SStf^RaS^fev fy, r ft* wwifcw •> ■ &M< :MMtMMgjiiijrtlMft- L^;.a» y l ; p.j,t ■. tw m *>»—,u»ii«— mw '«'• W:«*. 1 :*« WSTAIt »*¥ <3bOß*. ;/o:» ' '--•« •<- [ i ’* ' ,'•- ' vi.- t -sa h->>i -n vtU V *‘V *; - o .'ißu^';a^' : ;'M4M < nu.As, : " r ' ; ■, ; ; --imir4Kß' • .• •• :v ' iaaE^^ ; ::;::^feMENTC' '!.,.' ;*|iotf?BT.p»o>it*ifßit,iJ>jAcisNT; :;■} ; {■ ■ K : -.ii b ; o-sr s COOPER * OONABI>. ak» !iamJC£7arkKßTS. - G«BAT:KEt)UqTXON ! nrnkmoßor■" ■•■. ; Vji v A jtf T.i-B-Li Jk 8. .- ;/ '- ••it .'■ ■ **rT I »* ST O 0 K ...;, :..m.&;p'Zr' : o:E.&t :";;^r; : . nucsa. v-' ... . AUniMlEMUtlmttMt to atiut (row. y WM. P. CAMJPBBfoU > ■- ■»*.««»» 1 ~ IiaVOHK»T?«UT bxeb'kt. Jfl ANTILLES. i-V; - MANTii/LiAS ©D.BB. XT** *iOß*fa>**AVY.*». • DCaOSBLV.THB BK*T, «» ItoMMrJ<t*at)iuU«rufi*adMMott»MUl od olwwfcm Bituliy «Hn I* - - • IVEN 8. •••••• ■rtH» r" > '•■ »» tettXItlUTH Btwt. - J^A<CU3-' ’• MANTI*ESH. ' ; Ik* *r**tHt Btraaio* trn *•«, »*d is *v*rr arr c v ' IVENSf. j» jflirro ttn*i, . !■«*>••• ttttoy.tttUS to »U 1 TttWntnfc Ja t kiatr.\t r ''’' ’-', r . •■- ivers. .tv.■ mrn-lm ■ , . g»Ao«U NINTH Sti—i. POINTS AND MANTOIiAa. At lEWTHAH THE DOST <a> IMPORTATION. • ' 1 FINK PARIS GOODS; .'iaadsf ntneofroai•».»• toRO*.. •■■--i® A BARGAIN IN <7/.., VRXNOH lißO* POINTS, MMNCHLAO* PIOOOLOMINIS, /:. ,v '• yr. t -‘i: ' LT : y ‘“-‘r '■ V W ARB tj H T O N * 3. ' WOROHBOTHCTBTJUOT, 77/7 7V ; «0* aODTH BBOONJJ StMW.V; POOPS, ' P»*^>t!£^pßy'fthMi». : Bo«mi»«.Kj MmUw, : ... r V jW^,«gi«-<trklS ? S*iHick B«r«l*for BktwUl, W.iW«MOnr _. Cost 'fidkics.Md-'Vri! '.r.-.*i ”•” WU, , <UI- Alio,'. fstiwn*". \. -i - of/ffß K*«drM*«. »uu* **“*>*•“*• ■rtr > 8. iCnuiXH wd ma&kiß. , pBUiAMEUMIA WAAMIH® AH© MT ■ iMHtajame wakbbooti. ■■-• H*ff OAS-OOHSQIUHa . . F'UB>TA-C3E.'- : |SI trSu, Sir hurt tnrti ta &*tkf trtauuScK w- SlippMM,,;. POWERFUL HEATEJ»» ; kaafotoof itfMMM* will »rov*. O>U ARNOLD * WILSON’S, ;»*• CMWJHJX STREET. '■.A !- ■■ .■ MANTELS.■ mac 2Ltf«r. TOW'S** hwTSeSIB thiiGrafctrr f«rw ■rwritof t&ra. Mua & WILSON. ■-. ,: s S"^»i*oHMtiarr'K'Mrr. ~ < ! iiM-S£EF aA,em ’ t ' f«Wle)»tofc MMADEB. WILLIAMB. ■=;-h*»• nwrr*mra nxm. . -g g-'-ffiflijt iwyt >fW*lw wfft.mfflraf " VENETIAN BLINDB v-/ ./'./a*®.' , 1 'j. WINDOW SHADES. «iA -WwcuwA. miwMx ;■■=■.• -■ thdMlas o. cjarbett. > -'•■-:-y |fo.yi« cnnff*w iwuut>, ir-ff/.Ki..'-;?, rtma, ■:'■ r'-- V rJj >’'Wl4 Am» V‘AKKt*atti : : *t rr **, & -*;****» -hW*' ““““ ' i '/.i .1-7 ,1 f. V ■" CA«raTff«g. it -•* ;r;.t ; t u ;;:'i•."■ • : 7 /;OABFBTINGS. . _ ul I '.k .tvJi'f■. i i i . ■ . • , v r - ; THROUGH the AUCTIONS, - 7.77 . 7yr«*h*uo«M'<mi : ENTIRE STOCK ;OF VSIiYBT, B&VB9XLB, AND TAPESTRY CARPETS v : ; r.; AT, • - 77 ■ AtTCTIQN PRICES. ■ - 7 BAIDY . & BROTHER. 7 (PBaMOOHESTNUTSTEEBT. ~~ MSMbimt ' ' ~ '7 ' COMMISSION HOUSES. EVANS & CO.’S 7.7 boab’s-hsad bix-gobd ' [ tKxtouxyerunsartodilxtniKtkiniocthnMit ' alMtioitj, for nuhintor haaAfaeviiw. tBNGTBS WjSRBJNTKb. * 7‘M*'«iugr«trt*d Bfla^iJlrjjrtgCTrlnt C. OARVIUJI. Gmontf A««t, Now. York.. . . ' 7 r-- ’ . J. B. HOWELL, . •' tint fbrFSMA»)»!iI». SM* grapuy, hazard, a Hutchinson, JW. usCHBSTHin:«rr., . oomuasioK kbsohakts MAT HBBJILBOP PHUjAOBIjIFHIA-MADE GOODS* ‘miliM' SEWING MACHINES. * WILSON SEWIN« MAOHINEB. : at casninn stabbt. skoonb floo*. NadiißMii m «f» ta FaaUlM.; ■‘"‘.''iit.tivtihntaut’"’ J " > 1 ' ~ i. , W ammctb WtWAFB, Emlcd, ra. /. -,-w , - -r - HH-«» \MTI h O O X * GIBBS’ SEWING MA- BtBW YOWK ABYBiilTUEpilTg. .ft 00.. 8 4NKfi»B, . tmw rom, ; la Latttn ef O>*4it to TnnUari tniUU* la f*4®H ~ C ' n ■ r ' -' J ' AMia, t.OHDO ’i, fBAMSXQRV, fISHNA. BA- Aim tails. coBMSBPO«a*ma • HOUBE-PDBNIBHJNO «OOPB. asFlaoKß^tbßs, • Jtovt lavrorffijkjnda. v cuuMunrr gigs and carriages, la Greet Variety. FURNITURE LIFTKHS, V«i7 umIUI napiMdiu. Car»*ta t*d Mtttisf • \ WILLIAM YARN ALL’S HOUSE rUBNISHING STORE. MO. 10M CHESTNUT STREET, - ■MU.ttr. tk»A»4e«njol Fin. Ait>, ' . -tf . CLOTHING. QLOTHING! AT LESS TIOH WHOLES ACE FRfSJSB I CHARLES BARKNESS. 11l MARKET STREET, BouUuut oorner or Fourth v t - . ► " . - WILL CLOSE OUT AT RETAIL, UNTIL JUCY Jat, 'The remainder of the Elegant Stock of IHINO ANS gUMEEK CLOTHING, manufactured for this season’* Wholesale Trade ■ If. JL-PBrchaser* wfU And it to their advantage to auk* tb»|r eeleotions 1 mmedietely;' ;CHARLES HARKNEBB. 1 hr&m - *'■ ~, ' 1 ■ ■' HM4 /AlPBt, >WfE”, OATsi hatsi Hats i MEN’S STRAW HATS. BOY’S STRAW HATS. , * EVERY DESIRABLE STYLE OF STRAW HAT NOW EMMY, LINCOLN. WOOD. & NICHOLS. pATENT ICE PITCHERS. KEEP ICE IS HOURS. LEWIS LAPOMUS * Co.. SOS OHBSTNUT STREET. ot y 3B-(f (ROOKING RANGES. amunn’a patent bLbtatbd boudle-oykn COOKING RANGE. ARNOLD & WILSON. 7r, •■-' loio chbwhut strbkt. • 0- MlltTgiu. Sur’i. mhl,-*fcwa*. TOLY IST. 1800. . NEW FIRMS ASP CHANGES. , MBEoifANTf IN WANT OF BLANK BOOKS .an .jrerj inferior M»r went madia from UoaoMMKiWmtHlatoordar. j ■ \W»*4st*» mt low rmicaj. WM. F. MIfBPH? * SON’S KBIT STOKE. gfetio aan. LUhaareahan, and Cattar-Fnaa Frfutera li .JOS 6*iHM utm**. ’ , !ft>. M 9 OHSSTNUT JStraae. ■ N»'«; ■ 1 , ' , .MfANHA—Small !& for sale by WS &!.»«»«*» BBOTEEicar «a of-*-* nit LEMON- Gown. for Sale by WE. t P L * BKOTEBM. at Md <» North QEOROE HPBNGEH, JR., ; SHOTS’ VVB«XBaaiQ GOODS '' / ■» NO. 939 CHESTNUT STREET, (Arooimnn Oi,,*D liousn; n,ro«iT* CoHTtMamx» , j i , Hotm.,) ' Hu Mirara in Stow a lane ataok of El NE SHIRTS, , .. v TIES. COLLARS. , ; STOCKS, . UNDER SHIRTS, HOSIERY, DRAWERS, CLOVES, Ao., .. . And,T«ry otherartiol, in Furnishing line,of tha LA TEST STYLES, Wsdattta LOWEST PRICES, »W atßtMm ~ , JgJSHLEMAN’S CKAVAT STORE PROCLAMATION IJI lNdoyoltHbSByioaUita departments, at their OLD Br4N2>,asd intend to ooaU&tt* there Jonvtr. or at .least untifdae notice is «fvea to tneoontrary. Thie an- Hoßnoemwit is made m order that oar numerous pa* irons in this city and elsewhere may know that their or der** adadreSeed—above, wiil always reach us, wheth er 1 theyheppen to Me our odetrtf imeat 1* IJU hwi yoMri f r the time bems* or aota this out and puts it in yonr mem rendgpx Ji W. BOOTT---lat« of the firm of Win-' • Chester* floott~ai&TLi&MßN’B FUENtfiH ■DfO arpaE and satRT KLANUFACTORY, 014 OMftTTmJT Street, (nearly oppoaite the GlraraHonse.) would reeyeolfnfly pall the attention of his : firmer patrons and mends ft* his'&ew store* and is pro* pared to fiUaiders forSfilßTS SA short noUQe. A Kenaotfitsaaraatied; Wholesale Trade supplied with in* Shirts and CoUen. ivn*tr npo GXA>sK business* HABT, HONTQOMEKT, ft GO.* 16 000 COPIES HAVE BEEN BOLD, * and orders still continfie to pou'rin ' - 1 No Life of DougWs or Ltnooln will contain them. Frio", bound in doth', Wc'.Yita—s4opsrlo0—$350 per Kk)o. In p&per cover, atitohed, 36 oents a copy—s3o per 100 copies. If by mail, 10 cents each must be sent to prepay postage. FOLEfcTT, FOSTER, & CO., Publishers, ms rxßxoa PAfsaa atjt pm raanr. be- For ;al6 to Szv Vo „ h , CoLvmve - omo - Will sell eat, thronth this winter and twit aprtiw, their lir«(tMkof PAPER HANGINGS. •ulitlil of tytif Tuiotr oonoeo tod with the btutceei, AX aSEAXLX HXOUCXD PKIOKB. feniM irutuic their Koiuee Petered, *u «et met pAPER HANGINGS. We invite the attention of all persons who wish to decorate their Houses, to our large and extensive stock of PAPER HANGINGS, at either of our establish ments, aU of the newest and beet styles, suitable for stores or. dwellings, and put up in the city or country t by careful men. t ;■ HOWELL & BOURKE, Ooraer FOURTH eid MARKET Btreete, and 17 South FOURTH Street, fhlledeiehie, ■ miX-lro K.ING-Q LAB 8E S, PORTRAIT AND PIOTUEK fBAMSB, ENGRAVINGS. Oil. PAINTINGS, Ac., *O. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. BEY & NEFF. Hava now ia store a most complete tfook of of late importation, and American manufacture, wluoh t hey offer to the NEAR TRADE on the very best terms. ' > ■ apg-im £». O. THOMPSON. Tailor. * N.' K. QOR* SEVENTH AND WALNUT STREETS. Clothier made TO ORDER only* A Fine Stock of Materials always on hand, ' N.B.—Strangers viaitinr the . City are solioited to leave their measures, apS-Sm FRENCH FLOWERS. MONTUERS. AKD STRAW BONNETS. Inst opened, a A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. THOSa KENNEDY & BKO. f ajT'im No. 739 CHESTNUT STREET. sakvkl v, sesames:', j, ykv&EAM mmßici, COTJTHWASk Ui FbuNbßyf h* FIFTH AND WASHINGTON SWEETS. ME^R I fcK ,!I it II s6NS. , ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, gamafaoturjr Jfcsh And Low Freorare Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boiler*, Gasometers,Tanks ,lVon Boats, 9t0.; Castings ofali Mnds, either Iron or Jirasa. ~ . „ , Iron Frame Roois for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, &o. Retorts ana Gas Machinery of the latest and most im* prpvedoonstrnotKm, A _ Every, description of Plantation Madhmery, snob a> Suer, Baw. ana Orist Mills, Vaouum Pans. Open Btean Trains, Defscetors. FiUjßre, Pompinr Engines, Ac. .Sole ApienU for N. luUiena's Pittent pngav Boilnii Apparatus; NasmythVPatent Bteam Hammers anc Aspinwall a Wolser’s Patent CentmocaJ Surer Dram inr Machine *vl>* , TSf CHESTNUT Street. jßMWjppmsHiNe «ooa . MOVED TO THE N. W. COR. OF SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. CRAVATS, SCARFS, TIBf i PATENT.ENAMELLED COLLARS; GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS; ALj, KINDS' UNDER WEAR; SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER; 6FORS9.. COR. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. myMhntn-iai • PAPER HANGINGS. HO; m OfiaSTHUT BTBJBT, LOW COST. BARGAINS. LOOKING GLASSES. JAKES S. EABLE St SON, SABLES’ GALLERIES,, ■ ~ " Bie OttESTNUT STM®*, MhJS-a - HARDWARE. NO. SOB NORTH THIRD STREET, HARDWARE. MERCHANT TAILORS. MILLINERY GOODS. MACHINERY AND IRON. MEDICINAL. MBS. WINSLOW, ITS AN EXPERIENCED NUHSfe AND FEMALE fhf*Jci.n. Brc»enU to the Attention ormotflierar h.r H 0 O THIN G SYRUP FOB CHILDREN TEETHING, •hieb neatly facilitates.the process of teething, bj yaftemng the.fpms. redaomrtnl InnammaVoat will af- I,U niS(fs5 l LA'r l a*THfe toWEIA. Ztepead npon It, mocaere, u p?l] give rest toyonnelve* *IeLIEF AND HEALTH TO SOUK INFANTS, i We have put up and sold • this artiole for over ten Iwri. Wd<>an wr.itl con (L Sdeno«,sn4 truth of it, whatws have never been able to say of any other f4 F T efT I A guj&, fc 5L?u 1 timely nsed> Never dm k- we know an lnstanoe of j dimtisfiction by any one who used it. On the con* 1 tnuTtiSU are debghted 5G with its operations, and spe&kin terns of highest commendauonof its magi* esl effects and medical vir v tuee. We speak in this gutter ** what, we do 55 know, ,, i after ten years'. MpsnenoeAndpledgeonr reputation for the fulfil meat Of •what we here <te r? olare in almost every fistaaee whore the iaftmt p} utsuttering from pain and ixhaestion, relief witi be c* foundin fifteen or twenty Snateo after the Syruyls administered. t Thfivwuabiesreoeration O Is theeresaristion of one Qfthe meet eSeJU- o ENDED AND SKILFUL NuSSEti fn New England and has been need with « Bg> It not only relieres the “ child from vein, but in yicoratestnestomaohand bowels, oOrreots aoiditr, SSSSnraffiuPg £ CS3MSM iNp WIND O CGLIO and overcome oon vnislons. which, if not j speedily remeoied, end in tMthißior fromanjoth.. " uuu. ?« would •», to •Tiry mother wuo hu. w qliild inff.rlnit from any of hpforegoingoompiftmU. fo donotletyourprojudioos, tot th. otojutfioei of other*, • tand be two Bn r&I iiUrlJj ejiiW Md , the relief that will he SUItK—rW- ABaphUTK aj 1/Y SURE—to follow the uTof tbU sjeqloi**, If M »ioi#lf U|jd. Foil direo abam » KUfSi Jwr York, is on]- the oswde wrapper. «Tjpold by Dru«l*«tiJlpughoutthe worut. Prinol palOfflM, No. is gEDAR Street, New York. V cents * bottle* « jyJS-Ir IfJSLMBOLP’S BXTBAOT BUCHU. _THE GREAT DIBRETIa dUfIOLD'B EXTRAC^fuCHU helmbold-b B}pTO ,, JO . HBLMBOLD-8 EXTRAof And a Positive and Specific Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder. Kidneys, , . Dropsy, Organio Weakness, This Bc.dioin«Jner*»»s tbepower of pigestipn, and duced. w well as PAIN AND and ” 1004 "IIEN, WOMEN, OR OptLOMES. ’Who endeavex to ditpoee 44 or taaia own” and PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1860. fit TUU DAItD 01’ TOWER HALL., , Mftny.ladie» jn our city,. ‘ Have Men .busting round, like been, : Getting readv for the weloonie . To the honored Jftpanose . Silks aud sating they. have purohtwcd | . „PrpUy. bonnets, iancy veil* ; Hoops and skirts, deceptive cotton, And the bones of slaughterd whales. On their bureaus, chairs and tables, On their stands, and on their beds. Tt-ere are hooks aml-dves aod ribbons, Pit* and needles, silks and threads; Sonnet trimmings, sedrft aadmupilcs, Tape and bobbin, cords and braid, And et cetera*—vxoute met ' For to name them I'm ftftaid, Taking up hts needed Jm«n, Mr. Doolie says* My dear, There is not uslqi’le button On this shirt Pm holding here I" And Ms wlfo replies; "My darling, You'll beoutet, »l you please; , I’vo t>oen thinking. not of shirts, lovo { Hut about the Japanese. “ You must do without thebuttono}— Won’t sou, now, my flute man I For I’jh very, very bustr, With some trimmings from Japan; “ Which, tm *U unfinished dreesaa, 1 must put tins very day 5 1 For 1 itwloiiUhine the Btuokups, in the mansion o'er the way* " I will do without the buttons,” Docile says, with accents sweet; “ Bat. though butiomoae and hopeless. Will the *ons t pf Nithoa greet, * “ And, while you 'outshine the Rtuokups, May your feelings not be tiur Bv their seeing me—your husband— With no button* on my sturt." Lo 1. there conies a thought to Docile- Just the very thought he needs— > And. with ie*lingu)t awakens. To the Tower Hall he speeds; Where be buys a ouapge of linen, With some garments a la mode; And exolaim* * ’* I hope the buttons On this sh'rt are strongly sewed f For if thii’-l sigh to say it ? 1 Should of buttons be bereft* I must bid farewell to buttons. , > J ‘ Till the Japanese) have left." . A; complete and well-assorted stock of Spring and Summer Clothing now on hand, unsurpassed in style' and workmanship, to wblob the attention of wholesale; and retail barer# is invited, at ’ TOWER HALL, 618 MARKET St., Philadelphia, t J JBENNETT k CO. ■ NKW PUBLICATIONS. rjIHE ILLINOIS DEBATES/ BETWEEN r LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS, is the only volume that contains BOTH, SIDES. This volume is the best Expositor of REPUBLICANISM 4UP . , DEMOCRACY. It is the record the men made themselves, without word or comment, and reported at the time of their <Je* livery. M. DOOLADY, New York Tribune Office. BOSTON. ?mLA.t)EI.pUU, BROWN -fc'TAGGARD* J. B, LIPPINCOfT k CO. OHO BY, NICHOLS, k CO. Chicago. jeO thB2tWlt 8, C, GRIGGS k CO. N & HAMLIN. THE REGULAR CAMPAIGN EDITION, KNOWN AS _ •‘THE WIGWAM EDITION” OF The Life. Speeches, and Publio Services ol HON. ABRAM LINCOLN, Together with a Life of Hon.' Hauuiual Hamlin. Republican t aod'date* for President and Vice Presi dent of the United States. One vol.Bhno. Paper covers, with portrait Price 35 ots. " THE WIGWAM EDITION." From its esco'lenoe as a biography,'the evident car* in its onnstruotioo; and the jadioious seieotion Of Speeches and txtr.O'*. the •’ Wigwam Edition" ha* »J -TCAdy taken precedence among the Lives of Lincoln and Hamlin. The publish*is have spared neither pains nor expense in its preparation, *» a glance at its 006- tents wiil demonstrate. 1 ihernl reductions from the retail price of tf cents, will ho made to BookstHera, Agents,’and Ciubp through out tin country, for these Popular Liyag, Partipu lers,terms, Ac., mar ba learned from, _ ■ ' . RUDD k CARLEToW, Publishers, jeS-wkatf 130 ORAND’Street, New York. SMOTMm BIBLE /DICTIONARY.—A Dictionary of the Bible; comprising it* Antiquities,' Biography, UeozrttphJt nnd • Natural ‘History* Edited by William Pirnth. LL, D. With many illustration*. The Bobbin Boy; or. How Nat got his Learnt nr- -A True Life of Gov. Banks. By William JdrTaayer, illo*- trat*u. ?so*dib. s , John Hlard, the Newsboy, With a fioe portrait. or the Oo< ton Necklace.cents, pjcka’tj hiß friend Fidos, IBmo. jWcentin- For sale by WM. tS-k AbPRRD iwARTIBN, '-yea.,. . • No 600OHESTWlfrStreet. [ PhiUd.lshl*. /3.E0. G. EVANS’ STORE, WT . _ 430 C<t’l>BTNUT Btreet 1 pr;v your hook* at evanr st;y Ypmt apoKS at Ivans’ Gift Bo>V StprSviJo. 4«'o Cpestnut street. 'Tif the Lest place ip thfcclty. Books oro sold as cheap as at an; other store, HMi you have Uje advantage Of receiving a handsorm* Out with each Book . NEVT BOOKS. MAHO ‘ RET MONCRIKFFG, TKB FIRST LOVE OF AARON BURR.—A Romance of the Revelation, with an appendix, ooniatmng the letters of Colonel Burr to “ Kale " and“ EHz%," and worn ♦’ Leonora," etc., etc., by Charles Burde t, author of ’• Three Per Cent, a Month.” ** Life of Kit Carson," eto-i with a fae-aimile of the celebrated cipher letter and key, one „ , volume, Hran, wiltia sift Price $1 55 f THREE PER CENT A MOaTH," bj Charlesßurdott,one vol., 13mo, with a. . gift Price 100 LIFE OP KIT CaHSON. by Qharles Bor- „ . dett. one vol., J2mo, with a gilt Price 100 THE LITTLE BKAUiy, by Mrs. Grey. . one voL Wmn, with a gift. ... Price 125 BAffKBvIEw. a Family HLtory of ocr „ own tunes by Holme Lee, one volume, 12n;o. with a sift . Price 200 KIT* KKLV*N'B KERNELS, illustrated. one vol, tZrno with a eift Price 100 WALT WHITMAN’S LEAVE? OF GRrSd,oaa vol., llmo. with a gilt Price 155 COUdIN MADPE AND ROSAMOND, by Mrs.Holmes.ona vol..lBmo.withagjlL.Prioe 100 DAYS AN” WAYS OF COCKED RATS, / iltam&ied ©n«» vol., Utno, with a gift Price 100 EL FURiSIPIS, hr of the " l.amplignter.” Umo, with * gift.. Price 135 FUNSHON’S SF.RM.oNB, edited by Mil burn, one vol.. llmo, with ajuft Price 100 LIFK OF STEPHEN A. DQUQL&BB, one vol, Umo, with & gift - Price lot TB E M 1 Lb ON TH E FLO3B, by the author of 4 ‘ Adam Bede," one vol, Umo, with „ . a gift __ Price lfl ALL THE NEW BOQKB as soon as PUBLISHED, together with ALL IHE WRITINGS OF THE STANDARD AUTHORB in every department of Lite rature, at the Publishers, Regular Retail Price, and * Handsome Present with e«oh Book. CVIH if), a<td ojw trial tsiiu a.'iur* yon Mat th* h«ii ficc4 in tkt tii)/ whirt yousfyoitffi purchase Hook; it GIFT-BOOK i-:lrAßufn^ENT. I 439 OHJ-STNIIT Street, Philadelphia, Two dnorsbelow FIFTH, on the uppersice. Strangers visiting the oity are respaotiully invi ted to oallnud examine the Urge collection of Boola. and got a Catalogue. je4-tf New books For balo by BV.WOLUE LBB, . Author of “Against Wind and Tide,’ 1 "Sylvan Holt’s Daughter,” eto., etc. . Ono vol. !2mo obth. Prioo §l. " Holme Lee is winning for herself a high place in the ranks of fiction, fc.aoh new tale improves upon Lb predecessor London Critic. FOHTY years familiar letters of ja&> W. DEU, By Rev, John Hall. Two volumes, 13ihu. §3. LOOK NO AT LlFt*. By fißoyge Augustus Bnlt»> nu'hor of*‘A Journey roe North*” eto. A most enter taming and sprightly volume, embody mg a large amtunt of useful mid entertaining knowledge. London. One vo urno. SI 35 A MuTHEK’S TRIAL. Anew novel. By the author of" Mj I-fv’y.” rne volume, 81. TUE ) TLK BEAUTY. ANnvel. By Mrs. Grev. author of “The Qiimbjpfe r ’i " Priroa Donna,” fttO. r .. . . Til ft WEF*T INOIEO AND THE SPANISH MAIN. By iuithonj Trollope, author of* Thr*o Clerks,'* “Bor* ir*m.” etc. A very piauant and amusing description of Life in the Trop os * jeT-3t rjIHK LITTLE BEAUTY. : MR*. GRAY'S NEW BOOK. SUPERIOR TO THE GAMBLER’S WIFE. Published this day, and for sale at Retail or Wholesale* T.B PETE?SON & BROTHERS* Jfo. 300 CHESTNUT Street. THE LI iTLK BEAUTY. By Mr*. GBJrr, author of “The G»mhler*s Wife.’' “ Young Prima Donna, •* H> till Leonard,” *• Old Dower House,” “ Mary Sea ham,” * Belie of the family,” 4 * Duke and Cousin,” “Lena Cameron,” “Cousin Harry.” *‘ The Jilt* Wife.” “ Gtpsey’s Daughter,” “ Mancouvrin* Mother,” “ Hy*-pinthe,” “ Alice Seymour.” * Passion and Prm-' oiplo. “ Baronet’s Daughters,” eto , eto. " What is beauty f 'o’ the ajinw Ofshapely limbs twdfeati ire*. No, The e nre hut flower*. That have their dated hours, To breathe thoir momenta** sweets, then go, ’Tin the stainless soul within That outshines tho fairest skin.” Complete in one large duodecimo volume, bound in eloth.fur One Dollar and Twenty*five Cents; or m two volumes, naper cover, for One Dollar. 47“ Bookseller*. New* Agent*, And all others, will p'OA#e send on tljejr orders at onoe vrhftt lhsy may want of either of the above editions, both of Which will provatuba of groat popularity and oommaid largo sales. , , 47“ Copies of tho above bonk will be sent to sn* one. to an* place, at once free of postage, on TemUting the price to tho publishers., . , , Address alt orders to thepub ishers. T.B PETISRSUN & BROTHERS, ?o'i CHESI'NVT Strept,above Tfiird, pfciJadV _ ' JAPANESE TUITION OK THE STRAN GER’B GUIDE l! , . «ran?m vtsuing thetitv aunntt.the tajoilrnrf t tht •* Japanese £lnblt*s^/ ,, tctlt find thts little manual Of great valut. _ • IJND AY * BLAKfTON have now readrU THE JH*R ANGER’S GUIDE IN PHILADELPHIA, to all tne pum o bui dings, plaoes of amusement, com- amt religion* institutions, and ohuroh*. pnnot pat hotel*. Ac.. &P‘ Wjtji a jjzap of tap olty, sid hume- Foub illustrations, tfono. » • 1 r . price »n rousim....• *a otntc. “ papar..... *6 M A POCKET M k V OF THE ENTIRE QITY, (beautifully colored,) 3Toents. ALL NEW Books oan be procured at VERY LOW Catalogues of our own publications furmshej upon ap ‘’'/avi'HK NEW BOOKS OF T,aEDAY,,,i»^ IM upd varied of Miscellaneous FoMications, at thi UfliV '■ °SPkpSAY fc HLAK»TOK. je6 Bft South SIjCTH Street, above Chestnut. fjpO FAMILIES RESIDING DS{ TOT. RURAIj districts, V« »w v (igrefofore. (o *sjj jl, jjie, 4} ttielr ootintrr remdenoe. with evenr duorlMloa of fins OROOEBIES. TEAS, &c. Cor. ELEVENTH »nd VINE Bireel*. .The Japanese* SAMUEL HAZARD, Jb., TS-i CHK'iJTWUT Street HAWJCb'yfEW, ALBERT C. ROBERTS, ITS 8, ■ -SATURDAY, JUKE 9, 1860. ■ Received# JfiWa? J--B. Lipmootr & Co.: tfyrif r«H’ Familiar Loiters of James W. Alex nandor,' B. D. t conatltnttng, with the notes, a Me* of bis^Llfe,, .Jilted by the oor* respondent. D. 3 vole/12 wo. New’York: Charles SoHbner. [These memo riftte, of a good and gifted man, who has only lately departed to the better land, are of ’’great value. They show tho growth of his mind; they •'.give Ma opinions upon men, books, and public .. they traoo the origin and progress offals re •/ligfoas faith ; and they present a photograph, so to fp«nk> of..his life in thought and action. His letters froa Europe, fresh and sometimes even • brilliant, are foil of sound sense, and exhibit the . c&Men«M offals observation and the great bktent Of hK general acquaintanoewitb polite literature. Everywhere, too, his Christian feeling is evident fat -thee* letters. There is a copious index to each I 'Volume, and two portraits of Hr. Alexan- Sir are given. The notes byDr, Hall elucidate toe text] - ' Tomßfownat Oxford. Part Vl* Boston! Tick. dO? A Fields. [This sequel' to‘ ‘ Pehool Days. at Rugby” The 1 . saflfering the heart-quake of love, retreats from ~Ch(fO|rdfor aseaabn r ahd4he description ofKfegto-, Voburh/ a _ ' Is' ekarmidgly "Oxe* ested* New characters' come upon tho scene, apd.the hero’* character is well developed*] ‘. l From 8, MoHbjtevV * V- Home a* Found. Sequel to 11 Homeward Bound.”' ; By J.,Fonibjore Cooper. With on • ' steel and’wood’, by F. 0. 0. Harley. l2mo. W. j ,B. Townsend A Co, [Tide volume, and that to, S.’whMfa it Is a sequel,^.have not been popular in: ! thfseountry, while iri'Esgland ahAFraDoo they’ / heye Wen very popttfar; TWcfcase, wreck and ‘ subsequent adventures of the Hontauk are re. plated in Cooper’s best manner, and hla sketobes i of OharaOter and society In New York, with bis /cofan try views end country life which follow, are Y adinifaijie. Harley’s illustrations in this volume ' ate very fine. Thi& ie the seventeenth volume of . this- splendid editidn of Cooper’s Novels, to be £cpmpleted in thirty-two volumes. Paper and print, engravings end binding, are of the first degree of merit apd beauty.] FrOaT. B, Pbtshsow.A Cot Brfgelonne, The Son *f Athos, 1 vol;*, B to. The Irish Mask; or the Peats and Adventures of Raoul do Bragelonno, 1 vol.'Svo. [These are continuations, by Alexander Dumas, of bis celebrated historical . -.romaneo “ ThoThreeGuarcUmen” and “Twenty Years Later,” With the exception of “Monto Obriatoj,” by the same author, and u The Myste* . ries of by Eugene Sue, this series of fio ' tioss, obkifdeted by 1 ( Louise do la Valllere,” now In by far the most exciting and popu !. fey iomotjern French literature. Tho volumes, Strongly and handsomely bound in cloth, are also printed with clear typo on gqpd paper*} Homs and College. A publio address delivered in the Hall of the Massachusetts House of Repre . fentetlre*. By F. D. Huntingdon Plummer, . Profeuor of Christian Morals in Harvard College. 18 mo. Boston: Croiby, Nichols, Lee & Co. Milch Cows and Hairy Farming. By Charles L. Flint. Liberally illustrated. Bvo. Boston: same ' Text-Book of Intellectual Philosophy, for sobools and colleges; by J. T. ChampHn, H. H., President t of Watervillo Collego. 12 mo. Boston: same ! publishers. /The Luck ef Ladysmede. From Blackwood's Magazine, Bvo. Boston : Littell, Son, & Co, This, first issued in America in Littell's Living Agf, is a romantic story of English life in tbe time of Riob&rd tbe Lion*bcarted. £ino6 the \ appearance of“lvanboe” there has appeared \ nd better old-time romance than this. Life, Speeches, and Public Services of Abraham \ Lincoln, with«a sketch of the Life of Hannibal VHamlin. Wigwam edition. 18mo. New York: . Rudd & Carleton, Dumas 1 New Stories.—RoyaJisis and Republicans and the Guillotine, translated from the French of Alexander Hamas. New York : E. H. Long. From Ca&&tok & Pouter, New York: Light in’the Valley; or, The Life end Letters of fifw. Hannah' Booking. By Alias M. Annoa ley, |fith portrait. 24m0. The Life of Jacob Gruber, Wesleyan • Minister, By W. P. Strickland. With portrait, 13mo. Early Methodism within the Bounds of the Old Genesee Conferenoo, from 1783 to 1828. By George Peok, D. D. IJmo. [This gives tho history, well related, of Wesleyan Evangelism, durlnglta first forty years, in Northern Pennsyl vania, Western' New York,, and Canada. relieved with, descriptions of scenery, locality, and events, and is rendered ontertainlng, as well as instinctive, by numerous anecdotes, traits of oharaoter, and striking in cidents.) Prom S. Hazard, Jr. : Margaret Moncrieffo; , tho First Love of Aaron Burr. A Romance of tho Revolution. By Charles Bnrdott, author of “Threo por cent, a Month.” 12mo. New York: Derby & Jackson. [We believe that thpyp is muoh trpth in this ro mance. Tho author baa woven a highly inter esting story out of known facts, and most of hie oharaoters arc realities. The story is that of the mutual attachment of Aaron Burr and Margaret Moncrieffe, with the episode of tbe plot of Major Matthews and Governor Tryon. An Appendix contains, with other matter of interest, Burr’s Letters to “Kale” and “Eliza,” and those of “Leonora” to him; also, a letter hitherto un- published, from Burr to his friend Erie Bolman, of Ebiladolphia, strongly denying that he had ever claimed protection as a British subject A facsimile of Aaron Burr's oelebraUd Cipher Letter and Key is a suitable frontispiece to this volurao.] Sermons by Bov. William Morioy Ponshon, to which is added a Plea for Class Meetings, and an Introduction by Rev. Willlsm 11. Milfeurn. l2mo. New York: Derby & Jackson. [Mr. Punshon, a good stool-engraving of whose por. trait lately appeared in the Illustrated Netos of the World , is a minister of the Wesleyan Metho dist Church in London, and isoneofthemest olo* quontaud successful preachers in thatcommunity. Ho is only thirty-six years old. Mr. Milbnrn, tbe blind preoeber, prefaces the Sermons with an interesting account of tho author, whom he heard oa his recent visit to England. Good Sermons these are, and worthy of being widely circulated.] The Bobbin Boy; or, How Nat gothls Learning. By William fif. Thayer. l§ipo. Jllpstratod. Boston: J E. Tilton 4 Co. jlbts Is the romantio biogra phy, said to bo wholly founded upon fagt, of Mr. Banks, formerly Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives, Washington, and now Governor of Massachusetts, whioh Mr. Thayer modestly calls “ the best Btato in tho Union.” As the history of a self-made man, who hnß attained a high posi tion. by industry, ability, and ehoraoter, we recommend the book, toyoungpeoploespecially.] Hawksvlew: a Family History of * our own Times. ByHolmo.Lee, author of “Against Wind and Tide.”- 12mo. Now York : W. A. Townsend A Co. (Holme Leo is the nom de plunge of Miss Parr, an English novolist, two of whose works Sylvan Holt’s Daughter,” and “Against Win'd and Tide ”) havo had great success in this coun try. This now ” family history ”is not inferior, in any rouped, to either of these tales In fact, the domestic lntorestof “ Hawksvlew ” Is so very strong that the reader cannot consider the story as wholly fictitious. This, as we take It, shows Us great merit.] FromG.G. Evans The Home Book of Health and Medicine ; by W. A. Allcott, M. D., with thirty-one illustrations. 12tno. [One of the belt Domestic Handbooks ever published, written by a man who under* ' stands his subjoct most thoroughly. This now edition is very well “ gotten up,” as we soy in j From Lindsav & Blakiston : The Stranger’s Guide in Philadelphia. With a map and illustrations. 18mo. [An useful Vade Mecum which every visitor to our city should obtain, before he ventures upon sight-seeing. It might have been more oarefutly executed. example,* Graham's wniob was discontinued in is ‘ mentioned and praised as a periodical atilt flourishing; there is no mention, among tho benevolent insti tutions, of the Sons of Malta, who have been extremely charitable to tho poor; and, In the no tice of Laurel Hill Cemetery, the Saunders’ Monument* unsurpassed in beauty la thiVcoun try, (b not eyes named. From W. S. & A. Martibn : Mary Baoy&fi, Tho Dreamer's Blind Daughter. A Tale of Religious Porscoution. By Saliie l'orJ. (lustrations. 13mo. From Charles Dje Binyen ThoHladof Homer, with an Interlinear transla tlop fey t]io use of schools ppd private learpera. Os tbe Hamiltonian system, as improved by Thomas Clark) editor of the Latin and Greek Interlinear Classics. 12mo. [Here are eight books of Homer ; tho first threo translated on the '< interlinear, oy, word-for-word plan, by Hamilton ; ,the other five on a modification of Hamilton's and Locke's method, by Mr.’ Clark, who has fan- j proved uponboth. Wo haverepeatedly expressed - our Approbation of tbe interlinear system and of the extent and value of Mr. Clark’s mbsfcusefal fitid of olusloal learning.] Soyer's Steward Cookery for &e People. First American edition, revised and enlarged* Standard Handbook of Household Economy for the People. By Guillaume St. Joan. * New Standard Letter Writer, for the People. By J.W. O’Neiti. * ' *• New Maps, of the Republic of Mexico, and the State of Pennsylvania. • —■ i • From H. Appustoh A 00., New York : A Course of Exercises on all parts l of Syntax, me thodically arranged after Poiterin’s <( Syntax* , FranoalSe;” to which'arc added ten Appendices. By Frederick T’. Wlnkleman, A. r M. And Ph. D. 13mo. [Agood, beoaose clMrand wslbrexsoned, text-book, the use of triilofa wlll go a great way to ground pupils In a grammatical knowledge of the Frenoh language* It wilt be found most use ful when the pupil desifeS to’translate English into French.] ■ From A. M. Spanolbiw . Both Sides of the Grape Question. 18mo. Phila delphia: J. B. Ltpplncott & Co. From Smith, Ekauui, A Oo: Tfae Sighet-Rlng and other Gems. From the Hutch i. of tteßilv. J. HeLlefde; iSaoi Boetoh: GouM A Ltoooln. [A small volamef’ TellgkMk to M suffl * interest youthful leadersi This U a first-rate book Hot dWltffreh Magazine, London Quarterly Re* view,- and North British Review, for May, re r prifatedbyLeopnfd.Scott A New York, and . by W. B, Zleber, South TBlVd street.; There are numerous valuable papers, in these well -1 known periodicals, # and they are onorieveath of the usual selling price in England. ■Art'Jouhial,Sot Mhy. From W. B. Zleber. [The principal engravings, this month, arrf from pic tures by Greuze and Baron Wappers, in Queen Victoria's collection, and Ganymede, from the groupe by E. S. Bartholomew, the celebrated Amorioan sculptor, who died in 1858, white stu dying at Romo. Among the leading wood en gravings hero are the illostrationt/of Lossing’s account of the Hudson River,. Mr. and Mrs. 6. 0. Hall’s Railway tour in South Wales, and se veral fine specimens of the style and character of tho paintiflgs of W. 0.- T. Hobson, an English artist of note. The letter-press contains a great variety of information upon art and artists.] From Oallinder A Co., we have the Cornhill Magazine for June, completing vol. X.; also tbe Illustrated News of the World, for May 26, which has a portrait of &ir Jatton Sykes, the last of tho old English sporting gentlemen, (now 87 years old,) and the Illustrated London News , with a remarkably fine portrait of Lord Brougham. What a treasure for future Macau- lays will these picture-papers be I Emerson Bennett'j ‘Dollar Monthly, June, 1860. The D ental Cosmos , June, 1860. NEW MUSIC. From Petersor & Brothers we have the Church Choral-Book, containing Tunes and Hymns for Congregational Sieging, add adapted to Choirs and SooUl Worship. By B. F. Baker and J. W. Tufts. Published in Boston. There are over five hundred sacred songs in this collection, and -wo oan recommend it for choral worship. Beck A Lawtok have sent ns “ One Hnndred Beautiful Melodies for the Violin,” selected from nil tho favorite operas, and “One Hundred Voluntaries Preludes, and Interludes for the Organ, Harmonium, or Melodeon,” by 0. H. Rink. Theso are publishod by Oliver Dltson A Co, Boston, who bare done and are doing a great deal for the community by Issuing the best music at a price so low stjst pothlng less than immense Bales can make it “pay.” ” Pussy’s Polka, by Kitty,” with an amusing title page, Is a lively composition just published by Book A Lawton. “Tho Auld Man’s Sang” !sa Scottish Ballad, composed by John J. Prazer, the well-known tenor, and defeated by permission to Stepbon R Crawford, Esq., President of that ad mirable aseoolfttlen, the 1 St. Andiew’e Society of Philadelphia. Mr.'Prasex Bang a this touching ballad, with marked effect, at the last annual cele bration of the Society, and a delightful compo sition it is. The words, whish have sense aa well as sound, were written by William Murdock. The I)ot}glt|ft : 9(fißtiv>o ni Pittsburg, A large and <wthustaBtlo meeting of the friends of Judge Douglas was held at Pittsburg, on the fitb Inst. Decided resolutions were adopted, and able speeches made by Jos. It. Hunter. Esq.. President of the Douglas Club, Col. Geo. W . McCook, and Gen. Will A. Stokca, whose remarks are thus re portod in the JPost: Gen. Will A. Stokes, of Westmoreland, was sow loudly called for, and the chairman introduced him to the meeting, whioh he addressed as follows: When X last had the pleasure of addressing yon, now nearly four years since, we wet* engaged in a most arduous contest—-in the eleetion of James Bu* ohanan as President of the United States. Our contest was orowned with success—a;disastrous success. The fruits are before us, fruits like the apples of tho Dead Sea, pleasing to the eye, but ashes to the touch, and you are here to-night as the evidences. There is something wrong—something to be joctified. What is it? Congress, as the He publicans claimed, bad the right tq interfere with tho question pf slavery in the Territories. The Democratic party denied It, and said the people of the Territories alone had the right to mako the laws under which they live. The oontest was s c cessful op that doctrine, and you nro hero to«n!ght to reaffirm it. You are where you then were. • Where is Mr. Buohanan? Is he with us or ag&iost us? It is cot enough to 047 that he is the successful candidate of the Democratic party, or tho President of the United States. We wish to know how he stands on the great issue upon which be was elected. I say, where is he to-day ? lam not to stoop to a contest with bis slaves, bis mvrmL dons, Ms Biglers; but Isay, where is ho? Is the Buchanan, seeking the nomination of 1856. de nying the same dooltinn in 1860 ? Doc» he to-day stand on that doctrine? orjshe bound, band and foot, by tho South, who wish us to give further pro tection to slavery ? Ts he a slave? and are we, therefore, to be the slaves of his slavep? But the particular ebjeot of this mooting is to declare its sentiments with regard to the conduct of the delegates who were 6ent to Charleston, and who there dared to miarepresont us op this question of people’s rights. Pennsylva nia’s voloe upon* this question was universal and unanimous, and we sent delegates to Charleston. But there were men thero who wished to make spe cial provision for the eeourity of slave property. Tho time has arijved when questions as rights of the people are to be determined by tho people Ihemsolres. Is there a marfhere who does not know that when on effort is mode by tbe Federal Government at Washington to enforce its particu lar views as to, territorial sovereignty, the peo plo pf the Territories are deprived of tbeir sover eignty as men? Upon this point the campaign of 1856 was bug oepafully fought. These delegates were sent to Charleston to oxpross' the views of Pennsylvania on the subject. Did thoy do this ? Were they wrong to deolaro that the people of the Territories were free to govern their own institutions in their own way ? If they wero, then they expressed our voice: ffnot, they did not. The gentleman then went on to comment further on the action of the delegates, regretting that they had not fulfilled the threat of leaving the Conven tion, wkich it was their boundon duty to do when they had ceased to gives utteranoe to the sentiments of those who sent them thero. He expressed an opinion that if this were permit- 1 ted to go by, the popular voioe would henoeforth | be disregarded. If, said ho, the time has arrived when you are prepare# tn giyo unlicensed and un limited power to‘thoBo who misrepresent you, then popular sovereignty is aa much in tho dust as it would be were the dootrlnea of our opponents to prevail, s Stephen A. Douglas Is the inoarnatlon of-popu lar sovereignty for tho world, not for us alone, and wo should.straggle to elevate hfm to the high po sition he so well deserves, 1 and finally secure the' ascendonoy of that great principle whiob has brought you here to night, tbe right to make the 1 laws underwbioh you livo. Let us never forget we are Demoorats, and especially at this moment, when we have so excellent an opportunity oF com bining all our elements.' Here he gave a sarcastic sketch of tfcQ life and public services of Abe Lincoln, who was ufknown, except as thedofeatpd opponent of Douglas, which he hoped might ever bo true of him. Then, reourring to the action of our delegation at Charleston, he said : This is not the first time in the history of Pennsylvania that suoh an attempt has been mado. Your fathers and grandfathers resisted them, and are you to put your neoks un der the yoke ? I say no i Let us cultivate tho spirit of our fathera ; reflect that Pennsylvania ia a great empire within herself, am} remember tnnt she wifi stand fast to the Constitution and the Uplop, at all bngardq- Giyo these Ucns, in plain Saxon, to those who havo 'darod to misrepresent you at Charleston, and they will not bavo tbe effrontery to repeat the of fence at Baltimore. But whatever may be the case, let us he true to ourselves, and have no other alle gianoo. Let ns qdbero to the principle fbr which we have been battling, and the right of the people of the Territories to make their own looal laws will be triumphantly vindicated in the election of the gallant Senator from Illinois to the highest office In tbe gift of this great, free people. Mias Lizzie Martin, jaafc on the eve of sweet sevontoen, plump, boautiful, and a “Shßkeross” tq boot, last “ shaken ” off tho strnigbt-lnoed ” habits” of her poolely, and tag sought the more plesßing society of n young and ardent lover. Mr. Murray. Tho fnterostfng affair happened In Cleve land. The beauty of the loyely Shakeresa attracted the dark e J® fl of tho youth, and vi<* versa. So a “ vunaway ” was planned and successfully carried out last Monday: The lover and two friends made an Incursion into the Sbakor settlement at War* rensville, oarried off the prise, and a kind minister did the rest. The Shakeress Is satisfied with her selection, TWO CENTS. HEiierops iwteexigence. Ecclesiastical and Personal. ®J n * StopheA A-' Donglas, who 1b a descendant °* Jv Arnold,-** contemporary tod &ssoeiate i 7r r r RR # ® l 8» has desired his name to be en tolled in the association recentlj oiganired/for the e »°* wtetfag a monument to the dlrifa. jraw&ed founder of'Rhode Island: As Roger Wil uJ“l!?^o^J Iw ‘* rrt * Pi**" l for religious I liber tyw this country, it lg proper that hfo memory should he thus honored now by oar most distin guished champion of liberty, civil and political. A mating hejd on Tuesday fa?* at Evidence, tofbr ther this movement, was addressed by the celebrated Herr. Dr. WayJand and otter well-known light* fa the Baptist' Cbnfah... . . The General Assembly School Presbyterian Church, lately oon i vened at Bittoburg, traniaoted, among others, the following items of bnsfatti: Commissioners* we re 1 Appointed fa attend the Approaching,celebration of the thirdoentennaryof the Soottlsh Reformation, to be held faJEdinbiirgb j !Bev.Wm. Adams, J>.‘ D., Rer. John. Jenkins, D. D_,Rey. M. L. R. P. Thompson, !), and Bov, were ap- A rule forbidding the eldership to i a^ e j;}Pfc x £ w * in the ‘ ordfaitiph ? ArJr* r of hinds; and another iwway at exorbitant rates of fa: tereetto-be ‘‘ a sin and anim^^iity.^ .ski, of Rusefe) 1 kaS ffUbsaibted f to the a project Y6i* fad iphtTfatiou' ;pf ; w Christian brother hood for the ‘pippagatfejJ among the mountaineers of-the Caucaanf, fae members of it fa be divided into four classes, the frst to be honored fa their rank by befog received at-couft....The Memphis Presbytery (0, S!) has decided that go ing to . masquerades, dancing - parties, circus, or theatre, Is a sis, and that it is ■ the duty of the elders in all such oases to bring the offenders ’to confess t or*xolude them frt>m the church..,,The i total profits’ of the Northern Methodist Book Con cern since 1836 have been $1,171,584 60. : The divl* : dends paid from this cum to Annual Conferences amount t05305,459.../We understand that the Rev- Mr. Durtmrrow, Hector of the Evangelist Episcopal Church, fa Catharine street, above Seventh, fa this oity, is about haring a large bflpfstry placed fa that edifice to accommodate persons wishing, baptism ! administered according to the primitive mode, by , i immersion,.Dr. Abel Stevens, who lately retired j from the editorial chair of the Christian Advo- l cate and Journal, the organ of the Methodist j Episcopal Churoh, according to a statement made by our New York correspondent yesterday, is | I likely to beoome a rival editor to the journal whioh be has for four years conducted with so much ac- I oeptanee and ability; certain prominent members •proposing to start a paper for the advocacy of the j views held'by the more conservative,portion of tho denomination, with Dr. Stevens at its editorial head. 6noh an enterprise would undoubtedly be a formidable competitor to tbo Advocate and Jour no;/....The Rev* Mr. Dickson was last week in. 1 stalled paster of the First Presbyterian Church of j : Northumberland, the exercises being conducted by 1 tho Venerable Dri Do Witt, of Harrisburg, Bar. Mr. Davis, ‘of Dauphin, Rev. Mr. Hendricks, of New York, and Rev. Thomas Street, of York, formerly of the Green-Hill Church, this oity,... The Rev. Isaac S. Kallock delivered bis farewell sermon in Boston on Sunday last, and has gone to reside fa Leavenworth, Kansas, to act as chief manager and agent of the American Baptist Home Missionary Society. $75,606 have been < voluntarily subscribed to build him a church fa that city.... The Rev. H. Grattan Guin ness was among the passengers who sailed from Boston for Liverpool, fa the Europa, on Wed nesday.... Bov. Dr. Dyer, of New York, bos de clined the Episcopate of Kansas, to which be was elected a few weeks since... .Horace Greeley,- the New. York Tnbune, presided at the late tfal versalist Festival, fa Boston.... The next General Assembly of the Old School Presbyterian Churoh will be held in this city... .The Rev. Dr. Thomp-1 sen was installed pastor of the Seeond Presbyterian Church, ClDcinaati, on Sandiy evenlsfilist, Jcne 3d; the sermon wee preached by Rev. Dr. Weber* president of Hamilton College.... Texas morality j improving : A Texas paper says that the Rev. R. P. Thompson, a native missionary fa that Stats, is ! u breaking himself of the habit of swearing, and re*4* the Scriptures quite fluently.”..,,The Se venth Congregational Church. Chicago, Waft bfcga fifaed fa fast o\ty on tbeZZd. ult...VThe corner stone of a new Baptist chwrah wBl-ba faid m\Fifty fiftb street, near Lexington avenue; NevrYork, oh next Thursday..,,Several of our pulpits will be supplied part of the day, to-morrow, by minister B now attending the General Synod of the Reformed 1 Dutch Church fa this city. In the pulpit of fac First Reformed' Dutch Church, corner of Seventh i and Spring Garden streets, now vacant, Rev. Afex- I ander R. Thompson, of New York, will preach in i the morning at 10 o’olock, (when the Lord’s Bopper will be administered,) and R»t. T. DeWitt TaJmage* ! of Syracuse, in the evening... .We understand that since entering upon his new charge, at Brooklyn, the Rev. A. A. WHHts, lata of this city, has con sented to wear the gown. This may improve his preaohfag and appearance; albeit, his acting will be less effective. “The Japanese and our Religion.’ '—Under this caption, tbo Rev. T. H. Stockton, Chaplain of the National Bouse of Representatives, publishes an article in the National Intelligencer , eritiois fag the course of the entertainers of the Japanese for not introducing these heathen guests into places of Christian worship, and fears that the Ambassadors, on their return to their own country, will be compelled to report that “ tho Americans have no religion, or if they have any, they were afraid, or ashamed, or for some reason unwilling to let us see it. 1 ’ A comparison is drawn between the visit of these distinguished Asiatics and the visit of the wise men from the East to King Herod, when our Saviour was born in Bethlehem of Judea On that occasion Herod, the King, and all Jerusa* lem with him, were troubled. “Eighteen centu ries have gone by, and la!” says Mr. Stockton, “ Wise men from the East come to our Jerusalem, saying virtually, if not formally, ‘Where is Ho who is acknowledged as the common Lord of the Chris tians? for we have seen his thirty stars in the Bast and are come to worship him l* But Com merce, less generous than Berod. gives the inquirers no directions.” Alluding to thlseappoaed oversight or mercenary neglect of God and the Sanctuary in the grand entertainment programme, the writer Tether ironically continues: “Take them, or lot them go, anywhere and everywhere—exsept tho hallowed scones of Christian worship ! ’ Make them presents of anything and everything—except the Bible, the Jfa* Testament, or any other religious book \ the physlolans have access to them— for some of them are doctors ; but beware of the clergy—for no priests are among them. Their re ligion is dead—and so is ours! Christianity is no, mote; the BiMe is a fiction; the Church a super-; fltition ; the Ministry, a mere profession; andtbe : Sabbath, a grievous imposition. Commerce la king! and Commerce requires that these < wise men from the East’ shall fall down and worship him, and open ( their treasures’ in his presence, and strew at j his feet their 1 gifts, of gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. : In a word, Commerce decree? that tbl 9 expensive entertainment must and shall pay i A despatch from Washington, slating that the Japanese have formally declined all religions communication, on the ground that but one reli gion Is recognized by the laws of Japan, and that they are forbidden to take part or be present at the celebration of any other, fully explains the matter complained of by Dr. Stockton. The Boston Pilot , fa one of its usually*spioy ar- ! tides, reads Us Catholic friends a homily, this week, for patronising the trashy literature of tho day, in-, stead of journals of their own denomination. It 1 says that the present Gatholio population in tho | United State? exceeds three millions, and that, of this number, at least eight hundred thousand aro | able to read, of whom comparatively a fraction only are habitual readers of the “ able Catbolio papers published fa New York, Buffalo, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Now Orleans, and other places^ 1 and the Pilot , (whioh the writer modestly own! has a circulation equal to all tho rest taken to* gother,) whilst fa almost evory Catholic dwelling may be found a copy of the New York Ledger , or some snob periodical, from the perusal of whioh** the Pilot fears that “ the morals of tho reader auffey greatly.” The circulation of 349,000 copies of tfrank Leslie's Illustrated News, containing the Been an and Sayors fight, Is greatly deplored, as having a tendency to “ blunt the dolfoate feel ings of a youthful contcienoe,” as is also the f&ot that “flimsy Gatholio hoys or girls should became enthusiastic admirers of the heroines of Cobb 1 * tales,” Religious Education op tub N. Y. Herald's Reporters —Phonographic reporting of religious matters makes sad havoc with oommou senss fa the hands of the New York Herald. The religious . education of tho reporters of that delectable Bhcet has been evidently much, negleoted. Thus we find it reporting the Rev. Dr. Cook to have said at a recent Bible meeting, that «• the System of Colpof' worthy of consideration, sake wrote during the thirty yeara ofi his life, many works on tho Re formation !” also, that ” hi? (Colporteur’*) system, was fa operation in America, and that it was ascer* tained, by inquiry, that over twelve thousandfami* (tea in America were now supplied with the Word of God.” (!) Furthermore, “ Colporteur was one Of the missionaries who now wont throngh tfcecountry, and had converted many Roman Catholics among the Germans and Italians, and ought to be sup* plied with funds." At another meeting held in THE WEEKLY PRESS. ' Th» Wsult Plus will b. Hit to . ?£ :2f.'l *> * " „ rWf»T" “ « ' Tw^tTCo,i w ',orow< ' .Xfhßrtfanbw.mtt. ~....'. tlUa P T •W’ «* «■ «W,w»*iil am „ -! «w tb tt»wbw-»> «f ft», o»h. *r max«k« to. Th» WiiiLiPm. ' - | <4LiKm*iA m«M. Mm<l Bemi-Moßthlj in tu»-fer th. CMiforai* Bt^n«ra. »*,*>*. Dr. Stmtid.r’s opining, that “3 ™*s yo *« 1 « mn«h uha does in t hi Mrth 3 I s rendered la tho seine journal:— A Hindoo author mould «' soon mtt a "f; V' ‘"ft’ ‘wi^' binh, to a "”?■ No »“><*«■ that Dr. Pallor; In a T epMoh on the same oeeaiion, abonld hare boon made to ny oy the seme phonographic machine that' “ the i*. poaters of the seealarpress sometimes clipped tSeir •pepohes worse' then the Hindoos clipped thmr low- wo wenld, in view of the abore, respeeffUly sn«>est to the Board of Domestto Msslons, or some otlfer competent power,' that an Important mission are fleld js silll open for : tbe eper»tlonS of 'Mr. • Colporteur In the Tlblnlly oT'JMmb' an'J Fnlton : strtels. New York. Should the Jape*(See dtahasiy the Herald offlee in their eMt io the Btoplr. T«rf good opportanll, wIU M> sffordbd fbr heathendom- to exchange ealnUtiona." -Certainly s«(4r blundering .nonsense in Philadelphia would enetlo any reporter, however unpretending, to a fr«b ticket to the LudaUo Asylum., 6 From Indiana, Pa. noe of thetPhfcfcj • [nouwi/Iwnnss ft,:, Jttn«7,iBM. aaSsff'fiissifi tha nominations will be he oenvess opened In earnest-! Qrett ihiftsted by'fho Democrats is’lff'®e ’ oodrse pf the BolUmro Convention. -.The Demo ordoy of this oounty,almost unaelmonsly'sustained (sd the ground of expeiienepy the Kansss pblioy of thd President, and, before the Charleston Conran- Hob,,ware opposed to the.nomination of Mr Dou glas. . Butthey are now, and aiwaya have been, hostile to the proscription which has rendered the Federal Administration so deservedly infamous. Aid Slnee the nomination of Mr. Linooln, the im pression has beoome stronger and mote fixed that thb only man capable of defeating him is the Little Gfcnfc In aeoordenee with this feeling, and throw ing aside all personal preferences, to. the trhtmph of the party, sn immense mass meeting— tlA largest Democratic one held here since 1856 atnembled in torn home two weeks since, at whioh reholUHott* similar to the ones adopted at yon r Philadelphia Donglas meeting wore nhanimonsly pissed. Meetingsof a eimilerch truster hare been hf d in all portions of Western Pennsylvania,- and, with the exception of one journal, every Demo ortatio paper west of the mmmtains is faronble to tße nomination ■ of : the Senator from. Dliools. BWsrs. Weir and Fainter win obey the wishes of tljolr doastitnentx by voting, on every, ballot for • i Jtdge Douglas, - j Weekly Hevlewr of the Philadelphia' t ' \ “ Markets. ”* PtfiLonxinriA, June 9, ia©. Hie unsettled state of the wsa her. ted the let* &d -v 3«» from abroad have increased ihedat'oess already n iticeabl* in the Produce Markets, and bo*it*e«s «ene- ‘ n 11Y &a«b*«rfvery:iQ*ctfve ikiamk. flarki* jatber ?Braf rale - ia-favor of the bayera* dotof m the wav ofsale* ,1a Coal than u abettor feelrt*, and ratter wtfo activity. Coffee N 8 igar, and Afolaaie* are quiet. Cotton i« dnli, and Vricca r tber droopioy. Pith tell ilotriy. Frait c law*. Hide*—no change. The Iron Market ieeteadj -1 rather, of good quality, j* held firmly, hut other • afe Xsnmber ia in fair requeet Navai .Store* are q net. Plaeter 1* dull. Provision* have so oyirard tend- * e ioy. In Po?k, Baeob. and Lan| there ia very )rtfie do r k,' No change in Salt. Sgeda fiave been vary quiet. ] alhrr. Tea*, and Tohaooo .are quiet}' to;Wool no ao -1 oßtf] the new clip comet forward. The BrefuJatoffa martnat is rather firmer amoa tha « AgeoflaaLveeks but the demand for P]oorh**bees c site moderate, and the sales cmnrnse abont Sjm bb!* 1 k at for oo«»a»oa and wood stMrito. mostly at the latter r&ts ;$p 60ms U for extrn, itod 98 per bb). for extra tootly. hlStTmi *t theSktoy >; yarn «[ Ike lattar wlii«| arm ieqeiretl : ! ,r *,i ThereceiiitoiiontjDße.bKht. tr>dehavebre» - I tivinf to a moderate extont at abovw rare* for ■ S uW s *? and extra*, and from #«&s uato »T«ear lb L*“ir. laborbfwwa m m,q*mli«v. Rye Floor i* dull. : i nfleelUalowly at«4B»4U«jH*rhW.’ Com BmliiAiw . ! flieatt£t , {!ii!. oft, * dat bbto.withsmall.; i Mw! ,0 ’ : Harrela ofanperfina — 7,557 - - “ i» . '• . middling 11* '• “ Rye itj . v ** Gom Sfeal. t,«tf • l Ooodemjied. yjg ! : »JFS ' 1 wwEAT.--The recernjsare fair, and there to a been morwaptintrtn.tbe market* With eefee of *tx*nt S9OOQ ■ puf. »ir ana prime Peon'a and ffonthem red at Itta lUhtohieflr/at 13S«l*®oforPenn'a; and whiteatl3Sa * W6e, seeonJing to aoaJity. etoaag JOSo If*bo* better. fWPJTMph. asdabtmlS.OOO’bQgPennto »oia atasrrßto. ’ Pohl iijn ■**dr dWskßd bct yethw leas frrm; el rbe - hioeeaboat agAQO bus yeUovJtavter been disposed of at rTS*! 0 V 1 * k!V®e eiltet* obiefir at the htierrato. iaoludißKeteto Mr quality at fl»««5>. aad j-whitowid at «c. Oats are firmer, MfhMfcena/OBteatWtotte for JW*,aad toe • msTkat for all deseriptuHis; aad howreafufirm at the Infer ' PM? f U r Wi'u * »*o m ■»- aiawa: wo t>bn ! V.6if I .*»?«, o« vrtmto urvs. 1. * f*!r it«i«irr''spdVitxiuMtoMpu, M buktar. ys inn: mtm ofwbiin Bern, tu 10X So-llHo j o»nv»i»cd do. sn DXwmßss giUnsnt IDXW p-Kci jnd Bbouldsi* m SkwsKo-mxtr'S.TS. Gram ,mcat«fi«ve besum roodesst. rcsoast, but tb. nmaipa ;,nd stock. ly-Muht: rale, of Ham. m nit at «o ; do, (in uiaklsafioxo; hMVTS-dssatlOotsndHsooMsrSat , I'm*?®*, 1 erd—«apphe*opme inslowlT. end with a trod irquiry holders IpvaMaiu advanced their u»ice*: salea ,of tesand bb>«at IIX®ISJ»c. els*s ag at the latter fieme. tond «r« and on time. Buttorcontinnr , a dnilt sales orwlid-Moked at Wallc; roll atljw'to. - bPk Chcaas is atoadr at nsQXo I. btA I.R-—Th. market for.P,, Iron -ia axtrnmals - •dujl. end the sslee are rao#il» m a *msP war. com (l WOfon*, at ST» for Jfo. I. 82t for and ?*m** for h .? o °} h Pi* ia Don»nall« heldst BS4. • in Blooms lron the «ate«a*e ttmted.virh> v««t ohjnM in price. Lead-Thrre is more dmuc ; s*l*s of IXOO pir« Galena on pnrato .terms, and £OO »{*« Vir & 1 opp«»r—9bea hinr is ' «h‘)dati7e. and V*linw Metal at 200. es aonths.irith -1 ooteai's to aar extent :. BA «< K domes torvard slowt*. but iha demand frtr ft h**f»U«noff, and too hbds Ist Ko 1 Quercitron sold at • jt»»3o W ton. but buyers refuse to **? tfte htter ;figure exoept for extra lots. Tannn7» r ßarVis more' i «!•» of Spanish tak at $l5, and Chestnut at. , qr cord '* ttacban, * < * J sales of prime Vellov at CAN *f{rS are steadr; of city-made Adamantine sore* further o«n>tr* eta have been made forr fafnre de livery fb.fitnontht Sp*no are dull attic, < monO)*. T*)inv Candles remain a* but quoted*. CUAls.—The market ia firm r nd there ie more bun nessroior. the receipt* aorf aabs iiavturiucreassKf; a lame nnmber of the raines jn the I resion bavo already contracted for ail their supplies for the re mainder of the, season, and ia the Schnrjlri’l region there 1* moTe animation: prices Temaiawithoui change. Innrwminopa Coalno’binK doiss, 2* en V6r 7 inactive since the close of last vreek. Manuracturer* parchasa spa ringly. and pr'ces. if anrtainir. have the hay era: sales reach a*-oat «on ehtefi* tVa»ds,at WXo/c*sh. for mid hire fair ; Mmpl'sat lOaiOXc, and varr lawnt3rata\«*h audume. The following ts the movement since the Ist Sep tember last, OH compared with the previous three years: _ _ J«P. imp. IMSt. 1857. Reo. at Ports.... 4AS3 009 IW7 0 0 SX2SOOO tAflrtXOO Fx. to G. Britain J fra coo 1.780 nt*> i.«m.000 1,291 oofl “ ( France .. . SMOOO saeoap ss»ono ksgoo ±‘ other f. norte.. r*s 000 gjnoOQ SMOOG Total exports... AA17.000 * 674 000 2.156.000 SJ*9 000 Stock on hand.... .*®o» 961.001 496000 t&OAOO Of wb-ch during the past week included in the above: Reo. at Torts..... Ji.Ofln }Bono 21 0P0 9000 Rx. to G. Britain. 59 600 47 000 12-OOt ** France 5 000 7.W 6 000 1 POO “ other f. ports. 70«> MfM 8000 gPOO Tcta> exports.... 61 000 « 000 61000 21OQQ /ncreassnt the ports. comMrfia with last year 79C0Q0 hales. f!Tptrt< —lncrea-«@ to Great Bntain. 725 000 hales: increase to France. 167 000; decrease to otn*r foreign ports. 49X00. Total increase in "jnorts. COO. COFFEE.-- T he market is very qnf*t but price* are firm: sales of «r» bass »m t liX©I3Xo. and iATO bags li**siiayra on time. DRI7 y B ANO PYK».—The ra'es coptiuue limited, without nbanre in .prices, including Vtnetnn Red at Poda A»b at 2X* 2,*tfo j I'jqnonee Pa teat23c: acarmof Jamaica Lok wor« at about $l5 ton; refined Bor*x at lBXe ?at 6 IcdißO at $155©1.6S for ronmon *nd st irtW prime Bens*', ajd a »m*ii lot of Guatemala at $ll5. flmoe. 1 F'SH.—Mackerel are dull sjtbeonlr sales reported are from store at $1750«*17 75 for No 1; A»]o fbr Nn. 2, whioh are scarce, and 75v $9, *nd $6. for large medium snd araii’ No ?*: a few no* 8s have ar rived. Codfish sell bIowW at ss*s theioo lbs PinUed Herring range from-3176 to $5 57, as m qnalltr. 1000 bWssom iron- the wharf at private bargains Salmon are held *tjM7 FE I THvRB ore scarce, and good Western command 48<P300 kg' lb. FRUIT.—Some 5 000 boxes Orange* and Lemons have arrived; the latter selling at $L6O®2 25 and the former at aI o 5 qF box. In other description* of foreign there is litt'e or nothing doing. Domestic Froitof ail kinds is dull. Green Apples range from •«o6<pbbl. Peaches are selhae slowly at PolSo for unpared qnsrteraand l4»18o for pared. FREIU«TB.7-There is v«rr little offering, and some further emasement* to Liverpool have been reported at 90s. We quote, to I codon st?2s6d and 2Ss y tm. To Ban Franoisco there is little or nothing doing w©vt In dia freight" are very qmet. A vessel w*» tak*n for fouta side Cnhast too for sugar, and $5 for molasses, nreign port charges paid. To the Pcnth there i« no change. The Boston packets are getbng 20c for Roar. 0o lor grain- and doso For measurement goods. Cos] froi«bts are better. We quote at $1.60 »o Boston. 81.50 to Providence, and 90®88c to New York from Bort Riobmond. GINSENG is quiet- but prices are steady at 65© » ft. GUANq[is selling slowly at former; rates, Bay §&Sffso for Peruvian. HEMP is unchanged, and there is little o> no stock here in first hand* . • • HID Kb ato held firmly, and no further sales have been reported/ - - HAY is dull, and selling slowly at 75&90a & JOO U>s HOPB are dull, and sell in & small way at 8«lio fi>. for Extern nad Western. LhAriiML— I There is a ste.vly inquiry for prime ouatneh, sole, and slaughters but other kinds are tie- LuMHEIL—-There is more activity m the trade pene rallv. with an increased demand and fair receipts Sales of Calais Lariis at fil 6O0I65; White-pine Shipping BofiTds rause from $l4 to $l3, a* in quality; Yellow sap do !§fr#liS^'Al feet. Pickers are dull. SoutglesseU at ,?]3<r29. a* in length. MOIj ABBEB—The market h&sbeen'quiet. tot without chanse m prices, and the stock is iucresains*. **l«*epf Cuba Muscovado at 28®35c, and Clayed at 2S«r27c, 4 months. Naval STOTtJfS are very quiet, and the sales of Roam. Tar. and Pitoh are only m a small wav. Spirits of 'continues in limited request; trie* at 44Xf1’450&' gallon. _ ??* firm, with more doine in Sperm and Whale. Lard Oil ts sePmg at 90a82c. Of Linseed, the eaJee are limited ats9ffl6oo- PLABTUR is dull; the last sale of soft reported was atsS»te'toD. , .. , RICE is in fhir demand,and pnoetare better; sales of JBooask*.iij) ®4fio«4.f2«. 4 months. . B*>LT is dull, and 2 aOssoks erotint}. a recent impo't. •old on terms kept private. No lurther transactions have be9n reported, „ . : BEEDS —There i* very little Clovorseed ootmne in, and the sale* have been in a small way at 94 2594.80 & bushel Nothin* do in? in • iinothy, and prices are nominal at *A»bushel. Flaxseed is soaroe, awl sells on arrival at 91.62^-bushel.- - SUGAR has been extremely qmet; the stook has been increased by several arrivals, but holders are firm in their demand"; eomeare storing; sal«*« molade 4A> hhds Cubaat 96.6 Ka7 75. and aimall lot of New <ir leant a v 97 26. and 300 boxes Havana-at 96 62Ja«7A2>i ; Porto flico at S7®7.w tP’ 100 Ra. cjPIR TA of>nnnue inactive, and m forelrnthere »Te no ohange* to note New England Rum *e!t* efowty at whuky i« bclliok at for Western bbhi; 9i920H0 for hhds, and MttWJio fordrudge. TALLOW sells slowly at ia x «o for city-rendered, and 9Vo for country. .... TEAS are held firmly, but there 1* very little doing in either blaoks or greens IYiRAGCOtBdu'L and the receipt* of new lesf from the YVest are fair; for the latter grades of manufactured there is a steady inquiry "t previous rates. WOIJL continues un«"d. Th«*‘e sno disposition on the partof manufacturer*Joparchnse.ex epttosup ply immediate waote. until After the receipt rf he rev ©bp, which wiU be \u the coarse of tv f»w weeks. The streks of the low «nd medium >rsd»s tire about'eX -1 haustod. while nr nre they are in excess of the some p nod for many yeaTspaaLaadarewsmaUealesarere •ported at from 25 to 455, asm Quality.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers