ifillS "HWW*?,; i V V,' ,', &i- i- '. p't, -1 ‘‘ S|^S#»sSs : r" - Bhio Aittbarton. Crocker, forC*lontt»*olwieJ at Boe ;/5fth*T&»&‘B&SPii ‘ftjrcOiUioVMiled from °SBjf Crin ?**?* Uo»f oajS4h.«*t foe .ItoSni!Hfe>BT&!*.a wit- Nio¥*r«on;' ’‘arid JnHa at-. fiotfeifi :9th nuk for kwltd, froaFoU t sSKfciMiJn*wsii W*T Onmfc'Y«i&' hanon, at Proridaaoa iSSSJLAnSt O^II^9 -^ .A*»jr K W BeaWo, Toylor. forPhiU »« %k r«B»p9rt»«a liut. lofo oil marinaraU ■. Sehr*fffSfirr* Fonton, hinoa, at Prowdaflc# sth .. Sofcr J *«*« T Boyd t h«&oo, amw >t PaWtaokat Bth *Sol»r-Herr*c*Staple*, I 'flibbo.' for fhjlirtilpbia.saileri ffom 6th mtt» with 170 bate* notion and 178 Jmr]A««ltuB6il«rf from JMBo* Birnfar Philadelphia, with lumber, >nt into Norfolki Bth fast, ihir Wt, P*«r*on, clmred sit Mobil*,kth jfaydi >» /from Breso* Baattwo, *r< frcm K,wa * d - L NOTICES, r • Dw.Uui to' Hsab.—lnstrumeitts th . ferietjr, iuiA of tfeo 'writ# P*MAJ)EHUL’B Ear loslra ***BtlW*ot, rfb.ll* Sobtb TENTH itrwt, belov Gtat r*t<«m*l- ,r ~-4 IlnuctJLOcs V«eiim D»- »**qT«* t tii»oia»»;»im twt r»m*d7kfitrwnfor Ex* WraUiitiis »ATS uS : MICK. CUCKIOACHEB WeBe"**tB, XHirtftUlTOßg, FLEAS, MOTHS, iJKAIN WORMS, on* GARDB* INSKCTB. ‘ !>«**,«» B*o AO WAY, N.T. „ . tat* WoOßnutrlsU «**rywbat*. . mrlASa Wats*Poolers ,'tob TnE.Mii-i.iOH, ,af MatodlMlr.' toltirioMi At J 5. 8. PARHONfc CO.’S Mannfoctory, oorltrof DOCK A PKAR HtrMt«. je7-dt , ’Batoi« Front —Natiokal Patkit Tmon OoltrAAT.—Ch«rt»red br too BtM« of Feourln ia. 1 ■ • ' -■ BUMS. . Vi- V . .LMommi SiTtud iM unruumin ■ MrgAoritoaU, V A FiVK PE* CEKT. burnt i« Wd for guur fro*, tlUSMfttu'istlA.;,.- ... „ . 1 Tha montr ia Almn »ld bMk In GOLD wh«n»v*i it i« oallrti for, add without fiotia*. . *. Mo**>.« rwooiroo from Extent**, AdminiitrMttyrs HMiai, udoUior TnutM*, inlario or mall nrai toir»Bt»i*»lootdr«fcort»«rit>d.’/ ; . -V J % Tko wnioT rmirod Erv* Df»o«i«on )• tavMM U KwIKsUW, OroMA lUitU, and other first. y-t,• “:-‘i -■* • r '\ 2 - ~ »>, OHiy wtowtw ortttf TlifiH■jfcr**U \V -. Jatf ? BkMMAffIHMt gIM-PaOOg SAWB:—A TB) Urn iaawf*Ma«ofBALAH*Hl>£BSror,aalaaina aouhla rrlaaa. Mo. <M CHESTNUT St, PklladalaUa «v»wa fcWATSOH. ‘ Omi Puo> Otorabiso? 'tarn • Latsbi, •«**». aadain tlw beat M*cner, «x»nwly for JIB TAIL SALES, LOWEST m)Uh( ImoM OUrtxi il Bala SttaiMn Allamda »»A|toprdMw»rr»a«»d aatb twMir> Oar OKE-TJUCB traai ii rtrietly adhartd b»a»T» ttiatobatbaoslyWrwaror daalisi UmtbmtoMMiliti./ > , - JOJfES A C0..- s - V »\,•> :_~.S . ■ 7. :-;r,v --.* 1 TOWP-RICHARDS.-rOn theevarmnroCthe7tliia*t,. TO &,“iK of^SVsKr?^* W*s 1£ MAket.lfT. Wm.fLfUa«<leTe sadluat Jennie pbnthe6thinst,b*Rer H. B. QUi*?, Mr. JohhM. Reiter, of rtevCautTe, Bc!.,toMi*« JMMMK.BuM.of lhu«ltr. * .CA«TKS—ttAPP On the 7th net.. by; Alderman , lefcs P* Mefeher;-Henry B.Certee toJtoea leeomns ImV both of this o»tr. ~ *' IKDCLIFF-gMirH.-On the «d of April by Ber. a. MeKecm« Mr. Charles H. KftdclifT to Min AnnieM.harfth,both ofthreeity. * . . DIED. . V - " morning, 9ih ink« at fafiWaftftn, Chester valley. Pa.. *ogene tor4u>her;totbe6tthie*ror bitaae . lode the Hibernian feoeiety.aiuMhe pnb 1 istcrmof ib« eltjr, »re rMpertfatt* invited | -Jane ral,from hie tote residence, No. W wet, on Tnes'lar morning. at Bht oVL c*. i Joeagaa Chare*;. Funeral to proceed^to TS'n, Catharine tot pi the into iaaao ITeokerfy* in the GKk : )ate‘ rteidMce. firet Jjiy oo Tataday afternoon, at 'Wttt&S&&jKi££*" jMnM *•«*- TVitoeral trombia lata r**ld*noe v 1106 .Filbert street, -thJiTtf* ! iKtwrlelter*oo«. r at,*o’oi(v‘k. > * * ' * jfetSKPATRICKT.— 4»n 7th test. Angelina Kirk- yeangeat daaahtf'of John'and Mary ' »«ri«kt'ia'4»ol7thyearpf berate.. '/> • -j- - fcatioirmtl etn!et l %ia (MoaS»f) " ooiintt at 9 oVock; * HAA?»-i>fl*b*7UijMuJobo Km», agedlMMr*- i Jramra' from hu tota.reaideooe, Tub North Tend at.* »iay> Coatees htafWoadar > niorainf. at» o'clock. * -' -FELTDrt.—unjthe 4tk mat.. Winfield, ton of Henry A. Patton, agedlimomha * inat >iu. l yeara - On the Bth ir.at» Jaa. MoCiaiUaaVia fba»threar of h»a age. ‘ _*- - -MDOT iF.-rJn the Bth trot., Jolm Dotta, In'the 10th year ; 4ha Bth ink., daughter of * - ‘'ippUOrfKKJ’V.—4tOhrtioeat«r,N. J.V'on the Bth mat., iniheepth year of berate, ; \ JheSth Wifeof tha late WeSally. mttollth year ofher age. , . * ; IflOUi 3)/-At tM/tSaiMOftu Hospital on the Bth mat * ‘P» fearer fla*« age. - - ..} &CONOUOH.—Oa the 8 h meb.£&9tJ r McDonough, <* **. aad A ' bki Lyons. aged . * ™jgUM^fUM|GiaM'Mftret*. tt,H7-4,«ad M wide; BimrSilkGmtadißM.GreniMme ... CfSM qhaWTfenrfrtiM**-? ■?* CHeliede’ AlAttTlvHe *s4 Triple; . jMti«> Grcßfttffflfl B%rWa amGrenadine Shawl*; hi (tab pi!u;riiiw.Summ«r GiQVM ud 'lw«*jyi y«dtoxC»H*r*. tie - - - ' J * r r , ; frON. Mourmnc Store*. K0..918, CB F.BNtJT Street. "Wl is-y-x AT A SPECIAL MEETING, OF THE jlj ArsdsmV fcc»«no«*, h*M Mb-Jane, *m, *S*m(«4. tW th» ’Autemt, hw. laurid -with sh« vfcoau bMA ftwotiaiad wit* tbj* Jutttutioaa for %m< r n*& efifcirtr S **;»■*»;, and. who, Ms ■' f -i*f awatyr. aadnitltfaldii* ‘ raepoMiwe duties oMreaserer daria* > Inijr wftcUl - lira. of tbfttrthre*; *eari,has-b«en itfotfUbd ,*iul •fieuatir ia *■* this Acptfemxdooof '-4uif|y«|tili(Nvillitbs b-rsfcvar*ftniLf aMr.Cn - j 'Mlim&uwd doisreby reader to th*ip ; their siatere • afossnos. • '.v / ■ > ' l . Jferefe«4.T)iAtl&»Jleeordinc Secretary.be,inctruct ' of our. deceased Member a s.:mmtS rtiiaeresoUfiope. aad that the? be pobliched - .jSiarfwily-JtmraAU of this oitr. "y™ V*7- { , fl, HO WARD, RAND. W. D» j ~ y . : st-~\ ■ • .(. •• - v Recording Scereterr. , BMtWE.-THK.WJdIAI. MEETING SDAY'Ja *», Ji*>.betv»i»atfce koaKof >OA* 1 office of U>« «dmm*i Comr’i Bujulto* ftev Jen*?* ,to ulMt Dlnoloriorni4 ,rU,» < rr.fo,.h.»» l » lr . RAzER _ Baa: ■ A* Arm «hiM la B» airaij j -'itonMUtra et their mudwmt meetup, held January % u mig] lit fareu«w> of the contract, enter? d into by ' *» nmhread duly Tteortcd.to earrt the fcwws wxto jtmt. ci^LXAR. >F ° R^, Trt4 * lir,T ' : . PkiindtlrMa m*4 RtaMni ui' aof "n r^ *iT«n to'SJSoUlort. in -^sEt2ff'!£ o i£i lr aJJrettitlojfiiMteMjaj. T|l» - SiWSirSßu** rweljt tod aremtliii: ihifr r«wc ySMMjjgjfttha otaa oftlia.Oomaiuir. <rr to ittxcato, oTwilatmi MdorMinenl wiu baiaraiaui ' J |OiIrttADtX?HU INQOTKEE TO-DAY SHEKT. 1 ’’’ *p- J 1 ■‘.,,’MutitAn'iitiliiiuimm, - •/;, i| KKOIPTIOIT OF THE JAPANESE ■>. ‘-l Full *ni 8f»»W(ill«»b]rt. ' - THBTJ SITED STATES AWDIAPAtIKSB FLAGS /FAC-StmtE OF THE BADGE WORN BY THE A MttMBKESOFTHE SELECT 4TDCOMHOR ' . -:CCPECU,S ? ■, .^..^IWfiiiAIFAL ; ATTHB j»BFW&V'“i; •• : * THE COraOiLS RECEIVISO TEE . -;r, ws»iii»«i»HEß oEiEitTvlsatthedepot, ; :-./Es»^i> i: Afii>FEiMßitTEEBTs.;‘:; , HaucinoHi. pARSOHBOR OONTEAOTS | . i ■£'“ iLITTIis:. SHO WN. & GO.. 3T KILBY STREET, BOSTON, Have just published, THE FOURTH EDITION OF TBX ; -LAW OF CONTRACTS.; lßr TBBopim.ua \ F.isOK,»LL. jL,I) an* Profsiaor of Law in Harvard 1 Unlper*itr.' iTeU.'Byo, ,11. ‘ } Wt** 1 'V' V?* j The publishers offer thenew edition of this work to theprofemion m every way worthy the favor with Vhioh three large previous editions' have/ atready keen received, Tk« third •dititaobntalnedtwo pew. tare's the fourth’ hM two (Store chapter* and raaby pew peetions, tadnew’hatairJ'aplw in very many, chaptersi tad more than two thousand heir oases are cited. The indexes of both volumes have been enlarged and put to gether ae one index at the cloee of the second volume, intha belief that this would facilitate the’ use' of the hook. - Fora similar ret eon, .the oases oitsd in either or. bothvQittiseo hare t*OQ arranged raone list and pre fixed toth# first volume.. The whole work < has been in! >aet rewritten; and no peine have beep spared to in .sura'a fall pad aeourate presentment of the, law as »t is at!this Botneat.in all things which relate to the foun 'detion, the oonstritotUra, orihe execution of contract*; ’and it is offered to the profession as, substantially, a new 'Wbrfc' t- i “We regard it as altogether the best work on the .subjeot that has ever been written, and in many respects ‘the best legal treatise of whibh we have any know ledge. s .' Bottom Advertiser. ■ - ] “It is beyond a doobt the best American treatise on 'CostraotSi ahd we ate glad to hear that it meets with a -rapid and extended n\%? , —Larb 'RepdTter. I “ We regard this workrtaken as a whole, dear in 'statement, dihgent id oitation. accurate in detail, cora msndable in research, excellent in learning, simple In style, and altogether the most carefully-considered and ‘hebt-prepared exhibitioner the comprehensive law . 'of that hasever yet been presented mtheEnglish laepmce.”—AmcrtcseXotv ßegister. ’ -?.We eonfideutly predict that it. will in the long run supersede all other works upon that subject now in use* ]lt js more exten>ive and more complete than' any other 'within opr.knowledge. There is scarcely anv .topic .within the common radge of thoee incidents which per- Ctaln to the sutyect of simple contracts which Is no. here <vbryflilty and oorreetly treated.”— Judge Redistil, '• jell-mwfStif v, , n iTWBW BOOKS ii ,v For sale by c , -.i „ - bamuel hazard.ks., f _T94 CHESTNUT Street. ! THS K*LLEYB ANfPTfiB O'KBLLEYS. A novel iby: Anthonr Trollope* author of Dr. Thorne, fco. One ; volame,CKWh J*iiS '* \ TastHYßia' OGY OF COMMON LIFE. By Oh H. ; Lewes. aa'hrrof Life of Goethe. Second volume* j nit *T HK FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR PRIZE SToKY. Br Mrs. Henry Wood.re from the English edition. One volume, 60 ("the HISTORY OFOENGHM KHAN. Br Jacob (Abbott. One volume. ISmo. doth. 00 cents. ■ LUC‘I L* THE NEW POEM. Br Owen Meredith. B MVSoARBT 7 MoSi t *RIEFFB ; Or, The First Love . B, A. AI. D. o».rnlam.,lBmo. ,1. . n , ! HaWKSVIEW. Br Holme Vie, en.Bor ofSrlvao ’ Bolt'.U.'.liter- 40. On* volume. ' FORTV Vbaßv> FAMILIAR LETTERS OP JAB. ,W. ALEXANDER. .Br Rer.JohnH.il. Two volume., s > %SbANd AT LIFE. Br George Augustus, Sals, ;acthcrof"A JoamayDoe North,” ete. A most enter i Utains and sprightty.yolwna. embodying a large amount .ofnsefel and entertaining knowledge. London. One T A”Sprsi{tf r S'TßlAi.‘ AnewNoveJj Bythe Aa '^TBE^Ln^TLE^BEAUTY? Br Mr. GrejJ. anthor of V The .Gamblers wife/.’ » 4 Prima Donna.” *TH* WSST INDIES' AND THEBPANI»H, MAIN. ; Bj| Anthony Trollope, author of“. Three Clerks.” “ Ber >twn,” ete. A very pieoant and amusing description of Life /a the Tropics. . ■ - leU-5t “Hole#Lee is winning for herself a high place in the ‘ ranksoffietum.. Eaeh new tale improves upon its predecessor.*'— Lodeten Critic, - XX AW K S VI # « V1 T ' TIMES. Author of" Against wind and Tfde,” “ Sylvan Holt’s Deughtsr,"“Maude AcyAc. ‘ - Out ypt Umo, doth, rr oe Si. Fourth Thousand, now readri AGAINST WIND AND TIDE. , BY HOLME LEE. One vot.Umo, cloth., Puce $L WORKS OF HOLME LEE. . <■ * 1 Oeinionsofttie tcu; 41 The adthor is a litersry artist of no common power. It lea model, of condensation, without raeagrenes* of style?Ofebs, / •, •' A story whtoh; dealing with the unromantio events of every-day life, yet sustain* to the end so unflagging an mteiast that few who commence will leave It unfi aiAM. n ~H6nii«t Chronicle. ■ 44 The characters are developed with. admirable truth and artistic shill, and lay fast nold of the readers in terest ”—Ltadir, . 41 Great skill is shown in the development o* charac ter \ several of t*e leading Characters are thorough the minor p*rs jbs have no want of diatino tiine leaturea”— Examimtr. “ We do not envy the sensibilities of the man to whose evee the peraea- of some of tbeee pages would not bring adewydimnetsrthe happy, healthful sympathy with •arrow.”—Philadelphia north Amtntan. 44 It has ahthe strength and powor of ‘Adam Bede? aod grace which that book lack*. LIFE BEFORE H M, ... , Tax Nsw Ahvk can Novst^ •1 vol.llmn.'oloth.' Price Rl. - . From the N. Y. Evening Post, •* We have read but lew Works of ibis ola«s that are so truthfully and forcibly written. The erratic artist life ofuemeorthe characters is happily presented, while the deduction* of their experience are given in a biting lutrol taking manner. .The straggles and trials of those who seek to rite to eramenoe. along.the sometimes thorny paths of literature, are weu'depicted. Iu short, the writer has woven a pleasing fiction from nurel* lo cal subjects and has psrrnrmed his task as few would have saooeeded in doing.” In■- T*+**-** MAUDE TALBOT.'* . * GILBBRT M ASSENGjKR.”and" TBORNKYHALL.” Bj Holme LN. - Singlecopies of any of nor publications prepaid by mail for the retail price. Catalotaea free- . W. A. lOWNBFND k Co., PabHih*r», - je9-2t . No. 46 WALKER Street, New York. fiEO. GEVANS’ GIFT-BOOK STORE, VN o,_ 439 Street. Buy YOUR BOOK* AT KVAN§» ~ HUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS’ ;< 9iftA)<tkBlorti Ho. 4-<9 Clwtant itMst. !Tis-the best place id theoity. Books are sola m cheap Mat any other store, - , and too have the advantage Of receiving a Book. MARGARET MONCRIEFFE; THE PIRgT LOVE OP AARON.IJUBR.~A, Foaaaooa of the Revolution, with a« containing the tetters of Colonel Burr to “ Ka*e. r ? »»d ‘‘‘ EJiae,’’eod from “-Leonora,” etc., ate., hy Charles Bdrdet; author of •* Three Per Cent, a rtonth,” '* Life of KitCarsozf,” etc, with a fac-simile of ut*ed#br*t«deiptierlett«raadkej,ooe voiutrie.il tmfc.witb A Sift —— Price #1 25 *•THRBEjPkR CENT A NO‘Ta.”, by - Charles fmrdett, one rol., l2rao, with n . „ _ «ift.... Price 100 LIFE OF KIT CARSON by Charles fiur> dett. one voUljSmo, withagilt .Price • J 00 THE LITTLE ftatUlY. by Mrs. Grey, . one vol., ltmo, wi’h a gift, ................. Price 125 a Family History of our ■ own ttmes by Holme Lee, one volume, j l2mo. with a silt . ■ ... Price 100 KIT KELVIN'S KERNELS, illustrated. one vol ;jtmo with a eift Price ICO WAI/l’W HITMAN’S LEAVE,OF . GftsSS.one vrtl..lfroo. with Atfift * Price 125 COUSIN MAUDE AND ROSAMOND. by ' Mnr. Holmes, ore vot., ISmo.witu a gilt.. Prioe 100 DAYS ANft .WAYS OF COCKED HATS, illustrated onj vol., ltmo, with a gm—. Price 100 EL FURBIDIS. br the ituthor qf the^, pMMkSs^T'artA'V m» Pno * 1 “ I>noß 100 voL. ltmo, with a gift,. Price 100 . THE MILL ON THE FLOSS, by the author Of - **Adam' Bede,” one vol, 13mo,with a gift,... Price' 1 f 0 aLL THE NEW BOOKS as soon as PUBLISHED, together with ALL i HE. WRITINGS OF THE STANDARD AUTHORS m every departmej?t of Lite rature, at the Publishers, Regular Retail Price, and a . Handsome Present with each Book. . , , Calltn. mad out friar mxo, uamn you that tht btti ,tM <n lu ri * “* ,r ‘ ” - GIFT*'BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. , ' r 439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Two doorsbelow FIFTH', on the upper side, ' 49* Strangers vifiußg the otty are respectfully.invi ted to call and examine the large collection of Books, and get a Catalogue. Jc4-tf /p HE LITTLE BEAUTY, - MRS. GREY'S NEW BOOK. BfJPKftIOR TO THE GAMBLER’S WIFE. Published this day. and for sale et Retail or Wholesale T. B PKTKRBON £ BROTHERS, ■ • W 6. ?0» CBESTNJJr StrMt. TRE T.rrTLS BEAUTY. Br Mr* Gpti.sntlior of “The Gambler's Wife.” “ Young Prnna Donna,” ** Si oil Leonard,” *• Old Dower House,” *• Mary **ea ham,” * HeUe of the ramily,” “'Duke and Cousin,” “Urna Cameron,” *• Cousin Harry.”. ‘/The Utte Wf P ’\” Gtpsey's Daughter,” “Manmovring Mother,” " KysaintUs,” ’• Alice ♦ Passion and Prin ciple,” “ Baronet’* Daughters,” etc., eto. • - ” What is beauty i »otthe show Of sbapelj limbs and features. No, - ■■ The e are tat flowers That have their dated bouts, To breathe tbelr momentary sweets, then go, ’Tie the stainless soul within • That outshines tbe fairest skin.” Complete in one large-duodecimo volume, bound in doth,for One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents; or in two volumes, super cover, for Oae Dollar. Booksellers. News Assnts, and all others, will p'ease send on thdr orders at once fi.r wrtat tboy may want of either of the above editions, both of which will prove to he of great popularity and command large Copies of the above book will be sent to am one, jto.a*TPWße,atnace free of portage, on remitting the priei t& toe publishers. AAdrets.au order* to the pub ishers.' J-? oe MSWw Japanese edition of the stran- GKR'B (HJiDEJ! Strang"* visiting the city faring the sojourn of the “ Japanese Embassy** will Md this little manual of great value, _ ' ' . ' LINB'AY fc BLAKI-TON hftvcnov GUIDE IN>H»LAI/fLPHrA, to el! the poblio tmi dinu. plaoea of MnaaainetU:. ooiu m*roifti»od relisioaa joatitation*. and ohurobea. princi pal hntala, Ac,, Ac. r with ■ map of the oitj, and name row Uiactration*. - «mo; PrioSTa'mait in. *.lB ceita. " »*!«' ** “ A POOIfRT M»P OF THE KHTIRE CITY, - , jVbaaiitiftltlr ooiorad,)S7wnta. - ALL HE™ gOOKB OM be procured at VERY LOW OataiaguMof onr o*n»nbUo*tlon» furnuhed upon ap *xflLoTHE NEW BOOKS OF THE BAY, and a tone nmat wiwT wsortment of MitwUaueoo* pnbhe*Uoni> »t tbel2)W?§? PRICgS. ay % p bAKIBT0 N. ©I as South SIXTH Street, ftbov# Chestnut. Tfl* .BOYHOOD OF MACAULAY Jf- Lett* aor Hannah Mom to Zaeherr Maosolar. AM.-soaUloliK notloea of Lord Msoaufaj’s Youth. Nowfiret *uMi«hed, 75 oe' ta. . A D etjouuy of the Bible, oomeriwut ito AntiauiUee. raany^i’llijßtr&uonß. gvn. 9». Joha Allard, the Heweboy. With due portrait. CO f erl( Nob'e; Or, Tlie Button Neoileoe. aOoente, Of Bala by ,* _ . - j.» w/lliam s ' iwffißAmSte. iY* io additioii < -j^ST'w ta th« I'XMX Ul* TfTOUWANT GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS, »oig; •towrhere; MooamodMlont food, and prioes '"Mtltte.; - - t ■ ' ' * |t* -vj^rjrNft MMnrtMK>,u* PRIME NEW ST.JOHNS ALEWIVES. wifrj. taylor« 00. WEWPUBLICATIONS, AN ATTRAOTIVIi UTEBARY oTOt [Fac-sinUle of a Japaneee Book. I A JAPANESE BOTANYi Containin, PLATES OF PLANTS AND FLOWERS, And their desorip tions, in Japanese, with interlinear Translations, into English, with NOTES AND AN INTRODUCTION, Giving the Japanese Alphabet with the names and sounds of the letters, the names of the months, the hours of the day, and the measures of length, Ao. - Printed and bound in exact nnitati n of Japanese books, • PRICE 81.15. , This is a most interesting .book, both for the ouriosity of it, aid also for the information it gives of the lan guage and many peculiarities of a people with whom we seem destined to hold close and constant intercourse,— Ifort h America*. : This very interesting and eurtaus work will bs muoh sought after at the present time,— Evtnins Bulletin, J. B LU’PiNCOTr & 00.. : je9-3t #9 and 94 North FOURTH Street. fJTOS IRVING MAGAZINE, THE HANDSOMEBT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD! a TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. J A SUPERB ENGRWING WEEKLY. A OBOIGE PIECE OP MUSIC IN EACH NUMBER* COMBINING THE ATTRACTIONS OF A FIRST CLA*R MONTH* Y A LITERARY REVIKW. A JOURNAL OF FASHION AND ART, AND THE POPULAR WEEKLY * NEWSPAPER. The first number of the Second Volume will be ready for delivery on MONDAY, June 18, 1860, with an aoou* rat ° PORTRAIT OF WABHINGTON IRVING, A rich Golleotlon of choice reading matter consisting of ORIGINAL and SELECTED SKETCHES e*oh completeJp itself; POKTRV, ESSAYS, EDITORI* A Lb. MUSIC- and ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES on the Toilxt and Rornoiß. prepared by the best writers on’suflhsuhjsofß known, Sinoj.* Copies foe Sale bv all Nkwsdkalbrs—Six Cent*. Bnbaonptions for Six Months, fi1.60; One Year, 93; Four Copies for One Year. 910. > With any one of Irrins’s Works, as selected, neatly bound in oalf, a premium to the getter-up of the elub: TenßnhscTiptions...~.«*~ ~.520. With Two Volumes as a Premium. Those d'slrous obtainmg a. copy of the first volume, can do so upon remitting 82 for it. handsomely bound, or 81.50 In monthly parts SPECIMEN NUMBERB sent POSTAGE FREE on receipt of Two Thrce-cent Postage Stamps. 0. Z. POND fe.CO., Publishers. Id S 'RUCE Street, New York, to whom all ietyers must be addressed. Dealers will send their orders to BOBS & TOUBEYi WHOLfcSALE AGENTS, 121 NASSAU Street, New York. Tie greatest political text book OF THE AGE, Ready, the 14th vot. of BENTON’S ABRIDGMENT OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS, embracing from 1839 to 1841 Pnoe 83. doth. ‘•I feel justified in expressing the belief that I have rendered a great publio ssrvioe to the Union. I have rendered accessible (and i hope attractive) to the whole reading community the history of the formation of this Union, and <f the spirit out of which it grew, and of the soiricin whioh it was administered, carrying the noble vessel safely throtinh every danger for near seventy years. I have made all this knowledge accessible to every reading man; and knowledge is power— especially politiotl p.iwer—and as neoessary to adorn a pubUo man's life as to enable biro to legislate benefioially for the oonntry and avoid the mistakes nnd errors which often mortify himself. mentand a Dish one-but not'tie highen The highest lies among the most exalted of human notions, among the objeots whioh would reconcile a matraoted Uni m by showing examples of moderation, of justice, of mutual dafenoe, which Joined us together and kept us together. The Abridged Debates will abound tn such examples, and from nun of such noble character as will command veneration and imitation. THOM A H. BENTON.” A monthly reissuebf this work, whioh is by f"r the best tooonsult during the onming campaign, aft it con tains the most compaot Political History of the United Mates, and the best speeches of our orators and great statesmen op all the topioi of tbe day. is in progress. New subscribers can have the first volume now. and a volume once a month. i}ll the whole is completed. The index in eaoh volume gives instant acoeis to any aub jen t. BpeoiaUermt to Clubs. Apply, at the office of the New American Cyolopedia, to JOHN McPARLaN, Agent for Pesnsvlvnnia and 'Delaware. 3XB. SIXTH St., 2d entrance ab. Chestnut, east side. Je6 wfm3t COMMISSION HOUSES. BOAH’S-HEAD StX-OORD SPOOL COTTON, rior to any ever imported, in strength, amoothneei, elasticity, for maohiue or hand sewinr. LENGTHS WARRANTED. 44 We have tried Evans Be Co?s Boar's Head Sewing Machine Cottons, and find them excellent”— Whxklib k Wilson, M. F. G. Co., MB Broadway. N. Y, 0. CARVILLK, General Agent, New York. / J. B. HOWELL. Agent for Fhllddelpnia, At FINKLE A LYON'S 6EWING ' MACHINE ROOMS, 91S Chestnut street. mh!7-Sm* gHIPLEY; HAZABD, 4 HUTCHINSON, HO. 11l CHESTNUT ST., OOHHISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE BALE OF PHILA.D ELPHIA-MADE GOODS. r£H JE FINE ARTS. EARLES’ GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS f AND ' LOOKING-GLASS WAREROOMS, BXO CHESTNUT STREET, rniLADELrniA. JAMIES S. EARLE Be SON have now in their Gal leries a very large and interesting collection of PAINTINGS, The works of Native and Foreign Artists. Among the newest additions are Pictures by Weber, Ed. D. Lewis, Haseltioe, Lang, Waugh, Moran, Van Starkenborgn, Whittridge. andothe's. KOlHhR * KL’hgreatestproduotion,COßlOLANUB AT THE GATES OF ROME, still on Exhihitinn. NEW KNGRAVINGB just received, moliviing the latest subjeots of Landseor,- Ausdeil, Tayler, Foed, Ao., k °' THE PALMER MARBLES. Photographs of the Marbles of PALMER, the Sculp tor, comprising Sprinr. Resignation, Faith, Immortali ty, Peasant Boy, Indian Maiden, Sappho, Morning, Evening. Ac. For sale only at EAJKLES’ GALLERIES, Blfi CHESTNUT STREET, FHILAULLPHfA. JeLIOt Mrs. still’s .CRYSTALINE LIQUID H*IR CQLORER! A preparation new to the public, but which has lone been in private use, for restoring Gray Hair to its natn ral color, imparting to it a glossy appearanoe, and ren dering it soft and silky. It ft eptirety different in its nature and effect* from any srtioie now in nee tor the same purpose, being a cleanly fluid, nearlt as clear as water, requiring no washm? before or alter its application, free Uom sulphur or any other obieotionable Ingredient, and applied as easily as an ordinary *atr Oil, Can be had of the following persons: W Z. Harbertu corner Jumper and Pine streets. £. i Pennell, No. 26 North eighth street. Thomas * ancaater Spruce and Eighteenth Streets. Thomas weaver, Vine and Eighteenth streets, win. B. i hotnpeon. flat. Vernon and Seventeenth st’s, Eeward GaiUard.Jr., Arph. tos’ow Beoond street, E. B. Qarngues, Coates and Tenth streets. George C. Bower, Vine and Sixth streets. A. H. Bowman, Sprnce and Beoond streets. Charles Shivers, Spruce and Seventh streets. Caleb R. Keeney, Arch and Sixteenth streets. For sale wholesale and retail by FIFTEENTII'and tojM Sm Philadelphia. H ACKEREL, SHAD HERRING, Ac.— •v-R- 1000 bbls Nos. l, 2 and 3 large and medium Mac kerel, iu assorted packages, of a ve y choice quality: also . 4 . 50 bbls. new No. 3 larse Mookcrel. 50 hail bula new No. 3do do. SO bbla new No. 3 medium do. 50 do new Eastern Mess Shad. 50 half obis new do do do. 1500 bbls new Knstnoit No. 1 Herring. 300 do do Halifax No. 1 do. 200 do now Boston No. 1 do, 100 do do No 1 scale Fish. 25 do prime No. l Salmon. IcO quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 100 boxes new Herkimer county Cheese, Now landing and in store, for sale hr , . MURPHY Jc KOONB. Jefl UK NORTH WHARVES. NOTICE.— WILLIAM MAHARG having executed an aasignmentto me.in trust, for the benefit of his creditors, all persons indebted to said as signor are requested to make piyment. and those having claims against him to present them to „ BENJAMIN C. BROOKER, • No. 261 North THIRD Streeet. or his Attorney, THOM A* s J. DIEHL, J«Mt* 030 WALNUT Street. CTKKBOSOOPJO INSTRUMENTS, manu in every style, for single pictures, or re volving boxes, to hold irom U to2ft) views. STKasq icopic Pictohes, original platen, American, English, and French, in great variety, and sold at reduced price*, wholesale or retail, by M. J. FRANKLIN. Opiioian, at „ 118 8. FoumTH And 804 N. SECOND Si. , Bpeetaelet. Mtcroseopes, Opera Glasses, Ac., on he roost reasonable rates in the city. Je« fifcir PROVISIONS— Hams—2,000 Pisces City Hmoked Western Cured Hams. J Hams—l.9oo Pieces City Smoked Western Sugar Cured yteros. Shouloere—3.ooo Pieces City. Smoked Western Cuied Shoulders. Sides—lso Pieces Western Smoked Sides. Hams—2o Tierces, Gardener Phipps* Extra Sugar Cur „ „ed Bagged Haros in lots. Beef—Smoked Beef on Hand to suit purchasers, in store or.'le by c. n BADLIR& do.. Je7-6t No. 103 ARCH .treat. JONES’ HOTEL.—Tho subscriber would rejwotfullj inform, hi. friend, and the nublio, thel be has purchased the lease and furniture of the Jones Hotel. Important additions are now being made to it! for the convenience and comfort of guests. Individuals or families visiting the oity will be sure to find a home eoond to none in Philadelphia, and every exertion wi) be made to merit their patronage Mr,on * d *- mh»l Mwgin AARON GAOB. COAL OIL—IOO bbls now 111 store and p»nr 1 * nai “ S ' mado b)r tlie W'A'boridinK Coal Oil Com- For Quality, briUiaooy, and oheanneee, thia Qilti un surpassed. ..... Samples will be furnished, and ail information given, by „ WILLIAM M. WILSON, » , .x r General Agentforthe Company, Je7-stif a> s Market at-eet. TMMEtTSE REDUCTION ON JAPANESE GO PS.—The balance of the stock will be sold with out reserve, consisting of Brocade Batins, Silks, Pine Apples, Crape*. Pongee Handkerchiefs, Fans. Waiters, Vases, Work boxes, Ac., Ac., at 8 WKBT PRNN SQUARE, first house north of Market, above Broat . j&8 flt npRUSSEB 1 BRACKS I SUPPORTERS 1 j o ?£ T £®Qx tljr at NEEDLES’. TWELFTH Streets. Ladles entranoe 162 Twelfth street, firttfdoor below Ra*e, Lady aitendailts. French; Eng lish, and American. In great variety. Belts? Elastic Btookm|«j huipensories, Shoulder Braces, Syringes "&o New laugh no. 3 maokerbr— -150 bbls.landing from steamer Kensington, and for “rt/ 132 andiaiNpfeffi IrtO prpES LWN Q W> J aBt »• -AW ceived, per bris* ’‘Twee Vrienden” and Heinrich/* from Rotterdam. Imported, and for sale.' by JOHN GIBSON, s6NB. A CO. Je6-6t* 'I7'ANILLA BEANS *-New crop, just re ▼ 'ceived, and for salo by . _ WILLIAM: M. WILSON, Wholesale Druggist, fe7*if . 3«B MARKET Street. fJENNESSY BRANDT.—7O casks, in T7TR •a u/jill- GOODS. FANCY ‘dry goods, % SUMMER RfiDUGTION, MONDAY, JUNE -I. L. *r. LEVY & 00., In aocordanoe with their custom at this season of the year, announoe to the public and their customers they will ofi'er the balance of their ' SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, At a VERY GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. , In order the balanoeof thoir Spring Im portations. Their Stock lias been constantly supplied during tho season with CHOICE GOODS. Which have boon purchased at auotions and at private sale, GREATLY BELOW the COAT of IMPORTATION. An inspection will satisfy purchasers that, in every, 'description of fctuple and Fancy Dry Goods, their stook is in good e*sortm«nts, and every article offered as low as it oould be prooured in any of the stores of the city. Jell-3t 60i> and 811 CHESTNUT STREET. gTRIPED BAREGE ANGLAIS. * JUST OPENED A LOT OF NOVELTIES STRIPED GRISAILLES, ‘ AT 2D OENTB PER YARD. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, Jell-St CHESTNUT AND EIGHTH Bit. CJIIK AND LACKS MANTLES. FRENCH LACE BOURNOUB AND POINTER. , Will open this day. a handsome asiortment of Ladies’ and Misses' Mantles, of the newest styles, muoh below the usual prices, at 8. V. R. HUNTER'S New Store, No. 40 Snath SECOND street^ Q.KEaT WARGaINS IN CORSETS, SHAWL (-ORDERS, CH'>CHET BRJID, HAIR NETS. RERUN ZEPHYRS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, RACES, TASSELS, RO9ETVE BUTTONS, Icc. Good Skirts. Moran A Co.'s and Keiiv & Co.'s, FIVE CENTS A hOOF. J. G. MAXWELL A SON, Wholeßaie and Rotail Wamifioturink Establishment, Elavonth and CHESTNUT Streets. Jell-St {{EDUCTION. NEW STYLE PINA CLOTH ROBES OS THIS SEASON'S IMPORTATION, REDUCED FROM $22 TO $lO, AND PROM $lO TO $7,60. GRISJtT BARGAIN. THOS. W. EVANH & GO., j,B 3t 818 and 820 CHESTNUT ST. IRHESISTIBLE INDUCEMENTS T 0 PURCHASE !! 1! GREAI REDUCTION IN SUMMER GOODSM I RICm BILKS, hpLENDID LACE GOODS!!!! THORNLKY Sc OHISM have this day Reduced their stock of Fanoy Bilks FROM 2* TO 50 PER C*NT. Under their usual Low Prices. We propose se link off*every sard of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Vk 6 also invite special attention t#our French Lace Bournoaeand Eugenes, French LnceHiawls and Monties, French Lacc Pom s and Piocolomlnies, Cambria Lace Empre»s Mantles, Black Silk Mnnttline, Ousters, fee., &0., Wide Black Silks for Dusters &o..at THOKNLEY 8c OHISM, N.E. Corner EIGHTH & SPRING GaRDEN. IRHU LINEN*. A fresh invoice of SHIRTING LINENS direct from the manuffto hirers, RIOIIARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, of Belfast, juat received. These Goods are selected exprosaiy for oar famllv trade, and ire guarantied free from any admixture of Cotton. PERKINS & CO,. “ “ '* NIN- CLOTHING. HOCKHILL & WILSON, No. SO.l t»QS CHESTNUT STREET, Are ottering to the puUio ( in «onueptlnn ipitji their regular business or MEN’S OLOTHING, A HUperior ttooltof HOYS’ CLOTHING Of the latest Spring Goods, and made in the MOST FASHIONABLE MANNER. Measures taken and Garments made to 6n(tr at the SHORTEST NOTICE. my2i-lm |]LOTHINGI AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES i CHARLES HARKNESB, 336 MARKET oomerqf Fourth WILL CLOSE OUT AT RETAIL, UNTIL JULY Ist* The remainder of the Elegant Stook of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, manufactured for this season’s Wholesale Trade N. B.—Purchasers will find it to their advantage to make their selections immediately, CHA.RL.ES HARKNESS. mylj-lm * fi\ H- ELDRIDGE, RL4# “CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,” et. K. Coiuer EIGHTH and CHESTNUT flu. SQT Customer Work made at short notloe. mhSl 3m-tf SEWING MACHINES. yy HEELER da WILSON 9EWTNG MACHINES (IBNR If COY, Agent, «9 OHJthTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, Va.iliiuts. vilh Operators, cn »ure to Pilvata Fauiilies SKANCii OVVrCBS? , / ttrft STATE Street, Trenton. N. i tt ’JEWTRAL SQUARE, Eakton. Pa. jilg-flte WILCOX & GIBBS’ SEWING MA CHINE.—The great and increasing demand for Wiloox A Gibbs’ Sewing Machine is a gunranteo of its superior excellence, Price 830. For sale at FAIR BAN Krt* Seals Warebousonu CHESTNUT Street. feB-tf HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. REFRIGERATORS, CUILDKENB' GIGS AND XJAiUUAGKS, FURNITURE LIFTKRfI, Verj useful in spreading Carpets and Matting, Wll.il xIAM YARNALL’S UOUSE FURNISHING BTORF. Pio. 1080 CHESTNUT STREET, ] ui non!, t.i. op,n,ite Ui« Aoademy i)f Fine Arts, ni>2o If CHINA AND GLASSWARE, RIO-HT, SMITH, tic 00., CHINA, GLASS,.AND Q.UEENSWAKE. PITTSBUBO AGENCY. BLASS, NAILS, Ao., delivered from IkePaotori AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICKS. fcNITL BUILDING, No. 6 North FIFTH Street* , PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK ADVEUTISEMENTS. BELMONT & OO. t BANK E R B . NEW YORK, ■i«of Litter, of Credit to Tr&veUen areilabl, In &Xi PARTS OP THB WORLD, tHEOCOH «I» KEBBRB. ROTHSCHILD, of AXIS, LOttUOV, FHANErOHT, TIB Nit A, NA . PLBS, AND THEIR CORRESPONDENTS Itua^sm* Burning fluid, alcohol, and CAMPHENE, in barrel, and halfbarrel,. manjj- CHOICE STOCK OP f TH Street. '9 eoathNt CLOTHING. Moat Improved kinds. In Great Variety. , MO.'Vmv', ..if’NK 11, 1860. *»** - I i </ » •« ,j*hS— ll MmtSMMU miI.'tKSIONS. TPHR HF.A SHORE ANJ) THE JAPANESE. «Js«Jft“ r l ? * ive the Strangers now in the Cityan op of seeing the Oeean and visiting theboauti- ATLANTIC. &n f £ Tefr <»» PHILADELPHIA to ATLANTIC CITY T“l ** t»duced one half, on Monday afternoon, Tues day, and Wednesday. tickets you the round trip, $1.25. GOOD FOR THREE DAYS. UPlfuSatu 011 edneB^ay wll be good to return with ' VINE STRFET WHARF at TH A. M. Y& fa* Returning, reaoh Philadelphia at 9.10 A.M. BistanoeW miles. fatt-St JNO 0, BRYANT, Agent. Ifcfas bwc—i FOR THE SEA -BHORK.—CAMDKN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Two trams daily,(tfunday exoepted.) for ATLANTIC CITY. Mall tram leaves Vine-street Ferry 7 SO A. M. Returning, leaves Atlantio City AIO P. M. Eacprean train leaves Vine street Feny 4.00 P, M» Returning leaves Atlantio City...,— 600 A. M. The above trains stop at all stations. Fare to Atlantio f 1 80 _ Round triptiokets (good for threeda*s).... 360 Freight must be delivered at Cooper • Point by f P.M. The Company will not be responsible for any gooes until received and receipted for by their Agent at the Fpint.,. JNO. Q. BRYANT. JeB-tf Agent. ex* ursion tick. ETS to theDemooratio Con vention at Baltimore. _ PdILADBLPHf A, WILMINGTON, AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY will issue Round Trip Ttokets to the above Convention at 94 eaoh, com mencing on SATURDAY, June 16th. Three tickets will not be good to return till on and after the adjournmontof the Convention. ieS-lQt 8. M. FMjTON, President. MEDICINAI., pROF. MORRIS’ EUCJEP HALOS, PRngES'OR MORRIS’ PROFESSOR - fil OR R 18 ’ PROFESSOR MORRIS’ „ „ „ BUOEPHALOS, EUOEPHAEOB H U C E P HALO! AN INVALUABLE AN INVALUABLE AN INVALUABLE EXTERNAL REMEDY, EXTERNAL REMEDY EXTERNAL REMEDY FOR, DISEASES OF THE , FOR DISEASES OF THE ' FOR DISEASES OF THE BHKBB3 iniltt: . . ~ NERVOUS SYSTEM by intense _ : < - APPLICATION OF THE MIND ? to the researches of Literature, the oonperns of Commercial aod Financial Business, and the affairs of Proteasional and Political Life, or as occasioned by any other cause from which the Nervous bystem has be oome exhausted and diseased. The sympions oovered br this valuable Preparation } of whion the more prominentaro, KXCITKMIi.T OF THE BRAIN, AGITATION AND DEPRESSION OF THE MIND, CHRONIC " NE“ VOUSNESS." NEURAI.GIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS HEAD .CHE Klo..Etc. yha EUCEP’iALOS is oarefully prepared, by per missir n, from the Fobmula or PkOF. W. MOR Rl<*. M. p.,oftnisoitv L to which he refers tu his Philoaephloal Pamphlet. "PSUKIKoS/' On the relations of the Ganguo-Nervoue System to the immaterial sonl of man. Bavin? exmbited toe rrmoiplea aod commended tho system of Composite Homoeopath*, J’rotessor M. says; , It may bs permissible that i should offer, as an il lustration, my own case. A oontinous course of stu dies for a number of) ears had, to a certain extent, produced the ordinary effeota of extreme mentai ap plication.by attenuating the prime oentres of organic and mtellootupi life, ana heoce arose a felt necessity oi personal relief. Having a well-founded confidence in Composite Homoeopathy and an intimate aounaintenoe with Materia Medi a oi thr Hoimnopatnio Bohoo). I selected certain substances of nscerained harmonious relations eqd approved uses, and combined their essen tial properties in propnrtional unity, and was gladdened by the possession of a medicinal resource.” Professor Moms describes the mode of application, and then adds: “In this way the desired relief has been ob tained, the nutritive system invigorated, tbe ganglio nervous system restored to its former tone, and mental dearness, tranquillity, and visor—at the age of nearly three score—are the much valued results.” „ Prepared, and sold WHOLESALE, by MOQKRIDGE & CO., No. till North FOURTH Btreet, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Druggists generally. Pnoe, 91 per bottle, large sine-60 oonta small size. mi23 Sraif I CRiny 1 For the INSTANT RELIEF and PER- Ao i nM» MANENT CURE of this distressing com- plaint, use FESDT’S BRONCHIA!* CIGARETTES, Made by C. 1). BEYMOUR k CO., 107 NASSAU Street, New Hark. Price 91 per box; sent free by post rov7-*m ill FOR SALK AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND. DALLEY S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR tl AS universally supplanted all other A A Ointments and healing, applications in both the Eastern ami Western Hemispheres, wherever intro duced; pnd its tntrwm’c fnerti is>he true secret of its suooess in all cutaneous affections, whether the cause be ascidsnt or discus, BUP N« A at SCALDS P are instantly relieved of H their anguish, pain and inflammation, by a timqly 3 Mpboatiea pr (his mar vellous heaUr % and the 3 flesh is renewed as if by a •‘"WHHfifIFW g ifflfltfßW. - Children are frequent Ej suffcrersfromexternalln juriei, eipecmlly from Fluid and Camphent Ex v/ojtoni—therefore every 23 mother should have this healing preparation oon- S itantly on hand. It heals sots Breasts, and quickly a! removes tho TETTER or RINGWORM, so preva - , lent in the nursery. TO TRAVELLERS 3 BY SEA AND LAND. Tho Machinist, theTra o veller,and every other in dividual whose lot in life throws him within the ohanoe of accident from 2 explosion. Are, or colli sion,should bear in mind 2 that this Magio Extractor is his best and only friend. «=. It is both portable and Cheap, and should ever be & his companion, as a frisnd in need,. There are thou- £, sands of living witnesses to testify to its marvellous m virtue, who owe their sound limbs and muscles j to its saving sffieaoy. The following are a few 3 of the leading diseases for which DALLKY’oiMAOI- 3 CAL PAIN EXTRACT OR is a PREVENTIVE Q os well as CURE: bums, Erysipelas, Soros or all kinds. Braises, Fistula, Shot Wounds, Boils,' Frost Bites, Scrofula, Broken Breast, rover Sores, Scurvy. Bites of Reptiles, Felons, Scalds, . . Cancer, . Gianilnlar Dls-Scurf, Cracked Lips, , „ Seald Heai, Chapped Hands, Merourial Sores, Bpicins, Chilblaini, Pains generally, Small Pox, Cramp, Pimples, Tumors, Oontraotod Cords, Piles, Tetter, Chafes. . Poison, Ulcers, DieejUM or the Rheumatism. Venereal Sores, Soijit the crittcinafSepots, U Broadway, Now York, tamed of a\i reipeotable Druggists ttd Merchants throughout the United States and Canada. T. W. DYOTT A 80N3, , , ■ , 319 North SECOND Street, felv Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania- Aromatic digestive cordial- This exce'lent and agreeable preparation is one of the best mean* of improving the appetite, promoting d gestion, ami giving strength and tone to tae stomach, whioh hasyet wen offered to the public, It it an old German receipt, and has been in use for many years in the families of themanuf otare**. where it has proved an invaluable remedy for DYSPEPSIA, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCE, and CRAMPS INT-E BTOMACH, arising from Cold qr Indigestion- All persons having the least tendenoy $o IndiKeeiion,ehoulq never he with oatit eaa small winoglassful, taken after meats, will exclude all possibility of oeiuraotint the DYHPEPBIA. . t is oompoumled of n teen ingredients. BITTERS and AKO v>A PICS, and only needs ti he tested to be ap proved and appreciated. It is a pleasant beverage, and may be used with safety, pleasure- and advantage, br invalids, and by those m health To be had at all lead nr Druggists, put up in <iuart-bottles, ptioe one dollar. Manufactured and foreale by 4- NJCLINEA CQ. myffqmo Ufl vyALMUTRtieot, HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOtJSB.—We A would respeotfully call the attention of the Gena* -al Hardware Trade to our extensive Btook of Blil- K NGHAM HARDWARE, which wo offer at airaal! \drance by the package. Orders for direot importation nolioited, and Goods Se vered t'ther it thia oity, New York, or New Orleans, W. 0. LEWIS & Son, til COMMERCE Street, Isirortiag and Commission Merohimw, and w sets for Fersitn and Domettie Hardware. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. £ CONGRESS SPRING, SARATOGA, APRIL 16, 1660. An attempt has keen made to deoeivo the public, bj persona offering what they call “Conqbsss Water" from Fountains; and at the prioe of six (6) oent* per glass. The wholesale price of the genuine Congress Wa ter, at New York, beingabont 7% cents tor glass, the im position of pretending to sell at retail at less than oost, and without allowance for freight, oarfage, or breakage, is apparent; but thoir probable course has been’to empty one bottle of genuine Copgrejs into a Fountain filled with thoir trash, and thereby ohriitenlni its total contents. We have never sold Congress Water in Fountains, nor in vessels of any other description than ordinary sized glass bottles. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is branded “CONGRESS WATER "-“0. A W.,” and any, without those words and letters on the oork, is counterfeit, whether from Fountains or Bottles. CLARKE A WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring. The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, viz: FRI-DERICK lIHOWN, oor. Fifth and Chestnut fits., FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., oor. Ninth and Chestnut, CHARLES I’ LLIS & Co . 724 Market street, J. C. TURNPK -NY tc Co.. 941 Spruce street, THOB. J. HUSBAND, 208 South Third Street, O. 8. HUDBKLL. 1410 Chestnut street, A. 1). D. TAYLOR, cor. Ninth nnd Chestnut streets, Are constantly supplier by ua with the genuine " Con guess Water” m bottles* fresh from the. Congress B l5iBW OKD AST-STEtil. BELLS. .FOR CHURCHES, FIRE ALARMS, &c., fc FOR SALK 11Y NAYLOR & CO., jef-tf , ,V? 0 COMMERCE Street. IJALI/c* PATJSNT PLATED ICE IMTO IIK Entirely different in thoir construction from all others and WARRANTED to Wop the ICE LONGER than any Pitcher now in uso at a temperature of seventy ce grees Fahrenheit. The above Pitol-era will keep the water oold for twenty four hours . A pound and a half of ios in three pints of wvtor will last seven hours and fifty five minutes; while the same quantity in an ordinary stone pitcher, at ihe same tem perature, only lasts two hours and fifteen mmuve! Persona should not cGnfound these Pitchers with tho?e usually sold, but inquire for HALL’S PATENT WM. WILSON & SON, Sole Agents for the Manufacturer, S, W. Corner FIFTH and CHERRY Streets. BljlB-tr JE. McOLEES, PHILADELPHIA PHOTOGRAPH ES TABLISHMENT, No. 910 CHESTNUT ST., (Over Robinson’s Looking-Glass Store.) Ivorytypea, oolqred and plain Photographs. Da gqerreotypes, and Ambrotypes, mylB-lm 1860. I0E! I0E! 1860, COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. SCALE OF FAMILY PRICKS. 8 pounds daily <0 cents per week, u “ ** 68 “ ” 8 ” " U “ " so ** ** 70 “ “ 40 “ “ 105 “ “ 7fl •* «* 175 “• “ Send your orders to the offices, or may be given to the drivers. w „ THOS. E. CAHILL Offloes, 320 WALNUT Street,second story: PINE STRKKT-WHARF, „Bohuylkill. City Depot, LOM BARD and TWENTY-FIFTH Streets. aett-smtf SUMMER RESORTS. (CONGRESS HAIL, CAPE ISLAND, Uri.PM. E . MAY, N. L-Th.. wall-known, fint-olui *i■!!u n v ,f iV J^1 ‘for tlio reception of;;licet, on SA -1 .pCV ~* ■ 18th mat. * •u..oins-c ”7 ‘ have been removed, »nd n«w WftF" •mn^snam. IT n ITEL spates hotel, long Sf. p art&£ J wh;^rftvjr!;iS ffo^het.sulf.“ santly situated on a fine bluff, with lawn in (rnn? ' * fait view of th. ooenn. rood .r’oSlif.tobhr Ao?, mak« it r. Attractive a. any hou.o in the country. Tho ooin- Tnunication is acoessiblo by two dally lines from fcStof Walnut-street Wharf, viz.; 6A. M„ and 2 PM™ Ioot 01 Reference-Grandy, Warden, & Co.. 219 nj...,..., , B. A. SH6EMAKfi»! QUt _JeP-3m • Proprietor. SJUMMBR BOARDING.—OLD SAND SPRING near onuntr. Pa. r JjJS.I/iHSuudoommoaious HOTEL AND BOARD INGHOUSE, at this delightful Summer Retreat.is 1 Sri ** opened for Boarders on the »-CommunioMion twice daily, from Philadelphia RfiilroHds BbUrg ’ the KQ d Lebanon Valley reoeived by the week or through the B ®. a ® f> n, on reasonable terms. --J 08 ’ 1 ™ JOHN MANDERBAOH,Proifri»tor. rpHB LORETTO SPRINGS, CAMBRIA .Pennsylvania, will be opened for the re oeptien of visitors, on the 20th day of June next, under lb %T^h e ,r^ f Major well known vilrl, 7 fir?? lp^®n i B S d experienped landlord, tor of the Brody House, Harrisburg, Pennsyl , This now and delightful resortforthose seeking either health,or pleasure, is situated one ntile from the villate of Loretto, aod four miles from Cresson Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad-from whioh, to Lo retto, there »s a well-oonstruoted plank road. w The Bpring S are about 8,6001 feot above tide-water, and the air is always bracing and invigorating, the thermo meter seldom.ranging above 75 deg. in summer. The head-waters of the •-URquehanna and Clearfield abound lntrout. and the mountain ranges are filled with same, affording fine sport to those who are fond of such amusements. 1 1,110,1 The buildings are admirably constructed with resnect to room and ventilation, ami the whole fitted uowith every appliance that oan contribute to the oommrtand convenience of the gursts—bail-alley, baths, billiard tables, &0.. Ao. The waters of these Springs have been analyzed by se. veral eminent J'hermsts, and fonnd to oontam, in large proportions- all those valued mineral properties for which the Springs of this spar of the Alleghany have long been celebrated. ' In oonoeotion with tho Springs is a W*ter*Caro Fstabltsbment, chartered by the State, and under the charge of tliflodebrated, Hyoropathio Physician, Dr. rj. Freaso, of Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, who will give bis entire attention to the euro of all diseases, Terms 810 per we*k per patient * Cmnn-matipn tickets to Loretto Springs, for visitors, will be issued from Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and all tho way-stations on tae «oote, A daily mail leaves Lor*tto for all parts of the Union. On the arrival of visitors at Cresson, ooaohee will be in readme s to convev tnem to the Springe. Those visiting the Water-Cure should be provided with paoking, covering, Ac. je7-tjyl F. A. GIBBONS, Jr., Seoretarr, £jARMSLE The favorite resort f*r those who &ppreofftte Grand Soenery. Pure Aloantam Air, Invigorating Baths, Large and Well-ventilated Rooms, Good Society, and a Good . Table. , For particulars send for Circu lar. CLFI*' 1 *' Wi,, Sffi auß Cumberlncd co., F*. Accommodations for 300. TBBMS LOW OWEN, iLENDENIN. & VIBSCHER. Carlisle Spring, Pa, Mount holly spking3 hotel, PENNA. This favorite ami delightful SUMMER RESORT, Six Miles from Carlisle, Cumberland county, is now open to visitors. The pure atmosphere, mountain air and water, with the beautiful drives and walks, and other attritions whichi are so well known, make it a very desirable place for Families to spend the Summer. * or further particulars, address ns above, ISAAC PARBOHB. June 6.1810, Florence heights hotel.—The extensive Hotel wiP be opened for the reception of visitors on the 10th of June. The i*ole arrangements will be under the direotlon of that eminent caterer, THOMAS J. DORSEY* of this otty, to whom ‘-nplioatton may be made for rooms, at Wo. 1331 LOCUST Street. Pio Nio, and other Parties on the lawn, wilt have es pecial attention, without intruding upon the prira-jT of regular boa-dere. The subtonber may be found at the Hotel, to make the necessary arrangements for boarders. ie2*lot JE. ROBBIWS, Florenoe, New Jersey. BEDFORD SPBINGS.-This well-known and delightful Summer .Resort will be opened for the reoepUoo or Visitors on the FIHST OF JUNts, and kept open till the Ist of October. Toe Hotel will be undorthe management of Mr. A. u. ALLKN, whose expenenoe. courteous manners, and attention to hisi guests. give the amplest assurance ol comfort and.kind treatment. Parties wishing rooms, or anjr information in regard to the place, will address the suoeoriber. JNO. P. KEBD. Seo’r and Treasurer, Bedford Mineral Springs Co. EWHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, -■-4 Lancaster Couoty. Pennsylvania—This estab lishment wilt be open by the Jlth of June The ad vantages of this beautiful resort are: Mountain scenery, pure air, and soft water; every variety of batna, and amusements; a good stook of uverr lionet, and car nates. For further particulars call on JOSEPH B. VLYER.B, corner Third and Vino Streets; JAMES 8. EaELB, No. Slfi Chestnut Btreet. Philadelphia, or to the proprietor, JOSEPH. KONIGMACHER, Ephrata Post Office, Lancaster Coanty, Pa. myXMm INSURANCE COMPANIES. HTHB MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE -*■ COMPANY QF NEW YQJU, A Assets: SIX MILLIONS OF BOLLAAS, mviftfXD IN PIRBT MORTtfAOES ON REAL iSfAtP, WORTH OVER 815,000,000. 1 The premiums are lower than it many other Compa nies, and the Dividends have been orbatxx. Tilts Is a atriotlj Mutual Company. There are c« Stockholder*, eo that ALL THE PROFITS PJtLONO TO TUB INBTBBD. Pamphlets, and ever/ information! mar be &a* sBATis, on application to _ _ 8, W. comer Fo\?RTH and*WA^NUt'VtralU PHILADELPHIA REFK3JSNCK9 > Thomas Robins, John Welsli, Mordeoai L Dawsor George H. Stoart, George M, Stroud. E. 6. Wholen, John B Myers, J. Fisher Learning* Joseph Patterson William O.Ludmr, John M. Atwood, Artbn* O Coffin, Thomas 11. Power* George w.Toland. William WolCee. Thos. Wattson. nS-lrlt’ Fame insurance company, no. 405 CHJKBTHUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL, ISM, BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISK?, „ directors Samuel Wjrlght, D. B. Bircej, Wm. W. miter*. J. W. Evermao, Chas. Riohardsou Henry Lewis, Jr., Geo. A. West, Jacob w. Stout, 0. Wilson Davis, Menko Stem. Whoa. 8. Martin, GEORGE W, DAY, President, «... r v. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vioe Frea’t. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Jall-tf 1 PREPARED GLUE. SPAUDINO’S PBEFARED GLUEJ “A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE.” ECONOMY! DISPATCH! sa vr rwc Pisces; As accidents will happen, even m well-regulated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crooke tt, ko. ( SPALDING PREPARED GLUE meets all suoh emergencies, and no household oan afford to bo without it. It is always ready and up to the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, handles* dolls, and broken cradles. It n just the article for oose, shell, and other ornamental work, so' popular w?th ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used oold, being ohe mtoallr held in solution, and possessiug all the valnablo qualities of the bast binet-makers’ glue. It may be used 1 a the place of ordinary muoilage, bom; vastly more auhosive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.” N. B. A brush accompanies each bottle. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, Wholesale Depot, No. 48 CEDAR Street, New York, Address HENRY 0. uPALDING A CO., Box No. SSCO, New York. Put uo ter Dealers in Oases oontaimngfour, eight, sndtweive do*on. a beautiful Lithographio Show-card oocompanymg eaoh package. A bM«M PEEPMIED GLUE will save ten times itsooßt annually to every household. Sold by all prominet Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grooere, and Fanoy Stores. Country Merchant* should make a note of SPALDING r 8 PREPARED GI.VS en making up tlieir list. IT WILL STAND ANY CLIMATE. iM-mwf-y fJATS! MATS! HATjjI MEN’S STRAW HATS. BOY’S bTRAW HATS. KVISRY DE3IKABI.K MTYi.K OF STRAW, HAT HOW READY. LINCOLN, WOOI-). & NICHOLS. 73« CHESTNUT Street. ,gy PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA viJr! TIONS made for 25 cent*, with advice as to phy sioal oulture and fitness for certain occupations, b*~J. W. HUITER. 8. E, CORNER BIXTH AND NORTH STREETS, below ARCH, Hour* from 8 to 12 A. M. je9-gt» AND OLAM SOUP served <s tbK upeveryday throughoutthe sea*on /Sunday’s excepted), by JAMES PROSSER, No. 60s MARKET Street. N. B. Dinners from 19 to 8 o’olook. my2B tf_ M«S. M. S BISHOP’S PARISIAN IMkMILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, next door to the Bt. Lawrence Hotel. tny23-lm tTHE BEST ARE OIIEAPEST—Buy Umbrellas and Parasols of . u hichardbon, myH-Ilyllf w N0..1» MARKET At. t PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, m every variety, cheap. £ RIOK . R „ Bof| . g rn.l4-ti.lif .IsSaSket St. OIL LEMON— Grass, for sale by WE THKRH.L * BROTHERS, 4T and 49 North SECOND fit. my* WANTS. ~\\T in a Manufac- Houw, by l a K ma?^x^nI n , ' r^ole,a^e » or Commission tallinKi also seven voar* ma huf!icturme and Grocer, and Dimmiemon inihin;M IG wit[! and western Pennerivamii acquit net l mi. a 5!? 0 * 1 ?-*™ rs oomattMloa. Good referennt I riven* 110 or que.no,” Box Wo. 17sa, PnotofnlliT AddrMa “^n- AN EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER -t*- W'l! be open for an ensasement b, tbe and of U,i« month. Addreaa •’Book-keeper,” oEioa or ttu. wiper • : JeliCt* WANTED—AII Wheelwrights Waeon « 'WltSlSv and c °aoh Builder., to oall at 406 folloe benditt* 1 slreet ’ ftnd *® e apecimona of heavy ‘juTtf ° fcICKBNBACH. NIOKUKHOX, & CO. ■ 'l/I/'ANTED—A Partner in acashandsuc ▼ • oessfully osrrietl on business, with a capital of £5 000. For particulars address Box 1361, Philadelphia Boat Omoe. je9-2t* \VANTED—An honest man.' who can y * readand write, a* porter in & wholesale rrooeir store. Good references required. Address” P. tc Co ,” office of this paper, je7-4t* Yfcf ANTED—A Purchaser for a first-class n #L right sor 9600 would eecnre an interest in drS?‘^ 8, i ne ? 8 hV Qf n s f of a th « invention. Ad dfflgL_J. L. Jones,” Blood a Diapatoh. jeg for sale and to let. Goodwill,. Stock, and (I , 8. °4iX S J°£B on North DELAWARE vorobte tarms rade ' wilj bo sold on fa- oll?af&?^thL h V#.^2iir^.d rt jau“st* <lit,r " ,e- AtWle,s '' p. olbox No isn.” Md IRON of authority vetted in ui uTrusteesfor M?i*in«,r di tore of Pollard MeConniok; aud m nursuamfi * ore. or tho nlrtrfot Court of AneM?™™ 0 ’,?! Commonveath of Pennsylvania, in No. B™f NoviS tS? term, 1868. we will expose to public sale, at the mfm" £?AfS*. KXCdANGE, on FOURTH Btrwt, mthe city of Pittsburgh, an the I*th (twelfth) day of J nn » l^t , iS2? I p en ? msstllo o,oo,cA * M, the Hollins MU ?Pnna ill, Ffotoneu, situated near New Castle. Law tßftvcwni\/o6nn,jlviinii' known a*the ORIZABA K B, l6 Boiling Furnaces, 5 S,ri at Mn«? Ü B ,, l? ea ' B ß * r RmalJ Rolls. NaiiPlafe WrmfJhr hv,.d« m Bmioexerg, 40 Natl Machines, one turiWSfaflWsiF?» i!i 0 I Sf ellUiarjr f ° F ™ nur ™' sSSK£a 4®i^~asBs«=s rzRMi. One fourth of the purchase monsT fen v» paid in cash on the acknowledgment of tfie deed • the balance m one, two, and three years from the Smeof sale, w ith* inte rest from .hat time; tha deferred Sar tnfsa? t 0 Beoured by a °d mortgage on the pre m‘MS' s*?&&* fo® 1 * 8 ' WW- flAf°E. M N« 0C *’ ■pOR SALE OR TO LET—A Double io«aa”^i^. < ottase, Germantown, situate on Dewey’s lane» second house from Thorp s lane, five minutea T<S!vAni« m #.J? ,lr0 ;? d , atat, °h. Contains all the modern conveniences. Apply to p. r. WILSON J e8 * ltn CO3 CHESTNUT Btreet. M ELEGANT-COUNTRY RESIDENCE for sale, replete with all the modern conveni ences,.in one of the moat healthful seetiona of'Penn* Hl»s2!t , D 0 ?. v * l, i ll,lt -te th 6 olty * on the line ofthe Penn sylvania Railroad, with .soeesato and from the oity se veral times, daily. Will be sold on reasonable terms, or exchanged in part for merchandise or oity property, or OI P n tohase money may remain se ourea upon the property. For further particulars apply at this office. jas*6t* f ®FOR SALE, OB EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE—Two two-story briok houses anu lot of ground subject to improvement Rent for « A small amount of cash, and the hsianoe m merchandise required. Address A. 8.. Prr.n ° ffioa< tny23-lm m PfIOTORT PROPERTY FOR SALE— difir.*J>le F««tory. wit l ’ larva lot of *» n threo stree s. suitable for almost any kind ol manulaomrinp. Terms easy. Forpartiou o/fc W 1 ’ T VooW n 2 Wa 1 q E - Blxt b below Aroh. or to Vr. l>. HOUttßo, No. 1009 ■ hsstnut st. royS^*ini eTO LET OR FOR SALE^TfoDR story hopte, doable back buildings, all modern im provements, in complete order; an elegant larte yard. •e?ra3 lowto a good tenant, tiituated No. 19*>4 CHc.BTNI/TKtreet. Appiv at No. Tl 9 CHESTNUT Street, in the Maaomo Halu my26-tf SALE, CHEAP—A new Ladd, YTeb , & Co/s Sewing Maohme—the liest manu factured. Address “Sewing Machine,” office or The Frets. mrai-tf fa FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET.—A .fafmshed house to let. at the northwest corner of T' J NDRSERYMEN AND FLORISTS “ For sale a. large Jot in the Southwestern section of tpe oity, well adapted foraNursery. Terms accommoda ting. For particulars address ” K,” at this office. ap!7-tf MTO RENT —Two beautifully Bltuatcd double houses, well shaded, with coach houses and gardens attaohed. on Tacony Plank Road, one mile below Taoony, and three-quarters of a mile from Fos «t»gfr T Railway depot at Bndesburg. Apply at 717 WALNUT Btreet« mhl7-tf TO LET.—The first floor of the fine build ing, No. 704 C HEBTNUT street, formerly oooupicd for a wholesale (and latCiy as a retail) fancy goods and perfumery store. Apply at the offioe of JULES HAUEI, Be. CO., No. TOt CHESTNUl 1 street, Phila. je4-lm MFOR SALE, on accommodating tenns 3 the STORE AND DWELLING, No. ill, Arch street. Apply to u WM. R. ALLEN, mySl-)3t* ■_ 830 ARCH street. &TO CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— The Mschmoir, Stook, and Fixtures of a large Manufactory of PAPER HANGINGS, replete with every convenience for oarrying on an extensive busi ness. A desirable investment to persons of energy who can push the business. For sale with or without the buiiamr. Inquire at3J3 CHESTNUT Street. jalB<nmtfi? HART. MONTGOMERY, & CO. gm FOR SALE—THE LARGE STONE .■Sx MANSION, with Stabling, Tenant, and Spring House, m tbe healthy and improving locality at Clifton, on the Sprint field road, Upper Darby, half an hour’s ride in the new West Chester Railroad cars from the city. It has nearly Saores of |and, fenced in with a variety of shade trees; a good spring of water, It would make a good Bummer Boarding House. It has the advantages of a business place, as tbe rear end of the lot is adapted for the co&l and lnmher business,without interference with tbe Mansion. Tbe weighing scales and offioe are on the premises; it would suit for a Hotel or a Country Store. Terms accommodating. City property taken In ex change. Inquire at Omoe No. 6 Washington Building, No. 374 Booth THIRD Street myat vtmBt* ga FOR SALw—A HANDSOME PRO- Hl PF.RTY, in Germantown, within a few minutes walk of the depot. Fine garden, with hot-beds. Abun dance of Frmt—Grapes, and plenty of shade. Stone Home; gw and water throughout. Stone Stable, Large Lawn. Perms very accommodating, and possession given when required. Apply to B. B. COMEGYS, ap!2-if at the Philadelphia Bank. BOARDING. PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and A- tbeirfamihfs, or single gentlemen, can be accom modated with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, famished or unfurnished, at 616 LOGUSI* St., south side of Washington equare. The location, bring opposite »o one of the handsomest parks in the oily, is oenrial, and extremely pleasant. Transient person* visiting the city oan be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rant, suitable for an office, jell-tf COUNTRY BOARDING—At a firs‘-class farm-house, thirty six miles from the City, near Avondale Btation, P.kB.C. K.R. coeu to and from thp oi ty three times ad at. Persons desiring-Board for heir famines are invited to view the plaoe. Cars .eave Deoot, ►IGHTEKNI’ff v.d MARKED Street*. 6% \ M., and AVONDALE in time to reaoh the city by 9 A. AI. For pa> tioulars, ad ires* E. W. HICKS, Chatham, Chester county, Penaa, jeB-12t* Families and gentlemen wish ing FIRST-CLAfla BOARD, with cool Rooms, oan now have ohoice at WALNUT Bt. jei lm^ CUMMER BOARDING. Accommoda tions for two or three small size families, and a few single boarders, oan be secured at Eaton Academy, Kenneit Square, Chester county, if application be made withoutdelay. Access by oars three times daitv. Aodress WILLIAM CHANDLER, jea-iat* Principal an 4 Proprietor. TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN OaN BE accommodated with good, airy apartment*, (with or without board,) in a private family. Location cen tral. Address •• TOLBERT,” through Blood’s Dis patch. ap2B DIVIDENDS. riORN EXCHANGE BANK, PnrtanßLPHU, May 1,3850. , The Directors have THIS DAY declared a Dividend f THREE PER CENT, on the Capital Stook, dear of tate Tax, and payable on demand, mvl-tf J. W. TORRLY. Cashier EDUCATIONAL. Tiff 1 UCY R MAYER and Mrs. R. xvi M. BIRD will reopen their BCHO n L for Young Ladies at 1»10 SPRUCE Street, on MONDAY, Bep teraboT 17th, 1860. J<3-lm REMOVALS. Removal small & chandler, WHOLEBALE GROCER*, have removed from 68 North 6ECOND Street, to IS3 MARKET Street, above Front, north side. »a» PERSONAL. PERSONAL— To Wheelwrights. Wagon. makers, and the trade in general. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention or such their samples of heavv felloe-bending at 406 Bun*hFleTH Btriot LUCKhNBAOm NICKERBwN, & CO. Je9-2t* PERSONAL.—A. D. ANCONA GIVES « the Highest Cash Prioe for Ladies* and Gents* cast-off Clothing, at 330 SOUTH Btreet. tei-6t» will bo paid, and the highest price for ladieV and genta’ cast off Clothing, Please call at, or address B. D. ANCONA, No. 73T SOUTH Btreet b9low Eighth. Joo-et SAVING FUNDS. American saving fund.—com pany’s Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH Street*. Open daily from 9 till 8 o'clock, and on MONDAY till Bin tUe eyeninp. Thia Old Institution ha* always paid m full, on demand, without not«B. BREBT FIVE pi5R Alt sums paid back, on gold and silver. ALEX. fYHI LLDIN, President. SAMU WORK, Vioe President. Jf\hn C Farr, T. E. Harper, George Nugent, John Anspooii, Jr-» Sarol.T. Ain. C. Roberta, inhn Aikman. Jora* Bowman, H. H. Eidndge, J. HowSld. JOHN S. WILSON, Treumrer. JOHN mylß-lm SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, Office, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vm< and Callowhill. Incorporated brthe Legislature/pri 14th. 1881. Open for Deposits anuPaymants, daily, from 9to2Ko'oloos. ALso, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS,from6toB o’olook. ... IntorestS per cent, per annum. Depositors can with draw their honeys by Check*, if deairt-d. Speoiat J>e* t ° ,it * re ° ,iVed - JAMES 8. PRINGLE. FttlKM. HiUT. " pATENT I()E PITCHERS, KEEP IOE IQ HOURS. LEWIS LADOMUS & Co. 802 CHESTNUT STREET. mj2B-tf ! AZUMEA ! -AZUMEA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufactured No. North FOURTH Street, and for sale bv Grooers generally- mySaSmif "iriNEGSR.— s OO Mils Clarified Cidtr v Vln«-ar 450 bbls White Wine Vinegar, m store Vlftfam ABHBUJUfiiR '* ° l '' AJMJNEMKNTK. V A i;uV T 'S‘TRi:ET 5 ‘ TRi:ET J’HEATIVE ..r Sole Lessee Mrs. 11. A GAJtTtVTKov ( lius.uwb Agent..Joi.DTMURPHy; ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! | NIXON’S ROYAL EQUESTRIAN TROUPE! NiBLO’S GARDEN. j BOSTON ACADEMY OP MUBIU DRAWN THE MOST CROWDED AUDIENCES. (GREATEST BEM A ATION“ ei! ,k ' . _ MADS m AMERICA THE MOSrf r piS<IBHED i AVO *- ACCOMPLISHED ARRAY OF ARTISTES fiverbrooght tngot ber r wau r ONTHISCONTfffENT. Mile. ELLA ZOYar a I Ti “ * rM MMEs no ßSßta" B i&' heWorld ’ ;, THE HANLON BROTHrrr ;X““^' rfnl s,Bm ** t ' *™ ■«"»«u. a. L. c CHARLTON, (The great Stilt Danoer. „ a VUVXRXA, l rh« Renowned Contortion)*!, eapported by the entire Troapa of | ca S?^J KIL -•" pektland. i leading features , Tww nci Of tfte Performance ▼iD be IHE BEAUTIFUL TRAINED MARE, , ZAIDER, Managed by • , . ELLA ZOYA RA. Esoh periormanoe to be preceded vith a POPULAR farce .. „ BY THK DRAMATIC COMPANY. * PARTICULAR NOTICE. Notwithatanding the ©normon* expence attending thie “** GRAND COMBINATION . „ OP TP* leading equestrian artistes of the WORLD. THE PRICES REMAIN AS USUAL, Thf» JFr*® j-istfexoopt the p r*M> is ~ . MO ? T POSITIVELY suspended. Beats maybes*eoreii thrse days in advance. WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ON WEDNESDAY 1 AFTERNOON AND SATURDAY will be riran?o R fh ln »iATINEE • Will w given for tbejusonramnd&tinn Qf LADIEB AND CHILDREN FAMILIES OF THE TOWNS. I p' h ;,' latineßa Commence »t > o’clock nnd eloee before M - len-at. THEATRE. FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 11. MORRIS BROTHERS, PELL & TROWBRIDGE’S MIN3TRELB. EIGHTEEN STAR PERFORMER!!. THE CHAMPION TROUP EOF THE WOULD! CHANGE Of PROGRAMME EVERY EVENING . For fall particulars see Prof rammee of (lie Da/. Admission •. js oenU. Secured Seats in _. -38 coats Orehertra„ _ Meaner Seats in Private Boxes.. ~, ~ Mntl( Gallerj . 13centa• Private Boxes $3 and LON MOARIBi Manager. CHARLES A. MORRIS, Agent. N. B. Positively no Ordera or Money received at the Door, ‘JelMt • A CADEMY OF MUSIC. - THE GRAND MATINEE! _„„TO THEIR EXCELLENCIES. THE AMBASSADORS FROM JAPAN: Having been a-ceptedby them, win take place on „ . TUFB”AY, Jane 12th, I*o. Commencing at t>i o’olook. • The whole order the immediate direction of . . MESSRS. WHEATLEY A CLARKS, who have prepared the yaont' unique and varied enter tainment ever given >n AN AMERICAN THEATRE » in the completion of whiob no c&re# expense, or labor has been spared to render it highly oreditable to oar mtf. and entirely worthy this unportantevent. rhey are happy to annonuee that an arrangement has been effeeted with the Directors or tue Academy of Mono, - New York whereby the-service* of the fol lowing distmrnished artists have he«n secured .♦ M’LLr THERESA PARODI, The great Lyno Tragedienne. SS SksTv^l Prom the New York Academy and the TaconThea tre. Havana. STGNOK. UKATf, Condnotor. The above artistes will appear is the At aot of Doni zetti's tragio Opera of . . D LUCRE2IA BORGIA. Lucrexia Borgia. . M’Ue PARODJ. Gennaro. - Big. TAMARO, Doke Alfonso.™ NA«NI. The Orchestra, on this important occasion, will com' prise „ t FORTY-FIYF. PERFORMERS, Including DOOWORTH’g ARCH-BTRKET THEA- T«E and the fall GERM aNIA BAND. Wli , MR. J. 8. CLARKS Will make hts first appearance here in a POPULAR CO%IEIUETT*. M’LL TERESA PARODI Will sins the Grand National Song of _ , BTAR SPANGL-D BANNER, • ' with fall Chorus of »h* combined forces of the A LBN NBBCHOR and YOUNG MjBNNEROHOR ABSO - , „ , OF 200 SINGERS, who will also sing the Chorus of THE PRIESTS, from * The Magio Flats.” and CHAPEL CHORUS M*n nerohors, nnder the di reotion of C A rl SENTE. _ t „ S'GNOR BLITZ, The Renowned Magician raa choice selection of Ap Ptoprtaie and Extraordinary Feats of Legerdemain, «o. „ M * QIC DANCE OF TWO NATIONS! lb® UN i° N 9 F Japan and the UNITER STATES, prepared expressly for the occa sion by Mr. W. Wood. 'ihe whole to conclude with an appropriate Comic Pantomimic BALLET! in whtoh will be introduced the famous , « b MAYPOLE DANCE, from the Coined* of the r . FAST MhN OF THE OLDEN TIME, in view of the pressure for admission. a*d to avoid confusion at the entrance. a limited number of Tickets »iii b* sold at rhe continental hot»*l, gtr* id 801 SE. » A PIERRE Hulls'*- and at the Box Office of Ihe ARCH-STREET TilE\i'RK,after9 o’clock A. Mt every day previous to the Matinee. Admission. One Dollar to all parts of the house. No reserved scats. ir IVATIONAL ThFATEE—walnut il BTREET. ABOVE EIGHTH. MI»S MARY MITCHELL. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING. Jun. 11. 1880, Will be performed the National Drama, entitled „ t HORBK9HOB BOBINB^N. Horseshoe Robinson, Mr. Collins; Ben Terab, Mr. Cooke ; Major Butler, Mr. Browse; Mr. Lindsey, Mr. Lrjene; Mildred Lindsey. MissTditcheU. Tuc o uolud.wUb ) ,h.rt E nlh. 6o O ai a, M « H . d . - Lamh Landher O'Ronrbe. Mr. Collins; The Dead Boxer, Mr Fitzgerald; Ted XTßrnnngm. Mr. Filgrim; Moebaol Neil- Mr- Brown ; Nell MoCollom, Mite Mary Mitchell, tijen Neil. a.*a* Amelia Butler BCALH OF PRICKS.—Dress Cirole and Parquet,» ots.; Family Cirole. 15 ets.: OrohostraChairz.se-nred. 80cui.; Colored Boxes, 15 ot* ; Beat*in Private Boxes, 75 ots.; Entire Private Box. 90nud 43. Doors open nt 7X o’olook; Performance will com tneace punctually at g o’clock. CONI'JBRT HALL.—JAPANESE FESTI VAL WEEK. WYMAN, WIZARD AND VR%TRtLOOUI*T. Will open CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY EVENING. Jone li. _ . . „ FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY. . Wednesday and Saturday *FTERNOONS. for stranger* and families, com mencing at 3od'V'W. Doors ' pen at 7)£ o’clock *, performance to commence at 8, preoisaly. See poster and programme* for particular*. Admit tance 25 rents; child ren )2>so. jell- 6t* DOLUE DUTTON GIVES LEVEES AT FULTON HALL, Lancaster. 'THIS (Monday and to morrow) AFTERNOON and EVEfUNGatSand 8 o’clock, and no ton?er. \ jell-2t* FaUIT AND FLORAL FESTIVAL, Ajrn BINGING BY THE BLIND. On the aftenmon and evening of THURSDAY, Jane 14, 1960, BANBOM-BTREFT HALL, SANSOM Street, between H XTH and SEVENTH, la aid of the BUILDING FUND of the <4 Wylie Mis sion Bcboot,” in connection with the Pint. Reformed I'Tesbyterian Church. Tioketz 16 oents. To be had at the door ou the Even ing of .the Festival. oinginr will commence at 4 in the afternoon and 8 in the evening. jell ♦** PIC- NlO FXTRAORDIKARY, at S. S. MARKLEV’S VALLFY GREEN HOTEL, on Wissahickon. FRANK RIVERS’ Great Melodeon Company, including the fall Orchestra, will spend the mtire day at this beautiful Retreat, on Wisrahiotoa, June 13.1850 F. B.—Shouti it rain, the next clear day. jell-3;' S. 8 MARJCLEx, Proprietor. MCDONOUGH'S GAIETIES —RACE BTKKET. THREE NEW PLAYS. AND AN OLIO! PADDY’S WEDDING THE OMNIBUS. THE HAPPY MAN. JULIA MORTIMER, JULIA PRICE, ERNES TINE DE FABIER. THE BKbT COMPANY IN TEE CITY. First grand musical festival AND PIC-NIC OF THK PHILADELPHIA. HAND. No 1, on MONDAY 1 , Juno 11, IM>, At EG-. GLESFIELD. The Committee have selected thin beau’i'nl and ro mantic retTeat, bewe easy of access br alt the Cits Passenger Railway Cars, conneotingwith theGir*rd avenue Railway or the EairtnountSteamboats, like wise by the Reading Railroad Cara The fall MILITARx BAND, of THIRTY PER FORMERB, wall perlorra a variety of Introductory Mane. Dancing w»ll commence at 11 o'clock A M. A Grand Concert at S)£ o'clock P M At 4 o’clock Dane ing, to conclude at o o’clock. A Police force will be in attendance to preserve order. , Tiokeie. 28 cents. (Children under 'en Tears free*, can be procured at the Vu*ic ctoree of ANDbE A Co.. 1104 CHEtTNUT Btre*t.orof A LAWTON, S.E corner of SrtV’ENTH and CHESTNUT Street*. tGT Forfurtberparticulars see Sunday papers !JeB 3t TV ATIONAL AND HISTORICAL PANO iI RAMA. THTB EVENING, and for a short »enod,at We ABBEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PANORAMA. M ~ "©presenting TWBNTY-FlVh REMARKABLE EVEN'IB in American History, each picture covering over TWO HUNDRED surface feet of Canvas. These'Pamtroiß illustrate the prominent HISTORI C-l. KVK.TR IN THE Liy.g of THK kabl> PILGRIMS IN ENGLAND. HOLLAND AND AM h HICA ' Andal«, th.mor. thnni ? , event, or the VOCAL ANDINiORUMENTAL MUSIC, oh Scene, ■Will l»e*perioVmed , by two Rccomplished Young La ll f)nors open at 7K P. M.; Exhibition commences Pr ?dim'tcsnoeiseeflts- Children 30 cents. At the earnest solicitation of a number of Vnbtto School Teachers wt-l be AFTERNOON EXHI BITIONS Biven on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY of'hisweekt to commence atS)4 P. M.« precisely. CH'L* DRKN, on these occasions cnfa, will be admitted lor FJVE C-.*TB. Arrangements made with Teachers for the ad mittance of Schools to Afternoon Exhibitions, on mo derate terms. je6-ot* OOLOMON’S TEMPLE,' A large, beautiful, and perfect model of trio grand eat and most interesting building ever emit is erected intt,imn.a n » e^o?? of NAIj MARKET, ABOVE TWELFTH STREET. The Model is SB feet lone, 24 feetwide,andlsfeei high; lighted br »o gas jets,and theworshippersre presented by 60$ figures arrayed in Jewish costume, surrounding the various courts, give it a life-like ap- Kk gs. fith to Sthohap.} 1 Chron., 28th chap.; 2ti Chrnn., 4th and 7th chape ; ana Exotics, BHh oh»p.. for contents and description of Solomou's Temple, all ni which is iaithfuUy represented in the Model. OPKN TO VISITOR-;frora 10 to IS A. M*. 3 to H and Tto 10 P. M. Lecture at 11.4, andBJi o’olock. Admission, 23 cento: two children. So cents; single ohila, 15 cents. . , . . . Liberal arrangements made with schools and ohurobea with privilege of leoture by their pastor. mvl-tf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ART 8.1025 CHESTNUT Street. . . , The 37ch Annual Exhibition is now open daily, from 9 o’clock M , until 7P« M., ard Lorn 3 till 10 P. W. Admission 25 cents. Season tickets, CD cents. Chil dren, half-prioe. , ...... A _ Stockholders will receive their tickets at the office oi the Academy. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.—2SO bbls Spts ►3 I'urppntme. in store- anil Tor sale ny ROWLEY ABHBHRNEK, fc 00.. No. 16 SOUTH WHARVKS. . M» N A—Small L r.Lo, for sale by WE ••'HBRILL Jt I, »dq *5 • vaiSißSt. mr»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers