oth mat. Bark Mfdora. Willi, hence, at Boston B'h inst. Bark E Ohu’chill, Carle, for Philadelphia, sailed from Cardeo«s2dinst. Sark Fame, Kennedy, sailed from Cienfuegoa 28tbult for New York. , Bishop, palled from Cienfuegoa 26th Bark Arcadia, Kallooh, henoe, arrived at Cardonas 25th ult Brig Gov Bull, Arthnr, henoe, arrived at Cardenas hhult Brig H Means* Treyvorgv bento at Boston Bth mat. Sohrs 8V W Bimmons. God rey. and M E Haley, 80- mers; hence; and R T Garrettson, Grace, from Delaware Oily, at B< s*on Bth inst. Brig Neptune. Ball, henoe at Queenstown 96th ult. bohrs A Hammond. Paine, and R B Howlett. Somers, oleared at Boston 8»h mrt for this port. Bohr Rhodella Blew, Peterson, for this port, sailed from Baker’s Landing. Warwiok.Tth inst Sohr Mary and Adeline. Jrnkins. amt Gazelle,Naylpr, for this port, sailed from Nevnaryport7th'ir<*r. Rohrs Rnbto* rson Weinwright; Richard Thompson, Lloyd: Pequonnoek. Burroughs; Viola. Haskell; Llouise, Thatcher; L ** Levering, Corson, and Fanny, Mayhew, he oe at Boston B'h inst, Sohr Isabel. Taytor, henoe «t Pawtooket 7th in*t. Bohr M R Shepard, for this port, sailed from N Haven 7th inst. Sohr Arietta. Robinson, henon at N London 7th inst. Pchr Fi'ed Reed. Mo Almon. henoe at Portland 7th inst. Sohr Boston. Brower, henoe at Providence 7th inst Sohrs Sarah Mmge. Maver* GeoDeering. Pmkham: and Emily, Thoo,pson, for Pmladolphia, oleared at New York flth inst. Bohr D Townsend. Townsend, from Havana, arrived it Baltimore Bth inst Bohr D 're'and. Baker, from Boston, arrived at charleston 6th inst. Sohr J C PaUereqn. Mulford, from N Yoik, arrived at Jacksonville 28tb ult. _ Bphr B Knowlei. Ituler, .ailed from Alexandria Bth inst for Philadelphia. BobrEL 8 Wales. Hoffman, henoe, arrived at Wil* mincton. N C,7th inst. Sohrs Peroy Heilner, Barrett, and M'M Freeman, Nickerson, henoe. arrived at Boston Bth inst Sohrs H W Meek*. Godfrey; R 8 Miller, Gifford; Fan cier, Clark; and w Paxton. Stephenson, sailed from Salem Pfh inst for Philadelphia 9 *ohr Ceres. M eredith. lrora Boston for Philadelphia, sailed from Holmes’ Hole Bth insit also sailed ooers D E Wolfe, Nedtune, It M Mayo, and all others before re ported in port. Sohrs Smith Tuttle. Mayo, and C A Stetson, Rioh, sailed from Provinnetown 6th inst. Btni Anthracite. Jones, and Bristol, Alien, henoe, ar rivodftt i'ew York9thinst. LEGAL. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS fij FOR THE CITY ANJ) COUNTY OF fHILADEL ELEA NOR B. BCHWARZENBERGF.R, br her next friendP&o. va. LIPMAN SCHWaRZENBERGER. Decomber Term. 186), No.'2. Alias subp. To LIPMAN SCHWARZENBERGER. Respondent. Sir; lake notice, that tjie Court of Common Pleas has granted a rule on yon to *how osuse why a apincuio matrimonn sbontd not be decreed m the above case. Returnable on SATURDAY, Jiyie 16. 1860, at ten o’olook A. M. FREDERICK HBYER for Libellant. June 7,1860. j«8 4t* Lett ebs op administration upon the estate of JACOB MOLZ. deoeased having been granted by the Register of Wills to the undersigned, all perrons indebted to said estate will please make pay ment, and those having olaims present the same without delay to MARY MOLZ, Je4-ro6t* No. 333 CALLOWHILL street. IN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS i,tSS. THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA-- DELPHI A. In tne matter of the Petition of Insolvency of M . ( CHAR' E 8 T. A. fcIMONIN, 3 Notioe.ls hereby.given that the subscriber has ap plied to the Cou t of Common Pleas for a fi.ial discharge, uodfr the proviiipiS of the insolvent laws of this Com monwealth, ehiob said application will be henr<i br the of Common Pleas, at the oonrt room of said oourt, midtile builainr of the State House, Philadelphia, on the 93d dar of June, A. D. 1864, at 10 o’olook A. M„ when and where all the creditors of the undersigned m,y attend, if they think propet _ OnSnLco r. A, WIM^’NIN, myai-mwfßt* 14,18 COLUMBIA Avenue. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. THE MUTUAL ABBURANCE COMPANY for In suring Houses irom Loss by Fire vs. ANNA w, ODENHBIMER. Ex'outnx of JOHN M. ODEN HEIMER and JACOB GILLIAMS. Trustee. Levan Facias, December, 1869. No. 898. .... The undersigned has been appointed Auditor to re port distribution oftbe fund raised by the sale of the following-desonbed real estate, to wit t All that certain three-story bnok messuage or tenement ftnd lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side of Walnut street, at the disiaooe of tweuty-five feet westward from the west side of Fourteenth formerly called Juniper street, in the said city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Walnut street twenty-five feet, and extending in length or depth northward of that width two hundred and thirty-five feet to George street; bounded northward by the said gjwwa Street, southward by the said Walnut street. !L-£5. ground late of Edward Shipsen Bard, and w««f>rjMßsd granted by the eaid Edward Bhip pen Sardto Coleman Fisher. * Greeted in the fund are notified to pre- Mw Auditor, at his Offioe, No. 349 South SIXTH Street on'IUESDAY, the 12th day of ** M*» or be debarred from oomincm upon the same, Jel-lOt JOHN F. BRINTON, Auditor. Garden andparlor vases, sta .tuary, Fountains, Ornamented Flower Pots, Ranging Vase», jko., o< Terra Cotta, manufactured and for saie, wholesale and retail. B. A. BARHISON. ■T, lOln aHRSTNCTSt KOSIN. —2,000 bbls Shipping Rosin, in store and forsale by ROWLEY, ASHBURNEfi, ft no-No IK* WWaTfVkH • ; * ffIAR AND PITCH.—27S bbls Tar, 850 X Km Tar, .7. bbta Pitch, in .tore and for «al« br HOWUBV. AtOfSURNBH, A 00„ X 6 SOUTH WHABVEB, (a THE PRESA—PHILADELPI I!A. MONDAY. JUNE li, 1880. riMIB l. A RAILJiOAE. !f BO MILKS DOUJIJjE TRACK. iB6O. iB6O. THE SAPACIT OT H« ROAgWWW EftUAL b3HSF B«Wo, pounaoting diraotat fhiladelphja *ith Through Train, from Bolton, Mow York, and all point. Ea*t, and in the -the. furniahing faotlitie. for tha tran.pprtatlon of passengers unsurpassed for speed ana oomfort by any ot &rew te and Fast Line* ran through to Pittsburg, without change of Car* or Conductor*. All through Pas senger Train* provided with Loughridge s Patent , Brake—* peed under perfect oontrol of the engineer, -thus adding muoh to the safety of travellers. Tsmoking Cat*areattachedtooaohTrain; Woodruff’s Sleeping Can? to JBxnress and Feet Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILYi Mail and Fast Lines, Bun dWSaa?l°s?ain leaves Philadelphia at 7 80 A. M, Fast Lice “ 11.50 A. M, - Express Train leave* “ 10.45 P.M. , #AY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS* Harrisburg Aooommodation, via Columbia, S P. M, Columbia - “ 4.00 P. M. Farkesburg “ 6.40 P. M. Westchester 1250 P.M. ~ .. _ West Chester Passengers will take the Mail, West Chester Aooommodation.and Columbia Trams. Passengers for Snnburr, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falla, and intermediate points, leading Phi ladelphia at 7.U A. M. and 3 P. M. go direotlr Tickets Westward may be obtained at the offioes of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal timore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offioes in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio Fare always as low, and time as rniek, as by any ot For ?urther information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast comer of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western oonneotions of the Pennsylvania RaurOad to Chjoago.make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THg EAST AND THE GREAT WEBT- _ _ The oonneotion of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all dravage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantagesreadilv appreciated by Bhipppers of Freight, anil the Travel ling Pubho. Merohanta and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, oatf rely with oonfi degoe on its speedy transit. _ . _ THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by tbo Penns) lvania Railroad are at alt timet as favorable as art charged by ciktr Railroad Companies . tSr Re particular to mark packages “ via Fenna. Rail road. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com pany • 1). A. STEWART, Pittsburg; H.B.Pieroe A Co., Zanesville,O.; J. J. Johnston, Ripley, O.j R, MoNeely, Mayaville, Ky.; Ormsby A Cropper, Portsmouth, O.j Paddock A Co., JeflersonviUe, Indi ana: H. W. Brown A Co., Cincinnati, 0.; Athern A Hiboert, Cincinnati, 0.; R. 0. Meldrum* Madison, Ind.: Jos. E. Moore, Louisville, Ky.; P. GTO’Riley A Co,, Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham A Co., Cairo. lU.: K. : F. Sass.Shalor A Glass, St. Louis, Mo.: John 11. Har ris, Nashville, Tenn.j Harris A Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke A_Co,* Chicago, fIJ.:W. H. H. Koonts, Alton, 11.: or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points n the West S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. MAGRAW A KOONS, 80 North street, Baltimore. LEECH A CO., 1 AstorHouse,or IS.WUliamat.?fc,Y, LEECH A CO.. No/77, Bute street. Boston. I Jtf-lT BSwrOß ELMIRA ROUTE.— PHILADELPHIA AND EL MIRA RAILROAD. ROUTE to Tamaqua, Catawissa, Ru pert, Wilkeabarre, Scranton, Danville, Milton. Wil liamsport. 'iroy. Ralston, Canton, Elmira. Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Rochester. Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo. Chicago, St Louis, Milwaukee, and all points North and West Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia And Reading Railroad, oorner BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, (Passenger entrance on Cal lowhill street,) daily (Sundays exoepted), for above „....B.fcA.*f; NIGHT EXPRESS 8.30 P. M. The 8.00 A, M. train connects at Rupert, for Wilkes barre. Pittson. Soranton, and ‘all stations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. The above trains make direot connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Fails, and Buffalo Hailtoads from all points North and West, and the Canadas. Baggage cheoked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and all intermediate points. Tiokets oan bs procured at the Philadelphia and El mira Railroad Line's 'J loket Office, northwest corner of SIXTH and CHES i"vUT Streets, and at the Passenger Depot, corn'r of THIRTEENTH and CALI OWHILL. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Broad am Callowhill streets daily (Sundays exoepted), for al points West and North, at 6 P. M. Freights must be delivered before BP. M, to insure their going the same day. For further information apply at Freight Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, or to CHAS. 8. rAPPEN, General Agent, Northwest oorner SIXTHand CHESTNUT Streets, apU-tf Philadelphia. 1860, sun 1860. SPRING ARRANGEMENT-NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA- From Walnut-street Wharf, Will leave a• follows—via t At 3A M, via Camden and Amboy, C. AA. Accom modation. ~. .$3 35 At 6 A M, via Camden and Jersey City (N.J.)Ao oommoaetion.._~ ...... *si At 9 AM, via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail—.. 3 00 At 11 AM, by Steamboat, viaTooonrand Jersey City. Western Express...... 3 00 Atl>!s P M, via Camden and Amboy, Aooommo dation-~~ 315 At* P M, via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex- press ~. 8 00 Af4 PM, by Steamboat via Taoony and Jersey City, Evening Express., 3 00 At 4 P M, by Steamboat via Taoony and Jersey City, 3d Class Ticket* - 3 35 At 6 P M, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mai1.*........ 3 00 715 Camden and Jersey City, Southern At6PM*via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger,>-m Class Ticket, 525 Id « «» is) The G,E M Mall Line runs daily. The 11P M, South ern Mail, Saturdays excepted. For Belvidere, 1 *«ton. Lambertville, Fleminrton, Ao.,st6AAi • .■ -f f‘ '*. fram Walnut-street wharf, and 7.10 A M from i.'i.igton. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Soranton. Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 6 A. M. from Waraut street wharf, and 7.10 A. M. from Kensington, via Dola ware Laokawennaand Western R*R. For Mount Holly, ate and 9 A. M., a and 4H P« M, For Freehold, at 6 A. M., and 3 P, M. WAY LINEB,. For Bristol. Trenton, Ao., at SH and 4 P. M, from Walnut street .wharf, 7.10 A. M, and 6X F. M. from Kensington* ( i ForPalrayri,'Riverton, DeJancC, Beverly, Bnrllne ton. Florence. Bordentown, Ap« at 12K, l,and4XPv M. di!S«. for a * ento ' ,n »<■ gBi»»mbo»t Treotonfor Tuocny, at II JL M. and Taoonr, Boveilj, Burlington, and Bnatol, at 4 P. M. Fifty Pound, of Ba*saiio,.only, allow.# each Pa.ian rar. Pa«on..r.are prohibited from takinganything a. bapfasa but their wearing apparel. All baggaga over fifty pound, to tw paid for extra. The Company lim t their re«pon.ibllity lor, baggage to One Dollar per pound, and wilt not be liable for any amount be,ona9loo, ex eept by .peeial oontraot, apis WM, H. OATZMER, Agent fgg m PHILADELPHIA. GER MMiKB MANTOWN AND NORRIS* TOWN RAILROAD-SUMMERARHANGKMBNT.- . 011 lB6o ' Leavo Philadelphia 6,7, 8. 9, 10,11. and It A, M., 1,1, BX, 4, 0, 0, 6 H, 7, 8. 9. 10*. and liX P. 55, ’ 9.00 min. AM., 9,8,0, 7R, and Leave Germantown 8.10 mis. A M., 1.10 min.* 4,6%, and9X P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 8, 8,10,19 A. M., 1,4,8, «X, 8,9, and loXr, M. Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.40, 9.4011*40 A, M„ L 40,8.40,0.10,8.40, and 1.10 P. M. Leave Leave Chestnut Hill 7£o A. Id., UAO, TlO* and 9.10 rainy P. M, _ FOR CONBHOHOCKRN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 0.40.7 X, 9.06. U.Q*, rain., A. M„ 1.00. iAA. 4X, 6A5,6.50, and 11X P. M. „ Leavi* Norristown 6,7, 8.00, 9, 11 A. J 0.., IX, 4X, f and 7X P. M. _ ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and 8 and 5 P. RL Leave Norristown IK A. M., 1 and 6 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. ‘ *7oN SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia B A. M., I, I, and 8 PM. Leave Manajunk7XA.M., lK, 6-s,and 9>i P.M. - H b^®M e steOT t ° r .a. fw__nMMMrj PHILADELPHIA fImKBAHD READING RAIL POAD.-PASSKNGpR TRAINS for POTTBVILLE. REAPING and HARRIBBURG. * MORNING LINE> DAlLY,(Sundays excepted.) Leave New Depot, oorner of IfKOAD ana UaLLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on'thirteenth ami on streets »at B,to A. M., oonneottnr at Ratrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILKOADi 1 P. M. train runmnv to* Pittsburg ;'t ie CUMBERLAND VALLEY 105 P. M. tram running to r.hamhenburg, Carlisle. An ; and the NORTHERN OEMTHAI; KA.II.ROAI) IP. to. tr&ln, running to Sun bury, Ao. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHlLApELPHlA.d'aesenKerentranoei on Thirteenth and on C&Uowhill streets,) lor POTTS YIMiE "Mi HARRISBURG, nta.MP. M.. DAILY, for i -.«•*, at fi P. M., DAILY, (Sundays ex* eneme.i DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING _ RAILROAD, From P{LLadklphi4 Miles. ToPHcßnixviUe. Raiding....„ 631? Lebanon.B6 .... • . .-.112, Dauphin.--.. ~.124 Millersburg. ~.142 Trevortoadunotion. .168 Sunburr 169 Northumberland 171 Lewiaburff~_~ 178 Milton—. Munoy..— —— **.. S'S=il Troy. °-*rrTA.. Williamsport and Elmira Elmira- »~~»*287i Railroad. J-CJ 1 ® W*. s-i) P. M. train oonnoot daily »jJS-tf W. H. JfoILHENNEY.gMr.tar. SPRING ARRANG E ■W=K9kment. PHILADEU.HU rio^ffi WaTON, JJ4D lIALTI ll!S r /!4 timorofttB,U ™ ** Eoon,(Kipro«? ; ) p.cq , For Cbe«t« r at 8.18 A. M., 13 noon, MB, 5.00,7.00 and 11.10 r. M< , Por Wilmln,Um»tB.ls A. M., u, J.IA, CM, r.oo:«nd 11.10 a. K 1 • For Now Cutis at 8.15 A. M., and 5.00 P. M, For Middletown at 8.16 A. M., ana 6.00 P, M- For Dover at 8.15 A. N.. and S.COP. M. For Miirord at 8.15 A. M., anq 6.00 P. M. For Seaford at 8.15 A. M., ana 6.00 P. M. For Laqrol at 8.15 A. M..and 6.00 P. M. For Salisbury at 816 A. M.. and 6.00 P. M. „ TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. Mi, (Express,* 10.18 A. M., and 646 P.M. “XeaveWilminrton at 6.60,8.80, and U.SO A, M„ 1.41, 3JM ana 8.35 P. M. ’ Leave Salisbury at 6.20 A. M„and 3.00 P.M. Leave Laurel at 6.15 a. and 8.40 1*. M. Leave Seaford at 6.46 A. M., and 4.00 P. M Leave Milford at 740 A. M. ( and 440 P. M. Leave Dover at 8.05 A. M., and 540 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10.08 A. M. and 7.05 P, M Leave Now Cutfoat 8.00,1045 A. M., and 8.00 P. M. 7,401 9 ’ lo, U,WjL 3.22,847 and for SaUsbur y Delaware Rail 'o&d at 10.15 A. 51. g «a;®gp, m. A L j£ v ° Wilmmston dt B.M A, M.ji.mp.m,, and 1140 FiIKIGHT TRAIN, OAK sttuhed, ,laoMato I f!^ ™?ern r 'ris*'aiid mtarmediat# plaoeaat o«l I I> 1 . n fi t f’ n fcr P " rrlTi,la «ad intarmadiata plioeVStYl6 ! p i .”fe t ?' > lor PUta,tal »M» and Intarmadiata atea?S r 6i d iMr afor Balhra °™nnd intermadi- M t te. f l. Ha '' re - d °- Gr “ 8 “> d giisSfaiSsaL l ' *8” . 8. M. FhLTON, President SMHB PHILADELPHIA AND KEDIJCTIONo A F D FARM! ILROAI) ' ErJmPrJix’A 1 the oiEoo of the company. No. 227 South FOURTH Street, at a redqotion of twenty-five per cent, from the .regular fares. Parties wishing to enjoy the Summer in the Country will find this a very desirable Jfpute, *he Sohuylkill and Lebanon Valleys being among *n?« to?* 1 ba&utiml *ad healthy in the State, and aooos *ible by four trains from and to Philadelphia daily? T TSHPS :* fa., -fetora i J UTLA.UELPHI & AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL, RAILROAD-SUMMER BOARDING.—Trains leave ie depot of the West CUosteraud Philadelphia Railroad ), Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.05 A.M. and 2.30 Depot at 10 45 A. M. and 5.45 V. M. V eave Avondale 8.16 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. , „ • 'he Stage Line to oonneotwlth 10.45 A. M Train from P) iladelpbia and 8.15 A. M. Train from Avondale. • Freights for this line received at No. 1816 Market Bt. daily line of stages to and from New London and Ox lordoonneota with th 07.06 A, M. train from Philadel*: lia.'ftuii the 3.70 A. M. tram from Avondale. The beau- Ul soenery and well-known heaUhtulness of Delaware ,nd Chester oounties offer superior inducements to ;hose looking for summer boarding. A. B, BURTON, . Philadelphia, Mar 14. 1860, 3m Superintendent. B fi T t: .> i IMPORTANT TO i gjHjjgjall PLEASURE SEEKERS! T«E PENNB Y IiVAN IA RAILROAD COMPANY offers advantages unequalled by any other line—to per sons seeking HEALTH or RECREATION FROM JUSINERB daring the warm weather m tiie issue of KxctrnsioN tickhth, on and after June 20th, 186 J, to ORBHson* At.toonx, Bkdfobd and Epurata Spbixob, and coupon tickets for twenty-six trtps , for the use of PAMiMse, to and from points near the city, Tiokets toCoßssoN Hotels, at the summit of the Al legheny mountain—good for a round trip toithinlQ days—'o be had for $7.60, Tickets to Altoona, where invalids and others will find splendid hotel accommodations, good for round trip within 10 day s— faro $715. For-Bedford Springs— Passengers tlokoted to Hope well, on the. Huntingdon and Broad Top Railrrad, and for Broad Top City to Blair’s Station. Kxoursion tio £»ts, 87.i6t single trip* 80.40. Two daily lines of coaches ounneot with the trains. Baggage ohanged at iuntingdon without extra oharge. Passengers to Epbrata Springs take stage front Lan caster. Tiokets for Round Trip, 8«; Single Trip, 82,25. Passengers to local jminto on Pennsylvania railroad EAST OF DOWNINGTOWN canjprooure tiokeisforM trips good for anv member of the family, at a discount of 25 per cent, below regular rates. 1 he above ttekets ana further information to be had after June 20th by application at the office of the Penn sylvania Railroad Co., southeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. _ __ „ _ THUS. MOORE, Agent. Lxwis L. Houpt, Gen. Tioket Agent. Jeslra fgwgcmM WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD.Km _ JT_. VIA MJRBJA, CHANGE OF HOURS. On rim! after Monday June 4th. 1860, the trains will leive PHILADKLPHI s from the Btation, Northeas. corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.06 ant 10 45 A. M a & d S.'Oand 6.UP. M. Leave WE.BT OHbfcjrEß, from the Depot, on East Market street, at 6.26 and 910 A, M„ and 1.66 and 6.» P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M.. and 2.00 P. M, Leave West Chestor, at 7 25 A. M . nnd 4.65 P. M. HENRY WOOD, General Superintendent. NORTH PENNSYL JWLMisM vania railroad, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Por BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, EASTON. MAITOH CHUNK. HAZLETON, KCKLEY, WHITE HAVEN. WILKESBARRE, Ao. On and after MONDAV, Mar2Bth, Ufl), Passenger Trams will leave FRONT and WILLOW street* Phi ladelphia, DAILY. iSundays ezoeptcd, 1 os follows: At 630 A M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Ahontown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarro, Ao. At 2.30 P. Al.(Express),for Bethlehem, Easton,Mauoh Chunk. Ao. This tram reaches Easton at 6.60 P. M„ and mokes olose connection with New Jersey Central Express Tram for New ' ork. Passengers by this tram resoh Mauch Chunk the same evening. At 8.40 A. M. and 4 30 P. M. (Accommodation), . For Doylestown. At 9.90 A. M, and6.3oP. M.(Accommodation) _ For Fort Washington. The 6SO A. M. Exproaa Train makes olose connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad At Bethlehem being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkesbarre, and to all points in the Lehigh Coal Region. „ TRAINS FOK PHILADELPHIA: Leave Bethlehem, (Express,) at 7.16 A. M. and 6.32 P. Leave Doylestown (Accommodation,) at 620 A. M, and 4 P. M. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation,) at 6.16 A. M. and 216 F.M. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. M. Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 3 P. M. Dorleatown for Philadelphia at 6.20 A M, Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 6.0 c P. M. .Faro to Bethlehem, $).60, io Maueh Chunk, 82.60. To Easton, SUW. To Doylestown SOoente. Through Tickets must bo procured at the Tioket Of fices at WILLOW Stroet. or BERKS Bt f eijt, in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except ►unday Trains) oonnect at Berks street with Fifth and Sixth streets and Seoond and Third-street Passenger Railroads 20 minutes after eavinz Willow street, my 23 * ffg cwmtj NOTICE.—CHESTER ffiBmWWVALLKV RAILROAD-PAB* BKNGKR TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE {STATIONS.—On and after SBth May, 1800. the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN will start from the new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and CALLOwHILL Stroots, (passenger en trances on Callowhill. v MURJNING TRAIN forDownlngtown, leaves at 8.00 AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downingtcwu, leaves at >P. M. DAILY (Sundays excepted.) of the Board of Manager* of the Philadelphia man fading Railroad Company. ap3 H. MciLURKNEY. SeoroUry. WEST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAINS via PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Leave Depot.corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, daily (exoept Sunday) at 7.U A. M., 12.90 P. M„ and 4 I*. M. Leave West Chester at 6.40 A. M.. 10 4ft A. M.. and 3.10 P. M. TVOTIOE TO CONTRACTORS. L v Proposals will be received at tho Office of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, until 3 o’clook P.M.,on MONDAY. JUNE 11, for the con struotion of the Masonry in the piers and abutments o a Bridge over the Sobuylkill river, near the Unitei States Arsenal, in the city of Philadelphia. Ihe amount of masonry, witl be about 0.600 oubio yards, a large portion of wuioh will be under water. Proposals will stale the price per oubioyard.including the furnishing of all materials, and the expenses o' coffer-dams, piling, and all o her items incidental to the oonstruotlon of the masonry, exoept cement and lime, which will be furnisned bv the Railroad Company. Separate proposals will be reoeived for the deliver/ at tbp bridge of qtone suitable for the above work. * Iso, for the construction of the masonry, including i the expenses of the foundations, the stone and ceraen ; to be furnished by the Railroad Company. , Parties proposing may submit plans for founding the piers and abutments differing from the specifications. • Plans and specifications will be ready for inspection on the 23th inst .at the Engineer's Office, West Phila delphia, where all requisite’information can be obtained. Proposals will be addressed to W. fl. WILBON, my2S-tjell Resident Engineer Poona. R. OFFICE OF SCHUYLKILL NAYJGA- T lON COMPANY, MAY )oth. ISM.-From a d after July 19th, 1860, apd until B§ptembar let, I&EO.t o ohhr«6iorthß qjj© qf OaS.'arU fqrTfcu portation on Anthracite Oral*carried to fhiladelpma, nr way of the Sohtijrlkill Navigation, wift beinoreased Fifteen Conte per Ton on the rates fixed Maroh Uih, 1860; and on the Ist or September, 1860, a further in crease of Fifteen Cents per Ton will be made on said charges, and so continue until the close of navigation. By order of the Managers. F. FRaLKY, m>ll 3.n , President, OFFICE OF THE! READING KAILR' Pair Tk* rates vf freight and f< tAiscompanyi ttill bias J til further notice : To Richmond.— «... Philadelphia..—...-, inclined Plane—.— Ntoetown Germantown H. R..-.. Ralls of Schuylkill.... Manayunk Egbert's Conahohooken —. Swede Furnooe...— Itambo’a Norrist'n or Bridgeport Port Kennedy...—... Valloy F0rce..—...... Phmmxville... —, . Royer's Ford —. Ararainso iiimoriok..— Monocaoy —. ■ ftirdsboio .... Exeter. Heading . Tuokaiton— . iiccsport - MohrtviUe.... Hiiniburß > ■ •.. ■■. Orwigsb'g and An burn. After July 15th to Septem to Richmond will bo raisot after September lsti an sdi per top. ws+»« ,qrt ? Itlß* FREDERICK BODGES, OF BOS. ‘-’•“.TON, in tends oponinx a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIEB in this city, commencing in September next. Mrs. H. has tho honor of referring to the Her. Alex. H* Vinton, D. D , Reotorofthe Church of the Holy Trinity, Ctroulars, with full particulars, may bo obtained of Mr. F. U. Hodges, 701 VINE stroet. ap24-sm* A Mi&tIUAJS JSUHUUL INSTITUTE is i relmjjla minin' h VThiGh Syhfiqlg 6*d lioamjj oniaui Ffc?enwmsyob* tain, Kiatvulouwy, infonnotion and oiToularo of the fc««l *ohooV SMITH, WOODMAN, * CO. f 840 BROADWAY, Nov York*, or CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. Philadelphia a«d Reading and Lebanon Valley R.R. Northern Central Railroad, Bryant & Stratton’s national MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, H. E. oomer SEVENTH and CHESTNUT i New \ rk, Buffalo, Cleveland, Chioaro, and St. LonUi Jor >2l rmation. oall or trend for Sanbury and Erie R. K. PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO-FOHTEB. MELODEONS, Mod® by Raven, Bacon, & Co., Nunn# & Clark* Hallef *, Davu, & Co., and others, J. E. GOULD* SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. ffsssm STEINWAY & SON’S NEW PA nr ■ r» i tent over-sthinq grand pianos, SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE PI AN OS, r.ow pre ferred in oonoerts and m private oirolea by the beat performer,. Received the firat premium, over the beat maker,, from judge, like Gottachalk.Maeon. and other* Ohallenpe all oompotition. DLABI US UHOTHBRS, d*-lT 1008 CHESTNUT Street PISCATORIAL SPORTS. would pleijATOßlJufsPOßT the finest assortment, and Seat quality, of TACKLE ever ofiered in tbiß oity. Buohas Burgess’ world-renowned Trout, Bass, and Salmon Hods. Superior Trqut, Baas, and Salmon Flies Super extra Limerio, Virginia, Carlisle, Salmon, and fiftg* Hook s, Reels. Baoketa, Artificial Bait, Silk, Bilk and Hair, Grass, linen,-and Cotton Lines. mhfl-Rra pKIVY WELLS GLEANED AT A LOW Pnoe,to obtain the contents. Address WILLIAM TJMSON, Pourirette Oflioe, No I*ll3 f*Wh SWOONtt mtSI-lm* POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY. No. 951 r» i Kensington, Philadelphia—WlL- LlAM M. TIERS informs his mends that, havine pur chased the entire stock of Patterns at the above Foun- is now prepared to reoeivo orders for Rolling. Grist, and Saw Mill Castings, Soap, Chemical, find House Work, Gearing. Castings made from Rever beratory or Cupola .Furnaces, in dry or greon sand, or • mjMf LARD OIL.—GO bbls Tobin's Cincinnati _Extra No- 1 lard Oil/ in store land for sale by & CO., No. 16 SOUTH SFUGUET & SONS. • IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS, _ . No. 310 South FRONT Street, , ~ «?S?? lve . Wwiwly ft full assortment of desirable Cl* GARS, which they offer at low rates, for oash or ap> proven Jtrwdit felOlr TAYNE’S HALL.—2OO NEW OUSH’ONS •F suitable forChurohea.Leoture-rooms, Ao., Bonohes. Settees, Camp gtoo's, Curtains, Ac. All selling at half value. Apply at ESHLEMAN’S Cloth Store, No. 62fl CHESTNUT htreet, under the Hall, where you get those handsome Cloths, Cassimores, Vestings, Ao., so oheap. . myZq-lm CTEWABT’S PAISLEY MALT.—Ic P un . oheons of this WHISKEY Just received and for sale m bond by GEORGE W H'TELEY. mvl2*Bm 135 SOUTH FRONT Rt T **t BURGESS’ TROUT, BASS, AND SAL . MObT BODS, - PHILIP WILSON & CO., 4U OH.LSTNUT.Btreet, having t&ken the Soje Agenoy of my oelebrated Trout, Base, and Salmon Rods, Reels, will supply friends and jt tho^reet LINES. ON SUNDAYS; ELLIS CLARK, Agent. ♦NOTICES. ’HILADELPHIA AND BAD COMPANY. Z.&DSI.FUIA, Marob IS, 1860. (oils on tsal transported by Jollcut from March IS #«- 1.42 IA7 1.52 1.27 121 1.23 1.42 lAS 1.93 1.38 1.56 1.14 ;ht and toll* jn. On and of 10 cents EDUCATIONAL, PIANOS, INSURANCE COMPANIES. gAJBINE & DUY, INSURANCE AGENTS, No. 431 WALNUT Street w!tniifl!l g tt °A«i Dr t d u aina s? by Fire, on Cotton ami PHfflNlX^liaUJtA^OE'cO^^P^lfjrßTF'oßl) lo '' l mwropolitan%^^ s 5S»bWr?!; PROVIDENCE ARCTIC FIRE IN^M^'S^.^RfeWß’K 5 ; HOPE FIRE INSURA h I?3| ,! 8o“oF a ffk*^, <a - „ Cash Capital and Surplus 8224.8 U n, CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NbW HaVKn! Cash Capital and Surplus 8324.303 77. GERMANIA FIRE INS. CO., OF NEW YORK. , Casti Capital and Surplus 8215 399 07. HUMBOLDT FIRE INS. CO., OF NEW YOhK. . Cash Capital and Surplus $233,963 61. Applications m person or by note will receive prompt attention. SABINE & DUY, AsenU, Je4 3m No. 424 WALNUT Btreet. THE KNTERPKISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADBPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) co %« sM#/** DIRECTORS. F. Ratciipord STABBi Moedbcai L. DAWSOB, William MoKbk, Gso. H. Stuabt, : JIALBBO FBAZ:BB t JoHl. H. BbOWM, oiin M. Atwood, B. a. Fahnestock, leni. TjTbjdioi, Asiibbw D. Gabh, Hbbey Wharton. J. L. Ebriboer. „„ „F. RATCHFORD STARR,Fie.idoiiL CHARLES W. COXg. Boorotarr. folß-lr AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PERPET UAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia* Having a large paid-up Capital Btock and Surplus In ' rested in sound and available Securities, continue to . nsure on Dwellings. Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, vessels in Port and their cargoes, and other Persona! Property. All losses liberally end promptly adjusted. . DIRBCTORB, Thos.R.Mans, John T. Lewis, John Welch, James R. Campbell, Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, Chas. W. Pooltney, Israel Morris. ALBERT aL.Oß^te^ftg;f r6^ Quaker city insurance comp a. NY-KRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 406 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS 83W,744.70.—1n5ures against Loss or Damage by Fire, and the Penis of the Sea, inland Navigation and Transportation. GEORGE H. HART, President K. P. ROBB. Vice President H. H. COGGBHALL, Seo’y ana Treasurer. S. 21. BUTLER. Assistant Secretary* DIRECTORS. George H, Hart. B. P. Rosas, A. C. Cattail, Foster 8. Perkins, E. W. Bailer, Andrew R. Chambers, H. R. Cogesnali, Samuel Jones, M* D., Hon. H. fti. Fuller. mh9-tf INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FiRB AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILD* Chartered in 1794—Capital Assets, January 1, IMS, 8347,444 50-100. .All invested in sound and available securities—con tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooss of Merohandise, Henry D. Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, gimeon Toby. Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester* Tobias Wagner, William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wattses John B. Budd, Henry G. Freemae, Wiluam R. White, Charles 8. Lewis, (George C. Carton. _ , „ HENRYTJ. SHERRERD, President W tLLTAM HA R PKR. Seoreturn la 8-wfrn tf Exchange insurance company -Office No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, cither limited or per petual. ~ „ • DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonsai), Edward p. Roberts, John Q. Ginnodo, John J. Griffiths, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben C. Hals Thomas Marsh, John McDowell. Jr., Sami. L. Smedley. Jas. T. Hale, Bellefonte* „ JEREMIAH BONSALL, President. JGffN Cl. GINNODO, Vioe President* Epwabd W. David, *eoretary mhil-wfmtf Delaware mutual safety in BURANOE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA, ISM. . OFFICE S. E. CORNER THlftfl AND WALNVI Streets, Philadelphia. insurance ON VESSELS, j FHE?&T ( lk » W.tli. ’HNLuUfD INSURANCES On Good,i bi IHT.r, Canal., Lake., and Land Carriat, _ to all parts of the Union. FIRE INS UR ANDES On Merohandise generally. Sto »»&iKY, November!, 1359. Par. , , , Marktt F«J«« 123,050, Philadelphia Oily 0 W oeat. L0an u ..9U9,060 00 100.000, remnylvaoia State B W ot. Loan 93466 00 >21,000 Pennwlvania State oip ot Loan.—. 11,000 00 126.000, U.B.Treasury 616 V cent. Kotaaand '’interest dae —T ,*YI..MJB M 930.000 U. B. Treasury 6 V ot. Notes and inter est dae—...~.. ao,|ii oo Temporary Loan to the City of Phila delphia 90,000 00 9t0,090» Pennsylvania, Railroad Zd Mortgage • oent.Bondj„__._ 42400 00 990,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Wort rare 6 V cent Bonds. UJOO 00 914,000 Wert Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company 7 V ot; ooupon bond* 12,000 00 SOO shares stook Germantown Gas Company, interest and pnneipal guarantied by the oity of Fhila -99,009,100 share* Pennsylvania Railroad Company ~~~ . 1,77100 98.0C0,100 shares Worth Pennsylvania Rail road Company ——.— -. 91,330, shares Philadelphia Ipe Boat and Steam CompanT. Philadelphia,and Savannah Steam Navigation Com pany > Ocean Steam Navigation Company, Philadelphia and Ha vre de Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exohonse Company —, ——.*4lo 00 giMJJSO *406,713 M onds and Mortgage*, and Kea! locate, Of fioo Buildin*—— B4 Bills receivable for Insurance* mada_ iBl,fSB 61 Balanoo due at Anenoioa—Premiums on Ma rine Pohoies, interest, and other debts due the Company—— U,HU Sorip and stook of sundry Znsuranco Cornua* me 3...^. — 7rr -~ L —i'.U—3,3Bo 00 Cwh cn Deposit in JR6. Samuel K, Stokes J. F. Penizton, Henry Sloan* Kdward Damn*: ton* H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M'llvainej Thom&i 0. Hand, Robert Barton, Jaoob P. Jonee, James B. M’Farlaad, Joshua P. Erre, John B. Semple, Pittab**, D. T. Morgan, “ Vice Prgsidfjit CI I'NTON - COUNTY LIFE AND GENE RAL INSURANCE COMPANY. PLATTSBURG. MISSOURI. Chartered in Zd9o.—Authorized Capital, #lOO,OOO, directors: H. Whittington. Winslow Turner, T. R Bradley, George w. Culver. James H. Birob, Jr. I. N. HOOKADAY, 8«o. wdiwj 1 ‘”" - Speoml attention pmq to Oo)l*otloai, and Money rcutipUy remitted. BosinesssoUoited. mhSS-Sm* William Martin Edmond A, Bonder, Theopliilua Fanldias. John R. Penrose, John C. Davis, James Truumr* William Errt.Jr., Mines c. Rand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. K. M. Huston, George G. Leiper. Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAI HENRY LYLBuSJfs?!! sl.l# l.» lis IJ3 1.26 1.90 1.16 1.10 i.oa 1.03 J IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM of annuities and endowments—purchases life interests in Heal Estate, ang moke* all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. Thor aot ns Exeouton, Adminixiraton, Asrimew Wnu tees, and Guardians. TRUSTEES. toffl&UKfc* Ht *sw"irpoU* James B. MoFarland* Wilham P. Hooker* Joseph H. Trotter* WiuiftmH. Kero, James Euston, 3omuel C. Huey. Vheophitus Paulding. Charles HaUowell,. Edmund A. Bonder. s®5 r 7 PhnielL. Hutohmio# Spdolphnf Kent* Johnjw. Hornor, Wilufiiijl Carr. EUS 8. Arober, P. V. Dudon, Samuel J. Christians William Robertoon* Joseph M. Thomas, ■Warner M. Hastn, John Q. Brenner* P. Si Miohlor, Easton. DANIEL L, MILLER, President. _ _ SAML, E, STOKES, Vice Frefi’t. JOS.I W. Ho&hou. BecrAtitrn kuIS SAVING FUNDS. “ A little, but often, fills the Puree.” FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. •4 130Sonth FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits on demand. Depositor** money secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort gages, Ao. This company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will run no nsk with depo sitors* money, but haypit at ail times realty to rjtprn, with f por cent, interest, to the owner, as ifjW'have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors, oan deposit m their own right, and suob deposits o&n be withdrawn only by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the Slate of Pennsylvania with authority to receive money from trustees and exeootors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Omoe open daily, from Bt6B o'clock, and on unuiao'ofook. „ DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Slnndler, George Russell, Malnohi W. bioan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhsar, Henry Dolany. Nicholas Rittephouse, Nathan Smsdley, Jos. If. B&ttertbwaite. Jones Yorkec, Joseph W. Lippinoott. JACOB B. SHANNON, President Cyrus Cadwalladbr, Treasurer, ap2B-y -> “ A Dollar saved is twioe earned.” CAVING FUND— PENDENT IN- SAFETY TRI’BT COM PANY, WALNUT Street, southwest corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsyl vania, Money.is reoeived in any sum, large or small, and in terestpaid from tho day of doposit to the day of with* The office is open every day from mne l3 the morning till five o’olock In the evening, aqj o,t'Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o’ulbok. L. JOENNER, President. ROBERT SELFJUDGE, Vioe President. William j. Kbbd, Secretary. DIBXCTOUS tunAv * Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barr, Robert Belfridgo, Francis Lee. Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, 0. Landreth Munns, James L. Stephenson. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made, m oonformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and suoh first-olasa securities as will al ways insuro perfect .security to the depositors, and which oannot fail to give permanenoy ana stability to this institution. aul lr CAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST ep.MEAUy, oorue'r TJIIRD ami CHEST NUT Street, Large and amaUsnmß reoaived. amleald baok nu da maiid without notioe, wilh FIVE PER CENT. INTK REST from the dor of deposit to the day of with* drawal. Office hours, from 9 until 5 o’olook every dny, and on EVENINGS from 7 until fl o’olook. . DRAFTS for sale on England. Ireland, and Scotland, from 41 upwards. Preiidont—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. ?KTO J «.V™' GOFFEE’S patent „ KNITTING MACHINES. For Flam Smoking and Fanoy Kmttins ; Also. Maohines for Kmttine Drawers, Shirts Sc o„ „ 01811*1288. RibMachinesof 1 and 1,3 and I.3and 3 and 3 and 2-R.b, „ ,on hand and n aoe to order. These Maohines nee the plain English Soring Needle, on a new pnnoiple, and are the oheapesc and most rapid Machines for Knitting in nsc. The Goffee Patent Family Knitting Machine, for •Family and Plantation ««, is a new and successful feature in the useful inventions of the Ago, and ranks wnh'the Sewing Mao< ine. Agenoy and Salesroom. „ No. 077 BROADWAY, New York. Jel-3m « HENRY C. LEE, Agent. WORK’S ODOMETER BAND COM * * PANY.Hartford,Conn . manufacture WOJUC'S PATENT ODOMETER CARRIAGE BANDS, which aie durable cheap and efficient, measuring with uner ring accuracy an* distance passed over by.the vehicle to whioh they are attached, 'these extra finished Bands ooat bat a trifle more than inienor bands without the Odomemr. TellaMo . f e p„ wanted in nil paijaof tljn ounirjr. Flaaae .end for circular.. miSl-Sm SALES BY AUCTION. TFURNESS, BRINJjEY & CO., JU No. ifctfMANlfET STREET. MEBSRS. ROLAND A FURNESS’CLOSING SALE of faris lack mantles. , On Friday Morning. . June u, at 10 o’olock on six month*’ credit, a Urge vole; of Pans I&ce mantles, bournou*, *o. Consisting of— - ' Paris laoe mantle*. Aienooa Eu«eme a volant mantles. J’ournoas a volant. Cambria l^ “?“«• Chale lozange Eugenie e volant uaatlai. EurtvfooPnriiosmbrisjniintl.,: l^SiStE" 010 * of 10 ex,ra a “ p '»uch black BLACK GRO< DE RHINE DUSTAIIB nhlfLv*.^ u ' 4 >°adon white Merseillss guilts. 20 oases plain and fringed ailic parasol*. JO " a ilk cnn umbrellas. SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. _ On Friday Morning, Jon*ls, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on • mos. credit— -400 lot* of fsnoy and atiple French dry good*. If OUuiT, Jh., AUI/L’IOWiSER, No. 431 ZrT* CHESTNUT Street opposite the Caatom Ho Jie, between Fourth and Fifth street*. V LARGE 8 ALE OF LADIES’, MISSES’, AND CHIL DREWS* PANCY MATS AND FLATS. NkW SHAPE BONNETB, ME.VS AND BOYR* STRAW nAio, ftC«, AC. t ~ . . , Thia Morning June 11, by catalogue, on a oredit, commencing at o olook. Comprising a moat attractive assortment of newest white. , brown, lead, and braid, Leghorn tno canton Adelaide*, equestrians, neptunas, trimmed bloomer* Ao, fan^tjonnet** 11 * 1 newest shape straw hats and Also, case* men’* and boys’ Canton Leghorn, Senat, Win. rell. and Palm hats. Catalogue* and .samples early on the morning of SALE OF EMBROIDERIES, DRRBB GOODS. HILr LlftfißY GOODS. iUBBCfas, FRENCH FlSw- ERS. Ao.,Ac. By oatalogne, on a credit— On Wednesday Moron g, Juno .13 oommenomg at Id o’clock precisely, will be sold, vis EMBROIDERIES—To olose an importation. „ “ noh and new styles embroidered jaconet, cambric, ana book sets. Jaconet, cambno and.book collars. Intents’ richly embroidered Jaconet robe* and waists. Jaconet, oambno, and book flouncing and bands, v Z* r toh l? ®®broidered'and hemstitched L. C. hand- T h i *? op,N^T TRIMMING RIBBONS. Rich spring styles poult de eoie bonnet ribbons, ladies’ r.bo, dr...*»• Al»o, to close a consignment, spnng styles oi Paris aru.fioial flowers, straw and rice moutins, bunohes, sprigs, beds, Ac. ’ 13HIUP FORD & OO , AUCTIONEERS, Street N °‘ 030 MAR ? ET and 6SI MINOR BALc, OF BOOTS,SHOEB,LEATHER, AND STRAW . GOODS. , . t . t , ,On Thursday Morning. Jnae 14, at 10 o olook precisely* wilt be sold* by latalogue, on four months’ oredit, 1,000 cases men's. >oy* • ana youths’ calf and kip boots > calf, goat, patent eatber ana. bufl* b'ogans, gaiters, Oxford ties. Ao.: women s, misses’, and children’s calf, goat, and mo rocco boots, shoes, and slippers; also* sn' assortment of City-made goous. At commencement of sale a large assortment of goat and kid skins, cochineal linings, calf, and kip skins.. STRAW GOODS. , , . On Thursday Morning, At 12 o’clock, will be sold. 200 cases ladles* and misses' straw bonnets, bloomers, flats and equestrian hats; men’s and boys’ Leghorn, Senat, colored straw, braid, andPanamatrimmed hats.. arranged tor examination, with early on the morning of «*Ut . 1 SHIPPING, THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- ». I £ W TOSI T 0 hIVXXPOOL, Chief Cabin. Passag e... ..tiss Second Cabin P****g« m yg . »*p*»o*tob to Livnpooi.. Chief Cabin Pss«g«—— T . ano Second Cabin P*—»ge ..,, , ga The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ahips from Boston call at Hahfa» and Cork Har bor, PERSIA, Capt. JndfcLna, l CANADA. Capt. Lang, ARABIA, Cast. J. Stone, I AMERICA, CaiLsnUar, APRfoA.’aii.Lg^.,Jtj^^saMar. These vessels carry a ol ear white light at mfuthtai; bow; red on port bow. *‘Ti!fg£*£Stg:]iS t aprS* l k ’lk oll9 ’ " v°v to, v Jnne n’»®^i ni l on ,« E Vork, Wodn»iday, June la. Wf? A is& M,ll V‘ A Wednesday, June M. auß6El“i.itoh. “ &«SS'wtlS«K;jiS’iL PERSIA. Judkins. “ WedoSday, July ia ARABIA. Btone. “ Won, Wednesday; JalyS: Berths not secured until paid lor. 7 An experienced Burgeon on board. The owner* of thee# ship# wiU not be accooatable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Preoious Slones, or Metals, npleasbiUsor.lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passMe apply to „ ~ E. CUNARD, mia 4 Bowling Green. New York. FOR THE SOUTH—OBARLB3- SHflftTON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. M FREIGHT REDUCED. , Heavy Freight at as average ofvivrxxx per cent, be low New York Bkeamship rats*. FOR CHARLESTON, g. C. Thei U. S. Mall Bteamahip RL'YSTDNE STATE, Cap- M&rttmaa, will sail on Friday, Jane Vh^g A h m «&* « »«■ The .U. 8. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Captain John J. Garvin* will receive freight OBtil Saturday evening, June 9, and sail on Sunday morning, June 10, at 7 A.M. ihroox h m 08 to 40 honre-only 48 hottro at Sea. . flSTSaumr days oKanged from every Saturday to every five days. Goods received, and Bill* of Lading signed every day. above even ten days, thus forming a fiVe-dar commu nication with Charleston and Sttvßnlah, and tits Boat i and Southwest. At both Charleston and S&rannah, these Ships con nect With steaigatg for Florida, and with railroads, Ac., for all places in the South and Sonthweet. , INSURANCE. Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will ne found to be lower by these shins than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. 87,060 Ii •aoiMK N. B.—lnauraaoe OBfftU Railroad Freight la entifely unncoeaearr, farther than Chari eeton or SaTaaaah* the Pare bjr thle routo Mto 40 per pent, cheaper than by the Inland Route. ae will be teen by the following eohe dule. Through tickets from rhilaaelßhiv via Charlee ton and Bavarmah steamship#. INCLUDING MEA££ on the whole route, except from Charleston andnar an il ah to Montcomery: To Charleston-., #llOO to Savannah.—.- 19 00 Savannah ——• tiot Augusta—.— 30 00 Augusta 300 Maoon 21 00 Megan, , . SI 7S Atlanta. 33 00 Atlanta. . —3l 00 Colninte.j mOO CoHmbus_—i IS 00 A}bgay——„ uOO Albany,—. 87 00 Montgomery--.. 36 00 Montgomery 38 00 Mobile..— 3100 Mobile- - 46 90 ..New Orleans--, 89 76 New Orleans--.- file# No bills, of lading signed after the ship has eniW/ wteSKSJS&KBW* oa s . *U JICtX. HERON, Jr- BopthwjSK wimerTOUllTa and CHEBTNUT, tB.tT. G.BUDI). u , ■SyM'BM) UUnlflit PC uABMKhh. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina every Dqsiqat , o.f'or Florida from Savannah, steamers Mary’s and St. John’s every Tuesday and Sjtu^aY. COPAIITNERSIIIP NOTICES. DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP.— Th« wvTtn«r«bip heretofore exlcUng under the firm of BTILbON (c. BTQNS *jr thiii dajr dissolved bx mumel consent. __ ROBERT BTLLSON, Phils., J.B.BTONE. COPARTNERSHIP. THE USDPR SIGNED have this dax formed a under the firm of BTILSON, ETONfc. & CO., for the Surpose of tranaaoting the Wholesale China. Glass, and .oeensware business. at No. 508 COM MERCK Ht ROBERT BTILBON, J. B. STONE. JOHN F. BENNETT, June 1,1860-lai BUSINESS CAgpa. B DAVIDSON, • (Late of Wm. H. Barksdale 4 C 0.,) , y*ook, note and Keal Estate Broker and General Col lecting agent, w>ll .. „ BT. LOUIB. MO, will attend promptly and faithfully to any busmen entrusted to him. ■Bonds, Stocks, and other securities bought and sold on commission. * Money paper amply secured by Keal Es tate at ten percent per annum. M _ BSVBRyiO Messrs, Banyan, Brown 4 Co.. Jno. J. Andoreon 4 Oo„ Bankers:Messrs. Cross, MoCreery 4 Co. Fiske,Knight 4 Co.. Hon. John K. Garby, and Messrs. Bell, lllden & Co., bt. Lou 18 ; Messrs. Norton Bros, Bankers, Pa duoah, Ky; Messrs. Davis 4 Birney, Fhitade phia; Mes«r*. Phelps, bliss 4 Co., New York; and to Bt. Louis ppuncsa men generally. JeB 1113,14,1619-6 t EO. SP CEL AND. • ATTORNEY AT LAW..CANTON, KY. B peoial attenUon paid to thee olleotion of alums in Trigg, Calloway, Alarahall, Lyo Cafdwa l and Christian counties. Refer to H n. H. C. Burnett, K. Q.j H o H. J. Stiles, Judge Court of Appeah; Hon. J. C.Da Ciroait Judge, HopkipsYllfo. Ky. inyK-Mt Yb palmfr, the advertising • AGENT, FIFTH and CHESTNUT, rives his views of the prmoiple'and best mode of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4 o'clook. .address myll-3m ~y, S PALMER. EJ. 3AYLSS TUOMAS. * ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, *WA Ln\jT BUe«/ r ° m N °' 8 No. Particular attention riven to the recovery of Mtuna ble Claims. The.drafting and examtnati«a o* WiUa. Conveyance, Assignments, Briefs ft! Vitle. and other Wifi**etaentofExeoutor superintended; and the best wuntfei procured for the permanent in* % MaDBT ' Satl|fiustor J reference j:iven CAMUEL G. SLO*N, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLECTING AGENT, rah&3-3ra* Bt. P4**l. MwrtssoTA. Horace see, MECHANICAL ENGINEER,' and PATENT ATTORNEY. No. 1H Bouta SIXTH Street. _ (Nearly opposite the Bounty Conrthouie,} Prepares frpeolfioations. Drawings, &q., and trrmsaots alt other business connected WUh the obtaining of Let tera Patent. ap js 4m* J WAGNER JERMON, • ATTORNEY AND COUNBELLOR-AT-LAW, Office. No. 116 South SIXTH Street, (Opposite Independence Square,) u ~ . . „ Philadelphia, »v,j of reliable Attorneys, at different salats in the. United States,is enabled to nroawawanucolleot olaims of every description. Particular attention .mas lo the examination and re* oovery of the and Devisees, and the °*®nn3atiau rtf Lana Titles and seounng the interest* 04 «(uta anu all persons interested in the same, in oil parts of the Union. _ Has the Statutes of all the States and is Commissioner for most of them. carefully taken under Conyjuauaai. t| ENRY U- “ ’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Hae REMOVED from No, 130 Walnut street to No. 2(8 South THIRD Street. mh»-Sm* ALFRED L. HOUGH, PAPER MANUFACTURERS’ Orders solicited for every description of PAPER AND PAPER-MAKER’S MATERIALS, No. 17 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, fell-fim* PAWSON & NICHOLSON. BOOKBINDERS. ' NOS. #l9 AND S2l MINOR STREET. B««« n js°j, A j?ELPHIA. Dat JAMES PAWSON. JAfl, B. NICHOLBON. Ja27-Ir* T, w - neill & Co.. YARD. S. E. Corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL, Superior WHITE and LEHIGH D , < OALiJS kept under oover expressly fpr Family use. by Dispatoh will receive prompt a^ea- JAVA COMBE.—I.OOO pockets prime nl,t>r JAMBSQRAHAMfc CO. kf rriA ttiM^ COAL. SALES BY AUCTION. 1M THOMAB A SOKS. Km. Ij» jn, J4 i goath TOUETH Stowi. 8^h B i,tdSsiil%*^S7 T feiS SKI: its& Ujd.topk. «v»rr TttMtoj, M th. SShiiS. ' S HandbX j? SS"tSSSI!2I?id* , iSSSSv ■ REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. fT W( have a lan. amouatof real tttmu at Vrivare •al«. jßol#dm, «T«rr of rat, sad jautrr property. P-inted lift* may be had at the aacttaaetoi? PRIVATE BALE BFGISTERT <9* Real estate entered on onr privau mte reciater, and advertised ocaasionally in oar public sale abstract (of which 1,000 eo»we are printed weekly,} free o charge. Trustee’s saIe—STOCKS AND LOANS. Ob Toeedßy Ortl?offtAm. O ’ , ' l ‘ >olt, noo °’ “ the hi roS ComM* t ?°' t 8ham “ llio YaHw and Pottinlk Rail Alao, 97J00 eoaveitibl. loan. Sama Company. BTOCW, LOAH* PBW, Aa. draw J™* BIl ““>4n vllfif Railroad Poft^fuTEffiSßriSliiV “«»to Valin ud ,J oo .bare.PMlAd.lnMaan ' Gmy’a'perry Bailwa, a, (Spruce and Pine )Fu tpa d 1 . f#rr l stuwijCa r.tare Philadelphia .jg r ryCompany. 1 .hare Aoadem, nf Pmj Arte. ’ £?““»«,**.• ? ‘ rk AreooSatinn. IlihareM.rrast'l.Li rare Companr. - P fharea .orthwoat Mioior Company, of Kiehiraa of a fe'ii.^iio M “ Bf “ 1 ” ri "< “- 1 M«i«^. tj » . . Hfremplor, Sale. Rac” °- 3T7,m, J' M - £ - Churah. Eirhth .».«(, aLor. S MIM,nI oru inioraoco company in litaida- THIRTY-SECOND SPRING SALE-JUKE ISTH. At 12 o’clock, noon, 'ICHOGL LANE AND wissahickon PBOWBHTV Sal. b, order of Heire-E.Mle lTte of «i c h“ ifiK?-' , honse. deceased. ' ftod finable LOT. over S sores, School kae neer Germantown. Twenty-first wud. It mliSelßd* SSSrereatl. ld<Kl mto “ T * r ‘ l .Urt fo, PE. PACTO «Y end MILL PLO- LreaTXitffor “ auuli ”* ««» the\ r tov P “ tat0 ~ A 7lla *“ ! * LOT. orer, acre., adjoining ithla—A Talnable LOT. over 8 mare*, o, th. SS!wlS B .ltSE ,k * “ d w “ h ' ok oo^i. ?, Us b J®£" A plan of the above may be seen st the aiwlWi . R t^L DENOE - No - 11(8 VALUABLh SHAD FISHERY, TINICDM. ' . Ar.'rner* Peremplor, S.ie—Yaloanl. FISHERY. P'PPfrtr known aa ‘ LitH. Tinicnm I.lud,'’iith. riverUela.are, ; .pn <, ..t»th. Larexetto.n<Srlia4l tS t reapoiuibl. and .une:naJ tenant, at nine hat dred dol mortr«e! 11101,1 ‘ >l*>lata. tlMn>rnau,« PEyDENCE AND SIDE Ijfr. Valoable RBSiDEN E and BUILD[N>, LOTT^red SliuiFi 101 Areh rtreifiilfa ° u a ?°?, ** tepheryv street; lot t2 by Wfeet, with Brick Stable and Coaeh House. Tnree-story Brick OWE LING. No. M 0 Callow hill pUmiHw*!? l ß Tlu, v aod Fo ° **•»««#!■ with»<-*tery Frame Dwelling id the rear, oa w umar place _ . VA UABI.B IOTOF 3“ jtEsT ovIE? 1 ; I '.'™'??^ raptor, Sa a-Lar.a and rateable LOT, plan. ’sa?eVbeotete BWICb ?oi “' "»«•«"» ™nl, Sm b^viSirtniiisKs?*- Prstu,in *'"«• *« O -1,4 Chi “ COUNTRY PLACE. JBjS“r Clarmont TUl.«,r* «• Philadelphia g»d turnpike, abonflgo yards from the Wilmington Railroad Depot, and about K of a mile fr<.m the river Delaware. EL EG RIAGES, FARMING STOCK. Ac. CA * . .... On Monday Morning, ww.;lloctock.wi bout reserve.on theere- B wnn nV^*l iDt Country Seat, Furnitere, kEifi. B. ROUDET, Wq.. going to Europe. It is situate on the Chester roaii about half a mile sooth of Darby. W.S.‘S2,», < ’nU Fn ' 1 ud Andsnaet’ Peremptory Sate-Minarectaria, Co. 13 o’elooel noju- >t Excoance, tnthoot reserve, by order of iiaMintsm, • 31 shares Washington Manafaeluring Caamnny of v> rim gevjfieer, W «SO*. ™“ T ’ 01 W do Gloucester do do p«r SB. * d# *> «• d» £ •*«; THIRTY-TjniDWtms SALE—l9th JUKE. At. 11 o’clock, noon. OpwtMa-Ertnu late of wri!ia« Barit, i--Y£jlF valuable FARM, 120 ACRES, WUlistOß township, Chester ecenty, Fennsylvama. abont uutsr wSt/roS . eke ‘■‘•r*~flr s s >*nSi f.n.rnSLS’Sl West Chester railroads. The upprovaaeata aroastone Otoj'oSS.toS'cJ?™* B * nu ra " B»nwHo«r2S u, CdSSrte »vi'nM? 0 ‘ U ' W “ t '* TntfZ * V " U > “* .Same Estate-BUILDING LOT and STABLV. seek Eefiiward mn * aboTa Colnmeta aveosne, l^ra»- Tenthl rtreet. aooth of FirnTOit .trS-t ’no w.« ofElf?^^.?,^^ 3 ® 1 ® 1 Na - , ‘“ C ~ to ** t - Beech and WiUow, aadSproceacd Fine sta, Sniatk PIKV E G i*7\J:? V? TRV 8^ AT - BRISTOL TURN ,^2 tCcaaß,ry ®** t ** Act**, with baod some new stone Maasion, stoee Stable, and Out Build- ISivtr' fi.. ae ? ’ Bristol turnpike, near Hofsaae- SiSt • Na IS * !, ' D, ‘ h T ’ r, ’’ ti * Ul *"*• SUPERIOR TAPESTRr vAnyJSTo. Ac. R**l. • . a -P 11 , Uth.inst., at 10 o’clock, at No. iJQg Spruoe etreet. the sasenor furniture, extension tables, mirrors, fine te carpets, china, Ao,, of a family declining boosw* EKr «» LEAF AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Trerereli Momitgß June li, at It o’otock, at the Anokieu Rsm !■. «u and 141 Sooth FOURTH Street uS SoSmSUt barrel* leaf and smoking tob*ceo, good qw2i“. ™"* nnl(rn’*,? * Somh FOURTH StmM, Atflo elock, at tbe Auction Store, aa aaortiMutaf IkeeQant ieoond*hand furn tare, elegant P® a carpets, etc., from l*wi)vri futiinrrf homrekeeping, removed to the store for eonveuleuee x ELEGANT FURNITUK** PLATE. wrr_ i- ,a x,. ,Go Monday Maraiug- June 18, at 11 o elooir, wjihnag reaei va or th> ®l? f country seat, faSturef Aot7 - Roadet, Esq-, *w*i to Europe. It is astute on thi road.»Wt fisjf a mile untfc of Dub*. rJILM"rSS;S.'iuf U kuunsi. VALViB Al^^v^ E l^}^ Boo^ Jane 12. at & be’aold a eollsotioa of inieregting and valuable books, a BBdibera/iMa oboioe Lendoa editions, m inVbriimgf. °* Uap •Si,» u ipirticalart see catatosaes, and the books whioh will be arranged one day pcevioae. Nathans, auotionesb wat^hes^ew^] ll^ I ’^ on diamosdv, mture. bedding, and oa goods or every deaeriptioa. i» large or small araosota. from one dollar to \f ngth of time asTead on. inomwn, sdest batahliahed House in this oity. ter Private entrance on RACE Street gP 1 Business hoars from # A. M. to * P. M. Heavy in so ranee lor the benefit of de.casrow. TWOPERoSnT. . Advance* °r 9100 and upwards at two ear east. tgSRSZS' ilm SLd ' , «’ wsnl B' M one poroea"for „ ... AT P»IVATJJ3»tK some of the finest GOLD patpnt rwvßw .-a Fh^^V^F EB ”“"LtS7d * hS|f «nV ° B H«Lir pnces, goldilever and lenine watehe*. HilSf J* V V J* Dd ,? P IDe ;«ratchff, Kng/ish. Swiss, and watohes. at a«oni»hiai low prices. Jewelry of mtJt?Za t ?? n ii tt ? 11,ve i TJ l°7v^ UD *» pistols, masiaalin strumen.B, fir»t quality of Havana cixars. at half the importation price, is quantities to suit purchasers, aad various other kinds of goods. aov V ..T , « . OUT DOOR SALES Attended to personally by th« Auctioneer. -.2?J lBiKnraent * of s£* a »nd of goads sofi cUpd - i* - MOaC.B NATHANS CAMUEL NATHANS. AUCTIONEER, No. (224 South THI an PtTflflt h«tnwW*lmL ” LARGE BaLE OF FORFEITED PLEDGES* By order of ABRAHAM. NATHANS, Broke? Jm*%lW. o ?9« T o°ofe' T & n ’' nB ' SSSmMhinß*;^u^ clw ‘ 1^4 one Wrior Jtanilj u'l ?ooJ« on deposit with the above day *BRAkAM NATHAN ™Brnker* iii' I U- oorner SIXT H and CALLOWHILL Streets. HOTELS. SIT. NICHOLAS HOTEL. BROADWAY* When completed. *ix years agr», the CT?NICHW?aS was universally pronounced thp i^ a Tenl,nt.jndthofou s hrro«iHi^d*,rt?S?SSif? n ; fitmm^ n v;S h* dr si5 omptete watea of apnrtmentsfor £ t*t Ka^Wl r° persons oan be comionably seated paWio dining rooms, and no- J? 3 ™ erthas devised for the convenience and » a .L a^ fioatjon of the travelling publio has be-» rphi*-.i ,n Pi® 0 * or i* neglected in it* practical details. jiW es . r| T reputation os the house at home and abroad. «• euperb appointments, ana \vt homo like comforts ana luxuries, has £*•■ es- every year by the unwearied exertioaa of the pvopnetora. nurl7-3m TREADWELL. WHITCOMB, 4 CO. SJT. LAWRENCE HOTEL, BROADWAY S NEW YORK, one block above ..Hotel.' This new and corontodiout Hotel is now 9#®? quests, and will be oondupted exclusively on the European The loss wasfof<a inMt - 1 tl ”~ aro J. H. Goodwin. Proprietor. r/OT I ON !—ASTROLOQV !—LOOK <,omfort ,*» in** aiSnlt tinWmZrlt?' °“® k . a * tne secret of winning lie affeo- lt is this fact wluohlndnoea Pfetonders to try to imitate hei.and oo*y her *52?35 , V ,, 5l 1 ® fl hown you the likeness of your ni us band, or absent friend. It iswelikaowa to the puMio at large that she is the first and only per •on who can show the likeness in reality, asd aae rive JJJ'A utisi&otion on all the concerns of life, whion wt.?!!??■ i**®*?® b> thousaads, both married e H©T& visit her. Coma one f SSKlSf§°* LOMBARD Streets betweaaVaai perann Hroad. jek^U* 1 ABIES 1 TBAVELLXNO BASS *i£lßMsrl&^s£i *■ *™ rr ' nft _ and retail manorketarer of Jobbing promvttr done. aa7-2m FOK EUROPE.—Having been appointed Agent, for WM. WILLIAMS k fy> -.V..JTr .„a,n sA’nThFfrrn.St. DRICK MAKING. J&ACHINES WHICH temper Uia clay,a»d* iaak« 20,OfiOp*rd*r» Brick T —“enow’s Italian,” for sale,
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