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" ‘' n- ' : 44_1i4•1114aiiliallir aim* . ' . _ ---- 7. - - . . r 21_ - ' - q , ,, , ,--41,• - ,14,./ ,,,,, , , -I: , ` ' , 4 ci',- 1- ' ‘. , ~ ~,„. , , .;,';-.- ';:, 7: '.'.-4.. .... : ''''.....: ', „ , 1, ..... ~,,,r, --- "••••••.r -. "f` ~ -- : .. 'A, ! ,- ; - 440, 04 4, 0 - 4 6. - i ,-. 6- - P- .. P - ... ~ „. „.„ ~I-, • • ... • ...-..... ;,' ~- , - .... " : i , I .. ~ . :.,• • 1 ..7.•-i •t! - - • , :f-4 . rn„' ,- "-'4, 7 lll=4W ilas t i Villic.'47 l 4 : 1 •Sif''' --- , .. ' .-.. mi, iPta. ~ 5 -hitr' 13Y: f r Z f if - V.xos*4 - 11:•1- - 014(!*4 - , ',.13q.1; ,. . 1 1• ,5 6.; 4 4.;) ' • p•llerwAtip.,•:r : . • 13 , • -1 - 1 - •;;.•,4i ; 7•Ai. t'r& - :'9POPEIf ,*llol,l4ltljs.''' /11- „- 4 14 P TIMMINGS . Th il l** 4ll ; ~.144tP/ 4 0 . a.:PA O PE/fir a *; re- - 0 10,-, WOO I I .***Ertii;;".i •ra s ItAric , NETS T 4, iy ). ' 4 1 .-,., altyithilll4 - 44641110101113':- z•AAI., - • LA.I)IIMIV , •.? -•,'• 2 ;. -1 . '"act,AVYAWTV iginwiN9 P.IEPORA, = - . •sp !"- 043 `Ailk•algrA/L ' , l'/Mik?jii/LACTV-1 *RIO* '1; ,;IL ).- !.. -- 061 - 1.11111kainiMUND - iteria-'; , :erwtoikleii Weskit " The CoitiOita n ) ' "•••• ,‘"" LMILPOINTLAND' MANIILLABF , • , Arialolll l /6X-11111 - 006TOF 1111POITATtOit, L `,l • . PINELP A I MI:IT I V IC I;kgkft u 7.4, Itali#, Olt el, q±;' ;' ,, ,- ,4(,"• - . -,': ,- ;;1140tfe L 1 1 . 1tA0/410001410litil';• Wi T -I Cl' N r 7.114: , - - . • • , ‘_ippirwrisistrr 4 j .:33 1:Z . 4 .7% 4 8 1044 i''.,•,*l:l l°-11 74 1, A1 6 0 /1 -M 04 1 / 1 1 7 t , '' • NEW „ -14 ** 11F 40661' •--- • :-1)-iiii rn t b - **SI:4 1 ; 1 ;0 1 . 01 4%; iddri ir natiiirOth r ; - = O . - • :1114114: • •-- I',.'lEl-•'•.'i,-I"l6iMialklUO i 1:1; Ittoott e uttific - 11:4 - '% - woot4 - - A ~f 11: q ' I 'q ri t . AWFANOZAWittakiWS . T . fi 4 Icr* • - lifor,Yetrare— ;-,v 7 '1 silt M L., „ t• t t 5s :411‘101L-;44oEmilvisireati,-if 6,- , , ambripia i. ft. ' Lk, '1111,717 . 7.;?3, :47 . 7 . ,q4 . Z-z" 11; - _ 01 +i;2,:116. - .14,1119141100311 MOWN • ViriblE-T;1-A-14r-BrIlktnia ',,E,444 el i1.W.N"..,74:0-;.`..t:' , 4 - ,:'M li •-. 1 :: t. , '• .-.. '.:, ~ . .i.,..., . .i ~ ,:„ - ., ,-- a.:41 'lvitNix)W;:-.I3HADEEL.4 I „ag o • ,- _;:'i - , _ .. Alfialitkri o l4,..44 l ll 6 l. fi1141 1441 1 , .-.._.,.. .:.::::- ,-..,: • - --'-- /- ' .' r , "; . :11rAilitaiiiii - iiiitifilust — siii '__ - afiiiiiiiitimik, , :-/ v.:44. , •,..,L 1 , .;',: aillilliW: Aumilar&- • ' ,: -14110141011. 6111,917 iiiiii4M*7llll“ff4ll, ,;11.11,,,tirit, - , ' F - s 61'`AEWI'"TA M=M 0: 1 AASCCUTIffir, 1M0241h201,40tc-ft WEIKET selistantlF Olhat, 411 EMS *Om& lAA:A :,„ _ '4"` 7 11 #Thill 1 0 1 0 1.0 . "X ..11R , Ar .1 ;-400iLitorotkosii: . ~ rNe , ‘retamAxe AND , MOMS ' Val4Gi t tA.Aribiteti '• " ' c 2 ,, t ourraneinges;&i:,'&4. ..,„ :lams wimig 80N atrognsw MANITACTIMEXIti,' WHOX, alu;:x,:ufil,irruz• r 1111,041M1 Autlatirat " ine,onsmwrastkri.„ AB:00V. • '4l4p DO SOU',11L10) kiwi; friVAP.E.. etlet. butiort . ilitio.. and AthAneilis amisifiotertoriupit 114 " ilOrfr..fliw-•;k.:;9144r:P4A1P-LOS ,litt,ery -104 'taitEigUitat* . AWHAO. AT:TO 1.01004.01$B1110.11110111.: SU/410`' - • - -ww_PLATIWAWKWV:I„ , •• - -' • MADD/WIDDIIS AND irm. d m i s + * Aal► OD hald . °Rat 4e!IT tioodi 9 l r i4blnVlWyr 'MUM+. O vanrinH , Opokr fr4PPilwqq!oig:dou'‘. TP - 19 ,1 4:N0P; liivEkiNEE44 :21wroaciterookitti, .I"*. - s . l44ogatto grim, „ , 111 4 ° , 0 " 4 ”: PAPER 11,:o6:N - Glr N 6E1 6 it'itst3;4lcesewsteivithttt.besiviss, -- F A T 4-114 " 741 ( IMgrainikailaki• PVllloit'ilAnait IT ss, titi itita. - it9w.99 614 ,, Psoioe' Ads sit soli wa,Ektita - Oiorr, BEWEL443. :Atatoinzasek , MEM 00VAgilik ; • ,41, Worn! irinsiv, SWORD FLOG ; 1111mit#,, with °signiori. irk . iti* to POvaes "WOWS V;Wielf- OFATlVOinitiVeintoii. 11: ,r.l. P I A 0 : 11 , 41i liftagal& - Oulu% Fs. ;V I°t4 , mirenciparp 1 1 .&pORS. • : , - 41, • /la aßool • PI: E.' 001.111 MINTS APlDitilann ktßXE ; fli • .• • , • FEEiE;ZiOES , - , _ toolatiwtiti4voi i* T E , -Potovexot r 74-044, Or SZTAINTWAND : tR cou4lusi -- eiarriMiiiiol7tuuninottlio: . -- !x 10 0 5 4 • • ;61. xnami 'lntAlt; *MILTS ILIIIII TO OIDIOL ; con: ein*TH, 4µlll.cuarrsAlt.':', GEORGE SPENC.ERi:Jit, f l ,t;;',7:3lll2lor4ugialiitiitia ow - 7 110,•ISIt MINITINtry 'OW= • CANsoixiiit eirait Bova; Entrains Odirsommt, , Fiona”) ihtirf,* Stcle 4 latecitok of • nt_toXonutxt =WIXO `',- eroar tV r'A 40411141 t, • DRAWII,IIS. • = OLOVAR4, &id kitiiiiiid6tho7 OW*. ta , PaitTliiii, of the LA- W:Men artii&•*LowAst nurse, - .. ,,.: ta **V 11 0 14-1 11 - FlRE '4ll 6f6A ß + l lltViatiltfth , a its dimmittwati, UH .4 r int aggiad i Artit t uaex ti f i gn iffe r trona um f el ais4 iwl7r qterZw ilu f=3l: as stafib; ra Mese a, whelh gray lesse , oar , tA4I 8414 S 847 thins Wm.*, Pit 1441.0110114 MOO yolu aim .i. Ilir:: SOCMT-!4iiiii of the Alai =otiVisi;. , , i, , 'l, 41A9MSEIM ~ 1. ~. ~ imart* .', . , the iilielt 'aids .11'44 IL. 1 Ovratotsi blow tt ;',Ai ,, elixpi - 0.' , 01:. , wina*iliMw I::E=3 "F:! 1 !Mi!„/clil,N,Es.; - ikagoAmint Ockpti . " T , • ant BONNET *ORE :40*agillvRIAnnuw . ,. AONNSTIVFOX:MpISPS. iti3 TB "7,-91,OgiOntsx. /*YTS!! FOJ!, MINOS. -7 cirt#o3 Mt AM* BONNETS FOB-PROMENADE. ;Isci#oiFint.oPEßA. ,;,BONVINTelroit SUNSHINE. B043 1 .1)0913 TA.A7BLiattei. iiToßit. • BONNETS . STRAW. ~ 114i4,1004i OF Litpr. „ • • 7 BONNZTICO7 CRAPS, • • B9 , lkynOt #F,ALL COMBINED. BONNETS COSTLY. • BONNETS CHEAP. BaiiiiStil.A.T ALL PAII6EB. LIIPOOI.2T, W 001) L NlOllOO% . .796 CHESTNUT Sired. < 0 1.40, •T, ll s: 3E4 1 3 1 : 41 , •" • Ws Mire skids ilinnenee iednotions in nrioes of • STRAW ;ARS • • N O Y;;B'O - N N E T • Leoti, /LIMIONB, MALINES We er?Mo!l:l4hsm beintiN stook of, BARATOOA.'ORLEOIS,' AND BLOOMER FLATS . " , /° : * ?:P rii : •11 - 41r "*'' ALSO, g lldH HAIe BONNETS '',STERl4''.'it COOK, - • myymmisegic.— 710 CHESTNUT Street VRE - 1401-I ELO WERS. • Warn 4;10194 o,At the balance of our' ' IMPORTATION OF V,RENP4; ,FLOWERS. good. , offerd, thie Maion. - • ti* • • STEW'. da':COOR. ' • ' , "tiO OHFBTNIIT Etna: F it g"; 4l3ll- PY V ERS.. MONTUERS, :,151* RAW BONNET S. Just Mud, •„ 4OLWIVID 4.6BOird.ENT. KENNEDY & Bito4, iajf ) NTRISET. CARPETING& 'OW/NWT° fiBE • LAM M IMPORTATION ...CARPETINGB. sod camevisat Sziesi .. • TRi;OUIi~2HS AUCTIONS, •.. . • . , - • ; • *ell Mir oar - •ENTIRE STQCIC. :or ?:yEsiorr; r,441,170#8,, .tikitiTßY AIM ET . AUCTION ' BALLY i'& 'BROTHER. 116 ' 110 40128 ritt Oman. ftII,4I2,TINGSJ IKATTINGO ! hiATTINGS 444 w teisoi.44 lroii as. si* '' ' '" se* igtiriat74o. 0 1 0 0 . 1 4 1 1.11 ' , au • VN/R AWL 'irtittel4•=fuirandintii'toolki. .surrabrnt agetrariATOßS, ' Mot pano.'d 'kind& clithDitENic GM AND CUilltiAGYa, la Great Vanotr. FERMI* 1.11 0 2:Ella, Vie* list& 'at itrea•G Cittatto sad Hattlai. .VARNAram Rom_ rningini9, STORE.' manna mum. 4 ;;sitaticilipoideo,i•AtidentrotiPlas Ana. NEW.,•YORic ADVEIttIMENIINTS. • MUST BKL ONT & .00., B . L. arzir' r9sK, .6.6oafe m at,Orimit to Trsveueri hi RIAU ??825 OD. IRIS WORLD, ' viradimi lira • • DESSZL. ROTROOKILD. ABIs, LORDeff, PRANZ7OII2; VIENNA; if a: AND THEIR C.IOILBEBPONDRNM SLIM: -STOCK. 01•0.811i0, OUT. v. scistEßs a SON.- No. 32 SOUTH NEAR. WIESTROT,' Will otose out the baliutee of their elegaat SPRING. STOCK of NEN AND Toys , WEAR at Redneed Tatkm4 litorekespers:AAd °thou are itriited to own sal Owe the bar sins. tnin-tit CLPTHING: I • •AT LIM THAN WHOLESALE PRICES! • CHARLES HARKNESS,.' SIIS . HASHLET STH.it , E i r i triesst eoieetot Foilth Cyrmol7r, - AT : RI4TAIL;', UNTIL JULY let, •-• The irrutindii of tke Elegant Mock 8P RiNq 'AND' II D*NCEE' OLOTNXNO. tuaaidheptrid for ibis Wholissia Trade, • N. 11.—Ptuohomoio win Mid it to their whoutogo to took* thitirsemitioas isualedlatels. 01—tAfirLES HARKNESS. won MIME , AI:AL ,Awarded by Pentisylvii 0 ) Airrisol vs ' . ditrAof WS for ILMELLIS .41.1. , ' AM, i WAR. , • .r ,, liaiptMorlihr: Of , a tot i Yi 1r o biniMawa g al APNlEMP t Trir an t i O . , , .• T a s o • mint imirtur sorti r . /be ranee.m moviri l .. : 11 4 ,,,,4. 7 { 'O. ri giriglitart ii PO ; TB PUBLIO. . ' , thiLitatritel inadv oate st riFro to is ig rl i t a t ed ?or tea - v eto 117 141 too to r voit in oda' &too** engin. 114X4•11, Elt e ' ioosots.-# !Or tito atom •ot woad ors y _ vivo I . . . who tomtit d r e tail, . at ih. I : 4"tre Wit 6 inlifiri a . l- 4 given to , . Ilk ot oti veep : y*6 Atotto . „ 0 at l.-. ) ,: - .: 1 :,.... ; , ti ' ' ln pim,At•ELpila, 'l' ' Tlie i( flwb; tutee , i 1 i ,g _` In',ina l tian ; ta;igirsßif, ; ; I I, 1 ' his. Primiljoine,6Me *amok , : ~,, I ", , r3 .1 I - . Atld Watil, IMO NO UtteOlit Illg Ell. `-, draft.4lsi ta, hwir. yrs, ..; ,-- , ~ ast o wail* wa 11 la, • (~ ,-,• ;• I ' - " iltr.Tlistila." said - ha i- ' • ', p , l49allas At in altZ tro tallald•- 24 . 2,( , ,, , en touted ,_ „ mid _ -.' ,' •' ' You Mulatto ~, •,i} - 1 • " I em bound to know l roar inioilit.- ' . .„ -, , ' • • ii.adito win it arrant Winn. i ' .l'il oui.Hasaan olicuirAlainaih. , -+, s • -in Um pusumtla sm. ~ ~- -„-- 'I .; ' • "T r iiii.noW, and tel l in? troll s -, ' "".- 1.. r. Frigate, don't You nods(' i- •': ,' ,,, An Oast the nom-won% • • • , Whiiih.is praotined in a lake. . J," . 1 "You are Went, Mr. Frissle. . , , • - ' t ) f And uneasy .on your semi • ' ( t • Yrce tar tortiM o'er the este, ettt ', :, r : the a s aro .bmadv or ales , • " :, 1 I !' DiOire aweau ? wiii.e. roil. war* miriniali t 1 ~. LIM,OW 1101 an 001. ' '•, - ( -•- That t iou'd be a oval, Almon, • 4'; 1 An ttap 'sorra no ar reveal ?- ' • i ; , • - " Tell - Mientoldr.Wc• Prises ; • i ,i i Mr. Finials naiad, tell:- i in this wool !ham hi Malodor, . ~..' • , And 'he seiplaw that I anin. • ' • "Oh I Toil winked. winked oreature. - • ,• f ~ • 1 T11 V ii4 " 6.% We eAe N g a itill an rOt d iii liktytta ' 1 , i , . . alma a mason bs Ma hand. - ~, • , I‘. i lOrasisals altdetaratined -' , ir s / That his *mute toald nontrol 1 ' ' , O 1 • Bit, al enamels han ds With eaten • .. • was raprilaiVa to lit *gel, * - . • Its eanialmed.." WI near Yon Anvil' . • tilionid abuse hear Xnebaed se ; ... : '• i • • Ter 'Willies the Alaaanill alliorq, • , . - I Mat Horst yon would know. • , .13 ; •,• ' ' Tb sibt. sena boweddown to titian, d ne , whimpered in her ear. •", „ , " VOA I'm now shim% to tall Sou. , , • ' • on mist neveratentton, dear. ~,• - , r '' nib a mut to:mous* Maw. , . • I ',, ' T is he swearelitniemeit, I will ever buy la ~ At th e mennos ° o=lai,t." l - :,. " MA** ?P' 'said Nisi Triialit r• ,' - ' : ~- `•• -• 1 ~.„ when no,longer.l il beamed t ~ 4 , ' • ' - sour nonnoetton enth,the Shall pm lout snake ago ad. : „ r ., , I " Not tivord against the Oidir . ••• ,From nk _, ,s' ups shalt ever fail t ' ' '' i A! %M r s= trill iro g ;:e !tat" , , -,, • -;-'•'• 4 ; - A nonmpleat and - wellquworted Moat of etwitii.and eatamer Clothing MOw an hind; 'aliantaineed;ii,stilf , and Workman - IMM. to which the attention or ihsliellf, 'aid retail thriiiiiii itiviteil,`at • - : :,-_, .. 1 TOWER IfALIA AIR MARKET Et..'Philatiefeine. kg9Pa 001111E5.,1,,,, DRESS 421:00.158. iT 01 g41 7 4: ~14 BAILI vriaorkotntO PAY - SITP,ERBY.I SpORTIII4I , Tif • StJAhVIEtt ' D , A.PASSoodb4 •,. /FMK TIVI.OBRAT' AUCTION SALES; • Ai FAR BELOW TEE COST OF IMPORTA*S. No. • 218 • MARKET ' lErr."l • ast-tf Q. IU• T 1 • A:IIEI6A%, nAtkei - LANCASTER, itAtititltS . • inn • MAliatiEtr.T;RS QUILT'S, ALL Sun, 1 FOR RAUB BY, r OS HU.A. • B .017it.s: Ail ,Kbitgrir STREET. TERAY, ,Pltl9i, , , 14 I[ARICET Til1111,,:', r btroataas ann . annals' on • , GIL 4 OTREI• ClAlSEltitiLla s start •: Have 'now oa hand a larisand hick ea, aft granand 0111 at the vim, • tiiadt: WALTER 'EVANc-olk wy.tif ' toews7ntAn-iu.k4oziE • spoor., COTTON' 1 -e s , idar to mat arm imoortail, to otmurtk,ellioOPTlS olostioito. for toaokloo or load swots& ; LENGT:7II3 ' , W.III2IL4IiTED: %%Held BMX & 00111 *MIA Alla and* es toil Sad them exoeSs, 'zrW SUM mos. . . CO.,lolBroadwaY. n. , , C. OARYII.I4, Arent. Hoot York. • • , J. B. HOWELLi 'Agent . for Phttielpith, 41 FINICLI & LYON'S bEWINO IetSOIONEI WOWS, Wesitant street. , ithl7-tin* SHIPLEY, HAZARD,. k 1117113111thiSati , ; NO. 1111 CHESTNUT 00/01188ION MERCHANTS FOR THE, alias OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE. GOODS. WELLING. COFFIN. & Co.. 111 E CHESTNUT STREET, Or b 7 Um Auk's*. the following downigtiono Of AMERICAN GOODS Or stoadard, salmi and nt Mai mkt,: FRUITS OF STAPLE AND FANCY IFFYI.FA OLRACIIED AND BROWN suinulos ANIRTINGS. AND DRILL& 01rIABURGIS . Tiara. OOMET MANS, SILESIAB, AND NANKHZII3 CANTON ?LANNELS aamPKINTED LINLNUE4 LIMEYS, KENTUCKY JE.Alitl. AND DOI TOMADES. ALL-WOOL AND 'UNION CLOTHO. DUOS AND FAIIDY CASSIMERI3:II; BLOC AND BICBD DOBAKINIS. MIMS AND UNION' CASSIMEREIL TWEEDS, OASESIARETIOke.. R. fabikrailE SUMMER RESORTS. AILO:UNTAIN 1101:78.r. CREBBON, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA. , This favorite pleceortrunitan litEatertg willbe opened for viellotabout toeernddle of hunt, Under the rnenese rtkent of WM. 8. CAMPB EL L, or the ht. Lawrence Hotel. Philadelphia. 81nos last semen' number aim% pmyetnenta have.been made. muffling In pert of a rew bdildind. &retuning home fifty addition ll room., a new Mae-room Dzllierd room, bafber eho_ tenpip idler, end esta-rooms. About sixty acres or p, ironed bare Man been enclosed, tastefully laid out td walks, and planted In ahnibbery. Cresson situated on lite top of the Allegheny *roan -9,000 feet above de 'water. directly °tithe line of the Feltillyitliml ltoad. For punt, or air and Water, and grandeur of sooners', It presents attraotiong thatoannot be excelled. EXCURSION TICKETS Will be firmed by the Pennsilvante Railroad ComputlY AT HALF THE USUAL, PARE. myl7.ot* ST. NICHOLAS MOTEL; BROADWAY • 5 5 • 5 BE ORK. when completed. six year, ego, the fiT. tIOIIOI, A 8 Was universally pronounced the most Munificent, non, ryrival ent. and thoroughly cApani zed establishment of the nd on this continent. 5 whit it was then it remains to -without a is g lee; n sum ptnouraser, and in general elements of cunt ore and enjoyment.' The ots Yea sooommodstion• for one Monomial guests, te e Udine One hundred complete suites .of apartments for families ...BM hundred personsoan be oomfortanlysemed at tie tables of its three publut oininr TOODIs nod 'no thing that mod ernart has devised for the conyenientie and Gomel frratiemation of the travelling *untie his n ontßiod in its plan t er ig negleotedtn its practical The early reputation of the house at home and abroad, derived from its marnitude, rte numb sopollitments. and its home• hire comforts and luxuries. has been -en hanced every year by the unwearied' eXertiona of the tom. . TRBADWELL, WHITCOMB. & CO. : LOOK -MAKING MAW - JINX! , tomter otai, inf e ntod i i4 s tn e : 4#4Presses. 10 motet Lir RNALreh.atte: 1 1 1" Vis i boje g liath stmet. 309Ebb]: and 340 las. Inrg'eNo .:.311i4E ,end.2n0 b ra id 1,0 hf n .ilifaok- Rirl l4 . per W e V, TEETH FOR! SERVANTS, TEETH FOR THE tOOR at sa)l42l4o,d'rnot isseekved,Time 11111.04%* go, North— l% taro*: AN 0 aV.O. se fa: intlideBo TV e H ANL ln hac i airAikaßkiit myl7ru.i. VITOO._-400 $ll3. PIA 00, '' ihnington ',ZEitileitgatea.td.itetiMrwritishinrie9i MACKEREL:4443 sbig. Noii.l.;` 2 i ilia 3 b ar` 1411 . , in s w e h t,re i'ke et 'ls-: Irtijjatat. PROF FS I ON S .-2,300 Mims aii . ." 4 /hets , figite'reiPoKtibbAniner. tattork.fo;_vuzi, 0, O.7ADPNV"."'s ALIJA nueet.imann,aintroarnajobt. 44PAY;.._':.:513Y::.,',,i9;t:,:r1 , 960., r , it .., • ~,.. i.,• .., ~. ~, ~ r IS ' Ai r ; 1 1 , 114 . tiV 400 „ , American itillelfwitte•• ', . • .- ' In the4Une member of the idtiontic.fifonfhigi, whichwill be published in a few days, the opening article, by Tuottis 0. CLAREI:CIitta Engineeri 'in 'devoted. to a consideratiOn oi l it The'y'utifre'otAmerican RallWays.” Good *Oise,' *laical informatien; arid sound aro - this article, and too porpote glylng ionic; Wxtracta from it, c beestuse the sub ie,Ot, ban rarely been so welltreated. Mr. °tuna, after-noticing -the popular be lief that - railways have benefited everybiuly, but their projectors, - 'and' that the general opinionAf the, Cointatifiltyliifter the crash ni , 1867 i was that their-final - bankruptcy and ruin wap: met*: a,•„lifuilitionTof.fime, thinks that itcduring the nox,t.decade r such a change will ;I,b4f, taken: IllskeefiblithltMllndltiOn Of 'otlr tal -1 'ways, that WeiMalkilett therWiveraging eight l i te ten per cent. dividends on -their legitimate "Cost.'l, ;'-, -- ,- i - ,i - • C 7 - . - ', - Ft nonfat ' mismanagement, 'imperfect eon _ Squellon t taut, want of Indlyldnal regionstbilliy !albeit operation i. he sets down as. the caustic to whicoplTy,be,, traCer , the, /anguishing cork ditiett orphr ritifirays , ~, British rfulways coat from two to throe,tim t tiiinCeh' is ' thdY theilit Mini' dOne—becanae *kpregirlOWsh4 t9ll, mu eh money, Arne*, Can iidlitilYilifaiti r gigifile a stly--betituse wit' liave not had - - money , The Great' ttßilittittiiiiilit , tofiditiCii. TWA', 814 -mileS, Ostend, $ , K,000,000 in-getting its Legislatife. srpVirlitioiPorstleti:'' The mere cost of land 4 which Britith'rall*als ire leonstructed hie *raged $48,000 per inile—at much siti' thit miters* cost xif making* rafts); in - the United Blestsli:; 'Mr i Cr;taiWiMOceede to, Point tint tie . `BtrdiAN l Coiistrilethig null managing bur rail ! s " . '' ' "American railway ootdptiriles Wye nevOrrbiei :treabled.with, toe. leech' sanctity. ("They have use . ally coteleimesti with 4 great desire for economy, .seleating 'al. cheap' enginser,l'and getting ii low surmeto_ .of:jht.iprobable 'Out. , A: portion , of the aiikeol4pci for in , snook,. end. the neat isto' run' in debt. 'Pint-mortgage bonds' am od and sold. The proceeds are expended, And *Aqui, Is ; poi' hoar. .Ahethiari issue Is inelgist a great dined*, si yet another, if posab , 11$ rti tie load 'impolite es coropletion; the dut Ignite directors Mee moftey'by the, Moist despoil, epagestl i ona tosktul Would - bankrupt any /?rerchapt IP the-country In his private business. &mailmen the road bee tatallty enbligh te, Work itself out of its trontdeei tnit JO raid oases, bufertneately too ILit,ungoos, st ; passes ;into, the, heeds , of the tiOndt holdere - and' aft it OAP earn goes to remunera t e frossmai 'and pay legal expenses, oomostenions, etc , .. The duanelel mistakes of our railways hate been, mideavorinr tat dot tOo'numb With too little looney, and crippling thistaselree with a teed of ?fight thif do' proJest"coidditind tinder., This hab ledi. ai platter: Of cerk, tti the tweed ervil—lia. perfeekcepttrattiob..!.. Theiwtlettort of anew ran= - w a y ' ll Tt o r. ~,Ottoletotkwitlt themselves: . The avers or oar railways has beep between *o' late $50,000 per mile, ,arid this one, no deo to.ttill„ rim*" lion Mares before we get threllst, , Zia -it. tit bsiet 44, to !Mk so, or we t i botild tit §6t' t e' etiey ill Wild It.. Mr. Transit; I likr - entiheer, Bays 'Wean he 'epeeist for twenty An, swelni'dollari per mile; sod we wM'ilara money ,Oriplall 10, finish it, lipoid by. , 'Bo they goon, and, ito go tthe road open for the mall' stun attainable, everythtng has toile . serimped ) arid Pared down,to the lowest sonle.'‘l hi cuttings are taken 'out Joel wide envoi& fdr.thliests 44S , pate throogh, and the ecilkof the ties overhang *sedges of the embank. 4sentii.'Temparary - trestlairork ef.woodls mind, .itatogfei stone bridgell Aed - ealvarts." 'tiontreokl ' 'time felldwtottes, darn - the iron as fart as a b os s i l can trot, and the totid.ht opened, . . '''' i ' • . , 1 .. Another way in whiphlanperfitot truotlel l is idsivitable is where Coniganles Admit their Mai idlity„to. be , their: owatlimeetere, hy - pasiog same 'lnfiniti:dial dontrautor his pipit, and allowing him `l4o'lliSL-tild ' d*n lingiiiseriegi' In Seniattlittlit of his taking'stidi lieqhritleil as they hats` to ontir, and which hit atedertakei to float bytheant 6f Ids sups-, ..ripr oonnettfone., Bating the thing hie elm:way; I tied Sielbg hatitrally anxious to build his road, for ;is IllutioMithey as possibii he parekdown every- I USTI& titiell-helOg the Standard' of eitibartinled titiwgrhoards. ll the , t dad will only hold ` tog*, th;EUthe has sold Ms,' boade,ll it all he 'tail lit litildnere is good,,the rottdwill, perhepolul ,g , etizahad 'is tbetight.to 'be anielted, tempi day or elharAdif Ilistoilis Is doll, i nothleg is done,' iteut,ithe Antagetitiad treatietwiriks . remitd omit morder-traps as that on the 41Sitny Northern Road; which broke down tut year,". - ' _.,.. _ Aaßown-Easter,Mr.CLARKI naturally he .119y,e,8 Pll.laaglnisetts to be . the Paradise 'and Boaton the hob of .the Earth, and naturally compares,the working of. 31,tss t chn , etts'with British. lines of railway. Ile dues not say, a sylltible ; , about . the Pennsylvania Central Railway, ,which is both' well constructed and well managed., In 1886, the returns, ; Sim ;Massachusetts railways showed that, there wore 1,828 miles open, costing on an average $46,480 per mile,- or $61,611,721 in all. The- receipts per mile of road were $7,-, 2170.11treXPenses $4,200, leaving a net earn• ing 0f42,051, or 40 per cent, of the whole, This was equal to 0.42 per cent. on the whole cost of the railways: In the same year there were 8,608 miles of railway open In Great Britain; costing $118,040 per mile, or $1,06,- 826,3613 in all; and the receipts per mile of 'road were- $13,290, the expenses $6,249, leaving,n 'not earning of $7,047, or 53 per cent. of the Whole. This was equal to a dividend of tot per tont. On the whole cost. neria.the expense of working tho British lines is less thin that of Working the Massachusetts. The actual receipts per Mile run of Massachusetts train!, were $1.83 . against $1.44 of British trains; but the expenses per mile run of Mas sachnsetts trains were $l.OB, while those of British trains wero - only 681 cents, on which Mr. Clues arrives at tho conclusion that could' Massachusetts railways be worked as cheaply, they could declare Able per cent. di vidends on their cost,,instead of six. - Repairing,the track and machinery and the cost of fuel and oil constitute more than half the cost of' operating a railway. Mr. CLAIRE says, ~ The coat of ..maintenance of way' upon English railways' was 14 cents per mile run, agabfat 25 tents on those of Massachusetts. The .cost of repairs •of cars and engines was nearly" tife s u mo on both. The. coat of fife] per mile run was Oil cents, against 15 cents. While I' ngllsh trains are from 20 to 80 per cent. ligliter than aura, they average 26 per cent. faster, so that practically these condi tions must neatly balance each other. In alignentent the English roads are saporior to ours, and .es to gradients they have sonic ad vantii6 f although grades of 40 to, 52.8 fbet per ille.„are quite common. In climate they haveleestinvere difficulties' to contend with; although 'UMW - Moist weather, the 'nature of their soil, and their heavy earthworks involve intleh'extra expense. In prices, the 'advert. tagtaist at least 20 per cent. in their favor." ' ' Thia eceounta for an economy of 80 per Cont.,. How does the economy of 60 per cent. arise Mr. CRAM says t it The English rail trityn ' ere 'thoroughly built; aro not opened to. the ,pubile until finished, and no expense is spared to keep them in order. American rail. waYs'are too often put la operation when half .finished;.' The consequence is, they never are finished, and-are continually wearing out—not Ort'an average, more than half as long as they Should, if once thoroughly constructed. WOoden bridges are allowed to rot down for ;Want of' 'Protection. Rails are left to be bat tered to -pieces for want of draining and hal : One road spends $54,000, a year fbr watching inds,' and $65,000 - more for remo ving slides that should never have takim place. , Everything is done for the moment and nothing chine thoroughly." A rough track consumes !more they, - Jiecause it presents a greater mea iSurq',4o,nalatance to be overcome than a good track ; and the calculation here is that the lAtOriettrirOads burn nearly twice as much as I the ' Brltigh. But the Arnerican engines and !Cali; ate stronger and better made than the 1/$6Olll - 7, , i Which would be battered to pieces iii *viten , .months on our rough roads, on ae. 'count , of their rigidity and concentration of ;weight; ,while those of: America, by yielding to shoeka,,,both vorticelly and horizontally, !eiietsiOnjtiFy. American cars and engines are as , much'auperior In design to the English !tin" their 'roads excAl ours in solidity and ifinish.” What, thei4 Is to be done 7 Are we to do as Ih9 Acstlib:4o, and spend '51.78,000 per mile o 9 etistrttaing+ Our railways 7—No; But we Should !imitate their thorough, and permanent con= Istrtfetionjavoiding their extremeganeei Widely; 11}4se,/li,'bfK_laltsrly heen' imehowed even' by •;tliemiefiris, the avert coat of cpustrilotbit A British lailltwitinf Übe' Vern being, only $03,, 8924 Wo whall retrirn'' to this' snhjeca, bii9rinser)lr.tli;erian toriefitdWi Withirrlnif eic collard*: siiirieidiOnk the OteitteCtroii,il4, imii,oferbeet te t perpetually. rebuilding I rePa4r 111149 imperfect and incomplete.; constenetiOn f flrst, • and Involves Pespetual wittlay.!? Rave, good roads, and the profits will be considet. able, • ' *, ~ ) Letter from ke Elek Ilittleardiher ,l I : .., , • , • , Wianneerron, Raj 19,1860. , , (Comseemedenee of The Praia.) • = , • . = - , = 1 - ; ,.f. hays • just returned from • one , or thole astitSs which nye , forever , on, the shrub:dee , of- tiosi—je scone, too,. which kw only been enacted tOloalatlfe .. long pageant of, the world's history.. 01100: before it took,pliee li,the 'Silesia City, the Ohrietiasult: treof the Old WORM.., lot It has taken Pkele id .politioal °entre end , eepthd of the feliihtliet eett .- federeoy of, the It ew,-World. The Areetime that: . .7 1 Pfleetai Bethany presented theififtvill WO* presentatives of a. foreign Governgualdbiree sus Christian converts to sahnowledpet the hat of 'vicar of:Christ, their' homage to hinitiojesedt tho,Chttfoh, !those, tonal* J l )4oOlfaljd ,h its it ' had, with an inspired deal, promulgitildstiaftifialf 4 kthg,..,...,...,..,„....,,,,.,0 ~...,..,,,......i - Different though the, presen t lbablietY b e an*' that sent,ibeth.hy, the :kings of &Ingo, Arima, an ' Omura, , :ist. 1482, to Gregory XIII, it is not leis' oltracterbetio, 9g %the. ; ege , in which we live. d 4 011tiOttian,enligudalza had poised .the Japanese. HlNs r ,ared PflufAft end.,Noh les;.hed , Ifelogre • bi lieened, with the alvikaispilteef balution preached by the, eloquent dellnlea, Iled - ft Witno wader duel • vrhen.badger.balignan, thopyleltor General of the Japan Oulu!, wan retuning, Irons lhodur of in- Mtge%) #.*.) eeltverted, - Rings) aleasid desire , to OW* Rikeinoerlty ,of iliittOnnineirrftimetA. •Seilth rgebeetee:the.4oo4)ef, Wadi:Bur& intO .which tbeylued , proelitmed) "thesneelvarahildburp , I -I gf l ati" ,94 4,9 W, il :the liesuimaitL of , Chris* oivilludion, and, : in the name or' commene, ihe second „Jepson. Butbany . has 'ffeandered ') over oceans.. ; What. Rome was to-the Pludetian.world, the Thdtsd, Stated is to the commerOblL ,As , thst . .pasties of the. Chem* of; Rome opened the witY -for Christianity into the Japerde-Jimpire, sell)} couriers of American (fawners, have lal& tie path} way. for commeroled intereourse with this poptikind country, so proUfio in iesouroes, &swell nabtrally lug by .the ingenuity of its strange people:- , .- , - The !tune of ;Which 11 have, been a witness pate, rally-refers themled back, id that to *blast keen' alluded;, Am eimplioity. of. the )ono It:entreats. isu Stte.e&Y - 7 , nr core me re kally . , loamy ont Ake_ bisdoi rio parallel alluded to—with thaterhichlook place :th .the ' Oily. ef •,the Popes..; Let US Sing ontselvee ;pre centuries end three quarters' book, and by the :aid of.the chronicles Jukes comparison Nature to that witnessed in the Preelderitial mansion but an boor since, F • ,• . • .. ' .- : . ~ . i Rome was, eager thtb . fie Anticipations , t)f Gni event. ,Multitudes met the Smits/my set the gates; as pro : multitudes did on Moodily, and ooadoeted them to their professed house of therJeveltd. Then 'followed -a public oftloial reception, :on .a. grind saalei by Gregory .1111 i. _ The Bishop of, Imola; Oa the part of the Pontiffirnat them at the vineyard og Tape Julinall—the'plies , from Whence alt guild ;ceremonies were common/led in_ those days. ,The) Swiss guards and light troops led the *iy fa mai, cession, followed by the arrived of . the. ElpielaN "rein* and: Venstion...Ambaseaders. -TM Ronan ,prineea, and nobles, on • humback, - emorted , thd Japanese Antimiiilidlit,.witd dere Vended by the chief- &ignited.. Of. altadlllioar hotediad."ltte! ,ohronioles' which have been condensed _into the , "History of the Mission in Japan and Parageay," (Caddell ) ) *ford t pletureelne glimpser .the per., sonna, and, demeanor of -the Setikaash villitik k. Of .0616 1 00,. formed the. principal objected atarietted.; The men attired In great splendor, nese mounted ,on magnifionst Chargers,. and their grove aid noble' bearing draws .forth .the encomiums of the hie. torlans. "Three long robes,' bays the history, one over the other, the ground of dueling . whitened, em =broidered with birds, dower*, asd foliage, ex quisitely ,wrOtight, and of singular -brilliancy 'in the coloring, were partially .opeti in bout, and .crossed in the breathy a scarf of the same qua ter's], knotted behind in the Widen of a belt. feet were 'sandalled, their ^Wide' shieves quelled only tattle eitsoW, -and their sibeids atisa Ahem, of the ; de tempered eteeli *WC eserasted, hathseheatlit aaa hiiriii, with pearls, preelous stoner, madame, Taring, designed enema: Their feattiresi were sci- lets foreign mid striking than thefr,:garkesati, but there vies an innocence on each youthful brow, and a;noble modesty in every look" , and attitude, which yet more effectually won fof them the involuntary ad miration of all beholders. Mande Ito, as chief of the Embassy, rode first, and as the foot of his charger, touched the bridge of St. Angelo the guns of the castle fired a &elite. They were an snared :by those of the Vatican ; and long ere the warlike echoes bad died away, a 'strain of delicious music tilled the .air, anti it was amid s flood of harmony that they drew bridle at-last before the gates of the Vatican: 4 . In the Sala Regis, end eurtoureled by hie Car dinals, Gregory XIII web waiting to receive theM; an! prostrate before his Holiness, and holding the Credentials of their respective Monarchs, each in his own htind, the Ambastadore declared, in a few and .simple words, the object of their mission— namely, to acknowledge, , is the names of the Hinge of Japan, the Pope as Christ's Vicar upon earth, and to tender to him their homage and ebe dime, as head of the Universal Church, and pas tor of. all the Christian people. They spoke; of course, in Japanese, and rather Mesquite acted as interpreter. These Prellminitries over, they were conducted to a platform; where they sto od with Un covered heads, while , the letters of their -several chiefs, translated in like manner by Father Mee quite, were read to his Holiness, and an - address, called an obedience, which was &mai on similar oe• oasions, was then spoken in-their name by one of the Fathers. After a„gracious answer from the Pope, they were once more conducted to the foot of the throne, where' they were saluted and em braced by the Cardinal' present." The new Pope, Sixtus V, ranked them with the other Ambassadors, and before leaving Rome con ferred on them the Knighthood of the Golden Spur, This ceremony took plane on the eve of the festival of the Ascension. died. the original programme been.earried out here it would have presented a Orange coincidence. Yesterday wee first set apart for, the ceremony which took place to day; and yesterday was the eve of the Ascension. Look on that ',lotus and on this At about half-past eleven the military were formed in two lines on the -Fourteenth street aide of Witten's' Hotel; and. the chief members of the Embassy, attired in capable robes of stiff -silk, worked all over with profuse figures, and - having large sleeves, like square bags, with partial open ings for the arms, were placed, some in open, and others in closed carriages: ,Behind each: was an officer, bearing a -Japanese halberd or standard, the official or personal inaignia of the dignitary who went before. These standards, which were at lout ten or twelve feet in height, -.were each composed of. a polished pole, surmeented by a carved emblem, Betides, and. in the rear of each ear riage, also was a Sapanescesoort on foot; the whole cortege being accompanied by an outside escort of the military—single file on each side. Great crowds of people on foot and in all kinds of vehicles wit nessed the starting of the ambassadorial prooes. sten, and still greater crowds completely choked up Pennsylvania avenue in front of the President's Rouse, while every, railing and fence wan made available by the anxious and curious multitude. The gates leading. to the, Exeoutive Mansion were closed after the Embassy had entered, and none but Diplomats, Senators, Representatives in Con grass and their wives, and others connected with the Government in sameelliolal manner, were sup. posed to be admitted: That open Sesame le Ameri ca, 1, the press,'? admitted,me. , . The scene In the Ronne was' very brilliant, and very crowded. The ladles were in the most feebler). able toilettes, and the gentlemen were 4 . irreapse• five of party." I recognised a majority of the most moticeible men of, both houses, the Senator frOm Illinois excepted, and they betrayed quite as eager a curiosity as lesser people. Arriving under the portico, the stacidard•beareni filed to right and left of the vestibule, while .the mervents and guards knelt at each side of the pas, sage from the steps to the entrance of the' Exton.' tire mansion.. Between thus: avenue of prosttate loyalty, the Prince, his insistatit ambassador, and I censor, passed.' The Embassy was then escorted into the ante-room, in which Miss Lane usually re. calves, and there awaited the readiness of the President andVabitiat to receive them. • Meanwhile, in the "East' Room, a apses in the centre wee formed 'by double lines of Army and Navy officers in full uniform, The venerable -and erect form of General Scott amid hit Italfatttaoted much`attention.- Soon the President, attended by the Secretary ,of State • and; the , whiSe Cabinet, entered, andhating taken their position, the Em. busy was introduced into the presence of thivery splendid. assemblage, They looked pleased, but made no strong manifestation of any feeling. Their Politeness anti idea of etiquette were chiefly no+ tioemble. • Having been presented to the President by • the .Seerehsry of State, they moved towards him-and then receded, as an ospeotal mark of da , finance, this having,been, agreed upon by them in along council last evonleg, - • Ptesident ereloomeil thetwilt. apploptiake MEM TWO ~--43.,ENT5.: v 1110401 4 .04 11 An4v'1f104,431141•6,..0tairc iv e 'VTSTi t I fe ,P -s r $004,#.4.,,,,, 116,iions g eitil pk * , t liq weres ,kstiispo iAI: ariadi bt 5444 :" :lend' ii.'W4d ia yossOs u , *siCitiaiiiedled iiiillifitni ' - i'ai'Ab4 tlist - ,tho, tetiouvorii• tiiiiittioldif liddiiirit•A '.i'vii,' in 'OO ' faith. lie was rejoined at the plisaileitkliarr 44 App NA on.thair isesigin Wilds. etriab7;'aid Id ' 1 1144 7.v/Puld., illt RlPlifbiteer ambler , the irideetber IC ; die A l f" ri ail) fkligy !K;#l l *ROWllKM:oe , tliatti , ' 616 ' 14 41 ' 4 d°x , ittoliliew,t P I NO - 1_ 4 4T e5 A . ......1 6 . 2 Cabinet, led the 4wakir of .1Alltp"“•w mIW, gentatlieti iiiit• tp , gt taib l aiiay; 'aid tiii, )Jl,ttiPT , . ~.0, 5 . , tarilid td tlietrciani4i ( itkidiefiiie Oa iltialatz• leg "giaide; -shed= stereierAtbeseeieWileg f reatli twasebr i eitteryisibrreit the'inittelleirel 1 1 , 0 w o: , Atel&lfillii iblsno itiesimi;Aual theperseW )iiiiirt‘i Altyrwar Po Any. art toms*, isi t 4 a uk mi mic Iterlb4 NM* 4.lfiisit to tlisirmegdomt. !.,,, : 1 7 , Ximu.perigan, ea bs fit Pp .40140,!aumr., pit 'the eotatneirtiotlit , et baslyrge, yery.felrarable, , 'the' , prasesti4g iana 'tepti+ , e , i,egyernyee gpitri:ton ' 8 / 01 V. ' ''' '' ' . 'Jinx EleililiDa.! • • - " • • . — % ---- """ .16 4 4iii...:--;— , - , fizzawoliir untiaat.4eNcE.' • - ~ • ~,, ....4........i b. , . !...: ~! . A l Suggestioa to. the: licativeleat: Itelways efroWeul pleasure 544DOCiatilii454 tarieygink imasepriiiicAmitadre,sestelaily-se* ,preotlaal ones as are best oelenlatal to: itatipliert4e the condition of tirorelpd,tjestltute lnuessaltotti 'areiltidlai.? * . itSrtic Miro* *Home Molookaty, AketjpiPhilitholphii bolls .4, protainant, placis,. . and Ammer to be liberally metalawl by ova-Mu i r 'heal.! -Prom a ofroula recently issued - - tvi ilia Itswil If lifeaegont ,oLthiiplaiiiilatids, - .11, that tu- ' ' • " ' 7 i f 'ar ' l .l .1' r ' 4l . iiiik_ itiliiiie last ` ,_C 4 u l 4 39f ule • lute r*"" ai rti , t r i tiatt' FRY4Pt4,415 1 04 the' itesj! *tor, Is 'noir exitetirine; !hiving' been otianbed on thi JO of treattibei,.. the tlie' lifindiri tab*, !width this InsithWthihdity dint anfOntll nitakly landau" lama, basic held rrole. sermon_ 01 6 k ! ), ,Er. 111 14/4011.te saliva wadi zinnia tom. we Laura that, ,eipiret L thp pastah jaftli 041111 lie, egliVr(!rt°l!""POis""T'sit. mittixt to thetr okantuntan loy ortlrtaition; elf dGHdren sad 6/o'llo.l4watt 4 J Tue iutierboa, Sipa' &feat& lioalt other noi‘liphimpli'clitsitifttini/ 'ink* tbdtireeeni, nember.ofeasusurilemits Steady dirbehuirdied. 1 The.-Sunday;s6koot ;mieraeoted . : wide the: Amok als.t,! . ! ' 21 04.1 , , tided. hundred Children.: ft is stated in ; thei diseenrawthet daring Ole intern) 'thelhave contributed for ,their own-,euppert,- end In gine foretlier Ohm:alias, &giant" ofeleven, thou: 'Mind dollisrs; Mid Crie,iit the el4eols et' its ,pirbiltiel `tien'aeldenily o tho'elkilt Mind!, eo•etteratfoti 'in building a oknich-edkiet. 'The hope ie Ont(reee .by Mr., Oalden with re sierif to 'their ' (*bite beim thralls may ken:tele/arid tol.piemsklheriespe eith-tel its walla, -..,A1 etreskiirableptortson' eit , th discourse ia warmly , itevoted to,tbe pecedier poll of the Protestant &lamps! Church . ; : The ;latter i bad to hWiAln. the tries% lase ! the pitetrek et tit ileoPle,:nialettaiMnirend 'perlse i teistiele ttio4ia, minutiy;:itukelainti*Aebe i'dhuil,eti (faille& and Apnea:did."' The folinikei v an:went uiiiri the •eaniiluding'peti;: ,(, Mae , ilig'bj 'die Mendel 'of-Vied 'neeomplished thus taunts, aid as we knee endeeior Aid •,te helpJouroeitira;, moot tapelike': th • n'ePl,bace ff. ether °burettes. win riot onlY bidet ifeintiOgit Ove wil eoFte Ira Mica .proof , of. their approbation?", i Elatmiair . AzeerVirmini. Or Tie , Fxrirrin tiitAvati Iffeciiii teiretst i Pik/Ai krikruta :— . lka pine/ triiettrlvi held in Ore / hitt iif tie' Untied tittteeMiti ilt;e''CoinpanY,'Wiirid iit-Yetik ibota Peurtb:4isna t i -meinied-lby a eenterittee- sypehdet If:tke 'YeaM 11144,61uistian Arabejatkorieuder the Audi-att . wit ship of Mr. Henry A. Bower, abut twit yeas* age bate been kept np-winkfaitAttemdenee and 00n4 eider/01e interest, every Bindery afternoon, dnrin the pitat two years:, lieyeral *Liam prominent Mill sens have manifilied 4 warm. ;interest in their, halt] grafi troth' Present apPeeteneoni, Usti isimit4 -has beeoine a permanent initifition.- Iticaeno4 anniversary wlll be 'appropriate* celebrated int their hall en 'to:marrow (Sunday) afternotim at di o'olook, when , several addresses. wilt .be made .by persons invited for , that' purpose,' in, oonneOlien! with the ordinary devotional exercises- -, Crammer, Assinamis or,-'raw Itair .AIXD bLDi 'SatfOOL Pnasorrmizias.—The GeneraLksaembliesi of bath' tho •lievi and' ODI-4ohool' . Preakyterien Ohnroher nomthinOid-their 'iiiiithini oh Thotadayl of the present' witeltatlie fernier ailiittebint, arid, the latter at , Ilooltirantir; Nivi York.: 'Aisle 'the Bret time the NeW-School bodylaa artillabled 14 Pittsburg aim* the dieniption,whiek oernartod there, in 1535.; It speaks well fer their (41. 8 ehoel Meads: in the Iron, Cit,y ',that they have., extended to. !bele! New:School brethren a, very , cordittl. weioome,l having, as we 'understand, tinniwn Open their hearts; and houses to the m' during the sessions. ' ' • ' In the Old•Sahool body, at:•Roohastar; there mei intimations of " breakers ahead" on the slavery r question. The prayers of their-lie w-Sebool friends. have 'been naked, that the storm feared may be! averted. , . : ,:., - '. . . Berner ACNIVIIatSAIII6B.—The flaptist Mud? , verearies will be 4,14,, at Cineimucti. during the coming week. That of the „Thiftist Publication Seriety will Ve hold in the Ninth Baptist Church of that city, on Sunday and Monday; .20th' end 21at inet the annual - lerintizilo be delivered by Rev. Reuben Jeffrey; of this city, • The anniversa ry of the Amerigan :Baptist hilationirl be bold on, Tuesday and ',Wedneedeyi and that of the Baptist Home Mission Society on Thursday. Several gentlemen connected with that,denornina. lion have already left this city for Cincinnati to attend these ancivetearics. ~. Rnsorrotr or Mot. &suer air Taipei:4ra or TEE AIISRICAN Straner•fierteMt. Ustote..L-At *lite meeting of the managers of the'Atiterimin'Sendly- SeheolrUnion, for the nleiotimior offleoire;ldr.'Wea dron J. Phenol/ fannerly.offinielly. onaieeted, With, this excellent institution, was,:eleeted. trianuer, and has signified his acceptance of the ogee.; ~Mr, Cheney's valuable serviceste the American Sun day•SchoOl Union liersiofiire are, a sufficient guarantee of the Wisdem`if thiSieleetion, At the name thne, Pr:ate:slier John ti.Mirt; wain elected Recording Soorotary,in the platted Frederlek Packard, Seq. itZOPRNIHD . OE TIM CATHEDRAL CHAPEL.—The Improvements which have been for some tine past going forward la this edifice haveleeneorapteted. It hen been enlarged,' sine the who!. Intelsat sp portrays° has teen great!, beautified. The chapel will be reopened for Divine servioe ort Sunday, the 27th iusMut, at which time the Right Rev. Bishop Oloodlaill atickets high mew give the pond fioal bonedietion. CORT4tri:oo3le xo as LAID.—Thq Trinity Pres. byterisn Church, will lay the corner-stone of their contemplated new ;edifice, et the . corner of Frank. ford road and canthr,ia :street, very Ken, probably within a month. , Tha style okthe,struoturewillbe English Gothic, to be surmounted by a:tower. This church, we believe, was organised last October, and is now under the pastorship t of the Rev. WA, Ham R. Work. The congregation, and the Sunday; school connected with it, have eiperienordit. steady increase of numbers, - 6ATILOGICt EDTIOATIOL ,-- The aubjoot of the Cia• tholio education of youth is reeelvinggreat !Mew, tion in Australis'. , It: h expected that, some am sure will be intTodeeed in .tbaPaalitneat af,Num South Wales to secure ..the. education id petit of both loxes, bleed-on religions prinotplet simpat ,to that adopted. le Prate...lt is said that the venom ble Archdeacon htoEnoote •fa about to introduce this system on a comprehensive heals. ANOTH - Sit TR6N111661107t 1 Or , en• ,NIEW , TISTA:•t none. —A meisdroi bee been relent], earned in the Russo-Greek Rytted to genie an immediate transit►• Gott of the New Testainent into the.common lan guisge of the people. .This humane movement for the metal , diffusion of the Gospel among the poor -it mainly attributable to the peneeverenee of the me trap °titan of Alosunirr, PhtlareteL Rev. li. - GRATTAN al:amass, One Of the greateat living preachers of the Gospel . ; 'ls' no* presehing in Cincinnati.' The amount of labor he performs is almost Incredible. The follbwlng about the great - Baptist.. preacher of Xigland may be In- Darted In thlecoimeotion - - . Snide SOntierno the Wife of Itev. 0. 11. Spur• aeon, writatlo tha.Watchasays rind Repetor that her haskaad'e lahentaretuneeasing. Day after day be leaves hopmele the encl.*, roorning, travels lom! distance.' Preaches - Wok and retUrn a,wearyliia eahansted '6IIIY to iinew his coarse of Arduous:lW ertion on tho morning. In addition to the cares' of Me own ahureh, Ali prayer meetings and th e UP' Owns, all of ,which are conducted , y himael4.be sometimes preaches ten, twelve and thirteen Wsr. mons a week, (inelnding flanday,? for three or four weeks eoneeentitely.' oa!T Arirwaria—Someof the UlliTerillaillttldO pet melee( very kindly:the:. proposal of:► ansicas with the Unitarians. At the anniversary.oUtbe ,~~~: 1 14 . 1 1 - # 4l. _ , • WiriOr • 111 4 11 j11 0 mil leer sane, is Three CopieN " Five - $ 4 a . '" -. SAO Ten . 4. 11"• i 'lt e. LIT —Hoe .2g•atie _ _ -( ta ors sakirassAla;.oo TIM , " itoeqgteeief = eubl eiro.llo'4!h 4 4,4 :44 4 4" P. 17 . 4 94 0 T V 47 4ter . fi r airrOT ;v0.2 wad as emtra!joey:to . :de*erlippit l AiA• - Weiitaisiiive ilivpi:o4.44wit,ilo Apits. for Tee Wszei.LPesee MEE =:.cAlLitaSSirglSlUllllll::_ . honied Semi-Adoiglilfrqrs rime .. for, tie Wilma& atilarnicril hi 1 .11 '.o_ l .og E!'-' drooloUop - atriiiversolloio t iq float eitY. NO.lll. Bitwor4fdllioTtEitisflOo o; AA, biid4fht% d•ilam.WidoK kat iv to , Abor ft tins . 11 0041 0 t . At tOMdtgolibil hare ,to toot ;4Y:tit- " ll* VDUs' HAN efiezitoit,' - witliattir tem glq4;ooo.lie VA: 1 1 W NM. 1111011a*le-WhlCalt thin. ^ irkatic,' • I DIti4=4I I I4IITTIL--4011044i ii madi , ba Kw*. Ofirk;"ft*WlAOCAitrek lthasiOrry Ago/frooogifflWutoooLth• bopitioo of ton flopoys oftla titrroirr sathoAsfastry abirerthit ' nod 011ookod , am what " 17.1 • #11 4 "170 , -ParrolatiTR, Witt* It j rik: 'ilk WI digit owl ibtr Cargo. I 1 to . olisabirkarghtgaorftWipitrio dart Itveletn -11110 INLAY.Witketrbs,g6di of April by nitot Katie .steaqtat Nolumirk, r i .A . . lll .CtirrettlAttberiato 'orrogromptiatir tlta Vi s 1 44 1 4 1 l iotibtoorii otglibs, rAphtlflyoBo44 *4,4 " 12 1 • r qit iihvistr4fir the , 1111 oiC vss dis sole ,* OM is.l6writt4siirisia *rig, !blobtzar fittta r tt set sottromm Nat 'Mir: • 'irte ' Dirk liiititig:was taw* &WONG 1 1111, aßiraree dialurfor Sks., atE d elar AWL: se if /ay begahaid,.lhe di. p)sitiok,gtstou tad s kid boitl.ali thti itoduttr tad Amami under Aboladowsol , eigi a iis but :11=raii7araltko, . OiIA-4 'riroilsel Oat *is WAN* trump' tlbtrto,tb• rittgag buss,, mg Limit; .T.Tot oats rapt, 44 F- UM? 74 6,11 to M 44 to hi_ gettykg opt rholdieki OirtraibbigyiNwas at Witt l i ffiew a a u t ttt:UIF.UP• IIII T• ;abort m tr hitt the thVdeb.fisdtd--' Law+ billeVilkikkiiestsr as teftitanscoven.-Vtis-Acceess' this lisitnismote VEV, has, takes eyerg, fere An& trolbyt-nopeo ie'thi'iiiliti Mid'e'd&fdifief 'these people, list bib fttitY ObtalllVOlC Wit Wilitikeill hie IMO- Wes./PX tkituAttOATlPt4 4414.-hersos.' ! , The,,Mvonitnom.nept teD9st re. whwt ere iiittiity tennvil"reitieniefr Ille , A ltittf;Weif Mel: bb:Stiii: 0> )141;1111441141116; ant rbsolo IPSO 'skim: ,efiltt Ober tongetePLArfiwf .41 1 7, 1 bff lon Pew ',atm so - liekitlippid gas eargo..4 0 . bilhiet "nbidierittate-in dil.httein Ili to n - of *MC plate ultimo Ateokio:: - I 'of l, plitee._ They sew tffroX bagaeo4sheerf and'aire'ddi been tb e#lettl rias it ileatii - Mot fit bo r It mixt vi , Afrieisitind*ials -to'imitabiliitiee 'they AUTP , Mitit ooleditienAM Ant they.,ltare hen well treated On the romage.by, those neetag.-Ihon In nhatgk. IVilr'liglit . dbibp.l;' ,I l Wmaniti," ma Christianity: ..beftnhatoterbgn /k a kis.. g. , 5 41 to Alliectc.l l 4 62 *Pa:l9 4! tkt fete bathe nazi ?: - Tittie ann - tell: .. '" Me ithieftiit ' Venire irMilithirirbein ;shied et aimintadild - Aciirsbd .d?llani if landed in Cute. pa „Tkeharitilt ait , tke ;thM "q*Ms:tle ru. EW oe h 1, earty equal 17 ttumbeete Aliterioiti,lthi dther 44walartisgathiirlidtaleulaher Wag tWant,rstworitinnee reenters At the time. the Alvin- wee ase.howlihe `iiiiptain dente foieste` otor lee - 4116 muter,; but Wain that dhitisi narapipm Who* and-Pcit.r.,eWate Aostierl i irtikA , Ithkitt‘;: no 'troth, as shomar by the, • a mp , poll v i ap behmerthe totnidrit,ilbeiellniileihh 'hark .. Ilrildfirimseiltdrfibut BefiCATettirtirldmvmhtetebf December Met for the capeetot.d.frksa, : wttit eases derptanding that she Wiiii tbibir th ere acid, - aid the intorikr gee Seek liWthe Vidal Stefan 'as di/Theft eeeld." , liket dtd-ge. tut, far& *We tan the dihetw - Oyer was..passed °Tea to, t ak.e, , _psepossiek . tt,the dpardirdsloy a timafer * ligentlai — lagesit a( a hawk infLeveluSi...nW ncl: , t 1.4 st.'".: tt2Zi ..,,,:,_ antro l t***lleiftli44 ll *.4,olll tooterehati co, , aSa.tralalk - 11 4 4 0 1 1,eantn. beak lbeilieMiraii i ind ithard'itistrirett Uhl taiitaiktialbiiitlii bait se, !Miami drlnkituid Akt-.14 Nt i vi i MViti•yroimo .14.4 .. . has it Cotaa . Viriefbatameat theelittes , O“ Waft twee while Ai Doss;, sett trot thirt *mei ea me c o ast-of Atittivm,t-ito Mi, Till ef,2914-. bosh, to Ake .Congo It ,or,lind;tielfig 'M ifildroite ;Of MOM** to' Cala, took-lotteige-ta ei bittle:liiiebegars,-iner *Me linf*ifte: Vs"- rptto hone, eedAtild the. bark .:was Rv= i iii l eci h' itr,l% . *:4 l = -1 ' 11 :4111 Aithox,this t imachawsta-tii.bot ~.. One septeted. Whin the %kirk Mite fro te Now lF lor_r i in p - ro em • - - berluti the lieriont Who' ars'iow represented ea Sseutiab eatnain and abate took 4musioge to , bas to the meet of .Attieih and pate theftwage- The Peet - Of itte - PpitiarDi Anti - faMit tin - b Mira is the llonignstier; a dig or fire wtirovioit tio'laltptig the negrom en board, and sailing,6l4.l.loteL . : •, : • The prbtonsuo.haftgesehred_the MUM/ Or rod counsel, who think, that the Speeisale most be dis charged attei'the emuidilitton - bidthe..tbe donor .obtairl4 gal UMW the•Alefericutot= hero forbitels:7o,.furi NA holotunktoeoeviat them on the, , evittenee, -Um recent jleeigion ,of Autilto hbatrittt, ittatrfer .fhatti df-fibinth tett:idea; carats alt the toponeatiloints Itaireleet tit , thiewesei r Mot 4 tebelived *at on elm& amigo would watome. to overrule that able, clear, .a. 134 marked .expOdtiall of ' ditrier Or 4820. - 'Mt bwry coyish* tha nolair 4srjr, hortitJw-Bootki, doubt be.Elzeitht is convict the acloPla w l 4 4 t 4 P accjEtoP ke.kg• 91 !" 1 !- - -._ . . .. ,: - CkEt —., - - ~; •S' ' -•- • . - far di r thirliettrlffen *etlebeititTf ew Citisitm last 'week,- nadir "petteThe "oltionistanea." The pistol " war fired by an unknown ollaa, *Mina dig. appeared. ' Sister of the weendad wawa,•Biddy Mullett by name, related the course at the affair, from which it appear& that the corner of Dryadesand Toyama streete, in ' , few Orleans, is a 'Change where laboiing women oat of work congregate, seeking employment. Biddy .had, keen standing hero for Willie time; waiting fora ph, and, befog &dined, seeddivrt epoi,a'wheetbarrior to rest. As sheekt, nists'-- "is beautiful-tooth:kg man, with a gold.wateh athandids-tidek," - 63.7giverher OWN de sariptioa—A, earner ap t and ;taking' held of the handles of the wheelbarrow,. commenead , tolileg her about, and finally. tarnal l her. otter into , the dirty gutter." At this stage of the . prodeedthg. her slider Catharine and another woman' Iterates somewhit excited, end,. picking tip 10870 lumps of mud or earth, threw , them at, the • man who bad pito - bed bar into " tile gutter: That the' man no sooner- saw the Mad. spattienverlie • Goat then he puphts Aand: around, and,. drawing a rdstol s fired at her sista, the ball taking effect in her stomach.. Thd man darted into a •colfce.house, and diaap t . - : ..t _ ~ I stott litaxico.—Tha !Raw fhinatesPusysins, of hi5,y,13,,, has tuirleee front' enappesAohlay,ft, and givena 'gleams deioriPtlon of es ersegemegt on 'Welt& if -April 'Stoops of Iltiruses end Jnaheretlharerselte_Clina hatheen the cities of Zametscsa and &LUDO , POW, of.whigh we bate - had' peerless mender - The frotrps'engaged were the. second *smile( "Iflrseson's• army, • cam. mended Ay, Vecteral Vega, and :three brigades of Suarez's foroeh commanded by General ,Carrajel, and Colonell Regales and Antilltin,the - numbers being about equal. Aecordetiots , the Picaysines. scoot/It, the , . mutagemont ; lasted fear Mum and st halir, and ,Nteg,e's forces were reinpletely routed, losibebiteldeathe eitittV 4 Onellkltuahl priseninta, eighteen • plater ct artillery, thirty ordnance wa gons.- largO c ilitentity,of simmunithn, provisions and stores, and baggage of . every' description" The Picaytine aide: • - -• • - Also were .eaptuesi General, La limp btostwlf, the general-in-ohlef, Colonel C 1 0 1 8 0.• hia 1 0 00181 1 in command; ind a large number-of Other oaken. Immediately after. this, eagarremes, At ona l IJraga swotted on Ben Lula Botosi, where were his headquarters at last &Coolant& Thit petiole, who for the last six Months hid martial barittottird every kind, received him with , every._deitchnitration of This stifden! change' 'in the' idrhthes of - war has breathed i 4tew Bib. into :the ltlitento • desponding Liberal litter, ands altestdr ditintißoui at. being made for a soneerted.atteck paths city of Mexico. To I , l6rf#Ct ittate,:ii is raid a numberof officers have gees on to Mk* , Cram , *hers - wow Allayed& and gegoehttentAbe2A, fent gees* eonsaltation. In t he ateet;ittiort etoteinl Animals has niecioded Fiitiarityd'ag litinietek Of War, in vehleh oaks he peahen it inotheigorone kampaign. t At last m eans% abe t General Begoßado, .110 comMander.in: chief, was on the r wa7 to San Luis to take the com= mend in'person.'" • iNDULEf TRODBLid tft Bono*..—Prim the Tucson Ansel:ism of the 12tk of April we entree( the fol, lowing account 'of remit Unable' between the Mexicans end ihdirithht .Bo l o o • NVP I •Botioret XS have & deplorable account of its, condition, ;through 'inroads 'of depredatory Apaches,• who hold-Ntentri - d•of Sento of its'fairest portions. In that ration of the Boar Waning on this „Territory, the verious tribes of. Apaches that toilet at will are in lath nuMbete and so daring in their betrays, that' it: bib been deemed. neesseary by ; many of the oitisens of the jury taw= an d ranches to organise parties far then own sod end` seenrity. -One of these piitiee, tembertng some thirty or more Illektemis, residents Of Magda. lens and vicinity,' who, were lett Maroh of In. dieing, were surprise:l' on Weld insk, at the Pants del Curial* by a bartd-of-Coyotern Apeebee of at least niretty,five warden:.• Us,-Jhlum ,havil the advantage.of & syno t eso k t owe them and remained Miders 6f the field, after kill iagaiiteen. dude 'diy those ressausthe had another sitirmkak ledaglevin of beli number, be. eideahaving two roily * 0111 : 03 0 1 -. • • • Upon the repdr Of their:defeat Teething Magda.: lobe; a party of Over rile• hundred hlerxteastrinsme; od d ly m a w nu t in permit sad ea. the °motto. of Whith 'i to Blunting with Attaches,. wet is than be bip e d the Itlaleartemay prose visterione.. The Btraeal ramekW in erralf= v Smith, _of itL7by ,itile tc Charge,* thronglidatigehof Apostates," who in that *deity' ewe le large arliPlillif,e l 4 , Yerli Ills * Mt gems days owe* with these mews,* raidin'eiie wldletn .'- itiatk; Er'letoYdrir ' of(-Mr- Bodch,llasibeictriven • 4o; no', media in charge offikillhAp.u,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers