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' ' -4.0E-OlKt - '' k_.,-.41-taffii&A,10:41:711#11,1010, I: .-44,10*.k......J.-mr?7,,,i-7 • " , '-g' - 01, 1 4- 0 ~; nikip: 9:iiiiilool4.7 . , .., ! -- - ,:, iilPr I - -twiaved'it:Okieili ct,ll"* ttii 04' 4 i,ii i i!' - rii , ~9114 iiit*RAi fti lik l " 11141P5.:9A4 4 - .sa,lite ra t-.. fi - ifiii itia Oluliciit :---. , ii ..., _0040424.1m-,i 7 ,,, .rimiwida„---, lite - ?7 , 11141.e:: '" . . 11 ..._/,1 1 ,-,4* - 4 - 5 --- .OiOiALL,. V 4 ' iitakiiir,„ ;,74--wAii4o.ll= -,- ** - 4100 0 4c0,T,,--, 0114 1 , - , .. ' r -1 P 3 : ,4_, , - •:- •,4,i4F. '74;i iiritOriogeWit4e:**4 . 4460 ,-,,,),-, t,i i i so i i i:i s i i - i g as 7: - ~.. -. -.ltioiskrolotk. '. 7 - 4 ,-, 7 01 k = ,),l64 Atowelp:theztOOtT,--- r ~,. 1/1407--- --- iiiipiatatek . i1,..44411 41° "? 41 ! / 1-- Atoth - joroilicy :- - ;; Tititi**o4.,...dia_# ;2iiiii`*oti: 1iwiiiti_4404.0",°,,...-11*. -'-' - '-'-' 111iiitatiirthi t ,_.,- .::;-3-: 4 3 f - -, ' likii i * -444 h ..n .,.. a i - - -. -. iiiiit*lo6 "Willi :.* 4,..."..•,•..itit*-, titsflkf9tajk**2S._.,_a7thji' 4.--:4 6 4 : ;40041111*1 11: I " : '61,401.414. 3 liii;"l44""ta-iothattre thope' ll- 'l34tiii ik:Wiel* 4 Ti . li 1 1 w.:''------'-.: ' ' iiii rii:thifiligori- 44 , 414 4; " I", ‘ ' ' io fikel: ii , iesiaase ' , - ' tiiihiatiati -itife Att - 1; !-WPO.- -01 -,i a . ti .„,'l4.4"l:lficiiiiit&tatiat*l4t!" .datili*bli" - ' -'ilirgitai'' Thitile*-0 1 Fire • - -''- - lie ' -itarii- , ./kis . •"-Wilait.ii 44‘kisi,,,,411,iiiiiiiitiiii*4041. i'ital i Wie*4 i _; l 4 l Y l A i s . ""rris • s ,•4 , •.5 • ':46i i i c ata l Xt.. - - !rili,-,',44314 - - ''- as liontaks,' "‘ - • I r , ' -' , :ii-Iticoujilioaboor 144:n , 0i , 4 ,4 4-4. 4 " 0 , - ",ii ... i i io t k i ig* . 4,,,,thi-iseatw:.T he lttli t i . - . -. 1 - ,, . o. _ , :prioei - ar - limitts k ,-„,, , ~,,, . - ----tivi*its. PCl"'' .:'.4,W: A .. 4 4 4 4-'- .: ~..r.i , „- -4,040 4 ,440:0at • that taantilM4 B, ..:7, 2 __ ot ,n;:.;:ildif•di#44arig r2l44')Uo4 o o 4lllll "' ° 7 l ,i t iiiiiimwrifi. ;.=A1i,,iiiii:.84;44:514.....0-tivibtf*lptii" -10048 tiat***-7.., ,tiiii „. - ---- ---- T*14 0 0;i 444 *- -1* "...... w s it'r., - 'Aiateg. .;,iii-,„„1,110;tlk-*v.'1,,t! --7- ''filbis ,I*iii.'46l444f,4 3 r i !g___.. ' '.. , ;,) .-, .. lii - i,444.*Hircpip.-.iuga,,,, , ''; * I) al "' -- ' - Mike 0.0 01.1 04. 11 . 1 Illef z_oothieth,k -114 - '-faatei7iiii44,lll#4' .',610040;14i'1ie':11474-)"•tiiiiiai lbisrAbeiS :',. **** -114128/ther ' " mows , --- - ":!intsiikUbt „-is tF a r - peink-: Or # fi , a°,. - --, -:,--,n4toisiO, -100.******# P4,44,f1ii . f”, , - „ _ it ' . - - -10,1"thsVeik*0,-. '-'gt4447.-., - 1 , - lowitopoiti, 4 ' 14 / 1 4k '' '• ' - "-thaesiiit - - ' i E' 'leid** l .. ,. ANA * ? - 7 ' 1 i6k1idc91 ,, ,-- 02 :tae M. i3tl!filrl ~., . :, ,qi , i I:*llt** *;"""'utt r s ik l ',r 14,00 :-Ivk* * , 71,11" gal" 'latig,svi glxstooilioLit.o,o42., ,-" itelL , "" I =l-10 e lbe-- eoiiiifir*Oik* :tico:4; - iii,iiiitoiirmio6) liiiiiii;lidlii*4l4.,,,., the --, bseo -- : :tor** 1-bis-0001ttr-Welii.'44 Ti' - :INii=lai e' , - billiOifiiig s the 11 09 • ii i * -4a* i iliobOio4tilli t *SLl ll . ,..,. , • 4 44- k iit e , i 4 et T;;;.a,thitiogr,...,4, - ~ . - - f-1 1 1 4 F 0 Erl'-' , " 6.lth a d a : - •:-..-ntatill*,l4lloo/1114 iiatiiiiisost, r-7,--. ---- ; l itatAiedefiiiiis* - -tip. T,,„ ~.; , 1 ,,, z ., -. . ,1 ,2 61610101*144 441" ikt",;"; iynl►tioiil ':Ree'llat°4l-' '- *IA* titsi94-41***-I*-1- -'" U. " - Tits ~a 0,1214 oppoa tioa 4 1* - 0 6 1/ at 1 4 ' . / 0 4 .;:0. 1 *** 11 16111111114 buisawl. Mau aol ik ti *le tiOcafiltl3, o 4l, *4. A 4 4 1 10(; 1 1 6 ***Air .40i4 cam ; :, ~ melielkatow 4 4 1 4 1 41 ,46, • , /-;liaaitAi*Miii4eliatit4i(744 r- 141 1 1 10*11144114411101,011 aslitos4;lois boatAltattaks .;41 0 1 1 41: ri.elliObaiiiiivoliiia, remktimmtessaddiedsomb fag irioatttfol labota,l ° " 4121,4 "00 4 # 1 0 482 : - , 144 cskration4 field sjiikigitlaii ago: ,f r Aeptaient' Waits:de tol 4 of!" .ftg, :I*A, lii*.Lmiolal .this* r] if . r•&ftiow 710.0014; htel early , A '- ' , 4oN4 o kAlo-iddegomii Isfrftet,w,fik , Air , Matkild ;0 4 : 0 ‘ 1.1 4 1 0 1 atibotiooo bo Ina aaitiaaapoodAtt-mai 14661 101" 1111114, bil l PalftrOgilinidAIF ) 11 1 :1 3 D*l**"!. * ViteliCgAit4Ctlikaihigl lit,kf: , 4 * 1 4 11 ._ **Wiiikbride4l4 lB 4.4 "01 ,1 44 04 4 4-' •0 -t*I t ** 1 0:01 Ne#4.}.14**1;, 4 9# 1 4* , 00 4 1 , 0 41 1 ) 1 O- DOM IlWaildk SIVA ifAr, bAViAiAI Alptaiitatvolaateets, bat Ida atilitart maliaai Iforilxit luecktilTimoottoat to !whim .07 Amtbotaitial_thato as a aoildfo ' ~#, 1 , ~ 1, .Im' ''/IC'/Aks.FrAlii :I1 itlistAmAtiOtl) nislati; 4 #l7 l2 4• lll l,* l oFMOSPlAl. ttoiligaiiPrAwb iniP IW, llll ketkatttr *II I* Aild*** l2o ::o Sthe -1 04 414 #* ksgliiTiftYsid4ooll4o4,ll4o44,l)o44l .( , . 11 ,r 1 ,*4 61 0., tbio*PaliftW 'pas or* Moot 'mei* 14111Aii: lie Ake our ttiost , ants. to State I, e, • IS / 1 4040 2411 1Wii 'le.kotrui ' tsitt Utz the 06 , 011 11 11 0 ,k k0 0 1 6 , 7 , ,, o; dottrof:fifit« 01 ".!ff*IP' i t: dolot** ll 4oo l o olo mOwsitAt **Alisr Stalls:f4,Pa 14C,411404' 4J , waisilie:ipoirwbsok:dev 4 oliiittb*' titYlf: 41 .0# 1 01 11 b00-1# 2 1. 1 0-'4 , •'POtter the fislist-H*44.SiRN was chietio; *****Tl/100400CatilthOr i,t Ascoisiroitio f in*. 7 *o Olt f there* ' ilkk'*ib - . :B 7th l *-_STois*d** - kiiro*;tit utionfiverthow-wwirtwifielookoty, *,, l o:cma*- -,, *.. tl. milkfkootlot!ittlo aigliMlfoi; tell as bT I ‘ lo- Ott. thrpoll•.l6 WihrOt;'_notwitb*sahigaislaiol feat s x4 0 , ,, 5,4,:1tu1n0r0tt , -7#; 40 3 40 0 7- 18 . 161 ""jr7440 -4 0 34 e seed Ofl i On ti Sr! l PM., gthw f sn,! * iti*Ct Ft 4-# 1 44thal*PLI*1 4 ii4thslogs li as ol4lo ,'"Coollosz tie Ifftl4 ll l. lo - 41 °!tt. 4, 01 4**1 4 4, 1 4i rtictimitolottfi Aa r i # * lks* - foe - ' teit wiedkoibaritiV4 3 o l Milka.ooo,oo 64 t 0 ,4 0 41•1& thelitoVilatit*lfai *lto liintll6ol6lllo,4';' H im aua& Niakirtallitirk, • 014 - 444tioisitilieCtitioyfrootv, oZreffi4 • 1. ,- ,...--77:7-_,Ak t i f o y kiwi& , 10N ,7„ :f z • Mr. 31: 41 4 e Ohturleettr* gettedlere sad Dianstiontess. Whoever has read the recent speech of Mr. Tkonmas, In the Se of the 1:1 States, in reply to Mr. DA '';', t 4 , ill sea that th r Secession =.. ". tent headed b: Kr. T• „,, ' ;` f ' 1 iti leader; was the co : 4 t 44, 'VeCion g since c m lc e i ved,A7. `faraa ' .theAtodou States into a liWolu'” if ,'''''sld arsot4 the Union. • This was distinctly avowed by Mr. TAlteny in two lettere of' his published in 1868 ) and it is but too obvious. from the heti of the Alliti; — Theilit Convention, by a nu- AfirtilnifttrAy4regthqKadopted the Citt ,.6, ..,,,m, .t 44,104107. *DPP* 1 - nthin 1856; yet,an account of tide tatetehdleir that *Mon tinlY;withotit nij piggetnian i ttittnAwr p \:llfiy,'o dr 041 , 4 5 shidi t h ive*f 04tiotroPor k i ll fiad M Te?,,, 11 0: 1 ),004 011 % 10 , thus diaio)ve go Democratic Vittf, luvi taioce the Union of , Mo w ow-, noes, General Lawn, one of the , Seaatore from Orogen, being in. grated of thEritittel Or ftti cue, in's um. Itidithite*li Of OK 80 th o f Awn list, to In*4*. 4 05 1446 -AN 4 Oregon, nOT/104 and a* l 4 .. 1 1 4 1,end 4latildan movement . 1 4aldka .44ktf ett the southern aolegolic ',mu! Tunwiiiii•, - they rednainad In the Oon matealenk aitionaganat true lo the Democratic party -and tattle Unto% General LANE advised and urged Oregon to go otit, lealfe the 'pee wyettet; lea& up ' the iteiheiteue PartY),alk 1 Pin tge 44 l3eoticiers. ' Antaltitoty r th a majority 4 ihipati th eie, and ail Of the - Northern, dale -1014. wristink, he Dried Oregon, the most niltbsNri , ttriUet Northeast Staleat , to leave the Convention and join the Seceders. His tele-1 graphth despatch lain theme words, as publish ud in,the,,Wathington liar one of the smallest handrergans of the AdMlnistration, on the Ist cdsyt- ' jitot.4..itcolus tl:to: t'VOttr titipatau is metre!. %tea* the locality bt Siete'. sae rem by Woo Motet that Stalttli iti the Atesodtetionsi tights of alt. aiiiti "ma se loth Chest-so out au STAND by a "' t ~ Jos Loss." • .•tieaerai 3 Lasa -seems to be ,verY partial. to the weed "stand,"' haihig abed titbitr times in jiaoitioietb" ,pl4lCiteitsitil„ Waiite" :14( style , and thb sentence ,is „ concerned. iteß9l4 l 9,Pietende to mai that General LAN* possesses- a stogie qualification as a /dates,- man.. Intellectually at the very foot, not onii.of; the. presentf , Seiate of; the United 'Stites; biltiof elf wlfehire ever served in that tied ,he was 113e~t1~t `n to „need by the 'Aillitli*.o ll : l 'o:,i4eo l6 4 :the -4 1,,, Fliarai "Sill:•tdadipatch ..I_.;POCWPDPR, rek 4ll 4 , but an keerv.ilitaiete., is every reason to belleie; he litilded:- to, ihslu sedsetion!and sent thii ravel Airlailve,•Ovee his: own. eignatarit, - rising *non, a Northern State;• to leaVe the'.o4 (Air Of thildiret4 int' all the 'rust `Oftitelfithi . liiiiiihti*ititioaiittle 6014 iliAoliat ea' liiiiitfeitati. Thee!) men .*.**4 - A*4 as e 'limit, for ? _ter Ilea ,Plesidenivin their Richi mandidol. they.can throw the , election fatOtheXonsai as they desire to - do;they May; with tide secession majority 'hi the Senate, alias% Vice (the Hole tailing to eleet)lentettifi twa tilghest , sad thus make 'a man' President yote4 ' never rierelved a single vote for that office from pie.etttia MetiCiFt people. Such see the wretched schemes of ambition whieh: , hive . been ;plead larfore-Gesu Lawn, midi in an evil hoer, 1 ha has yielded the lidethilin lOgic;und tidied himself forever la ;a - *cid Publie ";He" commanded . to move - , 1 !.4',the.i40,10 - of, thst'Stiie N-k- ‘ , ;lftereietiet . the'eztremest ,at .04,1fProire • State., he endeavorii to, *yes her from hers/stet States of the Ifithi:andirottf a Majority of the electing *Ma teak!' Etotith,; . hei .thi s lark- Eteer(raioii." hid Dlennion,mirvinente itinionientiof of Alibi*, to :Ai elicited ids' power. Oragenirilf ,Maws, itgo out,!' as directed by him. llbolitiot , leinisgas,.llesiocestioparty and. join in *movement:to destroy the . Govern ment.'4.Gineral 'Lie* hinnielf will 'have' to w go'out".of *eller life w. He can neither be elected President nor-Vice Prestdent, and the SWeineilieGeige* 'at 'itteL coming election, the - ,Selste of the 1440 Sties. prlvate,life, to serve es another beacon to;Warn ambitious public men against uniting in Sweden oillia• at& Pa i lladrOdaAediftr °a PPPular eiimr. 4 .174 Ledger, and many other Mole , * Pi doFtAte of 4 Popi 1 a Soao- I "11. that -theY Wade •to lave catuthe tally of =Meth' the people of a Nenitcay have slip& to pows Laws in violation otawprbvisithei of the 'Counitntien of the trotted 14atea o :'Whis, in AU,ihey claim is ttAllht et the *Ate 'et as VlSeeized Terri i",**ol,4* StatV! to o ell Il`p•wpt ilLtatinsk to thfidotheatte institution P as that ; 110 A l 9(h/ *Agfa o 3 the Constitution. What Aistf' indite Zuffre,ssys Congress cannot do, .arkstar, sad, lir the` full sena ) what 11 State and the 'swept. of c State may not do also This 4t Popular' Sovereignty"' does not &Aril its- pelieffenflete of Cengreu, bet OM,* Oillie*ell,4l**l.l4. 4 4 111 :fee Soier.s- Otilftf'*4 o fieS by our Constitution as , f l FligAltraferstnot ' dOeffsted to the Gene .lo4-GIMISISW, bat retained to the States or the fspsegeec,lrkerliweple f AU the Peo ple: ersfurwbons the constitution uproars' Si powu. On this 'dew of the matter, neitheri the ;ale Justice, nor any theither of the thuel; 'expel*, anioplition. All the Chief ;niece inid waif in reference to the powers of PopEre,ll.' ..,_,- . , „ EZINESI - : - ThefdiAdms:Act the - libltere. • i We pabllah.uptofthe foutthpap r as part of **political hlstotytif the thnesithe address knit Tfitir tnothhert of Ctingress;, and ,of the MHOS :Statil 'ileiziti,;',itsvitlng the Seceders CNA ;shin tO•ittendthe Baltimore Con- This moyetilint; however, has been 4):4 some of the flotithent States hp Alto, of the taostultrn of ;the al• tindatOrldle the Northern delegates will be lottly,thdlgnant it VW advice • given to- the batten - to ; seeSdo a geoid time If their "Oa 11 ,ie - wit ' 1 ' 0 , 04 10 4/". "rilolsa tfloii *Ulna's , Ltso.—losst night Mrs. VS:i* tsthritad AO psi*. i!f las, in the sday ,of dollaiKo iaii Wan poidsomona, Mrs. Cowell ;Simko. Mrs. I/44d Othello, Mr. %Mori at "Cariti - r; - this per MOO !Pi *KIP to soy tbst it ought 46 draw a treat ion* . Ire stall stotlialt.' fnUY in blonday. rananabsikl that - .parsositiOn of a lisisebsts4tsi Wth**. is MO" dot. Obailattathibtaaii ilk Played Motto and Riatos t 4 bliFl;Mni IliddinC far traitor, 'played Ainotet, is Satt end Bristol, la 1181, - for 'als aftsiiiii intitbi-fisfora she load* kir second lilt **IOW noligentint it iiinry Lana Theatre. aiL Moitimesea Cistinalfssivoial Colmar =Lititi" ifiadairar'attaikosilt Ili - laid' to tba bused istatinnigraitintOrklelrik liklantOok has dent • *are of .bsr sinoVattriiialvi lialOationori Mr. Wonsan olais' all** ifi,,Warnsr; one' by rodent school of riihnianf.'lll.4llokistioli playa's:clank. solo by 1161011 4. 14113 ) Wit:OEM W one by ldn salf. Y Tba oriimitatert ot 41wkrininor 1111 be, bonne, el, intniptiva - iYateboat - tatUid' tbi Elsa Voyage," estalassid by *% - -Mottlikkok I* a grind ornbestra, islak4oll4 aopop' saarki Milan nt blo lionaintor. ?hi ii lonabla Compodtioni odd snot sink kronor MA =Ai list teas aolobntad Is 'kis -116:Predliiii Overtire Is , a Riad sad isisisarall w thboonatiy. , IS Sasicoly unannowy to sajftitatilr; lowa leads its oroltostrst for billsinWrikinik-, , Wiiiranstiod that debits itoetait4X_Mlifrt-mpldin so est thaw is ovary menu cis moot , 41kora t ralkirkorre.r•Tba r saldbition. of this astra # einoeri rutollUaotstaatiee *Attlee.. OreWdid siskinsais, Her ttsiaaidiadnntiraaw rivals any *ohm at vie. rawyst,aaltibitod,Tboas orb o *at already eialit I Tisk tO should do so I.. 4 kTt tbs, o!th pet 41 9010-04. • , •• ' 4otatik Woks, ao.) 71 01 10p 00 4,Awm,adill$Molft0Opre , Imlay bbettahag the .141441 f et Vekteri IL altilbilo l4ol4- Miteeyet Nadia, Churro f and Aiaxlssilittessf by ode: tatiite ilteentets."- Also, dijaii**4o lol 4 baboti. 6l *gaidetiesit 400411,0 474 u I s**-* * * 1414 4 GOinfint*wil 71140,440014421044111020 n sapitet estertor"' It! olownewili ftici - - • , , • -• • 1120 -Willi bars thi liltiafraisi Landis Noes of 1811,404 . 1ittikolltoolovAuf Nom Or het Wi#ld, Ostleader Coq ,1111.1 1 1/401111,k1CZIR c,fl• ~,:/ (%);' Letter fromAas Clootst*l. ol Worrismomi see of ?mg ! Alimoi«00, 47 18,1860. F4o4thslnwitsi*obitiate WhOIR interest the ter at thii*pitafteithe :PrOldealtial mansion. I..Xe need in disorll!I 46;4", to say that serif indidingdO one hundnidatid sivistyfeet front, be eighty-Ai feet deep. The Biuteiteoni; In whiab the President yesterday received tigiapanese Com miseloners and their suite, is ink* the depth tf the building, and about forty.rut - in, width. The Walling to -lofty, the interior 'Mainly, though not luzurioulF furnished, and the exposure toward the rotamie magnilloant beyond detoription. ft Mf: - the! mind:ter *mu +if: liferyiend :Wad Mir gbihi. It wu a happy idea that, the . ;span . o . ll lc/ Abe greeldent wadi( tit y met,*.in his own , depertmeitt., They ,the selves make 0f 6,0e: ruler, !;:icii:t g od, *Mid llaii 'flew, and: On:Minding, hint with all 'the gllittn - Wind i Marino/7, pe ! ordlit 'in their Mini- FM:inked iieralition:' , ; Ina/hie bind -the heid of thatgrialk nation Ofwahlehthey ate Unbound guests, a plaht,:reieiablo °M OP, without AM: or Igesbers,..irmidorned urn in. the majesty of the greet oMee be holds, and dependent' alone upon the pepularvaill! --No eaoh soene Inn awn beenWitutifted itrour country as , thii race - ,tien. leave the , detaihrio the other oorrespon& dents of the Pratt, riant the'Vtlaole arrangement Of iq prowiedlngs relecti infinite credit upon *apt tlsmen U. Whom the preparations for 'the'eration 'weria - wonlided:' Tbe' day, 'cloudy Mt' drat, was Mein and warm; often capon the Menials wee all that otibld'haie been desired. ' I never UM iMi.lhiehanin loath better, ;Mar' wad surroundid by hid: Cabinet sod' by other officials of the army ;aid navy, to whom referenee was had in a letter of one of-your 'Poeta correspondents a few dais ar, and by eineoursi of ladies, at the tumid of whom waiting Barrie) Lane, the daugh ter of his aliter,Wito. MSC t Moldier Of years 11 0,_ lo PrenirDia eountr:- " The members of the, llenalcand Moue' ' were preiant 'ire 'a body' With their officers.. Outside, there ' in impious& crowd, and Int little diaapOntoterit Mal espial* beestun themsabirof admitted guests bad nodula r/1y to be liniftini. I ought to add that ell the mein bars of tbeDlPlomatio oorps nen Wanlaington were MOM. The m a rine Corps made asplendld appear-. ions, and the Military of the Distrbit never showed Abletter idrintage.' They were ranged outside daring the whole program, of the reeeptlion. No . ontrein read the proceedings of the Republ eim Conviition;in session' at Chicago as I write, without being , impriesed the* enthtularid and 'compactness of that organisation.' The Republi- Gans will teaks s vigorone and effeetive'struggle for the otootrol: of. the Government.' In a , few days. their orators will be found on the stump in 'Mari free State. "They will also have champions in font or fire of. the Southern Stitei. Theii journalian : unquestionably among the Ablest and most pin- Anteriaa,' and their leaden,' ambition)! and daring men ,r an! resolved ill win the ohemoter -of being' devoted to the Unbin; abOre ail, of being able to adkolnister the affairs of this Rept& Re of ours: :rev this they have establiebe4 their 'lmaidqvanters, 'and: number many partisan!! among thiloosi or resident Population 'Mr. Gurleyj' liepublioan member of Oinolnuati in the Hanse, a Min of large tortoni, and ehtertaiits wadi grey and unsparing liberality At his mansion on 'street, Mr. Blair, tbe.old editor of the Webs under Aoki son and:Van Buren; living at "Mier "Spring," ti short distance-outside of the town, attract/ to . 'hie weld board daily numben'of the controlling spirit!, of the same party. - Mr.: Seward - has his levees on .1 greet: General Chimerin aid Thaddetti titevelv live in elegant quarters on Capitol Bill, 'And' are tudy.to rendre thelifriends in the nut hospitable -manner: ' donator Chandler, of Michigan; Sena: , tor Trumbull, of illittelal Mr. Spailding, of the House; Mr.-' Suriner, of the-Senate, and many, others that I could llSffill, are motive in their !Men! ;lions to.strangern . They an; :therefore, Waitaki better organised that the Demooratlo party.' The late votes, on the tariff And the Territorial bilk displayed a dimipline and concert of tuition unusual in our day.:- • Meanwhile, the:Denneraey aredieheartened end domoralind - by the lamissant assaults of Mr. Bu chanan upon all man who do hot 'agree with him! ills doors are cloud against every politician whO questions his policy. Every 'member of his Cabinet ,I s on the side of :the Seesedoldets,' with, poasibly,) the =optima( litseretary Floyd; and, remotely, of General Ow: '';dita, Southern politiotins, after, ht weed to support leeterapton, recommendeik by him, avoid all 'annuli* with Nottlem Demo-I mats, and -Judp ,Douglee and his supporters are itablected - to an admen inexorable (*truism. " • leave the ruder to' apply : the lesson'whish twat/eat teethes. . -.The two--days rowan* Kr. &utak Douglas has' exelbal untiVereal admiration: HU political ene.: sties admit that he serer made a more maiterly; argument., He draws the line disdnotirbetween ,himself and: his adversaries. Whatever may be. Mid of .him;: they cannot alive that 'he has de.i trended from • his high-potation or attempted to: °out the Disunionist' of the eolith. - I smut or thew who, who, believe, that. the Baltimore Convention eau ,do him higher honor. by making him a canal- , ,date for, Presidency.: He has 'aolderml mere!, Emu by hie war upon theseDlunioniata then forty; Prealdepoim could confer. Probably the beet per• lion of ilia overwhelming argument, wit that in wbteh .he refused to :wept the Tonneaus remold. •bons beams they may be matekned bath way.. ; ,Tato the right kind'of,. talk. • Let him adhere to position; and eau if defeated in &Mather ,be un - ; retain hi. place in the Senate, and twalt the .irerdlot id: the popular judgment upon Ida action at the nut Presidential eleetioa.' , ' . Onto( ell this oonfadort, this iimuslion, *ism. Antics of ono& andbandidates, good *rust come to the free States.- ~:Mould a Republionn be chosen, I hew no douht that the South will won be ow vlnced that the North is in earnest.:—not, indeed, , in mollies AM; institutions,' but in so protecting , the haterests of the North as to command the re.. sport, of every portion of the Union. The friends of Mr. Douglas are confident that he will be sully nominated at Baltimore, To this end they will rally, an immense crowd of Northern" men, and create each an outside immure IN will compel the coortation to pat him in nomination. • •In that swat .we Mull witness snch an weitement in the Southern Stator is hue never before been known. HO will awry the banner of popular sovereignty into every, election district, and will force those Rho haw threatened to break up the Union to aa swim to illeir.,Puers* Win. B. Reed , ex. minister. to Oldie, now in this city, is reported • have declared that the speech of Mr. Douglas was one of the ablest arguments he ever beard, and this le the gourd opinion; °commoner,. Letter ftoni 44 Ezek Kielustde.l, iiknvkaciwne• er 'rhs Pnia.l 4rANNIN6?Ott, - May 18 The intermit 'and- ezeiteMent Unisequent upon the ofileial preitottation of the' eradentitle of the Japoniaii Philintiy to the President of the 'United Stacie left the' Senate galleries very thin jester day, during the Ordination of the delude on the tautens reeolutioidd.' It wia known that the Senate would resume its session at a stated 'Period ; but those Who had attended the debate io far, declined an invitation to the Capitol, saying that views were Isitanewarable," and (het - Jeff: Davis' attempt at a:reply was " a- lasitentable' exhibition of eleptrap." Well, indeed, be candid;- it was infinitely below the reputation of the• disk tingitished :His adialrers were quite ehop.fallen, and 'soused him on the ground that the extended array of history present. ed•byi judge Douglas could sot be met without a reference to the boots. If Douglas is not answer. ed until a wreference to the books" Warrant a rev ply; and give 'other facts to male it, then the Sena tor from hildissippi will have a sinecure as chief invader of the -Democratic deobine of non.lnter- Tuition.- The **attestation of his reply was but a eonduation °fig-play and argument upon a pro. aim which it too weak to natal* any Mile *troops , than a house rude of the • visiting laid ether) . carat/ of Yancey, Bayard, Slidell, Dula. mid, Bright, Davie, and Co. • • - ' The flenatoriarglediatore had- their rounds, but the Mississippian was put completely hors de coin toe hy the illuttrious Mint:Wan. What think on of Daiis attempting to avert the force of the at. gismeat already dashed over the whole 'country in the record of the Charleston Convention, that the majority of the - representation of the Democracy of the whole eountry sustained Judge Douglas on all the -points at hank between him and those who Java up to - Buchanan what was meant• for the Do. mooring. Still more laughable was it to bear the hasightyhero of Monterey. bend • his seek to "hit Mejedy the President of the United Stated," u the - Joplin's,* ran in the vary way the genitors of = the -Mmlbaser prostrated themselves to their prince yesterday at +the .White Think of this,' Senator of the 'spat State of Mississippi, eidming from Mr. lisetantan the right to make tests -on the Democrasy, cod• make it what'll* thought. Douglas, Wed this •aidimption into laughable morn: ;He, as a Senator, held for. him self said State the right of thodght as well as the right to differ; • The• President wasnot the Tigoos, the mistei.of the people, but their servant, and his duty was to carry out the -faith of the party, and not to dictate it. He bad no more right to dictate to a Senator as to what hi shall think• or bow -he shall'ute, than a Senator had to tell him what and pi. Davie madeltery of bolting from the party, and based this on a different* of °Orden with the Pre indent,. or • failure to carry out hie recommends, lions. , Here- again Dangles' defeated Aim,. and brought.the lid °Lee chief Desnooratio Senators tnire'd salute over the Senator.' Davis Wm is innoh`s bolter nettoughuP,'for be refund to enstain the President on the apogee 'dating. Did not Tooinbs bolt on • the _ - President's moommtotda-' Ufa. tonebtsgliiii n'eutraltty Isms, the Pnailitißatl rotutl—lo ill of whloh. TO:MU' nistfally;arwrong gi yu"-Did not MAIM belt, and Hantsr bolt, i sm * Brain ball ;- in feat; did not every Deziooratio he 4 miter bolt on more than 'one 'abject of Preeldem' Halby had differed but upon one; Yet' all the'ilolteri rolled tbegillaTa into onto appals hisi. Ma war , brought; oat: with oatiria *eel' the egia Gitrioar• oils s Mid et" 1,4 t, THE PRESS.-PIILLADELPHIA, TURDAY, MAY 19; 1860. bellies of belief" of sorrow for the nines of root bolters. Davis taluf;(*la taksoliiit.rty ;. bal hare Doug* rad bleiOslrteltho tiiiit, ebow was that harmony to be Weaned If hiillllid4 not acknowledge the poaaror, ttiita ditty. Thir toe patent way for Judge Dories. year, nwrer bee intns: dneed tbaas disf4idene in the. Monate,- He has metier egokesi eve to self dafeltie, and he &unmanned ble determination not to speak again oil the matter, unless forded by personal eobsiderallons to do so, He wisely took the precaution to throw the Tarpon. Ability of 'thildolisrittleghilatfin on matters or , gatblie importassee Isposskhlcadvernities.q ,; a "efinlo s i isalder about HS' - Miura '-'of the Oielfie Raltroad bilnitietreenasellin Senators 'from - Calf. fonsia have given way to have him abused, p the overland mail roite:ig waylaid, ii is - beeause *eae havlnfdt hi 014iitoyield its freportande to join. agattistNii, If the peeplenf Penn spirals mist& that the tariff bill has not been tended to, to, theyvrill *melee= it is because theft fienatev,lvenitV, atlepd, to nothing bat that *lda tended to insiders 6 the Littin'Hisit." lE4natorldist*cl!iraking what the galleries in fun call • I , legebirgnaninfl , :It is ,very drew*. General Jo.<l;anir t lind John R. Thomism, of Neer Jersey; , eloni seem to be benefited by its luminous pe#o,4ll. Jidda , Dovglea received? &abort time ego, a d+ patek from Chipage, stating that Abram Lineoln and r eeiSittald. Clap have the most positive shapes ter the'Reptihitoii nomination. This, however, is alioredited hp ail parties:here: While stroeg In the Northwest, Limaitaltletdd not begin to:asmi" New York and 'as fof 'OlB4, they MP "he ecildritt bring any strength to tittApoket," Es= Itionannii. PAM WASEINGTON. The ,Friends of ltr: Seward oormarce sms'AND Tin ?min t . : - VANIAI DELZGATION, . BELL AND EVNIITATT. Arnold Plumei luatruotodo THE pm:Lea:winos P. o. Who Ifonitnated Smiths it Ham'la's .Noodiattoo. , [l3peial.llolpatChee to " The Pre&' The great conservative demoratistion in Phils, did phis, on Thursday evening, in favor of Btrasoil EYnitErr, , gratifies their Southern friends Trtitias gentlenten go, on ,gathering itrength. will not Conservative Candidates for Congress and .the State Legislature be run all over Pennsylvania Sad New Jamey next fell? • ' Tito Seward men here loudly intimate that ,Colonel Oiling( and his friends' st Ohleap aided to give the vote that put Inicorar on the track for .Prealdent. DIIRPAINE AT lIANGIN t a VIOXIMATION. Everybody was earvrised at HAMLIN'S ,noirt* - Eon tor ' ,Vials President. It is strange that"; he sbould hive been selected and Peciwylvesii ignored. • 1 OIVUOTIVI TO TIEIZ JAPANXIOL Mrs. Owns and other ladies of the Presidential etrele ara preparlag si eertes of elegant , to '4llepetteille, , „. , - Tsar PAOSPEOVI tirraoiroa. • I repeat, that the alliance" to favor of the pu(. gage Of the :tariff bill In the Senate-ere Gamete/6 Mr. Bockats, ofMhode bland; le 14411 of hope. ' , xinioaso asouranos or inotaiT4 , re h statwr gist, , EDWARD Emmy" win decline the Womination for Vies President. • • AZDZWr MUST, OP AIRAMMAII. This pntleman, one or the largest slateholdeill la Arkansas, and arspissentation in the present Congress, has just instill 'en address to ha eon. stltnente wslonly epholding Dogmas and deniinai sing the Satedere 'and Diannionists. ARNOLD PILIALIZ ISITITIOVCD. News received here to-night informs us teal'yfr wow Puritan, one of the been to tibajilisteis eitinst has instructed by thsl* mecrate of 4:31100t . 1, to go for' Dort:matt. , _IIIIIXAMILP#4 ri-ovnos So doubt is entertained of the panne of &it bill in tatty oat the arranpnient `in regard to Set new pod-diee btaildinge in your city. %lug rums or x&. SZWAII3). The news froni. Ohlenge greatly di/heartens Mr. Sitwatto'si , friends, Re ,was weroly behoved by thoesende,' and Wheat* and than wee Axed sped the Presidenoy: They were very oomildentiwad are proportionately naneh east dawn: They clause all Ports of tillage upon other esilidetes, but I SiUl( not repeat them. The defeat ot the representative man of the Repahliosits is dsplora4 era by his opponents, Yr. dissraw, the "cludldate f o r Tine. President, is a fair and uptight:roar:au - old its=, sumo, sag ajlenator in Constar trona 14124 bataatoroa aptsta Ism 4,kilissalltiVaula, Collector Mama ii herb; ssartinitliat tle Pima sylrinis delegation will be stronger iitikedtiort to D.oustus at Baikal:lee s than it tratat Charleston. Luscota's nomination is'well muslisd by the Ws: publicans. [DIIIIMTORZT TO - vas ',A.11110171Arp•f1114111.] Weautaorow, M ay 18.—The Japanese present , wire - opened this morning for inspection, andthen transferred' to tbie naval oommWie ,0 to be de livered privately. to the President to-morrow,' in the name of his Imperial Majesty; the Tycoon. .• 'The articles Cr. of the most magnifeant desorlp. time. They consist of 'saddles, *idly enibroidered and embossed; gold and silver bed enntaine sod soreene, similar to these used only by the princes of Japan, ingeniously elaborated' two swords, such as are worn by the p pines* of Japan, superior to any ever manatee toted In this coon try_or Prance paper-hangings, ornamented with gold-lacetwered ware, including writinr oases, and a lot of value.. hie miscellaneous articles, ail of them exhibiting the most relined tests and. advanced artistic eltill, and superior to any which have been brought to thin .eountry from Asia. This is the opinion of these who have had the. privilege of minestely, ex mining these valuable, presents. *•• .' ,•., The Embassy haie accepted tne 111'1 , 114k% of the New York and Philadelphia laantelpal ut• mitt's. to visit those cities, but have fixed no time for that purpope. 'The naval oommission will give the authorities four or live days' notice, to that they may make proper .arrangements for their eteeptioa. ~• Thei•Japanose will probably 'visit the Capitol on Saturday, and- dating the next week' the ether public buildings. - . ' I Thellnited States Government haying received the Japanese flathead' as 'envoys extraordinary and tainteters plenipotentiary, the hignestAliplu. made oilice known to any government, it 11914/01i incumbent on them' to make the iirst tells r the foreign ministers resident in Washington. : But they seetrioted this...endow to those only repro. wanting the Powers which have treatise with Jipan namely :the Netherlands, Great 'lldtain, Enid*, and France They concluded' their calls td.day, Baron Stoeckel being the lest . in' the!..terlee. There is at present, however, no French Minister in Waehtegthn. ' , . . • The MOM Band will perform to-mormir Sven tog in the grounds of the President's Henn, instead of at the Capitol, when the Amb as s a d o rs limn Jr, nen, with their °fleets. are owpoeted to be'premat. li They have ag yet made no outdoor display o hot. uucepriort or yea 210)1/RATION IN COON H. Daring 'the proceeding* of Congress,' th after noon, mush excitement prevailed, wipielall among 4 theltepnblioans of the House, ooneerna vents at Ohioan°. , Every few& thieve e• d tab period to bereave the commotion . ' go. tiai nomination dooesioned much ' was not at ail credited, It is said the rat in Imes on theauldsot rowelled the , Capitol in • ! I patch /mai &Mad to Anglo. J ' • • - ''" , „ . • Tel IONCIPROOITY.TNIIATT. , • t oßeeiproeity treaty will probably, be brought to the attonttots of the Horn neat wit*, It is said that theltricatrient cud tisnratary of the Trso eury,,togetber wide st numher of the rnensbens of Congretw; dro rippo - sod to it While it is ',barged thet Canada bee violated the spirit of• the, treaty, no oonsplaint is mods as to the other British onto• nibs, who are equally, with Canada pad" to tbie arrangement. -•• - lINVIRTAINNINT 'Or Till JAPANXIIIII IT 511011.11TAAT , ' GABS, • , The epacirom reeidence of General Oahe, tOmight. ; presented* truly brilliant Buena, the woad being an entertainment to the Japanese Erebus, - Amor% the gv , and feeldev ede a re wet . army and, wavy osiers in costumemembe of t$ Oatoinet and'ofeongrofir'Fefoide Ministersvad It. teethe, together with hundrMe of . Indiaa array e d In rich and splendid costumes, and disploing the choicest fiend beauties. A band of musk added to theigerieril delight. ' " " 1 - The didinguished visitors, about ten in number, were more fashionable than tbeee ythe_,pteeede the m ,and did not, therefore, arrive Until 10 O'clock On th eir entrance into the rotors,' ell-eyes Wem naturally 'direated toward them. They *ire, in ocroperiaon with the drosses which they fore on the day' they wore preiboted to the Preeldent, plainly "attired.' They etAried with Soto, how ever, their swords, and other distinctions of (Om, but wore no head-gear. They were close observers of the scene, while their distinguished entertainer was assiduous In his attentions. , , ' - As heretofore, they, were smomnanied by the naval omontission and mi. !orimen, the Interpro „Notwithstanding their accustomed . grevity, they appeared to be delighted with the brilliantnone: but, al heretofore, abstained 'from failliari4 withiheladies who- surrounded them to do them honor. - The festivities were prolonged t a late hour. . , • *my YORE, May I.B:—The siearaer Philadelphia hit itrrived, with Habana advises to the nth inst. tfugail wort more active ; . molartes 41111 V freights to Rums. advanced Be per taa sterling fogdquip 1110 r dint. premium'. , „Now Southern Flour'. , Attars:A, Jito.ylB:—Plotir from OW law* wool hi the minket , toqtal, 'having beenViotted et SteveWs kitties, to MIS atty. malt **tint to Olen, York w U he toeitil ta•morow,. ,;; Noiketanvol of the: Steamer Adriatic. ..64opx, eau; iday„lk-rittdoliht.—Thero are as yot ohm of, the etlamahlp A Oak, sow du, frog Solthaelpkta ow *q' 9th: ' • . Wasni„varoN, May 18, 1880. DELL AND ZVDRNIT. wno nOlnnkinD lINCOLtt ? bEiZoATIort. INN JAPANUR PRISIBMTS From'Havana. ) ) K Y i l , FROM ` CHIC,., ..ezle-isepuoneanvoirrengan. ,:.,',,%,„ i ~.arE ... 3i, \ Aet :e . ,. •'...... ,'": 11, + , ~.- ,- - t--- • ' 1, - "I ~, ' i , ' The following is the vote in detail : NMI MR. LINCOLN. thamushire.: - .7......... ?) Oilfgu.° l ` l .: :: ::::': - 11 yarn:tont ....., ..... .... JD 10wa.. .. .. . .... ' ..:: 5 Nromeachusetta----....... 4 Indtana......- ;............1111 We1jaid....:::"....1 Pl i egg i s i iitC: :C:.... * ; * .!. 1 4 ..48 , 4-''* . `; cr illiliti ,. 11 .::::: .. .. 8 Total-- ...4...t.iii -7.................:14 1 ... , • 'l7 :Yost 24u. saw/mu. --- - • ~ , , g r ew +int:chic - 0- -... t Wwb0nc1u................10 Matuaehusette—...93 1mMit.....-..-..... ........- X New York .. ".. ........70 Ca1if0rnia..._..`........ 8 Penney Ivan ia...., —. SIM glnossota.--. --..... 8 4 ileasict, May 18.-The - Wigwam' - WM - CIO V A l lan4 " .... ''''''''''' i =kir ...-- —fl I ee/.7 " r e ` ll& '''"''''""" . 4 District f diltititiii - -. 2 1 New Jersey— • • ••••• • • 0 *sited for a f)111, bee! :befall Abe teollyelltiall ae , Kentucky__ ......... -. 7 lid thisiderteliag. 3+- }, i ' 2 1 ' , f i : ' 5.. , matron- ----is I Teta-. -- .,7 -I,stii -,- •- , ••-onnynne - curaloysatlet-''' •-•-•'•- -- ' ~ interest in the proesedings appeared tube ou ",.see'-'&irltehon amidst wO4 4 401temept, and *ries the steal* as, the time Of Willett/3g IPPl • e•Obrd• ‘ for the bailer.' ' The Most intense filleting 'rioted mai .:At°il i.‘ itl . n;' '.s 4°re4l . 1 19:, t b P 44 P e .1 8° l ie n ou t ' during the bellot, eadh vote being atiaited a is side the ' plifialpg mem nine o chick, anxiously breathless Canoe and expectaney V, I 1 2 4 ', awaiting iriteUigetille BUM, the inidle: ' Massachusetts gave Lincoln 8 votes. ~ Arrangements , have been made forpassing the Rhode Island••• •-• • - • ~ 1 ‘. sirr ali firser.,..e--r . s t . s 4s i I . i result of the ballots up 'front , the, pan= to the ;-,:. . 4en riaim...: ~., „ 82 ...., 1. . Mall lird-• --"". . " g : roof of the building and through - the - skylight, men Kefituoky....- ••••- • • • ss 13 . 1 _..i , 4 4 kietniatationtilabOve to peavey it to the multitude, , Oregon- ~...., . ' 4 in the streets. , , The Prieident, on . orMnirg , tie ma ' eeclinge, As each State voted the applause was overpow erin The vote of Oregongyve. Lincoln 234 . begged the audie°6° t° tent° 48 mono as possible votes, or within ti of sinonna on. from applause, and to preserve the decorum and dignity of the meeting. , Mr. Andrews, of Manseeleusetts, thin rose and ,3,he President unon n oe d th e mep th* o f en to . i;orreoted ... th as e a ro . t i et t_ of , t lid h_ assao ,.. to litse hi t t te tt b, , y th e us ho n osi om ut vitatlon for an excursion over the Mileage anti .°4l : °°-, " giv ing them Galena Railroad. .. ; . , noting him , by 2r,ma ority. - , • 1 48180,,a communication from the' Workingmen of The Convention' Immediately bemuse a scene or ge w heyn, in mie nis h utz , en d o n e ne h otg, N ew wild excitement .' A large portion of the delegates who had kept tho tally, at once said the struggle YOrh,,in favor of bestowing Um Cterrernment land:, on'reetteal eettlere and• for arresting 'the Bathe! was deoicieC and half the, Convention rose 'ahem sale of pubilerlands. ing, shouting , and waving their bats. The Audi. took saneop the Cheers and the confusion became Both oommunleations were ordered to be entered , onihe record. ; • , deafening. -• ~ i , 1 - , The Preeldent announced the motion iending tte State after State , rose, etrivin bet-teehange their I dld te' lse and be to take a hallOt for candidate for President Of votes to the w w i nning nen a , no the United States .. - enthusiasm . enthusiasm rendered It iospossiblat , for the dale= Mr. Blair, of w oun d , announce d t h at, in con-con -gates to Maine cast her 18 votes for Lineoln. ' make themselves heard. , „ 1 , sequence of the adoption, by the Convention, of a Mmnaohusette changedj t irin g lti'Vetes to Lin' ale restrioting the vote of Maryland • to the num-t her of delegates! present, that delegation had, last coin and Bto Seward. , 4 , The intelligence of the nouitnation. when con evening, illied2T Be neither, and , elk ed leave tb /., veyed to the people Outbid*, Ceased a seen eof the ent , 0. .---ba. the number front thabetste. or 11- new . delegates , . ' 'l 2 wildest excitement beggaring description. , . Cheer upon cheer .rent the air, while the cannon rive Sargent; of California, inquired Whether tht sent forth roar after roar of salutes. At least 30,+ , dve additional Tebbe noW_adde4 Would !boreal° tit was 000 ledoplePartleipated In the excitement. ' , 1 veto t4.3llt°6° ' lw lea" 4 at eleven , ' 2U3b. Missouri changed her 18 retest* Lincoln. lowa, the number assigned to that State by the report of Conneotiout, and Minnesota' also changed their I the Committee on Credentials. -rt it was designed " t „ „ to to it ncrease -the vote, above eleven h. . e Was opposed The result of the third bend wee then an., Mr. W. T. Co., of Maryland, said. that Mary; nounoed 1 land had been entitled to eleven votes' Only be. Whole number of yotes 40 I Necessary to aceMee... ----sit earns the neoesnagyuember of delegate, for the Abram I Jacobi received.,..-850 I aifteen votes *ere net present:., ‘ and was declared duly.ttelninatod. 2 The delegates had„ power • by the notion of the The States that still voted for Seward were- •*lite - Convention to Ell vamenolee. They had now 1 . 4 .:if !ire..., ~ ~... 10 'Pew :NWT; 1. .. - . .. ... ;-.. 21 eite l e r onutini •-? ....., 8' renneylvella.— ...... let dene so, uer that atithOlitY, and claimed the pf0,f1,pi0d...... ._ I Michicalt .....- 11 riikto wt a fail tot,. ' . 1 Wisconsin ....--......10 Caufornm— ..:-...... 3', * Treerldantlaid that he,nadenstood the mkt idepted in the , _ report of the Committee on Ore' T 'ement ' Total.- 11 - 111 heannounc Of the result was received dentie d s tro have restiloped Maryland, to eleven with renewed applause. 4 1 votes. The additionet,delegatee would. not entitle 1 Ill* NOMLNATIOIt lifiDli 11/fAMNOIMI. ' I ,them to * greater vote. ,- ~; . , 2 i • When silence was restored, Mr. Wm. M. Ellif4l4 Kr. Blatt; of Maryland, desired to comsat the error' of the Chair, athe understood it, the number 1 of New York, spoke as follows: 1 Mr. Chairman and 16111a0A1111 of tka NA/ionic! Cos, wee only limited bump the dalegetee were not venlietn : The State of New York, by a full delegation. present. The delegation had a rfght,to ill Te 01111: I ai.d with complete c unanimityn erved of n g i rra t l i st o r t irj...r e m o il elm and had - done so - iti Minsequence ,of the -lute , its t n t geeFA, v wto l gad served the Ptah, from boyhood nal adopted yesterday by'the'Corivention.• .• ' ) 1 ..„ „; ; i had tatvred ter it cad lot* it, - We OM/ 'here a Knew Mr. Armour , of Maryland, protested stabil the State. *obi di we tholx•ht/is cleat netestose ate on reception of this credentials of the new delegates. l ava of a great Republio. from which we are all dale Eleven representatives only were present from hit I'ci r ri ole treapublie ol the Amen* Unit.ht. .in .ovee l i e a Republican astir of the UnlCon. en State. The delegation had met without his keovi 7 our love for our statesman ..tbgq. and44.4d.t., k a a, ledge, and without the knowledge of at least more ..1 . 71,14 t d el d p r retgotn , pre= and Met then one delegate, and ailed Op their number with f or - hi re , ' ' . EMS who lived, God only knows where. A resident Geolleiriet“ it was from taverner Seward that meld' °the Btstt ri i l l hews serased ; , , aal4sSiee to the dela- of Vr! eareed M t . .. 6 TIT: rtgl l it b y li g i t i b l e ti ggg a t n h d e ti dcluitil Rattan, an d - *ha t at object htsc_lleagues had in filling i g t 9 ii t i ' on g . the delegation with non.residents he did not know. %lc 6. , 1 , laws; inIS fidelity to ene parts dud the prthelpre at majorities govern; his Illletaa la the ad-. Re hoed •tle MOllOll AO ;admit thesedebigates vancement. uf our party .141.ta visitor . that. oac , r aouni t rt would' be voted down. I mar rise to its true slory,llldUte me to dael* 4 the I ton t I speak ' , is eentunents. as tno the united Opinion of out Tte motion to admit the extra delegates wee ton, delesstionorben I move los. illf Oa l no, do. that the *Wain oPialeuee. ' ' , nomination of Abram Lll2OO/11. of Illinois.asi the Its ta 'for the = sufframs of the whole - The Convention then voted to.proceeil ;to ballot te,t;eerr for iIA:, of ti h j e f muist„te n itre Amen-. inr a candidate for President of the limited States, i vo n tim,,,,,.b. made umuutolic Wm. R. Evart'', of New York, did not rise for hood applouso greeted this speech, and three the ferrite of molded a glerebt but only to askt cheers were given for Now 'York. Mat this tinny it Is in order to put candidates in Eloquent speeches totes then made by Means. ntminatlon, _ i Andrews, of Masetvehasetts, Carl Shure, of IN keen. T. . - - 4 • - .4,-.- k ..?, , , - - ti a ). iiii 6o 4iiiii,ll.l4ltiftolls, ingtA , _ iroi. - 14101144iOntlit#T4 :,I i . tig '.. . 1) , al Hamlin, Of gain' .. n,"ifir Vine President. The,President. The .Chair considers it in order tt IMMO the dandtdatee witbdui debate' and a delai gate from PenneylVantedre* attention to the fatsi that the delegates' smite wain occupied by mai Wets. A voice. It le the same here in Ohio. :The President. Tine affords an opportunitt fot the Chair to read a aononiudeation just received from the doorkeepers. . - , - The aommitnioltion Mated that the delegates, a 4 aeon u they got into the hall, passed their Sake -Oat to friends. The officers, therefore, fonod it impassible to prevent the adoalesiou Of ciutradere, bet I the fault rested with thedelegates. '' The President suggested that the only method .to, totenleirould be for eaoh delegate tb claims) his oita, ,selitwith vigor. After iiouai:delay, occasioned . the' r alearing of the platform and distributing ballots, the Conveni tion proceeded to a ballet. -Mr.' Wm. M. &Tarts rose and, : Lheg „leave, to tier the mimeo! W,m: IL Seward al tiaindidate Indere this Convention Ibr nomination for President of the United States. The nomination tras received with long and con-, thud applause. Mr. Judd of Illinois; rose end !aid : Mr. Presi l l deal, I battles,. to offer se • Candidate before thi Countiothon for President of the United States , the name otAbrato•Ltooolio, of Illinois., . Toe crowded audience greeted this nomination with perfectly deafening applaue,,tbe:, Monti ewnling into a perfect roar,-and TfoineTtiontini4el The mural minutes. The wilde s t exottement and • enthusiasm ptevailed. • =. At tIM Mose of the applatise, some Mates were beast , but the prewar! Tor - ,,,Litmolto wouttremen- - . Al. Dudley, of New Jersey, presented the time! of ifilitsiti L. Dayton. Vlight applause. j ' ' iiiiiinsiir We or, of Yonnoylialli. ihe Mitte l of Peaustylvania desires to present as her iseadiJ, dike the Alaimo if Simon Cameron: ' (Applause:l .: • Ific. Carter, of Ohio, put rorwardt the name of. fieknotsP Obese, of Ohio. [Loud .applause.] I Or. &kith, of Maryland. I am instructed by HaState of Indiana to second the nomination of, Alkelior Lincoln. [Another outburst of enthusiastic)! . e from the body of the hall, ramped with ~- . . • ' 7 Trinista P. Blair, of Bilineurl, nominated Edward! Bates, of Missouri. [Applause.] Mr. Blair, of Miehfgan. On the pit ofaliohlgan,i I desire to ,say that the Republicans of that,fitate. second the nombuition of, Wm; If.; Seward' for the' Preeldeisey. .. . Tremendous applause follewel Rile •-• *peels ;i i thousands Of those present defog and waving theifl hate/rid handkerchiefs, and swelling the applause' to a thundering roar, lasting through , aercraTh ntlautes. - ,', ~• .. •, , ? -, , , ;1 This applause was followed by some hisses' and!' lend applause by the Lincoln men. Ibe'frienda ofi Smart again rallied, determined not to be lint down in applause by the friends of Lincoln. 1 At this second trial of lungs, however, it was evident .that the crowd were more divided than at Ant appeared, and the Lincoln men apparently had'' the majority. Hos. Tom Corwin, of Ohio, nominated :Johnil MeLsan, of Ohio, for the Presidency. [Loud ap plause Mr. Carl Schurz, of Wisconsin, on the part ethic State, here rose and seconded the nomination oft William H. Seward. Upon this another scene of the greatest enthu siasm and tumultuous applause and excitement en-, sued. Mr. North, of Minnesota, seconded, on the part ; of Minnesota, • the nomination of Mr: fieward.ll [Tremendous applause ] Mr. Wilson, of limiest, the delegates and people ',l of Kineas also seeond the nomination. [Re newed : I cheers.] . Mr. Delano, of Ohio; On the part of a large num ber of the people of Ohio, I desire to second the i nomination of the man who eon split rails and maul's Democrats,Abram Lincoln. [Rounds of applause ' by the Li ncoln men.]", A delegate from.lowa also seconded the nomi nation of Mr. Lincoln. on the part of that State, amidst renewed applause. A voice. Abe Lincoln has it by sound. Now lons ballot. [Cheers and hisses j ' Judge Logan, of Illinois. Mr. President, in order or out of order, I propose that •this'Conven- Hon give three cheers for the man who is evidently , their nominee.. [Hisses, and cries 'of 'No!' No! Call the rid/ ! . , 1 The President. If the Convention will get over this irrepressible excitement, the exiling of the roll will be commenced. i The Convention then proceeded to a'brillot. Applause at the different announcements was with diffieulty checked. When Maryland was called, the Chairman, of the delegation oast the vote of the State for Mr. Bates. Two of the delegates claimed their right to indi vidual Trace. Affer some discussion, the Convention rejected the votes as oast by the chairman, and" received the votes of the delegates separately. The first ballot resulted es follows: • FOR 3IR. REWARD. ma1ee.......... ... ..... 10 ', 1 i 'pa5........; .t....... ?tow Hampsiore seseobasetto 21 loam. .... —......•.. eir.Y0rk.........•—:....70 .'ahf0r0ia......... sealolvasta.:... ...... Hi Minnesota...,..., artliad.• • • • ... '3 lenses.... ...... Wines... 4 . . a I *brake .......,.. Maltose • ..i . ...A • ist. of Columbia. 4.4 1 11 =.7..: . . 13 lone aw Hampshire.. _ asssohusi2tts.... don' neettoui. j'erliiiilvan . ihrginla Kencuoky—..-- 10ga.....•••.... ..... 1 Oregon ' pods Island. uenneatinut.. Maryland. • • •• Delaware—A Ohio.- T0t.31.... New Hampshire 1 Rhode Oormeatiout. • Keataesp.... .. • ..... • • ••• • • •• • • New Jona] , ••••,-•-• • • •-• Nay Hampshire.— .... VOR xn.,avrnca KentuekV FOR Stn. °Annßon. — FOnni l n. IkeLTlA o l t i l . l• • • •• Pod.lalaad - ronneylvania, e tzdnony.. — 1 ohm 1 r OR Ma. w u5........—..4 ....... 1 I Kentu0ky.........—..:... I Co Infttiont....” Toi POE /MOON . ..... rON2fp COLLANIeB Ventoint—'. SIP 0/iPrryzAllort Whole number of ..... Or ent. /L lettell%e ....... 11//i •• Abram Menotti, et ininote., 102 " Simon amnion, of reins). lean . •• •• tOK, lt e k d l7 ._k il e reli v ie k Vi cia , M d i S ti q .. ... ......... " of nelVitcrer .. ."..... 14 .$ oh* Fremont ot Colt orals.— • 1 , . 4 .l 4 diss. jl turnner, of rem usetto .... 1 i . " obit . geed, o 1 avow Coilanter, o Vermont .10) The mond ballot was then taken, Mr: Ostneron'a llama watt withdrawn The bailee item as mows • kpr4bramLineobl....-- .. • ra. se. t r e d it , ant ..... ..... • .. 184% t. (twat tea • •••••• •• • t 4 u 117 st ". ... .... ern, Blair,,of"Mineurf, Broirning, of Illinois, en. doming the nomination of Mr. L'imoln. The nomination of Mr. Lincoln was then made !unanimous, htbid cheers. The Convenllonadjourned tilt live &Clock P. M. S9lBlBO 81188308. The Conihnition re-assembled at $ o'clock T. M. A terse bonnet WAS brotih; on tho olatrorm by the Fennet I rabl, adeletattop, beating the insolintiont ,Pennsylvania sooefl i_ wl . B COXI triStority . for the ,People's, • ' / • Candi Abe Lincoln ' ' • . -The amearane• o the banner WOA gtostadmith loud noolants. the Convention then proceeded to ballot for Vine Pre sident Mr. Wilder, of Haneae, nominated .7 ohn Itiopmeibef, Pennsylvania. Mr. Carter, of Ohio, named Eitonilial Hamlin, or Maine. Barbs}}, of Massachusetts, nominated Beaks. of blessaslisteetts. - - r . - • Mr. Smith, of lamas. nominated Me ms M. day; of: Kenthoky. Mr. Lowry. of Pennsylvania, named Oov. Reeder, or Penns} lvanta. The nominations were liverally greeted with ay. phase. 'OHM BALLOT VOS VOX 11111111DI11T. Hannibal 'Haan, of Maine. ... .. . lee John Hickman. oi Pennsylvania.- N. I'. Banks. of IA assaohneette—..... sam Cassino M. Clay. of liltuoky..— ..-- 101 Governor Reeder , or ikomyivaing.4... • - - Beer Winter Davie. o •• •• • 8 Sem Houston. of Texas. 6 in. 1.. Dayton, of New Jersey.-........ lobo at Pennsylvania .... .. bias uniber or Vasa I"leoe.sary to a chow. ..... 23:11 Oa the second ballot. Massachusetts withdrew the, name of Banks, and out Se votes for Hamlin. Pennsylvania withdraw the quail of Governor Reed; or. and oast at votes for Rambo. Si ew I orb cast her 70 Totem for Hamlin. The remit of the ssoond ballot was announced, as' follows: • Clay... 'leer lilt man. ..... ..... The result was received with tursiteeasepphutheandi the 'nominetion wits 'subsequently' made unanimous , amid great enumaiaeo,. After the delivery of congratulatory speeches _by • number of deter stem, Joanna M. iliddinge moved the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That We &melt sympathisesrith thous, men who have been driven. some (.arc their native Miates,; and o th ers from the States o their adoption, and wbe are now ended from them home!, as enennut or tltski °Melons, and that we hold the Denmeratio puts re-, WlTittlitigoitirtliirchgrd"eoal vio l ationkr the Wale shall be entitled to all the privileges and ,mind -. naive of the clammier tee several Steam The resolution weaAdootem. Mr Tuck, of New Hampshire, moved that the Presi dent ot this Convention. and the chairmen of the wive ral delegations, be appointed a committee to inform News, ulated.; LlSlooth Mad - Hanka r - of their nownwltion. , Ad . Mr. Lane. of Indiana. took the floor, and made an eln onetit speech in favor of the whole Nast, pledging In-, maws for MOO) majority. Cries were hero Guile for Homo oreeleyowhich were met by antibiosis add Meow - Mr. Goodrich, of Minnesota, announced that a tri-, umphai processio Wigwa m. rad the streets to night,' and marsh to the where• grand ratification' niceties will be held., „ , . The announcement was greeted with loud platers. ' Mr. lan , drioh moved that the thanks of the Conven-! lion be tendered to the ladies and gentlemen of Chicago. for the liberality displayed in betiding and decorating the Wigwam. Carried nitentMouely. The thinv.thtion accepted the invitation to exonnions on the Kock Island, .Ineado. and Geleneßaiiroads. Mr. Ashley, of Oldo, then moved the following re-. nedie i t• Ifeenhlinan )(Mimi.' Committee; appointed by th is nommen be. and they hereby are. , instructed to presor be platform rules the• shall operate. equally in al the. Maths and Territories whereby. in the future, the wishes endferseoes of the ehlatet• in the Republican organization pre in the choice of eandi dates for President and Wm President ray be fully re-: (ermined; and that the basis of the nominating vote" lie fined as near as may to in mono tum to the number of Republituin *Motors found to rondo at the Leaggenerel Mate electionpreceding the said permeation in Seth distnesthrOughput the Union. Af •r some skarmistung, this resolution was bud on the table. - . . Mr. Wrwhburn, Of Maine. moved that the thanks of the Convention be tendered to the President, for his ability and worths, in theohair. Ca mad ticammonelv • A vote of thins, was also passed to tbq other officers of the Converition..eapiolithy the recording secretary, M....• Pratt, or iudisest. THE NATIO•AL cottage's. 'The following wait gintaitneedi se the / 4 tlOipußat Coln minae f r the engin:Lc four years, fennsylvenas alone being. unfilled: Mune, C.; J. Gilman; New Nempahlre, A. G. Fog`; Yerinunt, L. Gran:midi litasimethemits. J.?. Goodrich; Rhode, 'a hoe Terser I_Conneeneut Gideon Weller; ilgew York. 'Vista liforsen ; New terser, Downing 1 ier ; Maryland, Jag.lr. Waeoper ; Delaware. N. a, ; I Fiume, ; Nenteoky.O. Clay ; Uhin. T. " leien•fi Indiana. If. Meredith; Miseetri. .f sate ; L . Jog's& Musnissin.be natio Mina* U. H. „ tido Texas. u. Henderson; Kennel. al. A. ; istrict of Columbia, Jerson Cierdardt inteeeissin, Carl Shari; lowa, 44. !Novae. ;Cafiforata, D. CMOs mem ; Minnesota, John Moßeesich Oregon, W,,* C. Johinion ; Nshrinks.o. 11.1neh. The President Mr. Ashman. then, ins few brief re marks, returned his thanes to the Convention for the honor conferred on him. Ile fully endirsed the charm:l iar and ithilitv of both of tee nomine es. and 'accessed the conviction that victory meet crown the 'Moan Of the putty in November.' The Convention then adj muted sins die with nine heart• cheers fur the ticket. Immediately n the edloarnment. a 'hundred suns were fired from the roof the Tremont Souse, in honor of the nomination How the Nomination was Received. ALBANY, May 18.—A hundred guns are being Bred hers by some enthusiastic friends of Lincoln. The greatest exeitement prevails regarding the no mination,rend groups are gathering in'tbe streets discussing the subject. The announcement of the nomination of Lincoln wan entirely unexpected 'by the Republicans here. They felt,contident that Seward was to_be the man, and, when the Bret intelligence was received It was discredited; hut when it was found out to be true, a feeling of disappointment was clearly mani fest. This feeling still continues, but they say they will abide by the decision of the Convention, and give Lincoln a hearty support. Mawr, May 18-9 o'clock P. bi.—The Repub. lioans, of this ,eity are now More reconeiled to the nomination of Lincoln, and the wildest state of excitement prevails.- They consider• that while -Lincoln may not be as strong as Seward would have been in the State he will be lead objectionable throughout the Union. , Tar-barrels are burning, cannon firing, stud the principal thoroughfares are crowded with people. ; All parties are discussing the action of the Corm& tion, And since the reception of the news of the sue °mild laying of the Atlantic) cable, no more ant 'mated scene has , twetbesti 'witnessed in this city. ee I9AIniNOTOII—SENAToa nominee' maim Watintearox, May 18.—Senator Hamlin's rooms were orowded to-night with • his , friend., to eon- Igratulato him on his nomination for the ViaesPresi idonoy. lie had no expeotation of the nomination, and 'was surprised when it was announced to him. The Republicans of this eity,and the Republican , Congressmen are full of enthusiasm over the I ticket. ' Ohio Indiana s. . • • .... 1h00i......._ ~..... .......... 2 SATES. Total Cu/81S. lit REMONT. Senator Douglas repeatedly said today that Mr. ;Llnooln i e nomination was the strongest the Itepub, , lioans could have - • ' A Republioanretiffoatlon meeting will be' held ;here next weak., - . , , „. .. . ... i ' ' A 7 ROCBESTZR; N. T. ' ~ . goritESTEIR, fey 18.-A hundred rine were tired here,thle,eyening, by the Itenubliaen ei in hbndr of the nominetlon of Lincoln. ' '" ,„ , , , AT BOSTON. ' * ' • BosToN, May 18.—The 'nomination of . Lincoln orated 1101118 eurprime bore, but was generally well , received by tho Republicans,' who fired a salute of Is hindrod guns. j It is proposed to hare's grand ratification meet ;ins at Vanoull Mall on Monday night. 1 ...-.. -10 AT WEST CHESTER, PA. MIST CESETER, nomination of gr,-Llnboln was reatired here with universal setts liaollon by the party. ' , Nam Yost:, , May 18.—Despatches received from all qtatteril state that the nomination of Lin 'coin and Hamlin was received With the tiring of ;cannons, Illuminations, and general rejoicings. . , . . , ~ Arrival of Steamer!, at N ew York ...Nall, VOSOC,Atay I.B.—ille following steamers arrived atttair port this morning: •Ttio' Arlel s ' from Aspinwall ; the' Isabel, from Muttlirton, sad the ?Wadiliiits, from Sorsa* OA thellikl. . 4 .- : ." • , t ~ ..,, ..t, LATE 47 NEW Tee the Prem. tnni IXOPEWIRST SOS* ? G.N. caittOgib - WASEINOTONi May .1 8 , iB i 1860 . • i" ' SENATE. I Op, GREEN, of Matsui, offered a resolution that im _oeter Monday nest ttie Ileallte MeV at U goat A. M. Laid *aide. Mr. fil a l IiON, of Virginia, from the Comsettes Totems' Relations. reported a bill to sem lotto ...4 the troalies with Ghost and, Jamia..bialn. ~r „.. 4 ..,..„ wee otaarea to tip yenta& ~ , .t, A menage f ro m the'rreetment wise steels Mae to the Homptilta° o l o lMisilemet,meali wee Nike up and code to prim . - t Reports o a_privaire auger* Were tssived. . Mr. GEMPien4., of sexes, introduced it bill to pre4 vide for the examination lied payment of 7. =,..0r the cations of Tease, for spoliation! by the its timed. The bi ll to authorise the mymentof certain rontreate mode poned. try Goverment. agents Tel taken op sae poet; The bitter the relief of Awe Dart Wag taken uti Mr. LAN !& tioliegoll, opposed IL 4 ,'• : ,_ s, [ Wiihou bitte r on the senate resumed the comiderotio• yea/a order, tram: 13eanor Davis' reeolutione. 9f . , al -13 U addrisied the Senate. i r. MASON meld UM refolations involved the deepest interests of, the tyroolda ,of hot Ilium. ' fa Sealy to :11 charge that thee were Sbetritotione be Mi. it had he come seethed practice to discuss, in this form, sr constitationel, iig e seese ildi they arose , 3 Use Mill lim cOasidon _Wooled the great 'Ability of the Halo itself. leedighemt totally Sem tiro Miura "Mere , by the Senator from Mode. The Tarritonee are the commas property of all the BMWs t - Tisequeatioa se to their mitten Si It Mere Wed apneas*; one, sad ap• phi:able to me hussies now on the table. AU thefwers °ills people of the Territories were embraced i • sot este% hint them j Mr: teases then went leas oohs history of the volley rammed by the (roverameet. toi wards the Territories, and narrated the rislatioli takes is year. le this Mime MN, sad ifterM then the hansteNebraska sot did pot embody t • doe trine of non. futenemhWile emptimged by Mr Dobeite The intervention, Which the acts of UM and LW mull intended to preclude. wee trot of the rrobibltlon of eie Ml:Year= "rariiram 4 11.4 41 1=1 'Mahone duty. as regards the proteotion of rowers where. er it had °umbrae. Liegielestow is regard to th domestic, matters of the Territories was transfer - re from Congress to the Territoriat LOVsistare ; but o course under Ow listatarseeribeid by- the Coestdulion The bargain made to laf Was Mat the coeds shout decide the exteif of the reetnatrons Imposed by the Cons tit HOW. • DI'S aloft NMI Ova &tide tkat Coo+ yeas could rprt @tersest' to prohibit Clefs?! in the erritories. I reply to trio litsterefirLiiit i gt Vieille; id not some be hro Hoist meet I. kite ms that oVectioe vilajused fore the rt t the Chief ittetimi deeded disarm* Sad set the o ion Wee The eageeemeat was obligatory anal! to l del elitithiof Um Onert. sal this Ikratitakel He proneatmed the docitnne of popidar env/teasels the Territonee saohietem. tikorgonsatir reeZitt 1,..._ _o peoplesf the repinste Marosmidnimbere . some was no sovereignty in the !Shoal Government. some' tillellbr they mile nottrammitthat "sebum tatiseTmi ritoristAnAhe Utter derived mil their power train die 6,4 genie sat mimed by Coition,. The ,;curt hedleiteided that Comer ease sot prohibit +harmful theTerrittirome consequently the Territorial Lemslwarse 000ld not exs" teem Gus power. if the Territory. as in T e cam of I Rasem.did .orohibit illeverr,then It -web duly of Congress to intervene. He quoted fln0(4111 to snow that this power had been repeatedly exercised. and eit late aejdee. two year, after the meats of the Nebraska bill. He did not desire to force slavery en a remotest people, but did want to make Them teapot the rivets of others and the Qtrostittition of isle ematry. 'No purpose loonto tosidabligh slavery. 'The Com:nation did hot establish it. trot aluiry names *A ea t,g ea existias , condition alines.. "bat wan all the seats asks.. Eros in the Mates no statute could be found establiealus or creating slavery—it ontt riftvintat tut existence mid' provided for its regulation. Mr. Maws dwelt on this point at length. ntr• 't 00a89, of Georgia, obtained the floor, When the subject was poetemed till ittrouleY. - The recite went into executive essaton, and imbeei silently adjourned. HOUSICOF BEPRERNTATIVIII3 ':iIItr.IIEYNOLDS. or hiterl'Ork, florae Comehates op IA Judiciary. no ported* bit to re the set eats' Mollies toe Court ef Claim., sod to provide for the ad is t i l d lr a W d. h7 Ibtribeisiet AdrY raI RRAGAN. of fate, made 1111 Ineffectual attem pt` to get up ma Tessa regiment strnedipent to tbeidditer iVadems bill. Tao ideamhoet was takes caIPPAN. or New Betehehire.' moved to poetpone ltueedets lit order to tate nettle bine. Lost Cy thirteen emonty. Mr. W.AB.IIIBUItIfib. of WWI, It•T•10••• of • ihibl *time. he bill r_ a e diectiaped by Mime. Wfiudtburne, Johli Cochrane. Clam, of.ftellr ort, as Ott•••••• a 1••••• to reeomMit. .Mt.Tn.v 1/JR. of Leairsana. offered a subetitote lug the Insurance, wades the tienditioas of the O 1.11“ bet= ter to secure the loo s of pametname on ',nerd or venting propelled wholly or partly by steam "shall be compiivit vita ; and providing for the punishment and theacalial cation of officers by whose carsleespees or recklemnem amcdauts °emir Asiscted. Tim hill mos then pesMid. Ihe bill pained was the 'shots tuts of Alf. Waahbornei of Himont and contains many imports** provisions roe the further safety of life on board of eleaniem. On*. promicon br. mar ferry boats under the law, and another limits the number erliegen oe ocean-Amine steamer* A system of 1 Is is Drew ribed for stammer* and saltine veraels, and e law of illee is amended in, many particulars. . • The Boric proceeded to the consideration of the Ne-1 brash. contested elective caw—Mr. Datl7 &smut Mrl t.stabrook. • - .1 1 dalsars. Cline BL L. .tadnsylvania, and DAWEiI.f of liamashaseelm advolhe Malin - 0, the sositsid, ant.. While the latter was regain sighs» Moe snob eon». aion of tongues amour the Aetatilicans, who tore Kind int in rt. talking about Ike aura from Ciudego. - The seater reguested gentlemen to preserve order . , MrAW Hi% re octet the eonfnuon, soot that Aortas' Lim:win will be the neat President of the United Mates; son he hoped that this easonnoement would no maw. CH. of North Caroline. lean for the reed i in g of the deen.tet orgAltegt. not in order. Itanaltbir.f - Mr. h.BTA Oltn» 00K 'rote In Gore of h is right to the' neat he has °oratorio& - - The Mows lin es Paned a resolution that Mr. Eats- / brook is not, and Mr. our is. entitled to the feat. Mr I,inabrook then retired, and Mr. Daily writ sworn in: The Private calendar was then taken u.-and, ode; several b il ls were disposed of, the House ad journed. Death of. Wm. S. Daum.lip of clineetts. BOSTON. May 18.—Ron. W. Damn% ex% member of Congress, Muni at his residents is this city yesterday. Deported Defalcation. Now Toter May 18 —7ll e transfer clerk of the Pude° Matecompany,ia reported to be mlaiditig,' arid a defaulter to the anouritet $4OOO. The daimatiee Beabasesr. Ll!rom .the ',4lgiiingtou Star of log maim.] CoIiIIECTIMIIIAND . ADDivoits.—In the haste of mehlue. up for instant pubirohtieu our report of.yeeterday's pro= eeethrmi on the ormaiion or the reorpuoa of the 7apa-4 uses mmbamy by me President, a =rpm/lesser° m re tirement Imo the mummer; pt. 7 hoe, we ex Mused met of the km_hesel from the Brea of the Chief Mmieteste of the NM fliathe ero Moms bees the re-! welt of • purpose el Cling book trills Item the lm. penal Aruba.mo ..or. 'Dm wee s'Maietelie ; Chief Prit:=Proputaeligrlllffi - n14.7 " . rimitipt onto sod tote rvtew wag the asi” the Ty.esen, to Irtresnt Me fetter iteereedies tMis *Wrist bees melted re thet literriev sr hut repro eentstivsk tetrUitatentiv rstivett,engt tbs. gods 'sae forwent %the TI • 000n's *outwitted and aatnuidethid Simpsnadors. The reason why the.ofiker to the year failed to stand on +line with them, was bedews hie rank aid not per mit pim tri tail to the andeenoe mt the equal of the Antboirnadoni s He is the administrative and ci-. eclairs ollloer of the Histausithe It aid or Lenten tut or the chief Ambanador. Be Gni who hoe dares or the treaty bot and their totem*. W e also.. omitted to mention. that. the diAtinitnishad Commodore isbubriok wan intredieed to the Ember, at' the senior u 1 ber or the American Mee. directly attar Lieutenant General Scott was introdsoad in his official dl oapaaity.i • , • . TUT 1111771 , 1011W1D. Not a Person lioCtieoisd with the Eutaw hjkagilP to th a hour, WA b beyond the preeitsela qt mivards' Hotel since first eldifillf it, 'uteri ji.POI 000 MMM a of their visits WIN Unattlieln WA the kunst tore. already described salons* Is Mk mar. It seems to he understood that no One etoosom With too Em bassy la to move out of their asouhrsi—fist to. is to go out into the oky—until the Conks' PreMostaMod of tke ratified treaty. Tine morning they treydkossily engag ed in unpacking their Males!. mustily a ,C hatsks. arranging the preseula they bear to the proudest of Moll ;United thetas, ko. SOMX DAGO/10Z. The baggage of the Jetteeese heehaw. received oa the day Wore yesterday acWitlarde . Hotel. filled oven Jorge a aloes, even{ hi tom trope. or chests per mam some of them fifteen feet keg, filteet high. ape four feet wide I Mule o f them lomirmge wtth Poles acre. Lop, 60, th at they may be bomb gulled by por- TEL NEW YOlnt nistantsvioni /MD Inn .7.ll.l.AnnSi. At 10011 t B P. New . York delegation we troduced bl Cent. Dupont, who stated the °Weal elitism visit, of which the ambassadors' had already Peen in formed. The Janitore present were the three ambits- Wow and the four bilkers melt in rank. The delegation being introduced! the insp thermals said s Your Exaelientdes We are appoinects' com mittee by the Mayor aid community o new York to invite „you to come and to accept .the hespitallty of the city. Stew 'York is the metropolis, tbs. largest city in toe Union. '1 he desire to seetloll , and to hat* your EM' boar amongst us, i s very grneo.,,• had We therefore Mina that yen will be plear too:qua oar iztintattoa. and to inform us of the day when lour arrival maybe expected. The Ambassador replied that they were extremely gratified at renewing the invitation of the city of New York. and that they accepted it with a great deal of pleasure. They intended, as moon as their otheial biot itew was dumorsd of, to comnsunicate with CPIOUI , Du pont of the sobreet, NO mu to f# the day On wawa they wd arrive in New York. hey farther stated that thugtwat to that ergs city would of areas latent toem, and thht they had, some busmen matters to at tend Toon arra there. After a D totrafeetion, shaking of halide, sad matuat emit of cards, the delegation len the re °option ' • InCIDINTAL. The grahams) , are much aatonashed to learn that their expenses are to tie defrayed by the 'United et Ile They e all pr. pared to pay their way. and with ample funds ,o do iso. This they yeeard ea- the handsome's compliment they have received. They express • desire to Mira home direct by sea, and nos by Ow mai They have a fermi ter this votes*, thifir her . first /spates, voye round the Born fee riysti will stooiWlY pr obably be detained and pace d at their al p One of lee most 'dogma features oonneeted with the visit is the treatise breught on by the Emblem, seed the bung which contain them. It will be recollected that the treat) , made by the tatted Mates emesnl. - Townsend Hams. was dertmyed by fire—the palace at Yeddo, in which it was deposited, catching fire and burning down. The Japanese 'dumb a sawed regard for treaties, and it was considered a very desire ble ob ject to have the President and the Department of Mate attach their signatures to two treaties which are fee smile ar.sityeot the one destroyed. neck of-these has bees carefully tegonbed upon parchment, and deposited ID lacquered hoses richly inlaid with pr• mous instals. The• e le another box which contains a letter from the Tycoon' I tenalloral Ettiremr) to the President of the United States. these boxes are W contained in one» the ester, or of Which shows the meet brilliant polish we have ever beheld. A heavy red momoeo oovering_pre tootil It from injury . it is named in a cottage of lat ticed work. with four handles attached. Throtightrat the trip, the anthem:adore desired it might be kept al wa.a in their sight. It le known ihet hut before the Eastman left Japan 'be grim of ninety thousand dollars, all silver wan. was demented in minuet boxes, and placed in the custody of the tonsil/gr. Monte Okstmll. Officer of the...treexUry. who has certainty proven a good 'officer. upon the arrival of the party, he diemed it advise, le to get it ex• changed for coin more gene rally used, in America._ in which operation beadded the sum of six thousand SM. !aye premium, to Ike principal. The trimmer le • menet low stature, inclined to eor sideway std perhaps oat Jolliest of the emus gam. Ifs is a great favorite with our naval officer& some of whewhave met him previously i n Japan. Who Jane nese ale oer tingly the most minable and , polite peopht ace of the globe; the truth at tMe aesertioe on f ace epipparent to alt who iniame wit's. them. Under the Most provoking, circumstances they sae* manifested wittottepolitensm end patienoe, and the commandant of the Roanoke said mat he would sooner have esventy of them in his ship man half the sense number of any other nation. From Venezuela. No have papem from Caracas and La Guaira to April IT,,three,deys later than previous advice's, The National °engross wee still In session, end hid ,efiaoted several laws defining and providing for the 'punishment of the crimes of sedition, treason, and rebellion. A new conspiracy, set on foot by Monagas, bad been discovered. . The plottere were all out of the country, and were maturing their plane eomewhere in the Antilles, The Coo Ureic, of La Guaira, says that late ad; vices from Gen, Pace indicated' that he bed no in tention of returning to Venezuela It wtue the' general impreseion that he would not unapt the poet of Minister of War, tendered to him py , Pre sident Tovar, and the:Comore* hoped isst be would not, became a man of his position and abilities ought not taaecept'a .subordinato Woe. Be should return to Venesuola either as q,eimple citizen or to assume the supreme summand: The CoMertia complains that the GoVernment is not vigorous. The rebels are by noisome subdued and openly carry on their operations, correspond: ing with oonspiratore outside of the Itsspublio with out any Interference on the part of the *newt ties. Murders are daily more numerous and punish ments are very rare. The Canary Islanders, al most the only laboring people in the country, are leaving, It by hundreds under tempting effete to emigrate to Hayti, and the emigration is en °enraged by the, rebels. The Government to in need of funds ; no Mende have given all they can spare, and Its enemies are allowed to enjoy their property in Slash," sap the Cotnerdo, • is they OnMtiOnref the country." - - TRIFWVIX ai gar • A w i ti - xx s u c t i qui rum IS to P s Ca; itideltab 11 WSI0ihtter , 0 ,11 4 AL / Mt ' POW' /1: 0)181 1VaniL . S Sittl u noirolte'" r " . r""e " TMNI- McDoNonar%.,iiiiil.l.l444lllllllll— 35474,.mjim0r= N.41-r-MRINT hilisaspi,figir i siaHiranc.Calawc;-Itortaa Mates Muskat tT, Yoet,cof the ixasaaxic - Pennsylvania, has aassleftiiquir mane, of Assistant Kariba/a, to take tie ataiieof 1860, in this Zutera,mandee at the !UAL the counties are oomph,* except Neutralism emptioir., flak elr, Zig*la covart; tritichis lii brbe I n• =t= day.. The aanhalciiill eftemenee their law* on the lot of Zone, and it je enpepted that the wholeeoniiiited' fit idx ifiant hen that time Aimm a Cotnirt. , —Frantb-Will, Joke Booby, Jr. Franklin Beltael l Robert Keeled. Willis= fl. Souders, Jacob, liaaak x Ammo shaaly, g a l „ ; BMUS COURlT.—Wliganten Blain% Wit. Item seidenrefol,_Antirew Rao, buy East, James Bell, Aaron - 8.. BoCasa, Jonas - Miner, Daniel B. Knts, _Henry .0. croll, _8 Jaw Tisheir,lenaGutift,. lamb' Iro4et, hems K. Dshell, Joel Miller, Georgoßerlist, Lori K. Mein ell. el Wind Emma Co 1:11117. lII* at, Ames GM& on, Jacob 8. hunderland, Wm. B. Alibi/mar, Jo naguia X.Weltini, lean* B. Be_atassielil= llhrlitopher Taiedbm; Ohs" X Macknett, B. Oct, Jonas Lanbenetein,John E. Oorconse, !aim A. Grevip,'ltalutM4 - Kate, Rebut 8; *over.: " I thews consyr.—Pstriek *anis, Ahrilima PlastlEr- ' • " C '‘t Onarnin Copoirr.-Wm. 8. Boyer, Hugh Mooney, John Chris/any Willaa . Douai/18, 1 1W tl,Balloy, Bina Bsainel dentuel ffolmen, N:T: McVeigh, loot. Nally, ,Jeseph G. King, Orion Brans, Jleet Grout, Joelpitatimal,'J r amestil: Oilhongh, Jr.; Jiniesit. Lemon, John Woodrat, _ CursaanSiii. Bevis:—,yeti B . L o w i r,:"H i e r y H. Eberly, Edward Showers, Fallystrd p. .A. 1471.„ h. DAUPHIS Counrt.--Kassel Matters, Join B. Krause, John Itattifon,Jolen Miley, 'Wm. Bottom stone, Jackson Andrews. John Nolanghlin, John ,!‘..Eigler, Okada/ Osumi, Jrnsr7loghbiatet , • Duciitme* CotarrY.—John P. mmisairoe, Wcurrell, .W4ll. B. -rleessiere, ocorip Wm." A; Basle, Babied Wien, 'Adelpi B. Oheyney. Pasau.or esirxrr —Pianeli H. Blear, Thomsen X. Orr, Oen. W. Welsh, Joseph Cooper. The appointments for Lamest/a coasty hies al ready, been publithed in The Press. Ltayiaba TotniitC—lfsiiiei -ICA& nut Berbesson, Ephraim Beitsier, Lewis K. Weilieb John AhrelzwElles Walborn. 01;11;mp.T.,,,Iohe i rmibtal,Jolin J. Wants, 11 Sohn H . Faigal, Dania( . Ctatta Glatata Duns, IdiettuA IL Albright, ~ Abrahaia Blank, Wm. D. Sitter; Jobs (ism. Moistos Weiss —,..las,Plassi Lyndfanlitairsb. Mosiaosisai Comerr.—Not N rsosCoursi..—Psear BROW Glai. V: Wallies; Chibtlasi Frankendeld, Join Bass. Yiaaz CAMlTr. , ..43llllllllo:llll4thilleipr, -Al/6119 Stevens, John Hartsell, Benj. W. Masser, Issue B. Cooper, Balsart Biseltset, Blismiltit. Piga Coussr.--Oliver 8 Dianniek. ftsor.,unts.,,,ClowrirriaGidsomi Wltaristow - Joha Wynlioop; Wm. fi Johnson, Joan litiniamageha P. Powers, lisubsis, Bemuses. Prisiliraisk Rat theme-, John Brown, Abraham 801114. WAX:CC Cotrienr.—Bpbealm W. Biaallm, & name. Yobs Chr.....-r—lfiraa. Sage,-Job/ Bar r, Wm. 'Manley, 'Admit H. May, Photon, Augusta a trier/a, - Aleii B. abeam , Idle Paws- Don, Joseph When, woe, comity, Joeeph , Teth, 'Yew duble, .Ir., Jibe M. Rut ledge, N. Orevemyer, Bee) T. Roller, Peter 8 " , ' Wm ' # w f f m, 1 .4 41 7 Carrots:a. TnE buIgoIVAQUIT.Q , Rooms - Blitwrinlutrz —A Coamsacanair Meng.—Osed oar eats:yet. slag felloa-eltliela,Waniy - i. Wati,Wat ;Tearlisd hi*" shouldef to the whoel,".fer the issitsswarmet of south Broad streetgoot earasst, by meting tile.ereptlea of # aagsidsast Anit-dt. four4tory Mateo browiatone haat, ' to be situated at the lit..W._eoraor of Brood mad Federal greats, The stellar has hew dog and walled up, and it is probably lie, larva', villa/ et any dwelling hoes. soutkof barbel alma- The building will be .flfty.fsal. hash aa Brood street, by retry-ads fest deep; fig *ado Ugh, the. trout of Rietou'atone; It will be ;et back thistroli fait Atisa.thi, llaa et do pavenieitt on Broad strait; witidi will penal* a bandanas iloshiegialeseirarefset Mks lot takes ap will he roe, feet treat tea amid ateset, widek will have "twinti-in feefaa Wei aide at the hare for dower garden*. • . The example set by Ms. W. is worthy of by other property owseri - ealitear Shier, Alai if they wish the grog .to become desirable hi prihti rate residences, sboald asks goodaad tasteful ha provementa themadres, in order to 441414 mane to - ereet similar raddenees in die lesailly,.. There is no parfot the eitY better adaplakpa raeidesees of this oleo Was - South :Brasil Mont, am • most boastfhtt boalererd Lee bars bad *et IS the, centre of the oirte . et, Miss li ir . iatuao4 ahaY Ooloteftedlfiti geh1 0 4 061 4 - .11141"4'14.11*. trees, for the tatedek,eadl eniersent el tkl 14- testa.= °f lair thine loss bites ntietfreitAidst fish Councils havi riot extended She. PAW feemes vette* vitrillaX,lMTlaTg, 1 0 , 4 11 AW;triAmf7Cintsr - Woad lama Mule miss& Cataliy *To* ready den! a great dial far iostkinol4 eknik: pit Ss curbed and paved loari tothithitessietket dike Paarfaak road, and a sherr., diatemeti latift - At the junction of Broad street ititir reed, there are several, trifidaitrsititttegeit, ihmetise en Broad Areal, whieit - amm iiredemn, to ',OeLenn , tent, the barren charaatereeilie street: ° But go northward from tile, OM op to the Bal timore depot, at Broad and Wasaiiitton knots for nearly a nine, *era , are but two or three house, and those not of the inititiad, to ,be sew - ; And Tel tdeY.froili 9 1 1.tb• biaatidd bOalarard. *is referred to. Tkeraikae, it- do pan alty 1141110 south Broad *treat vial Cowbells hit obiionli the matt*, they obi:omit/go Mwerittbsiiestia;liegeisim::, their properties, and shown* the public *pro*. inentir,siaked a* really nesSiod. Twosity foarth ward to point. The* tbkitailitt watet-gipati are laid ii'leiielnetewowribeiest the **try. Bat What le the kiwi *Wt. cause men of ifrisos la* oboe* to bind aim** and expensive cottages, some hi will* wet 145,000 and $20,000, far oat in remote portleu of *award --oomettmes in the woods. When" the .tionitnittsei of Oanstails Atli the 11S when liaperstatints - swe . ask* ilw, s the *gement offitieetijibeister"M by tbstraillioo of mansions, noir* *V** ipokeslof, wit Am** tible, and the gas end waist pilots Sri Lad, streets opened, - graded, - ailed, ie. - 'These petals int. provemonts follow:popnIstIon -*matter they required. It would be unwise sad iapolitls fu{ Cannons to spend the public , money in wok weeks Oakes there was a popolatiUn In the **illy to* besotted by it, and to pay a portion of the ex 4 New Passarrnaraw. Catracar. 7 -The now gregetion knoan as the Trinity Prasbyteilmi Church, nt-tteseoyper, of Trinkliord 'road and Cam bria street, which in under the charge of the Raw. Kr. B. Work, is lairaisivg is Mutilate, as is also the Sanday : sehool pomaded :with it.. The tomer- Mona of the - neW edideawilt be laid within • alcath. The buliding will:be f eoMirontirif iti dare *PIN GOtbio style. Lamina ON JaPari.—Lientenant William B. Whiting will deliver a leetere en. Jima, it the Mord:sal Pond Hall, next Monday evening.. Lien. tenant Whiting wan appointed by the Navy pertinent Hydrographer to the Japes expeditiwm under Commodore Perry, and aosempanled_thalt othoer in hie ,visit ta.Yale bay. ,We -map hers,: therefore, to obtain from him some reliable Wei , nation res,peoting that interesting People. Dnownan.—About six last ermine, while two men were rowing a boat on the dank above Fairmount, it suddenly oapaised. WI I hi *vans wee drowned. His bodywas reeovened,afulk taken to his late residenee. at 1401 Barclay abut._ whore ho leaves a wife w 3 four children. VW other man, whoec name wo were unable to learn, oiling to the boom of the boat for some. time: and was finally rescued by some members of the boat Club. Cateritr.—A match between two elevens of the St. George's Club will be played, on their ground!, Cameo's Woods," on Monday neat. Wickets Oohed at 10 A. M. The match will no doubt be a very interesting ono, and well worth tweing. 'J he public are respectfully invited to at tend. TEM Doe Dwracrrurne.--Capt. Sim Francis, the chief of the Dog Detectives, in making atrannti meets for the coming `Munpaign. The Captain ie now awaiting inatructions from the Mayor, pre, yiona to embarking ripen hie minion of destruction. TnE Coarrzarean' Enron= CABlo — The counting of the votes out for City Controileofet the late ntnnioipal election, has been eoneindedi- The majority of Mr. Rutty has been ieduced from 102 to 82. Smarm' For.--There was an alarm of fine. yesterday rooming, owed by the barntag of a bed in Bt. John street, below Buttonwood. lt was extingalsbed without any more than trtQing da matte. Aeon:tam—Yesterday morning a boy named James McNamee, about Eve years of age, fell from, a window of • a house on 'Hurst street, below Lem-. bard, and wee mutt Injured internally. He was . conveyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. • ; - Hosprrsr, Ursa.—A .-man,• named Jerrie. Kirke, employed in I cloth factory near Front and Noble streets, received a compound freedom,/ his right arm yesterday morning by being meg* is the ineehinery. He was lain Mtheleseptiat, •, THOMAS riiBOSSH*OHS EWA; . . Node/ ibae ? lleoook, !awe.' Paaapblet to* higaes now ready, t!Olitilbstag fof 'ifiaealptlone dt all thelkoperty to be cola _ en Teasley seat, 2114' but., with a lbt of oleo 39th itai i - and June 66; a#l2tbiwfbiellat - 4;o4eititif it private ante, obnairlitaz a laall ibesiCaail "gnat varlet: 4. Prefortf;' • • •, • OMMM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers