virtstiblit c ge si rl: l l Matta owes Charlistot. Beventeta arlielmlobdapoaj, platform of -- of the Stet Many Ail 4111$ - concurred lamiadiNo ARIA' mask tol!1• 1 * 1 lAMii 1161 * ,, i , g*P" MO 01. the, -static - *lnk ittill , - iiVithiein....4 - .k... . . , ' 040 itten Ail - - . ' 1 ' *fat 1 - 140 i te.0.0.* .: 1 0%4=1. -' l 4 - hoe 4 te. l 7 , Ad o l4 4miapplo ate' in . 4.."Nin* fenii.nitheek ~, i eill ' -1411:1 4V r inis lt°l l, t . ititiankk .4.47,•12,0.13 1 litinedirMioni ' , - tt i • .1 40 14e.t . „ . .. a fikibigr i tetr . . 9t - , i ra k t itrt IT A ire - 476 I '' -Ai Ai ll i ifte_*-litr 1 .proseitioir .4 the .DrjoreieSe eieeiorail -eetelivit-ttie Aritioll,6 , X, _, ,' -,,,--' - gi!V - i7.1.,; - M ',,..;1 1 :4• - . . " The,,itelitions of eliiitOtet if' tagetitivit* • porq ~ P IS fl* 11"tk= 1 . ta w iteiA. -904 1 V from Wei vilik yetsiler thelltepW , box Ati -11 " 4 -Ow *l O 4 - 1 ` .!*.bli*Otilb* - the i thiyentieek -- - - ' , lheiatikvoiet of kilistie=l 11iiiritgieillieiiipiti; illt,4 dist - it!‘es a birm.l Ink iiii Yapen! Thea*)44iiii Ohio** of 1 4tvitielidestais to'be niiUmekeift , 14i:to' , e - prihotplee , ikir iteliddi - ,,hilicielitny , i - knowledge for itediPlagetlin eg4 l *lld gton.! • wh i t* are plei4 tit*, ..WiLtheithi*lii!ektei-IlitilPm I Wiese* _tstiewneieeeeien'Y . : .,:ie . ~ - , ,, ! %„,, : ,,e.rer ,i Wteeenot ritrebizlivet_ Opilieft iiiir'_;edotirs• : tit* 0 4 11. 1 0110 0 * 4 *Oft - - :*IW , o of ad• i imiteeeer fefiprieeler „ nmig , lietider• te: , ,areen.. sideretione ei '; aspile s cy, !AV VII truism& .of party, end t looking with n - tionineril,o the'betriee . of tholkistilistiosid rights of the Statsi ;,,- ~ ,v z,lTiii , , , ,Aelegedoss of' otheititittee; - kiVieligirilhiehftee .fei iiiehtieiterifrithijka.4 ,00414414,1,04 ,*ll:o44llll.iiifbrOsiiiiiittii. - ,esolereiaitlistblipsfelfer obti‘hvai; tliair tovintei`nniiir, -itithftlewjr'lletitei : trfeetind .iineltdee; aidAsildiittOrnitoolo4' 1 - .Is_ :Oa Cie. - - ,vention ettiedbatietitileeimehiEJlieinever; ,tiqir iletirainiihii - eleninvitistederft ~ ..t,' - ,ZsVEikiipiroiClitthiriiiiii ninnt.intiiri intasintiti,of reiseiple - in:the 'del etihik only Mato, on, which ' absolute. lelkanni. can Air placed for'lisinceiretie elietaratieiee,: 'Whilst thhiv existed ,illiesrellYeli opiate alto the line of policy best - - - 401Osistoi , to, iiineel the *humph ~ of , these Priscile*: ,- .lo,A.ltiAmitar of surprise .that to ii-evilei.eaditieteeless i .. 'lrhee,, in VW M , iffiditt :011 - ilievniti§e - 'erbitiplei,fthe voles Of Virgin Wires .oiritherzW* thing Ohio, : . 'am Wadies; Aim ticking - o*h :liiiid!'-to” issa - peisb, to Wilma sad ' 11115111,&tiAlivink:ilioetd .be exinted-pkellitotogii4e4 evaiotoii i 'end 141 eetirleit, .=-inlittninUeqn4dgroveediegior the Caii , ent*' - holrOuri-InC-Unia that dsthet:lintliastfois may ' be comma . 40-4,,,itipoffloop*li,:poo 4-tbe ,costvoovnielitefeideAoWitir , a , mea,...tetd, ' WAS; *kir kraal . 111 011. 1 4. k w W/ Ahle'llinni er n 1 404 W moor oisipllttiOntw.At ro9 - ourbwilia' - sic:N•imosidiany. Wets: EiLieisetriet* aid miniOli'Vethiriastar ___ totkoiroftlhe.piuty,_ sad *it it Was wily_ bectuoiot t i ,IS at itithrialliiii-aw lb. Athilithair cirik.4., -* ' papieratte•Blitisimmitertobibt bp tbr *morbid, tack phi* with*. ether tehrot:thari *".1.004.1 stiOunteteatlolleitlimir. ***Veit ' Otifette ,Whilit*Oebtediag duhigetious adiceused to' liet'ae itidurt*4: at the' 34- ,4ffult?4 . . ill ,!.i ''i..', l - ''''' '- ' ' ' l ' ,::' ~ • ' ••,:':. ' Otlialiiiiill6 - 4 0411ila 14 iiiilliot‘tai *. *liter IstiOn'of `the party, hig goloeupershis Ob. aloft owe* the reattustiow - of, I* rtinspey„ ,Bo bpliering; Whitli* that' Ouipeoithe eiiimits 'hres oflhosettMielltiteiaaameottemidis fonts DO ittet liii to eiir ftffic bes cliiher Itilteeee fdt*le the duty, of jeistairoir °naiad with**. at our Demers* broth** 410 1= , thekeemill it!, mar. ti****ph Of _.--, *- ',' . -:- -t- it jegiehtftitu,tf-0.-,Chsvemion-thail, gt 11.1::. - them; idept it withehriteryg*****tpiteettplei hethitt Wltelildlii* to Matite,"oesdidlitesi tbered *a Whiledietotir the iriethotWir of ,thiedeltigi,-" sail ertiwAiglit Siettiewill live oiseiet kin n o motive will routs fig i ,W to unite with their NOM_ E fiteitiCierfit as adimmil Metbig strelhe - ,iiiiadar tbeimertep , tin,' au Ireereittoeglif ' - sk itiathiora; ark dim,. geld thile.Cattpeotstitie of the rumisiair.Jbw V4,-litehre,' their , ditiptiesur ebebou t sl o stied unite with the- eight ebitikwideli , Adjourtiet to - Biehlitittl. - Is either, sreet,' thostreild heimaitharmatdiegir Jennie oar, chohillobi, ilLtiot,litst.embleh,eits liepoiled of * - dee d e g Dolumul. Morel rota: - Fran ible sitgettellit at ititei WO rat evident that the ittio,ikeiolevit.s owial nowt° be Pentlet by the ditliptim Of Ai tight &Mt *Mud* iik„ seaddhis in liblitletirlutli Ille - *Mity; for.aitit XmPoilatLebeloolo* — . ll ll# l 4lrA,:thighttlit a S .likvieff,lf :tho'hireititKausii*****. ilf t• " 4431 " 1 " 114, 9 10 # 11114 % bi Xadliti** apf thei ;i 4traltee NOW . lids. ' itelltheteibt , lidiy , :it set' leilha their *it* iroolteinr,wellic bt-heror Jibe ' 1014 W 1 .90 1 0 dita—=.4-411healdriCtiet. • to mid** opi thit -. - Wier Oa halite - rdtitio. • ttridellirttt 010 , . rlosoUthirlitikerje', aum!.tint. g o !Albuirlefr: hi_dlflr.wdownestmetisi 1 ' 1 - - : ... _ Ihr. 1 haiteilV49 , l s itt this last ettaligia for; they Midi! setlii be jeterbetwor : /* it sec tlieutitztallyz *hi -*it ilikda b igutkm Of tbaithet Democratic fitatetimaidt - ibr as last** • be inipeiged'afin Interitiou - to - raftue to redem their pledge of-Art*6mM , harm )sariabbige *bleb arall/****llY, deter*** a ,theettetqloe of prisaiple whit* they _ her . . ', %dive...Me for their = Mk** a at ,, exptautyl, , 1 ' Aar Wil*,got iiiilliik tgatarthwe win : .Irewhieutir: - . tifterehog,,?' ;.• :i a • tuoud i bit jo vil =Appektrowtierlblillif from lad' NW Joao, roadlit* , Orlir+lbithir , _tutuiCtilt AO*. 0:7 thither Mr , -ittir Withal.' • liriegii*Wee . *it ,t hag tibias *lee hai . hitherto; Lieu Wad ha Oatreition, *Mu* if 41 4 16 . 1 ** 111 AW , Iikiofiti . :,1C 0 0 12 :ltelieeikli ForiritTo totifithigiteisitOuklie `ovitleeiteils this emwootlow that *Whet, the ' Sue had been taken SWAGS Or.V7 ibiliPSlOla aithar - event there was a Mar MOH* is the uftviontios tic &Tor of-the remptititat el lesimir Mistittititotal . priheif t wat tioly-b* - tiblig part eta* • voter io pickled EL MOW spits , to • ilk ville 4 ' 1 4' : 1 4 1 ..41 0 4 1 .* * iid **kW *ie; i l t a lei t l e.let s r lair thli'll = ll. ' ; • idtpatirAtit Viref—lti -A .o.thiat- W. - 10 40 1 1til .1 rf ooooollo *lt .0 dgffrytkim Sift , firtalO W l44-Po ir !L . toilii *did ',tietilVar..twa% It riliteisawse4 Y, , MOO ;;JibMere., I sddedrbei. to that,~ioeetrdifteth It 'I soltihnifidift fte albite* 'Mot offeoestirto, • willipegitit ,, eorawalalbetroialsottle*lllet ire, " oludieste. th. setiepettitelteeesihrg deisP ....i. who will thus have siorizirthe object `ic their aztft smo i tee mose rited tier grot7t , , - .. . 4/4 4 0 141rit etiator,lieitik"tre hdt4l* , ,:b. pro-. AO*e se, thitirsitirreit'sulthitiolet*--, , Thee doe! not - pees**. tiolitekolt the lair , ..ergeetruttoi., of Our partryisehe*****/* fitmer‘asid.who Ater* hav0 , V,10,0111.4.1A to AM ia mut. oil and re iustreirtitnue*: ideptim.- Bow is thif "'of " tledig Ar'i* _ ICONges to be loud **le I‘...liewure Altimiutelis'ef Texas and Itirgfoletit Met la Butte oravattioneaud et* au theettuttie exteiwolou of Wit will before the *Diddle • of „Tx6i - r Show Mt the tro b. pa t 1. - itOthei , . by WMO 11*' lietematiorotero.witi*rat attest= sal at. lialamorti - or litioliiOadbViteaordtheeirith their iiiiimettit yibigettttf dikihmiltl4 , be.4o6o,' - 1 0 1 0071. ,40==40411 1 koi idiNglf•Olootod) , "tbi : 0 07 -4 ******o irCalillimitylorkrf it* ett-thair owajtufgaist le atentjtaMlit WO doeituothiliot 04,0 Ww*me#t 10 thtL tletkeiti; A-rt k lythimf 4 mg , Statue *gears. to lkitistiores*Sisal to defer 111 • likibiooed meeting itatillheriteliallibt tufritieem-•.. troth** imetiet for balding Waned( birthday . MSC • tilrbiewerilue pirtyi.ibi ittli *M vitiralkil*lllelialiVitifi" eery Illi bi l tr iediesci:6lol l ,. to/ t=it l iiin.u:l Mks. ei****# wish AM* Uri otiteetuif tial.. elie Web , struolir -, ie • weltbr A' IIIIIIIIMIMO!. v l e ,.., i i '=, .. , :' .7 1 .','!','. iv ii ~ tudieJe: • , '',.' - ' l / 4 - ' . • 1 , r-r " - • , , , , • Mr.Passintwhanthaif it''''lloA , tet *hie erppor, fistkiglitlY :blialliil" &Went' deestibyttbfAltalVliProllower' iieN = 1 1 14ty•r$010_,.. e _ ~......,..,Aiiirificeitaitotialii' li t MUM., WX~F; .• +6O *sr _ 0=14 3 * ' ' ' 4 1 1 -40 , - of - kr -' -the-1W et* ' ' , meitifttf Ott iteathrOef 'OW Oa*AsI b t kftriek:r. l o l :4 l o73 o k show aositted yivettlty atl ra sp eeatrie4; mil, .49e-,llls ' , ftt,OWNif I#7l, _. _ , )0 4 241W 404 : 6 4 4 =-t l t i V= , , - r 601144 . , 1 the het ' 'kr:anal: .Prittiot 1.,i; ~. 7; ~, , , • -.' ittiolur_. .._ : ;,,,* . 4 41 2_:Ititli___, , * ( 44014 , 1 11 631 11 be it l / 4 41 i lf. 4 13 0)—rZi a i rakt i Tt MOM li 'l o l VatlilletAlititinaiAtillititteeplik #ll , c Viiiiv i . fa tNitafei iniiiiinttilgruskusd . ia;tuiti',- Cqil—Tis4i WWI. WWI, frfall 10 11 . br 0, 1 6 4Alkatt TOniimilikaligastilo lll, hisi e 11 Ali* ititit. - X4 , ll4.ltuadi ittllitalitti rat. Iftest• kr m-. onwibt.39m O * o . at ck N s.ldaouk*o, atioa•Age...iO. d # l . P,r'a T helt o. ft :bfwinia lmiLAOftfati r trri'a r 0 eW ltroOgoivirodoritit .p, I! tiiiinrrixvimtt , la,Thipxi4siVtlei ; ii*Ristreitioide Wait settling lito tiliiiitu - A dill-1 31=m7 - J I , III IW, " 1 41404:f (*Komi.* 1140 4 artildi ~I _ ,.,...,•f!AlletAint iusetivc"4o4.,witaco4 gni Will - 4 01— arsiwyo"; , . 1 i, •`:4 f-: '1 7, q - ' 11' , ......,,:,,l, :-..: 11 0 4 'lllllb rffas am M oo f ve r Vir lai libdittfle ' thf - air 7 DLitt*, L9r, .....,,,,,,. minerrsgeff -- 01., x p .1 1-.. , . ....oth i b.t i ) 1 li a ffli b l A N , - :.1: a lit, ‘alfloursaii Ifiiiitorl -:. Y .«:.`::` -,, 11.;100: 4et4sueseterste.rgibe , . limy ain alien o_ lesion view :at tglaiensind, 4 at 1.34•1.44 for andi ~ mseenr m gi . \ T 1 ,.,., i„,.,. ii • .... . ..,,..., :4. al-0671146,34. ma ire i ll i t'. o,l lir, " l A t m * Md p i tions, lialisArea th dera gal 40.0 n tisirli Lip tents a email: -: N ew"' nem is • UV 'Asst.- . 4 tot ..r a:WI Mew tray,' . , -- 20.00 A-1 e c 7tatealgri i i • . 0 404prtim e a 7104 814 Vern pith et :itre i tc: l ', ' Cie. Xillitell Mel rim , Messina and W.; m a r ma% . dal ..„.. t.-eal - tiiiz tlir . 4 ,. AZ ; t o rflki it ZersTr sratr 1,.. A.) .4117' on c....adl s aini4gralle - v 111- 1 - a , ii 11 . 110 tai"1 1 -.. Aerial ma 4.1 I I t ertru .. al l i eu 41 0. 3, s l isi A::Ii . elti iorgee 4PI. '- - '."- 'i, A ...- • no • Lial i • ti etill i tepi! a r lit = •Trillalftlil' ti( ail r Ito; i r i girlld lieseitMatanima-Leem Is.- A.eals oft sea: laUTlllVir=i t airt•Nall=lo l 4 l ; wi app.useh .- .. --- atmig,, t0....,,-, , ...s; - f".., , •--._„ slemly,. bit um desaand. ts 4pP . WoZrallreitmAt: %VW r , . 1 : Ike 1 a7,l4l=Titrirave been t aZimi l 7Xl kt ,i.„!.. tver i „,;ii,,,iiiii i 4,,...,44„ii u....,,,,, Inislip.M... law it hello lb. -ova entbetit-and material ehsnee. llesbe&War=l4 ; dist betainizria will 'soon be Watt ft . all klgdso Cmd, and ill* Mealetell. blilea . ILlali Annealed inai NW el oontsmeenos of's; tlit =Wilt higher - 1N The ini;• Zarp",int_ g. le am Us as .morellisii IseriAto thiewmad -,* ha , Ifirleiltgliv, ouvom- Meattmg,nritilalThop allitith rug - Olatliber . . @charm or e age sem G 0" w t be inoremed Meisel. thin on - bp Wit further inerseee'or no yrirmaireerakaphaa... - ,-, r-: .. „I ;.. . • ... -; - - : -a- CUTTIII t,Thik.repsigna are inortguring, and the liner gijoMilialoura - reeintandlo s rmatul fell ano* . id rtris, .! i " t6 w Ar " lr lig ki I.d il eg t ° o " hrdli bil l s r itg lij o g &Alta: 4.,11.1.4, middling .L 74: Mil t " the tiii - ' — - - nk. ....- gi tenet nag tof the geweek. d eteere,.lsr,Solterft, Ofq/AOFir .rit4 . 8. 4". rr -77r ' 1.,7 " -0 '"; isse.' ='" flea" - me: .' • Plif.' asigatks - VMS* _11,134.0,11 ..11,11410,000 UMW* 11;4r to. falivA44 4.eickop ,- promo , madam 1 - *ram* ".,'' , Aire - Mee' . 337,01 e) - MAN soma..:l l4 4p)reG SSAM i .: , des MIAS MAIO tilt ardsm.,..tri s sk imo uc si Im o * yin tArtterirlitho wet week,inhided in the Orb rat ~ , l am ~ ~ aloe. gem 'A .441 . :"; 0 1 4 11 1/ :- , ft laMel 4 -L i frre'4l . .../adoll . :11.6111 UM - 2 - SAO T asserts.. ''.. .. 75 (101e,;, ‘ :, 110.000 -'&1.000 T.-lea010,;a-- first th e - ports, oompsted will Asturair. m.OlO , . - Increase: to wow ariteenmo,ooo bales; bonus to Praee,l6o,ooo. cloorobio . ta' othotlOroidlilieeterlo4ol.;- Total - anatemi; fe ' , --The Meek is " Met Ueda is light, ' , with r -.. 14: in lein,t V Mien. Lemmata at 340, and ilileillß siliritylanrWrilt; . Amara the sales' we radleetheliambr a tmtentigehillutola w. tt , a n :eLlArgo at Swam II F Ben=in time.. Oinnalre -1 F... _WlettrZiitir WettiOns . ' hers - bute - arriving fresty...# LOBO tfoxima from the Thad; on termsbot table o tIN fiit ' ir.441 Fite:Z: 7 !LT:4l=k n ta evir notice noise 'Wed Apples at smestes Peaches E leirosi Ato go for upend tuarterain Pm* Wed . , HlllB} -Bat revealing :'we titan go od and 7141 Vat Melia W. lb. . . . dsimiad for Msokerel is fair for the sea-. Ili. ' a ge ° 2 "'a wi tt " V ° V " itonliiril ' it y r etc 411111:114,mr&itni Stroomin.o. 'and entail 11.7Mbial q , -- om bell Mewls at. Wage OLIO gas. •Pi Herring ratite' from, 1113.074 . _ F H ill i l- t leveaciol nr4 esitoLdoing; 'souk as k 14. ay. g IA& tbli Ogrrelli tallyWe Mt Nark peg ton. TO Pc -Feattolsoo soma se . avei=a are- eeolog. Tie New, ortr.t 32w530 ter aereigats then Webs mom doing. niken up to Oates. met and bsekiet ea tom 111 , ria.lol_ Maar,: aid OS for . molseenai !poi* rt sliAn z w i . .. To tae n l is ou l t i t w ting tUi . ili t il=== " eoupt; the ow erm lets ore. eettree 100 or =ift, kg snob And unite for iseastireme%oods. e.. me 'Whet Odell we quote, to at ii Felt Hirer .at 14113, '' li,4""Pir'" and 04., ficiitb.i. f i t tit t i i .......-„ A 71: 3, s s 1, nor lee 42 A 2: 1 2 . :Igo 1,....... '1 ger II 0 : :84* - : I: l i t Oteeirtelnr i--- : - ;:r.i rill 6 1 - . 1 WM te ;', Steed 50 ".., ''l.4 litg g . ?IV d '1'61122 - -1 ;V* Ictiioto.:l..: ....... seas 33 ;...100 . .ge.•:. Lis rig .. „ .. iii% - . i . ; :5_.;.! so u r eo n , a Po u ge 03 u , 3a0 10. 03 O s 0'" - '''llta ' - L.;LI*. - 100 .- '' "" - .ll o sitdril4il - Air '-. 4. -ga ' •:. e - a 44barilii. -- 4 - : lio la iiii;l '- 'Il l : t.''' ',ll eo l a : :.e- * ' .:lll ' e • • noniarket hr gales, and so meterial chigoe Jo priori • -.- OtHISHWO,-Thesteek of erode and clarified ln first 4tands ,ii; ligtit,,and generallg held above the Tigers of bergark- -- ' •' ' . . , oussiO:yrig'ciff i trittilreeli. 'Sal* or Peruvian tliF ,illeil *Deep lee. Miner* OM Placebo ocean illati. '0 I Lei; It* ,0411; mid euperldolephate of Lime ,hrH. ' 23 41;111 . 1tii 1;631C0i Americas and foreign ikeistie iiigbas4g, sad there istrotAing doing. - . SUMO are held 11111101.aad no Inge elan have been 1-nd....h. , , • ~_____riowt.r; prices steseatloo•lloothe 100 1-Lk_1111111.011.4 .'' is a - 'moderate trade , „ doing, • and - o` - "i l lis F„ r - 4 1 1 - desert. l;g tbe sides MS MON M Anse wee= poem st /1111.15.10. Tel. trlk___._ltddlit 11.M0111, gendooir rafted Lumber at Si!, titril, m ulr:ghTillt e sitma z ittr I* , & ~_ . n te.. .. r - isvather riot, but giiiOns arsunehansed VA% g u t 5114',* 41 iter • 4.141' si t rogo, a t; 1 ' as? . 4. T AL . B TH are very, quiet. In Rsin,iar, . telt the es base been limited. Mod weals tit bits change. genital of Turpentine is - dun' and p r oss Aave - denileed, vitbarnall waist MONO ITO gallon.- lit(aB..—Fum tiartg:%lll°,4lt.:3,s;l7 l 1:4 1. *a am. -.. _ r pil te dull, and Wien a_ email TieiAiiiiill. .41, - 4164_ p" - . ' Ibis vb. ' Lhe bone. Permerass.Owsse... .- -SOX . • - -- sum Lir. ~.. Larks Lirtailli Clain” diolisied, telli n g at _ ' ! ba g.. iii - , - e - ictiii..1 14 1,....i 1 . 140 -better - 1 . 3, i f4,ler , four mon , the latter , flf ' . " Jiarrit e esid Atli are steady .dgine at ea onasitatesi • I theni is very little o nip N. It. .3111 M le nteedratteass. Wh inky is unse ttled, sales of ~lig SWPWo ; 111111141114 1114 02111 0, luala floc silo and dodo' eta. Sy gallon, . , SHED&-T/ss melee" o Oleverseed an light, and thus is very little itessand Ser it; sales at Vern for *meln aid _priintunilitik Timothy sells, in lot*, at, teglei7llV. bus. r Flaxseed is segos and wanted, at - ipieS4F bus. rUortlL-Thr market kg oda. and moms holders are ClireilrtligttherMloi r tes Vo m ito pn itio l iirsn a inieVX 6 oVi l lf. 'frt. pew Or ens, on time. igALT is dull ;_s small sale of Liverpool ground wee ind ia rai t e rft riarti [KO eltprendered at 10140, eanrtnl -TOBACCO is - dull, and prices have undergone no ilkifle• cr_All are Arm and oil; thg advance. with moderate 7ritioli.-The operatiou have been light. and but iderietlyitir esie inureeted until the new alp com - - blooms esor4ons of New Jet , Illsg i rearirfasi nortirrnmood, rad; throughout me jet, e esesors win soon open; small sales of Poll Piece and suliad are making itt Irregular prices. 1 i . .- " iniiKtierkrliii4B. ' 0. MEMISINA- - -Brig Mary Merton. Davidson—ZOO oantars Prosistoss, SO do oorimood. fa bees assail reed,loo boxes !belled idstorgda. SO bop filberts, se do sums°, 800 boxes WNW: do magas Jesse, flesttersood St Co. ; , 1111 i itest.nwitivaiw.uriumiam. lat S' $ COrailrlllii or Tax, Bloom. -.1 larram ucLos; - ALUM 1011110RLIIMPLItaW47. lIIILA7O74PIEL‘ i vr iTI WOV --- ..... --- at KOIIts NMI ~ i . IP ueosilli, 41174.',...:::.-1. 10 0 itlerpool, June 1 Crealislll,--:: ' abdsrry. /lay SO NJ/00a , Yea500k.........Cma Meson so= L: ass 'bury... .. -.,..... ... Mfitapsse: moo beaki , ~ ......Weit coast or Autos, moo ._, T kp r iV, tafiaap,;. - _ - . - _. -. iatit:::ll rig Ise w.usil. Duirisl...._; -.15t. Jago de Cube. soo i. iii rui tiorsbouas........._ ag jaittcubs son , rig ; ember; .' -; ..: .•...... .• ... vane' moo .... - . loom •. • r0U . 5..........aki1a5iu - sa r - ft: moo i 1 ..,k " - . ' Oar , ,om moo INTni.f.lo2Ncx: !MAT 01 PUILADICILPII4.4. May 19, 1990. Virdinf a t d-411. US 111011..:-..-:- 711 ' ANNIVRD.. , :rja , Nary Morton, ( Br) Davidson. from, Messina rare 100, via Gibraltar April lit, with fruit, ism to in alhimif t „,.L - Ju15 ° 4 1 .,3 &Ha from New - York, r itehr /Wall 0111, 13 - 014011. 2 daSyro from' Camden, el, with corn W.A. McColley. hr trading,. /Delay, a days from New York, with to ioaddium : _ , i *kr C m smyui Tosser,. days from New York, with tNITII/f to esollA Min, ,, _ bit% I tt i reitri m ign et ilk er: E d Ts "on' D°lwn"o si, %thr G Allavea, praah4 days - from New York, with 7 14:41= 4 1, 4 ;8ake ,rII days from New London, with da eOO dens oh to Showy, Buntani t & Co. hr Omsk Whiter', iatipincss , from Providence. tilesat,M, :I f = IPA Itogiii ,; L i kr Bh Towimsi: idiestie, from SMOOT ) 1 _ rAV yku izpoEl! hours from Now York, I f , an" t° 'ln CLEARED. I-W. ru bKe , rdwOrsnin. Teal. Riehmond, Thomas ear . aridlne liall,,Gradun, Haverhill, Vandusen, , , , ahattleal Lippiaoott, Providence, L Au-. Co. r. air fasted, Imith, Providence,. amsdokson l& a I Joni, lo n neet43 l o u roisi . Bz i a4 .l ,ll l Ur t;,.. it 1 11 : ~ ,A rlib bec er im.: , Nev , l m n o t to llo , v . er m . • at ; rlt. le. eirdr, Boston; N Oturdevent & CO. * ir ge r 1 ttretp,... aidilVa i rli ll YßOblftat CO. I A . ~,... -,-,, , , Adwairds; Hasten, Whittaker ;'T "Ail •BitomMis lianteeket, Nevin, loWlor I 8 flu:i,7 o , l 4 o ipeltlniorsr, A Groves, Ir. - ,;--,..,. - ." ,-". r - ~--. _ all ( I ,C rWINV T /Igir i Vai is. nub. I MMdtttl i g trzeri with a boat! - IV4llllratti7k - 1 - o ; IVwd'A !Hirai!' Mid tortnorirFok) onww svlor ; abuser, • .0114 i ty. , s ", MIMI, and 84 T rallir, t`l stodonowooted' NO Pidefffel Wirt - ..„ _ -8, .., 10. ' ` auntie; ititarboiin my Ism WI left yesterday _ t git ah atig g i l 9a ng A irrW n rit i gatiett ' 4 "'Y' 110 114 0411111041/IMIIIIII/ OM NI rm._ 1 IleakanUteb4bi behriltrit" Phonon! ;•, r.Y. , -t-i' , .... , 1,t,. , ' .: 1 n , ' 11A ~ r ~ r . ''-‘4 '' , - - ' 1 ' alrerg ago Urigrimia ir. Or ''' irvaTirs '''''''' ' ' ' '''''lga r etf - Aliartilitithg.' — ' - 61( iii in het 112 . r t. k‘stoltne;2l7lll7lhuillM is °. . 1141-24 - 1111 1 .*DOPO L `PIOPOP GLUE „ Tft rici t, m at e , V v iirtritili444.lo9i .!.. 1 r: •• • ' ' n tonfit. : 44.1k7k. HICKMAN. i ' • , : ' • ~ NOTICE, t ARYN 1221, 1 14- .. . ~, f, 4 Natios is hereby alkali t a the Yiltil Ponfid,Lich2 Vessel rep re- statalltlad 0 t e Bilw and Pge eon • the 14th net. • Tpli, R a _ s eliSclAglit YesPel win ,b• placed immediatel * Cl e n r. Sin t r . ranitad ril 600t1Of that station' until the ( see is repaired- 4: Tke Esher is sehtme t arith a ritibell at the $ 1 2 7 8-4 - Mala head. hall" mated"f, with 4. o leee 'ln mute letters on ea rth e de. w ill show every night; talon 511 " n 16 . 717 Ailefieke. • 'light 'of the natural ' BY °Apr of thOitiEhihrwee bard. .14, ,, ,.9 --.1-NAL4NOTON.RMITII, Coinm ' r IL 8. N 4, . ' • ' 4 , 4. . melithoese inspector. Baeond District. 1 _ - ;1 1 011 . 4 1 4: KV. "141113. A .. .. , - • . 4, . - , . . i . i t/ ,- --;...,t, ' itiep ry * nom jlo2ton Nov 11 17/ffititrttel. mship nem plague, &Dhow, hence, at Dos.. ten kreterdsy.. t t, hipbonrok Km Bas h in, Ihmee, from ',New York, arrived itlt hiel Ran 14. ..14111.milweilliefOrelacid, Wyontlng, " John `Clark, an T Br 34_ j ; ia t'it y n a ilF.tife 4 tir l in t ; r orarrw ir •k - t '. azilifiirsii,Botrk,titici4,l,ll.44.lEN.,!, ......d r •-,--, • • ~.,- ,•• • ~ • i , lithir erbert - Dindes, 4 troll Bretton, arrived at Mel- Wenn en* ant. 4 ,•- , • - , Eltdp Osorkejttiynes,Blavage, , for Philadelphia,olesred at Dartimote 17th row • ' . —4' 4 , - - ' 1 , -phivelharook, Doane, for Philadelphia, eleired at WOE . Atkin!, for Philadelphia, sailed front e wro n saao R. Dien,' Hand,OVEli New. Orleans; 'at ith i i r r* Ao! 3 r fF.Ratlll'if!'d Fut Ffteinpth'g „Y. LlarkVues, Mden orPh . rnelpme reamed at ir 01 ‘14 ,7 .I,iny, hence, arrived atPeters/ • ' r.O NI , sWain,olearid at Charleston 12th last, for Philadelphia, with RI bales of notion, 89 Ws cur. maim', 175 do row*, and 02 empty barrels. _ , , t ' Bohr Blastior, Toencena, cleared, at Jackson ville Bth tem for Cortnis Island, Diihr Sea By 0 ,,, Daimon, froth Charleston, arrived et J ackson ills t inst. ilidbiLDsating arre;Behriett; for Philadelphia, clear. ed at Jaoksonville 12th met. _ .• 4 Bohr J 0 Baiter % Dimwek, kW Wiliiiington, Del; °leered git Jacksonvi l le nth inst. . Rohn' le Feline, Hewitt % and Wm H Rowe, Rastinglr hen l i e ro_r Inflame. at New York 17th met, SO rsir t rida k.Anlut, Bole, G 4, linen. Green; for MI phis, clawed at 4 17th lest . . . Sohn 4 aigh_..Blsebe. an Lonna; Hallett , hence for, ! l er Lijr/tr i iiird i lTli t olAt'fiii Philadelp hia. - sailed l Erma never y inst. ' , _.. , , ~.. . , Bohr W Collier, Eisner , hence for Porthted, 'at New York 17th inst. 4.. -4. r -. . , • . Bohr D 0 Floyd, Hackett,' hence, at Providence lifili * , inst. tlehr_fil Clerk., *gym, • 41, hence- for. New ,Dedford; id Newyork nth inst.' m B ohr Pennsylvania, Ladd, hence, at New London 16t14 t. Bohr T P Cooper, Taylor, hence for Warwick, at New, York 17th inst. . , Bohr Fakir, Potter, for Beaconet to load for Philedel-' phis. sailed from Newport 16th lost. - '' - ' cargo Flower, Raynor, hence for NeW.Loirdon, with' a f 160 tons coal, was ashore on the 17th lost, five; miles south of &Manliest, and fuji - ot water. - 4- - • Bohr Brazil, Rowse, hence for New York with a cur io (27100 tons shosh - Wate ashore 17th lest; 8 mildest:4Bth of wen inlet.. - .4. ~ 4, • „ • t, - . , . ('r w i g«Vi/or...t.'i • 14; ' ' NEW BOOKS AT HAZARD'S, 724= - CHESTNUT 'Street. RUTLEDGE. One hand- , some Ltmo. 01.25. • I The Publishers, in offering . the yobbo ahothini Novel, by• • young-end talented authoress, bespeak al fairchratily receetioe, solely upon its merPs, believing, tilLthey,doi Pat, regar late i r,it will become popular , WILD a ll elmet , reamers, 'nu:Limos'? LI one 01 - 1 the feythya ,0 Ake ; many annually limed from the mein t Red: to more than a temporary , sun nem Cm : .only well,,,writlen, • but- portray* Id's andarareoter with,the-hamt.ot a router., The.yati liahiM, confidently commend It. to. their friends , and patreile. !' .BALyt B wiktra:-Irvil!g, . can Washipigton try g. ItOCI• With P 101•04 br i Z A. unyokinek. with, two Illustrations by ti roll7 Misted, on tinted - gayer. and henna n bevelled Doirds,Aniforat with the pew National Edition of Vine's works, how publishing. for eabsonberi. Pnoe 11/.60. - This is the rait immolate and sultsble edition of this celebrated wor t—the earliest of the kind DrArneri. LETTERS OP Alatrii - Nngle TON_ U HHDOLDT TO FARAH/16db 'YON' ENII&TROM Ml? TO 1818. With extracts from Varnbagen sDiariesated Letters of Varebagen cad others to Alrimboldt. Trausiated from IGerman by , Fnedriol Kapp. One 'votamtp, nip°, JSI,ISTRItIDIB. , ' , An Original Romance. By the author The Lampitthter."and "ighlbp,t Faushaa." 19101rOWS11.1311111les $ I , All readers who have enjoistthe stirring incident! end ..vigoroull delineation* ,of Tim Lamplighter' and klabel - Vanghas, , the scene of which to neon Arne. Haan ground, will need no second levitation to follow' the BUM' r into the new and fascinating region of ro manes which she has selected for the scene of her pre sevlegal, ON THE FLOSS. By the author of `' Admit Bede." Cloth.• - BOUTHEY'S POKTIQAL WORKS. Ten volumes. cloth inform edition of Little, Brown, ic.flo. FGPLIL ft ASTRONOMY. A Conouse_Blementary Treatise on Bows, Plena% km. By Prof. Mitchel . One volume. .41.26. • Mille It ANew Geissrephy, by Roswell C. smith, A. M WILL BE PUBLISUED, JULY let, SMITH'S " NEW OEOGR&PH.Y., : • • Containthir ' A CONCLIE TEXT AND EXPLANATORY NOTES For the we of GONDOLA IN THE UNITED STATER and CAN AD& , - HY,ROBWELL O. SMITH, A. AI., - Aoth•l of /event &boot Hooke. • • SAIITH'III alh* GEOGRAPHY hail been in course of preparation for more than ten years, and is the crowning contribution of the 'distinguished author to &Marina:l 11Chooi nook!. The Publishers have epared no pains in the meahani. oil exam:Akin of the work. and it is believed that it will be unemialled by any wor k extant, in elegance of atria, oonvanienee of form, and, 'general praotical utility in soh - Cols and families .7. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.. . mull-3t- . • Publishers, Philadelphia. MESSRS. RUDD . &- CARLETON ' HAVE' NOW READY .1 O* INS PRIVATE; C ORRESPONDENCE ALEXANDER VON, HUMBOLDT A copyright tramlation. from the original German. by Fnedenob Kapp, One lane limo volume, bound in muslin, with Stool Portrait. Price 0125. ' ' The publication of these letters in Germany has produced 'a iemarksble iensation in Europe, and will create a profound interest wherever the book is read. 'Buis* its announcement, there has been the utmost curi osity to see it. Baron Humboldt, who,wta unquestion ably the' incist thoroughly cosmopolitan Savanfof the age, and, perhaps, as most absolute', learned men that ever hued, had his own private tboughtaand opinions of men and &Inge, which he very freely expressed in ',these off hand private letters to hie friends. They are full at siwdote, gossip, and scandal ; out-spoken, never gearing, dealing blows in even (even the highest) dine ninongthta eorrespondentse vnll be found curious letter, on public sad private interests. from many of the most 'celebrated And .promluent men in every depart ment of Literature, State, flotencw, and An. An ew T FAI HE Iti ,L7FI I ,4PLA sd VE I LS, AND BOORS YON ALEXANDER YON HUMBOLDT, With an Introduction by BeyardTaylor. One largevol. Umo. muslin. Steel Portrait. Price 131.26. m 39 weer., VIRANK. FAIRLiGH-S MED L EY 'S ' GREAT BOOK. • ' PUBLISHED THIS DAY, IN CLOTH, And beautifany illustrated_ and for mile at T. B. PETERSON /a BROTHERS', 306 CHESTNUT Street. L FRANK PAAHLEGH; or, Stones from the Life of a Private Puml. - BY PRANK E. SMEDLEY. Author of " ;.ow ls Arundel."' "Ham Coverdsle'n Courtehlg.L Lorimer Lifflegood." "Harry t Sew EMSELLIS P IE et WI n akdr e 'B e it MED IL IATAILATIOD 8. . Deaignied and Engraved in the Stunt Elie of Art. Ity °Roues ,anunrauarig, *SQ" 01 LONDON.' , Read flu followity OPhtiolle : " Them is no writer of fiction since air Walter Neat,. who Joie ino well deserved opularity as the author of this stms_, There I. none or the elaborate penny-s -toups of Dickens, amt straining for Jokes of Albert entith, oy the Nam situations of Angelo Ti rah, but a narrative that wins from its MT truthfulness, and imeiteclbe most 'pleasurable sensations frem rich nosiness. white there is an under-current of round mo rality, which : commends it to the virtuous."—Lostdos Q rrrrts. •• This is one of the bestetories of its kind we ever remember to have read . rue to the life, and abound log With wit, there is po wonder that it hp already Re. eared a larse,share of nubile patronage. —Atartocion. • The truthful and 'golfing agitates of the abuses tolerated ear seminaries. both public end private, cannot' f to ireprees the reader wi th their great fidelity fe. however much to be deplored is the pre sent eta f stow/ education ; this work will eat as a mirror both to heads Of seminarian anti heeds of faint s."—Zzamieer. • " For some time we have not read a etory of nob un flagging interest I and we shall shortly take an oppor tunity of laying before our reader. the plot, which,. en peasant. is unsueelearably, superior to thouioh-leudod avid Copper/WM ,Criukslituir s illustrations are oast tal."—Loadois Times. - The whole boun d Above ts onmidete in one large os tavo volume. _in cloth. Price SIM. •_LEWIS AMUNDEG. By the author of "Frank Fairlegh." Illustrated.. One' volume. °loth. Prove S F IM ORTUNES AND MISFORTUNES OF HARRY RAOKET SCAPEGRACE, , Prioe - All the row end molar books of the day will be found at PETERSONS'—for saiit at Publishers' prices, either at, retail or wholesale. oElll°l.lord to. B. PETERSO CH E S T NUTRERS. mylt•St SOO Street. 1 ADDISON ALEXANDER'S SER • ME M O RI A L vols. AD DI SO N a Portrait. _UM. ' OF ALEXANDER, D. D. *mints, PREMATURE CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. BY Reg. H. R. Forel. PO cents. MINIATURE PUMPS, AND HOW TO MARE THEM. !Scents. . . . . _ . AMY AND HER BROTHERS OR, LOVE AND tiutt• 80 cents. = AI.AtrOIE OF THE PINES. By Aunt Friendly. Lte ' V it. SUMMER AT- SUNNYBROOR. By N. AL !Hews. 00 agate. For °4l° b ;7ILLIAAI B EG ALFRED MARVEL, L , No. SOS OliE UNLIT Street. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS •ML FOR THE CITY AND , COUNTY or PHILA.- DELHIA. In the matter of the aeslgned Estate of the Mutual Deposit insurance Amootation of Philadelphia. Tee Auditor appointed to audit, settle. and adjust the account of P. P. MORRIS. Eau., amnesia of the Mu tual Deposit Ineuranoe Assomation of Philadelphia, arid to report dltdribution, will meet theparties in in termit on 'PIJEHDAY. the Seth day pf Mar, 1860,•at 4 P.M.. at but oThoe, No. 116 South FIFTH 84 in the city of Phlladelphia. • JAMES H. CAST E. myrbtlandw , - • A uditor. LIST itlIZ OF L&WRENON JOHNSON, its, DRO_HABED.—Lettem testamentars to the imitate Of I.4.WRENOH JOHNSON, late of the oily of Philadel phlsAeosalled+ hem% been dttlY,Branted to the under signed. ell minions inaebted to nia eatate are requested to make DaYmeßtnithoutdsletp. and those hams claim! Or demands against the same are to present them to JAIL MahIILLAN • , t WILLIAM O. OROWELLI E x e cu tor & 606 BAN OM street, 45r to their 4itOrnef• JOHN B. GNAT, m i p.aep 129 Bout') FIFTH street. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY Ali]) ,OOLINTY , PIitpADEIREIA. Es tate of JACup Kota. deceased. • Notice to hereby - given that-the widow of the said de cedent Imarigentedand Pied her petition mid appraise mint in the said court claiming to retain rest estate therein Montloaed to the value of SIK/O, under the Aot of Assembly of Apnl. 14th, 1851, end the supplements thereto; and that the same will be confirmed by the court on Friday. June Ist, 1860, nasal, eaCellbons be ed thereto. fIk,OROB EARLE, MylB-1948-119 , Attorney for Petitioner. PISOATORIAL SPORTS. ' ...-'- TATLIt wrLsorir & co., 43oFer st. would invite the Wen, of PISOATO b 9EI the Billed amorhnent, and Beat •au ay, of AC ever trod In thii city. 00rd x r uir m .l7l4,r n tout .i jis . v , i ßase l?ft ad, ' neer extra Limed*. Waal ' e, Osilrele, 1.„ ! 7,., "i'd Nook a . Reale, Baskets, Art noijll nit 8 8 11 k, 11l end Bs% Grams' Linen and cotton Liner. ', , mhe4ks VC% ZITROPE.:—Having been appointed A m t. for WM. 'WILLIAMS & CO.s Trannati Isn " &" 747:l ' ,..v.einggo b) , ,fr.eiv° Oor' oarri 0 wove sad Lola, at ;Him unprooe dented in tido . , OASS JI _A, joOL, so.Am • M South IFTH Street. eSARDEN ANDPARLOR, VA9ES, STA tuayy, Points . ict,' Orittunented FIJI% Pop, of - Terra Uotta, man na° dd and for we whOtiale and retell , • - " COO lummox/IV/ . BR' • =IN ArkW OVER ONE HUNDRED MAPS, LEGAL. " =ZMFAMIT epALDuors PREPARED GLUE: '"EIPALDING/13 ntrin NiVE TH$ PIEOBB I ECONOMY!-- - DESPATOR • illizteitin Vies savics Num." NM • • AS accidents win eat te teen-roe tritedfamtil lied 7t is,verz ,ta_,heye tenraLeriespAnd eon. venieut 'repot. repairing .FOllOlO, Wbyill,,gtookery, . BrALDLICIVA,Ettoratio Gi f u . . insets all seek emergilegiele end boliongebbld tan alib to be - withoajt. • Itr &tempi ready ihnd up to the iitiet 4 oUre s 14 _ , i iherrtrilegek n fieate h in i A T =Vat vows., - eti pailt the &Mole roc etti shell and , other lonattkentatirotir;so slimier Irlth ladies eeretinemeet a YitV, ;diotic; preparstio - ii urefoold, boltw 4,014.! le Mani lied gow n Wag all the vehieble i iihtre l i d et , th7be cabinet-waken' Olue. • !Vela/ be in the IMO of mammy mucilage, belag vidit I more adhesive. „ bIiEPUL EVE4Y 1101184.” h. 8.--A Bough aeoomyaelee eboh Witte. Price 26 Mall W H IIOLY2iLI2 DXPOT, NOS StalLA*T 5T., Rim You. Address HENRY C. SPAL,AING Aso , =ISMS, Neir Yrorlt. Put up for Dealers in ossei containing font, eight, sad teeive doitott—a. tievitifut Lithographic dhow-Gore accemyany in' elle& iliitage.. RN bstlis or SPALDING'S PREPARED GL Arm "ate ten time, Ha cost annually to evert holm pliblis Sold ,tly all vominelit Stationers, Druggist', Nat& ware and Furniture Dealer', Grocer', and !gaol Stores. iforaimitta i ri d ,:a • imv,gant y stan dany cli ate. SPALDING'S PREPARED OLDS! USEFUL irliizar BOWE. SPALDING'S PREPARRD GLUE,' SOLD BY , STATIONERS, SPA7..DING.E.FREPARED GLUE, • SOLD Ey ,DRUGGISTS. = • OFALKNEP2MMEDSI 4 IIE, SOLI" ' NANO W6AZ DEALExo. "P gi tt lltt I ggS t ln i git lIOLD 0 - X RS. P D OL • 11BrkrYWRIbleAEAL I A. BPAL_DING'S PREp_AItEDDLITR, SOLD BY FANCY-OMM DEALERS • IPAL PITEPARE i t GLUE. SOLD By ORME S. • Bltann[ so P.OLDlftoli_ntEnifjet MOLD BY Cote d aiTPLY mzfetioA.Tric 0 RALLY 11 : 1 M3 ' R C. SPALDING t C 9.., ttEDAIt Intact. New limit. Address Post Office, Bon N 0.3,00. Antuarad is ap Alphabetical List of ,fiptioles whlphel damaged, rasp be rekorsu to their original atrium !lia ussibmess ' ; , SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. A -Mend. ACCOUNT BOOKS- . --- • -.......-4 B....Mende BUREAUS-. --,.:........ _..-...N. 0...171e3d3 DOLL tEf3 .... ... ... - ... - --,---..0 ....Mends .... -.-- ---D ....Mends TAG RES.-. -- - -....:-.1 P. -136343 ANS .... ....... -...-P , 9....ldefies GUITARS _. - ... . • - 0 r-. Mends• .6 ..... .... ..................-....:61 ....Mends IN , II -WORK .. ... --- --..1 g......:11:2: , 6 .r A.. .. 67 .......... -- L - .7.::ic 1,....21.37413 LllTltErtir ~ A 6- . • .............-.:-L 31 ,„_Mendi. MI 0.114 7 AMES.-- .„.........M N -.Mend' NE EL-POSTS --..N o....MeAde 0TT0MAN8 1 . 1 ....... ..............- ...0 t !..,•Meno Pl4lll-FOR E5.r,....--............P , 1:4 1 41 1 ilVilfire- a ttOßib ..-...............2 . .».1 Wl:l3 e n n its dil EfAi k - LA . - . 8T1016 - ,=:. ------. ..:=-..... -- 1 y,. -Mende MEI- - .. W ...;,Mendti 11-BOXEB 6 ...-. • ,........-...-W X...„,..Men4s 0E,4128_110-WORK.-...• -__...X. i • .:...: 1 14:Z i 1 l f i iirlbli E.'''. , a ,,.. ---. ..4 gone °Jinja, ALT. NG' PARP . A.36.O 01.111 is use 10 ill Waller en BOttools. L ...B....tnds 50PALk......-- .-.•-5.... I 2.... r.... ends racrazFUS-_.. .........r.... 2 3.... A.... ends AN/RDEONS ...- .... A.... 3 41....L....Mends E Zit:SEALING ~,,.. . L... 4 a.....p....Mende AG BRREOTYPE UASEI... 6 t 3.... i .....31ends MAGN, ...........-. - .... 3 ........Menda E W 8RCAGE5.:....... .... 7 8..• .o....Mendn URN Jf.TO 118,_.- .- -.... _.... 8 9....8....Men338U110 , 01,- KS -.-. -.... 5.... 9 PAR1F,13,...-....-- ....10 IL ...R....Mends RUI . ...,, 12.... E, ...Mends EL KO RIAL,MACHLABS.. ...A 13--.P..:.Mends P PE f AGING& -- ..., ...13 14.' A.-mends . 16....8...ten43 CAE tygifiliTiiii7. -la t it E.... E...-. ends AAR .RANDLPS....- -II 17.... D.:... •nd3 D sgs -.....- ................. -.17 E.-G....Mends (11,011,ES ' -........-........ --LI 19--L--Mends LOOSENED LEA Irßfl - -RI E W..: .11 -Monde pholstere4_l 7 UßNlTUßE... -30 fL ...E..../33333 EGG-BEATERS . -31 b.-- Vide AC N•WORE.-.--...- . -32 13-.... oda 0 BOARDS- - -........13 28 -..... ends P DLER_ I . I ..-.......,-.........16 AC 16-,.....Mendi fl L.L.WI _. - • ..-- -- 26 66-........... Mends i I L LET,_ „3. .............-..........13 117-..... -Mends 05i1f:R.113__12,..-...-.._7/ 1 6 9 - - 7A d d e s pea liNtlr •- :::.: - .::=.1 iit.........menis CTU B VA , .... -.!-,--Kr a 5... . -.--,. gal/1 1 4V 0.. ---- -:; - .11 38,___ ands VW_ retiiiiii:=- as 5C...-. ntle Ariz - RE -.--- -St. 33.......... dd. JA.D.8.0 ..,,..-.-- ......86 A r * 1 1 3 F: : • • •• s i ts 11110 .1 .; A* l ,% lE -- - ::::2 1 XL ...- na. t i A 0 Y-64,Mir e o . =. . ...... -.-16 36.....-. Mends IV- 0 ............---.L...;-311 30 ----Mend% .R. 041 ..:-. -..........-i0 • 41.....-. rt. y lila ........ - -..-........61 AL'... -.. end* UIDL-wHEEL15,...............-as 43.-........... ends OwEreKs..-_......--.48 les ...--. it e n d a W S A DS - ... -....- .44 46- -..Mend3 B ADS .........----...46 i l l fc . ... - 4=f3 4 .V 6 1) iMita:: -- - - --1 39..:.:- - .7.7.biend. Hz A1ium5..„',",... - ,: - .:- :• 81). ...-- -Mends RACK-8WMU0..........80, 61 Mends AND BO EB.„. - ..... .1 ar.............. &aft ct.• . trap- ....... - 6 8 ....- Ronda IA . ABLES..:.-........'..E a........... Mends I,L_ . • um. ft MUT . .. 7= - 1 66::-...4.611111646 Of- ki t .' . • ........... ........ ..,,:.,:S4.lj 193...-...: end. ... l ll ,- .-,......-.89 60-.... Ads 1. . -i g.B , ES..--.-----18 t i M..-- ends • -- -..-..--.111 n....--... ends 0 TO -.... ..... ......---...M 63 --Menai 0• 4 a ........ .. ..... A -Kends 's tr 4 - .-g0E5......._._ ....... .... 2 °L .--- 44 end 4 ogesork -- e 5............ ends DS-- ...-. - ..... -86 67 ...Mends CUß AINS- .. • «,,..i......•......... ft . Mends 40.-- - -Mends CA DI .- -- .- - .......... 81 TO- . -..-.. Mende lOA li,' -.........-70 77,...- Mends 0 R.A1118....- ...:-. -....- -71 Ti...._..--Mende °Nix& ..,..-__ _,... .....,... ?I 73....-Mends OL EES-FRAMES -............73 76 ----Mends OAR -0 A5E5................... -- -74, le-- .... ends I - -..-.7 7&....-.Men4eDRAuG -80ARD5........--78 l a. ...... -- .ll= PAR . ' .. - • :-2 81....-.__ .Mends oE - Boxl.C.,::.:7:::...:::::: ' ...:. An 84.......... Mends IR BOARDS . ».. --- 84 IOM NOES 86...... .Mends LIES .„, As 88 ...-• Rends AL USTERS....-..... ..... - -84 W..........-. Meads Gbh WAR.P..................-37 88 .......... Mends EAR LES.,._.„„_„,„ ..,_. „,r4 89........... Mends GUT 4.-PERWIA WILKE.. ... - -89 90 -.-.....Mands rv.5...-.....- -....--. -90 OIL ....-.... ends 011.13 r........---- --At 93.....- Mends MO D 6I.8" 94* -Mends r.W G•31.8011pargE21(14....94 96.,....... lend. AN_Z•Ljt..... - -.- RI *L.-- ends AhrOz_QARD WORK-.... -AO 97.-- end. PATTERNS - .„37 98 ---,Mends rBOAR_RII __ ........_,,se Pa....-Mendo 9_OOYA WAM.,...... ..... ....99 108 - --Mends, WILLOW WAN& -.- 7 - sPALDING'S_PILEPAIIRD GLUE. BOLD BY STATIONEML SPALING'S B Y GLUE. BOLD BY DRUGG/821. aPALDINGVAARB GLUE. BOLD G OD B. ap.atotrion3 PIIRPARED S TORES. SOLD BT EAR.UWA,RE STORES. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, _ • BOLD BY HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES. - SPALDING'S PREMED GLUE , BOLD BY FANOT-GUODS DEALERS. SPALDING'S PREPAREt GLUE, BOLD BY COUNTRY MERCHAII GENERALLY. Menufaotured nr.,NRY 0. ITALDING k CO. 48 CERAX &root, New York. Address Post Office, Box No. 8,608. Put up in ow. containing either Pour, Eight, o Twelve dozen sac beautiful UITHOCIRATHIC Meow 011113 600011116311101' each neolusta.. dlenty 11.0LORINERY AND IRON. SLIM= V. MIZIWZ, V u tiIARAN 1111113/101, SOUTHWAr i ab e PIDTH AND WASHINGTON STURM In dwrizar i t ex gGi E v,. " we, n d 1.2 ifettNia, an liao, eerer, ead marine eery*. i k, On, Gogometere, Two frog Boats, So.; Cantina o ell thuds, either Ironor BAAL boad th Fra atiogile Roofs for Gas Wor th, Work Pogo. DAD toee, Rgarte a nd Gm Maohtherg Of the lOW and thoetim- Iv= otitirgitis Wohiseff, Noah at I ,llg¢r few. 411101 , ram open se mis , reins, Demons. Sdlog, Nun, g Seem, 1k a,... 0. Sole Agents for ft, muieus'a meet Nem Amman firgolngtOPetetit_ Steps Itheethea . e - 713. ima i la n k .. 7oeter • ration ciptrifogol Baser mar HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. , pAOKAGS HARDWARX LIOUSIL—We would 'rearootfully oeU the ettention of thejksit MI r grartf: Azk.n.= sumo by the whale. Orders or street Importation rolted,aad rds de. limed ether la tali silty, New otk,o_r_rtew was. uT Aad Aosta eiCifrnVa°47=3•Ani. o tiOAlx. .NEILL & YARD. R. E. Corner BROAD and OALLOWBILL, Buderior'WHlTE A l gt.T.l B 4 l / 4 NA. and LEHIGH AJAVS kr_pared and kept under cover ezdreeply for Family am. NW Orders by Obey/doh wily renews prompt 'leen- Oen. • lien dm i!JIANCtS. Nei PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS !! • PIANO-FO'RTEB. MBLODEMEM PIANO-FORTEN. mELOILEO nal M AD lr iboill it 7k an dO. B . art on, " gm" CI" end. 00111.1% mild- 1 aEVENTH ORMTNUT. 111 V STEINWAY & SOWS NNW PA -1 TENT OVER-JYTNI; BRAN) 'MAROC ett. ORAND. - AND 8 Q ARS rIANOBAORPI47 felt In 'ooF and in kite envies by Fs •.0 *Worn% u _ Zad ti: Vteaktuna Nor beet rll: all Do:peat ° , B 1 1 163 MM da4T - lON t. m il o RAINES BROS.' OVICRSTRUNG GRAND ACTIONIPIANO FORTED. Every Styli and bnieh. Every instrument verranted for Mit mania Atratton.. st het,c; s i c- VENTRI mid ARCH Btrestew Ms Wet DIVIDENDS (NEN EXCHANGE BANK, _rmitionLimie, May 1, MC Tlar i iireotore loma M B DAY deal red a Dmiden , 'f T HE nit'uncr. on the OaPltal Moth, clear o tate as, and payable on demmick mll-t1 _• - J. W. TORRlfif,Carkion IPAPAPAL . ~ 1 58ti t I t i 41 ,0- , 0 SAT: gde n ei g gneirmholattirerhirt!ithentr, t 1 i , , , 1h..H45;;" 10 It e eektd vyli' On tual m "oolale 6 t wo w wino bivaii ti 3/P Nit/1W 4 ,6 egthß/1/1/044 aalkial/T 13 i ! I ° .° - r,4L3 1F ,91 '...?" , • ~ r i kilti i I ,Iphilaaelhhis, Bioril .0 3,10. ..,. 0. 1 :'i , .. 1.• :.; ~1 ~ , ,1 .-,, - . , , II- Notice is .hereby given, - Shaicthe OUD OI II7 ' e l l forme WI a nteted - Into a Latched Playttleta p, t i n e Hie -seqvuncon ir ti the Wire of timetrbeirioli t t i lp . -fgrertitH & 110 Pt trft m e l ,n 3 S the ILatg:flth- 0 All I' 111/DIMS the General Fonlraiding - aod 00111MilliVfinPUM• r ., for the sate d Flour; Ossat,'&a. , ThatAa.foy .. Oat and Jam! , Hirkiol Are tilogneaof the Be nil 1 4V° 1 11 1 0 1,...11 , 19 1 1.° , 1 1-Tr, I e bpeolal S•artner, al Temente t e 01410 hi butt ao , Thp oar Win cult, F o n r Utl i by ilia .11:roolei Part nor, is Ten Thslaiantl • 1 y- - e , telytapritaV both+ ti g t eneesott the au gay 0.. a gr . !l, , Ban is tO tOthollat , e ht dal or Aril, Y r i s %•i4itiskti R RARER • ' . ' ' ' ' JAMES BVPlcirm . - .. • .., '. ttooorat liirtueri. i 40/MPH-. .. .„ . Atteel Pari. 1-01,* THE UNDERSIONED , HAVE orli *1) AT dieyogedpf theft irtiole and'oth6r ' airbag kit the Dry Oboes Jobbing brininess, PaJohu Melseedj e hai ying yaroltaged tug cunt). M Mui 18, IMO. ' ' 1, il 4 llol4EXt. ' API IMATARKE ' 1 , litrest. —...... . { Thrdersiined having' purchased le entire stook gun sad Of MALtigip it BRO., yr' 1 collimate the f t oriatill I I:by:1g bullrings st j t,tl t o 4 d ivi tArgi tE 2o4 , relay 16, Ilk"royiki,tift; iK ts DI OINAL• •TRIC onlyar-, !MINN TEN TROIIIIIAND. • , i 1 DALLEIVIS , MAOIOA.Ie PAIN EXTRACTOR HAEI umverselly supplanted - all other ()intros:Oa and healing tippilisatfoni id both the Sweets and Western • Nemispharegi wherever intro, dewed ;..andite warm* merit . wide true secret of its noes@ in sill ellitts744olllB, Alfeciier. whetheri the caw, be decide** or disease.' - • • • ••• ' • BUFNII &llama's , • painsitintly eleviid Et thil i t„suguialifitin and, animation,his timer at. leatten o tale mar-, eellese Neater{ and , * . 11 tuanewed as if by e olla rmTELE F_blei ISM REND P T E i n i fttint o4 , , ~ 13dldsen are foment t grepi et eptith; Inallt-, 'Janes, especially it tad au Mtn u , , toessts.therefog n every-ti thotber • iroldi ha i v t e Ch i & ere itirrill t o_ourN,4 troVitToTihrikrrEV or' . , e l ls leo arris i I IR/ t rite A smssa yo. i . dirlgutv e use fig i rn f llVi 4> 71 4 :T " trit e" ili within lite tirr.ehtliMtera i to n 4 ser t fil is onart, a t sa a g ; ft hii best snfily t hisigi . ; lit is both ~ ratable, - and, fa e ntonliere g t e e v iiro et- m soMetr a lagil l reeti n et to moat tut, orrvoiloas vir i tuei to lvho o m their, " 40, 4,r,,,. - arc _ mu ll, . ?At i,difiLdttls6 for 1 gri olkffirrl kg, 'so weito L, ottlifif u". . , =um!: •• ; . tar 4.I:QV.' 1 iig a Vtear g , , ,Eldrabs: • lielTeretteir; co r r °ll4- - &a:ll, Y ,' ga1 1 1,,, Ci aaa - ei l , -14 ', D4 Vallte - ad , pee a,e, Meroanal soires,, Oars no, Flinging, . WO genorally , ,. t mau oolitToted mai, Itir m '' ' ' .., ; IM " ' gi u o " =. of the =ottani, , CrAGI Fu rea, kin, ashes, f , e. Sold at the rhino?' Depote,l4 firosslwaj, New pork, IKAIN d & co?, Chartres street , a gge. N ft w ean ri ET be b y timed of ell - respectable Druggists and Merchants throughout the United EltatsWenVerir. T. .. D OT St. SONS, IleNorth SECOND Street, NIT Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania. OAK ORCHARD AINDSPRINHS. These Skinsiare situated -lc the -valley of the Oak Orchard r eek in the town of dlcibama. Genesee so„ Y.. eight milessouth of the village of Afedina, on the E r ie Canal. and fourteen miles from Batavia. .fir" The principal Acid Springs are three in number ; bes.des these there are six others. They are all located within a circuit of about fifty rode Ihe medicinal ttneilities,of the waters are lbllyehown in the subjoined testimonials. They contain every lame amount of Sed. phur. Sta/phurie Acid. Sulphate of Lime. and ,Prota. Sulphate qf Iron. The great medicanalvirtnes possess ed by these water, depend very Israeli , upon the pre se rum, Mauch unusual quantities, of-these curative subetanoes. Hundreds of eeves ofdisease,especsiall7 thou result ing from the sorofulousdiathesie have been cured by their use. . • Ilir los diseases—even in oon6rmed leprosy--the waters have been inanely sucoessfuL Opinions of medloal and scientific gentlemen are given in the caroulars. The following eminent! gentlemen 'peak in stronStems of the medicinal "The of these Albany; : Pnif Ehtmohl. T. It:Alwyn Beck, M. D., of Jae. MeNaughton, M. D, of Albany ; Ediward Spring, M.D. of Neer Yd k; Dr, R. Campbell, of Pitts field, Mass.; r. J. 0. Shales., of ssooknort, N. Y. They 111001311M0114 the waters confidently. Dr. Sprier refers to erase of chronic diarrlissa of setieral years' standing, which was cured by the use of the water. Dr. Beck says, 1 am satisfied that thesewatere are highly valuable as rnedunnalsicenti." Dr. Dampbeksy", " They must be Highly benefitnal for all chronic) eases of the stomach and bowels. B. P. White read t i patir . ;3ll the subject of these ati t :i r ts s•b o e rt, r tn t tr e htli aiftates iPhillgittr4'eanteitryltsy sem decidedly tonic, refriserant, and astringe n t proper ties.; and that the ohms of diseases to which they are more partmolarly adapted. are chronic, affection, of the digestive and urinary area/U, and some of the camas- Ong diseases; atonic dyspepsia chronic diarrhera ; chriMic dyteakry •; chronic diuresis; chronic cystitis diabetes ; eases °leanly. hemorrhage, such as P„iirms ra henson.harica, and the oolinnuitive sweats of Hectic Fever.- The Water may also be often ailed with ed vantage, he says. in eases of low typhoid fevers; in conealescatcefront protracted feasts, to exolte the s petite and promote diseetion ; to diarrhtima. particular y such as are darer denton a relaxed or ulcerated sta te of the mucous membrane of the intestines._ In onion lons affections. or,tiallasis, attended with phosphatic, sedipaents, tt is su itable remedy, Iteingyieferable to pinuatin mud as low more anima alai teem apt by ciontinlied use to d aorder the stomach. in . febrile dis eases, t cign be used properly dilated, ar t a refriserant to dim gash thirst emiereternatural heat In skin die lumen—in those forms of disparate connected' with an alkaline condition of the stomach. as in Pyrosts, or wa ter-brash, it will provelettar _than hydrochloric acid. In oases of Colkapictomitn, and other injurious oun- Solummes afilling from the action df lead, this water wutprove to jm ag admirable antidote. In chronic pharyngitis, Wirtingitts, chrente mucous catarrh. and hermit asthma, chromic vihtlottnla (Maritally) 'sea gargle ut ulcerated gore routs , to oases of sali vation, and in leucorrhea and et eat • and also ierdes. When taken internally, a wine-glassful of the Water, dilated, taken , three times a day. is sufficient for an adult. . Other testimonials from physicians, and 'other re ettor ra ,, l , 3 , l: t andirlduals, May be seen on , application to Dealers supplied on liberal terms. No Wacn smoke antes+ Proenred from H. W. BOSTWICK. Bola 'twit, No. 674 )3ItOADWAY, Sew York. I=l SlithDLErS BREUMATIO cure for °broom and inflammatory RHEUMATISM. The 'following are a tew among the many who have been cured by this remedy—certificates of whloboan be seem at the offices • • Capt. William A. Hambright, /1.3 Booth Seventeenth 'treat. Philadelphia. erles Your,/, MO North Fourth street. Milled. D L. Stalls IL 8. Marabout', Atlantic, J. Itiebobid Newlin. it Market street, Philad.' Ch Dallier. DM Walnut street, Philad. Leonerdatuer, and wife,l3l9 .North Fourth streeet Philadelphia. EPOT-4(0.1919 FILBERT street, between Eighth and Ninth street!, Philadelphia. AGENCIES—No. 500 North SIXTH street, cornei of Thompson street, Philadelphui. WM. H. GRIER." Raymond House,"No.Bl2 SAN. SOM street, Philadelphia. apia-wdidte T° riVROLESA RV LE C - DRUGGISTS AND Mn. JAMES BETT S ' IN V E NTIONS FOR LADIES.— Approved of and highly nyeennnendett by the Medical professionthrouPhont the United States, hirty Thou. sand Invs'ids havi ng been advised by their ehytneians to use her Swahli' Appliances., She would caution Merphants and of matt* purchasing eases; at her resident*, lON WALNUT Street, where ..she can Se ..nealtral chili, between the hours of 9 ands. Her • ..k o[ _testimonials will be given on application. tht-ttr lINTER'S VEGETABLE WORM TEE GREAT READING VERMIFUGE. This incomparable combination for WORMS, is now to be had at either of the Drug Stores named. Satisfac tion guarantied or the money refunded. Give it a trial and you will not be diaappoined Ambrose Smith. Seventh and Chestnutf. A. B. lAidY, Ninth and F'ilbert ; C R. Needles, Twelfth end Race ; P. 8. Oliver, Broad and Chestnut; J. W. Smell Sixteenth and Market; J. R. Ansnay, Fifth and Spruce; Callender & Co., Third sod Walnut ; W. Hodson.jun., Tenth and Arch ' G. 0. Bower Sig ht and Vine J. H. Kay, Eleventh ppd Arch; J. tr. Lippincott. 104 North Fifth street • J. If Eaton, to South kaghth street ; Aga Jones, Folio _ F. Trenohard & Rich mond; A. esenwine. Plinth end Poplar ;S. Filbert, Thirteenth and Wien; A. R. Hortter. Broari and Coates; S. Chasm an,_Eighth and oates; T. Brandon, Ninth and Callowlulti F. Lehman, "Plorteenthand Po lar; A. N. Parsons Callowhlll and Franklin ; W. D. Webb. Tenth smd Spring, Garden; J. R. Armstrong. Fourth and Thompson D epot bbott, Broad and Parrish. Wholesale at Reading, Pa. myitatuth3t" H ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCTHII, THE GREAT DIURETIC. BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMSOLD'S EXTRACT BU THE CHU GREAT DIURETIC. ILELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. TILE GREAT DIURETIC. And a Positive and Speoido Remedy for Menses of the Bladder, Gravel, RidriDebsts, Grannie Weakness. This Medimnejnorenses the power of Digestion, and =sites the ABSORBENTS Into healthy notion, by , which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re dsmed,sa well as PAIN AND INFLefardATION, and tog - 04 for mEN. WOMEN OR CHILDREN Street Below 14,1 South TENTH Below CBES NUT Street,_Phitadelphia. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose or THEIR OWN " and "OTEC ARTICLEB GE N UINEPUTATION ATTAINED AI MOOED'S PREPARATIONS. 1110PATKONG WiII.SKEY=I-10 P. AL-0.• KONG WNISKEY. HOPATKONG WIINII:KEY. This delta Tonic Stimulant, Metaled from the pursjoice o apple.. espeoiallysdeeigned for the nee of the Medics Pt end the Family, is fact super ceding the numerous " Gins." " Whiskies." &0., winch tare bsenpalmed olfor. the public as pure liquors. t is endomed by_all the ro _pminent P VSICIANS, CHEMISTS, and CONNOISSEURS, as wowing alt the medicina qualities which are so in dispensably necessary in an article of this kind. It is put up in elegant style, in large bottles at 76 cents each, and is the cheapest and the purest spirit now in the market. J. C. 111.88 & CO., St holesale Agents, No. 7 South SIXTH Street. A NEW AND WONDERFUL 1 /18uo. yERY for the Curo of itheumatient arid Goat. • 4,EBLIE'B ARTHRITIC PILLS* This medicine is offered with the utmost confidence of its being the most effectual remedy for the above dis eases ever yet discovered. No danger need be appre. headed from its use by the moat delicate. Prioe per box. Can be sent by mail, on enclosing one postage stamp and price of PIIL. For sale by the sole agent ' , ALEX. J. fiARYER,• No. 119 &nth FRONT Street, EP U OAT 10 Pi Eil. pNaLtsu AND CLASSICAL BOARD -ILLI ING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS MT. JOY, /Animater oounty.Pa E. L. MOORE. Prinoinal, The looefion M. in every respect, a very dem rabie one. Course of instruction ample and thorough. Pupas ad miffed at any time. For particulars send for a mon Mr. my4-Im. MRS FREDERICK BODGES, OF BOS TON, intends opening a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG rDIES in Ong city, co/monolog in Benterabor next. re. H. has the honor o interring to the /Loh Alex. H. intim, D. II , Reator o the Churoh of the Roll Trinity. Circulars. with full particular's, may be obtained of Air. F. H. Hodge., 701 - VINE street. , ap24.3m. _ _ AA"' OAN hitildOOL INSTITUTE is a reliable Medium throes liw Mob B°looli:rand Faint. 11w soap obtain *op tent Meehan:. Yarents mai ob. s tilfataltonaly. rination end woolen; of the best . • 1fgt13, ' 141:170, 9 1P,...., 0 NUT Street. Philademma. PIRTANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL A-1" BILBELANTILE COLLikatta, located i rhi,. .4. B. oarner BEVEBI and S t .M in, 4% Beale, Olevelesd, Mimeo. and of IrMition. call or mend for Catalonia. re- ge,XTICNSION TABLES ARE NOW tory. FREEnZtEIZir LTA IISTARD SEED, White and Black For Nate ' WETHERILL k BROTH asap 47 4.11144 Nnrlh RIPPIIN T 1 AM ROAD AND CAKE BAKERY, No. 1323.N0rth BBOOND street, Between BROWN dud POPLAR. Havlnkburehased the Bakery fernterlY ooeutaed by Witham H. Moberg) we are prepared to to ply the Nubile with Bread made, fro i r the b eeoreat plain and flint - Laney U t a etgnd Plea; ra • F ENNEL REED—For sale by • WAITNERILIs & BaQTIMR. 4,44 47 and 44 North :I D kitro7t42 ; I$G, - • ' torr.ii -''' I . 7 r- ii 7 --' ‘: 5.1,4. et• At ; " ' ' 1 IRA 21114 4 i r ' *, P I P " / I A titii t i L AI k it ° . alnialtarjr ...d r eitete ...d greet threittli.agt. l o . a i d eaa t % rellitt 1111#11Zigfilak:N„t4,3 liam l ll n'daly Mae Maine to ad r ...It dolid ~...4 ford 0041119 5 t: 5 119 tit e t 7 1 ), ft... 51. =kr i i . Wall 14 ci liog:mt 911-romrli astaabinfei;oi r "rot . ea offer enpert r. mdeellrateta to th fellidAdr u ,ni . itt horirding. ° A. M. .501.TOEC nlleda I v,,, ~,18•1%, Ste . Ropenntendeeo . , — lqOllOE.-4 , ollllBTii 1 a ........ ..... _ vigaßT___ .1. RoAIL-raik itNi t '.i 1 - ",:,'.' 1 &yr.-7T* 4At p 5 IBM ' tie ,- 'win ,' giro: • ' ' ” Ir Air ,'''' "° :!' iSr jr'aff.Ca . ' ... oixa• og .1.4 4 , ~,,,, ' lp4Vi ILL 151,011 , 119 41 prrh . 1- f ' 4. s tqt Dlo l 4 l o o r i t',o olo,S, 7 P ERNOM THAW fa ligrielliwei. boinis_ai l T o • 4 ,,,,,.. hitategera of tfoorteiOO4ll,7o3 an spe t, ! i , •••, ;:f • l AggitEllOyairrihki ' 1 40 BEST 'PIIEST4 Fl oai rlt'4ND INTE kV E,DilikT , i Trente'fot itf eet 0 bettet o Vae. Pi e ldelphte Nom tee. trre t t'a, n a c hrling A. td., .§ l ll t t Mir ilt i gt On Sundetre at aA. M.. add I P.M. . , 1 YeuengiF t sb rkt4ttone on- the Philadelphia, and Bal-' timore•C ..Ertillad will ,teM the T.SW and Mee A. .an P. M. none. . b i ai r PUILADBLPHIA 1 AND REAPAAtiI notaL—PASS NOe.R. TRAiNB for r Rsl6lVrAddW eio NS l l 2cyriv i . I ,‘ i ... — CAL PIBd L4-; Rift T illt r i s eri,•44A - Dlu r .r.ralA, traetengerentreatei on Tht ',tenth An oR. CittlootillAtreets 1tti.20,;m4 oonneettnyt at Rarnsborg Inttr ute PENNBYLvANLAI B AIL ROAD,I PoM. tram Pittebure, t thy! CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1121 P. M. trope tegalatt42 effinanharabur a, Carlisl e _ kn..... and the /10MTEREN CENTRAL RAILROAD r IP. At, tram, tanning to ehuti bury,•ao. • APTE N ° 3 kin : CALLDW ..2,e are Retaloopt,eo r ,A, and i llll,L i etreeto, l'ttllA. by lit,(Fassengsreziliw_em ralwrgratir r in, atirm:Lifwfiff ll; RE Me,' only, a 5 P. M., DAlLY,l...ffsie 'eV, ? metal, DISTANCES VIA YEILADIIIIRIA AND REAltilldl:4 . f • : . 111. A / L ROAD. . FROM rxitraniLnize. Mimeo. , To honixtalle -.......- zi . ending. ~. —...;;..-. 88 Phile+lBl9luaamd fteed_ tor Leban0n................ 88 and Lebanon Valley R. 2 1 -1 Harnebur......... Jl2 124 gibers arc . ....142 . Northern Centre,' ' Trevortott Jenition..l2B - Railroad.. • Su nhttre. , . 1 ...;4i1.,....1 LletroMlartg—:—d.......l)Nolol . • i . . . t Amoy.. ..• . ..... .IN Sunbury and Erie R. 4. I Williallitimi..— ....IN ' , • ' 1 . 113"11 8 r:t e if::: -- M 8a1t01imit0h_.....f.:17.235 ( willi ... wt , ind El i ttirs :, n _... ... —MI lmita.. ~--.stit Railroad., , 1 at T4l o , , Mt4:iint d the..tio P. artli t i,i r - a Atltte n TA d i ilyi .WII3BA, VALIAIVe. n ana tea et.ALtD.AI making 0141.41clato n ono with linos to Niagara - IP 0 C lin d o k i t gißliad t anl w al s :'! _. ~orner of ROAD and CALLOWR 4 Wet" • . ~ rts,23-tf.. . , W. H. MOILNENNEV.Oneretare. , WEST MESTER R_AIL ROAD TRAINS.vta PENIIBI(LMMIT,RO . tD. Leave Depet,Porner ELEVENTH' And MAMIE _Streets, dal (except Sunda) at 7.16 )430 . M., Cad 4f k . Leave West Chester at GAS A. M.. 10 46 A.M.. and & PAC alcomili - PHILADELPHIA AND 'READING HE .- REDUCTION OF FARES! On cud after APRIL WO/Mk Commutation Thirsts, with twenty-six coupons, irtll;,be Alerted, gorppi; the holder and any member dant 1111111171 Mill neer Train, and at Any tills . They will ao Iry the Treasurer, at the office of the cornea; ' a i l co. SR Beath .POUR'PIi - atreet, at ereduotiarrdf Or y-llve ist7 dent. from the regular fares. Parties wig ng to enjoy the Bummer In the Country will find this- a very desirable route, ,he eahuyitoll and 'Lebanon-Valleys OCR rl d strums the most beautiful and healthy In tbelStej WI SORG/- Kb/0 by four trains from and to Phdade htA da Ir. - . B. BRAOFO , Treasurer. yittbilmr.enii. lihrob 116th.1840., _ . mhlfhlf INSURANCE ANTHRACITE INSURANCE' COMPA NY.—Anthorized Capital SlOO,lOO-:-CHR.RTER PRAMUAL,. Office No. Mt WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, 'FMB Coinpeny *IR ins= ageing Iges or deniege by Fire, on Duildnigs, Furniture, and Dierohanduos gene rally: - Also, Marine Insurance, on Veneto, Cargoes, acid Freights. Inland Insurehce to allgarte or the Union. DIRECTORS Jose t i.h M N. Ecaxfield, Dr. eorge kert, John R. Makulton, "Wmw. Dean , • J. B aum. UCOB Mama Preiriden W. M. SMITH. Secretary. t. WM. Fs DEAN. Via* ththl tO . ' _ Jacob Irshir., D. Luther; L: &Wearied,' Davis POSTP,OII, Pater Bigger, INSURANCE AND TRUST LOOM- ANYetnittLlVE MUTUAL baEJ2(BII. OE Cton.P.sxi - ortheast omen e( TAMP sad is, MAE Et. j Utfult r a il S u er tee whole term p.r dih—erante vie and e wskio n.. toe interests in t• aivenduis ova th• iilngo u nte:g le. • " They sot as mi ni t d.". Admisistrakei, AWHII4OII licutess.sad OMEN. fle a rletal mi cA, WrieMn i g ir ek r Ajo ard el. awe.% William P. Hacks P i n! Eger. is Wiling H. Kern, r. °l ns . omelet C. Rum. V I I i Reseee lia ll e,wee, en A._ et', 11 1 1 1 to ggii r kiitV . ' olttlf i ! senor, • WillUm H. cam i tOeidea,l T ' chriattert o .. , ....147.a.a09:11111. Itranier NI. Rana, ' • • . WOW. P. Bay y. , •• . ' gmL. lie Eli iVidint. . .8 , i • se =art. • less W. Helena. flearetAre., ' , cell but often, fills theYnnn." IPRANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. A: 136 _bath FOUXO Stniet,betireenChiat ' nut and Walnut, P mudslphia, pay s OA Deposits on demand. „ Depositors' money secured fibvernment, Mate. and City L oa ns, Ground Rept., N o w gages, &a This company dean/UW . 4Y belts/ thkrtjanit profits, consequently warns risa In ego same' money, but have it at all times ready to return. with a per cenblatcest, to the owner.. a they have always done. This Company paver '"R•ietr i. , married or 'single and Minors...oLn deposit in s thear own right. an d'sch deposit, can be withdrawn ONLY br thou consent. Charter per incorporated by the State of Pentusylrams with Authority to receive money fm a tr o uttemndejlalt ims RECEIvED. Office peen dai l y, long 9to 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday evening 11120118 o'clock., DIREMES. Jacob ghaniten, oyrna Nwaneder, • John Stundier, George WOO. Maiaohi W. Moan, Edward_ • Hyatt, LIMN Krumbhaar, /teary Delany, [ Nicholas Rittenhouse, Notbakfilmedler, Joa. IL eatterthw ep elte w /peek 'erkes, x Jh _• ppcot JA os Cori kntiNN an O.N t ;President. CULT!!! CADWALLADER, Millltirer. no2B-y 4. A Dollar saved is twioe earned." S,IVEtsIG FUND—FIVE PER CENT N-7IN TEREST.—NATIONAL BAPETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Street, sonthireat comer or THIRD. Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Mete of Penneyl veni. Money is received in any earn, larye or small, amid in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with draws!. The °Moea opep every day Into nine o'clock m the morning till five o q look In the evtiony. and on Monday and Thursda y evenings till el 6 i. . • on. HEritt.) , BNNEII.., President. °BRIT B.SLFRLOGEr Vice President. WILLIAM J. Axan, Peoretary. DIBECTORe t Ron. Henry L. Benner, P. Carroll Brewtter, Bdward L. carter, ioaeph S. Barr, . Robert dielfndge, Bamusl K. Milton, Ja mes rmn a l V l ' m er e k; a , 0. Landreth Mutate, L. Btephenson. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made, in conformity with the provudons of the Charter, in Real Estate hiqrtmes, ,round Rents, and such first-olass securihee as will al waye insure perfect security to the depoeitors and which cannot fail to give permanently end Notability to taus Institution. cut ly SAVING PUZTD—IINITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST , NUT Street. Large and small rums reoeived, and paidbait on de mand without notioe, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the der of devout to the day of with drawal. Onse hours, fro m 9 until o'olook every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for male on England, Ireland, and &Wand, 'from Li upwards. resident—STEPHEN R. cRAWFORD, AblatlYTTSjeilot&!iljti WINES AND LIQUORS. irrECE VINE•GROWERS' COMPANY OF COGNAC. ' a % . . • CAInTAL, THRkiIIL.6IONS OF FRANCS. THE COUNT DE SAINT-LEOER, Passuncsr JULES DURET. Vei L MANAGER. AGENT . N NEW YORK, JOHN OSBORN. -- '' -• THIS CORPORATION, numbering amongst its share holders fourteen hundred Proprietors of the best Vine yards in the Dietriet of Cognac, Its extensive Establish ments being located in the centre of the town of that name, wan organized for the express purpose of main , taming the standard character of PURE COGNAC BRANDY. by shipping that article, in all its native purity and ex cellence, to Correspondents in Foreign Countries, and in bound down by it. Statute of Regulation to confine its transactions entirely to the Smnd• grown within the patriot of Cognao. and wholly the produce of Vine yards in that highly-favored !reality ; on no condition whatever admitting into Its atorehoueee any Brands which may have been produced without the limits of said District. With the object of extending the Just reputation of their brand thy such means only an will meet the ap 11=11 Te a lTiti:d o ri ja i l: . mP l e ` N t i s i bbc ß in r i 0 . ERS' COMPANY has authorised the Agency in New t York to put up their mimeo Cognac Brandy in oases of one dozen full-sized bottles each, and the same will be 'disposed of to the Trade and the Public, by the under • mentioned respectable firm. Every bottle is sealed with the capsule of the Corn 'panty—the corks bear the same atamp• and the labels inAaan an exact deaoription of the quality, duly signed In fao-simile, by the Agent of the Company, The Brandies now offered consist of two different qualities, both guarantied to be equally pure in quality. differing only in point of age. and degree, of strength depending thereon. the oldest being the least_p_otent. One denoription. lathed THE VINE-OROWESB' THREE YEARS OX.D, is an excellent article of the ;age represented, suitable for family or medicinal per 7 &11Ntralit i I".gli h f rEDltlinglNdieZgontleedd the n account Viq- .of its extreme agn, and became The remote year of its actual production in beyond positive verification. Objections having been urged that the bottles are too Urge, and the Brandy of a greater strength than is usu 'ally manned to the public the Agent 01 the _ontpani ventures to express the opinion that a large bottle may .be preferred to a smaller orie, and that in obtaining the article of the exact strength at a. Inch it was exported frPiti Corinne. consumers may recognise, the advantage et adding water to Emit their own taste, instead of our ,chasing Water at the puce of Braud_y_, For sale only by GREEN, RROTRER, A. COOPER, No.llB WALNUT Street: apl4-stu&th Sm. ;DIES' TRAVELLING BAGS • - anufaetnred and for sate by 0. P. RUMPP, 118 'lildrth FOURTH Street, above Arab i Wholea4le and retail inanuttiottirer or PQRTE-XONNAIES,_POWIET-EOOKS, CIGAR OASES. MONEY-RBI:TS. Saoltels. Puma. Gabes, Bankers' Oases, Dressing eases ,bing. Writing Dealt di,one, Port-Fo li na. Bilk pod., Job primal. C . ANDLEB 7 . 1 PARRAPIYE WAX, PultE SPERMACETI, CHEMICAL SPERM, ADAMANTINE. ' &sorted sixes, _rooked i? plain or fatesy boxes to suit an merket: rotgele h Use /meets the innoufneturers. TfLi MoKEON E. 22 find 94 S. Wki RVES felß•swtlr pDINT PLEAsAWF FOUNDRY, No. 951 131401-T &treat. Kensington, 'PLEAS informs hm friends that, having pur- Chased the entire stock of Patterns at the above Foun dry, he Is now prepared to receive orders for Rolling. 'risk, and Saw atilt Castings, boar, and Muse Work. Gearing. Outings - mado from Rover . , ratery or Oupota Farnamia. in dry or green sand; or oath. - my9-tf .1311 LS Prime Halifax and Eastport Begins seo botitinalad Honing, *0 MU tp3,92ite Fah, stpre for b - 09.. • • ' tai fil SA: YIN LI FUNDS. Mit=d T LE i O l , weignise,{‘Banuarifibt er =, , ,., it r,", flirb. , 4l•MMIX •` Ni r lotZof s rtb iinvjeluotkdTi / 1 - 1 43 V . tie 'Or OndfiliT,-FaBOONS. OF :4: A: 1 19;f Q,Fimgage• ••,, • m — • 13),--Tseidarsondsc.• 11 1 FMl4lo.ltWokook-- -•-• ' • - st r ipi 'caTto,A• plain. ilud, etproaft• tiggiodi • • •••1 • • sole E bonnet II oompnaing A litt on : f tv.obest good, tt•portwa, mut worthy Ilike ats SAO DOZEN COTTON- NoSIERY, or SUPERIOR - „ ,• „ ri,Stio'doS:wintS, blsok, MILS mixed ociftcbi , 1 747 1 11, 1 31:437, fonorodtkik balf Econ., ' SALE OP PRENOR • Pitao ; - Vp 2 jitlitaVat7 , 6 . l:6; ;lia at - iTrs' mid.; goodm :14 FAd 1 1.W .11 1 8 4 11,1141 1e. wi th ih tt rt -etir .. enter' i b sehe &d :en 'feted 'wan nev e m Ut t ar al/ . Ceteer zureieute et6ileter.seita arm , lvo fitted out for immediate sae. 2 - vivellgract 111111111111uss tom. terted 'Ple_vr im Erklreeht vegulet,ione.„ .• , -. • .—Tee 'watt vesY too, every del previous tq dee , Let ihe tnelxivaete otteat Airy, eaetem BSCOTT dr."AtT OVER" No : ;431 kir cirraTritrt and ' 014= VRG ls rA w ß e ri442A lt ems seta ,-- Or arrWa- SGOPIO wgooxis, - 14, ,• . ! • , dr ng. . . , Mar' W. &Ojai/inn dr at °Woolf; conbraoinca Ent variety of grourat and vista, farolvifft and plain - a - An A ligipt! for Viafainatian, early on pat okay's* dr no, , ATTRA CTIVE 80LE _Or 300 CARER MORT DEi iSIRABL.I4 SHAER - AND' tang. -BTRAW - BOX: ET., FAIICY HATE FDATN, 14,0DOMILD• MEN'S AND Bey_m, HATIO.,&o. • , On 'Monde Morning'. ' " Mel n. b.;oo.lo‘ol.pnrs orsOoomisenpiu at W 4 o'clock provisely.. agi . bmiftg pplOr . s eo Ole Most eh'gice, 31/410S Amager irtimactiaw, brand.Enthah. And Amoy bpanom4.44Velig paid olutdcon'i fancy preloppul. 4M1.1,01#0610 , 1 1 4 : froN, Men's afid•iktyl i pittki Mkt Tali ft:lW aid issi*r! has, . BALE A titRINIC.Ari 6.1115 gPOVEI) DRY, iNXIDD, BONNET AND TRIM IN itiartor(So FRENOR FLOWER.. ko. • , - On Wednisday ' May 23. by ostatogae, oft oredit;commenal22 at 1 0 , o'clock, will be sold. anattractive sasortment of maw atipooda. adapted toolty retard ;Wee, and eatakmkaa saw on the - mwelap of MI f JOIMLIP'.FORD &,C0; ATIOTIONVIRS: Np. 580 MARKET NOW. sad 521 MINOR Elter BALE et. OF READY-MADE CLOTHING INCLINER - • •Oh We eddy Morwegt g i ; eektokitreectely.szA•beaold by cata logue, iota or roper2Or ready,- e clothing. con sisting e the usual sesortinenty for otty and country dales. of seasonable deeds. • Aldo, f 1 msoftmoot of lima and mull: abuts, on sodadas of olinfaotaFO,F. , BALE ANDN) CAM 00TP. EINGI3II. BROGANS, STRAW EATS AMY EMMET& . . . • • - On :Thursday Norma, • • Mal 21; at 1.0 'o'clock precisely. be edid. by catalogue, on row months credit., lAnal oases men's, boys', and youthe•lnp_and calf toots' Indent leather and gl i ft r igv.&Oxibrd nosh accii.sroonni'a, SWAIM% and Also, a full brittirl'"rocco boots , shoes. &e. Y-made 000. , , • BTRAWr dean, Thursday afrorP°6"d Mat 1 Galosh' matlisely.arip.' be ani it Me assortment of ladies' and - mamas straw bonnets, arm and bloomers ; men's area boyar' A.iiirtiorny pedal, braid, PUMMEL talisa straw. trlumnal bats; Also, SO eases nren's and boys palm hast do: Lops,' 'WILLIAMS. •BO Lt' A ' CO: AITC-: ir v' TIONEERB & COkfaillikir lithle t ir. No. 6 North , MAlt4 St., , I4T. /JO 111, di i rly ' with Mum firent,Claat re t. & Ca, i offer 4 6166 their ser_vose to thews eta, tilaillet and' others of rialkidelphiltaor tee Mlle o gooda, oar- • °Wl=eliorie r hmaii me, Nrilittr 40. d o , advances made o'S reeeiniOf &Ws:. rEr Settlements made three &trims, Ws. . . cir lis e rl frga. ri & Cla top l int Pelia•P libia. " ' Van write Townsend acres. New York. ... ' La & B. Cultla it Co.; niewVork. " Wood. MINA", St. C o l, St. Lode, Mo. " Crow. *oysters &co u mlitiii-thetalr inzrrniu. Ass: INA, Taw sollTEHAßLiss lovrititvidseAraAmeatire.. IL e lol l'.Fieuibt et altgr anvil= percent. be- . " grSIA A:1; 1 it - - • ' Thai tr. ll etamadur STOt WATY. Oar Ws Ohinien P. Maishataah lOU tail on Friday. liny ti, s6lO A. na. , • . - .„ .. . , - 'WINO In el ta IllniVAlrt ales, • - • YO ,8A 'The U & NISI St. la AT GEORGIA.- Oantnin John I. Wein. min 'on Wan Idly ;, , _ M us/gll to SG boars—caly s til ham at Ave days. icte= and itffs=l= : eve Id_fast-slase sidorbgclatpieshise lAN MATE and OTATV OF tiSO Anew run as above every ills dars,llmslollllOlN a' 001111111111- mite with Cluuleigas and Elayarialei ths Welk au llilrest.. At ip. Charleston aid Savannah, taisi mit lft td.'. s leflUA.p BC Freight end liegrano On a tarp proportion of shipiesd tloitth b. fount to bq lithe. by thems E V than by sailing meal* Mu arms= being one-halt • rats. B.—lnearanue ea alpines: m . J .. ,nutt is entire . 1 11=Oargi ti TO= theattrialig R.BOMT OM ut es.e. bvimaizieen ituirjr uleullaVolistivOqm'Fllidatra*ries re"ado_pl Cor a ßp l ipS L OTIesWa and ear Ma to lion ly t i gthtell7 ' , ilikulagos .... es a aussask--. Id MI Aunts_. U UOO U pr U% onarr...-.. is so oe ' ow VINSUIL. .. 1. 11 0? 114- 011VoixTii i imitat0 ' UHT% NT.. ON Zr.— . at T 9. 'TsVir, se tu,. • - , steams garobas tun ; - - , m eteam= it. Marra and tanlll.l. TO Luton.:4llll U swab.... — LI 00 nada— 19 09 t 0..........- r :I, 1 No Vol' Mini Mold Zit abot i Mi•=at i Or Ag WI ti l l=,__q ° HU . For Plotid — L s Sa gn u l k, For rids from Bay • ta. John • avorY Taws, , PIOTIVEB. OFFICE OF SCHUYLKILL NAVIGA- T lON COMPANY. MAY lath. 1810.—Front and after July 16th; 18614 and until d' SepteMber let. MM , the changes for the 'use of Cain, an for Toll and Trans portation on Anthracite Coal, carried to Philadelphia, by way of the Sohn_ylkill Navigation. will be inereseed Fifteen Cents per Ton on the rates fixed March 11th, 186 U; and on the Let of September. Mlia. a Igniter fe mme," of Fifteen Cents per Ton will bede on said °harass, and SO confirms until the nose of 'l ma evitation. By order of the Managers. F. 'FR a LEY, myll 1m President. p ItOP OS ALB FOR BITUMINOUS ' L • COALII.--fealedproposals will be received at the ; office of the PHI tie DBIRBidt Oditi wORNEI, No. 20 • South fißVßaiTa Street. until loom of FP IDAY, June 'S. 11M, for any part or the whole of fifty thousand tone : of Bituminous Coils. seiteble_for the manufacture of Can, to be delivered at the this Work., on the Schuylkill river, in snob monthly quantities as may be specified in the contraot. *the first deliveries to commence in the month ofJcily neat. The Coale mintbe fresh. clean, and dry, and of a quell ' ge t te b tre a irg a lr witan"e engineer. The ,Tihaelt=ll. - 0 1 4! nigh. and if of a kind not before used at thaw works, samples of .not lam than may tone for trial will bere quired previous to the time of opening the proving& The growl tea of kW poen., will omuudered lie Elle weight intended in it epoposals, unless oherwitie ex pressly stated. and if be preferred to deliver by ma . sure, the Itqleit bushel of 2,:“.; cabin inches wilt be used. In CAWS of failure to deliver the Coal sooording to agree ' ment. the t wherevere Sas Works rotary° the right ' to purchasthey may deem beat. and charge to the contractors any loss or damage consequent on . such failure. The payments will be made in two lanai instalment., at four and six months alter the asecilled periods of de livery, the lath of each month to be taken as the aye , rage °film monthly sno or, at the option of the trustees. payments be made to on h , with interest 'deducted, ' Should the contractors prefer to deliver the Coal ear lier than required, itlimy be received, if, convenient to store, bat payments will be made to date from the tune speolbsd. he security for the fulfilment of the oputraet will he regrured. JOHN O. CRESSON. : virlay X, NZ Engineer Philadelphia Gas Works. mig-Sett NOTICYR-TO RAILROAD OONTRAOT . SEALILD PROFSALS. will be resolved at the office WOthe WEST I RSEY RAILROAD CoMPANY, at WOODBURY, 0 oncester county, New Jersey, for the ',,ctadinit of Railroad from Woodbury_to Glassborough, a distance of 10 miles,/ until TILURSDAY, the 10th of ay, 1860. , Also, at BRIDGETON, for the_grading from -Bridge ton, •in Cumberland county, •to Pitts.own_, Salem county, (a distance of 10 miles,/ until TRURSDAY, the 17th of May, 1&V. Also, at GLASSEIOROUOIf, for the grading from httstown. la Salem county, to Olnesborongh, in the wils o liAT. a lcrA ., o ( f ei g ga Mt of 10 miles) until Profiles, Plans. and ElpeoidoetiOns of the Work may be aeon at - the ENGINEER'S oFFICE, JA_WOOD BURY, for the Fleet Division ; at BRIDGRTON, for the Second Division 4 and at GLASSBOROUGH. for the Third Division—three days before the lettinsof each " W. WOE, ap26-tin.734 TIFFIOE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND 'L. , READING RAILROAD COMPANY. PIIIZADELPHIA. March 12. 1910. The rats , al freight and tolls on coat Was:porta by this company tell be as _follows from Marc!. 12 un lit further mews : To B mon i k 7 ., Phdadelp Inalined m 0wn.......e . Gerantown ... ...... • •K r alls Bohm , *di Hebert e Conshohocken. ..... Swede Furnace...... .. Rambo's.... leorriet'n or Bridgeport Port Kennedy....__. Valley thoMixvillo Hoyex's Ford:— trammgo.. • ..... itle nok. Bird:Pr, Reading Leesport. .. Bambara . Orwlgab'g and Atuburn,l After Jul' lath to BePtem to Richmond will be ream after heptomber let, an ado per ton i 8 Tr ell 2 ber 15t, the • 15 cents • • itional adv . BY order or the W. .srdot H. MOILH CAUTION !—ASTROLOGY !—LOOK GUT I—GOOD NEWS FOR ALL:—The um:. !mins Mrs. VAN }LOAN is the 'best; ;the tweed! when all others have failed, All Who ere in trouble, en who have been unfortunate, devolved by fales . krommeih fly to her for advice arid comfort . Ye fees airs slift never jails. Bh6 il4ll. Os west of winning' a 1400 lions of the opposite tex, It is this ' foot which indium illiterate pretenders to try to imitate her, and COPY her advertisement. rho allows, you the Ilkeston of:it : LA:- lure wife, l)nitnand, or fitment friend. 'lt is well wit to the public It large that she if the first and y per sonoln whLetiat2'2C4l4lt4rXel in reality, netil can entire ie telyprovwd by Baptismal " , Itilla : c r i tiliLitil ! iti o W , um l i tad oi rM yuut ey, ... m ., /Met, Dilltir_,AM, !brand /I . ',: •Pgl.-v•oi O ff i li tt A RATAIL At VI eitalkLets" r . •, EzNotoritLOOK 4 4 3 llllll o milterjr,v= *i 0. Rade D?: mi t IfikPro law w t; Noe :tense •+.- betuesurffeetivsamt Isegieb4feff Posiseetess x ..ot l s o rnir str e et OßY ,BAM.k I" Mn. erase .at IrttiZ•, name Estate—Fßostx Dem, 0 AND ATM ILK Fookferelesk Toon-AWN feat frostily one *AP wassa'oll6 ' Exteutore Perseueory eatelb l eteof Mrs:. rata in NEB./31'01Y Bit SWILLIN0.:1101120501 oorner k Seventh and_ftrnenatene_. demo E ste etator - TNICSJS-STOItY JAMIE DWELL MIX& MO Ueiserost. motel Third. - Sint g gat le:Mebatirtatrart and blood sliktots: - Nano eLNLery . Smite. WA.,—TIIIIIIIATOILY BRICK DWELLING- Nb. Slab Lombard tINII4-01 Trine Boast, fsrthahth s twee ; Neff break , ui rear. eta P•met _ asaserttot delsliscan,... &et, " ROUSE.E, tL /1111D15B AND" A D' itsttenbour IMO& 001111 W Of Ono 471111 at 70 lest by 01 feet. - -- . ' APRIL EstsOfTWO-Crolty ferosnrozWELLM3, on Olf NOthesstefff side of OmbsiNs4 sroess.sse nisutowgh L. ' --, • Seise .gstak.:VALVAALIik -FARM. weer. fit rms. M arlaVarkr i ri i r i fra i ii *Of - D -IY6s. - 1611 eletiOnt plis•torititur Sixtesett, street. - • • - r .• _ NEAT. bTOELE AND IMBLLIIII.G, Re. ira .ftabi Fifth street ; below Morris - street, oessmite Coo PAN Sintisairesta-VmseagerAtuhray •depot, anoint Oa for ?Eta, Mad Pi. swa4tr isitpits,2l bet) test ; tie My " artib e rA nee itil4l - AG/fir4selrel! ilifidlloll/1111hip, M MOSOILTAWL I tthar-Atni Mid northwest 'perm of 3 et and :Flurry- 11%.. d•thre•-story - Molt dir+4lllWll4l, burg. Twenty. third maid. Y. by zgl fief, finale LEM Delaware river. = TRACT qv LAND in oLemfee eematr. TAMIL about ME mime Fast of the towisof 'Name, wattassuis MB acres • - TRACT OP' VOID in _Victoria leash Terms. em Et a:cede meek, Met 8 Wee esiet Yietellall,Mo - rl ifi r ttibt BTO 3 NY HUME li ; ‘4ELlNir , ii r rlttlFo Thirteatath street, WON of • Cirses,,meta c ciiirtiyanth ' ward. THEEN-NTORY BRICK DWELLING, Ns; ME Btandywme street. - • • BUSINESS FROPERTY--Ccial -.}aril, blacksmith al cm, osrmare house, stable and tero•Mory Mack wart aids of astri ofit thatreet. Ours Foster street., Lot, DTP , ' • • HANDSOME DOUBLE BESIDENCE,JmiIhemit corner Broadway andLT Mae% Cameo& Eget - atone sAt.esf Audrey rfetter. STOKE AND INU, Be. inq Ihnar gages EAT )1 1 8311)BliCitl , *Mg rt Twelfth streeVatio ' .„ • JIIODEEN FOUR ] g l Q h tl i e 4 1 ; " at i l:o. o 2lB r Bprece streo u tOreet at 4v4 rmoirba mt;:: N;,,000 a Year.:: gam *bedew - , - B r itoye Bo ! oa r RAE—IKE MODE D Arl4 l oitEr RIOR FORNITIIIIE. • 14116, - ARC ET.. • • My, Skitlo o'eloeki lbe rat=a; the premises: No. 1011 Arab street. Ow mo &ma otaidowes, with Salable three stork Usk 'Natalia ad It modenz It feet Maw Prat, In feet dosp.-to tort West: • • - - aIIPERIOR ORM ITORIA—Abro-lir'ostalosais t the superior boullObold fatMarepitado pees! k'Om- ST puticialalt headbilleadeadagepa Ey . ateandb abosiLlir plautrrumsaiamo, - ER- -P ATER, WRE,. . TA ' PRITAY. CAN.Yrit ga tt. - . . , • Slat; at b) etect: aim doors- above Wansart._ tIM tGa rah elegant method: triews-Rarte, by Wilbela fine plated warc..hre-preef safe. tapliftrY kt.: ofa i spip i ad=s i ttr i et 3. Henkel', and has bee. muse beta it start t ime. SW' May ke: aziwwNt. : ateraaas-of soil, at i o'clock. - ' - Bassaseilers• LAROE BALE OE ?LYMAN BUBO BOO= YaLUABLS 111.11BOXI.L.011‘0U8woitILIS. Esc IC - 'BOONS, /to o the stook of a AGM= banns - - „ . the general business. • - " • Us Taibilit Mama!, May El, womanise it /0 eidoelt, Wilke W00..1 With out reserve, a lame aseartarest leTlstiar mom* sa miscellanea/ •books; itt cusatitles to pelt teats, toet of a Sus desalt.; the alueral boa beasems. • • -- pQp EssalSe_a_4ll Ao Tanday ]torsos. • At Pareleek, a the Aucteest s althillararka pwatient second-hand fsraitatg, t runtirs, corsets.- ate. -fre eiekalliqWrPl'°lll4so,l/00): allElaulatist , IIEECIAL AND E_EFIENISI - 01WW-T MX oil, PAINTING& this Ike 'Thu/. WEBER, _Eac of this airy, w is en the eve of WA • diarture for ouropp for the beswitof hue lissltib - • ' Oa Friday Motatas.. - - ‘May_Ss, comments at -e'elleelt, ia• large moat over Mews Ckiokenng k Sous' etaao-ben essabitalt mat, No. BOT Chestnut Moot, win-be sot& wi*owt. wave, a colleolatia of allude lad_ batitdil_____oriPaal esistings (landeasest/. by MIN row W• t i ST. with a few chola, works by other eatinestattita As Mr. Weber is about departing. for Enrols.. the whole oolk,otion will be sold withat he aims' raww , yahoo. iT days NOV; ja r :i ll /At, vitit =awe estZ AIM moms wentaxs,'Aucitzosinrai iyAL AND MUG &WON KUM" **MA Wtrie , win* ince swws Ritmo.. • . E.X.T.E1481 1 1/aLE MA ?J • r* ESITED eXtI.I6TA - win take idao• - ChrTased&T him Di, at f 1 o'ciaoa. OM for insweries 0121094 AY afternoon. • - MONEY L 04131.1 • - .: aseo,etre a ff Mem. at Or stook*, sold enter Sate. alat=- ry, fowling p aos4E.: , itt micuirdvare, cm . ow . horses v - at of WOF soy Moo 41.1MW0 tarms.thaa at say Met it VW - OUT-DOOR ll= .ii,. .- =ti to mtlaaaally by . tatt Mier kie . CONSIGN Gonsisamioatet of allX ri g i ngf e r glL o garb e w e r for moue sele ; It oldie semi irdl be advanowl in 'Woo.. •• • t • . . . SPLEN2_II) MINTING CA. GIOLI2 full LEVEN wATCH/sa, at karat floe, eatn. Maim _ . of the most &moved sad Met mahers, seat ben WS to I MO mob, at (Nis ilO to am . - nooks Netnews. VB. PAIMIR, THE ADVE&TISINO • AGENT.. FIFTH sad CHESTNUT, riv las the prsarirlrrxr4 _be* mode 0 r04 711 dans, between 10 and 4 o' r.. • 4,441 myll-tor • — P11.14E1., E _BAYLIS THOMAS_ • - • - ATTOBISBY.AT-LAW, Ban removed bloodies from No. t>e Aroh street to No: 429 wit ',Nur Bunt. Particular attention given to the reoovery of Ittereark. tile Claims.. The drafting and exammstion of Wil Coinnyanare,Ataiiinemnits. Briefs of Title. and o th er Instnunente wntmg. The matagentest of kneentor : ships, administratornuM and wrests. superintended; lna um best Remnants promind for the earn in vertments Mow. ,Segisfentort relorenee yet when required.. . - SaAttlitAl. BLO/4.N . - 1E44., *STATE Inn* ABDCRLLECTIPIIA. . mh234m. ST. PAITL. MINNINOII.46 HOl SEE, MFCRANLOAL ENGINEER, and - PATENT ATTORNE Y, No: - 114 Pond SIX TH Street, • (Nearly appoints theSousty Couthouse,) Prepares Fpeatheanons. Drawings. &e.. mid ersassots all other baroness coruscated with the obtaimne. of Let ters Patent. age Im* HAN WOK, CAMP, d CO., PRODUCI AND UPALEAL con 'limos har.Aawrrir, No. 47 &edit , WATER. Street. Cepahrunonta =Ad Agents autioilid., Agitate n. alt taediDientrertiltzors. . • -I fWe GNEICJIARYIO N SP • Arross_wr AND COUNitaLLOI-11T-LAW; Office, Noe 116 !kWh lIIXTII Street, - (Opposite independence ennum) • PaILADILPHIA. ' }tithe ludo( reliable Attorneys, at different poi is is the United fltstes, is enabled to preemie andcellert claims of every desorirn. Particular attention yen - to the essitination and re covery of the claims o Limatses and Deviessa,sed tee examination of Land Titles mid amazing the interesta of heirs and all persons Interested in - the suns, Inn& parts of the thoon.. Bee the Statutes of all the States end is Commissioner for strut of them. Depositions carefully taken under Conenkusuane. aernem wan E. KEENE, TOHINEY-A2.LAW. BHas R rem No. Sat Wahutt street toNGAIS th T HUDreet. - - mlai-11W- LFRF,D L. HOUGH, 4-mt PAPER MANUFACTURERS' AGENt Orden 'elicited tor eves deeenktion_of PAPER AND PAPER-mARERM sarATERLALS. No. IT South SIX= Street, Philadeislua. - • fal-itm" pAWSON NICHOLSON, . '' BOOKBINDER& tIOS. 1119 AND AU-MINOR STREET, Between. M arket and Cleetnnt atteete, PHLIJADELPnta. Isw-le J&SIEB PA47SON. /AS. B .NICHOLSON. • EXPRESS COMPAIItIES. • f q a bleLX 1.26 / 1.60 IXX IX L 1.96 1,96 IX IX 116 1.16 1.10 1.10 7as 107 1.09 1.96 1.61 , 100 1.03 61 RPRIENG TRADE. - • SPEED_, ECONOMY. AND -SAM". THE ADAMit EX sup CILESTNVI_ KEM T STRFS tridg . Respectfully give notive the they are prepared, with increased faoiliti es. 'or theq• archer of SPRING P CHASM, By pafteneer Triune. to al arts of he_ WEST, SOUT, AND SOUTHWEST. IjeIIIPTSGIVEN. -With nine tanned to destination. whisk we strata tee will be as low as those of any other responsible Ex press Company. - - - - The despatch with •which we put all descriptions of merchandise through to Pittsburg. Cincinneti,,Colum bus. Cleveland; Ctitinuo , Lexington, LonannUe. St. Yieebaille, and all other Cities and Towns in the West, cannot be excelled by any other Company. AiYai by oat Southern Enures:l. which has Wetly been 'established over th e great line of Rallreezw, me: Grand ]unction and himineappi Central, through ,to New Orleans, to Belomore, Washington, Alemsedps, _Lssicktring, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville, ' %Wi' b a l g Ve t OR= 4 1 ap d ill o thsroia=nd n torten! in me Smith and Soulesint., o lipieseiss Pare for the West sad South from our' Nt Gm =CHESTNUT Strati - daily, at 7 A. EL and it 7 , Firr new vs.*. at 6. 11,„ andll A. hi.. mid Sand HP,AIf., dally °Rata exegete!! Ittemeship Essress i , for ,Chsriesmoss Plannneti,Dlooll at our Aa be 7 .M. 'on the days before siottel Oar- wssou will eau IA taxis to any Part of the - within the faining limits, flelawsze end Bohikyltill riven, and Cotten and Sough streets. provided nonce be left at, our Mlles • herons an &elect P. IC Meselnints banana Out the Call Cards of tb es•heronsn U electP.Y. Adana Maas Coo maye/madam ear drivers gulag 'Met anis nla the saxes. For parttealaT.4loWW alter to tin ADAMS EXPRESS VOmaNy, t'eb.l9, HMO. spi-am -Joan Itumims, SaVt. freig .r to• • &atm N 1 TEWART , SPAISLEYNALT.-10 iheolis of thin WHIELIKEX reasi_ ivait sir. we In bond br ligu i I p . •Inyl2-km •• • Iss is RO look' ':. g 4 SEE, BLINDS, DOORS, . SIBITTERTh P.-7WlNTiovr_.r.Behms. &0.. at. I lowed os. prians. 726 011ieltD kventy6, (non odeTy,6 7 , .1 myna.- • 1 , - • WkLC k N ENNESS't .13UNDY.-70 casks, in half pipes, im*efig, Ind Mill far " 4 bond by rtnya-amr. GRu. W 1111. X Y._ HEMP , For isle by ~ 101=1134 =ME MMM ===l RINESII CARDS.
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