$ 46 1 1 L ila''' 'l' ' . iii l ij - 1 - 10144:!)Iiiiir t li 4- .'144 1 1 11' 4 401 r. . ' ',lit 11, ' ' • Aifik t ,,l4444* - likti t 'll ' l4 4 A 4 4Z, .' - -. _ . III7.*NOMISIMML - . ' *pi Iliitaißril 2101,-.l6 l llaM i t 4talfiE tA lli s littir i tidi 4 '. *ilk ' '* . I , 110 0# 6 i ll W R l t ii: ir s ''" - ; ii 1011 ill *dr* Amy icwlilie : * . , ,tat iolif,,_ _Pigov -,, i i i,;,,,i y! . u4 1 ' ' TolW — e t , w4 pegv i iritzeri bii ;-, "iiitiair& ..- , ' ~ , . •r;ii , . --; I .51, ~ ~ w,1, 1 , „ 4 ;, - -,--, -.1 , '•, - 4;i3-.. - - 7' '--- ,- 1 - i -1,7*-401.31,Renshaw*. , wpm* . laiialattax , ox :a* - ertywitirt-,,laW; ototatrt:a. c , - At glositawiitiesat tait'ettri* * 0•04010 Oftiltr, ~. a t-thi .LuriNipte-i - me.wm**,tc0 1 4=4 1 0;It i la ,A,,, 7 „ 4 ...., -. w ., -,....... ..„.,,, x „ - ,-.6 1 , 'ASV_ : 011 00 1 hreliklelbsie 1 . AllemeaVielliee,* 4 it° ' g`Ti'" was , satthal ,'aitt i that !Ole *Pak *frs '" -ille tat , OWL Z illaWhinribtettity - Amami' the; gati=a, ' ksi , siatelatata , wintai rtattetw A o,l oB sl l *Al. " 1 04 4 'Skatikt' 110 ` 1511 0i Vital* , „:,"itaralrAfka i =irjle i ttl i i i ..{. £: 7. 1 ' - 1hih'4 011611 , 161 4 'li ' :11, AMA** , ' 'Air' ibi"edieriti ttil ;1 31ablieffttkiliriftififige IliW "41144 1 ,10 010/ Vile 4 7 Aft'antilliWoooo,o tkl s aMt!t!.7 . i.. , 4,14' rat ' Tes#llWw2 '., : --•- : ' "AiliViiii;4l‘4o.llolgraiWo.....-- , , _, • ~ 1. ~I,V Y CNN: . •r•i1.464. ' Ig' ,-;...".:: ; Zr,. 6- 4‘i ;'' 'Ys ' ` r ilWiliiiii - sliiiiiiitti; ' ~ , . , ..• .. , '.. -..„.• ''-;‘-• - ' - , - ..;-siitia*PnLa. Piss ill. 3880 . i s yMikaildriiiiirSiasibelblifoi 7 ittliciol'aiistrii,44.l .ifikolilllol - 01**011Wfitint *lb 'PlatillUtolit iiiliiiiiktiiiiiviseilow`llook,lll t,rit staviaids iiirei sersooolis IfilfrotOpociof 110 , 10oistiackiltrood adotrioi F ,Ofisit%ilPlNllfj :„ .. ... 1 1,0 0 . 1 0 1 11 1 'Wtilii - „ %O ad =o1VO : of ‘ l 4 . lll Wilifillt ili*l tiga ' Toofiteruititii r itoittr-Aelhe7;IlilleitAllollot-ifayll . rA i th ooo mottol 'l2.llllrXimol al # ll ' 44 , r, ";'ir:'• - • , •:1 - * -- 1 .-4 '...: .1 40 • 01, „ , - , 3 : 1- 14 ...4" . • - 7 441 7 f . r . . ' , ' :7, ". ..,<7 . ..,," 4 ": ' ft: 72 , i ly,,Xilif:l 4m, " ,;: , •".1,,,.,............;....XL5W, , -'-' i • 0 I•olpirrirrils tlOffitoro4at if ocitif;iialos tirir t ,DR i ffig . ,.....,,ek . ,_Ml,‘ / 14 1 40 1. - ... l h ll lzeli‘ 4 , . /u P!S Of weloki "re".✓""5.111.41f .1 1414." i . 0 •• !,.‘: ' _,. ••• • •A'.. • • ,I 4 - - ..:,• , Wri -" , • - •:,.. 77 T,..,2 , . , •,..: . _.•' ':.•,.., ••• ,Tooti' flirt. ,1 ,41' ~,'' ' 1 ...,,,i„ - ,;,,,,.. - -..w .. .,..a..4. - . *' . 11, •-• K.,-;`•......f...*..••‘...4. , :.: ,laillir k ,'- a s r , f , t , ' ,- 7 ..12.14_ --•• tri ; r.• . • , . ~, . —..........., itaktoditir t ku....• , .`....r.... , .... , ...-:. - ...._-11.10111, • -.- /1111 ."7. 7 !'", ""*- 1`,1- 11 ! Alli 4'.= t .i i iii• - •"•,, , ,,1 , 1 - • -.• ,F -'.'_ ' s ' , -, , ~,. -? ,', 1110.11470! 444////f/N0*,fri1tiei1id. , r,;.r.0...,•:4.,4...:4:;.1•L15A11l . iiki ilk !MN ontlibiii be . . fiiiiiiiittl, '--- - il f ,C% * ' Pik,. * O . Nefkildidi rts '' " " . ..::::;...1 ,- .",f41 . **".1-tetripiqww ,7= • d- •I' d' elk - . • •frrt• ••••• ,ii.' : dr 4 : ' d :-,e;;;;;, t '... , ' , ::: .' l '.;'' .. ' .. 4 .,:1:: • vlivi'.,::: i aCti,"..;::: • • :7- " , 1194.4..::..:..w. -'•,' ,1, , :,.....,..... , .t , .) 4t X.1...1..14 •_ :EP ~ • :"'" 1 .:, , ,, - , „•4_ - .Z...=1`.;...',. ' 'IV: ,' „ re,- ~ ', 7 •: - ~. ~: :, I ' :- , 1 ".a:;: ~. I'%; °W W I, 1 4 1 =7 . 5. 7 , , li - , - .-:_ '''..; '',';',-;• , tettri...... , =.....1i.4 • 0 , ~;i•,-, ~ -.l* (7, .......;..14 - ...;:' , , , X 7 •111 0 '' -' ': - '.:! r t,''. •• •+.l = t = ' , . •" v• 7 - ...., . 401 0- . ...... , q . ‘ ,7 •: --, =ilk:. • ..: It. • ~ ~ Vas t V.V.Z.: • . - .41q.. • =A. ''' 7 = - :`,9•„;=.••:`,. - Ariiik!'' ' iffielpl.. it: , • i 110, 0 16100 g 4 t,;; , r",,..,' ~,-.: 1 ,1 : - VegitiM: . .`f T'S - "" d r:l " ':' " ', ' 4 ''' A " k' f ;•' , f" ' '4A.7 , , , ,t;72'• ' - ':IL uff:4 ';',.-a• MX '...a , V.Z',;,;a4a*Nfr!.,kll!-:•..,'•.''l'" itaiiiitiao Ft #l4.l=l:lo6'weiira gin" ithittik4o44,lc.,,, f 11.11•AftsAtt. 4014 • as iiii,„‘„47X-_- .. lc al,writatist,:'.. 13 , • 114 • 7 gir • se vies krr!t am :- , ',' . - ~ , ,1 1 M . r ..t ;15 • ‘''''''' " 1 " Viol ft ' ' '', '• •t- . I -, ' iiii.k*" . as* 1 ' ' '' ? 4 '. • '7 , ' -"" , A4,_. : r',...-•;• ---,. "••• i ~...., ,;•,; ' , 4:: ,, 5tt. 4 :._.. illpr:4•: - .'.44111; Waal q , Moil fit ,t. ow - N fkkonn ...,..or . ..: * - ..aviiii.....-iir, Atiarte.kev.:r.* r ...,- 7 _,_ vx,,„ -117404 r t ai s .• , iiiii;.. 4 ...„....::: i :,...4. ..,..4.....:44.0„. . ......... 4 16 " i• ' d ,1 1.4.;i• , , , pti:taimmIt0.-ill . WM' 2„:".„', '. '',. vi_:, r" - • 41:. Ai - sis , $ 7„. Yr : , -' WV' _ • ,c ; • • , • ._,, , . .... „ is .._ i v . .Artiiiikiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirk ---- ' • • • •._ 4.. .MiM a i l eitZ , kr , -"wsw ootirt i troolt; et. , • .e. w ' i k - por fark broodvit allfetai blia s t it i i i mat tell " i ' im gaiii. lesOnli illtigialiAllitair. 41111__U"' 10 U .1 to ooritolbooot walla at filmi ~' % to, or ~ lor. mime Itookbraft, 001 l itroroo lair t iii~jt ill4l*."6ll*"l4lo96.l". mr ei etrot*So for IScotthiro. rollooft ` lilt 'inactive - ot-oroolatho AO - booms aospoomp lo i ,trrorso ; sad meat. 41.10, , WOW eafilliMlNPlPly, -,-• ' 'el - Y. -. ‘, -.-,, - , d •,', -I I ' •• = 7''''' ' iS kili l liiiii - lPfl i elhilint, ' ,o 6* , . troiniii,Aifos-oura irsobossid i toriliko i or wMoll s 2 ._ . . 4.4. ......,.. ma : --.....,.F.,...0.0 balm 416=." -6 -4-,-- - • s. .747 per Alliel •, - WV . • • Pt: , lit 1114., croz ek ka— r wig . , : = Fir ti i ti l AlSM C0UN.A. 1 441110 .0.41- 7 040M111. s larl NEt" • -'I a eq , ",4l'l , ,Virt•r"- v• 1:, ttreCei vi l l aglia , ;1,11101; .iliiv:. lii*.ibtrosauf.-4!plLoii, ..-- ' jet ilia: — - row ' ' '' ' - f sl l o l o oo*.pr#4o ,;-±z ---:. ;- ri6.60 a — Xiiiamoior .-. st,L4s _ - '7 0:4 -...,-.:l r isositi—a.i.o.esiiiili, - OM Wow - i, ,„ „ = i 4 2 ',..._.:_--4 0 - W.4, 10 z - 4000k*Akilliv*Ott , - viva& filiciati amariss , oft:411volt WOW vas irj Plaa, o 7 l° - • — igaits•i• 4i .m, A , rootat; w 111 14 1 104 t, Val4F - *davit* ihavidt it virvt**l4l4: 2 For, AiiW.istlet svori calf* ett:or;loo4.thiiieotlotO )Wri&t n i 7. bir;Siali zh early 110% Ykati, • siatirivElli damming t 444 . 14 4teittWb 6 . 1 1. 111 F5. *llll4,4lksalsiira!s•Oin, Litiostizilarof din way.. Motive ? vier eltriii the stOet, .004dasioreOlarig aqvisCelositomere tut' • • waireionsti:sistrirdisgoiri, thtliwriqueslipt 0!. belatoway.llrointi. Nur t irliretoth knot n 4 bligAilth.! 4l l* s ". xatssiat' Rita . fist a luta: A , in* i!hcoAlo.,,,rws ,Ains„toy For high woul4,lr, givriag seri common D it* *Mei **mai late: fiir so sat bt Fifa Mat iou _ down, to. writs Esiciatmi )166;Whitil litliiid iiiaitif 'l4pisi f 6 iOtho . _ Oh redo 6iltierir;iirbilo'llottiingto4toads • • rOtoogitoto. to moll to Obi a AU soda We so kin exporiosood hinds 1144110 eigethnera's I Optobetion.. Thai" deitiiiiitti4telt Atete! to Ma he tout hut; -Pee the imeettitoerarberilbt • gentlestaa mut; 'West geode hem the tots where the fried used to twit StPa% '*r Irh•r• to Our kw 'AttiniorwlitirEltri:#lid A Onnao_Raioientnii.;-4ftiajit, • Fradiiitoihidk-ingiegiiiiiiftiiitt tlae hat eigidaitk t"; Mainagrai•oZtimitiftrii orator 'mast iviitiolt.” eon,• isiitts prani`eareed."' 1a otdir to enstd• Ml to ore apt their theuti's_limvalleittokie.,eltsrent tetadonet afthititAilliffeatielammititigigit-Ltiftniya theiltgetol inifigitrar movemeit air ridetindoto tam pal a te', 10*- - haa;Matitateill,lol Ingham of tow price (rlgidlso- lited sti)ei esitiortose4 tenienitibllnithein to wee, hoe:. "etwitiomy:*_ and Omni hg osoft!itf' Of U1 8 '1240 of , of lusiisii,iyitesior dolts 'ttildelielithe ttetans'Otipt: sine. 44 Me nationgrthe labile am. mid Will cootinow to be, ' - elt• Jetties. -Nis bemieital &Wed lad iminisit 'OA* see the admire -ftenot thelaigoonable• world, aintnettint by is entateite * Peet twittsessimestuteet In the , eonstry, efidelittevreetittsildi (see et* Sappy Te• 44,43 11aitilwilat *Warp& iitoarcto oil vire with ioroteesitse ' 417 Obste*442 - 2 , 2 BA'rfeß; l2 l.'n wit* oaa•lataaba , Initeintehno• who 1n1f0111.98. `', - • ' • Olds* troll the odes* rtnntli toamolasalloi sod a gift mot with otohnitie* • THI , ZAP . 'OOSn , lit J - .*o; PwLADBLEIIIA— Warn sem: ioniveittee otCit7 Conn etleierni imago* that tor dm ;anival of the Zopatioao Zettemif Is tinioltOteinektibers will be taken het heir ledginer, et tee CanthiantitSiditt, 6o the splendid Itteten.2tonilNeddin hall etinelddll k 'rune, rtes. AO anneal Okaatitel atreati,lthOgeSihtb. Aftet exami ning *is leteants stook of elegant saestsrde for nen aletes* 824 • yoesPe. it ;t& oelltdoials Spitted Abet limits-tea solkeielor Niker-Oncrwri ntradel no :XnetA,o2l2:. i - BeseeSindllosisein'Oketeroi will, leave tintt neinentle for MI alder of • Spins tlothing. to he .I ‘ ll4 mtl,k l 4"forial , 2,ati),?! , • itedevars'',ll' Mt LOT Or Leh" end an eft ihaigh lAA Mae ponioi -OMM-ow mtatiti, exPerienot a' oenteteed i MO to feetatdbt theirMr, the i vas, „NO.:lllleitatCroittli,**, talaw ° hut ' .fto I nit, whit barn AIM pie omit named. wi9laataaraiski they attlasenlitytestolas eagital as einislityfOidinadtotetentlisynitoesti, Jetsam. smell, ifiniterinirsWidtbOtenolf22o Anti saw ninoes!,2#A ; desedventittestent in another OtinNE'd eisl,ooo - Chumaproi Roidateassotte NIA low piornose 10111 M, midi ism , tee, :017 othir'inass• - *attire' Thi Miami orb extra/mar lows and warmish to give - entare eationtotimil atoms • amottinent, of Naar ; Cholla* -, Theme in mast "-of the shore min do•wipft: to •oalt , atig:aoreliimi them or lint Wok of the • 'maanftitionee ashigroeft, John a- Chirk, t).lll6oltatket-ntreet,Ahorp youth.' 1t,1144,4 ;Piiiin'tl l,iiit3x titwonnin.— Tati*Miii*Moftini;iiiiii ,statimatc' itetiesitor and 'paaindiest Atihtt.TOrmariy- Of No. Oa Chen:int *Wet. .42,2110 betlikinnidter sitecreeditoaltio 8. , W. comer tAlth - iftalChietant:whMitlO.lol - be 'pleased - to sae Min& sisdtho Pittfitentaitilly. TitlvPhirftis4 3 4 6- %!A the: Nam 3 0 0 been 000)&000'0W Sam* &ori:4or Citis‘statroit. Liseehollou'&44lebele:wiratto itooli of Ildnuolos for lidirk Or. 00106 r0d,•200/!• .0 1 04*. Mier &04104:40 .libiltheo, 0 let 00 Ibo Pratt:ion sod soot Otoriplerith of - tbo moo tiro* the CAMM B t lift Wan/. Ooratimo to *ell throne, , thelowess eVezelied 00-asee (01(11311. Yr PreeisitiVeriateented - with oew beeefito deices ; to last berni lased b y 8. W. t7tCYeeiaatOrirril 0110000ent - 0,'&1O0,111001, 1910er 004; -c; • `,- - ,?• - f ' 10 , 1 yetiii*PititfOIT Oibriod disw;oe bia Aaioo.. ender 110 - Pait %W.' Dook Kraft; to Tbip . l, *I; Ilibtsdiy, .1500010, end lirediamiday; the Kau ROC sal "nd 'List , kis stsipariar liniirat Book Beer, which be oimi amnion:t ag,* wookasitt, airy, vlsOssiolu - sod »- Train= , ' - amnia • Biriiiss . Airti Shiomis If tame, *Fiat. eorworAttiOind ts:lifitto 101.0,10•Pili r eheta4 Tar's tir ircarryigia — As *We et thit deaLtkly "iiiaset, • Olt thittAllik Maw gle Wtalt.="this . OW* WIC ot*Ots, Ind AO &Mika for it fildraii*firWatii,4lo;brnikiKOblizieari is of teetellss tiald,`st Ss' aaatelit• bi "tetin tobsi, lamer -to ~ea. ethic mai lertes Wear yew la me. Tbkaialost imiffligrplous anti etiehltrnrdsMd,Uido;bsitir+e.thot, le is labia to tosocailesteastati satin tie trestassot of marl man! disease erldat&dhoti - toolediss fill to Mo. Its ways AraestOla a* established beyond asestioa. sad we toel seitad 'that it mat. , te a oat 'stink easirale teater olololtohooll of I I Ole 44" We talie! thellief roltdate NM? War hitaaltfies Na aural tabilitl; , at front Pi Of ise*lo46 Watair . arealibed. to ere it a oiolf"i.f 4oo olooloomoollf• ' • * M.** l7 401114 Itiee artizeiedilia media; ha/ lay, the s eaillaee ayeisiaga ad atibeekei of Islam et 106 .iioasaitailliatoslioa .wheitsaveisialltea Thee as elves& bent lcv ell aerate troubled with habitat seettesam esatiated beesaalelf andaricee modadtio, Wats &masa sad iit etbatiiiiind ail Anal lataire Sahel. They hre Spresesistbe (0,0. itairs Matt sad vial 0ff0 4 14 SIM taleteeei ba, • ARRIVALS 'AT ;THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, ,8!-TO.TIIILu o•oLOcac %Art DIGIT. cowymiracrAie4..g. saner K Reda NW Quit. LWOW., 1 1 1 y, , .4 7:WIM O% Fbihk ' ' Jan B 0rarrf0rd.110.... 6 ....t - - • I r lirbootiot i = , .. I N tir=r - foGir 7 Witygittaderd , t hrw r'.. :- .. ::; ', ' :-. :1 - ar. Seleossia ' ,- , el , , ---,-- ,- --.0 = L ilted:on, ' * (261 .11 .° 4! " ::: f fa c in . , - ,-- ,-,-, . • v.! Ttorat Y- - ' - 141nni115 ,2: :' - :-..- i i llireViL-N ewar t '.• ni king: Viet .', IN ibbf r uAresar ;l c 'art.-..vrik . 41.b. 1 4. , 06:1ta, VA tA ": Yi l i ' -- ~ :'-' ° P i tt iIiATIKOAI / 4 J % oti - CM/ 4411, MAN ''' ' , . is - Ar l bAilif iY" , ! . R 0 Rosa ym l ateitt6r *Aso; ;kr : 1.. a st r iAtit , klii;:zr,y p a bl e "4. mc"w i te,, - -,,-,:: orAl m th a b Eirr u ft en o tv a I " fir, rk..tu' .. — : - •-..1 Ail li ttral`.l:ry°' 'rt. :iiit' ' w ordirgfrat,Vg t' ri. lit 'l:i L yil ,;:r. isi kk g a nal " .k r. il v e rftdon aduldi isms ' R eatesie. Ago , „ e ali rd i reigP . 2 4 kaidei , • B C P P: tailf ° ' pp. , ~te S . , 0 • ~ ' Wiled. y , 1 • : hh,h t ': '! , ' pp it e mk„Ds t ur,,, I.‘' ' r 4 Zit :t - :) . ,: ''‘Wl Crir 7: -t h rag " . i B7 ; i e ' - :: , 1.,'‘ i i. , c,, A ,l_- - ,,, • • ~f . imsb, ' • : , . a.r.„ii., :11V /101141111. Pourtsinint, V: Maui f.,eatm, ri, lei; Woookdo d Relay. 14 -1 r , " lat' r rrrellnar:' -11 .,': ROY_ „' 67111 :6 44 'v' ,Aivfli., - tain It e. P, Y. - liii e Recat'd risti t l i t til s ittbt i t,;;( J ' &NV ow& tarit_W ' artirrOpeton . :11114igatronojiaston a w - Wei!, rims elllklHie Relleß44Theioast dr., Mow Mae. Ilwritepi r k I,e,Wils, Del ' J T h loompirm. MII . ~ wilpa r 'r7 4.= Did; * • '''' VT= 1'i5',..1.1, l' &tummies' sok ''' H o e 0 roo, Lir 1 la&d, L A 'MI , . A' A da ms & ts; oleTeltuad i ,;7 1. JVAPARJ " ,eds, . AlTit e liii rmillmk ' St in, swa t .. - jiiiroms, ligrripburg t f E .It ~ '"1 - 1 r 10127tiFi icirf 114 . 1 , 84,ki ! °. . 1 Elm:l4N , PP. if li. '.:' a I lf i rrer. Voincati, 0 :,Pro ll ' '' sw i ii= Is r eonn ' ' - Alt oi ra,:„ ; ir, - ~- eff f ra-ly -.1 , son. snaring J - mi. Pow ell 4. la .N Y r ktf, Wu , Dyed Ilum tilt Hilt rib; ':: ~ • ; mot 1 4tOrrsi ; ' i iist i Ariatu ; --- . got! ' Br istv , 4. - il ik.;• - •; : '''' La ll i kr td k i vi t as 11' s:: ', 4, ell t! . -x: . - - - - RI A , : , ," • 'rev,. 41/ _ ,• -. deilivia /eft; rt y i f ittlirilwal - • A ito , n Y.' • - .r ... . Y: ,, Wis. Athi4 46z, • • up im '; . 4) e g li t ' i , ' ----- 51, 1 71. * NY ! : • ***NM T'• Num Moira* re a ddscarat if littnill. 4 " 4 1 - "It r Zl; , : I-: Mill li s Zt r e i tt torL . , .101. ; LW! .# ....ejtj, , , , AA 6 , 1. ?Nit:L.- t airkpirek t or.. is gtr ia— in . .11 0 ,i.. , ,„ xc r ~-' L. N :. . „ kW . .: EU sid L blress 0 . t ---,- S in itZipr wy ' - I mai - 4411W icy r sin% Y' '' 1 t ilba iii;;; Y ', ; •'• Iblfigif i , t o iZ ff it a+ ?611Y , vf ity. : V i i d r : a ltil i , '* Y ' - a -- .01 7 ' ,. -.!..! -; -' I rri Loisdon ...itA-PAgni' - =,_ ,r- mad ',. , itriat. *bun Fifth. ratt i o ns4.l4 li tctgairtal Cit to •Ms . lot r • h N .., i lailale - 19 e t• , "4 II 4 1 ,t ia :iTAisk ., „.... .6... ii 7,........),.......„.„...,.4,..cr,_...,......,.., ~ , k , ---ax- Lorne meite&-abowraira. VIA i Prirll4 , = ArArin, It Y - 1 i O O fl os , 0 A tit a. 1 liiiir n .,' 't i or7jirt" ttla , ~ , i ' , tIP: Z rt I airrhiteiy . ra Of toalbow 0 , 1 ir 11. rri _ . Albvi.womll,, ibV i MI 9aill irO wli b it" Weei ' ' 1 il ' N Y - ' t i II r semen. eo ottlf Y , , E aalt, 'S ' Wasp& Nutt._ ' A -W,C l frrir i , ilitila " ' pit i C e l =jll: ion * m 110166 - NiNeo a rir li k, X 1 A O u rbr i ketibt NI i /In tr.' aen•Litt.iirek'' AM& &&" 1 &ICU, W I r,,L . . ycitr , ~ lig o r&g ot ta tinme , 7 pi:ern, 4 , lr„S P° r , • • ,' . i , v 6. W 11,2, Ps ' 1 a 'a Oa 01014:71 . am Di ith r aNiVer232 Wir t lira ! I t= -.WNW HdrEir-iDawbuit street. below Ellyelltb• 1 1 ROOM B e l ' i l m liadal r ig u tarle a lm;Del 0 r_Seekaa ,- , , OW BeLbO r t i t• al D zs, Timor. Q_l i worlow, i i ( 4l t V pt s ,: vy l . av i ar k lit Jas Ol s _l_e, Bi t Y A raokeit, Coen eabv, 1 , C .O I6 I BIIWIAL IRYISIth fob* above magi:eat. Wm Dulty & son,plat P WiOnnsos. Lefe oo i griii 4 :lBZT„ e at i t Ell% it:,,s p ork ec n o ' ri. 0 „„nianiork no ; re T ifirrey,oymWa. fli tlrt . . ogne v r v olarli a.o i t ..-red , ' AB Tryton, Haward, P. HUTU! UNICHI'.IHREL—Idarkat: *bora I: A Potatoes, 111 . 4 Wool, Colambls, 0 . wWardilhlt • . W Howard Bait - Cr i p Pa - Prot%ero: lad. Ps • • Aw. Itroh_Lerristowa Mr Mahon, Cambna oo ottorarratorro, W rooms, Phil& - . Ting UNION HL4I-Aroa stmt. above Third. 14 E th n Jol2Juuwer.Cis,o C Dn KtongenOin Ln v •F e n.ba a d b art . ,dd J 8 oo n ombe . La e n n or_ti aS JagLae a „C berg. Cinn,o MEMANTIP ROHM-Thud at., above CalloWhill Gee ikohatror, Rath, Pia FA Booker, Bath. Pa R L Bateman, Ohio • R R Langdo_ i n Ohio 0a BM le, Hamsburg Id Rtovono, noontg 00. 1% .H 00 oaf% earenton; Pa H B Reymond, Borsaton D L Lightner. Lebanon co- ft CUNT , YEARON HOTEL—Fseortd at.. above Arch. Riaba _Thompson. Beaks co .8. Hitler. Philo .Tsoob Knipe. Huai oo Thom Atdiajjentineton 11 Jan o, Seeton r . it 'pp sr. wayno oo A Merney, Pr J M. Mite ell, Wayne 00 II 0 Malan. Philo .Ine Brenortirn Fir Commute, Trentop L N.T/ c_Rook. Pieertome, Pa .I Limo., Trenton PI J E Rill. Trenton, n B TrPnton, ri .1_ E_Preaks,llarnelmrir Joe Hippie, Trenton, .IN J vvro 'ewe, YOtniville 111 Stout, Climen 00. Pa P. Tomhnson, Doylestown BIL,ACIUBBARIPYPEL:—Third st., above Callowhili. I - Dron,ffrernont J Narks, Tremont. Pa ' 8 A ' , Tme,-Tramont, 1"8 J ftindt. Tremont. Pa H N. bun'. Ohm, A ettoltmsn, Meoharderrl 'A , vtr ,, lo r opirm i - - N r. o " z arrin... L ."llp_vim - • . 8 Trenler.Bo_oke co' ' -- ' W rnir, Jr. nuou, Go Inane PinsoY,Bnots *0 , , 8 Moms, Phla C Road*, Pa ' GI 'lemons, Chester VaPy FOIIDTthf, NOTBLeocrail ortia et. aim , * "Amt. tt BUponitiott, May Basoroft. Phis • Jnis F W Dot Ve• W D FfSevorp Y 11, "Belt D l lv oylistawa ba e tortljel • Terwasegd.Del: - ,A M Elqp ins, Del ri .141 ' D Rao. Oh Del V ft Ward. Pa NATIONAL .110TIII,..Nace iteret.A_kovd Third. titedn. MojaAwn Fijok,WAlkinbarre awniogralls a s a b Jo r t r zeskrint oA WhAsAir.tailiiiim, Willer , Co wsviu. BALD . BAHLD HOTEL—Third et., iebwire Callowitill. 0 Orme ' 13elirdsre‘ NJ ''' -1 Etterifite. triir 00. Pa' W Htleadme. Haab to' , LR. Harder, heater co W 8 .1:‘ niroselhashnoo, • ''• T 8 Lltrianne. Fittibum J H.Nowmantillieleterimy eo Chu Bane, Baas no, Pa B W Malta. Mate 00. " ' Dad Beam. Hooks rio, Pa J Miller. Crawfordpo. Ohio it-Lewald, Crawford no, 0 Mrs I. fdrera,Crawford eo.o Mrs A Dewed, Ohio Lewis Wise, Carbon orb Pa • . , . . .... BARLHY SHEitlf HOTHL—Eleeond at.. below Vole liqse ßo P uenv eilaie Tbfbe a rry . . „ I V l om esn e g l!.. l ß o glen D Fell. Ps ~ ~ , , I Hilarr, Biistrii 7 ILlmith I nunktek• WY mint • ' Zeosetr,io' ot a iMill• A D Das erlsll+4o l a _ . w jaareitalAckir 8 DieterLHaaton ' ' Hi Mown, Bub il lib 118 lily, Snoltr u co ~ A Hattary, Midi co WI) Lam., Mr to ' , H htdeire,"PinmetesA R D e ana, Boa • lib Amos Ely, Etuotisoo H Header, &album • J W Newbold. Harikari° 8 Atilicnc i barf eo , , R blather, BuOs P M tabs 1.. e co_ . VC Clayton, Book. co C Dmith. cone wiM Y Unte/tewtorra , A rotten. Bradliirdo , ' .• MI: iii , J koilt,Pa ~. , Nit sate. Triton A A Lommheri; P. " : - L omm, a J i A o t. re &wegp. t snort. - „,., ,(t ii. k k i tna m n , 6 Via . - ,:, . .D_ w 7 p a t y vi lo d r...ka n..oheltenham J masa, emits oci ' 'A B sramer ft , ra Band shot Cheltanimin • • IMPORTATIONS. OBE.BILIE 1.415005, Porker-0 bottoti R Pann &CM der do do D ealolhon & MARINE : INTELLIGENCIL 3 1 :01** P/1116N. vBD itottos. Afa r r. teioure from New York, with , mid ere to Ism Ailderdioe, Below Nit* Imar1 mar rotin. from ID Joluirt B, brig Elasabeth att.. froia New York, sad a . supposed to be Dm 0 [harkroet, Dom Cienfuegos. kola," magton oteek.naw wary Maim, for Boston. down in tow of tog Boar; Bohr Albert Treat, from harlotte town. PEE. sad another isibetiner, name unknown, were "Cit&hovel...Wilmington creek. Oar, ityderA from Bolton, With anise to & do. V h fol ar otrail'orli i strib M onn u sigkr4 s2'ii ir ad t r outing Stato t .Btall I day: from Milton, Del. oorn to Ai C ook ley. Ikl r 5,13 Cook. days from Taunton. with W hop metal toW 5 Gant. ' • Bohr Mary Adebude, 3 days Dom Ammon, with oats to Jae ,Barratt ilk Son, ihshr Oltots4 from - Odessa. with, grain to Christian & ' • Bohr •Abtroti• littaleir, 6 days from New York. with mdse to David Coop's. • Bobs Bliss Jena; Adams, 5 drys from' %Om - with mittCrowell & Oohing. -' litaeltrOtbresti hoick , fidott New Wit. I,to' la nom or co: , Ny afamitnayw. (verremongesme or The Press.) Notromr, May 18.. 'Arrived in the Roads, ships Oinhatis. Nam. and Stan &l, from Callao, • . • - • • 'IIMIMBDA, • Stostoship City of Walt bing ßAN o% .Teffra, for Liverpool, ellinired NOW ffdlirifileAnallY• rom eteamshie Alleit Miner, f .6 spuiwa, - arrived at New York rasterdar.r_ " Stsaantalp Isabel, moillits. from Charleston;arrived at Mew Yolk yesterday. for repair& ' • Intesnisnip Philadelphia. Wires. fyom New Meansista Havana ss a i l ag g eithdiet 37th hint for Philadelphia. Map EiteeissaAlt win. Mast, for iiistort, cleared at Near Urbane 1 Illup EnaPit, from : Cowes, was 10 the Mug at climylestop.lllM Mut, nip Haman as hamroak : e: aemmtfroin New YAr k for Hoag .1[6 , 4g.41 , 40 att Fen 14, t3O B, long') !iv. sailed fro m Liverpool ath inst Mi ti gireltllea, Spedden, cleared at London 4th lent for Pkikide Sark W ffolbrooke, Curtis, sailed from i'alermo lath tilt for hilsdadtkia. • Bark la ses tn. Welsh, for Rio 4; Janeiro, salted from Richmond NM tort. Nark sophist. Jonse, for Nio de Jim/Im, went to sea . I"lntlyiti%! t pL i viz at ,!,virtd at New York yesterday for Yid elphia. - • - Brig J weans, Walla,. from New Haven for naiads!. ghat. &nand at New York yesterday. Behr Mary Alois, salted from Cardona' 6th lest for Philadelphia. • - - Bohr: W Allen, Seniors, cleared at New York tester ,dar sor Lamm*. Bohr Sidney Pries, Godfrey, for Key West, arrived at ;Matanzas Sith st. Bohr Dirty°, Cook, for New York, sailed front Matan na ath inst. _• • ' • .Bohr Mary Patterson, Homers, sailed from Salem lath .mat for Philadelphia. , Bohr Barab,2kosson;froas Delaware City, at New Bed ford 17th inst. Tennaties, Wooster, Imam*, arrived at Portland ,16th met. - Bohr Vista sailed frost New given 1 7 tk Met for Phila delphia; • Behr Milllgons, (Br) for Philadelphia, sailed from Pa ,lermo 311th jadehrlus. - - - - Rohr Efultan, Day, ohmic! at Halifax 12th hitt for Phi- Ott , ' R Boreoe,' fonlbun. aadlV B Dar li ng, Baxter, -for Priiiidelphiadmiled from Provident:m.l7th inst. Elehr • hshella Thompson. Corson, from Charleston, arrived at Wilminaton.l6 0,17 th inst. meseeme Blank - Thammad, Allen, and raiMay. Ely, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamer ThosStarks Brumley, sailed from Hartford 17th last for Philadelphia. . SPECIAL' NOTICES.. Fax, REPORT OP Ting ORNERAI ABS)III33LY !of .thik Presbyter= Church of the United .Btabse. st 'lRoohnntar, (Old School,) inpubllalta in THE INQUI HUM of this morning, ixed willbe °optioned daily Minos ;the swoon from SPROtith REPORTERS. Moe, 1.21. Smith THIRD Street. ' ' , ; • , my]➢•et- , FULL REPORT OP THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Presbitenin Charoh' , of "the United' toter, at itoohester. (Old fiabool t ) is published in THE 1E4113'1.- I[ER of this morning;' and will be continued daily during" the session from SPECIAL ALEPORPhEiI. Offroa, 121 Soath THIRD Street. • FULL REPORT Ole'' TIIF. GEN'EItAL ASSEMBLY of the Preibtterian . Churoh of the United States. at Rochester. tOld Ophooldis published in THE UMW tom o f the wo rsts ' s, - and lOU be continued daily du* the tousled from 'OPEOIAL REPORTERS. Ofilee, 121 Bondi THIRD street ' GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PREBBYTE argiI 0/11/1101, likt Pittsburg, New School,) 'trill be found in THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER op Tors Aloaarnoomad a full report will be continued doily. ,Ofileel.l2l'South THIRD Street. myl9•St GENERAL A6BEMBLY OF VIE PREERFTE. 'JOAN Cntricu. at Pittaburg. (New Moot.) wUI be found in THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER OH THU( *rostrum; and a full report pill be, continued dell?. Moe lin &loth Titian Street. inyle-St OwAuer, ASSEMBLY ' OF' THE PRESSYTI 11111t.Olitratr. at Plttetere'. (Tre* Behbol,) will be foiled In THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER or Tau Ittonntso, and a MI report will' be continued daily Moe, IPI South THIRD Street. ntyl9 31 THE METHODIST CONFERENCE at BI M°. A fall report of prooeedinss. is publisned in THE PHILADELPRIA INQUIRER of THIS HORNIEST and pill be continued daily until sdlourninent. ;No. 121 South THIRD Street. WOO at THE METHODIST CONFERENCE at Buffalo. A - RAI - report of proceedings is pubilsted in THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER of THIS MORNING, and la be continued daily until adjournment. office, 40. 191 South THIRD Street. myl9-31 TM!: /VIEraODIBT CONPERENOF. itt Buffalo. —A MI report of proosedinis is published In THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER of THIS MORNING, and will be continued duly until adjournment. 'Ofllo6 N 0.121 South THIRD Street, rorPS-at, Filo AT WARRENTON, GA.--WARREN. ioit. Oa., March 19, 1510.—Chocre s The Herring's. Patent t are which I bought of you in April, INS, hae Aided the fire. My house wee burnt the loth instant when the sate got cold I opened it, and found my books. nevem, and money all safe sad snood. I ,would like to know whether it would stand another fire. Yours. reseestfully, FOOTER N. THOMPSON. *IMO reward will be geld to any person that can show tbat Herring's Patost Chamvios 13Afe ever failed kiliNgleree idlooldedta in accidental fire. PAILH6I6 RERRING,,tc CO., Patentees end Mann frietarerli of /Herring's Patent Champion Pire and Ifraelso-Proof ilefee,No. de CHESTNUT AL atyne's Han), Pkikitlelphis. rnyi9 etoth3t M 11Y SR S MIRACULOUS VBRMLIT the oldest and too rsamdr knOwn for Ei temiisatzug JUTS Red Wag, GOCKROAGRED BCGsi ANTS , EtTISQUITOEB, FLEAS, MOTS, GRAIN, WOREULaud GARDEN INDEOTIA plistog Depot, Erg BROADWAY, N. Y. BA by all Druggists invirrhar. myllHtias ••• .• • - Thrtsl- 7 .1.n addit i o n to trats trr4ll ofittrirrtamitniii Mad reit, :tittinheal t tor;ilie nettet,rit OtiAlheseat street, ii thou t titihrtiq 'oat oometairiihntirelY•itayr 'and exesedinaly, Wang* Ir tithtease they are satire, Zephyr—in 600b4enr are ai_thkoratthleind.•:llnres desirable fropertiee, -- re mats iteht thenaralty Ortneir material and 'IIOmVNO tare and ffesiam , tiostion of Warburton's patent props of thorough ventilation,' rfOLZOWAVII WORM 'CIONTIOZIONtI.L4II4 elegant and ardent Vermilage is daily recommeadel by ybyytaiiing'sod, parents, for' agtosible telitti,l,lol oreat,aftiosey in expelling wormsand' restenns healthi Sold by 1' 1 113,1;4[66.; ta-efsilla Per hen. .1: 0 WEITON, not:Lowey rowasm n• 30 South FIFTH. etreeh • , PittplntL' SHATINCir AND tiAlll4)BitiONi • • L. Gamgmerr,. • • •"N- omit FOURTEPand BRANCH dttsets, hanst osientid him magnifiCailt Saloon for Hair Casting Dodos, and Shanlinxdai. in 000neotiOn 70h.the mo 4 Melt/orate *kat, BtTstxa fatilitiss, would - now in/ nownoe Ix! the subtle.' after a." putleeseful oswildthini that Ins 'Means of itooommodating bus Rumerone yatrbnd nava, bean validated NUB morn parfait. ‘: - ‘i war Nom! but the beet lutists are employed: " I Privaa Rocime for lAdtea and dhlidren., • ffir Beet Bair Dies, and other droning prenaratlone *borate for sale. -11 Rir Ohaggis thod6rete, , I • • To CoiravmSivas.—Qtniou's COD' loyal on. 4xLLT. — This greet soma° for Oonmemition is feet supersej ding &B in others its curative effect/ippon those aMlote with tubercular dieesass, 'Wee twit* ai saleamtwei the crude oil. PreleMed upon high& seientido phioP plea of the pure oil, and robbed of the tlaalleolle totem o the plain article, it is 'reoeived tote the, stomach In Jellified form, without mastication, and is made& ,IN dfiy solved sad digested,' passing into the men ietelebli drop by dion. supplying the wastes of the boaibi 1 4 4 nutritious properties, and thew assisting and mmtaiiins nature in oyerooming the disease. huerOVed the New York Aeademy of Memoir's, and mommedadia bt the faculty emerywhere, this preparation isogifidsietiel offered as a remedy for Consumption end ail lierefklom! effeotions. Bold by 'FRBDBRIOIC BROWN, dorner 011E8TNUT end - .FIFTH Streets; FRED BRION BROWN, Jr., OoMinsental Hotel; end T. W. 'IIIYOTT% k BONS. • ' sibia-stake I 01,11' PRICa Ouniture air = ' !r» I.A sirs • Sans, made In the best , maager, ;mgpreelar. rot Rir. 4 TAIL BAIA& LOWEST loans grtoeit- roark' ed Plain Figures. Allgood' made to order warraatld eatis4 Cl/story. Our OHS-PRIGS system Is strictly idhertd to saws believe this to iso the oolg Aar war of doodles i All era thereby treated ebbe. ' JONES CO... seed ' . MS tiIAII/FR !knot. ' Berweespis Vrea•Priocir Serve:--)L very tarp latortment of SALAMANDERS for We at rat malt Arias, No, NA OREM= Bt., PeWOW& BVANB 6 WALOSON. • Samna Ktonntis. All persona - who, hive bought Sowing bliidgauirhioh will Dot ,perfurni, the work expected, are Informed that StNGEILIS chinos never fail to de any kind of work. Noon, I.! ever; disappointed in the Machine, of , I. M. SINGER t 00.. No. MO NHINSTNITI' St .pi4m BArttfG nib—NATIONAL WWI .11117111 Oottream—Mittened by the Blue of Peetoefleo is RIAU. L Money in rewind every dab and in any swoon Lipp or small. 2. PIPE PER CENT. interest lo said or money kon the day It io vat in. ' l The money U a l traye Had heek in BOLD whom. rip. it la called tor, and without folios. Money iesseeiven frordEssesiters.Adarististrarers, Ututrdiass, mut other Trustees, 31 ler& Or sseell Meet \ to rernitn o tont or abort period. - S.Vhe money received Rein Degesiters Minya/tied ip Reel leatete, Norteusee. Rivend ILimht, and other Amt.- elms seehiitibi. • Moe open every IL'S—WALNUT Street. south : wen otter Third street. PhiledehAl. SZAIIIX , niViNft 1 ; 00) -- NOMMitn mma' Co essouo and Meaner, Bruszte.—Depoeits re otived h small and large animas, from all otiose of the oolununitT, and allows interest at the nit" of FIVE YEY OBlMper annum. Money Nay be drawn •by OMAN without law of In. terse. .. Oatie dein dill% tibia 0 until. o'olook, and on Mon day and Saturday mil nice in. the arennty. Preen. dent, FRANKLIN FFIL i Treasurer and Swaim OUR IL MORRIS. , , , HAREM' Booboo, &MN G 111/10VED DOUBLE-THREAD. • FIRST PRIIKIVII AT Brut PAIL BABMIABMa OE", m ARM It. Agents Rasta. faU-S - *AJtitiaD. .. • ....AATdMONOr....-lio thlt lip, kid. by.p.oir.'Di. er !Muir, , ?..t au B. itatedlona lo Ate awe A.. didebtet Re drib. kao.. all IRh ledelehis., • Dur4L ,YONI WAIL-0, n.,thit Mgt tot. et the reeideneeenhp ? dee father, by the Rev.' Jam*. M. °mire]] My. ' Loh C. DobabDion, or PoDeville, Mul hill county, to Mies tgartha Doan, deuebtat °Enemas • • Belau Fin l oy f_hilodelybis, ROBB—T OMPYRIN.--un the Bth tof, by Ree.J. I 3 Willie, Mr. ohe ROO to, Mho Banda hornet's, hiJl4„ thikedir. ZIRFF—KIROD,BRO.-0,3 the WI 09bOber. dice, by Rev. A. Mende,. M. hoot' A. NOV to bier Manta Ktrohbemodt of tbleltY, • FOR--1 TOY.—Qn the lath lost., by Yearn 0. Wnsoo, V. D. M. Mr. 0108918.8 Fox to Milo Amanda M. Oto.Y , both or tho O. AT ' , , , - oikro. . . , BONER.—OIi thniftit net. it Ree ifillennein. ot ter isaiii(Bl and tuts, as al s ene. Elite i night. Info bc eme. Morn, for erly or- M ) elstda, *soca . _in ANSIM..L.in the Mtn imst...llter a short irtiart, Militant hieletell, In the 68th year o his hie. The relatives end Mends of the §Loilly. also, the oil. 0011 and employees of the United thetas Mal. Me to soeatfalls invited to attend his funeral. frost hie lore resident*. Mo. 418 North Eleventh street on this fnetler" day) afternoon, the 11th inst .08 o'clock. ' * HORNOIB.—On the ITtrt_ jest. Kass Lansdale, (Lilly ' ) eldest doosittor of John W. Horror, Esq. Funerakeervices et et. Mary's Chorob. Locust street, Wean Nhiledolphla thio itiatunioy) aftemoon, the nth, Iht.; At M otolook woolsely. - • t 311/1..z00 , the Mb itit.iiiiinih MI. loft Of fif = 11. twit Row?. ball: a ` o*(7 year of hislise..- - The reiotiose and - Mends of the amity ant invited, to &Mips funeral. on tai. (Bata SY 1 afternoon; Irani his r's rssideztoe, 1U Wharton dint. at 1 o'clock r• • . . the 16th inet,, Joasosh Deal, in the Mat Mo o red T'andPiendsoitkefaselly am invited & oat h ' attend his antral. [tomtits late residence, corner or ow fenand Pant Ms, Fr4301/oro. Tueaday morales nexti. at 10 o' Bi ellt. anima wither invitation. Tetirootato DANllitign g li r „LOnit 16th lost.. after a Knee/int enasanah, will of ohm Danenhowpr. Firoarel from her brother:is res dente earner of !viand and Feit I strum. Coeur • 'Point, Camden, N. J., on Bundy menthes. at 119 q Mock.; • B EN.—Qin thaisth fut., Mrs. Margaret Bun, relict of the late Wm. Bun, in the 69th year of berate. Funeral kom the resident)e of nor Roe, josehb,..K. Been. 1340 Fasstunit road, on th e (Saturday) motels at 9 o'clock.. the 16th inst.), • ''firginis. Clara, wife df (Thal W. Jiendli, The relatives and Amide of t fetidly are re peck. frilly invited to atte nd t he fetter* ,at her husband re. 'Menu, No. lit North T.wentletb strut. en tine nudity) morning. at 10 0_ 0 cot. To mooted to Inounl vitgetlitdinguire sod ohaeland Cat arms Collar, the Hilt year.o f her aim. Funeral from the residence of her parents. sod 81 11. mond street. (late Queen,) Eighteenth ward. en du tid.ay o'olook. CO r tinei t le.—Cn the 17th inst., John Coughlin, aged 63rears. Funeral from the residentie of hls_glater, - MM. Kea tins, No. Fayette street.- between nlirith and Tonh, tailor:4re I )ii on dunday afternoon, et 8 9 cloak. OMBRA D.—On the 17th lute ., Lomat, • daughter Of Dr.l., ebhard. , Funeral from the residence of her father. No. dig Kaitsstieet, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'olook. * LAYTON:4M the iTth that.36M. atatths, wife of Wm. Lefton, in the WM year o f her ae. Funeral from the residence of her ace-in-law. Vd - ward TTOZWOII, No. MO Otis street. (late Woad,) shove Gaul. on Sunday afternoon a. ternoon. at 3o cleat. • Moßtlaftlf,Y,—Ok the 17th (net, , to the Mb, ,year of Isr i tge, e Margeret, daughter of Andrew ana.narati.n. PUTIOnef m tit 'residence of her pare - its, No lido Lomb* st re e t . or:flunday afternoon. at to'clook: • 1101111,ETTE.—On the 16th (net.. Baran lane, wife of Win. N. Noblette, aced 19 years.. months and darn, Funeral from her late residence, feared' N o. 6011 Woof street, on medal' atternoon, at 1 0 clock: - BCALLEN.—On the 17th tart., Elisabeth Jana Sul len. daughter efJohn and the late khzabeth aged 16 years and It months. .Funeral from the resident's of her ytarents. No. 341' Muth at et on Monday morning. at BA o'olook. • TEATORER.-rOa the 10th inst., George W. Thatch.. er. aged agleam. , Funeral inrom his late residonort. 1101 Market street, on Kra wily afternoon, at 3 to TICKNKIL—On the 17th inst., Edward P., son of Catharine end the late Henry Tiokner, aged 1 year. ' Funeral from the residence of his groodfather. Janus Steele, 49 North, Nineteenth street, this (Batinuily ) morning, at 9 o cook. WOK nELL.—On the 15th inst,, Mrs. hllanbeth Won - reliet of the lam Rev. 1. 0. Worrell. • Funeral from her late residence. Sellers street, Prenkford, thaa(Batorday) attarnoou, at to'olook. , ;B LACK B AREGE MANTILLAS, of the moat appr?ved'ityles'and well made. 1 r t i a jrarltr a gen:dtelf l ' irk i ii. wja. Black Canton Crape dbrusla la3k awes. /Shawls, rlbbon. orate, quilled, and ruf fled borders, Bigot Tbibet Shawls, ribbon, crane, and silk border, &0.. ao. Black thick and thin materials for reakins shawls. 11.68150 N & bON, ?doorman Vora, ,• ut7T No. 918 CIMINUT Street. - LIZSTATEMENT OF THE ONION BANK all required by the second section of the Act :1 neral Assembly of this Commonwealth; approv the 13th day of October, 2..1)..1887: Amount of loan' and dumounte... 19 ' " - " due from other 00.149 el of notes in ()Mulatto's, —611.48 u " deposits, waistline Warmest due to other banks.. , . 100,611 31 Purt.sost.enis, May 18, 1860. 'CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Is: . 1, James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Banikbeins sworn, depose and say that the abovestateMent is cor rect, to the best of my knowietire and belief. JAIVIEt3 LEElLEl',Cashier. ' 1860. Swo rn beforCrne, this: eighteenth day of May, ix. D. P. 0. ELLMAKER. Votary Ptt Wm. girNOTICE—A SPECIAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the LIBERTY SaVINGh D and BUILDING ASSOCIATION of Philade!. his will be held on MONDAY, May flat, at 7,4 o'clock. P. M, at._ the Hall, corner of TENTH and !MONO :GARPEN Streets. for the mimes of taking into mini eeration what measures may MI taken towards, the closing or the Anoolation. mown* •C, VANHORN. g.CHURCH OF THE ISITERCESSOI1 4 IdELO.‘ Fittest, above TWellth. May Mh.—The Ont l i ) te . r Y te ) a rf e rlkegn Vat je n curXtf P. hl in the evening. Strangers will ° and seas by ask ing s the - ' Its 60LOMOrfi+6 TEMPLE.—MORE IN. struotion is gaoled Inane visit to this bestattpl ifitture ourioeity then mouths of reading. We Ad. vise every teacher to have their soholars see it. It*, illINORI:11 OF THE COVENANT.—ERH.- %elan In EV E RY II ALI4LOMERTEIS2. above etveet BUNDay a _at le% A. /11., and 8 P. M.. by the Rev. aT. NOAKe B. Rioter. • It. THE Inomkt, AND THEOLOODIAL Views of the. late Professor Jambe P. Esi!)..—. radon THE FORTIP.FOURTU AMMIVEReA. W.? eßt u algiritli Via i h a 8E a °ND . ea? ar, will be held AO-MORROW APT wistitent o clock. addresses by Rev. A„.T. t4PALDRI the Pastor. Rev. WM. dATHOART. ITUNION M. E. cikvEcurynT. Street. below Arch. Preaching tri e ink I at 10)g o'e'eolr. by Rev. JOHN COO et the EVENING by Rev. W. F. HANSELL9 eta o'clock. The teats are all free. - t 10:- • ST. lOUS% PROTESTANT EPISCO PAL 'INUSOR BROWN Street. bola!' hrr W d v. Ok.OROB A. CROOK lc. RentOt NU MB A VIIIOII.NL NO at, JON &atonic, end in tne,SVENT at TZ•o'oloalr. try. S Plll,l TUALISSI.—MIB.II - . A. M. !WENDEL& Tratea-Medinm. L44' etana at 8111480M•STRILET HALL, an SUNDAY at lON A. ' Ina 8 1 . 4 84. Admission five BC oenta. It. ETVIIIONITILEACIIIIG AT AIkHICKMAN htpArctes , HALAL—wfisitaerill ba' TO-NtORROW (13tibbai ) N ANOttAu at P. 0 oiosk, in the PIPTH-NTit E for ki• E. CH tl CH, be- • low mean street. Roc.. R. A. CARDEN Will repeat, by ylg quest. ty. Sermon Veelz boort knoweth its own Pianos/v. ' Coliootion for lal#6lol/111YPU1K11114. 1%1 F.n u m,, v +7oB l l Althrtffttre i tt' ay. A. AO, LOMA , above Fourth. Simi ha As morutust. It. R '-' ',p AbkoL IA ió; is&,. r e v OFFICE -PROENIIX IRON COMP N ir: cX4.IU wLniit,aoties...AotrowTo K DP.KB. ',The `Annuli Minititin of th 6 Stook o of this Comp fli , will be held st - thelr Oilloe, on TU J. DAY, June 26. at of r o,tir r. M_., at which time end place an election for RESIDENT ,iin d DIRECTORS will be held, tom*: a the er.eutn_g ear.' JAME MILLIKEN. ) georetaty Phinnia Iron Company. l Philadelidds,, *ay 15, LOL L. . -,, ~, , :, , • reirld Id ,i JAPAN ...A LECTURE. ON JAPAN Will be given hi Veutemint WM. B. WKITINGi U. N. at the eaDallieL IPOND /HALL, on MOix., DA . hlel 21, et BP. m, Admismen, NS Gents. 01/18-3t , POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. PA.; • MAT Ilth, 'oboe is hereby riven. under the provisions of Ant of emigre..., approved tith.lBBo. that here: eq after, trhett.any eereork Ib4ll ,eadorfse ea coy letteri elper.hr minting or prlottor'bie or heraarde,sod *Moe /omelettes, ae enter thereof, the same than (after remamtng unoslied for in this Office for thirty dal% on inch time am the writer may direet,) berammed brtheil to the writer ; and no inch letterienil be advertised; or eithil the same be treated wad letten merit im ns.l turned to the Post °Noe of the wr ter and there mould 'maned for one suerter. . .13. BROWNE. - ' , • Poetaster. ORY/121 . OW lif PRILADIMPRI It~i" AND DINO' RAILROAD COMPANY. „, - • , , - MAnom The holders of the bonds of this Cotneenr dliegn o l ON. can now mealy*, upon application at tam per cent.. in cash , upon tneternirlepecined la the areal Jar attached. Tr W iers are also entitled to the ear. of a sink: lug and of VOA* per annum, as established by the IFMere at, their eneviei, meeting. bold .rativaryA and in luminance of contract, entered into ti 04 / I kbatiY duly re oo lid, oam,the isme-intO coot; 8. ItAPUKV. Treaenner. OIROULA.R. • Noticte• OS Adders eif Pitilads/pAte eitit Readies Ras toad Company Mort an Reeds, doe I. These bonds are secured by the first mortgages on the .road, amounting in the-aggregate , ' to 11/008,400. The tat revenue for the lest ffsesi year wee tax Bleep the amount or the annual interest on thimehoode. • The managers %morose to extend them for a Period of i tWent'Lreers. the holders retaining the bonds elid the "eV& the" olofttoires In the precise condition *hie Pr are now held. Frei* shoots of coupons Cot this, met rest,payabie ball yearly, will be owned • A holing of /0 per omit. will be given to the ho ldserpti nrideration or their assenting to the extension. bonne wi ll he "Paid in oath to the bearers of the bori on their signing a 'reedier and presenting their mimeo+ tied betide at the'office of COMM), or to its egilarto; foLendorseinent, . Forms or receipt an d endorsement will be tarnished op application. By order of the Board of Maw nay -te • Vt. R., AlciORENPri. Beereteri. 12ETAIL . ORY GOODS. n LACK Sli ' MANTILLAS, LACE AAPpoiri ROURNQVSf ko. ~ Just opined rom New Yoric, Latent Style, at re-dused prices. Glossy_ Black Shoe de Nhines. 890. Oland 81.13. ASONABLif HMV , 00008 IN CHEAT VA- • , MTV% ISIEN'.S LINEN CANER. ITANDKERCHI.FB, • A Lergestook of whits and col'd Borders. purohased at_Yery reduced jrioes any sold at a small advance. trrsooh 1110 Tr Collar/ end aria. Upstart. an loves in variety. , White Goode, almost every desontition. Men linsns. Damask Tftble Cloths, and Narking; Hod.eyel Diener and Towelling. Unehri MOM Plaeetx, Clause do. 100 aim*: new and befall RIN isD LAWIeS, fast eolo.n. eta. one, noh Orsandies, ho.- very Ind or goods very cheap 'for each. •ge CHARLES ADAMM_RON. etuthtf and ARCH Streets. , _ ~ fILOSING SALE. • _‘-.0 No 4 B MERRICK Street.wast Penn a . IILeIUL north of MARKET btreet. 8 -"re 3b6v ! The revotder of the Javanese Drees Goods, adfilig tier, Re., Re., will be sold at very reduced prior,, re gardless of *est, for the next two weeks. apl9.6t• ,CANON PONGEES. - 'SHBRI'LESS BROTHERS Have Just received WHITE'PONGEES F trai . 2o ol i o. to soi o o r o lld . e r Vestrand Lintngs. • HITE CONOANS, acY India datia . 40,44 pone..e for toro....F ellow Pongees for Coate. 0111313TNe'letiNgiklakitte. AtRAM LINCOLIC"--TIIE CHUMGO NOMINEE. THE PHILADELPIEXA (F RFR Tripl , Sheer) of this morninn contains a Jun BIO GRAPHY AND FINE PORTRAIT OP 'Alt LINCOLN: also a full reoott Of Ids tireecti recently de• liorred at Cooper Institute, in whioh he DE PIN h S' hie POLII2OAI, PBS' !lON ; also a life 'of HANIBAL If Altt thanomi -TRIPLEe President. TRH - PeQUIRER SHEET—S PAOEI4- 45 COLIJMNS—TRICE TWO 'CENTS; contains the .LATE•T- ANO BEST NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OP THE WOR LD, Patel Arrivals, &a. Served by car riers a t an emir hour in the city , and to any town within Runlink for 12 cents a wet. Bend your address. oc' 12/ South 111.1 RD Street, SUBISORWE AT O. og. It BRAAI LINCOLN-THE CHICAGO NOMINEE. THE PRILADEL MIA INQUIRER arm% Sheet) of this niorninr contains a lull BIO GRAPHY: AND FINS 'PORTRAIT OF ABRAM LINCOLN • also s full *apart of hie eo•eoli rersentls de livered at doper Institute, in whioh he DEFIN S his rOtril POSITION ; also a life of RANUIAL, HAM IN, the mains° for Vloe Preeithat. INQUIRAR—TRIPL SHEE I—S PAOES -4$ TWO (ENTS, oontaine the bATtsr_ii.Bl) BEST NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WO D, Hotel Arrivals, &o. Served by car tient ab sneer', our in the : dityand to any town . sitlhti flol2etatt°l.Send your addrete. R n V lt liltoth 4r R) t. • AT ARO NOMINEE. THE PLIILri DEL PillA IN(tUIR (Triple. Sheet) of this mOrnins eintaine a full Rtt GRAPH lf AND FINN POsiTHAIP UP All/tAhl L,I OOLN; also a full report,cl a rprich rising,' de , ``,,wren at Cooper !natant°, in watch he DEPENEB his YtiLiTri/Aii POSITION ; also a life of HANIBAL HAMLIN -the nominee for Vice President. THE INQUIRER—THIPtdi EIBEE P.SOES , 0041,11104A—!'RICE TWO MITS, contains the ITEBT-RID 11 . F.87 NEWS FROM ALL. PARTS .. . . . .. . IFTE.v.WOii CD. Hotel Arrivals, kg. nerved by Oar. 'Hers at an early hour in tho city. and to any town within NO miles, for t ot cents a stree t ,en your nertress, (Moe 1 a 1 Bonth THIRD,SUBSORIDE AT WWE. • • It Air AM LINCOLN - THE 01 - 110 AGO net(AIMEE. VIE PHILADELPHIA INQUItHER i? sillsetl of thin • raorninc contrail gi full 1310- 11&ot ;NT, aviZ.Vrollitt.t.:2:ol,ll% tli lit t%vilros'imge , iatapeoffiFair- Ali ANIA.IN• the nominee tr Vice reel sot.. TttrICPIRER—TICIPI. BURNT-8 P. 4 ORB—. 4 k 5 ,F ) Al Na--:PRI OE TWO OF,NTS, contain. the LA 1:13_ AND BE 4 IT NEWS FROM ALL PARTS 0F,T11•4 WORLD, Hotel Arytvele, &o. Served by ear note at en early hour in the city, and to any town walla tat wimp, for 1.4 %. exits a week. BA_lo_7oAr.O.Ortso, - 8§5 . . , 12 ,,, , .t3outl /WIRD. StreaL BUIWURME AT p12.6141.;-JAPAN-J.APAN. :, • JAYA ii FRE litlPllitAl ENI . --NcO. • ' .. - -t ,DP TRH Mill" Al3if tl/A . KM( , • Wtatit A" (NIUE o TOM DRAINS (BAI HDAY.) a-,TRIPLII Bak:ET—PHU:IE TWO ,CENTS. ',For lulu by all Nears Agents. Bent nt an lowly hour every mornlnt Carrier . , IWEL vb. CEN'IFORitK. EITSBOR . IRE ATBNCTHR GREAT ?MLA . . . _ . ...• • DELPIIIA DAILY. VlTioe-191 Fouth MAD Ftreat. It Ir9PAN—JAPAN 3AP 3 N. , fur • JAPANEsE slmPumEtt i'—xo 2, W TU( par ADDLFMA INQUIRER .!114.TBIntrEVIPSIN"PltdAlegVititt1111- your Fp/ aale u 1 all KaWa AMP. seat at an early /10Ur F.Yarl oforAn t t rok ic ri.F.LY.e. AT,ONC i f fOR THE aitt`kr dfii,o—iVi - JAPAN—JAPAN A PAN. JAPANbSE SUPPLEMENT—No.2i • OF THE. PHILADELPHIA,INCIIHSv n• RE ISSLIkD THIS AIORNIPHUSATURDAY4 TRIPLR SHEET—paIoI3.TWO GAWPS For seleby all Nays AKante. Sent ently hour every morning by Carrier. TWELVE CEPPIS WERE. 1 1 / 1 380RIDE AT ONT FOR TIP , GREAT PHILA . DEL HU GAILY. Othoe-12,1 South T lIRD etrest. It &PAN -JAPAN-..TAP N. • "lAPANYME PPLEM ENT—No. I oF t4E puiI_,ADEIREWINQURIER. WIWI BE ISSOEII-TEIE MOREINO (sATIJEDAY,) TRIPLE EP-lEET—PRIOS TWO Oe•NTII. rq sale by all News Agents. Sent at an early hour every motn . tg i c A 64 t iv , it TWALVE !SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE FOR AY: GREAT PAHA DEL.Mii A DAlLY cena'e-121 South TIIIILD Street. - It JAPAN—JAPAN—JAPAN. SA PAN REM SUPPLRMhNT—Nn.2. OF THR I . 3III..DEPHIA INQUIRER. WILL BE IRBI.IhD TNItl MORNMG (SATURDAY.) TRIPLk SHEET—PRIOR TWO OENTS. For isle by all News Agorae Sent at ea early boar every morning by Carrier t TWELVE DENTS A WFMR. 'SUBSORIOE AT ()NCR FOR THE GREAT PIMA DEI.PHIA DAILY. 01113e=121 South THIRD Street. It firm PHILADELPHIA 'INQUIRER, I a Double Sheet. riticE two 0 ENTS thy ante by ../11.1.NEWB &Ore, anti weed apt Y BAR E.Y IjlUll EIMBY Qftreirio, tor TW LV CENTS & •PAY& LE to the denier itT END. OF itritEtt. Pend your addrees by MAIL. DISPATO or `OTHSKWISE. Offiet 121 bouth THiRD Et. mylB-61 'PLITIADEIVEILA INQUIRER, Double Bitnetaaltrot TWO CENTEL for sale by fA t, EWSA GENS. and served eta VERY EA Rl.s' IROUIEV_ERY 111021StNG. for I'WELVE CENTS * WEE k PAYABLE to th e Carrier AT _ END OF E Rend your address by tdAlb DISPATCP. or IOrfII 4 RWIIE. OSA 121 Both 'IIIIII.IIBL mylB et DELPHI A. INQUIRER, Double Eheet. ?WE TWO 0 ENTI 4 . for sale by U. A N AGENT ,Itud served at a VERY EARLY 'VERY MO NING, for TWELVE CRNB A %WEEK, PAYAIit,E, • to the ranter AT END OF 1W t.lt, Staid your addrem by MAILi, DISPATCH. or jOTEERWIttei„ °Mee ronth THIRD Bt. mylB 6t ! Piiii,A.DELPIItA, INQUIRER, TWOd aNIitcrEIZIRN RUDA EVERY MORtviriG. Ior e TWEL QE. TB A WriBKI FAYATI4P. , a the Carrier AT ND E OF rcar e Rend p‘ur Wren, by MAIL. DISPATCH. Or !OTHERWISE. Office ;21 South UMW M. m3lB et 'T B ETPIIILADELPIIIA INQUIRER, bolt*heet.PßiClF. TWO CIENTO, for will by ALL NE cITB AGENTS. F.rid nerved at &VEEP RA L 1 iff!IIEVERY MORNING for TWELVE CENTS A W PAYABLE to the Carrier AT END OF WPE . Seed your eddrene by MAIL. DISPATCH. or 'OTHERWIsP . Office 121 South THIRD St. 111118,1 t IT EM- PIIILADELPIIIA INQUIRER, Den)) She-t. PRICE TWO CENTS. for gale by , AbLliN v'n AUENTS, and served et a VERY EARLY ;Hti(l.4 EVERY atuRNINOJor Twmix.e, CENTS A ;WEER payable to the Carrier AT END OF WEEK. Scott your address by T HIRDIPPATCH, or other 011ioe 14 South Street. Orlie et riMIE PITILAMILPHIA INQUIRER, Dotitto (Moot, PRICE TWO R.NT3 for lisle by qt hwfi AGENTd. nod served at aVYRY EARL? inrgrpvNAlllV.V.Nt?,foja`;,Y4LlV °NV 8 01' ivintEK. e end yoUteddreist by NIAIL, DISPATCH. or luniortWfati. Deice 121 Routh THIRD Rt. nivi6.6t ►PHILADELPHIA INQUII , ER, -a, Double Sheeh PRIOR TWO CENTS. forptle bZ NEWti AGENTR A and served et a V kttY EARLY '4lOO Ft EVERY MORNINU, for TWE'LVA, 010 ra IWEe K, PAYABLE to the Clartier, , 4_3l..}....N_D_Cli; Wbßu. Rend your address by A yki t. eL OTHERWISE.. Office 141 South Emu PIIILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Double Shout PRIDE Two CENTS, for sale by ALL NEWS AGENTS,And carved at* VERY EA It LY LitExy MORNING. for TWELVE GENTS A HER. PAY A ttLE to tho Caroler AC END OF WEEK. Send your Addrem hy MAIL. DISPATCH or OTHERWISE Olfioe 121 South THIRD St. mllB 6t TUE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, DoI No Sheet. PAIGE TWO CENTS . let sale b ALIMEws AGENTS. end served sin VERY E .RLY O. R hVP.RY AlOOl , llN.i, fey TWELVE GYN'ES Vi;rfl: fi l ert a y b ge :Sd rel l e e by IIYNPIRR OF • THEE • IS E. Ofrute 121 South THIRD St. myll3,Bt TREF OSCOPIO INSTRUMENTS, manu factured In every style; Stereoscopic) .Vlews, of eaeht toportationmeo . l 3 I.t t ur i eistg . uc c vi t l i tat. by 1 t 2 8' FOUR l'ff. end 204 F. SECOND Et7reete. fiar Also. the wotld renowned Perlsoopic Bpeotsolee, t or reotly suited, rdustoaaopea, 0,07.8;011mm &0.. at the lowest priors. tnyl9 &AI fqAIIIKE IS THE AR'rIST, AND THE -mot of heaven alone the wet). %with vitooh_dtil rd. : e a ? ti r t l e Er t tr t iltr v o o d br a e t en ß . ElhiAltli GALIA I f.y. VIAGAB.-500bbls Clarified Cider and ; • '.Weife'Wiee VINEGAR in prime IdtkiAntes. for hipping,fot elite Ity . IitOWLOY AdlibillariElt de 00. IV,. to s p i na wria.avn . ma, 2P012 , fa. p' ? 10 qrs. F oy, For eelsify No. is Jed received, end in prime =bar nla, l ,l9l.l l 4NinJ t rit. riCh ll ROVISIONS.—Hams, Sides, and Shoul • ro oked us Wand onto , Mass Sort, Mese 'AA Boar, for by O. C. SADLER & D0...A N.(' ilttrwst. mutated 4o.sohows 'Front. AO pylo i i;7 1509 bbls. .City-rstuie PIMA, 44, inn urtrene,lt'aloieta b iyMET: mai Commence . volume. HARPER+B' ,NBIT NO)VTIIL'f" Iti-AG;tZljVt No. CX.XI.] „ 'CONTENTS. I.ld A BUMMER IN NEW ENGLAND.—I. NEW BED- ' FORD, ItivsTasTsa HT Fowrs OasTox, 'time:3lkm ro.—Nsir 'Bodfordene Abroad.--Cheor4 falnosg. 'Politely/is. Oros olds stropa-Minded. nal Jor Andre. A Queer 'Fish. A Spsounen. Crautictrs.. thl-Fillara. Ganging pit. Lecture on Spirttnalism.? The Old Battery. Bleelleßlerr. ' oll neah. Tat Modell iqnpper. Paakint WhaleVoMpi_ Tits jAad aksrks7 Joia Landed. Oooa sad not,: oWNsird. The Ear • ONE YEAR AOO. By C. C. Con. " , , ANO/ a'NT MONUMENTS, IN TUB ;11241T8D1 BTATEIL No. By K. G. eqtrlnnr, Itzusr o 4Tooo.:-Iforkton- 0 1.• Arm', Work. , Paiot CEeek, • No. , „ Fortkligd - , il0r ) ConnYo , olo. /lam Bctranoe. Entrant's, to 80-, ' 1 rrit i° 4 4 1;: r14 6,4,1 4- Jlc e ° V Bamtltos (AU W:oy4 on Arth Oh i o. cP ,r Aim clirfloolmilzfiLWlNlT.ltlpl;,7ls2_,4Theotpti Circles d Work. nournaii ulma _lst 'Luc,: Grote! Lam' River. Iteatsrar WorkAßasdolpoOollrlir ndisna. Cedar ban Worl t f. Works mar (War. k. Ogwiris Work, aide County. Daft", Hops tan Works. Mei Bank Wo r ks. Af slant Work, 1 , 11 body, Ohio. Ancient Wort. slat Creek.- Aatdent .. Wort, near Portsmouth, Ohio, INSECTS BELONOINO TO THE COTTON MARTI IllarniA7ooor.-11iltothro Anwriosas. Relfrothes and Plant. Minns Gossypion PhnlsnqaaandPlant. 'Portrix E a rns. Torn': and pimiento Hos. , raypialla, Pimiento and Plant. Rosters Cottionisis. , Larva of'Beane Carbsains. Akrotis Xyl-i ' ma. 'Larva orAg °tin. 'Tines Bata. Cotton. Xyfibres? THE CENTURY PLANT. • BULLI VAN'S ISLAND.—A BALLAD OF ISOUIM CAROL NA. FROTH. TIM FIRST OVERLAND TRIP TO CALIFORNIA: "RE WAS ALWAYS SUCK A FOOL." LOYEL THE WIDOWER. By W. M. Taiouset; Chapter V. In which I Li o n ne t h e Serpent. ILLurraavons.--The and Serpent. Bed ford to the Ram. ' 1 "MISERABLE MAN TEAT I AM:" 1 ONLY WORDS. MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EVENTS. t LITERARY NOTICES. EDITOR'S TABLE., EDITOR'S EASY OUR FOREIGN BUREAU. EDITOR'S DRAWER. PHRENOLOGICAL b XAMINATIONS. VILL WITA,I7.—Thq Fa re Preindent. Organ el % Veneration. e Gushinr PoOnie. The Greet Ar bat. A Wel -balenote Rea4—Benevolenoe. The , Great captain. The rote of the Faram. An Em e ' Finanoier. FA'aRIONS FOR JUNE.r • ,• • IpLuiTitaytons.—Travellntit . Firdenean. Lana Min- _The presen t Number rommenees the Tumult firer v Mame .'Of NNW hIOIIII4ILT Manalihrt. When. tea ream ago, the Puoliahareerorziod total/ilea Magazine which ".sheuld pieceritbtn t • reach of the great mem of the Amencan Peach) the untnainded trea sures of the Periodioal Literature of the daY t '' they did not dire to hope that Within h years a clime of, Am.- dean writers wwild be gathere d, Whale oollyibutiolls. as far at the Magazine us concerned, should mainly ea. Pomade the produotions of their stirosassn outer/Mo. caries. But with each succeuive year the amber and value of the (Mona! Papers has Mares/midi and forfive years the Maintains has beau principally fil led with QO4. tributions, written expressly for its pages, by Amerman Authors. There is no section and hurdle a htste in the Maim , . which has not been represented in its pules, sa Publiebere believe that the Twenty hinier/ 01 the Masai/line contain A more copious exhibition of Amid- Can Lite, Character and TIMM% ht than is embodied in any or all other publications of thq kind. - - , In Cemilltnaing a` new decade of .the.Maimalne the Publishers think themselves warranted in assuring their !leaden' that the experience of ten years, and the in creamier facilities at their command , yak enable thorn to make it stilt more worthy of the very liberal support Which it hes re:mired, The main features which have even it its'distinsn.ertinc character will be retained, and such other., will be added as their experience has shown to Ire desirab le. In an early *amber will be corn maned a Novel of American Life and Character. writ ten by an Author whose isolated Tales have been re ceived with marked favor. TERMS: , One Copy for One Year.. OS 00 Two Copies for One Year.l.-- 6 00 Three or more Copies for One Year (esehl. 200 And an Extra Copy, trails, for every Club of Tee . • tioseciunsna.. lintper's Megneine and Harper's Weekly. togethei, one year, lie. BOUND VOLUMES OF THE MAGAZINE. TIeZeITY 811311-ANNVAL YOLIIMIII of the Magazine have been published. We will send by Mail, postage said, to ling place in the United states withid S 000 miles of New York, any of then volumes, neatly and uniformly bound In Muslin, upon the receipt of Two Dollars per veletas. When complete sets are pur chased, we will make a diseount of Twenty five per mit., forwarding the Volumes by express, the freight being at the expense of the purchaser. • ' • .- These Twenty Wirehair of the Masashi* oontele matter equivalent to One Hundred ' ordinary Oe tavo Volumes, and ate Illustrated by more than raven Thousand Engravings, executed In the highest styli of the art. IC HARPER k BROTHERS, ?Unawake. TEE MODERN JOSEPHUS: A NEW BOOK FOR JEW 'AND GENTILE. JUST PUBLISHED, A HISTORY-OP THE MODERN 'JEWS; OR. ANNA 4 OP THE HEBREW RACE. , FROM THE •liESTßtraTiox OF JERUSALEM TILL THE PRESENT TIME. BY EiAMIIIIL M. SMUCKER, LL.D 352 Pages, printed on dna paper. and boded in eta muslin, with a fine Portrait OA Steel of the 'Due- Oleos RABBI MAISIONIDEB, ID/. This work describes the most memorable and note worthy events which have occurred in the history of this extraordinary nation, during the hat Ifir years. To both the Jew and Christian, this hook .1.111 af ford a vast amount of valuable information, which can not conveniently be 'procured from any other source. It materna the most interesting details respecting the Seiw sh race, with Biographical blotioev of their meat .eminent Rabble, description of thoit Usages and Cus tom, and g warped ;exposition of their Doctrines 503 Bello . . Liberal terms to the Tinde rind Meats. DUANE RULISON, Publisher, 63 SOUTH THIRD STREET, IIIII4DA. For mid bk all tiooksellers. my 19.1 t COPP'rs f AND UPPER ! Illustrated. • LINDSAY - & BLARISTON, Publish TIIR CHEMISTRY AND METALLURGY OF COPPER. Itolnding a Petorloloo of the principal Copper Mires of the United etatenand other countries. he art of Miniog and Preparing Urea for market. and the came; process...sof Copper Smelting. &e. By A. Snowdito Piggott, M. D , I ll u strated . " Dental Chemistry and hietafitirgi," &d, One vol., Mo. o 0 "This work is a Wilk Valuable omirtributimi to our knowledge of copper. The WHO, bk a tong professional conneetion with an extentive smelting establishment, has qualified Lionel( to r peak with muck siatutses and originality concerning copper; and from is careful read ing or his book, we have such an appreciation of its worth. that we commend it to ciudents. millets. and others interested in copper enterprtiom, as being s de sire compiruon. which will respond setiefsotorijy to al their requirements for information upon the subieet o wh ic h it treats, The volume is most appropriately dedicoted to Dr. Campbell Morat. tee well known Tech nological Chemist." —U. S. Mining Journal, N.Y. LINDSAY BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers. myth No. sin South MTH. !helm, above U put. jy YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE Ni 439 0 SHITNUT Street. ;My YOYOU Uk BOOK 1100K5S A AT T YVAN EVANS. U BUY YOUR BOOK+ AT EVANS' , Gift Rook Store, No. 439 Chestnut street. O ft Book 'tore, No 439 Chestnut sir .rt. Gift 130 k Store, No. 4.. , 9 Chestnut street. Ti, the best plug in the oity. Books are 'Old as cheap as at any osier store, and loci have the advantage Of getting a handsome 0111 with entili Book. - NEW BOOKS. THE TIIRONE OF DAVID, withlt gift. Price $1.26. El. PIiREIDIS, with a sift Price $l. HUMBOLDT'S LETTERS, with aFift. Price $125. HoTLEOE, companion to Bf Wad, with 'a gin Price $1.25. LIFE OF KIT CARE(fN, 'with a gift. ' Price $l. MILL O' THE FLO°S, with a gift. Price 11. ADAM BPDE. with a sift. Price 1. - T. R. ARTHUR'S BOOKS, with apift Priori $l.l 1,1FF.,0F J aFFERSON. with n. gift. Price Si LIFE OF BAWL HOUSTON. with a gift. Price $l. SA LhIA.GU SDI with a gift PricelV ,n owi% • m 4: A moo& with a gift. Pima $125. THE PILLAR OP FIRE, with itgift. Price VIA HE i HE P P RIice N $i 2s.CE OF THE HOUSE OF DaYlO.with r THE MODIsRN JOSEFR new book for Jew end Gentile. THE HISTORY OF THE MODERN JEWS. or An nam of the Hebrew Rene, from the Destruction of Te,ru.• talent to the fl Mont time, by Samuel M. Smucker, lA.. D.• with a fino steel portrait of ' Rabbi, Moses Malmo nide'," line vol likno, 562 pages , with a gilt. Price $l. BOOKS OF' TRAVELS. , 11 01(5 OF ADVe.N TURES. BOOKS OP HISTORY. • BOOKS FOR hI EC II AIN ICS. BOOKS FOR HARM!, RB, HOOKS FOR MERMA Ts. HOOKS FOR ...VERY ROPY. BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA TURE. And a handsome Present worth from 60 cents to $lOO, fa given with entry Book sold. Galt sw, and oar trial east, 43.11101 you tkat thi best piaci, is Op city ushers to surreas• 8 0 0, at GEORGE G. EVA.NBII (SOFT-BOOK ENTABLISHMEN 439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Two doors below FIFTH. on the upper side. ST Stranger, visiting the alt!, are resPectiblinnvt ted to oall and examine the large oollentiOn of nooks. 1 and gat a Catalohne. my Mat REAPING AND MOWING MA ,a.i.'ottiriES.—Persons desirous of wuroluming Mow ing or Reaping Machines should callt examine oar Swift cure Harvester. For, lightness or draft , ems qf out, and adaptation to ell ,kinds of gram or grass, it is hot exoeiled. 1). IatNpANTKA ON. Implement and Seed warehouse, IN Nos. 141 and 23 South SIXTH. Street. ils DELANO INDEPENDENT TOOTH eaes Hay mid Grain Rake Improved.--The improve mean on the Rake this Eamon make it fully equal. if not merlon to the best Steel Tooth Rake now made Purchasers will please WI and examine D. Agricultu r alifft BON, warehouse, It• Nos, 21 and 23 South BIXTR. Street. SPECTACLE GLASSES, sThvgdo n i two Mont focuses, tint) wade:At fatenee, ' thereby saving th t : iroubir t o h r 110M."8 9 fil i gn ° ,63ratt h aNtiv8 e e . m b il0 9 4 1 * T. INGRAM'S CHOICE TEAS FOR INVA.' LISS INGRA3III36. 30 36,400 Green Teat for Stare.all:MA Ara 'mild Teas lon those who cannot sleep. INGRAM. El Extla Teas for the en, and 4tsedy at wholesale prices TlLthein at Pio. 43 South B=ol4l Street, below MARKIaT. Tflellt.ST ARE OUICAREST.—Bay Umbrellas and Parasols of M. KAR 14Ablif W N R. 4 RC MARKE N B t. i t PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, is every variety. cheap, at WM. H. 11,101IARDSONT,_ • 18 MARKS 1' tilt. 19, Elfin 'HEM - TACKS, from ono to threo filet .111gb, for FpoeVtgigos, margins, ;co t abto, l , o oo White rnirtitYroußis, sc. go., thyl6 7t ' Cot. of B . 3 EN H and .1k ARK 'T Elts. GCiREASE.-200 bbls . 500 half bbla:, 1000 k aga y o noff,w te, d d l kKilt OItEASE, fotr Alßasuitplagt;-&- Cv., rich ;MUTH WHARvirA. mvll WANT/. --- - • -A-N AMERICAN LADY-Who is a goo& Priaraaa, and 00.14 &earls* is BoOk-katalatt, commt moaairerrata.orrla Iper +order to eoperaers* : rim' op(' alum' boat le.rapAttaltraetelugmea. iraittrintaud a boar. re Ain 440, A BIALESNAN WIEU 37I3 A , BITUATiON A Ii a ca,ortt BOUM ialltil*• a lam' !mount ot P,imura±amsd New Jansa am" Adi et r • auilaosa. at • m.m. wArT ADVICHTIMIZNTS are in-' A. • anted fo r TE PUILAD SLlffilh IWO A' noble Sheet. SIX OIS NTS A LIMA Sret irteettioa.. yoUSLISAS each imbuement famertroa. One* 121: bomb ) nn Street. .• • „ my.lllSt W A ADVERTISENIEN TS are in- , Shuble ' g r it tr r s l ll2 P ( 1 1 efIUitIVISIV_ fatiffiel t rirk digitrelhost 'WM*, 'Woe Iteli mouth tree,: •. Ic WANT' - ',ADVVITISMUNTS •osstad THignlikADlßPlilA INQUIN2I, I , Dilbie hea. for sIX °Mrs ALIIIIiiae Theresa: FOUR CENTS mob stitsossost hospice, ' Olos 1911 Muth THIRu Street.‘ • • " la Wet i r k ri k IP I OM., 1 1 0% , $1 500,' to mrst, by 4 0 J6 .. 111Ette 111414ALs Ng& _resT bie busidese. •••BoA laai• ritiray. rest toms and re arena.. none others Mid aliP saTISA.. , , „ , Fro fkoTr46 , ,KgeRRIV3.-;The Advertiser! baying bleu for dente year§ 111114[4 'of a Hots!, beiag.now out of burliness 1919911 Awrongeowata with a MAY to take °Margo Of, or NI iounataat In a Hotel, for the bleaugior, or loam t•wohl Io or out of the city. • Beat of Miriam9991 , • 194 Hotel,' Blood'a Illspat o a. • toys lk" I Aii BIRST. QL A SS SALVDIAN IirANTEDI ajobtang bat bona. To ouw who can mama, a good elitmo.rbe trode librai salary' "lb be dna- Address Box 1919 thaldidPkia P.O.. Int i k Muds -arid 'residence. myl7-410 , sillo 0 —ltA:igptaPhV n i erwit t h , okbi4 eedpsm ig=k•rrEh ios: !ii-Ut A TOTING MAN, who his travelled of pow end all emir NlUNValtilklritiaulii, Psrgearginian= l : l oLVl v aionee triode eedoillirably, 52:4= 11 :r14,71reiiellir renoe• 11•10. Address • Tzsv•ller." of 11114 Press. m7ll-41" AN ZXPER IE NORD MZOBANIO wishes* situation . to take alum pf • misehisie shop as foreman, or Would be 'willow to Inver* ■ small Ad °Toyota( and take an interest in the badness: Address " Foundni" at this oath, myth et* A GENTLEMAN WHO HAS BEN, (GENTLEMAN fora nriaberotsoantinth arbiladolAW ham , ' Se s boOklmoor, violas to °Mau sitotivos. Mid wosta ><aa o , l l6esorat whiak 'mkt *sable am to maks Wu krommii! the wow, ail therage' svallsbis. Imo or utkiew York. MONO Hu 623 P. U. . • mid FOR BALE AND TO LET. FOR RUN .AT CHESTNUT-if tat 2! Was ilew double Sias, Dyylbss-filensis, with five Ite tee o fround, most oelisbtrail situsSed Within fifteen minut he ia , walk path of* "Donu t. Thu. in up bona on t bill better loonesd. surroundsd by s divinity lot sunroof that moat tittattmatettwallthedstios. - Persons Inst. lig Uis Depot, Sintii sad Cirsia'strostsi: stL 4 . Of O ' fiWOfii 01,13 visit Os plan 111 110 et 111,10-fit* PRANRFOHD PROPERTY TO PENT. am —A tiommoditini HMV oa I , II4NIPOID 81.; bag gnu, !rambling, Mine lard, dick; am of Meg situa tion ip the Diane; re/maw ears gen pp. s. eati few minutes' Pint ll= Mame Ale IA Street. Frankford. , ' ion te Se* TO IET—A thive-ste4 *let house, in a pleasant neighborhood. GP. 73 5 DRUMM Dl•set. • - Ant, to J. GUILD ma,bsTrit. tt"No. e oath THIRD Rtreet. Am FOR SALE VERY 01111 AP —A 101, COTTAGE and -LOT OF GROTTO% one of the Gnest locations in Germantown. The amulet owner intends removing to another State. Wdlateo snit the Furniture if desired. Inquire on the premien", of IL CaIthIICEL&FL, WISTAtt cow. Cate Dora lane,) Germantown.torl9-6t! „ , an FOR SA 1.10-011*cortimodating INS. terms. the Mors and Ihrelliog No. SU ARCH Street. Apply to WM. R. ALt.EN. mT~6t. No. 835 ARCH Stre i t. OR SALE AND TO LET ADVERTISE • SIENTR are inserted in THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. Donnie hest. for RIX csriza A .LINE first insertion. POUR CENTELeseb enbeitanent inser tion.' Office 121 tionthTHlßti Street. ni, IS St VOR SALE AND TO 'LET ADVERTISE MENTS are inserted in TER PHIL A ÜBIRIA INQUIRER, Double t.hoet for SIX CENTS A lens Srevinaortion, FOUR OHMS each' anbaequent user- Um WIN 1.21 South THIRD Street • mylB-at FOR SALE AND TO LET ADVERTISE wuNTS are insartee in THE etrit.ADELpHIA. INQUIRER. lionble Sheet ,_for SIX Otters A LINE pooltion, FOUR 01314T8 TH IRD Street inser lace 191 &oath THIRD Street. mrla 331 FllO SUNDAY 'SCHOOLS —For sale A- w 0 .6.4. a first:rate fivAgotiva MELODEON, n i e, It o N 4 1 , 1 ,117,41 r ifi k: o; v4AUFF, organ 017- builder. No. gM. TO RENT—A S e cond-Story Room, with A. as foot by Ot with Memo oower.' lighted on four oche; boated by steam. with hatchway. Iko Apply . to MoCAMB 4 1D.414. FHA" 8t CO. Amu Founders. 0.5 nod 027 CHEKKY hoot. owl7-6t gm- FURNISHED HOUSE , 40 ftariouitsed boos to lot, otAtorcortAwest corner of Mutt" aad LOCInIt streets. Avid, en the Prombuta, or o No. 10 FAINITHAIL BUILDINGe. in)a-tf MAFOR &EL'S-TOR LARGE STORE MANSION. with Stabling. Tenant, and Dering Hoes, in the healthy and improvinelooality at Clifton. on the Bpßitafilki road. three, Darby, half an hour's ride in the new West Chester Railroad cam from salinity. It has nearly 8 mires of hind, few:mita with a variety of shade tree.; a good spring of water. It woald make aimed Bummer &audit's' Roots. It hes the advantages Or a business place, as the rear end of the lot is ideated for the coal end lumber Inueness, without interference with the Mansion. The weinh ins wales sad °Mee are on the Terms irwoakt salt fora Hotel or a Country Store. Terms aeoomenodatimr. city prormilY ' taken in 1 11. change. Inatnre at OMsNo . Washington Badding, - No. 974 youth THIRD Pined?. apf&a/kinfit* ga - FOR SALD---The very desirable and 1121. eligibly-situated FARM, of about terra, situ ated in Montgomery county, estiointne lands of 11- SS, Thomas Rowland, John and Joaish Jones, and other s; about 7 mita. from Market *treat, and 11 miles nut from (keen- ane and Oak-lene returnee orten north Pennsylvania Railroad. Entrance from City-hoe road ; oposite property of 0. H . Fisher, Esq. It in A goo 'st a tea of cultivation with ellwd improvements. and pop- Names great natu ral adcattmas, tenderize it susceset ible erbemg converted into one or more cousin Swats of aosurPassed beauty. The improvements naturist of a;;rsry rood House.Vith :10 or IS room,, pleasantly shaded, Jsrgs atone severa' good tenant homes. , For urther partaralerar *Watt. • MUIRIEBITI mrB-1.1% , 203 'Routh SIXTH Stet., BOARDING. LBOARDING.-7Ai few gentlemen with their wives ran hwe large roams, also simile. at $5. a :443 South THIRD /Street. Boarding from *See to uIT St* Ii RIVATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemon and their familiee, or sines gentlemen, rata be IMIOOIII - with Board i with Pleriesint seiPlltlehoma room* , furnished or unfurnished, at 1 5 Street.,The looallon, being nososite to the Wasbinstos Square is central, and extremely pleasant, Transient persons :visiting the oity can beaeomainedated by the day or week Terms moderate: wisteet• - ! WO YOUNG GENTLEMEN VAN .11E AL scoommodateg with food, Jan isiT e rawith or without board.) a privet's fewily. ipmn teal. Addreas •• TOLBERT," tliroash God', Di,- patab. , &Of REMOVALS. (REMOVAL. --SMALL & CHANDLER A... mummy OROCNRN,heye remove from NI North tIECON Street, to 111 mAIts.ET Street, above Front, rto 6118. ial CLOTHING. GRANVILLE 15 TO liEt;' GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM, • ONE PRICE, AND NO ABATEMENT, NO. 607 CHESTNUT STRFET. GRANVILLE STOKER would return thanks to the public for their appreciation of his effort, to please, and their liberal patronage. ' In order to beep up this kindly feeling he los yielded to the solicitation' of many abut friends, and inaugu rated a NEW SYSTEM, OP GIFTS WITH EACH GAR MENT SOLD. To his choice selection of fine Fabrics and 'made up Clothing he invites the scrutiny of the public. as well as to his new mode of doing bushman. Each article is warranted to he, in FABRIC, STY LE, AND MARE, EQUAL TO ANY GOTTEN UP IN TILE MY, and ONE PRICE, (lower than the tottnst.) marked on the Ticket. Each article sold, or measured for, is Accompanied by teGift, varying in value from $1 to 1100. N. 13.—None but the most skilfal Designers, Cutters, and Workmen employed, and satisfaction in I , it, Feett lon, Fabric, Price, and GIFT, scassintpd at - GRANVILLE - STOKES', ONE PRICED GIFT eLOTIMIO EMPORIUM . , , myIT-Stif No. 607 CHESTNUT Street. E. H. ELDRIL)GE. OONTINENTAL OLOT.III4G 110IISE,,s, N. 13, 'Corner ElGtrrit and CILEIfTIVUT It.. ST Customer Work wale et short node*. mtal Jm-if CARRIAGES. OP WEI MAXIMAO,VRAI Of , WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOS/TORT, No. 1001 CHESTNUT STREET. N2 se .loll lt . 11-0.1 rpRUSSES ! BRAOFS ! SUPPORTERS ! Correctly adjusted at NEEDLES': TWRLFTII. mei RAW' Street'. Ladieeentratioeli2 Twelfth alma, A re od ee r below Well. Lad, attendants. &each % blue gee, !Led Amerlaan.. in great variety. Mastro t o wers, cuspensortea. ?boulder Baca, Ilyn ageo,:it o. non taittlyl FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCAM. F.t We 17170344111fi1k FLy NETS I FLY NETS !I FLYNIVIS!!! A eplmadid amortment. "VCRS, A. RA m 1 ,1740 . 241 MARK T Stmt. FLY NETS ! FLY NEES ! ! FLY NETS ! ! ! sold at team prices br H PEARPIISCIiei m 717-50 • 241 MAJILHET Street. WHITE FlBll.-1% half Bbla Mack'• Tim Re.ixibt rtrzt;".., iirmart, . , _ • ,nottwcAL FaND4I4I4 ' , .• . EVZIMIG. 1111.7 •11 -.4.4. 11,11rePt 'S FA/Sl M loriT Oa' ' eioh occasonkwmss4.l ! ,56 11D, . • GAIL WOL ' stesMoimi 6x tYAfIII - • - • - • :cud, emirs; oikonEvrAA, Inoreased , to the nsiolgA z Mil, BENTZ , . . . • ' ' 1 " 19 #214 t. 1 51 . MX ' 1. Overnue Obing 2."........." ~: c. CM Mg Weber. L Dileowner.o2.2l2-1,2.22 • 0k ~., .. l' he Rum urg-iggina Limp , "6 , gigunsen.... —.-. ' Radix Bator I. Violin aseetto s - '' ''•• • • ' ' . , 4 .2242a2D. , , . . 2, 4 2 !WAR*. viirage. Lt h •. . • ' - ir i s: amixdt eggom 222.42•22, 4. F 22222,12. for Pia..-.... 'ii, z ;f o. ..--i,.... ntendelanba. ir,.' .I:„Tyr ei r , i t r i zl, fa ....sigigunia Thaßgni • phonigug. for Grand grail: us— . . ~ . _ rAf. 6. Bolero. from the Shoh wr am I Vow • Vero, with °Oilman,' acitoto lwriwerit, Mad. felouraeo.. . G iseasio Verdi 7. Piano 8010. kr Pa isetew (the . Sher:4 Illostratro of Scene • hoot Az a ttler% PrePhett Mr.- ..... ...i....... S. Malik Solo. Pastor ichbaroimoor lan " 4 atalVala de Fonlumod ' - Cortese .with - Oroirestrel se : • comporiesest: ortioceact acd Karlitokierook. 7. GeonsoVe7, Madame .T Ohms sint......• • • . ..... .. erm ' - o ß h ok d ab ock rt IS. Pr l li Oerlirfo raad lad H h a Nur U i e or . ma theotman/a Si t . • I d7ClaitTil_ .. ONE DM...llit SACS. To bi as AlkdoWoh 4.leii & wrjoer a. Chickerirea. Book k Wtol..'ei V z: 71. 1 . 'il. Mt. noMeatock"o , sad at LM door oo at a oe .* • Prim opea 7o' It. Carted oromeccoo at e o'eloela . . ... . ma' 4a treed OM- 011610114 Iftalowey Piano la fro. Marra. mcare' Wateroose. NMI atoetnat "r" 4 - m. 7 lilt WALNUT-STIULET TIMATRZ v • sasidaw---JILTs Mit 1 1 .404. L. Nap Manager . • . dloamia ..1, • Titr B AN I KIZI X I L ' IL VIININ_L IA Idry Taos - awa 6±:ciusT. Bit Walter Await, Jar. Waller; Lady Enna* Amayon.a.n. I. • NLLA lat.Exszas. Yre sepAzi a Jar. L. 8. mama ; ltambers. os IN MIILLIMPIILLA. am 1 L ra . 1;31 al 1 Vika*: Quaid* pi l nola sa aii ATLEY A XMARKWB.AMML 11 1 1 1111.1rET THERE .... ~, THU AtiATUADC: KNEND , Noy Pl. Ma HE OBBP.DD.. cheriee de Moor , ta Booth ; Deana de Moor. Mr. Poke eilbert ; ?mem de Moor. Mr. Dolmas; A malie, tire. John Drew. To conclude with tie Metter Itremaot DON C2E.BAK DX iI&Z&N. auiriee ff,' Mr. 8668112.1 S DOI Jobe, Mr. Dolmas; iteniass. Km ob!- .MODI DDIM M 7M defeat; oultaia. win lige at RC CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET. . - - DOUBLE MINSTREL TROUPE! ORANGIS OF PROGRAMER MBiTLY 7 POSITIVNLY MX MIMI% OILY. WEDNESDAY EVEN/N . May RISILTBRN STAR PERFORMERS! ItHoitt• Y, GARAY. DUPREE. AND ORREPPE_, Par.ferned and World.renowned only Mistral New Oeeene eat Matrivolitaa• - Bcmissquis OPERA TROUPE 'AND ERASE B AND ! Who are hurt returning - from I Mfg and szpinisine Western awl :Southern tour of ten months. erowead with 1 sad lush reputation. and ha ve Wan admire 11=1 by the entire Dreier to he the Old, the mat talented. and Owing ors entwitiod annetrelir who have ever appeared before the mittlie, with the greatest embination of talent and origiasitty. - „. Toe tartest end beat Mad ever opginatedon thew chaste, laughter. provot‘ne, and irrraudito.e • - *.e.THIOPIAN SINME IiLTAIN KENDS f atrisluel tar tha greatest varieties of new &tami Doett s, _Dera. Queer and ny Ps u Quartetui, Overterv k Baritalee tiperartett Patter a y ngs..ever owned to a Phila:elphis radiance . rand `Free-Delanny Goa oert in Inset of the Ran each evening by the Brim Band. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; COMM/COO at & ddmiselaa 26 cents. Children ender twelve. nowt& ell. Passenger "WINNE in the city soimeet with the :harmer-street Railway Cara CDARLES A. DIIPRER. Manager sad Bmenees Asset. aIdDONOUGIFS GALETIES--likE OM. below THIRD. _ _ _ Cr 133111 • Prima of Adimasion,lo and le eirete. PI IttiT NIGHT OP THE ROMANTIC ' BURLESQUE OF A VERY POOR YOUR} 3.11f11F, Written or pilules Gelltp. En, author ofthe " Sou of the it sat. " Femme F o rt Thieves," &e., all par dmed by JOHN h. MoDONOrli, who ham the sole 114 1 1 r Llr/r4L • PL I IIr h iR I BY R OBERT GRAM • • ,Cof ie• UP CHARaCTERS: Charles Augustan Smith, a Very Poor Tomei Man..... . . . .. . BMX Deotor Leterniir cdeream-ere. - .W. F. CUTTER P :riCrliktirr . Th i i:e i riler e ..- nnan7C.l4" &st. Kum Margins en only child. much 5p0i1ed......1. OERMOM Imam, Redden, Pig Driver, Metter of the Runic.- • .= • ..- JAMES SEYMOUR Larry, &mania Vie 'Ho At liniege-.,jilials Giaminime, Family Shark. . WI I A Maggie Alm, full of Spleah..- -glum Alf NIS itY AT Mot Pertieue. Shaky Ole Get - NEL. TAYLOR Mrs Rattan, Sound on the Goose.:.._. SLOE Fe SR! Mrs. AIM ay, very showery JUMs /BIC Manna Yonargwo o rtr i tiratitt e t Tik ree ORA DREAD& LEAP OF THR POOR Yo DWG MAN: ERNEsTIN h. AND MINNIK DR FABER. The ** noel &STRIA.' the most eelebseted Dia settees upon the Anne noan NM JULIA DLOILTUIM ! • The Queen of Poetry and SoaaMotor* of VENDS AND DISAIITY OPIPSTOBE I who w s eppola Thiserening. her potraitals of the GIPSY' 1' • amnetod ,IifthiERTINY DX PAUL The Comio 1114.4 r ude or the IRISH 801/00LMAPTER. Dr. ( - Proof. With tonic sous— J Dr. Flail AMES 11Er41,1013ft Mary. with ego. 5...- ....,_..711 - IM - itiVA moors' • OUP T t wAsmanorolv , mar for the tom time tact emening,l3 , :j ir JAMES SEYMOUR. and van melted wish/wit of applause that be wan pnenelled to repent the EMU three hive. IIANDAMO. Mpee • -**-". Tinnralir` i. Oda As. sezmotra Combs Song- ...... ME DE FA RE It BVlnd .. . DIMLY TATLeit L 4 Y--Exeanted by Alia Mortimer sad Er minutia de Faber. Tonne Song.. -TARIM iIiFyMOU • DILISOO .... PRIO +Grand DE PAM Bowleg Comet . AMES MAW it To emminne COLMAR - rig . LEVEES OF "THE LITTLE ItAlisi," MISS DOLLIE MITTON, The weediest giti in the srerkl, of bar anchlfrerjsr ge inches 51046=1 welgionglaly anowitle—snis.. Switch terestatonneetty than lies . Ton TREUXID. 1 Bhe longs the following songs &Leach Legit 1. Mary had Little Lamb. IL When I wee .11 'The Evening Star. 5. , M k Graadipa's Adele., a. 13ixty•two. Wrille we re sewed ros. - I Miss E. 1...W5L1.8.0f iladejshis, will .lonteide at the rano. aid sing, both orEnsMe e halve. select- P r° Pi t tiZZiheaed on this oel :oo feats the warerecusei of Mews. Chfokenag tlons, 607 Chestnut Tieketa met be obtaised tier Musioctleoree . • rest& t eons, 1507, and G. Audis & C0.,1101%- 'tre. c .he wilt Wiee LXVI3IiB at the ASSICIIBLY INGS. owner of Ten& sad Mervin I.ARGN ttRODIID LOOR. Nr . L . l sad EVKIIINti Tgll3 WREN. at aside fete*. elms at ° S l otl:er imuert.wrAer= Is MI p cloak. • Admillau"s"3l4. 1311 tritid$ 1 ALBERT NOITON.Mansat. gut/ maws TEMPL E 7 %. 7 A hoe, teatunfal. asd wenn moist fetes= 'sat and moat interesunt bending le Wit is In the tonneau saloon of . . BSTIOMAL HALL. - MARKET, ABOVE TWELFTH • The Model ze 35 feet lona, a lee t tattle, ihet high; Waited by 310 gm Bits. and the worshippers re 'resented by CO kart. arrayed in Jewish anmandlny the 171110321 econsta. sine it a peenoce. , menu be Kivu. Mb to alt obey.; I Chron..yek&p..ki Chrnn., 4th and 7th °haat and Undue =lt to content" and necoption of Bolomon'y Temple, all or 1170 1 1 411 4 VItilfigerfirn ISt ' W e t. M.. 3 to e And to 19 P. .ucittre at 11. 4, snit o'clock. t adininnion. 55 nests; ors children, PIS mate: mule Wald. IS manta. Librinetanangemmatio mods Intik cobookand akimbo,. nth p rivilege of limbos by their pinto& serf-tf GIRMANTA ORCHE 4 TRA WILL A. give their last eablio rehearsal of THIS SEASON. Os the 26th of May. Tickets for We at the swat alum UWNSYLYANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, 1026 CRFAITICUX Street. The 3lth Annual Exhibition in now uion i d oet_A M,nnhl .-1, 4, 0 7:11 1 1.. ii 1.7 148.1r-prioa.- • Stootibnldeni will reoeiv• their • tickets it the Ake of - • the Olinnelemv. AAMERICAN SAVING FUND.- COM _pany's 'mahout gorier WAL2IIIIT FOURTH Streets. Open daily from • till t o'clock. and on MONDAY hl, Bin the evening. This OW Institution has always mud in felt. on demand, without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums paidheck, on demand, in gold &Miniver. TElldreEß. ALBS. 7PHILLDIN, President. RAML.. WORK, Vies Preaident. John C. Farr, T. E. Harper. George Nuge nt. John Anspaoh, Jr., Fatal.Ur Alb. MR nimbi, /La John mm. Jonas _R. R. Eldridge. Wm. J. Howard. JOHN S . LLSON, Treasurer. JOHN C. WAS, Soaratary. QPRING GARDEN SATING FUND, N. , Office, 331 North TEURD Street. between Vine 'tad CaCowI:AIL Incorporaurd 1 the Lesislatere April 14th. Wit 'Open for Deposita Pyritt i fsa frog ti t orivamo n ti , B on o _ DAY eeia l per cent. per anours...li d `eposPers can Vith draw their ri (leers try Cheeks, II eund. posits received. _ lAMBS 8. P 2.11181.11. President FIIAXCI• RAPT. gimr.t.ll , faaliqd if T o PI 0-NlO MID OTHER PLEASURE Pd &Fin —The baseball i&isb_ohivis and hotel, at the terminal of the glatWritier Nantea, and Voir mount Passenger itealroad Company. esti engaged, without charge, .for pleasure portico. Atom can be bed every few melte' by arson end Coates, Bum end Vine. Arch boggle:het eau. and citreous can be oh tuned on applusation at the cane of the Mailman Cou loir, at Bentonville, , • 11PREASURER'S • ' DEPARTMENT AL PENNA. R. R. COMPA anstNY. rint.rinA, Rimini. VIM The Baud of Threaten have this day dsolared a divi- Va4..otTlimEet RBA CENT. on the Capital Stock of Uompe.ny, clear of Blau Tai—payable on and otter 7 littb. Powers of Attorney for& eolleetioa:t dividends eon 183firgoasiiiriiirCteoboe of co—, N o. • T aos. TA , 1117 71:Trimmer. CORN EXOHANG .—A BANK., `APRIL 19, I.BBon instalment of FIVE DOLLARS Iter share on the capital stook of Ois Bank will be due sa d payable at the Bankonq or before the sut of May neat. wodt.zi s"Tur°slrViltra;. ()FMB OF GERMANTOWN PASSEN GER RAILWAY COMPANY—PrmsnitYsta, May Lt, 7DIB. nob _os is hereby siren that an election for President, nine Man.gers. and Treasurer of Germantown Peasert- FAitailway Compsey,_.lll be held at the office of the pany,6llXTm and 11/AMU/SD Stireatii 3 On 34TUR- Ir. jultelL 191 1 0. DOMINn the hours of ten A. SI, gad tWo P. . BANOERL, tie, ecretarY• JONES' 1101114.—Tbe, subscriber would reepartfully inform hisfrieude and Om paths. that he has purchased the lease and furniture of the Jones Hotel. impoiAant additiom are now betas wads to it_ for the ocoremesoe and comfort of guests. Tudividushe or families ousting_ the eity wilt be mars to We home 'mood to Mae rtt Philadelphia. aad even ammUma inn be made to merit their patronage 1 4 tbeml arrangements Will be made with persona de filer Board by the Week, Month, Or You ' etbAtuttram • . AARON IMO& 0 1.14 ' =3,500 Gallons Extra-Bleached Ele punt on. 6.ooogalaitne extra -blettehodli l lada Oil. 6.000 asthma Racked whale Ott, ha galk.en lio 11 .od Ud. TAM galloon No.l Machinery 06.11= gallons Re iir beretrgike ifilit e e c tiM rota tad for CO. hr.. 16 1.01714 WHARVES. 1111.17 JAVA COME. -:-1,019 tiockds prime Java Coffee. for We by I ff eltaliAllik & CO. L.WrITIA Stmt. ANISE SEED-For lila by ' - _ WETRECLII & BROTHEiI, ..M47 6614 6 9 Ilona INCOAD loves. AIIIIISMUINTIIi. 1" .CONDUCTOL Karl Hohastook. Fns: Lint. BAVING - rittins.
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