, 3 ri .:'NS*I:t*I"H" €•_ : Pr, .~~~ ~~ / « ~~~ /~ \ t ' r ':- , ~- 3 r .~~', V ~~_ `-~~. -1. _ .. . . , ......41118 lirllll. -- :PRIMUWOOPIA -,- . ,-- ' -, :•_* -- .441 - m*, - ii cokto4i-.441 -- xioitr ! - ..,' - '. i ~ „=„ , „ 4,,,,:,•,-,, , s „. - , , ,,,, 1,, , -,,, --- -", 1 P .,: ,,- . -_:•-, ~ •, , ,,,.. 1 ...,.„•:•-::,•-_ "•'-I,•tletioNZlPlTll4agiglig glagiallisSigilii -- -itrAra ilki ti,itoltr=tit: _ - ,t ! ' ift " l l. l " l '''i-j: 1 ':: gurit2= l,l 7. Pa -, 1 Ai gra! "*. is --'-'-' vat tow* •-:•= 1, -- , , L . , ~,;• P , , .Inr,-: - .A. - ' 14 V I - iltimr -, 7 %. '"--• ii DIM * , g -'•• ' •,: -' j; • • ,•.'• .• i ' - ‘ 116 • " P li ' iii ; ': lat ' • ligig34 - 3 , 4 ".. , - . - \--,--:- •:. i i, • ..,.„, tk et ' .::' , :i. nigiVerbtp o A .- 1 , - • - ~ lis ii r am V, ll l ils , - i ''' ~ • ir l'ialg";: - , •:• ''''', r_ ' ' 'Writ: - • •-•_ I ,r '''••• , ' Allijih ,l lo:l•43f.' ' '; ', " - J ' ;•• -''''''+',,,,:"*'" 1 r ' ill lim grgiiiV,; ai •;,. If F lirglgg, ii,',„" - ",c , .. •- •‘ 4: its - - , -:..;', -- i'qw , Y , .- -, ,,,: - . , ; ','.7 . ,„ordstedic - -,- it • - l l ,--; , mth i .r,_ IL - ~...- Mira:,l. • ictairt . ~..• ~,, , . ~,, Maks „„,, 10 , 1 i +' - Ilk - i,..l'; ' -',.'` ' -.,,), ~ -,,,,,':,ii ' 4 - •' , .6r%rri i 'r' ...; ' : ' ,74: lir ** - - i - . • ..‘ ' '• • .4 1 .- ,:ii - ,=4;54 , c3. - :54.,50-• ll wfVflt,. ,- ,TA , a ,-- ---**,-,,:.,• .., - 241i,•1•,:ii L- • * -•-• . - t -- :•11 , - - , 1: - .A` ilili all ' ,! ,--• •, 4 -. •4 , • . S 4 - - , whi sz . i. 1„,ta ii ; , ...., 41144 }Mt gg'Wge - , Z- ' Igligli P : iti. .%'•,•-:- , it!. ? Alit umworene -y 3 .: , ~, , ••-i - , rzem k rat ~..,, . fo u At i mni •,..-...,-,, , sourearitiiiits , p :'..ii.' ''''T.tirivia:•>,l;;;', --li ft , aisnai m e g .l% , ' ' '''' 4 ' .- .:V II•S ':' - '- " ' s'.- lair t ril r i zrZi ' ll i tcr , ' i al ''' -"lia r - 1 l's e* ,liii g i°s-114. 9 F . 4 4 1 r'l , ~..; ~ ...{.., 'WM ,- „:1•?,••• illiglight% ~ ya gi e ..,..„ ; ' .1.4"• alilla s:Ii••• - , ,, ,,:r A 11, 1 Mt - Pag - ,-..-•( ,'• • i” , - :-,1 6 ? ll . ' :r`f-•• •• •- •• •44414,14 0 /iiii .r . ,% Pa ', : • •:" • - a' •" " jiii: giglgegell. riry..:-..: ~- ,', '-- ~ 7,,,,..,_ ...„, ,, ..J,i:,,.1.r, : ,,,.: ,. ..,.. - 2„- , ,,;,. ; :, j , i4i - ` - iluki u -'64 - ' --,'- - - :44 , ii4swinistii.- - 4 ''• ',';, , : - ~,,,, V1V.4 . , .... ,, , . ••;., OR -1 . 1,4 •-• ' I ' 4 l ii.-t•tm-'reit k,-• - t -!--s's'-• . q . •:',L" - -` waimiien:l4 o,' • • -, r ; „,. ~.., ..,_ „ ';::- I • " 5 , ..• sr, qty o li• -9 i g riiii i g r a s k.- 1 •1' '''''' r - ' ofi ll 'i l y t: sl, orra -- A 4 %0 = hi* Itgisve: • :-- - fr ig -,,,,,, . "o t • ,-.-•,, - ,Arose, 10 , 41 r , I •:..,.., ,-, _ • air itlil_ . , , ~ , . ~ ? ,:- -•'' '' m - i man . t :., 1111411•44 .V. 4 ' '4'. ,, * , - , . 1. ' j''''' 4).4,40, 11 0,,,,,,,..:. .tA vow.' . ----- --, , ZWITEL t.••• j'. 4 Iftillgi: •' , 0k111174 " V" “1. , 'II : ' ll ' 1 . ..' ', ?' ' '' '-1 "; 4 E '• ' Itt 2• '''' ' '' ' ' .14 ' .-, A44 - :`l. 4 i ; ,q . c ' . ',,,..^, • tlitm,,,o! 3., . 10 V , V 4 / I .' '' ' •'. .i.' ' '''' * • IT A -.**l 4,1 0 i , .:, -, .. , :;p! i ,1 .. .. ,',- A,- : . , ; c iiii . , , .s ta, ....A • •,_ .; , ~!,1! ellil .. ,i 5 Vol ,• . -• k i ,"--. s6.ly. look ri: L'''', -- -'L r I '"--.: "-...----,: - _,.* .a .,Th' ','',_ - " , "'..-V., 11 • 4011 4 00 =40,24,_,,j ... '' ' --1 , ' iiii, -7. - .77 ' ,- • - ''-', -yr 1 - i , arido'> m '.s m i.o. ; . :•,-',, r 2i . , . , .?: • ..? Amu , . • - .llol•Sisi , -ZatiMik-, , , ,- ,,,..;,:444,, . y ,O, • ~, p•- • gillikoll,4llt.:' , ""- , •'--• •!"- •;•• • - 4 f • Y .= , ~,-.47 ,- - -- I•.* be* 'pow/. ---- ~ , `f • 1,1411' •!'^_ ; i , fkillio:4' "*l' : ••-;• 0 1 4Fei , - iiallaw pi, „1 - , , - • --,, ~ .,:::::•,, , , - . .. ;V. fiff*A.„ *INA!' ' ': - i • ` ' A`- - -1q;- tflrt. a. '_ :,-_-- --..-; _ ,-. 1, - ••• t ;,.At t^: ~,,• + _ ' 1t..„-,:,- '-iliCtil ;,-c, it, - - 1 ;:i • In . 1 , Plk - :. - -,-,.-<; ~ •, - - .%; =,,,,,, sorb Ai room . -,;-,,,, IL& Jas9rt, .-,,.:,.. , I _ -1. .•ii'''-',: - itap.tp t jollus ill ' --:_sci.., _ - L..' 7:; - z. , AmixplAll:4ll,oTlo4:4,lol4-01 , 4 4 4 . - 44fM W i !q• - • '..".iva Ausic" e1 i m.... 11 " A ...L.: 11 . 2 !.5T ,- ;1 :- " ' ' tr 8 4 4 ,1 it ti,,14 ..„,,__,,...,,...,, . ...„..., I , 4.:,-, , ~b k ,•-,„, • ,- }. ::: • , s _, - _M . t , :::,..'. t0...4.114,4„ - r yQ g cl* , - , --'-' , i -, : ,:'_ te, - raw,' 10,_f• L ': - L., - !, 2 .,,tiseasertitiii‘i . ki 7 :V ' _; i _. ;-- .lii,°'- t ,,-.. 1: ' it 1 W,*...,.!,.:, - ; : lit!T ~ i , I t _-_,_,,,: n A .kii„ . u mil i e -,„;„, . sir."ll • - . it • , ''', -1 4 . !,. ~e, (~ ,? ,-,; • - r - , --is- '"' - 1.-- -- - -s-•••-' •,---, ,--.., --• ~,.- - - 4-.'",- " - -',"- ~..".^:,' ':-'• -,.. • ...,,,..1 , iiir i paii ii : ' -'-', „ •':;i7 r 4W . C.4 ou r i i, .-..- :• ' • t 4 , t a ,• fil,f l ,-i . -7 •••• lrk, a Is, Boston ~ ' ~.= js es ,, pig s ~.... -, - • ..'. _ .:. ', ja sew, Oresse . 1 - Tarr :., i , ,-, , -. i - . , winmtra. l 7 7 ~:, - . "" . =•;;•.•:?:q SVlCNi hm it:-::i - : -,,- ., , :!. - .impui.k.Leept, .9. - Itpoki.b.otrii4. •-_,_• 7k- 19 -:~~' '~:_~ ~. ~~^y}.~T . „! £y' ~-~.~ EMIG issi . 5 j 7- t -' ::_-;::,,- , ,5..5,-; , :i. .: 5:5- ;5, C-5 lq tYte*s l / 4 "` C- , -40Milatii-oli . or floltrark• =ol Alp.. too. otr Jr; norwthisaso ih tow. .1,01 ImallitYCk„ Pailatti trim tf , : 41 ,. : 1 01! 82 , 4 V:". ill i g az i lll ?", a ,,. J b li, altitilaot, NaiiiifikiklLS,iiii irdirk. in bal.; last to t'agri WILMS' ,IfidWan.frOsaltielefaxmiro lith Feb,' ‘ itifliZinissearios.;to 1114ar,, totiohati-&44, hui-, =Pal*, FrlCßlrliTst4:4lll. 1 3 „XI; rZilVliritr"rti' PIM oh." ye Andoison. from Itioamohd., ra g aiVralirWit e jo a krf a stioi.' V---. , otithig. litgeritlotimns: 24/Ai• troire 4 -. tin ; . utti i moyi. nartralli , frOta - 8111 U, Illorei, i iiii .110 0 t 4 mo w. or so, f.r ioate mli ti4 sw oo Y . d o o rtt, r dod, atiriek. fi Oamr ytion, Meeks]. brillan-- llialter to LAU/Vitel* - AWL on the *I 144 % aits t 111 ton Intilw in) &sla, ROM' ff YIW WIN oonapalltid to out , away, fouilienniaat. lira and main- toP -111111110 ..# l ..Witli'llit atalskid resin mills, &o. Fri lostOotlitaf"..vaWs imme rs aL m orsoitor cr .. ...., , M0 Srandrwoto Otioal. ......847R4V t ir="1 kt r n — b or :i Rio Yeuel ro . .. "" r i l h 11, 1* Pligt of waits; to t rbit Alma Or., Ildiadaliajtallitt.idayo (rem, Aikan, With 'Aide.: titrpirell l;o1Juil1,5 • ear Cadblieligk. ihaliek & Only= New Bedford, wt.to ell to Theme & moßootof f, , - ' ~ ' • , Bohr iketwAti. l'aralui,S days fro m Now York, with itg u. krlZTariiniri‘ Illallik Asia-Iron. 'Providence. 1% , MOM.l l =4 43 ntio , t i . i ; .i il .• , , _ , t Midi , ..- 0 44 r 'I .11,00 PIA new; giieV, l l ilt PF ZIt . IO AIN %VIA' .8010,0;15,111r . itti boom to orm. Pigott Om , - ; ~, . • ; Mohr Oraddir s talmo .litiiim troto PloWbornPort; with mOso tef ai wt. , . .- • • ' • „ Pear nekkil'Aint, ISsnita,j', &Jilt,* Baton, with, agla. to wearer. Valor & co. . - , ; . . .. , w p i t= Mom. MeolornPoseta dayo from Beaton,: . Etch, Frank HOWAVAlWiiiiiiarrOin paitinfel ' ri th liissited to Moyer & Barclay. , _ ' . , - .. :: (' " ' %POMO -- , •' - , - YORK. Agall 8. • ...failMii-13111PPILITtakilsigi. Lonacm i atup fga , DO% Mat' egiliagbaa log maaamsat j ship Orlon. from Falesltik: ship_ligus Leads, Item Harm - bark Clara Ilttill nom KM tiraixl• : bark Ilva, from_hlaramsno; from to_rafilgtivt i mol r mao ; ,bark A' li %stun, non on *11: If .h," AM* UM Tnnidaa as Cabal,brip mar • 43olimaroa ; brig Nsuad• Irani vlsoligoa; .00k InodY, iggior, from do; lin(iith ong Mane!, Dom mamma, ~, tin, hitahard. d Ely, Irmo I,4garpool ; bark Faami • CHMthaVo_ - timaMMloo.: bark Oros, from elt. Ha, imuinarOrt opiamoirlttadm: Eh dirmaug, ow, Suns Ammo, .arlystio l i lTr- m tgr th rtalm irr "La g ""D. fitomilasm a to; ~ ~ yam . , , i gab!, Amy Chase. . Naw (Aiwa:. AOril 7. •Anyes4-41idro William Biagar. - aat Ashland, frog: Warpage ; Map Goareillithor; from Banton. 56Mrom 4vral 7. • Arrival.;4rhip ^AIM% from laiorpool ; bark rim . A r ai roma Amiroboo;ShorlotEdwin. from Ciomfue.gos , o mbeils, from umoriMm ; peroorame, mom tmmorktue Madam. from • • tgEMONANDA.,. ,- ••, , - , 'ethilkaltii kerriescotto ilikrk, hem% rytived at &a-, tOu ICU hut. , ._ „ ,• • , , • eh 8 no& - 0 !Otos, "Orton. ter'; - Livorpool. mot to ihro c tqiester eta 00,1., . ..,, -_ , s 2 111 rigs 0. Stevens, totrook.ftty oe. w.s, t e rMfor ;it , ••• .... . tr i .. 4 c o 'ad i. L , .." '' kr Teat 11 42 , ' tat ' iliksViiii st_iii•d` st; iloatema kilm,liairbees : nowt•CO!!ind to^ ?"1111117. V' Bist;Goifor New Ottawa. cleated Pt* ilk leek,' Ifeenteni, Ban Moot: for Phihtdelebto. kitties 410101r:ziespim ktt, mat., leo when sante 8 A Gantintetevettoot -Awnotti Argo , now toi 8, 1.. Crusher, from Tatanton t 4 . 111 3.11 U ,. alt fo r tinw-, But ;I BlNeeli Godfrey; cisig,•!lstli'lli,nisister, rio t lorgh t °Bslll,ll°,4M - re;,...iii.-.1....4 ". S" " - AU 7th loaf • •• • ~ F ikerMtrgi r r P riert, Mt**, for et Thome*, cleared at heroin rot. - - ' ' ' - Bob It it oat; Smith; for Mobile , cleared at Boa nohr Isaac Rtob, Smith. eleareil et Barton 7th *et for Phitadelpho. - ~ Olin unsoCa IWO", ' Payne, tutd Ithanse, Thaeher. ./ 0 2_riatitdelettts.:_ehosted at Boston Ith tut. ••' mist teshellw"fltonrpow. Conlon, for. l'hiledelphist stewed at Georgetown. 8 030th Wt. • t ' Behr .I.4reot DupOltVorsoo, fur Ne w York, w iled Boa Gennt Bet lethal „, *dm IX ttintragtll, 'hence fOr , Net's*, raw on the ttatth knottstei Burl GM: s for dryesto, est susB. ' debt J 7 BOWea - steielajor Pliiiadelphia, of re d at OhltrkStoe. kit an. , with IN Wes' "atte s t =llk' r Oil prole o:4 l lnettee. t' i tr ChetleeteniArriv e e l a t iza at ' etowne,G.lst Inst. t , -,;-,' • , ;. . , , , _ ~• -111 oh ark -wir, cirMrrror P 111 4 ,1,11,,,, 'Ur It rae, 01= 8 11:14011,A11 ?JO Rtitir for PhilkelAhla, Atm -. rink out. ', . ".. -. . . ; MILL BALPOIIIT' OF TEN GMAT DIIIOOIUTIO Karna,o,oallaturday night but. will b. publiebed ip AlAjwineiref. at Okay: 'Doublei Obeei:irith a BapileL obeit. plias .T* l / 4 Coate; Falealebi all NAVY Aliefit4 Suited by Ovitiolfeetwalve alit**, week. • - _ thin! PitoPpell Sikti-Niustitotrill *bond iNfllirrf of tMI lototalse--Doiblo Moot. 'with easplissoont. Muir W- I. _VIM, 'Wee Two. Saved by Cirri.,. tot TY,Plioßtei%Thlt• it , -• • - •, T ux .1 haumoge; le: Tins „MORNIN4 vt6ilkititimOgrAitt limo* ot IlinOlisify_A: Win, Jr. AMA* NANORllolitoplerseriti, Silty Colutrt' 1: It „jig* E'it.F. ,I lirtiriki*:'euzipasii: 7 -4. jult assortment Of ft 'II - Broesiallys, Manna. risininna. Tarry; Szoondiii, &a, Mr...114A knYt k BROTRZBy /modem and D.alori in Certain Materials, In EIN !Ka !Oda fif , 44,7149' CaPEITNITT Mist. ay7-3t . ....... . . . !Ationiiit„ - Vicrib*ristiitiv.,u4s & WAT mt's NALiumnmillutx,— , ~ , ' • . ,Owsoo, time, Yorh. Marti 17 . feee. —Ccestirtgirgeat 'ittrordi Mir Autok phraituo to intone geoithettheletri No Liretight;whiok I rarebits:Nl of Sinliti vino: trosollin omit, hes pawed through an ozosiedimogis bot, Pin ;ilea Ustositeil brick budding" grhielvigriterl the thifete *white , keel, outbid tlie cor ium ofiteekrkrietted; glut it preserve,* tui hooks ens inihrehli own to the amount of liovorol4houtood dol liaraot orkietallooi tkaakfoi. • • Yffil. 4.M.BLDREDGE" '4.: IL of klaraioder Buthsirt they liters, ?toiletOkirstrplUT Street, Phihri -010111., ' ,, !‘"- 2 . • • opt.et •,„ _ „ • WINDOw witk strong We . lituluM eon% fni*Alk ,8110. 92,8245. - 0101;Aitli: L 10.116,1 ks is. Se, 074iseb; 110 4 1 ! nia*irtiedartotaokix4or • A,SOO. TAssii,LAbil: CURTAINS, from Nmi Auo4 l l 6, ,ife&taild.etw;tip. ‘1 , 1% COARYL tE silurraza, rut: caUTICCIT Striiiit. in Maeonio ELL ' ' • ' • .st7-11V from; great airistaint Atacrtioir kali York. Groat: bar gains, 9119..:74: t 474111111W9 a / 1 10.'15. 719 ClibBT- - -,Elswiwa: MA01628. All persons who kan_tiogfikt Mwint;' Illiolnues 'whisk will not perform art inforaid.thie SINGSR'e Mev akiwaneverfaittodoagktadofwort. ?Nouku kr *vet lOipijobsUid Miebbkeilet - '•'• 4.11. BINGE% 14;C0,,, 14. IN CILIN4TI4ITT Si. swam rise PUNT 171111111 VIE AT EVEII7I FAIL nil (IlliCA9lo`44ioic. 4sionts sikatol. verj }ewe osoortamint of 841•ANANDER8 for NO st. row 'orogsblii Piaso,llo4*OplititTNUT ' - ' - 11101163 & WATSON. ' ..=`-IWhattilPS &Wile *111)111,10 , 111 - itt sdlun,Csotitsad stritOstioaqatysti its inane') to par; shaislrisio oar stook, widsit is Imo sad well sioligded. 111; IL 991.1171.`9. BIATIIIIII, Imorters sad Latsteri in Curtains' 111149iiiii;ettd,Tvisaminge. 719 CIIE9T4 ,111.7 . . 917-st ',. ; . 444`iii• Deltas , tiinii as-Mosiino.Clowsoor have histiatmisead • re* 'add ,serporlor Binttl•=1114,01••,, WO' ••••d. irt;* ' Wei* inisiovero•itt• PluoliSa , I* WO at NOP CRESTNUTIITRBET) One' Piaci - PO:Mite' el', mi. Lit* iniumanow in the lteet,notoner, elpreedy fot TAIL BALM LO nelling - goose nuked in 110tItigenne. giogotigutitootiotwieraated ineetteg ,, Our ONS-PRICS Maw - irattietiredkere' 10, as le Were Adi to be tire only Lax ifay of dealing: All No tiers* trsated Aar. ROW tt CO., t..011-t1 - • •4 • 04 MATULST Stmt. 649124 kunk--*Tamagnaier' Coltritallaeotta sad Waimir Bratira.-4eroaita rs. eavived *go amoupta,lnma dorm of Oteldilla7.aad allows intaraatat tho rata of PIV 4 11,11 1 ,01 /# 1. 4 1 . 14 0 1 1W ' • ' loio of 111 7 :tommot;- ; ;, ??r . . • ..;:011,144 , 0,014111,:tniiiitiletiliVoliak. and on Ilan. 4y. sibtl fri this 'eiskanx. dikt.',PIANILLIIT FELL Irsz ;lad annum. causat.atontm. • • 3 f - thVerd :84parr Titre? by thy State of hiansilvaais. is witted Amen der, lati • to LW aiDOISA MrseereesWt t. '•-•• vOrias isr44 for MOM froze lbordix,4 040 , g GOLD wkiimirst it is sd,iproeureitliget mottos. - -- - Nolossiii:.44o4eistrotora, ffoludisoNi;•sid 14 :01 or mai ? to main is long at Abort mks' ", • , L Tits miser rsimoligid freak Dinasiton ialaveeted is teal NitNe, l 6 l ool1 4 ,0 1 4 4 * • *tri 114 other 6r"7 ,z Wielolloll6 , 44ii•-iiitifirr BiMli;1101111 •noisf , yllo.4 . l4freet.Phlol•4•ll.ltia, • , • •' _ loein AIIUEX ai iiitijiripentsponailid4iosiiesa mahatfactura, whtoil air" '4onilr • ttr EILA'T/PAUE ?n, the rez7.best 4'..!. - ,;: - ...„.,..,-..,;,..... 'O . . O tt , • , , . .. .., iii. u t • 0ch..., ~ . i ' mon! NOTiON: . 1 - rr -2. '" ,:",=..... ,' '- i ;1, --, ; 1a",... .. ' ihiejliebiewr, 07 i tikette, - ' ‘ :.,; , .,,j..,- - =' 1,,,-,.,...MpwotChiet asleep/. mid &Trevor,. 'i..... : llll4l 4 •Thijilit• ' elie ;It: P AI ter i i t 3 il l : ) o ' r zry&trql !! , Boki iliii . Ituati *haw ,4. a bollolid ' , ,nii 6 ititit oilyesii-riopild ind'TeWsity-eiPoond , :tralcii i illirroA , „ -.._ „ , -: ' l nit ,I (lirmsa , k ", , r ° l l'Noinsbertl7l - c of ' - ei—tielb leguistlese of thialeth whoa cr w Il i iieldaintZedigeln- the' ttleid a tan '- - ' - ,1 - 1-„ _ad , ?i , , f1 ,. _ ,, , , Ti , : e1F 7 7 .1 ,iA:';',: i : ''' -", ' ' ' f i iiiit t eliVaifi till: 1 + 114 1i ' C l lthileilitl OW- Ndismitiii, • •-• :.-:•* tijree , ...„.: - ,---, , . - •; ' t liavion -i': ad syr ?r ev : or . - I ‘Tilik '' #. ' 1 Z i g i;ii•lininsoselion Li t t li nd g b h 'nu , fi n t 4:WV I t 416 4 ;11 to 047 .wieddligui F Sweet. below rlb7 1 ! 1971 1, J !_Il. 1411 fft. .. r . ..- - • , = -- ...,: f zi4v.,;-'7IIIIONDAY,'"APiIiIi; telbli ifilleo"-: .'"' ;V-i I,P . 44, '.% - Mift - docitoi*, kii. 1- ; ' "I. flll4"4%rtil=sl,e7c,* 4 ti ! •-..,, i iiiii - , , ,, „ • itt i k_asplunsmisi • , ISM MilattllOlN SOTRlDeibtillniAttle-Arer: salt -ao9ot, 4T ei4 rottA tiOov'st , w.a swum: BRA,. , , 719 CILEPT.NUT Bt. - - tor fritZlo t ° sat Trßi! Friar, Mi8153041 1 111-o.` nthtie CituratOttn , John Ool(Loorior to Am. iris= " Arfkr—Minftft; by 64Sosepti Mitogb. Wltor'Pardater to Mims moony Pony, Nth sof Aluit - ttb (net:, aSar a Untiring illness Mary Ann , wife or Frokhn R. waver'. - Rat trlritteenand from's, and thump of the family, are reepeettutly invited to attend her funeral, without -fur ther neture, from her hoshand's residenee,ble.ar time* street, en Third day (Tuesday) afternoon, the Kith' inst„, at otislook. Cutilettwe.-4)n the 7th inst., of scarlet fever. Mary Ellen Caroming. in the Bth Year of her age. 'Fitneral from the residence of Robert Lesley, No. 614 Mangan street. shove Omen, this (Monday) atternolo,' th e athoast : : at P. M. -IdIDDIA PO 'e.—On the Bth inst., Samuel Rays, son of eamuel Annie Middleton, aged 6 years and months: ^ • , The relatives and friends of the family ate friiited to attend tee faltered, iron, his father's reeldenee, No. lm, North tieverittistreet, the 'Monday), 9th Instant, at 11 o'clock A. MM - rgilitil3ON.—On the 6th inst., Sarah W. Hntahln., eddy Wird of the late John hutohinson, Jr., in' the tiM year of her age. Her friends and those of the keenly are respectfully invited ,to 'attend •her funeral. without further no , ties, frott her late residence, Mil Lombard forest, on' &coed dayttterning, 9th inst., 1110 o'clock. • Interment at Pair HILL , ' CIA N.—,On the Sth inst., Mrs. Annebilla T. Corson, wife 'of Sl an e J. Clark, M. D., in the Seth year of her The Mende of the family are respeotfullY invited to, attired the fulteral, from the residence of her hneband, Bridge street. , Brideaburg, this (Monday) morning, 9thi nisei at 10 p,e100v..•- MORGArt,--On the 4th bet., Michael Morgan, aged iklyeare.- ,-• Funeral from 'the residence of Mr., John McCoy,: No. au eouth fifth street, below Spruce, tine (Rowley) MOruron, Ama Bth , at 6X, o'olooel RBIs vF..--un the eth instant. Harriet daughter of Edgier and the late Andrew Weave, aged 21 years. Funeral from -the residence of her brother-in-law, Robert R. Foreman, No. 91 7 Laurel street, this (Mon day) afternoon, et terse o stook. HROOM.—On thatith instant, Wm. Brcioni, in the 41st Year autos ass. Funeral fmm hut late residence. No. 1110 Noble street, this (Monday). lith inst.. at 9 Wolook„ • lawnAD.H.—Un the 7th inst . John V. Shade, ion of the ohn V. Shade. in the Mfth year of hie age. Funeral this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'olook from No 718 1184:11) agree:. • I aGER.-0a the 7th inst., Adam Hager, in the 27th. year of his age. Funs al from his late residence, No. MO Diliwya et.. on 'Drew ey_etternoon. at 2 o'clock. ** DAUB-DAY. —On the 7th instant. Bridget Cassiday, in the Oath year of her age. slur gh f rel i re t e h r e , beetacgetiTigur,eet:rTtgaNill6ciinga • u-I ttri t t ' abl i rl I & On theith ' Instant. Henry Morton, son of Joseph and Elisabeth •Anrocker, in the Seth year of to age. from the rundence of his parents, No. ]0 North Thirteenth 'treat, on Tuesday afternoon at 9 o'. look. BOXO.—On the f th , Bliss Howard ßurd, relict; of the s ae Bdwin uhappen Bunt. •- Fulsal anvil:tee at fit. Stephen's Churdh, on T_ues dal a moon, punctually at 4.1/ o'clock. - 4 • (..A HEL.L.—Jarnee It, Campbell, in the 74th year. of his age. '• ; Funeral from the residence of his father, 4t6 North: Tenth street, oa Tuesday afternoon, atd o'oloalt. • • 1111401 C BARRON' 'ROBES, Two, Five 'A -Jr ' - 'and' NS e` nou's. gilack and whit* raria Olpandlen ttel•notor tiros Wain SM. Eire! ?i r rrntt i li e d il lt-Wool Mhok Silk het sad Grenadine Miami.. ' . Mack canton Crape nhawla. Black Tamar Ones and grape Mareta. And °roadie Goads. of every desoription, just re eeived by Jigsaw & Sort_, MOURNING STORE; ' apa - Yie.ann CIa.naTNIUT Street. ' a; HISTORICAL SOCIETY.-4, STATED MisISTING will-be held TIM( (Monday April fh.h. et 8 o'clock. - Professor (SIMARD formerly of Copenhagen, will reed a. Dever on ••The bid Scandinavian Divlathes, the mode or worshipping.tuwal. an d the saanitoes, until the introduction cc Christianity._ It .. . JUDI( R _ 1147 OFFICE OF THE CARBON RUN 151- T *ROPER ENT, CCIIPANY. northeast come o OIA at d CORMEROD Ctreet. - ItakAitt,PAlA,MemhtS,lBt6d. A Seidel Heating of the Stodsholders of the Carty= Run Improvement conipeny whl be held at their office, on the sth day of April, MIS. at 'ball past three o'clock t. is., to conaider the enoopteoce or rejection cline supplement to the Charter, approved altaroh ay, &ea, audios other Intstnets. By order, • • , • 11. P. HANCOCK, • It* 7 : - &Watery. ' NOTICE.—ONi• AND AFTER AWN: DAY, Appiil 9th, the oere of the Omen and Street.tsa taseenger Railroad will run •to the Schuylkill Bloat on the northern side of Fainnount; where the fountains will play in the atternoon. It ncr REV; E. H. CHAPIN' WILL t.EcTunis at Conran. hell on lart.DN &WAY N. VENLNO next. Flutfieet" 800nd Forces." %fasts 99 cents. iiipS•N• taOWNERS OF PROPERTY 0141 SOUTH BnOAD BTReE'I! are respeolfinly requested t at the residenee of A. D. ppABM. No. laud LO - &met, on WSO , B6DAY BYBNINO next, April lOth, for the parpose of ixvoperahng with seVe r4seatleineh,loo contemplate the erection of elegant residences *oath of Prime atreec Ihe above notice is given by virtue of a r-solution passed at•meetlog held at Mr. (AMON resident's. on, Thursday evening the Mb inst. Boob owners of property are earnestly re. attested to attend this meeting.: app -St orREV.. DR. CAHILL'S LECTURES.- urn, NATiorirsb tteudA t • , REV. DR. will dottier folly , Leeithres to Die `"ational Hall o Philadelphia, on thefollownts evenings, and on the sub s ou herein stated, via: Pate.Te.CTURE-MOUA EVENING a APRIL The Gosoral Cloaractoratirrolancl herlieligions and Gail Assodatioiss." SECOND Li CT URE-WEDNESDAV• EVENING, AHEM le-•° The Tides-Tides twine &day-Spring and Neap Tides-The Path of the Tides-Ocearte, Rivets, ourrents. , Elevations, Readiande-No' app estable tide in the Idediterranean-Usean Whirlpools-The .bquilib cum of the Mean . elnoemture " TRIAD L e.CT U RURSDAY EitsmNo. APRIL le.-"The Constithent PAM of the Atmos ohere--Cheinioal uses of, these ea rte-Heieht of the At mosphere-Motion 01 the Atmosottere-Vrind-Tropmal Coronae-Polar Caloric-Storms. _ . POO PITH Lie:CT UR tt..ltat IIAX EVENING,APRIL W.-•!SsaitiOrinin of the Solar Sostem , -Disuounts, Winne. Mapes , and llteeentamot the Plenete-Vo iume,NfeseL and Momentum of chi nen-Finoram of the Soler 53atem-Ceotte of Grivity of the Solar %stem within the body ofthe, Sun—Centripetal and i'MjeOtal , Forc e s -Obitual Idotioh of the Plenote- Dtiotrine of Aoheser in referent,e to the Path Of the Planets" These Lectures and to be illustrated by a finished set or Diagrams, imam and Brass Machinery. Tee ,4•eturtre will eonemenoe e arls evening at 8 o'clock: proolly.l.Y. Doors ogee at o 'clock. Tiokets to be had St the Geer.. • ap94t EA11:- .cr NM/ WESTERN N A N E r e l esist of the pok ho era of mud Oartomtren II be held on OVUM the 17th day of AprE, Ureni between the hones of .12 and o'clock ?.111.". at the Girard Noose, In the city of Philo delyl.l% thetrand there to elect ?resident and twelve Director*, to Von's ni4 -• " - enliletet it.fe MALONE.' • •. ' •r" ' iegAzia.mterza, • • WM: MAEBN THOMAS Wipe. - • " - ' THomAa*. juktrivaN. ftopmat • OEO. Al. ALINE_. adr:Oreensbont Democrat and l'lttab • la Pori ompy. - TrREV. 111:491tATTAN GIIIENEtik. 0111 hie wow donna our alto, will hold two aervioni Rey, Wy QM; GEITROGI. BROAD ne low tin:o49.cm MONDAY and TEENIDAY:nbit. tha 9 h and 19th bat, nominwooing in the Evening at ni o'clock.: 00 ean 0047118100/1, the lunch WA not be 9 openea Wlo 'clock. ap7-81* ETUNIVERSITY OF - FENNSFLVARLI— LBPARTmENT. OF ARTS -- . 1 he third term of ri otlfte-yasy will ,oyett on 1:11E8DAY. the 10th , MUM*, 10i adgrahreion will appear at the Thu ',Amity. for - exananation, on that. clay et bell out 10 e'olook A. M. -Ttuttutt for each term thirty dollen. - . • GEORGE .A.1.14.N. autt-dt, , , , Sooratary of the Faculty of Artoo. if - m•-••• THE 'ANNUAL MEETING OF THE .PhiladelpMa Society Wine Employment and In struction of the root will be held at the HOlleE OF IN uUSTRY. Catharine street. above Seventh, on MON DAYi April eth, at a( ap7.2t* , C. L. tileilOLSoN.searetatT. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA STINGa 'Lathan COMPANY.—'I he AN! UAL HYING And ttIiPCTION of the Btoekbolders of the Schuylkill apd flesettehatiaa Railroad CoALMmirodi required by their charter. vrill be held at the GI HARD ROUe la the city of Philadelphia. Peitheylvaoht, on MONDAY, May lth, at M o'clock id, for the porpoise of attooeing a President and BixManAgere to eery* for the ensuing year; and MIPO for 'harlot. ideratiOn. of web Other bast, l ess es mitryropirly Dronght before Wild itieet haat . /lAN KB. BOND, - ' Seoretaty. LECTURES OR BOTANY.—A COURSE of Sixteen Lecturet on Botany will be delivered to wiles end Oentlemen, in the Memnon.) and Masai eel 'militate'. cawsrr4 UT Street. northwest corner of T "lfthia" cAucielf M.,911 HeuAy and SA TURDAYS. beginning Acrd 98, and closing. une B. and szein belitthicht September 18. - end closing October a, All the ketone win ho pruetifiany illustrated with lini ng plant., and at least eight o , them will IR deliver in -the woods and. proves in the environs of the oitY. Si deferring four of the Lectures - to autumn, the clue wilt berates great advantage of studying. with en in struetor. all the Sowers of au entire season. Entrance on weird' Street. Introductory Lecture free. to7-17t 7 . ENNIS. Principal. irrICE OF THE' RAILROAD ADDEXADING RAILROaD, COMPANY. , fiLtecn, 180). The holders of the bonds of this Company. due July M. ono now mem*, upon application at this 0636,10 per cent. in wish, upon the terms specified In the emu far Attached. The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a @lnk ing Ftisd of sieb,ogo per annum, as established by thb etookholders at the annual meeting. hilldJanuarY 9, 1800, and in pursuance of the (+entrain. entered into by he company and duly @lorded. to entry the same into Sect.- 'BRADFORti, Treasurer. (SIR Noises to Me Holders gar Pkitaddpitia sad Readies Rai/road company Mortgage Bonds, des lob lONA These bonds ere secured by the first toorkintee on the road, amounting to the aggregate to 034mingt. net tiVenne for the lest lisoni tear was tut times the aratient of the annual interest on these bonds. The managers nrotwee to extend them for a penod of twenty years. the holden retaining the bonds end the security of the mortgages in the precise condition in which they are now held: Fresh sheets oft:options for the inquest. ea fable half-yearly, arid be issued. A bonus of 10 per cent, will ha given to the hoidens, in eonsideration of thew assenting to the extension. - This bonus will be paid in onsh to the beaters of the bonds, on their swains* revel Land presenting their sense tavit bonds at the pato* of the Company, or to its agents, for endotiestient. - , Forms of receipt aid endorsement trill be furnished annlication. By onier of the Board of blanstem i mi-if - - . MoILEENNY. neoretart. IMPORTANT NOTION TO WHOLE BALK GROCERS. DRUGGISTS, and IAgrOR DEALERS —The entire trade in Philadelphia of the best GIN in the market, MlMia br the oldeet reetifyink house in Entiand, and on of Old Tom, will be itiren for a reasonable pit od to a respectable firm. It wan introduced into the ew York market on the let December last. end upwards of four hundred dealers have alre,dr norchmed for cash. Apply to-J. 8. C. M0RR111,413 BROADWAY, New York, for full par ticulars. - mrit. PORTABLE FORGES, WRIGHT'S PA. _TENT ANvlr. . ROA Box Tien, Plini th e Bel lawi. Ringo, fttoolepil Dos; Lead ripe, ViimPe mad Rime. W. W. KRIiiHT, CO.. ap7.3t. Obi MAR KET direst. opposite Deaatur. CIOFFES -PATENT.KNITTING MA ohm.. for Monufooturer nost ramili use. Limo? , 'find emirs-rooms 716 CUP B JiUp l Sties it7.7t". •• 'WK. 0, 8A.7 AO7. &CO ,'Agenta. CHARLES - F. RIIMPP_, No. 118 North FOURTH Meek, above Arch, Phitotelpnia. 'wholesale and retail manufacturer of PORTS-saORNAIRB. POCK ST-BOOKS, CIGAR CASES_, MONEY-BELTS. Banhilla. Ygfaaa. , Cana, Banker.' Cage.. DrenrSinli Cadet. Wfitint att en d ed ohm, Bill Books. &b.. an. lobbing promptly to. - ap7.4lm bILVEK ant:4)MA- AND DiVLOMA. Ulfyypt AWARDED.,at . the late State - Palr,to A. B. DAVIS & CO.. N. W. corner of PIFTP..ENTIi sod VPltiit Marsala A, 1. DAVIS & C 4.41 Railroad Smiley. - 'A. . DAV & 00.'8 Depot Scales, •A. . DAV Hay Poalem. A. • DAV A o.'d Coal Scales. A. B: DAVI & CO .' S Slaters' Scales. A. B. D earls & /Males. ' A. B. DAVIS & CO.'S Dormant Warehouse Scalar.' 4.'8. DAVIS & Platform Scales. Manufactory. N. W._gornor of - AO-1m PUPPREAPPII, and WILLOW Efts. MAOKEREL 43133, Bbla. 2,4 3 . itsskorsl,ln sisorred piOltsges, for rile 'br H. O. NA Maga k. OD., ARCH- Street, second door above `WRITE FlSlLt44hslf Bbls. - v saw ise,Fiab,`a a • finartiele, lust reoetved stadfor , oak: O. _Q.- RAD R & CO., AitcH &me, wens door s sole Front. 407' NONO IXPENBE • A 9 BEEN SPARED 1$ 7 tneillgroi• REIBIEIt'B Photogramhid gallery, A ggsfeastlthtitZV"pligi,Vialii,boltrg,alt: Fbotbersphe and Ambrotypes. ALL PERSONS ARE • oAunogn I =WINMOVIVATIAMMTI STenti" . RAM shove Blaventh wt vain- tLLS CLEANED AT A LOW P n irl4o l eftr a ftragnii . . p 4dFell ilillhl9lslloll.fi giNt e nD EMU. rititteAPllitAMPlttit,l MONDAY; wq. NiCW.II4IIILICATIpRe. NEW' BOOIKSFOR 'SAE .:8it. ,, :.; - ." , :„ 1:. si t NAMUR! , RA ZO. Je 2 -• ~ - -_, .„-,. 24 0 x TI BIT. , "A VOYAGE D OWN TIP 4 A WE I er. ~,,,„m„,,,,„.5.„,,,,,„,.....,... 0. 0 ,,, ..Ngd0..m.,1,,,e,.....,:r. ~ , , , s ..rtz, , A..,„ giver. One volume. lame, otetb,_ v, in Mums% me. • . 'me earoois For 0141.08. y the eathoteat r - Heir or.R•doliffe -, ate:, One volume BAY:AN D 8RA1... 'By the Misses WarwiL L Anthfil Nom. 0r..-" Wide World," "Queeoby," Ao.‘ wrro voal•P' Wino *loth: . ~„ - wet., t eft A9HW,OOD. , A Home Story: Br Paul 9 olvolk, writer tor ,the_Kaieeerbooker. One .olume., BrOft_ a_ti FROM BLAnf WOOD. Volume Ely.h b, ItTTEIIS PROM, HWITZORLAttD. BrllFriAlll. With illustrations. lino volume at. • , , - - THE WAR IN-NICARAGUA. _written by General William Waillir LITA.. Je. 0 nu at Story.: XL _ _, , E Inaß AL THE AbIiP,LAI t Or. kp:111141one it jhe liermoa wand Bateau, or Revelations. ° THE 1311ILICAL REASON WHY. A Family G u ide to Boupture flaadunge. - - A GAINNT WIND AND -TIPB. By the author of ~ . Ivan Holt's INinjider " E Bit. run 'The New Amen No vel. ta ik i. 9ll.OFTQN. By , tne eithor of• • 26smrtet THE LIFE, AND • TIKES HEHOD THE GRZAT ! Just published lir LINDSAY dr BLARDTON. - ' Publishers and Bookeellem. • No. 25 Routh RIXTH Street, chive Craft ET. THE LIFE &NE TIMES OF HJUOD HE oRRAT, An oonneeted,Risto i lo y alir and Prophet eallf,lflth the eoming of Christ, and neidental Prrtraitares of rioted Person, of the Ate. William ILWdleth One vol.. 12mo. truss, IL , 1. NOTICIII Olr TIIII Palest . • " Profane and Sacred history are Maud Il i blended tai the deseripttons of events, tnoidena, an chariot's - 4 t and the seines tILSC are med e to pais be fore the mind hive the o,,arm Of • it, dreads ',blob swimto IMPtell s the truth illustrated."—American Presbyarsam. ' " It is an admirable book for the stneral reader, and for tne fannly."—Christialt Obiertin. LINDUY & OLAKIFTON, • Funlimbers and oksellers. ape No. gd 8. SLXI'II St , &bowl CHEdtrt HT. N OR PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! PIANO.FORTES. , , , AiLLODEONS. , 11 , IANO , FOR,TES. MELODEONS: Mao by Raven.,,, B000n,&l, Co., Num & Chia, Ballot. & 60d 001001. - ' J. E;OOULD, 1n714-17 • SEVENTH ma C H rAcro, UT. RIIII- J. & O. FLSOHBR 8 NPLENDID NEW YORK PlANOltatom tle Ititratql to SEC' atioordiog to Matt,favorttatx Ancwn fat task, ballad,' of tone, eater or, and AtttetStY• , forMtor l et e tZttio u rinl y sgu l tr eAt ql fm " l"°""' "lim, a Janie amottingot of 'otAitinaaigir I. I4I:I4I=aII;VEVIEE i t abot ktit. mb23.lm. ppm, WITINWAY 801V8112W PA- FlUatz MerlagriffiErl,N° B !: /erred In ooneerte en In vete oro &Shy the Wn performers. .fteeived Me Mat Pre ov er the bNt makers, from Muss hhe NotWolutllarobritlent. Challenge ralnompehlttnn, BLAB N de-Ir 100I_ N Streik SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER - & WILSON • SEWING MACHINE& ; HOMY COY, Agent, , AB CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND 71,0014 • *whines, with therstote; on 'ere to Uinta Families, szenom•ovroons: f Weet !MATE Street, Trenton. in. J. • • • lin ORNTRAL BQUARE._Eaetoni latnAn • WIL 00 X:& SEWING MA= CHINE—The groat and kareaaing denim! tot Wilcox & eilblV o twiljhrge hi guraa t tencle Br Tib &MAMA' litzest. We • OPERA' GLASSES, A LAUB ASSTMT AT 718 CHESTNUT STREET. , sp7•at CHARLES, E. TAGGAJIT, .Buooessor to J. E, KNORR & 'lmporter and Wholesale Denier in . WINES, GINS, 4-c. Choine brands Old Monongahela, be, and Bourbon WHISKEY constantly on Mind, at 031 MARKET Street. TABLE OIL. FIFTY BASKETS OP"LA2'OI)7I," AND OTHER BRANDS, FOR FALB 13 1 F - C. MAT'FSON. DRILLER /N FINE OROOERIRO, ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. sir 4 VIACHLNE SEW I NG • Warranted the but article for SEWING MACHINES. For We by the Menufaoturer, et the LOWEST B. ROOMY a SON, No. 5120 •NAREET STREET, PHILADELPHIA: op4-Ira TORN DICKINSON, • ' , COMMERCE MERCHANT sti' DEALERIN DOMneTIO AND AMNION EXcIIANON. 11066 FON, TEXAN. Collestiorst =de and! srtnest, rernittanbeLin tlisht Psobanse, at Miff Inn Mel t On , VOW York, Boeton r or Nen Orlints. i t ItEBCENT CITYV . n a e a c, N o O w (benne U P r I NNI N Sa/ w o Y dA rk NG.NoWYo r k. Marrs. MRCP &. BACON. Boston. nthle•lntlf BURNING FLUID. ALCOHOL, PAM. PHENE, iu Innen, and half barrels. klanufaS• tures esd for ',deli , ROWLEY._6I3I/BURNEA & arT Witt TS OF TURPHNT#NE-=-150 barrels SPIRITS OP TURPENTINE in t Store and foi sal* by ANLEY,ABkt BURNER & CO,. ap7 - , - sta. 16 South WHARVES. MILLINERY GOODS. LINCOLN. WOOD. & NICHOLS. OITY BONNET STORE. SPRING. OPENING; THURSDAY. APRIL STH, 1860. You are reeteetfolli invited. Igo. 715 OBEISTNIIT STREET, ap4-t( Ali D. FERRIS, 1037 CHESTNUT Street, :Auk will open THIS DAY extra fine LEGHORN BON. NE t 3, Rata make gad •flnish • alga, fine sp li t STRAW BONNY. A, WALKING and RIDING FIATS. a new WWI), together with a large ailliOttnlent of Melee and children's Rate. ape lm GIMRS. M. A. .KING, 27 SOUTH SECOND Street. between Market and Chestnut, will on Spr/nr and Summer Millinery, on Saturday. April Ttpeh. via MISSES 0 BRYAN,' 914 CREST vAkMUT, abovo Ninth, will open PARLI MILLI- Nl4ltY. for the spring, on TAUIWIDAY, wnl the Btb,le6o. - apr.lne ZN '—Furo French snow-white, of "Valle Montagne ea.'s" manufacture, for b• WETR4:9II.I, & BROTIMR, 47 and 49 North sEcoetll Street. ap9 OUND VENETIAN' RED, in kegs, auortecl 'el m . for mile br WETHE'RILL k DilOTHisR, 47 and 49 North S} CuND St. apt JOSEPH LEA, NOS. 128 AND IN CHESTNUT STREET, Invites the attention of the Trade to his Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, • LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS. New light and dark mini Wes, a greet waristi IYon MESSRS. SAM'L SLATER fa SONS, SUTTON MANUFACTURING CO.. • - MONTEBELLO COMPANY.. Also, THE ATLANTIC 'CO.'S' MOURNING, 'minding inane new standard Patterns. ' NEAT BLACK k WHITES, PURPLES, LAV.'S, Ike SAXONY & SILEPRERD , PLAWS, & SIDEBARDS BLACK' AND' GRAYS. AND CHOICE DUSTE/ STYLES. WOOLLENS. FANCY CASHMERES sad DOESKINS, kn.. • I FROM ROOK COM., GLKNDA.LB COM., NET ENGLAND COM., CRAWFORD MILLS, BROOK. DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. - EBERHARDT & SONS' SUPERIOR BLACK DOS-SKIN AND SILK MIX. TURES. Satinetts, Plain and Prin_tr i ,of colon! and swill. I[744TP k cads, l el= n s il 4 l ;ie u rte the oountri. • - AMERICAN LINEN COAL ' CRASH, BUM, BELEETLNOS, &o. , Jell-am • EDWIN CLARK'S - '• RIGIILY IMPROVED and newly Patented Combined Ogindinflend Bolting. Or IdEROrrAPIT FLOUR MILL, - • Daily in operation at • Pre.lll6 RACE BIREBT, 3RLOW THIRD, rnuaDt... This unrivalled t Flour 111, inolging the complete fi t e t ,ll Merwi de, e t i n slit u f t e k el gri t ir;artdlitlitt:-:11 4 :1141 tons manufaotunng within m small minimum, et a single operation,and with but Die more thanaiaboree petrel', tainilt elite, extra, snorting, and an (tithe low er grades of flour and the different. kind s of offal • pro duoing flour eatiatin quality to the nest fl our maide'trom a oven emoting .° wheat, by the best mohant Flour Mulls in the United hates, or In Europe, , Ito a ve r age rate Of grinding is two banal. of superior n o w, per hour. • , This new, oomreot, oomplete, end celebrated flour mill has been. carefully sustained br tamer of the most experienced in thic country, and ma r no w_ mouldy. bestow upend the highest oommendatione ; and MVO given their testimonials of Its Intrisido superlort ty,and its immense utility.. Millers, mil,-owners , merchants, ofteitensts, ',people= tom, and the public in xaneftil, are trarteetfultr invited r and examine t ale highly MIMI and instly eels Tripti r o n r wing the ptireheiMof . horn Rig for States and counties, anUttet it for ev t eri portion of the United Ptates, Great Britain, Irrann. Germany, Russia', and oilier Attloulturelopuntrles, will be stein to all persona address tnrgiters to - ED,W11 , 4 Patentee, ' 1i0.13531R01S gt,,beldw lid, naiad's. IfirFor further informetion poneereillit Gum °enthral, ted gain' d 4 AS, anomie to reed, the yellow handbiug seri inir ft. V,BNIf I 4 BEANB.—Veige tiabi PIANOS. tv•" HETAA., p*lrt GOODS? CLOS/Ner OUT. , . THOS. W. EVANS & Cto its now wtiln l or ' THE ENTIDE BALANCE ON SPRING BILKS AT AUCTION PRICES. 20,000 mum.' will be eared this week, AT A GREAT LOSS ON THE COST OP IMPORTATION. %Wet . 81 1 .3 AND 1520 CHESTNUT &Teel. CHEAP PLAID, SILKS. L. J. LEVY & CO. Rave aurohaaad, and WILL OPEN THIS I.IOSNING, ONE CASE OF SMALL—PLAID SILKS, In °holes windage. at' TY.SIX OEM PER YARD. Coat TI td Import. NEW SPRING OHENE SILKS, At 87)i oenta sad 75 dents. ajaa.3t 809 and 811 CREBTEUT Street. LADLES' DRESBI TRTMMIP~( 8. - - - NEW GOODS.. 'AU the new styles now open, end oonetantly reoelvini every novelty. - PLAITED CORDS, ALL COLORS. , ORNEE KNITTING BALLS. EMBROIDERED CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. ' BEST QUALITY SHETLAND WOOL. - GILT BRAIDS, TASSELS, AND DORM `, RAPSO.N'S TROMINGT AND, Z*TIIYR STOKE, CORNER 'OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STREETS. O tin .1860. 1860. SPRING STOOII NOW OPEN. Pull Stook of SILKS, • • • - Putt Stook of SHAWLS, - Full StOok of DRESS GOODS, • Full Stock of LINEN GOODS, Full Stook of COTTON GOODS, Full Stook of ,BLACK GOODS, Full Stook of WHITE GOODS, Full Stook of LACE GOODS. New Materialn for DUSTERS, .NOYaltien in FRENCH GOODS, /to. EYRE & LANDELL. ' FOURTH & ARCH STREETS, YhiiadHpdta N. 8.-8 TORBREEFERS, may at all llama find Good Harping, dally from New York and Philadelphia AUCTIONS. P.S.—BLACK SILKS, at Net Prides. deoidedliCheap, mh2l•tf 1860. OPENING. 1860. THIS MORNING, AND DURING THE WEEK. SPRING MANTELETS AND NEGLIGI CLOAKS. In Greet Variety, et the PARIS MANPILLA IMPORIUM. J. W. PROCTOR. siiirmr CLOTHS,' FINEST FRENCH. • CIASSIMERES, TAB Puma FANCY FRENCH. _ VESTINGS. THE FINEST FANCY FRENCH STYLES. LADIES' CLOAKINGS, BOYS' WEAR, PliVery great variety of the choicest styles of Foteitil and Inuetlitan Clothe, Wholesale and Retail. at • ESHLEMAN'S. UNDER JAYNE'S IlitkLL. CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH. mhl9•mwflm 1860. SPRING GOODS. 1860 • - We ham 7118 T OPENED a beautiful stook Of BONNET 4ND TRIM - HMO MOONS) Of all dealrablealoullee, in great variety of widths and styles, whiok, with an unusually attractive assortment of FRENCH FLOWERS, STRAW BONNETS, AND MILLINERY GOODS, HIM been selected with eyeoial regard to our RETAIL BALES, STERN do 000 S, 720 CHESTNUT STREET. midi • fwlm TRINH LINENg.,— A fresh invoice of SIIIRTINfj LINENS (Meat from the manufao. Parer', B WHARDttON,NONE, & CWDzri, of Ballast, luit motive& Theme Goods are selected expressly for our family trade, and are guarantied free from any adini xture, of ap7 Cotton. P.EiR9 9outKlNs hIILNTR Street, COOPER & 0014 AR ► . " Inviti attention to the largest steak they have ever offered, comprising, In part. LADIES. CLOTH CLOAKS Of Plain. Striped, and Mixed Cloths, all of the new est patterns and material. got up in the most ELKOANT AND ARTISTIC MANNER, and to tell at very reasonable rates. elt,K MANTLES are in proportion,_end will be ready in a few days. LADE FOINTB AND MANTLES. 40, MEWS AND A BOYS' WEAR, • Embracing the following, viz A tirst-ratella Weak Cloth. . Black Clo th s or superior qUali ty for 81.00. ' Finer grades of Back and Mixtures. FINE BLACK DOESKINS. Fang Ceiteirneres for young gents. " '113111P612.7.2117ia CLOTHS, First rate, at 81.2 e; better goods, 81,10 and 82. _COOPER & LONARD, ap7 ' EI:E. NINTH and MARKET ate. SHARPLESS BROTHERS Seven Sounoed Otticslll4l,eve recei vedlerne line of flounced Bares* Robes, Unman* Shawls, Gray Goat. miir Cloths, Black ?anginas and Valenolas. Blank and White Checks, Gloms indis and•if CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. SUARPLESS BROTHERS Offer a full assortment of rlooted tinenrinkine Flannel, allardvale and Ens limb do laid French and Wafting Flannel, Tlk Warp and /Wm thin, do iokioge of beet qua , ity, Furniture., Canton Flannels. ape , f eitnBTl , lllT and EIGHTH Streets rrlluitNLEl & CHISM, -IL Call special attention to their Stook or 1131L1Co SHAWLS. DREW' GOODS. CLOTH DUSTERS. BILX,m WLES. ST BARGE it ,DUERS .11,11 D DRESSES. also to Riolieet Stook in of— rreoh Leon Bonmous. Frenoh Leon Plocolommiel. • - . French Laos Eugenie.. French Lane Shawle, French Lace Pointer. French Lace Mantle!. French Lace , Cambria Lases. Chantilla Lace/. &o. BOUGIIT FOS CABS' We invite attention to our Staple anode, vii: Bent Family and Fronting Linens. Beet Shirting, Sheeting, and Pillow Muslim &Inuit and Bummer Fiewnele and Casein:lama. roixeu Clothe, black Krenon Llothe, &n., &n. Deg Rid OloVeill, Silk Woven, Rosary, Linen, Rand kernhienriir., NortlMeet cornet ECUPP acid SPILINQ gIARDRR mirge PRE "KA RiBON HUILDItt6IB. ' CARRIAGES. Or Til VANOVAOII73I Of WILLIAM I). ROGERS. REPOSITORY, Na 1009 ONFATNUT EITRIVEZ Ntiggift LIMN= SUGAR.--500 bbls. Imitated, airtirtivanigratWersettinir 300 Blitti Prime fleapits and Eaajport neving, 800 boxes &ai Ilettini. ig911.611 bblie Pnilte Fah, In stores slfor titip.4.oo, 461 • harms. ?. 120 bbls. extra Aiso'Taw White in iregattiLAsny . aAV bietit*Wrh, NMI snrutcx'OK. - U cri T FRENCH GOODS. MYERA, O,LAGHORN, do Oc;. AUOTKONSERS. No. SS, MARKET STREET, WIII all, on Mitilq)AY, APRILS, For iWooont of MESSRS. THIRION, MAILLARD & Co:, NEW YORK; IT CATALOOVN, ON MIX MONTHS' OMIT* A large and attractive assortment of seasonable, choice, and desirable EITAPLK AND FANCY FRENCH DRY GOODS, Comprising, in Part— Pieces BAREGES, in every variety, Black and High Colors, fine and sublime qualities, Pieces CREPE D'ESPAGNE, Mode, Black, and High Colors. superb qusliturs. Pieces BAREGES, rich satin stripe and plaid, Mode. Bleak, and High Colors. Pieces MILILNAISE, do. do.' very choice. Pieces GRENADINES, do. do, , do. Pieces ISILLE CARREAUX B.AIIEGES, superb qualities, Black and Chaim? Colors. Piece. BAREGES ARGENTINES, with Bayadere Chine stripes. Pierces M14,1NAD313 GAZE, Slob silk Earldom striped, choice and select colors, for best Retail Trade. Pieces GRISAILLE PO PLIERS, for travelling dresses. Pieces BAR EGE ANGLAISE GRISAILLE. hoops MOUSEIELINES DE LAME, fine and sub lime qualities, in Black, Mode, and choice Rich Colors. Pieces ItI.OIVELINES DE LAINE, in double width' 4-4 bliwks. Pleats TAMISE. do. do. do. do. Pieces CREPE - D'ESPAGSE AND DADDIES, black and white. in 8-4, 4-4, and El 4 widths, and sn perks qualities, BLA.C3K 130M13AZINES. FULL' LINES PINE TO SUBLIME QUALITIES BLAOE BOMBAZINES SHAWLS. Also. in great Vermin a largo and epleedid masoihnent, comprising, in patt— MERINO AND CACEISMIRE, boar black. silk And wool-fringed; also, colored and black lIQUIVO , ditto. , • INDOtJX, nob black; also. Brooke-bordered Black Stollen. with aid without omen. THIBET. CADHEMIRE, AND MOUSSELINE, plain and printed; and ;mired-bordered Braila do. Mao, a variety of Weft NOUVEAUTE jut received per steamer. An lAvoioe, compnsinir 5 great variety RICH PARES PRINTED DRESS, GOODS—aa Organ dies, Silk Grenadines. Challis., Budges, Sto., &c. Also, DRESS SILKS, plan and fancy, black and on•, lured, Oros Unpins:tap and Gros de Rhinos, Foulards!, &0., &O. To all of whloh the EARLY AND SPECIAL TENTION of Local and Distant Traders ie reepsot. fully invited. InERS, MAGI:1011N; & Co., AtiO2IOESIYB. ladelphis, April 4,1860. spe4t HEADY.MADE CLO THING. E.H. ELDRIDCIE. it CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE," N. E. Corner ElCiEtTil and clazerngliT W Customer Work mad* at short notice. pahltded.if MEDICINAL. INDIGESTION—DYSPEPSIA. MAR. bionsTivE,. EA vurel t i , VArawaio ereparstlonyetjanie end vitiatio n. It rlingtnene the stomas . given sato to pains throllbo t DA body, reinvirat al the whole intern. Ina of hort time it wil l thheir ti 'A orepaive bherdb. and Will effectually deetroy wor by terhoring.44l Mauro matter that weakly them.. manoraenrer dodjuh pnetor, E. IlAtt.T_,_ boll, alecr,by W. HoDGeOrl, 1.. E. tremor of TErezu and ARCH, and, other Drupelets thronphout the Oily end oolantrY. ' SO ISt* WEST INDIAN BITTERS.—These cele. • v brated Bitters are, meeting with general favor They most effectually and permanently cure all dim-- dere arising out of a want of welter Woo at # healthful notion of the enceinte* orgasm. They are Idenflf reeo mended by the fatality of the prinotpal cities of the United igkatea and &moue for the y &eadp ours of Oya- Mehl" L fiver CoMpliget - Nervonlii hint). Fever and Ague. /to. ' THOMAS . ERtit)USY. Principal Anent. mhfecflm 8. W. corner SIXTH and BPILIECS &reef a. INSUROCE COMPANIES., iILINTON COUNTY LIFE AND GENE RALINSURANCE COMPANIff, • PLATTSSURO,MISSOULI. Chartered in 1880.—Authonted (lap' I, SIODANI. Masoteat: H. lArhlttingtog. ,Eriuslow Tanteri_ T. R. Bradley, George W. Culver, Ulnas R. Bireh,R. wIIITTINGTON, Pres. 1. N. 11001AAC4Y, See. and Treae. Speolat attention paid to CollaothAra, arid .Mosay roroptly rouuttad. 2 W sinesseolioited. . mh23-11.m. T HE it TERF'ILItS.S . INSURANCE COMPANY OF FEILLDEFEIA. (FINE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) 00.1frA_NIPS .BU/Lio/NG, S. NBA ouuRTH AND W4LNDT S TJ L F RTS. ' DIRECTORS. FL RATCSRD STAR . MOILDICIAt Li DAWSON@ Yy U !MW , BTIIAOLT• ALISti) MOWN., OHN BIOW,III, J g O a HH M . 4lnTit . A. Alipieciet, Wit* JJ mitt )1 , isAT ' &war firei l . K, President. • ALES . 115, Beoritify. : 110A61/4 INSURANCE CO „ 'ANY, NO.' 401 CREWINUT Street, PIULADELPELL, INCORPORATED APRIL. IM4 BY THE STATE OF; CONFINED TO FIRP ENSYLVANIAE AND INLAND AMPS: MMICTORM , Samuel Vir•ht, D. B. Rimy. Wm. W.. Walters. J. W. tiermap. 9 hitia. Rk.tio &Titian. eing wig, a.. nrito. "Atli, , Ivan 1d0 . ri. 3 11 ° , 44 Thoth G. Aladin, QOM° Stern. GRORGE W. DAL Yresideint. _ WILLIAMPNVItigyIiIVO4. v r. V V-tf T IIIX MUTUAL. Lan 11419 URANUS COMPANY OF NEW TOIL } B T to: SIX MILLIONOF DOLLARB, IIIMISTIDIM WRAY AtOMAOIIII OM XMAL itssalGt. WORTH OVER 4111,000,000. The premiums ere iowne. then in merry other Compa nies, and the Dividends have been eassgra. This is & strictly Minor& Pmmy. TheAk r ire a• Btookhokien so that ALL THE Piton. X 711.60 TO TUX /NIUMID. 1/AXIMMIOIX, aid every Wortnatiou, may be had GRATIS, OR appupatioa kr. o L W. corner Nghti si t irWatiltne. PHILADELPHIA RESELENCEII: Thomas Robing, John Welsh. Mordecai L Omen, tag. Stuart. ol c liN kitrd , Ileter e L e Zning. :mph Perten:on illtam 0 lodwr. Mtn M. Atwood: ' :the 8 eines H. &aerie, George W. 6141 L . . illtarntdoKee. Thos. Watternr.ESS-114f. • BELLS. , CAST-STEEL BELLS. FOR CRURVRES, ACADEMIES, FIRE 'ALARMS, ,FACTORIES, PLANTATIONS, go., .to. MANUFACTURED AND BOLD BY • NAYLOR & 690 COMMERCE Street, PHILADELPHIA. • These Belle ga ve been extensively nines in alt parts of Barone, the United States, and Primula. for the past five years. We are, therefore. now !revered to itate theta P O rt r i e lc a li t i Vrgal l i n i t inniiiit t iriut i ;i f il i ttruisteri el. . Yd. A very pure and melodioud quality of ' tone, eembining sweetniss with POW? In a remarkable donee. ad. An aversee Navin' of al) Per tient. In 'wet, as 110TUDINYIMS with that ot ordinary belle. livery Belt is warranted for - one year, with proper naagyo, In any climate. Chime; of BUY dimension, mutt to order, withwet YAW ti 1100U11107. 11.b.;ATON as .LAWN(IOII...A, HARDWARE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOT COMMERCE and 610 NORTH STREETS, AGENTS FOR THE BALE OF CUT NAILS. HOLLOW WARE. OAST, BLIATER,ARE GERMAN STEELS. Whioh, with a 'complete asaninteat oi AMERICAN HARDWARE They oar for .ale at MANUFACITUARRS' PRICES. - tett-wham If IRA 01110KERING & SONS, MANILA g at I. l , i ttniipl! oftzwaray.e ""' AgitatiV-44. W 4 TI Vit.ANTXD--A. Matt, who can giie:thel v v.- • vary beat of Manias , to sot as Portia .iros' atom Qua who onderatanda the rtoviwon • forted, 444re/a " JonetWl the office. - eve , WANTED—Canvassers to get subscrt-; bars to weekly parer. None need seal but , . tthose who have hid experloore i * a tho work. Atottletn, Box 330, aisles name.tositlrece, and reform i s t ,. It WANTED—A BOY—One stectuttomeat to wnting and Packing a NewerkPer all. dress P. 9., Press oboe, mins..address apinioata., aggite.t. ILA/ANTED—A Man: to vaitpn andnurse • • rermmEent nisi - the city. Mint 1* at Protestant, able to read writing. sad hay" good raker- , eonse of moral character. Moat, at No. 541 Haat NORTH Street, from If to I o'clock, Monday or Tan-; day. al/94V • WA.NTED--1: Situation, by s, (Tenth mm having an egteitalve.aoquaintanoe In the Routh and West; would filke to travel fora Arst-olastr, Rmisees.. Address " Wm. Pluladslpela /ask! Ofil . VW - ANTE - D.—A young 1:04w ' who' it a' good penman'. a good oorratrpoidentoggig via at; figures. 046103 th some kmortriedge_of the BOOK bust-- flea}} preferred. Acipreer...l4 handwrigns.sf agplloaat.l Ith references, Correekondslit, , Dwoo DIN-1 patch. - , ag7-4P :YOUNG MAN, ACQUAINTED 'WITH': Bodk-kseides, wishes a Situation la the rsidossr.' Cool, or (figurruestou4Bustness. galaTl of seeruuteryha-1 portanoe. Address -Lumber? Blood , . Diosteh.• apt 31 • A YOUNG L. ADY t _of relined edueltioll,! I. AL *Mears SlTusTimi in a print* family, or en.', Aandemy, As Tutor Bitumen given ,abol Adareu Ai, IL," Oita* of Tho,Press. AN EXPERT AOCOUNTANT BAB Ai few ielcurs hours' during the day and. sroultur4 which he is anxions b. devote to settlinc up auPingp,, Addreu "T. B." mitios of this vapor. AO ft* NV - ANTED —l,OOO Ladies to- send foe:, BE RUSE'S great book, 'ETlrry rOUM Mita ancr woman oontemplating hot/ 'weakish should hays thus book. lactose Is oenta to 1602 C 81,rhilacklihia P. U. fete Itn. • , FOR SALE AND TO LET. as TO LET=DESIRABLE TWO-STORY Ml.Briok Dwelling, 417 'Harmony street, north of Ca 4 marine, west of Fourth Street in good rder, eoetaln-• one five Stooma t huge Yard, ate . app l y 619 VINE Street. 9to 1 M. • TO RENT-LA FURNISHED HOUSE. MIL Inettire 6n the premises, 11. W. earner of MINTY end LOCUST' MU. ' • see 8t FACTORY FOR SALE-4ITUATIEDI Mast Bridiepo, t , Moutgoiner/ almlntixt• Bll olio" from Fluladelphot, on the Itsouhug xadroe.d. Mein building 60 lof 30 feet ; 18 tech welisi steam peeler. For particulars adorohn J. E. ape 6t. • , • t 14.8 North THIRD wrest. • as TO' LET, OU FOR'SALE, OR n 4 EmaIiANGE FOR GERM ANTOWN PROPRRTY-4 The largo three -storied BRICK NOUSE, No. SOS North TENTH Street. with three-storied amok build, logs, side yard on tirown nset. and ell the MINIM oti- , provemente. !aquae ofRNRY S. TARR, oo tiq °REF?! Street, tinladelphosi. ap9-10t FOR SALE, OR TO LET; IN , GER: MANTOWN—A handsome CITITAGE, with. an the modern ini.prffre Mentz end beautify! Carden, 00 Har 4 'ray Street, within Aveminhtea' walk of the depot API. ply at 718 ARCH attest. ap9•lt•r as 'FOR BALE, IN HADDONFIELD, WIN. 3., several very desirable Briok and Frame Rufflemon, weir shaded and handsomely improved, Also, the beanstlnl property known u '• Tulip Wove." together with a r.timber of well•looated tottadesits! Portion of the property .be 111X0D1101ed for nits rest estate. Term easy. Apply to • Juba R. Psy.ToN. • nig Smash FOURTH attest, ard• lm Between 10 A. M, and P. BA ' PUBLIC SALE-4 RARE CHANCE—An excellent business stand and dwelling, situated in th • town of El ietol, Rucks °minty, Pa.. on Radcliff smear. between Mill and Market streets, lot 30 feet front by urt In depth. The .improvementa ars a good dwelling and store, with the =Weil fora Confectionery, Baker, and Restaurant, having been tried as such for the lest twenty-five years, and the minors* stand-in the twerp for that blames,. A new oven has rust been erected is the bank building. .The location Is the best ni the town for any Weibel*, being convenient to irtearchoat Med , ins, canal, basin, ita, Will be Fold at public sale. on premises, on -TN URBDAY; Uth inst., at 3 o ' clock{ !mow Terms easy, which will be made n by ap7.3t. WM. RUM Y, Auctioneer. gm To RENT—For the season,' a small za. COTTAGE; containing four Mom, aed kitchen; pleasantly wanted within a hundred wards or a ratlway Station. 7 miles from to city. Inquire at DA.MAL'It Seal tturre, 006 Ma !Ina St. ape 61* OA WANTED TO RENT-4 comforts .i.ta. ble dwelling house. with noble ntid grist d at' taohed. (66.1 Me TO five Colombiat ot lent • • an mg the Philadelphia and Railroad. et* in ten milen,. of the tidy. . - - . Ad 4 ess, stating looation'and terms 'wryest,. Cuh.q Blned'e Plppateh. Philadelphia.. . ape itILLIAnD TABLES.—Two Second hand i tgort a n n s i oAt i ge iri P t " Th r ufm i, and ordride e r WHAM ma 'et ' • 211 SOUTH &MOH Street. ' rOR SALE, CHEAP—A Book Case with warfront attached:suitable fora lawtei , a or con venom a oft oe. of trbmry woniation. lso_, Centre Table and Climb'. Aptly ttf /11PP.E8, N. E. norm FOURTH and GRELII Streets. . „ ass-fain2t• ft, FORSALE OR TO RENT—Mot's No , BEL MO South WHARVP.I3. 2 nPins street, ftW• 9 i figt o thlt h rfar ., zev A liteirikt.:4Lta dit TO CAPITALISTS .— FOR SALE-4 Mane Pdsobidefr a etest, find lima of larcge Manufactory .of PelpEß HAISOIIeUS, ;SOW wit* ivory convenience forearming on WI OlteaslVll lien. a desirable itlrestinen2 ti , l;errion9 of anew the Ma sash the hairiness. Fnr sale wa4 or without the adras. Inquire at 822 C FsT yT Street .irtiBwErtitf if BART. 31.0:410011LERY, & CO. afik. FARMS AND 09IINTRY BEATS sm. Fat BALE, AND ROME TO RENT.—FAM of 25 .ACRISEI. gig math, Nornatawn. in a good neighborhood. For ante n bargain. Immediate pasies- M lPAigit n til? 110 ACRit2(:on Ridge Pike. i lodes front railroad depot. good Wilding*, b•autifat mato), sad only eta per sore. 13,000 can mown at a per cent. Immediate polieeralon given. couNTR.Y BEAl,with 3 acres, beautifully located, FOR BALE wild, three miles from tionnetoWp. - BOVA% TO .tt.bT iha small village four miles from Norristown,auf table for lineanier 11.ANDSCaLhi PROPERLY . Of Meat UM, on a lit miles from the oily, on easy Urrine.- - The undersigned, haring a great variety of Fart:Wend Country Beam for sale, Hatters himself that he °au so , commodate all who may favor him with a gall. R. R. OORBON. airtrtwfftm _Rest late Broker, No Pa 111S1 ltlAkeTO .--For sale, on easy ROIL terms, *a handionltl tiotifted /Hose AZIHDRNON, near hlanhems !treat, rient told al , r f sr{ Church." }loose has MI, rater. an kMasers emu. suspense's.. The situations not surpassed is Osman town. FOURTH FR. mh so-itt SS South treet. - large Carriage and Har i"; nessmbilting establishment, situate on, ghe corner of two of the widest streets in Portsmouth, va. ; doing it glad, thtiVing baldness. au wipers unable, tbnmirb ill besith, to lodger give it Attention. , can be purchased cm low and very reaeonalda terms. or lilaseatfor a tend of sl,bris. AYDIN ta GE_O: R. SMEAR, Prdtamositl4 Vl6, or at MUSS & WAIEUN. rahlalar. CHESTNUT Stmt. , da TO KENT—Two beautifully situated 1, , double howeth win shaded. with amok boson ane gehOons attached. on Toomey Plank Road one mile Lwow Tawny. and three-anarterio,of • wile from raw oritioai s w i g at t . lepot findoleintlei Applryalip FOR SALE—A D.wejlip i llouse, near the State Homo, suitable AA cs. C Alt 4id RH_OAS, 01616-Im* tie Abb VE. Street. FUR SALE, in EtADDONFIAD,ISI. J., Was pleuent Cottage, with about twosome of -round, stable, fruit trees, and aeoessible from the city, by mil, in A) itu oaten ' P rice limes a termsd by a gravel tut agate Man mile& #6,00(), °any. Apo!y to • ED. wALN, shl3-Ite NO WALNUT Street. riERMANTOWN PROPERTY. VALUABLE REAL MAU FOR RAM The valuable Farniand Country Beat, onetinning leg sores pf highly cultivated land .situated in the town ship of Garment° en, Fuiladelphia count!, and within LY,_nules of the depot in Germantown. The situation of thin propertyja not to be srarmislied. being bounded on tho north by Washington lens,opt! the, welt .by Township Line regd, end ogi the eouta by Haines atreet, and within ono-eighth of emits o the Limekiln Turnpike, and a rtusgter of a mile of two &a tone on the Chestnut Hill br.inch of the Germantown Railroed, High street, tot) T,'..,thington lane. The location of the übovn property is high and heal thy, the land well 914P10(1 and lying very advanta geously for Cot taze Sites. It commands, an extended view of the reirrourig , ng country. and is intense° ed hr the streets running from Germantown, Mt laid down onthe Surveyor's plan of that district. The prortitiN is laid out ta five core lob', fithogrsPhio plans of wfilott may be obtained on application to either of the nutter slotted. Alas. a valuable end handsome , Building - Lot, situated oq filanheim street, near Flank road, Germantown, con taining_ in front on said street HI feet. nod in depth abou nd SW feet, having an area of ibout 4 acres. The grou which logh and slopes toward. Mean= at, upon winch 11011% la a zwir of Mine end elegant sheds trees, Ajsp, several fine Building Lota adjoining and in the rtmury of Fisher's-line Station. Germantown. , For further particulars arid t•rmatimPlY to o 8. JUNKIN. Jr.lonan 8. E. oor. SIXTH. and W LN U Sr Or to SAMUEL B. H 'N Y,_ rahl-2ms GERMANT WN. fIILLIARD TABLES FOR BALE.—Two first-elan Billiard Tables, with 131 inch amble beds, and latest improved oushions, made last May—, nnw using at the Mount Vernon House, Pena above Fifth street, Reading. ApplL to EL A. LANTZ, 93 East MARKET Square, fer-tr Readmit, Ps, PERSONAL. VOR EllRCiPE.—Having been appointed at: Agents for WAL WILLIAMS & CO.'. Traci:lst lentio Express. we are now prepared to receive Fautentr, PACKAGES, &0., For nil parts of Europe and Ards, at_prif_es unprece dented m this city. - OAILM AN et CO., aa-Sm No. 28 South FIFTH Street. Joy. ' COE, or CO. xion, SLIMMED TUEIII. ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY to the northeast corner CHESTNUT and FIRTH etreets, second floor, front room, over Mred Brown'e Drug Store. Advertisements eknd it:Maori otiOns mewed for all the newspapers in the United State. atet-et ST. LAWRENCE ROTEL, BRO DWAY 5... 7 and EIGHTH 'Prost, NSW YORK. one block above the N. V. Note!. This new and commodious Hotel is now open for the reception of guests, sue will be 000duoted e xplosively on the European plsn. The tons want of a business hotol, in this portion of the city, hu induced the proprietor to establish the prices on the following liberal smile: &mile rooms, SO cents per dal elegant ; suites, $l.BO. WM a thorough knowledge or the busi ness, and strict attention to the wants of every guest, I hope to receive a liberal share of pnblio favor. are-Sm H. GOUDWIN. Proprietor. NOTIOEI-OPENING OF ANEW STORE under THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL. The nederatened begs leave to chromes that he has opened his new more under "the Continental Hotel." first store on South NINTH Street, where he will con tinue to keep for sale French Lithographs, Brtut 3 , brewing'', Studies, Blank Books, and t tenons's' of all kinds. The Old Stand on SIXTH Street, Odd Fellows' Hall, Intl be continued by stsiSts HUBERT BCIII4AEZ. frFFE ROOT AND HERB DOCTOR has returned to North SECOND Street, Barley Wiest Hotel, where be oan be oonimited until the Bth wet. Be ensiles the blind to see, the deaf to hear % thelsrme4 walk. hundreds have Seen brought to their eight_a_ Ling in ten dare. Treatment. 455 permionth. revisit the first six days of everl m_ o _nth. soB-61 DN. W. OVHfefli`ON EVERGREENS:IIF:WIERY, SIZE, at very low -Jerioee—lit i bitter Storm)°, Blue hyrutts,Mosati Pine, &e. leorrif Sprees. 6 1 0 4 06 h Flf: Wh_lte nee; Beihreis Ntr, American Arborvitae , Austrian 11.116-1111110 Slice from 6 to 11 feet high, st vets few Ir. • Call end see the eta*, he Dol o tighMed Oen pass the =aeries ism, 1149N r iir , Nuysery MIA!, edL_BriteTrt, Nurseries; Derby Reed. Ware °use, vsi _vee MARKET Street. ase-at as SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. , Large mu of coerce vaneti ß ee, eau be tied et the nurseries of R. UIST & SON.' ape 6t D A EBY ROAD, below braes Ferri. 1111 NORWAY- SPIV:JCR—Rag. "Wey tam month Pines, Silver Firs. end is tame assortment of tkla MS most desirable EVERGREzr4IB, °rostra inse and beantysmith a_Teneral amortmentot Shade, thus,: mental, and Fruit Trees, at the lowestim 1DAV1D..,7 ANON .stis4tir Evergreen Nunperr. w • , /tf • - z *PPP 11:;44if).4 VA TT IiNA I. :taiiiiiig....44%* nit J. N fMONDAY. April Ikel. - MA . ...MC/DEMISE PEOP,,eggau .- pgir -, ~,_ y. . _At ell 0 ~ti 11 w BPBOIAL NOTICIS.-Ilienv Lathes haytWll a deem to entails the leerteree of A. A: s, the Dario Troupe. ancl the col now w, the world-turaorned Niel hT . wit Mee onvyr, of no e m TIM Z NINO. ceitho, ...s.,4.ncet r i g . rhorp,:gt pallet) *NOE ", yed-0n.,,,0010 p re ey ftM ile gua nNi ta st zl ib t Bee 0te....-....... eh MO .19911W00..6i KIM.- . Orme to-niett end heat nANDEE. the greeted thine performer *goo , musette* lart the sur e ElriAts t i F u ttlire===.24 cis Elommegeeemmenr.... He vat pa milks VaboOsol 99 DRUM .Si • Rua." The liatoW el the ouch Irma 4 .. MIOEICOW.''' and the "LAM, OF At3ho' THE them olar aim Ot . tire_T. FOLLowING AEThrrs - Will appear: • • Mt& Kimaunpla.A The isslobTaqd 'Taces Ammar nein um- Wehlutelt. Theatre. who has in Oswalt sioliroto MOM/ toodared her meltable aid, together TAOS. AVI I CEMT. through the kind 17.919 9 9139 . 24 S. B. Lanford. Zee. JOBN Th G e .I e A ti R ma TLIT A XL. I - n iPIT. LD JL Ei p,to iR g wi , N , T. 11.0111. nON s . T. MeMILLEM - ~.‘ l llll Animar • • P. EfrEtIaRALD. Tha perforeganee will whale. • L, AL Tax TROUPE. OF GAIETIES. _ .: Introdeciag A. M. HERNANDBZ,pod the C c LO MOWN • ' In all their lemeNrl Acts. • waszt, AnCIENoTON BY WCC UM °Attu,. • -0 TERFORMbAB AND JD UdICIANB. The Pedwm_arre will oinhteee Pla• a SO I' Mvim- O , IL RE Dwergoli AOLLA. -... - g.....::,.....mr5. D Rolls.• ••• .:-......-, ..... .....1. E. leto WV A1an50.....“ - . ................. ropm 4 9 % . Ataliba. Valverde- ...... ......-..!... .... :Mr. 18 il 4 . 1 p,...., ..,....• •• - . .... . Iliah Prieet... ... TEO& e... 1 ' . Old Blind Man. - - ~.. • •..........t. 0.1 ' . .4 Com . Mill • IND.- , Cluld - . Maltibf IS %Mag. Previous ta whieli,*/ Oomph Taatoiniaw of DoONABMEOLV ! R00tet—................, .... M. inill••2i1: De0h0100t05et..........-.....MLARY CALL_ADIN Mona. Larounce- ..- ... - PAVVERO Julia, his Son Madame Lamance,•.......-..- -....MmiTAYert hilas kenchet. .... .. -.,, ~ - ~..Btoi k 9 r4e9g. MmaTautitlear- . . . .11im . LAIMIERAUB, Dancing, incidental to, the OW, by the OWN de Ballet - Prioe of admission OS amts.' • , , •• , A: IL HEREUNDER, , And OW rionmeany muddied to the tiamtleitvili sewer hi a 0 ItaND DtVERTIMIEME 'eh. Ucjew 8010- . .A. 1194 irptiniiwzr. ,114WICViii11.10 BOAMPI MAX LK IN, 1(011140 AN Ewes. and RIONe ett TARES'. • Old Banton PATRAiIIORI. COMIC AOT-FiIIINCEDANgII4O lir ellt S. TOA cb0r............... -...,... -Al4 il.he Pupil- ...„............JhLig jrS. Lover. ...- ....-....-,-.....4.J081N ILLIg Ovation.- • „ PliMiligag Olaßitretillll , lo - Acrr. WILLLAM 0A21.0 ARli• I ITTLE PBEDMIL DANCING: . MLLE LEFOLLM MLLE LAMARAUX. • Ica PRICE. , DIXIE& LAND. By Tieramidez Max Irwin ; Richard _NAST, peat Berger. John Williams, inolnthag all the Troupe at Ow Omens*. . s Whist Assonslos..; NIFILLIAK-CASLO. Nanohich pstformailte - he will astmsd as .Iwalissd Pf 00 &still asni whosi. moos his bk toe. - The Sint P.rfimrimpah eoaslnde milk Ur' .evabEaqun cutout'. - the rrsowitsd ?MIS 110ftese: gAilifY TROUP& -.. " ..i ti nd l i alLD wiSh lliPLAT OP !WORKS: GOO by Prot PO NTAO. - - The Orchestra will het !Wow ths dinotlea tit Prof. SHISZEN and 1110.P.AS inntrisox. - . - n _ WeLNUT-SIREET -TligAIRl • • L./ PAIGNIS FRANCAISE DB Flivve_VOlig SatTa L./MUM firma:non DU JAL FIUME= MANN RIR.. luNiq, 9 AntiloBlo. rapriamataisaa LE EL amalgE PEa 1 FAIITN Pieces" data. MM. D'Ennery at Cram:- MF. alsnasteia ramairs to Ws de Logien, mt. Tat lot calm de DelormaL Mme. Laurent Paralgira la Ma de L0u,... Mlle. Ksraah del Leeds. • L'Orahastry Nora madait par Mt. - o ft °antra aFX. La seaataahl _•afFallaPlNP Vadaaignatrattos a Phoning d'intorimer a ells ne dolmas en. S aosrawaratinag Lunal. B• idERDIEDI, li, et VENDREDI.II Avril - • • Le Hares de location eat ounnt as Thsatrediefle it' mann a mid at da a SC' WHEATLEY -& OLARKWEI AitOX Sr. TEFEATHIL—HASYSIL HOLIDAY& MDT- NIGHT of the steerrt ia i r. and 5 seta, iscoa as its 4thistaah a New aaa. 5154100 HOetANCE OP A PLO YOH DQPIANCK OP A POO „ 11221Z1 1:3011814714pri With swim and nore.nentueter. eiat and ineehatocal 'Teets. -mama! . new TO aemprtee the whole OR AT, STAR COMP may be in cured six diva on adman. LAST WEEK Or. SIGNOR BUTZ TEOPLE OF WONDAN.e. TNNTH AND CrrEBTNIT EITINNTIL • Leer wznx of the Wonderful Meereien and veutrilogeist. Leal' WityX of the Learned Clem NW*. - Bobby * end intoeuggi er rope Damen Nutbitions every NVANINO, , exesimedas at e r/ADIAIVDAY AND SATTIRDAY AYMANNOONN. - et d °Week. - - Arbefeelos X dente., Whims ateesta - - eld-tf WALNUT44TRIGET-TaILiTRIL BINEFIT or t• WARREN , LITSO,OLY AIIBOOIATION. Oa TittIRBDAY n.vatllNct it. Ma. On titin non A1.P11.133) B. .13 in is c*RlNElasa..- Will make Ids deka an 01.08 TEL, In I+l4 of • - , In addition 'to Ma, Mbar nanny attraction will le offered —inakin this ea gala "OW cif tn,nanna. ap7 6t` -" PIFTRENTH ANNUAL FLORAL SOT RES.—D. L. CARPENTER'S SPLENDID' ..IN NEAL SOISEIS___IFin take Isee at the IA CSICAL PEND BALL, WhDIi.E.SDA Tickets Of, to be bad of Ora 8ai...111 Cheetant arrest, of the Otounthee, also et D. L. Car penter.- ' 104 V m QM/MOW-1013 61ALZTLIO--',WM MK hetes THIRD.— gl AWSTAGE ftANlatiaiivtraT ANDS !ELM ChllrfAlT TROUP/. The above Tromp' will weer EVERY Elmo& They ere the most wonderful perfortufte linos. aid were teemed on Saturday eveautg with the Newt ea thuraetie applause. inuti , - had the talented Company appear. - FtrettiftwNwei g of c ' TWOr Agfa Watt& 'II3III.III , IIIYLVANLI. AOADJIMIE I • -vA• t 0 tzu...... 4 .- Di OP zril DALLTlFialowtod, .freaP til IPA s4l2;oslir Ten it il'bi h of " 14 " .11 '"` Amatigion a CUM Cltikliva undo 'IS yon rlt Mara of Stook OIL 0-11/ fIERMANIA ORCHASTRA.--*abho Re. 1 1.14 heate' sow SATURDAY. at BllUgetr a n HALL. st Wis o.ook y. Wweets to DO Andre's.. ass mot tLawton's Maio Mormj a rdl st the door. 4.1 FANCY DRY GOODS. y ARNSI Dona, and Twistoot: tirci or 'throe lint; irate* slack twist, from No.lo to E. Untiounced or Illenoicen. of &wrier QUA.lay, on Mad, or Judo to order liras for own. Address. F. PRATT de Co., • mb9-Int PAWTUCKET, L L BVIINETT.' SEXTON. st SWEARINGEN Li:porton of FANCY GOODS. ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOMEY. MEN'S FiIdNISHING GOODE. LADIES' DREGS' TirtlNGB.. SHIRTS-13hatload 001. Zop_hyn d V No. US Malt....ET loWtnivi 1 , it .IJUHHING. & CO.. Noa. W 6 aid 28 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now realising, by saeossaiva arrivals from Eu rope, their SPRING IMPORTATIONS NNOLISH •ND OKAM•N 1-10SIERY, GLOM, MID SMALL MAMA, - Mardase Sewing Silk sad Thread—sad ladled en In spection of thew complete and N/111U-11101100ted Nad IMPICIALLY ADAPT . = TO BOIITIIRIe 'ADM WTSTMILIT TRAM rad4lat DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. TERRY' PRICE, & CO., 261 111AAHET MITHSST. IMPORTIZIIS AND 7031113111 ' of 01,9T118, OABBIMSSSB, to., Have now on hand aline ocd well-eeleetad stook, which theY are ere➢ared to sell at the lowest market zdi-an A . W. LITTLE da CO, SILK GOODS. No. 826 ILARKET STMT. 611-m JAS. R. OA DIPRELL & CO., irroirrus MID IrgOLIIIM,I DM/MIMS is DRY GOODS. usaws, WHITE - GOODS, CLOTHS, OASEUXEMS, BLANK:FITS, STUFF 000D11, 143. Jall-11m11 No. 7V CRENTWUT Street. WALTER EVANS & CO.'S • BOAR'S-HEAD SIX-COED SPOOL COTTON, /Superior to any ever imported, In strength, smoothness. and elasticity, for :Whin* or hood sowing. LENGTHS WARRANyED. We have tried Brans k Co.'s Boar's4Yesd seerink Machine Cottons. and find them szostient.-. 7 Wnt: - ..1.1ta & Wttsort. M. F. G. Co., Mg Broadway.V. 0. CARYLG.L.E, Oorioral Agent, New York. J. B. HOWELL, Agent for Phildthl:phis R ./4 m t . m . it . RIP IN la Ili E C4IISTIANI Fe CO., MARUFAOTHRIBS OF PEREROURRY, ISIFORTERS OF DRUGGISTS' ARTICLES, NO. 45 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Have teen their 1 4 : 0 , 1 spriag rep. Countrymartttenta Woe= wo laan= ha tr stook. M. sHEW &CO PHOTOGRAPg, FRAM DKPOT No. 99 801 int SIGH= BUMS. - _ Above Chestnut. • : , - This Is the only estiblidesest In the este- devoted excessively to P.IIOTOO.IIAVE FIAMEL A sneers vanity of OVAL GILT tuusithaiose Meted in any ate setabihtiont it the, Weld Rabe. and riot hewer. Drina your Photesseatts, sod have elm Atted without side ohatese . • • alO4Not
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers